#i hope these writers get another marvel movie
candlelight 🕯️
hii it’s me again! congratulations on 1k!! i’ve thinking about this recently (a lot) because im seriously in my miguel ohara kick🥰
but can you do shy & nerdy reader with popular miguel who are dating?? he adores making her flustered and how shy she is.
he makes her ask for his help because he knows how badly she needs him? because she’s just so stressed out about school and stuff? as always if you’re not comfortable writing totally ignore this! this is my first time requesting smut so i don’t know if it’s silly or not! but if you write it i know you’ll do good by it bc ur such an amazing writer😌
hiiii, thank you so much!! and thank you for requesting! ahhh, i'm so thrilled you asked for miguel; i was dying to write him and probably will more, especially if people want; i hope you like it! i hope i got enough of the request in here
pairing: Miguel O'Hara x reader word count: 2.2k notes: modern au, established relationship, fluff, smut (i'm going to keep with marking where it gets smutty, though, bc it's like a full fluff fic before any smut, for those who only want the fluff; MDNI!) part of my 1k celebration!
for anyone who doesn’t speak spanish, i don't want translations to be annoying in the middle or for you to have to scroll to the end, so thought putting them here was best: mi amor / amor mío: my love / literally something like love of mine but works more like emphasis cariño: term of endearment kind of like dear, literally affection mami: another term of endearment, more often cheeky or sexier descansa: rest dime: tell me que maravilla: a joke from the movie, literally what a marvel / wonder, kind of like how wonderful or even just amazing hope i didn't miss any others
The phone buzzing beside you startles you almost completely out of your chair. Coffee makes you jumpy. An entire pot in one night makes you… suspect what you’d be like on cocaine. You’d thought you’d put it on silent. No phone till at least one paper is done, you’d told yourself. Finals had you reeling, and you were desperate to make some progress. When you grab your phone, you see a text from Miguel:
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You take your headphones off, and sure enough, a moment later hear a knock at the door. You open it to a Miguel in loose sweatpants and hoodie, dark hair messy, gym bag slung over one shoulder. Even these clothes could do nothing to hide the impressive broadness of his shoulders. 
“Hey, baby,” he says through a bright smile. He kisses your cheek and steps into the apartment. “I know you were trying to focus, but I was getting worried.” “Sorry, I had my headphones on; the neighbors were being too loud again, and I really needed to focus.” “No, not the waiting at your door, mi amor. I’m talking about all of… this,” he gestures wildly around the apartment then his gaze lands on you. “Those dishes were there when I was here days ago, and even though I’m pretty sure adding anything to that tower would topple it, you haven’t. When’s the last time you ate?” “I ha—“ you begin to retort, but he cuts you off. “And I mean real food.” You start again but just give up and shrug. “And you.” He steps close to you and frames your face with his hands. You lean into his touch as he caresses your face. “Baby, you know I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, right?” You blush and look down immediately. 
It used to be worse, before you got together. When you were confused about his even noticing you, and instead he’d flirted with you. Even now that he was your boyfriend, it took very little from him to fluster you.
He can’t help but chuckle at your reaction. He always does.
“Don’t you? My gorgeous,” he kisses one warm cheek, “gorgeous,” he kisses the other, “girl,” he gives your nose a concluding peck. 
You nod shyly. “C’mon, cariño. Tell me,” he encourages, his tone still teasing but ever adoring. “I want to hear it." “I know you think I’m pretty,” you whisper. “Pretty? No, amor mío, I think flowers and bright colors are pretty; the ocean or a view of the mountains, too. But you, you are beauty personified.” “Miguel, stop,” you whisper through the smile you can’t help, hiding your face in his chest. He laughs lightly. His hand comes to your hair and scratches lovingly.
“I just wanted to make sure you knew that.” He gives your forehead a kiss. “Before I told you you look terrible, baby.” He starts laughing loudly and holds you closer into his hug when you smack his chest and try to pull away. 
“That’s so mean!” gets muffled into his sweatshirt. “It’s not mean; it’s true. You’re still beautiful, but you need a break.” “I can’t, Miguel. I’m drowning in work still, and you know being sick last week really got me behind, and it feels like no matter how long I sit there, I’m no closer to finishing anything, and you’re right my apartment is falling apart, but every time I do something else I feel guilty for stalling on work, and, and —“
Before you can find another overwhelming thing to list, Miguel is hushing you and stroking your back in his warm embrace.
“Breathe, baby, breathe.” He sways you lightly then pulls back a bit to look into your eyes. His hands are caressing your face again, and his fingers brush lightly under your eyes, where you know there are dark circles, as he whispers, “You haven’t slept.” He sounds sad rather than accusatory. 
“Okay,” he starts softly. “Look, I know how much you have on your plate, and I’m not telling you you’re wrong to be stressed. I get it. But you can’t get it done like this, running on fumes and caffeine. How about this? I’m going to help you relax tonight, you’re going to forget about everything you have to do, you’re going to sleep well, and then tomorrow morning you’ll get back to it all.” “I’m fine, really. You don’t need to worry about me. And I’ll rest after finals.” Just then a car horn blares near your window, making you jump cartoonishly. “Yeah, you seem totally fine,” Miguel deadpans teasingly. “There’s nothing wrong with taking some time, Y/N… And accepting a little a help, okay?”
You nod lightly. “Great,” he gives you a quick peck and moves toward your kitchen, hunting around your barren fridge and cabinets. “Here’s the game plan then. You are going to put on your favorite playlist then go take a warm shower for as long as you like. Your kitchen is as empty as your stomach, so I am going to run down the street to pick up some empanadas then I’ll work on cleaning up this war zone a little bit when I get back.”
“You don’t have to clean.” “Stop fighting me,” he tsks. “Besides you know I don’t mind cleaning. I’m glad I’m not hearing complaints about the food at least,” he laughs. “I love empanadas,” you whisper defeatedly. He cackles. “Who doesn’t?” He kisses you as he moves past you toward the door. “Be back soon. No working! I expect you in the shower when I get back.” You quirk an eyebrow teasingly at him. You were still too shy to say anything teasing, but he’d been working you out of your shell during your time together. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t really like that aspect of being with Miguel. 
His eyebrows mimic yours, and he chuckles lowly. “Don’t give me that look, mami, or you’re not getting me out the door, and you’ll miss out on the empanadas.”
You pull the neck of your shirt up to cover your face, making him laugh. You hear him bound back over to you from the door. He pulls your shirt back down, gives you a short but intense kiss, then heads out. 
Miguel is back before you know it. You are in fact in the shower when you hear him return. You’re already rinsing, but you linger a little longer, enjoying the feeling of the warm water easing the stresses off your tense body. 
When you leave your room to join him again, you’re immediately hit with the delicious smell of food. You see it resting on the counter and find Miguel washing your dishes. 
You come up behind him, wrapping your arms around his firm torso, resting your head on his back. “Hola, cariño,” he coos. “I’m almost done.” You nod into him, humming.
When he finishes up, he turns in your arms, bringing his own large ones around you. He leans down and kisses you softly. “Hungry?” 
You nod enthusiastically, and he chuckles. 
You opt to eat on the sofa, getting comfy. Miguel does most of the talking. Between how tired and how hungry you are, you don’t have the energy or available mouth to talk much. He doesn’t seem to mind, happy to regale you with his silly stories.
When you finish, Miguel cleans up, holding you down and giving you a faux menacing look when you try to get up to help. 
When he comes back, he settles much closer to you than he had been before. You relish his warmth, physical and emotional, and lean into him. 
“Turn around,” he whispers.
“Hm?” “Like this.” He adjusts your body so you’re facing away from him and starts massaging your shoulders. You hadn’t realized just how tense you were until the amazing feeling of its being relieved somewhat.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NSFW beyond this point ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Miguel,” you exhale approvingly, earning a chuckle.
“I like it when you say my name like that.” He leans in and whispers into your ear, his breath tickling the back of your neck deliciously, “Reminds me of other times you end up whining my name.”
It’s shocking how quickly he works you up. You turn to look at him, and when you do, his expression shifts from teasing to intrigued.
“Oh?” he asks. He smirks. “I know that look.” He leans in and kisses your neck sloppily, and you whimper. You’re embarrassed at the sound, but he seems to like it. You feel him smile against the skin under your jaw. “I’m more than happy to give you what you want, but I need to know what that is to give it to you.” His voice is much lower but just as mischievous.
“Miguel,” you complain. “Dime, mi amor.” 
“I —“ Any other words get caught in your throat. Your throat he’s busy sucking on.
“Please, baby. C’mon, I know you can. Tell me what you want.” He runs his teeth along your neck like he knows you like. You often joke he feels like he has fangs when he does. “I want you,” you tell him. 
“Yeah?” “Mhm…”
“I’m yours, mami. How do you want me?”
“I want you to make me feel good.” “Oh, I’ll make you feel good. I’ll make you feel so, so good.” He punctuates his words with kisses, working his way up your neck, your jaw, your mouth. “Tell me how,” he whispers, and you feel his lips grazing yours with each word.
You want to relax, and you know exactly what relaxes you the most. “I want you to eat me out.”
His eyebrows jump in surprise. Such directness was unlike you. Your exhaustion was probably weakening your filter, and the way he was already making you feel certainly wasn’t helping it. You almost get shy about it, but when you see just how dark his eyes have gotten, see his Adam’s apple bob and his bottom lip come between his teeth, you keep yourself from shrinking away. He nods slowly, staring deeply into your eyes, then kisses you hard. “Get naked,” he says gruffly. 
Already starting to do as he says, you weakly whisper, “You too?” He chuckles lightly but obliges quickly. 
You don’t think you’ll ever get used to seeing him like this. He’s so beautiful. His broad chest and toned abs; his caramel skin and dark hair.
You look back at his face and find he’s noticed you staring at his body. He’s so confident, you think he’s going to tease you about it. Instead, with an adoring smile, he tells you, “That’s how I feel when I see you, too.” You lean up and kiss him, pouring all the emotions you can’t articulate in words into it. 
Without disconnecting your lips, his body guides yours back down until you’re completely prone. He keeps kissing you until you’re breathless, lovingly attends to your neck and down your chest. He lingers there, his tongue making you arch your back, pushing your body up into the sensations he’s delivering. He sucks harder at your visceral reaction then hotly finishes his path down, his face now aligned between your thighs.
He looks at you intently and whispers, “Que maravilla.”
He looks up at you, eyes black storms you lose yourself in as his mouth connects with your body. 
From your delightful vantage point, you watch his muscular shoulders contort as he moves to pleasure you. He looks like he’s thoroughly enjoying it, and seeing him so into it gives you confidence. You start subtly moving your hips in rhythm with his motions. His hands tighten where they hold your thighs, and, mortified, you interpret this as his telling you to stay still, so you do. 
Then Miguel shakes his head hard — the vibrations of which shoot shocking pleasure into you — and he pants, “Keep doing that. Show me how you want it.” His strong grip pushes and pulls you in a movement close to what you were just doing. You take over and move faster. He’s nodding now, and the shake of it has your thighs shaking on either side of his head. 
You’re making loud whimpering sounds when you yell, “Mi — ahh — Migueeell.” He doubles his efforts, picking up his pace and pressing hard against you. You come on his face, and he looks feral as he eats you through it. When you’re done, he licks up your entire slit before shuffling his body back over yours. You’re chest to chest, and his hand comes up to stroke your head. “Good?” 
Your cheeks warm, and you nod shyly. He giggles and gives you a peck. “You’re adorable, mi amor.”
Your legs feel delightfully like jelly as you move them, wrapping them around his waist. He hums approvingly and gives one thigh a tight squeeze, pulling it impossibly closer to his body. He begins stroking it as he kisses you lazily. Your hands entwine in his thick hair, stroke his strong back, hold him close.
When he shifts his weight slightly on top of you, you notice his hardness against your body.
“You want me to…” you whisper, thrusting your hips up into his in place of words.
“Uh-uh, maybe in a little bit, baby, but for right now, I just want you to relax.” 
He continues kisses you languidly, enveloping you in his body heat, and as you close your eyes and melt into the sensations, you’re sure you’re going to have no trouble sleeping soundly tonight. 
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hashtagloveloses · 8 months
But the real root of the problem seems to be that Disney higher-ups see these characters as only dollar signs, so they gave a visionary and talented creator the bare minimum amount of time and resources to continue their stories. The show didn’t need to be good to sell merchandise, especially when the characters were already familiar to viewers, similar to how the Marvel Cinematic Universe has apparently been cutting key elements of the TV production process to churn out its many IP-stretching series. Here lies the bittersweet truth of Ahsoka — this eight-episode streaming series with one writer, the corporate pressure to maintain a streaming service’s profitability, and the responsibility of launching the future direction of the entire franchise, was doomed from the start. Whether it continues with another season, a movie, or not at all, Ahsoka is another victim of late-stage capitalism’s path of destruction through Hollywood, decimating incredible storytelling potential in its wake. Even Filoni’s considerable talent, much like that of J.J. Abrams, Rian Johnson, or any of the gifted screenwriters and directors these studios bring on for both major franchises and original prestige projects, can’t stand up to Hollywood’s intellectual property machine turning almost everything into passable “content,” good enough for merchandising and driving subscriptions. A few genuinely wonderful projects, like Andor, and compelling characters and concepts, like the Mandalorian, miraculously slip through the cracks to keep audiences interested, but this IP-squeezing race to the bottom continues. Let’s just hope that the recent gains by the WGA and rise in unionization across the industry can prevent it from continuing before more beloved characters are put through the wringer.
i wrote this piece about ahsoka, a show i'm so so sad didn't live up to it's potential, and what it says about the entertainment industry right now. i am not a total hater, and there really were things to love about this show, but i needed to get out how disappointing it all feels, and hopefully i got that across. thanks for reading!
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She-Ra In He-Man Revelations/Revolution
So it's been a few days and I wanted to put this post out there to basically publicly give my thoughts on some... recent developments concerning He-Man Revolution. Before I go into this, MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING FOR THE SHOW!
And also, and this is probably MORE important than the spoiler warning. Do not, and I repeat, do not take whatever speculation I put in this post as gospel or something that is GOING to happen. I may be a bit more knowledgeable than a lot of people about this stuff, but I don't wanna consider myself an expert. This is just me speculating and giving my thoughts and I don't want to get anyone's hopes up because there's a good chance, that what I'm saying turns out to be completely wrong and I don't wanna be responsible for that, so please, take all of this with the smallest grain of salt possible.
With that out of the way...
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So the new season of He-Man ends with the reveal of this lady, Despara. For those who don't know... she is Adora. As in She-Ra Adora. In the DC He-man comics, Despara was the name Adora was known as when she was raised as Hordak's daughter. Her name is often used by Catradora fan artists and fic writers who really wanna just make Adora a hot evil lesbian, usually with a hot butch hairdo. It is likely that if/when another season of this show comes, Despara will be the main focus.
Now this raises the obvious question... how are they going to handle the She-Ra stuff. As I have made posts about before, the She-Ra rights and He-Man rights have been separate for a very long time and apparently, the last thing I heard, Mattel themselves can't use any of the She-Ra characters in animated form due to Dreamworks owning them now.
So naturally, you might be thinking that Despara here is just a placeholder because they can't use She-Ra. Except... there are a LOT of She-Ra references in this season that are way too numerous to be just references.
For example:
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They recreate the exact scene from the 80s She-Ra movie where Adora is taken as a baby by Hordak in a flashback scene. They also mention Horde Prime existing as well and they EVEN imply that Shadow Weaver exists in this universe as well and Hordak's new robot second-in-command, Motherboard is a replacement for her.
So yeah, all signs SEEMINGLY point to some sort of She-Ra-inspired adaption being the next part of this show. Now, considering the very complex rights issues... I can see this going one of two ways.
Mattel and Dreamworks did a deal like the one Sony and Marvel did with Spiderman to temporarily get the She-Ra rights back for JUST this next season. Despara is revealed to be Adora and her arc will be her learning her true family AND eventually becoming She-Ra to fight Horde Prime with her brother and possibly all the other She-Ra cast are there too. This I feel like it would be the ideal solution to all of this.
2. Despara is revealed to be someone else OTHER than Adora under her helmet because her face is obviously not seen in her brief scene when she takes her helmet off. Technically, Mattel would own Despara outright and not Dreamworks and they could easily make Despara her own character. This was also how they planned to include her in the second season of CGI He-Man. HOWEVER, considering all the foreshadowing and knowing how many people working on these shows loved SPOP... I feel like it'd be really unsatisfying if it wasn't Adora under the mask, both as a fan and from a creative standpoint.
As for my personal theory of what Despara's whole deal is, I think she's ruling Etheria on the other side of the galaxy with Catra and serving personally under Horde Prime. Basically SPOP but a bad ending. The plot will be He-Man and his friends finding out about Etheria and going there to free the planet and Despara will redeem herself and she and Catra and whoever will join team good guy.
But that's just my personal theory. I really don't know what the hell is going to happen here or even IF more episodes will even be coming and I don't want to get people's hopes up. There's a reason I myself have been working on my own She-Ra and He-Man crossover extended universe stuff for the last while so, at the very least, there'd be a fanfic that would satisfy my hopes. I am prepared to be very wrong here.
But even if none of this speculation pans out, I still highly recommend this show to She-Ra fans. The second season definitely fixed the few issues I had with the first one and I hope more comes out of this version of He-Man... then again, it wouldn't be the first time a He-Man series was cancelled.
Hope you find this post informative!
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justzawe · 6 months
interview | zawe ashton
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Actor, director and writer Zawe Ashton has no interest in being perfect. Drawn to the messiness of being a villain, Ashton uncovers the heartbreak behind the anti-hero as she takes on the role of the formidable, Dar-Benn, in Nia DaCosta’s The Marvels. Relishing the chance to make “her-story”, Ashton and DaCosta bonded over literature and their joint vision for an empowered, all-female, ethnically diverse ensemble. The lack of diversity on screen wasn’t lost on Ashton growing up as an aspiring actress – the ability to rectify that and heal her inner child is a mission Ashton is grabbing with both hands.
The vastness of the Marvel realm means most actors in Hollywood have their Marvel audition story. For Ashton, there had been previous close encounters, narrowly missing out in the latter stages. But with DaCosta, it was different. Ashton recalls, “We bonded over literature. Nia wanted to make a very small movie based on a Jane Austen novel and I was absolutely into this so we talked for a good couple of hours. But instead, what ended up happening was her asking me to play a villain in this movie… The process was so natural, I didn’t have to think so it made my goal really clear to serve Nia’s vision. Being part of this piece of “her-story” with the youngest black woman to direct a Marvel film felt extremely important as a moment in my career.”
A departure from her traumatic high school physical education lessons, Ashton felt empowered by the experience of getting into physical shape for the role, all while transitioning into motherhood. “It ended up being transformative. The entire stunt team I worked with touched my heart in such a deep way… They helped me realise a physical world so far removed from botched PE classes that had made me think that I couldn’t be a physically strong person. It was very powerful.”
It was also the opportunity to set her inner child free on set that made the transformation into Dar-Benn so liberating. She enthuses, “Having the inner child run wild was the best – and scariest – part of this film… I had to play which most of us haven’t done since the sandpit. So indulging in that was a very unique experience to have in front of thousands of people. But it was so fun – I honestly loved every second of it.”
But it was her character’s vulnerability that Ashton sought to capture. “Anti-heroes have always been attractive to me. As a child, I was drawn to the reasons for why they did what they did. So I was always really satisfied when we got to see their vulnerabilities that helped us to understand them.” And while egos often get in the way, Ashton had no qualms playing the villain. “I honestly feel like the responsibility to be the hero would be too much on my shoulders. I’m very comfortable in a space where I don’t have to present as perfect, where I get to be a bit messy or a bit frightening or a bit off centre… I always find that a very interesting journey to see why someone on the outside wants to carry out what they want to carry out.”
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Despite history being made with The Marvels, Ashton isn’t shying away from debates around wider representation across the film and TV industry. She considers, “Being part of a completely female driven cast is really important – bringing different ethnicities to the screen heals the inner child within me. I think back to myself as a young girl looking to film and entertainment and not seeing a broad spectrum of representation, and how that was more damaging than I could have realised or vocalised at that age. So being part of something that makes another little girl not have to experience that is very moving.”
And while she’s hopeful for the future, Ashton knows there’s still a long way to go. “I think the scale is tipping. But there is still a huge amount to do to truly, holistically balance out the things that need to be balanced out to have a healthier industry. I feel very grateful to at least be on that road and be part of the conversation… There are so many voiceless people out there, who should probably have the mic instead. But this industry is extremely powerful in terms of how we interact with it. So I’m really aware that I have this platform because of the work that I do.”
Not content with shaping conversations on screen, Ashton is also changing the narrative through her work as a writer and director. She muses, “There are a lot of stories that are brewing inside of me that I’m desperate to get out… You get to a certain point in life where you have this incredible vantage point over a huge portion of your lived experience that you can’t really access while you’re still living it. One of the benefits of aging is that your creativity really can deepen. You have even more life experience to draw from and more creative ways of looking at that life experience. It’s another way for me to process life.”
With so many stories to tell, one character that remains a cherished favourite is the enigmatic, if not slightly deluded, Vod from Jesse Armstrong and Sam Bain’s, Fresh Meat. Ashton enthuses, “I cherish her as a character so deeply. I cherish the team that helped bring her to life – all the amazing production and design team who were all part of bringing her weird and wonderful world to life. Often as an actor you can be known for a role that has a small trauma attached to it, so the character becomes an avatar that you feel slightly trapped in because how you view the character isn’t how the audience see the avatar, so I was lucky. It’s one of the biggest achievements in my career so far!”
As Ashton continues to find her voice both on and off screen, she’s discovering new realms of possibilities.
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brotoman-exe · 2 months
So seeing as the trailer is finally out and one of my more frequently revisited posts is about this movie let's talk the trailer. Now these are off the cuff barely put together ramblings with like an hour to think on it so don't take this as a final verdict or my hardest stance ever.
The Good
- It looks generally alright. There is some clear signs someone was flipping through the art book for the War For Cybertron games when designing a lot of this stuff. As well I'm interested to see how the 'surface' is seeming to be overgrown with plant life and the like.
- Alpha Trion and some sort of grave, of the other 13?, shows up and seems like they are going with the G1 style of him making Optimus and Elita into their present selves, just adding Megatron and Bumblebee there.
- Elita One even getting to be a major player is pretty neat. Really a rise to prominence from a time when I think people didn't even know female characters existed before Arcee.
- Also Quintessons seeming to be an oppressive class enslaving the Cybertronians is another good G1 call back.
- Also having both Orion and M-16 start as workers is nice since it means you can't accuse Optimus of not knowing just how bad the system was when he opposes Megatron going full Peace Through Tyranny.
The Bad
- The dialogue, like you know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it. Now to start not saying Transformers can't be goofy or funny, '80s film everyone has a dance party to Weird Al and fandom loves the hell out of that movie. But that felt more organic to G1s general sillier side versus this where it feels the writers looked up a bunch of posts satirizing later stage MCU diaologue and thought "yes let's do that".
- Bumblebee being there, since seems he is just being shoved in as comic relief and cause marketers love Bumblebee versus a fourth main character being needed for this story.
The Fear
This is more speculation on from what the trailer presents could be bad about the film but I can't say 100% from the trailer.
- Elita One being in the movie being reduced to other three main characters are going to spend parts of the movie having the hots for her or the plot being configured into any kind of terrible love shape. (I will barely accept a love triangle with Orion and M-16 if those two are also onto each other. Transformers made enough strides in LGBT rep to not back slide into the worst of Het writing now.)
- Bonus negative points if Elita One getting hurt or dying is used as the final straw for Optimus and Megatron's relationship breaking apart.
- The reveal of the names Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Elita One not being allowed to be good moments and instead get ruined by shitty jokes (Like how the RWBY/Justice League film had to constantly make jokes about Superman being called Superman. I get it writers are so above silly naming schemes like that in the 2020s now, but just shut up)
- Speaking or other things that are atrocious I'm worried this movie is going to pull a Devil May Cry reboot and just have Megatron swerve into "I wanna be Big Dick Dictator of the Galaxy" two seconds after they beat the Quintessons like how Fedora!Vergil went "I'm actually evil and we should now in some vague way rule the world Dante" right after the 'Kingpin From Marvel but turned into a giant made of buildings' boss fight. So no time will be given to the deteriorating state of Orptimus' and Megatron's relationship before hand. That or they sequel bait the downfall and we have to cross our fingers it was good enough to get a sequel.
- The Quintessons will have their menace damaged by bad pot shot jokes/references to the original animated movie.
- We spend all movie with MCU quips Bumblebee but Starscream never shows up.
The Hope
But that is all nerves and speculation as so far I've just seen a single trailer. So what about positive possibilities.
- The major one is the trailer is just cut by brainless add executives and a lot of the worst quips are either not in the movie or there is way more good dialogue and the stuff in the trailer was all of it.
- They actually do give some other members of the Decepticons appearances and completing backstories of their own.
- Optimus and Megatron are in unambiguous romantic love before the big break up.
- They do some really interesting stuff with the lore based on some of that cool environmental design. Perhaps a more interesting version of Megatronus for Megatron to be inspired by?
- Lastly this film just needs to clear the low bar set by most of the Bay Films to not be bad at this point. And I highly doubt this movie can do anything to hit the "Your Racist Uncle" level of some Revenge of the Fallen scenes or "Mmm I sure do love high school girls" level of the first one and especially Age of Extinction scenes.
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wooahaes · 1 year
i want to be with you more (like the sun sets and rises again)
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pairing: non-idol!jihoon [trsr] x fem!reader
genre: fluff!
word count: 0.6k~
warnings: food mention, one suggestive reference, mentions of a migraine + taking medicine for it. abrupt ending, probably, bc writer doesn’t know what she wants.
daisy’s notes: i forgot i wanted to go see a movie like. weeks ago. movie theater popcorn i miss u...
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Jihoon could hear you sneezing the moment he came into your apartment. Honestly, even though he already had plans to spend your birthday with you, knowing that you were sick only made him want to stay there more.
The plan had been that the two of you were going to catch a movie together that you’d been wanting to see for a while. You’d sneak candy in through your purse, he’d pay for the popcorn because he’s a gentleman who won’t let the birthday girl (who’s, y’know, smuggling candy in) spend extra money for their date, and he’d maybe try to steal a few (or more than a few) kisses from you throughout the movie. Except you woke up this morning with a migraine and your allergies kicking your ass, so the two of you ended up missing the showtimes so that you could rest up. He’d listened to you make a couple phone calls throughout the day to family, and decided maybe he’d just surprise you himself.
So when you decided you’d take a nap while you waited for medicine to kick in (in hopes that it’d help get rid of the migraine once and for all), he ran to the store. He found microwave popcorn (your preferred brand, because it was deliciously buttery), a couple of drinks for the two of you to share, and whatever boxes of candy that he knew both of you loved... but mainly the ones you preferred, because it was still your day.
With his return to your apartment to find you still resting, he knew what his second move would need to be. He’d leave the popcorn until he knew that you were feeling better, but in the event that you were, everything needed to be cozier. So he texted Hyunsuk to ask if a blanket fort would be feasible (who immediately complained about how he texted him before anyone else... before giving out the information he wanted), and got to work.
He perked up when he heard your voice, sitting up from his spot on the floor where he was spreading out another blanket (thank you for your love of blankets, by the way--it truly helped Jihoon make everything a thousand times cozier) to see you standing nearby.
“What are you doing?”
He ignored your question in favor of checking on you first. “Do you feel better?” He stood up, hands reaching for your own. “Does your head still hurt?”
“No, but...” I asked you a question, he knew you were going to say.
“Since we couldn’t go out,” he took a tiny step back, pulling you with him. “I made things look nice. I know it isn’t the same because we can’t see the movie you wanted, but... I have a few accounts--” Not all owned by him, since Hyunsuk was the one with the Disney+ account so he could watch marvel movies. “--And I thought we could have our own movie date here...” He paused, squeezing your hands a little. “Happy birthday?”
You felt sheepish, heat rushing to your face at how casual he was about all of it. As if throwing things together because your girlfriend had a migraine was the completely normal course of actions. “What if my head still hurt?”
“I’d take it down and we could do it later,” he shrugged. “Its your birthday. Even though we missed the movie, we can still have fun here.” While still holding your hands, he gently pulled you down onto the floor with him as he knelt down. “In more ways than one...”
You let go of his hand in favor of gently smacking his arm. “You dork,” you said. “Maybe later.”
He laughed, leaning in to give you a quick peck. “You wait here,” he said as he hopped back up, before pushing the bag of candy toward you. “I’ll go make our popcorn.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​
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A thought on the Loki series finale.
Oh, we are gonna need something strong for this one. Excuse me while I pass on the Scandinavian mead and just reach for my old pal Jack for this one.
*long sip*
One of my biggest regrets in life is not going to the theater to watch the first Thor film upon its release and, instead, waiting to eventually pirate the movie online. The reason for this is that Loki was my favorite Marvel character and I had no idea who the hell Tom Hiddleston was. So afraid was I that he would not portray Loki properly or that the writers would botch his story had me hesitant.
And then I saw it. And I was blown away by Tom's performance, as most people were.
*Sip, sip*
So I stuck around, enjoyed the MCU, watching it expand, following my favorite character around, and adored how the comics were realizing just how much of a tragic, triumphant story Loki could be and putting him through an incredible arc throughout the pages (Kieron Gillen & Al Ewing were exceptional Loki comic book writers!).
*Long sip, sip*
And then ... there was Infinity War.
*Long sip, sip*
I knew it was coming. That's what every writer does when they have a character they can take no further. Just kill them. Marvel was no different. They killed Loki, albeit, giving him a hero's death and that was that.
Like Thor, I mourned. I grieved, I cried, I sat in pain. I returned to the comics to feel comfort, to know that at least there he was still going and his story was getting better and better. It brought me peace.
And then I am informed of the Loki series and I celebrate. I had never been so excited for a TV show my entire life.
There is a chance, I thought, that he could come back! That he will return! After all, Loki is his most powerful in the comics. The God of Stories, can alter realities, step through the multiverse. He is incredible! He is also able to call on variants of himself, they being a part of him, like it is amazing and I was hoping they would give Loki a similar power in the MCU.
*Sip, sip*
And they did!
Loki became the God of Stories ... but at what price?
*Long sip, sip*
You see, for me, it is something much more heartbreaking than what happened in Infinity War. It is something far more tragic than that.
Sacred timeline Loki has the peace of death. He can walk to the gates of Valhalla, be reunited with his mother, his father, and one day even Thor. There is a comfort in that, knowing that yes, he is dead but he is at peace.
Variant Loki ... Variant Loki ...
*Downs the glass, pours another*
There is a finality in forever. There is, as Mobius says, no comfort in it. It is a burden. A glorious purpose, but a burden.
What hurts the most is this:
Since Thor 1, Loki has said that he never wanted a throne.
Only Mobius, B15 (Verity), OB, Casey, and Sylvie know. They know what he gave.
Since season 1, Loki has said that the thing that frightens him the most is him being alone.
Since Infinity War, Loki promised Thor that the sun would shine on them again.
What hurts the most is that Variant Loki, God of Stories Loki, is now burdened with a throne. That he made a sacrifice much larger than death. And only his friends know. That he is now entirely, truly, forever alone and does not even have the promise of death to give him comfort. There is no death for him. There is no peace, there is no end. It is eternity. It is forever and there is such a finality to forever.
And the sun shines down on Thor in every universe, it shines on other Lokis too. It shines on the people of Asgard, on Mobius, on New York, on everyone in every universe.
Loki kept his promise to Thor, and no one will know.
And while I know Mobius is mourning as we all are---feels like the TVA isn't home anymore, wanting to look because of what Loki did just so he could have the choice to look---I hope he takes the chance that Loki gave him and lives. I hope he buys the jet ski, rides it down the Hudson River. I hope that when he feels the wind in his hair, the water splashing his face, and the warmth of the sun shining down on him, when he is at his happiest and living, that in those moments, he thinks of Loki and smiles. Because I know that Loki would not want Mobius to take the chance he gave him to mourn Loki forever. I know that Loki will watch those moments of Mobius smiling and living, and he'll smile too, and in seeing Mobius taking the chance Loki gave him, making it mean something, that is the peace that Loki can receive. That is the comfort.
*Downs glass*
This ending ... it hurt so much more than Infinity War. I have never felt this way about a character's story. Am I happy with it? No.
Would I change it?
This ending, this sense of grief unlike before, this mixture of elation and bereavement is drowning but incredible. It is the ending that Loki does not deserve but accepts, and that is why I wouldn't change it.
Loki finally became what he has been to me and to several fans of the MCU and Marvel as a whole. What he was always meant to be.
Loki finally became the heart of the MCU. And though we may never see him again---which now I find I oddly prefer---we will know that he is there, between the branches, watching, protecting, beating, and making sure that each and every story gets told.
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agentnico · 5 months
Top 10 BEST Movies of 2023
Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all partied hard and are now surviving a dreadful hangover by sitting with your family or friends and enjoying a well deserved marathon of Lord of the Rings. 2023 - what a year! In the movie biz alone there were those little minor events known as the strikes of the actors and writers. Just when we thought COVID was over and stopped affecting releases, these strikes were like “errr no, actually..!”. To be fair, the way the streaming services were underpaying their actors and the studios enforcing AI so much into the media, it was good that these artists stood up for themselves and showed it to the man so to speak! Anyway, we’re not here to talk Hollywood politics, but to celebrate all the quality filmmaking that was exhibited this past year. I’d say in all honesty this year felt weaker compared to 2022. To be fair last year gave us Everything Everywhere All at Once, Top Gun: Maverick and of course the legendary RRR, so the bar was high for 2023. That being said, I still enjoyed some solid films, so let’s rank my Top 10 favourite movies of 2023, but first some honourable mentions…
Evil Dead Rise - one heck of a gore fest, and the best opening title card of the year hands down!
Past Lives - a simple yet brutally honest love story.
The Boy and the Heron - Wanna hear Robert Pattinson sound like not Robert Pattinson?!
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar - Wes Anderson and Roald Dahl are a match made in heaven.
Barbie - I’m Just Ken…need I say more??
Wonka - Timmy makes for a good Willy.
Right, with that, let’s get into the actual fun stuff - The Top 10 Best Movies of 2023!…
10) GUY RITCHIE’S THE COVENANT - The least Guy Ritchie film Guy Ritchie has ever directed and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Away with the rough East End and grizzly jokes, and instead what we have is a very reserved and straight-faced war thriller. Honestly I was so surprised with how much I was engaged and invested in The Covenant - it is a thrilling pulse-racing story of survival that adds to the dread that elements of it are true to many people’s reality. Truly, this is a well-made movie!
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9) TETRIS - You hear of a movie titled Tetris and one has to wonder if we have another Emoji Movie on our hands, where we get little tetra shaped characters goofing about in some animated mathematics world trying to force an unfunny joke upon our poor heads. Luckily that’s not the case, as instead this is a behind-the-scenes look at the legal drama behind the ownership of the game rights, and though that may not sound that fun, the movie is surprisingly very entertaining with some visual pixel tricks, a great soundtrack, delightful nostalgia, a fast-paced ante-upping narrative set in the backdrop of the Soviet Union and an adorable Taron Egerton in the middle of it all. Honestly, I’m shocked at how much I digged the Tetris movie!
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8) GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 - Marvel is evidently in a rut, but a rare bright spark in recent memory was the final instalment of James Gunn’s take on the fun dysfunctional space family. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is a wonderful ride, bringing lots of great humour, character dynamics and emotion, and gets you hooked on a feeling…one last time. Oh, and Gunn finally managed to properly show Nathan Fillion’s face in a Marvel movie, and that in itself is a win!
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7) MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: DEAD RECKONING - PART ONE - Tom Cruise - what a guy! I mean yes he’s a Scientologist, has a constant death wish by breaking his ankles on film sets and also guilty of jumping on Oprah’s sofa like a monkey, but my my is he a charmer! You guys know the drill with these Mission Impossible movies - Tom Cruise throws his body around like a potato fearing not for his life nor broken limbs, but you have to respect the man for wanting to give the audience their tickets’ worth of entertainment, and Dead Reckoning not disappoint! There’s never a dull moment, the action is constantly inventive and exciting, and honestly with how consistent the quality of these films are, I say keep ‘em coming, Cruise-man!
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6) DREAM SCENARIO - Anyone who knows me knows how much I love me some Nicolas Cage! The guy’s an acting legend, and he’s had it rough a decade ago when he got stuck paying off hi tax money and starring in crappy B-movies, but recently he’s been on a hot streak of great original content, and Dream Scenario adds to that. I love this idea of a random dude suddenly appearing in people’s dreams for absolutely no reason. It’s so rare to have a new original conception in a film in our day and age, and the execution here is great. As a bonus, the movie features possibly the best fart joke in the history of the cinema.
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5) OPPENHEIMER - On one had this is probably the most “well-made” movie of 2023 cinematically speaking. Christopher Nolan does not hold back in using his typical non-linear way of storytelling, with the film weaving narratives and different time periods seamlessly as it explores the profound depths of a man who’s actions altered the world’s trajectory forever, for better or worse. It’s an incredible historical piece of cinema, and the movie gets extra points for the whole ‘Barbenheimer’ phenomenon, but the reason this film is not higher on the list is due to the fact that I believe it is overrated. Cause every single person raved about how bloody amazing this thing was, I became tired of the positivity. Yeah, I know, I’m being a Scrooge but what you gonna do about it?? Oppenheimer is stuck at No. 5!
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4) KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON - When a movie forces you to stay in the cinema for over 3 hours, it better be one epic film, as your man here was straining his bladder to health threatening levels. However this is a Martin Scorsese picture, as such this is event cinema! And this one may be up there with one of his best. Killers of the Flower Moon is a major saga of greed, murder, corruption and despair, told through the eyes of a filmmaker who somehow is still managing to mature more as a director even though he’s already over 80 years of age.
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3) THE HOLDOVERS - The Holdovers is very much a vibes movie. It has that old-timey retro feel to it from how it is shot to make it look like it’s from the 70s (reminiscent of John Hughes films and Dead Poets Society). You also have the constant snow falling and the Christmas music just really delivers that cozy winter feel. It’s a wholesome Christmas movie through and through. Paul Giamatti gives a career-best performance and the writing is absolutely stellar, as such The Holdovers is destined to become a holiday classic.
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2) BEAU IS AFRAID - A. 3-hour long anxiety attack that A24 spent $30 million to produce. For a movie studio to spill out such a massive amount of cash on a completely original IP that is divisively out-there and wild is such a unique thing to happen in Hollywood in this day and age, that like the film or not this act needs to be applauded. It just so happens that Beau Is Afraid is batshit bonkers and truly an act of madness, yet one that I will forever cherish. I bet David Lynch had the biggest hard-on when he watched this movie - you betcha!
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1) SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is, put simply, brilliant! It’s everything that made Into the Spider-Verse great dialled up to 1000%, and the result is honestly fantastic. Look, I watch a lot of movies. And yeah, movies are great and I love them deeply. But in watching so many films I have in a way lost that magic of being in awe every time I go to the cinema. Cliches and repetitiveness in films stick out like sore thumbs. However with Across the Spider-Verse I felt like a kid again, purely stunned in amazement at every single frame, engaged with the characters and story-line, not knowing where it will go next. Like I cannot reiterate how much fun I had watching this movie! The animation is phenomenal, the narrative so rich, a pulse-throbbing music score (I even have Pemberton’s score on vinyl now just cause I love it so much!) superb character development and so many fun and unexpected twists and turns. Across the Spider-Verse is THE movie of 2023 for me and I believe this is the first time ever an animation took a top spot on my list. Here’s hoping Part 3 of the Spider-Verse saga will play out like The Return of the King!
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There you have it - my favourite films of 2023. Naturally I don’t expect my list to be the same as yours, so don’t go throwing a tantrum if I missed out a movie you loved. Or do throw a tantrum, see if I care. But also don’t, cause like we’re all friends here, right? Right??!
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kaybronz · 9 months
Warning, incoming novel ahead.
If the Chris Evans shit show has taught me anything it's that you truly can't trust anything about public figures. There's always a narrative being spun or some kind of image being crafted and projected. I think that's the part that is the most disappointing to me that I bought into the image and it was nothing more than a mirage.
I had always liked the marvel movies, RDJ was my favorite for the longest, but I really started getting into Chris once he started being politically vocal. He seemed like a breath of fresh air, down to earth, relatively normal for his position in life, vocally on the right side of political history, and a self-proclaimed feminist. So I dove right in! It felt good to throw my support behind a famous person that for once, didn't seem to be so wildly out of touch with the everyday individual, whose values seemed to align with mine. I invested time and energy into promoting him and his work, I frequented and participated in his fan spaces, and I followed his ventures outside of acting. The red flags were there along the way, particularly with ASP, but I wanted to believe he had the best of intentions but was fumbling the follow through, so I pushed those to the back of my mind and kept supporting.
That investment and support existed solely because of the image he presented to the public, humble, down to earth, politically and socially conscious everyday guy. But that glass has shattered now. I'm a firm believer in the fact that you are who you surround yourself with. And I clung to the idea that this was pr because because it was some kind of hope that the image wasn't a false narrative and that he wasn't actually a phoney underneath a facade. But now it's quite plain that his morals and values very much align with his racist, fatphobic, antisemitic bride and her like minded friends. If he was the man he projected himself to be we wouldn't be where we are now. Who you marry says even more about you than your friends do and this marriage doesn't say anything positive about him and most certainly shines a light on who he actually is and how he actually feels about marginalized groups.
I do not believe in the ability to separate the art from the artist. I believe that continued participation and interaction with the work and other ventures of a problematic person is inherently showing acceptance and support to that person. Which I cannot condone any longer. This is why if you're a fiction writer and I unfollow please understand that while I likely think you are incredibly talented I cannot in good conscience continue to interact with your work as in my mind it supports and benefits him, even if indirectly. In my mind continuing to read and reblog like nothing has happened is a big fuck you to the most most directly affected by this farcical of a man.
With that being said, I've met some great people throughout my time in this fandom, and I hope that they stay on and pivot to other more worthwhile things (though I understand if they leave), I hope to be able to continue those wonderful interactions with the smart, kind, empathetic people I've encountered. I personally don't think I'll be jumping into another fandom space anytime soon for fear of another let down. But in the meantime I may venture back into my old faithful, I present to you Mr. Paul Wesley.
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Paul who while not a politically active as Chris once was (and maybe that's a good thing as it's likely far less performative) he has directly called out his very own costars for their right wing political support and backwards ass thinking. And was one of the few on the vampire diaries set to stick up for Kat Graham and pushed back so far on the abhorrent treatment from the show creators that he as one of the main characters threatened to leave the series if they killed her character off.
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honoka-marierose · 23 days
Pratt teases his future in the Marvel and DC worlds.
Over the years, Chris Pratt has lent his talents to a wide array of projects, from Parks and Recreation to The Super Mario Bros Movie to the Jurassic World series. Following the release of last year's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which ended with a title card teasing that his character of Peter Quill / Star-Lord will return, fans have wondered if another Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance will be on the horizon. Additionally, with Guardians writer-director James Gunn now co-leading DC Studios, there have also been plenty of theories suggesting that Pratt could follow him to this new franchise. While speaking to ComicBook about his work on The Garfield Movie, Pratt argued that either option is equally likely, and that he could very well end up appearing in both superhero sagas.
"Well, it probably make more sense that I would be Star Lord again," Pratt said in our interview, which you can check out above. "But anything is possible, and especially with James over at DC. Maybe there's something that would be right over there. Maybe both. How about both? Let's do both. I think it's 100% both."
Is Chris Pratt Joining the DCU?
Gunn has already teased that a number of Guardians of the Galaxy cast members could end up joining the DCU, although no roles have been cast thus far. One popular fan theory has been that Pratt might play Michael Carter / Booster Gold, who is set to get his own exclusive Max series. In a 2023 interview with Rolling Stone, Pratt addressed that possibility, and admitted that he would be open to it in the right circumstances.
"If James thought I was right for it, then you know that I would have to consider it," Pratt explained at the time.
What Is The Garfield Movie About?
In The Garfield Movie, Garfield (voiced by Pratt), the world-famous, Monday-hating, lasagna-loving indoor cat, is about to have a wild outdoor adventure! After an unexpected reunion with his long-lost father – scruffy street cat Vic (voiced by Samuel L. Jackson) – Garfield and his canine friend Odie are forced from their perfectly pampered life into joining Vic in a hilarious, high-stakes heist. In addition to Pratt, The Garfield Movie features a star-studded voice cast that includes Samuel L. Jackson, Hannah Waddingham, Ving Rhames, Nicholas Hoult, Cecily Strong, Harvey Guillén, Brett Goldstein, and Bowen Yang.
The Garfield Movie is directed by Mark Dindal (The Emperor's New Groove), from a screenplay by Paul A. Kaplan & Mark Torgove (Raising Hope) and David Reynolds (Finding Nemo). Producers on the film include John Cohen, Broderick Johnson, Andrew A. Kosove, Steven P. Wegner, Craig Sost, Namit Malhotra, and Crosby Clyse.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hii, hope u feel better soon! Could I request one where Florence is in love with the reader who’s the writer for her new movie but she struggles to admit it to herself until it gets pointed out by one of her costars or like in a game of truth or dare or something.
Game of Confessions
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader
Summary: A simple game of truth or dare lets Florence open up about her feelings. 
|Fluff | 1.3K | Mentions of drinking |
Requests are closed.
AC: Loved this idea!! I hope you enjoy it! X *I had to repost this because I posted it with the wrong request, please forgive lmao*
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Being a writer has always been a passion of yours, you’d been writing things here and there since you could remember. So, when you were offered to be the writer for the new Marvel mini-series for Disney + called ‘Bishop Security’ you jumped at the chance. You couldn’t stop smiling when Marvel actually picked up your script and ideas and decided to go with it.
The series focused on the story of Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova so getting to work with not only Marvel, but Hailee Steinfeld and Florence Pugh was blowing your mind. You’d met and worked with Florence once before on another movie but still, you enjoyed being on set day in and day out, watching scenes and listening to script suggestions or writing changes with all the talented people you were working with. It caught your attention that Florence was acting a little different towards you than she usual was, at first it worried you and made you sad thinking that you might have done something wrong, but she assured you that wasn’t the case and that she simply just had a bit on her mind. 
“Take a picture Flo, it’ll last longer” Hailee whispered to Florence before handing her the takeaway coffee, “huh? I wasn’t staring” Florence’s eyes quickly moved away from your figure as you were going over the script with the director. “Oh please, you can’t stop staring at her since we started filming” Hailee teased with a soft elbow to the ribs. “We work together, I have to look at her”
“Yeah, look, not drool honey” Hailee chuckled, “come on, we have a scene” she adds before the two walks towards you and the director. “Good morning” you greet both women with a smile, “ready to smash the day?” you add. 
“I’m always ready” Florence returned the smile. “That’s what we like to hear” you replied, “We’ve just made some slight changes to the scene if you both want to have a quick run over the script before we start” you suggest. “Absolutely” Florence said taking a look at the new script before walking away with Hailee. 
“I’m always ready” Hailee teased once more, “Drop it” Florence chuckled. “You should tell her you like her”
“It’s a bit more than that” Florence mumbled as she read through the changes. 
“Wait, what? You’re in love with her? Is that what I’m hearing?” Hailee perked up to Florence’s surprise, “huh? That’s not what I said” her cheeks when red. “Oh you’ve got it bad! How long?” 
Florence sighed in defeat, “since we first worked together last year” she admits, “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since” 
“That’s adorable! But why won’t you tell her?” 
“Because she’s her and I’m me, we wouldn’t work…I mean, we would both be away for work and that’s not fair on either of us”
“So? that’s the beauty of love! If it’s meant to be than it’ll find a way to work” 
“I don’t know” Florence mumbled with a sigh, “can we just get back to work?” she asked. 
Over the last couple of weeks of filming things with Florence got harder, she became distance and not her happy self around you. You were sure you’d done something to upset her by now and asked Hailee for help. 
“Oh, trust me, it’s not what you think” Hailee tried to hide her wide smile, “Are you sure? It just feels like I’ve done something to upset her, she’s distant and cold towards me. This isn’t like her. I really just want to make things up to her if I’ve done something to hurt her feelings or made her think less of me” you explain. Hailee panicked slightly with coming up with a good distraction to keep you a peace while Florence had her stressful break down on her feelings. “I’m sure it’s not you, in fact, she’s been like that with me as well. Sometimes work can be a lot, you know, a lot of late nights and stuff. I’ll talk to her” she smiled, her words were enough to lower your worries, “what would be great, thank you and please, if we’re working too much, let us know!” you added before walking to your trailer. 
Hailee rushed straight to Florence’s trailer once you were out of sight. “Flo open the door” she said in a huff, “what’s going on?!” Florence opened the door in a worry. “You’ve gotta do something about your little Y/n issue. She’s worried she’s upset you and is asking questions”
“W-what did you tell her?” 
“I just said that you’re probably a little stressed with work and that you’d also been distant with me. I had too, she’s upset and worried she’s hurt your feelings or done something to upset you. Just tell her, it’s driving you crazy”
“I know, I know but I just…just leave it with me, I promise ill sort it out” Florence replied, her tone making her words unsure of their meaning. 
A couple of more weeks go by, and things have changed slightly between you and Florence, she wasn’t as distant but her conversations with you were kept short and sweet, not to mention she was lacking the eye contact with you.
Once filming had wrapped up, Hailee invited you to a night out for celebration drinks, which you of course agreed to. Being with the cast and crew once last time was special, there were plenty of drinks drank and food shared, the restaurant booked to accommodate the group with a tab that would be paid by Hailee and Florence as a thank you for all the hard work. After a few fun and eventful hours, most of the guest had left to get an early night before flying home or helping to back up the set. It was just you, Hailee, and Florence by the end of the night which led to the three of you playing stupid little games as the group got smaller and smaller until it was just the three of you. 
“Okay Florence, your turn!” Hailee smiled before sipping her cocktail, “truth or dare” she adds. Florence smiled, “dare”
“I dare you to confess a secret” Hailee smirked as your eyes looked between the two, Florence’s smile dropped as she knew where this was going, “I don’t think so” she chuckled lightly. “Nope, come on, you said dare and now you have to do it” Hailee said, “it is the rules” you smiled before sipping your own drink. Florence sighed as she chewed her bottom lip and shook her head in Hailee’s direction. 
“I don’t have any secrets” she spoke. 
“Bullshit!” Hailee shook her head, “just say it would you!” she adds. By now you felt a little suspicious like there was something Hailee knew that you didn’t. Florence downed her drink in a panic before looking at you with a soft smile, “I think you’re beautiful” she complimented to your surprise, “thanks Flo, so are you” you smiled.  
“No” she chuckled, “I think…. I, uhm, I”
“Just say it already Pugh!” Hailee nudged.
“Say what?” you frowned slightly. 
Florence sighed once more, swallowing the lump in her throat, “I’m in love with you, Y/n” she finally admits, “it’s why I’ve been distant with you…I’m sorry that you thought you upset me, you didn’t…I’m just – “
“Beautiful” you said cutting her off, “you’re beautiful and you’re adorable, why didn’t you just say something?” you asked. Hailee sat back in her seat watching the love story unfold. “Because I didn’t want to scare you” Florence spoke. Without replying, you stood up and walked over to her and slightly lent down cupping her face and smashing your lips onto hers. Hailee gasp at the action, Florence melted into your touch, kissing you back with passion. “W-wow, I wasn’t expecting that” she chucked against your lips, “I’ve wanted to do that for so long” you replied as she pulled you in for another kiss. 
“Looks like my job here is done” Hailee smiled, “I’ll leave you two it” she added walking over to the bar. 
“This doesn’t mean you get to skip out on a first date” you smiled once you both pulled away, “I’d love to take you out” Florence returned the smile. 
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digging through the archives again & i've found another little press interview with robert shaw that i quite like. sticking it here for ease of access in the future :> from an article published in the los angeles times in february 1971, as transcribed below:
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Most public people get terribly lofty about seeing their names in print (“Of course it used to matter . . .”). Robert Shaw, the English actor-author, is, bless his heart, honest enough to say it matters terribly. “My hand shakes when I pick up the Daily Express. And I will be comforted by reading someone else’s bad notices, I admit it. It gets worse all the time. Old Harold Pinter says my great vice is other people’s opinions.” Robert Shaw is subject to more reviews than most since he is both a writer (novels, plays, screenplays) and an actor English enough to play Henry VIII (in the film “A Man for All Seasons”), international enough to play Gen. Custer (in a movie) and Elmer Gantry (in a Broadway musical that lasted one night), and intelligent enough to play Pinter (“The Caretaker,” “The Birthday Party”). “I’ve been asked so often which I prefer, writing or acting, that I’ve started to answer seriously. I obviously prefer acting because the rewards are much more immediate. Writing is so lonely, such an agony. I’m an extroverted, confident person and I’m thrown into this pain . . .” Then why write? “I do wish for immortality—I don’t know why—but I do wish to be remembered.” Robert Shaw studied acting at RADA, a bleak and hateful experience, during which he was advised to give up. He spent his first eight years as a professional playing Shakespeare and had a rough time. “As a young man I had no charm, I was all agression [sic]. Richard Burton had enormous charm, he could get on with people. What an extraordinary life! When he went off to Hollywood, we all said, there goes the golden boy.” The turning point came with his first novel, “The Hiding Place” (1960). “From having been treated as a stupid actor—‘I find it hard to believe you wrote that,’ they’d say—I began to be treated as intelligent. Directors wanted me for television. And that’s where I became a working class actor. I’m not, I’m English middle class really, but I got into all these new plays. It was marvelous.” At present, Shaw has two plays coming up, neither of which will earn him a penny, he cheerfully notes: One is set in an American prison. The other, to be performed in London by the National Theater Company this spring, is called “Cato Street.” Shaw has based it on an actual attempt in the early 19th century to murder the entire British government. The plotters are betrayed and executed. “I hang them all on stage,” Shaw said with relish. “All eight or nine of them.” He hopes “Cato Street” will feature Laurence Olivier who, he feels, droops under some of his duties as head of the National Theater. “He asked me how many acts my play had. ‘Three,’ I said. “‘Couldn’t you make it two?’ he asked me. I said why? “‘Because,’ he said; ‘then I’d only have to have one drink with the governors.’”
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notafunkiller · 2 months
Let me tell y'all, Sebastian wouldn't let his hair grow and keep it that long for years now if he had no screen time at all or if his role wasn't important.>> Is it going to be good or another shit MCU movie?
To be honest, it depends on many factors & the direction MCU wants to go with.
I think they have amazing actors but way too many characters in Thunderbolts*.
For me quality > quantity & this is what I liked about Bucky's story till now (and Yelena's)
It has potential to be a good film if they keep it on the more realistic side of Marvel (like Black Widow & TFATWS) & if the writing won't be the same as it was in the last phase: predictable, boring & lacking of real emotion.
(This is what was missing in Loki S2. S1 had those raw emotions and it amazing.)
Florence leading (Yelena as the team leader) is a great decision because she is an incredible actress, Yelena is interesting, and she + Sebastian bring the fans to the cinema.
Kevin never said Bucky is the official leader & it wouldn't make sense for him to be since he is pardoned.
He is the de facto leader & if he is getting his own subplot, things will be so much more interesting.
Also, I really think Yelena & Bucky should have scenes together & I like that they (writers/producers) want to give us the characters' backstory (childhood) so we can actually understand them.
I don't think the main villain is the right choice since most of these people are super soldiers, I believe that Red Guardian will die & that Marvel will probably change things post filming.
You never know with them, anyway, & even if you think you got the direction, they film multiple versions.
So yes, it can either be a really good film, with a great message and an interesting direction since the leads are some of the most appreciated actors in Hollywood or a bad, bad version of Suicide Squad (with no real focus or storyline since there are too many things happening at once & too many characters)
But I have hope they realized, too, that quantity < quality.
What do you think?
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For lovely Bill Potts if you'd be so kind:
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
And, if you'd like another one, for Anne of Cleves from Six:
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
And, if you'd like a third one, how about Rose Tyler:
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
11. Would you date this character?
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Feel free to skip any :) I'm sorry to hear about the pain, hon, I hope it'll get better soon <3
2: kinda just how quick-witted she is? like she's so fucking smart, and she's like. matches the doctor's energy and is so amazing. and the lesbian-ness, definitely the lesbian energy
5: space girl - frances forever
22: i love when fic writers show how strong and like chaotic (in a good way) she is? like, how just bright she is as a person, ig. and i get a bit frustrated whenever people just push her off as just this unimportant side character, like no. she was a companion just as much as any others, she deserves some of the spotlight.
haha bill is my beloved <3 i would do so much for her lol
7: i absolutely love it when fandoms portray anna as like this fucking disaster queen, yknow? like she cannot cook and will start fires every time, but she's loyal af and will kill a man for you
9: for sure!! it'd be fun af to live with someone who is kinda same vibes, also i can cook without starting a fire which is crucial
24: she either reminds me of hercules mulligan from hamilton or dare i say mels?? idk they both give of the disaster queen vibes i've mentioned earlier
anne/a is most def a underrated character, and im really glad you asked me about her :)
4: this was hard to choose, considering DW is literally in every media possible lol, ended up choosing comics cause rose would kick ass as a comic book character - specifically marvel
11: i may be gay af, but alas, not exactly my type? idk, we just wouldn't fit in a relationship. friends for sure tho!!
18: canon ships is hard, considering i can only ship her with ten/tentoo but yeah, i think they're good for each other. im not a hardcore tenrose shipper, but if i can add it into a fic, i would
thank you sm for the long ask lol, im doing better (after taking five "extra-strength" ibuprofen/acetaminophen pills) <333
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20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Tagged by @jo-harrington. Thank you!
1) How many works do you have on A03?
According to AO3, 195. However I do know it’s more since I have made a few drabble compilation. Someday I’ll reorganize everything.
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Baldur’s Gate 3, Stranger Things, Marvel/MCU, Star Wars, The Magnificent Seven, M*A*S*H, Good Omens, and a scattering of other fandoms here and there.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Skipping Drabble/Headcanon compilations
I Want It All (Astarion x Ace!Tav)
Life Is Inevitable Like That (Ineffable Husbands)
Trust Me (Poe Dameron x Reader)
An Unspoken Thing (Doctor Strange x Reader)
Questions (Ineffable Husbands)
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to most of them, or at least try to. I think it’s important to building a community, which is what I hope I encourage. Also as a way to show that yes, I did read it and yes, commenting does matter.
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
What If…Loki Lost His Love?
I don’t do major character death or angst in general. It’s just not what I’m looking for in fics, but I actually think I did a good job on this one.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them? They’re basically all one-shots with happy conclusions. I think if my recent stuff, probably I Want It All.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
I did get one “kill yourself” message a few years ago, but it was just one person on anon. The reception to basically all of my fics have been positive.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kinds?
I’ve written some smut. I’ve done a couple of Kinktobers and some for Clone Wars. I think the best way I can describe the way I write smut is “sensual”? And it’s a little rougher. Idk, somebody better versed than me could describe it better.
10) Do you write crossovers?
Not really
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I did have a few of my Poe Dameron fics stolen a few years back, but I messaged them and they quickly deleted the fic. That all being said, if anybody notices my works being stolen or copied, please let me know.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that anyone has told me.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My sister and I have talked about it, but no.
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
Ineffable Husbands
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
*glances at all WIPs I already have published and drawers full of WIPs saved on my computer*
What are you a cop?
16) What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, characterization and emotions. At least that’s what people have told me.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Prose. I’m still working on getting more creative with my descriptions. I could also really get better at scene setting in general.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’m not against it, but use it wisely.
If you want to reader to understand what is being said, write it out in the language of the fic. This isn’t a movie. Putting a translation at the bottom of the chapter or in the middle of the sentence makes it sloppy. Instead type out “they said in X language, “___”.
However if you want a character to hear something being said in a different language and they don’t understand it, then type it out of you want.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Unpublished? Harry Potter
Published? Sherlock (no you can’t read it)
20) Favorite fic you've written?
Don’t make me pick. I’ve written so much and I have a soft spot for so many for a variety of reasons. If you want to send me a fic title and ask me about it, I’ll gladly answer any questions you want.
Tagging @leighsartworks216, @kittttycakes, @can-of-pringles, @flapjacques and anybody else who wants to join in!
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autumnoficarus · 7 months
i'm devastated but like in a good way, and I have a lot of lokius thoughts I need to jot down before i pull a timely and become spaghetti
spoilers for season 2's finale below !!
so in this house, lokius is alive and thriving - because listen:
Firstly, i've seen a lot of people upset with the finale and while that's super valid, here's some positive thoughts on why I kinda sorta dig what was given to us.
the recap never included that one ship while catching up on the main plot points of everything that has happened since the show's beginning. I think that should be pointed out idk.
from a fic writer standpoint the fact that Loki spent CENTURIES??? (+however long fighting sylvie and having repeating conversations with HWR) Like literally a huge chunk of time we don't see trying to fix things has so much potential. I'm giddy abt that ngl
That when Loki needed advice most, he time-slipped to Mobius to ask him his opinion. Not only that, he time-slipped to when they don't know each other yet, because he wants a Mobius who is unbiased. He's aware that were he to go to a place in the timeline where they're now close, Mobius would try and talk him out of abandoning all hope.
He knows, much like with Mobius' story, he's been hesitating to look past himself - to see the bigger picture, instead of what he wants. That hesitation has led to years and years of consequences, Loki failing each and every time, similar to how the officer of Mobius' story delaying the prune of a variant led to an eruption of consequences that resulted in the harm of their comrades too.
What Loki wants is save his friends, ultimately. At first, he wants to save his friends and be able to experience life amongst the timeline branches with them. He tells Sylvie he doesn't know where he would belong without them. What Loki realizes in the end is that to give them the choice he believes they deserve, he has to make a choice of his own. In the end, he finds belonging (at least for now, because I refuse to believe this is the end of TVA Loki's storyline) in putting those he loves before himself and what he wants, something Loki has done only a handful of times throughout the entire Marvel series. He needs that growth character-wise because, as we know, he will be involved in the next big phase.
I think that Loki time-slipping to ask Mobius for advice parallels last episode's 'it's about WHO' again. Who has given him the chance to be a better version of himself the entire show? Who helped him overcome his deep distrust in others, learning to care for them instead - so much so that he sacrificed himself to protect them? And again, Mobius is who Loki went to when he was lost and his words are what guided Loki to the decision he made.
A Sylvie and Mobius scene where Sylvie is seen caring for Mobius in the aftermath??? Mobius wasn't offering comfort to Sylvie, he was depicted as more distraught than she was. In fact, I'd say they really wanted to get across how 'alone' he felt with Loki's absence, standing watching a life he never knew from afar.
(there's a whole unpacking i want to do here about how we previously saw Loki looking longingly across the street watching Don's life too, before whisking Don away from his mundane family life for a greater purpose; something about Mobius looking at that life and recognizing there's a missing piece to it, and it's back in a place he no longer feels he fits because the TVA is missing something too; something about Loki 'supposedly' finding where he belongs, but not Mobius. those are thoughts for another post though lmaoooo)
I think they left Mobius' arc open-ended because he still hasn't achieved that greater purpose. That's (hopefully) because it's meant to be fleshed out in either a later season or next movies to come. And (hopefully x2), that purpose becomes Mobius helping to somehow save Loki from his current fate.
The final moments?? Hello??? Mobius' voice echoing as we pan in on Loki holding the branches together, teary-eyed with a soft, melancholic smile??? Seeming to be listening in on Mobius amongst the branches??? Mobius' 'let time pass' because he doesn't know how to move on from losing Loki?? Come onnnn, the tragic angst in just those shots were CHEF KISS
Overall, I know it's a let down not to have an actual canon status but I mean - were we really expecting the mouse to come through for us??? At least, we didn't get a 'no homo' moment so I count that as a win against rickey the rat. Lokius survived the finale, and that's what really mattered for me tbh.
Like idk, I could also be biased because I kinda, really dig tragedy and slow burn angst. And that's what this finale gave us, along with so many possibilities !! Them being separated leaves so much that can happen !! Like, like - Mobius has the opportunity to have an arc about saving his bae from holding time together indefinitely - from Loki's greatest fear, being left alone. Mobius getting into marvel shenanigans in an attempt to reunite with Loki somehow is beautifully romantic to me ya'll idk. I am delusional and I fully embrace that fact.
Okay honestly this isn't even ALL MY THOUGGHTS I HAVE MORE but this is getting long so I'm stopping here (currently: sending morse code signals out to help pull me back from the brink of insanity)
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