#i hope we'll get to see them as well :)
aarafox · 7 months
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kinda meant a lot to me that he said this lol, after they made fun of him and Stolas back at Ozzie's
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mossattack · 29 days
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the fates really said brother. the world is ending but we WILL find u a gf if that's the last thing we do.
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taydaq · 9 months
I found this NSFW 30 day challenge and while this one is not explicit, I'll put it under a cut and if it gets flagged, I'll put it on AO3. The first day was "cuddling (naked)" and I used samijey to start since I know the girlies and guys are thirsty and need to be fed!
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Can we always be this close forever and ever?
Tagging: @imabillyami, @darthsyd-ious, @thewarlordsworld, @samijey, @jeysuso, @pbdanni20, and @harmshake! (I know there's more people to tag, but I can't remember everyone atm- I'll need to save a list somewhere!
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Go work off that debt Xie Lian! ....with an extra babysitting job.
Meme template for y'all under the cut + examples I made.
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Anyway hopefully next episodes won't take too long. The thing is. The Ghost Groom arc is a lot longer than I remember. I'm still racking my brain over how the hell I'm gonna summarize it because I am not going every single instance
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There are two scenes I'm really excited to see next season.
Rand's vision in the glass columns at Rhuidean, seeing the full history of the Aiel, reliving the lives of his ancestors all the way back to Charn, servant to Mierin Eronaile and witness to the devastation she caused at the Collam Daan university on the day she released the Dark One.
2. Aviendha talking at length about how hot Elayne is.
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princesskealie · 4 months
well, can you believe it's that time again? somehow it's already been three months, and it's time for my mom to go back to the doctor...if you have a second, please send any prayers/positive vibes her way that the appointment goes smoothly so she can have a happy spring! 🙏🙏🙏
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lunarharp · 11 months
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you can now buy my little orufrey zine i made!
a 36 page, b&w a5 amateur zine made up of orufrey art i've drawn this year so far. alone is £6 + shipping and they can also come with a mini print add-on, a 4x6 photo print for £8.50 total.
the first 6 orders will come with a free official bromide :)
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pallanophblargh · 1 year
I think part of me expected this burnout would last a long time, but it’s drawing close to a year now. I have a strong reason to suspect medications are prolonging it. Granted: I have no intention of stopping medication, but I suspect I may need to make some changes. It’s been nice not to feel burning rage/crippling despair/panic most of the time, but I also miss being able to actually... act on things! Start things! Feel some semblance of motivation, as fleeting as it is. Mostly my reaction to prompts of any kind are “nah, don’t wanna” or “so what?” which isn’t terribly conducive to anything more than day to day life. (Y’all, I can’t even reliably plan my vacation and that’s pretty terrible.)
I’m saying this in part as a sort of explanation as to why I’ve been so slow to respond to anything, or post any art, or even re-open commissions this past year. I just... generally can’t make myself do anything that isn’t a part of my daily maintenance routine. Knowing that making art (even personal art) takes 3x times as long to complete is a standout reason I’ve been refusing to reopen commissions especially, since I’d be unwilling to make clients wait more than a few months for even something as simple as a sketch. People were patient enough with “Old Me,” I don’t think most would hold out for “New Me.”
Thankfully I’m speaking to my doctor tomorrow regarding my experiences on the current medication, and maybe I can find something that works a little better. I feel like I’ve been pretty fortunate so far, all things considered, and my side effects have been fairly mild. (Though I have suspicions it’s also thinning out my hair something fierce... probably time for supplements for that issue!)
Hopefully I’ll figure it out sooner rather than later? Either way, I’m learning to accept things as they are these days. 
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ohhiplumbob · 2 years
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q-starhalo · 6 months
Unpopular opinion (not really lol):
Hate that cursed team didn’t matter. Like it’s my least favorite story choice throughout the whole QSMP. Why did you put into the lore if it didn’t matter.
★ Strongly agree ★
For sure, I had hope that it would've had even a bit of significance into the whole purgatory trip but it just. didn't. I get that it could've fueled other teams to win because they thought they were the cursed team, but to say nothing in the end and leave it open? Not the biggest fan of that.
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ihamtmus · 4 months
i heard so many nice things about myself from my boss and manager today, it feels good ☺️
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chappellrroan · 4 months
i am feeling emotions
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fantabulisticity · 8 months
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doodleodds · 2 years
BAM here’s some old train!palace stuff! It’s just thumbnails for a comic i never got around to finalizing,, but yeah i guess its bonus content now lol. now you can see how most of my nonsense starts xD
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mattodore · 1 year
vanishing without explanation for six days
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#river dipping#me editing my i am in eskew pic to say actually yea i was being mentally ill <3#i have an avoidant personality disorder likeeeeee jndgkfjh expect me to disappear semi-regularly honestly#but!!! :))) i've finally finished editing all of the photos from that smoking pose set i made for mattodore back in.....#[checks calendar] ..........march lmao#i'm actually getting the post together for it rn... there are eight photos in total here so...........#i have to stare at them for a really long time to check for mistakes#there's dialogue that goes along w/ the images too but i'm not sure if i want to include it#i probably won't..................... we'll see#but anyway hi hello... i've also avoided simblr entirely while i was gone so 🧍 i'm really behind... hope you're all well <3#i might be busy today so i probably won't be able to play catch up for a while but we'll see...#........aszdKSDJFNGKJD ALSO... i just realized looking at my last posts that i was like okay <3 vampire theo time <3 and then logged out#SAWRRY... i could just post the vampire photos raw but maybe i'll edit them like the smoking photos...#there are six photos from it... it's a sequence of events yk...#some blood drinking takes place <3#...want you all to know that when i make posts i type and then i open another tab then i come back then i open ps then i come back etc etc#so while i'm only just now posting this i actually just finished captioning and tagging the mattodore smoking post jdgkfnh#i just flit back and forth from one thing to another my brain is always going so fast like i HAVE to be doing multiple things Or Else#like those earlier tags are obsolete now but i'll keep them anyway
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nailtagyuri · 9 months
phhhhhhh my godddddddduh i liked the shenanigans pt got up to this episode but the POTENTIAL I SEE in them makes me really distraught
#tpot spoilers#THEY COULDVE BEEN SALESPEOPLE TOGETHER IT WOULDVE BEEN SO FUN. LIKE TEAM ROCKET IF THEY WERE TWO MEOWTHS#youre all really lucky my computer is being taken to the repair store soon or i would make like 30 poststhat are just whining#Ive accepted that we'll never see them interact again unless jnj hire me or SOMEHOW she ends up rejoining or SOMEHOW they end up on the#same team in season 6 or whatever comes next <- willing to wait an eternity but i reallhy hope she's at least acknowledged they#already mentioned cloudy twice. i drew a gag recently that was basically what i think would happen if they were to bring up her absence in#an episode it would be fucking Devastating to me but itd be something. itd be SOMETHING#whatevr i liked the drama in this episode i think the death pact split was interesting and basketbottt my beloved i cant WAIT 2 see#where they go i think rf's personality change was cleverly written and built up to and augh basketball cares about her sooo much its so cut#clock plot armor was surprising i could use this opportunity to complainnnn because of the obvious but im glad to see that theyre#committing to resolving his arc. The S being ufe twice in a row was funny imagine if winner gets out next SLASH JAY#JN was up as well im not Overly Worried this time i think taggy is going to be carried by voters by the novelty of being The New One and#The One That Makes Silly Faces for a while and i'll live if one of the others get out. I'll be sad I love all of JN but I wont frow up
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