#i hope yall have a beautiful day and finish something from your to-do list
Today I woke up at a reasonable time, ate breakfast, showered, washed my face, walked to the coffee shop, came home and finished four things, three of which were on my computer and one of which was fixing some pants. All within like three hours. Look at me. I'm neurotypical now.
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
Huntlow Prompt; Willow asks Hunter to teach her how to fly an airship (since it's HEAVILY implied in Clouds on the Horizon that she doesn't know and was willing to learn on the fly to chase down Kiki and give her a beat down before she could take 'Hunter' to Belos) mostly as an excuse to spend more time alone with him.
First off the fact that you sent me a prompt had me mentally screaming. So i hope this is good! Definitely didn't take days trying to make sure its perfect.
"We'll be sending materials to rebuild and transporting goods tomorrow aboard the aircrafts. Since you know how to fly then we'll need your help. You'll just have to miss the game." Darius told Hunter.
This brought an unsatisfied sigh from the ex-soldier. "But.. It's Willow! She's the one that invited me!" Hunter whispered shouted as he tried to not be obvious about his displeasure to the others in the room.
Darius muttered something about hormones and rubbed his face tiredly. "Well then you better find someone else that knows how to fly an airship." 
Hunter looked back at the three others in the room. Eda and Raine were already gonna be flying one of the aircrafts and Luz was heading back to the human for the week because of school. He had only made a few friends outside of the hexsquad as they called themselves and he'd have felt bad asking any of them to do it... well he seriously doubted they even knew how to fly one. Gus was too young to fly one even if he taught him.  And showing Willow how to fly one would be stupid considering the purpose of finding someone to do it for him was so he could spend time with her.
He groaned in annoyance. "Ok fine. I'll just have to tell her I can't go." 
"Sorry Little Prince, I'll pay for yalls tickets whenever the next game is in town." Darius assured. 
"Wait. She had to pay for the tickets?!" Hunter freaked out at this new information. Not only was he not coming, but he wasted her money? Oh this couldn't get worse. 
He then turned out the door and ran towards her house. 
Hunter found the dark haired beauty kneeled to the ground as she worked the soil around a small plant. He felt his hands tighten to fists and he became a loss of words when she turned and smiled at him.
"Hey Hunter. I didn't know you were coming by. "
"Heh, uhm, surprise?" He tried.
She smiled sweetly and patted the ground beside her as she wiped her hands on her skirt. 
Hunter gulped and tensely sat down. Under any other circumstances he'd have started gushing on about something he found out that day or just straight up tipped over his words in an incoherent train of thought. But today guilt flooded his mind. 
"I'm not gonna make it tomorrow." He rushed out. 
"I can pay you back for the tickets! I promise. Dell has been giving me allowance and even some extra pay for helping with the planting and carving. So- ugh. I forgot my bag." Hunter cursed under his breath and smacked his hand to his forehead. 
"Oh.. It's ok. They weren't that expensive. You don't have to pay. " Willow dismissed casually but Hunter could see the disappointment in her eyes. His heart dropped at the sight and he desperately tried to think of something to make up for it. 
Maybe... he could take her-
"Did something come up?" Willow asked but seemed very interested in her fingers all of a sudden. 
"I have to help transport goods and building materials to the Left Arm. They don't have anyone else that knows how to fly that isn't busy or already flying one." 
This caught her interest. “You’re taking an air ship?”
”Yeah. Why?”
“Well… I’ve always wanted to know how to fly one of them.. you know, to add it to my list of achievements?” She tried, gaze averted towards the sky. 
”Oh really? They’re not that hard maybe-“
”You could teach me!” She finished excitedly. She grabbed his hands in hers and smiled widely. Eyes lit up at the idea. 
It took Hunter a full three seconds to catch up to what she was saying as he was distracted by his hands between her own. “You want me to teach you? Really?”
”yeah! Besides last time I tried it didn’t uhm. Work well. So it’d be nice to know how to, In case something comes up again.” 
“Y-yeah. I don’t know when I’d be able to though. Well I’m free but I- I mean when you are free?” 
“We can go now! Surely they won’t mind if the boiling isles favorite hero taught little ole me.” 
Hunter chuckled at this. “You mean if the boiling isles like fifth favorite hero taught the worlds most powerful witch.” He smirked, unconsciously leaning closer. 
“I wouldn’t say the most powerful… maybe the boiling isles fifth favorite biggest fan.” She hinted. Now only mere inches away from the blondes face, their heart and galderstone quickened in pace. 
Last time they were this close to eachother they had kis- 
“Woah! Am I interrupting something?” 
The two jerked away from each other, faces flushed deeply and met the gaze of their favorite illusionist. He wore a sly smirk on his face. Arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. 
The two replied in unison. They both snapped their gaze back to each other, shock on the plant witches face and embarrassment/confusion from the grimwalker. 
“He’s not?”
”He is?”
Gus laughed mercilessly at the two before stating he’d give them a minute. That he had to grab something from inside. 
“So uhm. Do you want to go today? I’m free.” Willow stated quickly, too embarrassed to talk about what had almost happened while trying to hold back the laughter at the blondes disappointed face. 
“Oh. Yeah we can. What about Gus? He seemed like he needed something.” He mumbled.
”oh don’t worry about him. Imma run inside and change real quick and then see what he needed. You could come inside but… then my dads would want to ask too many questions and it would take away our time together- I mean our time to train! “ she laughed forcefully and took off towards the door.
“Hunter? What are you- you brought your girlfriend? If this is about the game tomorrow then we can find-“
”No! She wants me to teach her how to fly. And she’s not- er we’re not uhm-“
”I asked Hunter to teach me how to fly one in case y’all need an extra hand later. It’s fine. The tickets aren’t that expensive anyway.” She prompted with a raised eyebrow, hoping the ex head coven witch would catch on. 
Darius raised and eyebrow and nodded slowly. “Well thank you for the help Miss Park. I’m sure it will come in handy soon. I’ll leave you to it then. Make sure to have the airship back before sunset please so we can load it tonight, Hunter.”
”Oh of course! Thanks Darius.” Hunter smiled at the closet thing he seemed to have to a father before turning towards the plant witch. “This way.”
The two walked towards one of the many air ships, and made their way aboard it. Hunter looked at the many levers and suddenly went kind blank. “So uhm. What part did you wanna learn?” 
“How to fly? I guess. Are there different ways to-“
”No! Sorry that was a stupid question. Sorry I just, it’s hard to think around you sometimes- I mean not that it’s a bad thing but- I… I don’t know. This is an airship!” He shouted unnecessarily. He felt heat rush to his face as he pursed his lips and put his hands on his hips. What the heck was he doing? He knew how to teach someone how to fly. Sure he hadn’t done it before but it couldn’t be that hard! Titan help. 
Willow giggled and brought a hand to her mouth. She then tapped a finger to her chin and hummed thoughtfully. “You could start by telling me what does what?” She offered. 
This brought an “O” to the boys face. He then turned towards the front and looked over the many operating levers and such. “Well. You see the wheel, of course it’s used for steering. It controls the keel. It’s like, do you know how a bird uses its tail feathers to turn and balance themselves while they’re flying?”
”I didn’t but I do now. That’s pretty cool.” She smiled thoughtfully.
”heh, well uhm that’s what that’s for. And then see this? This controls the sail and mast. You’ll want to be wary of the wind for that. It also controls the speed. And then this lever? The one hanging? It lowers the ship- safely. Last time one of y’all pulled this lever,” he pointed, “ that turned on the autopilot. Since Darius had it on autopilot, he didn’t have this lever pulled, this turns the propellers on. I don’t know why he did that though, autopilot is the main reason people crash the ships. It’s fine if they want to, well need to do something but he should have left this on anyways.  That just means he wasn’t paying a lick of attention and didn’t want to watch the meter.” He huffed indignantly and muttered something about how he could’ve gotten them hurt. “This is the one that turns on the propellers, that starts the ship. This one lifts it up. And that one, depending on which shift you’re in, brings you however high you wanna go. I would stay in the fifth shift since you’re a beginner. You don’t want to be low in case of running into something or being to close to the forest canopy. But you don’t need to be high enough that you get caught in a wind turbulence. That could be bad.” He trialed off.
Willow looked up and smiled. “So this is pretty much all I need to know?”
”Well this is the basics. So technically you could fly a ship, but you would definitely need someone with you who knew what they were doing.” 
A devious smirk formed on the plant witch’s face. “You seem like you know what you’re doing.”
”Well of course I do- wait. Do you wanna try flying it?” 
“Maybeee?” She smiled widely. 
His galderstone best a little faster at the large grin on her face. It had taken him who knows how long to go over everything and show which lever does which. The sun looked like it would set soon.. and Darius said to have it back before then. “I don’t-“
”Please?” She asked, eyes wide, her hands now gripping his in her own. She squeezed them in anticipation. 
“I- I guess it wouldn’t hurt?” 
“Yes!” She jumped excitedly and turned towards the levers. Using all her knowledge she had gained to start the ship and got ready for lift off. 
It took everything in Hunter not to freak out as she quickly turned everything on. But she obviously had been listening cause he didn’t see one wrong move. Titan this girl was a fast learner. 
But then she reached for the wrong lever. “Wait!” Hunter tried, but didn’t make it fast enough before she pulled it back and they were sent skyrocketing into the air. 
Hunter quickly took over and pulled a few lever, before putting that one back in place. They were a few hundred feet in the air now, luckily they hadn’t gotten too high up. 
He sighed in relief. 
Just as he thought his galderstone had settled from the panic it picked right back up. He saw two hand clasped around his waist and noticed the feel of someone snuggled against his back. He gulped, feeling his face burn fiercely. 
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled from behind. 
”Hunter?” The girl slowly let go of his waist and peeked around. His face was red, he bit his lip, clamping his mouth shut. Obvious mirth shone from his eyes as he met her gaze. 
“What?” Willow stood in shock as the blond boy doubled over from laughing so hard. 
“You-you…” he wheezed.
Willow narrowed her eyes but couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up from her stomach. Soon they were both laughing merrily.
As the laughter died down, Willow twirled a piece of hair in her finger. “I pulled the autopilot lever didn’t I?” 
He nodded, a big smile still on his face as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and let out a long happy sigh.  “You’re so amazing.” 
“I almost got us killed.” She chuckled. 
“I know. But it’s ok. We’re ok. I just thought you were doing so well! Which you did and then that happened, I couldn’t help but laugh, I’m sorry.” 
“I’d have laughed too, it’s ok. I. To tell the truth I kind of stopped listening half way through.” She muttered softly. A small pink tint draped across her cheeks. 
“Oh… I was talking too much. I’m sorry.”
”What? No!” Willow quickly caught herself and grabbed his hands again. “I love listening to you talk. You were just… so darn cute I couldn’t pay attention.”
Hunter squeaked. “Cute?”
”Yeah! You’re cute. I can usually focus but you were being extra cute.” She muttered sheepishly. “I.. I didn’t come to learn how to fly either.. I mean I did! But it was mainly just so I could spend time with you.” She admitted. 
Hunter felt like his chest was gonna burst at the pure joy he felt in hearing that. 
She wasn’t prepared for what came out his mouth next. 
“Please marry me.”
”Wait what?” She blushed fiercely.
”Uh. I mean! Oh look at time! Darius is gonna kill is if we don’t land this ship soon!” Hunter quickly turned away and started operating the ship towards the others. His face was redder than she had ever seen it and she felt herself flutter at the thought of what he said. 
“One day. Maybe.”
”I’ll marry you one day.”  She smiled as she placed a quick kiss on his cheek and leaned her head against his shoulder. 
He felt like he could die from happiness then and there. But maybe he better land that ship first. 
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notnctu · 4 years
backseat chronicles - n.jm | ridin’ club
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━ welcome to the ridin’ club smut series
genre ➠ slow burn, smut, fluff, lil angst  wordcount ➠ 8.5k details ➠ fem!reader, streetracer!jaemin, badboy!jaemin, college!au ━ where Jaemin brings you to his club races as his arm candy. warnings ➠ explicit language, overstimulation, flirty banter, pet names, softdom!jaemin, car sex, praise kink, hittin it raw (y/n on the pill), oral, daddy kink, slight corruption kink, fingering synopsis ➠ There is no reasonable explanation as to why or how you always end up in the backseat of Na Jaemin’s beloved car. Almost routinely, he picks you up around ten in the evening with the stereo blasting the raunchiest lyrics for your entire suburban neighborhood to hear. The entire night remains purely friendly, a dabble of flirtatious comments because well, it’s Jaemin for fuck sakes. But all it takes is one suggestive gaze from his dark, lustful eyes and a drop in his voice that rumbles your core to have you climbing over the seats to get to the back. taglist ➠ @rabbit-doyochi​​​ ; @darkneogotmyback​​​ ; @im-lame-irl​​​ ; @p-mini​​​ ; @niniluvsmarkhyuck​​​ ; @saniahmichael​​ ; @jaehy9ngs​​​ ; @danyxthirstae01​​​ ; @jaehyunoos​​​ ; @pikijaemin​​​ ; @suhweo​​​ ; @yunoyeol​​​ ; @lanadreamie​​​ ; @ta3ilmoon​​​ ; 
a/n ➠ hi yall its author doie❀!! thank you for over 1k notes on this series, im beyond impressed by the amount of attention this got! it really blew up and its so crazy!! i wrote this one with more of a romantic plotline i realized its too hard to keep it pwp with all the story building and characterization i have :)) it’s almost over yall! pls pls leave me feedback im sorry it took so long to write ):
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While college lecture rooms are too big to interact with other students, discussion classes are there to ease the difficulty. A classroom for about twenty students from a three hundred person lecture. It’s administered by a clueless TA, who barely began his second term in graduate school.
Unlike lecture, attendance is mandatory for participation points. You show up every time without a fail, so it came as a shock to you when a certain blue haired student finally appeared from the list of absent students.
Na Jaemin. The notorious playboy with looks that kill and partakes in some illegal racing club. It’s as if every person in the room fawns over his aura, Jaemin drips with an inexplicable alluring confidence. You didn’t know anything about him besides the fact that he never shows up for class and rumors about how he’s slept with the entire cheer squad.
But he’s drawn to you like a magnet: always sitting in the available spot next to you, asking about your day before the TA arrives, developing an odd staring problem. You don’t feed much into his attention, minding your own business when he starts with his notably flirtatious greeting.
“You just take my breath away, (Y/N).” Jaemin cocks back in his seat with legs stretched wide in an overly comfortable manner. The smug smirk on his face cannot be ignored, he’s doing the absolute most to get you to pay the smallest attention to him.
“I didn’t do anything in particular to do that, Jaemin.” You respond bitterly, pulling out your notes for today’s discussion class. The TA enjoys wasting the first twenty minutes going over the past lecture slides and running through the most obvious topics.
You pay no mind to Jaemin peering over at you with the single handedly most dreamy eyes and smile --- stars shining in his dark orbs and a dazzling twinkle in his wide toothy grin.
“That’s why you’re so amazing. You do nothing and it still leaves me breathless.” His sneaky eyes examine your clothing choice for the long day. On this warm afternoon, the short tank top does nothing to hide much of your skin and the denim shorts that ride up a little too well drive Jaemin insane. And when you cross your legs together, he swallows the spit that pools in the back of his throat.
Your ears catch onto the murmurs of the rest of the class, the midterm is next week. The wretched midterm that is half of your grade dooms you, it is going to take an endless amount of completely undistracted dedicated hours of study--- “On a more serious note, can you help me with this class?”
His voice shatters your inner panic, if anything, adds to the stress that already beats down on your shoulders. You look up to glare at him, but you’re entirely taken aback by the new styling of his hair and the exposure of his tattoos.
The sweet blue cotton candied strands are ruffled lazily above his brows, messy from him constantly running his hand through them. Jaemin sits relaxed in gray sweatpants that are extremely baggy on his slender figure, hands are shoved casually into the pockets.
But what has you staring for longer is the long sleeve of tattoos that wrap around his left arm. Not that you’re surprised that Jaemin has tattoos, let alone a whole sleeve, but this is your first time seeing it as this is the first time he’s come to class without his leather jacket on. Something about the intricate lines and shadowing make Jaemin seem much cooler, almost more attractive.
When you meet his eyes, his lips curl slowly into a sly side smile and he’s practically eating you up under his gaze. He definitely knew that you were staring and what comes next out of his mouth will haunt you for it. “Like what you see, beautiful?”
“I don’t have the time to help you.” The best way out of this situation is to simply ignore it. Jaemin is overly adored and admired by many, he’ll find someone else to help him.
“Jaemin, do you want to study together?” There you go, folks. The random girl snickers with her small huddle of friends in the upper corner of the room, like a crowd of crows, they’re all waiting around for Jaemin to accept her offer so he can be easily integrated into their little group.
However, you watch how his glances bounce between you and her. The most sickly sweet, kind smile is almost too fake to consider it to be genuine. His final choice surprises you, “thank you for offering, but I only want (Y/N)...”
Your breath hitches and gets caught in your throat as you hope for him to finish his sentence, the drumming of your heart distracting you even more. Jaemin wants you? While the thought is flattering, it puzzles you greatly.
“... to help me with my studies.” Jaemin finishes his sentence after a rather long pause, his eyes finally resting upon your figure shying away and finding any way to seem uninterested in the conversation. “Is that going to be okay, (Y/N)?”
“What do I get out of it?” You can’t believe that you are actually considering it. But this is a man that only wants you to help him. Jaemin is an impossible, yet charming man and whatever comfortable attire he is wearing today is really aiding in his request.
He lights up, ears perked up and eyes attentive. His hands fold together on the empty desk, leaning forward towards you. “Dates with me.”
Rolling your eyes, you groan slightly at the arrogant answer. “I don’t care about that. I want something that benefits me.”
“I’ll make sure you’re well fed.” There is a tiny plea in his tone, a remarkable shift from his cool aura. “What do you want? I’ll give it to you.”
“I guess I can’t turn down free food…” there is a hang in your sentence as you contemplate what chaos you’re about to dive into and what life changes are about to be explored with Jaemin.
“Before you agree,” Jaemin chuckles, “there’s one more thing I’d like you to do for me.”
You’re quick to shoot a daggering glare at the overly enthusiastic boy, “why do I suddenly owe you favors?”
“Because I say so.” He deadpans, a chill running down your spine at the deep dip in his octave. The playfulness that was present all this time suddenly vanished, a serious look that intimidates you, but sexy enough to where it erupts something in your core. He blinks at you with dark clouded eyes and you nervously anticipate what he is going to ask next of you.
“Accompany me to my races.” He speaks lowly as if he’s afraid of someone else eavesdropping in the conversation.
Here’s your issue with that request: you’ve never really been part of that scene. You’ve lived pretty mundanely, even in college. It’s simple, you like to stay within the boundaries of what you enjoy to do and what you have to do. But you’re always open minded and willing to try something to determine whether or not you’re fond of it.
Partying and drinking copious amounts of alcohol weren’t your favorite things to do, especially to the point of forgetting your nights. You wanted to remember your nights as much as you do your days. The youth isn’t here for long, why waste them by blacking out in the middle of a large party? Also, whoever said that alcohol goes down smooth is a blatant liar.
Illegal racing could possibly be an extension of people who participate in those things, which is fine, but does place a crippling fear of coming off too boring or unrelatable inside your nervous system. But just because you don’t do those things doesn’t mean that you’re not as cool, right?
Since when was your status based nonsensically on how often you spend your nights in socializing crowds full of sweaty bodies and how much cheap booze you can drink? It had to be all in your head --- you’re just dreading any awkward socializing with people who race cars when it’s absolutely illegal.
“Why me?” It’s a genuine answer, possibly stemming from your insecurities of not being on the same level of charm as Jaemin exudes. You’re not a fool, you’re well aware of the many different people he comes across on campus so, why you?
Jaemin doesn’t hesitate to answer, “why not you? You’re just my type. Hot and smart. Cute and a little shy. The greatest duality, if you ask me.” His words seem so genuine that it has you believing these things about yourself as well.
Nonetheless, you’re taken aback by his observations and his choice of descriptions. “We’ve barely ever talked. How can you say these things so confidently about me?”
Jaemin slightly pulls your chair closer to his own and you yelp in response to the sudden movement and lack of space that separates the two of you. He leans into you, breath hot on your skin and obvious eyes darting between your shocked ones and pretty lips.
“So let’s get to know each other. I can already tell that it’ll just make me fall for you even more.” His finger lightly traces your jaw, stopping at your chin to give it a small lift to meet his focus. Jaemin loves how you squirm underneath his intensity, you’re too cute to let go. “Plus, my boys will love you. I’m sure of it.”
The TA rushes in quickly and is utterly distressed from the traffic that had pushed back his schedule. “Sorry, I’m late everyone.” He rummages through his things to find his notes, but groans to see that the monitor of the computer is off. It’s going to take him another ten minutes to input all his credentials.
But your attention doesn’t stray from Jaemin, especially with his delicate touch at the bottom of your chin. His gentle smile enacts nothing but a soft love, and a peak of interest. Na Jaemin, the one and only. He’s like an adventure waiting to be explored, an open bottle of fun for you to take a sip.
“What would I have to do?” Your voice comes out shaky.
“Just be there as your pretty self.” Jaemin comes off as the type to always have women around him, “you’ll be my lucky charm. For some reason, I always feel better around you.”
The escalation of this conversation is possibly more action you’ve had to handle in the last two years. Jaemin drops your chin and falls back into his own seat with his arms crossed. He is about to turn your life upside down and whether that be a good or bad thing, you don’t mind. You’re excited for the new thrills that come with being by Na Jaemin’s side.
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Jaemin’s hot hands lift your shirt quickly, throwing it towards the front seat of his car. His lips return to your soft neck, nibbling at your skin tenderly and with love bites that will remind you of his gentle touches. The streetlamps outside flicker impatiently as you feel the eagerness soaking your panties and he lifts you up to take them off.
“My sweet girl,” his voice is light and airy that it becomes almost lost in the heat of the car. “You’re excited tonight. Did you miss me?” The devilish smirk can be felt upon your collarbones.
“Yes, I haven’t seen you for almost five days.” A peculiar whine settles in your pout and Jaemin’s low growl sends shivers down your spine. The only barrier are his own tight jeans and your hands are fast at unbuckling his belt. Jaemin relaxes back, forearms resting on your soft thighs and watching the neediness in your expression and the speed of your hands. He smiles to himself seeing you this way, wanting him so badly that you can’t wait to get him out of his jeans.
Throughout the two months that you and Jaemin finally became well acquainted, he’s fallen inexplicably into your trance. His friends made it very clear to you that he doesn’t keep the same girl around for more than a few weeks. But he’s brought you to almost every race so far and despite the initial shock of your appearance after the third time, you didn’t let the passing comments phase you.
Why he hasn’t replaced you is unknown and truthfully, there is no reasonable explanation how you always wind up in the backseat of his car by the end of the night. It’s become part of your routine. Jaemin picks you up around ten in the evening with raunchy lyrics blasting out of his personalized car for your entire suburban neighborhood to hear. More often than not, Jaemin has food ready for you to devour and a cozy blanket for your exposed legs.
You’ve learned a bit more about him through your backseat chronicles. Jaemin is possibly one of the only people in your life with a heart bigger than his own body, while also being as carefree as he can. Oddly enough, he cares about you as his friend and as his companion. Not to mention the ridiculous, yet endearing nickname, “Lucky Charm”, that he has coined upon you.
Jaemin has been the best adventure you’ve had in ages. While he takes you on intoxicating thrill rides on the leather of his back seats, every street race has been more than unforgettable. He shares one of the same values as you --- wanting to remember the present. You both know that you’ll remember each other enough for it to transcend into your next lives.
You have him to thank for your youthful experiences, to learn and dive into this new found world of mischief under his care. Jaemin treats you extraordinarily well, he’d never hurt a soul. He showers you in appraisal and carefulness, he’s attentive to your behavior and remembers your favorite things. And he reminds you almost every time you see him that he’s so grateful to have you in his life.
“Have you been touching yourself?” Jaemin’s bold question catches you off guard as it causes your hands to shyly hover over his unzipped jeans. When you glance up at him with soft innocent eyes, as if you’re guilty of a crime and wish to beg for forgiveness, his facial expression is serious and intimidating. 
“Continue, baby. You can be honest with me. Daddy isn’t going to punish you if you did.” His tone is sweet and light, but his eyes are dark and piercing. His lips are drawn tightly into a thin line, no curve in sight.
His finger grazes down your cheek gently as he admires your slightly parted lips and the way your eyelashes dance every time you blink. However, his other hand urges you to continue your previous action of getting him out of his restrictive jeans.
You nod, while rubbing his erection through his gray briefs that hug him so tightly. There’s a sharp intake of breath when you pull the waistband of his underwear down and his cock stands against his lower abdomen. “Do you think of me when you do?” His voice gets caught in his throat when you take him in your warm hand.
“Always.” You kiss his jawline and fix your position above his dick. Your slick pussy presses down against his shaft, coating it in your juices and rubbing his tip to your clit for a delicious sensation. Jaemin groans, his gaze dipping between your lower bodies and back to your face.
“My sweet (Y/N) thinks about her daddy fucking her senseless while she touches herself.” Jaemin chuckles darkly, grinding his hips harder against you. There is a shift in the atmosphere as he grips your hips and slowly enters your dripping hole. “That’s cute, baby.”
You hold onto his shoulders as his raw dick fills you to the brim, stretching you out like past nights. Gasps leave your body when he starts pulling all the way out to only have you sink back down. “Daddy, please just fuck me.”
Jaemin picks up his speed, knowing that you have a quiz due at midnight that you scolded him for forgetting earlier. The grip on his shoulders tighten as this man navigates your body all too well. He knows you like the back of his hand, fucking the spot that causes your body to lose control.
One of his favorite sights in the world is the view of your lips parted open with loud whimpers falling effortlessly. Your eyes roll back into your skull as his hips roll deeper into your walls, the tip hitting your sweet spot repeatedly.
“You’re always the best girl for me, aren’t you?” His hand wraps around your neck when you throw your head back, choking you lightly and your walls grip around his shaft. “I know you’re close. Cum on my dick, baby. Be a good girl.”
Jaemin’s tattoos shine under the moonlight when you peer down at him. His hooded eyes are intoxicated by the pure image of your fucked out body and he’s truly in love. “My good girl, come on baby.” He continues to encourage, his other hand giving you a smack on your ass when he drills mercilessly into you.
The familiar bubbling occupy your lower half and the feeling of release unravels all so suddenly. You fall forward, Jaemin lets go of your neck to hold your limp body close to him, your head on his shoulder as your orgasm overtakes you. He grinds his hips into you to prolong your shaking climax, cooing sweet nothings in your ear as his other hand takes a whole handful of ass to squeeze.
He bottoms out, filling you up to the rim to cum deep inside of you. Jaemin moans loudly, his cum spilling all over your walls. You two sit like that until he grows soft, pampering your temples with gentle kisses. Jaemin remembers to take care of you, no matter what.
While you’re in his arms, he reaches for sanitary wipes in the side compartments. He lifts your hips slowly to pull out and you sigh at the emptiness. Gently, he swipes at the dripping cum from your pussy and makes sure that you’re all cleaned up before getting dressed.
“So, you want to tell me why you’ve been MIA for the past five days?” Rolling your eyes, you pull up your panties and fix the last decency of your hair.
“Car meets that are too far for me to take you.” His thumb rubs your chin lovingly and Jaemin’s eyes are so bright and mesmerizing, you find that it’s hard to look him in the eye at times.
“Not because you’ve been hooking up with other girls?” There is a tinge of sarcasm that laces your rhetorical question and though you don’t expect him to give you an actual answer, you take note of his reaction. Jaemin raises an eyebrow, clearing his throat and looking out the window away from you.
“And if I was?” Truthfully, that question hurt you more than your’s hurt him. His hand rests underneath his chin as he patiently waits for your answer. He admires the clear night sky and the rundown abandoned liquor store that stands all by itself.
“What do you want me to say?” Question after question, a stiff tension replaces the sex of the car.
“I’ll take you back now.” Jaemin crawls back to the driver’s seat, completely ignoring your confused figure. He has always been quite like this: going aloof whenever he wants to dodge something. However, it’s been happening more frequently the past times you two have been seeing each other.
The truth is simple, yet entirely complex at the same time. You and Jaemin aren’t dating, despite always going out together and him posessively introducing you to other men. You and Jaemin aren’t dating.
Nevertheless, it doesn’t stop you from growing feelings for him and you can tell that this happens too often for the attractive boy. He can’t have a fuckbuddy that won’t fall head over heels for him. But who could really blame you? Even if all this time Jaemin was pretending that he cared about you, he still pampers you like a princess; he still tells you he does.
But when it comes to discussion about advancing into something more, he hides and grows silent. This has you wondering, maybe this entire thing to him is all sex? And he can’t love you back the way you do.
No one knows his heart, not even himself. He’s never wanted to complicate his life, it’s always been about two things: racing and having fun. There is no easy way to explain it all, the thoughts that flood his mind and heart, so he chooses every way to ignore it. Overall, he’s genuinely lost. You are one source of stability in his life that he isn’t willing to let go, ever. But just because he won’t let you go, doesn’t mean that you won’t take the chance to leave when you’re fed up with him.
This has him wondering, how far can he push before he pushes you too far?
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just walk.” Tonight is unsettling, it usually doesn’t end like this. Jaemin locks the car doors and turns around to reach for your hand. “Jaemin, open the door.”
“I want you to say that you hate when I sleep with other people.” Jaemin confesses all too wildly as his hand lightly squeezes around your wrist. “And I want you to mean it.” He’s only speaking words of truth that haven’t had the time to process in his own thoughts.
“I hate when you sleep with other people.” And you do mean it. You mean it more than anything you’ve ever said to this man. Jaemin just sighs, bringing your wrist to his lips for a lasting kiss.
“Can I drive you home?” Jaemin asks softly, eyes dipping down to the leather seats and avoiding all need for eye contact.
“Yes, Jaemin.” He pulls you back into the passenger seat and drapes the soft blanket over your exposed legs. “Hopefully, I still have time to take my quiz.”
“Can I come inside?” Jaemin coolly turns his marble wheel to reverse out of the parking space, a hand resting on the shoulder of your seat as he does a double take behind him for any pedestrians, even if you two are far out in the middle of nowhere and there isn’t anyone around; Jaemin knows you have the hots for him when he does that specific move.
“What do you mean? You’ve already cum inside.”
It’s the sound of disappointment as his tongue tsks at you and he flicks lightly at your forehead. He steps on the acceleration, revving the annoying engine that roars throughout the peaceful night. The multicolored lights illuminate around his stereo and at your feet, creating the Rainbow Road right out of Mario Kart. 
Jaemin isn’t like the others who pay close attention to the details of his car. His motto goes, “if I like it, I’m going to have it.” Whether or not anything matches goes beyond his worries.
In some ways, his car is a mirror of his own personality --- wild and free, colorful and welcoming. And his skills as a driver? Safe, no matter how far the speedometer goes, Jaemin always makes you feel safe.
“I mean come inside your room for aftercare. You know how much I hate leaving you without a proper cuddle.” He pouts and almost immediately his cute baby tone comes out with his beg. Almost subconsciously, Jaemin lays his right palm open facing up to invite yours in. Almost routinely, you lace your hands to complete his hold. Getting Jaemin to smile has never been easier as his hold grows tighter.
“You can’t stay over tonight though. My housemates are doing some Single Girls Only house event tomorrow and it starts immediately when we wake up.” You laugh as the ridiculous words fill the air.
“And you’re participating in that?” Jaemin mindlessly asks and you’re unable to differentiate his implications from the question. Is he asking because the idea is horrendously nothing you’d like to do or he’s implying that you’re not single?
“Why wouldn’t I?” Sounding rather harsher than intended, Jaemin finally realizes how poorly he had worded his previous question. Yet, a part of him feels disappointment whirling in his chest and a desire to feel wanted by you.
“Doesn’t seem like something you’d like: wallowing in your singleness.” He chuckles, remaining lighthearted and playful.
“I really don’t.” Jaemin brings your knuckles up to his lips for a lingering kiss, his eyes darting quickly on the road ahead now that you’ve entered the metropolitan areas and his speed drops significantly to avoid getting ticketed.
“I’ll come pick you up. Instead of being single tomorrow, you’ll be on a date.” When you turn to examine his facial expression, the serious tension in his jawline and focused eyes alarm you. Your stomach twists into knots and if he couldn't already tell, your palms grow sweaty at his offer.
“That’s such a slap in the face to them.” Pulling your hand away from his, you cross your arms and lean your head against the cold window. “I don’t think I can do that to them.”
“I have a race tomorrow.” He starts, his head tilting over at you with his round gorgeous begging eyes, “at least, come to that with me.”
“Okay, but only because I want to see Haechan.” As if it wasn’t moments ago, Jaemin was the one balls deep in you and now you’re spewing enthusiasm for another man. It’s all a joke, a way for you to conceal your undying attraction for Jaemin.
You still remember the first time you met the sunshine that is Haechan and the jealousy that seeped from Jaemin’s words when he noticed the exchange of flirtation. Haechan is someone you’d knowingly gravitate towards: a man with a loud personality that just knows how to conduct every personality in the room. And at that moment, Jaemin couldn’t tell if being more observant was a good or bad thing.
Jaemin never saw himself as outgoing as his other friends, staying more kept in his own circle, but he had the confidence to fake it. He’s bold, rather impulsive and slightly narcissistic, Jaemin knows how to use his strengths very well. 
However, when he saw the soft smirk on Haechan’s face and your shy mannerisms, a small tinge in his chest ignited a died out flame. He didn’t realize it before, but that was the very start of his long tumble of feelings for you.
“Do you say those things to purposefully get me jealous?” Jaemin rests his hand on your thigh, giving it a harsh squeeze. His eyes never leave the road and his tone reverts back to his dominant tone.
“Well, are you jealous?” It’s like you two dance in circles, answer questions with a question does not stop.
And as bratty as your tone is, you don’t expect the quick “yes” that answers back and the smoldering look he gives you briefly before focusing back on the drive.
“Then good.” You huff, ready to hop out of the car after the odd, yet sensual tension. Jaemin pulls up to your house and double parks the car to lean in for a nightly goodbye kiss.
“You’re not coming in?” You try to read his facial expressions, but he hides his emotions too perfectly.
His lips curl into a smile before saying, “I think it’s better I cool off tonight.” And you mindlessly give him a peck, but he holds your face to deepen it. Through the kiss, you can feel the neediness by the way Jaemin shoves his tongue into your mouth. The taste of lust against your palette is difficult to ignore, but your academically responsible mind screams at you about your forgotten quiz.
Your hand lightly taps at his chest and he pulls away, his eyes drinking up your swollen lips. “I have a quiz, Jaemin.”
“I know, sorry. It’s just so easy to get lost in you.” Jaemin kisses your cheek once more before you exit. You smile back at him as his words have grown a strong effect on you lately. Bidding him goodbye, he wishes you sweet dreams as he patiently makes sure you’re fully inside your house.
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“Is the music too loud?” Jaemin checks over at your hunched figure in the passenger seat. You’re diligently flipping through your thick textbook, a yellow highlighter in one hand and the other comfortably holding Jaemin’s.
The worst part of college is the never ending midterms that are given at any time. Studying in his car isn’t a rare sight, if anything it is more expected than you not doing anything related to your academics. But Jaemin genuinely doesn’t mind, even being mindful about his own actions to ensure an optimal studying space for you.
He really is an ideal guy. Like his first promise, he keeps you well fed and never once asks you for any monetary pay back. Jaemin adjusts the car temperature before you even step into the vehicle, knowing that you prefer wearing less clothes rather than more. Though he isn’t academically responsible, he still makes the effort to try and understand enough information to pass his classes.
The sole flaw would be the lack of open communication. It’s genuinely difficult for you to read his emotions or intentions. Jaemin always has a dazed look in his eyes whenever he looks at you, and it’s an internal fight about whether or not you’re being delusional.
“Music is fine, honey.” The mindless use of a pet name slips from your lips, but your concentration on neoliberalism and globalization doesn’t allow for you to notice.
Nevertheless, Jaemin catches on immediately to the usage. While he showers you in ridiculous nicknames, you’re not one to do so. “Honey?”
“Yes?” You answer back carelessly, not entirely actively listening to him as you highlight an important concept in your book.
“No, you called me honey.”
Looking up from your page, you blink at him with wide eyes and mouth slightly agape. “I did?”
Jaemin chuckles and finally pulls into the overly crowded parking lot, a whole mass of fanboys cheering at the arrival of his flashy vehicle. Everyone just loves Jaemin.
This familiar scene plays like a reel --- several high beams cast light under the dark sky due to the lack of functioning street lamps, dizzy multicolored cars that blaze the tracks, and the all too distinct smell of musky cologne in the chilly air. Oh, and the wide eye admirable stares when you get out of the car.
“Hi, you’re stunning.” A bold new recruit blinks at you in complete awe and awkwardly clears his throat once he realizes his rash comment.
Jaemin raises an eyebrow at him, then at how you plan on handling the situation. You’re flattered, nonetheless, but know that Jaemin didn’t bring you here to flirt with other men. “Thank you. I hope you enjoy your membership in the Ridin’ Club.”
The gracefulness in your delicate voice has the youthful recruit swooning and subtly giddy as he runs off to join a group of others that have been eying you across the parking lot. Jaemin casually drapes his leather jacket over your exposed shoulders, knowing the temperature change is going to result in you most likely catching a cold and because you never bring a jacket despite his plea.
“The power you hold.” Jaemin winks at you before pulling you into a larger crowd to socialize with more impressionable recruits.
“Ah, so you’re (Y/N)!” The stranger is unrecognizable, but you giggle to acknowledge his confident statement. “We haven’t met before, but Jaemin was talking about you the other night at our motorcycle meet.”
Your eyes light up, as if you’ve unlocked a new fun fact of Na Jaemin. “You drive a motorcycle too?” You’re truly shocked at the talent of this man.
Jaemin snakes his arm around your lower waist to draw you closer to his side. “Yeah, but I can’t fuck you in a motorcycle, can I?”
Before the other men can comment on the obvious sexual tension that Jaemin created, he leans in to whisper into your ear. “Actually, I can, but we’ll save our decency from unwanted exposure.” His hot breath grazes against the shell of your ear and you just know where you two are going to end up tonight.
“Bro, you guys probably fuck in the backseat of his car.” One of them chimes recklessly, punching at each others’ chest playfully as if he made a decent joke.
“Why don’t you stay to find out?” Jaemin retorts and the grip on your hip becomes tighter. You’re too flustered to add much into this odd form of competitive banter, distracted by none other than the way Jaemin keeps glancing over at you with a delicious gleam in his eyes.
“So what? You don’t care about us now?” You’d know that bratty tone from anywhere as Lee Haechan pushes past everyone else to rush over to the both of you.
“Aw, are your feelings hurt?” Jaemin sticks his tongue out at his friend before cordially sharing a handshake with him.
“Just slightly.” Haechan looks over at you with a wide grin and playful eyes, “hello, my pretty girl.”
“Drop the possessives, Haechan.” Jaemin rolls his eyes with an irritable twitch on his lips.
He hates how obviously jealous he gets. It’s something too difficult for himself to control, he’s exhausted his efforts to bite his tongue whenever it comes to other people’s flirtations. The thought of someone else calling you theirs doesn’t sit well with him.
“I understand your jealousy, Jaem. If someone was flirting with (Y/N), I wouldn’t be able to stand it either.” Haechan fixes the falling jacket on your shoulders. “But she can handle herself, I know those pretty lips have a mind of their own.” His gaze drops momentarily, yet obvious enough for you to grow shy at how strong Haechan is coming off tonight.
“Stop trying to corrupt her, that’s my job.” Jaemin playfully pushes at Haechan’s chest and they both break out laughing.
“I haven’t said one thing and you’re both talking about me as if I’m not here.” Your small pout is literally the cutest thing to Jaemin. He physically has to stop himself from planting the sweetest kiss on it.
It’s blatantly clear that you’re hot stuff. You’re the perfect example of a head turner, your captivating aura has its ability to suffocate those around you. However, Jaemin has seen all sides of you, but overall finding you so entirely cute. And oddly enough, Jaemin has a knack for cute things.
“Is that (Y/N) I hear?” Huang Renjun engulfs you in a hug, showing clear affection and doesn’t mind doing so. “How did your project go?”
“It went well. You accomplish a lot when you don’t procrastinate.” Renjun gleams at your statement and if Jaemin is delusional enough, he’d probably mistaken the twinkle in his eyes for infatuation instead of admiration.
“You’re so responsible, why are you messing with Jaemin?” Renjun sighs and though his question is more of a joke, there is some truth behind his words.
Your friendship with his friends differ immensely compared to other girls who have come around. Like Jaemin had said before, his boys were going to like you and they do, a lot. Sometimes making it obvious that you’re too good for him.
Jeno comes up from the side, an unidentifiable bruise on his neck and a new cut on his brow. Lee Jeno being such a rough character, his appearance speaks well about how his day has been.
But when he lays his eyes on you, it’s as if all his pain is replaced with joy and security. “(Y/N)! I haven’t seen you in so long!” The enthusiastic boy rushes over to greet you with a warm smile.
“I’m pretty sure I was here a week ago.” You laugh, but welcome him in your arms for a tender friendly hug and pat his head out of habit.
“It’s been a week?! That’s so long.” Jeno narrows his eyes at Jaemin and flicks his forehead.
“Ow!” Jaemin exclaims while rubbing the pain away. “You act like she doesn’t go to the same school as us and therefore, can see her any time you want to.” The tone in Jaemin’s voice raises some eyebrows as they all exchange glances to each other before bursting into laughter.
“Like your jealous ass would allow for that?” Haechan remarks and Jaemin doesn’t outwardly react. However, Jaemin’s hand is squeezing you so tight that you’re more than certain he’s bothered by the comment.
“Oh, stop it. You all know I’m Team Jaemin. He does have the most wins this past month.” You only know that through Jaemin’s proud boasting, anything else in the racing world is unknown to you.
Jaemin situates you in between his legs as he slightly sits on the hood of his car. His arms wrap around your middle and chin rests on your shoulder. Public display of affection isn’t a problem for him, and you learned much earlier that Jaemin can’t keep his hands off of you.
Renjun scoffs at your whimsical fact, in absolute disbelief. “It hurts more hearing you say it. I’m getting my car upgraded, but once it’s done, I’m going to blaze his ass on the tracks.”
“Are you racing today?” Jeno asks the blue haired fellow that clings onto you like a koala.
“Yeah, against a newbie. Apparently he’s really good, so I’m not too sure I’ll win.” Jaemin mumbles into your hair.
“You say that every time, yet you win!” Renjun crosses his arms, weight shifting to his left leg as he pops his hip out. There is always a sense of competition between anyone with Renjun.
Jaemin perks up behind you and when you turn around in his arms, you’re face to face with a beaming smile. “That’s because I have you.” Eyes lock with yours, he isn’t saying that directed to Renjun. Na Jaemin has you wrapped around his pinky, the butterflies fluttering in your stomach are too hard to ignore.
“Alright, lovebirds. Get in your car and let’s start this shit.” Haechan groans and claps his hands to draw the crowd’s attention. Cupping them around his mouth, he roars into the starry night, “let’s roll!”
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During the race, Jaemin’s number one priority is to keep you safe. While you’ve sat in his car for a number of times now, it’s different once the loud bang goes off and he’s hitting 100 mph. Tonight’s track is much more dangerous, with twists and turns that can have the vehicle flying weightlessly if he’s not careful.
“You trust me, right?” Jaemin has both hands on the wheel and the engine rumbling as you both anticipate the start of the race.
Spectators watch on the sidelines as if it’s the ultimate battle, but Jaemin doesn’t pay them much mind. He’s more concerned about you instead. “Of course. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now. You’ve proven yourself that you’re an excellent driver, so let’s win this.”
Jaemin smirks at your encouraging words, feeling a warmth spread across his chest. “I’ll tap out any time you want me to, okay?”
You nod and the initial whip of the car is so intense that you didn’t even register the sound off. It’s not your first race, but it’s been awhile since the last one. When you adjust to the pressure, the lanes in front of you cause a slight queasiness in your stomach.
It’s a two lane windy road that wraps around the mountain side and Jaemin happens to be in the outer lane. All it takes is a second of lost control and you two will hit the metal railings that guard the cliff below. Despite your inner panic, Jaemin guides you through the pooling anxiety that leaves you restless.
“(Y/N), look up and out the window. We’re coming up on the cliff side view, I’ve always wanted to bring you here.” Your eyes land on the dazzling glitter that dances on the ripples of the lake. It’s so vast, the moon high up in the sky is reflected on the water below. It’s a romantic scene of melancholy and bliss. Suddenly, you feel at peace in the middle of this high speed race.
“It’s beautiful, Jaem.” You whisper calmly and he’d reach for your hand to hold, but races take too much wheel control. And he’d turn to look at you, but races take too much concentration on the road ahead.
But throughout every obstacle, he hears the gentleness and the solidarity in your cadence in the midst of all the high stress. He, too, feels peace. He feels calm knowing that you’re simply by his side, even in the face of danger. So, he can finally admit to himself… he genuinely developed feelings for you.
Before you know it, you’re thrusted side to side from the sharp turns and the adrenaline kicks in when the other racer catches up right next to Jaemin. “Fuck,” Jaemin curses underneath his breath and steps harshly on the acceleration. “Baby, I’m going to go a bit faster so hold onto something.” He warns and your hand finds the grab handle. It’s neck and neck at this point.
Usually, you squeeze your eyes shut to avoid becoming too overwhelmed by the sights in front of you. Tonight is different, not entirely knowing why, you’re observing every element that circles around the perimeter.
The finish line is up ahead, but there is no sign that the other racer is slowing down. Then, you see it: the fatal mistake that can cost you both of your lives if you didn’t catch it. “Jaemin, watch out!” You yelp when the other car inches dangerously close, your warning allows Jaemin to make a controlled swerve away from a possible hit.
Jaemin shakes his head and tsks at the recklessness. “Now I know why he’s good. It’s foul play.” He blows his bang out of his eyes and casually says, “thank you for warning me. This is why I need you by my side.”
He makes it to the finish line barely before the other, winning the race by half a second. Jaemin brakes smoothly, tire marks scrapping the concrete below, and you both exit the car to celebrate with everyone else.
But before the mass of eager shouting men make their way over to you two, Jaemin hurries to your side to pull you into a steamy, rewarding kiss. The scene is just like the movies; his hand on your lower back and yours on his chest lightly. His lips taste like triumph, like he had won more than just a simple race against a random stranger. He’s won the best person he could ever have.
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You two fled the scene after cussing out the other racer. It was a rare sight to see: Jaemin being all bothered and angry, practically fuming after scrambling back into the driver’s seat. However, your mind had mischievous plans of its own and all it took was one look from his hooded eyes for you to announce that you wanted him --- badly.
Back in your usual abandoned parking lot, Jaemin pauses before following you to the back seats. With the engine off and the dead of the night being absolute silent, the tension remains thick around you two. “(Y/N),” Jaemin is about to confess something he never thought he’d admit. He turns to you sitting in the middle seat with just your panties on and a curious look on your face.
His heart burns and despite being so incredibly aroused, he controls his urges enough to be able to say, “I’m into you.”
“I know you’re into me, that’s how we ended up like this in the first place.” You giggle cluelessly to his words, still not understanding the odd shift in mood and intentions. It’s always his unclear, messy intentions.
Though he can’t entirely figure out his puzzle pieces, he has plenty to connect the dots. “I like you. I want to be in a relationship with you and call you my girlfriend.”
You’re stunned. Did Jaemin just confess to you as you sit in your panties ready to fuck? This softness is different from the sides you’ve seen of him. It’s similar to a lost bunny, wandering grasslands to find a purpose. He looks so fragile, one intense stare and he’d crumble. This softness is vulnerability.
“So do it.” The boldness catches him off guard, but switches on the dominance in him. “If you want me, come show it.”
He climbs over the middle console to push you into the leather seats. “Not acting shy anymore, are you?” Practically ripping your shirt off of you, he cups your breast lightly and flicks at your nipples. Your immediate reaction results in a rush of wetness down your core.
“Before I forget,” sitting up, you share a passionate kiss that you’ve held back long enough. You give it every ounce of feeling you have for him. “If it isn’t obvious enough, I like you too.”
“It’s obvious, baby.” Kissing your nose, he wraps a hand around your throat to lightly push you back down. “But hearing you say it out loud makes me happy.” Jaemin smirks, hand still choking you gently and pampering your jawline with soft kisses.
His free hand reaches down into your dripping panties, circling your clit with your wetness. The sensation causes you to whimper for more. “Daddy, give it to me.” You wiggle in his palm, knowing that the nickname is more than effective.
“My sweet (Y/N) wants to get fucked?” Jaemin rolls your underwear off and rids himself of his own bottoms.
“Yes, please.” Through the darkness, his hard dick stands proudly. Jaemin lines himself up as he thrusts into you without another second of hesitation. He waits for you to adjust to his size, his tip barely grazing your sweet spot. “Fuck…”
“You take me so well, my pretty baby.” Jaemin starts moving his hips, slowly at first to build a rhythm. Taking your legs, he presses them into your chest to fuck you at a deeper angle. And you feel him practically in your guts, his cock pumping against your walls deliciously and bumping into your g-spot. “Do you want more of me?”
Your train of thought is in utter shambles and whatever Jaemin is saying to you barely processes. You’re overwhelmed by a pleasure that fills every system, every part of your body. To answer him, you let out an incoherent noise of approval.
Jaemin pulls your hips down while thrusting forward into you, maximizing every inch of his strokes. This single action causes you to scream and grip onto the headrest. “Who knew my sweet girl could be so fucking dirty?” Jaemin chuckles darkly, his cadence dropping several decibels. “When I first met you, I wanted to ruin you.”
All of his filthy words edge you closer to your release as he continues to repeat his previous motion. He holds your hips in place to grind into you, the feeling of his tip rubbing your walls has your eyes rolling back. “Do you want to cum, (Y/N)?”
“Yes!” You yell, the tight ball in your lower abdomen is bound to break any minute. “I want to cum so badly, please.” You beg and moan, the arch in your back lifts you from the seat of the car. Jaemin snaps his hips into you, drilling you quickly to reach your high. And you break. An euphoric cry fills the air as your walls clench around his length. You hear the extra wetness create a slick noise, but Jaemin isn’t done with you yet.
“You wanted to cum so fucking badly. I’ll reward you with one more for being such a good girl for me.” His thumb flicks at your clit and you convulse into spasms from the sensitivity. Your violently shaking legs can’t hold themselves up anymore and Jaemin rests them on his shoulders. He lines kisses along your ankle as the pleasure overtakes you.
“I don’t think I can do it.” You whine, your fingers twisting and toes curling.
“You are going to try, okay baby?” He coos, but it’s most definitely a demand. He sits back on his knees to pick up more speed, fucking endlessly into your swollen pussy and thumb rubbing fast strips against your bud.
“I’m going to snap, Jaem.” You cry, tears rimming your eyes and before you know it, a second wave hits you. Your second orgasm is ruinous and has you squirming around to regain some sense of control.
“Oh fuck, you’re so beautiful.” Jaemin slows down as your walls grip around him again, tighter this time. “I’m going to fill you up with cum,--- watch it drip out of you.” He grunts while releasing into you, his dick twitching and spraying your insides with white.
He pulls out as hot, white cum spills from your pussy. You take this moment to catch your breath and relax your legs. However, Jaemin coats his two fingers and shoves the cum back into you. “Jaemin!” You exclaim at the sudden intrusion.
He curls them into your plushy walls and finger fucks you into another oblivion. “Wait, again?” Your hands wrap around his wrist, but Jaemin moves too fast for you to catch it.
You’re a moaning mess again, louder than before. Jaemin leans down and flicks his tongue against your overstimulated bundle of nerves. Your back arches automatically and a low animalistic scream rises from your throat.
He observes your body lines underneath the moonlight and the last remaining light the broken street lamps have to offer. Your face contours and you’re so far out into ecstasy that you don’t notice how intensely Jaemin watches you lose yourself.
“It feels too good!” With one last thrilling orgasm, you almost pass out and you see small stars of dizziness. He soaks up every last bit of your cathartic reaction and festers a small sense of pride that he can make you feel all this pleasure.
“Such a good girl. You’re beyond impressive, baby.” Jaemin pulls his fingers out to lick them clean and finds some wipes to help you out of your sticky situation.  
“Now that you’re my girlfriend, can we cuddle at any time now? Not just as after care.” He peers up at you and the one word enacts a burning warmth to spread across your chest. That is the best nickname he can call you by.
“I think the Singles Girls Only house event is still going on, but after that, yes a million times.” You laugh and wrap your arms around him into a big loving hug.
Jaemin feels right at home. All the long years of living carelessly and wild, he’s finally found someone worth the extra mile. While Jaemin was a thriving adventure to be explored, you were his comfort to run back to.
It is through the intimacy of your backseat chronicles that Jaemin was able to fall deeper for you. You’re his lucky charm, for some reason, he always feels better around you. 
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Out of this world hq fanfics, my favorites (part two)
Please check trigger warnings before reading any of these fics. <3
I’m also taking requests for recommendations. Just fill out the form in the pinned post on my page.
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Title: Something Like Us
Author: the_madame21 
No Archive warnings
Rating: E
Ship: Iwaizumi/Oikawa (IwaOi)
Length: 10 chapters, 28,916
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: Friends since childhood, Oikawa and Iwaizumi now live together, both playing for the National Team. It's no secret that athletes who are bonded perform better. So if the two of them happen to bond...It'd be for the good of the team, right?
The words in the stars say: Shawtys, don’t yell at me for recommending another Omegaverse fic, it’s so good though, and I’m just goin down my list of favs and they were right under each other. Anyways, I love this fic. This story persistently describes the pinning on both sides perfectly. You can clearly see the turning point when Oikawa’s goal changes as the bond further affects his and Iwa’s lives, both positively and negatively. This is one of my favorite IwaOi Omegaverse fics. This story gives the understanding of being connected to the one you love, no matter how it came about, a completely different meaning.
I rate this fic 10 aliens out of 10, please read and if you do talk to me about the convenience store scene, it’s my favorite part :).
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10991091/chapters/24479244
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Title: Twitch
Author: CheekyBrunette
No Archive warnings
Rating: Not rated
Ship: Kageyama/Hinata (KageHina)
Length: 6 chapters, 72,501 words
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: "He was aware of the itch he’d feel before he shook his head or scrunched his nose. He recognized the impulse to move, but he didn’t realize how compulsive the behaviors had become. He had to shake his head. He had to scrunch his nose. He had to shrug his shoulders over, and over, and over.It wasn’t until he was nine-years-old that Shouyou realized he couldn’t control his movements like other kids could."
The words in the stars say: I really loved this AU. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it at first but as I kept reading I enjoyed it more and more. In this fic Hinata having Tourette's made so much sense. I love how the author used actual habits Hinata has in the anime, explained them in the story, and how they work with Tourette’s. The difference between who Kageyama was in the beginning, compared to how he was at the end made me so happy. He clearly learned how he should be treating Hinata with or without feelings and Hinata’s Tourette’s. Such a sweet read for my Kagehina stans. 
I rate this fic 10 aliens out of 10.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6103802/chapters/13991060
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Title: The Outside Edge
Author: Ray (RayWritesStuff) 
No Archive warnings
Rating: M
Ship: Bokuto/Akaashi (BokuAka)
Length: 30 chapters, 201,662 words
Status: Incomplete. Hasn’t been updated since 2/15/21 (Imma cry)
Author’s summary: Akaashi Keiji is a competitive figure skater, and has been his whole life. Ever since he could remember, he's always been pushed by everyone around him to be great. To never fail. To satisfy his mother's desire of him going to the Winter Olympics.Everything was going fine for him, his routine at the rink with his friends running smoothly. Until one day, the University Hockey team was temporarily moved to his rink. Thanks to his meddling best friend, Akaashi is pushed into introducing himself to well-known hockey star Bokuto Koutarou. His attraction to the wild-eyed and kind-hearted man is almost instant.Akaashi soon finds himself falling all to fast for his liking. Before he could catch himself, he was pushed out of his comfort zone and into worlds beyond. As his new relationship with Bokuto blossoms, he learns that his worth is so much more than his performance, and to accept the haunting truths in his life he's been running from for so long.
The words in the stars say: I’m a sucker for figure skater x hockey player au’s and man, WHY ARE THEY ALWAYS INCOMPLETE. *SLAMMING ON DESK NOISES* I love them so much, lmk if yall find any others. This fic was just *kiss*. I loved it. It represented Akaashi so well and his mental state as a figure skater. I got the whole experience, I finished it and then went ice skating (unplanned, surprisingly). Bokuto is such a sweet heart and every time he forgave Akaashi while he was struggling, warmed my heart (unlike my fingers while I type this sheesh). I adored the IwaOi, DaiSuga, and KuroKen in the background. 
10/10 completely. I love this fic so much even with it being abandoned. </3
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24690535/chapters/59671282
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Title: A Thousand Cuts
Author: lettersinpetals
Underage - Archive Warning
Rating: Teen and up
Ship: Sakusa/Atsumu (SakuAtsu)
Length: 3 chapters, 37,963 words
Status: Complete
Author’s summary: “I’m Atsumu! What’s your name?” The boy mumbled out an answer, and because his voice was muffled by his mask, all Atsumu heard was “...Omi.”“Omi?”“Kiyoomi,” the boy said in a much clearer voice. But Atsumu was already attached to the name. “Omi-Omi! Let’s go!” Shamelessly, he grabbed him by the hand and tugged him behind him. He felt responsible for him — the boy clearly needed all the protection and guidance he could get. Atsumu can be his hero.--The story started when the Sakusa family moved into their neighborhood in Amagasaki when they were nine. Atsumu would always remember that he saw Kiyoomi first.
The words in the stars say: Lettersinpetals has to be one of my absolute favorite hq fic writers. Their SakuAtsu fics are the ones I will ALWAYS rec. This story is a beautiful rollercoaster. I don’t even know how many times I cried (happy ending dw dw) while reading this. I love the childhood friends AU for SakuAtsu plus Osamu and Suna’s drama that pulls you into a heartbreaking story. Lettersinpetals blows me away every damn time I read a fic of theirs. PLEASE PLEASE, read this fic. 
I rate this 10 out of 10 aliens.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27094666/chapters/66160312
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Title: Butterfly in the Subway
Author: bigspoonnoya @plotghosts​ 
No Archive warnings
Rating: Teen and up
Ship: Daichi/Sugawara (DaiSuga)
Length: 14 chapters, 62,872 words
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: Sugawara Koushi has no idea he's already in love with the man he's supposed to hate
The words in the stars say: This fic. Oh my god. This fic made me want to have a penpal I write love letters to even when I have no idea who they are. I’m a sucker for poetry and letters, this story was a dessert for me. I adore Suga owning a bookstore. Also the background KageHina, AsaNoya, and TsukkiYama? YES. This fic lives in my head rent free in English class. The scene in the café with Suga and Daichi, I just- *dies*. Read this fic now. It’s amazing and I reread it all the time when I’m sad, such a heartfelt read. I can’t express how much I love this fic.
!!!!SPOILER!!!!  “I hoped. I wanted it to be you.” *sobbing* !!!!SPOILER!!!!
I rate this fic 10 out of 10 aliens. 
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3576108/chapters/7880601
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<3 -Cal
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write-orflight · 3 years
Watch Over Me: Chapter One
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**Gif Not Mine**
Prev -  Next
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Rating: M
Words: 3.2K
Warnings: none for this chapter: innuendo, language
Summary: Steve Rogers learns about the future from a woman stuck in the past.
A.N This is my jazz club reader fic I’ve been talking about writing. This fic isn’t gonna be long but I like it so I hope yall do too. I’m not using my perm taglist because it’s different than my normal content. reply, message, or inbox to be tagged. Devil Has Lilith will be updated Saturday.
Slang used in this chapter:
Dish: An attractive Woman
Butter and egg man: The money man, the man who comes to town to blow a big wad in nightclubs.
Dip the bill: Have a drink.
Corn: Bourbon
Cake-eater: A ladies’ man
Jalopy: An old car.
Drop a dime: Make a phone call
Chapter 1: There's a somebody I'm longin' to see 
“I can’t watch this anymore!” Tony said storming into the compound’s kitchen one night.  Steve looked up from his sketchbook in confusion. “I can’t watch you sit in here another friday night. It’s tragic!” 
“Ugh, not this again, Tony.” Steve says, sighing. Nat and Bucky begin snickering next to him, knowing where the conversation was going. 
“Yes, this again. Cap, I excused it for the first couple of years because you were adjusting to the times but it’s been years! If you’re not on a mission, you don’t go out! Sometimes, when Pep is having trouble sleeping I describe your social life to her, puts her right slee--” 
“Alright, I get it!” Steve cuts him off, slapping Bucky, who was in full hysterics at this point, in the arm. “I know my personal life is--” 
“Non-existent?” Nat provides.   
“Dead?” Tony adds, laughing.  
“But it’s my personal life. I’m over 100 years old. If I looked it, you guys wouldn’t be questioning my staying home.”   
“Exactly, if you looked it, I wouldn’t. But you are not that old yet.” Tony says. “Come on, let’s just all go out once. If you don’t like it, I’ll never make you go out again. I’ll even get you a coloring book or a model ship, or whatever old people do.” 
“Fine.” Steve sighed, as the man next to him cheered. “But nothing like those places you typically go to. They’re too noisy and sweaty and--” 
“Yea I got it, old-timer. We’re not going anywhere like that.” Tony provides. “My friend recently opened a restaurant where their back room is a speakeasy, very accurately themed, you need a password and everything to get in. You’ll fit right in.” 
“Prohibition ended in the 30s.” Bucky says. “Long before Stevie could even drink.” 
“Even still, work with me a little here.” Tony says. 
“Fine.” Steve sighs.  
“Awesome. Now, you’ve got to come in costume to these things so I’ve already taken the liberty of telling my tailor to make you guys something.” 
“What if I had said no?” Steve asks. 
“Oh, Cap. You should know by now I don’t take no as an answer.” 
  Steve shifted uncomfortably in his uniform. It was almost exactly like the one he would wear out during down times in the war though he knew it wasn’t the real one as that one was in the Smithsonian. Still, Tony’s tailor did a good job with seemingly all the costumes. Tony looked almost identical to how Steve remembered Howard back in the day. Bucky was in a uniform that looked similar to his back in the day, Glove covering his metal hand. Natatsha was in a sleek red gown, white gloves and pearls that was more modest than he’d seen her wear but still made her look drop dead gorgeous. 
Tony led them down a dark alley to what seemed to be a back door. Steve looked around confused as they entered the smokey hallway. At the end of the hallway there were two large doors and a lady with pinned up hair and a black shimmery dress, smoking with her feet propped up on the desk she was sitting at. 
“Evening gentlemen.” She croons in an english accent. “And lady. Are you lost?” 
“We have a meeting with Dr. Volstead.” Tony says, confidently. 
The woman tilts her head back giving all of you a once over. “It’s a nice night, isn’t it?” She asks. 
“Yes, it is. But I prefer the rain.” Tony says.  
With that the woman stands and walks over to the large doors and knocks rhythmically 3 times. The doors open to reveal a large dance hall where couples are in full swing, laughing and drinking. A trio of girls crooned a faced paced song as a jazz band was playing behind them. For a moment, Steve did actually forget he was in the 21st century. 
“Enjoy Paradise, my friends.” The woman smiles, before shutting the doors to the outside world. 
You were in the kitchen, taking a much needed headache break from the facade you had been putting up for your tables all night long when your Co-worker, Dalia, came up to you. 
“Y/N, Y/N! You have to trade tables with me.” 
You looked at her with a suspicious look. “Why?” 
“Come on, It’s a 4-top anyway. I’ll even trade you the party table for it.” That made you even more suspicious. “50 bucks for it, come on.” 
“Don’t trade, Y/N/N!” Your co-worker and friend/roommate, Jade added. “Tony Stark is in your section. I bet she only wants to give you 50 for it because she knows she’ll make 500.” 
“Come on, that’s not even why.” Dalia groans. “Black Widow is also at your table and you know she’s on my ‘Celebrities I have to fuck before I die’ list.” 
“God, are the rest of the avengers here?” You ask. 
“Not all but you know who is here?” Jade asks. “Steve Rogers.” She says, in a mocking singsong tone, jabbing you. Your crush on Captain America wasn’t really a secret anymore after you confessed it drunk one night. “And he looks almost edible.”  
You hum, you didn’t really feel like taking another table but this wasn’t a normal table. You doubt you had a chance but you weren’t passing up on serving Steve Rogers. 
“I’ll make you a deal. I still want that 50 bucks and we share the table, I’ll consider splitting the tip.” You say, the idea of making your rent in a night did appease you. 
“Now ladies, I have a song to do.” You say, leaving the girls behind in the kitchen. 
Steve, for the first time in a while it seemed, was having fun. Tony was right, he did feel like he fit right in here. He clapped with the crowd, as the three girls bowed and left the stage. The piano man stood up and took the microphone Steve could tell was only styled to look old but actually wasn’t that old. 
“One more time for the Duclaw sisters folks.” The smooth voiced man said into the microphone, inciting another round of applause from the crowd. “Our next performer is actually the last of the night.” That incited a few ‘awws’ of disappointment. “Don’t cry just yet because Old Gary never disappoints, our next performer is my personal favorite. Sings like a Canary and the Cat who caught it.” That induces a laugh from the crowd and a small chuckle from Steve. “And maybe if you’re good she’ll come on for an encore later. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Sultry Sounds of Y/N L/N.” He says, moving from the mic back to the piano as the crowd cheers. Steve watches the stage as arguably the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen seems to glide out from the backstage. She’s wearing a floor length silver gown that seemed to glimmer with every step she took. Her hair came down in long fingerwaves, pinned back so you could see the sculpt of her face. Steve would be lying if he said that wasn’t his favorite part of her facade. She had on simple eyeliner, foundation, and a bold red lip he could probably see from mars. You were beautiful, in a timeless sort of way. 
“My, my.” She crooned in an sultry old new york accent that reminded Steve of the women he grew up around. “What would your wife say if she knew I was your favorite, Old Gary?” 
“She’d agree!” The man called from the piano, inducing the chuckle from the crowd. And a deep sultry one from you. 
“Well as they say, two’s just fine but three’s a party.” She winked at the old man in a way that would make Steve weak if he wasn’t already sitting. 
“You ok there, Cap?” Tony said, snapping Steve out of the mystery woman’s trance. “You disappeared for a second.” 
“I’m fine.” Steve said, fighting the flush that threatened to spread over his face. He looks out the side of his eye to Bucky, who was smirking at him knowingly. Of course, he knew. 
“You know, you saying something about being good got me thinking, Old Gary.” She said, as the man softly played behind her. “A good man is hard to find. Great men are great, bad men are good sometimes too.” She winked to the crowd. “But every girl wants a good man, someone to watch over her.” Old Gary seems to take the cue to start playing her song. 
“There's a saying old, says that love is blind. Still we're often told, ‘seek and ye shall find’” She began singing and it made Steve sit up in his seat. She had the kind of voice that was almost beckoning. She was becoming his own personal siren. “So I'm going to seek a certain lad I've had in mind”  
“She’s a looker, huh?” The server, who introduced herself as Dalia, said as she sat down Bucky’s drink. “Y/N’s the main dish of this place.” 
“I think I’m more interested in you, doll.” Bucky flirted, shamelessly. 
“And I think I’m more interested in dames, Soldier.” She says, winking to Natasha who smiles coyly at her. Steve hardly pays them any mind as his focus was on you as you finished your song and thanked the crowd and waved while Old Gary helped her off stage. 
You were changing from your stage outfit into your floor outfit when Dalia burst into the locker room.
“Y/N/N, I actually think I might have a chance with Widow. I mean, she’s kinda been ignoring me the whole night but when I mentioned I was into girls she smiled!” Dalia ranted, excitedly as you nodded. You turned your back to her so she’d get the clue to zip you up which she does. “Also, you should’ve seen the way Steve Rogers was watching you sing. He totally wants to hit that.” That makes you perk up a bit. 
“I doubt it. I have it under good authority that he hasn’t hit anything in over 70 years. I doubt I’m what he’s been waiting for.” You laugh. “Still, it’s fun to think about.” 
Dalia tugs you out of the locker room. “Come on, let's get back out there.” 
You sighed before stepping out of the locker room and seemingly out of this century. 
You fake laughed with a guest at the bar as you grabbed your tray of drinks and made your way over to the table that had been making you nervous all night. You placed the four whiskey rocks drinks on the tables. 
“Courtesy of Dean.” You say, placing the drinks down. Stopping at Tony Stark. “Don’t know why? You seem to be the butter and egg man out tonight. 
“Butter and egg?” He asks, looking to Steve and Bucky. 
“Means money man, High roller.” Bucky explains, Steve nods. 
“Ah, well I am that.” Tony says, laughing. “I must say Miss, what was it? Y/N?” You nod confirming. “I have to say you are quite the performer.” 
“Thank you kindly, Mr. Stark. Go ahead, dip your bill.” You say pointing to the drink, Hoping they’d get the hint. They did of course, after seeing Steve and Bucky take a sip. You watch Steve grimace slightly at the taste of the liquor. 
“Everything alright, fella?” 
You watch Steve flush at the attention being tossed his way. You can’t help the confident smirk that graced your face knowing it was you that had Steve Rogers flustered. “I’m fine, I just don’t enjoy the taste.” 
You hum. “Yea, it’s the big cheese’s favorite drink and he’s known for liking it rough.” You wink, somehow making Steve flush more. That made you want to push it more. “I’ve got some corn in the back they call the Y/N because it feels really good when it’s going down.” That makes Steve choke a little and induces a hearty laugh from the group. “Can I get you a glass, Soldier?”  
“Y-Yea, I’d like that.” Steve flushes. It was almost fun at this point. 
“I’d love to try the real thing.” Bucky says, flirting right back with a smirk you knew has to make every girl in the 40s weak in the knees. You didn’t indulge him though. 
“Well, aren’t you a regular cake-eater.” You smirk. “I’ll be back with two glasses.”  
“I see the serum didn’t enhance your ability to talk to pretty girls.” Bucky laughs as you want away. Steve can’t help but become a little distracted by the sway of your hips. 
The rest of the night seemed to go like that. You bringing them drinks and flirting with the captain anyway you could just to see the pretty flush that spread across his face. But soon the time came for the superheroes to take their leave. As you sat the check in front of Tony, you brushed a hand over the Captain’s shoulder admiring the broadness of them. 
“You’ll come back and see me, Sugar?” You say, phrasing it like a question despite it not really being one. Steve nods, dumbfounded by you. You smile and wink at him before walking away. 
You’re in the kitchen eating the pizza you had ordered earlier when your manager, Dean comes out of his office for the first time that shift. 
“Y/N!” You roll your eyes when you hear him scream your name. “What do you think you’re doing?!” 
“I’m eating dinner. Something I could’ve done on my break if I ever got one.” 
“You know you’re not supposed to be eating anything that couldn’t be made in the 30s. People pay for the illusion and if they see you gorging yourself on pizza, it ruins it.” 
“No one’s looking in the fucking kitchen, Dean.” 
“Uh-huh, and another thing. You know what kind of songs you’re supposed to sing.” You roll your eyes harder. You knew this argument was coming. “That song is from the 50s and you knew it.” 
“None of those bullshit hipsters know who Ella fucking Fitzgerald is!” You yell. “Much less what years her fucking songs came out. That song killed and that’s all that fucking matters.” 
“Change your set or you’re fired.” 
That makes you laugh in his face. “Uh-huh, as if you’re going to find a singer who’ll work as cheap as me.” You say, brushing past him. “See you tomorrow.” 
Steve comes back to the bar the following week. He tells himself that it’s just for a quick drink but he knew the real reason was because he could not stop thinking about you. He also knew you were probably just being friendly because it’s your job to. He just needed you to reject him so he could go on with his life. 
He found himself in that hallway again approaching the woman he had seen last week. 
“Evening, Sir.” She says. “Are you lost?” 
“Umm.. I have a meeting with Mr. Volstead?” Steve questions, not really recalling the password fully. 
The woman hums. “Nice night, no?” She says. 
“I prefer the rain.” 
The woman sighs. “I’m sorry. I typically would let you in because I don’t really care but technically I’m not supposed to let anyone who doesn’t know the password in… even if  they are kinda famous.” She says. “The password changes every week. I’m sure if you ask Mr. Stark, he can find it for you.” 
“Oh, no worries. Sorry for wasting your time.” Steve sighs, turning back out the building. 
He’s approaching where he parked his bike when he hears a string of expletives being screamed followed with a car stuttering before not starting. He looks over to see a woman angrily get out of her car and lift the hood to see it smoking. The woman lets out another stream of expletives before kicking the tire and leaning her head on the roof of the car, defeated. For some reason, he feels compelled to go over and see how he could help. As he got closer he couldn’t believe his luck, it was you. He tapped you lightly on the shoulder and you turned with the beginnings of tears in your eyes. 
“Oh, Soldier!” You said, quickly turning around to wipe your eyes and putting the facade you typically used with customers back up. “I almost got offended when you didn’t come back to see me. Imagine a broad’s old luck.” You said, smiling flirtatiously. Steve didn’t buy that smile for a second. He could see in your eyes you were still upset. 
“Everything okay?” He asks. 
“Oh, everything’s swell! This old jalopy has seen better days, gonna drop a dime to a friend hopefully--” You cut yourself off, switching into your normal speaking voice. “Listen, I’m sorry I just can’t keep talking like this off the clock. I’ll drive myself insane. Please, don’t tell my boss. I’m already on thin ice for not ‘maintaining the illusion’.” 
Steve laughs, a weight suddenly feeling lifted off his shoulders. Suddenly you weren’t this mysterious woman who seemed to have all the right things to say and how to say them. You were human, just like him. “Your secret’s safe with me.” He says. 
“Good.”  You say, smiling briefly. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’ve gotta call Triple A for a tow.” You say, pulling your cell phone out. Steve had to admit it looked a little weird to see you with a cellphone in your olden days attire. 
“How will you get home?” He asks. 
“I’ll probably hoof it.” You shrug. “Or take the subway.” 
“At night?!” Steve says, incredulously. “No, I can take you if you’d like.” 
You look at him, hopefully. “I don’t want to be a burden.” You say. 
“You won’t be one.” He smiles. God, that smile made you feel a little weak. 
“Okay.” You smile back. 
“Are you hungry by chance?” He asks, as the two of you walk back to his ride. “I was going to eat in the bar but I couldn’t remember the password.” He says, sheepishly. 
That makes you laugh out loud. “Those passwords are such bullshit, Dean keeps changing them to keep it ‘exclusive’ but they always end up online anyway.” You say. “Every server has their own password, to keep track of regulars coming in. If you tell them you have a rose delivery for Mae, They’ll take you to my table no questions.” 
“Mae?” Steve asks. 
“For Mae West.” You explain, That makes Steve laugh again, of course you liked Mae West. “I could eat though. There’s actually a diner right down the road from here.” 
“Perfect.” He says, straddling onto his bike. He raises an eyebrow at you when you hesitate. “Something wrong?” 
“I’ve never ridden on a bike before is all.” 
“As long as you hold on to me, you’ll be fine.” He says, smirking when he sees a flush creep over your face as he hands you his helmet. It was about time for you to be flustered by your interactions. 
“I have no problems with that.” You say, placing that helmet on your head after you straddle the bike behind him. Your hands are tight around his waist as the two of you ride out of the lot, leaving Paradise behind. 
Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink
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haiyuta · 5 years
|| sugarbaby.com || bang chan
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Summary: Struggling college student Y/n is on her last year of college as the bills stack she’s in a tough situation. Her roommate recommends her a website for local sugar daddies. That's where she meets Mr. Bang Chan a producer who is just a nice guy that has a lot of money.  
word count: 5.1k || genre: smut, lots of smut, kissing, dry humping, light choking, praise kink, soft dom chan, like soft, like he’s a caring daddy btw, light barely their daddy kink. 
a/ n: the end plot is so sloppyyyy but I put lots of plot and love and smut this could be better but its 5k of hard work so enjoy yall~
Chewing on your lip you eyed the website your finger hovering on and off the signup button.
Sugarbabys.com the website read on the front page in a quote read "where sugar babies meet high-quality Sugar daddies".
Taking your finger away you gave it a thought all the scenarios going through your head. What if it didn't go well? What if the men were creepy? Your friend already gave you tips 'meet in a public place' 'only if you want to you have to' things like that.
Your bank account was desperate though. Between school and working, you were left with little money. Lingering in the back of your brain you knew you couldn't the reality of having to borrow more money from your friend making you cringe.
Were you desperate enough for money to even sign up for this site? It was something you considered before knowing a few girls who used the website your roommate included for a while until she got what she wanted her debt paid off.
'Its easy just sign up it couldn't hurt' she explained to you. You grimaced it could hurt the many thoughts popped up in your head bad and good.
Your finger hovered over the signup button with great reluctance decided to sign up. Entering your email and information you looked at the rules. It was simple enough the men contacted you based on profiles near them. They recommend you do a date in public for safety reasons etc.
Some of the profile content was questions like the financial level you needed and what you could provide and some small information about yourself.
Your fingertips hovered over the keys writing some info about yourself.
"Hello I'm a graduating student soon with ambitions to join the workforce soon financial help would be the main  and I am very open with new options and experiences"
Finishing off with some fun facts age and a pretty picture your friend took of you. etc you clicked the finished profile you sat back looking at the website shaking your head you closed your laptop work was going to be early tomorrow.
You didn't check the website but a lingering message sat in your inbox.
As the week went on it a few messages popped in your inbox with a variety of guys some seeking immediate sex for money, some promising you the world but then there was one message.
Bang: Hello I'm sure you got many messages you're very pretty I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me. I'll pay of course and see if we are matchable. If not just ignore this.
The message made you quirk your eyebrow it felt real and raw in a way the others didn't. And with no picture, you decided to go and message 'Bang' back.
You: Thanks for messaging me I would love to just send your phone number and I'll talk to you more.
Nerves in your stomach grew as you waited for his message. A night went by until his reply.
Bang: Thanks so much here's my number can't wait to talk to you more :)
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You've been texting back and forth with Chan for a week till he scheduled a date setting a date that was good for both of you.
You were nervous your stomach turned with butterflies, the restaurant you were in was a fancy Italian restaurant downtown it had deep mood lighting with a clean crisp look to it.
"May I help you," the hostess gave a kind smile.
Shifting in your tight black dress your own but the gold necklace with a nice handbag were thanks to your roommate.  "Um yes," you said nervously "I have a dinner date with Mr. Bang," you said.
Looking at the list she nodded "oh yes he's waiting for you," she said leading you to the back.
Walking through the restaurant your stomach twisted leading towards the table. Questions ran through your mind. Why were you even doing this? It was to late to back down now you thought.
"Here you go," she gestured to the table. Laying your eyes on him you were slightly taken aback at his appearance. He was handsome.
Looking up from his phone a handsome smile lit his face. Slipping the device into his pocket he got up quickly.
"Let me," he gave a sheepish laugh moving toward you. The smell of his cologne filled your senses it was nice really nice.
"Thank you," you said sitting putting your loaned clutch on the table. Drinking in his features you noted he had sandy blond hair, deep dimples, and perhaps an accent. Dressed simply in a black button-up and black jeans expensive chan sat handsomely on his neck.
An awkward silence filled the table until he chuckled "I'm sorry I didn't even introduce myself I use Mr. Bang on my profile but you can call me Chan," he said. Yup, definitely an accent you noted.
His friendly smile radiated causing you to let a small smile "I'm Y/n thank you for taking me out". More like thanks for messaging me and taking me to a restaurant normally college boys would take you out to the best they could do. A local taco joint close to the university which was amazing but you did yearn for something romantic.
"You were beautiful I had to," he flirted with a charming smile. Stomach knotting at the word beautiful and how his foreign accent whispered them out.
"Thank you," you beamed shifting in your seat. The more you talked to him the more comfortable you became with him.
"So, you work in the music industry," you asked wanting to get to know him. Quickly thinking of his profile on the website. Young, producer and money to spend. The website though matched you and you couldn't directly message them until they choose you. Chan would be snatched up quickly if any sugar baby could choose.
"I do I'm a producer I also sing and rap a bit," he explained, "its something I like to do a lot" he added.
"That sounds like a lot of fun," you giggled poking at your food already full from the soup and salad but wanting more.
"It's long hours of editing and writing music," he perked up his eyebrow you noted he had a small cut in his eyebrow. "Hearing my music be sung by artist and people loving my lyrics is all worth it."
"But it's my passion but sadly my passion is mostly inside so it's hard to meet people," he explained eyeing you.
"May I ask why a guy like you would be on a sugar baby website," you said hoping you weren't overstepping your boundary. "I mean not that you can't be on these sites," you quickly blurted out feeling warm at the question you asked.
He laughed a little "I'm not a 40-year-old businessman with a wife and kids," he smirked out.
"Kind of," you trailed off staring at him.
"Well some of my friends were doing it recently saying they met some great people," he said "I also like showering my girl with money might as well see if this will work." he finished.
"Ah okay," you hummed eating some food.
"I'm just a nice guy who has a lot of money," he grinned his cheeky dimple popping out.
You snorted at the comment "wow," you laughed a little.
"Sorry was that cringy," he gave a sheepish smile.
You nodded covering your mouth trying not to laugh out loud.
"Anyway what about you," he asked.
You explained a bit about yourself adding what he needed to know you were almost out of college the struggle to finish was getting harder. He understood explaining he came to Korea from Australia looking for a fresh start. He found his talent when he sold one of his songs for the first time. You were shocked that it was called "Why so lonely" a classic a song that use to be on your freshman playlist every day.
The experience was new but something you would soon treasure a good conversation a lovely meal and getting money for it.
"Did you like the meal," he asked eyeing you placing his black card in his wallet writing down a quick tip.
"It was amazing," you gave a gentle smile. A little bummed this dinner had to end. Also anticipating if he wanted to continue this.
"May I drive you home," he asked giving you his arm. You smiled nodding slipping your arm through his arm.
The small private parking lot on the side as you browsed the expensive cars till you landed on his BMW with admiration a beautiful car that fit his aesthetic. Playful yet luxurious. Sliding into his car you shivered at the cold leather seats.
"Where do you live," he asked.
"Student apartments right next to the university," you explained "just that general area," you said hitting yourself of how dumb you sounded.
The car ride had light chatting he played some music from he wrote. You were shocked to find out it had some of your favorite artists under it. Learning he did some music for a trio group named 3racha.
Coming up to your apartment you sighed glancing at him "thank you so much," you paused letting out a soft "sir" at the end of it.
A moment passed over the both of you until Chan let out a laugh "Sir," a deep cute laugh.
A blush went to your cheeks at his laugh"You're cute enough you don't have to try okay," he assured his you pressing his hand to your cheek gently.
Your face was warm but his hand felt warmer. "Sorry about that," you said softly cringing at yourself. How natural this felt was amazing.
"May I kiss you," he whispered out his lips so close.
Your eyes connected to his light brown eyes your lips wanting to touch his "please."
It was a swift moment as his lips capturing your own. It was soft as he greedily consumed your kiss you were shocked at how good it was to be kissed.
Pulling gently apart your eyes flickered to his noting his eyes were so warm and deep you could drown in them.
"Um thank you for everything," you said feeling warm and frazzled at him. Opening the car door you could feel your heartbeat a little faster and your mind swirl with want.
"Your welcome baby girl," he winked watching you with as you trailed yourself up the steps and into the apartment building.
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Its been a few months since your first date with Chan. Honestly, it felt too good to be true. Soon as got home he texted you some information and the next thing that morning a pretty number with 4 digits now sit in your account.
It took all your will not to scream in a pillow at the money. That's what you make in a month for a date.
As the relationship continued Chan was giving you money for your attention dates, kissing, sex all of the above. Honestly, he could pay you nothing and you would still jump at the opportunity to sleep with him. You shuttered a little thinking of the sex simply put it was amazing.
Some basic rules were gently inforced. 1. You or have the right to end it at any time 2. Stressed the fact that this was an exclusive relationship. Light rules but Chan was very laidback.
Currently, you were in a store way too expensive well use to be way too expensive picking out a dress that would look good for this event with Chan. "This one," you hummed walking out in a cream-colored dress. It hugged your ass but the color was sort of off-putting.
Chan sitting on the seat in the private dress area leaning back his hair messy and untamed with a touch of curls. Your fingers always itched to touch those curly locks.
"I don't love it," he hummed eyeing you up and down. "Just the color it looks amazing on you though," he grinned. Sitting next to a pile of dresses that you both didn't like very much.
You frown this was the fifth dress you've tried but to be honest you didn't love it that much either.
"Okay I have a few more," you bit your lip as you went back to the dressing room. The event was tomorrow night performance of some underground rappers and Chan said he might perform with 3racha if he had time. Being on his arm for this event was important.
You shyly claiming you didn't have many dresses for something like that.
Sipping into the dress that caught your eye the most a deep rose gold dress with just a touch of sparkle. Eyeing yourself you smiled at how the dress fit you the price tag with the glaring 1k on the tag.
Slipping out the dressing room your gazed landed on Chan his eyes ran up and down your body. "Wow," he whispered out getting up to inspect the dress. "Do you like it," he asked placing his hand on your hip.
"I love it," you paused eyeing you and Chan in the mirror admiring how you looked and how he looked next to you. His eyes glazed with lust. "It's pricy though," you hummed looking at the price.
Chan leaned over kissing your temple "you know I'll buy it for you," he grinned pushing his hips closer to you.
"You spoil me," you hummed posing lightly in the mirror. It complimented your skin the way it fell made you feel utterly amazing.
"You look beautiful," he said pressing his body against yours. His chin resting atop your head as he stared at your dress in the mirror. You giggled at the reflection. He looked at you with an admiring lust-filled look. You perked up when you felt his bulge pressing against your ass.
Glancing at him through the mirror his deep brown eyes basically told you what he wanted. You've had sex with Chan before and to say the least you would fuck this man for free. You were just lucky enough he was paying your tuition with a sweet payday every other Friday.
You pushed your ass into him feeling his eagerness waiting for you. "We shouldn't," you hummed glancing at him. Leaning over he hummed his lips connecting with your neck. You sighed at the kisses leaning away for more access.
"We just need to be quiet," he whispered in your ear. Grabbing your hand he lead you to the small bench settling you on his lap.
His lips captured yours hungrily your mouths moved in a gentle rhythm. Pulling away Chan looked at you grabbing your exposed thigh placing you across his jeans. "Come on baby we don't want to wrinkle this beautiful dress up," he said pushing the dress up.
A small mew slipped out of you at the feeling of Chan lightly bouncing his leg. Wrapping your arms around his neck to steady yourself you moaned as he added more pressure to your clothed slit.
Your body was heating up at the feeling "come on baby girl," Chan whispered in your ear. Biting your lip you squeezed your eyes closed feeling your stomach twisting at the sensation. God, he got you off so good your mind raced with want.
Clenching your thighs around his you gave a soft moan as you rocked against his leg. The lewd act of humping his leg made your stomach twist with want.
Chan let out a light chuckle you gave him a small embarrassed glare at your current position. "Don't pout you look adorable," he gave a small smirk. "We better finish this off before we are found," he grinned as he proceeded to bounce his leg.
You were already damp as it seeped into Chan's black jeans. Pushing your head into his neck you let out small whimpers as you got closer to the edge. Ready to fall any moment but Chan holding you so tight you never wanted to let go. Pushing down on his thigh you gave a deep moan as you desperately humped his leg.
Leaning over you placed your lips moaning in the kiss. Your eyes twisted shut as waves of heat rolled down your body.
Chan pressed his lips hard against you as you sloppy kissed him. You came down from your high it took a moment but you felt Chan hand run up and down your back.
Biting your lip you gazed up at him giving him a light smile "we should get out of here," you hummed pushing your dress back down and getting up,
You lightly grimaced at his leg with had a decent size wet mark on them. "Fuck sorry," you said also eyeing his bulge.
He hummed grabbing your hand "don't worry about it lets just buy the dress and go back to my place," giving you a wink.
Your stomach stirred thinking of going to his house with him laying in his bed as he pushed your deep into his sheets "Let's," you grinned eagerly.
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"How does it look," you asked your roommate coming from your room in the dress you bought last week. It took a dry clean to get the smell of sex from the dress but it still looked clean and new.
Her gaze went from her phone taking a double-take at your dress. "Look at you in that dress," she hummed. Smiling you gave a small twirl the gold shimmering.
"I know I love it so much," you hummed going to the mirror to check your makeup and hair.
"So Y/n how's Chan," she said leaning on the couch her eyebrow raised at you.
"He's good he's taking me to a club tonight," you said.
She nodded "so you don't have feelings for him or anything right," she hummed out looking at you.
Pausing you stared at your eye makeup looking at her through the mirror image you felt your heart leap "of course not he pays me," you told her.
"Yeah I mean your college semester is almost over when will you break it off," she asked. You paused wondering if you would. You did get mostly what you wanted. Clothing, money, your schooling has been paid up to last semester. The thought of breaking it with Chan made your stomach drop.
Before you could answer you heard your phone ring. Grinning you picked it up avoiding your roommates grilling question.
"Hey baby are you ready," Chan spoke.
Glancing at your makeup and outfit you looked good. Shyly remembering what you did in this dress earlier that week. "Yeah I'm good," you hummed out.
"Great I'm downstairs," he said.
"Okay bye," you said clicking off the phone.
Your roommate was still looking at you "you're like into into him," she commented.
"I'm into his money," you easily lied to yourself. The money was great the clothing, the tuition all was amazing. But Chan as a person he was the best of all the gifts. Repressing these growing thoughts was the best you could do.
"Sure you are," she said pulling out up her Netflix. "Just let me know when you move into with him so I can find a new roommate," she teased.
Rolling your eyes you stuck out your tongue  "will do but won't happen," you said leaving.
"Have a nice night," she called out.
"Thanks," you yelled back leaving. Your stomach turned excited to see Chan. Hurrying downstairs you quickly came outside to see Chan leaning on the side of his car. You eyed him loving his outfit.
"Hey," you grinned going to him wrapping your arms around his neck. Your eyes held his from the told of his dirty blond hair to the way he had a smile chain around his neck and his signature black style.
"Aw you missed me," he grinned a small dimple popping out.
"Always," you flirted back.
Giving you a quick peck he opened the door for you. The drive to the small club was nice his hand firmly on your thigh as he navigated the roads driving up to the club.
"You'll meet some of my friends just fellow producers," he explained. The word date stuck to your brain well you were his date. The words girlfriend would be amazing to hear out his mouth.
"Do your friends have any sugar babies," you asked out the blue. Remembering he told you months ago some of his friends use the site.
He pursed his lips "some do some have two or more," he explained closing the door on the side parking.
Taking his arm nerves bubbled up in your stomach as you entered the low lit club. It was loud with live music on the stage was a male he had dark black hair with deep black makeup and he was rapping.
"That's Jisung he's a close friend and producer," Chan said leading you toward the back. The club was lowkey as people enjoyed the fast rapper on the stage.
"He's really good," you called out to Chan.
He nodded "yeah we are underground rappers are normally producers but we like to stay out of the limelight," he added. "I'll be on stage in a bit hope you'll cheer for me," he grinned.
"Always," you grinned. Sipping on the drink you were introduced to lots of people Felix an upcoming solo artist in the company.
"Time to get on stage baby girl," Chan hummed giving you a light kiss on your lips. His eyes lingered on you for a moment "After my set will get outta here," he said.
"Sounds good," you replied.
Felix stayed next to you as you two chatted while Chan was in the back. "Yeah, Chan told me a lot about you."
You nodded "can I ask about," you asked curiously.
Felix nodded his head "just you're really good for him is what I'm going to say," he explained.
Before you knew it the lights went down once again as Chan got on stage with Jisung and another male "who's that," you asked Felix.
"That's Changbin he is just an underground rapper Chan likes to promote with they call themselves 3racha," he explained.
You watched Chan on stage it was like he was a natural. His smile lit the stage his outfit clean making him look fashionable and handsome. That messy hair was darkening.
Your heart speeds up as you watched his performance him bouncing on stage, the way he hyped up the crowd and his fellow rappers.
Chan never really talked about the performing aspect of this. You were transfixed on the performance the lyrics, his movements it was all amazing. Then cheers filled your ears Chan had a small layer of sweat on his forehead "thank you for coming everyone we have so many new acts tonight please keep a lookout for them," he yelled in the mic.
"They were amazing," you said excitedly.
"Yeah, I love watching them perform," Felix agreed. "It doesn't happen often but when it does it's always great," he praised his friends.
Soon after Chan came back to the table with Jisung and Changbin behind him. A layer of sweat on all of them. "Guys I want you to meet Y/n," he said. "My girlfriend," he said glancing at you for a second.
Your eyes widen at the work girlfriend but decided to act cool "um Hi guys I love your music Chan's showed me some samples," you said.
"Ah thank you so much welcome to our little circle Chan's been meaning to introduce us to you," Jisung said giving a wide smile.
"Has he well my boyfriend is so mean not introducing me to his friends sooner," you side-eyed Chan. You felt Chan wrap his arm around your waist.
"Well we should all get together for some food soon," Felix added.
"That would be great," Chan said slipping his arm around your waist. "Sorry to be rude me and Y/n have to dip," Chan said. Giving his friends a few fist bumps he pulled you out the dark club soon after.
The cool night hit you giving you some much-needed space to breathe. "So Chan girlfriend," you quirked an eyebrow stepping away from his. Your insides turned at the word.
"I'm sorry that just slipped out," he spoke quickly apologizing, a red from the tips of his ears to his cheeks maybe from performing but it made him look different. Vulnerable to you like a confession. "I meant it I'll admit it," he added.
There was a pause as you looked at him and he looked at you. Before you knew it your lips were on his. His plush lips felt so good your heart beating rapidly at his confession and you think you got your answer across. He wrapped his arms around your waist pressing deeply into the kiss.
Pulling apart you gazed up at him he had a handsome smirk on his face. "your place," you bite your lip.
He hummed "I gotta hear it one time," he raised an eyebrow.
"Can my handsome boyfriend take me to his place," you admitted your arms thrown around his neck.
Grabbing his keys he and you hurried to his car. You praised his performance as you rode to his place. His hand now firmly placed entwined in your hand.
Stumbling into his condo you and his lips were attached to one another. Closing the door behind him you giggled as his hand slide through your once neatly curled hair now messy from the night.
Grabbing your hand you lead him to his bedroom it had deep blacks and grey al round. Your lips met in a messy haze of lust.
"Fuck you do things to me," Chan whispered pulling his lips away from you. His fluffy hair was now matted to his forehead attractively from his performance those brown eyes of his blazing with want.  
Sitting on his bed eyeing you from the high ground. "Look what you've done," he chuckled out touching himself. Your fingers itched to unzip him and help him.
"Can I," you asked reaching for his zipper.
"Ask properly," he leaned his hands behind him his hooded eyes stared you down.
"Please daddy," you whined out  On your knees, you unbuttoned his pants revealing Calvin Klein's you loved so much. When you got a peek of those they really set you off.
Slowly touching the hard outline you licked your lips in concentration as you teased him from the base circling around the tip feeling he was wet.
"Fucking hell Y/n," his hips involuntary jerked up to your touch. Your fingers raised under his black tee feeling his solid abs under your fingers tips.
"I love your body," you hummed feeling his stomach circling little shapes right above his waistline.
"Yeah," he stared down at you with hunger loving the praise that you gave him. Something you learned early about Chan is praise could get you a long way. Your nails dragged down his abs loving the feeling of them under your fingertips.
Pulling him out you admired his length. You gave his slick head a small kiss as you gently bobbed.
Chan lifted his hips letting you slip more into his mouth. "Fuck," he moaned as he started to hit the back of your throat.
"Relax your throat Y/n," he said gently brushing your hair. Chan gently rolled his hips deeper in as you relaxed your throat. You lightly choked on it pulling off quickly. You blushed realizing even with the training you couldn't take him very far.
"Sorry," you flushed embarrassed you couldn't even deep throat him.
Pulling you onto the bed Chan's eyes were gentle and lustful. He lightly patted your head lovely "you got better," he hummed. Grabbing your wrist he gently took it placing gentle kisses across your wrist. He stared at you with a smoldering look of want.
Leaning down his mouth attacked your neck you felt so close to him you could hear his heart race just like yours. His dick hard against your thigh so close to your entrance.
"Chan I need you," you moaned in his ear as he left wet kisses across his neck.
Pushing your dress up his fingers went to your panties taking them off "where do you need me," he groaned. His finger went across your slit petting you lightly.
"Right there," you moaned body heating up from the petting. He pulled your hips so close to him "please chan," you hummed desperate him to fill you.
He gave a cheeky smile "no need to beg," his Australian accent deep and thick. He grabbed your leg hiking you up. Hooking your leg around his hip as he entered you. The feeling of him stretching you making you wince as you took him between your folds.
"Ah fuck," he cursed out his face twisting into pleasure. His nose scrunched up in pleasure as his hips rocked into you.
Pushing your head into the pillow you let out mews of pleasure as he gave gentle thrust. The closeness of him in you made your head twirl. "Harder," you panted feeling him almost hitting that sweet spot.  
You felt his hips pace start to pick up as he went deeper. "Ah," you moaned out feeling the tingle of an oncoming orgasm come. You pushed the feeling down trying to savor the feeling of the pleasure.
Looking up at Chan his mouth slightly slacked as he focused on his thrusts fuck he was handsome you thought. A vulnerable look of want and pleasure twisted on his face.
He looked down at you a small smile lit on his lips "you look hot on your back for me." His words made your stomach twist with want and love.
"May I," he hummed his fingers wrapping around your neck. Your stomach tingled with want something about choking made you excited.
"Please," you begged.
Wrapping his hand on the side of your throat made you lick your lip making your head dizzy. Honestly, you didn't know you had a choking kink until Chan introduced you to it.
"Thank you, daddy," you hummed loving the way he pressed lightly on your throat his thumb gently tracing your windpipe. His thrust hit hard as he tightens his hold restricting your breathing.  
"Your welcome baby," he said thrusting into you deeper. Lifting into him you enjoyed the way his body pressed into you.
"I'm close," you moaned out feeling him hit that spot over and over making your eyes roll back.
"Hold your breath baby," he said tightening his hold. His pace got faster as he chased his own orgasm small groans left his lips lovely. "Fuck," he moaned "You feel so good," you moan feeling the sudden warmth of his cum spurt out. The warmth of it pushed you over the edge.
Clutching your leg behind his back black and white spots filled your vision. Chan let out sensual groans as he came down from his high. His hand released your neck as he went to pet your hair. 
Shifting your leg you felt him pull out of you. You bite your lip smiling at the feeling of him pulling you close. 
“Fuck,” he moaned taking off his shirt laying on the silk sheets. You turned to him a grin on his face. 
Wrapping his arm around your midsection he curled up to you. “Chan you smell like sweat,” you whined at the smell. 
“You know you love it,” he grinned as you pushed your face into his curly hair. 
“Mmmhh,” you hummed feeling him pet your head as his fingers up and down your body. 
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dis-easedfairy · 4 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.8
Female Path | Male Path
Chapter 8: My Ally
Warnings!: Kidnapping | Swearing | Tae Was A lil More Than Suggestive |
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au
Pairings: BTS x Reader / Kim Taehyung x Reader / Kim Seokjin x Reader / Jung Hoseok x Reader / OC x Reader / Park Jimin x Reader / Min Yoongi x Reader 
Summary: Y/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. Y/n attends a BTS show, since they happen to be a fan. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic Y/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but Y/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye,
Word Count: 10,042 (about 30mins of reading at an average pace)
A/N: I’m not even going to say sorry for taking so long because it’s a reoccurring offense so. My bad. HOWEVER, I do want it to be known that I’m starting a tag list for Impulsive Decision and Noxious! Also for any works I do. Like if you only want male reader stuff, or only the female path of impulsive or you want to be tagged for both paths. I’m not gonna say it’s because I'm so damn consistent that yall cant keep up. It’s because I ghost yall and post half a year later (ouch) like ‘waddup here bye’. I’m cool with you commenting or sending me an ask! SOJUSTLETMEKNOWLOVEYOUBYE.
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I happily munched on my toast with jelly as Jin was at the stove cooking eggs and bacon. Jimin was next to me, focused on his drawing. Taehyung was across from me on his phone, his legs intertwined with mine under the table, Tae was still mad that Jimin was between us when we woke up. Hobi was with Suga and I was unsure where the others were.
“Don’t get too full off of toast, okay, Y/n?” Jimin told me softly.
I nodded, looking over at his work. He smiled and proudly moved the drawing closer. It was a Barnaby design, only the character was wearing a hoodie, ripped jeans and boots.
“That’s actually really adorable.” I smiled.
“Really?” I nodded.
“Maybe I’ll draw more for you.”
“Really? I’d like that!” Jimin’s smile got bigger as he turned back to his drawing.
I rested my head on his shoulder as I watched him work.
“What time do you need to pick up your nephew?” Jin asked.
“Not until later. 12pm. I should leave by 11 so I don’t get caught in traffic.” Jin put the fluffy eggs in a large bowl and walked over to the table.
“That would be best. Do you know what you two are doing today?” I frowned.
“Not really, I usually bring him here for most of the day then take him to the park and my sister meets us there. I’m a little afraid to bring him here. ” I admitted, setting down my toast.
“Don’t be, we won’t let anything happen,” Tae reassured me.
“I mean, no one is exactly happy to be here, I don’t want the anger to be directed towards him.”
“It won’t be. Take him to the park, maybe a small trip around the city, bring him here for dinner, we’ll watch a movie in the front room and then you can take him to get picked up.” Jin suggested, forgetting about breakfast as he sat in the empty seat beside me.
“I don’t know… It’s really risky. I’ll think about it.” I really wasn’t going to think about it.
I didn’t want my nephew there. Not with the hostility and anger Linza carried.
“There’s not much to think about. It’s not like we’ll let anyone say anything to him.” Jimin reasoned.
It was useless. I made up my mind and had no intentions to change it.
“We’ll see. I think I might need to stop at my apartment, if my sister sees me without makeup she’ll lecture me.” I dismissed, picking up my toast and ignoring the looks they gave me.
Jin only let out an exaggerated sigh as he stood up to tend to the food on the stove. Taehyung frowned, going to look at a game on his phone. I could hear adorable sound effects strung into a song coming from down the hall signaling that Hoseok was coming. I just knew Jimin or Taehyung were going to say something or bring Hobi into it so I stood up.
“I think I should head out to my apartment, put on makeup and talk to Jason before I pick up my nephew,” I started picking my jacket up from the back of the chair.
I leaned over giving Jimin a small and quick kiss on the cheek. I ran around the table to do the same to Tae.
“Jin have you seen my phone?” I asked, stopping to look around the table.
“You aren’t going to eat breakfast first?” Jin asked, his voice saddened.
“If I sit down I might be late, Jinnie. I have to put on makeup or my sister will freak.” I frowned.
“You should eat.” Hobi chimed in, entering the dining room with a broken gaming console.
Taehyung turned around to glance at Hoseok but saw the broken device.
“What happened!?” Tae demanded, his face contorting to give his signature fake cry.
“Jungkook happened.” Hoseok rolled his eyes and placed it on the table.
“No results of temper tantrums on the table!” Seokjin scolded while putting rice in bowls.
“Temper tantrum?” I asked, confused more than ever.
I felt bad for the console but it could easily be fixed if I brought it to work with me. I knew a few of my employees were real tech wizards and loved the challenge.
“He sees it as ‘It’s not mine so who cares’.” Jin informed bitterly.
“He’s still a little mad, but he’ll get over it in a few more days!” Jimin quickly defended.
“He’s not calming down. Not with Linza around him.” Taehyung commented, not taking his eyes off his phone screen.
“Linza. Why do I want to scream every time I hear that name.” I sighed.
“Because she triggers everyone’s killing instinct.” A voice came from the other hall.
The owner of the voice happily skipping into the dining room.
“Good morning, Seongmi.” I giggled.
“Morning! What’s for breakfast?” She asked happily, going to plop herself on one of the stools at the kitchen island.
“Eggs, sausage, tofu, rice, and red beans…” I trailed off looking at what Jin was cooking.
Hoseok took the time to sit at the table while Jin plugged in the electric griddle.
“If you’re not going to sit down and eat, at least let me make you a sandwich.” Jin pressed, turning to the fridge.
“You’re leaving?” Seongmi asked, her eyes widened in surprise.
“You’re not accepting ‘no’ for an answer, are you?” I smiled.
“No. You’re eating.” Jin asserted.
I groaned, walking over to the table to sit next to Jimin again. Seongmi quickly came over to sit next to me.
“Are you going to work today?” She questioned, resting her elbows on the table, her hands cutely cupping her face.
“Uhmm, I don’t think so.” I begin to think if I had anything to take care of to buy time.
“Jin Oppa! Do you need anything from the store?” I asked.
Jin looked up and at me then begin to scan the kitchen, “I was making a list… Jimin, can you come to finish it? I’m trying not to burn her bread.”
Jimin only nodded, getting up and jogging over to the kitchen to search for the misplaced note pad.
“Just so you know, there are no limits. If you want me to buy a whole cow I will.” I informed, picking up my half eaten toast.
“I prefer pig.” Seongmi teased.
I felt a hand grab mine. I looked across the table. Hoseok was leaning on the table, his fingers beginning to play with mine, “I haven’t seen you with makeup, I bet you look just as beautiful.” His voice was deeper and his eyes locked on my hand.
My breath caught in my throat. His hands were so warm and somehow soft. Warmth spread throughout my chest as my heart sped up. 
I’ve never had someone look at my hand so fondly before. Just like that Jung Hoseok stole my attention. I turned to him more with a small smile, “Aren’t you the charmer today?” I teased.
A smile spread on his face, even though he had a smile on his face, his eyes lifted to meet mine, full of seriousness, “Just make sure to eat and don’t tire yourself out.”
“I will! I will try not to tire myself out!” I assured.
“…Your sandwich is ready.” Taehyung cut in, popping the bubble around Hoseok and I.
“Go get your sandwich and don’t be late for dinner.” Hoseok instructed before lifting my hand to kiss the back of it.
I only nodded, hoping he didn’t feel the heat from my face from across the table. I stood up to retrieve my sandwich. Seokjin was placing it in a paper bag with a satisfied smile while Jimin finished up the list and slipped it in the bag.
“Have a good day!” Jin grinned, handing me the sandwich and placing a kiss on my cheek.
Jimin quickly moved between us to put his hands on my sides and kiss the same place Jin did, “Be safe, Jagi!” He radiated, getting a glare from Jin.
I giggled at his action, “I will, Chim.”
I felt arms wrap around my middle and a chest press to my back.
“Have a safe drive, don’t stress on Jason.” Taehyung’s soothing voice guided.
I felt him place a kiss to the crown of my head.
I was pretty sure this was their plan to murder me.
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“What do you mean all the computers went out!?” I demanded, my phone between my cheek and shoulder as I fixed the bottom of my dress, “Then get them up and running! I don’t care how much it costs or who you have to call, we have a deadline to show what we got and I’m not letting a convenient power outage on one floor alone make it crumble.” I threw more clothes, makeup, skin products, and hair products in a suitcase to take to the bunker.
“Make sure the designers, programmer, and artist are well rested and fed, I don’t want our team to be running on coffee and sugar as their main nutrients. Call in an order and get plenty of water, I’ll make a stop there after I pick up my nephew.” I zipped up my bag and ran my hands through my hair.
“No! My brother will not step in. This is my department and my call. I don’t care who he tells you who he is, you are to listen to me and me only! Fix those computers, feed and rest the staff, and investigate how the power was cut off, why and who. I’ll be there in an hour and things better be productive or I’m kicking you all into shape.” I hung up.
I let out a huff. Great. Now another problem to solve. I frowned at my outfit. It was simple enough. A black dress made of a material that clung to my body but was stretchy enough to be comfortable. It had lace sleeves and round lace neckline, thankfully the lace wasn’t itchy so I was happy. I walked to my bed to the dreaded Christian Louboutin box. My older sister got them for me and I haven’t opened them. I slowly opened the box as if I was diffusing a bomb.
I let out a big relieved breath. They weren't platformed heels. They were regular black heels made of suede with the signature glossy red bottoms. After I slipped those on I rummaged through my drawers to find a belt for my waist. I settled for a black Gucci belt with small gold bees and stars on it, wanting the design to be simple. I quickly put on pearl stud earrings and searched for the necklace my father gave me.
The longer it took me to find it the madder I got. It was a Japanese Akoya black pearl necklace. It was very simple, just the black pearl with a white gold chain through it. My father gave it to me when we went to the beach in Japan one summer. We met a pearl farmer there and my father, being the proud business owner he was, asked for a tour. My father was really happy with the eco-friendly and sustainable pearls and offered them a deal. Now they have their own departments to make jewelry and give us some for our gift shops. The owner of the place gave me a black pear he found that morning, about a year or two later my father sent it back to him, then the owner sent it back with the chain in it, my father then gave it back to me, reminding me to always remember that small businesses are sometimes more reliable, loyal, and considerate partners. So now I treasure it.
I could hear my phone ring as I got on my hands and knees to look for the necklace. I groaned at the disruption, I answered it and put it on speaker.
“Yes?” I called from the floor.
“F/n. I’m just calling to remind you! You’re picking up my son today.” My sister drew out the last part nervously.
“I’m aware! You called while I was getting ready.” I grumbled, still searching.
“Wait, where are you? It sounds like you’re talking from far away?”
“I’m on the floor. Have you seen my black pearl necklace!? I can’t fin-” I spotted a round ball beside my nightstands leg, “NEVERMIND I FOUND IT!” I beamed, quickly snatching the necklace and examining it for anything out of the ordinary.
I could hear my sister sigh. “ You need to take better care of your things… Especially if it’s from our father…” I frowned.
My brother thinks the same. I felt a tug at my heart as I looked down at the necklace in my hands.
“…I knew it was here. I just wasn’t sure where. Just because I lost it briefly doesn’t mean I care less about it.” I explained, my voice small.
My sister muttered something under her breath that was too low to hear.
“Anyway. I heard Daisuke was in town. Why?” Her voice was straightforward and sent a shiver down my spine.
“I-I’m not sure. I just found out as well. I don’t plan on meeting up with him. I haven’t spoken to him in years.”
“Let’s keep it that way. Make sure to leave your apartment in the next 3 minutes or you’ll be late. Goodbye.” The line went dead.
Since when has my sister been this irritated with me? I pulled myself up to my feet. I walked over to my window, looking out for a moment. There were large clouds that did a good job of blocking out the sun for a few minutes at a time. It had been raining on and off all morning.
I looked back down at my necklace, sadness filling my heart, “…She wasn’t just talking about my necklace, was she, Dad?”
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I arrived at the school a few minutes early. I got out of the car and grumbled to myself on how I would have to wear the heels all day and it was going to sting. I felt a little subconscious as my heels clicked on the sidewalk and now in the entrance of the school.
The woman behind the desk smiled, “Ms. L/n! You look beautiful! I’ll let Gyeong know you’re here!” She said quickly, moving to get the phone to intercom the classroom.
I held my hands up, “Actually, I know I’m early so I’ll just let them finish up. I don’t want to interrupt my nephew’s studies and social life.”
The woman nodded, “Yes, I understand. Feel free to walk around, Ms.L/n!”
I gave her a small bow and began to wander a bit. I hated that. How people seemed way too formal and polite. Almost afraid.
I looked over the walls of the school hall. They were covered in artwork, letters, notes, photos and accomplishments from the children that made the whole place feel happy. I found myself smiling. This school always seemed so nice, comforting and patient. My nephew had nothing but good things to say about his teachers and the whole place in general. I found myself thinking about wanting my children to go to the same school in the future.
“How many kids do you want?”
I felt myself freeze again at the question Hoseok asked me this morning. I felt my lips stretch into a smile.
“Four kids sound nice, two boys, two girls...” I whispered to myself, reaching out to trace a picture of a tree a child drew.
I quickly withdrew my hand as if the picture had burned me. What was I even thinking!? Why was I thinking like that when I kidnapped Hoseok. When I forced them into a bunker against their will. They hadn’t seen the sunlight in days and here I was fantasizing and being an overall delusional woman.
Even if Hoseok did want children, that didn’t mean with me. I would probably be the last person who he’d want to have his children. I was also way too young right now. I had a company to look after. A prison to stay out of. Nine people in my bunker that I needed to hide!
It was also way too soon to think about kids even if Hoseok did want me in that way. A small amount of time shouldn’t give me baby fever.
In the bigger picture, I barely knew these men, yet here I was, willingly daydreaming about them.
I scoffed at my mistake and took out my phone, sending Jason a quick text about work and us talking, later on, to sort out somethings. Just as I sent the text I could hear loud footsteps coming down the hall. I looked up out of curiosity and saw my nephew’s teacher, Hui Gyeong. Once he reached me he doubled over, like he had just run a mile.
“Mr.Hui? Is something wrong?” I questioned, slightly concerned at the out of ordinary acts my nephew’s teacher.
“I was just on my way to call Jeonghun’s mother.” He stated breathlessly as he stood upright.
“Why? Has Jeonghun done something wrong?” I asked, feeling slightly worried as to where the conversation was going.
He waved his hands almost in a rush, “No! Nothing like that. I just couldn’t help but be a little worried about your lives, I know your sister likes to attend clubs and there have been a lot of recent criminal acts in them! I just wanted to tell you both to be safe.”
I felt my heart sink, “Ah, I was afraid my nephew did something…” I trailed off, trying to figure out how to change the subject that made my chest tighten up.
“No, no, aside from the usual talking he’s been well behaved,” Mr.Hui said, the air beginning to grow awkward.
“I will take your words into consideration. Thank you for caring enough to warn me.” I spoke up softly.
Mr.Hui smiled, “I’m glad. Your family does a lot for children and adults, it would be horrible if anything happened to any of you.”
You will be in for a ride when everything is said and done.
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“The power is back on? Thank God.” I let out a breath of relief as I sank into the driver’s seat of my car.
“Yeah, we are still waiting on security to look over the footage to see if they catch anyone being suspicious but so far we are clear. That maintenance man said it might have been a bad wire or something but I don’t believe that.” Jason spoke into the phone through the sounds of our busy office.
“I don’t either. Only one floor in the entire building went out. And it so happened to be the department we are relying on to get us a new partnership. It’s too coincidental. ” I chewed on my bottom lip in thought.
“That’s what I was thinking. We’ll go over it more at lunch.”
“We will. I have to grab a few things from the store and I’ll head over to whatever place you want. I’m paying because you seriously helped.” I pipped up, sitting up as I waited for the traffic light.
“How about in a few minutes? We’ll meet at the restaurant we take our business partners to. ”
“…Why there? It’s so high-end and we aren’t talking business, just having lunch. It’s Wednesday so I have my nephew. Maybe a more family-owned place?” I reasoned.
“Okay, just pick somewhere quiet, I’m getting a headache from all the talking and yelling in this office.”
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When I arrived to the restaurant I‌ began to settle Jeonghun in. I served him water and began to read off the menu for him.
“How about japchae?”‌ I‌ asked him as he sipped on his water.
He only shook his head, looking out the window.
“Hmm. Jjajangmyeon?”‌ I questioned.
He seemed to consider it for a moment before shaking his head.
“Fried chicken?”‌
He nodded his head frantically causing me to giggle.
“Same. We’ll just order a huge serving, okay?”‌
I handed the menu over to my nephew so he could look at the pictures and drinks, just in case he changed his mind. I looked around the place and it was warm and cozy. As I was looking over the wooden beams, I could hear a bell chime.
I‌ looked over to the door to see Jason. I beamed and began to wave my arms like an idiot.  
I came to an abrupt stop as I saw movement behind Jason. I strained my eyes to see who it was. As soon as I made out a familiar feature, my blood boiled.
I could see Jason’s eyes dart to the door for a split second, almost as if he was considering just leaving. Which would’ve been a good call, because I would give him hell on earth if he came to the damn table. However, he seemed to puff up his chest and march towards the table.
I let out a scoff, “So, you’ve chosen death.”‌ I‌ muttered under my breath.
I watched him and the man of my cause for irritation strut up to the table.
I had half the mind to yell ‘stalkers’ so everyone would throw them out.
“F/n…” Jason’s voice leaked false-confidence. I‌ would’ve been fooled if his voice didn't crack at the end.
Once they sat down and Jason greeted my nephew, I began to speak.
I let out a sigh, “Did the security find out what caused the outage?”‌ I questioned, pouring water into the extra glasses.
“No, bu-”‌
“What’s taking them so long?‌ It’s security footage not the bible.”‌ I took in a deep breath to calm the building anger.
It wasn’t security’s fault. They had to comb through hours of footage. Maybe even days to see who tampered with the electrical. It’s only been 30 minutes tops. I needed to calm down.
It’s just the presence of this man,
of Daisuke, who was weighing on the part of my brain that only showed anger and hostility.
“I’m sorry, I understand it could take hours to go through everything. It’s just,”‌ I chewed on my bottom lip, “This meant to much to my father. He did everything for my mother, I want to do something for him.”‌
“Are we just going to keep ignoring me?”‌‌ I‌ heard the voice of and actual demon.
“Daisu-”‌ I‌ cut off Jason’s sigh.
“This isn’t about you and your pathetic motives.”‌ I‌ began to wave over a waitress.
“Daisuke, didn’t I say don’t speak until spoken to?”‌ Jason shook his head as he grabbed his menu.
“She’s just ignoring me.”‌ He seriously sounded like a child.
“Did you already figure out what you wanted, Jeonghun?”‌ Jason asked as he looked over the menu.
“We’re getting chicken!”‌ My nephew perked up, happy to be included.
“What will we be having?”‌ A waitress pranced over with a warm grin.
“Four orders of chicken and beer please.”‌ Jason smiled back at her.
“Hey! We have a child here.”‌ I sang in a teasing voice.
“Chicken, beer and apple juice so it just LOOKS like beer!”‌ I only shook my head.
Surprisingly lunch was mostly quiet. Jason’s attention was on my nephew and my attention was on the power outage culprit. I think Jason wasn’t bringing Daisuke into the conversation because of my nephew. But I knew as soon as tonight he would be texting me to ask when we could all meet up and talk. And I hated that I knew that.
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I made sure to ask the butcher to give me top-quality beef steaks for Seokjin. All the beef I could get, I did. I wasn’t aware that meat would be a priority in the house but I should’ve known.
All the meats I got were FAR from on the list, but I got them anyway.
Seokjin and Jimin mostly wrote down everyday things and a few produce items. I‌ saw all the berries and fruits looking big and ripe so I got a lot of those as well.
Surprisingly I‌ was able to keep my nephew in line but getting him various things from around the store.
Unsurprisingly, Jeonghun ran out of the car as soon as I parked at the bunker before I could explain. I quickly got out the car and ran after him. He was about to open the first door as I grabbed him and yanked him away from it.
I set him down on the ground and held onto his shoulders as I began to explain, “Listen to me, Jeonghun. We have guests in the bunker. You are NOT going to tell anyone about them. Including your mother.”‌ My voice was stern, hoping it would show him that I meant business.
“You want me to LIE to mom?”‌
“No. . . I just want you to bend the truth a little. It’s different.”‌
“No, it isn’t.”‌
“…What do you know, you’re, like, five.”‌ He gave me the most offended look I’ve ever seen a child make.
“One year off. When’s your birthday again?”‌ I teased, watching him getting angrier.
He tried to wiggle out of my grasp while I get out an evil giggle, “I’m joking, I’m joking!‌ I know your birthday! It’s on the 13th of March.”‌
He stopped struggling to pout, not at all liking my playful nature.
“I’m sorry but you’re not going to be a prude like my sister. Lighten up will ya? Now, no telling mom, your dad, your aunt or uncle, your friends, NOBODY, that you met these friends. Got it?”‌
He let out an annoyed ‘okay’.
“Good. Now lead the way, I bet some are excited to see you.”‌ A giant grin formed on his face as he rushed the door.
He knew the codes just in case he was ever in trouble, so I had no worry about him getting stuck.
I watched him bounce down the stairs for a moment before turning back to the car. I gathered the several bags that I had and began to place them at the entrance so it would be easier to close the door behind me. As I was grabbing the last of the bags, my nephew's backpack, and closing the car doors, I looked over to see most of the bags were gone.
I froze into place. Trying to remember exactly how many bags I had. As I was lost in thought, staring at the bags, I saw Seokjin making his way up the stairs. My eyes widened.
No. No, no, No, NO!
I dropped the bags I was holding and ran towards the door. In a fit of panic, I ‌just grabbed the outside door and tried to slam it close.
I‌ heard a small thud and, “YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?”‌
“JIN! YOU CANT LEAVE YET! I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO FIX BEFORE YOU CAN ALL GO!”‌ I cried, pressing my shoulder against the door to hold it closed against Seokjin trying to force it open.
He was what now?
I quickly moved out the way, causing him to fall forward onto the bags.
“Oh shit! Jinnie, I’m so sorry!”‌ I quickly apologized, kneeling down to help him.
He looked up like he was going to start cussing me out, but stopped once he caught sight of what outside was.
His eyes widened as he looked around. Large trees covering the small clearing. The only reason anyone would be able to tell a bunker was here was because of the small block of walls with a door in front of it. Looking like a small room in the middle of nothing.
The pathway to get here was slim and the tire tracks sometimes got covered by plants that grew faster during the spring and summer months. And in the fall, fallen leaves did the job. The snow in winter. The path twisted and turned, so it wasn’t just a straight line to the bunker, it was obscured by trees and large bushes.
“WHERE ARE WE!?”‌He almost demanded, making me flinch.
They all had their eyes covered when they arrived. There were no windows in the bunker. I wonder where they thought they were.
“The forest. A few miles from Seoul.”‌ ‘A few’ was generous.
“How did you even…? Does ANYONE know this exists!?”‌ Oh no. He was panicking.
“Jinnie, calm down,‌”‌ I began in a soft voice, “I told you I’m not going to hurt anyone, plus this is only temporary. Jason, my nephew, and a few others know this place exists. Relax.”‌
He shook his head, “I’m not afraid that you’ll hurt us, what if one of us gets hurt and the ambulance can’t get to us in time??”‌
Oh, that's what he was afraid of.
I couldn’t help the smile that began to form on my face.
He gave me a ‘really bitch’ look in return, “Why are you smiling? Do you know how dangerous it is to live so far away from civilization!?‌ What if you run out of gas and you have to walk to town!? What if a serial killer comes in and you’re left for dead because no one knows this is here!?”‌
My smile suddenly disappears.
“Here I was, happy that you weren’t going to leave me, and you have to point out every single feAR I COULD EVER HAVE LIVING HERE! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!?”‌
“Can you both stop yelling at each other before the others come!”‌ I heard someone hiss.
That, someone, was Hoseok, who began to quickly pick up as many bags as he could, ignoring Jin on the ground and running back down the stairs to drop off the bags before coming back.
I quickly stood up and ran back to where I dropped the bags and picked up the scattered contents. I could hear the shuffling of bags and Seokjin got up to help Hoseok. As soon as I had everything picked up I ran inside and down the stairs. Hoseok quickly shut the main and vault door. He ran past Jin just in time for Jin to shut it. We all listened for a moment before letting out a breath of relief.
No one else seemed to notice that we had all three doors open. Just waiting for someone to run out.
Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again…
All three of us slid open the door to load the bags into the kitchen.
Taehyung and my nephew were sitting on the floor as Jimin had half of his body behind the tv with cords. Seeming to be setting up a game system.
Suga was sitting in a recliner, only watching them.
As soon as Taehyung saw us he spoke, “Jin-Hyung! Can you come set this up? Jeonghun wants to play Mario Cart but Jimin and I were lost!”‌
“What’s the magic word?”‌ Seokjin taunted as he began to put away groceries.
“Now?”‌ Jimin challenged, causing Seokjin to stop and turn around.
Hoseok let out and adorable laugh with Taehyung while I pressed my lips together. I wasn’t about to face Jin’s wrath more than I already have today.
“Please!”‌ My nephew gave a big smile, successfully breaking the tension.
Seokjin seemed to soften, “At least someone has manners here.”‌ Seokjin huffed and went to set up the console.
Seokjin setting up the console turned into Seokjin doing a tournament with the boys to see who could defeat him. It was around 7pm and he hadn’t even started dinner.
“Aish, he isn’t going to start it.”‌ Hoseok complained as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and got up from his seat at the dining room table.
“I’ll help!”‌ I‌ pipped up, bouncing up from my chair in excitement.
We started just making meat and ramen. Hoseok found the grill pan and set it up and I set up the pot of water. We both agreed on kimchi ramen.
I had got the ramen packs out the cupboard and was turning to go to the stove. I slightly bumped into Hoseok.
“Sorry, Hobi.” I muttered, only to see him smirking when I looked up.
His hands moved to my hips to rest there lightly, “Do you think eight packs is enough?”‌ His voice sent a shiver down my spine.
“I think so. I never made ramen in bulk before… Should we add veggies to it to fill everyone up?”‌ I suggested, almost excited at the thought of adding stir-fried veggies.
Hoseok’s smirk only grew, “Would you like ‘veggies’ in your ramen, Sunshine?”‌ I can tell he liked my choice of the word ‘veggie’ over vegetables, but I couldn’t bring myself to care as I began to get hungrier by the thought of more things in my ramen.
I nodded, “I think I got a good amount at the store!”
“We can add veggies. Anything else you want, Sunshine?”‌ He asked, his voice lowering an active or so.
I couldn’t help but gulp.
Why was he so close?
His eyes were locked on mine, the smirk he had only made me look at his lips more. His skin was glowing, despite the lighting in the kitchen that didn’t do him justice. His lips were pink, they looked soft and tempting. His eyes twinkled in mischief that I couldn’t help but find adorable.
“Well…I…uh.”‌ I had no idea what to say in a moment like this.
Did I tell him I wanted to kiss him?
My nephew was in the living room with the others not too far from us.
Speaking of the others, Hoseok was ‘playfully’ nudged to the side by Jimin, who came into the kitchen with Suga.
“I’ll help you with the meat Hoseokie,”‌ Suga muttered as he turned on the stove.
“Maybe I can help with prepping the vegetables?”‌ Jimin suggested, tilting his head slightly and batting his eyes.
Oh, he was good.
I only nodded at his suggestion, causing him to grab my hand and lead me to the fridge, away from Hoseok.
Hobi let out a sigh, “We were okay with making dinner.”‌
“You didn’t even preheat the skillet. You were going to make gray meat.”‌ Suga nagged.
Jimin took out carrots, mushrooms, bell pepper, onions, garlic, and cabbage before closing the fridge, “Hyung, you didn’t even start the water for the ramen.”‌ Jimin shook his head.
“I was in charge of the ramen.”‌ I tried to defend him.
“Well, he stopped you from doing your job, Princess.”‌ Jimin moved to cup my face.
“But I–” Suga interrupted with a simple, “Get the seasonings, Hope.”
Hobi let out an irritated sigh and moved to the cabinets. Jimin quickly picked out our knives and cutting boards so I wouldn’t go to Hoseok’s side of the kitchen.
I let out a sigh.
That was a little excessive.
There was silence besides Suga and Hoseok asking about the meat and Jimin asking a question or two about the veggies.
I couldn’t help my eyes from wandering to my nephew. He was obviously really into the game he was playing with Seokjin and Taehyung seemed invested in watching their match. The thing that really stuck out was one thing.
“Hey, Chim?”
“…Where are the others?”
A big smile formed on his face.
“I told Jungkook that he was losing his touch in one of the games in the arcade, so that’s where he’s at. Seongmi and Linza are in their room. I was talking about how good a drawing of Seongmi’s was and Linza wanted to learn. Namjoon is in the library. ” He seemed proud of himself.
“So you basically manipulated everyone into staying away?” Jimin frowned.
He scooped up his cabbage to put into a bowl, “Well… It sounds wrong when you say it like that.”
It did sound a little wrong.
“Sorry! It did sound a little wrong now that I think about it. Thank you. I was worried that someone would try something while my nephew was here. You really helped.” I assured.
Jimin lit up once more, “We’re happy to help. Jin Hyung helped me talk to Jeongguk and Linza.”
We all fell into comfortable silence besides Seokjin battling it out in the living room with Taehyung and my nephew.
I couldn’t help but wonder how the next few weeks would progress. If I would be able to handle everything. All of my worries seemed to evaporate as soon as Taehyung scooped up my nephew to victory taunt Seokjin. Maybe I was reading too far into everything and these were small problems. Or perhaps I was starting to downplay them to feel better.  
I needed to figure out how I was going to focus on work for the next upcoming days. The boys would, of course, be under Jason’s care. There was the situation of the power going out that I needed to follow up on with security in less than an hour.
I let out a sigh, they weren’t going to let me go peacefully until after dinner.
“Is something wrong, Princess?” Jimin asked softly, causing me to snap my head over to look at him.
Man, I was still not used to that.
Jimin’s concern caught the attention of Hobi, who stopped grilling to pay attention. Yoongi took the tongs from Hobi to continue the work. He seemed as disinterested as always.
“The, uh…” Should I explain or should I just tell them I couldn’t stay for dinner?
“If something is wrong maybe we can help.” Tae’s voice added, catching my attention.
He was leaning over the back of the couch, the concern and softness made me feel more inclined to tell the truth. Even Seokjin had paused the game, his body twisted around to look over towards me.
Now I had to.
“There was a problem at the company today.” I have in with a sigh.
“What kind of problem?” Jimin asked, putting down the knife.
“How serious is it??” Taehyung asked, his posture more alert to get up.
I quickly held my hands out, “The power went out in only the room with game developers. I’m having the right people look into it!”
“But?” Hoseok pressed.
“You’re worried?” Seokjin asked.
I nodded, “I am. It was ONLY the game department, ONLY the game developer room. I would’ve felt better if it were the whole floor or even the whole building. Someone targeted that department I just know it. I told them I would be there in an hour.”
Seokjin sighed and stood up, “I’m sure everyone will have it under control, your leader instinct is kicking in.” He smiled as he approached.
“But what if it’s some asshole trying to sabotage the game so we don’t have partners or investors and the whole game department is thrown out? People will lose their jobs! The company will take a financial hit!” I argued.
“Hyung, we should let her go, she does have a point.” Hoseok reasoned.
“We can pack her dinner to take with her. It’s her company, Hyung.” Taehyung jumped in.
Seokjin let out a groan and wrapped his arms around me, pressing the side of his face to my shoulder.
“Now you’re just being a big baby.” Jimin teased as he added the veggies into a wok.
“I’m older than you!”
“You don’t act like it.”
“Taehyung I’m your Hyung!”
“Not when we’re in the bunker.”
“How do honorifics not apply here?” I asked softly.
“Would you like for us to call you L/N-nim then?” Jimin smirked, continuing to cook like he wasn’t just calling me out.
I felt a small amount of heat go to my cheeks at the formality.
“Then no honorifics.”
“…To Seokjin at least.” Taehyung jumped in.
Seokjin stood up straight, I could feel the roast of the century radiating from inside of him.
“We’ll make sure to send her off with dinner. ” Hobi intervened.
“Send who off with dinner?” A melodic voice asked.
Seongmi had happily skipped into the room, upon entering she let out a small squeal. She put her hands over her mouth to try to muffle the sound. At first, I was confused but I followed her line of sight to see my nephew, slumped against pillows at Taehyung’s side. He seemed to be slowly slipping in and out of sleep.
Taehyung looked over to his side and a wide smile stretched on his face. Tae made a soft cooing noise before grabbing the throw blanket off the armrest and draping it over my nephew.
I tried to push away the thoughts of Taehyung being an amazing father and my growing heart to sigh.
“He didn’t even wait until dinner. He must've been so tired.” I frowned.
Seokjin let out his own sigh, “Okay, you can go after we pack you up dinner. I just don’t want you to overwork yourself.” His hand reached over to pet my head.
“Overwork? She’s barely been to work these past couple of days what do you mean?” Seongmi muttered.
“But she’s worked while she’s here,” Jimin stated, his voice having a small bit of irritation in it.
“Hardly. What do you think the owner of a company does? Just make decisions? She has papers to sign, branches to inspect. Meetings with not only staff but with partners, shareholders, even press meetings! She was far more involved before all of this!” Seongmi was clearly agitated.
“Seongmi? Is everything oka-” Jimin cut off my concerned question.
“Then she deserves a break don’t you think? She has other siblings who seem capable.”
“They have their own branches to manage! They have so much on their plate as it is, especially with their new push for games! She has to go. With or without your permission. She’s a grown woman, not a doll for you to play with.”
A heavy silence fell into the room. The weight was insane and it seemed like no one wanted to speak in fear of either Seongmi or Jimin popping off.
Okay, maybe I should deescalate this as much as possible right now.
As if reading my mind Suga let out a loud sigh, “You’re both burning dinner.” He grumbled as he went between Hobi and Jimin to push Jimin aside to lower the heat down on the wok and mix the veggies.
I made a mental note to thank Suga later before I spoke, “Seongmi, thank you for thinking about my feelings right now, but it’s okay. I’ll be sure to eat dinner and come back here before 3am. I hope to get as much work done as possible while I wait for the answer of the security cameras.” I could almost feel the air being thick with tension.
The way Seongmi deflated caused my heart to break. I bit my bottom lip to think of a compromise to make sure everyone was happy.
“Hey, Seongmi? Would you like any supplies? I feel like it’s unfair to bring you anything after all I’ve put you though. Maybe I could sneak into the animation room?” I suggested.
Seongmi’s eyes locked with mine in surprise. She quickly shook her head.
“I wouldn’t want you to get into trouble!” She stated quickly.
I unintentionally let out a giggle, “Get into trouble? With my own company? By the people I employ? I’ll get you a few thinks!” I smiled.
A light blush dusted Seongmi’s cheeks as she averted her eyes and nodded.
“While we’re all here and paying attention, I need someone to help me load the little gremlin on the couch into my car.”
“He’s not a gremlin!” Tae quickly defended.
“He’s not an angel.” Seokjin sighed.
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I had ended up trusting Tae to help me load up Jeonghun. I pretty much held my breath as we walked up the stairs. Taehyung looked like he was in peak father mode. He held Jeonghun with one arm under him and one hand behind his head to keep him close as Jeonghun peacefully had his head on Taehyung’s shoulder. Taehyung’s face held the look of concentration as we tried to keep our pace swift, yet careful.
I quickly moved in front of them to open the door to the back seat. Once the door was open I opened up the passenger door to put the cooler bags of food on the seat and tried my best to close it softly.  
Taehyung went the extra mile of getting to the car to position Jeonghun comfortably in the backseat. Once he climbed back out I closed the door as quietly as I could.
We both held our breath to see if he would spur. Once there was no movement we gave each other a quick high-five.
“I was afraid he’d wake up!” I let out the breath I was holding.
“Imagine how I felt! I was the one carrying him!” Tae chortled.
“Why do you think I didn’t WANT to carry him?” I giggled.
“Just use me and leave me, I see how it is.” He almost scolded.
“Aww, Tae! I love you though!” I teased and I leaned forward to hug him close.
“You love me, huh?” I could hear the smirk in his voice.
I jumped when his hands slid up my sides then to my back. He let out a sigh as he put pressure on my lower back to keep me flush against him.
The warmth that flooded my cheeks also flowed into my chest. I didn’t fight his touch and put my head on his shoulder.
As an unspoken language, Tae lightly nudged me and I automatically stepped back so my back was pressed to the cool car. He moved his hands to cup my face. Once I looked into his eyes it was game over. An endless pool of comfort welcomed me.
“Make sure to not overwork yourself, okay? Don’t let anyone rush you.” I only nodded.
“When you get home, I’ll be asleep in my room, don’t be afraid to come in, okay? I want to spend as much time with you as possible before Jimin tries to hog you.” I let out a small laugh.
“I doubt Jimin will steal me away.”
“Jimin would. He’s a little… Possessive when it comes to things he really likes.”
“Do you really like me too, Taehyung?” A small smile graced his lips.
“I told you. I like the crazy ones.” I get out an offended scoff and lightly pushed him away.
“I’m not crazy. I’m an intellectual.” I grumbled, turning to open the driver door.
Tae wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close so my back was flush against his chest.
“Seriously though, I want you to myself when you get home.”
“Okay, just don’t tell anyone else I promised you this or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Taehyung placed a few small kisses on the back of my shoulder that left tingles blooming on my skin.
“We’ll even sleep in. Lunch is better than breakfast.”
“Are you kidding? Seokjin would have my head!”
“…I want your head.”
“…Are you trying to make a dirty joke right now?”
“Only if it’s working.”
“…It might be.”
Tae let out a hum and slightly began to rock us side to side, “How about this? When you get home…” He began as he placed another small kiss on my shoulder, “I’ll let you climb on top of me…” He continued as he placed a kiss on the side of my neck, “And I’ll let you do whatever you please. It can be to sleep,” He kissed my jaw, “Or, I’ll let you use me.”
I whipped around, my face radiating dangerous amounts of heat, “YOU WHAT?” I demanded.
Tae quickly rushed forward to cover my mouth, “You’ll wake up Jeonggie!”
I began to smack at his hand repeatedly, wanting nothing but answers. However, as soon as Taehyung moved his hand, his lips took its place. It was quick and not at all boring though. Like he didn’t just introduce a completely crazy idea into our already weird relationship.
“Calm down. I’m only letting you know it’s an option!” He hissed.
“How are you so casual about this!? You’re an idol!” I hissed back.
“Not a nun!”
“Even hoes have a more subtle way with vocabulary and flirting!”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t still new to this!”
“Even rookies know you don’t just lay the ‘you can use me’ card on the table right off the bat!”
“Well, I’m straightforward!” I let out a groan.
“Now my face is hot!” I whined.
“So that means you WANT to use me.”
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Arriving to the company was just as chaotic as I thought it would be. People were scattered around and rushing in a quick pace. Before I knew it my sister’s personal assistant took my nephew out my arms and my assistant was pushing me to my office.
The power outage had put us a few hours behind schedule and instead of managers just letting employees go after regular hours, they requested everyone work overtime. Which caused more chaos that you would think.
I quickly put up my hair and started getting to work. I was chewed out once or twice by a few older directors for not being in my office 24/7 but all in all people were just relieved I was fixing as much as I could as fast as I could.
About several stacks of documents and a few dozen calls into the night, my sister decided to show up.
“I understand that we’re behind schedule, but I can’t have you overworking employees saying that they HAVE to stay.” I scolded a manager from one of the broadcasting branches.
I quickly mouthed a quick ‘I’m almost done’ to my sister out of respect. She only waved me off as she took a seat on the loveseat and began to pour herself a glass of water.
“The Video Game Department does NOT affect the Broadcasting Department. If I see this kind of slip up again I WILL give you leave without pay. Do you understand? Goodbye.” I hung up and let out a deep groan.
“What was that about?” Jiann asked.
I sighed as I plopped myself on the opposite loveseat. I threw my folder on the coffee table, very done with the list of people to call and meet with.
“I got word that one of the managers in the Broadcasting Department was trying to use the overtime excuse to get extra work out of the employees.” I grumbled crossing her name off the list.
“Hmmm, maybe I should speak with them as well?” Jiann suggested.
I shook my head, “I handled it. You’ll only make them fear you.”
Jiann let out only a scoff in response. I leaned back in the loveseat and tried to relax.
“How was my nephew? Your secretary just whisked him away.” I asked, my head lulled back so I was looking up at the ceiling.
“Still asleep. His dad will be here to pick him up in half an hour. There is something else I wanted to talk about though.”
“And that is?”
“I know.”
I let out another sigh with a roll of my eyes, “Know what?”
“About the bunker.”
“Cool. So does Jae. And mom. And your son. And Jason.” My indifference was clear.
She made it seem like it was such a dark secret that I paid to get a bunker in the middle of nowhere.  
“I also know about the nine people in there. The one’s the whole world are looking for.” My head snapped up to look at her.
I could feel cold spike at the back of my neck that was quickly changed into a slow burning fire in my chest. Like I had something to be defensive about, and the superior look on her face made it valid.
“This is what I think,” She began as she placed her glass on the table and picked up and empty one to pour me water.
“I think you should give up your place. Mom threw everything on us as soon as dad passed. You didn’t have time to be young and free. You let everyone go and I’ll gave our best legal team handle everything. You get away with this, you are cut free of the burden of owning the company and everyone is happy. I’ll keep you in charge of games so you’ll still be doing what dad asked of you.” She seemed to have a sparkle in her eyes as she spoke.
It was almost like she was thinking and fantazing this for longer that necessary. It only made the fire in my chest burn hotter.
“Jae and I will handle everything! What do you say?” She finished, holding out the glass of water.
I looked at her like she just told me the worst idea I’ve ever heard. Because she just did.
“I think you giving birth obviously fucked with your brain somehow. What possibly made you come up with that?” I let out a bitter giggle.
I could see the sparkle in her eyes vanished as the coldness arrose.
“What is wrong with you? I just gave you a way out! You committed several crimes and you’re looking at me like I’M the one in the wrong.” She slammed the glass down like that was about to intimidate me.
“You didn’t give me a way out, you gave yourself a way in. I’m not fucking stupid, Jiann.”
“This isn’t about me being power hungry or trying to fight for the top!”
“No. It isn’t. But it IS about your control. Your fucking pride. Ever since I was little you cared about other's opinions and I NEVER thought you would stoop this low.”
“You’re one to talk! You just kidnapped IDOLS.”
“I didn’t do it out of pride or control. I did it out of fucking impulse and recklessness. Something all CEOs have. Something you and Jae will never have.”
“Think with your head for once! If you get caught our company will be canceled! Our entire family business with crumble because of your stupid actions!” She was now yelling.
I could tell by the roughness in her voice that she was close to exploding, but I still wasn’t going to back down from this. It was my mistake and it was my company. It was mine to control and fix.
“I think it would be best if you just listened to your older sister and just stepped down with the offer I gave you!”
“And I personally couldn’t give a single fuck about what you think I should do. This is MY company. This is MY mistake. If you want to turn me in, then fine. Do it. In the end everyone will look at the company with distaste because family just destroyed family. It doesn’t matter if I was the CEO or not when it happened, you just threw your little sister to the wolves and told her to deal with it all because I ruined your image. Dad left this to me and ONLY me! You should be happy that I even LET you control what you do here! I'm not as weak as you make me seem and I'm not letting you take it from me. You make comments about Jae, but you're doing exactly what he would. If you're going to help do it out of the kindness of your heart and not because you want my spot. I would appreciate you leaving my office. Call me when you stop being a fucking child and start being a sister." I snapped and stood up to go to my desk.
“Are you serious!?”
“Deathly. Get out of my office.” I picked up the phone to make another call, dismissing her with the flick of my wrist like an asshole.
“We aren’t done talking!” She argued, now standing.
“Mrs.Han, yes, this is L/n F/n. I was calling about your manager.” I began as I walked over to my computer to pull up her file.
I knew Jiann wasn’t going to let it go as easy as I hoped. Maybe I could’ve been nicer or compromised, but something in my gut told me that it wasn’t what my father wanted and that I was meant for this role. One way or another I was going to prove it.
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By time I got through at least eighty percent of the reply list, it was close to four in the morning. It seemed far quieter than it did when I came for my sister’s throat. People had mostly left, lights in the building were either off or dimmed. My fingers ached from the constant typing of emails and documents. I even had to make an announcement to have sent out and displayed to employees. I had my assistant, Hajun, begin to work on getting more security and look into better security companies.
With the ache in my fingers, neck and back I decided to call it night. I turned off my computer and lamp as I began to gather my things. As soon as I bit those who I saw I went straight to my car to go home. Only then did I see the bag of dinner that had been forgotten in the car.
I let out a groan and let my head rest on the steering wheel.
I felt bad for forgetting it, but I was too tired and stressed to be hungry.
But they made it themselves.
I frowned.
Maybe I could eat it quickly. Or at least half. Or I can lie and say I got busy and left it in my office.
I reluctantly opened the bag to find chopsticks and open the container.
The pleasant smell wafted into the car as soon as the container was open, but the first mouthful of food was a unsatisfying one. The flavor was good, but it had gotten cold. The noodles had gotten far too soggy to even pick up with chopsticks.
I knew that was mostly my fault so I made myself eat a good amount of it before closing it up and shoving it back into the bag.
Once I started up the car and turned on the radio I couldn’t help my mind from wandering.
Would my sister sell me out? Would she let any of this go? Did she hate me now?
By time I had parked at the bunker entrance I had fully convinced myself that my sister was going to turn me in and disown me.
I lifelessly unlocked the doors and locked them behind me. I tried to think positively and like I was the baddest bitch to run the company but I was now lost and felt betrayed.
I had to prove myself, but did I already ruin my chance? Did I already fuck everything up sp badly that my father would be disappointed.
Maybe it wasn’t a gut feeling that made me pop off on my sister but fear. Or entitlement.
I snuck into the bunker and down the hall. As soon as I found the right door I crept in and lifted the blanket to Taehyung’s bed and immediately slipped in. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face between his shoulderblades.
Maybe even this was completely wrong. I had just kidnapped him and his friends. I should be in jail. He should be disgusted. He should be angry.
“F/n? Did everything go okay?” Tae’s voice rough from sleep questioned quietly.
I only shook my head, holding him tighter like he would leave if I showed any weakness.
I felt his larger, warm hand place itself over mine as he let out a huff.
“Everything will be okay. Whatever happened, I’m sure you did the best you could. Just get some sleep, I promise to make it all better in the morning. ”
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TAGLIST: @butterfliespoison​ @armycandy10​ @krystle1990 @min-mingii @toddsgirl27 
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
Two for One
Fandom: Marvel (Professor AU/College AU)
Pairing: Stucky x F!Reader
Summary: Ever since you became the TA for Professor Romanoff, you’ve been seeing a lot of Professors Rogers and Barnes. They seem to be attracted to you, but you have a hard time deciding between the two. What do you do?
Warning: smut - bjs, threesome, semi-public…just a whole lot of naughty mk?
A/N: based off of this post and my tags in it. also, word count is about 4.1k. so yall better appreciate this and the struggle i went through to write this (i’m looking at you @chloerinebarnes )
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Steve was sure that if Bucky bit his lip any further, he’d draw blood. He nudged his boyfriend with his elbow, gaining his attention back, “Cool it with the staring and lip biting. You’ll scare her off.”
Bucky groaned, “She’s killin’ me with those jeans, babe.”
Steve snorted, “Tell me about it,” he murmured as his eyes went back to across the lounge. You were standing off to the side, speaking with Professor Romanoff, the teacher you were a TA for. You were nodding to everything that she was listing off for you to do. After handing you a stack of papers, you saw yourself out of the lounge. Bucky and Steve’s shoulders sagged in disappointment. 
Ever since you became Professor Romanoff, aka Natasha’s, TA, Steve and Bucky have been seeing you more and more. Not that they minded. You were beautiful, funny, and smart. Honestly, you were the missing puzzle piece in their life. 
Don’t get it wrong, Steve and Bucky were completely devoted to each other. But for the past few years, they’ve been feeling like they were missing something. And they believe that something is you. 
But how does one go about proposing a polyamorous relationship? You don’t. It’s not a very common thing and it’s not accepted in a lot of places. Nonetheless, Steve and Bucky adored you from the moment they met you. 
So, they hatched a plan. They would worm their way into your heart individually and when it came to the point where you “have to choose”, they’ll give you the other option: a two for one deal. 
You’re in the school cafe, a pile of papers off to the side that you’re making your way through. You suddenly feel a presence looming over you and you look up to see Professor Barnes. 
You give him a polite smile, “Hey there, professor! How’s it going?”
“Monday mornings were never my thing hence,” he gestured to his large coffee cup.
You snorted, “Tell me about it,” you pointed to your own, “This is my third one already.”
“Mind if I sit?” he points to the seat across from you.
You shook your head, “Not at all!” you move your things around to give him a little bit more space, “Enjoy your weekend?”
He shrugged, “Just stayed home, watched some Netflix, graded papers. The usual.”
You nodded, “That’s become my usual now too. Although, yesterday my friends Pietro and Wanda dragged me out of the apartment to go to a bar. Gonna be honest, had a bit too much.”
“That explains the coffee and you still grading papers that are probably due today.”
You sighed, “Yeeeaahhh. Never listening to the twins again,” you said with a snort. 
“I wish I could help. Russian Literature was my minor. But I’m sure if Nat found out, she’d have both our heads.”
“Definitely. Romanoff’s great, but, damn, does she terrify me!”
Barnes snorted, “Same here.” he stood up and grabbed his coffee, “Well, I’ll let you get to it. Good luck.”
“Thanks, Professor Barnes!”
He smiled down at you, and with a wink, he said, “Call me Bucky,” and he waltzed out of the cafe like it was nothing. And you hated to admit that that little gesture made your cheeks heat up and make your panties slightly damp.
You were struggling with holding the pile of graded papers in your arms and trying to get your notebook out for Romanoff’s class. Just when you thought you had it, all the papers tumbled forward onto the ground. You groaned and hung your head back, staring up at the sky asking, “Why me?”
You bent down and began to collect the papers, and then another pair of hands came into view. You tried to object, “It’s okay! I got-” when you looked up, staring back at you was he striking blue eyes of Professor Rogers, “I-I got it, Professor Rogers,” you stammered as you quickly collected the essays.
“It’s alright. I don’t mind helping,” he said with a shy smile, grabbing the leftover papers and handing them to you. You both stood up and awkwardly stood there, “So, uh, headed to Nat’s-I mean, Romanoff’s office?”
You nodded, “Yeah. Gotta turn in all these papers I graded.” you gestured to the pile that was back in your hands. 
“Oh, well, my office is in the same direction. I’ll accompany you.”
You two walked together, towards the Literature and History building, “So, uh, how was your weekend?”
“Oh, uh, pretty bland, honestly. Just hanging out and grading papers. What about you? Did you spend your weekend grading all of these?” he points to your pile.
“Sorta,” you answered, “I got most of them done. Then I went out last night. Got drunk and never finished the rest. I just finished up in the cafe. Professor Barnes was actually there too. Surprised you weren’t with him. You two are usually attached to the hip,” you say teasingly.
Rogers snorted, “Please, I couldn’t shake ‘im even if I tried. We actually live together. We see a lot of each other and you would think we’d get sick of each other. But we don’t.”
“That’s good. I love Pietro and Wanda, but, God, I don’t think I can spend every second of the day with them.”
He chuckled, “Guess you just gotta find the right people that’ll make you want to see them all the time.”
Soon enough, you were in the building, standing in front of Professor Romanoff’s office, “Well, here’s my stop,” you say.
“Yeah. Anyway, I hope you have a good rest of your day, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Professor Rogers. You too!”
“Please, call me, Steve,” he says with a grin and then turns around, heading for his office in the other direction.
Bucky is eating lunch in Steve’s office. Steve is typing away at his computer, occasionally pausing when Bucky feeds him a forkful of penne pasta into his mouth. 
“So, progress?” Bucky asks, his own mouth full of pasta. 
Steve chews a few more times before swallowing. He takes off his glasses and sets them onto his desk, “Told her to call me Steve after I helped pick up her papers that she dropped and accompanied her on the way to Nat’s office. She said she came from the cafe and you were there?”
Bucky nodded, “Yeah. Grabbed some coffee, sat with her and chatted a little bit. When I left, I told her to call me Bucky. You still think we should do this?”
“I really like her, Buck. I just-don’t you feel it? That spark with her?” when Bucky nodded, Steve continued, “Then can you imagine how it would be if all of us were together?”
“It’d be like nothing we’ve ever felt before,” Bucky murmured.
“Exactly. We gotta try, but we can’t be too overbearing. She’s gotta be the one.”
Bucky set down his tupperware of pasta and rest his hand on Steve’s, “She’s out missing puzzle piece.”
You sat in the lounge next to Professor Romanoff, or Nat, as she’s allowed you to call her. You’re both going over test grades and that’s when you hear the screeching of wood against the floor and then you look up to see Bucky and Steve settling across the table from you.
Your eyes brighten and a smile appears on your face, “Hey, Bucky! Hey, Steve!”
Big grins appear on their faces when you acknowledge, “Hey, doll,” Bucky says, and you feel your cheeks heating up. 
You duck your head down, biting your lip and continuing to grade papers. You hoped that Nat ignored that interaction, but she didn’t. While you continued to grade papers, Nat gave questioning looks to the professors across from her. Both gave her shrugs and pulled out their own work that needed to be done. 
Words started to blur as your eyes skimmed through another test, your red pen marking wrong answers. You could feel yourself getting a headache so you groaned and fell back into your seat, “I need a break. I’m gonna walk to the cafe. Do you guys want anything?” Nat and Bucky shook their head but Steve stood up.
“I’ll go with you. I think I need to stretch my legs anyway.” he turns to Bucky and gives him a nod, and then follows you out of the lounge. After you both leave, Nat turns to Bucky.
“What the hell are you guys up to?”
“Steve and I both like Y/N, so we’re trying to ease our way into her heart and possibly propose a poly relationship.”
Nat groaned, “Jesus Christ. You know what happened the last time you tried that. You and Steve ended up heartbroken and nearly broke up because of it.”
“Dot wasn’t right for us,” Bucky said with a shake of his head, “But Y/N’s different. You know she is, Nat.”
“Maybe so, but then again, you hardly know her.”
“And that’s why we’re trying to spend as much time as we can to get to know her.”
Nat shook her head, “You’re playing a dangerous game. She’s a student.”
“She’s graduating this year. Once she’s graduated, then Steve and I will ask. Trust us, Nat. We learned from the last time and we know what we’re doing now.”
“So, the semester is half way over and you’ll be graduating soon. Have any plans on what to do?” Steve asked, his hands curled up in his pockets. 
“Travel. Find a job. Maybe find some love on the way. I don’t know.”
“Not looking for love right now?” he asked with a teasing smirk. 
You shrugged, “Oh trust me, I’ve been looking. Just haven’t found anyone that clicks with me, ya know? Someone funny, smart, compassionate, independent. Oh and knows how to cook. It’s surprising how many people here barely know how to cook.”
Steve snorted, “Bucky loves to cook. He cooks our meals all the time. I know how to cook too, but for Bucky, it’s his stress reliever. He’s in his element when he cooks, plus everything is delicious when he makes it.”
“I’d love to try something other than ramen and burgers.”
“I’ll bring you some tomorrow. Buck loves to cook for other people so it won’t be a problem.”
You shook your head, “I can’t ask you guys to do that. You don’t have-”
“You’re not askin’, sweetheart. Plus, we want to do this. Trust me.”
You sighed, “Fine.”
Steve was beaming right then and there, “Great. Do you have any food preferences?”
“Surprise me.”
It became a regular thing after that. You and Nat would be in the lounge going over lecture notes or grading papers. Steve and Bucky would appear and slide over some tupperware for lunch that Bucky had prepared for you. At one point, they started bringing some food for Nat too since she complained about them not bringing food for her. Plus, they didn’t want to seem too suspicious. 
As the semester progressed, you found yourself in the company of Steve and Bucky often. Sometimes it was both of them, sometimes it was one or the other. You’d have lunch with them, walk with them to class or the office building. Relax under some trees while you graded papers. You also ended up getting both of their numbers and all three of you would be in a group chat texting away or texting to either men individually. 
You were around them a lot and you couldn’t help the feelings you were starting to develop for both them. It was conflicting. Very much so. You were a student and they were professors. 
It was a month before the semester ended, before you graduated, and you’d had enough. Enough of the feelings and the confusion. It had to stop!
So you burst into Bucky’s office where you knew both men would be. As soon as you step into the room, you freeze. There right before was Steve and Bucky, but they were tangled up in each other, making out. 
“I’m so confused,” you murmured as they stared at you wide-eyed. 
“Doll, I-we-”
“I-I should go. Sorry. I didn’t-I’m gonna-” 
You turn to leave but Steve cried outs, “Y/N, wait!” and you stop. You look at them and they’re staring at you with pleading eyes, “Sweetheart, please, don’t leave. Just-Just close the door and we’ll explain everything.”
Slowly, you move back inside, closing the door behind you. You sit at the chair across from Bucky’s desk. Bucky sits back down into his seat and Steve stands off to the side, running his hand through his disheveled hair. 
“Are-Are you guys together?” you ask apprehensively. When both men nod, you let out a shaky breath, “I-I don’t understand. Both of you made it seem like you were interested in me. Were you just toying with me? Is that it?!”
“No!” both said unison. 
Steve cleared his throat, “It’s nothin’ like that, Y/N. We swear. We-Bucky and I, we’ve been together for a long time. We love each other a lot, but-”
Bucky interjected, “But we feel like we’ve been missing something. And we think that something is you.”
You became even more confused, “But you’re together already. How would that even work?”
“A polyamorous relationship. The three of us can be together. Bucky and I have strong feelings for you, Y/N.”
You shook your head, “This can’t happen,” and suddenly, it felt like Bucky and Steve’s hearts were breaking all over again, but then you continued, “I’m still a student and you’re professors. If this got out, I’d be expelled and you two would be fired. I-” you take a moment to let out a deep breath, “It’s funny. I was coming here to tell you that I can’t choose between you two. I have feelings for both of you, so I was just-I don’t know-take myself out of the equation.”
“But you don’t have to, doll,” Bucky says with a hopeful gaze.
Steve rest his hand on Bucky’s shoulder to prevent him from getting ahead of yourself, “But we understand your reasoning why you don’t want to be with us.”
“I didn’t say I don’t want to be with you. I said I can’t right now.” that made both men’s ears perk, “I’m graduating next month. We can put all of this on hold for now and once I’m outta here then...”
“We can wait!” Bucky said all too enthusiastically, which made Steve chuckle.
Steve’s hand moved from Bucky’s shoulder, down his arm and to his hand where they laced fingers, “We’re willing to wait for you, sweetheart. You’re worth it.”
You moved around the desk and to the two men, grabbing each of their hands in yours, “Thank you. You guys mean a lot to me,” you leaned in and pecked the cheeks of each men, “I’ll see you guys soon,” and then you were out of Bucky’s office. The end of next month couldn’t come any sooner. 
“Y/N L/N!” your name was called as you walked across the stage, shaking the dean’s hand, and accepting your diploma. Cheers from your loved ones and peers brought a huge smile to your face. You walked down the steps dancing on your way back to your seat, your classmates buzzing all around you. 
After everyone’s name was called, the dean stood up the podium to give final remarks and the changing of the tassels, “Now, everyone, I present to you the Class of 2020!” everyone cheered as caps went flying into the air. You hugged the people around you, and waited for your family and friends to meet you on the field. In the meantime..
“I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” Bucky cried out as he gave you a big ol’ hug. Steve stood behind him, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 
“Congrats, Y/N,” Steve gave you a hug, nothing to make anyone suspicious.
You were beaming at them, “Thanks you guys. I can’t believe it. I graduated!”
Bucky was ready to ask you out right then and there, but stopped when he saw your family approaching. He and Steve stepped aside to allow you some time with your loved ones. They mouthed, “See you later,” and both walked away to congratulate other students. 
You watched as they departed. A part of you wanted to chase after them and kiss them both then and there, but that would stir something up and you didn’t want any trouble on this momentous day. Soon, Y/N. Soon. 
The day after graduation was when you were to pick up your official diploma. You knew from the group chat that Steve and Bucky would be on campus, due to finishing up finals. And after you picked up your diploma, you wanted to go see them. 
With diploma in hand, you approached the office building, sending off texts to the men:
You: whatcha up to?
Bucky: grading finals in Steve’s office
You: can I stop by?
Steve: of course ;)
You giggled, knowing how predictable Bucky was, two cups of coffee with you already. You approached Steve’s office, knocking on the slightly ajar door, “May I enter?”
The door swung wide open, and Bucky immediately pulled you inside, closing and locking the door behind you. You snorted, “Wow, eager mu-mmf!” you couldn’t finish the teasing retory as a pair of lips matched up with yours, hands cupping your face. 
You heard a chuckle from behind you, “Buck, careful, you’re gonna make her spill the coffee she got for us.” He went over and grabbed the coffee tray from your hands.
You pulled away, mumbling, “Thank you,” to him and then looking back at Bucky who sported a dopey grin on his face, “How long were you waiting to do that?”
“So fucking long,” he mumbled, pressing his lips to yours once more, but it was brief since you pulled away.
“Hey now, two kisses and Steve hasn’t even gotten any from me yet. You’re starting to get greedy, mister.”
Bucky’s cheeks flushed and he ducked his head down shyly, “Sorry, doll,” he then moved aside for Steve. 
Steve pulled you in, wrapping an arm around you and slowly leaning in. His lips were hovering over yours and right as you were about to tell him to hurry up, his lips met yours in a passionate kiss. His fingers dug into your skin as he held onto you for dear life. For so long him and Bucky have wanted you like this and he feels like if he lets go, if he pulls away, it’ll all be a dream. 
Steve began to walk you backwards until your backside hit the edge of his desk. You pulled away to look at the two men, whose soft gazes faded and turned into lustful ones. 
You smirked, “I’ve always fantasized about being fucked on a desk.”
Both men growled as they started to undo their pants. Steve pressed you up against the desk, kissing you heatedly, while Bucky began to remove things from the surface. You hopped onto it after receiving the okay from Bucky. Steve worked on getting your jeans off while Bucky pulled of your shirt. Clothes flew around the room with no care where they landed. 
“Ah fuck, baby doll. You’re so fucking gorgeous,” Bucky moaned, his hand slowly pumping his cock and the other kneading your breast. 
You laid across the surface, opening your mouth, welcoming Bucky’s length. You both moaned when his dick entered your mouth. Bucky thrust his hips back and forth, loving how you looked taking his cock. 
Meanwhile, Steve was paying special attention to your pussy. He licked a strip up your slit, tongue circling around your clit. When you moaned a little too loud, Steve pulled away, “Quiet now, honey. Someone might here your pretty little noises and those are for our ears only.”
Bucky pulled out of your mouth for you to reply, “Sorry, Steve.”
“How wet is she, Stevie?” Bucky asked through his panting.
Steve licked his lips, “So fucking wet and she’s so sweet,” he murmured before slurping up some of your juices. 
Bucky whined, “Lemme taste.” Steve then stood up and leaned over the desk, pulling Bucky towards him, Lips smashing against lips. You wished you could’ve seen the two men swapping your taste, but the view was blocked by Bucky’s body leaning over yours. 
When they pulled away Steve cleared his throat, looking from you to Bucky, “So, how’s this gonna go: i fuck her pussy while you get her mouth, or vice versa?”
You shook your head, “No, I wanna feel you both at the same time.”
Both men moaned at the thought of both of their cocks filling you up to the brim. Steve nodded, “Very well. Bucky, on the table. Sweetheart, straddle Bucky.” Both you and Bucky did as you were told while Steve pulled out a bottle of lube from a drawer. 
You gave him a questioning look and Bucky chuckled, “This isn’t the first time we’ve fucked in this office, doll.” And just the image of Bucky and Steve fucking in this office made you even more wet than before. 
Steve, with his cock lubed up, knelt behind you and in-between Bucky’s legs, “You ready for us, babygirl?”
“I’ve literally been waiting all semester for this, Steve. Now hurry up and fuck me.”
Both men snickered at your haste, “Gotta give our girl what she wants,” Bucky mumbled as he lined himself up with you and you lowered yourself onto him. Steve was right behind you, pushing you forward and slowly easing himself into not wanting to hurt you. Moments pass they’re both inside you and, holy shit, this is something you’ve never felt before.
Both men stay still as they let you set the pace. You rock your body back and forth, allowing both cocks to drag themselves in and out of you. Seriously, the feeling was something unworldly. What made it ever better was Bucky’s lips on your chest and Steve’s hand working your clit. These men both knew what they were doing. 
“So fucking sexy, sweetheart, taking our cocks at the same time,” Steve murmured into your neck, “You love this, don’t you? Love being filled to the brim.”
Bucky bit at your skin, making you hiss, to which he mumbled, “Answer him, babydoll.”
“Yes, Steve. Love your cocks filling me whole,” you gasped when Bucky’s cock just hit that spot that made you shudder. With the way things were going, you knew you were gonna be cumming soon. 
“Wanna make a mess outta you, sweetheart,” Bucky whispered, lips still wandering over your neck and chest, “Wanna fill you with our cum, paint you with it. Mark you as ours.”
“I’m yours,” you panted out, “I’m all yours,” you moved your body faster, desperate for your release. 
“Go ahead, baby, cum on our cocks. We wanna feel ya,” Steve mumbled in your ear, his hand working faster on your clit. You dug your nails into Bucky’s chest, a pain he happily welcomed. 
“Come on, baby. Give it us. You can do it,” Bucky encouraged you, slapping your ass and kneading the flesh. 
“Fuck, fuck,” you said through gritted teeth. A powerful wave of pleasure washed over you as leaned down, resting your head against Bucky’s while you came.
“So pretty when you cum,” he whispered.
“Such a good girl,” Steve murmured, kissing your back and shoulders. You moved a bit and felt something wet. You sat up and looked down to see that you just squirted all over you and Bucky.
“Oh shit. I’ve never done that before,” you murmured.
Bucky snickered, “First time for everything,” he said with a wink. 
You then moved off his lap, “Well, lemme clean this up for you since it is my mess.” Both men hissed when your hands wrapped around both their lengths, your mouth gliding over Bucky’s stomach and pelvis, collecting your own juices. 
“Oh my God, you’re perfect,” he moaned, his hand grabbing your head and trying to push it towards his cock.
You slapped his hand away, “I already sucked you off, babe. Now it’s Steve’s turn,” you said with a smirk. You gave a wink to the blonde as your mouth lowered onto his dick. Bucky was right, you are perfect. And you’re theirs. All theirs.
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iamdorka · 5 years
The making of the new album
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I wanted to post this hours ago but the wifi at the train station decided to be a bitch so I try to post it now. If it gets posted two times please love this one more, okay? 🙈
So as the release of his new album is closer and closer I decided to write something about it. Hope you will like it.
The making of the new album (headcanon)
- He was really excited about this one, because after opening about the demons in his head in Hotel Diablo on this one he really could show his true passion, every piece of it, without any restriction. He just kept pushing himself towards his truest self and you had to admire that, because his work was his life. Also he worked with some of the finest artist (including literally your heroes from your childhood and that got you even more excited if it was even possible).
- He loved when you were around in the studio even if you had nothing to do with music, your presence calmed him down even in his darkest moments. He needed that firm point in his life, he needed you.
- And you loved being there with him because even if listening to music, pretending you are sometimes Beyonce or other time the fearless frontgirl of a rockband like Hayley Williams was your only way engaging with music, seeing him creating his vision with his mates gave you a whole new understanding of literally everything. He was able to show you new things even after 2 years being in a relationship with him and you loved him for it, lived for it.
- You saw him at his lowest but also the highest point while creating this masterpiece and you were with him all along. You supported him and it meant the world to him, you knew it. He showed you that with words, with cute little actions.
- Yeah, you have to admit that sometimes it was a bit too much and it was hard for you to accept everything not that you should’ve accept everything. Even if you knew that he was working on a precious piece of his soul you weren’t blind. You saw that he was suffering inside. He needed to do this but the ache in your heart still was there it was really frightening sometimes.
- This creative process was a roller coaster for everybody. For him and for you too.
- He was overworking himself and sometimes he didn’t even notice it, which hurt you even more because half of your soul was him and seeing him like that was terrible. After creating and living in Hotel Diablo you knew it would come to this but really living it was different.
- You spent a lot of time alone too because he was on his feet 24/7 and slowing down never was an option for him. Yeah you knew that he was in love with music (beside you) but it still hurt like hell when you just couldn’t find him next to you when you needed him, when you were expecting him to be there.
- Even if you were with him in the last 2 years you still couldn't humanly imagine how he could manage being up and awake ALL THE TIME. Oh yeah... you knew how he could do that but you preferred not to think about it. He knew that his health wasn't at its peak and that you were mad at him because of it. He didn't accept worries from nobody... but you were different. Cliche or not.
- Sometimes but nowadays most of the time you just wanted to slap his beautiful face to beat some sense into him even if you knew it was a mission impossible. But not just he was who needed his other half... you needed him too and didn't want to lose him, not in a million years.
- The day when he finally showed the finished album to his label he wanted you to be there with him but your boss thought otherwise because he sent you to San Francisco the day before for a 2 day job. Your heart ache because you really wanted to be there with him and even if he didn't admit it he was a little but disappointed too.
- So you did everything humanly possible to get the work done in the shortest imaginable time, that's how you ended up on a train at 4am without getting any sleep just to get back in time to Los Angeles to be with him. He didn't know anything about it.
- You didn't even get home, you just cought an uber and with your suitcase and everything you were headed to Interscope.
- The only person who knew about your surprise appearance was Slim and he knew if he told anything to Colson you would gladly kill him with your bare hands without even thinking or blinking.
- You never got out of a car this fast because you got there exactly 5 minutes before them. (It was 10am and having Colson up at this time was a miracle to begin with but you did your own miracle too to be there on time.)
- 'I thought I will have to show them myself the album. You are late' when he entered the floor where the conference room was, you waited him there casually sitting on the couch not showing that it was hard even to breathe for you because you had to be that fast and you just fell to the couch a minute before. You tried to play it cool so you did.
- Not even saying a word as you stood up he brought you in his arms and hugged you like he hadn't seen you in ages. He had his girl with him.
- 'Am I dreaming?' he kissed your cheek as he let himself see your smiling face. For a brief moment he forgot why he was in that building.
- 'I know I'm your dream girl... but no, you are not.' you answered him smiling, biting your lip as you laced your fingers together not engaging in any pda because first: you two hated that, second: you had company and he had work to do, important work. 'But maybe I'm... because I haven't slept in the last 48 hours and I'm running on like 4 coffees' you murmured and when Slim gave you your new coffee you corrected yourself taking a sip from it. 'five and counting... '
- 'Good luck. I'M PROUD OF YOU AND I LOVE YOU' you told this to his lips as you sat down on the couch and he took his seat at the end of the big conference table. Everyone was ready, more than ready.
- He was living his best life and your heart was full of love watching him because he was enjoying every moment of this. He could not stop moving, you could see that he was already feeling himself at the live shows and he proved that too because he even got on the table dancing, rocking his soul to his new goodies.
- It really got your heart beat faster and even if you realised that some of the people didn't really appreciate your boyfriend that much, you couldn't care less because you could see how proud he was of his work. Sweat and blood. It was his, the best one yet.
- You even recorded him dancing on the table because it was the funniest shit ever and you knew his fans would appreciate it later. And you loved feeding them with quality content.
- When the presentation was over he could not hold himself back because when you stood up, wanting to congratulate him again (after all the other people) he picked you up and he was spinning with you not letting you to touch the ground. He was in an euphoric state and he didn't hide him.
- 'You are my world. Thanks for being here' he murmured to your neck and finally he put you down.
- 'I really am proud of you' you repeated yourself and you were glad Slim got closer to you as the people in the room started chatting about everything what was coming.
- 'You got it?' you asked him and he nodded without a word.
- 'Got what?' Colson asked cluelessly looking at you both.
- 'Nothing.' you replied as you asked him for his phone. 'But you just held yours a minute ago' he stated the truth. 'But I want... yours.' You asked politely again and he did finally what you asked him and without even thinking you gave immediately Slim the phone.
- 'Okay... I don't understand you. What are you up to?' he asked smirking at you.
- 'You... and me are up to catching a flight. You can't say no because I will handcuff you to me if you start to rebel. We are going on a little vacation right now.'
- 'You need this bro' Slim stated too watching as you didn't let Colson's hand from yours. 'I already fought with her because of this... and I didn't even have the slightest chance either... nor have you, so... just accept it'
- 'You really have a handcuff with you?' he asked the right question.
- 'Just bought a new pair in San Francisco, to make sure everything would be fine' he threatened him but you were sure that he would even enjoy if you used it right there and then.
- 'Ohh... it will be more than fine' he looked at you with the hungriest smirk on his lips.
- 'Please... get a room or whatever, but catch your flight because I think I'm gonna throw up in my mouth if I have to be with you two two more seconds' Slim said and you already were stealing the star of the moment leaving the place as fast as you arrived there.
- Maybe he had other plans, maybe the others did too but with the help of your very good friends you made sure everything would be okay. They agreed that he deserved this getaway before everything was coming and A LOT was coming. He needed that recharge and so did you.
- You managed to rent a beach house probably in the middle of nowhere and that place was exactly what you two needed. No internet, no people just the two of you and the calming sound of the ocean.
- Yeah, both of you were and still are the people who can't really sit in a place for more than a minute, because you had to do something but once in a while it was good just to... be. Because you just bought 'tickets to my downfall' and before all the craziness you had to remind him that he is a human being and if he loses his power he could not spread the energy to anybody else... not even himself.
Tag list (write me if you wanna be on it❤)
@no-shxt-sherl @kiss-yall @bakerkells @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @mgk-rooklover1997 @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @southernmgkpunk @thegunnerkelly @findingmyth @painkillerash @rosesinmars @rosegoldrichie @pinksocktingz @itjustkindahappenedreally @cclynn88 @bluehairedtracii
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jeanstoppable · 4 years
~most afraid of~
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This interview is going...suspiciously well. 
The reporter thought as they sat on a deep plum chaise lounge, ignoring the cold sweat running down their back--it was mere nervousness, that’s all--as they shoot a grateful half-smile at their interviewee: a young woman in her early twenties who apparently was the owner of one of the most famous, if not the finest, theatres in the city. She only acknowledged their smile with a small nod and then went back to sipping her drink. The reporter fidgeted on their seat, trying to shake off the feeling that something was wrong when the lady has been nothing but hospitable. Their eyes darted from the sparse furniture to the beautiful paintings and…
What in the hell is that wallpaper? Suppressing a shudder as they quickly glanced at the black squares dotted randomly across the four red walls of the room, feeling eyes on their back...
Clink. Clink.
“Do you have any more questions?” A low, smooth voice called out.
Storing that information for later, the reporter cleared their throat before clicking the button on the pen twice, releasing two click clacks--just to ease their anxiety--and skimmed the last few things on the list; internally groaning when they read the next question.
They decided to hell with it.
“What are you...most afraid of?” Their tone was surprisingly stable. 
But once the question left their lips, the air stilled and it seemed like time stopped with how the woman abruptly seized her movements. Wait, what happened? The ice cubes in her drink quietly clinked at the sides of her glass and that tiny noise seemed to put everything back into motion. A shift of clothes, and then...she finally moved. Now, she was casually leaning back in her own chair with one leg crossed over the other.
“...Take a guess.” The lady gestured the glass towards them, the amber liquid sloshing as she twirled it absently.
 “I—“ They paused, confused and---What was that? Did the question set her off?--- avoided her pointed gaze. The woman must’ve mistaken their silence as hesitation and took the initiative this time.
“Come on, I won’t bite.” She smiled, “If you don’t want me to.” They paled when she showed them her teeth. The lady only laughed at their reaction and took one more sip of her drink.
“Look, I don’t know how high of a pedestal you’ve put me on but I’m actually afraid of many things.” She started inspecting her polished nails, “They’re much more mediocre than you think.” 
When the reporter didn’t respond, she continued to speak, more than happy to feed their curiosity, “First of all, Heights, I can’t stand them at all. Spiders? Deathly afraid...Or maybe it’s insects in general but anyway---.” She started ticking off her fears one by one until the reporter managed to muster up the courage to ask another one of their questions.
“...Death?” They inquired, hopeful and also dreading for the answer. 
Please say yes. Please say yes.
It only got a crease in her brows. 
They just want to know if the rumours were true. That the theatre was simply a front while businesses nothing short of illegal was happening in the back. Crap, and if it is…They’re deep in the lion’s den now. They held back a curse. If it weren’t for the huge payroll, they wouldn’t be in this position in the first place.
“How morbid...” The woman huffed, pulling the reporter from their thoughts and snapping them back to reality.
Her eyes slid over to them in a lazy yet sharp manner and then made a face. It was as if she put on a mask and a barrier dropped behind her eyes, blocking anyone from seeing what they’re expressing. The reporter froze in their seat, wishing they could take the damned question back and make a run for it.
The barrier disappeared instantly and she was once again an open book, her expression was easy to identify—too easy—while she hummed low in her throat. 
“Death, huh?” She shook her head after a few seconds of contemplating and then placed the glass on the table with another resounding clink, uncrossed her legs and stood up.
“Unfortunately,” the lady sighed wistfully and straightened her coat.
Oh no. 
She winked at them before declaring, “I don’t fear it at all.” 
With just the snap of a finger, the double doors behind her burst open and two people dressed in matching suits marched inside. The reporter jumped to their feet, their stomach already churning nauseatingly at the alarming turn of events.
“Here’s one more thing you should write down.” Their eyes hastily zoned in on the woman and watched as one corner of her mouth twisted into a mocking smirk, framing her red lips beautifully.
“I’m afraid... that you’ve overstayed your welcome.” Your time’s up.
Meaning they’re going to die.
“WAIT! Wait, no, no, no please! Please, I don’t understand!” 
Their cries echoed in the room and the familiar sense of being watched pricked at the back of their head. The reporter felt the need to look around. They had to. Turning ever so slightly, they saw multiple silhouettes peeking out of the black squares, every single one was wearing two-piece suits like the two guards that entered earlier and...they’re armed. 
Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The trembling got worse.
“I almost forgot to answer your question.” The lady ignored the reporter’s pitiful pleas as she entertained a thought in her head, saying it like she would talk about the weather.
“The thing I’m most afraid of is—“ Something akin to cruelty but much much darker, flashed across her eyes. “My enemies, naturally.” 
“Although, I make sure they’re already dead before they ever find out.” 
It was the Pawns that came first and be purposely sacrificed and then the Queen will shortly follow.
“Sooo, what does a great woman like you fear?” Perhaps it was an innocent question the girl, barely in her twenties, in front of her wanted to know, or—entirely something else.
The woman tilted her head and observed her for an instant: her big lousy grin, her too-bright eyes, the abundance smell of expensive perfume and her left heel tapping in a fast tempo.
Her lips curved into a smile.
Time to knock down the Queen.
(A/n: ALAS! She’s finally here!! So, this oc of mine was created roughly two months ago and I even have a few sketches of her already but nothing too concrete so I’m really excited to finish a piece of her. Also, she DOES have a name and it will be revealed in later prompts but for a bit of context, she’s a not so nice guy, like a villain oc of sorts. She does illegal stuff under the guise of her ‘theatre’. Essentially, she’s an underground boss and she’s here to fuck everybody’s day up. Except her lovely theatre personnel.
I hope yall don’t mind the pronouns I used here, I think it’s an important representation to some people who use them. ;) )
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evanstanhoney · 5 years
Manners 🌹💋
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a/n: so this is a repost from an older blog. it was once part of a bdsm-ish series i did and might bring here but idk. hope yall like it, it’s sort of.....a lot.
more of the series can be found here!
⚠️warnings: smut smut smut; dom!shawn; a little kinky. 
word count: 4.8k
Anxious is the only way Shawn could describe his day. He was consumed with the thoughts of what would happen later that night and even though it was all his idea, that he brought all of this to your attention in the first place he knew he couldn’t back out now. Especially not with how excited you were, he was in too deep. And no matter how many times he’s tried to tell you otherwise, in your eyes Shawn was an expert on all things kink. He knew what he was doing, for the most part, sure, and he was confident in his abilities but he didn’t know everything. He’s never done this with you, and that's what had him anxious. He didn’t know how you would react to everything, you were so new to all of this, and knowing you were putting all your trust in him was a bit overwhelming. He was looking forward to the night, but the prospect that you’d change your mind about being with him once you realized what it was he was into, what he dragged you into, was terrifying.
 Having a list in front of him of exactly what he could do was incredibly helpful.  It at least gave him a starting point. Still, he didn’t know how much was too much for one night. So Shawn had set up the stoplight system. He’d drilled it into your head the last few days to make sure you understood its’ importance. He had also decided that tonight was going to be on the softer end of the spectrum. Rougher than usual of obviously, but focusing on some of the new verbal cues you said you’d liked the idea of. Shawn had accidentally let his voice slip into Dom mode a few times in the past, and seeing your reaction sent nearly sent him over the edge, but he was looking forward to your reaction to him once he let himself fully go there.  
 This was your first official night playing and he wanted to spoil you a little bit. You had opted out of having a play by play of the night's activities, and instead, Shawn gave you a brief overview, naming the few things from your list that he’d try to implement. That way you’d be prepared without completely taking out the spontaneity of it all.
After he closed down the cafe, Shawn went to pick up some food from one of your favorite takeout places and headed home. Before you arrived he tried to tidy up a bit. Tossing some laundry into the hamper that he’d been too lazy to actually put there. He knows you have seen his place in far worse condition but for some reason, he felt like he needs to impress you.
  As you ate dinner he relaxed a bit, and the mood was light as usual. Chatting over take away containers and laughing at the TV in the background. But as you finished the mood shifted. The way Shawn held his shoulders back. His voice. Every movement he made seemed so much more deliberate. You couldn't help but notice, and you tried your best to maintain your composure.
 You collected the takeaway containers and the plates you’d used, taking them to the kitchen. You were just finishing up washing the last plate when you felt Shawn’s hands gripping your hips pressing the two of you incredibly close your back to his chest. He places a few long slow kisses to your shoulder leading up to the base of your neck. You don’t know what to say. Your words were stuck.
 “Hey.” you nearly moaned. You couldn’t help it, what with him pressed incredibly to your back, his breath fanning across your neck.
 “Hi.” He places a kiss on the other shoulder and up your neck to the spot he knew you liked.  
 When you put the last plate on the drying rack, Shawn turns you around, lifting the hem of your shirt, rubbing soft circles into the soft skin of your hips. He looks at you for a moment, his eyes are intense, but he’s got that smug smirk on his face that you know all too well. That one that tells you he knows just how gone you are for him. Grabbing the back of your neck, and crashes your lips together. It’s a short kiss, but damn was it effective. It's only been three minutes and you were already putty in his hands.
 “I want you to go to my room and change into the black lingerie set. Do you know where it is?” His voice was strong and assertive. It's that tone he’s always used on you but more. Everything from here on out was going to be more than usual, you realized.
 “Good. Change, and then wait for me. I’ll be there in a second. Okay?”  
 “Okay.” your voice was shaky at best but you give him a reassuring nod. 
 He gives you a quick kiss and sends you on your way. As you round the corner into Shawn’s bedroom you move to the closet. You don’t need to look hard to find the pink bag on the top shelf. Bringing it to the bed you remove the tissue paper and holds up the black lace. He showed it to you a few days ago and you couldn’t stop thinking about it since. It was beautiful, but you never would have picked it out for herself. You never thought you could wear anything like it. But knowing that Shawn had bought it with you in mind,  and the way the lace-covered just enough made you feel incredibly sexy.
 You come out of the tiny bathroom attached to his room and sit on the bed, adjusting yourself a few times to get comfortable. Should you pose? Act natural? You were overthinking it, you knew, so you just ended up sitting with your legs folded in the center of the bed.
 A few moments later Shawn enters the room, closing the door behind him. He hits the light switch leaving only standing lamp in the corner to light the space. He turns, with the same intense look in his eyes, but you can see a hint of a smirk. He walks to the end of the bed, motioning you to come closer. You shimmy your way down the bed on your knees until you’re just about eye level. He brings his hand up, caressing your cheek with one hand and you lean into it.
 “Are you sure you want to do this?” His voice is still husky, but with a bit of worry behind it.
 “I’m sure.” You’ve never been more sure about anything in your entire life and seeing Shawn like this. It was mesmerizing.
 Shawn lets out a deep sigh like the world's been lifted off his shoulders with just those few words. “Remind me of the rules.”
 “Use my words, nods don’t count. Stop you if I need anything. And no sassing.” You can’t help but smirk at the last one. There’s no way you were going to make it through the night without at least a little bit of sass. But you were also very much looking forward to seeing what would happen if you did break the rules.
 “And your colors?”
“Green is I’m okay. Yellow means I need to talk to you about something, and red means stop.” It takes everything in you not to roll your eyes at him. He’d been giving you pop quizzes all week. You knew the importance of the safe words, you just don't see why you’d need them tonight. You weren’t doing anything extreme. More intense then what you’d been doing but nothing safeword worthy.
 “Good girl”. Shawn whispers the words out against your lips, as he gives you a soft peck. It’s the first time he’d actually said it, and you actually shiver. You knew you’d like it, but hearing the words coming from Shawn's mouth now sounds so much better than you’d ever imagined.
 He sits on the edge of the bed, he takes your hand and moves you to straddle his lap. You don’t lean in to kiss him, or reach up and thread your fingers through his curls like you normally would. Instead, you sat there, hands at your sides waiting for him to take the lead. You’re so pliant, hanging onto Shawn’s every word and he loves it.
He brings your face to his and kisses you. Really kisses you, like it’s the only way he can breathe. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and you start playing with his hair, giving it a few gentle tugs, urging him to give you more. More hands-on you, more attention to your breasts. Anything. He can sense you’re getting restless and pulls his lips away from hers and attaches them to your neck. To the one spot right below your ear, that you love so much and you can’t help the moan you let out. He nibbles there for a while, his large hands gripping and kneading your ass. You start moving your hips, grinding against him desperately. You can feel him getting hard in his sweats and you roll your hips harder. Just when you think you’re getting somewhere his hands are at your waist, bringing you to a stop. You look down at him in a frenzy.
“Be patient.” He growls, his brown eyes locked on yours.
You can feel how hard he is, but he doesn't do anything. He looks completely in control and focused. He runs a hand up your back slowly, his eyes dragging up and down your body. He’s looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. In any other circumstance you would feel a bit embarrassed, this kind of attention always seemed to make you feel a little uncomfortable. You preferred to fly under the radar, but now, you can’t get enough of the attention.  
 “Are you ready?” His voice brings you back for a second and you quickly nod, earning you a quick pinch to your nipple. It’s the little moan that you let out instead of a yelp, which surprises you the most. It felt….nice?
 “Did we forget the rules already?” He teased, soothing the sensitive nub he’d just pinched. You already like this game.
 “Then let’s try it again. Are you ready?”
 “Yes.” you stutter.
 “Alright. On your stomach, across my lap.” Shawn adjusts himself slightly and gets you comfortable. He was nervous about spanking before, but now with you laid across his lap, your ass on full display he couldn't be more ready. He forces his eyes away and turns to look at you, your head turned, trying your best to look back at him.
“I'm going to start, now. I want you to keep count and tell me if it's too much, okay?”
 He takes a few moments, rubbing and squeezing each cheek. Just to get you used to the feeling of his hands on your ass in this context, and then without warning, he’s bringing it down for the first swat. It wasn’t hard by any means, but he put more force behind than he had when he’d playfully spanked you before.
The sound that it makes was music to Shawn's ears. It’s the little whimper that you lets out that brings his eyes back to her. “You okay?” He whispers soothing the sting.
“Yeah.” It didn’t hurt, you just weren’t expecting it. An aspect you felt like you shouldn’t enjoy half as much as you did.
 Just as Shawn was about to give you a warning, you whimper out a quick “One.”
The next two come quick and fast, Shawn alternating cheeks and soothing them after each one. He was so focused on what his hands were doing he almost missed the desperate whisper on the side of him.
 “What was that, baby?”
 “More…please” your voice was soft and sweet, and suddenly Shawn was ready to finish this as quickly as he could so he could have his mouth on you again. But he couldn’t, he needed to see this through. He quickly pulled himself together, softly running his nails down your back leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“More what baby girl?” you're not sure why the pet name suddenly made your stomach do somersaults but it did and you decided you could never get tired of hearing it.
“Umm- harder. Please?” Well fuck. How was Shawn meant to get through the rest of the scene with you taking everything he’s dishing out. And still, asking for more?
 “Harder, huh?”
 “Yes, please.”
 He shimmed the black lace down, to rest just under your ass. He took a few seconds rubbing before giving you one good hit. It was the hardest one he’d given and was anxious as soon as his hand made contact, but the moan You let out was all the reassurance he needed.
 Shawn went back to soothing the last hit like he’d been doing and for some reason, you let out the smallest giggle into the mattress. A small part of you felt like you shouldn’t be enjoying this. You should feel humiliated, laid out on your boyfriends' lap, while he made you count every time he slaps your ass. But it felt so good and damn was it fun.  
“Something funny?” There wasn’t the smallest hint of a smile in his voice and it only made you smile into your arm more.
“No.” you purred, trying your best to get a look at him over your shoulder.  
Shawn doesn't say anything, just turning back to his work on your ass. Then you feel Shawn’s hands move farther down and between your legs and your breath hitches.
“Looks like someone’s enjoying themselves.” He drags a finger up and down your folds, feeling your wetness. Slowly he dips a finger inside, curling it slightly softly stroking at your spot, making you let out a breathy moan.
“That feel good?”
“Mmhmm.” You hum, nodding your head.
“Do you want more?” He asks his finger slowing down.
“Yes, please.”
As soon as the words leave your lips, he picks up the pace with his finger, eventually adding in a second. Given the circumstances,  it takes almost no time for you to feel the beginning waves of an orgasm, and as quickly as you recognize it, Shawn’s pulled out his fingers. You let out an annoyed huff, ready to give him a piece of your mind for teasing you when you’re stopped by two hards spanks to your ass. You quickly give him a count, before pushing your ass back up in the air hoping he’d give you his fingers again.
 It seemed to work. He spent half the time massaging your ass this time before taping on your inner thigh signaling you to open your legs a little wider for him. After running his fingers up and down your folds a few times, Shawn dips two fingers inside. He moved them in and out, almost robotically, before finally curving them down just the right amount to get at your G-spot. You will never get over how good Shawn is with his fingers. He knew it was your favorite, other than having him inside you of course. But it was a sure-fire way to get you to come quick. A fact he took full advantage of. Often.
He kept his fingers hooked and before you knew it you could feel that coil in your lower stomach tightens. You were right there. Then his fingers were gone, and in its place was a good sting to your right cheek.
“Shawn!” you wine, earning you another hard swat. “Ow! Eight.”  
 “Color?” he moves quickly to soothe your cheek this time, nervous he’d actually hit too hard.
 “Green.” you groan into the mattress. It was a shock to the system, but it didn’t hurt. You were more annoyed than in any actual pain.
 He pulled you up so you were straddling his lap again. He put the fingers that had been in you to his lips sucking them clean, look you right in the eye. It was absolutely obscene and you were so turned on. Mad as hell he wouldn’t let you finish, but incredibly turned on.
 “What did we agree on, baby?”  He placed a possessive hand on the back of your neck, forcing your eyes to his. What the hell was he talking about? You had remembered your colors, you kept your manners, giving him only verbal responses, you were keeping count. And then you remember.
 “I’d tell you when I’m close.” you huff. Frustrated doesn't even begin to cover it. At yourself, for not remembering something...essential. But mainly at Shawn because he could just pretend you did and let you fucking finish. But nope, he.
 “And have you been telling me?”
 “No.” you pout. No matter how annoyed and frustrated you were with him, the look in his eyes and that tone, had you wrapped around his finger.
God, his fingers.
 “I’ve given you a pass so far, but next time you don't tell me, I’m adding five more. Understood?”
“Yes.” You whisper, voice cracking a bit and your eyes cast down.
“Color, baby?”  
“I’m Green,”  you mumble, through a pout, and Shawn finds it so adorable he wants to kiss it, but he can’t now. He has to enforce the rules. And you liked the idea, that was the point of all of this. That doesn't mean you couldn’t still be pouty about having rules now. He adjusts you back across his lap and begins to massage your ass again.
 “Only a few two, you ready.”
 Forgetting already, you give him a nod, and Shawn gives an extra hard squeeze.
 “Baby?” he warns, squeezing the cheek in his hands and a little harder.
 “I’m ready.”
 The last two are quick and hard, but nothing you couldn’t handle. As soon as he finished the last one he’s pulling you up, having you sit on his lap.  He brings his hand up caressing your cheek, looking you over.
“You did good baby.” He brings you down for a quick peck, and the noise you let out is somewhere between a moan and a whine. And you grind down against him, and he doesn’t stop you this time.
 “Are you okay?”
 “Yeah.” you purr, playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
 “Good.” He runs his hand down your front dipping into the front of your panties. Resting right on your clit. He gives no indication he intends to move just resting it there watching you try to keep your hips still. You lean forward nuzzling into his neck, letting out something between a moan and whine. A plea for him to give you something, anything to take the edge off. You were beyond desperate. He had denied you twice already, and you just wanted one orgasm, just a tiny one.
“Do you need something?” he chuckled, giving a kiss to your shoulder.
 “Fingers. I want your fingers,” you whisper but he still didn’t move.
 “You want my fingers?....” He prompted, pulling your face from his neck.
 “Please. I want your fingers, please.” you groaned. He was sticking to the rules, and you liked it. You agreed to them for a reason, but how were you supposed to remember all of them with Shawn teasing you like this.
 When Shawn got what he wanted, his hand was on your clit, going in nice smooth circles. The other arm securely around your waist keeping you close. You threw your arms around his shoulders nuzzling yourself back into his neck as he worked you with his fingers.  
 The coil in your stomach was getting tight again and for a moment you thought about not telling him. You wanted to see if you could get away with it, even though you knew you never could.
 “I'm going to..” you whimpered, reluctantly and as his hand stopped you let out a breath you’d been holding. You lift your head from his neck to see him pulling his fingers from panties, licking them clean again.
 “Good girl. That wasn't so hard was it?”
 “No.” The longer this went on the softer your voice got. You could feel yourself getting hazy. Slipping into a place that was warm and had your whole body tingling.
 His grip around your waist got tighter as he lifted them both up and moved them up the bed. He flipped you over resting your head on one of the pillows, his lips immediately latching onto your neck. Your hands grab at him greedily, pulling him as close as you could. You give a few tugs to his hair and he moans into your neck. He’s never explicitly said it’s something he likes, but You take note of it nonetheless. He pulls away grabbing both your hands in one of his large ones, pinning them above your head.
 “Keep these here.”
 He placed a few more kisses on your neck, before placing pecks down your body. He kissed along your lower stomach just above the black lace. He plants a few kisses to your clit through the thin material before finally ridding you of them. He nibbles at your inner thighs, taking his sweet time and it takes everything in you to stay still. You did roll your hips up, the smallest bit and Shawn got the hint.
He didn’t take his time, going right in, finally giving you what’d she’d been waiting on all night. His fingers and his mouth were some of your favorite things. And without even thinking you brought your hands down to grab at his hair, to give it a tug. Shawn moaned into you, loving the feeling, almost forgetting his own rule.
“What did I say, baby?” He stops looking up at from between your legs and it’s an amazing view. You don’t enjoy it long before he's pulled himself away from you, leaving feather-light kisses back up your body to your neck.
 “No.” you whine, and then you suddenly remember your rules, throwing your arms above your head, Shawn holding both of your writs in one of his large hands. “I’m, sorry please don’t -”
 “What did I say?”
 “To keep my arms up.” The words are rushed and you can't even recognize your own voice anymore.
 You just want his mouth back on you, immediately. All you can focus on is how good Shawn’s mouth feels on you, and his firm his grip on your hips as he pins you to the mattress, keeping you still.  
 “That’s right. I don’t want to tie them up but I will if you do it again. Understand?”
In all honesty, you very much would like for him to tie you up. But you also have this deep desire to follow what he says, and if he says to keep them there without restraints then she’d do it.
 “Good.” He attaches his lips to your neck, nibbling for a moment, making his way back down your body.
He goes back to work, licking and sucking with a bit of nibbling, and in no time you were a mumbling mess. It’s when he pushes in two fingers, hooking them up just right that you start to feel that coil begins to tighten again. It’s all you could focus on, and you couldn’t wait anymore.
“Shawn can I - can I come, please!” you're not sure why you asked permission, it’s not something you discussed before. But it felt right and Shawn didn’t miss a beat.  
“You can come.” It was like that was all you needed the whole night. Was just for him to say those words.
You didn’t keep your hands up, gripping at his hair instead, but Shawn didn't scold you about it. He licked you through it until you were pushing him away to let up. He still gave you a few more licks and a peck to your clit, before working his way up your body with kisses. He gives your nipples a little extra attention before nuzzling your neck. He stayed there for a second, leaving soft kisses to your neck before taking a look at you. You blink up lazily at him with the softest smile on your face. Your whole body is buzzing and the only thing you can feel is Shawn pressed against you.
 “You make the most adorable sounds when you cum, you know that?” His voice was soft, almost back to normal. Were you done already? You couldn't be done?
 His hand came up caressing your cheek, placing kisses all over your face and you leaned into it. Your eyes were a little glossy, but not as bad as he’s seen them before. You weren’t hazy but he could tell you were teetering. He figured that with the spanking there was a possibility but he wasn’t all that worried about it. Still, he sat you up and held you close. You looked up returning his smile.
“You alright?”
“Perfect.” You say through a yawn. Shawn placed a few kisses to your hair and then it dawned on her. You leaned up placing a kiss to his lips slowly sliding your hand down his chest to his rest on his cock straining against his sweats, but he stops you.
“But you-”
 “I'm fine. I’ll take care of myself.” He placed a kiss to your forehead and brought your back to his chest. Tonight was meant to be about you. It was in the plans to have sex and he thought about it but the spanking took more out of you then he’d expected. And the teasing was new. You just look exhausted with the day she’d had on top of it. He just wanted you to get some sleep.
 He leans over to the little table near his bed. You don’t at all remember him bringing in anything with him, earlier but he comes up with a bottle of water and a granola bar.
 “Drink this, and take some nibbles off  that.”
 “I'm not hungry.”
 “Honey. Please.” It's not the same Dom Shawn voice he’d been using but it’s rough enough to get you to take the bottled water from his hand.  
 “Shower or bath?” He asks, a mouthful of his own granola bar.
 “Shower.”  you were far too tired and just wanted to get clean and lay in bed.
He tapped on your arm a little signaling you to lean up so he could go and start the shower up for you.  Once you finished your granola bar, you headed to the shower, making sure to get in an out as quick as you could. You changed into one of your favorite shirts of Shawns. As you got comfortable in bed, Shawn was just coming out of the bathroom, in nothing but his boxers, drying his hair with a towel. He moved the covers back, moving as close to you as he could, bring your back to his chest. Leaving some pecks to the back of your neck.  
“How was tonight. For you?” His words were slow as he mumbled them into your neck
“It was fun. I liked it.”
“Everything? Or just parts?” You shifted around on the bed so you were facing him.
“No, I liked everything. I liked the nickname. I really like that.” you weren’t shy like you usually were. Maybe it was because you were still on cloud nine or maybe you were actually getting comfortable with everything.
 “I figured as much.” He chuckled giving you a cocky smirk.
 “And even though I was annoyed, I liked you teasing me. I always do, but this way it's different and - I don’t know I liked it.”
 “What about you?” It goes both ways. He’s told you that a thousand times, and you needed to know he liked everything as much as you did.
 “I had fun. You’re very…. I don’t know. You listen really well, and I like that. I like you trusting me in that way.” It was the best way he could describe it. Truthfully no words could describe how he felt when you looked at him when you’d played. He just knew that it could quickly become one of his favorite things.  
“Good.” you give his nose a little peck and turned back around bringing his arm around your waist.
 The room was quiet for a while, and Shawn was on the nearly asleep when he heard the lowest whisper.
 “Hey, Shawn.” All you got in response was a tired ‘hmm’ “Next time. Can we - can you use something other than your hand?”
Shawn cracks one eye open, suddenly wide awake, and flashes you a smirk, “That can definitely be arranged.”
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samwilsonsbabymama · 5 years
Clubs and Things
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Reader
Summary: Anon asked “Praise kink with Sam?”
@buckybarnesscrunchie asked for #40 (I wasn't sure which list you wanted so I did both)
“Holy shit, you’re so fucking sexy like that.” and “You taste like fucking candy.”
@siickestkid asked for "I really don't care. You still look hot and I'm trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now"
I hope yall like it!!! and thank yall so much for requesting this, I've been wanting to write something like this for a while lol
ALSO, some of this may have come from Black Mirror Striking Vipers lol
Warnings: drinking, smut, Praise Kink (I think), fluff (because Sam is super sweet), corny pick up lines, 18+
Word count: 1,200ish
The club was crowded, but the music they were playing kept you moving so you didn’t mind. It was a girls night out with your friends for the first time in months and you needed this. You were dressed in a fitted olive green dress that stopped midthigh and a pair of matching flats.
You stood at the bar moving to the music as you waited for the bartender to notice you. You smiled when you locked eyes with the cutie next to you and bowed your head before turning and facing the other man next to you. Your heart skipped a beat when you locked eyes with him and your smile widened as you looked away.
You could feel him looking at you, but you refused to look back at him.
“Hey,” he said as he leaned closer to you.
“Hey,” you continued to move to the music and chanced a glance at the newcomer. The corner of your lips turned up in response to his smile.
“You here by yourself?” he asked, fully turning to face you.
You continued to move to the music as you shrug your shoulders. “So far,” your response caused him to chuckle out loud.
“Would you like to change that?” he asked. You turn and face him now, the smile on your face growing even more. “Let me buy you a drink. Bartender, let me get a Vodka Sunrise and a… Long Island Iced Tea.” He locked eyes with you as he spoke. His smile lit up his entire face.
“What makes you think I like Long Islands?” you asked, trying to hold back your smile.
“Maybe I know what you like,” he was sure of himself, the way he stood told you how confident he was.
“You know you're corny, right?” you reached up and pinched his nose and laughed when he bent down to kiss you.
“Yeah, but you love it,” he responded.
“What are you doing here, Sam? I thought you were hanging out with your friends,” you giggled as he began to kiss your face.
“We decided to have a guys night out and we ended up here,” the smirk on his face told you that it was all his idea seeing that his friends were dating your friends.
You rolled your eyes and reached for your drink. As you drank, you looked him up and down. He was wearing dark jeans and a fitted black shirt. His gold cross hung around his neck and you reached up and pulled it bringing his lips back to yours.
The two of you couldn’t keep your hands off each other on a normal day, and when you added alcohol it got 10x worse.
“I can’t believe you wore this dress, Y/N,” Sam said as his fingertips skimmed the hem of your dress.
You clenched your thighs as his fingers moved higher under your dress, “Sam, we’re in public. You gotta stop.”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot, and I'm trying not to fuck you senseless right now,” Sam replied. His hand completely disappeared underneath your dress and his fingers skimmed the edge of your panties. His other arm pulled you closer so that no one could see and his fingers slipped passed the elastic band. His fingers gently rubbed your clit and your eyes fluttered closed. Sam slipped his fingers into your core and you shivered as he gave a few shallow pumps. 
He pulled his fingers out of you and licked them clean, “You taste like fucking candy.” he moaned at the taste of you.
Your face grew hot at his actions, “You can’t-”
“There they are,” you heard a booming voice next to you and you pulled away from Sam.
“Hey, Bucky," you greeted the super soldier and reached for a hug.
"Hey, Y/N. I knew it wouldn't take long for Sam to find you. He somehow convinced us to come out tonight even though we all wanted to stay in," Bucky explained.
"Yeah, this one can be very persuasive when he wants to be," you responded looking back at Sam.
He shrugged his shoulders, "I like what I like."
You rolled your eyes and continued to drink your drink, “You’re planning on getting me drunk, aren’t you?”
“Maybe,” he joked. “Hurry up and finish so I can get you another one.”
You rolled your eyes once again, and Sam grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. “Roll those eyes again, and we’re going to have a problem. Do you understand me?”
You nodded your head and stepped closer to him.
“Good girl,” he rubbed his finger along your bottom lip before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. His hands moved to your hips as you finished your first drink and started your second.
"You wanna dance?" he asked when you finished your drink and led you to the dancefloor. His large frame parted the crowd easily. People were practically jumping out of his way as he walked.
The two of you danced for what seemed like hours. Bucky continued to bring the two of you drinks, alternating between alcohol and water because he had "to make sure both of you stayed hydrated."
You'd lost count of your drinks, but your focus was completely on Sam. His hands roamed your body constantly as the two of you danced. The way he touched you started a fire in your belly, a fire only he could put out.
You bit your lip and stared into his eyes, “You ready to head out?”
Sam smirked, “You ready to leave your friends already?”
You almost rolled your eyes again, but you remembered his earlier promise and stopped yourself. “They’ll understand.”
You took his hand and lead him from the dancefloor and straight to the door and right into your Lyft. Your ride home was peaceful. You laid your head on Sam’s shoulder, and he interlaced your hands and rubbed your knuckles. You knew this softness would only last until you got home, and you couldn’t wait. Your excitement began to show. Your knee began to bounce, and you constantly checked your phone for the time.
When you finally pulled up to your house, you practically dragged Sam out of the car. You hadn’t made it far into the house before the two of you had stripped each other of your clothes.
“Look at my baby girl,” Sam said as you knelt before him. He stroked himself, smirking as you licked your lips. He moved closer to you, and your mouth fell open instantly. He slowly inched himself into your mouth and continued until he bottomed out. He held himself still for a moment and watched you.
“Do you know how beautiful you look?” he asked. He slowly pulled out of your mouth and pushed back in. Your eyes began to water as his pace increased. His fingers dug into your scalp as he continued to use your moth to get himself off.
“You feel so good around me. I can’t wait to fuck that pretty pussy of yours,” he continued. Your hands grabbed his thighs in an attempt to bring him closer. Suddenly he pulled out of your mouth and came on your face. Rope after rope of his sticky cum landed on your face and you tried your hardest to catch as much of it in your mouth.
“Holy shit you're fucking sexy like that. Did’ya know that?” Sam asked as he stared down at you.
You nodded at his question. It was something he’d told you many times. Something you had seen first-hand thanks to a mirror and a video camera.
Seeing that he was still hard even though he just came, you knew it was going to be a long night. And boy oh boy, were you ready for it.
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miraclealignersv · 5 years
Realizations Pt. ii (Joseph Liebgott x Reader)
a/n: Look fam, I know its been like 23 years since I posted the first part to this. I might’ve forgotten about it I'm not gonna fucking lie to y’all. But yeah I want to apologize for not posting as much as I did before, as a first-year college student that shit is fucking hard and stressful. But yall I hope you enjoy the second part of this. I love youu.
Part one here
Tag List: @gottapenny @wexhappyxfew @bandofmarvels @medievalfangirl @starryrevelations @itisjustmethistime @snafus-peckuh @etainlord@mrsalwayswrite 
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It had been months since Joseph Liebgott had tried to keep his feelings to himself, after the sunny day in the field he tried to hard to deny any feelings. But Y/n constantly being around him, a beautiful smile plastered onto her face whenever he saw her. The way her y/e/c eyes would search for his, just the sight of the woman made Joe Liebgott fucking melt. And he hated it. With time he realized that his little crush on y/n wasn't just a little crush, no he was in love with y/n y/l/n. 
It was torture, Joe couldn't handle the fact that he felt the butterflies in his stomach and his heart pound a little faster than usual whenever he would see her minding her own business. He absolutely could not handle it anymore, so his genius idea was to stray away from her. He was ready to face a long journey without her giggles, her dumb jokes and more specifically the way she would wrap her arms around him while she sang at the top of her lungs. He was ready to face everything if it meant it would get rid of the crush, but who was he kidding it wasn't a crush.
Y/n became very aware of the sudden distance, very confused as to why Joe was acting this way. Her first thought was that maybe she had done something wrong, maybe she had said something that upset him. But the confusion only grew whenever she tried to talk to him, she would see him standing alone fumbling with something in his hands. As she walked closer, ready to give him a piece of her mind he would walk away in a hurry. Y/n sighed deeply and raised an eyebrow as she watched Joe walk away hurriedly, slowly turning to see if anyone else witnessed what had just happened. 
It was like that for weeks, in the end, y/n thought it would better to stop trying. He clearly didn't want her company, he made that very clear when he walked whenever she joined a group of friends. Her heart hurt as she realized that maybe their friendship would never be the same, a deep sigh leaving her whenever he walked away from her.
Then the whole company was sent to sit in shared foxholes in the frosty Adreenes, y/n’s and Shifty’s foxhole was not too far from Joe’s. She could get a clear vision of when he was alone, y/n promised herself that she wouldn't try again. But something deep down in her heart made her plan the whole thing. 
Her teeth chattered as she watched the younger replacement leave the foxhole Joe was in, not peeling her eyes away from the foxhole she reached over and tried to pat Shifty’s shoulder. “Shifty, it's game time” she whispered, her hand slowly patted his face instead. Shifty chuckled and shook his head as he watched her stand up “If he tries anything you tackle him to the ground until I finish yelling at him” she briefly went over the plan, hearing shifty mumble an ‘okay’ as she climbed out of the foxhole.
And softly her boots thumped against the snow-blanketed frozen ground, crossing her arms over her chest as she tried to reserve some warmth. Before she knew it, she stood over the foxhole, suddenly jumping beside the oblivious man who watched the line.
Joe slowly turned towards the person he believed was his foxhole buddy, “You back already-oh”  instead he was greeted by Y/n, sighing deeply as she nestled into the foxhole. Joe panicked, of course, he would panic. There were many things he was worried about, besides the enemy shooting at them and the thought of turning into a goddamn popsicle he also thought of how much of an asshole he had been. “y/n-”
“No, nope, no, shut up” she raised her voice a little as she fixed her scarf, fumbling with the fabric Joe tried his best to come up with an escape plan. He didn't want to deal with whatever conversation was about to happen, not now at least. Y/n noticed his uneasiness and groaned as she tucked the dark green issued scarf into her od’s. “Don’t even think about it, Shift is ready to tackle you down until I’ve finished giving you a piece of my goddamn mind Lieb.” she sighed and fixed the loose strand of hair that tickled her cheek.
“No listen, I’m sorry for whatever I did. I don't know what it was that pissed you off so much that made you hate me and want to completely want to end our friendship. I am sorry Joe, I am very fucking sorry for whatever I did’’ y/n sighed, she raised her head slowly to meet his own face. Eyes darting over his face in search for some kind of emotion, instead he stared at her blankly. Y/n slowly closed her eyes and groaned softly “Joe, what is it that I did that got your panties in a twist?’’ she asked, hoping that she would get an answer from him and not a cold shoulder.
“Damn it, y/n’’ he whispered before running a hand over his face. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and opened her mouth to speak again, Joe could clearly see that she was incredibly mad, hurt and confused. 
“I'm in love with you damnit!’’ after the words left his mouth he brought his hands over his mouth, his eyes widening. Why would he do that? Y/n’s mouth hung open as she processed what she had just heard, her eyebrow slowly raising as she shakily exhaled. Before either of them could say anything they both stared at each other, wide eyes filled with shock as they both processed whatever had just happened. 
“So, naturally you ignored me and pushed me away?” y/n asked, her voice low as she slowly processed and pieced together everything. Joe kept his hands over his mouth and watched her face go through every possible emotion. “Did you think that by being an asshole you would simply not be in love with me anymore?’’ she raised her eyebrow in question, Joe pulled his hands away from his mouth and shrugged.
“When you put it like that it does sound pretty shitty’’ he slowly nodded, y/n reached for his hand and sighed as she played with his index finger. Joe smiled a little at the sudden weight that had been lifted off his chest. “Y/n, I’m sorry.” he sighed, y/n only smirked as she lifted her gaze to meet his. “For everything, I really am sorry’’ 
“Well now you have to make it up to me, I’m talking a fancy dinner in San Francisco and a night drive over the golden gate bridge. It’s only fair Lieb” she teased as she snuggled closer to him, her head falling onto his shoulder. Joe scoffed and leaned back against the frozen dirt as he embraced the sudden situation. “You looove me’’ y/n sang as she tickled his side, a loud groan leaving Joe before closing his eyes and bringing his hand over his face.
“Oh c’mon’’
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pinkykitten · 5 years
The time in Summervale: 1
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Warning: none
Specifics: y/n=your name, oc, oc fic, comedy
People: athela (your mother), edward (your father), huxley (cook), ruthy (maid)
Words: 1,438
Summary: In the fictional land of Summervale, 1700, you, the Duchess are made into an arranged marriage.This is the dream of your parents but certainty not the dream of a longing inventor like yourself. You are taught to be a lady but who wants to be a  primp and proper lady when you can have fun and be yourself. You need to try to convince your parents this is not what you want or is it? How will it be seeing the Prince of Linwyn? Will you finally change your mind and side with your parents? 
Authors Note: this is something newwwwww. ive been wanting to do kinda my own thing for a while so this is not on any fandom this is a story i will be updating with chapters about my characters but in a x reader way if that makes sense so its still gonna use you and such just this is my own story. i got inspiration off of this story “the austrian suitor” by @headoverhiddles​, granted i dont know the character or the fandom i just read it cuz another blog reblogged it yet i rlly enjoyed it even tho it is smut and im not usually a smut reader just kinda skip that or whatever either way it was extremely well written and gave me such inspiration like wowowowowow. so i made this piece inspired by that and i hope you guys like it. this is just kinda an opening to the whole thing and to kinda see how it works out so there is not any romance in this but trust me there will be but like i said i want to see how this goes if yall like if u do pls tell me tell me what u think ur thoughts everything i worked rlly hard on this so pls share like reblog do what you gotta do it would me a lot to me. thnx guys <3
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“Maybe this piece goes here,” you mumbled to yourself. An action you always did but it was something your mother hated. Sitting atop your bed you concentrated your efforts in inventing a mixer that did its job on its own. Call it a hobby or a dream but inventing was your world. You loved the satisfaction of creating something with your own two hands especially if it helped people. Unfortunately, your parents the Prince and Princess of Summervale did not approve. They called it very unladylike. Your mother, Athela, would scold you about getting messy and dirty and then throw you in the tub like a little child. Your father, Edward, was always forcing you to learn how to seam. His mother used to do it and he wanted to pass it down to you. Those things didn’t excite you, didn’t make you complete. Inventing was something you loved and was always thinking about. As you would look at an apple tree during your morning stroll you would wonder about what inventions would be good for peeling apples whilst your parents bored you with duties as a Duchess. 
“Almost done,” you screwed on the last screw to your creation. You had dirt under your nails and they were short and barely ever polished, only for special occasions. Your hair was almost every time how it was meant to be. None of those gels, ties, bows, again only for special occasions. Your mother, Athela, would buy you all these face creams, soaps, masks, but you were content with your scars and bumps, naming them every so often after royals, saying your “face was a castle and there should definitely be Queens and Kings roaming on it.” You were odd and different to others but to yourself you were this boring, normal, royal girl that everyone hated because you were granted everything you could ever want. Life was not that simple though. Sometimes when you have everything handed to you - all the money in the world - it still doesn’t fill up that hollow feeling inside or take away the sadness. It was something to help people cope but it was never the antidote. 
“Alright...finished. What do you think Karim?” You hastily got out of bed and sat on the floor presenting your mixer to your pug. One very lovely vacation you took with your family you had learn a bit of Arabic. It was a beautiful language and you had made many friends there. You named your dog Karim meaning generous. Karim was generous, he was the only one who would look at your inventions. “Do you think it will work?” You gave a toothy grin, excited. 
Karim grunted as he licked his nose, panting. 
“I knew you would like it,” patting his head you jump up ready to show not just your parents but also the cooks. You had a very good feeling about this one. Every time you made an invention you had hope that maybe your parents would change their minds about your future but every occurrence was the same. 
“Mother, father! Come look!” You yelled as you sprinted down the stairs not caring if your nightgown would get dirty sweeping across the floors of the castle. “Come quick!”
“What in the heavens is the matter my dear child?” Edward, your father, grumbled seeing you in such a hurry. 
“See, father, in the kitchen.”
“In the kitchen?”
You passed by your mother, she tried to catch you but you slipped from her grip. “Young Lady why are you not dressed and groomed properly? You look like a mess.”
“Doesn’t matter, mother in this moment time is of the essence!” You arrived at the kitchen and grabbed a blue glass bowl, plopping it with a loud clank on the counter top. 
“What are you doing y/n?” The cook asked. “You almost broke me bowl!” He was a plump older man, very short. His hair was salt and pepper and his face was as white as flour yet his cheeks were always red.
“Forgive me Huxley I just need to know. Need to see and dive deep into the unknown.” You opened up a recipe card that Huxley wrote down for your favorite cake. Vanilla cake, you were a simple girl. “Alright I need eggs and flour and oh yes milk! Almost forgot about the milk!” You were talking to yourself again as you ran around the kitchen like a mad woman. 
“Is this another one of your inventions?” Huxley crossed his arms knowing about your obsession. 
“Yes but my dear good old Huxley-”
“Old?” He lifted his brow. 
“No time to explain, I have a tingling within me. This one is going to be it, I know it. Mother and father will finally see and believe in me.” You poured all the ingredients in the bowl. Your parents walked in, perplexed. 
“Hello everyone. Today I show you something I have been working on the for the past week. I am very proud of myself but any who let me show you my newest invention-”
“Oh here we go again?” Athela rolled her eyes.
“The mixer!” You lifted it high in the air. “This mixer will not only mix greatly and fine it will mix to your acquired speed. Please watch.” You pulled the lever three times and then pushed the big button. The mixer turned on automatically with it squeaking from the gears. “As you can see the mixer is mixing all the ingredients together. No more of the hassle of blistered hands or tired arms, this does it for you! You can even look away and do other chores in the midst.” You turned around and your creation you thought so high about was creating smoke and making an odd sound. 
“Um y/n,” Edward said, “is it supposed to do that?”
“Huh,” you turned to it again and all of a sudden the mixer started to go faster in speed. “Oh no.” The mixer then flew high in the air and starting to spin around like a mini airplane. 
“Get down!” Huxley shouted and everyone in the room screamed in fear or bent down hiding under tables and items. 
“Its alright everyone! Just a little mistake!” You climbed onto the tables trying to fetch the item. “Blasted thing.” You jumped onto the counter and caught it making it stop. Until it started to mix again and it caught a piece of your hair. You screamed loud and tried running away but hit the bowl of cake mix making it hurl in the air on top of your head making you slip from the batter onto your back. The mixer finally stopped. You groaned knowing you were about to hear it from your parents. 
Athela stood up with a scowl on her face. “To your room. Now!”
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You sat at your vanity disappointed with yourself. You had worked so hard on the mixer and had embarrassed yourself. Athela was standing next to you, glaring. Karim was laying in his bed munching on a treat and your maid Ruthy tended to your hair. 
“I cannot believe you chose to do this on a day like today. Of all days!” Your mother was furious. Her gloved hands were held into fists. “You were supposed to be ready!”
“I know. I’m sorry mother.” In the end you always apologized even though you really hadn’t meant it. You hated when your mother was right especially about inventing. You always wanted to prove her wrong but it ended in outright disappointment. 
“Look at this hair now.” Athela lifted the piece of hair that was wrapped around the mixer. “Can you save it Ruthy?”
Ruthy bit her lip as she heaved a sigh, “I’m sorry your Royal Highness it is very tangled I must cut it off.”
“Oh my! Are you sure?”
Ruthy nodded.
“Today of all days,” Athela repeated herself. “How will your future husband think of you now?”
“What?” You asked and then all was heard was a snip as Ruthy cut that one lock of hair.
“Make sure you take that disgusting batter out of her hair.” Athela pointed to your scalp.
“Mother what are you talking about?” You stood up throwing your precious now broken mixer onto your desk.
“My dear didn’t you not fall just mere minutes ago in that vanilla goop?”
“Thats not what I meant and you know it. I am asking about what you said about a future husband. What did you mean by that?”
Athela rubbed your shoulders up and down and broke into a huge smile. “My dear you are getting married!”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​, @reginalinettis​​​
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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flowerpowell · 5 years
The Boy Next Door (Colt x MC / Logan x MC)
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A/N: I told you the next part was gonna be out soon! I hope yall like this one! It got messy at the end and I think I’ve forgotten how the grammar works by the end of this chapter lol. I’d appreciate your feedback so much, so be sure to leave some! And as always, I dont own the characters, they belong to PB
Rating: PG-18 (? just to be save, there’s some suggestiveness I guess)
Word count: +/- 1500
Tags: @brightpinkpeppercorn @confessionsofabrokegirl @lovehugsandcandy @akrenich @desiree-0816 @walkerduchess @liamzigmichael4ever @emceesynonymroll @emichelle @hellomynameisdevi @client-327 @badchoicesposts @choicesarehard @blackcatkita @pixel-thirsty @donutsgirl36 @drakeismyweakness @maccuswielle @miss-raleigh-carrera @i-bloody-love-drake-walker ♥
As Colt promised, there was no storm and he didn’t come back until the next morning. Ellie was just finishing her conversation when Colt entered the apartment. She nodded towards him and he nodded back.
“Okay, I’ll call you later, Daddy. Love you, too!” she started making kissing noises and Colt rolled his eyes.
“Aww, you call Logan ‘Daddy’ how cliche,” Colt said, pouring water into his mug. 
Ellie almost chocked while ending the call immediately, hoping the person on the other side didn’t hear it.
“Colt! It was my father!”
“Still cliche,” he shrugged and proceeded making tea. Ellie put down her phone and slowly walked up to him.
“You know it’s not like this... Logan and I... We... We haven’t...err...yet,” she was struggling to find words as she was trying to think why exactly she felt the need to explain her situation to Colt.
“Yea, you’re waiting, I know. You told me that the day we met.”
“Right. So, how are you? Where have you been all night?” she asked, trying to change the subject.
“Here and there. Nothing interesting. Don’t you have school today?” Apparently Colt wanted to change the subject as well. Ellie sighed in defeat.
“My first class was cancelled. I guess I’ll start getting ready for the next one.”
Colt only nodded in response. They hadn’t talked that day again.
The next few days passed very quickly – to quickly for Ellie’s liking. She had many assignements and a lot of homework but talking to Logan on the phone always got her through the day. The situation with Colt wasn’t that bad either, they talked, joked even, but anytime Ellie tried to bring up their old conversations Colt would drop the subject. And Ellie didn’t want to pressure him.
It was still early in the morning as she was changing in her room. She could hear Colt was already up and taking a shower and she tried to stop her inappropriate thoughts about him.
Still in her underwear, she opened the closet to choose an outfit for the day when she saw the biggest spider she ever saw in her life. And she was afraid of those to death. So she screamed.
And screamed. And screamed again so loud, Logan could probably hear her from California.
“What is happening?!” The door to her bedroom was abruptly opened and her eyes laid on Colt, half naked, his body and hair soaking wet, wearing nothing but a white towel.
And suddenly she had more inappropriate thoughts and the spider was totally forgotten.
“What happened, are you okay, Ellie?” He asked and she could see pure concern in his eyes.
Logan, Logan, Logan. Logan is your boyfriend. Logan has beautiful eyes. And hair. And he’s your boyfriend. And Colt is a jerk.
“Ellie, you’re drooling.” His voice brought her back to reality. Spider-infested reality.
“S-s-spider,” she mumbled pointing to a big, black spider sitting on her dress. Colt looked at her surprised but walked up to her closet to take the spider. And in that very moment, Ellie realized she was in her underwear. Worse. She was in her underwear while Colt was half naked.
Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan, Logan.
“There. I’ve got you buddy. I’ll save you from this screaming lady,” Colt said to the spider, holding it in his hands. He turned to Ellie and their eyes met. He looked at her body as if realizing what situation they were in, and swallowed hard.
“Right, I... I’ll take this little buddy outside and you... finish getting ready or whatever you were doing,” he rasped and left the room quickly. Ellie put on a dress (after making sure there were no other insects on it) and dialed a number.
“Logan? Hey, baby, how are you? I missed your voice...”
Before Ellie realized, it was already a day before Logan was supposed to come for their first anniversary. Colt was constantly mocking her and even invited Mona once to mock Ellie together. Unfortunately for him, Mona and Ellie mocked Colt and ever since, he didn’t want to invite Mona anymore.
It was evening already, Colt was out... somewhere again, and Ellie went through her to-do list for the next day. The cake was already baked and her gift wrapped neatly. She smiled to  herself when she saw Logan was calling.
“Hey! Everything is ready for you, I can’t wait to finally see it!” Ellie said excitedly.
“Yeah... About that...” Logan sounded... sad.
“You’re... still coming, right?” she asked, her heart beating abnormally fast.
“I really wanted to, I had everything prepared and all but my boss and all the workers are out of the town for the week and I’m the only who’s here and I need to stay. I’m really sorry, Ellie. I love you so much and I wouldn’t miss our anniversary if--”
“Save it,” she cut him off. “I don’t care. It’s not the first time you prioritized your job over our relationship. I’m so done with this.”
“Ellie... Please, I’ll come next week, we can postpone our anniversary and--”
“POSTPONE OUR ANNIVERSARY?” Ellie yelled at Logan, “Logan, it’s not a freaking moveable feast!!”
“Ellie, I love you but I really need to work. We can still skype. Please, baby, you know I wanted to be there with you...”
“I don’t know anymore, Logan. I think it’s not working. Our relationship, I mean. I think maybe we should end it.”
“What?? Ellie, No! I’ll come next week. I’ll make it up to you. It will be our anniversary plus a week!”
“Oh you’re right. It’s gonna be a one week anniversary. Of. Our. Breakup. Goodbye, Logan!” she ended the call and turned off her phone. Next, she took a cake she made for Logan, his favorite, and threw it into the dumpster.
She went back to the kitchen and took out all the alcohol she could find. She never tried it before but she saw enough movies to know that alcohol was supposed to bring relief. Especially after breakup.
Ellie was just drinking a third glass of wine, or was it something else, and feeling dizzy when Colt came home. He eyed her up suspiciously, taking in the state she was in. Messy hair, her dress had frosting on it as if she was fighting with a cake and her eyes were red and swollen as if she was crying. He clenched his fists as he slowly approached her.
“What are you doing?”
He narrowed his eyes and nodded his head in amusement. “You’ve never drunk, have you?”
“You have no idea what is going on, do you?”
She shook her head and put down the bottle. “Colt,” she started shakily, “I think I’m dying.”
He chuckled as he came closer to her to fix her hair a little. She swallowed hard when he was so close. She could smell alcohol from him too so he must have been drinking, too.
“Wanna tell me what happened?” He asked looking straight into her eyes.
“It does’t matter,” she broke the eye contact and reached for another bottle of alcohol. Tequila. Good. But she needed a lime. Or was it with vodka? Nevermind.
She felt Colt’s gaze on her when she was cutting the lime. She sighed. “Logan and I broke up.”
“Why?” he asked but he didn’t sound surprised.
“He’s not coming. His job is more important.”
“No buts. Only butts.” She giggled at her joke and took a sip of her tequila. Bleh. “I’m not gonna be on the second place. I’m not gonna come after his job. We haven’t seen each other in so long and he did nothing to change that.”
“Are you sure--”
“Yes. It’s over,” she turned to face him and locked eyes with him. “Definitely over.”
She took a piece of lime to her mouth and started sucking it. At least... that was what she was supposed to do, right? Colt was still staring but he didn’t say anything so maybe she was doing it right. She took the lime out of her mouth, took a sip of her tequila (still bleh) and decided to try to add some salt. She definitely saw it in a movie. She put some salt on her palm and licked at. And then she put the lime in between her lips again. She looked at Colt, he was still staring. She smiled slightly, with a lime in her mouth and asked, “Want some?”
Within a second, Colt’s lips were on hers, he sucked the lime from her mouth before throwing it away. He licked the salt from the corners of her lips and she returned the kiss, deepening it. They kissed for a while before Colt pulled away and looked at her.
“No talking,” she said and closed the distance between them again. He hoised her slightly and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They were kissing like crazy when Colt led Ellie to his bedroom.
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hellas-himself · 5 years
Crack Ship Holidays
Friendsgiving Pt. 1
Soooo this is starting off where we left our two dorks last. This is going to take place before, during, and a bit after thanksgiving  Friendsgiving because I don’t celebrate but I do love the day off with my loved ones (and my grandma’s food but that’s besides the point) November is also Rhysand’s birthday month so NATURALLY that’s going to come up. major shout out to @bookloveaffair for letting me drop this crack ship on yall no shame. 
I hum along to one of the songs playing on my phone as I tap my pencil against the counter. I have three different budget options laid out in front of me and none of them work. The first one, I pay the rent and my car insurance but not my phone. The second, I pay the rent but not my car insurance to have my phone active in case the school called me. The third- I laugh. I can’t not pay rent. The bar had sent its last check but it was not enough. I was screwed. I only have until the fifth to pay my rent before my asshole landlord starts bitching about kicking me out. 
When I hear the front door unlock, I gather my bills and the envelopes I wrote on and put them into a pile. Cassian steps into my apartment and pulls off his hat.
“Can you believe it’s already snowing?” he asks as he closes the door.
“I hope it sticks,” I reply as I slide off the bar stool to greet him. His coat is wet and cold when I hug him but I don’t care. Not when he kisses me the way he does.
“Ready to go?” he asks and I smile.
“Let me go get my coat.”
He kisses me again before I hurry to my room. I grab the bag I packed with more clothes as well as the big bag full of my art supplies. Cassian had said I should have it just in case the school called me so I could just leave directly. His optimism is touching.
Cassian is leaning against the counter when I step out. He looks pensive but once he notices me, he grins and pushes himself off to take the bags from my hands.
The car ride to his house is quiet, but Cassian holds my hand the entire way. Every time he looks at me, I blush. Once we get to his house, I bring Valo outside while Cas carries my things to the bedroom.
“How was work?” I ask when Cassian comes to stand beside me. He puts an arm around my shoulder.
“It was great. Az and I got to work on a piece together. I wish you would’ve been there to see it.”
“Maybe next time?”
He presses a kiss to my temple.
“Yeah. We aren’t done by a long shot.”
“I can’t wait then.”
“What about you, bunny?”
“Well. When I wasn’t texting you, I was cleaning up the apartment and finishing up on laundry. I got my last check from the bar so I deposited it in the bank. I saw Aelin,” I say. “She was on her lunch break. I can’t believe we’d never run into one another before.”
Cassian chuckles.
“Oh and the groomer called to confirm Val’s appointment tomorrow. I told her I’d be there.”
“Thank you, bunny.”
I shrug and call our giant puppy over. Valo runs right into me and I don’t fall thanks to the arm Cassian has around me.
“Hey! Be careful, Val!” Cassian reprimands. Val whines and walks in a circle around us before bumping his head against my hand.
“It’s okay, baby. You’re happy I’m here, huh? I am too,” I say and kiss the top of his head.
Cassian lets me go and walks over to the small bin in the corner of the porch and pulls out a ball. He whistles to get Val’s attention before he throws it. I’m surprised it didn’t go over the fence by the force of it. Val barks and takes off after it.
“Will you be alright?” Cassian asks me.
“What do you mean?”
“With rent and all that?”
Oh. I blush and shove my hands in my pockets.
“I’ll figure it out.”
I don’t have to look at Cassian to know that he’s not satisfied with that answer. But he puts an arm around me and kisses the top of my hair. When Val comes back, I take the ball and Cassian laughs when I throw it. It doesn’t get very far but Val is thrilled.
“Why don’t you go pick a menu from that drawer in the kitchen and pick something for dinner? There’s cash in my wallet.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I would rather spend the next forty minutes with my beautiful girlfriend and our oversized lap dog than have to go inside and cook today.”
I giggled. “Alright. I’ll be right back.”
I give him a quick hug before I walk towards the door.
“Oh, and bunny?”
“Yes?” I stop and turn to look at him.
“I’ve got you,” he says. “Don’t worry about anything.”
I realize he isn’t talking about paying for dinner.
“Feyre’s here. I’ll call you when I get home… I love you too, Az.” Elain smiles at whatever Azriel is saying to her on the phone before she hangs up and slides the phone into her back pocket. She pushes herself off her SUV and opens her arms to me.
“Hey, you,” Elain says as I give her a hug.  
“Hey! I hope you weren’t waiting long. There was so much traffic coming here from the dog groomers.”
She kisses my cheek. “No, I just got here. Besides, it makes me feel like I’m in high school again when Az and I talk on the phone. I like it.”
Elain gives me a wink and when she grins, I already know what’s on her mind.
“You look happy.”
I know I’m blushing as Elain links her arm in mine.
“I am.”
“Az says Cassian has been smiling like an idiot lately. I wonder why.”
I roll my eyes but I can’t help the smile on my face.
“He asked me to be his girlfriend, El.”
“He did? When?”
“After the Halloween party.”
“About damn time,” Elain mutters and lets me go to grab a cart. She pulls a list out of her pocket and hands it to me. “Iliana’s been pestering me about you two, she’ll finally leave me alone.”
We share a laugh as we step into the store. Elain’s grocery list is divided by groups and despite the glitter gel pen used, this is Azriel’s handwriting.
“Your husband is so organized,” I say as we make our first stop.
“Well. Since I’m in charge of Rhysand’s birthday cake this year, I figured I’ll get some stuff now so closer to the date I’m not running around. With my luck, I wouldn’t find what I want if I leave it for then.”
“I agree with that wholeheartedly.”
“Speaking of which, I need your help designing it.”
“What’s the theme?”
“Lucien has no idea how to top Mor’s Harry Potter theme last year. The only thing Rhys loves more than that is The Wheel of Time and Lord of the Rings.”
“Oh! I can work with that.”
I hand Elain the list and pull out my phone.
LUCE!!!! Wheel of Time or LOTR? I can do either or. Or both. I hit send and slip my phone into my back pocket. We talk idly as we make our way down Azriel’s perfectly organized list.
“Cas and I take forever to do this,” I say as I grab a tub of ice cream from the freezer. “I might have to steal Az’s idea.”
Elain snorts. “That’s because you two are children. How does Cassian even fit in these carts? I don’t know how you’re still allowed to shop here.”
I smile and push the cart for Elain as we head towards the cashiers to pay. I feel my phone vibrate and pull it out of my pocket.
“I wonder what he decided,” I say as I unlock my phone. But it isn’t a text from Lucien. But from my bank. I don’t realize I’ve stopped walking until Elain tugs on my sleeve.
I breathe in sharply and let it out. I clear my throat and shove my phone back in my pocket.
“It’s nothing. It wasn’t Lucien.”
“What’s wrong?”
I shake my head and try to keep going but Elain stops me.
“Feyre. Is Tamlin still bothering you?”
I don’t like the way his name still pierces my heart and makes me feel afraid.
“No. It isn’t him… It’s just…” I stop and look away, needing to keep myself from crying. “Stupid car insurance already took the payment and so did my phone. I’m so fucking screwed.”
“Hey… If you need help, you know Az and I can take care of it.”
I shake my head with a sniffle.
“No. I’ll figure it out.”
Elain puts a hand over mine and nods her head.
“Let’s go pay for this,” she says. “I’m bringing Az lunch today. We can surprise Cassian, too.”
I nod and return her smile.
I don’t see Cassian when Elain and I step into the tattoo shop. But Az notices us and is already making his way over. He kisses Elain as though he hasn’t seen her in forever, leaving my sister blushing. Rhys has gratefully come to sweep me off my feet, literally.
“Hello, darling,” he says with a grin. When he sets me down, Az comes to give me a hug.
“Hungry?” Elain asks, and holds up his Marvel lunch box, a beat up, metal lunch box he’s had since grade school and Iliana had found at her grandmother’s house last summer and he’s used ever since. Az looks at his lunch box and then looks at Elain with a smile.
“I’m starving.”
“Stop it,” she whispers loudly and lets Az lead her away.
“What about me?” Rhys whines and I laugh.
“We both know Lucien is bringing you something.”
Rhys is beaming. “Aurelie is sending left overs.”
Rhys puts an arm around my shoulder and guides me to the break room. Cassian is walking inside from the back door when we step into the hallway.
“Hey, Cas.” Rhys wiggles his eye brows at us before he goes off to pester Elain and Az. “Elain made lunch so I brought you some.”
By some weird coincidence, my pink bento box was in Elain’s kitchen cupboard. It’s covered in purple butterflies and blue bunny rabbits. Cassian closes the space between us and takes it from my hands with an amused smile.
“Now I know I didn’t lose your lunch box,” he says and gives me a kiss. “When Lia stayed the night for their anniversary, I packed her school lunch with this.”
“That was months ago, Cas.”
He shrugs and I roll my eyes. I take his hand and lead him into the break room where everyone stops and stares at us. I have to let him go to take off my coat but once it’s hung up, he takes my hand again.
“Finally,” Az says and bites into his sandwich. Elain slaps his arm which seems to amuse him further.
Cassian sits down in his usual seat and pulls me down onto his lap. He slides an arm around me and uses one hand to open the bento box to pull out the sandwich Elain had made. I’m content to lean back and listen while he and the boys talk about their morning. Their plans for the evening.
“What’s wrong?” Cassian asks softly. I shake my head. “Did you eat?”
“Yeah… El and I ate before we left the house.”
“Valo still with Amanda?”
I nod. “He should be done soon.”
I can tell the others are trying and failing at pretending they’re not listening to our conversation despite having their own.
“I’d go with you to get him but I’ve got someone at one.”
“It’s okay,” I say and press a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll walk him over later so we can ride home together.”
Cassian smiles.
After lunch, Cassian shows me the tattoo he’s working on. It’s a full sleeve.
“Bunny,” he says and puts his arm around me. “You zoned out. You didn’t even notice Az’s joke.”
“I did?” Fuck.
“What’s wrong?”
I let out a sigh and lean into him.
“The fucking car insurance and my phone payments went through this morning but that was rent money and I can’t believe I forgot to ask them not to use the auto pay this month.”
“Hey… hey, it’s okay. I’ve got you.”
“Cas…” I want to cry. I hate how much I want to cry.
“We’ll talk about this when we get home,” he says and pulls me in for a hug. “Just… consider it. Please.”
I nod. “Let me get out of here,” I say, though I do not wish to be anywhere but here in his arms. “Val should be done soon.”
Cassian kisses me softly. “I love you,” he says.
“I love you,” I say back, and force myself to leave.
My arms are around Cassian’s neck, holding onto him as he kisses me ardently. His grip on my thigh is almost to the point of pain and I know it’s going to bruise. I don’t care. He’s panting when we stop to breathe, and I meet his gaze when he looks at me and I smile.
“Holy shit,” he says breathlessly and adjusts himself so that he’s merely laying on top of me. I don’t want to move. I’m not sure if I could if I tried. “That was…” He whistles.
“You’re carrying me around for the rest of the night,” I manage and he laughs.
“My pleasure.”
Cassian goes quiet as I run my fingers through his hair.
“Bunny,” Cas says, his voice like gravel. “Move in with me.”
I pause. “What?” My voice is no better than his.
“I’ll break the lease.”
“No… I mean. You’re serious?”
Cassian pushes himself up to look at me. The look on his face makes me want to kiss him.
“I don’t want you stressing over something so easily remedied. You practically live here anyway. The apartment isn’t anything more than storage.”
“But Cas…”
“When you start working, you can fight me on bills.”
I scowl and he leans in to kiss me.
“If it’s too soon, I’ll pay the rent.”
I shake my head, hating that there are tears in my eyes. Cassian panics but I reach up to pull him against me again.
“Okay,” I say.
“I’m sorry I’m crying… I’m just so overwhelmed and-” Cassian interrupts me with a kiss. He rolls us so that he’s on his back and I’m on top of him. My hair falls over my shoulders, and he reaches up to tuck some of it behind my ear.
“You’ll move in with me? Like for real?” He sounds the way he does on Christmas morning and he’s about to get his present.
“Yeah. For real.”
He sighs with relief and then his expression softens. I close my eyes and I feel him brush away the tears still falling from my eyes.
“Don’t apologize for how you feel. Least of all for crying.”
“I know, I’m-” I stop and open my eyes to look at him. I blush. “I’m trying.”
He places his hand at the nape of my neck.
“I know, bunny… I know.”
I smile. “You are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Though he flashes me a cocky grin, he’s blushing.
“I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”
“You’re making me blush,” he says in a rather conspiratorial tone. “I have a reputation.”
“But I like it when you blush,” I say with a pout. It’s so hard not to laugh.
“Fuck my reputation,” he declares and kisses me in such a way, I know we’re not going to bed anytime soon.
“Can I have this?” Mor asks and I look up from where I am sitting on the carpet. She’s holding up a red sweater I’ve never worn before.
I go back to unscrewing the bedframe. Mor had taken the liberty of going through my dresser and closet while Cassian, Az and Rhys moved the heavy furniture downstairs to put in Cassian and Azriel’s trucks. I am giving it all away. Lucien has been changing my address online most of the morning, he even submitted the form to the post office for me.
“Hello, hello!”
I look up to find Aelin standing in my doorway.
“What are you doing here?”
She shrugs and walks over to where I am sitting. I give her a hug when I stand up.
“Rowan had wanted to go to the gym with Cassian but he said he was busy moving his girlfriend out of her apartment and into his lovely home,” she says and pokes my side. “When did this happen?”
“Just a few days ago.”
“That’s unacceptable. I gave you my number, right?”
I shake my head, and she groans. With a laugh, I unlock and hand her my phone. She takes ONE selfie and saves it for her contact picture.  
“In one try?” I ask, completely taken aback.
“It’s all about knowing your angles,” she says proudly. “I can show you.”
“Uh… Yeah. Maybe once I’m all settled in.”
Aelin beams at me and hands me my phone.
“Now you have no excuse. I want to know everything. I need to know else I’ll die.”
“Ignore her. She’s no better than Tinker Bell.”
Rowan walks into the room with Cassian right behind him. He comes to hug me hello and he keeps an arm around my shoulder before reaching out to pinch Aelin’s cheek.
“So. Tell us what to do. We’re all yours today,” Rowan says.
“Damn babe. I thought you were kidding when you said you wanted-” Rowan silences Aelin with a glare that has her cackling.
“Uh… My bookshelf? I have a separate bin for the fragile stuff.”
Mor peers out of the closet. She looks like she’s up to no good.
“Let Rowan do the shelf. Come help me get these clothes sorted,” she says to Aelin who wriggles her eye brows as she walks off to join Mor. Rowan follows her and says hi to Mor before shrugging off his coat.
Cassian makes his way towards me as Rowan grabs himself a cardboard box and unfolds it before the bookshelf.
“You alright?” Cas wraps his arms around me. I bite down a shiver from how cold his sweater is.
“Yeah… You?”
“I ordered pizza. Elain is on her way over here with Iliana.”
I smile and give him a kiss.
“I’m leaving with Az to drop the furniture off. But call me if you need anything.”
Cassian kisses me, earning a sound of disgust from Mor. When we look at her, she stops and sighs.
“God, I love you guys,” she says and before I notice, she’s got her phone out and I am blinded by the flash. 
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