#i hope you are all having a very swag week!! love you all!!
crescentfool · 1 year
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thinking long and hard about the ballpoint nouveau kit has been making me go through every emotion humanly possible i want to know what it is so badly...
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thedigitalbard · 1 month
Gaza Campaign Spotlight
The story of Mohammed, Mariam, and Fadi in Mohammed's words:
Hello everyone! I am Mohammed from Gaza, Palestine. I am married and a father to one child, with my wife now pregnant and in need of care. Since the start of the genocide war on Gaza in October, my family and I have been living in fear and deprivation under the constant threat of bombing inside a nylon tent with no privacy, cleanliness, electricity, or water. Unfortunately, we lost our warm and safe home during the bombings and were forced to flee from northern Gaza to the south. Our son, Fadi, now lives in a way he has never experienced before, having once been full of energy and play. I lost my source of income, which was my car that I used to transport people and support our family. In addition to being without a home or source of income, our burdens increased when we learned that our only son needs surgical intervention. We are suffering from the horrors of war, displacement, pollution, and severe shortages of food, medicine, and all necessities of life. The psychological impact is immense. We do not deserve the fate that has befallen us. We do not want a life like this, but despite the hardships, we remain hopeful. We love life and want to live. In hopes of saving ourselves, trying to live, and moving to a safe place, I created this fundraising campaign, so you can help us. Any contribution, even small, can make a big difference in helping us survive. We really need you during these difficult times. Please protect and support us with your kindness, donations, and assistance. Please share our story with your friends, as this will also help us gain the support we desperately need. Your support can be a lifeline for my family. My family names and ages: the father: mohammed age 30 years the mother: mariam age 28 years son: fadi age 5 years Thank you very much
This campaign was shared by @/90-ghost here. As of writing, their campaign has raised €2,000 / €15,000 goal. That's about 13% of the total amount needed. I've been sharing Fadi's campaign for a few weeks now, and donations have been progressing VERY SLOWLY! It is important that we help them raise the funds AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Please do whatever you can to support this family. Share this post and donate. I donated €10, so please match my donation if you can. Be sure to follow Fadi's campaign @fadi-018.
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Tagging for reach: @feluka @commissions4aid-international @brutaliakhoa @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
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forestfolke · 9 months
hi this is sammy oster who made song of knightroid i saw the pseudo fanart you did and i owe you my entire life and you have made my day. my week even. anyway sending you so much love your art is so swag and cool
HI!! oh you made my day by sending this, i'm glad... i think all of your art i've seen is really beautiful. song of knightroid rattles around my brain quite a bit, i've booted it up a couple times since initially playing just because i was still thinking about it.
i'm a little fanatical about acme iku so seeing that, and then it being so visually and thematically impactful as it is, was very exciting and touching... the idea of taking her and riyona so seriously while not ignoring or trying to absolve them of what they are always means a lot to me, but you did it in such a unique way, it just feels really special and well done, so thank you for making it and i hope you always continue to make art about whatever speaks to you
and i'm happy you liked my little drawing lol
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tokillamockingbird427 · 3 months
Okay, so Isaac, I'm trying to make this as short as possible, not sure how it will go
Isaac grew up overtly catholic, managed to run from the federation, he managed to sneak into Elias's office unseen, that and the insider info he had got him into the ghosts, he's a trans guy and he doesn't trust anyone but Merrick (and then later Hesh, but that took a lot of convincing from Hesh), Legal name is completely redacted, he does tell his deadname to Hesh and later to the other due to a mission
Isaac doesn't get along with his parents, for a lot of reasons, like their strongly lgbt phobic views and him being trans and bi, them forcing him to join the feds
Tho, he kinda got adopted by Merrick after a few months with them. They had some free time for all to go home or just off base and Isaac had nowhere to go so he stayed and Merrick came back like 2 days later to look how he's doing, cause he knew Isaac wouldn't go anywhere and then they spend the whole time together and Isaac slowly warmed up to Merrick. He made Isaac feel like someone actually finally cared about him, after that Merrick became more and more of a father figure for him and Merrick was also the only one he really trusted (not that he didn't trust the rest with fighting, but not really on a personal level) til Hesh came and wormed his way into his world and didn't let up
While not married, Hesh and Isaac are technically engaged, on the battlefield Hesh basically proposed. They made a promise that if they ever have a few quiet days, that they'll get actual rings and get married, but for the time being Hesh used the pin from a granade, that Isaac is always wearing together with his dogtags (Merrick got them for him, eventhough he's not technically us military,  he is a ghost and therefore deserves them in his opinion)
Tho one time they had a bit of trouble (big trouble) and Isaac took it off giving it back and walked away, broke both of them a little bit
Trouble was Logan coming back to them turned.
Isaac, as an ex fed realising what happened and that Logan turned, but the rest not really going on it, thinking he's paranoid. He doesn't mind everyone, Merrick being a little apprehensive about the idea, hurt a bit, but Hesh not believing him was the worst (even if understandable). Had him thinking that Hesh doesnt trust him enough, so in the moment he proofed his point with Logan he took the pin of and shoved it into Hesh's hand with the words "i can't hold this promise if you can't even belive me on my area of expertise"
They did got back together not too long after but it was rocky few weeks
Keegan is possibly the closest thing Isaac had to a friend before Hesh, not that they were particularly close, but they tolerated eachother and Keegan is also the only one (apart from Merrick) that Isaac was okay being alone in a room with, possibly silent bonding
"Funniest" thing Isaac is very much from southern Texas, can hide his accent pretty well tho, unless he's tired or agitated, then it's just full on southern drawl.
He also has a very prominent scar on his right cheek from under his eye all the way back to his chinbone under his ear (i hope you get what i mean) he got this from his uncle, when it came out that he was trans, unc actually tried to kill him, but even with 14/15 Isaac was already a pretty good fighter
I hope that was everything, i mean short is something else, but i don't really wanna cut anymore, also sorry for it being a bit disorganised
-🐑 (i swear if tumblr eats this)
Elias, coming to hide in his office from the gaggle of dipshits he swears he loves but sometimes can't stand: "Finally. Some peace." Issac: "👁👁 Hello"
I wonder where in the timeline Issac came in? Post or pre Caracas? Post or Pre ODIN? Post or pre The Boys (Logan+Hesh.)?
Issac 🤝 Mich "Parent's don't fuck with the gender swag."
DAD MERRICK LETS GOOOOO!!!! Ofc Hesh gets Issac to like him. He prolly came up with a 20 step plan to get him.
You've heard of field promotion now get ready for field engagement. Lets go. Underrated COD trope. I KNOW Hesh got a goddamn wedding planner/daydream book under his bed. There are several pictures of doggie ring bearers.
Damn a few weeks lmao. They deadass couldn't last without each other.
Keegan, the fiance's brother in law, being another one of the handful of people Issac likes is KILLING me lmao. Found family.
Hesh bagged himself a cowboy, well I'll be damned.
I think you've described it perfectly! Kick that mfs ass Izz.
You're alg, I can't organize my oc thoughts for shit too so we fine with a little chaos. Plus, this ain't horrible.
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karimwillia · 2 years
Part 13
Warnings: Teen Content. Making out. Plot
Winter Break places a pause to the school year activities but the girls are busy personally. Romanda has Shuri fly to DC to be with her for a week so she can be back to see Riri’s Honors Society Induction. Riri hates the separation so she calls Shuri as soon as she can.
“How was the flight Dove?” “It went smoothly Princess. I went to sleep as soon as the plane took off.” Ri is curled up in her bed wearing one of Shuri’s many hoodies she has acquired. “Baby, how can you sleep literally anywhere? You have got to be aware of what’s going on around you.” “I was fine Princess. I just envision you being with me. That comforts me.”
“You made that up to make me smile. Don’t distract I still worry.” “I know. There's no need I’m safe. Mother wants to congratulate you on your honors society induction. We are so proud of you. How is the speech coming?”
“I have it done. It’s about my Dad, my biggest force to keep creating. Give her my thanks.” “He is in everything you do, just remember. I can’t wait to be there in the front row.” “You better since I’ll be at every home game to see the Panther play.” “Oooh sounds like I’m going to have the best season. With my new good luck charm there.” Another call chimes in and Riri let’s Shuri take the call.
“I will text you later Princess. I love you.” “I love you more.”
The fast switch brings M'Baku’s deep baritone voice over the speaker. He serves as Shuri’s agent and wanted to discuss some endorsements that are on the table. Offers came flying in after the first campaign. This year is crucial for her image and she has a lot of good buzz. “Bro I would rather have an Adidas sponsorship than Reebok. The apparel is more me you know.” “I do like the Adidas agreement better so no issues from me. Baby Sister. Before you ask, you can wear other things recreationally. ”
Shuri laughs full chest. “Aye I’ll get right on picking out my game swag. Second Brotha, is my surprise ready?” A deep bellowy laugh comes through the phone. “Yes Sister, your Christmas surprise is ready. Your softness is showing. Being in love is a beautiful thing, no?”
Shuri drops her head blushing. How she feels for Riri has been known for sometime but it still gives her butterflies. “It is a surreal feeling.” “Well I love to witness your joy. She is a talented young woman. Just make sure you are being responsible.” The last part makes Shuri flustered. “Thank you Brotha. She is my shining star. I am more than responsible.” Humming M’Baku just leaves the comment for now. “We will be in touch Sister.” “Bye Bro.”
Shuri flops on her bed lying on her back looking up to the ceiling. Her mind is all over the place. Especially now. Sometimes she just needs these moments to process everything around her. Her Senior Basketball season is right around the corner. She’s nervous about it for reasons she can’t quite put into words. Maybe she just feels things are going too well. Her classes she even has been painting again, the NIL deal is good, plus she has the girl of her dreams. She wishes her Father could be here for it all, that makes her think of Riri who she knows wishes the same thing.
That wish motivates Shuri to be very intentional about supporting Rihanna, and she knows that Riri thinks the same way. The thought makes her smirk. This surprise she has up her sleeve was not easy to think up. She racked her brain about this for weeks and found the perfect thing. She hopes.
Ironically Riri is thinking in a similar fashion lying in almost the exact same position. Her mind is wandering thinking of her research, of her induction speech and how she is now loudly and proudly in Love. It’s been a whirlwind but it feels so comfortable. Riri is stuck though on how to surprise her girlfriend for Christmas. Of all the holidays to be stuck she chooses her favorite one to not have a clue of what to do.
The trip to DC was pleasantly quick. Shuri made a point to clear a lot of her business so she can just enjoy the holiday. Riri and Sharon were standing at the airline waiting for a jet lagged Shuri. Once she saw her Princess Shuri swept her up in a tight hug lifting her high into the air with ease. Riri could not help but kiss her and pull her bottom lip just a touch. It speaks with a bit more passion than Sharon could stand. Clearing her throat they split apart gathering Shuri’s things in the car.
“Shuri, please don’t leave home without this girl again ok?” Sharon is jovial as she pulls out of the pick up lane. “Hey! I wasn’t that bad Sha.” “Yes Sister it was that bad, you acted out One Wish in the shower.” The car is full of laughs. “STOOOOP I just missed you is all” Riri whined facing Shuri. “We FaceTimed every night though Princess.” Shuri pecked Ri’s pouting lips. “Aww I’ll just pack you in my luggage next time.” Sharon shakes her head and makes a fake barf sound. “Gross.” The ride home from there was chill.
The chemistry with the families was immediate and genuine. Mrs Williams and Mrs Udaku adore the relationship their daughters have so they support it any way they can. There is an open door policy at both homes but it works for them, neither girl is ready for what happens behind closed doors other than some making out quite yet. That is what they decided in the last conversation but some feelings have been shifting recently. Still no action yet despite the feelings.
This helps to ease Romanada’s mind as she is not home much due to her Diplomatic Duties. The Netflix nights, Friday Dinners and nap dates are all parent approved courting.
It is the day before Christmas Eve and the girls have gotten approved for their first supervised overnight. Shuri will stay at Riri’s then have a family style Christmas Eve Dinner with the Williams’ plus a full Christmas Day. Everyone piles out of the car when Sharon pulls up to the house. It feels so much home for Shuri she even says it.
After getting settled and changed in the Pjs Riri and Shuri build their normal Netflix fort in the front room and cuddle in for a Christmas movie marathon. Riri is sitting between Shuri’s legs leaning on her chest. “Hey Princess, pass the popcorn.” Shuri's voice vibrates on Ri's back as she speaks. Riri picks it up and holds it out, keeping it away looking back with a smirk. “No come get it.” Shuri smirks back leaning up on her knees, she starts to tickle her girlfriend for the bowl. “I’ll get it alright.” Ri sets the bowl down and is full blow gently wrestling now. They roll around a bit with Riri nipping at Shuri’s skin a few times.
They stop as Shuri holds Ri with her on top and the butterflies in their stomach turn to flames with one kiss. Pulling on her bottom lip Shuri slides her tongue into Ri’s mouth and a moan escapes both of their mouths. Shuri’s hands move with more confidence over Ri’s body resting her thumbs under the hem of Ri’s shirt gripping her body closer. Ri’s hands tangle in Shuri’s hair and she pulls at the curls when a new sensation takes over her. Shuri is kissing her neck with a soft bite and sucking. There are several more that follow leaving bruises. Riri bites her bottom lip for dear life to not make too much noise.
Shuri moans against the skin she is bruising with each tug to her hair. “Shit” she says as she pulls away to look at Ri. The look in her eye means Riri wants to try so they roll over leaning Riri on top. Shuri’s hands run up her back as Ri follows the steps Shuri did with a little more flare. She kisses her lips with tongue then pulls at Shuri’s ear. Before biting her neck and licking it some. Shuri breathes out gripping Ri’s back under her shirt. Riri places a soft hand on Shuri’s neck before kissing her on the lips again. Shuri has to push her back some to speak. Breathless. “We need to stop.” Riri giggles while holding her face to hide her blush. Ri realizes that she was rocking her hips a bit into Shuri. Breathless and giggling “Right I’m sorry.”
Laughing as she moves Ri’s hands, Shuri leaves butterfly kisses all over her girl's face. “You don’t have to be sorry, trust me. I just don’t want to wake Sha.” They move to cuddle and get comfy. Shuri is holding onto Ri loosely. “Hey Dove can I ask you something?” “Of course Baby. You can ask me anything.” Shuri picks up on her nervous energy. She breathes out tickling Riri’s neck. “I know tonight is not right but…do you know when you will be ready?” Kissing that same spot on her neck, Shuri wants to reassure Riri. “Baby what are you asking me?” Riri sits up out of Shuri’s arms with a huff. “I just want to know why you stop us every time something gets close to happening? I know I don’t know much but I can learn.” Riri’s head is down, not meeting Shuri’s eyes.
Shuri sits up to face Ri and holds her face to make their eyes meet. “Honestly I have never stopped because of you. I stopped us because of me. I don’t have much experience either, so I get nervous about what to do.” It’s Shuri’s turn to look down. “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. So never question if I’m ready. I just want it to be right.” Riri kisses Shuri’s cheek hugging her. “Then let’s say now we will do what feels right until it time.”
Shuri melts into Riri’s hug and she shakes her head yes. They allow sleep to come for them after they settle in their blankets relieved for tonight.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @dominiquesheart @shuriris-stuff @neptoons1998
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quillkiller · 7 months
you asked for rarepairs and i'm here to deliver (but tbh most of my rarepairs are from you and a few from other people on tumblr that you might follow) (also i'm not sure how many of those are actually rarepairs)
one time you made a post about sybill x bellatrix (i usually call them sybella in my head or crystalkiller) and i LOVE them
sirius and barty (starkiller for me but i've seen some people call them supernova)
i've read a sirius, barty and evan pwp and it was so good and the dynamic was amazing, so i love them now
does dorlily count? because i'm OBSESSED with them i love them they are PERFECT
lilylene (there is something so perfect about them)
xenophilius x peter (silvertail), i've seen a tiktok about them once and was never able to move on
roseseeker because evan and regulus are cute together. i don't think that they ever dated for a long time, BUT they were each other's gay awekenings and i will die on that hill
regupete. they can do no wrong.
peter was in love with james btw it's canon in my head not nessecerily required but peter was in love
BARTYLILY AND LILYROSEKILLER (i hate how marauderstok treats them) they are so amazing together and i love them aaaaagh
i also really like sunkiller (aithusarosekiller's work) them as childhood friends to enemies to lovers is amazing
1. i call them sybella too!! and i think about them SO often and miss them dearly. i desperately need to finish the museum/siren fic im writing for them….. also me and @sugarsnappeases are currently losing our minds over ritasybill…. like oh my god
2. sirius & barty: so like im a wolfstar truther through and through and its the one pairing i will never budge one…….. however.. i am so on board with sirius and barty fucking and honestly! i think they should❤️
3. sirius & barty & evan…… listen king. i need you to send me that fic
4. DORLILY ARE EVERYTHING TO ME. ACADEMIC RIVALS TO LOVERS…….. hear me out. dorlilylus college au academic rivals to lovers, jealousy, messy, staying up studying all night together, falling asleep together, triangle drama trope that ends in a throuple .
5. lilylene: i dont have strong feelings about them but like also. ask me again in a week and im sure ive created an entire dynamic in my mind. lia has talked about them and lia is always correct. kara mentioned them the other day and what kara says is law to me ❤️
6. xeno/pete: honestly……….. yes. i need to find some fics on them.. like i can just see it u know..
7. roseseeker: listen. i was thinking about this today and why no one (that i’ve seen) ships them …..? and why ? like the seed has been planted in my mind im sure it’ll take root❤️
8. regupete. dont even get me started. they’re literally my friends. they talk to me through visions. through the tv screens and radios. fat stoner hipster peter with autism swag and his mean goth boyfriend sitting on his lap with a resting glare face. holding petes spliff for him. peter looking so pleased and in love. what if i started screaming
9. no because agreed. i love this hc so much and i honestly love it even more if they’ve never dated. like i love unrequited prongstail so much oh my GOD
10. BARTYLILY!!!!!! LILYROSEKILLER!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! i saw one single post about them on marauders tok and wanted to kms. i dont know what it is but the marauders fandom on tiktok are just collectively stupid. like not one single good or even interesting take ever
11 sunkiller is jarty right????? because ive been very pointedly against them. and vocal about it. but today i changed my mind out of nowhere and ive been spamming sude with their entire backstory……! like ive been losing my entire mind oh my god. im gonna check out aithusarosekillers work!!!! thank you<3
i hope u have a lovely night thank you for this ask 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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number1mongrel · 2 years
hello i would like to send you gilgamesh (im sorry i always do) and ASA chainsaw man please
no no dont apologize tysm!
favorite thing about them: HES SO CUTE!!! THE CUTEST!!! I love that he's arrogant and acts like he's better than everyone but only because he is better and more important than everyone (in a way). he actually has the strength to back up his boasts, even if he's also an idiot and loses most of the time bc he's stupid and has too much hubris. he has so much gap moe too!!! and he's a tsun to the people he cares about!!!!! so much to love!!!
least favorite thing about them: i have a hard time dealing with Fate route Gil in particular. i really can't defend him at all and a lot of it still makes me uncomfortable (no offense to those who like Fate route Gil this is just me)
favorite line: GOD too many to pick but i guess i'll go with the classic: "Your birthday is it? Fool, you should grant me at least a week's notice!"
brOTP: I do ship ozygil, but I also love them just as buddies with similar tastes that love to hang out and fuck together
OTP: hnggggg also so hard to pick. Kotogil still has a very special place in my heart and i love it so much, but in terms of what i think is best for gil in the long run than gilkidu or gilhaku.
nOTP: I'm not really a fan of regular gil//saber... BUT i do like it in very specific circumstances, namely if they're part of a larger ot3+ or if it's gil/salter or something (again no offense to people who like it! i see the appeal!)
random headcanon: i think i've mentioned this before but he keeps a bunch of sweets and desserts stashed in his treasury and around the church bc he can't handle kirei's spicy cooking
unpopular opinion: if i have to see one more person say "casgil is the only one who cares about other people" i'm going to lose it
song i associate with them: i don't listen to much non-anime music but i did once see an MEP with gil set to slither by bohnes that i liked, so i associate that song with him now especially for kotogil purposes
favorite picture of them: AGAIN TOO HARD TO PICK AHHHH. i guess i'll just share this again for now (i need to add to it too!)
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favorite thing about them: i love how socially awkward she is. i like her making plans and then immediately failing every time. i feel bad for her but sometimes it's also endearing. i wasn't immediately super attached to her like i was with the original trio but i've grown to like her a lot more!
least favorite thing about them: not really sure... haven't quite seen enough of her yet. nothing's really bothered me
favorite line: this whole bit
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brOTP: I like her two-man comedy bits with Yoru
OTP: her and Denji!! Though i do also like them platonically. I hope they can be happy but i dont trust fujimoto...
nOTP: not really sure i have one
random headcanon: she's got that autistic swag
unpopular opinion: again i'm not sure if i have one... i pretty much agree with most takes i've seen on her so far
song i associate with them: dont have one again (sorry)
favorite picture of them
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animusiem · 1 year
Billboard USA Exclusion Zone Episode 16 (06/17/2023)
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I'm so excited for this week not gonna lie. Yes it's mostly because of Metro Boomin Spiderverse mini album bomb which crossed over to the Global Excl US chart. But looking at the new entries and I just realized the scope of what "global music chart excluding America" really like because damn this is a very chaotic week.
8. "Sprinter" by Dave & Central Cee
It's kinda interesting to see a grime song having its biggest debut as I do think that grime might be the next big thing in Europe around 4 years ago. I do think this song has a good beat, but the lyrics man are just bad. One particular highlight is talking about Central Cee hooking up with a feminist...seriously.
15. "S-Class" by Stray Kids
Well I found another penis music-core again and it's due to the chorus which...what's up with the melody here?
20. "Los del Espacio" by LIT killah, Maria Becerra, FMK, Rusherking, Duki, Emilia, Tiago pzk & Big One
Remember that posse cut Te Bote that somehow became a hit in 2018? Well we got another one of those posse cut here with all of these artists. All I can say here is that it's at least more upbeat and fun than Te Bote. Apparently this type of posse cut is a big thing in Argentina alongside BZRP Music Session. I love how it changes genres so that it didn't felt stale. Good stuff.
27. "Popular" by The Weeknd ft. Playboi Carti & Madonna
From what I heard, The Idol is another show about exploitation in the entertainment industry? I mean there's already Oshi no Ko and Perfect Blue that have done this concept better but hey just like the former, we have a pop song to go along with it. Now this is one of the few Abel songs that I actually enjoy. 2000's pop-n-b is a perfect fit for Abel and I want Madonna like this. Oh btw fuck Playboi Carti, he didn't add anything to this song but a nuisance.
42. "Ta OK" by DENNIS E MC Kevin O Chris
I think you know how big of an impact streaming and TikTok has in music being more decentralized that we have high debut for Reginal Brazilian song that only ran one and a half minutes.
51. "Calling" by Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, & Nav ft. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie
Short review for Across the Spiderverse: One of the best animated movies of all time go watch it if you haven't already. Now for the soundtrack though, I would say it's consistent and played it straight. But because of that, there's no standout songs unlike say Sunflowers or What's Up Danger. But Metro is still a great producer and this song is a great example. I love Swae Lee hook, NAV gave his best performance ever, and A Boogie didn't embarrassed himself here. I hope this became a radio hit...but I want this to be bigger.
61. "Annihilate" by Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne & Offset
When the beat to this song was used in the movie I felt chill and really showed the scope and the eerieness of the Spider Society looked like. I do think that Offset should do more than his basic verse, but Lil Wayne just go off in this song. I don't know why he always turned up in these CBM films' soundtracks but I approve it.
62. "Am I Dreaming" by Metro Boomin, ASAP Rocky & Roisee
The production saved it from being mediocre. That string and the percussion is just immaculate and showed that he can do more than his typical trap rap stuff given the budget. Roisee got too much filter on her and ASAP Rocky just doing decent here.
77. "El Cielo" by Sky Rompiendo ft. Feid & Myke Towers
I think I'm kinda sick of Feid but with this song, I'll give him another chance because I like the groove and the atmosphere of this song.
79. "Pişman Değilim" by Semicenk ft. Doğu Swag
We got another first here as this is the first Turkish song I am reviewing. And wow this sounds like 2016-17 pop rap stuff complete with the piano, blocky percussion, and strong hook.
103. "Lilith" by Halsey ft. SUGA
So apparently Diablo IV came out recently and seems like video game devs seeing the success of Enemy, are gonna hired musicians to soundtrack their games. Here's one observation of this song, this beat is actually great. But seems like SUGA just cannot ride the beat well.
114. "Makeba" by Jain
This song has one of the tightest bass I've ever heard this year so far. Of course beside that this song seems to be influenced by some Arabic element to it by the sandy feel of the production. It's just a good song.
116. "Obsessed" by Riar Saab ft. Abhijay Sharma
I think I knew that this week is gonna be the most diverse one I've covered when right after a song from French artist that had Arabic influence, I got a punjabi rap song that blew up in Canada.
153. "Self Love" by Metro Boomin & Coi Leray
This is definitely the most underrated song from the Spiderverse album. I love the lowkey pop trap sound juxtaposed with Coi Leray voice which I would describe as if Playboi Carti going pop. And I love this song because the lyrics can be about anything, but the voice clip of Gwen at the end of the song made it seems like it was her song and I love that kind of soundtrack writing.
163. "Tere Vaaste" by Varun Jain, Schin-Jigar, Shadab Faridi & Altamash Faridi
Last time I talked about the soundtrack from this movie it was a ballad. Now we got the upbeat song here...which is still kinda lowkey. But as someone who only watched like bollywood movies from the 80's and 90's, hearing synthetic percussion in this song does threw me off.
186. "Topline" by Stray Kids ft. Tiger JK
...At least the trumpet is good here???
190. "All The Way Live" by Metro Boomin, Future & Lil Uzi Vert
I think this is the weakest song on the album which is such a shame. I love it when Future on Metro's production, but he's kinda checked out here. The production does saved it but this is indeed sounded like above average Baby Pluto song.
193. "Me Entere" by Tiago Pzk & TINI
Tiago Pzk was supposed to be the next big thing in reggaeton scene...and then he just didn't. Anyways this song is too bouncy even for me.
I highly recommend everyone to listen to these songs
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jogetschatty · 2 years
I Am An Ironman (IM Chattanooga Race Recap)
Well, y'all - Ironman Chattanooga surpassed my wildest hopes and dreams.
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I'm honestly still in disbelief. Not just that I accomplished this dream, but about the day I had on Sunday. When I crossed the finish line, I couldn't stop saying "I had the perfect day." I never went to that dark place everyone talks about. There was never a moment I questioned my ability to finish.
Monday brought perhaps an even bigger surprise, but I'll save that as an incentive to make it through this very long post (Hint: it involves a big island).
Anyway, let's start from the beginning.
We arrived in Chattanooga late Thursday night with two bikes, a car full of gear and a whole lot of race nerves. Thankfully, we had a lot to do over the next couple days to distract us. After chatting with other athletes over breakfast in the hotel lobby (we stayed at the Hampton Inn downtown, just blocks from transition), we set out for a shakeout ride. We decided to drive the full bike course and ride a short stretch of it. It worked out perfectly that by parking at the Cedar Grove Community Center, riding down to see the sharp turn onto Hog Jowl first hand and heading back we got a 30 minute shakeout ride. I was nervous that the roads were pretty rough until you crossed into Georgia, but otherwise it was a beautiful course!
Next we headed to Ironman Village to check in. It really gets real when they put that bracelet on your list and assign you your race number (as an odd number loving gal, I had a good feeling when I was assigned 1155!). I also started to feel the pressure - I knew if I didn't finish the race, I'd never want to look at all the great swag! Next we headed to Cashew for a quick vegan lunch, drove the run course (oh man, those hills looked even harder than I'd imagined!) and rested up before the undie run.
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The Undie Run is a longtime Ironman tradition, meant to shake out the muscles and ease the nerves - and I have to say, it worked! About 50 of us gathered in undies of all sorts - from lingerie to tighty whities, costumes and beyond - to be a bit silly and run through town with our tushies hanging out. We ran about four miles, and after a week of tapering - it felt great! By the time we were done, our support crew was in town! We enjoyed dinner at Proof Bar & Incubator and settled in for an early night. I slept remarkably well!
By morning, the race day forecast had shifted quite a bit. Instead of showers in the afternoon, it was calling for rain throughout the entire bike ride. I was already nervous about the 116 mile ride, and this really spiked my anxiety - I'm scared to bike in hard rain, and was worried about being cold. But we set about our day, starting with a practice swim at the Chickamauga Dam (one lap in a wetsuit, one in a swim skin since we weren't sure whether it would be wetsuit legal). From there, we packed up our gear bags and checked our bikes into transition (in the wrong spot! thankfully an amazing volunteer moved them and reached out to let us know). I found someone to put my hair into battle braids a la the great Lucy Charles, and made sure my nails matched my bike (#priorities)!
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We took a bit of downtime before heading to the parents' Airbnb for a very early dinner (we landed on these BBQ tofu bowls!) and were in bed by 8pm. Again, I slept remarkably well until about 3am! At 4am I checked my phone - wetsuit legal! Our alarm went off at 4:30am, and I was remarkably calm (despite a forecast that now called for "gusty winds and small hail") as we set about our race morning routine. We ate breakfast (an English muffin with sunflower butter, jelly, half a banana and a mini blueberry muffin, plus a bottle with electrolytes). We got dressed, had a good poop (this is important!), packed our morning clothes bag, and were making our way to transition by 5:15. From there, things were a bit hectic as we had to circle a few times from bike to bike gear bag to run gear bag, but we'd left ourselves plenty of time and with nothing else to do, we were on the bus to swim start shortly after 6am. When I saw Kipchoge had broken the marathon world record in Berlin, I took it as a good omen - it was going to be a great day to race!
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/\ Swim start!
We had almost TOO much time at swim start, and the nerves started to creep back in! We chatted with other athletes in the porta potty line, ate some gel blocks, drank water, brushed our teeth and finally it was time to line up. We checked in our morning clothes bags, said goodbye to our phones and self seeded in the 1:10-1:20 swim time (faster than I usually swim, but what I anticipated with the current). When Courtney said he was going to stay with me and get in the water, I let out a sigh of relief.
Finally it was 7:30. The anthem was sang, the cannon went off and we made our way toward the water. I told Courtney I loved him, to "be safe, race smart and have fun," gave him a kiss and said I'd see him at the finish line - and we jumped in the water.
From there, my nerves vanished. You couldn't wipe the smile off my face the rest of the day (seriously, people kept commenting on it!)
The 2.4 mile Swim: The water felt perfect. My stroke felt natural. I was calm and doing what I came here to do. I kept thinking to myself, "this swim is beautiful!" I felt like I was all over the river, but I had plenty of room and when I need to, took a few seconds to get out of the way of other swimmers and find my own path. I couldn't really tell how fast the current was moving, but soon I could see the bridges - and after swimming under the third, I could see the final buoy marking the swim out. I couldn't believe it when I looked down at my watch and say 56:10 minutes!
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T1: Volunteers helped us up the stairs, and at swim exit I saw my brother in law Nate followed shortly by my father in law Mike! I put my hands up and waved, and ran on to where the strippers helped remove my wetsuit, got handed my bike bag and ran into the changing tent. It all felt like a blur! Since it felt pretty warm, I'd decided not to put on the throwaway long sleeve shirt I brought along, so I just dried my feet, put on my cycling shoes and helmet, applied chamois butter and sunscreen, shoved my wetsuit and goggles in the bag, took a puff of my inhaler, ate half my Maurten bar and grabbed my bike. 8:11 minutes.
The 116 mile Bike: This was hands down the part I was most nervous about. It was far and away the longest part of the day, the only section of the race I'd never done the full distance of before, and the part of the day that felt like SO much could go wrong (bike crashes, mechanicals, getting hit by a car). But I didn't take time to think about that - I just hopped on my bike and went. I was a little bit concerned when I looked down and saw my heart rate was at 141, but we were going up a slight incline and I knew I had a ton of adrenaline pumping from running out of the water and then running with my bike. I took deep breaths and calmed myself down.
I took the road out of town easy, to warm up and also because it's by far the roughest part of the course with potholes and train tracks and everything in between. There was an audible cheer around mile 5 when we crossed over from Tennessee to Georgia and the road quality immediately improved! It had started to rain, but it wasn't coming down very hard and I could see sunshine ahead. At that point I looked down and realized I was moving upwards of 20 mph, way faster than planned, but it felt effortless with the wind at our backs so I figured it would balance out once we hit the hills.
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Before I knew it, I was at the start of the loop! I hit mile 16 and thought to myself "just a century left, you've done that before! The course was pretty crowded at this point, and it was hard to maintain 6 feet and also keep up speed. Since I had a full bottle of Maurten's 320 I was sipping on, and water in my aero bottle, I skipped the first aid station.
At some point around mile 20 it started to rain pretty hard. I said silently to myself, "you're okay, you've done this before, just keep biking, you're okay." And that's when I realized I actually really was okay. I biked cautiously and defensively and taking it easy on my descents. I saw quite a few cyclists crash into each other when one person slowed going up hill, so I kept my distance. I was soaking wet, but just above the line of uncomfortably cold. The rain subsided, and I actually found myself passing a lot of riders.
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By aid station two, I'd finished my bottle. It was situated on the way up a hill, which made stopping annoying, but I decided it was still my safest bet. I pulled to the side and yelled for water, filled up my bottle with Untapped Mapleaid lemon tea, and had a little snack. While I was doing that, I saw two unsuccessful bottle hand offs and actually had to yell to warn a rider of a bottle, and stopped a teenage volunteer from running out RIGHT in front of a cyclist to get it, which definitely validated my decision to stop for a minute or two rather than get caught up in that chaos.
Soon I was taking the sharp turn onto Hog Jowl Rd. no problem, and heading to Chickamauga. Just as I'd started to get dry, it started raining on us again - but the road on the back side of the loop is a smooth, gorgeous descent. I realized, somewhat surprised, that I was actually enjoying the ride! I stopped again around mile 50, at special needs, and gobbled down an Uncrustable, took a gulp of the electrolyte drink I'd put on ice in case it was hot and poured the rest into my aero bottle. I realized I'd taken *no* salt pills, so I also popped one of those. On the way out I had a quick snafu where the lid to my aero bottle flew off and I had to turn around and get it, but I knew it would be worth it with 60+ miles left to go.
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/\ Probably laughing because it was only after thinking a cyclist was peeing on my that I realized *everyone* had a stream of water shooting out from behind their bike.
On the steep, wet descent out of Chickamauga I saw the scariest thing I saw all day. Out of the corner of my eye, something bright in the ditch caught my eye, which I soon realized was a bike. It took my brain a second to register that there was someone lying next to it, unconscious. I briefly considered trying to turn back, but realized I'd very likely cause a bike pile-up with many cyclists coming around a corner and down a hill behind me, so I yelled to the first spectators I saw to please call medical right away - and realized they were already doing so. I realized I was shaking both at what I'd seen and whether I'd done the right thing, but I felt better when very soon after I saw the ambulance on the way.
I expected I'd be seeing my family soon, at the turnaround, and sure enough - there was my mom yelling and pumping her arms in the air! I gave them a big smile and thumbs up because I had a feeling they might be worried how I was holding up in the pouring rain and I wanted them to know I was actually doing okay. Then I was onto my second loop!
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I will say, on the second loop there were hills I didn't remember - probably because they hadn't felt like hills the first time around! But despite being pruney from being wet for 5+ hours, I was still feeling good (though laughing at the thought I still had to do a marathon) and keeping in mind what a fellow triathlete told me a few weeks ago - if you feel any emotions on the bike - tired, hungry, angry, sad - eat or drink something. I also have to say - from spectators to volunteers to other riders, I got SO many call outs for my unicorn helmet, and it really kept my morale high! On my second loop, folks recognized me and were even yelling, "the unicorn is back!"
It wasn't until around mile 100 that I really started wanting off the bike - and honestly, it wasn't because I was tired or uncomfortable (miraculously, my shoulder and neck gave me no trouble - despite a lot of pain in training), but because I'd come so far feeling so GOOD and really wanted to get off the bike without any issues - I'd seen SO many mechanicals along the way, and didn't want to be one of them! As I turned back onto the highway toward home, the sun had come out and I realized I had a dull headache so I made a point to get some electrolytes in my body right away (I actually gnawed on a package of watermelon Nuun, because I couldn't get it in my water bottle), and immediately the headache started to subside.
As I made the final trip into town, I realized I was approaching my family's Airbnb and soon saw them in the front yard - including my brother who had flown in to surprise me! What a boost to get me through that final stretch home (when you hit 112 that would be the end of a regular Ironman, it hits you!) Soon I was rolling back into transition. I couldn't believe it - I made it through the bike and it was only 3:30pm, and when I signed up this race, I was genuinely nervous about making the 6:10pm bike cut off. Total time, 6:37:56.
Nutrition: 2 Maurten bars, 1 Uncrustable, 1 bottle Maurten 320, 2 Maurten gels (1 caffeinated, 1 uncaffeinated), 1 chocolate cherry caffeinated Clif gel, 1 Untapped waffle, 1 pack Untapped Mapleaid lemon tea, part of a bottle of Body Armor electrolyte drink and a few gel blocks, 3 salt pills, 4 mostly preventative painkillers.
T2: It was with huge joy and relief when I handed my bike to the catcher, but I was surprised that I actually didn't have the "and I never want to see you again, bike!" feeling that I'd had on some long rides. From there, I a volunteer handed me my run bag and I headed into the changing tent. Another AMAZING volunteer proceeded to unpack my bag, get me sunscreen, and help me when I was dropping things all over the place. This is also where I saw the most BADASS thing of the day - a fellow athlete BREAST PUMPING between the bike and run. Women are fucking magical beasts. I said goodbye to my unicorn helmet, popped on my cap and bib belt, took another puff on the inhaler and took a quick stop in the porta john - despite the rain, I'd had a really hard time peeing on the bike! 7:20 minutes
The 26.2 Run: I set out on the run feeling strong. It was hot, but I felt good and still had my legs. I was feeling pretty confident at this point about my prospects of finishing, with more than 8 hours to complete the marathon. I headed up the hill to the highway, where the first 4 miles of the course is in pretty much direct sunlight. Everyone was telling me I looked strong, and I felt it too.
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I stuck with my plan to walk the aid stations. My primary concern at this point was keeping my body temperature low and maintain a heartrate under 140. When I hit the first aid station, I put ice down the front and back of my kit and on my head, splashed cold water on my face and drank some Gatorade Endurance and water. This would be my routine at pretty much every aid station until the sun went down! I was surprised that the miles were kind of just ticking away, and even with my stops I was maintaining a 10 minute mile or below.
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The turn onto the Riverwalk - the only portion of the course I'd not seen - brought some relief from the sun. I was a little bit farty from everything that had gone into my body, but I still felt good. I walked the steep hill up Battery Place and was excited to see my family soon. Sure enough, there they were as I turned onto Veterans Bridge! I gave them all huge hugs, and let them I was sticking with my plan to walk the hills and aid stations, so they wouldn't worry if my next splits were slower.
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And with that, I was off to Big Bad Barton and the dreaded hills on the backside of the course! To be honest, at this point I was kind of excited that they'd give me an excuse to walk.
Now let me tell you - people DREAD Barton. It's .4 four miles long, and you have to run it four times (two each direction) - but it's actually sort of fun, because it's a giant party. There's an aid station about halfway up it on the way out, and since my heart rate was low and I felt good, I decided to run to that and walk the rest of the way. I did the same on the hill by the golf course, took a quick and not very productive porta potty break around mile 11, and headed back toward the pedestrian bridge. As you cross it, you can hear people being called into the finish line. Throughout the bike and run, every time I saw the mile marker for the second loop while on the first, I'd been thinking to myself "you'll be SO happy to see that next time!" - but never more than here. And I knew my moment was coming.
At the halfway point, I stopped at special needs for a quick bite of pickle and grabbed my socks and a waffle in hopes I could hand it off to a family member (guys, Feetures are expensive!) But when I dropped them less than a mile later, I sacrificed another $18 to the triathlon gods. I was headed back out to the lonely, exposed highway stretch - and I remembered what my mom told me that morning: even if you're lonely out there, remember I'm with you. And I thought about her proud face and arms in the air when I'd seen her last.
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People were still telling me I looked strong, but around mile 15 I started to feel a little light headed. My heart rate was still nice and low, so I had a feeling it was the start of a salt bonk. I decided to play it cautious. I'd had a great day so far, and by that point, I had all the time in the world - something like 6 hours to finish a half marathon. I sure as hell wasn't going to risk passing out and being taken off the course. So I walked a little bit, doubled up on my salt pills (I'd only taken 5 all day, at that point), and because I knew my stomach couldn't handle pretzels or chips - I put them in my mouth, sucked on them and spit them out (gross, I know, but it works!) By the time I was turning back onto the Riverwalk the day was cooling off and the shade offered even more respite. I didn't feel 100% back to normal, but it was getting better not worse, so I continued mostly running with a few extra walk breaks, using mile markers and minute markers to motivate myself.
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/\ Still all smiles on the second loop, around mile 19.
I was excited to see my brother again at the bottom of the Battery Place. hill! We walked up it together as I grabbed some nutrition, and he told me I looked happier than anyone else he saw on the course. I told him I felt good, and it was true. By that point, I had absolutely no doubt I had another 10k in me. I gave him a big hug, told him I'd see him at the finish line, and headed back toward Barton.
At the aid station on Barton I had my first taste of liquid gold! I squealed when someone handed me the infamous chicken broth - offered at Ironman after dusk. I took a couple sips to test it out on the stomach and dang, that hit the spot. I definitely walked more of the second loop, though I was making a concerted effort to break a 5 hour marathon. Honestly, could I have pushed harder on the run? Absolutely! But it was much more fun to save some energy to dance to the music on Barton (it's a straight up party after dark! Though alas, no one heeded my request to play Hungry Eyes!), get my booty whipped by the sexy costumed ladies in the Girl Zone, thank and joke around with the volunteers at the aid stations and give out high fives left and right. And I wouldn't trade that experience for a few minutes off my time.
Before I knew it, I was back on the bridge and I could hear Tony on the microphone. Rounding that corner was incredibly emotional, as everyone had changed their tune from "you can do it" to "you did it!" and I knew that I had. The tunnel is long in Chattanooga, and try as I might to take it in, it went by way too fast! I did get to see and wave to my family, and had the wherewithal to back pedal so I wouldn't cross the finish line with the jerk from a relay team who sprinted past me at the last second (seriously dude, I hope I'm in all your photos).
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/\ Serious glare right there.
As I crossed the finish line, I heard the words I've been waiting to hear since I signed up in May (and really, for much, much longer than that): "Johanna Elsemore, you are an Ironman. 4:48:33
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Finish Line: I came through the finish line, and there was Courtney, face glowing with pride as he put my medal around my neck (he signed up on the spot to volunteer to give out medals (smart man right there!) I told him I'd had an absolutely perfect day, and he told me I'd crushed it. It was only then that I thought to ask what my time was - and I was flabbergasted when he told me I'd handily beat 13 hours, coming in with a final time of 12:38:08.
Going into the race, I had said that if everything went perfectly, I'd come in between 13-13.5 hours. I expected at time closer to 14 hours. I completed an Ironman in far less than double the time for my 70.3 in May, which really shows how much training I put in over the summer.
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/\ THE BEST support crew!
After getting our bikes and gear bags back to the hotel, changing clothes, seeing off the family and getting Courtney stable (he was in pretty rough shape) we headed back to the finish line. It was the finish line of Ironman Maryland last year that inspired me to sign up for this. There truly is no party like an Ironman finish line party. And in true Courtney and Jo fashion, we closed down the bar - staying to welcome every last finisher home.
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Quick selfie with Tony, who I thanked for being the only one ever to pronounce my name right at a major life moment (wrong at my graduation, wrong at my wedding), and for calling me home for my first Ironman.
I have so much gratitude. For the support of friends and family throughout training and in the lead up and aftermath of this race. For my family who came all the way to Chattanooga to watch me achieve this dream - they literally always show up. For my health, and the fact that I could even get to the start line. And most of all for my amazing partner, who trained with me even when it wasn't his preferred pace or distance, and hands down believed in me at least three times as much as I did.
I also have so much pride. I'm proud of how well I know my body, to be able to pace myself and finish with a strong time for a first timer, but also finish with a smile and the energy to keep on dancing. I'm proud of the discipline and hard work it took to get here, but perhaps more so of how I managed to maintain balance in my life - to continue to show up for birthdays and weddings and dinners, travel, and never stop playing as hard as I worked.
Now, the even bigger surprise I mentioned.
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I'M GOING TO FUCKING KONA! I'm still in disbelief.
I swore before the race, after the race, the morning after the race morning that I was one and done. But then we went to the awards breakfast and roll down… and my 25th place finish was enough to qualify me for one of the Women in Tri slots (Chattanooga was allotted 100 extra this year, with 16 going to my age group - and 6 people didn't show up to take it - so I got the last slot for my age group).
Moral of the story, in life and in Ironman, you gotta show up to get the prize. This wasn’t even close to being on my radar when I signed up. I just wanted to finish happy and healthy. So, while usually I’m a woman of my word… you don’t turn down Kona. For an athlete of my caliber, this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
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kindchenschema · 4 months
“tldr the entire show is a terrible snoozefest” LOL yuuuup. loved all of ur reply 2 that other anon iykyk ;) as someone who only got into the show 5 years ago and thinks s1-8 are the best, (haven’t even watched after steph left i just started again with s19) the new interns are cute but not exactly must see tv. greys used to be IT, in the drama, acting, and storyline department and now it’s like once in a while an episode will hit but it’s rare. and yeah I like the interns (simone is my fav because she’s messy but grounded like a mix of cristina and steph, who i LOVED) yasuda is second fave because she’s funny and confident and so relatable. jules is pretty but boring. even her being quirky feels boring. don’t and never will care about the xys/men. i feel like they’re choosing the most bland storylines and not tapping into the potential they could have bc it’s there. staring with making jules/yasuda a thing. helm is nice but underused and i want an intern couple with main characters. plus their chemistry is cute. speaking of mains, can’t believe how much nothing amelia’s done this season. i thought they’d explore her being alone and finding herself or smthn after kai (who was sexy but also really boring. idk i find the quiet reserved type so lackluster but the chemistry was amazing tho) but she’s done nada. plus beltran is hot and i love the actress in other roles but she’s boring af. ik they didn’t wanna make her perky/sweet because it would look like arizona 2.0 but the grumpy, cold thing doesn’t work for me. not getting enemies to lovers im getting she thinks amelia is dumb af and couldn’t care less about her lmao.
anon bestie!! ahshfjs thank you ;))
i completely agree that s1-8 are the best although s12 is in another category entirely for me because of the angsty mermelia deliciousness 🔥
anyway, trueee like no matter how much they try to revive the ~golden age vibes~ (which they so clearly desperately are) it's just not working, the spark is missing, it feels too lifeless, too scripted, etc. a very sad decline.
yess i love simone i don't get why people hate her 🙏 she has that chill grounded raised by grandparents swag that's very charming to me
i'm also completely with you on the most bland storyline thing 😭 there could have been an interesting conflict re bailey and the interns, like some of the interns siding with bailey, some being like actually i love my 80 hour work week #riptoyallbutimbuiltdifferent, someone (like lucas) taking advantage of bailey's good will, then we could have richard or even owen giving their hurr durr input... like it could have been a genuinely interesting multi ep arc/conversation but instead we got. whatever this is. fucking montage of simone and kwan cooking a stir fry together 💀
also like it's so funny how amelia said she got a cat and then they never... show... the cat... or mention it again... it could have starved to death by now and we wouldn't know... does amelia remember she has a cat? does she feed it? i hope so. poor kitty
all because LUCAS needs aaaall of our attention on his annoying ass 24/7 like ooooh are you having a little mantrum? are you the most tortured little man on planet earth? should we tell everyone should we call your auntie amelia? idiot
kai as a character was lacking a liiiittle i'll give you that anon, but holy shit i am fully convinced that caterina and ER had something homosexual going on outside the show because there is no way on earth that that chemistry was screen-based only. i don't even care if i sound like a gaylor. i am a fightsone truther💯
HAHAHA YES i don't see the enemies to lovers at all, the dynamic just reminds me of when my mom complains to me about her stupid ass colleagues 😭 amelia needs someone warm, someone that loves and cherishes her and isn't so hostile and like. snappy. aka addison 🥰 so true.
will report back to you after the series finale tomorrow dear anon 🙏‼️
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happy10thousandyears · 7 months
for the artist ask, i'm curious about 5, 29, 30?
Hi mz!!!
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
Tbh I post most if not all of my art online because I kinda yearn for the validation … (NOT to the point of unhealthy obsession like I had been before) but now I mainly post for my mutuals/friends (it’s like parallel play..) than a fandom audience online. But I don’t really post my traditional practices anywhere bc I still very much have a perfectionist problem.. I don’t want to see them on my blog also I only do figure drawing in anatomy class. Once a week. So there really aren’t a lot of those drawings
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29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
Okay erm. Im so sorry in advance but AHEM dr.wh0 expanded universe (chokes and retches bile) bs and g@llifrey (crumples onto ground) IT WAS SWAG 10 YEARS AGO… where they actually hired illustrators to do thoughtful impactful cd covers but now it’s kinda just marvel style actor’s face collage slop. Also the fandom is so fucking artless and save for about a handful of real ones the lack of skill, design or any evocative emotions in fanart is kinda appaling. Also the attitude towards fanartists as ‘content’ producers I kinda hated it. Big part of why I left the fandom like a year ago (though idk the environment there now I hope it had improved but if they do I don’t wanna fucking know about it because their attitude really formed a formidable double kill combo towards my will to live with my mom’s distain for my art)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Actually i don’t really have any drawings i feel are underrated.. in fact I think a lot of my drawings are overrated..? I have a lot more attention on this blog that I did on my old fandom (see above) blog and I’m really thankful for it !! Also I have the occasional hit tweet on Twitter (I don’t really know why) but it’s so more than enough for me so I’m just gonna share TWO old piece that I’ve begun to like !!
(Self harm warning)
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These two 🚬🪞drawings for this fic.. reading it as it was live updating for 3 months was such a journey…….. I can?? Tolerate incest?? But revealing the 2 people I ship are actually siblings like 5/6 into the fic was my first 🚬🪞911 . after I’ve drawn countless drawings of them fucking in the setting of this fic . Like I would appreciate knowing the author’s headcanon beforehand so I would not disrespect the author’s wishes and ship them in this setting . It was kinda a gutting move for me so I stopped drawing fanart for that fic bc I was so shocked . but if not anything I admire the author so much for writing a 94 chapter 🪞fic that was incredible. But anyways I liked the vibe of these two
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and i amm doing! actually alright! which is a shocker considering how like. utterly bad the past week or so have been. lots and lots of stress about change and this weekend trip and also family/personal issues that were absolutely horrendous to go through, but coming up on it i'm quite a bit more relaxed haha. just... realized that a lot of the things that i was stressed about don't really matter that much, in the grand scheme of things! or at least they're less important than what's in front of me now. i also have been working on some hand crafting projects which is EXTREMELY fun--a couple crochet sweaters for my mom for the holiday season and another friend for Sometime, toying with halloween costume ideas, coming up with a possible dress or accent piece i could make for another friend for a birthday gift, and little jewelry things here and there--which probably helped a lot; being present is very swag and fun. and also (drumroll please) guess who finished the last book in a chorus of dragons
Your weekend trip is now over, but I hope you enjoyed yourself! Hopefully it was a pleasant break from that bad week.
I will try to channel your "it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things" realization, which I consciously know but could really use some work putting into practice. Not to be too specific on the wide wide internet, but I have had several quite heavy internal conflicts raging for a while and sometimes it does, in fact, consume me whole! Aching hole in my chest and everything! But piece by piece we (I) shall work through it. Because life is too short and beautiful for me to be obsessing over things like that. I know this in my head but my feelings aren't being so cooperative about it. persisting though!
anyway!! crafting projects!! those all sounds absolutely delightful--it's not exactly the same, but I've been meaning to (and slowly) getting around to some similar projects! making patches and sewing them to various pants. I actually own more than one pair of pants for the first time in like three years!! I really put off getting more for some reason and just got through the winters with tights and pajama pants. and also have been meaning to make more bracelets, as I'm on a bit of a bracelet kick at the moment they look so cool
and!! a chorus of dragons woot woot! I'll say more answering your other asks but I'm just!! hooray!! love this series to death <3
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belles1505 · 1 year
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He recognized me How much did he worry about not being conscious of me all this time? Today he looks at me and smiles.
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Love Story : Jenny's song
Verse 1:
May I say that I loves you
I take my mind once, but for a day, two days, three days
Should I turn around and speak or stand face to face?
Thinking about this and that for a week, two weeks
The first confession is very difficult
I'm just sweating and hesitating like an idiot
What if you get angry, what if you get angry
One month, two months, three months
The first confession is very difficult
I'm just sweating and hesitating like an idiot
If we meet again tomorrow, I'll be honest with you
One year two years three years
A lifetime spent only observing
Verse 2:
I've been watching you from afar for so long
You're the only one who makes my heart beat strong
But I don't have the courage to tell you how I feel
I'm afraid of rejection, I'm afraid of being real
So I keep it to myself and write it in a song
Hoping that one day you'll hear it and sing along
The first confession is very difficult
I'm just sweating and hesitating like an idiot
If we meet again tomorrow, I'll be honest with you
One year two years three years
A lifetime spent only observing
But time is running out and I can't wait forever
I need to make a move before it's too late
So I'm gonna take a chance and say what's on my mind
I hope you feel the same way and don't decline
The first confession is very difficult
But I'm not gonna be an idiot anymore
If we meet again tomorrow, I'll be honest with you
One year two years three years
A lifetime spent only observing
May I say that I loves her (x4)
Verse 3:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
This is my confession to you girl
You're the only one who makes my world twirl
You're the sunshine in my life, the star in my sky
The reason why I wake up every morning with a smile
You're the melody in my heart, the rhythm in my soul
The harmony in my voice, the beat in my flow
You're the beauty in my eyes, the grace in my steps
The style in my clothes, the swag in my reps
The first confession is very difficult
But I'm not gonna be an idiot anymore
If we meet again tomorrow, I'll be honest with you
One year two years three years Jessica had always admired Jenny for her beauty and popularity. She wished she could be more like
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notevengrayson · 2 years
i’ve missed you too grayson :,,)
woah woah a haircut and pieced ears sounds very swag! will this be ur first piercings? or do you have some already & are getting more?
ITALY YOOOO that’s awesome dawg also :0 all the best foods in the world come from there damn; it sounds like it’s gonna be a wonderful time and id love to hear more about it all after !
life certainly been for me! january exams have been KILLING me for the last few weeks buuuut after tomorrow i finally get a few weeks of rest🙏 and i’m planning do a bit of travelling with my free time to visit some friends who currently live in other places of the country, should be good fun :D
yeah these will be my first piercings :D i was supposed to get some back in may 2022 but that never happened, but its happening now so its great
and yeah!! i genuinely cannot wait for italy, and its even better cus all of my friends are going as well, ill be sure to tell you all about it :]
thats awesome dude! not the exams part but the meeting up with friends part, i hope you have fun!
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lunetual · 2 years
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✣ HAPPY ROMIN DAY ✣ to my beloved e’last city boy with a heart of gold, i hope this coming year is kind, and that it brings you joy and laughter and a path to follow straight to your dreams.
quick cc note: you might notice this is not quite my usual design vibe, but i wanted to give something new a shot. i think probably some of my really persistent habits peek through, but overall i really wanted to give youngmin something that he would find cool and different and unique if he saw it. luckily he is one of the most photogenic people i have ever seen in my life so that definitely helped.
anyway... youngmin....... i am LOATHE to admit how much i actually adore him because it’s so predictable of me!! ugh. bias origin story though so as we all know i got into e’last VERY quick and VERY intensely, and part of that process was watching their m2 special without like... knowing anyone except hyuk and wonjun. anyway i realized quite early on that romin might be a boy after my own heart but i firmly looked AWAY. even when he said his superpower was harmonizing to anything and did a demonstration in the van and i realized he had a lovely voice. and when he sneakily stole a contract to help yejun gain a badge. and when he calmly ended up winning the most hero badges despite several other members fighting for their LIVES. anyway i was like... megan look away for ONCE in your life resist the city boy in the group!
that lasted for a few weeks until i realized that my camera roll had become entirely rominified because i was collecting every silly cheek poke photo and peace sign selfie and also i was listening to his covers on yt and soundcloud nonstop. and at that point i just said. okay. okay FINE. he’s a megbias. and oh is he EVER a megbias.
youngmin is genuinely SO funny but in an understated way. every time he says that he’s in charge of e’last’s swag i put my head in my hands but unfortunately i think it’s cute at this point. he’s often quieter than some of the others, so he comes off as aloof and cool because he’s like. good-looking and has this undeniable chic energy in his day to day life, but he’s also got a silly streak (esp when he’s with the 02s) and he’s so comfy with all of his members and he’s like... he’s so physically affectionate with them in a way that’s so sweet, the way he’ll drape himself across someone or hold their hand and absently intertwine his fingers with theirs. his solo vlives are so beloved because he’s got such a pleasant speaking voice, and his tone is so even and chill that it’s very comforting to just have him chatting in the background. he’ll randomly drop by the fc and give a very detailed report on the food he’s eaten that day, which i find unbearably cute for some reason and also always makes me hungry.
and onstage, he is like... a marvel. everyone in e’last is a performer who performs and youngmin is no different! you can tell how much work he’s put especially into his facial expressions, and i find my eyes straying to him often. i also was DELIGHTED by how he took to a cuter concept with to.lie and i have to admit that watching a youngmin to.lie fancam will turn my day around if i’m feeling down hahaha. i also think that youngmin has such a pretty and sweet voice, it’s warm and feels like honey, and it is always such a treat to hear him sing. sometimes i worry that he thinks his role is to be the main visual, or that he thinks that people would rather focus on his looks than his talent and his hard work. i hope he doesn’t!! he’s a fantastic performer and you can tell he puts his heart into every stage, and i know how much time and work he puts into keeping in top form.
anyway! he really lives in my heart now, and i don’t know why i ever thought he didn’t have a spot saved for him all along. for this year i hope youngmin sees the fruits of his labor; that he can cross some of his goals off and move on to the next ones; that he can look back and really feel proud at what he’s done so far. ♡
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thefallennightmare · 3 years
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Pairings: 1940'S Bucky Barnes x Reader/ Present Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, some smut in places maybe
Summary: Before the war, Bucky and Reader had the picture perfect life together. When she lost him, she thought that she would never find that kind of love again. However, someone from a different time returns to give her that love once more. Will she follow them through the unknown or come to terms that her once in a lifetime love is truly gone?
A/N: Incase no one saw my last memo post, I had to change the months/year of this story to line up with the correct time line. Anyway, enjoy the new update!
TAGS: @overthinkinggotmedrinking @igothroughphasesalot @veralyonn @shannonleanna182 @white-wolf-buckaroo @whatawildone @jessyballet @sebby-staan @multiyfandomgirl40 @andeys-obsessions @spid3rgwen @slut-for-buck @spideyyypeter @voguekristen @justmeandmyfuckeduplife @kenziekugler22 @hoodedbirdie @ginger-swag-rapunzel @bluemoon-icecream @crazylittlereader2474 @browneyedgirl365 @amyvandijk
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October 12, 1943
I know it’s been a few months since you’ve heard from me but I’m finally settled. Everything over here is good, no need to worry. I can hear your voice right now, ‘are you making friends? Are they nice to you?’ Yes to both, sweetheart.
How have you been? Steve taking care of ya? I’ll have to kick his ass if he’s not. How’s my ma and Rebecca? Tell them I miss them and they’ll be getting their letters soon.
I miss you so much, doll. All I can think of is you and how much I miss the way your hair smells and the way you smile at me even though I’m being a yuck. I can’t wait until I can see you again. I don’t want to promise when that will be because we both know that it may not happen.
I love you so much, Y/N. I can’t wait till I receive your letter.
I squeezed the letter hard against my chest, trying hard to hold back the tears. For the first time in months, I had finally heard from Bucky. Weeks of worry and wonder if he’s alive or worse. Thankfully it wasn’t the latter.
Sitting at my kitchen table, I furiously wrote my own letter, letting Bucky know everything that was going on back home. His mom and sister were doing good, all of us trying to get used to the new normal of Bucky being gone. I didn’t bother mentioning anything about work, not wanting to waste time talking about something that didn’t matter.
I also didn’t mention anything about what Steve went through.
It wasn’t my business to tell Bucky that. It was something those two old friends needed to talk about.
However, it was also because I hadn’t seen Steve in months, since the night before his procedure. Not because I hadn’t wanted to, but because he went M.I.A without warning. I had called his landline multiple times with no avail. Worry etched deep within, wondering what had happened to my best friend. I couldn’t help but think of the worst, that the procedure had gone wrong and no one knew about me, which is why I hadn’t got the news.
With a sigh, I placed the letter into the envelope, not before spraying it with some of my favorite perfume. As I stood, my eyes landed on the picture that I had placed on the fridge door not even five minutes before. It was a picture of Bucky, one of his platoon members had taken. He was leaning slightly, hands at his side, and he looked so dreamy.
The morning sun had finally settled in its place in the sky so I quickly made my way towards the mailbox, hoping the mail man would get the letter today. I wanted Bucky to get this letter as soon as he could.
My front door swung open with force, excited to get this letter in the mailbox, but my feet came to a very sudden halt at the large presence in the doorway.
He was two feet taller, more heavier in muscle, but those blue eyes remained the same; no matter what procedure he went through, those would always be the same.
“Steve?” I breathed.
He was dressed in a dark green uniform, hands dug deep into his pockets, but the smile on his face was bright.
“Hey Y/N.”
My hands shook, something unknown flowing through my veins.
“Where have you been?” I stumbled slightly over my words.
Steve sighed. “I know I disappeared for a while and I can’t apologize enough for it. But I’m here now so if you let me, I can explain everything.”
Without a second thought, I nodded. “Walk with me to the mailbox.”
In our short walk, Steve explained that even though the procedure was a success, obviously, that didn’t mean it had a good ending. Our overseas enemy, Hydra, had sent a spy over and killed Dr. Erskine to steal a vial of the serum that Steve was injected with. The army was unsure what they wanted with it but they also didn’t want to wait to find out.
But Steve had no part of it, his general had other ideas.
“Wait,” I shook my head. “He sent you on a musical tour to sell what?”
We were back in my apartment, sitting together on my couch.
Steve sighed. “Bonds for the war.”
“I can’t believe it. You’re this super soldier that can lift me with ease now but you're dancing on stage punching Hitler?” I asked.
“Rub it in,” He jokingly grumbled.
“So where are you heading to now?” I questioned.
Steve leaned back into the couch. “I’ve got a few days off before the tour starts back up again; this time overseas. Figured I could spend time with you. If you’re not too busy for me.”
I patted his thigh. “I will never be too busy for you, Stevie.”
Neither of us knew that after this week, both of our lives would drastically change, for the worse.
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