#i just can't make myself write the damn paragraph
bambiraptorx · 10 months
i have an assignment that's due tonight and would take me 5-10 minutes to complete, so naturally I've spent like 3 hours researching prosthetic arms instead
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eldritchamy · 22 days
it's official y'all my gray matter has become green matter someone take me to the vet I need to be put down
the brainworms writhed HARD today, and I experienced an intense burst of creative energy that I couldn't ignore. I tried to write down a note to myself, only a few words long, as a reminder of a specific concept that I had in mind for a scene.
then I wrote 25 paragraphs of a floret getting her mind and body absolutely ROCKED, and it's .... like I know I'm biased right now with all the HDG brainworms, and it's nothing like I ever would have expected to write before I got into this, but I think it's the hottest thing I've ever written, and now I have to write the whole damn fic just to justify showing this scene to other people.
thankfully I ALSO had the burst of creative energy to make a detailed OUTLINE of most of that fic the other day.
but that's not the only thing I did today I also very vividly imagined two other pretty extensive scenes. All three of them have wildly different energy to them but all involve the same characters
Who have names now.
Also I came up with six Affini names. and a detailed aesthetic for the main one that would be in the fic. And a finalized title.
I got it bad.
I feel like I need to read more HDG before I can do justice writing for it, but the implant is really going into overdrive. I may not be able to stop myself.
Unless maybe I acknowledge that every waking second I'm not reading The Grand Folia Hotel again I'm actively taking psychic damage, and I may have to read it for a THIRD time this week. I can't recall another piece of writing that ever made me THIS insane.
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himejoshiangels · 6 months
batgirl 2000 reread bcs I'm crazyy...IM NUTS!!!
her and that damned rose..what does it all MEAN!!! it makes a reappearance l8r...also I missed this dynamic so so bad. me when I'm in a seeing my kids as an extension of myself competition and my opponent is Bruce Wayne
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I always forget how fucking potent and tension filled the first arc of this comic is man. it's like, bcs cass can't speak or even have thought bubbles everything's communicated via her actions or the words of the ppl around her. every panel she's in has to be chock-full of emotion and every time she interacted with someone the implications and the ffUCKKKKK‼️
the atmosphere in this damn comic man
I dunno man not to "back in my day!" when it wasn't even my day. but comics these days don't trust the audience even a little. there's always gotta be paragraphs of text having a character explicitly state every detail of their motivation and like not that old comics didn't also do that but at least the words they wrote were pretty like fuck man who are they hiring to write this shit anymorw
this transition is straight out of a movie. I know we say this with literally everything but if ANY comic in the world should get an animated show it has to be this one. top contender. it's formulated like one already, it's episodic w perfect overall themes and bigger plots. even the vibe is perfect, the grainy mtv cartoon thing it has going. every day I pray for a batgirl 2000 cartoon it'd go so crazy jsut adapt the shit straight
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batgirl 2000 just keeps hitting you and doesn't let up bcs in the same episode SORRY issue..where cass meets lady Shiva for the first time is also the same issue where babs first begins to address her as Cassandra
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^^WHICH IS CRAZY bcs we have to keep in mind that up to this point cass is nameless, she's only been referred to as batgirl. this is one of the first times she goes out as not batgirl too tho, bcs Bruce benched her. it's GAHHHHH that whole thing where vigilantes angst and drama abt titles and legacies and their individual identities is exacerbated so so bad for cass bcs batgirl is the first name she's ever given. like it's all she ever knew and ever was. Cassandra came after and THIS
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THIS PANEL RUGHT HERE ohhh my god it makes me crazy. she's only batgirl. she doesn't even have the words to explain it yet. she's only a reflection of the city she's sworn to protect its all she is and at first its lowkey all Bruce let's her be. not to mention. her relationship w babs, I'll speak on them l8r can't do it now I'll explode
a 1:1 animated series man. it's all I can think about so so many iconic moments. I don't kill but I don't lose either is already as cold as cold gets. the way the comic is formatted already fully visualizes as animated in my brain and it's so so fun to watch
LIKE LOOK AT THIS!! cinematic as he'll and it's not even moving..
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both cass and Bruce hit the bullseye like....
Cass's perfectionism is such an underrated character trait of hers (in like the greater batfam fandom and more modern comics not here, never here) bcs she literally sacrifices her life about it. she's so self detrimental about how not perfect she is anymore and Bruce's nonsense doesn't help either. man sees himself reflected in a teenage girl once and looses all his damn sense. I'm just, yea we know "mediocre for a life time or perfect for a year" < god that goes hard, but the true tragedy that is cass's inability to see how unnatural and upsetting it is that her mind works the way it does at all, that she can run into bullets head on but complains that she could do it with more skill when she was 6 or whatever like girl...never evr letting myself become desensitized to her trauma, David cain when I get you...
AND ANOTHER THING AND ANOTHER THING!!! KKKKKKKKK!! the sideplots and b plots and background characters in this comic..each of them are offered so much empathy by the narrative and are written purposefully to reflect or foil whatever cass's current conflic is all while feeling like fully fleshed characters even if they only appear for one issue
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^^ I have feeling abt these panels but my lawyers are advising me not to speak atvthis ttime
THFUCKINH THE ROSE!!AGAIN!!! so sure this is old news but my running theory is that it definitely ties into cass's sense of self and identity outside of her living weapon status. this whole issue is prime babs v. bruce custody battle material bcs babs wants cass to be able to have a normal life, to be someone outside of batgirl bcs where she is now isn't healthy even a little bit but bruce argues that cass doesn’t need that, all she needs is her devotion to the mission < now we don't have time to unpack all that but in this moment we see her make the choice, dropping the rose. in the very first panel of the whole comic cass does the very same thing, she drops the puzzle (representing her childhood) in favor of violence bcs at the time its all she knows THE PARALLELS HELP HELP MEEE
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AND AND THIS NEXT WHOLE PANEL is so evocative of the first few issues where cass couldnt yet put her emotions into words. just atmosphere and silence. BECAUSE she's confused!!! bruce says justice is what she needs that it will make her feel better, feel normal but it doesn't!! she looks over the city and still feels..feeling!!!! she picks the rose back up and extends a hand out to barbara bcs she was right, she not Bruce, she can't sit in a cave all alone all day and feel better (<which arguably doesn't even work for him either)
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in the next few issues she meets steph and tim which is soo fun bcs letting cass have friends her age opens up so much for potential dynamics. especially her relationship w steph, not just in a stephcass way but in a narrative foil way, to me at least
next post I'll probably talk abt cass's guilt, self hatred, and need for atonement but we move‼️
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I am listening to it on audible and am still only half way through but so far have a few thoughts
1. ⁠It is actually very boring
2. ⁠You can feel the treachery, spite, vindictiveness, deceit, victimhood, maliciousness, envy, paranoia, delusion and manipulation in every sentence, Its oozes into my pores and makes me feel unclean just listening to it. I cannot think of a book I have enjoyed less.
3. ⁠The weird and constant mentions of his mum are just bizarre. I understand the tragedy of him losing her so young, but I am sure his reactions to it are not typically normal for what is now a grown man. He is batshit crazy.
4. ⁠He has long gratuitous sections about killing rabbits, deer, pheasants, and talks at length about the blood, gore and disembowelling. It literally made me feel sick.
5. ⁠He has a grandiose sense of self-importance that is utterly delusional.
6. ⁠His constant references to his drug taking are over the top. He acts like it is totally normal. I understand why this plays a part in his autobiography since he seems to have spent so much of his time taking them. But he seems to glorify it with no introspection on the dangers, and revels in spilling all the details with no cares for the people who have loyally tried to cover up for him over the years. Despite the fact he talks about leaking and planting by his family it is obvious how much they have covered for him.
7. ⁠He doesn't seem to give a damn if he destroys the monarchy, and after reading the book that is what I think he is intent on doing. He misses no opportunity to add in any malicious adjectives, unnecessary anecdote, unflattering (and unlikely) quotes about his family and throws shade and blame on to them whenever he can. He comes over as so petty and malicious. You get the sense that he feels that if he can't be king he will blow the whole thing up.
8. ⁠It is abundantly clear he has no real love for his dad, brother, or grandfather from the way he talks about them, and it is questionable that he even loved the queen. He shows no empathy or respect for them and makes them look bad whenever he can. He can talk all he likes about reconciliation but he has burnt every bridge and if he were my son or brother, he would be dead to me. There is no purpose to a reconciliation - if it is not for love then it is for his own self-serving purposes.
9. ⁠When you read the whole book rather than listening to excerpts, some stories fade into insignificance. For example the losing his virginity story is a minor mention in passing. But what you don't get from the excerpts is the whole sense of nastiness pervading every paragraph. Before reading it I really didn't like Harry, but blamed Meghan far more. Never before have a read an autobiography where someone has the chance to write the narrative of their own life in a way that is supposedly flattering, and I have found myself liking them even less, despising them in fact. He is an utterly nasty piece of work......and I am still only half way through the book.
I'm so glad you wrote it up. Thank you.
I think part of the sense of boredom is that the writing gets monotonous after a while. Also, you are immersed inside Harry's head and he really has no empathy for anyone. When I finished the first few chapters, I felt like I was reading one of those 80s anti-hero novels like American Psycho, where you are looking at things from the viewpoint of a sociopath. The way he focuses on the bedroom sheets and the hole in his shoe and even the way he spoke of women ("she was perfect, perfect, perfect") struck as very Patrick Bateman.
I agree as to the nastiness, hence the American Psycho reference above. One of the passages that most struck me was when the Diana Ghost Leopard shows up and his bodyguards are alarmed. He explains that they were alarmed because if the leopard mauled him the headlines would be horrible. It didn't seem to cross his mind that the bodyguards were scared because they did not want him hurt. He only thought of the headlines. That, to me, shows how warped his mindset is.
Ditto on the Diana segments. It feels almost sweet at first because the first chapters of the book deal with his childhood, but then it turns weird really quickly.
I'm surprised not that many people have talked about the hunting gore. It's very striking and, frankly, alien. I know hunters (at least in the US) and I've never heard of any describing the kills like this. It was truly disturbing, and I'm not anti-hunting. It's just that he seemed to enjoy the gore a little too much.
He is very arrogant, particularly for someone who was supposedly raised with an inferiority complex for being a spare.
Drugs seem to be a part of his identity, which surprised me since I'd bought into the "Hero Harry" image. I don't know if that was always the case, or if he bought into the California drug culture when he arrived there, but it's striking.
He does want to destroy the monarchy. That comes across very clearly.
He seems very detached from everyone in his family, and yet passionately attached to the image he has built of his mom (a tabloid-based image!). It's an interesting contrast. He has no empathy for Will's position at all or for his dad's struggles. His family relationships seemed to be stuck at a childhood developmental level--mom is the perfect nurturer, father is all-powerful, and brother is a rival.
It is all very nasty, and I'm surprised someone didn't step in to explain that to him.
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lady-harrowhark · 2 years
Hello! I saw you mention that Pyrrha remembers pre-resurrection, and I totally missed that!! Do you have any theories as to why?
I have a few thoughts!
Just for context - because I didn't catch that on my first read either until I started going back through! - there are a few instances that seem to suggest Pyrrha remembers at least some of her life pre-Resurrection. Off the top of my head, I know there's one point where she refers to G1deon as G--, just like John does. Nona also says that Pyrrha calls her "Hairy Maclary", which is referring to a series of children's books by a New Zealand author. Here's a link to a picture and some info about Hairy Maclary... I can definitely understand why Pyrrha would call Nona that lol. This one's super interesting to me in that it's such a fantastic example of the way Tamsyn uses memes and references so skillfully! In the previous books, most of the references are fairly organic in that they're things that could conceivably be, you know, just things the characters say; the readers catch it (if they also know the reference! otherwise they're fairly unobtrusive) but the characters themselves aren't intentionally making a reference. This would be the things like "You can't just ask someone why they want to be a Lyctor" and "a hunger that only thumbs could satisfy," etc. The exception, though, is John. The "none Houses with left grief" particularly is SO fun from an exposition perspective (but if I start on that one I'll never stop), and then of course we have Commander Wake Me Up Inside. The implication here being that John remembers these specific things and is intentionally making those references within the context of the story. Pulling that same expository trick with Pyrrha sets them up as both remembering... at least to some degree. The hints that we get from Pyrrha are such that it's pretty unclear to what extent she remembers, leaving a lot of room for juicy speculation :)
I initially touched on it over on this post where I rambled about names, memory, and the Eightfold Word, but I'm copying over the Pyrrha-specific paragraph so that you don't have to dig for it:
When assisting with Harrow’s lobotomy, Ianthe tells her, “If you push your brain too hard, any surgery could simply heal over.” And in NtN, Pyrrha tells Palamedes, “You should be draining and replacing her fucking brain fluid... When Gideon and I designed that trial, I used to crack his skull and sieve it myself, just as a control variable... The only other people I put through that damn trial were Mercy and Cris, because only Cris didn’t mind being trepanned on the regular.” I don’t know exactly where the threshold is for pushing one’s brain too hard, but I suspect frequently draining and replacing one’s brain fluid is in that ballpark. Which is to say, it’s very possible that Mercy and Pyrrha (and potentially others) could have healed over from anything John had done to their brains.
Also, I don't know why this didn't occur to me as I was writing up that other post, but when Pyrrha's telling Palamedes about how dangerous their uhhhhh living arrangements are, and how they're risking brain damage... Pyrrha and G1deon were operating under somewhat similar circumstances for thousands of years. Cumulatively, it's possible that G1deon's brain was racking up damage that eventually eroded away whatever John had done. Another thought is that maybe the fact that G1deon died and Pyrrha didn't is at play here.
It could very well be less dramatic than that, though. We don't know much about how Lyctorhood impacts the brain, although to be completely fair, we also can't say for certain how a typical human brain would function after ten thousand years of runtime either. Our brains are constantly wiring new neural pathways and rewiring and revising old ones. After thousands of years, might we be reaching a Ship of Theseus situation with regard to the neural circuitry impacting pre-Res memories? Which is a fancy way of saying, "Maybe it wore off."
It could be all of the above, too. Assuming that Lyctor brains retain plasticity like we see in typical human brains (and I'm not letting myself think too hard on implications either way, because in sci-fi/fantasy make-believe land, neuroscience can be whatever you want it to be), we'd probably see that effect happening with the other Lyctors at roughly the same rate, but at least as far as we can tell (and that wording is intentional because I'm not taking anything off the table with this series), the others don't seem to remember. So that might be contributing, but not sufficient on its own. BUT perhaps ten thousand years of rewiring PLUS ten thousand years of cohabitation PLUS however long of being "trepanned on the regular" PLUS G1deon dying might override John's meddling.
We've still got so many open questions here regardless of what the specific mechanisms are. Like, I'd love to know when Pyrrha started to remember exactly. And did G1deon remember anything, then? It seems like he was Straight Up Not Having a Good Time so if he did remember, he might not have been relying on those memories much. Whatever's going on, I'm sure it's just as bonkers as the rest of the series!
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Part 3: No More Waiting
Here is the requested part 3 to Guess I Waited too long. Honestly I just wrote that fic to process my own emotions about episode 13 and did not think I'd get any notice on those fics. I'm so sorry for the long wait! I finally had some reprieve to edit and post but I promise I have been working on it since part 2.
Also that season finale was NOT OKAY!! I cried for a full day so I definitely had to finish this to give myself and others comfort and lots of therapy. After this, I will write quite a few fix it fics if anyone requests them cause that was not on.
I've never really published anything I've written but I would hope this 3 part series gave my fellow Tech lovers a little therapy.
My stories are 18+. Minors begone.
I honestly don't know the word count so enjoy the numberless paragraphs of sex.
Warnings: Sex. Lots of sex. PiV sex, unprotected, NSFW, explicit PiV, crude language, aftercare, fingering (fem receiving), oral (both receiving), just filth. Pure filth
Also Cid is not a backstabbing asshole in this cause she shouldn't have done that to the boys or Omega
Part 1 Part 2
Enjoy you horny bastards!
You had returned to Pabu over 40 rotations ago and you and Tech had been... less than affectionate. Honestly, you didn't mind. Tech was still quite new to the whole relationship thing and you certainly did not want to push him. You loved the man and would be as patient as possible. But Maker were you horny! Why did he have to be so damned attractive? Everything he did just made you think about how he'd feel against you, inside you. He really did not realise how much you needed him.
Phee had returned shortly after you and the boys, successfully clearing yours and their name. Cid was callous and harsh but she could be understanding when she wanted to be. Besides, the Batch were her best assets. She wasn't going to risk severing ties. Apparently the whole reason she'd left them stranded was the Empire had finally made its way to Ord Mantell. She needed time and a way to keep the boys out of the Empire's sight. Easiest way was keeping them away. Course she had to act all threatening; she couldn't risk anyone think she'd gone soft.
"So... it's safe to come back?" Omega asked.
"Only if ya want. If you're happy on where you are, I'll just send stuff your way. It's how I keep Phee invested." Cid shrugged. Maybe she had changed after all. Or Omega crawled her way into Cid's cold heart.
You looked over at Tech, meeting his eyes. You nodded your head over towards the Marauder, wanting to talk to him. He nodded back and followed you quietly to the ship. You were pacing, which confused him. You hadn't mentioned any upset or anger since the mission so to see you anxious worried him.
"Mesh'la? Is something wrong?"
You looked at your man, your handsome sexy man. "Nothing you can't fix my love... I miss you."
Tech cocked his head to the side. "I'm right here. Why would you miss me?"
You sighed and tapped your lips, a small signal to him that you wanted a kiss. "I miss feeling you darling. We've been busy lately. We haven't had any time together.... alone."
Tech smiled, understanding what you wanted. He approached you, hands finding their place on your hips. Touching his forehead to yours, it was a moment of pure love and intimacy. Neither of you could believe how lucky you were to be together and hoped nothing would ever come between you.
"Well cyare, how do you propose we rectify this? Surely the ship is not a place for such intimate affairs?"
You smiled, knowing he was genuinely curious as to how you'd find time. You weren't worried though; Tech was a man of curiosity. You knew he'd do whatever you wanted him to to make sure you were fully satisfied.
“No but that’s definitely something I’d like to do eventually. We shouldn’t rush it so how about we have dinner tomorrow and just see where the night takes us!”
Tech nodded, giving you a kiss. “Sounds good my darling. Now how about we get back before Wrecker comes looking?”
Dinner was quiet but sweet. Plus the food was perfect; you and Tech had some sort of connection where you two working in tandem in the kitchen was second nature. This caused every new recipe to be perfect and well done!
Cuddling on the couch in your borrowed home, you felt more than content. You really couldn't be happier. After so much drama, it was nice to have a space your own and settle down. You weren't 100% sure what Tech's thoughts were but you knew him and his brothers had been talking about moving permanently to Pabu and honestly? After the shit you dealt with on Ord Mantell, settling down in a bungalow on an island paradise with the man you love was more than what you'd ever ask for.
Tech pressed his lips to your temple, allowing you to let out a small sigh of happiness. It wasn’t often you two had quiet moments like this. You were either helping around town or tech was working on the ship.
You turned your head upward, wanting a kiss, which Tech happily gave. It was clear you two were pent up however as the chaste kiss soon turned heated, tongues battling for dominance. You were quick to straddle your beau’s waist, slowly grinding down on his crotch. Tech let out a groan of lust at your ministrations, wanting more. He went to push his goggles up over his head but you stopped him.
“Keep them on,” you whispered in his ear. “I want you to see me clearly.” You ground down harder, making Tech cry out in pleasure. “Plus I like you with your goggles on.”
Tech nodded quickly. “Of course mesh’la! Whatever you’d like tonight, it’s yours!” His hand came to your chest, gently palming your sensitive breasts. He wasted no time in gently pulling at the buttons, wanting to see more.
It was a beautiful thing, you thought. That you of all people could make the intelligent clone desperate and inarticulate. It made you swell with pride; giving you the confidence to slowly move off his waist and onto the floor. Unbuckling Tech's belt was a task and a half. You always knew it would be cause dear god that man had ALL the pockets strapped to his waist. Buckle after buckle, you eventually became frustrated enough where you sat back and started pouting.
Tech chuckled, leaning forwards, he took your chin in his hand. "Something wrong, cyare?"
You glared at him and then his pants. "You know damn well what's wrong! YOU HAVE TOO MANY POCKETS!!"
He laughed softly before taking over removing his bottoms. As he removed his jeans he laughed again. "My darling, you must work on your patience. Plus my pockets can hold many things... like remotes to certain toys?"
You gawked, never having considered that. Tech could and probably would make you writhe in constant pleasure while no one would be wise to the situation. The mere idea made you feel your undies become soaked. This was definitely something you’d have to discuss later. Who would’ve known that Tech would be kinky! You loved it and absolutely wanted to explore more scenarios with your love. But right now...
“Just help me undress you, smart-ass!”
Tech laughed before continuing to remove his clothing for you. He knew you had patience but the more desperate you became, the less patience you’d be. He pulled you back up onto his waist, bringing you in for another passionate kiss. Your frustration at his clothing disappearing into his soft lips.
You pulled away and knelt back onto the floor, pulling his cock out of its confines. Your mouth started to water, the tip glistening with pre cum. You gave an experimental lick from the base to the frenulum. You heard Tech suck in a breath, gaining courage to take all of him in your mouth. Eventually finding a rhythm, you bobbed your head, making sure to pay attention to his tip. Tech was gasping, the feeling of your warm mouth overwhelming him. His hands found purchase at the back of your head, gripping your hair at its roots. The slight pressure on your scalp caused you to release a low moan, sending vibrations down Tech’s cock.
“Kark cyare! You’re perfect! It's like your mouth was made for me!”
You smiled, giving him a little suck at his tip as a thank you. You felt him start to buck into your mouth and you knew he was getting close.
“Mesh’la, please! If you keep going like that I’m going to cum. I’d rather do that inside you!” he whimpered.
You pulled off with a pop, smiling gently up at him. “Of course my love. Anything you’d like.”
Now it was your turn to completely undress. Tech had already taken care of your top, leaving you in your bra and pants. You wanted to tease him so you slinked away from your love’s lap, standing before him. You started to sway your hips in a figure 8 motion while feeling yourself up and down. You smirked when you saw Tech lean back and palm himself, obviously liking what he was seeing. Reaching back, you unclipped your bra, letting it fall off your shoulders. You chuckled a little at Tech’s expression.
His mouth was pressed into a line, and he was looking up at you desperate for you to do something other than dance. He wanted, no NEEDED, you to touch him. He was stiff, trying not to melt into a puddle of submission to your will. While he loved when you took charge, he really wanted to be in control tonight.
You shimmied out of your pants, pulling your underwear with them. Straddling Tech’s waist again, you started suckling at his neck again, leaving as many marks as possible.
“Darling, as much as I love this, I think we need to move to the bedroom. I would hate for someone to catch us in a state of undress,” Tech panted. He stood, gripping your thighs to keep you where you were. You squealed at the sudden change of position, wrapping your legs tighter round his waist.
“I couldn’t agree more, my love.”
He gently place you on the bed, hovering over your body. His kisses made you breathless but you couldn't muster a care. His lips were too soft, too sweet. Oxygen was overrated anyway, you thought as his lips left yours to trail down your neck again. Leaving little hickies and bruises all over, Tech continued his mission lower, kissing over your breasts, your belly, until he reached his destination. Kissing up your thighs, teasing you, he decided to leave more spots, hickies only he would know about and would remind you who you belong to.
"Teeeccchh!" you whined, "Stop teasing!" You bucked your hips towards his face, wanting to feel his mouth on you.
He smirked, pushing his goggles up his nose. "And who am I to deny such a pretty thing?" One lick from your entrance to your clit had you crying out in pleasure and relief. Finally!
He ate you out like a man dying of thirst, suckling your little button like his life depended on it. You were certain you'd lose your voice before the main event at how much Tech had you crying out and moaning.
"Kriff! Kark Tech! How did you get so good at this?" you cried out.
He only answered in a moan against your clit, sending vibrations down your whole lower half. He may not have had much relationship experience but he did read up and research every single erogenous zone a woman of your species could have. Thankfully, humans were quite easy to research as male and females had similar erogenous zones. Tech paid special attention to your vulva and clit, stimulating it in every way possible.
Once he thought you were sufficiently lubricated, he started probing your entrance with one finger, before sinking inside. You screamed, not expecting it but welcoming the intrusion. His fingers were long and reached that perfect spongy spot just inside. Curling his fingers in a come hither, he added a second and eventually a third.
You felt so incredibly full, becoming more and more overstimulated with each pump of Tech's fingers. You were so close, that knot in the pit of your stomach becoming more and more tight. Tech could feel your clenching around his fingers, knowing you were close to your finish.
"Come on cyare. Cum for me. It's okay," he murmured against your clit.
It didn't take too long for you to reach that precipice. You fell over that edge, every muscle in your body freezing as you saw stars behind your eyes. It took you a moment to catch your breath, Tech gently kissing your thighs as you came down from your high.
"Karking hells... that was amazing love!" you moaned out.
Tech crawled back up your body, kissing every piece of skin he could reach. "Don't pass out on me yet cyar'ika. We're not done yet."
You smiled, pulling him in for a kiss. You could taste yourself on your tongue and it made you whimper against him. Tech pulled away and smiled softly as he lined himself with your dripping cunt. Just the feeling of his tip against you made you buck your hips, wanting more.
"You ready darling?"
"Tech, I swear if you don't fuck me, I'll find someone who will!"
Tech laughed, knowing you were all talk. You didn't make yourself suffer through hurt and jealousy just to walk away when he teased. Slowly entering your warm walls, it took every bit of Tech's willpower not to bottom out instantly. You felt so good! So warm, so tight and inviting.
You used your legs to pull Tech deeper, not caring about slow anymore. You needed more! Your movements caused Tech to lose balance and hilt himself inside, making him curse something you never thought you'd hear.
"FUCK darling!! You're going to be the death of me if you keep doing that."
You giggled, rolling your eyes like the brat you were. Tech started to move, slowly in and out, allowing you to become accustomed to his size. You closed your eyes, biting your lip in ecstacy. Thank the Maker for Jango Fett's DNA cause you knew every clone would be well endowed but Tech was genetically enhanced so you knew his intelligence came with other perks as well.
Tech started to move faster, his hips snapping against yours deliciously. His pelvic bone gently hit your clit with every thrust, it did not take very long for your orgasm to approach quickly again. Why did he have to be so good at this? He'd give you so much pleasure you'd be unable to walk. Tech was perfect in every way, shape and form.
Wanting to prolong, you used all your strength to flip Tech over so you'd be on top.
"Taking control are we, cyare?"
In response you ground down, loving the hiss of pleasure he drew. Grinding down gently, you teased him. Tech bucked up into you, letting you know it wasn't fair to tease.
"Darling please! You know I don't last long in this position! The angle in which I enter you is quite possibly the most pleasurable and if i continue at this pace I won't last and be able to give you the pleasure you deserve."
You smiled, loving it when he started to go on a tangent. Knowing this particular one was because of you was delicious to say the least. So, you tortured him a little longer. You continued to ride him, bracing yourself on his chest. Tech's hands flew to your hips, forcing you down even more onto his cock with each thrust. Your nails dug into his skin, leaving little crescent marks on his pecs. You could feel him start to stutter his hips and while you loved the feeling of it, you did not want the fun to end yet. This was the man you loved and you were going to give him whatever he wanted at this point. So you flipped back over, letting him be back on top.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close to you as possible. You heart was bursting and you once again felt that little knot becoming tighter and tighter. This time, you did not want to tease. Tech thrusted harder and faster, feeling your cunt pulse and grip him like a vice. His hips stuttered a bit and you both knew neither would last much longer.
"Darling, where?"
You moaned loudly, loving the feelings you had. "Inside me my love! Fill me up with your cum!"
A few thrusts later, you felt warmth spreading through your lower half and felt Tech release inside you. You fell off your precipice, seeing the galaxy behind your eyelids. Muscles tensed and relaxed, riding your orgasm out.
You felt Tech collapse against you, nuzzling into your neck and leaving little kisses. You relaxed your legs from around his waist and he turned you both onto your sides, cuddling into you further.
"You feeling okay?" you rasped, running your fingers through his hair.
"Mmm" he moaned. Tech lifted his head and adjusted his goggles. "More than okay cyare. I'm spent."
You laughed a little at that, feeling the exact same. Tech got out of bed, leaving you a little shiver at the lack of his body heat, but promptly returned with two canteens and a wet cloth. Spreading your legs, he gently wiped away any cum that was left on your skin. He gently encouraged you to go pee because "urination helps with clearing out any disease or sperm that may be left" but you scoffed.
"I'll pee later! Just come cuddle me please? I need a nap after that."
Nodding, Tech crawled back in next to you, wrapping his arms around your form. Snuggling in, you inhaled a breath of his scent, loving the man. You felt your heart rates calm down and slow as you cuddled. You were essentially fucked out and loved Tech for knowing your body so well.
"You're thinking very loudly mesh'la."
You smiled and curled into his chest more. "I'm sorry love. Just thinking about how much I love you."
"I love you too my darling. Now try and get some sleep. I have set tomorrow aside for us and I plan to use it well."
You smiled, blushing hard. You didn't know what Tech had in mind but you were excited for it. A whole uninterrupted day with the man you love? A certain yes please.
You slipped Tech's goggles off his head and set them on the nightstand. No indents for this clone. As you looked over you felt a rush of emotion run through you.
No more waiting you thought. You both had waited long enough to be together. Blast the Empire, the rebellion, the crime lords and everything horrible in the galaxy. You had everything you needed right there next to you.
Hopefully it's what you all hoped for! As always criticism is always welcome as long as its kind and constructive. Thank you for all the love in the last month or so. If anyone wants anymore please feel free to reach out with requests!
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howlingday · 1 year
"Hey, guys?" Ruby asked as she lowered her comic book. Weiss was writing in her journal and Yang was beating her high score on the other end of the couch. "Does Blake have a rival for Team JNPR?"
"What?" Weiss turned to face her leader. "What are you talking about?"
"A rival." Ruby repeated. "Someone she can match up with and pit herself against. Like two heroes who are compara- comper- very similar in their stats."
"Well, it ain't me." Yang said, twisting as she narrowly ended a career ending blow. "Sure, we're both powerhouses, but she's way too strong. She's more of a wild-card who swings at whatever you tell her to- WHOA!" Yang's screen bleeped those ever immortal words in her face. GAME OVER. She set down her controller, took a deep breath, calmly stood up, and declared, "I need to go hit something very... VERY hard." She then left to do so.
"Unpredictable?" Weiss rolled her eyes. "Well, don't look at me. I'm the furthest thing from her rival. If anyone is my rival, it would be Pyrrha Nikos."
"Or Jaune." Weiss shot a cold glare at Ruby. "It's true, though. He has a sword, you have a sword."
"Pyrrha also has a sword, and is world renown athlete."
"Were you a world renown athlete?"
Weiss flinched. "N-No, I was a singer."
"You know who else sings?"
"Puh-lease!" Weiss stood from her chair. "That buffoon's caterwauling can hardly be considered singing!"
"Sounds like he needs a rival to teach him." Ruby teased.
"Argh! You are so infuriating!" Ruby watched as Weiss stamped off in a huff.
"Hm, but if Jaune is her rival, then who's my rival?" Ruby pondered aloud. "Maybe we're all sort of each other's rivals? Like, we're all equally good at what we do, but in comparison, there's room for growth?" Ruby smiled at her very mature thought. "Ack! There's a rip in the page! Oh..." Ruby whined as she looked at her comic.
Nothing good lasts forever, it seems.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Nora shouted as she slammed her palms against the table.
"It means your dialogue lasted only two paragraphs before becoming smut." Blake replied, pushing Nora's notebook away. "Your lewdness lacks story."
"Huh?! I'll kick your ass!" Nora shoved Blake's script across the table. "Your book is too dang long! I was excited to read something juicy, but it took so damn long to get there, you might as well have put a gun to their head and told them to make out!"
"It's called 'pacing', Nora."
"It's 'padding' is what it is!"
"There's no point in writing a story if you can't set the scene and give the readers details on what they need to visualize." Blake countered. "Who are these characters? Why are they meeting? What drives them to give in to their carnal desires."
"People don't care about that!" Nora waved her off. "Just put two people together, and they'll either bone or not bone!"
"Stop saying bone."
"No!" Nora jumped on the table. "BOOONE!"
"Stop it."
Blake huffed a sigh. This was a pointless argument. Nora and her were clearly two different writers. Blake invested her time in her story telling, whereas Nora put all of her energy in the details of the art of smut.
"I liked what you did with the finger and thumb."
"BOOO- Huh?" Nora crouched. "Really? I just threw that in because I thought it would feel good."
"It did." Blake nodded. "I imagined myself in her place."
"Ooh~!" Nora placed a hand over her mouth. "Getting naughty thoughts, are we~?"
"And you weren't?"
Nora was quiet for a moment. "Touché." She hopped down from the table, facing away. "I like when they cuddled afterwards and talked about the future." She smiled. "It made me hope for another chapter." She turned to Blake. "There is another chapter, right?"
With a cheshire grin atop folded hands, Blake gave Nora that little, addictive word every reader wants to hear. "Maybe."
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melanatedkink · 5 months
I Wanna Try...
This one is kinda slower. Not as rough and racy as my previous works (as I'm writing this I'm not sure what the warnings will be). I'm reacclimating myself to writing. I hope you enjoy my attempt.
Warnings: If you're a writer, this may call you out a bit, writer's block. writer's envy, fluff, syrupy romantic writing, intimacy in the bedroom, no sex though
Pairing: Kirishima x Y/N
You were so glad that your boyfriend had such an understanding spirit. It wasn't like it was hard for you to get by on your own. You knew that you were all over the place when it came to success. You basically had like three jobs, only one of them forced you from the comfort of your home to play server at a pretty nice resturant. The other was editing for an up and coming streamer who wanted to upload their longer videos to social media. The third was your baby, albeit a demon at this moment, writing. You loved to write. Anything and everything that came to mind seemed to flow so easily to prose.
It was easy, but recently you were beginning to edit and share your stories to real editors. This was no longer a hobby. This wasn't slutting out your oc's without reprecussion. This was essentially as real as romance fiction got. And, somehow, your limited view on sex and overall intimacy was tested with every page you wrote. Again, you were an amazing writer when it came to story. Drama, action, and banter was easy. In fact, that skill lead you to the current story you were writing then.
But, like all good things, the end was here. The turn. The moment when silly banter was becoming something serious. History told you that this where you- your character gets abandoned. You were tempted to go that route, but you'd promised yourself you get out of the writing cycle of a lover scorned, and actually write a happy ending. A healthy budding relationship. But how could you manage that, when you were presently holding on to a honeymoon phase, desperate to keep it alive.
The door to the ensuite bathroom cracked open. You were sitting in the middle of the bed, so you were able to catch your freshly clean Eijirou heading to the drawer for something comfy to wear.
"So, how's it coming?"
You replied with an annoyed sigh.
He cleared his throat and tried again," Has she vowed revenge for her broken heart, yet?"
"Kirishima, I swear to God," You spat, rubbing your temples at his accuracy. It would take just a couple paragraphs to make that happen though... No! Happy ending damn it! Happy. Bloody. Ending.
"Alright, alright. I kid, I kid," he relented, as he laid on his side next to you," Where's the writer's block happening?"
You leaned back on your hands, scowling at your words as you recounted your story to him, subconsciously building up to the real reason why you were upset with your stuttering progress.
"...and somehow these idiots are supposed to fall in love and I don't know how to fucking write all sappy and syrupy!"
"Why can't you tell your editor that's just not your style?"
"That's the thing," you whined," I'm not being pressured to write this for the publishing house, I'm just trying to prove to myself that I'm not just some one trick pony,"
He arched a small red eyebrow at your confession.
"Annnd?" he drawled.
You sighed through your nose, breaking eye contact in favor of staring at the sleeping screen in front of you.
"I'm envious of those intimate, romantic writers. They make love seem so real and honest. And I... how do I write about something I'm terrified of?"
Eijirou hummed at your words, internally swooning at your vulnerability. You were absolutely adorable right now, and you had no idea. The way you fidget when you become serious, as if you were actively montioring every thought in your beautiful brain before relaying them to him in exasperated whispers. He reached over to your occupied lap, regaining your attention in a snap.
"May I?" he prefaced. And at the sigh of your consent, he acted, quite gracefully removing the laptop and sitting up to face you head on. He large elbows rested on his thighs, allowing his shoulders to sag. His wide chest set the pace for your breathing, as you counted the myriad of seams in his tank top. You knew he was getting an eye full of you. He was no stranger to peeking when it was convenient. A convenience granted every time you graced him with your presence.
His inched his hands forward, linking from pinky up until he'd encased both your hands in his. The warmth forced a shiver through your body. Your gaze trailed up his shoulders, his collarbone, his scuplted neck, all the way up to his eyes. You swore you felt at twinge in you heart when you first saw it. Blood red irises as soft as the full moon and as familiar as apples gazed right back at you. They felt so comortable when they were looking at you. A priceless vacation, and all you had to accept was to dare to look back.
You couldn't tell when you ventured closer, all you remember is counting the freckles on his nose until you eyes eventually fluttered closed. He responded in kind, ghosting his lips over yours. Unbearable static teased the tiny space between. Your heart insisted on reminding you it was there in your chest, but you felt as if the real danger was a loss of his heat. Your fears quelled when Kirishima squeezed your hands as he dished out kisses. You two were getting so lost in the exchange you missed a notification on your laptop. Unfortunately the noise didn't go unheard.
You woke up to a pretty pair of pink lips and dazed red eyes.
"Why did you stop?" you whispered.
He smirked, tickling your lower lip with his thumb," Just giving you a chance to finish your chapter," he teased.
You leaned back on your hands, opening your gorgeous body to his darkening eyes.
"I'd rather have you, right now,"
That poor laptop didn't see it coming, as he slammed it closed and lunged to press you flat on the mattress. At least it won't break when it inevitably clatters to the floor tonight.
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goose-duck · 6 months
Mandela catalog texting 🍜
✨Jonah and Adam✨
💜Adam: u dyed ur hair again?
💙Jonah: yes
💜Adam: looks ugly
💙Jonah: ur face
💜Adam: what.
💙Jonah: is surprisingly pretty
💜Adam: why'd you compliment me, I just insulted you, are you stupid?
💙Jonah: keep going, I'm enjoying this
💜Adam: freak
💜Adam: wanna ask if we can go to the library?
💙Jonah: u can ask, u gotta bring ur paper up anyway
💜Adam: Nah
💜Adam: just stay here
💜Adam: what's wrong
💜Adam: did you want something from the service trade people
💜Adam: I have money
💜Adam: I kinda owe you anyway
💙Jonah: I'm sorry 😭
💙Jonah: I hate to leave man
💙Jonah: *picture didn't send*
💙Jonah: what a bitch
💜Adam: I can't see the picture you sent me
💜Adam: I learned a new spell in DND and fucked shit up
💙Jonah: oh sorry
💙Jonah: that's cool :)
💜Adam: It was fun, I accidentally almost killed Evelin and the guy that sits beside Evelin bc I didn't know how big the attack was and blew up a room
💙Jonah: Jesus
💙Jonah: hi
💜Adam: hello
💙Jonah: hiiiiiii
💙Jonah: So what all did we have to do in English
💜Adam: Read the thingy online then pick a few questions and answer them, write a paragraph for each question you picked and you need at least 300 words
💙Jonah: oh okay
💜Adam: Should be called "my father tried to kill me with a crocodile" or alligator, I don't know my reptiles
💙Jonah: ok
💙Jonah: I got it
✨Evelin and Sarah✨
🌷Evelin: I broke up with him, but we agreed to still be friends bc he does great as a friend just not as a boyfriend
🌺Sarah: Fr?
🌺Sarah: like, you actually ended it?
🌷Evelin: Yeah, let me quote myself, "I wanna be ur friend, not ur girlfriend"
🌷Evelin: And he was like "okay, I think that'll be a bit awkward, but we can do that"
🌺Sarah: u guys might get back together tho
🌺Sarah: i think just a break
🌷Evelin: Nevermind, he doesn't even wanna be friends
🌺Sarah: talking stage
🌺Sarah: type of thing
🌺Sarah: well
🌺Sarah: you still have me and Dave
🌷Evelin: He told me not to talk to him and I told him I'll give him his sweater on Monday and I won't talk to him anymore
🌷Evelin: drama queen much
🌷Evelin: is that mean?
🌺Sarah: wtf
🌷Evelin: maybe
🌺Sarah: nah
🌷Evelin: he can just sit with other Adam
🌷Evelin: they're friends
🌺Sarah: yeah
🌺Sarah: or with Jonah
🌺Sarah: I like my answer better
🌷Evelin: he'd die if he had to sit with Jonah
🌷Evelin: it'd be kinda funny
🌺Sarah: exactly
🌷Evelin: I can't believe he said "don't talk to me" as if he listens to me when I talk to him anyway lol
🌺Sarah: Bro 💀
🌷Evelin: And now he's begging me for a second chance 😭
🌺Sarah: wow
🌺Sarah: that would be more awkward
🌷Evelin: he's just very interesting
🌺Sarah: ur gonna get back with him
🌺Sarah: just give it a week
🌷Evelin: no we are not
🌺Sarah: ok
🌷Evelin: with the way he's being rn I'd rather just not talk to him
🌺Sarah: yeah
🌺Sarah: me too
🌷Evelin: My mother's like "aw why, he wanted to have a job that made a lot of money" and it was funny
🌺Sarah: wow
🌺Sarah: lol
🌷Evelin: I swear she only likes the ppl I'm with if they have money or plan to do something that will make a lot of money 😭
🌷Evelin: She's shallow, she married dad bc he was making a bunch of money at the time lol
🌺Sarah: honestly I don't blame her
🌺Sarah: I would too
🌷Evelin: I agree with her, but, like, damn
🌺Sarah: easy way of living life
🌷Evelin: true
🌷Evelin: He's still going so I was like "but being friends is :("And he was like "and dating me wasn't fun"And I was like "no"
🌺Sarah: damn
🌺Sarah: bold
🌺Sarah: ur right tho
🌺Sarah: He never acted like a boyfriend in front of others therefore that's why Jonah thought me and you were dating
🌺Sarah: little does he know I'm dating someone else
🌷Evelin: ahahahha
🌺Sarah: you should tell him that
🌷Evelin: he just doesn't boyfriend the way you do
✨Jonah and Adam ✨
💙Jonah: my mother is arguing with me abt school
💙Jonah: so mean
💜Adam: why
💙Jonah: bc she's mean
💙Jonah: I dunno
💙Jonah: I think she just wants to argue
💙Jonah: such are mothers
💜Adam: makes sense
💙Jonah: you been talking to Eve?
💜Adam: yeah
💙Jonah: what happened?
💜Adam: I still don't know what she's got going on
💜Adam: kinda just ignoring her rn
💙Jonah: ohh ok
✨Ruth and Thatcher✨
🤍Thatcher: I'm thinking abt dying my hair fr, so, I'm taking suggestions for what colour/colours
🤍Thatcher: Like, I'm gonna probably do it later tonight or tmr
🌻Ruth: dark blue
🤍Thatcher: okay :]
🌻Ruth: half blue half black
🌻Ruth: or purple and black
🌻Ruth: blue and purple
🌻Ruth: something with blue or purple
🤍Thatcher: those are Dave's favorite colours :0
🤍Thatcher: haha
🌻Ruth: actually? Never knew that
🤍Thatcher: I have blue, I'd just have to buy purple
✨Mark and Cesar✨
🍓Mark: *picture of their mark on their final project (team project)*
🍄Cesar: woohoo
🍄Cesar: 95%
🍓Mark: yeah
🍄Cesar: we're awesome
🍓Mark: I thought the interview was alright though, probably my fault
🍓Mark: you are
🍓Mark: I sucked ass
🍄Cesar: U were fine, but u could tell u weren't completely sure what u were talking about sometimes
🍓Mark: Exactly
🍄Cesar: <3
🍓Mark: you probably still would have maybe not me
🍓Mark: but I'm proud of you
🍓Mark: I wasn't sure abt anything I'm gonna be honest
🍄Cesar: Well, it was more fun bc we worked together, it wouldn't have been the same without u :]
🍓Mark: thank u
🍓Mark: I feel special for once
🍄Cesar: No need to thank me, it's just how I feel :>U pretty much motivated me to get shit done with it hence why I'd get so pissy when things weren't getting done, bc I don't care for my own grades but knowing ur grade could have been bad bc of me it made me actually want to work on it
🍄Cesar: Also, give urself some credit, u did ask Mrs. Buckle the questions, I probably wouldn't have bothered
🍓Mark: I have an 83 in that class, I wasn't worrying much about it, just wanted to get a decent mark out of it. I care about your marks because you're my friend and I wanna graduate all together
🍓Mark: I have patience with you, I don't with most people. Sometimes I lose it but at times I can't take it yk
🍓Mark: I could've worked on it sooner instead of last minute though
🍓Mark: But thank you for doing it for me, you did it for yourself.
🍄Cesar: <3
🍓Mark: love youuu
🍄Cesar: love u toooo
✨Adam and Sarah✨
💜Adam: fuck you
🌺Sarah: I though u were being the bigger person and ending the conversation
💜Adam: I can do the showcase tomorrow btw, unless you're still mad and don't want me there. Then ig you can do it
🌺Sarah: I'm not doing it alone, u better be there
🌺Sarah: My throat hurts to much to speak so if u can be there that'd be great
💜Adam: I'll be there. Are you and eve still mad
🌺Sarah: If ur over it we're over it
💜Adam: I'm over it, I should apologize to Evelin. Im sorry for Thursday with the Jonah thing and for the dance. I just needed Eve at the time and I'm sorry
🌺Sarah: whatever you say.
✨Adam and Jonah ✨
💜Adam: hey
💜Adam: you there
💙Jonah: hi
💙Jonah: bus
💙Jonah: on it
💙Jonah: soon
💙Jonah: getting on it
💜Adam: ok
💜Adam: I have a lock with a
💜Adam: key
💙Jonah: okay.
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eaymtb · 3 months
10084 words! Am I finished? lol. No. Getting close though!
I did have an interesting realization today, because the closer I get to finishing, the more fidgety I am and the harder, somewhat paradoxically, it is to continue writing. Every paragraph or so I've been getting up and walking from one end of the house to the other, tapping my nails against the doors and walls as I go. I know what I want to write, I want to write, I'm so close to finishing this damn chapter, but I can't stay still, never mind stay on task. I think it's a bit like I've given myself a list of things to do but then also told myself that I'm not allowed to check off things as I get them done, I have to wait until I've finished everything on it. And my poor brain is not doing okay without being able to tick off the tasks. Getting closer to being done is just making that itching need to feel like something is actually finished worse, too. It's kind of funny. Now that I've made that connection it makes perfect sense. And also means I know I definitely need to stick to shorter chapters from now on. I need those small achievable goals. Smaller chapters that I can post and then mentally put aside so I can focus on what comes next.
Also, I'm finding it much harder to tell if everything is still in character at this length. It starts out fine, but as I re-read I stop being able to tell, so at this point I'm holding characterization together with spit, tape, audacity, and the hope that I actually am as consistent as I think I am. XD
Break for dinner now, anyway. And then I'm going to write the rest. I think I have maybe 1 or 1.5k words left? Then a last read through (probably tomorrow) and edit to catch, hopefully, any malingering typos and such. So close, so close.
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himbos-hotline · 8 months
fic titles: part two
I've collected more :3 Feel free to use these. All feel free to send a ship and a title in and I might write a paragraph or two for it!
24. Important they start, fearful they end
25. He drunk and finally drowned in his sorrows
26. He couldnt be saved
27. A holy testiment to my hopelessness
28. Dont open til the blood runs thin
29. Your body, my temple
30. Convising myself I'm coming clean
31. That kid is never coming back
32. Picking flowers in hell
33. Or are we ashes and wine?
34. I'm not sorry theres nothing to say
35. Bad things happen to good people [Good things happen to me]
36. We should just kiss like real people do
37. You think you're heaven sent
38. Tell me I can change
39. Theres a story at the bottom of this bottle
40. We just drank yourselves to death [God damn it, we liked it]
41. But lately, I've been worried you're losing yourself
42. Up in your head [Down in your heart]
43. Look whose inside again [Went out to look for a reason to hide again]
44. Cause a normal human being wouldn't need to [pretend to be normal]
45. Cut myself on angels hair and babys breath
46. I can't make my anger beautiful
<|| Part one ||>
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ivysangel · 13 days
Sometimes I’ll see someone praising Colleen Hoover books on tiktok and it makes me pause and wonder if this is their first time reading since middle school. Cuz so many people have been saying that it’s like reading something done by a 13 year old. Tho I’ve seen some of those video essays on YouTube where some people read her books and share their thoughts, and say one where they think she should switch to horror instead of romance from the way she writes some of the things in 2 of her books called verity and layla I think?
I can’t fully remember which book this next but is in cuz I saw one girl’s video that was reviewing Hoover’s worst books so there was a few in there. But it’s like each thing that I learned was like getting hit by a truck. Like why was there 2 characters laughing about how big their son’s balls are before running off the road and into a lake, and leaving the baby to die cuz they apparently couldn’t get him out the car seat. Like damn I sure do love to think of our last moment with our son, laughing at his balls before drowning. Or a different book where the main chick is trying to manually eject the fetuses she’s carrying cuz she’s jealous that the main guy is already saying that he loves those babies. And that’s just one of the things that is just so ?? And that’s just been a small part from those strange books
i actually do think a lot of colleen hoover fans are people that are rediscovering reading and probably went a long time without doing it, or weren't really readers when they were younger. most people i knew who grew up reading or writing a lot developed a very strong sense of what's good writing and what's not because when you read enough, the line between good and bad writing becomes very, very clear. i was telling someone the other day about how when i was a kid i used to dnf books after the first paragraph because the writing was just so off from the get go. but i suppose, if you're getting into reading later in life and didn't pay attention to writing quality when you were younger, then yeah, you're gonna pick up some books that aren't the pinnacle of literature, and that's FINE.
i will always encourage and support people reading at any age...even if they choose to read colleen hoover. but that doesn't mean i can't criticize colleen's writing, which is trash. i have yet to read a line from one of her books that doesn't make me physically cringe. from the writing to the tropes to the characters, just awful. i recently read a twitter thread that had a bunch of pages of it ends with us, and i was just so baffled that she got a movie deal over that shit like there are so many better stories to adapt. and btw the shit show that was the it ends with us press tour...jesus christ.
anyway, i'm only familiar with her more popular books. i was actually gifted a copy of ugly love (the book about the baby with the big balls) for my 16th, and i just haven't been able to bring myself to read it. it's at the absolute bottom of my tbr list, and it gets moved further down every time i buy a new book. but all that to say, i was not aware of little miss "ejecting fetuses"? and against my better judgement, i will be looking into that.
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flowering-thought · 2 years
Sweet anon here ready for fucking BUSINESS, how would your current oc's (plus maybe a bonus of any you have hidden I KNOW YOU HAVE SOME) would handle/adjust to a very physically affectionate love? Like, I will literally full body collide with someone then nuzzle wherever I can reach, THAT type of affectionate)
Damn babe, you're coming for my throat with those hidden characters- ^•ﻌ•^
Sweet Anon though, you always catch my eye with your asks each and every time <3
Ngl I couldn't help myself despite it being 4am-
I'll give you some paragraphs since there's not much to make a full headcannon on. I hope this is enough to keep some curiosity at bay ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ<333
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Ah poor Daisuke will explode. He already loves you a lot. And he enjoys whatever amount of love you give him as he doesn't want to pressure you! But you're giving him so much affection? Sometimes when you suddenly surprise attack him with a hug he can't help but attach himself to you and hide his blushed cheeks by hiding his face by your neck and giving you a small peck on your neck.
He enjoys all the amount of love you give him. And when you suddenly collide into him while he's doing something he will stop what he's doing to give you some cuddles and nose kisses before continuing his task and letting you know he only needs a couple more minutes till he's free ♡
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Rowan thrives off of it. His a big physical touch guy and you being the same way makes him so happy! He'll also give you surprise attacks of cuddles or big hugs where he just gives you a small squeeze! And if he feels he hasn't gotten to cuddle you enough in one day he'll come over and say that he needs a recharge when we all know he just missed you.
And oh boy does he hate whoever ruins those moments. He doesn't move from any of your cuddle sessions until he's satisfied with the amount of time he got to spend with you. He can't help it you're just so adorable he needs to give you a lil squeeze once in a while just from being excited to see you ♡
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And Irene? She also adores it. She loves especially when it's you seeking her out around the palace to give affection. And when you first give her a little lunge and hug attack she's surprised but let's out a big laugh as she wraps her arms around you and gives you a big kiss on the cheek. "You're so adorable my love." Is what she says each and every time you initiate a cuddle session by attacking her affectionately.
Irene doesn't mind in the slightest if she was in the middle of something either. She finds your presence warm and perfect. She'll just sit you on her lap even if you protest and wrap an arm around you while she writes and signs documents on her desk. And if you start nodding off she let's you lay on the couch till she's finished. Don't worry though! You'll get plenty of cuddles when she's finished ♡
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Oh dear, Mila adores it. She's big on affection and honestly? She will and can attack you with cuddles. Occasionally she'll come down to your office just to give you a hug from behind. She finds that she misses your presence so often she wonders if she should just steal you away from your department and hire you as a secretary.
And when she invites you to her place or you invite her to yours, she'll be all over you and is super happy when you do the same! She just loves all the phsyical attention and might beg a bit to just latch onto you like a koala and beg for a sleep over so you don't have to leave her embrace ♡
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Dante isn't too used to physical affection. And the fact that you're so cuddly with them of all people makes them melt. They grow so used to it they start to look forward to each hug and show of affection you give them. Sometimes when you come out of no where and just hug them they melt into your hugs and rest their chin on your head. You're so warm and cuddly they never want to let you go.
Dante also doesn't tolerate interruptions of your cuddle sessions and threatens those that do. They hate when people take away an ounce of time that could be spent worshiping and adoring you. Their subordinates have now at this point learned not to interrupt unless it's an emergency. And may the gods help the souls who started that emergency because Dante would far rather be in your embrace more than anything ♡
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gviral · 2 months
i promise i've been working on my drafts but i'm ngl it's a bit difficult for me to really put anything out there bc i feel as though my writing isn't necessarily up to par with others. i'll put the rest of this under a cut because it's kind of a vent.
i've had a lot of setbacks when it comes to developing my skills in literacy, if that makes sense. like, i have a lot of trouble articulating my words and figuring out what exactly it is i want to write, not to mention my vocabulary is a bit... lacking for a 21 year old, i feel. idk i just have a lot of insecurities about it bc i was pushed out of school at a really young age and it didn't give me a lot of opportunities to learn and grow along with other kids. i also have a very bad habit of comparing myself to other writers who i feel are just so much more talented than me and they're able to write these big prose-y paragraphs and i just... can't do that. it's impeded my ability to feel good about anything i write and that's why you'll often see posts disappear from my blog because i look back at them and i'm like "damn! this sucks."
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agender-witchery · 1 year
I'm putting this one under a cut just so people read the first damn paragraph.
I am playing through Outer Wilds for the first time, I've beaten the base game and I'm now going through the DLC. I do not want ANY information whatsoever, spoiler or not. I want to learn everything by myself. The questions and observations I make are for me to think about and answer, not you. If you post a reply or reblog with tags that go against these wishes, you will be blocked immediately.
If you saw my last post, you know that I sum up what I know and what I want to learn after each play session and send that to my friend who's watching me play through the game. If you didn't see my last post, well now you know. I've actually had two sessions since my last post - I just never got a chance to do a full write up of the former of the two. I'll do my best to put some of it here though.
Alright so. The Strangers came from their star system to ours, presumably in search of the Eye after seeing its echo. I think that they showed up prior to the Nomai, given that they only activated the Stranger's cloaking mechanism after reaching our star system, they appear to have been killed by ghost matter, and the Nomai have no writings about the Stranger. It doesn't seem like they can return, given the fact that they seemed grief stricken when looking at slides of their home world and the fact that they're still here. I initially thought that the way their eyes go empty and their mouths split in an... unsettling manner was something the Eye caused somehow, but it turns out that empty eyes and slit mouths are just... things they do, though it's often portrayed in a sinister way. I... don't think their motives are sinister though. I think that's just how I interpret those expressions. After receiving the vision of the Eye destroying everything, they turned on it. They seemed to hold it in reverence similar to the Nomai at first, but now they seem to despise it. They're upset, they're angry, and I think that's worth respecting. Once they turned against the Eye, they went into hiding, and... I don't think they want to be found, given their reactions when I do run into them. I feel like I'm intruding, like I'm doing something wrong for reasons I don't even understand yet. I have a path to unlocking the vault, but... it almost feels irresponsible not to have an idea of why it was locked in the first place. They made it, they want it closed, and I'm not welcome. Of course, they never truly hurt me, but maybe they can't hurt me, not in a dream. I can test it, by hurting myself, so I'll do that.
I am... almost convinced that there's a living Stranger still around due to the empty bed in the Cinder Isle dream chamber. And if they're alive... they'd be underwater, to avoid the ghost matter. Perhaps a living Stranger might have a way to communicate, and perhaps they'd be more amenable to my presence than the dreaming Strangers. They might have information, and as always, I have all the time in the world to search for them.
Of course... there is the matter that there's more info to be found for me in two of the dream regions. I could blindly dive around to try and find a living Stranger, but I think searching the dream world will be more productive.
In the base game, I felt a connection to the Nomai. I could understand them and their motives entirely, and I knew I wanted to find the Eye very early on. I was working with and alongside the Nomai, carrying on their legacy, and considered a friend by Solanum. With the Strangers, I feel disconnected and adversarial. Currently, I feel like I am working against them, and the intentionally eerie atmosphere definitely enhances this feeling. I feel at unease when I'm viewing their history, more so when I'm experiencing their dream, and especially so when I've disturbed them. The information I gather is via their slides, many of which are heavily damaged, and even their visions provide little insight into why they act the way they do. There's a lot I don't understand. And I think I need to understand before I try and violate their wishes.
Why do the Strangers act the way they do?
What is in the vault?
If there is a living Stranger, where are they?
I still don't know why the sun doesn't activate their devices, or why their fires burn green. Notably, the candles in the dream world DON'T burn green, so green is special in some way.
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asumofwords · 1 year
I do know how to feel haha, and no it's not because of the plot or anything it's just cause I've been here since chapter 32ish? (I only made an account recently, I have been a silent reader for a while AAA), so like, a very long time? And seeing it end makes me feel sad, I know all things come to an end and honestly I had prepared myself for when it would come to an end but I still feel emotional, this has been one of my favorite fics, a hyperfixation for a few months to the point I would constantly go to your page everyday to see if you posted it haha.
It's just- idk for the past few months, sf&a has been a really big part of my life, it helped me escape reality and other shit, get lost in the world of dark!aemond and eventually your writing in general, and I love it so much.
It's literally considered a memory for me now, that's how attached I am to this fic, I wish I can express how much big of a role sf&a played in my life but I am literally short on words ! It's frankly quite a lot. Really appreciate you for writing this masterpiece, the emotions it made me feel is beyond beautiful.
Thank you so much for this fic tee! It's been quite a big journey! I can't wait to read your future works, ilysm!! 💘
Still can't believe you robbed us of breast milk aemond biggest betrayal ever/j 💞💞💞
Making it small because damn I wrote so much I even deleted 3 additional paragraphs CAUSE IT GOT TOO LONG AHDHWHE
You are the sweetest angel ever oh my god 😭😭😭 holy fuck you have been here for so long, like since the beginning and I’m so honoured that you stayed for the entire ride !!! It has been so crazy 😭😭😭
I’m also so glad that it allowed you to escape in whatever way you needed, but also don’t worry! I will be writing still so hopefully, even though it’s not SFA, you’ll still be able to get lost in the sauce !!!
Again, I can’t even begin to thank you or even put in to words my gratitude for your kindness !!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🥺🥺🥺🥺 just know I’m honoured you read my story
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