#i just don't buy that no one on the creative team knew that they were telling a love story with ted and rebecca and that it would end
waywardted · 1 year
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“Sometimes you meet these people in your life and it's not meant to work out, but they change you for the better. Actually sometimes the strongest love can be someone that you never touch. I think it makes it much more powerful."                 - Cristin Milioti on Once
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Hearts [S. R] part 2
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
word count: 3.9k
part 1!
summary: morning coffees become the special moments between you and Spencer, but you also discover that he may have more competition for his love than you expected.
N/A: I never thought this would be so well received and I honestly feel so happy! I am very grateful to all the people who requested a second part, I hope you like it and if you want to tell me something in the comments I will read it with pleasure!
people who might be interested: @c-m-stuff @no-soy-fer @synthsescape @bella-fics @cynbx
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That morning Spencer came to his desk with coffee in hand and set it carefully to one side, the sight of his scrawled name looming large throughout.
Spencer <3
What did that mean? It was his name, that's obvious, but it was written with such a careful and clean line that it was very beautiful to admire and the heart drawn next to it was what didn’t quite add up in the whole thing. Reid knew that it was an ideogram used to express the idea of affection or love, so the most logical conclusion was that you were trying to communicate a feeling of that kind, but then he wondered: was it affection between friends? a simple show of affection, he supposed. Nothing further, surely it could not be anything else.
There were days when you and he barely saw each other, as the team had to go out to handle cases in the field and you stayed behind to do literally whatever you could do to complete your service hours, but every morning without fail you looked for him to deliver the long-awaited coffee. You were keeping your promise and for three days you arrived with two cups on the tray, one clean and the other labeled for him: Reid, Spence, Doctor R., all titles followed by a drawing of a heart. When Friday rolled around and you handed him what he thought would be his last cup, you decided to propose a deal.
"Today I was thinking that I could buy your coffee permanently, if you want” you exclaimed kindly, while you watched him from the chair that you had pulled to sit next to him. Some mornings when there wasn’t so much movement you would stay there to drink a few shots of your coffee and share a small moment of the day "It's on my way here and it's obvious that you like it"
“Oh, I… I couldn't even think about it, no. I would take too much advantage of you"
“You're going to pay me back, Reid. I'll just bring it” you laughed, watching him turn red to the ears while he drank a little to try to mask it.
"Then, I'd love to," he exclaimed with a tight-lipped smile. He was a little excited to continue having excuses to talk to you every day and, above all, to drink the delicious coffee that he had already gotten used to.
"Although I'm running out of ideas, to be honest," you said amused, because that day the cup didn’t have any inscription due to that lack of creativity. But as by the work of fate, an idea came to your mind, so you smiled from ear to ear while you took a black marker from your friend's desk and took the cup from his hand. Spencer looked at you carefully and curiously while you were writing and just when you finished Hotch called you from the other side of the tables "I have to go, don't miss me too much" you murmured, handing him the glass and then winking at the boy, who in response only awkwardly raised his hand.
Once you left, he looked at what you had written, less neatly than the other times, and felt himself grinning like a fool:
My fav agent and again that damn heart.
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"Yeah?" you asked, looking up at another of your fellow interns. You had a room where everyone could stay for a while to work on their own business, but on this occasion, curiously, only women had gathered at the table, there were about five of you in the entire building. Among them Jennifer, a girl you liked very much and with whom you could presume to have something like a friendship, and for some strange reason there was also Victoria.
"Can I ask you a personal question?"
"Huh… yeah, I guess" you muttered a bit confused, and even though you didn't know the girl she smiled in your direction.
“Is that brown-haired guy you talk to every morning your boyfriend?”
“Spencer?” you asked, widening your eyes at the surprise with which the question had taken you. You expected her to ask what band you listened to the most, your favorite food, or some other stupid thing, but not that. Now all the girls' attention was on you, including Victoria's inquisitive scowl and Jennifer's amused look “I wouldn't say that” 
"And do you think you can introduce me?" she said with more enthusiasm than she intended, and they all laughed collectively.
“I get second in line”
"Girls, girls..." Jennifer intervened and you knew that from that moment the topics of the internship would take a back seat “He may not be her boyfriend now, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want him to be”
"Am I lying?" she sneered “You smile every time you see him and you two look so in love whispering to each other every morning. Also, a week ago I saw you go out together at night”
"Jenn," you insisted, muttering to her in the hope that she would notice that you wanted her to shut up. It wasn't that you were ashamed of being associated with him, you just didn't want to spread wrong rumors that might embarrass him.
“How come he's already an agent? He looks very young”
“It's because he's a prodigy, duh. He’s as attractive as he’s intelligent”
"I imagine that being such a smart man he knows perfectly the weak points of a woman" another girl murmured, joining the conversation "If you know what I mean"
“For now we are just friends. That's all" you said trying to end the conversation, completely embarrassed that such a personal matter had ended up as the talk of all the female interns of the FBI. It was supposed to be a serious job and you guys looked like gossipy high school girls.
"Maybe he's waiting for someone better," Victoria said into the air, a venomous tone permeating every word.
"Anyway, if you give up, can you get me his number?" insisted the first girl. You nodded just so as not to break his illusion, but you knew very well that Spencer didn't use a phone beyond what was necessary for work.
Even though you yourself had told him that surely many girls liked him, you didn't expect that he really had admirers so close and to be honest a pang of jealousy invaded you. Victoria was the most obvious of them all, but you knew that being college girls they were more likely to admire the masculine charm of perhaps the youngest member of the FBI. They too were young and beautiful, but you chose to trust that you had the upper hand in winning the man's affections.
You tried as hard as you could to concentrate on your tasks, but now that his name had come up it was hard to think of anything but him. Spencer wasn't a very expressive guy, but you knew that he was comfortable with you or else he wouldn't seek you out or agree to talk to you like you did, although clearly that didn't ensure that he was attracted to you. Maybe he just saw you as a good friend.
At night, when you were about to go home, you tried to look for him so you could see him again with the excuse of saying goodbye, but you were surprised when you saw that he was talking to Victoria in an already empty section. Curiosity to know what they were talking about invaded you and you stood where you were, squinting your eyes to try to read their lips. Reid wasn't participating too much in the chat, you'd even say he looked awkward, but she was shamelessly flirting with him. Perhaps the sudden change in attitude that she had had was what your friend had missed so much and just when you thought of approaching to go save him from the situation, she stood on her toes and crashed her lips against his, leaving you standing just in your place and completely in shock.
You didn't expect her to dare to do something like that, but the reaction he had left you even more surprised, because, although it wasn't so favorable, he didn't seem bothered by the show of affection he had just received either. He just stood in front of her, looking her up and down as if he were analyzing her.
You didn't want to stay there any longer and almost instantly you turned around to walk out the front door, hoping that this had meant absolutely nothing to him and the next day you could look him in the face without feeling the jealousy boiling in your veins.
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It was almost time for dismissal when Spencer remembered that he had a file to go through that he'd ignored all morning, and he cursed himself a little for leaving things until the last minute. His coworkers told him that he could finish it the next morning, but he knew that if he did that he probably wouldn't have time to drink coffee with you so he preferred to stay a little later there.
Little by little the offices emptied and when there was almost no one left, he finally finished, feeling the discomfort of the recurring pain in his back due to the bad position in which he sat. He put his things away, put on his coat, and slung his briefcase over his shoulder, ready to go back to his apartment, but a person got in the way when he was about to cross the hall. Due to exhaustion and seeing that it was a female body he assumed it would be you, but when he paid more attention, he noticed that it wasn’t even remotely possible that the ironed black hair was yours.
"Doctor Reid"
"Miss Evans" he greeted her, without losing cordiality, but not with too much emotion either.
"What are you doing here so night?"
"Job. There's nothing else to do around here at this hour,” he said without looking at her. But the girl was determined to get that one-night stand that she was sure you had, lie as it was.
“It's a shame, but I know a bar near here that you might like if you want to have a little fun”
“Bars are noisy and are one of the biggest sources of infection that can exist. Sweat, alcohol, and unknown fluids permeate the environment and it is very probable that the consumption of drugs affects not only those who consume them but also those who are close to them, so I prefer to decline your invitation" he exclaimed, hoping that this explanation would be enough to make it clear to this woman that he wasn't interested.
“So you're more of hanging out in the apartment? I have a lot of great things in mine, including a jacuzzi."
“Jacuzzies are unsanitary” he insisted. If he proposed, he would know that he would find a valid excuse for whatever plan she might suggest.
"What a killjoy, Agent Reid” she giggled, but he wasn't too amused by any of it. "Do you ever have fun?"
"I think my concept of fun and yours diverge a lot" he murmured, still not looking at her directly and ready to end the conversation.
Spencer was about to leave when she raised herself to his height and in a quick movement that caught him off guard, she smashed her lips against his. As she turned away from her the man froze completely in his place, looking at her from head to toe as if she were some strange natural specimen.
"What if I promise there will be more of that?" she asked, in a last-ditch attempt, faking a honeyed voice. He was going to respond when there was something that forced him to look in the direction of the exit door, where someone else was already walking. From the pattern of colored stripes on the jacket he knew it was definitely you and if it was you then you probably witnessed the entire exchange. He felt the urge to run after you to justify himself for something he hadn't even done, not knowing why he was embarrassed or worried that you'd seen that. “Come on, are you really going to say no to all this?”
"Listen to me, Victoria. I understand if having power over others gives you pleasure because you are the least noticed and recognized member of the family, or if you enjoy saying hurtful things to people to feed your own insecurities, but I ask that you please stay away from me and stop trying whatever you're trying. I don't like you, you're a bad person and I won't allow you to kiss me without my wanting it, or to make your sexual advances that won't get you anywhere. So again, I say don't bother me again” he said and without waiting for any answer he walked out of sight of her. Even if he had stayed, Victoria had her ego so hurt that she didn't think of anything to say back and instead she just let helpless tears fill her eyes, followed by a gesture of a tantrum.
When Spencer came downstairs he couldn't find you anywhere and the anxiety in his stomach only increased, wishing he had misrecognized the person who had left so it wasn't about you. The matter didn't keep him awake, of course, but when he noticed the next morning that you weren't at his desk, he thought it was reason enough to worry. Worse still when he noticed that you had left a lonely cup on the table, with absolutely no adorable titles decorating it. It made him feel so guilty, like he somehow knew that you were upset because you'd seen Victoria kiss him the night before and he wasn't worthy of your affection anymore.
Even Hotch noticed that he was more distracted than usual and although he had already seen your exchanges, he thought it would be better not to intervene in anything that had to do with young love. Being a cupid was a more difficult task than the one he already fulfilled at the BAU. So when night came and he didn't look at you anywhere, anxiety was already eating him to the ground, wishing he could have your phone number to at least comfort himself with hearing your voice. Going to your apartment was something he considered, but then it became unthinkable because he didn't even know how you would react.
Victoria became less of a concern as she seemed to get the message perfectly and every time during the day that he crossed her path she just looked away, totally offended.
But when the same situation arose twice, he felt that something was wrong and he wasn't going to endure a third time. It was then that Spencer left the house early that morning to stop by a bakery and buy a couple of fresh sweet buns, hoping that this time you were expecting him. But his disappointment was greater when he saw that once again there was only the bare cup of coffee.
"Didn't you see Y/N?" he asked Elle when he arrived, nervously fiddling with the paper bag he was holding in his hands.
“No, she just left your coffee and left, but I don't know where. She seemed pretty rushed”
Spencer inwardly cursed and sighed in frustration, until a few seconds later he caught sight of you on the other side of the building, carrying a stack of folders and talking on the phone. He didn't hesitate for a moment before running (at first, then he slowed down a bit as he remembered the incessant times Hotch had scolded him for it) towards you so he could finally talk to you.
“Y/N,” he said softly as he reached your side, and he took the bright smile you gave him as you turned to look at him as a good sign.
"Wait a minute" you mouthed, still answering the call you had on the line, and when you hung up you finally turned your attention to him "Hey, Reid. Good morning"
"I bought you this" he murmured, showing you the bag with food inside, and you almost moaned with happiness.
“Food is what I need most to survive the day”
"What are you doing?"
“Two days ago, your boss Gideon thought it was a good idea to make me his personal secretary. So right now, I'll do everything he asks me to do” you snorted, obviously exhausted by the work you had done and by the ones you surely would have to do.
It clicked in the boy's mind and then he understood that this was the reason you hadn't seen it, not because you were angry. Relief ran down the length of his spine.
“I don't even think that's legal, you know? I'm an intern, they don't pay me a penny and they take advantage of me like I earn the same as the fucking president” you complained. Until then he noticed that you were struggling to hold the papers and he decided to stretch out his hands to help you carry them, like a real gentleman "Thank you"
“Where should you take them? I'll accompany you” he offered. You led him through the halls to a file store that even he doubted he knew about, and explained that your job for the next several weeks would be to sort and categorize the case files for a more efficient process of future searches.
“I'm seriously thinking about giving this whole damn thing up and selling hotdogs in some park or whatever. I would be happier and I would earn almost the same” you joked, raising your arms to stretch your back a bit like a cat that had just woken up. The place was completely alone, silent and the lighting was so dim that it even looked gloomy “Did you get my coffees?"
"Yes, I did," he muttered, "I thought you were mad at me though”
"Because..." he hesitated for a moment if it would be wise to mention what he thought was the reason for your anger, until he realized that saying it out loud would simply sound absurd. There shouldn't be a reaction on your part to the facts “you weren't there. And you didn't write anything”
"Oh, I was in a hurry. I'm sorry,” you sincerely apologized. While you were talking to him you thought that you could start to categorize the documents that you would have just brought and you got to it, hoping that he wouldn't interpret that as a sign that you wanted him to leave; luckily Spencer rushed to your side to help you as soon as he could.
"Alright. I'm glad to know you're not upset."
"If I had known that you loved my notes so much, it would have taken me a few seconds" you smiled and when you turned your head you noticed that you were too close to him, or he to you, rather.
You were silent for a few moments until he couldn't take it anymore. He needed to know your opinion about what you had or hadn't seen that night.
"Victoria looked me up the other day," he said disinterestedly. You smiled victoriously for not having to be the first to mention it, even though the matter was slowly burning inside you.
“Oh, I know. I looked at you talking to her” you exclaimed bitterly, without taking your eyes off the files.
"And she too... huh..."
"Calm down" you interrupted him, taking a bunch that were already ordered and moving away from him to take them to a filing cabinet "I saw that too"
“It was so strange”
"It was pathetic," you said without any embarrassment. You finally looked up and noticed some fear in him, as if he thought you meant that he was pathetic "It wasn't even a good kiss"
"And what would one be like?" he replied without thinking. You stifled a laugh and looked at him kindly.
“That's not something I can explain to you, Reid. I would have to show you"
“Well…” he said, finally breaking away from your gaze and staring at you with those big beautiful hazel eyes.
You were surprised that he wasn't averse to it because you honestly didn't expect to achieve anything with that sentence, you just wanted to tease him a bit. Spencer kept looking at you in silence for a few seconds and you knew what that look meant, or at least you thought you did. Those pleading eyes only screamed one thing: show me. Kiss me.
You walked enough steps to close the distance and stand right in front of him, looking down at him with a smile of pure mischief.
“Well, what?"
“Nothing, nothing, I just… I thought you could enlighten me a bit on the subject. As unbelievable as it may seem, I am very uninformed about the standard of what is considered a good or bad kiss” he admitted. Even flirting he sounded like a walking book.
You weren't going to give him time to regret it so you took him by the lapels of his formal shirt and with a yank you pulled him to you. Spencer's breath caught at how sudden the contact had been, and you heard him release the trapped air over your lips, giving you the chance to deepen the kiss. At first he was tense, but after a few seconds you felt his shoulders relax considerably and that's when you slid your hands down the length of his neck until you reached to hold his cheeks. One of your hands left that position only to guide the man's hands to your waist and once you were in this way you took the opportunity to push your body against his a little more, with your torso attached to his. There was no mention of how the tip of your tongue experimentally flicked across his lips and made him sigh audibly.
Spencer nearly whimpered as the heat from your body left his.
“We just shared approximately 80 million bacteria” you blurted out, but he was too flushed and shocked to corroborate denying the information. Just to play with him you decided to give him another kiss, shorter and louder than the previous one "And you just had a good kiss"
You didn't wait for any reaction before separating completely and that made him come out of the trance he was in, still not believing what had just happened. He couldn't even say anything before your phone started ringing with a call.
"I'll see you later?"
"It's up to you," you said with a smile. Spencer nodded and not knowing what else to do he decided to walk out before he could embarrass himself "Oh, and Spence…”
"Yeah?" he answered, trying not to let you notice how it affected him that you called him that way.
“Do you remember the other day when I told you that surely hundreds of girls liked you?” you asked and when he nodded a couple of hairs got messy "Although I'm sure it's true, on that occasion I was only talking about me" you confessed. You couldn't ignore the ringing sound any longer or you'd lose it, so you picked up the hook and started a business conversation, but not before winking at him as a farewell.
Spencer came out of it trying to look as normal as possible, but he still couldn't figure out how he'd have the strength to work objectively for the rest of the day when he'd just gotten such a good kiss from the prettiest girl he'd ever met.
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rhey-007 · 8 months
Love is a flame that thrives in the darkest corners of our hearts.
Fernando Alonso x goth mommy!reader || 18+
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Summary: A Halloween party led Fernando to meet his one and only Morticia.
A/N: So it's the first time I write for Fernando so I might have not caught the essence of him, but I tried my best. Also, I love all the young readers (especially young mommy readers) but I'm kind of bored of them :// And I've never yet encountered an older reader so I decided to make this fic's reader around Nando's age with two sons - a 17 year old and 3 year old (which aren't really relevant here). She's also taller than him (181 cm, something like Lance). I'm also not that deep into the f1 universe yet and I don't know who's friends with who from the drivers so I just picked Carlos and Lando for Fernando's closest paddock friends (correct me pls).
+ The situation is completely made up. And I apologise if the Spanish and German parts are bad 😔🤚
Warnings/Tags: smut, 18+, older female reader, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, older reader, kids
Art to the fic
Wordcount: 4219 (around)
Halloween was approaching with huge steps, just as a particular big costume party in Berlin did, to which all the F1 drivers were invited. Everyone was excited, besides the oldest one, driving for the turquoise team – Fernando Alonso.
His indifference was caused by the feeling he was too old for such parties and the fact that he had no one to go with. But after on going persuasion from Lando and Carlos, the poor man gave in and agreed to attend the event.
Although there was another problem – lack of creativity. Fernando had no idea what he should wear and if only he could, he would just throw on the first two things he'd find in his wardrobe. But he couldn’t. No, he had to have some costume. That’s when Norris and Sainz stepped in once again.
„What about Ghostface? "
The youngest asked enthusiasticaly. The three of them sitting in a cafe, drinking their coffees and teas and discussing their costumes. Both of them already knew what they were going to wear but refused to tell for a surprise effect at the party.
„Cliché! "
Carlos responded before he put forward his proposition.
„How about Beetlejuice?”
He asked sipping his chocolate macchiato but earned a displeased look from Lando, who didn’t agree.
„Really? Beetlejuice? Come on! I know his 40 but no one has to know! "
Noriss huffed crossing his arms.
„But Beetlejuice is iconic! "
The two started to argue, making everyone around them pay attention to them. Fernando sighed shaking his head, a little embarrassed by his friends’ behavior.
„If you won't stop arguing I'm not gonna go... "
He hissed trying to calm down the boys, who acted like children.
„Isn’t there a character that doesn’t need a lot of preparation from me? Someone... I don't know... Looking like me? "
Alonso asked after the boys finally stopped their childish quarrel. They both looked at Fernando, then at themselves with mischievous smiles and back at Nando.
„You know... "
Lando started, circling his finger on the wooden table.
„There is that one easy... spooky... Spanish character... "
Carlos continued smiling sweetly at his friend. Alonso quickly understood who they meant, his eyes widening and shook his head disapprovingly.
„No, no, no. I ain't going with Gomez. He makes no sense without Morticia. And you know well I DO NOT have one... "
„It doesn’t matter! I'm sure there's going to be a lot of Morticia's trying to find their Gomez! "
Lando smiled excitedly, he already could see Fernando as the head of Addams family dancing on the dance floor with some beautiful, georgous woman. It was also a great opportunity for the spaniard to find a new lover.
„But it's the easiest character for you! All you need is a striped suit, which I already know where to buy, and some gel for your hair. That's it! "
Lando tried to argument their point as well as he could with a slight help from Carlos.
„He's right. And maybe you’ll be lucky enough to find yourself a chick, finally. We have enough of you grumbling you have enough being alone... „"
The man whispered the last sentence hoping Nando won't hear it, but he did and softly smacked the back of Sainz's head. He did in fact had enough of being alone, as well as seeing all the guys glued to their girlfriends on the paddock, kissing, giggling and being happy. He wanted to puke at the only thought. After an hour of Carlos and Lando stating their pluses for the idea, and Fernando sinking in them, the older man finally but reluctantly agreed.
When the time came, Nando put on his Gomez suit – it had not only white stripes but also turquoise ones as well as white – turquoise rose in the chest pocket - that Lando found for him and brushed his hair back with gel, leaving some loose strands for the hairstyle to look better. Carlos and Charles picked him up dressed as Mario and Luigi. Fernando could swear they argued which one would be Mario, and it amused him a little when he saw them.
„Hey man! Where's your Morticia? "
Leclerc teased with a smirk. Fernando just rolled his eyes and kicked Sainz’ sit to make him drive away already.
Soon they arrived to the party, stepping out of the car Norris and Piastri quickly greeted them dressed as Scooby and Shaggy with Lily dressed as Velma. The six of them walked in, loud music filling their ears. They filled one of the booths and immediately ordered drinks. Halloween sangrias, raven coktails and other drinks as quickly appeared on the table, as quickly disappeared from it.
While the guys danced Lando tried his best to find a Morticia for Fernando. He was right, there were a lot of them. All of them looked the same with small alterations to the dress, well they were all the same character after all.
Neither of them grasped Alonso's interest and the man was about to give up when he run into one of them after leaving the bathroom. She was different. Taller, older, mature, more dedicated to the role, more passionate. She caught his eye immediately.
„Oh god, I'm sorry”
He said after bumping into her, before she turned around and took his breath away.
„It's okay liebling~” (darling)
The woman smiled down at Nando, her voice like honey to his ears. The man took a good look at her.
Her slender fingers were wrapped around a glass - he wished they could be wrapped around his neck - pale skin shined in the lights as if she was one of the Cullens - he wondered if it burned in the sun - her eyes so dark he wasn’t sure if they were real, sharp canine teeth he wanted sanked deep in his neck so bad. She seemed like a real life vampire.
„Let me guess... You're a Gomez looking for his Morticia? "
She spoke up, getting him out of trance. A soft blush spread across the man's face, barely visible under the red light he was standing in, and he nodded sheepishly. The woman chuckled warmly, her tone changing from a playful to flirtatious one.
„Well, then I guess you're lucky. You've got yourself an einzigartig one~” (unique)
Stretching her hand towards Fernando, expecting him to kiss it she didn’t have to wait long as he obliged immediately. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of her palm before asking in a gentleman manner.
„Would you like to dance? "
The woman agreed and after finishing her drink they were off to the dance floor.
They had a pretty good time, the woman taught Fernando a few moves, they were chatting throughout and giggling at the ridiculous costumes.
„I have to admit, you're an amazing dancer. You could make it to Dancing with the Stars”
She teased with a gorgeous smile, making Fernando practically melt in her embrace. He held onto her waist tightly as if she was going to run away the moment he'd let go.
But she wouldn’t. She was too mesmerized by the man to do so. Fernando shook his head at her words.
„No, no, cariño. You're the one who can really dance here”
Nando praised her then pressed another kiss to her hand and squeezed it gently. He was such a sweet gentleman it made butterflies fly in her stomach. Soon Alonso took her back to his booth where he realized he didn’t even knew her name.
„I'm Y/N”
You said with a smile while shaking the guys’ hands. You’ve managed to catch that they all were F1 drivers and the girl was a girlfriend of one of them.
They were really nice people, aside the fact they were joking about your height difference, but still the only one you were really interested in was Fernando.
He was amazing - charming, handsome, soft, flirty. He had strong arms you wanted wrapped around yourself all the time, gentle hands that made you shiver, his wrinkles made him even more handsome and the shining hazel eyes made you loose yourself in them.
After some time you were left alone with the girl as the boys went to order more drinks.
„Are you as much invested in racing as them?"
You asked Lily and the girl shook her head.
„Not really. I support Oscar as much as I can but I still don’t get some of the things, like penalties, nor the whole hype. But y'know, I try my best”
Nodding your head you reciprocated the smile. You wondered how it was to be an F1 driver's girlfriend. For sure it wasn’t easy, especially because of the media and rumors, but you believed they could overcome it.
„So are you all here because of a race? Or did you just get the invitations to boost the event? "
„Well, there is a race here in a few days, but I wouldn't be surprised if the boostin up was true too! "
You both chuckled amuzed, you had to admit you wouldn’t be surprised either.
You quickly started to like the girl, she was really mature and smart for her age, not like her boyfriend.
Lily liked you too, she enjoyed the youthful vibe you radiated and the fact that Fernando seemed to finally find a woman perfect for himself. She just hoped you wouldn’t be just a one night stand.
„Well, well, well. I see our girls already get along. It's a good sign buddy~”
Piastri teased, nudging Fernando’s side as they came back. The older man rolled his eyes a bit annoyed before sitting down beside you and handing you your black magic margarita.
You took it after a quick ‘thanks' escaped your lips and took a sip, meanwhile your free hand made it's way to his lap to sooth it and signal everything's okay and there was no need to be annoyed. Nando relaxed under your touch and took your hand in his, interwining fingers together.
You continued your chat with Lily, from time to time joining the men's conversation. You really enjoyed their company.
When the night passed you were finally left alone with Nando. Your legs layed on top of his, his arm wrapped around your waist pulling you close while your hand toyed with the hem of his jacket.
You both were a little tipsy, but sober enough to notice the sexual tension.
„My chauffeur will be here soon, thought we could get out of here and have some more fun~”
You purred into his ear. Feeling his hand squeeze your hip afterwards was enough for you to know that he was more than keen on it.
When your chauffeur arrived you left the bar and quickly hopped into your 50s Cadillac Hearse. The man completely forgot that someone might have seen you and take photos, he was too occupied by you.
Fernando’s lips immediately attacked yours the moment he closed the door. You were devoured into the passionate kiss and didn’t even notice the man’s hands starting to roam your body.
They were warm, burning in contrast to your freezing ones. When you burried them under Nando's shirt you could feel him shiver but soon he relaxed.
The drive to your small ghotic castle in Zehlendorf took around 30 minutes, but felt like 5 as you were drowned in your dirty ministrations.
Good thing the window to the front of the car was closed, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do that. It was nothing much sexual, just kiss by kiss while your hands explored each others’ body respectfully.
You belived Fernando saved his – what Lando and Sainz called – freaky side for while you were in the bedroom and you didn’t want to rush anything, it was perfect as it was.
The man pulled you out of the car when it stopped, he didn’t bother to look at the facility as he carried you bridal style to the door. Your butler opened it and instructed Alonso to your bedroom where he quickly took you and gently settled on the bed.
You pulled him into another searing kiss while fiddling with the buttons of his jacket. The man took it off after you slowly and playfully unbuttoned it, while not breaking eye contact, and tossed it to the floor.
Next was your black fur. His shirt. Your gorset. Bit by bit you undressed each other. You appreciated how gentle he was with your garments, he figured they were expensive and he also liked them too much to ruin them.
Once you finally layed naked underneeth him he examined you in a lustful but also admiring way.
Your breasts were rather small - but he didn’t mind, stretch marks graced your lower belly, hips and thighs - he already knew he was going to follow the patterns with his fingers afterwards while softly tickling you, he could aslo see your ribs – barely but still – and he knew he would have to be careful with you. You were even more thin than he thought, almost slander like, but he liked that.
You were a change from all the younger, tanned, almost everywhere full woman he usually hooked up with, and it was a nice change.
You also were able to survey him better. He was even better built than you imagined, his tanned skin looked like caramel compared to your almost ghostish one, and the beautfiul samurai tattoo made you gasp when you noticed it in a mirror behind.
Also his ass cheeks... They were bigger than yours and you felt kind of jelous, in a funny way.
„Hermosa... perfecta... asombrosa... “ (beautiful, perfect, breathtaking)
He praised, his lips slowly making their way down your cold body.
“Y apuesto inteligente” (And I bet intelligent)
Fernando stopped just before your womanhood and said with a smirk painted on his face, his eyes piercing yours. His words were like spells, making your body shrink under his and warmth spread across it.
You breathed out, begging him to go lower which he obliged right away. It felt like bliss when he finally reached your rose, slowly licking it from the very bottom up to your sensitive bud, before starting to slowly devour it.
Saying he was skilled was an understatement, he was an expert. He was nothing like your ex-husband, who just used you for his own pleasure.
No. For Fernando your pleasure was a priority, making you enjoy your time with him was numero uno on his to do list for the rest of the night, and you didn’t complain.
When you were wet enough the man brought one of his fingers up to your entrance, touching it slightly while his eyes averted to yours, an asking expression on his face.
He didn’t have to say anything for you to nodd your head eagerly. After that he pushed his digit inside slowly, his eyes not leaving your face searching for any sign of discomfort. But there was none, so after a few thrusts that made you moan his name in such a beautiful way, he pushed another one and went a little bit faster.
The pace was neither painfully fast nor boringly slow, it was just perfect – his fingers hitting all the juicy spots and making lewd noises each time they pulled out and reentered you - enough for you to come undone in a short period of time.
Your hand gripped his brown locks while you came on his face. Nando tried his best to ride you through your high - his lips joining his fingers - then clean you the best he could.
Your heavy breaths were interrupted by his face suddenly appearing in front of yours. A huge grin graced it - you could tell he was proud with himself and his actions – and your juices were spread across his lips and beard.
You giggled a little at his puppy like behaviour, you could swear if he had a tail it would’ve been wagging like craz in that moment. You’ve managed to grab a tissue from your nightstand then clean his face.
“Es war wundervoll” (it was amazing)
You praised him with a smile while ruffling his hair.
“It wasn’t the end”
The man said before pressing his lips against yours. This time the kiss was more hungry and lustful than soft as the ones before, but you didn’t mind.
His palms toyed with your breasts, they fit in them perfectly making Nando groan satisfyingly. He kept teasing you until you couldn’t take it anymore and moaned out.
„Nando please... I need you... I need you inside of me liebling...” (darling)
You didn’t have to repeat yourself. The man grabbed your hand and run it gently through your sore core to gather your juices, then wrapped it around his member, giving it a few pumps before aligning with your hole.
He interwined your fingers together and slowly pushed inside, the stretch he gave you burned a little but soon was a delight.
After pushing almost all the way in Nando let you adjust, his free hand soothing your cheek as he observed your face shine in pleasure.
“Maravilloso” (wonderfull)
A whisper escaped his lips and just then did he start to move. His movement was slow but deep, his member burrying deep inside of you with every thrust.
“Tan bueno...” (So good)
Fernando moaned into your ear then hid his face in the crook of your neck, where he nibbled at your skin and left a few hickeys along with wet kisses.
His movements became more and more erratic with every push and pull as he lost himself in the feeling of you. He loved the way you clenched around him every time he hit the A spot, as much as he loved the challange to find your G spot to grant you ultimate pleasure.
You wrapped your free hand around the man, long, red nails scratching his skin gently and leaving soft red marks.
You couldn’t remember when was the last time you had such an amzing sex. Maybe because after your husband you opted for younger men, neither able to satisfy you.
But Fernando? He was your age and knew well how to satisfy a woman. You felt like a queen while in his embrace, his priority to make you feel good amazed you and sent a thrill down your spine.
Both your legs were wrapped around him too, trying to pull him even closer to yourself. A smirk appeared on his face at your actions and he pulled it away from your neck to look at you.
The man teased, one of his hands finding it’s way to your breast to fiddle with your hard nipple. It earned a loud moan out of you, so loud he feared someone could hear you two, but soon the thought left his head when you started to breathe rapidly.
You were close to your orgasm, which meant he could finally let himself go and make his movements faster and sloppier.
Grunts, pants and moans filled the room as both of you reached your highs, the man pulled out before cumming which you really appreciated.
Fernando collapsed on top of you as you both breathed heavily, yours hampered by his weight.
“Fernie liebling... I can’t breath...”
You mumbled kissing the top of his head, a chuckle escaping your lips when he shot up, a worried expression on his face.
„I-I’m so sorry cariño. Are you okay?”
He asked and cleaned you from his seed. His hands soothing your rib cage gently, from time to time brushing against your breasts as he looked down at you, eyes full of worry and brows furrowed.
„Nein... I’m great” (No)
You smiled brightly and the man sighed in relief. He flopped down beside you and pulled you close then covered your bodies with your cashmere blanket.
Just as he predicted his hands immediately wandered to your hips, drawing your stretch mark patters, while you layed your head on top of his chest and listened to his heart beat.
If only you could you would have gone another round, this time you on top and in control as you usually would, but you were too tired to even think about this.
„Next time I'm in charge”
You murmured into his chest, earning a quiet, surprised gasp. He didn’t question your words though, he just enjoyed the fact you wanted there to be a next time.
The rest of the night you’ve spent in each others’ embraces, whispering sweet nothings and drawing patterns on each other’s bodies until you fell asleep.
Sun peaked from between the black, floor length curtains into the dark room, reaching his skin and burning his eyes.
The man grumbled a little before finally waking up from the deep sleep. Fernando sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes then looked around the room.
„Where the hell am I?...”
He questioned confused. He didn’t bother to check his surroundings the night before and now he wondered if he didn’t get abducted.
The walls of your bedroom were burgundy red with black stripes, a black chandelier hanged from the ceiling as well as black canopy above the bed.
The bed was huge, in the same colors as the walls and everything else in the room. It felt like straight out of vampire novels.
Quickly putting on his clothes, he almost tripped and fell down the stairs, his bum actually hitting the last step at the very bottom - as his head was still heavy - made the people gathered in the kitchen check what was going on.
„Mama! Dieser Wichser ist endlich aufgewacht!“ (Mom! That motherfucker has finally woke up!)
„Klaus! Pass auf was du sagst!” (Klaus! Watch your mouth!)
Soon Nando felt the familiar cold hands grip his arm and help get up.
„Are you okay?
The woman asked, her hands soothing his cheeks worriedly. He leaned into her touch and noddded with lidded eyes.
„Oh mi amor, you scared me”
She continued while leading him to the kitchen and sat him down by the table.
„Here, this will wake you up”
A cup of dark liquid and a pill appeared in front of him, he figured it was coffe and hangover pills. A single sip helped him regain his mind.
The first face he met after fully opening his eyes was of a small kid’s, brightly smiling at him. The boy waved his hand enthusiastically when he noticed Fernando’s soft smile.
The man had to quickly take the pill before the boy could reach it then ruffled his hair gently, earning a giggle and a warm look from his mother.
„Good morning~”
You purred running your hand through the spaniard’s hair while his arm wrapped round your waist pulling you close.
„Buenos dias, cariño” (Good morning)
He kissed your hand then his head snapped to your older son who let out a sound of disgust.
The boy looked nothing like you aside the fact that he was a giant as well. He had blonde locks covering his forehead, green hooded eyes and tanned skin. He could not believe he was your son.
The younger one, on the other hand, was more similar to you – with dark hair and eyes, only with a tanned skin like Klaus.
„Those are my sons – Klaus and little Benny”
You explained while giving Fernando a plate full of food.
„They just came back from my brother”
You quickly added, to dispel his thoughts they could hear you two the previosu night. The man sighed relieved and started to eat, from time to time looking at your sons and earning death stares from Klaus.
He didn’t mind you had kids, but started to worry he was just a one night stand before your husband comes back.
Although if that was the case you wouldn’t let him sleep as long as he wanted, feed him and let him meet your children. Nando had no idea what to think anymore, he didn’t want your ‘realtionship’ to end after one night.
Soon a doorbell disturbed his thoughts. A doorbell that was about to start chaos. You left the boys alone to open it and you didn’t manage to say anything before Lando and Carlos burst in.
“Fernando! Where the hell are ya?!”
He could hear their scared voices from the kitchen and chuckled a little. They run into the kitchen after you instrcuted them and sighed.
“God you’re alright! Knew we shouldn’t have left you alone. No offense Y/N. Your manager is going to kill ALL THREE OF US if you won’t be at the track in an hour! He’s been calling you all day but you left your phone in the club!”
Lando blurted out on one breath while Carlos picked the spaniard up and proceeded to push him out of the building. You’ve managed to catch them before they got inside their car and gave Fernando your business card along with a chaste kiss.
“Call me!”
You waved your hand goodbye as you watched them drive away, standing in front of your black castle in nothing more than your long, pitch black robe with feathers and full of hope that he would call.
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heart4reigns · 11 months
hii, It’s possible to get an jey uso x reader where reader is a very confident wrestler who openly flirts with jey all the time and makes it know to the whole wwe universe that’s her man when they’re not even together. jey laughs it off because he thinks it’s all for the cameras till reader stops flirting with him and ignores him because she thinks jey doesn’t like her like that. jey realizes that he does like her and now he has to chase her now
REALITY, jey uso.
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warnings: curse words, pet names
summary: you will never know what you have until it's gone
IT was well known that you were head over heels for the man sitting down next to you with a beautiful smile plastered on his face. every single person inside this building knew that you were practically in love with him. it all started as an inside joke with the creative board that they were going to pair you up with none other than the main event, jey uso. but you caught real feelings and it wasn’t for the show anymore.
he was everything that you have ever wanted in a boyfriend. kind, funny, and most importantly–he was patient. you loved him with all of your heart. “you look handsome.” you winked at him. “thanks, how do you like my new hair, (y/n)?” “beautiful as always.” you grinned. “you’re such a flirt.” jey chuckled, opening the door for you. “hey, i only flirt with you, baby.”
you fixed his mic and he helped you with yours. “ready?” “yep!” you were going to shoot a video with him on your day off. “the undisputed tag-team champions are here! this is (y/n)!” you introduced yourself to the camera. “jey uso right here and welcome back to playback!” he continued the introduction. you were shooting a youtube video with him today. “we’re gonna watch one of our best matches ever… god, this was life changing! my man and i against becky and seth.” you narrated the fight.
"that stomp was so devastating." you cringed at the memory. "got my ass complaining backstage." jey added. "right! i felt my soul flying as soon as his boot connected with your neck." you shuddered. "my man takes all the bumps and i have to take care of him backstage. countless medic dates with him." you nudged him with your elbow. "but i still love you." you snickered. "yeah, yeah. she takes care of me a lot."
“and… cut!” you immediately stretched out your body, still feeling sore after yesterday’s workout session. “looking pretty tired, mama.” he patted your back. “still have the energy for tonight though.” you were going to help jey unpack with his furniture, he recently moved to your neighborhood. jimmy and trinity were also going to help, the 4 of you were a pack, even after trin left the company. “should i buy you a housewarming gift?” you suggested. “it’s such a shame you moved before us getting married! you could’ve moved in with me, hubby.” you teased him. jey just shook his head in response. "whatever you say, mama."
several crews were paying attention to the two of you. “are they married?” one of them whispered. “oh, you must be new here. nah, (y/n) just likes to flirt with him.” the other one replied. even the staffs knew that you were always attached to the hip with him. people were practically wishing that the two of you would end up together. “come on, baby. let’s go. trin is spamming me with messages.” you intertwined his hands with yours. “yeah, yeah. we’ll go now.”
you picked up a box, putting it down in his living room. "i can't believe we're neighbors now!" you were practically jumping with excitement. "i mean... i think it was about time that i moved, that apartment was falling apart." jey chuckled, remembering his old place. "and lucky for me to have my hubby near me." jey ruffled your hair. "hey, don't touch my hair!" you pouted. "yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" "i'm gonna fight you." you threatened him in a joking way. "bring it on." that commenced the play fighting you had with him.
"okay, maybe we came in at the wrong time." jimmy opened the door, seeing you on the floor with jey. "hi guys!" you greeted them with a smile. "what were you doing?" trinity put the cake on the counter. "fighting him like usual." you had jey on headlock, causing him to groan. "i swear if we weren't acting on stage, you could actually beat my ass." he sighed. "let's get to work so we can eat cake!" you grinned, letting go of his head.
trinity and jimmy knew that the love you had for their little brother was pure. but jey uso was just unaware of that. he'd brush it off, acting as if this was all a long-running joke. "okay, i think i'll take my leave now. i have to call my brother tonight." you announced to your best friends. "oh, you're not staying here?" jey tilted his head. "i'd love to have a sleepover with you, hubby! but i can't, i'll stay over next time. bye!" you went over and kissed the top of his head, only causing him to chuckle.
once you were out, jimmy shook his head. "swear no one loves you like she does." "nah, it's just a best friend thingy. she doesn't love me like that, dawg." jimmy and trin groaned in unison. "whatever you say, man."
friday came by and you arrived early to run some lines with jey. the two of you were going to cut a promo together, building up for a match against sami and kevin. “hiiiii!” you greeted him, walking into the locker room. “hey.” he replied with a smile. you couldn’t help but to feel butterflies in your stomach. “soooo,” you paused for a second, taking a seat next to him. “are we gonna kiss tonight?” jey rolled his eyes in a joking way. “you’re always trying to kiss me, mama.” “maybe that’s because i like you and i think you’re pretty.” you winked at him.
“the undisputed tag-team champions, jey uso and (y/n) (l/n)!” as usual, you were walking hand in hand with jey, your belts hanging off the your left arm. “let’s go, let’s go!” you hyped yourself up, taking in the energy from the crowd. “ay, ay! miami, we are in your city!” jey yelled to the microphone, lifting his finger up, playing out the script. “hiiiiii everyone!” you greeted the crowd with your usual cheery tone, earning a ‘hiiiii’ from them. “right, right. it’s about to be brutal for sami and kevin, i love their asses but they attacked my man last week! i’m gonna make it personal.” you played out the part.
jey was standing next to you, fully paying attention to you. he loved how you were so passionate about your work. especially your role. he thought that your flirty act was part of the joke, so he was used to you flirting around. but jey never thought of it being serious. with the gimmick you played out together as boyfriend and girlfriend, he grew accustomed to your flirty nature.
“damn, what a promo we did.” jey jumped on the locker room couch, feeling tired. “you did great babe!” you teased him. “and you look very boyfriend-ish today with your outift.” you added, winking at him. “i don't get it why you still flirt with me, it's so funny to me that you still play out your roll when we're off stage. that's very funny to me, i respect your dedication, (y/n).” he chuckled. his sentence made your heart drop.
your felt a pang on your chest. oh… oh, you thought. you didn't say anything. "you're riding with me right?" you shook your head. "actually, i think i'm sitting with bayley, she was trying to tell me something earlier." you lied, still trying to hold back your tears. he thought you were just messing around this entire time and that hurt your feelings. "oh, okay."
thankfully, you spotted bayley coming out of the locker room with iyo and dakota. "i need help." you muttered. "you looked stressed out, what's up?" she raised a brow. "can i just ride with you guys?" the women immediately knew that you were trying to avoid someone. "our bus is always open for you, babe." dakota patted your back.
jey didn't spot you on the way back to the bus. "anyone seen (y/n)?" he asked his coworkers. "she went with bayley, their bus left like 10 minutes ago." bianca replied, not looking up from her phone. "oh." jey took a seat on the back of the bus, alone, of course. "weird seeing you not sitting with (y/n)." montez added. "this is my first time not riding with her in years." jey admitted. it does feel weird, he thought. but like usual, jey immediately brushed it off, plugging in his headphones, not wanting to think about anything.
the night felt long to you. you sighed, brushing your wet hair as you felt a pang on your chest, replaying the conversation from earlier. “hey gir- are you okay?” trinity picked up the phone, clearly concerned about your current situation. “are you with jimmy?” trinity shook her head. “jey thinks i’m just joking around babe, isn’t it obvious that i am in love with him?” trin immediately understood your sentence. “i’m sorry, babes…” she sighed. “whatever, i guess. i’m being dramatic. i don’t want to deal with him.” you wiped the tear stain on your cheek.
“maybe i should just distance myself, trin. yeah… i'm not going bowling tomorrow.” trin smiled at you, pity plastering her face. “you know what’s best for you, babes. i’m here if you need to talk okay? i’ll even beat his ass if you want me to!” that sentence made you chuckle. “you don’t need to do that trin… i guess i’ll just watch some sad movies. good night, i love you.” “i love you too! let me send you some ice cream!” as soon as you sat down on your couch, you heard your notifications going off.
jey!!: still up for bowling tmrw with roman and the others?
jey!!: i’ll pick you up if you want to
jey!!: hellooooo?
jey!!: damn did you pass out or something?
jey!!: aight text me when you wake up good night
he furrowed his brows, waiting for you to respond. it had been a day and you still haven't replied. “(y/n) didn’t reply all night, you know where she at?” jey asked trinity. “nope, she didn’t reply to me too. think she’s out cold.” trin lied, trying to keep your secret. “damn… she loves bowling. i guess i’ll take her next week.” trin wanted to roll her eyes but she just nodded.
jey was walking alone in the arena. you didn’t reply to his text messages and it felt weird walking alone, not having you near him. “I’VE BEEN SAYING LIKE… THAT SHIT WAS SO FUNNY!” he heard your loud voice, decorating the empty hallways. jey immediately smiled and went inside the locker room, expecting you to jump in his arms, hugging him. the two of you hadn’t seen each other in a week and he missed your positive radiant energy.
you didn’t realize that he entered the locker room, you were still laughing with bayley over some dumb incident that happened weeks ago. “(y/n)! where have you been?” jey greeted you. this time, the hug he was expecting wasn’t there. all he saw was your smile dropping and a simple wave. “anyways, i need to go get ready for my interview, see you bayley.” you walked pass him. after closing the locker room door, he heard your laugh again. “iyo! hi, missed you!”
that was weird, jey thought. but he brushed it off as usual. sure, you had your days where you were not your usual self, but this was all new to him. you never ignored him before. showtime came and you were going to come out with him like usual. jey was already in gorilla position, waiting for you to come. “where were you?” he asked, clearly confused. “i was with iyo.” you shortly replied, not looking at him. “are you okay?” jey furrowed his brows. “perfect.” your music started and you immediately took his hand like usual.
“you killed it, mama!” the segment ended and the two of you walked back to the hallways. “thanks.” once again, you shortly replied. before jey could say anything, you walked to the bathroom, avoiding further interactions. you really didn't have the energy to talk to him. you loved him but he didn’t feel the same and you were still in denial about it. so you chose to push him away–despite wanting to hold his hands like usual, you couldn’t.
“anyone know what’s wrong with (y/n)?” jey entered the bloodline's locker room, earning glances from his faction. “what do you mean?” roman asked, furrowing his brows in confusion. “i don’t know, she’s ignoring me and my texts.” jey sat down on the bench, feeling all confused. “she asked me what tie i was wearing so we could have matching sets.” paul joined the conversation. she even replied to paul, jey thought. you hated replying to the old man’s messages because it would end with a long paragraph about taking care of your own health. something was definitely wrong.
practice day came and jey was in front of your house, waiting for you to come out. you didn’t pick up his call and replied to his messages, but he was still going to pick you up like usual. his train of thought was cut off by his phone ringing. “dude, where are you? everyone’s here and we’re waiting for you!” sami’s voice was loud and clear. “i’m waiting for (y/n), in front of her house right now.” “what do you mean you’re waiting for (y/n)? she came here with roman like an hour ago. they’re warming up.”
“okay, i’m here now!” jey saw the entire faction, sami, and kevin waiting for him. “shit, (y/n). i didn’t know you went with roman, could’ve replied to my texts or calls.” jey complained. he was expecting a snarky or sarcastic reply, or even a flirtatious respond, but you only nodded at his sentence. “sorry.” you muttered. “you wanna go now?” sami asked you. “sure!” your tone switched when you replied to sami.
you got into the ring with sami, practicing the choreography. jey watched you from the side, puzzled with your cold behavior at him. you were all smiles when sami accidentally tripped over your foot. “come on, get up!” you chuckled. “sorry, sorry! it was my fault.” sami replied, pulling you up from your current position. “come on, (y/n)! you can do this.” you looked at jey and didn’t respond, only focusing on hitting a punch on sami’s shoulders. “wanna tag me in?” jey jumped inside the ring. “just wait a bit, i was having fun with sami.” you stared at him with a deadpanned expression.
“did i do something wrong?” jey finally asked the question. “no?” you raised a brow. “then why are you acting cold to me, (y/n)?” you shrugged your shoulders. “nothing is wrong, jey.” you never said his name after you gained feelings for him, it was always cute pet names like ‘baby’ or even ‘hubby’. but hearing you say his name, his chest tightened a bit. “just tag in,” you paused for a second, slapping his hand in a quick motion. “i’ll be with kevin in the ring next room if you need anything.”
"good practice guys!" you smiled at them, not paying attention to jey, who was still in the ring. "alright, let's go, you haven't packed right?" roman spoke up. "yeah, thanks for reminding me. let's go home!" you nodded. "you're not riding back with me?" jey spoke up. "no, i came here with roman." "you know his house is like a 30 minute drive from ours right?" he raised a brow. "and? he offered to drive me home, jey. do i see him complaining?" you stared at him. everyone felt the tension surrounding the two of you. "okay, okay. calm down." solo patted your back, completely diffusing the situation.
roman definitely knew what was going on. "so, you broke up with him or what?" he asked. "no... we weren't even dating, uce." you sighed. "but why the hell are you acting all cold to him?" you went over the story of how he thought you were just joking around. "damn, that man really needs a reality check." roman said after you finished your ranting. "maybe he just doesn't like me and i'm trying too hard or i am just being dramatic." you sighed. "nah, (y/n). we all know you love him, just don't be too hard on yourself."
jey ended up riding with jimmy. "you look pissed as hell, what's up?" jimmy asked, munching on his food. the two brothers were in a random parking lot, eating their feelings out. "(y/n) has been very cold to me. i don't know what i did." he sighed. "what do you mean by that?" jimmy furrowed his brows. "she never replied to my texts, she doesn't flirt around with me, avoided every interaction, she's not touchy, and overall... it feels weird without her." jimmy smacked the back of his younger twin's neck.
"are you fucking serious?" jimmy groaned. "what?" jey gritted his teeth. "bro, do i really need to be the one saying this to you?" "just say it." jimmy sighed. "she's in love with you, bro. do you think it's all an act? she's been in love with you since day 1. i know it's all for the gimmick, acting out as boyfriend and girlfriend," he paused for a second. "but she's head over heels for you. what the fuck did you say to her to make her act distant?"
then it hit him. "i laughed it off. i told her that she could drop the act since the cameras weren't rolling..." "i swear if you weren't my brother, i'd beat your ass right now." jimmy rolled his eyes. "now, do you love her back?" that question made jey drop his phone on his lap. do i love her? he thought. jey had never felt so comfortable with anyone but you. jey loved seeing your cheery attitude, he loved the way you could light up the room with your laugh, he loved the way you were always there for him, and he just realized that he loved you.
jey breathed out the cold air of december. he was in front of your house, carrying a bouquet. it took him only 5 minutes to walk to your house as you were neighbors now. he knocked on your door, waiting for you to open it. his heart was beating faster than usual as he tapped his foot in nervousness. "wait a bit!" jey heard your footsteps. you opened the door, seeing him with a smile on his face. "yes, how may i help- jey?" "i'm sorry."
"what are you doing here?" you furrowed your brows. "just... hear me out," he paused for a second. you crossed your arms, listening to him. "i'm sorry." he repeated. "for what?" you barked at him. "i'm sorry for not taking you seriously, i should've realized that you were in love with me and i was blinded by the fact that i thought it was an act..." your cold persona dropped after hearing his sentence. "i'm sorry that i brushed it off." you sighed.
"thank you for apologizing. i know that you don't see me the same way, i'll just stop the way i act-" before you could finish your sentence, he dropped the flowers and pulled you closer. jey kissed you and you were over the moon. "i love you, please don't ever ignore me... i'm sorry, baby." he apologized once again. "you love me?" you looked up at him. "i do." his sentence made you smile. "sorry for ignoring you, i thought that would make it easier for me to stop loving you." you admitted. "please don't ever ignore me again, i could literally die without you." he kissed your forehead. "i'll bother you until the sun burns out."
a/n: OMGGGGGGGGGG I LOVED WRITING THIS i hope y'all enjoyed it because i did... i love writing jey so much tbh like i just love him omg!!!! <3 feedbacks are highly appreciated like usual <3
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lovesickonmybed · 7 months
all you had to do was stay | (1/?)
eddie Munson x OC | chapter 2 | series masterlist
summary | vivian and eddie were best friends until he betrayed her. she decided to get revenge, but it went too far.
word count | 4,156.
warnings | swearing, alcohol, underage drinking, sexual content, themes of abandonment, smoking, and bullying.
a/n | i don't have anyone to edit for me or anything like that before posting so please feel free to give me some feedback about this first chapter!! also listen to all you had to do was stay (taylor's version) while reading this!
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Nobody spends their spring break praying for it to be over…except maybe for me. I used to spend my spring breaks at Eddie Munson’s trailer playing D&D and listening to whatever metal albums we had all put enough money together to buy. Now I spend them at endless parties praying that whatever is in my cup will be enough to drown out my hatred for the people I now surround myself with. I would kill to be back at Eddie’s trailer playing D&D and listening to Black Sabbath, I would kill to be anywhere but Lovers Lake with a beer I didn’t even want in my hand.
Eddie became my best friend in 6th grade when I moved to Hawkins. Back then, I was pretty awkward and pretty angry at absolutely everything. My dear old dad had packed up everything and left me and my mom to try to survive on our own, so we moved back to my mom’s hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. It was nothing compared to back home in New York. I hated it, I hated my dad, I hated everything. But then I met someone who understood my anger, someone who knew exactly how I felt. His name was Eddie Munson. He was dorky as shit but also the coolest kid I had ever met. His hair was buzzed, he wore band tees, and he hung out with a girl who was just as cool as him. Veronica Ecker, or just Ronnie for short. She was tall with dark hair and a baseball cap she refused to ever take off. 
I remember walking in on my first day of 6th grade at Hawkins Middle. I was oh so lucky to be a new student on Halloween day. Everyone was in costume, I was just in an orange sweater and black jeans. I couldn’t afford a costume and we had thrown out all my old ones in the move. We couldn’t bring too much with us to Hawkins. There were already rumors about me before I had even stepped foot on school grounds. Rumors that I moved there because I got kicked out of every school in New York for starting fights. Another rumor spread that I was somebody from a government experiment that they had planned to plant at the school for research. It’s impressive just how creative 6th graders can get. The truth was too boring for them and nobody had cared to hear it, well, not nobody. Eddie Munson had waltzed up to me as I sat on the bleachers, he was wearing a pair of devil horns, a big grin spread across his face. “You’re the new girl, right?” He had asked.
“If you’re gonna ask me about the rumors then they’re both true and you should definitely avoid me,” I said sarcastically. I couldn’t help being defensive after having kids whisper about me all day, giggling to one another about how weird I was.
“Nah, they’re bullshit. You don’t look like you could win any fights against anybody,” Eddie joked.
I liked him from that very moment.
“You don’t know that, I bet I could take you, shrimp,” I joked back. It was the first time in a while that I had smiled, the first time in a while there was anything in my eyes besides anger.
“You know, maybe you could…but just think of all the people we could take on as a team,” he smiled. His smile is infectious and the grin on my face got even wider.
“You’re right…we’d be a great team…I’m Viv, by the way,” I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake. I had cracked royal blue nail polish on my nails and a variety of different rings I had found in my mom’s things littered both hands. His hands weren’t much different than mine, his nails had clearly been chewed short and he also had his own assortment of rings.
“Eddie, Eddie Munson…” 
From that moment on we were friends. He introduced me to Ronnie and then in 7th grade we met Dougie and he joined our group. We had all even performed together in our school's talent show. They had me on vocals because I couldn't play any instruments and I would say that I killed it but half of Hawkins wanted us dead or expelled after that so maybe it’s for the best if I forget it ever happened. Or if I forget that anything had ever happened with that group at all. It’s so strange to know that the people who had taken me in and became my first friends here are the ones who hate me most now. I can’t say I blame them though…
When high school started we were all losers, I mean we were losers in middle school too but it became even more obvious once we hit high school. Jocks hated Eddie and Dougie, targeting them constantly. The cheerleaders and preppy girls had it out for me and Ronnie as well. Nothing says ‘Loser’ like getting trash dumped on you or having to memorize your friends' locker combinations for every time they were stuffed into their own locker and needed you to get them out. For all of Freshman and Sophomore year, I was called ‘Pizza Face’ or told that I was ‘flat as an ironing board’ y’know just all the best things you could say to a deeply insecure teenage girl whose hormones had favored developing acne over developing breasts. 
We had taken our love for D&D with us into high school and created a safe haven for people like us, the freaks and the outcasts. Eddie called them his ‘lost little sheep’ and it became his mission to find them…but it turns out a lot of those other freaks and outcasts had believed the lies fed to them about D&D being satanic so attendance was lacking. Nonetheless, we had somewhere we felt safe and it was exactly what we needed. Eddie became our leader, which sadly meant he’d get the most shit from bullies like Tommy H. 
There was nobody worse than Tommy H. His father owned the biggest and most successful car dealership in town. On top of that, he was also a star athlete (which is shocking considering how awful he is at pretty much everything I’ve ever witnessed him do) and that meant he could get away with whatever he wanted. He’d always go after Eddie, he’d start shit with him and then go crying to Principal Higgins about how Eddie had started it and there started Eddie’s record of so-called bad behavior. Being a Munson means it’s practically impossible to do anything and not get shit for it, Tommy knew this and used it to his advantage. He used Eddie as a punching bag and would get away with it, hell most of the time Eddie was the one taking the blame when Tommy would walk away without a scratch on him. And all of this makes me hate myself even more for what I did to Eddie…what I did to all of them…
It was the summer right before the start of junior year. I had been in New York visiting family for June and most of July. I had called Eddie almost every day to let him know about my trip, I did leave out a few key details though…the details of how I had gotten my braces off, how I had finally found something that fixed my acne problems, and most importantly I kept it a secret that I had finally started to develop. I had always had a bit of a crush on Eddie, as we had gotten older it had only gotten worse. I’ve never been good with relationships, my first kiss came from a game of Spin the Bottle in 8th grade. It was awkward, messy, and something I’d pay thousands to erase from the minds of all who witnessed it. I had a boyfriend at one point too, I’d use the term boyfriend very loosely though. It was Charlie Stump, he was a loser like me and we ‘dated’ Freshman year. Our relationship consisted of holding hands and sharing one kiss before he broke it off because he thought metal music was satanic. He was just something to fill the void that I had hoped Eddie would fill instead.
Ronnie had told me about the time Eddie had tried to kiss her when they were 13, I remember wishing it had been me instead, I would’ve let him kiss me whenever he had wanted. Me and Eddie were complicated…we were flirty with one another but whenever someone would address it we’d both claim it was a joke. I lied every single time. I cherished every single touch I got from him, they all felt electric. I cherished every time we’d hold hands to cross the street or to lead one another through a crowd, I cherished the kisses he’d give me on the cheek or forehead whenever I had saved his ass from his bullies, I cherished how he’d hold me against him when we’d watch horror movies. I was never really scared, but he never had to know that. I was lovestruck, but I knew he’d never feel the same. I saw how certain girls would catch his eye, preppy cheerleaders, good girls, girls that were nothing like me. Girls with perfect skin, perfect teeth, perfect bodies, perfect lives. I couldn’t compare. 
When I had finally started to look like the girls that caught his eye I was overjoyed. It was stupid, I felt good because I thought I would finally have a chance with my best friend. My best friend who had been designated as the freak of Hawkins High. His house was my first stop when I returned from my trip to New York. It was late but his trailer was only about a mile from the apartment complex I lived in with my mother. I had put on my best outfit, something that would surely make him swoon. It was a black denim dress, it buttoned up and the skirt flared out at the bottom, it was cute. I had even learned to do nicer makeup when I was visiting my cousins. I switched out my heavy eyeliner for something more soft and subtle. Something that girls that he likes would wear. I walked over with a smile on my face and hope in my heart. This would be the night I would win him over…or so I thought. 
When I arrived at the Munson residence I was met with the site of an unfamiliar car parked in front of the trailer. It was way too nice to belong to Wayne or Eddie, it was out of place for Forest Hills Trailer Park. My heart was beating faster as I became anxious. Every step I took towards his door felt heavy, it was like my body was slowly becoming filled with lead. I took a deep breath and I finally was at his door. I knocked and waited. It took him a minute to answer the door and when he did I was shocked. He was shirtless and his hair was a mess, there were a few hickeys scattered across his neck and collarbones, he looked hot. But once I got over how good he looked I was overtaken by jealousy. It looks like somebody beat me to it.
“Holy shit…I was not expecting you, Viv,” He chuckled. He was almost unaware of his appearance, unaware that it’s pretty obvious what he’d been doing. 
“I-I just got back into town…I wanted to surprise you…I guess you’re busy…”
Before Eddie could respond I saw a girl walk up behind him, I recognized her instantly and became filled with rage. Nicole fucking Summers. The goddamned bitch who had been tormenting me since 6th grade, she was the one who made up the rumors about me moving to Hawkins for getting expelled from every school in New York. She’s the one who cut off a chunk of my hair in 7th grade, the one who told everyone I still wore a training bra in 8th grade. She was the one who started calling me ‘Pizza Face’ in Freshman year, going as far as to get all her friends to throw slices of pizza at me at lunch. Sophomore year she had stolen my clothes after gym when I was in the shower and I was forced to find them in just my underwear. Out of anyone he could’ve fucked, out of anyone he could’ve lost his virginity to why the fuck did it have to be her. Sure his options are slim but I was right there. 
I was beyond stunned when she began to speak. “Vivi, is that you? You look…different. I guess you grew out of your ugly duckling phase, huh?” She teased. She was in one of Eddie’s shirts, her makeup smeared and her neck was covered in hickeys just like Eddie’s. It took everything in me to not break both of their noses right then and there. 
“I’m just gonna go. Clearly, you’re busy,” I spat out at Eddie. He was lucky I was holding back my anger. I didn’t even let him respond before I was marching off and away from his door, once I was a far enough distance away I started to run. I screamed and I cried and I ran all the way home. My mascara burned my eyes but I ignored it. Eddie’s betrayal had hurt me worse than anything physical ever could. He didn’t notice that I changed, he didn’t care, he fucked the girl who had made my life miserable. At the time I didn’t know it was a one-time thing. She had wanted to brag to her friends about ‘taking the freaks virginity before his loser little friend got a chance.’ 
I locked myself in my room for days, I was beyond angry. I wanted to tear them both apart and then put them back together again so that I could do it all over again. I didn’t know what to think and I didn’t know what to do…until I did. I ignored any calls from Eddie, Ronnie, or Dougie. I told my mom that if they came looking for me to tell them I was sick. I couldn’t face any of them, if I did I wouldn’t have been able to hold myself back. I devised a plan, a plan to get Nicole back for fucking Eddie and one to get Eddie back for fucking Nicole. It was a plan that would go too far for too long. The few times I had gone out in public I had overheard something about there being a party at Steve Harrington's house. His parents were always gone and he hung out with just the people I needed for my plan. 
On a Saturday night in August, I found myself on the front doorstep of the Harrington residence. I was in an almost sheer blouse, my lacy red bra showing through the material, and a mini skirt, it was nothing like I had ever worn before. My makeup and hair were perfect, I knew what these guys liked, it was exactly what Eddie liked. I took a deep breath before waltzing in, heads turning as soon as I walked in the door. I had never been to a party before and I had certainly never looked like this before. “Do you have a staring problem or something, Caleb?” I asked one of Tommy’s cronies. He was closest to me and a perfect target for my plan.
His eyes were glued to me, raking up and down my body slowly. “When Nicole said you got hot I thought she was kidding…” He said as he licked his lips. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the kitchen to find something to drink. 
As I made my way into the kitchen I bumped into none other than Steve Harrington himself. He did a double-take when he saw me. “Holy shit…w-what are you doing here?”
“Can’t a girl go to a party, Harrington?” I replied. He was still sputtering and his face was all red, it felt great to fluster a man like this for once in my life. 
“I’m what? I’m a loser? An outcast? A freak? Not anymore, Harrington.”
He cleared his throat and got a hold of himself, “Where’s Munson? Aren't you two inseparable or something?”
“Not anymore…I umm…let’s just say I outgrew him.” I was totally bullshitting. 
“Really?” Steve asked. He was looking at me the same way that Caleb was when I walked in. 
“Really. Now do you mind showing me where you’ve got some vodka, I really need a drink.” What I needed was liquid courage, courage for the idiotic bullshit I planned to do that night. Steve led me to the vodka and I took a shot, and then another. I was on a mission but fuck I needed that to be able to succeed. 
I look over at Steve and bat my eyelashes, “Hey, Stevie, do you know where Tommy’s at?”
He scratches the back of his neck as he tries to think, “Last I saw him he was outside in the pool.”
I get on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek, “Thanks, Stevie.” His face is flushed when I walk off to go find Tommy. It doesn’t take me long, he’s lounging on one of the pool chairs with a beer in his hand. He’s not somebody I find particularly attractive but I’ll have to fake it for my plan. I smile down at him. “Hey Tommy,” I say as I bite my lip. He looks up at me with wide eyes that get even wider as he takes in my appearance. 
“No fucking way…Nicole wasn’t lying…” He’s taking his time to admire me, I hate how his eyes feel on me.
“It’s amazing what a few months can do, huh? Do you…do you mind if I sit down with you?” I bat my eyelashes at him and he crumbles beneath my gaze. 
“Be my guest…” His eyes are glued to my body, more specifically my chest. 
“So, how was your summer?” I ask, I sit across from him with my legs uncrossed, he has a perfect view of my lacy little thong. It’s red and leaves barely anything to the imagination, it’s ideal for a creep like him. His eyes trail down to the spot between my legs and he smirks.
“It would’ve been a lot better had I known you were spending it turning into this, fuck…” He groans. I’ve got him right where I want him.
“It’s amazing what a summer away from Munson could do to a girl,” I giggle. It feels awful coming out of my mouth, worse than the vodka taste going down. 
“You’re done with him, huh? Wanted to join where you should’ve been the whole time…fuck if we had gotten our hands on you sooner just imagine what you would be Vivian…” He marvels, “I knew you weren’t like them…like those freaks. Bet Munson dragged you into all that satanic shit, you’re better than that, better than him…” Tommy rambles. 
“He did…I-I’m not like that anymore,” I lie through my fucking teeth.
“Yeah? You a good girl now?” Tommy teases. 
“I am…can I show you just how good I am, Tommy?” I flirt. 
“Harrington’s got a guest room upstairs that’ll be perfect, baby. Think of it as your initiation into the good side,” Tommy says. I think he’s exaggerating that last part, that he’s being dramatic, but after what we did that night he had no plans of ever letting me return to Eddie again.
In Sex ED they don’t tell you how needy a guy can be after a one-night stand. This was supposed to be a one-time thing that would get spread around to Eddie so that he’d hurt as bad as he had hurt me. But instead, Tommy got attached, and I became his little project. He planned to mold me into his little homecoming queen. And Eddie…Eddie was more than hurt, he hated me. I can’t blame him, I hated myself for it. I expected an angry phone call or an aggressive confrontation but instead, I was met with radio silence, not only from him but from every single one of my old friends. I went too far and had no other choice than to stay with my new ‘friends’. On the first day of Junior year I walked into school a completely different person. People had heard about my transformation and they had also heard about me hooking up with Tommy, I was already the talk of the school and first period hadn’t even started. When I said that Tommy planned to turn me into his little homecoming queen I wasn’t kidding. He made Tina and Carol take me shopping at the goddamn Gap. They picked me out new outfits, told me how to do my hair, who to talk to, what music to listen to, who to be. The worst part is that I kind of…liked it. I liked how I looked in my new outfits, I liked how my hair framed my face, hell I even liked the music they picked out. It turns out Madonna isn’t too bad when you don’t have somebody trying to shove down your throat that enjoying her music is the worst crime someone could commit. 
So on the first day of school I walked in wearing a pink turtleneck, a light washed denim skirt, and a pair of knee high white boots. I felt pretty, I felt confident, I felt fucking amazing. Well I did until I saw my locker. Eddie had taken the liberty of breaking into the school and defacing my locker, in blood red spray paint the word ‘TRAITOR’ had been written for all to see. It didn’t take a genius to know it was him. He watched me walk up to it with a proud smile on his face, leaning against the lockers right across from mine. Ronnie and Dougie were beaming with him. I was raging, I wanted to punch him in the face. I wanted to yell that he was the traitor for what he did with Nicole Summers, but instead I walked up to him and simply said, “The same could be said for you. At least I wasn’t a pity fuck.” That set him off. Before I know it he’s dragging me down the hall by my arm and into the janitor's closet, he slams me against the wall and for a second I smile. Maybe in some other universe he’s dragging me in here to confess his feelings for me and to kiss me, not in this one though, in this one I ruined any chance of that I could’ve possibly had.
He glares at me like he wants me dead and I’m sure he does. He has me pinned against the wall, his face only inches from mine as he begins to speak. “You may have new friends and a new look but you’ll always be a fucking loser!” He spits. It’s an anger I’ve only heard reserved for people like Tommy. “Your new friends used to treat you like you were nothing, don’t think they won’t drop you once they get bored of you. They’ll throw you out and you’ll have nobody because you burned any bridges you could’ve had back to us. You’re fucking pathetic, Vivian.” Eddie spits in my face and walks out, leaving me to process really how bad I had fucked up. He’s right, but I can’t go back now. I don’t have that choice anymore, I lost my chance when Tommy unbuttoned my blouse upstairs at the party. 
So here I am, senior year, still unfortunately friends with Tommy, Carol, and Tina. Carol had the grand idea of throwing a party at Lover’s Lake and was ready to have my head if I skipped out on one more party this week. I didn’t bother showing up in a swimsuit, I have no intentions of swimming. I’m in a red tight fitting t-shirt, black denim cutoffs that show off way more of my ass than my friends thought was acceptable, and a pair of beat up black converse. I’m standing away from most of the crowd sipping on a beer that tastes like actual piss and regretting giving into Carol's whining about how I just had to come tonight. I scan the crowd and attempt to pick out somebody who I might not hate spending my night with when I see him. He’s in a white t-shirt, ripped light wash jeans, and a pair of boots. His hair is tied up and he’s lighting a cigarette. Fuck.
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rubykgrant · 4 months
so. Rooster teeth is gone now. Thoughts?
That's both kind of a shock, but also unfortunately not surprising. I haven't really been "in the loop" regarding Rooster Teeth as a whole thing like other people online (I literally never knew anything they did outside of RVB 10+ years ago, except for hearing people vaguely talk about RWBY and Gen:Lock, and even then, I only really saw RVB to begin with because a friend had borrowed the DVDs from their older bro, who had borrowed them from a friend of his). I only randomly remembered RVB was a thing a couple years ago, and then it took over my brain. THEN, one of the more recent incidents of how RT mistreats employees was brought up, and while a lot of people were (sadly) used to hearing about that, I was not aware of previous situations, and it honestly made me very upset. I wrote a whole thing about that, which nobody "important" really saw, because I'm not important myself, but this new situation makes me feel more of the same...
It is awful that so many problems went on for so long, a LOT of people got hurt through working there over the years. They all deserved to be treated better. Being in a bad situation like that can mess up your whole life. That kind of thing also hurts how people work, and surprise-surprise, that hurts WHERE they work. You can't mistreat employees over and over, then turn around and give the fans the equivalent of a slap in the face when it comes to letting them actually enjoy the content, and expect everything to just work out OK. I am genuinely sad that yet another thing is getting shut down; it happens so often, with different studios/creative teams, and it would be nice to actually see a group recognize what their problems have been, make an actual effort to IMPROVE, and continue to exist. I hope all the creative people involved who have been working hard don't just get thrown on the wayside, but it is so difficult to find any stability in the entire entertainment business world right now. There were a LOT of problems at RT regarding how employees were treated, and that includes so MANY people, but there is also a vast amount of problems at just about every creative workplace (and this has been going on for more than a decade). Almost nothing survives, except a handful of companies who basically just "eat" up smaller ones, and have the money to fail or lose money over and over again, and not worry. Who cares if they shut down 10 other studios and end 50 projects that were almost finished? They still have their money. It is also just honestly WEIRD how many different companies keep making the same mistakes with how they offer content to the fans (limiting availability, not even letting people buy the stuff they want to buy, etc. RT has gotten a lot of hate for recent stuff with their online videos, but availability is a whole problem with all kinds of media; Disney won't let you watch it's own movies, Nintendo won't let you play it's own games; it's STUPID), and then being surprised it isn't working. Stop shooting yourselves in the foot. Stop doubling-down on the same nonsense. It isn't WORKING.
Again, it would have been nice to see a negative situation actually be IMPROVED. Maybe that is naively hopeful of me, but I'm also not exactly surprised. I'm just sorry so many people worked on so many different projects, with all their passion, talent, and effort, got mistreated, and it is now all being thrown away. It is just plain sad that so much can go wrong for entirely too many years, and then it just ends without anything being fixed. "Well it sucked, but now it's dead"- it didn't HAVE to suck, and it didn't HAVE to die. I wish it had been better from the beginning, and I wish that things could have gone better throughout. I hope all the creative people are able to keep living their lives and find themselves in workplaces where they can be safe (for their own emotional/mental health, and in terms of making enough money to actually live).
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archiveikemen · 1 month
Morganatic Idol Prologue: Chapter 1
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
Ever since my childhood, I loved looking up at the stars.
The tiny yet comforting twinkling of the stars resembled the different people living in this world.
Gentle, powerful, glamorous.
Just like how stars have different kinds of light, everyone has a different kind of personal charm unique to themselves.
I believed that everyone shines in their own way.
But… amongst them, there will be one who shines much brighter.
With overwhelmingly dazzling light…
A light so bright that it outshines the other stars surrounding it, drawing everyone’s attention to it and making them fall in love with it… occasionally, it also gives some people the courage to continue living.
Before I met him, I never knew about the existence of a star with such overwhelming beauty.
This is my Cinderella Story led by those dazzlingly beautiful stars—.
The clattering sounds of people typing away on their keyboards resonated through the bustling office.
(That should be all.)
I exhaled with a huff after completing my data entry.
(I’ll be done with all the tasks I have for this morning once I verify and submit this.)
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Mori Eiko: Miss Kawanaga, have you completed the thing I asked for?
Kawanaga Rina: Oh, Miss Mori. Yes, I was about to verify the data entered before—
Mori: Then go photocopy these documents for me. Be quick with it.
Cutting me off mid-sentence, Mori quickly tossed a stack of documents onto my desk.
Rina: Un-Understood…
Watching her leave with the clicking sound of her high heels, I heaved a quiet sigh.
(More work, huh. I don’t have a choice. Let’s quickly get this done!)
Aegis Public Holdings — a Tokyo-based advertising company that handles advertisements across a wide range of media platforms including the TV, magazines, and the internet.
I worked as a temporary employee in their creative department, which was responsible for producing such advertisements.
I successfully progressed to the final interview with Aegis back when I was job-hunting, but I unfortunately didn't make the cut in the end.
(At that time, I was really disappointed. Fortunately, I received a job offer from another industry…)
I had dreamt of becoming an advertising planner for a long time, and I absolutely couldn’t give up on working for Aegis.
That was why I decided to start my career pathway as a temporary employee.
(Whenever I think of it, I can’t bring myself to whine about my own choice.)
(I’ve always admired Aegis, and being able to work in their creative department is already very commendable.)
Time for my lunch break. I was walking through the nearby park with my bento in hand, and I thought of the documents I photocopied earlier on.
(If I’m not mistaken, that was the advertising project for a drinking water company Mori’s in-charge of.)
(Amazing… I want to work on a major project like that someday.)
Mori was a full-time employee and my team leader, she was often referred to as the department’s “Ace”.
The other employees who built their careers from the bottom up had stable jobs, dressed well… and were overflowing with confidence.
(They shine so bright… and yet, I still don't have that kind of confidence.)
(Most of my tasks are only the basic level work of an assistant, so I haven't had many opportunities to gain experience with handling the main responsibilities of our department.)
The stark contrast between myself and the full-time employees could even be seen in our lunches.
As a temporary employee on a budget, I would make my own bento and bring it to work. Meanwhile, the full-time employees enjoyed their lunches at fancy restaurants.
(... No, no, no. If I keep thinking of it like that, my bento won’t taste good anymore.)
I shook those depressing thoughts off.
(It doesn't matter how I landed a job at Aegis. I just have to work hard and gain work experience.)
Someday, I’ll be promoted to a full-time position and create advertisements that inspire those with dreams.
That was my dream… It was to inspire others the same way advertisements did for me when I felt hopeless.
(Okay. I’ll do my best in the afternoon!)
(What’s going on? Sounds like a commotion…)
Department Chief: Listen up, all of you! The sales department just secured a mega project!
The chief of our department was addressing everyone excitedly.
Department Chief: The project is to create an advertising campaign for a new perfume from the major french brand, “Aisance”!
Department Chief: This new product will be launched globally, so the advertising will also be aired all over the world!
Rina: W-Worldwide!?
(That’s amazing! But if it's a global project, why would they approach a Japanese company…?)
Department Chief: Actually, Aisance has specified the brand ambassadors for their advertisement this time.
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Department Chief: It’s exe Creed!
In an instant, the female employees in the office let out excited squeals.
exe Creed was a globally famous Japanese male idol group.
From songwriting, composing, choreographing, designing their own stage outfits, to directing their performances— being self-produced was one of their strengths.
Their outstanding vocal and dance skills put them on a quick road to stardom, topping the charts not only locally but even in America…
(Even someone like myself, who’s unfamiliar with idols, has heard of them.)
There was not a single day where they wouldn't be seen in the media, and I also heard that they had a very passionate fanbase around the world.
(I see. So Aisance chose a Japanese company for their advertising campaign because they want exe Creed to be their model.)
(But Aisance’s advertisements have always been featuring famous Hollywood actresses.)
(Now they’re choosing a group of Japanese idols… male idols… this is too surprising…!)
It seems that many advertising companies would be competing against one another to officially secure this project.
Department Chief: Our company’s reputation is on the line. We must definitely win this!
The enthusiastic department chief made an even more surprising announcement.
Due to the models being world famous idols, they were more open to opinions this time…
Everyone, regardless of their department and position, were allowed to submit their project plans.
(This is my golden opportunity! I’m only a temporary employee, so I might stand a chance to work on an advertising project from its planning stage…!)
My heart was racing and overflowing with the desire to give it a shot.
Female Employee 1: Does this mean we get to meet the members of exe Creed if we’re chosen!?
Female Employee 2: Count me in!
Mori: A global scale project featuring exe Creed? This is amazing. We mustn't let this opportunity slip away.
A roaring flame of passion burned inside me.
(... Let’s do this. I’m going to come up with a project plan, and seize this opportunity!)
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glorified-red · 11 months
What do you think about people who enjoy fandom surface? Like, knowing enough to laugh at memes, appreciating fanart, reading fanfics about characters they like, etc. But don't really know many details?
Fun question, and surprisingly controversial for some reason
Honestly, I think that's the purest form of fandom engagement and it should be protected at all costs. I have fully read fanfics over 100k words with no idea who the characters were and read it just like a regular novel. I remember telling the author that and it blew their mind that someone could enjoy their work not from a fandom lens, but from a creative one. I enjoyed the fic because the writing was phenomenal AND I got to support them.
I reblog art all the time with no clue who they are. I go to conventions and buy art from booths having no fucking idea who is drawn. I even talked to my favorite artist and admitted I was worried about buying some of their art because I knew it was Genshin Impact and I've never played it, let alone know anything about it.
Seeing the gradual sadness in her eyes was something I will never forget. I bought every Genshin Impact print she sold and to this day, it is the most gorgeous art I own. I treated it as nothing more than art, because at the end of the day that's what it is. I got to support that small artist and that's more than enough of a reason for me to buy it.
Heck, I never would've gotten this deep into the Batfam if I hadn't first started surface level. We all have to start somewhere. Plus, I think fandom is starting to get more and more gatekeep-y and it's really annoying to see.
Let people enjoy things!
Fandom only exists because of voluntary participation. If we keep gatekeeping it or shunning those who participate, fandom will slowly die out.
It's okay to be a surface level enjoyer. Hell, I go to concerts only knowing one song. I buy band tshirts from bands I only really like three songs they've ever made but those three songs bring me joy. I buy pop toys of characters I just think look cool.
Plus, conversation starters?? You know how fun it is to wear a shirt and have someone comment on it and then getting to learn from them a little bit? The "I love this song" and "I like this one! Listen to it sometime?"
The bonding is so pure. I think humans just love to love things for the sake of loving them and it's adorable.
Sometimes I get caught in the gatekeeper track of "wow, how dare you say you're a fan of you've never XYZ" but then I step back and realize how stupid that is.
Just let people enjoy things, fandom included. I went to a hockey game once?? Dude, that was the most fun I've ever had. Do I know ANYTHING about hockey or the teams playing? Absolutely not. Did I have a blast?? Hell yea.
We have the most fun in life when we stop giving a shit about other people's opinions. Just have fun, whatever that looks like for you.
And if that's knowing every single fact about one fandom and collecting everything there is to buy? Go ham, bud. I'll support it.
But if that's also reblogging a fic because the writing was cool, awesome! Sounds like a good read!
Just have fun :)
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 year
Basicallyyyy, Lando is a spy for mclaren (in this world the teams are like different spy companies). One day he comes home and his whole appartment is really messed up, as if someone broke in. So with his gun in his hand, he checks the rest of the appartment and suddenly someone from is like “put the gun down” while pointing his own gun at lando. Slowly lando puts the gun on the ground and turns around. Creative freedom from here on🤗
(Totally havent been thinking abt this one for a while hust never had the chance to write it myself
Oooo I love this idea!!! And feel you on not getting to write them, I have so many au's and so little time 😭
This has given me a little idea so have a mini fic
Lando knew something was wrong the moment he reached his front door. There was nothing physically alarming about the front door of his apartment but after so many years as a spy, Lando could sense it in his gut.
He quickly slipped off his shoe, flipping up the insole and sticking the USB into it before putting it back on. If something was happening, they were here for the information he had gotten last night.
Lando pulled his gun from the small of his back, and then he was pushing open the door slowly, his gut feeling was proven right. Someone was in his apartment.
Everything was trashed. His coffee table had an array of objects tossed on it, all the drawers in his living room and kitchen had been pulled out of their settings and emptied. His artwork was deframed and torn apart as if someone was looking for something.
He surveyed the mess, carefully stepping around objects and checking for someone lurking in the shadows when he heard it; the sound of someone clicking off the safety of their gun.
"Put it down, Norris", an accented voice came from behind him, and Lando cursed.
Of all the spies in the game, it had to be fucking Pierre Gasly.
"I mean it Norris"
Lando sighed as he kept his hands up and in view as he crouched. He placed the gun down before kicking it away for good measure before turning around to face the other.
The last time he had seen Pierre was during a mission that had involved Pierre betraying his old company for his new one, Alpine. It had almost gotten them both killed, and Lando had been sure Pierre was going to leave him for dead because of the years of tension between McLaren and Alpine.
But he hadn't.
The fact Lando owed Pierre his life weighed on him heavily every day.
"Here for something? Or do the French just enjoy tearing up innocent works of art?", Lando glared, keeping his hands up to show he wasn't a threat.
"They were ugly, they deserved it", Pierre grinned, and it just made Lando angry with how handsome he looked as he stepped closer, "I know you have the USB"
"What's a USB?", Lando blinked innocently, "I'm not an old fuck like you"
"There is thee years between us and don't pretend to be stupid. It's not a good look on you", Pierre rolled his eyes, clicking the safety back on on his gun, "Hand it over or I'll search you"
"Buy a man dinner first"
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titleleaf · 1 year
dear Scents Wizard. i was literally lying in bed dozing off and then suddenly the need to hear the answer to this question for Reasons hit me like a thunderbolt. what perfume would you assign to the characters of primal fear both ic/and like character perfumes line if they differ?
OKAY FIRST OF ALL i love you, i am giving you the finest salutations as I sit here awake
second of all: oooooh shit, okay yeah this is extremely fun but also a challenge for me because both Martin and Janet have a very specific style image to project -- I don't think I'm going to hit that mark without taking a deep-ass dive into contemporary receptions of these perfumes but I wish I knew if the creative team on the film had anything in mind since everything else about how the characters present themselves is so immaculate.
(brief content warning for canon-typical discussion of sexual assault/abuse)
Dior Dune or Guerlain Samsara for Janet, maybe? (Am I associating her with warm, powdery, amber-y 90s scents because she's a chic mean blonde... maybe.) I think she'd enjoy wearing something that gestures at a unisex seriousness but I also think she's somebody who changes up her signature scent every few years or so in line with whatever the current cultural vibe is. Beefy sillage and lots of longevity. She definitely associates that with both femininity and power but in ten years she'll be like "how did I walk into a courtroom like that".
Imaginary indie perfume oil option: black tea, sandalwood, labdanum, vanilla, peony
On the flipside, nothing that Martin Vail wears is subtle either. Chanel Égoïste -- I know this man smells good but I also know he does not smell discreetly. He doesn't seem as likely to really go through signature scents so I kind of want to put him in Chanel Antaeus too, I regret I went through a big 80s men's fragrance scent explosion phase and I can feel myself on the verge of going back to it right now. I have a real hateboner for Chanel on so many levels but ughhhhh Antaeus good.
Imaginary indie perfume option: would get kicked out of the indie perfume oil conclave just for suggesting one tbh
I regret that Aaron's whole sweet-choirboy-from-the-holler vibe (which in some ways is genuine and in some ways is obviously fake as hell, like the best fake identities) probably excludes him from designer fragrance but I think he's got the opposite sillage experience -- you don't smell anything until you're really in close quarters with him and then how nice he smells gets really unsettling because it might just be the smell of his skin. (Clean-sweaty, fresh, aquatic, laundered. Also not less scary when he's cussing you out and knocking your head against the wall.) I 100% headcanon this guy as having a couple strong sensory triggers related to abuse (and definitely related to personal proximity -- absolutely nothing about Rushman's bathroom or bedroom suggest a dude living a life of poverty and humility, let alone chastity) but I can also picture him co-opting the olfactory richness of Catholic liturgy (and regular old wealth) for the same reason he takes Rushman's ring with him -- as an assertion of power and dominance.
On his own, I think he would kill it in like, CK One.
Imaginary indie perfume option: salty musk, lemon, Atlas cedar, liturgical incense, gasoline.
If I were going to assign Aaron a modern perfume, I think it would be funny to put him in Jo Malone. (I wear Jo Malone Lupin & Patchouli and I love it a lot but he might be a Salty Amber/Wood Sage & Sea Salt kind of boy.) If I were going to put Martin and Janet in something modern... I know in my heart they are both the kind of person I hate the most in the world, people with enough money to just buy full-size Tom Ford fragrances willy-nilly and not eke out a thimble sized sample over a decade. They both discovered when they were sleeping together that they wore the same Tom Ford fragrance and after they broke up they were playing exes chicken to see who would give it up and throw the towel in and find a new one.
Tommy wears Acqua Di Gio maybe, and idk what the hot organized crime dude wears but I know he smells good. I know it in my heart.
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magicsunwheel · 3 years
Why You're F#cking Amazing
How to play: pick one of the photos below using your intuition. You can close your eyes and meditate for a bit or just take a few grounding breaths while thinking of the topic. Feeling drawn to more than one is fine! You might have messages in more than one pile
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Pile 1 (x) Pile 2 (x) Pile 3 (x)
My pile numbers always go from left to right, then down to the text row (if applicable)
Pile 1
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Cards: The High Priestess, Five of Swords, Seven of Pentacles, The Moon Rx, Five of Rods, Ace of Pentacles
You are so intuitive! You're either very in touch with your divine feminine or are working your way there right now. Something about you is severe in the most beautiful way. You can take things seriously when they need to and the way you command a room with just your presence is unmatched. Maybe you're also a tarot reader or involved in spirituality/divination in some way. Maybe you really like Pick-a-Cards.
Something beautiful about you is that you never give up on a fight, especially when you know the end is worth it. Your ambition is strong and you will fight for what you love and what you want. You are not weak-willed by any means.
This also makes you so unique! You work so hard and put so much labor into your love even if you know it will take a long time to come to fruition. The times that you feel discouraged by a lack of results are few and far between. If for some reason you do find yourself wistfully hoping for faster results or an easier path, you can easily remind yourself of why you started in the first place.
You might have moments where you think of yourself as sneaky or like you're hiding a part of yourself from others, like your true self would be too much for them. I'm here to tell you that your intensity is exactly what make you such a beautiful person! You thrive in competition and in adversity. It gives you a chance to show off your quick thinking and survival skills. Others look at you with envy of how you can make an opportunity out of seemingly nothing!
If you need help improving your self-love, Spirit says to stop comparing yourself to others! You are amazing and beautiful and unique all on your own! Throwing yourself into the fray to compete against others who are nothing like you will only fim your inner shine. And you really do shine! When I asked for a card about why you are beautiful, nearly half the damn deck flew out!
Sprit loves you and I love you so please take care of yourself and keep making those amazing opportunities to improve your physical surroundings. (I feel like you have a very clean room/home)
Pile 2
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Cards: Nine of Rods, the World, King of Cups, Three of Rods, Ace of Rods, Two of Cups
Ahh the Loona pile!
Similar to Pile 1, but much more fiery! You are resilient! Taking time to collect yourself before pushing forward with a renewed sense of energy and purpose is such an amazing and useful trait. You maybe aren't as commanding of a presence but you have such an inner strength that no one can deny.
You got the World for the reason why you're beautiful! Maybe it's related to physically being very beautiful and possibly exotic-looking. You might have very specific features associated with a certain area of the world that stand out where you live. You also have such a wonderful understanding of the world and where it's currently at. Things can seem negative or like hope is lost but you still seek out the beauty and share it with others. You see opportunity where others do not and feel a sense of peace and connectedness with all of humanity. Wow!
Your uniqueness shines in your emotionality and compassion. You might be a natural born leader who makes sure to understand all under your rule. You lead with kindness and, most importantly, by example. You don't have any desire to use you position for ill-gotten gains. Power to you does not corrupt, it solely provides a tool for you to do good in the world and really make a difference in the lives of others, whether it's on a large or small scale. You are probably the kind of person who makes sure to give money to those who need it when you pass a begging mother and her children, or buying a homeless man a bottle of water on a hot day.
Your card for why you think you are not perfect actually came out quite positive. Maybe you don't have a very low self esteem, but I can see a few possible scenarios here. You might be constantly planning in your head, waiting and watching for the next move to take but never actually getting to the action part. Maybe you're planning for your future and have so much planned out that you're excited for, but haven't made the practical plans on how to actually get there. This could make you feel bad about yourself especially on days where you're reminded of others moving ahead in their lives while you're still planning. Visualisation is very important in manifesting your desired reality! If you are moving slower than others around you, remember that it is okay to not be where "everyone else" is. Life is not a race or a competition. Taking your time to get to where you need to be when you need to be there reminds me of the story of the tortoise and the hare. Quick does not necessarily mean better.
You can improve your self-love by creating! Using your creativity and passion to make something! Create art, whether it's physical/digital art, music, writing, inventing, anything that uses those creative muscles of yours. It doesn't have to be good! Just creating something will help burn up that excess energy you have that's trying to rush you somewhere. Self-expression this way can be a wonderful hobby even if you don't consider yourself as a creative person.
Your kindness really shines through. You care so deeply about the people around you and your spiritual team cares just as deeply about you. You are loved and watched over and protected by Spirit. Others around you also see your sparkle and appreciate and admire you, even if they don't show it. Know you are beautiful and amazing and bringing a light into this world that needs to be here.
Pile 3
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Cards: Six of Rods, the Hierophant, Four of Rods, Six of Cups, Ten of Swords, the Hermit Rx
Damn, who are y'all!? You've got some mighty power and pull in this world. Maybe you're a public figure or have some kind of platform, like a social media with many followers. You could also be well-recognized within your field of study/work. Whoever you are, people see you and look up to you. They celebrate you and how amazing you are! Spirit loves this about you and you really shine in the spotlight. Your achievements deserve all this pomp and celebration!
You are naturally authoritative. People listen when you speak and take your words to heart. You might also be a religious person or someone who enjoys organization and the comfort of hierarchy. People will willingly follow you wherever you lead them because they trust you with all their hearts. "A merciful ruler" (lol) You hold your position with grace and dignity befitting a king or queen.
You are unique in ways the public recognizes, but we knew that already! You might be someone who likes to entertain and you throw the greatest parties and get-togethers. Maybe you've planned a wedding and everyone had such an amazing time! You know how to relax and have fun when the time for celebrating arrives. You can out down your guard and bit and let loose. Not many people with such responsibility can let go of the reigns like that, but you don't seem to hold on to control too tightly.
Your past might be a source of anxiety for you. Maybe you're worried that what you've done when you were younger will catch up to you and ruin what you've got going on now, but it's important to remember that the past is the past. It cannot be undone or wished away. Taking time to accept what happened and recognizing that you've moved on to bigger and better things is important here. Whatever happened, take time to heal your childhood wounds and forgive past actions.
Ending this cycle will bring much more self-love to your life. Old habits and patterns being out to rest is the way forward. It might be a painful ending and something you don't necessarily look forward to, but it is something that needs to happen to clear out old energy and welcome in everything new. You can't expect to move on if you're still repeating old actions or ways of thinking. It's time to set these things to rest and evolve. Leave behind what no longer serves you.
Your understanding of yourself knows no bounds. You've taken the time to inquisit yourself and learn all of the shadows that lie there. Self-reflection might be a favored pastime for you. Through this knowledge of yourself you are able to see truths that many struggle to see all their lives. Your light can cut through the fog if bullshit and see the true source of something. Use this knowledge of yourself to become the best version of yourself that you can be! I know you're already on your way there and it's amazing to see! Spirit is so proud of you and loves you so much!
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Yet another Lovestruck shutdown opinion absolutely no one asked for
So. The thing is, Lovestruck basically died and is just only decomposing now.
I don't really want to cover the whole load of crap that came to light with the strike and disillusioned the fandom about the company's practices. It's quite obvious (albeit maybe an unpopular opinion), that if you run a company with your profit depending on quality of your employees' work, it'd be reasonable to consider covering labour costs in your budget and keeping the most essential staff on board. In case of writing stories, that definitely means the creative teams. They need to be given proper conditions to create entertaining and engaging stories.
Now, to the app itself. I was already theorising about the route lenth getting shorter a while ago, which I think was actually a good move. It would allow easier route management and less cut plots in case a route doesn't perform, the LIs also don't compete with each other. And you get better PR for reviving a route for more seasons than cancelling one. Used well, it could be a relatively effective way to manipulate people into thinking that the company listens to their audience. Wasted potential, instead they made players feel ignored/milked.
Unfortunately Voltage failed to understand that a) churning out episodes every day and b) putting more paywalled scenes won't automatically make people pay.
There was a shitload of content to read with the limited resources most players had and we never knew if the paywall was hiding a mediocre scene not worth buying or a crucial bit of information about the LI's backstory, and paywalls were sometimes twice in a one episode. Keeping up with them was impossible and if you couldn't even know if the bought scene will be worth it, what's the point of paying or grinding for it?
If the grind is futile and buying how much you can afford is not enough, and the purchase might turn out underwhelming, then you just stop caring. This couldn't work. (Especially not when they then went after people who reviewed the releases because they were helping others decide if a scene is worth buying. An excellent move, Voltage. That's sarcasm, obviously.)
Another thing is what routes were getting released because it really looks like Voltage USA tried very hard to bankrupt as quickly as possible by providing exactly what people never wanted. The recent series weren't particularly exciting in comparison to quite good releases like QoT or RP.
Let's start with trying to attract a completely new audience with MLM routes. MLM routes were an investment and one that couldn't being immediate profit. No matter if we talk about fujoshi or actual MLM players, no one was going to magically detect a new gay title in a random unadvertised app. It takes time and you need to actually develop enough content for new audiences to frequent your app. As much as I quickly switched to coming back almost only to these routes, investing in a new audience is not a smart move if you don't have any safety net to cover for the initial costs. It seems that Voltage didn't and just dived head first into a huge investment without having any money to cover it.
It definitely could be covered by producing stuff for your usual players. But Voltage had zero interest in that save for milking the few popular routes, mostly WLW. Which shows another problem with maintaining players' interest. The app has neglected het routes that could bring a lot revenue. Instead many were cut short, quietly discontinued and that's not an environment where you'd invest your feelings (and money) into a love interest that might never get more seasons. It was a vicious circle of half-assing the het releases, discouraging the players and then cutting the routes short to start a new one that isn't as profitable as expected, rinse and repeat. Not to mention that recently the app didn't really have much to offer to this audience either - last LI releases weren't particularly extraordinary characters and in my opinion this part of the app was recently very lackluster and boring as if no one really had an idea what to do with and for these characters.
The decline of het routes was obviously a reason for some to celebrate because ewww het routes. Seriously, no matter what you think about it and whether you like it or not, this is a big audience that Lovestruck should have entertained with an interesting choice of characters and routes but likely pushed it away and cut their own revenue instead. Het routes were definitely not among those most successful recently.
Well, and shitty choice of projects. Who wanted remakes of old routes? I bet that no one actually demanded old series getting remakes. It was just a sign that LS simply cannot afford new content. But it could manage the existing series better. Where are routes of the characters that I saw here on Tumblr being popular?
There's also that thing that... you might actually want to keep the same ensemble of characters for most routes instead of introducing an army of randos and then shrug if you don't have any promising character to release next. Advertising the side characters by featuring them in routes could have helped and would save some money because all the basic graphic assets are already there. If you're just making new characters to place them in one route only, no bloody wonder that the the character isn't sought for.
And obviously, Lovestruck never tried to communicate with fans. Not even survey results.
Which is another problem. Running fanart showcase does not change the fact that they ran their internet business in a way that was outdated already 10 years ago. A mobile app and social media aren't just a new one-way TV broadcast. It doesn't even have to be very active and I see that Voltage USA made some clumsy attempts to liven it up, but players need to feel that the company is at least trying to listen. Just having a new episode announcement board isn't exactly enough to create an impression that you care about your fanbase. It's obvious that no company really cares, but being so obvious about not giving a single damn isn't going to sell your app. And harassing people in social media and copyright trolling isn't either. Not to mention that if employees were actually assigned to that task, Voltage literally poured money into something that couldn't bring profit. At cost of actual problems constantly brushed off, like transphobic reviews in the game itself.
TL;DR the way the app was managed sucked so much that it's impressive.
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deathwishy · 3 years
Marinette knew that Tom Dupain wasn't her biological father. Nonetheless, she loved him and he loved her. He married her mother when she was two and have been inseparable ever since.
On the other side, her biological father was a prick.
He first came to visit her after she developed a ... rather interesting set of abilities. She was five when that happened. Her mother had somehow contacted him and, even though he doubted it, he came.
It is safe to say that he was beyond shocked when he saw that Marinette was his spitting image, not counting the blue eyes. She had a mischievous smile and sharp eyes, carrying herself like royalty, worthy of the title of the daughter of the god of mischief.
That day, Loki found out he had a demigoddess daughter.
While he was reluctant at first, the little girl grew on him. He visited at least twice a month, mainly to help her control her powers but also to let her know that he actually cared about her, to ensure that he wasn't with her like his father was with him. No other Asgardian knew about Marinette and he would like to keep it that way. There was no need for his brother of father to swoop in and ruin everything.
As the years passed their bond became unbreakable. Marinette still thought that Loki was a prick and an idiot at times but she wouldn't have it any other way. Life was boring anyway, why not sprinkle it with a little bit of mischief?
When she became Ladybug, he knew. He called out Tikki as soon as he stepped in her room and her parents were out of hearing range.
"Tikki, you can come out. You should know better by now."
Marinette was dumbfounded when the goddess came out from behind some books, with a pout and with her arms crossed.
"I knew it. Trixx did say that you came to Midgard and Marinette looks like a miniature female version of yourself."
"I'm actually surprised the guardian gave her the Ladybug miraculous. I would've guessed she would have been a better fox."
"She is a very good match for me too. Her soul is a creative one, but yes, she would be a perfect fox."
"Um... Can I get in the loop too?"
The two gods turned to her. Marinette had her arms crossed, tapping her foot on the floor. Loki gave her a sheepish smile.
"I am a God, Marigold, I do know the other gods too."
The day passed talking with the two deities about all sorts of things, Tikki especially scolding him for the New York disaster, Marinette joining her. It happened before she was born so even if he changed it was still a horrible thing
"Look, daddy issues are a pain to deal with. I was very angry."
"Dad, it's no excuse to be an asshole."
"I know." Loki rolled his eyes then grinned. "But what's this I'm hearing about from Tikki about a boy?"
Marinette flushed, glaring at the offender, now munching on a cookie, her eyes sparkling with laughter. She was shaking her head and vigorously gesturing with her hands.
"Nope. I'm not talking with you about this and, Odin forbid, if I see you around him I'll cut your macaron supply."
Loki only raised his hands in surrender, laughing heartedly. He wouldn't dare cross his daughter, so he swore, between tears of laughter, that he would keep his distance.
"But if he breaks your heart I'll throw him in Jotunheim."
A few years later, when Lila came around he knew. There was no mistaking the dimming of the fire in her soul. He could see that she didn't want to talk about it by the way she was dodging the subject so he had to take the matter in his own hands.
He shapeshifted into a horsefly and flew after her when she went to school. It took a lot of his power to hide from Marinette's sight but if was worth it. Now he knew why she started closing in on herself.
Loki could admire a good lie. After all he was the god of trickery, lies and deceit. But this girl spouting off the worst lies he ever heard. Not only were they ridiculous, they were also completely devoid of any drop of truth. That was the base of any good lie, and she was lacking it entirely. What confused him more what that some of her classmates believed her. Only a handful others didn't seem to believe her, one of which was a blond boy that looked at the leech, glued to his hand, with disgust. By his aura Loki assumed he was the holder of the Black Cat.
He confronted Marinette when she came back from school. Some of the lies were concerning, they were hurting his daughter and he couldn't let it fly. He assumed the harpy was set on Marinette because she wouldn't buy her lies. That was not surprising, she could see even though his best lies.
"I know, Marigold."
Marinette knew what he meant. She inhaled deeply and looked around.
"Can we go somewhere else, outside of Paris?"
The furrowed his brows, getting more concerned by the second. He couldn't read her in that moment. He could read most people like an open book, but that was his daughter. She knew how to hide things from him.
"Yes. Tell your parents, we don't want to concern them."
After she told her parents that she would go with Loki on a short trip, he opened a portal to a high rooftop over a city. She could feel the darkness of it, potent and corrupting. She figured that was why her father would bring her there, no one would notice them. As soon as the portal closed, she broke down. She hugged him, crying into his chest.
"I'm so tired, dad. The responsibility of Ladybug, Lila and her lies, half of my class turned against me, Hawkmoth just sending out akuma after akuma, it's just so much."
He let her cry, hugging her closely and patting her head. Even after all these years he didn't know how to properly comfort his daughter but it was something he actively was working for.
"But I assume you still don't want me to help?"
"The Avengers or The Justice League would notice if you do something. I managed to keep them away, for the time being, but I doubt they would hesitate coming if they heard that you came into a highschool, knives flying after a teenage girl or if you burnt down half of Paris searching for Hawkmoth."
She sighed, sitting on the edge of roof.
"I can handle it, I think. It's hard but I can manage it. I have Chat Noir and the others, we will succeed."
"You know that I will always be by your side if you need me, right?"
"Of course, dad." She hugged him once more, not letting go for some time.
When she calmed down, she asked him to get them to Paris.
"Dad, where was that? I've never felt a more malicious feeling to a place in my entire life."
"Gotham City. That place holds a centuries long curse."
Marinette nodded then hugged her father one more time before he left. She then went on her balcony, sketchbook and laptop in her hands. The afternoon sun was providing perfect lighting for sketching. She set aside the sketchbook for the moment, opening the laptop. She heard about Gotham from Alya when she was gushing about the vigilantes. She wasn't especially interested about them so she listened politely but forgot everything the next day.
Gotham was dubbed the Crime Capital, which was not surprising. The maliciousness surrounding the city was overwhelming, even if she was there for only a few minutes short of an hour. She could only imagine what that could do to the locals. A meeting with Fu after her patrol that night was mandatory.
Apparently he knew about the situation in Gotham. An old friend kept him updated. He confessed that he wanted to talk with her about it but decided to tell her when she was prepared. Fighting that kind of corruption would be hard and it would take years. They decided to put a pin in it and deal with it after they defeated Hawkmoth. Marinette did NOT need this on her plate now.
Things got a little complicated when Wonder Woman decided to drop by. It was night, just a few hours after an akuma attack. Ladybug had to patrol on her own, Chat Noir was held back in his civilian life. She caught Ladybug on the Eiffel Tower, just when she was finishing her round.
"Wonder Woman. I wasn't aware that you would be coming by."
"I apologize, but this is important. Your presence is required at a summit between The Avengers and The Justice League. Some discussions will be about the situation in Paris and as the city is in your jurisdiction, you are invited to attend."
Marinette felt like she didn't tell the whole truth but agreed, under the condition to bring Chat Noir too. They were a team.
Loki wanted to come along but Marinette shot the idea down quickly. The was a chance that Thor would notice and everything would go south very quickly. She didn't need an international incident on her hands. The others didn't trust Loki but they were civil with each other after the brothers made amends and he helped them a couple of times. Still, she didn't think they would appreciate Marinette bringing an unauthorized guest.
A few weeks later they were in a secret base in the Alps. After she got the coordinates of the location she used the horse miraculous to get there. They were fairly early, only a few members of both teams being present. Batman with his team, Thor, Wonder Woman, Black Widow, Winter Soldier and Green Arrow.
Batman was the first one to greet her, soon after she closed the portal.
"Tikki, Kaalki, divide."
The horse kwami landed in her hand, where a sugar cube was waiting for her. She then nestled on top of her head. She slid the glasses there too, for easy access, just in case.
"Ladybug, glad you could come." Batman greeted her cordially. She shook his outstretched hand.
"Of course. After all, I was said this was concerning us."
Before Batman could say anything, a man dressed in black, with a blue bird symbol on his chest jumped in front of her, grinning like a child.
"I can't believe it, you are a real magical girl!"
Ladybug took a step back, blinking, a little shocked by the grown man's reaction.
"Tt. Nightwing, be professional."
"Yeah Wingman, you're going to scare the little Pixie."
"Ignore them, they are idiots." Said one of them, coming beside her. She identified him as Red Robin, one of Batman's... Associates? It felt wrong to call him a sidekick. That would be Robin.
"Red Robin. The idiots there are Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin."
"Pleasure meeting you." She smiled to them warmly. Robin narrowed his eyes, looking at her head.
"What is that?" He asked, taking a step closer to take a better look. Kaalki flew in his face, indignated.
"I'm a goddess, you oaf." Robin took a step back, hands on his katana, shocked by the little goddesses reaction. She narrowed her eyes, suddenly tamer. "Are you famous?" Robin was sputtering, clearly not prepared for the change in her demeanor.
Red Hood burst out laughing.
"Fucking hell, his face. I've never been more grateful for the camera in my helmet."
"Kwami don't show up on camera, but his face definitely will." Chat Noir pointed out. He went beside Ladybug, up until then scanning the compound. "I'm Chat Noir, the fabulous purr-tner of Ladybug, at your service." He made a mock bow, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Ladybug, Red Robin, Red Hood and Robin groaned.
"Tt. I can't handle two of them. I'll inevitably going to break the no killing rule."
"Um, what's going on?" Ladybug turned to Red Robin, who was grimacing.
"Nightwing." He said, giving her a pitying look.
"Oh, come on, it can't be that claw-ful." Retorted Nightwing. Chat Noir lit up like a Christmas tree.
"My lady, see. I was sure I was feline a fellow paw-nner nearby."
"Kill me." Ladybug and Red Robin said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.
As more heroes were arriving, Ladybug introduced herself to each of them. She tensed a bit when Thor came beaming at her.
"Ah! I haven't seen the miraculous for centuries! I am not really that familiar with the Chinese Miracle Box but I did encounter a wielder of Trixx."
She smiled tightly listening to his encounter with Fylja. She knows from her father about her, a trickster just like him, who managed to seduce Thor and steal Mjolnir and hide it. Thor decided to omit that detail. He liked the young hero but something seemed oddly familiar about her.
When Aquaman came, he looked very uncomfortable with his proximity to Chat Noir. He was cordial but kept his distance after finishing introductions. Chat Noir did tell her once that Plagg said that he was the one who sank Atlantis. It was a real story, apparently.
Ladybug preferred the company of Red Robin. They had a lot of things in common, from mutual interests to similar experiences as heroes. He asked a lot of questions without being invasive or trying to find out things about her civilian life and actually seemed interested about her answers. She actually blushed when Nightwing called them cute. She could see with the corner of her eyes how Chat Noir was wiggling his eyebrows but swooped up the other boys when they started teasing them.
"Everyone is here. Only the official members of the Justice League and the Avengers are allowed, as well as Ladybug and Chat Noir. The rest will stay here." Wonder Woman announced, leaving the rest of the young heroes pouting and protesting.
Ladybug turned to Red Robin and gave him a wave.
"See you after."
"Definitely." He grinned, making her blush.
Chat Noir came beside her, smiling knowingly.
"At least you're not a stuttering mess this time."
"Shut up you alley cat, that was four years ago."
"So you do like him." He smiled even wider. Ladybug blushed furiously, punching him in the ribs. He only giggled.
"Nightwing and Red Hood owe me 50 dollars."
"You're unbelievable."
All the heroes were seated at a circular table, everyone having an assigned seat. Even Ladybug and Chat Noir, their symbols gleaming brand new on the backs of the black chairs.
"The summit begins. We are now gathered here to discuss the Paris situation." Superman began, opening a slide on the projector.
Ladybug narrowed her eyes. It became obvious that they called the summit just for this. They were trying to take control. She clenched her fists, but didn't say anything. She hoped this wasn't what it looked like. She put her hand on Chat Noir's shoulder when he looked like he wanted to say something. She squeezed twice. ' I got this.'
"Ladybug, Chat Noir, it's been four and a half years since Hawkmoth has been active and so far we haven't seen much progress. The akumas seem to become more powerful and aggressive and the damage to Paris greater each time. We think you might be over your heads."
"What we are trying to say," Batman stood up, glaring at Superman for his lack of tact, "is that the situation is becoming increasingly difficult and we feel the need to intervene. We know that you are young, let us help you."
"You are kids, we can tell. We thought that because of the nature of the miraculous you will be able to neutralize the threat in due time, seeing as it's the same type of magic." Added Captain America.
"We trusted that you could handle it, as you said, but some of us already have doubts." Iron Man said, crossing his arms.
"Your miraculous might not be enough this time. But that's ok. We want this to end as much as you do." Professor Banner added, looking at them like he was explaining to children why they couldn't cross the street when the traffic light was red.
Most of the heroes didn't notice the way the two young heroes narrowed their eyes, faces darkening, but some, mostly those who knew the power of the miraculous, did. Aquaman was uneasy, a sense of foreboding dawning over him, Wonder Woman looked like she didn't know what her peers were going to say. She stood still, but tense, like preparing for an attack. She knew they were somewhat right, but that wasn't the way to help them. Green Lantern was leaning in his seat like he wanted it to eat him. Thor looked around the table, damning every one of them present. They were going to get them killed. Black Widow was glaring at Banner, knowing what his words did to the Parisians by their increasing straining to say nothing and stay in place. Batman was following them carefully. Something about the two of them screamed danger.
Then Superman dropped the bomb.
"So, effective immediately, we take jurisdiction of the city of..."
He was cut off by a sudden boom reverberating through the room. All heroes jumped in a battle stance. When there was no threat in sight, they looked at Ladybug, who had made a dent in the table with her fist. Her eyes were entirely blue. But it was not her usual color, it was an icy blue, that could freeze the fires of hell. Thor held his breath. They looked exactly like frost giant eyes. And familiar ones.
"How. Dare. You."
She didn't yell but the heroes could feel the ice in their veins.
"For four years we've been tirelessly fighting an emotional prying bastard, while controlling our own to the point where it seems that we have none, handling our civilian lives at the same time, trying to minimize the destruction of Paris even though we new the cure with bring everything back to normal, tending to our citizens after they've been akumatized, ensuring they would get therapy and support, even stopping minor crimes around the city and you have the balls to say that we are in over our heads?! We may be but we are handling it way better than any of you do! You are not one to speak, Superman. Metropolis gets trashed every other week with you're messy fights, and there is no cure. You obviously have no regard of the destruction or the victims most of the time. The rest of you are mostly the same. But there is no one getting in your way saying that you're doing a horrible job and trying to replace you. And if there is, gods forbid, you just send them to prison or in a mental asylum. You have NO right to criticize our ways when yours are statistically worse!"
Both the Justice League and the Avengers were silent and wide eyed. Thor was the first to recover. Her eyes went back to normal after she finished but there was no mistake. The girl wasn't human.
"Who are you?" He pointed his hammer at Ladybug. She rolled her eyes.
"Put that down, you're not intimidating anyone."
"Those were frost giant eyes. Answer me or perish."
"Dad would not appreciate the perish part, you know."
The Avengers and the Leaguers were now exchanging confused looks. What were they supposed to do? What was that about? After exchanging glances, they remained silent, watching the exchange curiously.
"What are you talking about?" Thor retorted, now gripping Mjolnir tighter.
"I guess this is as a bad time as any but... Hello uncle."
It wasn't ideal but she couldn't have both the Justice League and the Avengers trying to arrest her. She took the yo-yo from her hip and slid it open. She scrolled through her contacts and tapped the one named 'The God of Bullshit'. After a few beeps, during which the heroes were recovering from their stupor, Loki's face appeared on the screen.
"Daughter dearest. What's the matter, are the others bothering you?" He said in a sarcastic sweet voice. She rolled her eyes then pointed the screen towards Thor.
"L'Oréal blond knows."
After a few seconds Loki starts laughing like a maniac.
"This is the best way they could've found out. This is PERFECT."
Thor walks in wide strides to an unimpressed Ladybug and takes the yo-yo from her hand.
"I have a niece and you didn't TELL ME!"
"Of course not. You pieces of shit are not worthy of the presence of my daughter. I don't know why she even agreed to come to the meeting. She is doing a wonderful job in Paris and does not need any interference. Beware, brother, if you upset her I'll come for your heads. I have to go now, see you soon, daughter."
Ladybug closed her yo-yo and looked around the room.
"I don't care what you decided. Paris is my city. You don't come barging just because you think you can do a better job. And yes, I'm the daughter of Loki but that doesn't mean that I have bad intentions. I'm a hero as much as you are. Now, have I made myself clear?"
"Yes, Ladybug." Wonder Woman was the first to respond. Even if she was a daughter of Loki, the young hero earned her respect. She stood her ground against them and made her point crystal clear.
The rest of the heroes agree, though some reluctantly.
"Now, I agreed to come here mainly because I wanted to say that I have a strong lead. Hawkmoth may soon fall."
After some other arguments with some of the reluctant heroes and a few protests that were quickly shot down by Ladybug and her supporters, the heroes dispersed. She and Chat Noir were between the last ones to leave, having a shushed conversation while the others left.
"We will discuss it back in Paris. But yes, it's true."
"So you're a half goddess?"
"Demigoddess, but yes."
"That is awesome."
When they entered the hall, they saw it was almost empty. She was disappointed that maybe Red Robin left until he was in front of her. He gripped her shoulders and looked in her eyes.
"I think I'm in love with you. That was the greatest hero smack down in history."
She was a blushing mess by the time the other boys and Batman came around. They were all snickering, even Batman and Robin.
"How did you..."
"Father turned his com on when he saw that you looked like you were ready to kill someone."
"B, you are not allowed to adopt her under any circumstances, do you understand me? We do not need another sister."
"Yeah Bats, don't ruin your only chance at grandkids."
Now Red Robin was blushing too.
"So... You don't care about the Loki thing?"
"We noticed that he toned down a few years ago. We didn't know why. Now it makes sense."
"Yeah, trust me, you're not the only one with a villainous parent 'round here." Red Rood pointed, putting his elbow on Robin's shoulder. The latter looked like he wanted to rip it off.
"And you are clearly taking your job seriously. Even father respects your efforts."
"I didn't intend to make you feel like you are not good enough. We wanted to help you, but it got out of hand. I apologize."
"Apology accepted. I understand where you're coming from, but trust me. This is coming to an end. Soon."
When the Bats were going to the zeta tubes and Ladybug was merging the horse miraculous with her own, Red Robin stayed behind. He handed her a phone.
"It's a non traceable phone. Of you ever want to talk, my number is programmed in there. I really enjoyed our conversation"
She took the phone, smiling brightly.
"I did too. Thank you."
She pulled him into a hug. He hugged her back, kissing her on the cheek then running to the zeta tubes. Her cheeks were as red as her suit. She touched the place where he kissed her, smiling like an idiot.
"Aww, I'm going to die of fluff. I ship it."
"Shut up." She grumbled but still smiling.
A few months later Hawkmoth’s reign of terror came to an end. It was messy and heartbreaking but they were finally free. Adrien was exonerated by both the Justice League and the Avengers when accusations started to appear in the media. Not wanting to live with the Graham de Vanily’s, Adrien was taken in by Selina Kyle a.k.a Catwoman. It was quite fitting.
They have revealed their identities during the battle when they had to recharge and barely found one place to detransform. When they had the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous secured and Gabriel and Nathalie in police custody, they swung to the Eiffel Tower and collapsed there on each other, crying their hearts out for the first time in five years. Loki got there at some point but he kept his distance, understanding that it was their time. That was how they were found by the Justice League and the Avengers. Huddled together on the railing, not talking, with Loki next to them, smiling serenely. Thor almost had a heart attack. When she noticed that Red Robin came too, she ran to him and kissed him like the world almost ended, which almost actually did.
Fu passed guardianship to Marinette not long after, deeming her ready.
After everything was solved in Paris and the trials of Gabriel, Nathalie and Lila, for her aiding Hawkmoth, were done, Marinette began her first mission as Guardian. Cleanse Gotham.
Soon, a new vigilante, with a black fox theme, swung through Gotham with the Bats and Tim Drake appeared in public with his new girlfriend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
When I first saw what the prompt for today was I had no idea what to write. I didn’t want to do the class trip to New York so I took my favorite character, Loki obviously, and brainstormed. This came out. I don’t know if this has been done before but I love biodad!Loki.
So this is approximately 4326 words (I added and edited things on here so I don't know for sure) which is a new record. I did enjoy writing this. Maybe I will do something biodad!Loki again in the future, it's fun to write.
And as a sidenote, Marinette can lift Mjolnir.
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avenirdelight · 3 years
Highlight | PART 1
Tyrone Mings
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Tyrone liked the Three Lions’ videographer. She liked him too, but an “office romance” wasn’t a good idea, was it?
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She was the newest addition of the creative content team and she had been there for the last two camps. On her first day working as England's videographer, everybody called her by her most distinctive feature, "the ponytail girl", before the skipper asked her her name and kind of passed it to other players, including Tyrone.
She was always there, welcoming the players with her camera before they even stepped out from their cars when they arrived at the England training ground. But Tyrone was welcomed by Jimmy and his camera instead when his car pulled up today. There was a little disappointment in him for not getting the little "hi, how are you?" from her that he had been waiting for. He still hoped to see her inside; maybe she was stationed somewhere else.
But when Tyrone couldn't find her at the first team meeting or even at the gym the next day (she was always assigned at the gym, never missed a session), and didn't even see her ponytail swaying around anywhere, he started to panic.
Did she quit working for Three Lions? Did something happen to her? Tyrone wanted to ask someone about it, but he chickened out because he thought it was going to be odd asking about her out of nowhere.
Yes, being called up for Euro was the best thing he could ever ask for, it was always an honor to be a part of the national team and he couldn't wait to play for his country again. Although this time he'd be lying if he denied that he had got one more reason to be excited about going back to do national duty.
Her. The ponytail girl. She had become his extra motivation.
From the first time he saw her petite figure behind the camera, he was immediately attracted. She'd shyly greeted him and asked him how he was doing, with her crinkled eyes showing that there was a bright smile behind her mask. From that moment on, he just couldn't stop paying attention to her.
She wouldn't leave his mind for the next couple of months he was back at Villa. And by the next England camp, he'd realised that he had a crush on her. A serious one. He had started finding himself trying to catch her attention; standing closer to her even though he absolutely didn't need to, trying to look cool or find something funny to say every time she fixed her camera on him.
And it definitely didn't come unnoticed by his teammates.
"Relax, she's going to be here tomorrow. Asked Jimmy about it for ya, she's still in Leeds for a cousin's wedding, so she's taking a three days break," Conor said out of nowhere, after the conversation at their lunch table fell and an awkward silence took over for a while.
"What?" Tyrone shot his head up, realising that everybody on the table —Conor, Jack, Mason, and Declan— were staring at him. "What are you on about?"
"The ponytail girl. Your eyes have been wandering everywhere, mate, you're obviously looking for her," Jack answered, leaving Tyrone perplexed.
Tyrone had never told anyone about his crush on her. Well, except for that one time Conor caught him stalking her on Instagram; it needed a while before his roommate stopped teasing him about it. Jack had also asked him about it once, saying that he was always staring at her for a little bit too long, so Jack already had the idea.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Tyrone denied as he avoided his friends' stares, but his nervous chuckle betrayed him. He was like a deer caught in the headlights. "Wait, you guys assume I fancy her?" This time he looked at Mason and Declan because the two best friends didn't suppose to have any idea about this.
"We didn't assume. We saw. You can't even take your eyes off of her," Mason answered. Tyrone knew they weren't going to buy anything that he said if he denied it again, because it was the truth. Tyrone had been trying to be discreet, but apparently he had failed miserably.
"Don't worry, I didn't mention anything about you when I asked Jimmy about her. Your secret's still safe with us," Conor replied.
"Not if you keep flexing your muscles at the gym when she's around," Declan's words made them laugh, but Tyrone was tight-lipped as his mind had flown to her.
She didn't quit the job and she would be here. That was good news. He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that his friends had noticed about his supposedly secret crush.
He wondered if she had noticed too.
She knew it was a bad thing. It was bad that the only thing she could think about on her way to Middlesbrough was Tyrone Mings.
She should've been thinking about all the work she needed to catch up on immediately when she arrived. But it felt like Tyrone Mings was haunting her.
How could you not fall in love with that friendly giant whose smile and laugh always light up the whole world? She was still deciding whether his voice sounded more like butter or like chocolate, but the thing she was sure about was that Tyrone Mings was just incredibly attractive. He was kind and had always been treating her like a friend since day one, which made it easier to be friends with Tyrone Mings than with everybody else. And she really liked Tyrone Mings.
It would be highly unprofessional, wouldn't it, to have a crush on someone from work? She had started calling him Tyrone Mings in her mind, to remind herself that Tyrone Mings was a well-known professional footballer that played for England National Football Team. Someone like him should be dating someone pretty and successful, maybe one of those gorgeous models, influencers, or businesswomen, not a nobody like her.
Even though she knew Tyrone Mings also had something for her, she still thought that a relationship between them more than in a professional and friendly manner was impossible.
Oh, yes. She had noticed it. It was impossible to not notice it when he was on 80% of her footage. All those millisecond glances that Tyrone Mings always gave to her camera, the friendly short conversations he always tried to make, the cheesy jokes and playful gestures, she knew they meant something.
Rather than being scared that her feelings would be unanswered, she was more scared that the feeling was mutual. She had always been struggling to do a relationship with a normal person, let alone with someone from a completely different level from her.
So she got herself a plan: focus on the job, forget Tyrone Mings.
It wouldn't be hard, would it?
this is going to be a 3 parts (hopefully i can hold myself back so a 4th part wouldn't be necessary😂) but i’ll take a while because work is so crazy right now😭
but i’m so happy that i finally get the chance to write about tyrone and i think that this one fits perfectly for him. and let me just say that i'm in love with this man😔🤍
hope you enjoyed this one and look forward to the next!
My Masterlist🤍
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"Darling, Stars shine whenever you're with me, I melt like the ice in your sweet tea, I'm bulletproof I just can't say no to you, girl." It wasn't perfectly on key, the singing. It wasn't technically grand. It was soft, breaking a little, low and raspy and untrained. But he could hear the smile in it from a million miles off, the warmth, the tenderness. From the sound of it, they were nearing the end of the song; he rounded the corner, quiet as a mouse, and leaned against the wall, watching with soft eyes. He could see Powder, curled up in the bed, her small hands in Vi's only slightly larger ones, the older girl using them to tap out the rhythm to the song.
She stared at Vi like the sun rose and set on her, like she could lift up the entirety of Zaun on her shoulders and carry it off. Vi's entire focus was, in turn, on Powder, who hummed along softly.
"I'm loving you without trying, Whatever you got I'm buying So try me I ain't no one's fool I just can't say no to you." Vi's voice was trailing off into the end of the song; she let go of Powder's hands, tucking the blanket up around the younger girl's chin. She was getting so damn big so damn quick; her shoulders broad and sturdy, her hands larger even then Mylo's. She was going to be a heavy-set wall of a human, and with the muscles she was rapidly forming, a formidable fighter. Unlike a lot of the rest of them, though, there was a mind to go with that brawn, a sharpness that people didn't expect; and something even more important. She was kind. Loyal. Ferociously protective. Gentle. He sighed, rubbing his fingers into his eyes. He worried, sometimes, that he wouldn't do right by them. Wouldn't nurture those traits, would see them burn off and fizzle out. She felt so strongly. She was so stubborn. She was so good. She was the kind of kid this place chewed up and spat out harder and colder and crueler.
"Now I can't say no- to you." Vi poked Powder in the nose lightly, earning a squeak and a "Vi, don't!" as both girls laughed, Powder's awkward, broken giggle a thousand lights in the dark underscored by Vi's thrumming chuckle. They complimented each other; Powder creative, Vi practical, Powder shy and introverted, Vi charismatic and outgoing, Powder sweet and shy, Vi loud and forceful. Blend them together and you had one hell of a team; he couldn't wait to see what they grew into together. "Vi? Can I have a drink?" Vi hemmed and hawed, pretending to think it over very seriously, face screwed up as if it was a difficult choice. "Wellllll," She said, at last, throwing her hands up. "I did just say. I guess I gotta!" "That's right!" Powder confirmed, laughing, and he was just a heartbeat too slow when Vi turned around. She saw him in the doorway, her goofy, crooked grin falling, eyes widening and cheeks going pink. "Gonna serenade me, next?" He drawled, and her blush turned into a flush of anger as she ducked her head, hiding behind her floppy hair. "Shut up!" She muttered, and if he'd been literally anyone else probably would have thrown a punch. He chuckled, reached out to pull her in for a rough, one armed hug and to scruff her hair. She growled, squirming in his grip like an eel. "Ack- Vander- leggo, lemme go, knock it off!" Powder, for her part, apparently decided bedtime was over; it was now time to rescue her sister. She let out a war cry- that actually sort of impressed him with it's power- and charged out of bed like someone had lit her ass on fire, launching herself at his chest. "Jesus!" He yelped, letting go of Vi just in time to catch her, tiny fists pummeling his arms, his shoulders, and at least once he knew she tried to bite him. "That's it, Pow-Pow. Get him!" Vi hit him from behind, and he genuinely felt his knees buckle; surprised, he stumbled, and then Powder was scrambling over his shoulder like a deranged monkey as he hit the floor. "Vi for Victory!" The red-headed little shit crowed, from behind him, and he rolled over to push up on his elbows to see Powder bouncing in place to high-five Vi with both hands. He rolled his eyes, groaning at her pun. "Alright, alright, the mighty music critic is vanquished. Powder, get back into bed." He commanded, pushing himself to his feet. "Vi, you too, soon as she gets her drink." He winked, unable to help himself. "You can't say no to her after all, right?" Apparently, music critics could be revived to be slaughtered again.
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narumi-gens · 3 years
ukai decides to propose. you've already talked about it, you KNOW you want to spend your lives together, he knows hopes you'll say yes.
(his heart might never recover if you don't)
so he goes about buying a ring. he steals a ring of yours when you're asleep for sizing purposes. selecting a ring wasn't as hard as he'd thought it would be — he knew his budget, he knew what you liked (he's known you your whole life). so he goes out and buys a pretty little silver band inlaid with three tiny diamonds. it's a little heavy on his wallet, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. you deserve nice things.
then came the planning of the actual proposal. this was, he realized, significantly harder than he'd thought it would be.
maybe he should keep it simple? dinner followed by a walk under the stars. he'll get down on one knee and—no. isn't that too cliché? he can do better.
an elaborate treasure hunt throughout your house? maybe he can make up clues based on all the memories you've made together: eating dinner on the floor the first night of moving in because the dining table was too hard to assemble, or learning the importance of separating whites and colours when your favourite white blouse comes out the washing machine stained a murky blue because of that damn t-shirt of his. or something to do with that time you'd had a stomach bug and he'd nursed you through it, staying by your side even after you'd thrown up on him.
no, he decides, it'd be bad if you couldn't connect the clues to these events. besides, he's no literary genius. coming up with elaborate prose for the clues is not a task he considers himself capable of.
then what?
ukai is standing in the karasuno gym, thumbing at the ring box sitting snugly inside his jacket pocket. he'd taken to carrying it around with him after you'd almost stumbled upon the ring hidden behind the plants you'd insisted on keeping in the house.
he's exhausted his creativity racking his brain for ideas. everything he could come up with seemed too cliché, or too cringey, or just downright stupid. he's suddenly brought back to reality when takeda clears his throat next to him, 'is everything okay?' falling from his lips, tone polite as ever.
fuck, he shouldn't be zoned out during practice. he really needs to put a stop to this. ukai looks at the man standing next to him. maybe he could help? takeda was a poet at heart, after all, so he should be able to come up with a romantic proposal.
ukai confides in him, accepting the congratulatory pat takeda gives him. by now, this little interaction has attracted the attention of the nut more curious of his boys. tanaka, nishinoya, hinata gather around him with kageyama creeping up behind them. he can tell that the other members are listening in too, just not as obviously.
'what's the matter, coach?'
ukai eyes his team. it wouldn't hurt to tell them, right? they don't really come into contact with you all that often, and when they do, it's for brief moments only, when you're popping in to drop off his keys or his wallet that he'd forgotten at home.
'i'm, uh, thinking of proposing. bought the ring and everything, just need to come up with a plan now.'
dead silence echoes throughout the gym before complete mayhem breaks out.
he's being congratulated simultaneously by sawamura, azumane, and ennoshita while tanaka and nishinoya are huddled together on the floor, weeping tears of happiness (at least, ukai thinks they're tears of happiness. you can never tell with these two.) tsukishima goes back to sipping at his drink, while yamaguchi's eyes light up, much like yachi's. shimizu, too, offers him a soft smile and a congratulations before tanaka pipes up.
'can we see the ring?!'
well, they already know, so ukai reckons it wouldn't do much harm to let them see it. he reaches into his pocket and takes out the box, flipping it open to reveal the silver band wedged inside. the team crowds around him, oohs and aahs falling from their mouths. tanaka nods somberly, a finger stroking his chin, as he mutters, "excellent choice, coach. she's going to say yes."
"who's going to say yes?"
fourteen pairs of eyes land on you, holding so many emotions in them, from amusement to sheer panic. you stand at the door of the gymnasium, holding ukai's lunch. he'd accidentally taken yours today, so you thought you could pop in to exchange it and see your boyfriend while doing so. but the scene you happened upon was completely unexpected.
ukai scrambled violently with something in his hands, while takeda looked like he'd seen a ghost. the kid with the goatee was panicky, his eyes flitting around for an escape. the two shortest of the bunch were fidgeting with whatever keishin was holding, apparently trying to help him with it.
keyword: trying.
all the jostling and shoving they did managed to knock the thing out of keishin's hands. you squint as it flies through the air — was that a box? — as keishin desperately tries to get to it before it lands in front of you.
he draws on every single diving receive he'd ever done in his entire life and swoops across the gymnasium, towards you.
he does not get there in time.
the box clatters to the ground in front of you, keishin landing there a second later. you're still stuck trying to process the situation, but you have enough presence of mind to lean down and pick up the box, finally being able to see its contents.
oh. oh.
keishin thumps the ground with his first before he looks up at you, eyes filled with resignation. he's quite the sight - his hair had slipped out of his hairband and his nose was bleeding. yet he drags himself to sit up on one knee.
you've already seen the ring. might as well get it over with.
keishin opens his mouth, ready to launch into an unrehearsed speech, cursing the universe with every fiber of his being for making things turn out this way. but you don't give him a chance to say anything.
his eyes widen before he's knocked to the ground by you flinging yourself on top of him. you're hugging him, face buried in his neck, whispering 'yes, yes, yes, always, a thousand times yes' and suddenly he can't bring himself to care about the awkwardness of the situation.
keishin laughs before sitting up, bringing you with him. he gently separates you from him before taking the ring tightly clutched in your palm and slipping it onto your finger. the whole scene feels a little too intimate for a high school gymnasium, but it's only fair that it happens here, he thinks. after all, this is where he'd realised he loved you, all the way back when you two had been first years.
he blinks back the tears suddenly clouding his eyes and restrains the urge to kiss you senseless right there. the two of you had created enough drama for the day. instead he settles for kissing the inside of your wrist as he laces his fingers through yours, before lifting them up in the air, as if announcing his victory.
the entire gymnasium burst into cheers once again. this time it was asahi and kinoshita in tears while hinata and nishinoya jumped around in joy. takeda was grinning ear to ear when he gave you his congratulations, followed shortly by daichi and sugawara. and you could've sworn you saw the senior manager's eyes flit to the bald-headed boy, a blush coating her cheeks. but that was something for another day.
today, right now, you would celebrate. sure, the proposal had been far from ideal, but keishin was yours and you were his and you found yourself wishing it would be this way forever.
i do not know what this is but this scenario refused to leave my mind unless i wrote it down aaaa
sorry for the long ass ask!! please feel free to ignore i just wanted to share ❄️
....anon....I am SPEECHLESS!!!! what did do to deserve such a wonderful anon who drops such amazing things in my inbox 😭😭 (and while I may be slow to reply bc...life...ugh... don't worry anon, I would never ignore something like this!!!! god, nothing gets me more than dorky, lame, grumpy ukai who's such a sweetheart and so soft and I'm just DYING over this.
everyone be jealous of my amazing anon 💕
(also don't catch me going through all my ukai wips that haven't been touched in a year+. nope, definitely not doing that... 👀)
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