#i just dont know if theyll deliver
toastsnaffler · 1 year
my graduation is supposed to be in august + im requesting to graduate in absentia but i feel terrible abt it bc im not telling my parents 😑
#just bc if i do tell them they'll probably pressure me into going. and i dont fucking want to its my degree i can celebrate how i like#i wont even be living here in august!! and its a wednesday which is super awkward + im only allowed 2 guests but i have 4 parents lmao#which means i have to choose between my mum and dad. which will end up in hurt feelings either way#and theyre making us pay for our own robes which is stupid bc they literally have like 40k from me already#i cant sit in a stuffy hall through a two hour long ceremony that i wont even be able to hear with no one i know ill commit homicide#no point in doing drinks aftwr bc none of my friends have the same graduation date and i dont drink#like theres not a single reason why i would want to go. so im not going to#but i can already feel how disappointed theyll be.... and theyll be more mad if i dont tell them beforehand but i dont want to debate it!!#ik this is such a stupid thing but its making me stress like hell#ugh#my current plan of attack is not to tell them until they ask abt it and then the decision will be made so they cant do anything abt it#even if theyre upset abt it. but i HATE lying even by omission im the least dishonest person ever this is making me feel sick#and i have to tell them eventually bc ill need to get my diploma delivered to them so arghhhhhh#i technically got my degree over a year ago anyway bc i dropped out this is so dumb#they shouldve just been like sorry no ceremony for dropouts!! and then it wouldnt be my problem#whatever. deadline for registering is at 5 so itll be out of my hands once that passes thank fuck#.diaries#i think im getting unnecessarily worked up abt it bc im just generally in a shitty mood tbh#gonna go for a walk and find somewhere to sit and read outside until i feel more sane i think
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quinnonimp · 1 year
We Watch the Clouds & Stars: an OriginsSMP TNTduo Comic ☁️💫 | Anecdote: Awake or Alive [part 1/?]
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content warning: discussion of death and afterlife
read left to right
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hello !!!!!!!!! im back on the grid again and with a bang, here to deliver a comic ive been working on since september ! its gonna be pretty messy, inconsistent, and just purely me having fun . therell be a lot of things ive thought through thoroughly, and therell be some things i forgot to even existed ! all in all this is a comic about a character whos been gone for a year and one that doesnt even exist, so its all built from me being silly
there will be sensitive topics discussed or depicted ! those will have a warning placed beforehand for each update, even though many of these things are meant to be up to interpretation or implied . some anecdotes ive written have been quite heavy though, so if i end up finishing them, listen to the content warnings
this will be a non-linear story, so instead of chapters i have named them anecdotes . they will be moreso bits and pieces of my o!quackity and o!wilbur's lives, specifically of them together, so some parts will be before or after others . some parts will reference each other, or foreshadow, but u likely wont need to read the anecdotes in any specific order
^ and so, because of this, the dynamics of wwtc&s!tntduo will change and will be inconsistent, just as what happens with real people if u look into random pockets of their life . some anecdotes theyll be more comfortable with each other, some theyll be more spiteful, some theyll be more awkward, etc. especially since oquackity has no character and owilbur is underdeveloped
this comic is a lot about change but also keeping familiarity in said change, which is totally not just an excuse for my inconsistent ass nope nuh-nuh. this time its actually relevant to the characters !!!!
and YEAH . i am doing all this just bc cc!quackity mentioned in the 2021 wine stream that he was in the originssmp discord and wanted to actually play but never did . im still mad abt it so ive decided to just make shit up now 👍
by the way !!!!!!!!! the big wings wilbur has on the cover r actually not canon anymore . Lol . i drew that before i had a more concrete idea of the comic and its concepts, but i really didnt feel like editing it (the tail is also missing), so i kept it cause idrc FDKDFKJ
i may draw him with wings again sometime just bc i really like it, but for the sake of story - know that theyre not canon, and that his cloak compensates for his lack of wings
there is likely more for me to explain, but rn im all over the place so i dont really remember what ! the next part will probs be up tomorrow or so, im not sure . really hope u guys enjoy
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
Imagine this: A "Yandere Space Emperor".
I'm talking about a very powerful Emperor, basically they has conquered almost the entire galaxy, and it's only a matter of time before the entire galaxy is under their control.
Now imagine this scenario: The Emperor is giving a speech to his troops and his Darling is by his side, all the soldiers believe that their Darling is nothing more than a S*exual slave, meanwhile the Darling has a slight smile on his face because they knows perfectly that if they asked the empress to get on all fours and start kissing his feet, they would do it.
(I'm not entirely sure about this Yandere, but it's just a bigger version of the Yandere Ceo)
darling who, when they feel the need to establish their dominance or smthin, just asks their fucking giant, intimidating, ruler of the god damned galaxy to rub their feet or their back or even fucking kiss the ground they walk on, the yan will do it without even second guessing it and just. all these uber powerful aliens just watching the scariest person theyve ever met absolutely CRUMBLE WILLINGLY beneath someone they could literally crush with one hand... lovely.
and maybe some other ruler or smthin tries to get their 'sex slaves' into the emperors possession so they can start pulling the strings or whatever and the emperor is just like 'my darling said no' and darling, dressed in barely anything, is just snickering behind them
just the absolute POWER darling holds. ask yan to eat them out during an important political banquet? theyll get on their knees so fast they end up with scratches on their legs! anything darling could want would be theirs. the fates of millions depends on darlings mood! luckily, i think darling would use that power for more ridiculous things like getting a craving food delivered or home made at like 3am or like. useless little gadgets rich ppl always have.
i also imagine darling to kinda... forget theyre so rich and powerful now, by proxy. so they wear their headphones until they literally refuse to work anymore and THEN allow their yandere to buy them more, they sew up the holes on their favorite pair of socks instead of just buying another pack, super glue their glasses together, always insisting they dont need an entire room for their clothes while their yandere sobs and begs them to just be spoilt.
just. "why would i need a new phone? mine still works. i mean, yeah, it shuts off completely when the battery gets below fifty percent and yeah some days it just wont turn on if its humid and half the screen sometimes goes black and its so full of bloatware that i only have essential apps on it but other than that, it works great!" darling. pls. let emperor buy you things.
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cleromancy · 10 months
still thinking about those priest interviews like. y'know you knew it was bad for comics writers rn but somehow having some of the specifics is just...
anyway the thing i can't stop thinking about is that. they essentially replaced the comics code with the more nebulous, more ominous "corporate interests."
bc like. bc dc comics is a division of dc entertainment which then is owned by warner. your pitch gets approved by dc all the way up to the finalized script where it then goes out of house to Warner lawyers--like ive read both priest and willingham as well when he released fables to public domain, they both said they have no fucking clue who these people are. just somewhere above their heads. and they send it back to be like "you can't have so and so do that because of the movie we're putting out," but they also don't let the comics writers see the movie scripts? and it was also heavily implied that they objected to anything with too much uh. substance. the phrase priest used was "protecting corporate interests."
so like on a practical level not only do the writers not know how many issues theyre getting, they fully like. are writing to meet the approval of a panel of lawyers' approval. out-of-house lawyers theyll never get to talk to, and they also dont know what the standards are, and if they don't meet those unknown standards they will probably find out AFTER the script is finalized and have to make rush edits to excise whatever their "sensitivity people" objected to (priests phrase. important to note that sensitivity readers are great when theyre reviewing your work for potentially harmful stereotypes or misinformation, shit like that. thats not what a panel of sensitivity people whose job is to "protect corporate interests" are gonna be doing.)
abd these are like. warner people, too, who arent going to know or care how comics work or what appeals to comics readers beyond like. understanding that comics with #1 on the cover automatically sell better. but also theyll be objecting to shit the writer had been setting up from the word go *right before publication...*
like no wonder there's less comic per comic, no wonder there's pacing issues and no follow through, no wonder nobody can establish any serious continuity btwn series rn, no wonder they keep setting up stakes and completely fail to deliver anything remotely resembling consequences... jfc guys. hope youre talking about unionizing or *something*
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angstics · 1 year
can u tell us more abt how u interpret mychem music i really like it your mind is awesome
this made me aww out loud. really sweet. well i watched all quiet on the western front 2022 yesterday, a german ww1 movie about the last yr of war. and it made me think about how closely the crimes against soldiers mirror those against other working class. you’ll kill yourself in situations you dont want to be in in service of a rich motherfucker who wants to use you for their own gain. you cant get out. you’ll die in this place. now that makes me think about how my chem rags on war so vehemently. of course theyre criticizing literal war, especially a band born out of something used to start another. but i cant help reading all war songs as allegories (they even said that the ghost of you video is about relationships more than war criticism).
gun. allegorizes a soldier’s life for a touring musician’s — never gonna have a son (too caught up with your job to have a family), “if we’re old enough to die for your mistakes then lets go” (the RIDICULOUSLY PACKED black parade tour that frank says was so bad he was in self-medicated haze by the end — all set up by their managers), “they’re teaching me to kill who’s teaching me to love” (my chem has described performance as killing the audience. gerard lost his old life, girlfriend, home during black parade. all he knows how to do is performance… who’s teaching him to live his life?) i dont like gun. much but it delivers the same themes of every other cw song in a new way that emphasizes the exploitation they experienced. there’s this quote from the movie i mentioned “what do i know? im just a pair of boots with a rifle.” i think that’s exactly the point of gun. pair of tight pants with a mic.
mama genuinely i didnt even know was about war until a few weeks after listening to it. i thought it was about a gay man facing his mother’s violent homophobia. “we all go to hell” (ive thought this same thing when my mom damns others), “when we go dont blame us” (this ties in with the prev line AND with the reading that bp is about a gay man with AIDS), “baby girl etc” (there’s the common trans reading and there’s also the INVERT reading, where in early modern homosexual research gay men were thought to be women in men’s bodies), “for what youve done theyll find a place to adjust your mind” (conversion), “there’s shit that ive done with this fuck of a gun” (OK this is the line that had me convinced mama was about a gay person. fuck = sex = physical sex = dick = phallic = gun. OK!!! this is about gay sex). as a note on the song as a whole, i ADORE its tone. it isnt fully self-hating, not fully self-accepting. it’s a complicated mix of these black parade themes that is super super fun and super in tune with the complicated life of a queer person. a comic tragedy!
if you have something specific you want to / want me to talk about, let me know! the best interpretations build on each other. thank you for this opportunity to ramble 💗
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weirdlizard26 · 9 months
Hey Will. Could you explain Doctor Who to me? I am very confused about what its supposed to be and while I could just google it it'd be nicer to hear it from you
boy where do i even start! its a REALLY old sci-fi tv show that started back in 1963 and then kinda started a new era as a functionally new series in 2003? although i have not yet watched classic dr who so i dont know all the details!! what im watching right now is the show that started in 2003 and is still going, although if im not mistaken theyll be entering a new era once the 15th doctor's seasons start airing? but i havent quite gotten there so idk
now with what you did not ask for out of the way! its a sci-fi show with a dash of mystery and occasional horror! it follows sort of a monster of the week format with many recurring characters and is about this immortal alien guy (the doctor) who travels in a time machine slash spaceship that looks like an old-timey police box and is bigger on the inside! he is the last of his kind (or is he?!?!?!?! 🤨) and he travels around time and space to enjoy views and save planets and occasionally picks up companions who travel with him and keep him grounded but eventually has to drop them off back home because he doesnt want to watch them die </3 he is very old and very lonely and is haunted by his past and he allegedly solves conflicts with minimal violence although the show isnt particularly good about upholding that standard LOL!!! although sometimes that is on purpose
this show can be your devil or your angle as it tackles a lot of complex topics and often fails to deliver a proper perspective on them unfortunately but its a lot of fun and very heartfelt at times :-]
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sucktacular · 1 year
spilling my thoughts out about, oh, i might not just be anxious and burnt out from school! i might be burnt out as shit from masking my whole life. :) (new revelation to me)
so i learned something really juicy about myself with my therapist that im still kinda processing and dont really know how to move forward with it at all but its a realization that may help me with my agoraphobia healing????
SO YOU KNOW HOW IVE BEEN LIKE. Im so anxious im so scared of going outside cuz what if ppl judge me or are mean to me or whatever what if i cant fit in what if i look weird what if im targeted what if what if what if
so ive been going on for the past like... since march 2020 at minimum being like "im such an anxious mess i wish i coudl get my anxiety in check" and im sure thats a lot of it but ALSO
uhm... I used the word masking (i dont use it often cuz idk if it fits me and i also acknowledge its generally language used by autistic folk but also realizing now that maybe its something most neurodivergent folk can use? - plz dont get angry at me please if i use wrong words btw i'm uneducated and still teaching myself ; - ; but also clearly this makes sense for me also - and my therapist was basically like "okay, so, before we go forward, do you think that masking has anything to do with your agoraphobia?" as a point of asking me to think it over before we keep talking about it and for me to really personally think about it and digest it and... wow?? folks i think ive been masking so hard I burnt myself out?? which doing google research briefly i realize is definitely a thing (masking burn out) and i fucking
i cant believe ive been like "im burnt out because school is hard and im anxious all the time cuz im scared of ppl and thats it" when like yes thats fair and probably doesnt help but ALSO- WOAH MAYBE IM BURNT OUT BECAUSE EVEN TO OPEN MY FRONT DOOR TO GET MAIL IM ALWAYS LIKE OGH I GOTTA LOOK OKAY I GOTTA LOOK "NORMAL" I GOTTA GET READY I GOTTA PREP I GOTTA SWITCH ON THE NORMAL ME
if someone is delivering something i have to dress and brush my hair and preen and look in the mirror and take a mmoment to set myself up let alone if i go out into public spaces.
and we were talking and they asked what masking does for and to me, like whats the good whats the bad and like ive always known i wear myself out trying to be around ppl and public but i just chocked it up to being introverted. which is still a valid thing but thats maybe not... everything....
and i thought about it for a moment quietly and started getting a little choked up and was like, well masking makes me feel safe and makes me feel in control and right and like no one will pick me out to bother me or whatever. but then i started getting teary eyed and crying cuz.
i hate it. i HATE masking i HATE having to sit myself up right and preening myself til i have a head ache and i hate sitting on buses and the entire time being a whole experience where im just "dont look out that window its too close to that person theyll think youre looking at them and dont sloutch or youll look weird and dont move too much youll look weird and dont firdget youll look suspicious and dont look around youll look suspicious and definitely dont look at anyone or smile or wave and dont do anything just look out your window or your phone. NOTHIGN ELSE" and like... hm maybe thats not normal!!!??? I come home and im so tired im so tired and my clothes hurt me and my body hurts and im tense and im so burnt out emotionally and physically i avoid hanging out with friends because i feel like i have to act a certain way anyway when they know me and we both know theres no expectation for me to mask myself?? but i dont know how to turn it off at all.
its reminds me of finally learning to be okay with my hair. with not preening the fuck out of it before i go anywhere. that my natural dried hair is okay and good even. i rmember being in elementary school and i straightened my hair everyday because i have wavy hair and would brush it a lot and didnt know how to take care of it so it'd be a puffy long mess so the only way i knew how to fix that was the straighten it- and i remember one weekday night my straightener died and i was in HYSTERICS!!! I was crying!!! and begging!!! my mom for us to go to walmart to go get a new one. I literally felt like if I had to go to school the next day without my hair done that i would DIE!!!! something HORRIBLE would happen i wouldnt be normal enough and it would be the end for me or whatever. it freaked me out so SEVERELY. and like... i just chocked that up to anxiety and bullying, which yes it absolutely was. but maybe also... masking?? doing my little preening and things to make myself look less like a "weird kid" like less of a target
and like when i was a kid i always wanted to dress emo. i wanted the finger less gloves and i wanted the shaggy dark hair and i wanted the detailed outfits and the boots and the converse and the everything but i was SO SCARED to be seen as weird or out of place or give kids one more reason to bully me. and i remember being in high school like 9th grade and wearing striped fingerless gloves to school and i was so happy about them and at my locker some kids in my grade were lurking around behind me and loudly said something making fun of my gloves but not @ me just in general but it was 100% @ me even if i wasnt looking or involved. and i took them off... and i never wore them outside again... and then i sold them and got rid of them...
but like it took me so long to get to the point of like i care so much what ppl think but i also want to be what i want to look like and getting my hair cut SHORT and THEN dying it black and feeling like myself? i was so so scared out of my mind going in the next day but.... i also loved it?
and its just so fucked because i do all this shit to pretend to be normal and fine and safe and a trusting gentle person and I am, i am, its not a lie at all, but i make so much effort to make sure its a seeable attribute that like- helllooo??? IM ALT!!! IM GAY!! IM VISIBLY QUEER AND DRESS WEIRD!!! but im scared of being seen as weird?? what the fuck bro
and i know thats also internalized mental health stuff absolutely. even just saying "normal" and "weird" is very... yucky but i dont really know how else to describe it. but i see myself saying that and doing that and know its anti-mental health and anti-neurodivergence to feed into that within myself and externally
anyway just... damn man, im burnt out from masking all the damn time all my life and im just so tired of it to the point its easier to stay inside its easier to not take public transit its easier to get groceries delivered its easier to never go for a walk on my own its easier to do x y z but im deeply deeply unhappy
i think independence is so important to me, to be able to do what i want and where i want and do it ON MY OWN!!! i HATE relying on people i hate it so much. its not even so much the ego its just the feeling like i need to repay people for their kindness and money or gifts. and unless its specifically and perfectly said to not leave any doubts in my mind- im always going to feel like i need to repay them or that im a mooch and a bad person for accepting offers when i know i cant give them back?
just... fuck me man. and like my therapist brought up the fact i live with "strangers" and questioned how that effects me and like i cant remember where the end of that question or suggestion went but its true. i live with ppl i dont know too much past being nice people that dont seem to judge me or will allow me to have space without trying to talk me up or intrude on my personal space/personal time. but like....... yeah i couldnt begin to imagine what thats also doing to me.
thankfully ive gotten a lot better about living with strangers (ive been renting rooms in houses with other random tenants for the past ... 5 or so years?- this is the first place that wasnt student housing) but like man the gymnastics ive had to do to get comfortable just leaving my room to go to the bathroom let alone all the way down to the kitchen in the PvP zone. yeesh but yeah thankfully roomies now are super cool and super chill and will talk about problems without being passive aggressive or mean or confusing about it. ; w ;
anyway im rambling as fuck but uhm... yeah im burnt the fuck out and literally so tired all the time and anxious all the time and its probably got a lot to do with me internalizing what it means to be different, what it means to be queer and neurodiverse and what it means to my body and mind to try and pretend and switch on the "im normal and im safe and im a safe person to be around and im a nice person and im not a threat and im just minding my buisness" act that ive been switching on since i was old enough to be anxious about going to the front of the store without my parents to put a coin in the candy machine and trying to not freak out about the fact i COULD "look like im shop lifting or that i dont belong " even though ive never been in trouble for that when i was a kid and i never shoplifted as a kid and i was just doing what any kid would do????
so who else drinking the fucked up juice that makes you fucked up?
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gooseclaws · 1 year
ive just begun to figure out yarn spinner and its a neat tool! the biggest benefits i see are:
the vs code extension adds a visual editor to show relationships between nodes of a script
the ability to write with commands in yarn spinner will drive method development in unity/C#
for 1, what ive started doing is using a dummy yarn script to outline the main branches of the story. i want to have at least two main paths the player can take--not sure yet if theyll need to be mutually exclusive--and then some variation within those paths. being able to visually see the paths is so much easier than any other method imo. ive used sticky notes to help outline parts of fics before and that really helped, especially when trying to figure out the "right" order of events
for 2, being able to put in something like
<<jump Connie>>
will be a clear signal later that i need a Jump() method at least for connie and possibly for other characters. (i dont know how much jumping will be going on, but you never know with teenagers)
so the yarn files for the project arent just essential parts of the program that deliver the dialogue ive written to the game's dialogue manager, but are also kind of a statement of narrative intent? ive never written a screenplay but it seems very similar to how a screenwriter will put in brief descriptions of setting, action, tone, etc., and then that guides the rest of the production crew in set design, casting, direction, acting, etc. obviously as production gets underway all of those aspects are in conversation with each other and with the script, so the script can change if parts of it prove impossible or costly or time-consuming to execute. i think itll be the same here. and it should keep me interested for a while because if i get frustrated with one part i can always jump onto another.
i think im only halfway through ff16 so im still not putting a lot of time into this but i am enjoying the poking-around that im doing now!
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seungwoonies · 3 years
but like a parcel travels safely literally half across the globe only for the clowns in my own country to lose it due to import taxes needing to be paid  like .... MAKE IT MAKE SENSE
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threepointseven · 3 years
A Himbo boyfriend
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Type- HC’s 🌷
Flowers included!🌼= albedo x m!reader, kaeya x m!reader, xiao x m!reader, diluc x m!reader
A bimbo girlfriend
Genshin masterlist
💐Your bouquet has been delivered <3💐
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he never thought he’d be dating you, the man that was well known for being strong and charming, yet extremely dumb. Being the chief alchemist in mondstat held an immense amount of pressure in the title and everday the string that held the stress kept getting thinner.
That was before you came into his life. The stress piled up on his shoulders suddenly disappeared with your arrival, you were fresh air that helped him be more optimistic about his repetitive job.
He loves how energetic you are, it cheers him up everyday when he’s reminded of the monotonous place in dragonspine he goes to everyday, your energy saturates his dull little world and he couldnt care less if you dont understand many complex things.
Your dumb questions actually sort of amuse him, whenever you ask a dumb question while rolling around on his office chair full of energy he cant help but smile slightly.
He’ll answer all your questions though! Hes not sure how to explain it in a way you'd understand but he’ll answer all of them.
Your energy is what keeps him going everyday ngl- everyday he looks so tired and your bursts of energy and how loud you are just wakes him up,
He doesnt understand the idea of jealousy but he learns how it is when he catches women all over you, touching at your biceps and caressing your clothed chest, showering you in compliments, he gets a bit protective when he finds out how much power you have with your looks despite your decreasing IQ
he will sometimes get a bit bugged when you wake him up in the middle of the night filled with energy but other than that he loves everything about your dumb himbo ass
“Hey bedo!” “Hm?”
“How do you spell orange?”
The small smile on his face turns into an unreadable one as he deadpans.
“U-uh… o-r-a-n-g-e…”
“Thanks baby!”
You kiss your boyfriend on the head as you take note of the spelling
“Y-y/n did you go to school..?”
He swears in his head you have the same amount of knowledge as klee, maybe even less.. even she can spell orange!
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Genuinely confused as to why he fell inlove with you, its a mystery to all tbh! He’s one of the most famous and one of the wealthiest people in tevyat and when word gets around hes dating some dude whos concerningly handsome and has an average IQ of 5 the entire continent goes up in gossip
He tells you not to worry about it when people stare but you know better than to care, your the one dating diluc ragnvindr.
Hes so dull and quiet his entire life changed when you and your undying energy came into his life. Everyday was greeted with your energetic self and he couldn’t ask for more. Your energy and liveliness always lightens up his day, he wont admit it but it does.
Your dumb questions dont amuse him in the slightest <3 hes quite very much done. But he’ll answer all of them monotonously
He really thought no one could compete with his looks honestly. Thats until he saw a hoard of women all over you going absolute feral for your biceps and your muscles, fangirling and caressing your chest like it was a work of art of something
He was furious, shoved all the women off of you and took his tall hot strong dumbass back to his home
The fact you dont understand anything complex is a pain in the ass to him but kinda adorable. Knowing hes smarter than you boost his ego a lot- he hates when anyone ever comments on your knowledge, if they say anything bad about you and how your not smart theyll be greeted by his fist.
That personality trait of yours, being a dumbass that oblivious and gullible just makes him wanna subtly protect you even more and he kills everyone who tries and insults you 😡 (and flirt with you, only diluc gets to see ur man boobs)
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He was completely and utterly infatuated with you ever since he met you. You stood there in his office because of a friend looking through books you didnt understand.
Even before you started daying he would flirt with you every chance he got staring at you amusingly as you tried to decipher his words.
When you started dating the flirting became non stop, showering you in praise and teases regarding how charming you were or how even though you have no idea how to do basic maths he loves you either way 😍
Your energy was something he loved more than anything in life, your optimism always put a smile on his face and made him forget about all the bumps and the obstacles in life. If he had a terrible day at work for example all he would need is a kiss from you or a dumb question coming out of your mouth and hed be smiling in no time
No matter how much people think your bursts of energy are annoying he’ll always love them sm and tease you.
The fact you are an absolute dumbass doesnt matter to him, if you want he’ll teach you stuff. Despite his flirty personality if you genuinely want to learn something he’ll take time out of his day to try and explain it to you in the simplest way possible
He doesnt get jealous at the sight of women & men fangirling over you but instead joins them in while glaring competitively at the crowd thats caressing your chest
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You annoyed him at first, you were taller than him looked stronger than him had 100 times more energy than him and was straight-up stupid.
It was everyday of the week, the moment you got back from a commission or an adventure youd skip to wangshu inns balcony to talk to xiao and ask him borderline idiotic questions about liyue and basic things like how to spell “light”
He’ll never admit it but within that era of blooming love he never found it annoying, he loved your company and the dumb questions made him feel fairly smart. You’ll never see it but theres a soft smile on his face whenever you run up to him full of energy engulfing him into a hug with your tall figure. (Stares at ur man boobs ngl 😊)
He always accidentally talks about you when hes having conversations with zhongli too 😭 maybe its about your dumb questions or how energetic you are but theres never the slightest bit of hostility in the claims, its like he’s saying he enjoys the dumb questions and the energy.
He may or may not jab at you whenever you ask questions like how to spell liyue but he doesnt actually mean it—
He never understood the concept of jealousy till he met you, the first time he saw a crowd of people squeezing your biceps and touching at your skin made him go feral and he literally threatened everyone 🙁
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yukisnowywriting · 3 years
Prank Of Trust
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Luke Pearce x fem!reader
Genre : fluff and a little angst(?), some comfort maybe (?), a very questionable genre (?) crack
Warning : mentions of sexual harrasment/abuse, mentions of preganancy, mentions of cheating.
a/n : this was random ehehe...
summary : your friend is positivly pregnant and after she announced to her husband, she came to you to deliver the news AND the pregnancy test... but what if she forgot about the test, left it there, and then she told you to prank Luke?
Why did you get in this mess... Your friend barged in yours and Lukes shared apartment to say shes pregnant with the test in her hand, tells you the story how she noticed it, selfied with you, updated her social media, and then left.... without noticing she left the important test results... and now your calling her on the phone, her answer? simple
"...WAIT I DID??? HAHAHHAH I DIDNT KNOW- wait Luke is living with you right??? HOW ABOUT YOU TRY TO PRANK HIM???HAHHAHA im so smart! dont worry about the results! ill explain that its all MY FAULT if it gets bad! hes supposed to be home in the night right? you just said that! ill get the test results tommoro-" as she was about to continue her 'beautiful idea' the door opens...
"im home~ y/n~ hehehe! It finished quickly this time! now more time to spend with you~" he comes in the apartment with a big cheerful smile.
and your just to stunned to speak while your friend say "goodluck imma mute and hear in silence! hhihihi!" and mutes her end on the call.
But now your just frozen and speechless of what you should do... you shouldnt do-
"hm? what are you doing?" Luke asks from behind you a few steps away from the door with an innocent face...
'well- im stupid! this prank should be fine~' you thought but you really dont know what to say as he takes slow steps closer and you standing there frozen.
"hey did you hear me? you okay?" he asks getting worried
and your worried too becuz you dont know how this is going to end, but still, you are STUPID and you want to see his reaction. but still your scared
"l-luke- I-i- " your stuttering so much that it doesnt sound like an act, BECUZ IT ISNT your scared (IM SCARED TOO), and now your hands are shaking too...
and then the test dropped "hm? you dropped something" he then bows down to pick it up, and examine it, but then he realizes what it is...
"what?" his face turns dark with emotions of nervousness, fear, and then a tinge of anger comes up.
"what is this? why do you have this? what happened? can you explain..." he says with a dark expression fuming anger but you could see sadness in his face.
"i- its not what you think-" he then grabs your shoulder, the test now on the table.
"who was it?" he stares in you dead serious
you were getting scared and panicked "i-its really not that! i wouldnt" you are actually quite pained now that you think the first conclusion was you cheating, you want to cry but then you feel him embrace you...
"w-what?" confused you throw him a question.
"im sorry... im sorry i couldnt do anything..." he says with a little crack in his voice as if hes trying to hold on to a cry
"what do you mean?" you ask confusingly
"i-im sorry you had to face that... can you tell me who did it? ill make sure theyll pay for what theyve done to you. We never did it, and you sometimes come home late these days, when and where did it happen? its ok, you dont have to tell me now-" "w-wait!" you cut him off
"h-huh?? im sorry did i say something wrong??" "n-no thats not it! i-"
"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH" you hear a loud laughfrom your phone.
"s-sorry i couldnt hold it! you to are so cute! WTF??? cant believe my friends are so innocent!! rather than saying y/n cheated, you concluded that she was harrased! AAAAAAAAKH SO CUTE- I SWEAR I SHIP THIS. NOW get married." Your friend giggled while the victims of her 'creativity' are too frozen.
"w-wait? so what exactly happened?? i think i got something wrong..." Luke says confused.
"Ah! right! so heres the thing..." your friend then explains and right after her explanation, her husband called her so she ended the call.
you two exhaled a deep sigh after she ended the call.
"hehehehe i thought you were saying who did i cheat on you with..." you giggle remembering what happened
"hm?? why would you suggest that? ofc you wont do that to me, and plus i trust you sooo much! i wouldnt even think youd cheat on me! hm hm!" he huffs out
you giggled "ofc i wont do that! ive prepared aome snack and i planned a movie! so? want to have indoors date?" you grin at him
"of course i do!" he hugs you and picks you up, bringing you to the couch.
"thank you for trusting me so much, Luke. I love you" you say with a genuine smile as you gaze at his eyes.
"mhm, i love you too" he says before he captures your lips into a kiss full of affection.
'its real. the most comfortable place where i belong is definitely in your arm'
Well this finished earlier than I expected, i guess I got fired up (ㆁωㆁ). Welp enjoy!
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endcant · 3 years
this is a post abt art and content updates and shit as promised like 12 hours ago or something
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first order of business is the free stuff. i posted a set of six 16:9 abstract phone backgrounds for free or pay what you want. theyll be free to download until April 20th, 2022, so get them while they're free. or dont get them for free. either way, take a look on my shop to find them: https://ko-fi.com/endcant/shop
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next up, ive made a set of 16 abstract backgrounds, which are free bonus content that i made for any new and continuing monthly supporters, including anybody who joins at any membership tier from today until April 20th, 2022. They're available in aspect ratios of 9:16, 16:9, 19.5:9, though theyre all around phone-appropriate resolution. ill be providing monthly supporters a download link that will be temporarily available for a period of time that i havent really decided on. im not gonna take it down on April 20th or even in the next few months, i just don't know if ill be able to have an indefinite amount of content hosted for an indefinite amount of time. make sure to sign up & download them if you want them, though.
also, different categories of monthly supporter rewards made available based on membership tier will begin to be delivered starting April 20, 2022. check out my memberships and what each of those will offer on my ko-fi membership tiers page: https://ko-fi.com/endcant/tiers
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one other note is that I wrote a small intro post to one of my planned post series on my blog @instrumence. its not much yet. also, im hoping to maybe put out another NFT Hate World before summer rolls around, so if you have any information or pieces of graphic design that you want to contribute, feel free to DM me here or send an ask or something to @nfthateworld.
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finally, im hoping to maybe stream for a short bit tonight or tomorrow, provided i can get my laptop and wifi to work together in accordance with some positive whim of fate. also if i dont pass out earlier than planned. whether or not i do stream tonight, i will stream sometime eventually at https://twitch.tv/endcant
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stellocchia · 3 years
yo,i have an idea for an au: in the bedrock bros era,dream decides to call in that favor. techno just hands tommy over to dream. i dont have all the details figured out but at one point when dream is asking tommy "you dont think techno really CARED about you,right?" (tommy supposes dream was right in the end) he says something along the lines of "he probably just wants you to blow up lmanburg". tommy internally notes how scarily specific that was and goes to warn NLM so they can prepare
tubbo's pretty distressed bc he thought tommy was DEAD and they decide theyll talk about that later and rescinds tommy's status as an expatriate bc "well,you cant exactly still be exiled when everyone thinks youre dead" and they prepare for doomsday. and it ISNT a mass destruction. NLM isnt bedrock by the end of things. techno tries to pull the "U betrayed me" card on tommy but tommy points out that techno betrayed him FIRST when he gave him to dream.
Bold of you to assume that Dream would have made it possible for him to escape if he ever caught him again!
Fairly sure he would have either been put in prison or just had surveillance 24/7
That said it could be interesting to see all the little smart ways in which he would try to either escape or, at the very least, get his message delivered. Perhaps one of Phil's crows could help him with the second objective? Oh, that could be cool!
And if he DID manage to get his message across through a Philza crow, Phil may actually find out about Techno selling him back with pretty much no hesitation.
So I offer you the alternate ending of Phil talking with Tubbo and the two of them teaming up. NLM doesn't get razed to bedrock thanks to his help and Dream gets his ass beaten sooner than expected thanks to the impromptu team up coming to knock on his door.
Phil still would not forgive them for trying to kill Techno and putting him on house arrest or anything of the sort, but he would realize that Techno wasn't quite the saint ether, especially if he tries to use the "u betrayed me" card on Phil. I can just hear the disappointed "mate...". So, you know, neutral Phil mostly.
And Tommy's ingenuity is the reason they managed to team up anyway, so he wouldn't lose any of his badassery either!
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
ohohoho chami dearest…. you spoil me so… <3333 (๑´• ₃ •̀๑) <333 one thing i really really appreciate about ur blog is! actually everything. LOL i truly love it here i think(?) your blog is relatively new but as you might know, dom reader/sub love interest blogs and fics are already SO hard to find as is; subby yandere centered blogs are even HARDER to come by!! i get theres a certain charm in being dominated (i guess) but seeing a little cutie on their knees in front of you, all panty and blushy and eager….. i need more of that…! and you have delivered in all ways possible <333 lysm !! i really really appreciate u!!! <333 i feel like now IM the one sounding all obsessive ehehehe
speaking of which…. whats your love language? im curious! you can easily take a quiz by searching ‘lovelanguage quiz’ online, idk if youve ever taken one before!! you might have already, i dont know :0 i just think it would be so cute if yans found out about their darlings love language and did their best to give them affection in that way!! even if it didnt exavtly match up with THEIR love language…
that being said, their love language is well, you! so theyll do their best to cater to your needs!! words of affirmation? theyll tell you what they love about you EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. all the time. (its a bit excessive, really, but you canr bring yourself to cut off their ranting about you, even if its been going on for hours…) physical touch? well, theyll do their best to hold your hand without throwing up or shaking or sweating or passing out. quality time? they’ve already got that down! (idk if stalking can be counted as quality time, though…)
so happy you like attention bc i’ll shower you w it!! i honestly don’t keep up w many blogs (in terms of interacting w them) but id like to be friends w you if you’d allow it!! chami <333 chami <33 im p sure you’ll be able to recognize my actual user @ atp, but we can just pretend you dont <33
yes yes!!! ive always been a bit.. picky with my dom yanderes due to various reasons and i always felt bored when reading strictly dominant yanderes who just degrade you and tend to be rly rly mean or having the dom reader be so... unnatural? i don't wanna be mean to anyone, i also do enjoy a few more dominant yanderes and i love others writings but they don't rly fit what im looking for!! and i wanna encourage ppl to seek out content they like AND i wanna encourage other writers to try and write different dynamics !!! a submissive top, a dominant bottom, service tops, just write some niche stuff!!
ive always been a very dominant person and ive never enjoyed having to read about yanderes who beat the reader (literally or figuratively) into submission cause, well. that's not me! i want me a classic yandere who squeals when i yell at them, who sees me hitting them or hugging them as the same thing!!! but i do also enjoy a good service top (i always imagine them holding silver platters, wearing nothing but a bowtie, a funny top hat and a black thong and doing the classic butler pose) but a service top also ties into the weird need to step on a yanderes thigh while they're kneeling and have them smile up at me through the pain or moan when they accidentally bump their hip into a sharp corner cause theyve been pavlov'd to always associate pain with pleasure (and me! <3 in a very consensual and non toxic way. i don't wanna just spend my time beating my poor yandere :()
which i guess makes sense because my love language is acts of service! i love going things for people and i love having people do things for me!!! a close second would be gift giving but that's just because im greedy lol. i can already see a yandere taking this to the extreme and coddling me (something i hate) by always doing everything for me until i eventually snap at them and then they spend the next few hours begging for forgiveness
which is weird! because i really don't like needy ppl who need my attention on the 24/7 or else they'll spend hours whining and asking for reassurance (this is fantasy why am I taking this so seriously) which is. kinda stupid because the base layer of being a yandere is being needy??? but i think that also just ties into why i like sub yanderes! i have control most of the time! i want alone time? they'll stalk me from a distance! i don't want them putting cameras in the bathroom (i never liked this idea as someone with stomach issues. somethings not even my fantasy yandere needs to know about) fine! they'll just make it suicide proof which is fair and they also demand having walkie talkies in there so they can check in when their anxiety is too high. they physically can't handle leaving me alone? they'll let me tie them up for a while and leave em at home while i do stuff. they wanna kill all of my friends? no. bad yandere. ive had enough bad relationships in my life and i can excuse the stalking, taking of undergarments (but at least replace the expensive ones, damn), possible killing of my enemies, etc etc but i draw the line at being a dick! (again, please know i don't encourage this kind of behavior irl. for roleplay purposes and fantasy purposes ONLY.)
plus, something just gets my heart racing when some pathetic lil cutie is desperately trying to hide how desperate they are for me! again, im an attention whore at heart and i desperately need some obsessive lil nerd (think discord mod oc but cute!) to give me the attention and love i deserve! feed my ego! i refuse to be humbled by a dom yandere >:(
and subby yanderes are so cute and can fit into any category! you want it rough? a yandere with a knife obsession (rival yan is perfect for this) or maybe you wanna be spoilt? CEO yandere who'll let you spit in their face, call them an idiot and then let you drain their bank account while thanking you! (just don't hit them too hard, they're very sensitive:() or maybe you're more of a sadist? rival yandere is there for you! enjoy bottoming but don't like getting dommed? submissive service top! (again, CEO yandere!) or maybe you just adore babying and humiliating your yandere! sensitive yandere will let you call them a filthy whore all day long!
maybe you enjoy platonic yanderes who are more submissive as well (but not in a sexual way) then the girly yandere is for you! sure, they were written romantically but any character can be written as platonic! (except maybe rival yandere or sensitive yandere. they both have issues some serious issues- well, maybe sensitive yandere could be more platonic, who knows!) or maybe a doting parental figure? CEO yan will happily take you in! anyone who crosses your path will be begging for forgiveness in no time! submissive yandere can also be p platonic, maybe they're your big sibling (it's weird using traditionally sexual rhetoric to describe a familial role uegh there has to be a better word for it) who always gives you what you want! gifts? candy? games? a ride somewhere? help beating the shit out of a friend who hurt you? they'll do it all! (i always imagine Tanjiro from Demon Slayer like this.. except he has more morals than a yandere but only slightly lol)
there's just so much potential!!!! <33 and id love to be friends with you sunny darling but i have a confession... i try not to pay attention to who likes what or who doesn't like what! despite being an attention whore, it's so tiring feeling my hopes sink when someone who likes EVERYTHING doesn't like something :( so i just don't pay attention to it! but i love making friends!! EVERYONE should feel free to dm me!! all i ask is to please respect my boundaries (in my pinned post) and to pls be patient with me (im very autistic and socially underdeveloped so chatting is hard sometimes) and don't worry about "coming on too strong" or smthin like that! the entire reason i made this blog is for more dominant ppl (and again! love submissive ppl as well and also welcome them here!) who are okay with setting boundaries! which means i like setting boundaries! and i enjoy practicing setting them! and i think it'd be good for other ppl (esp you sunny :3) to maybe practice taking up space! talking a lot, being loud, or just fairly dominant when traditionally you aren't supposed to be isn't a bad thing! and if someone has an issue with it, trust them to tell you and talk it out like mature adults (cause this is an 18+ blog!) and if they don't wanna talk it out or just don't tell you why they have an issue with you, you don't need them in your life. you have too much shit to deal with to add someone being an asshole on top of that!
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entities-of-posts · 3 years
*strides into the archive with the top half of a small buck on my back, antlers framing my shoulders and the ragged, crushed wound showing its ribs and slowly dripping on the floor*
hey again Archivist, im back with another statement, and a request if youd be so kind as to humor me.
*slings the Carcass over my shoulder and sits down in front of the Archivist with it at my side*
*(an astute observer would notice the ripple of skin and bone as Teeth retreat beneath the flesh of my back, and a few more indentations in fur than might be strictly necessary)*
i felt the call of Rot when i was a boy. it was never anything serious, just an aesthetic appreciation of fungus and a proclivity to taste the crunchier bugs; but i can sympathize with the kid in your bathroom. in fact, ive brought him a little gift.
*slings the bag to my front; holds it out for the Archivist to take, doesnt wait for it to reach back, and rests it on whatever surface is between us*
...you know junebugs? chunky little fuckers, with a real strong grip and wingbeats that could break the sound barrier. those were always my favorite, an inoffensive if not boring flavor but such an exquisite crunch, especially the bigger ones that really hold tight to your tongue. grasshoppers are pretty crunchy too, but its not as fun to get kicked in the cheek if you dont bite down fast enough.
the weird ones are honeybees, though. if theyre comfortable enough you can get a mouthful without the rest even noticing. it doesnt even dawn on them to sting until you start to chew, and then its already too late for most of them. theyll just crawl over your tongue and teeth, happy in the damp darkness of a mouth just as a hive, absolutely clueless to their looming fate.
...hm. im realizing that this story isnt exactly your typical "record of fear" statement. more of a record of predation. or maybe bullying.
anyway, you can tell me where the boy is at, or ill just open every door in this maze until i find him. i think hell have a lot of fun with it though :) strength training of a sort! haha.
...or you could deliver it yourself, i guess. but please do deliver it quickly, i wouldnt want him to miss out over something silly like unconsciousness.
Yes, I will deliver those myself. But thank you, he’ll probably enjoy meeting them, if not eating them. I’m sure you understand that one of the Hive might feel a little different about these little guys than one of the Flesh such as you; regardless, the gift will be appreciated, I’m sure, and it’s very kind of you to think of him.
Though I have just a small piece of advice, Lance; learn what jokes not to make.
Still, nice to See you again, and I do hope you don’t mind that The Detective pulled a leg off your prize, terribly sorry about that. Isn’t he such an adorable little rascal?
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So in the illiad it states that all olympian gods gathering at olympus was quite a rare event and reserved for special occasions, but like, what did that look like? The Zues fam at dinner?
Just Hera and Athena being very devoted to a conversation about weaving while desperatly trying to ignore Zues intensly flirting with ganymedes (his """personal cup server""")
Meanwhile Aphrodite and Ares almost falling of their chairs making out, Hephaestus right next to them, incredibly uncomfortable.
Dionisus passed out already even though its been like 10 minutes, Ariadne and Hermes trying to figure out how theyll get him home.
Artemis failing to convince Hebe not to go for this Heracles guy because hes trash, Hebe "accidentally" spilling all the nectar onto her.
Hestia and Demeter exchanging recepies, while Demeter keeps glancing over at Hades angrily, who's attempting to get drunk enough not to hear Poseidon talk about horses anymore.
Apollo chugging little bits of abrosia at Eros mumbeling something about his true love of the day, acidentally hitting Eris instead. Eris immediately prepared to start a fight over it gets reminded by her sister Harmonia to "do the breathing options we talked about"
Persphone and Amphirite both already done with this crap taking a walk outside in the gardens talking about flowers and work staff, even though Persephone is a little worried someone might get hurt if Hades is left alone with the family, Amphirite doesnt care since at least she wont have to clean up the mess her own husband makes this time.
Iris returnig from delivering a message, deciding to just go home and come back tomorrow instead of losing her faith in the gods by getting closer.
I dont know why I wrote this??? I just cant get that scene out of my head. Have nice day.
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