#i just get such a rush from writing a really good paragraph or description or whatever
utahimeow · 10 months
i rly think writing is what i’m meant to do
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mightymizora · 10 months
hello new followers!
I've had a lot of new followers recently and I'm going to take this opportunity to plug my fics, because that's why I am here (between shitposts and rushed meta.) So! I'm going to do a game I've been threatening to do for a LONG time, and I'm going to invite other writers to do the same.
Rules are that you plug a handful of your fics from your current fandom(s), give a quick summary, and then put in 1-2 lines from comments as reviews. Because fuck it, self-promotion is fine actually.
The Portrait
BG3. 6.5k one shot, Enver Gortash/The Dark Urge. Lord Gortash requests a portrait of his paramour. The pay is good, the contract legitimate. It seems almost too good to be true... In pre-canon, a young artist takes a job from an upcoming player in Baldur's Gate society. "The voice was amazing, the descriptions are poignant without getting too far in the weeds, you show so much without telling explicitly." "if i could frame this fic and put it up on my wall, i would in a heartbeat! literally the definition of perfection"
Monster, Mine
BG3, 7k one shot. Enver Gortash/The Dark Urge. There is a beast haunting the city, and there is a tentative reaching of hands across the table. In pre-canon, Enver Gortash tries to find the truth of the Slayer. "This is a genuinely stunning piece of fiction." "Their poisonous codependency and joint descent into it is the absolute delight to read!"
Even if Love
BG3, 8k, short chapters. Multiple. Shades of love for The Dark Urge, Orin The Red, Enver Gortash, Wisteria Jannath, Sceleritas Fel, Kressa Bonedaughter, Lae'zel, Minthara Baenre, Sarevok Anchev and Araj Oblodra. Can be read individually, but they do build a narrative together. "it is a crime that AO3 only allows one kudos for a whole fic" "All so distinct and sharply observed, and such gorgeous writing throughout!"
Blood and Bone, Bone and Blood
BG3. 3.5K one shot. Ketheric Thorm/The Dark Urge A collection of moments between Bhaal and Myrkul’s chosen as they are bound together with Gortash as the chosen of the Dead Three. "It simply drips with style. Gorgeous prose." "Feral about this fic"
The First Leaf on the Tree after Winter
BG3. 9k, multi-chapter. Halsin/Jaheira. Background Wyll/Karlach. Their time was a century before, she thinks. What can they be, these old souls rooted in their ways, these observers of the world, these failed heroes? "All the kudos here. The ultimate kudos. Oh I really loved this." "I reached the end with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. so bittersweet and beautiful. I adore every word."
Breath and Rosewater
BG3, 20k, multi-chapter ongoing. Gale/Tav She has always loved music for many reasons; the patterns that present themselves, and the sheer joy of playing. Working out the fingering, and bringing joy to others. The breath before the first note. The freedom that comes from following your heart and letting it soar. He has always loved magic for every reason; the study of it, the power in it. The quiet contemplation of hours of learning, the thrill of application on the battlefield, and off of it. The understanding that comes from complete control of your craft. "most well-constructed intro paragraph that i've read in awhile—we get such a strong sense of glim, her expertise, her pride in her art, in just four sentences." "Oh this whole thing is so beautiful. i adore your prose."
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attapullman · 2 months
Let's talk writing, and how rewarding it can be to do it properly.
I've been thinking a lot, and several of my thoughts navigate back to this post - one of my favourites about fan fiction and why writing is so important.
This absolutely extends to writing style! It takes time to not only write the piece, but re-read/beta it, add punctuation, finesse plot, and double check your grammar! Every time I read through one of my own fics I find something new to tweak to capture the vision, which is part of the 'slow dopamine' the post refers to.
This proofreading process actually prolongs enjoyment of your fic! You get to sit in those scenes a bit longer, have fun figuring out if you should have dialogue that's more choppy or a paragraph with one line to be punchy. In the moment it feels great to just put words on the page and hit publish, but in the long run the more time you spend with a fic until publishing the more connected you'll feel to the story.
Plus then you get to think about the style of your writing!
Writing isn't just words - it's also the visual. How does it look on the page? Is the amount of dialogue you have what you envisioned? Do your scenes have enough description?
Once you've mastered the basics of a high school English class, then you can break the rules! Get creative, have fun, be a rebel in the margins!
Those slow dopamine hits peak now, because you're seeing your entire fic come together exactly as you envisioned - not in a typo-ridden text post that is just a keyboard smash of your brain rot. Now others can enjoy your story just as you enjoy it!
That quick dopamine hit is a one night stand: quick, rushed, and in the moment exactly what you need to itch that scratch. And you may regret it, especially when other's are free to judge it. But taking time to revise your story and really put your best into it? That's the lifelong relationship with a partner who knows you intrinsically and fulfills your needs.
Now you can add a header, pop a little synopsis, and put a 'read more' for good measure before sending into the world!
And if you're upset/scared because you don't know basic English skills and are using this 'quick hit' style to hide behind? READ! Find authors you love and learn from them. Ask others to beta for you and teach you the trade. There's also plenty of online programs like Grammarly that will proofread for punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
It's time for us to get our slow dopamine hits and create content we're not only proud of, but will spark a revolution of spending time on our writing!
You might also be shocked at how much more engagement you receive...😉
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desceros · 10 months
pls, wise one, when you have time, share with your children how you structure and word your writing so, so beautifully! cause you have me in a choke hold and my soul hooked to a chain with all your writings! especially your Tea fic :) I strive to become as good as you <3
oh man. this is a tough one. i kinda, uh. just do it at this point without really thinking?? so hold my hand and maybe we can figure it out together LMAO i'll use an example blurb and try and break it down as coherently as i can.
so first you want to have a pretty clear picture of what you want to convey to your reader. the more defined it is in your head, the more easily you can communicate things to your readers. eventually you'll get a feel for how much detail to go into as you describe it. you really don't need to describe the placement of every limb at every moment... but also, the placement of a hand can tell you so much about what's going on in a character's mind, so it's good to know where it is. there's a fine line between purple prose and effective set dressing.
i was just whining about not writing enough soft donnie so let's do that. he's on the couch staring at you. let's write that really quickly:
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notice i don't talk about his entire body placement, but the looseness of his limbs is important. it gives a picture of his mental state without overwhelming you with too much detail.
next: i like to start with big, grand statements, then slowly pluck them apart into the minutia. things like. he looks comfortable. ok; what does that look like? what shape does he take in your head? for me, it's that he's reclining. propping himself up casually. i emphasize the 'soft. relaxed.' by having them be their own short sentences.
on that note, mixing your sentence length is very important and guides the flow of things. longer sentences are like water, bringing your reader down the river you've crafted for them. short sentences have a lot of power, because they're a lot more percussive. you want to use them sparingly so you don't overuse that and retain that feel. mix where you put your independent and dependent phrases, but also know when to mirror yourself. parallel structure can invite your reader to compare ideas or generate momentum. for example, continuing this blurb a bit:
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every sentence begins the same, going from long to medium to short in a way that makes the flow of the paragraph feel a bit like a snowball rolling down a hill, like your thoughts are rushing, so that by the end you can land on a thought that's monumental and feels a little breathless. this is possible because of the parallel structure of the sentences ("like ____. like ____. like _____.") pushing the reader forward. you can of course do it in the opposite direction as well, for when you want to slow a reader down and force them to linger in a moment.
word choice is very important. i'm pretty particular about the words i use for certain things, and i really love using similes and metaphors to create abstract imagery that catches the light more than a flat statement. but it's also important to know when to use those flat statements for a high-impact statement. let's try:
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this kind of falls into my philosophy on the whole 'show don't tell' thing. i'm obsessed with showing. but sometimes, it's more impactful if you tell. like... here you have a very evocative description of him. it includes little things like a reference to a red string of fate (showing it's a romantic moment for you, not platonic), wanting to keep the image in your head permanently, pretty words that mirror what your POV character feels. at the end, you can land on just. he's beautiful. because really that's all that needs to be said, right? but it feels more weighty a thing to say after what came before.
one of the best things i ever did for my prose writing was study poetry. that gave me an appreciation for the weight of a word, and how to use it effectively. the right word or phrase can really change a sentence both melodically and emotionally.
consider the difference between these:
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does he want something? or does he covet it? is he unable to look away from your smile? or is he ensorcelled?
a writer's vernacular is an incredibly powerful tool, so i recommend highly that you expand your vocabulary. make sure to focus on not just the explicit definitions, but also the implicit. some words are largely interchangeable (a touch that slides vs one that glides), but some very much are not even though at first glance they seem they should (a haunting kiss vs a lingering kiss).
anyway i hope that helped a little! this kind of minutia-crafting is like, a passion of mine so i probably went way overboard OOPS but hey if it helps even a little i WIN
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freeuselandonorris · 21 days
Fic ask game: how do you approach writing the balance between the character’s internal thoughts/feelings vs the physical sensations they’re experiencing? I feel like in my own writing I’m always yoyoing between the two and it’s so hard to make it balanced/immersive. You always manage to convey character headspaces so strongly and I’m wondering about the process for that
ahh thank you anon, that’s such a lovely compliment!
i actually pretty rarely directly describe thoughts and feelings. generally it’s quite a clunky way of pulling the reader into the narrative, because it can just end up as reportage, where it just ends up as a kind of list of “lando felt x. oscar did y. lando felt z.” - obviously i’m vastly oversimplifying here but pace-wise, you see how there’s nothing actually moving the narrative on? where i do use it, it’s where a character IS stuck in their own head, usually on their own, and we’re not meant to be seeing the story move on yet.
so for instance, in the first section of it’s just self-defence until you’re building a weapon (sorry, AO3 is down again so i can’t link, i’m using my gdocs here!) you have a lot of lando’s thoughts and feelings because he’s in a mental spiral, and he’s not talking to anyone else about it yet:
It’s there, the feeling, as he drives into parc fermé, huge and heavy and bad. He breathes, in-hold-out-hold, moves his thumbs through the familiar pattern of button-pressing and menu-scrolling to put the car into neutral. For a minute he thinks he might burst into frustrated tears, in which case he’s gonna have to find an excuse to stay in the car a bit longer before someone sticks a camera in his face – but then the anger and adrenaline drain abruptly from his body like pulling a plug out of a sink full of water, and he wants very badly to see Oscar.
but as soon as oscar makes an appearance in the next paragraph (i.e. driving into parc ferme next to him), we’re into the bodily: lando’s out of the car, he feels like someone’s dumping freezing water down his back, his chest’s aching.
this ‘bodily’ description — describing the physical sensations rather than just reporting on what’s caused them — will instantly make your writing more immersive. it’s a good twofer because you can describe actions at the same time (i do massively overuse adverbs!) but also it’s just a lot easier for a reader’s brain to unconsciously ‘feel’ the clench of an anxious stomach or that low-belly kick of lust when you see someone you really wanna fuck, rather than you telling them “he really wanted to fuck oscar” and the reader having to work out for themselves how that feels, ygm?
so if you contrast that quote above ^ with this one from some poor sucker at the bottom of the lake:
There’s a sort of tussle, afterwards. Lando drags him down and Oscar allows himself to be dragged, or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, Lando ends up pinned, Oscar’s soaked gym shirt in his mouth, Oscar’s hand shoved inside his shorts. When he comes, an uncontrollable noise rips itself from his throat, and he bites down to muffle it. In the rush of sensation, he barely even notices he’s doing it.
we’re getting a lot about both of them with no direct description of what either of them are thinking until right until the end. i use quite violent verbs — dragged, pinned, shoved, rips, uncontrollable — and they do the job for me, without me having to spell it out. we can tell how they’re feeling, that they’re both half-feral and not really thinking straight, that they’re pissed off with each other as much as they want each other, the frustration and the way they can’t leave each other alone.
something else i like doing occasionally is to use a ‘thought metaphor’ (a term i have just invented, i’m sure there’s a proper technical term for it):
Oscar nods, dry-mouthed, watching the way Lando’s face sags with relief. He tips forward until he’s braced over Oscar’s body and moves his hips in a slow, muscular roll. It makes Oscar think of nature documentaries: one creature, pinned down by another.
so at the end there i could have just said “oscar feels pinned, like something from a nature documentary” and it would’ve worked pretty well, but by having him think of something adjacent (animalistic sex -> nature documentary, and then looping back round to -> THEREFORE they’re both creatures) you can kind of do something a bit more exciting that allows the reader to go OH okay, instead of just telling them. if that makes sense??
okay this is already far too long so i’ll stop now lmao BUT i hope at least something in here was useful??
ama about my fics!
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jaegersmoon · 8 months
hi aim!! i’m starting to write a book but i was wondering if you have any tips on how to make chapters longer? i feel like whenever i write i can’t write them detailed as much so they are short so any tips?? also you for writing ob and giving us updates on your writing progress!! <3
honestly, my advice is to not have a word count set in mind ahead of time. allow your brain to run free without giving it any restrains. that way, you don't feel like a failure for going over or under. it will only add to the pressure you already feel just from writing. if it's 2k words, great. if it's 50k words, great. be proud of yourself either way. self criticism is a writers worst, loudest, most heavily influential enemy. take it from me, a perfectionism girl with the loudest overthinking brain known to man.
straight up, writing longer chapters takes experience / practice. the more comfortable you get with your writing and the more you get to know your own writing style, the easier it will be to experiment and find the flow of things. for example, the aloha java chapter at the beginning of ob was 4k words I believe. that wc is barely even a single scene for me compared to now, but the only reason I have gotten to this point in my skills is because I've gotten more comfortable with my story and my craftsmanship when trying to get something across to others as vividly and as realistic as possible.
when aiming to write long chapter it's also important to make sure it doesn't seem forced. for example, detail is good but most readers aren't going to want to read 5 long paragraphs about one of the characters opening a water bottle (well, maybe if it were jean and he were shirtless and I was describing the tensing of his muscles in great detail but that besides the point) LMFAOOO
if you are writing a description and your gut it making you feel like you are forcing it, then it will most likely read that way too. trust yourself with this. from my experience, your first instinct in creative work is almost always right.
another note: stay away from "he said" "she said" "he asked" don't be afraid to get creative with your dialogue ... use things such as "their gazes locked in like a trusting promise and he can feel the question that's been hammering the inside of his aching brain, spirals out of his lungs in a breathless rush before he is able to find the restraint to stop it." this describes the characters feelings, the sound of his voice and his actions all in one while being semi quick with it.
also, talk about what your character your characters sense, what they can see, hear, feel, smell... describe that in detail. it makes the reader feel more present. instead of saying "the bed was soft when she got in it" say "in a swift, listless movement, she slid into bed. all the muscles in her body that have been tense with stess relaxed in an instant, the mattress dressed in baby pink welcoming her with open arms. as she the back of her head hit in the silk pillow, her face toward the dark shadowed ceiling, she felt her cruel thoughts slowly disperse as if the cushion of pliant feathers was a cloud of tranquility absorbing away her worst nightmares"
I really do hope this helps. if not, not I apologize I'm also trying to learn about this whole writing thing as I go to LMFAO--am no expert.
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madsmilfelsen · 3 months
mads would you ever consider writing something about rust and sophia? that paragraph about the has made me emotional and its not even 10am here hehe also i love love love the way you add details to the characters/writing in general (another question lol what are your writing inspirations? like writers whose style inspire you )
the combination of these asks is about the out me as the biggest weirdo lmao
on more than one occasion I have daydreamed about Rust and Sophia, young bright eyed man with his whole world in his arms?? bringing her home from the hospital??? telling Claire to go back to sleep because he’ll take care of the baby???? crying over a vhs recording of her first steps when he was at work??? giving Sophia a first birthday party (no Travis does not believe in them) with Claire’s family (who I decided is from Georgia btw) and laughing when Sophia doesn’t know what to do with her cake and throws it immediately off her tray????? Taking her fishing and insisting she has to wear a life jacket just on the dock???? taking her hunting and letting her sleep slumped against his chest in the blind???????????? Not reprimanding Sophia when she learns how to climb out of her crib and just holding his girls through the night?????????????????????
Inspiration typically strikes me in really vivid pieces of dialogue (I have a primarily auditory memory but sometimes descriptions crop up or a picture of what I’ll never be able to get on paper in words), I have no control over when it happens, it’s not as dramatic as prophetic visions but it’s up there and has made me double over to catch my breath once or seventeen times.
Lately all I’ve been able to read are @barbie-nightmare-house recommendations— who should make a reading list— I just started Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh yesterday. I really love authors who can build a strong sense of place ie To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Bastard out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison, Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, and The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon (and everything Stephen Graham Jones has written, Mongrels being my all time favorite)— but I also read a lot of non ficiton too (usually broader themes in history but more recently biographies) or dig through university archives to read interviews of people who live in a specific time or place so I can eek out speech patterns/phrases/slang/city layouts etc. The book I’m writing right now is set in Washington, USA 1954 so I bought books published that year— The Teahouse of the August Moon by Sneider and The Sound and the Fury by Faulkner (I have not finished either lol)— and pick up old cloth bound books at antique stores, I opened Wolf Song published in 1927 i think and began with a group of men leading a troop of mules which felt super kismet because that’s how my book starts (sort of, with a lone woman and her mules). I love poetry, indy lit mags, and reading modern plays too, I’d love to try to write one myself because the constraint of a stage seems like such a fantastic challenge, but I’ll read really anything that can show me what language is capable of or new ways to play with it, because at the end of the day that’s all this is for me— playing.
I can’t read when I write and I can’t write when I read, it’s annoying so I shift gears when I hit a block, read for a bit until something smacks me over the head hard enough to open a word doc again. Probably the weirdest writing trick that helps me focus is listening to songs or sitcoms on repeat, something in the background with a good beat that i’m familiar enough with that I don’t have to focus on, that helps me break down my sense of time or attention surplus/deficiency so I don’t feel like I’m rushing or going super slow— but soundscapes with birdsong, especially evening choruses with frogs or peepers is really nice :)
here’s an ask requesting horror recs for someone new to writing the genre + another ask for my favorite books
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secrettastemakerland · 7 months
Answering "Reblog this and let people send you asks (anonymously or not) about how they would describe your fics, your writing style or just anything they've thought about when reading your work" !! HIII okay so I've only read one of your fics so far and it was a short one so I might not be the best person to answer this but I'm so glad you reblogged that post bc I actually do remember getting specific thoughts & feelings when reading one of yours!! I'm not sure if your writing is always like this but in that fic (the one I commented on!!) it felt,,, cozy. it felt warm and familiar and the writing had life to it. it wasn't just Character A walking over to Character B's house (and then room). no, there were explanations, actions, emotions, thoughts and even little bits of humour in between. and that really added to the writing!!!! the story also flowed amazingly!! it was a short fic but it didn't even feel rushed!! everything just felt natural. it was all cohesive from one paragraph to the next and I adore that!! and the descriptions were wonderful!!! painted an image in my mind very easily. one I can only describe the image as love. if the fic was an artwork, it'd have a soft grainy/noisy textured layer over it and the colour palette would be of warm pinks and oranges -- and not just bc I was getting 'sun beginning to set' vibes from it, but also bc of how soft & tender the hurt/comfort in the fic was. also, I remember opening it, reading the first 1 or 2 paragraphs and then getting so genuinely excited bc by then I could already tell you could write well LMAO -- and I was right!! you CAN write well!!! like just in general too!! idk how exactly to explain this but basically what I mean is that you're good at coming up with unique sentences and not super straight-forward plain ones!! but anyways ya!! also, sorry for writing so much!!! I didn't realise I had so much to say 😭😭 (^ /gen to all of the above 💗) - 💎
okay so.
I've been hoarding this for like 2 weeks now and at first I had like the typical kicking my feet, twirling my hair, gotta kiss anon on the mouth (platonically duh) kinda reaction. I was ready to search all of tumblr for the epic poet in my askbox. UNTIL I GOT TO THE END!
I read the end (lol i saw the emoji) and felt magically, red string-a-lly compelled to write a simonette fic. For some strange reason.
So here she is: a slightly longer simonette secret flavored fic!
Jeanette sneezed, readjusted her glasses, and then sneezed again. She wiped her nose miserably before she let out a trio of more sneezes.
Honestly, if the shelves didn't need dusting, she would have stopped. But, alas, Brittany had begged and pleaded with her to do her chores this week in order for her to go on a date.
("And I triple, no, quadruple! promise I won't ask you if we're soulmates this time, Jean!"
"You're not supposed to be asking her that anyway," Eleanor scoffed from the other side of their bedroom.
Brittany stuck her tongue out at her before she returned to her begging and pleading. "Oh, pretty please, Jeanette!")
So Jeanette had agreed, if only to be spared from Brittany's puppy dog pout and crocodile tears combo. That and her obvious hopeless romantic tendencies aside (Brittany's soulmate was a street musician around the corner and, although she wouldn't tell her, she hoped that this date might somehow led her to her soulmate), she really did enjoy working at the shop.
Planting new flowers, experimenting with new potion combinations, organizing, and then reorganizing new spell books, Jeanette loved all of it.
Jeanette pouted as she watched her hat fall to the ground after another round of sneezes. Okay, maybe she didn't love every job at the shop. The heavens above knew that she wasn't exactly helpful during a lunch rush.
Her hand waved the duster with an excited flourish, more than ready to be rid of the dust and its cruel attacks to her nose. Unfortunately, that only made the dust to throw itself back towards her, causing her not only to sneeze once again, but also caused her to sneeze herself right off the ladder, towards the ground.
She let out a breath of relief as she bounced on the summoned daisy bed, catching her fall, returning the smile her little sister was giving her.
Read on ao3
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obsessed-vixen · 1 year
Connor x reader. (Lil flustered con con boi)
Summary: connor likes you...alot. A LITTLE TOO MUCH. You decided to help clean out and organize some of his papers. But, you find some paper that he claims he has no memory of.
Request: no.
TW: none. (Maybe obsession?)
FLUFFY FLUFFF (maybe a little flirting.)
Anyway. Just read omg. (Also my wattpad is @ArchangelVixen I have a markiplier Pfp :3)
Ever since he laid eyes on you he's been obsessed. The little movements you do when you talk, the way your voice sounds, your interests. Everything about you has been on his mind. Even the first time you met.
You were trying to get coffee out of the machine but it wouldn't budge. Connor saw your frustration and helped you out. Eventually, you got your coffee. You looked up at him and gave him a small "thanks." While having a soft smile. As soon as you walked off that moment replayed in his head.
Few weeks later he finally got the confidence to talk to you. He was a blushing mess. He didn't want to seem weird. You thought he was funny and became friends with him. Of course he always saw you as more then friends.
One day you came into the DPD a little early then him. While walking past his desk, you saw he left some papers out. Normally you wouldn't think much of it but you glanced at one that had your name on it. Curious, you picked it up. Thought nothing much of it until you read further and further.
You found something you hadn’t really anticipated. You’re leaning against his desk, trying to keep a neutral face while you read It’s… detailed romantic descriptions, about you and him. How soft he imagines your skin to be.
how tenderly you look at him when the lovelight is in your eyes, his strong and firm arms wrapping around you, passionate kisses and declarations of affection.
You keep reading. Chapters of undying love, pages of yearning, paragraphs dedicated to how soft your lips are- You’re becoming more flustered and giddy by the second. Then he walks in. You quickly hid the papers behind your back, while smirking at him.
"Oh hello y/n...what are you doing–" The realization hits him like a brick. His eyes widen. He quickly tries to grab the papers behind your back. "Oh come on! I wasn't even near the ending yet!" You whine, teasing him just making him more flustered by the second.
"I- just- please i-" he didn't know what to say. He was to flustered and embarrassed. Luckily no one else was at the DPD yet. He rushes forwards and snatches the pages from your hands.  “I don’t know how these papers got in here, I- I’ve never seen this writing before in my life!" He declares.
"Come on man, don’t leave me in suspense. It’s fantastic work, some of your best~" He’s caught in between being flustered and his embarrassment. He stumbles through a mishmash of sentences. “I- you- it’s, well- The thing is-” You continue to tease him.
“Now if my analysis skills are any good, I’d say you like me. More than like me, if your reaction is anything to go by." You lean closer to him, while slightly tugging on his tie. "Tell me, are you just as passionate a man as you are a writer? Maybe we should find out~”
His stuttering and stumbling gets worse. You’re actively flirting with him instead of being disgusted or horrified, so he supposes it’s a victory. "I- uhm-" he froze, looking into your eyes. Blushing everywhere. You tilt your head a little and give him a mischievous smirk. You move away. "But it all seriousness, I wouldn't mind having a romantic relationship with you. I like you too. Of course no need to say ye‐"
He pulls you into a kiss. You hum delightedly and kiss him back. You push him slightly backwards. Leaning him against his desk. You pull away after a few minutes, both panting. "So...do I taste like what you...imagined~?" He stayed silent, trying to process what just happend. "You taste devine, better then I imagined~" he smirked and pulled you back in for a more passionate kiss. This time turning you around and pushing you against the desk.
While having your make-out session. Hank walks in disgusted. "Get a room!" He says while groaning. You too laughed and pulled away. Holding hands for the rest of the day.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
HI ATE!! (idk if ur older LMAO) im planning to write a fanfic! slayyyy, ive never wrote anything before, im an artist, i draw stuff, but my artworks arent that entertaining to post i guess? so i wanted to know if you had any writing tips that you could give! ty if you ever decide to reply to this!
HI OMG I'M SO PROUD <:DDD i'm looking forward to your fics, and as for tips, here's some i hope would be helpful :DD
write what you know/are familiar with most to start. writing can start to feel more fun, in my experience, when you're writing about things you understand or (also like me) are delulu and imagine a lot about :D
don't hinder your imagination if it serves the plot. fantasizing about where your plot will go is actually super helpful, and very fun! i do recommend not to add fillers though if they don't have any impact on the story, like side plots that go nowhere or random dialogue that doesn't serve any purpose to further the story or the characters' motivations ^^
liven your vocabulary. like many other authors here, i find it generally more pleasing to have more unique and plentiful ways on how to describe a characters' actions or thoughts, even describing parts on a character can be worded in longer or more unique ways! don't confuse it too much though, and i suggest not to use the same word twice when it's just been mentioned--maybe after a paragraph or two can you mention it again ^^
develop your style. like in art, writers have their own styles of writing, for example, mine is usually very descriptive and thought-provoking (wow ang yabang ni ate girl) and usually, i'll focus on the dialogue and description of the situation and story, so generally, my works are a little longer than i expect them to be ^^ you don't have to copy other writers' styles to get better though, what you can do is draw inspiration from them and ask yourself 'what is it i want my story to have?' you can try experimenting with dialogue, scenery descriptions, character descriptions, flashbacks, narration--keep trying, and you'll get to where you want to be eventually :DD
ask for feedback. this is one of the most important tips i have, because reaching out to a bigger audience about your work will help you see where your strengths and weaknesses lie. getting opinions from other people can help you accommodate many others into your works, too, through their suggestions and criticisms ^^
take breaks. this, i struggle with, so i'm kind of hypocritical for suggesting this :'D but if you ever feel like you're stuck in a certain point in the story or that you have to rush to post a story, please don't force yourself to finish it and rush, you might have a lot of regrets about the final product 😭😭😭take time to think about yourself first, then your story <:)
that's all i can think of right now, i'm really hoping your fic comes out well! i'm sure it will >:)) good luck !!
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princessofthewicked · 2 years
Alright so, Kerri really focused on Wrath and Emilia, the curse, Vittoria and the revelations and tying of knots.
The plot was something I hope more books would have (reccos pleasee) ones with demons, witches, past lives, reincarnations and fantasy stuff. THAT was what captured me when reading KOTF because I can't really find good books that have those sort of plots without being boring.
There was world building, a lot of descriptions about the place, the dresses and the designs of where the events were set in so the majestic-ness of the room was emphasized.
Kerri's writing style was nice but I did rush over some paragraphs because I feel like those are slowing me down from getting the right pieces of the story together.
I LOVED the characters. Their backstories, their goals, the actions that they made to achieve them, and how no one really is "good" as all of them did quite terrible (sometimes understandable, other times not) things. I was drawn with the reincarnation / past life part just because I really wanted to know why Emilia and Vittoria were having these powers and whatnot. Safe to say, I was greatly satisfied with what Kerri delivered.
BUT, I feel like we were robbed of the backstory and more scenes of all the Houses interacting. House Vengeance included. I am sooo interested in the dynamics of the Princes and the twins because they all are so powerful and I wanna know more about their manipulative and bitchy sides.
Also, them combining forces would be something that would destroy enemies in an instant but would, show how vital they each are in proceeding with their goals.
Next, I also want to get more scenes of the First Witch and Pride. I want a scene with Claudia and Pride even if Claudia chooses not to remember and Pride would just (at least) let her live the life that she has now, without letting her remember their past. (because it was partly his fault that she's miserable)
Overall, this book really answered a lot of my questions (pretty early in the book) that rose after reading KOTC. Kerri dropped a lot of hints throught the books so some "discoveries" about the characters, I pretty much guessed already before the truth was revealed. (still kept me wanting and unmasking more though)
The spice, was nice. *chef's kiss*
Honorable mention to WRATH's WINGS (that I beg artists to make fanarts of; I imagine it looking somehow like the wings in the Fallen movie but more metallic and solid; I am a SUCKER for wings) and to the coat of arms / logo of House Vengeance, hi to you too, I want you.
That's pretty much a cool review of KOTF from me and if you asked me if I would recommend it? Yes. Definitely. Now that all three books are out you can definitely devour them and I don't think they would bore you out. So, it's a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read!
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rusakkowrites · 6 months
Time to retaliate! 🤗
For the headcanons: 🐅 for Mr Knightley
and 🗡️ for Emma :)
For the fic writing asks: 👀, 🏅,😈,🌙 ,👖,🌝
Thanks for the ask! <3 Answers under the cut.
🐅 Characterization: character habits, personality, etc. for Mr Knightley
This is a tough one! I do have a lot of thoughts and headcanons about Mr Knightley, but I’m not sure if any of them are particularly unusual. I suppose one thing where I might deviate from the norm in the fandom is that I’m not a huge fan of his characterisation in the 2020 film. I feel like he was made out to be a bit too… youthful, I guess? I also didn’t like the singing scene. I imagine him as being more staid and assured than he was in the film.
🗡 Fighting styles/combat for Emma
I think she’d be pretty useless in a fight! She’s always been very sheltered and protected, and her only sibling is so much older than she is that they probably never got into a real tussle. Emma would probably go into a fight really confidently but immediately discover that she’s in over her head. (And then Mr Knightley would rush to her rescue and scold her afterwards.)
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
Nothing that I would censor due to the subject matter – and even if there was something I didn’t want to post on main, there’s always the option of using a secondary account or posting anonymously.
However, with multi-chapter stories, I’ve banned myself from posting any chapters before I’ve finished writing the entire fic. Even if I’m really close to the end when I start posting, it just stresses me out too much to see my buffer of chapters dwindling down while I’m still writing (and those last chapters always end up growing longer than I’d planned). So I guess that any WIPs that I don’t manage to finish are doomed to remain in the WIP folder forever.
🏅What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc)?
I’m really proud of all the work that I put into So Happy a Summer. I did have a good time writing it, but it wasn’t one of those stories that just flow out effortlessly – I had to push myself quite a bit to get it done. It was challenging but ultimately very rewarding.
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
I have received one or two comments about skimping on the fluff when writing romantic scenes. I personally don’t really enjoy multi-paragraph love confessions or detailed descriptions of tongues battling for dominance, so I tend to leave a fair bit to the imagination in my romantic fics. This is how I like to write, so the readers who would like more fluff are out of luck. :D
🌙 What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
I would prefer to write in the morning, afternoon or early evening. However, I almost inevitably end up writing late in the evening or in the middle of the night instead. This is partly due to the fact that work interferes with my hobbies, partly because I have a terrible habit of procrastinating and partly because my creativity really seems to get going after 9 p.m.
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
A plantser who leans more towards planning than pantsing. Some of my short fics are more or less unplanned or only have a vague outline in my head. However, for longer fics, I need some kind of an outline, or else I write myself into a corner and get stuck. My outlines vary from a few bullet points in a notebook to detailed timelines of events and generally go through a lot of editing and refining as I write – if my original plan doesn’t quite work, I have no compunction about tweaking it.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
I don’t think I’ve ever written anything about Sir Walter Elliot, but I feel that his character could be a lot of fun to explore! Also, I recently acquired a horrible plot bunny involving John Thorpe – can’t imagine why…
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amourcheol · 1 year
i have a few things to say and first of all i’d like to say how dare you? genuinely, how dare you? you are absolutely insane
the way i went through an entire rollercoaster of emotions that went from pure despise to shedding actual real salty tears is sickening, i want to yell at you fr
to repeat myself: how dare you? how dare you write such a fic that left me in shambles, on my knees, crying in a walmart parking lot, going through as many divorces as txt did for lovesong, bawling my eyes out, throwing myself against a wall and did i mention i cried?
jesus christ dear god goodness gracious holy mother mary i am NOT okay, it is 5am and i need to work tomorrow (more like getting up in 1 hour to leave for work) and i just could NOT stop reading your cheol work, i HAD to know how it ends, i could physically not handle not knowing how it plays out
first of all id like to say that the way you write is pure poetry, the words and descriptions you use are so rich in detail (like the paintings hehe) and gave your fic so so so soooo much life and depth, your writing style is just so mwah mwah 5 star michelin level, i can not stress enough how incredibly good your writing is
and the plot???? i saw 41k words and was legit like 👁️👄👁️->🫥->🤨-> 🥶 because i have the brain capacity of a fly that just flew against a window at full speed but OH GOD reading it was SO worth it and let me tell you, the plot was so good ???? like never did i ever even think about skipping a paragraph ahead
also, the way you wrote the characters is so good i don’t know if i want to throw something at you or smooch your brain, you really said enemies to lovers and not:
person a: “i don’t like you.”
person b: “fine i hate you too”
person a : “shall we still kiss?”
person b: “okay”
you legit said you’re whipping out a steven spielberg quentin tarantino oscar worthy plot i’d pay for to see in a movie because DAMN the characters (especially cheol lmao) were so well written and had SO much depth to them
next up, the scenes, THE SCENES
i hope you know you took my heart, shredded it, let birds pick it apart, threw it into the smoothie mixer and blended it, cut it with a chainsaw and then made it combust with that scene with cheol and his uncle talking about how he is in love and risking his career
also, the way you gave the nickname so much depth???? how did you even come up with that like??? your brain is built different, i swear if you were to take an x ray it’d be heart shaped because WHAT i SOBBED and i CRIED like actual water in my eyes down my cheeks, that was so cute, so precious and so tooth rotting sweet i want to run into a streetlight i could not handle that part of the plot i am still in shambles i want to sob every time i think back like ?????? (not spoiling anything specific here BUT AH THIS WAS SO KSKSKSKS)
in conclusion, i’d like to throw something at you for attacking the entire fandom like that BUT i would also like to wholeheartedly thank you for putting so much time and effort and thinking and love and brain capacity (yes your heart shaped brain, prove me wrong!) into that fic which is so so long but so full of plot and plot twists and lovely details and in total so lovingly written, your writing style is so nice like ???? the whole fic is a giant piece of art for real, thank you so much for blessing us with this, i wish you all the best and someone like the cheol you wrote to be your special someone, you deserve someone kind and caring and loving and only wanting the best for you because that is what you deserve
also i wrote this in a rush of emotions it is 5am my brain is dead and there might be typos grammar mistakes anything of the sort but i’d like to say i don’t know you but i love you sm for putting this out i hope i gets the appreciation it deserves and mwah i hope you’re having a great day
5 star Michelin level 😞😞😞💖💖😞💖💖😞💖💖😞💖 PLEASEEE im so glad u enjoyed the paintings description!! the art whore in me is very very happy 😞😭
A STEVEN SPIELBERG QUENTIN TARANTINO STAWPPPPPP ITTTT STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY I WILL KISS YOU 😞😞😭😭🥹🥹🩷 i was so nervous about pacing their hatred/love because I didn’t want them to just fall in love w each other quickly cause it wouldn’t be realistic at all !! thank u for appreciating that 🥹💖
SCR E WAMINGGGG UR WAY W WORDS ARE MILES BETTER THAN MINE ?;£:!3£33 UR TOO FUNYN LFMAOA I’m glad I had this much of an effect 😍🙏🏼 i will take being thrown shit at for my work LMDAO
HEART SHAPED BRAIN 😞💖💖😞💖 I’m so so happy u enjoyed the nickname bit cause idk nicknames are such an important aspect of ur identity and cheol is such a cute fucking nickname i feel like shitting screaming crying over it whenever I see him so i needed to express that 🙏🏼🙏🏼
OH GOD UR LITERALLY SO INSANELY SWEET??? I could only hope i find a man as insanely kind, beautiful, endearing as cheol (me and him would eat each other alive)
thank YOU for the kindest words, your ESSAYYTT of a review 😞😞😞💖💖💖💖 i honestly wasn’t expecting anything like this when I released cheol fic, but it’s people like you that make posting worth it 🩷🩷💖
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chaptsickz · 10 months
writing partner search ౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆
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hello there and welcome to my roleplay request thread! my name is josephina but please feel free to call me josie. i am twenty-three years old (she/they) and i've been roleplaying a little over a decade now and i currently live within the est timezone. please note that this roleplay search thread contains a triggering topic; legal age gaps. please refrain from reading further if this topic triggers you.
my reply time/activity level is medium to low at the moment due to my current work schedule. i am an incredibly slow replier and generally enjoy writing with those who are also as slow─ i can, however, promise at least one reply per week though it is usually more.
onto what i'm searching for! (minors dni!)
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i am currently on the prowl for a mlw/bxg original small-town romance roleplay featuring a old grumpy man. (bonus points if he's a cowboy) i am searching for writers to play male while i play female. i've been nose-deep in romance books that feature that grumpy/sunshine pairing and i'm truly craving it. though, I'm also completely down for a good ol' masc!golden retriever/fem!black cat dynamic as well.
i have lots of ideas, however, none of them are fully fleshed out and I'm keeping this rather vague on purpose. i'd like to flesh something out together with someone rather than do all the work with the plot. however, one thing i'm really looking for in our pairing are (legal) age gaps. if you're comfortable playing old men, I'd love to talk. (to give an example, some face-claims i adore are josh duhamel, jeffrey dean morgan, hugh jackman, jensen ackles, tom Hhdleston, pedro pascal, and oscar isaac.) i am currently not interested in writing against male characters that are younger than forty. (my character will be late-twenties to early thirties.) if that isn't something you're interested in/comfortable with, i suppose now would be the time to exit my thread.​
i love tropes such as friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, soft rivals/enemies to lovers, grumpy/sunshine, power imbalance, pet names, affairs/cheating (stemmed from abusive or neglectful situations only), hurt/comfort, soulmates, size differences/small woman and large man, experienced/inexperienced, omegaverse tropes/werewolves, widow(er)/new lover.​
i do have some things that i am looking for in a writing partner and just some general conditions when it comes to writing with me so please read them over before messaging me.
please be at least 20+! even if we don't write smut, i'm simply not interested in writing with teenagers and would rather write with folks who are closer to my own age range. thank you!
i write via email, gdocs, or tumblr posts. i'm not very experienced writing on gdocs or tumblr posts, but i'd love to give them a shit because it seems fun! i do not write on discord, please do not ask. (lots bad experiences, i forget i have it, i'll probably accidentally ghost because i rarely use it.)
i can write in first or third pov, but i'm not very picky. i am more experienced in third pov, but again not picky. i typically write a mix of past and present tense, however i can stick to past or present depending on your preference. ( my roleplay responses always have proper capitilization, i just write with a lowercase aesthetic. )
i am an advanced literate writer and my responses typically range from 700-800 words. i am hoping to write with folks who can also meet this standard of length, and description, and maybe even push me to write more. however, i am a firm believer in quality over quantity and there is no reason for long paragraphs of fluff and nonsense just to meet a quota. as long as your replies have substance that pushes the story forward, i'll be happy.
please do not rush me for replies. checking in after a week or so is more than okay, however if you are the type that gets anxious after a day or couple of hours of no response then please steer clear. i have lots of anxiety about being rushed to do tasks and it makes me avoidant and i do not want my writing hobby to become a chore i avoid like the plague. ( things such as "hello??" and "???" are rude and i'll end the roleplay/block for that. )
i am more than happy to add in spicy themes and scenes into the roleplay, and i am typically one to write them out fully rather than fade to black. however, i am a strong believer of build-up and timing and will not force a spicy scene if it doesn't come naturally or pre-planned by us. i ask that you do the same, we can chat more privately about this though.
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that is it from me! if you are interested in writing together, please feel free to shoot me a private message and we'll discuss plot, where we'll roleplay, and everything else. thank you so much for reading, i really look forward to hearing from y'all!
warm regards,
josie ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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francesderwent · 2 years
@contagiousgrace okay the FIRST thing you need to know about Robin McKinley is her endings are always Like That. like in terms of deus ex machina, she’s the deus ex machinest. in nearly every McKinley book, there is a random object that gets randomly picked up by the protagonist and then even more randomly saves the day in a climactic moment. I accept that about her because I love every other element of her work so so much, and because the structure of her stories usually does work on some level. it’s the timing which she usually semi-botches, rushing through the climax and eucatastrophe so that you don’t have a chance to feel them before you’re seeing them in the rearview mirror. it’s her one real weakness.
the second thing I will say is I love the friendship between Rae and Constantine. I love that it stays a friendship (though I could have done without that one awkward scene entirely). I love that they have this connection and this loyalty, reaching across all their difference, and I love that there’s a lot of difference. I love the repellingness of vampires, I love that they’re really dangerous and frightening and inhuman and not at all neutered. I love the dinginess and seediness of the world contrasted with the protective, loving community of everyone in the bakery/diner, and I love that Rae can exist in both of them.
above all, Sunshine is a favorite because it’s one of the only books I know that handles coming to terms with your inner darkness in a way that isn’t extremely stupid. Rae’s darkness isn’t innate. and it’s not an attraction to darkness. it’s something she took on to survive something really terrible. but her strength is still in the light! and all the parts of her can coexist!! it’s one of the best literary descriptions of what it feels like to be wounded and heal and still bear scars. I’m just gonna copy a paragraph from when I used to write book reviews lol:
“…it’s not a flatly black-and-white vampire slaying story either. McKinley goes out of her way to establish the vampires as truly dark and truly other so that Rae can face what is dark and other in herself. Which brings me back to my main point: this is a story about somebody who went through something horrific, and learned something about herself she didn’t necessarily want to learn, and how she comes to cope with that. The only way for her to survive the way her experience literally poisoned her was to become a little bit vampiric herself, and then she has to ask herself: is the rest of me stronger than that vampire part? Is the part of me that gains strength from light and good stronger than the part of me that had to learn to see in the dark? It’s an exquisite examination of trauma and friendships forged in suffering.”
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
fic writer asks: 4, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23 ~
4.) Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Honestly? really anywhere. Some of my fics come from sentences that appear in my brain or sometimes they happen because I can picture an animatic to a song and because I can't animate for shit- I write it. Some of my favourite fics I have ever written comes from outta all palces, Uquizz questions. Or answers. My first hangman/kenny fic came from a uqizz answer that made me kinda tear up. It is my favourite thing ive ever written. I have no real place to dive into the well of answers- its just constantly getting little idease and filling up!
10.) Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
The first thing Matt does when he finally bundles Jay through the door to the Elite’s hotel room is grab them softly by the shoulders. She blinks at him as if he doesn't know him; confused and frog-like. The light looks like it burns their eyes and Nick tries his best to dim the lamps bestie the beds, fiddling with the buttons before the light becomes soft glowing embers and Jay stops squinting. There’s the last of few snowflakes sticking to their hair, melting away into small patches of wetness.. Matt reaches down and rushes them away, feeling them disappear against the calloused pads of his fingers.
From: The ghost story would be over [Chapter three]
13.) what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
If you can tell from anything I've written, im always big on show don't tell. Sure just telling someone something really puts the point across but I think sometimes extended methaphors and flowery language pulls so much more emotions and thoughts out of the readers and really makes me think upon specific lines. Also this is the only advice I can give to new writers, is have fun! You are writing for you first and even if YOU think its bad, theres gonna be someone out there thats gonna love it. Only You can write the stories that you wanna tell, so do it! I'm proud of you for putting a small amount of your soul into the words.
17.) What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
I re-read some of my stuff, read some of my favourite fanfics. Talk to my big sibling about writng ideas. Honestly just try to force a little idea out. All writing is good, even if its just a sentence that youre gonna end up deleteing. Remind myself that this is for me first of all, im writing because I like providing content and I love wrestling and writing for it, I love my friends and the content they produce. I also am big on going back through comments and tags on reblogs of my old fics because that shows me that I CAN DO THIS! even if it takes me a little while, I will get something out that I will be proud off and people are going to love it.
22.) Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Oh boy, theres a few if I think about it. I wont write X reader because theyre just, not my style. I like going into a characters emotions and thoughts and feelings. I can't do that with X reader. I also rely a lot on descriptions so thats also another thing that you cant do in X readers. I reblog the ones that I like because I'll read them now and again. I wrote write Buckcest for reasons I really shouldnt have to go into. Things like rape or like extreme tortue is another one I wont write. I also won't write anything A/B/O or Mpreg cuz personally I think its gross. Afgain yall can like what yall like but its just not my vibe- makes me feel all kinda squirmy inside. I can't write first person POV for shit and second POV just feels odd, I think i've written it once and it was a STRUGGLE. Also just because I throw so much into fics that they get outta my hands. I could not stick to the 100 words only drabbles. Theres just so much story and build up I love to write and again with the flowery language 100 words just isnt enough!
23.) Best writing advice for other writers?
HAVE FUN! thats the most important thing! You should at least enjoy writing and it should have a possitve effect on you. It should be fun. theres also some tips somewhere on my blog. I have a tag or at least HAD a tag that should be 'mouses writing advice' theres a whole buncha tags there
ask game // list of wips
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