#i just got the textbook so I haven’t done the reading and we’re already 4 chapters in
glassballdinosaurs · 2 years
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headcanonsandmore · 4 years
“Letters to Charlie” 
Summary:  A selection of letters from Ron to his brother Charlie, throughout Ron's first four years at Hogwarts. Includes some mild Romione mentions.
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[1st October 1991]
Dear Charlie,
How are things at the reserve? You said in your last letter that you’ve been getting a lot more burns than normal; have you asked mum for her recipe on salves?
Anyway, I’m settling in okay at Hogwarts. Really glad I was in Gryffindor; my friend Harry was really worried about it, I think. He’s doing fine, but I wish everyone would stop gawking at him all the time. He’s a good bloke; bit quiet but, considering what his aunt and uncle seem to be like, that’s not surprising.
Also, there’s this girl in our class who’s pretty annoying. She treats everyone like they’re idiots and she’s such a teacher’s pet! Her name’s Hermione Granger, and she’s always butting in whenever me and Harry are chatting. She’s not all bad, but I wish she wouldn’t be so uptight about everything. You’d think that someone with hair that bushy would be a bit more fun-loving, but she’s very straightlaced. But I saw her laughing the other day at a joke I made, so maybe she’s not so serious all the time? She has a cute nice laugh.
Don’t tell the twins I said that, or they’ll never stop going on about it.
Anyway, hope you’re okay and that everyone at the reserve is doing fine,
  [12th November 1991]
Dear Charlie,
Glad to hear that that the Common Welsh Green pair are doing okay. Things have gotten pretty weird at Hogwarts; someone (probably Peeves) let a troll into the castle at Halloween! Me and Harry had to rescue Hermione Granger from the troll; she covered for us, so we didn’t get punished. McGonagall even gave us some points for Gryffindor!
Hermione’s alright, I think. Bit intense, but she’s not as stuffy as I thought. I mean, it was kind-of my fault that she ended up getting caught by the troll, so I’m glad she didn’t hold a grudge about it. She’s always asking me about stuff, probably because she’s never grown up in a magical family. You wouldn’t think it if you saw her in class, though; she gets so many questions right and she’s apparently memorised the textbooks! Barmy, I know, but she’s alright.
Speaking of dragons, do you know if there’s any way of getting a baby one out of the country? Hagrid has a baby Norwegian Ridgeback in his house, but it’s dangerous for the baby to stay here.
 [16th August 1992]
Dear Charlie,
We managed to rescue Harry from the Dursleys! Mum went mad when we got back, but no harm done. Harry’s aunt and uncle had bars put on his window!  I told mum we had to get him out quick; good thing I noticed he wasn’t responding to my letters. Apparently, a house-elf was trying to stop him going back to Hogwarts; weird, right?
Hermione’s saying that she’s hoping to meet up with us in Diagon Alley; I hope so. It’ll be nice to see her again. Apparently, she’s already done all her homework, but that’s what she’s like. What do you think I should get her for her birthday? I asked Harry, but he suggested one of the textbooks (the poor bloke’s never had to buy any presents for anyone ever). I was thinking maybe some of her favourite long-lasting quills, but I’m not sure. Do you reckon I should get her something more… girly? Her best mates are two blokes, so maybe she’d like something to make it clear that  I we don’t just see her as another boy? What do you think?
I’m looking forward to Hogwarts this year; hopefully, it should be a bit quieter than last year. How’s your summer been going? You mentioned about the Chinese Fireball having fang rot; has that been fixed yet, or is she still having troubles?
Hope all’s good with you,
 [6th January 1993]
Dear Charlie,
You’ve probably heard the news already about the attacks happening at Hogwarts. The teachers don’t seem to know who’s doing it. Me, Harry, and Hermione have been trying to figure things out, but we haven’t got any leads lately. We thought it might have been Malfoy, but turns out he’s not doing it (still too happy about the attacks, though, the little git!).
I’m really worried about Hermione, to be honest. The attacks are always against muggle-borns and I’m scared she’s gonna be attacked. Do you know if there’s any creature that can petrify someone? I would ask the defence teacher, but Lockhart can barely tell one end of  his wand from the other. Can’t see why Hermione likes him so much; can’t she see how much of a stupid twerp he is?
Like I said before, I’m really sorry about breaking your old wand. I know you said you don’t mind and you’re just glad I was okay, but still. It keeps making weird bubbles whenever I try and cast any spells. My own fault for breaking it, I guess.
Hope you’re well,
 [8th May 1993]
Dear Charlie,
Hermione got attacked. She’s been stuck in the hospital wing ever since.
I’m scared. Harry’s managing to keep his head screwed on straight, but I can’t concentrate in lessons. I keep expecting Hermione to be sat next to me, and whenever I turn to look at her, I remember where she is. All pale and cold, like she’d dead or something.
What do I do, Charlie? How do I help her?
 [1st June 1993]
Dear Charlie,
Hermione’s okay! The mandrake stuff finally got given to her, and she’s back to normal! I haven’t smiled this much in months! She gave me and Harry a massive hug each when she turned up in the great hall; me and her couldn’t quite look each-other in the eye afterwards, but I think we both got a bit overwhelmed, you know?
Turns out, this was also because Lucius Malfoy was trying to stop dad’s muggle protection law being passed; people could have died!
Confused as to why none of the teachers bothered to ask Myrtle, since she was a witness to the last time the chamber has been opened, but I guess we’ll never know. Were the teachers like this when you were here?
Anyway, got to go; I insisted that Hermione play some chess with me, since our exams have been cancelled (can you guess which Gryffindor was upset about that?).
 [3rd September 1993]
Dear Charlie,
We’re all settling back in at Hogwarts; I’m still using those quills you got me in Egypt (thanks again, by the way). Everyone’s talking about Sirius Black, and Malfoy won’t stop being smug about how he knows something we don’t (arrogant little twerp as always).
Hermione’s cat is a bloody nightmare; he’s spent every evening trying to get at Scabbers, but Hermione won’t hear a word against him! Honestly, I don’t get why she can’t just keep the cat away when I ask her to. But she’s always had this thing about being right about everything, so it’s not unsurprising. I just wish she’d stop acting like it’s normal; Hedwig’s been around for three years, and she’s never attacked Scabbers!
Having said that, the first Hogsmeade visit is something to look forward to. It’s gonna be a bit different because Harry can’t go (his aunt and uncle refused to sign his form), but me and Hermione are going to make sure we take back lots of stuff for him so he doesn’t feel left out.
I am a little nervous about going, though; me and Hermione spend loads of time together, so why would this be any different? Probably nothing. Maybe it’s just because we’re bickering more because of our pets? Yeah, that sounds about right. I’ve already got her birthday present, so hopefully she’s not too angry at me and won’t mind me giving her a present.
Let me know how the Chinese Fireball baby is doing,
 [4th January 1994]
Dear Charlie,
Hermione just can’t keep her nose out of things! She reported Harry’s firebolt to McGonagall, and now it’s been confiscated! She says it’s because it could have been sent by Sirius Black. I know that’s a possibility, but she didn’t need to go behind Harry’s back about it!
I swear, this girl is driving me nuts!
 [13th February 1994]
Dear Charlie,
Me and Hermione have made things up; she even apologised about Scabbers. She must have been really upset, because she started crying and hugged me! Is it normal to get all flustered when a girl hugs you? Cause it didn’t the same as it did when she hugged me at the end of second year.
You’ve probably heard from Hagrid about Buckbeak being executed. We’re trying to get an appeal plea sorted; it’s mostly me and Hermione doing it, since Harry’s got other stuff to worry about. It’s nice being friends with Hermione again; I hated it when we weren’t speaking. It’s still a bit awkward (we both can’t quite look each other in the eye at times), but that’s probably normal, given what’s happened.
Remember to put that salve mum made on your new scars,
 [14th July 1994]
Dear Charlie,
Hope you’re enjoying the summer so far; it’ll be great to see you again, mum’s organising the room situation, so I think you’re sharing with Bill. Can’t wait for the world cup! Do you think Ireland will win against Bulgaria? I’ve been saving my pocket money all summer for it, so I can buy some souvenirs! Are you gonna bring some stories about the dragons when you get here?
Mum’s said I can invite Harry and Hermione over, and they’ll be coming to the world cup with us! It’ll be brilliant to see them again; Harry deserves a break from those horrible people he lives with, and Hermione could do with a break from work in general (she’s already finished all her summer homework, but that’s what she’s like).
It’ll be great to have both of them here for the summer; I hope Hermione doesn’t mind sharing with Ginny, since Gin’s more of a Quidditch-head than Hermione is. Mum keeps on at me to tidy my room before Hermione arrives, but it’s not as if she’s staying in my room, is it?
I did clean up my room a bit, though. Hermione’s a bit funny about mess, and I don’t want her to think I’m a slob.
See you soon,
 [30th October 1994]
Dear Charlie,
I’m still angry at mum, dad, and Bill for keeping us in the dark about the Triwizard Tournament; half the other kids from wizarding families knew! Speaking of the Tournament, the students from the other schools have arrived. You won’t believe it but Viktor Krum’s a student at Durmstrang! He’s a bit grouchy looking, but I guess he gets sick of people treating him different all the time. I didn’t know he was eighteen; he looks way older. The Slytherins are trying to cosy up to him, but he’s knows exactly what they’re doing; I saw him telling a few of them off for being unpleasant to the muggle-born first years. So I guess he’s alright.
The students from Beauxbatons are all nice enough but one of the girls has some sort of Veela charm thing. Hermione keeps glaring at me whenever I get caught in it, but it’s hardly my fault, is it? Harry gets affected too, but does she yell at him? No, of course she doesn’t. I swear, Hermione’s been weird ever since the term started; the other week I caught her staring at my hands for no reason. She got all flustered when she saw I’d noticed, and yelled at me to concentrate on my work. I’m worried about her. Did that ever happen between you and your friends at school? Is this something that happens around our age? I know that mum said things start to change after you get into your teenage years.
Speaking of change, I hope I can get some new dress robes before I ever have to wear these ones. Do you think Bill has any old ones he can let me borrow? I don’t get why mum didn’t just remove the lace and change the colour. I was going to ask Hermione to do it, but I don’t want her to think I’m whining. I just wish I could have some decent robes like all the other boys have. I know money’s tight at the moment, but even the twins have got alright-looking robes to wear I’d feel a lot better if I wasn’t stuck wearing rubbishy clothes for once.
Apparently, the tournaments due to start tomorrow evening. Me and Harry did have a think about entering, but it’s probably too high security. Fred and George said they’re gonna enter, because they turn seventeen in April, so they won’t need to use much aging potion. Should be interesting to see whether they succeed. I just hope we get a decent Hogwarts champion; Cedric Diggory’s alright, but half the girls get giggly over him and it’s bloody annoying. Hermione says it’s because he’s a prefect, but she’s a bit funny like that. If I ever end up a prefect, I bet I wouldn’t have girls giggling and getting flustered about me.
Got to go now; Hermione said she wants to go over our Transfiguration homework in the common room.
 [25th November 1994]
Dear Charlie,
You should have told me you’d be here for the first task! I know it was secret, but it would have been nice to catch up! Glad the trip over was safe and that the dragons are all okay. That Hungarian Horntail was a nasty piece of work; Harry almost got hit by it!
Speaking of which, me and Harry are best mates again. I’m glad; it was miserable when we weren’t speaking. Funnily enough, he said he didn’t even need an apology; just told me to forget about it. Weird bloke, but it’s great to be friends with him again. Hermione got all teary and told us we were being stupid, but she’s never really understood things like this, so there you go.
 [17th December 1994]
Dear Charlie,
Glad to hear the dragons got safely back to Romania with no issues. I almost wish I was there instead; ever since this ball thing got announced, half the school’s gone mad about it. Everyone’s asking everyone to it, and I don’t get it. Why can’t we all just go as friends and have fun? But the boys keep going on about dates, so I said I best go with someone good-looking. Yes, I know it’s dumb, but how else will I get everyone to not laugh at my robes? I even asked McGonagall if I could go in my school ones, but she insisted that I use my official dress robes (although she did look sympathetic while she said it, so I guess she understood where I was coming from).
Flitwick’s doing alterations to people’s robes, but he was so swamped with requests that there isn’t any room for me to get mine changed. I swear, I can’t wait until the ball is done and I won’t have to worry about this stuff anymore.
I’d happily stay behind in Gryffindor Tower with the first, second and third years, but I can’t leave Harry in the lurch. He’s got to be there to open the ball, and it wouldn’t be fair to leave him on his own; the poor bloke isn’t good with crowds, especially since half of the school still gawks at his scar every day.
Hermione doesn’t seem to take much interest in the ball, so maybe she’s also planning on staying behind. She got angry at me when I mentioned about going with a pretty girl, which is understandable (it was a dumb thing to say). Hopefully, she’ll have forgiven me by the time Christmas swings around, and we can just go and have fun at the ball. Just as friends, obviously. Maybe if we’re having a laugh, I won’t have to think about my robes looking so awful.
  [27th December 1994]
Dear Charlie,
I swear, if I ever have to go to another ball again, it’ll be too soon! Hermione’s still angry at me about it; which makes sense, since I was a bit of an arse. But, well, she went with Krum! Seriously, he’s eighteen and she’s barely fifteen! Why didn’t any of the teachers think that was creepy? Why was I the only person who got irritated by it? Is it really so bad that I don’t want my friend being pursued by some creepy eighteen-year-old git? I know what the twins are saying about it, but it’s alright for them, isn’t it? They had decent robes and could actually ask a girl without the girl glaring at them like they’d only just realised the girl was a girl! Gits. They don’t get it.
Ginny had a nice time with Neville, at the very least. Neville’s a good bloke, and I’m glad he treated her well. Apparently, she borrowed a dress off a friend for the ball. I wish I was shorter so I could have just borrowed something off Harry; that would have at least made things a bit easier. Then I wouldn’t have already been a bad mood before we even got to the ball.
Seriously, I’m never wearing those robes again. I don’t care what mum says, I’d rather go in my normal school ones that those frilly disasters.
Me and Hermione are being more polite to each other than normal, which is probably for the best. I hate the fact that I got so angry at her, but I’ve learnt now to not act like that again. I mean, considering she got Krum, I don’t think she’ll need to worry about me acting like that again. It wasn’t as if she even said she wanted to go with me, either; how was I supposed to know? I’m not a mind-reader!
Hope your Christmas is going better than mine, and thank you for the burn-proof socks; they’ll come in handy against the Skrewts.
 [27th February 1995]
Dear Charlie,
It was nice getting some of the limelight for a while; everyone was asking me about what it was like during the second task. I even had Padma Patil hanging on to my every word about it; I even managed to apologise to her properly for being such a berk at the ball (she was my dance partner, but we didn’t do any dancing). She seemed pretty okay with it.
Fleur Delacour (you remember, the champion who used the calming charm on her dragon in the first task) is being very nice lately; I think she got the impression me and Harry helped saved her sister in the second task. She even gave me a kiss on the cheek after we were all out of the lake! It’s nice to get attention from girls for a change.
Funnily enough, Hermione get glaring at me for the rest of the day. Funny how it’s fine for her to get attention from boys (that creep Krum had her as the person he’d miss the most; they’ve only been to the Yule ball together, the pervy git!), but I can’t do so much as talk to other girls without getting the cold treatment from her. Barmy as ever, but that’s what she’s like.
I think Harry’s really happy about the tournament just having one task left; at this point, I just hope he gets through it with no injuries or anything. Poor bloke’s had another rough year, and I hope he can take it easy after this is all over.
I wonder what I’ll get for my birthday this year. You think Hermione will get me anything? She’s so irritable lately that I wouldn’t be surprised if she just gets me a card and some chocolate frogs. Given what’s happened between us lately, that sounds about as much as I can hope for.
At least we’re still friends, though. I’m not that much of an idiot that I’d stop talking to her over this. I almost lost one friend this year; I don’t want the same thing happening with Hermione.  
 [29th June 1995]
Dear Charlie,
Harry left the hospital wing a few days ago. Me and Hermione are trying to help him as best we can, but the poor bloke still’s struggling. I’m not surprised, considering what he went through.
Dumbledore’s said that things are already changing. I just hope he knows what to do. But he’s still saying that Harry needs to go back to the Dursleys this summer. I hope we can pick him up as soon as possible; Harry’s relatives are bloody horrible.
After the third task, me and Hermione stayed up in the common room. We’ve both said we’re gonna help Harry with whatever happens in future. She also hugged me before she went to bed. It was different this time. It seemed like neither of us wanted to let go.
Stay safe,
Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed it!
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7-wonders · 5 years
Almost Feelings
Summary: Just when things were starting to get back to normal, an accidental confession by Michael sends shockwaves through your relationship.
Word Count: 3148
A/N: Another chapter of Mad Love, done. Thanks for sticking with me, and I hope this doesn’t suck too much.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15
Life manages to slowly reassume a state of relative normality. After Dinah Stevens had checked you over and declared you free of Satan’s influence, you were allowed to actually leave your bed and once again have freedom. Well, limited freedom. Michael has been wary of letting you out of his sight, terrified that Satan will once again attempt to control you. Your father-in-law hasn’t made an appearance in your lives since the night that he possessed a cocktail waitress, which is what scared both you and Michael the most. 
Michael had fully been expecting to be swept down to Hell for a thorough scolding about “spurning” the gifts being given to him. As the days passed with none of the usual indicators that Satan was near, your worry started to wane. Surely he had better things to do than stalk you and wait to once again try the plan that had already failed? Michael, on the other hand, wasn’t too sure. If there’s one thing he knows about the being he’s never met, it’s that he’s extremely patient. 
The gilded cage in which you’ve spent the past days under Michael’s watch has become increasingly more confining. Even if you weren’t outwardly expressing your discomfort, Michael would be able to sense it. Although he wants nothing more than to make sure you’re safe at all times, he knows he can’t keep you locked in the house. Maybe if he was less of a lovestruck Antichrist, he would have no qualms about it. The power dynamics in your relationship have changed, for better or for worse, and he cares about your wants far too much for him to disregard your feelings. 
It’s only been a few days since your bout of “food poisoning” when Michael finally agrees with you that it’s safe to return to class, but it feels as if it’s been months. Even in the largest house you’ve ever inhabited, cabin fever still runs rampant. As he watches you run out the door to get to campus, Michael feels a tugging in his chest that he’s come to associate with you. Watching the one person you love most in the world leave the safety of your protection is a pain that, unfortunately, Michael’s become all too familiar with.
While Michael’s dealing with emotions he’s never had before, you’re nearly drunk on the freedom that you’ve been denied lately. It’s not exactly warm out, but the windows in your car are rolled down and the wind whips your hair around your face as you sing along to the radio at the top of your lungs.
Classes, of course, you could do without. It’s the little moments, getting to laugh with your friends in class and holing up in your favorite hidden corners when you have a break, that make the monotony of lectures bearable. Michael, predictably, breaks the established rules of communication by texting you to make sure that you’re okay at least once an hour. Prior to momentarily being Satan’s puppet, this would have irritated you to no end. Now, you understand Michael’s motives in a way that you previously hadn’t.
“You look a lot better,” Mallory says in place of a regular greeting when you meet up with her in the library after class.
“As opposed to my regularly horrendous appearance?” She rolls her eyes, obviously not appreciating your joke.
“You know what I meant.” You slide into the seat across the table from Mallory, tugging your textbook and laptop out of your backpack. “The endless bout of food poisoning is finally gone for good?”
“I think so. I started feeling human a couple of days ago, and this is the first day I haven’t felt like crawling into a hole and dying since I got sick.”
“Well that’s good. I almost thought you were avoiding us after revealing your secret.” You look up, panicked at what she could mean before realizing that she means your living arrangements.
“Oh! No, I wouldn’t avoid you guys, because it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Really? Because with the way that Michael looks at you, you would think that you were married.”
You laugh nervously and pretend to search for a pen in your bag, attempting to hide your anxious expression. “Like I’ve told you before, we’re just friends and he was nice enough to help me out when I was facing a tough time.”
“It’s not a bad thing if you do have feelings for him, (Y/N).”
“I just don’t get why you and Kate are stuck on this idea,” you grumble.
Mallory’s gaze softens when she sees how her comments affected you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad.”
“I’m not mad at you, I promise. Let’s just work on homework before we get too off-track.”
Of course, this plan works for a good twenty minutes, giving you just enough time to read and take notes from one chapter of your text before your attention is drawn away from the task at hand. Mallory had merely asked for your help in identifying the proper use of ‘affect’ versus ‘effect,’ which almost immediately led to discussing topics that have nothing to do with schoolwork. 
“I think we need to focus on the real issue here,” you comment as Mallory laments Kate and Brennan’s latest argument, this one about moving in together.
“Which is?”
“Your own love life, of course.” Mallory groans, making you pout. “Mal, you haven’t mentioned any sort of romantic interest once since I met you.”
“Because I have better things to do than spend my time swiping on Tinder.” You can tell that there’s more she’s not divulging, and a good minute of remaining silent while sneaking glances at her has the brunette finally speaking again. “I...my last relationship didn’t end well at all.”
“Was this while you were still living in New Orleans?”
“Yeah. Actually, my decision to transfer here is what led to our break up. She wanted me to stay, I wanted to go, and that was that.”
You feel for her, but an interesting bit of information captures the majority of your attention. “‘She!’”
Mallory flushes, attempting to stutter out an answer, but you’re far too excited to allow her to speak.
“Ooh, that doubles the potential dating pool for you! I know so many people who would be so interested in you, and they’re just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.”
“While I appreciate your excitement, I’m just not sure I’m quite ready for another relationship yet.” You nod in understanding, but Mallory’s phone chiming ends the conversation before you can suggest slowly diving back into the dating pool. “Ugh, I’ve gotta get going.”
“Yeah, I should probably go too. I have way too much homework that I haven’t gotten started on.”
“Wanna make a deal?” Mallory asks as you walk towards the parking lot together.
“A deal?”
“Mhm. I won’t bring up the Michael issue anymore if you won’t try and drag me out to go and meet new people.”
You have to hand it to her; she’s extremely good at bartering. “Alright then, we have a deal.”
Shockingly, Michael’s not waiting at the door for you when you arrive home. You find him in the kitchen searching for food, although he does look like he’s trying not to seem like he’s waiting for you.
“Hey,” you greet, hopping up on the counter and pulling Michael into a hug that he begrudgingly returns.
“Hi. How were classes today?”
“I survived, so…” you trail off, shrugging.
“And you’re feeling okay? Nothing odd happened to you?”
“No, I’m great.” Just to prove how great you are, you shove Michael away from you. “Could someone possessed by Satan do that?”
“No, I suppose not.”
Getting off of the counter, you snag a sandwich from a plate and take a very well-deserved bite. “Can I ask you a question?”
“You’ve asked me many questions about many things, all without asking beforehand if you can.”
“Well it’s a touchy subject, and people usually like to make sure that it’s okay to ask.”
Michael looks at you like he’s not sure he wants to know what you’ll ask, but nods anyways. “Ask away, then.”
“You’re treating this whole situation like it’s your fault.”
“That wasn’t a question.”
“Sorry. Why are you treating this whole situation like it’s your fault?”
“I’m not.”
Wrinkling your nose, you cross your arms over your chest and glare. “I thought you hated lies.”
“It wasn’t a lie,” he scoffs.
“Michael, you’re terrified about me leaving your sight and you do anything and everything I ask. It’s okay to feel like it’s your fault, but I need you to know that it’s not.”
“How is it not my fault? It happened at an event that I took you to, it was my father who poisoned you, and it’s because you’re an unwilling part of this prophecy that I dragged you into.”
“Are you your father? Are you the one who made me drink that potion? Did you take advantage of me when you could have?”
“No, I’m not, and I didn’t, but I’m the reason he tried it in the first place!”
The room falls silent, and you watch as Michael’s eyes widen. You wouldn’t have thought anything about his statement in the first place if he hadn’t shown any fear in his eyes, assuming it to just be a blanket statement since Satan’s his father. Now, you’re starting to suspect there might be something more.
“What do you mean, ‘you’re the reason he tried it in the first place?’”
“I-I--” Michael shakes his head as he stammers, taking a cautious step back from you.
“Michael,” you snap, patience running thin.
“Fuck, (Y/N)!” He runs a hand through his hair, and you’re shocked at his uncharacteristic use of a swear. “I was impatient and frustrated, and so I sought out my father’s advice for help. I knew it was wrong the moment he gave me a solution, but he was so angry that I even thought about turning down his ‘gift’ that I...I took it.”
“You knew he was going to give me that drink at the Cooperative event?” You’re oddly calm, something that frightens Michael more than any amount of anger could.
“No! No, I knew nothing about that.”
You take your time digesting this information, letting Michael stew in his anxiety as your jaw clenches tightly. “So there was another time, then?”
“Yes, there was.”
Thinking through every interaction you’ve had with Michael in the past couple of months, you can only think of a couple of occasions where he’s acted stranger than normal. Only one of those, however, involved Satan’s ironic choice of apples.
“The day where I had the weird dream that I couldn’t remember, and then you freaked out when I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl,” you say bitterly. “You put that fucking apple there!”
“I didn’t have a choice--”
“Yes, you did. You contacted your father because you were pissed I wasn’t your adoring little wife, you put that apple in the bowl, you watched as I ate what you thought was your father’s gift, and you kept this little secret from me!”
The lights flicker ominously above you, a silent warning to watch yourself before Michael loses control. Today, however, those signs of Michael’s immense powers couldn’t mean less to you. 
“I wanted to protect you. The second you grabbed that apple, I regretted even contacting my father in the first place. I assumed that, by not telling you in the first place, that would mean you weren’t living every day in fear.”
“You don’t get to decide what information I should and shouldn’t know, especially when it directly concerns me and my life.”
“I know that, and you need to trust me when I say that I am so, so sorry for the way that this happened.” Michael reaches a hand out to try and physically convey just how sorry he is, but you shove him away as you shake your head emphatically. The tears brimming in your eyes physically cause him pain, and all he wants to do is feel one of your hugs as he wipes your sadness away. 
“How do you expect me to trust you anymore? You lied to me and put my life at risk, solely for your own selfish reasons,” you cry out, spinning on your heel and marching up the stairs.
“I don’t expect you to trust me, and I’ll spend every day trying to earn that trust back--”
“No,” you spit, coming to a stop at your bedroom door. “This isn’t something that you can just apologize a few times for and then everything is okay again.”
Michael watches helplessly from the threshold of your room, not willing to go in as you grab a bag and start throwing clothes into it.
“I know you’ve never really seen the dynamics of any sort of a healthy relationship, but surely even you should know that this is not the way that people are treated.”
“What are you doing? Are you leaving?”
You ignore his question, walking into the bathroom before returning with an armful of toiletries. “You say that you’re in love with me? What you did is not love. Love is honesty, and protection, and admitting your mistakes when you make them. Love is not lying to save face, or believing that you know better than the person you claim you love.”
“(Y/N),” Michael says brokenly, hoping to somehow find enough of a gap in your sentences to attempt and repair what’s been broken.
“You’re not supposed to hurt those that you love, and you hurt me.”
“I do love you, and I never wanted any of this to happen!” Now Michael’s crying too, blue eyes stormy as tears trail down his cheeks.
“You don’t love me, Michael. You love the idea of what I’m supposed to be for you. You think that I’m just going to wake up one day and fit into this role that supposedly is mine by prophecy, but I’m not. It’s been almost a year; either release me from this sham of a Satanic marriage or kill me, because I will never be what you want me to be.”
Michael feels like his entire world is crumbling around him as you zip up your bag and toss it over your shoulder. He has to do something to fix this, but it’s as if he’s frozen in place. You can’t even look him in the eyes as you pass, knowing that you’ll lose your resolve if you do.
“Just because your father doesn’t love you doesn’t give you the excuse to have a skewed idea of love.” You pause at the front door, hand on the doorknob as you look back at him. “I need to be alone for a couple of days. Don’t bother trying to contact me, I won’t answer.”
Closing the door behind you, you can hear Michael’s screams of agony as you run to your car and fumble with the keys. The key’s barely in the ignition before you’re driving away, angrily swiping tears from your face to attempt to keep your sight clear.
How could he betray you like this? How could he sit by, hearing you thank him profusely for saving your life, when it was all his fault? Your mind whirls with a cacophony of questions, all of them leaving behind a bitter disappointment.
He’s supposed to be your friend. Up until today, you had thought things were going well, and you genuinely liked your Satanic roommate. Now, you don’t know if you can ever even trust him again. This deception stings more than you would have expected. After all, you used to despise him; why should this hurt you when you had expected the bare minimum? Maybe this is all your fault for placing your trust in a person who should not be trusted under any circumstances.
You’re too lost in your thoughts to register movement out of the corner of your eye until it’s too late, a small deer jumping directly in the path of your oncoming vehicle. Gasping, you slam on the brakes in an attempt to save the animal. Startled by the sound, the deer dashes across the road into the tree-line. You should be in the clear, but a quick rainstorm earlier in the evening has left the roads wet. As the car hydroplanes across the road, you quickly realize that there’s no stopping its path.
The car careens through the deserted road, crashing in the ditch and coming to a stop when it hits a tree. Although you try to brace yourself, the force of the crash overwhelms any strength you may have. Your head smacks against the steering wheel, and though you only lose consciousness for a second, it’s frighteningly disorienting to wake up again.
Your head screams in pain as you lift yourself up, and you can feel a warm liquid coursing down your face. Gingerly touching the source, you examine your fingers and confirm that you’re bleeding. Throwing open the car door, you stumble and land on your hands and knees. When you attempt to stand, the world tilts under your feet, so you settle from crawling away from the wreckage.
Of course this would happen to you when you’re attempting to put some distance between you and Michael. Honestly, you wouldn’t be surprised if this crash was orchestrated by Satan himself to voice his displeasure at the situation. You try your hardest to crawl towards the road, hoping that a lone car will spot you and get help, but your arms give out underneath you and send you falling to the ground.
Staring up at the darkening sky, you can only hope that this concussion isn’t the kind that includes internal bleeding. There’s a chance for you to make your way to safety if you can regain your bearings, but the dropping temperatures make you worry that you’ll be out in the cold all night. Just as you’ve resigned yourself to freezing to death, the sound of feminine voices approaching you gives you hope.
“Over here, help me!” you call weakly, attempting to sit up to see who’s out there.
Four women walk towards you; an older woman with crimped red hair, two blondes, and a brunette. One of the blondes bends down beside you and, instead of calling for help, smiles at you with perfectly-painted pink lips as she strokes your bloodied hair away from your face. You panic as you feel yourself losing consciousness again, wide eyes darting around the group as you try to ask what’s going on. Right before passing out, you lock eyes with the brunette and feel a flicker of recognition.
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God’s Snowdrop - Dio Brando (Non Vampire AU)
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"Where were you?!" my father's drunk voice rasped from the living room as soon as I entered the house. "Mother's funeral..." I muttered, trying to slip away to my room. "That gives you no excuse to get home empty-handed! You think we can go by daily with no money?! You think I, alone, can support the both of us?! You are 10 years old, you should bring money by now too, you lazy bitch!" he yelled, before the sound of a stumble was heard, and I locked myself in my bedroom before he could reach me. "Honestly...Not even on her funeral day can you be decent...Fucking pig..." I growled, staying on the window pane and continuing my book reading. 
The next day, after I was able to sell all the flowers and matchboxes, I was able to sit at the foot of a tree and study the same medicine book that I've been reading for this whole year... The one my mother bought me om my birthday, just before she died, as she knew my dreams were of becoming a doctor. Dreams... That's all they will be... Only far away dreams... But at least I can try. 
It's not like I have anything better to do. I didn't realise how time passed, until a blond boy with a scowl on his face stood above me, snapping me from my studying.
"What can I help you with?" I asked in a soft voice, looking up at him with a tired expression. "You're in my spot! Move over!" he growled in rage, and I could only nod. "Okay, sorry about that, I didn't know." I picked up the basket near me and decided to leave home, before he grasped my wrist tightly, turning me around. "What are you? A sewer rat, or a rich bastard? I can't tell and it's annoying me!" he sneered, but in a way he seemed to be thinking something else entirely. "Something in between, I guess? My mother was a tailor and used to work for upper and middle class people, so she would always make pretty dresses for me and made sure to always look my best. On the other hand, I suppose with how the house is almost collapsing on us, we're not too far away from actual alley rats." I shrugged nonchalantly, looking up at the pink evening sky. "How old are you? You seem to have the audacity to speak like a much older and noble snob." he scoffed, glaring at me. "I am 10 years old. My name is Katrina Stark, since you seem to be asking quite a lot of questions. I'm nobody important, just the girl who sells flowers and match boxes so her father can have enough booze to pass out faster. Now, may I go home, Mister I-Have-No-Name?" I tiled my head to the side slightly, waiting for the seal of approval. "What an ill-mannered woman, you don't even ask for my name. I am Dio Brando, you better remember that name! Despite how rude you are, it seems you are capable enough to read? Whatever could someone like you be able to read? Nursery rhymes?" he laughed condescendingly as he snatched the book from my grasp. "Not quite what I would call nursery rhymes..." I muttered, looking away, slightly uncomfortable. "You...You...Read medical textbooks...? A mere 10 year old dumb little girl? And you wish to tell me you understand the words written here? And how these apply to the human body?!" he stared at me with a lowkey angered expression, shifting his expression from the book to myself. "My mother bought me that book. She suffered from an unknown illness and I vowed to discover a cure for said illness. Tell me what you want, it's not like I care in particular, but nobody's words are going to stop my ambitions and dreams. And, for the record, yes, I do understand what it is written here. I could read since I was 5, and I'm not that stupid as to not be able to corelate the text to real life." with a deadpan expression, I snatch the book away from the boy who seemed to be almost double my height, and turned around to go to my home, hiding the book at the bottom of the basket and counted the money.
I muttered a curse as I realise I could only buy 4, instead of the 5 bottles of liqueur that father wants, and I was short 1 coin... But I had no more flowers nor match boxes. Damn it. What could the odds of him being asleep be, I wonder? Maybe if I wait outside long enough, he will fall asleep? Or maybe I can somehow find something to sell? But what? I then realised that I kept 2 oranges in the basket, as a lunch, but I was much too absorbed in my lecture to realise my hunger, and I could sell them for that coin... But now... Who would want oranges? It's already dark outside and it's pretty dangerous on these dirty streets of London... And yet, it's much more dangerous inside. Soon enough, wandering the strewts, trying to avoid any drunk or scary men, I find a policeman, so I rush to him, tugging on his sleeve, with a puppy face.
"Mister policeman, please, would you please buy these oranges? Just one coin! I can't go home if I don't sell everything." I beg him, putting my hands together, fingers intertwined as if praying. "A little girl like you shouldn’t be wandering these streets at such an hour. Go straight home, alright?" the policeman smiled kindly at me as he put the coin in my hands. 
Tears welled up in my eyes as I thanked him and rushed back home - Home that was glued to a bar, and bought the usual delivery from the bartender since he knew I would just give it to my father, not without seeing the pity look in his eyes. When I arrived home, I put the 5 bottles next to his bed, but I had no idea where he was...Until a crash came from the kitchen and I knew I had to run to my room. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough, and he caught me by the neck of my dress, slamming me on the ground. 
"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO LATE?! DID YOU SLACK OFF AGAIN?!" he shouted at me. "P-People didn't want to buy today, I'm s-so sorry! But I got the 5 bottles! They're in your room!" I tried to stutter out defensively, but no excuse was enough for him to forgive me, so I bitterly accepted the beating...Not that it was anything new.
The next day, just as usual, I went to the field after making sure I got all the coins, and started reading, however, on my way there, I noticed a few kids playing, but one was on the ground, his pants torn at the knee, with his skin scraped, crying.
“Do you want me to fix that?” I asked simply, crouching down next to him. “Can you?” the boy asked, wiping his tears away, as his friends gathered around him. “Of course I can. Good thing I carry ointment and cloth with me, just in case.” I muttered, taking out the marigold ointment I made, I get the water bottle, water the cloth, cleaned the wound, then applied the treatment quickly on the wound and bandaged the kid’s knee. “There, all done. You should be fine by tomorrow.” I shrugged, gathering my things, ready to leave. “Thank you so much, miss! You’re amazing!” he cheered in glee, getting back again and playing with his friends. “Tsk...Lame.” I rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn’t see, before I went to read again, careful not sit at the foot of the same tree, so the boy wouldn't bother me again. 
What a joke, though. He would be bothered by something no matter where I'd be, I'll soon come to realise, as today, again, he was there. 
This time, however, he sat down next to me and took the book in his hands, skimming through it calmly. 
"Uhm...Hello...Dio." I mumble unsurely, looking at the boy who acted as if he owned the place. "It's one of the best books on the market. Must have cost a fortune." he speaks, completely out of context. "I...Suppose so. I wasn't able to step into a bookshop...Or a library, for the matter. I will trust your word for it." I shrugged, resting my chin on my knees. "Your mother knows her stuff well. Does she have nurses, midwives or doctors as relatives?" Dio asks, and I merely shrug once again. "I don't know. To be fair, I don't particularly know anything about my family." I spoke nonchalantly, humming slightly. "Why don't you ask her today? I am rather curious." he passes me the book back, but I could only stare at him with a dead expression. "She's dead." was all I said, as I noticed his eyes widen slightly. "I see." his voice went down in realisation. "Her funeral was 2 days ago. He didn't want to come. Said he'd drink in her honour...Tsk, what a joke. Men are such a joke...They charm a woman, steal her from her family, then get married, have a child...Then they stop working, while also demanding their wives to work to death, only to use the money on alcohol...Disgusting..." I took the book from his hands, but I didn't have the power to open it from all the pent up rage I held in my heart. "My mother's disease was actually just stress and body over-exhaustion. That much is obvious...Everyone knows...But nobody wants to say a thing. This society should just burn." I sneered, forgetting for a moment that there was someone next to me. "Your words are bold for someone so young and small." he praises lowly, turning his head to look at me. "...Words mean nothing if you can't do anything about it." I reply simply, tilting my head to look at him dead in the eyes. "Why are still here? You have nothing to gain from hanging around me. I have no way of benefiting you in any way. So, why...?" I asked in a firmer voice, yet it was still light and gentle. "You are right, I have nothing to gain from you. I shall take my leave." he started getting up, but I grasped his sleeve, not raising my head. "Won't you stay for a bit more? I haven't talked to someone in a while. I forgot how nice it is." I explain how I felt, and for some reason, he sat back down with a confident chuckle. "Heh! Of course you'd want to stay around the great Dio Brando! It is fine, I'm in a great mood today, I suppose I can indulge in some time wasting with some common girl." he spoke, pointing to himself, which made me giggle softly. "You're pretty cute, you know?" I smile softly, which earned a smirk from him. "Keh. So even someone like you can see how great I am. Who knows, Katrina, maybe when I become THE most successful lawyer, I might come back and even greet you." he boasted with full pride. "A lawyer, hmm? I can't say I'd see you as anything else. You seem that kind of person who wouldn't be stopped by laws, morals or ethics and would do anything to get what you wanted and be right. It'd be pretty fun, watching you argue until you win." I hum in amusement. "So even someone insignificant like you can recognise that I will be a flawless lawyer! Maybe you're not so bad after all." he held his head high in pride. “I see you like anyone who flatters you. Some may call you vain, you know?” I gave him a side smile. “I don’t care about others. I am the most important person in my life.” he scoffed with a frown. “That’s a nice life philosophy, you know? Maybe one day I’ll think the same too. Until then, I should still hold this wish to save others.” I hummed in amusement. “I saw what you did to that brat. What did you use?” he asked in curiosity. “Just some marigold ointment I made. It can heal wounds like that pretty fast.” I spoke as a matter of fact. “I see...Not bad, for some common wench like you. I guess you can be more interesting than I thought.” he praised, which made me look at him in surprise. “That’s...Very nice of you to say. Thank you, Dio.” I nodded at him, my cheeks becoming slightly pink. “Azaleas in your hair, hellebore in your eyes and roses in your cheeks. You’re like a nice bouquet of flowers that’s going to wither soon if nobody takes good care of you...Or can you prove me wrong?” he asked, getting closer to me, caressing my rosy cheek with the back of his hand. "Well...Unfortunately, I have to go. It's getting late and I don't want to get in trouble with that poor excuse of a father. It was great talking to you...Maybe we'll see each other again." I picked up my basket, hiding the book once again and waving him goodbye, before rushing to buy the bottles for my father, hoping that I won't mess up again for some reason. 
Days passed one after the other, and Dio was nice enough to come see me daily. I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't about to question it either. Unfortunately, despite how nice this day was, it ended horribly, as I noticed my father coming in my direction. 
"Dio...Do me a favour and leave. And take my book too. I'll see you tomorrow, I think." my voice was trembling softly, glaring at the approaching figure. "What?! How dare you-" Dio glared at me, but I snapped my back at him with pleading eyes, which made him look at me with widened eyes. "Just go...I don't know what he'll do. That's my father there...And the worst he could do is burn this book which would ultimately kill me. Please...Just listen to me and go. I don't want to get you in trouble too." I bit my lip, looking back at the silhouette that was so close now. "Fine. But you haven't heard the end of this." he grumbled, taking my book and going in the opposite direction.  "You, whore! So that's what you've been doing?! Whoring around with random boys and slacking off when you could be earning money?! You're a selfish and worthless slut, just like your mother! Get home right now!" father hollered, his voice echoed throughout the glade, yanking and dragging me by the hair back home. 
The whole night was even more than what one would ordinary call a nightmare, but I could at least consider myself lucky to be alive. I guess. Who knows? Of course, the next day I was forced to make money anyway, and I wasn't able to stay more than an hour on the spot with Dio, which angered him quite a lot. When I was leaving, he quickly put his hand on my shoulder with a little more force than he realised, which made me yelp and jump in my skin slightly. "Why...Did you react like that? Are you afraid of me? You think I'd hit you? Think I'd step so low as to hurt a girl?!" he growled in anger, his grip tightening on my shoulder. "No...It just hurt. Sorry to make you feel bad. Last night was...Not the best." I tried to explain in a way that I wouldn't have to say more. "He beat you?" he spoke bluntly, and I could only look away from him. 
He then got furious and lowered my dress from the neck back, revealing the whip marks on my back, still pink and vivid from last night, spreading down my back like the tangled web of a spider. 
"He did this to you, didn't he?" he muttered, close to my ear. "Do you really need confirmation?" I ask, looking down at the ground. "Why do you do nothing about it? There’s one thing to beat up a man, since that’s how you assert dominance, but doing it to a woman is simply unforgivable." he asked once again. "Do what? I'm nothing more than a useless little girl in a society led by men who think they're so powerful. I have no power. No way to save myself. I have no idea how I could even get the money to get myself into Med school." I gritted my teeth, putting back my dress over my shoulders. "Kill him and keep the money for yourself. You can sustain yourself from the money you earn already. There are still a few years before you can apply for University, it's plenty of time." he explains, and I merely shrugged. "Maybe..." I spoke, barely audible. "I came here to tell you that my father died today, and from tomorrow on, I will be living out of London, with a rich family that is going to support my dream financially. Once I become a Lawyer and can afford sustain myself, I will come back for you. Will you wait for me, Katrina?" he asked, getting in front of me and putting his hands on my face, lifting it up so I would look at him. "Why would you come back for me? I'm a nobody." I ask, frowning in confusion and blushing softly. "Because you believed in my greatness." he kissed my forehead gently. "You are mine now, little Snowdrop, so better not let anyone else touch you, got it?" he spoke in a voice that borderlined possessiveness. "I promise." I put my own hands over his own, closing my eyes and enjoying the last few seconds of serenity.
- 10 years later - 
I was able to get into Med school 2 years ago thanks to a legacy that my mother hid away from my father in her Will, at the bank. The down part was that I had to pretend to be a man for the whole duration of the University, but my diploma will be written with my actual name on it. 
One day, during my practice at the hospital, we heard that a group of law students in their final year were to visit and see how practices happen around, so they would understand the laws, ethics, morals and how patients fare. 
Being one of the top students, in my 4th year already, I was allowed to present the most ethically challenging cases to the law students, what we ought to choose, and what the other side of the coin is, all while going in clear medical detail. 
My long red hair was tied with a ribbon and draped over my shoulder, while my fringe was framing my face and the large lab coat was hugging my frame as if I was almost trying to hide.
By the end of it all, after hearing discussions and debates between the students, some of them bound to absolute rule and others bound to be less ethical and moral, I listen carefully to what each of them has to say, particularly the blond boy who spoke with great confidence as if he was unstoppable and untouchable by anything around him. He was beyond everything. I wonder...
Could this be the boy I used to know long ago, when I was still very young and fragile? 
The whole day I ran around the hospital all day, and at evening, I was finally able to go home, tired out of my mind. And yet, as I was walking down the wet, cobbled stone streets of London, I heard a voice call out for the "redhead", and since I knew I was the only one around, I fix the deerstalker hat to hide my face and feminine features, turning around, only to see the blond man from earlier. 
  "Yes? How may I help you" I ask in a voice that was desperately trying to be lower than usual. "You're a woman, aren't you? I know who you are." he spoke with a smirk, as he flicked the front of my hat with his fingers, making it fly away and fall on the ground. "Then, my suspicions were correct. You really are Dio Brando." I nodded, my face still passive, and yet, a smile was creeping rapidly on my face. "It has been 10 years, and you can tell that I am the great Dio Brando. Of course, only someone like you would be able to. And to think you were able to study Medicine, just as you dreamt." Dio chuckled, crossing his arms and looking down at me. "I thought you were tall before...Now I really look up at you as if looking for God. Your name truly fits you." I burst into laughter, trying to stifle my giggles with my hand, as Dio was towering over me like an elephant next to a little Corgi pup. "And you look as frail as a Snowdrop, just as you used to before. You barely changed...Yet you at least look like a woman now. And your hair grew beautifully...Soft like velvet..." he muttered, his hands on my hair, as he untied the ribbon and let it cascade down my back. "Do you really fool anyone with this façade?" he hummed in amusement. "I'm not sure. I enrolled as a man, I will graduate and practice as a woman. It's just formalities...I don't know for sure, but it doesn't matter as long as it all works in my favour, in the end." I shrugged, fixing my hair. "I haven't let it down in quite a while." I smiled softly, unconsciously braiding a small streak of crimson. "I told you, didn't I? I would come for you. I always keep my promises. And what a pleasant surprise to see that you're almost done with your studies as well. Where do you live?" he asks, pulling me closer to him. "At home. I can't afford to live anywhere else." I shrugged simply. "What about that bastard?" he sneered in disgust. "Well, what do you think happened?" I smirked, provoking him. "You killed him? Did you really have it in you to kill him, Snowdrop?" he pulled me away to look into my eyes. "I won't say anything that could possibly incriminate me, Mr. Lawyer. However, should you want to pursue a detective path, I might be persuaded to...Drop a few hints?" I smirked, challenging him. "Now I'm intrigued. My University education is almost over and my foster father said he'll buy me a nice house here, in London. Once I no longer have to live in those wretched student halls, you'll come to live with me, got it?" he smirked proudly. "Oh, and what privilege, Monsieur Dio. Is it because you are burning with curiosity to find out how I got into Med school?" I tilted my head to the side with a foxy expression, but next thing I know, I'm being pulled in a deep kiss that left me shocked, breathless and wanting more. "I love it when you challenge me. The fire in your eyes is as powerful as your hair. It's so lovely that I could break you any time, so easily and nobody would notice." he smirked, stroking a strand of my hair. "This Snowdrop thinks you're beginning to talk like a sociopath. Not that I'm surprised in the least, to be fair. Well then, Dio, till we next see each other again. Good luck with your last year of University...Though, luck is the last thing you need." I wink at him with before turning around on my heel, flipping my long hair back, letting it flow graciously in the wind as I walked home, waving lazily at the blond boy who became a man. 
A year went by faster than I expected and before I knew it, I went to see the graduation ceremony, only to see, not surprisingly, that Dio was the top of his year, with top marks, always got scholarships and now he got a ton of job opportunities in London, all of them extremely well paid.
His speech was very Dio-like, full of pride and confidence, which also inspired everyone to believe in him and go to him for any need. After he got off the podium, receiving his diploma, awards, after shaking hands with all the important people there, he walked to where his class was, receiving praises even there. It was obvious that he managed to get everyone to be his little minions.
After they all threw their hats in the air, they decided to go celebrate, so smiling, I was going to go home, before a hand stopped me, and turned me around, only to see Dio himself. 
"What are you doing here?" he asked in confusion "Am I not allowed to congratulate you for being the best, as usual?" I shrugged, with a sly smile in my face. "I wasn't expecting to see Snowdrop around. What a nice surprise. But were you going to leave without even greeting me?" he raised his eyebrow, getting closer to my face. “You were pretty busy, I didn't want to disturb you or anything. Today is your day of ultimate glory. Go out, have fun, do whatever men do when they celebrate and...I don't know, enjoy your day with your minions-...I mean classmates." I quickly cover my mistake with a low chuckle, looking down humbly. “Don’t look down when around me! You’re not like the rest, so don’t act like them. Don’t act like some meek, submissive sheep! It pisses me off!” he growled in annoyance, grabbing my face and making me look up. “It was a plant.” I smirked at him, before I pulled him down in a kiss. “What...?” he blinked in surprise, his cheeks becoming rosier. “What are you acting all blushy for, dear? You wanted a challenge, I gave you a hint. Go ahead and figure it all out, will you?” I winked at him, leaving him awestruck, as I went on my merry way back home with a satisfied smirk on my face.
Not too much time passed and we moved in together and he began working, while I was working and studying all day long, both of us making good money and soon enough, he wanted to bring me to meet his foster father and brother for some formalities.  Apparently, Jonathan - or JoJo, shorter - asked Erina to marry him and he wanted all 5 of us to have a nice dinner together.
It was pretty awkward, to say the least, especially since I wasn’t the best when it came to socialisation, but Dio and Jonathan talked enough so that I didn’t really have to say anything.
“Congratulation, JoJo, you found such a beautiful and gentle girl! She will make a great wife and mother for your children.” Mr. Joestar praised, making both of them blush, and I could feel my heart falling, realising where the conversation was going. “Thank you, father. Erina is the best woman I could ever have the pleasure of meeting. I’m really happy I got to meet her and have her be my wife, and I hope I will make her the happiest person alive, just like she does to me.” JoJo confessed, holding her hands. “Aww, JoJo, you’re so sweet. I love you so much!” she smiled bashfully, blushing furiously. “And you, Dio, this young lady is gorgeous! Did I understand correctly from JoJo that she’s an intellectual?” he asked, smiling at us. “Of course she is. I wouldn’t be courting just any common girl that’s only good for cooking and sewing.” he declared proudly, playing with a strand of my hair. “That’s very rare, but commendable. What is it that you do, dear?” he asked me directly. “I’m a Med student in London and I also practice at the University’s hospital.” I managed to speak in a firm voice, not wavering in any way, thankfully. “You practice medicine? Do you wish to become a midwife or a nurse?” he asked, intrigued. “No. Next year I will get my diploma and I will be a fully-practicing doctor.” I explained, which made him raise his eyebrow. “I didn’t know Universities and Hospitals allowed women to train and become doctors! I can’t believe how fast years passed by me! We truly live in a revolutionary era!” he praised, despite sounding like a double-edged compliment. “Thank you, Mr. Joestar. I suppose when you’re good at something, nobody can turn you away.” I spoke with a bit of acid, which made Dio smirk next to me. “It is a wonderful career to be pursuing, dear, but will you have time for the children? Such a profession isn’t easy for a woman, you know? It’s usually either one or the other.” he smiled fatherly at me, but it only pissed me off. “That’s something for the future, father. We’re still very young, we have the whole life ahead of us. It’s the 19th century, after all.” Dio saved me from this conversation. “You’re right, you’re right, how silly of me! I suppose I miss having you two as children around this place, that it only made me think like an old man, wishing to see his grandchildren running around!” Mr. Joestar laughed nostalgic, and I could only sigh in relief.
The dinner didn’t last long after this, and we were allowed to go to our rooms. I stood by the vanity in my nightgown, braiding my long hair in a side tail, not wanting it to bother me while sleeping, but Dio had other plans, as he picked me up and threw me on the bed, stealing away the ribbon from my hand.
“Uh...Dio? Do you want me to tie your hair with my ribbon, or what?” I asked, looking at him in confusion. “Why would you tie your hair without brushing it?” he asked, shaking his head. “Because...I was tired? I don’t know, I don’t usually brush my hair before bed. I only do it in the morning.” I shrugged, getting in a sitting position, looking up at him. “You’re doing a terrible job at taking care of your hair, Snowdrop. Stay still and let me do it.” he said as he sat on the bed behind me, pulling me closer to him, as he started gently brushing my hair. “You could just say that you want to play with my hair, I don’t mind. In fact, I quite like it.” I giggled teasingly, which only made him pull at my hair. “Don’t be silly.” he muttered lowly. “He was declared dead by heart attack.” was the 2nd hint I gave him. “Asian medicine?” he asked suddenly, and after a few seconds of silence, I spoke up. “Is it how you killed your father?” I asked softly, not moving an inch. “How do you know I kill my father?” he sneered as he pinned me down on the bed. “I didn’t...Until you confirmed it.” I smirked in victory, seeing his wide eyes. “I’ve had my suspicions since that last day when we saw each other years ago, when you suggested killing my father, while also having yours dead all of a sudden, and you getting this opportunity to live with the Joestars. You merely confirmed my theory.” I explained to him, which made me sit on his knees, no longer standing above me, yet still looking down at me. “You’re too smart for your own good, Katrina. He deserved it. He deserved to die an even more painful death than he did, but it can’t be helped.” he sneered in anger, as I got up, putting my hands on his face, no longer trying to provoke him. “Do you want to talk about it, my love?” I asked in a gentle voice, not wanting to anger him. “There’s nothing to talk about. He was nothing more than a fucking waste of space who killed my mother. He was a fuckass, just like yours. I spit on his grave before coming here, that’s how much I loathed his existence. I’m glad I was the one to get him out of this world. He’s the reason my mother died. He overworked my mother to death...Just like your shit head of a father did to your father.” he growled in anger, which made me pull him down on the bed, cradling his head to my chest, stroking his hair soothingly. “You did the right thing, Dio. He deserved to die...And you avenged your mother too. You did really good, my dear.” I tried to sooth him. “So what did you use?” he muttered, closing his eyes. “Belladonna berries. I squished them and put the juice in his wine. They cause involuntary muscle paralysis, including the heart, which is why they thought it was a heart attack. Correlated with the fact that he was a drunkie...Nobody suspected poisoning.” I explained everything that happened, which made him raise slightly, resting on his hand to look at me with a proud smirk. “Can’t believe my little Snowdrop was capable of pulling such a nice trick at that age. I’m proud of you.” he praises, kissing me tenderly, raking his fingers through my hair. “I’m glad I got to meet you, Kitten. Don’t listen to that old fart, he can’t tell us how to live our lives. Together, we’re unstoppable and that’s all that matters. Just finish your education and I’ll make you mine, officially. If JoJo has a well paid job, mine will be a hundred times better. If JoJo has a nice wedding, ours will be a thousand times more fabulous...And if JoJo thinks he has a nice wife...Then he should have realised by now that my girl is an infinite times better than his boring housewife Erina. You are mine, Katrina, and there’s never been a person alive who could excite me the way you do.” he kissed me once again, even more passionately than before, rolling himself so he was on top of me. “I don’t know what’s gotten you in such a soft mood, but honestly, you praising me like that really does things to me that I can’t explain. Do it more.” I smiled at him, bringing him closer to me. “You have to deserve it, sweetheart.” he muttered against my skin, as he started kissing my neck, slowly revealing my shoulder. “You still have those marks from years ago. If I could, I would beat that disgusting cockroach to death...But I promise you, nobody will ever even dare of treating you any less than they would treat a Princess. I am a man of my word, and you know it by know.” he growled against my skin, before he kissed my knuckles and made his promise by putting his forehead against mine. “I trust you, Dio. You know I always have and always will.” I intertwined my fingers with his, squeezing his hand, before kissing him once again, letting all the love flow.
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starryknight09 · 4 years
Unforeseen dangers ch. 4
Summary:  As Peter recovers from his capture by Ross, a photo of him with Tony and the Avengers leaks and is splashed all across the media. Luckily, no one can figure out who he is and everyone thinks the buzz will die down. However, the public’s interest has been ignited. While Tony worries it’s only a matter of time before Peter’s identity is exposed, Peter isn’t as concerned. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen anyway?
Read on AO3.
A knock sounded on Peter’s bedroom door just as he finished the last equation of the problem set in front of him.
“Kid, can I come in?” Tony’s voice came from the other side of the door.
“Sure.” He answered.
His dad walked in, a tense expression on his face.  He wondered if it was from the same thing that’d put a similar look on Pepper’s face.
“Doing your math homework?” Tony asked when he got close enough to see the open textbook and the sheet of paper with the completed problem set to the side of it.
Peter nodded.  “I just finished it.”
Tony ruffled his hair.  “Want me to check your answers?”
“No I got it.” Peter said, trying to fix his mussed up curls.
His dad watched him fondly for a moment, amusement warring with worry on his face.
Peter frowned.  “Is everything ok?”
“Everything’s fine,” Tony answered quickly, “but there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
Peter’s heart leaped to his throat.  Had Tony figured out Peter’s plan to change his name?  Was he unhappy about it?  But how had he found out?  Pepper wouldn’t have told.  Had someone else?  Or was it just his dad’s uncanny ability to somehow know everything that happened in his Tower?  Maybe FRIDAY had squealed?
“Um what-what’s up?” He asked, trying not to sound as nervous as he felt.
His dad sighed, sliding his homework off to the side so there was a clear spot on his desk where he could sit down.
“Watch any TV recently?” Tony asked.
Peter blinked.  That was not at all what he’d been expecting.
“Um I watched a few episodes of Love it or List it last night.”
“I thought I told you that show would rot your brain.”
“I like it.”
Tony shook his head with a sigh, but Peter could tell he didn’t actually care.
“What about today?  Did you watch anything today?”
“No.  Why?  Did something happen?”  Had some sort of world catastrophe occurred that he was unaware of?
“Yes…and no.” Tony answered.
“Wow that’s cryptic.” Peter joked, trying to lighten the solemn mood that’d fallen over his room.  “Are you actually going to tell me or am I supposed to guess?”
Tony took a deep breath as if to bolster himself before he answered, “Someone leaked a photo.”
“Ok…” That answer was just as vague.
“A photo of us.”
Peter’s mouth fell open as he tried to absorb the words and what they meant.  “What?  But who would—?  When did—?”  He could only get out clipped, incomplete fragments, but his dad seemed to understand all the same.  
“Some government aide leaked the photo of us together on the couch after the Accords signing.  The press is having a heyday with it.” Tony answered.
Peter winced.  Oh.  That was bad.
Tony continued, “It’s playing on all the major network stations.  Everyone wants to know who you are and what your connection is to me.”
Peter frowned, staring blankly at his math homework for a moment as he tried to process the news.
“What-what does this mean?” He asked, looking up to meet Tony’s worried eyes.
Tony licked his lips and answered slowly, “It means…we’re going to have to be a lot more careful in the future to not be seen together.”
“But why?  If they already know who I am?” Peter didn’t really understand.  Why did they need to be careful if the cat was already out of the bag?  
“No.  They don’t know.” His dad shook his head.  “The photo isn’t very good quality.  I can barely tell it’s you.  They just know I was sitting with some kid.”
Peter scrunched his nose, not really loving that description.  “So what are we going to do about it?”
“Nothing.  We’re going to do nothing and let it run its course and eventually it’ll die down.  We’re not telling anyone who you are or what your relationship with me is.  But like I said, we’re going to have to be careful.  We can’t go out in public together for the time being.  One good photo and they might be able to figure out who you are.”
“And that would be bad.” He said, but it came out more as a question.
Tony frowned as he answered, “Yes Peter, that would be bad.  If the press found out you were my son, they’d hound you nonstop, and it wouldn’t be for only a couple weeks.  It’d be forever.  The unfortunate curse of being a Stark.”  
Peter swallowed hard, thinking of the paperwork he’d just signed to officially make himself a Stark.
“And that wouldn’t even be the worst part.” Tony explained, looking stricken.  “Certain people might see you as a tool they could use to try to get to me.  You’d never be safe, and I don’t want that for you.”
“They could try,” Peter smiled, trying to reassure his dad, “but I’m Spiderman.  I’m not so easy to get to.”
“Don’t underestimate the crazies.” Tony shook his head.  “It’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”
“So, if we’re not going to do anything about it, then why are you telling me?” He asked.
“Because I want you in the loop.  In case things come up or go wrong, I want you to know how serious it could be.”
“Ok.  I guess that makes sense.” Peter’s brow furrowed as another thought struck him.  “Wait.  Is this the emergency Pepper got called back to deal with?”
Tony nodded.  
Peter immediately felt guilty.  Because of him, because of something to do with him, Pepper had needed to run back to work to deal with the fallout.
Tony must’ve seen the guilt on his face.  “Don’t worry kid.  Compared to some of the things I’ve put her through, this is nothing.  And the game plan’s simple.  We’re doing nothing.  We’re not confirming or denying anything or making a statement.  It’s literally no extra work for Pep.”
“I don’t know.” Peter mumbled.   “She looked pretty stressed.”
Tony waved a hand in dismissal.  “She’ll be fine.  Believe me.  The woman’s as tough as nails.”
That got a smile out of him.  “I know.”
“Good.” His dad ruffled his hair again and he groaned in fake complaint.  “You’re done with your homework, right?”
“Yeah.” It wasn’t exactly a lie.  He’d done the problem set he’d been working on, but he still had a mountain load to do by the end of winter break.
“What do you say we go down to the workshop and work on the new updates to my suit?”
“I’m in.” He stood, always eager to work on the Ironman armor.
Tony got off the desk and wrapped an arm around his shoulders as they walked out of his room and to the workshop together.  It should’ve been comforting but Peter still didn’t feel completely at ease.  Even though Tony had tried to reassure him, he couldn’t shake the troubled look on his dad’s face from his mind.
“Hey Ned.” Peter answered his phone as he laid on his mattress.  Tony had sent him to bed an hour ago but he still hadn’t been able to fall asleep.  The phone call was a welcome interruption from staring at the ceiling.
“Dude you’re on TV!  You’re famous!” Ned erupted in excitement.
Peter groaned and rubbed his eyes.
“Have you seen the news?  Like literally everyone is talking about you.  I’m friends with a celebrity!”
“I haven’t seen it yet but I’ve heard.” Peter sighed.  “And no one can know it’s me Ned.  You have to keep it to yourself.  You can’t even tell your parents, got it?”
“Oh man.” Ned whined.  “Are you serious?”
“Yes.  I mean it.” Peter reiterated.  “Tony will flip if someone finds out that I’m the one in the picture.”
“You don’t think someone’s going to figure it out?”
“I don’t know.  Tony didn’t seem to think so.  I guess it’s not that great of a picture.”
Ned hummed.  “Yeah it is pretty blurry.  I might not have even known it was you except I knew it was you.”
Peter snorted.
“That sucks though dude.  I thought I was going to be famous by proxy.” Ned said with disappointment.
Peter grinned.  “I don’t think it works that way.”
“I already had an awesome tag line idea for my twitter.”
“Uh huh.”
“Do you want to hear it?”
“Sure.  Why not?”
“It was going to be, ‘Best friend of Ironkid.  Friend of the Avengers.’  What do you think?”
“I think maybe keep working on it.” Peter laughed.  “And my name wouldn’t be Ironkid.”
“Are you kidding?  The media’s not all that creative.  If they found out you were Ironman’s kid I’m pretty sure they’d dub you Ironkid.”
Peter made a face in disgust.  “Oh god I hope not.  That’s reason enough to make sure they don’t find out.”
Ned laughed over the phone.
“So I guess for now I have to stick with secretly being Spiderman’s guy in the chair?”
“And Peter Parker’s best friend.  Sorry.”
“It’s all right.  I like that role better anyway.” Peter could hear Ned’s honest smile in his voice.  “Besides, we both know I probably do better work behind the scenes than out in the spotlight.”
“Yeah and it might sound fun at first, but it would totally suck to not be able to go anywhere without being recognized.”
“Yeah you’re right.  Although, I bet we could get some sweet Comic-Con tickets if people knew who you were.”
“Tony can get those for us anyway.”  Peter rolled his eyes.  “And if no one knows who I am, we can go and not get mobbed, and actually have fun.”
“I guess you have a point.” Ned agreed.
Peter heard muffled voices coming from across the speaker of Ned’s phone.
“Um sorry dude but my mom says I have to go to bed.” Ned said.  “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Ok.  Good night Ned.” Peter said with a smile.
“Good night.”
Peter plugged his phone back into the charger and set it on the nightstand.  Fatigue leadened his eyelids, and he closed his eyes as he settled into his soft pillows.  Talking to Ned had at least helped him finally destress.  Sleep was no longer so hard to find.
“How does that feel?” Ross sneered at him as he stabbed a knife straight into his thigh.
Peter couldn’t hold back a cry of pain.  He instinctively tried to grab the offending object but he couldn’t move his arms.  They were tied behind him as he sat helpless in a chair.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Ross said with grim pleasure as he slowly twisted the knife.
It burned.  Electric shocks of agony danced through his leg.
“Stop.” He moaned and crumpled forward at his waist, but he only had enough slack to make it a few inches.
Ross snorted in amusement.
“You want me to stop?  Oh no.  We’re just getting started.” Ross said and ripped the knife out of his leg.  It hurt almost as much as getting stabbed in the first place and Peter cried out again.  He panted as blood bubbled from the wound, too much too fast.
Ross leaned forward and placed the edge of the blood coated knife on his bare chest.
“No.” He pleaded.  “Please.”
The corner of Ross’s lip twisted up in a crazed smile and he pressed down.
Peter watched as blood flowed out and around the knife as it carved into his skin.
“No!” He tried to thrash away but he couldn’t as Ross trailed the knife across his chest to form a burning line of red.
Peter couldn’t help it.  He was crying now.  It hurt.  And there was so much blood dripping down his chest and out of his leg.  He was going to die.  Oh god.  Ross wasn’t going to stop.  He was going to keep going until he slowly killed him.
The man placed the knife a couple inches below the line of open skin and repeated the process, forming another crimson line of open flesh.  Peter didn’t want to look but he couldn’t help it.  The cuts were deep enough he thought he could see flashes of white bone underneath.
“Stop.  Stop!  Please.” He begged through his sobs.
Ross ignored him and continued the process, dragging the knife over his skin to make a third line.
Peter screamed.  He didn’t want to die.  He didn’t.
“Help!  Someone please!  Help!” He yelled hoarsely even though he knew it was hopeless.  He was all alone with Ross.
“No one’s coming to save you.” Ross taunted.  “Not even Daddy.”
Peter whimpered at that.  He wanted his dad.  Ross carved another slice across his front.
“Dad!” He screamed this time, clenching his eyes shut at the pain.  He knew it was pointless and that Ross was right.  Tony wasn’t coming to save him, but he couldn’t help instinctively calling for him.  “Dad!  Help!  Please.  Dad!”
Ross gripped his shoulders and gave them a firm shake.  Why had Ross stopped hurting him?  Peter’s eyes snapped open in confusion.
Instead of Ross, all he saw was a darkened figure leaning over him, holding his shoulders.
“You’re all right.” The figure soothed.  Not Ross.  Peter blinked and immediately recognized his dad.  He took in the rest of his surroundings.  He was in his room.  In bed.  He spread a hand across his chest but there was nothing there.  His leg was fine too.  Nothing hurt.  It’d all just been a bad dream.  Ross didn’t have him anymore.  Right.  Tony had saved him.  And Ross was dead.
Tony sat perched on the edge of the bed and Peter wasted no time in sitting up and wrapping his arms around the man.
“You’re all right.” His dad repeated softly into his hair.
Peter closed his eyes and melted into the comfort.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.  He had no idea what time it was, but Tony was wearing pajamas so Peter knew he’d woken him up.
His dad shushed him and rubbed a hand over his back.
After a long minute of silent comfort, Tony said, “You were calling for me.”
Peter knew it was a question as much as a statement.  His dad was offering him a chance to talk about his dream but he wasn’t going to force it.
“I was back there.” Peter whispered into Tony’s chest.  “Ross had me.”
Tony made a sound of displeasure but Peter continued, “He was hurting me and he wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t get free and no one was coming to save me and I just wanted you.”
“I’m right here.” Tony said, squeezing him even tighter.  “You’re safe.”
“It felt so real.” Peter mumbled.
“It wasn’t.” Tony tangled a hand in the hair at the back of his head.  “You’re not there.  And Ross is gone.  He’ll never hurt you again.”
“I know.  It’s stupid.  I’m sorry.”
“It’s not stupid.” Tony said firmly.  “What you went through was traumatic.  Someone took you, held you hostage, and hurt you.  I’d be surprised if you weren’t having nightmares about it.  Hell, I’m having nightmares about it.”
“You are?” Peter pulled back and saw the truth in his dad’s eyes.
“Yeah.” Tony tried to smile as he palmed his cheek, but he just looked sad.  “Of course.  Someone took you from me and hurt you as a way to get to me.  That’s the very definition of my worst nightmare.”
“Yes.  Really.” Tony rubbed a thumb over his cheek.  “You’re the most important thing to me.  How many times do I have to tell you that before you finally start to believe me?”
“Lots.” Peter said and grinned.  “Maybe because I like to hear it.”
Tony let out a short huff of amusement and dropped the hand on his face so he could ruffle his hair.  “You seem better.”
“Yeah.” He agreed.  He did feel better.  With his dad so close, the fear from his nightmare seemed miles away now instead of lurking in the room.  “Thanks.”
“Think you’ll be able to get back to sleep?” Tony asked.  “It’s still pretty late.”
“I think so.” He said even though he wasn’t sure.  The yawn that escaped him a couple seconds later seemed to contradict his doubts.
Tony nodded and stood, fluffing his pillow for him and then gently guiding him backward to land on it.  Once he was settled, his dad pulled the covers up to his chin and brushed the hair off his forehead before lightly pressing a kiss there.
“Get some sleep.” His dad whispered.
Peter hummed in response, eyes already drifting closed.  He expected to hear the door click shut as Tony walked out, but instead, a few moments later, he felt the other side of his bed tip.  Peter cracked his eyes open and watched with a frown as his dad crawled into the other side of it.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Shh go to sleep.” Tony said, reaching a hand across the space between them to place it briefly over his eyes to close them.  “I’m keeping the nightmares away.”
“Mine or yours?” Peter joked.
Tony chuckled.  “Both.”
“Night dad.”
“Good night kiddo.”
“I love you.” He mumbled as sleep pulled irresistibly at him.
“I love you too.” His dad said back and Peter could hear all the fondness and love infused in the sentence.  “Now go to sleep.”
Peter hummed tiredly in agreement.  With his dad next to him, a sense of safety encompassed him, and he had no trouble slipping quickly back to sleep.
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strcwberryfields · 4 years
❤ - eleanor and scott
i went crazy and stupid
1. Eleanor sat in the courtyard with Josie during lunch, popping bubblegum and giggling as she pulled a note from her chemistry textbook that Scott had dropped into her locker that morning. Unfolding the ripped notebook paper in her hands, she lowered her voice to read the short note of affection to Josie. 
“So he’s really like, yer boyfriend, aye?” Josie said, raising her eyebrows and blowing a large bubble with her gum that Eleanor popped with a pen. “Oi!” 
“Of course he’s my boyfriend, I already told you that,” Eleanor said, the same dreamy smile stretching across her face that appeared any time she started to talk about Scott and how they’d recently decided to officially be together. She noted the amused grin on Josie’s face and cocked an eyebrow. “What’s so funny about that?” 
“Never thought’d I’d see the day that Scott Blackwood would be somebody’s boyfriend, I guess,” she chuckled. “Good on ye, babe. Many a hen have tried and failed,” Josie said with a smirk. Eleanor waved a flippant hand in the air and rolled her eyes, despite her blushing cheeks. “Oh, smitten little kitten ye are. You’re totally in love him already!” Josie teased, giving Eleanor’s cheek a hard enough pinch to make her laugh. 
“We’ve only just started going out! I—I’m not!” Eleanor stammered, though her heart raced and her palms felt sweaty. She gave Josie a warning look before dissolving into giddy laughter that echoed through the schoolyard. 
2. Furious and scribbling on a piece of paper she’d ripped from her journal, Eleanor sat at her tiny university desk alone in her room. Scott’s letter was lined with creases from Eleanor balling it up and throwing it into the bin before she fished it out and unravelled it, sitting in front of her and taunting her as she wrote back to him—even if it was clear that he didn’t want her to. She knew she probably wouldn’t send it anyway. 
That’s it? It’s just over because you say it’s over. I don’t want to stop writing to you. The thought of never hearing from you again is making me sick. I’m nauseous right now as I write this. Don’t I get a say in this? You always think you know what the right thing to do is. Well guess what? You don’t. You’re not always right Scott. You always think you have to be strong or alone or whatever else it is you’ve convinced yourself of—but you don’t. But fine. If that’s what you want. You know what I want. I couldn’t be more clear in every letter. And you’ve ruined me forever for any other boy that comes along no matter how much I feel like I hate you right now. And I do feel like I hate you. And when I'm done hating you all that's left will be— 
“Ugh!” Eleanor sounded, slamming her pen down against her decades old desk and standing up to pad over to her bed, flopping down on her stomach. Though like a moth to a flame, she crawled back to the edge of her bed and plucked Scott’s letter—his last letter to her—and reread it for what felt like the hundredth time. “I hate you Antimony,” she grumbled under her breath, tears welling her eyes again. Though she knew if that were true, it wouldn’t hurt so much. 
3. “It’s such a shame about Henry, darling. What a fine young man he was,” Natalie tutted, stirring her tea as she sat across from Eleanor at their drawing room table in London. Eleanor stacked sugar cubes into little pyramids on her saucer, earning her an exasperated expression from her mother. She knocked down the pyramids and dropped the sugar cubes back into the china bowl in front of her. “Are you sure you couldn’t work things out with him?” 
“I’m sure mum,” Eleanor sighed. Ever since she’d broken up with Henry last month, Natalie found a way to bring him up exactly when Eleanor wanted to talk about it the least. “I told you, we just grew apart. And I’m fine with it, really. I’m okay,” she insisted, because that was mostly true. 
“I really still don’t understand why. I thought he was rather perfect for you,” Natalie said, her shiny bracelets jingling softly as she waved a hand towards Eleanor. As if she would know anything about who would be right for Eleanor.
“I just said why, we grew—“ 
“I suppose I’m just shocked considering how horrendously you handled our departure from Scotland,” Natalie interjected. Eleanor felt like she’d just gotten the wind knocked out of her. She knew exactly what Natalie was referring to, and wanted to roll her eyes at her very obvious side-step to not mention Scott’s name. “Sometimes I still think you’re in love with that boy.” Eleanor’s mouth fell open and she stared at her mother with wide eyes. Natalie placed her teacup down and the corner of her mouth twitched in a way that indicated to Eleanor that she wanted to make one of her infamous unsavory comments.
“Scott. And I’m not. Don’t worry,” Eleanor rushed. “I haven’t thought about him in years,” she lied, swallowing down the rest of her tea and swiftly excusing herself from the drawing room.
4. Maybe it was wrong of Scott and Eleanor to continue seeing each other so much. They’d just patched things up again after Eleanor had gotten into a fight with Ivy at the employee bonfire, and they were both seeing other people. Seeing other people, however, was about as gray of an area as Eleanor had ever experienced. She might argue that she and Scott were seeing each other too, as he was right in front of her, smoking a cigarette in her line of vision. He looked so good, and Eleanor found herself distracted by his lips while he was speaking.
“Hello? Lenore?” Scott laughed.
“I asked ye a question.”
“Oh! Sorry I—what was the question?” She said, feeling caught. The way he was looking at her made her feel like he was actually reading her mind, and he knew that she’d been fantasizing about him. 
“Am I really that boring?” He asked, a smirk curling up on his lips. 
“Oh, please, stop it,” Eleanor chuckled, waving a hand at him. “Work was just tiring today. I’m sleepy,” she whined, resting her head in her hand. 
“Uh-huh, sure,” Scott said, nodding dramatically. 
“You’re an arsehole.” She rolled her eyes, despite the grin on her face. 
“Ye love me,” he huffed, blowing out a long stream of smoke and flashing her a smile.
“You wish, Antimony,” Eleanor countered, feeling caught once again. 
5. “—and his boat is fantastic. When he bought it it was basically falling apart and it looks brand new now,” Eleanor explained to her father on the phone. 
“That’s brilliant!” Aslan enthused. There was a beat of silence on the phone, and he spoke again. “How unbelievable this world is that you’ve ran into him on the other side of the planet.” 
Eleanor sighed twirling a curl around her finger and looking out of her bedroom window. “I know. I should’ve told you and mum sooner. It was just so—I don’t know. So weird and well, you know mum and—I thought maybe I truly had gone completely mad for real this time and made it up in my head,” she laughed awkwardly. 
“You sound happy, love.” Eleanor could hear the smile on his face through his voice. And she felt herself smiling too. 
“I am,” she said, and she felt that maybe another day she might tell him an abridged and absolutely G-rated version of everything that happened between her and Scott before now. Even if things were still so confusing, at least she was happy. After last night on his boat, she was extraordinarily so. She’d kept her father on the phone with her for the last half hour talking about it, about Scott and how wonderful she thought he was.
“That lad always made you quite happy, didn’t he?” Aslan mused. 
“I—of course,” she replied, feeling her cheeks warm. Maybe she was a little embarrassed that she was so helplessly and blatantly in love with Scott as a teenager that her father remembered how crazy she was about him.
“I’m chuffed it seems that he still does,” he chuckled, and Eleanor groaned in embarrassment. “Do you still love him?” Aslan asked quietly, and Eleanor’s mouth ran dry. 
“Dad!” she squeaked. “We’re friends I told you, oh my god.” Eleanor rushed and rolled her eyes at Aslan’s loud and hearty laughter on the other end of the line. 
+1. Standing in Scott’s kitchen with his t-shirt on and sipping tea, Eleanor chatted away on the FaceTime to Josie in the early morning hour. She peeked through the doorway into his bedroom and smiled at his figure lying in bed, still sleeping in some miraculous turn of events in which she was the first one to wake. She did her best to keep her voice down, despite wanting to laugh after every other thing Josie said. 
“Ye sound just like ye did when we were wee lassies in school,” Josie snickered, wagging her eyebrows at Eleanor through the phone. 
“I feel like I did then too,” she agreed with a giddy smile.
“So fuckin’ precious, Christ,” she chuckled. 
“I just love him so much,” Eleanor said helplessly, and Josie grinned. 
“Aye, don’t I know it,” she said with a wink. “Alright babe, I’ve got to go, but I’ll text ye soon.” 
Eleanor and Josie exchanged their goodbyes and she put her phone on the kitchen counter next to her half-finished mug of tea before padding quietly back to Scott’s bed and doing her best not to wake him up. Still, he stirred a little, pulling her in by her waist so her back was flush against his chest. “I love you so much too, Len,” he mumbled against her neck.
“Little eavesdropper,” she tutted, and he huffed a laugh as Eleanor closed her eyes to fall back asleep. 
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acrobaticcatfeline · 4 years
Of Books, Brothers, and Broadway (Creativitwins College AU) Chapter Two!!!
Word Count: 3814
TW: Remus, Janus, ocean creatures, I.E. octopus, swearing, I think thats it?
Pairings: pining logince and dukeceit right now, mentioned established moxiety.
Notes: This is pages 4-11 of a current 24. I can like, literally not stop writing this it is a stream of consciousness and I haven’t felt this productive or creative in such a long time. We meet the other 5 in this finally! At this point with 24 pages I think the title should be Of Books, Brothers, Broadway, and Boys. So there’s a little hint. Listen I’m just desperate for soft.
Summary: Roman and Remus are trying to write a musical all while juggling their college courses and jobs. Remus and Roman both inadvertently end up introducing their friend group to their brother and two are pining hard for their brothers best friend. Meanwhile, Remus talks to his boss and gets some news that makes his day.
“Hiya Roman!!! Hey wait up a sec!”
Roman was walking through campus when he heard Patton trying to grab his attention over his headphones. He pulled the headset off his head and turned towards the energetic friend who was racing to catch him.
“Howdy Popstar! I missed you last period, where were you?”
Patton panted softly as he tried to catch his breath. He finally smiled up at Roman.
“Oh yeah, my boyfriend is at home sick and I lost track of time. I didn’t even think about it until his phone alarm went off for his online class, what did I miss?”
“Oh nothing much, another duet skit, lucky for you, you got paired with me!”
“Oh boy, what skit?”
“I’ll give you the packet when we get to class, but it's from midsummer nights”
“Ohhhh I love that play!!!”
Roman was just about to bring up the musical he and Remus had started, being called the magicians notebook, when JJ walked up. He gave a casual peace sign and Patton waved.
“What's up with our favorite preps today?”
“Well actually I was just about to tell Patton about this musical-”
Jay decided to jump in front of them, now walking backwards as he stared at Roman with barely restrained joy.
“Musical you say? What’s it called? Who made it? Do I know about it?”
Roman chuckled.
“It's actually one me and my brother are making”
Roman couldn't hold back the loud laughter at JJ’s response, he doubled over laughing, still smiling widely as JJ was bouncing on his heels and Patton stared at him in awe.
“Wow, you and your brother are making a musical?”
“Roman I don't think I have to explain to you just how mother fucking rad that is, I think you know that already, but whats it about? Do you have any songs yet? Do you have a name yet? Who's your brother? I have so many questions Roman I can't believe I wasn't the first person you told!!!”
“You were you dork! You and Patton are currently the only ones who know about it!”
“I need answers Roman!”
“Salutations Remus. I presume you got your portion of the assignment done… 2 minutes ago?”
Remus rushed to his seat as their professor started class. He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously.
“Am I that obvious Shakespeare?”
Logan stared at him emotionlessly. He looked him over then leaned his head on his hand.
“You are barely on time, cluing me in that you were preoccupied with something and lost track of time, your bag is still open, likely due to you shoving your laptop in it hurriedly without double checking the zipper, and of course, you looked sheepish as you sped in, hinting that you were doing something you weren't supposed to be doing slash doing something you were supposed to have done earlier last minute, instead of proud like you do when you were wasting your time on something you felt justified in taking your time on”
Remus shrunk. Logan could always read him like an open book, though it was his fault for befriending the psychology major he supposes. He felt ready to be completely humiliated as Logan smirked and pulled up his phone.
“And of course, the text I got from you an hour ago warning me that you might run late because of the assignment was a nice bonus”
Remus felt his cheeks redden as he remembered messaging him. He probably shouldn't be so surprised and attacked and yet he turned his face towards their professor with a huff as he pulled out his notebook and textbook. He was startled out of his thoughts as he heard the hall door open suddenly. He turned towards the noise and snickered as he saw Virgil clambering towards them as quietly as possible.
“Mr. Storm I would appreciate that if you are late to class you attempt to cause less of a distraction to the rest of your peers”
“Y-yes sir, I’ll keep that in mind”
Remus had to cover his mouth as Virgil squeezed past them and took the spot on the other side of him. He gave him a quick look and went back to the text. A small piece of paper slipped in front of him as Virgil unpacked that asked if he had missed anything. Remus shook his head idly. The three kept quiet until the teacher released them. As they packed up, Logan started a conversation.
“What made you late Virge?”
“Huh? Oh, I'm not feeling great, I woke up feeling like shit. I was originally going to just stay home sick, but I remembered our project so here I am I guess”
“Oh, Vee, you could've texted us, you didn't have to come if you were dying”
“Meh, I spent too much on this class to miss it. Especially since it's one of my prereqs. I’ll survive”
“Well I guess if you're gonna be here we might as well take advantage of it. I don't have any more classes today, you guys want to get some writing done?”
“I suppose that would be amenable”
“Sure, but I need some caffeine first, haven't had any at all today”
“Good god how were you able to drive here?”
“I can function without coffee if I get enough sleep. I also am simply not addicted”
“Well that is ridiculous, you must not be human. But I could go for a soda right now. Want me to take orders and meet you guys at the library?”
“Lit. you know what I want”
“Oh my god, somebody needs to take your flashcards”
“If you like having 5 fingers on each hand I would recommend you not do that”
Remus was getting annoyed with his brother. He was quietly ranting on the phone at him in the study room he had booked with Logan and Virgil.
“Roman, I literally could not give a shit if you told your friends about the musical idea, I was gonna tell mine as well. … so fucking what if its my final? None of your friends are in any of my courses, I'm not scared they're gonna plagiarize me, you trust them, I'm sure that you have half a decent taste in friends. … Listen, I can't deal with all of you right now, I have a collaborative story I'm supposed to be working on, we can deal with this when I get home. Just like, have a glass of your shitty wine and maybe you'll calm down. I gotta go, i’ll see you later”
Logan smirked at him as he hung up. He did the lean again and god Remus could throw him into the wall.
“What's this about a musical I hear? I didn't take you for a song and dance guy”
Remus sighed, brushing his hand through his hair as he sat down in front of his computer.
“I'm not, but my brother is. When we were younger he said that we should make a musical together. And as a man of my word, I've been working on a book for a musical for him. He's already got a couple of songs written up for it and we’re working with it. It's actually not half bad. He may drive me insane, but he's talented at what he does”
Remus had just started typing when his phone alarm went off. His eyes widened and he scrambled to pack up again.
“SHIT!!! I have a meeting with my boss, they're giving me an octopus to care for I can't believe I forgot I'm such an idiot oh shit I'm gonna be late and they won't-”
Logan stopped his hands. He looked him calmly in the eyes with a small smile.
“Hey, we’ll pack for you and drop your stuff off for you, just go and get that octopus Remus”
Remus smiled gratefully and after checking he had his phone and keys, he ran to get home.
“Hello Dr. sanders! Please come in!”
The doctor smiled at him as he stepped inside. He glanced around the area idly with a smile.
“With how energetic and, well, chaotic you are at work I didn't expect your home to be so immaculate!”
“Heheh, yeah I prefer a clean canvas. Sorry not everything is in place, I kinda forgot about this until just a bit ago and had to rush out of a study group. It's usually cleaner than this, well, at least most of it is, my brother is a mess, but he has a completely separate space. Oh boy I’m talking a lot”
“It's fine kid. Mind showing me where you'd be keeping her?”
Remus nodded and led the doctor into his room, and suddenly he felt a little self conscious over all the terrariums in his room. Dr. Sanders paid his full attention to the fish tank.
“This is impressive, it's a nice little ecosystem for all of them, are you sure Cephy won't disrupt them all?”
“Oh! Yes, I did a little research on her breed and none of the fish in there are food for her, nor is she food for. I know she's super friendly and all these guys have been very receptive to new members in the past, my newest one is the angel fish but she doesn't seem to be bothered by bigger creatures. I also have a back up tank for worst case scenarios, and the fish don't bother my brother!”
“Only thing I'd say is, maybe add some driftwood or floating objects for her to lay on”
He then turned to look at the other tanks. He smiled as he saw the lizards scatter a bit. Remus felt like he was about to die.
“These are pretty nice! You have a nice assortment of reptiles here, where'd you get them?”
“Oh, um, just uh, just outside. A good amount of lizard friends come to our patio, and every once in a while they'll like, crawl up to me. My family says I’m the reptile whisperer heh”
“That's intriguing. Most of these species are loner types, were they hurt?”
“Um, some of them were, got beat up by a local cat or something I think”
“Huh. that's even more fascinating. Anyways, back to the point. You know the rules with Cephy right? You aren't in charge of buying her food or medication until we decide whether or not she can be released. If she doesn't cut it, we will likely have you keep her rather than attempt to remove her from familiarity and then she will become your responsibility alone. She may have an attitude the first few days from moving around, but for the most part she will integrate well I think. If any complications arise, you have my personal number, and I think that's it! We will send her home with you tomorrow with a week's supplies. Any questions?”
“No sir! Thank you so much, you won't regret this, I swear!”
“Oh, I forgot to tell you last week! We were asked to lower our number of interns!”
“What? Wait why are you telling me this?”
“Well, due to that we had to make some changes, and i'd like to formally offer you a full time job! And of course, by full time, I don't plan on changing your hours unless it works with your school schedule. We would love to keep you as one of our marine biologists once you graduate!”
“I- sir, thank you so much, I, I am so grateful! Wait, does that mean I can get even more hands on experience with the critters? Oh thank you so much!”
“Heh, you're one of our best workers, I figure it might be helpful to have a proper wage. But on that note, I really should be going, I have an appointment in an hour and it's a 45 minute drive from here”
“Oh, yeah! Yes, of course, here, I’ll show you out!”
When Roman got home he didn't expect to have Remus tackle him.
“Whats up Remus?”
“Holy shit man, maybe you should be paying all the bills now, you make way fuckin more than I do at the cafe!”
“Oh, wait, fuck, Logan and Virgil are coming by fuck I gotta clean”
Roman just about died laughing as Remus ran around trying to tidy the place. It was only a few minutes before there was a knock on the door. Roman got it as Remus made a pot of coffee.
“Hello Remus! We came to return your bag and your soda that you left at the library”
“Logan open your eyes, that's not Remus. Remus has a mustache you fool”
Logan opened his eyes to see Remus. But not Remus, Remus was more scruffy, and he was shorter, Remus was only a little taller than him, but the not Remus in front of him towered a good several inches over him. And the biggest difference to Logan, was Remus had auburn eyes, almost red, the not Remus in front of him had bright green eyes. Logan felt his cheeks redden. He looked down sheepishly after having stared.
“My apologies, you must be Remus’ brother. My name is Logan and this is Virgil”
“Well hello there Logan and Virgil, my name is Roman. Please, come in”
The two stepped in and laughed as Roman shouted back.
Logan and Virgil wandered in, meeting Remus in the living room, greeting them with a smile and cups of coffee. The two took them graciously and sat down at Remus’ request. While Remus stayed in the kitchen as he searched for snacks in the cabinet, Roman leaned against the wall, giving the guests a quick look over. He smiled faintly as he saw the glasses clad one, Logan he reminded himself, turn red at the attention.
“Roman did you ever go to the store and get what I asked you for?”
“Of course not, you didn't give me a list and I prefer to keep our phone calls to twice a month and I was out of calls”
“You're an idiot”
“Yeah I sorta went into the least brainy major I could find. You're supposed to be the brainy one”
Remus sighed as he brought out a plate of fruits and chips and dip. He shot a glare at Roman's smirk.
“What are you smirking about now?”
“Oh nothing, just a little offended that you hid your cute friends from me”
Roman nearly sputtered after the words left his mouth as Logan turned bright red. Virgil just rolled his eyes at him and Remus looked just about ready to smash his glass of coffee over Roman's head, but he stayed resolute.
“Roman, can't you just go flirt with a random tree? Or one of my lizards! Keith would love a boyfriend!”
“I would rather make out with an octopus”
“Well duh! Octopi are great kissers!”
“God you and Jay would get along so well I really need to introduce you two”
“Yeah sure I would, with one of your theatre nerd friends”
Virgil then sat up a bit. He looked between the twins with a grin.
“Oh wait, theatre nerds? You wouldn't happen to be the Roman my boyfriend keeps telling me about?”
“Depends, who is he?”
“Patton Corwyn”
“Oh fuck yeah! He's one of my best friends!”
“Then I agree with him, you would love Jay”
Remus grumbled something into his coffee. He sent another glare towards Roman as he set down his cup.
“Roman I know you don't know anything about courtesy, but you are making my friends uncomfortable, could you go do your messy things in your room or something?”
“Wait we aren't-”
“Lucky for you I've got a shift at the cafe in a bit, I just gotta change. Nice meeting you Logan, Virgil, see you later rem”
Roman gave a finger salute before diving into his room. Logan almost felt sad at his departure. He tried to focus back on his coffee and his computer screen but Virgil nudged him and sent him a knowing smirk. He glared at his screen instead.
“Does our bookworm have a crush?”
“Oh please do not have a crush on him he’ll be so cocky and dumb!”
“I, I don't have a crush, shut up, your apartment is just really warm. Shut up!”
He angrily typed away as the other two giggled at his bright cheeks. A door opened and Logan turned to see, and he really shouldn't have turned to see. Roman was wearing black slacks, a red button up shirt and a black half apron. And who said he was allowed to be so attractive? Roman gave him a quick wink before looking over at Remus.
“Is it my night for dinner?”
“K, I’ll text you when my shift is done and get your order. See you later”
“Cool, k, leave! I'm trying to study!”
“Ok ok!”
Logan wasn’t free of the teasing until he finally left.
“Good afternoon! Welcome to Dream Bean! What can I get for you today?”
“Hiya Roman! Strawberry acai with extra whipped cream large please?”
“Ah, Patton, I see your taste remains a slave to the pink drink, it'll be right up!”
“Don't shame me! It's sweet and healthy!”
“And has no caffeine, but I’ll leave it be, promise”
“Oh, and a blueberry muffin!”
“Alrighty! That'll be 7 dollars!”
Roman loved his job. The dream bean coffee shop had higher prices than the local Starbucks, but they had better drinks and food in his humble opinion. The college students in the town were spoiled, they got discounts at the place and most alumni swore by the little shop. It was a staple of the town, and Roman had been coming to it for as long as he can remember. He paid no attention to the fact that both his friends had decided to nestle in a corner of the little shop far longer than they were technically supposed to. That is, until he clocked out, making himself a cafe mocha before popping over to the booth the two had stolen away to. He raised his eyebrow at them as he took a sip of his drink.
“What brings you two here?”
“Can't we just want some of the best coffee in the world?”
“Considering Patton didn't get coffee, and from the looks of it you got a hot chocolate with a shot of espresso, no, no you can't”
“Ok so we wanted to know more about your musical! Sue us!”
“Hmm, how about I tell you about it on a walk, if Patton tells me why he didn't mention that his boyfriend is friends with my brother. And why you didn't introduce me to Logan”
Patton giggled as he brought his new cup of coffee to his lips. He and Virgil stood and followed Roman out the door.
“I didn't know your brother and Vee were friends! He must be Remus then right?”
“Mhmm. whole family of mythology names, my uncle's name is Romulus”
“Hmm! I haven't actually met him, Virgil doesn't bring his friends over a lot. But why are you more upset about not knowing about Logan?”
“I mean, hes hot as fuck, would’ve liked to talk t him more but I had to leave for work before I could say much more than hello or goodbye. He looks smart. Wouldn't take him for a creative writing guy”
“Oh he's a psych major, he wants to write scientific journals and studies and stuff. There wasn't a minor choice for journalism, so he figured creative writing would fulfill the same things. He's actually really talented, he writes lots of sci-fi and fantasy things, he's a huge nerd, but he's really sweet”
“He blushed at like anything I said, it was adorable. Remus almost killed me”
“Ok as much as I love hearing your tea on guys, I do not care about this near as much as I care about this musical”
Patton and Roman both devolved into a mess of laughter at JJ’s insistence about the musical. Roman pulled out his phone with a grin and gave Jay a sympathetic look.
“Ok, let me text Remus for his dinner order and then I’ll tell you all about it”
Remus just about groaned when he heard keys jingle in the door. He was sprawled across the couch, legs over the top of it and his head and arms draped on the floor. He was even more tempted as he heard more voices mix with his brothers. He shouted across the apartment when the door opened.
“Too bad, he's kinda cute!”
Remus fell off the couch as Roman and his friends walked in. mostly because one of them was hot as balls. He hoped beyond hope that he was the Jay Roman had mentioned from earlier. Jay had a face full of scars on one side of his face, and wore a pastel yellow shirt with a jean vest covered in pins. He also wore a deep yellow beanie. Remus couldn't look away as he stood up again.
“Oh! Uh hello! Roman’s friends!”
The other one smiled brightly, just about as bright as his pastel blue jumper and white suspenders. He held out one hand, the other filled with bags of food. Remus shook his hand.
“Hiya! I'm Patton! And you're the Remus my boyfriend keeps talking about!”
“Hello! That must mean that you are Jay?”
Jay stuttered after actually getting a good look at him. He nodded and smiled back at him.
“You can um, you can call me Janus! If, if you want that is! Um, Roman told us about the musical you two are writing and it's really cool! I uh, I know it's gonna be great!”
Remus grinned, and let out a giggle as Roman leaned on him. Janus hissed at him and swatted at Roman’s arm.
“Be careful not to corrupt this one, he's a baby”
“And a freshman. This makes you babey. Regardless, I know you are also a weirdo who loves reptiles, and my brother has a collection that i'm sure he would be delighted to show you”
At that, Janus started bouncing and god, Roman was right, he is babey. Remus grins and nods excitedly as well.
“I can do that! I'd love to show off my babies! But dinner first, I've been begging Roman to let us have Thai food for weeks!”
Taglist: @fivebyfive-finebyfive @tacohippy56900 @analogical-mess @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @angels-and-dreams @fandomloverangel @booklover223
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my writing!!!
Thank you for reading I will see you later ladies lords and nonbinary royalty!!!
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seblos · 4 years
there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach - ch 4/10
chapter title: you’re on, lovers!
word count: 1,995
[one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine (coming soon)]
read on ao3
“So,” Ashlyn leans over during history. “You and Seb, huh?”
Carlos looks up from the textbook he was reading in surprise. “What do you mean?” he asked, eyes widening. It wasn’t Ashlyn talking to him that surprised him. They had become closer as rehearsals progressed. Also, when they both had lingered near the GSA poster, Ashlyn had struck up a conversation with him. Turns out she was bi, and theatre queers always stuck together anyway. It was her words, rather, that gets his attention. 
“I mean, you too stare at each other all through rehearsal, you sit together at lunch, he drives you home like every other day,” Ashlyn lists, and Carlos’s heart speeds up. Was it really that obvious? “So are you two together, or…” she trails off.
“No! I mean… not yet,” Carlos feels his cheeks heat up. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind if we were… but no.”
Ashlyn smiles. “Cool. If it helps, he totally likes you too,” she adds.
“How do you know?”
She shrugs. “I just have a feeling.”
“Did he tell you?” Carlos feels his stomach twist. As much as he wanted confirmation that the other boy liked him back, the idea of hearing it from Ashlyn rather than him felt wrong.
“No,” she says, and Carlos lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “I mean, I haven’t asked him since I thought you two were already a thing. But we’re in baking club together and when I asked about you he kinda lit up.”
“Oh, okay,” Carlos nods, and his heart swells. “So what should I do about it?”
Ashlyn shrugs again. “I dunno, ask him out?”
He blushes. “No.”
“Alright, that’s on you,” she said. “But you should ask him to hang out or something. Get closer to him, so when you are ready it won’t be awkward.”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to ask out Seb,” Carlos mumbles. “I’ve never dated anyone. I don’t know how to be a boyfriend.”
Ashlyn smiles sweetly. “I’m pretty sure he hasn’t either. It’s something you can figure out together, you know.”
After she says that, their teacher scolds them for talking, and the two bend back over the worksheet they’re supposed to be working on. As he stares at the textbook, though, Carlos can’t help but think about what Ashlyn said. They would be figuring it out together. It’s hard to believe that someone like Seb could possibly like him back, but it might just be true, and the idea of it makes Carlos’s heart leap to his throat.
“Every time we end rehearsal early, I feel like my life is a lot more like Glee than I think it is,” Carlos says, rolling his eyes as he zips up his backpack from yet another badly ended rehearsal. They had barely lasted half an hour today. At this rate, they’re never going to get the blocking done by the show. 
Seb laughs from where he’s organizing his sheet music over at the piano. Everyone had already filed out of the room, but Carlos purposely had taken his time, knowing that Seb would most likely be the last one out. By this point, it was just routine.
“To be fair, Miss Jenn was definitely a Rachel Berry in high school,” Seb comments, stuffing the folder in his backpack, and Carlos snorts lightly. “So,” he says, swinging his backpack onto his back. “Since rehearsal ended early, I’m assuming I’m driving you home?”
Carlos is about to say yes until he remembers what Ashlyn had told him earlier. Before he can overthink it, Carlos asks, “Or we could hang out? Since it did end so early… could we do chem homework or something together at my house?”
Seb looks surprised at first, and Carlos’s heart is still beating quickly, but the shock wears off quickly and is instead replaced with a smile. 
“Sure, I’d love to,” Seb says. 
As they’re walking out together, their hands brush together for a moment, and Carlos can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not. He debates grabbing Seb’s hand for a moment but ends up just grabbing the strap of his backpack instead to resist the urge.
Carlos swears that he sees Seb’s expression drop for just a second, but it’s so quick he probably just imagined it.
They still end up having Georgie give them a ride, who is surprisingly not upset about having driven all the way to the school just to drive the two of them back to Carlos’s house. Rather, she just gives Seb a sort of half-smile. He immediately blushes, giving her the stink eye, and Georgie just laughs.
On the ride over, though, Carlos realizes what they’re about to do. Seb is about to be in his house, in his room. He doesn’t know the last time he’s had someone in his room since 7th grade. Sure, Seb knows about his weird, split family already, but the idea of him experiencing it is so much scarier for some reason. He tried not to overthink it as Seb stepped into his house. 
“Carlos? Is that you, mijo?” his mother calls as he shuts the door, and Carlos suddenly realizes that he should have checked with his mom if Seb could come over before he invited him. To be fair, though, he’s never really done this before. 
“Hi, mamá!” He says as his mom steps into view. “I brought Seb over to work on some chemistry homework, I hope that’s okay.” 
He’s expecting some sort of disapproving look or passive aggressive comment about checking with her before bringing someone over. Instead, “So this is the Sebastian I’ve heard so much about!” is what his mother says, much to his surprise. 
“It’s great to meet you, Ms. Rodriguez,” Seb says with a smile, and his mom raises a sly eyebrow at Carlos, who only gives her a look in return. 
“Seb, are you staying for dinner?” she asks, turning her attention back to the boy.
“Oh, no, I need to be home to finish my chores. Thank you so much though!” 
“Chores, huh?” Now it’s Ms. Rodriguez’s turn to smile. “You could learn something from this boy, Carlos.”
Carlos just rolls his eyes. “I do some chores!” He defends. “Also, I told you mamá, Seb lives on a farm. His chores are a bit different from mine.”
“Alright, well, I’ll let you two get your homework done,” she dismisses them, and Carlos leads Seb upstairs to his room.
When they first enter it, Carlos immediately goes to his bed. He motions for Seb to sit down, who does so hesitantly. Neither of them say a word for a moment, and Carlos worries that he’s made a mistake inviting Seb over here. 
As if on cue, Seb breaks the silence.”So, you talk about me to your mom, huh?” he teases, and Carlos hits him with a pillow.
“To be fair, she asked about you,” he says, which releases the tension as both of them relax, getting back to their normal selves.
They both take out their chemistry homework, but it ends up lying abandoned on Carlos’s desk in favor of the two of them discussing theater and rehearsal.
“Can I just say, your facial expressions while Nini and EJ were singing were priceless! If I wasn’t so focused on hoping that this rehearsal would actually stay together, I would have lost it watching you.” Carlos laughs, and Seb glares at him harmlessly. 
“Let’s just say I definitely liked out version better! I’m telling you, trying to keep a straight face was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Surprised I can do anything straight, to be honest,” Seb says cheekily from where he’s laying on his stomach the foot of Carlos’s bed.
(The joke doesn’t exactly take Carlos by surprise, but just the casualness of it does. He had only ever made those kinds of jokes with Ashlyn, and had forgotten that he was able to make them with Seb too.)
“I love Nini, I do, but sometimes her ability to jump from boy to boy surprises me,” Seb continues. His phone lights up with a text notification, and he picks it up to read. “Speak of the devil, Nini just texted to tell me that she and EJ have officially broken up. Blocked his number and everything.”
“Wow,” Carlos raises his eyebrows. “I didn’t know you and Nini were friends.”
“Yeah, well, we met when we were young. Only other kid I knew that had two last names, which we decided to be the basis of our friendship, I guess. I ended up transferring schools, and I guess she skipped a grade or something because we didn’t meet again until last year when I got to East High and we got reintroduced during Brigadoon,” Seb explained.
Carlos nods along. He knew that Seb didn’t go to the middle school he had gone to with Nini and Ricky and all the others, but somehow it never occurred to him that he knew them before high school.
“I never really got close to her,” Carlos says, surprising himself. “I mean, we're friendly, but I guess I didn’t really think we had much in common. Plus Gabriella isn’t in any of the huge dance numbers, so I guess that’s how I ended up migrating more towards you and Gina.” 
He’s never really talked about his differences with the rest of the cast with anyone else because, well, he doesn’t really talk to the cast in general. Part of him wants to open up to Seb about the weird balance of being a sophomore who has some sort of authorial power over the upperclassman, but he can’t exactly put it into words and it hurts his head to think about. He files that thought away for later as Seb starts talking again.
“Are you calling me a dancer?” He asks, sticking his leg up for a moment. His tone is joking, but the smile across his face seems genuine, and it makes Carlos’s heart melt.
“Mmm, you could use some work,” he says, looking Seb up and down as if he’s judging his form, causing Seb to blush lightly. “No, but actually, you are a really good dancer. Compared to some of the others at least,” Carlos laughs, and Seb joins in.
“Wow, so kind of you,” he says, rolling his eyes although the smile is still spread across his face. “I’m kidding, I don’t even begin to compare to Gina and some of the ensemble. I would kill to be able to move so easily like that.”
“I think you’re doing fine, considering your lack of dance training,” Carlos says, and now it’s Seb’s turn to hit him with a pillow. “Although…” he starts as he considers how this idea will go over with Seb. “If you wanted to, I could give you dance lessons? Like before school or something?”
He’s expecting Seb to reject the idea or come up with excuses. Instead, the other boy's eyes light up and he props himself up on his elbows. “Really?” he asks excitedly, and Carlos sits up straighter.
“I mean yeah, if you genuinely want to improve and you want extra time practicing,” he says with a smile. “We could do once a week, or non-rehearsal days, whatever is best for you!”
“Non-rehearsal days would actually be perfect!”
“So do you want to start this Friday?” Carlos asks since that would be their closest non-rehearsal day. “Maybe, like, 7:00? Gives us about half an hour before homeroom. Or is that too early?”
Seb shakes his head. “I’m up every morning at 5:30 in the morning anyway, so 7 works fine for me!” he smiles.
Carlos smiles back before he processes what Seb had just said. “Geez, 5:30? That’s so early,” he says disgustedly. 
The way Seb laughs makes his head spin, and suddenly Carlos doesn’t know how he’s going to be able to survive private rehearsals in a few days. 
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Chaos of Life
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Yoongi doesn't do things he doesn't like to do. He doesn't talk to people he doesn't like. He doesn't go to class if he doesn't want to. He doesn't even bother to look at those he doesn't think deserves his attention. So, Jimin can't help but wonder what on Earth he did to deserve this strange boys attention.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Yoonmin University Fanfiction. Multiple Chapters. Warnings Don’t Apply. Good for General Audiences.
You can also read it on: Archive Of Our Own and Fanfiction.net
Chapter Nineteen:
When Jimin said that things fell back to normal as if nothing had ever happened, he truly meant it.
Like a dream, everyone found themselves able to just… Go back to the way they had always been.
Without so much as a passing word or a strange glance. Everyone just accepted the new information they had been provided about Yoongi and Namjoon and everything and went on with life. The only new addition to pop out of the entire debacle was the appearance of Moonbyul in Jimin’s everyday life.
She didn’t spend all of her time with you guys, which honestly nobody had expected from her, but she still spent more time than most people had thought she would.
Her reunion with the guys had been one of the more heartwarming things that Jimin had experienced since meeting Yoongi. He had hardly ever seen Yoongi smile so largely or get up so fast to greet anyone. He saw her before Namjoon did, and when Namjoon realized what was happening he smiled too, giving Moonbyul a hug.
It was so cute to watch the three go back and forth about things that they used to do together their first year. They’d all poke fun at one another for old habits (and habits that they still partook in), and they spent the longest time just catching up on all of their dreams and hopes for the future. It was so precious.
Jimin found it hard not to smile too goofily as he watched his boyfriend interact with his friends… People he had cared about so much he had risked his everything for. Jimin’s hand grasped at Yoongi’s and he rested his head on the older boys’ shoulder. It made Yoongi look at him every time, no matter what he was doing.
“I love you so much,” Jimin would murmur, even though he knew he didn’t have to say anything for Yoongi to know that at this point. It still made Yoongi’s smile grow just a bit warmer. Jimin knew that he liked to hear those words, that affirmation, and Jimin was more than happy enough to give him at least that.
“I love you too,” he would murmur back, his voice just loud enough that Jimin could hear it.
Jimin loved these interactions just a little too much. Not only because of the way they made his heart skip a beat or because of the small little smile that Yoongi would hide with a cough and the back of his hand, but because when they had those moments, they were only for the two of them.
No one else ever noticed the small interactions and made fun of them or anything. They would instead just be little secrets for Jimin and Yoongi to share amongst themselves.
But, anyways, on days like these, when Yoongi was busy with homework, and Jimin had finished all of his he was extremely difficult to handle. Even he knew that was true.
In the past he had been described as clingy, and he knew that some people found it to be a little annoying. He used to try and keep the feelings to himself, but Yoongi always told him to be himself, so recently he had decided to lean right into it.
… Quite literally.
His body was splayed across Yoongi’s lap, his arms crossed to prop his head up on the armrest. He was humming softly to himself, nothing important as he played distractedly with his fingers and Yoongi was using his back as a place to set his homework.
They were in Jimin’s dorm, as per usual and pretty much everyone was around. Well, except for Moonbyul. She had been busy this week with other obligations and so she was there instead of here.
It felt kind of like it had when they had all first got back to school. Just a bunch of boys, doing homework, and having a good time. In-between more homework of course.
Jin got up from his desk and sighed a bit loudly. Jimin turned his attention to the taller boy and watched as he walked over to Yoongi, setting his hand on his head. Yoongi grunted at the action, his face drawing together tighter in frustration at having been bothered.
“What?” He mumbled. Jin’s lips drew into a small pout.
“I’m hungry,” he replied. Yoongi rolled his eyes, his gaze falling on Jimin’s. Jimin smiled up at him and it made Yoongi smile a little too. He felt Yoongi’s body relax and he closed the textbooks he had out, tapping Jimin’s back, once, twice, and three times. Jimin was quick to sit up, letting Yoongi wrap his arms around his waist loosely while Jimin buried his face in his chest.
He wasn’t sure if he was tired, or bored or all of the above, but he wanted nothing more then to be as close to Yoongi as possible. Yoongi could kind of just sense when Jimin was being clingy.
Of course, he shouldn’t be surprised by that. Yoongi was always really good at being there for him, he always knew when something was up.
“You should go get something to eat then,” Yoongi murmured, his voice unwavering. Jimin couldn’t help but snort at the deadpan reaction, and he laughed even more when he felt Yoongi lurch a little- knowing that Jin had hit him lightly on the head.
Yoongi shushed Jimin’s laugher by burying a hand in his hair.
It seemed like the two were going to go back and forth more- but before either could put in a word, there was another loud exhale from across the room. Jimin jolted at the noise, looking across the room at the source of the sudden sound.
He shouldn’t have been surprised to find that it was from Taehyung. He raised a tentative eyebrow at him and watched as his friend threw his papers on the floor, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.
“I’m so done with this!” Taehyung exclaimed dramatically. “School is too much, if I have to look at one more math problem, I think I’m going to die.”
No one responded. Not because they hadn’t heard him or anything but just because they all knew he wasn’t really done. They all knew he had more to declare, and they were just waiting for him to finish his statement.
He didn’t until he had shifted his body a little bit, giving himself a much more dramatic pose.
“We have to do something to unwind. We should all go to the amusement park!” He exclaimed. They all stared at him.
Namjoon was the first to speak, looking up from the thesis that he was already starting to write. That was his mistake. Taehyung stood up and pointed at Namjoon.
“Amusement. Park. We are all going,” he grunted. “School is too hard for us to not all let loose sometimes you know?”
Everyone continued their blank stare at Taehyung, which made Jimin feel the need to speak. He knew that Taehyung was frustrated because his parents had forced him to study all break, not allowing him a single chance to unwind, but that still didn’t keep Jimin from feeling the need to poke a little fun at him.
“You do know that school just started right? We haven’t even had midterms yet,” he stated pointedly. Taehyung cut Jimin a glare.
“So, you’re telling me you don’t want to go to the amusement park?” He asked Jimin. Jimin’s nose scrunched.
“Well, actually-”
Taehyung sighed.
“I hate you guys,” he mumbled. “Jin. Funnel cakes, Jimin, date night opportunities, Namjoon, physics. Jungkook will have a blast on the roller coaster, Hoseok is creepy good at those fair games. It’ll be fun.”
Hoseok jolted at the mention of his name, and Jimin noticed him shrug offhandedly at that.
“It will be fun,” he agreed. “What do we say we buy tickets to go this weekend?”
Namjoon’s papers shifted as he dug around for his calendar. Jimin thought it was funny- how a guy that smart had to write down everything in his calendar or else he would forget to get certain things done. He was in most people’s words a mess.
But Jimin kind of envied him anyways.
“I’m free.”
“If Namjoon’s free, everyone is,” Jin commented softly. He patted Yoongi on the head again, making Jimin gaze up at his boyfriend curiously. He was surprised to find that Yoongi’s eyes were on him, not on any of the other guys. Jimin’s cheeks flushed red and he swung his legs off of Yoongi.
“Time to go home?” He asked him. Yoongi nodded.
“If we’re going to be going to the amusement park, then I have a lot that I am going to need to get done between then and now,” he mumbled. He got to his feet and wandered over to the door, beginning to slide his shoes on. Jimin got up too, brushing his jeans off. He smiled at Taehyung.
“We’re in too,” he murmured softly. He pulled a coat off of the back of his computer chair and kicked on a pair of his own shoes. “I’m going to walk with Yoongi okay?”
Yoongi smiled at Jimin’s words, waiting until he was close enough to draw him in against him, draping his arm over his shoulders. He beamed at the rest of their friends.
“Don’t wait up. I might keep him out all night.”
Everyone rolled their eyes at that. As if Yoongi would let Jimin be out past ten on a school night. He wasn’t himself if he wasn’t insisting that Jimin take better care of himself. Jimin could almost swear that since he started dating Yoongi he hadn’t been healthier in his life. Yoongi had him walking thirty minutes every night, going to sleep early, and eating breakfast every single day.
In the past he would have scoffed at the concept, but alas, it was now his reality.
And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You sure you have time this weekend? Don’t you have a test this Monday?” Jimin asked Yoongi softly. He just shrugged.
“I have all Sunday to study for that test. I think I can manage to spend a day out with you guys,” he stated thoughtfully. Jimin hummed and glanced at Yoongi’s things, his eyebrows furrowing.
“You’ve been carrying your backpack around all day,” he murmured. “Let me carry it for a while.”
He took the backpack off of Yoongi’s back before he could protest it and stuck his tongue out at the older guy when he gave him a strained expression at the action.
“You’re too much Park Jimin,” Yoongi said with a thoughtful sigh. Jimin laughed at Yoongi’s words.
“Yeah, but you know that you prefer it that way,” he murmured back. He hooked his fingers on the straps of Yoongi’s backpack and lofted it a bit higher on his shoulders. He winced at the weight of it all. “What do you carry in here? Bricks?”
Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“I have a lot of textbooks- you know that.”
Jimin did know that. He honestly didn’t really know how Yoongi was able to find so much time for him when he was taking 18 entire credits of classes. He never seemed stressed or worn out, even though he practically had a quiz a day, and ten pages of homework every night.
The only person that Jimin had seen to be busier was probably Namjoon, and that was just because Namjoon had decided to join every club ever along with his 16 credits of classes.
It kind of made him wonder… After all, Jimin knew how classes worked nowadays. They started off easy and as the classes went on Yoongi would get busy and need to study and go to office hours and Jimin knew- just knew that he wouldn’t really get to see him in the later months.
“Don’t worry too much,” Yoongi mumbled, interrupting Jimin’s rapid fire of thoughts before they could get too out of control. He placed his hand on Jimin’s head and ruffled his hair. “I will always find time for you; I promise you that much.”
Jimin tried not to smile at the sappy statement, and he considered denying that he had been thinking that exact thing, but he knew that there was no point in it, so he just fell silent, letting his fingers reach blindly beside them until the cool air was replaced by Yoongi’s warm hand against his.
“Sometimes I feel like… I just don’t deserve you,” Jimin thought aloud. Yoongi glanced at him, but there wasn’t a trace of surprise littered over his face.
“You’re stuck with me either way,” he replied confidently. Jimin smiled and squeezed Yoongi’s hand.
“I know,” he murmured. Yoongi squeezed Jimin’s hand back and let their shoulders bump as they walked.
“Well, what do you want to do at the amusement park this weekend?”
Jimin couldn’t help but smile at that. He knew that Yoongi really only brought it up as a way to distract Jimin from his own thoughts, but he appreciated it either way. He liked spending time with Yoongi. He liked talking with Yoongi, and he couldn’t wait for the amusement park this weekend either way.
“I can’t in words tell you how much fun it’s going to be. First we have to…”
10 notes · View notes
makeste · 5 years
BnHA Smash!! 01 and 02: Smash!!Might is a Fucking Menace
okay, so. I have about a million other things I should be doing instead, including (1) responding to asks and/or finishing in-progress metas, (2) reading Vigilantes, and last but not least, (3) actually making a dent in the ever-increasing backlog of Actual Work That I Really Should Be Doing Instead.
so naturally I’m procrastinating by taking my first stab at reading BnHA’s cute 4-panel omake spinoff series, BnHA Smash!! IT JUST MAKES SENSE. look, I have exactly one thing I felt like actually doing and not procrastinating today, so I might as well do the thing. basically it’s my attention span’s world and I’m just living in it.
anyway! so apparently this series was scanlated by good ol’ Fallen Angels. that’s right; prepare yourselves for some very creative cursing, fellas. other background info for anyone who, like me, is unfamiliar with this spin-off: this series debuted on November 9, 2015, a little over a year after the original series. said original series was currently at chapter 66, meaning the Final Exam arc was just wrapping up.
so now that we’re all properly oriented, let me go over a few disclaimers real quick and then we’ll get started!
all comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.
I’m aware that not everyone may be familiar with Smash!! even if they’ve read/watched the original series, so I’ve tried to make this recap comprehensible even if you haven’t read the spin-off. that being said, it’s probably more enjoyable if you have, so you can either purchase the first volume from Viz here, or read the chapter online (I don’t want to link directly, but the spin-off is available on most of the usual sites. literally just google “read mha” and you’ll find some good options).
this readthrough contains a handful of sorta-kinda spoilers for the BnHA manga, although there are no direct spoilers. just an indirect reference to a joke in chapter 242, as well as a reference to a theory which as of now is in no way canon. but just to be on the safe side I’m posting a heads-up.
and I think that’s it! so here we go.
so we’re opening with a brief summary of the series. people have superpowers and shit’s nuts. you know the drill
there’s also a brief description of the way that the superhero economy works, complete with Mt. Lady’s employees unionizing and demanding better pay
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guys I keep staring at this and thinking that surely, SURELY it doesn’t say what I think it says. sidekick... what... manager??
you know what? Viz unfortunately doesn’t include this series as part of their subscription package (WHAT AM I PAYING YOU FOR, VIZ), but it does at least include a free preview of Smash, and I bet you that this, the first fucking page of the series, is a part of that preview. so... let’s see...
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okay, see, this actually makes sense! so did the FA scanlating team collectively all have a fucking stroke?! just, what??
this is one of the reasons why I had difficulty reading Vigilantes too, tbh. those early chapter scans were, uh. but at least Vigilantes has a Viz scanlation too. I don’t want to spend 10 bucks just to read one volume of this, but we’ll see. anyways
so now there’s a strip about baby!Izuku watching his favorite clip of All Might saving one hundred people from a bus accident or whatever
lol Inko you should not have left your shrewdly calculating four-year-old son unattended omg
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and this is why you don’t leave your credit card info saved on the computer when you have kids. life lessons learned today
this is the first indicator we have ever had that baby!Izuku wasn’t perfect and was, in fact, capable of being a little shit and giving his mom plenty of gray hairs in his own special way. ngl, I fucking love it
also 12,800 yen is about $118 USD, which is honestly a really good deal for a year’s worth of textbooks. he got three boxes of books! I just googled the average cost of college textbooks, and the google article said the average student spends about $1200 a year. so this is a fucking steal tbh
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at least install a fucking adblocker ffs. you’re lucky quirk supplement ads are the worst of the ads he’s getting! PARENTAL CONTROLS
now we are cutting to a comic about baby!Izuku defending another boy from my problematic fave, as seen in page one of the original series!
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I’m not clear on how much of this spin-off can actually be considered canon. my understanding is that it is Horikoshi-reviewed and approved, even though he doesn’t actually write it. but it’s obviously a humor series, so a lot of it is just going to be jokes. that being said, I think my approach is going to be “if it’s not completely ridiculous and doesn’t contradict the actual manga, go ahead and consider it canon”
(ETA: I might change this up after reading the first two chapters. most of these strips would have terrifying implications if they were actually canon sob.)
anyhoo, this actually does contradict the manga in that we saw this encounter play out very differently. but I kind of wish it was canon regardless because looool. these cocky preschoolers and their fucking Battle Tears
the next comic is Mt. Lady accidentally stepping on a guy’s face and the guy being way too fucking happy about it (read: having a fucking nosebleed and taking an upskirt shot). we’re just going to skip this entirely. this is another problem I was having with Vigilantes too. you know, for all my complaints about Mineta and such, BnHA as a whole is so much tamer than it could be, and I need to give Horikoshi credit for that. he mostly knows where to draw the line, and to his credit he’s also much, much better about this kind of thing than he was when he first started. maybe Mineta’s standings in the character poll results are helping to clue him in
anyway, I’ll mostly just skip past the iffy stuff because I don’t have patience for it and there’s still plenty of other stuff to cover. so on to the next strip
which features a bunch of reporters fawning over Mt. Lady’s flashy quirk while Kamui Woods laments in the shadows
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and yet we know this kid will have a prominent rise within the next six months. it’s so strange to revisit the start of the series and see how much things have changed in such a short time
oh my god
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no one who dresses up as a giant mushroom could possibly have good intentions. I. just
and look at the fucking disappointment in Deku’s eyes. KAMUI WOODS HE BELIEVED IN YOU!
now some strange man is coming up to Deku and is all HEY YOU, YOU’RE A HERO OTAKU, TELL ME WHAT TO BUY MY SEVEN-YEAR-OLD SON FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. better not ask him unless you’re prepared to shell out $120 bucks for some fucking textbooks
hey, what!!
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WE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO SEE WHAT HE BOUGHT HIM? unless it’s the action figure the kid appears to be holding? but I’m just going to go ahead and assume Izuku recommended the number one best gift that any seven-year-old child would love, i.e. a giant sword
now it’s a sludge monster omake!
so Izuku is trudging home all depressed after CERTAIN INCIDENTS, and Sludgey is glooping his way out of a sewer towards him
oh no All Might
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my biggest takeaway from this is the fact that the entire second half of chapter one takes place after All Might has emerged from a fucking sewer. I forgot all about that somehow. or maybe it never fully processed until just now. but omg. this entire chapter must have smelled so fucking bad. these poor kids
wow All Might
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sure called that one wrong. ah well nobody’s perfect
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lmao, Smash!!All Might appears to be quite a bit more vain than the original. wow dude
btw, friendly reminder (and I think this is something that was actually pointed out to me after one of the recaps; that’s one of my favorite things about doing these) that All Might, after saving Deku, actually read his notebook before signing it. super-fast, I guess, because he’s the best. but yeah, so he knew exactly how smart and observant Deku was, and how much he wanted to be a hero. his decision to pick him as his successor didn’t just come out of the blue; even before the “my body moved on its own” thing, there was a lot Deku had going in his favor. this is one of those little details of which BnHA has so many, and which I love
lmao what the fuck
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ngl this version of the series would have been amazing in its own way. but yeah. so this is why we clearly can’t assume everything in Smash!! is canon lol. but I can already tell I am going to enjoy the shit out of this series
now we’re cutting to Deku running at Sludgey in order to save Kacchan, oh shit. the most dramatic part of chapter one. clearly no moment is sacred
sob what
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I don’t understand this strip at all. is this supposed to be a serious moment inserted unexpectedly among this multitude of joke strips? or did I miss the punchline? heeeeelp
(ETA: okay so. my best guess is that All Might wrote all over Deku’s life-saving advice, and so the joke is that Deku no longer knows what to do when assaulting sludge men because HIS NOTES ARE RUINED. idk. what does 25 P mean??)
now All Might has Done The Thing and saved my boys, and now Mt. Lady is helping with the cleanup. scooping up all the bits of sludge and putting it in trash bags
oh my god
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nope nevermind. nope. nope
-- shit. okay, you know what? this first chapter has been a real in-your-face reminder of the fact that the sludge monster was not made of cute sparkly 2018-trending-fad slime, but was in fact composed of RAW FUCKING SEWAGE. (ETA: to be clear, I’m pretty sure the joke in this strip is that she accidentally picked up dog-doo during her clean-up. but still, the fact that it was indistinguishable from the rest of the gunk speaks for itself.) I think I forced myself to gloss over this fact originally due to the nope factor. but just. Izuku and Katsuki were both choking to death on this shit?? and just, how the fuck did they make it out of this not traumatized
and also, like. All Might was straight up going to leave Izuku alone afterwards, just, “well enjoy your autograph, fine citizen” and blasting off out of there. and everyone fucking saw Katsuki almost suffocate to death later on, and after giving him a pat on the back they fucking let him go off on his own too? and you can’t even make the argument that this was Just Another Day In Quirk Society either, because more than a year later, Katsuki is still a bona fide fucking celebrity from the media coverage of his attack. it clearly was not something that happens every day. in conclusion, these kids are resilient as fuck, and thank god for that because people apparently just do not give a shit, holy christ
anyway. at least Mt. Lady had gloves
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Smash!!Might is so fucking shady omfg. probably sells cheap counterfeit electronics on Amazon
oh shit and that’s the end of the fucking chapter lol. that’s it?? that was only eight pages. fuck it, let’s read another. but first here’s Horikoshi’s note on the spin-off
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so he really feels that Neda gets the spirit of the series and understands him. that’s very encouraging. the best spoofs and parodies are done out of love. I really think I’m going to enjoy this series
so! onward to chapter two
so here’s All Might dressed as Mr. 2 Bon Clay from One Piece, I guess??
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“you know what’s funny? dressing a man in girl’s clothes LOL.” guys can we grow the fuck up. and also acknowledge that All Might can look good in anything, so this questionable gag wouldn’t have even landed anyway. you work that tutu All Might
lmao check out the past users of OFA here
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All for One for All theory fucking confirmed lol. just look. that’s him in the back of the conga line. clearly
so Deku is all “hell yes why would I possibly say no??” but then
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HIS LIMBS. lmao. sign here
in all seriousness, given the shit this kid has been through since the part of the series, All Might probably should have gotten him to sign a liability waiver of some sort. not that it would have stood, since Deku is underage! anyways Deku you totally have grounds to sue the shit out of the Symbol of Peace should you ever choose to do so. and the trend of Smash!!Might being shady af continues yes please give me more I love it
so now All Might is giving Deku his fitness plan which has a really elaborate name
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given that this is Smash!!Might, I can’t help but wonder if this plan is in actuality some sort of MLM scheme. All Might are you trying to get Deku to do Herbalife
lol what in the fuck
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the original series skipped right over a hell of a lot, it would seem. like the time Deku traveled to Arizona and fought coyotes in a poncho
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I’m starting to suspect that Neda-sensei might be on some sort of substance. “let’s see what jokes can I make about chapter 2 of BnHA. I know, I’ll send the protagonist to a fictionalized version of the American Southwest in a sombrero, and then turn him into a 65-year-old oil tycoon.” naturally
lmao that’s really it, that’s the strip. moving right along. okay??
now Izuku is staring at the intimidating piles of Beach Trash and is all “I HAVE TO PICK ALL THIS SHIT UP?”
omg Deku no
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somebody call Marie Kondo. Deku none of this is salvageable. not even to reuse in a color page photoshoot spread four years from now
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anyways I don’t know what Smash!!Might is so upset about. he probably wove some kind of clause into the contract Deku signed that allows him a percentage of the profits. unless Deku already spent it all on textbooks
what the fuck is this fucking series lmao
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time for a round of “what is All Might casually crushing in this panel?” is it (a) a cardboard box, or (b) like, a mini-fridge or some fucking shit. IT COULD BE EITHER. IT MAKES EQUALLY AS MUCH SENSE EITHER WAY. “HEROES THESE DAYS ARE [FLEEEEEEX] OBSESSED WITH BEING FLASHY” 
holy shit no wonder he ran away to the Sierra Nevada. it’s only a matter of time before this freak fucking kills someone
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my jokes about the mangaka being high as a fucking kite when he wrote this are gradually becoming less jokes and more serious inquiries??
lol so he coincidentally just stumbled across All Might and Deku at this exact moment
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do you guys remember during the final exam when All Might beat the everloving shit out of Deku and Kacchan, and everyone was all “JESUS CHRIST WOULD YOU LEARN TO FUCKING HOLD BACK A LITTLE THEY ARE CHILDREN YOU MANIAC.” but now we can see plain as day that he was, in fact, holding back. anyways Smash!!Might is terrifying as shit and if this had been the main series I would have already pegged him as the final villain by this point
here he is now wearing an old-timey bathing suit but looking more like an escaped convict than anything else
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this panel is actually canon. I’ve decided. this 100% definitely happened at some point. especially the swimsuit
now two bikini babes are walking up and they’re all “IS THAT ALL MIGHT??” with excited sparkly eyes because they don’t know that he’s actually a deranged con artist who crushes refrigerators like empty soda cans. this spin-off has truly opened my eyes
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now Deku is approaching his mom all serious and says he wants to change up his diet
and she’s looking at the menu he prepared all impressed and thinking that she might join him. as long as it’s for your health, Inko. if this manga starts making jokes about your weight, I will beat it over the head with Deku’s textbooks
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THIS WENT IN THE EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION I WAS EXPECTING, AND THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I’VE EVER READ WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. the whole fucking family is on the juice. and the fucking mangaka is on some special juice of his own oh my stars
now we’re cutting to Mt. Lady stomping on a car
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thank fuck no one was actually in there. also does she not wear shoes
and also, it only just occurred to me that she must be another person with a special quirk costume, because her suit shrinks and expands along with her. Hagakure and Momo are really getting shafted by the costume design team here. they need to fire some people
anyway so Mt. Lady slipped on this carelessly placed vehicle and fell down and crushed an entire building whoops
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bruh, you think you’re “ow.” let’s hope that building was empty too
and now she’s toppling another building just fucking because, I guess. and saying she can’t do urban areas
lmao and now the sidekick [CENSORED] manager from chapter one is back to guilt-trip her omg
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I need this man to show up in every freaking chapter. please. respect my wishes
and now Izuku is standing on top of his collected pile of garbage screaming in victory
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I only just realized that there’s still a big old Pile O’ Trash on this beach, though. someone needs to haul all of this junk away. or else get All Might and Mt. Lady to crush it all with a combined effort
oh shit here it comes y’all, the famous “eat my hair” scene. potential comedy gold right here omg
lol what the fuck
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this man is a fucking billionaire and he’s out here clipping coupons and deleting pictures of his son in order to make room for them smdh
okay now we’re doing the hair scene
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oh. oh no. I know where this is going sob please keep this comic rated PG for the children Neda
motherfucker they really --
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Smash!!Might is a straight-up felon. this man has no fucking scruples. that’s okay Midoriya-shounen, if you don’t want to eat my hair we could just try some REDACTED, jesus christ I am going to need some bleach for my eyes after this
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lmao sob. well, two chapters in and we’ve established that no territory is off-limits here. it’s a brave new world. wow
 so that’s it! our introduction to BnHA Smash!! I enjoyed it a lot and I will definitely be reading more! I’m not sure what kind of schedule I’ll keep, but this is a really good procrastination manga thus far, so knowing me I might actually work my way through this relatively quickly. especially since the Manga At Large is on break this week. anyways my deepest apologies to the many people who have been requesting for me to start Vigilantes instead. I just need something lighter right now, and this is a good fit. one of these days I’ll get my shit together with the other two spinoffs as well.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How old were you when you had your first crush? The first crush I had that wasn’t a celebrity or a teacher was when I was 12. If you're a girl, how old were you when you started your period? It was a month after I turned 10. By that time I was just entering Grade 4 and when we were asked who had already gotten theirs, only a handful of hands shot up haha. I was an early bird for sure. What is your worst period story? Pretty obvious TMI warning here. Happened last December. I was visiting a photo studio to test if they were going to be suitable for my college batch’s grad shoot and unfortunately my period started in the middle of the trip. Even more unfortunately the trip was all the way in fucking BINANGONAN, which meant I couldn’t have access to napkins for the entire drive. I had to cross my legs real tight to avoid any leakage but at the time we got to the studio, my crotch area was soaked nonetheless. I had to ask for napkins from the studio staff, but thank god they were the nicest people ever and didn’t hesitate to hand me one. Does anyone else know who your first crush was besides you? Gabie knows. I think she’s the only one who knows, but I also think Pia asked me at one point too, so maybe her as well. What was your most embarrassing moment? I have at least one everyday.
What are your worst cramps like? Leg cramps that wake me up at 4 AM, without a doubt. Those always end me in tears no matter how old I am. What is the most physically painful thing you have ever experienced? Either my foot infection back in ‘09 or the toothache I had a few months back. I had no idea a TOOTH could send me crying almost every night or wake me up in the middle of the night just from being so painful. Oh and the time I ripped my ear piercing off. What are you allergic to? I’m not allergic to anything... at least I haven’t encountered anything I turned out to be allergic to. Have you ever wanted to be someone else? I’ve never seriously wanted to be a particular person, but I’ve found myself fantasizing about if I were richer. Have you ever been jealous of someone? Sure. Have you ever been jealous of a friend? Yeah. Just mostly high school stuff though, like the time Erk kept getting Gabie away from me and I got super fed up about it at one point that I stopped talking to Gab for like a month lmao. Do you feel shy around someone when you are first getting to know them? Yeah of course. Aren’t most of us? Do you feel shy around a crush? I get both shy and distant. What color hair did your first crush have? Black. Do you ever cry in public unwillingly, or are you able to hold it in? I’m able to hold it in because I hate making a scene. I just keep swallowing the lump in my throat and try to blink less. Do you throw up involuntarily when you have to, or can you swallow it down? I also can swallow it down as long as I have to. But if I really need to throw up I run to the nearest toilet. What's one near-embarrassing moment you had? Uhh idk. If I can tell something is going to be embarrassing I usually already feel pretty embarrassed about it, regardless if I’m saved from the embarrassment or not. Do you ever call yourself stupid? Yeah. Just yesterday BoJack Horseman’s “You’re a stupid piece of shit" kept replaying in my head all afternoon and evening. What was the name of your first imaginary friend? Katrina. She was my first and last. What's one weird habit you have? When I get my usual drink at Starbucks, my first sip has to be a long one and I usually savor it by closing my eyes and letting out a contented sigh haha. Only then can I start working.  Are you more of an open or a private person? I’m a bit of both, if that makes sense? I keep my shit private when they aren’t being raised, but when someone asks me about them I have no problem being an open book. Do you wish you could be more open with others? No, I already am. Do you feel ashamed? Not permanently lmao, but I feel it every now and then. Do you get embarrassed easily? Yes. Do you have regrets? Some. Have you ever fallen asleep in class? Never. I feel like – aside from being disrespectful – it’s an embarrassing thing to happen, especially if you’re caught and get scolded for it, so I make it a point not to let it happen to me. What was the hardest thing you've ever had to forgive? [Big trigger warning: Domestic violence] The day my grandpa said sorry to each of us in the family for beating up my baby cousin in a drunken stupor. After that he left the house for the week, presumably out of shame, then he came back to ask for forgiveness from each of us. I was desensitized to all of the violence I’ve seen at that point, so my 9 year old self gave him a shrug. Is there anyone you hate? No, not hate. Is there anything or anyone you're angry at, that you haven't forgiven yet? I don’t plan on forgiving my deadbeat uncle or my brother anytime soon. List five of your biggest bullies. A lot of people bullied me for my name and looks when I was younger, but they’re all irrelevant in my life now and I’ve forgotten all of them save for two – Kaira (who’s my friend now) and Sophia (who I don’t like just as much as when I was 4). Have you ever plotted revenge against someone? I’ve fantasized about revenge but never plotted anything. Have you ever done anything to get revenge against someone? Nope. ^If so, do you regret it, and did you apologize later? Have you ever had a friend crush (i.e., you really wanted to be their friend)? Yeah I remember being like this with Macy. She’s changed quite a bit these days and we don’t talk anymore, which I find sad considering what we’ve gone through in the last couple of years. What is the greatest longing of your heart? Money. The rest of my desires - happiness, contentment, the material things I want - comes after I have money lol. Who was your first love? Gabie. What was the last thing someone said that warmed your heart? Chesca said something very sweet to me and it was something I needed to hear, but explaining it would need too much background context so suffice it to say, she reassured me when I needed it most. Do you pray regularly? Nope. ^If so, to whom? Do you love Jesus? What church do you go to? I’m not religious but my mom is, and she drags the entire family to church every Sunday. That said we go to a specific parish within our area, because that’s what we’re a part of. What denomination is your church (if you go)? Catholic. What was the first year you voted in a presidential election? 2016. How old were you when the year changed to 2000? At exactly January 1? I was a year old, but I was turning 2 that year. Have you ever been afraid of the world ending? Not really, but it certainly has felt like the end of the world these days. This is the kind of shit you only ever get to read about in textbooks, so it’s feeling a little surreal. Do you enjoy public speaking? If I’m prepared for it and/or I enjoy what it is I have to talk about. What food makes you gag? Pineapple, raisins, or ice cream with nuts. Who was your first celebrity crush? Ashley Tisdale when she was Maddie in Suite Life of Zack & Cody. I also lowkey liked the mom, hahaha. What show did you want to be on when you were younger? Hi-5 when I was extremely younger; the kiddie crowds looked so lit 😩 Hahaha but when I got a bit older, I wanted to be in Legends of the Hidden Temple or be one of the people splashed with slime at the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards. Looking at my answer I could now tell I was definitely a Nickelodeon kid. What was your childhood dream? To be an astronaut, to be a wrestler, and to have a big house with a swimming pool. Did you ever fulfill your childhood dream? I have 0/3 achieved, but it’s okay. My wants have mostly changed. What is your dream now? I still want a big house with a pool for sure lmao, but I mostly just dream of having enough money all my life and never having to worry about finances or having to ask people. What is your passion? History has always been my biggest one. Are you living your dream? Not yet. Do you receive insults or compliments more? Compliments, but that’s because I don’t let myself thrive in an environment where I’d get insults more because yanno, self-care? Lol. What is unfair about your life? Bad past presidents and how it’s led our country to be in the miserable state it’s in today, whereas I have to see other countries flourish in their unbelievably competent governments and see how these countries have public parks, libraries, playgrounds, etc. I don’t know what I did in my past life to have to end up in the Philippines hahahahaha, but here we are today. What about your life would you change? I wish my dog can stay with me forever. Did you write love poems when you were younger? Nope. Who are you jealous of and why? I’m not really feeling jealousy at the moment. When someone hurts you, do you start to feel jealous of them? No? Why would that happen? Name five people you know who have everything handed to them. Idkkkkk. I don’t wanna namedrop anyone for something like this lol. Name one person you know who is spoiled rotten. Boomers? Name one person you know who seems stuck-up. I know someone but I’m not naming him on here lmao. Name a church that just wants money. All of them? LOL at least all the Catholic ones, I can’t speak for the other denominations. What is your least favorite chore? I really hate folding clothes. Have you ever had an account of yours hacked? Yeah but like by a virus or something, not a person. Have you ever been a victim of police misconduct? Nah. But traffic enforcers have been incredibly rude to me before. Do you keep a diary? This one. What color is the diary you are currently using? It doesn’t really come with a color... Do you actually write "Dear Diary"? Only in the diaries I kept as a kid, because it’s what I saw in cartoons. When was the last time you wrote and sent someone a letter? December. I included a handwritten letter in my Christmas gifts for Gab. Do you write in cursive or print more? Print. Have you ever self-harmed? Duh.
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acup-o-suga-blog · 6 years
Limerence |Min Yoongi |Ch.1 |
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Smut | Vampire!AU High School!AU
*This story is told from Yoongi's perspective unless stated otherwise. Also, this beginning is going to be a bit like Twilight, so forgive me. I'm trash for shit like that*
Winter. Probably the most enjoyable season for me, all though when there is just plain white everywhere, theirs really not too much to enjoy. But I was always taught to enjoy the sweet simple things of life, for they are the real things. But winter is the preferred season for me and my kind, for there's hardly sun, so it's easier to get shit done than having to sneak around during the middle of the night hoping no one notices your abnormally, sharp canines. It's not easy trying to seem normal, although that's all I've really ever wanted. To feel normal, to fit in, and to feel like I belonged. But I don't. Society doesn't accept things like me.
Blood-thirsty monsters.
I'm the kind of being that your parents tell you about before going to bed, the being that really isn't a being, but a ferocious beast that is scavenging for the little ones that misbehave and rebel.  That I, and all the others like me, are dangerous.
But we aren't. Or so I told myself the first while I was transformed. I tried to reassure myself that they were just stories and that I was still considered to be part of society. But after so long, you, or even the most optimistic person, can't fake it any longer. You get tired of hearing the same lie over and over again. That's when you start to shun everyone away, or what's left of the people who cared about you. And then you just start to sit around for decades and decades, just resenting the world and feeling sorry for yourself, that you soon don't realize that decades become centuries. But you're too far gone in grief that you really don't give.
But they helped. My brothers. They found me in my darkest times, stayed by my side even though I was convinced that I didn't need them, but they still stayed. They made everything easier, helped me understand that I wasn't the only one that was being punished. They took me in, helped me feed and learn more about myself and what I was than I ever thought I would.
But that was 200 years ago.
I've dealt with not being normal for longer than I can remember, and I've been alive for over 300 years. In the present day, 2018, my brothers and I are striving to survive and to fit in.
Which brings us to my current predicament.
“I can't believe I'm doing this.” 
“Oh c’mon hyung, I think it’s time we socialize with the rest of society. I mean, we are still apart of this world.” said Jungkook, my youngest brother. “Yeah, don’t you think it would be cool to see the transformation of our generation to now? It’s been over 300 years” continued Jimin. Sighing, I nodded my head and decided to walk with them up the stairs to our high school. 
“Although everything has changed, I really have no desire to go to school,” I stated. It was true. Everything was different, the laws, the monarchy(which we basically don't have anymore), and just the way of living. I haven’t been to school ever, but being around so long, you can read books and teach yourself, so I have a modest understanding of everything up to Grade 11 education, in which I am enrolling, along with my 3 other brothers; Jungkook, the youngest, Taehyung, The second youngest and most irritable, and Jimin, the third youngest but whom I like best and am closest with.
“You have no desire to do anything but sleep, lazy ass” murmured Taehyung. I looked at him and glared while he quickly looked away. I decided to ignore his comment, and just continue on with the admission process. After walking around the front of the school for a bit, we found the main office, which held two middle-aged women sitting at desks quickly typing things into their computers, whom I presumed to the secretaries. I cleared my throat to get their attention, but only got a muted “One second, please”
While waiting for the secretary, I decided to take a good look around the office. It was pretty simple looking. Square and about relatively decent sized, the walls were a muted beige, with posters hung on the walls about school events and what not. The secretaries were sitting at desks at the back, on the walls opposite of each other with a window in the back wall. Infront of us, there was a small ledge that held the P.A system, the sign in/sign outs sheets, and the visitor sign in. Suddenly, a voice brought me out of my thoughts
“Hi there, I'm so sorry for the wait. It's the middle of the year and right before Christmas break, it’s always a little hectic and busy around here.” One of the secretaries said with a smile on her face.
“It's fine.” 
“So, what can I help you boys out with today?” 
Jungkook started to tell the secretary about us being ‘transfer students’ and we were given our class schedules and a map of the school of where we would need to go. Smiling, the secretary welcomed us and sent us off to our classes. Walking out of the office, I took a look at my schedule, reading and reciting my classes for the rest of the school year.
9:00 - 10:35 - ENGLISH
10:45 - 12:15 - SCIENCE
12:15 - 12:55 - LUNCH
1:00 - 1:45 - KOREAN HISTORY
2:00 - 3:30 - LITERATURE
3:45 - 4:45 - MUSIC
I sighed as I read over my time table’s, slightly glad that I had music for an hour at the end of my school day, every day. Music has always been something I was good at and passionate about. I stopped at the end of the main halls where my brothers and I would part our ways to get to our classes.
“Well... I’ll see you guys at the end of the day. This is big, and I’m really proud of all of us.” Jimin said with a smile. Bidding our goodbye’s for the time being, I looked at the school map and maneuvered my way around to the third-floor and finally found my English class, the class I’m probably least excited about. I never liked English, I always thought it was quite pointless as I’ve never left Korea in the past 300 years of my life. Stopping in front of the classroom, I made sure my hood was up and was covering the whole top part of my head. This is another annoyance about being a vampire and going out in public. 
Being in any source of light makes my skin shine. Humans weren’t wrong with their folk tales about vampires not being able to go into the light. It doesn’t burn, but it’s quite uncomfortable and would freak any person out if they saw someone with shining skin. 
Once I was finally in the classroom, I sat down at the table in the back corner of the classroom where there was the least light and set my bag down. After about 5 minutes, students started piling in, and the once silent class grew louder and more lively. I started feeling anxious, not having been around so many humans in one room like this in many years. I tried calming myself down by taking deep breaths, but the teacher had walked in and had started to talk about how we would be reading an English book called “Charlotte’s Web” and something like that. I wasn’t paying much attention before I suddenly felt all eyes on me and heard the teacher calling out to me.
“Excuse me! Are you the new transfer student?” She inquired. I slowly nodded my head and said “yes”.
“Oh, that’s great! Why don’t you introduce yourself to us? Come stand up at the front!” For fucksake. She urged me to come forward and I started to feel very nauseous not really being comfortable around so many people. Timidly, I walked forward to the front of the class and started to introduce myself.
“My name is Min Yoongi. I'm from Daegu and I’m 3- I mean 17 years old.”
“That’s very nice now why don’t you try introducing yourself in English? This is English class after all.” 
This bit-
“H-hi, I am Yoongi.” I mentally groaned as the class started to giggle and murmur about my limited vocabulary and my pronunciation. 
I hate this class already.
Finally, after English, I have science, which I have no opinion on. After I make it to the classroom, I make a point to go to the teacher first and introduce myself personally. After we exchanged greetings and names, she directed to my seat which was by a window, which luckily it was cloudy outside today and almost every day in this region of Korea. We're in Gwangdong, which is mostly covered in natural scenery and quite cloudy because of the rivers and the condensation. After getting a brief fill in on what we are learning in science, I was handed a textbook and I began reading through the chapters and answering the questions in my notebook.
"Ah, I'm so sorry I'm late, I slept in this morning. Sorry, Unnie." a sweet voice rang through the mostly silent classroom. Looking up to see who the voice belonged to, my eyes were met with the most curious and innocent doe-eyes I've ever seen.
After staring at each other for a few seconds she smiled and turned to the teacher, bowing her head and handing her a slip, which I presumed to be a late slip. I was suddenly met with the most delicious scent I've ever smelt. My body froze and I had to cover my mouth to keep myself from smelling it anymore, or I would pounce someone.
Throughout my 300+ years of being a vampire, I hadn't always been vegan. I've killed innocent men and women for blood, for I thought that was the only way I could live. It was horrible. I felt guilty and it helped no less in trying to tell myself I wasn't a monster. But when I had met my brothers, they helped me go vegan and helped me to stop feeding on humans. I've been vegan for 150 something years, so I don't have cravings for human blood and flesh, but this scent, it's like it was taunting me, calling me.
And I had to taste it.
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The Stupid Little Things - Part 5 Carl Gallagher X Reader
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3  / Part 4 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / The rest of the parts
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Y/N’s P.O.V
Something about walking back up that street again, filled my whole body with panic. I was suddenly acutely aware of everything around me, every sound, every flash of movement, every scent. I seemed to feel everything, as if I had been plugged into an electric wire.
I walked along the street where Fiona taught me how to ride a bike when I was eight, past the lamp post that Debbie dared me to climb and my old house, the house I’d grown up in opposite the Gallaghers. I was flooded with nostalgia and smiled a little to myself, even if my palms were sweaty as I climbed up onto their veranda, a collection of text books tucked under my arms. I hesitated before knocking, suddenly terrified of the people I once called family.
I left them. I left them all with no explanation. I just disappeared. They probably hate me.
An odd sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach and I no longer thought it was a good idea to spontaneously arrive on the doorstep of people I walked out on, without any explanation or warning. I almost walked away but some animalistic instinct took over and before I could stop myself I rang the doorbell.
Carl knew I was coming, they’ll already know to expect me. I thought to myself as I waited for a reply.
I tried the doorbell again, knowing full well nobody answered the door in the Gallagher household until somebody physically couldn’t stand the sound of bell chimes or knocking anymore.
The second time did the trick.
“I’LL FUCKING GET IT THEN DEBBIE!” I heard Fiona shout from inside the house and in that moment I wanted to run away, because I couldn’t face them, I couldn’t face that I’d abandoned them.
But the door had already clicked open.
“Honestly, you kids! It’s like running a z-”
Fiona was still looking behind her, when she opened the door so she hadn’t noticed me awkwardly stood in the doorway, looking down at the floor, an apple pie in my hand as a peace offering.  She hadn’t noticed me for a split second.
And then she did.
“Oh my… my… my... fucking hell,” she whispered to herself, her eyes suddenly glassed over and wide as she stared at me “Y/N?”
I couldn’t read her emotion, the stunned expression on her face was an odd combination, so I just smiled weakly. She looked just the same as she had before, only the circles under her eyes looked darker and she seemed over all more worn.
A huge wave of relief  spread across her whole face but she was still stood there, rooted to the spot, actual tears flowing down her face as a small smile appeared on her lips.
“Fucking hell Fiona what’s taking you so long! Close the doors, Deb’s whining like a little bitch because she’s co-”
Ian appeared behind Fiona and stopped mid-sentence as she had when he saw me. But unlike Fiona he didn’t freeze up, he didn’t stop and instead he ran at me at fifty miles and hour and wrapped in the tightest hug I’d ever been held in. I dropped the textbooks and nearly dropped the pie as he grabbed me and I nestled my head into his shoulder. It wasn’t one of those friendly, happy-go-lucky hugs, he gripped me as if him letting go would mean I’d disappear forever.
“You- you don’t hate me?” I asked baffled and Ian swiveled his head to look up at me.
“Hate you? Are you fucking mental? My sisters back! My sisters fucking back and I swear to god I’m never letting you leave us again okay? ”
I didn’t think I’d be an be an emotional wreck yet there I was crying and laughing at the same time, happy tears leaving blotchy marks on the red head’s shirt. Because even though I had tried to forget it, the Gallaghers were family.
“I’ve missed you guys so much,” I said and my knees practically buckled beneath me when I saw another body in the doorway.
“What’s with the fucking mother’s meeting on the porch gu- HOLY SHIT! Y/N! NO WAY! NO FUCKING WAY!”
I broke free from Ian and ran into the house when Lip threw his arms around me, hugging me in a completely different way than Ian had. It wasn’t as desperate, it was just really really fucking happy.
He picked me up spinning me around and around until we we both laughing like idiots.
“Do you know how long we’ve all waited for you to walk back through those doors. Thought you’d fucking dropped down dead Y/L/N!”
“Lip! I know, I know!”  
We were both still laughing and Fiona and Ian had joined in the group hug, sandwiching me in a clump of happy tears and smiling.
Lip kept kissing the top of my head like he used to do to me and Debbie when we were tiny and Fiona had just about got herself back into motion again.
“You do realise,” Lip said “We’re going to have to kidnap you and keep you under the stairs for the rest of your life. Fuck! Where the hell have you been?”
Before I could answer I heard somebody clear their throat and I was face to face with Debbie, grinning hugely but with her arms crossed and tapping her foot.
“Oh fuck off!” she laughed “How come you got to get all pretty in two years.  I still look like a fucking potato!”
“Debs! Come here you biotch” I laughed “I don’t think you understand just how much I’ve missed you!”
She was about to join the Gallagher family hug when Fiona started talking again.
“Not that I don’t want you to be here, because trust me Y/N when you left it felt like I had lost a child, but what made you come back? Why now?”
Her whole face was practically radiating with happiness but I just ducked nervously under everybody’s arms and pulled myself from the centre of the hug. I went to scoop up my text books from outside and my awkwardness returns.
“I -uh - I’m kind of tutoring- yeah - uh -I’m kind of tu…”
‘She’s tutoring me assholes,”
Carl appeared in the hallway and Fiona shot me a look that was beyond surprised so I scooped up my things and hurried away, handing the pie to Ian.
“You’re a tutor?” he said and I nodded.
“She’s a fucking genius,” Carl said but he sounded flat, bored almost, “Now can we go or else it’s back to the seventh grade for me. She’s not dead, fucking brilliant, we have stuff to do,”
Lip’s jaw locked a little bit.
“We haven’t seen her in two whole fucking years! Let’s not forget why she left in the first place!” he said and Carl looked down with guilt, slinking back up the stairs after scowling at his brother.
I reluctantly followed, hugging Debbie again who clung onto to me for a just a little while longer.
“Does this mean things are back to the way they were, you know, before? You two were so close.” she asked, motioning to the stairs as I pulled away.
I sighed sadly.
“I don’t think things will ever be the same between us,” I watched as everyone’s faces fell “But you guys! With you guys of course! You’re my family, my real family!”
They smiled back at me as I walked after Carl and I was almost at the top of the stairs when Fiona called me.
“He’s never forgiven himself you know?” She said sadly “I don’t think he’s slept properly since”
I pretended that I didn’t wince at that comment and kept going until I stopped outside of his bedroom door, taking a deep breath.
This is going to feel like shit Y/N, pure fucking steaming shit.
Panic took over again and I resorted back to something I hadn’t done in over two years.
Three knocks on the left, two palm slaps, one knock on the top and two on the bottom.
It was our code, the Carl and Y/N code we’d used for years. The secret door code we’d created in fourth grade.
He opened the door.
“You remembered it?” He said, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
“How could I possibly forget it?”
I suddenly felt seven years old again.
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ademainalors · 6 years
Doing this
1: I’m afraid my name will have to stay ademainalors ;)
2: 20
3: 3 Fears
The afterlife
4: 3 things I love
My Dell Latitude E6410
Cartoons that cannot technically be called anime
5: 4 turns on
Strange hair
Complex understanding of trauma
6: 4 turns off
7: My best friend
Brie or Kyle, although to be honest, I haven’t talked with many humans in the past several months, so at this point, both individuals probably only consider me as a regular friend
8: Sexual orientation
9: My best first date
Aromantic, I never knew, but they were all awful
10: How tall am I
5″ 5′
11: What do I miss
When Zack used to do house rules DND with me, Kyle and Armstrong
12: What time were I born
Heck if I know
13: Favourite color
14: Do I have a crush
I tend not to pay my crushes much mind now that I’ve come to terms with my aromanticism, but when Nathan joked about how he’d want to fuck someone in the server closet, in my head I was like, name a time
15: Favourite quote
16: Favourite place
The Japanese Library
17: Favourite food
18: Do I use sarcasm
No, never, not me ever
19: What am I listening to right now
The silence of the void (that’s not an edgy band name... yet)
20: First thing I notice in new person
Their relationship to power
21: Shoe size
10 I think? Fun fact, I religiously wear crocs, and crocs actually stretch out with use, so my crocs have been growing with my feet.
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
24: Favourite style of clothing
I was talking to Kyle about Queer Eye, and I said, “You know what they would say to me if they saw me, they would say I wear clothes that nobody would ever wear because no clothes express my gender, and then they would fix that” And he told me I was perceptive. My favorite shirt is an MPR Volunteer shirt that has no gender.
25: Ever done a prank call?
27: Meaning behind my URL
What Adrien says to Marinette at the end of the umbrella scene, “See you around” in french
28: Favourite movie
Tangled, but in Spanish
29: Favourite song
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
30: Favourite band
31: How I feel right now
32: Someone I love
My parents platonically
33: My current relationship status
34: My relationship with my parents
35: Favourite holiday
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
I have my ears pierced
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
I’d prefer to keep those Japanese bathhouse privileges
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
I shared a blog with Kyle on Blogger and he wanted it moved because Blogger sucks
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
I’m irritated with my last ex, as my last relationship made me realize I was aromantic and that I was doing painful amounts of emotional labor and downright fraud in the name of normalicy
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
My dad? Platonically
42: When did I last hold hands?
In my last relationship
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
30 Minutes
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
I haven’t shaved them in the past three years!
45: Where am I right now?
My room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
Nobody, that’s why I don’t drink
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
At a reasonable level
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
49: Am I excited for anything?
If I’m being honest, no, but there are several things I would tell people about IRL if I were asked
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
Is the opposite of non-binary cisgender, or another non-binary? Doesn’t matter, the answer is no
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
Too much
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
My dad, platonically, two weeks ago
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
I wouldn’t care
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
My lab partner for this goddamn lab report
55: What is something I disliked about today?
My lack of productivity
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Justin Trudeau
57: What do I think about most?
My time efficiency
58: What’s my strangest talent?
Mechanum: I can execute complete instructions perfectly, and I can memorize sets of complete instructions. So if I get a set of complete instructions, I can master the task associated. I am very good at extremely divergent tasks due to this.
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
Having to attend SCSU
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Behind. Pansonic HMC150s are the bomb .com
61: What was the last lie I told?
I told a group of people that I was sick. I’m actually just anxious and depressed, which is it’s own kind of sick, but I implied influenza.
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Video chat.
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Aliens probably, but they likely formed at the same time we did and are either too far or lackluster like dolphins. Ghosts, not really.
64: Do I believe in magic?
I bought a spell from a witch down on money, I just like witches though, I’m not wiccan
65: Do I believe in luck?
66: What’s the weather like right now?
Clear night skies?
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
Sedra Smith, Microelectric Circuits
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
69: Do I have any nicknames?
None that I like, except 雨
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
Concussion, 6th grade skiing accident
71: Do I spend money or save it?
Mostly save
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?
Yup, my blankets are pink, should change 74: Favourite animal? 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Get it together, by the Go-Team 78: How can you win my heart?
You can’t. I’ll be your QP if we make a utilitarian symbiotic domestic partnership. I’ll fuck you if you’re sexy and can somehow manage to not trigger memories of my sexual assault, but like, that won’t happen.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
Rest in Pieces
80: What is my favorite word?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
I’m not here to start a war, though one of them is haiku bot
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
We are not Trump
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
Pausing time
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Tell me about your sexual history
86: What is my current desktop picture?
Me standing next to a no parking sign in Japanese in a small town in rural Minnesota
87: Had sex?
88: Bought condoms?
Kind of
89: Gotten pregnant?
90: Failed a class?
I have more W’s than a web address but no F’s
91: Kissed a boy?
92: Kissed a girl?
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94: Had job?
95: Left the house without my wallet?
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
Actually, surprisingly, Kyle. We’re cool now.
97: Had sex in public?
98: Played on a sports team?
Yep, 3rd grade, Softball. I wanted to play baseball and I hated it.
99: Smoked weed?
100: Did drugs?
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
Confirmation wine, a sip of champaign that I spat out, a sip of gin that I spat out. I can taste the death of my mouth microbiota when I put alcohol in my mouth
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
110: Gotten my heart broken?
I don’t have one, but I found out a FWB hated non binaries. It was kind of crushing.
111: Been to a professional sports game?
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
Sort of, TW: I pick at the skin around my toenails, sometimes with pushpins
114: Been to prom?
115: Been in airplane?
Yep, Houston
116: Fly by helicopter?
117: What concerts have I been to?
The FIRST Robotics concert
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
120: Wore make up?
Yeah, I hate it
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
TW: Is rape virginity
122: Had oral sex?
Yeah, it sucked.
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
Hillary Clinton
125: Rode in an ambulance?
Yes, concussion
126: Had a surgery?
Wisdom teeth removal
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
129: Peed outside?
130: Been fishing?
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
133: Broken a mirror?
134: What do I want for birthday?
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
Adopting teenagers, they’ll have names already, probably one, but maybe more if they’ve got sibs, Despicable Me style.
136: Was I named after anyone?
137: Do I like my handwriting?
No, it’s an abomination
138: What was my favourite toy as a child?
139: Favourite Tv Show?
Assasination Classroom
140: Where do I want to live when older?
Minnesota doncha no?
141: Play any musical instrument?
Used to play trombone
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?
Scootering accident
143: Favourite pizza toping?
Alfredo sauce instead of tomato sauce
144: Am I afraid of the dark?
No 145: Am I afraid of heights?
Yes 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
No 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
The midterm two days ago
148: What I’m really bad at
Reading university textbooks
149: What my greatest achievments are
Student Senate President
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
I was in a political argument and some bitch brought my yellow teeth into it
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery
Take the payments over time, put in a bank account, pay off people’s loans on the contidition they try to pay off other people’s loans, put solar panels on things, buy a tesla
152: What do I like about myself
My hair 153: My closest Tumblr friend
@dragon-in-a-fez 154: Something I fantasise about
Being dictator of the US 155: Any question you’d like?
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ALL 140 :d
I am actually going to try to answer allof them but for the sake of time, I also apologize for weird formatting I copied from a word document that I typed it into
1.     3 Fears
Falling, burning alive, drowning
2.     3 things I love
Music, food
3.     2 turns on
Neck kissing, facial hair
4.     2 turns off
Weird/bad smells, disrespect
5.     My best friend
I do not have a specific bestfriend, I have a few
6.     Sexual orientation
7.     How tall am I
Just under 6’
8.     What do I miss right now
My dog
9.     Favourite color
10.  Do I have a crush
11.  Favourite place
Anywhere but my house
12.  What am I listening to right now
Issues by Julia Michaels was onwhen I typed this
13.  Shoe size
14.  Eye color
15.  Hair color
A lighter brown
16.  Meaning behind my URL
Based on Cersei Lannister fromGame of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire
17.  Favourite song
At the moment it’s Daddy Issuesby Demi Lovato
18.  Favourite band
Lorde (not technically a band)
19.  How I feel right now
Stressed lol
20.  Someone I love
My friends
21.  My current relationship status
22.  My relationship with my parents
They think we’re fine but I don’tlike them
23.  Favourite season
24.  Tattoos and piercing i have
25.  Tattoos and piercing i want
Not sure yet
26.  The reasons I joined Tumblr
A friend convinced me to
27.  Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts?
Not anymore
28.  Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
29.  How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
Depends, maybe 30 minutes?
30.  Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?
31.  Where am I right now?
My room at college
32.  Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
33.  Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
When I’m on break from college
34.  Am I excited for anything?
I’m seeing Dua Lipa in November
35.  Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
36.  How often do I wear a fake smile?
Too often
37.  If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Lots of people, I’ll just sayLady Gaga so I can keep answering haha
38.  What do I think about most?
If I made the right choice
39.  Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
40.  What was the last lie I told?
I tell a lot, I can’t remember
41.  Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
42.  Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Sort of for both
43.  Do I believe in magic?
Sort of but not really
44.  Do I believe in luck?
45.  What’s the weather like right now?
Colder than it has been recently
46.  What was the last book I’ve read?
Honestly I don’t remember, I don’thave a lot of time to read anymore
47.  Do I have any nicknames?
Not really
48.  Do I spend money or save it?
I try to save but end up spending
49.  Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
50.  Favourite animal?
51.  What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
Sleeping or getting ready forbed, I can’t remember
52.  What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Anything by Carly Rae Jepsen
53.  What is my favorite word?
54.  My top 5 blogs on tumblr
55.  If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would Isay?
I’d probably panic and saynothing
56.  Do I have any relatives in jail?
Not that I know of
57.  What is my current desktop picture?
My dog
58.  Had sex?
59.  Bought condoms?
60.  Gotten pregnant?
61.  Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
I think so
62.  Had job?
63.  Smoked weed?
64.  Smoked cigarettes?
65.  Drank alcohol?
66.  Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
67.  Been overweight?
68.  Been underweight?
69.  Gotten my heart broken?
70.  Been to prom?
71.  Been in airplane?
72.  Learned another language?
73.  Wore make up?
74.  Dyed my hair?
75.  Had a surgery?
76.  Met someone famous?
77.  Stalked someone on a social network?
78.  Been fishing?
79.  Been rejected by a crush?
Currently in the process
80.  What do I want for birthday?
To feel calm
81.  Do I like my handwriting?
82.  Where do I want to live when older?
No idea
83.  Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
84.  What I’m really bad at
85.  What my greatest achievments are
86.  The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
Can’t remember
87.  What I’d do if I won in a lottery
I would pay for college thendonate a lot of it to various charities and research
88.  What do I like about myself
Literally only my eyes
89.  My closest Tumblr friend
90.  Any question you’d like?
There wasn’t one given lol
91.  Are you outgoing or shy?
92.  What kind of people are you attracted to?
Men, I don’t really have a type
93.  Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Probably not
94.  Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
95.  Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
One of my close friends
96.  What does the most recent text that you sent say?
97.  What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Daddy Issues by Demi Lovato,Perfect Places by Lorde, Magnets by Disclosure ft. Lorde, Scared to be Lonelyby Martin Garrix ft. Dua Lipa, Drew Barrymore by SZA are the first 5 I thoughtof
98.  Do you like it when people play with your hair?
99.  Do you think there is life on other planets?
100.                   Do you like bubble baths?
Haven’t had one in a while so I don’tknow
101.                   Do you like your neighbors?
102.                   Where would you like to travel?
103.                   Favorite part of your daily routine?
I don’t have one
104.                   What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My arms
105.                   What do you do when you wake up?
Fall back asleep
106.                   Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
107.                   Do you ever want to get married?
108.                   If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
109.                   Would you rather live without TV or music?
110.                   Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
111.                   What are your favorite stores to shop in?
I don’t have a preference
112.                   Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
113.                   Do you smile at strangers?
114.                   Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds outabout?
115.                   Ever wished you were someone else?
116.                   Favourite makeup brand?
Don’t have one
117.                   Last thing you ate?
Chicken Lo Mein
118.                   Ever won a competition? For what?
Various trivia things duringmiddle and high school, always with teams never alone
119.                   Ever been in love? 
120.                   Facebook or Twitter?
121.                   Twitter or Tumblr?
122.                   Are you watching tv right now?
123.                   What colour are your towels?
Dark Green
124.                   Favourite ice cream flavour?
Cake flavors
125.                   First person you talked to today?
My roommate
126.                   Last person you talked to today?
My roommate
127.                   Name a person you hate?
Donald Trump
128.                   Name a person you love?
My friends
129.                   Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
130.                   Do you tan a lot?
Not really
131.                   Have any pets?
A dog at home
132.                   Do you type fast?
133.                   Do you regret anything from your past?
134.                   Ever broken someone’s heart?
135.                   Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
136.                   Is cheating ever okay?
137.                   Do you believe in true love?
138.                   What your zodiac sign?
139.                    Do you believe in ghosts?
I think this was already aquestion
140.                   Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s thefirst line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou)
This result is much harder toderive, but the diagram in Fig. 1B.8 should help to show that it is plausible (it’sa textbook lol)
I might have accidentally skippedsome but that should be almost all of them haha
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cosmosogler · 7 years
hnnng i’m in trouble. reading textbooks takes four times as long as reading anything else.
today i got up on time. snoopy went in the litter box again. i left a little early to get to my lab. ioannus was still teaching when i got there so i teased him for going over time. then i tried to teach my own section and that went a lot of nowhere real fast. i feel... dumb. not because i don’t understand physics (intro courses are fine to teach), but because i had a thing planned and then i got up in the front by the board and forgot every last bit of it. i feel like i wasted everyone’s time. i feel like i made my favorite subject boring and obtuse.
thursday i’ll have to do better. twice in a row. tuesday i’ll take that first section and give a quick review of what exactly we’re hoping to teach them through lab work.
after that i worked for, hmm, about three and a half hours more or less straight through. i mean yeah i was chitchatting some of the time about teaching and about the homework. i finished studying my old notes and got started on the homework due tomorrow. the first problem i’d made a lot harder than it needed to be and i felt dumb but also kind of relieved that the assignment was simpler than i thought. until i got to the second question.
the question used a notation i was not familiar with and i realized i would have to read through the textbook to find some context for the weird requirements for my work. so i got to that. i super underestimated the amount of time it would take to read 30 pages. i didn’t finish. 
i spent my breaks running around and trying to stretch a little bit since i was getting really antsy and staticky again two hours in. i didn’t have much appetite for lunch. i called the psychiatrist and set up an appointment. then at 3:15 a bunch of us went upstairs to get some cookies. the cookies were not ready, we had to wait 30 minutes. i kind of lost track of time and was up there for 40 minutes total. but i also was really, really tired.
right before 4 i hopped right back in. i think i did one more 45-minute period, and lost track of time after that since i didn’t have time to fit another one in comfortably before 6. 
at 6 we went to the make-up class for e&m. i suddenly completely understood why people were confused by the lecture (and not just the board notes). i got nothing out of it. and since it wasn’t technically a 50 minute period he just kind of went on for however long he wanted. so we were there 57 minutes.
7 minutes isn’t a lot by itself but after a hard period where you’re just completely lost at all times because nobody can read the professor’s handwriting and he hops around between topics, AND you are starving because it’s an hour past your dinnertime, it is an excruciatingly long wait.
i looked around the classroom after the professor lost me. i didn’t see a single person who didn’t look dead inside. it would have been really funny if i wasn’t already so upset and bone tired.
i don’t understand how the bus schedule works at all any more. the bus running today at 7 pm was the same route that i had caught the “last” bus on on monday at 6:10-ish. 
i got home at 7:25. i made myself a quick dinner and settled down at my computer at 7:50, completely forgetting to brush snoopy. i took a 15 minute breather and then got back to reading. i tried looking up the problem from before on google, and on wolfram, and i sent suzanne a message but she hasn’t looked at it, and i asked some random internet friends. google gave me, like, a british pediatrician, and wolfram spat out the periodic table. 
so i decided to read ahead and when i got the answer to the previous problem figured out, i would have the reading done and be able to get right to the next two questions! after an hour and a half of that i realized i had forgotten to brush snoopy so i fussed over her for about 5 or 6 minutes. she doesn’t look like she’s feeling too well today. i haven’t given her enough pets maybe. i finished reading through all the sections we had work from at 9:50-ish and then i started writing here and now it’s 10:10. 
so now i’m like 6 hours of work down and i only have a quarter of my assignment, which is due tomorrow, finished. i’m going to need to get up at 6:20 and try to get to campus by 8 so i can try to work on it with classmates or any graduate student at all.
i was less irritable today in general, but now i just kind of feel like hot garbage and also nauseous. i’m going to be in trouble if i come in when the first assignment of my whole grad career is due and i don’t have it finished. my face is also a little bruised where i scratched it up this morning... 
tomorrow i’ve got my appointment with the group therapist. i’ve got nothing on my schedule after 4, and i really want to rest, but i don’t think i will have time for that, so i will probably have to stay until i get too hungry to keep working.
i’m not complaining about the workload here. i have some complaints about the professor deciding to nab all of us after the office is closed to rant about legendre transforms for over a full class period’s time. and i have complaints about the textbook (and professors) throwing random curveballs that i have literally never seen before and give no explanation for. i feel like if everyone was playing fair i could put in 6 hours of work and maybe get one assignment done. 
life’s not fair.
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