#i just know he looks so enchanting and serene in his sleep. i know!!!!
therealdazaifucker · 7 months
dazai sleeps like a princess. i know it. i know he does.
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pearlywritings · 1 year
Don't let your worry reach your eyes
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synopsis: waking up you don't find your husband next to you. Yet he is not that far - but what is he doing sitting in front of a mirror?
prompt: 17
requested by: a lovely anon
pairing: Diluc x fem!reader
tw: fluff, domestic moment, established relationship (you are married), talk about kids
word count: 1.3k+ words
a/n: check my Token of appreciation writing event!
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It’s hard to grasp the line where the dream ends and reality starts when the evening is serenely quiet. You are sure that the winery staff has long but departed home and now are sharing  your fortune of basking in the sweet embrace of sleep, while nature, surrounding your tranquil home, is slowing  down too, saving the beautiful sounds and blooming colors for the next day.
All that was paving you a road to the dreamland, drawing you further and further in its everlasting fields and high above the fluffy clouds. You’ve almost reached your destination, a castle full of enchanting adventures, but a flicker of a candle and the barely heard heavy sighs are firmly holding you onto the earthly ground. Or bed, more specifically.
Carefully, not yet ready to open your eyes and chase the sweet drowsiness away, you glide your palm over the sheets to the side, ready to bump into the warm body of your beloved and ignore the candle completely. Yet there is no body, no warmth and no wrinkles left, which rings a little bell. It appears that sleep has come only to you, and now you forcefully push it away.
Sitting up is not a hard task, though blinking away the haziness is, but soon you manage to focus your sight. A quick look around the room doesn’t give any indication of something being odd, until your eyes land on the broad back of your husband. You stare at it a second, then another, tilting your head to the side once noticing his position - sitting on a padded stool in front of a mirror, the previously mysterious candle clearly put in a place to cast a light onto his face. Well, that’s new.
Slowly you push the blanket off, baring your legs and throwing them over the edge of the bed. Diluc has heard you from the first rustle of the sheets, but turns around to glance at you only when you are almost at his side.
“You know you shouldn’t walk barefoot?” He softly murmurs, when you stop behind his back and bend down to wrap your arms around his middle.
“You know you shouldn’t stay up so late?” Beating his question with one of your own, you bury your face in his hair - untied and streaming down his shoulders they remind you of those fluffiest clouds from your dreams. “Since we are on topic of that, why are you still up, love?”
You decide against commenting on the way he is sitting in front of a huge mirror, which is now reflecting the two of you. The man in your arms sighs - like you heard through your sleep - and puts a firm hand on the lock of yours resting on his stomach. Two wedding bands catch the candle’s flame.
“I was…thinking.”
‘I noticed,’ you almost say when he directs his gaze back to the smooth surface.
“What about?” You start playing with his fingers, putting your chin on his shoulder and trying to follow his eyes to understand what in his appearance - at that point you are sure it’s something close - got him so silently worked up.
“Do I look mean to you?”
You blink. Then blink again. Then move forward to look into his face to see if he is joking. But by the lack of a hint of a smile and trembling flames in the depths of his crimson eyes tell you he is definitely not.
“To me - never. You are the biggest, gentliest, loveliest and most handsome sweetheart of a husband to me,” the softness of your words paints his palish cheeks lightly pink and the corner of his lip twitches in a restrained smile. “But when you do try to give me a glare if I am being insufferable - I find it hot, not vile.”
The scoff he gives makes you giggle, and you hurry to press a gentle kiss to his nose.
“It’s just…” he sighs again, carefully tugging on your ring, sliding it half off and back up. “I am often told I have a mean glare...”
“Definitely not. Anywho says that has never truly looked at you,” your tone is soothing and you press another kiss to his skin, this time to the cheek. 
“I never truly cared,” he confesses what you are already aware off, “but today a patron at the tavern, whom I was in the middle of throwing away,” you quietly snort, hiding your face in his shoulder again, “told me that with such mean eyes I’ll never be loved by my children if I ever have any.”
“Hell no he didn’t,” you gasp, staring at Diluc again. “If I were you I would’ve punched him.”
“As amusing as it sounds, please don’t,” the man ushers you and in a moment you are in his lap, with your arms wrapped around his neck, and his tightening their hold on your waist. “But it did get me thinking - what if our baby will find me scary? What if my gaze won’t be soft or loving enough?”
“If you are worried about that, then that’s already an indicator that you’ll do great,” lately you’ve been having occasional conversations about extending your little family, but you weren’t aware to this day just how seriously Diluc considered that. There is no denial that it makes your heart soften and love him even more. “Though I don't think you should be concerned, dear. Don’t you notice? Klee, Benny, Fischl, Razor and many other kids and teens look at you in awe and adoration - and they always look into your eyes. Would they look into them if they were mean?”
Diluc is silent for a mere couple of seconds, but that’s enough for you to see the extend of his worry.
“...I suppose they wouldn’t.”
“They definitely wouldn’t. Diluc, my love, you have the most vibrant eyes I’ve ever seen a person possess. So many shades of crimson affection whenever you look at someone you love or care for - I am the direct recipient of those feelings,” there is a smile finally and you nearly attack him with kisses, but you should finish your thought first. “And I have no doubt that our future child will become one as well.”
There is a long sigh, but the defeated hang of his head tells you that once again the victory is yours - it’s always been easy to convince your lover of something you believed were right, and you internally cheer for yourself and then physically pat the top of his head. 
“Thank you, my flame,” oh, and those very same eyes shine brightly and it’s not the candle’s fault- it’s yours. “I’ll remind myself of this conversation whenever I’ll be questioning myself,” it’s only you in the crimson pools of his gaze, the mirror is finally completely forgotten and it breaks the atmosphere of lingering brooding. 
“And I’ll be happy to have this conversation again. Maybe from now on I should carry a Kamera with me to capture every moment you give me a lovesick look to prove my point.”
When he gives you what he thinks is a ‘mean’ look, you only chuckle and move closer to capture his lips in a fleeting kiss.
“Nope, it sure looks sexy.”
“That’s it, you need sleep,” with a wave of his fingers the candle goes out.
“Ehe, WAIT..!”
With a soft squeal you are hoisted up when your husband stands up and are carried to the bed, where two bodies end up falling onto with laughter and many sweet kisses shared. As you settle under the blanket, with his warm body pressed closely to yours, Diluc can’t stop thinking of what you said earlier. Back then, in front of the mirror, he tried to imagine what he’d look like, gazing at his child, what kind of eyes he’d have when interacting with them. But he couldn’t see that clearly.
Now he can. And he is content.
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astraystayyh · 2 years
Pairing: Hyunjin x reader, pre-established relationship.
Genre: Fluff!!!!!!
Summary: You and Hyunjin always read together before sleeping, but tonight he reads to you.
A soft scenario in honor of Hyunjin's birthday, featuring my favorite book :,) i hope y'all enjoy and please let me know if you do <3
When Hyunjin moved in with you, you found yourself falling into a quiet nightly routine with him.
You'd brush your teeth together in the bathroom, applying your respective skincare and making silly faces at each other through the mirror. You'd tidy the bed while he prepared two cups of tea, chamomile to be exact; and then you'd each grab a book to read.
It felt comforting- to simply exist in each other's presence and for it to be this peaceful; a serene moment to look forward to each day.
But tonight, you were exhausted- physically and emotionally. You didn't have the energy to do anything, let alone read. Hyunjin noticed since he diligently applied your skincare for you, pecking your nose in between each product.
When you finally lay in bed, he grabs the book you were reading last night- 'The song of Achilles', and you look at him confused.
"Let me read for you, yeah? Just relax for me, angel", he smiles and you nod silently, getting comfortable in his hold. His arm is draped around your shoulder; his fingers gently grazing up and down the curve of your body. And your head is on his chest- you can faintly hear his heartbeat, steady and calm, your personal lullaby.
"What had Deidameia thought would happen, I wondered, when she had her women dance for me?", he picks up where you left off and you close your eyes, savoring the sound of his voice. It sounded like the most enchanting melody to you.
"Had she really thought I would not know him? I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world".
Hyunjin pauses for a while and you look up at him, assuming that he fell asleep. But to your surprise, you find him intently staring down at you. His eyes are shining brightly and you smile softly at him.
"Why did you stop?".
"This is really beautiful", he whispers and you nod in agreement, "Their love is very pure".
"So is ours, don't you think?",  he asks quietly, twirling a strand of your hair around his finger.
"So is ours", you grin, meeting his lips in a sweet kiss. His hand cradles your jaw, pulling you closer to him in a way that makes stars dance in front of your eyes.
When you finally lean away, he grabs your hand in his, squeezing it lightly. "I'll recognize you too... In death, at the end of the world", his voice is thick with emotion and you feel your heart skip a beat. 
"I really really really love you, my beautiful boy", you whisper and he smiles cheekily at your words.
"How could you not when I'm this perfect", he winks and you swat his arm playfully, "Remind me to never confess my love to you again".
"You will still do it", a chaste kiss on your forehead, "when we are thirty", a kiss on your nose, "forty", a kiss on your cheek, "and sixty", a final kiss on your lips, "you'll still confess".
"You forgot fifty", you tease and he gently hits your head with the book, an adorable pout adorning his face.
"I'm kidding, babyyy", you singsong, "I'll always love you, you already know that".
"Good. Now let me continue, I wanna know what happens next", he tells you and you chuckle, "Don't let me stop you".
As Hyunjin reads some more to you, the heaviness in your heart slowly disappears and your love for him fills the void instead- it's all you can feel within you when you finally fall asleep.
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yichuuonvenus · 7 months
The Willow Maid
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Dark!Peter Parker x Reader
You were enchanting… Everything about you made him floored by you from the way you smiled to the way you moved. Your hair always seemed to shine in the moonlight. Just like right now.
Rape/Non-con, Possessive Behavior, Face Slapping, Dryad!reader, Hunter!Peter Parker, Fantasy AU
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You were enchanting…
Everything about you made him floored by you from the way you smiled to the way you moved. 
Your hair always seemed to shine in the moonlight. 
Just like right now.
Peter couldn’t stop staring at you. He came across you suddenly when he heard a voice singing. The music that came from your lips had him enchanted by you. It was so soft and sweet. It sounded like a song that was meant for him. 
You were like a dream to Peter. A beautiful magical dream he didn’t want to wake from. He knew from the first song your voice prettily sang you were rightfully his. 
He wanted only him to hear your sweet loving songs. For him to be the only one you sang to. That’s what he decided the day he wanted to take you away and marry you. 
He followed you every day constantly and marked what you did, how you did it, why you did it. He figured out that you lived on the willow tree. Sleeping in the sturdier part of the branches. There you would make blankets out of the yarn-like leaves and sing your heavenly songs. 
You never left the forest, or the willow tree. It was like a post. He noticed how you would hug the tree and talk to it as if it could understand you. He loved just watching when you talked to the tree. The smile that would grace your face only made him fall deeper in love with you. 
Today, you were just lazing about on the forest bed waving your hand through the water, giggling at the fishes that swam up to kiss your hand. You look so blissful just laying there enjoying the water. 
He decided that today was the day he was going to make you, his. That he was going to introduce himself instead of watching you. 
He stepped steadily into view but you didn’t look up so he stepped a bit closer. His shadow and reflection mirrored in the water, all the fishes swam away scared by the sudden shadow. Your hand stopped waving through the water for a moment and you focused on the reflection. You carefully turned around and when you did your beauty was one like no other. 
You both stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before he finally broke the silence. 
“My maiden… I I have been enchanted by you…” he said eyes filled with admiration. 
Your gaze remained unchanged, a look of neither surprise nor nervousness. It was just your natural face, a face of pure serenity. 
“Come with me. Come with me, my maiden,” he whispered the last part but he knew you still heard him.
He didn’t know if you understood him until you shook your head.
You spoke, your voice ever so gentle made his heart sing but the words that left your mouth made his immediately made him snap out of it, “I cannot leave this place, Hunter. Don't ask me to follow where you lead.” 
Before he could even have a chance to think you left him, disappearing in the willow’s thick leaves. 
Peter stared dumbfounded at the place you left him. He wanted to follow you towards the tree but he didn’t see signs of you anywhere around or in the tree. 
He knew he had to try again. 
No, He needed to try again and this time you wouldn’t say no. 
. . . 
Peter held a yellow flower he’s seen you stare at often in awe and smell with glee on your face. He thought since you rarely left, it would be nice if you could have the flower for yourself.
You were staring out into the River bank humming softly while braiding bits of your hair. You looked so serene like you’ve known nothing but the calamity of the forest for your entire life. Peter would be the one to change that, to show you the world. 
You stopped when you heard him. You turned your head with a look he couldn’t quite place. 
“My maiden, your beauty is nothing compared to this flower but I hope it will suffice…” he gently laid the flower in your hands.
You gently held the flower in your hands and stared at it. Your eyebrows furrowed while you looked at it. 
“I’m enchanted by you and your beauty. I want to be the only one who listens to your sweet songs. I hope to be your husband,” he said eyes gleaming at you. 
You couldn’t hide your feelings. Your face said it all as your lips curved into a soft frown and tears started to well in your eyes. 
You shook your head just like before while holding the flower tightly to your chest. 
“I will never marry you,” you said, the frown on your face becoming more apparent. “Not near, nor far, nor soon.” 
A small why left Peter’s lips as you stared at him. As if you were frightened you stepped back towards your willow. Peter couldn’t let you go. Not yet. Not while you are not giving him an answer as to why. 
Peter gripped your dress. You let out a yep before trying to pull him off, tearing it in the process just before you vanished. 
Peter was angry. You left him again just after he gave you a flower and poured his feelings into you. 
“You will come to regret your decision,” he said into the wind. You still heard him and shook as you laid the flower on the willow tree’s branches, softly crying for him to just go away. 
Days went by. 
Then weeks. 
Then months… 
He was nowhere to be found. 
You went on your day like any other. It was sunny and the green lush leaves of your tree shined brilliantly. You lay on the grass, admiring the new flowers that were growing in. It was all so peaceful. That hunter was finally gone and you could enjoy protecting your tree. 
You could’ve laid there all day but you had things to do. Things that were important to the plant life of the forest. You went on your way. You could never stray from your tree or your forest so you had the help of little rabbits and squirrels to get you the things you needed. 
You felt something was wrong for a moment like there was an impending doom that was about to befall the forest. You wanted to ignore it. Your mother protected you and the woods, surely nothing would happen. 
Oh how wrong you were. 
You felt a hit to the back of your head and when you came to. You were on the forest floor with nothing on. You would’ve screamed if there wasn’t a gag in your mouth. Your hands were tied. There was no way you could’ve freed yourself. There was a voice in your ear telling you it was okay. Whispering how much you looked tonight while they petted your hair. 
Your lungs almost gave out from your muffled screams. That hunter was right above you, kissing your face, using his filthy hands to touch your body, stroking and touching the most precious parts of you. 
“Mother,” you tried to say. “Mother help me.”
But no one came. No one was there to save you. You cried when you realized it. That no one was coming for you. Not even your mother. 
His eyes were so soft as they stared back at yours, which made you confused. You could feel that he was conflicted with what he wanted to do. You didn’t sense any regret nor was he upset with what he was about to do. He pressed his fingers against you, slowly rubbing your clit until you were wet enough for his fingers. He kept his fingers there while his other hand lowered down to a spot that had you screaming. You kept twisting the rope that was holding you it was rubbing your skin raw and you could smell the blood that came from it. 
A harsh slap made you stop altogether. It was so hard it had your ears ringing throughout your head. 
“My sweet maiden please forgive me. I just wanted to calm you,” he said as tears rolled down his cheeks. 
What he was feeling now was remorse but it wasn’t for you. It was for him because he didn’t want to hit you. He was upset because you made him hit you. You could’ve thrown up at the emotions you were feeling from him. The scent of no regrets of what he wanted to do to you made you sick. 
Fingers stuff themselves deep into you. You’ve never felt anything more intrusive than his fingers. They are what made you quiet other than your deep breaths that he mistook. For what you weren’t sure but he made him happy every time you cried out. 
When he felt like he was done he pulled down his trousers. He couldn’t wait as he hurriedly untied them. You knew that there was no going back after this. He held his cock over you. It was thick and veiny with an angry red tip. It had you choking just by the look at it. You held your breath and closed your eyes as he slid it back and forth till he was slick enough with your wetness. 
Slowly he entered and all the air inside your lungs left you. It was a piercing sensation that took over the bottom half of your body. It was so painful, every waking moment made you feel like you were on the verge of passing out. 
“Relax… my maiden relax,” he said. 
Relax? After being taken against your will and being violated in the worst possible way. You wanted to hurt him, a feeling that you’ve never felt before. You wanted to kill him. You couldn’t even move or breathe for that matter. 
What disgusted you the most was his moans as he thrusts slowly, lovingly even. He was so infatuated by your beauty that he didn’t even notice the fact that your face looked so disgusted by the sight of him. 
It finally got easier after what felt like hours of him just thrusting into you. It felt like it was never-ending. If this was what it felt like to be with someone you’re supposed to love you were having none of it. It was like the devil himself made his own personal hell for you. His thrusts, his pants that were all over your face and neck, and his hands constantly touching you. 
You felt like you were about to break apart. And break apart you did. This feeling that was so overwhelming it had your legs wanting to close. Your body was quivering so hard you thought maybe this was it. The small death before absolution. 
Your gasps and pants fell from your lips and continued to come out as the hunter got faster and faster. He wasn’t done. Not yet not when he was so close. He did one final thrust that had him calling out to the gods above. 
Wet and sticky was all you felt when he pulled himself from you. You couldn’t bring yourself to sit up to look at what he did to you. There was no way you could’ve handled it. So you lay there as he pulled on his clothes. He removed your restraints mostly because he knew you wouldn’t get up and run around. There was no way you could’ve not with the aching pain between your legs. 
You hear the hunter pick up something and start to hit your tree. Your willow tree. You ran towards him. You didn’t know where the sudden energy came from but you knew that you needed to stop whatever he was doing. He pushed you down before swinging his axe again. 
“I’m freeing you, my dear maiden.”
One… two… three more strikes and your tree was down. You felt tears form at the base of your eye-line. You hugged the tree, crying into it. Whispering sorrows and pleas for forgiveness. You didn’t do anything to it but you still as though you needed to ask it for forgiveness. You shook as you sobbed into the bark. You wanted nothing more than to disappear. Go to a place where this hunter could never hurt you again. 
You had nowhere to go now. No home to call yours. He gently picked you up as you sobbed. You sobbed in his chest the whole way towards the edge of the forest. He took you. He took something that didn’t belong to him. You felt yourself fading as soon as he stepped one foot out of the forest. You didn’t know what was happening only that you could feel your energy slipping away. 
Peter screamed and fell to his knees when he saw your body practically turn into dust and in your stead of where the powder of your body used to be grew a flower. It was beautiful. One he had never seen before. He touched the flower and his body stayed in that position as if a punishment for taking something from the forest that was never meant to leave. 
His final thought was only of you. 
At least his body would remain close to you.
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mybadlywrittenstories · 6 months
Enchanted to meet you (Paul Lahote X OC) Part 2
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Note: Hey guys this is just a quick little chapter but I assure you all I will be posting another very quickly Word Count: 856
Aeon and Jen laid in bed most of the night, after their daughter had interrupted the meeting with the shifters, things ended quickly afterwards. To most people, the change in the atmosphere would’ve been almost undetectable, however both Aeon and Jen were magic users and could feel like slight shimmer in the room as their eldest daughter Amelia made eye contact with one of the shifters, Paul Lahote. They both were very familiar with the wolf shifters lore, and very aware of the imprinting bond that had an unbreakable hold on them. Aeon had very swiftly ushered the pack towards the basement where they had set up a temporary guest bedroom situation for them—while Jen stayed sat on the couch. Complete and Utter Rage barely remaining contained.
“I don’t know how you can be so okay with this.” Jen gritted through her teeth, casting a sideways glare at the side of her husband’s head. His face was smooth and serene, if it had anyone else gazing upon him, they would’ve assumed him to be asleep; however, she knew better.
“You know, just as I do, that we are no match against fate, My dear.” His tone didn’t portray any emotion as he spoke, which made Jen’s blood boil.
“This isn’t her fate, Aeon.” She propped herself up on her elbow as she turned to fully face him, “Amelia is supposed to take over the Coven, not fall into some story-tale romance with a shifter of all people! We both know just how unruly and short tempered the shifters can be, and you’re just going to sit back and accept it?”
“My love,” He began opening his eyes to meet hers, “You know that I love you and the girls more than anything else in this entire realm. If I genuinely believed he posed some danger, of course I would be concerned. I do not mean to offend you my dear, but I fear you may be judging them a little too swiftly. Yes, the shifters are a formidable enemy, however only if you make them the enemy. The same wolf blood that causes their short tempers is also the same blood that makes them fiercely loyal and protective of those around them. You have also not seen them in battle, I have. Those few years ago when I was called upon to witness for the Cullens, I saw two wolf packs, fighting alongside each other all to protect the imprint of one of the wolves.” Aeon paused to look into the eyes of his wife and could tell the flame of her worry and anger had not been extinguished. “What else is troubling your mind?” He reached out gently, tracing the side of her face moonlit face.
“I just…” She breathed out, leaning into the loving touch of her husband, “She has barely lived, Aeon. Now, she’s supposed to go run off to Vegas and get married? How will she know this is what she wants?”
Aeon let out a breathy laugh. “No, my sweet, sweet, Jenny, I think you misunderstand the imprint bond.” The corners of his mouth tug into a small smile as he sees the look of confusion spread across her features. “Yes, the young man that is sleeping in our basement this very second, could possibly become the future lover of our daughter. That, however, is not for certain. All we can know at this moment is that he will be there for her, through thick and thin, protecting her and loving her in any way she needs, whether that is the love of a brother, best friend, or Lover. All this means for our daughter is that no matter what, she will always have someone by her side who has her best interests in mind.”
“Oh.” Is all she could say as she attempted to shift her way of thinking. A thick blanket of anxiety was wrapped tightly around her heart as she tried to consider what this means for her eldest daughter. If she was to take over the coven, she would benefit from a bodyguard. Having that much power in the magical world did come with a target on her back, and this Paul could make out to be a good protector.
She shook her head gently, dispelling the positive look she had taken on the situation, she still did not like this at all. She raised her daughters to pave their own road in life, not let anyone hold them back. This seemed all too… all too…
She let out a groan of frustration, letting her head fall onto her husband’s chest, as her mind failed to conjure the proper words to describe the feelings eating away at her. Aeon simply entangled his fingers into her hair and gently massaged her scalp, pressing a small kiss on top her head, “It will be alright, I assure you. Give it some time and I promise you will see.”
That was the final words exchanged between the two parents that night, they slipped into a deep sleep not long after, both minds full of thoughts of their dear daughter, Amelia.
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bupia · 1 year
for the going to bed at night <3
5: with copia
6: with terzo
13: with copia
14: with terzo
20: with terzo
love ya
Going to bed at night: Terzo, Papa Emeritus III.
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"Will you dream of me?" "I'll see you in my dreams." "Good night, my love."
You and Terzo have been meeting in his room not for too long now, it was just a little rendezvous, whenever the sun went down, you would meet there, away from everyone's gaze. But tonight, Terzo made a request that caught you off guard.
"Terzo, I have to go..." you whispered, reluctantly breaking away from the kiss.
Terzo held you close, his arms wrapped around your waist. "Please, amore, don't go," he pleaded, leaving a trail of kisses on your face. "Not yet... Stay with me a little longer."
"I wish I could stay," you whispered. "But, you know I have to go."
"I know," Terzo whispered softly, his voice tinged with a touch of resignation. "But promise me that you'll be back again tomorrow. Promise me."
You nodded, "I promise," you chuckled, reaching up to gently stroke his cheek, savoring the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips.
With a bittersweet smile, you reluctantly pulled away from his embrace, you leaned in, placing a tender kiss on his lips as a silent farewell but, before you could get up from his bed, Terzo's voice stopped you in your tracks.
"No, wait, amore mio," he pleaded, his grip firm yet gentle as he held onto your wrist. He sat up, pressing his lips against the back of your hand. "I don't want our night to end now," he confessed. "Please, sleep with me tonight."
His invitation caught you off guard, the thought of staying in his private room was something new. As you looked into Terzo's pleading eyes, it became difficult to resist him. He was your Papa, but also, the person who held your heart, how could you say "no" to him?
"Mm..." you glanced away. "Should I ? I don't know..."
"Oh! Are you trying to make me beg, amore?" he giggled, gently pulling you back to the bed. "Because you know I can be very convincing."
You chuckled, locking eyes with him, gently holding his face, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Yes," a whisper escaping your lips. "I'll stay with you."
You settled back onto the bed, nestling close to Terzo, his hand reached out, intertwining fingers with yours as you faced each other. He leaned in, your lips meeting in a gentle kiss.
"Thank you, amore." He murmured.
As exhaustion settled in, you closed your eyes and snuggled your head against his shoulder. His comforting embrace wrapped around you, cocooning you in warmth.
"Can you promise one more thing, tesoro?" he asked, a hint of playfulness in his tone.
You chuckled softly. "Maybe," you whispered, teasingly.
"Will you dream of me?" A soft sigh escaped his lips.
You opened your eyes, locking your gaze into his. "Always, Terzo," you said, leaning your face closer to his, brushing your lips against his.
A gentle smile played on his lips as he pressed a slight peck on your lips. "So I guess I'll see you in my dreams."
With a nod of agreement, you closed your eyes once again, allowing the tranquility of the moment to wash over you. The rhythm of Terzo's breathing, the soothing touch of his lips against your forehead, all created a lullaby of serenity.
"Good night, amore mio."
As night embraced you, you drifted into the enchanting world of dreams, where you and Terzo would reunite once more.
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sunshines-bee-farm · 11 months
You're On Your Own Kid [Agere Minecraft Fic] [APTR AU]
Trigger warnings: disownment, agere hating, there will be a happy ending and more parts
PUDDLES WASN’T USED TO BEING ON HIS OWN. He was raised as part of a large family, with six sibling pups who were all bigger, more confident, and apparently nicer than Puddles was. Puddles had an attitude, apparently, and wasn’t always in touch with reality. Apparently. 
Sprinkles, his sister, barged into his room one day when he had forgotten to lock the door. It was the biggest mistake of his life, because the moment she saw the adult paci in his mouth and the toys on the ground, she turned on her heels and was gone in an instant. It felt like moments later he was packed and on his way out of Silvermount. 
He had only managed to save one of his little items, one he begged and cried for until his ex-mother acquiesced, shoving it in his hands and then slamming the door in his face. It was a raggedy stuffed rabbit, one that used to be cream but was now a light brown. It had a faded, soft-from-time yellow ribbon around its neck. Puddles hid his tears in her fur. 
He wasn’t going to lie and say he loved his family. At least, he wouldn’t say it was cut and dry. As the runt of the litter, Puddles had to fend for himself his entire life, and while Sprinkles grew up on a fluffy pillow, he had to fight for scraps of food. He was used to being on his own. 
But he wasn’t, too. Because at least they pretended. At least they tried. One adult pacifier later, and they weren’t. One wooden train later, and he was alone. 
It didn’t feel much different. 
Silvermount was a tiny village built along the peaks of a tall mountain, with a rough path winding down to the valley. The valley in which Star and oliver disappeared into three years ago, after they were found out by the others for their lifestyle. No one understood the age regression, and they didn’t care to try. Puddles didn’t know what happened to the two. 
He wandered for days, until he was too tired to hold back the sobs anymore. He curled up on the forest floor for so long a pig laid next to him, plump and serene, not at all spooked by the pup’s unnatural blue fur or loud cries. He named her Bailey. 
He jumped ten feet in the air. Bailey ran, squealing, to hide behind a tree. He sat up with his pack of useless adult stuff weighing on his shoulders, only to find Oliver, Star’s caregiver, standing there. He held a basket of apples, a diamond axe at his side. It sheened with enchantment. 
“Oliver?” His voice cracked. 
“What are you doing all the way out here?” Something in his voice told Puddles he knew Puddles would be lying if he said camping. “They didn’t…”
It was all it took. Oliver sat next to him and held him while he cried, which was more than Puddles ever had or ever would deserve. Oliver had always been nice to him. He was a natural caregiver, in any capacity. Puddles would never be like him. 
“Hey,” Oliver said softly after a while. “Hey.” 
Puddles looked up. Oliver wiped the mud from under Puddles’ eye. 
“Come stay with us.” 
Puddles’ eyes widened. “Wh-what? No, I can’t— why would you even offer that? After…” 
“Because it’s my house and I make my own decisions.” He smiled. “And I forgave you a long time ago.” 
“But what about Star?”
“She’s mad at you, she’s not evil.” He laughed. “She won’t let you suffer just because you made a mistake.” 
Puddles’ heart was pounding. How was he meant to accept this? He couldn’t. But Oliver was stubborn, and after arguing for half an hour, Puddles was too tired. He just wanted to sleep. Maybe in a bed. 
Oliver led him through the Muted Valley, birch trees towering and bees buzzing over tulips and sunflowers. Bailey followed. They came across a decently sized house, clearly handbuilt but done very well, made of baby blue terracotta with a dark oak roof. Mossy cobble lined the dirt path. A few mushroom trees had grown, whether intentionally or unintentionally Puddles didn’t know. Oliver would truly go to the ends of the Earth for Star. What was it like to have someone who loved you that much? 
“Little star,” Oliver called when they entered. “Puddles is here.” Something crashed to the ground. Oliver laughed. “You okay?” 
“Did you say Puddles?” She poked her head through a doorway. “Is that a pig?” 
The living room was covered in toys. Drawings by Star lined the walls, both from when she was big and little, it looked like. Puddles was astounded that they lost everything for littlespace… and kept it. They didn’t seem ashamed or embarrassed. This was just how they were. 
Puddles stared at the ground, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes and hugging his bag. Oliver placed a hand on his shoulder as he explained. 
“Yeah, I mean,” Star shrugged, looking uncomfortable and definitely not little anymore, “you can stay as long as you need. But… you better be telling the truth.” 
His eyes watered. “I am. I promise.” 
“I believe you.” She sounded genuine, but he couldn’t fathom why. “You need some little time. Come on, we’ll set up your room later, let’s have a tea party.” 
She turned and walked briskly over to her toybox, pulling out a handmade wooden tea kettle and some cups. Puddles hesitated so long she stopped to turn and ask, “You coming? Your pig can join.” 
He felt silly sitting at the tea party dressed in trousers and a leather tunic. He missed his onesies, his flare skirts. Star noticed, because after a moment of pouring fake tea she stood and demanded he follow her. 
“Play nice, baby,” Oliver called as they left. 
Puddles swallowed. They entered the bedroom and Star started going through her little closet. 
“You’re a femboy, aren’t you?” She asked. Puddles hesitantly agreed. “So skirts don’t bother you, even though you’re trans?” 
“I like skirts,” he said quietly. 
“Okay, then I have something you can borrow.” 
She pulled out a skirt made of light wool, pastel blue with little fluffy white clouds. She tossed it to him with a white long sleeved blouse. He changed in the bathroom, and when he came out, he felt strange because he felt like himself again. 
Star grinned. “You look great! Perfect for a tea party. What about your little guy—what’s his name?” She pointed to his rabbit. 
He gripped her tighter. “Delilah.” 
“Oh, a girl bunny?” 
“And did you name your pig?” 
She crouches down and pets Bailey’s head. “Who’s a good girl? Who’ll probably eat some of my clothes if I’m not careful? You are!” 
They went back to the living room and Oliver read a book while he watched them play. Puddles had trouble regressing—a lot of trouble—but found himself slowly sinking into the headspace as Star made conversation and offered him toys. They raced wooden cars along the floor. His favorite was a pink one, made of cherry wood. She gave it to him. Like, for good. He almost cried. 
It wasn’t happy tears, though. 
Because he was used to being on his own. He was used to fending for himself and keeping his shield raised and his head high, but now? He was crumbling under any small gesture of kindness. He dropped his walls and showed them everything, made himself completely vulnerable. 
And they accepted him. They didn’t seem to want to take advantage of him. 
And that… he was not used to. 
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prismartist · 2 years
tumble and collide, a bird in the night
Two evenings, two soulmates, and how Grian solidifies his care.
The night is lit by twinkling stars when BigB leaves Box. He gives a quick peck on the cheek and a goodbye to Ren before emerging, inhaling the crisp cool air. He looks around, feeling a spike of excitement once he spots a dot of red amongst the treeline. Quickly BigB makes his way over to Grian with a friendly smile, one that Grian returns once he notices. 
“Hey,” Grian greets first, tilting his head.
“Hey,” BigB greets back. “I’m ready for our date,” he adds with a teasing tone.
Grian laughs brightly. “It really feels like one, huh.”
“I feel like I need to hold out my arm or something.”
“I mean, I don’t mind playing along.”
BigB holds out his arm, and Grian latches on. They start their serene walk, heading down the hillside towards the forest.
“There’s a spot I visit a lot that’s really nice,” Grian says. “It’s like a clearing, where you can see all the stars.”
“Well, lead the way.” 
Eventually they find it, a small space where the moonlight turns the grass from a dark blue to a light teal, the breeze sweeping through at a satisfying strength. The dirt isn’t that muddy and the grass is thick, a perfect spot to rest, so BigB and Grian make themselves comfortable in the middle, and watch the stars. BigB makes sure not to sit on the string that trails from his finger. 
It’s a cluttered kind of quiet, scattered sounds of animals and mobs carried on the wind. Everyone else must have gone to sleep by now, if not hunting at night like Etho and Joel or silently stargazing just like BigB and Grian now.
Just over the trees, the Red Velvet Keep looms.
“How are you feeling?” BigB asks once they’ve settled. 
“Like a teenage girl sneaking out to see her boyfriend,” Grian jokes. “Luckily Scar is a heavy sleeper, if the snoring is of any indication.”
BigB falters at the mention of Scar, but asks nonetheless, “How- how is Scar?”
Grian shoots him a betrayed look. “BigB, my rendezvous with you are supposed to take my mind off my universe-assigned soulmate. Don’t you know how affairs work?”
“My bad, my bad,” BigB apologizes, though he grins. 
Grian huffs, but smiles and answers anyway. “Scar is doing well. Looking after the pandas, causing us more trouble… at least he can sort of defend us. Almost makes up for stealing the enchanter.”
“He was basically asking for the siege, when he did that.”
“I heard he water bucket clutched though?”
“Yeah, and literally made me shit myself,” Grian says with a dead look in his eyes, and BigB laughs. “It was impressive though, I’ll give him that. Like I said, he can defend us if need be.”
BigB hums. “Lucky you.”
“Yeah,” drawls Grian, not helping a little genuinity, “lucky me. But enough about my soulmate, how’s Ren?”
BigB lets out a small, breathy chuckle. “Ren’s great,” he says, “just always sorting out things at Box. He’s still awake actually, a bit buzzed after the kill, you know.”
Grian makes a sound of disbelief. “I still can’t believe he’s okay with us. I’ve always clocked him for the possessive type.” 
“Oh he is for sure, he wasn’t too happy when he first found out, but he’s come around to it, thankfully.”
“Lucky you.” Grian gives a sombre, dry smile.
BigB shuffles a bit closer, and Grian instinctively leans on him. There’s a slight smell of cookies and smoke as the fabric of BigB’s corduroy rustles against Grian’s ear. 
“I’m sure Scar will come around to it eventually,” BigB tries to reassure. 
Grian tilts his head a bit, pressing the side of his lips to BigB’s shoulder. “You know what Scar’s like,” Grian mutters. “I’m going to be stuck in this game of hot potato for the rest of the series. Or, I guess, ‘til one of us is dead.”
BigB looks down at Grian. “Does he know?”
“He heavily suspects. Pretty sure he did since he caught us at Bdubs and Impulse’s. Either that, or he likes to shoot me suspicious glances for funsies.”
“Are you going to tell him?”
Grian tenses against BigB. Even through the corduroy he can feel how chapped Grian’s lips are. “I don’t know,” Grian mutters weakly. BigB wraps an arm around him, and though he’s cold to the touch, Grian is grateful for the comfort nonetheless. “I guess I’m just hoping that we ignore it completely. If he asks me outright then, yeah, maybe I will have a frank conversation with him, but…”
Grian groans loudly in frustration, startling BigB, and ends up rolling onto his lap. Grian looks up with wide, conflicted eyes, their emerald colour glittering starkly against the dark grass. “It’s all so complicated,” he says in that high-pitched panicked tone he often gets, and BigB can’t help but snicker. Grian’s own string brushes against BigB’s hand.  “He infuriates me BigB, he really does, but I just- gahh, I don’t know.”
He averts his attention to the stars, trying to distract himself. BigB runs his fingers through Grian’s hair to comfort him, and Grian shudders into it. 
“You don’t want to hurt him,” BigB fills in the blanks for him. “I get that.”
As BigB strokes his hair, gradually Grian relaxes, his pursed lips parting as he watches the sky. It tends to have that effect. It’s one of the reasons why he likes this spot so much. 
It’s an effect BigB also seems to have, Grian’s noticed. The rhythm of his fingers brushing through Grian’s hair comforts him, smoothing out all the tension in his body as BigB smiles serenely. Even his eyes, Red as they may be, are comforting rather than threatening.
“Who knew picking another secret soulmate while still staying with your actual soulmate could be so hard,” Grian says, sarcastic. “It constantly feels like being pulled in two directions—do you feel that? Giving yourself to two people?” 
“Mhm.” BigB busies himself with a lock of Grian’s hair, twirling it around his finger. He tugs on it, just a bit, to see if he’d somehow feel it too. “Whenever Ren or I take damage and you don’t? It- it sucks. Probably more than it should.”
“It is kind of disheartening,” Grian agrees. “Like, we’re bound, but the universe doesn’t agree.”
“But that’s the point of the secret soulmates, isn’t it? Defying the universe and all.”
The corners of Grian’s lips quirk up. “It is.”
BigB nods, and continues combing through Grian’s hair. “Scar should be able to understand that.”
Grian softens at that, fond. “True. Goodness knows he likes going against common sense.”
BigB chuckles, then purses his lips. “I’m surprised about one thing though.”
“I know we’re defying the universe, but I’m surprised that you’re not scared of me.”
Grian blinks. “Why would I be?”
BigB looks upon him, amused. He knows Grian can see how Red his eyes are. “Surely you’ve noticed.”
Grian chuckles. “Well, okay, I was at first, but once we had the catch-up, you know, I knew you were good. We—” he sets a hand upon BigB’s unoccupied one, “—are good.” 
“You of all people should know how being Red works.”
Grian pauses for a moment, trying to deflect. “Well you’re not trying to kill me now, which is nice.”
“And if it’s of any comfort—” Grian winds BigB’s hand through his, “—if I were to be killed by anyone, I think I’d prefer it to be you.”
Something warm curls up in BigB’s chest, something sickeningly pleased. He still has to get used to the Red instinct; it’s not something he gets to have for long. So needless to say, the way BigB softens at the assurance that he could kill his secret soulmate startles him. 
“I guess it’s only fair,” BigB says, “since soulmates are supposed to… control each other’s lives, I guess. I get control over your life, and…”
He pulls out a strand of hair, incidentally. “You get control over mine,” he finishes. 
Grian hums, caressing his thumb over BigB’s knuckles. “That seems fair,” he echoes. 
“That’s how we prove ourselves as secret soulmates,” BigB jokes, “When one of us kills the other.”
Grian doesn’t smile. BigB’s hit a soft spot there, and Grian knows it’s not intentional, but his tone is still stiff as he says, “Let’s hope not.”
BigB sighs inwardly, remembering Grian’s history with allies. “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s not.”
“I mean, if we are leaning into the whole ‘controlling each other’s lives’ thing—” Grian sits up, just enough to level with BigB and look him in the eye, “As long as I can help it, I’d try to keep you alive.”
The Red in BigB gurgles. 
“I don’t know if I can promise the same thing.”
“It’s not about promising. Goodness know we can’t.” Grian scoffs softly and tilts his head, partly in amusement, partly in resignation. “It’s about trying.”
BigB nods slowly. “I’ll try. As long as you do.”
“BigB—” There’s a cold determination set in Grian now, “I definitely will. I could never hurt you intentionally.”
“No hard feelings if we do, though?”
There’s a beat, and Grian moves back to BigB’s side, BigB re-wrapping his arm around him. “No hard feelings.” Grian says it in a dreading whisper. “If worse comes to worse.”
“Which definitely will happen.”
“God, probably. This game’s never been particularly nice.”
“It really hasn’t.”
“But we’ll keep on being secret soulmates—” Grian smiles kindly at BigB, the stars dancing in his eyes, “—for as long as we’re alive.”
BigB smiles back, resting his cheek on Grian’s head. “And once we’re not?”
Grian exhales, relaxing further against BigB. “Then we’ll have all the freedom in the world.”
The night washes over them, casting soft shades of blue and purple. 
It had felt good, at first. It really, really had. As the stalactite landed at the perfect millisecond, there was a satisfying crack that sent shivers down Grian’s spine and electricity through his veins. The scream he let out was primal, eardrum-shattering, a Red roaring in pleasure as its lust for blood was satiated. 
Then he had jumped down to inspect the damage, and saw BigB. 
He was sprawled in the doorframe, a crumpled mess, reaching out to Ren who he trailed behind (as he always had). Blood seeping from an invisible wound trickled around his wide-open eyes.
And it’s as if there’s a delayed reaction, a second stalactite that drops onto Grian, the crack resonating in his ears.
BigB was right, in a way. Grian knows well what being Red is like, because he succumbs to it so easily.
Too easily. 
The blood is slick and black-ish on Grian’s hands, like tar. He’s not sure if it’s Ren’s or BigB’s. Well, it’s both, Grian supposes. That’s how soulmates work. Grian slips off the armour, and hears Scar do the same with Ren. He knows they have very different intentions with the loot. The iron is smudged with blood, and Grian resolves to pass by the ravine’s river to wash it off.
He doesn’t pick up the body. He knows it’ll despawn before he can get it to the stone hills. Besides, the adrenaline has left an exhaustion in its wake, and Grian doesn’t much like the idea of cradling BigB’s dead body in his arms. It’s not like they have time anyways, since Martyn’s here, shooing them out of his apparent inheritance—Ren and Martyn still with their bromance, Grian assumes; did they, too, have a secret pact of their own?—, so he and Scar run out quickly, leaving the bodies to rot.
When he goes to set up the grave, Scar doesn’t follow him. Part of Grian is glad that he doesn’t. A part of him wishes he had his company. 
Well, it doesn’t really matter. Either way, they’re going to have a talk. 
It happens just as Grian returns to their little corner of the world, and he sees Scar’s fingers playfully dancing across the cactus. Ah. That explains the pinpricks he’s been feeling since the funeral. That means Scar’s not happy. 
Grian inhales, exhales. He lets BigB’s words—some of the last words he ever said to Grian—guide him as he walks towards Scar. 
“I’m home,” Grian half-heartedly greets.
“Welcome back,” Scar just as half-heartedly says with a stretched smile. “Back from your little rendezvous?” 
“I’d hardly call it that.” Grian sighs as he takes a seat on one of the mounds of dirt. Already the exhaustion of the day and the dread of the oncoming conversation is weighing on his shoulders. They start to ache. 
“Well, you know,” Scar starts in a slight sing-song tone, “what’s past is past. Might as well accept the karma and move on.”
“It wasn’t karma,” Grian snaps, with a startling venom in his voice. His words play back to him with a creeping guilt, and he quickly recoils, casting his gaze to the ground. 
Scar doesn’t turn to look at him. He’s stopped playing with the cactus at this point, but he’s still staring at it. Grian shifts uncomfortably.
“Sorry,” he says. “My nerves are just- they’re just really frazzled right now. It’s been one heck of a day.”
Scar nods, and Grian feels his gut get heavy. 
The sky is orange as the sun sets, glimmering off the cactus.
“I didn’t want BigB to die, you know.”
Grian flinches. “What?”
“I didn’t want him to die.” Scar shrugs. “Sure, I wasn’t happy with the whole secret soulmate thing you guys had going on, but I wasn’t really going to do anything about it.”
Scar sighs, but there’s no drama to it like usual. Only exhaustion. “Nope,” he says, popping the “p”. “Honestly, I don’t know what I would’ve done anyways. I had half a mind to kill him—” Grian tenses, “—but… I couldn’t. I didn’t want to upset you.” 
Something indescribable tightens Grian’s chest. “I didn’t want to hurt you either.” 
The muscles in Scar’s face tense. “But I just don’t get… why you would do that in the first place.”
Grian leans forward, trying to level his voice. “You know I’ve never liked conformity, Scar.”
“Well yeah, but I just thought that, if you weren’t happy being bonded with me, you could have at least told me. It hurts more if you pretend otherwise.”
Grian furrows his eyebrows. Scar’s eyes have darkened as the sky did, and Grian thinks he’s starting to gain some clarity. “What do you mean?” 
Now it’s Scar’s turn to be startled. For the first time, he looks at Grian with confusion. “Uh, you don’t want to be my soulmate and that’s why you became secret soulmates with BigB?”
“...no?’ Grian’s confusion comes out high-pitched. “I became secret soulmates with BigB because I wanted some freedom and I really liked him. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be soulmates with you.” He allows himself a small, cheeky smile. “I mean, I have two hands.”
Scar doesn’t respond to the joke, only staring dumbfoundedly at Grian, who swears he could see the rusty cogs turning behind Scar’s Red eyes. 
“Oh,” Scar mutters, and Grian laughs brightly despite himself. 
“Oh man, I wish I had been more honest with you now!” Grian barks out. He holds onto the string out of fear that he might topple over. 
“Wait wait wait, but I thought- I mean, you’re always complaining about me and all, I thought it was related to that!”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, Scar.” Grian forcibly straightens himself and puts on some semblance of seriousness. “You’ve caused us more trouble and brought us closer to death more than I would’ve liked, and you’re absolutely infuriating to deal with.”
“Wow, thanks,” Scar says with a sarcastic drawl, but Grian can see the start of a smile tease his lips. 
“But despite all that, I have no problem with you. I’m just used to it, at this point.”
“Th- that’s even less sweet, you know that?”
“Shut up.” Grian grins before sombering himself. “What I’m trying to say is, though I don’t really know why, or how, I’m actually rather… glad, that you’re my soulmate. I care about you, frankly, way too much. And I keep on caring about you, even though I shouldn’t.” He runs a hand through his hair, trying to organize his thoughts. “I just… I keep getting drawn towards you, I guess, and out of everyone here, I probably click with you the most. So yeah, I may be unhappy about the fact that your pain is my pain, but I’m not unhappy that you’re my soulmate. Okay?” He gestures desperately with his hands. “You get it?” 
Scar’s softens, letting Grian’s words linger in the air. Grian himself is a little less tense.
“But- BigB,” Scar then inquires. “Why did you still decide to canoodle with him? If it’s just for freedom, then isn’t that kind of selfish, like you were using him?” He gasps, in that comedic way that always amuses Grian. “In fact, if that’s the case, then I’m offended on behalf of BigB right now!”
“Hey now, let’s not get hasty.” Grian raises both his hands in mock surrender. “I just wanted to be with BigB more. And while I admit, there are benefits to having another soulmate, he is just… was just lovely. A change of pace. I mean, you know BigB.” 
“I do know BigB,” Scar affirms, “and frankly I was surprised he was participating in such devious actions behind my back—but I guess now it wasn’t all that devious.”
“Yeah. It wasn’t.”
Grian gets up and walks over to Scar, taking a seat beside him. Scar looks at him as he does, and Grian sees the calculating look in his eyes. 
“I just wanted to care for someone without it feeling forced,” he continues. 
“Well, what else would you call this whole soulmate thing? The universe literally-” Grian wrings his hands for a bit, “-thrusts someone at you and makes you care about them. And like I said, I do care for you, Scar, I really do, despite everything, but-” Grian sighs. “It feels like I’m being threatened. Like someone’s holding me at gunpoint if I don’t protect you. And you know I don't like being threatened.”
“Yeah, which is why you’re so grumpy all the time.” Scar giggles, and Grian’s heart lightens. 
“Mhm. But while I do want to flip the bird at the universe, I did genuinely want to be soulmates with BigB. Ever since we ran into each other at the start, actually. He’s… kind, and polite, and funny even when he doesn’t intend to be.” Grian giggles at a surfacing memory. “Did you know, when we first met up as secret soulmates, he gave me some misshapen cookies. He claimed they were hearts, but it didn’t look like it at all. Just… lumps.”
A breath of a laugh escapes Scar, and he looks down with a smile. “That does sound funny.”
“Yeah. I did- I do care for him.” Grian brushes his hand against Scar’s, their strings tangling together. “Just as I care for you.”
Scar inhales deeply, and exhales, and it’s like the air settles around them, a decisive atmosphere of understanding. Grian had always marvelled at how easily Scar could control the space around him, trapping everyone in the vicinity under his spell. Every little bit of him—the look in his eyes, his form, the way his mouth is set—showed how he felt and how others must feel, and now, he was showing acceptance, like sand settling.
“They say that some people have a lotta love to give,” Scar says. “Do you think that applies to you?” 
Grian hums. “I dunno if ‘give’ is the right word,” he says. “More like ‘share’.”
“Yeah, I guess that fits,” Scar muses. 
Grian winds their fingers together, and Scar looks down upon their hands, giving Grian’s a squeeze.
“I really wish I’d been more honest now,” Grian says again, casting his gaze to the ground. “I wish I hadn’t treated it like a dirty secret. I just didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Well, you kind of already did when you hid it from me. But, hey.” Scar tilts Grian’s head up, and their eyes meet. Though Scar’s eyes are Red, there’s something deep in their intense hue that makes Grian soften.
Just like BigB.
Scar continues, “You told me about it, we’ve got it cleared up, and we’re all hunky-dory now, right?” 
Grian nods, then purses his lips. “There is… something else I feel bad about.”
“I kinda… left Ren.” Grian winces at the surprised look on Scar’s face. “I only made a grave for BigB. I wasn’t thinking straight—don’t laugh—and I kinda. Forgot about him.”
“You know how close they were,” Scar says, mortified.
“I know I knoww, I want to fix it tomorrow. Make another grave, have a proper funeral for the both of them.” Grian looks up at Scar tentatively. “Maybe you could come with me? Say a few words.”
There’s a beat, before Scar nods and smiles. “Yeah, I can do that. They were plenty nice folks anyway, I can say some lovely eulogies for them.” 
“That’d be lovely.” Grian shuffles closer to Scar. “I don’t think I can bear going up there alone again anyway. It’s too…”
“Guilt-trippy?” Scar supplies.
Grian shoots him a look. “Less poetic than what I was aiming for, but sure.” He looks away, expression shuttering. “I promised him, you know, that I would try not to kill him,” he mumbles. “And I did anyway. That was stupid of me. Really, really-” he chokes a bit, taking himself aback. He panics at the emotion building in his chest. “Really stupid,” he croaks out.
His brain fogs over as he struggles to push down the sob building. He doesn’t want to cry, not now, not in front of Scar-
A large arm wraps around Grian, pushing him into Scar’s side. He lets out a surprised hum and looks at Scar, who looks back with a small, sympathetic smile. They’re both cold to the touch, as Reds are wont to be, but Grian still tries to find comfort in it.
“Let it out,” Scar murmurs, and Grian does. 
They sit there for a while, tears rolling down Grian’s face as he lets out small sobs, and Scar rubs his arm in comfort. The tire and the grief roll out in waves, and when Grian’s done, though his muscles feel more worn, his chest feels lighter. There’s no more ache in his shoulders.
“There we go.” Scar wipes the remaining tear tracks away, the chill from his skin making Grian shiver. 
“Thanks, Scar,” mutters Grian, sinking further into his side.
“Of course.” Scar rests his cheek on Grian’s head. “What are soulmates for? Aside from someone to cheat on.”
Grian groans. “Scar, come on.”
“Aw, sorry, you know I’m messin’ with ya.” He gives Grian another comforting squeeze. 
There’s a moment of silence as Grian calms, and then Scar says, “You know, I’m glad it was BigB that you shared your love with. BigB’s nice.”
Grian smiles. “He is.”
“And at least it wasn’t, like, Joel.”
Grian still sniffles, but can’t help teasing. “Ooh, d’you think he’d make a good secret soulmate?” he muses, feigning seriousness.
“Noo, no more!” Scar wraps his arms around Grian with dramatic protection, making him squeak and giggle. “Wasn’t BigB enough?!”
“Ah, if you really knew me, Scar, you know I’m never fully satiated.”
“Oh, I guess that’s true,” Scar sighs, and starts to detach himself. Grian, however, quickly grabs one of his arms, and keeps it wrapped around him, intertwining their fingers. Scar looks at him, eyes crinkling at the edges with amusement, and Grian beams back.
“Don’t worry about it, Scar.” Grian nestles himself in Scar’s side as the stars start to come out. “I’ll stay with you. With BigB watching over us.”
“Don’t you worry,” Scar replies. “I don’t think I will anymore.”
The stars start to twinkle in the night sky, and the breeze washes calm over the land, carrying with it a cluttered quiet and the scent of cookies.
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lambowverde · 3 years
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A Passing Wish (2)
Pairing: Mitsuya Takashi x Reader
Cw: Angst with comfort, mentions of death
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: In which Mitsuya's feelings eat him alive, and he spills.
Note: Alas, the continuation!
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Amidst his sleep, a melodious voice greets his ears. He recognizes it, it’s oh so familiar and calming. Mitsuya just couldn’t put a name or face to the voice just yet.
“Takashi, baby.” Once again, it calls to him. There’s a gentle tug on his shirt, before he’s slowly being shook awake. “Honey, if you don’t get up, your breakfast will get cold.”
Ah, he knows who it is now.
Opening his eyes, the soft streak of sunlight illuminates your face in a way that makes you even more breathtaking then usual. His breath hitches, and his heart speeds up drastically. Beautiful. You’re so beautiful, there’s no way you’re real.
Just as he’s thinking this, your lips curl, making a beautiful smile that he couldn't help but be enchanted by. Your soft hands goes to caress his face, and he finds himself leaning into it before he knew what was going on. “My love, good morning.”
“Good morning, sweetheart.” He whispers back. You’re serene, and he fights back the urge to take you into bed with him. It’s normally him who wakes up first, but maybe due to what happened last night, he was feeling more tired then usual.
“…Babe? Why are your eyes so red?” Your smile disappears as you zone in on his face, studying him with an alarmed expression. For a second, he was confused. Why were his eyes red? But then he remembered crying, praying to the stars as he made his New Years wish. This is the consequences of crying your heart out, he pieces together.
“And they’re puffy.” Eyes widening once it dawned on you, your hands goes to grab his face, making him look straight into your eyes. “Were you crying?”
His natural reaction is to deny. He doesn’t want you to worry, afterall. You already have so much on your plate, so many things to do and think about. Why would he add on to that? And something so stupid nonetheless. How was it any of your problem that you still loved another? Draken was an amazing person, he would know. If anything, it was Mitsuya’s fault for being inadequate. He should be better, do better, make you happy and move on.
But he couldn’t do that, no matter how hard he tried.
Just as he was about to open his mouth to tell you, “My eyes are irritated, that’s all.” You beat him to it.
“Please don’t give me any excuses. Talk to me, I want the truth Takashi.” Flinching upon realizing that you saw right through him, he quickly shuts his mouth. It’s what a year of being together would do, you know him like you know the back of his hand. Not to mention, you were friends way before you had gotten together, close ones, why did he think he could get past you?
His insecurities threaten to bubble over. Where does he even start? What can he even say? He’s been hiding how he felt for so long, the knowledge of knowing that he’ll never be enough for you. How could he be when you’ve already had Draken? The man who he knew used to be the center of your universe. You’ve loved him ever since you were young, while he watched the whole time from the sidelines. Cheering you two on with a fake smile and empty congratulations.
On the night that Draken passed, Mitsuya remembered him pulling out a wedding ring. The very same one that he was about to propose to you with, and would later die with clutched in his hands. And you, you were going to say yes. But then you heard the awful news, how he pushed a kid out of the way to only get run over by the speeding truck instead. He remembered how he felt when he himself heard the news, how his best friend died a hero, leaving his stricken lover to mourn for years to come.
Eventually, you ended up in his arms. Mitsuya doesn’t know how, doesn’t even really know why you’re with him in the first place. But you’re here, and perhaps it was because you saw Draken in him, or maybe you simply craved what you use to have. Either way, Mitsuya was going to make the best out of it.
A part of him is ashamed. Scratch that, all of him is ashamed. With the fact that at one point, he grew envious of Draken. Jealous of the fact that he had you, how he got to hold you in his arms and be everything you could’ve ever dreamed of. How could he feel that way? About his best friend of all people? What was wrong with him? When did Mitsuya turn so…
Sour? Angry?
And now he was loving you, physically and mentally, when he knew damn well that it should’ve been Draken doing this instead. That was why he never visited his grave. That was why he couldn’t visit Draken’s grave, he didn’t have the audacity.
How…How does he tell you all of this? All this ugliness inside of him that collected and grew over the years? You’ll never stay with him after this. How could you ever love him when he’s this awful?
At one point, he fell into your embrace. His head was lying on your chest, as he listened to your gentle heart beat that rhythmically thumped against him. Stroking his hair, you were murmuring something that he couldn’t quite make out. “It’s okay. It’s alright. Everything will be okay honey. If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to. But it has something to do with me, doesn’t it?”
How did you figure it out?
“If it does, then I really, really want to know. I can't stand the thought of hurting you, ‘Suya. Tell me and let me fix it.” It’s not your fault though. Why would you blame yourself like that? He has to make it clear.
“It’s not…you.” He mumbles, as he closes his eyes to better focus on your tender touches. “It’s never you.”
When he peaks up to take a look at your face, it’s your enchanting eyes filled with concern that has his throat going dry. He was worrying you. Fuck.
Before he knew it, he found himself spilling out everything. Not once did he meet your eyes again, opting to instead bury his face between the valley of your breast. Never did he share his concerns and negative feelings so openly. Mitsuya had never really learned how to. Who was there to tell? His mother, who was already working three jobs? Or his little sisters, who barely knew what was going on?
“Fix your own clothes Takashi.”
“Make your own meals Takashi.”
“Take care of your sisters, Takashi.”
It was always him from the start. Him, and him alone.
Not stopping until he was done, everything he felt said out in the open and lingering in the air, he breathes. It felt…it felt freeing. He’s never admitted his wrong and selfish feelings to anyone before. Hell, he’s never even said them out loud. They’ve been trapped inside him for god knows how many years. And this is the first time they’ve ever gotten out.
Might be the last, too.
What face were you making? You didn’t interrupt or interject once while he was confessing. Were you fed up? Are you going to leave him now?
At the thought, his arms around your waist tightens. Don’t go, please don’t go.
“…Takashi.” You say lightly, he stills. “I…I’m so sorry.”
Then, something wet hits his head. Confused for only a second, he looks up at you.
You were crying.
Tears fall down your cheeks like waterfalls. Your cheeks were tinted pink, and so were the tip of your nose. Everything on your face spelt sadness, and he’s baffled by your response. Holy shit, he made you cry.
Mitsuya made the love of his life cry.
Before he could say anything, you hiccup. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea you felt this way. For so long. We’ve been together for so long and I didn’t have a clue.”
Gaping, he’s unsure of what to say. It wasn’t your fault, how could you have known when he never said anything? “You’re not second to Draken. You’ve always had a special place in my heart, even when he was in the picture.”
“Sweetheart, I’ve moved on long ago. Did I love him, at once upon a time? Absolutely. Will Draken always have a place in my heart, of course. But did time, and you, helped me heal and move on? Yes. You spent so many nights holding me while I cried. Everyday, you would check on me. Cook me dinner, clean my house, take me out to get some air so I wouldn’t coop out in my apartment.” He remembers that, he remembered how hard it was for you.
“And you did that for years, until I slowly got better. Until I finally found myself again. I was stable and felt like I was whole. I moved on sweetie, I would’ve never said yes to your confession otherwise. How could I do that to you? Being with you when my heart belonged to someone else?”
It’s hard to breathe, he realizes. “But…you never said I love you back. I thought it was because…” You didn’t, he means to say, but it’s caught in his throat.
Flushing, your face gets redder. “I…I have. I mean, not when you can actually hear it. I haven’t said I love you much, you know I didn’t grow up with the most loving family. I just have a hard time saying it. So I’ve actually been practicing whenever you’re out.”
Mitsuya’s brain struggled to process your words. You loved him. You loved him! Holy shit you loved him! And you were practicing saying it? That’s so cute—
“I’m sorry I didn’t make it clear. I’m sorry that I made you feel like this. You were never just a replacement for Draken to me, never.”
You inhale, before exhaling. “I…I love you, Takashi Mitsuya. I’ve loved you for a very long time. And I swear I’m going to make that clear from now on.”
Without knowing, not feeling, he cries. He doesn’t remember himself being a crybaby, but maybe he was turning into one. But he couldn’t help it, couldn’t hold back the wave of emotions that came crashing down on him.
You said it.
“I love you more.”
And with those words, he pulls you down to meet his lips.
For the first time in a long time, Mitsuya felt the weight in his heart disappear. The voice of guilt and insecurity in his head stopped.
Finally, he was at peace.
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
A Ring and A Chain
Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff and proposals. 
Summary: Tom wants to replace something of yours but comes up with a conclusion so you can keep your old ones as well. 
Word Count: 1610
You awoke to a rose on the pillow next to you, the soft smell enchanting your olfactory senses and drawing you from your peaceful sleep, it was in just enough time to catch the shirtless back of your boyfriend slipping out of the room. You're wrapped around the green stem, bringing the flora to your nose and inhaling deeply, the soft petals rubbing against your nose and making you shiver. The touch reminded you of gentle innocence and wandering through stores as a child trying to find the softest item, it was pure and unmeaning yet somehow filled with love. Your fingers pressed into the soft mattress topper, raising your sleep impaired body from the blankets. 
You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, toes curling as the bare soles met the cold wooden floor, a shiver running through your body at the sudden change in air surrounding it, looking longingly at the pile of blankets on the bed before the sound of the kettle in the kitchen pulled you in the direction. The scent of tea and coffee replaced the lingering aroma of roses on your cheeks. You heard Tom before you saw him, the velvety notes of his humming overwhelming your hearing as you leaned against the door frame. Your body was shrouded with one of Tom’s shirt, the one that he had taken off last night before getting in bed, he was wearing nothing but his grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips, the shadow of his hip bone peaking out, making you want to fall to your knees and places feathery kisses along the line of musculature.
His weight shifted from foot to foot, twisting around to face the kitchen island, where two plates with fresh fruit adorning the white porcelain sat. His brown eyes widened, eyebrows raising up his forehead, as he finally became aware of your presence. Your fingers still spinning the rose that had been so kindly placed next to you, he watched your movements as his eyes returned to normal, gaze softening as it went from your hands to your sleepy eyes. 
A yawn escaped your lips as you shuffled towards him, he stood still, hands still holding the frying pan that was filled with the pancakes he had lovingly made. Your arms wrapped around his naked torso, nuzzling your cheek against his bare chest, his skin smooth against yours. You huffed contentedly as he set the pan down, his arms encircling you and pulling you tight, lips burying themselves in your hair as he kissed the top of your head. 
“I thought you were still asleep” He spoke quietly, eyeing yoru striking features as you continued to cuddle yourself into him.
“Was, but a little cupid woke me up” you giggled, peeling your eyes open to meet his gaze, a smile spreading across your cheeks with how much adoration he was pouring into his stare, a grin quickly spreading to him as well. Leaning in and uniting your lips, it was a soft kiss, yet it still took your breath away. The only noise that filled your ears was the sound of your heart pounding, blood rushing as the world seemed to spin, there was more passion in this one kiss than there had been in any of your other relationships combined. His hands found your cheeks, thumbing over the dips of your orbital bones.
He continued this movement as you pulled apart, foreheads resting against one another as you both tried to catch your breath, everything in you seems to have been poured into that kiss. 
“Good morning” he whispered, not wanting to break the serenity that was the atmosphere of the kitsch at the moment. 
“Morning” you hum, looking at his eyes in time to catch them cover with a thick layer of fear, pulling back from your embrace, he placed pancakes on the plates and moved them to the other side of the island where two champagne glasses of orange juice sat. 
“What is the occasion?” you asked, curious at what made this morning so special. 
“Um, let's just eat and then you can see” he assured, kissing your lips tenderly as he moved around the island and pulling out your chair, which you happily accepted, the soft suede of the seat brushing against your bare thighs as you settled in, waiting for Tom to sit down before you started eating. 
“How did you sleep?” you spoke before taking your first bite, humming in satisfaction as you rolled your eyes back to show the pleasure this food had caused your taste buds. 
“I slept alright, if I’m honest, I just couldn’t get to sleep” he muttered, pulling your hand into his and twisting the rings that sat on your finger around, something he only did when he was really nervous. 
“Tom? Are you okay?” you asked, worry overtaking as you turned to face him, he looked terrified, his knee was shaking and he looked like he was about to start sweating. 
“Mhmm, I guess I just really need to talk to you about something” his voice was soft, turning his whole body to face you as he slipped something out of his pocket, a small black box. 
“Yeah?” you tried to ignore the box, thinking maybe he was upset that an heirloom broke or something but part of you exploded, thinking ‘what if this is what I think it is’. 
“Okay, here goes nothing,” he said, more to himself than to you. “Y/n, I love you, and you know that but, something has changed,” he paused, making your heart stop, did he want the small amethyst ring that he had given you years ago back, was he no longer in love with you?  Pinky and thumb going to scratch at the metal band that now felt too hot against your skin. 
“Last year, when we sat here in the kitchen and we hadn’t slept all night but you decided that you wanted to make breakfast before going to bed, you accidentally dropped the whipped cream on the floor and instead of clean it up or cry you sat down and dipped your strawberries in the part that wasn’t on the floor” he recounted that wild morning where all the both of you did was humor the others eccentricities, tears coming to your eyes in anticipation of what you truly believed to be happening. “I saw you and something in me clicked, all of the other times that we had of just being each other and going on adventures together came back and I realized that there is no one else that I would want to get lemonade with a 2 a.m. after getting late night noodles at that noodle express place in the financial district. Or that I would not have loved the night we found a rave randomly as much as I did if it was with anyone else” Your eyes searched  his, tears now streaming down both of your faces. “There is no one in this world I would rather be myself with, you make me feel loved and cherished and like I am perfectly enough at whatever point in time.” he took a deep breath, opening the box to reveal a small ring that was surrounded by something else silver, a chain? “In short, you make my life what I want it to be and I want to spend the rest of my life doing my best to make you feel a fraction of how you make me feel, will you do me the honor and marry me?” he rushed it out but you caught every single word. 
“You make me feel everything and more, Tom, of course I will marry you” you sobbed, it was a messy cry, snot on your top lip that you ignored, not caring anymore. 
“Oh thank god,” he cried, pressing his lips to yoru in a tearstained kiss, joy radiating off of the both of you. His fingers reader for the small silver chain, placing it in the palm of your open hand making you look at him with eyes that asked what?
“Um, you already have rings on your engagement finger so I figured that you could put them on the chain and wear them around your neck cause they will be replaced” a grin found its place on your lips as he handed you the ring as well. 
“I was, uh-hoping that the ring you would wear on you finger would be the engagement ring cause-” you cut off his rambling with your lips, hands wrapping around his neck as you pulled him close once again, you fingers making quick work of removing your other rings before pulling back, showing him your naked finger as you set your other rings aside, the clang of metal on marble beautiful to his ears, a sign of your devotion. 
“Would you put it on me?” you questioned, holding the ring he had offered you just moments before out to him. 
“Of course” he hummed, taking the ring and sliding it down on your finger before turning around, unclasping the chain and threading it through your past rings. 
“Here, let me help you with this as well” his voice was melting you and your throat had closed with emotion, you could only nod. He leaned in, lips on lips again as his hands went around your neck this time, clasping your new jewelry on before pulling back, admiring his now soon to be spouse. 
“I love you, future Holland” he mumbled, now fiddling with your engagement ring, but no longer out of anxiety, out of pure excitement. 
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 3 years
heights, wuthering
butler au heathcliff bc i want perno dead
gender neutral reader
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The way Heathcliff pines for you is painful and selfish, or so he believes. He knows that decorum is everything for a man in his position: a loyal butler to the future head of the mansion. Professionalism and distance is key, and he’s supposed to be nothing more than the supporting pedestal for the picturesque beacon waiting to bloom. Yet despite this, he can’t stop himself from falling in love with you, both slowly and all at once, until his ribs feel like they’re squeezing against his heart and his eyes search for nothing else in the area except for your innocent, smiling face. He keeps telling himself that he can’t be this weak—he can’t fall in love with his master—but all he wants is to be by your side.
His yearning for you is subtle to the unsuspecting eye but obvious to those privy to his secret. Whenever he clasps a necklace around your throat, his fingertips ghost over the nape of your neck for a second too long. Whenever you’re busy reading in your room, you can sometimes catch him frozen in place, dumbfounded as he stares at you with his eyes blown wide open. And if you smile and wave at him, he’ll panic as he hurriedly attempts to look busy. Other times, he insists on doing the gardening himself, so he can show you “samples” of the finest flowers—totally not an excuse for him to fashion a bouquet with his own hands and bring it to you in a silent confession of his love.
A little secret he loves indulging in is knowing that he’s the first person you see every morning. He carefully readies you for your day whenever he cautiously pulls your lace curtains aside, and he unsuccessfully chides himself whenever he notices how angelic and peaceful your sleeping face looks, illuminated gently by the first streams of sunlight. Heathcliff always makes sure to wake you with nothing but the softest, most serene voices, and you’re always enchanted to open your eyes to see your handsome butler grinning down at you with nothing but honeyed eyes and sugary words. He’ll tuck your hair behind your ear and remind you that breakfast is to be served soon… but you can spend a few sleepy moments dozing off while leaning on his shoulder. 
One of his favorite moments is when you ask him to be your dance partner for your practices. He loves looking at you while you scrunch your face up and glare at your feet, doing your best to memorize the complex steps, and Heathcliff will smile peacefully to himself as he holds you close. His hands rest like comforting anchors on your waist, and the two of you sway to the quiet music, lost in your own world where no one can interrupt the sweet stolen paradise. He knows that one day, the person dancing with you won’t be him but someone else, but whenever there’s a ball, you make it a point (and a habit) to pull him to the side as the night ebbs away and show off your perfected steps on the balcony alone together. It feels like a dream: you in all your splendor and him as he is, slow dancing in the cool night air to the dying lights and music of a ball, away from social expectations and norms, just two people enraptured in their own love for each other. 
You always insist that he calls you by your name whenever the two of you are alone together, but it still flusters Heathcliff whenever he tries. He doesn’t mind that you’re selfish with him; if anything, you should monopolize him for every one of your waking hours, but he has to tell himself that he can’t do the same. He’s your servant, one who has no place but to ensure that your life is happy at the cost of his own future, but when you snake your arms around his neck and pull yourself so close that the tips of your noses brush together, his resolve falters. Baby blue eyes meet yours, and his lips part in a quiet gasp—when you close the electric gap between the two of you, he learns the taste of your name from the captivating way your soft lips seem to whisper it against the cracks of his mouth. Over and over, until he remembers every syllable, every saccharine detail, every forbidden letter that he can’t say, deep into his heart.
“Please… hold me as I am. Not as a servant, not as a housekeeper, but a pure-hearted man who loves you with everything this universe has to offer. Promise me this, love… When the day comes that I have to part with you and my feelings, will you remember me? Your poor butler—who loved, loves, and will love you so?”
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ahopelessromantic · 3 years
Children of Sun and Darkness (M)
Part two of A Child of Sun and Darkness
Pairing: The Darkling x Sun Summoner! female reader
Word count: 8,7k (oh boy)
Warnings: once again, spoiler of the Darkling’s name, SMUT, Aleksander being a SIMP, fluff, so much fluff, villainous behavior
A/N: I really, really got carried away with this one. Especially since I didn’t even intend to have any smut in here. But alas, the apology letters to Ben Barnes and Leigh Bardugo are sent once more and I wish you all a happy reading experience. I really do must warn you again of the Darkling as a father though, I don’t think you’re ready.
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A gorgeous ray of sunshine was tickling your barely awake self.  There were things to do, certainly, but your bed felt far too heavenly to be left already. The air had recently begun to smell like the promise of summer, and it paired so nicely with the flowers Aleksander always brought to your bedside table. Aleksander, you thought sleepily and slowly opened your eyes. You would have loved to curl into his lean body for a few more minutes before getting up, but it seemed like he had already so cruelly abandoned you. You were about to pout like a little baby when a soft morning wind carried the sound of laughter through your window. Aleksander must have opened it before leaving your shared chambers. Wanting to know the source of these joyous sounds, you slipped into your morning robe and stepped in front of the big window. After your marriage to the infamous Darkling, the two of you had moved your chambers to be closer to the Little Palace’s beautiful gardens. From where you stood now, your position on the second floor gave you the perfect view over them.
“There she is.” Your husband beamed with his lovely deep voice. He was looking up to you with nothing but adoration in his eyes, and you couldn’t help but smile yourself. Your daughter, barely even four, shrieked happily at your sight and sent another ray of sunshine your way. “Good morning, my love!” You called out to her. She ran up to her father, who picked her up so she could see you better. Your chest warmed at the sight of the two people you loved most in the world, the serenity in their expressions. “Good morning Mama!” She giggled back. You blew her a kiss, which she caught enthusiastically. “You should have awoken me!” You chided your husband. He smiled. “How could I, when you were sleeping so peacefully? Besides, we wanted to try if Ilona could get her sun rays all the way through to our bed. Did she manage it?” The proudest smile grew across your lips. “She did. You did amazing, honey. So amazing, that when I get down there, I’m gonna have to smooch you all over!” “NOOO!” She screamed and skipped away to the pond to look at her beloved fish. “Are you coming down for breakfast? I already had the servants set out a table.” You sighed happily and just looked at your husband for a moment. “You really do think of everything, don’t you?” The grin he sent you in response caused your knees to weaken. “Who would I be if I didn’t.” To hide your blush, you scrunched your nose and disappeared from the window to get dressed for the day. Only a short while later you had finally made it to the gardens, clad in the same colour as your husband: deep black. Upon seeing you, your daughter began to happily run towards you. Suddenly then she seemed to remember your threat of extra smooches and turned around, but it was too late. You caught up with her and gathered her into your arms, tickling and kissing her all over. She laughed loudly, only half trying to escape. “Good morning, little sunshine.” You finally properly greeted her once you were done, pressing a long kiss to the top of her head. She turned around in your arms and buried her face in your neck. “Did I do good with the sunray, mama?” You smiled and pulled her even closer. “You did so well, Ilona. I love you.” She leaned away to look at you, the brightest smile on her adorable little face. “I love you!” She responded and kissed your cheek. Saints, she was everything good and soft in the world come to life. “Can I go feed the fishies?” She asked enthusiastically. You grinned at her, forever enchanted by the little human that was so you and so Aleksander. “Of course you can. Go ask the servants, they’ll give you some food for them.” The Darkling, who had watched the interaction between you and your daughter, stepped forward with a happy smile. You were about to ask what specifically he was smiling about when he placed his lips on yours in a passionate kiss. There was barely anyone around, but the kiss’ immodesty still caused your cheeks to flush. “My sun.” He whispered, only for you to hear. “I swear you look lovelier by the day.” You sighed, still phased by the kiss, and slid your arms around his waist. “And I swear you get more charming by the day. Is it a thing of darkness, your cheek? I think I see some of it in Ilona.” He chuckled and pressed a kiss to your temple. “I think that’s all you actually.” He nodded to where she was knelt on the edge of the pond, apparently talking to its inhabitants. “I only know one other being that can be so kind and yet so fierce.” For a moment, his words rendered you speechless, but then you pinched the fabric of his kefta. “Alright, Mr Darkling, now you’re overdoing it. Where is this breakfast you’ve promised me? I’m starving.”
Giggling like the two lovestruck Grisha you had been years ago, you set off to the little table laden with delicious breakfast foods. It gave you a perfect view of your daughter, close enough to see her, yet far away enough to allow her the space even she as a little person was owed. You and your little family spent most mornings like this: Breaking the fast together, you and your husband watching your daughter play, talking court politics while eating. There were unrests in Ravka again, unrests the old king didn’t seem capable of dealing with. “He’s a fool, and I wished I could see him gone.” You hummed at your husband’s words, staring at your tea in deep thought. If he had only been just a fool, you thought. He wouldn’t be any danger to anyone, then, but his empty-brained attempts at displays of dominance were costing the second army precious lives every time. But he was still the king, and the two of you were still just the second army’s general and his wife. “Careful with the treason talk so early in the morning, my love. I don’t think it’s all that becoming with my sweet roll.” He smiled and took your hand from across the table. You squeezed it and sent him a meaningful glance. “Besides, you never know who might be listening. You know I couldn’t bear it if the Lantsov family were to imprison you.” Aleksander sighed, now, and wistfully looked across the Little Palace’s grounds. Some Grisha were training in the far distance, Inferni, by the looks of it. His gaze was pensive, a look you well knew by now- he was planning something. But apparently, it was too early to let you in on his schemes yet. He just pressed a kiss to your knuckles and looked at you in earnest. “I promise you, my sun. One day, we won’t have to bow to anyone. Our world will only consist of our family and Grisha, and it will be safe. I promise.” An unexpectedly reverent feeling spread across the breakfast table. You nodded solemnly. “One day.” You whispered back. That seemed to please him because his face returned to the kind smiles he usually wore around you, and he pressed another kiss to the back of your hand. “I love you.” He mouthed at you, and you mouthed it right back. Then, as it tended to happen with a toddler child, the two of you were interrupted by Ilona climbing into her father’s lap. “Papa, can I have a dagger?” Both you and Aleksander snorted out a laugh at the determination in your daughter’s voice. She really was a force of nature, your little one- quite literally. Not fully in control of her powers yet, she seemed eternally surrounded half by darkness, half by light. No one had thought it possible, but so far it seemed she had inherited both yours and your beloved’s powers. Ballads were being sung about her in taverns ever since word of her powers had left the Palace walls and witch hunters trying to get to her ever since that, too. Now, Aleksander Morozova had always been concerned with the safety of all Grisha. But more and more often these days you found him pacing in his war room at night, or watching your daughter with far more than fatherly sorrow. It was an all-consuming fear and sorrow for her safety- one you shared. There was nothing you wouldn’t do to know her safe. Once you had been driven by ambition, then by love for your husband. But now such a fierce protectiveness spurred you on that caused you to think yourself capable of far greater evils than your husband had ever committed.
“Do you think the Second Army would follow us? If we were to split from the king?” Aleksander’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, his deep brown eyes finding yours. The two of you had been dealing with some late-night paperwork, General’s duties. As the sun summoner and, in addition, the Darkling’s wife, you almost held as much power and responsibility as him these days. Your husband put down his pen and pensively sank back into his chair. “I don’t know.” He uttered finally. “I wish they would, of course. But some Grisha are as loyal to Ravka as Otkazat'sya. Some of them do wish to serve their country. And some of them do love their king.” He grimaced at that, and you had to bite back a laugh. “Ravka’s eagle is double-headed for a reason, you know.” He continued, and you turned serious once more. The sentiment of Ravka’s duality was a nice one- but one that was destined to fail, in your opinion. The Grisha already lived so separated from the country’s regular citizens that it was almost ridiculous to even count them as part of them. Most Otkazat'sya seemed to condemn Grisha for their powers, and most Grisha seemed to look down on the Otkazat'sya. They both had their good reasons, you figured. But how much contempt, how much annoyance or even hatred separated non-Grisha from Drüskelle? You inwardly shuddered at the thought of Fjerda’s Army, with their repeating rifles and their ruthlessness. Aleksander’s hand on your shoulder caused you to return to reality. “What’s on your mind, my sun?” He asked, his voice ever so soft. Sometimes, with how much love he showed you every day, you forgot about how evil he could be, how hated he was by so many. “I-“ You began, then sighed. “I’m thinking about what you said the other day, at breakfast. About not having to bow to anyone. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, actually. What would happen if we were to take one of the eagle’s heads? Leave the people and their Lantsovs to themselves and found our own sovereign nation of Grisha power. It would be of the tsar family’s interest to stay in our good natures, we could trade their foods and goods for our protection. But on our own terms. And we would be safe, in a city of our own, protected by Fabrikator walls and your Darkness. Ilona would be safe.” Your husband had that look on his face again. That look of deep contemplation. “A safe place for all Grisha. Most importantly, Ilona. That’s all I’ve ever wanted in life.” He said quietly. You stroked his cheek, ran a hand through his hair. “I know.” You hummed. For a moment, you spotted a glimpse of the man he had been when your daughter had been born. He had been so eager to do everything right. So happy, yet so frightened and worried at the same time. His first words upon seeing the little bundle that was your newborn daughter had been “She’s so small”, accompanied by tearful eyes. She had been small indeed, so very little. During the first weeks after her birth, whenever you hadn’t been holding her, he had been. There hadn’t been a nanny, a wet nurse even. The both of you had been far too afraid to let your precious daughter out of your sight. Still were. She was your everything. You felt guilty for steering your nightly conversation down such a dark path, so you took his hand and lovingly squeezed it. “I trust you, Aleksander. I trust you to do what’s right for us as Grisha, and for us as a family. And believe me when I say I will be by your side for anything you ever decide on doing.” The smallest of smiles began to tug at his lips. “Come on now.” You said softly and breathed a kiss against his jaw. “It’s late, and it’s my matrimonial duty to distract my betrothed from any worries that might plague him.” He was fully smiling now, a familiar playful glint in his eyes. He tilted his head and looked at you with one raised eyebrow. “How would you think to go about doing that?” You returned his playful smile and got up to settle yourself right into his lap. Something dark flashed across his eyes, something that told you you wouldn’t yet sleep for many more hours. “What about this?” You whispered and experimentally ground down on him. A devious smile was on your lips. For a moment, he let you have the upper hand. Leaned his head back, breathed deeply. Sometimes, you were allowed to see him like this. To have him like this. Feeling bashful, you leaned forward to place a myriad of kisses against his neck. You could almost hear his heartbeat speeding up, his breathing growing heavier. His hands wandered to your waist, then to your hips. He used his strength to press you down on him, and it was then that you were done for. Your moment had ended, it was his turn now. Aleksander looked up at you with dark eyes, his pupils were blown wide and barely noticeable in the low lighting. “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you sometimes.” His voice had dropped at least an octave deeper. “My perfect, perfect wife. My perfect sun, with a body so powerful. A body strong enough to bear life.” Feeling very vulnerable all of a sudden, you had to make an effort to bite back the tears that had risen to your eyes. Your husband truly always knew what exactly to say- even to a mother who sometimes found herself quite insecure in her new curves. “I love you.” You marvelled, kissing him softly. He smiled into the kiss and deepened it until you were both gasping for air. “Shall we retreat for the night, my sun?” You were about to respond when he lifted you up and placed you on the table the two of you had been sitting at. “Or do you want to taint this place forevermore? Curse it, so I think of being inside of you whenever I hold council here?” You innocently looked up at him through your lashes. Then, you smirked. That seemed to have been answer enough, because he was on you again in seconds, devouring every inch of skin he came across. “Do you remember our first night?” You gasped out between moans. Aleksander stopped in his tracks for a moment to look at you, lifted your chin with his fingers. He looked unravelled. Like he was merely dangling by a thread anymore. “You mean when I almost had you in the hallway, of all places?” You grinned and felt your eyes light up. “Exactly.” You whispered and leaned forward to capture his lips again. He groaned into the kiss. “Saints.” He panted. He seldomly addressed saints, if ever. It sent a wave of cocky satisfaction through you. “All this time with you, and you still find ways to catch me off guard.” Chuckling, you pulled him impossibly closer by his collar, crossing your legs behind his waist and grinding up against him. “I think it’s included in those matrimonial duties of mine.” “You’re going to have to- ah.” He took a deep breath. “-Send me a list of those.” You wanted to respond something, anything, but you didn’t get the chance to. Not while your kefta was being unclasped, not while his hands bunched up your skirts around your hips. “Do you want to go slower?” He asked, breathing heavily, his forehead leaned against yours. You closed your eyes for a moment, then smiled. You felt surrounded by your husband, by his scent, his presence, his arms. Most of all, you felt safe. A kind of safety only Aleksander had ever been able to provide for you. After a moment, you shook your head. “No.” You answered, nipping at his neck. “No.” You said again, sliding his kefta off his shoulders. “I want you. I need you. Now.” Suddenly, time seemed to speed up. You helped the Darkling unbuckle his pants, shrugged off your own coat, allowed him to rip most of your blouse open. The thoughts of witch hunters and civil unrests were still heavy on your mind, and you wanted him hard and fast, so he could take away all of your worries. Normally you weren’t as impatient as this. The two of you loved drawing things out in the bedroom, all teasing kisses and devilish grins. But today, things were different. Today you wanted to forget. Today you wanted to be overpowered by him. You didn’t even have the proper time to admire his length, for as soon as it had been exposed, it was already teasing along your folds. You sighed out shakily. “How badly do you want it?�� Aleksander asked, one hand playing with your breast. “So badly, Aleksander.” He sighed at that, too. His name from your words would maybe never lose its effect. “If you were taken from me, I would kill. I would destroy entire cities to have you again. To have this again.” Your words almost felt as intimate as your wedding vows. They sent you both forward again, lips colliding in a clash of teeth. His tongue touched yours and sent a bolt of electricity down to your nether regions. “Nothing. Do you hear me? Nothing will ever take me from you.” He vowed back. With that, he entered you, and you both moaned out loudly. “Fuck!” He almost yelled. “How are you still so tight?” It was clearly a rhetorical question he didn’t want an answer for, for his hands were clasped around your neck. You allowed your head to drop back in pleasure and voluntarily clenched around him. “All for you.” You rasped out through his grip. He started fucking into you at that, the both of you losing your ability to form proper sentences once the so familiar fire started to spread between you. Somewhere, the edge of a book was pricking into your side, but it only spurred you on further. You always felt like the queen of the world like this- desired, full of pleasure, the most powerful man in the kingdom losing himself in you. You thought of how he would never be able to look at this table normally again, how he would twitch in that adorable way of his whenever people weren’t paying attention to him. Saints, you loved him. You loved him. Your heart felt warm and full, but so did you. At some point he hoisted you even further onto the table, his pace relentless now. But you didn’t care, you needed more, more, more. “Aleksander!” You gasped out when he brushed up against that place inside of you. “I love you.” You panted, tightening your legs around him. He looked at you like there was nothing else ever worth being looked at. Like you were a painting he could neither understand nor get enough of. With shaky hands he moved a few wayward strands of hair out of your face, then he cupped it in his hands tightly. “I love you.” He answered, stressing each word with a thrust of his hips. “Oh fucking saints, I love you. I’m so close.” “Let go.” You encouraged him seductively, tugging at the hair in the nape of his neck. “Give it to me, Aleksander.” His pace seemed to grow impossibly faster until it grew erratic. “My sun. My love, my goddess, I’m going to-“ With a loud moan, he came, his pulsating member spilling his seed into you. You helped him ride out his high, pulled him closer, clenched and unclenched in his rhythm. He shuddered at that; head buried in your neck. It was your moment once again. He was all yours to have. “I love you.” The two of you whispered at almost the same time and broke out into laughter. But the laughter caused you to clench again, and Aleksander winced from the hypersensitivity. “You’re just too tight, my love.” He almost teased and moved to remove himself from you. He wasn’t really in a state to tease again, yet. You pouted. “But I don’t want you to leave me. I always feel so empty afterwards.” He breathed a kiss to your cheek that could have well been a concealed laugh. Sometimes the two of you would stay connected like that for ages, neither of you willing to end this incredibly pleasurable state of warmth and satiation. But while that was easy to do on a bed, it wasn’t so much on a desk. “Besides.” You continued. “We’re going to make a mess.” Your husband looked at you, his lower lip caught between his teeth. “I like the mess.”, he said decidedly. “Leave it to the servants to be cleaned up. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? For someone to know what cursed, unholy things their Saint does for her evil husband?” You barely even blushed at his words. Saints, he had ruined you- in the best way possible. “Now come on, my sun.” He uttered. “If I remember correctly, you still need taking care of.” You shuddered at the thought of what was to come. His fingers inside of you, his lips on your most sensitive spot. Oh, how good you had it. Smiling and holding his hand, you followed your husband back to your chambers. He stayed true to his promise there- two times. Afterwards, you sleepily held him in your arms, your fingers drawing abstract, invisible designs onto the skin of his back. Through the connection the two of you shared you could feel his peacefulness as if it was your own, a sense of pride filling you. You were the one in whose presence he could relax, let his guards down- no one else. You pressed a gentle kiss to his hair, a silent ‘I love you’. “My love?” He murmured and pressed an equally soft kiss to your shoulder. “Hm?” You hummed in response and watched your husband straighten up so he was able to look you in the eyes. He sighed, visibly struggling to find the right words. “I want more children, as many you’d be willing to have. Brothers and sisters for Ilona, so she will never be alone. More time for us to experience holding a newborn babe again. But I fear for our daughter so much, every day. I fear for any future children of ours, even. And I think we’ve lived in fear for long enough. I’ve lived in fear long enough. I thought if we just waited for the king to die, waited for him to live out his pathetic mortal life, we could seize control one day. But I’ve been patient for centuries, and I’m tired of it. I think the time for action has come.” Aleksander’s words caused you to sit up, too, your heartbeat uncontrollably speeding up. “Will you fight with me, my love?” You pensively moved a strand of his hair away from his gorgeous features, then lifted your chin. “Always.” You breathed. The smallest of smiles lit up his face. Your husband leaned up to kiss you, then pulled you into his embrace. “We’ll change the world. For us. For our family.” You squeezed his arm in response. You truly would.
The next few months were spent meticulously planning the beheading of the ravkan eagle. Your mornings were spent in softness, laughing with your daughter, cuddling with her in bed, and then that softness was exchanged for the coldness of daily council meetings. Spies were seeking out the intelligence of the opinions of Grisha on a potential Grisha state, letters were being sent, fighting styles being trained. The king and queen would pose the smallest problems for your cause- they would either cooperate with the second army’s leaving or leave their lives. Angry mobs were your bigger worry- there was a smart way to go about the splitting off of the kingdom, and you were eager to take it, with as few casualties as possible. Then there was the question of your new country’s location. You didn’t need lands the size of Ravka, but you still needed space for houses, training facilities, farmlands. Surprisingly many Grisha were open to leading a simple life of caring for crops and animals, having long tired of the so-called ‘war effort’. Your council meetings grew with each week, more and more Grisha eager to take part in the founding of a home of their own. Fresh faces kept on turning up every week- a Suli Fabrikator here, a Shu Healer there. The once so spacious halls of the Little Palace were beginning to feel cosy, filled with the hope of new alliances forming. It was getting harder by the day to keep your efforts hidden from the king, and the time to strike seemed to be nearing. Ilona seemed to be feeling it, too. Her new favourite pastime was to make friends with as many of the new Grisha as possible. You and Aleksander had both felt apprehensive about it at first, but once you deemed her safe you realized how much power of her own she truly held. She was a symbol. A symbol of you and your husband’s strength, of a new generation of Grisha. A generation that would grow up in safety, without being trained to be used in fights their entire lives. The people in the Little Palace loved her, they had taken to calling her the ‘Grisha princess’. It made you partly proud, partly uncomfortable. You didn’t want her to be an instrument in your fight for freedom, just another weapon to be used, but you couldn’t hide her away, either. She was still small, and young, but she still deserved a life in the light. Late at night, when he was feeling particularly safe and vulnerable, Aleksander sometimes told you stories from his childhood, his youth. How his mother had eternally urged him to stay hidden in the shadows. It wasn’t a way to live, he had once said. And he was right. Ilona deserved her fishpond, her Grisha friends, her chance to openly use her powers. One day, you and your husband already deep into planning your coup, you watched her play with a young Squaller boy. They were both laughing loudly, their happiness more than contagious. You found yourself smiling, heart and body warmed by the afternoon sun. This was what you were fighting for. What you were always going to fight for. Freedom. Only a few weeks later, the time had come. The king was holding a ball, and it was the perfect opportunity for a show of strength. Countless honorary representatives had been invited, the perfect audience for what you were planning to do. You, your husband, and your legion were hoping for a peaceful encounter. The second army was going to show in its full strength, crowd into the ballroom and declare its conditions. You all hoped the sense of unity you had all started to feel would make itself noticeable, pose a threat. The council meetings with your fellow Grisha had long ceased to feel like generals talking to their subordinates. You were equals in your cause, and as the objectively most powerful Grisha, you and your husband were treated with the respect of such. Almost everyone doubtlessly acknowledged you as the heads of your operation, the rulers of Little Palace. The king, of course, was going to be appalled, yes enraged even over your actions. He would spew harmless threats at first, feeling ashamed and belittled for having missed out on developments of such a grand scale right under his eyes. But his power was by far no match for yours. It had come just as you had hoped it would. The king of Ravka had begrudgingly signed your declaration of independence after hours of discussions, angry tantrums and finally quiet pleads. The Grisha would have their own eagle from now on- no shared heads. You would claim lands west of the fold, protected from each side by mountains, the true sea and the world of shadows your husband had created so long ago. The people already living there would have the choice of continuing to stay there, or move somewhere else for a compensation. Grisha from all over the world would be welcome in this sanctuary- you had space and power enough to keep them all safe. Once the coup was over and done with, you sought out a moment alone with your husband. It was a few days after, and both of you had been stuck in nonstop meetings and conversations with fellow Grisha. There was the name of your nation to be decided on, the flag, the layout of your new city. You had been so busy even, that your victory still hadn’t fully registered with you. “Are you alright?” You nervously asked Aleksander in his private office. It was nicely cool and dark there, a welcome change from the Little Palace’s crowded halls. His eyes met yours at that, a smile reflected in them. He looked the healthiest you had ever seen him, a new vigour in the way he moved. Sometimes you forgot that, while you shared the same cause, it already had been his before that for centuries. His years of pain and solitude had finally paid off. “I am not just alright, my love. I’m overcome with joy. Don’t you see it? We’ve changed the world.” You bit your lip, suddenly feeling overcome with emotion and fairly vulnerable. Carefully stepping into his embrace, you took in his scent, sought out his ever so calming touch. Just like he had done in the very early days of your relationship, he wrapped the two of you in comforting darkness. “I’m a bit scared.” You admitted quietly, choked up with tears. “It feels surreal that we’ve won.” Aleksander sighed and pulled you closer to his body. He knew what you meant- he had felt it too. This fear of everything being ripped away as soon as you’d held it in your grasp. “I know.” He murmured and pressed a kiss to your temple. “But it is done. Our declaration has been signed by the king, his ministers. The first army will allow us to leave- or be met with our collected strength. You’ve seen the halls outside, the gardens. I don’t think as many Grisha as this have ever been in one place, in all of history.” You looked up at his face, the beauty of his finely chiselled cheekbones. He was pure strength, safety. As if to remind you of your own power, you filled the room with a golden glow. You were the legendary shadow and sun summoner, the two strongest Grisha who had ever lived- nothing was going to come into your way. You got onto your tiptoes and hugged him tightly, buried your head in his neck. He reached his arms around your waist, and his so familiar certainty flooded your bloodstream. “We’ll have everything.” You murmured, half incredulously. Your husband chuckled at that and playfully squeezed you tight. “I promised that, didn’t I? I think it’s part of my matrimonial duties.” You both laughed, pulling away to look into each other’s eyes. Aleksander caressed the side of your face, nothing but devotion in his gaze. “I know that this new reality is frightening. We have more to lose than ever. But we can carry this fear together. Turn it into something beautiful, something to last for centuries. We’re not alone as long as we have each other.” At that, you leaned up to kiss him lovingly. You both sighed against the other’s lips. It had been ages since the two of you had last had the time to lose yourselves in each other’s embraces. “We’ll have all the time in the world for this, soon.” You realized suddenly, happily. The darkling smiled. “We will. We will my love.”
A few months later, your husband stormed into your chambers. He exuded a wild sort of happiness, his eyes restless. First, he pressed a kiss to Ilona's head, then he picked her up and twirled her around. She shrieked with laughter, and you lowered the book you had been reading while your daughter had played into your lap. Aleksander’s eyes met yours, untamed joy written in his features. “It is finished.” He spoked, and as if struck by lightning, you got up from your seat. Your book clattered to the floor, and the loud sound sent your heart racing. “Is it really?” You quietly asked, eyes wide and incredulous. He nodded reverently, hugging Ilona close to his chest. “The head of the Durasts received the word just this morning. The Fabrikators have finished our city, based on the drawings we’ve both seen. It’s marvellous, according to their reports.” Your hand wandered to your heart, as if to will it to go slower. You breathed heavily, taking a moment to let the realization sink in. You would be safe, on your own terms. Not the king’s. Both you and your husband had been overseeing the construction of your new city from within the Little Palace’s walls, not wanting to leave until it seemed completely safe. For months, assorted groups of Grisha soldiers, healers and most importantly, Durasts, had been crossing the fold to make your shared dream of a Grisha nation come true. The Darkling stepped closer to you, put his arms around both you and your daughter. A giggle escaped your lips. “It’s done.” You breathed; happy tears in your eyes. Aleksander returned your look with equal happiness and leaned forward to press a kiss between your eyes. Ilona giggled, sensing the happiness of her parents. “We can start the moving nothing shorter than this week if you want to. They’ll need your powers for the fold.” Sending smaller groups through the fold was alright. But for the massive move you were planning, you would accompany the myriad of coaches and carts, to keep the Grisha and their belongings safe. “The two of you will be alright here, for a while?” You poked Ilona’s side, and both her and your husband laughed. “We’ll have loads of fun. We’ll have a parade to say goodbye to all the fish, and we’ll tour the Little Palace to pick out all the paintings Ilona wants to take with her.” You grinned happily. They’d truly be alright.
The move was exhausting but fulfilling. You crossed the fold several times a week, accompanied by carts stacked with furniture, livestock and necessary equipment. Once an Alkemi cart almost eradicated a group of Inferni, a sign of how nervous and eager everyone was to escape into a country of their own. Your favourite part was listening in on the other Grisha’s conversations while guiding them through the fold. There was a group of young tidemakers gushing about the prospect of seeing the true sea for the first time and playing with it, two Alkemi discussing how to maximize carrot harvests with the right mixture of sun and Grisha fertilizer. You hadn’t been to the new capital yet, only seen its buildings gleaming in the far-off distance. You wanted it to be a surprise, to set foot in it for the first time with your husband and daughter.
“Enjoying the view one last time?” You asked gently and leaned against the doorframe. Aleksander turned to look at you in surprise, looking a bit lost in the empty room. The time to leave had come, and he had been quietly saying his goodbyes to the Little Palace for the past week. The two of you stood in what had once been his office, now nothing but an empty room with a pretty view. Your husband sighed, something in his expression calling out to you. You walked up to him and allowed him to put his arms around you. “Where’s Ilona?” He asked softly. You smiled. “With the other children. I think they’re playing one last epic round of hide and seek.” That answer seemed to calm him, free his thoughts for other topics. The two of you stared out of the window in silence for a while. Eventually, he sighed. His chin leaned on your shoulder, and you could feel his apprehensiveness. “I’ve wanted to leave this godforsaken place for decades. To never have to see the Grand Palace again. But despite all of that leaving is…” He trailed off, his gaze wandering into the distance. “It’s harder than I expected.” You placed your hands on his arms around you, squeezed them gently. “You’ve built this place. It’s only understandable you find it difficult to leave behind.” He scoffed, and you knew that sound. He made it whenever he was feeling something he hadn’t expected to feel. “This was the first place I’ve ever felt safe in. The first at least relatively safe place for Grisha there’s ever been.” You gulped down a ball of tears. “You should be proud of that.” You whispered. At that, he finally smiled. “You’re right. This is a first draft- a product of the past. We’re moving into the future now.” Grasping one of his hands, you held it up to your lips to press a kiss against it. “Are there any things you still want to take with you? Any last thing you still want to do?” He turned you around in his embrace and pressed your back against the wall right next to the window. A playful glint was in his eyes now, and you were overwhelmed by the sheer happiness he exuded. “I could think of a few things.” He placed a naughty kiss against the side of your neck, and you giggled. “You’re insatiable.” He straightened back up to look at you again and took an impossible step closer to you. “For you? Always.” He breathed, and the time for laughter was over.
The move to your new home took about three days. You wanted to take your time, show Ilona the parts of Ravka she had never seen. But of all things, the Shadow Fold seemed to have awoken her interest the most. While the other children and many adults, too, huddled close for protection, she skipped ahead. Her head was continuously tilted upwards in an attempt to take everything in. “I think she’s sensing your power. It feels familiar to her.” You smiled, taking your husband’s arm. His gaze was fixed to your daughter’s small figure, and his eyes glistened suspiciously. It was only then it dawned upon you- the Fold had been his biggest mistake, his very own monster- an abomination. Seeing his own daughter treat it with so much innocent fascination must have stirred hurt parts of his soul you couldn’t even begin to imagine. Your smile died down into a face of quiet adoration. You took a step back and left Aleksander to have this moment by himself. After centuries, he probably had been starving for one like it. After a few minutes, he turned around, his gaze seeking yours. There weren’t many Grisha around, most of them had moved already, so he allowed himself to keep his guards a bit lower than he usually did in the presence of other people. You sent him an encouraging smile and caught up with him to take his hand. “Do you want to catch up with her? We should probably get back to the coach if we want to make it out of the fold by noon.” He returned your smile, then took off towards your daughter in quick strides. “I’m coming to get you, Ilona!” She put up quite the fight, but in the end, she curled into her father’s arms, still giggling. She had always loved playing catch with him, even when her legs had barely carried her for more than a few steps. You didn’t miss the way Aleksander first glanced at the Fold around him, kept at bay by your powers, and then buried his face in Ilona’s hair. He was cherishing every moment of this. The next day, Nostova’s walls finally appeared on the horizon. The name you had ended up deciding on for your new country meant home, and you already felt a fierce kind of pride for it. “It’s just like the drawings.” You marvelled while finally riding through the gates. The bright Fabrikator made walls gleamed in the afternoon walls, and behind every corner, something new took your breath away. Eventually, you finally arrived at the most important building- your new home. It slightly resembled the Little Palace but looked… homier. There was enough space for administrative offices, meeting rooms, ballrooms for celebrations and a great hall to receive visitors. Emissaries from Ravka or Grisha with petitions, things of that sort. Walking through it, an eternal look of astonishment seemed to take hold of your face. It took you everything not to openly gape at the beautiful furnishings, the symbol of your nation etched into the entrance hall’s stone. An eagle, half shrouded by shadows, half dipped in light. It looked proud, grim, protective. And not like the Ravkan eagle at all. But what you liked most of it all were your new private chambers. There was space enough for at least four more toddlers, a library of your favourite books, a sitting room with a painting of you and your husband. It felt regal and comfortable at the same time. There was a private little staircase from your and Ilona’s bedrooms to the garden, something Aleksander had specifically requested. The Fabrikators had outdone themselves, and you only hoped they would feel the same pride in their work as you felt looking at it. The compensation they had received for their work would allow them more than comfortable lives in Nostova, lives they would hopefully enjoy. Your heart almost bursting with happiness, you watched Ilona and your husband take your new living quarters by storm, your little princess loudly counting down everything she approved of. With an inward sigh, you realized how spoiled she was going to be here. But whenever you talked to Aleksander about that he never seemed to quite understand the problem. ‘Let her be spoiled’, he only always said. Sometimes you forgot just how wrapped around Ilona’s little fingers he was. An odd thought struck you at the sight of your little family. This, Nostova, would be the first time in so long Grisha families would be able to stay together. Children would have their mothers and fathers again, would be allowed to train their powers with them by their side. “You look a little choked up, my love.” Your husband said teasingly, coming to a halt in front of you. His breathing was heavy from all the running around with your girl, and his hair was a mess. The darkling you had first met at the Fold years ago would claw his eyes out at the sight. You grinned at him, completely at ease with your husband seeing your emotions. “I’m just beginning to realize what all of this means. It’s incredible.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek, at which Ilona demanded he return to her so they could explore the rest of your rooms. You and your husband shared a laugh, taking a moment to revel in your happiness. “I have a surprise for you later.” He whispered into your ear, and then he was gone, back to playing with your daughter. You had to refrain from fanning your face. Your cheeks felt very hot all of a sudden.
“Where are we going?” You whisper shouted, tightly holding onto your husband’s hand. This definitely wasn’t the kind of surprise you had expected. Aleksander chuckled and just kept dragging you in the direction of Nostova Castle’s main wing. After many halls and double doors, he finally came to a halt in front of a set of gilded doors. He positioned himself between you and them, an impish smile on his face. “I know I told you you’ve already seen most of the castle, but I wanted to keep this as a surprise for you. Show it to you when it’s just us two.” You lifted your eyebrows, your excitement starting to match with his. “What is it?” He bit his lips, seemingly conflicted. “Close your eyes.” He finally commanded. You breathed out a laugh in surprise but complied. “For someone who’s centuries-old, you really do behave childishly sometimes.” Your husband chuckled. “Now, dearest wife. Don’t stab where it hurts. Besides, you have centuries ahead of you yourself.” At that, you smiled. You did. Centuries by your husband’s side, centuries to watch your children grow up in peace and find love themselves. Your husband had already led you into the room behind the golden doors. Your steps echoed loudly, a sign of its probable grandeur. The two of you stopped and you felt Aleksander step behind you. “Would you give us a little light, my sun?” Smiling, eyes still closed, you called upon enough light to dip your surroundings in a light glow. “This…” He started, then sighed. “This is the most important room in the castle. We’ll receive guests here, announce decisions… open your eyes. This is our throne room.” Your eyes snapped open, and you couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips. Just in front of you, on top of a few stairs, two breath-taking chairs overlooked the room. To your feet, a stunning mosaic of a sun in eclipse was let into the floor. One of the chairs was made of part gold, part glass, the glass reflecting your light beautifully and sending it through the room in tiny specks. The other one was made of the darkest wood, silver stars worked into the back- and armrests. But that wasn’t even the most beautiful aspect of them. The chairs stood a few inches apart, but where they were closest to each other they bled into the colour of the other. The golden one’s side was dipped in black, the black one’s side in gold. They were undeniably yours. Still rendered speechless, you climbed the stairs and sat down in the golden chair. It was surprisingly comfortable, and from it, you could oversee the throne room in its entirety. It was beautiful and regal enough to put Ravka’s Palace’s rooms to shame. The Darkling looked at you nervously, awaiting a reaction. You smiled at him and beckoned him to join you. “It’s beautiful.” You said happily, a smile growing across your husband’s face in return. He sat down in his place next to you, and for a moment the two of you just sat there and took in the view. This was your status now. Sovereigns of your very own nation, with thrones to call your own. You got up from your seat, enjoying the Darkling’s eyes on you. You stepped in front of him and slowly curtsied, conjuring your best demure expression. “Moi soverennyi.” You breathed out, looking at him from beneath your lashes. He chuckled, but you didn’t miss the hunger flashing in his eyes. You had decided to stick with his old title and have people address you as such, too. Nostova felt like it had outgrown the concept of Kings and Queens, but you and your husband both still undeniably held the power over the state. Feeling bold in the dark of the night, you sank into your husband’s lap. He was quick to pull you close, put his arms around you. “How improper you are, my lady.” You stifled a laugh. “I had to see if yours is comfortable, too, didn’t I?” He chuckled and littered kisses against your jaw, your cheek, your neck. “I can’t even tell you with how much joy it fills me to see you so happy here. Ilona, too.” Still smiling, you played with fingers. “I am happy.” You confirmed. “Happy we finally have made our place in the world. Made it ours. At the perfect timing, too.” You felt Aleksander start at that, and he turned you in his lap so he could look at your face. “What do you mean?” He looked confused, and a bit scared. Deciding he could stay like that for a moment, you just took him in, smoothed his hair back. He was beautiful. Powerful, dangerous, yours. “Don’t you feel it?” It wouldn’t hurt him to tease him a bit more. Just like he always did when he wanted to feel what you felt he sought out the touch of your skin on his- and shuddered. “Oh my.” He whispered and touched you again as if to make sure. “My love!” His gaze locked with yours, wide with surprise. Then, the most brilliant smile split his sometimes eternal frown. “Is it really-?” You nodded and placed a hand on your belly. “Ilona will have her first sibling soon.” With that, Aleksander started frantically talking. “I must have been so distracted by all the planning that I haven’t even noticed it, I can’t believe it! Our second child! For how long! We must make preparations at once, call a Healer-” Tears of joy in your eyes, you shut him up with a kiss on the lips. “I’ve already talked to Asa, the same healer as last time. He figures I’m about four moons along. So there’s still plenty of time for us to prepare.” Aleksander just looked at you completely starstruck for a moment. “I love you.” He finally murmured. You smiled, placing your hand on top of his on your belly. “I love you more.”
Soon after, your first son would be born. Your lovely little boy, named Kiran. Ilona was completely smitten with him, just like you and your husband. After him, four more children followed. Some were sun summoners like you, some shadow summoners like your beloved husband, some both, like Ilona. But all of them would gain legendary status throughout the centuries. They would travel the world, help settle conflicts between the neighbouring countries that rose and fell as if in the blink of an eye. Nostova, on the contrary, remained eternal. Like you and your husband. Its peace had allowed Grisha to grow stronger than ever, and your nation now counted many thousand people as its citizens. Sometimes, your children would visit you in your capital. Some of them had settled down there, too, like Ilona. She had married a heartrender, and their children came to play with you and your husband on Sundays. Your life had become gentle, and kind. You could see it in your husband’s face, too, every day. Only the boldest of kings and queens dared threaten your home, and it barely happened for any of them to follow through with their threats. Neither you nor your husband had any regular fighting or defending to do. You had been allowed to devote yourselves to ruling justly and fair, raise a healthy nation. In the mornings, you stood by your bedroom’s window and watched young Grisha train the use of their powers. In the evenings, you fell asleep side by side, still giggling about the day’s happenings just like when you had both been young and restless. Grisha from all over the world had found peace. And so had you.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
"Hi kinda new. I don't know if this is where requests go, but if you haven't done it yet can I request an MC sneaking into the boys beds?" ~irenethehotdog
The MC Sneaks Into the Brothers' Beds While They're Asleep
@irenethehotdog don’t worry, I found ya anyway. 😁 Sooo there was a kind of tender way I could have played this… but then there was a funny way. I hope you're alright that I went with the funny way. 😅 I got two bed requests that are kind of similar-ish but how I’m interpreting them makes them just different enough to warrant two different asks. Here's the first one!
Check out my Masterlist for more!
Warning: Comical nudity? Is that NSFW-ish?
Sometimes everybody needs a little comfort, especially in the middle of the night. Any number of things could have drawn the MC out of their bed: bad dreams, nagging thoughts, just general fear of the darkness of Hell that surrounded them, but they decided to try to soothe their unease with the company of their demonic housemates! Wonder how that turned out for them..?
I mean, if you’re feeling a little alone at night, maybe a little scared, it would only be natural to want to seek solace with the strongest person in the nearest vicinity, right? ...Right?
To say it was maybe ill-advised to just climb into bed with Lucifer would be an understatement… Frankly, if the enchantments he had on his door weren’t specifically meant for Mammon then they might have ended up in a very compromised position. But somehow, they managed to infiltrate the demon’s private sanctuary and get right up to his bed.
Now, Lucifer is not a heavy sleeper. Not at all. He’s grown pretty accustomed to waking up at all hours of the night because of his brother’s antics, so he felt the shifting weight on his mattress almost instantly.
They probably weren’t expecting him to suddenly jerk upright and spin towards them, fireball in hand ready to lob at their face... but that’s what they got.
After realizing that it was just the human and not Mammon coming in to take his stuff again, he made them sit down in front of his fireplace while he gave them a looong lecture about personal boundaries and how it’s really not smart to sneak up on demons like that… 
But he was still sympathetic to their sleep-deprived state so he offered them some tea and Devildom sleep remedies in hopes of getting them back to bed. ...Just not his. Back to your bed with you, MC.
Mammon was their “babysitter.” Their protector. Their guardian. So why wouldn’t they want to go to him on a difficult night?
Getting into Mammon’s bed was hardly a challenge, sure they had to tiptoe through the garbage heap that made up his bedroom floor but it wasn’t Mission Impossible or anything…
What did catch them off guard was just how… not clothed he felt after they slid in under his covers. Like, pretty much wearing nothing at all. Not even a pair of courtesy boxers. 😓
It was their squeal as they flung themselves out of the bed that actually woke Mammon up. They had him ripping the covers off, ready to leap into action and everything, which definitely didn’t help matters. (Or maybe it did, depending on your point of view 🤷‍♀️).
Both parties pretty much turned into a cursing/blushing mess as he shot them embarrassed, rapid-fire questions while desperately trying to pull on some sweats. Meanwhile the MC stayed plastered up against the wall of his bedroom, answering him in equally defensive shouts.
Eventually, their fuss woke up Lucifer who was quick to send both of them back to their respective beds. The House teased them mercilessly for weeks… How were they supposed to know Mammon slept naked??
Levi might be a… strange choice for bedmate at first glance (he doesn’t really even sleep in bed, but a tub hardly meant for two people). However, there’s a certain level of approachability to him, isn’t there? Considering his own struggles with anxiety, maybe they thought he could relate…?
They tried knocking on his door first, thinking he might have been gaming, but there was no answer. When they walked in and found the otaku actually asleep for once, it seemed like their wishes might have actually been granted!
...But then came the actual trouble of trying to get into bed with Levi to start with. There wasn’t really an easy way to squeeze their body in past his because the tub was so dang narrow…
Any rational person might have just given up on the venture, but not MC. Whatever's possessed them to want to sleep with this awkward shut-in has a pretty good hold on them yet.
Lack of sleep might have been what gave them the bright idea to just try and lay on top of Levi veeerrry sooooftlllly…. Which is how the poor demon woke up to them halfway straddling his waist in the middle of the night.
His remarkably high-pitched scream woke up the whole dang House and the sheer amount of force he used when trying to jerk out of the tub toppled it over… Even after many apologies (and a trip to go buy a new tub), Levi still double locks his door at night to this day… 😓
Really an odd choice there, not going to lie. They’re well aware of the possibility that they could accidentally wake him and he maaaay not be the best waker (what being Wrath and all) but if it’s irrational worries that got you down, why not go to the most rational person in the House? Sounds like a perfectly logical decision, right?
That might have been what their half-baked disillusions were telling them on the way to Satan's bedroom but actually standing in front of the sleeping man was a whole other story. They felt crazy, genuinely crazy… But they still slipped in under the covers anyway.
Satan stirred almost immediately and turned to face them… but his eyes could hardly keep focus and the look of dopey confusion on his face could have honestly made the perfect screen background. "Huuuuuh…? MC…? What're you doin' 'ere…?"
They kind of had to hold in a laugh while they explained that they just wanted to sleep next to him that night. Satan beamed them an oddly serene smile and just nodded. "Okaaay…" With that he seemed to roll over to go back to sleep… but his mind caught back up with him before his drowsiness did.
"Wait a minute..." Ah shit….
 Like Lucifer, Satan ended up giving them a pretty good lecture on boundaries and the like when he finally snapped out of his stupor. Thankfully he wasn't mad, just a little embarrassed that they had seen him like that. He offered them a good book or two to pass the time if they couldn't sleep, but sent them back to bed all the same.
Asmo probably doesn’t get people coming into his bed with completely chaste intentions very often, but he’s by far the most emotionally in-tuned demon in the House. If they're after a little sympathy, best just go to Asmo right?
They weren't really sure what to expect when they walked into his room... Does Asmo sleep like a Disney Princess, hair and makeup done perfectly in defiance of all laws of beauty?
Does he sleep like a '60s housewife, with curlers in his hair and leftover chips of mud mask on his face?
Does he sleep like the god of all sex that he is, sculpted chest for the eyes to see and everything underneath laid bare like a honeypot of temptation??
The MC doesn't really get to know, because when they pulled back the covers to climb inside they were met by the sight of someone else's very naked ass taking up the spot where they thought Asmo should be.
They go back to their room willingly, dejected and maybe a little scarred... Apparently they were just too late to the party...
Okay, everything about Beel screams “Hello! I’m a warm comforting teddy bear!”...aside from the hungry parts. It’s really not hard to see why they’d want to go to him if they’re feeling a little vulnerable.
They didn't worry too much about being quiet when they walked into the twins' room. Belphie could sleep through a rock concert and Beel wasn't too far behind him (as long as he wasn't hungry).
They figured that the tall twin wouldn't mind too much if they just crawled into bed with him… He had make a similar request of them before, it was only fair right?
As they were preparing their tired body for a good night's sleep, they gently pulled the covers back next to Beel but they probably weren't expecting to find so many food wrappers surrounding him… or bags of chips… or packages of cookies… or-
Apparently Beel had yet another sleep-eating run and this time he seemed to have brought the whole kitchen back with him. There was hardly enough room left for Beel anymore, let alone the MC!
Considering their options were to either wedge themselves between a havoc roast and a bag of jerky or just brave one more night on their own, they cut their losses early and went back to their own bed...
They didn’t have to know Belphie since Day One of being there to pick up on how hard he slept. The man was pretty much in a coma for most of the day and that included his nightly rests too. Would he even notice if they… per say… slipped into bed with him to get a little comfort from their nightmares? Surely, he’d stay asleep, right?
When they didn't see his sleeping form in the room he shared with Beel, the MC eventually found Belphie up in the attic room. His little hideaway with a plush-ass bed to boot.
They didn’t bother being quiet at all. They figured that Belphie could have stayed under for anything short of banging pots and pans in his ears so why try to mask their footsteps?
They never expected him to be awake. 😰
The moment they lifted the covers, Belphie struck like some kind of blanket crocodile! He grabbed them by the waist and dragged them into the spot of the bed right under him with a impish grin on his face.
Turns out they weren't the only ones having sleeping problems that night and as they felt the full weight of his worn out body settle in nicely up against theirs they knew that maybe, finally, they'd get a good night's sleep… 🤭
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revengeisourlullaby · 3 years
If I Never Knew You Pt.1
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Pt.2   Pt.3   Pt.4   Pt.5   Pt.6
Warnings: 18+, eventual smut, arranged marriage plot, kinda royal au, some fighting, secret relationship, angst.
a/n: This is going to be a six part series. I’ve never done a series before, but I write so much anyway I thought why not make one. I’ll probably upload each part daily unless there is demand for them to come faster. I hope you enjoy. Requests/asks will be open if you wanna send smth to me! Although I will admit I am kinda slow in finishing requests. I have a lot to balance in my life so my apologies if I don’t get to them immediately!  
Word count: 1.8K
Loki x female!reader 
The sun shone through the window of your home, the golden rays warming up your cheeks and waking you from your slumber. Sitting up, you stretched, feeling the sleep vibrate out of your body. Tossing the sheets off your body, you swung your legs out of the bed and walked to the bathroom to begin your morning routine. Finishing with tending to the mass of hair on your head you trailed back into your bedroom to change into clothes appropriate for the day. An array of dresses always leaving you indecisive about what to wear.
Settling on an olive green one you walked towards the mirror and fastened the ties around the back of your neck. The loose sleeves draped over your shoulders, cascading down your back, and gold accents adorning the neckline. Finding your shoes, you slipped out of your bedroom, closing the door behind you, and walked down the hallway, the chatter of your family becoming more clear as you near the entrance of the main room. 
 “Good morning, mother. Father.”
It seemed you had slept in quite a bit, given your parents already eating breakfast. Your mother piped up
“There’s a portion left for you on the counter, my dear.”
Eying the food you decided you weren’t all that hungry yet. You had just woken up and your body had yet to settle. Declining, you grabbed your satchel and began to walk towards the door.
“But Y/N, you should really eat something before starting your day.”
“I’ll be fine, Mom. I promise. I’m just not that hungry right now. I’ll eat when I get back.”
Finally reaching the door, your father chimed in,
“You know, Y/N, just because you try to avoid the obvious, doesn’t mean it’s going to go away any sooner.”
Dropping your head, you sighed. You couldn’t seem to escape the duties of being a young woman in a world where royal obligations were something you were expected to partake in. Upon reaching the age of 18, you were supposed to be on the lookout for a decent suitor of a husband. The fact of the matter was, you were now approaching 22 and had yet to find someone acceptable, not only by your standards but by your parents. 
For this uniting of peoples would also be a uniting of families. You had until your 21st birthday to find a man suitable to everyone's liking and if you didn’t, arranged marriage was the next option. No one wanted to be known as the woman in Asgard who couldn’t get a man to offer his hand in marriage, yet here you were in all your glory. It was frustrating. 
If only they knew. 
“I know, Dad. Things are a little bit harder when I have to seek my parents' approval for my marriage.”
Your tone became short, frustrated at the entire situation. You already had someone, for a while now actually, but you hadn’t the guts to inform your parents because you knew they would shut him down. So you loved in silence. It was more than painful, not being able to be truly open with your lover, but you had yet to find the right time to pour out your heart to your family. Taking a deep breath, your grounded yourself and turned towards the door,
“I’ll be back later, I love you.”
Your mom got to responding before your father did,
“We love you too dear. Make sure to pay attention to who you’re around. Be safe.”
Smiling lightly you finally walked out the door and stepped into the fresh air that was Asgard. It never got old. The scent of the trees and freshwater that surrounded this place sent one into such serenity. Just being outside could allow your mind to drift elsewhere and forget about the troubles in your life. Walking as far as you could from your home you spaced out in the direction you were going. 
Coming back to when you accidentally kicked a pebble across the ground. Looking up you found yourself in one of the many gardens that surrounded Asgard. Walking to a marble bench, you scrunched up some of your dress in your hands, folding one leg under you before sitting atop it. Crossing your other leg across it and letting the fabric of your dress fall to the ground. 
Pulling your satchel into your lap, you grabbed your journal out of it and began to sketch the garden in front of you. Paying special attention to the detail of the flowers, wanting to make sure you entirely captured the essence of their beauty on paper. Lost in concentration, you failed to hear the footsteps approaching behind you. It wasn’t until you felt a hand rub small circles into your shoulder that you turned around. 
Hair fell in your face, obscuring your view of who was in front of you. Bringing your hand up to place your hair away from your face you dropped your pen on the ground. You went to reach for it, but a separate pair of hands grabbed it first.
“You seem to be quite the mess today, my darling.”
A genuine smile stretched across your features before looking up into the enchanting blue of his eyes. 
“Loki, hi! What are you doing out here?”
Sitting down next to you, careful to avoid your dress he spoke,
“Well, I was informed that a beautiful lady was sitting in the garden in front of the palace so of course, I had to go inspect the situation. And upon seeing a stunning shade of green draped over the bench, I had to introduce myself.” 
An airy laugh left your throat, blithe being showcased across your being.
“If I didn’t know any better, it sounds like you fancy this beautiful woman.”
“How could I not? Her beauty extends beyond the physical. She's incredibly intelligent and the only one to unconditionally show kindness and love to those who deserve it. It’d be incredibly injudicious of me to not be aware of that.”
“Alright, alright Loki, you’ve buttered me up enough.” you chuckled
“It’s never enough, darling. And it’s not buttering you up if it’s true, which it is. So, against your wishes, I shall continue to do it.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled. Looking down at his hands, you placed yours on top of his and gazed into his eyes once more. Glancing down to his lips and back up to his eyes, you slowly leaned in, Loki meeting you halfway. A kiss so tender you forgot it was Loki whose lips were tangled in a dance with your own. 
Loki moved his hand out from underneath yours and placed it on your cheek. You pulled away from the kiss and nestled your head into his hand, his thumb caressing your cheek allowing you to relish in the moment of being with each other. Flashing your eyes back up to his you asked,
“Shall we go for a walk?”
“Why not?”
Stuffing your journal and pen back into your satchel you untangled your legs and got up from the bench, Loki helping you stand up so that you didn’t trip on your dress. Taking your hand in his own, you two walked through the garden on a path that would eventually lead you to the entrance of the palace. 
“I’ve missed you Loki. I always miss you, I hate being away from you.”
“I know my love, I do as well, but you of all people know our predicament.”
You stopped in your tracks and turned in haste to stop him as well, making him face you. You brought both your hands up to cup his face, an idea flashing bright behind your eyes,
“Well, maybe we can change it! We can be the change to get rid of this stupid rule. I can’t imagine my life without you Loki. I don’t want to have to share my world with someone else. It’s only ever going to be you.” 
Bringing his hands up to your wrists, he looked deep into your eyes, sorrow and hope swimming behind his facial features. 
“Maybe we can, although we have to prepare for the worst...but that doesn't mean we can’t try.”
Giving a small smile, he moved his hands to the back of your head, thumb caressing your temple, and leaned in to kiss you. Giving you all the reassurance you could’ve asked for. Pulling away from each other you continued down the path hand in hand. Closing your eyes you took a deep breath, serenity washing over you. 
Opening your eyes, you realized you were closing in on the front of the palace meaning you would now be in the public eye and the last thing you wanted was more gossip to fall upon you. Looking at your lover, you stopped walking, halting him in his tracks. Forcing him to turn around and look at you.
“What is it?”
You sighed, suddenly being overcome with emotion.
“Well, if we walked any further, everyone would see us and I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble for you…”
“...Trouble? For me?”
Loki scoffed, his signature smirk following.
“Love, all I’m known for is for causing trouble, I wouldn’t mind another notch on my belt.”
You were hesitant. You loved Loki and you knew your feelings were reciprocated through him, but it was difficult breaking from the chains of what you ‘were supposed to do’. It left you in such dissonance and yet you felt in your heart to rebel so fiercely that Asgard would immortalize your change. Your silence alerted Loki and he spoke again,
“Y/N, if we are to ever make any sort of change we cannot hide in the shadows anymore. We cannot separate and scatter like roaches when the light is shined upon us. We must bask in it. That is the only way we can possibly aspire to reach our goal of loving one another in true fulfillment.”
“You’re right.”
“I always am.”
You placed your hand back in his and Loki smiled down at you. 
“Ready to have the target on your back, Y/N?”
“As long as you’re by my side, I can handle anything.”
Walking out of the secluded area of the garden, you finally stepped into the light. For the first time in the last year being open about your courtship with Loki. Asgard’s God of Mischief and your parent’s worst nightmare. You felt armored for anything to be hurled in your direction with Loki was by your side and always would be. 
The anxiety of it all had yet to drain from your bones and you couldn’t help but draft up ‘what ifs’ in your head. As if Loki was scavenging through your brain, he gave your hand an inspiriting squeeze, bringing you back into your body and out of your head. If only you knew how the whispers of your choice in partnership would rain the fires of hell all too soon.
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 8
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 8 - This Venerable One Gets Punished
Mo Ran lay in bed like a dead fish for three days. Just as his wounds started to heal, he was summoned to Red Lotus Pavilion to do manual labour.
This was also part of his punishment. During the punishment period, Mo Ran couldn't go down the mountain, but he also couldn't just laze around. So he had to help out the sect and do some drudgery.
Generally speaking, these errands were things like: helping the cafeteria lady at Mengpo Hall wash the dishes, scrubbing the three hundred and sixty-five stone lions on the pillars of the Naihe Bridge, transcribing extremely boring archive files, and so on.
But what kind of place was Red Lotus Pavilion? It was the residence of that bastard Chu Wanning, known as the cursed place called Red Lotus Hell.
Few people in Life-Death Peak had been there, and everyone who had been there left with either their legs or their arms broken.
Therefore, in addition to Red Lotus Hell, Chu Wanning's bedroom had a more grounded nickname: Broken Leg Pavilion.
There was an inside joke circulating around the sect: "The Pavilion hides a beauty, and the beauty holds Tianwen. Enter the gate of broken legs, know the suffering of getting your legs broken. If you want your meridians broken, go to the Elder Yuheng."
There was once a female disciple who wasn't afraid of death. She was bold enough to lust after Elder Yuheng's beauty. Taking advantage of the dark night and high winds, she sneaked to the Southern Peak and climbed onto the eaves, intending to watch the Elder bathe and strip his clothes.
As you can imagine, the female warrior was beaten within an inch of death by Tianwen, crying for her father and calling her mother, and lay in bed for no less than a hundred days.
And Chu Wanning also declared that, if anyone else dared to commit another crime, he would carve out the eyes of the perpetrator himself.
Do you see? What complete nonsense! What puzzling behaviour! What a heinous man!
Within the sect, there used to be innocent silly girls who thought that, because they were women, Elder Yuheng would pity them and show compassion. They were always laughing and joking in front of him, trying to attract his attention. But ever since the elder whipped that one female hooligan, no one dared to hit on him anymore.
To Elder Yuheng, whether it was men or women, he didn't have the disposition of a gentleman. Other than a good-looking face, there was nothing redeeming about him - this was how Chu Wanning was viewed by the disciples of this sect.
The junior brother who had delivered the summons looked at Mo Ran with sympathy. He tried to stay quiet, but in the end, couldn't hold it back: "Brother Mo. . ."
". . . Elder Yuheng has such a bad temper. No one who went to the Red Lotus Water Pavilion came out able to stand. Maybe you could see if you could say your wounds haven't healed and beg Yuheng Elder to let you wash dishes instead?"
Mo Ran was very grateful for this junior brother's bodhisattva heart, but he didn't agree.
Beg Chu Wanning?
Forget it. He doesn't need to get beaten by Tianwen a second time.
So he strenuously put on his clothes, dragged his feet, and walked reluctantly to Life-Death Peak's southern peak.
Red Lotus Pavilion, Red Lotus Hell. There wasn't a single person in sight for a hundred li around Chu Wanning's residence.
No one wanted to go close to his residence. Chu Wanning's bad taste and uncertain personality made everyone in the sect stay far away from him.
Mo Ran was a bit nervous. He didn't know what Chu Wanning would make him do as punishment. His thoughts ran wild the whole trip to the southern peak. After passing through the dense bamboo groves, large swathes of beautiful red lotus came into view.
It was early morning, the sun rising from the east, reflecting a splendid shine on the horizon. The red lotus stalks in the pond stretched towards the flaming clouds in the sky, complementing each other; magnificent. At the edge of the pond, a curved zig-zag bridge led to the pavilion standing in serene silence. Behind it was a curtain of waterfalls streaming down the mountain, the fine crystal water droplets raining against the rocks at the bottom. The watery mist created by it evaporated into the air, light gleaming through the fog, creating a sense of enchanting tranquillity.
This is what Mo Ran thought about this:
Wherever Chu Wanning lived, no matter how beautiful it was, would always be gross to him!
Just look at it, so arrogantly extravagant, a true waste of extravagance, in fact. The disciples’ dorms are all closely connected to each other and they don't take up much surface area. And then there's the mighty Elder Yuheng, who occupies a whole mountain by himself. He even dug three large ponds and filled them with lotus flowers. Although, these lotus flowers are special varieties and can be refined into immortal medicine, but—
This is getting off track, the place was not pleasing to the eye. He wished he could burn down Broken Leg Pavilion with his torch!
All he could ever do was silently criticize this place. Given that he was only sixteen* this year, he was no match for Chu Wanning. Mo Ran showed up outside Chu Wanning's residence regardless. He stood at the door, squinted his eyes, and put on a sickeningly sweet demure, pretending to be the ideal disciple.
*(T/N The original text flips between all these ages. Mo Ran is just guessing how old he is so that's why it keeps going to 14/15/16)
"Disciple Mo Ran here to greet his master."
"Yes, come in."
The room was chaotic and disorganized. The cold-blooded demon Chu Wanning was dressed in a white robe. The lapels were folded high and tightly, giving off an air of purity and abstinence. Today, he had his hair in a high ponytail, covered with a black metal hair ring. He sat on the ground fiddling with a bunch of mechanical parts, biting a pen he had in his mouth.
Casually glancing at Mo Ran, with the pen still in his mouth, he said vaguely: "Come here."
Mo Ran approached him.
It was no easy feat. Considering there were no benches or tables in this room, artwork and metal broken wood were scattered everywhere.
Mo Ran's brows twitched. He had never entered Chu Wanning's room in his previous life, and he had no idea that this well-dressed beautiful man lived in such a mess. . . He was at a loss for words.
"Master, what is this?"
"Night Wanderer."
Chu Wanning was a little impatient, probably because it was inconvenient to speak with a pen in his mouth: "Night Wanderer."
Mo Ran silently glanced at the mess of parts on the ground.
His master was hailed as Shizun Chu, and it wasn't just out of vanity. Speaking honestly, Chu Wanning was a very powerful man. Whether it is his three god-grade weapons, his cultivation techniques, or his machine-building skills, he was clearly worthy of being defined by four words: "the peak of excellence". This was also the reason why he had such a bad temper and was so difficult to serve, but the major cultivation sects still tried to fight over him for those skill.
Regarding the "Night Wanderer", the reborn Mo Ran was well aware of it.
It was a kind of machine made by Chu Wanning, cheap to make but had strong combat power. It can guard the ordinary people in the lower cultivation world from ghosts and demons at night.
In his previous life, the well-made Night Wanderer had almost become a must-have machine for every household. The price of one was equivalent to a broom, and the effect was much easier to handle than the Grinning Door God.
After Chu Wanning died, those Night Wanderers still guarded the poor families who couldn't afford a high-level cultivator. This compassionate heart, coupled with Chu Wanning's affection for his disciples. . . hehe, it really makes Mo Ran despise him.
Mo Ran sat down and looked at the "Night Wanderer" which was just a bunch of parts at this time, and the past flashed through his mind. He couldn't help picking up one of the Night Wanderer's limbs and grasped it in his hand for a closer look.
Chu Wanning clipped a few components, finally freeing his hands. He took the pen out of his mouth and glared at Mo Ran: "That one was just finished with tung oil, don't touch it."
"Oh. . ." Mo Ran put down the machine. He put his fake smile back on still looking cute and completely harmless. He asked with a smile, "Shizun summoned me here, are you planning to let me help?"
Chu Wanning hummed: "Mm."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Clean up the house."
Mo Ran's smile froze. He looked around at the room that looked like it had been hit by an earthquake: ". . ."
Chu Wanning was a genius in immortal cultivation and an idiot in life.
After picking up the fifth broken teacup that had never been swept up, Mo Ran finally couldn't stand it: "Shizun, when was the last time you cleaned your house? My god, it's so messy!"
Chu Wanning was looking at his drawings, and didn't look up when Mo Ran spoke to him: "Almost a year."
Mo Ran: ". . ."
"Where do you usually sleep?"
"What?" There must be something wrong with the drawing. Chu Wanning was upset and looked even more impatient than usual. He rubbed his head and replied in a huff, "Of course it's the bed."
Mo Ran glanced at the bed. It was piled with all kinds of machines that had been mostly completed, as well as a bunch of tools such as saws, axes, files, and so on.
Seriously, how did this man sleep without cutting his own head off?
After working for most of the day, the sawdust on the floor had filled three dustpans, and the white towel that had wiped down the bookcase was ten times more black. By noon, he had only cleaned about half.
Fuck Chu Wanning, this person is really more poisonous than a leeching woman.
Cleaning a room didn't seem like much of a punishment, it didn't really seem like hard work, but who knew that it was such a ghastly place that hadn't been touched in a year? Not to mention that he was covered with wound. Even if he was healthy now, he could shorten his lifespan by half going through all of this!
"Shizun. . ."
"Your pile of clothes. . ." They'd been stacked there for about three months.
Chu Wanning finally got one of Night Wanderer's arms attached. He rubbed his sore shoulder, looked up at the robes on the suitcase, and said coldly: "I wash them myself."
Mo Ran was relieved. Thank goodness. But he was still a little curious: "Really? Shizun can wash clothes?"
Chu Wanning glanced at him, and after a while, coldly said: "What's so hard about it? Throw them in water, soak them, take them out, and dry them."
". . ." After hearing this, he really didn't know any girl who would keep lusting after Chu Wanning. Mo Ran truly thought that it would break the hearts of dozen of women to find out how disgusting this man really was.
"It's getting late. You can accompany me to the dining hall and finish the rest when you get back."
There were people coming and going from Meng Po Hall, and the Life-Death Peak disciples were eating together. Chu Wanning grabbed a lacquered wooden tray, took a few dishes and sat in the corner silently.
From where he was, no one sat within twenty feet of him.
No one dared to sit too close to Elder Yuheng, for fear that he would get upset, and they would get a lashing from Tianwen. Chu Wanning himself actually knew about this, but he didn't mind. A cold beauty sat there, gently eating the food in the bowl.
But today wasn't like usual.
Mo Ran was brought by him, so naturally he had to follow him.
Others are afraid of him. So was Mo Ran, but he had already died once, so Chu Wanning was nothing in comparison.
Especially after the fear of first seeing him had subsided, the hatred of Chu Wanning from his previous life slowly emerged. So what if Chu Wanning was powerful? In his last life, he still died by his hands.
Mo Ran sat down in front of him, calmly chewing the sweet and sour pork ribs in the bowl. He crunched on the bones then spit them out into a pile.
Chu Wanning suddenly slammed down his chopsticks.
Mo Ran stopped for a moment.
". . . Can you stop eating with your mouth open?"
"I chew the bones, how am I supposed to do that with my mouth closed?"
"Then don't eat the bones."
"But I like to eat the bones."
"Eat around them."
The two quarreling voices grew louder and louder, and some disciples were already peeping at them.
Mo Ran fought the urge to throw the rice bowl over Chu Wanning's head. He pursed his lips, and after a while, he narrowed his eyes, and a sweet smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.
"Shizun, don't shout so loudly. Others might hear, won't they laugh at us?"
Chu Wanning has always been thin-skinned, and his voice really softened. He whispered: "Get out."
Mo Ran burst out laughing.
Chu Wanning: ". . ."
"Hey, Shizun, don't stare at me. Come on, let's eat. I'll try to be quiet."
Mo Ran had laughed enough and started playing nice again, the sound of his chewing much softer.
Chu Wanning gradually went back to gently eating. Seeing that Mo Ran was bring obedient, his face slightly relaxed, no longer looking so bitter and upset. He lowered his head, eating his green beans and tofu with grace.
After a long pause, Mo Ran started to do it again.
He didn't know what was wrong with him. In summary, seeing Chu Wanning in this life, he wanted to make a fool of himself and do whatever he could to make him angry.
So Chu Waning found that although Mo Ran did not chew loudly this time, he began to grab the ribs with his hands and eat them, sloppily eating with greasy hands and sauce-covered fingers.
Chu Wanning's blue forehead vein popped. Endure it.
He lowered his eyelashes. He didn't look at Mo Ran, and focused on his own meal.
Mo Ran didn't know if he had gotten too carefree or forgetful while eating, but he accidentally threw one of the gnawed bones into Chu Wanning's rice bowl.
Chu Wanning stared at the messy and hideous rib bone, and the surrounding air so condensed and frozen it was visible to the naked eye.
"Mo Ran. . . !!!"
"Shizun. . ." Mo Ran was quite frightened. He wasn't sure whether what he said sounded true or fake. "That. . . Uh, I didn't mean it."
Probably fake.
". . ."
"Don't be angry, I'll take it out for you."
He really stretched out his chopsticks, stuck them into Chu Wanning's bowl, and quickly picked out the bone.
Chu Wanning's face was pale, like he was about to vomit.
Mo Ran batted his eyelashes, and there was a pitiful grievance on his delicate face: "Shizun, do you dislike me?"
". . ."
"Shizun, I'm sorry."
It was just that.
Chu Wanning thought to himself: Why do you need to be restrained with the junior disciples?
He gave up the urge to summon Tianwen to hit Mo Ran. His appetite was gone, and he got up and said: "I'm full."
"What? Is that all you're going to eat? Shizun, you've barely touched your food."
Chu Wanning brushed him off: "I'm not hungry."
Mo Ran's heart felt like it was as joyful as a flower, and he still sweetly said: "Then I won't eat it anymore. We can go back to Red Lotus Hell - ehem, go back to Red Lotus Pavilion."
Chu Wanning narrowed his eyes: "We?" There was a mockery in his eyes, and then said, "Who is the other person you're talking about? Disciples and their Shizun have respectable relationships and you will address me in the proper manner."
Mo Ran carefully kept his expression, his eyes curled up with a smile, well-behaved, sensible and cute.
However, in his heart he was thinking: Respectful relationship? Proper manner?
Hehe, if Chu Wanning could know what happened in his previous life, he would know - in the end, Mo Weiyu was the only one deserving of respect in the world.
No matter how noble and arrogant Chu Waning was, he was still a piece of mud under his boot. Didn't he depend on Mo Ran's good will to survive?
Stepping quickly to keep up with his shizun's pace, Mo Ran still had a bright smile on his face.
If Shi Mei was the white moonlight in his heart, Chu Wanning was the broken fishbone stuck in his throat. He needed crush this thorn or swallow it, and it will corrode away in his stomach.
In short, during this new life, he could spare whoever he wanted.
But he would never spare Chu Wanning.
However, Chu Wanning didn't seem to want to spare him so easily.
Mo Ran stood in front of the library in Red Lotus Hell, looking at fifty rows of ten-story bookshelves, thinking that he must have heard wrong.
"Shizun, what did you say. . .?"
Chu Wanning replied lightly: "Dust all the books in here."
". . ."
"After dusting, catalogue them."
"I will check back tomorrow morning."
What!!! Was he supposed to stay overnight in Red Lotus Hell??
But he had planned to meet with Shi Mei, and even asked Shimei to change his medicine at night!!!
He opened his mouth to plead his case, but Chu Wanning didn't bother paying attention to him. With a wave of his wide sleeves, and turned to exit the library, and, incidentally, closed the door of the library in a haughty manner.
Mo Ran, who's date had been ruined, sat in his boiling hatred of Chu Wanning - he wanted to burn all Chu Wanning's books!!
After thinking it over, he thought of something even worse. . .
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andraaste · 3 years
I am not your enemy - Lance fanfiction part 17
This is finally chapter 17 ! I'm so sorry for the wait and hope you enjoy it !! Good summer to all of you 🌴🐉
Chapter 17 : I’ll personally take care of making him understand that you belong to me
- Ophelia !
I opened my eyes sharply.
Stretched out full length on the mattress, my back sticking unpleasantly to the fabric of my top, I stared at the black ceiling to come to my senses, my jerky breathing breaking the serene silence of the night.
What the hell was going on ?
My heart rate pounding wildly, I felt like I had run a marathon as my chest heaved with frenzy as the images of this incomprehensible dream circled in my head.
It was him, I was sure. I had seen him, his face so young, evolving through different scenes from his past. Seeing him like that had confused me. Proud, playful, oblivious to his surroundings, he was a whole different person from the one I knew now. But ... I had also known him that way. Strange as it may sound, Lance had been my first support when I arrived at HQ. The rest of the story was unfortunately only inglorious.
Especially when I thought back to my buried feelings.
Except that this dream, was it really one ? The little girl had conjured up the deepest memories of the last of the dragons, but what did that mean ? And above all, why ?
My gaze was caught by something that seemed to escape my parted lips. My eyes widened, I watched in amazement as tiny ice crystals smeared the air around the edge of my mouth. When I realized what this implied, my breathing quickened again and very soon, I thought I recognized the light cold breath that the dragon had made me experience a few days earlier.
No, it wasn’t possible.
I shouldn't be able to develop Lance's powers without his presence ... right ?
Straightening up on my bed, I was leaning on my right arm when a strange sensation took hold of me. Slowly lifting my sleeve over my shoulder, I was speechless when I saw the dragon's familiar icy welts as he let them roam my body. Except that for that, we had always needed a physical contact, it was the very reason which had made us discover this phenomenon.
Fascinated, I let my fingers run over the thin blue lines that cornered my skin. I had the strange sensation of feeling him brush against my arm.
My hand immediately tightened on my flesh when something came back to me.
That night, when I had been in his memories, if that had really been the case, Lance and I had brushed against each other in the Crystal Room. By the time our arms had made contact, I was sure the young man had reacted, seeming to be looking for me without actually being able to see me.
But how could he have felt me ​​physically if what I had seen were memories, moreover of which I wasn’t a part ? Raising my arm to my face, I felt the adrenaline slow down. I had to leave these questions hanging.
At least until daybreak.
As soon as the sun shines, I got up to take a shower, hoping to chase away even a few moments the images of those dreams that had haunted me all the rest of the night. I finally didn’t manage to fall asleep again and it was with more than deep circles that I headed for the shared showers.
As soon as I left my room, I was surprised to find a very early-morning Nevra who was also visibly leaving his den, his door being a few meters away from mine.
When he saw me, the vampire raised his eyebrows in surprise before giving me a slight mocking smile.
- I know one who didn't sleep very well.
Great. I rubbed a hand over my tired eyes, hoping to regain my composure.
- Not so much, indeed. Is it showing that much ?
- Well, not that you look less in shape than usual, that would be complicated, but you seem rather tired yes, he said to me without being able to hold back a laugh at my annoyed expression. But you still look very pretty, don't worry.
Already ready to give him a bloody answer, his last sentence stopped me in my tracks. Damn but what an idiot, why did I feel my cheeks blush ?
Locking my door, I remained resolutely turned towards the wooden door in order to hide my dismay.
- I see that I can count on you to reassure me, in any case, I say while feigning indifference.
I heard his laughter echo between us once again.
- You know I'm a trustworthy person.
Without realizing it, I began to smile in turn. I loved the rare moments in which he forgot his cold mask of the right arm of the Sparkling.
- By the way ... he began, his gaze suddenly fleeing, seeming to hesitate on how he was going to phrase the rest. Have you been better since the other night ? I worried a lot, I didn't understand what happened. Eweleïn only told me that she already knew about it and that she was monitoring your condition closely.
- Oh, yes ... I'm so sorry for what happened and I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble. But I think I’ve nothing left. I wanted to thank you for taking care of me, I don't know what ...
- Don't talk nonsense, he cut me off. Maybe I was stupid to you, but I certainly wasn't going to leave you like this.
Running a hand through his hair, I saw concern grow on his face, so often marble.
- And I don't want to sound intrusive, but you'll have to explain to me what happened. I’ve never seen anything like it happen.
His eye, similar in color to mine, observed me so intently that I couldn't bring myself to lie to him.
- Okay, I'll explain it to you, I whispered. Just give me a little time.
- Good, he smiles at me before recovering quickly. With all this, I was almost going to fail in my task. Huang Hua would like you to attend the next Sparkling meeting.
I stared at him for several seconds, not knowing how to react.
- Huang Hua wants to send me on a mission ?
His lips twitched slightly.
- I can’t tell you more at the moment, but I don’t hide from you that it doesn’t enchant me very much considering what happened to you the last time we saw each other.
- Nevra…
I no longer knew on which foot to dance with him. Since our discussion, I had the impression that a lot of things had changed between us but I didn’t know how to perceive them.
- The meeting will take place in an hour in the Council room, don't be late.
The vampire dismissed me without giving me time to answer anything.
Excited at the prospect of potentially taking part in a future mission, I showered in fourth gear, almost forgetting what had happened that night. But it was the lump in my stomach that I knocked on the front door that I had only borrowed a few times.
Opening the door cautiously, I entered the majestic room. I could not restrain my gaze from browsing the large tree which stood proudly between these walls, the immense window which overlooked the gardens of the HQ or the immense prostrate table in the center of the room. I hadn’t often had the opportunity to enter here, but each time I was amazed by what was hiding there.
It was mind blowing.
It was only after my little inspection of the premises that I became aware of the people already here. Facing the large window, Huang Hua stood erect, arms crossed, staring into space. Her tanned skin bathed in natural light caught my gaze of admiration as her fine features turned to me as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Her warm gaze relaxed me immediately.
- Andraste, there you are ! she said to me with a smile of genuine astonishment. Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to see you lately, how are you ? I’ve been kept informed of your condition…
I stood stunned for a few seconds at the warmth and sincerity I could read in her at that moment. Since when hadn't I seen her like that ?
- It's going much better, thank you. If that's any reassurance, my back seems perfectly healed. Well, for now, I added with a wry laugh.
Until my wings decide once again to do what they want, I hear.
- You see me delighted, I hope we can discuss a little more calmly later, you and me.
Pointing me to the seats, she added :
- Please sit down.
Let my gaze slide over the people seated in front of the huge table. Surprisingly, I recognized Leiftan, Mathieu and Koori very close to me. I wasn't the only guest, which relieved me. I also like almost all of the Sparkling members.
All except two of them, who were visibly missing.
Pulling the first seat I could find, I settled myself between the kitsune and Chrome. The big wolf smile fills my whole field of vision.
- Hi Andraste! You're going to attend your first Sparkling reunion, I'm super happy, he said while pointing out his canines.
My smile widens automatically in the face of his good humor.
- Hi Chrome, I'm happy too ! But still a little stressed, I won't hide it from you.
- Don't worry, everything will be fine.
The large door opened again, letting in the two missing limbs. My heart raced even more when the two men sat down in front of me.
- Perfect. Lance, Nevra, we were just waiting for you to begin, Huang Hua announced. As you know, several strange phenomena have occurred in recent months, the barrier between Earth and Eldarya has never been thinner. Several people have reported to us the sudden appearance of a building in the middle of the lands of Genkaku.
Without understanding why, I felt Koori tense up at hearing that name.
- Andraste, Nevra told me about an important point.
The vampire spoke in turn.
- Seven years ago, you told me about very tall human buildings in which people lived or worked. Heum...
- Are you talking about buildings ? I stopped him. Are you saying that a building has appeared on Eldarya ?
I couldn't believe my ears, it wasn't possible. How could a building have landed here ? What if people were inside ?
Mathieu and I gave each other a horrified look. It really didn't bode well.
- Exactly, he concluded. Nothing like this has ever been reported between our two worlds but we have to make sure that it’s indeed a human building. That's why we would need Mathieu and you to go there. Obviously, you’ll be accompanied by other members of the Guard.
Turning to the kitsune, Nevra added :
- Koori, we’ll also need your presence. You’re the only one here who knows the lands of Genkaku.
- Yes, I understand. You can count on me...
The face of the leader of the Sparkling clouded with a compassionate expression.
- I'm sorry to ask you this, I know it won't be easy for you, but we can only count on your presence to guide them in these lands.
- I know Huang Hua. There’s no problem, I’ll accompany you.
- As far as Tenjin is concerned, we'll have to be careful, Lance continued. He’s bound to learn for our coming and we will probably not be welcome.
When the dragon spoke, everyone seemed to be listening to him with some form of respect. I was fascinated by the presence that saw him unconsciously.
It had been two days since the dragon and I had seen each other, the latter being too busy with the upcoming mission departure and his duties as Chief of the Guard. I hadn't had a chance to tell him about my dream, and actually didn't even know whether to tell him about it or not. Knowing him here made me nervous and hearing his voice made my stomach contract. The last time we saw each other was in his bed…
Red rose to my cheeks once again when his gaze brushed mine. I couldn't tear myself away from him for several seconds.
- Lance is right, Tenjin is our main obstacle to getting to the kitsune lands of Genkaku, the vampire said. He's unstable and is very likely to come after us when he sees Koori. That’s why I’m accompanying you as well. It’s rare that we send multiple Guard Chiefs, but this mission’s likely to be more perilous than the usual ones.
Turning to the aengel in his turn, he added, his face suddenly darker :
- I hope we can count on you. You are an outstanding navigator and your abilities have been proven to us more than once. Finally, if you want to stop your « redemption ».
Leiftan clenched his teeth at this last remark, the tension was most palpable between the two men.
- Nevra, we already talked about this. If you have things to settle with Leiftan, it’ll be within the framework of the private one, said Huang Hua.
- You can count on my presence, but I’ll not use my powers, it’s my only condition.
Nevra was about to reply when the fenghuang stopped him with a wave of her hand.
- Perfect, if everyone agrees, the team for this mission will therefore consist of Nevra, Lance, Koori, Mathieu, Leiftan and Andraste. An objection ?
- None, replied Huang Chu. I hope you’ll come back with some new human study topics, that's all I'm asking.
When the meeting is over, the assembly leaves the room in turn. As I was about to climb the stairs to the exit, the delicate and warm hand of the ancient phoenix grabbed my wrist.
- Andraste, can I talk to you for a moment ?
I nodded while stopping my run.
- Eweleïn kept me informed of your physical and mental state. Do you feel like doing this mission ?
- I think so. To tell the truth, I start to circle around the HQ aimlessly. It’ll do me good to feel really useful and to change horizons, even though I know it won't be easy and even dangerous. I’ve practiced a lot and I manage to reuse my powers a bit, not like before, but they are there. Perhaps, in case of real necessity, they will manifest themselves normally. At least I hope so.
A soft smile lit up her face.
- Very well, I count on you to take care of you and to come back to us safe and sound. Unfortunately, Mathieu and you are the only people able to tell us more about this building, I’ve no choice but to send you there with your agreement, of course.
Plunging into her reassuring gaze, I had the fleeting impression of finding the Huang Hua that I knew.
- There’s nothing to worry about. Anyway, I'll be well surrounded, I’ve nothing to fear, I said with a smile.
As I closed the door to the Council Chamber behind me, I lost myself in thoughts of this last exchange. Huang Hua confused me without knowing why. Lifting my head, I fell on Lance who seemed to have been waiting for me. With his arms crossed, he pulled himself away from the wall he was leaning against to walk slowly towards me.
- You're not going to be able to get to Genkaku like that.
Puzzled, I raised an eyebrow.
- Can you light my lantern ?
As he approached dangerously, my whole body tensed in anticipation of what he planned to do. I was no longer in control of myself in his presence and that irritated me.
Unexpectedly, he grabbed my arm firmly and turned me around to rest my back against his chest. His lips caressed my ear in his deep voice.
- You are not sufficiently trained in combat and you are far too pretty for Tenjin not to try to keep you to himself. I don’t like it.
- And how do you plan to fix it ? I questioned him, my breath suddenly more choppy.
- Since I can't force you to stay at the HQ, I think I'll have to train you for combat. I'm going to be pretty busy, but I'll find time for your training.
Slowly letting go of my arm, he added :
- For the rest, I’ll personally take care of making him understand that you belong to me.
(Chapter 18)
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