#i just like erik more
3,6-10, 12-22, 24-25
Let the violence commence!
to start with I was like what is violence about this? Now I see Also, going to go with x-men. there are other fandoms that I was mentally thinking about for some of these but i don't want to actually be murdered also, AHHHHH still enjoy asks so much
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Charles dies before Erik of alcohol poisioning. Like there's not comics and movies where he dies of literally everything else first. The man dies at least once a day.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
It's cherik shippers. It's us, let's be honest, I'm sure it is. What other ships are out there?
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Logan. I don't know everyone is like FUCK MAGNETO LOGAN IS THE MEOW MEOW MURDER ERIK and it's like...excuse you. I want to see them fight this out themselves. I mean Erik would win but still.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Charles is a night owl, Erik is up before the sun every morning. I've seen so much of people flipping it or saying Charles is somehow both. I'm sure the telepath doesn't get much sleep but Erik? He doesn't either. Charles just stays up late trying to tire himself out enough to sleep and Erik sleeps until he can't and then he's up and out of bed and it's like 4am.
9. worst part of canon
MOIRA FUCKING MACTAGGART. I was going to say the lack of cherik but i think we've been given that.
10. worst part of fanon
I can't really think of anything. I mean there's the constant nom-powered au that leaves me wondering what Erik's problem is then but it's nothing I have that much of an issue with. More just curious
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I suppose Erik doesn't count? It seems like most of the general population is convinced he's just an evil villain and dislike him. Charles? I mean people seem to have the right ideas. They like Pietro and I'll take that.
13. worst blorboficiation
Going back to logan about this one
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
A negative thing? positive? something I just noticed? no beach divorce. I see that a lot.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
I don't actually see that much fan art. I don't know? Cherik kissing? That seems to be most of what I see
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
The fics based in canon where Charles can just suddenly walk and is fully able-bodied. Like if he's using a cane or walker or something sure, all for that but like post-apocalypse and he's walking or they're on Genosha and it's magic.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Misunderstandings, secret relationships, and insecurity are all tags I start ao3 for almost daily
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Still want more dofp fics where Erik is there as Charles's powers return and sees the pain he seems to be in. Or fics dealing with Erik's mental state after solitary. I can't write them all by myself. Someone help me.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
mpreg is coming to mind. the idea of Charles and Erik having a biological child? Charles pregnant during Cuba and getting Erik to come back that way? OR Erik leaving, realizing he's pregnant, and then coming back to Charles to protect their child? YES
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
Jean Grey.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Honestly, not to keep bringing it up, but still haven't seen the Logan movies
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
It's the little things. Erik saving Charles as they crash on the beach. Paris. The way Charles winces when he sits in Darwin's cab during first class. Oh also "you're always sorry, Charles, and there's always a speech"
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Similarities between Erik and Shaw I think. I hate when people are like "Oh so now you're turning into the man that killed your mother" no, he's not turning into a nazi fuck off. He's making some...decisions. but he's not literally turning into shaw.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
...how bad the last two movies were. Don't get me wrong, they weren't great. They certainly weren't the level of the first class and dofp, but they had their moments. I don't think they were entirely terrible and some people insist they weren't worth the time watching them.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 9 days
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something about first impressions idk
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exhausted-undead · 2 months
drew a quick phantom thing again to break it up a little
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nipuni · 1 year
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Once again I bring you some Eriks 😊
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What the fuck was that
X-men nation I don’t feel so good
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Send help
Edit: Erik’s probably fine btw, no corpse means no death. I hope.
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shierak-inavva · 19 days
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pygmalion forging a deity from flesh and blood
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thischerik · 2 years
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emotional support who
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opera-ghost · 2 years
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x-mensirens · 5 months
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Rogue's complicated history and attachment to Magneto
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 6 months
Me when X-Men ‘97 implies that they will go the Goblin Queen arc with Cyclop’s first wife: Heck, I’m going to be too stressed to watch this.
Me when X-Men ‘97 implies that Magneto and Rogue had and/or will have ambiguously romantic moments:
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sacriou · 6 months
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Autism is my superpower
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xxplastic-cubexx · 10 days
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brain please wake up and draw
bonus :
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delyth88 · 3 days
I'm fascinated with how movie-verse!Charles must have discovered and experimented with his abilities. I imagine he must have started off scared and nervous and then rapidly swung to being cocky and confident when he realises just how much control he has over everyone. He can make them do whatever he wants. He can make them like him, he can make them give him good marks in school when he didn't bother to try, he can make them be nice to Raven.
And then I wonder how long it took for this heady feeling to pass and for him to understand the humanity in each person and realise that he doesn't really want to control anyone after all.
And how easily it could have gone a different way.
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Love the ending (and ONLY the ending) of Dark Phoenix bc it means Charles and Erik don't just get to be old together, they get to grow old together
They get to watch the lines and the wrinkles form on each other's faces; they get to see all of the events that shape those lines, like the way Charles gets a permanent crinkle between his eyebrows from sighing at the prankster students and the way Erik learns to smile so often that he gets proper crow's feet
Charles gets to see Erik's hair go grey, and then white, and he gets to run his fingers through that white hair even when his hands are gnarled and veiny and shake a little bit
They get to play thousands of games of chess together, day in and day out, night after night, until they have difficulty remembering all the rules and they're not as good at planning strategy as they used to be
All of the mutants they help, they get to watch grow up together; they get to see those mutants get married and have children and then they get to see those children grow up as well and neither of them ever has to feel alone again because in finding each other, Erik and Charles started a community that provides them both with more family than they ever imagined having
And eventually they get to die together, within days or weeks of each other, and be buried side by side after having lived the best years of their lives that same way
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kotaka-kun · 5 months
I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt It, but make it japanese and then turn it back into english and you get... this?
this one really got me bc i feel like they took the 'curse you' line too literally and now its giving 'get rekt'? if that makes sense??
Christine: How strange, Fog swirled over the lake, [The] candles flickered, [The] boat moved onwards, There was a man Hidden behind that mask, Whose face is it? Phantom: Wait! What the hell are you doing? You villain! Is this what you want to see? Damn it! I will never forgive you!  Go to hell! I will never ever forgive you! Go to hell! Be cursed! [Though] burned by hellfire With this pathetic appearance, I secretly yearn for beauty  And seek out beautiful things But Christine, My face is ugly and disfigured But my heart is pure Now I dream and yearn  Secretly  For beautiful things Christine... We must go Everyone is waiting for you
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garnet-xx-rose · 5 months
Idk if it’s because of how I’ve curated my feed but I rarely see people shitting on Christine. Any E/C space I’m in is mostly about centering Christine and her satisfaction.
That said, I feel the constant need to warn people that “If you like Erik and Christine as a couple, remember not to have that kind of relationship IRL” is kind of annoying. I get the intention, but people, including young people, aren’t stupid and don’t need constant reminders to not be inspired by their toxic faves.
Like yes girl, I know the Phantom is not a real man. I wish a wealthy, nerdy, musically talented, intelligent old man that lived underground and wanted to help me with my music career was real. But he’s not, so I’m gonna indulge in fiction.
Bless the rest of y’all that get involve in the discourse though. Honestly, could not be me.
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