#i just love the idea of like so you have shit like the yellow sign that's this oh you see it and you are doomed right
miraclemaya · 1 year
delta green scenario, or some other weird horror game, where you are sent in to investigate the mysterious disappearance of some famed writer that is believed to have ties with idk a nyarlathotep cult or something or other, but upon searching their estate, there is no evidence and it seems as if they jsut simply disappeared while working at their desk. a successful search roll reveals a piece of paper that when read makes you do a maybe a Pow roll or a Int roll. on failure, your agent ceases to exist and pops out of reality. on a success, you realize the paper was likely the last thing the writer wrote before seemingly popping out of existence.
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sxorpiomooon · 2 months
How do they feel about you - pac reading
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Pile 1
Pile 1 I'm sorry, the first thing I noticed was that my eyes kept forcing themselves to shut down for some reason it's like when you are thinking about someone and you sort of force yourself not to that's the vibe. I feel as if this person feels like you are walking away from this connection. I want to tell you that you are very brave for making this decision as I can see how stressed you look. Pile 1 might be extremely exhausted I heard "it's time to go" and had a vision of a clock tickling a brown one very light or dark academia core I think it was 9 o clock? I heard "i let go off what no longer serves me". This person has a victim complex they still that they are the victim here, the one who was wronged they are refusing to see the truth it reminds me of the first thing I mentioned while writing this the eye thing. This person self sabotages things and then cries about it. It's like someone is crying with their eyes closed to everyone that they are tied with rope and can't move but they don't realise that they are never tied in the first place. OML im so mad😭😭😭 this person has placed everything in your power I'll tell you what this is the kind of man who would NEVER plan ANY dates or anything and will ALWAYS say "we'll see" etc I'm so mad this person refuses to put any efforts and wants you to do all the WORK and they might also Gaslight you oh my pile 1 you are doing right throw this son of. A bitch away this made me mad too. Also for those who need it, the flower that you guys choose is lotus and the reason why lotus is my favourite flavour is because even while being surrounded by mud, it never loses it's beauty and goodness. I hope you remember that<3
Pile 2
i like this whoever this person is they might be really forgetful air signs if you are asking about a man ooo he good looking might have good eyes but dark circles I'm seeing a dark blue tshirt and very dim yellow lights is this a party no idea a libra is involved anyways this might be a new connection or you guys might be starting a new cycle. Also the second thing I got and I forgot to include was that whenever this person remembers you they might do it in a very pleasant manner it's like a bunch of people talking about you and all a sudden they'll be like "ooooooo xyz? Oh yea they're good they're nice they're very nice i like them" that's the vibe I'm seeing whiskey??? This connection has alot of raw potential only slowly unleashing or revealing itself now, you have the power to take this connection wherever you want it go rn. There are endless possibilities. Apples keep playing in my head SOMEONE STPP IT. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I feel like either they feel like this or its both of your energy but there's something about childhood trauma here I keep hearing something shattering like plates or glasses broken family and disharmony is what I heard. And this person might also think that you might be a loner or someone who just really enjoys their own company I had a vision of painting? I guess this might also be interpreted as this was a connection with alot of potential but past trauma kinda ruined shit for the both of you and if that's the case I'm so sorry to my pile 2
Pile 3
Someone here might speak like singing as in even while saying normal sentences you might say it in a very melodious manner something about singing also had a vision of a takeaway as in the window and vibing alibi started playing YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT UUST HAPPENEDNNOTONCE BUT TWIECE OKAY MY RUMBLR CRASHED OUT OF NOWHERE AND THEN OPENED AND I WAS SVARWD THAT MY 3NTIRE READING WILL BE WASTED BUTBIT GOT RESTORED AND THEN IT HAPPENED AGAIN BUT AGAIN IT WAS RESTORED. Anyways for some of you something might have happened in this connection that destroyed it as in there was so much hope and light which all ended up in darkness for some reason "all this rage was once love" came to my mind and a very nice warming instrumental played in my head. This is a pile for a very few of you, you might be asking for a past connection. I think there is hope however there's also a need to let go off your emotional baggage in order to continue to connection or for anything. This person also feels this way, that you might have walked away or both of you did because of the unreleased trauma. I hope everything works out in your favour pile 3 <3
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mccardswife · 9 months
You are enough
heyy! this is my first one shot so it is not the best but feel free to give any tips!
arsenal wfc x teen!reader
warnings: mentions of violence, bruise, angst, sh, a few cuss words, suicidal thoughts, protective awfc and fluff in the end. Please remind me if I have forgotten some! (don't read if you get triggered)
(not proofread so if any mistakes give me a heads up)
word count: 2144
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Being a 16 year old professional football player is not the easiest thing in the world. Yes, you do what you love everyday but it has its up and downs. I signed for arsenal 3 months ago but I had no idea it would be that difficult. I don't feel like I belong here, all the girls on the team are truly amazing don't get me wrong, but it is so hard living up to the standards. Especially when I am me, just me and only me. I don't feel enough
After my alarm went signaling me to get ready for another day of training, the thought of going to training today dreaded me, and it has for weeks. Silence, I lay in my bed in silence just thinking of all the bad things that can happen today. If you are wondering where my parents are, the truth is. I live alone, yes, alone as a 16 year old in England. My parents has never supported me playing footy, not even when I was little. They wanted me to have a career that was meant for "girls" and not "boys", but that sounded bizarre. Football is for everyone, but they don't seem get that into their head. My parents kicked me out when they found out I signed for Arsenal, we lived in London, but since I got kicked out I had to get an apartment for myself. It was pretty hard but my best friend helped me and I am so grateful thankful for her. I have not told the team about me living alone for 6 months, they would go all protective and wanting to know why but I can't tell them, not yet. I don't want to be judged. Saying to the girls that I got kicked out of home, even thinking about it makes me feel so embarrassed and ashamed of myself.
I lay in bed, in pain. Physically and emotionally. Last night, after I was out grocery shopping I took the metro home as always, when a man probably doubled my age walked over to me. I then realized that it was my father, he dragged me into a corner and asked me if I still was into all that "football shit". I got furious and started whisper shout at him, turned out that was not the best idea. He started going about me being a disgrace to the family, not only the family but the world, that no one is ever going to love me for playing football, and then he punched me right in my cheek. I felt thrilling pain in my face, but he grabbed my wrists hard and said in my face "You useless bitch, no one cares about you and never will".
That sentence goes through my mind over and over again. I was almost impossible to fall asleep last night, because of the pain I was in both physically and emotionally. What my father told me, got to my head and I was thinking. Maybe he was right, I am a disgrace, no one will ever love me, maybe if it would be better if I just disappeared.
Well, well. Got to get up for training and stop thinking. Seriously y/n, get your shit together...
I walked downstairs to the bathroom and got dressed and tried to cover the bruise on my cheek that now has gotten all blue, yellow and purple. It was really painful and very difficult but totally worth it when I was done and I literally could not see a damn thing. Then I did the same to the bruises on my wrists and after I tried to cover up the dark bags under my eyes but that was a bit more of a job.
Suddenly I got the urge, the painful urge. I took the hidden blade from the mirror cabinet and drawed lines on my right arm. One, two, three, four.
Then I looked at the clock. Shit, I thought. The training starts in two hours and we have breakfast together in the dining room an hour before. The metro usually took 30 minutes, I packed my bag in a hurry and left.
When I walked in to the facility I heard two voices yelling my name behind me. Lotte and Alessia walked quickly over to me. "You excited for training?" Alessia asked you. "Yes totally" I said in a lie, I think they saw that I lied because it did not look like they believed me at all. "What about you Less and Lotte?" you said to try getting the attention away from you. It seemed that it worked because they said in sync "Yes". Less and Lotte looked at each other and we giggled.
When we walked in to the dining room, everyone was there. I tried to brush off all the looks I got. Why does everyone look so suspicious today...
"Come here Y/n, sit with us", Leah said after I served myself food. Leah sat with Katie, Kim, Lia, Caitlin, Steph, Beth, Viv and Kyra. I walked nervously over to them and sat down in the seat beside Beth. They started talking and I just sat there quietly eating my food being in my thoughts until Viv said "Y/n, you've been quiet, are you good". They looked at me concerned, "Me? Yes of course Im good, just sat thinking about the upcoming training today". I lied straight through my teeth. "Okay, if you're sure. but you can talk to us though", Caitlin said. I just said a quietly thank you, and then we walked to the locker room and got ready for training.
We started doing some light jog then got into some training drills. I was already sweating, it was surprisingly very sunny outside today and I wore a long sleeve training jersey because of my scars. "Aren't you hot in that", said Jen to me. I just simply shrugged her off saying no.
I was so exhausted, my body is so tired and I really want to lay down. When we had water break I just laid down on the grass. Sweating, I rubbed my face because I was so tired.
Beth and Viv walked over worriedly, they have become my unofficial parents after my transfer to Arsenal. They looked shocked when they saw me. "What" I said in a panicked voice. "Why do you have a big black bruise on your cheek?" Beth said, "And on your wrists?" Viv said. "Is something going on at home?" Viv asked with a knowing look. "No, no of course not, why would you assume that".
After training everyone looked worried and concerned, my passes and shots got sloppier and sloppier, I was hurting more and more. When I was about to leave, Kim, Katie, Leah and Jen cornered me. With Beth and Viv looking guilty behind. They brought me into a private room and they started telling me what Beth and Viv told me. Then all of a sudden Kim said "You know, all the team has been worried and concerned for a while, I can't remember how many times the girls have repeatedly come and talked to me". I looked at her ashamed. "Why do you have bruised?" Katie asked, "I just fell" I said, the lie obvious.
I started scratching because my scars got really itchy, I really wanted to just disappear right there and then. Then Leah grabbed my right wrist softly and pulled up my sleeve, the last thing before I broke down was gasps from the girls. I started trying to make up excuses but none of them were having it, "come with us" said Beth, "We will bring you to the medical room and then we want you to tell us everything". I desperately did not want to but I knew it was no chance of me getting out of this.
When we got to the medical room they put me on one of the beds. My scars were infected, that is why they itched so damn much. Jen was cleaning up my bruises while Kim cleaned up my scars. I know the people who worked here could do it but I did not want them right now, it is bad enough that now the whole team knows.
Leah then said in her stern but soft captain voice "Now tell us everything". I tried to tell her that it was nothing. What Katie said broke me "Please babe, we only want to help you. We know it has been hard for you but please". Then I broke down again, full on shaking and crying. Desperately gasping for air.
I started telling them everything, how my parents are and that they has never supported me once for the choices I have made, that I don't feel like I belong here because I am only me... When I spit out the truth about me living alone for 3 months because my parents kicked me out and that they were abusing me for years before, I saw tears in all of the girls faces. It was a heartbreaking sight. I told them how I ran into my father last night and what he did and said to me and I started sobbing again and saying silently to myself "It is true, what he said. I am a reckless disgrace full kid".
"You are enough y/nn, I promise you babe" Viv said. All of the others agree but I could not help believing my fathers words. "Actually me and Beth have been thinking for a while, we have a spare room and big enough place for 3, and you are like our kid. I am being for real, we love you as our own family. All the team does, but we wondered if you wanted to come live with us?" Viv asked me. I was hesitant and I think Beth saw that because she said "We are not taking no for an answer". I felt a smile creep up on my face and as desperate I was trying to hide it all the others saw and started smiling too. I said to Meadema, "thank you moms". I realized what I said "shit fuck, sorry I did not mean to".
"Y/nn it is okay, you have no idea how glad that made us, you are like our kid" Beth and Viv said.
After a while of me telling them about my thoughts, how I have been feeling for the last weeks, they decided to get me into therapy. We have a therapist at the facility so we agreed to be going to her twice a week. "I am grateful for all of you, I really am but I just feel like a bother" I said quietly.
"No babe stop" Jen said, Katie walked over to me, she took her hands on my head and said "You are enough, a hundred times enough". "You are like a younger sister to me, it breaks me to see you like this, not only me but all of us. We and all the team loves you. You are the baby of the team."
"We will always protect you, and we will get your so called parents locked up." Kim said to me. "Not Viv and Beth but the other parents" Jen said in a playful tone.
"That I understand" I said with a smile of my face.
Leah asked me if she could tell the other girls and the Gaffer, she needed to anyway but it was nice she asked me. I said yes then she walked outside.
A few minutes later they all came in. Kyra, being kind of like my annoying twin ran over to me and hanged on for me for dear life in a bear hug. I started explaining to them a bit more, and reassured them that it was not their fault but my manipulative parents.
I also said that I called Viv and Beth mum and that I am moving in with them and Lessi and Laura said at the same time "about damn time". All the team broke out in laughter.
"I am sorry for not telling you but I feel a thousand times better now after telling you, I have been scared and not felt at home here for a while but telling you and knowing that I can count on you girls will help me. The whole team is kind of like my family I never got and I can't ask for more than that. I am so grateful for all of you, and I love you"
"We love you too y/nn", Leah said with the softest most heartwarming smile ever. "You are our family, blood or not you will always be family" Kim said reassuring.
"Always," Katie said
"And you are enough" the team said lovingly.
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
Synopsis : you were one of the Lin Kuei ninjas, but you were a poorly raised brat, often making Bi Han angry on purpose, so he decided to get back at you along with his brother.
TW: Double penetration, anal sex, vaginal sex, blowjob M!receive, degradation, asphyxiation, saliva, pet names, submission, master!kink, porn plot, smut, nsfw, punishment, afab reader, power play.
A/N: I did this after seeing a horny comment that would fuck these two, so here's this sinful shit for you guys.
Kuai Liang is the lines marked in orange and Bi Han is marked in blue.
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You were thrown hard against the wall of the empty training room, the pain in your back from the impact showed signs immediately, your flesh tingled as you saw the tall figure of Bi Han, your grandmaster, you two didn't get along, Bi Han was the typical brutish and authoritarian leader which made you irritate him with small actions being rebellious with his orders was the main one but this time, even you recognized that you had crossed the line by purposely disrupting a clan mission.
"-I'm tired of this shit (Y/N), you're a fucking brat I've tolerated your behavior for too long." -Bi Han shouts at you, pointing his index finger in your face, obviously he was very angry with you. Soon Kuai Liang also appeared, upset but a little calmer.
"-Calm down Bi Han, I think (Y/N) also made a mistake but let's maintain control and find a punishment that matches the mistake that was made." -Kuai spoke calmly, smiling sideways with a predatory and lustful look at you. "-After all, (Y/N) may be a brat, but he's/she's a cute brat." -He completed by placing his warm, calloused hands on your shoulders, while Bi Han smiled sideways, with an extremely sadistic and dominant look, practically dripping with lust with each step he took towards you.
"-Oh yes, you finally have a good idea Liang, I think I have an idea for you (Y/N)." -Bi Han said, holding your chin, squeezing the flesh of your face. "-You will accept and obey our commands like a good boy/girl right?" -He spoke in an authoritarian tone, with no room for discussion.
Bi Han knelt you down in front of him while Kuai locked the door.
"-You're going to be the fucking little slut you were born to be... Now..." -Bi Han quickly lowered his pants, enough for you to suck him, his dick jumped out of the black fabrics, his veins throbbed and a small, shallow path of hair could be seen below his navel going down to his groin. "-Suck my cock now, like the good slut you are." -Bi Han complemented in a growl, bringing your head to his dick, pushing with all strength and aggression your mouth to his dick, your lips forced themselves to accommodate the salty and musky taste that the grand master's dick had, while Kuai stood behind you, the yellow ninja's fingers traced waves on your pants, making designs on the edges while exposing and teasing your wet pussy, making Liang laugh at the result.
"-Do you get excited this early? I thought you were more of a brat than that (Y/N), you're just a pretty little slut in heat, aren't you?" -Kuai speaks in a murmur, while you saw him take off your pants, fully exposing your pussy.
Bi Han continued to thrust into your mouth, the hard length became even hotter with each erroneous but painful movement he made in your oral cavity, his pink glans hit your throat in a pattern, making you choke and cry with pleasure and pain, the burning of Bi Han's need to achieve his own release using you like this was inexplicably pleasurable but painful, but he didn't care, just smiling as he watched you cry on his dick.
"-You love having my cock in your mouth, don't you? Such a good little slut." -He growled with authority, as he grabbed your head with both hands, the tears that came out of his eyes only drove him to fuck you into oblivion even more.
"-Well, well, well, look at that sweet pussy. Just begging to be fucked, isn't it?" -Kuai Liang says smiling, running his fingers provocatively over your smooth folds, making you shiver. Liang knelt behind you, while using his tongue to pass through your smooth folds, on the outside of your pussy, first teasing your clitoris, he was going to give you pleasure, but he was going to torture you first. You moaned against Bi Han's cock as you felt Liang eat you from the outside with his tongue, but Bi Han didn't let you move a muscle on his cock.
"-That's it, lick me and suck me anyway. You're doing great, my slut." -Bi Han spoke mockingly, pretending to be falsely proud of you, then he felt you suck him harder.
Kuai, getting tired of playing with your pussy on the outside, decided to fuck you another way, with his dick. He took off his pants quickly, while stroking his own member, he teased your clitoris again with the head of his cock, as he slowly pushed his length inside your wet and needy little hole, making you moan loudly against the ninja's cock. old man in front of you.
"-Don't worry, baby, I'm going to give that pussy the pounding it wants, you're going to take every inch of my cock, like a good boy/girl, aren't you?" -Liang spoke with a hoarse tone, while moaning lowly, grabbing your hips while squeezing the soft flesh on your sides, Bi Han didn't release you from his mouth, even though you choked until you hit his groin with your nose, smelling his woody soap that overflowed from the grand master's rough skin, while his cock curved into your throat, leaving you breathless for a few seconds.
"-Holy shit, you're a fucking Brat in heat, hungry for cum, aren't you? I'm going to fuck you so much that you won't be able to think about anything other than serving me." -He spoke between his teeth, freeing you from the cruel grip of the painful blowjob you gave him, after he came all over your tongue. But he soon grabs your face, squeezing your cheeks and telling you to open your mouth, even though you were too embarrassed to do such a task.
"-Open your mouth you cumslut, open that dirty mouth of my cum, now." -the grand master ordered, squeezing your cheeks even more, to the point of pain. Liang noticed this behind you, making him fuck your pussy even harder, making you feel him hitting your womb repeatedly, making you moan and open your mouth, making Bi Han smile satisfied as he watched his cum leak out of your mouth, running down your chin, lips and neck, with strands of saliva connecting to your teeth.
"-Such good little whore..." -With that he spat in your mouth, his saliva mixed with the semen he had on your tongue, telling you to swallow it all, which you quickly obeyed. Kuai took his dick out of your pussy, while he supported you in his arms, hugging your body as he put his throbbing dick inside you.
"-You love being fucked by a real man, don't you? Enjoying every inch of my thick cock deep inside your tight little hole." -Liang's desire grew with every movement of his hips, the feeling of your pussy gripping him tightly bringing him closer to the edge.
Bi Han saw your tight butt hole, but already lubricated by your pussy juices, causing him to smile devilishly, as he took his dick to your second free hole, he entered painfully and quickly, widening you with a single thrust, while you she was shaking in Liang's arms, who just said: "-You're a good boy/girl, you'll handle everything, right?"
They both started to move at a steady pace, Bi Han's hips were bumping against his ass, while Kuai Liang's were against your pussy.
"-You're so good, baby, so tight and wet. Just how I like it, a good pet for my pleasure." -Bi Han said with an extremely sadistic smile while fucking her ass even harder. "-This is your fucking punishment for being such a fucking brat." -He added again, moaning hoarsely while you just moaned, feeling your two holes being filled by both men.
Without prior warning, Liang let out a loud moan, giving a few more thrusts into your pussy, enjoying the hot and sticky liquid on your soft walls.
"-Fuck (Y/N) so beautiful and tight, made me cum early." -Liang spoke softly, smiling as he saw your pussy tremble around his cock, but he soon pulled out, denying you the orgasm you wanted so much. Bi Han still fucked his ass while holding his hips, purposely hurting the sensitive flesh with loud, punishing spanks.
"-Just a little hole for my cum, craving my thick cock deep inside you."
Bi Han soon left you too, kneeling you again, your knees hurt from the impact with the hard floor, while you watched him jerk off quickly, just stimulating his already sensitive thick cock, while he held your face in place and cummed, dirtying your cheeks, lips and every area that Bi Han's sperm jets could reach, he slapped you hard on the face, while smiling satisfied.
"-Was that really necessary? The slap?" -Kuai says to Bi Han, who just laughed looking at you, a dirty, shaking mess on the floor, denied orgasms and marked by slaps and semen.
"-It was necessary for him/her to learn, wasn't it (Y/N)?" -Bi Han replied categorically, leaving the room while Kuai covered you with a sheet, giving you a quick pat on the head.
"-Maybe next time, if you're obedient, you'll be able to cum, okay?"
⸺It was up to you now, to decide to face both again and be punished or to be obedient and see what the future would bring you.
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
birthday girl | marauders x reader
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Pairing: J.P. x S.B. x R.L x Female Ravenclaw Reader Word Count: 3.8 k Warnings: none Prompt: It's your birthday but you're sick. The boys are just total darlings and care for you no matter the risks, making sure you have a super happy speacial day regardless. Comfort Fic // Birthday fic Written for @kquil
Soooo… thanks to @kquil's 1k follower celebration we discovered our birthdays are super close together, and it made me so excited I had to ask when her birthday was exactly and then I knew and then I had this idea in my head. 
And gosh, Kquil, I absolutely love the way you write love, so I wanted to make a little something for you. Hope you’re having a fantastic day sweetie, even if you’re sick with that goddamned awful virus, it feels like shit, I know it does, so I thought, perhaps a little comfort fic could make you feel better. 
This is just a little gift I wanted to make, a token of appreciation for you always sharing your lovely fluffy fics (that honestly make my days brighter)  with us, hope you enjoy <3
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You woke up with a headache, sighting as you shut your eyes close again, the brightness coming from the large castle windows causing you to wince. You had felt the signs, the sore throat, the mild headaches and stomach pain, you were well aware you were getting sick but you honestly hoped your body would hold at least after your special day to break down. 
Hopes be damned, it was your birthday and you felt like shit, actually, no, you felt like you had been run over by a truck, which was slightly worse. You took your wand out and cast a spell to muffle the sounds of the already waking castle, especially the sound of your roommates, whom you adored but were too loud for your sick mind to tolerate. You grabbed your pillow and placed it over your head, groaning from how uncomfortable and sore you felt, you’d hoped the pillow would at least muffle the sound a little, no such luck, since just minutes after Mal was popping her head through your curtains and looking at you with brows furrowed in concern. 
“You all right luv?” 
You shook your head in response finally lowering down the pillow from your face, “feel like shit,” you admitted. “Remember I mentioned my throat was feeling funny?” Mal nodded “Well, it looks like it finally decided to give in.” And it really did, it felt like sandpaper every time you said a word. 
“Hold up a sec,” she said and pulled her head out “Hey Sage, do you still have those lemon caught drops we made in potions last month?” 
“Yeah, why?” 
“Sweet!” she said, you heard her step away and the rest of the conversation was toned out by your charm, after less than a minute later, Mal popped her head back in, small cystal jar in her hands “There you go love,” she said with a smile “Happy Birthday!” 
You chuckled and took the jar from her hands, cranking it open and placing one of the yellow candies in your mouth “Thanks!” you said with a smile. 
From the other side, Sage popped her head “Happy birthday sweetheart,” she said with a smile. 
You smiled at the two girls, shaking your head as you continued to suck on the candy, it was nice to know you had them in your life. You then heard the door creak open and another girl poped her head next to Mal “Hey luv, Happy Birthday!” she said, and then waved her hand, a tower of pancakes with a candle on top appeared on the side of your bed, you sat up, smiling wildly, and completly ignoring the headache and soreness. 
“This is– Thank you girls…” you said, looking at them with a grateful smile, making room for them to sit on the bed.
“Only the best for our best girl,” Eryn said with a wink as she sat on the edge. 
“She’s feelin’ sick thought,” Sage added, with a small pout. 
“The cough drops–“ 
“–we’ve already given them to her,” interrupted Mal “How’s the throat?” 
“Much better,” you said honestly, the caught drops really were doing their magic “The headache and the soreness is still there, unfortunately.” 
Sage pouted now, looking at you with a bit of a frown as you munched on your pancakes “Eating will make you feel better. You can skip breakfast if you want.” 
“Oh no, she can’t,” Eryn said shaking her head. “There’s a certain someone waiting for her just outside. And he looked just about to pick up a fight with the eagle for not letting him in.” 
You opened your eyes in shock “Don’t tell me it’s…” 
“Yup,” Eryn said with a smile “he might bring the door down if you don’t actually get out.” 
You shook your head in disbelief but nodded “I better hurry then.”
“You sure luv?” Sage asked “We can tell him to screw off and come back when you’re feeling better.”
You shook your head “I’ll just pass by Pomfrey before class or something,” you said with a smile and the three girls nodded, they were already wearing their uniforms, blue ties shining over their crisp white shirt. 
“You done?” Mal asked, pointing at your plate, you nodded and she vanished it right after. You looked at her surprised “I’ve been practicing evanesco lately.” 
You nodded and made an O in between your thumb and finger to indicate it’d been a fantastic casting. She nodded excitedly in response and the three girls went back to their respective beds. You stood from your bed, taking a long deep breath as you felt the pain and soreness after moving just a little, and started to slowly put your uniform on. 
You struggled so much while attempting to tie the tie with your scrambled mind that you decided to leave it as is, and deal with it later, genuinely worried one of the boys would actually break the door down if you took too long. You grabbed your bag and lousily threw your books and some parchment inside before walking out of your room and towards the entrance of the common room. 
The door opened easily and the first thing you spotted was his bright red converses, tapping against the stone floor impatiently. He ran straight to you and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, which you enjoyed as much as it made you squirm, the pain in your muscles being very present. He started to slather soft kisses over your face when you gently pushed him off you. He looked at you with concern, trying to search for what was going on in your eyes. 
“I’m sick,” you told him, still trying to move away from his grasp. 
“Don’t care,” he said pulling you into a hug again. You shook your head but hid your face on his chest either way 
“You’re gonna catch my cold.” 
“Will be worth it as long as I can hug my birthday girl,” he said, still hugging you “And kiss her,” he whispered sneakily. 
“James!” you whined, It was already hard enough to resist his charm without him actively trying to charm you. 
“What’s the plan today?” 
“Class, probably,” you said with a shrug and went back to look at your tie, attempting to tie it by yourself, only to groan and let it hang over your neck either way. 
James frowned “You have a headache, don’t you?” You nodded as you leaned into his chest, not bothering to answer. 
“And my whole body aches, I’m more sore than that one time we fell off the broom.” 
James winced, remembering how bad that time had been “Moony should have something to help, let’s go!” He said, grabbing your hand and pulling you along with him. 
“Where are we going?” You asked as you allowed him to pull you along. 
“Gryffindor common rooms,” he said as he sneaked the two of you behind a statue. 
“Your portrait’s not gonna let me in.” 
James stopped and turned to you, taking your tie in between his hands and gently pulling it off your shoulders, it slid right off easily. He placed it in his pocket and took off his own, placing it over your head and accommodating the neck of your shirt with ease. 
“The tie wasn’t the only…” you started, but he was already taking off his vest and putting it over your head. “But what about the…” With a swish of his wand, your robes turned wine red instead of blue. You started at the boy in disbelief “Could’ve just charmed my entire uniform instead…” 
He shrugged “Maybe, but you look too cute in my clothes, there was no chance I passed the opportunity up.” You smiled and shook your head at his antics, he placed his hand over yours again and started dragging the two of you through the passageways until you were just outside of his common room. You stood beside him with an awkward smile as he told the lady the password. You swore she threw you a look, but instead of saying anything she just smiled, as if she knew something that you didn’t, and allowed the two of you to come inside. 
You noticed some stares on James, but no one dared to say a thing as he pulled you along the stairs and towards his room, when he opened the door you spotted your two other boyfriends inside, Sirius was buttoning up his shirt and Remus was lacing up his boots. 
“Happy birthday dove,” he said when he spotted you, finishing the bow he was working on and walking towards you in three long strides, he placed a hand on the top of your head, letting it gently fall down as he brought your forehead to his lips “what brings you here?” 
“James,” you joked, you saw Sirius finish up his buttoning and he ran up to you, planting a kiss right on your lips, but you pushed him off with a worried expression and attempted to wipe his face with the sleeve of your hand. 
“What’s with her?” Sirius asked when he finally managed to get your arm off his face.
“Says she’s sick,” responded James.
“I AM sick!” you said “I had a cough drop in the morning, my head is dizzy and everything hurts. That’s why James brought me here.” 
“I should have something to lift your spirits,” Remus said thoughtfully as he moved towards his desk and started rummaging through his medicine cabinet.
Sirius pouted “Does that mean you won’t kiss me today?” 
“Well, I don’t want you to get sick too.” 
“But it’s your birthday,” he argued “You should get all the kisses in the world.” 
“Not at the expense of my boyfriends getting sick.” 
Remus came over again, handing you a small potion “Should help with the pain and headache,” he said as he handed it over to you. 
You took it in one go, “How long will it take for it to… oh.”
“Yeah,” Remus nodded with a smile “Pomfrey gave me the recipe for that time of the month, it’s great innit?” 
You nodded in response and Sirius inched closer “Does that mean I can kiss you now.” 
“Not because I don’t feel sick does it mean I’m not,” you scolded. 
“What if we take something to stop us from getting your cold?” 
“Is there such a potion?” James asked. 
“‘Course there is, isn’t there Moony?” Sirius said looking straight at the boy in question, who quickly deciphered Sirius’ intentions and nodded “Yeah, yeah… I’ve got some in my closet.” 
You narrowed your eyes at the boys, you knew of no such potion, but your head was a bit too cloudy to argue, and Remus was better at potions than you were anyway so you decided to trust them in this one. 
Remus grabbed a small potion and they divided it between the three. Sirius smiled and brought you close to his face “Wicked! Now do I get to slather you with kisses?” 
You looked at the boy, his curls falling beautifully at the side of his head, there was a slight blush on your cheeks as you nodded, but you weren’t quite sure if the blush was because of Sirius’ beautiful face, his adoring eyes, or because you were getting a fever, or perhaps all three. 
He leaned in and placed a kiss on your eye “Happy birthday love,” he said and pressed a kiss on your other eye “Happy birthday,” he said and then pressed another kiss, this time on your cheek “Happy birthday...” 
And he would’ve gone on, but James stopped him, removing the boy from your face, which earned him a glare “All right, that’s enough, you’re hogging her!” 
“We should get to class,” you said as you grabbed Remus’ wrist and brought it closer to your face to check the time on his watch. It was something you did rather often, and Remus enjoyed it a lot more than he let on. There was nothing like the soft touch of your hands over his wrist, over anywhere on his body, if he was honest. 
“Should we?” asked James as he placed a hand on your forehead “I don’t know sweetheart, it seems to me like you’re a bit too sick for class.” 
You looked at him in disbelief “Too sick for class but not too sick to kiss you?” 
“Hey I don’t make the rules,” he said raising his hand with a diverted smile “What do you think Pads? Does she look well enough for class?” 
The boy in question placed a hand on your cheek, and looked at you attentively “Now that you mention it Prongs,” he said slowly “Our lovely Kquill does look a bit pale, doesn’t she?” 
You took his hand off your face and turned to Remus, hoping he’d be the only sensible person left “Come on Rem, you know we have to go to class don’t you?” 
He tilted his head “How many classes have you missed this year Sweetheart?” 
“–She hasn’t missed any,” James said, very sure of his answer. 
“I have.” 
“Really? Which one?” 
“I… I missed History of Magic last month.” 
“And what else?” asked Sirius, stepping closer now.
You looked to the side “No-nothing else.” 
“Then, my love,” Remus started “I think it’s best if you stay and rest. You said it yourself, just because you don’t feel sick anymore it doesn’t mean you’re not.”
James smiled and placed his hand over your shoulders “There we go sweets, Doctor Moony’s orders. You’re stayin’” 
“What, you mean here?” 
Sirius nodded, and with a wave of his wand both his bed and Remus were next to each other, making a huge one, another wave and there was soft rock playing in the background.
You raised your eyebrows “There we go luv, we can chill and listen to some of your favourite tunes,” he said with a smile “Your mixtape’s on.” 
You still looked at the boy in disbelief, and then you heard a knock on their window. James frowned but approached it either way, an owl was waiting there, with a letter on its beak. James grabbed it and took a treat out of his pocket to feed the owl who hooted merrily before leaving, “It’s for you,” he said, walking towards you again. 
“For me?” You asked confused. 
“Yeah, go ahead, sit on the bed, you can read there more comfortably,” he added and held the letter between his hands as you tried to reach for it “Sit on the bed, I’ll bring it over,” he insisted. 
You rolled your eyes and did as told “May I have my letter now?” 
James nodded and handed it over, you looked at it and a smile grew on your face as you read the envelope “Oh! It’s from my brother!” you said as you unfolded it and started reading its contents. He was wishing you a very happy birthday, telling you how much he loved you but not to let it go to your head, and he also told you to kick Sirius in the balls if he kept trying funny things. 
“What’s with the hate?” the boy said as he read the letter from over your head. You laughed, your brother had been the one to leave you at the station that summer, and he had seen Sirius approach and hug you from behind. But then he’d also seen the boy dig his head into your neck and give you a whiff, long story short, he thought Sirius was weird and that you should stay away from him. Of course, he had no clue Sirius was an animagus, and a dog no less. 
You shrugged “He’s crazy let him be.” 
“I just hope he doesn’t actually kick me on the balls next time we meet.” 
“Don’t be so dramatic Puppy,” you told him as you ruffled his hair, he let his entire head fall over your lap then, looking at you contently. What a twat, you thought looking straight into his eyes and charming smile as you continued playing with his hair. Your brother had also left a couple of galleons on the letter, for you to buy yourself something next time you went to Hogmeade. Which is why you stopped playing with Sirius’ hair and left the letter on the table, the boy complaining just seconds afterwards. 
James and Remus joined the two on the bed eventually and chilled for a while, Remus took out a book and you asked him to read out loud for you to listen, and he did, he was reading Peter Pan, and the story put you in a surprisingly good mood, even if you were in that place between sleep an awake as his soft and yet deep voice gently soothed you to sleep. 
When you woke up the lights were off, you heard a couple of whispers coming from the door and you felt Sirius shift, you wondered how you’d ended up leaning on his chest but then you heard Remus whisper a spell and suddenly a bunch of candles had turned on and he and James were approaching you with the cake on his hands. You smiled, at their silly antics, the three of them started singing Happy Birthday.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear–“ they started. But the three of them said their own pet names to you which is why it turned into a completely uneven choir of “dove”, “Love of my life” and “Kquil”. Which obviously had you giggling. 
“Come on make a wish,” James said once the cake was close enough. 
You stared at him, taking a deep breath and leaning in to blow the candles, closing your eyes as you made your wish, more of this, you thought, more of them.
“Can we turn on the lights?” 
James shook his head “We certainly can’t.” 
“But I want to see the cake!” you said, “Where did you get it?” 
“James made it sweetheart,” Sirius informed “That’s why he doesn’t want you to see it.” 
You smiled at that and fetched your wand from the bed, using it to turn the light on and look at the cake, you smiled, they had used your favourite colour for the cover, and it was lopsided and uneven, with a “Happy Birthday Kquil” written with white on top. That was definitely Sirius’ handwriting, you could tell since it was the neatest part of the cake. You wonder how he could write it if you had been laying on his chest, but perhaps it was one of those mysteries you would never decipher. 
“I love it,” you said honestly, as you dipped your finger in the soft buttercream and threw it in your mouth “Did you put flavouring on it?” 
James smiled and nodded “It was Remus’s idea, to use extract of your favourite fruit.” 
You smiled at the three boys, “Now give it a bite!” Sirius said, still from behind. 
“What?” you asked in disbelief “Aren’t er gonna cut it?” 
“Nah, it’s just for us,” James said “We brought spoons and we’ll eat it straight from the plate.
“That’s ridiculous!” 
“It’s economic,” said Remus “less dishwashing.” 
You gasped “You don’t do the dishwashing, Remus! The elves do.” 
He shrugged “Yeah, less work for them, isn’t that better?” 
You scoffed but smiled, “Fine then, with spoons it is.” 
“But you still have to bite,” James insisted. 
“What for?” You asked him. 
“Cause it’s your birthday,” Sirius responded, “go ahead, give it a bite.” 
You rolled your eyes but finally leaned into the cake, close enough to give it a small bite, and then you felt a hand push your head into the cake, you sprang back out with a gasp completely surprised and feeling a little betrayed by the boys.
“What the hell was that?” 
“A tradition we read about in an old book,” James said with a shrug “They say is for good luck.” 
“Good luck my ass,” you said as you started to wipe the buttercream with your hands, until you an idea popped into your head, with your hands filled with the creamy thing and them looking at you diverted and completely unassuming, you extended your hands towards both Sirius and James’ faces, successfully slathering with the meringue. 
“How dare you?” James gasped with an amused expression. 
“I’m just sharing the luck,” you said with a shrug and a small, innocent-looking smile. 
Sirius was cleaning his face and hair, who’d also been the victim of the buttercream slathering, “Why is it that only me and James that got this mistreatment?” 
You shrugged “Something tells me it was your idea,” you said as you shrugged and grabbed some of the cream from your face and dipped it in your mouth. Remus took his wand, and with a short spell vanished all the cream from your faces. 
“Can we eat now?” he asked with a smile, handing everyone their own spoon. The cake might have been a little lacking on the decoration part, but the taste was so on point you asked James three times if he really had baked it himself. 
“He did! I saw him!” Sirius said, “He was carefully measuring the ingredients and all.” 
Maybe it’s the potioneer in him, you thought as you continued enjoying the cake, the rest of the night went on in fits of laughter and singing along to your favourite song, talking with the boys and in general just passing the time with them. It was absolutely lovely, even your sick birthday had been one of your best birthdays. 
Later that week you figured the boys had lied to you and that the “contagion prevention” potion didn’t actually exist. You smacked them playfully but took soup up to their room several times. You still had James’ tie, and the lady from the portrait seemed to always be willing to let you in.
“Go take care of your boys,” she told you one time with the same enigmatic smile as the one on your birthday.
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A/N: Hope you like this little thing sweetheart, and I hope it makes you feel better, even if it’s just a lil wee bit. It sucks to be sick on your birthday, but I’m sure you’ll be back up in no time, enjoying time with friends and loved ones, lysm. 
PS. Sorry is there are any spelling mistakes, I really wanted to get this out and ready for you to read and I couldn’t spell check like usually…
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igotanidea · 8 months
Lollipop: Dick Grayson x kid!sister!reader
(part 1 of 4 for the batboys x sister!reader)
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This was not supposed to end up like this.
At least at first, cause it was showing signs of impending tragedy.
He was only going to be gone for like 15 minutes with the best intentions of getting his little sister the biggest lollipop available at the fair shop.
And the fact that this beautiful girl was standing there casually, throwing glances his way had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Yes, he was flirty chatty, I mean – can you seriously blame a man with his look and charm? No right? No, of course not.
But, being the responsible older brother, he grabbed his sister and carried her piggyback straight to the shop, while cracking jokes and making the five-year old laugh softly, in the way only little kids can. Literally lighting up his entire world and having a great brother-sister bonding.
„So. Which one of the lollipops would you like Y/N?”
„That one!” she pointed her little fingers to the red and yellow piece of Candy on the display.
„Sure thing, little one, let me handle it for you.”
„Your daughter is so cute…” the girl Dick had an eye on, appeared next to him, flipping her hair flirtatiously, flashing him a bright smile.
Did he look that old that someone might take Y/N for his daughter?!
Was his hair going grey or something?
Did he have wrinkles?
He wasn’t even 30 yet and now he was appearing as a father figure?!
He loved that kiddo, he truly did, but this?
Too much.
„She;s actually my sister” he managed to say even though there was a whirlwind of emotions inside him.
„Oh, so cute. And you’re on the babysitter duties I guess?”
„Something like that.”
„Dick!” Y/N squirmed on his shoulders getting impatient and wanting her sweet.
Under any other circumstances in any other company that little word coming out of the word of a five year old would be completely Innocent and harmless, however Y/N had no idea what kind of reaction it may get from a – well- stranger.
“Did you teach her such language?!” the girl frowned in rebuke.
“What?” Dick chuckled nervously “No, no, you don’t understand, this is not a curse, it’s—”
“It sounds like one to me.”
“No!” Dick grinned “It’s actually my name!”
“Your name?” the girl raised an eyebrow “Are you for real right now?”
“Dick!” Y/N cried out again, wriggling so hard she almost fell from his shoulders, but due to some miracle he caught her safely, torn between wanting to smooch her cute little face and hiding her somewhere so she wouldn’t embarrass him even more. “Shh, kiddo. The adults are talking.”
“But I want –”
“I know little one, but if you could just give me five minutes—” Dick held his sister tight to his chest, whispering in his ear but she was not going to take his mysteriousness.
“Hi!” she turned around in her brother’s arms and called upon the girl “you’re pretty.” Her words were only as honest as a kid can be. No filter, no hesitation, no embarrassment and no overthinking.
“Well thank you. I’m Elle.”
“I’m Y/N.” the little girl reached her hand to the older one, squeezing it with the most stern face she could produce still being the cutest human being to walk the earth. “And that’s my brother, Dick. Dick! Come say hi to Elle!”
“That really is your name?”
“It’s Richard actually. But everyone just call me Dick. No subtext, I swear!” he laughed seeing Elle’s sceptic face expression.
“He’s my favorite brother!” Y/N clung to his legs, wrapping those tiny arms around them “yesterday he braided my hair and all the girls in the kindergarten were looking at me with jealousy!”
It was more likely shock, cause “braided” in Dick’s dictionary meant doing so many complex swirls that the complicated hairstyle seemed to stay on the head only by a miracle.
“And he watched all episodes of Dora the explorer with me! He even learned the song, come on Dickie!!” Y/N pulled his trouser leg “come on, sing with me! Jump in! ¡Vámonos! You can lead the way! Hey! Hey!” every exclamation mark was highlighted by the girl's joyful jump.
“Hey! Hey!” Dick grinned getting carried away by the cheerful melody and only after a while realizing that he must be making a fool of himself. “Yeah… um….”
“My brothers love that cartoon too.” Ellie smiled
“Oh, you have brothers?” now that was something the resident flirt could pursue “may it be that they are Y/N’s age?”
“Five and three. Do you think maybe they could hang out?”
“Oh, I absolutely think they could hang out.” Right, because it was all about the younger siblings. “Care to give me your phone number so we can arrange the da--… I mean the acknowledgement?”
Five minutes later Ellie said her goodbye and Dick was left with the very valuable number saved safely in his phone.
“Great job Y/N.” he put his hand up (not too high) so the girl could high (again- not too high) five him.
“Duh!” she scoffed with the face of a girl boss. “But seriously, you should up your game Dick!”
“Up my--? WHAT?! Where did you heard that?!”
“Uncle Wally—”
“Uncle Wally will not get fast enough to run from me now.” Dick hissed
“Hey, Dick?”
“Yeah, Yeah, I know, let’s get you that lollipop first, my little diva. You deserve it.”
He picked her up from the ground and spun joyfully in the air.
Who would have thought that he would actually be the oldest brother to such a tiny precious human, serving perfect role as her guardian angel.
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formulapookie · 14 days
Under the cut to read on Tumblr, here to read on Ao3 ch1; ch2; ch3; ch4
Les fleurs du mal ch.5 rosquez, 2.1k words
It’s nine in the morning of a beautiful Sunday, he finally got all the truth Uccio for God knows what reason had chosen to change, corrupt, modify for him to see a distorted version of reality.
The telemetry, that shit was just made up, by a jealous? angry? Uccio, who chose to ruin the one good relationship in forever like that, like it had just been a flash, instead of the sun in his life.
He wanted to call Marc, hell no drive until Cervera and say he was sorry, that he had been an asshole, a terrible person, but to please forgive him because he had been shielded from the reality and couldn’t see.
That now tho he sees the love Marc always reserved for him, he sees how much Marc is willing to sacrifice for them, for the love they share.
There’s a voice note in his notifications, along with two missed calls, from Marc.
And a text from Lorenzo.
They’re laying in bed, at Vale’s house, softly surrounded by pearly colored sheets, the sound of the town filling the outside world.
“Do you ever think about like, the future?”
“In general or us?”
“Well of course amore, I think of my racing career and more titles and of the time when I’ll inevitably have to retire.
And I think about us, free from the media attention, in a beautiful house near the see.
No neighbours, just us, and you are sunbathing naked next our pool and then I-“
Marc blushes, hiding his face more in the crook of Vale’s neck
“What amore? It wouldn’t be the first time I see you naked eh. I think I saw you pretty clearly last night”
“Vale! This was supposed to be romantic!”
“Is it not romantic? Making love to you in a house we share?”
“I - yeah it is”
“See? And you? You think about the future?”
“Yeah. I see us in a house in the middle of the countryside tho, with animals.
Dogs, a lot of dogs, and your strange red cat too”
“Rossano is not strange!”
“He looks at me funny whenever I’m here.
But anyway, a cute house in the countryside, just the two of us, it’s peaceful”
“But? I feel like there’s a but”
“But I also think about the sport and the danger and - Vale are you scared of death? I am terrified by it. It’s just - one day you just cease to be and I cannot think the universe is so cruel to do this”
“Amore, of course i’m scared of it, and it. In our sport it can happen. It took me years to get over the fact Marco was gone. But life ends in death no matter what we do, we have to live it at our fullest still”
“Im scared thought, I don’t like the idea of it. It’s cold you think? When you”
“I don’t know. It could be. Or it could be warm like drifting asleep with a blanket on and just - sleep”
For Marc it’s cold when he dies.
Freezing even, and so so lonely.
When Roser finds him, curled beside his bed, clutching in his arms the helmet signed by that man, it’s like being shot in the heart.
She tries to wake him, tries to call him, but he’s cold.
Still like the moment she finds herself in.
Marc is holding onto that one piece of his heart like he’s still alive, the strong grip seemingly coming from a strong person.
But when she looks at him all she can see is her little boy, her son.
Pale and tired and sad.
He looks like he’s having a bad dream, the unsettling kind of dreams where you don’t precisely know where you are and can’t get out.
There’s petals on the ground.
So much yellow and she just wants to burn it all away.
She cries more, calling for Marc again, trying to get him back.
But Marc can’t hear her, the only sounds in the room are Roser’s sobs and the repetitive buzz of Marc’s phone.
When Marc wakes up in the middle
of the night he’s cold, shivering.
The fever is taking over, he’s hallucinating again.
He reaches out for Vale, why is he not in bed? 
Oh right, he’s still not back yet.
But it doesn’t matter.
Because they have time.
The scratch in the back of his throat seems to be less excruciating too, like it’s being kept at bay.
Well this just means Vale is close right? 
He’s coming, finally he’s coming home to tell him he still loves him, and - and the roots will go away the same way they arrived.
“Oh I need to set the room up, Vale has to see my collection has improved, yes, he needs to see it”
Marc unpacks the two boxes Roser had stuffed full, carefully taking out the items in them.
The cap and the picture first, he places them on the shelf next to his bed, close, so close the cap covers half the picture, the half where Marc is.
Then it’s the bikes turn.
Slowly, methodically, precisely, Marc takes them out the box one by one, placing them in the same exact order he had bought them.
He sees Alex in his room, he’s not happy.
“Marc come on stop you look ridiculous”
“Ah Alex stop it, you’ve just never been in love, when you’ll be you’ll get it”
He’s standing on his bed, mattress dipping under his rapidly decreasing weight.
“You see, Vale is coming and the room has to be nice for him, I want it to be more beautiful than ever, he deserves the best”
Marc is smiling, like a kid on his birthday, waiting to blow the candles.
“Oh he’ll want the 2004 Yamaha to be the most visible for sure, he loves that bike God how he loves it”
He keeps talking to a non existing Alex, while he feels colder and colder.
“I better put on a hoodie, don’t want to catch a cold before Vale arrives for sure”
He goes pick up the one hoodie Vale left there, in his home.
It still smells like him.
He sits on the bed, legs crossed with his phone beside him, facing the door.
He stays there for minutes, maybe an hour even.
There’s no sudden buzzing of the phone, no sound of a car parking outside, no knocking on the door signaling Vale is there.
Well not yet, maybe he just doesn’t like to travel with the dark.
Yeah it - it must be that.
Because it’s either that or.
Or Vale isn’t coming.
Not now, not in a million years he’s gonna spend tidying up his room to welcome Vale back in it.
When the fever lets go of him and he sees clearly again it hurts.
Physically, mentally, emotionally it all hurts like it’s been crushed by tons and tons of rocks thrown on top of him.
Hot big tears fall from his eyes, follow the now slim outline of his cheekbones, and collect under Marc’s chin.
“He is coming. He is coming. I know he’s coming”
He tries to convince himself of this, even with the hallucination gone, he gets up and sets up the room.
It has to look exactly like it did when Vale came here last time, little bikes in their precise fragile order.
The last thing he takes out the boxes is the helmet.
Signed, a little note left for him by Vale, unmistakable messy handwriting on the clean visor.
He takes his phone, it’s stupid, childish but he can’t do otherwise.
He calls him.
Twenty, twenty five seconds of his phone ringing. No answer.
He tries again. And once again there’s no answer on the other side.
He opens their chat, it’s still on hold since the last text Vale sent.
“Good luck for the race babychamp”
He presses the button to send the voice note, the first few seconds just of silence.
“Vale. It’s me. I - please Vale it hurts so much, I can’t breathe I need you to come here quick I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry for what I did, all of it, I’m sorry I didn’t want you to lose, I didn’t want to do anything against you. I never - I never went to him, I would never cheat on you, I only ever had you please believe me Vale. Vale I love you. I’m home and, and it hurts so much. Please I need to see you. Please. I need to feel your hugs again. I’m cold Vale so cold”
The voice note sends, but there’s no blue ticks to signal it’s been read.
Marc climbs off the bed, his phone beside him, holding the helmet between his arms like it’s the most prized possession of his, he fears it may scratch, or get ruined if he accidentally bumps into the shelf he usually laid it on.
All his words now barely a whisper, he’s trying to stay anchored to reality by clutching at that damn helmet, it’s almost sunrise, almost sunrise and there’s no sign of Vale.
He abandoned him.
Vale abandoned him.
He truly hates him, he truly wants Marc to not represent a menace at all.
That’s fine. Vale will be fine without him too, he was fine before meeting him, there’s no need for Marc to exist in Vale’s life.
Maybe he’s gonna be a weight less, he will just go away, like he came in.
A breeze.
Marc can feel himself getting colder, and the petals in his throat now make it impossible to breathe.
He vomits them rather than coughing, a sea of yellow hollowness making its way out of his body, the everlasting presence of Valentino beside him even right now.
“you promised it was going to be warm like falling asleep with a blanket, but it’s cold, it’s so cold”
He’s still waiting there, looking at the door like a dog waiting for his owner does.
Argo had waited for Ulysses for years before he came back, and had died right in his arms.
But Marc knows his Ulysses won’t arrive, not even to hold him as he leaves behind the ugly and hurt of the mortal world.
He’s an abandoned dog. Even if he was loyal. He’s been abandoned.
He cries on the helmet, the last tears he can still produce, before his life abandons him too, the last breath used to hope, to call Vale’s name.
When Roser finally looks at the ID of the caller on her son’s phone she is angry.
She wants to smash that phone against a wall, make it shut up once and for all.
“Vale💛💙” identifies the person calling, the rage she feels is unexplainable through words.
She doesn’t answer. He doesn’t deserve to know from her what happened to her sweet boy, he will forever live with the guilt of having killed him. 
She only manages to call Alex and their father two hours later. 
She tells them to come there, that Marc has gone to sleep the night but hasn’t woken up now.
When Alex barges in he’s red in the face, crying and cursing.
He runs to the room they used to share, and sees how Marc has set it up once again, memories of Vale on all the shelves.
He also sees the many yellow petals littering the ground of the bedroom, a dark feeling taking residence in his chest.
“Marc? Marc it’s me, it’s Alex, I know you can hear me, you’re just sleeping, but you have to wake up, mom is getting worried. You need to wake up Marc please, I don’t know what to do without you”
“Alex he’s not-“
“HE’S ALIVE HE’S JUST - he’s just making a joke mom he - he can’t be dead mom he can’t be”
“Alex come here”
“No. No he - it’s not right. It’s not right he shouldn’t be, it shouldn’t end like this, he promised me we would’ve been together on the podium one day, he promised”
Roser has to drag Alex away from Marc, he doesn’t want to let go, he wants to save him.
“Alex. Look at me. You have to think of what Marc wanted ok?”
“Marc wanted to live! He wanted to race and win and - he wanted so many things! He’s scared of death, terrified of being alone! AND HE WAS ALONE!”
“But he wanted you to live too, he wanted you to be there on track, to be here with us. Please don’t - don’t make me lose you too Alex”
“No no i’m not going anywhere mom I promise. I’m not going away, sorry sorry sorry mom I’m staying here”
“Can you? I can’t call anyone to tell”
“Yeah yeah i I’ll uh ill call people”
“Be kind with yourself, as kind as your brother was with you ok?”
They think about removing everything from the room.
Putting it back in boxes.
But Marc’s last wish was probably for the room to be like this, and they couldn’t go against his wish.
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pedroshotwifey · 1 year
Bad Idea
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Tags/Warnings: NO use of Y/N, sex pollen, dubcon but not rly (just putting this here bc of the pollen), piv sex, softdom Frankie, smut, fluff, friends to lovers, Frankie is a fucking sweetheart, oral sex (f receiving), breeding kink if you squint, unsafe sex (wrap it before u tap it, babes), ill add more shit later if I missed something
Summary: While on a mission, you and Frankie find yourselves covered in some kind of pollen and realize that there is no chance you'll be able to resist each other.
A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to finish this, I hope it was worth the wait! I'm not really sure what compelled me to make this so fluffy, but it's there, so, like, I hope you people like fluff. Likes, comments, and reposts are extremely appreciated <3 (Also feel I would love to start getting some requests in if anyone's up for it)
You knew this was a bad idea. 
It always is, accepting any kind of job that Santi offers you. But the asshole knows your weakness. He mentioned Frankie would be there and you were in. Suckered once again. He, and the rest of the group for that matter, seem to be well aware of your infatuation. Except for Frankie, of course. He’s never really seemed to pick up on it. Which, honestly, you’re not sure is a good thing or not. 
You’ve been harboring a massive crush on Frankie since the first time you were introduced. You and Santi–against your better judgment–had been longtime friends when he brought you to a local bar to meet up with some of his other buddies. You had been away on a job for the last year or so, so when he heard you were back in town he jumped at the opportunity. You hadn’t expected much, already knowing Ben and Will meant that you would only be meeting two guys you wouldn’t be familiar with. 
What you really didn’t expect was for one of them to be a devilishly handsome and ridiculously charming bachelor. Frankie had absolutely taken your breath away the first time you laid eyes on him. You two had hit it off immediately, practically separating from the rest of the group as you polished off drinks and told stories from your military days for the remainder of the night. 
Fortunately, you kept in touch through mutuals and occasionally worked together on smaller jobs–thank god for Santi. (But also fuck him.) Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it. Frankie never showed any kind of explicit interest in you, so you never pushed it. You were perfectly content to just be friends if that’s all he was willing to give you. 
That's exactly why it’s such a problem when you find yourself coated head to toe in some kind of powder, right next to Frankie, who received a dusting as well. Your walkie is going off at your hip and you briefly register Tom’s voice coming through the receiver. He is positioned right behind the two of you and got the perfect view of whatever the fuck just happened. One second the two of you were walking, looking for any signs of landmines or traps around the building you are targeting for the mission, and the next your vision was completely compromised by a soft yellow pollen. 
“Fuckkk,” you hear Frankie mutter next to you. You look at him with wide eyes as the powder settles on your skin, eliciting a tingling sensation wherever it touches. The said sensation, however, becomes the least of your problems when you feel the amount of slick that suddenly coats your panties. Your knees buckle and you have to drop your gun to hold your balance, which doesn’t seem to help much as you continue your descent to the forest floor. Frankie’s hand quickly shoots out and steadies you by your elbow but it only makes it worse. 
The feeling of his skin on yours acts as a balm on your quickly overheating flesh and you moan involuntarily at the feeling. He retracts his hand as if you had burned him and the action would have embarrassed you if not for the moan that slips out of Frankie’s lips, as if he had felt the same thing. At least it’s not just you. At the sound, you feel another wave of arousal coat your already-soaked panties, the wetness growing extremely uncomfortable as the fabric starts to stick to your cunt.
“Uh, F-Frankie,” your voice sounds weak as you call for him. You have no idea whether or not he heard you, but you take a guess based on the pained groan that escapes his lips. The sound is like heaven as it reaches your ears. 
Your vision grows slightly blurry as a sudden need to be fucked takes over all of your senses. Without Frankie’s hand to help you up, you let yourself fall the rest of the way so you can lie down on the ground beneath you. You watch as Frankie’s blurred form follows suit with a groan. You start to inch toward his writhing body until you hear Tom’s voice again, this time it sounds much clearer, like the connection is getting better as he gets closer to you. You struggle as you pick up your walkie and press the button. 
“D-don’t come any closer, we're covered in some kind of f-fucking pollen.” You have to take a breath before explaining further. “It’s itchy and it’s everywhere, stay where you’re at.” You don’t bother listening to his panicked response as you tuck the walkie back into the clip on your pants. Your skin feels tight and you can feel your clit starting to throb between your legs. It feels like the smallest amount of friction would grant you an orgasm, and as good as that sounds right now, you would rather not cream your pants in front of your crush.
“Fuck,” Frankie repeats his statement from earlier, his voice strained and raspy. “We need to get out of here.” You nod your agreement and crawl your way toward him, ignoring the way his skin feels so cool against your own as you reach out to help him up. The both of you use each other to get back to your feet. By the time you’re standing, the feeling is less overwhelming than it had been at first, enough so that you’re able to hold your balance this time. You pick up the weapons you had dropped while Frankie comms the rest of the guys to let them know what happened 
You definitely got the most of the blow, as you were the one who had stepped on whatever the fuck that plant was. Frankie had only been a few feet behind you and had been exposed to a good bit, but likely nowhere near what you had been covered in. At least one of you is lucid enough to figure out what to do next. You hear the tail end of the conversation before Frankie signs off of the walkie and bends down next to you. 
“Alright, Hermosa, I’m going to get you out of here, okay?” You hiss as Frankie wraps his arms around your sensitive skin, picking you up bridal style. 
“Fuck, Frankie, it hurts,” you whine and tuck your head into his neck, breathing in his scent. He is shaking slightly and even you can feel the way his skin has started to heat up. “I know, sweetheart, just hold on for me.” You nod into him and close your eyes, only opening them when you feel your body being set down in what you assume is the passenger seat of Frankie’s truck. He leans over you and you have to resist the urge to grab onto him as he buckles you in. 
You close your eyes again and wait until you hear Frankie get into the driver’s seat before you speak.
“I think I saw a motel a few miles from here.” Your throat feels like sandpaper as you struggle to get the words out. “I think I saw it, too.” Frankie’s voice doesn’t sound much better. The entire way to the motel the only thing you can focus on is how your nipples are rubbing painfully against your bra and how fucking bad you want to suck this man’s cock. Your thighs keep clenching and rubbing together and you have to bite down on your lip so as not to moan at the slight pressure. You feel like you’re going to explode. 
“Think you can walk, sweetheart?” You nod at Frankie’s question as he turns the truck off. His voice still sounds pained and you’re not even sure if yours will work at this point. He keeps one arm around you just in case as the two of you walk into the motel. He gets keys for two rooms and you feel a twinge of disappointment. It only lasts a second though, because you can’t think of much else than the fact that everything feels hot and sensitive. 
As soon as Frankie gets the keys, he leads you to the rooms. They're side by side so you won’t be far from him, and the fact that he will be in such close proximity, likely doing exactly what you’ll be doing, is enough to cloud your judgment again. And fuck, now you’re thinking about his cock again. You know it has to be big, there’s no way it isn’t, not for a man like him. Frankie sets one hand on the small of your back and leans over you to unlock your room for you. You gasp to cover your moan as you suddenly feel something else against your back, definitely not his hand this time. 
“You’ll be okay?” Frankie’s concerned tone cuts you out of your spiraling thoughts. You look up into his own lust-blown eyes. He looks fucking wrecked. God, you would get on your knees in the middle of this dirty hallway for him right now if he only asked. “Yeah, you?” You ask when he doesn’t. He nods slowly, and you let your eyes fall to his plush lips before trailing back up to meet his gaze again. He says your name lowly, like a warning, and you lick your lips, ignoring his tone. 
You roll your hips back against his while keeping eye contact, watching Frankie groan as you grind on him. His hands fall to your hips and he begins to guide you against him. “W-why don’t you come inside?” You ask him breathily. “Are you sure that's what you want?” He steadies your hips and brings his face down so he can whisper in your ear. “If you let me in there, I’m not letting you leave until I’ve properly taken you apart.” You shiver at both the way his words elicit another gush of slick from your cunt and at the way his tone turns dark so quickly, letting you know he means it. 
Instead of answering him, you turn on your heel and crush your lips to his, your hands going up to wrap around his neck and thread your fingers through his hair, knocking his hat to the ground. Frankie moans deeply and grabs onto you as he guides you backward into the room. His tongue finds its way into your mouth as he slams you against the door once it's closed, both of you grinding against each other like desperate teenagers. He only breaks apart once he hears you whine in pure desperation. 
He steps back and takes in your disheveled appearance, his hand flying to the front of his pants to rid himself of his belt. “Strip, get on the bed.” You don’t need to be told twice. You practically rip your clothes off as you stumble through the room. Each article removed feels like a relief, allowing the cool air to kiss your skin, sticky with sweat. Frankie does the same, both of you completely naked by the time you reach the bed. The sight of his cock hanging flushed and heavy between his molded thighs makes your mouth water.  
He quickly climbs on top of you and you both moan at the way your flesh brushes together, temporarily soothing the burning sensation. Frankie wastes no time in lowering himself to a position easiest to lick into your aching cunt. 
The first stroke of his tongue makes you scream out and you bring your hand up to cover your mouth. He immediately starts eating you out like a starved man, licking and sucking and fucking you with his tongue like there’s no tomorrow. You throw your head back as your free hand buries itself in Frankie’s hair. He groans when you tug on the strands and you swear you can feel the vibrations run up your spine. 
You feel the knot in your stomach growing embarrassingly fast, your entire body tensing as you reach the edge. 
“F-fuck, Frankie, fuck-” you unsucessfully attempt to get a sentence out. “God, don’t stop, please, god!” You feel him smirk as he continues his assault, before taking your clit into his mouth and sucking hard. 
You think you scream as you climax, but you can’t be sure. There is nothing you can feel, see, or hear other than the orgasm Frankie is currently riding you through. It’s the most intense thing you have ever felt, and you don't know if it's because of the pollen or because it’s Frankie. Probably a good bit of both. 
He continues to eagerly lap up your release until you pull him away when the overstimulation starts to become too much. Hand still in his hair, you guide him up your body until you can look above you and into his eyes. Your heavy breathing catches in your throat when you see the sticky liquid dripping down the lower half of his face. 
“Oh my god…” you trail off as his smile widens, his tongue coming out to lick his bottom lip. “Look so fuckin’ beautiful when you squirt, Hermosa.” He brings his lips down to yours in a bruising kiss and you sigh as you taste your release on him. Needless to say, you get over your embarrassment pretty quickly. 
Despite your orgasm, your skin seems to burn even more than before, and your clit seems to throb out of control. All it takes is one look to know that Frankie feels the same way. His eyes are filled to the brim with tears getting ready to overflow and you have no doubt that your expression matches his own.
Before either one of you gets a chance to say anything, Frankie surges forward and encases your lips in his own. He kisses you sloppily as he pushes you back even deeper into the mattress. 
“Gonna f-fuck you now, Hermosa,”  he says, his voice bordering a whine. “Need to feel this soft fucking pussy.” You whine in a way you hope signals your agreement, your arms wrapping underneath Frankie’s to let your fingers claw at his back. “Just f-fucking hurry,” you manage to squeak, your skin burning as you grasp at him.
He listens, immediately scrambling to grasp his weeping cock and guide it to your sopping entrance while keeping one forearm settled next to your head for stability. There is almost no resistance as he slips in, bottoming out in one frantic thrust. The two of you moan in unison, capturing each other's desperate noises. 
Frankie wastes no time in setting a hurried pace. The force of his thrusts makes the headboard of the bed slam against the wall but you can’t find it in you to care. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he immediately starts to hit something heavenly within you. The pressure is already building up in your abdomen.
You open your mouth to scream but you find that the punch of his thrusts are restricting your ability to make any kind of sound. Your eyes close as your second orgasm sneaks up on you. With two more frenzied thrusts from Frankie, you’re coming undone around his thick cock. 
Frankie hisses as you squeeze around him, the added sensitivity from the pollen enhancing every small stimulant. 
“God, not gonna last long in this s-sweet cunt, pretty girl.” Frankie’s voice is pitched an octave higher than usual as he tries to stave off his own orgasm–damn well bordering a whine. You can feel how close he is by the way his dick pulses with need and by the way he clings tighter tighter to the bedsheets beside your head. 
“Go ahead, Frankie, need you to come inside me.” He practically whimpers at the request but shakes his head to juxtapose the noise. 
“N-no baby, give me o-one more first.” He’s shaking with the amount of effort he’s exerting to hold off. Almost as if your body is listening to his demands before you can process, you find yourself arching your back as you spasm around his cock once again. It takes you by surprise–you didn’t even realize you were that close. 
Completely fucked out, you let Frankie use your body to chase his own end. “Come on baby, mark me, come inside,” you slur your permission for a second time. He lets out a guttural groan as he lowers his head to nuzzle into your neck. His strokes get deeper with the lower position and you wince from the overstimulation, though you want more at the same time. 
“Yeah, Hermosa, that’s what you want, huh? Let me come inside this pretty pussy, let everyone know who you belong to now? Let everyone know that you’re fucking ruined for any other man?” His pace gets more frantic as his own words spur him on. You whine at the thought of the people knowing that Frankie fucked you, laid his claim on you, made you his. 
“Yes, Frankie, God please,” you keen into his ear as you bring one of your hands down to tangle your fingers into his curls, bringing him closer into your neck. “I’m yours, all yours, take what you want, baby.” 
Your words push Frankie off the edge and his teeth lock onto your neck while he comes to a stop deep inside you. You pull him closer still, encouraging him to leave his mark. As his seed floods into your cunt, it feels like you jumped into a pool of cool water. Your entire body relaxes further and by the way Frankie settles his weight onto you, you figure he feels the same way. 
After his dick stills and softens inside you, the two of you lay there for a moment. You run your fingers through Frankies messed hair while he licks over the mark he made on your throat. It feels like the most natural thing, laying there with him tangled in your arms, his head on your chest, both of you on the verge of sleep. You’re about to drift off when Frankie interrupts the silence in a gentle tone. 
“Been wanting to do that for so long, pretty girl,” he says quietly, his voice filled with sleep. Your eyes open and are immediately filled with tears. 
Frankie must sense the way you tense up because he quickly lifts up to look at you. You can see the panic that blooms in his eyes as he meets yours. Before he is able to say anything, though, you surge forward, wrapping your arms around his neck and planting your lips onto his.
You feel a few tears drop from your closed eyes, but you ignore them as you continue to kiss him and push until he’s forced to lay on his back, pulling you with him. When you finally separate, you stare into eachothers eyes, both of you with lopsided, love-drunk smiles. 
“Me too. I’ve wanted you for so long, Fish, you have no idea.” 
“You’re right,” He huffs a laugh as he says it. “I had no idea, I never thought you could feel that way about me. You’re so fucking perfect and I don’t deserve any part of you. I'm just…” he trails off and looks down for a second before meeting your gaze again.
You give him a slightly confused look as you answer him. “I thought I was being so obvious,” you laugh quietly in return. “I’m nowhere near perfect, sweet boy. Even if I was, you deserve anything you could ever want. I want you, Frankie. Do I deserve you?”
He doesn’t miss a beat before he has you pulled into his chest. “Of course, angel, you deserve everything, I’ll give you anything.” 
You’re crying again and you wipe away your tears before saying what you need to say. “I love you, Frankie.” You look into his eyes to see that he is tearing up as well.
“I love you too, my perfect girl,” he says softly as he pulls you into a hug and rocks you, his one of his hands on the back of your head, tucking you into his chest. You close your eyes and breath in his scent, knowing that this is where you belong. 
pt. 2??
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lovebugism · 1 year
So I have this idea, i hope you like it: Picnic day with steve and the kids, chaotic but full of fun and love ♡
hi angel! this was a super fun request! i hope you like it!! — the one where steve takes his babysitting gig up to weathertop and you bring peace to the ensuing chaos (fluff, established relationship, 1.9k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
The hike to Weathertop is long and merciless. Even though Dustin warned you it would be, Steve complains the entire trek upwards.
“There’s no way we’re not there yet, dude,” the boy whines like a child, head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut. 
You’re practically dragging him up the relentless mountain now. With every labored stride, full of aching thighs and blades of grass cutting your ankles, you’re pulling a human with you. 
Steve’s hand hasn’t left yours since you pulled off at the side of the road at Kerley, nearly a half hour ago. His long fingers stay curled between yours — sweaty palms, incessant griping, and all.
“For the hundredth time, we’re close, alright?” Dustin gripes between heavy pants. The curly-haired boy leads the group with a duffle bag of supplies in tow. “You know, maybe if you stop complaining, we’d get there faster.”
“Alright. Watch the tone, you little shit,” Steve squints at the back of him.
You grin at the red-faced boy, equally as exerted as you tug on his hand. 
“C’mon. Stevie,” you lilt with your head to your shoulder, blinking at him with pretty eyes that sparkle beneath a yellow sun. “We’re almost there, okay? I can almost see the top of it now.”
You walk ahead of him with the intent to pull him forward. He plants his feet, dirty sneakers rooted in the billowing grass — immovable. You’re not nearly as athletic as he is. None of you are. But he’s eons more dramatic than the lot of you. Stubborn, too.
“I don’t know how you dragged me into this,” Steve deadpans. Though his structured features are fixed in a firm scowl, his chocolate eyes still melt for you.
This was the one day all week he had off from the hellscape that was Starcourt. He’d had it all planned out — breakfast in bed with his girl, a little hike after lunch with his friends, maybe a swim after, and then a movie and dinner (again, with his best girl).
But it’s well into the afternoon now, with no end of the journey in sight. All his plans are ruined and, like a boy, he pouts.
“‘Cause you love me?” you reply with a scrunched nose and an innocent shrug.
Steve only huffs in response. The big, dramatic exhale deflates his chest. He lets you pull him up the hill despite the glower on his face.
He grumbles like a raincloud, “Yeah… Guess so…”
Dustin tells you all about a girl named Suzie he met at summer camp. Something about Utah, Phoebe Cates, and ‘super religious white people.’ It’s hard to hear him over the blood rushing in your ears. 
“I’m not Mormon, so her parents would never approve. It’s all a bit… Shakespearean—”
“I don’t wanna alarm anyone, but I think I might have sunstroke,” Robin blurts with wide eyes.
You all still and turn to look at her. Steve scoffs. “Do you even know the signs of sunstroke?”
“Are you hot?” you ask the brunette girl who idles on the other side of Steve.
“Like an oven,” she affirms, freckled face glowing pink. “If you touch me right now, I might actually burn you.”
“Are you dizzy? Or Nauseous?”
“I’ve been debating using this picnic basket as a puke bucket for five whole minutes,” she confesses quickly.
Max leaves Lucas’ side and walks a few steps down the mountain to take the wicker basket from the girl’s grip. Just in case.
“Are you confused?”
“Always,” Robin and Steve answer at the same time.
“Well, shit, Buckley,” you quip with a huff. “You might have sunstroke.”
The boy squeezes your hand and he shoots you a look. “Don’t tell her that. You’ll just freak her out.”
“Too late,” Robin wavers, glassy-eyed gaze gaping and faraway.
“Look!” Dustin exclaims. He’s got a wide grin on his face as he points further up the mountain. “I can see Cerebro now! That means we’re close!”
“You’ve been saying that for ten minutes!” Steve shouts in response.
The curly-haired boy shifts awkwardly under the weight of his glare. “Yeah, but… Now, I mean it.”
And sure, the hike to Weathertop was long and merciless, but the view was worth it. 
It was the highest point in all of Hawkins, according to Dustin’s calculations. You could see the small town vaguely in the distance, though nature consumed you most of all. The tall grass and lush trees surrounding you were virtually untouched by man — well, aside from a couple of teenagers and their satellite, at least.
Steve squints up at the metal structure with his hands on his hips. He looks too much like a dad in his basketball shorts and form-fitting t-shirt.
“Damn,” he huffs. “You guys built all this?”
Dustin grins. “Yep. Impressed?”
“By how nerdy all of you are? Absolutely,” the boy mutters before walking over to you.
You stand at the edge of the hill, your gaze glued to the green spanning miles ahead of you. Everything is tinted a flaxen shade with the sun just starting to set. In the pink sky, everything glimmers golden.
“It’s so pretty up here,” you marvel as Steve’s arms curl around your waist.
He hugs you to him, neverminding the sweat dampening your sticky skin. His face leans against yours. You can feel the scruff dusting along his reddened cheek. 
“Isn’t this sunset, like, the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?”
“Hmm. I don’t know,” Steve hums with a teasing inflection. “Maybe the second most beautiful thing.”
He’s beaming when you spin in his arms. You meet his wide grin with a playful scowl. 
“You’re such an idiot,” you grouse, though you’re smiling by the time he leans down to kiss you. 
His lips are soft and pink like the sky above you. He tastes like peanuts and chocolate from the trail mix he had earlier. You melt into him effortlessly, too quickly forgetting where you are.
“Don’t be gross!” Robin whines from behind the two of you.
You part from Steve to look over at her. Her arms are crossed over her chest and her features are contorted in discontent.
“I don’t have an escape route up here for that, and I am not walking all the way back down there.”
“Sorry…” you wince as you step out of Steve’s arms.
“Yeah, sorry, Robin,” the boy concedes, just before pulling you back and smacking another kiss to your cheek.
The day goes by in a blink. 
It hardly feels like hours have passed, but the sun has long set over Weathertop now. The sky turns into a deep blue velvet shade and sparkles with twinkling stars.
Dustin hasn’t yet parted from Cerebro. He’s still trying to contact Suzie, but she hasn’t answered him yet. He certainly isn’t disproving the fake girlfriend allegations, but the rest of them gave up teasing him about it long ago.
Instead, you idle in the dewy grass with your heads tilted to the sky. 
Max and Lucas share a blanket with Mike and Will. The latter two boys have long dozed off, full on candy and sandwiches. You and Steve lay across from them on your own quilt. He leans back, propped up on his toned arms as you lounge against his chest. 
Robin sits on the cooler next to Cerebro and tries not to go crazy when Dustin asks, “Suzie, do you copy?” for the millionth time.
“Look! There’s Orion!” you grin as you point to the sky.
Steve follows your finger and squints. “There’s no way you’re actually seeing this shit.”
“Just find Sirius and go a little to the left,” you explain, motioning to the constellation with your hand. “It looks like a person holding a bow and arrow. You literally can’t miss it.”
You tilt your head against the boy’s chest to see his face. His bushy brows pinch together in confusion. “What the hell is a Sirius?” 
“Suzie, do you copy—”
“Oh, my god,” Robin groans. “She’s obviously not there, Dustin.”
“She’s there! She’ll pick up!”
“Maybe Cerebro just doesn’t work,” Steve shrugs.
Lucas counters without missing a beat. “Or maybe Suzie just doesn’t exist.”
“She exists!” Dustin retorts, his voice a few octaves higher than normal.
“She’s a genius, and she’s hotter than Phoebe Cates?” the boy scoffs with a laugh. “No girl is that perfect.”
“Ooh,” you hear Steve wince from behind you when Max shoots up from her lazed position. You cover your mouth to hide your smile as Lucas sits up with her. He looks a little bit frightened beneath the redhead’s piercing glare.
“Is that so?” Max wonders with an arched brow. She tilts her head to her shoulder and turns to look at you. “Would Steve ever say something that to you?”
“Definitely not,” you answer with a shake of your head.
“Because he’s, like, definitely smarter than that, right?”
You nod. “Absolutely.”
“I mean… You’re perfect! Like, perfect in your own way!” Lucas stammers as he tries to defend himself. “In your own— In your own special way.”
You feel Steve’s laugh rumble in his chest. “He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit.”
The younger couple squints at him. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, that it’s not about being hotter than Phoebe Cates,” the boy answers with a shrug. 
You lean back against him to watch his face as he explains. He props you and him up with one arm and gestures with the other. “Like, sure, she’s pretty and all, but she’s not real. When you love someone, you love them because they’re not perfect. Not in spite of it, you know?”
“Well, statistically speaking, no one’s perfect,” Dustin chimes in with the radio’s microphone in hand.
Steve scoffs. “That’s not true. Whatever happened to beauty is in the eye of the beholder, huh? Being perfect isn’t about not having flaws or whatever. That’s bullshit. It’s about loving someone and thinking they’re still perfect even if they are loud, and weird, and strange.”
Your chest swells with so much warmth that it starts to ache. Maybe it’s just the lingering sunburn or your adoration for the boy you lay upon. You can feel the burn of it either way. 
A grin tugs at the corners of your mouth as you squint up at him. You can only see the chiseled edges of his profile from this angle. “Not to be presumptuous or anything, but are you saying that I’m loud and weird and strange?” 
Steve tilts his chin to look down at you. His brown eyes sparkle, full of love and warmth, as he smiles softly down at you. “You are absolutely all of those things, yes.”
You beam up at him, bright like the moonlight bathing the two of you in neon blue. You’ve never felt so loved for all the things you hated about yourself. 
Steve’s got the same dazzling smile on his face as he leans down to kiss you. You quickly find that it’s impossible to lock your mouths together when you’re grinning so wide. It’s just smiles pressed against smiles and noses knocking together for all of half a second.
“Jesus Christ,” Robin grouses in a mumble as she tears the crust off her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She shoves it in her mouth a second later and mumbles through the mouthful. “I’d rather be having sunstroke.”
“Tell me about it,” Dustin scoffs, then turns back to the radio. “Suzie, do you copy?”
He flinches when a balled-up piece of bread comes flying his way.
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ticklygiggles · 8 months
Hi Mia! I would just like to stop by and share the idea of using Rafayel’s paint brushes to tickle him. I think that he would be especially sensitive when there is actual paint on them considering it’s cold, but using suuuuper soft brushes with no paint on them to trace his abs gets him SQUEALING! I love him so much HELP 😭
STOP THIS MASSACRE THIS INSTANT I BEG OF YOU AAAGGHH MY HEART!! Rafayel is slowly making his way into my heart 😍 (although Dr. Zayne will always be first place) I love him sooo muuuch
AND THIS IS SO CUTE SKDNFK I have the whole scene in my head but I can't put it into words like !!!!! I can totally see us straddling his hips for whatever reason and his hands are under our knees as we bruuuush his tummy aaaalll over as he laughs SO CUTE SNDKFK
"You really do have abs?? They're certainly quite hard, aren't they? But why are they so ticklish, hmm? You're so ticklish, Rafayel~"
And Rafayel would be losing his shit aaaaaa all blushy as he cackles his head off and says a bunch of silly stuff like "It dohohoesn't tihihickle!" "It huhuhurts! It huhuhurts!" "I hahahahate beheheing tihihickled!" "I'm dihihiying!"
He'd try to say the most dramatic things to make you stop, but when you're tickling his belly button he's a goner aaaaa
ALSO we are not weak at all I think, so we'd be able to pin his arms up and also tickle his underarm with his brushes 😍 "I think this place is good for a nice painting. I need some yellow... And then... ah, there we go. You like it so much you're laughing this hard* Rafayel?"
Sign me the f up to this omg thank you for sharing kind anon dkdkfnkfk
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
Hello! I need your thoughts on Wandee Goodday! In ep 1 I remember Dee mentioning that Ter helped him decorate his whole apartment & pick out his furniture. Thoughts on what that means with all the suggestive neon lights? Did ter pick those??
Hi, Anon.
Interesting question.
If I remember correctly, Dee said that Ter helped him pick out every piece of furniture. So, you're right about that. I can't remember the decorating thing, though.
Let me be a bit nit-picky before I get into the interesting stuff... Lamps aren't really included in the furniture category (lamps are more details/decor/embellishment). Furniture are things like sofas, tables, beds, etc. The bigger, moveable things that make a space more liveable.
However, this might've been a subbing thing, and what Dee said in Thai might've meant all of it.
In other words, I have no idea if Ter picked out those neon lights.
Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. We might never find out. I can only speculate at this point.
So, speculation time it is!
If Ter suggested that Dee should buy the neon lights Dee's condo is so beautifully decorated with (imo), he might've chosen this sign...
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To influence Dee to be less "vanilla" and more to his own taste (because no matter what Ter says, he definitely feels something for Dee, I just don't know what that is, yet). And if Ter did pick out this sign for that reason, he definitely wanted it to be placed above Dee's bed, and that just makes me loathe the douche even more (lol).
Could it be that he secretly likes Dee and, therefore, chose this pink sign (since pink symbolizes love)? Sure.
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In other words, if Ter picked out those two specific neon signs, it might be a sign of his affection towards Dee (but possibly also manipulation if he tried/is trying to get Dee to change).
(Let me nerd out about color and their symbolism for a moment... The sign above Dee's bed is purple, which we all know is a mix of blue and red. Blue is sometimes associated with manipulation while red is sometimes associated with strength/dominance, which sounds like Ter and his audacity to ask Dee to let him have the scholarship. So, if Ter picked out that sign for that reason... The douche! However, blue is also associated with trust while red is associated with passion, which sounds more like Dee and Yak's developing relationship, right? So, if Ter picked out those lights to be a manipulating douche, I'm glad it's backfiring on his ass.)
Also, if Ter did pick out every piece of home decor in Dee's condo (furniture and everything else), I feel like things will start to disappear/be replaced the less Dee is hooked on Ter and the more he starts to feel things for Yak. Sort of like cleaning out your ex-lover's shit if the relationship ended on bad terms (which Dee's crush on Ter definitely did). So we might start to see what home decor were Ter's choices before we're told what his choices were (if we're ever specifically told beyond Dee's comment in the 1st ep).
Right now (we're still only 3 eps into the series, so it's still early on) the neon lights haven't disappeared. They've slightly changed color, at least in the bedroom, but that has more to do with Yak than Ter.
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Just like the addition of that small yellow light (representing Yak) in front of the TV, which wasn't there before.
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And the fact that Yak helped Dee fix that yellowish light that was blinking before.
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And that more yellow light appeared at the end of the 3rd ep after Yak agreed to the fake boyfriend relationship.
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I don't know if this really answered your question, or if my ramble made any sense. But it was fun to ramble about color for a bit.
Thank you for your ask.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 10 months
I still have so many shows to catch up on, but I could not resist starting The Sign. Idol Factory just puts on too good of a show, and I am weak for soulmate shit.
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Oh good! I would hate to start with a boring sound.
The fighting does have a rehearsed quality, but for BL, it's actually pretty good! They're not having to cut away every half second.
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Side note - if anyone out there is thinking of being a bad guy, helpful hint. Don't scream as you attack the cops. Kinda gives things away.
Ah, yes, that vital part of police training, where you remove safety gear to make sure you look cool when doing your moves.
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What are you doing here, baby!?
Oh....you're a dick.
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Also, I definitely should have picked up this was all part of the training when one of them was all "eh, try the yellow wire" with the bomb diffusion, but the best clue is the hostage under the spotlight. This lighting cracks me up.
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Ok, I'm a little confused about this part.
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Because I rewatched the fight, and yeah, Phaya does briefly glance behind him to see the rod sticking out. But he never actually got that close to it, because of Tharn running in. How does he make this connection? Or is it just soulmate vibes?
Aww, Tharn, baby, you getting feels already.
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Holy hell is this cinematography good!
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Freen looks so amazing!
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How is this drama so damn funny?
This woman is a queen and I love her.
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Wait - they're just openly showing this on the news?! "Hey, look at this dead body everybody!".
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Damn, Yai, you've never seen this man before, and yet you immediately ship.
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Y'know there were a few bright shiny months in there where it seemed like the fall kiss was going to go away. And now there's both this and Middleman's Love.
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Can we do an exorcism circle or something? (No shade to those of you who love them. I just really don't).
But that said, these two really have good chemistry.
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Billy was good with Seng, but I think I might like him better with Babe?
I love these two little idiots.
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I also love that Khem clearly watched Gameboys.
Well, this is a flirting technique I have not seen before.
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Omg, not Phaya just straight going for a handful.
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Billy's bringing out the horny face. Tharn is so in trouble!
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I have no idea where we are going on this ride, but I am so here for it!
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HII !! Could you write some headcanons with academy au!Obanai where reader is his favourite student because they are all quiet and don't ask dumb questions and while the lesson is going on reader raises their hand and suggests that Obanai teaches the students how to cook meth , as joke of course ? I'd love to see the utter dissapointment in him. (Reader is gender neutral) gender neutral) :D
Thank you if you end up doing it ! ☆☆
Right? We’re gonna do something silly! I like this idea a lot, especially with Obanai like ommmgg~! Thank you for this interesting idea, my dear!
Iguro Obanai- Sombre Joke
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Chemistry class at Kimetsu Academy is always considered one of the two worst subjects, alongside Maths. No student dared to talk back to the man in charge of the room and if any breathing being got a single point grade below the passing, Obanai would deal out cruel punishment for wasting his time and effort. He wasn’t nice, he was harsh and he wasn’t against experiencing his disappointment in many ways
However, he is still a human with emotions and even he had himself a favourite student, in which he was openly favouritistic towards. You, a quiet but kind young person that never disturbed him as he taught nor made up ridiculous ‘jokes’ to say outloud as if his rules don’t exist. Obanai was tired of his students’ nonsense, so you’re that breath of fresh air he just needs to get through the school day
He likes you so much, he talks to you about his courting of Kanroji Mitsuri and he happily buys you lunch for helping him with dinner ideas and present ideas
The class went by in a slow, mundane pattern as Obanai switched inbetween reading the open subject material book laid flat in his palm to writing the details onto the chalkboard with the white chalk in his fingers so the whispering and mumbling teenagers behind him could copy down the notes and revise them later through the hour of the class. You noticed, right away, that he was irritable and it seems to you that his dinner date with Kanroji-san didn’t go well
Once you had finished precisely jotting down the exact formulas Obanai did write on the portrayed board taking up a number of the wall. You thought carefully, tapping your round pink eraser-ended writing pencil on your unused wrist. How could you cheer up your favourite teacher without making it out like you two have a closer connection then merely as teacher and student?
Suddenly, a wacky but harmless little idea for a joke popped into your head when your focusing eyes trailed down to the metal test tube container packed to the brim with filled glass test tubes of all kinds of colourful liquids, sat right besides his propped-up silver laptop. Oh, that’s it. You could just make a silly remark about that! You shot your dominant hand right up and waited patiently for Obanai to turn around, and respond to your want to ask him a question
“Yes, Dokusha?” Obanai vocalised his approval to speak in a calm, smooth voice to you, all of the class flinched in horror at the way he answered so cheerfully and delighted. He was never this composed nor unbothered. His gorgeous heterochromia of yellow and turquoise shined with joy at the sight of you, his favourite student of his four packed classes
You never annoyed him or disappointed him, you have this speeding train of success in Chemistry and he is encouraging you all the way
“Can you teach us how to create Meth?” Your voice comes out naturally soft and polite, hoping your silly little statement will make him laugh in one way or another but that humiliated frown signed you otherwise, crushing your spirits with this piercing eyes. Iguro-san wasn’t happy at all… shit, you messed up. That stupid phrase always worked on every other Chemistry teacher you tried it on. Is he that serious?
“Harmful drugs are illegal and immoral, Dokusha. It’s not funny. Never suggest such a idea again or I’ll send you to the counsellor over drug abuse concerns” Obanai hissed in his signature harsh tone as disappointment overflowed from his very own skin, upset and annoyed that you would even ask this dumb question with your streak of competence. You never asked dumb questions, you are always so polite and quiet! What was this for? Are you trying to ruin it all?
You had stayed quiet and stared blankly at the notes you wrote down and continued to copy and paste for studying purposes, feeling the mocking eyes and shattering giggles of the nearby students circle you but Obanai butted in, slamming his metallic ruler on his desk to shut everybody up. You felt relief wash over your nerves as even when he was disappointed and/or annoyed with you, he was still defending you
Once the teacher had reorganised his wooden support of acknowledgement, every other child followed him and begun to tidy up their chemistry subject book as Obanai proclaimed the five minutes upcoming for the class’s finish. You just stayed still, fist balled up against your cheek to hold up your head as every other student begun to speak wildly and some decided to get out of their chairs, thankfully, Obanai shoved them all into obedience with a murderous glare
“Myōji Dokusha. Please stay after class” Obanai suddenly chimed out, somehow beating the alarm bell rhythmic ring after a few minutes of dead silence. A number of students surrounding you at other parted lab counters used as desks, hummed and cooed mindlessly about how you, the teacher’s pet, is in trouble as the bell was set off but nobody moved, knowing very well Obanai was the one who dismissed the children from the period, not the bell’s powerful ding
Once the class was lifeless and empty, you willingly abanonded your schoolwork belongings at the counter called your desk and approached the front desk with fear and shame overloading your systems, you suspected Obanai to bash you for your silly little remark, flustering him in front of his entire class but no. He simply turned around and snatched your closest hand, holding it in his much bigger ones as his mismatched eyes radiated concern this time
He wasn’t angry. Not at all, not a ounce of his body language suggested that he was angry
He was worried. Beyond worried, this was the first time you’ve ever seen him truly worried, but you can tell he is. Was he worried for you?
“What is with the stupid question? Are you struggling with a methamphetamine addiction? You’re too young to be using such substances, they’ll harm your body in long run. Tell me if you are now, okay. I’ll make sure you get off it and have whoever is supplying you it face serious punishment”
Oh, shit. I didn’t see headcanons until way too late! Sorry, hope this is okay!
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fanfoolishness · 6 months
Midnight thoughts on the new episode. AHHHH yell at me if y’all have watched it!
Okay so we didn’t get an emotional breakdown from anybody BUT we got Crosshair’s hand being so. Much. Worse. when he had to talk about Tantiss. I’LL TAKE IT but FUCK how is he going to be back there?!? Man I am just waiting for all of you wonderful giffers to feed my Crosshair-obsessed brain with closeups on THAT HAND.
RAMPART! Noshir!!!! It’s good to hear your smarmy bastard self again! Also you’d think he’d be like “fuck the Empire” now, but nope, still an asshole. Guessing we are NOT getting a Kallus angle here 😂 But at least Crosshair got to literally kick him, I fucking love it 😂
Hemlock is such a fucking idiot. I mean we all knew she’d go to the vault, but we also know she will organize an uprising and kick serious ass. This guy is such a fucking maroon you just signed your death warrant, you nozzle.
Emerie, find your courage already! You can do this!
Does Rey literally have Omega’s blood running through her veins? (It’s where the compassion comes from! 🥹)
I’m glad Wrecker is okay ❤️
Okay, starting to hope CX-2 isn’t Tech, because he’s a little shit. His own people don’t like him and he pushed Omega twice. What a dick! Please don’t be Tech (but if he is we have got to save him!! He can’t die again like this!)…
But the showrunners are really being dicks about it. I mean look at this. Phee is literally next to AZI’s big yellow spectacle lens eyes with Tech’s goggles in the background WHILE talking about Tech. COME ON.
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Thank god Lula’s still okay ❤️
This episode felt super short! But I’m so happy there wasn’t a huge time skip and that Crosshair got to kick an asshole even if his hand has gotten worse. I just rewatched the Infiltration/Extraction episodes and he talks about Tantiss and the CX program at a few points, with only the typical slight shaking occasionally. Nothing like the tremors starting to affect his whole arm (as if there’s a movement it’s trying to do and he’s fighting it). Even though they barely talked about Omega… the idea of going back to Tantiss for real now because they need to help her has him really struggling. 🥺 Not to mention that maybe he hasn’t been able to tell them he missed the shot. 🥺
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fanatical4creation · 4 months
🌈The world of✨️
Is time to answer one of my favorite questions when it comes to writing a show; WHERE?!?!?
Where does the characters live, where do they go to rest and sleep and yadda yadda yadda, y'know what, while doing this i've discovered i actually like drawing backgrounds, it's hard but seeing the result is so fun.
This is the Happy vile or Happy Condominium, i haven't come up with a good name yet, i'm not that good at names, so let's say the sign is just temporally until i actually come up with a good name, anyway...
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This is the map, i'm not an architect so it looks horrible lol, that big place with studios are the studio from dreamtale, they make programs to a TV channel i haven't thought of a name yet, it's made for brain washing people, that's Hope's whole thing;
Entertainment programs, films, series, short films, newspapers and all types of media to attract all types of people to Dreamtale to get their happily ever after.
I would add some more things, but i don't actually know what to add bc, as i said, i'm not an fucking architect.
About the main building, i loved how it turned out, the main idea was that each floor would be a color, and i didn't know how the colors would work and i'm happy that i figured it out. With the main color being yellow bc yellow means mainly Hopeful, while the others are the AUs he affected.
Yes, Murder Dust being the yellow color at the same time as Hopeful does means something (Do you like the name i came up with? Murder Dust? Like- like pinkie pi-).
Oh yeah the tiny red circles are suppose to represent how big people would look, y'know for proportions.
Map of Dreamtale:
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Every city comes from the tree that inhabits it. Well the rest is what you see, the only thing i would add is the outside of the circle, there would be farms and camps, people who just don't like the big medieval city, by the way, i have no idea if there were trains in the medieval era, but i don't care, trains are cool af.
Dreamtale isn't naturally yellow based, the colors would vary through the colors of The main Elements, y'know, Life, Death, Magic and Feelings, but since Hopeful overflowed everything's Yellow due to his aura, It got bigger and bigger as the positivity in people increased
Yes, i'm aware it looks like an fidget spinner.
Thank you if you read that, you must be very interested if you did... but i mean, VERY interested, i would not read all of that shit for nothing.
Unrelated note: I don't know if it is mother's day today bc i'm not from usa, in my country mother's day was yesterday, so, if it is actually mother's day in usa................ ignore it..
Dreamtale (c) JokuBlog
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loveislandthegame · 9 months
my overall thoughts on S7, art edition: it's giving rough draft . i really have no idea how any of these design choices got approved in the first place
as an artist, and more importantly, somebody who has eyeballs: this season looked like absolute shit . i can’t speak for everybody, but personally i would be embarrassed to release work of such poor quality
not only is it hideous, it’s clearly rushed. i'm getting the vibe that FB took some s4-6 concept islanders and threw them all together at the last minute (still believe the theory that alex was going to be the redeemed eddie FB was talking about, before the poll revealed nobody wants that nasty man back lol)
weird poses, weird proportions, weird shading on everything, and almost every single guy has youcef's abs . rafael did when he was first revealed, even though he has love handles ??
this is just speculation, but i really do think the heavy amount of reused assets is to cover up signs of AI art. everything that is original, like hair, hands, and clothing, looks a hot ass mess . i think we’re all aware that uma's hair looks crazy, but it's not just her. pretty much every islander has an issue where the flow of their hair is "unnatural," like it was either drawn by AI, or by an artist that was paid one cent & pocket lint. if there were any human beings involved in this, whoever designed that blue tutu partywear and the suggested prom outfit needs to be fired expeditiously
the customisation options are severely lacking, and it's further limited by some of the stuff being straight up unusable. mind you, this is a gem hair and a gem hair colour. you have to pay for this 😭
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instead of adding new clothes/hair/accessories, or at the very least, fixing the issues with the options we already have (why do the necklaces go under half of the clothing ?) ...they keep adding shoes. ugly as hell shoes at that. we don't even see MC's lower body outside of picking outfits , so what is the purpose of having like 30 fucking pairs ?? i know FB has a "thing" for feet, but come on man . these yellow ankle-breakers are the stuff of nightmares
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clearly their quality assurance team has left the building, we’re the QA now 😭 problems that should've never happened in the first place, like the arm tattoo having no transparency on plus size MCs, the hole in the curly hair, earrings going behind hair, alex’s eyebrows, and rafa’s anatomically incorrect body were only adjusted after complaints. everything else is just gonna stay looking busted i guess lmao
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