#i just now it made total sense in the play to say that. it didnt look like an actor going ooc
icharchivist · 1 year
I had a dream this night where Sir Ian McKellen came to perform a play at my school. In the middle of the play, his character, who looked like Gandalf but wasnt Gandalf, turned to us and said "i haven't known such joy since Gandalf got his big naturals". Moment of silence where we turn to each other in the crowd, going "does. Does he know." Because it made sense in the context of the play and could have been a line written for him without him having the reference. But no. He smiles so foundly to confirm yes. He knows. And it's the best thing ever to him.
And it made me laugh so hard that it woke me up I'm OBSESSED. I want to believe the Real Sir Ian McKellen appeared to me in dreams to pass me this message.
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bingusbongu · 3 months
A/N: an obey me request!!! I haven't been playing obey me in awhile, the last thing i tried was Nightbringer- but honestly, Lucifer TOOK MY BREATH AWAY WHEN HE CAME ON SCREEN so i can ABSOLUTELY. Kinda short:) lots of love<3
Remember, these are just headcanons, NOT CANON!!!!
Reader dialog is in pink, BUT they are gender neutral! Its just to tell who is talking! Mammon is orange, Solomon is Blue, and Lucifer is red!
《 Masterlist 》
《 Rules 》
TW: yelling/scolding, overworking, Harassment
Lucifer obey me x timid! Reader Hcs/slight imagines
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• he found out in the worst way possible. You did something, lets say with Mammon or just doung something wrong. He snapped at you, expecting you to just say sorry, but nope! You stared up at him with big, watering eyes and nearly started crying while mumbling 'im sorry' over and over again
He didnt know what to do, he didnt expect you to cry of all things, he kinda just stood there in shock. It was Mammon who stepped up and patted your back, huffing at his older brother
" look what ya did! Humans are sensitive ya know that?! "
And Lucifer watched Mammon lead you away to go and cheer you up, most likely going to buy you something
• as the avatar of pride, he has no room for feeling sorry unless it's of his brothers. You were just a mere human. There was no reason to feel sorry for you. And he didn't understand why he did.
he observed you for a while in the household. How you spoke so quietly, how you apologized for every little thing that wasn't even your fault. How his brothers softened their tone when around you as to not scare you, even Satan!
He didn't understand, so he went to the one person who might actually know: Solomon (much to his displeasure). As another human, he may actually have an answer to why you act like this, it couldnt be normal.
When he asked Solomon, he laughed at him. But automatically stopped at Lucifers glare.
" Oh, you're actually serious - well, it's normal for a human to act like that. Scared, nervous, and flinching at every touch, some humans are like that, or they are like that due to their specific past or something that has happened to them. I mean, take a look in their shoes, imagine you're a human, living your life, and all of a sudden you're in hell. Not only that, you're living with the 7 deadly since and made to go to a school full of demons that could easily kill you. They are scared. They aren't used to this, and are afraid that the moment they look someone in the eyes wrong, they are dead."
Lucifer had to sit and process that information. Now that he thought about it, it made total sense.
You were small, fragile, weak, just a simple human in hell. He hated to say it, but Solomon seemed right for once. Its not like he hadnt noticed the way you tried to avoid him and stay close to one of his brothers when he was around. Maybe when he yelled at you, he caused you to fear him.
• he felt awful about it now that he understood the concept. So, he decided to atleast try and fix his relationship with you, for some reason, he didnt want you to fear him anymore.
When he entered the room and you were in there, he stopped himself from having his usual glare. And greeting you gently instead of just completely ignoring you. And occasionally, would hint you a tiny compliment or a small nod at you if you do something in particular.
• his brothers caught on very quickly. Instead of you clinging to their side when Lucifer was around, he seemed the need to not do so. And Lucifer was being polite to you, after he seemed like you were inferior to him!
One of the instances when they were caught gaurd was after an accident. Lucifer was NOT happy at his brothers for something they did, and was chewing their ears off. But, to their confusion, automatically stopped when the door opened and you came in. Instead, Lucifer cleared his throat and greeted you gently, asking you very sweetly if you can leave the room and give him and his brothers more time to discuss.
They were BAFFLED. since when did Lucifer start being so nice to you?? They tried to beg you not to leave, but once you did so, Lucifer continued scolding them, but with less volume.
• over time, Lucifer would notice that sometimes, youd flinch when he'd enter the room. But, instead of staying tense, you relaxed when you just noticed it was him, and for some reason, that made him feel, good.
Not only that, but you would actually talk to him now, without cowering away from him. It was nice to actually talk to you, without you whispering responses when he asked you questions.
• one time, it was late at night, and Lucifer was busy finishing his paperwork. After so long, he decided to take a break, he had his back scrunched for to long and he needed to stretch his legs. So, he left his office to go and take a walk around the mannor.
It was quiet, all the lights were shut off, but he could see perfectly. Everyone was asleep, after making sure to check some of his brothers rooms to make sure they were sleeping.
Though, when he walked passed your room, he realized that your light was still on. It was quite late, you shouldnt been awake, humans need rest after all.
He cracked your door open to see why you were still awake. He found you hunched over your desk with your desk lamp on. A book open and multiple notes scattered around. It looked as if you were, struggling.
He gently knocked the door and called your name. He watched you jump and look up in panick.
"O-oh! Lucifer! I... i uh..."
"What are you doing up this late? Humans need their rest more than we do"
He watched you hesitate, looking over at the papers on your desk and sigh loudly. His heart nearly cracked at your tired voice.
"Im getting behind in my classes, and im not understanding this demon homework and i dont want to bother Solomon.... im sorry"
God, it felt like all his pride left his body when he saw how guilty you looked. But the fact that you admitted it instead of covering it up like his brothers would.
You expected him to yell at you, but instead he pulled up a chair beside you.
"Here, let me help you"
To your suprise, he started teaching you the homework in a way you could understand. He was slow and gentle with you, instead of rushing you like your teachers were doing to you and making you stressed out. He actually... helped you. Not only that, but with his help, you got it done in an hour. And he herded you back into bed.
"next time, dont be afraid to ask for help"
• After that, Lucifer gained your full trust.
youd greet Luicfer happily and with a smile, no matter who you were around. And became more comfortable enough in his presence to talk to him! Sometimes he liked silence, but he also adored the fact you trusted him enough to talk to him without any fear
Occasionally, youd be invited into his office to just talk with him while listening to his records and possibly having tea, hust talking with eachother, and Lucifer actually enjoyed your company. Hed ask you about your grades, and was glad to hear you wete doing alot better with his help.
• if you were to make him something as a thank you, like going to buy him something or baking him something or making his favorite food, he is in disbelief.
• oh the things he would do to keep you save MY GOD
• you won over his pride filled heart
• wherever he goes, you are usually seen with him. Either just walking, going out, or occasionally at meetings. He liked it when you came along with him, that you felt safe enough to go places with him around.
• if anyone were to point it out, he will avoid the subject and change it. (you are his emotional support human, but he would NEVER admit that)
• though, if someone where to yell at you, or speak to you as if you are lower and should know your place, god he would be pissed. ESPECIALLY if they make you cry
He would destroy hell if it were to hurt you in any way shape or form. He would escort you away, but you BEST believe he is coming back and showing them what true hell feels like
• you are the only one he allows into his room uninvited. Infact, he perks up when its you, and lets you sit with him. Even in silence, its comforting
• he is ontop of making sure you are okay. The moment you seem more sad or timid then usual, he is stopping everything to make sure you are okay.
• even if one of his brothers raises their voice around you, or say something mean he is there and glaring them down with the force of 1000 suns.
• when you are stressed out or afraid, he puts his hand on your back and makes you focus on him. Speaking softly and gentle to you, trying to sooth you into a calm state. Wiping your tears away with gentle hands
• them buying you a sweet treat:)
• GOD you have this man of pride WRAPPED around your finger
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jesterofcringe · 4 days
I can't take it anymore- Is that an exit door? [Liminal space au] Natalie x Reader
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this follows the rules of the backrooms except i have no idea how the backrooms work and didnt feel like writing the entities so its liminal spaces instead :3 i love writing cringe can you tell also people who sent in requests im working on em now they'll be out soon 😋👍 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★It all started because you were messing around with Natalie and it, once again, got you two in trouble.
★It started with a shove, which turned into a couple of light punches, which turned into a whole play fight. 
★Natalie pushed you hard enough to knock you over, and in trying to save yourself you instinctively grabbed her shirt and the both of you went crashing into the wall.
★Except you didn’t.
★The two of you fell for far too long, as if the wall was never there. Finally, you landed with a splash, your entire body submerged in water.
★You had crashed into a wall, and now you were submerged in water. Because that totally made sense.
★In a panic you scrambled to your feet, rubbing the water out of your eyes. When you opened them, you saw you were in a subway system, water flooded up to your knees.
★Everything got more confusing the more you made an effort to understand what was going on.
★Natalie’s hand shot out and grabbed your arm, “Are… are you seeing this too??”
★“Yeah…” You nodded slow “…I think so.”
★“Subway station, balls deep with water?”
★“Could we like, be hallucinating the same thing?”
★You kicked up the water, splashing her, “Would we be able to feel a hallucination?”
★A heavy silence blanketed the two of you as you shivered and tried to figure out what the hell just happened.
★Natalie started to walk away from you, and you instantly followed after her.
★“Where are you going?”
★“It’s freezing. Hallucination or not we can’t just stay here.”
★She reached back and offered you a hand, which you took in one of your own. Somehow, her fingers were colder than the water.
★Ever since then, nothing really made sense anymore. 
★At the end of the subway there was a door. A door with a faint glow around it. That was the only thing that stayed consistent. A door was always there and it always brought you somewhere new, no matter how different than the last. After the subway station it was a movie theater. Following that was a shopping mall, and an empty parking lot after that one. The doors brought you just about anywhere. You had seen more Walmarts than you cared to admit.
★That wasn’t even the weirdest part. No matter where you were, there was absolutely never any people. Entire amusement parks, attractions moving and all, completely abandoned by human life... Did humanity vanish, or did you?
★“Do you think the rest of the yellowjackets are looking for us?
★It was a random ass question. The last door you guys passed through led you into a gas station and the two of you were in the middle of stuffing a backpack you found with as much resources as you could. Despite thinking Natalie's question was somewhat out of the blue, you couldn't deny the fact that you had been thinking about the same thing.
★“I hope so.”
★ She tossed you a pair of flashlights and a candy bar, “What do you think they’re saying about us?”
★“Probably think we ran away and got married in secret.” You shrugged as you attempted to stuff some bubble gum in the front pocket.
★“At this point we may as well," She ripped open a bag of fruit gummies and offered you some, which you politely declined, "It’s not like we’re ever gonna get out of here.”
★You didn't appreciate the implications of never finding your way out, but you didn't mind the idea of becoming somewhat romantic with Natalie, even if it was due to the fact you two seemed to be likely to die together whether you were romantic or not.
★It was hard to keep track of the days. If you had to guess, it had been a few months. It felt a lot longer than that, though. Time was sort of distorted, although the first few weeks you were obsessed with trying to track how long the two of you had been trapped. Natalie was able to tell the whole concept of time was starting to drive you a bit mad, and the next time the doors brought you some place high up she chucked her watch as far as she could so you would stop staring at it.
★"What the hell Natalie! We needed that!"
★"Knowing the time isn't going to get us out of here! You staying sane, will!"
★You had to really get lucky with the places you ended up. Sometimes you went without food for weeks, sometimes you ended up in places with enough resources to provide for the next eighty years. You never stayed even though you knew you should. You were absolutely desperate to get out. Natalie on the other hand, came to terms with the whole thing surprisingly quick. She was very level headed, her calmness rubbing off on you whenever you started to work yourself up.
★“You’re delusional dude, you need sleep.”
★“I don’t wanna sleep, we need to keep going.”
★“We can keep going tomorrow.”
★“We. Can. Keep. Going. Tomorrow.”
★There was a time you ended up in an elementary school when the both of you were exhausted. You were both too tired to realize you had been walking through the same place every time you found the door. When you eventually did realize it after the third time, Natalie said fuck It, and you ended up spooning on the couch in the front lobby of the school.
★[The next morning the door you passed through led you to a mattress store. You didn’t know who you wanted to kill more, the doors or Natalie. The cuddles were pretty nice though, so you couldn’t stay mad at her.]
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thoughts-and-gayers · 6 months
here's how the freaky mortys theory can still win. (aka, what i'm calling the friendly mortys theory.)
(carrying over a lot of connections made by @trucknoisettes and @glitteringcrab)
so, its no secret that evil morty tends to play up his 'mortyness' when he needs to appear innocent. most recently seen in unmortricken, where he pretends to be morty prime and the first words out of his mouth are "aw jeez".
its also no secret that morty's been ping-ponging a bit between s1/2 personality and s5/6 personality.
i posit that the moments where he's seen acting more like the cliche morty is the moments where its actually evil morty overcompensating, and the moments where he actually acts like morty prime are, yknow, morty prime.
this would, of course, require that they be swapping places off-screen throughout season 7.
or, and this is where i get full tinfoil-hat, theyve been doing it even longer than that.
while rick was off having his anime crow arc in season 5, morty was doing... something. the show doesnt really dwell on it, except mention that morty was on the citadel at some point. its entirely possible that morty got to talking with people on the citadel, maybe even making some friends. maybe one of those friends just so happened to be the president.
evil morty didnt have a clear reason to invite our rick and morty to dinner before he destroyed the citadel. i doubt that he had a soft spot for rick c-137, but maybe, just maybe, he had a soft spot for morty prime. the morty who stood up to his rick and had been complaining about being left by him only a few days ago.
obviously morty hadn't known EM's actual plan. he probably didnt know too much about EM at all. but there's no way that EM, the character who just wants to be alone, would invite a total stranger along with him out of the cfc.
but no. morty declined.
what if the second seat wasnt a toilet. what if he had built a second seat in order to take morty with him, but lied to protect his reputation.
so imagine, our morty, morty prime is reeling from everything that happened. and as horrified as he is, maybe he also understands. just a little bit.
and evil morty, he built his base, he's finally left alone, but maybe he's also a bit lonely. after all, the robot butler also clearly was programmed for conversation.
so, maybe partway through season 6, evil morty talks to morty prime. they make up. they agree to switch places on occasion. after all, morty needs a break from all the bullshit sometimes, and EM is probably curious what morty's family, and indeed rick c-137, is actually like.
and so when evil morty comes to that base where rick and morty are, morty obviously isnt going to act like they know each other. so he overcompensates just like EM can, but in the other direction.
like, come on, can you really believe that morty prime would act like that with no provocation? he may have a violent side, but it doesnt just come out of nowhere. and yes, the blood vortex was horrifying, but clearly EM isnt here to attack either of them right now.
now, if he was, say, exaggerating his dislike of EM so rick wouldnt get suspicious, then this makes a lot more sense. morty's not really a good liar! in fact, they could even be swapped right then! this seems more like what EM would say in this situation, doesnt it?
now, while i was reading @trucknoisettes unmortricken analysis, i was wondering why morty would jump from being openly hostile to EM to agreeing to temporary mind control, but if the hostility was all an act? if he already had some precedent for trusting EM? well, a whole lotta things start making sense.
so, to summarize this wild speculation:
- evil morty and morty prime have been friends since after season 5 episode 9
- at some point in season 6, evil morty made up with morty off-screen.
- after making up, the two of them started switching places on occasion throughout season 6 and 7
- morty prime's hostility to evil morty in 7.5 was an act
and perhaps ive taken a few too many liberties, but yknow. i'm here to have fun and ship evil morty x morty not make perfect sense.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
YANDERE THE MAN HUSH DUDE HEADCANONS BUT THE READER LOVES HIM BACK?? Btw they make tiktok vids together or share the same humour, They make vids about jokes or making funny vids by reacting or making someone read something & forcing to watch the vid with their reaction lol.
YANDERE the man (John) x reader
Headcanons, filming vids together or forcing each other to react to a weird video or doing weird funny stuff, if you want you can add anything else and yeah lol
Woah that is a long letter u wrote there
I LOVE THE IDEA OMG PLUS THEM PRANKING EACH OTHER omg BUT U FOROGR TO SAY WHAT PRONOUNS TO USE😭*exploes* gonna use she/her :) , there is some dialogue John is green and she is pimk
(Swf)(Request open)(TW:yandere,stalking,bulling people on tiktok)
Yandere silly dude from Hush (le josh) with as silly s/o
When he saw her first time he was sure that he will stalk her a little, spook her with some dead bodies, and kill her (his average sunday)
But after a while he kinda realised that he kinda likes her?? But he didnt pay mind to it(just yet) he still will try to commit crimes
He probably tried to stalk her while she was out in city but she bumped into him and he just 😳🧍 she probably started apologising while he tried to catch his breath.
And imagine if she decided that hes cute and invite him to some cafe. This guy went on mission to gather info to kill her, now He sits there drinking some tea and talks about some drama with her.
He will kinda find her funny, she seemed to have similar sense of humor like him. Then he decides to slow down his kill evil plan and gives her a chancs
His yandere type is defo "youre mine and only mine" but if she gets along with it, he is the biggest cuddle bug and shmol bean ever.
John wont tell her that he loves her (even if she is visably in love with him) and probably plan some evil kidnapind plan(super epic) So yeah he invites her to cute trip in forest total cute, then he ties her arms, then he yeets you in his car (he expects some sort of fight tbh) and drives you to his hause. While she just vibes to songs in radio.
"This is your hause now, try to escape and you wont be so happy" "cool, do you have wifi here" "🧍yea"
God zamn John prepared so hard!! Duble locks on doors, windows with super hard Glass, ect. He was prepared for game in cat and mouse and she just vibes on couch?
"I ordered pizza honey:)" "I cant eat it, I have ligma:(" "whats ligma" "😈 ligma bools"
Shes lucky he loves her because after limga joke he accualy regreted sparing her in first place
Also she would show him the most gen-z memes you can think of and record his reacion "Who is 🤨 among?"
He would blush like crazy when she wears his shirts, he will cuddle her a lot
He works out a lot, and eveytime after, he feels super strong and he just picks her up or play catch or just play-fight
'Damn babe somone just posted rat stealing whole bag of chips, wanna see?" *sees the video* "damn, so us"
He will say stuff like: slay, common W, most sane person in Ohio. This Type of stuff, im sorry if this bothers you
He will give headpats
If shes like tiktok famous and posts funni shit daily, she will try to inculde him. At first only as the guy holding camera or something. But later she will do stuff like "my bf reacting to my skincare routine!" Or "puting make up on my bf! (Not click bait) (he is shocked)"
But if they dont mind its win-win because its free comments and likes (and in big scale it means money)
I wanted to post memes at the end but tumblr doesnt like so I prolly post meme right after posting it
Also reader sending him funny shit while he is 'at work' *she sends funny rat meme* "honey i litteraly shoot somone leg off wtf is that" "hehe funi rat"
He loves walks in forest, with hand holding ofc. Also He has ps5 and he will play with her some silly games
Overall 9/10: pros:you get free food, and u dont have to work, u get hugs 12/7. cons: u get kidnaped
I hope its up to ur standards, i made it a little long, john>>
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sleepy-vix · 2 months
just finished the burning god ^^👍 what the fuck
spoilers below
fuck i was a fool to pray that kitay would live
also i had a feelign tjat rin woulg kill her self in the end and im SO INFINITELY GLAD that nezha didnt die in that cave water thing following that monster/dragon, but FUCK I DIDNT WANT THIS ENDING
im so glad that nezha at least lives but actually is that any better than death???? poor boy never wanted to be a ruler. UGHHH I JUST REALISED KUANG ADDED THAT CHAPTER WHERE VAISRA ASKS NEZHA IF HE WANTED TO BE A RULER TO HURT US EVEN MORE
fuck you kuang
you twisted genius
nezha never wanted to be a ruler. his father never cared about him, he was tortured by the stupid dragon god thing, thrust into a position in charge of a whole fucking country- and not a good one at that, forced to hunt down the girl he loved because of duty, and then forced to WATCH HER KILL HERSELF AND HIS CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND and he had to keep going bc he has a whole fucking country to rebuild and hesperians to outplay
fuck all of the characters in these books are so haunted i love it and i hate it and i wish i'd never ever met them
and kitay...
i wanted so so so badly for him to live. i hate that he was so clearly helpless in the end. i knew that he loved rin and it was so glorious that he loved her but FUCK i didnt want him to end like this?!?,!;&:!:&:$. like... she was trynna kill him at the end. i thought hed die by jumping in front of an arrow for her or smtg 😭😭 we didnt even get to see much moments of them simply being best friends
"i cant help but love you" WHAT THE FUCK.
this is so unfair i feel so sick in the stomach i could vomit actually
the only person's death who i'm remotely at peace with is Rin's bc i anticipated it from the start and it was so cleary necessary, even though it was tragic. the whole thing with her spiralling at the end made me so sick in my stomach because i hated her briefly, but really i couldnt actually HATE her because shes rin and shes only twenty one (i just realised shes only SIX. SIX years older than i am) and shes been through so much fuck fuck fuck this stupid ass story i wish i never even had the ability to read. i want to hug rin and just stop time forever
a big part of me wishes that rin never tried to kill nezha at all, that she was completely sane (tho tbf, her going insane was totally warranted considering everything shes been through) and she had made some clever deal with the hesperians where she never used her powers ever again but not have to die and she could BE ALIVE with kitay and nezha but.... it makes sense that she dies (even though i hate that). it goes against her nature to live and bend to the hesperians, and her death would give nezha more credibility, and she probably wouldve gone even more batshit crazy having to act civilised and not wage another war... so
i dont even know what to say anymore it all happened so fast and i still cant accept it
the weirdest thing is that the people i feel most sorry for are the ones who are alive (which is not many, but still...): Nezha, first and foremost. 21 years old and he has to singlehandedly play politics in order to save a fractured country. agshjss i wish kitay could have lived to help him through it omfg
also chaghan. him and his people are going to be the only ones left who have access to the pantheon, but they'll probably have to go to war or submit to the hesperians aghhh and chaghan has to lead all that with HALF OF HIS SOUL FUCKING DEAD (rf kuang... i curse you)
also what the hell happened to Lianhua? :( poor girl is gonna get tracked by the hesperians aswell
ushshajshsjss i cant think anymore. im so fucking miserable ^^,
atleast i can look at fanart now :(
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hochi-mama-1997 · 10 months
okay im posting my drdt connected to v3 theory now
and because it has spoilers for sure ill just spam image to make the cut thing cuz idk how (im stupid)
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i think thats good uh
so basic theory, that in some way, everything is fictional. connected to the v3 lore. i dont really think i need to explain much? so heres where the theory starts
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the someone being related to a canon character is kinda just something i thought was a sorta interesting idea, and i dont really believe it. theres not many connections i can make. levi has the same eye color as junko and the fashion talent and the hair kinda matches makoto or healthy nagito (though i think thats a fanon thing anyways) but since junko is dead and nagito is unlikely to have kids, those are a stretch. makoto could still work i guess? but again, unlikely.
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and of course theres obviously this
if theres anything that could work for this theory i made for no reason its this, clearly david and shuichi look very similar. and if v3 is correct and the v3 cast would be the only non fictional ones, i guess david and shuichi having some family relation would be the only thing to make sense. but again, this is like a side bonus theory just for fun so i wouldnt think about it too much.
anyways and heres where i really start v3 theory
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thats the basic logic of this theory. monotv lying about the tragedy, the false memories, reboot or just like a spin off in america, something like that
oh and i said this
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thats it for that, lets look at the other part of the theory now
so far, a lot of what i found just surrounds this
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this mv almost made ME turn into the literature girl insane
this part did remind me of v3 a lil
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part where tsumugi says that theres no place for them in the outside world n stuff
and then we get to the comments part. wow. oh boy.
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if these comments meant anything this could easily be like.. something with v3 and fiction. interestingly, the comments have dates that are back a while. 10 years, 4 years, stuff like that. i would say that either the comments are old and danganronpa is older and v3 wasnt the last and its been going on for a while, or the person who made this just didnt care about the years of the comments..?
if they do relate to drdt, the blanks for the "is the byakuya/nagito/kokichi" do easily fit to david.. that's prolly about him.
the lyrics are also interesting i think. the world wont change. the world wont give up danganronpa, the killing game wont stop. maybe.
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bit hard to read, but on the top there's 5 letters will obviously die in chapter 5. if the spaces mean anything, theres another thing for david.
i like that blank is a protag who also plays the antag? theres a lot of spaces there. too many for me to really say who it could be. similarly, theres blank and blank totally swapped places.
this has to do somehow with teruko and david. theres the thing about david was supposed to be the real protag
cuz like.. this
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the protag using he pronouns. not teruko. this could be what the comments mean?
and theres the mm blank anyone
four spaces. so.. levi, arei, whit, eden, nico.. theres a lot of 4 letter names in the cast. i dont have any mastermind theories atm, but if you do have one for any of those guys (besides arei prolly), i guess there you go.
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i dont know who this could be. uh.. yeah.
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this could just be a troll. or to say dont pay attention to these. i really dont know.
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i guess v3 has people becoming brainwashed. i dunno.
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theres something weird about this. i dont know what. but theres something. im just making note of it in case i ever have any ideas.
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this is interesting. i did have an idea about this. that maybe this was supposed to be the main cast but drdt is somehow off script, maybe teruko was supposed to die when stabbed by xander, maybe teruko was never meant to be stabbed by xander, i dont know. the important thing is whats under mai's name. it looks like mr. naegi to me. this again can be connected to v3 where the cast got false memories of makoto being the headmaster of hope's peak. mr naegi.
anyways, description of the video. this
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theres a bit more where it says i have always been a only child. the blanks are most surely diana chiem. it also fits david but thats prolly nothing.
what could this mean? well, think of v3. people had memories of their friends and family. but they didnt exist. they were just false memories.
there is no one named diana chiem. she's just fictional.
thats my take on that anyways.
i dont really have too much else. but back to teruko maybe supposed to die, it would be even more like v3. the girl protag being killed of, maybe to be replaced by a depressed blue haired guy?
i also found this theory in the comments
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this could be true. i just wanted to point it out. i already thought eden was a lil strange at times.. (also there is the 4 letter name mastermiind comment hmmm)
thats all for today. make sure to like and subscribe for more hyperlink blocked.
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bradshawswife · 2 years
Please can you do and imagine loosely based off the song Honky Tonk Badonkadonk by Trace Adkin for a Hangman x y/n imagine because this song is SO him! And i can just see a y/n waitress having to deal with a cocky drunk Jake trying to impress her all the whilst he’s singing this at the top of his lungs for the attention from the reader and others around him, bonus points if his friends back him up too 😂 i love your writing and if you manage to do this i hope it’s fun to write!
HAHAH i love this idea. I hope I did it justice!
Drunk Flirting. J.S
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warnings: jake being jake, drunk idiots, country music, suggestive themes (i guess?)
a/n: this was so fucking funny to write. i was constantly laughing my ass off. i must say, basing a one shot on a song is a bit difficult, but i hope i did it right. (i left some of the lyrics out, as they didnt make sense for the fic lol)
While working at The Hard Deck, Y/N was used to arrogant, drunk Naval Aviators, making passes at her. She was very used to Jake “Hangman” Seresin hitting her up every time he stepped foot into The Hard Deck.
Today, after a long day of training, Hangman and his friends made their way into The Hard Deck. While Rooster, Phoenix, and Bob made their way to the pool table, Hangman made his way over to flirt with Y/N, as he usually did.
"Hey sweet girl, can I get 4 beers please" he smirks at you.
Today, you're wearing shorts with a graphic tee tucked into them. Your shorts are on the shorter side, and as much as Hangman wants to think you did this for him, it was simply laundry day for you.
You make your way to the other side of the bar to fill up 4 beers, when Hangman whistles at you. "Are you wearing those for me? Those are some of the shortest shorts I've ever seen." he beamed.
"Yes, Jake. I am 100% wearing these shorts just for you." you laugh, sarcastically, shoving the 4 beers towards him. "Thanks sweetheart" he grinned, turning around and promptly stopped before swinging back around, "they look really good on you, Y/N". he exclaims while throwing a wink at you.
Hustlers shootin' eight ball Throwin' darts at the wall
Rolling your eyes, you watch as the friend group played pool and threw darts occasionally.
A few hours pass by, after many beers and some tequila shots, its safe to say Hangman and the crew are good as done, as they're stumbling over each other. She begins to walk over to the friend group, letting them know you're about to close and that they need to find their rides home, when you hear Hangman and his friends break out into song.
"Here she comes, lord help us all" Rooster sings, slurred.
"Poor ole boy, it aint his fault. It's so hard not to stare" Bob (you're shocked) chimes in.
"At that honky tonk badonkadonk" Hangman screams, staring you up and down. You're so beyond confused at this point and just start laughing to hide your embarrassment as a few bar stragglers have now gathered around you to watch as this drunken friend group is singing the most absurd country song ever.
Your face turns bright red as Hangman grabs your hand and twirls you around.
"Keepin' perfect rhythm, make ya wanna swing along" Phoenix adds in, laughing in between words. Yea, she's extra drunk.
"Got it goin' on, like Donkey Kong" Bob laughs at your bright red face. You're used to only Hangman making passes at you in his friend group, so this whole scene is totally out of the ordinary.
"And whoo-wee, shut my mouth, slap your grandma, there oughta be a law, get the Sheriff on the phone" Rooster laughs, staring at you as you begin to walk away, just beyond embarrassed. You want to go hide in the storage closet until this all blows over. Rooster stands up and drunkenly strides over to stop you.
"Lord have mercy, how'd she even get them britches on that honky tonk badonkadonk" Hangman slurs, giving you a wink. You pull your shorts down a bit more, as if that's going to help anything. Your face is basically the colour of a tomato, and you've never been this flustered at Jakes shenanigans, but today is different.
"Now Honey, you can't blame her" Phoenix sings, smiling as Rooster moves you closer to the group, after you just accepted the fact that they're not going to shut up.
"For what her mama gave her. It ain't right to hate her" Bob smiles, giving you a wink (wow this is totally out of character for bob)
"For workin' that money-maker." Hangman slurs, drunkenly stumbling over to pull you over to the bar.
"We hate to see her go, but love to watch her leave" Rooster yells as you and Hangman make your way to the bar.
Finally, the song seems to end. Your face looks like you've spent all day in the sun. You're nearly shaking as Hangman takes your hand.
"I hope you enjoyed that sweetheart, i love that song" he grins, as you roll your eyes.
"I'm very used to your antics, Jake. I was shocked the rest of your friends chimed in." you sigh. Jake just continues to stare at you, with puppy dog eyes.
"Can I finally take you out?" you chuckle as he says that, like you can't believe he'd have the audacity to push further after THAT.
"You're way too drunk right now. Lets get you and your friends in a cab, and maybe you can ask me next time." you grunt, trying to hold up Hangman as you lead him and his friends out to the cab.
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Obsessed with all your Kurt fics! Was wondering if maybe you could do something along the lines of watching a scary movie with him and rubbing against him accidentally in fear. Then it slowly turns into sex as he just moans and grinds against you? I hope that makes sense 😅 I see Kurt as a bottom but I think he could totally be a top rarely. Can this time be one of them?
Tysm cherub! I’m rly glad you like them haha!
Watching the horror film was already turning Kurt on a little. Not that he’d ever admit that to you. But you two lying on the couch like this to watch movies, with Kurt spooning you from behind as you both lay in the dark room, his arms around your body, and his crotch pressed up against your ass? Well this position usually caused a rise in Kurt down there. You, in general, always did.
You both usually enjoyed your horror film nights. But this movie you’d picked, was based around something you’d told Kurt you’d always been scared of. He thought you were so cool, for picking that one on purpose then. Kurt always thought you were cool.
Although it did give him an extra, unexpected, advantage. While Kurt sometimes would test rubbing himself against you in this position, this time, he didnt have to move first. Apparently you were finding this film that played on your personal fears scary, because every time you jumped, you launched yourself back straight into Kurt. And with no space at the back of the couch for him to go, you were bouncing against his already stiffening cock each and every time.
And then there were the moments you were waiting in anticipation for a jumpscare. Oh boy. Kurt felt you wriggling, writhing back into him, trying to push and squeeze and mould yourself as best you could into Kurt’s body, especially at this arched angle. Which meant the minute of you wriggling into him, preceded almost every thrust against his cock.
Not only was this immensely turning Kurt on. But it also made him feel protective of you, in a way. Or more so, like he should be your protector. It was really speaking to his dominant side.
“Baby, are you too scared?” Kurt asked in the quiet of the room, stroking your hair behind your head as he questioned you. Comforting you with his tucks, as he got to play with your hair, and see how scared you were in his arms right now. Just how much you needed him.
You thought his voice sounded flatter because he was tired, or unsure why you were scared, he could sometimes get like that when others were emotional in scenarios, he would seemingly be able to shove any emotions deep down for. Not that Kurt couldn’t get emotional in other ways. You didn’t quite catch the sultry hint in his voice, with the screaming in the forefront of your earshot. His touch did feel good though. You leant into Kurt more. “No. I’m enjoying it. Just hold me more Kurt please? I like that.” You rubbed your head into his hand, a bit like a cat, and you could feel his laughter bursting through his nose, as he rubbed your head. Seemingly finding it cute.
“Okay. I’m here. I’ll look after you.” Kurt responded, like something was funny. Still rubbing and petting your head. Giving you a kiss there though, humming against a vein in your skull, which was making your brain feel a bit weird, but you weren’t going to say anything in the hush.
That was until, you felt Kurt slamming his hips into you. His arms wrapped smoothly around your waist the second his hips dug in. No subtlety, and no grace or decorum. Just pounding his crotch straight into your flesh, looking down at it carnally.
“Kurt what’re you doing?!” You shriek a little, only because you’re caught off guard, you hardly notice your hand moving atop his, keeping his arm caged in around you.
You don’t realise how much your shriek helps your lover, especially with the bloody yelling from the tv screen. Kurt huffs against the back of your head, pushing you down a little as he focuses on his angle. Pressing your body into the sofa to rub himself extra hard against you, in just the right places. “You said you wanted me to look after you.” He replied simply, before flipping you over so you’re fully on your back.
And this time you can see his smirk, in between the way he licks at his lips, from your yelp at the sudden move. His hands managing to turn you over so easily. To move you about recklessly, at his will. And his eyes so amused, so hungry, at your surprised expression.
That greed soon took over his eyes though, and it was if as the tv screen flickered to a brighter colour in the room, you could tell Kurt’s eyes had somehow gotten darker.
Kurt’s hand lurched out to your clothed core. Cupping his palm around your heat and pressing there, as if to not let you go. You couldn’t help but buck up into his hand. Straight into the warmth of his palm, a small high pitched moan escaping you at the sudden touch.
“I can feel how needy you are for me here.” Kurt purred, rubbing over your cunt not like he does when he wants to serve and please you, but like he’s lewdly groping the piece of you he wants so bad. His whole aura was overpowering. And you couldn’t help but quieten down as Kurt glared above you. Your lips puckered ready for a kiss, even as your throat stopped with no words even wanting to come out. They weren’t necessary. Kurt’s dominant look persevered. “I said I was going to look after you.”
He spoke clearly, confidently, domineering. Kurt wasn’t saying this as a promise to you like one you’d asked him to keep. Kurt was saying it as a rule he had created, and would kill before letting anyone alter it, or stop him from following. Kurt would not be misunderstood, or made out to be any less powerful. This Kurt would not be called bossy, and stop tantrumming for what he wants by getting a hint of attention. You knew your Kurt. This was his time to shine, and really show off his dominant side in front of you.
Kurt shoved his hands behind your head. Accidentally getting his long digits tangled in your hair, but he moved them around until they were set locking you in from behind. He threw his leg over your body and you gasped as his weight came down, a sudden move that left you caught weak, and slightly stunned. That’s when Kurt started grinding into you. Dry humping you, even with both your clothes on, but being so close, so insanely covetous. And he was really pressing into you.
You were moaning quickly, body moving under him with each powerful thrust, as he pushed his clothed member into your mount. You could feel how rock hard Kurt was, even with all the layers. And he was resolute to shove that inside you. Masterfully unflinching. When he was like this, you always thought he’d be able to fuck you even with your clothes on. Rip a hole through both your goddamn pants with how hard he thrusts into you. Piercing the clothes from friction and stubbornness and his determination to fuck you so bad. Of course you knew it was impossible. But when he was in charge like this, you just knew to stay under him, let him work you both through it, and you simply moaned with the possibilities, of him being so good in control.
“Look at you. You’re getting all needy.” Kurt pants above you. And you know he’s talking about the fact you’re still fully dressed, but you’re digging your hands into his arms to even attempt at quietening down your whines. The fact he can probably feel how wet you are, even through those layers. Kurt was usually needy, but Kurt loved when you got needy back.
A scream filled the room, that wasn’t yours. And for just two seconds, escaping Kurt’s glowering gaze, you turned your head to the side, to see the tv. The rest of the room black, except for the glow illuminating you two in this salacious position, on the goddamn couch. Your eyes on the screen as a girl screamed at her killer.
“Don’t look at that.” Kurt snapped your attention back, hand going to your cheek after he spoke, just locking it there to cage you in even more. “Just look at me.”
You nodded, Kurt starting to move against you more again, quicker now. His hair bouncing over you as his head tilted back. A small “Fuck” leaving his lips breathlessly.
“Mmhm. Promise. I’ll look at you Kurt.” You said quietly, getting him to look back at you with a satisfied gaze in his eyes.
As Kurt’s head shot forward, you thought he was going to kiss you. But instead, he pressed his forehead against yours. Still sweet, in a way, even as you two were bouncing, and he was panting still, against your face. Kurt hummed, and you could feel his hips slowing down, thinking he was about ready to cum. But instead, Kurt pressed onto you one tiny kiss, poorly aimed to the side of your nose, before he dragged your thighs down, and started pulling your pants off you. You should’ve known Kurt in this mindset wouldn’t be done so quickly.
You helped him out, taking off your own shirt, while Kurt did his, although Kurt’s hands slapped onto your chest before you could remove your bra. You winced a little, he’d clearly been eager, but Kurt hummed as he rubbed over your breasts. Rolling them in his hands, as he kept rutting at you, this time into the back of your thigh, where he could more easily reach, instead of your cunt. Although he didn’t seem to mind either way.
Then Kurt’s mouth darted forward, and it was on your chest in an instant. He mouthed over your breasts noisily, humming in either content, or an earthly thirst for more. Kissing over them in wide open kisses, sucking the top of them into his mouth, scraping his teeth over them, biting them, flatly jamming his tongue against them. Whatever he could do, before he was ripping your bra off you.
Before you could complain with an actual shout, Kurt cut you off hastily by promising “I’ll buy you it again.” In fact, as his mouth moved down to sloppily kissing, and scraping his teeth over your bellybutton, in a feasting way simply hungry for more of your flesh, he promised to buy you five more.
Kurt managed to relieve your nipple of his mouth quickly enough, his hands aiming for his pants, and the zipper sound made a spark soar even greater between your legs. When your hands reached over to help him out his confines, he pushed them away however. Freeing himself, before moving back to press your hands together, into your chest. Kurt looked you up and down for a few seconds. Considering you, almost, as you gazed at him too. Until he finally spoke up, with a sharp “Mine.”
“Mmhm. All yours Kurt.” You promised him.
That seemed to slow down his movements a little. Soften him. And as you raised a hand to cup his cheek, you watched as his eyes shut closed, and he leaned into your touch. God he was so warm. But you didn’t get long to think, because his eyes were open again and, while slightly less steely, still very much in charge.
You watched his hand reach downwards, and you knew what he was doing. Relaxing into the couch, while Kurt started pushing himself inside you.
You could tell he was being still gentler as he did this. His hand went to your arm, supporting you, as he grazed just the tip inside. You extended your neck, tilting your chin upwards, hoping Kurt would get the message. And oh was he such a good boyfriend. He knew what you liked. Kurt immediately went in on your neck. Pressing kisses to your favourite spot of all time. Covering your neck and jaw in sloppy, nipping, deep bruising kisses. Nuzzling his mouth back and forth wildly into the crook of your neck, that made you whine right into his ear, as he pushed himself inside you. Enough so he could start fucking you, only pulling back from your neck when the wet slapping sounds of him fucking your hole began to become audible.
Kurt pressed down his bare chest on top of you, and you could feel how even, and how rugged, his breaths were, as his eyes focused in on you, fucking you like his life depended on it, on this couch. He only seemed to get this controlled when he’s dominant, and it was doing a lot for you. Raising your hand up to cup his cheek, while he just stares down at you, you feel him rocking hard against your walls, almost filling you to the point he can fuck that sensitive part deep inside, already. Kurt bites at your palm, and you only moan in response. Something that gets you bitten everywhere else.
He presses not just his chest, but his whole body weight on top of you. With you unable to tell if his eyes are lighting up or darkening, at the way your hands scratch marks into his back whenever he does so. Locking you in place with his thighs, hands creating shaped bruises into your flesh that are from passion alone. And you’re sure he’s going to be excitedly kissing all over later.
His cheek presses to the side of your head at one point. And maybe it’s just so you can feel his drool from his lips, and hear his rough breath in your ears, and stick to his sweat, all while he can so dirtily inhale at your neck, and make you feel like a piece of meat. Only increasing that feeling as his thumb presses jabs into your clit. Forceful, but not in an awkward painful way. Soon Kurt’s abusing your poor, swollen button. Swearing you off from cumming until he’s finshed fucking you. Until he says he’s filled you full with his cum, until he’s bred you properly. Stuffed so full it’ll be leaking out of you, and he won’t let anyone else touch you, since they’ll see how full of his cum you are. Kurt’s breeding kink always seemed to come more head on, when he was feeling dominant with you.
And as a woman screams, and red light fills the room from the blood splatter on screen, Kurt can feel himself unravelling as your moans turn into your own screams in unison. Your nails dig into his back as you start groaning into his shoulder, while you finally cum, with his grunted permission of “Go ahead. Fucking cum for me.”
Kurt smashes his lips into yours, and finally feels that release. Cumming so deep inside you, while he keeps thrusting his hips. Needing it all. Needing to feel your walls clench around him and keep him in tight, while you scream his name, and he gets to make you his even more by shooting his load inside you. His own pleased moans being swallowed by your lips, as he ravages yours back. Being able to fuck you through your orgasm as he keeps cumming deep inside your pussy, finally shaking on his arms a little, as he holds you, still. Finally feeling all of himself draining, and wanting nothing more than to just collapse on top of you, still inside, and finish the movie. Kurt can’t help but kiss you when he cums, even when he’s very dominant, a lot of the time. It’s just in Kurt’s nature now. Something his brain, and his heart, are just created to do.
But don’t worry. Kurt always gives such good aftercare to his baby. Once they’ve been shown how dominant he can be. He’ll make sure you know you’re his, you’re with him, for good reason! And he wants to make sure you’re feeling just as loved, actually more, than when you began. Anything you need, is yours, okay? Are you okay? He’s still so thankful for having you in his life, and so happy, in this instance, that he got to fuck you so good you nearly cried as a horror film played the score for your grand love scene :)
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evansbby · 1 year
naur coz why doni feel like mean!ari is way meaner than poyt-steve coz atleast poyt!steve was quick about breaking it off with sharon and being a simp all abput being girlfriend-boyfren and mega never share! with mean!ari and baby i feel like at this point hes totally playing her. he prolly still in that steve era thats like ya she'll stay a sidechick coz shes wayyy below my league but everyone will know shes mines and im fucking her. until naive baby is well and truly heartbroken one day when sharon flashes her ring around campus. didnt mean shit to ari but its a fucking ring ofcourse its a big deal! and coz shes a good girl shes like NO HES A BIG MEAN LIAR! HES GONNA MARRY HER IM NEVER GONNA BE HIS GIRLFRIEND! I HATE HIM! (but actually no shes just big sad :(.) and then obv her dad was a serial cheater but they kept the toxic marriage together for 'their children' and thats why she grows up super naive and trusting of ari. but maybe a weeks ago her brother or mother confesses coz the dads off on a cheating binge again and thats why they had to cancel their weekly dinners for the 3rd time :( omg i feel sad now.
so anyways because of that shes like fuck i will never get in the way of a couple especially engaged or married couple and i shudve never gotten with ari! and when ari corners her shes like
"I'm quitting you!"
he like "Huh?"
"No more, Ari! I am NOT a home wrecker! I wont do that! I hate that."
And hes just cooing at her and shes melting and suddenly she starts quiet crying, clinging to him and she whispers "Please stop Ari. I love you but I hate that you make me hate myself. "
And hes stunned.
"If you keep lying, I'll believe you. Because I want you so badly, Ari... I always want to just be near you, even if you can't kiss me but you always, always do... you always hurt me. I'm quitting you, Ari, because I am not Sharon. And I want to be. Not the one you use, not the sidechick."
ugh SHUT UP! i wanna hug her.
and Aris at a loss and for the first time ever she manages to slip away. shes not on campus the next few days, not trace of her. she back at her familys house with her mother and they have a normal few days. the unspoken miserable commiserationof both being the one cheated on and cheated with. they knit together at sunset and make special teas at dawn. her mother says that the beach is good for the soul so on the last day they go to the beach together and they play tic tac toe in the sand.
when the mum drops her back off at campus its errily quiet, theyre staring at her but she has the hood of her jacket up and shes just shuffling her way back to her dorm. red jacket, splitting the crowds like little red riding hood in the forest.
turns out ari turned the whole canpus upside down and so did sharon in her anger. but guess who changed the lock on her dorm room? left a note saying you know where to find me. and when she shows up she'll be the last one standing if she ever tried to leave again coz ari would leave no one else for her to run to.
Omg bestie 😩😩😩 first of all, yes you’re kinda right! At least poyt!Steve made omega his public girlfriend after like… two days. He also promptly dumped Sharon (via text, but he still dumped her loool). So in that sense, he’s better than wg!Ari. But wg!Ari isn’t as cruel or plain fucked up as poyt!Steve (or is he 🤔��🤔 hehe)
And omg bestie not you writing a whole saga!!! I love it!!! All the angst! Reader playing tic tac toe on the beach with her mom 🥺🥺🥺 AND THE CONFRONTATION WITH ARI AHHHHHHHH
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inventedfangirling · 8 months
I have another theory that came into my head rn that i need to share and you liked my other „thought“ so here we go 😭 i saw a few people talking about the „death and funeral talk“ sand and ray had in the last ep. And now i can‘t stop thinking about how ray asked sand if sand would sing that one song by micro at his funeral. Some people saying this is foreshadowing that one of them will die, but what if rays obsession with this one song came from the fact that this song played while rays mom was dying or something like that. I mean in one of the first episodes ray said to sand that the music he was playing are the old vinyl records from his mom.
Oh i don‘t know if my writing make sense and if my thought makes sense. And sorry in advance, english isn‘t my first language. 😭
okay first of all thankyou for sharing this with me🌻
second of all your english is perfectly fine, and more importantly as long as it gets the point across thats all that matters imo🥰
and to respond to what you said, more than anything, to me, it was that very request of singing micro by ray that made me freak out initially, i was convinced they were gonna kill off ray...but when i rewatched it, i focused how sand also talks about not wanting to die and wanting to fulfill his dreams and thouhht OHNO theyre gonna take my boy away😭
and then you came along and gave your alternate explanation to what could possibly have warranted first gushing about khao's acting in the finale and it not only made total sense to me but also gives me far more mental peace so now im choosing to live in that headcanon hehe so thank YOU
and also i feel like yes for sure micro has something to do with ray's mom but i do not think it was playing while she lay dead cos that would have been such a traumatic memory for ray and he would NOT be singing that song with such joy and light heartedness if that was indeed the bgm to him seeing his mom's dead body.
so im thinking it must have been playing on one of the few occasions in ray's childhood when his mom found time and energy to spend with him. one rare afternoon where he got to spend time having fun with his mother, where he didnt feel like a burden, where she genuinely looked at him with fondness and love.
maybe one of his only few good memories with her. micro could have been playing while that was happening. this is more plausible imo.
but ofc i can think of an extreme possibility where micro was playing while he saw his mom's body but his brain wasnt processing that it was that song that was playing.
and maybe a few weeks later he finds himself humming it and he decides to play the vinyls again to find where this melody came from...he feels good humming it (and if i again make a few more leaps this could be because even though he didnt consciously register it, this song did play on one of the last few times he got to see his mother. maybe just that fact bound the song to his memories in a way that went beyond logic and reason, its not like things like that cant happen either) and he wants to know what song it is and ever since then he has been fond of it for some inexplicable reason he cant quite put his finger to.
i went back to ep 2 to check if ray talked about this song being his favourite or anything and i saw something and now you have to see it too
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i was NOT ready for that
i mean ofc its a normal thing to say when somebody is poking you while driving but still in the context of it all it freaked me out!!
and alsooo i found that the lyrics that he sings here actually goes well with my theory of ray's brain subconciously registering the song as what was playing the last time he saw her and now im shook cos GET A LOAD OF THIS->
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its like ray's brain telling him to forget the traumatic memory (and by extension his past) and let go, but also at the same time, its also desperately holding the memories close and not letting him forget either!!
ofc the rest of the song might say something else entirely i do not know about that, but this really does strike a chord with ray's story imo.
anyways wow i did NOT expect to write this much, nor that i would be making these many interesting leaps, connections and discoveries along the way so thank YOU for prompting this all💕
hoping that our worst fears about the character's fates dont come true...hope that ray can forget, that he can let go after processing his emotions and actually go on that tour around the world with sand 🥺✨️
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Hi Steph, lots of love from Germany! 🩵💙🧡 In your reply to the switch theory you wrote that you think switching will come up later in s3 (instead of having happened at the end of s2. and I totally agree with that, the seasons theme was love, pining and miscommunication, that had to culminate in something 😂)
But yeah, my theory is that Aziraphale and Crowley will join/celestial-marry/ "merge/fuse"(??) in some way and become very powerful that way. (Although if they fuse probably not permanently) Because
a) they're crazy strong together
b)when discorporated in s1e5 Aziraphale says sth like "I wish I could inhabit your body, but we'd probably burst into flames" and I don't think that was a set-up for the switch in s1e6, because I think they didnt actually swap bodies just made theyre own body look like the other (I think?) Azzi's physical body couldn't withstand hellfire, right? So that's not happened yet.
c) didn't you write they started out as one character in the book writing process? And in an interview for s2 David Tennant said that usually Michael Sheen and him would compete for the same part and now they're playing the same character split into two.
...Thanks for coming to my ted talk. 😂 What do you think? Wishing you a very lovely evening! I really love reading your blog! It's so... cosy on here. AZ Fell's Bookshop vibes 💛🩵💙🧡
(Referencing this post)
Hey Lovely!
Firstly I'm SO happy you enjoy my blog! :) That's high praise to be compared to Azzie's Bookshop, oh GOSHLES!! Thank you so much!! I'm having a blast being in this fandom, feels like the heyday of BBC Sherlock, hahahh. I'm hoping this blog turns into another "light" success and people just come here to feel "at home" you know? LOL.
Secondly, yeah, having another think on the Switch Theory, now that it's been a couple months and more of my own theories have formed about S2, I lean more on the "not a fan" side of it. For me it's the erasure of the emotional impact and the IMPORTANCE of their miscommunication that The Final Fifteen gave us, and honestly, there's too many loose threads that just... can't work with that theory. After sitting on it for some time, the big one for me is that Crowley-in-the-car-getting-upset-at-the-music at the end makes NO SENSE if it was A-As-C; No one would be watching him, why continue the act? And Aziraphale's gentle touch-and-cry reaction to the kiss makes NO SENSE if it was C-As-A. I dunno. I can totally see why people support the Theory, but it's not for me. I'm a creature of "I need things to make sense" and too much DOESN'T make sense with it, is all.
And you're right, S2's theme WAS about showing us the development of their relationship, how important they are together, so that the end of E6 would DEVASTATE US, having us wanting more than ever for them to get back together. It was meant to show how truly made for each other they are, just they're two idiots sharing a single braincell and that braincell is emotionally dumb lol.
That all said, I have a similar thought as yours that I've been hemming-and-hawing about for a couple weeks after rereading my own theories to possibly clean them up a bit. While I DON'T think they will "merge" into one being, I DO think that they will combine their powers together in the penultimate episode to "win" (I say penultimate because I have hopes that the final ep will be them moving in together, but I know realistically, a climax can't happen an hour before the end in a story LOL).
BUT I also like your theory as well, because story-wise, the hints have ALREADY been dropped for it since S1, as you mentioned in your points A and B. There was no need for a switch, and I DON'T think it will happen again. BUT the purpose of the switch was to show that Crowley and Azzie's powers are COMPATIBLE. THAT is what's important here, and it sets up their Together Miracle in S2. And if we're going on the idea that in S3 they'll finally be in-sync and that they only get MORE powerful the more comfortable and "on-the-same-page" they get, well, yeah, I think Heaven and Hell will be wise to leave them be.
As for your point C, yes I did mention that, I BELIEVE in my BIG roundup meta for S4, but it might also be in my 'Crowley’s Past: Was Crowley Archangel Camael?' meta, since I recall doing a LOT of research for that, including trawling through Neil's blog for quotes. But yes, I actually recently saw the gifset with that interview, I think it's in my queue LOL. Neil did confirm ages ago, way back in S1 that early drafts of the book did have them as one character, which is why I think it's MORE likely that their powers are going to be combined instead.
Either way, I think the ONLY theory I absolutely am 100% against is the "they're going to become human" one, because I hate that the condition to their love must be "to love like a human they must be human" and that's just... UGH not on for me. I remain hopeful that that's not the route that their gonna go, since Gabe and Beez didn't become human, and it was a CLEAR mirror for the AziraCrow relationship (a foreshadowing of sorts).
And because I'm thinking of it right now and don't want to forget to write it somewhere, another thing that CONSTANTLY brought up is Alpha Centauri; I hope that they honeymoon there at the end of S3, it'll be a nice payoff for its constant referencing, LOL. And they can't do that if they're human LOL. I want them to spend the next 6000 years and beyond together <3
Thank you again so much for your ask!! Sorry I took a bit to reply, just got home from a road trip and I finally had a bit of free time to reply <3
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gay-for-thirteen · 7 months
Ok heres my full ramble about the episode cause i have noone to talk to about this spoilers below
So in general this was a 9/10 for me
Its so lovely 14 is played by david and i love how it feels so 10 but also a bit different, a lot calmer and heavier in some parts. Really subtle acting choices made this work so well so as always fucking DAVID TENANT EVERYBODY
I really liked the plot and motw as well, it was kind of unhinged but also exciting and nostalgic and funny. Just everything id need from an episode. Also DW said trans rights and i love this 💅
Which brings me to the next point: seeing such a diverse cast of characters was ducking dope like a woman in a wheelchair WITH DARTS AND ROCKETS ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? SHE WAS A TOTAL BADASS!! I also love how they handled rose in such a natural way and donna was like "look at her wrong and ill kill you" never expected anything less from the queen.
Also short shoutout to cinematography, budget, practical effects / puppet and music (MURRAY GOLD, THE KING).
Now to the downsides... unfortunately.
So far every regeneration wore their predecessors outfit and got their new sonic in throughout the first episode. We knew about the outfit change, but to not get any post-regeneration shenanigans or a (upgraded) screwdiver moment was a tiny bit disappointing. There will be a harsh cut between jodies last episode and the special which is just a bit of a pity. This is super minor to me, it just wouldve been nice (also david wouldve rocked jodies outfit just saying).
The main thing that i couldnt understand was the ultimate solution of the meta crisis. Splitting it with your child? Great, makes sense. And then just "letting it go" which this "male-presenting doctor could never understand" seems so weird to me? This episode was so great about being respectful of gender identity, even asking satan furby from space for it's pronouns, but then i feel like this moment dropped the ball so much. I appreciate they didnt say "male" and went with "male-presenting" since that is simply accurate, however then implying that men (although the doctor is not a man per se?) dont have this magical ability to let go? Also this was a hugeee stake that was well established in season 4 and also the main stake for the whole episode and then its resolved by just.. letting go? Damn i should try that with my depression. Idk maybe i missed sth there.
Except for that last part, overall i still really loved the episode and im hyped for next week!!
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charlie-artlie · 8 months
just got back from the fnaf movie, i really need to go to bed but i have to get some thoughts out NOW 🫠
movey good C:
matthew lillard was just so so good god bless
the animatronics were amazing, i really wasn’t expecting the scene where they all played and had fun together????? it was such wish fulfillment i was just sitting there like is this real
(on that note HEY. someone had better gif that fronnie scene were theyre just playing and dancing together. 👉 get on it giffers)
maybe controversial but i liked the matpat and coryxkenshin cameos a lot they were funny and didnt detract from the flow too much
the jumpscares were not terribly hacky like i thought theyd be, and the balloon boy one was really good 👏
all of the parts and service room was so cool tbh, all of the creepy old endos and parts, the little fetch easter egg, all of it so so good
the easter eggs in general were really fun, im looking forward to watching this movie be micro analyzed for years to come
the springlock scene 🤌 cinema…..
that scene were william roundhouse kicks mike is just like. so amazing. this is going on the positives. i cant believe they did that. what an amazing movie.
in general the lighting and sound design were very nice (i mean as a layperson i thought they were nice idk XD)
no puppet?
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i feel like this story suffers from the same issue TSE has, where by straying from the games canon you’ve actually made things so much more complicated? while some things definitely made sense (vanessa being williams daughter was a nice touch and made sense for both characters fight me, also a great nod to how shes mind controlled in game canon) others feel like they just made things more complicated? like, why was garrett just a random kid in a random campsite? why was william there, why did he kill him, why do the ghost kids know him? i guess you could say, if there is a reason, it will be revealed in a later movie? but thats so many unnecessary steps when all you had to do was have garret go missing from a freddys location (like in TSE). like, mikes brothers disappearance is linked to freddys, thats why he needs to work there, you could save a lot of time aunt jane ate up. speaking of.
its such a hilarious plot hole that they just totally move past aunt janes death. like this guy is fighting tooth and nail for custody of his sister against his aunt and she shows up dead at his house and nobody is suspicious or cares. also he shows up at the hospital with a stabbed cop who’s apparently in a coma and cant verify his story at all?? the plot armor on this man!!
i realize they needed to put abby in danger at some point or else why would she even be here, but having the ghost kids want to ghostify her doesnt make a whole lotta sense >_> like they kept saying william was confusing them but they never really showed that, golden freddys spirit kid seemed pretty aware of the situation the entire time.
that one jumpscare with the kid with black goopy eyes was pretty silly lmao. feel like they could have captured the creepypasta vibe better
this is semi positive and negative, but i really really liked vanessa’s creepiness i just wish theyd leaned into it a bit more? that scene where shes staring lovingly up at the animatronics and then asks mike to dance is just so 👌 like girl what is wrong with you fr 🥰 but then her behaviors dont make much sense after that, i was a bit confused as to when she was supposed to be trying to get mike to stay and when she was supposed to be warning him away.
the writing in general was definitely a bit weird ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ eh
sorry if my negatives seem like bummers, but i really enjoy picking apart movies i like, and i tend to like things more when there is stuff to pick apart! (sensory fandom experience…..) in general i really enjoyed the movie and i think most fnaf fans will! it’s fun cheesy horror that has a lot of love for the source material without trying to BE it, which wouldn’t be possible anyway
man theres definitely other things i could say but i really have to go to sleep now 😭 gn!!!
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Friends to lovers w turcs? For nhl sleepover
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[❤︎] pairing: alex turcotte x gn!reader
[❤︎] warnings: (other than it not being proof-read) none!
[❤︎] headcanon
nhl requests are open!
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okay so alex always thought you were pretty
like every time you walked into the room, his heart would beat faster
you were so fun to be around and alex loved that you were up for anything
there would be so many instances where he wished he would tell you how much he liked you
but he also knew that you didnt want to date anyone as of right now (when really you were pining for alex, but he was too clueless to really notice) 
and king (no pun intended lmao) wouldn’t dare to cross that barrier and would stay in those lines
it was hard when he was away during the hockey season but you both made it work
facetimimg, texting, sending tiktoks — the usual thing that you two would normally be doing
when he’d invite you to games, you always showed up
and even got to chat with him briefly when the players were warming up before the game
he loved that you were always there for him — especially when you did come to the games
alex would always try and impress you when playing
like yeah, he’d be focusing on the game, but when he remembers that you’re there, he’d try his best to impress you
you, of course, are always impressed with his skills anyway so it didnt really matter
the confessions of love was slow
it started with drunk ‘i love you’’s and drunk kisses that neither of you would rememebr much of the next day — or if you do, you both understood it to be in an act of drunk stupidity, that it couldn’t possibly mean anything reasonable 
to lingering touches
to mutual feelings of jealousy if someone took in interest in either one of you — though regardless, there was an invisible sense of faithfulness and devoutness to each other 
but the day finally came when the two of you are on a drive somewhere and sitting on top of the car, admiring the sunset before you drove off to a motel for the night
“you know, ive been thinking a lot,” alex begins
his palms are sweaty. he has to almost rub them on his jeans to stop the clamming
“um, what if, right. On the totally hypothetical, that we got together?” he rambles
“what?” you laugh, pulling one of your legs in to your chest. your hand covers your knee before you rest your face on it
“um, i dont know,” he laughs. “I just had a dream last night that we were together, and i just thought it would be kinda… nice?”
“oh? you’re having dreams about me now?” you tease, nudging him
his cheeks are flushed a deep shade of red
“what? oh, I,” he laughs again. “What i’m trying to say, is that i like you.”
“i thought you’d never admit it,” you tease once more before kissing him
this kiss was real
it wasnt out of intoxication, nor a dare, or a game of spin-the-bottle
it was real and everything felt so right
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lacedqll · 30 days
if you like fnaf just the way it is, i in no way are judging you or saying that fnaf is bad. i personally love fnaf, but the lore has gotten confusing for a hot minute and now has just gotten worse with fnaf: sb. this is just a little rant on one of my biggest interests and what i think would be cool and just talking about it overall :3
when talking about fnaf—five nights at freddys—you probably think of scary; frightening; yk. the average. but when you see the newer fnaf: sb—five nights at freddys: security breach—it turns out to be extremely kid-like and in the future or something like that. if you look back, past fnaf has never been necessarily very childish. the designs are very bright and colorful and set in a place that seems very expensive despite their funds for the last fnaf being quite low budget seeming and only having the bare minimum AT LEAST. i would have assumed the newer fnaf would have been less funded like the last, but supposedly since it was in the future, they would have more money for the funds and stuff for the animatronics who seem obviously quite expensive seeing how they act towards gregory and/or the player (will just be referred to as the player), and the place overall very expensive too. the light bill is HIGH HIGH i already knoww😭
fnaf: sb isnt scary. it doesnt fit in with the lore of fnaf at all with being eery with all the bright colors and very indie type of feel. the idea of it was good, but it was played out kinda poorly unfortunately. high hopes dropped when i saw it came out and it being so, non-scary, like other games, analog horrors, etc. of fnaf. and, also, the fact you see the map bot more and being a nuisance more then the actual animatronics and evil character is kinda sad. the place was just way to large and you only had one character alone half the time more then with other animatronics or whatever.
with how high quality the animatronics are and everything, the fundings seem WAY to high seeming for a place that many went missing (or killed). you would think that would make no one visit anymore in the fear, but supposedly not as they still got enough money to make nicely polished animatronics and a rather large sized 'business'.
if i were to rethink or redesign, i would personally want the lore to match up and connect—even if the fnaf lore is already a little confusing/jumbled up. the characters would be more dirty, being old scraps and pieces of metal from previous failed attempts, wanting to save old attempts to have a good reputation.
"We wanted to help the environment and save materials," they had said to the news reporter after the making of the newer fnaf creation had been made. it was blatant lying. they wanted to seem good after all those years of kids going missing, so they needed to try and resolve it all a little and help them forget everything! think of it like a rebrand.
the place was better made, yes, but their funds were still low. not many had visited after all the kid, teens, and even adult deaths, or more known/seen by the public as 'disappearances', so they didnt make much more money. the reputation had only gotten better cause of people that worked there spreading rumors around, saying it was a good place that they should totally visit. kind of a crazy thing to do, but they had gotten desperate after spending a good 75% of the funds towards the animatronics, even if half the parts are scraps. the repaints, the fixing of coding, and everything else had costed a ton.
i feel it wouldve made more sense for it to be a kinda smaller place. like those play places with animatronics and stuff (the older ones ESPECIALLY. those animatronics were horrific and in this case absolutely perfect😭) that you would take your kid to when you are absolutely dirt poor or didnt care about them, like at all /sarc
no longer there is sun, moon, map bot, and all that. they barely have any funds for any of that. just freddy (90's style), roxy (70's style), chica (2000's style), monty (80's punk rock style) they were able to make.
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