#i just pulled an all nighter im sleep deprived
Okay i realised i dont talk about my ocs nearly as much as i should on here so have a shitty description of all the main characters to my current wips!!! (also this is me begging for more asks about my writing)
Power doesn't guarantee glory
Oriana Mckoy:if jenna ortegas wednesdaay addams was a 19 year old ace sapphic girl who has had way too much pressure put onto her
Salveria Ramel:silly lil guy (shes a 16 year old girl), was heavily based on my friend worm, is probably autistic, i adore her, you should adore her too.
Alex Ruinde:disaster gay (whos in denial ahout being gay) with abandonment issues
Mathew Mckoy:cinnamon role with an inferiority complex
Aria Allen:chaotic neutral lesbian who would gladly commit arson if given the chance
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Paint analogy
Antoine Villeneuve:noble gentleman in his early 30s who like just learned what emotions are
Vixen Valentine:his dramatic, extroverted, goth best friend who forces him to be social
Celestine Maxwell:eccentric inventor girl who everyone is kind of scared of (she said she was going to dissect their brains, that was just her way of saying she thinks they were interesting)
Arden Clayborne:three goblins in a trench coat trying to act like One Fancy Dude(™️)
Melian Doyle:emo teenager in the body of a 29 year old man, he looks like hes going through his third divorce, in reality hes sleep deprived and on his third cup of coffee
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Six of hearts
Ollie Miller:15 year old bisexual disaster with asthma, go to pick up line is "you take my breath away." (hes also the younger sibling and it shows)
Jackson "Jackie" Miller:gay, deaf, autistic teen boy with severe anxiety (he is the older sibling and it shows
Sage Arlene:short lesbian with pink hair and two dads
Terry Crow:Nonbinary theater kid who survives off of energy drinks
Via Wilson:Sages girlfriend, proof trans girls are fucking beautiful, her and jackie bond over being the introverts of the group
Rosy Moren:One of the rare instances of me writing a character who loves life
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The inhuman fascination with the human mind
Orion:human, but in an inhuman way
Oz:he doesnt talk, but he will glare at you from across the room until you crack under pressure and run away, pretends they dont care about the others, spoiler alert:they do!
Opal:my darling, god help my poor darling, why did i give them such awful friends
Nathalie:inhuman, but in a human way
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The sparks of hope that lead to fires of change
Casimir:carefree prince dude whos life wouldve been so much better if he was born into a normal, nonroyal family
Fletcher:spoiled brat who has committed murder
Celeste:girlboy who works day and night and night and day, no matter how she tries its all the same, they breeze on by, and hes left behind (if any of you got that reference marry me)
Alistair:stern knight dude whos life wouldve been better if their dad wasnt a knight
Cordelia:tall, mysterious, elegant woman whos intimidating and yet strangely motherly, she found a bunch of teens who had been screwed over by the royal family's existence and went "im taking you in. youre all my children now."
Rigil:pretty chill, down to earth dude, its pretty easy to forget that hes part of a group of criminals
Cyrus:emo teenager. (complimentary)
Fredge:pure chaos in the body of a 15 year old enby
Tip:bloody little girl
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orcelito · 1 year
HONESTLY i know why they make us techies do presentations and it's bc we gotta b able to talk our shit to business people but it's sooooooo evil to make the poor little techies (typically antisocial) do public speaking
source: i am a poor antisocial little techie that hates public speaking. and this is soooooooooo evil
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tvmblrsillyman · 2 years
Insert kitty with red human eyes image
0 notes
sungbeam · 4 months
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nonidol!jung sungchan x f!reader
at some point beneath the glittering summer sun and along evening tides, you and sungchan tripped over the line drawn in the sand.
▷ genre, warnings. brother's best friend!au, friends-ish 2 lovers, family vacay + sungchan lol, swearing, kissing, fluff, humor, sungchan does go shirtless (it's a beach), mentions of food, mentions of alcohol; lee jeno, sohee, and anton r ur brothers! (so u have the lee last name but u "look more like ur mom"); barely proofread, also im sorry if this is boring my head has not been in the game for Months
▷ word count. 10.0k
DISCLAIMER: i DO NOT actively write for or stan riize; this is literally just a birthday present T-T so if dynamics/personalities aren't right, i literally don't know these guys 💀
a/n: happiest birthday to my beloved soulmate and wife @justalildumpling :')) i hope u like it <3
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OFTEN when you came back home from work, your joints and muscles ached to the point you could barely stand, your hair felt gross on your head, and your eyes stung from dehydration and sleep deprivation. That was the toll of working closing shift at the restaurant you worked at, and had been working at, for the past several years. 
It wasn't out of the ordinary to see the lights in the house still warm and bright when you got home either. Your family was a handful of night owls, not discounting yourself. They had witnessed you in this particular rat-nest dump of a state time and time again, which was why you didn't worry about looking like Death Incarnate. 
Your soul left your body. 
Sitting on your living room couch was not a family member. Though, he might as well have been a part of it from how much you had been seeing him lately. Jung Sungchan was your older brother Jeno's best friend, but Sungchan was in your year rather than Jeno's. The two met via the high school soccer team and had been good friends since. 
Years later, he was sitting on the living room couch, nearing one in the morning, his hair damp from a recent shower, T-shirt sleeves rolled up his shoulders, and his phone paused from the game he was playing. Your brain was too tired to even register the amount of muscle packed onto his arms (what the fuck—). 
“Sorry, did I scare you?” He chuckled sheepishly, reaching up to ruffle his dark hair, grown out slightly. 
“What are you doing here?” You blurted instead. Exhaustion meant that conventional politeness was completely defenestrated. It was one in the morning on a summer night… usually your older brother was out clubbing or drinking (not that you were any different, but you worked quite a bit more nights lately). 
Sungchan's eyes danced up and down your form. “Jeno and I decided we're gonna pull an all-nighter for the road trip in—” He glanced over at his phone, “—seven hours and just knock out in the car. How was work?”
Road trip? Car ride? If you could just make it to the shower… “It was fine. Tiring,” you said with a sigh. You trudged over to the far side of the room, behind Sungchan, into the kitchen. You grabbed a cup to fill with water, then drained it down your throat just as fast as it had been filled. 
With water in your body, your systems were finally coming back online. Road trip. Car ride. Your eyes widened. “Oh my god. I have to pack.”
“You haven't packed yet?” He queried, tone light and teasing as he watched the progression of your panic with amusement. “Even Jeno's packed.”
You sputtered back at him, “Quiet, you!”
Sungchan's warm laugh followed you out into the hallway and all the way to your room. You couldn't understand why your face felt so hot; you should have been too preoccupied to be embarrassed, after all. 
You slammed your bedroom door shut, dragging a hand down your face. You couldn't believe Sungchan just saw your I-just-worked-for-eight-hours-in-customer-service face. Not even some of your closest friends had seen the aftermath of your night shifts at work yet. 
It wasn't every family vacation where a plus-one was invited. Your family tried to set aside time for these trips just for the six of you, but this time was an exception. Somehow—you weren't a part of the delegations—Sungchan was invited on this summer's trip to the coast. Your mom mentioned offhandedly it was because Sungchan “was a nice boy,” or something to that effect. Your family rented out a cabin right along the beach for a week, and the lot of you were going to be stuck in the family minivan for a good eight hours together. 
And if Sungchan was tagging along, that meant you were going to have to fight for the middle row seat or—
“Yn—you’re in the back with Sohee and Anton.”
You came to a screeching halt on your way out of the house, a bucket hat shielding your puffy eyes from the waking world, your duffle strapped over your shoulder. It was seven hours later—an ungodly eight in the morning. “What? Nuh-uh; I don't think so.”
Jeno stood only a few meters ahead of you by the door of the minivan, his hands primed on either side of his hips as if he was the self-proclaimed guardian of the car seating chart. “Well, I said so. Sungchan has longer legs than you—”
“Why don't you sit in the back then?” You shot back with a saccharine sweet smile. You were too tired for this shit. 
Sungchan scratched the side of his head as he walked out of the house to stand by you and join the argument, his flip flops thwacking against the ground. “Uhh, I can sit in the back middle seat. It's cool, dude.”
“Sungchan's too tall for the middle seat,” your dad interjected. He took yours and Sungchan's bags to add to the trunk. “Yn's in the back. Sorry, hon.”
“Dad,” you groaned. 
“You can switch with Jeno half way.”
“Dad!” Jeno squawked this time. 
Your father gave a tired sigh, saying more than he would ever say aloud. “Everyone in the car. Can't you two be like Sohee and Anton? At least they're knocked out.”
“They know they'll be sent to the back without question,” you pointed out as you made your way to the minivan. As you passed by your brother, you sent him a very potent stink eye, then clambered into the back row. 
Like your father had said, your younger brothers, Sohee and Anton, were already dead asleep. Their mouths hung open wide enough to catch any wayward fly with their heads angled back against their neck pillows. You snorted and snapped a photo of them to add to your collection of brotherly blackmail. 
Your mom was settled into the front passenger seat already queuing up driving directions to get to the coast. From your perch in the middle, you had a clear view of her phone screen—seven hours and two minutes. Yay. 
You supposed there wasn't anything too terrible about the middle seat; you were out like a light as soon as the car pulled out of the driveway. 
When you woke up, it was about four hours later, and your parents were having a hushed discussion amongst themselves and Sungchan. A baseball cap had materialized on top of Sungchan's head at some point when you were asleep, and the sleeves of his T-shirt were once again rolled up to expose his muscled shoulders. Did this guy not have a tank top?
“...I like it, at least—well, I don't mind all the extra requirements, and I know it'll help me reach my ultimate end goal, so.”
Your mom let out a hum of approval. “Ah, that's good that you like it. You'll be busy as a nurse.”
Right, Sungchan was in the nursing program. Your brother wasa kinesiology major, and you were going into law. It made for quite the diverse pool in the car. 
You opened your mouth in a yawn and fumbled your hand around your lap for where your earbud had fallen out of your ear, carefully so that you didn't shake off Anton's head on your shoulder. (Oh no, was he drooling?)
“Yn-ah, good morning,” your mother teased quietly. 
You glanced up, eyes going wide when you realized both your mom and Sungchan were now peering back at you. “Morning,” you murmured. Your fingers enclosed around your fallen earbud to tuck it into the case left in the bag at your feet. 
“Sleep well?” Sungchan piped up. There was that twinkle in his eyes, the same one from last night. It made your stomach twist in a way that was more pleasant than not. 
You cleared your throat, unconsciously reaching up to adjust the placement of your bucket hat and praying you didn't look like a sewer rat. “For the most part,” you replied. “How about you?”
He shrugged. “I had a decent power nap. Your mom says you're going into law. That's really cool.”
“Oh,” you blinked. “Thanks. And you're in nursing, right? That's cool, too—super admirable.”
Sungchan's mouth widened into a small grin. “Thanks. It's only our first year, but it feels like so much work already.”
“Right? Tell me about it…”
Less than fifteen minutes later, the family van pulled into the parking lot of a diner off the interstate, exactly halfway through your journey. The seven of you, weary and hungry, filed out of the vehicle and into the establishment. You and your parents slid into one booth, while your brothers and Sungchan occupied the one behind you. 
There was a low-spun fan swirling above your heads, an 80s song you vaguely recognized wafting through the air at a dull decibel. Your phone was stashed away in the bag tucked into your end of the booth seat while you idly sipped on your glass of iced water. 
You jolted at the feeling of something light hitting the back of your head. 
A gasp from behind you. 
You rolled your eyes, twisting around in your seat while picking the wadded up straw wrapper from your hair. “Who did it?” You deadpanned. 
The boys table was filled with sheepish expressions, to their credit. Your younger brothers, who were sitting on the far side facing you, thrusted their fingers in each other's faces in a torrent of blame and accusation. 
“Aish, never mind. I don't care who did it,” you dismissed. Your eyes caught onto Sungchan's. He sat just diagonally to your left and for some reason, his eyes on you made you feel warm. 
You flicked the wrapper back; it hit Anton square in the forehead. Jeno barked out a laugh. 
“Nice shot,” Sungchan nodded, extending his fist to you. 
You couldn't suppress the smile from coming onto your face as you bumped his fist with yours. 
Food arrived swiftly afterward, and it was demolished as quickly as it came. In the sway of a palm tree frond, the seven of you were back in the confines of the family minivan. 
The remainder of the car ride carried over quickly. Though Jeno unhappily sat his ass down in your previous spot with you claiming his from before, he and your other brothers snored away five minutes in. You didn't go back to sleep despite having a full belly and less than five hours of sleep under your belt; you watched the world pass by outside the window in a blur. 
Urban skylines melted into rolling emerald mountains and pastures, sank into palm trees and sandy shores that met a blue horizon as far as the eye could see. 
The beach house your family rented this year was a two story cottage-type. It was small, with only one bedroom and bathroom upstairs, a bathroom downstairs, and a living room and kitchen. The rest was all beach. It was determined that you and your mom would be given the honors of the upstairs bedroom and bathroom, while all the boys piled into the living room. 
Once everyone was settled in, there was little else to do but go make use of your new backyard for the next week. 
“Yn! Come on, slowpoke!” Sohee shouted at you from the shoreline with cupped hands. You saw his bare back as he splashed into the waves after Anton, who was already only a speck in your vision. 
Your bare feet sank into the sand, and you wiggled your toes between the warm grains. Sunshine, glorious and concentrated above the distant horizon, soaked into your skin. Ah, this was the life.
Just as you reached for the hem of your shirt to reveal your bathing suit, you caught movement from the corner of your eye. Jeno and Sungchan were coming onto the beach from the front of the house, a disassembled volleyball net hanging between them. 
Your eyes nearly fell out of your head at the sight of Sungchan's back—
Before Jeno or any of your other brothers or Sungchan could catch you ogling, you gave yourself a nice, mental slap to the face. No more. You needed to stop this. When did you ever look at Sungchan like this?
(You could still remember when he was the gangly kid with the growth spurt trying out for the high school soccer team. He was paired with Jeno to test his potential, and the rest was history.)
Sungchan was the first to spot you as he and Jeno determined a place to set up the net. He beamed boyishly, his chin inclining toward you. “Hey, wanna play?”
Your eyes flickered to the corded necklace hanging from his collar and between his—Yn, shut the fuck up. “Sure,” you said simply, feigning nonchalance. 
If he noticed your wandering eyes, he didn't comment. Instead, he nodded back at you. “Sick.”
You both turned back to your original tasks. Your hands went back to the bottom hem of your shirt to tug it up and off your body. (Maybe you weren't the only one with wandering eyes, though.)
You draped your clothes over the back porch railing and began making your way down to the shoreline. “I'm gonna take a dip and then come back up!” You said to Jeno and Sungchan. 
“Oh, okay—ow!” 
You didn't see nor hear what happened, but when you glanced back, Sungchan had his back turned to you as he furiously rubbed the back of his head, while Jeno smiled innocently. 
Your older brother waved you along. “Carry on!” He said. 
Walking backward for a couple steps, you shot him an incredulous look, then turned around to meet your little brothers in the ocean. Whatever. 
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You had been staring at the wooden ceiling above your head for the past forty-five minutes. Your mom's even breathing and the ocean waves rolling outside the window failed to rock you into unconsciousness. You'd figured the sunlight from this afternoon would have made you tired, or perhaps all the food you ate for dinner, but your eyes continued to stay wide open. 
A quiet sigh fell from your mouth as you rolled over onto your side and gently peeled the covers off. With near silent footsteps across the oak floors, you slipped out of the bedroom and down the stairs. 
The cacophony of combined snoring from all the men in the living room was comparable to the volume of the waves just outside. 
You barely contained your snort of amusement. You didn't worry about waking any of them up as you crossed the living room, full of a smorgasbord of limbs and bodies draped across the large couch sectional and blankets on the floor. 
The back door was left unlatched when you reached its threshold. Outside, moonlight dappled across the calm sea like a sprinkling of diamonds. You slowly pried the door open, freezing. 
You and Sungchan made eye contact from across the back porch. He was perched on the top step, nursing a bottle of beer in his hand. A loose breeze wafted through the strands of his hair. 
“Sorry,” you whispered, moving to retreat back into the house. 
“Oh, no—please.” He patted the empty space next to him on the porch step. 
You blinked, at odds. He was clearly out here for a reason and you'd figured he wanted some space, but if he was inviting you, then… 
You closed the back door behind you and settled beside him, with a comfortable amount of negative space between your bodies. You folded your arms over the tops of your knees and stared out at the midnight horizon. It smelled of salt and sea spray, and the light wind was a refreshing crispiness against the humid evening air. 
“Couldn't sleep?” He murmured, glancing over at you. 
You nodded. “Yeah. You?”
He hummed in response. 
“I'm not surprised,” you said. The corners of your lips curled upward. “I wouldn't be able to sleep amongst my brothers either. Their snoring could wake a bear.”
Sungchan sputtered out a laugh as his eyes crinkled upward and he pressed the back of his knuckles against his mouth. “I wasn't gonna say it, but…”
You shared a grin with him. “I will happily say it for you, dude.” 
His eyes were stunning in this lighting. The moonlight hit his irises at an angle that made them shimmer like a shade of molten copper. He licked his lips, and you saw his eyes dart from your eyes, down a few inches, then further down to the beer bottle in his hands. 
“Oh, uh,” he stammered, tipping the bottle nose in your direction, “want some? I thought the alcohol would help me sleep, but it's not looking awfully promising.”
For a split second, your heart leapt at the thought—your mouth pressed against the place his mouth had been, tasting the place he'd drunk from. 
You dashed the thought from your mind. It couldn't have been so significant as your brain was making it out to be. You were probably just sleep deprived. 
“Thanks,” you said while reaching across the gap to accept it from him. Judging by the weight, it was just about half full, and you took a light swig. 
A drop of liquid dribbled out of the corner of your lips, and you swiped it with the pad of your thumb, sticking the finger into your mouth to suck it off. You passed the bottle back over to him, catching his eyes not looking at yours. 
(The organ in your chest was no longer in your chest. Was it normal for your heart to make a home in your throat instead? Why did he look at you like that?)
“Any reason for not being able to sleep?” You asked him to break the silence. “I mean, besides the symphony my brothers and dad are conducting, of course.”
His eyes shuddered, as if breaking out of a trance. “Oh, uhm—nothing in particular, I guess. Maybe it's just from all the excitement. I think it's usually hard for me to sleep in new places.”
You bobbed your head in understanding. “No, I get that. It takes me a little to get used to new environments, too. I don't know how I would have survived if I was living in the dorms at uni and not at home.” The university you attended was a decent commute from your house, so living on campus was never something you gave much thought to. The idea of living independently appealed to you sometimes, but in general, you didn't have a ton of qualms against your circumstances now. 
“For sure,” Sungchan whistled lowly. He contemplated the opening of his beer bottle, then took a gentle sip of its contents. “Have you made a lot of friends? I feel like it's a lot harder than people make it seem.”
You passed him a curious glance this time. “Some, but it's definitely not as easy as high school. You haven't made a lot of friends?”
“The soccer team, mainly,” he chuckled. “The occasional ally in my classes.”
You let out a bright laugh that made his smile widen. “'Ally?’” You parroted. “What a fun word to call classmates.”
“It's true!” He insisted, chuckling. “Some of these professors are evil, man. Competitive grades? Not a chance,” He scoffed. “We're all in this together, even if the curve is against us.”
You clapped a hand over your mouth to keep from being too loud, but the rolling waves likely covered your noise plenty. Your family were deep sleepers. 
“I just figured that you meet lots of people,” you offered when your mirth died down to a giggle. You toed a pile of sand sitting on the last step of the porch. “Your socials are pretty active,” you said, “but I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.”
“I could say the same about you, Miss Party Girl,” he smirked. “When are you gonna drag me to a rave?”
Heat raced up to your cheeks. “I've only been to one,” you said, rolling your eyes. He'd seen that post? First, the post-work daze, and now, the turnt raver? “I haven't gone to a party in a few weeks 'cause of finals anyway.” 
Now that you thought about it, you'd been so busy as of late, you couldn't even count the amount of outings you'd declined on your two hands. 
“Trust me, I get it.” He raised his hands in an act of surrender, his knees angling toward you. The negative space was suddenly a lot less negative. 
Another tip of his beer bottle; it swapped hands once, twice more. The liquid dribbled smooth down your throat just as Sungchan knocked the rest back. The empty glass made a dull thunk sound as it hit the wooden porch to Sungchan's right. 
“So what I'm getting,” you drawled, mimicking his position by angling your knees toward his. You felt your legs brush—the stimulus sent a jolt down your nerves that warned of addiction and tasted like the forbidden. “Is that you've never been to a rave before?”
Sungchan gave a noncommittal shrug. “Maybe I have.”
You mocked his shrug. “Maybe you have.”
“Or maybe it's just that I haven't gone with you yet.”
Even the waves seemed to quiet for a second. Your heartbeat stuttered in your chest, and you tied down the nervous laugh ready to bubble out of your mouth. You bit your lip and found yourself nodding. “We'd paint the town red, Jung Sungchan,” you murmured. 
There it was again—that flicker of his gaze to some place you both knew crossed a line. It was the beer, was what you were telling yourself. It was the beer. 
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Seagulls surfed the ever-blue sky. Eternal summer could be thought of as a filter of golden, glittery gauze across one's already rose-colored glasses. But summer, truly, was the shade of Jung Sungchan's tank top peeling off his body as he sprinted down the sandbank after your brother, Anton. 
You watched the fabric whip around in the salt breeze before settling into a heap where his footprint melted into the mineral grains. You were giving Sohee the sunscreen spritz-down up on the covered porch, while Jeno barreled down the bank after his friend and brother. 
From behind you came the scratch of the back door sliding open. You and Sohee peered back to where your mom poked her head out. 
She just barely caught her sunglasses in time as they slipped off her head. “Hey, your dad and I are heading out. Watch each other, okay?”
“Got it!” You and Sohee chirped. 
One more nod from your mom, and then she was gone. Your parents were going to take a date into town, just the two of them. That left you and the boys here with the surf and sand—definitely not a terrible compromise. If you wanted, you could probably have the whole house to yourself, anyway. These guys could entertain themselves. 
“Yn! Sohee!” 
Jeno arced one arm up into the sky to beckon you down to the sea, only to get dragged underwater by his two comrades. You and Sohee harked out twin laughs as you watched Jeno fight for his life with limbs flailing and foam flying into the sky. 
You patted Sohee's shoulder as you set the can of sunscreen onto the porch step. “Alrighty, you're good to go, bro.”
“Thanks—race you down!”
“Hey!” Your laughter echoed as you bolted down the sand after him to join the fun. 
As your feet dug into the wet embankment, your palms made purchase against Sohee's shoulders to shove him into the water. A yelp leapt into the air, and you turned away to avoid getting hit in the face with the consequence of your prank. 
“I'm so gonna get you for that!” Sohee spat water out of his mouth, a wicked grin pulling onto his lips. 
“No, you're not, actually!” 
You bolted—well, stomped, your way through the knee-deep water, furiously trying to get away from karma. Water yanked down on your limbs in a forceful coax to give into your punishment, but you were determined. 
You could hear your brothers’ hollers of encouragement: “Get her, Sohee!” and “RUN, YN, RUN!”
Adrenaline pumped through your veins and you pushed your legs harder. 
“I got her!” Wait, was that Sungchan?—
You suddenly felt a pair of hands on either side of your waist—you swore as your legs came out of the water and your world twisted. 
“No, no, no, no, no!” You squawked, squirming wildly in Sungchan's arms as he scooped you into his hold like a bride. (NO. NOT LIKE A BRIDE. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE A BRIDE?—) One arm cradled your back and the other under your knees, and he laughed—he chuckled—as you attempted to flip yourself out of his grasp. 
“You're not getting out of this, party girl,” he said close to your ear. 
For a heartbeat, you lost your breath at the rasp behind his words and the grin on his face. But a heartbeat was all he needed. 
There was free fall, and then all sound muffled as cold water engulfed your body. You plugged your nose and screwed your eyes shut. You felt your ass hit the sand at the bottom in slow motion, before the air in your lungs began to lift you back up to the surface of the water. 
You broke out with a gasp, hair flipping back as you furiously swiped your hands down your face to get the water out of your eyes. They stung like a bitch, but you could feel the rush of blood in your ears; it was thrilling. 
A hand in your vision enclosed around yours.
“You asshole!” You scowled up at Sungchan from where you knelt, though it was half-hearted. 
He beamed back at you boyishly with damp hair hanging in his eyes and water running down the crevices of his stomach like a goddamn system of canals. “You're a good sport, Yn.”
“I'm really not.”
You had the distinct pleasure of seeing the smile slip off his face before you used his grip on you to yank him into the water. You swallowed a good half pint of saltwater, but the revenge couldn't have been sweeter. 
When Sungchan's head broke the surface, it was followed by a dog-like shake of his head. You laughed to turn away from the spray of water; Sungchan delighted at the sound. 
Amusement still lingered on your lips as your eyes snagged on the piece of seaweed that made its home on his head. You didn't think twice about it before leaning closer to reach it. 
You stepped forward, and—oh boy, was that a mistake. 
You had a front row seat view of a droplet of water slipping down the slope of his nose, the curve of his lips, and the cliff of his chin. You wrestled down a swallow, and pulled the seaweed off his head, flinging it into the water. 
“You had, uhm, a little…”
“Right, thanks—”
You both flinched apart as a man-made wave of water crashed into your sides. “AMBUSH!” Your three brothers declared, springing up out of the water and parading a full-blown attack with all weapons firing. 
You and Sungchan were swift to launch your own counterattack. 
Merriment filled the summer air as much as saltwater embedded into your skin and eyes and mouth. You almost made the mistake of thinking your racing heart was just from the determination to beat your brothers, and not from the guy on your side of the war. The heat was getting to you and the sun was getting to him.  
It was about an hour later that you found yourself lazing upon the slick and smooth plane of a surfboard. The ocean rocked you gently from beneath the board; it had been surprisingly calm all of today. 
At some point, you and the boys established a truce in the Great Water War, mainly because your brothers were hungry and there was a big, juicy watermelon just begging to be cut open and devoured in the house. 
Suffice to say, you let your brothers figure it out. 
Your consciousness faded into the foreground of your mind as a distant sound of splashing neared. You peaked one eye open, lifting the rim of the hat up to see who dared to encroach upon your isle. 
You could recognize Sungchan's mop of hair from a mile away, at this point. You couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing, but why did it have to be either?
He cropped up right beside you, pushing back his hair to keep the water out of his eyes. “Hi.”
A smile curled onto your lips, teasing. “Hi. Good swim?”
“Good nap?”
“As good as one can be on the open ocean,” you said, shifting the hat up so you could see him better, but keeping your face shaded. “I don't know how dolphins sleep with half their brain on.”
Sungchan's brows rocketed toward his hairline. “They sleep with half their brain on? Crazy.”
“I know. I can't even stay awake with half my brain on.”
You and he shared a laugh, and he set a palm on the board next to your body. “Aw, no,” he assured. “If you've got less than half a brain on at all times, then I've got one brain cell.”
“Joke's on you, half my brain is half a brain cell.”
He wrinkled his nose at you. Cute. “Sweetheart, hate to break it to you, but that's not how brain cells work.”
You nearly fell off the board. “Okay, Mr. Know-it-all, do tell.”
“I'm not about to talk about neurons on my vacation.”
You challenged him with a look. “Overruled, counselor. Answer the question.”
His mouth fell open in a stunned daze, and his reaction made you break face for a moment to laugh. He blinked. “I have to be really honest with you…” Sungchan carded a hand through his hair, then pressed his knuckles to his mouth. “That was really hot.”
Was it suddenly five degrees warmer out here? 
If blood rushing in your ears was akin to the sound of waves crashing, there must have been one hell of a tsunami in your veins right now. 
You sputtered a laugh. “You need to get out of the sun—”
“I'm sorry I said that aloud,” he grimaced sheepishly. 
“Nurse? Nurse!—” You feigned raising your head up to look around for an imaginary nurse in the middle of the ocean. “Oh, right. You are the nurse.”
He groaned, tilting his head back and playfully punching your shoulder. “You're so—”
You howled at the sight of his cheekbones blooming the color of ripe watermelon. “I'm kidding; I'm teasing!”
He sighed, smiling despite the pain etched onto his gorgeous features. “Never living that down, am I?”
You shifted your position to laying on your stomach now, your arms folded beneath your chin. Sungchan carefully turned the surfboard so the tip faced him, and you were trapped in his gaze, head-on. “It was cute,” you consoled. 
“So you think I'm cute?” He cocked a brow. 
“And you think I'm hot.”
He flicked water at you. “Aaand, there it is!” 
You laughed again, delighted at the red lingering on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. God, he was fucking gorgeous. 
A beat passed for a second. Something settled between the two of you, a thing you couldn't yet put a name on, but it had been there since last night. Or maybe it had been there longer, festering in the negative space between you until said space could become something of a memory. 
You weren't sure why he was here—why he'd swum out here to meet you when his best friend was back at the beach house, gorging on watermelon and getting his ass handed to him in Mario Kart by his siblings; why he all of a sudden occupied a part of your mind like the tide creeping up the embankment at four in the afternoon. At first, he was far enough for you to settle into a false sense of security; until all of a sudden, there he was, the foamy waves lapping at your feet and his smile the only thing you could see when you closed your eyes. 
His tongue swiped over his lips and he cleared his throat. “So, uh, watermelon?” That was his original reason for coming out here. (He did volunteer, after all.)
You perked up. “Right, sure. Watermelon.”
“Great.” He broke into a smile, but the corners of it were softer, fonder. You could get used to the look of it. 
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There was this saying—the elephant in the room—but here in the cabin living room, it was definitely more of a blue whale. Just completely out of the water, weighing about thirteen tons, the size of twelve school buses… yeah, that sounded about right. 
“GO FISH!” Anton flung his finger across the circle at Jeno with the glee of a kid on Christmas morning. “Suck it!”
Your mom sent an express glare his way. “Anton.”
Your youngest shrunk down sheepishly. “Sorry, eomma.”
The seven of you were settled in the living space this fine evening with a deck of cards. Your parents were on the couches watching the movie on screen and the game before them, while you, your brothers, and Sungchan huddled around the coffee table playing said game. Sunsoaked and weary, it only took one hearty and filling dinner to perk the lot of you right back up like a field of sunflowers.
“This is a stupid game,” Jeno sulked as he examined his hand of cards. 
“You only say that because you're losing,” you pointed out. “Anyways, Jeno, can I have that three?”
Jeno cut you a glare as the rest of the table rolled into fits of laughter. Your smile was cheeky, reaching out to snatch the three Jeno revealed he had during his turn. 
“That's cold,” Sohee snorted. 
Your eyes darted over to Sungchan opposite you. His eyes were glimmering. “Yeah, I didn't know you had so much ruthlessness in you, Yn.”
“Why do you think she's going into law?” Jeno grunted. Though one card less, it meant that he had one less pair in his finished pile. At this rate, you might win and end up with the most pairs. 
“Guys, it's literally just how you play the game.” You nodded over at Sohee. “Sohee, do you have a jack?”
Your younger brother handed it over without ceremony. “Unfortunately.”
“Anton, do you have an ace?”
He shook his head. “Go fish, noona.”
“See?” You said to the rest of the table, but your eyes went to Sungchan's. “The nature of the game.”
They let you off the hook because you didn't plunder everyone of their cards this round. It continued on with Sohee, then Anton, before landing on Sungchan. 
He made a show of considering his cards, a furrow between his brows. He glanced up at you over the rim of his hand and gestured with a curl of his fingers. “I'd like that ace, Yn.”
“Oooh,” Anton giggled. 
Jeno grinned as you extended the ace across the table to Sungchan. “Karma.”
“Thank you—” his fingers grazed against yours as he plucked the card from your grasp, “—very much.”
You pressed your lips into a small smile, nose wrinkling up at him. You had a few cards left to rid yourself of. 
Your dad cleared his throat as he stood up from the couch to bring his empty bowl to the sink. “By the way, are you kids still going into town tomorrow?”
The five of you exchanged brief eye contact with one another. “Yep.”
The idea had come up during dinner after your parents came back. They'd mentioned a variety of activities and little shops to visit that might be fun for you to see, including a hand churned ice cream shop and a port side arcade building. It would just be the five of you going, while your parents would walk down to the beach trails about a mile from the cabin to go hiking. 
In the morning, you and everyone else in the house took your time getting up and ready for the day. Breakfast was taken together at the table before you split off into your separate parties. 
Jeno took the wheel with Sungchan riding shotgun, and you sat in the middle row with Sohee, while Anton occupied the back. You rolled down your window to rest your chin on the fold of your elbow, your sunglasses slipping down the bridge of your nose as you watched the scenery pass by. 
Right in front of you, Sungchan also had his window rolled down with his arm propped on the lowered sill. He chatted animatedly with Jeno about whatever game he and all three of your brothers were playing this morning, but you could feel his gaze go to his side view mirror more than once. 
The ride was an easy, breezy one. 
The main town center bustled with locals and visitors alike in the late morning. Jeno found free parking about a block away, and the five of you walked over as one big group. 
“Ice cream first!” Anton declared with one arm raised toward the sky. 
“I concur,” you chimed in. You lifted your sunglasses up slightly so you could read the town directory easier. “Seems like we're close by.”
Anton nodded in approval. “Onwards, then.”
You and your youngest brother led the way. The idea of ice cream made your mouth water, especially since you could already feel a bead of sweat dribble down your spine. Why was it so goddamn hot?
The shop was a cute, little building with a pink and white striped awning and a large window in the front that gave visitors a front row view into the ice cream churning experience. You snorted as Anton pressed his nose up against the glass, a wide grin splitting his face. 
“You're scaring the workers, dude,” you jested, tugging your brother along. 
Anton scrunched his nose up at you. “You scare me every morning.”
“Just because you're a wimp when I put toner pads on—hey! Do you want ice cream or not?” You cackled as he attempted to flick you square in the forehead. 
Jeno groaned. “Guys, can we please act normal for once?” He asked as he swung the door open for everyone. 
Sungchan beat you to the punchline, slapping his friend on the back while he ducked inside. “That's rich coming from you, man.”
The squabble was swiftly swept out of your mind when you stepped foot into the shop. You were nearly knocked over from the potency of the sugary waffle cone scent that occupied the room. At the sight of tubs upon tubs of frozen treats kept within the display case, your entire face lit up, eyes going glassy with wonder. “Oh no, too many to choose from,” you gasped, cupping the lower half of your face. 
Sungchan chuckled beside you as he crossed his arms and assessed the dozen options before you. “I didn't know you were such an ice cream fanatic, party girl,” he mused. He glanced over at you with a fond sort of gleam in his eye. 
“Don't even get her started,” Sohee groaned. “She and Anton have a sweet tooth to rival Willy Wonka.”
Anton flagged down one of the workers, having already found his targets to try. He was in here for less than two minutes and was already rattling off the entire menu to the poor girl behind the counter. 
“Tiramisu sounds really good,” you muttered. Your eyes moved slowly from tub to tub. Another gasp flew from your lips, and you clasped a hand on Sungchan's shoulder. “Wait—but strawberry shortcake—hhhhh.” You wrinkled your brows together, lips pressed into a taut line. 
This was not good. 
“You could always get a double scoop,” Sungchan suggested. 
You bobbed your head. “That's true, but I'm just worried I won't be able to finish, y'know.”
“Well, maybe I'll get one of the flavors you want and we can split.” His shrug was all too casual. 
“Yeah, sure,” he said, biting his lip through a smile. 
The organ in your chest gave a hop, skip, and a leap. You weren't sure if it was at the thought of it all working out alright or if it was because of Sungchan's generous gesture. You were telling yourself it was the former, but you could be persuaded it was the latter if given a light shove in that direction. 
When everyone's scoops were paid for, you fell into a loose formation to stroll around town while you finished your treats. 
You and Sungchan were glued to each other's sides out of necessity since you were sharing flavors. Jeno walked on his other side, however, lapping at his cotton candy blue scoop seated upon a throne of waffle cone. The two youngest walked in front, leading you all to wherever they wished to go. 
The town itself was rather quaint when you finally soaked it in. It seemed like the kind of place everyone knew everyone, and if you were new or only visiting, the locals were just as friendly and welcoming. The town center was stocked with anything a resident might need—a small grocer down the street, clothing stores and restaurants lining the boulevard, a newspaper stand at the corner, a laundromat, a hardware store, and more places you were certain you wouldn't be able to see in just one walk. 
As you scooped a bite out of some of the last bits of tiramisu in Sungchan's cup, Jeno was summoned up to his brothers who were debating over which way they should turn next. You and Sungchan lingered behind to finish off the ice cream in your respective cups. 
Just as you slurped up the melted shortcake ice cream at the bottom of yours, your eyes caught onto a storefront behind Sungchan. It was decked out in cliché boho-chic, with braided nets, shells, and sand dollars in the window and over the door frame. The souvenir shop seemed to embody the quintessential tourist trap, and you didn't mind falling into it. 
“—guys, we're gonna go to the arcade now!” Jeno said, beckoning you and Sungchan over. They must have decided on a route then. 
You made your decision. “You guys can go ahead! I'm gonna pop into this place for a second. I promised I'd get my friend Minjeong something.” Minjeong was one of the few close friends you made at university, and though you didn't promise to her face you'd get her something, you were determined to get her a little trinket as a token of your affection. 
“You're gonna go alone?” 
You blinked. “Yeah, I'll just meet you guys at the arcade.” 
Sohee piped up, “But mom said buddy system.” Okay, you should probably honor that, but it wasn't as if the four of you always followed that rule. 
“I'll go with you.”
All eyes went to Sungchan who tossed his empty cup and spoon into the nearby trash can. He gave a nonchalant lift of his shoulders. “I wanted to get my mom something anyway.”
You tilted your head to the side curiously as Jeno narrowed his eyes at Sungchan, like they were communicating telepathically. Odd. 
In fact, you didn't really know what to think about being alone with Sungchan. There was a difference between coincidentally ending up on the porch together or conversing in the ocean away from everyone else, to purposefully breaking off from the group to spend time with each other. 
Then again, he said he was getting something for his mom. That gave a different implication to him volunteering to accompany you. The goal was capitalism, not something forbidden.
Maybe you were thinking about this too much. 
“Okay, fine,” Jeno relented. “We'll meet you at the arcade, but don't take too long or we'll leave without you.”
“Aye-aye,” you teased, raising a hand to wave goodbye to your brothers. “C'mon, Sungchan.”
You dumped your empty ice cream cup and spoon into the trash before slipping inside the souvenir shop with Sungchan following right after you. You lifted your sunglasses up on top of your head, skin prickling with gooseflesh from the draft of air conditioning wafting overhead. A soft-toned acoustic played in the background, accompanied by the cheery greeting of a staff member from behind the register. 
You and Sungchan lifted your hands in warm reply, then disappeared into the aisles to explore. 
Your fingers grazed along the racks of clothes branded with the beach town's name and minimalist artwork; your eyes roamed over the ships displayed in bottles on the walls, the not-for-sale surfboard hung for decor. Like many souvenir shops, there were several turning displays that boasted rows upon rows of themed keychains with specific names engraved into them. 
“I will never find my name amongst these,” Sungchan mused quietly from beside you as the two of you rifled through the surfboards and seashells and sharks. “And yet, I look for the S names all the time.”
“Valid,” you nodded. “Sometimes I can't find my name either, but it's the hope that gets you.”
“And fails you,” he pointed out.
Near the keychain displays stood a tower of hats and head accessories galore. There were crocheted bonnets, straw hats, ball caps, and even headbands. Your expression glittered as you plucked up a headband with twin sunflowers on the top like a pair of antennas. 
After hanging your shades on your shirt color, you donned the headpiece, twirling around to show Sungchan. “Thoughts?” You asked, failing to sweep your grin away. 
Sungchan beamed back at you. “Oh, you're too cute.”
You ignored the heat creeping up the back of your neck to reach for another headband—this time, one topped with red crab claws. Sungchan graciously bowed his head for you to crown him with the piece. 
“Fabulous,” you declared with your hands on your hips. 
He peered into the small mirror to the side of the hat rack. “You think?”
“Of course.” So much so, that you pulled out your phone to snap a picture. You tilted your head toward his to fit both of your faces and headbands in the frame. 
Sungchan peered over your shoulder to take a glimpse at the photos. His tongue was jammed into his cheek, and you could feel his breath along the shell of your ear. “Send me those?”
“I'd need your number first.”
He grinned boyishly, roughing a hand through his hair before taking your phone from you. “You don't even have to ask.”
As he saved his contact information into your phone, you attempted to calm the giddy butterflies in your stomach by peering back into the mirror at the headband on your head. You squished the plush sunflower heads with your fingers, humming thoughtfully. “I low-key wanna buy this.”
He glanced up from your phone before handing it back to you. “If you buy that one, I'll buy this one,” he replied, pointing up at the crab claws on his head. 
“You're such an enabler,” you jested. A beat passed. “Okay, but only if you get it with me.”
“That is what I said,” he chuckled, eyebrows arched. 
The remainder of the time you and Sungchan spent in the shop was mainly to figure out what you would purchase for Minjeong and what Sungchan would buy for his mom. (Mainly, implying that there was still room for shenanigans.) It took a little more than half an hour, but you both emerged from the souvenir shop with a gift bag each, containing your headbands and the baubles bought. 
The arcade was only about a ten minute's walk from your location, so you and Sungchan took your sweet time getting there. As the two of you walked—the backs of your hands grazing against one another, shoulders bumping—you nearly forgot that Sungchan was your brother's good friend. Jeno had never made it a point that you and his friends should never mix, and you knew he could care less about your love life, but this was different. (Was it?) It felt like something that shouldn't happen, and yet, why were you starting to want it so badly?
The outside of the arcade was a cream colored building, much like the others in town, but with large posters on the outside beckoning guests to come in and try their hand. Your brothers texted you to let you know they were in a game of laser tag right now, so that gave you and Sungchan a little more time to yourselves within the arcade. 
“I have an idea!” Sungchan grabbed your free hand and hauled you off toward something in the distance. 
The feeling of your fingers slotting with his had more than just your steps skipping. “Hey, man—you and your long legs need to chill!” You hollered at him through a laugh. 
He sent you a look over his shoulder before stopping at one corner of the arcade. With jazz hands, he presented his marvelous idea. “Ta-da!”
Before you was an all-time classic: Dance Dance Revolution. 
Your eyes widened just as your smile did. “It's like you read my mind,” you marveled. 
The machine was just like the movies with a multicolored screen of bright blues and purples, a platform with two sets of arrows in the floor, and two arched rails at the back for each player to hold onto as they danced the night away. 
Sungchan marched up onto the platform and fished a wadded up paper bill out from his wallet. “Have you played before?”
When the machine devoured his money, the screen leapt to life and blasted its opening music to announce that somebody was willing to step up to the challenge. 
You set your gift bag down at the foot of the platform and climbed up to join him. “I've only seen it done before, but I've always wanted to try it.”
You and he locked eyes, and you were sure the twinkle in his was a reflection of just how excited you were. 
“Well, today is your lucky day, party girl,” he chirped. “Let's see what you've got.”
It didn't take long for you to figure out that “what you've got” was a lot less than whatever Sungchan had. 
You grappled onto the railing behind you tightly as you stomped your feet against the coordinating arrows that flashed on-screen. How long had it been since that fateful first round? Ten minutes? Two days? It was all mashing together. 
“This is unfair; you have longer limbs,” you groaned after missing a few arrows in a row. Why were you so out of breath?
A bead of sweat dribbled down the side of Sungchan's head. It was almost comical how serious you were both taking this game. “I have practice,” he corrected cheekily. 
“Same difference!”
“A master never blames his tools.”
You huffed. “Bullshit.”
At this point, your losses were becoming ridiculous. Desperate times called for desperate measures. 
For a sequence you knew you were going to miss, you leaned over and pinched his side. Sungchan jolted—it did the trick, and he missed the steps. His head whipped over to you, an impish gleam in his irises. 
“Oh ho ho… you wanna play that game?”
You placed your hand on your hip as the round ended. “If I'm gonna lose, might as well go out with a bang.”
His tongue swiped over his lip. “You're on.”
The next round commenced, and adrenaline spiked through you like a spear, more powerful than before. You knew to expect Sungchan's revenge, but you struck first. 
A poke at his side resulted in a tickle at your waist. You returned his parry with a blind poke at his stomach. 
Anticipating his response, you spotted his arm incoming out of your periphery and moved to step out of his reach. Instead of solid platform, however, your breath hitched at the feeling of half your sandal slipping off the edge. 
Sungchan's eyes went wide and his arm instead curled around your waist and hauled you to him. “Shit,” he muttered, “are you okay? Sorry, that was totally my fault.”
Your palms had landed on his chest, your heart rate slowing but not fast enough. All of the excitement in your veins was likely more so from the game itself, and not from almost falling off the platform… and perhaps, another part of it was you realizing just how close you and Sungchan were now. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I'm completely fine; don't even worry about it. And it wasn't your fault—I miscalculated my step and I started it anyway.”
He pressed his lips together. “Still.”
“Nice catch, by the way,” you said quietly. 
You saw his eyes leave your gaze, and this time, you followed in his movements. He ducked his head, almost shyly. “I guess so,” he chuckled. “I'm glad I caught you.”
If anything, your heartbeat was gaining speed again. The hand pressed into your waist was a little more addicting than you would have liked, and his mouth was closer than you thought it had been. 
In the neon glow of the Dance Dance Revolution screen, you and Sungchan leaned toward one another with one aim, and one aim only. 
“Hey guys!” 
You leapt off the dance platform at the same time that Sungchan zipped to his side, gripping the railing with an expression akin to a deer caught in headlights. 
You pressed a hand against your palpitating heart and turned to find all three of your brothers bounding over to where you and Sungchan were. 
“Oh my god,” Anton gasped, “is that DDR?”
It seemed that Anton and Sohee were more focused on the game than yours and Sungchan's compromising position. But Jeno… you noted the suspicious narrowing of his eyes, his arms crossed over his chest…
You swore you and Sungchan swallowed at the same time. 
“Did we interrupt something?” Jeno drawled. 
You and Sungchan looked at each other at your simultaneous answer. Great. That definitely wasn't even more conspicuous or anything. 
Jeno pressed his lips together. “Uh-huh,” he said, unconvinced. “Well, Mom and Dad texted and asked for us to meet them at the house, so we've gotta go.” He lifted the screen of his phone up for you to see. Dear god, you hadn't even realized they'd texted the group chat.
You cleared your throat. “Right.” 
You picked up your gift bag, and your younger brothers immediately flanked you on either side to gush about the game of laser tag they had just partaken in. Though you nodded and engaged in their conversation, your mind was elsewhere. 
Plus, it was hard not to be hyper aware of the fact that Sungchan was now alone to face Jeno somewhere behind you. You were not looking forward to the car ride back.
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There were always some, unspoken fine lines that should not be crossed—at least, purposefully. In retrospect, you knew Jeno didn't care about who you chose to spend your time with, as long as they treated you right. In the same vein, you didn't care much about what he thought when it came to your own decisions, and yet, you found yourself caring a little more because this was one of his friends. Not yours. 
But feelings were feelings… and you were slowly coming to terms with yours. 
It was like déjà vu when you crept down the stairs in the dead of night for the second time this vacation. You simply could not bear staring at that wooden ceiling any longer with your mind reeling from this afternoon's events. 
The living room was yet again a cacophony of light snoring, and you crossed the room toward the back door once more. 
You paused again, the sight of Sungchan's back a familiar one. Instead of sitting on the porch steps, though, he leaned against the railing, gazing out at the dark waves. It was yet another calm night out on the embankment, but the moon tonight was hidden away behind a few wisps of cirrus clouds. 
He glanced over his shoulder at you. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you greeted softly, gently closing the door behind you so you could join him at the railing. It was funny how you both were on the same wavelength. Fate had a funny way of encouraging you.
You and he hadn't properly spoken since the arcade, and Jeno hadn't said a word about it to you either. Dinner had gone on normally enough, so you were unsure of where this all stood. 
“I wanted,” Sungchan began, “to talk to you about something.”
You glanced over at him and found his eyes already on you. “Sure, of course.”
He straightened, gesturing to the sandy beach beyond. “Walk with me?”
You nodded and followed him down the porch steps. Your feet met the cool grains of sand, and a sense of calm seeped into your bones from the bottom up. 
A hand outstretched in your vision, uncertain. You clasped your hand in his palm, and the pair of you began to walk. You couldn't recall whether you began to adore the feeling of your hand wrapped up in his earlier or just now. 
“So…” you trailed off. 
“So,” he picked up. “About earlier today. I wanted to, uhm, make sure we were on the same page about something.” 
He stopped you both when you were a good distance from the house, where the waves slipped along the sand louder than the snores. 
“I had a really fun time with you today,” he said. 
You nodded your head in earnest. “I had a great time with you, too.”
He smiled then, hand letting go of yours to drag over his face. “I'm—I’m happy to hear that,” he replied, and you were sure he was trying to hide his growing giddiness. 
You reached over and gently pried his hands away from his face. “Did Jeno talk to you about today? Did he say anything?” Before he could reply, you added, “Because I know he means well, but who I choose to spend my time with is my decision. If he can't handle us together, then he'll have to learn to suck it up.”
“He did say something to me about it,” Sungchan admitted, “but it was just to make sure I wasn't playing around.” With his hands locked in yours, he gave your palms a reassuring squeeze. “And Yn, I'd like to take you out sometime—properly. No playing around.”
No more toeing the line in the sand. 
Your heart rattled violently in your chest. “I'd really like that.”
His expression melted into something tender, like the dark swirls of molten chocolate in the scoop of tiramisu ice cream. His thumb grazed over the back of your hand. “Okay,” he murmured, barely audible over the soft laps of the waves, “good.”
He considered you for a moment longer, teeth digging into his bottom lip. “I also—I did intend on kissing you earlier today, and I probably should have prefaced it, but—mmmh!”
You looped your arms around his neck and pulled his mouth over to yours. He sank into your hold with a content hum, his hands slipping around your waist to tug you closer to him. You'd never really thought about what kissing Jung Sungchan would be like, but you knew that your imagination couldn't have been better than this. 
When you broke apart with your foreheads pressed against each other and sharing breathing air, you let out a small laugh. The sound coaxed a warm chuckle out of your counterpart. 
“Sorry,” you breathed against his lips, “I probably should have asked first.”
He smiled against you. “You can apologize by kissing me again.”
He most certainly didn't have to tell you twice.
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a/n: pls remember to reblog + comment if u enjoyed! (idek if that was good, im off my Game and off my Rocker dkfnrj)
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @outrologist @rikizm @luumiinaa @meosjinn @fluorescentloves @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @kflixnet
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andr0nap-wf · 7 months
Ok, but now youve really piqued my interest. What do you think Deimos looked like pre-infestation? And, yknow what? Even if you dont yet have the skill to draw it well, do it! Make a shitty landscape sketch of the Son of Mars, the personification of terror himself!
ohboy this ask activated my worldbuilding worms.. probably not that different from how it looks now:
a barren stony wasteland.
except it used to have 30 hour days. i say "used to" bc it seems deimos stopped spinning over time (possibly due to the infestation tearing it apart and making it lose momentum), locking our part of the moon in permanent night. which is. bonkers to think about.
limited terraforming couldve been done since it seems like it served as a research facility outpost for the entrati first and a home second, so just enough has been done to sustain life (which might be even limited to the region around the necralisk, who knows).
they mightve introduced pioneer organisms:
simple, resilient flora like grasses, mosses and shrubbery (like the blue plants we see by the necralisk entrance. the wiki speculates they might be remnants of the original vegetation which i like)
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and a small selection of animals: insects, fish and pre-infestation variants of the vulpa, preda and avichaea to propel and maintain the ecosystem.
which can give us a barren, desert-like biome:
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think nevada desert but in space? i guess? the grass is supposed to be tiny shrubs but i am not drawing those sorry
besides that we also have plenty of entrati ruins littering the plateau:
like remnants of a suspended road system.
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the buildings(?) that housed the requiem obelisks
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and other facilities (some of which seem to have collapsed below the surface and lead into the iso vaults)
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so i came up with this messy thing thats mostly headcanon, speculation and wild guesses based on what we can find around the necralisk and what i think is cool:
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(inclusion of the garden based on sons dialogue (iykyk), attached to the necralisk for convenience. with extra roads. for convenience)
this was fun to brainstorm and i had the game open in the bg while drawing to make sure i got things semi-accurately. im not trusting everythings position on the landscape 100% since a lot seems to have shifted around or is like. missing completely (the roads that lead off the plateau and into the infested abyss. fun!) which imply that the drift used to be bigger before the infestation tore it apart
thanks for the question! i hope this was... helpful? insightful? a fascinating glimpse into my sleep deprived and overthinking mind because i pulled an all-nighter for this and am going to bed now?
116 notes · View notes
sockiestupidity · 1 year
Thinking abt reader and Miguel having a movie night, and reader just like falls asleep on miguel, and when miguel goes to bring them to their bed reader is just not having it. They don’t let go and it results in Miguel and reader falling asleep and cuddling together or smthn
lob u 🕸️ u can never do any wrongs🥰🥰🥰/p (literally say that i lob everyone so just feel free to tell me if ur uncomfy with it and ill edit it out)
also forgive me for the lack of title😰
warnings-none except for bad writing, and lowercase intended, VERY OOC MIGUEL
nonverbal/mute reader as always
none of this will probably make sense bc i wrote it while sleep deprived🧍‍♂️(pulled too many all nighters by being addicted to character ai) (legit so tired rn)
it was friday night, you and miguel had decided to have a movie night.
the two of you currently sat on the couch, watching lego batman after you kad lyla give him a powerpoint on why the lego batman movie was a cinematic masterpiece that he was missing out on.
it was all going well, the two of you shared snacks and popcorn. you sipped on your drink of choice.
you smiled contently but then judgementally side eyed miguel who complained that lego spiderman deserved a movie over lego batman.
you were hogging the blanket to yourself because miguel claimed that he didn't need it because he was naturally warm.
you shrugged your shoulders at his statement. the warmth of the blanket felt...comforting, and soon enough, you felt your eyes droop, and your head became heavy.
suddenly miguel felt a warmth on his lap. he looked down and chuckled. you fell asleep on his lap, a small smile was brought to his face at your adorable sleeping expression.
"alright kid, time to go to bed." he lifted you up, but then stopped when he felt something hit him. it was your hand. you had started thrashing in protest.
"kid..you need to go to your room.." he explained gently. you let out a whine.
he groaned at your protest and set you back down on the couch. as soon as he did you protest stopped.
he rolled his eyes and placed you back on the couch, sitting himself back down as well, since he was planning of finishing the movie after putting you to sleep anyways. he hated to admit it but, the kivie was pretty good.
he adjusted the volume down to make sure that it wouldn't disturb you. soon enough, he felt his own eyelids get heavy, and fell asleep next to you.
the two of you peacefully slept until the morning. miguel woke up, confusion and annoyance clouding his vision. why did he feel so warm? and why were there so many spider people surrounding him?
he groaned, and looked around, surprised to see you cuddled into him, still sleeping peacefully. he lightly smiled. his serenity was soon ruined once again when peter b. shoved a phone in his face.
"migs im taking so many pics of this right now" peter childishly laughed, excited to finally have blackmail on miguel.
miguel rolled his eyes and scoffed "whatever" he looked back at you. he was surprised to see that you were still peacefully sleeping despite the commotion.
he covered your ears and then spoke out sternly to the spiders "alright, everybody out right now" he barked at them. the spiderpeople paled and ran out. he looks down at you and smiles softly, uncovering your ears.
by some miracle, you managed to sleep through the commotion. he looks down and sighs, he needs to get up. he poorly attempts to leave his spot without disturbing you but it seems impossible.
he shakes you gently "hey kid..i need you to wake up" he says softly.
you wake up with a yawn, stretching out your arms and then signing a quick sorry to him.
he just smiles at you "it's alright kid" he says.
its almost...weird to see miguel like this.. with a smile on his face, not having work on his mind for once in his life. you want to continue to see him this happy. "i have leftover empanadas if you want some" you sign, offering him some of his favorite food.
he nods "sure kid". the two of you happily eat empanadas together, stuck in your own little world.
A/N: meanwhile somewhere out there miles is just like-tf? why cant that be me?💀
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bropunzeling · 10 months
hello jess bropunzeling i am pulling an all nighter for my 15 hour flight and i was wondering if you could send some rat baby girl leon girl dad matthew vibes my way. thank u or sorry in advance
15 hour flight?!?!?!?!?! jfc. im so sorry. some important, not especially coherent and perhaps inconsistent with previously posted vibes for u:
i think in my drama-loving heart of hearts leon absolutely goes into labor while matthew is on a road trip with the team. he has to catch an early flight back and spends the whole time texting his mother-in-law for updates and then is on the phone in the cab to the hospital and fully the stereotype of frantic messy dad-to-be. just like can we please go faster my WIFE is having a BABY i need to BE THERE so she can BREAK MY FINGERS AND SWEAR AT ME
(in the meantime the team is like uh yeah personal emergency and the twitter speculation is wild. lots of examining matthew's twitter and insta for Clues)
they decide not to learn the baby's sex until it's born bc fun! a surprise! and it takes matthew 1 microsecond of looking at baby girl's big blue cranky eyes to fall deeply irreversibly in love
(somewhere in here is a big emotional moment about leon being kind of scared to have a girl bc she has a complicated relationship to/navigation of femininity and is scared she's gonna mess something up and they have hard yet loving conversations while sleep deprived out of their little gourds. also they are so enamored with the baby.)
matthew shows up when the team comes back home all exhausted and euphoric like no yeah all good thumbs up bags under eyes looking like he’s optimistically gotten four minutes of sleep
you know the guy at your work who has to show you baby pictures or talk about their kid's milestones every time you stop by their office to ask about something else. that's matthew.
as leon starts gearing up to make Her Comeback she brings baby girl with her to the rink so matthew can watch her while she's working out. their teammates, who by this point are like chucky please give it a REST re: baby pictures, have to admit that is one cute baby.
everyone gets a chance to hold the baby while leon is skating. the rookies are terrified of dropping her, less bc of matthew and more bc of leon, despite the fact that leon won't be the one getting to them first
there are several very cute moments of matthew hanging around near the glass, baby girl in baby bjorn and enormous pom-pom hat, as leon skates up and waves to them. there are pictures
these are the pictures the team gets to post the summer after they win the cup/the draisaitl-tkachuk family goes public
somehow the fact that they are so cute makes the obnoxious girl dad behavior so much harder to bear. the team suffers.
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virtualcoffeemoon · 2 months
hi im sleep deprived and allergic to something in my vicinity so im a bit unhinged rn
I love you
anyway I just had the best fruit on the plane like two hours ago it was genuinely good fruit and the grapes weren’t even soggy like im so sad there were only 6 pieces
I love you and you’re amazing and the best ever
enjoy your day
Or nigh I suppose
imma go to sleep for like 40 hours
Ily <3333
hii! hey aspen (?) <333 we have actually never talked before right? that is so funny considering how long we've been moots
i love u too
oof sleep deprivaton is never fun :( unless ur purposefully pulling an all nighter w/ freinds or sum shit)
wait whats ur fave fruit? where are u going ( or place u've landed in rn) how was the flight?
again ilyt and no ur more amazing and awesome and incredible
have a better day/night and make sure to get your well earned rest ( I'm in pst timezone or pdt rn)
ilyt <33333
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Hangman Adam Page x Matt Jackson
BTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (this isn't really a relationship oneshot but it's mostly Hangman and Matt)
They had lost the mutli million contract deal. They will never financially recover.
Matt been stressing out over this constantly, the guilt eats at him.
But little does he know that the boys  aren't even mad at him anymore, they're all just joking around
Matt obviously does not know that. Hangman comes to comfort him.
Never financially recovering guilt
"Look you guys Im sorry alright" He apolagized for the millionth time
"No amount of pathetic sorrys will make up for how much money we lost Matt" Nick said stubbornly
The price changes everyday with them, they never stick with a number. It's not Matt's fault he really thought he knew what he was doing, Its not his fault Chili's and Wendy's decided to ghost him.
Then once again all three of them- Kenny, Nick and Adam flipped him off. They do that atleast 3 times a day.
Matt's acts like he doesn't care, but he does and the guilt eats away at him, he feels terrible. They were supposed to retire from wrestling and get a whole buttload of money, and a contract deal with Chili's or Wendys and now. Well, They will never financially recover from this.
Matt has pulled so many all nighters just because of how stressed out he was. He wanted to fix this. Infront of The Elite he acted like he sorry (which he really was) and that it was all over and there was nothing they could do but wrestle forever and that he fine on the inside.
But during those all nighters he wrote countless emails and made hundreds of phonecalls. Nobody answered.
Little did he know, the boys werent actually upset with him, maybe at first but they eventually got over it, All they were doing was just joking around and they thought Matt saw it as a joke too.
He did not.
Hangman was coming up to Matts hotel room that he shares with Nick while Nick was out to get food.
Nick was clueless about his brothers all nighters, Matt usally started his emails and calls once he was asleep.
Adam knocked on the door and opened it
"Hey matt how are ya-" He started before cutting himself off mid way to take in Matts rough state
"Woah man you look like shit, you alright?"
Since Matt hadn't slept practically at all these past few days he had bags under his eyes, His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was everywhere
"Gee thanks, Im fine" he replied sarcastically, sitting in the middle of his bed with his phone in his hand, staring at his friend and long time crush standing in the doorway
Adam leaned against the doorway and asked
"What have you been doing that's got you looking like that?" He was genuinally concerned
"nothing." He stated and ignored Adam
"Cmon Matty, tell me" he practically whined
"Dude this isn't good for you, you look tired man you need sleep" He came over to the bed and sat on the end of it.
Matt was very overwhelmed, He didn't want them to still be mad at him, even though it wasn't completely his fault.
"Im sorry hanger" he said in a teary voice and curled up into a ball.
"About what hun?" he said in a soothing voice.
"I pitted two effin companies against each other and lost us millions of dollars Hanger, It's all my damn fault"  He confessed frustratedly.
"What" He said miserably
"Yknow, it's okay, right? It's not your fault. It's really not your fault man, plus the boys and I really aren't mad at you. It was all sarcasm, I mean sure we were absolutely pissed off at first. But Matthew we we're just joking around" Adam explained softly
"What?.." He said, lifting his head up looking confused and tired
"We thought you knew we were joking"
"Well obviously not Adam." He said annoyed at this whole situation
"I'm sorry Matt" he apolagized and went to give the sleep deprived man a hug.
They sat there hugging for what felt like forever but they both knew Matt needed it.
"So you're really not mad?" He asked softly
"No" the other man whispered while lightly breaking the hug
"You need sleep, don't fight it." Adam says to Matt sternly
He lays the oldest buck down on the bed and pulls the blankets overtop of him and goes turns the light off
He was about to leave the room when
"Please stay" He hears him whisper
Adam would never say no to him so of course he walks back over with a smile and cuddles up next to him in the hotel bed.
They both had gotten the best sleep they had ever had that night.
~Cross-posted on wattpad & ao3~
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stay-midnight · 1 year
hi hello!
. . . 🎙
understandable about the grades part-only god and thousands of others know the struggle 🤐 and its finee hehe
in the meanwhile- some short thoughts about college au with skz! (inspired yet again by the previous ask-college au's can get predictable indeed however it does certainly help 🤧)
3am noodles and snacks with a tired chan, ranting to eachother about your struggles (on some nights, he asks you to fuck his problems away, he'd also be happy to do the same for you, when both of you are too tired, its riding and moaning for eachother.)
academic rivals with minho, both of you can't seem to control yourselves with the pettiness, the insults and the competitiveness (eventually it climaxes into hushed hate sex in a library-gagged with his boxers, his harsh words and brutal movements making you cry. might eventually develop into something more between the two of you.)
music major changbin, who confidently says that he'll make it big one day and hopes that you'll continue to be his number 1 fan (in the process of making certain tracks-he records your moans to use for his song as he fucks up into you, experimenting with the difference in sounds you make when he's choking you, or gurgling on his cock.)
art student and hopeless romantic hyunjin, constantly making small doodles of him and you that he passes in class, maling the cutest sticky notes that he leaves around in your stuff. (sometimes, you wake up covered in hyunjin's cum and writing on your body as he takes a picture, inspiration for his drawings, with consent ofc.)
perv bestfriend and roommate jisung, who constantly jerks off everyday to his perverted thoughts of you, and is even shameless enough to whisper the most sinful things in your ear while studying in a library, brushing it off as jisung just joking around and hiding the bulge in your pants... until one day something makes him snap. (he knows by now that you're aware of how serious he is when he "jokes" about how submissive and breedable you are for him, evidenced by you turning quiet when he touches you. so one night he pounces on you and forces you to admit all of the fantasies you'd been having about him, determined to make all of his perverted thoughts come true.)
fratboy felix, who despite the reputation of his frathouse, is an absolute sweetheart that bakes you treats and remind you to drink water. (except in the bedroom, where his heavy accent and a behavior fit for a stereotypical fratboy shine through, cocky and vulgar as he pushes you down the mattress.)
tutor seungmin who makes sure you don't fail and teaches in ways that help you understand easier, patient and loving as he doesn't wanna make you feel bad for not picking up as fast as others. (sometimes however, he punishes you to remind you to take it seriously, cockwarming him while wearing a cockring as you get spanked for every question you get wrong.)
fashionista jeongin, who makes sure both of you still look cute in matching outfits despite pulling dreadful all nighters (his annoying smirk in the morning whenever he see's you limping on the way to class due to him deciding that fucking you was way better than studying for an upcoming exam, even thinking of the marks he left on you as a compliment to your outfit.)
no need to add much to this one, just some nice thoughts to daydream about 😈🤧👀💕
dun dun dun I'm here— drained but still alive and kicking!
;-; my overachiever ass cannot live without those numbers i hate it tbh🥲
Ooh, im answering this first and hopefully the rest tomorrow cuz my bin fic is done so i got a rest day to answer asks! tomorrow-
Bottom / Switch Chan agenda is always welcome, and knowing college chan would always be sleep-deprived lazy sex is the way to go– passionate nights rarely come and go but when it does expect a ride (literally) or ofc expect to drive (literally) he is so my soul animal
I definitely see it, like the rivalness is not unnoticed but Minho definitely does it to push your buttons for his amusement, hate sex (maybe even battle for dominance but we know who'll win those) degradation and humiliation is the specialties here and somehow everyone is on the minho gagging reader with his boxers agenda and im all for it cuz its so hot.
Definitely a music major, in one of his projects not so innocent noises were added to it but of course blended well with the music- ehem. Changbin would definitely fuck you while playing one of his originals as well as concert dates are common— oh and speciality is loud fucking and hair pulling.
Yes! Art major hyunjin and another thing to note is that he would love to try painting you while your chained up and crying with a vibrator up the ass— he finds beauty in cruelty sometimes and sometimes he would paint you then fuck you after his nude painting of you — speciality is wax play suprisingly loves your grunts as he pours melting candle wax over your skin
Perv Jisung (the best jisung trope wbk) as your best friend with pining along with consistent sexual innuendos ! I would see him loving talking dirty into your ear everywhere— his speciality is exhibitionism (probably into threesomes too) and he loves watching you shy against his advances
The innocent frat boy who controls the frat house secretly— Felix Navidad will definitely love to give you treats cuz he would work in a bakery nearby for students and because of that he fucks you on the bathroom of the bakery while being the most smug, cocky bitch on the planet is he absolutely destroys you- of courss being the fratboy he is — his main speciality is ding ding- breeding— cuz he keeps you full in more ways than his baked goods
Ah Seungmin, the star of the skz college aus (its a truth that im spreading) Mans being your tutor as well as running for valedictorian— so yes he teaches you stuff, bending you over and thrusting into you for every question you get wrong and do not even ask him to copy or to cheat cuz his punishments are the worst— strict to you and even more stricter to your studies though he loves to fuck you dumb- Speciality is Punishment, cant have naughty students and failing students that tutors because of his reputation on his slate-
Fashion major Jeongin shining through huehue– on top of making different clothes that are tailor made– he loves making you beg as he fingers you while getting measurements professionally- expect him to make you wear amazing clothes but at the same time not too revealing or drool worthy cuz Jeongin does not want anyone else to steal you from him- behind those dimples lie a demon. Speciality of course is Marking as those marks contribute to your style , his words not mine-
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pivsketch · 2 years
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today's 45 min figure study thing. i followed through with what i said i was gonna do yesterday and tried to be less anal about gridding it up (though i did grid). got my lines down in what was apparently 7-ish mins which meant i had a whole half hour to Get Painty With It (yay). couldnt quite take full advantage of it tho because my sleep schedule is super hecked up and i kept dozing off mid-painting, losing track of which part i was in the process of working on. ah, reminds me of being in college again...
working on stuff while sleep deprived is a complete waste of time, by the way-- you will make so many mistakes, and constantly trying to fix them will set you back so much that in 70% of situations you'll be better off investing in a nap and then trying to manage with the time you have left after. seriously. that is just how the math works out. you waste time making a mistake and you waste extra time fixing it. its like a double time loss with zero net progress. no good!
anyway, under the cut is another timelapse. yeehaw
comparing it with the ref photo after the fact, i got pretty dang close with my proportions right out the gate. the things that are slightly off: the face should be nudged forward, the bent elbow pulled up, and the feet pulled down. but otherwise, very much "good enough"! i dunno if this pose was just an easy one or if im just getting the hang of things. maybe on thursday we'll end up doing some sort of crazy foreshortened crumpled up pose that'll make me regret being an artist, though. lol
i really like how the knees area turned out-- its also the spot i did the absolute least work in. i kept blacking out while working on the torso/stomach and having to salvage whatever mess i made while making blind marks. looking at a shadow shape and wondering "what on earth is this supposed to be relative to the reference?"
its not that extreme here but man, back in college i'd go to my figure drawing class after pulling an all nighter and it'd be a real struggle. just producing some real postmodern abstract "figures" while falling unconscious and trying to deduce afterwards if this weird line i made was supposed to represent an arm or what. not very healthy but its still a little funny to me. oh! i actually have an example of this on my blog here, even. here is a post from 2014. lol. the inner workings of the mind
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penny-anna · 2 years
28 and 29 for ao3 wrapped^^
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
oho let's go remind myself what i wrote this year *scrolls through ao3* ok. im going w my immediate gut reaction, which is internals. aka me shitposting too hard and giving myself emotions.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
im gonna have to go superman w this one as well!! & go w the Slowburn Oh from brilliant (like a confession):
It’s hard to stay cynical in the face of Clark Kent and his relentless optimism. Looking at him there, still in his button up shirt from his business trip, sleeves rolled up, still focused even though it’s pushing midnight, she feels a warm, steady wave of fondness in her chest.
She wishes they could do this every night. Not the pulling a furious all-nighter right after someone tried to murder her – that part she could take or leave. But it would be nice to spend every evening with Clark. She’d always told herself she liked her space, but being with Clark was like having space and having company rolled into one.
It would be nice to have dinner with him every night. To just – come home with him every night, and eat dinner, and wash the dishes and watch TV together. It would be nice to have him in her life, all the time.
Then her highly caffeinated, sleep-deprived brain catches up with the implications of that thought process, and she thinks, shit.
im super late w this but thank u!!
(ao3 wrapped)
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malinelle · 5 months
i think the main problem is that bc ive started doing overnight shifts pulling repeated all nighters literally is what i have to do to get my sleep schedule correct. so like yeah i know that sleep deprivation for too long starts triggering her but also whats the alternative. also i agreed to wake up at 8 tomorrow and drive my younger sibling to the farmers market until 1pm a day where i have an overnight that night. i cant like say no because my family never asks me to do things except things that are massively inconvenient so theyve internalized that im unreliable so they dont ask me to do things which just ends up in a cycle where nobody likes me. i dont know what to do. my parents didnt tell me they were leaving for four days during which im the only person that can give my younger sibling rides . two of those days overlap with an overnight shift. nobodys responding to my messages about when or if they actually need rides from me so i guess ill just not sleep for four days that seems like a good idea. oh also i have homework
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moon3unny · 9 months
22.12.2023 Friday morning
heya no weigh in today sadly because I pulled an all nighter and I always weigh myself AFTER I have slept at all bc in my brain im like “im burning my fat when i sleep” or some dumb shit. Its 8am now and Im about to sleep for a few hours so we will see then if my weight changed at all but I doubt it will show because I had a fruit bar and alot of water this morning because I felt like I was lowkey dying lol.
Im fist fighting my cravings rn! because! everytime I eat low restriction for a few days I overdo it and then have a binge of my life (makes sense) so Im giving my body snacks I can tolerate here and then to not feel like complete death (wolfing down cucumber doesnt work skks) Im lucky to be at home because Im too mentally ill to work currently (goverment said so) so all I do all day is the house chores and I cook all the meals for my family (oh lucky me) so fortunately I dont have to move around too much and I get to pretend I eat what I cook bc who the fuck would cook meals everyday and not even taste it (us ed idiots would)
yknow noone tells u ab how pricey it can be to completely change ur diet to get thinner. and dont give me the haha if u just dont eat at all u wont have to pay anything because I would literally die if I just dont eat ever again like I wish but thats a painful way to go man. but I bought
natural yogurt (alpro) 43kcal 100g
cup a soup potato kind 65cal a mug
icetea low cal greentea kind
cold brew coffee 65 cal per 100ml
monster energy blue can forgot the name but 14cal a can?
5 fruit bars 96cal each bar (as a “body stop screaming” snack)
So yeah thats what I got I also bought some stuff we needed for christmas dinner so
I absolutely need to keep low restricting to christmas dinner or I will never forgive myself. I will use christmas as a huge metabolism day and I likely wont weigh in for 2 days after to not shellshock myself ill still try to not eat too much of it but the way we have christmas we are sat close to each other so they can def observe me yknow.
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pls ignore my crusty nail it chipped off when I took off my boots qwq anyways it looks bland but it tastes delish its a nice treat when ur too lazy to buy fruit and uve deprived urself of any fckn flavour ever for a while if u cant tell: thats a fruit bar. yeah. smt u usually give children for school. I was able to leave w my dignity bc it wasnt packaged in a childish way
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bropunzeling · 2 months
halfway through my bropunzeling doubleheader (i just finished rereading collide the spaces that divide us and im about to start rereading only fools rush in) and i swear to god you’re like jane austen to me. like i had the same reaction to the CTSTDU climax as i had to that one wentworth letter in persuasion. (slightly off topic but mattdrai would do persuasion soooooo well.) anyways. i loved it so much and it was even better (which i thought impossible) the second time around.
also i am obsessed with a double narration with the then and the now. the pacing of that, the division of scenes was soooooo well done i am going to be thinking about that for a while.
i am SO excited to start rereading only fools rush in you have no idea. first time i read it i pulled an all-nighter so this time i’ll try to pace myself and not do that so that i can enjoy it without sleep deprivation but who knows.
anyways!!!!! sorry for rambling in your inbox i love you and i love your writing !!! <3<3<3<3
omg ANON. this is so kind and lovely!!!!! what a nice thing to log on and see!!!!! thank you!!!!!
and you are SO correct that a persuasion au would be really fucking good. im pretty sure i have discussed this with members of rat crew (at our secret society meetings in our velvet cloaks naturally) and my thoughts are: matthew as anne elliot and leon as wentworth. i am correct in this assessment. leon WOULD write an emotionally devastating letter. matthew WOULD have to go hang out with brady and his husband quinn and be quietly lovelorn while traipsing across some fields.
(also sjfurirjgj comparing me to jane austen..... i am NOT bc she is the goat but im tickled pink that you would make the comparison!!!!)
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worstloki · 4 years
How messed up do you think Loki’s sleep schedule is
I assume he casually stayed up the nights Thor was on earth and he had to invade New York, so he could stay up, but I also think his sleep schedule is normal, maybe even a bit earlier than everyone, so unless there’s a reason to stay up he will sleep just fine. 
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