#i just realized how THEM it is holy shit
pillsopa · 3 months
pause. bluesey lisa frankenstein au.. are we listening
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justpassingbyoursht · 24 days
Yknow when I first saw Chronos i couldn't quite take him seriously bc he's... he's a twink. who gave him that tiny tiny waist and those birthgiving hips? why is he built like that? i expected a giant or something, i mean the big 3 brothers are built ykno their father should be big muscly guy too right?? and then i realized he's got an hourglass shape and. 😶
my bad supergiant u are right. titan of time. hourglass. titan of time? hourglass. checks out ✓ he is hourglass shaped. an hourglass. ⌛that. that is him. titan of time alright. hourglass
but still that tiny waist
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AGoT was absolutely making some big statementsᵀᴹ re deconstructing unrealistic fantasies and how they make tragedies out of children, with Jon, Bran, and Sansa being the main vehicles for this commentary. They are basically three different versions of GRRM’s critique on the genre. All three had built life expectations based on the songs fed to them as children, but had to have those dreams and aspirations (very) violently shattered as they were thrust into a world that didn’t care how it made corpses out of them. They have all been made victims of fantasy’s violence in a tragic process that is believed to be the natural order.
Sansa realizes in time that the songs didn’t paint the full picture. The singers neglected to warn her that not all handsome princes are kind, and not all knights actually understand the contradictions in the vows they swore; some don’t really care to in the first place. She learns that the handsome prince she loves can brutalize her through the very knights who should protect her (an innocent maiden). Though he doesn’t know it yet, it was Bran’s very ideal that almost killed him. He wanted to be Barristan the Bold, a valiant knight of the kingsguard. But it was a member of this “noble” order that tried to murder him (and thus made his hopes and dreams impossible) because he witnessed him betraying the man and institution he swore allegiance to. And Jon, like Bran, wanted to be the valiant hero. He banked on the songs which propagandized the Night’s Watch and their noble exploits. Then he actually joined the watch and came to learn that this “noble” order is an oppressive xenophobic force; and the contradictions presented when the oppressed (a bastard boy with little social status) unwittingly becomes an oppressor (him initially buying into the propaganda that the wildlings shouldn’t be a protected class).
Once all is said and done, all three children are forced to take on roles that couldn’t be farther from what they envisioned. Sansa is a princess hopping from one tower to the other, forced to cater to the whims of abusive men. Bran is a crippled boy who unlocks a magical power that he doesn’t really care for; he wanted to be a knight not a magician for crying out loud! And Jon does become Lord Commander as he wished, but he is utterly depressed and lonely when he’s made to foreswear family ties and drive his friends away once he gains power over them.
But the cool thing is, in the very same way that fantasy is deconstructed through them, it is also reconstructed and given new meaning as they find a place for themselves in the world in spite of their tragedies. Sansa is still a pretty princess in a tower, but she is learning to be her own rescuer and she has managed to retain empathy and kindness in an environment that tried to tell her how futile it would all be. Bran may be crippled and incapable of becoming Brandon the Bold, but he has reinvented what it means to go on the hero’s adventure and he is beginning to build a role as the Prince of the North. And Jon may be a bastard, yet he has somehow become the living embodiment of what it is to be the valiant prince that little children love to dream about.
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n1ckelpistol · 8 months
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fuck you. rotates your hank
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vaugarde · 2 months
pokeani moments that exist purely to make Me miserable:
the line where they call ash's oshawott a throwaway pokemon in the unova league so they're just flat out saying they think it's a worthless pokemon
to thine own pokemon be true (extra angst points for me bc ambipom was my second favorite on the team at the time)
the granddaughter of the guy who trains gliscor calling gliscor pathetic and weak to her face despite gliscor being an extremely sensitive pokemon
pretty much everything about that gible
blue episode (favorite color but they made it a fetish somehow and also dewott and brionne and meowstic are all there and its so bad)
boxing heracross immediately. also that battle frontier episode where it's literally the only returning ash mon (barring torkoal i think but i dont count it bc its native to AG) to get humiliated onscreen
pidgeot returning but gliscor didn't even show up in the miniseries despite being an Actual Character
#sorry ik i keep bringing up the throwaway line but like. its SOOOOOOOOOO bad holy shit#the heracross one isnt aaaaaas bad tbf bc they really make up for it in the sinnoh league#but aside from one ep in the miniseries we never quite get an episode where oshawott proves itself in a battle#i still love that episode bc it still kinda feels like an apology for all the oshawott bashing in bw but i am a little :/#that battling didnt even come up once#ive kiiinda eased up on gliscors benching episode bc at the end of the day it isssss pretty good to her. also its the best animated one#but its treatment like what i mentioned that still really drags it down to me#and also like. i know ppl praise gliscor being so powerful after the episode but i really dont get why we couldnt have just#had a gliscor training arc onscreen. but ig we wouldnt have that stupid ass gible plot that went nowhere now would we#but like.... we had such a huge stretch between that episode and the league. i really dont get why we couldnt have had a mini arc#where gliscor realizes shes not pulling her weight that well and really starts hauling ass#she doesnt really even sweep in the paul fight. she gets beaten immediately by ninjask#the drapion part was awesome tho yayyyy#but my point is that it wouldnt really change much if gliscor just stayed and got stronger on its own#have the bench episode be a wake up call for gliscor rather than a goodbye one and she becomes super competent#like im not just saying this bc gliscor is my favorite character in the entire show. i feel like its straight up kinda lazy and less reward#rewarding#imagine how the drapion fight could be EVEN MORE cathartic if we saw gliscor struggle and fight to get better throughout the show#as much as i like that specific battle and ash vs paul as a whole... it just kinda proves my point that sending gliscor away at all#was kind of a shitty move#like ohhhhh ash's team is all getting revenge for lake acuity yay!!!!! oh one of them was kicked off for the sake of a shitty gible plot th#which really only served to make shitty piplup bashing jokes and only actually had a conclusion in the league itself#by which time it was too late to actually do anything else with it. yeah we kicked someone off for that. but shes back now!!!#like it doesnt weaken the battle THAT much. in fact theres some value in how ash went out of his way to make sure gliscor could be there#so her defeat could also be avenged. and its still my fave battle in the whole anime. but it just proves to me how pointless that was reall#echoed voice
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fanofthelamb · 10 hours
trying to convince myself that the progress im making on this comic still counts even if its just. writing stuff. WERE GETTING SOMEHWERE!!! EVEN IF NO ONE CAN SEE IT. IT STILL COUNTS IT STILL COUNTS IT STILL COUNTS!!!!
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wildflowercryptid · 8 months
i imagine that florian is the one that gets to go to kitakami while juliana stays back at the academy, but he keeps her updated through texts like any good lil bro would. for example :
florian: hey
juliana: yeah? everything good on your trip so far?
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juliana: KYS
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s3v3r3dh3ad · 4 months
WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT HONDO?!??!? DO SHIP WITH HIM SOMEONE?!?! (oc's and selfincerts count!!) TELL ME RGAHHHHHH (Also hi! 🙂)
For real though he's literally so sweet and respectful like it makes my heart melt.😭 Deadass I got that intermission in contender mode one time where he brings food into the ring AND I ACTUALLY FREAKED THE FUCK OUT IT WAS SO CUTE.😭 I hope one day I can get that one where he says to raise your hand when you cross the road I SHIT YOU NOT I WOULD ACTUALLY CRY.🛐 Anyways underrated character for sure, he's so cutie patootie in my eyes.
As for ships I'M SO SORRY TO DISAPPOINT BUT I LITERALLY HAVE NO SHIPS AT ALL BESTIE I APOLOGIZE.😭 I think him and Bear Hugger would be besties though and go out for dinner together and try a ton of different places just for the experience and Bear Hugger would post it to his Facebook account and still insists on tagging Hondo every single time even though he's already in all of the posts. 💀 I think Hondo would also be pretty cool with Sandman because they both have similar ways of thinking but they just express it differently. Like, they seem like they would hang out after their matches and just talk about the good and bad parts of life together and chill. Also completely random but I think Hondo and Kaiser would get along well for no reason other than I just want to believe so, like I can see them planning a trip to the library together and then Kaiser shows up 20 minutes earlier than they planned and then he thinks Hondo is late when in reality he showed up right on time, and then Kaiser gets mad confused when he sees Hondo checking out a cute silly manga instead of the fucking 4000 page copy of the dictionary he reads for funsies but it's okay because they still had fun anyways.😍
Also, HI!💃🕺
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lochlander · 3 months
Help, it's almost midnight, and I'm crying about how much I miss the Sims 2 Exchange.
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What does it feel like to have smooth fingers? To have smooth nails, maybe even long ones? To be 8 years old and not have to hide your toes in shame during gym/P.E class because they're chewed and incomplete and ugly? To not be scolded and called gross when you don't even notice what you're doing, told that you'll just grow out of it?
To try everything you can think of to stop it. Gloves, nail polish (even the kind that's disgusting, because even that will be ripped away), everything. And to have nothing work.
What does it feel like to not have the nails of your little toes grow in two? To not have a flappy little extra nail that gets caught on everything and hurts you? To not sometimes be missing such a large amount of skin on your big toe that you can't walk without wrapping it in bandages?
To let your scabs heal normally, to not have them last for months and months and months because you just keep picking at them everytime, to not have open bleeding spots on your arms, to not know the way they crunch in your mouth.
To not suffer with infections; on your toes, your back, hardly ever being aware of them because they're just par for the course?
What does it feel like to look at the newly-healed skin on your big toe, and see anything other than a snack?
I don't know. I don't think i'll ever know.
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artkaninchenbau · 2 years
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I’m so late to this it’s not even funny [Original by Nuitt_ on Twitter]   [Speedpaint] [Commissions]   [Patreon]   [Ko-Fi Shop]
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asteralpine · 3 months
Stop telling teenagers that high school is the best time of their lives.
I liked high school at the time but you couldn't fucking pay me to trade all my adult bullshit and go back to being a teenager.
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elegyofthemoon · 15 days
i finally read the lyrics for "honkai world diva" and
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just-call-mefr1es · 4 months
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i took so long to make sure the letters dodnt look fucked😭😭
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hwanhee · 1 month
there's something personally epic about the first time i saw bayside and say anything live they were touring together and now 7 years later im seeing both bands within a week of each other and they're effectively my 2 favorite bands rn
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
One of my favorite things about DimiClaude is how Claude would be going into their relationship not knowing affection and love, but Dimi is so outspoken about his compliments and often can't even help himself when he's being extra kind. For someone who didn't ever get to hear all these kind things before it'd be so crazy to Claude to suddenly have someone always having good things to say about him and being so honest about his thoughts.
I think it's really sweet for Claude to be able to have someone dote on him and openly and easily express love for him, but also, Dimi really can be extremely blunt with his honesty and his feelings so I think Claude would quickly realize he's not even lying or just trying to make Claude feel better, but that he actually expresses what he's really thinking.
Since Claude is good at playing things off so I think for a little while he'd be able to avoid acting so flabbergasted by Dimi's sincerity, but eventually he'd be like holy shit he still hasn't stopped fawning over me. It'd be so weird for him for a while but he'd also really love it and be incredibly happy that someone is so genuine toward him and always has nice things to say.
I also think it'd be really cute for Dimi to learn from Claude about how to relax more and joke more. Dimi literally tells Alois in their supports that people tell him he lacks humor, and it'd be so cute to see him start to naturally ease into humor because of the time he's spent with Claude.
LISTEN. It's just so cute to me that Dimi can learn to have fun and Claude can learn what it's like to be loved, and not just loved but also openly told how his partner feels about him, and so earnestly that Claude can't even doubt that Dimi is just exaggerating. Imo they give each other qualities that the other really needs and wants and they can do it seamlessly. ;_;
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