#i just remembered it recently and went AH... AHHH!!! all over again
rosemaze-reveries · 2 years
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the vampire appeared before the devout believer to satisfy a craving for mischief, but as all clichés go, he found himself attached
he poked fun at your stubborn devotion, certain it would someday pass. he’d walked through life after and thought he knew better
but you remained pious even when the rumors spread of you keeping a demon’s company, even when you asked him not to leave despite the stigma, even when the church ostracized you
he couldn’t stand to watch you give your heart to a place that continuously hurt you. in one last act of selfishness he took your mortality and said,
“how long are you willing to stay faithful to your god? it’s me you’ll be spending an eternity with now”
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jeongjaebae · 2 years
yes yes !! it is i, squirrel anon!! i've just been lurking around every month or so and saw you had a few gaps on not posting so i wasn't sure if you were that active anymore !! (glad you still are active though)
i'm doing great! i'm not sure if i ever revealed my age group?? (oh well) college apps have been quite stressful and the thought of after hs scares me 😭 jacob and i are still together! i actually gave him a nickname cobbie bc i was like why not with tbz jacob too HAHAH. i was supposed to visit my family in the north so i can experience snow again but sadly they said the tickets were too expensive ㅠㅠ. how are you? any life changing events? oh remember about my new year's resolution last year? i've made it to 8k!! while i've been slacking a bit i'm so proud of myself :D
oh no was whisper bad? i mean i watched and listened to the song but like i don't remember anything at all 😭 thought it was an average kpop song i guess... still love tbz though !! but yes i did watch wednesday! ever since i saw the trailer i promised myself to watch it... and i finished watching it in the same day... i also love one of the actors tyler 🫶🏻🫶🏻 i haven't really seen any special stages (• •;) aside from that one han jisung part and yuna stage. i hope you know what i'm talking about HAHAH.
awww i'm so glad my message made you happier! hope you're having a good day cherry <3 (btw idk if the spacing is going to be weird for you? but the spacing on here seems so wide 😭) -🐿️
haha i wouldn't say... i'm too active on here :') like i'm pretty much out of material to post for now until i finish one of my long wips or until tbz's comeback next month magically sucks me back into the fandom LOL
ohh are you an 05 liner then? ah i figured as much!! college apps are indeed a stressful time and picking a major even more so 😭 the fear is understandable, i guess it's kinda hard to picture your life until you get there? hopefully it'll be a smooth transition for you! aHHH that's good that you and jacob are still together!!! omg you nicknamed him cobbie HAHA that's cute, does he know tbz at all? and yeahh everything is so expensive these days, i hope you do get to visit family and experience snow again one day!! it's been a fairly warm winter here so far so it hasn't snowed much, but it's been soooo gloomy all the time 😔 oooh your resolution was clearing photos right?!? 8k is decent progress!! i probably said i had like 2k last year but... here we are at 7.5k this year (it's the many concerts i went to... i wanna keep svt and ateez on my phone forever, they're beauuutiful HAHA)
i'm doing well but life is kinda boring atm 😅 hmm in terms of life changing events... i got a job!! also did a bit of travelling and went to 8 kpop concerts within the past 6 months, and a few of them were life changing (skz, svt, ateez). also started a kpop album/merch collection which was unintentional but... here's where my newly earned money is going LMAO
whisper was... well, i think they were going for thrill ride 2.0 but it didn't meet expectations? i personally didn't like the song and thought that the concepts they teased weren't really related to the song 🥲 but hopefully next month's comeback will be better!! ahh i still have not watched wednesday but... will start... one of these days :') ooh is the actor you're talking about hunter doohan? just googled him rn LOL. the only thing i know related to the show is that emma myers is a huge svt fan HAHA. and yeahhHH i know that stage, the one with han's iconic hockey uniform that everyone went Wild over!!
and dw the spacing looks fine!! not surprised that it might look weird bc tumblr always does things like that, also i think they went through a recent update? things are a bit wonky HAHA. anywayyy hope you're having a good day too and that everything goes well with college apps and acceptances!! <3
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Joe Yokomizo Channel
Guest: Toshiya (Dir en grey)
Notes before reading: This is the translation/notes of the first part of the livestream on Joe’s Niconico channel with Toshiya as a guest last 4th February.   The livestream was one hour and fifty min approx. and this part covers the first 45 min approx. before getting into the premium corner. You can watch this at Joe Yokomizo’s channel on Niconico.  Feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts. Links or credits to this post when the content is reposted or captured in other SNS are appreciated :) ------- Joe: Thank you for waiting. I’m Joe, the host of this Niconico livestream of the program Music&Talk by Joe Yokomizo’s channel, thank you for watching….Today, well,  I was told that there are many people watching us right now, oh, you all have already started to write comments….thank you….
Joe explains how the program is going to be divided,  the first part will be available for everyone but the premium part will be only available for the members of his channel.
Joe: In the middle of the program, we will get into the premium part. In that part, I’m going to comfortably drink with the guest person here while we have a deep talk. It would be great if you could watch the whole program! Then, without making you wait any longer, I’m going to introduce tonight’s guest…..Would you like to introduce yourself?....tonight’s guest is….this person!....please…
Toshiya: I’m Dir en grey’s bassist, Toshiya… thank you for having me….
Joe: Thank you! *claps* You finally came, Toshiya!
Toshiya: I did!
Joe: You came, thank you!
Toshiya: Yes
Joe: Before starting the program, you told me that you hated appearing in the media…
Toshiya: Yes, I hate it…
Joe: *laughs* Do you hate it?
Toshiya: Yes.
Joe: Do you hate talking (in public)?
Toshiya: Yes
Joe: You hate it….as today there are many people watching, I think that we should go hard at the members section (premium part) …..please, let’s do it…..
Toshiya: Please…
Joe: First of all, about the state of emergency…..*cuts* Oh, comments are already coming……”Toshiya is so cool”….thank you for writing comments…..ah, yes yes….If you have any questions, please write them down because at the premium part the staff is going to hand some to me and we are going to have a question corner…please write many comments!.....so….about the emergency state we are in since last 7th January…..what you have being doing?
Toshiya: Recently…..what was it?....we finished recording “Oboro”…..
Joe: Oh, did you finish the recording?
Toshiya: Yes
Joe: I see…. after that, it’s time for the mixing….
Toshiya: Yes
Joe: Then…for example…. today…. what did you do today?
Toshiya: Today…...mmmm…..well, it’s related….started the pre-production of another (song)….
Joe: I see, you are already into the next pre-production (stage)….
Toshiya: Yes,  it’s one from the album….
Joe: Is that so? I’m sure we are going to be happy with the information coming from Dir en grey from now on….
Toshiya: That’s it.
Joe: By the way, this is not really an important question but, what time do you usually get up in the morning?
Toshiya: What time would it be?....mmm…usually it’s random…
Joe: *laughs* Random…..you don’t have a pattern like, “I’m going to be up at this time”….
Toshiya: I’d say so…that’s it but….I usually wake up at 4-5 in the morning….
Joe: Eh….then you go to sleep early, right?
Toshiya: Yes, I try to go to bed early… Joe: That’s good for your  body…… Toshiya: *Nods* Joe: Like at 10-11 pm, for example? Toshiya: More or less, I'm about to sleep at that time…. Joe: Oh, I see…..”Are you sleeping properly?” , they are asking that (at the comments), are you? Toshiya: I don’t know….I think I do….*laughs* Joe: I… As I’m old, even if I fall sleep, I wake up easily….like 2-3 times during the night I have to go to pee….it’s really annoying…. Toshiya: Ahh… Joe: You still don’t know about that, right? *laughs* Toshiya: That’s right….*Joe laughs* Sometimes I wake up….once or twice…. Joe: You do wake up once or twice…. Toshiya: Then, I’m like…should I sleep again? Or so…it’s like….”what should I do?”…. Joe: I see….*pointing at the comments* it seems that happens to a proportion of the people watching us…..so, now with the corona….how is it called?.....are you doing weight lifting for your upper body? Toshiya: No, I can’t go… Joe: You can’t? Then, are you losing muscle? Toshiya: I think so… Joe: Is that so? Usually, do you do it at home? Toshiya: Usually I go to the gym, but since Corona, I don’t feel like going…. Joe: Certainly…. certainly… Toshiya: Doing it by myself it’s ok but, sometimes I think “I don’t feel like doing it” and I end up not doing it….. Joe: I see. Are you losing chest muscle mass? Toshiya: That’s right, I will do my best ( to get it back)…. I will do my best… Joe: But, it’s amazing your (makes a gesture of wide shoulders)….ah, they are asking if you work out at home… Toshiya: Sometimes I do. Joe: The first time I went to a Dir en grey live and I got into the dressing room, where was it? Was it in Osaka? I think it was Nagoya… Toshiya: Yes Joe remembers that at that performance, before the show, he saw some work out equipment and he thought that those were Toshiya’s. Toshiya replies that it was probably another member’s stuff. Joe: is that so? I totally thought it was yours… Toshiya: Among the members, I’m the first one getting into he dressing room, while I’m getting ready there (changing clothes), I start to work out a bit… Joe: Muscle training? *Toshiya nods* How did you get into muscle training? Toshiya: Well, it’s was mostly because I have a hernia in my neck and lower back/waist. Joe: Ohh, is that so? Toshiya: It’s because of that. At that time….my height is  180-181 cm ….and at that time, about 20 years ago, my weight was about 58 kg…. Joe: Very skinny…*laughs* Toshiya: I was really skinny…. Joe: Being 180 cm tall and that weight….you were really skinny… Toshiya: I felt like trying to gain weight and get over 60…I was really skinny….I couldn’t eat…. Joe: You didn’t have money *laughs*… Toshiya: Yes, I couldn’t eat *laughs* Joe: As you didn’t have money, you couldn’t….*laughs* Toshiya: Then, at that time, at lives we would perform in a rough/violent way…it was like that, so as expected that wasn’t good for me… Joe: That’s right… Toshiya: Yes, then….my neck and my back snapped…. Joe: Ehhhhhhhh that sounds painful…. Toshiya: *Laughs* Joe: They snapped? Toshiya: They did… Joe:   That sound is really unpleasant…. Toshiya: It’s just…. something I can’t forget…that was at Meguro Rockmaykan…. Joe: Oh, that happened there? Toshiya: Yes yes. We played at Yokohama Arena and I think it was the next day? there was a secret live at Rockmaykan. At the end of it,  after shaking my head, my back cracked….*Joe squeals*I couldn’t move, I was like *makes the gesture of holding the bass* my neck and so….I could move my body just this way *moves a little bit*…like paralyzed… Joe: Ahhh, isn’t that hell? Toshiya: Yes, as I couldn’t move… I was just moving my hand *makes the gesture of playing bass, Joe laughs* Then, Rockmaykan’s dressing room is really narrow/small *Joe says he has been there* so I went up the stairs as I could, doing my best….at the dressing there is a long couch, I lied down there…fans were asking for an encore… Joe: As usual… Toshiya: While we were doing it, they called al ambulance for me and they told the fans to not go out and closed the doors while they were taking me in…. Joe: Ouhhh that happened at Rockmaykan?? Toshiya: Yes. I’m scared of Rockmaykan…. Joe: By the way, what’s your current weight? You said you were 58kg at the time of this back incident… Toshiya: I’m around….67kg….yes, 67kg… Joe: How many kilos do you lift? Toshiya: Nothing really heavy…. … Joe: So, I think that everyone wants to hear many things about you today, and they wrote many questions that we are going to discuss in the premium part. Now, Joe wants Toshiya to write a kanji that describes how he is as a person. He hands Toshiya a sheet and a pen and ask viewers to write in the comments what kanji do they think that represents Toshiya.  Joe is reading what people is writing at the comments and Toshiya seems to struggle and laughs softly. Toshiya: So poorly (done)…. It seems that he messed up writing the kanji and uses a new sheet of paper. Joe: Are you ok? Are you ok?....he is rewriting it… Toshiya: I’m sorry… Joe laughs seeing Toshiya still struggling with the pen and says we are going to see the kanji that Toshiya wrote. Toshiya shows the kanji to the camera:  怠け (Lazy) Joe: Lazy…..are you a lazy person? Toshiya: I am a lazy person…. Joe: You don’t look like that at all! Toshiya: I’m lazy. Joe: What are you lazy about? Toshiya: Everything….*They both laugh* Everything…. Joe: Everything? Like, if you have to prepare a meal, you don’t do it…things like that Toshiya: No,no…I do that…. Joe: You do? Then, when are you lazy? Toshiya: Well, I’m just lazy…. Joe: But lazy people usually have a chubby belly and so…. that’s my image of a lazy person… Toshiya: I wouldn’t say so… Joe: I wonder what your lazy side is… Toshiya: What would it be…. Joe: It’s more like, you are a laid-back person? Toshiya: Mmmm, I’m a bit like that too… Joe: Doing muscle training you don’t look like a lazy person at all… Toshiya: Is that so? Then, let’s just keep that image… Joe: *laughs* It’s a way to keep up appearances…but truth is that you are lazy…. Toshiya: I think that I’m lazy…. Joe says that as they are going to drink at the premium part, he is going to rip apart that image and find out about Toshiya’s laziness. Toshiya: That’s it Joe: Please watch it…. well, you talked about that incident that happened to your back at Rockmaykan but soon,  the film screenings of a Dir en grey live at  Meguro Rockmaykan is going to start. Would it be ok to take a survey and ask the viewers? I’m going to ask the staff to make a survey? Joe proceeds to read the dates of the film screening, starting in Kanagawa prefecture on the 16th and ending at Nanba hatch in Osaka on 7th April. Joe: What do you think about these screening? How many are you going to attend? we are going to ask that in the survey. *asking the staff* Is it already on screen? Oh, there it is… The survey appears on the screen. There are five options. Joe asks Toshiya if this is the second time, they do this (film screenings) and how does he feel about fans attending to them. Toshiya says it makes him happy that fans come. Joe: Let’s see the results of the survey…*reads the results* 1. I am going to all of them 1% 2. I am going to multiple screenings 54.1% 3. I’m going to one 19.4% 4. I’m going to buy a ticket after this 6.1% 5. I’m not going 19.4% Joe: Due to Corona, it’s hard for some people to attend this. About the screening, Joe says that they played at Meguro Rockmaykan and recorded the live, which is going to be the content of the screening. He asks Toshiya about how he felt about the performance and Toshiya replies that he couldn’t move at all, which surprises Joe. Toshiya says that it was because they are not playing lives recently, the venue is tiny but also because his body remembers what happened years ago, so he doesn’t have a fond memory of the venue even though he is  thankful that people are looking forward to it and watch the footage. Toshiya: In my head, I see what I want to do, this or that, but it’s like I can’t reach the place that I imagine. There is nothing after that. Joe: I see, you can imagine it in your head but at lives, but at lives, to put the icing on the cake…. Toshiya says that at a live, there is an exchange of energy with the audience as well as among the members, and as there is no audience, that it’s not happening. Joe: It’s feels like you are just gathering and rehearsing with the members, instead of feeling like a concert….*Toshiya nods* Toshiya: This (situation) is really deadly awful…. Joe: Is that so?....they are saying that they feel the same at the comments but, until now, you have done the things that you could do in this situation… Toshiya: That’s true but, all the things we are doing now, it’s like there is no a next step….how could I say it?...it feels like there is nothing ahead… Joe: I see. Of course, if you have an audience, there is a reaction from them… Toshiya: If there is an audience….how could I say it?....it’s an stimulus…it’s feels like….”let’s do this”….when it’s a live without audience…..somehow….it’s like my own fight….I’m just fighting by myself….so what’s the point of it? Joe: I see. Joe says that when they play in front of a audience, they get a reaction back so they know what’s the next step, Toshiya agrees and adds that in that aspect, the fans going to the live screening and being able to see their reaction, makes him feel better about it. Joe says that they can play lives in real time, so fans can only watch a recorded live in a screen, but, on the contrary, they (the band) can see their reaction and think about what’s coming next. Toshiya: In that sense, I think it’s ok… Joe: This is the third time you do something like this right? The first time was last March when you did the live stream, and the second and the third time is in this way, a film screening…. They discuss about the difference between doing it as a live stream instead of a film screening. Toshiya: The feeling of the livestream was really interesting…it’s a bit different than playing live but when it’s something recorded…. Joe: I understand. It’s the same for me at the radio. When I’m broadcasting live the feeling is totally different. Toshiya: I don’t know why….but it feels different….*laughs* In the end, Toshiya says that both options are different and he doesn’t know which one is more interesting but he wants to play live sometimes. They discuss that, a recorded live feels like listening to an album. Joe: You usually make an album and then play it live…but in these circumstances you can’t…. Then, the dates for the screening appear on screen and Joe reads them. Joe: “Toshiya are you coming to Sapporo?”, they are asking that….*Toshiya laughs* Answer them… Toshiya: *cross arms* Huuuummm….. Joe: Huummmm huuummmm…. I don’t understand what do you mean…. .”Come to Shinkiba!”….are you going? Toshiya: *cross arms* Huuuummm…..*Joe and Toshiya laugh* Joe: “Please come!”…. Nanba hatch….”Come to Nanba hatch!” are you going? Toshiya: *cross arms* Huuuummm…..*They laugh again” Joe: Birthday….ohhhh….is it your birthday? Toshiya: On 31st March…. the day of Sapporo screening… Joe: Oh, Sapporo’s date…. This…. You can’t answer that….you can’t answer…. Toshiya: That’s right…somehow, its like…I can’t say it *pouts*… The way that Toshiya said it, makes Joe laughs hard. Joe: So your birthday is on 31st March… Toshiya: That’s right… Joe: At the end of the month…. Toshiya: Right… Toshiya says that when he was little, as his birthday was usually during the spring break, he barely got any memories of celebrating it. When he got older and started playing in a band, he gets many birthday wishes/greetings and he is thankful for that. Joe says that he must feel really happy receiving many birthday wishes from many people. Toshiya nods. They both laugh about being happy when they receive  birthday wishes but getting older doesn’t make them so happy lol. Toshiya: But at this age, birthdays gradually get.... Joe: True. As I’m in my 50s, it feels like a countdown to death....
Toshiya: Yes, it’s like, I’m happy but.... Joe: So your birthday is going to be on a screening day…. Toshiya: Yes.  When there is a live (on my birthday), it raises my mood…. Joe: That’s it. But you don’t know if you are going or not to the Sapporo screening… After encouraging people to go to the film screening, Joe says we are going to watch a music video. Joe: We are going to watch a Dir en grey video….the title of the video….oh we didn’t tell Toshiya which video is….*Toshiya laughs* It’s the latest single music video the one we are going to watch… Toshiya: Is that so? Please, go ahead (to Joe) Joe: Please introduce it…. Toshiya: No,no….please go ahead…. Joe:  Well, this is the video, everyone please watch it… (Ochita koto no aru Sora Promotional video plays) Joe: Well, there are comments saying that in the end we didn’t introduce the song….so please Toshiya, say the name of the song….please…. Toshiya: *laughs* This was Dir en grey “Ochita koto no aru Sora” Joe: They were saying in the comments that we didn’t say the name of the song…. Toshiya: Ahhh….I thought that you were going to say it…. Joe: I’m sorry….there are a lot of comments asking you to take off your sunglasses…you are going to do that at the premium corner, right?  We are going to be drinking and you will take your sunglasses off…. Please watch it… Joe explains that soon the premium part is going to start and they are going to talk about many things such as which music  he has being listening to recently, and also they will be showing a private picture that Toshiya took. So, if we want to watch it, we have to subscribe to the channel. Joe: The number of comments have increased some time ago but the truth is that today what I’m wearing *points at his sweatshirt* it’s from toshiya’s brand…. Toshiya: It’s a bribe… Joe: A bribe….you got me a bribe…. Toshiya: *laughs* I’m sorry… Joe shows a Dirt shirt to the audience and starts touching it. Joe: The fabric feels really good! Toshiya: It’s a fabric that feels really good…. Joe: Do you choose everything,from the fabric? Toshiya: I do, I do… Joe: For those who don’t know about the brand yet…..what’s the concept behind it? Toshiya: There is no  particular concept but, I think it’s good to create things that you can wear everyday… Joe: I see. I’m wearing now a high-neck long sleeve shirt with the logo in the neckline….*stands up to show the back of the shirt* At the back it has…..this is not  just a print right? Toshiya: It’s a foam print… Joe says he is happy wearing it and that it looks really stylish. Joe: Why did you start this brand? Toshiya: As a pastime/hobbie…. Joe: A hobbie… is that so?.... because you like clothes…did you create that saten shirt are wearing right now? Toshiya: *pointing at his shirt* This is a sample… Joe: You didn’t buy it….”a sample?” “it’s a new item?” “I want it”….they are saying that at the comments…. Joe says they are going to put a link on screen so we can click it and go to Dirt’s homepage. They start talking about the production and creation of the items. Joe thinks that choosing fabrics must be hard. Toshiya: It’s hard….cause fabric samples are so small, right? Joe: You cant imagine the whole thing… Toshiya: Besides that, when it becomes a clothes item, the image can be very different…. Joe: You didn’t imagine that it would be that hard… Toshiya: That’s right… Joe: *laughs* isn’t it? Toshiya: It’s too hard…we are five people in the band right? So I don’t have to do everything by myself…as I’m a very lazy person… Joe: *laughs* as you are lazy…. Toshiya: As I have to think everything myself and do it…..it’s very hard… Joe: Do you regret it? Toshiya: Regret…..*laughs*  *whispering* A bit… Joe: *Laughs* You regret it a bit… someone said in the comments “lazy person activation”….he regrets it a bit but he really likes it…please everyone go and check the homepage clicking in the link….”please make smaller sizes”…someone said that in a comment… Toshiya: That’s right… this time the sizes were varied but they were still big…. Joe: Still big….I wonder why….how is that? They started discussing the production and how doing several sizes is hard, cause it affects retail price and stuff. Joe: People who want a smaller size, do the same that Toshiya did and get a bigger body frame…*Toshiya laughs* He went from 58 kg to 67kg…. Toshiya: If you eat more, you will gain weight… Joe: If you eat more….they are comments saying that they like that the brand is unisex…. Toshiya: Ah, thank you so much…. Joe asks Toshiya if he is going to release something for spring season and he replies that around March he thinks they will release the new items, that they are currently working on them. Joe: Now we are going to watch some footage and after than, we are going to talk while having a drink. Toshiya: Yes Joe: The two of us drinking…..it can be something dangerous… Toshiya: I think so Joe remembers Dir en grey’s livestream, last year, in which Toshiya drank. Toshiya says he thought that if he didn’t talk much it wouldn’t be interesting. Joe: Thank you for that. Toshiya: I thought that if everyone had fun, then it’s ok… Joe: I see Toshiya: Like, “let’s get a bit crazy” and so… Joe: That’s it….from here, we are getting into the crazy talk or rather…..from here, the promotional talk is over so, rather it’s going to be a talk with a drunk Toshiya and Yokomizo…. Toshiya: *laughs* That’s not good…. Joe: That’s a bad thing… I wonder if we can show that to you….please everyone be welcome to join us at the premium corner….we are going to watch one more footage of Dir en grey from last year’s March….a footage from the concert at Zepp Yokohama….please watch it…. (Footage of Ningen wo Kaburu from The World You Live in) Joe: We just watched Dir en grey’s Ningen wo Kaburu. There are many comments saying that they want to attend a live, I want you to play a live, Toshiya… Toshiya: Yes, I want to do it… Joe: Besides the screening, there is also information about a new single in spring, right? Toshiya: Yes Joe: You said that you just finished recording it Toshiya: Yes, the recording is over. Joe: Now it’s time for the mixing…and probably it’s going to be soon out….but what kind of song is it? Toshiya: Ahhh…..mmmmmm……*Joe tries to get him to say something*….I won’t say it… Joe: You won’t say anything… Toshiya: I want them to look forward to it…..the coupling song is also really amazing… Joe: Is that so? What’s the name of the coupling song? Toshiya: I won’t say it…. Joe: You won’t say anything… everyone, he is not saying it….so until it is released, we are going to be looking forward to it…. Joe explains that the premium corner is about to start so for those who have not joined yet can click in the link to do so. They have already two beers on the table. Joe: So, two troublesome old men as you haven’t seen before…old men? I shouldn’t say that….two troublesome guys…. Toshiya: No,no…we are really old men…. Joe: You are not an old man… Toshiya: I’m really an old man… Joe: Please everyone subscribe to the channel….is it ok?....we are going to do a five-second countdown….5…4….3….2…1….don! (Premium corner/Members only section starts)
(Second part here)
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yournameyn · 3 years
Feeling Deeply Chapter 5
Genre: Arranged Marriage Fic. Fluff turning into angst?
Pairing: Namjoon x OC
Summary: The story of two deeply feeling nerds who find themselves in an arranged marriage. (Details here). Our OC is called Brishti. It’s a Bengali name meaning rain. Namjoon calls her Rim (short for her pet name, RimJhim which means the pitter-patter of rain). She calls him Joon.
Warnings: NOT THE NAMJOON OF OUR DREAMS. Argument. Fight over tiny discrepancies that turn out to be a huge problem. Domestic violence. Not a happy chapter.
A/N: Have you ever felt this, reader? When you watch something and realise exactly what you need to realise in that moment? I’ve had that so many times - seeing my feelings mirrored in a show. That’s something that I’ve tried to have Brishti feel here. Also, this is how I see the natural progression of this Namjoon, the one who obliged to duty rather than his dreams. It took me a long time to write this but I love what’s come out. Let me know what you think!
Current Chapter: London, late 1963. Love fully blooms between Namjoon and Brishti. And yet, something’s not right. A visit to the ballet and a conversation brings forth realisations. The inklings that Brishti was trying to avoid transform into writing on the wall.
Previously in Feeling Deeply: Preface Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5
The magic about new love isn’t really in romance or even in true intimacy. It’s in how violent new love is… and just how much time it takes us to feel it’s impact.
In the new love between Namjoon and Brishti, everything had been roses and honey, overflowing, swaying in a gentle breeze. They spent every second possible in each other’s arms. They had to tear themselves away from each other when they had to leave home. And even then, it hurt as though they were part of the same cloth.
Brishti had thought about how they had become woven, their souls an ornate tapestry. Namjoon had told her then about a Japanese tradition of weaving that was a sort of meditation and a kind of worship to a god called ‘Musubi’. The disciples say it is like being part of the cosmic tapestry. Being tied to each other.
“Just like we are… I felt a pull toward you and I followed it. I was scared… so full of doubts about who you were and how this was all going to go… I had promised myself that I would fulfil my duty… whatever happened ” Namjoon had said, petting Brishti’s hand gently, “And I… I still can’t believe it… It… you make me feel like I can… trust myself.” Brishti had looked at her genius then and wondered what a strange world it must be that made a man like Namjoon doubt himself, “Always, always trust yourself, Namjoon-ah.” and settled into the crook of his neck.
It was indeed a strange world that caused Namjoon to build an armour around himself. Because ‘London’ and ‘Lonely’ sounded just the same to him. His years alone in this strange place had been unkind, unrelenting. Brishti had been the only softness he had felt in a long long time. Armours built over years can break in an instant, though. For him, it was the moment when he and his wife had crossed the threshold to becoming lovers. High on the magic of new love, he had not realised it.
Sitting across from each other after that fateful evening, Namjoon and Brishti were both wide awake in the early hours of the next morning. Brishti buttoned up the shirt they never fully took off. Namjoon had tickled her with his toes. They propped their feet against the other’s to see just how vast the difference was (he melted seeing how small her feet were and hadn’t stopped playing with them since). Caressing each toe, he remembered something he wanted to ask -
“How did you know what Saranghae is?”
“Mm…” she stretched her arms, “I know what it means…” Brishti said.
“I know you know… from the way you… after I said it… You asked Yoongi about it?” Namjoon cautiously asked about the only other Korean Brishti knew. To his surprise, she nodded no, still denying him any information. Namjoon had to tickle her foot for the answer.
“Okay! Okay! Wait! Pleeeease!” Namjoon stopped and Brishti bent down to the bureau next to her bed and pulled out a textbook - LEARN HANGUL THROUGH ENGLISH. Namjoon looked more shocked than she had expected. “I asked Yoongi about the book-”
“You don’t need to Rim… I’m not learning Bangla, am I?” Namjoon said. He was touched but he didn’t want his love to do anything he couldn’t reciprocate.
“I would have asked you to learn it… if I wrote poetry in my mothertongue...” Brishti said. Namjoon was shocked. She went on, “You really think I didn’t know?”
Namjoon blushed and smiled and flopped over in Brishti’s lap. She brushed his hair as she explained, “You light up at the mention of lyrics and poetry, you keep a notebook by your side at all times, you’re moved by the things that people usually don’t pay attention to… I know you’re a poet, Joonie.”
Namjoon looked up at her and said, “No one has ever called me that…”
Brishti leaned down and kissed her gorgeous husband. “You are... From what I know, I bet all my books that you are a great one... And… I… I would love nothing more than to be part of your world of words, Joonie… It must be strange… to be understood but in a foreign language. If you would let me, I want to understand you in your language… Do you think that’s something maybe--”
He got up and all but jumped on Brishti, pinning her down to the bed with the cutest puppy-yell she had ever heard. “Yes! Of course, yes!”
They both understood that this was a proposal. The truest kind - a gentle request to explore Namjoon’s universe. They would later joke about how she proposed to him after a month of being married. Namjoon was completely delighted by this person with him, his person… one who really saw him.
He pulled her to him saying, “You’re the best part of my world, Rim...” and kissed her.
Each moment of love flowed through the next. When they had to be separated, they couldn’t wait for the next one, their moment again. On weekends they would visit museums and find their favourite paintings and sculpture or their favourite prehistoric relic and animal. Brishti hated the fact that Namjoon had to work overtime to compensate for these weekends and she often voiced how unfair it was.
In response Namjoon would just give her a peck and say, “As long as I have you, I’m happy.” This pricked her but she was too taken by the man before her to pay heed to it.
Namjoon was just about able to keep a straight face at work but everyone around Brishti was acutely aware of how much she loved Namjoon.
At one point, her colleague and best friend, Min Yoongi had yelled at her, “Yhaaaaa! Stop blushing?! It’s just a clock… what could be romantic about a clock?!” Sayuri-san, and she were hanging around Yoongi’s table when Brishti looked at his new flip clock and started blushing.
Brishti laughed along with everyone else but explained, “It’s involuntary… that’s what happens when you’re married to a poet.”
Sayuri-san corrected, “I know too many wives of poets to know that’s not necessarily true… It is true though, when you’re in love with a poet… Go on… tell us how exactly poet Namjoon makes you blush about a clock...”
Brishti blushed even more at that. Yoongi rubbed his arms and demanded, “Tell us because there’s some really weird things coming to my mind… like you guys have an exact time when...”
Brishti stopped his imagination, “No no no… it’s nothing like that… he loves digital clocks... because he loves to watch the time turn to 00:00… zero o’clock he calls it… and on days he feels sad, it’s like zero o’clock is always there to comfort him… like it’s a point when the whole world holds its breath and he can feel happy again… but these days… with me… he said he wants the clock to keep going after 23:59… he wishes time would stretch on… beyond 24:01…”
Yoongi sighed and sat back down, “You’re making me fall in love with Namjoon… ahhh that is beautiful. He should be published...”
“Imagine him saying this directly to you and you might know how I feel… I can’t stop talking about him...”
“Oh, we know. But honestly none of us care… your poet-librarian romance is getting us through our single-ness.” Yoongi reassured her.
The three of them continued to talk about the ways in which Brishti could repay Namjoon’s wordsmithing in graphic ways.
It was that evening, wasn’t it, when Namjoon had enveloped her back in the warmest hug as soon as he’d entered their flat. Brishti was in the kitchen when she heard him enter but hadn’t expected this. He kissed her neck while telling her the good news, “We got our first Korean client today… because of me… Mmmm… Why do you always smell so amazing?”
Brishti turned around and hugged him again, “That’s amazing! Namjoon-ssi! I’m so proud of you!”
“He’s from a wealthy family… so he can actually afford our firm… its not exactly the work I wanted to do--”
“It is a step toward that idea, right? It’s still good work, fighting for justice?” Brishti asked, stopping him from undermining his own work.
Namjoon nodded, “Yeah… He’s a dancer… Park Jimin. All the posh types know him as one of the best dancers in the Royal Ballet. They call him Jim… as if it’s too difficult to say Jimin?” Namjoon shook his head in disapproval. He began helping Brishti with the chopping and continued, “He was born in the UK and trained since he was 5... He got into the Royal Ballet but he’s been passed up to be a principal over and over even though everyone who has seen him dance apparently knows that he’s far far better… So recently he spoke to the director there... and of course the director made a racist slur and asked not to bother him with this again. He can’t even quit and work at another company because of the contract they have him on. There’s a non compete clause… meaning he won’t be able to dance with any other company. That’s all he wants… to be able to get out of that contract… I’m hoping to convince him to press charges on racial discrimination too. We’re not in the 20s anymore.”
When Brishti didn’t respond, Namjoon looked up at her. “That’s horrible… I’m so so glad you’re taking up the case. But please tell me what you ate when you were alone?” He looked down at the carrot he’d been failing to cut.
Namjoon scrunched his nose and admitted, “Canned food mostly.”
Brishti said, “I’m really really glad you’re getting to do work that you are passionate about, Joonie, you deserve it. Now, you should know how to cut a carrot.”
Namjoon pressed up against Brishti’s back. She reached back up to the nape of his neck and made him moan into her. Then… then Namjoon made her forget how to cut carrots.
He had these ways… Namjoon, with his touch, his voice, his languages both spoken and soundless. He was lighting new paths into her self. She loved learning him. Paths she didn’t know existed, that she’d been longing for.
The scars of the loneliness, emptiness that Namjoon had experienced had turned his longings into a kind of starvation. He needed to be nourished and also devoured. Brishti was just the creature to do it. He could feel her warm fingers trace rows of pleasure onto his skin. He felt them bear down and singe when the two of them had to move away from each other. He felt those ropes tug at him as the end of his workday neared. Namjoon closed his eyes each night at her touch, the feeling and fragrance of her body. He felt blooms of intimacy spring up like seedlings out of the soil of his skin. And deeper. In the earth of his soul. So he did the only thing he could. Reciprocate. Namjoon sowed his love, his desire, his need onto her, into her every night.
There were times, though, when she would feel his absence in the middle of the night and see him working in the dim light of a lamp. She knew he had to work hard to do what he wanted but she also saw he had to continually prove himself to people who weren’t even paying attention. The reason they weren’t paying attention was painfully clear to Brishti but she was yet to experience it’s full stab.
Namjoon wanted to shield her from it. He was counting on an armour that didn’t exist anymore to protect himself and his wife… the reason he liked his life again. Whenever she came out and switched on a brighter light, reprimanding him for straining his gorgeous eyes, he saw that it did prick her - this world and the unfairness he had to endure. She would say something small, an almost-complaint that alerted him… against her for some strange reason. She would say something that would be easy to ignore and yet would prick him, like - “I don’t know why they haven’t promoted you yet.” or “Why haven’t they taken up Jimin’s case yet? You’ve worked so hard on it.” Everytime she did that, he would have to pacify himself.
‘I’ve told her so much about the Jimin case… she’s just really invested’ Namjoon thought to himself. Just so he would avoid thinking, ‘I shouldn’t have told her.’
He would have to calm himself, give her a peck and try to convince her to stop worrying. “As long as I have you, I’m happy.” Namjoon would always say.
Then, Brishti smiled as she always did. While trying to understand why that sentence bothered her so much. After almost five months of exploring this wonderful man, some part of him still felt unfamiliar… like it didn’t fit in with the rest. Still, these things take time, she had heard from so many women over the years. Besides, she was blessed with a man far far above the norms. So, how could she prod? These are things Brishti had told herself - until the night she couldn’t stay silent.
The couple was coming up on their fifth month together and Park Jimin had gifted Namjoon a ticket to the final show of the season as a token of gratitude, for having heard his story.
Brishti was nervous about going to this kind of a gathering and had told her husband to meet her there.
She had enlisted the help of Sayuri-san to look appropriate for the event. Her slightly longer hair was clipped and her eyes were kohled. She wore a burgundy knee length fringe-ended dress that she had received from her gracious host, stylist and make-up artist - an inheritance of her brilliant life tucked into the black pearl beading and deco design. It was a big departure from the usual tie-die or band tees and jeans with her baggy coat. She had carried the coat but felt this strange sort of compulsion to stand in the cold air in the noodle strap dress, for him to see her.
She felt butterflies in her stomach and kept fiddling with the coat she had draped over her arm. It was electric when she saw him.
Namjoon looked gorgeous in a tux. All of Brishti’s nerves were soothed just by looking at him. He had brushed his hair back. Tall and dashing - better than any heathcliffe could ever be. And with his reading glasses, he looked like the lead of a romance novella that would make all the women swoon. Indeed she was swooning. Brishti was suddenly warm in the chilly, windy night. And when Namjoon saw her, blood rushed to her cheeks. Everything inside her was running helter skelter in a panic. Brishti felt everything drop in the few moments it took for Namjoon to reach the top of the stairs. Dolled up like this, outside of her element, she felt like an imposter. Some angel needed to be standing in her place. For the first time, feigning beauty, Brishti felt like she wasn’t worthy of her husband.
She was finally able to keep her feelings aside when he reached her.
Namjoon kissed her palm like a gentleman and whispered in her ear, “Let’s go home… I need a private kind of dance…” Brishti blushed. Namjoon put his arm around her and felt the chill that had settled on her skin. “Aren’t you cold? Why didn’t you wear the coat?” Namjoon asked. Brishti just shook her head no and the two of them walked in.
Brishti assumed that the ballet would be a welcome distraction from the storm that brewed within her. She had read up about the show, the piece they were going to perform -
Tchaikovsky’s venerated Swan Lake. The story of a young girl who falls in love with a prince who promises to save her but fails. Ofcourse there were finer nuances to the story but this was the basic plot. As the lights dimmed, Brishti felt pulled in by the music, the eerie beauty of it’s melody played in perfectly with the questions that were swirling around in Brishti’s mind -
Why do I feel wrong?
Is this what Yoongi was talking about? Anxiety…?
Why does Namjoon look so... different?
Why is he so quiet, so… distant…It’s like he’s keeping himself away from me despite being right next to me, arm in arm, like the true Namjoon is somewhere in a glass case? Deep deep beneath whatever this creature is who is next to me?
I’m thinking too much. No. What is this? Why am I feeling this way?
It’s the music… no its not just the music… something is fucking wrong because all I feel like doing is breaking that glass case that’s locked away My Namjoon and presented this fucking imposter. What the hell is going on?!
Brishti barely managed to keep it together. She kept her eyes on stage…
It was like seeing a moving painting being created by invisible hands and the music was the sound of the brushstrokes, amplified. Park Jimin was playing Rothbart, the owl-like magician who curses Odette into a swan until she finds someone who would promise to love her forever. The questions in her mind and the power of the spectacle before her forced her tears to keep flowing.
Namjoon saw Brishti cry and held on to her. But the more he tried to comfort her, the more uneasy she became, the more she coudln’t contain the tears in her eyes.
The curtain fell at the end of Act three when the prince realises he has been tricked. Brishti, somehow, mirrored his grief. The prince was cheated by Rothbart into believing that his daughter, Odile, was Odette. Rothbart relished his plan so despicably it made Brishti’s stomach turn. The prince had already declared to the ballroom full of people his vow to love and marry the maiden by his side - Odile, not Odette. Park Jimin played Rothbart so skillfully, so beautifully that despite being the villain, despite being covered from head to toe, he was the star. Rothbart giggled delightfully as he revealed to the prince that the girl in his arms wasn’t Odette at all. That Odette was waiting for her prince by the lake. The curtain fell as the prince felt the stab of betrayal and rushed to Odette.
Brishti rushed to where she did not know. She wanted to get away from Namjoon, from this feeling that she couldn’t understand, couldn’t explain. She was angry. She wanted to break something. Tears still flowing down her face, she found a corner that was hidden away in darkness. She went in. Brishti sat on the couch there, for what seemed like eternity, breathing heavily. Nothing made sense. It felt like her insides were twisting into each other. Suddenly, though, a door creaked open and out came an angel. A man, glowing, having just freshened up. He saw her, saw her fear and instead of pulling back in shock, approached with a strange kindness. He held her wrist and stayed silent for a moment.
His beauty was also a kindness to her. In that moment, Brishti could breathe a little bit better. He sat down by her knees, on the floor and when he spoke, his voice flowed like a tonic, “First time at the ballet? It’s overwhelming… I know. You’re okay. You are safe. Rothbart is not here. Talk to me… what are you feeling?”
The tears kept flowing. This man was different, she knew he understood what she was feeling like. She felt safe, but not as if she was with a saviour, rather as though she was with another victim.
“What are you feeling…” Park Jimin repeated. The pieces were falling into place in her head. This is Park Jimin, the man who danced as Rothbart. The man who should have danced the Prince. Who should have played Odette and Odile.
“I feel… rage.” Brishti trembled as she spoke. She could breathe again.
“Yes… Rothbart is… evil… I’m sorry-”
Brishti nodded her head no. “At the prince.”
Jimin was surprised. “Let it out. You can scream in here and no one would know.”
Brishti didn’t need another invitation, but her rage wasn’t a scream, it was a whisper - “I want to hit the prince. How could he not now? He couldn’t see that that girl was not Odette? Is he blind? The way she moved, the way she danced… which only means… it means that the prince knew… somewhere he felt doubt but he… He couldn’t fucking trust himself enough?! I don’t know why this is breaking my heart… Why can’t people trust in themselves?! It’s a pathetic fucking excuse and I can’t buy it… I just can’t. Why did the prince...” Her hands covered her face as she wiped her tears. She composed herself.
Jimin pulled out a kerchief. “May I?” Brishti nodded and he dabbed her face with care.
“The prince trusted his sight more than his soul. And now, Odette will die because of it. As always, the woman pays the price.”
“He dies too, you know.”
“What a waste…”
Jimin smiled, “Thank you… for watching the show, for feeling it so much.”
Brishti managed a weak smile, “Thank you.” Jimin stepped away and sat next to her, at a respectable distance. “I’m being lied to.”
Jimin nodded, “I know what that’s like. I feel that rage against the prince too. And still, we must be kind to our liars.”
Brishti clenched her teeth, “Why? Where’s the fairness in that?”
Jimin moves away, in a dejected kind of daze and pours himself a drink, “That’s the biggest lie, fairness. Cruel joke.”
Brishti walked toward the door. “I should go… Thank you.”
Jimin raised his glass to her.
Brishti wore her coat and walked toward the exit. She found Namjoon in a panic and suddenly felt like she could reach him. He looked so relieved to see her. She couldn’t help but feel awash with love as he crashed into her in the warmest hug. It was as if he was the one who was lost.
“Are you okay? Why were you crying?” Namjoon asked her as he stroked her head and held her in the hug for as long as she needed.
“I need to ask you something.” Brishti whispered as she pulled away. They began walking down the stairs of the theatre.
“Änything.” Namjoon replied.
“Your firm… they refused the Jimin case, right?”
Namjoon froze. His jaw locked up. “Let’s go home.”
The rest of the way, neither of them spoke a word. They entered their home in a cold silence. They washed the night off themselves and entered their bedroom, which was completely devoid of the heat and desire that usually filled it right up to the ceiling. What used to feel like an ocean, now felt like a vacuum.
When Namjoon walked in, Brishti reminded him, as kindly as she could,“I said I need to ask you something. You said, ‘anything’.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t want to talk about it.” Namjoon was cold again. Unfeeling. Unreachable.
Brishti tried her best to be calm… “When would you want to talk about it?”
Namjoon breathed in - “Why? Am I answerable to you?”
“Well, we disagree. I don’t think I am answerable to you. What would you have done if I wouldn’t have told you about it in the first place?”
“I would still be feeling what I’m feeling… I would be even more furious though.”
“Fu- why would you be furious? I have to work there, I lost the account. I’m feeling hurt and disappointed in myself and instead of helping me, you’re angry?! What the hell could you be angry at?!”
“I’m being lied to. I’m being tricked.”
“What?!” the contempt on Namjoon’s face made her head throb. He was angry now.
“There are two Namjoons here. I’m being told there’s only one and--”
“That is some philosophical trash that you learned from one of your books. Real life doesn’t work that way. But how would you know?! You don’t have a real job. You have a hobby. A hobby of stacking books in order. You’re just plain lucky that someone is paying you for your hobby. That’s not a job. You of all people cannot tell me about the things I have to do to keep my job. I have tried my best to be as honest as I can be--”
“As honest as you can --”
“Listen to me!” Namjoon thundered. His loud voice might as well have been a punch. It rang through her body and rattled her bones. She had tears in her eyes but clenched them down as Namjoon continued yelling, “Enough… enough with the fucking tears. What the fuck are you so sad about?! I don’t need you to pity me. I don’t need anyone to feel sad for me. I have tried to be a good man - do you even know how much other men don’t even mention to their wives?! I told you everything. EVERYTHING. And now I’m being punished for it. Time and time again I tried to console you… even though I was the one hurting… I tried to be there for you and tell you… as long as I have --”
Brishti couldn’t take it anymore “Don’t. Say that.” She didn’t yell. Her voice was just above a whisper and yet it sent a chill down Namjoon’s spine. She wiped her tears. “I didn’t ask to be consoled. I was just… curious. If a few questions from me hurt so much maybe you should ask yourself why. I’m not lucky that someone decided to pay me for my hobby. It’s nice to know what you really think of my job. But whatever you think, I created my job. I created my life. I fought to come to london. I fought for the right to earn--”
“Oh please... spare me the feminist lecture...” scoffed Namjoon.
“Sure. Take up Jimin’s case.”
Namjoon felt the burn of white hot rage. He wanted to strangle her. He was so used to touching her… and she was his… in this bedroom, he had made her his. He wasn’t thinking. Namjoon strode toward her and held one massive palm over her mouth and the other on her neck and pinned her to the wall. “YOU WOULDN’T HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THAT IF I DIDN’T TELL YOU.”
It took him a few moments to realise what he was doing. Brishti was shocked and tried to scream but no voice came out. She was trying to get him out of his daze when he finally saw her, saw his Rim, horrified… by him. Namjoon pulled his hands back instantly. He saw a red bruise bloom where his hands were - on her face and on her neck.
“This is how you make your conscience shut up?” Brishti’s voice was hoarse. “You think this has nothing to do with your conscience? With the best part of you? The part that you made me fall in love with? Are you really telling me you don’t know that this is why you can’t write the way you used to… You’re killing my Joon and asking me to stay silent. I can’t.”
The searing anger still hadn’t died and it burst out of him, “Why are we fighting like this… over Jimin… why don’t you take up his case if you fucking love him so much?”
“What do you think I’m doing right now?”
“You… Why are you fighting for him against me?!” It was here that Namjoon realised his armour was gone. The idea of who he is... suddenly vanished. And the one thing that had made him feel safe, like his true self, was slipping away. “You’re saying… just tell me… you’re saying what I think you’re saying.”
Brishti did him the only kindness she had left in her, she explained, “Jimin wants to leave but can’t. He stays because he needs to dance. He stays because he cannot get out of his contract. You say you want to help people like Jimin, you roll your eyes at white people who can’t pronounce our names, you feel guilty for asians who have much less than we do… but then you also don’t raise an issue when your boss holds meetings in clubs where people of other races and dogs and women are not allowed. You work overtime for the privilege of weekends… You say you are trying but… as far as I know… you don’t have a non-compete clause in your contract, Namjoon.”
That hit him like an iceberg. Namjoon’s legs gave way and he just sat on the bed.
He watched as Brishti put on her coat and left, covering her bruises with a scarf.
Chapter 6 - to be posted.
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nishiisenpai · 4 years
you shouldn’t mess with me - sugawara koushi x reader
REQUEST: “Ahhh you are such a good writer!!! Could I request a lil thing where reader is a manager and sugawara’s gf and at a game someone purposely hits you with a ball and the whole team is just in full murder mode headed by Suga :) lots of flufffffff and ofc Noya and Tanaka being their protective selves - @lollypop-lam “
A/N: AHHHHHH thank you so much for reading my writing! i hope i didn’t disappoint you with this one. my inspo for this was from an audio i found on tiktok and i hope you liked it!
A/N: i just remembered- the audio was starred in, “The Addams Family” movie. and i apologize to this semi cliche story- 
WARNING: Fluff and Crack (just cause)
WHO: Sugawara Koushi x Karasuno Manager! Female Reader
“Y/N-san!” Tanaka and Noya came running to the bus where you were standing waving at them with a small smile.
“Hey guys-”
“TANAKA, NISHINOYA! DO NOT TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND!” Suga, your boyfriend, had ran yelling at them and they both stopped facing opposite directions whistling.
“What do you mean bro?” Tanaka said.
“Yeah, we weren’t gonna do anything.” Nishinoya mentioned and your boyfriend smacked them both on the back of their heads. i like ya cut g
“It’s okay, baby, they just wanted to say hi and reserve a seat on the bus first.” you turned to the pair and winked at them while smirking and turning your attention back to Suga.
“Y/N-san... Is... So... Cool...” they both gushed and you giggled before talking again and facing them.
“Alright, you boys should go sit down. Find a seat you like and claim it, cause I know some people really want the window seat recently.” 
“YES MA’AM!” as Tanaka and Nishinoya rushed inside the bus for a seat.
“What would I do without you here to contain them.” Suga sighed and you chuckled.
“I am a manager after all. I gotta contain them. That means you too.” As you winked at your boyfriend sending him a flying kiss and entering the bus to find a seat in the back.
“God I love her.” Suga blushed and Daichi laughed with Asahi.
“We get it bro, you’re whipped for her.”
“S-Shut Up!” Suga said bluffing. Asahi and Daichi both laughed.
Suga had entered the bus and saw you sitting in the back with your earbuds in probably listening to music though you were staring outside of the window seat even though the bus didn’t move.
“Hey baby,” Suga said sitting next to you. You took out your earbuds and turned to his direction.
“Hey,” you said. Suga had put his head on your shoulder, while also closing his eyes. “You should get some sleep. You studied all night and need to rest.”
“How did you know that?” Suga took his head off your shoulder and you shook your head in disapproval clasping his hands.
“Your hands look a little rough and I can see the pen markings from last night. As well you look a little less stress than you did from this morning.” You said dropping his hands and putting your hands at the side of his face instead to give him a small kiss on his forehead.
“You can tell?” he asked shocked.
“Babe, I called you last night and you didn’t pick up and I assumed that you were studying because you completely ignore all calls coming your way.” you chuckled bringing his head to the crook of your neck.
“It’s fine... Now you should get some rest. You’re going against Aoba Johsai.”
“It’s not like I’ll play-” you looked down at him and pinched his cheek.
“Ow, what was that for?” he said rubbing his cheek.
“First of all, where is this attitude coming from? Second of all, since when did my Koushi ever put on this display and third of all, why are you giving up so easily?”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for putting some sense into me.” He said giving you a hug.
“Okay, now it’s nap time for you.” 
“Sleep.” you started running your fingers through his hair. Suga relaxed to your touch and snuggled in closer to you. Soon enough he had dozed to dreamland and you shortly joined him too.
“Look who it is...” a player on Aoba Johsai said smirked seeing the team arrive. 
“Seems like they have a new manager?” Iwaizumi said shrugging.
The rest of the team had walked inside and you stayed behind because you had to unload the bus with the boy’s drink carrier.
“Ah ha ha! Let’s see how this goes.” the player smirked seeing you.
“I don’t think you should-” Iwa had said but it was too late as they were walking over to you.
“Hey pretty lady, do you need help with that?” he said behind you and you smiled before shaking your head.
“It’s alright. I got this.” As you took the water carrier out and carried it.
“Woah, woah, woah. Don’t you recognize me? It’s me, darling.”
“Nope never heard of you and I don’t need your help... I should be heading to the gym right now, see ya later!” as you dashed to the gym with the big water carrier in your hands.
“BAHAHAHAHAHAHA, she just DENIED your ass!” Iwa had laughed
“I’ll get her, just you watch!” He stammered, “Come on, let’s go.” 
Both boys had returned back inside the school to go to their gym to prepare the match. 
It was Aoba Johsai’s ball and that player from earlier was up to serve. You sat at far end of the bench observing the whole game play while writing and taking notes of how the boys were doing. 
Suddenly the feeling of a volleyball being smashed at the side of your head was all you could feel. Your body had fallen off the bench and onto the ground where you laid. The sound of the gym being ever so silent and the volleyball bouncing on the ground to a stop was all that could be heard from the stands.
No one moved or said anything after the sound of the whistle indicating the serve was out.
���OH MY GOD, Y/N ARE YOU OKAY???” Yachi and Kiyoko came running to your end of the bench. You held your head in your hands and suddenly the pain started to throb and grow. Takeda-sensei had called for a timeout and everyone was rushing off the court to surround you.
“Ah shit.” you managed to say while closing your eyes. Suga had taken a moment to realize you were down, till he ran full speed over to you.
“Babe? Y/N? Are you okay?” as he held your head in his hands.
“Y-yeah, I think so, just stop asking questions.” you instructed, trying to find some silence and peace to ease the pain. You latched onto Suga before being put up on the bench again.
“Yachi, can you bring Y/N to the nurse’s office. Everyone else, get over here. I need to have a chat with you all.”
“Yes sir.” Yachi had said helping you get up and heading out of the gym. 
“First things first. Sugawara, Tanaka and Nishinoya. You will NOT and I repeat will NOT be injuring them at any rate. It was by mistake and he landed it out.” As Takeda-sensei had mentioned before staring at the rest of the boy’s faces.
“Actually, that goes for each and every single one of you, boys. You WILL NOT be HURTING that boy in ANY way.” Takeda-sensei had instructed and all their faces went dull.
“That is correct, you boys will NOT be hurting any of them, but you can take your anger out on the ball. I will go check on her and you all better NOT hurt anyone today.” Coach Ukai mentioned.
“Yes sir.” As the whole team said in a scary tone. The feeling and vibe in the gym felt different. People in the stands could feel the tension and anger radiating off of Karasuno. Let’s say things ended well on a positive note :)
“Baby!” Sugawara came rushing out of the gym to see you walking back with an ice pack next to your head.
“H-Hey...” You said giving him a small smile. Tanaka and Nishinoya ran to see how their queen was doing by pushing Sugawara out of the way.
“Are you okay, Y/N-san?” They both talked and asked you and you winced feeling the ringing in your head because of their loud voices.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, sorry I missed your guy’s ending.” you apologized giving them a sad smile.
“Oh don’t worry about it, we won in the end.” Tanaka and Nishinoya smirked. You gave them a concerning look but shook off the confused face.
“Congratulations for the win. Good job on playing well out there. Tanaka, I liked your spikes and Noya I liked your dives for the ball.” you said complimenting them and they stood there flustered.
“I-It was nothing.” they boasted and you giggled before heading to Sugawara.
“You didn’t hurt him did you?” You asked latching onto Suga.
“No...” he grumbled.
“Good job out there.” You gave him a small kiss on the cheek as you headed out of the school with the rest of the team and Suga’s arm around your shoulder.
“Hey pretty lady, how’s your head feeling?” the boy from earlier asked smirking, stopping you in your tracks.
“She’s doing fine, thank you for asking.” Suga talked for you.
“Is she really? I made sure to aim right at her.” At this point Tanaka and Nishinoya were running towards your direction including the team turning around to face him. You had placed a hand in the air stopping the duo mid-air.
“Look, I understand that you were petty and angered by the fact I turned you down earlier in the parking lot, but you didn’t have to be that petty to hit the ball right at me. Next time if I were you, I’d rather have you focus on the court than on the girl who turned you down for someone better.” you smirked raising an eyebrow. “Let’s go, Koushi. You too, guys.”
You had tugged your boyfriend to walk past the boy and soon followed the rest of the team smirking at him. Featuring Tanaka, Nishinoya and Hinata sending him some faces and Daichi dragging their asses back to the bus.
“That was really cool, Y/N-senpai!” Hinata turned around in his seat and you laughed placing on a smile.
“Was it really? I didn’t mean to sound like that.” You rubbed the back of your head.
“Mannnnn, Suga-san, I am jealous of you. Your girlfriend is so cool AND so beautiful.” Nishinoya said sending you a wink.
“Aww thank you, Noya.” you gave him a cheeky smile.
“Alright, that’s enough. I need my girlfriend back.” Suga wined putting his arms around your figure.
“Jealous, much?”
“Yes, very much.” He kissed your lips and you smiled into the kiss, giving him one back.
“Kiss me one more time?” he looked up at you with his puppy eyes. 
“Anything for you, sugar~” Giving him another kiss before snuggling into each other while on the way back to Karasuno and letting your head rest.
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elvendara · 3 years
Sugar and Spice Day 3
July 14th
Rock concert (Rockstar/Fan)
“Five minutes till curtains up!” the man ran backstage shouting over the din. Saeran expected a knock on his door shortly and sure enough, it came. Without waiting for an answer, the man opened the door to let him know the time limit. Saeran locked eyes with him through the mirror and nodded.
Once the door was again closed, he stared at himself. He’d long ago bleached his hair white to differentiate himself from his twin. Saeyoung worked in the shadows, it wouldn’t do to have a famous brother who looked exactly like him. He also utilized colored lenses. It served two purposes, he didn’t need to wear glasses, in fact, his fans didn’t even know he needed them, and the mint green was a stark contrast to his regular, amber-colored eyes. The pink tips were a more recent addition, but he liked them.
Black eyeliner was expertly applied, years of practice making it almost effortless. He took a sponge and smudged it, giving himself that perfect edgy look. The earrings were already in, silver crosses dangling on each side of his face. Ironic really, considering he didn’t believe in God. The thick black silver studded collar was snuggly around his neck as was the matching cuff around his right wrist. He stood and grabbed his leather jacket, sliding it on and glancing into the full-length mirror he had been given in his dressing room. He was comfortable in this persona. The music had been a way for him to deal with his life. Writing down his anger, confusion, and loneliness was a way to get it out of him. It became bigger than him pretty quickly and he found that hiding behind rock stardom meant he didn’t have to answer any real questions about his true self. It worked. Except it kept him lonely and alone. He’d come to terms with spending the rest of his life that way. It was easier than imagining being real with someone. Who could ever love the real him anyway?
He smirked at his reflection as he laced up his biker boots. Time to bring the house down!
He was soaked in sweat but didn’t feel tired. In fact, he felt invigorated, like every time he finished a concert. Feeding off the audience was one of the biggest perks to his career. Someone handed him a towel and he wiped his face with it.
“Great show Saeran!” one of the concert coordinators told him. She held a tablet to her chest and had a handful of fans behind her. Five doe eyed girls and one shy looking boy. Well, now that he looked closer, he was definitely a man, close to his own age. He looked sheepish being with the teenaged groupies. “These are the VIP’s for tonight’s afterparty. Thought I’d introduce you before you change.”
“Nice! Great to meet you, I’m glad we’ll be hanging out tonight. Hope you have a good time. Congrats on winning the backstage passes.” He regurgitated. There wasn’t always an afterparty but there were some special guests, rich, who had paid for the whole thing, so he’d been pressed to oblige them with an appearance. He hated the politics of being famous, but he did love his fans. It was because of them that he could enjoy what he did. If it was up to him, he’d fill the party with fans and not rich entitled groupies. He knew he would spend the night fending off offers to ‘get to know each other better’ all night.
“Oh my GOD! It’s really you!”
“Wow! You’re so HOT!”
“Ahhh, my friends are never gonna believe this!”
The girls were just cookie cutter versions of every other girl he’d seen. He couldn’t blame them; it’s how they sold his image. The man looked embarrassed; he wouldn’t even look him in the eye. He took the chance to check him out. He appeared to be a tad shorter than himself, with blond hair and pink clips holding back his bangs. He wore one of his concert shirts and tight-fitting skinny jeans. His nails were painted alternating pink and black with the black ones having his band’s logo on it, a mint green eye. So he really was a fan. Cute too.
“Uh, well, like the lady said, I have to go get changed for the party, I’ll see you all there. And be sure to grab your swag bags before you leave, don’t let them rip you off there! There’s a CD with a snippet of some of our new songs.” He winked and walked off. There was a lot of oohing and ahhing as he left.
He took a quick shower and dressed in a ripped black T-shirt, black jeans and his biker boots, putting all his accessories back on and reapplying his eyeliner. Taking a deep breath, he turned and walked out to the convention center next to the arena. Of course he wasn’t alone, he had security that surrounded him and paparazzi snapping pics as he made his way to the party. They screamed questions at him that he didn’t answer, he smirked, the signature look the media had come to know him by. Surrounded by so many yet feeling so alone. Making it next door took longer than it should have because of the circus around him, but make it he did.
Once he was inside he was taken by the arm by the coordinator who had introduced him to the fans, he couldn’t remember her name but she seemed nice enough. At least she didn’t flirt with him like other women did and took her job seriously.
“You’re here, great, first you should go say hi to the Han family, they’re the ones footing the bill for this afterparty, then you can have a few minutes with the fans before talking to some reporters…”
“Whoah.” He stopped in his tracks and could swear she left skid marks with her heels she’d been going so fast. “I want more than just a few minutes with those fans, and who are all these people anyway?” He saw his bandmates and some of the roadies, but everyone else was a stranger.
“Nobody you need to worry about, uh, I’ll see what I can do with the schedule.” She seemed frazzled but clicked away on her tablet while heading off again. He assumed he should follow, so he did.
“Mr. Han, I appreciate you taking the time and effort for this function.” Saeran greeted the elderly man.
“Ah, of course of course, anything for my new bride!” he had his arm around a young woman who was clearly less than half his age. The rumors about C&R’s head were obviously true. Standing on his other side was a tall and elegant man who appeared to wish he was anywhere but here. He’d seen that face plastered on magazines of all sorts. The heir apparent, Director of C&R, Jumin Han. They nodded respectfully at each other, Saeran feeling sorry for the man and having to deal with his father’s escapades, but the old man seemed like a descent sort. After a few minutes of his ‘wife’ fawning all over him, making him feel uncomfortable, the coordinator pulled him away. He was thankful to her for saving him.
She escorted him towards a section in the back, past all the dancing and the loud music, that was closed off. The music was still loud but at least he could hear himself think. In the section the fans sat, eating and drinking snacks on the coffee table. They all stood up and rushed him. Well, the girls did, touching him and giggling. Where were their parents? They didn’t look old enough to be out. They sat him down and pressed against him. The blond man sat to the side in a chair and continued to sip his cola and eat the snacks, sneaking a look now and then. He wished he could just be alone with him and have a conversation. At least he wouldn’t try to crawl on his lap like these girls seemed to want to do. Well, maybe he wouldn’t mind if the blond tried that.
After about 30 minutes, which felt like a lifetime, the coordinator gathered up the girls and took them out. It was past midnight and he guessed he had been right about their age, couldn’t have minors out at all hours of the night. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It felt like they had leached some of his life force out and he was drained.
“I guess that happens all the time to you huh?”
Saeran sat up abruptly, how could he have forgotten about the blond?
“Sorry, I’ll go if you want to be alone.” He stood and Saeran panicked.
“NO!” he stood, banging his knee on the coffee table, sending him on his ass back on the sofa. He grabbed at the knee, eyes scrunched, “Ow ow ow…”
“Let me see.” Suddenly there was a presence by him as the blond sat beside him, his fingers touching his knee. Because of the ripped jeans, it was easy to see his skin in that area. “Doesn’t look so bad, at least you didn’t break the skin. You’ll have a hell of a bruise though.” The blond raised his gaze to Saeran and he finally got to see the full view. Wow, those eyes knocked him out, was that color even natural? Maybe he was wearing amethyst-colored lenses like what he himself wore. His face was kind, a soft pink flush growing across his cheeks and bridge of his nose. It was adorable.
“Ah, that was really stupid of me. But…I’m glad you didn’t leave. We didn’t even get a chance to chat.” Saeran tried to regain his coolness but found he couldn’t seem to be bothered to try and act in front of this man. “Uh, what’s your name?”
“Yoosung. Don’t have to ask yours I guess.” He smiled, lighting up the entire room.
“Yoosung…I like it.”
“Thanks. I…uh…like you. I mean…I…your music…I…I…like your music…and…uh…I”
Saeran laughed and waved off Yoosung’s explanation.
“So you’re a fan huh? And what…a doctor?” he asked, placing his foot on the ground gently, still rubbing his knee.
“Not quite. But I am going to medical school. And yes, a BIG fan!” his eyes got large, as did his smile. “Your songs spoke to me when I was at a really low point. I don’t know, it felt like you knew what I was going through and understood my pain.” The smile faltered as his thoughts went back to those days. Saeran reached out and placed his hand on Yoosung’s, yes, he knew what it was like to be in pain, he could see it in his eyes.
Their eyes met, an understanding passing between them.
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the-nysh · 4 years
Hey! I just wanted to say that I love your writings and character analysis! :D. Do you have more examples of garou being an empath?
Oh! 😳 Thank you, ah you probably saw some of those recent posts about it, yeah? :O Are you looking for more story examples or older posts previously written more in depth? Cause I think this one went into most detail before, but also oddly enough, I don’t think I’ve ever used that precise term (diagnosis?) for him either, hmm mainly because I’m no clinical expert he most often practices avoidance - both with his feelings and in forming relationships with others, in favor of focusing on his goals instead. (Familiarly, he’s that lone wolf introvert who isolates himself out of having to deal with such socially difficult situations.)
So other than Tareo, we haven’t really seen him...allow himself many other opportunities to empathize or connect with others yet (even when he has the potential & capacity for it, which I feel Garou has some of what Bang lacks and needs most to improve his teaching method, in that regard). Also because whenever he finds himself caring too much (like about Bang, whom he still closely emulates, so you can interpret Garou’s ‘absorbency’ trait as a symbolic manifestation or another side to him being an empath, heh :P) he gets pissed at himself for feeling that way, cause it interferes with his goals and how he thinks he should act & behave instead. :’)) So here he is, getting pissed whenever he runs across or experiences injustice (compelling him to act on emotion, instinct, or gut intuition which he can hastily misjudge), but then also getting pissed at himself when he doesn’t fully understand why he’s upset, or when he feels it goes against his ‘image of a monster,’ only to forcefully push those feelings aside and once again avoid thinking about them any further. Ohh!!! lol someone help him always suffering a cycle at conflict with his own feelings...
But! Saying all that, I feel the first instance that closely represents this, as part of his origins to show he was always empathetic like this, comes from when he stood up for the other kid getting hurt by Tacchan:
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“That’s dangerous; I feel sorry for him!” Getting upset for the other kid’s pain (already knowing this game’s behavior is wrong for the violence inflicted & injustice suffered) and instantly stepping in to break it up. (Driven to help out only for the other kids to turn on him as the next easy target...) 
This also ties into why he relates most to the fictional representations of monsters on tv; he sees himself in their shoes and sympathizes with their pain and situations too, so to speak. Not because they’re ‘evil bad guys’ per se, but rather cause they’re the unpopular ‘outcasts’ like him, who have dreams and aspirations to live too, but get unfairly targeted, outnumbered, humiliated, and crushed underfoot by.....the representations of those preaching ‘justice’ (like Tacchan above). When what Garou clearly sees, feels, and takes from this, is the unbalanced injustice suffered by those in these designated ‘monster/villain’ roles instead. (Counterpoint: these fictional roles he saw in cartoons, or reenacted in games, were not accurate to real monsters & heroes, but that’s Garou’s other struggle he comes to realize as he experiences more of the real world...) Another way of looking at it: when the favored/popular/strong group deems another marginalized group as ‘bad’ or undesirable, it absolves them of any guilt and their capacity & kindness to care, giving them the freedom to enact violence on them (ie bully the weak) without shame. For ex: ‘oh you’re a [insert any dehumanizing label here] monster? Prepare to be dogpiled and eliminated in the name of performative justice! :3′  I’m getting ahead of myself, but does this not ring a bell to anyone familiar with online cult movements? Which is precisely the unjust behavior Garou hates.
So another instance of him stepping in to inadvertently help a stranger in distress, as another victim to what he hates seeing (with the excuse ~they just happened to be in his way~) was when he stomps over to break up a fight between an old man and a rowdy drunk outside the dine n dash restaurant. He could have ignored it, walked on by, or gone to another place to eat, but nooo; seeing this behavior still pissed him off enough to intervene and deescalate the fight by scaring off the aggressor. 
With non-strangers, naturally we see most examples of Garou’s empathetic side with Tareo, cause Garou sees much of his bullied past-self in him, and he can’t help but care and react to his similarly felt distress even if Garou is very tsundere denying how much he cares; remember his ‘I didn’t come here to save you’ blatant lie line? Yeah; no one else made a beeline responding to Tareo’s cries for help, heh. 
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(As covered in the other posts you’ve seen) he sensed and understood why Tareo was upset without him even having to fully explain it. Since he empathized enough with that familiar frustration (peers messing with him) to step in and help out with advice. Which was a gracefully ineloquent way with words, but hey he tried the gesture actually calmed Tareo down and got him to stop crying. :’)
Likewise, later witnessing Tareo suffering from the bullies pissed him off for reasons Garou can directly relate to (they were even calling Tareo a monster!) so once again, he’s compelled to step in, break it up, and deescalate the behavior.....then waltz down there to check in with how Tareo’s doing.
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Offering another “I feel sorry for you.” :’) Which he plays off as more detached pity before he whoaaa, quickly turns around to leave with a ‘tch, go home’ once Tareo speaks. :’D (Like he can’t emotionally handle facing this, even turning his back when Tareo thanks him for helping him twice now since the shed scene.) But, we know there’s empathy felt for Tareo getting picked on, which drove Garou to act and intervene on his behalf here, BECAUSE..!!! Look what drives that evidence home:
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Ohoho...probably one of his biggest telling moments! 8′D Recognizing what’s on Darkshine’s face now (while rendered overpowered & unable to fight back)...is the same he remembers relating to in Tareo, cause it’s similarly what he’s felt and suffered before in his past! :O Ahhh!! Making him go ‘oshit, wait...NO,’ as he realizes this is what he hates; ‘this isn’t what I want to do or who I want to be,’ and forcefully stops himself (he breaks up his own fight) before soon barreling over as the pain and consequences of everything finally catch up to him.
So...! Based on his track record, and provided he’s not off on his lonesome anymore or unable to interact/socialize with anyone in the near future, then he’s highly likely to add on more examples of such moments. Especially whenever he witnesses what he hates seeing (similar cycles of what he’s felt in his past, attuned to the same injustice suffered by others that he’s already experienced himself) that he can’t help but intervene & act on their behalf. Even when it gets emotionally overwhelming (for him to get upset with himself and want to avoid it as much as possible) or in direct contrast to the person (ie closed-off ‘monster’) he’s trying to be, ever at conflict with the inner empathetic kid he always was. :’)
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ariknarie13 · 3 years
''Jungwon-hyung! Do you have my bag? I can't seem to find it!'' I shouted loudly so he could hear me clearly. "NO?, I don't have your damn bag, since it's not mine!" I held my hands in the air "Damn?! Could've just said no.." I mumbled the last bit.
''M/n here" Sunghoon handed me my bag "hurry up, we will be late for the show" He said strictly and left the room. 'Guess I have my bag' I laid it down on the floor and started searching for my phone. 
You see Enhypen was designed to be a group of 7, it was said from the beginning. But through Instagram and Tiktok, HYBE came across my profile and asked me to come do a private audition. So I went and did the audition, not really thinking all too much about it, since I wasn't so confident in my perfoming skills. But it turned out that I did quite good, and left a very strong impression. I was so excited when I got the revealing phone call that determined my position in this group. And now I can't live without these 7 idiots. 
After a long 2 minutes of me realizing my phone was left on the counter, I stepped outside the dorms and went straight to the Van where Jake, Sunghoon, Jay, Jungwon and Heeseung were in waiting. ''You know you could've just asked us where your phone was.'' Jungwon exclaimed. "I'd look dumb for not knowing where my phone was'' Jungwon widened his eyes ''You wanna tell me ur bag was any different?!'' He said through his laughs. ''Yah! Shut up about it! I found it ok.'' I said as he patted my head. 
"where are Sunoo and Ni-Ki?'' I asked Sunghoon since he was stepping out of the van . "I was about to go and inform them that we're heading out''  He said looking at me. 
I like his eyes. They are... pretty... very pretty. I hummed and nodded and made an O like shape with my mouth. "They don't know we are attending a show?'' I asked him, curious. ''They do, but Sunoo takes a long tim getting ready, and Ni-Ki is probably slouching on his phone'' I giggled.
''Aish.. M/n ur so cute when u laugh'' I hear from behind me. " Ahhh, Heeseung-Hyung" I whined, covering my face, embarrassed. "You look like a little Koala in that hoody.. so cute'' He once again teased me with his remarks. I looked through my eyes and stared at my hoody. 
'damn it! Shit, this is Sunoo's Hoo-' "Ok I've been searching for my hoody for atleast 10 minutes n-!'' Sunoo looked at me with his mouth wide open. "M/n?! YOU have my hoody!?'' I walked backwards laughing and shaking my hands. ''Sunoo-hyung!.. I-I can explain" I try as he starts tickling me. I fall on the ground not being able to talk as all I can do is laugh and try and pleade for mercy. 
Ni-Ki, Sunghoon, and Jake gather around us. ''Sunoo-ah! Let him go.'' Jake says also laughing a bit. ''WHAT?! HE, has MY, Hoody!'' Sunoo says as he goes back to tickling me. I can see Ni-Ki's face bright up as before I know it they are both now tickling me. tears are rolling down my face as I'm rapidly moving on the ground laughing uncontrollably. 
They stop for a bit and hold me still on the ground, both of my hands beside my head. "M/n I'll stop tickling you if you give my hoody now.'' Sunoo says with a smile. "I don't have anything underneath!" Sunoo puts a finger on his chin "hmm, that sounds like a you problem" he says. 
He puts his hand on the bottom of the hoody, and pulls it up. "Woah!" Niki says amazed, he places his hand on my stomach "M/n-hyung since when have u been working out?" He says with an amazed expression. I blush and nudge "I've been working out when you haven't, which has been always" Niki slaps my stomach and I laugh and grab my stomach.
"Now go inside and wear something... OF YOUR OWN" Sunoo tells me as he pushes me and I stumble inside. "Yeah, yeah". "M/n you better hurry up! First it was your bag, now you're shirtless" I open my mouth with a betrayed expression. "Sunoo-hyung was selfish and didn't let me borrow his ho-" "JUST HURRY UP OH MY GOD." Jungwon shouts from the inside of the van. 
I reach my room and as I approach it I can see my door is creaked. 'Someone must've forgotten something' But then I think about it, I share a room with Jake and Heeseung... They are both in the van. I get closer to the door and peak inside, and see..
Sunghoon? what is he doing in my room? Last time I remembered him coming into my room was 1 week ago, so there is no way he just recently realized he left something in my room. I open the door completely now.
"Sunghoon-hyung? What are you doing here?" He looks at me and hides something behind himself. ''N-Nothing! I was checking if Jake was in here!.." I raise my brow "You were just in the Van with him Sunghoon-hyung" I exclaim. My eyes drop to his arms, that weren't visible cause they were behind his back. "What are you hiding?" I ask walking towards him.
He smirks and walks towards me "Nothing important (n/n)." I sigh. "Sunghoon-hyung I just got back from Sunoo-hyung and Ni-Ki teasing me!.. Not you too" I pout as he chuckles. "You know I seriously still can't get over your laugh.. it sounds so fake" Sunghoon takes what he was hiding behind himself and shows it. It was a ring, with Enhypen and his name on it.
I looked up at him and smiled "Why'd u get this idiot?" Sunghoon rolls his eyes "to play with... TO WEAR IT OFCOURSE!" He says and I look at him dumbfound. "I GET THAT BIT YEAH, but what was the reason?" I ask as he blushes slightly. "I just wanted u to remember us forever" He says forever with his arms spread wide. I giggle "So you were considerate enough to engrave Ehypen on it, but selfish enough to write just your own name?" I ask him with a smile. "Hey it was my gift, so I have the rights and freedom to put whatever I want on it!" He says and we both chuckle. 
I embraced him for a hug and just then I realized I was still shirtless... this whole moment I completely forgot about the fact I wasn't wearing anything cause of Sunoo. Yes it was BECAUSE of him. "O-oh! I'm still shirtless.. let me put something o-" He engulfed me in a tight hug. "I've seen you shirtless a hundred times this aint anything new" He smiles and I lay my head on his chest. 
"M/N! DID YOU FORGET YOUR MEMORY?! I TOLD YOU TO HURRY UP, GET YOUR ASS READY AND GET IN THE DAMN VAN" "R-Right! I was busy doing so till you interrupted me!" We swiflty pull away and I dive into my closet. As my head in my thousands of clothes I hear Sunghoon. "I'll go get inside the van, you get ready quickly before Jungwon kills you" he walks out, but comes back in 2 seconds later "Oh yeah... Don't forget to put on your ring." I sigh "OK OK! God just let me get ready first" He laughs and heads out. 
I finish, and walk out of the dorm, straight to the van as I can see Jungwon's by now annoyed face. "M/n that took you way too long." I bid my apology and sit in the back next to Ni-Ki. ''M/n so what do you think of the idea of me playing the Piano and challenge Sunoo-hyung to a battle." I look at him not amused "I think I should get earplugs" I laugh as Ni-Ki slaps my shoulder. 
I pull out my phone and start watching youtube, as I'm doing so I feel Ni-Ki laying his head on my chest. He grabs my finger "Hey who gave this to you?! AND WHY DON'T I HAVE ONE?!" He speaks out loudly in between voice cracks. I laugh and push his head on my chest again "Sunghoon-hyung gave me it, it's custom made." He huffs "No I couldn't tell." I roll my eyes "aish.. you."
"Sunghoon-hyung why didn't you get me a custom made ring?!" Ni-Ki angrily asks Sunghoon who is seated infront of us. "I told you, you shouldnt've eaten my cookies I bought." Ni-Ki stands up "YAH! That's so unfair! M/n eat them too!" I shake my head and say no. "You really gonna believe this kid? Please." Ni-Ki sits down and lays on my chest again. "You're mean." He says as Sunoo could be heard making fun of Ni-Ki's baby voice while being mad. 
"Alright everyone we arrived, step out so we can get this show over with."
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Spark, Ignite, Detonate, Explode ~ Mammon x Reader
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Trust is such a feeble thing to have in someone - It is build up and takes so long, and yet, it disappears faster than the blink of an eye.
It starts off with only something little, yet repeated, like the spark you get from hitting stones together to ignite the fire inside someone’s heart. And yet, few know that the heart is a fragile gunpowder bag, that one detonated, it shall explode and destroy everything in its proximity never to be restored to its former glory again.
Only ashes, ruin, waste and death...
“Yooo, how’s my fave human doin’?” Mammon’s usual lighthearted voice echoed through the halls as he rushed to your side, putting his arm around your shoulder, pulling Y/N closer into his side as they walked together to the next class. “Nothing out of the ordinary, Monnie. You, however, seem rather happy. Did something good happen to you recently?” Y/N lifted her head up to gaze at him with her usual, passive smile. “Yeah, actually, it did! I just got a great deal on an Akuzon item I sold! I got 500 thousand Grimm! Isn’t that awesome? I can go get new brand jacket and shades!” he laughed in glee, making her clap as a congratulation. “That’s awesome, Monnie! You gotta show me what you’ll be getting! I’m sure your next photoshoot is gonna be so great that your pics will get on the cover!” She grinned, which made him flustered, and yet, his grin was even wider. “Hahaha, of course! I am THE Great Mammon, after all! How ‘bout this - After my next photoshoot, when I get paid again, I’ll take ya out for dinner. How’s that sound, hmmm? Just us two, at Ristorante six, my treat.” he smirked, trying to look macho, but it only made her chuckle at his poor attempt. “No, that’s too expensive. How about going to the pub for a drink? We can go to The Fall, if you want! They have great music, and the drinks are good, and at a reasonable price!” Y/N winked at him, which made him blush harder. “You’re the perfect being, Y/N! Always thinkin’ of me!” he gave the girl a side hug, as they got in their shared desk in the classroom.
The girl, as she wrote her notes diligently, knowing very well that the white haired demon never bothered, and would always borrow hers, started idly pawing at the neck of her shirt, as was her habit, to play with her dangling necklace...
Only to realise there was nothing hanging around her neck.
A pang of panic shot through her veins as she hit her back on the chair seat, touching her neck, and inside her shirt, realising that it was gone. Frowning, she tried to remember if she even put it on in the morning, before getting dressed, but there was no memory of it. She was certain, however, that the previous day, she placed the necklace on her study desk, before going to take a bath...And since then, she has no more recollection of its presence.
Waiting nervously, bouncing her leg, tapping her fingers and biting her lip so hard that she drew blood without realising, making her friend concerned, yet not figuring out the cause for her concerns, as soon as the class was over, she sprung out of that place faster than the speed of light, rummaging through her whole room, yet finding absolutely nothing.
Taking a few deep breaths, to keep herself level-headed, she went to the brothers, who were having lunch, and took out her D.D.D., showing them a selfie she took, where the necklace was easily noticeable - Silver chain with an emerald stone.
“Have you guys seen it around? I’m afraid I might have lost it or misplaced it...” she asked, clutching the phone close to her chest in worry. “I haven’t seen it, sorry.” Satan said, thinking back on all the steps he took that day. “Are you sure it’s not in your room? It could have fallen behind the bed, desk, or some furniture, right?” Asmo asked, frowning a bit. “No luck...I searched every inch of the room, and nothing. I’m at my wits end...I tried using all spells I know, and still nothing. It’s almost like it’s not in RAD or the Dorms anymore...” her bottom lip quivered softly. “Hey, Levi, didn’t we see this necklace somewhere on the internet last night, when we searched Akuzon?” Belphie turned abruptly to his brother, who gasped, nodded, and ran to get his laptop. “Akuzon...? It couldn’t be...It’s was a very cheap necklace from the human realm...Well, it’s very old, and handmade, but still.” Y/N sighed, putting her phone back in her pocket. “Here, Y/N, drink a glass of hot chocolate, it will help you calm down a bit.” Beel raised, handing her a cup of hot chocolate. “Thank you, Beel, I appreciate it.” she smiled softly, looking down at her mug. “Ah, you were right, Belphie! Look, this is it, right?” Levi turned around the laptop for everyone to look. “Huh...? It even has the engraving on the back of it...How...Could this happen...? Yesterday it was in my room, I’m certain of that, so...?!” she freaked out, especially looking at the price at which was sold, and something clicked in her mind, making her gasp in realisation. “Ahhh, great, I’m late for lunch again. Beel, you better not have eaten everythin’!” Mammon’s cheerful voice seemed to make everyone go silent, and it was like a common thought in their mind. “Mammon...Can you tell me what exactly did you sell on Akuzon that you got so much money from it?” Y/N muttered, gritting her teeth, trying to keep herself grounded. “Huh? Why d’ya ask? T’was some necklace I found layin’ around. Why?” he asked, sitting down at the table to eat. “I can’t believe it...” her voice was soft, yet full of rage, almost destroying the mug in her hands. “Of course it had to be him...But to think he’d steal from the only person who defended him...That’s a special kind of scumbag.” Asmo groaned, shaking his head in disbelief. “You really are the worst, Mammon. I can’t believe we are related.” Belphie glared at his elder brother. “Huh?! Whadya mean?! Shouldn’t y’all be happy for me, for getting such a great deal for a cheap necklace?!” he yelled at them, not realising the dark aura surrounding the person behind him, “He really is an idiot.” Beel’s eyes softened, looking with pity at the girl. “I can’t say that I’m surprised...Maybe just disappointed.” Satan looked at him in disgust, then shifted his gaze away, unable to look at him any longer. “Oi, what the hell’s wrong with y’all?! What’ve I done?! Y/N, help me out here, give ‘em a piece of your mind!” Mammon turned around to look at the girl, only then realising that she had tears streaming down her face, and her small form was trembling softly. “The Lord of Shadows would never do something to hurt Henry..But what can you expect from someone who would sell Seraphina’s UR+ figurine anyway?” Levi shook his head. “What have you done...? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! YOU SOLD MY NECKLACE ON AKUZON, THAT’S WHAT YOU’VE DONE, YOU STUPID, SCUMMY, BRAINDEAD DUMBASS!” she yelled at him, pouring the hot chocolate on his head, making everyone gasp in shock at her reaction. “So what?! It’s just a cheap necklace! I can buy you 5000 ones just like that! Even the stone wasn’t genuine! I made you a favour by riddin’ you of it!” he got to his feet, arguing with her, not expecting her to get violent, grab him by his uniform blazer, shaking him with all the force she could muster. “YOU CANNOT BRING THE MEMORIES BACK, YOU DIMWIT! It was a goddamn family heirloom! It was the only thing I had from my family! My mother gave it to me before she died! How could you do this to me, Mammon?! I thought we were friends!” when her all her strength left her body, she started sobbing softly, which made the demon stiff as a board. “I-I-I...H-How was I supposed to know that?! C’mon, I don’t read minds, y’know?” he argued, but his voice was nothing higher than a mutter. “I told you...I told you before...I told you, god damn it...I told you my mum gave it to me on my birthday...And then she died...I told you I have no family to return to...I told you all the women in my family had the same nickname, and it’s engraved in the back of the pendant...I told you...But you never listen, do you? All you care about is money...Money...Money...And only money...You are such a disappointment...I can’t believe it...” her voice held a myriad of raw emotions, ranging from hatred, disappointment, confusion, rage, anxiety, nervousness, sorrow, nostalgia and many more - All that seemed to transfer to Mammon right away, as he started panicking. “Look, I-I’m sorry, okay?! I didn’t mean it! I screwed up, I’m sorry! Please don’t be mad at me!” he looked like a kicked puppy, but the girl didn’t care anymore. “I take back all the good things I said about you. I take back all the times I bothered to defend you from the insults and bullying of your brothers. I take back all the pity I had for your stupid puppy face. I take it all back. You are nothing more than a greedy disappointment. I am no longer your friend, I never want to see your face again, nor hear your voice, and I refuse to be anywhere near your. Goodbye, Mammon, we are never going to be friends again.” she roughly pushed him on the chair, making everyone look at the scene, speechless. “I respected you, cared for you...Fuck, I really loved you, Mammon, more than anyone would know...And look how you treat me. I guess that’s what I get for trying to babysit some braindead fuck up who cares for no one but himself. Disgusting.” she sneered, glaring at him with dead eyes, before turning on her heel and going to her room, passing by Lucifer, who looked at her with confusion.  “Did something happen...?” he asked, unsure of what to do. “I won’t be going to class tomorrow.” she muttered, passing by him and going to her room.
For the remainder of the day, she answered no texts, nor calls, and ignored everyone who tried to enter her room, going as far as to put spells on her door so that if they tried entering her room would get transported in the underground pool, and the yelling and knocking on the door wouldn’t be heard, no matter how hard they tried.
All the time, she tried her best to track her the person who bought the necklace, explain to them that it’s not magical and that it’s just a cheap, old accessory with emotional attachment, and that she will pay them all the money back in return for it.
500k for a necklace...What a robbery...
And the respective witch asked for double, to compensate.
That’s double the robbery.
But what could she do...?
Y/N checked her bank account, realised that she has already 800k Grimm she held on, to buy everyone gifts at the end of the year, to thank them for being such a great family for her, but that was going to be for another time.
The witch said they should meet at the end of the week, so she had enough time to raise at least 150k...And for the rest of the 50k, she’ll have to borrow from someone.
At school, every time she saw him, Y/N ignored Mammon, or did a spell to push him away, doing exactly as she promised she would do, and it was clearly affecting him.
It went the same in the classroom, as they were deskmates...
“Hey. Hey, Y/N. Y/N, listen to me! I’m sorry, okay? Don’t be mad! I-I’ll make it up for ya, okay?! How ‘bout I take ya to a Karaoke night at The Fall, as we said? O-Or lemme treat ya at Hell’s Kitchen -...Or better, Ristorante Six!” he kept rambling, which made the girl tsk, take out the scissors she had in her bag, cutting her finger and drawing a blood symbol on the back of her notebook, slammed it with her palm, before touching his cheek, and so, no matter how much he tried to speak, he wouldn’t be heard.
And when eating meals together...
“Yo, Y/N, my favourite human! Look what I brought! There’s this super VIP place that makes the best pizza, and I got one of each taste, so ya’ll see which is your fave!” he chirped, trying his best to stay cheerful as he sat down to her left, only to see he stop chatting with Asmo, raised her plate, and sat on his right, between the 5th and 4th eldest brothers, completely ignoring him.
It continued when he started getting bullied again, for who knows what reason...
“Not so smug now that Y/N isn’t taking your side anymore, huh? Well, you deserve it, after all. You really fucked up with her, y’know?” Belphie glared at his brother, leaning on Beel. “I know, okay?! I keep tryin’ to make it up to her, but she doesn’t even hear me out! What can I even do?!” he asked, obvious desperation in his voice. “Nothing, at this point. She’s working all night to get the money to pay the witch who bought the necklace from you. I don’t know how you can make up to her.” Beel shrugged, munching on his goat cheese tartar burger. “I heard from Satan she has to pay double. If I had to throw away all the money I kept for safe keeping, then have to be forced to work and borrow more to get to 1M Grimm just to get my prized possession back...I’d have killed you.” Belphie scoffed, putting his pillow on Beel’s shoulder, ready to take a nap. “Oh...I...Had no idea...” the white haired demon muttered, hanging his head, feeling his heart being ripped apart at the suffering he caused the person he holds so dear to his heart. “You never know anything you should know, why are you surprised.” Belphie muttered, shrugging “Imagine all the food you could buy with that much money. Maybe I should bring her a burger too, it may make her smile. Haven’t seen her smile since that day.” Beel nodded, getting up, with his younger brother in one arm, while the other hand held a take away food bag.
And the only one who managed to give him any sort of advice was Lucifer...
“I’m at my wit’s end, Lucifer! What can I do?! Nothing I try works! I feel like I’m losin’ her more and more with each minute...And she’s already gettin’ her necklace back, there’s nothin’ I can do to make her at least stop ignorin’ me...” Mammon sighed, sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, in Lucifer’s study room, his head held in his hands, gripping at his hair, barely stopping himself from outright sobbing. “Keep on trying. I’m sure she will appreciate the effort you’re doing, even if she’s angry at you now, and rightfully so. The fact that you realised your mistake, and the gravity of it, is the first step towards redemption and forgiveness. Don’t give up...There’s no one who cares for you as much as she does.” the eldest brother sat down next to him, putting his hand on his shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly. “Thanks, Lucifer...I guess it takes time to heal...” he muttered, nodding as a way to thank him.
For the rest of the week, he continued to try to apologise in all the ways, imaginable and unimaginable he could muster, trying his best not to get discouraged by her ignoring him and going out of her way to stay as far away as possible.
However, he noticed how Beel was right, and he hasn’t seen a single uprise in the corners of her lips, there was no glint in her eyes, no warmth in her presence, and no life in her movements. She was tired, and rightfully so, considering the amount of work she’s doing, while also going to classes...
She’s just a frail, little human, she’s going to overexert her brittle body and break! Y/N already sprained her wrist by falling in her plight up the stairs once, a long time ago, and he has already seen her overworking on studying and doing multiple things to please people...
He can’t let that happen again!
But what can he do, anyway...?
On the last day of the week, he desperately tried to search for her, only to overhear a conversation in the library, between her and one of her brothers, and his heart started breaking even more, if that was possible.
“Hey...Satan? Can I ask for your insight on something?” Y/N asked, sitting on the couch next to the blond, who was reading in the library, as per usual. “Yes, what is it?” he asked, closing his book, giving her his undivided attention. “I managed to track down the witch who bought my necklace, and she said she will agree to an exchange deal, if I give her the money back...In double. I need 50k for this afternoon, and I don’t have how to get so much in such a short time, so I’ll have to borrow from someone. Any idea?” she sighed, her lips turning into a self-pitying smile. “I see...Well, honestly, anyone you ask would lend you money, but since you have to hurry, then here’s I’ll transfer you the money you need in your account.” he pat her head, doing as he said. “Thank you, Satan, you’re a true life saver. I owe you everything.” she sighed in relief, hugging him tightly.
Him! She should have picked him! He would give her his heart on a platter to sell, if she asked for it! He would sell every possession he had, including his organs, just to make sure she got her necklace back! Nevermind that it was his fault, even if it wasn’t, he’d have still given you everything he had to make sure she stops destroying her health and start glowing with happiness again.
He missed her angelic voice when speaking to him, he missed the glint in her eyes whenever she hung out with him, or helped him hide from his brothers, he missed the soft kisses she gave on his cheeks whenever she congratulated him on something great he did, and he missed how little and warm her hand was, in his, fingers intertwined, whenever she’d walk side by side. He missed how cute she was in his arms, whenever he’d crash at her place and want to cuddle, and how she was a feisty firecracker filled with justice when he got bullied and insulted by everyone.
He missed her so much...
Now that he had her around him so much, he felt it impossible that she should disappear just like that...And yet, she did, and nothing in his life hurt Mammon more than Y/N hating him.
She’s now on her way to meet the witch, get her necklace back, and here he was, a failure... But a failure who felt like something wrong was going to happen, while he was pacing, and looking at the watch, he noticed it was about time the exchange was to happen...Yet he never picked up where it would be...?
He called all his brothers, one by one, and only Satan seemed to know where she was, so Mammon ran there as fast as the fastest demon could.
Y/N was skeptical, nervous, and afraid to deal with this witch, as she was radiating an evil and intimidating aura, and it was obvious she was heavily overpowering her with her magic.
“I’ve got your money...It’s on my credit card. I will transfer it right away...But please show me the necklace first.” she muttered, holding up her phone, showing the 1M Grimm account she owned. “Good...VERY Good, little mouse. Here is your little necklace...I will give it to you as soon as you transfer the money.” she smirked, making Y/N nod and bite her lip, but doing as she was told. “Here. Did you get it? It says it got sent.” she showed her phone screen again, letting the witch check. “Perfect~! What a good, obedient little human you are...I should have you around as my lackey more often. You’re much more reliable with bringing me money than that stupid Mammon.” she scoffed, using her hand to roughly squish Y/N’s cheeks. “Can I have my necklace now, please?” she tried to say, despite looking like a fish. “Yeah, sure, here you are....Oops! Oh, no, it broke! What a pity~!” she giggled darkly as she she destroyed the necklace, letting the pieces fall to the ground, along with Y/N’s paralysed form. “NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! You promised you’d give it back! I have you the money you asked for! Why did you do that?!” Y/N groveled on the ground, trying to desperately pick up pieces of the broken necklace. “You’d think someone who spent so much time with demons wouldn’t be so stupid! Didn’t I just say? You’re so much better than that failure of a Greed demon! You KNOW him! And you KNOW all the brothers! You are that exchange human Diavolo is protecting! Hahaha...! Imagine everything I could do if I held you hostage! I can force Diavolo to marry me, I can have Lucifer and Satan be my consorts, Mammon to constantly give me jewels and clothes, Asmodeus to please me, Beelzebub to bring me food, and Belphegor to make sure my room is always perfect! And that’s only thanks to your idiocy, you little, worthless human!” her grin was wide and scary, as she suddenly grabbed Y/N’s hair, roughly pulling her up, before using her hand to grab her slender neck and squeeze, as a threat and a warning. “Keep on dreaming...That will never happen...And leave Mammon alone, he’s not stupid.” Y/N tried to claw at the witch’s hand, only to get roughly slapped, then got a pain curse put on her, which made her fall to the ground, gritting her teeth to keep from wailing in agony. “Don’t tell me...This stupid little human is in love with that waste of space? Did you know what I fucked him? Long before you even existed in this life. He cried and screamed so much that night, it was pitiful, but also amusing. You’re nowhere close to even be in my league, but you think you can please the Avatar of Greed? You’re really pathetic and delusional, darling.” the witch’s banshee-like laugh resounded through the abandoned field, amplifying the curse, as her voice was only beaten by Y/N’s stifled cries of pain. “You will pay for this.” she managed to say, before she felt a sharp pain in her side, which proved to be a kick in the ribs. “I already did, darling, the moment your stupid Mammon sold your necklace, and you tracked me down, instead of letting him try to get it back. He’s already high in debt with everyone, but he wasn’t stupid enough to be in my debt too...But now, for your sake, I WILL get him, and all of the others!” her voice was dark and menacing...Only for it to suddenly stop, as sudden the pain from the curse.
And yet, a much darker, stronger, overwhelming, suffocating aura seemed to make the whole place look as the abyss just took over.
“There’s one thing to mess with me, Maddi, but it’s another to mess with the girl I love. I don’t care what ya put me through, but as soon as ya try to even look Y/N’s way, I’m killin' ya, and ya did much worse than that. Say goodbye to your life, ‘cause I’m truly pissed off.” next thing that the human eye could comprehend was a flash of black, then a screech, and the sound of flesh being ripped. “Shit, I made a mess...Not very like me...” he muttered, before dropping to his knees in front of Y/N, pulling her into a protective embrace. “I’m so sorry ya had to see me like this, Y/N. I ain’t like this, I promise. I couldn’t stand seein’ ya gettin’ hurt, especially knowin’ it was my fault and I caused all this mess. I did all that, and yet, ya still defended me in front of her...I don’t deserve ya, Y/N, you’re too good for me.” his voice was so soft, so full of pain and regret, that she couldn’t help but throw her arms around him, letting the tears she held on from fear. “I love you so much, Mammon, you have no idea. And you saved me now...Gosh, I was so scared...I’m so glad you got here...I’m sorry I got so mad at you, Monnie, and it was all for nothing. She broke it. I ruined everything.” she sobbed, holding onto him as if to dear life, and he could only cradle her, cooing soothing words into her ear to calm her down as much as he could. “It’s fine...I screwed up, ya did nothing wrong, I promise. I ain’t mad at you, I deserved everythin’. Trust me when I say it, no matter what, I will always love ya, y’got me? Never forget that. You’re my favourite human, and nobody’s ever gonna even dare to think about approaching ya with bad intentions.” he kissed the top of her head, feeling her heart beat at a more normal pace. “I forgive you, Monnie. You will always be my favourite person in the world.” she muttered, raising her head to look at him, wiping her tears with her sleeve and smiling softly. “Eyyy, that’s the smile I was waitin’ for! I missed it so much. I can’t stand ya bein’ sad.” Mammon confessed, his face burning with a blush, but not being able to feel Tsundere in any way, and instead, he held her hands, kissing her knuckles. “I’m really sorry about your necklace. I’m sorry I forgot what ya said, and that I stole it from your room. I promiseI won’t do that again.” he squeezed her hands, looking at her with a sincere look in his gorgeous blue eyes. “I know you’re sorry, Angel Eyes. It’s fine...It’s just a necklace, after all. It’s not good getting overly attached to material things...And I have you, I don’t need any necklaces.” she confessed, fighting to keep the pain away from the thought of the broken necklace.
As she smiled, she quickly took her hands from his, cupping his face and pulling him into a passionate kiss, letting out all the pent up emotions they both had stored in their hearts for so long - All the love, the softness, the gentleness, all that as if afraid the other was a mere illusion and they were afraid they’d wake up and everything happy will disappear.
Mammon knew what Heaven was, and nothing felt better than kissing Y/N and having her close to him, that much was certain for him.
Still in his demon form, he picked her up and quickly got back home, since, after all, he wasn’t the fastest demon for nothing, and brought her back to her room, preparing a hot bath to her, proceeded by lots of good food, snacks and drinks, cuddles and a movie marathon of any film she wishes to see. As long as she was in his arms, safe and sound, happy and smiling, then he couldn’t care less about anything around him.
One week later, unbeknownst to her, things started shifting in her favour, as when she checked to see how much money she had left, she found the whole sum back into her account, then, when she went to Satan to give back the borrowed money, he chuckled, saying the debt was already paid...
And obviously, that was all Mammon’s work, no doubt, and at this point, she knew she shouldn’t even bother trying to find out how he managed to do that, but she was still thankful and decided to order the jacket and shades he knew he wanted, packed in a beautiful yellow and blue package, resembling his eyes.
She left it in front of his door one day, knocking before running away, giggling childishly to herself, and her heart started racing at dinner when she saw him wearing the gifts from her, and he looked gorgeous.
“Woaw, Mammon, that’s a really nice jacket. Where’d you get it from?” Asmo asked, his eyes wide at the obviously expensive item he was wearing. “Quite a lot, but you gotta say, he it suits him perfectly, don’t you think?” Y/N stifled her chuckle, leaning back on her chair with a smug expression seeing everyone’s shocked faced. “Whaaaaaaaaat?! So you made up?! For real?!” Levi gasped loudly. “Yep. I can’t stay mad at him.” she shrugged simply, winking at the white haired demon who was the only who knew the secret. “Why can’t I say that I’m surprised?” Satan chuckled with his usual, passive smile. “What about the necklace?” Beel asked, looking at her with a worried look. “Ah...About that...It was broken by the buyer. Nothing else to be done, unfortunately, so they gave the money back.” Y/N gave him a side smile, coming up with a milder version of the story. “Uhm...A-About that...Uhmm...Y-Ya see...Lucifer’s real cool, y’know? He’s like, super smart, and, uhh...I managed to...Y’know...I-I-I...” Mammon kept stumbling over his words, walking behind her, putting the necklace around her neck that had no more marks from that witch. “I fixed it for you.” he muttered, trying to hide his face in her hair so nobody could see him. “Would you look at that? It looks as if it was never broken in the first place. Who’d have thought.” Belphie let out an amused breath looking at the two lovebirds. “How...? But...It was in so many pieces...Some that we didn’t even find...This is impossible...?!” she kept staring at the necklace, not believing her eyes. “W-Well...Lucifer helped me find the lost pieces...And taught me this spell to get it back to its original form. Wasn’t simple, but...I-I think it’s okay.” he spoke in flustered voice, making the girl squeal with absolute glee. “You’re the best, Monnie! I can’t believe it...! You’re truly the best!” she jumped from her chair, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down in another mind blowing kiss that made the poor demon completely forget himself. “Hahahaha, y-yeah, o-of course I’m the best!! I-I’m THE Great Mammon, after all! Haaaaa!” he tried his best to appear boastful, but the fact that he was flustered beyond belief, making his brothers chuckle at how cute they were.
What a surprise, the cutest human being such a great pair for the cutest demon ( at least by Lucifer’s standards, anyway. )
So maybe, after all, if you have enough will, and a brother who knows great magic, you can reverse the outcome of an explosion of that caliber.
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layce2015 · 4 years
The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel x Reader)
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Chapter 3: Patrols
Chapter 2
(A/N: I don't know if I made this clear but I am NOT following the story of the game, exactly. A good chunk of the story I am keeping but the thing that I am mainly changing is Joel's fate as the more I think about it the more I don't like how it was handled. So Joel's fate will be different in this story.)
I groan as I hear the sound of someone knocking on the front door. Then I felt the spot next to me on the bed shift and I open my eyes to see that Joel was getting up. I raise my head to see that it wasn't even sunlight yet. "What the hell?" I groaned, sleepily, as he gets out of the bed. "I got it." Joel said and he walks down the stairs.
I run my hands over my eyes and make the effort to get up out of bed. I head down the stairs to see Joel talking to Tommy. "Hey, everything okay?" I asked them as I make my way down the stairs. "Yeah, we got a report on a horde of infected out north. Maria wants us to go check it out." Tommy explains as Joel comes to stand next to me.
"Okay." I said, nodding, then I turn to Joel. "Just be careful, okay?" I said to him. "Of course." He said and I smirked before I lean up and kissed his cheek. As Joel heads upstairs to get ready, I turn to Tommy. 
"You want me to make you something before you boys head out?" I asked him. "Nah, I've got some food packed up we should be good for the next few hours. But thanks." Tommy said and I nod. "Okay, suit yourself. I guess I better go ahead and cook breakfast for the munchkins before they decide to wake up." I said as I head into the kitchen.
After gathering up what I needed, I set them on the counter and was about to start cooking when I hear heavy footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Joel, now dressed up in his winter clothing, walking towards me. "I'll be back in a few hours." He said. "You better." I said and Joel chuckles before he comes up to me, leans down and kisses me.
Once we break the kiss, I look at him in the eyes and give a worried look to him. Even though he and I have done these patrols before and we've been through hell and back, I still get scared of what could happen to him.
"Please be careful." I whispered to him. "Always." He mutters then gives me a quick kiss on the lips again before he walks over to his brother. "Hey." I said and he turns to me. "I love you." I said and he smiles. "Love you, too." He said and I smiled as he goes over to Tommy.
"You be careful too, Tommy." I called out to him. "Will do." Tommy shouts and the two men leave the house.
Few hours later, after cooking breakfast and getting Ethan and Aiden up and about, we finished eating our breakfast and then I made the boys get dressed as it was time for them to get ready for daycare.
"Alright boys, you got your boots and your coats, your bags?" I asked them. "Yes, Mommy." They said, in unison, as they come up to me dressed up for the winter. I kneel down and check them over, making sure everything was in check, when there was a knock at the door.
I get up and open the door to see Jesse standing there. "Jesse! What brings you here?" I asked him. "Maria wanted me to tell you to meet her at the mess hall, I think she wants you out on patrol as well. I'm...about to go get Ellie so she could go on her routes." He said and I nod. "Okay, yeah. Well, let me grab my stuff and take the boys to daycare and I'll be there." I said.
"Cool. See you in a minute." He said and I nod at him then shut the door as he turns to leave. "Okay, stay right here, boys. I have to go get my backpack." I said as I head upstairs. "You about to go fight monster again?" Aiden asked, worriedly. "Yes, but don't worry. It shouldn't be too long. Besides, your father should be home soon." I said as I pick up the old familiar backpack, looked through all of my weapons, then put it on.
I make my way downstairs and then the three of us headed out.
"Okay, boys. You two be good." I said to them before I kneel down to them and kissed the top of their heads. "We will." Ethan said and Aiden nods. "I love you, boys." I said. "Love you, too." They said, in unison, and I hug them before I get up and head over to the mess hall, which was just around nearby.
Just as I make it over there, I see Maria, Jesse and Ellie walking out of the front door. "Maria!" I called out and she turns to look at me. "Sorry, I'm late." I said once I got up to her. "It's okay. I was just about to wait for you." She said and I nod then I turn to Ellie.
"Hey, Ellie." I said to her, a bit awkwardly. "Hey, (y/n)." She greets back and a small smile appears on her lips. "Anyway, the reason I asked Jesse to come get you is that I want you to go with him and both of you trade off with Tommy and Joel. Those boys have been out for far too long." She explains as we started walking.
"Okay." I said.
"Where do we meet them?" Jesse asked her. "If you guys go up to the northwest lookout, they're scheduled to arrive later today." Maria said and Jesse and I nod at her. "Watch yourselves. I mean there's too many sightings of infected recently." She said. "Of course." I said.
"I was gonna check out the Creek trails, but I'll need someone else to cover it." Jesse said then Maria turns to Ellie.
"Ellie, you know the Creek trails?" She asked her. "Not really." Ellie said. "Dina's done it a bunch. I'll have the two of them take it." Jesse said. "That settles that." Maria said and we come up to a set of gates. "Ellie, can I talk to you for a second?" Maria asked her.
Ellie nods at her then her and Maria go off to the side and talk while Jesse and I go to the gare and walk through, passing by a playground where I see Dina playing with the kids.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Jesse asked me. "Knowing Maria, asking about last night." I muttered. "Yeah, about that...is everything okay between you guys? I mean, I don't understand why she was so upset with Joel..." Jesse started to say but I shake my head. "It's...it's complicated. But...she did come by later last night and...I think we're working things out." I said and Jesse nods before he looks over at Dina just as Ellie comes up.
"Yo, Dina, assignments!" Jesse yells. "Just give me a minute!" She yells back at him and he sighs. Then he turns to Ellie and said. "Can you get your girlfriend to the stable please?" Then he walks away just as Ellie scoffs. "Oh God."
I smirk then I patted her arm and give her a sympathetic smile before I go and follow Jesse but then I hear laughs and shouts. I turn to see that Ellie and Dina were playing snowball fight with the kids and I smiled.
Then the kids started to dogpile on Dina and Ellie was about to come in and save her when Ethan and Aiden run over and start to tackle her. Ellie let's out yell and I hear the boys laughing and screeching with her.
I laugh and shake my head before I make my way to the stables. "Hey, (y/n)." One of the guys said to me as he grabs one of the horses for me. "Hey." I said as I take the reigns of the horse. "Thanks." I said then I walk out of the stables and see a group of people that was about to go on patrol with their horses. Then I make my way over to Jesse.
"Ellie and Dina coming?" He asked me. "Yeah, they should be here." I said as I go stand by someone then I pull off my backpack, open it and look over my guns to make sure they were ready.
"Ahhh! Look who decided to join us." Jesse said and I look over to see Ellie and Dina coming over with their horses. "Yeah, yeah." Ellie grumbles as she walks over to him as he hands her a rifle then Dina another rifle.
He walks over to the main gate and shouts. "Open it up!" Then the gates started to open and Jesse turns to us. "Alright. You all know the drill. Run your routes. Mark your log books. Clear any infected you see. You run into anything you can't handle, you come back. Be smart about it. All right, get goin'." He said and he walks over to me to get to his horse that was next to me.
I put my bag on my back then mount my horse. Jesse gets on his horse and both of us nod then we galloped out and into the snowy woods.
"And then after he put all of the fruit in our mom's blender, he pushed the button to turn it on, but he forgot to put the lid on top of it. Covered the whole counter in that mess." I said as Jesse and I rode along the trail to the lookout. Jesse laughs at this.
"Oh man, what did your brother do then?" He asked. "Oh, he panicked and tried to clean it up but...mom came home before he could. She was pretty pissed at him." I said and Jesse chuckles a bit. "He tried to blame me, said I distracted him as I was running around and playing with my toys. But mom saw right through it." I said. 
"How old was he when that happened?" Jesse asked me. "Um...I think he was about twelve and I was seven or eight." I said. "Ah!" He said as we got closer to the lookout. "And his name was Aiden, right? I mean that's how you got your son's name right?" Jesse asked. "Yeah. And Ethan was my dad's name." I explained and Jesse nods.
"I want to know how was your brother with Joel." Jesse said, intrigued, and I start to laugh. "At first, he was hesitate with Joel. I remember when I first brought Joel over to meet him and my mom, Aiden threatened him with his gun. He had a pretty good gun collection, considering he was part of the military." I said. "Damn. Honestly, it's kinda hard to imagine someone threatening Joel." Jesse said. "You'd be surprised." I muttered.
"How did Joel take the threat?" Jesse asked. "Pretty well. All things considering. He just assured my brother that he wouldn't harm me or hurt me in any way shape or form. He understood were Aiden was coming from since Joel had Sarah." I explained. "They eventually got along and became inseparable. I remember the days when Joel, Tommy and I went to Aiden's house and they would just watch the sports channel on the TV."
Suddenly, the wind started to pick up and I pull up the collar and hood of my coat up. "This isn't good." I called out to Jesse, through the growing harsh wind. "Yeah, but luckily we're here." Jesse said and just as he said that I could see the building up ahead. "Thank God." I said and we make it over to the lookout and head into the garage.
We put the horses inside as the blizzard started to pick up, to the point we couldn't even see two feet in front of us. Jesse shuts the garage door and we take a breath. "That was close." I muttered and he nods. "Yeah. Hopefully, Tommy and Joel make it here, safely." He said. "I hope so." I said, a bit of worry in my voice, as Jesse goes into another room.
*3rd Person POV*
Meanwhile, Tommy and Joel were heading into an old warehouse when the blizzard started coming through. Not to mention a horde of infected was following them. They seemed to be coming from everywhere, but Joel and Tommy were able to handle their own as they shot or killed any infected that would come near them.
"Joel, over here!" Tommy yells as they go around some crates and head to the entrance of the building. Suddenly, an infected grabs ahold of Joel, knocking him off his feet. Joel let's out a pained yell then turns on his back as he holds the infected aback while it flails its arms wildly at him.
Tommy was busy shooting at any oncoming infected and he didn't noticed until a girl with a long braided blonde hair comes in and shoots the infected that was on top of Joel.
Joel looks at this a bit surprised and the girl holds out her hand to him. "Thanks." He said as he accepts her hand and she helps him up. Then the two look over at the collapsing fence in front of them, where the horde was leaning against it a d trying to get through.
"We're gonna have to run!" He tells her as Tommy comes up and starts to shoot at some infected that were trying to get through. "There's too many of them!" Tommy shouts. "I'll cover you, get going!" Joel said as he aims his gun and fires. Tommy runs over to the girl and pats her shoulder.
"C'mon, this way!" He said to her as he runs inside of the building, her not far behind. Joel fires at many infected that he could before he follows after them.
"Oh shit!" Tommy exclaims as they run down a hallway then stops once he sees more infected coming. "Hold up!" He said as he pulls out a molotov and throws it at them. Joel goes over to a door on their right and opens it. "This way, c'mon!" He shouts and Tommy and the girl run, Joel gets in next then he and the girl push up an old vending machine up against the door, blocking the infected.
"You okay?" Joel asked the girl. "Yeah." She replied. "Where'd hell that all come from?" Tommy asked, exhausted. "It don't matter. What does is where we goin'?" Joel asked him. "I reckon we go out the back...we can make a break fro the lodge." Tommy suggests as they look around the room.
Joel sighs at this then said. "Ain't got a better idea." To him it didn't matter how they got out of here, he just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, and as safely as possible, so he could be back home with his boys, his wife and Ellie.
He turns to the newcomer as she looks around for supplies. "Hey. You got a gun?" He asked her. "Yeah." She replied, breathless. "Hope you're a good shot. Keep up with us." Joel tells her and she nods.
"We gotta warn everyone...come back with a cleanup crew." Tommy said. "We gotta live through this, first." Joel said to him, firmly. Then suddenly some more infected started coming at them.
After shooting their way through the horde, they were able to push an old gondola under a window and they go out that way. The three kept running through the snow and wind til they got to the old lodge and barricaded the door once they went through.
They backed away from the door then Tommy turns to the girl. "Hey. I'm Tommy." He introduced then he nods to his brother. "That's Joel." He said and the girl glances over at Joel as he keeps an eye on the door. "What's your name?" Tommy asked her. "Abby." She replied.
"Abby, are you okay?" Tommy asked her. "Yeah." She replied, nodding, but she seemed to be in shock. 
Suddenly, the board they used to barricade the door begins to crack as the infected kept piling up towards the door. "That ain't gonna hold. We gotta go back." Joel said as he aims his gun at the door. "We ain't gonna outrun them all the way back to Jackson. We need to barricade that door." Tommy said, pointing at the other door.
"Tommy, we can't stay here!" Joel yells at him. "Horses ain't makin' it all that way--" Tommy argues but then Abby speaks up. "My friends. My friends are at a mansion just north from here. It's fenced in. We have the whole perimeter secure." Abby suggested, Joel and Tommy exchange a look.
"It's the Baldwin place. It could work." Joel said and Tommy nods. "All right. I'll get the door." Tommy said and he runs one way then Joel turns to Abby. "All right, you ride with me. C'mon." He said and he heads over to his horses while Abby stands there and thinks about the plan she had.
"C'mon!" Joel yells as he mounts his horse. Abby breaks from her thoughts and runs over to him, Joel helps her up to his horse as Tommy opens the door then he gets on his horse and they gallop away just as the horde burst through the door.
*(y/n)'s POV*
"I'm getting worried." I said as I pace around the room. It been almost an hour since we've been here and there was no sign of Tommy or of Joel. This is scaring me. "Maybe, it's the blizzard that's slowing them down." Jesse said, obviously he was trying to keep me calm as I start to panic. "No, no. Something is not right. They should've been here by now." I said, my breathing quicken.
I look out the window and could see the blizzard had calmed down some but it was still windy as hell. I let out a sigh then head over to the horses. "Fuck it. I'm gonna find them." I said as I grab my bag and mount my horse. "Whoa, wait, (y/n)! You sure? I mean, I don't want you going out on your own!" He said, worried, and I chuckled a bit.
"Son, I've been doing this kind've thing for the past twenty-five years. I can handle it. If you want to look around, that's fine. And if you find any of our people still out here, have them cover the area as well. Should be quicker that way. I'll head east, see if I can find them that way." I said. "Yes, ma'am." He said and he goes to open the garage door and I dug my heels into the side of my horse and galloped into the snowy storm.
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tiramisiyu · 4 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: 【掌中流光】 Xia Yan’s Light in Palms Date Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist
Video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nX4y1u7XA/
Because the timing of this date story is New Year’s Eve, I aimed to have it finished and posted for today (i.e. our New Year’s Eve). Happy New Year, everyone! Hoping that 2021 will be much better!
Xia Yan’s House
Today was the last day on the calendar. 
As the first New Year’s Eve after my reunion with Xia Yan, we had originally made a chock-full travel plan - but before we were about to set out, Xia Yan suddenly received a command to return to the capital, and didn’t return until last night. Because I didn’t want Xia Yan to be travel-worn again, I decided on staying at home for a leisurely New Year’s Eve – a day spent playing games! A night spent feasting! Going at zero-o’clock to see the New Year’s Eve fireworks show!
Although, when we put this “Leisurely New Year’s Eve Plan” into action, it wasn’t very leisurely…
Xia Yan: Right side! The enemy went over there!
MC: Where where?! I can’t see it!
In a panic, I manipulated the video game controller to adjust my viewing angle, but I didn’t see anything at all.
Bang bang bang— A barrage of gunshot sounds suddenly started. My blood meter started losing blood crazily, just like a water pipe that had exploded.
MC: Ahhh! My blood meter’s in the red!
Xia Yan: Give it to me!
I immediately stuffed the controller into Xia Yan’s hands, but he hadn’t even received it firmly when my view went grey. My character had fallen in battle.
MC: …
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MC: This is too much… 
Xia Yan and I attempted to refresh our save points from eight years ago. We were clearly able to co-op smoothly before, with flashing lights announcing our clears, yet we were actually on a losing streak today! Discouraged, I threw aside the controller, then reclined backwards into the beanbag chair.
Xia Yan: Don’t be discouraged – we haven’t played this for several years. It’s natural to be out of practice.
Xia Yan: How about we go through our save points for the casual games?
MC: That’s fine… I need to play some easy, refreshing casual games to restore my spirit.
Xia Yan: Then you can go ahead and pick a game. I’ll go wash some apples – after eating them, we’ll play!
MC: Mhmm!
While Xia Yan washed the apples, I flipped through his box of game hard drives.
MC: Xia Yan – why are there only a little over ten games in your box? What about the others?
Xia Yan: There in the other box, on the shelf on the right side of the computer – feel free to look there.
I searched in the spot that Xia Yan had mentioned. Sure enough, I noticed several boxes - the box in the corner of the lowest shelf looked particularly exquisite. Looking at the dust that had accumulated on the wood box, it had been placed there for at least several months.
MC: This box is so pretty… and it’s fairly heavy!
I carefully took the box and opened the lid – there was a bottle of sealed foreign liquor inside. The transparent glass in a rectangular column shape was filled with an amber liquid and the yellowing wine label on the bottle had English and numbers handwritten on it. 
MC: Why is the wine label handwritten? “Whisky”… it’s whiskey, right?
There was also a note beside the wine bottle. The paper had a firm texture, with a tall-stemmed wineglass and a curlicue letter “L” stamped at the top. There was neat, beautiful handwriting on the memo – looking at the writing, it was written by the same writer of the wine label. “Before reaching the end, the possibility of unexpected opportunities will always exist. – Bar L”
MC: (Is there some implication of this specific phrase being written?)
I had sunken into thought while looking at the memo. By then, Xia Yan had already returned, carrying the plate of washed apples. He saw the whiskey in the wooden box and froze somewhat.
MC: Xia Yan, why did you keep a bottle of whiskey? Do you like drinking whiskey?
MC: Is “Bar L” the name of a bar? They even gave you a note in here – are you a frequent customer there?
Xia Yan: To understand a city, the easiest way is to take a seat in the bars of the city.
Xia Yan: Plus, bars are the gathering places of all sorts of information. Of course I’ll go to bars often, to collect some information.
MC: So this bar is the one you go to most often?
Xia Yan: It’s one of them.
Xia Yan looked towards that bottle of whiskey.
Xia Yan: At the beginning of the year, I helped out at Bar L as a bartender because of a commission.
Xia Yan: The bar owner’s a great person and took great care of me. This bottle of whiskey that he brewed himself is a gift he sent me.
MC: So that’s how it is. But why didn’t you bring up before about how you even know how to bartend?
After Xia Yan returned, he’d already told me told me a lot of matters that didn’t involve “secrets”, but I’ve never heard him bring up this bartending matter back then. 
Xia Yan: Hm? There’s nothing special about bartending – it’s not worth bringing up.
MC: ???
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MC: What about it isn’t special? What about it isn’t worth bringing up?! 
I was absolutely speechless. I really wanted to know what Xia Yan was like when he was a bartender and what kind of situations he encountered in the bar, but as far as I could see, Xia Yan still had a confused look all over his face – so I decided to find another way.
MC: Xia Yan, could you take me to hang out at Bar L?
Xia Yan: Ah?
MC: I heard that on the night of New Year’s Eve, there will be really interesting events in bars. I want to go see.
MC: Plus, it’s almost the New Year.
MC: Since the owner of this bar took care of you before, we should also say hi to him and send our respects.
Xia Yan: That’s true. The owner has also recently called me to come hang out when I had time.
Xia Yan: Then let’s go.
Commerce Street
With the hues of evening all around, the commerce street, hung full of holiday lanterns, was neon with multiple colors. On the corner of the street, a heavy oak door was hidden under the shade of a tree. A relief sculpture of a wineglass pattern and a curlicue letter “L” were on the door. 
Xia Yan: Here it is – we’ve arrived. 
MC: It has a major “hidden in the city” feel to it.
I looked at the oak door in front of me, feeling more and more expectant.
MC: (It’s said that bars are the gathering place of stories…)
MC: (I’ll definitely be able to hear about lots of stories about when Xia Yan was a bartender.)
I wanted to know those people Xia Yan had known and hear them talk about Xia Yan-related things. After all, those people there just might know a lot about those little matters that Xia Yan considered not worth bringing up. 
But nothing is not worth bringing up. 
I wanted to make up for all the stories about Xia Yan in those lost eight years.
Bar L
When Xia Yan and I entered Bar L, they had just started operating for the night – there weren’t any guests. Under the gentle lights, the tables and chairs made from logs seemed to exude the gentleness of a past era. Xia Yan closed the entrance’s oak door, cutting off the moment of hustle and bustle from the street.
Xia Yan: Uncle Chen, I’ve come to bother you.
Uncle Chen: It’s Little Xia! Welcome, welcome.
A bartender standing inside the bar counter nodded and smiled at us. He looked like he was around 40 years old, with a face and voice that were equally gentle. After Xia Yan and I arrived at and sat down in front of the counter, Xia Yan did a simple introduction for us.
Xia Yan: Uncle Chen is the owner and bartender of Bar L. His bartending techniques and wine brewing techniques are incredibly amazing. 
Xia Yan: My bottle of whiskey was brewed by Uncle Chen himself.
Xia Yan: Uncle Chen, can we pass the New Year’s Eve at your place here?
Uncle Chen: Haha, of course.
Uncle Chen: The guests for tonight will definitely be very happy to be able to see the “Bartender Detective” again.
MC: “Bartender Detective”?
Xia Yan: It’s what the guests jokingly call me, because in addition to my bartending, sometimes I’ll do some simple detective work for guests. 
Looking at my responseless look, Uncle Chen helplessly laughed and shook his head.
Uncle Chen: This explanation isn’t exact enough.
Uncle Chen: Providing detective services simultaneously with his bartending isn’t the only reason why Little Xia is known as the “Bartender Detective”.
Uncle Chen: At the very beginning, it was because Little Xia once solved a guest’s problem within the time he spent creating a drink. 
Uncle Chen: After, even if they didn’t need a detective, guests still loved to find Little Xia to talk to, having him guess their profession, where they just came from, stuff like that.
Uncle Chen: Slowly, this nickname spread.
MC: So Xia Yan even had this kind of story when he was a bartender!
This “Bartender Detective” matter must have been omitted by Xia Yan as something “not worth bringing up”. Sure enough, I was right to come straight here!
Uncle Chen: I’ve only been focusing on talking and didn’t ask what the young lady would like to drink. My hospitality really is insufficient. 
Uncle Chen: Does the young lady want to have a hot drink like last time? Or do you want to try something else?
MC: Last time?
I only knew about this bar from seeing Xia Yan’s whiskey today…
Seeing that I was somewhat at a loss, Uncle Chen smiled.
Uncle Chen: Though today is the first time that Little Yan has brought a friend over, it’s not the first time I’ve seen the young lady.
Uncle Chen: On a rainy day at the beginning of the year, the young lady came in here and ordered a glass of hot drink from me.
All of a sudden, I remembered. At that time, a client made an appointment to see me near this place, but he suddenly had some unexpected matters to deal with before we met and would come a little late. Because it was raining, the nearby shops had already filled up with people, so I walked into this bar to avoid the rain and pass the time.
MC: Your memory is so good, being able to remember so clearly about something that had happened so long ago.
MC: Plus, there were particularly many guests that time because of the rain.
Uncle Chen: About this…
Without waiting for Uncle Chen to speak, Xia Yan immediately took over talking.
Xia Yan: “A qualified bartender does not only need to understand alcohol – they need to understand people even more. They should do all within their ability to remember the habits of each guest and let them feel at home.”
Xia Yan: This is the phrase that Uncle Chen speaks most often, so of course he would remember you.
MC: So that’s how it is. This must be the so-called “craftsman’s mindset”. 
MC: (Wait, since I came to this bar at the beginning of the year…)
A doubt suddenly flashed in my head.
MC: Xia Yan, weren’t you also helping here at Uncle Chen’s place at the beginning of the year? Why didn’t I see you when I came that day?
That day, it seemed like Uncle Chen was the only bartender in the bar.
Xia Yan: …!
Xia Yan’s expression got suspiciously panicked.
Xia Yan: I… I must have taken a day off on that day.
Xia Yan: During that time, I had a particularly large amount of detective commissions, so I was a little busy.
Xia Yan quickly placed the drink menu in front of me.
Xia Yan: Right, didn’t Uncle Chen just ask you what you wanted to drink?
Xia Yan: Fruit punch, the Cinderella, and the midsummer fruit drink are all non-alcoholic cocktails, and they taste pretty good. Want to try?
MC: (This forced change in topic – he’s definitely lying.)
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MC: (Xia Yan, you’ve even learned to hide from me…) 
But for now, I decided to not take apart Xia Yan’s lies in front of Uncle Chen.
I pressed down on my thoughts, lowered my head, and swept a glance over the drink menu.
MC: Today’s a holiday. I want to order something with alcohol.
Looking at Xia Yan and I, Uncle Chen laughed.
Uncle Chen: If the young lady doesn’t have any special preferences, then I would like to recommend my self-brewed whiskey.
As he spoke, Uncle Chen took a bottle of whiskey from the wine shelf. The bottle was identical to the one in Xia Yan’s house.
MC: This bottle of alcohol… it seems like it’s the same as the bottle that you sent to Xia Yan before.
Uncle Chen: That’s right, they’re the same kind of alcohol. I feel like it very much suits Little Xia.
MC: It very much suits Xia Yan? Why?
Xia Yan: Uncle Chen—
Without waiting for Uncle Chen to speak, Xia Yan opened his mouth again. It was very obvious that he wanted to take over in talking…
>Prevent him >Let him
MC: (You thought I’d let you take control of the situation? Too naïve, Xia Yan!)
I quickly grabbed a piece of chocolate from the snack plate and peeled it open.
MC: Xia Yan, you must be hungry from talking so much—
Xia Yan: *mouth full noises*!
I stuffed the chocolate into Xia Yan’s mouth and covered it tightly. Xia Yan’s lips struggled futilely under my hand, and I faced back towards Uncle Chen. 
MC: Uncle Chen, is there a story about Xia Yan and this bottle of whiskey?
Uncle Chen looked at me and Xia Yan, who had no way to resist, the smile on his face deep.
>Prevent him >Let him
MC: (Let me see what you’re going to say this time…)
Thus, I put on a gentle smiling expression, looking intently and quietly at Xia Yan. Under my “friendly” gaze, Xia Yan closed his just-opened mouth up again.
Xia Yan: …
For a while, we were both silent. Uncle Chen looked at Xia Yan and I, the smile on his face deep.
Uncle Chen: Has the young lady heard of a phrase like this – “All the stories in a bar are in the wine”?
Uncle Chen: Would you like to try this whiskey?
MC: Yes! I’ll have to request you for it.
Uncle Chen took a glass cup, placed three ice cubes inside, and then used the bartending spoon to stir it quickly. A few minutes later, he filtered out the melted water, poured it into the whiskey, and mixed it again. The spoon slid unceasingly between the ice cubes and the cups, but it didn’t make the slightest bit of noise.
Uncle Chen: Does the young lady know how whiskey is brewed?
MC: I’m not too clear on it… is it similar to wine?
Uncle Chen: For whiskey to become pulp from grain, it needs to undergo germination, saccharification, fermentation, aging, and six procedures of mixing.
Uncle Chen: For it to mature, it will take at least several years, going up to over 10 years.
Uncle Chen: Within this long period of time, no matter how expectant or how anxious the brewer is, or how much they’ve put their entire physical and mental effort into this, they still have no way of absolutely guaranteeing the taste at the end.
MC: Is that so?
MC: (Although, what does this have to do with Xia Yan?)
While I mulled this over, Uncle Chen had already finished adjusting the whiskey. He gently pushed it over.
Uncle Chen: The whiskey – please try it.
I held up the whiskey and took a sip gingerly.  The alcohol that had ice added slid smoothly into my mouth, but the aroma didn’t weaken in the slightest bit. The oaky fragrance mixed with the grain’s sweetness.
MC: It tastes great! Uncle Chen, the liquor you’ve brewed really is too amazing!
Uncle Chen: I’m very glad you like it.
Uncle Chen: In fact, when this batch of whiskey was first completely brewed, it didn’t have this taste.
Uncle Chen: It tasted very spicy, its aroma was average – it could be considered a major failure.
Uncle Chen: But after leaving it for a month, it became the taste it has now.
MC: So it was actually like this? Why?
Uncle Chen: Because of light, the surrounding air, and temperature. Sometimes, these things that one must consider when preserving whiskey can instead end up bringing good changes.
Uncle Chen: A failure at one point does not represent one’s life.
Uncle Chen: Before reaching the end, the possibility of unexpected opportunities will always exist.
“Before reaching the end, the possibility of unexpected opportunities will always exist.” This was the same as the sentence written on that note from earlier.
MC: It sounds like you’re talking about wine, yet it also seems like it’s a philosophy that can describe one’s life.
Uncle Chen: The stories in wine naturally also have life to them.
Uncle Chen looked at me, his smile very gentle. I felt that he was implying something in his words - did Xia Yan encounter some sort of issue back then? But why didn’t he come see and talk to me? Instead, he hid from me…
I looked towards the whiskey beside Uncle Chen’s hand. On the glass bottle filled with amber liquor, Xia Yan’s expression was reflected, looking quietly at me. I met his gaze for a moment, and Xia Yan choked, coughing once.
Xia Yan: Ahem…!
Xia Yan: I just wanted to say, drink it slower…
MC: (Xia Yan…)
I was just pondering what to do next, when suddenly, the bar door was opened again. Uncle Chen looked at the person who’d arrived, then stood up very quickly to walk to the bar counter.
Uncle Chen: Excuse me – I must leave for a bit.
After Uncle Chen left, I looked towards Xia Yan again.
MC: Xia Yan, you said before that you came to Uncle Chen’s place to help because of a commission.
MC: Which means, it’s not related to work that needs to be kept secret, right?
Xia Yan: Uh… that’s right.
MC: (Since it’s not related, then it should be fine if I ask a bit.)
MC: Xia Yan, at the beginning of the year, did you encounter some kind of situation? So you…
Xia Yan: Nah, I just happened to not be there that day.
Xia Yan: Alright, we’ve already reunited now, so don’t worry about the thing from that day.
MC: …
This guy’s trying to change the topic again.
>Frontal attack >Guide patiently and systematically >Joke around
MC: (Xia Yan, you’ve forced me to use extraordinary methods.)
I deliberately put on my intimidating court trial expression.
MC: Don’t you know that you’re really bad at lying? Plus, you kept changing the topic in front of Uncle Chen!
MC: You’re not just lying with this – you’re even openly mocking my IQ!
MC: If this can be tolerated, what can’t be?
Xia Yan: I…
MC: Severity to those who confess. Even more severity to those who resist! Hurry and own up!
Xia Yan: …
Xia Yan: Great Lawyer, I’m scared of you…
>Frontal attack >Guide patiently and systematically >Joke around
I shifted towards Xia Yan’s side.
MC: Xia Yan…
Xia Yan: What, what are you doing…
MC: Did you really take a day off that day?
MC: You’re not allowed to lie to me. Look straight at my eyes and talk.
Xia Yan: …
MC: Why did you hide from me? If you met with me at that time, we could have reunited earlier by a few months.
MC: Could – you – tell – me…
Tugging on Xia Yan’s arm, I gently rocked it back and forth with a face full of sincerity.
Xia Yan: You’re using this trick again…
>Frontal attack >Guide patiently and systematically >Joke around
I pushed the whiskey that Uncle Chen had prepared towards Xia Yan’s hand. Then, I leaned over, lifted the wisps of hair beside my ear, feigning an elegant air, and gave him a smile.
MC: Handsome brother, I’ve got wine – do you have a story?
I deliberately used a classic line.
Xia Yan: …
MC: Don’t stay silent – from one glance, you’re clearly someone with a story.
MC: How about we chat?
Xia Yan: Where did you learn this from…
I was just about to continue when Xia Yan suddenly angled his head towards the bar door. 
Xia Yan: Ah, Uncle Chen’s returning!
I followed Xia Yan’s gaze. The guest from earlier had already left, and Uncle Chen was walking back, holding a document. Suddenly, a bell sound came from his body. Uncle Chen picked up the phone, and a few seconds later, he started to resentfully reproach the caller.
Uncle Chen: Do not call again!
Right after he said this, Uncle Chen hung up with indignation all over his face.
Xia Yan: …
MC: …
In astonishment, Xia Yan and I looked at each other.
Bar L
After Uncle Chen hung up, he returned very quickly to the bar counter. He smiled at Xia Yan and I very apologetically.
Uncle Chen: Harasser calls – don’t worry about it.
MC: …
Did Uncle Chen run into some trouble? But would it be discourteous for me, someone who has just met him, to question him closely… I was just hesitating when Xia Yan asked him extremely directly.
Xia Yan: A harasser call won’t make you lose your composure like this. Did you run into some trouble?
Uncle Chen: Just a little issue.
Xia Yan: The document in your hands looks like a detective’s tracking progress for a report on work-related investigations.
Xia Yan: In the past few days, you didn’t just call me simply to have me come hang out – you had something that you wanted to discuss with me, right?
MC: (In the past few days, Xia Yan returned to the capital because of a command…)
MC: (Did Uncle Chen look for other detectives to help because of this?)
Xia Yan: “No matter what troubles a bartender has, when he’s behind the bar counter, he must have a professional expression. He can’t bring troubles to the guests.”
Xia Yan: I know this is your pride and persistence.
Xia Yan: It’s just that, as a detective, I want to investigate secrets when I notice them.
Xia Yan: So, I’d like to request the owner to take special care of the detective guest that likes to look for trouble that I am!
Xia Yan turned around and gently held up that bottle of whiskey on the table.
Xia Yan: Plus, I haven’t given a return gift for the unusually valuable gift you sent me before.
The past between Xia Yan, Uncle Chen, and this bar must run very deep. Though I still didn’t understand what had happened, I took over from Xia Yan’s words.
MC: As the saying goes, “three ignorant cobblers combined can surpass a genius”. If you need the help of a detective, Xia Yan’s the best of them!
MC: If it’s not a secret that’s hard to talk about, please talk about it with us. We might be able to help.
Uncle Chen looked at us, sinking into silence for a moment, then sighed.
Uncle Chen: It’s actually not something major – just a little upsetting.
Uncle Chen: Before, someone who I was familiar with borrowed some money from me, and signed the promissory note according to stipulated formats.
Uncle Chen: But last month, when I went to find him, he said that he has never borrowed any money from me.
MC: He denied it? But there’s proof.
Uncle Chen: So I sued him, and applied for a handwriting appraisal, but the appraisal results showed that the handwriting on the promissory note wasn’t his.
Xia Yan: Could it have been signed by someone else?
Uncle Chen: At that time, only he and I were in the shop.
Uncle Chen: Although… when it was time to sign, he told me that he wasn’t feeling well and had me help him by pouring a glass of hot water.
Uncle Chen: Now that I think about it, that was just an excuse. He took advantage of the opportunity to sign it with his left hand.
MC: With his left hand?
Uncle Chen: He was left-handed when he was little, and only changed after many years of rectification.
MC: Then did you do a handwriting appraisal with his left hand?
Uncle Chen: I also applied to do a left-hand handwriting appraisal, but the result was the same.
Xia Yan: Do you have the right and left hand handwriting appraisal documents here?
Uncle Chen: It’s here.
Uncle Chen found the right and left hand handwriting appraisal documents. Xia Yan and I carefully compared all the writing marks on it.
Xia Yan: Looking at the handwriting records of the appraisal documents, his left handwriting is, in fact, that of a novice’s.
Xia Yan: His pen marks are inaccurate, the places where he lifts the pen lacks strength, and the marks are crooked and shaky… all signs of lack of practice and inconsistent use of a hand to write.
Xia Yan: I’m afraid that he deliberately wrote this kind of font to trick the appraisal.
MC: He must be very skilled at using his left hand to be able to use it to write faked handwriting.
Xia Yan: That’s right.
Xia Yan: Since he’s thought up of tricks and plans to prove that he is no longer left-handed, then we’ll use his plan, that he used against others, against him.
Xia Yan: We just need to prove that he still can skillfully use his left hand for this appraisal to collapse on itself.
Uncle Chen: But there’s not enough time.
Time? I immediately reacted.
MC: After losing a trial, if one wants to change the verdict results, one must appeal within set time limits.
Uncle Chen: Yes, today is the last day of the time limit.
Uncle Chen: Before, I had other detectives follow him and investigate, but none of them noticed anything.
MC: (Uncle Chen felt that there was already no way out by now, so when we came in earlier, he didn’t bring up a single word about this…)
Uncle Chen: Good thing that the amount he borrowed wasn’t very large – it was within my bearable range.
Uncle Chen: Plus, suffering financial loss to avoid calamities might be a blessing in disguise.
Uncle Chen laughed kindly. He wasn’t comforting himself – instead, he was comforting us.
Uncle Chen: Let’s not bring up these disappointing matters on a holiday.
Uncle Chen: Weren't you two planning to pass New Year’s Eve here? For this year’s New Year’s Eve, I’ve prepared a lot of interesting activities –
Xia Yan: Uncle Chen, to give up now is to fall right into what he wants.
Xia Yan: I’m afraid that he purposefully borrowed an amount that you would be reluctantly willing to bear. He wants you to give up in the end, not wanting to make a big fuss over this.
As Uncle Chen was talking earlier, Xia Yan had already completely flipped through that detective’s tracking investigation report.
Xia Yan: I know that you’re worried that finding evidence within such a short time is too difficult. 
Xia Yan: In spite of this, don’t worry.
Xia Yan: I’m the “Bartender Detective” who once solved a problem within the time spent preparing a glass of drink, after all.
Xia Yan: There are still a few hours before zero-o’clock – we’ll have more than enough time.
MC: Uncle Chen, when I heard you talk about the “Bartender Detective” earlier, I was very curious.
MC: Just view it as you giving me the chance to personally see Xia Yan as the “Bartender Detective”!
Uncle Chen: But that guy has already noticed how I had detectives follow him. He called me just now to ridicule me.
Uncle Chen: He’s definitely already prepared thoroughly. If you go now...
Xia Yan: Don’t worry. I actually think that this is exactly something we can use.
Bar Street
Xia Yan and I went towards the most popular bar on the bar street – “HOT&CLUB”. Even several tens of meters from the door, the music surging out from inside was still audible.
MC: According to the previous detective’s investigation, this is the borrower Cui Xu’s most-frequented bar.
MC: As soon as we submit an appeal, Cui Xu will receive a notice from court. He’s bound to be extremely careful – getting evidence will be very difficult.
Xia Yan: So we need to get evidence that he is left-handed before 12-o’clock tonight and then have Uncle Chen file an appeal.
Xia Yan: Cui Xu is a frequent guest of bars, and he’s very skilled at bar games like table tennis and darts.
Xia Yan: We can set up a situation to make contact with him, lead him into competing with me, and then collect materials with that.
MC: Competing?
When we were little, a relative bought a dartboard for Xia Yan and I. Unwittingly, Xia Yan then developed a habit of throwing darts to clear up his mind when thinking.
MC: Your darts technique is pretty good, but competing…
MC: And do you know how to play table tennis?
Xia Yan: Of course. Plus, I’ve never encountered a worthy opponent these past few years!
Looking at my surprised expression, he smiled.
Xia Yan: My work requires me to get in and out of all sorts of situations. If I want to be freely adaptable to changes, I naturally need to know a bit of everything.
Relaxing, I nodded. Since Xia Yan said that there are no problems, there will definitely be no problems. Thus, I changed focus, starting to think about ways to lead on Cui Xu.
MC: For Cui Yuan to be able to forge handwriting, he must have high anti-reconnaissance awareness.
MC: If we’re too deliberate with leading Cui Xu to compete with you, we’d instead arouse his suspicions.
Xia Yan: We have to make it deliberate.
Xia Yan winked.
Xia Yan: Cui Xu just called Uncle Chen to provoke him – he’s quite arrogant.
Xia Yan: What would he be like if he saw a deliberate and third-rate trap?
MC: So you plan to use this detail about him to perform a bout of “the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind it”?
Xia Yan: That’s right.
MC: Then I feel like this plan can be optimized some more.
Xia Yan: How do you want to optimize it?
MC: I’ll be the “cicada”.
Xia Yan and I walked into HOT&CLUB. The sound of drums was deafening, and the dazzling lights roved over the bodies of the dancing guys and girls. Xia Yan embraced my shoulders, guarding me within the crook of his arm. We walked in the sea of people while looking for Cui Xu.
MC: Found him – he’s over there.
I was just about to head over when Xia Yan suddenly tugged my wrist.
MC: Don’t worry, Great Detective.
MC: I’ve often done this level of acting before when going to get evidence – I won’t expose us.
Xia Yan: I know.
Xia Yan smiled, slowly letting go of my wrist.
Xia Yan: I just wanted to tell you that I’ll always be behind you, where you can see me just by turning around.
MC: Mhmm!
-- I faked an expression like something unexpected had happened and walked towards the bar counter, sitting down on the spot beside Cui Xu. I first looked for the busy bartender on the other side, then, as I flipped through the drinks menu, sneakily looked over the other guests’ cocktails at the bar counter.
Cui Xu: Is this the young lady’s first time at a bar?
MC: Uh… it is. You can tell?
Cui Xu: Of course. Just now, you were looking all over the place, with an expression like you were at a complete loss.
Cui Xu: Are you waiting for a friend?
MC: I was stood up by someone, so I came into the bar to pass some time.
Cui Xu: It’s such a waste for such a pretty face to be spent on anger. Here, I’ll treat you to a drink.
MC: I’m not too great with drinking alcohol – I’m just afraid of getting drunk right after finishing.
MC: I’ve heard that there are a lot of games in bars, and I’d like to try them first.
Without changing my tone or expression, I guided my conversation with Cui Xu, turning the topic to what Xia Yan said earlier – an activity that could expose that he was left-handed.
MC: I’ll probably not bother with dancing… too tired.
MC: Working every day is already so tiring. It’s hard enough to get an opportunity to relax, so I’d prefer a quiet and interesting game. 
MC: Table tennis does look pretty cool, but there are too many people over there…
Cui Xu: Then how about darts?
MC: (That’s exactly it!)
I faked an ignorant expression.
MC: Ah, darts… I’ve seen darts competitions on television before, but I don’t really know how to play.
Cui Xu: No worries, I’ll teach you. My dart skills are the real deal.
As Cui Xu said this, he compared his thumbs, then stood up, leading me to the other end of the bar counter – where the dart machine was. I turned back, looking at Xia Yan, and he nodded at me.
Cui Xu: Right, you haven’t ordered anything since you came to the bar, yeah?
As Cui Xu spoke, he handed me a glass of “iced red tea”. The orange liquid was embellished with lemon slices, ice cubes, and mint leaves – bright and beautiful.
Cui Xu: I’ll treat you.
Cui Xu: This is a non-alcoholic cocktail, with a taste like iced red tea. It very much suits girls.
MC: Whoa, it looks very pretty. I can’t even bear to drink it.
MC: (As if anyone would believe it really is “iced red tea”…)
I hadn’t even been able to refuse it yet when Xia Yan’s voice sounded behind me.
Xia Yan: Using a Long Island iced tea to trick girls – that’s way too tasteless.
Cui Xu: Tch…
Cui Xu “hmph”-ed coldly, turned around, and slowly looked over Xia Yan.
Cui Xu: What nonsense are you talking about? Wanna start something?
Xia Yan: How could this be considered wanting to start something?
Xia Yan: This is a bar, after all. You’re not the only one who wants to strike up a conversation with a beautiful lady.
Xia Yan: Although, my method of striking up a conversation is – to find an opportunity, and to act handsome.
Smiling, Xia Yan sent a glance over to me, his expression reckless and brash. I, who had just led Cui Xu through the plan skillfully and easily, felt at a loss for a moment.
MC: …!
Xia Yan casually took the darts in my hand. His fingertips brushed over the back of my hand, somewhat rough and slightly warm. The dart spun in his fingertips, looking like a flower, becoming a sharp tip in flight. Xia Yan looked at Cui Xu across from it, his expression very provoking.
Xia Yan: How about we compete in a round?
Cui Xu poked at his eyebrow, then disdainfully sounded out a “heh”.
Cui Yuan: “501”, double entry.
Xia Yan: Sure.
After he finished speaking, Xia Yan no longer bothered with Cui Xu. He turned around to “strike up a conversation” with me.
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Xia Yan: Beautiful lady, do you know how points are recorded in dart competitions? 
MC: Uh… I’ve seen a few competitions.
MC: The dartboard is split into a total of 20 divisions. Accordingly, the numbers on the dartboard are all different. Each are marked from 1 to 20 points.
MC: The two narrow circles on the dartboard are individually for double and triple points. It’s like this, right?
Xia Yan: You’re pretty knowledgeable about it. What a pity – I’d wanted to give you an explanation.
MC: Hahaha…
MC: (When we were little, I saw you play it so many times and accompanied you in watching so many competitions. How could I not remember…)
MC: Then could I trouble you to explain “501” and “double entry”? I’m not too familiar with these…
Xia Yan: The so-called “double entry” game requires you to hit the double-point area to start recording points, and it requires you to hit the double-point area to win the competition.
Xia Yan: As for “501”, each person’s starting points are 501 points. The accumulated points increase or decrease based on the dart throws.
Xia Yan: Each game has 20 rounds, and you can throw 30 darts in one round. The first person to lower their points to 0 is the winner.
MC: 20 rounds? So won’t you have to throw 60 darts?
Cui Xu: How could we let the beautiful lady wait that long! Nine darts is enough.
MC: Nine darts?
Cui Xu: This is the fastest, and simultaneously the hardest, way to win a dart competition – “Nine dart collection”.
Cui Xu walked behind the throwing line.
Cui Xu: Using nine darts is just three rounds to take the points from the original 20 rounds.
Cui Xu: The world’s first double entry nine dart collection was achieved on October 8, 2011, at the World Darts Championship’s semi-finals. 
Cui Xu: Brendan Dolan vs. James Wade. 
Cui Xu: Back then, the score count that Brendan Dolan achieved in the first round was –
He threw out a dart –
Cui Xu: D20.
Bam! – The dart stably struck the 20-point double point area.
Cui Xu: And then – T20, twice.
Following Cui Xu’s voice, two darts successively struck the 20-point triple point area. He turned around, raised his chin at Xia Yan, his lips curving upwards in a completely taunting way.
MC: …
Xia Yan met Cui Xu’s gaze indifferently and just laughed. He walked up to the throwing line and held up the dart very casually.
Though Xia Yan had said before that he had never met a worthy opponent until today, the skill Cui Xu just showed…
MC: (No, Xia Yan is definitely even more amazing.)
I silently stayed firm with this belief in my heart. Suddenly, a whistle sounded not far from me.
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Xia Yan: Beautiful lady, why are you zoning out?
MC: !!!
Maybe it was because Xia Yan had poked at my focus on my worries, maybe it was this frivolous tone of his, but my heart was suddenly in a panic. I met Xia Yan’s gaze – in his expression, there was a defiance and brashness I had never seen before.
Xia Yan: If you don’t watch me, then no matter how handsome I look when winning, it would be all pointless.
The roving lights in the bar dyed Xia Yan’s figure with a hint of unruliness. In this moment, this figure that I was unmatchably used to… seemed to be somewhat unfamiliar.
Xia Yan’s mouth hooked upwards.
Xia Yan: Just like that. Don’t look away.
MC: …
Xia Yan’s voice seemed to carry a strange magnetic force, sucking my gaze to his body with no way to look away. Only then did he smile and return his gaze to the dartboard.
Xia Yan: If you want to pay respects to the classics, then be more thorough.
Xia Yan: Back then, the positions of Brendan Dolan’s first round of darts were –
Xia Yan: D20, in the middle, leaning left. 
Xia Yan: T20, right.
Xia Yan: T20, left.
Three darts consecutively flew from Xia Yan’s hands.
Bam bam bam – the darts plunged stably into the positions he just mentioned. Cui Xu held back the taunting on his face. 
Cui Xu: … Kind of interesting.
Cui Xu: Looks like we can play a little high today.
With a flick of his right thumb, the darts were thrown high into the air. Right after, his left hand grabbed in the air, and the darts smoothly slid between his fingers, a cycle of points between his five fingertips.
MC: …!
Here it is – I held on my phone, silently opening the video screen. The second round started, and Cui Xu stood again behind the throwing line. He threw faster and more precisely with his left hand than with his right – the areas that the three darts successively fell stably into were – T20, T20, T20. Right after, the third round – T20, T20, Bullseye. After the three rounds, Xia Yan and his opponent had completely struck off 501 points. 
But we already got our evidence. 
MC: (Awesome! Next, we need to remind Uncle Chen to submit an appeal.)
Cui Xu: Now, don’t you need to find an excuse to leave and have the old man submit an appeal, beautiful lady?
Cui Xu fiddled with the darts in his hands, looked at us, seeming to smile, but also seeming to not smile.
Cui Xu: It must have been that old man who had you two search for evidence off of me.
Cui Xu: He really knows how to make trouble – even found two detectives.
Cui Xu: Did you two think that I would relax my guard just because today’s the last day of the appeal validity period? Haha. 
He took out his phone, waving it in front of Xia Yan’s and my faces – 0:10.
Cui Xu: 10 minutes past midnight. The time to appeal has already passed.
Cui Xu: Your dart throwing was pretty good, but I won.
Just as Cui Xu finished speaking, we heard Xia Yan laugh lightly.
Xia Yan: They didn’t set up a clock in the bar because they wanted to let guests forget about the meaning of time after coming in.
Xia Yan: So if you want to look at the time, you’d rely on your phone.
Xia Yan took out his own phone, tapping at it a few times. Cui Xu’s phone screen suddenly blacked out, and in two seconds, the numbers on it had changed from 0:10 to 23:30.
Xia Yan: But things like phones are way too easy to hack.
Xia Yan: The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind it.
Xia Yan: The people executing a ruse aren’t just you alone.
Cui Xu: You rascal!
Cui Xu’s complexion suddenly paled, and he rushed at Xia Yan.
Bang! Xia Yan raised his arm – I couldn’t see his movements at all, I just saw Cui Xu directly tumbling over in the space between us.
Cui Xu: Ahh!
After, Xia Yan immediately contacted Uncle Chen to have him submit an appeal online.
Xia Yan: Alright, smoothly resolved!
Xia Yan: Let’s head back. It’s nearly zero-o’clock, and the New Year’s Eve activities at Uncle Chen’s place –
When he mentioned Bar L, Xia Yan suddenly stopped.
MC: What’s up?
Xia Yan: …
Xia Yan carefully looked at me a few times, his expression evasive – just like how he was at Bar L, when I asked him exactly if he had been at the bar on that rainy day. I couldn’t resist laughing.
MC: Are you afraid that I’ll ask you about… if you were at the bar that rainy day?
MC: Alright, I won’t ask anymore.
Xia Yan: …
Xia Yan froze for a few seconds.
Xia Yan: Weren’t you really curious before…
MC: I’m still pretty curious now. But…
I looked towards Xia Yan and smiled.
MC: Everyone has matters that they don’t want to tell others.
MC: This is especially so after we grow up.
The closer people are, the harder it is to talk about certain matters, so a lot of people choose to go to bars to talk to strangers. Though in the past, Xia Yan and I were always so familiar that we were like a single person without any secrets between us, we’ve now grown up. After growing up, there will be boundaries. Forcing him to tell me his thoughts and forcing him to accept my help were also a sort of wrong. If I were to question him in the pestering way like when we were little, it would be a severely EQ-lacking action. 
MC: …
MC: I’m sorry. Earlier at Bar L, I even questioned you…
MC: I didn’t realize at that time…
Before, Xia Yan urged me to not join NXX, but after I made my determination known, he respected my decision. This time as well – he clearly would have been fine on his own, but he considered my thoughts and let me help out. Xia Yan has always considered me, and has always respected my decisions. I’m all too clear on this mindset of his. 
So, even if he had some things that he didn’t want to tell me, what’s the big deal? 
Though it was just like before – as long as I kept trying, Xia Yan would not reject me – the more it was like this, the more I had to have a sense of measure. Otherwise, I’d put him in a difficult position.
MC: In the future, for anything that isn’t easy for you to talk about, I –
Xia Yan: It’s not like that!
Xia Yan suddenly grabbed onto my hand, holding it with force, his hands grasping my knuckles. 
Xia Yan: There’s nothing that’s inconvenient for you to ask.
Xia Yan: Whether it’s the whiskey matter, or the rainy day matter – you can ask about anything you want to know about.
Xia Yan: None of my matters are inconvenient for you to ask about.
Xia Yan: There is no boundary between us.
MC: Xia Yan…
Suddenly, he seemed to have become aware that he was holding my hand with too much force, and hurriedly released it.
Xia Yan: Sorry, I held your hand with too much force… I probably hurt you.
Xia Yan looked at me, his gaze trembling slightly.
He went silent for several seconds, and finally, slowly opened his mouth.
Xia Yan: I…
Xia Yan: I just… was embarrassed to tell you…
Xia Yan: I didn’t want to let you know… that I once wanted to avoid you.
MC: Avoid me?
Xia Yan: …
Xia Yan: I was afraid that I would bring… trouble to you.
Xia Yan looked at me, his eyes full of guilt and unease.
MC: Was it because of the NXX issue? At that time, you had already started investigating related events yourself, right?
MC: Were you afraid that meeting me would get me involved in danger?
Xia Yan didn’t respond, like he was agreeing silently.
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I tugged on Xia Yan’s arm, having him face me wholly. 
MC: What relation do we have between us?
MC: Even if there’s danger, I want to face it with you.
MC: If on some day in the future, you truly encounter a hard problem that I can’t accompany you in facing, then I’ll wait for you to return.
MC: Remember this well – everything about you isn’t trouble to me. It all has extraordinary significance!
Xia Yan: …
As we spoke, snowflakes like little diamonds fell down from the sky, one landing precisely on Xia Yan’s eyelash. His pupil seemed to flicker with a small light.
Xia Yan: Mm, I’ll remember it.
MC: You also have to remember that, compared to trouble, compared to danger, compared to anything else, what I fear more is that you… won’t be here.
MC: Where you are by yourself, if you’re living alright, if there are things upsetting you, if there are people who can share your burdens… I’ll be very worried…
MC: So you must promise me, from now and in the future, you can’t think about escaping from me again. 
I looked firmly at Xia Yan, putting on an imposing manner like if I didn’t hear a definite answer, I would swear to not give up. Xia Yan looked at me and laughed lightly.
Xia Yan: I swear, now and in the future, I will never think about escaping from you again.
Xia Yan: I will do all I can to always, always accompany you.
Xia Yan spoke unusually solemnly – even more solemnly than I had expected. His clear eyes reflected the fluttering snowflakes.
MC: …
MC: That’s right!
MC: In the future, even if you want to escape to the ends of the world, I’ll still drag you back!
Xia Yan: Yep, I have no doubts about that!
Bong bong bong –
The bell from the clock striking zero-o’clock sounded. Innumerable brightly-colored fireworks lit up the faraway night sky for a while.
MC: It’s zero-o’clock!
Xia Yan: I’m sorry – blame me for taking up time.
Looking somewhat upset, Xia Yan looked at the fireworks in the faraway night sky.
Xia Yan: What do you want to do now? There should still be some final New Year’s Eve activities going on at Uncle Chen’s place, although it’ll take some time for us to rush there.
Xia Yan: Or we could go to the center plaza to look at the fireworks show? It’ll be closer that way.
MC: Mm… forget it, I don’t want to go to either place now.
MC: I feel like it would be pretty nice if we passed New Year’s Eve here. 
Innumerable fireworks in the distance soared up, then fell down. Xia Yan’s and my spot definitely could not be considered a suitable viewing location, but I felt extremely happy. Compared to how you pass New Year’s Eve, what’s more important is who you spend New Year’s Eve with. At this moment, I really just wanted to stay like this with only Xia Yan for a little while longer.
MC: Xia Yan, how about we just slowly walk a bit back to Uncle Chen’s place?
Xia Yan: Sure. Here, give me your hand.  
Xia Yan held my hand in his, putting them together into his coat pocket. Just like it had been every winter, his palms have always been so warm – holding his hand was like holding a little sun. 
Xia Yan: Alright, Xia Yan-brand hand warmers have turned on!
Xia Yan: Now we can go.
MC: Wait a bit, Xia Yan.
I haven’t said my New Year’s blessings to Xia Yan yet.
> Happy New Year! May you be happy every day. > May everything go your way and you accomplish everything you set your heart to.
MC: Xia Yan! Happy New Year! For this new year, may you be happy every day!
Xia Yan: With your blessings, I’m sure that I’ll be happy every day for this year.
Xia Yan: You too – Happy New Year. May you be happy every day.
MC: With a Xia Yan-brand little sun, is it even possible for me to be unhappy?
Xia Yan: You’re absolutely correct! I’ll definitely ensure that you are completely happy every day!
> Happy New Year! May you be happy every day. > May everything go your way and you accomplish everything you set your heart to.
MC: Xia Yan! For this new year, may everything go your way and you accomplish everything you set your heart to!
Xia Yan: I’ve already accomplished what I’ve set my heart to. 
MC: Huh?
Xia Yan: You too - for this new year, may everything go your way and you accomplish everything you set your heart to.
Bar L
Xia Yan and I returned to Bar L. Xia Yan said he had to do some cleanup on the video, so he had me wait a bit at the bar counter. Not long after, I heard the sound of familiar footsteps behind me.
MC: You were pretty… fast?
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I angled my head around, seeing Xia Yan, now in full bartender attire.
MC: Xia Yan, this is?
Xia Yan: Several months ago, I disappointed a certain very important guest because of my error.
Xia Yan: So I made a request of Uncle Chen just now…
Xia Yan: To let me become that guest’s exclusive bartender tonight to properly make it up to her.
Xia Yan: Alright, young lady, what would you like to drink?
MC: For this, I’ll have to think carefully about it!
I pondered for a moment.
MC: I heard earlier from the owner of this place that you have a liquor that very much suits you.
MC: I’d also like to request this handsome bartender to prepare a cocktail that suits me best!
Xia Yan: It’s a task with some difficulty.
Xia Yan: But as your exclusive bartender, I will definitely satisfy you.
Xia Yan: Please wait a moment.
Xia Yan placed a cocktail glass in front of me, then took a bottle of wine from the wine shelf. 
Xia Yan: First, pour the chocolate liqueur into the wineglass.
Xia Yan: Then, gently float a layer of fresh cream on top of the liqueur.
Following the back of the spoon, the fresh cream slowly infused itself in the glass’s contents. Right after, Xia Yan stuck a cocktail pin through a dark red cherry, stacking it on the glass rim.
Xia Yan: Angel’s Kiss – please try it.
MC: What a romantic name – why is it called that? Is it because the cherry is like a pair of lips?
Xia Yan: There’s another important reason.
Xia Yan: Young lady, please take the cocktail pin and soak the cherry into the liqueur, then gently take it out.
Complying with his words, I dipped the cherry into the liqueur, then took it out. The cocktail stirred up, and the fresh cream floated into swirls, like a small pair of lips.
Xia Yan: This is the Angel’s Kiss.
Xia Yan: It’s said that after drinking it, an angel will transfer your thoughts to the person you care about.
Xia Yan: I feel like this is the cocktail that suits you best.
Xia Yan’s voice became unusually gentle. 
MC: …
After finishing his work, Xia Yan went into the bar’s inside room to change clothes. Completely concealed behind the door, Uncle Chen faced the girl waiting at beside the bar counter.
Uncle Chen: Angel’s Kiss – just like Cupid’s arrow, shot into the hearts of lovers.
Uncle Chen looked at Xia Yan, smiling meaningfully. 
Uncle Chen: On an important day, if you drink a glass of Angel’s Kiss, the god of love will definitely transmit your feelings to the person you yearn for day and night.
Uncle Chen: It really is a drink that’s extremely well suited for her.
Xia Yan: …
Uncle Chen: I’ve been thinking all day about the conditions that she came in for the first time, at the beginning of the year. 
The beginning of the year…
The noisy sounds of rain were shut outside by the heavy oak door. When guests pushed open the door to come in, the clamminess of water vapor blew in.
Uncle Chen: There are quite a lot of guests on rainy days. You’ve really worked hard.
Xia Yan: You’re looking at this as an outsider – I don’t feel like I’ve worked hard at all.
As they spoke, the oak door was opened again.
Xia Yan: There’s another guest coming –
Xia Yan: …!
It was [MC]. Even if they were separated by a room full of guests, even if it was just a back view, he could still recognize that figure easily.
Uncle Chen: What’s wrong, Little Xia? Do you know that girl?
Xia Yan’s mouth lightly trembled, out of his control.
Xia Yan: I’m sorry, Uncle Chen…
Xia Yan: Can I trouble you to serve this guest…
Xia Yan hastily left the bar counter.
Uncle Chen: …
Uncle Chen looked deeply at the girl by the door. She had just closed the door and was turning around, walking to the bar counter.
After closing that day, Xia Yan carried out closing tasks in behind the bar counter. After everything was properly tidied up, he slowly sat down behind the bar counter, looking at that empty seat in front of him.
Xia Yan: …
Hearing footsteps behind him, Xia Yan swiftly stood up.
Xia Yan: Uncle Chen, I’ve completely tidied up this area. If there’s nothing else, then I’ll leave first. 
Uncle Chen: Wait a bit, Little Xia.
Uncle Chen called out to Xia Yan and held up the whiskey in his hand.
Uncle Chen: If you don’t have anything to deal with for the next while, how about accompanying me in drinking a glass?
Uncle Chen: I’d like to invite you to help me try this bottle of alcohol.
Uncle Chen poured the whiskey into two glasses, then handed a glass to Xia Yan. Xia Yan took a light sip.
Xia Yan: The taste is very good, and the texture is extremely gentle.  
After hearing this, Uncle Chen smiled.
Uncle Chen: Every time I drink it, I’ll think about the taste that this batch of whiskey had right after brewing.
Uncle Chen: It was completely different from now. Its texture was very spicy, its aroma was average – it could be considered a complete failure.
Uncle Chen: I didn’t think that after some time, the taste would become good. 
Uncle Chen: So, if a matter hasn’t reached an end, one cannot give up, because the possibility of unexpected opportunities will always exist.
Xia Yan: …
Uncle Chen gave a wooden box to Xia Yan.
Uncle Chen: Wine and life are both like this.
[Flashback end]
Uncle Chen faced the girl at the bar counter, then turned his gaze back to Xia Yan.
Uncle Chen: There’s actually another saying about whiskey.
Xia Yan: You really have a lot of sayings for your alcohol.
Uncle Chen: Even if it’s the same kind of wine, it will have different meanings to different guests.
Uncle Chen: Someone who can deliver drinks to guests that are most suited for them is qualified to be a bartender.
Xia Yan: Then what do you want to say this time?
Uncle Chen: Hemingway once said: “There are two matters that you must absolutely not hesitate about. You must do them immediately.”
Uncle Chen: “Kiss a beautiful girl, or open a bottle of whiskey.”
Xia Yan: … Thank you.
Xia Yan tilted his head towards the person who was waiting for him at the bar counter. She was freely looking over the various kinds of alcohol behind the counter with interest.
Xia Yan: I need to wait a bit longer to open that whiskey bottle.
Xia Yan: I’ll wait until there are no impurities at all. I’ll wait until the day when I truly have no secrets from her. 
Xia Yan: At that time, I will open it without hesitation. 
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satoruvt · 3 years
fanfic writer tag game <3
helloooo <3 thank u for tagging me @hannie-dul-set this is so cute lol
ummmm! i think i will tag. @leejuyeeon and @seokmingiggles !! and as always anyone else who wants to <33
peum ~
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
omg lets see if i can do this in order. i think the first fandom i ever wrote fanfic for was creepypasta LMAOO and then... fairy tail? then 5 seconds of summer, then maybe it 2017?? voltron legendary defender, detroit become human, monster prom and mystic messenger kind of overlapped, the arcana !!! then my hero academia, haikyuu, a Little bit of demon slayer... i think thats it lol
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
seventeen is all for rn, but i’m thinking of also writing for mha again and adding jjk!!
3. how long have you been writing?
oh wow for like... probably around 6 years? maybe 6 and a half
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
rn just tumblr, i used to post more actively on ao3 but i havent since i started writing for kpop
5. what is your favourite genre to write?
ahhh like !!! comfort fics!!! i think theres something really sweet in those unspoken feelings during moments you think you’ll never forget... the idea of being with someone and you’re just so sure they’re your favorite person, and then warmth that comes with that realization... wahh
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
oh it depends i think. for longer fics i like to plan them out, but i really wing it with like timestamps or shorter ones
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
ONE SHOTS. my god i fucking suck at multi-chapter shit LMAOO ive only done 1 series like that and it was so rough for me lol
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
hm how do i explain this... anything that makes sense? however long it takes for it to feel like the chapter/fic is summed up or completed. i used to worry about word counts a lot but now i rarely pay attention to them, both in reading and writing
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
if we’re talking about multi-chaptered, then the color of you wins at 17k !! in terms of one shots, it’s for now; forever at 9k!
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
oh boy. i think... anything from the last like. 8 months? my svt stuff for sure!! i went a while without writing in between like january-late november 2020, and i was worried that my writing would suffer a lot... it took a sec for me to get back into the groove of things but i’m feeling happier than ever with the stuff i write now. i feel like ive matured about the way i approach my own writing and ideas, and how i do everything, and my fics make me really proud. ive started writing within different aus that i hadnt touched before, or talking about different feelings or ideas, etc... i really feel like ive grown with this most recent burst lol, and i love working on them! i get so hyped up when im in the middle of writing or even planning, im just so excited to share all of it hehe
11. favorite request you've have written and why (if any?)
ah its been so long since ive worked with requests that i cant remember anything LOL
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
yes. it is comfort and content. it is the feeling of love. it is holding hands on a walk in the middle of spring and smelling flowers. it is the sound of leaves when a gust of wind blows past. it is looking into ur lovers eyes and feeling nothing but pure fondness
13. current number of wips?
fuck like somewhere around 20 probably
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
i really like repetition (specifically in sentences if that makes sense??), LOTS of unspoken things (even if i picture a fic with an established relationship, i dont say it within the fic; and especially concerning romantic feelings, i love when things go unsaid and are FELT full force), i think a lot of detailed rambling... i really like to try and describe emotions and stuff in the most abstract and obscure ways lol i feel like it makes things a little more palpable and honest
15. a quote you like from a published story
im gonna do a few. Lol. firstly this long one from pretend people can unlearn:
“Are you…” Jeonghan starts, and when you look at him, his eyes are still on the city in front of you. “Are you ever afraid that we’ll fall out of love?”
It never occurred to you that this was love. It’s not like the love you’ve experienced in the past, not even close. But maybe… maybe that’s why you never leave, why you hold yourself back from certain arguments like it might fix everything. Maybe love is the reason why Jeonghan still seems to believe in you. Why he promises he’ll be the best thing for you despite always breaking that promise.
(Is it love, a voice in your head questions, or is it longing?)
It takes you a while to respond. “I don’t know,” you end up saying, because you really don’t. Jeonghan turns his head and looks at you, and you half expect him to start an argument in the middle of night, out on the street like this. It wouldn’t be the first time. “Would that… be okay?”
“I don’t know,” Jeonghan answers, just like you. His voice is soft. You want to reach for his hand just to hold it. “You’re still…”
He pauses, like he’s trying to find the right word. You let him take his time, for once, instead of accusing him of the worst. “I’m still?”
“Everything,” he tells you. He looks so sad and you reach out for him because it’s the only thing you can offer. You think the worst thing about your relationship with Jeonghan is that you will always believe him when he gets like this, just like you’ll believe him when he takes it back in the heat of a fight.
next is from like there isn’t something missing <3
But you’re crying into his chest because it’s not you, and it’s not him. Seungcheol wonders if it was always meant to be like this, if the two of you were always meant to part or if something… if something just went wrong, somewhere. A bump that did a bit more damage than either of you thought.
He tries not to think about it now. Tears fill his own eyes as he presses a kiss to your hair because he loved you. He truly did.
“I was so lucky to love you,” he murmurs, voice a cracked whisper. “I’m so happy I got the chance.”
When Seungcheol wakes up the next morning in an empty bed, he’s not surprised. But the Post-It note that’s dressed in your handwriting…
Well. It’s over.
and this last one from only for you, i will dance !!
“This will always be our own time,” he says. “We’ll meet here.”
You know. He says it every time. It never fails to make your heart soar.
“Our thirteenth month,” you say, just like every time. Chan smiles.
He kisses you so strong you feel yourself falling.
16. a quote from an unpublished story
ahh ok ill do a few here too!!! one is something ive begun writing, the other is one that i’ve just been working on planning out <3
Smoke blows past somebody else’s lips and partially obstructs Wonwoo’s view of you.
He hasn’t been to a party like this in a long time. It’s elegant, more of a gala than anything. He can’t remember who threw it or for what reason. It doesn’t really matter, he supposes, watching you make conversation with the partygoers. They all have old money to throw around, the symbolism stitched into their suit jackets and red-rimmed heels; remnants of it left on tables and in the contents of expensive cigars.
You play them like you are one of them, tell them the right things with a silver tongue. Wonwoo always watches, plays the part of an observer. It’s impressive, the way you float around the room like it’s nothing.
Wonwoo observes; Wonwoo knows things.
and the second one...
"you don't know me," you respond. your voice carries no bite, just a fact, and joshua knows this
"i want to," he says after a second. "if you'll let me."
and he's asking permission to be your friend, to be close to you, something so tender and strangely polite
it makes you feel almost sad
"don't expect too much," you say, a little teasing. joshua only smiles
17. space for you to say something to your readers
wahhh thank you all so much!!! when i first got into writing for kpop it was a lot different mostly because i think... i was writing stuff for different anime before, and i had built up a big following because of that and my works always did like, really exceptional in terms of notes and feedback and such, and getting into kpop... has been rough on that end 💀 but i appreciate your support thus far, even if it’s small... i’m still working towards a standard that i have for myself!!! so please be patient with me, thank you for the support !!
also please find it in yourself to leave lil comments or any sort of feedback... please..... PLEASE... any creator ever understands this struggle please always try to do this!!! for me and for any other creator you follow and enjoy content from <333
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damejanai · 4 years
S: Today...
K: Ou
S: I was at the same job as kaito kun before this, which was unusual
K: Mmm
S: This is a continuation from what we were talking about just now but...
K: Mmm
S: I went to rewatch Dame x Prince
K: Oh!
S: Well... that show was crazy in a good way
K: Totally unthinkable right
S: You know, totally, i wanted to watch some comedies, and, i don't really rewatch the ones i was casted in but totally you know... episode 1..Nareku, who is voiced by Kaito kun
K: Mmm
S: Started doing ad-libs all the way
K: Right?
S: Hngh! Hngh! Hngh! Aannn! uuun!
K: That's totally un actor-like
S: You just went ahead and did it right? *laughs*
K: Hahahaa
S: Nobody asked for...
K: Since he was moving so much, as an actor, that's totally a sign for me to do something right?
S: Totally.. well, i, you know, I hope you take my words seriously but, Nareku was so funny
K: Right?
S: Hahahhaha, so pure!!
K: Hahhaa, well it's not only me who created Nareku
S: Well well yes, it was totally, i want to do it again, with that team
K: Well but it won't have a second season, probably
S: Don't say that!
K: No but! those who have watched it would understand, the story had closure
S: That's true
K: The princes also matured. Amongst the comedy, the princes had growth
S: True...
K: Are we able to... return to that? Hahahahaa
S: I.....will i be able to do Ryuze?
K: ....Ehhh you can!
S: well.....nanodesu (high pitched)
K: You did it!
Script: The streets are slowly beginning to look like Christmas eh?
K: Roppongi, or rather Keyakizaka? That area is totally..
S: *giggling*
K: Ah!!
S: Stop it! Stop it! I have recalled it!
K: I remember now!
S: For the details, please refer to... it's already in the archives? no?
K: But it was like from last year end, or the beginning of this year
S: Those who are able to listen please do...I too was... two men alone...what are you looking at? stop it stop it
K: It's still flashing...
S: Stop it! seriously... come on..
K: It was from then on right?
S: Stop it stop it, Recently you know... this is not good! like... i think this was my fault but... what was it about "from then on"
K: From then on, we began, right?
S: AHHHHH! WAhhhhh!! Ever since you started YouTube, you unlocked that kind of thing
K: AHahhahaa no no, what began was that I started driving Soma s-..... *giggle*
S: Hahahahahaa Oi! You don't have to do year-end tax adjustment for that too!
K: Oops, nothing's.. different
S: You know... I.... stop it? While doing Dameraji, the way we do radio has changed also?
K: Uh-huh
S: So, over there, when we spill our hearts out.. it has.. the buddy relationship has deep---*giggle*
K: I wonder why.... we... everyone has been saying that about us from the beginning..
S: Well well yeah
K: We being a pair, well regarding that, there was also a time when it was toned down...
S: There was, totally
K: Me especially
S: Well well, because of that, it became like, we should distance ourselves more.. right?
K: Stopped going for drinks, and stuff, well in times like these, more so, but it started even before this happened
S: Yes yes
K: I want to have a drink now! (together)
S: Me too, totally, shall we? Like before the year ends.. For Christmas?
K: Shall we? HAHAHA
S: Wahhhh, like, we are craving something
K: Craving.... no, we want to throw something away i think
S: Hahaha
K: This is bad, Okay! So the business talk shall end here
S: Hahahaha
S: * Talking a bout how the space FC is 440yen per month*
K: Wait a minute, is that price okay for you?
S: We thought about it over and over
K: That's unacceptable! come on! That many services and that price... makes my membership quality seem lower
S: Don't cut in before i'm done with this email, geez
K: But anyway, your FC is finally starting
S: Until now, i've done one concert, so from now on, if i am going to have concerts, or release CDs, we'd like to give fanclub members priority, and we also wanted somewhere to communicate with fans, so decided on the name, "space".
It's the pace of S
K: Oh, "space" doesn't mean that there is a space in between huh
S: No no no, the name of the FC is "space". When I/we thought of it, i realised that it could have different meanings. Like Soma Saito's space, or a space for everyone, or outer space
K: Space right?
S: So decided on this name, it would be great if it is a space created by everyone
K: Nice~
S: But it is still in the works... we will be trying different things so the contents might be changing. I felt that this one song a day recommendation, is quite amazing
K: Yea it is amazing totally, what's recommend?
S: *giggles* Um, like a song a day depending on my mood, or a book, everyday
K: Are you serious?! Crazy
S: This is totally....Well to make it a place where you would want to visit everyday
K: Wow... amazing! amazing! Wait wait can you list out the services you're providing again
S: Mail magazine, one recommendation a day, one person radio with video, and also, bonuses
K: Well, and also you're going to think of new things from now
S: Yes
K:....... That overlaps with mine
S: Wwww well there's one email here too, Ishikawa kaito has started membership on his YouTube channel
K: And also actually I also have an FC ahahaha
S: Who would have thought, this is a coincidence right
K: Well you know, when i saw the news that Soma san was going to launch his fanclub, i was actually already in midst of creating mine but, i panicked, and panicked, i thought, oh no!
S: Hahahahaa
K: And posted a video quickly
S: So, like i've heard alot about how Kaito kun was going to have membership on his channel, right?
K: Umm
S: Then i said, ooh this would be good too right... and stuff, while behind the scenes, i was actually planning my FC
K: And also like, you know our services overlap too
S: Hahahaa, what will you be doing?
K: I will be holding live streams every month for members, well probably it'll be like 2-3 times per month
S: Amazing!
K: Livestreams where i just talk casually. And on YouTube "community", i will be writing stuff that happened, like a blog, and also after events or event streamings, i have done some already, i would quickly film my reflections/comments on the events and just upload them
S: Ahhh i guess well you have the chance to talk about those on radio sometimes but everyone would be interested to listen to Kaito kun's feelings about your events right?
K: Yes yes, so i thought, "recommendations huh?"
S: Well well well, that would be a total rip-off wouldn't it
K: Everyday...
S: But for me, it's contradicting but, i have a lot of jobs where i have to write now, but, i'm a poor writer
K: Ooooh
S: Like, i feel that it is hard to write
K: Well because you have too many options
S: Don't know if it's that but, i was thinking about whether i would be able to continue my blog properly. Well but if people were to be paying for the fanclub and the writings are not that good, that wouldn't be ideal so i thought, maybe i could recommend something different everyday
K: I'm so afraid now hahahaa
S: Ishikawa san's membership, is it a monthly payment?
K: Yes.. i wonder how much it was but, i made it really cheap
S: Ahhh
K: I searched up the services and prices of the memberships of other YouTubers, and made mine around the middle quality type of services, and the price low. I am not doing music as well, so the videos i upload might not be viewed as "highly priced" and that would feel horrible so
S: Ahhh, true...
K: And I manage the YouTube myself so, when i have guests over, i might need, outfits and stuff
S: Uh huh..
K: Or certain equipment.. like if we were to be playing games together, I would need to buy the game so... the membership fees would go to that
S: Wow... that's awesome~~ When... shall i go?
K: So, what shall we do?
S: Wwwwww what kind of ... what kind of reaction is that?
K: I thought of asking Soma san on the channel, well we did one story reading before
S: Yes
K: So i do want you to come but, i can't think of anything to do!
S: Come on come on, you're saying that there's nothing to do, in front of me?
K: Coz, we could just do it here
S: Ahh, we should differentiate it from this, things we can do that are not done on Dameraji
K: Yes, if it's the both of us, it'll inevitably be this
S: Hahhaaa, i wonder what...?
K: What, reminisce about "Zankyou no Terror"?
S: wwwww
K: Hahahhaa
S: "AAHHHHHH!! Remember, us" ah that's nine's line
K: Why are you snatching away my line
S: I was already shot before that
S: Dun dun dun, dun dundun!
K: Ahhh cries~ cries~, Those who have not watched "Zankyou no terror," please do!
S: And well i really want to go on your channel, and i've already told my agency about this
K: Really? Ahh but your manager was nodding just now
S: Yes so it's safe to say that, it's approved already
K: Oooooh, ok so next i'll think about, what we are going to be doing
S: Shoudn't it be opposte?
K: Yess
S: Let's discuss then
K: Let's discuss, we have an expert here too
S: Won't that be Dameraji then!
~Dameraji photo studio~
Topic: Take a photo where the two photos would look like they're part of one photo
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fieryanmitsu · 4 years
Splash | A3! (Tasuku/Female Reader)
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This is a gift-fic for 🍀 Anon! Thanks again for spreading some positivity around the A3! fandom! As promised, here is a little gift for you~ This is a Tasuku/Reader story about them spending some time together at the beach! Since you said that I could choose the personality, I went with a shy female reader who surprises us with a bit of a mischievous streak! For some more context, the reader is a worker at a flower shop and she is already in an established relationship with Tasuku.
Please enjoy!
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CHARACTERS: Tasuku Takato
PAIRINGS: Tasuku/Female Reader
My fanfic masterpost: Here
AO3: Link in my Blog Menu
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Hearing the bell above the door ring, you looked up from the bouquet that you were wrapping and saw that the person who had walked in was none other than your boyfriend. It had only been a few months since the two of you had started dating, and you still felt shy calling him that. Even thinking about him that way made your face heat up.
“Tasuku! I wasn’t expecting to see you today,” you greeted him with a smile. “Are you here to pick something up for Tsumugi?”
“Yeah, he realized that he ran out of fertilizer, so he wanted me to pick up a couple of bags.”
“Give me just a second. I’ll grab it for you once I finish wrapping this bouquet,” you replied.
“Take your time. I’ll just look around while I wait.”
Hearing Tsumugi’s name made you remember how thankful you were to the blue-haired man. It was only with his intervention that you’d managed to work up the nerve to ask Tasuku out on a date, after all.
Once you’d put the finishing touches on the bouquet and gently set it aside in the flower cooler, you stepped into the back room and grabbed two bags of the brand of fertilizer that you knew Tsumugi favoured.
Seeing you bringing out the fertilizer, Tasuku quickly walked back over to the counter to join you. As he walked over, you took another glance at him and noticed that his skin was much darker than it had been when you saw him a few days ago.
“Did you get a tan since I last saw you, Tasuku?”
“Hmm? I guess it must have been from yesterday. A few of us went to the beach to help out Omi’s friend at their beach hut.”
“Really? That sounds fun… I haven’t been to the beach in a long time,” you responded wistfully. “I would love to go sometime, too, but my friends aren’t really into the beach.”
You turned to the cash register and quickly punched in the total for the two bags of fertilizer. As you began to write out a receipt, you didn’t notice that Tasuku had fallen silent.
“Okay, so the total is 1,320 yen with tax.”
Tasuku counted out the money into the coin tray and then hefted up the fertilizer in his arms. However, rather than turning to leave, he stared at you with a thoughtful look. You weren’t used to being scrutinized like this and you felt a blush creep up your neck.
“Is-Is there dirt on my face or something?” you asked self-consciously, rubbing at your cheek automatically.
After another moment of silence, Tasuku finally opened his mouth.
“You have a day off on Friday, right? Let’s go to the beach together.”
It took a second for his words to sink in, and your eyes widened.
“Th-the beach? But weren’t you just there?”
“Yeah, but you want to go, right? So, let’s go,” he replied with a shrug of his broad shoulders, his eyes pointedly not meeting your gaze.
As if his embarrassment were contagious, your eyes flickered down to stare at your hands, but you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your lips.
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“Ahhh, the breeze feels so nice!” you exclaimed as a warm wind blew past you.
“I’m glad it’s not too hot today, or this wouldn’t be as pleasant,” Tasuku responded as he finished setting up the parasol over your towels and bags. “Was there anything you wanted to do?”
“Hmmm, do you mind if we just walk along the water first?” you asked. You would rather bury your head into the sand before you admitted to Tasuku that you wanted to stroll around because it meant you didn’t have to stare at his half naked body directly. It wasn’t that he didn’t have a nice body – rather, it was too nice, and staring at it made the blood rush to your head.
“Sure, that sounds fine to me. It’ll be refreshing to feel the water around our feet.”
As you were about to head towards the water, Tasuku’s hand suddenly enveloped one of yours. You were sure that there must be a goofy grin on your face and that your skin was as red as if it were sunburned, but you happily leaned into his side as you walked.
Once you reached the water’s edge, you giggled as the waves washed over your ankles. You never would have dreamt that Tasuku would have offered to take you to the beach. Especially since he had grumbled the whole car ride to the beach about how much of a pain it had been when he had been here last week. Yet, here he was again. The thought that he had wanted to make you happy, despite his own indifference about the beach, made you feel like you were floating on cloud nine.
With a spring in your step, the two of you strolled in a comfortable silence until you suddenly spotted something glistening in the sand in front of you. Kneeling, you saw that it was a beautiful, iridescent seashell.
“Ah, Tasuku, look at this! Isn’t this seashell gorgeous?” you asked, plucking it out of the sand carefully.
“Mmm, I guess so?”
“This would look amazing in the terrarium I’m making… Maybe I can even make it into a seaside theme…” you murmured to yourself as your mind turned back to work, where you had recently begun working on some decorative terrariums.
“Do you want to look for more?” Tasuku interrupted.
At the sound of his deep voice, you suddenly realized that you’d completely zoned out and you flushed furiously.
“I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to ignore you! And it’s fine! I’m sure that looking for seashells would be boring – we should do something that you’ll enjoy more.”
Rather than responding, Tasuku walked past you and began sifting through the sand ahead with his hands. You could feel a hot feeling catch in your throat. Tasuku was always a bit brusque, and sometimes you weren’t quite sure what he was thinking. However, it was moments like this that reminded you of why you had fallen head over heels for him. He was a bit clumsy, but his actions always showed how kind he was deep down inside.
“Is something like this okay?” he asked, showing you another small shell.
“Yes, that’s perfect!”
Soon, you were both crouched down shifting around in the sand, excitedly showing off the seashells that you found to each other. After setting aside another pretty shell, you looked up to see Tasuku bent over in front of you.
Suddenly, you felt an irresistible and childish urge. Before you could really think about it too much, you cupped your hands and dipped it in the water in front of you… and sent a huge splash of water right over Tasuku.
“GAAH!” Tasuku sputtered, whipping around to glare at you. The look on his face under his wet hair caused you to giggle uncontrollably.
“You think that’s funny, huh?” he growled.
“I-I’m s-sorry,” you apologized through your laughs. “I-I couldn’t h-help it!”
Your boyfriend gave you an unamused look, but it was quickly replaced with a devilish smirk that made your heart skip a beat.
“Well, two can play at that game. I hope you’re ready to reap what you sow.”
And, then, suddenly, Tasuku’s handsome face was in front of yours. The next second, you were screaming as he hoisted you over his shoulder.
“Tasukuuuuu!!” you shrieked. Your scream only rose in volume as you were subsequently tossed into the air and landed in the ocean with a giant splash.
You spluttered and coughed as you brought your head out of the salty water. After you regained your footing in the shallow water and pushed your wet hair out of your face, you could only glare balefully at your boyfriend.
“That was a dirty move!” you exclaimed.
Tasuku only snorted and shrugged, pretending to play innocent. Wanting to wash that smirk off of his face, you dipped your hands into the water again and splashed him once more. With a yelp, he sent a wave of water back at you, and, soon, the two of you were laughing as you kept splashing each other. He even managed to toss you into the water again, despite your protests.
Finally, when you were both tired out from chasing each other in the water under the hot sun, you trudged back up to the shore. It was at that moment that you realized you had completely forgotten about your seashells, which you had been piling on the sand earlier.
“Ah, they’re all gone!” you lamented as you scanned the area where you had been searching earlier.
“They must have washed away with the waves,” Tasuku remarked. “We can look again for more, but how about we get you dried off first and grab a bite to eat?”
“Sounds good to me! I want to try that curry you talked about!” you responded with a smile, taking the hand that he offered you.
“Uh, that was definitely a one-time thing. Please don’t expect them to have that there normally…”
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Hope you all enjoyed this short little story! It’s a different style than how I usually write (this might be my first attempt at second-person POV, now that I think about it), so please do leave a comment and let me know what you all thought! Also, please do reblog if you enjoyed it! Thanks again for reading~
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honestlynotyourbabe · 3 years
Athena felt the wind on her face, a smile forming on her lips. Those few moments meeting her inspiration were enough to brighten not only her day but probably her week or month. She clutched the album in her hand closer to her chest as she tuned out the continuous chatter of the crowd. The guards have escorted the fans out from the stadium after their meet and greets. She was still not able to spot Nicole in the crowd, she had promised that both of them would meet up after but she was probably still inside or fighting through the crowd of fans. Her mind kept going back to the moment she saw Suga smile at her, she noticed a tint of blush on his cheeks but it was probably because of the heat or something, it couldn’t be because of her. She doesn’t need to think like that, they are just idols, unreachable but are there for inspiration. She is just an admirer of their talent, nothing more.
It would be weird to think of them as more than that.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” she hears Nicole from behind.
She turned around with a soft smile, taking out a piece of paper from her pocket she wrote out “How was it?” and showed it to her.
Nicole jumped and down with glee, “It was amazing! They were all so nice and funny! Oh, I can’t wait for their next concert!” She then pulled her to the side.
“I got a surprise for you, but this is a secret okay? Suga entrusted me with it” she whispered with a wink. Suga?
She faced Nicole with a confused look, questioning her what could it be. She held on to the silver bracelet V has placed on her wrist and played with it, somehow it gave her comfort; now that Nicole is giving her unnecessary anxiety.
“He wrote this number and said, “you’re the flame” and told me you would know” she raised her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. This confused her more, was it regarding their interaction earlier? Or her letter? Did he mean that she can contact him through this number? Or that she should contact him? She did not get what he meant by it at all.
“Do you know what this means?” Nicole teased, she shook her head no.
“It means he likes you! And you should probably contact this number!” she pointed towards the number written on her album, with initials of AD. August D? Was he referring to his other stage name?
She wrote in her paper “That’s impossible, it’s probably a dead number”
“Such an optimist!” Nicole commented, grabbing the wad of sticky notes from her hand, she took out a pen from her pocket and started writing.
“There is nothing wrong with taking a shot. Maybe this is your chance” she said as she placed the sticky note on Athena’s forehead. Athena pouted and took it. Nicole then linked her arm with hers. “Let’s go get some food, I’m starving! I’ll introduce you to some of my friends!”
Athena out of thought read what Nicole wrote. It was the number written on her album, with a bunch of heart scribbles and a wink emoji. She caressed the note with her thumb, did he really want her to contact him? Why? She pockets the letter and lets Nicole drag her to a bunch of people she had never met. She didn’t understand why her heart suddenly starts beating faster by the minute, was it because she was nervous about meeting new people and having to explain why she couldn’t talk or something else entirely.
Suddenly her hands were shaking, her body didn’t feel like her own, and flashes of lights kept blinding her. She taps Nicole by the shoulder, shaking her head vigorously, hoping that Nicole would understand. “Why what’s wrong? We’re almost there, don’t worry, they told me they were by the bay”
She shook her head again, “Don’t you want to meet them or you’re not feeling well?” Both, she thought. She felt her body shaking, her hands suddenly felt clammy and her mouth dry.
Nicole must have understood for some reason, a concerned look in her eyes as she grabs her arm tighter, wrapping her free hand on her waist for support. “You could meet them next time, I guess. Do you want me to take you home?”
Athena shook her head no, she doesn’t want to go home yet, but she also didn’t want to meet her friends, but she also didn’t want to burden Nicole. Maybe she should text Josh, so he’ll accompany her. Oh wait, he was busy.
“Let’s grab a bite then, we could gush together” Nicole smiled. Athena feeling guilty smiled back. “Oh don’t worry about me! I’m just glad I found a new friend”
Athena knew she was only saying this to comfort her but she felt glad nonetheless.
Suga didn’t know what he was feeling, but it didn’t sit well with him. Everything was finally over, they can finally have a few days before the next concert. But then again, those days will be packed with practices and constant lack of sleep, the usual. He didn’t know what he wanted a moment, but a break would be nice. “Hyung! So what your plans if she ever contacts you?” Taehyung jumps on the couch and settling beside him. Suga didn’t give that much of a thought, he honestly had forgotten it for a moment. She probably would think it was a joke though, but will she try?
He shrugged his shoulders, as a reply Taehyung pouted. “Aw too bad, I was hoping I could get to see her again too!” Suga raised an eyebrow, Taehyung laughed nervously. “It’s just that..*laughs* she… you... know... *laughs*” Suga throughout Taehyung’s stumbling explanation only gave him a stern look, crossing his arms in the process. Taehyung scratches the back of his head and blushes, “Nevermind… never mind… let’s just go” he laughs again. Taehyung then grabs Suga by the arm, pulling him up to stand, he chuckles as he pushes his back towards the rest of the guys.
“Hey Hyung! I noticed you blushed during the fan meet earlier, who was that girl again?” Jungkook called out, without a second later, all the guys started whooping and teasing. They started poking his stomach and teasing him with questions of who was the girl, giving out random names, he had never heard of. He gave Taehyung a look, telling him to keep quiet. The boy did seem to listen as he tried to stifle his giggles. This went on for a good few minutes before Jin blurted out a name that perked his ears.
“Athena… that was her name, right Yoongi?” Jin smiled as though he was recalling a recent memory. Suga feeling shy only hid his face in his hands, hoping the guys would stop the teasing. Everybody seemed to have remembered who she was as they started with the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhhs’
Jungkook gave out a big smile “She was really sweet, she told me I have great potential to change a lot more lives”
“Yeah! She told me that she was glad that I pursued my dreams and that she couldn’t imagine me not being an idol” Jimin commented.
So they did have different letters, Suga felt glad and relieved at the same time.
“She told me she felt closer with her friend who died whenever she sees me, I don’t know what I should feel about that but it made me tear up,” Jin said giving them a sad smile, “I’m glad I’m a bridge for their friendship to continue even in the afterlife”
That must have been hard for her as well, did she lose her in the same accident she lost her voice? Suga wondered. This intrigued him more, he wondered how many of their fans have been moved through their music. How many of them have experienced a lot of pain in their lives and that their only sense of escape was them. This thought made him smile but his heartache as well. He was glad that he and the guys are making a lot of people happy with their music but it was also heartbreaking knowing that a lot of them are going through a lot. It also pressured him in a weird way, it felt like a heavy responsibility for him to carry. He was their escape yet he badly wanted to escape himself.
“Why don’t we get something to eat? I’m hungry” Namjoon suggested tapping his stomach.
The guys agreed and everybody started packing up. Suga felt an arm on his shoulder, “She must be a very interesting girl for you to give your personal number Hyung” Jungkook smiled with raised eyebrows. Taehyung!
“Oh no one told me, I just saw you writing it out earlier, you weren’t that discreet you know” Jungkook laughed, Suga shaking his head gave out a sigh. This boy will be the death of him.
They were walking towards the nearest burger shop, trying to be discreet as they can. They went by groups so no one would notice. Suga was with Taehyung and Jin, he felt that it was ridiculous that they had to wear wigs, sunglasses, a cap, and a mask to not look suspicious. They look suspicious! If he was a fan or paparazzi he would have known who they were.
“Hyung! What are you doing? Why are you walking like that?” Taehyung asked Jin who was walking with his chest out. “I’m trying to look inconspicuous” he whispered. Taehyung only laughed while Suga shook his head trying to distance himself from the two. Shoving his hands in his pockets Suga tried to focus on where he was walking as they arrive by the entrance when he hears a familiar voice. A familiar shriek.
“Ah! I knew it! Could you perhaps introduce me?”
Suga moved his body towards the voice he was hearing, the two already walking towards the counter... “Are they nice? When do you think will be their next comeback be?” the high-pitched voice questioned. Who were they talking about? Suga trying not to look like an eavesdropper inched closer. They were sitting by the window their backs facing him. Suga sat by the booth behind them and motioned towards Jin and Taehyung that he was sitting there. Both of them gave him a thumbs up, they would know his order by now. He then notices Jimin and Namjoon enter while J-Hope and Jungkook were already eating on the other end. Suga smirked as he saw how ridiculous Jungkook looked with his bob wig. Yeah, no one would notice him with that wig on.
“Anyways, I’m glad I met you! I’m so sorry for what happened though” the girl mentions
Suga wasn’t the type of person to eavesdrop, he usually minded his own business but this conversation kept him curious. He just had to confirm that it was the familiar voice he remembers from earlier. He slightly turns his head to get a glimpse at the two. Both of them were brunettes except the other one had shoulder-length hair while the other had long curls. Athena had long curls, could it be her? He tried focusing on the girl with long curls but her face was blocked by the girl with short hair. They were talking about a guy named Josh and that the short-haired girl was excited to meet him. The girl with long curls just kept nodding.
It might be her.
“Hyung! You didn’t tell us what you wanted so we got your usual” Taehyung mentions, placing their tray on the table and sliding on the seat in front of him. Jin still walking with his chest out placed his tray beside theirs and sat beside him. “Oh! I’m starving! Thank you for the food!” Jin bows his head then started digging in, Taehyung does the same.
Suga still tried listening to the two girls talking, he unwraps the burger and takes a small bite when the girl shrieks again. Her shrieking surprised the three of them who made startled looks. “YOU REALLY SHOULD! IT’S AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME! IF IT HAPPENED TO ME I WOULD REALLY PEE MY PANTS!” the short-haired girl screamed for everyone to hear. Everyone in the area gave her looks, even the four from the other end. The short-haired girl must have noticed as he heard her mumble a sorry. “Anyways you really should give it a try! An idol wouldn’t just give out a number to anyone you know!”
Suga’s eyes widened, it was them! Right?
“Hey, did you hear what that girl said? She said she’d pee her pants! For everyone else to hear!” Jin laughs meanwhile Taehyung looks at him with curious eyes. He probably heard what they were talking about too since their sitting together. Taehyung inches closer to Suga “do you think it’s Athena and her friend?” he asks as he tried glancing towards the two girls.
“Maybe” he whispers back.
Jin made a suspicious look, pointing at the two of them he asks. “Hey! Hey! What are you guys whispering about?”
Suga and Taehyung not wanting the two girls being suspicious of their looks, motioned towards the two of them with a slight movement of their head, their eyes moving to the side.
Jin made a confused look. “Huh?”
Taehyung leans toward the table “The two girls behind us, we think one of them is Athena”
Jin’s mouth shaped an ‘o’ as his eyes traveled towards the two girls who had their backs facing them. His eyes squinted, focusing on the girl with long curls. The short-haired girl was giggling, she was moving her body back and forth so he got a chance to glimpse a side profile. He smiled.
He looked at the two boys in front of him who were staring at him expectantly. Both eyebrows raised, he laughs at how curious they are. He nodded.
“It’s her”
He didn’t know who smiled bigger but he could see that Suga seemed excited. He had never seen this side of Suga, it somehow made him feel protective. Feelings are dangerous, especially for guys like them. “Would you talk to her?” Jin hears Taehyung asks, taking a bite from his burger.
“I’m not sure, what would I say?”
“Suga really? Of course, you would say Hello first!” Jin scolded, chewing his burger with a lot of confidence.
Suga places his head on his hand, why would he even try to ask. He felt Taehyung tap his shoulder. “Maybe she’ll come to us when she recognizes it’s us”
“What if she doesn’t? We look like weirdos with these on” Suga motions towards the black shoulder-length wig he had on. It made him look like a girl, if not for the heavily tinted glasses he had on and the fake beard they pasted on him. Both Jin and Taehyung stifled a laugh. “Yeah, they did go overboard with the ‘trying not to look like us’ look”
“While I look gorgeous with anything I put on” Jin flicked his blonde wig. He did not look gorgeous, he looked like a guy who hasn’t left his room for weeks with that wig. They didn’t even try to tame it. Suga rolls his eyes “So, should I talk to her or should I wait it out?”
“How could you talk to her?” Taehyung asks
Oh right.
“How about you slide in a note” Jin suggested.
“We could crumple it and throw it in their direction?” Both looked at Taehyung with a ‘are you serious look. “This isn’t high school” both of them mentions. “Well got better ideas then?”
“Or… you could just casually come to our table and say hi” the three of them look up towards the short-haired girl who was now standing at the side of their table. Smiling brightly she gave them a wave, behind her was Athena who had her head down.
“Hi,” the three of them said in unison. Which felt awkward.
“You weren’t really that quiet with your conversation, we’re sorry we eavesdropped” The girl giggled. Athena only nodded in agreement as she kept twisting the charm on her bracelet. The bracelet Taehyung gave her earlier. Taehyung must have noticed it too, “Do you like it? The bracelet?”
Athena lifted her head, her eyes surprised at the mention of her bracelet. She was biting her lip when she nodded a yes. She was being cute, for no reason. Taehyung smiled “I’m glad”
Noticing the interaction the short-haired girl nudges Athena’s stomach. She only smiled as a response to her friends constantly glancing in their direction as though she was silently telling her to do something. Athena brought out a sticky note pad and wrote something, she then places the sticky note on their table.
‘I’m glad you guys are finding time to eat, enjoy your meal, and take care’
She then motions her friend to leave by pulling her arm. “I guess we’ll be going then! Nice seeing you! Whoever you are!” she greeted as both of them left before he could have said a single word.
“Her friend didn’t recognize us?” Jin asked
“Yeah, she said, whoever we are, so she probably didn’t hear us mentioning our names” Taehyung commented.
“But did Athena recognize us? She gave us a note” Jin picks up the sticky note, examining it.
Taehyung takes the sticky note from Jin and places it in his pocket. “She probably did, she said she likes the bracelet I gave her”
Jin raised an eyebrow, he didn’t know Taehyung gave Athena his silver bracelet. “You gave her a bracelet? What bracelet?”
Taehyung made a nervous laugh, realizing that Jin didn’t know, he knew how protective Jin could be when it comes to interacting with fans. “You know the one..*nervous laugh* the..”
“The one he had custom made last year, the one with the tear charm” Suga mentions as he takes a bite of a french fry. Suga had a different look on his face which made the two look at each other. “The one you said you would keep forever?” Jin asks.
“Yeah…” Taehyung scratches the back of his head, trying to avoid the look Jin was now giving him.
“It felt like it belonged to her, Taehyung was right giving it to her” Suga commented, his eyes staring at the door where Athena left. Both Jin and Taehyung followed where Suga was staring at then looking back at Suga.
“Are you really that interested in her?” Jin genuinely asks. Taehyung positions himself, straightening his back as he looks at Suga who was still staring at the door. He purses his lips and furrows his eyebrows. “That’s a question that I would also like to know”
Suga squinted his eyes “She makes me question a lot of things and I wonder why”
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tegoshigeftw · 4 years
Tegoshige Top 25
“More Tegoshige, please!” - said absolutely noone and I delivered. Well, this isn’t for 5 likes, this is for me. I’ve had this blog for 6,5 years now and I decided to look back on the best it had to offer. This is my rating of top Tegoshige moments, excluding those that tightly involved other members (so the making out had to be left out ;;). The things that made my heart doki doki... It was originally a top 10 but it was getting hard to pick so I decided there literally was no reason to hold back so here we are.
#25 4x9
That one time Tegoshige went on location together (which is already a blessing) and Tegoshi got freaked out because of insects running about and nearly got into Shige’s lap. Nearly. So it heads the list.
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# 24 Halloween 2017
Tegoshi was Oiran - an elite courtesan - and Shige was Alex from Clockwork Orange. This was but a short moment but is lasted forever in my mind.
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#23 Dropped earring
This was during White final. After the boisterous MC scene where Shige was the couch and Tegoshi was the girlfriend, Shige noticed Tegoshi dropped his earring, picked it up and gave it back to him. Just a minor moment, but Tegoshi was still in girlfriend mode and it was incredibly soft. Video here.
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#22 Neverland in Tokyo encore 2017/06/11
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Tegoshi got very emotional after he went backstage but the fans kept cheering so they went back on stage again and Tegoshi wouldn’t stop crying so Shige led him softly.
#21 As long as Tegoshi is happy...
Before a live performance, they were interviewed and as it was just after Tegoshi’s birthday, they were asked what they wanted to give so...
S: … (in his best ikemen voice) As long as Tegoshi is happy, that is enough! T: Ahhh! ♥ I am loved! Thank you, Shige-chan! I wanna hug you!~
Video here.
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#20 The Spa
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It was a photoshoot for Biteki. They were originally in different sandboxes but Tegoshi got lonely very soon.
#19 Hairstylist Shige
Shige has been Tegoshi’s stylist for years, since the early days. You can see it in photos and several DVDs, most notably Live Diamond. Video cut here.
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#18 “Shige, thank you!”
The night after the Neverland Tokyo concert, 2017 Shige got a call...
S: After the concert ended, Tegoshi had a party with his friends. And so late at night he suddenly called me saying “Could you come for a bit?” S: He seemed to be serious and he cried so much at the concert. (laugh) I got worried and came over but this guy… he just fell asleep! (laugh) K&M: That’s terrible. S: He woke up once, looked at me saying “Shige, thank you!” and went back to sleep. T: Moreover, I was sleeping in Shige’s lap. [S]
Tegoshi: After the last concert in Tokyo Dome I invited several members of staff and Juniors and we basically did a wrapping up party. I called Shige at 3 AM and he came but I ended up falling asleep in Shige’s lap though I don’t remember that at all. I heard it afterwards but apparently I sang “I’m coming” and Shige sang “Ayame” but I don’t remember a bit… [S]
#17 Neverland in Tokyo 2017/06/10
According to a fan report: At the intro of some song, Shige grabbed Tegoshi by the waist tightly. At first, Tegoshi was playing along but Shige didn’t let go and Tegoshi, not used to being attacked, got embarrassed.
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#16 Umeboshi
Shige’s been making umeboshi for years now and his #1 fan is none other than Tegoshi.
S: I’ve been doing it for 10 years. It’s not that I like them, I hardly eat them myself. During the tour our Tegoshi eats quite a lot of them. I leave it (in the dressing room) so after the concert he opens it and eats it. About half of them I make for Tegoshi. [2017.02.08 Moshimono Futari]
Q: If you were to give Christmas presents to the members what would it be?
A: …Well, umeboshi! Umeboshi! Eat my umeboshi and get healthy! I give it to Tegoshi every year though. Ah, but that’s showing “Love”. I give it all the time but it’s a deep love that has a special depth! (laugh) [2018.12.05 TVガイド]
#15 Blue making
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This is perfect for several reasons, how naturally this fells, how there’s a perfectly empty chair next to them, and how at the end Tegoshi stumbled and Shige is cautioning him.
#14 That 2013 photoshoot
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You know the one. That is all. No comment needed.
#13 Tegoshige Kabe-don and confession
During k-chan news, they played the Prince game and Koyama wanted a kabe-don. So Tegoshi kabe-don’d Shige and told him “I love you!”
The audio available here.
#12 Tegoshi’s kirakira eyes
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Back in 2009, Shige had a diary and I’m really sorry he does not anymore because one day after a photoshoot he wrote this:
At that time he had seemed to be already smiling and looking at me Looking at me at such a close distance Is this an effect from DREAM BOYS As compared to before, the distance was so much more closer Tegoshi Yuya Indeed is a prince………….. Oh please won’t you be even a little embarrassed. Just how strong is your heart? Don’t look at me like that………… Being looked at with those shiny eyes…………… The atmosphere will become weird (oдO) ………………………………….. Tegoshi Yuya who has ended the photoshoot using those shiny eyes, had walked towards DREAM BOYS with that pair of eyes Ah~ shiny shiny Tegoshi eyes~ I’ll be waiting for that photoshoot~ I wonder… for which magazine would it be Oh the kira kira eyes
Full text here.
#11 That Taiwan hotel video 
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We all remember that one. Tegoshi in his bathrobe going out to visit ‘other members’’ rooms but he only goes to Shige’s and gets comfortable on his bed, and gets pounced, and the next thing they show, it’s morning.
#10 Soukon thigh stroking
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That time the camerman got very fascinated with Tegoshi’s legs and the other members teased him about it and called him a pervert. Then, Shige decided to stroke those thighs because... well, he can. 
#9 Taking a bath together!
- An unforgettable episode that happened on stage.
Kato: Because of a thunderstorm we had to stop the concert. We moved it to a later date. After a break the 4 of us got into tiny bathtubs, 2 in each and it felt sort of like a field trip, (laugh) the bath was warm. [Duet 2015.04]
They also talked about it during an MC at the time.
Shige pretended to climb into the “tub” with Tegoshi. “We were Team… What was it again?” T: Team “We haven’t done our solos yet”. S: And Tegoshi was sliding all over the place and smacking into me. He was such a naughty guy. T: It couldn’t be helped. It’s slippery. K: But baths are nice, aren’t they? Shige answered in a chill voice, “Yeah, they’re great.” [S]
#8 Worldista routine
I think this was during Weeek where they make up different letters with their bodies. Every concert it went differently but several times Tegoshi left his place and went over to Shige. This fancam pictured the time he got on top of him. Or tried to.
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Also here’s a report from Nagano, May 25:
Tegoshi goes to Shige and captures him in a hug and Shige hugs him back. Then Shige picks Tegoshi up and carries him like a sleeping child to his original position. [Fanart here]
#7 Showers
Tegoshi is long known to invade other people’s privacy and during the tour, other people’s shower stalls are no exception. There are many recent episodes but here’s one account:
Q2: Shige-chan said in Nagoya when he took a shower Tegoshi appeared right before his eyes but does he do it always?
S: Not… always but he did it quite a lot on this tour. He trespassed about 3-4 times I think. He would enter the shower room I went to really quietly. That’s why I got really startled. He’d get happy he made me surprised and start grinning. (laugh) I would counterattack by pouring water over him.  
[Tour Stories from Popolo 2016.09 FUN’S QUESTION - SHIGEAKI]
Then, there’s an important MC from 2008. One time, during the tour Massu wanted to take a shower but as he entered the stalls, he met a naked Shige standing proudly. Shige explained he was only waiting on Tegoshi who earlier danced for him naked. Massu was like “Cool, I’ll leave you to it.”
The full account is here. There used to be an audio of this but I didn’t manage to get it.
#6 DTF ‘ago-kui’
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There were many instances during two whole tours and also a SCP performance. Each time seems a little closer and more intimate, but each time looks equally fun on both sides.
#5 Accessible Emma outfit
Now we know that Shige, unlike Tegoshi, is not a touchy kind of guy. So him doing something like this, especially on air, is pretty unusual. Tegoshi said Shige did it a lot backstage too.
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#4 “I wanna stir you up”
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This line from ‘S’ was a real hit and Tegoshi basically admitted it got him horny. Twice. Detailed posts here and here.
#3 Tegoshi saying they’re basically married
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Here’s the video.
#2 Tegoshi knows what’s up
Who do you think has the most sex appeal?
Tegoshi: Shige. His face is handsome like a nobility but he’s also manly. Rather than a shining sexuality his sexuality is monochrome… a deep sexuality. It’s the kind that slowly unravels as you get to know him.  [Wink Up, 2013.12]
Who would be a perfect boyfriend in NEWS?
Tegoshi: Wouldn’t that be Shige? It seems like he wouldn’t be clingy but all the while even when he’s silent, in his heart he’d be like “I’m thinking about you properly ♥” keeping a good distance. [Ane Can 2015]
Look with a “female gaze” and say who’s the most handsome member Tegoshi: Alright, I’m switching to female… click! …Hello, I’m Yuko! (laugh) So… for me it’s Shige. The reason is his face and his way of life. His face is up to my taste (laugh) and he doesn’t hesitate in words or in actions. His open-minded way of thinking is similar to mine. It’s refreshing and feels good. [Potato 2016.10]
To name but a few.
#1 Shige radio confession
During k-chan news, they played the Prince game and Koyama wanted one person to say what they liked about the other person and this is how Shige confessed.
K: Do it properly! Seriously. Connect hands “lover style”, look at each other. *giggle* S: Tegoshi has a really cute face. Really cute face and a good voice… K: That’s not it. S: A nice voice and beautiful eyes… K: Something you really like, really like.  S: But I really do like it. K: Something more about his personality. S: If it’s about his personality then… even when he complains he still does his job properly.
Sorry, but that’s just... yeah. You have to hear it though. Full transcript and audio here.
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