#i just turned off replies for now they can keep quoting and crying telling me to research something i literally went to university for
sectumsempraaa · 3 months
Cheat Sheet
Pairing: Draco x fem/Slytherin reader
Summary: You and Draco have always been especially good friends to each other, and this time is no different. But when you step in to save him in potions class, you both start to realize that maybe, it is.
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: None, mostly fluff, some cursing and kissing
Behold, my second fic! Let me know if y'all want a part 2 for this one or my first fic, And Now I Do. Thanks for being so sweet and supportive, y'all are the best :)
If you watch HOTD, you'll enjoy a quote I pulled from a recent monologue 🐉
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“Sssshh, ssshh, it’s okay.” You say calmly to the first year Slytherin crying in your arms. “I get homesick, too. But soon you will make great friends here who will feel like family. I promise.” The young boy pulls back, eyes puffy and cheeks stained with tears, which bled onto your shirt, but you don’t mind. You’ve been an older sister all your life, anyways. 
Draco had been made a Prefect this year and advanced his position on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Tonight, their captain has them practicing until nearly midnight. A bit excessive to you, but the Championship tournament against Ravenclaw is coming up and they’re hungry for victory. 
Because he’s always been able to rely on you, and your generally brilliant standing in your year, he’s asked you to take over his Prefect responsibilities for the night. This really only means keeping an eye out for students after curfew and tending to any notable incidents. You like to poke fun at Draco sometimes, calling him “the Slytherin-sitter.” This job couldn’t be easier for you.
“Can you walk me back to my dorm?” he asks through gasping sobs. You feel for the kid, remembering back to when you first started at Hogwarts and were nearly shaking on the train ride over. As if that wasn’t enough, you got sorted into the world’s most hated house. But eventually, you found your group when you beat the infamous Harry Potter in a wand duel in second year in front of your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. You remember turning back to your house and seeing your four new favorite smirks: Draco, Pansy, Theo, and Blaise.
You wonder how Draco would have handled this boy’s breakdown. What is Draco like around kids? It’s hard for you to imagine Draco being sensitive to a first year’s emotional needs. Your only frame of reference is when you ended up in the hospital wing in third year when you and Pansy thought it would be fun to try a fire spell on the Whomping Willow. Needless to say, it backfired… badly. But you remember Draco’s bedside manner when he visited you in the infirmary. You remember him being impossibly gentle when helping you stand up, laughing to tears with you when you told him what happened, and sneaking you some of your favorite desserts from the Great Hall. Ultimately, you’ve always been there for each other.
After you drop the student off at his dorm, you scribble some notes on the incident to have on record and spend a few minutes reading on your favorite couch in the common room. Around 1AM the door opens and Draco steps through, absolutely covered in sweat, cheeks blotchy and hair soaking wet. You jump off the couch and meet him halfway through the room, grabbing his broomstick for him and leaning it up against a table. Despite still catching his breath, he manages to speak, placing a hand on your shoulder first. For balance or for affection, you couldn’t tell.
“Thank you so much for covering tonight. Anyone give you trouble?” He asks you with genuine concern.
“Let’s not worry about my completely uneventful night and instead get you out of this uniform.”
He smirks and you drop your head, immediately regretting your statement.
“Now now darling, I know you’re eager, but I’ve worked out well enough for tonight.” He replies to you with a cocky tone, winking at you just before you scoff and hit his shoulder. You turn to walk back to your dorm, but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back towards him. His demeanor shifts, eyes like ice looking down to meet yours.
“Really, thank you. I have a lot on my plate right now and you’re the only one in our band of idiots I can rely on.” He says, and you swear you can see a soft smile forming while he talks. His delicate grip on your arm and the sincereness in his voice are all you can focus on. You notice how the chill of his ring against your skin contrasts with the heat radiating off him. There it is again, that compassionate side peeking out from behind his hardened exterior; temporarily abandoning the Slytherin king for Prince Charming. “Is that supposed to be a compliment?” You’re fully aware you’re batting your eyelashes up at him, but you can’t help it. You feel special seeing this part of him he normally hides from others.
“Consider yourself the least idiotic of us.” He says, and you feel his thumb graze over your wrist. You think to yourself, we’ve never stood this close before. The two of you laugh and drink in this moment for another few seconds. When you both turn towards the dorms, you relay the incident with the crying boy and just like that, the classic Malfoy everyone knows shifts back, his exhaustion making it hard to keep up the act.
“Better you than me. Can’t stand it when they cry. Insolent pups.” He scowls. You roll your eyes and sigh as you lean on the threshold of your dorm room.
“Such a mother hen.” Your voice drips with sarcasm. You know he likes it when you challenge him. Not many people would. 
“You know, now that I think about it, I can recall you crying on multiple occasions in first year, not excluding the time you lost that fight against-” He cuts you off, swiftly closing the door to his room. But that doesn’t suppress the sound of the laugh he lets out on the other side.
You smile, shaking your head and mumbling to yourself.
“Insolent pup.”
The next day, you’re in Potions class and it is glaringly apparent from the moment you sit down that Snape is in a terrible mood. Typical. You’re used to this but it doesn’t make life any easier. An angry Snape is usually accompanied by some random and unnecessary punishment.
He remains silent for a minute while staring down the class, scanning the room with eyes like daggers. Draco stumbles in the door, noticeably disoriented. You practically feel the relief emanating from him when he sees the empty seat next to you. He drops into the seat like dead weight, rubbing his bloodshot eyes that are wrapped in gray circles.
“Hey, you okay?” You whisper to him, not daring to stand out amongst the quiet class. When he doesn’t respond, or even so much as look at you, you reach to place a hand on his back.
“Draco.” He lazily turns his head towards you, finally getting his attention.
“What can I do?” You ask. Your heart sinks a little looking at your friend who is physically drained beyond repair. Moving your hand in circles on his back, you reach over to take his robe off for him, laying it on top of yours on the bench in between you. He doesn’t utter a word but you know he barely slept last night, if at all. With quidditch practice going so late and his attempt to catch up on homework until the sun reappeared, he was doomed today.
You look past Draco towards Theo, sitting at the table diagonal to yours. You watch as he shakes his head slowly, as if to warn you. Just as your gaze trails back to Draco, Snape’s voice cuts through the tension like a knife.
“I would like to assume you all completed the assigned chapter twelve reading this week.” He grimaces. No one is brave enough to speak up, not even Hermione Granger.
“But that would be foolish. However, I will know whether you read the material or not when I ask each pair to come up here and create a Sleeping Draught potion.” He drags on.
The class releases a collective chorus of groans and gasps, some frantically looking around for help, others using every ounce of concentration to remember the ingredients from the chapter. Your studious nature and vivid memory serve you well as you start to mentally list the instructions. Recalling Snape’s demand in your head, you repeat the words out loud.
“Each pair.” You whisper. Without giving any thought to it, you instinctively grab Draco’s hand and dip your quill in ink, lowering it to his palm that you’ve rested on your thigh. You don’t have time to notice the layer of visible panic etched on his face.
“Sorry if this hurts, hun.” You say while looking down at his hand, keeping your touch light as a feather. You’re too concentrated to acknowledge the nickname you used, but he notes it with a subtle glance.
Biting your lip, you try to make the instructions as legible as possible on his skin. Meanwhile, Draco doesn’t ask a single question, just completely submitting to you taking control. His eyes scan over your face in awe, eyelids hanging heavy, as he mentally catches up to the present moment. Here you are, saving his ass once again.
“How come?” His whisper takes you by surprise considering his defeated state.
“How come what?”
“It’s always you. How come it’s always you?” His voice is rough from fatigue, but not enough to hide the sliver of his sweeter, softer side that seems to be creeping back out of its cage again.
“Malfoy and Y/L/N, such exemplary Slytherins.” Snape remarks. ”You will go first.”
Swallowing the tension in your throat, you nod reassuringly to Draco before lifting you both to your feet, cautiously walking up to the front of the class. When you reach the table, you take in the sight of dozens of ingredients before you. The six you need stand out to you immediately, but you aren’t so sure about your partner. Truthfully, your end goal was to make it through this excruciatingly public test without him collapsing. It will be a miracle if he even remembers the answers are literally written on him.
You choose a few ingredients and nudge an elbow to Draco’s side, urging him to participate. He remains still, only turning his head towards you. You see a weakness in his eyes that breaks your heart, that makes you want to hold him in your arms, but you snap yourself back to reality. You know you have to do something. Before he can give up, you open your mouth and let the words fall out with confidence. Your voice slices through the stillness of the room, creating a sea of surprised looks. But you keep your piercing eyes directly on his.
“Lucky for you, Severus, we know this one like the back of our hand.” Your smug tone earned a hushed grumble of laughter from the class. Draco’s eyes widen with pride and realization, darting back down to his hand, gracefully hiding the cheat-sheet you inscribed on it. Your heart swells as he correctly reaches for the lavender, wormwood, and valerian sprigs.
From there, you take turns adding and mixing the components. The two of you find a rhythm and work seemingly in sync with each other. Skillfully glancing down to your discreet notes, he returns your elbow nudge from earlier while smiling down at the finished product as if to say, “Look, we did it.”
You turn to your professor and are instantly met with a cold, stoic death stare. Your heart jumps.
“10 points for the potion, 5 taken for addressing me by my first name, which you will never… utter… again… Miss Y/L/N.” He sneers.
You both nod and make your way back to your desk, taking a deep breath and finally relaxing. As the next pair hesitantly rise from their seats, you turn to each other in your seats and nearly burst out laughing immediately upon making eye contact, the both of you covering your mouths like little kids. Trying to suppress his outburst, he grasps your hand, intertwining your fingers. You’re both squeezing with enough pressure that some of the ink on his palm imprints onto yours.
Finding some energy, Draco pulls your hand towards him and reaches for his quill. He starts to reciprocate your earlier gesture, gently writing on your palm, though the writing is a little less… neat. You read the words etched messily on your skin. So, how come?
A blush creeps onto your cheeks as the moment forces you to confront the feelings you’ve developed for him. He hasn’t completely let go of your hand yet, letting his fingertips linger on yours. Still committing to the dead silence of the room, you pull his hand back towards you once again, continuing your strange and intimate game of tug-of-war. Lifting his hand to your face, you place a gentle kiss on the back of his hand. Your confidence from the stunt you pulled starts to wither away, an abundance of nerves catching up as Draco’s hand suddenly releases from yours. Panic floods your body. 
But he doesn’t let it drop. No, instead, he reaches to cup your cheek, his other hand propping his head up on the desk. Your heart flutters as you relish the feel of his affectionate, gentle touch, his fingers just barely grazing your hair. There it is again. Prince Charming.
He lowers his hand and grins, pointing to the spot where the ink from his hand rubbed off on your cheek. He takes out his wand and whispers a spell to clear it, removing the evidence. He takes your hand in his again and rests them on his lap. He closes his eyes and drifts off, never letting his grip falter.
And that’s how you spent the rest of the potions class.
Heading back from dinner in the Great Hall that night, you spot Draco sitting on the stairs that lead down to the dungeons. You break away from the crowd, telling them you’ll catch up in a minute. You take a seat on the stair below his, facing him while resting your hands on his knee.
“I keep replaying the image of you calling him Severus in my head. There isn’t even a Gryffindor out there that could match your bravery.” He says, looking down at you with pure adoration.
“Well, I had to act quickly considering my partner was barely conscious. You were about to go down and I wasn’t going with you.”
He laughs shyly and rests a hand on top of yours.
“I got you something,” you say as you reach down to your robe pocket. In your fingers is a tiny vial of potion with a small bit of parchment tied to it with purple string, displaying his name. “It’s a bit of the very successful Sleeping Draught we made. I snuck some while you were mixing. You were a bit too… out of it to notice.”
You drop it into the palm of his hand, watching the grin on his face grow wider at the sight of the gift.
“We have a three day weekend starting tomorrow and you are going to take that and sleep through the whole thing.” You demand.
He remains quiet for a moment before moving himself down to the stair you’re sitting on, turning his body to face yours.
“To say I owe you is an understatement. I can’t possibly ever repay you.” He stores the vial in his pocket and looks back up to you.
“I don’t expect anything from you, Draco. I’m not doing you a favor. I’m just looking out for you.”
“But that’s just it, love. I rarely ever ask for your help, and yet you’re here… all the time.” His words slow their pace as he inches closer to your face, gazing down between your eyes and your lips.
You shrug with a small smile, giving him a look you know will melt his heart.
“Guess that’s what makes me such an ‘exemplary Slytherin.’” You smirk, referencing the title Snape had called you from class. And that does it for him.
He takes your head in his hands, cradling your face for a moment. He scans you over, like he’s taking a mental picture, examining your every feature. Within seconds, he’s pulling your face to him, claiming your lips with his. This isn’t a tender kiss, this kiss is everything. This kiss holds years worth of longing and laughter and gratitude. His lips move against yours slowly with no intention of breaking anytime soon. You feel your heart explode, a million little butterflies bursting from it. One of his hands moves to the back of your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair. He feels you smile against him, which he sends right back to you.
You feel his mouth open slightly between kisses and take the opportunity to slide your tongue in his mouth, earning a soft, satisfying groan from him. The vibration from his voice sends chills down your body, and you savor every second of it. Your tongues and lips dance with each other with hunger, claiming each other’s territory as your own. The soft texture of his lips, the rough movement of his mouth… It's almost too much. You want to get closer to him. You have to be closer to him.
You break the kiss for a second, lifting yourself up to land on his lap. As you settle down on his thighs, you run your fingers through his hair and catch glimmers of light and lust in his eyes as he continues to fall for you. Straddling him, you feel his hands immediately grabbing your ass, pushing your chest against his and crashing your lips together once again. Your arms wrap around his neck as he swallows the moan you let escape your throat. The bond between you feels electric, every thought in your head replaced by tiny, vivid sparks.
In the midst of your embrace, he detaches your lips momentarily, catching you by surprise. He maintains the intimacy, leaning his forehead on yours and nudging your nose with his.
“How am I supposed to sleep now?” He jokes and you can feel his hands move up to your waist, tightening their grip as if you’d ever try to leave.
“And I’m the eager one?” You scoff at him playfully. With your eyes so close to his, you can sense the depletion in them. That heavy-hearted feeling you experienced earlier, just when you thought he was about to give up, rises in your chest again.
“Let’s get you to bed before we get stupid and you fall apart.” You comfort him, kissing one cheek and then the other. You feel him sigh, knowing you’re right. He doesn’t have it in him to argue otherwise right now.
“Sorry, love.” He says modestly under his breath, the words laced with shame. “Promise me we can get stupid when I feel like a living person again.”
“You said it yourself, Draco. I’m here all the time. I’ll be there when you fall asleep and I’ll be ready,” you break mid-sentence to kiss him once more with vigor. You send the rest of the thought into his mouth, your voice drenched with desire.
“...when you wake up.”
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thecapricunt1616 · 7 months
The Bear & His Honey Chapter 4
Inspo: Quote- “ Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me- I should know. I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door.”  Dedication: @daysofyellowroses - bestie thank you for inspiring and encouraging me to write. I haven’t felt more alive and inspired then I have in the past few days writing again. Thank you!! This is for you loveyyyy.  Summary: Winnie & Carmy get closer. Have a marg over a mini therapy session, Winnie fixes up Carm’s panic injury. They find out there may just have been a single thread of gold tying them together the entire time.  W/C: 5,484 A/N: Oh my lanta y’all!! 2 chapters in one day?! I promise- PROMISEEE tonight I am figuring a master list out, because I (myself) have been struggling to keep things canon to the story by having to scroll and scroll through my page to find each part to see what I said for Winnie, LOL! So get hype for that, I love this chapter even more then the last bc it has more Carmy, but Richie is so fun to write and I can’t wait for he&Winnies friendship to bloom!!! For my canon Carmy continues going to therapy once or so a week / a support group type talk therapy so that is why he shares more than he would in the show. It’s on his one day off so that’s why he is able to continue making it, and he thrives on routine so going once a week keeps him regulated.  Warnings for BTC: A little bit of smut, angst, mentions of suicide, mentions of vehicular accidents ending in death, mentions of self-harm, mentions of severe injury, negative self-talk, feminine yearning (ofc), fluffy fluff (enough for your teeth to rot out of ur face), panic disorder, mentions of a panic attack, heavy petting, alcohol, mentions of smoking cigarettes, mental health issues, exhausted Carmy LOL
𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀 𝒪𝓊𝓉 𝑀𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉!
Read Chapter 3
The door flings open and before I could even get a good look at him his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, his large hands resting on my rib cage, and thumbs gently rubbing soothing strokes. I gasped a bit in surprise at the contact, his muscular chest pressed to mine. Pulling me tighter and he nuzzles his face in my neck, his hot breath causing goosebumps to appear all over my skin. I inhaled his scent, a bit of his musky spicy cologne still left over after the long day, cigarette smoke, and a day of working, but he didn’t smell bad at all. I would buy a fucking candle of it if I could, and never burn it so it lasts forever. 
He needed this hug. 
“Thank you f’ comin’, Winnie. I really need a drink, like now” he said quietly and I bit my lip, my hands rubbing soothing circles in the middle of his back. “Course, you think I’d turn down a free drinky-drink from the sexiest little Chef boy in Chicago?” He chuckled into my neck, feeling a small smile press into my skin. “I’m sorry” he pulls away and I finally am able to look at him. 
His hair is a mess, cheeks are stained red, his eyes are bloodshot and glazed over like he’d been crying, he rubs the back of his neck and I see a bit of smeared blood over his forearm. “It’s- it’s okay, hard day?” I asked, twiddling my fingers anxiously, worried he was going to ask me to leave and tell me that it wasn’t a good time anymore. “Ye’” he replied in a sigh and I swallowed hard. 
“D-did you- sorry,” my voice coming out small and meek. I clear my throat “Was it- not a good time for you? It’s fine, totally, totally fine…should have given my number I guess - but I can-“ I motion my thumb to the door down the hall. 
“No! No, please, stay. It’s - it’ll be nice. To like- to see you. I meant sorry about,” he squeezes his eyes shut, shaking his head “sorry for like- flinging myself on you?” He says and I giggle, causing him to look at me.
 “I love hugs! You give great hugs, is that why your sister calls you Bear? Oh my god!! Wait. This is your- that’s so cool, Carmen! You’re so cool!” I motioned to the restaurant, alluding to the name. “That’s so fuckin cool dude!” He smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets shyly and looking at his feet. 
“Thank you, but- uh. No. I’m not…usually a hugger which is why I’m also surprised I did that, guess I needed it. They call me bear cause - well. Don’t poke the bear kinda thing” he said and I took a few steps forward, our toes almost touching and his eyes met mine again. I raise my hand, and gently poke the flower tattoo adorning his left arm with my forefinger and smile. “Gonna bite me?” I quip, lifting my hands and poking short pokes all over his chest and he laughs a bit. 
“Y’re cute” he said and I put a final poke on his nose, blush rising to my cheeks at the statement. “And very thirsty. Pour me a drink will you, bartender?” I turned around on the ball of my foot swiftly, walking with pep back into the kitchen and I look back at him, to find his eyes practically undressing me from where I’d left him moments ago. I grin, putting my hands on my hips “You staring at my ass isn’t making me any less thirsty over here, bartender!” I said and he blushes “sorry…sorry”
He comes out and places a hand at the small of my back leading me to the main part of the restaurant and towards the bar “you just - uh…you look really good. I’m sorry, I didn’t have time to get home, I wanted to but - shit just got outta control, Syd forgot about this huge cannoli order and we forgot to get the powdered sugar with the last resupply so I had to make powdered sugar - it was just-” I rub my hand up his arm gently, stopping him and grabbing his attention. 
“It’s fine Carmen. You look fine. I’ll admit, a little bit tired. But you worked all day, I’ve been there” I shrug and he nods a bit, “thanks” he said softly walking behind the bar. I get up on one of the bar stools, crossing my legs and resting my chin in my palm looking over the restaurant and tapping my nails on the table. “This place is super nice, Carm, you should be so proud of yourself. It feels fancy but inviting too.” I hum admiring the lights and artwork on the walls. 
“Why thank you, we all worked really hard. I’m surprised it came together every day, but super grateful.” He said, taking Patron off of the middle shelf and scooping ice into the mixer, counting to himself as he pours it. “Doesn’t show, you run a tight ship it sounds, Chef” I smiled. He snorts “how would you know? Or is it just the pans from earlier” he said and threw a few slices of jalapeño, lime, and mint in to the cup before closing it tightly and shaking. 
“Yes and no, Richie told me, said that you were a good boy today though, and your sister was the one causing trouble” blush creeps into his cheeks. “Ye’ and see what happens when I’m ‘good’ as you told me to do? Shit got fucked” he pours in some club soda and mixes it with a bar spoon before pouring us both a glass. “Mmmm. Was that because you weren’t barking orders, or because something happened out of your control, and you’re blaming yourself?” I asked honestly and he set my glass down in front of me, biting his lip for a moment. 
“Everything is out of my fucking control” he muttered and shook his head, as if it was a quiet, painful reminder to himself. “Most things, in most people’s lives, are out of our control” I gently rest my hand over his and he meets my eyes. “The only things you can control is if, and when you fall apart, and how well you glue yourself back together.” I said earnestly and he swallows thickly, nodding. 
“I like that..thank you” he said and I nod. “Don’t worry, I won’t charge you- this time. But d’ya think I can get a fancy umbrella or somethin’ for this drink?” I smiled and nudged it toward him, he chuckled, shaking his head “you are somethin’ else, Winnie” he crouches down behind the bar with a grunt. 
“Fuck. I’m 26 but my back feels 90” he said and I laughed a bit. “It’s all the cookin’! And being on your feet too damn much, My mom is a massage therapist, you should let me give you a massage sometime.” I said and he got back up, groaning dramatically which made me giggle. “For you, dear.” He drops a little pink umbrella into my cup. 
“Oh my goodness you poor thing. Come sit down” I pat the spot next to me and plucked my bag off the seat, hanging it off the back of my chair. He comes around the bar, plopping down in the chair next to me with a sigh of relief. “I will absolutely take you up on your massage offer sometime.” He said, rubbing over his face tiredly and running his hands through his muss of curls before taking a sip of his own drink. 
“Please do, I’ll pull out all the stops for ya’, but just so you know- a happy ending comes with a pretty cost” I said flirtatiously and nudged his leg with my boot playfully. He chuckled and looked over at me “yea? Thanks for the heads up I’ll be sure to budget accordingly for my trip to Winnie’s Massage Parlor” he teased and I laughed a bit. 
“Yess!! Please do! There’s also Winnie’s salon, Winnie's hospital, and Winnie’s library!! Come by for all your daily needs I’ma’ Jane of all trades” I shrug and take another sip of my drink. “Speaking of” I take his left arm, looking at the inner part near the crook, where 4 large scratches were, done so violently that the skin beneath was turning into a speckled bruise meaning by morning it would be a dark purple. 
“What happened?” I ask softly, my finger tip gently brushing over the untouched skin over the smeared, dried out blood below the wound. “Ahh-“ he shakes his head “it’s stupid. It’s not even bad don’t worry about it” he said and I looked at him, concerned. “Did- did Sug-“ he cuts me off quickly “Sugar, would never hurt me.” He said, his tone was deadly serious. 
I nodded quickly, swallowing hard. “Okay, Carm, I believe you” I said softly and squeezed his wrist gently. “Will you…let me take care of you- please?” I ask quietly, looking into his eyes, my gaze pleading for a yes. 
“So Winnie’s hospital is mobile?” He said with a small teasing smile. I roll my eyes playfully. “Yes, let’s go find the first aid kit, and honestly it’s pretty but like - empty in here and… I dunno” I bit my lip, hoping he got the hint and he nods “sure we - we can uh. Yeah. Let’s go sit in Sugars office. She has a couch” I nodded and hopped off the seat, gasping when the corner of it hooks onto the hem of my skirt as I get down and pulls it up, exposing my backside clad in a lacy red thong through the sheer bum part of my fleeced nylons. 
“Oh my god!” I blurt as I quickly pulled it back down, my cheeks on fire, and my heart pounding in embarrassment. I hear Carmen burst out in laughter behind me making my embarrassment grow and I turned around, crossing my arms over my chest, my eyebrows becoming furrowed. “Hey!” I snip “what’s so funny!! Why were you looking peeping tom!” I whine and he covers his mouth to stifle the laughter. 
“To make sure your munchkin self didn’t trip off of the stool in those clunky ass boots!! Being a gentleman really paid off for me there” he said and I went over slapping his arm gently with a smile growing on my face. “I guess it’s a good thing I wore panties or I would’ve mooned you” I grab my drink and turn around, a surprised chuckle coming from him. 
“Holy shit, you go commando?” He asks, holding the kitchen door open for me “sometimes, she needs to breathe!!” I said with a shrug and pushed my bag up on my shoulder as I followed him back to Sugars office. “But what if you get horny?” He asked and I laughed, nudging him with my elbow. “Dude!! Richie said you were not forward with girls, that’s pretty forward” I set my bag down on sugars desk and he plops down on the big comfy sofa pulling out a recliner on his side and he sighs, closing his eyes. 
“Gimme a sec’ this is the first time my feet are up since 1” he said and I sat down next to him, “you haven’t sat down since I left?!” I asked and he shook his head, opening his eyes and head falling to the side on the cushion to look at me. “Mm-mm” he hummed in response. “Where’s the first aid kit? I’ll find it” I said and he rubs his face, thinking. 
“Uhhh. Oh there’s one in here actually, go over to the other side of Sug’s desk, it should be tucked there next to the wall” he said and took a sip of his drink. I got up, going where he said and I leaned over, completely forgetting the rules of skirts by mistake. “You’re a fucking tease” he said lowly and my heart pounds, my stomach fluttering wildly, and my core beginning to twitch and throb in excitement. 
“What’s not nice about helping a new friend clean up their boo-boo’s?” I asked innocently, a small smile on my lips as I turned and sat down on the couch on the cushion next to him. He smirks “you…are gonna make me crazy” he said softly and closed his eyes, resting his head on the back of the sofa. I opened the kit, taking out hand sanitizer, saline wipes, gauze, and triple antibiotic. 
“Wait-“ he said his eyes flickering open “you- you met Richie?” He asks as if I hadn’t been mentioning him since I walked in the door, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “It’s like- the first thing I said when I got here.” I said and he sighs softly. “I’m…sorry.” He finally said, like he was contemplating whether to say more. “That’s ok, you had a hard day” I took his arm gently, laying it across my lap. “What did he say? How bad did he embarrass me?” He questions and I giggle a bit, sanitizing my hands before opening a saline wipe. 
“Not at all! He said you’re shy with girls, that he’s surprised you asked me out cause he thinks I’m pretty, and apparently, doesn’t think you are very funny- but I on the other hand, seemed to make him laugh a lot so- got you beat” I teased with a smile as I ever gently wipe over the wounds. 
He snorts “well, you are pretty, he’s an asshole but right.” He said and I looked up at him “not many people make me laugh anymore, you seem to, though.” I said honestly, and he tugs his lip between his teeth to catch a grin from taking over his features. “Yea?” He asks quietly with a blush going across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. “Mmhmm” I hum in reply, putting the ointment on and carefully rubbing it in. 
It was quiet for a moment before he says “I’m sorry.” Causing me to look up at him, but his gaze was stuck on the ceiling. “This wasn’t - I wanted to do something nice for you and… I’m sorry.” I stop working on his arm “sorry for what, Carm? This is so nice. The drink is really good, thank you for making it, I’m glad to be here.” I said honestly and placed my hand on top his. 
His icy blue eyes meet mine, looking over my face slowly and locking on my lips. His eyes flick back to mine when he responds “you just look so pretty, like you should be on a real date. Not here fuckin-“ he sighs, looking down at his arm then back at me. “Dealing with my stupid mistake.” I shook my head and wrapped up his arm with a bandage to keep it clean and dry while he slept and it could scab over. 
“This is a real date. You own a restaurant. Carmen. Look at me.” I order and he looks into my eyes. “You, just you, asking me to come see you, to be together, to get to know each other? You are enough. This is a date. An awesome date. I’m having fun, are you having fun?” I asked and he smiled a bit. 
“No, but….” He trails off, looking at his lap and I felt my heart physically ache, my face drooping “peace” he finally said “I feel…at peace, with you around. I noticed it when we were outside earlier, I came out for a smoke cause I was about to absolutely loose it on Syd, and I don’t- I- I can’t do that to her. So I went out and I totally forgot my light and then..you were there and I forgot about everything.” He said. 
Goosebumps arise on my skin at the admission, the warmth in my chest returning at full force. “And - I thought about you…all day- all-all day. Not like- god I sound like a creep” he takes his arm, rubbing his face in embarrassment. “I thought about you too.” I reply softly. “I thought about you…a lot. Actually.” I bit my lip and his eyes met mine, searching for truth and it was all he found in my locked gaze. 
“Not like- I just couldn’t understand how I felt. But the more I think… I do this thing.” He rubs his chin as he thinks. “Learned it in therapy, they said when you can’t figure out how a person or a situation made you feel, you can like think of people and situations that you do know how you feel about, and keep comparing them until you find a match. S-so when I thought of you.” He swallows thickly and I sit up, completely entrenched in listening to him. 
“I found that things that gave me the same feelings w-were like…my one day off a week that I don’t have to be here. I think of…the fucking morning I went to Central Park and watched the sunrise and it was so..so quiet. I think- I think” he presses his lips together. “O-of-of Mikey. Of my brother. He’s dead. But. H-he. He protected me a lot, growin’ up. Helped me out. A lot. I felt like when Mikey was around, it was alright. And that’s how I felt earlier. I’m sorry-“ he shakes his head, putting the recliner down and finishing off his drink. 
“Why?” I ask and squeeze his hand “that’s…so, so sweet. You make me feel at peace too, unless you’re angry- but I was worried for you and what happened. I’m so happy I make you feel like that, Carmen. Thank you for sharing, may I hug you?” I ask gently and he looks at me a bit surprised. “Y-yea ‘fcourse c’mere” he opened his arms and I wrapped him in a warm embrace. “The way you make me laugh makes me feel the way my brother did when he made me laugh, we were twins. He died.” I said just above a whisper. 
He rests his cheek on the top of my head, rubbing soothing circles in my back as I did for him earlier. “I’m so sorry, what was his name?” He asked, equally as quiet. “Chris, Christopher” I felt my lip quiver, that never dulling ache in my chest throbbing at the memory of him. 
“Oh, wow” he whispered “Winnie and Christopher” I felt him smiling on my hair “your parents knew what they were doin’ with names, that’s adorable.” He said and I smiled a bit. “Thank you, can you guess what our nursery was?” I look up at him and he raises his eyebrows. 
“Hmm.. let me think. Oh! I know, Dumbo?” He says sarcastically and I laugh, closing my eyes and nuzzling my face in his neck “Silly. Winnie the Pooh, I always said it was my room, because they had a big wall sticker of Winnie and all his animal friends, but not one of Christopher since they couldn’t find one. He hated that” I said and his fingers gently rubbed over the spot of bare skin between my skirt and my top. I feel him chuckle a bit “that’s cute” he said. 
“How did Mikey…” I trail off, his fingers stilling. “Shot ‘emself” he said plainly and my hug around his torso tightens “I’m so sorry” I whisper in to his skin. “What about Chris?” He asked and I swallowed thickly. “We got in a motorcycle accident. I still can’t talk about it.” I said as evenly and emotionlessly as I could, if I opened that flood gate there was no shutting it. 
“Oh- my god. Wow. I’m so sorry, I’m so glad you’re….” He trails off, realizing the other victim was very much not ok in any sense of the word. I sit up, taking my half full drink off the table and drinking it down in 3 big gulps. “Want another?” He asks and I shake my head, “work tomorrow” I said and he nods, “yeah me too” he muttered rubbing over his face. 
“Can I…get your number?” I asked and he nodded sitting up “course you can” he said and took his phone out of his pocket, logged in and opened up a new contact screen, offering it to me. “Only if I can have yours” he said with a small smile. “Of course!!” I took it from him. 
Winnie 🍯  
I put as the contact name, and type in my number, hitting save before handing it back. I do the same for him on my phone and hand it to him, when it’s returned, I see 
I smile, deleting the emoji and switching it for a 🧸 instead. I show him with a tilt of my wrist “cause your awesome hugs.” I said and smiled, saving it again. He blushes, smiling and shaking his head “I think you’re the one who gives good hugs, you smell like honey and you’re all soft.” He said and I giggle. “I’m glad you like my perfume” I said and pushed my hair behind my shoulders. 
“I do, it’s very nice. You live around here?” He asks and I nod “2 blocks that-a-way” I point behind us and he raises his eyebrows. “Really, what street?” He asked “Kensington Ave. The brownstones” I said and he chuckled “No shit. I live in the high rise across the way” he said and my mouth drops. “Wow. Work neighbors, and building neighbors, we’ve never met?” I giggle “you've been avoiding me?” I ask and he chuckles “never, uhh. I’m like never home. I go there to sleep for a few hours, and my days off I…sleep…the whole day usually, I usually get home around 1am and leave at like 4ish, sometimes 5 if I sleep in” I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. 
“3 hours of sleep and you wonder why you feel 90? You need to sleep Carmen. You’re gonna have a heart attack.” I said and he chuckled. “If I would only be that lucky'' he joked, taking our empty glasses to the kitchen and I followed him “no- i'm serious, like you’re gonna drive yourself nuts.” I said, leaning on the counter watching him wash the glasses. 
“I am already there sweetheart don’t worry, been there- ahh let’s see, 20? Maybe 19. So 7 years of insanity give or take.” He said and I giggled, shaking my head. “You are not nuts. A crazy person couldn’t run a restaurant.” I said and he snorted “that speaking is the mind of someone who doesn’t work in a restaurant. No, you have to be a psycho to do this shit. Especially at the level I do it.” He shuts off the sink, putting the cups on the drying rack and leaning on his elbows on the table mirroring me from across. 
“I think you’re very, very passionate.” I brush his curls from his eyes “and that you sometimes get in your own way by not allowing people to help you.. which can make things harder” I said and he smiled, amusedly. “How do you already know so much about me, have you been stalking and avoiding me so I don’t find out?” He teases and I laugh. “Shut up, no. I have not. I dunno… like our souls know each other. That’s how I feel.” I shrug, crossing my hands under my chin and looking at him. 
“Hmm” he says. “Do you believe in past lives?” He asks and I nod “for sure. And future ones. I don’t think we can learn everything in one go that our souls need” I shrug and he nods a bit. “We need to talk more about this when I don’t have a pounding headache from being so overtired” he said softly and I pout, “c'mon let’s walk home.” I said and headed back to the office to grab my things. 
“I just have to go to the back and get my stuff gimme a few” he said from the kitchen. I waited by the island, shawl back on and bag on my shoulder. When he comes back out, my breath gets caught in my throat. Hes wearing delicious light grey sweatpants, blue Nike sneakers, and a plain white champion hoodie. As he lifted his arms to put his backpack on, the hoodie rode up, revealing his tight, toned stomach, and deep, deep V line. I lick my lips, imagining myself on my knees worshiping his god-like figure and he clears his throat. 
I looked up again, realizing he completely caught me red handed checking him out like the hottest new library book and I felt my cheeks heat, giving a shy smile. “Ready?” He asked and I nod “ready” I said meekly, mentally face palming for my lack of discretion. “Y’know it’s not a bad thing to check me out, right? I guess for earlier you can call us even” He asked as we walked down the hallway and I nearly tripped over my own feet at the boldness. “Fuck you” I roll my eyes playfully and he opens the door for me. 
“I’m a little tired right now, but for you? Anything. Your place or mine?” He asked and I laughed, slapping his chest playfully “you are a naughty, naughty little boy” I teased, wrapping my arms around his bicep as we walked. “Just letting you know allll the ways this glorious date could end” he said, a smug smirk on his face and I shook my head, looking at the sidewalk. 
This was so nice. I usually am needing to check behind me every couple steps, am tensing at every noise or stranger I pass, but with Carmen I feel protected. Secure. 
“I’ve never actually been able to enjoy this at night, I’m always looking over my shoulder wondering if I need to get my switchblade out” I chuckle shaking my head. “Switchblade? Damn. Can I see it?” He asks and I nod, digging in my purse and pulling out the pink knife attached with a MyMelody keychain to a can of mace. 
I pulled away from him, hopping a few steps ahead.  “Everybody watch out! I’m a woman that’s armed and dangerous!!” I giggle, clicking the little button and the hello kitty blade swings out with a click. He laughs, and I faced him, waving it around the air in front of me lightly “what’s so funny huh? I’m menacing Carmen, imagine I mugged you right now with a hello kitty knife” I said, causing him to laugh harder, clutching his stomach. 
“Oh my god - please” he snorts in laughter causing me to laugh. “Awww little piggy!!” I teased and he gasps pretending to be offended. “okay! Rude! You better not snort ever or you’ll be the piggy miss” he said making me start laughing again “you are at my mercy right now, sir, have you so easily forgotten?” I gently wave the pewny knife in front of his face. 
“Oh you sweet thing. I know you wouldn’t hurt a fly.” He plucks it from my fingers easily, closing it. “Only because I have the strongest little chef in all of Chicago to protect me. My knight in sexy gray sweatpants and a white sweatshirt” I mused, a playful smile dancing on my lips. “Mmm ok we’re getting there. I don’t like the little part, but- we’ll get there” he joked, dropping the knife back in my purse. 
“Oh, yeah?” I said, grabbing his arm again as we continued, our buildings come in to view. One of my hands trains down his arm, slinking my fingers to wrap between his. “Mmhmm” he hummed. 
I stopped again, standing in front of him and wrapping my arms around his neck loosely, standing on my tip-toes even in my heels to reach his ear. “I think that you know, that I know, you’re the sexiest, most hard working, passionate, gentleman - that I’ve ever had the pleasure of having a chance with. And I also think that you know, I have bratty tendencies, and love pulling your chain because I know it gets you going. You wanna know what I’m 100% sure of, though?” My sultry hot breath caused goosebumps to come up on his neck, his hands wrapping around my waist and squeezing gently. “Was’ that baby” he said softly, his voice laced with desire. I lace my fingers in his hair, gently tugging at his frizzy curls from the day. 
“I’m sure that you need a brat. Because what you need, Carmy.” I nibbled at his ear gently. His breath hitches in his throat, biting his lip to silence a soft moan. I wasn’t quite sure where all of this raw confidence and honesty was coming from, likely from the strong drink Carmy had made and my being a lightweight.
 “Is to be able to force someone in their place, and have full unrelinquished control over the entire situation. For someone to give themselves to you, be fully yours. To use. To love. To worship. Whatever you desire. Cause you’re a control freak. But that’s sexy, that’s soo sexy. I love a man who knows what he needs” I place a soft, lingering kiss on his racing pulse point. 
His hands trail down, cupping my ass before squeezing roughly and I moan softly at the contact. His hands were so strong, so large, but somehow the touch was still lacking confidence. “C-can I” he says softly, “can I kiss you, please?” He whispers. I lift my face to meet his, our noses brushing as I rest my forehead on his, looking into his eyes. His pupils were blown wide from both the dark and lust, the only peak of blue being a tiny sliver. 
“That depends,” I said with a smirk adorning my lips, I nuzzle my nose against his gently. “Will you kiss me how you want, Carm? Or how you think I want?” I ask and he licks his lips. “I want to make you happy” he whispers, I twirl a curl at the base of his neck around my finger. “It will make me happy, if you take what you want from me” I whispered. 
Before I could blink, his lips were on mine, kissing me hungrily- a war of tongue and lips, my fingers tightening around his hair and tugging smiling proudly when he moaned into my mouth. His hands trail my skirt, lifting it slightly to massage my backside in his hands wantingly. I let him take me, dominate me, own me in that moment, matching his hot feverish kisses as well as the sweet, gentle ones. We only broke apart to breathe, our chests rising and falling at an equal rapid pace. His lips were slick from our kiss, swollen from the rough encounter. He was beautiful. 
The only sound was the infrequent car passing, or the sound of the crickets that had made their homes in the small patches of grass on the side of the sidewalk that housed the trees. 
“I want you to come to family”
Read Chapter 5 Here!
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peterpparkrr · 1 year
Banter (ch. 5)
Series: Banter
Pairing: Roy Kent x f!Reader
Summary: Keeley gives you some much needed advice. You and Roy finally talk about your feelings.
A/N: Sorry for the delay with this chapter! Motivation is a fickle mistress and this chapter is a bit shorter than I’d like it to be, but thank you for your patience!
(Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4)
series masterlist
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The next morning you wake up to a text from Keeley insisting on a coffee date to debrief the night before unless quote-unquote “Roy already made you breakfast in bed.” 
You ignore the joke and tell her you’ll meet her at your favorite cafe near the stadium.
"Did you and Roy talk all night?" Keeley asks before your butt can make contact with your seat. 
Keeley already has your latte and croissant sitting in front of you which would be a kind gesture from your friend if it wasn’t coupled with Keeley literally bouncing up and down across from you, leaning in as if she’s worried she’ll miss anything.
"Yeah," You reply. "I don't know, it was weird," You admit with a shrug.
"Good weird or bad weird?" She asks with an eye wiggle.
"Well we stayed at Ola’s until Sam kicked us out and so I asked him if he wanted to go for a drink so we could keep talking, right? And then we were at the pub until late, still talking. And he walked me home, but then I was like standing outside my flat, waiting for the goodnight kiss and he just... left?" You explain.
"I made eyes at him and everything," You tell Keeley with a groan. "God, it was so embarrassing."
“Woah,” Keeley murmurs as you place your head in your hands.
It’s not until your shoulders start to shake that Keeley pushes out of her chair and comes to crouch beside you.
“Hey! Hey! You’re alright!” Keeley consoles you as she rubs her hand on your back. 
You laugh mirthlessly as you look up at her and Keeley breathes a sigh of relief when she  realizes you’re laughing and not crying.
“I know I just, I think I’m really starting to like him which is just… shit,” You tell her.
“Remember what we talked about?” Keeley asks you as she grabs your hand and squeezes it tightly.
“You need to be upfront and honest with him about your feelings. Roy’s not a mindreader. Obviously,” She points out. “So maybe you just need to ask him what’s up.” 
“I can’t do that I-” You stammer out in mild panic.
It’s one thing to be rejected in the sense that you’re left at your door, kissless, it’s an entirely different thing to explicitly state your interest and be brutally rejected with words. You’re not sure you can handle the latter.
“Yes you can,” Keeley cuts you off. “You are a strong, capable woman who can do anything she puts her mind to, and Roy would be fucking lucky to have you.”
“I’ll ask him,” You reply with a nod as you set your determination.
“Good girl,” Keeley replies.
“I’ll go ask him right now,” You say as you move to stand up.
“Oh,” Keeley murmurs, her eyes widening as she watches you stand up and collect your things.
“Why not? Right?” You offer her with a shrug.
“Yeah,” Keeley replies. Though she’s suddenly wondering if she’s possibly too good at motivational speeches. “Um, do you want me to come with you?”
“I think I have to do this on my own,” You tell her. “I’ll let you know how it goes.”
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“Roy!” You shout as you march through the AFC Richmond hallway, trying to catch up to the dark-haired man striding down the hall towards the coaches' offices.
“Hey,” Roy greets you as he turns to see you headed in his direction.
“Do you want a croissant?” You ask as you push the bag into his hands before he can even respond.
“This croissant has a bite taken out of it,” He points out as he pulls it out of the bag. “I know, I got hungry while I was walking over here,” You tell him. 
“But that’s not why I’m here,” You tell him as you try to get yourself back on track before you lose the sudden burst of self-confidence that carried you the four blocks here.
"Do you like me or don't you?" You ask him.
"Of course I like you," Roy replies.
Your chest deflates significantly with relief. That was way easier than you thought it would be. And the ideal outcome. 
Except you’re still confused.
"Well, then why didn't you kiss me last night?" You ask him as your brows furrow again with the reminder of why exactly you’re so confused by this man. “The hot-and-cold, mixed signals are doing my head in.”
"I like to take things slow," Roy tells you. “And I don’t want to rush into things before I understand where you’re at.”
"But you do? Like me, I mean?"  You ask.
"Of course I fucking like you," Roy replies. "Even after you brutally fucking rejected me I liked you."
"You rejected me!" 
"No I fucking didn't," Roy replies, shaking his head. "You walked out of that restaurant before I could even say anything and then told me that being seen with me was a fucking embarrassment."
"That's not how-"
"If either of us is hot-and-cold and impossible to read it's you," He tells you
Roy cuts you off.
"I fucking like you, (Y/N), and if I need to keep telling you that every fucking day until it sinks in I'll do it, but only if you admit that you have feelings for me too."
"I-I do,” You reply. "Like you," You tell him.
"I like you a lot, Roy," You tell him.
"Well, there we go," Roy replies. “That wasn’t too hard now was it?”
"But what does that mean?" You ask. "What do we do now?"
"I have one idea," Roy says as he closes the gap between you two and moves forward to cup your face in his hands. 
His lips are pressed against yours and the hand curls around to cup your neck before you can get your brain firing on all cylinders. 
Roy Kent is kissing you. 
Roy Kent is kissing you in the middle of the hallway in your place of work. 
His place of work.
You break apart as quickly as you were pulled together. 
"I..." You stall as your brain struggles to form the words you want to say. 
"What are you doing tonight?" Roy asks you in a low voice as his thumb traces over the curve of your cheek. 
"Normally I'd say something like, you," You reply as you gaze back at him. The heat of that kiss still fresh in your mind. "But apparently you want to take it slow."
"Fuck slow," Roy growls. 
God, he's the hottest man you've ever met. 
"Come over to my place, I'll make us dinner," He tells you.
"As long as you kiss me like that again I'll go wherever you want."
"Tonight," He promises. And you don’t know if it’s about the date or the kiss or the unspoken thing you’re definitely both thinking about right now as you can feel Roy’s eyes tracing down your body.
“Tonight,” You agree before you take a step back and turn to head out before you do something truly reckless.
Like shagging a football coach in a closet.
You’re halfway down the hallway when you realize you’ve forgotten something.
“My croissant!” You shout as you turn around.
“My croissant now, you gave it to me, remember?” Roy replies before he pulls it out of the bag and takes a bite before heading into his office.
Tonight. You remind yourself as you walk out of the training facility. You just need to keep a handle on yourself until tonight.
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kirk-says-wah · 1 month
Is there any chance you write a cliffxjames one shot:(?
I had something in mind and I haven't seen anyone writing this yet but I'm horrible at writing and I thought it's a good idea
I was thinking about some quotes like James is telling cliff that how much he loves him and telling him things like"please don't leave me"and cliff promise him he will never leave him
And then you know..we all know what happened..
I just want to cry
Love your blog,wish for the best💗
Thank you so much! 💕 this was such a sad ask, poor babies 😭
𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Pairing: James/Cliff
James is drunk. Cliff can tell by the way he’s sitting, slumped downwards, bottle of bud nearly spilling in his lap.
It’s not an unusual sight, James always seems to be drunk these days, always inhales beer like it’s water.
Cliff nudges him, and James lolls his head to look at him.
“Maybe we should go to bed.”
“Don’t wanna,” James mumbles, pressing his cheek into Cliff’s shoulder. Cliff chuckles, smooths his fingers over James’ knotty hair.
“Cmon,” he says, getting up, and James slumps to the side. Cliff just pulls on his arm until he finally gets James on his feet. James just yawns widely, letting Cliff pull him along into the bedroom. The hotel room is a mess but at least the bedroom is clean.
Cliff dumps James on the bed and James pulls the covers over himself, closing his eyes. Cliff laughs. James always does fall asleep easily when he’s drunk.
Cliff peels his jeans off before sliding into bed next to James, cocooning around him, holding him close. He just breathes James in, nosing behind his ear.
“I love you,” James says quietly, eyes still closed. Cliff knows it’s the alcohol that’s making him loose lipped right now, but Cliff doesn’t mind. He doesn’t get to hear very often just how much he means to James.
“I love you too,” Cliff says, kissing James’ jaw softly.
James shifts, turns to look at him, eyes unnaturally sober. “You’re not going anywhere, right?”
Cliff frowns, lets his fingers skate over James’ jaw.
“Of course not,” Cliff says, kissing his skin again. “I’ll always be with you. You know that.”
James doesn’t reply, and he turns, lets his cheek press back into the pillow. Cliff snuggles down, hitching a leg over James’ hip to keep him close.
He closes his eyes, letting sleep overtake him, when he’s pulled from his daze by the sound of a sniffle.
He blinks his eyes open, lifts his head to see James’ face. James has got tears sliding down his cheeks, his eyes far off and distant.
“James?” Cliff asks, worried now, hand rubbing over James’ bicep.
James hiccups, wiping at his face.
“I just have a bad feeling,” he says, turning to look at Cliff. “I feel like you’re gonna leave.”
“Then it won’t be by choice,” Cliff says, tries to reassure him. “You’re the only one, baby. And Metallica is my life. I’m not going anywhere.”
James nods, and Cliff leans down, kissing him softly.
I’m not going anywhere.
If only that were true.
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iheartgracie · 2 years
shannon lynch and johnny kavanagh quotes in keeping 13
“Shifting around so that my other arm was under her head, she nuzzled her cheek against my arm and inhaled a deep breath. "You smell like home."
Shivering, I curled my body around hers and pressed a kiss to the curve of her jaw. "You are home.”
“S: You've got this, Johnny Kavanagh. Go show them what you're made of and shine. I'm proud of you. I love you. (A crazy fucking amount.) xx”
“Shan, you were so amazing these last few days," Johnny replied gruffly. "I don't know where that strength comes from, but it's so humbling." He shook his head and blew out a breath. "I don't even have the words to tell you how fucking incredible you are, Shannon Lynch."
"I'm not an incredible anything, Johnny," I croaked out. "I'm just trying to keep my head above water and not drown."
"You won't drown – you're a survivor," he told me.
"I'm not a good swimmer," I admitted.
"Then I'll throw you a lifejacket and swim out to get you," he shot back, tucking me into his side.”
“Stretched out on the flat of my back in the grass, I curled a strand of her hair around my finger and inhaled deeply, breathing her scent into my chest and then sighing in contentment.
"I could stay here forever," she whispered, voicing my thoughts aloud, from where she was nestled in the crook of my arm, baking in the summer sunshine. Tangling her fingers with mine, she nuzzled her cheek against my chest. "Just right here in this moment."
"Hmm." Nodding in agreement, I gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze. "Me, too.”
“Congratulations," Shannon choked out, tears trickling down her cheeks. "You did it.”
“Shan, don't cry, baby. It's not a definite yet. I haven't made any dec –"
"You did it!" she cried and then threw her arms around me. "You made it, Johnny!" Scrambling onto my lap, she wrapped her arms and legs around me and squealed. "Oh my god, I'm so proud of you."
My brows shot up in surprise. "You are?"
"Of course," she sniffled, pulling back to smile at me. "You fought for this, Johnny." Stroking my cheeks, she leaned in and pressed a kiss to my lips. "You've earned this."
"But you're crying," I choked out, voice thick with emotion.”
"Because I'm so happy for you," she half-sobbed/half-laughed. "You're being rewarded for all of your hard work." Sniffling, she cupped my face in her small hands and pressed her forehead to mine. "This is your time." With her big, blue eyes locked on mine, she urged, "Take this. It's yours," before pressing a hard kiss to my lips. "Take it and shine."
"I'm scared," I whispered in her ear, not giving too damn shites that our friends were lurking around, eavesdropping. I needed to get this off my chest before I exploded. "I'm scared to take this and lose you."
"I'm yours, too," she promised. "You can have both.”
"I've been fighting for this my whole life, Shannon," I strangled out, feeling my chest constrict so tight that I struggled to breathe. "This isn't a whim to me."
She nodded. "I know."
"I have to do it," I confessed, begging her with my eyes to forgive me. "I have to see it through."
She smiled. "I know."
"Then why does it feel all wrong?" I choked out.
"It's not wrong, Johnny," she whispered. "It's right and that's what's scary.”
“Shh," I whispered, hurrying to close my bedroom door behind him. "Ollie's right across the hall and he's still on lookout patrol – and I don't have a lock on my door."
"That little turncoat," Johnny muttered, rubbing his jaw. He was wearing a pair of red boxers and his hair was sticking up like always. "I offered him a tenner to turn a blind eye."
"And your mother offered him twenty every time he reported you near my bedroom door," I reminded him. "He's almost up to the price of that new Lego set he wants, so he's out for your blood."
"That's bleeding lovely, isn't it?" Johnny grumbled, padding over to my bed. "First, Tadhg takes my dog as his bed buddy, and now Ollie's taking my backup.”
“A small smile ghosted his lips and he tapped his finger against the book. "I love this."
I sagged in relief. "You do?"
Nodding, he closed the book and looked at me. "And I love you."
"I love you, too," I replied, smiling back at him.
"I mean it, Shan." His tone was serious; his eyes blazing with heat. "I really do mean it."
"I believe you," I whispered, heart fluttering with excitement.”
“He reached up and cupped my cheek. "I will never hurt you, baby," he whispered, brushing his nose against mine. "Never ever, ever – not in a trillion, zillion years."
"I know," I breathed, heart-racing.
"You're my little darling," he slurred. "My whole heart's inside of ya."
My heart hammered in my chest. "Johnny…"
"You'll never be her," he continued to ramble. "And I'll never be him."
"You promise?"
He nodded. "I promise a million, billion promises."
Shivering, I slowly relaxed against him. "I love you, Johnny Kavanagh."
"And you know that I love you back, my little, blue river," he slurred. "Now, I know I'm fairly langers, but I could be a thousand percent langers and you'd still be safe with me.”
“Oh my god –" Chuckling, I wrapped my arms around his neck and cuddled him. "You make me so happy."
"I'm gonna make you proud when I'm gone," he declared, wrapping his arms around me, and tipping half of his bottle of beer down my hoodie in the process. "And I'm gonna keep my dick in my pants.”
“Yeah, I really need you to not do that," I choked out, feeling everything inside of me crack clean open at the sight of her midnight-blue eyes filling up with tears. "Otherwise, I'm walking right out of here and coming home with you."
"I'm s-sorry." With tears streaming down her cheeks, Shannon hiccupped a small sob and walked straight into my arms. "It's j-just –"
"I know," I strangled out, dropping my bag off my shoulder to wrap her up in my arms. Burying my face in her neck, I inhaled the smell of her, desperately trying to keep my shit together. "Me too.”
"I love you," she whispered, fingers digging into my neck as she pulled my face down to hers and kissed my lips. "A crazy fucking amount."
"I love you, too –" my voice cracked and I exhaled a strangled breath before adding, "Most in the world." Cupping her face in my hands, I just stared at her, locking away the image of her face in my mind and then coming close to losing it when I thought about how long it would be until I saw her again. "I'm coming home," I told her. "Regardless of what happens." Brushing a tear from her face, I kissed her damp cheek. "I'm coming back to you, Shannon like the river." Heaving out another ragged breath, I stroked her nose with mine. "I promise."
"You t-take your time," she sniffled. "You g-go and shine, o-okay?"
I nodded sadly. "Okay.”
"I want you to s-succeed," she continued to say, breaking me with her tears, and putting me back together with her words. "I want you to k-kick ass, and be the b-best damn outside center this country has ever seen –" she paused to kiss me. "But don't forget that you'll always be my 13." She sniffled and wiped my cheek with her fingers. "My binding 13."
I choked out a pained laugh, thinking about that stupid bet. "You heard about that?"
"Yeah." Half-sobbing/ half-laughing, Shannon smiled and nodded. "I won."
"Hands down." I kissed her puffy lips. "Undisputed."
"Now, I'm keeping 13," she told me. "So come home to me when you're done, okay?"
"I will.”
“I miss you. Every bit of me misses every bit of you. I miss the feel of you. Sleeping alongside you. Talking to you. Driving around Ballylaggin with you in the passenger seat.”
“You're in my mind all the time, Shannon. My heart, too”
“Fuck, I love you. Did I write that down yet? Fuck it, if I haven't then here it is again. I love you Shannon Lynch. All of you. Every part.”
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fanficimagery · 3 years
When Enough is Enough pt. II
Imagine being let down one too many times by your best friend, only to end up making some new ones in the process.
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Words: 8.5K Author’s Note: Okay so some of you asked to only be added to part 2 of this while others asked to be added everything Bucky.. and a few others weren’t exactly clear. So if you want to be tagged in any future Bucky related imagines please let me know so I can get your blog name written down on my list.
Tags:  @aya-fay @70s-chic @sipsteacasually @kaitlyn2907 @scarlettwitch99 @thingsforimagination  @mimilh @felicityofbakerstreet @eternalharry @eliwinchester99 @intothesoul​ @wintershadowkat  @b1sexualtonystark  @meredeph @miszswan
The Sunday before you are to return to work, you sleep in until nine in the morning. Your thoughts are immediately on Bucky's impending arrival and you couldn't help the butterflies that took flight in your stomach. He's a friend, just as all the others are, but you couldn't help but notice just how attractive this new friend of yours is. But not only does his attractiveness draw you in, his easy-going teasing and protectiveness does too. However, Bucky Barnes is still a man trying to find his footing in this world after all that's been done to him and finally getting his name cleared, and if he finds comfort with you then you're going to try your best and be the friend he needs.
So since you're not dressing to impress, you dress in your favorite lazy outfit after your shower- leggings, sports bra, a faded sleeveless band tee with the arm holes having been cut down to around your ribs, and a pair of socks. Damp hair gets gathered up into a messy bun and you walk around your apartment to pick up some things you had unknowingly left out.
You've skipped breakfast, so when there's a knock on your door and you open up to find Bucky standing there, you groan in relief. He raises both hands with paper bags hanging from each. "I come bearing sushi. Wanda let it slip how much you love it."
"Yesss." You step back, quickly taking in his own comfort outfit of sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt under an opened jacket. "Did you bring plenty of wasabi? And you can just kick off your shoes anywhere."
"Of course." He hands you the bags so he can kick off his shoes and strip out of his jacket before hanging it up. You don't know why, but seeing him in a short sleeve shirt makes you happy, knowing full well he was weird about his metal arm being out in the open. "And plenty of dipping sauce as well. Wanda was more than happy to give me advice."
"Wanda, huh?" You chuckle, leading the way to your kitchen. "You actually told her where'd you be?"
"Apparently I looked very pensive this morning. She asked and I figured she was a better confidant than Steve or Sam who would have made a big deal about us hanging out."
"True." Setting the bags down, you let him empty them while you head to the fridge. "Beer?"
Grabbing him a beer and yourself a can of Cola, you return to the table and your eyes widen at the sight of all the sushi. "Damn, Barnes. That's a lot of sushi."
"Don't act like you won't eat half of it."
You laugh as you take a seat, handing him his beer and pulling a few trays to your side of the table. You take a container of wasabi and dipping sauce for yourself, and grab a pair of chopsticks to start digging in.
You moan in delight at your first taste, happily shimmying in your seat before taking another. Eventually, you ask, "So what are you going to do when I'm back at work and I can't keep you entertained by getting shitfaced?"
Bucky grins around his mouthful of food before chasing it down with a swig of his beer. "We actually got a mission comin' up so I'll be leavin' around mid-week."
"Well that sucks." You sigh. "Now who am I going to send random pictures to when I have downtime at work?"
He grins. "You can still send them to me. I just won't get back to you until after the mission's complete."
"Yeah, yeah."
The two of you continue to eat- Bucky dodging Steve's texts about where he is and when he's coming back, and you sending the middle finger emoji over and over to Wanda who keeps wondering how your date is going. Then once most of the sushi is gone and Bucky puts what little is left into the fridge, the two of you head to the living room. You immediately flop onto the couch as Bucky takes the plush recliner, only for you to hear him moving the chair into its reclined position seconds later.
"Oh. I definitely need to get one of these."
You laugh as he snuggles down and you pick up the remote to bring up your streaming services. "Anything you've been meaning to watch?"
"Not really. Just show me your favorites."
You start off with some humor by playing the Goonies. It's a movie that no matter how many times you've seen it, it always seems to make you laugh. And it seems Bucky is not immune either when they make Chunk to the truffle shuffle. Titanic plays afterwards, but only after making sure Bucky found it somewhat interesting after reading the movie summary to him. He is interested from beginning to end and doesn't even laugh at you when you shed a few tears for the old married couple who opt to stay in their bed as the room floods.
When a break is needed, you head off towards the bathroom as Bucky finishes off the leftover sushi. Both of you check your phones and read each other the missed text messages from Steve and his worrying behavior.
"Wanna tell Steve to fuck off via video message?" Bucky takes a moment to think on it before he grins and nods. "Excellent. Sit in the recliner. I'm gonna crawl up all in your business. That okay?"
As Bucky gets comfortable in the recliner, you sit on the armrest before sliding down sideways onto his lap. You bring up the camera app on your phone and switch it to video, sliding your right arm behind Bucky's neck while holding your left arm out to capture the two of you on the screen. "Ready?"
"Sure, doll."
You chuckle quietly and then smirk mischievously as Bucky relaxes his expression into his best resting bitch face. After you hit record, you say, "Hey Rogers, stop being a little bitch and sending us text after text. I'm tryin' to fuck your best friend here." Bucky's expression cracks as he barks out a laugh and you turn to face him while grinning. You share a laugh with him before facing the camera once more. "Only joking, but seriously stop buggin' us. I promise to send him back in one piece."
As you prepare to send the text to Steve, Bucky says, "You're terrible."
"Whatever. Admit it, you adore me."
You huff another laugh as the video message finally sends. You and Bucky both watch as the delivered status turns to read, and then those three little dots appear as Steve starts typing his reply.
"Tell Bucky to wrap it before he taps it." You burst out laughing at Steve's text, Bucky's rumbling laughter only fueling yours even more. "God I hate your best friend sometimes." And before you climb off Bucky's lap, because honestly you were getting a little too comfortable, you send Steve a few middle finger emojis before deciding on a third movie to watch.
The third movie you choose is one that never fails to make you laugh- Bridesmaids. You had a moment of hesitancy because of the sex scenes, but you figured they were ridiculous enough that it wouldn't be awkward. Thankfully you're correct and you get the added bonus of hearing Bucky's laughter again during Megan's scenes, especially when they get food poisoning and are all fighting for the bathroom.
You and Bucky take yet another break after the film, just stretching and finding something to drink.
"So what's the verdict, Barnes? Are you enjoying the films?"
He grins. "Your taste is all over the place, huh? That last one we watched was raunchy."
"But hilarious! You need to watch the Hangover trilogy, but you definitely need to watch that with Steve and then watch him squirm at the pictures that roll with the credits."
"I'll keep that in mind."
Jurassic Park holds his attention and he can't help but comment how stupid one has to be to replicate dinosaur DNA and then open up a park with live dinosaurs. You laugh, but don't bother commenting. You'll tell him later there are more movies involved, with yet another idiotic man who felt he could get the park up and running once more.
It's getting dark, but it's still a little too early for dinner. One more movie and then you'll order or go out and pick something up.
"So this last one for the day is a movie that's directed more towards the female viewers, but you did ask for my favorite films and Practical Magic is my absolute favorite."
"Well put it on, doll."
As you press play on Practical Magic, you quickly grab a throw blanket and snuggle in. Instead of watching Bucky, you watch the film and mumble certain quotes to yourself. The magic scenes always bring a soft smile to your face just as Gary's confession to Sally of I wished for you too breaks your heart, and Sally and Gillian's heartfelt sister moment makes you cry.
Afterwards, Bucky hums in thought. "So that's your favorite?"
"Absolutely." You tell him. He's watching you curiously and you grin. "If I show you something, you promise not to laugh?"
"I'll try."
"Whatever. That's good enough for me." Standing up, you walk towards him and kneel, and tell him to pull your shirt sideways by the armhole next to your left arm. There on the back of your left shoulder and forever etched into your skin is a salt shaker, a rosemary plant, a lavender plant, and a heart. You then rattle off one of your favorite quotes to him. "Always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Plant lavender for luck and fall in love whenever you can."
Bucky chuckles as you get up, retaking your spot on the sofa. "You really are a fan of the movie."
You nod. "As a little girl, I was fascinated by magic. I thought I'd grow out of it, but I only grew more fond of it. And then I found Practical Magic and it had a bit of everything I adored."
"So what's the one scene that just gets you every time?"
"Ugh. You're making me choose?!" You feign being distraught and he grins. As you think about it, you keep coming back to two scenes in particular. "So there's two," you tell him, "and I'm not choosing between them." Bucky nods, awaiting your answer. "Gillian's possession. When Sally calls together the other mothers who were mean to her in order to make a temporary coven to save her sister, and Gillian begs Sally to just let her ghost ex have her."
Bucky hums. "That was a bit sad, doll. I saw you shedding a few tears over that."
"Mhm. And the other scene is when Sally comes clean to Gary and admits that she did a spell as a child to call forth her perfect love thinking it wouldn't exist, only it did. When Gary tells Sally that he wished for her too, it just breaks my fuckin' heart."
"Let me guess, you were one of the girls who cast her own spell after seeing that scene." You stay quiet for a moment and the second you feel your face heat, Bucky laughs. "What did you wish for?"
You groan quietly. "If I tell you, you can't laugh!" He only smiles in response and you know he won't drop it until you tell him. "Fine. So even though I knew it would never work, I gathered the weirdest objects and wished for a significant other with dark hair and colored eyes. He had to be protective and funny and love me for me. Simple."
For some reason you can't seem to meet Bucky's gaze then and you feel awkward the longer the silence stretches on.
"So dinner?" He asks.
"Oh god, yes please. Pizza and wings?"
"Sounds good."
You have the nearby pizza place on speed dial, so after finding out Bucky's preferences you make the call and place the order. It's going to be about a thirty minute wait, so you fill the time sending Steve pic after pic of Bucky who's none the wiser as he scrolls through his own phone and adding the most asinine comments to each picture. Steve thinks it's absolutely hilarious.
Then when the pizza and wings arrive, you beat Bucky to the door and thrust several bills at the delivery boy. He's more than happy with his tip and you hurriedly wave him off before shutting the door. You laugh at Bucky's disgruntled expression and then place everything on the table while gathering a beer for both you and him.
"Don't let me have more than two," you tell him while handing him his own bottle of beer.
Bucky agrees and the two of you dig into your own personal pizzas and boxes of wings once you're situated around the table. As you're eating, Bucky asks about what other movies you hold near and dear. You fill him in on a few others and he hesitantly puts it out there that he'd be up for another movie marathon when you both have a day off. You agree that that's doable.
Halfway through dinner, as you and Bucky are chuckling over the thought of making Steve sit through Bridesmaids, there's a sound of glass breaking from your living room and a muffled curse. The two of you immediately cease making any type of noise and Bucky is up with a gun in hand.
"Where the hell did that come from?! You hiss.
The telltale sound of a window then sliding shut can be heard.
"Shut up and get behind me."
The authority in his voice makes you freeze and your heart flutter at the same time, and you have to mentally scold yourself before you quickly do as he says. You follow Bucky towards the living, ready to duck at the ready, only to sigh and roll your eyes when you see who it is.
Bucky stands tall and lowers his gun. "Parker." You can practically hear the annoyance in his voice.
"Mr. Barnes?" Peeking around his shoulder, you raise your eyebrow at your best friend who's been too busy for you and is now frowning at Bucky. When he catches sight of you, he asks, "What's going on?"
"Uh, well we were having dinner until we thought someone was breaking in."
Your brow furrows at Peter's incredulousness, only for him to realize you're not impressed with his tone. You raise an eyebrow at him and cross your arms over your chest. "Did you need something?"
"Oh, um, yeah." He shifts from foot to foot, gesturing to his face where there's a scrape on his cheekbone. "My ribs took a beating too. Can you patch me up?"
"Sure." You sigh. "Why not."
Before you can leave to go to the bathroom to get the supplies you need, Bucky says, "I'll just get out of your way then."
You stop and face him. "What? But we haven't even finished our food. It won't take me long."
"It's fine, doll." He grins when he realizes you're trying to get him to stay. "You gotta hit the hay early anyway. We'll talk soon."
You hold his gaze for a moment longer, sighing when he won't budge. "Well at least take your food with you. No use in it going to waste."
Bucky nods and heads back to the kitchen, collecting his food. You watch him and then follow him to the door, holding his food while he bends over to lace up his boots. Once he retakes his food and you open the door, he thanks you for the time away from the tower and disappears down the hall.
Shutting the door and then heading back into the living room, you tell Peter to get back into his regular clothes so you can get to his ribs while you go gather your medical supplies.
Meeting Peter back in the living room and setting everything down on the coffee table, he says, "So you and Bucky-"
"Don't." You pick up the peroxide bottle and soak a cotton ball in it. "Bucky and I are friends."
Peter manages to keep his mouth shut as you clean the scrape on his cheek and place a small bandage on it. Then when you've checked his ribs and tell him he just needs to ice them, he mumbles, "Friends who apparently lick each other." You snort and think nothing of his sullen tone, but when you look at his face you see he's actually being quite serious. There's no chuckle or boyish grin and for a moment you're absolutely floored at his attitude. "I don't think I'm comfortable with Bucky being alone with you in your apartment."
"Are you- are you kidding me?" You huff and take a step back from him. When Peter just continues to frown, you shake your head at him. "First of all, I'm an adult woman who can make her own decisions."
"I know, but-"
"I'm not finished!" You snap. Peter's eyes widen, but he smartly ceases talking. "I am allowed to have friends whether you like them or not. We have a pact, Petey, and since I'm still abiding by it I would hope that you would too."
"Yeah, but that's for significant others!"
"Significant others or friends, it doesn't matter. And you should be grateful I've kept my mouth shut when it comes to you and Leslie because let me tell you, I've been biting my tongue a lot these past few weeks. Bucky and the others have stepped up since you've abandoned me, so you have absolutely no room to tell me that you're uncomfortable with him or any of them being around me."
"Leslie isn't that bad and I have not abandoned you." You snort, but don't bother opening that can of worms even further. He finally gets annoyed with your quietness. "I'm here, aren't I?"
"You're here because you needed a bandage. Tell me, Peter, where are you going after here? Where are you going after making five minutes of small talk and calling it a night?" He opens his mouth and then snaps it shut, shrugs, and you shake your head at him once more in disappointment. "Exactly. Just go, Peter. I'm so over this conversation right now and I have work in the morning."
"Wait, but we promised we'd never leave a conversation where we were still annoyed with each other!"
"And we also promised we'd never judge who the other decided to spend time with, but here we are." He frowns at you. "Go to your girlfriend, Peter. We'll talk again in another few days or weeks or whenever. I don't care right now."
Peter stands there, gaping, before he pulls himself together and makes his way back towards the window he had crawled through. He glances at you one last time, but you merely keep staring until his mask encompasses his head once more and he lifts the window before taking his leave.
As the window shuts behind him, you sag in on yourself and your breathing stutters in your chest as your eyes fill with tears. You've never been this angry at Peter and the fact that he thinks it's okay to ignore you until he needs something and then has an opinion about who you hang out with was just too much for you to let slide.
You quickly gather everything from your coffee table and return it to its rightful place in your bathroom, and throw away the trash. Your appetite is long gone, so you put up what's left of your food and then head to your room to gather some clothes so you can shower and get into bed.
By the time you've crawled into bed, you're still a bit annoyed. So grabbing your phone, you pull up your text messages and click on Bucky's thread.
To Bucky: Well that was a shit show. I don't think I've ever made Petey leave my apartment while we were still angry with each other.
From Bucky: I'm sorry, doll. Anything I can do?
To Bucky: If he gives you attitude, get a non-serum individual to punch him. You, Steve, and probably Nat will send him flying into the wall.
From Bucky: If I remember..
To Bucky: Well I mean if you forget, I won't complain. I'll probably laugh when he comes crying to me.
From Bucky: You're a terrible human being.
To Bucky: Whatever. You adore me just the way I am. And now I should get some shut eye. I'll talk to you soon. Night, Sarge.
From Bucky: Night, sweetheart.
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For the next couple of weeks, you keep yourself busy with work. Bucky and a few others do go on a mission as he said they would, so you keep your texts to a minimum of three each day- a good morning, a random story from that day, and a good night. They're gone for four days and in those four days you've not heard from Peter. The only reason you know he's not completely done with you is the fact he likes your posts that you put up on social media.
But since you're not currently speaking to your best friend and are too exhausted to hang out with anyone else, you're in a bit of a funk and completely caught off guard one evening when the patient a police officer brings in smacks you right across the face. You had been trying to insert an IV into his arm when he completely lost his shit, and then you were hit so hard that you were strewn across the gurney behind you. And in your vulnerable position, a fistful of your hair had been grabbed and yanked right before the police officer had intervened and pulled the patient off of you.
You had been given a bit of time to ice your cheek before you had to get back to work, but your face and scalp were hurting you the entire time.
On your way home, however, you're surprised to receive a call from Pepper. You're heading towards your apartment complex when she invites you to dinner there at the tower since Darcy is finally back in town, and you hate to do it, but you're not exactly up to be around such a rowdy bunch. So you apologize to Pepper and ask her to apologize to Darcy for you, and take a rain check. Immediately she knows something is wrong, but you only tell her you had a rough night at work and all you want is a hot shower and to crawl into bed. She hesitates but wishes you well, and the call ends moments later.
When you get home, you waste no time in locking the door behind you and heading straight for your bathroom. You strip down and take the hottest shower your body is capable of handling, and let yourself relax in the steam-filled room. Afterwards, as you're drying off, you gently dry your hair since your scalp is still sensitive and then get dressed in some of your comfort clothes.
Then heading out into the kitchen, you find some leftovers in your fridge and heat those up, tiredly sitting at your kitchen table and digging in. Just as you're done with your food and heading towards the living room, someone pounds on your apartment door. You sigh, hoping they go away, and have only plopped down onto the sofa when a familiar gruff voice speaks through the wood.
You quietly groan as Bucky tells you he knows you're there and you get up to open the door for him. He's on the verge of knocking again when you swing the door open. "Hey. Pepper said-" He trails off as he takes in your appearance, expression going slack before his jaw clenches in anger. "Who?"
You shake your head, gesturing him inside as you turn around and walk towards your sofa. You hear your door click shut before the footsteps follow you. "Work got a little hectic. No need to hunt down anyone, Barnes. I'm fine."
"Half your face is bruised, doll. You are not fine."
"It's all part of my job." You shrug and plop down onto the sofa once more. Pulling a blanket over your lap, you stare up at your friend. "There will always be a drunk and disorderly patient. I was just lucky he didn't do more damage."
Bucky frowns, but he doesn't push you on it. Instead, he walks over and sits next to you, angling his body towards yours when gentle fingers grasp your chin to angle your face more towards him. "What exactly happened?" He asks as his eyes dart over every inch of your face.
"Some petty criminal did some damage to his head in the back of a patrol car. Police officer brought him in and he seemed pretty docile up until I jabbed him with the IV. He got the drop on me. It happens." Gentle fingers brush along your cheekbone and you flinch. Tears sting your eyes as you sniffle. "I'm fine."
"Just because you keep sayin' that doesn't mean it's true."
Your bottom lip wobbles at his words and you lose the battle with keeping the tears at bay. The moment they fall, Bucky pulls you into a hug and you cry into his shoulder. "Dammit," you mumble. "See what you started!"
Bucky chuckles and he holds you a few moments longer, rubbing a hand up and your back to offer a semblance of comfort. When he lets you go, you fall back against the sofa cushions and wipe the tears away with your blanket. "So what are we watching?" He asks while settling in next to you and draping an arm behind your head.
"Shouldn't you go back to the tower and have dinner with the rest of them? I'm-"
"If you say you're fine one more time, I will drag you back to the tower and let Steve motherhen you."
You sigh. "Low blow, Buckaroo."
"And for that horrendous nickname, you've lost the privilege of choosing what we're going to watch."
You laugh and don't bother arguing with him about it as he leans across you to snag up the remote. When he settles back down and you snuggle into his side, you huff a small laugh when he settles on TLC which is showing 90 Day Fiancé.
"Why this show?" You ask.
"Because it blows my mind that some people are so oblivious and can't see that their chosen partner is only in it for the green card."
As you let his reasoning sink in, you can't help but giggle as you picture Bucky sitting in his own apartment and bad mouthing the TV because he didn't like the decisions the people were making in their love life. You watch along with him, cringing at the more obvious couples that are only headed for future divorce and smiling when one of the couples is actually in it for love.
You manage to almost watch a complete two hour episode when there's a knock on your door, but you're too comfortable to get up and answer it.
"You get it," you say as you nudge Bucky.
He nudges you back. "It's your apartment."
"Yeah, but I don't feel like getting up."
"You could have at least come up with a better excuse."
You grin, finally taking your eyes off the screen and glancing up at Bucky. "M'too tired. Brain's not working fast enough." He continues to give you a deadpan stare until you jut out your bottom lip. "Please?"
The second Bucky's lips twitch, you know you've won. He huffs and roughly pushes himself up off the sofa as if answering the door is a hardship, and you go back to watching TV. At least until you hear a familiar voice stammer, "Uh, h-hey Mr. Barnes. Is Y/N home?"
Your gaze snaps towards the door where Peter is standing out in the hallway, hands in his pockets as he sheepishly stares at Bucky. The man in question turns and raises an eyebrow at you as if saying what do I do and you give him a terse nod to let him know it's okay. Bucky steps aside and Peter readily walks in.
"I should be getting back to the tower," Bucky suddenly says. "You kids have fun."
This time it's your turn to give him a deadpan stare and he smirks right before slipping his boots back on. Then as soon as they're laced up, he's walking out the door and shutting it behind him. Peter, who hadn't stopped staring at the intimidating man, finally turns to look at you. And when he does, his eyes widen.
"What happened to your face?!"
You sigh. "I'm fine. Just had a little incident at work."
"And Mr. Barnes was what? Comforting you?"
"First of all, can you stop calling him Mr. Barnes? You two avenge together and what not. I'm pretty sure that means you're on a first name basis." Peter grins as he takes a seat on the recliner near you, shrugging. "And Bucky was here because when I turned down dinner at the tower, Pepper figured something was wrong. Bucky took it upon himself to check in."
"So are you two like a thing or something?" He wonders.
"We're just.. friends," you say. "For some unknown reason we clicked and we're comfortable in each other's company."
For a moment Peter doesn't say anything, nor will he meet your gaze, but then he's looking at you and sighing. "I'm sorry." You blink at him, surprised to hear the apology. "I shouldn't have freaked out that one night. Who you are friends with and who you decide to date is your business."
You finally smile, even though it's rather small. "Thank you. And don't get me wrong, I know you meant well, but you should have dropped it and just trusted my judgment."
"Yeah. I know," he mumbles.
"Soo.. are we good?" You ask.
"Good. I was getting tired of you liking my posts and not commenting on them."
Peter snorts. A moment of silence passes and then he says, "So you'll be glad to know that Leslie and I aren't together anymore. I broke it off earlier tonight."
You wince. "Sorry."
"Nah. Don't be. She was totally using me for access to the tower." You're torn between being smug about being right and being sad for your friend who just ended his relationship. "I only realized it earlier when she got upset because Mr. Rogers posted a picture of you and Mr. Barnes together, and she had a few choice words to say about it."
"What? Steve posted a picture of us?" You quickly pull out your phone, checking social media for any notifications. There are none, but as you get on Instagram you check Steve's page and sure enough there's a new pic that shows Bucky staring fondly at you as you laugh at something on your phone. "That little shit didn't tag us!"
As your thumbs move furiously to give Steve a piece of your mind and to comment how adorable you and Bucky look, Peter can't help but say, "You're attracted to him."
Your texting falters and you quickly glance at your friend to gauge his reaction, but when he just looks amused, you shrug. "I mean have you seen him? How could I not be attracted to him?"
"Does he know?"
"I have a feeling he does. Asshole likes to fluster me every now and then."
"Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure he likes you back." You snort and go back to finishing up the comment on Steve's post. "I'm serious. When we stopped talking, he threatened me. He was pissed that I made you cry and said I was lucky. He's actually really scary when you're on his bad side."
It takes a moment for his words to sink in and when they do you can feel your ears heating up, followed by your cheeks. Peter starts to laugh and you groan in embarrassment. "Why is this so weird? Dating should be easy!"
"Well he is an Avenger.."
"I don't care about that! He's just- he's really, really hot. It's intimidating."
"Wait, what?" Peter huffs. "So you're intimidated by his hotness and not because he's a super-soldier with a metal arm?"
"Well yeah."
Expression melting into one of confusion, your friend eventually shakes his head at you. "You're on your own with that. Good luck."
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You hadn't realized how much everyone had known about your and Peter's brief falling out until the two of you were laughing together once again at the tower. It seemed like everyone had sagged in relief now that the two of you were poking fun at one another once more, and you had to apologize for apparently making it awkward for them.
And now that your best friend knew of your crush on a certain super-soldier, there was lots of teasing material. Of course you kept him in line when you could, but there was no stopping the force of Peter, Wanda, and Darcy combined.
It's a random Tuesday night when you've driven over to the Tower, Bucky having called you over for dinner with a few friends. You had the day off so you didn't mind heading on over, but as the elevator doors slide open after having ridden up to the communal floor, you yelp in surprise as the small gathered crows that shout, "Happy birthday!", at you.
Steve, Wanda, Sam, and Peter pop confetti poppers as you step out of the elevator, eyes wide as you glance between each of them. "My birthday is not until tomorrow!" You hiss.
"But you work tomorrow." Wanda frowns.
"Mhm." Your eyes then narrow, glancing behind them at the streamers and balloons hanging from the ceiling. "And how'd you guys even know?"
Everyone glances at Peter and he takes a step back when your gaze slides to him. He chuckles sheepishly. "I might have hid your birthday cupcake here and Steve found it."
"Petey," you groan. "Why couldn't you just hide it at aunt May's like usual? You know I dislike birthday celebrations."
"You don't dislike them. You just dislike all the attention being on you."
"Whatever. Where's Barnes? He's the one who lured me here under false pretenses. I got a bone to pick with him too."
Everyone turns around and Bucky's head appears from around the corner. He smirks and you glare at him. "Not false pretenses. We are having dinner," he says. "It just so happens to be a birthday dinner. And it's running a little bit late, so until the food gets here you get to open presents."
"You guys all suck."
Peter and Wanda each take a hand and drag you further into the room, heading towards the kitchen. Bucky fully steps out from behind the wall and you aim a kick at his shin as you're walking by. He laughs as he easily dodges it and then you're standing by the kitchen island that's been cleared of everything other than birthday presents.
You huff a small laugh and shake your head fondly at them. "I love you guys, but you do know you didn't have to get me anything, right?"
"Shut up and open the presents," Bucky says.
"Open mine first," Sam says, reaching into the small pile and pulling out a white envelope. "Unlike the others, I was literally told within the last thirty minutes we were doing this so yeah. It's not the best present, but I think you'll enjoy it."
You smile at Sam as you open it, chuckling at the plain birthday card and his brief personal message written inside. But it's what else that's inside that makes you meet Sam's gaze once more, smiling fondly at him. "Thank you. I can't get enough of bubble tea and I'm sure I can do some damage with this gift card."
"You're welcome."
"Mine next." Peter reaches in for a medium-sized box and hands it over to you. "I know you're not a fan of presents, so I got you something I actually knew you'd enjoy."
Raising an eyebrow at him, you pull the lid off of the box. Then glancing down, you snort before pulling out a bottle of Patron Silver Tequila. "I knew we were best friends for a reason."
Steve groans. "Please drink responsibly."
"Please. Responsible is my middle name, Rogers." Everyone snorts and instead of trying to remain serious and feign offense, you end up laughing. "Sam and Buck are good babysitters. You have nothing to worry about."
"That's to be determined," he says. "Here. Open mine. I honestly had no idea what to get you, but Peter assured me you'd enjoy this."
Putting the bottle of tequila back in its box, you accept Steve's gift. Pulling off the ribbon, you can't help but laugh when you see what's inside. "Cards Against Humanity." Peter cheers. "We're playing this the next time I have off," you say, grinning at Steve.
"What is Cards Against Humanity?" He wonders. "I just picked it up and boxed it."
"It's possibly one of the most confusing card games or raunchy card games you'll ever play," Sam says. "I, for one, am looking forward to it."
"Thank you, Steve. I seriously can't wait to play it."
"You're welcome."
Wanda claps her hands. "Mine and Darcy's next. She ordered online and I had to pick it up earlier. But, um, I'm not sure you want to open it up in front of everyone."
"Oh god. Don't tell me it's a vibrator."
Sam laughs out loud as both Peter and Steve start blushing. Bucky looks rather amused and intrigued as Wanda slides two boxes over to you. She shakes her head, giggling. "Not quite."
For a brief moment you're relieved, but then her answer sinks in and you're hesitant all over again. You groan. "Is yours safer? I feel like it is. Which one is it?"
Wanda only smirks as she pushes her box towards you. You open it, marvel at its contents, and then put the lid back on much to the boys' displeasure. Trying to keep a straight face, you look at Wanda. "How many sets did you get?"
"There's four. All in colors that will look amazing against your skin tone."
"Thank you. I'll send you pictures when I wear them."
"Yes please! Natasha wants to know how they fit as well. She was the one who suggested them."
"I'll send them to the ladies group chat then."
"Well that's not fair," Sam complains. "First for not showing us what's inside the box and then you guys have a ladies only group chat. I wanna be in the ladies only group chat."
"But then that defeats the purpose of it being a ladies only group chat," you muse.
"Come on," Peter then whines. "What was the present?"
Your gaze slides to Peter, but instead of outright saying what it is, you say, "Think back to that one Halloween night where you wouldn't let me out of the dorm until I switched costumes."
It takes him only a minute to understand and when he does, he snorts. "That wasn't a costume! That was lingerie."
"Whoa, what?" Sam exclaims, grinning.
"Lingerie can be worn as a costume?" Steve wonders.
"I was actually a Victoria's Secret Angel, complete with the most amazing set of wings, and Petey forbade me from leaving the room. It was a sad, sad night."
"As much as I wanna get into that," Sam says, "I wanna know what Barnes got you more."
You chuckle and glance at Bucky, smile faltering when you see him tense. But then he seems to shake himself out of it and offers you a grin. "Open the bigger one first."
Wanda clears away the other presents as Bucky slides his two towards you. You feel giddy as you grab the bigger box, untying the black silk ribbons and lifting the lid. There's tissue paper you open up and you gasp, happily giggling. "You didn't?!"
"Well you did say it was your favorite movie, sweetheart."
"Yes!" You glance up, beaming at Bucky, and your heart swells at his own smile being directed at you. "I really, really love this. I can't wait to hang it up."
"What is it?" Peter wonders, trying to peer across the island.
"It's a quote from Practical Magic," you say and Peter huffs a laugh, knowing full well your love for that movie. You carefully pick it up and turn it around so everyone can see it as you read it off by heart. "Always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Plant lavender for luck and fall in love whenever you can."
"Aw," Wanda coos. "That's adorable."
"I made Bucky watch this movie a while back," you say. "I need to show it to you one of these days."
"I'm looking forward to it," she says.
With nothing else to say, you place it back in its box and set it aside in favor for the second box. It's a little smaller, but you're excited for it nonetheless. Untying the ribbon and lifting the lid, you immediately laugh at the white petals scattered atop the tissue paper.
"Barnes, you smooth sonuvabitch," Sam mutters.
Steve and Peter laugh, but you're so focused on the notecard that's under some of the petals. Lifting it up, you read the note to yourself because immediately you know it's personal. My better half has to be funny, get along with my friends, won't judge me for my past, and has decent taste in movies.
Heart fluttering, you bite the corner of your lip when it feels like you're smiling way too much.
"Well what does Prince Charming have to say?" Sam asks.
"That's none of your business." You close the note and then tuck into your back pocket, chuckling when Sam and Wanda complain. When you meet Bucky's gaze, you immediately flush and mentally curse yourself when you see him smirk in return.
Inhaling and exhaling deeply, you center yourself and then part the tissue paper. You look at the second portrait and gasp after you read it.
"What? What is it?" Peter wonders.
This second portrait is of a hand drawn bowl with a tipped over salt shaker, a small bundle of lavender, a small bundle of rosemary, and a heart beneath it. Above the bowl is a swirl of flower petals and inside the swirl of petals, in very pretty cursive writing, are the words I wished for you too.
Did he just- did he confess his own feelings by using a Practical Magic quote? Or was this just you overthinking his present? You glance to meet Bucky's gaze and at his gauging expression your eyes fill with tears.
"What did you do, Barnes?!" Sam scolds him. "You made the poor girl cry at her own birthday celebration!"
But Bucky isn't paying him any attention, instead he's solely focused on you. You set the present aside and walk around the kitchen island on shaky legs, and Bucky readily reaches for your waist as you grab his face and pull him down into a kiss.
You can't believe you're kissing Bucky, but then he squeezes your waist and returns the kiss, and you know you made the right choice.
Someone gasps, but then the following words let you know exactly who it is. "Darcy is going to be so angry she missed this." Wanda. That is Wanda.
"What the hell is going on?" Sam wonders. "What type of present can cause this type of reaction?"
You smile against Bucky's mouth, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth before falling flat on your feet after having been on the tips of your toes in order to reach his mouth.
"It's my favorite quote from my favorite movie," you say. You turn around to address your friends, but Bucky doesn't let you go far. He wraps one arm around your waist and tugs you back so you're resting against his chest and tucked beneath his chin. "It's a movie about witches," you explain. "These two little girls are being raised by their aunts and they see them performing love spells for a local woman. Basically, one of the young girls refuses to fall in love after witnessing a love spell gone wrong and she does her own spell to call forward a love that would be impossible to find- a man who's favorite shape would be a star and who had one green eye, one blue. Years down the road, the sisters accidentally murder a man."
Sam snorts. "How the hell does one accidentally murder someone?"
"Shush." Wanda admonishes him. "I want to hear the story behind the gift."
You and Bucky chuckle, and you continue to explain. "Anyway, they send in an US Marshall to investigate the disappearance and the one who had done the love spell at a young age starts to fall for this man. She ends up telling him about the murder, but he doesn't quite believe her. Then they're on the verge of hooking up when she gets a good look at his eyes- one green eye, one blue."
"Oh my god. That's so cute!" Wanda says.
"It gets cuter. And sadder," you say. "So she explains to this man about her family, the murder, and how she can't be with him because he's only attracted to her because of a love spell she did when she was just a little girl. At first he's skeptical about this spell bringing him to her, but then he ends up believing her. And as he's walking away from her, he stops to tell her I wished for you too."
"So you made out with Barnes because of that?" Sam shakes his head, chuckling. "Wow."
"It's fuckin' adorable. Stop ruining the moment, Samuel!" Bucky laughs at your words and pulls you closer to him.
"So while I'm happy for Buck," Steve says, "I'm still really curious about what Darcy's gift is."
Peter nods. "Same."
Wanda giggles, but says nothing as she grabs the box and slides it over to you. You groan because you know it can be nothing good, but you still open it since everyone is watching and waiting. As soon as you part the tissue paper and read the box, alongside taking in the picture on the box, your face flames as you shove the lid back on. Wanda cackles.
"I hate her."
"She said to give the remote to-"
"Don't!" You cut Wanda off, blushing even further. "I know who she means to have control of that."
"They- they make underwear that does that?" Bucky muses and you die a little on the inside in embarrassment. You elbow him as he starts to laugh behind you.
Sam instantly knows what the gift is now and starts to laugh, but Steve and Peter apparently need some help.
"Lewis got you vibrating panties, didn't she?"
"Oh my god, Sam, if you don't shut up I'm gonna punch you in the throat."
Steve is torn between laughing and trying not to make you even more uncomfortable, but his amusement wins out. "Given Y/N's flustered state, I'm assuming Darcy wants Bucky to have the remote."
"I mean this seems like it could make for an interesting night."
Everyone laughs at Bucky's sudden interest in the box you're doing your damnedest to keep shut, but luckily Peter steps in. "As much I love watching Y/N squirm, can we get ready to eat? I'm starving."
"Yeah, yeah. Let's go wait downstairs for it, kid."
Sam and Peter head for the elevator to take them down to the lobby, and you turn around in Bucky's hold. "Help me take this stuff to my car so I don't have to do it later?"
"Sure thing, doll." He grins. But instead of stepping away, he pushes you further into the kitchen island. You smile as he cages you in and then huff a laugh when he reaches for the box behind you. "So exactly how long do we have to be dating before we can test these out?"
You slowly lean upward so your lips brush his as you say, "I'd say very, very soon if you would put your ass into gear and help me move these presents like I asked."
Bucky laughs and presses a quick kiss to your lips. "Then let's get to it."
The telltale sound of a phone's camera goes off and you turn your face towards the sound. Wanda is beaming, her phone pointed towards you and Bucky. "Darcy wanted evidence I wasn't lying. She's going to be so happy."
Bucky turns his face to look at her then, his cheek brushing against yours where he's yet to back off from you. "Tell Lewis I said thanks for the present. I'll give her my review of them in a few weeks."
Wanda's eyes widen and you immediately blurt, "Don't you dare!" But she's already texting and you know the group chat full of ladies is going to be full of messages that you'll have to reply to later. Quietly groaning, you slap your hands against Bucky's waist and push him back. Looking up at him, you shake your head but the corner of your lips turn up in amusement. "You're terrible. I would threaten to withhold sex, but I've been looking forward to that for a while. I'd just be punishing us both."
"Just tell me when and where, sweetheart, and I'll be there."
"Oh no. You guys are going to be that couple," Steve complains.
And without missing a beat, you face him and say, "Fuck off, Rogers!" Bucky snorts.
"You're cranky when you haven't gotten laid."
You gasp as Bucky bursts out laughing right in your ear, but he quickly catches you as you try to lunge for his best friend. "You know what, I was going to be discreet when banging your best friend, but now I'm going to tell you all the filthy things Bucky likes to do just to annoy you. I will go into excruciating detail about the look and taste of his dick!"
Steve blanches as it's Wanda's turn to burst out laughing. "You've done it now, Steve."
And as Steve looks to Bucky for help, he merely shrugs. "You brought this on yourself, Stevie. Hope you enjoy the play by plays."
Relaxing in Bucky's hold and moving so you're hip to hip with him, you slide your arm behind his waist and hook your thumb into the belt loop of his jeans. "We're going to have so much fun."
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moonctzeny · 4 years
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au+trope+prompt game: college!au Jaehyun + fake dating + it’s just so hard not to fall in love with you
pairing: jung jaehyun x fem!reader x asshole!yuta
other members as background characters: yuta, mark, johnny, jungwoo
genre: angst, smut
word count: 9,124
warnings: abusive relationship, toxic behaviour
summary: “When Yuta breaks your heart for the millionth time, you meet Jaehyun, freshly broken up and looking for revenge. You decide to start fake dating to get back on your exes, but your plan takes an unexpected turn. You fall in love.”
a/n: I really don’t like putting yuta in a negative light like that it’s just for the fic’s sake! also I literally used the name Naeun as Jaehyun’s ex because I think it’s SUCH a pretty name, NO correlation whatsoever to any korean celebrity named naeun!
You knew it was wrong.
Looking through your boyfriend’s, Yuta’s, phone while he took a shower, was the arguably the tackiest thing you have ever done.
He was always distant lately, only seeming to make time for a booty call, and at first, you blamed your hectic schedule. Your major was demanding, to say the least, so when Yuta suggested that you replace your dates with some “quality time” at his dorm, you had no objections. You didn’t know that he also meant ignoring your calls, canceling on you at the last minute to meet up with his frat brothers, and keeping your relationship strictly between four walls and two naked bodies.
The thought of him meaning more to you than you meant for him ate you away. It creeped in your mind while you heard the water running from your shower, and lead your fingertips to tap in the password of his phone.
Opening his messaging app, you recognize his best friends’ icons in a group chat consisting of his frat members. You scrolled up, ignoring the latest massages regarding a party that the frat would be throwing in two weeks. You started to feel guilty, not exactly sure what you were looking for, when you saw your name at the screen.
m0rklee[00:10]: @yutassanhyung, i saw your girl today at the supermarket! why didn’t you tell her about the party next Sunday?
you[00:12]: what girl lol  
m0rklee[00:13]: y/n?? i thought you guys were together?
you[00:12]: nahh
fairyteil[00:15]: eyy @yutassan if you’re done with her i know a couple guys who wanna hit it too
you[00:16]: be my guest haha
you[00:16]: don’t get me wrong she was bad when we met but shit is getting kinda stale
tenoutoften[00:17]: aren’t you on your way to her place lol
you[00:17]: hey hey pussy is pussy
Was that all you were to him? Pussy?
Yuta called you special, he called you yours. He didn’t like it when you were talking to other guys. He ripped your lingerie set because he didn’t want anyone else to ever see you in it but him. And then he dared to go around and call you a fling?
You heard the water stop running and knew you didn’t have much time until you had to face him, the thought alone making you sick.
You didn’t bother to lock his phone again, leaving the chat that made you so upset open. Grabbing your keys and a jacket, you left your place and hoped that Yuta would get the message and get the fuck out of there before you came back.
Your legs walked on their own accord, your memory leading you to the only place where you knew you’d find any sort of comfort. When Johnny opened his door, tears were already streaming down your face. He took the open tequila bottle you were holding and pulled you in for a hug. He smelled like weed and beer, and after hearing the “Is that the pizzas?”, you realized that your best friend wasn’t alone.
You quickly wiped your cheeks and fixed your sex hair that Yuta messed up, trying your best to look presentable. Johnny put a hand on your back and lead you to his living room. Jungwoo, your and Johnny’s friend from high school, was sprawled out on the couch, a little disappointed after seeing that you were, in fact, not the pizzas. Next to him, drowning in a bean bag, was Jaehyun. You didn’t really know him very well other than the fact that he took the same major as Johnny, so you felt a little insecure looking as messy as you did right now. His eyes were red, just like the other men’s, but you could swear his eyelashes looked a little damp.
Jungwoo’s words were muffled by the barbecue chips he was munching away.
“Yoo y/n, I didn’t know you were coming!”
You placed the tequila bottle on the table,
“Yeah, Woo, figured you wanted something to drink”
“Move” Johnny murmured to him, but he only stretched and sighed dramatically, shoving a handful of chips in his mouth.
“I don’t need a drink I need food. I’m hungry and I got the munchies”
Johnny grabbed his ankle and with impressive ease, dragged Jungwoo to the floor. The taller man sat on the couch, on the side next to Jaehyun and you followed his lead, letting a grumpy Jungwoo lean his head on your knees. Taking the lit joint from Jaehyun’s fingers, Johnny turned his attention back on you.
“So tell me chica” he said and took a hit, “who do I have to beat up?”
“Yuta”, you grumbled, “I’m ghosting this motherfucker”
You felt the vibrations on your lap when Jungwoo started talking.
“What did he do this time? Didn’t I tell you not to get involved with stupid frat boys?”
You started petting his hair, the softness comforting under your fingers.
“Apparently I’m not ‘bad’ enough for him anymore” you replied, throwing air quotes and rolling your eyes.
“Whaaaaat” Johnny drew out with a cough after taking a particularly deep inhale from the blunt, “you’re like the baddest bitch I know. Even now, that you’re all puffy from crying and smell like his dick”
You hit his shoulder, almost dropping the joint he was passing to Jungwoo, embarrassed that he would say something like that in front of Jaehyun, an almost stranger to you.
“I don’t know, man” Jungwoo started, and you could hear the smile on his face, “when girls cry it’s kinda hot”
You were contemplating how many hairs of his you should rip out of his scalp when the telecom rang, assumably by the pizza delivery man.
“Saved by the bell”, Jungwoo muttered to himself and got up quickly to open the door. While the youngest paid for the pizzas, Johnny held your hand, a bit guilty for his words earlier. He had a mischievous smirk and kept shifting his gaze between you and Jaehyun, who had been sitting in silence ever since you got here, occasionally smiling at your friends’ teasing.
“Fuck Yuta, man. You should find a nice guy to treat you well and fuck you even better y’know?” he started, and patted his buddy roughly on the back, “Like Jae over here”
Your eyes widened and you instinctively glanced at Jaehyun, ears a deep red and a matching shocked look on his face.
You cleared your throat, “No offense, but, like, aren’t you practically married to this girl-uhhh what’s her name again? Naeun?”
To someone who wasn’t listening to your conversation, it must have seemed like you tased him, or brought up a painful childhood memory, or asked him if he’d be willing to lick a lemon after washing his teeth. He looked away from you, and turned his attention to his nails, ripping a cuticle off in deep concentration. His voice was so quiet when he finally spoke, that you barely heard him. “I broke up with her, actually.. Like, three hours ago”
Guilt washed over you in an instant, not knowing that you scratched a wound so fresh. You wanted to apologize and even ask if you should leave the three alone, when Jungwoo grabbed the Tequila bottle and crashed on the couch clumsily between you and Johnny.
“Fuck love!”, he yelled, “let’s get wasted”
You stared at the empty José Cuervo bottle rising up and down Johnny’s chest with every one of his snores. He was laid out on his couch, his tall height taking up all of its entirety, leaving Jungwoo passed out on the floor. Jaehyun followed your eyes and smiled at Johnny’s sleeping face, mouth open and tongue spilling out.
After the 4th shot, you found out that Jae was a pretty decent guy. He let you rant about Yuta while your friends were busy trying to see who could eat a large pizza by himself the fastest. You told him all about how you never went on dates anymore, how you looked through his phone after having sex, and the text conversation you found earlier tonight. He listened carefully, without judgment, and after smoking some more of Johnny’s staff, he opened up to you about his relationship with Naeun.
Or rather, how he found her fucking his roommate on his own bed.
You always thought of these two as what they call a ‘power couple’. Valedictorian meets basketball all-star, they graduate and have beautiful babies, while all the rest of us mortals can do is admire from afar. You would have never guessed the toxicity, constant cheating and manipulation that Jaehyun was recounting. You bonded over stories about cancelled dates, emotional distancing and feeling like you’re always the one giving but never receiving. If you were being honest, you would have never expected such emotional depth from a college point guard. He drew you in with his gentleness, and you noticed how different he was from Yuta, who engulfed you with his intensity. You also hated how even now, you were still thinking of him.
Just then, you got his third message for the night:
asshole [03:35]:come on baby don’t ignore mee, me and the guys were just messing around
you [03:36]:stop texting me
you [03:38]:we’re done
You locked your phone, upset and angry, and felt Jaehyun sigh.
“I know I’m falling for her stupid games, but I just want to get back at her y’know? Show her what she’s missing, that type of thing”
You knew exactly what he was talking about. During the past hours, you weighted all the possible ways you could make Yuta regret ever taking you for granted.
He was so charming that he could get laid with anyone he wanted (and probably did, even when you were ‘dating’), but even after what he said to Taeil, you knew that he hated the thought of anyone else fucking you. He wanted your body to be his, without having to deal with the commitment that came with that privilege.
You thought about fucking one of his frat buddies, but that would get you from being called ‘Yuta’s girl’ to ‘ΘΨΩ’s cumslut’, and your self esteem couldn’t take that blow.
Jaehyun’s deep voice interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Maybe Johnny’s right”
“Huh? ”
“You should date me”
You blinked at him twice, not knowing what to reply when you saw him wave his hands frantically in front of his face.
“Fake date me! I mean, you should fake date me. Sorry, the weed’s got me a little fucked up”
At first, the idea seemed crazy. Yes, it would make Yuta furious that you were supposedly fucking one of the hottest guys on campus. Yes, Naeun would get mad that she didn’t have Jaehyun’s constant attention that she so craved anymore. Yes, you two might have revealed your deepest insecurities, opened up your hearts to each other all while sharing a bottle of alcohol, but you had never hanged out together without Johnny being present. You had barely hanged out together, period. But wouldn’t that make it even more believable? Two of Johnny’s best friends break up at the same time, meet up at his house and inevitably end up together. You didn’t share the same major, so you wouldn’t have to put up the act too much at college. And with social media, making a fake relationship believable was easier than ever.
asshole [03:42]: fuck you. you think you can find someone better than me?
Drunk and lacking logic, you agreed on the plan, and gave him your number. You had just finished creating the contact on his phone when he suddenly got up and rushed to the bathroom, facing the consequences of the tequila and weed combo.
You passed out on Johnny’s bean bag and when you woke up on Sunday afternoon, Jaehyun was gone.
You didn’t expect him to text you on Monday, thinking that it was intoxication that gave him the idea of fake dating and made it look brilliant. So when he gave you the address to his dorm, to further discuss your ‘operation’ you were surprised, but determined to succeed.
The plan was simple. You would start tagging each other on your instagram stories, to show people that you were spending time alone. He agreed to pick you up from your lecture on Wednesday, your classes coinciding on neighboring buildings. And for you final act, he’d come with you as your plus one for the frat’s party next Sunday. Mark was nice enough to invite you, after Yuta ‘forgot’ to do it instead, and Naeun, being Taeil’s sister, wouldn’t miss it for the world. It was the perfect opportunity to flaunt your new relationship, all while being on the opponent’s part of the field.
You started off innocently enough. After you and Jaehyun finished brainstorming ideas about the ‘operation’ as he insisted on calling it, he suggested you stay for a movie and some Chinese food. His dorm was cozy, a little messy, maybe, but it fitted his boyish charm. He had a nice collection of vinyls, stating that his favorite one was I. by Cigarettes After Sex. You were a bit taken aback by his love for dreampop and rnb, but the more you got to know him, the more it seemed to fit him nicely. On the wall next to his bed hung a display full of all of his sport trophies. He was known for his basketball skills, but you also saw medals for soccer, track, volleyball. Amongst them all was an English certificate and a spelling bee award. You wondered if he ever felt pressure trying to be so perfect all the time.
The movie was terrible, but Jaehyun managed to entertain you by making silly jokes throughout and mocking the actors’ bad acting. It was the first time you ever saw him crack a joke like that and be willing to contort his handsome features. So much better than the dream boy image he was feigning for everyone, but you didn’t know him well enough to tell him. The movie was halfway done when he picked up his phone and opened a camera app through his Instagram.
“Shouldn’t we take a story? Since we’re together anyways?”
You nodded and scooted closer to him. He was a bit hesitant as he positioned the camera to capture your legs that were touching, a scene from the movie playing in the background. It was a cute picture but nothing indicated that the two of you were more than friends. You pressed the X at the top of the screen to discard the picture, and placed his hand on top of your thigh. You turned around just in time to witness his ears turning into a fuschia pink.
“Is that okay?”
He nodded and regained his cool, taking the picture and tagging you with a red heart next to your username.
A couple hours after leaving his place you texted him, asking if Naeun had replied to his story. He said that unfortunately, the only person who batted an eye was Johnny, replying with a “ 👀 👀 👀 “ .
You met up again the next day, at your apartment this time.
He looked nervous being in a place so foreign to him yet so personal to you, so you decided to turn the lights down to help him relax, insisting that you weren’t trying to seduce him or anything. He laughed at your joke but still looked tense, and you thought that maybe he needed some liquid courage to open up.
“Hey Jae. Want a drink?”
It took him 3 beers to finally loosen up and show you his dimpled grin again. You were sitting on the floor, facing each other and feeling comfortable in the ambience of the room. A Spotify playlist was playing in the background so it would fill up the awkward silence but wouldn’t distract you from your conversation.
“Wait wait wait. So you sleep without a pillowcase?”
“Yeah, didn’t you notice it when you came to my place yesterday?”
“I thought you forgot to do your laundry!”
His laugh was resonating and deep and manly. It made his eyes disappear and his face light up, not that it didn’t anyway - the guy could easily be a skin care ambassador, and you made a mental note to ask him about his moisturizer later.
You followed his gaze to one of your walls. Pictures were filling it up, memories of yourself and your siblings, of your friends from home that you missed, of Johnny and Jungwoo. You felt a little insecure then, comparing them to Jaehyun’s countless medals and awards.
“I’m not good at sports like you, so I have nothing else to hang on my wall”, you laughed awkwardly but he shook his head.
“No, I’m actually jealous of you. Everyone always seems to want to be around you”
“Except Yuta”
“Yuta’s an idiot, then. You are way out of his league anyways.”
You felt yourself turning into a blushing mess and looked for a way to break the awkward silence that followed his comment.
“Wanna share another one?” you asked him, shaking the empty beer bottle on your hand and he nodded. You started getting up when you felt him put a hand on your shoulder and pick up the bottles you had finished up from the table himself. He rinsed them off and put them away to the recycling bag next to your sink, the domesticity of the action making you melt. You watched as he stood on his tiptoes to reach a lager from the top drawer of your fridge, revealing a defined set of abs and two cute dimples on his lower back. You ripped your eyes away immediately, like you were caught doing something illegal, and he walked back to his spot next to you. As soon as he sat down, he groaned and threw his head back.
“The bottle opener was on the kitchen counter. I forgot to bring it”
Without saying a word, you took the beer from his hand and placed the cap in your mouth. It was a party trick that your older brother had taught you when you were 15. After finding a stable indentation on your teeth, you manipulate the rough edges of the cap and pop the beer open. You return the glass bottle to Jaehyun, who’s looking at you incredulously.
“Fuck me, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”, he breaths out and you feel your whole face burning up. You opened and closed your mouth a couple times, trying to register that someone like him thought you were hot, when you felt your phone vibrating, saving you from further embarrassing yourself.
Johnny’s picture lit up on the screen and you mentally prepared yourself for the following conversation. You and Jaehyun decided against telling anyone about your relationship being fake. It’s not that your best friend wasn’t reliable, but if you told Johnny you had to tell Jungwoo, and Jungwoo doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut to save his life.
“John, what’s up”
“Eyy chica what took you so long?”
You looked at Jaehyun who had leaned back against the pillow of your couch and sipped on the beer you would share.
“Yeah sorry I was a little busy”
“Busy.. with Jaehyun?”
You tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, but you were still trying to recover from the previous incident.
“Yeah, he’s here”
“Ohh I see, little y/n can’t get enough of Jae’s slam dunks.. I bet he’s teaching you the bank shot, the opening tip, the double dribble, the fast break, the palming.. he sure is great for a rebound-”
You interrupted him, growing tired of his nonstop basketball innuendos.
“Why did you call me Johnny?”
“Damn, sorry, I just wanted to ask you what you wanted for your birthday”
Shit, you forgot about that.
“Just get me whatever, I don’t care, you know how much I hate celebrating anyways. I’ll get the cake myself, so no surprises”
Jaehyun lifted his brows and waited patiently for your call to end before asking:
“What are we celebrating?”
“It’s my birthday on Friday. I’m going to invite a couple people over and Johnny’s already stressing over it. Don’t worry, though, you don’t have to come”
“How can your boyfriend not come to your birthday party?”
You laugh bitterly.
“Well, it’s not like Yuta came last year. To any of my parties for that matter”
“Well, he must have made up to you somehow? Got you a very special gift or something?”
“If you count eating me out as a gift then yes. It was very rare indeed.”
You took the beer from him and took a sip yourself. You noticed he had his eyes glued on his phone, his expression gloomy.
“Is everything okay?”
He snapped out of it at the sound of your voice and turned his phone screen towards you.
It was Naeun, or rather a post on her instagram account. She had her tongue out in the picture, hugging two guys that were unfamiliar to you. You read the caption.
“One day the loser will realize that the diamond he thinks he’s playing with is actually a rock”
Jaehyun mumbled an apology. I guess he thought that you’d be a bit offended being called a ‘rock’ but you were actually feeling satisfied. Your fake relationship had managed to get her attention, and for Jaehyun’s sake, you wanted to rub it in her face even more.
You opened your camera app and placed your phone on the table next to you. He figured what you wanted to do so he sat up straighter and motioned to his lap. You’d normally be a bit hesitant to sit on him if it wasn’t for the two beers and your determination, that had fired up again due to Naeun’s words. Leaning back a bit, you set up the self-timer and he put his hands on your hips to stabilize you.
You had agreed on turning up the boldness of your pics, so you placed your hands on his neck, right under his jawline. He snaked his hands upwards and wrapped them around your waist, bringing you even closer. His eyes were glossy from the alcohol and he looked at you with an impressive calmness, considering the intimacy of your position. It seemed like he was waiting for something, the ticking of the timer urging you to take things a bit further and he nodded, as if giving you permission. You leaned in, and pressed your lips on the corner of his mouth, like you couldn’t decide on kissing his dimple or his lips.
After hearing the click you climbed down from his lap, and prayed that the photo came out in focus. Your heart couldn’t handle another retake. From the angle of the camera, it seemed like you were a couple in love, sharing a sweet kiss on the lips. You added a cute caption and tagged him, so he could repost it later on his own account.
It hadn’t been 5 minutes before your phone lit up.
yutassan replied to your story: what the fuck?
You smiled triumphantly and showed the message to Jaehyun, who laughed at Yuta’s reaction. He gave you an excuse about some forgotten homework and how it was late and he has to go.
“Remember, I’ll pick you up tomorrow from class, so wait for me”
After he left, you thought about your almost kiss and the dimples of his back for way too long.
You exited the classroom with a growing headache. The lesson today seemed extra boring, and all you could think about was that you had to convince Johnny that it really took just three days for Jaehyun and you to officially start dating.
As promised, the pair waited for you at the end of the hallway, your best friend looking at the two of you expectantly. Jaehyun was a good actor, you thought, as he approached you before you got to reach them, meeting you halfway.
“Hey baby”, he smiled at you, the nickname turning your legs into jelly. He wrapped one arm around your shoulder, and kissed your cheek sweetly, making Johnny coo at the two of you.
“I can’t believe that I hadn’t thought about pairing the two of you together earlier”
He must have thought that the awkward body language and the silence that fell was a sign from you and Jae to leave you alone. He excused himself, saying something about “letting the young lovers swim in the pool of their love”, or something along those lines.
The two of you walked together, following the road to your next class that was just a few buildings away.
“So how has class, baby
You rolled your eyes at the insistent nickname, “you know that Johnny left us, like, 5 minutes ago, right?”
“Let me enjoy itttt”, he whined, “Naeun never let me call her anything like that”
“Why is that?”
He looked at his feet moving and frowned in thought.
“She said I was embarrassing her in front of her friends. I think she just didn’t want other guys to know that we were together”
You felt a pang of sadness and you realized that it always followed any conversation you two had about his and Naeun’s relationship.
“Well then if you call me baby, I can will you honey. Or sugarplum. Or pumpkin pie. Or-“
It was startling how fast Jaehyun pressed you up against the wall. In just a moment, he had put his hands on your waist, burying his face in your hair. You shivered when you felt his breath as he spoke against your neck.
“Yuta’s watching us”
All you could do was stay frozen in place, and listen with wide eyes.
He chuckled at your response, but he replied patiently.
“Yuta? Your ex? He’s right over there. Figured we should give him a show”
And with that, he kissed you. Everything was happening so fast, that you could barely comprehend that Jaehyun, that was a stranger in the past weekend, was now making out with you at the hall, for everyone to see.
And that included Yuta.
You opened your eyes in the kiss and searched for him, spotting him with his frat buddies. His eyes were piercing through the two of you, and you saw Mark holding him back by the shoulder. The look on his face was priceless.
Jaehyun pulled back and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Thank you”, you whispered, “but I need one more favor”
“Anything baby”
“Slap my ass as we walk away”
Sure enough, Jaehyun took your hand and you continue your walk, momentarily stopping to make eye contact with Yuta and give you a little spank. It was something your ex loved doing on the rare occasion you two met up outside of your dorms, no matter how public the setting. You heard Mark yelling something at his ‘Yuta hyung’ and that’s when you thought, your plan just might work.
You didn’t see Jaehyun until your birthday. It was just a small get together, but your place was starting to get a bit crowded as time went by. Johnny had been suffocating you with hugs ever since he got there, reminiscing the time you met as teenagers and calling you an old lady. Jungwoo on the other hand couldn’t stop asking about Jaehyun. You kept making excuses about how he didn’t feel so good today and might not make it. You didn’t expect him to come, of course. Just because you had agreed on fake dating, it didn’t mean that he had any obligation to be present in all your social events. The loving message he left on your Facebook wall was enough to fulfill the purpose of your current relationship.
That is why, when you heard a knock on your door, the last thing you thought you’d see was Jaehyun holding a dozen of red roses.
“Happy birthday baby!”, he exclaimed and gave you a kiss on your cheek,
“I asked Johnny about your favorite flowers, hope we got it right”
Feeling speechless, you took the roses from his hands and inhaled their sweet scent. You were dumbfounded that he actually came, and even brought you a present. You thanked him for coming, and he repeated the same thing he said back at your place, “how could your boyfriend miss your birthday?”
And even you were fooled, momentarily, when he held you by the waist later that night and sang you happy birthday. You blew your candles and all you could wish for was a love like the one Jaehyun was faking for you. He helped you clean up, and was more than willing to socialize with all of your friends. You admired how well he fitted in your social circle, already friends with Johnny and Jungwoo, yet so nice that even people he met for the first time came to love him.
You were sitting on one of your dining chairs, your two best friends already passed out on your couch. They had brought two bottles of vodka and your favorite tequila, but you weren’t in the mood to drink. You couldn’t help but remember the time when you practically begged Yuta to be there on your special day and he still missed it. You were scared that if you got a little drunk you would text him, or worse, call him, his sweet talk bringing you back to him all over again.
The only sounds resonating through your apartment were Jungwoo’s light snoring and a chill Spotify playlist playing from your laptop. A familiar tune came on, and you recognized it being ‘Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby’ by Cigarettes After Sex. You immediately looked at Jaehyun, the only conscious person still at the party other than you. He threw his head back and sighed contently at the sound of his favorite song. You saw him get up and walk over to you, reaching his hand out.
“Will the birthday girl spare me a dance?”
You slow danced in the middle of your living room, ending the night in the sweetest note. Jaehyun always felt so stable, so safe. You wondered how he got himself tangled up in that mess of a relationship with Naeun. Maybe it was the way he treated people with such kindness, void of any prejudice. Maybe he was a little bit like you, and didn’t think he deserved much.
“She’s crazy” you mumble against his chest, his confused hum making you feel the vibration on your face.
“Naeun. She’s crazy for ever cheating on someone like you. You’re perfect”
“I have my flaws”
You thought about how competitive he got when you played beer pong earlier, how his ears get red when he gets embarrassed, how he shows his dimpled smile in apology when he’s late. His love for drinking and how it makes him more honest, his trust in people that must have gotten him hurt many, many times. You liked them all, you loved them all.
“It’s just so hard for someone not to fall in love with you”
And that’s how the days went by with Jaehyun. You met up almost every day, in restaurants for a nice dinner, or hanging out in each other’s dorm. It was so much fun getting to spend time with him, that you sometimes forgot to make your meetup public on social media. You helped him with his math homework, and he helped you dye your hair. You even went to his basketball game, and he dedicated one of his goals to you, following every teen movie cliche.
You felt a little sad how it was all falling to an end. The plan was successful, for the most part. Naeun had asked Jaehyun to meet up later tonight, talk things through. You wished he wouldn’t go back to her, but you knew you had no real say in his love life. Yuta saw that he didn’t own you, that there were people like Jaehyun that were willing to give you what your ex had promised you, but wasn’t able to give. Well, not really, you reminded yourself. Jaehyun was faking it. You shouldn’t let yourself get lost in the fairytale, even if the past two weeks were some of the best of your life. He had proposed that you claim that the reason for your upcoming ‘breakup’ was differences in character, but you decided to stay friends. You were happy that at least, in the midst of all this mess, you met someone like him.
It was Saturday, a day before the frat party. You had invited him over, celebrate the end of your relationship with some pizza and a movie.
The movie was boring, but Jaehyun made you laugh. It reminded you of the first time the two of you met up alone. You had gotten comfy on your couch, sharing popcorn when you noticed. A huge bruise was peeking out from Jaehyun’s tank top, the dark color contrasting against his porcelain skin.
“What the hell?!” you exclaimed and scooted closer to him. You rushed your hands on his chest, your fingers pushing the fabric aside to examine the bruise. You found even more bruises scattered around it, accompanied with scratches that stretched longer than his top could.
“It was from the game the other day”, he tried to excuse, but you weren’t buying it.
“Jae, I was there. You played basketball, not WWE. Now who did this to you?”
He sighed and fidgeted with a loose string on his jeans, clearly uncomfortable.
“When I caught Naeun with my roommate, and broke up with her, she didn’t take it very well”
You kept staring at him, urging him to continue.
“She started calling me names, saying that she’s the best I’ll ever have. That I’m worthless without her, just a social climber trying to mooch off of her popularity”
He motioned on his torso, “When I kicked her out of my place, this happened”
“Is that the first time she acted violent?”
He shook his head. “Pretty much every time she didn’t get her way”
“Jae”, you started, placing your hands on top of his “this is abuse. Have you ever talked to anyone about it?”
“It’s- it’s nothing. It’s embarrassing”
“No it’s not! Abuse is not exclusive to any gender! Guys get affected by it too!”
“It’s embarrassing because I know I can physically stop her but I don’t”
His eyes were starting to water, the sight was heartbreaking. “I sit there frozen and just take it”
“Because part of me believes her. That I’m hopeless without someone like her, dictating what I can and cannot do. I don’t need a shrink to tell me that it’s sick. I have these bruises to remind me”
You were starting to get angry. Angry at that bitch for hurting him, angry at Jaehyun who puts up with it, angry at you, for not seeing past the obvious like everyone else.
“I’m not letting you go see her tonight”
He laughs at you, putting up an invisible barrier between you.
“Not letting me? Wake up y/n! We’re not a real couple, remember? We’re just faking it to satisfy our selfish needs. This whole thing is pointless”
He stormed to the door and you tried to stop him, but he was too riled up for that.
“You’re going to forget about me as soon as this whole circus is over, just like everyone else”
“How can you accuse me like that when you haven’t even let me be a part of your life for real?”
“Because now you’ve met me. Me. With all my ugly, all my fucking bruises. Is it still so hard not to fall in love with me?”
With that, he closed your door with a bang, not even letting you answer that yes, it was impossible not to fall in love with Jung Jaehyun.
History seemed to repeat itself, as you got a text from him the next morning, that you didn’t expect.
jaehyunnie: let’s meet outside of the frat at 10:30, i’ll bring the booze.
And that’s what you did, showing up with your shortest skirt, spotting Jaehyun sitting a few meters from the frat’s entrance. He was laying against the wall, his eyes red, and he gave you the same smile he always did when he saw you, as if your fight yesterday never happened.
“Hey baby” he said and pulled you in for a hug. You couldn’t resist the invitation, and felt yourself melting in his embrace. He smelled like weed and shower gel.
It was nice, how he proclaimed your truce, but you still had to get something off your chest.
“Listen, Jae, about last night, you were right. This whole thing is pointless. We can go home, if you want”
“No baby”, he started and pulled away just enough to look at you. His eyes were droopy but glancing back at you with such care as he moved a strand of hair out of your face, “we’re here to have fun”
You wondered why he was still willing to come to the party with you as your boyfriend. Maybe he wanted to do you one last favor with Yuta, or maybe he wasn’t done indulging in Naeun’s petty games. You looked at his forearms, noticing a few scratches that weren’t there yesterday.
“I’m guessing you and Naeun didn’t make up last night”
He shook his head, and rubbed his hands on your back, keeping your temper down.
“Did you get in a fight?”
“Something like that”
You didn’t know what came over you. It was anger and protectiveness, possessiveness even. You laced your fingers in his locks, letting his head rest against the wall. If Naeun wanted you to speak in her language, then so be it.
You started kissing his neck, on that part on the side that is tender and sensitive. You heard passerbys whistling at the two of you, seemingly getting it on in public. Your licks and sucks weren’t meant for pleasure though, you had a goal and that was to leave a bruise. A statement for Naeun.
You walked in the building hand in hand and followed Jae to the kitchen, where he poured you a drink out of the bottle he brought along. Looking around, you sensed a couple familiar faces staring back at you from the crowd. Taeyong from class, Mark and Ten, and last but not least, Naeun. You downed the drink in one shot and lead Jaehyun to the dance floor.
He put his hands on your hips, and swayed you at the sound of some club song you weren’t familiar with. You ground your ass against him and he hissed, keeping you close against him. A little voice in your head was screaming how this isn’t real, to him this is all pretend, but you ignored it. You wanted her to think that he was yours, that she couldn’t hurt him anymore.
“Why are you doing this to me y/n? Yuta’s not even around”
Jae turned you around, and you put your hands on his shoulders. He looked absolutely breathtaking tonight. You searched his face for a flaw, yet couldn’t find any. You wouldn’t change a single thing on him.
“She’s here” you said venomously.
He buried his face in your neck, inhaling the smell of your hair and trying to ground himself from his high. “I don’t give a fuck about Naeun”
He kissed your ear and your mind fogged up even more.
“She didn’t ask me to meet up yesterday, I did. I wanted to tell her that she and I were done, for good. I thought she wouldn’t be here tonight, but I guess she changed her mind”
“Then why are you here? And why did you let me give you that big ass hickey?”
He stopped nibbling on your ear, and whispered to it instead.
“I’d never miss up on a chance to feel yours”
The bodies dancing next to you, the liquer you had downed a few minutes ago and Jaehyun’s words were getting too much to handle. You felt suffocated, unable to distinguish where reality ended and pretending began with you two.
“Jae, I need a moment, excuse me”
Releasing yourself from his grasp, you made your way to the kitchen. There wasn’t any fresh air, but there was plenty of booze. You poured yourself a shot and as you downed it, you felt another liquid trickling down your top.
You looked up to find out who managed to make this night even worse for you, only to come across the last person you needed to see tonight. Yuta.
“Shit I’m sorry”, he muttered and you avoided eye contact, thinking you’d manage to get away without him realizing it was you. Luck wasn’t on your side tonight.
“Well well well. Long time no see.”
Confidence was dripping from his smile, to his stance, to the way he looked at you. He had dyed his hair your favorite color, his white locks begging to be tugged and played with. To top it all off, he smelled good, so, so good. He smelled dangerous. Comfortable.
You immediately realized that you didn’t have the self control needed to resist him. Turning on your heel, you started to get the hell out of there when he held your wrist, keeping you in place.
“Wait, I’m sorry, you can’t stay like this, you’ll catch a cold”
“Since when are you worried about me?”
“C’mon y/n, please. Come upstairs, I’ll give you a clean shirt. No funny business, I promise”
You hated yourself for this, but you followed him upstairs to his room, like a pray falling right into the hunter’s trap. He closed the door behind him, muting the loud music and you sat on his bed that you were so familiar with. Looking through his closet, he passed you one of his t-shirts, and turned around to let you change with some privacy. It was comical how chivalrous he was acting, considering the unspeakable things you’ve done in here.
“Not like you’ll see something you haven’t seen already”, you murmured and he chuckled, raising his hands.
“Hey, I’m a gentleman. It’s my fault, after all. I have a habit of getting you wet.”
Blushing at his comment, you quickly changed into the clean shirt and felt the bed dip next to you. You thanked him under your breath and started getting up, when you felt him hold you back once again.
“Stay, just a moment. I’ve missed you”
“What do you want?”
“You, baby”
Yuta was the one who said it, but you swore you felt Jaehyun’s voice reverberating through the nickname. Suddenly, it felt like there was no air for you to breathe.
“That’s not happening, Yuta. I’m with Jaehyun now”
He scoffed, “Jaehyun? Naeun’s puppy? Come on now, we both know you can do better than that”
“Don’t talk about him like that”, you bite back, but he doesn’t budge.
“What kind of boyfriend leaves his girl alone in a party like this?” He grips your chin, making you stare at him face to face, impossibly close. “Look at you. Every single guy in this party wants to fuck you. You expect me to be ok with this?”
Yuta lets his other hand glide on your knee, moving up to your thigh slowly. He smiled at how easy it was to focus on him.
“Do you remember how I made you feel? How I reminded you that you’re mine? You were moaning so loud, Mark thought you’d pass out. You loved it.”
You wanted to scream, tell him that this was the past you, that you couldn’t take going back to him once again and get your heart broken one more time, but you felt helpless around him. The warm feeling was only temporary, it would soon evaporate when you face the fact that to him, you are nothing but a play toy, a possession.
And that’s when Jaehyun barged in through the door. His eyes moved frantically from Yuta’s hands on your thighs, to his band tee you wore, to your discarded top on the floor. He quickly turned red, the color spreading from his neck to his face, then landing on his ears.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing with my girlfriend?”
You instantly got up, following his thought sequence.
“It’s not what it looks like! He spilled his drink on me and gave me a clean shirt and..and..”
“And you decided to sit on his lap to thank him?”, he mocked you and Yuta laughed.
“Calm down, dude. I didn’t make her do anything. Besides, it’s not the first time y/n found her way over here after some disappointing dick”
Jaehyun grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up from the bed, forcing him to stand and face him. You moved between the two, trying to stop the catastrophe that was about to happen. Jae might have more muscle power than Yuta, but if the whole frat ganged up on him he would have to leave this place in a stretcher.
“Jaehyun please, let’s just go. Baby, please”
The nickname was the only thing that brought him out of his rage and made him listen to you. He let go of Yuta and took your hand, dragging you out of the room.
You were two hallways down when you pulled away, forcing him to stop.
“Why did you have to get so mad?”
“Why the fuck did you go back to him?”
“I didn’t! It was just.. so hard for me to tell him no”
You felt your eyes water with how pathetic you sounded. Jaehyun rubbed his hands over his face, groaning in frustration.
“Don’t you understand how much it fucking hurts? To see you with that guy that treats you like shit when I’m right here, willing to give you everything? When I’m in love with you?”
You couldn’t process what he said because in a moment, his mouth was on yours. The kiss was so different than the one you shared at the hallway of your campus. It was passionate, it was rough, and this time, he monopolized your attention. His lips were determined to bruise into yours, leaving you breathless and causing your back to fall against a wall. It was crowded around you, eyes prying into your intimate moment but to you, the only person around was Jaehyun.
“You smell like him”, he growled, sucking on the tender spot under your ear, “makes me wanna fuck his scent off of you”
That was all you needed to hear. You led him to the frat’s guest room, knowing that Taeil always kept a spare key in the lamp next to the door. Unlocking the door seemed like a tour de force with Jaehyun leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck, but you finally managed to stumble inside. You locked the door behind you, continuing your heated kiss, hands roaming around each other’s body.
He was taller than you, so when you felt him grab your ass with such eagerness, you almost lifted off the ground. You palmed him through his jeans, the roughness of his hard on making your panties stick from wetness just a bit more.
“I want to taste you” you managed through kisses, but he just unzipped your skirt as a response, pulling it to the floor in one hasty move. Petting your clit through your underwear, a shiver ran down your spine, spreading goosebumps all over your arms and legs.
“I don’t think I have the patience for that”
He walked you backwards towards the guest bed, taking his pants and shirt off along the way. You sat on the edge of it and admired his godly proportions, when you took notice of the bruises and scratches that led to your fight on Saturday. Suddenly feeling the need to slow down, you started leaving kisses over each and every one of them. You wanted him to trust you, give in to you completely. He had his flaws just like he said, but you wanted all of him. And you wanted him now.
“I need you, now”, you voiced your thoughts and helped him take off his boxers, revealing his hard cock. He was thick and decently long, making your mouth water and your pussy clench.
Towering on top of you, he removed your panties that were embarrassingly damp at this point, and by his smirk, you knew he noticed.
Jaehyun bent your legs next to your torso, making you expose all of you. He licked his lips as he dove into your lower ones, muttering praises about your “pretty pussy”, turning you impossibly wet.
Jung Jaehyun never disappoints, you thought, because the moment you felt the first lap over your sensitive bud, you got a taste of heaven. He alternated between licking and sucking over the spot that turned you into putty against him. You were already unbearably turned on at this point, and the changing pace of his tongue made you lose your mind.
Your pants and moans only seemed to urge him on, and after a few minutes of his careful treatment you felt yourself getting close. He must have sensed it, because when you grabbed the bedpost in an effort to stop shaking, he stood on his knees, and reached for a condom in his wallet.
You didn’t have time to complain about the denial of your orgasm, and started taking Yuta’s shirt off, when he grabbed your hands and placed them back on their previous position on the headboard.
“Don’t”, he said sternly as he lined himself up your entrance, “I want to fuck you in his shirt”
There was no time to think about whether his request was healthy or not, because when you felt him stretch you out, the only thing on your mind was him and his dick.
You let out a deep moan and he took it as a sign to screw himself deeper inside you. Your pussy gushed uncontrollably, filling the room with the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin. You unlaced your fingers and ran them down his back, ghosting them over the dimples that had affected you so much.
Jaehyun lowered himself, letting his chest touch yours, and you could feel his abs contracting over the fabric of Yuta’s shirt.
“I bet he’s never eaten you out like that, yeah?”
“N-no, never, ahh”
He sat up again, putting your legs over his shoulders and lifted your butt off the mattress, gripping your hips to steady himself before continuing his incredible pace.
“You’re mine, aren’t you baby? Mine to give you everything.”
The position felt divine. He was hitting it incredibly deep, reaching the spot that had you moaning so loud you were thankful for the unbearably loud music of the party. You were sure his fingers would leave a mark over your hipbones but you didn’t care, the pain only accentuating the warm feeling in your belly.
“J-Jae don’t stop - fuck don’t stop I’m gonna cum”
He leaned over, grabbing your face that was contorting in pleasure.
“Look at me when you cum for me”, he demanded, and when you rolled your eyes behind your head, letting go, he let out his first moan for the night.
He kissed your lips sweetly, helping you ride out your high.
“You’re so beautiful, my baby. So, so beautiful”, he praised and you submitted fully to him. He turned your body around, positioning you in all fours, and you wondered where the gentle boy you met at Johnny’s house went. His dick buried in you once again, spreading your juices around and the sensitivity of your previous orgasm made you aware of every single inch.
“So fucking tight”
Jaehyun didn’t go easy on you. He saw how much you liked it, how you were pushing your ass against his cock. He pounded in and out of you with the intention of fucking your thoughts out, and that’s just what he did. When the feeling got too much, and making any sort of noise seemed like a feat, you felt him push your hair back, and start biting on your neck, most definitely leaving a mark.
“I’m gonna cum. Fuck, I’m gonna cum”, he muttered, his voice wavering and you felt him release in the condom inside you.
It took a while for the both of you to regain your breaths. Jaehyun’s chest was heaving up and down as you rest your head on top of it, not brave enough to break the silence.
“I’m sorry”, he finally said and started petting your hair lovingly.
“About what?”
The bed was foreign and small but you both stayed still, wanting to bask a little more in the peacefulness of the moment.
“About getting so possessive, and saying all these things out of jealousy. I acted just like him..”
You kissed his left peck, listening to his heart that was starting to beat in a faster pace.
“Jaehyun, you’re nothing like Yuta. I get how you felt, I feel the same way when I think about you with Naeun”
He took your hand that was resting on his abs and planted a kiss on your palm. Your heart did a flip and you were pressed so close together, he sure must have felt it.
“I should have told you about her sooner. About the fights and how I let her go because of you. I was in denial about my feelings for you because-“
He stopped mid sentence, wary of the way his words would come off to you. Jaehyun was a proud man, but he opened up his heart tonight, admitting he was in love with you. He had already exposed so much of himself that you gave him the time he needed to organize his thoughts.
“Because I was insecure. That you would never like someone like me. That Naeun was right. That you were only interested in playing pretend with me and didn’t mean any of the things you said, and I let myself get carried away in a lie”
You and Jaehyun were two lost souls, trying to break free from the constraints your insecurities built up for you. You didn’t have to succumb to your masochistic tendencies anymore, wasting your time in heartless lovers because now you found him and he found you. Both unable to see any value in themselves, but more that willing to treasure the other. And that was enough for you.
“I’d be honored to be loved by someone like you. Baby.”
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stufftippywrote · 3 years
not an astronaut
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This is based off a personal experience. Tw for fat-shaming, homophobia, and general assholery from an asshole kid.
The bell rings cheerfully as Bitty steps through the doorway. This was one of his favorite places when he was younger. The eclectic curios, every shape and size and color, packing the shelves were an endless source of fascination for young Eric Bittle, and the owners were friends of the family, so they knew Bitty well and didn't freak out when he picked up a ceramic pepper shaker or glass figurine and held it in his hands like an ancient treasure.
He walks through the store with that same sense of wonder now, 30 years later, and brushes his hand reverently over the shelves. They’re not looking for anything in particular today, but Bitty has told Jack about this place so many times, he simply couldn’t help but visit. Besides, you never know when you might find the perfect accent piece for the new home.
Chicken-shaped serving bowls, a porcelain figurine of a girl dancing, a set of silverware in a dusty wooden case. Bitty is spoiled for choice. As he browses, there’s a movement at the back of the store, and he catches a glimpse of someone hauling boxes through a door. He wonders who runs the place now. The sign still says Thompson’s Antiques, but he knows Mrs. Thompson passed and Mr. Thompson is getting on in years. Could it be that…
A prickle of fear runs through him.
The figure in the back drags the box to a nearby aisle and starts unpacking it, placing items on a low shelf. Bitty’s curiosity overflows. He moseys into that aisle and begins to speak, but the man raises his head before he can get a word out. He has to catch his breath all over again.
The man’s face goes slack. “I know you,” he blurts.
Eric puts his hands on his hips and gives a bright smile. “Davey Thompson. So you’re here after all!”
“Davey, this is Eric. Eric, this is our little boy Davey.” Mrs. Thompson’s smile is bright as she urges her son forward. “Why don’t you two go play at the playground while Mommy and her friend talk?”
The kid is tough-looking, with ruddy cheeks and a thick build. Eric reaches out his hand to lead Davey along the way. The minute they’re out of earshot, Davey snatches his hand back like he’s just touched a hot stove. Eric turns, surprised.
“You’re fat,” Davey says.
Eric blinks.
“You look dumb,” Davey adds on. And thus a quote-unquote “friendship” was born.
Davey stands up. He still has the same tinted cheeks and stocky build that Bitty remembers, but his face is sunken somehow, and he’s built up muscle where baby fat used to linger on his arms and shoulders. He’s got a tattoo on one arm – a Japanese koi fish, mid-splash.
“Nice ink,” Bitty comments.
And Davey Thompson, for possibly the first time in his life, smiles at Bitty. “Thanks.”
“The shop looks nice,” Bitty says, surveying the shelf like it’s his domain. “Hasn’t changed much since I used to come here.”
“You’re – you’re Eric Bittle, right?” Davey says, sounding almost scared of the answer. “From school?”
“From way before school,” Bitty responds. “You’re looking good.”
“Uh. Thanks. Same to you.” Davey looks uncertain, almost sheepish. There’s a moment of awkward silence. Davey tries to break it. “Um. So. What are you –”
He doesn’t seem to have the strength, or the will, to come up with the rest of the sentence. Bitty picks it up. “I’m a pastry chef,” he says. “I have a bakery and I cater, and I’ve put out three cookbooks. Can you imagine that?”
Davey looks kind of stunned. “Wow,” he says slowly. “Good for you. Where’s the bakery?”
“Up in New England. Providence, Rhode Island, to be exact.”
Davey snaps his fingers. “That’s right, you went to college up there. For hockey, wasn’t it?”
Bitty takes a swing at the ball. He misses, and it goes tumbling behind him into the net.
“Hah, you’re the worst goalie,” Davey says.
Somehow, Bitty finds the courage to say, “Let me play forward.” But his words are swallowed by the passing of a car on the cross street.
“You be goalie.” Bitty gives the phrase all the menace he’s got in an eight-year-old body.
Davey laughs, a cruel laugh that sounds like ripping paper in Bitty’s ears. “Why? I can score on you all I want. That’s why we made you goalie.”
Resentment simmers like a low sun in Bitty’s gut. He wants to challenge Davey to play him on actual ice. He knows Davey can’t skate. As bad as he is, Bitty can’t possibly lose to him there. But the words stay stuck inside, plastered to the inside of his stomach, making him feel sick.
“Worst goalie ever,” Kevin chimes in.
“The worst, the wooooorst,” all four of them sing to him.
Bitty crouches low and is glad they can’t see much through the oversized goalie mask. Someday, he thinks, someday I’m gonna get them.
“Something like that,” Bitty answers easily. “And you’ve been here running the store?”
“Pretty much.” He doesn’t look very proud of that fact.
“I remember you used to say you were going to be an astronaut.”
“Ah, well –” The rose tint on Davey’s cheeks grows a shade deeper. “We were kids. I figure I missed my shot to make something of myself.”
All of Bitty’s nurturing instincts come alive. “Don’t say that. You’re doing well. Doing good, honest work. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Nah, man. It was just the easiest thing to do, once Mom got sick. I had to be here for her, and I … just stayed.”
Bitty gazes at him. This isn’t the attitude he expected from Davey Thompson, not in the slightest. He seems so defeated, as though Bitty’s arrival has reminded him of everything he isn’t. Bitty doesn’t want to be that for him, but he doesn’t think he has a choice in the matter. He quashes the small, self-satisfied demon that’s cackling in the back of his head. He’s not that kid anymore, either.
Just then, the chimes jingle at the front of the store. The babbling voice of a young child brightens the room. “Ah,” Bitty says, “there they are. He had to keep them outside a while before they calmed down. Little kids just work themselves up into a dither sometimes.” He offers an apologetic smile to Davey and retreats down the aisle toward the front of the store.
Suze is quiet, but it’s clear she was crying her eyes out earlier. She hangs on to her Papa with a fierce fist. Robby’s eyes are bugging out at the sight of the store. “What’s that?” he keeps asking, tugging on Jack’s slacks. Jack himself looks a little the worse for wear, but happy. That kind of tired-happy that they see in each other’s faces every night once the kids are in bed.
“Come on, Rob,” Bitty says, holding out his hands. “Want to see Daddy’s favorite store?”
Robby holds out his hands to be picked up. Bitty obliges, despite the warning creak of his back. He turns to take Robby further into the store and sees Davey standing there, staring them down.
He points. “I know you, too.”
“Ah, here we go,” Bitty says with a laugh.
“Were you in school with us? I don’t think that’s right, but—”
Jack holds out his hand for a shake. “Jack Zimmermann,” he says. “And you are?”
“My old friend Davey,” Bitty fills in. He can’t help but put a pointed emphasis on the friend part.
Davey clasps Jack’s hand but doesn’t seem to want to let go. “You’re Jack Zimmermann? The hockey player?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
Davey pumps Jack’s hand about four more times before finally letting go. “It’s – it’s good to meet you.” He looks at Suze, still curled up in Jack’s other arm. “And these are your kids? Or—” He turns to Bitty, face contorted in confusion. “Are they your kids?”
“Both,” Bitty answers cheerily. “Davey, meet my husband.”
Davey Thompson very nearly has a coronary right there.
“Hah, you’re just small all over, aren’t you?” Davey says with a pointed glance at Bitty’s crotch.
“You can’t help how you’re born,” Bitty retorts, but he pulls up his boxers right quick.
“Yeah, some people are just born stupid,” Davey agrees. Bitty instantly regrets replying at all.
Kyle whispers something in Davey’s ear. They both laugh.
“You’re right,” Davey says. He turns back to Bitty. “He’s right. They do say things about you.”
Bitty’s heart drops to his stomach. “W-what things?”
“You know! That you’re—” Davey flaps his wrist.
He doesn’t seem to have the nerve to say the word, but he doesn’t have to say it. The others in the locker room laugh.
For not the first time, Bitty is tempted to just ask, “So what if I am?” But he can’t. Not to these people. This isn’t how he wants his coming out to happen. So he just turns away and pulls on his sweatpants, ignoring the rills of laughter that echo against the lockers, and feels small. Small all over.
Davey recovers from his shock and nods his head rapidly. “Oh, I get it. Uh, congratulations. Uh, Bittle, could I talk to you a sec?”
He has that sheepish look again. Bitty watches as he retreats into one of the side aisles. “Gimme a sec,” he tells Jack, setting Robby down, and follows Davey.
When they're isolated, Davey turns to him sorrowfully. “I, uh—” Davey looks at the floor. “I was pretty mean to you in school.”
It isn’t what Bitty expected, not at all. To be honest, demons in the back of his head aside, this sort of thing doesn’t bother him so much anymore. Why should it? He’s married with two kids and a brand new home. He doesn’t spare a lot of time thinking about the distant past. “Um,” he starts, suddenly terribly embarrassed.
“No, let me—” Davey raises a hand. “Just let me. I said a lot of nasty things to you back then. I’m really sorry about it. I think about it a lot, and I’m just – I’m really sorry.”
There is a piece of Bitty that’s happy, even smug, at hearing this apology. But mostly he just pities Davey at this point. What a thing to carry around your whole life. “We were kids,” Bitty says. “Kids say dumb things. It’s all water under the bridge.”
“Still.” Davey says.
“I can’t say it didn’t hurt me,” Bitty goes on. “But I turned out okay, don’t you think?”
Davey laughs grimly “Yeah, look at you … and look at me.” He shrugs.
“You seem to be doing all right,” Bitty says charitably.
“I’m not an astronaut,” Davey says.
Bitty laughs. “Neither am I. We’re all good.” He pats Davey on the shoulder. A moment passes between them, silent, as they both listen to the sound of the past giving way to a new, kinder present.
After the moment passes, Bitty grins “Come on, I’m going to introduce you to my kids. Do you have kids?”
Davey flushes. “Yeah, I got a teenager. A real smartass. I wonder where he learned it.”
“Pictures!” Bitty declares. “Get that phone out, I demand pictures.”
Davey struggles to pull his phone out of his jeans pocket. This time, he flushes with pride. He narrates the story of each photo as they walk back toward the front.
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crackheadgeminibby · 3 years
you can't change the past
pairing: steve rogers x wilson!reader, bucky barnes x wilson!reader
warnings: angst, language, TW mentions of depression, suicidal thoughts and abortion
word count: 5.1k
a/n: i rewatched endgame and remembered how much steve leaving annoyed the shit out of me so there. also i 100% took that ripple quote from x-men so yeah, enjoy:)
i do not consent to my work being copied in any way, shape or form or reposted on any other platform
not my picture
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You’re leaning on a tree next to your brother as you wait for Banner to finish calibrating the time machine. In the distance, you see Steve hugging Bucky before making his way towards you. You stand up as Steve gets to your level. He smiles softly before looking towards Sam,
“Hey, can you give us a second, please?”
Sam nods before walking towards Bucky and striking up a conversation with him. You smile up at Steve before stroking his cheek and asking,
“What’s up?”
Steve’s eyes flutter close as he leans into your palm before saying, barely above a whisper,
“I’m not coming back, sweetheart.”
Your hand falls from Steve’s face as a frown etches itself onto your face.
Steve slowly opens his eyes, looking into yours, before replying,
“When Tony and I went to 1970 for the Tesseract and the Pym particles, I saw Peggy… I thought I had moved on but… We’re meant to be together.”
You feel a lump forming in your throat as you take a step back from Steve, hurt clear on your face.
“I thought we were?”, you ask, voice cracking at the end.
“So did I… But when I saw her again, it just felt like the universe was giving me a second chance and I can’t not take it.”
As tears start to fall down your face, the air around suddenly feels freezing as a shiver shakes your body. You look towards the ground, trying to find something, anything to say. You’re not sure how long you stay there but you’re pulled back to reality when Banner tells Steve that the machine is ready.
“Y/N… Please, say something.”
Your eyes stay fixated on the ground beneath your feet, “What does Bucky think about this?”
You hear Steve’s breath stop shortly before he exhales slowly, “I didn’t tell him.”
You scoff before shaking your head slowly and kicking a pebble.
“You know, Steve, there’s a theory in quantum physics that time is immutable. It’s like a river: you can throw a pebble in and create a ripple, but the current always corrects itself. No matter what you do the river just keeps flowing in the same direction.”
You look up at Steve, before finishing, “You can’t change the past, Steve. But thank you for making your feelings about me crystal clear.”
You turn around, practically running back to your car, driving back to the tower.
Through your tears and sobs, you don’t hear that someone has followed you back and has entered your room. A hand softly touches your back, startling you, as you turn around rapidly, whispering, hopeful, “Steve?”
“Sorry, doll. It’s just me…”, you hear Bucky’s soft voice answer.
You feel your sobs wracking through your body even harder than before as Bucky climbs into your bed, taking you into his arms. You cry into his chest, listening to his heartbeat until you eventually hear his breathing become ragged.
Through your teary vision, you look up at Bucky, now also crying, as he looks down at you,
“He left me too, you know.”
You wrap your arms around Bucky, trying to comfort him while also letting yourself cry.
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As soon as Steve had returned all of the stones to their respective times and places, he had made a beeline for Peggy’s house. He had made sure to look up all the information he needed beforehand, so he didn’t have to wait a second before making his way to her.
Walking up to her front door, a bouquet of flowers in hand, he could feel the slightly chilly fall Washington air nipping at his cheeks with the sun setting in the distance.
Knocking on the door, Steve adjusts his tie, feeling the anticipation rise in his throat. After what seems like forever, the door to the Carter residence opens, Peggy herself standing on the threshold.
She is visibly shaken as her eyes widen immeasurably before she whispers, “Steve?”
Steve smiles back at her, replying, “Hey Peggy… I’m back.”
Peggy glances over her shoulder before pushing Steve farther away from the house, closing the door behind her. She crosses her arms over her chest before looking up at Steve,
“Steve, what are you doing here?”
Steve’s smile falters before stutters, “What do you mean? I came back… For you.”
Peggy shakes her head softly before answering, “Steve… I’m married. To a man I love. And I’m pregnant.”
Steve looks down at her and for the first time, he notices her inflated belly. She was not very far from giving birth.
“But, what about us?”
Peggy frowns, “Steve, we missed our chance… Gabe and I are happy.”
Steve lets his arms fall to his side, the bouquet of flowers now upside down, petals flying away in the wind. He opens and closes his mouth once, twice, three times, unable to find anything to say.
He looks at his feet before mumbling, “Can I just stay the night? I don’t have anywhere else to go. I’ll be gone tomorrow morning.”
Peggy sighs deeply before reluctantly nodding her head and opening the door, letting Steve into the house.
As Steve falls asleep that night, he only sees your face from the last time he saw you. Hurt and anger, maybe even disgust on your face. He thinks about the ways in which he will try to win you back, despite the amount of time he had been away. He wasn’t sure how long his one day spent in the past will have been in your life. But he hopes that not enough time has passed for you to have forgotten about him.
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As it turns out, five years had passed since he had left. He was confused at first when he came back. The machine Banner had left in the woods behind the Avengers facility had been left there but it was full of dust. The facility, which had been destroyed when he left, was now completely rebuilt and vibrant with life. He had been discreet, walking through the woods to get back to the city without being seen.
From there, he had been able to find a disguise to do research on where you were now. He had learned that you had moved back to Louisiana with Sam and were currently residing there.
As soon as he found out, he rented a car and made his way to you. The road was long but no place on this Earth was too far for him to travel so he could see you again.
When he got to Louisiana, he only had to ask one person to be pointed in your direction. Apparently, the Wilson family was like royalty in these parts. So, he was surprised when he arrived at the house that was indicated to him to find the door widely open, seemingly no one in sight.
Steve walks up the steps leading to the house, hearing someone running towards the door. He is taken aback when he sees a small girl stop suddenly in front of the door. She stares at Steve with wide eyes; she couldn’t be more than 6 years old, with short curly hair secured into pigtails and soft amber eyes.
Still staring at him, the child opens her mouth, “Mommy, there’s a man at the door!”
He hears feet padding their way to the door before he hears, “Lizzie, baby, how many times have I told you not to go to the door a-”
You stop abruptly in your tracks as you see before you the man you thought you would never see again. Your breath hitches as a lump grows in your throat.
Steve smiles softly, “Hey sweetheart.”
You feel the air thickening as your eyes start to sting. You hold your hand out towards your child, setting it on her shoulder, before saying, “Elizabeth, go see Uncle Sam on the dock, okay?”
Completely unbothered, the child responds, “Okay, mommy.”, turning around and running towards what seems to be the kitchen.
You stay rooted to your spot, unable to move or say a single word and staring at Steve like he’s going to vanish before your eyes.
He takes slow steps towards you as if he’s afraid that if he moves too quickly, you’ll run away like a wild animal. He stops when he’s in arms reach of you.
He smiles a little before saying, jokingly, “No welcome home hug for me?”
Before you can even register what happened, your hand has already hit Steve across the face. You feel the heat of the slap warming up your hand as you clench it into a fist at your side.
Steve looks at you again, understanding that this was clearly the wrong thing to say to you. He softly strokes his cheek.
“Guess I deserved that.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes before asking, “What the fuck are you doing here, Steve? I thought you were going back to Peggy?”
Steve shakes his head almost imperceptibly before saying, “That didn’t really work out…”
You scoff again, “So, what? Peggy rejects you and now you come back to get your second choice, is that it?” You shake your head, “You know, I almost didn’t mind being second-best to her all those years ago. But now? You can go to hell, Steve.”
He stares at you, almost like he’s not even listening to you, before asking, “Is she mine?” He bites his bottom lip, looking next to you where pictures of the child and you through the years adorn the walls.
“She seems about the right age, you know?”
You clench your fists, even tighter than before, which you didn’t know was possible. You can feel the blood gradually leaving your hands as you clench your jaw and look at Steve straight in the eyes, “No. She’s not. Not that it’s any of your business?”
Steve frowns in confusion, “Well then, who-”
He’s cut off as loud footsteps resonate through the walls of the house.
“Hey doll. Lizzie just came running down to the boat talking about how there’s a man in the house.”
Bucky’s voice, despite him being far enough away for you not to see him, travels perfectly to the spot in which you are still motionless. Bucky finally stops when he sees Steve standing on the porch.
He doesn’t hesitate for a single second before clenching his jaw and saying lowly, “Get out.”
Steve puts his hands up in surrender about to say something before Bucky screams, making you jump slightly, “Get out of my house! NOW!”
Steve looks between you and him, waiting for you to advocate on his behalf, but you had stopped doing that a long time ago. You stare back at Steve, almost challenging him to defy Bucky.
As Steve doesn’t move, Bucky walks heavily to the door, making you think that he is about to start a fight with Steve, you say, “Bucky, don’t.”
Bucky stops in front of Steve and takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before slamming the door in Steve’s face. When Bucky turns back to you, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in.
Your vision starts to get blurry, and your ears feel clogged as you faintly hear Bucky still next to the door, cursing Steve out. Your lungs burn as if air seems to be unable to find its air through your body as your legs tremble. Your head starts to spin and before you can understand what’s happening, your legs give out making you crumple on the floor.
You distantly hear Bucky call your name, but your brain seems unable to focus on his voice trying to pull yourself out of your current state. You feel a pair of strong arms holding you to a hard chest followed by a pair of soft hands stroking your hair and face.
After what seems like forever trying to fight against your own body, you let go and everything turns black.
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When your eyes flutter open, you’re lying on your bed and the room is pitch black. Multiple hours have visibly passed but the room is completely silent. You push yourself up to the headboard, looking around you before getting up. Your legs are still shaky, so you lean on your bed to help guide you to the door.
As you walk through the halls of the house, you start hearing hushed voices in the living room. Stopping on the threshold, you look at Sam, Sarah and Bucky sitting around the dining table.
“Hey. What happened?”, you croak out.
All their heads snap in your direction and Bucky almost immediately walks towards you, enveloping you in a hug.
“Oh doll, I didn’t know you were awake. How are you feeling? Are you okay?”
You tear yourself out of Bucky’s arms before looking at Sam and Sarah confusedly. They were looking at you like you just came back from the dead or something. Bucky stands next to you, also analyzing your face.
You frown, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Oh my God, what is it, guys? Stop looking at me like that!”
Sam gets up from his chair before gently stroking your arms.
“Do you remember anything from today?”
You frown again before slowly shaking your head. “Should I have something special to remember?”
Sam nods apprehensively before replying, “Steve was here today. Apparently, you guys talked for a while then Bucky got here, and you passed out.”
You rack your brain, trying to remember what he was talking about before you realize. Your body tenses up and you feel your breathing become ragged.
Bucky feels that and guides you to the dining table, making you sit down where he was before. He kneels in front of you and takes your hands in his.
“Doll, I want you to breathe with me, okay?”
You can feel your head start to spin and your vision becomes blurred, but you focus on Bucky’s voice.
“Deep breath in…”
He inhales deeply, making sure you’re following along.
“And out…”
He exhales deeply, looking into your eyes. You can feel your vision start to clarify.
“Again. In…” Inhale.
“Out…” Exhale. Your head stops spinning.
“One last time, in…” You inhale deeply through your nose.
“And, out…” You exhale through your mouth.
Bucky looks deeply into your eyes before stroking your cheeks. You shiver slightly from the difference in temperature of his hands that are both on your face. He gets up and sees your eyes sending him a panicked look.
“It’s okay… I’m just going to sit down here, okay?”
He sits down on the chair next to you before taking your hand in his. You look at Sarah and Sam, visibly trying to find something, anything to say.
After you all stay seated in silence for about 5 minutes, you look up at them.
“I want to see him.”
Sarah frowns, reaching for your hand that’s resting on the table.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Y/N? You didn’t… fare so well last time, you know?”, she says softly.
You nod, swallowing thickly.
“I know but he caught me by surprise. This time, I’ll know that I’ll see him so I can prepare myself.”
You can feel Bucky tensing up next to you. Sam clears his throat.
“Why do you want to see him? He knocked you up, broke your heart and left you for some 100-year-old woman he kissed once.”
“Sam!”, Sarah chastises.
“Can always count on you for the honesty.”, you say sourly, side-eyeing Sam.
“First of all, he didn’t know I was pregnant. Hell, I didn’t know I was pregnant until… the accident...”, you say silently.
You had been battling depression since your early teens, but it had never been that bad. Sam and Sarah had started to recognize the signs of your mental withdrawal almost immediately after Steve had left. About three weeks after Steve left, you had tried to take your own life by crashing your car in the lake behind the house. Bucky had found you just in time and brought you to the hospital.
The doctors had insisted on doing a complete medical check-up and had found that you were 2 months pregnant. You were ready to tell the doctor that you wanted to abort but Sam and Sarah had convinced you otherwise. They had told you that keeping the baby could be like a piece of Steve in your life and it could help you heal.
At first, you didn’t believe them, but they ended up being right. The baby saved you, giving your life purpose, something you thought you would never find again.
Bucky, Sam and Sarah had all pitched in to help but Bucky had realized that his desire to be there for you was more than guilt for his best friend leaving you. He had fallen in love with you. So, when he had asked you out, you had said yes. When he had proposed, you had also said yes.
Bucky was making you the happiest you had ever been in a long time. And you were now pregnant with your second child. You had learned about two weeks ago and you had announced it last weekend.
But you knew that, if you didn’t get closure from your time with Steve, you would never be able to be completely happy with Bucky.
You shake your head slightly, making yourself come back to your current situation.
“And second of all, I need to do it. For myself. But also, for my two children. I can’t be the mom they deserve if I don’t get some kind of closure from this whole… situation.”
Bucky huffs before getting up and walking quickly to your shared bedroom. You sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“Sam, can you try to track him down, please? I need to get this done soon.”
Sam looks at you for a couple of seconds before sighing and nodding his head.
“Thanks. Good night, guys.”
You walk to your bedroom, opening the door. When you walk in, you see that Bucky is laying down under the covers, his back to you. You walk slowly to the bed before kneeling down on it.
He exhales loudly but doesn’t budge. You sigh deeply, stroking his back with one hand while the other turns him around.
“Bucky, baby, please, just listen to me.”
He rolls on his back but stares at the ceiling, avoiding your eyes. You sigh again before sitting down next to him, folding your hands in your lap.
“Look, Bucky, I understand that you’re upset. He hurt me but he also hurt you. He left us both and you’re allowed to be angry with him and deal with his return in whatever way you want but you can’t be mad at me for wanting to deal with it in the way that I want.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything, still staring at the ceiling. You exhale slowly, putting a hand on Bucky’s cheek.
“Bucky, come on. Say something.”
You sigh deeply, “Bucky, I-”
“I’m scared, okay?”, he says loudly, turning his head to look at you. You jump slightly, unprepared for a response from him, much less such a loud response.
You frown, tilting your head, “Scared of what?”
He turns his head back to stare at the ceiling.
“Bucky, you need to tell me.”
He puts his hands over his face, slightly muffling his answer, “I’m scared that you’re gonna see him and talk to him and fall back in love with him. And then, you’re gonna leave with Lizzie and then I’m gonna be left alone all over again…”,
You feel tears pooling in your eyes as you reach over to put your hands on his shoulders. You tug at him softly, indicating that you want him to get up. Bucky sits up, staring at your lap before you reach over and put a hand on his chin, lifting his head to look at you.
You stare into his eyes, also full of unshed tears, before saying,
“Bucky, I want you to listen to me very carefully, okay?”
He nods at you before whispering “okay.”
“First of all, Steve doesn’t know that Lizzie is his, okay? When he asked, I said no. And we’re going to keep it that way because you are her dad, Bucky, no one else. Second of all, it’s not like I’m going on a date with the man. I just want to talk to him so I can get closure. And third of all, in case you forgot, I’m wearing your ring on my finger, not his. And that’s how it’s gonna stay, okay?”
Bucky looks at you as tears start to fall down his face. He leans towards you, leaving a short but passionate kiss on your lips.
He lays back down on the bed before taking you in his arms as you listen to his steady heartbeat.
You look up at him, whispering, “I love you, Bucky Barnes.”
Bucky hums appreciatively before kissing the top of your head and answering, “I love you more.”
That night, you fall asleep with Bucky’s arm around your waist and his fingers intertwined with yours.
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When you wake up the next morning, Bucky has already left the bed. You know that he’s either on a run or working on the boat with Sam.
You get up, brushing your teeth and getting ready before heading out to the dock. As you thought, you see Bucky and Sam working on the boat. They’re silent and you know it’s because you’re supposed to see Steve today.
“Hey Sam!”, you call out.
Sam turns towards you before meeting you halfway into the boat.
“Did you find him?”
He looks at you, raising an eyebrow before scoffing.
“Please. It took me less than 10 minutes. I told him to come at 11:30 so he should be here any minute.”
“Okay, thanks.” You look down at Bucky, still hard at work on the boat’s engine.
“Buck, can I talk to you for a second, please?” He drops the tool that was in his hand before walking up the stairs of the boat and stopping to sit down on the dock, not looking at you once.
You sit down next to him, before taking your hand in his.
“I’m just gonna talk to him, okay?” Bucky continues staring at his shoes but nods softly.
“I love you, you know that, right?”
He finally looks up at you and nods, murmuring, “I love you too.”
You smile at him, kissing his cheek.
“Y/N, he’s here.”, you hear Sarah’s voice call out.
Bucky instantly tenses up and looks at you with panic in his eyes. You give a warm smile and whisper, “It’s gonna be okay, I promise. As soon as we’re done, I’m gonna come find you and then we can go do something fun together all day, okay?”
Bucky nods, sniffling softly, before heading back inside the boat.
You get up and follow Sarah to the backyard where Steve is sitting on a bench. As soon as he sees you, he gets up and adjusts his shirt. You feel the warm Louisiana air brushing against your skin as you take deep breaths, approaching him.
When you get to the bench, Sarah stops a couple of feet behind you. You look at her and nod, silently saying that you’re fine. Steve walks towards you and pulls out a bouquet of flowers, handing it to you.
You reluctantly take it and sit down at one end of the bench. Steve follows your actions and sits down on the other end.
“You look beautiful.”
Your breath hitches as you put the flowers on the bench between you.
“Look, Steve, I didn’t-”
You stop and frown as you see a purple bruise under his left eye. You instinctively reach up to touch it and he hisses as your warm hand touches his face.
“What happened?”
“Let’s just say that Sam was less than happy to see me.”
You chuckle softly. You should have known that he would have done something like that.
You put your hand back in your lap, trying to find the right words to express your feelings.
“I wanted to see you because I need closure for my family. That’s all.”
Steve looks at you longingly, “You always were one of the strongest women I knew. And beautiful, loving, caring, compass-”
“Look, Steve, I didn’t ask Sam to call you here so we could reminisce about old times. Why did you come back?”
Steve looks at the ground before clearing his throat, “When Peggy rejected me, it made me realize that I left the woman that I truly loved. And I thought that I could come back, and we could talk and-”
“I’m engaged”, you blurt out. You slap a hand over your mouth, shocked at yourself.
Steve looks at you and finally notices the diamond ring on your left hand.
“Oh… I, umm… Who is it?”
“Umm Bucky.”
Steve frowns, “You’re engaged to my best friend?”
You snort and mutter, “I don’t think he would call himself that anymore but sure.”
“But how?”
You scoff, “Well, when you get abandoned by the same person, you kinda find some things to bond about.”
“And it is… you know, serious?”, Steve asks, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“Are you fucking serious right now? You leave me, abandon me- us, for some girl and then you ask if it’s serious?” You get up, now completely furious and screaming,
“You can’t just waltz in here after five fucking years, after destroying me so bad I almost killed our child and then ask me if I’m serious about the love of my life!”
Steve seems shocked as his mouth stays open, “Wait, I thought you said she wasn’t mine?”
You stare at him before groaning loudly, “Oh, fuck me!”
Steve gets up, a determined look on his face.
“I want to meet her.”
You exhale deeply, calming yourself down before looking at the lake and crossing your arms.
Steve stares you down, “I deserve to meet her.”
Your head snaps towards him, “You don’t deserve jack shit, Steve.”
Your vision becomes blurry with tears as you start hitting his chest aimlessly, “You left! You abandoned me! You deserve nothing!”
You feel strong arms pulling you back as you thrash around. Bucky’s soft voice rings in your ears,
“It’s okay, doll, it’s me. Calm down.”
Bucky’s hands cup your face, and he wipes your tears away with his thumbs as you calm down. When you stop crying, he pulls you into a hug and you feel his chest vibrate as he speaks lowly, “It’s time for you to go, Steve.”
You hear Steve’s equally deep voice from behind you, “I’m not going anywhere until I meet my child.”
Bucky chuckles humorlessly as you let go of Bucky and turn towards Steve, “She is not your child. She is Y/N and I’s little girl, and she will not be anywhere near you.”
As if on cue, Lizzie comes running out of the house.
You pick up your little girl and wrap your arms around her. She tries, but fails, to whisper in your ear, “Mommy, why is the man from yesterday here again?”
You chuckle at her lack of discretion. You stroke her back as you reply,
“He’s one of Mommy and Daddy’s old friend. But he was just about to leave.” Lizzie detaches her arms from around you before sliding down to the ground and walking to Steve. He kneels down to be eye-level with her and she holds her hand out to him.
“Hi. My name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Lizzie.” Steve shakes her little hand and responds, “Hi Lizzie, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Steve.”
Lizzie frowns at Steve before saying, “Are the bad man Steve that hurt my mommy?”
A look of shock draws itself on Steve’s face as he stares at Lizzie.
Lizzie turns towards you and runs back before saying, “I want him to go!”
Bucky laughs under his breath before saying, “Okay, Lizzie, come on. Daddy’s gonna make you some lunch.”
Lizzie walks over to Bucky taking his large metal hand in her smaller one before walking rapidly towards the house.
Steve stands up, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Why did she say that?”
You scoff as you cross your arms and look at him, “Because she caught me crying my eyes out one day and she asked what was wrong with me. So, Sarah told her the story about the bad man Steve that hurt me and made me sad sometimes.”
Steve detaches his eyes from yours, guilt written all over his face.
“I’m sorry”, he whispers.
“I didn’t know how bad I hurt you when I left and I shouldn’t have come back here like everything was going to be like it was when I left.”
Steve looks back at you, tears in his eyes. “I’ll leave and never come back. And congratulations on the engagement. I’m sure that Bucky and you are going to be great together.”
Steve starts to walk back towards the front yard as you stay standing in front of the bench. You hear the motorcycle start and before you can stop yourself, your legs are running towards him to stop him from leaving.
He turns off the motorcycle when he sees you in front of him.
You take a deep breath, clenching and unclenching your fists a couple of times before you say, “I forgive you. And I’m sorry I lied about Lizzie not being yours, I just… I don’t know.”
Steve nods slightly and starts his motorcycle again before riding off towards the road. You let you a breath and walk to the house.
When you see Bucky and Lizzie in the kitchen, playfully preparing some lunch, you smile bigger than you have in what felt like forever.
Your mind and your heart were finally at peace.
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hi @saiyanprincessswanie i would love it if you could check this out for your reading list, hope you enjoy🤍
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
This was originally a prompt on here that I promised a follow up to, but got carried away.
The original prompt is in italics, so you can refresh yourselves on what it was!
Words: 3.6k 
Rating: Mature
Read over on ao3, or below the cut. 
Let me know what you think! 
It should never have happened. Emily hadn’t intended for it to, and she knew Aaron hadn’t either. They hadn’t meant to fuck at JJ’s wedding, hidden in Dave’s guest bathroom as Aaron’s girlfriend danced with his son downstairs.
Things shifted between them that night. The dance they had shared, his hand in hers and his breath against her neck had ignited her skin, set something on fire that she had tried to ignore. Emily had tried to walk away, to put some distance between them. Aaron had followed her, knocking softly on the bathroom door when she had been in there a little too long.
Emily wasn’t entirely sure who kissed who first, but she remembered him pressing her up against the counter. How it felt when he pushed her dress over her hips, her own hands not idle as she undid his shirt, wanting to feel his skin against hers.
The aftermath had been awkward, but that hadn’t stopped it from happening again the following day. Him coming to hers for the coffee they had promised each other, ending up on the couch instead, clothes shed and desperate hands palming against each other's skin.
She stiffened when he said he had broken up with Beth, the gentle hope in his voice breaking her heart. Emily still remembered the look on his face when she said she was still going to London, his cheek against her hand.
She had been in London for two months before she called him, lied and said she was in town for a consult. Aaron obviously didn’t believe her, but he came to her hotel room anyway. Emily realises she should have known it would be inevitable, that they would have sex again. She wants him as much as he wants her and she has spent so much of her life denying herself the things she wanted. It isn’t lost on her that this is the first time they have done this in a bed, and she sits up as he gets dressed, the silence in the room deafening. She pulls on one of the robes hung up in the wardrobe, pulling the tie tight around her waist.
“Aaron, we still need to talk.”
He looks at her, his face stern. “Are you staying?”
Emily opens her mouth, unsure how to even begin to answer that question, to say what she needs to say. Aaron takes her hesitance as an answer, shrugging on his jacket as he shakes his head at her.
“I should go.”
“Aaron, please.”
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.” He says, his voice full of defeat and she hates that she's the one that put it there. That she caused the man who she cares for more than she should to feel anything other than happiness. Aaron turns to leave, his hand on the door of her hotel room and a heavy sigh escapes him. “See you next time you’re in town, Emily.”
Emily closes her eyes and wraps her arms around herself, pulling the robe she had put on tighter, as if it could hold her together in the soft material whilst she tells him what she came here to say. What she couldn’t bring herself to tell him on the phone.
“I’m pregnant.”
Aaron turns to look at her. Her eyes are fixed on the floor, her arms crossed tightly across her chest.
She looks up at him, a small smile on her face. “I think it goes without saying it's yours.” She clears her throat awkwardly when he just stares at her, clearly trying to figure out what to say next. “We should sit down.”
She moves over to one of the armchairs in the corner of the room. She curls up into the chair, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Emily feels relief ease some of the tension in her chest when he joins her, sitting in the chair next to hers.
“Are you ok?” He asks, and it makes her smile. Any frustration he had aimed at her had melted away, replaced by confusion and something she couldn’t quite place.
“I’m ok.” She answers. “Although morning sickness is the most poorly named thing on the fucking planet.” He laughs at that, and it’s nervous, making her raise an eyebrow at him. “Are you ok?”
He nods. “I think we have a lot of things to discuss.”
“Yeah.” She replies, swallowing against the lump in her throat. “We do.” ____________
The flight back to London is rough. Her constant nausea makes the hours drag by, her desperation to just be on solid ground almost overwhelming her.
She’s never been more grateful to see her apartment, the place still not quite feeling like home yet. She sinks into her couch and groans when her cell phone immediately rings, rolling her eyes when she sees Clyde’s name on the screen before she answers.
“Do you track me or something? I’ve only just made it back.”
“That's for me to know and you to wonder about, darling.” Clyde says, smugness in his voice that made her smile despite herself. “How did our dear Agent Hotchner take the news that he’s going to be a father again.”
“Quite well given the circumstances.” Emily answers, unwilling to divulge anymore of her conversation with Aaron to her friend, knowing if there was one person on the planet he wouldn’t want her to talk to about this it would be Clyde Easter.
“You’re going to go back aren’t you?”
Emily laughs, frustrated that he could read her so well even over the phone. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
“You always have a choice.”
“Not now.” She replies. She looks down at her abdomen, still flat with no indication of the life growing underneath her skin showing yet. “I can’t keep the baby from him, or him from the baby. He’s a great dad.”
“You left DC for a reason.”
Emily places her hand on her belly and smiles to herself. “And now I guess I have a reason to go back.” ____________
Aaron visits her a month later. His insistence on coming to London for a long weekend made her laugh. She feels nervous when she picks him up at the airport, but it fades away when she sees him.
It’s strange, having him there in her apartment, like two very distinct worlds were colliding. She liked it though, couldn’t help but smile as he walked around and made himself familiar with where she lived.
“I had a scan this morning.” She says, smiling at him nervously when he turns to look at her, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Would you like to see the picture?”
“Of course.”
She beams at him as she digs the scan photo out of her purse and hands it to him. “Everything looks good, even if I am a ‘geriatric mother.’’ She said, using air quotes as she spoke.
Aaron has the gall to laugh at her, which makes her raise her eyebrows at him. He steps towards her, ultrasound scan still in hand, and he hugs her. She hugs him back, breathes in the scent of his cologne. She pulls back enough to look at him, and before she can think better of it she leans forward and kisses him. It crosses the delicate line they hadn’t crossed since he had left her hotel room a month ago, still reeling from the life changing news he had told him. They’d been in contact every day since, exchanging texts and phone calls around both of their gruelling work schedules. They’d been acting like friends, nothing more, but her hands grasping the back of his head, pulling him closer to her, changed that.
“Wait.” He says against her lips, pulling away so he could look at her. “Is this a good idea?”
Emily heaves in a breath and licks her lips before looking at his. “Maybe not.” She presses another quick kiss to his lips. “But it’s not like you can knock me up again.”
He stares at her for a second before pulling her back into him, kissing her fiercely as she drags him to her bedroom. ____________
They don’t talk about anything important until the day he leaves, neither of them wanting to ruin the little bubble they had created in her apartment. It’s him that tentatively brings up her plans over the breakfast they had ordered in.
“When are you coming back?”
“In three months.” She says as she takes a sip of her tea. “That’s when my replacement can start here, and when the role at the DC Interpol office opens up.”
Aaron frowns at her. “The DC Interpol office?”
Emily nods. “It’s essentially what I’m doing now.” She senses his confusion and clears her throat as she sets her mug back down. “I was never going to be coming back to the bureau, Aaron.”
“It’s your choice, I just thought you would have mentioned it.”
Emily can feel her temper flaring, annoyance rising up in her before she can stop it. “We’re not in a relationship, Aaron. Just because we fucked a few times and accidentally made a baby doesn’t mean I have to run everything past you.”
He stares at her, a hard look on his face. It seems to take him a moment to speak, and the way he carefully chooses his words pisses her off even more. “Would you even be coming back if it wasn’t for the baby, Emily?”
She looks at him, her fury written all over her face. “No. I wouldn’t be.”
He leaves pretty quickly, claiming he needs to get to the airport even though his flight isn’t for another 12 hours.
After that they speak less often. She updates him on the baby and he asks her how she is, how both of them are doing.
When she starts to show she takes a photo of her bump and sends it to him. The next day a package from Amazon arrives full of pregnancy skin care, a gift note from Aaron that tells her Haley had sworn by the bump cream. The tenderness of the gesture makes her cry, the affection she feels for him almost bursting out of her chest.
She calls him when she finds out they are having a boy, her enthusiasm seeping down the phone and filling his voice with wonder.
As she boards the plane to DC 3 months after she last saw him, all of her belongings shipped, she feels something a little bit like hope bloom in her chest. ____________
Aaron comes to visit her at her apartment almost as soon as she gets back, a smile on his face and a bag of takeout in his hand.
“Hi.” She says, almost shyly as she lets him in.
“Hi.” He kisses her cheek before he thinks about it, pulling her into a hug. He steps back and looks down at her abdomen. “Wow.”
Emily laughs, her hand landing on her belly. “Yeah, he’s getting big.” She takes the bag of food from him. “We should eat.”
They eat and make conversation, and it’s as if 3 months of awkward conversation between them hadn’t happened. He asks her about Sergio, and she says Penelope would be keeping him for now, but that she had full visitation rights.
Aaron clears up the plates, and she rolls her eyes at him as he tells her to put her feet up. She feels the awkwardness seep back in when he sits on the couch next to her, the unanswered questions hanging in the air.
“I’ll get you your own key.” Emily says, tearing her eyes from her lap to look at him. “It makes sense for you to just be able to come over, see the baby whenever.”
He nods, an awkward smile on his face. “I’ll get you one to my place too. Jack keeps asking when you’re coming over.”
“That’s sweet. I missed him.”
“He missed you. We both did.” It’s awkward again for a moment, and she can see the second he decides to simply say whatever he had been holding back for months. “What are we, Emily?”
She sighs. “I don’t know, Aaron.” She grabs his hand and squeezes it. “I care about you. So much. But if we hadn’t had sex at JJ’s wedding we wouldn’t even be here right now. How is that the foundation of a relationship?”
“By itself it might not be, but we have a lot more than that.” He cups her cheek. “We’ve known each other for years. I know I’m not the only one who has felt that there could be more between us.”
Emily closes her eyes and rests her forehead against his. “There is so much more at stake now.” She puts their joint hands on her bump. “We can’t mess anything up for him, or Jack.”
“Don’t we owe it to them, to us, to try?”
She pulls back enough for her nose to brush against his. Emily decides that she’s going to let herself have what she wants. She nods before she kisses him, sighing as they both lean further into it. She breaks off with a laugh when she feels the baby kick against their hands.
Aaron looks down at her stomach in wonder. “He’s kicking?”
She nods at him. “He’s kicking.”
For the first time since the test came back positive she genuinely feels like everything might work out. ____________
By the time she's 8 months pregnant she is spending the vast majority of her time at his apartment, even when he was away on a case, and she tries to ignore what that means. That she’s 2 months into a relationship with a man and practically living with him and his son. Whilst being pregnant with his second son.
Her mother had always told her that she didn’t do anything by half.
Emily is sitting on a park bench, watching Jack play on the swings, with her hand pressed into her belly when she feels it. The familiar feeling of being watched. She feels a shiver run down her spine, goosebumps raising over her body.
Her first instinct is that it’s Ian. All of her logical thoughts that he was dead, that she’d watched him die, being beaten by the anxiety coursing through her. Every reason she had left DC in the first place comes flooding back and she has to take several deep breaths. The feeling doesn’t go away, she looks around the park quickly. She can’t see him, can’t see anyone that looks like they’d be associated with him, but she feels like she needs to leave. Like she needs to get Jack, and her baby, back home as quickly as possible.
She’s about to walk over to Jack, make him leave his friends so she could take him home, when she hears a familiar voice.
“Emily?” She whips round to see Beth standing next to her, an awkward look on her face as she takes in Emily’s appearance. “I saw you from across the park, I thought it was you.”
“Beth. Hi.” She tries to smile. “How have you been?”
“Good.” She nods. She looks at her again, eyes landing on Emily’s bump. The unspoken understanding from the other woman that she was pregnant with Aaron’s child. “You look well.”
Emily’s smile falters. The last time she had seen Beth had been at JJ’s wedding, the night she’d had sex with Aaron when his girfriend was just downstairs. Beth would know that. Emily knew that Aaron was a good enough man to have told her everything when he broke up with her.
“I am really sorry, Beth. For how everything happened.”
Beth laughs and sits on the bench next to her. “That is almost exactly word for word what Aaron said when we got back to his place after JJ and Will’s wedding.” Beth looks over to where Jack is playing and smiles. “I knew something had happened, neither of you were very subtle.”
Emily feels her baby roll in her belly and she presses her hand to it, hoping the gentle circles soothe her son as well as herself.
“I...I guess saying we didn’t mean for it to happen won’t mean much.”
“It doesn’t.” Beth says, a wry smile on her face as she turns back to Emily. “But are you both happy?”
Emily doesn’t even have to think about it. “Yeah. We are.”
“Then maybe it was all worth it.” Beth says as she stands. “I should get going, tell Jack and Aaron I said hi.”
“You should say hi to Jack.”
“It’s ok. I don’t want to confuse him.” Beth smiles at Emily one last time. “Tell Aaron I’m glad he’s happy.” ____________
Aaron gets back to his apartment, the case he had been on two days too long for his liking, to find Emily fast asleep on the couch, wearing one of his shirts and a pair of leggings, with her hand pressed into her stomach. He smiles as he hangs up his keys and sets the alarm, setting his briefcase down on the side. He walks over to the couch and sits on the edge of it, gently waking her. She opens her eyes and looks at him.
“You’re home.” She murmurs, the roughness to her voice giving away that she’s been asleep for a while.
He hums in his throat as he strokes his hand over her head. “Why are you on the couch, you know it doesn’t do your back any good.”
“I was waiting up for you.” She sits up slowly, accepting his help to get her upright. Emily leans against his side as he sits next to her, smiling when he puts one of his palms on her belly and kisses the top of her head. “I missed you.”
“Missed you too.” He tilts her head and kisses her properly, feeling her smile against his lips as the baby rolls in her stomach. “How are you?”
“Good.” Emily answers. “My entire body is sore. But good.”
He hums his sympathy and rubs his hand over her stomach, the baby forever active in a way he knew had caused Emily to lose sleep.
“I’d like to take you on a date.” He says, smiling as Emily pulls back from him, a look of curiosity on her face. “I realised today that I've never taken you on one.”
“Aaron.” She replies, a smile on her face. “I’m 8 months pregnant with your son, I think we’re a little past dating.”
“True, but you have only just agreed to be my girlfriend.” He laughs when she scrunches her nose at him, leaning down to kiss the tip of it. “What?”
“The word ‘girlfriend’ makes it sound like I’m 14, not in my 40s.”
Aaron smiles at her again and kisses her, smiling against her lips. “Well, I’d propose to you so you could call me your fiancée, but I worry that would send you running back to London.”
Emily laughs, kissing him again quickly. “I wouldn’t run away, but I might check if you were feeling ok.” She rests her head against him again. “I saw Beth today.”
He stiffens, his arms tightening around her. “How was that?”
“Awkward.” She answers, turning her head to kiss his shoulder through his shirt. “But she was very nice. Nicer than I might have been in her shoes.”
“I’m glad.” He kisses the top of her head. “What else?”
“What do you mean?”
“What else happened?”
She scoffs. “Can’t keep anything from you.” She sighs. “I could tell someone was watching me, and before Beth came over I thought it was Ian.” He doesn’t say anything, and it spurs her on. “I know he’s dead, that I don’t have to be afraid anymore, but I was for so long.” She feels her emotions rise in her chest, tears flooding at her eyes as she was at the mercy of her hormones. “And I have so much more to lose now.” She wipes her face. “You, Jack. The baby.”
He kisses the top of her head again, then her temple, holding her impossibly tighter. “You aren’t going to lose any of us, sweetheart.” He tilts her chin so he can kiss her properly. “This is it now. Forever.”
She ignores the voice in her head that tells her he can’t promise her that, and she nods.
“If that’s a proposal I’m leaving.” She jokes and it makes him laugh, his forehead pressed against hers.
“Trust me, baby. You’ll know when I’m proposing.” ____________
He takes her on a date the following week. She lets him take her to a restaurant and spoil her, and he doesn’t make any comments when she orders enough food for at least 3 people for herself.
He takes her for ice cream after, going into the store and getting it himself so she doesn’t have to get back out the car, her ankles sore and swollen.
That night they lay in his bed, the one she really knows is theirs, and as he runs his fingers up and down her bare spine she drifts off to sleep.
“I love you.” She whispers into the room, the first time she has said it to him.
She stays awake long enough to hear him say it back. ____________
It should never have happened, but when their son, Benjamin, is born three weeks later Emily is so glad it did.
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
“Put me down”
“I’m not putting you down”
“Put me down”
“You’re enjoying it I know you are”
(hookay, listen. I took this into a whooooole other direction than the original probably intended, but dang if the idea wasn't so cute I had to do it)
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Mac whines in Jake's arms, twisting and turning while he struggles to hold him. It's a sound Amy knows all too well - both from their toddler in his threenager woes, and from his dad when he's just as frustrated.
She's not going to tell him that, though.
So she only grins as Mac continues to wave his arms around, the low-pitched whine turning into an outright little wail, just this short of protest-crying.
"Wan' downnnn!"
"No, I'm not putting you down."
"Whyyy~" Mac wails again, and if that isn't one of his favourite new words to drive them insane with.
"Because we're in a big, new place with lots of people around. Because the last two times you ran off and got lost, and I don't want to lose you here again." Jake explains, and Amy's grin turns into a much softer smile. He's been talking to Mac as if they were equal conversation partners ever since Mac was doing nothing more but blowing spit bubbles and giggling at his dad, but now their little boy is actually old enough to understand at least some of it.
And old enough to protest, it seems.
"Down, pleeeeease~"
Jake sighs before shooting the still smiling Amy a glaring look.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you."
"It's just nice seeing you be an adult." She swipes a few stray hairs from his temple while Mac fruitlessly punches against Jake's shoulder, pressing his face into it after. "And a dad."
He's been so good at that - at actual parenting, even when his childishness still takes over sometimes, letting Mac go with much more than she'd allow, but it's worth it to see both of her boys' excited smiling faces sometimes. And she can't deny how much it makes her heart jump, watching the two of them run around the apartment in a light saber battle that has almost cost them three vases, but then seeing Jake jump in and grab Mac's paper roll saber before he can actually hurt someone with it.
"Daddeeeh." Mac wails again, and Jake sighs. "Dowwwn."
He pushes his face into Jake's shoulder again with another whine. With any luck, he'll fall asleep soon enough, worn out from an exciting day at the market festival they've been at for far too long for all of them now. Maya is already peacefully asleep in her big baby stroller that Mac has grown out of - they'd brought his new buggy, too, only to discover the fabric ripped and one metal bar bent when Jake had finally wrangled it out of the boot of the car.
Hence, the carrying. And wailing.
"I miss the times when he was just happy hanging around in his baby carrier." Jake mumbles while Mac's whine turns into a low, continuous hum.
"You'll have Maya in there soon enough." Amy soothes, and smiles at Jake's excited glowing face staring into the stroller, where their new little bundle is snoring. "And Mac will be a big boy then and walk with us at a proper pace and all."
"Well, that's a nice pipe dream." Jake says with a side-swept look at her while Mac has obviously heard the word 'walk' and is leaning up again, his arms outstretched and leaning back so far Jake has to grab his back with his other arm to keep him from toppling over.
"Wanna waaaalk!"
"Okay, but are you gonna walk, with us, or are you gonna run off again as soon as I put you down?" Jake asks with such a stern look on his face, it makes Amy giggle.
Even in these frustrating little moments, she can't help but admire how much Jake has grown. As she watches him trying to debate with their little bundle of chaos, she always thinks back to the worries he's voiced when she was pregnant - that he wouldn't be a good dad, because being a proper dad was such a big responsibility he'd never really known, and how he didn't feel up to it at all, considering he was still half a kid himself.
And now here he was, a whining toddler on his hip, the firmest grip on his little struggling legs while trying to reason with him like a seasoned pro. He's grown into exactly the kind of playful, loving dad she always dreamed of - the kind of dad she knew he would be from the moment he whispered about a positive pregnancy test being 'kinda cool'.
Mac still seems to be contemplating his dad's point of walking vs. running, a pouty lip and creased eyebrows on his face while his tiny, caramel apple sticky fingers fumble with Jake's shirt collar. But then that trademark Peralta-smile spreads across his face as he throws his arms up again and leans back to shout.
Amy laughs as Jake grabs his back again.
"Well, at least he's still being honest with us."
"Alright. Tag, you're it." is Jake's only reply, and suddenly Mac's in her arms instead of his, while he grabs the handlebar of Maya's stroller instead.
"Hey, no fair!" She complains even while pulling Mac up on her hip in almost a reflex move.
"All's fair in love and war." Jake quotes, and she's suitably impressed. "And having kids is definitely both."
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h2bakugou · 4 years
hi i really like your stories! can i request a bakugoxfemreader where bakugo gets hit by a love quirk and it kinda lingers for a bit and everyone teases him. then it goes away and he kinda humiliates y/n and she goes off on him and he feels bad? fluff ending please? <3!!
a/n: hiii!! thank you so much hun! of course, this idea is actually really cute omg skfkdjh yes lets do this
summary: after getting hit by a love quirk that makes bakugou a little more interested in you which only makes everyone tease him. when its effects begin to wear off, however, he insists on teasing you.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, some angst im so sorry what is it with me making like borderline love angst fics lately yall-
wordcount: 2.2k
;cut for length;
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“We’ll just have to wait for the effects to wear off, there’s nothing we can do.” Recovery Girl was telling the truth, whether Bakugou believed it or not. He was fed up with this.
“You’ll return to the dorms, be thankful we have tomorrow off.” Mr. Aizawa instructed, letting Bakugou leave to head back to the dorms. Grumbling something under his breath, Aizawa shook his head as he watched Bakugou leave past the doors.
“Look after him.” Mr. Aizawa stated to the few class members that had come to see if he was okay. Those few students consisted of Deku, Mina, Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and you.
You were worried about Bakugou. Not only that he’d be dealing with the effects of a quirk for however long it lasted, which Recovery Girl estimated up to 72 hours.
But because the blast that hit him was hard. He’d took a pretty good beating from the villain alone, but he sure showed them who was boss. But not before declaring his love for you.
It was an effect of the quirk.
Bakugou was now feeling the effects of being madly in love with you. You happened to be right beside him when he was hit, making you the first person he saw when you helped him up off the ground, making you the target for his feelings.
Of course, he was under influence of the quirk, so you knew not to get ahead of yourself.
It felt awful. You felt worse than you could’ve felt. Watching your crush parade around calling you ‘his’ and acting like you really were an item, all while the rest of your classmates teased him, finally calling him soft and vulnerable.
But for the sake of not letting anyone know how you truly felt, you kept a smile on your face. You kept your head up, and only let it fall when you were in the privacy of your room, all while Bakugou blew up your phone with texts.
The effects of this god forsaken love quirk were at it’s peak on the second day when Bakugou attached himself to you. Holding you, hugging you, holding your hand, he had to be touching you or he claimed he was in agonizing pain.
So you just let it slide. You didn’t mind it, or mind his warm breath on your neck when he laid on you in public. His breath against your neck only made your face hotter, but you knew it was just the quirk.
You had to remind yourself that it was just the quirk.
“Kacchan’s all soft for you! How cute.” Kaminari teased. You shook your head. Then you heard the snap of a phone camera. 
Kaminari now had a collection of pictures, all consisted of Bakugou clinging onto you somehow.
Sending it in the group chat shared between the Bakusquad, Mina was the first to respond, quoting that you should take him out on a date while you had the chance.
You didn’t feel right taking advantage of him. None of it felt right. But you couldn’t peel him off of you. You wanted this to actually be him, to actually be Katsuki Bakugou holding you close, whispering that he loved you in your ear just loud enough for you to hear.
“I’m gonna head up to my room.” You mentioned, finally pulling Bakugou’s arms off of you, but he quickly stood up.
“Where are you going, Babe?” Bakugou’s voice was the same, and it made chills run down your spine as you heard it.
“Awe!” Kaminari smiled, already shipping the two of you together.
“Shut up dunce face.” Bakugou turned to Kaminari to insult him. Kaminari just smiled and hugged him, Bakugou hugging him back for once.
You took the opportunity to run to your room. 
Looking through the group chat that included Bakugou, you saw nothing but photos of Bakugou being nice. Being kind, being not himself. Hugging you, and others, being nice to Deku, like without screaming at him.
Most of the photos included you and him somehow, whether it be like just now where you were cuddling together on the couch, or how he’d held your hand.
There was still a bit of Bakugou that hadn’t completely disappeared, that was beginning to show up more and more as the effects of the quirk began to wear off.
But the pounding on your door was more than enough to keep you out of your thoughts.
Kaminari and Sero were lurking around the corner, keeping an eye on Bakugou as he knocked on your dorm door.
You quickly opened the door thinking something was wrong.
His lips slammed onto yours, with just enough time for Kaminari to snap a picture.
Pushing him off of you, you could feel your heart racing. You shook your head and just stared at the blonde as he smiled at you.
“Go to bed, Katsuki.” You showed him your phone to indicate that it was way past his usual bedtime.
“Let me kiss you one more time idiot.” Bakugou’s voice was still so eerily familiar. It was the same one that called you a dumbass on the regular, the same one that you heard yelling as you sparred.
You didn’t know Kaminari and Sero had seen the kiss, let alone taken a picture of it. 
“This isn’t you. Just go to sleep.” You were hurting, more than you should’ve been. Why couldn’t you just tease him like the rest of your friends? Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be Bakugou?
You stayed in your room the following day, asking Jiro to politely bring you some food during lunch and dinner. 
She didn’t ask questions, but she had a feeling she knew what was wrong. But she didn’t bother you, she just told you to feel better and went along with her day. 
Bakugou’s texts eased up and by the end of the night, they had completely stopped.
Finally, after about two and a half days, the effects had completely worn off and the usual grumpy, egotistical, and crass Bakugou was back.
Class had gone by fine, you sat in your seat beside Bakugou, knowing he knew. Knowing he’d seen the texts, the pictures, all of it. He was a bomb waiting to go off, quite literally.
As the time dwindled down, you were on edge. 
And finally it happened.
Heading to the stairs to go back up to your dorm for some alone time, to hopefully get your mind off of Bakugou entirely, he stopped you, slamming you into the wall near the stairs.
“We need to talk.” Bakugou’s eyebrows were knitted together, his red eyes were glaring into your own (e/c) ones.
“What’s there to talk about? I know you’ve seen it all already.” You looked away, taking interest in the floor.
“I know you know I know. Don’t think that it was actually me.” Bakugou didn’t want to say that. Despite being under the influence of some love quirk, those were his true feelings.
Sure keeping it all bottled up was his way of doing things, but that quirk freed up a lot of his emotions. How he felt toward you. 
He didn’t want to be saying all of this, but he was.
“Don’t you think that I already know that?” You looked back up at him, hurt written all over your face.
Kaminari and Kirishima peeked their heads around the corner watching as the two of you talked. More classmates came over, watching the exchange.
“You should. I don’t like you.” Bakugou was lying. He just couldn’t say the truth. It was easier to lie about it, it was easier to keep it all inside, but seeing you like this was destroying him.
“I have liked you since we met back at the entrance exams. Do you know how awful it was to sit and watch you act like you were actually caring for me? Like you had even just the tiniest bit of interest in me? I knew it wasn’t you. I knew it was just some stupid quirk. I knew it wasn’t fucking you. Do you know how bad I wanted to kiss you back when you kissed me? Do you know how bad it hurt t shove you away like I didn’t fucking love you?” You shoved Bakugou back, now painfully aware of the audience watching you.
“Save it. It’s time for you to go to bed right? Eight-thirty?” You turned and began to walk up the stairs, leaving him behind.
You picked up your pace once you were out of sight, tears beginning to flood from your eyes as you clenched your chest, your heart finally shattering into a million pieces.
“Woah dude.” Kaminari approached Bakugou.
“What?” Bakugou stared at the blonde, watching as Kaminari just sighed.
“You might want to go talk to her.” Kirishima stepped in.
“I know.” Bakugou mumbled, proceeding to head up the stairs after you.
Bakugou had his hands tucked in his pockets as he approached your dorm door. He didn’t know what to say, or how to say it.
In the middle of searching for the right thing to say, all he could think about was how he hugged you, how his hand fit perfectly in yours. How your lips felt for the few seconds they were on his.
Knocking quietly, Bakugou looked away as you pulled the door open. You didn’t say anything as you stared at him, your eyes red and puffy as tears still fell from them.
You went to close the door but Bakugou stopped it, pushing it back open as you took a few steps back into your room.
You were silent save for the muffled sounds of your crying which you cushioned with the sleeve of your sweater. You didn’t face him either. 
Bakugou stared at your back. He stood quietly as he searched harder to find the words to say, to fix this mess that he’d made. Or at least had a hand in making.
“I am an asshole.” Bakugou started. Whether it bruised his ego or not, it was the truth. He couldn’t believe he’d actually said that.
You didn’t reply, despite wanting to agree with him.
“But I am so fucking in love with you.” Bakugou raised his voice just enough so you could hear the strain behind his words. Your eyes widened as you froze in place.
“And I can’t explain how I feel. I’ve never been good at it. And I was heavily influenced by that stupid fucking quirk but I swear, behind it all, I wasn’t doing it absentmindedly. I love you.” Bakugou admitted.
“And I saw all of the shit that happened and I just wanted to erase it. Because I didn’t know how you felt. I felt like an asshole even more for acting like a dumbass.”
“And I know I am an asshole but just please look at me.” Bakugou pleaded. His voice was soft again. You slowly turned around and met his eyes.
“I don’t regret anything. And I certainly don’t regret this.” Bakugou took a few steps, almost like he was running at you, and cupped your wet cheeks, bring your lips to his.
It was perfect. The feeling of your lips on his. The way they fit against his. The familiar feeling that Bakugou recalled the first time he felt your lips. 
He savored it, even the vaguely salty taste from your tears. He didn’t stop, he couldn’t. He needed this. It was his antidote. You kissed him back, your hands slowly rising to meet his.
And when your palms cupped his hands, he pulled away, holding your face still as he butted his forehead to yours.
“I fucking love you, dumbass.” Bakugou smiled, the same smile he wore whenever he was being a jerk, the same smile he taunted all your classmates with, the smile that you knew belonged to Katsuki Bakugou.
“You are an asshole.” You cried, more tears falling from your eyes as you shook in his hands. Bakugou’s eyes widened, not knowing how to react.
“I love you too.” You smiled. It was all Bakugou needed to pull you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you, holding you like you were going to slip away.
After a few hours of explaining and talking, the two of you were on the same page, completely understanding of how one another felt, despite it being difficult to open up about it.
Waking up the next morning in each other’s arms was not how you expected the school day to start. You rubbed your eyes as you stared at a sleeping Katsuki hugging your side. 
“Hey, wake up.” You smiled, nudging his shoulder. Bakugou quickly opened his eyes at the sound of your voice.
“Oh shit.” Bakugou glanced at the clock that sat on your bedside table and darted up.
“I’ll see you in class, love you.” Bakugou gave you a quick kiss before running out of your room and over to his.
You smiled, feeling so much better. Talking about it helped. And Bakugou was now proud to call you his. And even more so, he wasn’t ashamed of the pictures taken of him, or the dozens of messages he’d sent to you.
He was going to fill his camera roll with dozens more of pictures of you and him. Ones that allowed both of you to be open and loving toward one another, without some second-hand quirk getting in the way.
And it started with one picture of Bakugou kissing you while you laid together.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
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Kagami and Marinette deserve so much better.
Anyway, let’s just start literally where this episode starts, because it makes no sense. Remember back in my “Truth” critique where I basically said that the episode seemed like it’d been shoved through multiple drafts and no one checked the final one?
Same applies here.
Like--okay, ”Truth” and “Lies” take place at roughly the same time, which means that the same filler akuma/sentimonsters appear to interrupt Adrimi’s moments just as they did with Lukanette’s, giving its audience a clear timeline of how the episodes line up. The reason this is important is because the writers can’t even keep consistency within singular episodes and then honestly thought that they could do it within two.
“Lies” begins with Marinette talking to Tikki about the grimoire, because apparently she has the non-translated version and there’s a secret to figuring out the code that Tikki believes Marinette will discover eventually.
...Alright, I’m derailing here but I have to add how absolutely stupid Fu was when dealing with translating the grimoire. He was supposed to teach Marinette how to be guardian, yet he didn’t teach her how to read the grimoire (if there’s supposedly a “secret” to it, is he really going to bank on Marinette figuring it out herself eventually instead of just giving it to her and avoid the risk altogether??), kept the translated pages on his tablet without sending them to Marinette as he deciphered them, and took time to write a letter to her in “Miracle Queen” but left no guardian-centric advice for her to work off of, meaning that Tikki had to explain how the Miracle Box worked to Marinette back in “Truth.”
The show goes out of its way constantly to turn everything against Marinette even if it makes all the characters around her look either incompetent or cruel. It’s not that I’m not used to this by now but it’s just infuriating that it keeps trying to raise the stakes and tension when Marinette made such a tiny mistake to cause the issue in the first place, and now we find out that Fu had no back-up plan or strategy, apparently expecting this 14-year-old girl to act perfectly and cover for him.
And of course, instead of leaving the scene off on Marinette being encouraged by Tikki and Marinette showing confidence in herself (i.e: what would’ve been a nice scene), the kwami accidentally fumble with the keyboard in such a way to have Marinette’s computer bring up  a news story about Adrien, which leads to Marinette leaning towards her computer and sighing over Adrien and his “amazing life.”
Can I just point out how annoying it is that all the Adrienette moments so far on Marinette’s end have been forced, not just in general (because we’re used to that), but literally forced by the plot so Marinette would talk about him or other characters would bring Adrien up?
“Truth” had Alya insult Marinette to her face over her Adrien crush because Marinette was freaking over something non-Adrien related that they couldn’t have known about, Luka was sent a no-context picture of Marinette’s Adrien wall which led to him lowkey teasing her about it, and then Truth was forced to listen to Marinette’s friends and Tom babble about Marinette’s supposed crush on Adrien even when Truth points out that it’s not a secret, making the “joke” fall absolutely flat.
And now “Lies” comes along and has the kwami drop things and step on the keyboard in the exact way to pull up Adrien stuff for Marinette to fawn over. It’s at this point I’m realizing that - had the kwami stayed inside the box or just not been around in general - Marinette literally wouldn’t have brought up Adrien at all in either “Truth” or “Lies” and now I’m sad. I really don’t want to have a counter for “episodes where Marinette wouldn’t have so much as breathed Adrien’s name if the kwami/someone else wasn’t there to force it.”
So yeah, the episode had to force Adrienette into its Adrimi episode because the show can’t go five minutes without reminding the audience that Adrien exists even though this episode is primarily from his point of view, made worse by this scene’s lack of ability to exist.
See, from the timeline in “Lies” lining up with “Truth,” there is no possible way for this opening scene with Marinette talking about guardian stuff and then fawning over Adrien to happen. There’s an akuma scene in “Lies” that literally is just copy-pasted from “Truth” (it actually does this again with another scene later but that’s not important right now), so that means anything that takes place before said scene in both “Truth” and “Lies” have to line up.
Except they can’t. The akuma scene in question interrupts Marinette’s movie date with Luka in “Truth,” and before that, she had just opened the Miracle Box, wrangled up the kwami, talked to the girl squad over video call, talked to Luka, and then immediately had to leave. There are no cuts or wiggle room anywhere in there.
Therefore, the scene in “Lies” is impossible. Either the scene is supposed to go elsewhere in the episode (we don’t actually know how many days it takes up so it’s hard to say on that front) which just makes the episode even more convoluted, or this means that one would have to pick between the scene in “Truth” and the scene in “Lies” because they literally cannot co-exist.
“Lies” was supposed to coincide with “Truth” and they messed it up in the first scene of the episode.
Then comes Adrien himself, who really shows the series’ clunkiness in focusing on other characters. It’s not that I’m against the show moving away from Marinette to show other people’s point-of-view (I definitely didn’t complain during the Couffaine sibling scene in “Reflekdoll”), but Adrien cannot carry his own episode.
In Marinette’s opening scene, we immediately got details on the grimoire and lore about how reading it actually worked. I didn’t like it and it wasn’t good, but it was new information.
Adrien, meanwhile, spends a large portion of the episode being sad (a very grand and unique plot, my dudes) and giving us information we already know. “Truth” has to come first because “Lies” is half of a follow-up on it, meaning that the audience is already aware that Ladybug has been forgetful and has had to miss out on patrols. It’s just that now we get to see Chat Noir sulking about it and--okay, I am just going to go off, alright?
Firstly, Chat Noir tells Ladybug later on that he “understands” her guardian duties, but he previously mocked her behind her back by using air quotes when he was talking to her answering machine (since she obviously wouldn’t see that). We saw in “Truth” where he admitted that he doesn’t mind her being guardian “as long as it doesn’t change their relationship,” and that’s on display right here with his comments.
Not only is it extremely disrespectful, but for someone who claims to be so loyal and understanding to Ladybug, he sure doesn’t show it.
Secondly, he leaves her a message about how he’ll take care of patrol, then proceeds to slack off because she’s not there to keep him in check. He sulks around Paris, mumbling about how Ladybug isn’t around and constantly checking his messages to see if she’s replied to him. Chat Noir has shown his “priorities” in terms of heroism before, but patrol isn’t supposed to be about getting time with “““his lady”““ yet that is clearly all he cares about. He even ends the patrol unprompted, either giving up or just generally having not finished, because I don’t believe that the “end” of patrol just happened to be at the place Kagami was.
Patrol is about protecting Paris and scoping things out. Ladybug is trusting him to pick up the slack when she’s not around and he should be picking up slack, yet he has completely failed on that front. This is made worse when considering that the Season 3 finale had Ladybug breaking down to him from guilt and we know that Marinette had a breakdown before that to Luka, yet Chat is doing nothing to lighten Ladybug’s burden, putting up a falsehood on Ladybug’s answering machine to make him look better than he actually is.
Then, thirdly and most importantly/infuriatingly, Chat Noir knows that Ladybug is busy and he knows that she’s taking on a new responsibility, yet he not only jabs at her for “how hurtful it is when she leaves him to patrol alone” (one, cry me a river, and two, I don’t care if it’s a joke, it’s insensitive), but before that scene, he was actively hoping for people to get akumatized so Ladybug would be forced to show up and he could spend time with her. He egged Xavier Ramier on, even asking him if he “missed being Mister Pigeon,” and then looked on with glee as Chloe bullied Sabrina because he thought that an akumatization might happen.
And this is on top of so many other issues with this whole scene. Adrien complains all the time about his schedule and how restrictive his father is, but suddenly - in the episode right after Marinette had to break up with her boyfriend due to her cramped schedule - is lounging around and wasting time. It hurts to see Marinette suffering from all of her responsibilities while Chat’s biggest problem is how little time he gets with Ladybug.
Also, another point on Mister Pigeon is that that’s the akuma that had interrupted Marinette’s movie date and kiss with Luka. I’m not suggesting that Chat egging Xavier on led to him getting akumatized, but I am saying that Chat wanting akuma to happen with no regard for Ladybug’s happiness is yet another point on the list of why I hate the love square. Marinette genuinely forgot about patrol with him - genuinely was forgetting about everything, really - and as a “punishment,” her own partner whined, didn’t patrol properly, and egged on an akumatization that eventually ended up happening which then broke up the little bit of happiness that the universe was allowing her to have.
Oh, and did I mention that he’s also dating Kagami at the time as well because here we freaking go.
Now, I did not get on Marinette’s case for her Adrien wall and stammering because Luka is largely aware of where she stands in the relationship and she only brought Adrien up when someone else did, even when Luka wasn’t around or being mentioned. Adrien, however, I have multiple bones to pick with, starting with how utterly needy he is for Ladybug’s attention.
This guy has tons of friends, all these fans, and could get people to flock to him whether in or out of the mask, but he wants Ladybug, and anyone not Ladybug isn’t good enough. There’s a scene later in the episode where Kagami - his girlfriend, mind you - is pouring her heart out to him, and he gets distracted by Ladybug instead of listening to her. Even when he excuses the distraction, he then gets distracted again even though Ladybug is no longer in the background.
Lying to protect his identity is one thing, but what Adrien does to Kagami goes beyond that. He’s pining after and flirting with another girl and Kagami has no idea. She’s speculated before that Adrien likes Marinette, but she’s mostly left in the dark because Adrien hasn’t told her anything, nor has he confirmed with her whether it’s okay or not for him to flirt with other girls so long as he’s not pursuing them. He could’ve admitted that he was in love with Ladybug but that he wants to try things with Kagami, but he refuses to open up to her or put himself out there.
Except, he technically does, once, when Kagami tells him to pose for her and he strikes his transformation stance, but he caught her completely off-guard and it’s no wonder why she was put off by it or thought it was unnatural. Not only that, but when Kagami tells him that he’s acting like a clown in that scene, we can see by jumping back to “Truth” that Chat Noir fished for Ladybug’s compliments which then led to a line about him talking about how Ladybug enjoyed him acting like a clown; a direct connection.
Kagami didn’t validate him, so he fished for Ladybug to do so because Ladybug was both forced to answer the question and wasn’t able to lie to him. The show has Ladybug state that her most preferred trait of his is his humor but I am certainly not laughing.
Chat Noir even goes further after the fight with Truth (so another copy-pasted scene) by saying that he has the most fun with Ladybug specifically, and this is all while he’s still dating.
Then this guy has the gall to talk during his break-up about how his fun times with Kagami weren’t lies after apologizing to her for his constant lying, as if he’s trying to earn her sympathy when we know that he’s been pining after Ladybug and flirting with her like she were his number one when he already had a girlfriend waiting for him (and who, by the way, had covered for him earlier and was sitting sadly on a staircase outside, feeling abandoned). The episode presents the break-up as if Adrien’s problem was the fact that he had to constantly lie to Kagami due to being busy with hero work (which is already dumb when we also saw him lounging around and complaining about how nothing was happening, meaning he was inadvertently supportive of the idea of having less time with Kagami and more time with Ladybug even if that means Paris is in danger), but the real problem ends up being that Adrien neglected Kagami emotionally and wasn’t able to give her the attention she wanted.
It’s both sad and annoying that Adrien has always sulked about his dad not paying attention to him and then we get Adrien not paying attention to Kagami, looking for Ladybug when Ladybug had already left and Kagami is trying to tell him something very important.
This is what I mean when I say that Adrien can’t carry an episode on his own. He’s incredibly selfish and most of his dialog just involves him complaining about Ladybug or making excuses. Kagami carried the episode more than he did because more details were revealed about her - specifically the fact that she likes drawing - and she’s active in making things happen (being the one to make the excuse to set up their fencing lessons, deciding what they’ll do with their hour of free time, etcetera).
And regardless of what girl he’s interacting with, Adrien can’t respect either of them. I just talked about Kagami and I’ve already talked about how he treats Ladybug when she’s not even around, but now we get to how he treats Ladybug when she is around.
During the climax of the fight with Lies, where Ladybug requires a distraction to safely pull off her lucky charm, Chat Noir decides - without Ladybug’s input - to sacrifice himself yet again.
I have to stress that Ladybug is stressed and Chat has always talked about her plans and listening to her, yet he has a horrible habit of making decisions all on his own and letting Ladybug deal with the fallout. Whenever he has the chance, he’ll throw himself in front of her and take the big hit, presumably with the mindset that Miraculous Ladybug will fix everything so it’s not like it matters.
Ladybug even shouts at him when he hints at what he’s about to do and there was absolutely time for them to talk about it, but Chat Noir just lets himself fall and be bait, even throwing out what is a clear confession (again, while he’s still dating someone else) before he’s knocked unconscious by Lies’ power.
And when Ladybug yells at him for it when everything’s said and done, pounding at his chest and looking absolutely upset over the whole thing? He not only brushes her off, but he boops her nose and talks about how “irresistable” her “angry little pout” is.
He might as well have just said, “you’re cute when you’re angry,” because that’s exactly what he’s implying; that Ladybug’s anger is something “amusing” to him and not something he takes seriously. We’ve already seen it before in “Reflekdoll” and “Oblivio” as well, so this is just a continuation of already-annoying behavior.
Then, instead of Ladybug getting even angrier for it, the episode has her smile at him, which not only isn’t a normal reaction compared to how she’s reacted before, but now gives the impression that she’s being conditioned by the narrative to accept Chat Noir’s behavior in whatever shape or form it takes.
Because think about it: regardless of how upset Ladybug gets over Chat Noir, it never works out for her and she’s forced to either make up with him quickly or just get over it because she can’t be fighting with her partner (meanwhile, like in “Glaciator,” Chat Noir can be as upset as he wants and she’ll apologize first). She presumably would now have the authority to take away his ring by virtue of being guardian, but he’s also been her partner from the beginning and he’s had so much time to get used to the cat. Most likely, she would sooner blame herself for failing to reign him in than blame him for failing as an adequate partner.
There’s nothing she can do. She has to deal with the hand that she’s been dealt and getting angry at him has done nothing; rejecting him has done nothing.
And of course the episode throws everything under the rug in the ending with an insulting LadyNoir scene where Ladybug and Chat Noir talk about the secrets their forced to keep but also how they can trust each other.
Meanwhile, Ladybug has no idea of all the things Chat Noir has done behind her back. She still has no clue about “Copycat,” nor “Syren,” nor any of the stuff he did in this episode that she’ll probably never know about. Factor it in with “Miraculous New York” (whether one considers it canon or not) where she rightfully shouted at him because he betrayed her trust, and here we are one and a half episodes later (since “Truth” and “Lies” take place at similar times) where suddenly they’re all buddy-buddy and Chat Noir doesn’t have to deal with any consequences to his selfishness.
I’m glad that Kagami didn’t forgive Adrien in the end (even if I’m upset that she doesn’t know how bad it really was) because she had every right to walk away and not want to be friends with him. I only wish that Ladybug could do the same thing and never look back, but due to the love square’s status as endgame, we know that can’t happen, and Ladybug will eventually be forced to fall in love with a guy who mocked her responsibilities behind her back, disrespected her authority by opting to tease/flirt with her, continued pursuing her despite her rejections, and hoped for Paris to be in danger just so he could see her.
And... yeah, that hurts. It really does.
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez reacting to Yunho being a grown man
❦ Genre: Fluff, suggestive.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 2k6.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
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The leader lazily and sleepily got out of his bed. He realized how early it was when he saw Yunho, still sleeping peacefully/ Hongjoong hesitated to jump back in his warm bed or to stay awake. He opted for the 2nd option and quietly left the door. At his big surprise, Mingi and Wooyoung were in the kitchen, cooking. "Pasta? For breakfast?" Asked Hongjoong, questioning their life choice. "Breakfast?" Repeated Wooyoung. "It's 1PM Hyung." The leader glanced at the clock on the microwave. "Yunho is till sleeping, I thought it was 8 AM." The 2 boys snored at the same time. Hongjoong raised a brow. "What's so funny? It happens to sleep until late." Mingi and Wooyoung exchanged a quick stare. "Tell me." Insisted Hongjoong.
"I think we should tell him." Said Mingi. Wooyoung sighed, but finally nodded. "Okay close the door really quick." The leader was completely lost. Why were they acting so weirdly? "Okay, keep the secret because Yunho ignores that we know." Started Mingi. "Know what?" "We saw him and Y/N making out yesterday." Claimed Wooyoung. Hongjoong raised a brow. "Yunho and Y/N? Come on... what you saw was wrong." "No! She was almost naked and kind of riding him." The leader almost threw up at this image. "Y'all so nasty." "Nasty about what?" Asked Yunho, entering the kitchen. "Ah Yunho!" Snapped Hongjoong. "These 2 idiots are trying to prank me." "Hyung..." whispered Mingi. "They said that they saw you making out with Y/N yesterday." He sneered. "But I told them that you were not into "this". He air-quoted. "Oh." Replied Yunho. "But they are right Hyung." He faced Mingi and Wooyoung. "Sorry that you saw that boys." They both shrugged, not turning this into a big deal. While Hongjoong was wondering if all of this was a prank. Yunho is so shy and pure, he would never do this yet. "S-So, you are-" he paused. "Sexually active? Heck yeah! Have you seen Y/N?" He smirked. The leader gagged once again. "Come on, don't act like it's a big deal." "It is!" "It's not." Replied Yunho, picking an apple before leaving the kitchen. Mingi and Wooyoung smirked at Hongjoong. "So, you believe us now?" "Our baby is a grown man." He whispered. "Of course... he turned it as a big deal." Sighed Wooyoung.
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Yunho are you ready?" Asked Seonghwa, looking for his tall friend. "I'm born ready." He replied joyfully. They both decided to hang out together since the other members had their own schedule. At first, they went to the arcade game because it's Yunho favorite place and Seonghwa really wanted to make him full and relaxed. As a second destination, Seonghwa picked a good restaurant. They really chose everything they wanted on the menu. The table was full of food, few people were even looking at them like if they were crazy. "Soju?" Offered the eldest member. "Yeah! But not too much today okay?" "Sure."
1 hour later, these 2 boys were laughing crazily at everything. Their noses and cheeks were completely red because of the amount of alcohol in their body. "Do you remember when Mingi said that he could be the leader when Hongjoong pranked us?" Puffed Seonghwa. "We were all crying but he just wanted to replace him." Laughed Yunho. "Like if he could lead us. He would quit in 2 days." Giggled Seonghwa. "Y/N would last longer than him." Added Yunho. "Ooooh Y/N! I miss Y/N! Where is she?" Seonghwa tugged on the wall next to him. "In her house. She's tired." Smirked Yunho. "I thought she was in vacation or a week off." "Yeah, she is," he hiccupped." I didn't mean tired in the way." Even in his state, Seonghwa understood that his friend didn't get it. "We had seeeex," giggled the tallest boy. Seonghwa almost spitted the soju he had in his mouth. "You what?!" "Oops." Laughed Yunho. "How?!" "How?" He raised a brow. "Well, I thought you knew, but I put her legs on my shoulders and I-" "No!" Stopped Seonghwa, disgusted. "Don't say anything." "But you know it better than me." He winked. "Jeong Yunho." "Park Seonghwa." He giggled. "You better use a protection." "Of course. I bought one with your credit card by the way." "I don't know if it's because I'm drunk or this situation, but I'll throw up." "I would say too much alcohol." "No, too much information, perv." He gagged. "Wait! I'm gonna tell me you mooore!" "Time to go back home!" Shouted Seonghwa, standing up but instantly tugging on the side. "Waitress! PLEASE! Save me!" He yelled in the restaurant, Yunho laughing behind him.
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"Yunho have you seen my phone?" Asked Yeosang. "No. Have you looked under your pillow?" "Yeah. Can I borrow yours 2 sec? Just to text Wooyoung." "Sure." He handed his phone to Yeosang. "You are still going to the theater?" "Yep. Do you want to come with us?" Yeosang searched Wooyoung's contact. He spotted that except you, Yunho wasn't texting his friends that much. "Depends which movie you are going to watch." Replied Yunho. "I think you watched it already. It's Tenet." "Oh! I'm down. I really like this movie." Accepted Yunho." "Cool. Then get ready because-" *ting* ["Okay there's nothing to worry about anymore."] Yeosang unconsciously read your message even though he tried to avoid it. "Text Wooyoung, I'll look for my wallet." Yeosang nodded and finally warned his closest friend to join them in 10 minutes. *ting* ["I just had my period. I'm not pregnant."] Yeosang's eyes widened. Just by this concrete text, he understood a lot of things. He got it that Yunho started to be a grown man. But not that much. "I'm ready." Said Yunho smiling widely. Yeosang handed him back his phone, acting like he never knew these messages. "I'll take a jacket." He almost ran to his bedroom. The tallest guy shrugged and unlocked his phone. He instantly saw the notifications with your name on it. He took 5 seconds to process the situation. "Shit!" He rushed to Yeosang's room and asked: "Have you seen anything particular on my phone?" His friend shook his head, lying. "Not at all." Yunho sighed, relieved. "Okay." "Is there something to know?" "No." "Sure?" "Yeah, there's nothing." "Okay cool." "I thought you were freaking out because I know that Y/N isn't pregnant." "You lied!" "You had sex! And not even fully protected!" "It just cracked. It's an accident." "Disgusting disgusting." Yeosang covered his ears, leaving the room. "Don't tell anyone!" Almost begged Yunho, following him. "What's going on?" Asked Jongho. "They're just crazy." Shrugged Mingi.
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San sighed for the 3rd time in a minute. He accepted to help Seonghwa a bit. As every day off, he took some time to clean the entire dorm. "Less sighing, more cleaning." Sang Seonghwa, putting down a pair of new sheets on San's bed. "Hyung!" Whined San. "How can you like something like cleaning? It's so boring!" "Hm... how can you like throwing your food on Woooyoung's face and not cleaning the tomato sauce which splashed on the wall?" Asked Seonghwa. San stayed quiet for a second and finally gave up and turned back to his desk. "That's what I thought..." smirked the eldest member. "Dictator..." whispered San. "Don't forget to tidy Yunho's sheet in the wardrobe too." "Yeah sir." Just when Seonghwa left, San jumped on his bed, tired of these efforts. He stared at the ceiling a minute and finally glanced at the messy wardrobe. "Argh... I'm so lazy." He sighed. "Oh. What is this?" San spotted a clothe like a maid dress, hung up in Yunho's side. He got out of the bed and walked slowly toward the dress. When he was finally sure that he was right, he picked the hanger. "The heck are you doing with this Jeong Yunho?" Before he could realize, his friend entered the room. "Seonghwa said- no wait. Threatened me, to help you." Yunho stopped in his track when he saw that your dress was in San's hands. His face was bending, reading your name on the collar of the dress. "San, it's not what you think it is." He claimed, freaking out. "I wasn't aware you were into cosplay..." he smirked, trying his best to not laugh. "I don't judge." "It- It was her idea!" Yunho ripped the dress out of San's grip. "Soo... you are... doing "the thing" now?" He crossed his arms on his chest. "It's- personal." Blushed Yunho, hiding the dress in his sport bag. "Oh, come on!" For sure you have secrets, gossips and juicy things to tell me!" "No!" "Yunho, you are a real man now. And a nasty one." he added. "No need to be shy." "San!" The tallest boy rolled his eyes. "Okay okay! I stop." Giggled San. "But don't forget to be gently with Y/N." "I am." He replied. "I will treat her gently and never ask her to do something she doesn't want to." "Good." Nodded San. Both of them started to clean their part of the room, quietly. When San added. "Don't be too nice then. Maybe she likes it rough." "I'll kill you!" Growled Yunho, running after San.
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Mingi was laying on Yunho's bed. It's been 2 hours since they exchanged a word. Yunho has been looking website on his computer, while Mingi was lost on TikTok. The atmosphere wasn't awkward at all. Until Yunho asked: "Song Mingi." "Hm?" "I know that you had many girlfriends, so I think you could help me." Mingi gulped. He lied about the numbers of girls he dated. He said something like "10", but in reality, it was like 1. He’s too shy for that. "Yeah? What do you want to know?" He sat on the bed. "How you knew that you are "doing well"? He asked, blushing a bit. "Doing what?" Repeated Mingi, naively. "You know..." Mingi raised a brow, not having a blue about what he wanted to talk about. "With Y/N, we took the next step. And I don't really know if I'm-" "The next step?" "Yeah. Sex." Yunho raised a brow. "You know what it is? Because I thought you did it a tone of time. Right?" Mingi was shocked and scared. Yunho had been his friend, probably the closest one, since a long time and to know that he was now sexually active was surprising. "Mingi?" "Huh? Y-Yeah?" He sneered. "A ton of times!" "So how do you know they liked it?" "Huh. I-I-Well-Haha." He stuttered, laughing nervously. "You know! The moans and stuff." "Moans?" "Yeah. The more she's loud, more she likes it." He said coolly. "Really? I don't think that's a good value. She can fake it." "Why would she do that? That's mean." "To be nice with me probably. To not ruin the mood." Mingi blushed. "Women does that?" "Some of them, I guess. For our ego." Yunho shrugged. "Wow. Well." He paused, trying to keep his composure. "Just talk to her. Conversations are the key. Yunho nodded, satisfied with his answer. "You are probably right." "Of course! You are talking with a pro!" "Why we never met one of them by the way?" "Oh! Seonghwa is calling me! We are going to talk about that later okay?" Mingi ran away. "I'm coming Hyung!" "N-Nobody called you." Whispered Yunho confused.
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Wooyoung was laying on the living-room's couch. One leg on the headrest, the other one falling on the floor. "The answer is Spring Day!" He yelled throwing a chip on the TV screen. "How can you ignore this when you claim about being an army." He rolled his eyes. Wooyoung almost had a heart attack when the bell rang loudly in the dorm. He growled lazily, and finally walked to the door. "Mingi you forgot your key all-" "Hello." You bowed politely and shyly. Wooyoung had the instant reflex to hide behind the door, ready to slam it at your face. "Oh no! I'm not a fan!" You tried to reassure him. "I'm Y/N." "Y/N?" He repeated. "Like Yunho's Y/N?" You nodded, shy to be categorized as Yunho's girlfriend. "Yunho is not here." He's filming his k-drama." "Yeah, but he told me you would be there." You smiled. "I just need to pick something I've left here." "Oh. You already came here?" Asked Wooyoung. You ignored his question, too shy to answer it and pointed at the hoodie hanging on Yunho's doorknob. "Here it is!" You removed your shoes quickly and walked past Wooyoung. He was looking at every of your moves, trying to know how you left suck a big piece of clothes here. "Now that I have it. I should go." You waved at Wooyoung who was still confused. "Huh- bye." He replied. When you closed the door, Wooyoung's brain tilted. At the terrible image of Yunho doing profanities at the dorm, maybe right where he was sitting few minutes ago, he almost threw up. "Disgusting Jeong Yunho."
The same night, Wooyoung was waiting patiently his friend's return. "We are home!" Yelled San, followed by Seonghwa, Yunho and Jongho. Wooyoung almost tripped on his run to the hallway. "Yunho Hyung... Y/N came here to take back the thing she left here." "Y/N?" Repeated Seonghwa. "She came here?" Asked Jongho. "Y-Yeah one time. It was raining this day." Replied Yunho, blushing a bit. "So, it was cold too?" Insisted Wooyoung. "Yeah." "So how did she leave without her hoodie?" He smirked. Yunho took a second to realize that Wooyoung knew. "Let's talk in my room." He gripped his friend's arm before heading to his room. "You a little nasty boy." Shouted Wooyoung, sure that everyone would hear it. When the door slammed, the 3 other boys were looking at each other. "The hell is going on in this house now." Sighed Seonghwa.
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"You can't beat me Hyung." Laughed Jongho. "I just need more training." Replied Yunho, trying to launch the basketball right in. "How can you not put at least one, with your height?" "You are talking way too much for someone who faked to have a cramp when I had a point." Smirked Yunho. "This is a strict basketball rule." Shrugged Jongho. "It's not." Jongho took the advantage of Yunho's distraction to rip the ball out of his large hands. This action was followed by an intense match. Jongho was still the best, but his friend's score was close enough. Only one point was missing to give Jongho the victory. Unexpectedly, Yunho tried to dunk, thinking that he already won, but the ball bounced out. "How can you miss this with your height?" They both looked at you. "That's exactly what I said." Added Jongho. Your boyfriend ran to you, greeting you with a kiss on the cheek. "Hi babe." "Hi." You replied, smiling widely at you. "Do you want to play with us Y/N?" Offered the maknae. "If you are not scared to lose." You threatened him. "Never." "Okay go then." You removed your hoodie which could be annoying to play with. When you made sure everything was okay, you nodded at the boys but both of them were like a bit petrified. At their face, you realized which mistakes you made. "Shit!" "Yu-Yunho did this to you?!" Asked Jongho, pointing at your neck and collarbone. "Jongho shh!" You put your hand on his mouth. "Keep it as a secret." Begged your boyfriend. Jongho removed your hand." Keep the secret about you making Y/N look like a pepperoni pizza?!" "He's right about that though. You made a bunch of hickeys." Yunho rolled his eyes and handed you back your hoodie. "Put it back before someone else see it." "So. Wait. Pause." Realized Jongho. "So now you are into sex?" "Jeez that's awkward." You whispered. "We are not going to talk about it right now and here." Refused Yunho. "We are going to talk about it right now." Replied the maknae, arms crossed over his chest. "Gosh, Hongjoong is that you." You giggled. "Oh yeah, good idea. We should tell our beloved leader." "Nice one Y/N..." Sighed your boyfriend. "It was supposed to be a joke!" You freaked out.
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
(angst prompt 1) 1,9 and 10
modern au
reader is dating mikasa but mikasa and eren have been hooking up for a while even before they started dating so mikasa breaks it off and the reader wishes them the best and luck even though they are really sad and stuff but eren and mikasa doesn’t last very long to him being an ass and mikasa realizing she doesn’t love him like that and she tries to win back the reader but it takes a lot of convincing
C/n: whoa SHIT! You have no idea how much I love this request. It’s the perfect angst. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Is It Too Late? (Milasa x Reader)
Mikasa laid next to Eren as she smoked a cigarette. Her arm propped behind her head as she looks at the boy who made a home in her heart ever since she could remember. Eren had been there for her ever since she could remember and to have him in more ways than one made Mikasa the happiest girl in the world.
Her thoughts are pulled away as her phone rings. The caller id made Milasa frown but she answered it anyway.
“Mika! Hi, babe. Listen I’m at the grocery store and I saw this cereal you like. Captain Crunch or something? What flavor do you like?”
Mikasa runs a hand down her face and puts out her cigarette. “Uh, why..are you getting me cereal?” She asks and you stop looking at the cereal. “I just thought you’d like it. I saw it at your apartment and I just wanted to confirm.”
“Don’t get me anything, Y/n. I’ll get it myself. I gotta go.”
“Ok. Bye. Lov-..”
Mikasa hangs up before you could tell her but you just sigh and put the cereal back on the shelf. This wasn’t anything knew. Mikasa and you had been dating for a few months now and even though she was the one who asked you out, she seemed to keep a lot of stuff to herself. She shuts herself out from you and hardly makes time for you. You thought it was just the way she is but if Armin’s Instagram stories tell you anything, she had time. Just not for you.
When you arrive home, you unpack your groceries and shoot Mikasa a text.
‘Hi babe. I’m making dinner tonight. Come over?’
You wait for her reply and even though she was active she didn’t reply to you as soon as it delivered. You shake your head and put your phone down and begin to make your supper. Five minutes later, your phone dings.
‘I’ll come over.’
As you were cleaning up from dinner prep, a knock sounds on your door and you smile knowing who it is. Checking through the peephole, you quickly unlock your door and smile at Mikasa. “Hi. Come in.” You greet and she walks in. She doesn’t take off her jacket, something she always did when she came over.
Mikasa turns around and scratches her head. You pick up on her sudden mood and you start to get a bit anxious. “Mika? You good?” You ask as you walk to the kitchen island.
“No. Listen, Y/n. We need to talk.”
Oh no. You stop fidgeting with your hands and lay them on top of the counter. “Sure. What’s up?” Mikasa sighs and looks at you. That look..it was so empty. Nothing. It scared the shit out of you.
“We..shouldn’t continue this.” She motions between the two of you. “I’ve been seeing someone else and I just feel like what we have isn’t what I need right now.” She says and you lips part. Did she really just say..that she was seeing someone while dating you? “Mikasa. You were cheating on me?” You ask and she nods. You scoff and look down at your hands which were shaking.
“How long?”
“Ever since we’ve been together. Actually, way before that.” Mikasa tells you like it was so normal. Like it was a thing everybody does. “Is that why you hardly had time for me?”
Mikasa nods and you furrow your eyebrows. “How are you so calm about this?” You cry out and Mikasa looks up at you. “I don’t know. Y/n, Eren has been..” “EREN?! Eren fucking Yeager? Are you kidding me? The friend who introduced me to you? The person you told me that he was a “close” friend of yours? Well, obviously I was mislead about that.” You run a hand through your hair.
“Y/n, listen. I love you and I love him. But it just so happened that Eren and I seemed, I don’t know, better together?”
You look at her, dumbstruck. “How can you love two people at the same time? That’s ridiculous. I don’t even think you love me because if you did you would never have done this. We’re over now. You don’t need to defend yourself anymore. I hope that you’re happy with him.” You start to walk to the door and open it. “Y/n.”
“Please, Mikasa. Leave me alone.”
You tell her and she walks out the door. When she turned around, the door gets slammed on her face and she sighs. Well, at least she didn’t have to sneak around anymore. She lights a cigarette and makes her way to her car.
Three months later, Mikasa laid on Eren’s bed as he played on his Switch. She looked at him and ran a hand on his bare chest but he clicks his tongue. “Mikasa move your fucking hand.” He shrugs her hand off and sits up and groans. “Now look. I fucking lost.” He rolls his eyes at her and wakes up rom his bed and heads to the bathroom. After he shuts the door, Mikasa leans up and sits against the headboard.
Normally when you and her chilled on your bed, you always had a limb on her no matter what you were doing. And you would always kiss her whenever you had the chance. She missed having that affection.
What is she doing? Why were you clouding her mind all of a sudden? It’s not like she still loved you...did she?
Mikasa opened her phone and went straight to her gallery. The stupid, funny selfies that you took of yourself were still there and she watched the videos you sent her. The one of the flock of cool birds flying over you. The cute dog you met. Everything.
Eren didn’t even send her pictures or a text apart from telling her to come over. She missed seeing your name pop up on her screen at 4am to tell her the weird dream you had. She missed how happy you made her feel. She missed those little moments with you.
She missed you.
Quickly putting on her pants and shirt, she headed for the door and left Eren to go back to the person she took for granted.
When Mikasa arrived at your apartment, it was locked. Looked like you weren’t home and she wanted to call you but she was certain you had blocked her number. So she waited for you. And waited. And waited.
Finally, a car pulled up and you stepped out of it with..another guy. You smile and kiss the guy’s cheek and face your door to see Mikasa sitting there.
“Mikasa? What the hell are you doing here?”
“Can we talk?” She asks as she shoves her hands in her pockets and you roll your eyes. “The last time you said that I found out you cheated. So no. We can’t talk.” You say and shake your head. “Please, Y/n. I won’t take much of your time. Please.” Her voice trails off at the end and puts her head down.
The guy you came with whispered in your ear and you smiled. “Okay. I’ll call you later.” He smiles and kisses your temple. When the guy leaves, you cross your arms over your chest and stare at Mikasa.
“Who’s that?”
“Why do you care? What do you want, Mikasa? Why are you here?”
“Can’t we talk inside?”
Mikasa sighs and bites her lip. “I..broke up with Eren.” She whispers and you chuckle. Mikasa did not like that. She hated how there was so much of mock in that chuckle. “And? What am I supposed to do about it?”
“No. You don’t understand. I broke up with him because I love you.”
You sigh out an irritated breath and shake your head. “Mikasa, you can’t do that. You can’t come here after three months expecting me to take you back because you “love” me,” you say with air quotes, “you cheated on me. If I did the same thing would you forgive me? If I betrayed your trust like that would you forgive me?” You ask and she walks to you.
When she reaches for you, you slap her hands away. “Y/n. Let’s just try again. I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust back. I love you. I always have and I was so stupid for thinking that I loved Eren too. I’m an idiot. I’m a selfish, self-centered idiot who broke up with the only person who loved me for me.” Mikasa let a tear fall from her black eyes and you felt your heart stop. You never saw her cry before since she always wanted to be the strong one in a relationship.
“Every day for the past three months, I hoped you would call me. Not even to say anything sweet. Even if it was just for you to cuss at me, yell or anything. I just wanted to hear your voice. You made me feel so loved and all I did was throw it away. I just...want a second chance.” She looks deep into your eyes and you shake your head. In all the time that you knew Mikasa, she never showed emotion. In the words she was telling you now, it had more emotion in the entire time you dated her.
Mikasa holds your face and close your eyes. “Please, Y/n. You’re the only good thing in my life and I can’t go on without you. Please.” She kisses your forehead.
You slowly pry her hands away from your face and wipe your tears. “We can’t try again. We would only come back to square one. Arguing, bringing your cheating up again. Mikasa, it’s broken. We can’t fix it anymore.” You whisper and she shakes her head. “No, Y/n. Don’t say that. You’re my whole heart, Y/n. Just give me a chance. I’ll be better. For you, for us.” She rests her forehead against yours as she holds your hands.
It’s silent. The sounds of passing cars and rustling leaves filled the void and you couldn’t give an answer right now. So you pulled away and cupped her face. “Let me..think about this. I need time.” You whisper and she nods. “I’ll wait for you, Y/n.”
You let her go and head inside your apartment before giving her one last look. Maybe this could be saved.
“You’re my whole heart.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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fumingspice · 4 years
i still talk to you when i’m screaming at the sky
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Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Reader
Prompt: “I just wanted a happy ending.” “I’m drunk in love with you.” “If you quote a Taylor Swift or Fleetwood Mac song one more time I’ll slap you.”
Warnings: slightly drunk delia, angsty, mentions of ill mental health. happy ending
A/N: I don’t even know. I think I’m just projecting at this rate. I wrote this instead of doing another of my five history essays due for Friday so if my teacher kills me in my sleep you know why <3
and when you can’t sleep at night; you hear my stolen lullaby.
Madison Montgomery grunted in frustration. Then again when she was ignored the first time.
You kept your head in your book, knowing she was desperate for attention.
“Lord almighty,” Madison groaned dramatically, sitting against the arm of the couch and then throwing herself back over your lap. Visibly irritated by the fact that you still handed looked up from your book she almost shouted; “Oh, how I wish someone would acknowledge my presence.”
You met at her eyes for a split second and returned them promptly to the book.
“That’s it,” she muttered. Madison gripped the book from your hand and threw it across the room. You clenched your hands into fists, doing your best to maintain your calm composure. That’s who you were in the coven. The calm one. “Look at me when I’m goddamn talking to you!”
Your eyes darted up to meet Madison’s steel glare. “What the fuck is the matter with you, Y/N?” she exclaimed.
You genuinely had no idea what she was talking about.
“Don’t yell at me, Montgomery,” you replied, biting your tongue hard.
Madison had no patience for playing games when she found something serious. Which although wasn’t often, it was almost always about something as superficial as a wrong glance at dinner. “You’ve been giving Cordy the cold shoulder for the past three months. I want to know what’s going on.”
You raised an eyebrow at her. “You’re kidding me, right?”
Madison threw her hands up at you. “Yeah, Y/N. I’m kidding I don’t actually care.”
“Typical,” you muttered. You gave a wave of your hand and your book came flying from the other side of the room. Madison turned around in one swift movement and punched the book square, sending in hurtling to the ground.
“I’m being sarcastic, you dumb fucking bitch!” She yelled. If you weren’t so pissed right now you would probably have been impressed with her reflexes.
“What do you fucking want, Madison? You’ve getting on my tits every fucking day for the entire week,” you started yelling unintentionally. “So, what is it? What exactly do you want me to fucking say? Do you want me to fucking tell you- yet again- that Cordelia has a fucking boyfriend? You want me to reiterate it to you that I can’t fucking look at her in any other way?”
Madison smirked, knowing she was getting you exactly where she wanted you. “It’s not my fault that you couldn’t keep your shit together after you broke up with her. The least you could do is grow a pair of balls and be happy for her.”
You felt your face go red with anger. “Are you fucking insane?! Do you actually hear yourself right now? Madison, I told you fucking everything! I told you it was a mutal decision. I told you that it was the last fucking decision that I fucking wanted to make!” You screamed. The anger had been building up for weeks, and sweet jesus did the release feel good.
It was late at night and you knew that if any girls weren’t asleep they would be hearing exactly what you had to say. Cordelia wasn’t in the building after all. You could say anything you liked.
“I fucking love her, Madison. Every time I see her smile at that knock-off Lindsey Buckingham I want to rip his fucking face off! I know you can’t see that because the boy you brought back from the dead chose your best friend over you and then strangled you to death!”
That’s where your words got Madison.
Within a second, you found your hand striking your face hard.
Composure was the last thing on your mind now as your fist went straight for Madison’s nose. A crack and screamed followed as the blonde launched herself at you.
A scrap insued, knocking each other into furniture, punching, kicking. You fell to the ground as Madison’s boot was launched into your stomach. Once. Twice. Three times. You pushed yourself off the floor and kneed her in the crotch, sending her down to the ground with you on top of her. Your fists had found a mind of their own as they gave blows to her face, chest and stomach.
Your body was thrown from Madison’s, pinned to the wall by some invisible force. Madison crawled from the floor and punched you hard in the stomach. Then the face. You could feel blood dripping from your nose and mouth when the force dropped you on the ground. Madison sulked off, seemingly satisfied as you curled yourself into a ball.
Tears fell slowly from your eyes for the first time in months. You’d finally released every pent up piece of energy that you had held in and there was nothing left in your walls to keep you together. Madison had taken a physcial and verbal fist to everything keeping you together.
It was true; the decision to break up was mutal. Although, it seemed slightly more mutual for Cordelia. You whined too much, you thought, for her to be happy as your friend. Now, months since, you found yourself in a false mask of calmness and serenity about the situation.
The tears were almost temporary as you lay facing the ceiling. Blood dried on your cheeks making your skin feel tight but you didn’t care to move. You almost fell asleep until the front door unlocked at some ungodly hour in the morning. You didn’t care who it was nor did you care to move at this rate.
You saw your reflection in the mirror. The lines of blood on your face struck nasty images from long ago of blood on your limbs. You had recovered now. You were strong and you knew in your heart of hearts that you would never allow yourself to ever feel worthless again. You weren’t disposable. You are not disposable. You were a beautiful soul in a soaring tide, although struggling to see that.
Familiar footsteps clacked down the hall into the parlour. 
"Jesus Christ, Y/N?" Cordelia's voice sent a pang of dread coursing through your body.
"Leave me alone, Delia," you groaned, your body still ached for Madison's assault.
Cordelia fell to her knees beside you. "Oh, sweetheart what happened?" There was a pleading in her voice as she lifted the top half of your body onto her lap. She dabbed your blood with her sleeve.
You could smell the alcohol off her.
"Can you stand up for me?" She asked, helping you to your feet. She brought you to the kitchen and began tending to the mess that was your face. "Please, Y/N. Tell me what happened."
You brushed her off and tried to leave to go to your bedroom. With a flick of her wrist, Cordelia brought furniture to block the entrance.
"You're not leaving here until you tell me exactly what happened, young lady."
You chuckled meanly. "You're fucking kidding me." You turned to face her. "Madison beat the shit out of me."
Cordelia's face dropped in disbelief. "Why?"
"I'm still trying to fucking figure that out!" You shouted. Cordelia's face flinched. 
There was a silence that you hadn't felt with her in a long time, shortly interupted by Zoe walking into the kitchen.
"Cordelia, go to bed," she said. She was going to bring the calm, apparently. "I'll take care of Y/N. I think I know what happened."
"Well, then could you please explain that to me?" Delia asked defensively. Zoe motioned for her to leave.
Zoe approached you slowly and took one look at your face. "Your nose is broken," she muttered. "I know a spell, it'll hurt like a bitch but it'll save the process."
You shrugged and let her do her thing, regretting it almost immeditely as your shrieked in pain.
"Cordelia still loves you, Y/N. I don't know how you haven't seen that yet," she told you, pressing a wet towel to your nose.
"She sure as hell has a weird way of showing it," you replied. All the talk about Cordelia for the first time in months was hitting you like a truck. You dealt with things by ignoring it and although it probably wasn't efficient. It still worked.
Zoe glared at you. "She broke up with Sylvester. I can sense it," she told you. "She misses you more than anything in the world."
Tears threatened to make themselves known once more. "I can't keep doing this, Zoe. I can't keep thinking there's another chance when there's just not."
Zoe tugged you into a warm hug. "Please talk to her, Y/N. Maybe it'll do more good than not."
You nodded in agreement and heaved yourself up the stairs. Cordelia's bedroom door faced you as you mustered up the courage to knock. You could almost hear the echos of memories you shared in her room.
"Police Officer knock," the girls often joked that you had. The door opened itself and you walked in.
"Cordelia?" You spoke, glancing around her room. You could see her outline laying across the bed, a glass of scotch in hand.
Cordelia poked her head up as you walked to the bed. She had clearly been crying.
"I'm sorry I yelled, Delia," you said softly. Her reached under yours and the pain hit you hard.
"It's okay, Y/N. But can you please just be honest with me? What on Earth happened down there?" 
Tears ran down both of your faces as you explained everything. Every word of your altercation with Madison, everything that happened, everything that you had felt over the past few months. Cordelia pressed her forehead against yours and you cried harder. How could her lips be so close yet so far away?
"Why have you been drinking lately? You barely touched it before?" You asked innocently. Cordelia pursed her lips.
"I missed that warmth," she choked. "I missed that warmth that I only ever felt when I was with you."
Her words shot daggers of guilt through you.
"No matter what I tried, no drink could ever match the feeling of being drunk in love with you," she sighed. "Time was taking its sweet time erasing you, so I thought I could do it myself. The drinks. The power. The men. Nothing got close to you."
You placed your hand over hers and squeezed it. "This is so, so stupid, Delia."
The Supreme nodded. "I know. All I ever wanted was a happy ending. I wanted to grow old with you. I wanted to marry you and adopt a child. I don't even know why I'm saying that I did want that. I do want that."
You dropped your head back. "Cordelia, I would give anything to call myself yours again but I cannot go through the heartbreak of losing you again."
Cordelia paused, you saw the reflection of your hurt in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I knew you didn't want it. I didn't want it. I just thought I was doing the best for you."
"This entire time I've felt like an open wound, Delia."
There was another silence.
"Y/N, what would I need to prove to you for another chance? One more shot to make this work. I want that chance to grow old with you," she said. The Supreme was begging for you at this point.
"Cordelia, I want you to understand that if it doesn't work out this time then I'm done."
Cordelia nodded solemly, her whiskey brown eyes darted to your lips. "Can I?"
You pressed your lips to hers before she could finish speaking, your soul ravaging for that piece of Cordelia that you had hungered for.
You found it in her lips. Finding yourselves giggling. Tears of relief, joy, happiness fell onto each other's skin like drops of nectar from the Gods. All was right when you were with her.
Warm lips, warm skin. Your hands weren't cold when you were with her. 
Your lips danced together in rings of bliss as she enloped into you, it was like a battle of nature.
Cordelia broke away, her body shifting slightly under yours as her eyes sobered.
"What is it, sweetheart?" you ask. Even placing your cheek on her hand gave you relief.
"I don't want to wait anymore," she whispered. She breathed in sharply as she motioned for you to get off her. You complied and sat on the bed, watch as she walked over to the dresser and pull something out of a box at the bottom of a pile of paperwork.
You grinned, tears flowing down as she presented you with what she'd dug out.
"What do you think?" she asked, her voice hopeful. You clasped your hand to your mouth and nodded hard.
The next morning at breakfast, you couldn't bring yourself to talk to Madison. 
Not after what she did.
At least, not until you noticed her smirking in victory at the sight of the engagment ring on your finger.
taglist: @sarahp-stan @jumpoffabridge-t @sarahpaulsonsoftie @definitelynot-a-writer @bottom4delia @delias-bitch-craft @creepingwolfberry​ @thesapphictimelady​
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