#i just want a cozy day; laying in eachothers hands and laughing and talking and being sososo gay
autism-corner · 2 years
reading yaoi with levi but were both just making fun of the absolute hilarities
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kittykittyanon · 6 months
if we were irl friends:
Imagine us laying on your bed during a sleepover, it's late and night and we're snuggled together (i love physical affection) and if you're cool with it I would be lile twirling one of your curls with my fingers.
Suddenly I would say the most depressing shit like, "Sometimes I wonder if everyone in the world hates me but then I remember you, and realize that if everybody in the world hates me at least I have you."
Of course you would probably stare at me like 😧 "what the fuck Amor"
And then a few seconds later I would say the most inappropriate shit like the mood swinging teen I wm ,"The things I would let Leo do to me 😏😏" (which would be a joke btw)
woahzaz,, that was fast!! /pos!! and—
—OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH YESSSSSSSS. GAHHH!!! I LOVE THIS SM AMI!!! i was actually gonna add a bit related to this (deep talks, i mean) to the hcs but i didn't know if you were cool with it so i ended up scrapping it,, but now that i have confirmation i am ready to go WILD. (LETS GOOO MUTUAL LOVE OF PHYSICAL AFFECTION RAHHHHH) (other hcs here)
and i love those types of suggestive jokes,, they're so fun — especially when it's with someone who can match it LMAO
song for this: Thérèse by Maya Hawke!! and the other hcs gave me Warsh_Tippy and Zelda by Whatever, Dad vibes but i forgot to put it at the end of them (*ノ∀`*),,,, tags: @ziipzeepzop-eez cause you wanted to see it (*/▽\*) !!
imagine under the cut!!
we'd tuck into eachother, comfortably tangled in a nest of limbs; my head would lay on your chest, mindlessly scrolling though my phone on one hand, the other resting by your side. your hand in my hair, the atmosphere cozy and the lights off, room only lit up by the faint blue light emitting from my phone, it was a comfortable end to the day filled with excitement. your chest would rise and fall with each breath and i'd hear you sigh, the first sound you made in a while. perhaps you were thinking.
"sometimes i wonder if everyone in the world hates me, but then i remember you, and realize if everybody in the world hates me atleast i have you."
the room falls silent again. what? where did that come from? my thumb pauses mid-scroll, hovering in the air above my screen. my hand is still. yours is not.
despite the absolute bombshell of a sentence you dropped on me, my curls are still twisted and twirled between your fingers, undisturbed in their pursuit.
i don't know what to say.
"... there's no way everyone in the world hates you. you're not hate-able, amor." i'd murmur, a dry attempt at making you laugh. i don't think it worked.
"you're loved. and not just by me. anyone who says otherwise is factually incorrect and i will, uhm... commit... some sort of crime to stop 'em." that one pulls a slight amused huff out of you, and relief pools in, atleast i managed to get you to smile, "but... i'm glad you know i love you."
there's a pause, an intermission; your hand would rest in my hair and we'd be unmoving, still, content to sit in each other's company. a comfortable silence.
"the things i would let leo do to me..." you'd snrrk, and i'd hold back my giggles, but let a few slip through anyway.
"you when leonardo," i'd turn my phone to face you, showcasing a silly meme that made me think of you, and in moments we'd burst into laughter, filling the quiet of the room with a lighthearted atmosphere once again.
"anyways DONNIE WANTS ME FRFR 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤪🤪🤪🤪💥💥💥—"
taa-daaa!! that's it for this imagine :PPP eueuegdgejdgh it's my first time writing where it's with a hypothetical scenario and i'd have to use "would" so my apologies if there was an overuse of the thingy "'d" !! if you have any criticisms or things you noticed that i have to improve on,, pretty please share!! i wanna improve (ノ*°▽°*) !! ((and about the donnie thing,, that was a joke too LMFKAKAO))
for extra hcs related to this,,
we'd definitely have deep talks at the randomest of times. like we could be eating snacks while watching a show or a movie and the conversation (originally discussing said piece of media) would swerve into our beliefs and ideologies and we'd dig into our childhoods and how it affected us and our behaviors and just as quick as the topic derails it goes right back to being silly again
feels like the kinda friendship you can share anything in. like one of us could share a piece of jaw-dropping, tear inducing, heart breaking trauma or one of the most embarrassing things we had ever done and there would be zero judgement.
where if you're comfortable, then i'm comfortable, and we do whatever we want together without fear of weirding the other out.
"kitty, what's the meaning of life? why are we here? what's our purpose?" "i dunno. but i pet my cat, ate a sandwich, and i hung out with you. i think that's enough meaning for today." "oh." a moment of silence. "... wanna play just dance?—" "is that even a question—"
we wouldn't even be able to finish a song 'cause we'd laugh so hard we'd end up on the floor.
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fbfh · 4 years
showering with leo hcs
As with all steamy/smutty/nsfw/mature works, all characters are aged up to 18+/college era
Mostly gender neutral reader, mentions of using "feminine" bath products like lush shower jelly and rose body butter but like,,, bath products aren't gendered unless you want them to be bc gender is what each individual makes of it????? But go off???????
warnings: consentual couple showering and general canoodling, one joke about not banging corpses but what strange bullshit do you expect with me at this point lmao
782 words
requests r open <3
So uh
Let’s get started 
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This boy
L o v e s showering with you
It just feels so cozy and close and intimate
He adores being that close with you
He’s used to taking mostly cold or cooler showers when he lived in the south
Still getting used to hot showers and cold weather in general a little
Loves taking cool showers with you in the summer though
Always lights any candles with his hands cause he thinks it’s fun
Thinks all your bath products smell really good even if he has no idea what half of them do
Very kissy
Very very kissy
Pretty handsy but like,,,, what were you expecting lmao
If you were in a shower with Leo Valdez you’d be handsy too
Real talk
Lets you kind of set the tone for how touchy you wanna be
But if you wanna be touchy
Y’all will be touchy
He’ll “help you exfoliate” ‘,:)
There will definitely be some hickeys
Okay a lot of hickeys
Be glad the shower water and music you have playing muffles the noises he makes
Lots of whispering very face reddening things to you in Spanish 
Not a lot actually happens in the shower
/we’ll leave that to Percy/
It’s mostly after that the real fun happens
He’ll “help you put on lotion” ‘,:)
Is most of this a thinly veiled excuse to feel eachother up?? Yes
Is anyone complaining?? Hell no!!!
You never actually end up getting dressed
You’re a little too preoccupied with each other
“I mean, if we put our clothes on now they’ll be off in five minutes anyway, so…”
Cue more kissing and grabbing
Gets really really clingy afterwards too
Even if nothing happens
Gets super cuddly and touchy
Welcome to touch starved city babey
Loves laying on top of you while you play with his hair a little while it's still drying
One of his friends asks why he smells “like that”
He’s like hey man, it’s not my fault you don’t have a hot sexy incredible fantastic s/o who shows you how to use fucking citrus shower jelly
Sounds amazing???? That’s cause it is ;) xoxo gossip girl
Sometimes steals your french rose body butter cause he likes that it smells like you
Absolutely no shame
None whatso-fucking-ever
He’s so whipped for you
At this point all you have to do is give him a look when you go to take a shower and he’ll be right behind you
Makes all those little quips and one liners that make you laugh 
Will absolutely make jokes about how wet you both are
“In more ways than one ;)”
And like,,,, he's not wrong,,,, 
He loves washing/conditioning your hair
Loves all the faces and noises you make when he massages your scalp and shoulders
He gave you a forehead kiss on instinct while doing this once bc you said something cute and he got a mouth full of shampoo
“Smells a lot more like kiwi sunrise than it tastes”
You both still laugh about it 
If he’s taller than you or about your height he’ll t pose to block the water from getting in your eyes
It somehow always makes you laugh 
Sings a lot
…. A lot
You have to remind him that you can’t dance in the shower
You’ll slip and die
“I think dying naked in your arms is the best way to go”
“That means we couldn’t have any fun afterwards cause I’m not really into banging corpses :c”
“You had me at ‘not into banging corpses’.”
“That was literally the last thing I said”
You keep getting shower water in your mouths cause you’re laughing and talking so much
Absolutely have spitting like a fountain contests
Honestly the best part of both of yall’s days
He somehow always finds the perfect balance between sexy and hilarious in the most mundane things
You think that’s one of your favorite things about him
You mention this to him at one point
He hugs you really close and kisses your forehead
“I… flourish when I’m with you,”
It’s all he says but you understand the meaning around the words
It’s little moments like sucking hickeys onto each other’s necks under hot water that you’re really really glad you found each other 
And that things happened like they did
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simpsamaa · 4 years
Dating HC [Main four + Denki]
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Todoroki Shouto
Dates with this boy would include lots of PDA
he didn’t get enough as a kid so when you popped into his life, expect him to ask for cuddles.
Honestly, reading dates and coffee/tea dates.
Shoto would love a date where it’s just you and him without the whole whole world bothering the two of you.
Would take you to meet his mother as he get’s more comfortable with you.
Expect lots of back hug from this man.
He lives for being hugged out of nowhere
like come running at him for a hug
he will drop everything just to catch you.
Loves to nuzzle into your neck
like neck kisses anywhere
Play with his hair while he’s laying on your lap
Like this boy will fall asleep fast while you’re doing that.
Like just Imagine- 
You and Shouto are laying in his backyard, just basking in each other’s presence, him laying on your lap, his brown and blue eyes watching your face as you toyed with his hair. The soft touches making his mind hazy with sleep. You smiled as his lips curved up into a soft smile, his eyes fluttering shut as his breathing slowed into a steady pace
Like, imagine the Todoroki Shoto sleeping on you,
Anyways, expect this male to be very blunt with his feelings towards you,
Like he will say ‘I love you’, once the two of you are both comfortable with it, out of no where and in front of everyone. 
You aren’t meeting his dad at all!!
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Bakugou Katsuki
First off,
Explosion boy get’s jelly easily
Like, hang out with the girls, he’s jealous.
Train with Kirishima instead of him, he’ll drag you away from ‘shitty hair’ as fast as you can say Plus Ultra-
This boy is possessive.
Will pull you into random kisses just to show the guys who you belong to
Is into holding your hand, because it’s so small compared to his.
It’s also way softer then his calloused ones
He will say you’re ‘too slow’ just to grab your hand and ‘drag’ you, cause he’s a tsuntsun
This boy will send you texts like “Go to sleep dumbass” and “If you’re tired during class it’s your fault”
when he just mean for you too sleep, because he cares about you.
Play with this boy’s hair!!!!
Like run your fingers through his hair, he will calm down like nothing happened.
“Bakugou, you cannot place your feet on the desk! It’s disrespectful!” Iida exclaimed, making his weird chopping motions with his hands again. “Like I could care less four eyes.” Katsuki sneered, rolling his eyes at his blue haired school mate.
“Katsuki, be nice!” You exclaimed, walking up to the to the two guys, moving your hand up to run it through Katsuki’s soft blond locks. The blond’s eyes narrowed as he moved his feet off of the desk, crossing his arms over his chest as he slumped down into his chair, with a pout on his face. 
“That wasn’t so hard was it?” You beamed, turning around to apologize to Iida for your boyfriend’s behaviour.
“Y/N HOW?” your classmates exclaimed, making you smile at them, “Just be nice to Katsuki!” You explained, making the whole class sweat drop.
Okay okay, there’s your small scenario 
But like dates with this boy-
Your first date would be at an amusement park, fight me
(I’ll make a different head canon for first dates if you guys want)
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Izuku Midoriya
Shy boy loves holding your hand
He will slip his hand into yours whenever you’re next to him
If you like All Might-
Expect him to geek out to you, (which is adorable not matter what, fight me)
Give this boy hugs
Like let this boy hide his face in your chest.
he will die-
Izuku is the type of boyfriend who would send you “Good morning” and “good night” texts.
Also the type of bf who would tell you to sleep if you’re staying up too late, and who would act like an alarm clock, calling you when you need to get up for school.
Honestly Izuku makes my heart go uwu
This boy would take you to meet his mom
and be embarrassed the whole time.
“Oh, you must be Y/n! Izuku talks about you alot! You made my little boy so happy you know?” Inko said as she let the both of you in, ushering you to take a seat as Izuku goes to place his things in his room.
Izuku’s eyes widen as he exits his All Might themed room, watching in horror as his mom shows you baby pictures of him. “Mom!” Izuku exclaims as he sees a picture of him in an All Might onesie. “Awww, Izu you’re so cute!” You squeal at how cute your boyfriend was.
Izuku’s face turned a bright red as he heard you call him cute, making him slouch down on the couch next to you.
“Here’s a picture of Izuku acting like All Might-””MOM”
Having this boy and your bf is amazing
I headcannon that he can cook so-
He’ll make you bentos and like-
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Kirishima Eijirou
Okay, you can fight me but-
This boy just wants to show you off
“Oh, my Y/n is so strong!! Did you see them spar today with Todoroki?”
“Did you see Y/n take down that villain? They’re so strong!”
Like this boy just wants to show the world how amazing you are and how much he loves you.
This boy man will hold you like it’s the last time he’s ever going to.
He will come from behind just to grab you and lift you up
Will drop everything to catch you-
Wants to kiss you infront of everyone because he knows that some people cough cough Bakugou, Denki, Sero, Mina, and Jirou cough cough Might have a crush on you.
But he won’t force you if you’re uncomfortable because that breaks the ‘Manly code’
But if you kiss him first-
Okay okay, back on topic
Kiri is one of the best boyfriends ever
He will do anything for you, as long as it’s sane and not dangerous
Hug for days
This man gives the best hugs ever
You’d think hugs with him would be weird cause of all that bulk he’s built up, but no
they’re warm and cozy
Facetime calls everyday when you guys don’t see eachother.
“Hmmm, Eiji do you think I look weird today?” You asked, turning the camera around to show the mirror you were looking at, to show your red haired boyfriend what you were wearing, a simple black pleated tennis skirt and a red long sleeve. “babe if you look weird then I look even worse.” Eijirou stated through the phone, watching as you posed for him in the mirror.
“Am I over dressed?” You asked, pulling your skirt, making the top of your thigh highs show. “Aren’t you just going out with the girls?” Eijirou asked, watching as you fixed your sleeves. You hummed as a reply, placing your phone down to put on a necklace.
“I think you look perfect, so...” Your boyfriend trailed off, making you giggle. “You think I look good in everything.” you said playfully as you rolled your eyes, making the redhead chuckle, “Well, it’s cause you do silly.” he said honestly, making your face dust with pink.
“S-shut up”
“But i’m just being honest?”
Okay, I went a bit overboard on that scenario,
but I couldn’t leave it unfinished.
 Kiri is the type of bf who sends you morning and night texts, 
saying how much he misses you and everything.
basically 100/100 boyfriend material
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Kaminari Denki
Fight me but I love this bot
Honestly one of the best boyfriends-
Will play any video game with you
Dates while playing Animal Crossing like-
If you’re feeling sad, he will crack a joke to make you laugh
even if the joke makes Bakugou want to kill him-
he loves to brag to him friends about how he has an s/o to his friends
“Oh yeah, aren’t you guys still lonely?”
“yeah, my s./o is pretty hot”
“I confessed first, cause I am a man after all”
But you confessed first because Denki’s a wuss
He loves holding your hand
Like will simp just to hold your hand
This boy will kiss you everywhere
If you’re just trying to eat lunch, he will plant a soft kiss on your cheek just to see you blush
He loves to distract you by kissing your nose
“So you have to bring x over here-” You were trying to explain an equation to your blond boyfriend, only to lose track of what you were saying as he placed a small kiss on your nose, making your face blush a harsh red.
“Why are you like this Denki?” You whined, digging your face into your hands, making the blond laugh at your expression. “But you love me anyway so?” he teased, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest, making you even more red.
“Don’t hold me!” You said out loud embarrassingly, pushing his chest away with your palm. “Oh, baby but I know you want me to hold you.” Denki teased once more, making you give up and letting him hold you.
“See!” He exclaimed, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head making you hum.
“Now can you please explain this to me?” 
I love this man child
He will tease you till the death of you
Like, if you’re shorter then him,
“Is that too tall for you to reach?”
“Do you need my help?” 
he’d ask as whatever you need is placed a few inches above of you.
Will grab what you need and hold it up just to see you jump and pout.
Now if you’re taller then him
“How’s the weather up there?”
“Is that too far down for you to reach?”
He will ask you even if you’re just like an inch taller then him.
100% good boyfriend
just a big tease
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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"No. Absolutely not. Cancel it." He growled while you made a hurt and desperate sound at the immediate answer of your boyfriend.
"Kai please! My sister don't have anyone else to take care of her kids, and she is desperate!" You pleaded while he only arched one eyebrow at you.
"Then she should had hired a babysitter. Not give trouble for their sibling." He scoffed and returned his attention to the papers in front of him.
You sighed out loud and burried your face a bit in your hands.
"Then I guess I'm sending her a message to take them to my old apartment instead..."
He stopped abruptly on his reading to look at you.
"That won't be possible either." He said nonchantly while you arched a eyebrow.
"W-why not?"
"I sold your apartment." He said normally whil eyou widen your eyes in horror at your boyfriend's words.
"wHAT?!" you almost shouted while he sighed for you to lower your tone of voice "K-k-Kai! Why?!"
"First, you are living in here long enough, so that place won't be useful for you anymore. Second, we were in need of money and I talked to you about it."
"I don't remember you saying ANYTHING about selling my apartment!" He lifted one finger for you to wait before showing you in his cellphone a chat that you two exchanged.
Damn your distracted brain...
"Why do we again need that much money?" You sighed in hopeless.
He... wouldn't talk much about that issue right now... he was first going to talk with Pops. Later you.
"Is just a project from the yakusa angel, nothing to fuss over with."
You sighed again before frowning at your cellphone nuzzling on the pocket of your jeans.
"Anyway. The kids and I are staying in here aparently."
You merely deadpanned at his glare before you heard a muffled honk from the outside.
"You know, I can talk with that sister of yours and then-"
"Kai, no. Thanks a lot, but no. I know how my boyfriend is." You giggled while he frowned and debated with himself if he should lock the door or not...
He never met those one, but... he wasn't a fan of children... in the slightest.
It didn't take much for you to enter house with one girl and one boy holding each hand of yours, the girl had a wary look on her face while clinging to you while the boy looked around with nothing but interest.
"Its such a big place in here auntie (Y/n)!" The boy exclaimed while you laughed at his energy.
"Alright guys, remembering that this house has extremely importance; and quite honestly I have no idea how your parents let me take care of you two in here; so please be careful alrighty?" You crouched down to be eye level with the children, teh girl nodded while the boy smiled and high fived your hand.
Kai watched with a wary look on his face your interactions, sighing in defeat and choosing to place his hands on his pockets and come to you.
"Ah! Kai!" You smiled at him while the boy chosed to tilt his head at him while the girl stared blankly at him back "Those two little precious thing are my nephews! (B/n) and (G/n)!" You looked at them back with a smile that made both ease a bit their nerves.
"I see. Just instruct them to not cause any messes. You know how much I despise it." He said nonchalantly while making his way out... only deadpanning when he heard the boy asking why he said that and you simply answered that he was a cleaning maniac.
He is going to have a long talk with you.
Your laughter along with the kids made him lose focus more than once...
What it was so fun about those little pests? Children are loud, annoying, never follow your orders correctly and dirty... he couldn't get why and even how you could be genuinely happy around one of those.
After two screams of the kids he made his way out, thinking about the worst and his heart almost jumped at seing you layed on the grass with eyes completely closed and the kids shocking you a bit.
"I told you it was a bad idea you idiot!" The girl said in irritation while she shook you and begged you to wake up.
"It was just to be a little scare! Not to make aunt faint!" The boy exclaimed while doing the same thing as his sister.
His jaw clenched as his hands turned into fists, already preparing to demand answers from those brats on what they had done with his angel before you suddenly opened your eyes and screamed to scare them.
"Ha! Think only you two can do pranks?! Take that then!" You grabbed both of the children and gave each one of them raspberries on their necks, the boy succumbed into laughter as the girl squirmed and begged for you to stop, trying her hardest to not laugh.
... huh. So he didn't needed to worry. The sign in front of him seemed almost... cozy even.
Wait... what?
He walked through the halls, screeching a bit his wrist from all of his writing before he heard your voice from the kitchen.
"So you kiddos want what for eating? Already warning that junk food is not a option..." he heard nothing for a bit seconds before you whined "I'm sorry! Please dont do the pouts! I can make something else though!"
"Oh!" He heard the boy's voice "I know something then!"
Curiosity spoked louder than his knowledge so he peaked a bit on the kitchen, enough to look but the necessary for not being caught.
"Peanut sandwich!" The boy exclaimed while the girl arched a eyebrow at him.
"Mommy doesn't let you eat those things." The boy pouted at her before making a 'shh' sound to her while she rolled her eyes at him.
"Thanks for the honesty (G/n). Mommy also told me this due to your allergy mister!" You poked teh boy's nose as he poked his tongue out with a smile.
"Hum..." you brought your hand and poked your chin a couple of times with your index finger a bit before snapping your fingers "How about some sandwiches that are not all boring healthy neither much junky then?"
The kids looked at eachother before nodding while you giggled at their actions and quickly made their specific ones.
He noticed that the girl was by one or two even years older than the boy, and was definitely more reserved than her brother while the boy was simply the energy itself. But even the two being so different, both widened their eyes in awe after they took their bites when you handed their lunches.
"Amazing auntie!" The boy exclaimed before unpolitely digging his food while the girl simply stared in awe.
"Aunt, please cook instead of my mommy. Please."
"God no." You said in exasperation "She might kill me for that sweetie, dont do that."
He smirked a bit at that as he made his way out with hands on his pockets.
"I can see that when we have children she is the one spoiling the brats..." he muttered to himself before abruptly stopping on his tracks and widening his eyes in horror of what he just said.
Him? You? Children? You guys weren't even marriage! Why the hell was he even speaking about damn brats?!
No way that you and him were going to have a kid. Those gave much work, planning and pacience-
"You kiddos want me to what?" His attention got back to you as he listened your voice this time coming from the living room... aparently you just got there since minutes ago you were in teh kitchen.
"Tell is a story!" The boy exclaimed while the girl hummed in agreement.
"You always comes with the best stories aunt, please?" Teh girl asked while he followed your voices, catching the you had sitted down and the kids on both of your sides.
"Alright then..."
You chosed a fairly tale, a not much know of but it was slightly impressive how calm and... gentle you were with your words, the way you carresed the kids hair was similiar with how you carresed his own hair on a bad day..
He never noticed neither catched that you looked like the best example of a... real mother. Caring and loving... his own mother he couldn't point neither convince himself of only one time that she acted like this way with him.
He had so many troubles with his biological... that he never thought that true love with a child was even possible. He owned his life to Pops, but the yakusa was almost deprived of womans, and even some of them were generally like their atmosphere. Rigg, cold, reserved...
Yourself acted like that as well when the necessary time came... but never with him. And aparently you loved your nephews to treat them like he did.
He immediately got out and walked through the houses with a frown on his forehead... thoughts of you holding a baby on your arms and being just as or even more gentle and lovingly with a child that was also... his. A child thhat he had no shame neither disgust to have with you...
Dear lord what was happening?! When his heart started to beat so fast? When he started to care for children in the first place?! God you two weren't even marriage why on hell he was-
"Chisaki?" He snapped from hsi thoughts to see Pops looking at him with a concerned face "My boy, I called you at least five times and you didn't even listened?"
"I'm sick." He said nonchalantly to the elder "I need to find a cure or a treatment."
The old man only got more concerned as he looked at his sucessor.
"What do you mean? You seem perfectly fine at least physically. What is the issue?"
"Ever since (Y/n)'s nephews got here it started." He brought his hand to hold his chin in thought "Maybe it was because of them... I'm not sure, they are too young to have a quirk so it's not that either."
"You're feeling like you have a fever then young man?"
"No. Is not that. Ever since they came I can't stop thinking of (Y/n) with a child on her arms, a toddler or even a infant. That looks like me and her, a mix or whatever."
The elder let out a disbelieving laugh which only triggered Chisaki even more.
"So you're telling me that you're having baby fever?" Thhe way Chisaki's eyes widen in horror were quite concerning for Pops and he almost went to speak if it wasn't-
"You're joking that is a actual illness... Fuck, I need to find a cure, buy it or something-"
"Kai. I raised you better than this... please." The elder interrupted while Chisaki only glared at the man, whose face was just as unimpressed as his.
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Shadowhunters Short Story #69 Brothers are what best friends can never be.
Crossposted to my AO3, link in my bio.
It is a stormy March evening in Devon, 2013, when 15 year old Kit Herondale is pulled from his thoughts by the sound of footsteps entering the kitchen.
Kit lifts his head from where he was resting it against the wall his chair is against, and opens his eyes to see a tired but joyous looking Jem standing a few feet away from him, smiling ear to ear.
“Jem.” Kit scrambles to sit up, setting his mug down on the table beside him. “I-Is everything okay? Are Tessa and the baby okay?” He anxiously asks. Tessa went into labor about 6 hours ago, and Kit hasn’t heard much from she or Jem since. They came into the kitchen a couple of hours ago, with Magnus, so Tessa could get some herbal tea that she said is meant to help labor move faster and be less painful, but since then he hasn’t heard anything. 
“Yes everything is absolutely fine, would you like to come meet your sister?” Jem asks in a tone of joy, still beaming with delight. He is so utterly in love with his baby girl, it almost hurts. 
Kit nods eagerly, having been looking forward to this moment for almost nine months. 
Jem gestures for Kit to follow him. As they walk, Jem turns to Kit with a look of confusion on his face. 
“Oh yes I meant to ask you, who were you talking to earlier? Just after Tess, Magnus and I left the kitchen to go upstairs so Tessa could rest.” He asks, remembering hearing Kit’s voice, low and quiet in the kitchen, while Jem helped Tessa up the stairs. 
Kit blanches, remembering the conversation he had with Livvy’s ghost, just hours ago. He could tell Jem the truth, but then he’d probably worry and feel like he has to contact Emma to check that everything is okay, and that would distract him from Tessa and the baby.
“Oh um, no one important, I was on the phone with someone I went to school with, we’re not close or anything, just... called them because I was bored.” Kit shrugs, easily coming up with a lie, that seems to satisfy Jem. 
“Oh, well I’m glad to hear you have friends and are talking to them!” 
A few seconds later Jem leads him into the main bedroom, Jem and Tessa’s room. Jem lets Kit step ahead of him, while he closes the door.
The first thing Kit notices is how nice and warm and cozy the room is, thanks to the fireplace against the wall across from the bed, that’s been lit. The second thing he notices, is Tessa sitting propped up in bed with a mountain of pillows behind her, her hair is disheveled and thrown into a messy bun at the back of her head. She’s wearing a dusty pink hospital gown, that is open at the top, showing a tiny little body curled up against Tessa’s chest, wearing only a diaper and a hat, with a blanket covering her back. Peeking out from the little hat are wisps of curling dark hair. 
When she hears the door close, Tessa looks up and her face lights up when she sees Kit and Jem, a warm smile coming across her face. 
“Hi sweetheart.” Tessa quietly says in a hoarse voice. “I missed you, come meet your baby sister.” 
Carefully, Kit walks the few feet to the bed and lowers himself into a chair by Tessa’s side.
“Hold your arms out, one under the other like you’re making a cradle with your arms.” Tessa calmly says. It takes a few minutes of fumbling and help from Tessa, but soon Kit gets his arms in the right position. Tessa carefully lifts the baby out from inside her gown, wrapping the blanket around her expertly, before carefully laying her in Kit’s arms. 
The minute the baby is in his arms, Kit feels an unexplainable overwhelming rush of love, he already loved her before she was born, but looking at her now it’s like falling in love with her all over again. He chokes back tears as his eyes well up and his throat tightens. 
“Hi.” He quietly says in a tight voice. “Hi baby sister, I love you.” He briefly looks up from the baby’s face and asks “What’s her name?” 
Jem and Tessa share a smile, and Jem slips his hand into hers. 
“Wilhelmina Yiqiang Ke Carstairs, Mina for short.” Tessa softly says.
“What does Yiqaing mean?” Kit curiously asks, unfamiliar with Mandarin. 
“It means ‘Remembrance’ we chose it for those we’ve lost but will always remember, Will, Lucie, Jamie, Rosemary.” Jem gently says, hoping that this won’t upset Kit in anyway.
“I....” Kit trails off, unsure of how to feel about his baby sister in part being named for his mother, who he has absolutely no memories of. When he thinks about it though, he realizes it’s a beautiful gesture and a perfect way to make sure his mom is never forgotten. “I think she would have liked that.” He finishes, earning warm smiles from Jem and Tessa. 
“We think so too, love, we think so too.”
Kit looks back down at his baby sister, Mina, who has now blinked her eyes open to reveal big dark brown eyes just like Jem. She and Kit stare at eachother in fascination for a few seconds, before Mina wriggles her little arm free from her blankets and reaches up to grab onto Kit’s thumb, making him laugh and have to wipe at tears of joy. 
“It’s like she’s holding my hand.” He laughs, liking the idea of Mina feeling safe with him and wanting to hold his hand. He’ll be a great big brother to her, and always protect her and keep her safe. 
“Of course she is, she’s a very clever young lady and knows already just what a fantastic big brother she has.” Tessa says in a warm tone, making Kit’s heart flutter with delight. 
Kit holds Mina for a few more minutes, just looking at her in awe, taking in everything about her. Everything is totally calm and peaceful in the room, until Mina starts to fuss which in seconds turns into full on wails, breaking Kit’s heart right in two and making him panic. 
“Oh no! Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to make her cry, I’m sorry!” Kit says in an alarmed and panicked tone, desperately trying to sush Mina and calm her with light bouncing. 
“It's alright love.” Tessa calmly says, placing a calming hand on Kit’s arm. “You didn’t do anything wrong she’s just hungry, here let me take her.” Tessa reaches over and carefully lifts Mina into her own arms. She single handedly and quickly adjusts her gown before guiding Mina to her chest, helping her to latch on.
As Tessa nurses Mina, Kit flushes and awkwardly tries to find somewhere to look. He has nothing against breastfeeding of course, he doesn’t care if someone does it in front of him, but it’s a bit different when it’s Tessa, the woman who took him in and promised to love and raise him for the rest of his life, the only mother he has. 
Jem immediately notices how embarrassed and awkward Kit feels and decides to intervene. 
“Kit.” He says. “Do you want to join me downstairs for dinner? Magnus left enough food for us for the next week or so.” Kit immediately nods. 
“Yes please!”
“Alright let's go, see you later my loves.” Jem softly says, stroking Mina’s hair and giving Tessa a quick peck on the lips. 
“See you later.” Tessa replies, watching fondly as Jem and Kit leave the room, Jem telling Kit awful dad jokes and making him laugh, which makes Tessa’s heart lift. Once the boys are gone, she looks back down at Mina and smiles softly “We’re very lucky to have them Mina, aren’t we?” 
The next day, at around 10:00 A.M. there is a light knock at Tessa and Jem’s bedroom door. 
“Come in!” Jem calls, keeping a careful eye on Church, who has cautiously approached Mina, lying in Tessa’s arms, and is clearly trying to decide what he thinks of the new baby.
The door opens and Kit steps in, looking sheepish. 
“Hello love.” Tessa beams, delighted to see Kit. 
“Everything okay son?” Jem asks in a worried tone, afraid that maybe something is wrong with Kit. 
“Oh yeah everything’s fine I just....” Kit clears his throat. “I um... I was just wondering if you need any help with Mina or anything, I’m not doing anything so... I thought I’d come see if you need some help.” He nervously tells them, afraid that they’ll say no and send him off to be on his own all day while they bond with Mina. He really wants to spend some time with Jem, Tessa and Mina but will they want to spend time with him?
“That would be lovely Kit, thank you.” Jem warmly says. Kit’s shoulders sag in relief and he starts to relax again.
“You can come over here and hold Mina for a while if you like, I’m going to have my first postpartum shower which can take anywhere from 10 minutes to about an hour.” Tessa lightly says, remembering her first postpartum baths after James and Lucie were born. She had been terrified of getting out of bed at all after James was born, nevermind bathing, but Jem was waiting right outside if she needed any medical assistance and Will was with her, while Charlotte and Henry watched Jamie.
Kit laughs as he takes a seat on the bed next to Tessa, and she lowers Mina into his arms when he is settled back against the pillows. 
“Did it hurt?” Kit curiously asks, looking up at Tessa. 
“Giving birth?” She asks. Kit nods. “It did, like hell, all 3 times, but it’s more than worth it, just like what we went through to find you and going through the adoption process is worth it, to have my babies.” Tessa fondly says, brushing Kit’s hair out of his eyes.
Shortly after he moved to Devon with Tessa and Jem, they approached him about legally adopting him, assuring him he can keep his surname and doesn’t have to take the name Carstairs if he doesn’t want to, but they would very much like to legally and officially adopt him. Kit thought about it for a while before agreeing, the process is long and stressful and still not fully complete, but it’s more than worth it to Tessa and Jem, to have their Kit. 
Kit smiles and blushes and Tessa kisses his cheek before ducking to kiss Mina on the cheek too. “I love you.” 
Tessa then stands up, grabs her towel, bathrobe and toiletries bag and heads into the ensuite bathroom for her shower. 
“I was looking through social media yesterday, after you set me up on Facebook so I can stay in touch with Emma easier. I saw this group on there for new fathers, and decided to join, thinking it would be full of advice and tips on how to care for baby and handle your anxieties and take care of your partner if you have one, stuff like that. Instead I found the most awful people complaining about their wives and babies, mostly talking about how seeing their wife give birth and seeing her postpartum has totally turned them off and they feel cheated, one phrase I saw over and over again was ‘It’s like watching your favorite pub burn down’.
I just cannot believe how disrespectful and horrendous these men are, their wives have just gone through 9 months of pregnancy followed by labroing and giving birth, and all they can do is whine and complain that 2 weeks postpartum she hasn’t lost the weight she gained and is still wearing pajamas or comfy clothes most days.
I don’t understand it, I delivered James, I delivered Lucie and I delivered Mina, I was Tessa’s primary caregiver when she was pregnant with James and when she was pregnant with Lucie, I’ve been by her side every second of this pregnancy and I’ve seen her postpartum 3 times now, and to me she always seems even more glorious and beautiful after having a baby, because she’s just gone through so, so much to bring a whole new life into this world, she’s just grown an entire other person, she’s like a goddess. 
I don’t understand it, how can anyone say those things about their wives? I couldn’t love Tessa more, whether she’s pregnant or not, whether she’s just had a baby or not. I just... I don’t understand it.” 
Kit is totally unsure of what to say after Jem finishes talking. He totally agrees with him, that the way some men talk about their wives after she’s given birth is absolutely disgusting, but he doesn’t know what to say to Jem. 
“I... uh... I agree?” He tries, not wanting to just ignore Jem. Jem turns to him and smiles softly, before reaching over and ruffling his hair affectionately. 
“Sorry Kit, I didn’t mean to rant to you, it’s just when I was young, when someone had just given birth, they took weeks, even months, to bond with the baby and heal from the birth, there were no expectations to ‘bounce back’ or anything, I’m just still trying to adjust to modern life and modern people. But at least I have you eh? You keep me up to date.”  
“I try, it’s my life mission to get you to stop saying ‘Order it offline’.” Kit grins. Jem chuckles. 
“You’re a good boy my Kit, I’m so glad you’re here with us.”
About 20 minutes later Tessa comes out of the bathroom in a clean pair of pyjamas, her yellow bathrobe thrown on over her pink pajamas, and her wait hair tied into a bun at the back of her head. 
“You made it!” Kit cheers, grinning at Tessa as she sits next to him on the bed. She grins and kisses his cheek. 
“That I did, and now it’s miss Mina’s turn to get changed, your Uncle Magnus gave us the most adorable clothes for you Mina, and I can’t wait to see you in them.” Tessa coos, taking Mina as Kit carefully passes her to her, before laying her down on the bed, just in front of her.
From the basket on the floor beside her, Tessa takes out a plain pink baby-gro/onsie, that has a hood, and pockets at the front. 
“That’s pretty tame for Magnus’ standards.” Kit notes. 
“I know, I think Alec picked this one out and it’s just so adorable!” Tesa exclaims, beginning to unbutton the yellow onsie with pink flowers that Mina is currently wearing. 
Kit watches in fascination as Tessa carefully and expertly slips Mina’s tiny arms out of her onsie and does the same with her legs. He can’t help but be fascinated by how small and tiny and delicate Mina is. She’s the smallest person he’s ever met, and so fragile too, he would be terrified if he were in Tessa’s position.
“Aren’t you afraid you’ll accidentally hurt her or break her, because she’s so small and delicate?” Kit asks Tessa, who laughs lightly as she starts to put the new onsie on Mina.
“I was when I had Jamie, Will and I both, but after having James and then Lucie and then helping out with my grandchildren and many, many other little ones, I’ve become an expert in handling delicate little babies.” Tessa explains. She then lifts a freshly dressed Mina up (once again shocking Kit with her confidence) and holds her so they’re face to face. Tessa’s smile grows and she leans in to kiss Mina’s cheek. “There we go, pretty baby! The sweetest, cutest baby in the world, huh?” 
“You should take a family photo with the kids Tess, the same way you took a photo of you and Jamie after he was born, and then you Jamie and Lucie after Lucie was born.” Jem suggests, knowing how much having pictures to remember these moments by, means a lot to Tessa.
“Oh yes that sounds like a lovely idea! Is it okay with you, Kit?” Tessa asks, laying a hand on his arm. Kit finds it kind of hard to believe that Tessa wants to take a picture with him, he still finds it hard to believe that she loves him as if he’s her own, and Jem does too, but he’s not about to say no.
“Sure, sounds like a good idea.” Kit agrees.
A few minutes later, after a bit of fussing from Mina, Jem snaps a series of pictures of Tessa, Kit and Mina. In the picture Tessa is sitting up in bed with Mina cradled in one arm, and the other around Kit, who is leaning into her and smiling shyly. It’s definitely one of Jem’s favorite pictures.
“It’s perfect.” Tessa says when Jem shows her the photo. “We’ll get it framed and hung up beside the pictures of me and Lucie and Jamie, as soon as we can.” 
“Sounds perfect.” Jem agrees. “I better go make a start on breakfast, I’ll bring you up a tray of course, love. Kit would you like to stay in here and have breakfast with us?” Jem asks. Kit nods, there’s nothing he’d love more, actually. 
“Yes please.” He says, settling back against the pillows, beside Tessa and Mina, feeling truly safe, and loved and happy for one of the first times in his life.
It is a hot and humid day in March of 2014, when Jem, Tessa, Kit and Mina step out of the portal and onto the streets of Shanghai, just outside the Ke House, where they will be staying for the duration of their first family vacation. 
They’ve been planning this trip since Mina was 6 months old, and agreed that the best time to come would be just after Mina’s first birthday, she would be able to handle the heat and humidity better now as a one year old, than she would have done as a much smaller baby, and Kit is truly settled and content with them now and feels comfortable enough to go on vacation. 
“Is this where you lived before you moved to London, dad?” Kit curiously asks, having taken to calling Jem and Tessa mom and dad over the last few months, which they both love. 
“For a year or so, I was born here, lived here till I was about 1 and then my parents were put in charge of running the Institute which is where I lived until I went to London.” Jem informs him. 
“Cool.” Kit says, looking up at the building in front of him, in awe. 
“Come on, let's go find our rooms and get settled in, then I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Jem says, as Tessa sets a wriggling Mina down. 
“Mina.” Kit says with a sly grin. “Wanna race?” Mina has been walking since she was 9 months old, and now loves to run everywhere, especially when she gets to race Kit who of course always lets her win. 
“Uh-hu!” Mina nods enthusiastically. 
“Okay come on let's go, or I’m gonna get the biggest room!” Kit declares, taking off at a slow pace so that Mina can easily pass him by.
Jem chuckles and kisses Tessa’s cheek before going ahead of Kit to lead the way. 
As Jem shows Kit and Mina where they’ll be staying, Tessa goes ahead to her and Jem’s room, the same room they always stay in when they visit here. 
One of the first things she does is take one of her bags into the bathroom to unpack her toiletries. When she opens the bag, the first thing she sees is the pink box containing the pregnancy test she packed. 
For the last few weeks she’s been feeling sick and tired all the time, and has been having some issues with her powers, all the symptoms she had when pregnant with Mina. She had meant to take a test before they came to Shanghai, but she was so busy with Mina’s first birthday she totally forgot, until this morning when she was packing the last bits and pieces and found the pregnancy test she had bought a few weeks ago but never taken, so she decided to throw into the bag and take it here in Shanghai. 
Tessa nervously bites her lip and looks over her shoulder to make sure Jem or anyone isn’t nearby. When she’s satisfied she’s alone, she closes the door, opens the pregnancy test and takes the few minutes required, to take the pregnancy test. 
Three minutes later her phone beeps to let her know it’s time to look at the test, and so on shaky legs she pushes herself up from her seat on the edge of the bathtub, and walks over to the sink. She takes a deep breath before picking the test up and looking it. 
Tessa can’t help but let out a stifled sob of delight, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. She and Jem weren’t trying, but they weren’t trying to prevent a pregnancy either, they decided to leave it up to nature, they agreed they would be thrilled if they had another baby now, but would also be okay with not having another one just yet. 
Tessa quickly finds Jem standing outside the room that’s going to be Kit’s, supervising he and Mina as they unpack (well more like Kit occasionally takes something out of his suitcase, then gets distracted by Mina and doesn’t unpack anything else for 20 minutes.) 
“How are you 3 getting on?” Tessa asks Jem, coming up to stand at his side. 
“Not too bad, though I think I might have to seperate the kids in order to get anything done, they distract eachother.” Jem laughs, his heart swelling with love as he watches Kit laughing while carrying Mina around on his back. He then turns to smile at Tessa and softly says “I can’t believe how amazing the last year has been, I couldn’t have asked for a better first year of fatherhood, I’ve loved every second.”
Tessa grins knowingly. 
“Well that’s good.” She says, holding up the positive pregnancy test for Jem to see. “Because in about 8 months, we get to do it all again.” 
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cherry-ber · 4 years
“You’re a little much for me”
A.N: So i disappeared for a month again and I honestly don’t know what I’m doing
Pairing: Lee Taeyong x female reader (I’m sorry i literally couldn’t avoid the pronouns) kinda Jaehyun but ???
Genre: ANGST kinda but idk if it should be called that 
Warning: I know I said it was angst but really I just wrote words so it’s actaully very bad. Mentions of a dependant relation, smoking, but i didn’t develop any of it properly. Not readproof but i needed to psot something tbh.
Plot: I honestly don’t even know what the fuck i did here but Taeyong gives too much of himself for the girl he loves even when she won’t see. (None of this makes sense, actually, but pretend it made you sad somehow idk don’t read this rly)
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Tears fell from her cheeks as she walked back home. Her feet hurt inside her shoes, she purposely wore them to look better even though she regretted it as soon as she walked a mile. Clouds gattered threatening to rain when she less expected it. Her heart ached in a particular way, and for a moment she really thought she might die from sadness. 
Around her, groups of people walked together, laughing and couples would pass her by holding hands. Her hands were shaking as she looked for a cigarette in her purse, and took the lighter out of her pocket. She promised herself she wouldn’t smoke again, but that wouldn’t be the first promise she had broken today. Her phone rang, a text message from someone that she wouldn’t want to hurt by replying in a bad mood. 
She felt dumb crying in the streets, grateful that she made everyone too uncomfortable to ask if everything was alright. The truth was that she wasn’t, she felt her life was falling apart, piece by piece, knowing perfectly well all that she was doing wrong, yet unable to do something to fix it. She felt like she was spiraling down to hit rock bottom, and she was hoping that as soon as she did, she’d have enough strenght to overcome what was going on. 
Usually, she would call her boyfriend, but he was exactly the problem. Jaehyun was an amazing friend, beloved by her friends and family, a caring human and the best son to his parents, but he didn’t know how to be an okay boyfriend. He wasn’t a bad person, but he didn’t know how to be good to her. 
He’d often excuse himself saying that settling down wasn’t in his plans, but he tried for her, and he expected her to understand and forgive him when he screwd up because she was a lot to deal with, like today, when she found him kissing another lady, she felt her heart breaking when he saw her too and played the “I didn’t mean you to see this and I’m sorry for that” card that he had use too much before followed by “I can’t handle you sometimes so it’s okay for me to do this”. She knew she loved him too much, she knew that he had hurted her too much this time, though. 
“You know what? I literally can’t stand you this days, it’s not my fault you’re dependant, I don’t even love you anymore, I just can’t leave you because maybe you’ll kill yourself and then I’ll be the bad guy”
“You’re already the bad guy, Jaehyun” “I’m not, you’re overwhelming, you’re too much, I don’t know how I’ve been dealing with your shit for so long” Deffinitely not what you’d want to hear from your boyfriend of 3 years, but deep down she felt sorry for him, he was right, she was overwhelming, she was annoying and she was a little too much for anyone, even for herself, sometimes. 
The phone rang again, you noticed it was a call and hesitantly picked it up. 
“Can  I see you tonight?”
“I’m not in the mood tonight”
“Please” he was pouting on the other side of the line “I’m outside already”
She ran as fast as she could, knowing that he never joked about being outside, not wanting him to be alone when it was about to pour, It was funny how much she cared about others too much, even when she wouldn’t care about herself. At least she knew he cared about her too, he was the person he truted the most. 
Taeyong could read her like a book, he knew every breath of hers meant something, he knew something was wrong just by the way she walked, even when she greeted him with a wide smile. And she knew that he could never hide anything from him, she knew he would always be there for her, so pretending that everything was fine was pointless, she broke down when they were infront of eachother, he gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Her teardrops wetting his clothes enough to mistake them from the raindrops, that couldn’t chose a more dramatic moment to fall. After a moment she was able to take her keys and they came into her cold apartment, the only thing that made that place be cozy, though, was her presence.  “You smell like cigs again” He looked concerned, she quitted smoking some months ago, and they were both proude, it was sad that she went back to it again “Do you want to talk it out?”
“Not really” she boiled some water for tea and brought cookies to him “It was awful, it tastes like shit, I don’t miss it at all” 
“I’m glad you don’t” he hated to ask but he knew he had to “How was your date?”
Her eyes watered immediately at the scene of him with someone else, and she didn’t want to hear what Taeyong had to say about it. 
“It was alright, I  guess”
He felt awkward around her, no matter how cool he played it, he was weak for her smile, he could’t help his heart from beating too fast when she spoke, he knew how to hide it from her, but everyone else could notice the way he felt, even her boyfriend, which was the main reason that they hated eachother. 
“Can we go to my room and cuddle?” Sometimes she left him speechless, for a long time he wondered if she knew and that was the reason that she gave him mixed signals, but he came to the realization that she was too nice to ever do that, she was just too friendly “Or whetever, honestly, I could use some sleep”  “I was planning on watching this movie I got recommended, but sure” he followed her to her room, she crawled into the bed and patted next to her, when he layed next to her, he felt joyful and it took her a little to fall asleep. Taeyong felt complete next to her, he wanted to have her like that forever, and he wondered how many times Jaehyun had the chance to sleep with her before, bitter again because he knew he’d never have her. 
It only took him five minutes to fall asleep too, only to be woken up by her phone ringing like crazy. She stood up and picked up too quickly when she read it was Jaehyun calling. 
“I’m sorry, babe, I shouldn’t have say that, you know I loove you”
“I love you too, Jae”
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow and make it up to you, how about that?” 
She knew, somehow, he was with someone else, she could feel it, she knew he meant nothing of what he was saying, but she decided to believe it anyway”
“You’re the best, I’ll see you tomorrow”
Those words shouldn’t have hurted Taeyong as much as they did, but it happened every time, she’d be “over him” and he’d think about confessing, and then Jaehyun would call her, because he was just as dependant as she was, he was too selfish to let her go, but not interested on her at all. Jaehyun liked to know he’d have her whenever he wanted to, without doing much to have her, he liked knowing someone needed him as much as she did, somehow. 
Taeyong loved too hard, and he knew he was unable to move on, he knew he’d always love her, no matter how many times she made him feel like he was not enough. It was funny how he got hurted everytime but he came back for more, that’s why he couldn’t blame her for loving Jaehyun too much. He wondered if she’d move on the day he would move on, too. 
A.N: I DONT KNOW HOW TO USE TUMBLR ON A COMPUTER HELP . I’ll edit whatever needs to be edited, I wasnt able to add the song but of course “Liability” was playing while i was tying to write something-
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Chubby (10)
Jaebum AU Series
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / eleven
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Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader  Genre: Romance, Drama, Mature, Angst Plot: you are getting bullied, and jaebum decides to help you a/n: the way this is written kills me, but i really want to write so there you go <3 hope y’all enjoy it  not edited
“Hey, y/n, sorry about last night. I don’t know what I was thinking.” 
It was a sunny day with blue skies, and a slight chill to the breeze. The frost from the morning had melted away, revealing a cozy winter evening. It was a beautiful day; it had been a beautiful day. But suddenly, everything dulled loosing its colour; soon the breeze becoming frosty tickering down your spin making you shiver. 
You turned around to face Jaebum. Your house was just a few minutes away, just one more bend rounded and you would be able to see the begninngs of the apartment. 
Why couldn’t he have held it in a bit more? Just until you were in the apartment complex. 
Maybe then you wouldn’t have to bite your nails into your fist to stop the tears. 
“What?” you whispered, unsure of what to say or do. Jaebum stood infront of you. His eyes not looking at you, staring at the concrete instead. His left hand disappered into the back of his head, as he nervously figdetted around. 
He didn’t reply for a minute. You didn’t say anything, and just stood there. Slowly feeling colder with every passing second. 
“Oh!” you exclaimed weakly. “T-that?” 
You had stuttered, it was obivous what you were doing. But it was better then just walking away, or standing there trying not to cry. 
It was a mistake. 
The kiss that you and him shared last night was a mistake. That was the reason why he was so quiet the whole day. He regretted it. 
The kiss that filled you with happiness, made him dread with reget. 
The kiss was a mistake. 
“It was just in the moment.” You nodded, chuckling slightly. “Let’s forget about it.” 
You bit your lip, and turned around continuing to walk home. 
He said it so casually, like he was talking about the weather or spilling water. It was nothing to him, nothing more than a mistake.
You heard loud footsteps behind you as Jaebum jogged to catch up with you. Your heart leapt in your chest. You hoped this was a moment like in books and movies. You hoped his grabbed your wrist and stopped you. 
No, I love you. No, I don’t want to forget. 
“Yeah, let’s.” He breathed with a sigh. 
And you held yours back, as you feet dragged with every step. 
You didn’t say anything the rest of the way, and so didn’t Jaebum. 
Not until you reached your door, and entered your password. 
“I’ll see you later,” Jaebum waved, as he started backing away. “What do you feel like having?” 
Your heart ached, it felt as if someone had ripped inside your chest and twisted your guts. 
“I...” You breathed sotftly, “I don’t think I can tonight.”
“Oh,” Jaebum replied, taking a step back as he took a step back. His eyes widened for a bit, before he gave you a tight lipped smile. “Cool, see you tomorrow then.” 
You didn’t see Jaebum the next day, or the day after that. 
You woke up in the morning with hammering headache and a raging fever. Your mother gave you tablets, and soup before rushign to work. The day was spent with you drifting in and out of sleep. You found yourself waking up wwith tears in your eyes, and your heart aching. You didn’t know why you were being like or how to process this. You didn’t do know what to do. 
You woke up in the middle of the night to knocks on your door. You lay in bed for a few minutes trying to figure out if it was your door, and if it was who was it. It could have been Jaebum, but you didn’t know if you wanted to open the door for him when you looked this dreadful. 
You finally decided to get up, but then you heard the door open. 
“Y/n, sweetie, are you up?” Your mother gently called out. You closed your eyes and pretended to sleep. Pretending just as she was. 
Around mid-afternoon, loud knocks arrupted on your door. You groggily got out of bed and made your way to the door half asleep. 
“What the hell happened to you?!” Jin grabbed your weak figure, and helped you back into bed. 
“I feel better today,” you spoke scraping your throat, making you cough. 
“Aha, sure. If this is your better, I don’t want to know what your worse looks like.” She stood over you with angry eyes, and hands on her hips. 
“We’ve been worried sick, y/n.” She sighed as she settled on your bed. “Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”
You pointed to your cupboard, and Jin got up to open it. She picked it up from the floor and gave you a questioning look. 
“What’s up?” She spoke gently. 
“I couldn’t charge it.” You answered, avoidnig her eyes. 
“Y/n,” she warned. 
Your hands clasped as your fingers nervously picked at eachother. JIn placed her warm hands on yours making you meet her eyes. 
“Your hands are clampy, gross.” 
“Bitch!” Jin laughed a bit, rolling her eyes. It was one of her insecurities that were pointless because she never had clampy hands. Her hands were always oldly too cold. 
“But tell me, what’s up,” her dark eyes bore into you. “JB asked me about you like ten time in two days. And that’s just in person.”
Your eyes watered as she shook her head laughing slightly. But her smile instantly vanished as she looked at you. 
“What’s wrong?” concern covered every inch of her face, as she shifted to look at you completely. 
“We kissed.” 
Her eyes widened as shock took over her. 
“W-wow!” She said after a moment, she huffed out a puff of air before frowning. “Isn’t that good? I thought you liked him?”
“I do,” you eyes darted down to your hands. “He said it was a mistake.” 
“Yeah,” you sniffed. 
Jin didn’t say anything else as she lifted up your covers and got inside with you. She hugged your back and petted your head. 
“It’s okay, y/n,” she whispered. “You’ll be okay.” 
You didn’t say anything, and closed your eyes. You believed her, it will be okay. 
“Hey,” you unsurely greeted Jaebum as he entered his apartment. 
Tuesday ran from your side to him to greet him. Jaebum stared at you, and found yourself not sure how to act. 
You gave him a small smile, and waved the spoon. 
“Is soft tofu soup okay?” 
Jaebum stared at you, his face unreadable. Your cheeks felt hot, as you felt stupid. You were overstepping. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m such an idiot.” Your face flamed as you hurriedly took the apron off and walked towards the door. “I’m so sorry.” 
Jaebum stopped in you in your path, and shook his head violently. 
“No. No!” he said, frantically. “Stay.” 
He looked away from you, his tongue licking his lips as he let out a sigh. 
“I didn’t know if you would-” he stopped himself, before letting out another sigh. 
“Soft tofu stew is perfect, y/n.” 
You stared at him. His melting brown eyes flaked with golden, his long eyelashes casting a shadow. His soft lips smiling, as his eyes slowly disappeared. He patted your head before walking past you. 
“Did you put on the rice?” He called out. 
You snapped out of trance, and turned towards him. 
“I was about to,” you replied softly. 
Jaebum nodded, getting out the rice before turing back and shooting you another toothy grin. 
“How are you holding up with the homework?” He asked. 
“I’m sure being two days behind won’t kill me, Jaebum.” You smiled softly, as you walked towards the kitchen.
“Actually, its three days. And we had Seong for maths today - calculas.” Jaebum sang, his smile getting bigger as he saw the panick in your eyes. 
“No,” you gasped. 
“100%” Jaebum shrugged smugly. 
And just like that everything had gone back to normal. The kiss melting away with aging winter breeze. Once again, it was just you and Jaebum. You in love with him, and him being completely oblivious to your racing heart and rosy eyes. 
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Hello, Ash. I am once again. Sending in all the questions for an ask game. This time its the nature one. Next time? Who knows. Anyway answer all of them w/ Kara if you want jdhdhdhdhd - Omen
@gentle-horrors BRO I gotchu tysm
oak - who’s the more emotional one? how do you balance each other out in this aspect?
Oh that's definitely Kara, if I compliment him he might cry- which is ok! I appreciate it since he knows he can tell me stuff, yknow? I think he helps me be a little more...emotional sometimes, I have a hard time with it lmao.
mist - how does your f/o help you out when you’re feeling lost?
He thinks big, soul searching trips with musical accompaniment help. With him as the musical accompaniment? I don't really mind. It's always nice spending time with him even if we end up going halfway across the world and not finding anything. ["At least we had eachother." He would probably say, looking off into the distance. And then I'd laugh and kiss his face bc I love him.]
stars - what kind of a date would your f/o take you on?
A romantic one most definitely. Any type of...hallmark, cheesy, christmas romcom style date he could do? He would. A lot of the time they're just picnic dates or walks, he can't afford some of the stuff he wants to do haha. But it's ok, I appreciate it nonetheless.
apple - do you and your f/o cook together? what do you make?
Oh god more like HE cooks for us Mr. World-Class Chef. I'm moreso handing him stuff half the time, not in a bad way, he just has so much fun cooking for me, saying it's just one of those ways to appreciate everything I do for him- I stg he spoils me sometimes.
dove - what kind of wedding would you and your f/o have?
I dunno! I've never really thought about marriage...I'm sure he has- though I've never really asked.
I feel like they'd get in an argument about it anyway.
storm - what are cozy days in with your f/o like?
Relaxing, he usually comes over and we sit on the couch n'watch movies or just listen to music!
Or sleep, I lay on his chest, he starts humming, I doze off at a point- it's super nice f'im gonna be honest...
ivy - how do you take care of each other when you’re sick?
He makes sure he's near me 24/7 to make sure I'm alright and I end up kicking him out for a hot minute. With him, I'm there but also keeping my distance so I don't get sick myself haha- he can be so dramatic about it too...I love him.
fawn - do you and your f/o play video games together? which ones?
YEAH we tend to play super chill ones because stuff like Smash or Mario Kart gets us both feeling...a little pissy and competitive. So Stardew Valley is a big one! He likes to entertain the thought of moving out and just vibing. I think its valid, I wanna do the same thing.
peaches - how did you and your f/o meet?
OH ok so like I met him at the park! Actually it was really funny he was leaning on the bridge acting all cool n'shit- I really only noticed him bc he looked...exactly like Oso. And I could tell it wasn't him, he looked too cool. I figured it must have been one of his brothers- JUST realized I hadn't even met any of them before this. So I decided to put my big boy pants on and say hi. He got so startled that I was actually talking to him that he fell off...of the bridge. I couldn't really help him so I kinda just panicked and waited for him to get out. Praying for him to get out actually. But it went pretty smoothly after that! Introductions were made and I told him his jacket was cool and he started to compliment me from hell and back. It was nice.
pine - do you believe in love at first sight?
No, I don't. You gotta build relationships in my opinion. Kara does tho! I think it's cute.
pond - how do you get along with your f/o’s friends?
He doesn't really have any. I mean that in a nice way.
mushroom - give a headcanon of your f/o
He's actually really good at the guitar? And cooking. I feel like those are indirectly canon things but honestly? I like them all the same.
moonlight - freebie! say anything you’d like about your f/o
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Headcanon: Becoming Friends W/ Bill & Slowly Falling In Love
Request: Oh man, Billy seriously needs a lot of love. What about something in which him and fem reader have at first a platonic relationship, they deeply care about eachother, they cuddle and one day one of them kisses the other, please put as much fluff as you can,,,, and a lot of cuddles👉👈
Requested by Anonymous
Billy Wallace x Reader
Warnings: Mention of drugs & alcohol
A/n: I have finally gone through my requests and I plan on getting all the headcanons and blurbs done. The amount I had was a little overwhelming and made it to where I didn’t even want to look at my requests unless I was gonna write one. I found some courage and dove into them and pulled out the ones that I knew I could easily get out. I hope to have requests open by the middle of July, but don’t quote me on that. Anyway, I’m excited to be getting to this as I haven’t had too many Gangs of London requests. 
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You and Billy barely knew each other. 
Though, you’d both grown up in London, it was a large city and, whether or not it was small world, your paths didn’t cross until you were adults. 
You were friends of a friend and had often seen him at parties you attended. 
These weren’t the types of parties his family was known for throwing. 
There were drugs and alcohol and god only knows what else. 
You’d bumped into him a few times, chatting a little, but you never cared if you spoke to him again. 
That was until the two of you were both invited to a small get together. Anyone who though it would just be a bunch of friends lounging around was wrong.
By nine, pretty much everyone was shitfaced except Billy and you, something that was rare for him. But he just couldn’t get into it that night.
“This is boring,” he muttered from his place on the floor in the kitchen.
You nodded, never had you been so bored before. Usually you were like everyone else and would get wasted and pass out somewhere. “Yeah.”
Billy pushed himself up, “You wanna go get food.” Shrugging you jumped off the counter, where you had been sitting. 
The two of you left the house and walked around a few blocks to find a place to eat. Nothing really sounded good, so you just walked and talked. 
It was a fun night, to say the least. 
You both laughed more than you had in a long while and finally found someone who could understand you.
You’d finally found a friend you knew you could rely on.
Swapping number, you two talked all the time. Day and night, you were glued to your phone, texting Billy. 
When neither of you were doing anything, you’d spend the day together. Sometimes he would take you to lunch or you would take him for a drive. Sometime you’d invite him over and you’d watch as many James Bond movie as you could. It was always a competition to see who would stay awake the longest.
Billy had won the most... well, almost every time. 
When his family wasn’t home to bother him, he’d invite you over and you would both lounge around the house. 
Often times, you guys would buy a bunch of alcohol and mix up a bunch of different drinks.
Billy’s family had a feeling the pair of you were more than friends, though they didn’t say anything. Billy would tell them when he was ready. But Sean wasn’t stupid and he had a feeling his brother wasn’t even aware of his feelings for you.
You weren’t aware of your feelings for your friend either, so there was that.
It wasn’t until the two of you were laying on your couch, you on top of Billy. How you had ended up in the position, his arms wrapped around you to keep you in place, was a mystery. 
But there you sat, all cozy in each other’s warmth. 
“Are you asleep?” Billy mummered against your hair. 
Tilting your head up, you gave him a tired smile. “No.” 
It wasn’t unusual for you both to be touching each other in some way. It was normal for you guys and those around you, though they questioned it silently, never said a thing.
Glancing at his phone, Billy frowned. “It’s 1 am, how are you not asleep yet? You’re always the first to go.” His voice was soft, barely echoing of the walls of the dark room.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, your face hovering over his.
Billy decided to close the distance, however small it may have been, raising his lips to meet yours. You weren’t taken back by the action, loving the feel of his lips against yours. Neither of you wanted move apart.
The next morning, you woke with Billy’s arms around you just as they had been when you’d fallen asleep. You traced circles on his shirt, not wanting to move in case your movements woke him.
Slowly, he stirred, a faint smile tugged at his lips before his eyes fluttered open. “Morning,” his voice was groggy with sleep, causing you to smile.
“Good morning,” you hummed. 
“Can we just stay like this for a while?” he asked, moving a hand to brush a loose strand of hair out of your face. 
You nodded, wanting nothing more than to feel is heart beat.
Let me know if you would like to be added to either tag list and feedback is always appreciated.
Permanent: @amirahiddleston @haphazardhufflepuff @woahitslucyylu @mzcrazy2 @lovemissyhoneybee @multi-fandom-iimagines @tarafaithe @jenepleurepasbaby @fernweh-fangirl @the-anxious-youth @theshelbyclan @wtfdanness @chloeforde @futuristicslimemongerbanana @auds24 @lucillethings @nemesis729 @sirkekselord @princesscornbread @i-volunteer-for-finnick @iwillboilyourteeth @anyasthoughts @ellieemais​ 
Gangs of London: @thendlessdays​
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disneychannie · 5 years
perpetually | k.junmyeon
pairings: junmyeon x reader
word count: 2.4k words
genre: fluff, slice of life au, non-idol au
warnings: mild swearing, mentions of subtle smut
summary: junmyeon knows for sure that he was going to mary you and make him your forever. though he was sure you were going to say ‘yes’ he still had doubt. i mean, who wouldn’t when he was dating the most prettiest girl on planet earth?
(capslock unintended)
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to junmyeon, you were like a snowflake.
pure, soft, and most of all beautiful, inside and out. it was no doubt that one day he was going to propose to you. being together for almost 6 years pretty much seals the deal that he wants to be with you forever.
having to meet each other during your first years of uni till now, it was pretty shocking that the both of you managed to stay together for that long and keep loving each other even more every single day.
he loved the way you helped him go through law school with such ease and practically made everything easier for him despite you yourself having your own studies to worry over, you still chose to help junmyeon help whenever you could. thanks to you he was now one of the best new layers despite just having to get the job at a prestigious law firms two years ago. you on the other hand were a nurse at a hospital near his office which was easier for the both of you. which then evolves to the both of you going to work together (when you don’t have the late night shifts) and having quick lunch breaks at the local cafe nearby.
it was perfect.
the topic of getting married has been brought up a few times by him and he remembered how your eyes lit up at the idea of starting a big family with junmyeon with little cardboard copies of you running around your home. it was the future you could think of with junmyeon. but the both of you agreed to think about the whole marriage and kids stuff once you have stable jobs and is financially stable.
but what you didn’t know was that junmyeon has been saving up for a trip to paris where he planned on proposing to you there. he knew how cliché it sounds now that he think of It but he knows how much you love those kinds of things. sappy romance movies, dancing in the pouring rain, you were a sucker for those and junmyeon had to admit that he was too.
so what’s better than having to propose to you at the city of love in front of the infamous eiffel tower? 
what's amazing about it is that he didn't exactly think twice about wanting to propose to you. he knew that you were ready and so was he, so fuck it why not just do it? 
it did take him a lot of reassurance to actually muster up and go on with his plans from his best friend sehun. thought the younger knew how anxious his older friend could be, he knew that in the end this is still what he wanted and he wouldn’t change his mind.
though junmyeon at heart is sure that you will say yes, he is aware that things could go wrong and just the span of the trip and that got him all work up. the anxiousness costed him extra stress and two bottles of vodka. 
“what if she says no sehun? i don’t know if I can move on with life anymore,” junmyeon slurred. even with the amount of alcohol in his system, he still managed to think about you rejecting his proposal.
sehun only managed to grab the vodka bottle from his hand and wrapped his arms around his hyung’s shoulder.
“stop saying nonsense, you and I know that she’s going to say yes, she loves you too much to say no hung and you’re conscious of that right? you guys are meant for each other it’s impossible for you two to be apart from eachother,” 
“you’re right sehun,” junmyeon said bringing his head up from the bar table. “she’s going to say yes,”
so the next morning, he woke up to you probably at work already seemingly mostly on saturdays you still had to go to the hospital. he then saw the aspirin and the glass of water on his bedside table with a little note attached to it.
“to my junmyeon, you were pretty darn drunk last night and I can’t believe sehun told me you finished a bottle of vodka by yourself! that’s hot tbh take the pills and I'll see you tonight my love!”
- your sweet y/n :p
hell fucking yeah he was going to marry you
it was almost mid night when you came home and you were still in your dirty scrubs when you opened your apartment door to be met with junmyeon on the couch bundled up with your cat sleeping peacefully at at the other end of the sofa. 
startled from the sound of the door being swung open, he looked up from his phone and saw that you’ve arrived already. 
“myeon? why aren’t you asleep yet?” you questioned while shrugging your coat off from your cold body. though you weren’t complaining seemingly junmyeon was usually knocked out by 10. 
standing up from his laying position on the cozy couch he watched as you dropped your back on the coffee table as you walked over to him.
“is everything okay? you look pretty pale, are you sick?” you started to ramble on with questions at his tired figure. even with your probably stained with blood scrubs and the evident dark circles under your eyes, you still looked beautiful to him.
junmyeon just laughed and held your small hands in his big ones.
“I just have a surprise for you, I wanted to tell you over dinner tomorrow but I’m too excited to wait that long,” he said, his palms starting to get pretty sweaty from being too nervous.
“what is it?” you said grinning suddenly excited over what his surprise could be.
“I was planning on taking you to a wonderful week in paris as a vacation and, before you could say anything, I already talked this over with the hospital and they agreed on giving one of their best nurses a well-deserved break,” he said.
you couldn’t contain your joy and started squealing as you jumped around from your spot obviously happy that you finally got to go to your dream vacation place. junmyeon just smiled at your excited figure. 
you’re cute
“oh my god junmyeon is this for real? please don’t lie to me,” you said with a pleading look on your face.
“y/n,” junmyeon said as he laughed, “why would I be lying to you? after all these years you still think I would joke about this stuff?”
you then pulled his collar so that you could give him a loving kiss on the lips. by instinct, junmyeon then wrapped his arms around your small figure as your lips move in sync.
“thank you junmyeon, I really appreciate this so much,” you said as tears started to form in your eyes. you were definitely stressed from work and this one week vacation to a magical place seemed like a whole package for you.
“you know you deserve this right? I'm just being a good boyfriend,” he replied.
you then grinned and pulled him closer.
“let me show you how good you are then,” you whispered.
it was finally the day of the trip and it was hard to go throughout the weeks till the day of your departure without having to daydream about all the things you were bound to do with junmyeon there.
on the plane junmyeon know how you couldn’t control your excitement as you kept looking out the window of the airplane from your window seat with excitement in your eyes. the clouds looked the softest as you told junmyeon how you wanted to just flop and snuggle on the pillows. instead, you snuggled against his shoulders as you waited for your arrival.
the second you stepped of the airport you couldn’t stop squealing. you were finally here! all junmyeon could do was genuinely smile at your ethics. no doubt you’re cute when you’re excited.
the two of you opted on just sleeping as soon as you arrived at your hotel room because it was already past midnight and you needed every energy you needed to go touring around the city the next day.
that night you slept close to junmyeon as he held you tightly against his bigger figure. even with all the energy you had in the beginning, the second your head hit the pillows, you were a goner.
junmyeon couldn’t sleep that night, instead he thought about how the proposal would go. he was scared that you were gonna reject his proposal though he already knew you were gonna say yes. you’ll never know how things are going to go in the future.
the next few days were amazing as it could already. you tried so many new food and went to every cafe you passed by and tried the pastries and coffees there. you even visited the famous tourist attractions there and didn’t forget to take aesthetic pictures of each other. being the museum enthusiast you and junmyeon are, you visited the oh so famous Louvre Museum where you and even junmyeon were ecstatic about. having to only see them in television shows and pictures, you finally got to see it in real life.
and you couldn’t forget to visit the Eiffel Tower. where junmyeon planned on proposing to you. but he planned on doing it the night before you had to leave, in front of the shinning Eiffel Tower with the stars shining above you.
the second you saw the Eiffel Tower, the look on your face was as if a kid who had just gotten his favourite candy. you and junmyeon bought the warm churros and bagel from one of the many food trucks and two cups of hot chocolate as you both strolled along the park, talking about everything and anything with laughter filling the air.
things were going great just like he planned it to be and seeing you happy like this made his insides feel warm and made the butterflies in his stomach erupt. you looked beautiful with your hair dancing around with the wind, even if some stuck on your face, you still looked like an angel with that beautiful smile on your face and how your eyes would smile as you do.
finally, the last night strolled on by fairly quickly as the both of you are now walking hand in hand to the Eiffel Tower. the night was rather cold and junmyeon didn't forget to pack a few more hot packs with him knowing you might forget and get yourself sick from the cold.
“I'm sad now that it’s the last day,” you mumbled lowly as you finally made it to the Eiffel Tower, now just admiring how the tower sparkled that night. the stars seemed to shine brighter and it only brought more anxiousness to junmyeon.
he could feel his hand start to sweat as you got closer to the tower in hopes you didn't realise how clammy his hands felt. though the weather was cold, the sight of you was enough to make his face feel hot and he could feel the sweat slowly trickling down his neck. 
turning to look at you, in fact you did look devastated at the thoughts of leaving this beautiful place but you still had a glimpse of smile plastered on your face and it made junmyeon felt wobbly, his legs about to give up on him.
“it is, but there’s something I have to do before we leave here,” he said, finally the courage he had before slowly seep through his veins.
confused you turned to him and you could see the softness of his eyes. 
“what are you talking about myeon?” you said, totally unaware of the situation. which was a good thing about this whole thing since you were gullible yourself and he hoped you didn't instantly got caught on with what he was about to or it was going to ruin the whole plan.
taking your small hands in his large ones, he began to speak.
“y/n, you’re one of the greatest that had happen to me, though our encounter was rather embarrassing, I could never forget that day where I first laid my eyes on you. the day I fell in love with you. till today, my love for you isn’t only the same but it has grew bigger every single day. I seriously don’t know what I'll do if I didn’t have you by my side. the way you helped me get through law school even though you had your own course to deal with. you were there for every breakdown I had, every milestone I hit, and I'm glad I was there for you too. my love for you will never stop and it will remain that way till the day I die.” 
tears started to prick in your eyes. you knew exactly where this was going.
“so y/n, y/l/n,” he started before pulling out a small velvet ring box out of his pocket and getting on one knee. opening the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.
this is it
“will you marry me?” 
those were the words you’ve been waiting for since the day you’ve met.
a tear slipped down your cheeks and so did junmyeon’s. without hesitation you nodded before shakily replying,
“yes junmyeon, fuck yes of course,” 
relief washed over junmyeon as he was smiling from ear to ear. slipping the ring on your finger, he stood up and kissed you for the first time as your fiancé.
the people around you were clapping and cheering at the sweet moment.
you pulled away and he cupped his hands on your cheeks, wiping the tears from eyes.
“I'm so glad you proposed here, very cliche, I like it,” you said.
“of course you do, I know how it works in the kdramas you watch,” he replied smirking.
“hey junmyeon?” 
“yeah,” he replied, looking at you in the eye as if you were one of the shinning start at the sky that night.
“I love you.” with that you pulled him into a loving kiss again.
and you were glad that you could do it now every day of your life,
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hellishvu · 5 years
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P e a c h y; ˚✧₊⁎
☆彡 where two college cliches fall in love with the same person and learn how to love.
— actually so excited to write this, i really like to write poly because it’s so cute akcksk it’s like triple the fluff!! if you haven’t read the beginning of these two cliches, i recommend so!! click this *・link *・ and read namjoon’s imagine! thank you all so much for 280 followers it was just not long ago i had 200. thank u really wrote this on a bus/airport don’t recommend only having 30 minutes of sleep.
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“Okay so we ask him out-” Jimin and Namjoon was sitting down on the ground, the sleepovers that were common espically during semester breaks. Where Namjoon brings cheese in a can and eats it with Jimin till the sun rise, while Jimin plays romantic anime movies that they end up crying over.
“We?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow seeing Jimin open and close his mouth trying to frame his next sentence right. Namjoon laughs while Jimin looks side to side joining along the laughter once the coast was clear.
“Yeah so you ask him out.” Jimin explains, showing a ripped piece of paper on top of his chemistry textbook that he paid way too much money for.
“I mean I wouldn’t mind if we-” Namjoon says testing the waters of an idea he’s had in his head for quite a while but never had the right timing.
“I mean I still can’t believe he has a nipple piercing... I am right? Haha...” Jimin when things get awkward he always goes to the nipple piercing, I mean holy shit you had one.
The crush developed when he saw you shirtless he had some butterflies in his stomach. Jimin of course hid it (as best as he could) seeing you become a regular member of their friend group. You coming everyday at them, meeting up with them, and always caring about the smallest things even if others would ignore it. You were there for Jimin and Namjoon. Soon enough their friend group of just Namjoon and Jimin turned to Namjoon, Jimin, and You. The population now turning to 3.
There’s been moments where Jimin and Namjoon end up sleeping in the same bed, the feelings of maybe this more than just a friendship bubbles up in them. Turning heads towards eachother, inches from eachothers face till one of them (usually Jimin) presses his lips against his, Namjoon hums in satisfaction, while they kiss more and more of course they’ve never gone further than that because by the morning the moment just never happened. Both of them thinking the same exact thought “I can’t do this I like Y/N.” Mutually agreeing to put it to the end even if it always happens again, maybe the next day or the next months.
“Okay, so I’ll leave you two here. While I pretend to get pizza, mostly likely will actually get pizza.” Jimin draws a very sketchy map writing down how long he should be gone for Namjoon to make his move.
“Can’t you stay?” Namjoon looks up into Jimin’s starry eyes, Jimin tilting his head gently smiling.
“You want me to stay?” Jimin awed,with a gentle voice. Namjoon holding his hand, #homofriends.
“Yes, what if he kills me?” Namjoon says with serious intent in his eyes before breaking character laughing again. Jimin rubbing his hair for playing around.
Their laughter was suddenly stopped, when the knocks on the door was heard. Namjoon felt the cheese in a can rise up from his stomach. Feeling the anxiety rise while Jimin felt his palms sweat. They both pointed at the door wanting one of them to open the door.
“You do it!” Namjoon whisper screams while hiding under a blanket. Jimin jumping on top of him hearing Namjoon groan out.
“Hey Jimin? Namjoon? Are you guys there?” They heard on the other side of the front door. Jimin gets off while Namjoon lifts the blanket off of him. They both get up opening the door seeing you in your hoodie, sweatpants, and all. You held up a glass of wine and some glasses that have cats with a party hat.
“Eh? Eh!” You showed off the glass seeing them both trying to get a smile from either of them.
“I wanted to do something special! It’s our first sleepover!” You walked inside, Jimin and Namjoon getting out of your way before you trample them.
“We don’t really drink.” Namjoon says sitting in the counter while you place it next to him. You looking at your phone making sure you were right on time because these two were acting odd.
“It’s because Namjoon is a light weight.” Jimin leans against the fridge, while Namjoon jumps off the counter, embarrassed.
“Well, I did bring tea, I assumed he was.” You chuckled seeing Namjoon raise his head walking away, snobby.
“We can pop it open later, it’s too early.” You looked out of the kitchen window seeing the sun barely setting, Jimin jumping on Namjoon’s back as an apology.
“Sometimes I think you two are a couple.” You pointed a finger at Namjoon then Jimin doing a heart sign with your hands.
“Wh— Us? A couple? Haha never... never.” Namjoon pushes Jimin off of his back while they both straighten their clothes out.
“You never know.” Jimin winked towards you, Namjoon pushing him but stopped seeing your face of interest.
“Let’s just drink the wine.” Namjoon suggests grabbing the bottle, opening it before chugging some.
“Woah Namjoon, it’s barely 8pm.” You proclaimed not realizing you guys were going to get drunk so early. Jimin signaled him to pass the bottle, the left over taste of Namjoon’s lips.
Drink after drink and sharing playful stories of stupid nights and very ridiculous choices. Laughter fills the home while Namjoon takes it all in, you two make him so happy. Like he could forever live in this moment, wants to capture in his memory so he can always go back at it. Namjoon couldn’t possibly like two people at the same time but he couldn’t decide one even if he was held at gun point.
You were always there for him, wether he wanted to study for a exam or he needed a hug you were on your way all the time. Dropping every single thing that day to make sure he was okay. Jimin he saw everything from his worst moments to his best moments, they couldn’t be far apart without feeling a part of them gone. Jimin smelt like a coffee house where the beans were just roasted, the smell reminded him of home and all things cozy while you smelt like a field of beautiful wild flowers that filled his nostrils that made him want to live freely.
“Earth to Namjoon? Are you okay?” Jimin asks completely snapping Namjoon out of staring into outer space, you placed a hand around his shoulder Namjoon getting goose bumps from your touch looking into your eyes.
“I can’t do this.” Namjoon stood up running up the stairs closing the door of the bathroom, leaving you and Jimin in the dust. You two looked at eachother asking eachother what you two could have possibly done.
“Namjoon. Open the door.” Namjoon heard you knocking and Jimin talking. He knew Jimin never knocked that hard so he just assumed it was you.
“Was it something we did?” You asked, knocking more gently not wanting to scare the poor man inside the bathrooom.
“No of course not, I just can’t.” Namjoon sat down his back against the door, sighing into his hands. This wasn’t a good idea and if he said nothing or said everything he was going to have to meet the eyes of the ones he loves.
“Can I ask if it’s about statue?” Jimin asks, knowing statue is your code name. You looked at Jimin quirking an eyebrow not knowing who this statue is.
“Who’s statue?”
“Yes and no! Jimin it’s complicated and I don’t want to lose either of you and I’m just really new to this whole thing.”
“What thing are you talking about? You can tell us you know that Joon.”
“I like you both, so much.. that it hurts me. I don’t like you just as friends but as lovers. I can’t imagine my life without either of you and I know you guys probably don’t want to do poly but if you could give it a chance?” Namjoon confesses opening his soul, making up the faces of you and Jimin. Imagining your reaction and if it goes well he imagines how you two would all cuddle and share kisses.
“Yeah, of course Joon. I would love to. I realized that it isn’t a bad thing to love two people at the same time. That as long as it’s consensual it’s love.” You said placing your hand on the door trying to give a signal to Namjoon that it was okay to open the door.
“Namjoon, I’ve had a crush on you but I was so confused because I like Y/N too but I couldn’t shake off my feelings for you. You’re my everything.” Jimin sincerely says seeing the door open to an almost crying Namjoon. He hugged both of you, trying to hold on his sobs.
“You two are literally angels.” Namjoon muffled sounds as he gave you two kisses on cheeks.
When Namjoon woke up he couldn’t believe his eyes, you and Jimin cuddling him. Namjoon felt the cozy feeling in his heart wanting to stay in this position for his entire life. You groaning when Namjoon got up pulling him back down causing him to giggle.
“We have to get up.. it’s 10.” Namjoon caressing your cheek when you fluttered your eyelashes. He got back up stretching when he saw Jimin yawning laying on Namjoon’s lap not wanting to get out of bed. The warm morning as you three got up sharing clothes for the new day. Namjoon wearing your hoodie while you wore Jimin’s long sleeve shirt lastly Jimin wearing Namjoon’s pizza shirt.
“You two are pretty.” Jimin says seeing you two make breakfast. Jimin admiring you both while the smell of fresh pancakes fills his nose.
“Thank you baby.” Namjoon blushes flipping a pancake while you put more of the pancake batter on the pan. Jimin putting his hands around Namjoon’s hips swavying him back and forth a little.
“Baby that’s a new.” Jimin pecking Namjoon, you surprised that they just kissed on the first 12 hours of being together.
“We’ve made out before Y/N.” Jimin kisses Y/N’s cheek pointing at the empty pan waiting for another pancake to create.
“Gasp and you didn’t invite me?” You bringing Jimin’s closer by having your finger under his chin. Jimin raising an eyebrow a sly grin appearing on his face.
“We are not having sex in the kitchen!” Namjoon flips your overspilled pancakes seeing you were too occupied by Jimin’s plump lips. One side of the pancake ended up burnt but Jimin ate it with a smile anyway.
“Thank god we had this sleepover during semester break! Now I get to spend all my days with my favorites.” Namjoon sipping on his green tea, the little amount of whip cream that is on the top of his lips. You passing the maple syrup to Jimin.
“How will I operate in class when I just want to kiss you two?” You wipe off the whip cream off his lips, licking the excess on your finger.
“Can’t believe this all started when you spilled jam on your shirt.” Jimin playing with his fork pointing it right at you.
“Oh and not because he has a nipple piercing?” Namjoon takes another big sip seeing Jimin rapidly look at him trying to hide his blush from you.
“Maybe that had to do with it.” Jimin getting up from his chair grabbing all of your plates setting them down the sink.
“How do we do our first kiss?” You ask turning your chair towards Jimin who is cleaning the dirty plate. Namjoon also wondering gets up already looking for his chapstick.
“Do we all like smush our faces together and hope for the best?” Namjoon stands up from the table, pushing his chair in leaning on you while you wrap your hand around his waist.
It took planning shockingly. Jimin writing down who kisses who and basically you all exchange kisses, Namjoon looked very nervous about kissing you.
“You okay?” You embraced him while Namjoon holds onto your arm, looking at Jimin for support getting a thumbs up.
“Yes, just... just getting butterflies.” Namjoon breaths in looking into your eyes before he closes them. You pressing your lips to his, Namjoon smiles in the kiss your lips feeling and tasting better than he ever imagined. Not wanting to stop the kiss pulling you back in once you two have some time to breath.
“Come over here.” Jimin signals you, once it’s his turn. You walking over to him Jimin slinging his arms around your throat grinning when you pull him by his waist closing the distance. Although Jimin would never admit it, he felt his heart stop for a minute when you kissed him. God did he love you two.
“Baby I want kisses!” Namjoon protests putting his body on Jimin’s. Jimin burrying his face into his neck, the smell of Namjoon’s lavender lotion filling his nose while he touches his soft skin.
Jimin raises his head up seeing Namjoon’s red lips also wet from the kiss with you, he presses his plump lips against Namjoon’s. The sweet taste of the honey green tea that he drank for breakfast, savoring it all. You hugged Jimin from behind kissing and leaving hickles on his neck.
“Precious.” You nuzzle Jimin’s neck wrapping your hand around Namjoon’s waist. Feeling the bliss of being with those two.
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— a/n: kinda wanted to add some text stuff!! because the imagine had some of it and i just found it so iconic!! enjoy :) these are 3 different events with ur boyfriends namjoon and jimin
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zanesgirlfriend · 6 years
Everybody Has a Pair
Description: Jeff flirts with a very shy reader.
Requested?: Yes, by @davidobrikcloud : Hi! I just found your account and saw that you write for Jeff and I died a little inside. Could you write something where the reader is like super shy and has a crush on Jeff and he flirts with her and just super fluffy? Thank you! 💓
A/N: This is such a cute idea, I enjoyed writing it a lot, even though it turned out longer than expected. Thank you for reading and requesting stories babe 💜 enjoy!!
She was giddy. Scatterbrained by the fact that this guy she had feelings for had asked for her number. He hadn't texted her yet, but he had her number. This was a big deal for her. She was very shy, and had only ever been on one date in her life.
She had gotten more offers for dates since she had been a part of the vlog squad, but she knew they weren't genuine. Jeff was part of the vlog squad too, so if he ever even considered asking her on a date, she would trust him.
David texted in the groupchat, asking people to come hang out and film bits. She replied and headed over to his house.
She got there before anybody else, always afraid of being late, even though there wasn't a set time to hang out. She walked in the door and sat on the couch with David. Jeff arrived next, looking odd without Todd next to him.
"Where is everybody?" Jeff asked, sitting awfully close to her.
"Well the boys are on tour, Jason has kids, Josh has a kid, Trisha thinks David is a horrible person, Heath doesn't live in LA anymore. . . Shall I go on?" She explained.
"Carly and Erin are on the way, and Heath is getting food with Mariah before they come here." David stared at his phone while he spoke.
"Everybody has a pair. Have you noticed that?" Jeff asked her, his knee bumping into hers casually.
"That's not true, who's David's pair? Who's my pair?" She questioned him, taking in the smell of his cologne.
"David has Josh." He said, pausing to think about who her pair would be. "Are you Zane's pair?" He questioned.
"Zane is supposed to be Heath's pair, but now Heath has Mariah, so is Stassie his pair?" They argued back and forth about if the 'IG Girls' counted in the pairs, and settled on yes. By the time their argument concluded, Carly and Erin had arrived and joined in on the discussion.
Throughout the big discussion of pairs, y/n had gotten more comfortable, laying on the couch with her legs over Jeff's lap. She paid attention to the way his hands would land back on her legs every time he finished speaking.
"Okay well the only two people without pairs would then have to become a pair, correct?" Carly was very enthusiastic about this conversation, as was everyone else in the room.
"Yeah." Y/n and Jeff said in unison.
"Okay then you two are the last pair." Carly gestured towards them.
"How?" Y/n asked, secretly hoping one of the girls would say they looked cute together.
"Look at you!" Erin almost screamed.
Jeff and Y/n looked at eachother, and saw how comfortable they were just being on eachother. Her face became flush as realized that they did look like a couple. Jeff shrugged his shoulders and y/n just stared at the ceiling.
"Umm, hello?" Erin was confused. "We go through all of that, and we discover that you two are meant to be and all you can do is shrug?"
"Nobody said we were meant to be, we just happen to be the odd ones out." Y/n took her legs off of Jeff and sat up.
"Okay, fine but when y'all get together we told you so." Carly ended the conversation.
Later that night everyone was still at David's and Y/n couldn't stop thinking about Jeff. She was way too shy to ever make a move, so she decided to just sit and let the situation fizzle itself out. Jeff, on the other hand, wanted sparks. He had asked for her number the day prior, with the intention of getting to know her and possibly asking her out. After finding out that they truly were the last pair, he figured he should just go for it. He'd forgotten how awkward it was to flirt, so his brain went on Staten Island Autopilot, doing the little things that he knew drove girls crazy.
He started by sitting next to her at every possible opportunity. He would rest his hand on her knee, then her thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth over her skin. He slid his hand across her back, casually touching her waist as he moved past her. He whispered in her ear, watching her twitch when his breath glided across her neck.
She noticed all of these things, each time holding her breath, trying to keep the moment alive for as long as possible. She wished she knew how to flirt back, so she could put out some sort of signal for him not to stop.
"You have tiny hands." Jeff pointed out. It was something he noticed while he was trying to memorize her features.
"Maybe you just have really big hands." She replied, grabbing his wrist and pressing their hands together. The tops of his fingers wrapped over the tips of hers.
"You know what they say about big hands." Jeff laughed. His laugh was like music to her ears. She smiled and dropped her hand, disconnecting their touch.
Jeff liked touching her though, he liked how smooth her skin was, and how gentle she was with everyone and everything. On the same level, she admired the strange grip his hand had on hers, and how kind he was to everyone he met.
They were sat next to eachother again, this time on the little loveseat in the podcast room. They faced eachother, her legs criss-cross-applesauced. He leaned his elbow against the back of the couch, extending his arm to brush the hair out of her face.
"Your hair is very soft." His fingers lingered behind her ear, tracing across her jaw and down her neck.
"Your hair looks very soft." She leaned into his touch, somehow feeling eased by the warmth of his fingertips. Jeff leaned over as if to gesture for her to touch his hair. She ran five fingers through, lightly scratching his scalp as she felt the soft, freshly washed hair.
"Ooh, that feels good, keep doin' that." Jeff turned around and she extended her legs onto the couch. He leaned back, laying between her legs and resting his head on her chest.
She watched his eyes close as she massaged his scalp, feeling the pure bliss of just being with someone and not even having to talk.
"You two look cozy." Zane appeared in the doorway. Jeff didn't even have to open his eyes before responding.
"We're a pair, we gotta be comfortable with eachother, ya know?" His words made her smile, as if they really were meant to be.
"Are you guys dating? When did that happen?" Zane sat down on a different couch, giving the couple their space. Y/n definitely didn't know how to respond to that. Luckily for her, Jeff did.
"Not yet, but we will be soon."
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leafsbabe · 5 years
Jeff Skinner - short shifts [smut]
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also here is the video in question you should definitely watch it
words: 4.5k
The wind was driving raindrops against the big window of your bedroom and you couldn’t help but relax. These little breaks from all the stress you had faced recently were more than welcome and the weather with it’s monotone gray clouds and it’s steady downpour helped brightening your mood immensely. Since it was a free day for you you decided to not even bother today. Remaining in your pajamas all day and going so far as turning the heating down a bit so you had an excuse to wrap yourself up in the coziest blanket you owned, you rested your back against the wall while sitting on your bed and watched the rain run down your window in a steady stream.
After shuffling all the way over to your kitchen to make some tea you were just on your way back to your cozy nest as the doorbell rang and disrupted the quietness of your apartment. Setting your steaming mug down on the nearest flat surface you walked the few steps to your front door and looked through the peephole since you weren’t expecting anybody. To your surprise you saw a completely drenched Jeff on the other side and had to try really hard to not giggle as a pulled open your door and ushered him inside.
You had barely closed the door before he shook his head, water drops flying everywhere, making you shriek.
“Damn it Jeffrey, when did you become a dog?” You tried to scold him while he laughed. He was dripping wet and you wanted neither your apartment wet nor Jeff getting sick so you lightly shoved his shoulder and made your way towards your bathroom to get him some towels. Once you came back you saw that Jeff still hasn’t moved so you held out the towels for him and once he grabbed them, took your mug and sat down on your sofa, looking up at him expectantly.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He started unbuttoning his coat and you couldn’t help yourself and called out “Alexa, play careless whisper.” You lightly nodded your head to the music as the provocative tunes flowed through your apartment, grinning as you saw Jeff blush bright red at the implication. You hadn’t known each other for long but in that short time you had established a relationship much closer and comfortable than anybody could have guessed. It had only been a few months since you ran into each other but he was the first person you called to vent to or tell good news and you knew you were his too. The two of you had slept over at each others apartments and even in the same bed and had seen eachother in various states of undress, although more accidentally than not. You would lie to yourself if you said you never thought about Jeff in a sexual way. He was some bonafide hockey beef but you always knew that if you took that step your relationship would change. But oh well, the ball was in his court now and you had to wait and see how he played it.
Unbothered by your mental detour Jeff had finished unbuttoning your coat and was now looking at you with a look on his face you couldn’t quite identify, still bright red. “You really wanna see a show?” He asked, trying to make it sound.. seductive?
You just settled back against the cushions and laughed. “Hit me.”
And well… hit you he did. Taking the sides of his coat he tried to strip it off sexily which didn’t quite work out but still amoused you. Once it was off he turned around, showing you the back of his sweater which looked as if somebody had emptied a bucket over him and his jeans that clung to his, in lack of a better description, fabulous hockey ass, as he showed you the worst twerk attempt you had seen since your coworker Jessica got drunk at the office christmas party. If one of your couch pillows hit him in the back of the head it was only fate, they weren’t called throw pillows for nothing. The next notable sexy in an endearing way mishap happened when he got his head stuck in his sweater and nearly knocked over a vase before freeing himself but after that it was as if something inside him switched. He was still blushing but now his smile was gone and instead replaced by a look of concentration. He bit his lip and ran his hand down his torso, flatting his soaked shirt so his abs were visible in a move that looked right out of Magic Mike, and when he turned around you bit your lip too. You really hoped he wouldn’t notice you pressing your legs a little bit tighter together as you shifted on the couch a bit, trying to lean back and just enjoy the sight in front of you.
Jeff’s movement didn’t match the rhythm at all but you couldn’t help but stare as he pulled his shirt over his head and revealed his body to you fully. His muscles shifted as he moved around and you thought about peppering little kisses all over his abs just to show him how much you appreciated them.
His moves didn’t match the music but you couldn’t help but enjoy the show, even when Jeff attempted to sexily wiggle out of his tight jeans, which should not turn you on but weirdly did. He nearly fell over again but after a short struggle he stood in front of you in just his boxer shorts which, even though they weren’t wet were fairly short, accented his thigh muscles and the noticeable dent in the front.
You were just about to ask him if maybe he wanted to move this to the bedroom, completely fuck over your friendship by fucking you, and then maybe discuss the possibility of this becoming a regular thing when he pulled down the remaining part of his outfit and stood in front of you completely naked.
Your hands flew to cover your eyes in shock although you spread your fingers a bit so you could peak out at Jeff and his… well everything. He was never this bold before and you hoped he would follow it up with another bold move, maybe sweeping you off your feet or ravishing you right there on your couch or at least say something but the confidence in him was slowly but visibly dwindling and so it was your time to do something after leaning back and letting him run wild a bit.
Your hands still covering your eyes you tried to talk as though his nakedness didn’t affect you, the wetness that spread in your underwear might indicate something different but for now you had to put up a composed act. “As much as your boldness charms me Jeff, and you need to 100% trust me when i say i’d love to drag you into my bedroom right now and have my way with you until you’re forced to leave me to go to practice, i think we need to talk about the situation first and maybe fuck afterwards.” You could see him getting redder and redder but he made no attempt to cover himself up. His posture relaxed a bit and you couldn’t help but move the hands covering your eyes a bit until they were also covering your laugh. “And i think it would be better if you were at least partially dressed for that. The sight is… quite a distraction.” You added.
Jeff led the way to your bedroom. He stayed over so much that he had his own drawer by now, and if you took pieces from there from time to time to wear around your apartment it’s nobody’s business. The sweater you wore to bed was one of his too but he didn’t seem to notice it. By the time you had poured your poor cold tea down the drain and joined Jeff in the bedroom he was at least wearing boxers and a thin shirt. He was sitting on your bed and you couldn’t help but think about how he looked like he belonged there.
You sat down beside him and he spread his hand that was resting on the bed a bit until his fingertips grazed your bare leg.
“You wanted to talk?” Jeff asked, leaning back a bit and rested part of his weight on his arms, accidentally showing off his muscles. You bit your lip and waited for him to continue to  speak but he just poked your legs with his fingertips.
“About what i said in the living room… I do like you Jeff and i really really wouldn’t mind having sex with you but i’m a bit afraid what it would do to our friendship. You mean a lot to me and i don’t want to fuck that up.”
His fingertips poked your thigh again and you looked up from your lap and to him. He had moved so that he was fully facing you, one bare foot placed on the floor and one angled up on the bed. “I would never ever do something to compromise this friendship but i think there’s no point in trying to tell ourselves that’s all this is. I value you so fucking much and i can’t imagine my life without you in it. I’d like to try this, not just sex but a relationship. You and me. And if that, for some idiotic reason doesn’t work out, we can always go back to being friends. I’m in if you’re in. And if you’re not then i can wait however long you need me to.”
You were moved and tried to come up with a good answer in your head but the way he was looking at you was making it very hard. You were in love and horny and wanted to show the man you loved just how much you loved him. In lack of a better answer you simply leaned forward and connected your lips. There was a 90% chance you and Jeff had made out at least once before while drunk but this was your first real kiss together and it was amazing. His hands found your waist and you couldn’t be bothered trying to sit upright so you just let yourself fall backward, hands coming up to cradle Jeff’s face and gently pull him down with you, all while kissing and dreaming about what’s to come.
Jeff went easily and had no problem following you until you were laying down and he was hovering above you. He threw one of his legs over your legs straddled your lap, giving you just a second to feel his hard dick against your core before he used his hands to push himself up a bit so he was holding himself above you.
You were still holding his face between your hands so he turned his face just enough to press a kiss to your palm before gently leaving your grip and moving his face to your neck. His lips made their way along your jaw before pausing to press another hot kiss to your lips. Jeff concentrated on making out with you for just a minute before his lips left yours again and this time made their way down your neck. His sweater you were wearing only allowed him to follow your smooth skin for a bit but once he reached the end of available surface he suck down harder, at one point even softly biting down. Your fingers found their way to his head again, winding their way through his curls and gently tugging as he worked on covering you with a love bite. The second he was satisfied with his work he sat up, motioning you to follow him up.
His hands ghosted along the hemline of his sweater you were wearing, occasionally touching the soft skin of your stomach. He opened his mouth and you already knew he was going to ask you to remove it so you just took it of in one move, leaving you there sitting bare chested with a fully nude Jeff essentially in your lap.
You felt a little self conscious at Jeff blatant staring, not knowing whether he liked what he saw.
Jeff smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile back.
Soft giggling filled your bedroom alongside the sound of rain as his hands and lips explored your body. His mouth felt even better on your chest than it did on your neck. Jeff wasn’t holding back. He mouthed at your chest and took your nipples into his mouth, letting his tongue play with it. Just having him suck at your breast was a calming feeling and you let your fingers grip his hair and push his face closer to keep him there longer. You finally understood why so many people liked it. Nobody had ever paid such close attention to your chest before but the feeling could only be summed up in warmth...arousal...closeness.
Jeff pressed his hips closer to yours and only now you realized just how wet you were and how hard he was. Suddenly you couldn’t wait to move things along.
“Jeff, do you…” he bit down on your nipple making you gasp, “Do you have a condom?” You were on birth control but didn’t want to risk it, always having two kinds of safety was your rule.
He let go of your chest and rested his forehead on it, groaning into the soft flesh. “Yeah just wait a second.”
He got up and hurried out of the room, presumedly to get a condom out of his wallet and the moment you couldn’t see his nice backside anymore you layd back and took off your sleep shorts and underwear. The cold air hit your soaked center and you couldn’t help but shudder. Maybe you could convince Jeff to do it under the blanket… but you wanted to see all of him so that was out of the question, at least for your first time.
You led your hands wander aimlessly, just touching your breast and you’re stomach without any intend. You were feeling hot and overwhelmed but actually touching yourself would bring you to a finish faster than you’d like. You could hear Jeff make his way back to your bedroom but you couldn’t help chasing that thought.
One of your coworkers had shown you the video of Jeff’s interview in which he admitted to not lasting a long time in bed. It was probably because they thought you were fucking and wanted to rile you up but you couldn’t forget it. The video was like 8 years old and a lot had changed since then. Should you ask Jeff about it? maybe he’d be amused and show you just how good he’d become but he could also get angry and leave. At that moment Jeff came back, triumphantly holding up the little foil package with a big smile on his face. “Got it.”
You wanted to do something to invite him back to you seductively. Maybe slowly spread your legs or beckon him with a finger but before you could decide Jeff had made his way back to the bed and nearly jumped you. Your faces close to each other you couldn’t resist pulling him into a kiss again. This one slower and filled with anticipation.
“So, Jeffrey, tell me…” you whispered against his lips but he cut you off, “Yes? Anything. Everything.” littering little kisses on your jawline.
“Are you used to taking longer shifts nowadays?”
The kisses stopped as soon as these words left your mouth but the initial ‘oh shit’ moment only lasted until his blush intensified all the way down his chest and Jeff rolled over until he was laying on his back and hid his face in his hands. “How do you even know about that?”.
“Coworker showed it to me.” You straddled his waist, his hard cock resting against your ass, as you slowly pried his hands away from his face so he had to look at you. “It’s a cute video. You look so sweet in it. But you’ve grown a lot since then Jeff so answer the question.” You moved your hips just enough to drag against his dick and make him moan. “Are you still taking short shifts off the ice?”
He was still for a moment and you could see that he was contemplating so you stopped moving your hips so he could concentrate. Once he finally spoke he wouldn’t meet you eyes, but instead opted for looking at the ceiling. “That video is so old. I can tell you right now that by the time the video was filmed i could count the times i’ve had actual sex on one hand. I’ve had sex since then, you know.”
You lightly ran your hands up his arms trying to ground him a little. “That didn’t answer my question Jeff.”
“I’m not a two anymore, okay? I’m, i’d say, maybe a three or a four i don’t know. But i know that i’m good in bed. Nobody ever complained. I’ve given girls orgasms before.”
“Nobody said you didn’t, Jeff. You actually helped me over the edge more often than you’ll ever know. But you know there are ways to get you to last longer.” Your hand wandered down his torso, teasing him, until you took him in your hand. “Ways to make an orgasm even more overwhelming too… If you’re up for it. I kind of want to take my time and make you wait.”
You slowly jerked him off, tightening your grip just a tiny bit as you reached the tip before continuing down again. You managed to jerk him a few times before he groaned and bucked up, obviously riled up. He was moaning just a little bit and you could tell he was holding himself back.
“Have you heard about edging, Jeff?” You asked, keeping the rhythm of your strokes even while bringing your other hand up to his chest and lightly running it over the smooth expanse of skin.
Jeff bit his lip and nodded but otherwise kept quiet.
“Would you like to try it?” He moved his head again but before he could nod you lightly pinched one of his nipples. Jeff made a noise between a sharp inhale and a moan and you decided to remember that for another time.
The desperation in his voice made you stop your stop the movement of your hands, overwhelmed by his neediness. This didn’t stop Jeff though as he tried to move his hips up, desperately chasing the pleasure. The second you could feel the way his muscles tightened under you, see the way his eyes lost focus and his hands gripped your duvet tightly you let go of him.
He whined at the loss of contact. He was nearly over the edge but without your touch he couldn’t manage to come.
You waited a few more minutes until his breathing evened out again before caressing his chest again, leaning over him so you could better look him into his eyes. “Okay?”
His voice was still breathy when he answered. „Yeah. You?“
„Oh I’m just perfect. I’m thinking for the next round I want to ride you. But I also kinda want to blow you until you cry. What do you think Jeff?“
The look of pure adoration in his eyes was nearly too much to bear but the mischievous glint accompanying it made you weak.
„I think I’d like you to sit on my face first. But I like your ideas.“
Jeff ate you out like his life depended on it and you were pretty sure he ruined you for any other man. The way he kissed your thighs to rile you up before alternating between broad licks and focusing on your clit. He took his time but managed to bring you close to an orgasm in record time. Your hands couldn’t decide if they should clench the bedding or his hair while your thoughts raced at a thousand miles a minute even though they were nonexistent. Thankfully you hadn’t actually sat down on his face or Jeff would have been squished or suffocated between your thighs. You were nearly there, so close… when Jeff moved away suddenly.
“If i don’t get to come, you don’t get to come either.” He pressed another kiss to the inside of your thighs.
“You’re evil.” You said before getting off his chest and leaning down to press a kiss against his mouth, tasting yourself on his lips.
Jeff leaned up, chasing after you when you pulled away, kissing you again and again before you could finally crawl down the bed until you were facing his v-line. Pressing little kisses all over his skin you were rewarded with Jeff’s sweet giggling.
“You can grab my hair if you want and even pull it a little but please don’t push me down. Oh and want to hear you, i like it when you moan.” Before he could answer you moved the last few inches separating you and tried to fit as much of him in your mouth as you could. You liked the way he felt, warm and heavy and perfect. You weren’t able to take all of him but you didn’t let that stop you, starting to move and bop your head.
Jeff was loud, moaning and whimpering and letting out little breathless words of praise. His fingers were running through your hair, more patting your head than pushing you in any direction. You slowly tried to take more of him every time you went down. Your hands where resting on his thighs, occasionally moving to touch and toy with his balls as you moved your tongue or hollowed your cheeks to suck him harder. You had barely gotten started before you felt Jeff tug on your hair, urging you up.
“What?” You asked, still hovering a bit above his crotch, looking up at him.
His thighs were shaking underneath your hands and you slightly stroked his thigh to calm him down.
“I was close.” He said softly, “I didn’t want to come yet. I want to cum in you.”
Pride filled your heart at those words. “Thank you for telling me Jeff.” You moved up until you could straddle his abs before kissing him again.
It didn’t go further than kissing for a while. Jeff had been close to cumming two times and you wanted to let him calm down first before finishing it. Kissing Jeff felt like coming home in a comforting and overwhelming way at the same time.
He was letting his hands wander over your skin but even when he reached parts you were insecure about you never felt like hiding.
You were too busy sucking a love bite into Jeffs neck to notice stopped his movements and instead he was just laying back and looking at you. He moved a hand to the back of your neck, slowly guiding you up until your lips touched again. When you touched the love bites on his neck he couldn’t help but moan and you felt proud of your accomplishment of marking him up.
Growing impatient you sat up and straddled him again, smiling as you felt his dick hard and hot against your core. “You can come whenever you want, okay Jeff?” One of your hands reached back and took Jeff at the base of his dick. His gasp sounded like music in your ears as you positioned yourself above him and looked down to see his head thrown back, wide eyed and breathless.
Sinking down on him and feeling him stretch you was one of the best things you’d ever felt. Below you Jeff was groaning, gripping the bedding hard enough for his knuckles to turn white as he felt your warmth around him for the first time after thinking about it for so long.
You moved your hips slowly, grinding on him until you felt him hit that spot inside you and deciding to just go for it. You knew he was close and so were you so you didn’t waste any time with pleasantries and exploration - you could do that in round two - and instead focused on the most important thing at the moment, getting off. Jeff’s hand gripped you hips, helping you slam down against him. Movements blurred together and the sounds of your bodies connecting and both of your panting breathless moans became a background noise as you chased your own relief.
You could feel Jeff deep within you hot and hard and so unbelievably good.
You moved faster and faster trying so hard to fall over the edge, desperately trying to finally come only for your wish to be granted when Jeff got his legs in the game, thrusting up while simultaneously pulling you down hitting you deeper than you’d ever imagined causing everything to come crashing down.
Jeff continued fucking you through your orgasm, reaching the peak himself shortly after. Unable to hold yourself up any longer you let yourself fall forward, catching a worn out Jeff by surprise as you cuddled up on his chest, rucking your head under his chin so you could hear his heartbeat. His heart was beating fast but you could feel the way he calmed down over time. He moved his hand to slowly run his hands through your hair.
The two of you just laid there for a while, enjoying the afterglow of your previous adventures. Jeff pressed little kisses to your head from time to time, letting you come back to yourself at your own time.
It wasn’t until a small while had passed, blissful and quiet, that you brought up the thing that had really started everything.
“Well,” you gave his chest an awkward pat, “in my opinion you’re 99% in man points.”
“What? Why not 100%?”
You looked up at him while he looked down at you. It was an awkward angle and made both of you look silly beyond comprehension but you couldn’t help but smile. “Well…. maybe if you stay here and cuddle me you can have your 100%.”
Jeff just gave you a sly grin before pressing a soft kiss against your lips. “Don’t worry, i’m not planning on leaving anytime soon. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”
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Missed parts, chapter 3. (Ivar x Reader)
Summary: Reader is Helga’s half sister and Ivar’s childhood friend. After a dangerous night, she moved to Kattegat, where she met with Ivar again. Pair(s): Ivar x Reader, Helga x Floki Notes: English is not my native language, so sorry for the mistakes. GIF is not mine. The next will be the last chapter.
Previous chapter Taglist: @mblaqgi​ @tephi101​ @ivarslittlebadgirl​ @irishhiggins​
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"We rebuilt this house a little" he said proudly.
I schocked. What? He move here? Or this is just another crazy Ivar idea? Oh Odin. Ivar surprised me. It was deffinitely a big surprise. My face was still schocked,because he laughed and hugged me tightly.
"I know, you want more time with Helga and Floki, because they are your family, but I want to live with you. This house too small for three person and I don't want to live with my brothers, so yesterday's night I bought a lot of stuff"
My face was shone. I kissed him happily. My hand caressed his hair and the other hugged his neck. He smiled and caressed my hips. His eyes were gleamed like diamonds. Ivar was happy, just like me. I didn't dare to dream about this. This...this was good. My heart was full with feelings. I felt so far I've been a caterpillar without Ivar in those lonely years, but now, with him, I became a gorgeous butterfly. Because he cared for me. He knew about Helga and Floki are one of the most important persons in my life and he knew I need them.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you" I kissed his face everywhere.
He laughed and caressed my thights. Ivar knew how to make me happy. And I wanted to live with him too. But my smile fades away when I thought about my mom. I knew this is the time to speak with him in a quiet place. I stood up, grabbed his hand and we went to the seashore, where nobody was. The air was still cozy and Ivar's face was worriedly. I didn't knew how to start. He sat on a stone. We heard the ocean and the air was full with salty scent. When I wanted to talk I felt my tears behind my eyes. I stood before Ivar. His fur still covered my shoulders. I hid my face in the fur a little bit and I looked at him. He was still worried and confused, maybe a little afraid.
I took a deep breath. My heart beated fast.
"I killed someone" my voice trembled. His face was now courious "My mother... a man raped and killed her. And he wanted to do the same thing with me" my tears began to fall down, so I covered my face.
Ivar stood up and hugged me. I hid my face on his chest and I inhaled his man scent. His hands slowly caressed my back. I was on that day again. I saw myself as I stood on the doorway. My mom's body lay on the little bed. She was died and that monster laughed while he said he waited for me. I was afraid.
I cried aloud. That man was a real monster. He took away my mom from me.
"I'm here, Little" Ivar's voice was calmly, like always, when I was sad "Nobody will hurt you anymore"
I nodded. He sat with me on his lap and began to lull. He was the only person, who quickly calmed me.
"I knew something bad happened with you, because you was more silent and I saw the pain in your eyes. But I knew too, you need time to speak about that. Helga recognized this too, because you never was a last time traveler girl, but I said to her the same" He kissed my hair.
I almost cryed again, because he was gently with me, always listened to me. He was here with me and helped, even he have so much pain in his heart. But we healed eachother. He caressed my face. I saw in his eyes the big anger. He was angry to that guy, who made that bad things. And a part of Ivar was angry to himself, because he was not with me. But this was only my fault. I knew, with time the pain will fade away, especially with Ivar.
"From tonight you will always sleep with me. Today you and your family are my guests in the Ragnarssons house. The renovated house will be done in tomorrow" He buried his face in my hair.
I nodded and played with his hand. I loved his long fingers. I can wait. New house, new life with my love of my life. In my mind I imagined my new room, which will be ours. Maybe a new bed, because mine was too small for I and Ivar. Ivar loved the big beds with a lot of soft furs. When we were young, I slept with him a few times, but these night were innocently, just two children in one bed. Aslaug was always happy when she saw me with his favorite son. Once she told me, she likes me, because she imagined a girl like me for Ivar and she always wanted me to be his wife. If Aslaug were alive, she would be happy. I will be forever grateful to her, because she saved Ivar. She was a hero and I was just a reason.
His heartbeat was normal. I looked up at him. Ivar's eyes were like a beautiful, blue ocean.
"There you are, Y.N." Floki walked to me while he held Helga's hand.
I stood up and I hugged them.
''I have a little business" said Ivar. He kissed my forehead and went to back, but his eyes spoke. I nodded. This was the time. I need to tell them what happened. Maybe they not will think I'm a killer. I picked up a white seashell from the ground and I closed my eyes. A took a deep breath.
"The biggest reason why I'm here is I saw something evil" I began. My voice was trembled, but I don't felt the tears, because Ivar's words was still in my mind. "I saw the real evil, a man, who killed my mother" While I spoke, I don't wanted to saw their faces. What if they will think I'm a monster too? Because I killed someone. That was my first, and I hoped the last, time. ''I'm afraid since that night. I had nightmares.  And that's why I don't like the situations when peoples were around me. I want to be brave, I try, but... I don't know what to do."
Helga's hug was strong, but warmly. I opened my eyes and hid my face on her hair. I felt the sweet motherly love. I knew, my real mother never loved me. I was just a bitter reminder. She had a truly lover, it was her husband, but Andras never gave her the blessing, a child. So the marriage was not perfect. They missed their gifts from their love. A strong heir. After a big debate, Andras went to a war. My mom was a little bored, but she met with my and Helga's father and cheated Andras. My dad's wife was died, when Helga was a little girl, so he don't cheated his love. The saddest thing was, Andras knew in the war, that my mom have another man and he died with that thing in his mind. The villagers of course gossiped and hated my mother, who saw my father in me. That's why I liked the time out from our house. Sometimes I did almost everything for a little respect from my mom, but I gave up. My dad heard about me and I was just two years old when he took me to Kattegat in the first time. Helgas was ten years older than me. I was afraid from her, because what if she will hate me too like my mom?
"Helga, we are here! She is Y.N., your little sister" said my dad.
We were on a little house, near to Aslaug's residence. A beautiful girl went out from a room. Her hair was like wheatfield. Helga smiled and hugged me, than kissed my cheek. She waited for me.
"You are such a cute baby, right? Welcome here, Sister" she kissed my cheek again.
My dad smiled and I smiled too, because I felt, I found my family in a little, cute, cozy home.
"You need to trust again" said Floki "This will be hard, I know, but not impossible. If you want, I'll teach you more how to make boats"
"Thank you, Floki" I smiled and hugged him "You are like my second dad"
"Look your hand. Magic"
I opened my palm and there was a beautiful, big, blue colored seashell. I never saw like this. Floki was a truly magician. And I was happy. Little by little I will rebuild myself.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * We sat on the dinnertable. Me, Helga, Floki, Ubbe, Bjorn, Torvi and Hvitserk. Since morning I didn't saw Ivar. I thought he will wait for me here, but no. I was worried. I missed him so much.
"Ubbe, where is Ivar?" I asked him, because he seemed nice. Bjorn was a little scary and Hvitserk was just a big child.
"I thought you know" he replied.
I just recognized, Sigurd was still not here. What if they were did something bad? What if Sigurd was an asshole again? I knew Ivar, without reason he would never skip a dinner, especially when I'm here too. I felt something really really bad in my bones.
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chelsfic · 7 years
Hux x Reader Soulmate AU 8/?
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
A/N: The double date chapter. Every Star Wars fic should have one. I don’t even know how this came to be except that my enduring love for Phasma had to be expressed. I can see an ending in sight. And some drama and angst and adventure and danger. But...you know not this chapter. This chapter is just dinner lmao.
At the last minute you decide to throw on a thick knit sweater over the fancy shift dress. You’re not used to wearing such a fitted, formal outfit and you feel self conscious. Hux quirks an eyebrow at your choice, but you just smile back innocently. He doubts that most concubines go about wearing bulky oversized jumpers but he hasn’t the heart to say anything.
The corridor outside your rooms is drafty and you’re glad for the sweater. It’s a short trip to Phasma’s quarters, they’re on the same deck as your own. When you arrive Hux presses the call button to the right of the entry and you stand there nervously shifting from foot to foot. He looks over at you and reaches out to draw you into his side. It’s nice...and rather uncharacteristic, but you’re grateful for the support. He tucks an arm around your shoulders, squeezing your arm through the sweater.
The door slides open and a slender, blonde woman appears on the other side. She’s about your own age, a little taller than you with gleaming emerald eyes and a sweet, dimpled smile. She wears a silken gown with a plunging neckline making you feel instantly juvenile in your own ensemble. Oh well, nothing to be done about that. The girl makes eye contact with you and smiles shyly. She curtsies to Hux as he steps through the door and you notice that she keeps her eyes cast downward in supplication as she takes his coat and hangs it by the door.
“Captain Phasma,” Hux greets the tallest woman you’ve ever seen. She’s dressed in a black wool uniform similar to his, standing by a dining table set for four. “Thank you for having us. This is Y/N.”
You blush inexplicably as he introduces you. You know that you should show respect and deference to Phasma, as the other girl had shown to Hux, but you can’t look away from this striking woman. Her eyes are cornflower blue, her hair an almost white-blonde. Her arresting presence seems to fill the whole room. She’s even taller than Hux.
Finally you remember yourself and execute an clumsy curtsy, “Well met.”
Phasma grins at your awkward demeanor but makes no comment.
“And this,” she says, drawing the young woman into her side and trailing a hand over her hip, “is Lenna.”
Lenna giggles a little as Phasma’s touch traces back up toward her bare shoulders, tickling her. She gives you a little wave. You feel a little more steady already. Phasma was certainly a force to be reckoned with, but Lenna seemed like a normal, friendly young woman.
“Shall I bring out the wine?” she defers to Phasma, looking up at her with devoted eyes. Phasma cups the girls cheek in one hand and nods. They’re so familiar and affectionate with one another--you feel as though you’re intruding. Glancing over to Hux you can see that he feels the same. He clears his throat loudly and pulls out a chair, gesturing for you to sit.
“Thank you, Hux,” you say, forgetting your own casual use of his name. He pauses for a moment as if to chastise you for the informality but in the next moment he relaxes, sitting down in the chair next to yours. He locks eyes with Phasma and sees the look of amused surprise pass over the Captain’s face.
“Well, this is all very… cozy,” she says.
Hux again clears his throat, “Yes, well, as I said… Y/N is adjusting well to life on the ship but I thought that perhaps she would find a...companion in Lenna.”
Lenna arrives and begins to pour everyone’s glasses. She smiles down at you, “That sounds nice, Y/N. I don’t know about you but I could use someone else to talk to. Someone who doesn’t go about in an armored helmet all day. Er…” she looks over at Phasma, “not you, darling, I was referring to the stormtroopers.”
Phasma gives a sardonic smirk, “Of course.”
Lenna laughs and takes her seat, “You know I like *your* helmet. It’s so shiny! Well, I should know I’m the one who polishes it most of the time.”
You laugh, delighted with their easy banter. “I haven’t seen it,” you venture, glancing around the living room but there’s no armor on display.
Lenna’s eyes light up with mischief and she clutches the sleeve of Phasma’s uniform, “Oh! Please, can I get it?”
Phasma lets out a world-wearied sigh, but nods. Lenna dashes off through the bedroom door. Phasma catches Hux’s eye and states, “I hope all this foolishness won’t make you think any differently about me, sir.”
“Not at all, Captain,” Hux says and then nearly spits out his wine when Lenna comes back into the room wearing Phasma’s gleaming chrome helmet. The bizarre juxtaposition of the formal gown and the helmet is too much and lets out a bark of laughter. You descend into your own fit of giggles when Lenna starts an elaborate belly dance toward the table. This girl is so lighthearted. Not at all what you had expected from a glorified captive.
The evening goes on. Hux relaxes into a second glass of wine and you watch him from under your lashes as he makes small talk with Captain Phasma. Lenna asks some vague questions about your life. It’s plain that she doesn’t want to delve too deeply given that you were only recently taken prisoner. You appreciate her easy humor and quick wits. She seems to be the type of person who can adapt to any social situation. And though you sense that she harbors a distrust, a fear of Hux, it’s clear that Phasma’s support is a comfort to her. As the night nears its end she grasps your hand in hers and expresses her hope that you’ll see eachother again soon.
“Yes,” you say, glancing over at Hux still absorbed in conversation. “I hope so, too!”
Hux wraps his arm around you as you walk back to his quarters. The wine seems to have eased his reticence to show overt affection. He even leans his head down and rests it against the top of yours. You sigh happily and continue along. A passing stormtrooper halts and openly stares as you pass by.
“As you were!” Hux erupts and the trooper jumps back, hurrying down the corridor.
You chuckle and whisper under your breath, “Big bad General Hux.”
“That’s right,” he replies.
You both make ready for bed as soon as you’re back at his quarters. He slips under the blankets besides you, reaching out and pulling you into an embrace. Your back is pressed up against his front and his long legs cradle yours. He feels the rush of happy, surprised comfort from you through the bond.
“Just for tonight,” he says as he drifts off to sleep, holding you in his arms.
The next morning he’ll have to deal with the fall out of a failed mission. Even as you lay there, falling to sleep in each other's arms, a newly built First Order base on an outer planet is falling to a rebel attack. The attack is lead by a ragtag band of locals. No one expected any kind of organized local opposition and as a result the base isn’t fully armored. The plans and personnel manifest were all approved by Hux, himself. The blame will fall squarely on his shoulders.
For now, though, he sleeps peacefully. The warmth and weight of his soulmate in his arms is enough to keep his nightmares at bay.
@destaria-alternativenerdgirl @raccoonwithadream @eliza-hamilton-helpless @sympathyforluci @smol-onion-child@anakinsnowalker @starfishfaerie @gunsmoke-blu@mysexualityisno @seafrost-fangirl@fandomwritings101@shattermastersstepmom @kenobi-vibes-only@justonemore-fic@amazingmay @trelaney @themadhattersqueen@downwithme09 @miniaturewhisperednightmare @we-love-our-bandz @gemmielii @its-raining-levi @third-elf-avatar @mpikes5
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