#i just want every hermit to be a little bit unique
ahllohehn · 4 months
Hey, just found your blog, let’s just say I absolutely LOVE your AU. Like I recently started watching Hermitcraft(recently as in when Season 10 started) and in the past year my PJO hyperfixation has re-emerged, so it’s really cool to see such a great artist drawing them together.
Also, what do you think Impulse and Skizz would be like in this AU? (I can kinda see Impulse as a Haphaestus kid but I’m not 100% sure in that)
At first, I also really wanted to put Impulse in Hephaestus cabin, but if I put every redstoner in the Hephaestus cabin, that wouldn't be creative, would it?
So we have this:
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I thought putting Impulse in Hermes cabin would be perfect, for me at least. I don't watch him often, but I do mainly know him as the hermit that often dabbled in villagers and trades.
And you know which god is the god of merchants and commerce? Hermes. I wanted a Hermes kid that actually focused on those parts of Hermes.
And uh, I guess I just really like how hc10 impulse built a lot of 'markets' and 'shops' for his city lol
I also wanted to put Impulse in Hermes because (selfishly) I really liked Impulse and Grian's duo, how Grian would basically call him... 'dad' (during Phasmophobia games, at least lol).
I wanted their familial bond to make sense somehow, so I made them half-sibilngs under Hermes.
As for Skizz, I put him in Apollo because I did hear that he used to do drumming before. He apparently also did gymnastics?? (slay it, king)
And, as far as I know at least, Apollo kids were known for being good at physical contests. I thought gymnastics would count there.
I also thought Skizz's personality would also fit with the Apollo kids :)
Otherwise, I would've put Skizz under Dionysus cabin as well, but I liked the thought of Skizz being under Apollo more.
Extra headcanons:
Impulse was meant to be the cabin counsellor for Hermes, but as he neared the age where he'd have to focus on his personal business outside of camp, he willingly stepped down to let Grian be the counsellor.
These two would jam it out together on the drums >:( Don't prove me wrong!! They are the drummer dudes of camp!!!
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Your childhood friend has always dreamed of the big scene, of the crowd singing your lyrics, of a world tour. Max always wanted for your bands to succeed together. Until...
Well, it is was all a big stupid joke.
The real world caught up to you: you are no longer the naive child you once were. Writing a Grammy worthy album isn’t as easy as it seems and the big scene is nowhere to be seen. You navigate through life as you can, you party with your friends every Saturday and write music all week. You enjoy each one of your gigs – big and small. Your burning love for music doesn’t seem to fade. Your band brought together a solid community that crosses borders. You have fun with your band and it’s all that matter.
But you can’t help but fantasize that, someday, you’ll be at the top of the world…
Big stupid joke, right?
You thought 2020 was the end of us, uh?
You couldn’t be more wrong!
The worldwide known music contest is finally back!
We carefully chose the mentors of our beloved participants. This year will be all pink…
Make way for Pink Riot!!!
Application open to foreigners (check our website)
TW: explicit language, (occasional) violence, transphobia (one character is misgendered but just in one scene), use of alcohol and drugs, (soft) sexual content, parental abuse (flashback), depression, self-harm (warning will be in the "next" button), mention of suicide (same as self-harm)
– Customize your MC’s appearance and personality. You decide of their public image and persona.
– Your choices will define your band’s public image and popularity. Are they loved? Do they make underground or mainstream music? Are they the parents’ worst nightmare? The reference of rebellious kids?
– Decide your band’s aesthetic. Do they have one to begin with? Or do they each dress in their own style?
– Write your own lyrics!
– Engage in romantic affairs…
– ...or don’t, your choice!
– Are you going to help the people that cross your path or do you only care about yourself?
Of course, this story is set on Earth.
Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, antisemitism and fatphobia will get you in court.
You are not very well seen if you do one of those things and, if you’re a celebrity/politician/public figure, it can (and will) ruin your career.
I know that this isn’t realistic at all but I need to believe that, one day, this will be real. My characters have and will go through enough trauma and bad moments, I want to give them some peace.
And it feels really good to make a world where those things will ruin the oppressor and not the oppressed.
THE HERMIT — Diesel Di Angelo (they/them)
Diesel is the soul of the band, they bring a sort of osmosis. Their calm energy somehow has a place on stage and is liked by everyone.
Diesel took their first steps in the music world with Max and MC. It was just the three of them before the band grew bigger. Diesel is a talented guitarist, they worked hard to get where they are and they don’t stop improving. They are quite reserved and don’t talk about their feelings… Who knows what lies beneath their shell?
THE MISCHIEVOUS DRUMMER — Roman Lupin (he/him)
If MC is the backbone of the band, Roman is its beating heart. He has no problem to make the public jump from the back of the stage. He’s a spark that will light a bonfire.
Roman learned to play drum from his mother. He went to the conservatory but he didn’t stuck with it. Since a young age, Roman wants to have a band and to perform all around the world. Roman is full of life and he’s the human version of a sunshine. Is there something behind that smile or is he genuinely happy?
THE LITTLE MERMAID — Isra Wafa (she/they)
Isra brings magic to the band. Her mermaid low voice is unique and enchants the public. If you think you’ve heard good bass players, just wait until you see Isra on stage.
When Isra was a child, their parents let them chose an instrument to learn and to their surprise, she chose the bass. They fell in love with this low instrument. They navigated from band to band before settling for this band her boyfriend was part of. Isra keeps ignoring their responsibilities toward her family. For how long can they pretend it doesn’t exist?
THE REBEL ANGEL — Archibald “Archie” de Beaumont (they/he)
Even with a classical training, Archie managed to switch to their band’s genre without too much troubles. All the members affirm it: Archie is a gift from the universe.
Archie popped out of nowhere to audition to be the band’s keyboardist. He was the most talented person they saw all day and the chemistry was very much here. The band doesn’t know much about Archie, but it doesn’t matter. They are a good person and a dear friend. It wouldn’t change anything to learn about their life before the band. Right?
THE MANAGER — Cal Bremont (he/him)
Cal works in the shadow to make the band shines under the spotlight of the biggest stages. The band claims it, he is the best manager you could hope for.
Cal takes his job very seriously, he has a perfect work ethic. Maybe he is a bit too close to his clients and they may not just be clients… But, well, no one is complaining. Cal is very secretive about his personal life, he never mentioned his family or anything else. Can he maintain his relationship with his friends and still keep his life a mystery?
THE RISING STAR — Max Larash (she/her or they/them)
Max moved their band to the other side of the world and they managed to impose themselves on the west coast scene. We’ll keep an eye on them as they’ll compete against their former friends…
Because of artistic divergences, Max decided to leave the band when Isra and Roman joined them and they created their own band with high school friends. Max had big dreams for Sleep Walking and their friends in MC’s band, but it didn’t turn out as Max has hoped. Sleep Walking left the country for the USA without their friends and they intentionally lost all contacts with them…
THE MUSE — Olivia “Ollie” Madden (she/her)
You may have never see her face but, as a comics fan, Ollie Madden is a name far from unknown. None other than the comics artist and writer of the most followed comics, Ollie is still a mystery to her fans.
Olivia works for Blue Pegasus, a major comics book publisher, since years. She was the comics artist on a lot of books, it took her a lot of hard work to finally publish her own series. Olivia isn’t only a famous artist, she also is a single mother. She’s taking care of a lot by herself and it often leads to forget about herself. There is nobody to remind her she’s human and not a superhero…
THE PRINCESS — Katharina "Kat" Deluca (she/her)
We don’t need to present Katharina Deluca anymore. Success and awards seem to follow every movies our Lady K touched. She confessed that her break from the cameras and greens screens was to be present for her best friend… Athena Pierce.
Also known as the Princess, Katharina is one of the biggest actresses of her generation. Between two roles worthy of an Oscar, she is also a model and the face of the infamous designer brand: Beaumont-Griffin. She is in the industry since she was 12. But, behind closed doors, Kat doesn’t seem to have a joyful life… What is she hiding from the world?
GODDESS OF MUSIC — Athena Pierce (she/her)
Athena is a legend in the industry. Everybody wants to work with her and Pink Riot. Her voice will shatter your world, there is a before and an after Athena Pierce.
Athena is the lead singer and front woman of Pink Riot. She was a star child and charmed America with her angelic voice. But, with the creation of Pink Riot, Athena is no longer the little angel of the USA. She’s now known as a freaking rebel and she is quite provocative. She flirts with the limits all the time. Her persona is loved all around the world, but who is the real Athena?
You can customize a lot of things regarding your MC and your band. But there are a few things that are canon.
— MC is born and lives in France. Where exactly is up to you. The only place MC can’t have grow up in is Paris. (I headcanon them growing up in Perpignan or Montpellier)
— The names of MC parents can’t be choose. I tried to make them as common as possible so you can choose their origins. MC is French but their parents can be from wherever you want!
— MC's age can’t be choose.
— MC is friends with Max and Diesel since they are 6. They were in school together.
— MC’s first band is with Max and Diesel.
— During high school, MC met Roman and Isra. They joined MC’s band but Max didn’t like the kind of music their band was into so they formed their own band with other high school friends (Sleep Walking).
— The OG band (MC-Max-Diesel) exist until the fateful break up.
— MC’s band and Sleep Walking always were there for each other and gave mutual support. They also create songs and musics together, some are only instrumental and other are with vocal.
— MC speaks French and English. Feel free to add a third and even a fourth language.
— MC lives with Isra and Roman since they finished high school.
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can i request reader x hermits (seperate) ? like reader has a bunch of old scars and on a hot day they wear a tank top and expose all of their scars? completely okay if not AND TAKE CARE OF URSELF🫶
Okay, let me tell you, as someone with quite a visible scar on my face (I was a very courageous and dumb kid) and a few less visible ones on my hand, I get asked about it so so often and this request hits hard and I have decided to put my whole soul into it as headcanons. I've just picked a couple hermits I feel would have different reactions to it so here u go!
This boy is not going to mention it, like, at all
He has his own bad memories and sad backstory so he understands that you might not want to talk about it
The only reason he would ever talk about it would be if you ever showed any discomfort or insecurity about it
If you just never talked about it he wouldn’t either
Maybe at some point he would reassure you about yourself if you’re both deep in a relationship, but he would never explicitly mention the scars 
If you do mention them at all, it depends on how you approach it
He knows how to tell situations very well and I think he would still be careful about it
If you approach it humorously, like it doesn’t affect you then he will too
Maybe ask you where some of the bigger ones are from and expect you to tell him some good stories
If you get uncomfortable about them, or insecure he will reassure you
“I love you no matter what” or “I think they make you look cool”
He will always be supportive
He does try his best, but the moment he sees you he can’t help it
Shock on his face as he clearly looks you over
It’s clear he is concerned, and if you’re alone he will ask you about it
Stuff like if you’re okay, if you ever want to talk about it or if you need anything
If you reassure him you’re fine, he will totally dote on you after he is done being shocked
Will kiss your exposed scars and talk about how pretty or handsome you are to him
He will totally try to spend extra time with you, both because he learned a new thing about you that makes him love you even more but also because he is secretly making sure you’re totally okay
Even if you say you are, he would rather make sure
He will keep a little bit of a closer eye on everything you do and every little emotion you display just to keep himself sure you’re really okay
Either way he loves you how you are
This fool, this dumbass man
He cannot keep his mouth shut at all
He thinks communication is so much easier and better than having to just bottle things up or keep guessing what everyone else is thinking
So he just mentions it, asks where they’re from if you’re okay with him asking
He tries to guess it, if you’re not
The guesses will start out super detailed stories that are so far fetched as to ease you into it
“So this one is obviously from a wolf attack, where you managed to fight off 3 wolfs the size of the moon with nothing but your bare hands”
Then he will slowly try to reel it in and guess them more accurately
If one is sort of a piercing one, he will say you lost a duel in a bow fight
The one on your arm? That one is a cut from training your sword skills
He is just spitballing, trying to get it right
Either way he will pester you until you open up to him, he will not let it go
He thinks it’s so cool and really makes you look tough
Will ask you to protect him since you’re so strong
Will also definitely trace your scars whenever you are idle and he has the chance to
Even if you ask him not to, it just happens and he will laugh it off
He starts to slowly like them, the more he sees them
Every rare moment you show them, he slowly appreciates them more and more 
Really weird but he has favorites
He just loves them to be honest
It makes you so uniquely you
No matter what he will start out by making some sort of snarky little comment
“Did you fight your kitchen drawer and lose or something?”
It’s not mean spirited at all, it’s supposed to be humorous 
He just likes to approach things with lightheartedness and jokes 
He knows it might be a serious topic, but his objective is always to turn it into something fun or less serious to try and make you feel better about it
He won’t dote on you or reassure you like the others unless you open up about it
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you the way you are, his love is just more subtle like that
It’s small things you wouldn’t immediately notice about his reaction to it
Sometimes he will look at one of them and imagine the pain or maybe even accidentally imagine the person who might have given it to you
It’ll make him look at them with hatred, but it’s not directed at you even if it would seem that way
He’d make up little fantasies of revenge in his head to clear the thoughts
At this point you might even be the one who will have to reassure him that it’s no problem anymore, if it ever even was 
He will instantly be all over you, and no matter your approach he will be excited
Unless you just start straight up crying he won’t notice if you’re sad or insecure about them cause he is just so excited about seeing a different part of you
He’s the same as Scar where he wants to know where every little scar comes from
If it’s serious he will of course reassure you, but he will definitely also compliment them no matter what
He just think they suit you, and in the end Bdubs is sort of just a hopeless romantic
Anything that is a part of you, he loves it
Anything that is you is beautiful
Which in turn makes your scars beautiful too
He feels closer to you, looking at them because in the end it tells your story and your past, making him feel like he is closer to it 
It’s something he’s probably been sad about before, that not every inch of your life is tied together, that there are parts of you that he can’t be a part of which is before you met
But seeing the scars can help him understand that part, and sort of relate to you in a way that he finds very intimate
So of course he will pester you about them any given time they are on display
He does love them, just as much as he loves you
She’s definitely the most careful out of all of them, at least out of the ones who want to approach the topic at all
As much as she is a rambunctious personality she is also an extremely caring thoughtful individual 
And as much as she doesn’t want to overstep her boundaries she also has to know you’re okay
So she approaches it very head on, but she picks her words very carefully
“I don’t know if you ever want to talk about it, but I’m willing to listen if you ever want to tell me anything about your scars.”
That’s all she ever says about it, and at that point it’s up to you to go to her about it
She wants to be as respectable to you about it as possible
She has the mindset that she doesn’t need to know if you don’t want her to know
As long as she’s sure you’re okay now, your past doesn’t matter to her
For what she thinks about them look wise, she does think they suit you
It’s not going to change how she thinks about you, knowing you have a few scars
And she has a couple herself so it doesn’t really matter
She still loves you
Tango is probably the one with the roughest reaction
He is pretty emotionally driven, and just seeing something like that on you genuinely breaks his heart
It’s almost like he is going through the pain you went through with every single scar at once
He’s almost just,,, getting teary eyed seeing you and you might get confused at the looks he is giving you as you see each other
You probably won’t understand exactly what is going on with him and he simply takes your hands in his and he stares at you before embracing you in a warm hug
He wants you to feel physically that he is there for you
“Where are these all from?”
You cannot get out of a heart to heart with this man, and even if it’s all from totally normal and uneventful encounters he still thinks it’s very serious
Even if it was not traumatic like, at all, just you at some point being in pain is awful to him
Just the few times you’ve gotten hurt while on the server with him has been awful for him so to know you’ve gone through pain that’s left scars is unbearable
He doesn’t like your scars, hands down I will just say it
He hates having a constant reminder that you experience pain because he wants nothing but happiness for you
Obviously it’s delusional to think you’d never experience anything bad, he knows that, but he still wants that to be the case so bad and having to see it every time just sucks for him
That’s not to say he doesn’t think you’re still beautiful, he does, he thinks you’re amazing
But he does just wish you’d never have to go through that 
Oh boy
His first thought, and I am sorry to admit this, would be how hot that is
He loves that type of thing, he can’t help it
This guy loves a man/woman with a story to tell, and scars to show
BUT that does not mean that the next thought isn’t slight worry
He’s been through it all, considering he is experienced with every kind of server and an admin who has had to consider all kinds of walks of life and he knows what some servers are like
That in itself has lead to him being very observant and mindful, and he also knows exactly how to handle it no matter what
He won’t ask, he will wait for you to come to him, if need be
If you do explain them, he will take it from there. Sad? He’s got just the right words to assure you that you’re both safe and that it changes nothing in his opinion of you (It does.. He finds it so hot)
Happy and uncaring? He is making the best jokes you’ve ever heard about it
There is no losing with this blessing of a man
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periwinklemoonlight · 10 months
AHH THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i have so many thoughts i dont know where to begin LMAO ill start with the outfit designs first!!
to start things off, every design has one specific colour in mind to represent that hermit! pearl - blue, gem - green, impulse - yellow, doc - black/gray, and grian - red! (everyone's nails are painted their colour) every design was deliberately punk-inspired, since during the king arc the soup group was a force of resistance against the monarchy's tyranny :P therefore, the soup group are the main focus of the art and their designs are intentionally made so that they stand out more from the other two, though i made sure they were all unique in one aspect or another :] let's go character by character now! (i'm including all my initial design sketches + some inspo photos too)
pearl - she's the lead singer of soup group, along with playing the electric guitar! her design features a double tank top + low rise big pant combo, moon motifs of course, and two distinct shades of blue! The darker one is seen throughout her hair and outfit, while the lighter one in her moth antenna is reflected in her guitar. the main inspiration for her look was avril lavigne, which is also what influenced me to add those fun blue hair streaks :D on her shirt i wanted to have a sort of skeletal moth/butterfly design!!
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gem - the keytar! i wanted to make sure that gem and pearl's designs looked very distinct from each other, so i went for a slightly different vibe with gem's! her design is based more off of the plaid skirts, big boots, and fishnet looks i found while looking through early 2000s lip service magazine scans (as well as some hayley williams looks!!) :D additionally, shes got vine tattoos over her body to call back to her nature elf vibe this season!
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impulse - the drummer of course!! for his look, i wanted to go a little more anarcho-punk (since its a much older punk style and hes the oldest member of soup group LOL), so his vest jacket has got a bunch of diy additions like patches, pins, paperclips, and chains, along with a bunch of spikes!! in my mind, the back of his jacket has probably got a whole lot more patches, spikes, and studs :] beyond that, i made sure to give him lots of piercings (though my options were limited since s9 impy has a beard lol), and stretched earlobes for fun!! ideally his pants would also have a lot more patches and fun bits, but since his legs would be entirely covered by his drums in the final piece i went for something simpler
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doc - an opener and feature on the song! since he's not part of the soup group, his design is quite a bit simpler than the others in terms of both look and concept :] his look is monochrome save for his robotic red parts and green skin, but still looks interesting thanks to that fun leather jacket :D his look is purposefully more reminiscent of a 50's style greaser, i wanted to go for an older fashion style to make him look more intimidating/mature, as well as set him apart from the look of soup group since the perimeter was an independent nation in the king arc!
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grian - another feature/opener! design wise? hes literally just green day i can't even lie like the pun was perfect and also the black shirt + red tie combo is iconic and also fits his look so effortlessly it had to be done LMAO also, if you look closely in the final piece you can see he's wearing eyeshadow! this of course is again because hes grian day /silly. but to be real, i think this style also fits him really well since the tie + spikes & studs combo gives the look that sorta rebellious vibe that was all over his videos during the king arc :]
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AND NOW FOR THE INSTRUMENTS!! this segment is thankfully much shorter
pearl's guitar is of course a nod to my design for her and her moth wings! butterfly guitars are harder to draw than you'd think LOL
gem's keytar has got a vine design all over it to match her tattoos
impulse's drum set has got the soup group punk band logo! the logo design may honestly be my favourite part of the piece, i feel like i really nailed what i was going for :D
and thats it! i'll edit this post or rb with any details i missed if they come to mind! thank u for reading anyone who has made it this far <3
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dmwrites · 2 years
Sanctuary was every bit as gorgeous as Pearl had described it. Impulse turned on the spot, mouth open, looking at all the colors and patterns that adorned every building. Even the paths had their own unique charm. Impulse could understand why Pearl had liked it there.
“Sausage?” Impulse called out. It was so peaceful here, he didn’t even feel much anxiety over night beginning to fall. The sun’s last golden rays kissed the buildings so tenderly, it made Impulse want to watch the changing light forever.
“Hello? Who’s there?” Sausage’s unforgettable voice sounded, and he came from around a corner, and smiled widely at the sight of Impulse. “Impulse! Hello, my friend! Welcome to Sanctuary!” He bounced forward, kissing Impulse on each cheek before backing away to a more reasonable space.
“Hi Sausage. That was… quite the greeting.” Impulse touched his cheek, sure he was bright red.
“Ah, it is customary here in Sanctuary to greet one another with a kiss!” Sausage explained. “Do you need any other cheeks kissed, Impulse?”
Impulse cleared his throat after a moment of stunned silence. “No, no, I’m good, thanks. I actually came by to give you an elytra, after the one you lent me got destroyed.” He pulled out a pair of wings and handed them to Sausage. “Then I came through the portal and was in awe of how beautiful it is here.”
“Oh, stop it, you’re too kind!” Sausage said, smiling.
“I see why Pearl liked it so much- she was the one who told me how to get here.” Impulse continued. “Oh, you know Pearl, right? She’s one of the hermits, I think you let her borrow one of your shields, I guess that’s how she knew how to get here. I know there’s probably a lot of us, hard to remember names, you know?”
Sausage gave Impulse a very strange, almost sad, smile. “Yeah, I remember Pearl. Is she a friend of yours back on Hermitcraft?” He lead Impulse to the tavern and poured him a drink.
“Yeah!” Impulse said enthusiastically. “She’s like a sister to me, or a younger cousin. She’s super smart and talented, and I'm always so proud of her and how far she’s come. Her building style is jaw-dropping, like yours.”
“Oh, stop it, you.” Sausage said softly. His eyes glittered in the lantern light.
“She’s been with the hermits for two seasons now- oh, we have, like, eras, I guess you could say, of Hermitcraft. It’s this whole big thing, I won’t get into it now. But I’ve based with her both times, and she is so great. She’s always there for me, even when I feel like I’ve failed. She knows how to fight, and does some of the best pranks. The world, the Hermitcraft world, would have a little less joy if she wasn’t in it.”
“She sounds cool.” Sausage said.
Impulse leaned forward, looking concerned. “Hey man, are you crying? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah.” Sausage wiped away the tears that had been slowly rolling down his cheeks. “I just- I had a friend like Pearl, once. You describing her brings back a lot of memories.”
Impulse reached forward and took Sausage’s hand. “Well, hey, Pearl is super cool, and I bet she’d love to be friends with you. You should go say hi to her sometime.”
Sausage chuckled, quiet and low. “Yeah. Maybe I should.”
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soulless-angel25 · 7 months
Doctor Who Femslash February, Day 22 Prompt- Crossover @doctorwho-femslashfeb
Rose was stuck, stuck in a universe that was not her own. With a dimension canon that was taking longer to charge since the energy source was different here so the canon needed time to transfer the energy into something useable.
Sadly, she couldn't become a hermit in this universe. She needed a source of income and with her unique powerset it meant that joining a guild would probably be the best for her.
Enter; Fairy Tail. It was much easier to join than she would've initially thought. She just walked in, said she wanted join, they'd had her fill out a few papers, and then she got her guild mark in her chosen spot and color. (A deep blue on her collarbone.)
And it seemed that once more, she was in another universe where there wasn't another version of her. It was strange but a fact that she'd grown used to. There never was another version of her. Either because Pete and Jackie never had any children, they did but Jackie miscarried or the child died young, or they did have a version of her but it was a guy.
Rose was more then used to this fact. Just as she was used to people flirting with her, like Loke did. She knew he never meant any of it, could see it in his eyes which carried a weight of untold regrets. A weight that she was familiar with, after all, she saw it every time she looked in the mirror.
So she bantered with him, maybe flirted a little. She knew that in the end it would only lead to pain on one or both of their ends. After all, she could see the timelines of those who have lived a long time or will live a long time. Though Rose doesn't use this particular ability often, especially with those she chooses to interact with, too much knowledge of what will come can be dangerous.
And so it's easy to fall into a role, another mask to add to her ensemble. Because she is nothing if not adaptable. Act younger then she is, alter her appearance just a bit to make her look a bit older then what Bad Wolf made her look. Kind, but not naïve. There are a million and one things to make up this mask. The mask of Rose Prentice, 24 year old who has an unknown magic but is so incredibly sweet.
She's talented at making masks, it comes with living for hundreds of years and she wonders if the Doctor was like that too. If he's still like that, masking who he really is. But she knows he didn't do it with her, the TARDIS made sure to leave just a small enough link between her and the Doctor to know.
But that's not important. What is important is the fact that Natsu brought a new potential member in who looks so fascinated by the guild. Rose allows herself just the barest peek at the girl's timeline. Enough to gather how she should act around her and treat her.
She tilts the drink back in her hand, just a small bit of alcohol left in the cup as she stands. The girl- wait no, woman. The woman is talking with Mira about how to become part of the guild and Mira easily gives her the forms.
Rose casually sits next to her as she fills out the form. Neat handwriting a strike contrast to most of the guild's nearly illegible scrawl. She watches as the lasts of the forms are filled out. A neat swish that was clearly taught to her and had her memorize it until she could do it without thinking ending the paper.
Rose sipped on the remains of her drink casually as though she wasn't paying attention to the woman beside her. And yet she watches her out of the corner of her eye as she nervously waves down Mira and hands over the forms. Rose can practically see the thoughts running through her head as Mira takes the forms back.
And this is the perfect chance to introduce herself, "Hello."
Best to start simple, and yet the woman still jumps, it makes Rose furrow her brow as she quickly thinks back to what she'd seen. Until- ah.
She alters her voice to be softer, more kind. Rose lets part of her past self bleed into her voice, "Sorry, I uh- didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to let you know that Mira is just going back to archive the submission and make sure that most things check out. Oh! I'm Rose by the way, Rose Prentice. You are?"
It's a way for the woman to become comfortable and Rose can tell she's done a good job by the way her shoulders release the tension that was in them. The tension that seemed to be at home there, "I'm Lucy. Does she uh, have to check everything?"
Lucy's voice tilts up at the end- nervousness Rose realizes so she rushes to reassure her, "Nope. Say if you only put first name but no last, she won't ask. After all, we've got more then our fair share of people who don't want their past to find them.
A relieved sigh slips past Lucy's lips as she seems to become more energized, "So! What kind of magic do you use?"
Allowing a smirk to make itself on her face she says, "Don't know. My magic doesn't have a name, far as anyone can tell I'm the only one with this type." let a tinge of bitterness slip into her voice at the end, make it seem like that upsets her. Then change the subject, "What about you?"
Lucy, seeming to sense the fact that she wished to change the subject happily explains that she using Celestial Magic. How she makes contracts, and when Rose inquires about if the spirits are free to create a contract or can they refuse? Lucy seems to immediately know what she's asking and is in vehement protection of the fact that if a spirit does not wish to make a contract then they are more then free to refuse and people who force contracts are horrid.
Maybe this dimension won't be so bad after all.
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gallus-rising · 2 years
here we go. i’m doing it and no one can stop me
i am (going to attempt) to rank all stands by sexiness starting with the JoJo’s themselves. by the end of this “project” all of the winners will be pitted against each other in a final showdown, as judged by me, Standfucker Extraordinaire. unfortunately no TJL stands will be included as we’ve not seen enough of them in action. sorry Jodio 😔
plz keep in mind that these are only my objectively correct opinions u-u
11: Tusk Act 1
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marketable plushie lookin ass
10: Tusk Act 3
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change up the colors and this thing the world’s ugliest sleep paralysis demon
9: Hermit Purple
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its just vines. idk what i’m supposed to say. comes w Joseph’s slut energy built in. it’s cool that its purple i guess?
8: Tusk Act 2
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Johnny you have 4 stands and almost all of them are ugly as sin wtf man. the design is finally fun so points for that at least
7: Crazy Diamond
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now we’re getting onto the fuckable stands babyyyy
Crazy Diamond is just a tad much. his colors are ok, the hearts coordinating w Josuke’s design are cute. but then there’s the plating, the helmet, the tubes(??), and he even suffers from jjba Codpiece Syndrome. it’s all a bit much and doesn’t quite fit. in some of the anime promo art they gave him a sparkly diamond texture, but besides that i don’t care for him all that much.
6: Star Platinum
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using the DiU palette bc of all the Star Platinum colors it’s the best. the pastels are cute and make for a fun contrast w the big muscles
an oldie but a goldie. bc Araki hadn’t gotten his footing w stand designs yet Splat looks more unique in retrospect. hair and clothing, capable of facial expressions, a tasteful loincloth as opposed to Another Fucking Codpiece.
i also think it’s cute how artists like to draw him w starry hair :>
5: Gold Experience Requiem
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GER? this guy fucks. there’s simply no other way to put it. he fucks so hard. unfortunately points have to be redacted for that dead eyed stare and unmoving grimace. GER could be so much higher if he didn’t have such an awful baked in expression and this will become an unfortunate running theme. maybe if GER had more screen time that could be mitigated, but alas...
4: Stone Free
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one of the few female stands, which sucks bc Araki goes off w girl stands. just look at her. the blue accented by gray, the radical bright green sunglasses, the sexy hints at her string powers, she even complements Jolyne nicely if stand/user synergy is needed. she’d probably be higher up if we saw more of her bc Araki prefers to show off her powers via having Jolyne psychically unravel which is fun! but does mean this beauty didn’t get enough time to shine 😔 not sure how i feel abt the bumpy texture as well. makes things a bit busy
3: Tusk Act 4
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finally!! after 3 shit stands Tusk strikes gold in the final hour. its weird, its pink, its got (jo)stars its a cowboy, what more could you want??
more screen time goddamn it!! Tusk Act 4 gets like 2 and a half physical appearances across 2 parts. Araki wtf man. Tusk Act 4 just fucks so hard tho so it’s gotta be top 3
2: Soft & Wet
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YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEA!!! NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL A FUCKABLE STAND! Soft & Wet is the platonic ideal of a MC stand. fun mechanical parts, cute little face, the Stand Tubes finally serve an aesthetic purpose and aren’t just awkwardly tacked on. he also has such pleasing colors and silhouette. i love him so much and he’s easily one of the best, cutest, most sexy stands in all of jjba
Soft & Wet has 3 variants and they all look the same. base Soft & Wet, Josefumi’s Soft & Wet, and GO ⭐ BEYOND are identical. so many good multi-stage stands and Soft & Wet drops the ball on every level 😔
1: Gold Experience
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Gold Experience is not just fuckable, he’s h*rny. nonstop GE everyday all the time GE is just Like That and the sheer confidence of it all overpowers the few negative aspects of his design. even the Fucking Codpiece
GE has more than 1 facial expression and a sexy alt form to mix things up. he pairs w Giorno perfectly. he’s got a Lot going on w the loud colors, ladybugs, wings, helmet, teardrop markings, vague insect texturing, and hints of The World. but unlike Crazy D it all ties together. amazing. flawless. unbelievable.
and if you don’t know what i mean when i say GE is h*rny. BEHOLD:
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in every one of his Iconic poses he is dtf. the h*rniest stand for the h*rniest part. this is how it was meant to be godbless godbless and goodnight.
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showerbong · 11 months
jamie's doing wim hof next to me on the couch right now, it just hit 5:59 am and i am repacking the bowl because i tried wim hof for a second but pussied out because I got immediately light headed, so i never got that supposed rush of DMT. we're strung out on adderall right now and im drinking so much water, i think i have been awake for 23 hours and 53 minutes now . i know it's not like good for you and my boyfriend would be mad if he knew i was doing this because he doesn't want me to have some sort of breakdown, which is a fair and reasonable concern except for the fact that i am doing extraordinarily well right now in my life. im at the point in the uppers ride where you think that every single thought that pops into your head is actually the best idea that anyone's ever had and i can't even go on insta to zombie scroll because then my boyfriend will see that im active on insta and be suspicious. i know how this sounds but I only do uppers once a week at most with jamie when he comes over and we talk about applying to mfa programs, and list every single quality we have that would make us good candidates for art school, and describe in detail the ways in which our chosen milieus reflect our unique perspectives, and then dont write anything and put on dance moms, and snort adderall and then smoke weed and drink soju, and then i take out my contacts because everything is drying them out , im like spongebob in the sandys house episode, and this whole ordeal usually lasts for approximately 8-13 hours, depending on if we had found nearby street parking the night before (lucky girl syndrome) or if one of us falls asleep for an hour or two. we're on season 4 episode 11 of dance moms i think.
the sun is rising now and my phone backlight turned daylight mode back on. im a little bit pissed off by the fact that everyone i know is extraordinarily boring and they secretly despise me. i have been reading a lot of katherine dunn recently and i look forward to one day coping with the fact that everyone secretly despises me and refuses to tell me by becoming a hermit. but im not sure im there yet, and i feel like that example doesn't entirely apply to me because i think that book, toad, is actually about the vietnam war or something, but anyway at this point in my life i am a little bit disgusted by the thought of never having a solid opportunity to be disgusting again
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yuna-writes · 1 year
Creativity and neurodivergence
I always wonder if there is correlation between creativity and neurodivergence. I think this idea seems pretty flawed because isn’t everyone creative in unique ways? Technically, than everyone is neurodivergent because what exactly is ‘normal?’ Some people see me as a creative person and other people don’t, so it’s subjective too. 
I do feel more creative than an average person just because I see things a little differently and the notion of this doesn’t stem from ‘arrogance’ or ‘superiority.’ Because if my ideas and thoughts are so universally known and accepted, than I wouldn’t experience conflicts and strong negative reactions from other people. It’s mostly why I stay silent and don’t really interact with the ‘real world.’ When I took the personality types, INTJs are not really known to care about the real world and the real people in it. 
This doesn’t mean I’m a hermit, I have tried to interact with real people and try to have a normal life that majority of other people want. Let’s just say, real life is a huge disappointment. As a kid, I always imagined I wanted loving and supportive parents. Those elements have been pretty emotionally absent. I wanted to make a lot of friends at school, but ended up making little to no friends in school either. Then, when I finally transitioned into adulthood, I got into big conflicts with my past managers where they would yell at me because of anger issues when we are both adults and shouldn’t let our emotions get a hold of us. Let’s just say, every single phase of my life felt like one disappointment over another disappointment, and well, I stopped trying to look for hope in the external world and people. 
I suppose some people would look at me and think I’m so arrogant and close minded because I don’t see the positives in the small things in people. It’s not that either, I do have very high hopes in others but I suppose they eventually grow disappointed once they realize I don’t behave like a ‘normal’ person. There’s really only a few people who can understand I need my alone time to recharge and gather my thoughts. It doesn’t mean my lack of presence indicate I don’t like them. In relationships, human beings are needy and want instant gratification from their friends, partner and family. I guess, I don’t really meet those expectations because I pretty much live inside my head most of the time. It takes me a while to resurface in the real world and be fully present. Not a lot of people have this type of patience.  
As a young teen, this kind of conflict made me resort to creative outlets to express my emotions. I would draw, play video games, and read stories about fictional characters. I would actually grow more emotionally attached to fictional characters and the world they live in because it feels a lot more emotional, warm and real than ‘real life’ itself which feels cold, unempathetic, impatient and cruel. This doesn’t imply every person who enjoys video games are escaping reality, but I suppose it explains why I tend to be more interested in things than people. If I was more neurotypical or ‘normal’ I would have a better social connections because I have interests that’s mainstream, and maybe I would be more interested in people than things because I find reasons to connect with them. 
I think my current co-workers realizes I’m a bit neurodivergent. At first there was some tensions and conflicts. I think one co-worker was visibly unhappy with me, but eventually changed attitude after a period of time. And now this co-worker is trying to be more respectful and friendly. I think this person realizes that being impatient and unempathetic would make the other person withdraw more from social interactions. 
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duskpinelydearyou · 2 years
Artist Dates
Hello again Tumblr, I've got more to share with you!
I loved my second time at Full Sail University. From the start, I knew I had made the right choice in going back to the place where it all began, but I knew it'd be bittersweet as I was quickly coming to the end of my chapter in college and moving forward with the rest of my life. Though I learned a lot from this, I remember one thing that always stuck with me. My third month of twelve, a quarter of the way done with my program, I picked up on something in my scriptwriting class that had me thinking about enjoying something so nice for myself. And it all has to do with thanks from a self-help book by an author named Julia Cameron.
As you can guess by the title of this, I did what was called an artist date. But what is an artist date, you're probably wondering. For me, it was a time I devoted myself to creatively getting out of my comfort zone to find inspiration in the world around me. Though the actual definition is close, it's what I saw my artist dates for the month of October. How did it help me? It freshened me up for a change as I had been so focused on just schoolwork and the like that I never took the opportunity to get out of my shell. Like a turtle, I finally got out of my shell and started going out to have fun, whether it just be around my apartment complex I was staying at, or actively going around the Winter Park community. So to add a little bit of fun and excitement to my blog here, I would like to convey the dates I went on, how I saw the world around me, and how it helped inspire me moving forward with my final venture through college.
We all have to start somewhere, and that start for me was on September 29th with a Hydrodipping even that was done in my apartment complex. What made it fun? Well, we got to design our own cups into unique and colorful patterns similar to how they do the wraps on cars to get those crazy unique styles. I challenged myself to be creative, to think outside the box with what wacky design I could come up with, and settled on it. It also happened during a time where I was working on my first script for the class, a one-page script that I had issues trying to write for as I had been so focused on writing stuff for a full short film.
The second event was exploring Winter Park in and of itself, and was among one of the more expensive dates I went on. Where did I go? Well, I went to Hobby Lobby, one of my favorite craft stores! I think that's something I share between myself and my family as we all love Hobby Lobby, and I was so happy that one was in the town I was living in for the year! My haul wasn't too big as there wasn't much to pick from, especially with it being close to Halloween at the time (October 6th is close in my book, don't @ me). I did manage to grab a couple of books though, mostly on how to draw anime and chibi (a subtle middle finger to my drawing teachers and instructors who tore me down when I was younger) and went home with my haul. Brought the books with me every day for the rest of the month just to chill out and draw something in my notebooks that I brought with me. What I got out of this was just turning my brain into off mode and focusing on something else. It was refreshing to just explore and not have to worry about any assignments for the day.
My next artist date after was just something so very simple: getting a haircut. Why was it considered an artist date? Well, sometimes an artist needs to look their best before a big project, and usually that can just be a change in their own self-appearance, which was what I wanted to do. I wasn't dealing with class that day, so I figured it was a good opportunity to put my controller down and just go for a haircut. I wasn't going to hermit myself in when it was such a beautiful day outside! I even made a video of it that has me doing my favorite video cut: the fingersnap cut.
October 17th was a day at the beach, just having time to enjoy myself and celebrate an incredibly big achievement. I had finished the rough draft of my five-page script and the pitch for this script. My family was also visiting at this time and it gave me a chance to just relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor now completed. A reprieve from the hard world of school, the reward being the gentle lapping of waves on the sand and music in my ears. This was also my last artist date for the end of the month, but there was more to be had as I enjoyed the concept of going out and enjoying myself as a treat for completing something, or getting out of my own head.
Those were just the first four of many I did. Fun experiences to be had all around, and it was just the start of many more wonderful experiences I had. From kayaking, to movie watching, to even enjoying a game I've not had the privilege of playing in years, my artist dates varied, and they continued to vary as such over the next year. I have more experiences to enjoy, much more to go out and see, and I plan on doing it all when I have the stability for it. Hope my next big artist date takes me across the country, or even the world for that matter. I'd love to see another culture and garner inspiration from it seeing as there is more to it than just seeing it on a computer screen. To a future of exploration and enjoying every moment!
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
i made a list of the vibes of the hermits i watch, so you might want to check some of them out! this is just mostly jokes, but i thought all of the more “serious” propaganda was missing something, so have what truly makes hermitcraft worth it; the players’ unique styles!
will be back on my dsmp stuff asap but it’s the first day of season 8 and i would really appreciate if you checked them out through the links provided :]
Grian; [ episode one link ]
vibes of a 17 year old mcyter, is actually 27 and married
noo not my red jumpah!
chaotic capitalist
someone is making the server better through order? *starts another war* whoops, hand slipped :D
he built a- he rebuilt his entire megabase in survival, above a giant lake of lava, in the nether, on hard mode, upside down??
“watching as scar dies over and over in my trap is peak comedy and i’m tired of pretending it’s not” but it happens like 5 times i every season
video editing is very main-stream and good for short attention spans!
*sad montage over losing stuff he’ll get back in 15 minutes because he’s rich*
pesky birdd! great elytra flier! amazing builder! will tnt your house! poultrymannn!!
wholesome, chaos incarnate, talented architect
why won’t mumbo respond to my messages it’s been two weeks :[ (clingy)
doors???????????? your house has doors???? no doors for you good sir!
will laugh a lot at a lot of things, esp when he’s with his friends
genuinely just so fun to watch
Mumbo Jumbo; [ episode one link ]
perfect british accent
mustache man (warning: he has no mustache irl)
*fails ten businesses in a row* iskall please help
redstone is his element
“it’s actually quite simple” i like your funny words magic man, now can you repeat how in the hell you made a that fancy vault work-
filmographer?? i think? met up with grian irl
him and grian have a robot son named grumbot. that has nothing to do with the vibes but i had to mention him because he means a lot to me.
tries to stay out of wars and server politics until someone (grian) drags him into them
minigame maker, makes the hermits competitive and that is scary (also very funny) e. g. button, hermit challengesss!
“it’ll be fineee” *que shot of everything on fire behind him*
makes his base a living being and then all his neighbors end up feeding it instead of him
conspiracy theorist. bumbo baggins. the usual.
very entertaining videos that help you learn more about minecraft mechanics!
GoodTimesWithScar; [ episode one link ]
wheelchair creator with literally the best vibes
so wholesome i. he is so cool he makes me so happy :’D
*extremely cool announcer voice* ooooo hello there my fellow miners and crafters, good timeees with scar heree, and welcome backk to the wonderful world of hermits and crafting, and we’re flying over-
commentates everything extremely well
spends tenths of hours on builds within a single video and doesn’t bat an eye
lore for all of his builds! he builds these amazing bases to tell a story!
“i wanna see white flags! white flags, outside your base, by-“ wait no wrong anti-rebellion army leader
all videos have a clear objective
mostly building, but he loves hanging out/helping his friends!
loves disney movies! wants to go to space! :D
kind-hearted, always makes everyone else smile
can be chaotic but usually just tries to have fun and make sure everyone else has fun too
*flies into a tree on half a heart* wait what why did i die D:
scar. scar please eat. you’re going to die for the tenth time this video-
the non-chaotic capitalist, has extremely creative shop designs
a danger to himself, but also the kind of person you can’t be angry at for long
BdoubleO100; [ episode one link ]
the guitar music at the beginning of his videos brings a smile to my face, it just has such an immaculate mood
*camera pans over him as said music plays* ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of hoimycraffff
the way he talks is extremely endearing
one of the best builders on the server - probably best builder of interiors in existence
able to make a palette using any number of strange blocks and then make amazing builds using it
built a whole castle as a backdrop, then built an entire giant mountain for said castle
extremely sensitive to short jokes, usually gets pranked by others because his reactions are always so funny
his daughters show up from time to time in his room while he’s recording and it’s so cute
*has no way to see the sun but still knows it’s nighttime* gotta go schleep!
scar, pointing at him “this is why we can’t have nice sunsets”
(scar dies because of mobs every time bdubs isn’t on the server to sleep)
likes to be accomplice because he isn’t the one being made fun of (/lh)
*shoots himself in front of a confused grian because he thinks the guy wants his face again when he’s actually just looking for a netherportal*
is usually the underdog so it feels good when he wins
they’re all actually such great friends so it’s genuinely funny to watch
he himself is amazing at entertainment and just a very cool guy
ImpulseSV; [ episode one link ]
what’s going on everyone, my name is impulse and welcome back to hermitcraft!
always speaks with a smile in his voice
has a good dynamic with basically everyone
great co-worker and always helps out if he can
had his base turned pink during the swap, and instead of changing it back afterwards, he dyed his skin’s hair and clothing pink to match it
very cool and original building style!
makes a lot of farms and sells what he gets in his few shops
makes money to be able to do more stuff and make more farms
blows up most his base ever so often to rebuild parts. you know, like a normal person does in minecraft survival.
the grind is never over
the guy who always gets all of the work done on the school project and proceeds to be chill about it
always has very cool side-projects going on and puts his heart into all of them
pog timelapses!!
Rendog; [ episode one link ]
*short, funny scene from the video at the beginning slowly fades out into great music
dogs howling as the half-dog half-cog logo comes up*
greetiiings cyberdogs and citizens of the interbubs! this is ren diggity dawg coming atcha, in another minecraft episodes varuuummm the hermit. craft. server. (hey!)
we’re kicking things off today my friends, from the- *location name on screen*
that intro gets me hyped every time
he’s a furry who talks in bro language it’s great i swear - very atypical but fun
he transformed an entire biome into a star wars planet for his base
his building skills and dedication are incredible
horny (just a little bit)
the only person who cared about mycelium in the whole rebellion
does a lot of roleplay-themed stuff and mysteries to be solved
“b-dubba-dubs one hundred”
extremely upbeat & sweet guy
adds -age after everything “biddage” “flyage” to make it sound Cooler
amazingly positive always and funny as hell
mcc winner!! wooooooooo :D
always tries to be where stuff is happening and interact with people
very entertaining editing style
Iskall85; [ episode one link ]
drives joke into the mud and then picks them up and does it again which is funny
starts videos with one-off bits
iskallman!!! the superhero literally no one needed and yet there he is
only has one (1) braincell when with mumbo
they both do and they’re hilarious together every time
like when they laughed at squeaky noises for ten minutes straight. guys please you’re adult men
bernie the leaf master
omega (something) of doom!!
encourages gambling (in a videogame)
he has so many jokes he keeps using i can’t possibly fit them all in here
basically a wildcard
i have no idea what he’s doing this season
i have no idea what he’s doing ever actually
tame chaos, confusing to the point when it’s funny again
really great builder as well!
mostly for younger audiences but his videos are a good watch in general
feel free to send asks about hc! i’m already loosely involved in hermitblr but yeah, my dsmp followers aren’t immune :] /lh /j
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bithegai · 3 years
since people seemed interested, here’s that essay about false, cub, and ren’s vibes in mcc, as inspired by the brilliant @riacte
So what makes this trio special is that they’re the epitome of the “Happy to be Here” players. Since they joined, they’ve always been cheery, open-minded participants, and that hasn’t changed a bit.
Btw from here on I’m going to be referring to this trio as “the Hermits”. I know there’s still Grian, Pearl, and potentially now Gem as MCC regulars, but there’s something different about the S1 trio. As long-standing members of Hermitcraft, their behavior and attitudes are very distinctive from other MCYTs, in a way that uniquely embodies their server.
False, Ren, and Cub have participated in MCC for quite some time and witnessed first-hand the tournament’s evolution. Like most other newbies, they came in wide-eyed with no expectations, eager to get involved with the up-and-coming thing. And again, like everyone else: they fell in love. MCC continues to be such a unique, perfectly organized event, unlike ANYTHING done before in the Minecraft community. From the stunning maps to the thrilling game modes, everything about MCC is just so beautifully put together. And as people who’ve been playing for around a decade, OF COURSE the Hermits recognize this. Before the event even starts, False immediately takes to the practice areas in the lobby. And for the entirety of MCC4, Ren’s just repeatedly going “Oh this is so cool!” “Look at how gorgeous this map is!” and just gushing Noxcrew’s praises. Right from the start, they recognize how amazing the tournament and agree to be as involved as possible. In MCC5, this trio- and Iskall- make a pact to return next event, marking the start of their journey as MCC regulars.
But as sweet as their beginnings are, they’re not necessarily unique. Like I said before, everyone’s been entranced by MCC. It’s how the tournament grew so popular so quickly. Yet as much as we’ve seen the games and the players and the scoring get changed, the optimism of the Hermits has never faltered.
Unlike other casual MCC participants, the Hermits continue to be as excitable and open-minded, as when they first joined. They still enter each event hopeful and eager to play, ready to have a good time. And it’s this enduring positive attitude that is so meaningful, especially with the changes in Season 2. Overall I think it’s clear by now that MCC S2 is notably different from Season 1. With more experience and more eyes watching, everyone’s gotten more competitive this time around. The MCC subreddit is now constantly spewing tier lists and analyzing the participants’ every move, putting immense pressure on them. By now, I think I’ve heard EVERY MCC regular talk about the subreddit. Regardless of whether or not they actually care, they’re still aware of its presence. Meaning that they still see- or at the very least know of- all the comments and analyses of their performances. And for some, namely the original “for fun” players, it starts wearing on them. Of course everyone starts out by just wanting to have a good time. But as the months go by, and you see more and more people saying “you’ll never be that good”: wouldn’t you get a little competitive? In S2, we’ve already seen how the predictions are affecting the teams’ attitudes going into the event. For example right now, I’d argue the running joke for most participants is just “Let’s prove the Reddit wrong!”. The outside pressure compels them to be more competitive and (for lack of a better term) try hard. Even if they don’t believe in these analyses, it’s clear that it still affects their behavior.
But... we haven’t seen this happen to the Hermits. I’m not saying that they haven’t changed or are entirely innocent. (I mean we’ve SEEN False go on the subreddit multiple times). It just hasn’t changed their attitude. Even with the intensive scrutiny and constant dismissal of their skills, they still remain as upbeat and relaxed as they were before. Not because of naivety or unawareness, but because of something special to the Hermits.
Another thing I’ve been thinking about, is the nickname of Hermitcraft players (the SMP members, not just MCC participants) as “hermits”. While logically, it’s just an extension of the server name, it’s still interesting to consider whether they fit under the label of “hermit”. ‘Cause with all the group interactions and activities in Season 8, it seems to be inaccurate. Yet when you look at them from the grand landscape of MCYT as a whole, it makes sense. Compared to other creators, the Hermitcraft members are a LOT more limited as to who they interact with. Not that they’re picky or judgemental of others, it’s just that they like to keep tight, intimate circles. And we see that even in the growing number of collabs with non-servermates. Last Life SMP. Among Us. Vault Hunters. There’s a very specific group of people that the Hermitcraft members are comfortable interacting with, and it’s clear they like keeping this community small.
So how does this factor into MCC? Well there’s two parts to it. The first is that: it likely explains how Cub, Ren, and False can keep their distance from the analyses and scrutiny. Since the Hermits are so separated from most of the MCC community- outside of the event- they aren’t as affected or involved in the discourse. Again, not that they aren’t aware of the comments or controversies. But that it barely reaches their realm. As Hermitcraft members- and likely because they’re smaller creators- they’re very invested in their own community. False, Cub, and Ren are all extremely dedicated content creators, focused on providing the best for their audiences. So naturally, most of their attention is on Hermitcraft videos and other series, the main content for a majority of their fans. Combined with how they don’t really interact with others outside of Hermitcraft-adjacent spaces, the Hermits aren’t really involved in what goes on with MCYT, specifically for those that are MCC regulars. There’s this layer of separation that keeps them from being bombarded with negativity. Their distance from the tournament prevents the Hermits from being consumed by its surrounding atmosphere and attitude.
The second part of the Hermits’ seclusion in MCC is then: it allows them to maintain and spread their genuine good nature. Although I’ve been talking about how the Hermits haven’t interacted with other participants, that’s only somewhat true. After competing regularly for over a year, of course they’ve gotten to meet other creators. But they still generally stick with the same people. A lot of people joke about participants being “adopted by the Hermits”, but it’s true! On average, everyone that’s teamed with the Hermits has been with them at least twice. 'Cause even though they keep to themselves, once the Hermits adopt someone, they’re adopted. By now, Pete, Fruity B, and HMama are all basically, unofficial Hermits, and it’s abundantly clear how much the Hermits ADORE them. Regardless of whether they’re teamed, mentions of Fruit are pretty much guaranteed during every game of To Get To The Other Side. And there’s always a shout out to Pete or H, whenever they do well in a game. Interactions in MCC have also led to other collabs. For example, after meeting in the event, Hbomb and Pete were both later invited to Vault Hunters. Whenever the Hermits connect with new players, outside of their circle, they build sincere, lasting friendships. And the best evidence? The reciprocity of this admiration. Because the respect and adoration the Hermits have for these creators is 100% mutual. Both Pete and Hbomb have openly and repeatedly said how much they love the Hermits, and Fruit’s pretty much accepted he’s a Hermit at this point. The sincerity and longevity of these friendships the Hermits build is so special and something so unique to the Hermits, especially given the way MCC is.
Because one of the biggest parts of MCC is it’s brevity. At the end of the day, MCC really is just a one-day event. Some people try to stretch out the hype by doing practice streams, but even then it’s usually only for, maybe a week? Given that most teams are made up of FOUR different players that don’t usually interact as a group, we really don’t see them together for long. No matter how long they spend practicing, teams disappear after the three hours of the event. It’s why so many people still obsess over former MCC teams (you never really see them again). Yet somehow in this limited time, the Hermits STILL make friends. Without spending much time on the practice server, they’re able to form close bonds with the other participants. And this isn’t just friendliness for the event, but a lasting connection. ‘Cause it’s one thing to get along for a few hours. It’s another to build a genuine support system that keeps you coming back. You can tell from the way the Hermits and their “adopted” teammates interact that they genuinely admire each other. There’s a shared respect and appreciation for one another. And these are people who don’t even interact much! Because a lot of cherished MCC duos and teams are people who’ve collabed previously. Fruitninja. MCC4 Purple Pandas. MCC11 Fuschia Frankensteins. These are all groups with an established history. Yet the Hermits never see their MCC friends outside the event! To build such great friendships in such a short timespan is just... so sweet.
But isn’t that just the way the Hermits are? ‘Cause at the end of the day, what else are they here for, other than having a good time? The Hermits came to have some laughs and make some friends, and that’s exactly what they did. When the Hermits joined MCC, they saw it as something fun. A way to try new things and make more friends. They had a great time going through all the minigames and exploring the various maps. And THAT’S what’s motivated them to return. Not to get the coin. Or to make it on stage. But because they wanted to continue playing the games and having a blast with everyone. They want to be a part of something so beautifully and so whole-heartedly fun. While yes, they’ve gotten slightly more competitive with time. It’s only because, in the words of Ren from MCC4: “We gotta make it to Dodgebolt! It looks so fun!” The Hermits are the epitome of “for fun” players and they’ve never lost sight of what made them fall in love with MCC.
And you can see their love for the tournament is embedded in every little thing they do. That their adoration for MCC and all its players bleed into their words and actions. It’s in the way Ren gave a whole speech about the brilliance of NoxCrew right after their MCC9 win. It’s in the way False’s immediate response to being praised as the FIRST back-to-back winner is: “Couldn’t have done it without you guys!”. It’s how Cub always supports other MCC creators by lurking in their streams or raiding. The Hermits have consistently stayed true to this goal of having fun and making friends. Even months later. We saw so much of the Hermits’ wholesome-ness in MCC17. With Ren and False IMMEDIATELY teasing each other, slightly upset over not being able to enjoy the event together for the first time. With Cub always recognizing how much the Orange Ocelots were popping off, and typing “False Supremacy!” in game during Dodgebolt. With False noticing the Hermit teams in top 3, and putting “hermit supremacy” in chat.
The Hermits were never here for the crown, but each other. Their victories don’t lie in the coins or the Hall of Fame, but in the friendships they formed with other creators. They’re a testament to who they are and what they came to do. Even though they may not be the most statistically consistent in scores, the Hermits are always reliable sources of positivity and good fun. And that’s what made them one of the most wholesome groups in MCC.
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quaranmine · 3 years
The Babysitting Game
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, Grian doesn't have a child but he does have an egg and a village. That’s basically the same thing, right?
Grian acquires an egg. His friends help him.
No romantic relationships or content warnings. Mainly fluff! Hermits: Grian, Mumbo, Pearl, and Scar. My first publish fanfic since 2016 and my first hermitcraft fanfic :D ao3 link and some inspirations to be linked in a reblog
Words: 2862
"What if I touched it really quick?" Scar asked.
"No, don’t-don’t touch the egg," Grian said seriously. "Look, I even made a sign! It specifically says ‘Do not touch.’" He gestured to the sign in question, but Scar ignored him.
"Can I rub it?" he said. The man leaned over it, studying the object carefully. Grian hadn’t known where to place the egg when he got it, and it was just sitting on an anvil for the time being. He didn’t even have a starter house yet, but clearly he was going to need something soon if he was going to protect the egg from some of the more . . . mischievous residents of their Boatem village.
“No, don’t touch the egg! Scar-” Grian walked closer, hands outstretched, just in time to see Scar reach out with his hand and pat the egg.
The egg disappeared into thin air.
Dragon eggs had a tendency to do that. It was a survival tactic--Grian didn't really know how it worked, but just as endermen could teleport away from danger, so could the egg if it were touched. Now whether or not Scar was dangerous remained up for debate…
Scar giggled. "Oh, where did you go?" he sang, hunting around the area.
Well, he COULD be pretty scary sometimes.
"Scarrrr," Grian whined, helping him look. "I told you not to touch it!"
"It's over here!" Scar shouted, finding the egg at the bottom of a small slope nearby. "Just one more time…." He reached out again.
"No!" Grian said, slapping his hand away. "Look, you've got to pick it up the right way." He demonstrated, carefully lifting the egg and placing it in a pouch slung over his back. He had hurriedly stitched it together not too long ago, worried that transporting the egg normally might break it. “If you do it roughly, you’ll scare it and it’ll teleport away again.”
"I see!" said Scar.
"Now, please, don't touch the egg.”
"Oh," Scar said. He straightened. "You're really serious about this."
Grian glared. "I am."
"I'm sorry, I just thought it was funny!"
Grian sighed. "It's okay, Scar. It's just--this thing is a baby, it needs to be handled gently! You can't just go around scaring it! What if it falls into a hole or something?" he hissed.
"Oh my god," Scar laughed, "you're its mother now!"
"No, no, I'm not!"
"You are!" Scar cried. He suddenly stopped. "Oh no, didn't you kill its mother?"
"Well it doesn't know that!" Grian snapped. "Truthfully I didn't realize there would be an egg! And I couldn't just leave it, you know! Here, look at this." Grian gently withdrew the egg from its pack, and Scar moved closer. He held it up to the sun. "Look at that."
The sun shined dark red through the deep purple shell of the egg, making it glow within. In the middle, the silhouette of a curled up creature was illuminated. Blood vessels radiated outward, and at the bottom there was a blank space that Grian assumed was air. The egg’s shell was too thick for any detail to be made out, but the processes happening within were clear. Grian was enchanted with it.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
"Wow," Scar breathed. "There's actually a dragon in there! What're you gonna do with it after it hatches?"
"Well, I haven't exactly thought that far--I just want to worry about keeping it safe first. I mean, what do you even do with this thing?" Grian put the egg back in its satchel, and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "I suppose you keep it warm and safe but, like, I don't know what else-"
"I could help!" Scar said.
"You were just playing with it!"
"Hey," Scar said defensively, "that was before I knew more about it!"
Grian rolled his eyes.
“What are you guys doing over here?” said Mumbo, wandering over. Grian just knew he’d been up to something, and sure enough, there was a new tree next to his little collection of chests. Grian wasn’t very bothered by it, because he already had a plan to get Mumbo back for it.
“Grian is just showing me his new baby!” Scar teased. “He’s a mom now.”
“I am NOT its mother,” replied Grian tiredly, but he smiled at the sight of the other man.
“A baby?” Mumbo asked, choosing to ignore the rest of Scar’s statement.
“A dragon egg,” Grian answered. “I found it in the End.” He paused for a moment, feeling almost bad. “After I killed the dragon.”
“Grian! You’ve orphaned it!” Mumbo sounded scandalized.
“Why do you all keep bringing that up!?” he defended, glancing between Mumbo and Scar, who both gave him disapproving, albeit playful, looks. “I know you’re Mr. Peace, Love and Plants this time, but we’ve always killed the dragon in every new world!”
“Well, I guess that’s true, but it is a little sad isn’t it? You’re taking care of it but only because you killed its mum.”
“Yeah,” was all Grian said. The dragon always needed to be taken care of in each new world they visited, and while it was always a bit of a shame, he’d never really contemplated it that much. After all, he normally wasn’t the one who fought it--that last time in Evo aside. He didn’t really know what he had gotten into but he felt deeply like he needed to protect this egg. It was like a tug in his chest, drawing him into the egg and telling him not to let go.
“Show him the egg!” Scar said.
“You just want to see it again,” Grian replied, but pulled the egg out of the satchel again anyway for Mumbo to see. The surface of the egg wasn’t smooth, like a chicken’s egg, but bumpy. The purple spots almost seemed to glow, and occasionally little violet particles drifted off of it. Grian felt like he could stare at it in awe all day, and apparently his friends felt the same.
“How’re you going to keep it warm?” asked Mumbo after a moment of admiring it. “That satchel isn’t going to be enough, and to be frank, I don’t see you spending any time sitting on it, even if the mental image is pretty funny.”
Grian rolled his eyes at the comment, but thought about it. How would he incubate it? He may have had wings, but he didn’t know anything about eggs, other than that it was a safe bet to assume it needed to be kept warm. “I'm not sure, actually.”
“Hey, let me design something for you!” Mumbo said excitedly. “I could probably use some redstone and make an incubator of some sort for you.”
Grian smiled. “I’d really appreciate that.”
Asking Mumbo to create a contraption for him--what could go wrong?
“I’m not wearing this thing, you know.” Grian said, holding the contraption while Mumbo wheezed with laughter in the background. The design that Mumbo had come up with was essentially a backpack with heating elements strung through it, except for one thing . . .
“You-you wear it in the front,” Mumbo choked out, wiping a tear from his eyes.
“Yes, I see that,” Grian replied, unamused.
“Like a swaddle!”
“Yes, I see that.”
Mumbo laughed harder. Grian had to begrudgingly admit that it was well designed, however. It would fit the egg perfectly, keep it warm, and most important it was mobile to ensure that he could take the egg with him. It was thoughtful, especially since Mumbo knew Grian was quite protective of it.
“I’m not wearing this thing,” Grian repeated. “I’m not going to let you all laugh at me while I walk around the server with an egg swaddled to me!”
“I thought you’d say that,” Mumbo chuckled. “Here, you can switch the straps around and turn it into a backpack.” He unclipped the straps and moved them into the new configuration.
“Thank you, Mumbo,” he said gratefully. “This will certainly do the trick.”
“Glad to hear it mate,” Mumbo replied. “Now, while you’re here, may I ask why there is an incredibly tall tree on top of my camper?”
“Sorry, got to go!” blurted Grian, snatching the backpack from Mumbo’s arms and flying off in a burst of feathers.
“That’s unfair, I don’t even have an elytra yet to go chase him down with,” muttered the man as he watched Grian disappear.
Grian sat in the grass in front of his starter home and rubbed his eyes wearily. He was exhausted. Is this how all parents feel? he wondered. Was he just uniquely unqualified to be one? After all, this was only an egg! It hadn’t even hatched yet and he was already tired of keeping up with it.
Carrying it in the backpack was heavy, and Grian tired out quickly. It was hot on his back, and Grian found himself having to take breaks to avoid overheating. It was also cumbersome, and he found it difficult to build with as it shifted his weight. He almost fell off the roof once while building it! Of course, having wings meant that Grian could catch himself easily, but it had still given him quite the scare. Dragon eggs were pretty sturdy, and would teleport themselves out of danger if possible, but he was still so paranoid about breaking it. And now there was the Boatem Hole to worry about--what if it teleported itself into the void? These things kept Grian awake at night.
But if he left it...well, just like Grian had a tendency to lose items in his chest monsters, he also had a tendency to forget where he placed things. He had been forced to go back and rescue the egg from some place he’d left it more than once, which he wasn’t exactly proud of. What sort of parent forgot their child?
. . . He was definitely not admitting to being its parent.
Oh God, what did I get myself into?
“Hey Grian, what’re you up to?” came a voice, interrupting his thoughts. He looked up and saw Pearl standing over him. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and her hands were in her hoodie pockets. She took a seat on the ground next to him, and followed his gaze overlooking the Boatem village. “What’s on your mind?”
“This--this egg,” said Grian. It sat next to him in its backpack, still radiating heat. “I don’t know what to do with it. I’m just so tired of carrying it around!”
“I have to admit,” Pearl said, “I didn’t expect you to immediately adopt a baby dragon the very next time I saw you.”
“Yeah, well, it was an accident.” Grian groaned. “I don’t know what to do with it now, let alone when it hatches!”
Pearl thought for a moment. “You know, the rest of us are all here for you. The other hermits would be happy to help out, I’m sure.”
The other hermits . . . well of course they would. If it was one thing they were all good at, it was supporting each other. Scar had already taken a particular interest in the egg, although Grian was still a little suspicious of him scaring it again. Mumbo had specially designed an incubator for it. Pearl was visiting him to check up on him and offer help.
All Grian had to do was convince himself to let it go. To let them help.
“I know that but . . .”
“But what? Have you had any reason to believe they wouldn’t?” Pearl asked.
“Well, no.” He thought for a while. He thought of how his friends would lend materials when needed, or how they’d help replace someone’s armor and items if they were lost. He thought about the days where they all teamed up and chose one hermit to help out, and he thought about all the things they did for the good of the entire community without even being asked.
His desire to protect the egg was strong, and putting it into the hands of another person almost felt like simultaneously a betrayal of the egg itself and the biggest leap of faith he could take. But the hermits were good at leaps of faith, because someone was always there to catch you.
“You think it’d be okay?”
“I know it’ll be okay,” Pearl replied. “I haven’t been here very long but from what I’ve seen, I know they’d all help. They wouldn’t hurt it. They might be a little mischievous sometimes,” she said, glancing at Scar’s house, “but they know how important it is and would be happy to help. They helped you before, didn’t they?”
Pearl was right, of course. Nobody on the server had any desire to hurt the egg. He trusted that. If there was anyone that he could trust, it was them.
But how would he get them all to essentially sign up for babysitting?
An idea struck him, and Grian scrambled to his feet. “Pearl, you’re brilliant. Thank you!”
She blinked, a little startled. “Always happy to help.”
Grian stood back, admiring his work. A near perfect duplicate of the egg that was currently sitting in the backpack slung around his shoulder, but at a much larger scale. It was built out of obsidian blocks and crying obsidian for the spots, and if Grian was pretty proud of how it looked.
If Grian knew anything, it was that his friends loved minigames. And Grian was not above gently exploiting that fact to get a little help--just like barge game from the last world, where he managed to get his friends to help mine out the stone from next to his mansion. Just slap the title of “game” on something and you could get a hermit to sign up for anything.
“Now . . . I just have to write the signs on the inside.”
The game Grian had come up with was officially called Tegg--he needed to stay on brand with his tag games in every world--but he’d mentally been calling it “The Babysitting Game” for a while now. Because that’s what it really was--each hermit who signed up would also sign up to watch the egg and keep it safe. He set to work outlining the rules.
RULE ONE: Protect the egg and keep it safe.
RULE TWO: Keep the egg incubated or it’ll die.
RULE THREE: Keep a close eye on the egg.
RULE FOUR: Call Grian if it starts to hatch.
Satisfied, he wrote out the rest of the instructions. Because it was a game, he wanted to make it fun for the hermits too, so he’d decided to make it like a scavenger hunt. People were allowed to take the egg, provided they adhered to the rules, and were encouraged to hide it and keep it safe. Otherwise, someone else who wanted to have it could get it. The safer the egg was, the less likely for someone else to find it. The winner was whoever had the egg the longest when it finally hatched. Grian didn’t know how long that would take, but he didn’t want to miss it either, hence rule four.
Yep, totally outsourcing his babysitting onto his friends.
Grian squinted at his wall of signs, before placing one final sign at the bottom: Grian will track the game and has final say on points and rules!
“That should do it,” he mumbled. He still wanted to keep an eye on the egg, to make sure that he knew who had it and how many people’s hands it had gone through. After all, he was the one ultimately responsible for it.
Grian pulled the egg out of the backpack and carefully placed it on the ground. He’d somehow made a habit of just speaking to it every now and then--he had no idea if the little dragon could hear anything in there, but he liked to think that it could. “Hey there,” he whispered, and stroked the top of the egg. “Some new people are going to start taking you pretty soon, but it’s okay. They’re going to give me some help and make sure you’re safe.”
He paused, taking in the little room he’d made and the wall of signs he’d written with meticulous instructions for the egg’s care. It may have been the first thing he’d built for this egg, but he had a feeling it wouldn’t be his last. A baby dragon was a commitment and for the first time Grian really let himself think about what that meant, beyond just an egg that he had to carry around. Would he house it? Train it? Let it stay by his side? Would he love it?
I think I already do, he thought.
He thought of the hermits--their mischievousness, their pranks, their hard work, their friendship, and their goodness at heart. They were his family, now. What was one more addition?
“It’s okay,” he whispered to the egg. “I trust them all with my life, but more importantly, I trust them with yours.”
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betweenlands · 2 years
zedaph or martyn inthelittlewood!!
both again
First impression: oh yoooo it’s the other guy that was in minecraft toy box alongside simplysarc! i didn’t know he was a hermit, i wonder what he’s up to?
Impression now: SCIENCE GUY OF ALL TIME. severely underrated hermit. i love him a lot and he deserves to go apeshit. incredibly brilliant redstoner
Favorite moment: idk man like all of s8. The Chamber was brilliant
Unpopular opinion: whoooboy. okay. potential Hot Take: i really, really feel like people tend to infantilize him and/or heavily diminish the role he has in team ZIT, to the point where it feels like some people don’t even really care about him as a character compared to impulse and tango? like for some reason there’s been a big uptick in zedaph content that literally could not be further apart from the way zedaph actually works as a person and hm. don’t like that!
Favorite relationship: uh i’ll be honest i don’t have a favorite dynamic of his rn. they’re all roughly equal in my mind. would love to put him in the same room as grian for longer than just a base swap and shake them a little bit. also obviously the dynamic i have wholesale invented between him and sarc Owns, but that’s because i made it up for myself
Favorite headcanon: @autisticlalna‘s alpha-z au, baybee! i really love the added layer of depth that comes with the implications of “zed is a clone of The Original Original Lalna That Worked At Yoglabs” and i think it adds a fun addition to his sciencey thing. it’s just really unique and also it means he can be little a sinister. as a treat
Idea for a story: uhhhhhh idk what if zedaph invented a new weapon called a gun i’d like to write a sequel to stormwatching the sandbox someday! of course, that relies on simplysarc uploading enough for me to squeeze more lore out of him, but. yeah
First impression: oh yooo there’s a yog in this grian series? i didn’t know grian knew any yogscast members! i don’t know much about martyn but i’m excited to see where this goes!
Impression now: i rattle him gently and his one mcc coin falls out of his pocket. every time i watch his teams in mcc they do absolutely awfully and the one time i didn’t watch his team, he won. i’m very sorry martyn. also his lore is alright i guess
Favorite moment: i honestly think his double life series through cleo is hilarious in every possible way and it kinda owns
Unpopular opinion: ...yeah i’m still not a fan of the watchers lol. i tend to justify it with “this is some kind of entity pretending to be the watchers” but i just do not vibe with watcher lore. i feel bad because i know his lore isn’t intentionally the exact same as the fanon watchers i have disliked for so long, but it’s way too close coincidentally for me to be comfortable with it
Favorite relationship: just like with 3rd life ren. its renchanting duo. how could it ever be anything else. however also like i’ve mentioned in previous asks i would go absolutely insane over the thematic implications of a true impulse-martyn day one alliance in a traffic game, you would never get me to shut up
Favorite headcanon: anything bridging third life and yogscast i am SUPER down for. i think @strifesolution is the person i’m thinking of who likes drawing explicit parallels between the sacrifice at black heart altar and whatever the hell parvis and strife are doing in blood and chaos? and i think that OWNS.
Idea for a story: ohhh i dunno this is a hard one. maybe something with hopperhawk martyn, like he gets trapped in the breaker world that is trafficseries and then when he busts out he promptly decides he wants to dimension dive into other dangerous realities? yeah. maybe that
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Innit an Adventure
An addition to the AU, lol. Instead of chat being in his head, like Techno’s, Tommy’s chat are ghosts that follow him around :)
This one is dedicated to @ivorylin for being very supportive of my first post regarding this au. This is also dedicated to @petrichormeraki for being poggers and enjoying the first part of this series, as well as inspiring it.
Part 1
Part 2 [CURRENT]
Part 3
“Brother!!! Pog!!!”
“Big brother returns!”
“I just woke up, what’s happening?”
“I was getting a snack, what’s up?”
“I’m on the toilet, pog”
“I have tacos :)”
“This makes me happy you didn’t do a double flip”
“Anyone else have dust in their eyes?”
Tommy let out a shaky breath as he rubbed his eyes. Chat was going crazy at the new news and, to be honest, he couldn’t blame them. If he was in their position, he’d be freaking out alongside them. Wanting to end both the silence that filled the cavern and the nonsense Chat was saying, Tommy let out a hoarse laugh before speaking.
“Chat really likes you, G.”
A smile formed on the teen’s face as his head bounced with the hefty laugh that came from Grian, whose chest began to rumble alongside the laughter. Finally lifting his head off his brother’s chest, Tommy allowed the remaining tears in his eyes to fall as he looked to Grian’s face. Grian smiled fondly back at Tommy, wiping away the tears from his little brother’s eyes. 
“I suppose I should say hello to all of them. Is Chat similar to Techno’s voices?”
Concern flashed across Grian’s face as Tommy flinched at the mention of Technoblade. It was small, and could have been easily overlooked if Grian wasn’t watching his brother like a hawk. He made a mental note to ask about that later that night, when they were around the campfire.
“Nah, he’s just insane. Psychotic or some shit like that. I’m just really fucking cool and can see spirits and shit.”
Eyebrows from the crowd (shit, they were still there, weren’t they?) and Grian were raised as someone Stress half heartedly scolded Tommy for his language. Tommy just rolled his eyes, knowing that they only scolded him as a joke. They had all grown accustomed to his wording, and were worried when he didn’t slip in a few curses into his sentences.
“Yeah, spirits. I call em Chat most of the time, but they have different nicknames, and they all have individual names. Clara explained that it was one of the many side effects to her marking me as a ‘Starchild’ in her name. They are the spirits of the lands, from servers all around, or some shit like that. I can see them all, but they make the choice to stick with me or not.”
This was...news. Grian, who was still processing that he his baby brother was alive, sitting right in front of him, as well as the fact that Clara was real, could only stare. He wasn’t so sure how to feel about his brother being indifferent to all the spirits, but he suppose that it couldn’t be helped. Spending pretty much your entire life seeing spirits would make him indifferent to the spirits as well. 
“So, Chat is...everywhere?”
“Basically, yeah”
Grian hummed as he proceeded to greet Chat, being polite to the beings he couldn’t see. Much to the annoyance of Tommy, Chat seemed to be loving Grian even more. Maybe a bit too much.
“How thoughtful of him”
“Grian bro supremacy”
“Rodent brothers??? pog?????”
“Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down. Chat says hi, Grian. And, hey, I’m not a child, what the fuck!? I’m a big man!”
Impulse snickered as Mumbo walked over to the two brothers. Smiling down at them, he helped the two back to their feet. Grian smiled as he set a hand on Tommy’s shoulder, squeezing it slightly. Tommy, in turn, beamed with pride at his brother and his friends. 
“Alright, we spent enough time being emotional and shit. Let’s get going, I have more cool shit to show you guys.”
Laughter filled the cavern as Tommy fixed his hair, his booming man child I’m not a child voice being drowned out as he led them back outside. Slightly huffing. He let out a yelp as he was nearly tackled to the ground from behind. Letting out undignified noises of protest, he turned to see the smug smile of Grian, who was ruffling his hair. 
“Alright, big man, show us your land of paradise!”
Barking out a hearty laugh, Tommy ducked out from his brother’s hand before grabbing it, spinning a few times, and pulling him forward. 
“Aw, look at them!”
“Wait, so Grian has two sections now?”
The traditional booth games in Tavern Town were fun. From balloon darts to milk bottles, to ladder climb and hoop toss, Tommy thought of it all. Unique designs decorated each booth, all holding an individual and unique look. Everything about the area was impressive.
“Where did buy get these for the games? I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in the main server.”
Tommy peered over to Doc, who was inspecting the prizes neatly strung up on all the booths. There were plushies of different types of mods, some familiar, others not. They came in all types of colors and sizes, and were overall impressive. Walking up beside Doc, Tommy just shrugged his shoulders, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
“I didn’t buy them, I made them.”
Scar perked up, before jumping right into the conversation.
“You what? Toms, that’s impressive! I didn’t know you could sew.”
‘Fucking hell,’ Tommy thought to himself. He didn’t expect to get praise for his simple hobbies.
“Yeah, I sew. I’m actually pretty crafty, being resourceful and shit. I also knit and crochet. It’s not much, but it’s really fucking therapeutic and all that jazz.”
Before anyone else could comment, a dinging noise sounded at one of the booths. Turning to look at the cause of the commotion, they saw that Stress and Impulse had won a game together. Giving each other fist bumps, they watched as a screen popped up, giving them prize options to choose from. After receiving their prizes, they hurried over to Tommy with smiles painted on their faces.
“You bet we’re gonna win one of each plush here.”
A high pitched laughter erupted from Tommy, who was starting to enjoy his decision to hand make all the prizes in his park. Wiping away a tear of joy, the teen I’m eighteen, I’m a fucking man! You’re a child, Tommy beamed at his friends, who smiled warmly in return. Tommy’s joy seemed to increase as more booth alarms were set off, many more prizes coming off the shelves. By the time everyone was ready for the next land, they all had at least two plush toys each.
“This is delicious! You baked these?!”
The group was currently sitting in the seating area in the Dream SMP section of the park, more specifically, L’manburg. They had gotten pastries from the duplicate bakery that belonged to Niki. According to Tommy, it was an exact replica to the real thing. The pastries sold there were the same ones Niki sold back at L’manburg. Tommy had used the recipes and techniques that Niki had demistrated to both him and Tubbo to create the dishes.
“If you think these are good, you should taste Niki’s. I swear, her pastries were sent down from Heaven by Jesus himself. They taste fucking amazing, godly.”
Grian smiled as he nudged Tommy’s shoulder with his own. Popping another sweet cake in his mouth, Tommy quirked an eyebrow as he faced the older boy.
“You should teach me some of your hobbies, Starchild. We can do a hobby exchange.”
Tommy visibly brightened up as he wiped some frosting from around his mouth. Smiling, he nodded his head happily.
“Hell yeah! That sounds fuckin’ amazing!”
The group ate with content as they looked around their area. They had already seen the rest of the Dream server lands. 
“It’s amazing that you’ve made all of this by yourself. You haven’t even showed us the rest of the park yet! Good job, for a child.”
“Hey! I’m not a fucking child! I’m turning 19 soon!”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you were an Aries.”
“What’s wrong with being an Aries?”
“Nothing is wrong with being an Aries, Tango.”
“Oh shut it, you Librarian.”
“Yeah, the worst sign.”
“First of all, kid, I’m a Gemini.”
The rides and games in the DSMP were very diverse and unique. Tommy had really put a lot of effort and time into every attraction, no matter how small. From things as small as a scavenger hunt through the Badlands, water themed adventures in El Rapids, to fast paced coasters in L’manburg.
“Scoot over, bandit child, I’m sharing this ride vehicle with you.”
“What the fuck, man?”
“Oh, don’t act surprised. I know you made it to where two people share a seat just so you can spend quality time with your brother.”
“Oh, fuck off, I didn’t even know you were my brother until an hour and a half ago.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
The first ride the group decided to board was dubbed A Home. Entering a little shack, everyone boarded their ride vehicles and waited for the ride to begin. While they waited for the vehicles to move, Tommy explained how he managed to use the latest mods that were added to the server to his advantage. He managed to fit different tracks to different rides in the same builds, as well as add animatronics. Just as he was about to receive yet another wave of praise, the ride began.
“It’s like looking at a younger version of you!”
“That’s kinda the point, genius.”
Grian’s statement, as obvious as it was, was true. As the vehicles left the shack and entered the caravan, and animatronic Tommy, merely 16 years of age, welcomed the riders as they witnessed the beginning of a new home, L’manburg. They kept comments to themselves when they saw, yet again, the replica of Tommy’s old base. The ride track took them through different areas of the DSMP, following the young Tommy as he searched for a home.
“-the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit!!!”
“What does he mean revoked?!”
Before Tommy could reply, the vehicles lurched backwards, keeping the vehicles facing the stage at all times as the animatronics turned to take aim at the riders. It wasn’t until the red stone to the dirt entrance revealed the entry way to Pogtopia that the vehicles did a 180, moving forward into the entry way before going down the spiral steps into the ravine. Laughter filled the air as the group saw animatronics of Tommy, Wilbur and Techno conversing together, joking around and teasing each other. Suddenly, the ride vehicles fell down to the next part of the track, the prime path. As they raced through the tunnel, they witnessed an animatronic Tommy and Tubbo embracing and conversing, their cheerful voices free from worry. The group could only sit in awe as the scenes continued to change.
“-goodbye, Tommy.”
“What does he mean goodbye?!”
“Oh my fucking god, shut up!”
The vehicles suddenly raced through the Nether, coming out to an island far from DSMP. The sign at the entrance of the area welcomed the group to Logstedshire. There, they could see an unhappy Tommy staring out towards the ocean, listening to Chirp as he mumbled nonsense to Clara. And just as quickly as they came, they raced out of the sunny area and into the snow. They raced around the inside of Techno’s cottage before racing outside, towards an empty area. There, an animatronic Tommy yelled out in shock as an animatronic Technoblade pressed a button, turning around as a secret lair was revealed.
“Welcome home, Theseus!”
For the final time, the scene changed. They entered, backwards, into a portal, coming out to face a replica of the spawn to Hermitcraft. There, in wonderous glory, stood an animatronic Xisuma, welcoming the group to Hermitcraft. Then, the track dropped, leaving the riders back at the entrance to the ride.
“Holy shit.”
“Haha! Holy shit is right!”
The group quickly learned that Tommy spared no expense in all his attractions. As they explored the different lands, they really saw the individuality of every land. L’manburg had fun rides, including Nation’s Legacy, Blood’s Ballad, Wither’s Wrath, and Creator’s Cabin. Nation’s Legacy is an underground ride that worked like a turntable to tell the history of L’manburg, ending on a grim and looming hint to the possible destruction of the nation. When asked about the fate of L’manburg, Tommy admitted that he appeared in Hermitcraft before he could witness the possible doomsday, so he wasn’t entirely sure what had occured afterwards.
Blood’s Ballad is an interactive ride that used a special red stone technique. The ride vehicles could seat up eight passengers at a time, each using special gloves that allow them to interact with the special ride elements. The goal is to get the most points out of everyone in the ride vehicle. The ride took the group on a journey with Technoblade, the Blood God. The group racked up points training alongside him, as well as fighting all sorts of mobs. By the end of the ride, Tommy was sulking as Stress managed to gather the most points. Stress was enjoying the victory, smiling happily as “SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADE” boomed through the speakers. 
Wither’s Wrath was more of a small scale ride to enjoy. There were only three ride vehicles, each shaped like a wither and able to hold three riders. Each rider sat in a wither skull. Grian smiled as he pulled Mumbo and Tommy into a a wither vehicle with him. As they strapped in, they were transported to a virtual world where the rules of the game were shared. The goal was to cause the most destruction in the virtual world than the other vehicles. Each player controlled their own skull, making it easier to gather points. At least, that was the case for-
“Fuck yeah! Team Kickass all the way! Check it Grian, Mumbo, we’re badass!”
Creator’s Cabin was simple enough. It was just a large cabin that held enchanted portraits of everyone who resided in the DSMP. The portraits could move within their frames. They could also interact with each other. When the group walked in, the portraits were chatting away with each other. Sam’s portrait seemed to be listening in on the conversation that the portraits of Tubbo, Tommy and Purpled were having, occasionally joining in when he saw fit. Fundy was chatting away with Eret and Niki, a bright smile on his face. Ranboo was timidly peeking over at the group with Tommy and Tubbo, obviously wanting to join in. The portraits of Quackity, Sapnap and Karl were deep in conversation, while the portrait of George was asleep sitting up.
“Hey, Tommy?”
“Why are there two portraits of Wilbur?”
“Oh, right. Grian, about Wilbur-”
The group, aside from Tommy, jumped at the booming voice. Without hesitation, they all ran out to the water, searching for the source of the voice. There, out on the water, stood a lone animatronic. It was the animatronic of a petite woman, one with red curls dancing around as she swayed and spoke. Once more, her confident, melodic voice filled the air. 
With that, she raised her right arm, hoisting a sword into the air. On cue, she began to rise as a ship emerged from the sea below her. Once it was no longer submerged, the ship rocked a few times before settling. A banner unraveled and blew in the breeze, the name of the area now visible for all to see. 
Sally de Mon’s Sea Voyage
“You like it? Creating the entrance for this ride was a fucking bastard. Kept me up all night and crap. Almost gave up completely on it.”
“It’s amazing! I was not expecting to see something like that!
“Hey, Tommy? Who’s Sally. I don’t think it was ever explained how you know her?”
“Really? I gotta fix that, then. Sally is my sister-in-law who-”
“Oh, shit...surprise?”
The Badlands was a fun, interactive section of the DSMP area. The various puzzles and mazes made it fun for all the participants. The muffin stand was also a fan favorite to the hermits. 
El Rapids was a water-filled adventure. Because he wanted to play around with the word rapids, Tommy made several water-based rides and activities, his favorite being the log ride. They just seemed to be the perfect addition to the area, adding a way to cool down to balance all the water-free rides. It seemed as if Tommy had thought of every type of ride for every type of biome and scenario.
SMP Earth was another large section of the park. It also held the only other largest ride in the entire park, one that led the riders throughout the Antarctic Empire, as well as its surrounding cities and towns. The area for the empire was beautiful decorated in colors of all kind. Flowers and banners decorated the buildings and streets, brightening up the area. Classic activities, such as the sparing rings and archery, as well as the axe throws and parkour courses were set up. It all felt familiar to Grian, who couldn’t help but smile at his brother. Grabbing one of the fliers, he inspected it before shooting his brother a look of uncertainty.
“You didn’t”
“On the contrary, brother dearest, I did!”
“Did what? What did he do?”
Grian laughed as he showed the group what the flier said. It was decorated in beautiful, hand-drawn flowers. Golden lettering perfectly spelt out the message.
Floral Festival of Spring
Join us in the weeklong celebration of Spring! Enjoy the festivities with friends and family as you explore the traditions held within our grounds. Finally, enjoy the wondrous Floral Gala held on the final night of festivities. Dawn your greatest fabrics as you dance the night away, before enjoy a magnificent firework display.
Signed by his royal highness,
Prince Thomas Theseus Minecraft
“He used his full name and everything!”
“Your middle name is Theseus?”
“Your actual last name is Minecraft?”
“Did you actually write this? It’s worded and written so…formally.”
Huffing a bit, Tommy crossed his arms. Fixing his posture, he stood up, tall and proud, as he puffed out his chest. It took everyone every fiber in their bodies to not laugh at the sight of him.
“I can be very formal, thank you very much. I’m not a fucking idiot, I remember the formality lessons the teachers put me through. And I take the offense to that writing comment! Do you know how many attempts it took for me to be able to recreate the stupid fancy font used back at the empire? And another thing-”
Grian playfully hopped on Tommy’s shoulder, startling the younger brother to his usual stance. Ruffling his hair, he assured his brother with a laugh.
“Calm down, Toms. You know that we’re messing with you. You did amazingly. How many more flyers do you have? We’ll set them up in the Hub to be distributed across the main server. It’s been a while since I’ve attended a royal ball, so let’s make it grand!”
Laughing, Tommy had no choice but to agree with Grian. His smile faltered, however, once realization sunk in. The next activity for the group was the campfire. The secrets of his time at the Dream SMP that he kept for over 2 years would finally be revealed.
‘Better late than never to prepare the waterworks’, thought a very nervous Tommy.
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: A Tale of Two Slaves (17/17)
Summary:  “Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn’t exist. Everything is a choice.” At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him.“
Reincarnation AU. Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn’t.
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Link to cross-postings: AO3
The most difficult part for Levi was picking the best place to read.
His first choice was the oval. It was almost summer though and Levi was familiar enough with the timeline to know training must have started already. The last thing he wanted to do was run into old teammates and be forced to maintain some inkling of a conversation.
His second choice was the library. And it wasn’t a bad choice. For a while, Levi had settled on one of the desks at the corner of the library, far from cramming students or students looking for a convenient place to cool off. Seats on the corner didn’t have wide windows though and the artificial light and the artificial chill of the room had turned out to be distracting.
It was only a few pages in did Levi realize, he would have preferred some green around him and the heat of late spring wasn’t so bad. He started to wonder why he had even considered reading indoors in the first place.
He had ended up wasting a good fifteen minutes only to fall back to where he had parted ways with Hange anyway.
In front of the science building.
Hange was inside one of the empty classrooms defending her final thesis. Levi sat on one of the benches to the corner of the building, closing his eyes tight as if that would have been enough to make out the voices inside the building.
Others came to watch and he was sure of that. He had seen Erwin on the way in. Nanaba and Mike had waved at him, asking if he’d be coming inside.
Levi decided against it long before and maybe Hange would have preferred it that way too. After all, she must have left him that particular manuscript before entering the building for a reason. He read the title page, neatly printed in a very much readable and professional font.
Although it had looked like one with the thick cover and the hard binding, as soon as Levi opened the first page, the small title on the upper left had him speechless yet very much convinced.
It wasn’t her thesis manuscript.
To: Captain Levi
Captain Levi. How long had it been since he heard that name and that title? Hange had called him that months before. He had remembered writing about him. The words on the page, Hange's voice, Kuchel’s voice and his own voice all mentioning those same two words in succession had happened, he was sure of that much.
The circumstances though with each memory had blurred into each other one by one and he liked to attribute it to his hermit tendencies the succeeding months after his injury.
Life had been different since then. He had gone back to face to face classes. He had been working on his thesis. Hange had been working on her own thesis too. And they were both just too busy trying to graduate on time given the chaos of the first semester.
He stared at the title page for a few more seconds pondering that chaos, possibly trying to reach for something behind that haze to no avail. The only thing he was able to grasp then had been a bout of nostalgia.
And the nostalgia was more than enough to get him in the mood to read. He chalked up the small stint in the library to a test run and started again from the beginning.
Hange Zoe was born to a rich family within the Walls of Wall Sina…
Hange had taken great pains to describe everything from the cobblestone streets to the crystal-like bricks that lined the walls of the elegant buildings. The bricks shone with a unique glint and that alone had been enough for Hange to waste one paragraph on it.
She then used up another few paragraphs talking about the stifling life within the walls and her own curious nature.
If there’s something you don’t understand, go out and learn to understand it.
Living within the walls wasn’t in her nature so she ran away. She joined the survey corps. She was drawn to the outside world, drawn to titans.
So she became a researcher.
Levi didn’t notice it at first. Although his brain had been able to partition those few early events on the timeline, eventually the words started to shift, blur into one another and he found himself scanning through the paragraphs much quicker than usual.
He knew that much about squad leader Hange Zoe. He knew she hyper fixated on titans. He didn’t need vivid descriptions of Sonny and Bean nor did he need detailed descriptions of the outside world, the guns, the war or even her theories on the rumbling.
She had already told him everything then in the forest. She had told it to him back then in the office. Before he even knew it himself, he was flipping through the pages much faster. Suddenly his mind was pushing him to look out for certain things as he read.
There was something else he was looking for, between the lines of the descriptive narrations of Hange Zoe’s life.
“Maybe we should just live here together right Levi?”
Levi found the quote three pages before the back cover, towards the upper left of the page. He found himself running his left hand up to the corner of the page, slipping that corner between his two fingers, pressing on the ink on paper, just to make sure it wouldn’t so easily smudge with touch. Maybe it might even disappear like some sort of an illusion.
He just had to make sure it was real.
Hange’s exposition on sceneries was exhaustive. They were clear and vivid and they covered everything to the most granular bits of the large painting in his mind. If Levi closed his eyes, he was sure he would see the forest then.
Although Hange’s descriptions were detailed, comprehensive, enough to paint easy pictures in his head, they were far from introspective.
She had taken great pains to describe the darkness, the crackling campfire and the rough gashes of his face but she didn’t talk much about how it felt. Maybe it was up to the reader to contemplate them.
So Levi filled in the blanks, he filled the spaces between the lines with emotions, musings, ponderings. He couldn’t be too sure yet whether they were his or hers though, so he trudged on aimlessly as he read.
Everything happened in fast forward from there. Although Hange never left his side when she could, she was still fighting, suddenly she was strategizing.
Of course she would, she was a commander. He was just an injured soldier.
There was another quote, towards the last page on the upper right and Levi found himself running his pointer finger through it and he pressed on it hard, hard enough to crumple the pages of that corner. He ran his nail through it leaving a noticeable crease before he closed the binder and took a deep breath.
Dedicate your heart.
Just like every other page, there was no introspection into the character that made Hange Zoe, only words, more words then vivid descriptions of everything that happened after.
He didn’t need white spaces between the lines to figure it out for himself. Even if the pages had all been black, save for the words and the emotions they evoked, he felt it then like a weight.
But he shook it off, opened the book once again and continued to read.
Hange flew up. She fought titan after titan. And the fight had ended with her burning up in the air with the one last quote below.
“Titans really are incredible.”
Levi had half the mind to close the book again there, except that time, with no intention of reopening it. If he didn’t hyper fixate on that last sentence towards the end of the page, towards Commander Hange Zoe’s last words, maybe he wouldn’t have noticed the faded grey at the back of the last paragraph.
It was particularly noticeable on the white, between the lines of paragraphs. Once again Levi played with the creases just to make sure he hadn’t missed it. It was the last page, he was sure.
There was something written on the other side of the page. As much as it had ached to read on, Levi willed himself to flip the page.
It was empty, a blank white page. Fortunately, Levi was desperate enough to stare at it a little longer and he soon realized, he was focused on the center, somehow he had expected to find some sort of resolution there.
Hange had left the last line towards the upper left corner.
See you later Hange. Watch over us. Next to it was a shabbily drawn airplane and unlike all the other pages, it was smudged. The ink had blotted, sending light streaks of gray towards the right in such a predictable manner, Levi could almost imagine the way she had held the crease of the corner between her finger tips.
Once again, he shifted the weight of the page, moving his thumb and his pointer to that corner, reproducing the motions of how she must have messed up something so simple. It was easy to imagine and Levi found himself smiling.
Below it, towards the lower part of the page, he saw it. It was written with the same gel pen that bled through the other side of the page.
There were so many things I wanted to tell you but I never got the chance.
“Then why didn’t you say it? You had ten pages to say it.” Hell, you had five years to say it.
The next line read as if Hange had already predicted what he was going to say next.
I was the commander. You were the captain. We had a war to fight.
But you know, I thought when everything ends, once we retire I could let you know.
In a moment of dissonance, Levi started to wonder who those words were for. For all he knew, he could have been telling her the same thing.
Even if you don’t remember, I hope you at least felt it.
Please remember. Even if I wasn’t able to tell you anything, even if I couldn’t stay by your side.
I was watching you until the end.
Commander Hange Zoe
“Commander Hange Zoe,” Levi said it out loud a second time. Those words were ambrosia to his lips and he probably mouthed it a few more times as he stared at the blue sky above him.
Levi let his shoulders fall and he looked back down at the binder. He didn’t even notice he had closed it. “There were so many things I wanted to tell you too.”
You said it already. Commander Hange heard you. The answer came as a whisper. A quiet whisper that blew into his ear, caressing his neck.
And it had him jumping on his seat. “What the fuck Hange.”
“Are you done being sad already?”
“Why would I be sad?”
“Because Commander Hange Zoe died and you were staring at the sky like this for a good few minutes.” Hange let her head fall back playfully and Levi could have sworn he didn’t look like that. When she looked back at him a second later, she gave a knowing smile, an almost mocking smile.
That was enough to get Levi a little abrasive. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was watching you,” Hange said. “You looked like you were concentrating so…”
“I was.”
“So I didn’t wanna bother you.”
“You could have announced your presence like a normal person at least, maybe drop a greeting?”
“I had to look for you and you weren’t answering your phone then I got impatient.” Hange seemed unperturbed. “Come on, I’m treating you guys out to dinner.”
Levi opened his phone to see an hour had passed since he last checked the time and beneath it five missed calls, all from Hange. On the upper right of his phone, the silent mode sign flashed like some sort of reminder. “I was in the library so I had to put my phone on silent.” Those words in defense of his actions were instinctive. Soon, as Hange looked back gesturing for him to follow her, he started to realize that maybe that defense was useless.
“Okay Levi,” Hange said. Her tone was reminiscent of a know-it-all. Her pace was insultingly slow. Levi found himself angrily quickening his pace to catch up to her.
Hange’s pace was at least slow enough that even with his recovering leg, he found it easy to catch up. The moment Levi walked past her, he felt familiar arms on his shoulder. They weighed on him and in a way, they had prevented him from overtaking her.
He had no intention of doing so anyway. “How was your defense?” Levi asked. It was an easy question to start with.
“Better late than never but I’m getting a diploma.”
“Late? You’re graduating with all of us.”
“I’m the last one among my batchmates who presented.”
“Believe me, I’m more amazed that you managed to get something out even after redoing your thesis three times.”
“I should thank Kuchel, it was her sources which got me here. I’ll probably send her a copy of my thesis as a thank you. You think she’ll appreciate that?”
“She probably will. Something to help her pass the time when she goes on leave.”
“In our last session, she told me she’s expecting.”
“Oooh? A baby?”
“She ended up opening up to me about it after our session. She was pretty nervous about having a child for a while and recently, she managed to get over that fear.”
“I guess we all had something to deal with…” Hange said as she pulled him towards the gate. “You think we’ll get to meet the kid one day. I’d love to see Kuchel as a mother.”
“She’ll be a great mother…” Somehow, Levi knew it. He only had to look back at her words, her refined tone and the way she easily shifted between professional and motherly to be almost jealous of the child growing in her womb.
Hange gave him a toothy grin. “Let’s visit her together?”
“Why not?”
The conversation died as they turned the corner of one of the buildings along the path, a corner that opened up to a large courtyard and beyond it the gate of their university.
“Wait, where are we going?” Levi asked,
“I told you, I’m treating you guys out.” Hange answered matter-of-factly.
“Where Hange?”
“We’re having grilled meat.”
“Hange? For the third time… Where?” Levi asked.
It wasn’t Hange who had ended up answering the question. By the gate, Moblit and Nifa were waiting and they looked like they had been waiting a while. Nifa was tapping her feet impatiently while Moblit had seemed genuinely concerned.
“You guys okay? You looked like you were fighting,” Moblit said as he approached them.
“Where are we eating?” Levi asked.
“The Korean grill just a few blocks away.” Moblit said.
Levi didn’t need any more clarification from there. They were all from the same university and the restaurants around the area were a common language among them.
“That’s how you answer a question Hange,” Levi muttered coldly.
“Well, I didn’t think the location was important. I was leading you there already anyway,” Hange responding mirroring that same cold tone with her own. She went ahead and put one arm around Moblit muttering unintelligible words save for the quick congratulations at the start.
“Congratulations?” Levi asked.
“He got nominated for best thesis and everyone's pretty convinced he’s gonna win it,” Nifa answered. She had fallen back behind the two and matched Levi’s pace.
Moblit eventually raised his voice, loud enough for even Levi to hear. “No No… That was your data Hange and it was your idea. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.”
“Still…” Hange’s voice trailed off. She was far enough, her voice was garbled enough that with that few feet distance, her words were unintelligible. Her smile though was very much still perceptible, a genuine golden smile.
“Levi, you agree right?”
Levi looked towards the voice, Moblit’s voice. “Agree with what?”
“If Hange had submitted her thesis early, she could have won ri---.”
“Moblit, stop downplaying your nomination.” Hange interrupted, giving him a strong push n the back.
Moblit wobbled and held onto Hange’s shirt to keep his balance “But it was a good thesis right?” He asked as soon as he recovered. He looked at Levi expectantly.
It was only then did Levi realize, despite the five months together, he never really thought too much to ask what her thesis had been about. With his own hectic schedule, his physical therapy sessions, his sessions with Shela, maybe it just never peaked his interest. He was starting to feel guilty at such a reminder and before he knew it, he was finding excuses for it.
She spent a lot of the past few months cooped up in her room if not in class, save for the few moments when she would accompany to therapy sessions or to meet with Shela.
His thoughts flew back to the document she had shared with him.
To: Levi Ackerman.
And if that document was half as good as her thesis, he was sure she did well. So he returned Moblit’s approval with one of his own. “It was a good thesis,” Levi said. “But don’t downplay yours. You won fair and square.”
That was all there was to it. Hange didn’t win. But she didn’t seem to mind either. Hange had snuck what looked to be a grateful smile and she continued to playfully poke at Moblit then, probably whispering inside jokes, reminiscing about their life before.
Her mood was unwavering all the way until the restaurant
It turned out Mike and Nanaba were in the restaurant already and they only joined Hange at glomping Moblit for his nomination. The four childhood friends created a world of their own in the restaurant, a world full of inside jokes, long gone memories and maybe even discussions on future plans.
Levi deemed it appropriate to sit on a chair at the edge of their long table and just quietly listen.
Mike was selected for the national team.
Nanaba wanted to go back to minor league volleyball after college.
Moblit was going to medical school
And Nifa, who had joined their conversation then, was going to take masters.
Hange’s plans were either long-awaited or they were intentionally avoided. He couldn’t tell.
By the time the question came, it had come as a casual question by Moblit who had always been sensitive with the way he phrased things so his intention had been something Levi couldn’t read either.
Before Hange could open her mouth though, Nifa chimed in greeting. “Doctor Erwin!”
“Sorry I’m late. We were discussing the nominees,’ Erwin said.
And the topic shifted from there, even before Levi could get answers.
Erwin never spilled who the winner was, but it was apparent in his gaze that shifted to the side and the smile that curled up his lips that it was one of them. By the time Hange had started being too vocal about it, Erwin had spilled more than enough for the students to guess for themselves.
“You’re free anytime next week for an awarding ceremony right?” Erwin asked.
“Anytime sir! Thank you for this opportunity.”
Erwin shook his head. “You wrote a great thesis. It was well deserved. Will you be inviting Elijah?”
“I think I should treat him out, I’ve wasted a lot of his time this past year... He’s been pretty busy training with the national team though… But I’ll talk to him.”
Their long table was already a conglomerate of conversations and Levi struggled to keep up.
Somewhere between conversations, the charcoal had been added to the grills, the sides were served and Levi found himself listening intently to Erwin and Moblit’s exchange in particular while he played with the spinach on his plate.
Elijah swept the high jump. He swept the other events. He came out winning the Most Valuable Player Award for the High Jump. And he recently started training with the national team.
The Olympics isn’t a far off dream at this point. It’s probably just another step for him.
Moblit had shown up for the first training and he had started to describe Elijah’s skill with the bar then. His coordination with the take off food, his wide penultimate stride.
He was using lingo most track and field athletes wouldn’t have thought twice to use and Levi had used and heard them more times than he had counted through the years. Having not thought about high jumping in months, listening to such a conversation peppered with such words that used to be home for him, seemed surreal.
So surreal that for a second, Levi lost his grip on a reality. Enough to not have noticed the waitress who served the drink in front of him
It was a short and stout glass. The contents looked particularly ---almost dangerously--- colorful and the red stick on the side was enough for Levi to deduce what exactly it was. To confirm it, he took one sniff.
“Nanaba, why the hell did you order alcohol?” Hange asked.
“It’s a celebration right? We should be drinking. Cheers!” She raised her cup up to no one in particular.
Moblit and Nifa had been nice enough to join albeit a little uncomfortably. Levi found himself making eye contact with Erwin who was still slowly mixing the cup in front of him, seeming unsure of what exactly happened.
Hange seemed flustered. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with us drinking but more people are coming and---”
“Sorry we’re late Hange!”
Armin? That was Armin’s voice. But it wasn’t just Armin, tailing behind him were several other very familiar people.
Armin continued. “None of us wanted to go alone…”
Of course none of them would want to go alone, they were high school students and around them were a group of college students and a college professor.
A group of high school students among college students. Levi noted. He eyed the cocktail glass in front of him then. Was that what Hange was worried about? Levi found himself downing his cup a little quicker.
“Blame Connie here, He was the one wasting his time on extra batting practice until god knows what time,” Jean said as he followed behind Armin.
“Shut up Jean. At least Armin didn’t have to cover my subway fee.”
“I just didn’t have change on me.”
“Calm down you two, you’re eating here for free.” Historia went in between the two, and walked up to Hange who had stood up to guide them to their seats. “I could pay for my share.”
“No, no. I set aside money for this. I just wanted to express my thanks for the past few months and I wanted to meet you guys again. I hope we can keep in touch even after...” Hange pulled Historia to the side and Levi couldn’t make out the rest of their conversation.
So he focused elsewhere.
“Is this… unlimited?” It was Sasha who spoke up that time. It was great timing that the moment Sasha had come in, the first plates of meat were starting to be served on the table. Expectedly, she had been the first one to sit and she started cooking on her end.
“Yes it is,” Levi answered
“No way… Right after a long day of training? Is this heaven…” Sasha could have been tearing up at that moment. She had been too focused on the meat so Levi couldn’t confirm it for himself but the crack on her voice had been evidence enough.
Hange squeezed herself among the high school students who had settled on the nearby seats. “No no… This is a thank you for helping me with my thesis. I got some good data from you guys so really, thank you for taking the time to fill out those forms and dealing with all my messages and calls,” Hange said.
“You didn’t have to. You did more than enough for us.” Jean sat in front of Levi towards the edge of the table. “You helped me fix my dunking position.”
“Ah Jean, you mentioned last time, you’d be going abroad for college. Will you?”
Jean grinned. “Basketball isn’t too big of a sport here so I thought of going somewhere where I can go pro. I got a full ride in a pretty good university.”
“Jean! Congratulations!”  Their side of the table had exploded into other conversations.
They were all going to colleges, some abroad, some local. Levi had turned to their side, ready to passively listen for details. He was starting to get invested in their plans too.
“Is anyone sitting here?”
Mikasa Ackerman. He instantly recognized her voice. “Ah sorry, I didn’t notice you there.” Levi said.
Mikasa remained standing. She stared at Levi expectantly and pointed to the seat next to him. “So, I can sit here?”
“Go ahead.” Levi scooched over on the bench. He eyed the filled cocktail glass next to Mikasa and pushed it casually towards himself. The last thing he wanted to do then was enable a minor.
Mikasa didn’t seem to notice the drink at leats.. “I talked to Elijah,” she said as she started placing meat in the grill... “He welcomed me during my first training.”
“Didn’t he move on from collegiate jumping already?”
“He had some free time. We had a long talk about prospects after college. I’m guessing coach put him up to it. Some extra persuasion points maybe?”
“You’re not gonna change your mind.”
“I don’t plan on changing my mind. I submitted my documents, signed the contract and I’ll probably be moving to the dorm next week so I’ll be nearer to the oval.” Mikasa paused to eat an egg roll.
“To think you were so against it before.”
Mikasa shrugged. “I guess it’s just easier now since Eren’s starting to prepare for entrance exams. I’m actually convinced he’s gonna be fine. He’s been taking review classes and he’s been studying a lot outside the classes too.”
“Entrance exams of Paradis University?”
“That’s his first choice,” Mikasa said. “Are you still staying in the dorm? Maybe we could go through drills together on off-days and you could give me a few pointers.”
“I’ll be in the dorm for a week more or so... I’m not exactly sure.”
“You’re gonna wait for Hange?”
Is it obvious? Levi avoided her gaze then, looking back at his empty plate. He soon realized he hadn’t even started cooking himself. So he dropped a few slabs of meat on the grill in front of him to feign at least some disconnect. “Maybe,” he answered.
“It would be nice to get a few pointers from you,” Mikasa said. “You really were one of the best jumpers out there.”
“I won’t be able to demonstrate a jump if that’s what you’re expecting. Besides Hange is much better at giving pointers. She’s a lot more observant than I am.”
“I’m sure there are things you can teach me that Hange can’t. I wanna improve my vertical jump. And maybe try some of the other events as well.”
“This is a complete 180 from you months ago..”
“I’m stuck training twice a day. I barely get to talk to Eren and Armin. So I ended up finding happiness in just jumping… And I thought to myself, might as well make some jumping goals for myself right?”
“So what’s your goal?”
“I wanna beat your high jump record. Even Elijah hasn’t beaten that yet,” Mikasa said.
“That’s some character development,” Levi mumbled.
Mikasa ignored it though or maybe she didn’t hear it. Levi never really figured out how loud he had said it. “.. And the only person who can teach me how to beat your record is you.”
Levi had eaten too little and had drank a little too much. But he would rather not have told anyone that.
So he had made the journey to the rooftop of the restaurant alone. There was a toilet conveniently by the staircase where he had ended up dry heaving on the bowl. A few dry heaves and a few sets of stairs later, he found himself sitting back on the metal wired fence that lined the roof.
Just long enough to get my bearings. Levi reassured himself as he leaned further in.
As time passed though, he managed to convince himself that maybe he could stay there long enough to just wait for everyone to leave. The last thing he would have wanted to do was puke on anyone on the way down.
He checked his clock. 9:30pm. Most college students wouldn’t even be leaving for the party yet at that time. His strict athlete schedule meant he never was a normal college student though.
He graduated college already anyway. With that realization, Levi was a little more merciful towards himself. So he rode out the high of his inebriation. He counted out the stars above him, treating it as some sort of countdown to sobriety.
It probably wouldn’t work. After the tenth star, his head was still pounding, the stars were starting to show signs of blending amongst one another and he could feel his face warming up.
He was starting to feel the beginnings of dry heaving—or possibly wet heaving—again. Unable to sit up any longer, he lay on his side.
He didn't know how long he had lain there, waiting for the pounding to subside before he heard footsteps. His first instinct had been to force himself to sit up. His mind though was quick to recognize those footsteps, that natural mix of fast, loud and even as they made their way up the stairs and somehow, he ended up relaxing instead on the cold concrete floor.
How many times had he searched for those footsteps before?
“Hey, you know you’re lucky we’re here on a weekday during off season. If this were a weekend, the rooftop probably would have been full and they would have kicked you out already.”
“How’s everyone?” Levi asked. He kept his question to two words but the amount of syllables he had to pronounce then only garbled it.
“They left already,” Hange slid back on the metal fence and leaned back on it. “It’s just you and me now.”
“Okay,” Levi said. He would have wanted to say more. The pounding headache only made something so simple as speaking, a game of Russian Roulette and he didn’t want to figure out which word had the bullet, and which word could have him throwing up on Hange then.
“It’s just you and me,” Hange repeated.
You said that already. Levi would have wanted to say. Instead he kept his own response at a hum of understanding. She should interpret that as a yes at least.
“You don’t wanna talk? Or are you just too drunk?”
Levi didn’t respond.
“Didn’t you just have two cups?”
Levi raised up three fingers. He wasn’t exactly sure how many at that point. But he was sure it felt like more than two.
“Okay, that still isn’t enough to be deadass drunk you know.” Hange seemed impatient. And maybe a little disappointed.
So Levi took one risk. “Just keep talking. I’m listening.” Maybe that had been enough to get some bile up his throat. It had done more than enough to aggravate the pounding in his head and he found himself leaning on Hange’s shoulder.
As she held him closer, her hand gently guided him deeper onto her shoulder. Within seconds, Levi found he had rested his head on her lap and was staring up at the sky above.
The night was clear, the stars were shining and Levi was counting the stars again, a little ticked that he had lost his pattern and his train of thought of a few minutes ago. He was starting from the top again and he could have sworn the stars were constantly moving. There was no way he would have been able to guess which line of stars he had already counted.
“Hey, talk to me.” Hange only made the ordeal of counting stars worse. Her big head of all things was obscuring the view of the patterns he was starting to form as he counted.
Get out, I’m counting stars. That’s what he would have wanted to say then.
Hange could have heard it. Or maybe she didn’t. She bent a little more forward, so unnaturally, Levi could have sworn she had done it out of spite. She stared at him with wide eyes, her lips curled up into a playful smile. “Let’s talk Levi, one more hour and they’re gonna close. Besides the view here is nice, it’s breezy and…”
“You’re probably too drunk to move now. We’re gonna have to get a taxi home.”
“Later,” Levi mumbled as he turned on his side and buried his face into Hange’s polo which smelled unavoidably like beef. He would have complained then if his head wasn’t pounding and if it didn’t dawn on him then, he probably smelled worse.
“Okay, Wanna talk about my work?”
“That… and, the binder I gave you, the one with the stories.”
“What about it?” There was a lot to talk about. But it wasn’t like there was much Levi could have contributed then but one to two syllable answers.
“What did you think?”
Hange pouted. “No, not about the quality. How did it make you feel?”
“Okay, how did Commander Hange’s death make you feel?” Hange had taken pains to pronounce the word death a little more clearly than everything else. Enough for Levi to almost think throwing up on her would be a good idea.
So he took another risk. “If you had so much more to say, why didn’t you say it?” Levi asked. His voice would naturally slur so he willed himself to enunciate every syllable even if it could make him look like an idiot in the process.
“That’s what Commander Hange should have been asking Levi,” Hange said.
“Captain Levi didn’t wanna let Commander Hange sacrifice herself. It was obvious.”
“No it wasn’t.” Hange shook her head, quickly enough to get even Levi dizzy. “You wrote something before, right? Your descriptions of everything were incredibly vivid, like I remembered the views, the appearance of the titans, the way you weaved words together but you know half the time, I couldn’t even be sure of what Captain Levi was thinking.”
“That’s how it felt reading your work. Squad leader Hange, Commander Hange… all they described were titans.”
“But Commander Hange explicitly said she wanted to live with Captain Levi. It was obvious too,” Hange said.
And for a second, maybe they were engaged in some mental sparring, a game of tug of war. Levi was still a little too incapacitated, he couldn’t take the initiative.
So Hange spoke up, loud and clear. “I thought being with each other, doing all that was enough of a love letter. Did they need words? A mad declaration of love?”
“Maybe, no one can be too sure unless somebody says something right?”
“Hange was the commander. Levi was the captain. With the war going on, I don’t think they could have left their post right. They couldn’t be too selfish. I think the commander was planning to wait until retirement to say it.”
“Retirement never came.”
“We’re both retired now,” Hange said. “I’m done with this whole academic stint. You’re done with your whole athletic stint. We have the time to make it work for Commander Hange and for Captain Levi right?”
“Are you saying we’re Captain Levi and Commander Hange?”
“My dreams tell me yes.”
“Dreams huh? That’s pretty objective.”
“Hey, I think I did enough research on this to make a theory about it. It was part of my thesis.”
“And you do realize you’ve never told me what your thesis was about?”
“Sorry about that…”
“So you knew? I always thought I was an asshole for not asking.”
“You asked a few times, not directly, but I think maybe you wanted to go in that direction,” Hange said. “And I admit, I ended up digressing every time.”
“I guess I wasn’t too comfortable telling you yet. I was writing my thesis side by side with that story and ever since I got serious about it, after a few dreams, after that night in the hospital, I wanted the memories to be as raw as possible, untainted by whatever story Captain Levi told me before. It was Commander Hange’s story, not Captain Levi’s. So I guess that’s why I wanted to avoid discussion on it.”
“Thesis is done. The book is done. You can talk about it now.”
“You're gonna get bored. So I’ll just read out the title.”
Hange twisted towards her side, jostling Levi in the process and Levi had to bite his lip not to aggravate the dull headache then. He heard the sound of a zipper and the sound of books pushed against one another.
After what felt like a lot more than a few seconds, it stopped. Hange opened the book, she turned on the flashlight of her phone.
The glare was sudden and for a good few seconds the glare of the light could have been right on him. Maybe that was what had made it particularly painful for Levi then.
He buried his face further into Hange’s shirt and let out a taut curse.
“Sorry,” Hange whispered, seeming distracted. After flipping through the pages for a few seconds longer, she read it out loud. “Nature and Nurture as Determinants of Athletic Potential, A Case Study on High Performing Athletes… Okay you know,  maybe I was a little biased towards ‘nature,’’ she added cheekily.
“Why nature?”
“Dreams… Past life. What if… You’re Captain Levi and I’m Commander Hange Zoe. Right? We have the evidence. Captain Levi was humanity’s strongest and he was really good with fighting in the air... Commander Hange Zoe liked strategy and research... And the fact that we had the same dreams?” Hange trailed off.
Levi was in no state to respond.
So Hange continued. “You wrote a lot Levi and maybe you’ll write it again. But I can swear, from what I remember about your works, and what I remember from mine, They’re the same story. And Kuchel had something similar right? What if past lives are real?”
“I don’t think you’re wrong..”
Hange pulled another book from her bag then.
Under the dim starry night, Levi made out the thin binder, the one he had read that afternoon. She started to flip through the pages, much faster as if she memorized the exact page and maybe the exact position where the paragraph was.
“Maybe we should just live here together, right Levi?” Hange read out loud.
If we keep running and hiding, what will that get us… I know you’re not able to stay out of the action. Those words echoed clearly in Levi’s mind then. Captain Levi was still alive inside him and he was whispering.
Clear enough to convince Levi. Maybe past lives are real. Levi thought to himself. He was in another life then, circumstances were different so he changed the script a bit, a script fit for soon-to-be graduates Hange Zoe and Levi Ackerman.
“Where to, Hange Zoe? What’s the game plan?” Levi asked.
“What’s the game plan of an academic washout…” Hange asked. “Well first things first, thank my parents for their grad gift, you know, the money to pay for the all you can eat beef… I’ll probably get a full time job, save up money then decide if I wanna go to med school again but at this point, I might just be better off pursuing a research track.”
“Didn’t Commander Hange wanna study plants?”
“She did,” Hange said. “And you know maybe she’ll get the chance now. Didn’t Captain Levi wanna own a tea shop?”
“I think that’s a viable career option for an athletic washout. The Olympics and the national team are out of my plate anyway.”
“So what? Teashop and research?”
“Teashop and research.”
“Well first things first, we’re gonna have to save right? My parents and I have been reconciling our differences lately already but I don’t wanna borrow too much money so our best option would be to get a place outside the city? You think we’d be able to afford that?”
Levi forced a slight nod. “Maybe a place with lots of green. You’d probably enjoy the trees and you’ll find lots to study during your days off. The commute to work is gonna be a bitch though.”
“We’ll find a job nearby or we’ll make it work. Just long enough to figure things out.”
Figure things out… The conversation died then. But maybe it did because Hange had started to do a little more research then, he saw in the glare in her glasses, the natural green over the white background.
Was she researching houses? Levi asked silently. It wasn’t worth asking anyway. They had only a few weeks before their contract ends and they’d be forced to vacate the dorms. Maybe it was a good idea to search much earlier.
So Levi endured the bright glare of the screen and searched for the beauty in the green glare on the white screen on Hange’s glasses then, and maybe he found it underneath in her eyes that seemed to be smiling.
If eyes could smile… No, they were definitely smiling.
“I’m sorry, we’re gonna have to ask you to leave. The restaurant is closing soon.”
Just like that, the moment was broken.
“We’re going down. Just give us a few minutes to fix our stuff.”
“Let’s go, Levi?”
“I would've wanted to stay here a little longer. It feels like a dream. I feel like Captain Levi here.”
“Because you are Captain Levi,” Hange said as she started to stuff the books back into her bag.
“Alright, Commander Hange.”
Hange chuckled. “You seem very disappointed.”
“Do I?” Levi couldn’t really tell the face he was making there. Hange’s face wasn’t the clearest either under the dark light. So he considered the possibility that she could be right. He might have been disappointed.
“Fine, I’ll give you something to dream about,” Hange said slyly. “You know, if Commander Hange Zoe wasn’t fighting a war, there was something else she probably would have done.”
“Wha--?” Before Levi could even complete the question, she had answered it herself.
She answered it with a quick peck. Or at least it should have been a quick peck.
With Levi’s mouth half open then, it morphed into something else in that split second, lasting a little longer. Their lips locked, their tongues touched and it had taken a few seconds longer to let go.
It probably could have taken a minute, an hour or even an eternity longer and Levi wouldn't have minded.
He continued to replay it in his head again and again as Hange helped him up, slung his one arm over hers. His surroundings changed, from the starry rooftop, the restaurant interior then the taxi on the way home.
And it ended with the sofa of the dorm lobby, the wooden ceiling and Hange leaning on him on the sofa.
He was still thinking about it then. In the silence, in the peace even with the changing surroundings, he had been on cloud nine the whole time.
He was convinced, Captain Levi wouldn't have minded that eternity either. Hell, he probably would have loved it.
There was a hiking trail near their house. Luckily it wasn’t too steep.
So Levi deemed himself well enough to brave it. It had been almost a year since his surgery, six months since the last tear and most days, as long as he wore his knee brace, his knee wouldn’t give out on him.
Unbuckling happened. Swelling happened. The dull aches never left. Levi had learned to just live with it, ride through the worst days.
It was as if his knee knew then that that day in particular was special. Or maybe Levi had chosen that day because his knee was feeling better. That day, Hange was notably freer and on the days leading up to autumn, it was only gonna getting colder and colder and he didn’t wanna have to wait another year to hike.
“Just tell me if anything hurts,” Hange said as they made the almost perilous journey up the hill.
The steeper it got, the harder it would be on his knees. He noted that, it would get worse particularly on the way down.
It was still far from the steep incline in the reserve Hange had brought him to more than a year ago.
There was a peak that overlooked the small town they had settled in. The incline, the climb albeit longer, was friendlier for his aching muscles and his bum knee.
Levi was counting his blessings. So through the worst of the dull aches, the worst of the pains as they climbed up, Levi gritted his teeth and clocked it as ‘bearable at least,’ not worth a complaint.
Hange probably could tell though. He didn’t figure out by her eyes since he kept walking behind her. She hadn’t been particularly pushy either. He had figured it out for himself when she started talking, and she never stopped.
“How’s Petra?”
“She’s working towards a PT Certificate.”
“How’s Isabel?”
“I heard she’s starting her third year of high school already?”
“And Farland?”
How do you even know them?
“I visited Erwin a lot in his office in the hospital you know. And I talked to them.”
But it hadn’t been just that. Hange had an emotional investment extending far beyond that. He slowed his pace, appreciating her seemingly interested voice then. With that, Levi was reminded, they were Commander Hange’s friends too.
So he continued to answer questions as they came. They were a good distraction from the specter of exhaustion that loomed over him.
And soon, he took the reins. "So how's Moblit?" It had only felt natural to ask too.
"He's in his first year of med school...How's Mikasa?"
"Her first college competition is next month.”
Conversations shifted quickly from topic to topic, person to person before dying somewhere at the peak when they attributed the death of such to speechlessness at the view before him or just utter exhaustion.
Levi knew it was neither of it and he became sure of it as Hange guided him to the bench that overlooked the rolling hills behind them.
She kept one hand over his knee. "Your knee did a good job not swelling."
"Even if it does, I won’t regret it. I wanted to do this for a while."
"Is this because you couldn't join me up the peak last year?"
"Probably," Levi said. He turned to her. "You didn’t get to the top then right?"
“No, I didn’t. I went back down as quickly as I could when I heard you scream my name.”
“I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what came over me. But Levi knew, so he kept that last part to himself. “You know, maybe I am doing this for you. You still wanna fly right?"
"Yeah, I do. Even if I remember everything then, after writing everything out… Sure I know how it ends for Commander Hange Zoe but... I still wanna fly. Maybe because I just wanna enjoy the freedom that comes with it.”
"Then I guess we made a good choice." Levi grabbed his backpack from behind him and unzipped it. "I wanted to give this to you. And I thought you might enjoy reading it in a place with lots of sky."
He had binded it the same way and he had titled it similarly.
It looked like Hange knew what it was. "Levi… is this…" Her wide eyes looked far from confused.
"After reading your work, I started dreaming about Captain Levi again so I rewrote the story I made a year ago. It's not a perfect copy but I think I remembered enough to maybe get you immersed again in his thoughts."
Hange didn't reply but Levi didn't mind.
In a way, she had responded, through whispers, murmurs and the grin on her face as she looked through the file. "To Commander Hange? Yours truly, Captain Levi?" Hange asked, a little louder and clearer than her murmurs. She wanted to be listened to.
"Are you laughing? That's the same thing you wrote at the top in your own file,” Levi said. “I guess you can say, it's Captain Levi's love letter to Commander Hange."
“A love letter huh? All I’m reading here are long drawn out descriptions of humanity’s strongest soldier fighting titans…” Hange chuckled. “And maybe some mentions of Commander Hange Zoe.”
“Captain Levi was with Commander Hange a lot right?” It was a shoddy reply. Still, an inkling of pride had Levi clinging on to that comment.
"Do you notice that neither of us actually wrote something introspective. It’s like they never could tell what the other was thinking. Captain Levi was too obsessed with fighting, Commander Hange was too obsessed with Titans."
"Those were how my dreams were."
"That's how they were for me too."
"But if you look over there, towards the last page, you'd find it. I wrote 'dedicate your heart' right? Captain Levi didn't want you to leave"
"I remember that and if you looked towards the end of my work you'd see I wrote... Commander Hange wanted to live with you."
Levi had a copy of it on his phone so he opened up, did a quick search and highlighted the text.
Maybe we should just live here together, right Levi?
For a second they sat in silence. Levi was too busy finding a reason for the tens of thousands of words worth of exposition all for one sentence. Maybe Hange was doing similarly.
Hange spoke up once again, only confirming it for herself. "Commander Hange and Captain Levi really took each other for granted huh?”
"They had a war to fight. They couldn't be too intimate could they?"
“So instead of just explicitly saying I love you through a love letter, they decide to send each other memories of a past life and we’re left to decode it for ourselves?”
“Captain Levi was never really the type to say he loves someone. And I’m guessing Commander Hange wasn’t the type either.”
“Or maybe... They were too scared to think about it to admit it was love, but somehow the reader just knows.” Hange suggested. She turned to Levi then, eyeing his phone.” It wasn’t just in the ‘live together’ part right? I’m sure you felt it in the letter? With every mention of Captain Levi… Toward the end, he never left her side and she never his side too right?”
Levi nodded slowly, gripping his phone a little tighter. “I felt it and every time I reread it, it only got stronger." And how many times had he reread it since she first gave it to him months ago?
“You know Levi, even since last year, the first time I read it, I felt it for myself and I really thought they would have kissed. And maybe if Commander Hange died they would have.” Hange cocked her head to one side. “So none of us needed reflection or introspection huh? I guess the descriptions on titans and technology made some great padding to the love letter.”
“Don’t you think it just made everything more complicated? For us?”
“Maybe it did. But I like to think this long drawn out puzzle just makes everything deeper, worth remembering. Think about it, just mentioning someone again and again, just quietly assuming that someone would be there by your side forever, not thinking too much of it but just casually thinking ‘I wouldn’t mind if they were there forever.’ And when the prospect of losing them comes up, that refusal to let go...the regrets that follow... I think those run deeper than any flowery declaration of love." Hange waved the binder in front of him. "I like this. It’s better than any love letter I could have gotten.”
“Two idiots just writing stories about their tragic past lives and exchanging it," Levi mumbled that first part to himself. He turned to Hange. "I enjoyed the process of writing these ‘love letters’," Levi said. "Did you?"
Hange nodded. “It wasn’t all happiness for sure but overall, I’m enjoying the writing process and I'm enjoying where the dreams brought me. It’s not where I expected to be a year ago but hey, who says life should be following the path we set for it,” she said. She took a deep breath. “And I should be saying the same to you. I’m not the Olympics. I’m not the national track and field team but you don’t mind right? Being stuck with me? Writing love letters like that?”
“Hey, instead of going to medical school, you’re here living with me in some small house near some hiking trail. We’re both on nine to five jobs saving up money until god knows when. It’s a far cry from what our teammates and blockmates are doing.”
“But you know if I didn’t drop the other theses, I don’t think I would have written this much about you.”
“And if I didn’t get injured, I wouldn’t have written. I’d probably be training with the national team now.”
And we wouldn’t be here. Somehow, Levi knew she was thinking about it too. From his peripherals, he saw, Hange had leaned back on the bench and had let her head fall back. She was staring at the sky above her.
He followed suit.
There was something about the sky at the top of the hill. It was a light yet mesmerizing blue that endlessly stretched above him. There were no buildings, no trees, or no highlands framing such a view. The sky looked free.
And for the first time in months, Levi felt like he was flying again.
But he didn’t want to fly alone. Levi dropped one hand along that very small gap between them.
It looked like Hange had taken that as a sign to reciprocate.
Levi looked to his hand, cradled against hers and up at her face to see that she still wasn’t looking down. In fact she held her head back further, propped her glasses on her forehead, and continued to stare at the blue sky above.
The blue sky reflected on Hange’s hazel eyes and it manifested in streams of color Levi couldn’t have even imagined as ever been producible by blue and brown. He wanted to catch her gaze then.
So he spoke up. “It wasn’t easy to accept it at first but I’m happy where we are. I’m not regretting anything and you know, there’s something liberating about failing---” Levi shook his head almost instantly as if what he had just said dawned on him then. “Actually wait, I think I phrased it wrong. This probably sounds weird.”
Hange continued to stare at the sky. “No, I think I get it,” she said. “Failing is embarrassing, it fucking hurts and for a while it feels like life stops. But when you fail enough times, failure starts to feel like a friend. And when you fail a few more times, you stop chasing and that’s the liberation you’re talking about right? There’s something liberating about accepting failure as just something that happens and just riding through that downward spiral before picking yourself up again." Hange held the booklet over her and reopened it. “I’m happy where I am now too, post-downward spiral.”
Levi could only watch and listen as she whispered unintelligible sentences to herself, grinning at the pages. He wondered which scenes she was reading through then.
“Well, it’s time for both of us to regroup then. We can't just keep feeling sorry for ourselves right?” Hange added as she stood up. “I have my research. You have your tea shop to work on. We better start hiking now or I don’t think we’ll make it back before sun down.”
“I would have wanted to enjoy this view a little longer.”
“Then we schedule another hike. We endure the uphill battle, we enjoy the peak then we deal with the downward spiral. That’s how it’s always been anyway.” She stuffed the booklet on her backpack and pulled him up from the bench.
“Yeah, we’re both used to it anyway,” Levi joked. He felt Hange’s hand behind him as he looked down at the decline. Only looking at it then did it dawn on him, hiking backwards, the downward spiral which followed the euphoria at the peak could be almost comparable to hell for his knees.
“Hey, I’ll go first. If you feel like you’re losing your balance, just grip my shoulder harder. Besides we can look for a gentler slope on the way down. We just have to get past this one.”
“We won’t be able to get down if we don’t deal with this huh?”
“We won’t,” Hange said. “I know it’s bad for your knees… but if you walk at an angle, it will reduce pressure. I’ll cover for you.” She clutched his hand, went ahead and guided his hand towards her shoulder.
Levi took it as a sign to grip..
“Just relax," Hange said.
It was easier said than done. Levi waited for his legs to start screaming then. The dull aches were ubiquitous, the buckling and unbuckling of his knees were a discomfort he had learned to just ride through and he was sure, he wouldn’t be hiking for another few months after that.
Even before the slope had gradually morphed into something gentler, Hange had started talking again as if she knew once again that it could ease them the whole ordeal of hiking downwards.
“Remember that teashop, the one just a ten minute walk away from our apartment, you wanna check it out?” Hange asked.
There was only one teashop near their place and Levi was quick to recognize it. “I’ve been going there everyday after work.”
“Without me?”
“Where do you think I buy the teabags and the coffee beans that never seem to run out?" Levi asked. He had taken great care to say the word 'coffee' in particular. It was Hange who went through bags of them too quickly that it was almost impossible to not frequent the cafe.
“Fine, I won’t complain. Tell me about it then, any regulars? Anything notable?”
“There are two kids who live nearby and they hang out there a lot. A brunette and a blond. Falco and Gabi.” Those names had been easy to remember. Yet as he imagined those two kids in the cafe, as he recalled their minimal interactions, he started to wonder if they ever really did introduce themselves.
“Those are familiar names," Hange commented.
“And there’s a pilot who hangs out there but mostly on weekends. His name is Onya--”
“So you’ve met them before?”
“No, just seems familiar.”
“So what, are you gonna tell me you’ve dreamed of them?”
“Maybe I did.”
Somehow, that had taken a weight of his shoulders then and it had started to become easier to admit on his end. “To be honest, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t dream of them too.”
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