#i just want people to really pay attention to the lyrics and recognize that it isnt some villain strut or badass ballad
carebooks · 4 months
makes me kind of sad that no one’s made a proper multifemale edit of taylor’s who’s afraid of little old me? bc, okay look, the song is filled with so much female rage that when i see people using it for edits for male characters, and it’s male characters that i like or love don’t get me wrong, it’s like they’re not getting what the song is about. it feels weird seeing it paired to anything other than women and what we’ve struggled with.
#before ANYONE says anything; yes i’m aware that men struggle too#i am in NO WAY invalidating the fact that they’ve gone through awful stuff but i’m focusing on women#but women have a long history of being invalidated period and i think we should be more aware of it when it comes to stuff like this#i mean i see it used for spider-man or stiles stilinski and i just dont vibe with it#i love both those characters but the song isnt meant for them#then i see it used for characters like paul atreides or anakin or joker?? and i wanna fight#it’s like are you serious?? did you not even pay attention to the song? and you decide to use clips from their movies for it?#i’m very much aware that this is the internet and you can edit whatever you want and creative freedom or whatever#but i also have creative freedom to voice my opinion and disagree with the use#and i dont mean to gatekeep the song AT ALL#i just want people to really pay attention to the lyrics and recognize that it isnt some villain strut or badass ballad#it’s a song about being broken down to pieces and rising up despite it; telling those that pulled you apart or watched as you fell#that they SHOULD be afraid of you and what you’re capable of BECAUSE they’re the ones to blame for their own undoing#and i firmly still believe it’s a female rage song and should stay it#if you HAD to give it to a male character give it to someone who it makes SENSE for#someone like percy jackson or you know what no i change my mind#it’s so clearly meant for women that i’m not entertainting that idea#sorry for the rant#taylor swift#who’s afraid of little old me#the tortured poets department#ttpd#ts ttpd
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tofufei · 2 months
To be to Someone [他是他FMV subbed]
Original edit by 此木辄 on bilibili (https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18h411C7NC). Translated and reposted with permission.
I really enjoy this edit so I absolutely wanted to translate and share it. The way it deals with how people are perceived and the way they're addressed is really skillfully done. The coloring of the pronouns draws the focus specifically on the relationship between the different high-could quintet members as well as Jing Yuan's attitude towards Dan Feng vs Dan Heng and whether he recognizes them as separate individuals.
The fact that Jing Yuan is never addressed by his name and always by his title General is a subtle knife, given that he's basically lost everyone of the high-cloud quintet who were the people he was closest to and who'd address him by name.
Now, he's one of the most respected arbiter generals, a position that finally gave him enough power to free one friend and give him another chance at life, but this said friend denies any personal involvement with "the general" :')
While this edit's emotional beats might make it seem like a BE, it is actually hopeful to me because it does build up to Jing Yuan acknowledging that Dan Heng is his own person and not only a shadow of Dan Feng. And that is the first step to actually being able to build a new relationship with him.
Also the lyrics of this song are just so fitting! If I may ask this, please do rewatch the edit once and pay attention to the lyrics🥺 Jingliu's issue being something he regrets forever (regret that she became mara-struck, regret that he failed to end her life when that was what she asked of him), Jing Yuan being Dan Heng's saving light, Blade's fate with the Stellaron Hunters not being something that Jing Yuan could've anticipated. And the whole chorus just being a dig at Jing Yuan and Dan Heng both lol. Leaving it here again for reference.
Shoutout to yjtc, lokian and the diaspora server for helping with translation wording choices <3
If this path is blocked, then ride the clouds and taste the mist
You've said "farewell", so you can say "it's been a long time, I missed you" as well
You've voyaged the universe, how hard to navigate can mortal affairs be?
You've used your whole life to realize a most precious encounter
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
hi! idk if youre taking requests atm so in case u don’t, feel free to ignore this :-) anyways, i’ve been obsessed with the way you write and i was wondering if you could write something with niragi, inspired by house of balloons by the weeknd!! i think his character kinda suits the lyrics so i thought that could be fun!! it can be anything rlly, smut, angst or just anything :-) tysm and have a good good day!!! 🫶🫶🫶
Heyy :)) This is my first request since quite a while so I'm actually pretty excited right now :D Thank you so much <3
I listened to the song a few times beforehand and you're right, it really suits Niragi.
I took a lot inspiration from these verses:
You look into my eyes You can't recognize my face You're in my world now
So just don't blame it on me, girl 'Cause you wanted to have fun
Oh this is fun fun (...) This is fun to me
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice)
• Characters: Suguru Niragi, fem!Reader
• Genre: Angst
• Warnings: abuse, bullying
I have no idea how I was able to survive so long without anyone by my side. I lived like a stray dog for weeks until I met these really nice guys (who probably just wanted to fuck me). They had a fucking car and told me about this place.
The Beach. That's how they called it. It used to be a resort back in the real world. Some crazy guy, Hatter, found it and created some cult-like society. I didn't had the best gut feeling but anything was better than my current situation. So I let them touch my tits a few times and in return they took me with them.
The Beach was a way bigger deal than I thought. Dozens of players lived here and there was food, water and electricity. This place was actually alive.
Yes, it still was a weird cult-like place, but a safe place afterall. I was just supposed to bring the cards I own to Hatter (they didn't exaggerate, this man was definetly some kind of crazy) and had to wear swimwear so I couldn't hide any weapons on my body, which actually made sense to me.
The guys that brought me here explained a bit more to me. At first I didn't want to listen, but when they mentioned the militants I started to pay attention. Because they where allowed to carry weapons with them.
I didn't really care about anything else they had to say about them.
They where allowed to carry weapons with them!
Call me paranoid but I would feel so much more safe around here if I had a gun or something. These people might be in the same boat with me but everyone would safe themselves first from drowning. Me too.
They wanted to survive. I wanted to survive. And in the time I was here I lost a lot of my empathy because it would get me killed in the blink of an eye.
"Who is the leader of those executives?", I ask, swirling my (h/c) hair around my right index finger while putting on my best doggy eyes.
They looked at me like I was just as crazy as Hatter but after a few seconds of hesitation they answered anyways. "Aguni. Really short hair, scar on his face. It doesn't matter though, you instantly feel that he is the leader, when you are around him."
I took note of the facts about his appearence anyways, just in case.
"He is never alone though. His comrades are like flies, pretty sure this man doesn't even shit alone." I ignored his comment and was already looking around.
"Imma head to my room guys", I said without looking at the men. "I'm tired." They either didn't caught my lie, or they simply didn't care. They just nodded and let me head off.
I was of course not going to my room. I was way too curious about this Aguni. The things I would do for a stupid gun...
The sun was long gone when I saw him. The boys where right, he had this aura that basically screamed at you. And as expected, he wasn't alone.
For a second my confidence began to fade. Did I really want to talk to this guy? Would that be as smart as I thought? But I caught myself quickly again. I would die one way or another, where is the difference if it's through a game or his hands?
After I took a deep breath I stood up from my chair I had sit on and walked straight up to him. People stared, some whispered but I ignored them.
"Are you Aguni?" I ask him when I arrived in front of him but before he could even think of an answer another man slipped around him and build himself up in front of me. A big gun rested on his shoulder and the amused look in his dark eyes showed that he wasn't afraid to use it.
But there was something else in his eyes. Something so familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe we went to school together? That wasn't so unlikely based on how many people were here.
"Do you really think our boss has time for a stupid chick like you?", he asked while he grinned like an idiot. A hand placed itself on his shoulder and shoved him to the side. "Niragi." A voice scolded him.
The name didn't ring a bell. I probably saw him around school sometimes. Based on how he acted here he probably was one of those bullies in school that degraded literally anyone. You didn't even need to look or act different, sometimes you where just at the wrong place at the wrong time and your school year was literally over.
"Let her talk", the voice appeared again. Agunis voice.
I tried to make myself taller than I was and tried so desperatly to look brave, that I probably looked like a fool. "I want to join the militants."
I held my breath while biting my tongue. I really didn't know what to expect. Maybe he would kill me right on the spot? Or maybe not. I didn't know which one I would prefer.
He tilted his head and eyed me from head to toe. "It's not that easy." "I don't care!", I interrupted him and felt the heat spreading into my face immediatly after I spoke.
There was silence for a short while and I was absolutely sure that someone would kill me on the spot, but then he laughed quietly which scared me even more. "Or maybe it is that easy after all", he said eventually.
I felt the burning eyes of his subordinants and for a second I thought I would throw up on Agunis feet. "I like you. You're in."
I didn't know what just happened. It was so much yet nothing. All it took was for me to interrupt the leader? This had to be a trap, right?
"Nobody dared to talk to me like that since I came here", Aguni explained. "Don't think I would tolerate it, I don't, but at least you're somewhat reckless. If you're reckless in other aspects too, this could work." His hand dissapeared in the pocket of his jeans and came back out with a pair of keys which he handed Niragi. "Show her the guns."
Niragi looked far from happy about this order. "Why me?", he asked rather irritated. Aguni looked him dead in the eyes. "'Cuz you're my right hand. And you do what I say."
It looked like Niragi wanted to say something but bit his tongue. Instead he turned around and stormed off. Without saying a word I followed him, now even more scared than I was before.
Niragi walked quick and with big steps he crossed the halls of The Beach. At a heavy door he stopped and turned around to wait for me. "Hurry up!", he yelled annoyed while waiting for me. Slightly out of breath I stopped next to him and looked while he opened the door which revealed a rather dark stairwell that only lead down. "It's downstairs", he explained before starting to walk again.
I tried my best to stay beside him while we walked down where I supposed was the basement. Here were probably the generators and all that kind of stuff.
We crossed another long hallway until he stopped at the last door on the right side. Then he used the key to unlock the door and before I could process everything properly I found myself between dozens of weapons and guns.
Niragi pushed me inside and quickly closed the door behind him. Then he locked it and turned around to look me in the eyes. Fear crawled up my throat and my heart started to beat faster than it ever did in my whole life.
"Long time no see (Y/n)", he said. The keys dissapeared into his pockets so I had no chance to get them. Confusion mixed with my fear. "You know my name?"
His smile appeared back on his face for a second but then faded again. "How could I forget?"
My confusion grew while I desperatly tried to remember from where I could possibly know him.
"Come on", he cooed while he looked at me with expectant eyes. "Don't you remember?" He raised his free hand, made a circle with his thumb and index finger and held it in front of his eye, mimicking glasses, while tilting his head to the side. Then he pushed his lower lip slightly in front of his upper lip, frowning exaggerated.
It hit me with such force that I felt nauseous again. The sad face he put was badly played, but I could see it anyways. I saw the boy with the glasses in front of me, crying while my brother swung the baseball bat. "There it is", Niragi whispered. "The recognicion."
All those years I tried my best to forget these eyes. And I did. But now it seemed like this was a huge mistake.
„When I saw you upstairs my stomach dropped. I thought one of us would die when Aguni said I should show you the guns. The thought of all the feelings you could bring up again did something to me but I must admit that it’s rather pleasant to be alone with you.“
I stumbled back, tried to get more distance between us but Niragi instantly closed the distance again by taking the same amount of steps in my direction I took to get away from him. Not because I was scared, not only, but because I was emberrassed.
"How's your brother?" My eyes locked with his. As I looked longer into them I see how broken they are. Just like back then, but still different somehow. The eyes that looked into my direction, screaming for help, which I avoided like the plague because the guilt shook through me. The guilt that I didn’t dare to help him.
My brother made me look how they tortured him and for everytime I looked away, he would hit me when we got home. With his fist, with his belt or he would throw plates or glasses at me.
"I'm sorry", I whispered, tears stinging in my eyes. Again I avoided his eyes but I couldn't for long because his hand found my face and forced me to look at him.
"I remember your black eyes, the gross swelling shimmering a different color everyday", he whispered and I felt his breath on my face. "Blue, violet, yellow, like a violent, ugly rainbow."
Niragis eyes studied my face, stopping at the scar over my eyebrow. I knew he looked at it because I it suddenly started to throb just like the day I got it.
"That was for when I didn't threw the baseball at you", I answered before he could ask anything about it. It felt good to remind him, remind me, that I didn't want this to happen. When I refused to, he threw a mug at me. It broke it half when it landed on the floor, then he picked it up and threw it again. It cut into my skin leaving the about 2 inch long scar behind
"Where is he now?", he asked still inspecting my scar. I shrugged my shoulders. "I came here alone." I was scared that he might thought I was lying but he seemed to believe me, which made me relax a bit.
"He'd be surprised what his little games did to me. What I have become…" He let go of me but I still looked at him. "I always liked you, you know? You understood." I nodded. "I will kill him if I ever see him again." I nodded again. "And will make him suffer how I suffered." I nodded a third time while I took a glance at his pierced tongue. The pictures of the dirty needle my brother pushed through it popped up in my head again.
"I will find him and then we will play my game." Niragi walks up to one of the shelves and took a gun, rather small compared to his, then some ammo and handed it to me. "Our game."
I looked at the gun in his hand. It was my choice. If I take it I would make a pact with him. I hated my brother with all my heart but I was still hesitant. Is vigilantism the way? My way?
"It's your choice", Niragi reminded me. I took the gun. There is no justice in Borderland, so why not make it myself?
"I will make it my world", he said. "Where no one will look down on me ever again. On us."
His eyes practically burned into mine but I couldn't look away. My iris's where tied to his and I wondered if somewhere inside was still the Niragi I met in the past or if it destroyed him completly.
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
How would each of the ROs react if they heard their assigned song (crush stage)?
This got a lil long (can you tell today was a coding day?)
Is this the end of the moment/ Or just a beautiful unfolding of a love that will never be or maybe be?
He takes a breath. He doesn't pay attention to lyrics, usually. For him it's the sound, a way to drown out the world, his thoughts, anything. But it sticks to his chest, a deep longing he'd promised to never speak out loud. To take your hand and run. Does he really exist, in space your not in?
He exhales. The thoughts are shoved aside again. He changes the song.
Aquí estoy a tu lado/
Y espero aquí sentado hasta el final
He vaguely recognizes the song. It's something one of his older cousins used to listen to. The moodiness of the instruments, paired with the declaration of love the song is about, fills up a specific space in his heart. He's also been seen as the sun, but maybe you are, too. If only to him. If it's you, he thinks, everything will be ok.
He gives a soft smile, and let's the song play.
Taking my time to be perfectly honest/ I can't explain all the reasons I'm stuck in love
She doesn't automatically associate the song with herself. It's a cute song, something to listen to while she works. She keeps her head down, typing away, headphones in. Stuck in love? An image of you flashes across her mind. Her hand stills for a moment. Is she? Truly?
She shakes her head, not wanting to let her thoughts drift. She has to focus for now.
I wish I was/ Brave enough to love you
They've never done well with people, or feelings. Their solitude meant more to them then a connection outside of it. You, who exist outside the world as well, yet still entrenched in it's chaos, makes them hesitate. They stand on the edge, lingering on the space between.
They groan and lean back. What are they doing? It's just a song. It isn't that deep.
I hate your touch, I hate your mouth/ I can't stand every single word that falls out/ But you're all that I've been dreaming of
He changes the song immediately. It isn't his vibe, and it's easy to move on. Even only half played, a flash of your face crosses his mind. Of all the people to have an ounce of feelings towards, the source of his current problems, wasn't ideal. Still, as much as he wanted to turn away at first, he can't. He'd rather deal with your problems then not have you around at all.
He presses his lips together, and ignores the implications of that.
Was it me you wanted when you said/ You wanted something more than what you knew
Music is a novelty sometimes, and they have a fondness for dissecting it sometimes. This one, though, it's hard for their thoughts not to stray towards you. The two of you shared thoughts and sights and lungs. Their is no joy in the circumstances between you, but how can they feel sorrow when it's the reason you two found each other?
They close their eyes, and pray for a flicker of hope.
Obligatory joke bonus since I mentioned it: F!???
I could be a better boyfriend than him/ I could do the shit that he never did/ Up all night, I won't quit
"Hey MC, you know what this song reminds me of?"
"That [RO] sucks and you deserve someone better. Like me-"
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
Hi! Hope your day is great!
Could you please write a reader(either having a crush or best friends with Vi) that is a rebellious rockstar (are there electric guitars in Arcane I don't remember) that is trying to expose Silco and get back Jinx by informing and rallying the people with her music. When Vi gets out of prison and looks for her sister she comes across the reader's live concert and spots some of Silco's goons attempting to cause an "accident" and tries to intervene.
Thanks for the fics I love every one of them!
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Vi x G/N!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - honestly i'm not sure how much longer i will keep writing for arcane, i'm just not as passionate in the fandom as i used to be nor do i really find passion in writing for it anymore and i think that it's really showing in my writing and i don't want that to be the case nor do i want to disappoint people who love these fics. i will be finishing the rest of the requests i have for it, but from then, i am questioning continuing with it. thank you so much for requesting and i love that you love my fics!!
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The music was at an ungodly volume that made Vi's head spin, walking through the crowds of people. The floods that Jinx neglected to warn her of when she'd told her where you were.
People were singing and screaming out the lyrics to the song that flooded through the speakers, the sounds of the instruments couldn't even attempt to drown out the person singing. They were much too strong.
Her mind was dazed at the thought of seeing you again. Wondering what you looked like now, if you'd stayed single or moved on with your life. If you missed her or not. Maybe you'd forgotten all about her.
No, that was stupid, she thought. You wouldn't forget her.
But what if you had? What if you locked eyes with the stranger that Vi had become and didn't recognize her at all? She was nobody to you anymore.
Vi nearly fought a few people trying to get through, fighting her thoughts at the same time before coming across a man that nearly made her trip. His face. She'd seen that face before. From where though was the question until her eyes shifted and another one that made the picture more clear, he'd caught her attention, waiting just near the stage.
He was the only one not singing, dancing or even smiling. Staring dead at the performers with his hand in his jacket.
Yeah, that face, she knew that face.
He'd been in the cell right next to hers.
She'd never forget, not when she'd smashed it in over a month ago.
He kissed Silco's ass, hardcore, and she doubted that he'd even been conscious enough to know who was beating his ass for talking shit. The scrawny little man had no idea who Silco truly was, or at least Vi had claimed so. The man disagreed.
Vi walked over to the guy, not even paying attention to the singing anymore, instead focused on him with tunnel vision so strong she was sure she'd never been more focused in her life.
He noticed it as well, finally tearing his eyes away from the singer and all the action to look over at the tall, muscular girl coming right at him. And something about that, Vi guessed, was intimidating.
But his eyes, his eyes told her that he knew exactly who she was.
His hand fell out of his jacket and he hurried right past her, even bumping her shoulder on the way. She just stared, stared at his back disappearing into the crowd of sweaty bodies that had now gone still.
That's when the realization that the music had stopped, there were cheers, but that was all. No strumming or drum hitting. Nothing.
She wondered if she imagined it.
"Vi?" She turned, eyebrows furrowed, seeing you standing there in a dramatic outfit with a powered down microphone in your hand.
"What the fuck?" Was the last thing that came out of your mouth before she hugged you. Your hands not moving from their place until your mind had caught up with the rest of you, your arms hugging her back.
"What're you doing here? How- you- you're alive? I mean, I heard rumors but... holy fuck."
"I swear I can explain it all." She said out of breath, despite not moving. Tears welled in her eyes and a choked tone that began to become more gravelly the more she leaned into your touch.
She could tell you were crying too. You were just better at keeping in.
"Was it you singing?" Vi pulled back, wiping her face as nonchalant as possible. "Yeah... it's more of a front than anything. Keeps a lot of heat off me but also... it makes it easier to do what's needed when people really like you."
Her eyebrows furrowed but you didn't elaborate, though from what Echo had told her about you and him trying to find a way to be rid of a certain old fuck, she guessed you'd need as much support as possible.
The guy might've been ancient looking, but he was no fool.
"So... singing?" You nodded at her question, gesturing to your friends. "These are my bandmates," they waved while continuing to pack equipment, in her haze, Vi barely even had noticed them take the same stage exit as you.
"..they were Echo's friends first." You joked, wiping away your own relief and sadness from your cheeks. "But they liked me."
"Who wouldn't?" She said before she could stop herself, looking you up and down once more trying to take in the fact you weren't the same kid she'd left behind. Or a kid at all.
"Hm, glad to see you're still a flirt." She watched you smile, the same smile you'd give her years go. "Some things never change."
There was an awkward, emotional silence between you both for a moment. Neither sure what to say.
"So..." You began. "Wanna get out of here?"
She nodded.
"That'd be nice."
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earlgreytea68 · 10 months
I 100% am every bit as confused as you, about SMFS getting snubbed for the Grammys this year.
Personal opinions aside, it's their highest rated album to date, if Metacritic is anything to go by. They do just as much experimentation on this album as they did on Mania, while still sounding very THEM, which is an insane tightrope to walk. You'd think SMFS would be a shoo-in, if any album was, and I just don't get why it wasn't even nominated.
Did they really think that recognizing both Paramore AND FOB at the same time would cause the world to implode, because that would mean they think "emo" music is actually a respectable genre full of talented people?
I just, have so many questions...
I have a couple of theories. One is that people just weren't paying attention. The Lana Del Rey comment I posted was because that album did get massive Grammy love and came out on the very same day as SMFS so it was easy for SMFS to get totally lost underneath that. I remember Spotify sending me emails on that day urging me to listen to the new Lana Del Rey album, an artist i'd listened to a grand total of like sixteen times over the years lol and I never got a single email about SMFS being released. Which could have been because I already had it on repeat but I suspect it was because there was money being paid to promote the Lana Del rey album and I further suspect there was much less money behind SMFS promotionally.
The second theory is kind of connected to the first though in that I suspect being technically out of contract hurts them in this kind of promotional place like awards shows. As I understand their situation from the outside, it seems like this was a one record deal, not a long-term contract. I think that's exactly what they wanted and they're happy with it -- they have seemed and sound delighted with the freedom -- but I think it leaves them a little out in the cold around awards shows like the Grammys, which I suspect require a record label push.
I've made all of this up hahahah. It might all be wrong. But you're right that the album got strong reviews so I suspect it just got lost. And mania didn't because it was still on a long term contract and also had a number one debut (SMFS opened at number six and so didn't make as big of a splash for them). I remember watching a YouTube review of it at some point by some random guy, who even knows who it was, but he said something like "this album is really good and really interesting, I just don't know how many people are still paying attention to fall out boy." I feel like they needed a huge mainstream promotional push to get over that and they didn't get it.
But I also do not want to throw the record label under the bus because I'm also not entirely sure they care. And I mean that in all honesty. The lyric about "I must be getting old 'cuz I'm less pissed we didn't make it on your year-end best list" is a true one, I suspect. Like sure, they would love glory, who doesn't hahaha. But they made exactly the album they wanted and I think it was already bigger than they expected so it's all gravy. They didn't NEED the push -- and probably didn't ask for one -- because the fans turned out even more than I think they expected, and they were touched and delighted and I really think it's all cool.
And the album is still fantastic, of course.
(I always kind of suspected the mania nomination wasn't actually for mania anyway but just a general acknowledgement of fob still being around. That's how awards shows can be.)
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n3onstarss · 1 year
rottmnt boys x Winged person reader
Relationship; Rise Raph x reader, Rise Donnie x reader, Rise Leo x reader, Rise Mikey x reader (all separate ofc)
Romantic or platonic?; romantic
Reader type; G/N reader, reader has bird wings (type of bird not specified!)
It was a nice spring night, almost impossibly nice for early April. Yokai all over the hidden city had gathered at one of the largest and most beautiful gardens for a night of celebrating the warmer weather and coming summer, alongside the anniversary of the day yokai and humans' acceptance of each other into their societies. Although both groups still had a majority of their people staying where they were before, some yokai and some humans had moves into NYC and the Hidden City respectively.
Tonight, however, was not the time to reflect, as a young couple roamed the park. Hand in hand, a turtle and their winged lover strolled beneath the string lights and warm air, enjoying eachothers company and the night. Some people, both human and yokai, recognized the turtle as one of the mutants who made this all possible, with the defeat of the kraang and the societies integrations, but nobody dared bother the two when they looked so at peace and happy together.
The two approached a courtyard of sorts, lined with short brick walls and well lit. music grew louder as they approached, and both opted to dance.
Raph enjoyed strolling through the large park with you. the whole night you'd both been getting looks ranging from 'i want what they have' to 'IS THAT THE GUY WHO BEAT THE KRAANG??'
either way, you both opted to ignore them, continuing to move towards the music
by the time you two got there the song that had been playing had ended and a new one was about to begin
as the song began to play and as the song came to life with vocals and drums he quickly looked over to you
you were already rocking and swaying to the best, your wings and feathers fluttering and puffing in time with the beat
when the lyrics actually registered all that was said between you two was a quick "may I have this dance?" before you were immediately a whirlwind of movement
Raph was spinning and twirling and dipping you, entranced with how happy you seemed, and your wings would flare themselves or spread out straight behind you during fast spins
for a majority of the song you had kept your wings close to your body when you could, but at the second chorus or so you both split off to dance together but not together
your wings moved quickly and full of energy in time with the beats and your arms while you twisting and ducked and at one point even took off for a second with a especially powerful beat
the whole time Raph hadn't noticed he'd come to a stop, just watching how violent and stunning you were and how the lights filtered through your feathers only making you stand out more among the vivid colors and moving crowds
by the end of the song you were both exhausted and happy together, opting to sit out for a bit and just bask in eachothers company
The whole night he'd been more hunched in on himself than usual, trying to about the prying eyes of some people while also being angry at anybody who stared
In an attempt to bring him some relief from the staring you'd dragged him towards the courtyard, where nobody was paying attention to anybody else and everyone was dancing
by the time you two got there the song was starting, and coincidentally Donnie really liked the song. to the point where you two had danced to it before and choreographed some little dances for certain parts
a majority of the song was just spinning around each other in something that resembled more of a fight than a dance. at some points he'd gently grab your hands and pull you towards him, twisting his arms over your front so you were back to chest with him as you swayed
but after the lull in the song he decided it would be a good idea to just spin. he knew spinning was kinda your go-to when you didn't know what to do, and he didn't know what to do either
as he latched on and began to spin you both shared a wicked grin as you picked up speed and before long you both were a tornado of color in the middle of a circle the crowd had made to avoid getting hit
once the world was just colors and music and his face, you flung your wings open, flaring them in all their glory to catch the light before holding them close but still out behind you. before long they'd drifted to be parallel with your arms, encasing you both
when the song ended and you both stumbled giggling out everyone was either impressed or pissed, but quickly forgot that when the next song started. you both opted out though, needing a minute for your heads to stop spinning and a minute to yourselves
The whole night you'd both been getting looks, and he just basked in the attention, even if he didn't like some of the looks people gave the two of you
you definitely didn't like the stares, and tried to shrink in on yourself as much as possible
he noticed this early on and when he heard the music he knew what to do. he grabbed your hand and led you both to the music, where the song had just ended
And, of course, you both got lucky! a song you both enjoyed came on, and immediately he grabbed you by the hand and spun you both into a dance
the song was high energy, which was just what you'd needed to come out of your shell a little more. as the chorus came on you let go of eachothers hands to lean in and lip sync at each other before just continuing dancing
infact, the entire song was lip synced by you both, which eventually became singing. you both had listened to the song before and designated parts that you liked singing
as the final chorus approached you both split again and your wings were on full display as you spun and danced and flaunted them around
you both came back together just at the end for a final spin, your wings on full display and not a care in the world. the energy was higher than ever and you both were having the time of your lives out on the dancefloor!
when the song ended you both needed a minute and a drink, your laughter infectious for the crowd and anybody who passed you on your journey to the nearest vending machine
Tonight had been a lot so far. you two had sent plenty of death glares at people who hadn't minded their stares and were both annoyed.
and apparently you both needed a pick me up because you automatically drifted towards the music
as the song started it was ironic that they'd played a song you both liked, but neither of you could complain when it was plenty high energy and an excuse to go crazy
the entire song your wings were flared as you both circled each other and spun and danced and dipped. Mikey sang along for a majority of the song and occasionally you'd join him on the chorus
the energy was infectious as the crowd also began to have fun with it, but your wings cleared a path for you two that kept you both away from the crowd
your wings were gliding and dipping with the beat, completely independent of your arms, and whenever Mikey decided to dance face to face they'd wrap loosely around the two of you, close but never touching
before the second chorus was the first time he'd done this, intertwining your fingers and holding both your hands by your faces
during the part between the same chorus and the next one he'd gotten into the song, dancing and spinning almost independent from you, if it weren't for all the times he'd waltz away and come back for you to dip and twirl him
by the end of the song he was more winded than you were, his curse of using dance to express himself more than you did, and it led you both off to find a snack vendor for his blood sugar
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capuletoo · 1 year
Blue Valentine — Thomas Raggi
—note: it’s been so since i wrote something for måneskin…please please request something because i wanna write for them but have no ideas
—TW: stealing hehe, fluff | thomas raggi x fem!reader
—summary: After a party the reader meets a boy with a motorcycle
—words: 1.3k
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You end up leaving with regret. You don't want to go back to the party. In addition, the effects of alcohol are beginning to dissipate: You tremble with cold and your head throws you atrociously. Arms crossed in a vain attempt to comfort and venture randomly into the street. There are not even cats, it seems that you are alone. Footsteps resonate in silence.
“Drink up baby,
stay up all night with the things you could do,
you won't but you might…”
You take the opportunity to sing, just to warm up.
“The potential you be that you never see,
the promises you'll only make. Drink up one more time,
and forget all about the pressure of days.
Do what I say and I'll make you okay,
I'll drive away the images stuck in your head…”
The coolness of the street and the dull noise of cars in the distance take a weight off your shoulders. You feel strangely lighter. Maybe because you are far away from the party, or perhaps because you're disappointed.
“People you've been before that you don't want around anymore…” A second voice is added to yours. “They push each other and won't bend to your will, I'll keep them still.”
The voice is clear and suave. You immediately turn around to see a slender silhouette wedged against a black motorcycle a few metres away. Same black shirt that reads joy division same face. He's the boy with the red chipped guitar
“You have a pretty voice” he compliments. “Why didn't you go on stage earlier?”
“I don't sing in public.” You bite your lower lip, unsure of his intentions. After all, you don't know him.
“It's a shame.” He detaches himself from the machine and advances nonchalantly a few steps, hands in his pockets.
“I didn't hear you with the noise there was,” you said.
“I know, it was hell, we couldn't play.” You remembered how his bandmates were angry at everyone, voices louder than the strings of the guitar, the bass.
“Are there many of you?” You say, trying to convince him that you didn't really pay attention to the small improvised stage, but you remembered every face that was up there with him.
“Yeah, I have bandmates”
“Oh, so you're a real artist?” He smiles and seems to understand a joke that escapes.
“Not you?” It's your turn to smile.
“ It´s not my field.”
“I would say that…” He tilts his head and pretends to think. “Are you writing?”
You nod your head and then sniff. The freshness is starting to feel serious, if you don't go home soon, you'll get cold. “What betrayed me?”
“I don't know, I guessed it as soon as I saw you.” He says and glances back at his motorcycle. “How do you get home?” He asks without giving up his half-smile, a child's smile.
A sigh leaves your lips. “I'm supposed to spend the night with a friend, my father is coming to pick me up in the morning” a tone so bleak that he raises his eyebrows.
“Did you leave the party early?”
“I was fed up.” You rub the floor with the tip of your boot. “It's only one o'clock in the morning.”
Your gazes meet, and you can already tell the next question he's about to ask, and you already know the answer you would give him.
“Do you want to go for a ride?
The wind caressed your cheek and dragged the scent of his jacket. A fragrance, both intriguing and luxurious, you could recognize the notes of wood.
As you held him by the waist, the engine roared to life, and the motorcycle surged forward , carrying you both into the night. The cool breeze whipped against your face, ruffling your hair and awakening your senses. The city lights straked past, creating a blur of colors.
On his back you could feel the vibrations of the mototcycle beneath you, the ehythmic rumble resonating through your body. It was a thrilling sensation. Yet, being with him, it felt oddly liberating.
Your breath feels upside down, it makes you forget that you have no idea where he is taking you, forget that you don't know the time he will bring you back. Everything is fine, for the moment. You want to laugh, dance and sing. The feeling of speed reminds you of cycling without hands when you were younger.
When we descend, the stars are reflected on the river that runs along Verona. Thomas - that's his name - takes a bottle of white wine out of the trunk of his motorcycle. So you walk in the cool night, bottle in hand. He doesn't think about the small size for a wine or the fact that you don't drink. He doesn't tease you, he's not heavy like all the others are. He drinks quietly, from time to time, observes and listens and you imitate him.
Most of the noise comes from the nearby cafes and bars.
He proposes that we rent a boat to cross the river. I accept but warn him that you don't know how to swim. He makes no remarks, he is not surprised. And even if you knew how to, you doubt that there will be people renting at this hour.
“I will save you if you fall, " he just answers by catching the oars on each side of the gondola. There’s no one there. You can’t help the feeling of stealing.
So you sail on the shore. The noise of the city fades and the crickets are singing. Fireflies appear. They form dozens of small lights that are all reflected in Thomas' eyes. His eyes whose intensity is close to the abyss. You don't see the end. It's beautiful, it's undeniable.
He is calm too, and his half smile is similar to that of a child. You have never seen anyone like this boy before. His smell embalmed the air again and you want to fill your lungs with it. He is still stoned, which dilates his pupils in an exaggerated way. He begins to hum a melody and the sound of his voice transports you elsewhere.
“Are you writing song right now?” He asks suddenly.
“It happens sometimes” You said, keeping your eyes closed.
“Give me a title you wrote.” His voice is getting closer.
“Blue Valentine.”
“I love it” His breath is mentholated and your eyelids remain closed. “What is it about?”
Now you feel him distinctly, his smell. It surrounds you like a halo, you bathe right in it: you are in Paradise. And the sound of his voice, it is almost made up of material, you can almost feel it.
“From a slightly chaotic girl. Of a love that is not enough.” You refuse to open your eyes, you don't know why, you have the impression that they are welded. His face on yours. A warm breath hugs your cheeks. You feel it very close, very close.
“And what is the last verse?” He moves his lips while talking, and touches yours.
“The bread will be my redemption.” His lips gently and voluptuously crush on yours. You can feel a smile and wonder if it's about the kiss or if he's making fun of the last verse.
An electric current runs through and gently ignites. His lips are delicately sweet. The contact does not last more than a second but it is enough to turn your head. Colors dance under your eyelids, his mouth is like two petals. He marries mine perfectly. So perfect that it's almost unreal.
Your eyes are open: he is only a few centimeters from you and his look is so intense that you feel something melting. His face is too perfect, he's too close, you are going to erupt. His blonde locks, his smell is too stunning, even his Adam's apple seems to make you look.
Without a word, Thomas leans in once again, capturing your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. The world around you fades away as you lose yourself in the electric embrace. It feels like a spark igniting a fire within you, a rush of emotions surging through your veins.
As the kiss lingers, you feel a warmth spreading throughout your body. It's not just the physical contact but also the emotional connection that seems to be growing stronger with each passing second. In this moment, you forget about the regrets and disappointments of the party.
When you finally break apart, a sense of exhilaration and wonder lingers in the air. You both catch your breath, your eyes locked in a gaze that speaks volumes. The electric energy continues to crackle between you, fueling an unspoken desire for more.
Who is this boy and what is he doing? You look at each other like this for several seconds that seem endless. And finally you put a word about the sensation that passes through you: electric.
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musicmyxiii · 2 years
Diecesca one shot: Tomás returns
Diego was entering the studio. He was working on a new song and he just came up with some great lyrics that would work well with the melody he wrote yesterday. Not paying very much attention to his surroundings, he entered the music room. He was going to grab the black guitar, when he realized that he wasn’t alone. There was a boy similar his age with dark hair playing guitar. He was playing “Verte de lejos”. Diego didn’t recognize the boy, however he was vaguely familiar. The boy stopped playing when he noticed Diego.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb” Diego apologized, trying to remember where he knew the boy’s face from. He was pretty sure he wasn’t a student at the studio. But why else was he here and would he be in this room without being enrolled in the studio?
“No problem. I was just finishing. I know since I’m not a student here anymore that I shouldn’t play on the instruments, but I just couldn’t help myself. This place just brings back so many memories.” The mysterious boy said while standing up, putting away the guitar and straightening his white t-shirt.
Diego was still confused to who this stranger was, although he did mention being a student here once. He didn’t seem old enough to be graduated for a long time, without Diego knowing him by name.
“I don’t think we’ve met, did we? I’m Diego.”
“Nice to meet you, Diego. I’m Tomás.”
Suddenly the pieces started to fit together. Of course, that’s why Diego had had the feeling that he saw this person before. Although he never met the infamous Tomás while he was in the studio. Diego had seen him during the UMix contest. Once Diego had entered the studio, his friends had told him all about the Spanish boy. How he had had three girls falling for him and how he had hurt all three of them. And there were people saying how Violetta and Tomás were meant to be. He wondered if the boy was here to get her back. Diego didn’t really care about it – although he did think that Leon and Violetta were a great couple.
What Diego was worried about more, was Tomás deal with Francesca. He'd known she was completely smitten with him and that they were pretty close friends. He didn’t want to admit it but he had a strange feeling in his stomach thinking about how close Tomás and Francesca used to be.
The boys shook hands.
“So are you back here or just visiting?” Diego asked nonchalantly. The knot in his stomach still very present.
“I’m just visiting. I live in Spain now. But judging from your accent your from Spain as well, right?” Tomás asked politely. Diego was a bit suspicious. This boy did break the heart of the person that is most precious to him and he wouldn’t let that go so easily.
“I am”
“I’ve got a feeling that I’ve seen you before, weren’t you dancing with Francesca last year in the UMix contest?” Tomás asked. Even though he had said goodbye to the studio and all the drama, he still couldn’t help himself from watching UMix and his friends.
Diego was a bit taken aback that Tomás had watched him and Francesca dance. Did he watch everyone or just Francesca? What if he was here to get Francesca back? She was quite unforgettable, Diego knew that best.
“I did. She’s my- she’s a really good friend” He had almost said she was his girlfriend. But he couldn’t. Not when they hadn’t told anyone apart from their families. He was glad he didn’t let it slip because he just knew Violetta wouldn’t take it well hearing such big news from her ex. Well, technically if Diego told her it would also be coming from her ex… But it shouldn’t come from someone she hadn’t seen in two years.
“Yeah, she’s amazing.” Tomás said, although his smile was a little sad.
“Did you guys know each other well?” Diego tried to be oblivious, as if he didn’t know what went down between them. And besides, Francesca barely talked about Tomás. Let alone her relationship history with him. Sometimes she brought him up in a casually way, for example when she was talking about Resto Bar, the restaurant her family used to own.
“She was my best friend. We met when I worked for the restaurant her family owned. It was really hard leaving her.” Tomás said, he left out the part about breaking her heart. He didn’t want to get Diego mad at him, not when they had just left.
A somewhat awkward silence was followed. Diego wanted to say something but he just didn’t know what. He couldn’t say the things that he really wanted to say. He couldn’t lash out at Tomás. Besides even it he hadn’t said it out loud, he seemed to have regrets about the situation.
“Diego?” A voice said from the doorway. Diego would recognize that voice anywhere. His heart started beating faster, but before turning around to face his girlfriend, he noticed how Tomás’ eyes grew from surprise. Apparently, he didn’t expect to run into his ex. Although that seemed quite weird, knowing that she was still a part of the studio. Maybe he just wasn’t prepared to see her at this moment.
Diego’s eyes narrowed, but he shook off the strange feeling and turned towards the person who made him happier than he’d ever been. “Francesca, you know Tomás right?” He didn’t mean for his voice to sound so tense. He just hoped she didn’t notice.
However, she could tell from the confused look she shoot him that she noticed something was up. But then she looked at Tomás and smiled. She seemed very surprised to see him.
“Tomás? It’s been such a long time, what are you doing here?” She entered the room, but she kept her distance from Tomás. Not knowing what was an appropriate way of greeting her ex. Besides, Diego was in the room and she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
Tomás however didn’t mind and practically ran towards Francesca and gave her a hug. Diego scraped his throat to make the two stop hugging. A little awkwardly they separated. Francesca shot Diego an apologizing look. The latter couldn’t help but frown a bit.
“Have you guys met each other?” Francesca asked, trying to keep the mood light. Tomás was oblivious for Diego’s stiffness.
“We just did” Tomás said happily. He couldn’t be happier to see his good friend again. He knew he had broken her heart, but she had been such an important part of his life. And she seemed to be fine. She was even more pretty than two years ago. She was wearing a blue dress and red bow in her hair. He liked her style.
“It’s been such a long time. Tell me about your life Fran. How are you doing? How is your family?” Tomás asked and Francesca started telling him about her life. Leaving out the most important part of it, her relationship with Diego. Diego understood but it still hurt a little when she didn’t bring it up.
He wasn’t used to this feeling. It was different from all the things he had experienced before. He was sure it had something to do with jealousy. But he hadn’t even experienced this with Violetta and Leon last year, even though he was quite jealous of the brown haired boy who tried to steal his girlfriend every two minutes.
This was different. Maybe it was because he didn’t know a lot about the relationship these two shared. Maybe it was because he knew he had been her first love. Or maybe it had to do with the fact that he was so scared of losing her. Or maybe it was all of this combined and more.
“… And Diego of course” Diego looked up when he heard Francesca bring up his name. A little hopeful he looked up and was met with her sweet eyes and wonderful smile.
“What?” He said, a little taken aback, but his stomach was filled with butterflies at the same time.
“I was just saying how great of a friend you have been since Marco has left” she gave him a little wink, that Tomás didn’t notice. Diego felt the corners of his lips go up.
“But you and Marco broke up when he left for London?” Tomás asked curiously.
“We broke up even before he went to London, our relationship just wasn’t working anymore” Francesca said matter of factly. She had been heartbroken by it at first, but she knew that it was better for the both of them. Besides she had already fallen for his best friend when they broke up. And Diego was kind of everything she ever dreamed of in a boy. The sad thing was that she couldn’t let the world know how she felt. At least not yet. First she had to find the perfect moment to tell her best friend.
“And now there is no one new in your life? There’s no boy you fell for after your break-up?”
Diego couldn’t help but smirk, wondering what his secret girlfriend would reply to this.
Francesca was flabbergasted and couldn’t bring out a word. She bit her lip. This was enough for Tomás to notice that there was indeed someone new in her love life.
“So there is… Do I know him?”
Francesca shrugged and then tried to change to subject: “So how about you? Did you someone new after the whole Violetta thing?”
But Tomás wasn’t the kind of guy to let such an important subject go that easily. “No, I only tell you when you tell me first.”
Francesca slightly panicked and looked at her watch: “Oh no, is it that late already? Diego, we have to get to class. Now.” She took Diego’s hand and dragged him out of the music room. Her head was burning. Tomás was left alone stunned about the sudden turn of events.
Diego couldn’t help but laugh loudly while they were practically running out of the studio. Francesca had lied of course, there was no class. They made their way to the exit and once they were far enough away from the studio, Francesca let go of Diego’s hand. Diego didn’t let this happen though and intertwined their fingers again.
“So you’re not really good at lying, are you?” Diego said, still smirking. He couldn’t help it, he thought the situation had been really funny.
“You wouldn’t get it. He was my best friend for a long period of time. I just couldn’t lie to him.” Francesca argued.
“So you just took my hand and ran out of there. Now hopefully, Tomás isn’t the cleverest guy in the world.” Diego teased, squeezing his girlfriend’s hand.
“Wait, you think he will know because of that?” Francesca stopped in her tracks. She started panicking. What if Tomás knew now and would ask Violetta about it? She would put the pieces together and get extremely mad at the two of them.
“Shh, don’t worry. I’m sure he won’t. it was just very funny. Although, when he finds out that there is no class you’ll get in trouble” Diego gave her a wink, and continued “But he will probably just think that either I know, or that you didn’t want me to find out. Relax, beautiful. I’m sure he won’t say anything about it to Violetta”
Diego let go of her hands and placed them on her shoulders. She relaxed slightly under his touch, closing her eyes and taking in a couple of breaths.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Francesca asked, being very thankful that Diego was there to unstress her. He had a very calm effect on her.
“So I’ve been told” He said back, teasingly. Francesca playfully hit him in the chest. Sometimes he deserved to be put in his place. However after that, she wrapped her arms around his neck. And whispered a faint: “Thank you”
Diego warmed up inside and stroked Francesca’s face. “I love you”
“I love you more” Francesca answered. Diego shook his head: “Not possible”
He leaned in and pushed his lips on hers. It began as an innocent peck on the lips, but turned into one of their more passionate kisses. When they split, Diego’s head was spinning and Francesca gasped for air. Both of them laughed out of pure ecstasy.
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dojae-huh · 8 months
Hii Huh nim, seems like u r catching up with the contents that u r missed becoz of the busy schedule of urs....haha....that's nice....I am happy for you.....how s the work.....nd how is 2k24 is going for you....everything's fine right.....
Yes it looks like doyoung is much more cheerful and happy these days even though he lose about 500k followers nd the bullying stuff becoz the McDonald's deals...but he is a survivor u knw....just like u said how he turned bunny into bunny prince he is going to rule the world like a king with his singing....just wait and see how he is going to slay his solo in a unique manner that no one ever did...even if it is the same like others I bet, there might be something that he includes to look different....like how he even changed a lyrics from gold dust when he sang it for a solo show....I like it huh nim....I am really waiting that to happen....I cant wait any longer ...haha....I am so happy for my bunny prince...I hope he does evrything that he wants nd gives him more recognition as an idol and also as a great singer...to be honest i always thinks he is worthy to be recognized more as singer nd to get more and more opportunity...maybe it is becoz he is bias right...I kinda exaggerate...haha....sorry but I like doing that...so huh nim....we could just wait for it right....I hope evryone could makes their every dreams come true this year....huh him too....dont lose hope nd take care of your health....say my hii to your wild friends there...okay?? ....haha...
Fighting....let's go for a long and happy and successful year....i will try to make more asks again....have great blog okay....😊
Doyoung laughs in the face of adversity and stays kind to his real followers. (pics from here) Good for him, an example to emulate.
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I think what helps Doyoung is not only the experience of going through the attacks in the past and learning from it (the whole circle of it, how it goes and what waits in the end), but also his fundamental beliefs about the nature of people and his belief in himself, in being a good person, his strong morale. He might think he is lacking here and there, but he knows he will turn mountains to be a successful singer, he has no other paths.
So, even if Do gets momentarily hurt or angry because of the attacks and antis, he doesn't internalise it and blame himself. He is bold enough to warn his fans with "something is coming up but believe in me, believe I'm a good person". He also categorises his own fans in this way "(as I'm a good person) my (true) fans can only be good people".
I decided to not anticipate things. I'll just wait patiently for the solo albums to come and pay attention to something else untill then instead. I hope you are right and Do will not try to walk the middle ground and think too much about what fans may want from him. Him approcahing Lucy (a band) and doing the 28 reasons cover were good signs.
When a person steps on a path of bettering oneself (losing weight, learning a skill/language), he/she needs to surround oneself with same minded people. The (miserable) people in one's life will discourage, stand in the way, not believe in the positive outcome, try to drag down to stay on their level. A support group will do the opposite.
Not that I wouldn't do what I do without Doyoung, the drive for change and action needs to come from within yourself, but he and 127 are definitely my support group who help to move in the right direction easier by their example. They are the positive to confront the negative.
Well, the 2024 started OK, I'm sticking to my physical exercises, language learning and looking for field work opportunities for Spring and Summer (and going to a new country, of course, can't stop my migratory habits). And I've kind of decided on a trajectory I need to try to reach my big goals for the upcoming few years. Can't say there are any results yet or I'm in a good financial shape, but I'm trying to beat that proverbial milk into butter and get out of the bucket.
Where I haven't done much progress is my own creative endevours. I sold a few original paintings last year, which is good, and I did drawing exercises, but I'm still in the process of persuading and pushing myself to pick up paints and produce something. Drawing is torture...
As for NCT content. I promised myself to finish all NCT Life-s this year. I always drop them after a few episodes (I completed just a few). They are not very funny, but they do have many moments that help to understand neos better. I should watch more old vlives, like Jaehyun and Yuta cooking, Doyoung with Renjun, etc. I haven't even watched Doyoung's tv-series, haha.... yes, I'm waiting for the right mood... yes, I'm like that...
I don't understand when fans complain there is nothing new from JaeDo or 127. There is a ton of everything. No fan will be able to watch all performances and interviews and fancams and clips from concerts. And one can always re-watch old things. Like this Favorite+Sticker performance. It had good camerawork and outfits.
I will say hi to the spider in my bathroom, no other wild friends around for the time being.
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daddycephalopod · 9 months
Stars Fading
Cody x Oc
Summary: A war erupts between the Jedi and Separatists, but you already know that story. This is the story of love blooming in a time of chaos, pain, and disorder. 
What will become of our heroes? Who will win? Who will survive?
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49394683/chapters/124650316
Due to trigger warnings related to PTSD, blood, war, and the inclusion of other mature themes as well, I will be posting all of my Clone War Auxiliary fics under the cut as I move them over. I’m moving this one over first because I really hope @starstofillmydream can read it easier this way 💚 she’s been very helpful in the characterization of our beloved Commander. Each fic has a song or lyric for the title, this one is a cover of Dream a Little Dream of Me by Kina Grannis.
Chapter 1: Sunshine
There was a reverent beauty in the setting sun and all that it touched, the skies bursting with pinks and oranges. The peachy color illuminated the part of the hanger where Kyra usually worked on broken or damaged fighter ships. She usually had her black hair pulled back, splotches of ink or oil on her face and the GAR issued mechanic suit.
Always disheveled, always covered in a dark liquid to some varying degree, and yet a certain Commander always found his heart beating a little more loudly as he watched her work. She had no idea he was there, talking to another one of the techs. She was looking up, focused on a wing that took damage. Her googles were on, hair in a messy bun today.
He recognized the other tech to actually be the weapons expert, Isla. She smiled slightly at him, now trying to discreetly get Kyra’s attention but failing.
“I’m just glad it was Kenobi instead of Skywalker. Anakin treats my ships like they’re bantha fodder, made for explosion only. I’ve asked Rory to have a chat with him, I don’t think she does or he doesn’t care when she does.” She said, scanning the wing with the data pad to fully assess damages.
Isla opened her mouth but shut it when Kyra kept going. Cody looked a little amused now.
“I’m tired of these Jedi thinking our resources are expendable, easy to come by. The senate pays the bill for it, sure, but what of it when they don’t or won’t anymore?”
“Do you have something against the Jedi? I might be able to launch a more formal complaint.” Cody said
Kyra almost hit her head, pulling away from the wing now.
“Hello commander.”
Kyra was just a hair shorter than him, able to basically look him in the eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. She rested the googles around her neck now, beautiful brown eyes on him.
“I apologize if it sounds that way, about the Jedi. I’m fond of the generals, just frustrated. My people have a very intricate and annoying relationship with them too, it doesn’t help their case.” Kyra admitted with a sigh
“Where are you from?” Cody asked, genuinely curious.
The answer was short and didn’t offer too much personal information but he had several follow up questions. Maybe this would be a good time to ask her to dinner, which is something he’s been wanting to do for a while. Before he could, Isla witnessed the darkening of his expression. It was like a storm passed through the man at seeing Kenobi approach and Kyra’s expression brighten.
“You’re officially my favorite general, you barely scratch up my work.” She said with a smile.
“I don’t particularly try to be mindful of that in the heat of battle but happy it works out that way. Is Cody bothering you?” He asked
“No, he could never. The man is like sunshine is plastoid.” Kyra said, not able to look at Cody as she said it.
Isla winked at Cody, “I’m gonna head back to work on some stuff and see Jesse. Are you going to 79s later?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you there.” Kyra said before beginning to work on the wing again.
“I’m inclined to agree, Cody is a wonderful asset to our team. As are you, you work very hard to keep us in the air.”
“Did Skywalker crash another one?” She asked, pulling some wires out of the wing as she spoke.
Those probably weren’t supposed to come out so easily.
“Yes. But I mean it, you’re a great asset to this team.”
Kyra blushed and waved him off, “thank you but really. Please. Yell at Skywalker.”
Kenobi smiled at that, “I’ll do my best.”
He left at that, it was just Cody and Kyra now. Did she have feelings for his general? Why did that sit funny with him?
“Will I find you among the other commanders and captains tonight, Cody?” She asked
“Maybe.” He answered, genuinely unsure.
He had so much to do in terms of paperwork and preparing for tomorrows meeting, but those beautiful brown eyes seemed to shine in the sunlight when they looked at him. They were an amber brown.
“I’ll look for you.” She said
That made his heart flutter but he chose to ignore it. She probably did like Kenobi, who wouldn’t? He had developed a slight crush on the man but it seemed to go away with time. Cody was pulled from his thoughts by Waxer, who was showing him a data pad to sign off on shinies.
Kyra had gone home after her work was done to wash up and change, going to 79s after. Isla was the only one there and she was preoccupied by Jesse so Kyra sat at the bar by herself. She was two whiskeys in when Cody approached her, sitting next to her at the bar now.
“Not going to go fight off potential bed warmers at the high command table?” She asked, probably a little too bold from the liquor.
Maybe Cody had misread what she meant when she said she would be looking for him but he wasn’t going to back down now, especially as Wolffe and Gregor gave him a thumbs up from their table. Kyra smiled a bit at that, maybe she should go easy on him.
“I’m only kidding, I know most of you have partners and aren’t like that. Although, sex is actually a great stress reliever.”
Too forward, too much. Someone kill her now. Kyra downed the rest of her whiskey and ordered two more.
“I think you’d like this stuff. If you don’t, hey. It’s a free drink.”
Cody took a sip of it, taking in the bitter somewhat smokey flavor of the liquor.
“It’s nice, thank you.” He said
“I’m not good with people. You put me in front of a broken ship or even building one, I’m spectacular but I can’t uh…I’m not the talker. I don’t talk to people well.” She admitted
“You don’t say.” Cody said, sarcasm laced heavily in his words.
Kyra blushed a bit at that, she wasn’t doing well with this at all. She opted for silence after and Cody hoped he didn’t offend her.
“I’m not much of a talker either.” He admitted.
“No?” She asked
He shook his head, “too much going on in my head. Sometimes I switch between Mando’a and basic without meaning to and one time, I accidentally insulted master Yoda. He was a Jedi about it but I still felt bad.” Cody sighed
“I insulted the Chancellor at a dinner once.” Kyra said, “to his face. It was an accident too. Kenobi really saved me from being arrested. Not that Thorn would have, not without me actually doing something illegal.”
“Have you ever been arrested?” He asked her.
Kyra faced him a little more now and he did the same to her, their knees bumping together going ignored by the two of them.
“I was held by the Corries for 1 night once. I accidentally stole a necklace but what happened was I was still kind of magnetic from an incident with one of the ships. Senators are dramatic and a necklace flew off of one of them onto me. Really, holding me was just a formality. I didn’t even go into a cell, I sat in Thorn’s office and played with Grizzer.”
“How did Fox let that slide?” He asked, taking another sip of whiskey.
“I’m friends with Kavra, she helped him take mercy on me. They should just shut up and date already. The world would be a happier place if people let go and let their feelings win sometimes.” She shrugged.
She was about to order another one, but Cody stopped her.
“Let’s get you some water and food first, okay? I know that hangovers during briefings are no fun.”
“Ah fuck, I have to sit in on that tomorrow?” She frowned
“Sorry.” He chuckled.
He ordered her water and something small to eat, Kyra watching him as he did so. He was in a black T-shirt and pants, no doubt the blacks from under their armor. He had various scars down his arms, but she noticed how toned his arms were and how long his fingers were. She shifted in her seat, clamping her thighs together.
“What?” He asked, noticing her watching.
She had to keep herself in check because it wasn’t polite to tell your sort of new friend you wanted them to choke you while railing you into next month. Kyra opted for a random fact that popped up in her mind, knowing it would divert the confused looking man from her semi-strange behavior.
“Some call you Commander Sunshine.” She said, smiling at him with teeth.
She had a small gap between her two front teeth and it lit up her whole face to smile. He felt his heart flip flop at that and couldn’t help his own smile.
“Why is that? I’ve been told I can be harsh on my men at times.”
Kyra vaguely gestured at him, as if that was answer enough and he laughed.
“Thank you for not clearing that up.” He said
“You’re welcome.” She smiled again.
After they both ate, continuing to talk, Kyra decided it was time to close her tab instead of keep drinking. The food seemed to sober her up a little bit and she knew a walk back in the cool air would help too. Cody insisted on walking her back to her apartment, it wasn’t far from here but he wasn’t going to take no for an answer on this. She was tipsy, he wasn’t going to leave her alone.
They walked in silence, enjoying the sounds around them as the cool air seemed to do the trick. It was a comfortable silence between the two of them and Kyra made a decision as they stopped outside of her apartment building.
“Did you want to come up for a cup of caf?”
Cody was a little startled by the question but said, “sure.” He followed her up, silently looking around the apartment while she went into the small kitchen. It was a little cluttered, lived in. Boots by the door, a jacket and scarf on a hook by the door. There was a couch with blankets draped in various spots and a data pad charging at a desk pressed against the wall in the corner. There was a small kitchen with barstools at an island instead of a table.
The counter top island had various jars and half drank cups of old caf on them. She had an easel set up too, tarp under it. A half painted bowl of fruit was on it, making him smile a bit. There was a small table in the middle of the room and another next to the couch, an end table. There was a helmet, beskar, but it seemed old. Worn, but not worn. The color of it a grey-blue mixture. Cody noticed there was a picture of a man with her by one of the lamps.
“I had a husband.” She said as she handed him the warm mug.
She was so quiet, he almost jumped out of his skin when she spoke. To sneak up on him was a feat many didn’t possess but he knew Kyra wasn’t going to harm him. Maybe.
“Had?” He asked
“He died. We had only been married for two years but it’s okay. It was an arrangement to bring our clans together, we were friends. Nothing more.”
“I’m still sorry.” He said
She nodded, “most people are.”
They both sipped their caf in silence. She sat on the couch and patted the spot next to her. Their legs touched again, silently enjoying the closeness but not admitting it.
“We should do this more.” She said suddenly.
“What?” He asked
“Hang out. Talk. Whatever this is.” She said, still not entirely sober but not entirely drunk either.
Cody brushed a strand of hair out of her face, the touch seeming to startle her. There was something slightly odd about the woman, anybody who spent more than 20 minutes with her could see it or sort of sense it. She seemed warm and kind, though, generally. The silences with her were comfortable, never tense or awkward. Eventually, Cody had fallen asleep on one side of the couch, Kyra falling asleep on the other. When she woke up, Cody was gone and it made her frown. She rather enjoyed his presence, she found, and it was sort of cold without him. She couldn’t explain it beyond that. There was a note taped to the fridge, the caf pot still warm to indicate he hadn’t left that long ago.
“Sorry if the caf is cold when you wake up, I didn’t want to bother you. See you at the meeting.”
Kriff. The meeting. She checked what time it was and saw she had an hour left to get ready and head over there. The caf would end up in a to-go mug after being microwaved due to waiting until after her shower. Her hair was down, air drying and she had on leggings and a tank top for now. She brought her data pad, just in case. She slid in next to Isla, maybe only 5 minutes late, and immediately felt a gaze on her.
Commander Cody, through his visor, staring right at her. She heard he hated tardiness and informalities, he was a proper commander after all. She smiled sheepishly at him before pulling up notes on her data pad. She paid very close attention, not noticing after a while that Cody seemed more interested in her than the meeting. You couldn’t really tell beyond the visor because it hid his face but Kenobi certainly noticed.
It was concern enough for the Jedi to pull Cody aside after the meeting, telling him he wished to speak to him in private. After everybody had filed out and it was only the two of them, Kenobi’s expression turned from friendly to very serious.
“I don’t know what your true relationship is with Kyra and it is not my business to pry in such matters, but you need to consider the relationship very carefully.” Kenobi said
Who was she that Obi-wan was warning him?
“We’re just friends, general. Nothing more.” Cody replied
“Even being her friend could lead to precarious situations. Her life is not as simple as it looks.”
How did Kenobi know all of that? Who or what was Kyra? The question seemed to entice him towards her more, sliding down to where she was working later in the day. She was with Aurora.
“So when is the wedding?” Kyra joked lightly.
“Shut up.” Aurora blushed
“Apologies, on interrupting.” Cody said as he approached.
“None needed, what brings you all the way down here?” Kyra asked
Ask her to dinner, for a drink. Kriff, she looked so beautiful in those leggings and tank top, her hair pulled up in a bun again out of her face. She had freckles across her nose and a few scars here and there down her arms and back.
“Cody?” She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly now.
He cleared his throat, “I need to speak with the General. I came looking for her.”
Why couldn’t he just ask this woman on a proper date? Cody was smooth, he could usually sweet talk his way into anybody’s bed but with Kyra he always found himself falling short.
“Well, I am done with her for now so I suppose you can borrow her. Only for a little while, commander.” She said, giving him that bright smile again.
“You should come to 79’s tonight.” He blurted out.
Yup. Smooth.
“Why is that?” She asked, looking amused still.
“You made a comment about the commanders and captains turning away bed warmers and I wanted to turn that jab into a bet.” He said
Something unreadable flashed through Kyra’s expression, there and gone in a second.
“Deal. I’ll be joining your table tonight then, warn the others.” She said
“Don’t you mean inform the others?” Aurora asked
“I didn’t stutter.” Kyra said before going back to working on repairs.
Maker, what had Cody gotten him and his vod into?
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taylorthrift · 1 year
Hi, SwiftiePride anon again, hope you're having a great Tuesday! I'm glad to be getting to know you. 😊 I'd love to hear more about some of your favorite songs on 1989 and folklore! What are some of the most meaningful lyrics to you? What are your top 5 (or 10 or 13 or whatever number you want haha) Taylor songs of all time? They don't need to be from those two albums. 😊 Have a good week!!!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖
I am so sorry I haven't responded to this yet. It's been a very busy week for me which is 'new' to me having been in a deep depressive slump for 6 years.
I'm not sure you want an essay on this so i'll try not to be as BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH as I normally am!
I was tangentially a Taylor Swift fan pre 1989. I liked singles, sang along to them. When Red came out was when I really started to pay attention (the pop sounds are more my taste certainly) but it wasn't just the pop that got me it was the riveting storytelling. WANEGBT is such a fun romp of a music video-which leads me to 1989.
Shake it Off: I was in my 30s when Shake it Off came out and it was such a great time, watching it take over and be played EVERYWHERE. It was not just an earworm, but (along with the video) made Taylor into a fool for herself. She was so totally self effacing that it made everyone fall in love with her and the music. She recognized herself as a clown-and the media's obsession with her was the circus. I have a whole essay that I came to tumblr to write about initially about how as a result of learning how to do this myself my job title literally got to be "Rockstar" (I worked as an IT Director at a national non profit)
Welcome to New York: An underrated song of the experience of moving to new york (something I too had done in my early 20s)
Blank Space: A brilliant satire and feminist critique of the narrative the world had built around her. A banger to boot. (And more making fun of her self) For years this was my favorite Taylor Swift song.
Style: Probably the sexiest song I know. The lines alone don't do it justice, but the way she sings "He said what you heard is true but I, can't stop thinking about you, and I, I say i been there too a few times" Is some deeply passionate relatable real romance. This wasn't the fairytale romance of "love story" this was people with chemistry who keep trying other things and keep being drawn back to each other. This wasn't just sex, this was magnetism and the tone she incants with it is so evocative.
Clean: Catharsis. A song that relates to addiction of any kind. "so i punched a hole in the roof" was more powerful than the climax any show or series i'd watched or read. It breaks me every time. It is the perfect end to the album.
(weird coincidence time: Wonderland was what I called the world that my boyfriend and I had built together as a safe retreat from the world. I have always had an Alice in Wonderland obsession, i have a whole spot in my house filled with Alice dolls and books. I bought this house because it had a cool display cabinet built into the front hall. I joined this fandom (april 14th) after breaking up with my boyfriend (on april 8th a few hours before the rumors about taylor and joe breaking up reached me) and losing my 'Wonderland'...I did not know literally, honestly till april 20th of this year that Taylor had a Wonderland on 1989. And then-as i was reeling from this information-the next night Taylor did Wonderland as her secret song.)
Wait I think I have failed at not writing an essay somehow.
Folklore is ...really raw for me right now? I have trouble thinking about it or talking about it because so much of my relationship is bound up in me using those songs to communicate how i was feeling with my ex.
Mirrorball was our love song though. A sad tragedy of me always spinning for him-desperate to keep his attention. It's beautiful but it's a terrible fate to always be working for the attention of one person and they're not working to get yours.
... :(
which is i guess where Hoax comes in. he never cheated on me-just, had lots of other stuff going on and didn't have as much time for me as I had for him? I was everything to him by words-but by actions and where he spent his time and how he spent his time....it was a faithless love and i desperately was begging him for a reason to stay in the relationship.
and Peace: I am a tormented woman. I have incredible gifts and love and sincerity in abundance, but my depression takes and takes and takes. There is no happy ending with me-there is little comfort to be found. And I could give love forever and never love myself.
i um
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
What I Did
An algo
Checked in on my unemployment benefits that have not come in yet and realized I didn't submit everything I needed to :/ I hope I don't miss out on that money...gotta pay more attention
Spent TOOO much time on YouTube & Twitter
Reviewed a resume writing resource that helped me revamp my resume
Updated my resume
Updated my LinkedIn
Responded to a company with my updated resume
Took a nap & woke up after thinking about my old team and how they were working while I was napping, guilted myself about it
Started my data transfer
Cleared up my inboxes
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What I Learned
How to find if an array is a subsequence of another array
A New Orleans comedian I like passed away a few days ago :'(...RIP Boogie B...I found out by doing my daily watch of his videos and seeing a few people commenting RIP under them...I thought it was a joke...but it wasn't...I have been in love with New Orleans since visiting and was looking forward to visiting the spots he recommended and maybe even buying a home there...but not anymore...I don't want this to scare me into not living the life I want to live, but it seems hard to avoid while living there...that's the main thing I kept hearing while I was down there and almost anytime any Black person from there describes it: the gun violence is out of control...he lost his life by Black people...and he wasn't the intended target...all them white people in New Orleans, NY, LA, etc. and they all seem to not get shot...I'm so tired of Black men killing Black people...it's racism's continued manifestation...when will it end?...Black men are even trying to exterminate themselves by whitening their children...it's so sad and truly weighs on me and stresses me out daily...
Had a bit of quick headaches here and there...a little sore on my head when I touch the spot that I hit my head yesterday...may take this whole week off of exercising and ease back into it next week
I don’t have the same urge for gym bae as I did…nor for my first…nor for my first love…recognizing my worth…
Proud of myself for actually getting a lot done...I was pretty down because I was pretty distracted today and I want the life that I want to be here now, but I have to work for these next few months consistently to get there...and live in the moment and not worry about the future and just push myself to keep doing a little or more every day
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I gotta stop digging in my damn ears with my sharp ass nails!
I am nail biting an bit less and actually have some nails on my hand
I need to spend less time on the socials...maybe I can try to, when I need a break, actually laying down, without hopping on YouTube
I'm getting older, because I can't listen to a LOT of the rap music I used to...I listen to some lyrics today, like, "Wow, I was really feeding myself this crap and paying for these artists that have contributed to lowering my and Black peoples' social standing for a while!...."
How I Got Myself Out of a Rut
Encouraged myself to keep going
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Goals Completed
Found a therapist
Stopped listening to people worried about their own circumstances and remembering God works on his own time and that I am in no rush...
Got back on the ball
Being kinder to myself and stopping guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
Goals After Today
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in 6 months, NOT less than 3
Drop my body fat percentage to Marion Jones, Michaela Cole, or Jade Cargill levels
Consistently fight urge to fill up my time with social media/YouTube
Fully forgive my family & build a great relationship with them
Be more confident & faithful
250 steps/hour & 10k steps/daily consistently
Drink more than 64oz a day consistently
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
Learn more about my gym crush & get him to ask for my number
Get a house similar to that one in Spain
Update my personal app
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I was re-listening to this song earlier, thinking about the different lyrics that have defined my year this year. I thought back to how this one clearly defined February to early March for me but couldn't for the life of me remember the song. I couldn't find it in my search history either until I very suddenly remembered a rough version of the lyrics and beat.
So, why am I making a post about it?
I started listening to it to see if there were any hidden meanings or messages in it that I hadn't seen before when I first heard the cover of this song. I like doing this because whenever I feel called to study music closer, I always end up finding out something that absolutely shocks me.
This song was no different. I guess I was more focused on the vocals when I heard it because I didn't pay any attention to the actual lyrics because I didn't even realize she was talking about new york!! This would be a hundred times funnier if I could tell you anything about who I was showing this cover to at the time because I was probably the only one unaware of what this song was about lmao
As I was listening to the original song and reading the lyrics that I saw a video with the original singer, Suzanne Vega, talking about the meaning of the song. The video follows her around New York City as she discusses the story behind the lyrics. It took a minute for me to register what city she was in because the captions were in Dutch, so my brain assumed it was the Netherlands or something. But I recognized the areas she was walking through, and then I realized she was saying the entire song was based on an actual restaurant in New York. I've never been to that restaurant a day in my life, but as soon as I saw it, I was so certain that I'd been there. It could also have a small thing to do with the fact that my mom watched Seinfeld religiously when I was a child, but whatever.
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Anyway, she also walked past this cathedral, which she mentioned in the song, and I immediately screamed because I was like I've been there! I've seen that cathedral! The above picture was taken one day after I turned thirteen in like August 2012. That same day, I walked to Washington Square Park, and took photos of the arch, and I don't have any idea where exactly this was, but I walked into the coolest costume shop ever and I think I bought a masquerade mask there (which I still have).
I remember seeing a man in a bunny costume just walking (or hopping?) down the street. I also remember seeing two people completely naked and going at it on a cardboard box in an alley in broad daylight, which I still find absolutely hilarious. I also almost got hit by a car (more than likely) on this day. And I don't mean that in a "a new york driver drove really fast past me and I worried I was going to get hit because no one actually seems to follow any pedestrian laws" sense, but more like in the sense that this man actually almost hit me because I was walking alone and I have a phobia of moving cars, so when he was coming at me, I just froze up and he looked freaked tf out too. (this was also why i wasn't allowed to walk around new york by myself, because i struggled to even cross the street unless someone was holding my hand)
It was actually on E 21st street, right next to Gramercy Park. I was on my way back home from the huge Barnes and Noble on 17th street. I had expected to meet my true love that day, instead I nearly met my untimely death!
For a long time, there was no city I wanted to visit less than New York City. My family lives there, and there are so many other reasons that made me not want to ever go again. But regardless of that fact, there's a moment when you first enter the city from out of state, right before the smell of hot, wet garbage absolutely knocks you out, where the air smells sweet and savory and like cinnamon, depending on where you come in at. There's the wonderfully thrilling moment when you enter the Lincoln tunnel at night, and the cars light up the inside of the tunnel and if you don't think about what might be on those walls, you want to reach out and run your hands all over the walls and remember that texture forever. During the day was just as wonderful because the tunnel was so dark, and when you ended up on the other side after a twelve hour road trip, everyone would squeal and cheer with relief because it meant we were finally there.
And maybe I saw two people having sex on a dilapidated cardboard box, and hid all my belongings in my shoes because I was terrified of getting mugged. But I'll never forget the snow. I'll never forget getting pizza with my aunt and it raining on the way home, so the pizza was completely drenched and just salty and gross and soggy but still so good. Maybe 99% of me hates it so much, but 1% of me goes back to a time in my life where I just had to see the Chelsea hotel, and where I walked through Central Park and heard music playing and so much energy around me.
I'll never forget sneaking out of my grandma's apartment and leaving her door cracked open like the little southern dumbass I am and waving at a girl who told me to fuck off in response while I was walking (that definitely pissed me off btw). I'll never forget fainting when I got home because I never drank water and have never been able to handle heat a day in my life. Us southern girls can't go an hour, let alone a whole month without AC. For some god awful reason, when I was growing up, I rarely entered a store that had it. I'm a little convinced on this fact alone that most new yorkers have a penchant for sadism or something because I know I'm not the only one who wants to jump off a building kermit style being in that heat.
It hits me so randomly sometimes and I miss New York so much it hurts. I'll just think, "I should have gone to NYU, I should have never listened to my dad. I should have tried going to Columbia like I wanted to." or "I miss the lights and cars." In the south, we have crickets, cicadas and the rumble of trains miles away. The crickets and cicadas get so loud it's almost impossible to sleep until it isn't, and then it becomes hard to sleep without. It's the same in New York. The sounds of cars and loud talking and beeps and life gets so loud that it's almost impossible to sleep until it isn't. And then when you go home to the cicadas and the crickets and the trains, all you can think about is how much you miss the sounds of the same cars you used want to shout at.
I never miss New York until it's late at night, and I can remember the nights I used to sit up on my grandma's windowsill, trying desperately to steal wifi from the neighbors next door, or trying to sleep and staring at the plastic aquarium nightlight that she kept on the shelf until I drifted off. It was the most boring city on earth before I started sneaking out. I wasn't allowed to leave the apartment, there were a solid four good channels (I watched so much degrassi, boy meets world, maury and H20: Just add water), no wifi, no books to read or crafts to do or anything. I just had to sit there and watch people walk past all day.
And when I started sneaking out, I'd go to the NYU campus and any park I could find, and I'd pretend that I was going to walk past or meet the person who I'd spend the rest of my life with. I never did, but it's okay. The experience was better than anything I could have imagined. I'd go to costume stores, and art stores, and bookstores and I'd explore all the places I could find. Sometimes I wish I had been bold enough to use the money my parents gave me to go do stuff, like take theater classes or something. They definitely never would have known.
I miss the assumption that I would always go back to that place.
That one day I'd go and see the places my brother should have taken me to like he promised. All the cheesy places like Ellis Island (so I can see where my great grandfather first entered the US at age 12!!), or the top of the Empire State building or the Brooklyn Bridge. I'd actually do anything to at least see Brooklyn. But it would be a bit too painful, and I don't even know what I'd do there anyway. Probably take a picture, post it on Instagram and say, "Brooklyn in Brooklyn! bah dum tsss!"
Anyway, so clearly this song took me down memory lane lol
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bbqhooligan · 2 months
hiii i’ve been collecting stupid takes about the beef and i want to share them here’s my list so far:
it was manufactured for publicity. yeah makes sense. drake had been getting FANTASTIC publicity since the beef i can see why he’d engage with something so beneficial to his career. it’s for the pr 👍
it was a distraction from palestine (if you’re able to let anything fully distract you from a genecide then oof you need to do better 😬)
kendrick / someone associated with him got a kid to artificially increase streams of not like us. as if there’s a reason,,, or a need for that. drizzy glazers stay coping POORLY.
kendrick is fake / performative because he had dre (only one of the biggest and most influential figures in west coast hip hop) up on stage with him. even though he’s a bad person.
just a moment ago while scrolling through the kendrick tag i came across a post saying that he’s dumb if he doesn’t release his most commercial / digestible album ever. to capitalize on this situation. also suggesting that the reason kendrick went after drake was because he wants to be him. or something. i um. damn. okay. i mean the op did admit to being team drizzy. so.
just the general misunderstanding of the whole thing especially the pop out. i mean there obviously is an element of hatred and hostility but if you actually listen to the lyrics and the message behind everything kendrick has done in the past couple months then it’s clear there’s much more to it. hating drake and what he stands for (or rather lack of what he stands for) seems to have become more of a rallying point and a genesis for love and unity and culture as opposed to the ENTIRE point ykwim? i don’t think it takes a lot to recognize it’s deeper than kendrick being a hashtag hater. kendrick is an incredibly deep and intelligent man and if you think he put on a show like the pop out just because Hater™️ then you’re not paying attention.
kendrick is one of those artists that just has so much substance and intellect behind his work that the general public doesn’t Get ykwim? yet there’s the dichotomy of being one of the biggest most popular hip hop stars ever. artists like that are interesting and i feel bad for them.
anywayyyyy sorry this is really long i just keep seeing tiktok ass opinions and i want to COMPLAIN 🙌
this is valid and an awesome ask cuz i HAD been bitching about moat of these lemme put my hating cap on.
1-this fight had been coming a long time, drake sneak dissing and kendricks possible references to drake and how back to back opposites they are on how they live, maybe drake thought itd be good pr in the first songs but it was just kendrick grabbing the chance by the balls to kill a man who is everything he stands against
2-palestine distraction stuff was weird as hell. people dont see hiphop and black artists as respectable so they cant grasp the importance of the moment, what it means for the entire entertainment industry.
3-just lies lmao kendrick doesnt move like that + that song is all natural
4-okay so dre. i talk myelf in circles about this so let me summarize it into a single sentence: I THINK, kendrick taking up the mantle, the torch, the favor of people from these men and giving it new life as the successor, better, kinder, smarter in his art, is objectively a good thing. it doesnt have to go deeper.
5&6 okay so kendrick ISNT going commercial and he ISNT the fucking dmx interview reference. you spend all your career explaining you think of your art as a tool for betterment, help for those who need it, how you were saved by community and god and self inteospection and you believe in loving yourself and your people into healing and freedom and people still say stupid shit. hes deep when hes on a radio hit and hes deep when hes on a poem. leave him aloneee
fuckkkk all these made me remember how mad i was on twitter 24/7 lmao people are addixted to being wrong about him youre so right tho, mwah
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chorusfm · 6 months
Anthony Raneri of Bayside
Recently I was able to catch up with Anthony Raneri of Bayside to discuss everything that went into their new album, There Are Worse Things Than Being Alive, that just dropped today. The latest record, Bayside’s ninth in total, is a great mix of all the elements that made the band rise to fame in the genre, and as Anthony puts it in the interview, “It sounds like Bayside, but better.” Bayside are currently on tour in support of the new album, and tour dates are below. Thank you so much for your time today, Anthony. Bayside is gearing up for the release of their ninth studio album called, There Are Worse Things Than Being Alive, out digitally on April 5, and I know the vinyl comes out a little bit later after that. So where did the album title originate from, and what does it mean to you today? I think it’s about looking on the bright side. I think it’s about…there’s a lot of lyrical content on the record that talks about different struggles. I touch on getting older, growing up, life changing. But the title sort of brings it back to at the end of the day that being alive isn’t so bad, right? We’ve got to make the best of what we have, and that life isn’t so bad. Gotcha. And I listened to the advance of the new record, which sounds incredible by the way from my perspective, and it feels as if your band is as passionate as you’ve ever been about your music. Where do you continue to draw your inspiration from as a band and as artists growing? We’re always looking for new stuff. Whenever we approach writing a new record, we are actively searching for inspiration. We’ll find things and we’ll use them as references. Like we will find a band, say I was listening to a lot of Biffy Clyro when we were writing this record, so I’ll bring that and I’ll play it for everybody. Chris, Nick, Jack, they might find things that they’re stoked on in the moment that they want to try to use elements of or use as inspiration, and they’ll share it with the rest of us. And we kind of try to find a common direction. I feel like it’s easier to create with a reference. Sure, yeah. Bayside have been a band for over 20+ years, which is a remarkable achievement in its own right. What continues to keep you guys motivated as musicians and artists? Well it might sound cliche, but we just love what we do. I think that you spend a lot of time as a band, especially in earlier years as a band, trying to climb the ladder. Trying to “up” everything all the time. Trying to up popularity, whatever it may be: status, money, whatever. We’re really happy with where we are as a band. We’re pretty satisfied, and that really makes it a lot easier to focus on the music, believe it or not. And that’s something that people lose sight of when they’re trying to advance all these other parts of their careers…they forget that it’s the music that is going to advance all those other things. You could be a band for years and years and put out record after record, and it may never connect. And some bands make one great record and shoot to the top. So shedding a lot of that kind of weight makes it easier to focus on just the craft. Who are some of your trusted voices that you either test new music or get feedback from? Is there anyone besides your bandmates? Well, something that I really pay attention to as a songwriter is what somebody who didn’t write the song is going to think of it. That’s an easy trap to fall into when you’re writing songs to fall in love with parts. Or to not recognize that you may hear it a certain way. But you have different contexts. You know, so we’re gonna write for the fans. So I play stuff for my wife. It’s really important to me to bounce things off of people, and I send things to friends. Friends that are in music, friends that are not in music. Shep Goodman, who produced a bunch of Bayside records, I still send him songs all the time to bounce off of him. I send stuff to our agent who’s been our agent for 20 years, and I’ll send stuff to our manager, too.… https://chorus.fm/features/interviews/anthony-raneri-of-bayside-2/
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