#i just watched ‘thelma and louise’ for the first time
finchers-ipad · 8 months
brad pitt in ‘thelma and louise’ is almost exactly how i picture a young tyler durden
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andrewknightley · 8 months
me everytime i see a beloved critically aclaimed movie made more than 30 years ago: guys holy shit wtf have you seen this???? it's so good do people know about this movie???
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babyboywinchester · 3 months
hi agian, i’m the watching season 3 anon. i just wanted to say that i got to season 4 and met castiel, he’s whatever to me at this point. anyway what i wanted to say was dean and sam are soooo husband and wife in Time is on My Side. like their spat at the motel where dean wanted to go after bela and sam wanted to stay, but dean wouldn’t let him. ughh dean is so husband coded in that, in wanting to make sure sam is always with him, in the way couples do everything together. i love it so much, and their “be safe, sammy” “you too” ooh i love it! it’s definitely their version of saying “i love you”
and like it’s not even just that, it’s they both have these moments where there husband and wife together and it’s normal in s1, 2 and 3 and i just love it so much!!
anyway sorry for another longish ask but i was wanted to giggle about it with someone!
Sam is so dean’s little housewife coded it’s not even funny. Never, ever, EVER apologize for sending long asks like this. I love it! I wish I could watch those first few seasons for the first time all over again. Just the two of them, in a fast black car, every waking moment spent together. They are so Thelma and Louise, Bonnie and Clyde, that’s just… I don’t even know how to describe it because it’s NOT a love story but it IS. The love story of two brothers who would do anything for each other. That’s what Supernatural is about and that’s what it will always be. The love story of Sam and Dean.
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ultravioletwrites · 2 years
There’s something of a stray problem at Steve and Robin’s first place together. It’s fitting, perhaps, that as soon as they move out of Hawkins, away from the kids for the first time, that the universe decides they need a new Party--albeit a furry, four-legged one.
Steve’s gearing up to go home after work when he gets a call from Robin.
“Hey what’s--”
“Steve!” He pulls the phone away from his ears, because jeez Louise, warn a guy would you? “Are you on your way back?”
“Literally pulling out of the parking lot, as we speak,” he drawls.
There’s some shuffling on the other end of line. “And I’m literally herding cats, like the whole horde, and maintenance just showed up,” she hisses.
Shit. He peels out of the community center lot. “Hold them off as long as you can, I’ll be right there.”
It’d started innocently enough, a mangy orange tabby lingering at the doorstep during their first month in their townhouse. They hadn’t even fed the damn thing--Steve was firm on that, despite the pleading look in Robin’s eye--but he made himself at home on their porch nonetheless. He was relentless little thing, yowling and weaving between the legs of anyone who dared enter the house. Robin christened him O’Malley and Steve begrudgingly accepted the little fur ball as a permanent fixture in their lives.
Naming him was a mistake. It was like Robin had sent out a bat signal (cat signal?) to all the feline vagabonds in the area. There was a rotating line up of about six cats total. They sprawled belly up on the porch, roamed in the backyard, or kept watch from the trees.
Steve pulls into an empty spot along the street and watches, both horrified and transfixed, at the spectacle unfolding on his front lawn.
There’s a van in the driveway--Munson Electric--and all six strays have latched onto the maintenance man. He’s whirling around in circles on the grass, cursing up a storm, to no avail. They’re climbing up his navy coveralls, using his legs as a makeshift cat tree. The twins--two scruffy Siamese kittens, are attempting to burrow in his mass of dark, curly hair. The elastic securing the tech’s hair stands no chance and Steve winces when Thelma, the more mischievous twin, pries it free with her claw. O’Malley’s wrapped around the man’s shoulders like an airport neck pillow.
Robin’s trying to entice the kitties with lunch meat--which hey, Steve needs that for his lunches. She shoots Steve a desperate look as he rushes toward them. “Finally! I don’t know what their fucking problem is!” Robin grabs Louise, the other twin, by the scruff only to be met with a menacing hiss as she clings tighter.
Steve manages to pry Cheese, the smallest of them all, off the guy’s bicep. “Someone’s a real pussy magnet, huh?” he says under his breath.
Steve’s met with a withering glare. “Is now really the time?”
Which, yeah it’s definitely not and the guy’s looking vaguely murderous, but he’s also certifiably gorgeous up close. The pinched look on his face does nothing to distract from warm, brown eyes and pouting lips. Steve schools his expression into something more neutral, or tries to. “Sorry, sorry.”
“Why can’t you and your girlfriend be normal and have, like, a million kids or something?” he huffs.
Robin scoffs. “We’re not--”
“She’s not--”
“Can someone,” he shrieks, as Thelma bats a paw at his ear, “just please get them off me?”
It takes a lot a maneuvering and distracting--Robin snatches some gardening gloves from the garage because, damn, claws--but they finally fend off the cats long enough to usher the maintenance guy inside.
He slumps against the wall, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes. “Jesus.”
Steve was already a little rank after work--coaching a youth community basketball team will do that to you--but he's damp with a fresh layer of sweat. “‘M showering real quick, I can, uh, grab you a beer for your troubles?” he says quietly.
“Yeah,” the guy wheezes. “Maybe two, fuck.”
The breathy way he chokes out the last word is taking Steve’s brain to all sorts of inappropriate trains of thought, so he nods and flees to his bathroom.
His hair’s still a little damp when he comes downstairs to the kitchen twenty minutes later and, oh. Robin and the maintenance guy look thick as thieves, chumming it up and laughing at something on her phone. And it’s captivating, the sound of his laugh. The broad grin on his face makes something twinge in Steve’s gut.
They both turn to look at Steve and both pairs of eyes have him fumbling for something, anything to say. “All good?” Better than nothing, Steve supposes.
“Eddie’s got it all fixed,” Robin says with a smarmy smile.
“G-great. That’s great, Eddie!” Steve stammers.
Eddie--knowing his name now makes it exponentially worse, likes the way it rolls of his tongue a little too much--straightens up and pins Steve with narrowed eyes and a charming uptick of his lips. “Got some wires crossed, Stevie.”
A blush creeps up the back of his neck. “What?”
Eddie reaches to readjust the sloppy bun atop his head. Don’t look at his arms, don’t look, okay well now you’re looking. Ogling more like. “You’ve got some wires crossed, behind the breaker panel, Steve. I sorted them out for y’all.”
“Right, yes. Thank you, Eddie.” Time to shoo him out the house before Steve burst into flames.
Robin putzes around the kitchen while Eddie packs his things, no doubt wanting to eavesdrop, and Steve remains frozen.
“Have a good one!” Eddie calls on his way out. He slows down next to Steve, lips alarming close to his ear. “Can’t drink on the job, you’ll just have to buy me one this weekend.”
Steve watches him hightail it to the van, narrowly missing another cat ambush. Robin presses into his side. Steve whips around. “What the hell did you say to him, Buckley?”
“Doesn’t matter,” she quips, before tucking something into Steve’s pocket. “I got you his business card. With his personal phone number.”
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ngardgni · 2 years
...So, we've been reading a few posts about how "Warrior Nun" is the best because it isn't like all the other queer shows, where apparently the queer couples have sex right away or non-queer shows that queer bait viewers, etc.
Let's just get something straight:
The original L-Word came out in 2004. That show was criticized for being too white, too narrow, too limiting in its depiction of gay women. In fact, it was mostly lesbians, and one bi woman (Tina) and most were femmes. Over the years, the show tried to course correct with the addition of other characters, most notably Max (Daniela Sea) and even that was fraught with controversy. At the time, Daniela Sea was interviewed about this and she had said (and we're paraphrasing here, that was a long time ago), that L-Word doesn't claim to represent all gay women, and she had hoped that there would be more representation of gay women, more movies, more tv shows to show the diversity, the variety, the spectrum of the gay experience.
At the time, pre-L-Word, there were only a handful of les/bi movies, mostly indie, some of questionable quality (there were a lot, we're not going to name names), some good (our favorite being "When Night is Falling" and "Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love"). On TV, we had "Ellen" which was groundbreaking and promptly cancelled, and there was "Carol the Lesbian" on "Friends", who was treated more as a joke, along with Chandler's trans-mom.
Cut to now - where we have so much more to choose from: we have period dramas with A-List directors and actors ("Carol", "Tell it to the Bees", "Portrait of a Lady on Fire"), we have shows on TV networks and online streaming platforms (tho the line between those are blurring). So we can watch Cyrano de Bergerac style movies ("The Half of It") or Asian American ones ("Saving Face") or pretty straightforward ones, really ("Imagine Me and You"), and though some, if not half or most series/shows have been cancelled ("Teenage Bounty Hunters", "I Am Not Okay with This", etc.), we still have more shows/series now that tell our queer stories than ever before ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "The 100", "Glee", etc.) and we still think that's better than the time the only thing we had was stories with only subtext to keep us company ("Fried Green Tomatoes", "Thelma and Louise", "A League of their Own").
So, whenever we feel like it's getting bad, let's also remember the time when queer stories weren't even mainstream, when directors and actors wouldn't even touch or go near our stories, when we didn't have as many allies in the industry willing to put our stories out there. A lot of our queer stories from before, though far from perfect, paved the way for stories like "Warrior Nun"to see the light of day. And we love that yeah, "Warrior Nun" is about a friends-to-lovers queer story, but that isn't just the one queer story that can be told. The diversity and complexity of the queer experience can hardly be encompassed by just one series and it's not fair to ignore or put the others down just because they don't fit what you like. We like that we have the more adult, they-had-a-one-night-stand-right-away-and-fell-in-love story of Kacy on NCIS Hawai'i, the sex-positive one of Leighton on "The Sex Lives of College Girls", the stranded-on-an-island one of "The Wilds", the vampire-and-vampire-slayer-falling-in-love narrative of "First Kill", etc.
So, let's keep celebrating the diversity and complexity of the queer female experience onscreen but still honor the stories that came before them. They may not have been perfect, hell, they were even problematic, but, again, at least we got these stories and our lives are better for it.
And let's keep pushing for "Warrior Nun"and other stories to keep getting made and renewed.
Like and reblog if you agree.
Drop your favorite queer women story (movie, series, show) below.
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asskickedbygirl · 2 years
He’s Not Here [Ryan Dunn x F!Reader]
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Desc: You’re Dico’s sister and Ryan shows up at your house when he wasn’t around. You get to talking and turns out maybe not all of your brothers friends are assholes.
A/n: Remarkably the first proper Ryan fic I’ve written ?
Warnings: mentions of sex & alcohol
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It was Friday and you were home alone for once. Your friends had all bailed on you yet again so you were left to the old sweatpants and VHS tapes. As soon as you were settled on the couch, remote in hand ready to watch Thelma and Louise, your doorbell rang. You groaned, that better not be Brandon back already. You huffed and paused the film before it even began, getting up to answer it. You swung the door open, glaring the ringer until you realised it wasn’t your annoying older brother, but his cute friend, Ryan. Your eyes widened, embarrassed you had answered with such haughtiness. “Oh shit, sorry. I thought you were Brandon.” Ryan simply laughed you off. “It’s alright, so I take it he’s not here then.” You shook your head, suddenly very aware you were only dressed in old sweats and a tight fitting tank top. “He’s not but, he should be here in like half an hour if you wanna wait it out?” Ryan scratched the back of his neck and sighed, unsure. You admired his button nose and his blond hair. He was probably the cutest of your brothers friends. Sure there was Bam but he was just the asshole kid in your grade that used to make your life so very hard when he was still in school, along with Chris. You were constantly called stuck up and a smart ass just cause’ you weren’t failing every class but whatever. Ryan was pretty much the only nice one to you, but you still regarded him as a bit of an ass by association.
“Uhhh I don’t know.” You sighed at his response, opening the door wider to let him through. “Just come in.” He shrugged, and let himself wander in, scuffing his shoes off of the mat once you shut the door. Manners, who would’ve thought? You lead him in to your living room and gestured that he sat. “Beer?” You asked but Ryan just shook his head, sinking into the couch. You sat down on the opposite end and tucked your legs beneath you. “So what are you and Brandon doing?” Ryan laughed under his breath, “What?” You smiled, trying to understand the humour. “No it’s just, it’s kinda funny you call him Brandon. So formal.” You scoffed, “Would you rather I call him Dico as you guys have so graciously blessed him? Cause’ it’s a bit weird seeing as my last name is also DiCamillo if you haven’t forgotten.” Ryan shrugged. “It was just an observation.” The silence was awkward after that. Why’d you have to be such a dick all the time? “Sorry, I get defensive kinda quick.” Ryan nodded. “I think that just comes with having an asshole for a brother.” You spoke, laughing awkwardly. “He’s not always bad.” Ryan said and you shrugged. “Yeah I know. His friends kind of are though.” You looked up at Ryan, grinning stupidly. “Ouch.” He mouthed, mimicking a knife stabbing into his heart.
“Have to admit though, out of all my brother’s asshole friends, you’re probably my favourite.” Ryan smiled, you even thought you could see a blush creep up on his face. “Yeah?” You smiled and nodded silently. “Well for the record I never thought you were stuck up either.” You folded your arms and laughed. “Thanks so much, glad that’s still spreading around.” Ryan grinned. “Only by Dico, and sort of Bam and Raab too.” You shook your head, “God they were such assholes to me in high school.” Ryan’s face faltered, “I’m sorry about that. We were all kind of dickheads back then.” You shrugged. “Well I don’t cry myself to sleep anymore so, apology accepted.” Ryan’s face faltered even more if that were possible. “I’m sorry.” You laughed awkwardly. “I’m kidding, It was never that bad.” He sighed with relief. You bit your lip then, a bit of courage coursing through your veins as you shifted closer to the blond. “You know, I also always thought you were the cuter one.” Ryan let out a breathy laugh. “You’re on thin ice DiCamillo.” You smiled, “Bet that’s not the first time you’ve said that sentence.” Ryan bit his lip and shook his head. “Don’t remind me who you’re related to.” You pushed his hair off his forehead, moving even close to him now. “Whys that?” Ryan’s eyes flashed from your lips to your eyes. “Cause’ it’ll make what I’m about to do a bit more regrettable.” Then he leaned in and met your lips with his own, hand resting against your cheek.
You moved slowly in time with his lips, soft and plump. You shifted your body closer to his and brought your hand up to his jaw, brushing your thumb over it gently. Ryan began moving quicker now, opening your mouth wider to make out properly. Then he brought his hands down to your waist and moved you so that he was on top of you, never breaking the kiss. As he lay above you, hands tracing your neck you felt a swipe of his tongue on your lip and you opened, accepting it. You made out roughly with tongue, grasping his face to prolong it as long as possible. His hands wandered down to your tits, groping them softly through the material of your tank top. Your mind clouded, completely forgetting where you were as you reached down to undo Ryan’s belt, whimpering quietly into his mouth. Once you began unzipping his pants you heard the front door swing open and almost jumped out of your skin. Ryan quickly clambered off of you as you broke the kiss but it was too late. Brandon walked in on a hot make out sesh between his best friend and his sister.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” He yelled, still stood half outside, looking in at the two of you in the living room. Ryan quickly zipped up his pants and scrambled to buckle his belt once more which just made everything worse. “Why the fuck are you making out with my SISTER RYAN?! AND WHY THE FUCK IS YOUR DICK OUT?!” You adjusted your tank top and wiped Ryan’s saliva from your lips. “His dick isn’t out jesus christ.” Brandon slammed the door shut and darted into the room. “No! I will hear nothing from you! Ryan, what the fuck?!” You looked over to the poor guy who’s face was as red as a tomato. “I’m sorry. Look we weren’t… you know…” “Fucking?!” Dico interrupted, his hand gestures dramatic and exaggerated. “God it’s not that big a deal Brandon chill out!” Brandon shook his head. “No this is a big deal. I fucking knew you’d date one of them and now you’ve fucked it! She’s too young for you Ryan!” You snickered now despite the tension in the room. “I’m two years younger Bran.” Brandon shook his head, his anger fading slightly. “Doesn’t matter! You guys are fucking gross.” Then he stood awkwardly, not sure what to do after his dramatic meltdown. “Well, now just. Just don’t make out!” He turned his back then and headed to his room.
After hearing the door slam you couldn’t help but laugh. Properly laugh. Ryan looked less amused. You hit his arm playfully. “Don’t look like that, he’ll get over it.” Ryan shook his head. “He just walked in on me with my pants undone on top of you Y/n.” You giggled again, covering your mouth. “Ah it wasn’t that bad.” Ryan just looked at you, shaking his head. You leaned in and pecked him again, smile still playing on your lips. “Don’t tell me you regret it now.” Ryan smiled too, “Nah.” he kissed you again, your lips resuming the rhythm they once had. “FUCKING STOP!” Brandon had emerged from his room unbeknownst to you. You pulled away and both just laughed, even Dico looked a little amused. “I am going to smack both of you.”
@jackussy420 @gnarkillknoxville @lovexjoe
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impossiblyfreshdonut · 11 months
A collection from memory.
“i’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.” - Castiel, s4 ep1
“you don’t think you deserve to be saved.” - Castiel, s4 ep1
“dean and i do share a more profound bond… i wasn’t going to mention it.” - Castiel, s6 ep3
“Castiel? Oh he's, he's not here. You see he has this weakness, he likes you.” - Uriel, s4 ep10
“I was getting too close to humans in my charge. You.” - Castiel, s4 ep16
“I'm hunted, I rebelled, and I did all of it for you” - Castiel, s5 ep1
“So what, I'm Thelma, you're Louise and we're just gonna hold hands and sail off this cliff together?” - Dean, s5 ep3
“Dean, I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call, and I am your friend.” - Castiel, s6 ep21
“A part of me always believed you'll come back.” - Dean, s7 ep17
“When Castiel first laid a hand on you in hell he was lost!” - Naomi, s7 ep21
“We're family. We need you... I need you.” - Dean, s8 ep17
“Dean, you know I always appreciate our talks, our time together.” - Castiel, s9 ep3
“Maybe you could fight the mark for years. Maybe centuries, like Cain did. But you can't fight it forever. And when you turn, and you will turn, Sam, and everyone you know, everyone you love, they could be long dead. Everyone except me. I'm the only one who will have to watch you murder the world. So if there's even a small chance that we can save you, I won't let you out of this room.” - Castiel, s10 ep 22
“Well, I said I needed a big win. We got Cas back. That's a pretty damn big win.” - Dean, s13 ep6
“Cas! No, no, no. Cas? Cas, I hope you can hear me... that wherever you are, it's not too late. I should've stopped you. You're my best friend, but I just let you go. 'Cause it was easier than admitting I was wrong. I -- Ohh. I don't know why I get so angry. I just know -- I know that it's -- i-it's just always been there. And when things go bad, it just -- it comes out. And I can't -- I can't stop it. No matter how -- how bad I want to, I just can't stop it. And -- And I -- I forgive you. Of course I forgive you. I'm sorry it took me so long -- I'm sorry it took me till now to say it. Cas, I'm -- I'm so sorry. Man, I hope you can hear me. I hope you can hear me. Okay.” - Dean, s15 ep9
Castiel – “I always wondered, ever since I took that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be? What my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer because the one thing I want... It's something I know I can't have. But I think I know... I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being. It's in just saying it.”
Dean – “What are you talking about, man?”
Castiel – “I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive, and you're angry, and you're broken. You're “daddy's blunt instrument.” And you think that hate and anger, that's... That's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You're the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of Hell... Knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack... I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean.”
Dean – “Why does this sound like a goodbye?”
Castiel – “Because it is. I love you.”
Dean – “Don't do this Cas.”
Castiel – “Goodbye, Dean.”
— s15, ep18.
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speltfields · 4 months
I just want to thank you for weekly rebloging "donny big lewoski bumblebee fancam" I just got around to watching the movie yesterday and I only have to say
WHY 😭😭😭😭😭
I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it but I loved it ���
Do you have similar movie recommendations? I adore movies about ordinary people in weird shenanigans.
Oh man I have so many. so glad u enjoyed 🥰
going 2 post movie recs under the cut in case this gets long:
First off, other coen brothers movies will have a very similar vibe.
-Raising arizona: nic cage looking about as good as hes ever looked. more on the silly side akin to big lebowski
-Fargo: i LOVEEEE this movie. Another Buscemi Banger... It's still pretty ridiculous but the overall tone is a bit less silly.
miller's crossing is also really good, but its a lot more mobster movie than ordinary guy in a situation movie. Burn after reading is similar to the others but I dont really like that one as much.
Moving on from the coen brothers, I actually think nic cage has some other bangers in this category...
moonstruck: i just really like this one idk why, but is more rom-com than coen brothers movies tend to be. i think i just really like cher tbh.
adaptation: This Movie Is So Silly And It Made Me Cry Big Time. its about a guy who steals flowers, a woman who wrote a book about the guy who steals flowers, and the screenwriter making the movie about the book. ridiculous premise played straight situation.[this concludes the nic cage section... Unless... Ur brave enough to enjoy Con Air or Face/Off...🤨]
punch drunk love, inherent vice, the nice guys:
all some type of flavor of "some shit goes down in LA". the nice guys was one i got on by the OP of the original DBLBFF creator. A rec straight from the source
california split and mikey and nicky are both dudes rock movies where some guys find themselves in a situation. also just love robert altman and peter faulk and john cassavetes as actors. these are both on the more serious side iirc
big night: i really like this one but its not higher up because its not very lebowski-ish, but its about two brothers trying to save their restaurant.
Oh yeah, any stuff by the Safdie brothers has a touch of weirdness in the mundane at the least. It's like if the big lebowski was a lot more high stakes and made u sweat a lot while ur watching. I especially like Good Time for rpatts looking nice and grimey ans The Curse (which is a tv show but wow is it insane. it's really insane and im getting off topic but the curse is really good.)
notable mentions for movies I just really like who have interesting weird characters in situations: Dog day afternoon, ghost dog, my cousin vinny, thelma and louise, lars and the real girl, and office killer. I'm kinda losing the plot here so I'd take the earlier recs first, but all of these movies are fun in some way imo.
this got kinda long mostly because i really like talking about movies, hopefully u find something good out of those anon tysm for askingggg^_^ i think my overall theme for this list ended up being "movie with average people in a situation that will hold your attention for 90 minutes"
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boywithskull · 2 months
any film/book/tv recs?
ooh thanks for the ask! Honestly I consume media across all genres, so I'm not sure if there's a specific vibe you're after, so I'll just list a couple of different things I really enjoy:
all of Donna Tartt's books obviously :) TGF and TLF are my favourites, but TSH is of course a classic
Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (referenced in TGF and is the most beautiful prose work I've ever read, no joke)
Illuminations by Arthur Rimbaud
Orlando by Virginia Woolf (incredibly funny but very heartfelt and is a beautiful reflection on humanity, time, youth, and identity)
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton (can't believe I only read that for the first time this year)
Max by Avi Duckor-Jones (written by a New Zealand author and is a wonderful coming-of-age story featuring themes of sexuality, family, art, and indigenous NZ culture)
Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo by Christiane F. (English title: Zoo Station) - memoir concerning the crisis of teen heroin use in West Berlin in the 70's. Big TW for many topics, so please look them up if you're thinking of reading it
Mysterious Skin by Scott Heim (many TW's also apply, but it's a beautiful novel)
Boy Swallows Universe and Lola in the Mirror by Trent Dalton - Australian contemporary litfic, the first is semi-autobiographical, and the latter features a young woman protagonist and centres topics of female homelessness and domestic violence against women
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever (perfect for fans of The Secret History)
The Inseparables by Simone de Beauvoir (only recently discovered a few years ago, and is semi-autobiographical account of her and her best friend's friendship growing up)
Let the Right One In (2008) - Swedish, fantastic vampire film
Napoleon Dynamite (2004) - hilarious, cult classic, what else is there to say?
Running on Empty (1988) - very gentle, I love River Phoenix
Dating Amber (2020) - funny and heartwarming comedy, with mlm/wlw solidarity and friendship at its heart
Thelma & Louise (1991) - such a rollercoaster, with amazing women as the leads, good focus on friendship, purpose, and self-actualisation
The Lost Boys (1987) - iconic, summer vibes are amazing, love me some campy 80's films, the Walk This Way hazing scene lives in my head rent-free
My Flesh and Blood (2003) - a documentary film about a woman named Susan who fosters a group of children, many of whom have disabilities or terminal illness. I love the way it was filmed and how it portrayed the realities of the situation, neither glamorising it or revelling in misery.
Mysterious Skin (2004) - adaption of the book I mentioned before. HUGE tw for sexual abuse/pedophilia. It's extremely respectful of the issues at hand, and is overall a beautiful work of art with incredible performances
honestly I haven't been watching many TV shows recently, but my favourites are:
NBC Hannibal
Twin Peaks
Gravity Falls
Druck (Skam Germany)
there are others but for some reason I can't think of any sorry :((((
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repurposedmeatlocker · 4 months
6, 12, 26, 33, 42 and 47 for the movie ask? <3
6. Favorite movie from the 90's I technically already answered this one with a whole list of films....BUT WHATEVER. I realized I didn't add Toy Story (1995) and Toy Story 2 (1999). I love them both, and they honestly hold up super well for cgi animated films from that decade. The first one is especially kind of wonky, but I never really noticed that as a kid. I think because the story and acting is so well done, and choosing the focus to be toys was so clever for the technological constraints of the time.
12. Are you against book-to-movie adaptions? I wouldn't say I'm "against" it. Some of my favorite films are book-to-movie adaptions. A lot of films transition to the medium really well. Some are even more engaging to me than the book. That being said, I think it is RARE for instances like that to happen. Kind of a shot-in-the-dark. More often then not, when I read a book before and even after watching the film adaption, my first thought is "oh this is a lot better". As a result, I try to account for them as their own thing with individual merits rather than a direct comparison. I DO think that some choices for film adaption are unnecessary, because I cannot fathom how someone could take the book and make it into a film that is actually good and/or better than its original form. I don't think someone should necessarily be stopped from trying. Maybe they will surprise me. It has happened. Not often enough for me to be enthusiastic though.
26. Best experience going to the movies? I've definitely talked about it before, but it would have to be seeing Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker with my friends in 2019. We were all unashamed haters, and were lucky enough to be in a packed theatre also full of haters. The engagement from the audience was so visceral and fun, we didn't feel any shame laughing/clapping at inappropriate times. When Ray came onscreen for the first time someone yelled "hot!" Apologies for anyone in that theatre actually trying to enjoy the movie, but also it was Rise of Skywalker, that shit was just laughably bad.
33. An overrated movie Barbie (2023). I wasn't exactly over-the-hill excited about it when it was announced. I chalked it up to me just not being that into Barbie dolls as a kid. Then everyone started shouting really obtuse praises and I was a bit curious. When I actually saw it I was just like "that is it? This is what people were calling "sublime feminist cinema"? This is what conservatives all through the United States were getting scared of?" I don't know. No shame to anyone who the film did speak to. I sincerely love that for you. I'm just a bit tired of people using that as an excuse to call ANYTHING they like "nuanced" or "high cinema" without irony. I don't think I would be as bitter as I am towards the movie if people appreciated it as it was: a campy, fun summer flick. Sometimes a film is just that, and that is ok! We don't have to call everything "high cinema" in order for it to be valid and treated seriously.
42. Films you wanted to watch, but never got around to watching? SOOO MANY. My watchlist is so huge. Generally, ANY David Lynch film, ANY Cronenberg film, and ANY John Waters film. I sincerely don't know why I've been putting these off for so long despite being aware of them for so many years and actively WANTING to see them. At this point there isn't a good excuse anymore.
47. Favorite road trip film Thelma & Louise (1991) is so good. I cannot sing it enough praise. Closely followed by A Goofy Movie (1995), genuinely.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
hey, it’s me again xD i just wanted to say that the "first driver" fix came out soo good, thank u for working on my request!
if you have time and like the idea, i’d have another readerxdriver request (for whatever driver you think fits best/want to write the most) where the reader is a professional stunt driver (for like hollywood productions) and is hired by the driver’s team to make a video for their youtube account, where both drive in a car, get questions, show of their skills or something (kinda like the video where seb and lance are drifting with the old aston martins or where toto and susie drive around the track, idk if u know what i mean)
and the reader surprises the driver by being quite talented and can drive very well, so when she makes u-turns or drifts, he’s like “fuck, that’s sexy”.
hope that makes sense
xx lilly
Note: I wrote this other two with badass driver! Reader if you want to read them too. (Charles Blurb) (Danny's fic). I have already written about Danny and Charles similar things so it's Pierre's turn. Here we have Pierre driving on manual because it's the hottest shit ever.
"My name is YN YSN and I'm a stunt driver. You have probably seen me on films like Baby Driver, Six Underground or the last Fast and Furious film. Well, not me, but the car I'm driving. Today I'm gonna do this cool video with Pierre Gasly, driver for Alpha Tauri in F1 and well, I hope you enjoy it!"
You and Pierre had already had your presentations. To be fair, when they told him he was doing this with a stunt driver, he was thinking of a male stunt driver. He was a bit of a pick when he looked at you and said a girl. But well, you were good and you knew it, you hadn't driven Vin Disels car for nothing, right?
Pierre was driving first. He was nervous, he was a good driver, obviously. But you were sitting there and he could feel you gaze.
"Okay, I'm gonna ask you questions while you drive." Pierre nodded.
He was trying so hard to concentrate on driving and answering those questions. He wanted to do goo because well, he didn't have the opportunity to impress a pretty girl like you often. Not like this. You were a professional, you would know if he was making mistakes.
"Okay Pierre. You are good at driving fast, we all know that. But... Can you do some drifting?" You told him.
"If that's what you want..."
He would be the biggest show-off. He tried to be like one hand on the wheel and another on the stick the whole time. Like, look how effortlessly I can do this. Which was fun because you could see him struggling sometimes. But yeah, he had a good drifting technique.
"And what about some spinning? Give us some 360°" You were a tease. You had a smirk on your face and were enjoying so much.
He would need a couple of tries to do a full spin, which put some blush on his cheeks and made him curse a couple of times in French.
"Wow! Well done!" You clasped and shouted when he finally managed to make some doughnuts. "Fucking awesome, Pierre"
And he would be so proud and happy after that. He had a smug smile on his face and was looser in the car.
But then it was your turn.
He gasped the moment you pressed the throttle, starting like in those street racing films and leaving black patches in the places the tires were.
Then you started driving like mad around the track, drifting on the corners and being completely fearless. You were in complete control of the car and your skills were the most perfect he had ever seen.
He kept asking questions. "So, how did you get into driving?"
"I watched Thelma and Louise and I wanted to run away from the police too. Then I was told that it's a bit illegal and a few years later I discovered that stunt driver was a job and here I am"
Casually and as you drove like it was nothing, you made a U-turn and drove on the other way.
"Fuck" Was everything Pierre could say.
Then you made a 360º spin and he gasped.
"Fuck, that's sexy" He said after you started spinning on the track, drawing black circles on the pavement and making the engine roar.
You looked at him while doing so, his pupils were blown wide and he was biting his lip.
"Meet me for dinner?" You whisper only loud enough for him to hear.
He would chuckle and nod.
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johannestevans · 1 year
Bunch of new pieces this week!
Good evening!
Apologies for the lack of email last week, and the lack of bonus erotica episode too - I'm traveling back and forth at the moment as I try to sort out flat stuff, and unfortunately my asthma is kicking my ass at the moment and making it really hard to sit and record audio even when I have the time. I'm hoping after some rest my chest will chill out a bit and I'll be able to record by next week, but unfortunately it's not predictable.
I had a great time at Bristol Pride and met some of you guys, so if that was you, thanks so much for saying hello!
I will be at Leeds Pride in August, too, so looking forward to that.
Before I get to media recommendations and my new works published in the past two weeks, just your reminder that I am now running a trans erotica publication on Medium!
I'm reccing a favourite in my Media Recs section below, but since starting off, there's 20 new erotic pieces there to peruse, and I'm so, so excited to see a broad swathe of authors and works as time goes on and the publication reaches more people.
Trans Erotica on Medium
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Please don't feel that you have to be transmasc or MLM to submit just because I am, by the way, I'd love to see more transfem and trans woman authors, as well as lesbians and WLW, submitting too!
Here are the Submission Guidelines, and here's a basic guide to Medium to get you started if you're new to the platform. Want a prompt to get you started? Here's the July 2023 prompt set.
Media Recs
Fashioning a Fop by Damien Locke- Short fiction. An 18th century tale of a trans man discovering himself through dressing in men’s clothing for the first time. This piece is fucking spectacular, so gorgeously written and with such wonderful 1700s-style prose, very hot, very fun!
What's in the Tea? by Achilles King - Short fiction. 18+ Erotica. Cis M/M and Cis M/Trans M. This is a gorgeous little piece playing with massage and the drugging effects of a particular tea, and I love the power play in this one.
The Music Man (1962, dir. Morton DaCosta) - A musical! I've been in the mood for musicals the past few days, and I enjoyed this one a lot more than I expected - a lot of the music has really stuck with me, I love the brass band stuff and the rapid patter pace of the show, especially because I love a conman. With that said, Marian Paroo is a ridiculous name for a woman - the librarian love interest should be a man. I also watched and enjoyed Sweet Charity (1969, dir. Bob Fosse), and I never realised Big Spender was from this show! So that was fun.
I had a gay movie marathon with my boyfriend, Lewis, so first we watched A League Of Their Own (1992, dir. Penny Marshall) and Thelma and Louise (1991, dir. Ridley Scott). These are both great films, obviously - A League of Their Own is a semi-biographical story about the first female baseball league in the USA during the war, and the second is a crime drama with two besties/lovers stuck in an escalating spiral after one of them shoots an attempted rapist. Lewis was surprised that Thelma and Louise is actually gay, so just FYI, it really is actually gay! It's not a happy ending and it's not uncomplicated, but Thelma and Louise are such great characters, and I love them a lot.
We also watched a favourite of mine, which is Gods and Monsters (1998, dir. Bill Condon), starring Ian McKellen and Brendan Fraser. If you love sexy manipulative old gay men fucking with the heads of younger mostly straight men who don't know how to deal with being the object of a man's desire, who are terrified of queerness on so many levels, but are also drawn to the novel and new? Yeah, baby. This is the flick for you.
Goetia (2016) - This is a point-and-click videogame that I played on PS4, although I also have it on PC, and I just finished it today. If you're interested in demonology and you love a 20th century haunted house, this is a short game with some great character writing and a really engaging mystery - a lot of it is pretty fucking creepy, and while the ending didn't entirely land for me, I enjoyed the game enough that I do want to recommend it. This is fucking difficult as a puzzle game, though, so definitely keep a notepad and pen handy.
We also caught the Super Mario Bros. (2023, dir. Michael Jelenic and Aaron Horvath) movie, and it was grand - it was honestly very well-paced, funny, and they did a lot of creative stuff with the source material, plus I'm obviously disgustingly horny for Bowser at all times, so it was good food for my libido.
With that said, it was a bit too aggressive with the heterosexuality, and the racial politics of the whole thing are... Fucking bad. Like, there's a lot to unpack there that I'd need a whole essay to pick apart, and as a white dude I really don't know that it's my place - there's always been some racism in the franchise, like the British studio's addition of a lot of anti-Black coding in making Donkey Kong 64, but just the whole vibe of the Mushroom Kingdom's worship of Princess Peach is like... Weird.
And lastly, I watched and loved The Wicker Man (1973, dir. Robin Hardy), and I have an extensive review below.
New Works Published
June's Top Short Story: Agony and Ecstasy
June's most popular short story of mine was Agony and Ecstasy!
Erotic short. An abbot takes a stranded sailor on for… personal duties.
6k, M/M, rated E! Age difference, virginity kink, some naivety, some oral and anal, first time enthusiasm.
On Medium / / On Patreon
TweetFic: Notes of Lavender
A secretary bonding and connecting with the only male secretary at work. 1960s. Featuring lavender marriages and LESBIANS.
On Twitter
New Podcast: A Stranger's Visit: The Story, Episode 4
Fantasy short. A priest of Freyr receives a strange visitation.
3.6k, rated T. MB. Originally published May 29th, 2021. A little bit of Norse godliness versus Norse priestliness. Featuring Esben. Adapted from a TweetFic.
RSS Feed / / On Spotify / / On Google Podcasts / / On YouTube
New Podcast: Temple Service: The Story, Episode 5
Romance short. A servant at the temple to Hephaestus lusts after an olive-tender.
Rated M, 2.2k, cis M/M, some ancient Greeks! Originally publiushed June 3rd, 2022. A temple servant and a grove-worker, lots of teasing and banter and flirting.
RSS Feed / / On Spotify / / On Google Podcasts / / On YouTube
Romance Short: Sickbed Trade
One sailor tends to another in his sickbed.
Just a little M/M piece with some love and intimacy. 500w.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Film Review: The Wicker Man (1973, dir. Robin Hardy)’s Spit in the Face of Cops and Colonialism
Exploring The Wicker Man’s themes of authority and control on its 50th anniversary.
On Medium / / On Patreon / / On Tumblr
Erotic Short: Intensive Care
A paediatric nurse takes some time after work with the Head of Psychiatry.
3.4k, cis M/M. Some fucky power play between coworkers, both of them very aware of each other’s character flaws, featuring age difference, size difference, riding, oral, anal, lots of physical intimacy and affection, with a hint of overstim at the end.
CW for mentions of past trauma, implied rape and sexual abuse, and incest. None of these things are explicit or present-day, and they’re discussed in the context of unpacking a trigger and some invasive thoughts.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Essay: The Relief of a Queer Audience as a Fruity Stand-Up Comic
Explaining one's existence takes time.
I’m a stand-up comedian.
Last week, I did some comedy at a queer-run, queer-centred open mic — suddenly, a twelve-minute set fit into six, because I was in a room full of queer people who knew exactly what I was talking about...
On Medium / / On Patreon
Erotic Short: Public Performance
A vampire shows off his toy for a club.
1k, cis M/trans M. A vampire fucks his trans boyfriend in a crowded nightclub as people dance below them.
Featuring some chem sex with the drugging effects of a vampire belt, public sex, fingering and vaginal sex, overstimulation, and implications of a fevered gangbang in the aftermath.
On Medium / / On Patreon
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It's kind of interesting how much of a bad reputation the genre of farce has. Or at least in my mind, but I really don't think I'm alone in this. It's almost exclusively used to describe something in a negative or condescending way. But honestly, when done right it's a fantastical and deeply entertaining genre actually. Sin Huellas a Spanish show on Prime was it. From the first to the last mad twist of fictional shenanigans I easily binged this over two days and enjoyed every minute of it. Textbook farce and I ate it all up with glee.
The premise is kind of simple. Two best friends on a job to clean a luxury mansion accidentally stumble upon the corpse of a well-to-do business magnat and then everything breaks into ultimate chaos that continues to entertain you for the short but kind of perfectly paced eight episode series. As an action farce it could so easily just have been a series of high octane chase and fight scenes, but there's also heart in it. A lot of heart actually and I think for me that was the driving factor to why it got binged. The bond between the two lead characters gets under your skin and fluffs up your emotions a little more by the episode. And it's not only that single bond that keeps the humanity of it alive, there's all these other relationships along the way that gives the story so much more flavour. You've got the ex-girlfriend who got a haircut and is still "so pretty" and you've got the ex-husband who's sort of an asshole, but maybe not entirely...? And of course those two are ultimately dragged into all the shit going down, because what is a farce without mad coincidences and crossed wire...and a bit of romance?!
To further tickle my fancy there's also a healthy dose of social commentary that never veers into preaching. The main characters are a Romani lesbian and a Mexican immigrant and that colours the story, but it's very much their story so it never comes across as tokenism. Who they are is more of a good starting place for writers who want to write something bat shit, but with actual emotion and still have enough room to spare to make political comments about corruption and social hierarchies.
I had a really good time. It's the kind of TV that makes TV worth returning to. Watch it. But if you're one of those people who needs an abstract and a pitch, let me break it down for you; What if Thelma and Louise met Crank and gave birth to a humour baby?
Also, the lesbian relationship is lesbian safe. So bonus for that shit, Spain, you can sometimes be on my shitlist when it comes to these things, even if you are also always on my "fuck it's still so hot tho". Yeah, me and Spanish media very much have a complicated relationship, but when push comes to shove I'm the drunk ex who can't stop - won't stop - the booty call. Fortunately though this was clean and I won't wake up with any regret in the morning.
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xenosagaepisodeone · 2 years
Re: fucked up ladies. Yeah murcielagotypes is good or also girls that have been put through a wood chipper physically and or emotionally. Girls with baggage. Ladies that do a thing and you're immediate reaction is. Oooh there's like something WRONG wrong with you. Thank you also
Alright, so I've compiled a list of manga series (struggling to think of a movie that can be described as Murcielagoesque that isn't already popular with people who seek out that stuff). As a preamble, I want to mention that a lot of these series are messy (if not, are only about average) for reasons independent of their messed up girltagonist(s). Regardless, I find the main female characters of the series I will be listing below either compellingly written, or at least interesting to follow. You can find a synopsis of all of these series via a quick google search, but I'm going to be including content warnings and some minor notes so you get a sense of the atmosphere.
Bota Bota - the story of a 29-year-old woman's quest to have sex for the first time while managing a condition that gives her violent nosebleeds whenever she touches something 'unclean'. She's also goated with the sauce.
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Aku no Hana - Most people have already read this already, but if you haven't, what are you doing? CW for SA. Also, Chi no Wadachi and Avant-garde Yumeko are from the same mangaka and have strange female characters. The former of the two is a harrowing and very personal tale of child abuse however, so the female character's behaviour is more grounded as opposed to a spectacle.
Gunjou by Nakamura Ching- Thelma and Louise but in sub optimal circumstance. CW for lesbophobia, physical abuse, emotional abuse, child abuse (discussed not shown), general misery (I love this series lol)
Onani Master Kurosawa - This was one of my favourite manga series when I was in high school. While the male protagonist is the centre of the story, the female protagonist is the emotional core. And the patron saint of mentally busted girls everywhere. CW for SA (fantasized about, not actualized), bullying, blackmail, self harm and suicide attempts
Welcome to the NHK - If you only watched the anime (or even just read the light novel), for the love of God read the manga. They do Misaki so much better here. True Cluster B girl representation in media. I would have loved to see this particular iteration of the story get an adaptation.
Aspergirl - Has it really been that long since I last talked about this series? I love it. It's about a traumatized but quirky autistic girl and a shut in writer she takes up residence with. It's not dark like some the other series on this list, but the writer is very unflinching with how he depicts his subject matter. CW for discussion of emotional and physical abuse, animal abuse (it's only once) and self harm
Aa toka Uu shika Ienai - This series also isn't dark by any stretch, but the main girls are weird as hell and have baggage.
Helter Skelter by Kyoko Okazaki - All of her stories have strange women but it felt mandatory to recommend her magnum opus.
Usotsuki Mii-kun to Kowareta Maa-chan - Haven't read this one in a while, but I remembered liking it. Idk its not long so it can be here too. CW for child abuse
Tokyo Girls Destruction - there are no serious CWs for this one. It's like a 90s fight shounen with girls and it rules.
Sumire♡16-sai!! - Does this count? Probably not, Sumire is a nice girl. Regardless, it's still good. I recommend it.
Himegoto: Juukyuusai no Seifuku - Alright so you know how I mentioned that some series in this might border on mid to some. This is one of them; but it does have something special that may or may not land for you like it kind of (?) did for me. CW for discussions of gender/body dysphoria, SA (both enacted by and against certain main characters), CSA (not graphically detailed, but it's a core component of one character's backstory) and emotional abuse.
Franken Fran - You've definitely read this but just in case. CW for body horror LOL
Alien Nine - You've probably already watched the OVA but the manga gives the series an actual ending + further character development and darker content (some REAL bad stuff happens to our girls). If you can stand the more off-putting components of the anime, you'll likely be able to read the manga just fine. I'm also reading Propeller Heaven, which is by the same mangaka and is considerably similar. CW for body horror for both
also if you're a fan of Alien Nine, I would recommend Terumina. The female characters aren't unhinged, but there's a very strong, dreamlike atmosphere that's pervasive throughout the story, so they sometimes do strange things.
Bokura no Hentai - Alright so I want to highlight that only one of the main characters in this is a girl, the other two are boys who like to dress effeminately, but all of them have a very knowable forms of baggage that become intertwined as the story moves forward. CW for gender dysphoria, homophobic/transphobic bullying, CSA (not graphically detailed, but discussed and depicted in an abstract sense), SA (both enacted by and against a main character), physical and emotional abuse
Swweeet - This is a story where the questionable (or outright bad -_-) character development is upheld by the fact that the art is gorgeous and that there's an alluring sense of intrigue as the plot unfolds. The female main character of this one is certainly Going through it. CW for SA (main character against another) and questionable displays of violence ? at times
Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction - I remember in an interview Asano Inio did after he completed Punpun he said that he started DeDeDeDe because he finally understood why people gravitate towards cute girl sol manga. Anyway this series is about the most girls ever.
Gensou Gynaecocracy - So this is a collection of oneshots by Hiroaki Samura. It's not completely translated, but has his signature style and a reasonable amount of intrigue per chapter. The stories seek to convey a sense of magical realism and atmosphere above all else, so while characters aren't particularly deep, they're at least weird. I recommend the first few chapters (the story about the pineapple girl in particular) as a starter, and then you can see if you want to continue reading. I changed my mind, just read the pineapple girl chapter and then go read Wave, Listen to Me!
Hanshin - Just read the oneshot, the other chapters aren't related
Aishiteimasu, Kyouko-san. - It appears that scanalators have abandoned this one for the time being, but I'm honestly intrigued enough to see where this one goes (even if it does end up being Dead Tube level trash). CW for some very weirdly depicted child abuse
trash. - Man, I really didn't want to recommend trash., but most of my list doesn't actually deal too much with girls who bite and kill and murder. trash. is a pulpy exploitation horror, but it has more tact than Dead Tube about how to portion out the Edge. it's female cast has reasonable enough characterization and motivations that I can say things never really get boring. You just gotta read it and see if it's for you. CW for anything you could possibly think of short of outright guro.
Golondrina - Not too unhinged, but still rather unique. It's about a lesbian who becomes a bullfighter after a devastating breakup.
also I havent read this one yet but I hear Machigatta Ko wo Mahou Shoujo ni Shiteshimatta is good. I'm apprehensive towards the whole "magical girl, but edgy" thing because of how many writers transparently do not consume any of the genre they're trying to take apart, but this doesn't appear to be torture porn
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angelsdean · 2 years
Just thinking about the Thelma and Louise quote... Dean could have said "We're Thelma and Louise" or "You're Thelma and I'm Louise" but he says "I'm Thelma and you are Louise". He's relating to Thelma 😭
i gotta admit, i have not actually seen Thelma and Louise and only know the very basic plot and the fact that they kiss at the end of the movie. So i don't know much abt Thelma's character to draw parallels to Dean however, just reading this first bit from the film's wiki page:
Thelma, a housewife, is married to disrespectful and controlling carpet salesman Darryl, while sharp-tongued Louise works as a waitress in a diner and is dating easygoing musician Jimmy, who is on the road most of the time.
I am drawing parallels !!! Dean was pushed into the role of caretaker, filling Mary's space in the family, basically becoming the "housewife" while John (disrespectful and controlling) was always focused on work.
Then Louise who's dating the absent "Jimmy" is just funny to me since, y'know, Jimmy. Also I'd say snarky sassy Cas can have a sharp-tongue at times.
I really need to watch this movie at some point though. For the dean studies of it all.
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youstupidplonk · 2 years
Alex Drake
NMy Character Associations 
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- She’s lived in London most of her life, despite her time in America and at University, she’s always considered London her home. The noise, the lights, the busyness. She always loved it. 
-After divorcing Pete, she bought a townhouse, not dissimilar to the one she grew up in. 
- She and Molly believed in “Organised Chaos” in their house, messy bookcases, blankets and cushions everywhere. It what made it feel like home
- Speaking of Molly, Alex took a few weeks off every summer to take Molly on a holiday that was just for them. Most of her time was spent trying to ensure Molly never had the doubts about her mother that she had grown up with. 
- Before she became a mum, she had a rebellious phase, but low-key. Despite sometimes making questionable choices, she was always level-headed enough to think about the future and her career. 
Favourite Films:
The Truman Show, she found it fascinating from a psychological perspective and went to see it several times when it first came out. 
Erin Brockovich, watching a single mother fight against an entire corporation? Need I say more?
Thelma and Louise, Two women, one crime spree. Again. Need I say more?
Oddly enough Lilo and Stitch, Although the story of a broken family was hard for her to sit through, it was one of the first films she took Molly to see in the cinema and watching her daughter laugh at the “silly aliens” was a core memory for Alex. 
She and Molly would also build a “den” in the living room to watch films together when Molly was old enough, these included Mean Girls, Clueless and the bove films. 
Favourite Books
The Night Watch - Sarah Waters
Tipping the Velvet - Sarah Waters 
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 
Little Women - Louise May Alcott 
Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Favourite Songs
Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen
Borderline - Madonna
Rose Garden - Lynn Anderson
That Don’t Impress Me Much - Shania Twain
Who Do You Think You Are? - The Spice Girls 
Disco 2000 - Pulp
About You Now - The Sugababes
The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani 
Girls and Boys - Pulp
Kids in America - Kim Wilde
Sit Down - James
I feel like Alex wouldn’t really show an interest in music until she went to university and would prefer books, especially if they were about adventures or big families, both of which were things Alex lacked growing up. Her music taste is mostly influenced by what she would have been listening to while at university, or immediately after leaving. There are also some songs that she listened to under Molly’s influence. 
I don’t feel like Alex really had a relationship after her marriage broke down (not including Gene) as her priorty would have been Molly. I do however think she would have been open to the idea of a relationship with a women, if she met the right woman (hence the Sarah Waters novels). I feel like Alex is a mix primarily of 90s and 00s, as she would have been a young child in the 70s and as discussed in the show, the 80s was quite traumatic for her. I think she viewed the time after she had Molly as the best years of her life.  
Let me know if you have any thoughts on this, or any requests for who I do next :D xx
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