#i’m sorry but it’s literally young tyler
finchers-ipad · 8 months
brad pitt in ‘thelma and louise’ is almost exactly how i picture a young tyler durden
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hxltic · 6 months
Omg omg I love your writing. May i please order a cup of Ghost, König, Roach (or really any other COD character) with an s/o who randomly decides to ask them what their bodycount is and then gets upset when it’s a lot ;( like their s/o asks them about their past hookups and they’re like 16 or something and their s/o gets all pouty and teary eyed cause they don’t like the thought of someone else touching them in an intimate manner. SORRY IF THIS IS TOO DETAILED OML
I really wanted to do one of the three you named but I’m gonna do Gaz cus he’s hot and young and the least traumatized out of all of them LMAO IM SORRY (this is so late but I have motivation again and I’m back!!)
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Gaz connects the silver chain around his neck, watching his reflection copy in the mirror, then he shines a smile that hides the strawberry gum he’s chewing somewhere behind his teeth. Once he’s satisfied with a simple black tee that hugs him in all the right spots, he leaves the bathroom with a spritz of his expensive, vanilla scented cologne hanging in the air.
On his few days off duty, who better to spend it with than you?
He pours himself a single shot before you stroll out of your shared bedroom. Makeup done, heels high, and dress short— you were more than ready.
“Damn, you look good. You trying to kill me?” He rubs his jaw as he scans you.
Giggling, you twirl in your skin-tight dress, “Maybe.”
“Alright, let’s go before I do something I’ll regret.”
. .
You arrive with his arm slung around your waist as you pass the foyer and into the living room. Some of his high school friends await, new faces to you. They catch sight of you first, then him, and it instantly switches the mood when they holler out happily.
“Yo, Kyle!”
“Long time no see!”
A few hugs and handshakes later, you both take a seat and sink comfortably into the couch. His arm switches to rest over your shoulders protectively.
He inquires, “So, this is her right?”
“In the flesh,” he responds casually.
The man leans over from his spot and reaches his hand out, hoping you’ll take it. Your lips curl upwards politely when you do.
“Nice to meet you.”
“You too. He talks about you all the time, so when I saw you, I knew who you were immediately. I’m Tyler.”
“Does he now?” Your shoot a curious glance to him who’s watching the conversation unfold. “And what would he say?”
“All good things, all good things,” Kyle jests. His thumb caresses your shoulder. Tilting your head to lean into his neck, faint cologne seems to override everyone else’s in the room when his two-toned lips kiss your forehead.
“It’s good to see him finally settle down. Out of your ways, right man?”
Tyler mindlessly giggles as what he said runs over your head. Then, it takes a U-turn and comes back, dropping your expression to a blank stare at nothing in particular as the cogs turn in your brain.
Out of his ways. You repeat. What were his ways?
Unaware that he’d single-handedly ruined your night, Tyler continues talking to his friends. One of which was Kyle, someone trained to pay attention to those around him, so he notices your switch in demeanor but truthfully has no idea why.
To be completely honest, you didn’t know why either. He was a good man, one you trust with your life (literally), so why do you care about who he was? You didn’t know if this was riding a thin line of slut-shaming, but you were so curious that being lost in your train of thought negated the feeling of his hand resting on your bouncing knee.
“What’s the matter?” He tucks a strand of your hair back gingerly. “Let me fix it.”
Even if he didn’t know what it was, he always said those four words. “Let me fix it.” If it was things he couldn’t fix, he’d sure as hell try.
Your eyes dart to his soft ones. He gazes at you like you’re the only person in the room; the only girl in world. “It’s nothing.”
“If you don’t want to talk about it now, I’m askin’ again later. Would you prefer me do that?”
You consider his negotiation, running the scenario of later through your head, then nod quietly. He nods back but it’s evident he isn’t completely enjoying himself the rest of the night. How can he when you aren’t?
Half-assed responses and deep sighs fall from his lips, the irritation growing despite the previous longing to hear from his old friends. He began to grow overstimulated from that point on, but not wanting to ruin the mood, he kept his mouth shut.
. .
The second you slipped through the door, fast food in hand (from his efforts to lighten your mood), the tension transferred from the majorly silent car ride to your home. Your breaths were shallow as if the thoughts circulating overwhelmed you.
Nothing matters beforehand. Your relationship was still fresh, there wasn’t even enough time for him to have a “military girlfriend”. But could that mean you’re next? You trust him, just not your judgement.
“What’s wrong, beautiful? Ya barely ate.”
He closes the door behind you, treading carefully around your emotions as to not hurt you more. As much as you wanted to curl up in a ball, unfortunately, there’s nothing to fault him for in this situation, so you can’t do anything but talk about it. The guilt eats away at your love for him as you gather the words you call shameful.
“If you had to guess, how many people did you date before me?”
His eyes widen in surprise, then fade away as he searches his brain for memories.
The deliberation of the question should let you know the status of what he did. They could have been one night stands— and the thought makes you cringe— but nothing would evoke the most culpability than it being various, genuine relationships.
“Three,” he states. There was no extra talk, even though you’re sure he had pieced together why you were asking.
“How many different people have you been intimate with? Including me?”
Answering wasn’t the problem. It’s just that if it made you this upset and you hadn’t even known the answer yet, hearing the actual reply would absolutely crush you.
He chose against saying it, just releasing a deep sigh, which is basically the same thing. It told you all you needed to know.
“Hey, look,” he begins walking toward you and his logic is warred with his heart when you don’t step away, but just stand there sadly. There was nothing to be afraid of, and you weren’t scared of him anyway. “I know this feels cliché, but you’re the one I want. Ty wasn’t lyin’ when he said I’ve settled down.”
Both of his hands gently find yours as if he were attempting to telepathically transport his sincerity to you. “I love you more than you’ll ever know.”
And he shows it, most certainly— the kiss he sweetly places to your temple nothing but evidence— yet all you can think about were your previous thoughts. What if you’re next?
“So what’s the answer?” Your focus remains to the hardwood floor, attempting to look for invisible specs of dust to avoid the tears threatening to swell in your eyes.
It shocks him because he didn’t think you’d speak, concluding you were too upset. One of his hands removes yours and drags it over his face. “Fuck, baby— I don’t even have count.”
He was right, it did upset you more, but there wasn’t anything you could blame him for. And living in uncertainty within a relationship that he promises he’s dedicated to sounds like hell. He hasn’t done anything to prove you shouldn’t, so your best option, quite literally, is to trust him. “Okay.”
“Look at me, love.” He slowly raises your chin by a few fingers, only to feel a painful throb behind his ribs at the sight. “I was young, and stupid, and wanted the wrong things from the people around me. I joined the military because of it, and thank God I did. I found the right values of life.”
There was a wetness to your cheek that he wiped away with his thumb, but you wouldn’t be able to tell why it was there. Overwhelming affection or sadness?
“In fact, there isn’t anything I can thank more than the world for the time we met. Now, I can cherish you in a way I wouldn’t have been able to before.”
You listen closely to the words, just thinking of how okay you’ll be. He was a good man, and if you unintentionally painted him out to be anything otherwise, it would show. But until then, you two would be fine (assuming he wasn’t still a man-whore, of course).
©️ hxltic
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hotgirlgraps · 1 year
So I know it’s not wrote about often but I’ve been brewing with this cute idea and if you don’t wanna write it it’s fine! Can I possibly request a Hook x Female!Reader (who also wrestled with AEW) where they’ve been in a relationship for a while now and they end up accidentally getting pregnant and she ends up having a rough pregnancy but she’s also hard headed and wants to keep traveling so poor Tyler is honestly doing his best making sure his girl is comfortable and okay while also wrestling and taking care of himself?
This was literally so fun to write! I’m sorry it took me so long to get it posted I’ve been trying to write everyone’s request at once! I hope you love it!
Warnings: protective!hook, angst, pregnancy complications, fluff, some smut (in the form of lovemaking 🥲)
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Tyler was absolutely terrified but that was the very last thing he wanted you to see. As soon as those two pink lines appeared, all he could think about was the future and how drastically things were about to change. You were both so young and had just gotten your careers started and now he knew he was no longer going to be prioritizing his profession, but you and his future child.
He held you tight as you sobbed into his chest, the pregnancy test in his hand as he stared at it in disbelief, but there was no mistaking those two bold lines. He felt you trembling and tightened his arms around you, swaying you side to side. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” He whispered against your hair before placing a kiss to the top of your head.
The two of you agreed to keep it under wraps for a while. You only told Tony so he knew you’d no longer be able to wrestle, but you denied it when he offered you maternity leave starting at twelve weeks along, even though Tyler insisted you should take it.
“I still want to work.” You told Tony as you and Tyler sat in his office. You felt him give your hand a squeeze but he didn’t say anything. “If there’s anyway you can give me a couple of segments or something, Mr. Khan, I would greatly appreciate it.”
Tony nodded. He hadn’t stopped smiling since you and Tyler told him the news. “I’m sure I can work that out.”
“Maybe not every week.” Tyler spoke up, “She’s been getting sick a lot and the doctors told her she needed to rest more.” He tells Tony who nods in understanding.
“They gave me medication for the nausea and I’ve been feeling much better since.”
“She wasn’t able to eat dinner last night or breakfast this morning without getting sick.” He keeps his eyes on Tony as he counters your remark.
“I see.” He says as he eyes you and Tyler both. “How about you keep me posted about how you’re doing and if you’re feeling well enough then we’ll get you some segments?”
“I promise I’m okay. I only get sick after I eat.”
“She doesn’t eat. She can’t eat.”
“Tyler, please let me speak for myself.” You snap at him, and he looks over at you with soft eyes.
“Y/N, the doctors already told you to rest more. Tony is offering you exactly that and you’re not taking it.” He points out. Tony dropped his head, feeling a bit awkward as he stood there listening to the fuss.
“I will rest more, but I don’t want to completely stop working. What’s wrong with a couple of minutes in front of the camera for a little talking segment? It’ll be fine, Tyler.”
He clamped his mouth shut. It was clear he wanted to say more but he didn’t and that’s when you looked back at Tony and nodded. “Thank you, Mr. khan. I’ll be ready whenever you are for the segments.”
Tony nodded tightly. He caught Tyler’s eyes and how they were filled with concern. “Not a problem. I’m happy for you guys. Try to enjoy this as much as you can. You only get one first time pregnancy.”
But Tyler was finding it so hard to enjoy when all he worried about was you all the time. You were getting worse as the weeks went by yet you always failed to see that. Or maybe you did and just wouldn’t admit it. Either way, he could see you getting weaker by the day. You continued getting sick and were diagnosed with Hypermeses Gravidarum at fifteen weeks.
Tyler didn’t know what the hell that fancy term meant until the doctor explained that it’s basically violent vomiting. Then it all made sense since he’s had to hold your hair back for hours at a time for weeks now.
“You’re not gaining as much as you should be right now.” The doctor tells you. “Are you able to hold down anything?”
“No.” Tyler answers before you could. “She is sick all the time. All she can eat are crackers usually.”
The doctor nods and looks over at you. “Have you still been taking the Zofran?”
You nodded back. You were feeling queasy that moment but you didn’t try to show it.
“Alright. Well the first thing I want to do is take a look at that baby, then we’ll figure out something else we can give you that will hopefully help you be able to hold things down better.”
You inhaled deeply and laid back, pulling your shirt up to expose the slight bump that was forming. Tyler leaned up in his seat next to you and intently watched as the ultrasound technician spread some gel over your lower stomach and grabbed the probe.
Tyler’s eyes adverted to the screen the minute it caught his attention and there you both saw the form of your fifteen week baby, wiggling it’s arms and legs.
“Oh my God” you breathed out shakily as you stared in awe. Tyler was unable to speak, or do anything at all except watch. He felt his heart swell, filling up to maximum capacity in his chest.
You looked over to catch his reaction, seeing a wide, toothy smile on his face.
“That’s our baby” you whispered, doing your best not to cry as you extended out your hand. He grabbed it tightly and placed a tender kiss to your knuckles.
That was probably the only time Tyler felt relief. When he saw your future daughter or son and the doctor assured you both that he or she was as healthy as can be.
A couple of weeks past by though, and you kept getting worse. You started to have some swelling in your legs and feet and he knew it was because you wouldn’t stay off of them.
He massaged the soles as you laid on the couch with a cool washcloth draped over your eyes, trying to fight the crippling migraine that was making your whole head throb.
“The swelling is getting worse.” Tyler says as he tries to use his hands to massage it down. He pressed one finger into your calf and noticed the indentation it left long after. “That’s not normal. We should call the doctor.”
“It’s fluid build up.” You tell him. You’ve googled all of it.
“But your legs are double the size almost.” He counters as he keeps rubbing them from underneath your knees and down to your toes. “You need to start staying in bed like the doctor told you in the first place. You’re twenty weeks and already having all these issues, Y/N.”
You tried to ignore him but he didn’t let you.
“Are you listening to me?” His voice became a little edgier. “Do you not care?”
“Obviously I care, Tyler.” You snatched the washcloth off of your face to look at him. “But you act like it’s always like that. It’s not. It’s just when I’ve been walking around a lot which is normal.”
Tyler’s hands stilled as he stared back at you before he tore his eyes away with a long, drawn out sigh.
A few days later, you just got back from the arena together after a long night at work. He had groggy eyes as he watched you head straight for the bed, collapsing down on top of the sheets, exhausted.
He took your shoes off for you, noticing the swelling of your feet getting worse like he had been telling you for weeks, but he didn’t say anything this time because he knew you’d just argue about it.
“I’m gonna go shower.” He whispered as he leaned down and placed a kiss to your forehead.
“Wait” you whispered before he could turn around, grabbing his forearm. “Let me take one with you.”
Knowing you already took one right before you both left for work, he was apprehensive about it. You hadn’t been intimate in a couple of weeks due to the fact that he was simply terrified that he could possibly do something to hurt you and the baby so, every time you tried, he would always find some excuse not to.
But he knew it was making you feel sad that he would no longer touch you the way he really wanted to. He could tell that you were deprived and so was he, he was just so scared and so tired of being that way so he tried to do everything in his power to prevent anything at all happening that he possibly could.
He sighed as he kneeled down beside the bed to get eye level with you. He was starting to get dark circles under his eyes from all the constant worry and sleepless nights and you felt a pain in your heart when you saw it.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He whispered, his eyes searching yours for any hint that you weren’t, but you nodded and let a small smile linger upon your lips before you leaned foward and placed a kiss to his own, trying to reassure him but he was convinced nothing would until he’s holding you and your child in his arms.
He hesitated, but he nodded before he stood up and grabbed your hand, helping you off the bed.
It had been so long since you’d been tangled up in a moment like this with him that he was struggling, genuinely not to lose all of his control.
The shower started out with you both slowly removing each others clothes. He placed lingering kisses to your shoulder as he unclasped your bra and slid the straps down your arms. He tasted the flavor of your smooth skin and his tongue immediately recognized it, as if he’d been craving it.
He made sure you understood him when he cupped your cheeks with his calloused hands and said, “If you need me to stop, please, please tell me. Don’t think twice about it, okay?”
He led you into the shower, adjusting the temperature just the way you like it. The water casted down over both of your bodies and steam began swirling around as his lips landed on yours gently.
He was trying with all his might not to get too carried away and it was the hardest thing for him to do when your hands ran down his chest, nails gently raking over his abs.
Your bump was keeping a little distance between you when all you wanted was to merge with his body, be as close as humanly possible but, he found a way to make it happen when he sat down on the hotel’s shower seat and pulled you over him, straddling his thighs as he kissed all down your neck.
You were so deprived of this and hadn’t realized it until just then. Your body was tingling, skin was ignited with a thousand little fires everywhere he touched.
You reached down in pure anticipation and grabbed his hard length, wrapping your hand around it and earning a breathy sigh to slip past his lips.
Just as you positioned yourself, he caught your eyes and searched for any sign of hesitation one last time, but you gave him nothing but assurance when you lowered yourself onto him and your eyes instantly rolled back.
You were squeezing him so tight it was hard for him to keep himself composed but he was intently watching you and every single reaction carefully.
Your hands gripped his shoulders and you started slowly swaying your hips back and to, feeling him completely fill the space between your walls.
His eyes fluttered as you rocked against him, his hands holding you by the hips as he watched you use him for what you needed. The steam filled your throat as you sucked in a deep breath when he started thrusting his hips slowly.
“Is it too much?” He heavily breathed out. “Tell me if it is.”
You shook your head abruptly and dug your nails into his shoulders. “No, not too much” you moaned out as your hips moved in perfect harmony. “Feels so good”
Your breathy sighs and sweet moans kept his head spinning as he pushed himself into you, watching the beads of hot water slide down your body. His hands roamed around your waist and slid up your back as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you closer to him.
Your head dropped to his shoulder as he picked up the pace just a little bit, making your moans morph into sounds he’d never heard from you before.
“I love you, mamas” he heavily whispered before he placed three kisses to your shoulder.
You were quickly coming to the beautiful end and he could feel it when your walls throbbed around him, sucking him right back in every time he slid halfway out of you.
“Baby, I want you to come for me.” He tightens his arms around you, your breasts pushed against his chest, the need for the closeness you’d been dying to feel again finally satisfied.
“I want to feel your come dripping down my thighs, then you’re gonna feel mine when I fill you up, and it’s dripping out of you in the morning.” His hips jolt, hitting that spot so deep you felt your entire body buzz.
“Want you to be so fucked out like your pretty little ass deserves to be. Want you to think about this-“ he speeds up, holding you still while he fucks up into you, “every single time I’m not around. Can you do that? Can you come for me mamas? I want it, baby. I need it.”
His voice was filled with desperation as he tried to hold back. He was hearing the mixed moans and whimpers filling the steamy space and coupling that with your slick bodies sliding against one another was doing nothing but making him suffer, so close to his release but he needed to get you there first.
He pulled you back, his eyes watching the dazed and blissed out look casted over your face as you bit down on your lip in an attempt to keep from screaming too loud but,
“Go ahead” he coaxed you, “be as loud as you need to be. I wanna hear it. Wanna hear what you have to say about this. Wanna hear those pretty little lips scream my name for this entire hotel to hear.”
You were puffing and panting when those breathy sighs turned into loud whimpers that got lost within his mouth the second he covered yours with his.
His tongue slid over yours and swirled around it, the flavor of mint gum finding your tastebuds and tingling your tongue.
“Come on beautiful” he whispered, “come for me”
It was almost as if he said the magic words. Your entire body jolted, muscles clenched tight as a surge rushed through your veins and his name flew past your lips.
He watched with eyes of adoration before his hits stuttered, then stilled. You collapsed against his chest and he buried his face in the crook of your neck as you both endured the sensations riveting through your bodies.
Heavy breaths mixed into the steam as the two of you came down and he kept his arms wrapped tightly around you as he held you for five extra minutes longer.
He felt a little less apprehensive about it after that night in the shower but once your belly started rounding out, he suddenly became ten times more protective over you.
He didn’t want you in any crowds, he didn’t want you around too many people, he didn’t want you driving, he especially didn’t want you out of his sights in general.
Every time you had a segment to shoot he was right there behind the camera. Anytime you wanted to go shopping or out to eat he made sure he scheduled in the time to do it. His biggest fear was something happening to you and it was exemplified now more than ever now.
He gave up trying to get you to take that maternity leave and decided he just needed to take a new approach. He made sure you stayed close by at all times. You wanted to be ringside for his matches but he adamantly refused, so to meet in the middle, he had you sit at the commentator desk right next to his dad.
By this time there was absolutely no way that his oversized hoodie would hide your belly so, the one and only time you stepped back in the ring was when you and him made the announcement that you were expecting and that it was a boy.
He walked over to you and removed your coat, revealing your twenty-eight week bump for the world to see. He stood next to you proudly as you both took in the chaotic screams all around the arena before he pulled you into him and kissed you for the first time on camera, and in front of thousands of people in the crowd.
But the moment things seemed to have been looking up, the doctor broke the news that you had pre-eclampsia. Another term Tyler didn’t know, but it scared him half to death after he spent hours googling horror stories about it.
There was no room for arguing anymore when he told you it was time to take that maternity leave. He brought you to Tony’s office ready to do whatever the hell he had to do in order to get you out of work whether you liked it or not.
You sat in the chair with your swollen legs propped up on the one next to you that he would’ve been sitting in while he stood behind you, massaging your shoulders.
“Pre-eclampsia is serious, Y/N.” Tony told you, Tyler nodding in agreement silently. “I know you wanted to be here as long as you could but you need to put your safety and the safety of your son first.”
You were on the verge of tears for the fact that you knew you were going to have to say goodbye to your job for a while now.
“I wouldn’t feel comfortable keeping you here when I know the only thing you need to be doing is resting.”
You felt Tyler’s hands give your shoulders a squeeze and if you looked up at him you knew you’d see nothing but relief.
“I know.” You sighed. “I just don’t want to leave. I love it here. I love my career. I’ll never love any other career like this, and I know that.”
“Your position is always going to be secured here.” Tony assured you. “You can come back and I’ll gladly resign you whenever the time is right for you and your family. But for right now, you need to focus on you and your child. That’s the most important thing.”
And that’s what you did. Every so often you made a small appearance at the commentator table to watch Tyler’s match but that was only when he didn’t feel like arguing with you to stay back at the hotel and let you come to the arena because you just missed it too much.
You were nearing your induction date and he was about to take a month off for bonding time but he had one final match and you wanted more than anything to be there.
You stayed next to taz at the table and watched tyler in the ring. He wanted to stay focused on his match against Jack Perry especially knowing the FTW title was on the line but all he could think about was you and how you’d been having on and off contractions for days.
He was so exhausted from making two hospital visits only to be sent back home when they told you that you weren’t in labor just yet even though you’d been having so many tightenings and pains in your stomach. He felt like at any moment you were going to have to head to the hospital, so he wasn’t sleeping, to say the least.
“And I just want to say, for the record that my grandson is going to be here this time next week” taz exclaims on commentary, grinning from ear to ear. “So if you don’t see me next Wednesday, it’s because I’ve got better things to do than sit with these two guys”
You chuckled at that and watched the ring. Tyler was giving it his all but you knew how it was going to end and even though you hated that, you were thankful that Tony came up with something last minute when Tyler told him he needed to take his time off a little early. It meant he was losing the FTW title but when he returns, he’ll win it back.
His eyes kept lingering over to you every chance he got, making sure you were okay. He knew his dad was there so he felt a little more comfortable but in his mind he always thought about really improbable what ifs, like what if someone from the crowd jumps up on stage and tries to attack you or the building just suddenly collapses.
His mind was ate up with fear at this point and he was unfortunately letting it show tonight as much as he tried not to.
Once the match was over he waited for Jack to finally get out the ring so he could get off the canvas and back to you. He walked over to you, the crowd popping when they saw him grab your hand and lead you over to the stage. They may not have realized how far along you were until they saw your well rounded belly.
Tyler turned to face the crowd for what he knew was going to be the very last time for at least a month, and it was bittersweet for him and you but now he could finally give all of his attention and focus to you and your son and that was the only reason why he finally felt a little bit of relief. After such a long and terrifying nine months you were finally about to meet your son and all of these complications and worries would wash away the second you both lay eyes on him.
“You’re looking at Hook and Y/N for the last time like this folks. Next time you see them, they’re gonna be parents.” Taz says as he watches you and Tyler take in the screams and chants for the last time. “And I’m gonna be one proud grandfather.”
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
Hii! I’m literally carving smuts in these days, and I just finished Wednesday!!
I was thinking about a bsf to lovers, where reader and tyler have to hide from his dad because the reader is an outcast and they have to hide and sexual tension, or maybe the reader goes to the cafe during tyler’s night shift!!
Btw, have a good day xx
-anon 🍃
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warnings: sexual tension, age gaps (they're a ghost so), oral (m!receiving), unprotected sex, no implied afab or amab genitals for reader, creampie, l word, tyler almost transforming, mentions of death
tyler galpin has many secrets, his biggest isn’t the monster in his closet, it’s how stupid his closest ghost friend makes him
two requests in once since two people asked for tyler galpin smut teehee
A normie and an outcast? Who would've thought the two could even be friends. Especially between a lifeless ghost and and the son of the town Sheriff who was wary of the Nevermore students. Y/n was easily Nevermore's longest resident, but throughout their years at the academy they had never enjoyed their time quite like they did now.
That was thanks to Tyler Galpin. The 'human' boy had somehow charmed the young spirit. For a soul forced to damnation the current life they lived was surprisingly enjoyable. Even now, when they had to hide in Tyler's room whenever his dad barged in to speak with him about some random chore or another trivial topic.
Y/n waits until the coast is clear to appearate again. "Sorry about him, my dads just been on edge. With everything happening in town and all you know." Tyler apologizes for the constant intrusions.
"It's nothing really. I think of it as a way of practicing my spectral abilities more. So, thanks for the practice." Y/n smiles at the awkward boy. Of course they already knew his secrets, not that he was aware though. "So what movie were you going to show me?"
"Oh! Yeah, lemme grab it." Tyler rushes to his closet to find the dvd. Who still uses dvds? "I wanted you to watch American Psycho since you haven't seen it, which is still weird to me but whatever." Y/n watches him start up the movie while they float towards his bed and take a seat.
Tyler smiles and sits down next to y/n. While their eyes were fixated on the movie he kept glancing back at them, he was so desperate for their approval. Would they like the movie? Or think it was dumb? Think he was dumb? What if they hated him? His body tenses up when their hand lands next to his thigh.
It wasn't the temperature of their skin, it was how close they were to touching him. He glances back again, his eyes studying every feature on their face. It was almost impossible for him not too. Y/n seemed to notice the attention on them when they look back and see Tyler staring 'inconspicuously'. "You seen the movie too many times?"
Tyler's face turns red from being caught. "Uh, no I actually really like the movie. I just wanted to see if you were enjoying it." His lie was apparent, but y/n really didn't mind.
"Yeah I am. It's pretty good, although Im pretty impartial to 90s movies since, you know, that's when I died. The Craft was a good one." They smile at how nervous Tyler was getting. So, they slyly move their hand on top of his thigh. "What, you don't like that movie?"
He clears this throat awkwardly. "No no. I like that movie, a lot actually. It's really good."
"Are you just not feeling movies? We can do something else if you want, just say the word." He was freaking out at the implication. Were they just being a tease, or was y/n really implying something else.
Y/n smiles and slowly presses their body towards Tyler, like they were waiting for an answer. "We can do whatever you want to do, I have my xbox or-" His breath hitches when both of their hands are placed on his upper thighs. "Just pick," He mumbles trying and hoping that his blood doesn't all rush to his eager dick.
"That's all you want to do? Or I can suck your-" Tyler quickly covers their mouth when he hears loud footsteps coming upstairs. His heart was practically beating out of his chest until they faded away meaning his dad went back downstairs. "Oh yeah, I gotta be as quiet as a mouse." It was obvious y/n enjoyed teasing him.
Especially when they glanced down at the hard on that was prominently shown through his jeans. "What's the magic word Ty?"
"Please." He whispers partially out of breath from the tension he was experiencing. Y/n smiles while they promptly undo his belt and loosen his jeans. His dick was straining in his boxers, a sight to behold.
His breath catches in his throat when their hand begins to make contact with his aching cock. "You're quite a big boy aren't you?" He can't even respond when their chilled fingers rub against his tip that was exuding precum. "Ty, do I make you nervous?" He looks down at the ghost whose face was positioned right next to his dick.
"Very much so."
They just giggle. "Good." Y/n licks a stripe up against his shaft making him throw his head back. Their hand was fixed at the base of his dick while they gently kissed his tip. "I wanna know how you taste," He can feel himself being eveloped by their mouth. Tyler bites back the breathy moans that want to leave his lips. Their other hand gently grabs ahold of his balls making him almost audibly moan.
It was getting hard for him to hold back. Especially when he felt his dick start to reach into their throat. "Fuck..." He bites his tongue to no avail. Y/n let’s him go and smiles at his mewling beneath them.
“Shhh. We gotta be quiet. Besides, we haven’t even got to the best part.” His eyes widened when they pushed him back onto his mattress. “Plus, I wouldn’t be the one getting caught with my dick out.” They giggle before dropping their bottoms and sliding their legs out of their underwear.
Climbing up on the bed y/n was basically straddling Tyler. They slip two finger into their mouth before rubbing them around and into their opening. “You ready?” They could see just how eager he was. It was funny, Tyler was acting like a freshman that hadn’t even got their dick touched.
Y/n moves slow when they line themselves up, their heart almost beating in sync with his. Tyler grabs at his sheets when he feels his dick start to enter them. Curses string from his mouth while he tries to keep quiet. When he feels himself bottom out. “You feel so fucking good.”
“So I’ve been told.” Y/n begins to rock their hips steadily, while Tyler is desperate to pick up the pace. He bucks upwards when he feels their walls clench around him. They had his dick in a vice grip and he couldn’t he happier.
Y/n lays flat on Tyler’s chest burying their head into the crook of his neck. Their breath fans his face while they continue to move sensually. It was almost like something snapped in Tyler, y/n had expected it, but not this soon.
He can feel his resolve slipping when he grabs onto y/n’s hips. A quick yelp leaves them at the sudden touch. Tyler starts to rock their hips more, each thrust of his concerningly hardening cock sending their mind into overdrive. “Fuck Tyler, don’t stop. Please.” They grabbed onto his shoulders, nails digging into his flesh.
Y/n was seeing stars with the way Tyler was thrusting. Both of their bodies were on fire and the upcoming highs. And they can’t help but gasp feeling the growing claws start to scrape across their semi-translucent skin. They had never felt more alive. Well, they did before they died but yeah.
Tyler doesn’t quit, he keeps on bucking his hips and bringing their hips down to match his unrelenting pace. Desperate to reach his peak and bring them with him. Y/n wanted to scream at the pleasure that was building. Like a damn about to bust, they bite down on their lip trying to contain their excitement. “Tyler I’m gonna cum, please faster, faster.”
Like a good little Hyde his pace seemed almost superhuman now. Tyler fought back his near transformation when the tension in his body snapped. He slammed their hips down again causing the euphoria to take over like a tsunami.
Y/n covers their mouth while they cum around his throbbing dick. They squeeze him for all he’s worth before y/n completely goes limp in his arms. “Fuck,” They mumble almost incoherently at the orgasm. Tyler pants when he pulls out, cum spilling from their aching hole. They shiver at the loss.
Tyler rolls over and lays y/n down gently, any hint of his previous self washed away with his euphoric state. “Shit, I should’ve been more gentle. Just lay down. I’ll take care of you.” Y/n yawns softly before nodding. Curling into his warmth while he took care of the rest.
The most warmth they’d felt in a while, and it was about to be the best sleep in a while as well. Their post nut haze can’t even get them to here the words that leave his mouth next. “I think I love you.”
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cancerian-woman · 7 months
I wish we saw some bonding between Bonnie and Qetsiyah or something, like imagine meeting your ANCESTOR who started all of this shit (besides Dahlia, Inadu, and Esther, the whole doppelgänger thing existing is what I’m talking about). How would you have wanted Bonnie and Qetsiyah’s relationship to have been like? Like Qetsiyah is arguably the most naturally powerful witch on the show, more powerful than Dahlia and Esther (I’m sure there’s like 20 posts on reddit explaining their feats), I just wish her and Bonnie could’ve had more interaction ughhhhhh.
Like isn’t Qetsiyah Egyptian or Greek or something? Wouldn’t it have been cool to incorporate that into a storyline with Bonnie and her magic?
Isn’t it crazy that even outside potential romantic relationships, there’s still so much lacking in Bonnie’s writing in the show? Like besides the MFG, she has ZERO FRIENDS. Stefan isn’t really her friend, she wasn’t friends with Damon until the whole prison world shit, I think, Stefan and Caroline were friends with Klaus (Caroline being more of a fling than a friend, but whatever), I forgot who Elena was friends with, but my point is that Bonnie is actually more sidelined than I thought. Bonnie never even had enemies that were strictly HER enemies. Kai could count as one, but he was more focused on Alaric and the Parker family when he left the prison world, Elena was one of the vocal points of the show, so she had all that shit, Caroline had that whole thing with Tyler and Klaus and other storylines, where was BONNIE’S STORYLINE.
Like isn’t it crazy that Klaus and all these people talk about how powerful and epic the Bennetts are, so why isn’t Bonnie considered a threat? Like… it literally doesn’t make sense. Like you’re telling me that everyone knew Bonnie was crazy powerful and had a crazily powerful ancestral background, she’s a psychic, she can create dimensions, etc… but she’s somehow just the MFG helper… right.
It’s giving mammy in the form of the magical negro. A motherly figure who is always moral and takes care of everyone and is so strong and blah blah blah, I’m so sick of it.
And I don’t mind black witches being a thing in shows. As an African, it really intrigues me to see how shows tackle the topic of black people and witchcraft but WHY do us black folk have to be helpers to EVERYONE. EVEN IN SHOWS. GOSH. She doesn’t even get a proper ending in the show. “Bonnie travelled to Africa”…😐😐😐. Wow. Ok.
And I wish we saw more scenes of Bonnie just LEARNING. Like yeah, great. We have like one or two scenes of her playing with feathers, but imagine if she was in the originals and Vincent was mentoring her or some shit. Idk. Or if her and white Bonnie!Freya or white Bonnie!Davina were just chilling and practicing witchcraft together or whatever. We never really get to see Bonnie CHILL or just learn without having the goal of saving Elena or someone in the MFG. Do we ever see her relax? Nope. My brain just reminded me of Plec tweeting to Megan Thee Stallion that she sees black women as superheroes that will save us all and I’m even more mad now.
Sorry for the rant.
You summed up everything perfectly! I’ll answer the Qet part.
I would’ve liked to see Qetsiyah and Bonnie see each other as family. Have Qetsiyah uplift Bonnie rather than cause her pain by being the anchor. Qetsiyah was arrogant as hell. Why should Qetsiyah lessen who she is? Everything ties back to her as the oldest Bennett witch we meet.
Qetsiyah made Silas suffer for his manipulation and abuse of her magic. Bonnie’s in the same position Qetsiyah was in. A young Bennett witch being used by vampires for their own deeds. So why not have Qetsiyah remind Bonnie she’s not just any witch she’s a Bennett witch. She’s stronger than them, she doesn’t have to take their shit just because she loves them. Fight back.
TVDU has no value for their characters of color and doesn’t want the Bennett’s as a family. I do think it would’ve been nice if Bonnie’s magical education was handled better but Bonnie being a self taught witch through it all really makes her stand out more.
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wonniethepoo · 7 months
𝕊𝕖𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟
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🍯ℂ𝕒𝕟 𝕀 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕒 𝕜𝕚𝕤𝕤? 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣..🍯
𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: 𝔸𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕒 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣, 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕠 𝕒𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕒𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕖. 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕘𝕨𝕠𝕟 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕥’𝕤 𝕥𝕠𝕠 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖? 𝕆𝕣 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕤𝕝𝕚𝕡 𝕓𝕪…
𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕣𝕖: 𝔽𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗, 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕥 (𝕚𝕕𝕣𝕜)
This was your last summer before you had to leave for college. You only had 2 days before you had to go. Sadness took over you when you thought about leavingyour family, friends, but most of all, Jungwon. He had been your bestfriend since 1st grade. You still remember th3 first day you met. You were picking sunflower seeds for your grandmother when you saw a boy your age. He was making flower crowns. “Hi!” Your enthusiastic greeting scared the boy to death. “You can’t sneak up on people like that!” “Oh I’m sorry! I’m y/n!” The boy looked down at his flower crown, “Jungwon. My name is Jungwon.” He handed you the crown and shook your hand. “Wanna be friends?” “Yes! Let’s be best friends,” and the rest was history.
~Present time~
“Why do you have to leave me? You’re literally the only funny person in this town Sunny.” Ever since you guys were little, Jungwon has always called you sunny. “Because there are way more opportunities for me! Besides, don’t you want me to be successful,” The boy pouted, “Oh so I guess you want me to be homeless!” You dramatically stated as you plopped down on your bed next to him. Jungwon rested his head on your shoulder and sighed. “Will you at least visit frequently?” “If I can.” You knew this was going to happen as soon as you got accepted into the university, you just didn’t know it was going to be this hard.
The boy looked towards you, his saddened eyes scanning your face before pulling you into a hug. Tears threatened to escape your eyes, and it felt like a large lump was in your throat. You wrapped your arms around him, Not wanting to see all your packed up belongings, you buried your head into his neck. The hug lasted for about 30 seconds before he pulled away. “Enough of this mushy gushy stuff! Let’s at least go some where before I leave Sunny,” He sounded like he was about to break down in tears and you could tell. You nodded and followed him downstairs to his car.
You loved car rides like these. You looked out the window, admiring in the beautiful scene. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with a kaleidoscopic display of luminous colors. Though keeping his eyes on the rode, he just couldn’t help but look at you. You looked so beautiful. The sun was perfectly hitting your rose tinted cheeks, and enhancing your beautiful dirt-brown eyes.
you started realizing where he was driving to. He was taking you to the sunflower field you guys met in. “Oh my gosh, this brings me way back Won!” “Yeah I thought we should spend our last moments together in the place we met.” He chuckled and got out of the car, walking to your side and opening your door. “You’re such a gentlemen.” You smiled “my pleasure sunny.” Walking out the car you took in the view once again. Nostalgia hit you. You couldn’t believe you weren’t 6 anymore. “Come here let me show you something.” Jungwon grabbed your hand and led you to a rock in the middle of the field. He sat on the rock and patted it, insinuating you to come sit as well.
“Y/n, we’ve been best friends since we were young. I really enjoyed all the time we’ve spent together. I like you. I-I really really really like you.” You looked at Jungwon, “Wonnie I like-“ before you could finish your sentence his lips connected to yours. It was sweet and sincere. You’ve kissed many boys before but this one was different, You felt love. Before you would run out of oxygen you pulled away. He was flustered even though he made the first move. “Before you interrupted me.. I like you too Wonnie!” You giggled and hugged him. “Also here, I made this a couple of days ago.” He placed a beautiful sunflower crown on top of your head.
“You look so pretty Sunny.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ omg first official fic! It’s probably not the best but I will take CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM (not insults I will block ur ass.) hopefully yall like it lol. 💞💞💞
~ @neoculturecollectives
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percontaion-points · 2 years
OVE chapters 30-32
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The following book review contains violence & gang activity. Reader discretion is advised. 
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions. 
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Chapter 30
Juliette cast a wary eye to Tyler as he hovered at the end of the alley…
There are probably a couple hundred words that could have been used here, and the author decided on “word that makes the character seem like he’s got superpowers”.
Thirty-two paces. A barrier in the middle, which the dueler on each side could approach but could not retreat from once they had stepped forward. Tyler had one shot. If he missed, Roma could compel him right to the barrier, and when Roma took his returning shot, there was only one outcome possible. At such proximity, Roma could only strike true
There are fucking 19 more chapters after this. Whatever is going to happen in this duel can’t possibly be important in the slightest. 
By the time Juliette opened her eyes and whispered, “I’m sorry,” Tyler was already dead.
Chapter 30 summary: Juliette waits with Tyler for the duel to start. Alisa is being held under two other scarlet guards, but she seems more annoyed than anything. Roma and Ben show up. Ben and Juliette discuss how they couldn’t convince their cousins to back down in any way. The two whiny little manchildren get into position, and Juliette tells Alisa not to look; the young girl still hasn’t fucking figured out what’s going on, despite the guns being drawn and paces taken. 
But before the two men can turn around and shoot at each other, Tyler gets shot in the chest. He doesn’t immediately die, but lives long enough to understand that he was betrayed by Juliette. Juliette then has to kill the two guards, so that they won’t rat her out, either. 
After doing that, Juliette goes to Tyler’s side, where he lays dying on the ground with a hole in his chest. She chews him out for having pushed this past any sort of reason. Juliette tries to tell herself that he’s doing this because he believed that his father was killed by the whites. But like… why the fuck would you bring this up literally one paragraph before he dies? Nobody cares at this point. He died as he lived: shitty. 
Chapter 31
“It doesn’t matter,” Juliette said. “He can’t hurt us now, can he?” 
The problem is that I doubt things are going to get better. Tyler played a stupid game (and won an equally stupid prize), but he also started something that he knew was literally going to end up with him dying violently and early. 
If she thinks that this is going to end with Tyler, I think she’s wrong. 
Edit from the future: Oh boy, wasn’t counting on that interrupting the plot, but maybe people will be so distracted that Tyler’s death won’t even matter in the long run. 
Juliette watched a brothel owner wander out onto her balcony, her silk billowing in the wind. In seconds, she was shot from below, and with a spray of red, tumbled over the railing onto the hard cement ground. 
The worker who had fired the bullet did not pause.
Ah yes. I’m certain that killing random prostitutes will totally make people sympathetic towards your cause. /ALL THE GODDAMNED SARCASM
Just as the workers rounded into the alley and loosed their ammunition, Juliette and Roma disappeared through the narrow back passages and merged into the city.
Chapter 31 summary: They kind of stand around and the others are kind of like “Damn Juliette.” She’s obviously upset over what she did, but she doesn’t seem to have any sort of regret over having done it. Marshall shows up, but literally not even the narration can spare more than a few paragraphs on it before it drags the Romeo and Juliet plot back front and center. 
In the distance, gunfire is heard. Somebody says that the revolution is upon them. 
We randomly jump to Kathleen, who is the only one concerned that Rose, Juliette, and Tyler are missing among all of the chaos. 
Back to our main characters, Roma demands that they not go anywhere until Juliette agrees to talk to him. Which considering that they literally witnessed a protestor kill a random prostitute simply because she was there… that doesn’t seem like a great idea in the slightest. She eventually agrees. 
Chapter 32
The first echoes of shooting began outside. Perhaps Juliette should have tried to get home instead, tried to organize the Scarlets to fight back. Somehow, she had a feeling it would not make a difference. For the first time, the gangsters were not only outnumbered but vastly overpowered.
Gee, it’s almost like if you continue to treat people like shit, they’re going to rise up and shoot you in the streets or something. How weird is that?
“The chaos outside . . . It won’t just end tonight as it always does. It won’t go back to the way it was.” 
Roma smoothed his thumb across her wrist. “I know,” he replied. “While we weren’t watching, we have lost power.”
These idiot gangs were too busy launching bullets at each other to pay attention to the rising resentment of the commoners. 
It was distant to Juliette, and she would let it remain at a distance, so long as she could have this—here, now, perfect: her soul as boundless as the sea, her love as deep
Chapter 32 summary: Roma and Juliette flee to a safehouse. (What about the others? Fuck them, I guess.) There, in this book’s preferred style, too much time is spent with them basically affirming that they love one another, no really. However, there’s next to no emotional impact in the scene, which is also in this book’s style. So I found myself largely skimming the entire thing until we mercifully got a paragraph break. 
We jump over to Kathleen, who randomly decided that now was a good time to go for a goddamned stroll. She comes across a little girl who was sent out for bandages to help the wounded. And then a man who all but spits in Kathleen’s face simply because she’s wearing “nice” clothes. Even despite that, she helps the man. 
Juliette had hoped that the fighting would have slowed or even stopped as night fell, but that didn’t happen. She and Roma sit around and kind of have one of those “We did this. We’re the bad guys in their eyes.” This quickly goes back to how much they love one another. And it still has no sort of emotional impact, so I don’t even care when they start getting hot and heavy. 
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endthishere · 7 days
I’m trying to be somewhat graceful in ending this - I mean I already failed at that but I want to make sure it’s clear.
Tyler I think you are a dumb ho with shitty tattoos that you’ll probably end up getting lasered off. You should’ve gotten at least a little bit of higher education it would’ve benefited you a lot. (It’s not too late) I hope you find a man who is not me to take care of you. Lol when I went to your house and your sister was like “who’s this one?!” I was like oh she iiis a ho- I tried not to judge you on your appearance but I was right. It’s kinda funny that you would cover yourself in tats like that. It’s like a natural warning to mates in nature or some shit. No dude is gonna look at you and be like huh I wanna make a family with this crazy tatted bitch- that’ll be stable! You can keep my rings I’ll buy some better ones. It’s good that you have a reminder..
Sarah I lied so hard to you have no idea what’s real. The truth is I have never respected you since we’ve been young (and I think you felt that when we were still talking) I always just knew you as that slut who cheats on her boyfriends - and I wanted to help you do that (again). I did want to be with you but honest to god I am disgusted with you. And now you’re thinking… you..? Disgusted with me? HA. But you’re the one who brings the worst out of me. So literally i want to stay away from you so that when i do die someday - wherever we go- maybe I’ll still be able to get where i need to go by avoiding being tainted by you. You are one sick bitch (no not siick) and I’m sorry about whatever trauma happened to you that made you who you are.
I think that you think you’re smarter than you are. Don’t get me wrong you are very smart but not as smart you think you are - and it’s a weakness of yours. You’re welcome.
Y’all know I don’t have anything bad to say about Kylie -love you - I know it’s weird
Probably a bit overkill
It goes without saying but I guess it doesn’t
Don’t ever think about reaching out to me again I swear. No amount of time will fix this nor do I want it fixed
It could be worse - I could be sending you child support and be stuck tied to you - I’m glad it didn’t reach that point
You used to be genuinely sweet - now you have to convince everyone cause it’s just not in you anymore
I think you should delete this app and your blogs your mind is so polluted
why don’t you just delete everything and focus on you in the moment - inspire yourself
0 notes
rainycitysworld · 2 years
Being With Nanami Kento
For Anon :) Anon I am so sorry this is like three weeks late. I had finals and then got super sick. The past couple of weeks were a lot.
What it's like being with Nanami Kento:
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“Sorry, I’m late.”
Nanami held a plastic bag from the Chinese place down the street in one hand. In the other was his jacket. His tie was incredibly loose, and upon closer inspection, blood on his collar. Nanami wasn’t the type to be late. Being an adult meant being on time, but if he had to be, he would come with take-out, an offering of forgiveness no one ever asked for, even if that day he had quite literally gone through hell and back.
“Those kids are going to be the death of me,” he groaned, putting the food on the table and pulling out plates. Despite the strain in his voice and obvious strain on his body, he carefully portions out the food for the one he loves most based on their favorites. Extra fried rice and only enough broccoli to reach a satisfactory vegetable intake. He takes the extra steps to make the cheap take-out look presentable, finishing it off with a glass of white that was nice enough to give someone he loves but not so nice that it felt odd to be drinking with this meal. On his plate, he threw on what was left.
Trying to ask him about the day is futile, although it’s easy enough to piece it together. He might not technically be a teacher, but he didn’t trust Gojou to always treat the kids like kids- he always thought the man put too much pressure on the young sorcerers to fulfill his vision, noble as it might be. They probably went into a fight, recklessly like their teacher, and had to learn the hard way that they weren’t the strongest. They weren’t like him. So Nanami, the saint he is, intervenes and not only has to fight a curse but tend to the students as well. Not just during but after, too, that was also a point of contention between the two men. Gojou wasn’t always the best to meet someone's emotional needs, especially after something traumatic. It was hard, exhausting, and long work, but someone had to do it.
But who took care of Nanami?
No one. Or that’s how he felt about it. He was strong, mentally and physically. The burden of the world was to fall as much as possible on his shoulders. “I’ll be right back. I should shower before sitting down to eat. I probably smell like sweat and blood.” He figured that he also probably wasn’t enjoyable to look at in this state, and they deserved only the best from him.
As he walked away, though, he found himself impossibly stopped by the small tug of his shirt. One hundred grade 1 curses couldn’t get him to budge, but that delicate hand, untouched by the darkness of his world, sometimes felt like the only thing keeping him grounded. Without another word, he sat back down and started to eat. It was silly to think that eating before a shower was anyone’s version of being cared for, but for a man who put everyone’s feelings and comfort in front of his own, the small gesture was the permission he didn’t know he wanted. It had been a long day, and all he wanted was to enjoy a nice meal in front of the most beautiful person in the world. That’s what made him feel taken care of.
Earned it- The Weeknd
See You Again- Tyler, the Creator ft. Kali Uchis
Drew Barrymore- SZA
Cigarettes and Coffee- Otis Redding
White Ferrari- Frank Ocean
Sleepyhead (stripped down version)- Passion Pit
Japanese Denim- Daniel Caesar
Just the Two of Us- Grover Washington ft. Bill Withers
I Love You So- The Walters
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby- Cigarettes After Sex
Young and Beautiful- Lana Del Rey
At Last- Etta James
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scandalsavagefanfic · 3 years
Hello! I am a huge fan of ur writing. I've loved everything I've read of yours. I've read alot of what you've posted, except for a couple of the tags that are squicky for me (so I'm very thankful you tag very thoroughly). No judgement for the squick, it's just not for me. & when I'm having a bad day, I usually just go thru ur ao3 and find something to reread. I think about Therapy's Bruce & Jason every damn day. While I obvs appreciate ur darker more "problematic" content (I really vibe with some of the themes you write about bc of my own trauma, & so it's very cathartic to read about in a fictional setting), I am truly a sucker for ur more happy content. The Happily Ever After verse also lives in my head rent free. Idk more wholesome stuff just seems more special when you write it. Anyways. I would die for you. But the point of this ask is cause I'm curious as to why you don't like Urban Legends? I'm sorry if you already talked about it here or on twitter and I missed it. I was just wondering because I really enjoy your take on things and would love to hear why you dislike it. I've been enjoying it so far personally, but I am always open to DC comics criticism.
Aw thank you so much! I'm so flattered by everything you just said. You're so sweet ❤❤❤❤❤
I haven't talked about Urban Legends here or twitter (I haven't been very active in either place lately. Just a lot going on and no energy 😔) but I'm happy to do it here.
Before I start though, I just want to add a standard disclaimer and make it clear that if you like it, there's nothing wrong with that and you don't have to let me ruin it for you lol. Like what you like.
That said, since you asked...
I said this when I was talking about it on discord, that there is a difference between hope and expectation. I always hope that a new story centered on Jason (or anyone really, but things have been especially egregious for Jay for 15 years) will be good or at least treat the character with a minimal level of respect (to be honest, the bar is super fucking low). But my expectations always temper my hope, to keep it from getting unrealistic. Because my expectations are based on experience.
The long history of Jason Todd, since even before his resurrection, has been one of retroactively trying to make him "a bad seed" in order to absolve Bruce of any responsibility in his death.
I don't even expect DC or their writers to start honoring the fact that Jason was not an angry, reckless Robin (and less of the later than Dick or Tim and definitely Damian). There plenty of ways that retcon can be folded into his history and be compelling and sympathetic. And if they're going to stick with that retcon, I'm only asking that they do it in one of those compelling and sympathetic ways because Jason was 15 when he died, heroically, in one of the most selfless acts in comics, to save a woman who literally handed him over to be brutally murdered. He was 12 when Bruce plucked him off the streets, he'd been homeless and fending for himself for at least two years. I personally think that Jason's story hits harder for him and Bruce if their original, canon relationship, of Jason as starry-eyed and eager to learn and absolutely devoted to Bruce and Bruce to Jason, is preserved. But Jason's origins does leave room for a meaningful interpretation of him as angry and frustrated at the lack of meaningful results of Bruce's methods.
And that's really where my irritation at stories like Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer and Batman The Adventure Continues has it's roots.
Every time one of these stories comes out, I think (or hope, rather) that this will be the one that remembers and respects the origins of the Jason and the Red Hood, that takes into account the changed sensibilities of comics readers in the 30 years since Jason's death and the subtle, 20 year, retroactive campaign to make him the "bad Robin". The "born bad" trope is played out and literally no one likes the message it implies. That some kids are just bad eggs and there's nothing parents or the adults around them can do. Especially when it's played as the kid's fault. If Jason's time as Robin is going to be characterized by anger, then it should be rooted in anger at the social injustices he witnessed as he grew up in an impoverished, crime-ridden, area and the horrors he faced raising himself when every day was a battle for survival. There are topical, meaningful, stories to tell with that backdrop.
But those are never the stories we get.
⚠⚠ Spoilers for Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer ⚠⚠
I'm particularly disappointed in Urban Legends because for the first issue, it looked like that was the kind of story we were going to get. I was put off by the first flashback of Jason being mesmerized by Bruce's guns, and I got that feeling in my gut that it was a bad sign. Jason depicted as impatient and overconfident and the scene with the guns is heavy-handed foreshadowing that got my spidey-sense tingling. I had a inkling then (in the first three pages) of how this story was going to play out, but it was early and I could still see many narrative paths that could lead to a satisfying story. My concerns were soothed somewhat and the little flame of my hope fanned, with the flashback of Alfred scolding Bruce, with Barbara's concern for Jason. A bit of worry returned with the way Jason ruthlessly pursued an addict who didn't appear to be a dealer and with the ending of the issue. The stuff with the addict sat wrong with me but the ending was tempered some by how despicable Tyler's dad was written. The scene was clearly set so that the reader could sympathize with Jason's decision and the scene with the addict could be brushed aside as a side-effect of comics over-the-top need for constant action, so I still held hope.
Issue 2 made me uncomfortable and it's where my hope starts to take a backseat to my expectations. I can dismiss Jason's self-deprecating internal monologue as unreliable narration, except that the flashback reinforces his thought process to explicitly show that it's not unreliable narration, and should be taken at face value. Jason faces physical abuse at the hands of his mother's drug dealer and when the flashback continues later, Jason kills the drug dealer. To be clear, this is a pre-Bruce Jason. His mom is still alive. He's like... 10. He kills this guy for shoving his head into a wall and implying Jason's mother paid for her drugs with sex. This is a scene that serves a single purpose. To show that Jason has always been prone to violence.
In the spirit of full disclosure, there is the small chance the drug dealer might not be dead. But the story obviously wants the reader to think he is, and it hasn't done anything to change that yet.
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Starlin already did this story with The Diplomat’s Son in 1988 and he did it infinitely better. AND that’s still technically canon. So now I’m supposed to believe that Jason lost his cool bad enough to kill two douche bags before his sweet 16? Like it’s totally normal for abused kids raised in poverty, who’ve led hard and heartbreaking lives to just... haul off and kill people? That’s bullshit, and when taken with the Jason in the third issue, who is little more than an idiot thug, this story is really doubling down on some fucked up stereotypes.
Which brings us to the most recent issue. I went into this installment with very low expectations. I thought this story was going to be about Jason, through this experience with Tyler, a young boy with a similar background to Jason's, coming to the realization that Bruce's way is the best way and that Bruce did his best by Jason.
That would be annoying (in no small part because it takes increasingly absurd levels of plot armor to keep Bruce's no kill rule relevant, let alone irrefutably right). But I can probably live with that, if only because maybe if Jason officially falls back into line with the Bats crusade, maybe I'll get stories that treat him with respect, stories that don't relegate him to comic relief, dumb brute, or a background body with no lines in a story about the Joker burning Gotham (like Jason would just fucking stand there quietly for that).
And that may still be where the story is going, Jason realizing Bruce is right.
But holy shit do I not have the right words to describe how fucking insulting and gross issue three is.
From start to finish--including the flashback--Jason is written as cruel and fucking stupid. Like straight up dumb.
The entire issue is Bruce explaining the fucking basics to Jason like it's his first day. And Jason flies off the fucking handle and terrorizes a doctor he knows isn't a part of making the Cheerdrops, beats the shit out of some random addicts, and finally, when he can't accomplish anything on his own because he's a dumb brute he calls Barbara for help and rushes in with no information where he's promptly incapacitated and must now wait to be rescued by Batman.
This panel is the least of the issues sins but I can’t screenshot the entire story but it’s representative of the tone for the whole issue (and retroactively tainted the prior two issues).
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This is beyond insulting. The only conclusions Jason comes to in this issue are the ones Bruce leads him to by talking to him like he can’t make the simplest connections. And like... in this story Jason can’t make the simplest connections.
This (and the Jason throughout the entirety of this issue) is a far cry from the Jason we fell in love with in Under the Red Hood, who was competent and strategic and intelligent enough to seize control of Gotham’s underworld from Black Mask (who’s no fucking slouch, he’s the first and only person to unify organized crime in Gotham) AND elude and manipulate Bruce until the time and place of his choosing.
This is a far cry from even the Red Hood and the Outlaws Jason who is competent enough to fight the League of Shadows and Ra’s al Ghul (among very dangerous and skilled others) and smart enough to create antidotes for mind control nanotech viruses.
As he should be, by the way. Jason Todd is one of the best, most comprehensively trained fighters in DC’s stable of non powered vigilantes. He’s not irrational or hot headed. He’s pragmatic, tactically minded, and patient. He’s a detective. Right now. Has been since he was 12. Bruce doesn’t have to make him one because he already is. 
Jason is not a stupid thug who uses his fists because his brain doesn’t work. And I can’t tell you how so very exhausted I am by this narrative. 
This is actually the most egregious example of Jason’s skills and intelligence being not just undermined but dismissed entirely. Even Morrison’s Jason had some degree of competency. 
The one, single redeeming factor of this story is the art. It’s beautiful. And Marcus To is a godsend he seems to be one of only a couple of artists who remember that Jason was a child when he was Robin and I’m literally only buying this book because of him. 
Anyway, I’m sorry. I didn’t want that to come out so... um... passionately lol. I’m just very very tired. My intention with this isn’t to ruin it for you, if you like it, that’s fine. 
But this issue shot this story to the top of my "Vehemently Despise” list. 1) Batman: Urban Legends (Cheer), 2) Battle for the Cowl/Morrison’s Batman and Robin, 3) Batman The Adventure Continues.
I hope the next issues somehow salvage this dumpster fire. But I’m not expecting it.
(Damnit. That sounded harsh again. To reiterate, I’m not trying to judge anyone who enjoys it, I just personally hate it and you asked me why lol 😅)
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joviewinchester · 3 years
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“You’re absolutely positive you can’t come with me?” Y/N asked Matt.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I work that day. Maybe you can ask Ty or Stefan or something.”
“Yep. Been there done that. Stefan has plans to hang out with Caroline and Tyler has another wedding to go to by some stupid twisted chance of fate. I hate June.”
“You can…well, I’m not even going to suggest that torture.” Matt said cutting himself off.
“What? Anything is better than the torture of my family trying to set me up with someone.”
“You could ask Damon, but then again, he’s literally the worst. I guess pick your poison. Damon Salvatore or wedding set up. Personally I’d go with the latter.”
Y/N patted Matt on the shoulder and sighed. “You don’t know my family.” She exited The Grill and reluctantly drove to the Salvatore Boarding House.
She knocked, and Damon immediately opened the door. “You know, I was wondering when the tension would catch up to you.” He smirked.
“That is not why I’m here, Damon. I need a favor.”
“What kind of favor?”
Y/N sighed and took a deep breath before starting her rant. “I need a date to my relatives wedding, and i’ve already asked literally everyone else i know, so i know you probably hate me, but please say yes. Otherwise they’ll try to set me up with someone, and they have awful taste.”
“And what do I get out of agreeing to this?”
“Um…I don’t know? The wedding is literally tomorrow and I have no other option so…I have no clue. Whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want, huh? I’ll let you know when I figure out what that is. What time does this wedding start tomorrow?”
“Wedding’s from 5:00 to 6:00 and the reception’s from 6:30 to 10:00, unfortunately, I have to help with setup, so I have to be there three hours early, it was almost five luckily I got out of that, but I’m not going to make you deal with that, so I’ll leave from there early, come pick you up around 4:30. Dress nice…but not too nice. You’re already going to outshine the groom. My cousin does not know how to pick em.”
“That was a very trivial way of you saying you think I’m attractive. I’ll be ready, and don’t think I’ll forget that you owe me.”
“I wasn’t saying that! And I didn’t think you would forget. Not even for a second. And one more thing, please don’t eat any of my relatives.”
“Oh I’m not that bad. Why would I eat one of them when I could eat you?” He said eying her from head to toe.
“Stop making everything sexual! I’ll see you tomorrow!” She exclaimed as she brushed her hair to cover her red face.
He watched her as she walked back to her car, because let’s be honest with ourselves, he loved to see her walk away, then he shut the door and poured himself a glass of bourbon.
“Did Y/N just ask you to her cousin’s wedding?” Stefan asked walking downstairs.
“Why yes she did, brother.”
“Then you’re welcome. I don’t actually have plans with Caroline tomorrow. I told her that so she’d ask you. Don’t screw it up.”
“Really Stefan? I could’ve gotten the girl on my own. I’ve had plenty of practice.”
“See? That’s what I’m talking about. Y/N is different. She likes you, but she doesn’t like you just because she wants to sleep with you. She likes you because she wants to be in a relationship with you. If you don’t want that, then don’t lead her on. Promise me you won’t lead her on.”
“Do you really think that low of me, Stef?” Damon asked placing his palm over his chest.
“I won’t hurt her. Believe it or not, I actually like her, and tomorrow I’m going to be a perfect angel around her family, and she’ll have no choice but to invite me to another family event. I will be the best fake boyfriend. Mark my words.”
The next day was absolute torture for Y/N to say the least. “Y/N, Mark and Angela have to be seated near the back. They have not earned the status of front and center. Move the cards.” Her cousin, Allison, was normally really sweet, but she was an extreme bridezilla.
Y/N rolled her eyes but did as she was told. She expected for Allison to follow her every order when her wedding came around.
“So, Auntie Bethany has invited a really cool guy to set you up with. His name is Reggie and he’s so much nicer than the last one.” Allison said taking a minute to rest, which did not bother Y/N one bit.
“First of all, I’m eighteen which is freshly out of high school, I don’t know why she thinks it’s so urgent for me to settle down. Second of all, mom is going to be real disappointed because I actually have a boyfriend now and I invited him. I mentioned him a few weeks ago to you.”
“Now that you say that, I remember you mentioning it.” Yeah, she didn’t say a word, but Allison bought it and that’s all that mattered. She’d been pushing her to get a date since the wedding was announced.
“Speaking of which, it’s 4:00 and I told him I’d be there to pick him up at 4:30. You don’t mind me leaving a bit early do you?”
“No. Of course not. Chloe, Lilly, and Amy will help me finish my makeup then I should be all ready! Can’t wait to meet this mysterious boyfriend of yours.”
Y/N waved at the other bridesmaids, who all glared back at her for leaving them alone, and got in her car to get Damon. She knocked.
“Just a minute!” She heard him call. He opened the door a couple minutes later.
She smiled brightly. “You look great.” She said.
“Yeah, and you look…gorgeous. Your cousin was very generous with the bridesmaids dresses.” Damon commented.
“Come on. If we’re late I will not hear the end of it.”
Once they arrived, there were literally like five minutes till the start of the wedding. “Shit.” She muttered. “Just sit down and avoid eye contact at all costs. I really wish she hadn’t made me a bridesmaid.” Y/N muttered the last part and got to her place.
The ceremony lasted forever. The only thing that made it tolerable was watching Damon mess with the dude sitting next to him.
“Oh my god. That was literally the longest wedding ever. Why the hell did she force us to wear heels?”
“On the bright side, you were definitely the hottest bridesmaid up there.”
She elbowed his side playfully. “Oh shut up. Now come on, we need to get going. If we’re late to the reception, my mom will kill me. I haven’t even got to talk to her yet.” Y/N to practically dragged Damon to the car.
Of course the reception was about as cliche as the ceremony. It was held in a big old barn decorated with fairy lights.
“There’s my mom. Come on, act coupley or whatever, and be on your best behavior would you?”
“Oh, Y/N I’m hurt. When am I not?” He wrapped an arm around her waist.
Y/N rolled her eyes, smiling slightly at his antics.
“Hey, mom.”
Her mother looked kind of upset. “Come on, Y/N. You should’ve told me you were bringing a date. Reggie is going to be disappointed.” Her mother motioned backwards towards a guy who was already making out with another bridesmaid.
“Yeah…that him? He doesn’t seem too upset. I wouldn’t worry about it. Mom, this is Damon, my boyfriend.”
They shook hands. “Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N. It’s great to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much, and can I just say, you look lovely this evening. Speaking of which, where’s the lucky man?”
“Oh, he’s just over there talking to the groom. I’m glad that Y/N has finally gotten a boyfriend. I was starting to think she was going to be single forever.”
“Mom, cool it, will you? I’m eighteen years old. I just enrolled in college. I’m not getting married anytime soon. I know that’s how people in our family usually do it, but I don’t want to be married and have three kids running around by the time I’m twenty five. Okay?”
“You may feel that way now, dear, but wait until the baby fever catches up to you.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I need a drink.” She mumbled with hostility.
“Y/N Y/M/N! You are not drinking any alcohol!” Her mother scolded after her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble. You just have fun. Raising a girl with that attitude must have kept you away from fun quite a bit.” Bethany laughed.
“You have no idea.”
Damon followed Y/N to the open bar, and found her with a wine glass filled to the very top.
“Dude, first of all you aren’t even of age, and second of all, do you really want to get drunk at a relative’s wedding? Answer, no. No you don’t.”
“You don’t know what I want, Damon. Just go charm off the pants of another middle aged woman.”
“I’m trying to be a perfect fake boyfriend so your mom will get off your back. Did you already drink one of these?” He asked taking the glass from her hands and swirling it around.
“Yeah, duh. Did you meet my mom? She makes it her mission to control every aspect of her life. I love her, but some alchohol would really help me love her even more. Here gimme that.” She said grabbing the glass from his hand. She downed the whole thing in one go as if it was just a shot glass.
“Y/F/N! No! You are banned from this bar for the rest of the night. Come on.” He hoisted her over his shoulder.
“Damon...what are you doing? You’re supposed to be the least responsible one in this fake relationship.” She whined.
“No. I’m supposed to be like a real boyfriend which means I have to keep you out of trouble and do everything I can to make your parents like me which is what I’m doing.”
“Come on. Just let me walk. I won’t do anything stupid. I promise.”
“No.” Y/N huffed.
“Fine. If you want some douchebags looking up my dress then whatever.”
“Fine! Okay fine. I’ll put you down, but only because I’m your douchebag, and I don’t want anyone thinking otherwise.”
They ran back into Y/N’s parents.
“Did you get her away from the bar before she went psycho?” Mrs. Y/L/N asked.
“No. I took away the wine glass and she took it back and chugged it.” Damon said glaring at her.
“I’m fine. See?” She walked in a straight line.
“Oh come on Bethany. Lighten up. If you think she isn’t too young to get married then don’t you think in that mindset that she isn’t too young to drink alcohol.” Her father, Chris, said.
Y/N snapped and pointed at her dad. “Yeah. He’s totally right? Ready to admit that eighteen is too young for someone to get married?”
“Fine. It’s too young. Now no more drinks for the rest of the night, missy.”
She smiled triumphantly, but then she started sulking again. “Rest of the night? As in I have to stay here for the rest of the night and not drink anything?”
“Fine. You can leave like an hour early, but come talk to me before you leave. Have fun, but not too much fun.”
Y/N smirked. “I thought you wanted grandkids?” Her dad choked on his drink.
“Kidding. I’m obviously kidding…mostly. Bye!”
“You’re a lot of fun when you’re not avoiding being killed by some type of villain. I like you when you’re not in serious mode.”
“I’m so so sorry that I don’t have any witchy woo or an immortal life, but you do have to admit, I am amazing with a crossbow.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Sure you are. Even though you’ve almost hit me multiple times.”
“Exactly. I’m amazing with a crossbow. By the way, Allison wanted to meet you. We should get that over with.”
“Okay. That was uncalled for. You can’t just change the subject after admitting to trying to murder me multiple times.”
“You would have healed. What do you want me to do? Fall at your feet like Elena?” Y/N asked clearly passive aggressive.
“Woah. Woah. Woah. Stop walking for a second. Are you jealous of Elena?”
“What?! No. Why would I be? I don’t…I don’t even like you!”
“This wedding has proved that statement otherwise. Come on. Admit it. You. Are. Jealous. You want to get with all of this! You want to go for a ride on the Salvatore train!”
“No! No! No! I don’t! I don’t like you! I don’t want you! You... you infuriate me to no end!”
“But you like that don’t you? You like it when I get you all flustered. And don’t think I didn’t catch you blushing earlier when I called myself yours, given I said I was your douchebag, but you still blushed. Not to mention the fact that you put my hand back on your waist when we were walking back from the bar. You like me.”
“No I don’t! Everything that happened here was for show! It was for show.” She defended.
“The only reason you didn’t want to invite me to this wedding is because you knew that I would get your heart racing. Yeah. I can hear that.”
Y/N ran her hands over her face in frustration. “Oh. Don’t mess up your makeup. I can do that for you later.” Damon smirked. So what? His plan to be perfect didn’t last very long, but this plan seemed to be working just fine.
“Stop. Stop saying stuff like that.” She whisper shouted.
Damon leaned in. His mouth was only inches away from her ear. “Why? Does it…frustrate you?”
Y/N gave him a glare and crossed her arms, huffing. Damon smirked. She grabbed his wrist and took him outside.
Damon still had a smug look on his face. “You wanna know how you really make me feel? Yes, Damon! Yes you fucking frustrate me! You make me question my existence on a daily basis and sometimes I even wonder why me?! Why does he like me?! I’m no Elena. I’m not the perfect annoying ass girl next door, and I still don’t know the answer, but you know what?! Since you’re deciding to push me and push me until I explode, I love you, Damon Salvatore! I fucking love you!”
After seconds of tension filled silence and staring at each other, Damon smashed his lips against hers. She immediately kissed him back. She felt his hands gradually slide further down her back, until they were groping her ass. She pushed him away out of spite. “No.” She stated crossing her arms defiantly.
“Really? You’re going to be like this? Now?”
“Yes. Yes I am. Say it back and maybe I’ll be more lenient.” She sassed.
“I thought it was a given. I’ve literally been flirting with you and pining after you for months, Y/N. Of course I love you.”
“Was that so hard?” She joked. She leaned in to kiss him again, this time resting his hands on her butt. He squeezed her ass making her gasp, and slipped his tongue in her mouth.
“Woah. Woah. Woah. This isn’t your honeymoon Y/N.” Allison had walked out of her own reception looking for her.
“Oh, shit. Sorry Alli. So what’s up?” Y/N asked slightly out of breath.
“Well, I was promised that I could meet your mystery man, but you were nowhere to be found. I decided to look for you myself. Aunt Bethany was complaining about your grandkids joke earlier. I didn’t think you were serious.” She joked.
“So, this is Damon. Damon this is my cousin, Allison.”
“Nice to finally meet you. By the way Y/N, I connected the dots, and I realized after getting out of the point where I was completely freaking out, sorry about that by the way, that this is the same Damon that you literally used to call me just to complain about on the daily.”
“Hey, now. Let’s not bring that up, especially the things that I said…” Allison cut her off.
“She used to call me and talk about how annoying you were. I believe one time she called you a flaming douche nozzle? That sounds about right. Every single call always ended with her saying he is so infuriatingly attractive. It’s not even fair.” She knew she was embarrassing her cousin, and to be honest she loved it.
“Hey! He doesn’t need an ego boost! Trust me. I would know.”
“Okay. Okay. All jokes aside, if you are leaving, your mom and dad wanted to talk to you. Oh, and I won’t tell them about this little encounter. I know how they can be.” Allison winked and walked back in the building.
“Was it just me, or did we just get permission from the bride to leave? Come on we have got to hurry up and talk to my parents so we can get out of here.”
“What’s got you in such a rush to leave?” Damon winked.
“None of that. Stop. No. No. Bad.” She said pointing her finger at him.
“Relax. I won’t be myself, but only for you.” They walked back into the reception making a bee line to her parents.
“Hey mom, we’re about to head out.”
“Y/N, your lipstick is a little smudged.” Her mom said. Damon had to look away to stop himself from laughing.
“Huh. Is it? Must’ve been from where I got a drink. Anywho I love you guys and we will see you later.”
“Wait a second. Damon would you like to come over for dinner this Friday?”
“Of course. I’d love to Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Great. We cannot wait to see you again. Alright. I won’t keep you. Have a nice night.” They both waved goodbye to her parents and headed back to the Salvatore house. They walked in, and Damon poured a couple of glasses of bourbon.
“I have been accepted by your family. I’d say this calls for celebration.”
“I thought I wasn’t allowed to drink, dad.”
“Oh shut up. You can do whatever the hell you want when your parents aren’t there to witness it.” Y/N rolled her eyes, and flopped on the couch.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m tired. I’m going to sleep no matter what you say.”
“Come on then.”
“If you’re going to sleep then you’re coming with me to a comfy bed, not the couch.” Instead of waiting for her to reapond or get up, he slug her over his shoulder and took her upstairs.
“Goodnight, Damon.” She said sleepily.
“Goodnight, sleeping beauty.”
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Sorceress of Arcadia || Gnome Your Enemy
Summary: Y/n Lake is Jim Lake's older sister. She discovers  that she is sorceress and her brother is the Trollhunter. She and the Trollhunters go on adventures together, they save trolls and humans. Along the way, a friend becomes more than just a friend and discovers their secrets.
Warning: None 
Word count: 5,784
Tags: @lunariasilver
Previous >> Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter? • Next >> Waka Chaka! 
“For centuries, the troll and human worlds stood seperate and at peace, divided by bridges that acted as doorways between our two realms. But the Gumm-Gumms wanted to devour all of mankind. They were led by Gunmar ‘the Black’. The rest of trollkind fought against him, culminating in the great Battle of Killahead Bridge, the portal to Gunmar’s Darklands. After many moons, good triumphed over evil, and our great Trollhunter, Deya ‘the Deliverer’, lock Gunmar away, exiling him to the Darklands, and sealed the Killahead Bridge with the sacred amulet. After, we tore it apart, stone by stone. We left the old world in search for peace. We stowed away on a ship called the Mayflower, just a handful of us and some gnomes we’d brought along for companionship and nourishment. Finally, we arrived in a strange and exotic realm,” Blinky explained. 
“New Jersey,”Aaarrrgghh commented.
“We kept walking. Eventually, we came across a new Heartstone, and we realised we had found a new home… under Arcadia,” Blinky finished as you heard Jim snoring.
Blinky groaned and walked over to Jim. He slammed the book in front of his face.
Jim startled up, "¡Lo siento, Señor Draal! ¡No me mates!"
You had done Spanish in middle school, so you knew what he had just said.
"I'm sorry Mr. Draal! Please don't kill me!"
You giggled at his outburst. Jim glared at you quickly before he turned his attention to Blinky.
"The training of troll history might seem like a minor duty, Master Jim, but--" Bliny started to explain but was cut off by Jim.
"Sorry, I pulled an all-nighter studying for my Spanish Comprehension exam and my brain is muy gooey. I don't know. I guess I thought if I'm facing Draal in a week, my training would be a little more… active" Jim yawned, standing up.
"Yeah, like, when is he going to learn Troll-kwondo? Or Rock-itsu?" Toby inquired.
"Well, Jim has to learn why he fights, so it's kinda important to learn this," you explained.
"Miss y/n is correct. Before one fights, Toby D., one must understand why one fights. For these precious early steps will decide whether a young Trollhunter will become a Deya ‘the Deliverer’…" Blinky explained.
"Or Unkar ‘the Unfortunate’," Aaarrrgghh added.
"Well, tomorrow, my Spanish exam is with Señor Uhl ‘the Unforgiving’. My main concern is for my immediate future," Jim informed Blinky.
"A-ha! But, to learn what will happen in the future, one must only look to the past," Blinky explained.
"I recommend A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore by the venerable Bedehilde. Volume one of 47," Blinky recommended.
"Wow, that's a big book," you commented as Blinky gave Jim the book.
Due to the book being so big, Jim struggled to hold it. He eventually got a good hold of the book. Jim placed his Spanish textbook on top of the other book.
"Okay, but if I don't pass the exam, I'm grounded and I can't be the Trollhunter. Sorry, Blinky, but the amulet chose me, and now I have two lives to keep up," Jim explained.
Then, Bagdwella came running in stopping in front of you, panting.
"Are you okay Bagdwella?" you asked, putting your hand on her shoulder.
She shook your hand off, not wanting your comfort.
"Oh, no. Is it the Heartstone?" Blinky panicked.
"No! No!" Bagdwella denied.
"Stalkling?" Aaarrrgghh asked.
"Is Gunmar out?" you also asked.
Jim gave you a look that said 'Who's Gunmar?". You just rolled your eyes in response. He really should've been paying attention to Blinky's lecture.
"Is Bular in Trollmarket?" Jim guessed.
"No! Gnome! Rogue gnome!" Bagdwella yelled, her voice echoing throughout the Forge.
The six of you walked to Bagdwella's shop to investigate what the matter was.
"Get your toasters here!" a random troll exclaimed.
"First, I couldn't find my monocle, then my collection of bed coils. Now something disappears every minute!" Bagdwella explained.
Suddenly, a gnome whizzes past, stealing an item and making Bagdwella fall over.
"Ah, yes. Gnome," Blinky said, lending his hand to Bagdwella, but she slaps his hand away and gets up herself.
"Oh, dirty little pests. Up to last week, the glue traps were working fine," Bagdwella said, showing you all a skeleton of a gnome.
Just before you could say something, the gnome snatches the skeleton, making everyone gasp.
"Fix it, Trollhunter!" she begged.
"Uh yeah, I'm really sorry about that. See you need a gnome-catcher, and I'm well, the Trollhunter, so--" Jim explained, but got cut off by Blinky.
"Oh no, Master Jim. The Trollhunter cannot refuse the call. And what better a call for you to train with than a pint-sized quarry?" he explained, coming up behind Jim.
"Blinky's right, Jim. This'll be a start to your Trollhunting. Plus, I think the task will be easy for you," you agreed.
You heard rapid footsteps around you, then a guitar play. You all try to look for where the sound was coming from. When you did, the gnome revealed itself. The gnome started to play his guitar once again and started to sing.
"He's trying to distract us! Hold tight to your valuables," Blinky warned.
"Well, I don't need to hold onto anything, I got nothing valuable," you chuckled.
"Yeah, right," Jim scoffed.
"Seriously, I don't have anything valuable. Unless if you consider my a hundred year old phone 'valuable'," you retorted.
"Okay, maybe you don't have anything valuable," Jim agreed.
Then the two of you see Toby going up to the gnome.
"Why? He can't be that bad," Toby chucked, clapping.
Before you knew it, the gnome had taken Toby's belt.
"Oh, no! My belt!" Toby cried. Then he sighed, "At least he didn't take my Nougat Nummy."
"Uh, Tobes, I don't think you should--" you warned Toby, as he took out his favourite chocolate out of his pocket, only to be taken by the gnome.
Toby gasped, "We need to catch that gnome."
All of you tried to catch the gnome, but he was way to fast for you. One time, Jim had caught him, but somehow, it escaped from his grasp. Jim then realised that his amulet got thieved.
"Oh no!" Blinky cried.
Jim and you chased after the gnome until it went behind a wardrobe. Aaarrrgghh pushes the wardrobe aside to reveal a small hole, which the gnome was probably hiding in.
"Hole," Aaarrrgghh stated.
"Yes, it appears the plot quite literally deepens," Blinky said, looking into the hole.
Jim slides his hands through the hole opening, hoping that his amulet would come back to him.
"Come back, come back. Shouldn't the amulet be coming back to me right now?" Jim questioned.
"Dolefully, that rule only applies if you've rejected it. When thieved, it's another story. If you had read A Brief Recapitulation you would have known that," Blinky explained.
"Technically, Jim didn't even have time to read the book, since you know, we're right now doing some Trollhunting business," you pointed out.
Jim gave you a quick smile, before Bagdwella spoke up.
"Some Trollhunter you are. Jim ‘the Baby Handed’.”
You glared at Bagdwella, as she snatched a bag of food from Toby.
I'd like to see how good you are at being the Trollhunter.
You turned your gaze over to Jim and Blinky.
"Master Jim, press on. This is not the moniker you want," Blinky said.
"What else can I do? I can't fit in that hole," Jim shrugged.
"Hmm, currently," Blinky thought.
"Bad idea," Aaarrrgghh warned.
"What's a bad idea?" you asked, but no one answered the question.
"No Trollhunter has ever lost his amulet. We'll need time to procure the Furgolator," Blinky argued.
"Uh, the Furgolator?" Jim doubted.
"Uh, don't you worry about anything, Master Jim. tend to your studies. We'll watch over the hole. Tomorrow, you'll return refreshed to deal with this, uh... little problem," Blinky said, and the three of us headed to the surface.
Toby and Jim headed to Arcadia Oaks High, while you headed the opposite direction to Arcadia Oaks Academy.
Once you had gotten your books, Izzy and Rachael both ran up to you.
"Y/n! Guess what just happened!" Rachael exclaimed.
"Uhh, you won the state lottery?" you replied.
"Nope, way better," Rachael denied.
"What can be better then winning the state lottery?" you asked, getting a bit curious.
"I got into the state math comp!" Racheal squealed.
"Wow! That's great, Rachael. So, when are you going?" you asked.
"Tomorrow, that's why I was texting you the other day, I wanted to hang out with my two besties before I headed off to the competition," Rachael replied.
"Oh, sorry about that, I was... busy," you said.
"Well, are you free after school?" Izzy asked.
You thought about it, you didn't need to go to Trollmarket or have any other plans.
"Yeah, I'm free," you nodded.
"Great! We'll meet at Sam's at 4, then we'll go from there," Rachael said.
You nodded. Suddenly the bell rang, making you jump a little.
"See you guys at lunch," you called, as you ran to your first class.
As you took a seat, you noticed that everyone was focused on the board. You glanced at the board to see everyone's name with a bunch of classes next to them. You searched for your name and saw your classes. You had chemistry, biology, calculus, literature, geography and history as your subjects for the next semester. Then, you noticed a certain name that you had not been expecting to have the same classes as you, well except biology. Tyler. You heard someone sit down beside you.
"Hey, y/n," it spoke.
You turned to see none other than, Tyler.
"Hi, Tyler," you smiled.
"I guess we have almost the same classes. What a coincidence, right?" Tyler chuckled.
"Ha, yeah," you commented.
"Hey, wanna sit next to each other in classes, you know since you'll be the only person I know," Tyler requested.
You hesitated. You didn't know Tyler that well, and seeing his anger the other day in the cafeteria, you weren't so sure.
Then you were saved by the bell.
"I'll see you in class Tyler, and I'll think about it," you said, rushing out of class.
You headed towards the lower office, since you needed your new timetable. As you were walking to the lower office you bumped into a certain emo-boy.
"Sorry," the two of you apologised.
You looked up at the person, to see Douxie.
"Oh, hey, Douxie!" you smiled.
"Hey, y/n! Going to get your new timetable?" Douxie asked.
"Yep," you responded.
The two of you got your new timetable. The two of you looked at each other's timetable, wondering if you had any classes with each other.
"Hey, we have mostly the same class, except instead of geography, I have economics," Douxie pointed out.
"Cool!" you said.
"Wanna head to class together?" he asked
You nodded and the two of you headed to class.
When you entered the classroom, you noticed two seats at the back of classroom weren't occupied so you nudged Douxie. Once you had gotten his attention, you pointed to the seat and headed there.
Once the two of you had taken a seat, you saw Tyler walking in. You groaned.
"You okay, love?" Douxie asked.
"Tyler wants me to it next to him in every class. It's a coincidence that he has all the same classes as me," you explained.
"Ahh. Understood. You can sit with me in every class then, well, except for geography of course. You'll have to deal with him then, but other than that, you can always sit with me," Douxie offered.
"Thank you," you grinned.
Soon after, Tyler started looking around the room. When his eyes fell on you, you were in a deep conversation with Douxie.
"Wait, so your actual name is Hisirdoux?" you asked.
"Yeah, I have no idea why, but it's my name!" Douxie nodded.
"It sounds very 12th century," you commented.
"I know right!" Douxie exclaimed.
From the corner of your eyes, you could see Tyler fuming at Douxie.
Huh? Why does he look mad at Douxie?
You thought he was going to come up to Douxie and start arguing with him, but instead he took a seat at the front of the class, right in front of the teacher's desk.
After a few minutes, your class started.
You had a hard time figuring out what the teacher was saying, since she had a very quite voice, luckily, she was only a substitute. The actual teacher was just away on leave because he was sick.  
After an hour, the bell rang to indicate next class, which was calculus, great. You sucked at calculus and science. You and Douxie headed together to calculus, avoiding Tyler.
The next two lessons kinda sucked, they all just introduced your new teacher's and what you're going to be learning for the next semester. Luckily for history, you had an assignment not an exam.
Soon, the bell rang for lunch.
While, you and Douxie were walking to the cafeteria, you were suddenly surrounded by all of Douxie's friends. Well, band mates.
"Hey, Douxie! How'd all your new classes go so far?" Henry asked.
"They went good. I found a friend that's doing the same classes as me," Douxie replied, gesturing towards you.
"Hey," you shyly waved.
"Wait, you're the girl that Douxie brought back stage at our last concert, right? Y/n, was it?" Jason recognised.
"Yep, that's me," you confirmed.
"Well, we're going over to the band room to practice, wanna come?" Jason asked both of you.
"Sure, why not. I'll just grab some food," Douxie replied. "Y/n, I'll grab you some food as well, you head over to the band room with the other's."
"Oh, no. I don't want to disturb you guys with your practice, I'll find my other friends," you denied.
"You're not going to disturb us, in fact, you can give us some feedback!" Jack said.
"But, I promised my friends that I'll sit with them today," you mentioned.
"What about, you and Douxie find your friends, and bring them to the band room? We really need someone else's point of view of our music," Jason suggested.
You thought about it for a moment.
Izzy wanted to meet the Ash Dispersal Pattern for a while now, and Rachael, well, she can make some new friends, since she doesn't really hang out with anyone else other than you and Izzy.
"Okay," you agreed.
"Great!" Jason exclaimed, walking away with the rest of the band.
You and Douxie saw your two best friends in the line to get food.
"Yo y/n! Where were you?" Izzy asked as she saw you going up to them.
"Just talking with Douxie's band. Want to go meet them? They're in the band room. They said that you guys can come," you offered.
"Oh, you had me at 'Douxie's band'," Izzy grinned.
"Just let us grab some food first, "Douxie said, walking into line, pulling you along.
After grabbing some food, you all walked over to the band room, getting welcomed by a lot of laughter.
"What's so funny?" Douxie asked, grabbing a seat for you and your friends before grabbing one for himself.
"Nothing, it's an inside joke. You won't understand," Henry said.
"Okay..." Douxie nodded, getting a bit suspicious, sitting down. "Anyways, meet Rachael and Izzy."
Rachael shyly waved, while on the other hand, Izzy waved very energetically. You instantly saw Jason blush when Rachael waved at him while she also blushed.
Who knew, Rachael had charm. She's usually not the type to get involved with the boys and crushes that much.
"Looks like we have a fan," Jack pointed out, looking at Izzy energetically waving at them.
"I'm your biggest fan! I go to every single one of your concerts!" Izzy beamed. "Well, I couldn't make it to your concert last week. But other than that, I've been to every single one!"
You, Rachael and the entire band laughed at her enthusiasm.
After getting introduced to one another and getting autograph from every single ban member, they started to practice.
"Wow, Jason is good," Rachael commented.
"Of course you'd say that. You have a crush on him," you teased.
"I do not!" she retorted.
"Sure," you and Izzy smirked.
After about 10 minutes, you heard the door open. You glanced towards the door to see Tyler.
"Hey guys!" Tyler waved.
"Hey, Tyler! Wanna practice?" Jack said.
"Jack, I don't see any of our guitarists away right now. There's no point," Douxie claimed.
"Well, Douxie, I see you're getting a bit tired of playing. Tyler can fill you in while you rest," Jack said.
"I'm not tired," Douxie stated.
"Uh, Doux, not to be rude, but you're kinda missing some chords and not keeping up with the beat," Henry commented.
"What?! I'm not missing any chords! You guys are just going faster than you're meant to!" Douxie exclaimed.
"And you're getting a bit short tempered," Henry added under his breath, but you all heard it.
"I am not getting short tempered!" Douxie fumed.
"Yeah, dude, take a pill and chill. Y/n, can you take Douxie for some fresh air?"Jason requested, snatching the guitar off of Douxie and handing it to Tyler.
"Sure," you nodded, lightly pushing Douxie out the room.
As you closed the door, Douxie started walking down the hallway. You ran up to him and made him slow down.
"Douxie, are you okay?" you asked.
"I'm fine. Those guys over there are just going faster," Douxie grumbled.
"They're not, Doux. You just need to take a break," you advised.
"I don't need to take a break, they need to take a break," Douxie scoffed.
"Doux, this is not you. This is not the person I have met and befriended with," you said.
"Well, this is me! Get used to it!" Douxie yelled, stopping in his tracks.
Your eyes widened at the tone of his voice, making you step back away from him.
Douxie's eyes widened at what he just said to you.
"I-I'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean that at all. I've just been so stressed out lately. I just exploded," he apologised.
You smiled at him, putting your hand on his shoulder, "It's okay. Everyone has those days. You know you can talk to me about it you know?"
"Thank you, y/n. It means a lot," Douxie smiled.
"We should probably head back," you reminded.
"Yeah," he agreed.
The two of you headed back into the band room, getting greeted to everyone just chilling.
"Hey, y/n, Douxie," everyone said.
You noticed that Tyler had left.
"Is Douxie...?" Jack questioned.
You nodded and took a seat next to Izzy.
"What happened to band practice?" Douxie asked.
"Stopped a few minutes ago. We were discussing on hanging out this afternoon," Izzy informed. "Y/n's already coming, what about you Hisirdoux?"
"I'm free. And how do you know my actual name?" he inquired.
"Your mates here told us," Izzy explained.
"We're meeting at Sam's at 4," Henry told Douxie.
Soon after, the bell rang for class.
After three hours, you headed to your bike and peddled home.
You finished up some chores and waved goodbye to your brother and headed off to Sam's.
Once you met with the others, you all headed over to Lucia to watch Danger House 2: More House, More Danger. You were going to sit with Izzy and Rachael but there were seat numbers, so you didn't have much of a choice. You ended up sitting at the end of the row next to Douxie. The two of you shared popcorn while watching the movie. At times, you didn't want to see a scene, so you hid your face in Douxie's shoulder. While you weren't looking, the others snuck some photos of you two, especially when you hid you face in his shoulder.
After the movie, all of you headed across town to The Bluff to watch the sunset. Everyone hated the bike ride up the steep hill, but surprisingly, you didn't. It was kinda easy for you.
Must be the advantage of running from danger.
In the end, the ride up the hill was worth it, since you all got to see a beautiful sunset afterwards. As everyone was enjoying the sunset, taking pictures and goofing around, you saw Douxie leaning against a rock, staring at his phone. You strolled over to him and leaned against the rock with him.
"You know, you can't enjoy the sunset without, y'know, looking at it," you told him.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I know. I'm just looking at something," he mumbled, not taking his eyes of his phone.
You peeked over his shoulder to see what exactly he was looking at.
He was looking at his email, more specifically, emails about bills. The numbers weren't huge, but if you're Douxie that worked 2 jobs and hardly got tipped, that would be a lot.
"You worried about the bills?" you whispered, making sure no one heard.
He nodded. "I don't know how I'm going to pay all this. Thankfully, I requested the companies to give me more time to pay them. I got a few extra months, but I don't think that'll be enough."
You nodded, trying to think a way you could help your blue-tipped friend.
"Do you have any extra rooms in your apartment?" you asked.
"No, but I do have a lot of space in the bedroom. I’ve got two double beds that have been lying around," he explained.
"What if you get a roomie? Like they would give you rent every week, while you provide them shelter, food, etc.," you suggested.
"That's a great idea!" he beamed. "Thanks! I'll start to work on your plan tomorrow!"
"I'll come to help," you offered.
"Oh no. I don't want you putting time aside for me," he denied.
"I'm not, I have a lot of free time. And even if I did, it would be worth it. Helping a friend is always worth my time," you said.
"Okay. I'll text you my address and tell you what time you can come over. Probably on the weekend, but I'll just text you," he explained.
You nodded.
"Now, let's enjoy the view."
After the sun had set, you all rode over to Stuart's Taco Truck. Jason, Jack, and Rachael all went to get the burritos, while Douxie, Izzy and you chatted, waiting for your friends.
"So, y/n, have you been thinking about what you'll be doing after graduation?" Izzy asked.
"Uh, I don’t know. Maybe go to college, like every person does?" you guessed.
"Wow, I'm just gonna get a job and do that, it's just easier," Izzy said.
"Yeah. You never wanted to go to college," you agreed.
"What are you going to do, Douxie?" Izzy asked, turning her focus onto him.
"Well, I'll probably pursue my dreams of being a guitarist while having a job," Douxie replied.
"That's cool," Izzy commented.
Soon after, your burritos arrived and all of you dug in.
Once you had finished your burrito, you checked your watch to see it was starting to get late.
"Okay guys, I'm going to head back, it's getting late. I'll see you all tomorrow," you declared.
"Wait, y/n, I'll come with!" Douxie added.
You waited for Douxie to throw his rubbish in the trash and peddled your way home with him.
Before the two of you went your separate ways, Douxie thanked you for your suggestion.
"Thanks for your suggestion before, y/n."
"It's no problem."
"Well, I'll see you soon, love," he grinned, giving you a flirtatious wink along with a two-finger salute.
You blushed and returned the two-finger salute, riding your separate ways.
Once you got home, you saw Jim was finishing up washing the dishes.
"Hey, Jimbo!" you sang.
"Hey, y/n!" Jim called. "How was your hang out?"
"Good, but I'm beat. I'm heading to bed. ‘Night," you yawned and trudged to your room.
"‘Night," Jim called.
The next day after school, you, Jim and Toby headed down to Trollmarket. You were glad to take a break from everyone. Today was just not your day. Everyone from the hangout had uploaded to social media of the photos of you hiding your face in Douxie's shoulder and the both of you sharing popcorn. The post made you attract the crowd at lunch. People bombarded you with questions related to Douxie. Most of them consisted of 'Are you two together?', 'Are you a couple?' and 'How long has it been?' Luckily, Douxie came in time and saved you from the crowd, again.
You approached Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and something covered with a piece of cloth.
"Remember when I told you all Trollhunters must start small?" Blinky asks, revealing the Furgolator.
"Full disclosure, I'm a little worried how I let you talk me into this," Jim doubted.
"A 'little worried'? I'm full on concerned!" you gulped.
Blinky turns on the Furgolator, making the doors open up.
"Still bad idea," Aaarrrgghh warned.
Jim steps inside and the doors start to close, "Wait a minute. So, how does me going into this thing help me get a gnome out of a hole?"
"If a gnome won't come out, the Trollhunter must go in," Blinky informed.
"Wait, what?" Jim questioned.
"I think Blinky plans to make you small enough to fit inside that hole," you hypothesised.
"Yeah, right," Jim scoffed.
"Exactly! We often use the Furgolator to compress minerals. And now for the anthracite!" Blinky agreed.
"See?" you teased.
Jim rolled his eyes playfully, but you saw the fear in his eyes.
"But you've done this a few times on flesh and bone, right? Right?" Jim yelped.
Blinky placed the rock inside a compartment, "Not exactly." Then the machine started up, "But I'm not concerned."
"Well, that's because you are not the one trapped in this thing," Jim complained.
"Nothing to worry about, Master Jim. We work best under pressure," Blinky shouts.
"I can't see anything!" Jim coughs. "Why is there so much smoke?"
The machine started to make weird sounds. You and Toby ran to the Furgolator, trying to get it open.
"Come on, you guys gotta get him out of there!" Toby cried.
Blinky rushed over to help us, "Don't just stand there, Aaarrrgghh!"
Aaarrrgghh comes over and pulls the doors open.
"Looks like it didn't work. Hope you have a plan B," Jim began, but then realised he had shrunk.
"On the contrary," Blinky said.
"You sure we need a plan B? I think plan A worked fine," you chuckled.
"He's like an action figure!" Toby gushed.
"The Furgolator functioned perfectly!" Blinky laughed.
He picked up tiny Jim, holding him in his palm. Jim looks at his tiny figure. You quickly took out your phone and took a photo of your little brother. Jim groaned, not liking you taking photos of himself.
You all made your way to the hole that the gnome had escaped into. Blinky placed Jim just outside of the hole.
"Real subtle. ‘We've got to start small. Deal with the little problem.’ This is a huge problem! I can't be shrunk! I have exams to take! I have sinks to reach!" Jim raged.
"You have a gnome to catch. Now, onward, Master Jim, and fetch your destiny!' Blinky reminded.
Toby grabs a pencil and hands it Jim to use as a sword, "Your sword, my liege."
Jim pokes the pencil on Toby's palm, earning a yelp from him. He attempts to walk into the hole, but he falls down, earning a giggle from you. But he eventually got into the hole.
"Oh, and one last thing to know when dealing with a gnome, Master Jim, and this is of dire importance: Do not touch its hat!" Blinky forewarned.
"Of course. It's right there in A Brief Recapitulation," Jim taunted.
"You remember!"
"Of course not! Nothing in this world makes sense!" Jim yelled.
You backed away from the hole to see Vendel walk pass.
"Miss y/n, you should go and continue your training with Vendel. We will handle things here," Blinky advised.
"Are you sure?" you asked.
You nodded and jogged over to Vendel.
"Hello, Master Vendel. Do you have time to teach me how to make objects move?" you inquired.
"Hello, Miss Lake. I am not known to any troll as 'Master', but it sounds good coming from you. And yes, I can instruct you how to make objects move," Vendel said.
The two of you walked over to the Heartstone and began your lesson.
Soon after, you could move objects easily, with just a quick gesture of your hand or finger.
"Thank you, Master Vendel!" you beamed.
"Your welcome. Next time you come, with some spare time, I will teach you something new," Vendel replied.
You nodded and jogged back over to the hole to see Toby backing away from the hole.
"Why hasn't he come out?" Toby asked, his voice full of worry.
"What happened?" you asked.
Aaarrrgghh explained to you what happened to your brother.
You all waited for Jim to come out safe and sound. You then saw the gnome walking out with Jim following behind him, wearing the gnome's hat.
'You summoned the armour and caught the gnome! Well played, Master Jim!" Blinky beamed.
You all clapped at his heroism.
"Thank you, thank you. I don't want to forget the little people," Jim smiled.
"Expedient and-" Blinky started.
"And good humoured," you finished.
"Oh my hero!" Bagdwella praised.
Toby captures the gnome into a bag and sets aside.
"And what about this shrinking stuff? When does it wear off?" Jim asked.
"Don't worry. Sleep it off. By morning, you'll be as good as new. And how you have earned it! Jim "the Gnome Slayer!" Blinky reassured.
"He was so young. There was so much music left in him," Toby commented, playing the little guitar.
You ignored him.
"All that is left is for you to take care of it," Blinky instructed.
"Wait, what? Take care of it?" Jim puzzled.
"Rule number two," Aaarrrgghh reminded.
"‘Always finish the fight’," Blinky quoted.
"And by finish... " you began.
"Deaden. End. Le coup de grâce," Blinky finished.
Aaarrrgghh moved his thumb across his throat, indicating to kill the poor gnome.
You and Jim shared worried glances. Neither of you were killers, but you had to follow the rules. But, it was up to Jim, since he was the Trollhunter.
You headed home, while Jim stayed at Toby's house.
As you opened the door, you saw your mom unpacking food.
"Hey, Mom. What are you doing?" you asked.
"Just unpacking the food I got. As you already know, I'm not a good cook, so I thought some takeaway would be good," she explained.
Soon, the two of you sat down and dug into your food.
"Y/n, where's Jim?" your mom asked.
"He's staying at Toby's place," you answered.
"Well, since he's not here, want to have some girl time?" she asked.
"I'd love to," you replied.
Once you two had finished dinner, the two of you sat down and binged watch watched Mistrial & Error together.
After a dozen or so episodes, the two of you started to play truth or dare.
"Okay, y/n… Truth or dare?" Mom asked.
"Truth," you answered.
"Hmm... so, that friend of yours, Douxie. Is he just a friend or...?" Mom questioned.
"Douxie?! He's... uh... um..." you stammered.
"And my question is answered," Mom cheered.
"What?! He's not. Uhh..." you cried.
From that, you and your Mom started to talk about your love life, more specifically, Douxie.
"I saw on one of your friends posts that you were hiding behind him during your little movie night," she said.
"It was a scary movie! Some scenes were just absolutely terrifying, so of course I’d hide behind him. That's normal," you defended.
"You could've just shut your eyes," she suggested.
"Um... well... uh..." you stuttered.
"I guess my suspicions are true," she smirked.
"Mom!" you cried.
"Okay, okay. We'll have this conversation another day. I'm tired, so I'm heading to bed, kiddo," she said, getting up from the couch.
"Me too. I need to go to school," you agreed, following suit.
Next morning, you woke up to the sound of clattering downstairs. You got up and got dressed into a t-shirt, pair of jeans and sneakers and rushed downstairs to see what the commotion was about. You found the source of the commotion, your mom.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
"Nothing for you to worry about, kiddo," she said.
You shrugged and realised that there was nothing for you to eat for breakfast.
"Sorry, y/n. No breakfast. Maybe grab something in town," she suggested.
"Will do. I'll head out, love you!" you called and rushed out your door, hastily grabbing your bag on your way out.
You made your way to Toby's house, checking on Jim. You knocked on the Domzalski's door. It opened to reveal Toby.
"Hey, Tobes!" you grinned.
"Hey, y/n! Checking in on Jim?" he guessed.
You nodded and you followed him to his room. On the way, Toby's Nana forced you to eat a blueberry muffin.
As soon as you entered his room, you noticed Jim's absence. But then you realised he was in a doll house.
Toby opened the doll house to reveal a startled Jim.
"What's wrong, Tiny Jim? Did you not sleep well in Nana's dollhouse?" Toby asked.
"Why am I still small, guys?" Jim whined.
"Maybe the stuff works different on trolls than it does on humans?" you theorised.
"Oh, my gosh. The gnome! You did it? I told you I was supposed to-- Oh no! School!" Jim panicked.
"We have to call you in sick. Tell them you ate too much chocolate. That always works," Toby ordered, shoving his phone into Jim's little face.
"No, Señor Uhl can sniff out a lie a mile away," Jim refused. He thought for a second when his eyes lit up. "That's it! Toby, I need you to do me a huge favour. Well, maybe a small one. But huge."
You gave him confused look.
"Look, I have a plan, just trust me on this," Jim explained. "Plus, you should be heading to school right now."
"Fine, but I want you to be normal size by the end of the day. I can't take you home like this," you said, gesturing to his size.
"Okay. Now, go!" Jim said.
You rode off to school, hoping your brother would return to his normal size.
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Pairing: Axl Rose x (fem) reader
Words: 2,546k
Requested by: @sugwinter
Summary: You, one of the most prestigious actresses in Hollywood, meet Axl Rose at a party and the two of you just can’t stay away from each other. 
A/N: I’m sorry Tarantino, but the title fitted too well for me not to use it. Thanks for the request, darling! I LOVED this concept!! I hope you like it 💗
Note: This is the second version of it, since I didn’t like the first one. Tell me what you guys thought of it :)
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car @ladieswttda @teasid @metalheartofgold @slashscowboyboots @ginny-rose-sixx @rumoured-whispers @normatural​ add yourself to my tag list :)
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Once upon a time in Hollywood, there was a smart young woman named Y/N. She had always been ambitious and very determined so she knew she wanted to be an actress at a very young age.
When she was 16 she started running after her dreams. Coming from a poor neighborhood in Los Angeles, she’d take the bus every day after school and go to Hollywood, distributing resumes at every set she could find, hoping to get any type of work that could bring her closer to her dream.
The chance came a few months later when she was hired to be the director’s assistant. Her work consisted of getting coffee, organizing his table, staying with him while filming and distributing the scripts to all the cast members.
He was directing a sitcom and one day the main actress didn’t show up for the filming, realizing that the two of them looked alike, he asked Y/N to take her place during that day.
She did such a good job, that the following year he called her asking if she would be interested in taking part in a movie.
That was the first of many jobs, 10 years had passed after that. It was 1991 and Y/N was one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, any movie with her name on, joined countless people in cinema lines just to see it. 
She didn’t just make movies and series, but she extended her career,  taking part in some modeling jobs for major brands and appearing in video clips.
That’s how she met Steven Tyler, the infamous vocalist of Aerosmith. She had said in an interview that Aerosmith was one of her favorite bands and got surprised when the band’s manager got in touch with her a few days later asking if she would want to take part in a video clip of theirs. 
Doing small talk before the footage they found out they had the same zodiac sign, Aries. After that the two of them got really along, Steven invited her to have dinner with him and his wife and soon all of them became good friends. 
That’s how she ended up here, on March 26th in front of his mansion, a bottle of expensive wine wrapped as a gift in one hand while the other rang the doorbell. 
“Y/N! Come in!” It was Steven’s wife.
“Hello, Teresa, how are you?” She hugged her.
“I’m fine!” She smiled tenderly at Y/N.
There was rock music blasting from the speakers sprawled around the living room, where lots of people were dancing and having fun together. Steven was known for having many friends.
“Ste!!” She shouted, lifting her arms to get a hug from the man.
“Y/N! I’m happy that you came!”  He hugged her while smiling.
“Happy birthday!!” She let go of him. “Here, I brought you a gift.”
“Ohh, this is one of my favorites!” He smirked checking out the bottle. “I’ll take it to the wine house before someone decides to drink it.” He gave her a small smile, turning around. 
That’s when she saw him. He was talking to some people, his hair half-covered by a blue bandana. He was already looking at her, smiling in her direction when their gazes met. 
A shiver ran through her body at that moment. He was beautiful, an adjective she hardly used with men. But damn, she had never seen a man like that before. Everything on him looked perfect, his beard, his hair, his eyes and the shape of his face. 
He lifted his beer in her direction and she gave him a small smile, contemplating if she should go and try to talk to him. However, a friend of hers showed up, blocking her plans.
After a few minutes of talking her friend walked away, but the ginger man had disappeared. Walking towards the kitchen she got herself a beer and went to the backyard where some people were smoking, including Steven.
“Can I have one?” She asked, stopping beside him.
He handed her the cigarette, without saying anything. The two of them just stayed there, looking at the night sky in silence. 
“What’s up?” She frowned, turning to look at him.
“What do you mean?” He looked down at her.
“You’re quiet tonight.” She drank from her beer, still looking at him.
“That makes two of us.” He smiled at her.
“Fair enough.” She grinned. “You go first.” Y/N pointed at him with the bottle while taking the cigarette to her lips.
“I was just thinking… I’m already in my forties.” 
“Annd?” She prolonged the question, raising an eyebrow.
“I thought I’d be dead by now.” He said giggling, making her laugh as well.
She shook her head. “Quit using it and I’m sure you’ll live a very long life, Tyler.” 
“I’ll try, I’ll try.” He puffed some smoke. “What about you? What’s going on that little head of yours?” He touched her forehead with his index finger, giggling at his own gesture.
“There’s a guy inside…” 
He raised an eyebrow, instigating her to keep talking.
“He seems familiar.”
“How does he look like?”
“He’s ginger, with a bandana and leather jacket.” She dragged some smoke.
“Oh, that’s Axl. He’s from Guns n Roses.” He threw his cigarette on the pavement, stepping on it.
Realization took hold of her face. “Oh yeah. Paradise City! I remember now.”
“Did he catch your eye?” He asked smirking.
“You know how I am. I’m weak on the knees for a ginger.” She smirked back.
“Let’s go inside then, I’ll introduce the two of you.” 
She followed him inside the house, putting out the cigarette in an ashtray she found on the way.
They found him in the kitchen, putting some punch on a red plastic glass nearby the counter. 
“Axl!” He shouted over the music, stopping nearby the man. “There’s someone here I’d like you to meet..”
Fuck, Steven. You really know how to be discreet. She thought to herself.
“Axl, this is Y/N.” With a hand on her back, he led her closer to him. “Y/N this is Axl.” He grinned at them.
“Nice to meet you.” Axl said, extending his hand for her to shake.  
She shook his hand giving him a small smile.
“I was just telling Y/N that you guys released a new album this year…” Steven looked at her. 
“There’s two of them actually.” He answered while taking a sip from the punch.
“So I’ve heard! But I didn’t get the chance to listen to them yet.”
“Yeah, they’re pretty recent… Did you listen to the previous ones?”
“I did! They’re quite impressive, I must say.”
He smiled at her. “I’ve seen some movies of yours too.”
“Oh, did you? What did you think of them?”
“They’re… quite impressive.” He mocked her while grinning. 
She giggled. 
“Ste, can you help me with something?” Teresa showed up, hugging Steven from the side.
“Of course my darling.” He hugged her back. “Sorry guys.” Giving them a small smile he left with Teresa. 
“Punch?” He asked seeing that her bottle was empty. 
“Yes, please.” She placed the bottle on the counter. 
Axl handed her a glass, their fingers brushing against each other when she took it from his hand, making a strange electricity run through their bodies.
“Do you live here? In L.A I mean.” She asked before taking a small sip of the beverage. 
“I do, even though I’m never at home. I’m out on tour now, came back just for a few weeks.”
“It must be really tiring to be always traveling.”
“Well, it is, but it’s worth it. After all I get to do what I love.” His eyes shined while he spoke and she smiled at his passion. 
A tall guy came to the counter trying to get some punch for himself, making the two of them move.
Starting to lead him towards an adjacent living room, she asked. “Have you always wanted to be a singer?”
“No really, my family is very religious so I started singing in the church’s choir. Then someone told my mother that I could sing and she made me take classes almost every day. It was very exhausting, but it made me realize that I actually liked to sing.”
Arriving at the room, nobody was there and the music made itself lower, allowing them to talk in a normal volume. They sat on the purple velvet couch. 
“I would’ve never guessed. And are you still religious?”
“I mean, I don’t go to church anymore, but yeah, I’m still very religious.”
She nodded drinking from her glass. 
“What about you? Have you always wanted to be an actress?”
“Yes! I remember being 3 or 4 and sitting in the living room, I’d point to the TV and tell my mom that I wanted to do that.” She smiled with the memory, her eyes getting a different glist. 
“That’s a sweet memory.” He smiled at her.
And so they carried on with the conversation, talking about their favorite things and their ambitions, never letting an uncomfortable silence fill in. Even if they were sure that if the silence set in it would not be uncomfortable. The two were too comfortable with each other for this to happen.
Axl was leaning against the couch casually, his legs spread open while S/N had removed her high heels and was sitting with her two legs sprawled on top of the couch.
“And how did you end up in Los Angeles?” She asked.
“Well, when I was 16 or something, this boy from my school, he’s my rhythm guitarist now, he started a garage band with some other dudes and asked me to be their vocalist.” 
He paused getting closer to her.
“In the beginning, I was very shy, there would be days where I’d literally leave before I could sing anything. But after some time I got used to it and eventually realized that it was nice to rehearse with them.”
“However the band didn’t work out and when Izzy graduated high-school he moved to L.A, he said he’d start a band here. He asked me to come with him, but I was kinda scared of coming to a big city like this, so I stayed in Lafayette.” 
He looked around, realizing that the music had stopped. Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t listened to anything for a good while. “I think we’re the only ones who are still here.” He giggled.
“No shit! What time is it?” She touched his arm, turning it towards her so she could see the time on his wristwatch. “Fuck, it’s almost 5 am.”
“Wow. We should go then.”
“Yeah!” Getting up she got her heels and purse and followed him through the house.
There were some people passed out in the living room and Steven and Teresa were in the kitchen, nearby the sink, talking quietly.
After saying their goodbyes Axl and Y/N exited the house. The cool breeze involved their bodies, even though they could see the sun starting to shine on the horizon. 
“Did you come driving?” He asked.
“No, I got a taxi actually.”
“Come, I’ll give you a ride then.”
They got into the car and Axl started driving slowly down the street. “Where should I take you to?”
“I live in Venice.”
“Alright then.” He turned right in a bifurcation.
Checking the interior of the car, Y/N realized it was a convertible one. She gasped. “It’s a convertible! Open it up, please!” 
He giggled pressing a button that opened the bonnet. “Why are you so impressed? I’m sure you have at least three of these in your car collection…”
“I don’t have a car collection. I don’t even have a car” She turned around on her seat. The bonnet was fully open and she enjoyed feeling the breeze on her hair.
“Why not?” He frowned, looking at her for a brief moment.
“You’re gonna laugh at me.” She sat still on her seat, placing her feet on the dashboard. 
“I promise I won’t.”
“Fine… I don’t know how to drive.” 
“Wait. What? But what about all those movies where you were driving?” He looked at her, trying to see if she was joking.
“I wasn’t really driving, silly.” She giggled.
He laughed along.
“Anyway, you were telling me about how you ended here.”
“Oh yeah! So, Izzy came to L.A and I stayed for two more years. I got a job and stuff, but I was always getting in trouble. I’d spend the night in jail and they’d let me go in the morning ‘cause it wasn’t a big deal. But then I got in trouble one more time and they told me they’d arrest me for real if they got me again. So I realized I should leave the city.”
“Hmm, so you’re a bad boy…” Y/N smirked.
“I guess so…. But you’re no saint yourself! You’re not best friends with the press…”
“Well...yeah! The problem is that I don’t know how to be politically correct, I just know how to be me, and people don’t usually like when you give them your honest opinion.”
He looked at her and saw that she was looking through the window.
“On top of that, I have a high tendency of not giving a fuck… I like to live, you know? I like to go out and enjoy every moment, I like to live in the present. But apparently, you’re a bad influence if they see you leaving a club at 3 am every weekend.”
With every word she said, the more he wanted to know about her. She was so much more than what he had thought. 
It was a long drive to Venice and accompanied by the soft music playing on the car radio they talked all the way, never getting tired of each other’s voice.
“That’s my building.” She pointed to a big white building in front of the beach.
“Fully delivered.” Axl said smiling, stopping the car in front of it and turning around to look at her.
“I really liked spending time with you.” She smiled.
“Do you think we could do it again on a date?” He asked expectantly.
“I’d love that! What about Friday?”
“Friday’s good for me. I’ll pick you up at 7 pm.” 
The two of them just stayed still, looking at each other without saying anything. 
“Is it too early for me to kiss you?” He asked smiling.
“I don’t know. Why don’t you try it?” She smiled back.
And so the two of them leaned in, involving each other in a quick kiss that turned into a passionate one.
After a few seconds, she pulled away, catching her breath and opening the car door.
“Goodnight, Axl.” 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Little did they know that this was the beginning of a beautiful love story. Full of struggles and problems but that eventually worked out. They found a way of accepting their differences and getting along in a way that few couples could do. And after many years people still talked about them, after all, they became the most iconic 90s couple. 
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multifandom-girlie · 3 years
𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞
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Imagine: "Can you do one where Daniel Gillies and the reader have an interview but they are divorced and have kids together *name doesn't matter*but the interviewer ask them why they divorce since it was unknown to why they did."
Pairing: Daniel Gillies x Wife!Reader
Warning: RPF, minorly angsty.
Words: 1813
A/N: I hope you like it anon, I will be honest it's not my best imagine but I really did try and make it the best I could. I hope you Enjoy!
The un-consensual ringing of my alarm tone triggered me to open my eyes. I glanced over to my phone and quickly made sure i didn't have any notifications before sitting up and wiping the crustiness of the sleep from my eyes. I decided to not wake the kids up yet, as it would be easier to get ready without two screaming children bouncing of the walls and begging for food. I chuckled the covers off and walked into my bathroom and heading straight for the sink to brush my teeth and wash my face. After I had, I heard two feet slapping against the hardwood flooring and I shut my eyes hoping for just two more minutes. I stepped out of the bathroom, guess we won't have a shower this morning then. Peeking my head out of the door, I saw two big brown eyes looking around my room. I put on a smile and walked over to them. It was my son, Tyler. I picked him up and sitting on my bed with him resting on my lap. I brushed his soft brown hairs out of his face and kissed him on the forehead as we hugged, like every morning.
"Good morning, baby. Are you ok ?"
He muttered a yes but still buried his head into my neck, I frowned. Of course I knew he was lying to me when he said yes but I thought it was just because he was tired from having just woken up. He's usually running around and screaming so loud you'd think he was getting murdered. The look on his face though wasn't just tiredness, it was a look he used to give me very rarely; when he was upset.
"I miss daddy, when can we see him ? Uncle Joe said that he wasn't sure if we gonna see him today."
I closed my eyes lightly. Damn you Joseph, making my job as a mom way harder than it already was.
"Don't listen to Uncle Joe, he's just playing around. I will make sure you see daddy today, I promise."
He made a big grin on his face, very similar to his father's and I couldn't help but smile back. God I missed that man, like crazy but I got two wonderful children and one on the way as a product of it. So, I will always have a part of him.
"Now, go and get your best clothes on to impress daddy when you seem him and tell your sister as well, okay ?"
He nodded running out my room and screaming to his sister, there it is...the screaming and running.
20 minutes later...
I was taking my first two aspirin of the day already and I had only been awake half and hour. Today was going to be a long day. I was sipping on the water when I heard the door knock and a bowl smash. I ran into the dining room to see that Lily's breakfast bowl was smashed into little pieces on the floor. She knelt down the pick it up until I spoke.
"Lily! Do not pick that glass up, I will do it. Go and put your shoes on baby and help your brother please. I need to go answer the door, hurry up."
I walked out of the dining room and over to the front door. Opening it I came face to face with Joseph, Paul and more importantly Daniel. I let them all in and as I was hugging Paul to say hi. I hear a bang followed by some crying in Lily's room. I widened my eyes and raced upstairs to her room. As I arrived, I saw Tyler standing in the doorway with a sheepish smile on her face.
"What happened ?"
"I haven't done anything, mommy."
"What was that bang then ?"
I moved him out the way and walked over to Lily, who was sat on the rubbing her bleeding knee. She started crying more as I went over to pick her up.
"Oh, baby what happened ?"
"T-t-tyler pus-sh-shed m-m-me o-o-ov-v-ver."
I hated seeing my kids cry it broke my heart. However, I managed to pick her up and take her downstairs whilst grabbing Tyler's wrist with my free hand. As we were walking downstairs, I asked Tyler what happened.
"She was trying to help me put my shoes on and being a bossy pants."
"Tyler, I asked her to help you. She wasn't doing anything wrong. Was that really want a good enough reason to push your sister over ? Look at her knee."
"I'm sorry, mama."
"Your saying it to the wrong person, baby."
As we walked into the kitchen and he saw everyone he screamed and ran into Daniel's arms. I would be lying if I said the sight didn't make my heart swell a million times but he had been naughty.
"Tyler James Gillies!"
Daniel looked up confused. Most likely thinking that I was trying to make sure Tyler didn't hug him.
"What did I just say ?"
I sat Lily down on the island and went to the medicine cabinet to get the band-aids, he trudged towards his sister and put his head down.
"I'm sorry I pushed you over."
She smiled at him in acceptance as I cleaned her knee and put on a band-aid. I lifted her down and I finished saying hi to everyone and walked out the door and then realised I didn't clean the glass up. I'll do it later.
At the comic con, 40 minutes later...
When we arrived, we were screamed at by millions of fans that had come from everywhere.However, if my kids weren't here covering their ears because of loud noise, I would've stopped and greeted a few of them. Not only that but since we were late, we didn't have much time but we did have a tight schedule.
5 minutes later...
Most of 'The Originals' cast had finished their interviews for a day but me and Daniel had been roped into to doing one more, just us. So, I let the kids spend time with all their 'aunts' and 'uncles' and we headed off. Wasn't looking forward to this.
"Hi Guys, I'm here with the lovely Y/N and Daniel Gillies. Who portray the sexiest vampires on 'The Originals' and we are going to be answering your questions that you've sent in on twitter."
I couldn't help but feel slightly awkward as he said 'Y/N and Daniel Gillies'. I thought everyone had been told now but it's okay.
"Okay so our first question comes in from @vampirefiction333 who says 'I really love Elijah and Aviana but will they ever have a relationship with each other because I NEED it.'"
"Um, I'm not entirely sure. We have certainly pushed in the past but I feel as though it just wouldn't end well."
"Yeah, I think what Y/N said was absolutely right. Considering her past relationship with Klaus I don't think it would end well for Elijah let alone Aviana."
“Okay, next question come from @y/n.y/l/n_ishot. Creative username, um so their question is ‘I know that Daniel and Y/N aren’t together anymore but I really want to know where they had their honeymoon because have you seen the pictures😍!!”
We both laughed despite the user making a spectacle of the mutual split.
“We had our honeymoon at ‘The Samaya Bali’ hotel in Bali and we loved it. We stayed in the one bedroom royal courtyard villa, which was just incredible.”
“Yeah it was wonderful because it’s quite a small and private hotel by it is beautiful and it was definitely worth every penny.”
“That sounds great. Okay, last question is from @Y/NandDanielGilliesShipper. Very long name but uh their question was ‘I really wish Y/N and Daniel stayed together and it hurts that I don’t know the reason why they got a divorce. Someone please tell me😭.”
We both looked at each other and smiled slightly before he nodded for me to go first.
“Um okay. So, it was a mutual decision, we just realised that it wasn’t working anymore. I think that first initial spark that we had kind of disappeared and due to that the relationship just felt like a burden almost. The last kinda months we were together we just spent constantly having small disagreements which would then lead to a much bigger argument. I don’t think either of us deserved that and so we had a talk and we decided it was just better off.”
He looked at me kinda sadly as we knew the main reason behind those arguments but for the sake of privacy we decided to keep it to ourselves.
“Yeah what Y/N said. I believe that there is always going to be a deep and passionate love between us, there always will be. I think that’s due to how young and naive we were when we even started dating and then not long after we met; we married and had kids so yeah there will always be some love there, no matter what. I just feel as though because of being each other’s first every thing it led us to believe that there was nothing else.”
“Do you believe there is something else ? Not to make you feel uncomfortable or pressure you into answering.”
We all chuckled.
“No honestly it’s fine. I do believe there isn’t something else out there even if I haven’t fallen out of love with Y/N. There always is something else out there.”
“I think there is a lot of truth in what Daniel’s saying but we both definitely need to let ourselves heal and let our children heal before even entertaining the idea of new people.”
“Talking of your children, how’d you tell them ? How did they handle it ?”
“They handled it quite maturely, I have to say. Which was quite shocking as they are both very upbeat all the time and they are never serious or truly upset. So, to see them so quiet was kind of worrying actually. I think they were in a state of shock for just a moment and then they had a little cry and they accepted it. It was quite sudden though, which I do regret. They literally woke up 20 minutes prior, I was drinking coffee, Daniel was making breakfast and it was normal but then we just sprung it on them whilst they were eating breakfast. So, if we could change that I would but I think the sooner they knew, the smoother and quicker the healing would be.”
He smiled at us. I looked at Daniel and we smiled at each other once again. I was happy for him whether he was moving on with someone else or not. Even if we weren’t together there was still and us and that was some hope and I love that.
I loved him.
I love him.
Tyler James Gillies- 7 years old
Lily Aviana Gillies-5 years old
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mymedicine · 4 years
Occam’s Razor
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5.6k of surfer harry and y/n, mostly fluff, frenemies to lovers type beat
warnings - marijuana usage, swearing, very light sexual language, lotsa teasing, harry being really sassy
notes - this started as a little blurb for @majorharry‘s 20k fic celebration and then it spiraled out of control into this very self-indulgent fantasy. I used the prompt “You’re lying. I can tell when you look at me like that.” Cass’s work inspired me to start writing harry fic in the first place, so if you enjoy this, you have her to thank! <3
more notes - fair warning y’all, I’m not a stoner by any means. i’ve been high like twice in my life and i cried both times so please forgive any inaccuracies in the smoking department. that being said, I urge you to click this link to learn about the decriminalization of cannabis in the US and how you can help correct the injustices associated with it. ok, yes I will shut up now please enjoy!
Island life was a dream come true for Y/N.
There was no sound she loved more than the crashing of waves against the shore, no smell more lovely than the salty aroma of beach air, and no sight more beautiful than the bright sunrise from her home two blocks away from the sand. She squinted at the rising sun as she rode the familiar route to the beach, surfboard clutched underneath one arm. With the other, she steered her trusty bicycle—the only form of transformation she needed on the island. All she ever needed to do was go back and forth from home to work at the surf shack on the beach and back again, with an occasional Target run in between when she was low on mangoes for her smoothies.
It was a perfect morning for an easy surf. Not too hot, not too windy. Just pale skies and a gentle summer breeze bringing peaceful energy to the tiny shack on the sand. She approached the back of the shop, clutching her board a little tighter as she rode over the uneven beach terrain. When she reached the wooden structure, she deposited her bike and board out back before waltzing inside through the back door.
“Morning, H!” Y/N yelled into the room, gripping the strap of her backpack over one shoulder.
From the main shopping area of the store, a curly head popped into the back room. “You’re late,” he replied, pushing his sunglasses through his already messy hair and perching them on the crown of his head. He sauntered into the back room, following Y/N over to their shared locker in the corner.
“C’mon Harry,” Y/N shrugged him off, “island time.”
In truth, neither of them really cared about her being a few minutes late to their agreed meeting time. The store didn’t open for hours and even then, the owner wouldn’t mind. It also didn’t hurt that said owner was none other than Harry’s mother.
“'S pretty out today,” Y/N continued, shoving her backpack into the locker they stored their stuff in during the day. “Should be plenty of nice hollows to play around in before—”
“My smoothie better not be melted,” Harry interrupted her just as she was pulling two thermoses out of the bag.
He was smirking, obviously uninterested in what she was saying and instead transfixed with the sweet drinks in her hands. Y/N rolled her eyes at him. Harry may not have been the most gracious company, but he was company at least. Island life was simple, relaxed, and perfect for Y/N, but it’d be lonely if it weren’t for him. He also consistently supplied her with decent weed and excellent board wax, which certainly didn’t hurt his case. In return, she brought him a mango smoothie every day. As underpaid and overworked coworkers, symbiosis and a shared love for the ocean kept their friendship relatively intact.
“Just for that, you’re not getting it until after dawn patrol,” she taunted, rattling the thermos above her head. She enjoyed the way his eyes followed the drink like a cat’s would a piece of yarn.
His tanned chest rose and fell as he inhaled an exasperated breath, jaw tight and eyes glinting with playful contempt. Along with his teasing expression, he wore only orange floral board shorts and the pair of sunglasses pushing back his curls. Y/N couldn’t help but notice his lack of clothing, even after months of working and surfing together nearly every day. Fuck, she thought, he just keeps getting hotter.
She couldn’t decide whether the fact that he was an actual work of art was helping her withstand his presence in her life, or if it was just simply torturing her with something she didn’t think she could have. Either way, his beauty was a constant distraction.
“Fine,” Harry taunted as Y/N put the drinks in the mini fridge beside the locker. “But just for that, I’ll out-surf your ass.”
Y/N laid with her cheek pressed down on her board, sighing as the hot sun gently warmed her wet skin. Dawn had brought plenty of excitement in the form of large, smooth waves, but by mid-morning the sea had calmed to a pleasant lull. She spread out her arms and let her fingers trail lightly in the water, finding comfort and solace in the coldness of it. Her board bobbed softly with the mellow waves, rocking her body like a mother rocking her baby. She could have fallen asleep if it weren’t for Harry’s sudden loud cursing coming from somewhere behind her.
“Y/N! Wake the fuck up!”
“I’m not asleep, asshole,” she called back, not moving from her peaceful position.
“C’mon, we’re already late. And s’ gonna rain so we have to pull in the racks.”
Y/N remembered the way the rising sun had been beating down on them all morning. She felt like she was being roasted out there in the humid air with her back exposed to the rays, not obstructed by even a single cloud. But the island weather was as volatile as it was beautiful, and the start of tropical storm season was imminent.
Y/N picked her head up and pushed her chest up on the board, observing the large, dark storm clouds in the distant horizon. I’ll be damned, she thought, he’s right. There was no way in hell she’d ever actually say that to him, though. Not with the way he was continuously taunting her from his place on his own board—“Y/N! Waaaakeeeey wakey! We have woooork!”
“Alright, Harry, shut up! I’m coming.”
Despite Harry’s incessant nagging, they both paddled to shore at a pretty lazy pace, trying to savor their last few minutes of peace in the water before having to deal with all the daily nuisances of customer service.
Anne’s shop on the beach was a hit with the locals and tourists alike. For years, she and Harry had been providing beachgoers with sunscreen and board wax and rash guards and even souvenir t-shirts and mugs, that sort of thing. Anne finally hired Y/N when they started selling bikinis two months ago and the business went through the roof. Having more customers was great, but it meant there was more work to be done.
Y/N and Harry approached the store, dragging their boards with their hair still dripping wet and feet caked with sand. There was a boy lingering outside, dressed in a tank top and board shorts that both looked half a size too big on his skinny frame. They both recognized him immediately—he was a regular at the beach but kind of a shubie, which deeply irritated Harry. Y/N wasn’t Tyler’s biggest fan either; it pissed her off a little when he’d show up bright and early before Anne, Harry or herself had even arrived to open up. But she was at least less hung up on it than Harry was.
“I got him,” Y/N told Harry. “Can you start on the racks? Don’t need you chasing away our best customer.”
Little did Y/N know, Harry disliked the guy for more reasons than just the facts that he showed up ridiculously early to the store and that he tried to dress like a surfer and hang with the locals but was too much of a pussy to go near the water.
While Y/N was tending to Tyler, Harry begrudgingly began pulling in the clothing racks stocked with t-shirts that Anne liked to keep outside in front of the shop. During last year’s rainy season, he’d have to pull the damn things inside nearly every other day. He glared through the open front door at Tyler while he interacted with Y/N, making her use the pole to reach one of the tank tops hung high up on the wall. “Interacted” was a soft way to put it, he reckoned. It could not possibly be more obvious that he was flirting with her.
It only annoyed Harry because he knew he was about eight thousand times better than Tyler on literally all levels, yet the boy still got to enjoy Y/N’s attention for as long as he wanted (he was a paying customer, after all). All while she was none the wiser. Harry loathed the way his eyes lingered on her chest, especially since today she hadn’t had time to put her coverup on before having to get the fucking tank top for him.
Y/N’s head snapped away from Tyler and his incessant talking when a loud crashing sound rang out. Harry was already looking at her from the doorway, face twisted with irritation. One of the racks was crashed into the wall beside him, leaving a few fallen shirts scattered on the floor.
“You missed the door, H.” Y/N laughed at him. She was amused by the grumbling noises he was making as he struggled to yank the rack through the door frame.
“You wanna do this yehself then? ‘F you just gonna make fun of me…” He frowned, voice getting fainter as he disappeared outside to grab the last rack.
“Sorry about him,” Y/N turned back to Tyler, who was waiting patiently for her to scan and neatly fold the top he was buying.
The boy flashed her a charming smile. “S’ fine. I’m not here for him.”
Y/N was not an idiot. She noticed his flirting, but didn’t take it remotely seriously. He was far too young for her. He was thinner than she preferred. His hair was too blonde, skin too pale and clean of any ink. And, well, he wasn’t Harry.
She kind of hated that everyone had to be compared to Harry in her mind, but she couldn’t help it. He was a masterpiece. Her gaze followed him as he sauntered back into the store, picking up fallen merchandise here and there before strolling right past her, into the back room.
Y/N sent Tyler a tightlipped smile when she realized she’d been inadvertently ignoring him. She felt his eyes on her as she finished the transaction. He took the bag from her outstretched arm, but his presence lingered even after she’d given him a polite yet dismissive “Have a nice day.”
“I’m Tyler, by the way,” he began, and Y/N internally groaned. He’d introduced himself several times already during the past few weeks. She was nicer about it than Harry, sure, but fuck she did not want to entertain this kid’s advances. “And you’re—“
“Y/N!” Harry’s voice called from behind her, interrupting Tyler rather rudely in the middle of his sentence. Harry appeared at her side as if she’d conjured him up by thinking about him. She be lying if she said she minded the interruption. “Here’s your smoothie from the back,” he said with a charming smile.
Harry produced one of the thermoses and presented it to her as if it were a prize. He knew he was the real winner though—one look at Tyler’s dejected expression confirmed that much.
“Oh! Thank you, Harry,” Y/N chirped, trying desperately to thank Harry with her eyes while still remaining diplomatic. “I was just finishing up with Tyler here.”
The blonde boy looked between Harry and Y/N, lingering for only a few more seconds with his anxious fingers twisted in the plastic bag he was holding. “Right,” he stuttered, “er…you guys have a good one…” And he backed away from the store.
Y/N turned back to Harry as their customer left. She took the thermos from his hand before playfully scolding him. “That was rude, Harry.”
"He was being rude first. He wouldn’t leave.” Harry shrugged, sipping his own smoothie and swooping back into the back room before Y/N could tease him on his poor excuse.
The Tyler ordeal aside, the work day passed as all the others did. Maybe a little less busy than usual due to the impending storm. By early evening, the tourist crowd at the beach had thinned considerably. One or two local surfers lingered in the water as the dark clouds began to roll in and slowly hide the sun. Harry and Y/N watched them absently from their places behind the counter, sitting beside each other on matching stools.
Y/N took in the view. Even painted an ominous shade of dark gray, the horizon brought a serene wave of calm over her. This was where she belonged, and she was sure of it.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Harry asked, noticing the far away look in her eyes.
“The water,” Y/N replied. It was true—she was looking at the water. But she was really looking beyond it, taking in the entire scene. The lull of the crystal blue ocean, the fading sunlight hitting the palm trees, the soft sand being pelted with raindrops, even the display case of I <3 2 SURF mugs that was mildly obstructing her view out the window. She turned to face him and, of course, he fit right in. He was an integral part of her vision, the beautiful fantasy that she was lucky enough to be living in.
He smiled at her. “’S pouring fuckin’ buckets, Y/N. There’s water everywhere.”
She laughed at his joke, happy to slip back into her real-life daydream.
“What should we do, then? No one’s gonna be coming to the beach.”
“I dunno. Play a game?” Last rainy season, Harry had been alone in the shop. Those past lonely days felt like an entirely different lifetime. In this one, Y/N was his present. His here and now.
He stood from the stool and crouched down to survey the shelves underneath the counter. Anne kept random necessities like water bottles and fruit snacks and a flashlight and…yes! A deck of Uno cards.
Y/N sighed dramatically. With Harry, she knew even a simple little game for kids would quickly spiral into momentous occasion.
“Well if I’m gonna have to play this game with you, there’s no way I’m doing it sober.” With that, Y/N didn’t hesitate to hop off her own stool and head to the back room to retrieve her backpack.
Harry raised his eyebrows, amused by the suggestion. Maybe it was irresponsible to get high when the shop was technically still open for another hour, but what the hell. The crowd had already been thinning for hours. 
“We’re gonna smoke in my dear mother’s shop?” Harry mused.
“We? Did you want one?” Her voice was teasing, growing clearer as she returned from the back room. She perched herself back in her stool and began to prepare a single joint for herself.
“Love, I literally provide you the weed. Of course I fuckin’ want one.”
“Okay, sassy. You can do it yourself if you’re gonna be a dick about it.”
So, he did. And naturally, the task turned into a heated race between the two. The pelting rain outside was an appropriate soundtrack for a race which Y/N, distracted by the way Harry’s nimble fingers packed the rolling paper and pink tongue slipped out to seal the edge, was destined to pathetically lose.
“Hah,” said Harry once he’d twisted the tip, flourishing the finished joint between them for himself to admire.
Y/N rolled her eyes as she finished her own, “Whatever, Harry. I out surfed you this morning and I’ll out smoke you tonight.”
“Well then I’ll have to beat your ass at Uno.”
“Game on.”
They played six rounds of Uno, taking hits in between turns until they were both high as kites. They lost interest in the middle of round seven when Y/N accidentally knocked the deck off of the counter, scattering the cards all over the floor. Even though they each had an even three wins under their belt, neither wanted to pick up the cards, so they agreed to a truce. The pitter-patter of rain and whooshing sound of high winds continued as Harry was muttering in a low voice—something about him dreading having to clean up all the cards tomorrow—but Y/N wasn’t really listening at all.
The high disintegrated the invisible barrier between them, effectively magnifying their usual playful touches into prolonged caresses. Y/N had one leg draped over Harry’s lap, perfectly placed for his massive hands to clutch her calf and gently massage her skin in tune with his soft ramblings. His touch sent sparks flying deep in her belly. He was everywhere, his presence so commanding she was almost disoriented by euphoria. She only fell back down to earth when she realized the comforting din she’d gotten used to had gone silent.
“Listen, H. It’s stopped raining.”
He silenced his mellow prattling and stood from the stool, making Y/N frown a little at the loss of touch. She watched him as he moved over to the window, resting his palms on the sill and peering through the glass at the beach. “Not for long. Look at the clouds.”
She followed his movements, wandering over to him and then tugging one of his arms off the sill. Craving his touch, she effortlessly wedged herself in between his body and the window—a move that would have made sober Harry a little flustered. But his fuzzy brain allowed him to relax into the feeling of her body against his. He lifted his arm to point at the second cluster of storm clouds approaching the beach from the horizon, in turn pressing his bicep to her shoulder.
“Hm,” Y/N surveyed the incoming clouds. “Maybe I should get home while it’s stopped. No one’s coming to the shop when ’s pouring out.”
“Yeh gonna ride your bike high?” Harry mused. “Don’tcha think that’s kinda unsafe?”
She didn’t think so, really. But she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want an excuse to hang out with Harry some more, especially now that they were standing way closer than necessary and she could once again feel his bare skin against hers. “I guess…” Y/N trailed off, distracted by the high coursing through her and the feeling of his arms around her. They were strong from years of propelling himself through the sea water, hot and tan from the hours spent in island sun.
“Fancy a dip to sober you up?”
She paused to ponder the offer, putting considerable effort into focusing on thinking rather than feeling his body. The water did look as inviting as ever now that the rain had let up—temporarily, at least.
The words had barely left her mouth before Harry was moving eagerly away from her. Y/N stumbled out the door behind him, struggling to keep up while he excitedly meandered down the sand on unsteady legs. Halfway there, Y/N gave up on trying to catch up. She shed her board shorts and sandals right there on the sand, leaving her in her bikini top from earlier and matching bottoms. As she waded into the sea, part of her was regretting skipping the rash guard that morning as the salt water stung the reddening skin on her exposed stomach.
Harry was feeling a similar pain on his own bare abdomen, but he paid it no mind as he bounced through the white water. Instead he took in the twinkling sea and the early evening sunset, appreciating the way the pink clouds reflected in the water. It was so pretty, he thought, endorphins flooding his brain. Might be the prettiest fuckin’ sight I’ve ever seen…
Suddenly, Harry’s reverie was rudely interrupted by a cold blast of salt water slapping him on the back.
“What the fuck?!”
He whipped around and there she was, waist-deep with her cheeky smile and challenging eyes giving her away. Of course she was guilty, there was no one else in the goddamn lagoon five minutes before another torrential downpour. He inched toward her, impishly preparing his own counter attack. She was giggling profusely as she, too, moved backward as if she were his prey.
When she’d backed up to where it was too deep for her to stand, she squeaked and lifted her hands up in front of her face to protect herself. The water was up to her cheeks, flushed with heat, with elation, and alighted by the setting sun. Harry splashed her mercilessly, both giggling like children as her attempts to thwart his attack failed. His head was spinning, melodic laughter and splashes resonating between them. She flung her arms blindly in and out of the water as he moved closer and, foolishly, he underestimated the power of blind luck. Harry spluttered and spat as salt water landed directly in his open mouth. He swatted with his hands, whipping his soaking wet hair around before playfully glaring at her. She was squinting and rubbing the salt water out of her eyes, but she still wore that cheeky, challenging grin.
“Right, tha’s it. Yeh in for it now.” he howled at her. He reached out for her waist, intending to pick her up and throw her into the white water to wipe that stupid victorious smile off her face.
It didn’t work, but how could he be upset when he was faced with her pretty head popping up out of the white water, face lit up with pure happiness? When he was laughing along with her, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest, all with the stunning background of the most beautiful beach sunset he’d ever seen?
The sun had long set by the time they decided to call it quits. It was getting cold and, as expected, it was starting to drizzle again. They marched up the damp beach together, walking side by side with their shoes in their hands. Neither of them had bothered to bring a towel and the once pleasant island wind was now biting their wet skin. Y/N picked up her pace to warm her muscles and keep up with Harry, whose longer legs were trudging through the sand up toward the shop.
“It’s pretty late…” Harry drawled, craning his neck to observe the bright shining moon that had taken the sun’s place.
Y/N took a few seconds to reply, panting from the exertion. “Yeah.”
“And ’s raining again…”
“Mmhm.” Y/N stole a sideways glance at him. He was smiling, as per usual. And he had that playful glint in his eyes that she adored.
“…Aaaand I live just up there…” He swung his arms like a child as he walked beside her, causing one of his flip flops to repeatedly whack one of her sandals in her grasp.
Endeared, Y/N cracked a smile of her own. “Right…”
“Do you wanna maybe…”
She stopped marching then, as they reached the front of the store. She was hit with the sudden realization that part of her fantasy was becoming real. There was no work to be done at this hour, no Tyler to pull tank tops for, no interruptions. Only Harry, her favorite distraction.
Taken with his own thoughtful musing, Harry walked a few more steps before realizing Y/N had stopped. He turned around to face her, and even in the darkness she could see the flush in his cheeks.
“…spend the night at mine?”
Harry lived even closer to the beach than Y/N in an even tinier studio. Anne of course had a house a few miles into town that Harry frequented, but he was a grown man. It was more than enough to be working for his mum. As much as he adored her, he did not want to live with her.
His place very much resembled the shack they worked in from the outside. Inside he had four walls, a window, a bed in the middle, an armchair in the corner, and a hammock strung out on the porch. Y/N briefly imagined herself lounging in it, maybe sipping a mango smoothie. It would have been very pleasant if not for the fact that it was just exposed enough to be catching the rain water. A brilliant idea sparked in her brain, one she couldn’t ignore.
“I’m g’na sleep in the hammock,” she declared.
“Uh, fuck no yeh not.” Harry replied immediately, equally as firm.
“Yeah I am. It’ll be nice.”
He huffed, setting his backpack on the nightstand and cursing when it slid off. Y/N failed to fight back laughter as she watched him struggle to fit his bag next to the antiquated lamp on the side table. He swore again, finally deciding to push the lamp to the corner of the table and nearly breaking it in the process.
Having successfully removed his shoes, he sat gingerly on the bed and sighed. “But—but…” He paused, shaking his head and letting out a flustered half-laugh. “It’s wet!”
“So?” Y/N teased with a knowing grin, pleased that he’d taken the bait. All she really wanted to complete her real life daydream was to hear him request for her to sleep beside him.
“Do you know what my mother would do to me if she found out I let you sleep outside in a hammock in the fuckin’ rain?”
Oh she knew. Anne would lose her goddamn mind. As kind and gentle as she was, she demanded respectfulness and courtesy from her Harry. She wouldn’t hesitate to fire her own son for misbehaving, or at least withhold his paycheck for a few weeks.
“Fine,” she gave in with a sigh, leaning her back against the far wall, “you’re right.”
He perked up, turning around sharply to face her. “Sorry, what was tha’?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, already knowing what he was getting at. She ignored him and began undoing the clasps on her own sandals, refusing to repeat herself. Admitting he was right once was far more than enough to feed his already giant ego.
“You said I’m… what? Couldn’t hear you properly…” He had the upper hand now, and he knew it.
“Shut up, asshole.” She tossed her shoe at him, and to her delight, it landed directly on his sunburnt face. Y/N laughed loudly as he swatted the air and proceeded to rub his cheek, grimacing.
“That’s not wha’ you said, you little bitch,” He sent her a pointed smirk but didn’t retaliate, too busy tending to his own wounded skin.
Y/N gasped playfully, “What was that you called me?!” she dropped her jaw, committing to the melodrama of it all, “What would your sweet mother do if she were to find out you called me the b-word?”
With that, the ball was back in her court. Victory just within her grasp.
The light pain in Harry’s cheek had faded, but his pride was still feeling it a little. As his hand moved away from his face, Y/N caught a glimmer of mischief flicking in his eyes. “Don’t bring her into this,” he smiled, “she’s an innocent.”
“No one’s safe.” Y/N fired back immediately, a playful grin pulling at her own cheeks.
“Yeah, you’re definitely not safe,” he taunted. He hauled himself off the bed with intent to exact his revenge on her. She had a lot to be guilty of—the shoe incident, the splashing episode she started, the name-calling, the relentless teasing, and mostly the way she was looking at him right then, with fondness and...lust, unmistakable in her eyes, that was making him lose his mind.
He had her cornered against the far wall. Two hands went out to catch her bare waist and release his wrath on her in the form of tickles. Y/N laughed violently, squirming in his arms and yelping, “Stop it, Harry!” Lust clouded his own still foggy brain as he glanced downward, eyes trailing down her bikini-clad chest to her waist where he held her firmly against him.
Y/N caught him, of course. She was staring at him just as intently. As always, she was enchanted by how beautiful he was. His hair was still damp and she was close enough to see bits of sand hiding in the curls. He was grinning wildly, eyes crinkling, cheeks flushed red, teeth adorably poking his pink bottom lip.
Without warning, he ducked his head pressed his lips to hers. Shock melted away as his mouth molded to hers, igniting an inferno in the pit of her stomach. Likewise, flames of passion were roaring within Harry as desperation took over for rational thought. He kissed her with the same eagerness and intensity with which they both would dive into the ocean, head first with no hesitation. His tongue was salty and sweet against hers. He tasted faintly like the sea and weed and mangoes—everything Y/N loved.
Which made it all the more difficult to pull away.
“We should stop,” she sighed but continued to accept the hot pecks he was dotting on her cheek, her jaw, her neck.
“Why?” he muttered against her skin, pruned hands squeezing her waist tighter.
“Because, we’re all salty and gross…” she wrapped her arms around his neck, anchoring his supple lips at the nape of her neck and shivering at the feeling he gave her. His lips were hot on her skin, lighting a blissful trail of fire wherever they went.
“I don’t mind.”
The pelting rain outside sounded distant to her, like background noise against the vibrations of Harry’s husky voice.
“Well...I do. Besides, we should talk about…whatever this is…” Y/N trailed off, thoughts evaporating into feelings, words melting into breathy whines.
“Wha’s there to talk about?” He pulled away from her neck but she didn’t let him go far. She held his sunburnt cheeks in her palms and let their noses brush against each other as he declared, “’S very simple. You’re in love with me.”
Y/N’s eyes widened and she let out a joyful laugh. She pulled away a millimeter, letting the back of her head graze the wall behind her as she continued to softly, nervously laugh, “You’re crazy, Harry. I’m not in love with you.” The lie tasted salty on her lips, as if the universe did not want to let her forget how delectable his own tasted against hers. She let herself gaze into his eyes, helpless against such a force so far beyond her control.
“You’re lying. I can tell when you look at me like that.”
She was sure he could feel her heart racing in her chest as she let out a breathy sigh, “Like how?”
“Like yeh want me to tell you you’re pretty and then fuck yeh into tha’ bed you fought me over.”
He smirked evilly as he said it, loving the way she shivered in his arms. She whined against his skin, way past pretending his words didn’t affect her. She shut her eyes and pressed another deep, languid kiss to his reddening bottom lip, unable to resist. “And what makes you so sure that’s love, H?” she whispered against his mouth.
“You’re kissin’ me like you’re in love with me, you’re looking at me like you’re in love with me, so, says Occam’s razor, yeh must be in love with me.”
“When did you become a goddamn philosopher?”
“‘M fuckin’ baked, Y/N,” he laughed, his breath tickling her cupid’s bow. “But ‘m also right. Yeh said it yourself.”
“Bullshit, you peaked a while ago.”
“Maybe I’m just fuckin’ smart then, Miss not-so-subtle-at-changing-the-subject.”
“Fine,” she deadpanned. And after a deep inhale: “I love you.”
Her voice was even, but a tsunami of feelings crashed in Y/N’s chest as the words left her lips—relief, joy, adoration, love.
An easy, knowing smile graced Harry’s mouth. “Spectaculah. I love y—“
“No,” she interrupted him with a peck on the lips, “tell me in the morning…when you’re sober. Then…”
She felt the heat rise up her throat and a smile pull at her lips at the vivid images running through her mind. The soft rays of morning sunshine peeking through the window, the sound of waves crashing in the distance, Harry’s naked chest against hers, his mouth muttering sweet, filthy praises across her chest, her tummy, the insides of her thighs…
“Sure thing, my love,” Harry laughed lightly. He had a feeling he knew exactly what was going on behind her red-rimmed eyelids. His own imagination was conjuring up dirty images of himself buried between her legs, basking in her salty skin and breathy whines. But there were softer thoughts, too. Fantasies involving sweet kisses pressed to her lips and her cheeks and the dulcet melody of her laughter and the feeling of her soft hands on his face. He saw her face while she was riding the biggest wave of the morning—lit up with a huge smile and eyes twinkling with the ocean’s reflection in them. He envisioned her soft lips stained orange with mango juice. He saw her cheeky, joyous grin when he was splashing her against the powdery pink backdrop of the sun setting into the sea. The prettiest fuckin’ sight I’ve ever seen.
Come morning, the first thing she heard was the crashing of the waves and Harry’s raspy voice in her ear.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
thank you for reading <3
please tell me what you think! I’d love to hear from y’all :D
informal taglist, aka a lovely bean who requested to be tagged: @fortrapsandfordaphne
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percontaion-points · 2 years
OVE chapters 21 & 22
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Chapter 21
 Suffice it to say, after Tyler’s arson…
Who was the one whispering into her father’s ear?
I’m sorry, but did this fuckwit seriously ask who was whispering into her dad’s ear? DO YOU EVEN FUCKING HAVE TO ASK?!
So what wasn’t she seeingm now?
This isn’t my typo; this was the fucking published book. What the hell. 
Juliette shot him a warning glare as she walked to the door, but Marshall only grinned. “Goodbye, you menace.”
Chapter 21 summary: A week after Tyler’s attack, and things went to hell in a handbasket. Juliette has been trying to contact all of the hotels to ask if a guest has been making too much noise and leaving too big of a mess, but is getting nowhere. What’s worse (in her opinion) is that Roma has been ignoring all of her messages. 
She confesses to Kathleen that she feels like there should have been another attack, and the fact that there have only been 2 is worrying to her. Kathleen reminds her that this person is after money, not to spread fear like Paul wanted. 
Juliette goes into her father’s office, to find a nationalist and Tyler. Apparently, they finished the vaccination, and Tyler is jumping on the opportunity for them to make bank from this. Juliette chides the government official by shaming him about letting people in his city suffer, but the man doesn’t give a shit. The guy legit thinks that charging people to not die from this unnatural plague is somehow going to stop the communists from winning. (No, I don’t follow that logic, either.) 
Juliette reports back to Kathleen what the man told her: that the white flowers aligned themselves with the commies. Kathleen goes to make a call, and when she comes back, she says that it’s partially true. That it’s not Lord and Roma, but rather, a sect that’s pulling further and further away from the whites by the day. Juliette thinks that this is the commie attempts to get rid of both gangs, and then to weaken the Nationalists. Katleen encourages Juliette to… literally not. 
Then Kathleen mentions Rose’s secret boyfriend. It’s obvious that Juliette doesn’t give a shit about it, so I don’t care, either. 
Juliette goes to Marshall, to ask about the white’s relationship with communists. He explains to her that most of the whites are refugees who fled from the reign of terror that came down upon Russia… which is way too much Russian political history in a book about Chinese political history wrapped up in a disguise as supernatural Romeo and Juliette. He continues on to tell Juliette about the government official her father had been meeting with. That he’s like a dog who won’t release a bone, so good luck getting the vaccination to the city. Before she leaves again, she tells him to stay inside. 
Chapter 22
And all in one breath, Rosalind said, “Because he’s associated with the White Flowers, okay?”
Look, this book barely gives a shit about the main Romeo and Juliette subplot. It really doesn’t have time for a SECOND one with a character that the book also doesn’t give a shit about. 
Without waiting for an answer, Juliette hauled Alisa by the arm and took off.
Chapter 22 summary: Juliette rushes back to help accompany her mother to the woman’s temple. In there, Juliette confronts Rose about the rumors that she has a boyfriend. Rose confesses that her boyfriend is a White Flower. She insists that she’s convincing him to leave the whites, but somehow I doubt that things are going to work out for her. 
Juliette watches as her mother meets with a client. This probably will be important, but Juliette doesn’t give a shit. She mulls over the plot instead, which is maddening because she adds nothing to it. 
As she looks around the temple some more, she sees Alisa sitting in the back corner, reading a book. The young girl tells Juliette she had hoped that nobody would mind since she was in a temple. She goes on to say that everybody is gathered for the funeral, and Juliette panics, knowing that the procession would lead them right past where they are… Where Tyler is waiting for them to come out. 
Juliette runs out, only to find Tyler locked in battle with an unnamed white. She herself is then cornered by both Roma and Demetri. This amounts to nothing before Juliette randomly grabs Alisa– who had followed Juliette out– and takes off. 
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