#i just wish it was like mario bros 😭😭
as a hardcore daisy fan I am loving the new Mario game, as an autistic, I like all the other 2d Mario bros games cause they're all the same 😭🙏🏻 can Nintendo just release like 10 variations of Mario's bros pllzz where they're all exactly the same except the levels are slightly different yk, just for me plz plz thank you I love Mario but only if its familiar 😚😚😚😚😚
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silenzahra · 8 months
Something I noticed about the music in the most adorable scene from the Mario Movie 🥹❤️💚✨
Yesterday I shared a post on my instagram account (san.marioluigifan) on something I noticed a while ago about the music that plays in the most adorable scene, and also one of my favorites, from the Mario Movie 🤭👀
I'm obviously referring to this scene 👇🥹❤️💚✨
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Have you noticed the music that plays while Mario and Luigi hug? 🥹 We can hear the main theme of the movie, but it mixes with the Level Complete theme from Super Mario Bros. You can check it here! The main theme starts at minute 3.14, but then at 3.20, Level Complete from the NES game starts playing and it mixes perfectly well with the first one.
And it makes perfect sense! 🤩👏🏻 After all, everything Mario wants most for much of the movie plot is to be reunited with Luigi, and, since in this scene he's just rescued him and they're finally back together, we could say that Mario has, in a sense, completed the level 🤭🥹
I adore this scene with all my heart 🥹 From the first time I saw it in the cinema it reached deep inside, and every time I watch it again, I'm moved to tears - it's so beautiful and adorable and touching! 😭 It perfectly shows the strong and solid bond that exists between the siblings, filled with love and adoration, and I can’t help but melt every time I watch it 🥹❤️💚
I mean, look at their faces when Mario catches Luigi in mid-air and they see each other after days apart – they’re the picture of joy! 🥺😭 Luigi's smile couldn't be wider, I think it's the time he smiles the most in the whole movie, and Mario is so relieved to be reunited with his beloved little brother at last! 😭
In fact, he’s so happy that he can’t hug Luigi just once: notice how he joins his forehead to Luigi's in order to reassure him and make sure he’s safe and sound, notice how strongly and eagerly Mario hugs him a second time, notice how he lifts him up in the air out of sheer emotion! 😭 And his happy face when he finally puts Luigi on the ground 🥹 And Luigi's sigh of relief after understanding that he’s not dreaming and that his brother has really saved him and is back with him, AW 🥹💚❤️
This scene just makes my heart so warm! 😭💖 And when I realized that the Level Complete theme was playing, I was like, "This just makes this scene even more perfect than it already is! 👏🏻" I love it so much! 🥹💖
Had you guys noticed this? Are you as moved as I am by the embrace of these adorable brothers? 🤭🥹 I wish I could pull them off the screen to give them a big hug myself, I adore them way too much 🥹❤️💚✨
(Why do I love two fictional characters so much @/Yahoo answers 😅😂)
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mrpuzzlessimp420 · 1 month
Mario Simulator (Joke Fic)
Chapter 1
Ships: Marware, BatteryAcid (Mr Puzzles x Orange Juice), SMG34 (minor)
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Mushroom Akademi was your normal pseudo-japanese highschool and Mario was a normal student.
He had... awful as shit grades because he didn't concentrate in class (god I wish I was that carefree ) and had a decent enough reputation, expect for that one incident where he was caught... you don't want to know what he was caught doing.
Anyway, Mario was normal.
He awoke to his loud two trucks alarm and started to get ready for the day. Putting on his highschool girl uniform that definitely did not look like the sailor scout uniform, not brushing his teeth and grabbing a plate of spaghetti to eat.
He quickly checked his phone to see that it was... 8 a'clock??? He was going to be late and get told of by SMG4 because of it!
Spaghetti plate still in hand, he rushed out the door, trying his best not to trip and be a clutz like he always is.
He eventually arrived at the school, only 2 minutes late and ran to his class, before realising he had no clue where he was going and had to check his timetable, which he also realised he lost like 5 months ago.
After 10 minutes of searching for his class, he finally found it and sat down in his seat, absolutely exhausted, spaghetti plate still in hand.
"Mario? You're late again? This is the 20th time this week! You know what I don't care, just don't be a nuisance like yesterday." Karen stated, not giving a crap about Mario because she is a girlboss, a legend and the moment.
The lesson went surprisingly quickly as the entire time Mario was finishing of his spaghetti or talking to SMG4 about memes or some cringey shit like that.
When the lesson and 2nd period was over, it was finally break.
Mario ran to say hello to his friends before a figure caught his eye.
The figure was a tall, handsome TV head giving out audition leaflets for a school play, rather dramatically you could say... and pathetically as he was literally on his hands and knees begging one student to join, a crying baby face replacing his normal emotes on his TV head.
Mario's heart skipped a beat. Oh how he had fallen for this TV head for the past couple of months. Yeah he tried to mind-control his friends to force them to preform in a everlasting play but that was ages ago. Honestly, Mario was down bad for him, his patheticness, his passion for the arts, his dramatic nature. I mean he was even good to look at, I mean look at those cables and wires (bro 😭) .
"Mario? MARIO!"
Mario finally snapped out of his god damn solioquy and lovestruck pinning just to be faced with a very annoyed SMG4.
"Where you even listening to anything I said?" SMG4 asked, pissed that Mario hadn't been listening for the 100th time this week.
"Uhhhh..." Mario said before saying the most, disgusting, revolting thing you ever have seen that had to be censored for the sake of EVERYONE'S sanity.
"What? No??? I was explaining the entire FNAF lore." SMG4 explained like the cringe pathetic loser he is.
"I honestly still don't get it." Meggy stated
"I do." SMG3 stated, with lovestruck eyes that told everyone in the room that he did not understand anything SMG4 just said and just liked to hear SMG4's voice
"Ha ha Gayyyyyy!" Mario shouted before being punched in the face by SMG3
"Shut Up! You like Mr Puzzles!!!" SMG3 declared, deflecting Mario's accusation back onto Mario.
"That's because he's-" Mario was once again censored by the Great Fanfic Writer in the sky who didn't want to write out the disgusting thing Mario just said about Mr Puzzles
"We.. didn't need to know that but anyway what was I on about again?" SMG4 asked, forgetting his entire lore dump he just did a few minutes before hand.
"You were on about the lore of FNAF?" SMG3 stated, looking back at SMG4 with eyes that were screaming with 'I love you so much, I want to hear your voice all the time, we are friends, we are literally soulmates made for each other, I would literally die and kill for you.'
"Oh yeah!" SMG4 was a oblivious idiot and didn't notice SMG3's obvious pinning "Anyway Foxy Bro killed his own brother or some shit and got really depressed ig, couldn't be me"
SMG4 went on to ramble about FNAF again but Mario got bored immediately. Why would anyone care about a Purple Guy and some dead children? The lore was way to complex for Mario's stupid little brain anyway, he couldn't even count to 10 let alone remember all of that.
Mario's focus went back to the pathetic Vox look-alike and sighed lovely.
He was perfect to Mario. Absolutely perfect. Though he was a bumbling idiot and still not fully redeemed, he was harmless and Mario knew he could fix him.
Mr Puzzles was now acting like that desperate clinging to a student to get them to join didn't happen and was still handing out leaflets for the audition.
Maybe Mario could audition? It's not like he had anything better to do with his life other than eat spaghetti and annoy SMG4 24/7. And it gave him the excuse to hang out with the handsome TV head.
Before Mario could think any longer, a new character appeared on screen and jokely spooked Mr Puzzles, which caused Mr Puzzles to jump and move his hands dramatically like a primary schooler trying way to hard in a poorly done school play.
Mario immediately didn't like this new figure. How dare they spook their one and only true love? And be friendly with him? (Damn Mario just let him have friends, he needs them desperately)
The figure was tall, taller than Mr Puzzles in fact which was a surprise, and extremely buff, looking like that one yaoi art base (you know the one). His head was replaced with a glass of orange juice which for some reasons had eyes on it, like working eyes. Mario didn't question it though as the canonical SMG4 universe was already lacking of lore on how the fuck Mr Puzzles is alive after he cut his head off.
"Awww, did I scare you pookie bear? I'm sorry~!" the figure said, kissing his lover on the check loving.
"I-It's okay OJ-Kun! You just scared me a little that's all." Mr Puzzles said, extremely flustered and shy now out of no where, acting like a uwu soft twink.
Mario was seething with anger. Mr Puzzles had a lover? A boyfriend? This was not okay. Only Mario could be his boyfriend and if he couldn't, then no one could.
An idea popped into Mario's head, quite surprising as he probably didn't have any braincells left.
A very... unique idea.
You see, there was something actually... unnormal about Mario.
He was what you would call...
A yandere.
(part 2 when??? Lol)
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
26 ASKSKSS💖✨💖✨💖
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The other Power-ups work differently to the Fire/Ice flowers..
Any power-ups that transform the bros bodies usually expend energy by just keeping them transformed. And even if the bros don't actively use that power, it'll eventually just drain itself away.
For example, the super shroom. Making Mario grow big and keeping him big consumes power. If he ate a super shroom and just stood there, eventually he would shrink back to normal. Running around. jumping, punching, that activity would make it drain faster though.
Same goes for the Super bell, mini mushroom, mega mushroom, super leaf, double cherry,,, etc. Just keeping the bros transformed consumes power. The fire/ice flowers don't transform the bros though. Mario and Luigi's bodies stay the same, they just become outlets to expel the flowers power. And if they don't use it.. well.. its gonna stay stored up in their bodies. And eventually freeze/burn them to death..
The only odd case when it comes to Power-ups is the 1-Up mushroom. It stores itself in the host's body, and doesn't effect the host or release its power unless it needs too. Mario could touch a 1-Up, and then 15 years later he dies and that's when the 1-Up will release its power. All though those 15 years Mario would have had 0 side effects from having it in his body. Its as if it didn't exist at all..
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Its always possible I'll return to them! :00 As we've seen XDD
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Hmm,, I haven't really thought too much about them other than the stuff I already talked about in the OG post..
But I was thinking that the imp species could have all these wacky and bizarre shapes at the end of their tails that dont really make sense..? Jevil's tail being this odd T/Y shape is actually rather bland/common. But other than that,, I cant really think of any other developments to their species <:/ Sorry! Thank you for taking interest though! :DD
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:DD thank you! I wish the same for you! :]]]
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Oh man.. scary is what it looks like.
I can see them all just living on the octopod. Traveling around the ocean in hopes of finding livable waters. All grieving over the loss of their families.. I cant imagine the pain they'd suffer, the hardships they'd face.. and what they'd have to do to survive..
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Freddy is his best fweind <:'}
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I have not played it actually.. is it any good? :0 Those Mallow and Geno characters sound neat! :)
(Also there was an OG one??)
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Oof, my Gravity Falls era? What an unfortunate time to find me-
None the less I'm happy you stuck around! :DD It means the world to me, thank you so much!! 💖💖
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Thank you so much! I'm flattered to hear it! :DD
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Grillby did.. :(
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:DD Well thank YOU for leaving me a kind comment! Very much appreciated! :}} 💖
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If any of the three Octodads were to experience a hallucination, it would probably be either Natquik or Calico Jack. But since I'm going through a re-write of Natquik's backstory and I don't actually know how traumatizing his re-write will be... I'm gonna say that Calico Jack is most likely to have one.
Although I'm not sure what would cause it.. mayyybe an encounter with a creature in the everglades could remind him of a traumatizing experience he had..? And that panic could result in hallucinations? I actually know very little about how hallucinations work so its hard to say what would exactly trigger one to occur.. <:(
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I have plans for them to encounter a lot of Kwazii's monsters in someway. :0
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Wow, only my second? Man. I feel like I've done more style updates/redesigns than that. <XD I guess its only two-
(Also I'm glad you like them! :DD Thank you! )
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XD I'm glad you like them and the Queen! Thank you so much! :}}
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Well thank YOU for sticking around and sending me a nice message! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well! :}}}
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MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS! :DDD Thank you so much! :}}
Also sorry, I don't take requests! But you just reminded me that I should probably go buy that book-
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Oooo that's interesting :0 I imagine that Barnacles would look like one of the Freddy's. As for the others I'm not sure! :o I know there was a FNAF fan game that had a cat and penguin animatronic though. Five nights at candy's was it.?
(Also thank you! Same to you! :D )
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I don't know if its necessarily pain..? More like.. a panic attack maybe?
When they're separated, their systems are flooded with commands to seek out the other. And if they cant find th.em or reach them? Well.. those commands will get overwhelming.
But that doesn't mean that you cant do maintenance on them. My idea was that there's a simple procedure where you take both of them to parts and service, put one aside and put one on the work bench.. and then shut them both down at the same time. Then when the work is done, reactivate both of them and return them to their room. Easy!
As for why they designed them like this? The main idea I had was that having this A.I. meant that they would naturally follow each other around in a way that seemed natural. Fazbear entertainment really wanted their animatronics to seem life like, but they also don't want Fred and Spring to ever separate. They want them to always be in the same room for photo shoots and meet and greets.
This A.I. means that if Spring is talking to a guest and a kid tried to lead Fred by the hand to another room.. Fred would stop at the doorway and redirect himself and the kid back into the room. "Lets play here instead!" "My friends Spring Bonnie is here, lets play here instead!" Meanwhile Springs conversation remains uninterrupted. This in turn makes them seem more life like and also prevents them from seperating.
Its not very strong reasoning but its all I've got to be honest <XDD
Also as for Spring loosing Fred..? It would be impossible for him to function without Fred. If they scrapped one, they'd have to scrap the other..
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Oh! No no, not Horrortale Papyrus. This Papyrus is one I made myself! :00
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Do you mean help wanted 2? :0 If so I'm not sure yet.. I'm watching Markiplier's playthrough and he hasn't finished the game yet..
Also Sun is still the same old Sun as far as I've seen.. He's not my favorite animatronic personality wise.. <XD But I guess he's alright
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XD tbh with how insane the FNAF lore is getting now? I wouldn't be fazed if they came out with a storyline about falling into a different world through a closet-
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I've made a couple doodles/drawings of Caine and he doesn't have the wind up hat thing.. But now that you mention it, that kind'a sound like this gals version of Caine :00
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What didn’t/did you like about The Super Mario Bros Movie and how you made your great comic because of it.
Lets see... I didn't like:
1* The pacing. There where some scenes that needed more time for fleshing out. 2* Crankys voice actor choice. 3* Toad was under utilized. 4* King boo looked like a last minute thing to put in the film design wise? Idk he looks weird to me
And there's other stuff I wish was in the movie but I feel like that stuff will be added to the next movie, so I'll bring it up when I see it
But overall I still like the movie fine and didn't watch it 30(+?) times. Now to get to what I like:
1* Obviously my favorite pair of bros whenever they were on screen. Best parts hands down. 2* The music was so good. I was listening to the ost for months. 3* The background design/ movies cover was top notch ( I'm still looking to snag a poster ) 4* Honestly, part of me still cant believe we got to see Mario & Luigis family, it's amazing. 5* I really like what they did for Peaches backstory. ( this is also based on concept art ) It was weird she was the princess of other species and never seeing the king or queen (not counting the comics/books). The toads probably didn't have a monarchy what so ever before Peach came along and they just decided to make her a princess because that's what she wanted as a child (not confirmed canon but I can dream 😭) 6* Bowser was cool, the koopa general was cool, the dry bones were cool, the maw ray was cool, the karts were cool, blahblahblah 🤤 7* TANOOKI ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 8* BABIES ❤️❤️❤️❤️
The Mario movie couldn't come out at a better time for me. I was in a huge drawing slump and didn't post any art for roughly a year on my Instagram. It set a fire for me to not only draw something for it but start a tumblr account. I hope to get all the pages out before the second movie comes out but I keep thinking up stuff to add/change or get rid of 😵
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moonlightcrusader · 1 year
Okay, so I have finally composed myself and I will say…man…the Mario movie was fun!
My overall review is its very funny, full of heart and the animation is gorgeous. There’s a lot of unexpected scenes that I found heartwarming and added to the characters/ plot.❤️
However…that being said…the pacing and script is my main concern. I know they have to fit a large chunk of lore for a good runtime, but there isn’t much development.
“But Moon, mario wasn’t all about story” I know, but a movie provides a chance to add story at a cinematic level.
Expanding the world and if not that the characters. If anything, I do not mind the simple plot. Mario needs to save Luigi and work alongside Princess Peach to defeat Bowser. Perfect.
However. I would have really liked more expanded characters. But I will elaborate below because that’s not my only critique.
Beyond here will be spoilers, read at your own risk!! My blog will start reposting/ talking about spoilers from here and now since it’s officially out!
-I wish the bros got more screen time. Their chemistry and brotherly love was amazing, and I was itching to see more of them together.🥺
-that fight at the end with Bowser tho WAS EPIC! But Luigi was super underutilized omg… I really thought he was gonna have another role in the movie. I think they missed out on the side characters having more of a role or even a conversation…
-Speaking of which, idk, I found Lumalee kind of annoying. I know it’s probably going to set up a future movie…but I thought at least we would get some insight as to why the Luma was captured, why it hates living so much, idk….lol. But I did love the voice of Lumalee, super cute :)
-characterization. Apart from Mario and a LITTLE of luigi, and DK, the rest felt bland… I feel like bowser could have been more fleshed out (but don’t get me wrong, I loved how he had a crush on peach, his song and planned on marrying her. AHHH I LOVED IT) toad could have been more fleshed out. What are his goals at least? Not every character has to have an internal conflict, but he just felt…there. And what a shame because hes charming!
-okay guys, but peachs characterization. I’m sorry, this deserves its own post, so I will hyperlink it here when I finishing writing that, but omg yeah I am not quite attached to her portrayal yet😅 what a shame too because I love her so much…
-wish we spent some more time getting to know Mario’s family😭
-not a fleshed out ending. Hoped that peach would have reacted being on earth, maybe a montage of Brooklyn adjusting to having this pipe that leads to another world. What was the cities response overall when it came to cleanup? I know they have HAD to had some questions why a huge gorilla with a tie was there…and talking! Lol…
now… drumroll please…
-Mario. Omg they freakin ACED Mario. His character flaws, his goals, aspirations, internal conflict, personality, everything I headcanoned/ hoped for. He’s a goofball who loves adventure, plumbing and loves his family. His determination, stubbornness, (RIZZ HE GOT THAT RIZZ!!!) and charm. Ugh. That affirms it. He’s my fav. I wanted to hug him through the screen many times SO BAD!!!🥺❤️
-luigi and Mario’s brotherly love/chemistry. Omg. The flashback of them as babies and when Mario was cupping Luigi’s face and almost crying out of relief. Like omg omg I’m so happy to that attention to detail😭🥺❤️ they love each other so much it’s just… *chefs kiss* I’m hoping for future movies we get more brotherly scenes, I’m still waiting for that piggyback ride🫶❤️
-baby peach. I just…I wasn’t expecting it. She was so cute and the fact that the toads just adopted her and raised her as their own tells goes sweet they are. 🥹 I’m so glad we got some of a backstory for her! But Omg…she was someone’s child then! :o I love lore…
-bowsers singing and the song peaches is a legit masterpiece. If my man don’t make a song like this and doesn’t sing it with that much enthusiasm I don’t want him!!😤😤😂💞but yep Jack black was awesome hehe he had me dying of laughter and he was super intimidating as Bowser!! He understood the assignment 💅🏼
-which reminds me. I love the plot of Bowser wanting to marry Peach and getting jealous of Mario. I wish we got Mario’s reaction of peach wearing the wedding dress tho I don’t think it really hit him that Bowser was trying to marry Peach…
- speaking of which…Mareach! We got a few cute scenes!! Nothing major, but I see that they are making it a slow burn romance 😏😂 okay, I can wait! While I wish we got more scenes, I loved how DK called out Mario’s attempts at flirting, Peach calling him adorable when he had his cat suit🥺🥺 and her giggles when Mario promises to buy her a pet turtle if she comes to Brooklyn. That was so freakin cute!!!❤️❤️🥹 you can tell Mario likes her, and peach has a fondness for him :)))
-the animation and the storyboarding. Everything art related. The score. I wanted to fly when I heard bowsers theme. I wanted to cry seeing the beautifully crafted action scenes and I can’t wait to see the storyboards 😭❤️ illumination went all the way!!! Also the character design!!! I love all of their designs!!!
-the pop songs were a nice touch and the humor was great. :3
-also like I headcanoned THEIR MAMA IS SO ADORABLE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! No wonder they came out as sweet incredible boys 🥺🧡
-the soundtrack man. They were cooking up in the studio I’m telling you!!! I heard it’s on Spotify now so I’m gonna be listening to it lol
-luigi is so precious but I wish HE HAD MORE SCREENTIME
-DK and Mario’s relationship give me rowdy sibling vibes and I’m here for it
-I love how they can travel from Brooklyn to mushroom kingdom through the pipe, at first I thought it was a star VS the forces of evil thing and the worlds merged until I realized the ending… XD
-I loved all the voices!! I think everyone did an amazing job, I heard a few inconsistencies throughout the movie but meh, everyone seemed excited for their roles!!!🧡🫶
If I can think of anything else I will add, but yeah, I think I had higher expectations for the movie😅 I think if it had a bit more time to flesh out characters, it would have been SUPER great. I loved all the references inside the movie, you can tell it was crafted with passion and love❤️ it was a very fun experience and of course the BRAINROT increased💞
Of course, this is my personal opinions and such, if you have a different one, that's fine! This is just what I would liked to see/ what I thought would have been better in the movie. That’s all!! :3
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auroraknux · 1 year
I've already complained a lot about the pacing, and how the film suffers because of it. So now I want to switch gears and talk about some of the stuff I did like (it's a long list!). Putting it under a read more, because of spoilers:
Mario being a protective big brother ❤️
Mario calling Luigi "Lu" (it's no "Weegee" or "Weeg", but it's still cute)
"Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together"
The flashback of the baby bros 😭
Luigi being the one to protect Mario at the end
Mario and Luigi's relationship in general is so incredibly sweet and definitely the highlight of the film for me
Peach is a badass, but she's also cute. Which is exactly how I think she should be depicted
Toad is cute and funny, and I wish we could've seen more of his dynamic with Mario and Peach
Mario and Peach's interactions are cute, even if they're rushed
I like Peach's backstory (even if I have a lot of questions about the circumstances surrounding them crowning her princess). I think it's sweet that she became their protector after they raised her. The idea of her possibly being from Mario's world is also very interesting to me. I hope fanfic writers go nuts with that
Mario having daddy issues is kind of a funny concept to me, but also really interesting, and it's something I'd like to see explored more (probably in fanfics)
I love how sweet and supportive their mom is!
Mario and DK's rivalry is fun
Luigi 💚 (literally all he has to do is exist and I love him with all my heart and soul)
Lumalee was funny (even if I wish they'd actually done something with the character)
I was disappointed about Peach not actually using the halberd, but she still gets to beat up Bowser, so I'm not complaining too much
Peaches 🍑
The concept of Bowser being able to play piano is something I never realized I needed in my life (definitely need to incorporate it into a future fanfic)
I love the way they incorporated the game mechanics into the worldbuilding. I want to see what they'd do with other stuff, like 1-ups (like we thought we were getting)
The idea of Mario hating mushrooms is funny
Pauline got a cameo at least
The score was great
The DK Rap being included was funny
It's cool to have official versions of Mario's parents (even if they're probably not canon)
Having Charles Martinet voice Mario's dad was a cute touch (and it makes him saying "these are my boys!" at the end really sweet in a meta way)
I actually liked most of the voices. The only one that remotely bothered me was Cranky, because he doesn't sound old enough, but even then I don't really hate it. Yes, I actually came around to Prattio in the end, so fucking sue me (it helps that his performance is better than in the trailers, and you can actually hear the Brooklyn accent now)
The Bowser's Fury theme playing in one part made me so happy because that's one of my favorite Mario games ever
I loved seeing Mario being insecure and scared! It was really refreshing
This might sound weird, but I actually appreciate them not holding back on the violence in some places. The most notable example is during the climax, when Mario is all bruised up from Bowser beating the shit out of him
As I've said before, the animation is absolutely gorgeous. The expressive character animation and the color choices are what really make it shine
The action sequences are so good! Even just Peach doing the training course was mesmerizing
Peach is just...so nice. People were assuming she'd be a stereotypical girlboss that hates men or some crap, but she really isn't. (I never did; I had faith that they'd get her right.) She waits for Mario to complete his training so he can save Luigi, even though there's a looming threat to her kingdom. She lets Mario go with her even though he didn't complete it, and tries to make him feel better about not getting it on the first try. And she's willing to marry someone she hates just to protect her kingdom (and then tricks him and beats him up). I love her 💖
I like how Peach says "my Toads"; it feels like she's saying "my family" (because they are her family, and she'll never let anything happen to them 🩷)
I already mentioned Mario and Luigi's relationship. But one scene that I haven't seen anyone talk about it when they're in Mario's room after their dad rejects him, and Luigi tries to comfort him. Mario is a great brother in this movie, but so is Luigi 💚
As much as I love Mario x Peach, I'm glad they don't try to force the relationship (outside of other characters shipping them, lol). There's not much time for that to happen--partly because of the pacing, but also because they're both focused on stopping Bowser and wouldn't be thinking much about that anyway. I would like to see some romance between them in a potential sequel, but I also want the development of their relationship to feel natural
Mario finding his strength and confidence through his desire to protect the people he cares about 🥰
They did the "So long gay Bowser" tail swing
The character designs are sooooooo good! Mario and Luigi are precious, Peach is pretty, Bowser looks cool, etc. I love how everyone looks! 👌
Luigi's hair 😏
There's probably more I could add here, but I should probably stop before this post becomes ridiculously long lol. Despite the issues I had with this movie, there's still a lot I appreciate about it. And it made me smile and laugh the whole way through, so that makes it good in my book. It's definitely going to be one of my comfort movies from now on.
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armando-triplepapito · 8 months
Seeing your posts about the first episodes and everyone was so mean to Betty since always, and that’s only taking into account the instances where she actually heard or saw people treating her horribly or calling her ugly and whatnot, but they were even worse behind her back (Mario and even Armando lbr especially at the early stages of their affair) and when Armando dresses as a drag queen and Betty takes him to her house to help him get rid of the make up and stuff just as he is leaving he asks her if it’s really that horrible to work at Ecomoda. Dude, do you really need to ask that? 😪 At least, he has time to reflect later because when they want Betty to help them get out of debt by keeping the embargo, Armando says that if she doesn’t want to help them it won’t be because of the things that were said to her during the board meeting, but because of the things that were said to her repeatedly before that and during her whole time working there (All the things Daniel said to Betty when she had her first makeover? He’s gross). The Human Resources department at Ecomoda was simply nonexistent.
If María Beatriz que was not a Valencia, they would treat her just as bad as they did with El Cuartel tbh
Thank you for your gifs, your blog is awesome 😎
Yea it’s rough to see how everyone treats Betty and like how you said they’re even worse when they talk behind her back. They even call her names right after she saves their skin! Calling her Murciélago 🦇 de la Guarda and whatnot. Like bruh she’s doing all she can to help you guys yet y’all can’t compliment her without an insult?! Seriously! They’re dickheads! And the worst part is that Betty probably hears them all the time yet pretends she doesn’t cause let’s not forget the walls are thin in Ecomoda 🫠. (Okay side note- there’s this scene where Armando and Mario are trash talking about her and she trips into the office, I feel like she heard them but of course used her “clumsiness” to brush over the situation if that makes sense? Definitely gonna talk about that later in a post once I rewatch the scene). Anyways when I’m reminded of Armando asking Betty if it’s that horrible to work for him it seriously makes me laugh! That’s not something he should be asking! He KNOWS he’s awful 😀 I think Betty only tells him that Don Hermes heard him yelling at her on the day she made him a business proposal (or something like that, tbh when they talk stuff about the company everything goes over my head) what she should’ve mentioned is that Don Hermes heard him yelling at her on the day he FIRED HER!! Bro that scene made me soo mad! The way Armando didn’t even wanna listen to her, insulting her basically saying that if he has to have a useless secretary might as well only keep Patricia like ugh you dumbass!! How dare you!! I kinda have wished she didn’t made that business proposal for him cause he didn’t deserve it! And the worst part is that right after he told Betty to go take a lunch break he basically tells Mario he did notice that Betty was limping but he just didn’t cared! Ugh!! Idk how Betty was able to handle all that abuse! F Armando man! Betty shouldn’t had helped them not because of what was said to her during the board meeting but ALSO because of what they did and said to her before, during her time in Ecomoda! For sure Betty is stronger than me, I would’ve been so petty😮‍💨 honestly I kinda liked how Armando read Betty’s diary, he deserved to know exactly how Betty felt during her stay in Ecomoda. I loved how he felt her pain through those pages☺️ tho I wished Betty had reminded him how he fired her😒
Don’t even remind me of Daniel during Betty’s first makeover! He was such an asshole for no reason! My poor Betty 🤧 trying to defend herself😭 and now that I think about it, it was brave of her to stand up to him while she was basically cornered cause let’s not forget he attacked her while they were alone who knows what could’ve happened if Armando didn’t appear 😰. I have to admit Armando was such a sweetheart in this episode 🥹 the way he defended her not only from Daniel but from Marcela and Patricia those bitches so kudos for him but not many cause he was still trash talking behind her back with Mario😠
Seriously! Hr was definitely nonexistent in Ecomoda! The way the executives got away with everything is crazy! How Mario played with Patricia and Aura Maria, Hugo’s insults towards the Cuartel especially towards Betty, the way Marcela tried firing Betty and how she probably fired a lot of models (probably without good reasons other than they slept with Armando). There was just so much mistreatments from the executives it’s insane! And the worst part is they never apologize not even Armando who’s the least bad one from them all. He should at least apologize after yelling at the workers 💀. Omgosh that reminds me! Okay sorry for going off track but I’m remembering that time when Armando pulled Patricia’s hair!! That was so insane of him! So scary!! Patricia is an awful person but she did not deserve to get her hair pulled by her boss!! Armando should’ve definitely been arrested there!😰 from what I understand the Cuartel had worked in Ecomoda for years, idk how they handled working in such a toxic environment 😬 but then again Don Roberto was the president so things were way different, I hope😶
Omg if Maria Beatriz was not a Valencia she would’ve been treated even worse than the Cuartel! The Cuartel were treated bad because of their appearance and Patricia was treated bad cause she’s an airhead. Maria Beatriz was not only ugly but also an airhead! Everyone would’ve eaten her alive! She’s lucky that she was born a Valencia but even still I feel like everyone pushes her to the sidelines. I feel like her family and the Mendozas try to forget she even exists💀
Hehe thanks for the kind words🙈❤️ I’ll try to make more gifs but tbh I’m kinda in a hiatus on my rewatch cause it’s kinda hard to see Betty being mistreated by everyone. Everyone is so cruel to her and I’m only 10 episodes in! Just thinking about what’s to come breaks my heart😭 but Ik it’s worth it I just need more time to mentally prepare myself. Also I’m thinking of making some fanart! Idk how to draw but if I can’t do fanfics might as well do some fanart! So watch out for them😜 and hey you never know! Maybe my fanart can inspire talented artist to make some of their own for the fandom 🤭🤪 anyways thanks for messaging me! I always have fun when I have someone to talk to about ysblf 🥰 tho I apologize for taking so long to reply😭
Don’t hate me! I love ya 😚❤️
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uncloseted · 11 months
Did u like the Barbie movie? I feel bad bc I really liked it, I think it just spoke to me personally at the stage in my life I'm in, but people say it's like surface level feminism so I'm like should I be willing to critique it more idk you know?
I haven't seen it yet but I'm dying to! I've been so excited for it but I've also been super sick for the last week so I haven't gotten out to the theater yet.
In general, though, my view on it is that a win is a win. Barbie made $377 million in its opening weekend, making it the biggest debut ever for a film directed by a woman. It's the biggest opening this year, surpassing The Super Mario Bros Movie and every Marvel film released this year. It's reportedly the biggest debut for a comedic film ever. And it's a movie made by women, for women, about women. That's an insanely huge win for women in the film industry and films centering women, which have historically been derided as unprofitable. It's cause for celebration.
Is Greta Gerwig giving Judith Butler or Gloria Steinem levels of feminist critique? Of course not. But like, respectfully to all of those people who are mad about it, fuck off. Nobody is ever mad at the Marvel movies for being about socio-political issues but not delving into them deeply enough, but for some reason the Barbie movie has to be a treatise on feminism? It's not meant to be a three and a half hour long exploration of female frustration that you can only watch in French. It's meant to be a fun, campy, blockbuster movie, and that's what it is.
Frankly, anything more than what it's giving would be alienating to a mass audience and would contribute to the idea that women's films are unprofitable and not worth funding. Already, it's feminist content is making a ton of men very angry, and as dumb as it is, the reality is that that kind of anger has a very real impact on box office sales and future decision making. There's a reason Captain Marvel is largely absent from the other Marvel films, and there's a reason that almost nobody has seen the entirety of Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels (including me, despite many attempts). When you're creating pop culture, you have to meet the culture where it's at, not where you wish it was. And I think Greta Gerwig seems to have done a really great job of threading that needle. People who were expecting more from the Barbie movie were being unrealistic about what it could or would be able to do.
And not to be on a whole thing, but this constant rejection of all media is one of the reasons people find feminists and leftists on the internet so insufferable. Nothing is ever good enough. Everything has to be critiqued to death and nothing can just be enjoyed for what it is (unless it's like, the worst media possible, in which case it's a perfect masterpiece of feminist critique). It makes for a group of people who are constantly miserable because nothing can ever live up to their standards of ideological purity, and it makes for a group of people that alienates the creators that are on their side. I know it's out of fashion to be an incrementalist these days, and sure, let's smash the patriarchy, but the more we support movies like the Barbie movie, the more other female directors will get the chance to tell the stories that they want to tell, and the more likely it is that we'll see a film on the big screen that does interact with feminism in a deep and nuanced way. Maybe Greta Gerwig will tell that story, even. But she's not going to get to (or want to) if everyone jumps all over her for not being feminist enough, you know? I think in this case, everyone just needs to enjoy the fun. I promise it's good for our souls and for the feminist movement as a whole.
Edit: also, apologies if this was way more intensity than you were expecting. I just have a lot of feelings 😭
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deadlysoupy · 1 year
Hi hi!! I hope its not too late to send you something for the Character Ask Game!!!
How bout some.. Bumblebee, Arcee, Rodimus, Starscream and Twitch (Earthspark)?? Any or all, up to you! 🥰
-bumblebeesdoorwings 💞
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i fucked up my first take 😭😭😭 lets goo.... (half-dead)
one aspect about them i love
he's neverending kindness. desire to help everyone, stop the war, redeem villains, inspire hope. how he's a young soldier in contrast to all of these veterans and war-machines. i love him a lot. while he's not physically strong (aside from prime and bay movies) he has so many good qualities that make him stand out like a breath of fresh air
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
bee is allowed to go apeshit sometimes it's not out of character if it's written well
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
he's optimus' prime son. not like. mpreg (eughh) but adoptive. optimus found bee as either a lost kid in this war-driven cybertron or bumblebee came to op himself to change something. either way he's his kid now <3
(mostly earthspark-related) on earth, bee hates the rain and is terrified of thunder. because ptsd (i like pain. weuwueuwuewueuw...)
one character i love seeing them interact with
bulkhead if he's in the continuity (big brother vibes!!!!)
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
starscream 🥺🥺 or megatron. there's something about bee and redemption that is just... soo tasty
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
bumblebee is one of the only ones who can make ratchet laugh. idk which version this is for it's for everything <3
i'm not doing Arcee because i don't know her well enough 😭 i'm so sorry
one aspect about them i love
he's commanding and a wonderful leader! he makes mistakes, sure, but optimus made them too, no need to chastize the guy. also roddie is very pretty <3
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
idk ╮(╯_╰)╭
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
idw voice headcanon: jesse from breaking bad. sorry.... i saw one post and it hit me... i think he'd be good at party games (mario party, u know) and competitive games too a fan of sonic.... don't know why. it's the Vibes
one character i love seeing them interact with
megatron and ratchet and DRIFT. problematic besties <33
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
bee. they interacted before rod ditched cybertron but it's not enough. they'd be bros
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
rodimus and blurr'd be friends
one aspect about them i love
big brain. he's so smart actually? a scientist too??? just stop being better than everyone geez 🙄
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
starscream, while is a victim, is a piece of shit. his crimes cannot be justified by saying "well megatron fucked him up" no. that's his own fault and he is an asshole
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
he's a sweet tooth!! if starscream could eat human food, the one thing he'd enjoy while on earth he'd like eating sour patch and fuit gumies :)
one character i love seeing them interact with
windblade in taao. they have such a divorced couple dynamic i love seeing them bicker
OBVIOUSLY bumblebee. since idw i have started searching for their interactions in every continuity and unfortunately there aren't many. but god the concept in itself is so funny. like you have this right hand air commander decepticon, vicious and rude, and here you have a sunshine ray of hope and new life, potential and literal incarnation of happiness (with a side of salt sometimes). and you combine them and you get this weird mix of undesired affection from one side and neither of them really think that they're worth each other. there's just so much potential. thankfully fanfiction is here and i'm actually that passionate about them that i started writing a fic about them. so weird and fun man
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
the trine in general, i feel like they don't have a domestic life they deserve and no one really puts them together unless they're on a mission or something
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
starsream and jetfire just hanging out and nerding out ab science. they're silly <3
one aspect about them i love
she's a tiny gremlin!! her belief about second chances, her natural leadership, empathy, god i wanna gush about her she's very interesting!!!
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
earthspark is not as popular as i want it to be so i don't think people even have opinions on them :(
but as a kid she should have an opportunity to simply be a kid. be dumb, be naive, be bonkers and go through all the emotions. don't belittle her or make her be too good at being a leader (Leo from tmnt has the exact same problem and guess what he's my least favourite turtle. learn from this)
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
she likes watching and playing football with the others
twitch'd be terrible at videogames i think....
one character i love seeing them interact with
twitch and bee!!! student and mentor!! they captivated me from their first ep together. bee trusts her to handle their (their!!! both of theirs!!!!!) family while he's away and twitch enjoys when bumblebee plays with them to drop that "i'm an adult" attitude
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
thrash!!! there can never be enough sibling brawl >:)
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
wheeljack sometimes messages her and they talk for a few hours!!! they don't lose connection at all after she calls his dad 2 for real
one aspect about them i love
nami is such an interesting case. in terms of archetypes, she's obviously the decieving type, who constantly betray the main character. but like she does this one time and luffy steps in to help her and this one instance changes her attitude about wanting help.... she's loyal to a fault. she would give anything to simply defend her captain's honour (and she has)
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
she is a people person and always will be. nami can call on your bullshit whenever, but she won't press you if she understands that you're not ready to share. she reads people very well!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
she shares her tangerines with the crew when they have a particularly bad time. it makes them so much happier and she shows her love in a subtle way
one character i love seeing them interact with
usopp without a question. they have this deep understanding about being a kid without a parent, being a regular person among all these superheroes, being incredibly smart but unfit in their bodies (sorta). they protect each other constantly if you look for it, they shield each other from danger if they can i'm just. i have so many thoughts about them
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
robin!! not only is it Woman Solidarity moment, but their dynamic is very unique - morbid af and horrified
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
nami is the only one allowed in the kitchen while sanji's cooking. not because sanji is a simp but because she wants to learn more about cooking and expand her knowledge, i'm sure she had a lot of experience being on her own for so many years
woohoo we're done!!! i hope nothing in this offended you this took a while
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omigosh18 · 1 year
Came back from watching The Super Mario Bros movie and I thought it was great! Definitely felt a little rushed, I wished they slowed the pacing a little bit but overall had a great time! If I had any problems besides pacing was Peach 😭 She was fine, played the strong, monarch wanting to protect her kingdom and citizens well but, I wish they incorporated her game characteristics into the movie as well. I don’t want to go DEEP into spoilers but it felt like to me she was JUST the strong female character and that’s it.
Overall, I loved it! I’m still new to the Super Mario franchise but I managed to catch a couple references and the animation was phenomenal! Illumination really stepped it up for this movie and it shows. Score was great as well, caught a few tunes from the games. Bowser was great! I really, really loved Mario and Luigi, I love them so much! Acting was good. Jack Black and Charlie Day are phenomenal, I really hope Luigi Mansion gets a movie, we need MORE Luigi! Chris Pratt surprisingly did a good job voicing Mario. As for the others, they were good as well, it seemed everyone had a fun time playing these characters.
So yeah, I highly recommend checking it out! Illumination and Nintendo really outdid themselves with this one.
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vulpiximisa · 1 year
in depth review of the mario movie
honestly i kinda wish it was a /little/ liiiiitttle bit longer, like maybe 15 minutes longer, there never felt like there was any down time and it was mostly constantly GO GO GOGOGOOOOO. like i get that the sense of urgency was there, but i think i’d like a little breather once in a while.
like i would have expected maybe a little more fireplace chats, maybe mario talking about luigi and how much he means to him (i would have loved a scene of luigi doing something for mario, rather than mostly luigi reflecting on mario always being there). i think this was where peach talks about not being born in mushroom kingdom, kinda not sure how i felt about it. i dont like the Actually idea, but it wasn’t really brought up again in the movie. =/
um lets see, from the beginning, seeing the mario family was very interesting. didn’t think they’d have a “disappoint my family” drama in such a movie.
weird and interesting how a lot of the commercial scenes were changed. not complaining, i didnt like the “get it off” scene anyway.
im not a big donky kong person but i dont know how others feel about the kongs being very kart centric. i guess its the only way they can incorporate the mario kart in the movie more naturally but hm. DK being depicted as a cocky frat bro, im hm. i dont get why he was constantly picking on mario, yeah he beat him, was that it?
as for the depictions, i think mario was really cute! he’s such a doting bro! i dont know what age hes supposed to give off, if the canon age of 25 is a real thing, i think it was fine. but yeah, he’s a dude who never gives up and i love him for that!
peach could have been a lot worse, and i think she was fine. my only gripe was that her doing the training course, she didnt move like she should have in game. wanted more floating dresses. but yeah she was fine.
i was like groaning when they had the slow-mo effect for mario and peach’s first encounter but im glad not much actually came from it. aside from that scene and the go karts where DK said they were flirting and Toad was shipping it, most of the rest of the “hints” were just Bowser being jealous
BOWSER KING SHIT, LOVED HIM. he was perfect in every way, wouldn’t have changed a thing. 
luigi, i wish he had more time to shine. unfortunately he was just the damsel and sitting in his cage for most of the movie.
interesting choice to have the finale end up in brooklyn again. i wasn’t big on the “saving brooklyn” thing but i guess it was supposed to go in hand with the “make my family proud” stuff.
kinda wish luigi was there to see mario all bruised and battered. yes he did come in clutch at the end of the day, but i would have liked to see luigi step in to help emotionally as well. i love the movie ending with them though, they are so sweet i love them 😭😭
i was hoping for a “reunion” scene for Peach and maybe Someone from the real world, but maybe that was too much to expect since maybe she didnt come from Brooklyn either. while we were on that topic, thought there’d be a DK and Mayor Pauline scene, but i guess mayor Pauline was just a reference.
i guess i feels like i just wanted more from the movie? i didn’t have expectations but i was left wanting more. maybe if this wasn’t a first time isekai movie, we coulda skipped a lot of stuff, but the setup itself wasn’t bad.
im super happy about all the silly little refs, my favs being Mario playing Kid Icarus, Luigi’s phone tone being the Gamecube start up, Bowsers actual Odyssey wedding tux (why was Peach’s different??). They played One track from Odyssey, which, I’m not mad, I’m glad it got some rep at all.
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chromes-corner · 2 years
Hello person it’s a me (not Mario wtf are you thinking) for the duo bingo
Have you done that Pv x Dark Cacao yet?
hello mario
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aheem heem heem found family brothers 😭
theyre complete opposites of each other. ones a ray of pure sunshine and the other is a slat of dusky gloom. how the HELL did they meet. how did this brotherhood start. i think about that a lot. cacao is such a closed off person to everyone (even his own blood family) and yet pure vanilla broke right through those barriers and became a close friend. it takes a very special person to do that i think. cacao is definitely the "id die for you. id kill for you" person and vanilla is the "please don't" person. that's their relationship i think.
AND HNGRIOSV DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE SCENE AT THE END OF CHAPTER 14. THEY CARE SO MUCH FOR EACH OTHER EVEN AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I WISH THERE WERE MORE MOMENTS BETWEEN JUST THEM IN ODYSSEY PLEASSEEE LET THEM GO FISHING AND GRILL TOGETHER AND DO DAD STUFF TOGETHER (EVEN THOUGH AS FAR AS WE KNOW PV WAS NEVER A DAD SHUT UP) idk man i feel like out of all the ancients cacao is closest to pure vanilla because how could one not want to be close to a living saint of a man and that cacao met the others through pv. and now cacao is like "holy shit where would i be without pure vanilla introducing me to all these lovely people id probably be a sad old hermit without him" bro please help I'm so soft for their bond
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sakuramiku · 9 months
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i spent this past weekend in california with my immediate family & my boyfriend!
i struggle a LOT with vacation depression because i constantly feel like a burden when my mom spends a lot of money on me. i feel so useless despite our agreement being that i have to attend college full time & help with my brother during the week + some weekends. i also get drained super quickly on vacations because of vacation depression. i think a lot of it comes from for me, is how glamorized vacations are in forms of media. but! enough about that.
my boyfriend flew from his area to nyc to meet us and we all left for the airport together. my mom bought clear passes for all of us so we skipped the security line all together and went straight through which will be beneficial when i attempt to go visit my boyfriend (date unknown yet but it will be sometime this year). oh my god bro jetblue SUCKS as an airline like they don’t even provide plug in earphones. we landed early friday morning & slept then we went to disney on the first day.
we stayed in glendale so it was about a fourty min drive to anaheim which was 😮‍💨 california people drive funny too . . i finally understood all the jokes about picking up people from lax and how it’s a nightmare. we went to disneyland first & did some of the rides there, until it started POURING on us. california is the first place i’ve ever seen people CLAP for pouring rain!!!! we had a dinner reservation at the princess and the frog themed restaurant & wow! the place was BEAUTIFUL!!! the food was too ass though. we ended up all having mcdonald’s in our hotel room when we got back there
the next day was my brothers birthday 🥳 🎂so we went to universal studios because his birthday wish was to go to marioland since one just opened in the states. my mom is super anti-rollercoasters (so is my godmommy) but she got on almost everything there was so that was such a change of heart because i remember i used to BEG her to ride on stuff when i was a kid & she would always refuse. we did marioland early access so we had to leave early from the hotel but we were less than twenty mins from the park. since we didn’t eat breakfast, we had food at the park & did a reservation at toadstool cafe. everyone had mario burgers but i got the bowsers fireball challenge. it was good but i wish it had complex spice? after that, my stomach felt like i ate lava. we were able to bypass a 180 min line for mariokart THANK GOD! the worker was really nice about my brother being special needs & i feel like all the workers were so nice at the parks. we had universal express for all the rides but that doesn’t work on that specific ride. we did all the rides in the park & besides mariokart, i really loved the return of the mummy ride.
after that, we went back to disney to finish the rides we couldn’t when it started raining. we started in california adventure & did everything in there! my favorite ride in there would have had to be the incredicoaster, radiator springs (we were in the winning car), & mike and sully. i temporarily lost my phone on incredicoaster messing with my lil brother bc he wanted to carry this princess and the frog themed book all day long. i HATED that damn guardians ride that my brother wanted to go on. IVE ALWAYS HATED drop rides, rollercoasters let you see what’s happening where as drop rides scare you like that shit was 116ft in the air which is nothing compared to the shit that’s on the side of kingda ka which is at the six flags near my house. that one is 416ft in the air and goes almost 100 miles per hours. i remember when i did the formula rosa in dubai’s ferrari world & that was 290 miles per hour but it was a regular roller coaster! except the part where they make u put on goggles bc if a bug hits u in the eye while ur on the ride… u will lose that eye 😭😭😭😭
then we went over to the disneyland again by the time we got over there, the fireworks show was happening. so we walked over to a small world and waited. then did everything in the remaining park except roger rabbit because it was closed which made me sad cause if you know me, I LOVE ROGER RABBIT. that’s one of my disney movies, i can quote that movie all day long & the toad ride because it broke down while we were in line and since the park closed in eleven minutes, we decided to head back to glendale from anaheim. swore i started my period on the park but i didn’t LOL. i have a doctors appointment about it … gonna make that for thursday or friday. there was nothing better than holding my sweet boy in bed. he gets along with my brothers pretty well. pretty nice to have a bf that’s loved by brothers & vice versa. i need to learn how to heal from vacay depression bc i swear my shit goes crazy every time i’m on a family vacay
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wandas-luvr · 2 years
The vast majority of the games I play most have some sort of combat and I would rather eat a tree than play them on the switch 😭 friends tried to convince me to play apex legends on the switch once and I refused bc I started gaming with fortnite on the switch way back in season 4 and I will never be doing anything like that again thank u very much (I did not grow up playing Mario kart but I am pretty good at it so I’ll believe it when I see it 😤)
I do understand seeds now!! That was actually a very helpful explanation :)) 4 seed isn’t that bad then but I meeeaannn could definitely be better lmfao
Yea the niners did have a pretty bad run for a minute there but last season was real good for them and all the power rankings I’ve seen for this season have them somewhere in the top 10 so I’m feeling good about them so far!! It’s not even technically hometown pride for me bc I grew up in one of Those places that’s like technically a city but you might as well be out in the country bc you go two streets over and ur in an orchard but my dad is from SF and I have tons of family in the Bay Area so naturally I have to rep the Bay Area sports teams
I used to collect baseball cards as a kid and I remember having a few for the Padres but that’s as much as I know about them 😬
Glad everything is going well but honestly that sounds stressful as all hell, wishing u the best of luck w ur sanity 🫡 what are you double majoring in??
Unfortunately electric berry is offensively neon green (when it’s blended, bc who doesn’t want a slushee at 10 am) but it does have blue raspberry!! Everything you said about Starbucks might as well have been Latin that’s so ??? Why is there so many words for one drink 😭😭 my poor brain cannot handle that 😔 I am very much not a coffee fan, hence why I go to Dutch bros even tho there’s a Starbucks across the street from it, but I might have to give that regular chai latte a try sometime :) sounds nice n simple and that is very much my speed!! - 🦈
you will never beat me i live and breathe mariokart it's so fun i love the music sm
omg yes i usually feel like i'm so bad at explaining things so that's good!
that's good that they did well! i'll cheer them on for you this season then!
haha i truly am not very well versed in sports so i also have v limited info on the padres.
and thank you!!! i am v much drowning in stress rn, i turned in a psychoanalysis paper at 4:35 am today so that's p much how things are going :,)
so, i'm currently majoring in history and psychology and minoring in ASL!
i def looked very neon when i looked it up but it said it had blue in it and blue is the second best flavor in the world so !!! lmaooo you get used to it, i add a lot of modifiers to my drink bc i like my beverages a little fancy but sometimes i just get an iced vanilla cold brew and call it a day. i SURVIVE off of coffee, i really like other things as well though, im honestly just a big beverage fan i love to be sipping on something! i def recommend the iced chai if you're not into coffee! it's a tea but has a similar texture to coffee and ends up being pretty sweet the way i order it! 10/10 i recommend it to everyone.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
Okay, so— (pulls out a huge-ass list) let's see, who should I rant about first...
Meta Knight. He's not that underrated, (similar to King Dedede), but Meta is like... like the Mettaton of the Kirby fandom. He's seen in a lot in fanart and fics, but he isn't the main focus often. And, there's like... 15 reader inserts of him? Possibly more? I know a lot of people find him to be hot (my self included), but there isn't a lot-lot of content on him taking all things into consideration.
And, speaking of Mettaton, I'd say that robot is more underrated than Jerry in Undertale lol. There's still a lot of content of Mettaton, but with a large fandom like Undertale, there's already going to be a lot of content of each character regardless. Mettaton is included in a lot of regular fics, but there isn't as many reader insert fics centralized around Metta than someone like... Gaster, or the other AU Sans and Paps.
Also, P.S, you've tooottally got me simping for Queen Vanessa. I actually didn't like her that much before I saw your blog, but I swear to god, it only takes one good fic to snatch someone's soul. I'm down bad for Vanessa now 💀 I'll like, think about her randomly, and turn into a puddle.
Ooh, and Fawful and Popple from Mario & Luigi (Dream Team, Bowser's inside story, Super Star Saga, and Partners in time) are underrated too! I love both of those bean boys, but there's really just so little content of 'em. Fawful has gained more popularity lately with some Fawful related blogs, but Popple... 😭 There's very little content of that bean.
Aaand then there's one of my personal favorites; King Boo. Main villain in Luigi Mansion games, but... like, I've made 5 of the 8 reader inserts of him on ao3. (I post again for him on Valentine's Day). I reeeally wish there was more content of this ghost, and even if Luigi's Mansion 3 came out a few years ago, there's still like. No reader inserts of this Boo. I've been attached to him for sooo long, and yet, there's still no content of him! That goes for another favorite Mario villain of mine: Antasma. Zero content! I'm staaarving out here.
Those are some of the underrated characters in some of the more larger fandoms— but I'm not done yet! I don't wanna rant forever, so now, I shall go into my next phase: characters in smaller fandoms that are underrated.
King K. Rool has been the main villain for sooo many DK games, but there's just absolutely ZERO content of that bastard besides Smash Bros stuff. Literally breaks my heart to see that yet again, there's no content of him. I've eaten up all the content of him by now, and I've even started to post about him too, but there's like... nobody else willing to write for him, beside one or two other people. He's one of the main reasons why I bend backwards to make so many fanfics of underrated characters— so that at least someone out there who absolutely adores an underrated character will have something to read about said character.
Another character that is incredibly underrated is Krobus from Stardew Valley! I love little dark-blob characters like him, and yet there's literally zero fics of Krobus! He's sooo cute, and everytime I played Stardew in the past, I'd always choose him to stay in my farm house. I wanna give him a huuug.
Then there's Dimentio from Super Paper Mario. I know a bunch of people who simp for him, but there's maybe 5 reader insert fics of him total? Maybe? I know there's some people who make regular fanart of him, but the fanfic section is a little... lacking.
Metal Sonic is from a bigger fandom, I know, but while there's a lotta fics and art of him, there's sooo little reader insert fanfics of this sweet boy. Hell, I've gotten to the point where I'll read the same fanfic of him over and over again just so I won't die of starvation.
There's a lot more underrated characters that I could talk about, but I know this post is incredibly long already, so I'll just move onto the last phase: extremely underrated characters in microscopic fandoms
There's a buuunch of other characters that I love that are in the DK fandom, but an extremely underrated one I want to bring up is Mad Jack from DK 64. I've grown sooo attached to him, and yet. There's like. One reader insert of him? Maybe two? He's so underrated that I can't even find anyone who'd want me to write him. 😭 I'd love it if someone wrote like, a single headcanon of that boy.
Next, there's Professor Ratigan from the Great Mouse Detective. So incredibly underrated. H-H-He's so evil... I love him so fucking much. I wouldn’t mind writing for him, but I know maybe one person who would like me to try and write his underrated rat-- err, mouse ass. (Spoilers for the movie; despite being called RATigan, he doesn't like being called a rat.) Everytime I think of him, I just immediately swoon lol.
Another rat boy I often think about is Mad Rat from Mad Rat Dead. Sooooo underrated, and I know he's supposed to die or whatever at the end of the game, but. Seriously. There's so little content of him. He's easily top 20 on my most favorite character list.
...Okay, I know this post is so damn long, but I have one last extremely underrated character to talk about. Joka. He's from a game (series?) called Klonoa, and even the games he's in are so ludicrously underrated. I'm growing more and more attached to Joka by the second— and especially after I wrote that oneshot about him! I just said that it takes one good fic to snatch someone's soul, and I fucking wrote it. Joka is like. Top 5 for me right now. Probably higher on the tier list than Ratigan. I'll literally take some meek headcanons of that little jester just to satiate an ounce of my hunger. Also, by the way, it is so hard to write a character that has been written maybe twice in the entire known universe. I mean, I have a lot of freedom in that regard, and I hc that his face/mask got fucked up after his master, Ghadius, died (another headcanon lol), or in other words, when Joka got beaten by Klonoa... But. I-It's too much freedom, almost. I don't know what the norm would be for Joka, since I'm practically creating the norm... He's so underrated... I'd love it if someone else would write for him— even a 500 word oneshot will do. I will rant more about Joka if you'd like, but again, this post is too long already, so I'll end it here... (For now, unless prompted otherwise. Again, I can talk for daaays about the headcanons I have for Joka, or literally anyone else for that matter... but especially Joka. Did I mention that he's underrated? I did? Whoops lol—)
I'm legit determined to learn about all of these characters, play the games and stuff and just like sTUDY THEM so I can write fanfiction for you omg.
IKR?? MTT IS DEF UNDERRATED. He's like, my husband smh wtf. Totally gonna write more of him, the man's my spirit animal. He's such a brat? LIKE??? HI??? ILY?? MARRY ME??????
MY FRIEND (hi if you're reading this) HAS THE MAJOR HOTS FOR HIM. AND I'M STARTING TO THINK I DO TOO? HELP. I haven't even played the game yet and I roleplay him a bunch and Itotallydon'treadfanficofhim- BUT ANYWAY, yeah he's a hottie. I've def planned on playing SPM legit JUST to be able to write with him. Stay tuned, he's totally gonna be added to the list.
YOU'LL BE ABLE TO REQUEST HOTTIE RATTIE ALL YOU WANT AFTER TOMORROW. I have these glam Disney movie days every Saturday where I just watch Disney movies. All. day. So I'll watch TGMD for you tomorrow :D I've actually been meaning to watch that one and The Rescuers, so I'm looking forward to it :D
I'm totally gonna work on being able to write with all these characters. THEY ALL SOUND SO FUN AND FAB.
~Love, PinkBoots
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