#i just would have kept blocking her everywhere i saw her which didn't really do much
blackmagictrait · 2 years
so I kinda logged off for a while and missed a lot of shit but hi, I'm one of the people who had to leave The Server bc of gyarutrait/corpsetrait/dollie's weird shitty behavior as well as my general discomfort with the way black simmers were being talked over & dismissed (+ some other gen shady shit I won't get into). couldn't tell you what's going on over there now bc after I said I was dipping bc I was uncomfortable it appears someone kicked me from the server entirely. the cc sharing channels were useful and I used them a lot bc rebels is kinda iffy to navigate but oh well, guess that's that. anyway I've had gyaru/corpse/dollie/whatever tf blocked for a while now but if she makes yet another alt and comes back here's a message for her: fuck off forever & leave me alone. ❤ we all see thru you and have for a while, bye.
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hoshi-y · 2 years
HIII!! I always wanted to make this request but I didn’t know if they watched or read the manga so hear me out…how about Mitsuba, Kou, Hanako, and Akane (Hopefully that’s not too much-) with a s/o that is like Princess Syalis? ^^ (I can honestly see the apparitions being scared of them and the Mokkes help them steal stuff idk why I can strangely see it)
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Follow My Orders
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Aoi Akane, Mitsuba Sousuke, Minamoto Kou, Hanako-kun
TW : None
A/N : Aww this is so cute, I even imagine the mokkes help us escape cleaning too
I hope you enjoy 💗
I'm gonna use their old banners for awhile, I am unmotivated to make them rn
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You're a handful..
He didn't have any problems with you when you joined the school
You were very quiet and kept to yourself
And... you were mostly asleep...
Not like he wanted to talk to you
Nah, He thinks your sleeping face and cute snoring captured his heart
it clenched him
So he would sometimes wait for you to wake up
which you don't...
You were only awake when he was doing something or he had stacks of work to do
and it frustrated him
But he liked you so
He followed this pattern of yours and quickly finished all his work so he could talk to you
And for the first time, he actually caught you awake
He cleared his throat to get your attention as you were sewing little clothes for the Mokke which he found absolutely adorable
You stopped what you were doing and slowly looked up at him, Akane froze at how pretty your eyes were, given that you would sleep most of the time he rarely saw how your eyes looked like
Its like he took a screenshot in real life, the image of your face burned into his brain
Neither of you said anything first, you just kind of stared at him as he stared back at you, when you were about to go back to what you were working on he spoke up
"Ah my apologies, what are you still doing here, It's after-school already" Akane didn't want her to go, but it was per school regulation, all students who don't have a club were to go home immediately.
"Can't I stay a little longer?" Your pouting face and sleepy voice shot an arrow right thru Akane's heart as he fell on his knees and bowed his head
"STAY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT MY GODDESS!" You smiled as you pat his head which made him explode and run off somewhere probably to grab something to proclaim his love already
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O-oi! You're supposed to be my prisoner!!
You just wanted some good sleep
like everywhere you go, someone or something just has to ruin it
and right now it was happening something ruined it
or someone?... they look alien..
You went from asking Yashiro and Kou where to sleep
But ended up being sucked inside the mirror
the last thing you heard and saw was a very panicked Yashiro and Kou
And a very scared Hanako
And now you're here, in a.. what did they call it a boundary?
"Hey! Were you even listening to a word I said?" Ah they were speaking? Actually.. you couldn't tell if they were a guy or a girl with very boyish clothes.. Though their hair was pink so maybe—
"So you weren't listening, Good these hands dragged in a sleepyhead you even slept on the wya here!" The pink haired... person said in frustration, you cleared your throat to get their attention which it did "I have a question.. Are you a girl or a boy?"
He calmed down and introduced himself
He said his name was Mitsuba, and he was lost here
well thats all you heard cause you were really really sleepy at the moment
One thing led to another, Hanakos doppelganger showed up
And he put you to sleep
and you were very happy
While you were napping, you heard commotion around you and the ground shaking, It annoyed you so you opened your eyes to see Mitsuba infront of you blocking rocks from falling on you
"Ow ow... Are you alright?.." He asked
"Why did you wake me up..."
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Stealing isn't good..
Kou has always been really helpful and fun to be with!
So you decided to use up ypur saved up energy to make him something, like cookies
Chocolate chip cookoes with a marshmallow on top mhm
But the only problem was
you didn't have ingredients
but you heard the other section was gonna use the home economics room to make goods so you can just 'borrow' right?
But you couldn't do it all by yourself so you bargained with the mokkes with a bag of candy to get the things you needed
Halfway of getting the ingredients Kou caught you with your schemes
You hung your head low and also the mokke, Kou was walking around the halfway when a group of mokkes you sent out to find flour bumped into him making the mokkes freak out cause what they were carrying was a surprise for him, what happened? well the flour flew and landed on his head
and teared open
Kou sighed as he threw the wipes into the trash bin "Stealing isn't okay [F/N], and asking the Mokkes to steal for you aswell isn't great" He slightly lectured you
"I'm sorry.. You were just really fun to be with that's why I borrowed all these stuff to make you cookies.."
Kou sighed as he smiled, he can't stay mad at you "If ya wanted to make cookies you should've called me, you suck at baking"
That comment hit you straight in the chest as you pouted "Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise.."
Well, If you did successfully gather all the ingredients, the Home Economics room would be in ruins, so glad you didn't
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D-don't word it out like that..
A scene of a very flushed hanako hiding his face with his hat, and you standing clueless and confused
What happened here exactly?
Well, your back was aching that's what was happening
No one here had very strong looking hands
except for a certain toilet boy
He had long, slender, and strong looking hands
perfect to help with your aching back
But you couldn't ask him yo massage you it was embarrassing!
Like him massaging you wasn't embarrassing enough...
You peaked inside the bathroom to spot your victim playing cards on the windowsill, Hanako felt your presence and turned his head to see you
"My~ What brings you here so early hm? Couldn't wait to see me?~" Hanako flpated over to you as you eyed his hands, He followed your gaze and looked at his hands "Why whats wrong? Do you want to hold them? Oh my [F/N] you are very bol—"
"I need you to touch me."
He choked back as he swatted his hands with a big blush on his face "W-W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!?" Hanako trembled, if he tried to touch you he'd get a beating from his assistant
He's here thinking that what you meant was a rather.. Sexual request, and your out here looking for something to massage you.
You took a step forward, He took a step back.
Forward, back forward back forward, until Hanako hit his bacm on the wall and you stood infront of him "Just touch me here—"
"I-I MAY BE A P-P-PERVERT BUT THAT'S A NO" He formed his arms into an 'x' as you stood their your face slowly turning into a sad one, He freaked out as he thought about it and agreed
"F-fine.. um... w-where do you want me to t-touch.. you..." His voice getting quieter and quieter
You pointed at the book you were holding as he deadpanned "Here, it aches in this area." Hanako covered his face trying to get the dirty thoughts out of his head, god you were just asking for a massage
Hanako sat you down and started massaging your back still blushing "If you wanted a massage you could've said so... I got the wrong Idea.." He mumbled the last part
You leaned onto his chest as he looked down you fell asleep, He sighed as he patted your head "What am I gonna do with you, [F/N]?" Hanako smiles at your sleeping face turn into a smile
Not only were you sleeping peacefully as your aching back was fixed, you found yourself a new pillow.
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kjhmyg · 2 months
not re related but i’ve been having a rough time… this happened almost a year ago but last year in august, it was senior year (i still remember the exact date and time it happened) but two of my best friends cut me off cuz they said i had a lot of problems.. and no joke cried until 3 in the morning. it was so hard seeing them everywhere at school, i literally cried every week bc my heart hurt so bad just from seeing them. even though our friendship lasted 6 months (6 months with one of them, the other 2 years) we talked every day, literally every day, hung out almost every week and had a sleepover every month, so when they cut me off, i felt like a piece of my heart fucking tore in half.
then during the 2nd semester of senior year, i became classmates (not even friends) with the person i knew for 2 years and i admit i was REALLY happy. but a part of me thought she was doing it out of pity, keep in mind i still cried every week because of how bad it hurt. and then on our last day of school, i finally did the thing that hurt me the most and blocked their instas and delete all of our gcs and messages, and all of our photos. 700 photos of them. and i cried for hours on end. it hurt so bad.
and at graduation i saw one of them, and we talked for a bit. but it still hurt so bad. i thought i wouldn’t be so hung up over them but i still am it hurts.. and like the thing is, i thought we’d be a friend group throughout our senior year and maybe even college but it still hurts… and like i want to forget them but i genuinely can’t. :(
ALSO IM SORRY FOR RANTING I JUST NEEDED TO GET IT OFF MY CHEST CUZ MY MOM’S NO HELP AT ALL- like my little cousin asked me what happened between them and i started crying and so she got my mom AND MY MOM TOLD ME TO STOP CRYING, SAYING IT HAPPENED A WHILE AGO. i was just like 😀😀
hi my love! first of all, no need to apologise, we all need a good rant once in a while. i'm so sorry this happened to you :( no one deserves to be abandoned like that! did they ever elaborate on what they meant by problems? because unless those problems were affecting them, it's terrible that they just cut you off like that! especially since you knew one of them for 2 years, and spoke with them everyday.
i think it's the fact that you never got closure that's got you hung up over the whole thing. but now that you've blocked them on ig and deleted the gc, it means you're ready to move on! right?
i had a similar situation with a close friend of mine. we stopped talking (my fault, not hers), but i was hung up over it for YEARS. but because i knew i was in the wrong and i missed her. i did apologise but things didn't go back to the way it was - which is fine, because again, it was my fault.
we were still in each other's close friends list on ig and because i was seeing her every day on ig, it made it difficult for me to move on. like i kept wishing she would reply to my stories or wish me happy birthday. which never happened. so...i muted her. and the less i saw of her, the busier i got with other stuff like work etc, the easier it was to forget! to move on!
out of sight, out of mind.
so if you're ready to let the past go and move on, then im telling you from first hand experience that it will get better! let yourself feel what you feel, grieve your friendship (release all of what could've been), but know that you will feel better one day!
(but if you still want closure, it's a whole different thing so lmk. i got closure in my own way.)
anyway, you're allowed to feel sad about it doesn't matter what people think.
because i do get it, wanting to have a friend group to go through an important part of your life with. with people you have many memories with. unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky :( (me included, i never had that!).
but you'll have more chances in the future! (but also, it's okay even if you don't have that!) (it's okay to be alone) (but i dont want you to feel lonely) (life is complicated).
disclaimer that i'm not a licensed to give advice just a deeply flawed person that cares about you, and i hope that you can find your smile again one day <3
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lunariamv · 4 months
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I will address this one more time, and then I will be done; because it is unnecessary drama but I want to keep my name clear
✎ Anyways I briefly mentioned it in my last drama post, but I want to leave a response one time before I ignore it forever, because it is a waste of time.
✎ Because I don't really like getting involved with so much toxicity. It negatively effects your mental health, and this is a good example of that
✎ so anyways i only mentioned a bit of a person online spamming my posts and stuff (bc i didnt want them to be bothered); tldr they spammed my posts, i debunked their accusations of plagiarism (see last post), but they kept going so i warned that i would block them
✎ this person ignored my explanations and just kept repeating themselves, so i decided to just block
✎ this is because i don't like dealing with toxic people; there are better things i can do than argue with rude people online who ignore your points and just spam hateful things
✎ i assumed they were a kid at first because of how childish they were acting; but i guess i was wrong;; as for my dms, i did roast them a bit but that's because this was right after they spammed my comments section and it looked like this…
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when you're getting attacked by a disrespectful person, it's hard to be nice and respectful back; so yes i was being a little sassy, but for the most part i tried to carry myself higher and then just blocked them after
also this person tried to use their mental disability against me? i am autistic as well, so....? :/
since then, they've made multiple accounts to message me and post negative comments on my posts; even going as far as to threaten me. it's enough to qualify as harassment, i believe
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if you block a person numerous times and they keep making accounts to message you, i'm pretty sure that is harassment.
I talked to my friends and family about it, and they were really worried for me. Surprisingly, I'm actually not that bothered by it.
this person goes on to claim copying; which… not really?
i already said before my works are very inspired by charon; never said it was original; that's literally what i said, so of course they are similar (that was the point :/)
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There is due credit everywhere.
I linked the plagiarism definition and the law because accusing someone of plagiarism is a serious accusation. I looked it up, and it is not plagiarism, to show they are wrong in that aspect. Spreading misinformation and lies to defame my character is a serious offense. If I wanted to, I could probably sue this person for slander, but I don't want to. I think they are just misguided.
They go on, but it's clear they did not read or are not trying to understand my perspective on it. It is not done to be malicious. I just like the artstyle and aesthetics and wanted to do something similar. Is the plot similar? Yes, but I already said it was intentional and credited the original.
They can not like it, but it's still not a crime and they can ignore me at any time. The internet has blocks for a reason.
i didn't think i'd have to give a point by point analysis, but okay :S (spoilers for games ahead)
Doom Stones takes inspiration from Makoto Mobius, they both have a time traveling aspect to save someone. However, Yuuka is trying to save her best friend (boyfriend cough cough) that she saw die in front of her. It turns out she's actually not going back in time. It was a simulation orchestrated by her classmate who is infatuated with her to break her morale. The characters have bonds/histories with each other. Yuuka breaks out, and she grows and learns to accept losing someone close to her.
Makoto Mobius was about saving a girl the MC had a crush on, only to be used as a sacrifice by Makoto's friend. The MC was not related to Makoto at all, and Makoto does not acknowledge him in the end, or they just stay in the time loop.
They have similar story moments, but overall are different. But you have to actually look.
Love Letter is based off Mikoto Nikki (I said this already). They are both about house exploration of a beloved classmate with a hidden secret. However, Mia isn't friends with Mikio. She's a lowkey yandere that broke into his fancy and rich mansion and reads his notes, books, journals and letters. (She even goes through his trash and stuff… lol). Mikio turned on his family and staged their suicide out of the country and changed his identity. After that, he had been stalking Mia. The story is about Mia having her obsessive crush turn on her, and her reaction to it. She either sees him as a murderer, or its an unhealthy yandere x yandere thing. In the true end she learns details of his abuse and decides to help him not be a yandere. She can even escape, which you can't in Mikoto. Also Mikio doesn't kill her, he just kidnap.
Mikoto Nikki was about the MC going on a scavenger hunt with the diary entries Mikoto put around the small house. They were already dating, and Mikoto kept her tortured parents in the closet before they died. It turned out his girlfriend was a yangire. It has a similar 'accept her or no,' but dealing with the corpses in the house is not addressed, and we found out later in another game MC left her.
((not love letter though, mia is devoted to her man for life <3333))
The plots are similar, but I already said its kind of like a retelling. I never said it was totally original or anything. It's literally just retelling with different parts.
by this person's logic, charon would be copying/plagiarizing red riding hood and other fairy tales, since they use the same story and characters. i think it's fine, but this person would think otherwise with their flawed reasoning.
Also i notice this person doesn't even address my other two games (Akeno Delusion and Carousel), because those were uninspired plots just with the similar art style. It's clear the person has tunnel vision when it comes to this stuff. They like to jump to conclusions without thinking.
They even said they understand me being inspired by artstyle, so why can't you do the same with story? It has enough differences to not being a replica.
They point out cg, so look at all of this cg this person did not show (because it hurts their argument) GAME SPOILERS AHEAD!! GORE/BLOOD WARNING AHEAD!!
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they show 4 images, i show 19
if i was 100% 'copying everything', i would not have 19 unique images here.
If you see it for what it is, just a fan game with inspiration, and not malicious, it really isn't that bad. They are just projecting hateful/harmful notions onto me.
also, about the mikio thing, that was a coincidence that they share names. I used a random generator website (i got lazy XD) and I picked one at random. I realized later that they have the same name and I just thought it was a cute reference. It makes no sense to claim Mikio in Makoto is the same as Mikio in Love Letter. They're different characters and do different things in their respective stories. I didn't base him off her.
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this is the website lol, but ya they are different characters.
♢ Mikio Horiuchi from love letter is the male lead, an arrogant and vulgar overachiever. He has severe abuse trauma, pretends to be a charming popular guy, and stalks the main character because he loves her.
♢ Mikio from Makoto is a cutesy side character who sacrifices a random person to save her best friend.
Even then, characters from different animes share names all the time.
Hinata from Naruto, Hinata from Assassination classroom, Hinata from Danganronpa, Hinata from brother's conflict. I could go on.
Are people not allowed to have the same name? I know five people named Emily in real life. I guess they are copying each other.
Also, if you saw the entire game, you would know Mikio is not even his real name. It really shows how much research this user did about my work…
don't judge a book by its cover. they teach everyone this in school.
So this user spreads lies and misinformation, and the research is not that good. They don't look at the game plot, the game itself, the characters, or even read everything I have to say. They just make assumptions and try to cancel. It's like the wendigoon situation, honestly.
I dunno, I just think there's nothing wrong with it. My work changes all the time, so it really isn't a big deal to me. Like I said in my last drama post, people draw inspiration from each other all the time. Danganronpa has fan games too, but are they copying danganronpa? No, not really.
So I will stand my ground and not take down anything. I don't think I did anything bad, and its not illegal. Bullying doesn't work on me.
It was clear this person doesn't read my posts all the way. They don't try to look at my work, or see the bigger picture. Their judgment is clouded, so I don't have much left to say to them. They can hate me, but spreading misinformation and lying about me is a waste of time.
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From their posts, it seems they have lots of hate in their heart. They even went as far as to obsess and stalk me, make multiple accounts after I blocked them, and are only toxic without trying to understand. They even go to my deviantart (that I haven't posted on lately) to show a post from 5 years ago?
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my brother in christ, i was a 13 year old girl playing a dress up game…
my warnings on my page are for people like this; who are toxic and instead obsess over people they hate instead of enjoying their own life. it's mentally unhealthy, and i hope they get help.
you clearly have a lot of hatred in your heart; so much so that it effects your judgment and how you perceive things
I do not wish bad on you, and I hope you have a good life. But you should probably take a break and touch some grass.
if anyone does see this, please do not harass this person on my behalf. i don't care about this drama anymore, i just wanted to clear my name;;; if they want to obsess over me, okay. i will continue doing what i like to do, and make things for the people who like them.
and then for anyone else interested in my work, i usher you not to engage this person either. i don't want anyone to be harassed as well for associating with me. just block and not talk to them.
but, i do think its ironic that charon games are about menhera and stalkers…. and this person is an obsessed stalker; it gives me ideas, stalker child
they not like us
they not like us
they not like us
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quinklequonkle · 5 months
Hnnghhhhh Dream time
I don't remember exactly how this one started but I know me and my mom were being chased by this crazy man with a knife.
We ran all over the house until we eventually came to a room but somehow he had gotten my mom and stabbed her a few times in the stomach and neck.
So now I'm really scared and I want to scream but I grab my mom and pull her inside the room, closing the door with my feet because for some reason IT DIDN'T HAVE A DOORKNOB!!!
Anyway, frustrating dream door aside, he pushed past it harshly. Now he had a butcher's knife and since I was on the ground, he raised it above his head with his bloodshot crazed eyes and I thought it was over for me. I really just waited for the pain
But it never came. Apparently certain times of the day he'd just be paralyzed for a couple of seconds. I got up as fast as I could, grabbed the knife, kicked the man over, and brought it down on the back of his head until it was clean off his body.
That man's brains were everywhere, it was a nauseating sight so I looked away from it and helped my mom up and somehow she was completely fine???
I helped her out of that place, a long with our cats and went back to the room to get anything we may have left.
That man's head was nowhere to be seen.
So now I'm having a pretty big oh shit moment and my heart starts to pound in my ears, then I back up before turning to run into the huuuuuge empty living room this place had and guess who was there with a wicked grin on his face?
And he had his butcher's knife back so yay me! I had to constantly dodge his swinging, it didn't matter that it felt like he could teleport by how fast he moved, I needed to live.
Eventually I got enough distance from him to fumble with the outside door, successfully unlocking it and running outside.
But that didn't mean he was limited to that house, oh noooo, he followed after me with taunts. I banged on people's car doors for them to help me and the man goes: "you know I'm just going to come with you, right?" Which I reply with: "DON'T YOU HURT THESE PEOPLE!!! GET AWAY FROM ME" And took off again.
My feet were beating against the concrete to get away from him, breath hot and labored from all the intensity and yet he was still gaining on me. It was weird cause I also saw one of my cousins who passed away talking to someone and about to get in her car.
Even though I needed help, I didn't want to bother her and kept running up the block until I came to an empty highway. I could hear the man's voice like an echo in my ear: "No one would find you and I'll get away with it."
I had to keep it moving but at this rate, he'd catch up to me in no time. Thankfully though, there was a part of a fence where other people and joined them.
The man followed me of course but he couldn't do anything too drastic because now there would be many, MANY witnesses. So you wanna know what he did?
He picked up some random kid and took off. Like huh??? If his intention was to make me and a couple of other people follow, it definitely worked because that kid deserved to be safe. We eventually got to him which he eventually got to me somehow and now we were alone.
He didn't kill me right away which surprised me quite a bit, he said some really weird stuff that I can't remember... It gets very vague towards the end of the dream.
Now I'm in another one or maybe my dream just transformed but I'm inside a full classroom. It's so strange cause it's been years since I've been in one but apparently I was unintentionally funny cause the teacher would say things like: "do you really not want to get up?" In a: "oh you" fashion to which some students snickered.
In school I had super bad anxiety so it would make sense that I was reluctant about even walking where people could see me. I grumbled, got a pencil, and sat down.
This portion was so weirdly normal, it almost gave me whiplash. I looked at my desk to seeeee
My keys with my Ren Hana charms on it!
I don't know how it managed to slip into my dream, but it was welcome. I played with them and admired the smooth texture with a smile before waking up.
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whistlingstarlight · 1 year
I would very much like to hear about your trip to the U.S.
Okay buckle up this is gonna take a while-
I can't quite do it justice as it really was a "had to be there" experience and several years ago, but I'll describe it the best I can
So it was me, my dad and my uncle going out to see one of his friends. He's a DJ, they both like DJing, etc. The plan was to spend the first week in this really beautiful little coastal town they live in, then road trip the second week up to Sacramento where we'd get the plane home.
That did not happen at all.
So the first two days were spent in a BnB with this guy who was constantly hungover, and a much more chill couple. Pretty alright, had a nice view of the sea. The building was ugly in this really posh way, like we had an en suite bathroom but there were sconce lights on the mirror
My uncle's friend and his wife were pretty rich. And they didn't necessarily rub it in our faces, but my dad (who's very much a working-class "done everything for himself" kind of guy) did not appreciate the tour round the neighbourhood of all the cars this guy had sold.
And then The Fight.
This "friend" got absolutely hammered during a DJ session and just went off on my dad over nothing. My uncle was pretty mad and got us out of there. We met a couple of his friends who were arriving as we were leaving, as when they heard what happened they just took us out for dinner instead kskdks
So on the third day it was discovered our BnB had been double booked so we were literally just- being moved into someone's house. Like they let it out as an air BnB but they left a bunch of their personal belongings and it felt really weird, I felt like some kind of squatter. Also you could literally see the ex-friend's house at the end of the street, which my dad wasn't pleased about. Also the house owner's dog hadn't yet been picked up by the person who was gonna be looking after it and it has escaped twice, so before we were even unpacked we had the police on the doorstep (dog was fine, dw)
So the big downside of my uncle and his friend falling out was it put the kibosh on the roadtrip plan for the second week, and the BnB was only available until the Sunday so we were kind of panicking about where we could go.
Now we'd previously met this ex-friend's sister, and without hesitation she was apologising profusely for her brother's behaviour (her and their mum were both lovely so idfk how he ended up such an arse), and she offered us a place to stay free of charge.
And her place was tiny, mind. Like she didn't even have proper doorways between her bedroom, living room and kitchen, but she still put us up as best she could.
Now the good parts of the trip were that this town was gorgeous. Deer wandering around gardens, hummingbirds everywhere, so so beautiful. We went whale watching and saw humpbacks and sea lions co-hunting together, and I got to visit Monterey Bay Aquarium three times which is one of my favourite places I've ever been.
Tbh I think I've blocked some of it out because it was such an emotional rollercoaster. I kept a diary of the first week and that's really the only way I remember it, aside from the good parts like the aquarium and seeing hummingbirds in the flesh. ALSO one of the nice people we met there gave me a genuine oyster pearl, which is pretty cool.
Also people were constantly offering me alcohol on this trip even though I was like fifteen??? Bruh I can't even legally drink in my own country let alone here, and I don't drink anyway-
So yeah, pretty wild ride X)
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gourde · 1 year
1, 4 and 7!!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Oooo I like these! Okay there's a lot so here's some funny blue words
1. The character everyone gets wrong: SONIC!!!! I know things can be read differently by different people but I really feel like Sonic's aroaceness is a HUGE part of his character. Like it's so fucking obvious but he's the mAiN ChaRAcTer so we gotta pair him up with fucking someone. The only Sonics that don't fit this is Boom Sonic who is obviously divorced and Archie Sonic who gets WAY too many bitches. And I chose to ignore that one fucking line in Frontiers. It just... is there. It came out of no where. Sonic since when did you... anyways. OKAY SO. Sonic has really never been interested in anyone, ever. He is clearly uncomfortable/disinterested in Amy's advancements and their relationship really shines when he's FRIENDS with her. BECAUSE HE'S AROACE. HE DOESN'T HAVE ROMANTIC FEELINGS. I MEAN. LOOK AT HIM. LOOK AT HOW HE ACTS. THAT MAN IS AROACE. He's a guy who loves adventure and doesn't stick around. Guy's ALWAYS on the move. He is NOT the "Settle down" with someone type. He has so many friends because not only does he manage to help all those around him but. It's what he wants! He has friends everywhere and that's all he needs! Like come on people I will EXPLODE someone who GIVES A SHIT about who he's gonna be with. And then the people who DO ship him with someone tear down his character to "Soft cuddly guy!" WHICH IS NOT HOW HE IS. THESE PEOPLE HAVE NEVER SEEN ANY SONIC GAME. Like I know I'm aroace and a lot of Sonic I see in myself, but I really don't think I'm projecting here. I feel like I'm at least SOMEWHAT good enough at reading characters. 4. What was the last straw that finally made you block that annoying person?: I actually can't think of any instance. Generally once someone starts bothering me I just block them right away. And most of the time someone I've been following for a while shows their true colours. Like this one blog I followed for YEARS, reblogged something saying fictional incest is okay because it's fictional! Lol! Lmao! Blocked right away. Piss off with that. Explode. Or those "Fiction doesn't effect reality" types. It does... no matter how little you think it doesn't it still does man. But this is more general instead of one instance. 7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?: I'm so sorry but Sally. I can't fucking stand Sally's name because I hate how it sounds (The autism) so I already was just okay with her. I watched Satam and like... she's fine I guess. Generic girl character who keeps the wild boy in check and makes all the plans. I also didn't like her design and that's a huge part of a character to me. So I had a slightly negative opinion about her. I kept on seeing posts about how Sally should come back in IDW or the games and first off, how would they do that in a natural way and second off WHAT DOES SHE BRING TO THE TABLE. NOTHING!!! SHE HAS NO UNIQUE CHARACTER TRAITS. Amy is a very good leader and people person, Whisper is patient and has that mysterious past (Not royalty but still), and Tangle has that energy and incredible fighting skill. Oh and Tails has the tech savvy. Like you could change her character but then it's not Sally coming back anymore, so what's the point there. She's just boring. I'm sorry Sally enjoyers but I really can't see her appeal. Even in Archie she was overshadowed (First comes to mind is Charmy was the hidden royalty, Rotor is good with electronics), which isn't her fault but she's a character supposed to be entertaining, nothing about her was. I guess the appeal is what can you can add to her character? But I'm not a big fan of those types. So yeah I saw her too much when I already didn't like her and most of it was wanting her back. Which wouldn't make any fucking sense. And like let them rest, they've had like 20 years to shine. Let the IDW characters shine. (TANGLE I LOVE YOU TANGLE!!!!!)
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prttydolls · 2 years
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just friends for now — draco malfoy
ೃ⁀➷ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴(𝘀) : none I believe, please lmk if there is any!
ೃ⁀➷ 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : draco malfoy x f!reader, Harry Potter x Cedric Diggory
ೃ⁀➷ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼 : any blood reader, any house reader, cedric didn't die. Hedric
ೃ⁀➷ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: hi so, uhm-there was a black out in my town due to the storm and flood (the thingy that usually gives the electricity was pretty dangerous when like its raining super hard) and literally even the signal wasn't there smh, I wrote this bcs I had nothing else to do.... Thank u for requesting!! 💕 + thank u @blackthunder137 for helping my indecisive ass + guess whose stupid enough to delete her own post
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“for fucks sake (yln)! I don't like you!” draco Screamed at you, you were heart broken that the boy of your dreams didn't even find you as a friend.
“oh, I understand..” you said wile choking on your sob, you felt so embarrassed since you confessed your love for draco infront of his friends you quickly get your things and leave the scene. They looked at you with sympathy, they truly felt bad for you.
“yknow, malfoy...you shouldn't be too hard on her- you might regret it..” blaise said, worriness lacing his voice, “why would I regret it? She's just a pathetic (your blood).”  he huffed, he felt bitter after you ruined his chance with another girl he liked.
“just saying yknow..”
— A week later •
You avoided draco at all costs, meaning you changed seats, and threw every poem you made about draco.
You felt sick.
You started hanging out with cedric, which took draco off your mind for a bit. You felt sympathy eyes from his friends , they felt really bad for you. You just simply ignore them and hang out with cedric.
You loved cedric, as a brother ofcourse. You saw him has a big brother that you never had, plus he was dating Harry in secret.
Draco saw you giggling with cedric, which unkowningly made his blood boil. Why did he feel this way? Why did he suddenly care who you hung out with.
He didn't wanna admit it, he regretted the words he said to you.. And he was jealous, very jealous. Seeing the sight of you and cedric being happy together he wanted to rip you both apart and kiss you-no no...
Draco didn't want you, its just some stupid jealousy that would go away later right?..
He kept seeing you two everywhere, at the great hall, court yard, in classes, and even in the astronomy tower.
Now he was extremely jealous.
He made it his top priority to apologize to you, saying that he was wrong he was actually Inlove with you. The way he saw you laugh made his heart swell, your smile. Your goddamn smile was beautiful, your smile could light up the whole room even more the whole galaxy!
Draco surely was Inlove with you.
He had made so many attempts to have you all by himself, but you always leave.
This time, he saw you roaming the corridor, and he blocked you when you turned, Making you have no choice but to talk to him.
“(yn)..” he said with sad beady eyes, “what malfoy? What exactly do you want? Come to insult me again?” you replied, “I wanna apologize..” he mumbled, is he serious? Malfoys never apologize... “well go on, apologize.” you looked so intimidating at the words you said, draco almost chickened out.
Draco let's out a huge sigh and begins apologising. “(yn), I am so so sorry for hurting your feelings.. I was just so caught up in the moment and didn't realize I hurt your feelings, and since you hang out with Diggory now it made me realise how much an impact you made in my life.. And I feel awful for pushing you away.. And top of that, I finally realise that I am Inlove with you too.”
That confession left you in shock, first ; he was sorry, second ; he loves you?!
“draco I..”
“that's not all, I want us to start over and actually get to know you.. So what do you say?” he looked at you with sad eyes, his confession seemed so genuine.. But you can't just accept his apology right away.
“draco, I forgive you but I'm not ready for a relationship yet.. After what you said to me really hurt my feelings and I know I'm not ready... So can we just start as just friends please?”
Draco was relieved that you didn't scream at him or worst hexed him, because he knew you had a temper. He respects that you weren't ready for a relationship.
“Okay (yn), I respect that.. I'd love to be your friend.”
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taglist :: @dracoslittleangel @imabee-oralizard @f4iryluvy @lilytoyourjames @siriusblackstwin @thehalfbloodedwitch @blackthunder137
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stripteas3 · 3 years
traitor | s.b.
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not my gif!!!
SOUR masterlist
warnings: angst, break up, cussing, self harm, i wrote this based off of my experience with self harm. reader discretion advised.
not proofread cause booooriiiiinnggggg🙄🙄🙄 also moony write a happy fanfic challenge <//3
read me: guys, i’m so sorry for not writing in so long. god, days have really flown. i was in an intense writers block, but yesterday i saw an interesting stranger whom without a word spoken already had my heart. i really hope i see them again soon, it sucks and it hurts to not even know their name, it’s frustrating that i can’t do anything about it. they’re perfect, i hope we meet again soon. i wrote a song about them because i felt things too strong to keep inside. i’m glad i started writing again, i missed it. now, traitor, a sirius black story:
(lyrics in purple)
brown guilty eyes and little white lies
yeah, i played dumb but I always knew
that you'd talk to her,
maybe did even worse, i kept quiet so I could keep you
guilty eyes with unspoken words looking back at me, making me feel small and stupid for acting like i never knew.
you talked to her behind my back, at first i just thought it was your friend since you clearly had no trouble in making them, but i didn’t believe you did even worse.
of course, like a child in love for the first time, which was what i was at the time, kept quiet.
i couldn’t lose you.
and ain't it funny
how you ran to her
the second that we called it quits?
isn’t it funny? how when i finally got the courage to confront you about it, it ended in a big fight, you blaming me for not trusting you.
when you we called it quits, the person who brought you comfort was her. not your friends, clearly not me, her.
and ain't it funny
how you said you were friends?
now it sure as hell don’t look like it.
when i even thought about bringing it up, or stared too long, you said you were friends. yet every time i asked you how your day was, or what was on your mind, you brought her up.
the way you have your arm around her, or the loving look you have on your face when she’s around. i don’t blame you, how couldn’t you? her dark brown eyes, her smooth dark skin, her long fluffy hair, there was nothing not to love.
you betrayed me
and i know that you'll never feel sorry
for the way i hurt
i wonder if you remember our promise, we would be together through thick and thin, together forever. that went to shit.
the way you love her will never make you feel sorry for all the restless nights i spent, or the cuts scattered on my thighs, the eye bags that became something normal for me to have. you never payed it any mind.
loved you at your worst
but that didn't matter
when you needed someone, i was always there. dropped anything, important or not, so you could have a shoulder to cry on. did the impossible to make you feel alright.
but none of the mattered.
it took you two weeks
to go off and date her
guess you didn't cheat
but you're still a traitor
it only only took two weeks to hear everywhere how you were with her.
how much you loved her.
and almost nothing to see you guys attached to the hip, like we once were.
you didn’t cheat, you stayed there with me but in the end were never really present.
but you still betrayed me, told me cheap lies to which i was too in love to not believe.
now you bring her around
just to shut me down
show her off like she's a new trophy
it’s like everywhere i go, you’re magically there, with her.
so many days ruined and nights spent crying because of your new trophy.
and i know if you were true
there's no damn way that you
could fall in love with somebody that quickly
all the ‘i love you’s and ‘i’ll never leave you’ went to shit.
if you loved me as much as you told me the night you broke my heart, there’s no way or explanation on how you lover her so much. it’s been two weeks, sirius, two weeks.
ain't it funny
all the twisted games
all the questions you used to avoid?
so all the “baby, she’s nobody” “don’t worry about it hun” “don’t say that” “i love you, not her” were all lies, love really blinded me and fucked me up this time.
“siri, who’s that girl you’re always hanging out with?”
“she’s nobody”
“what’s her name?”
“it doesn’t matter y/n! i’m tired. i’m gonna sleep.”
really? she doesn’t seem like a nobody now.
remember i brought her up
and you told me i was paranoid
“y/n! you’re just paranoid. just because you’ve had shitty partners doesn’t mean i am. stop being paranoid, it’s annoying.” that hit low. he was so cruel weeks prior to the breakup, how didn’t i see it coming.
god, i wish that you had thought this through
before i went and fell in love with you
the red lines on my thigh appear from the night before. being just a reminder of how i can’t feel anything, my favorite things go unnoticed now. you broke me. i wish you had thought it through before you let me fall in love with you
don't you dare forget about the way
you betrayed me
you really fucked me up. i let a bunch of things and red flags go “unnoticed”. I’ve tried my best to be as supportive for you.
one thing i promised myself because of the shred of dignity i have left, is how i swear to god i wont let you forget about how you betrayed me.
a/n: i hope you guys find this story to your liking, it’s the first thing i’ve wrote in a while and i don’t know how to feel about it. if you could, please tell me what you thought about it. thank you :) -moony<3
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the shrooms cafe
part 1- watermelon tea with strawberry boba
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hello everyone 🥺 this is the first series i've ever done so i'm a little nervous but i'm so excited because I really like this story!!!
this is the first part, and I have literally no idea how long it will be because I don't have a solid plan/outline yet! so feel free to send little concepts or things you would like to see included 🥺 i can't guarantee they will be added but i'll definitely try my best :)
shrooms cafe masterlist
my masterlist
warnings: none
word count: 2k
"Stella, we have to leave in 10 minutes!" You called up the stairs. "Come down so you can eat breakfast!" "Yeah Stella, hurry up!" Seraphina yelled from her spot at the dining table. She was finishing up her fruit loops with a grin on her face. "You're going to make us late!" As the youngest, she often liked to bother her sisters. She was only five, just starting kindergarten, but she was already a master at getting under their skin.
"Sera, don't antagonize your sister, please," you reminded her. "She's not going to make us late." Sophie rolled her eyes. "Seraphina, you're so immature." Despite only being 11, Sophie was clearly the mother hen. You sometimes joked that the girls didn't even need you; Sophie would take on the role of their mother with no problem. "Besides, you were the one who made us late yesterday." "It's not my fault I couldn't find my purple socks. What was I supposed to do?" "Maybe wear different socks?" Sophie suggested smugly. "You know I need my purple socks, otherwise I can't write my words!" Sophie rolled her eyes again. "You don't need a certain color socks to write." "Yes I do!" You smiled to yourself, turning back to the fridge as the two bickered. You pulled out the ingredients you would need to make their lunches, then reached up on your tiptoes to get their lunch bags from the top of fridge. "Okay girls, what kind of sandwiches do you want today?" "Peanut butter and jelly!" Seraphina said excitedly. "Why did I even ask?" You smiled. "And Sophie?" "Turkey please, but I can make it myself," She said, sliding off her chair and bringing the breakfast dishes to the sink. "Thank you, love," you said, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. "You are such a big help in the mornings, I don't know what I would do without you." "You would have a real handful dealing with those two," She said matter-of-factly. "That I would," you laughed, handing her a butter knife. "Stella!" you called again. The 8 year old came running down the stairs, carrying her backpack and another bag. "Did you forget I have dance today?" "I did not forget," you reassured her. She liked to plan things, and got worried quickly if she wasn't kept in the loop. "I'll pick you up at the door by the playground, does that work?" "Actually, I was wondering if I could walk today? A bunch of my friends do, and I feel kind of weird having my mom drop me off." "That should be fine," You nodded. "But stay with the group, don't go off by yourself." "I won't," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "You're so overprotective." "Oh yes, I'm so sorry for trying to keep you safe," you laughed. "Now what do you want for lunch?" Once everything was ready, the four of you made your way out to the car. Stella climbed into the back, and Sophie helped Seraphina get buckled. Even though the three of them bickered a lot (as sisters often do) it wasn't hard to see how much they loved each other. "Everybody buckled?" You asked, looking behind you. When you heard a chorus of confirmation, you started your playlist and smiled when the opening notes of Adore You filtered through the speakers. It was easily one of your favorite songs, and the girls liked it just as much as you did. It wasn't a long drive to the cafe; it took about 15 minutes if traffic was good. The girls' school bus stopped about a block away, so they walked there together every morning. Then after school, they would come back to the shop and read books or finish homework until it was time to close up and go home. You parked in the lot behind the shop, helping the girls out of the car and making sure they had all their things. Seraphina held out her hand, and Stella grabbed it to help her jump over a puddle on the sidewalk. Sophie gasped excitedly. "I think that was the biggest jump you've ever done!" The girls promptly launched into a discussion about who could jump farther as you unlocked the door. As soon as it was open, they made their way over to the mushrooms to find some books for the day. Their voices filled the shop as they chatted about school and the cute boy Stella liked and the kitten they had seen outside their house the other day. You went about your morning duties, flipping on the lights and starting up the coffee machine. You also turned on the oven, preparing to bake the muffins. (They were frozen- who has the time to bake them fresh? Certainly not a mother of 3.) Once the kitchen was ready, you went over to the radio and tuned it to a familiar station, the soft
music adding some pleasant background noise. "Okay girls, it's time to get to the bus stop," you said, leaning over the counter to speak to them. "Don't forget, I'm walking to dance," Stella said, pointing at you as she walked to the door. "I won't forget," you said, pointing back at her. "Have a good day!" "Bye mom," Seraphina waved her small hand at you. "Bye honey, bye Sophia," You smiled, blowing a kiss to the three of them. "See you later!" Once the three of them were gone, you went around to the shelves and straightened up, getting ready for your first customers.
After the lunch rush had dwindled down and the shop was nearly empty again, you were getting ready to go on your lunch break. You had just leaned down to grab a sandwich from the deli case when the bell above the door jingled, alerting you that a new customer had come in. You straightened up, your eyes going wide when you realized who it was, but you quickly fixed your face and smiled. "Welcome to the Shrooms Cafe!" "Hello," the man smiled back, speaking in a deep British accent. "I saw your sign for boba tea, and I've been looking everywhere to find some. You're the third shop I've been to today, so I'm really hoping you're not sold out like everywhere else," he grinned, coming closer to the counter. "No, we're not out! What kind did you want?" You asked. "Um... probably should have thought about that before I came in," he laughed nervously, looking at the menu above your head. "Oh, don't worry about it, we're not busy right now," you said reassuringly. “Take all the time you need.” He smiled gratefully, stepping off to the side while he read the menu. Meanwhile, you fidgeted with towels and wiped off the work surfaces and tried to pretend you weren’t staring at him. Who could blame you, really? Harry Styles had just walked into your coffee shop. Who wouldn’t stare? “I think…” he spoke again, breaking you out of your trance. “I’ll do the watermelon tea, with strawberry boba, please.” You nodded, laughing lightly. He quirked one eyebrow, smiling along with you. “What’s funny?” “Oh, no, it’s just… of course you would order the one with watermelon.” “Oh,” he smiled, and you thought you detected a hint of a blush on his cheeks. “I guess I do have a bit of a reputation with fruit, don’t I?” “Just a little,” you grinned. “One watermelon tea with strawberry boba, coming right up.” After ringing up the order, you quickly got to work. Instead of his real name, you wrote “watermelon man” on the sticker on the cup. Hopefully he would appreciate your little joke. “Here you are,” you smiled. “I hope it’s good, seeing as you worked so hard to find some.” “I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” he laughed, grabbing a straw from beside the cash register. You also noticed he had dropped a generous tip into the jar, probably while you had been busy making the drink. “Have a nice day,” you smiled. “You as well,” he said with a small wave before he made his way out the door, sipping his drink as he went. You sighed, shaking your head with a small grin as you grabbed the sandwich from earlier and went to a table for your lunch break.
“Hi mom!” Sophie yelled, holding open the door for Seraphina. “Hi girls!” You called from the back corner of the shop. “I’m by the mushrooms!” The girls quickly found you, Seraphia hugging you and Sophie situating herself on one of the short stools. “How was your day?” You asked. “Good! I gave my report on monarch butterflies and guess what Mrs. Wilson said?” Sophie asked, leaning forward. “What did she say?” “She said it was the best report she had heard all day. She waited until the other kids left so they wouldn’t feel bad, but still,” she said proudly. “Oh wow! I’m so proud of you,” you said, moving over to hug her. “What did I tell you? You can do anything you put your mind to,” you smiled. “Including writing the best report in the whole class, hmm?” She nodded happily before turning away from you to pull a book off the shelf closest to her. “Which one are you starting now?” You asked, leaning over her shoulder to see the book she had. “Anne of Green Gables,” she said. “Oh, I loved those books when I was your age,” you smiled. “I think you’ll really like them.”
She nodded, already immersed in the book. You turned back to Seraphina, who was pulling her folder out of her backpack. “And how was your day, miss Seraphina?” “It was so good, look!” She handed you a paper with two gold stars at the top. “My teacher gave me two gold stars. She said my writing was very good!"
"All that practicing we did must have worked, then!" you said, beaming as you looked at her letters. They were still wobbly, but a huge improvement over how they had been at the beginning of the school year.
She nodded. "And then I colored this picture for you!” She handed you another page. This one had a drawing of you holding hands with her, Sophie, and Stella. The three of you had big smiles and lots of adorable little details. Stella had her hair in a bun and was wearing ballet shoes. Sophie was holding a book in her free hand. Seraphina had drawn herself wearing a shirt with a cat (her favorite animal) on it, and she was wearing her purple socks. Lastly, there was you, holding a cup of coffee and wearing a shirt with a big red heart on it. “Since you like coffee so much,” she explained. “It's beautiful,” you smiled, hugging her. “We’ll hang it on the fridge when we get home, okay?” “Okay,” she agreed. “Why don’t you find a book and read with Sophie for a little bit? We have just over an hour, then we have to go get Stella from dance.” She nodded, handing you the papers and her backpack before running over to the shelves. She grabbed a picture book, settling into the red cushion in the tree and beginning to flip through the pages.
----- “Alright girls, it’s time to pick up Stella,” you said as you wiped off the counter one last time. You had already turned off all the machines and packed up everything else for the day. You flipped the lights off on the way out, smiling a bit when you saw the hand painted sign for boba tea in the window. Harry came into your mind again, with his easy smile, his kind words, and his blushing laugh. You really hoped you would see him again, even though you knew you probably wouldn't. Your shop wasn't very big or well known. How likely was it for him to come to the same little shop in the middle of London again? Still, it didn’t hurt to hope. Maybe he would decide to try the other flavors and stop in again. Your smile spread even further when you started your playlist and Lights Up was the first song to come on. Apparently, it was going to be hard to forget about him.
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drmmyrs · 3 years
ok so i had this idea.. after kamilah and amy being married for quite a time they grow a bit distant and one day kamilah finds amy in a bar serenading someone or flirting - the thing is she’s cheating- however kamilah doesn’t leash out -at first at least- but get that amy is very young compared to her, and while kamilah had many partners, amy didn’t. so they talk about “having an open marriage”. however, they agree to not discuss any info about their affairs, until someday amy walks into a bar and finds kamilah with aiko (it’s a business thing but amy doesn’t know that). anyhow, after getting into a fight, where kamilah enjoys teasing Amy cuz that was her idea and letting her think that yes she was with aiko, Amy then realises that maaaybe an open marriage wasn’t a good idea after all
Sorry for the delay anon, kinda had a block the past few days 😕 Hope you like it! 💕
Shoutout to @samanthadalton​ for the title 🧡
tag list: @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @uselesslesbianfr @baexpoppy @alexroyard @alexlabhont @veenast @noixngn @sillyandcutewizardstuffs @noah6m55-blog @itszdavenport (If you wanna be added or removed or just prefer a certain ship just let me know ❤️)
Another Woman (Kamilah x MC)
Amy and Kamilah had been married for nearly 40 years, and life couldn't have been more perfect–or at least that's what Amy kept repeating to herself. She looked at her wife, happily tending her garden, a smile of pure contentment on her lips. Ever since Rheya had been defeated, there were no longer any major threats that terrorized both vampires and humans alike on a global scale. Sure, some fanatics would try and mobilize against the other kind, but it was never threatening enough that Amy and her friends had to intervene. There was no impending death. No running. No fighting. They were safe. She should be happy. Then why wasn't she?
Ever since Adrian became the Chairman of the Vampire-Human Relations Committee, he barely had time for his company, which was why he had left Amy in charge of most business dealings. Amy quickly jumped at the chance, of course. Even when she was human, it had always been her dream to lead a company, especially a multi-billion dollar company like Raines Corp. What Amy didn't foresee, however, was how quickly she would lose her passion for it. She knew that if she quit her job, Adrian really wouldn't mind. But then what? It wasn't like there was another profession she was passionate about. And most importantly, Kamilah was already happy, content with the way things were. And Amy could never take that away from her.
One night, when Amy felt more downcast than usual, she decided to go to a bar for a drink or two, just enough to get a buzz after a crummy day. She was in the middle of her first drink when she was pulled out of her thoughts by the sight of the bartender placing a new drink on the counter in front of her.
"For you, Miss."
"But I didn't–" Amy started, but the bartender had already walked away.
She looked around until she met the gaze of a gorgeous young woman sitting a few seats beside her. The woman raised her drink and smiled at her.
"You look like you needed a stronger drink."
Amy blushed when she realized that she was staring. "Oh, uh, thanks."
The woman stood up and sat beside her, outreaching her hand. "Josie, by the way."
Amy shook her hand. "Amy."
The night went on with the two of them chatting and drinking. And before she knew it, Amy had forgotten all about her day, her sorrows, and the woman she was supposed to come home to.
At home, Amy could barely look at her wife in the eyes, the shame of her affair eating at her heart. It wasn't enough, however, for her to stop as the exhilaration of her newfound intimacy overpowered any existing guilt.
One night, Amy was at a booth in a bar with Josie, cuddling with her, when suddenly, the hair at the back of her neck stood up. She felt a familiar presence–her scent, the beating of her heart, it was all remarkably distinct from any other. Amy swept her eye around the bar and immediately saw her. Kamilah was looking at them, her gaze shifting from Amy's eye to her hand, which was on Josie's thigh. Amy quickly excused herself and strode to follow Kamilah, who was now walking towards a quieter part of the bar.
"I'm sorry." Amy didn't bother lying.
Amy fully expected Kamilah to be mad–who wouldn't be after catching her wife cheat on her. But Kamilah just stood there silent, no emotions betraying her.
"You're not mad," Amy stated as a fact.
"No." Kamilah gave Amy a tight smile. "I've been with countless partners, Amy, and denying you of that same experience would be... hypocritical on my part."
Amy just stood there silently for a while, not knowing what to say. She then took a deep breath and decided to break the silence. "An open relationship. We could have one of those." The idea left a bitter taste on her tongue, but it was the only thing she could think of that would be fair to both of them.
Kamilah nodded. "I suppose there are rules?"
Amy chewed on her bottom lip, thinking. "No feelings, just sex."
"All right. I also suggest that we don't discuss the details about our affairs."
"That's fair." Amy narrowed her eyes. "Kamilah, are you sure you're okay with this?
Kamilah smiled and placed a kiss on Amy's forehead. "Anything for you, my Dear," she whispered.
It wasn't an answer. In fact, it was a love declaration as it always was with Kamilah. And it didn't do anything to quell the guilt that Amy felt.
Amy sat at the edge of the rooftop of Raines Corps–something she usually did when she wanted to be alone with her thoughts–and watched as a group of young vampires jump from roof to roof. A smile escaped from her lips, remembering a similar memory from the past with her friends. Suddenly, her eye caught a familiar figure getting out of a car below, followed by another figure. Amy's anger and jealousy instantly spiked as she watched Kamilah and Aiko make way to a bar, her mind racing with all the possibilities. The devil then took over her body as she raced towards them, her eyes glowing red and her fangs exposed. When she reached the bar, Kamilah and Aiko were on their way to a booth, and before anyone had a chance to react, Amy dashed to Kamilah, grabbed her hand, and led her outside to a nearby alley.
Kamilah's eyes were wide, shocked by Amy's outburst. "Amy, what–"
"Aiko?! Really? Of all people?"
Kamilah stared at Amy, looking genuinely confused. "What's wrong with Aiko?"
"What do you mean what's–" Amy rubbed her temples. "Well, for starters, she's only madly in love with you, and you have all this history–
All of a sudden, Kamilah started laughing.
"–are you seriously laughing right now?!"
"Sorry. You're just too cute when you're jealous."
"It's not funny!"
Kamilah raised her eyebrow. "If I remember correctly, you're the one who suggested an open relationship."
"But we had a rule! No feelings remember?!"
"I don't have any feelings for Aiko."
"But she obviously has feelings for you!"
"And how can I be sure that the girls you're seeing doesn't have feelings for you?"
"I..." Amy didn't know how to answer that, so instead, she let her head hang down. "I don't know," she murmured.
A few seconds later, she felt Kamilah wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a hug.
Amy melted into the hug as hot tears prickled her eyes. "I don't want this anymore, Kamilah. Let's go back to the way things were. Just you and me."
When Amy pulled away, Kamilah's eyes were filled with desire, with hunger. And when their lips touched, it arose something between them. The passion that was once lost was flowing in waves–each touch, each moan, each sensation filling every inch of their bodies until the world dissolved around them; it was just her and Kamilah at that moment. Kamilah pushed Amy roughly against the wall, her fangs digging into Amy's lower lip until she tasted blood, earning a deep moan from her. In response, Amy slipped her hands inside Kamilah's shirt, digging her nails against her back until they bruised–the pain intensifying all other sensations until it became too much for both of them.
"Wow, that was..." Amy said between breaths when they pulled apart.
When they recovered, Kamilah looked at Amy intently and then said something so unexpected that Amy wasn't sure if she heard it right.
"When we get home, let's start packing our bags."
Amy blinked in confusion. "W–what? Where are we going?"
"Somewhere. Everywhere." Kamilah's brown eyes glowed with eagerness replacing the calm glint that Amy had been accustomed to for the past decades. "There are still so many places I want you to see, experiences I want you to have." Kamilah's voice then grew softer, almost shy. "After all the running around, building a home with someone I love, it was like a dream that I never thought could ever be fulfilled, even in an eternity. So when I had that with you, I became comfortable, too comfortable, that I deprived you of the worldly pleasures that you could have enjoyed. And I'm sorry for that."
"You didn't do–"
"No, let me finish." Kamilah took Amy's hand in hers. "You're my home, Amy. No matter where we are, that dream had already come true." Kamilah raised Amy's hand to her lips and kissed her knuckle. "So... what do you say?" Kamilah was smiling hopefully at Amy, the corner of her eyes crinkling in adoration.
Amy nodded enthusiastically, beaming, and pulled her wife into a bone-crushing hug. "Yes! I'd love to."
Kamilah buried her face against Amy's hair and hummed in appreciation. "You deserve the world, my Queen. And I intend to give it to you."
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
A/N : Inspired by Taylor Swift’s song Seven from the album folklore. This can be read as a standalone as well as a continuation of the Homecoming fic.
Pairing : Peter Parker x Stark Reader
Summary : The first time you and Peter met each other but destiny pulled you apart.
Warnings : none just soft feel good vibes.
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"Oh Peter! You're a lifesaver." You exclaimed.
"Thank you so much for letting me copy your chemistry assignment." You breezed into his room dropping your backpack on his bed.
"You should not keep things for last minute Y/N." Peter advises.
"Now you also don't start." You huff as Peter arched his brows shaking his head.
"I know, I know I shouldn't but with this whole hydra base infiltration mission it completely slipped out of my mind."
"Plus organic chemistry is not my cup of tea." You shrugged.
"Says the literal beauty with brains Y/N Stark that's quite hard to swallow." He looked at you skeptically.
"Oh now you think I'm beautiful huh?" You raised a sly brow smirking.
"Umm no - I mean yeah - not like the way you're thinking." He stuttered.
"Relax I was just messing with you." You chuckled.
"But believe me I hate that subject. What will I do if benzene has a constant problem with its electrons?" You complained dramatically.
"It's not that hard as you think, you just need to practice the structures daily." Peter began his lecture on organic chemistry.
"And once you understand the reaction mechanism it will be a piece of cake. Like for example during oxidation reaction.." You cut him off, unable to bear anymore of Prof Parker's lecture on organic chemistry.
"It's boring! Boring! Peter I'm giving you a boring alert!" You exclaimed.
"And If I had to learn about organic chemistry why would I come to you for help I would have straight away gone to uncle Bruce only."
"Okay sorry I just got carried away you know…"
"Yeah I know it’s your favourite subject which helped you make your web fluid blah,blah, blah but I don't have time for that right now so tell me where is your file?" You scrambled on his desk.
"I need to copy it fast!" Peter arched his brow questioningly at you. You gave your signature Stark eye roll that you obviously inherited from your dad.
"I mean take notes and write it down on my own." You clarified.
"In the right drawer of my desk."
"Okay I'll take it. You can now go for your patrolling or whatever spidermaning stuff you do." You waved your hand shooing him away.
You went near his desk and opened the drawer and rummaged around the things in it. You finally found the file and took it out when something caught your eye beneath it. You brushed away the junk stuff on it to find a cute little pink bow most probably it belonged to some little girl because it was quite old and dirty. You took your time to admire it and then turned to Peter who was about to change into his suit.
"Peter, why do you have this pink bow in your drawer?" His eyes went wide darting towards you.
"Give that to me!" He snatched it away from your hand.
"Hey!" You protested. Peter turned around clutching on to the bow.
"Whose is it Peter?" You nudged him.
"No-no one’s." He fumbled
"C'mon tell me about this special girl whose bow you have kept all these years, and we are best friends right? Best friends don't keep secrets. " You made a pouty face.
"It's actually a long time ago nothing interesting to tell Y/N." You went and sat on his bed resting your elbows on your knees and placing your chin on your knuckles. You blinked your eyes giving him your undivided attention. He understood that you wouldn't budge and shook his head in defeat smiling sitting beside you.
"I met this girl once at this park, Aunt May used to take me every afternoon to play. I was around seven that time so was she. She was like a ray of sunshine but the only thing was that her life was covered by dark gloomy clouds." Peter narrated you the story of this mysterious girl from his childhood.
Peter was a socially awkward kid since childhood so he never had that many friends. It was a lovely day Peter was strolling in the park on his own.He heard some noise it seemed as if someone was crying and it came from behind the tree. He walked around to find a girl sitting under the tree crying and went near her.
"Why are you crying?"
She didn't say a word and just looked at him teary eyed. Peter kneeled in front of her.
"Are you lost? I can call my aunt, she can help you.'' Peter asked her sweetly.
"No." she replied weakly.
"Then why are you crying?" fresh tears rolled down her cheeks again.
"Please don't cry." He wiped her tears with his small hands.
"I'm Peter. What is your name?"
"I can't say. Daddy will not like it."
"Okay." he tried to keep the conversation going.
"You come here everyday?"
"Yes. This is my playtime but I don't have anyone to play with."
"I can play with you." She smiled in return.
"What do you wanna play?"
"I don't know, you say." he was about to suggest something when a middle aged lady appeared from behind, most probably her nanny.
"It's time to go home, miss." she informed. And the little girl silently got up and held her hand as the lady took her back to the car parked in front of the park.
"Peter!" May called out as Peter looked back.
"There you are, I was looking for you everywhere." May said as she followed Peter’s gaze.
"Who's she?"
"My new friend, she was very sad as she doesn't have anyone to play with."
"Aww poor girl."
"I said I'll play with her."
"That's so nice of you Peter, you are such a good boy." May ruffled his hair.
Next day Peter was excited to go to the park to meet his new friend. She was sitting under the exact same tree like yesterday he went and sat beside her talking with her for hours. She finally started to open up to him. Both of them now always eager for afternoons a slight escape from their lonely lives. As they enjoyed each other's company laughing and running around the playground.
Her eyes sparkled seeing Peter as if she was waiting for him.
"Hi Petey!'' she exclaimed with joy.
"Can I know your name now?"
"I told you I can't Petey."
"Then what do I call you?"
"Whatever you want." She shrugged.
"Okay let me think." Peter frowned thinking hard when suddenly his eyes twinkled.
"How about Betty?" He asked, all excited.
"I like Betty." She smiled softly. He sat beside you as you talked about your day.
"Today aunt May took me to the cemetery to offer flowers to my mom and dad. I really miss them you know. You're so lucky that you have both your parents"
"My daddy doesn't love me." She sniffles.
"Why is that so?"
"He is always mad at me. He doesn’t like me."
"Hey don't be sad I will always love you to the moon and to saturn."
"When I collect enough pocket money we will move to India okay? I read in a book that it's a beautiful place."
"You pack your dolls and sweaters and I'll pack my Legos. Just you and me. You will never be sad again"
"Okay Petey." she gave a wide smile.
"Hi Betty"
"Hi Peter!"
"I brought you something Betty."
"What Peter?" He handed her a yellow rose.
"May says yellow rose means friendship. And this will always remind you of our everlasting friendship, of me. "
"But I didn't bring anything for you Petey." she pouted sadly.
"It's okay Betty." Something went through her mind.
"Wait!" she pulled one of her pink bows from her braids and handed it to Peter.
"Here take this. This will always remind you of me."
A black Mercedes pulled over near the gate of the park. Betty's eyes went to the car and Peter noticed her body stiffen as soon as she saw a black suited man in black sunglasses step out of the car. He was most probably her bodyguard.
"Hey what's wrong?"
"I need to go. Bye Peter!" She hastily got up from the ground and ran away towards the car. The man opened the door for her. She glanced at Peter as she got inside the car. Peter stood there at his place as he raised his hand to wave her goodbye she waved back too. The black glass windows rolled up blocking them from each other's sight.
"And then she left and never came back. I never got to see her again." Peter exhaled.
"Everyday I went to the park in the hope that I’ll get to see her again but she was gone." Peter took a deep breath sighing fiddling with the bow in his hand.
"I don't know where she is now but I hope she is happy in her life. And all her issues with her dad have been resolved."
"Yup indeed they have got resolved and they are in better terms now." You chuckled lowly as your heart felt heavy.
"Yeah hope so."
"I'm sorry." You murmured.
"Why are you sorry?"
"I'm sorry I didn't come to say goodbye to you."
"What? What do you mean?" Peter asked, confused.
"That bow is mine Peter." You said softly gazing at the bow in Peter’s hand. Peter went silent as a sudden realization dawned upon him his eyes went wide. How could he forget the most important thing about that day, the man who had come to pick up Betty was none other than Happy. That means you're Betty, his Betty.
"You know after all the feud between Stane and my dad. Dad didn't want me to stay in such a dangerous environment and decided to send me to a boarding school."
"The day I was being sent away I cried, begged him to let me to go and see you for one last time but he didn't let me. And I'm sorry Peter that I left like that."
You turned to grab your backpack and took out your diary from it. You opened a significant page of your diary and delicately took out a dried yellow rose.
"I kept this too in your memory." You hold it out in front of him. You both were trying to fight back your tears but finally broke down as tears trickled down your cheeks. Those weren't sad tears, those were tears of joy. Of finally meeting your long lost friend.
Peter couldn't believe that the always sad and scared girl he knew has grown up to be such a fearless, intelligent girl who speaks her mind without giving a damn what others think of her.
When you saw the bow in his drawer you instantly remembered everything that is why you nagged him on telling you the whole story. You wondered how can you both be so oblivious about the fact that you have known each other for years. How couldn't you recognize each other even when you promised each other to remember for lifetime. Maybe you were destined to cross paths and then forget each other to be reunited again for some reason which none of you understand.
"I missed you Betty." Peter sniffled, smiling.
"I missed you too Petey." You held his hand brushing your thumb on the top of his hand resting your head on his shoulder. You remained like that for a while cherishing the moment. Peter silently listened to your slow and steady heartbeat smiling with content.
"You still wanna go to India?" You looked up at him smiling.
"I have got a private jet now." You gave a half shrug, the corner of Peter’s eyes crinkled as he laughed softly.
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love101imagines · 4 years
One thing left to try
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request: Could you pls write a fic with sinan? Using prompts 13,15,22,29 and 34 from the first list. I thought of maybe At a party y/n needs Sinan's help, so that Burak stops chasing her, so he pretends to be her partner, when Burak doesn't leave her alone, Sinan starts a fight. Thanks!
tag list: @peraltwolf @zaynlikfalls @wwafangirld
prompts used: 13. Don't look at me like that. 15. Just pretend to be my date. 22. You're not my friend anymore, remember? 29. Where did you get those bruises? 34. I'm used to it, don't worry.
"Işik, are you sure you're ready for a high school party?" You asked slowly, your arm wrapped around the blonde girl who held tightly her purse.
Eda next to you chuckled. "You're ready for alcohol? And for people making out with each other? And the smell of cigarettes everywhere?"
"There's nothing to worry about." Isik cut you both off shaking her head. "I'm only here because Osman asked us to come. And nothing bad will happen, they're our classmates."
Eda shrugged. "I'm here for the free booze."
You rolled your eyes with a smile, fixing a bit your skirt while you reached the house where the party was taking place.
"Should we wait for the guys?" You asked glancing at all the cars that were parked in almost the whole block, internally hoping to see one boy in particular.
You stood on your tiptoes trying to recognize any of them, already knowing that Kerem was coming with Osman with his own car.
"Nah." Eda brushed it off. "I bet Sinan isn't even coming, and it's already crowded inside."
You were slightly discouraged. You didn’t want one boy to control your whole mood without truly knowing, but you couldn’t avoid feeling that way towards him. You two had been friends for a while before you got closer with the whole expulsion thing. The girls already knew about your feelings for Sinan, but you wouldn’t risk ruining one of your friendships only because of a crush.
"Are you sure?" Işik asked a bit worried, but you were already opening the door without knocking.
You three were instantly greeted by loud music and people everywhere. The walls seemed to shake from the heavy bass blasting through the speakers, hurting your ears but you tried not to mind.
You turned to Işik with a smile. "So? What do you think?"
She opened her mouth to speak, with no words coming out as she looked around the house. You chuckled lightly. "Anyway, I'll grab something to drink. What do you want?"
"A soda, please."
"Beer. We'll...walk around until the boys show up, okay?" Eda said over the music.
You nodded before walking away, greeting a few people and trying not to bump into the many couples who were shoved up against the wall making out or the kids who were too drunk to properly walk.
“You’re no fun, (Y/N).” Eda complained with a huff.
You only took a sip of your soda. "I'm plenty of fun, in fact, I...oh shit."
Before you could notice that Işik was waving at the guys who had just arrived to come over at your place near the kitchen counter, you had already left the room trying not to run into Burak.
You two had talked a few times because you were in the same school year, but since Eda had turned him down, he seemed to be keen on going on a date with you. You wanted to avoid confrontation the best you could, already knowing that when the whole thing with Eda happened, he hadn't reacted well.
So, that was the reason why you were making your way between the crowd of people with one hand covering your can of soda trying to hide from him. The house was crowded, with almost your whole school inside. You weren't even sure whose birthday it was, only receiving the invitation from Osman who had a few extra, giving the rest to your other friends.
Once you found herself outside in the small garden, you allowed yourself to catch a breath. There were only a few people mingling outside, but a hand on your upper back startled you.
You cursed under your breath, almost spilling your soda. "God, you scared me."
Sinan rolled his eyes with an already opened beer in his hand which didn't surprise you. "You okay? I saw you storm off."
You shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine. I thought you wouldn't come."
He furrowed his brows slightly. "Why?"
You shrugged, tugging on his arm so you could sit down on the steps leading to the garden, trying your best that your skirt wouldn't ride up. "You hate high school parties."
"What's to like from annoying music and people I can't stand being around?" He asked sarcastically making you chuckle. "I was dreading this, but Osman needed us here." He concluded before taking a long sip of his beer.
You nodded. "Yeah, I can't believe we convinced Işik. But it's not that bad."
He glanced at you, absentmindedly fumbling with his hands while you continued sipping on your soda. "You look nice."
It was no secret around your friends how much Sinan adored you. You were the only one he never snapped at unless he was really angry, but he usually kept his emotions at bay. Everybody noticed how his mood changed around you. Everybody but you, not thinking much about how he always seemed to have a faint smile when you were in the same room or how he truly appreciated that you went out of your way to talk to him at least once every day.
You gave him a side smile. "Thanks." You eyed him up and down, wearing his usual grey shirt, black jeans, and combat boots. "You don't look that bad either."
After a few minutes passed and it started to get cold, he nudged you. "Wanna go back inside?"
"Um..." You trailed off even if you truly wanted to go back with the rest. "I'm fine, you go ahead if you want. I'll catch up with you."
He furrowed his brows. "Are you sure you're fine? You seemed pretty upset before." He doubted for a moment while you looked down at the floor. "If you want to leave, we..."
"No." You interrupted shaking your head.
You certainly didn't want to leave. But you knew you couldn't avoid Burak all night, and if you ran into him you would end up snapping at him.
An idea popped into your head, remembering how Burak had left Eda alone when Kerem faked being his boyfriend. "I mean...can you do me a favor?"
It was risky to ask him, but Kerem was already dating Eda and Osman was busy with his business, the main reason why you all were there. And it was only a simple favor, you could hide your true feelings like you had the past weeks.
He shrugged, taking another sip of his beer. "What?"
You gave him a grin trying to convince him to follow your plan. "Can you pretend to be my boyfriend? Please."
He almost choked on his beer, coughing a bit while looking at you with utter confusion. "What the hell?"
"Burak has been annoying me all week and this is the only way he'll leave me alone. Please, Sinan. Just pretend to be my date." You continued, giving him your softest puppy eyes.
He scoffed, looking away to avoid your look. "Don't look at me like that." He mumbled.
"Like what?" You played dumb, continuing looking at him like that so he'd give in.
"Like you've never broken a plate in your whole life." He replied sarcastically. "Why don't you just tell him to fuck off?"
You rolled your eyes. "I've already tried to. Come on, it's only one night. I would do the same for you." You practically begged him.
You expected him to get up and leave, saying that your plan was crazy and didn't have any probability of going right. However, after a few seconds, he sighed and gulped down most of his beer, leaving the empty can next to him. "Fine."
While you smiled and mentally cheered, he turned to you. "What do you need me to do?"
"Improvise." You said like it was obvious. "Just um, flirt with me and act like I'm your girlfriend. It can't be that hard."
Noticing that he still seemed unsure of everything and wasn't really sure of what to do, you continued. "Look, from now on, we aren't friends, we're in a relationship. So, just act like I’d believe everything and lie to me."
He thought about it for a few seconds before nodding, getting up from his spot, and extending his hand to help you get up. When Sinan's fingers skimmed over your wrist gently, you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand tightly.
"You're not my friend anymore, remember?" You teased before dragging him inside the house.
The stares you two received while walking straight to the kitchen were enough to tell you that you had made the right decision. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Burak staring at you intensely ignoring whatever one of his friends was blabbering on about to him. You could feel that Sinan also noticed that, pulling you closer to him by wrapping an arm around your waist. You almost shivered once you felt his cold hand on the small spot of skin just above your skirt, but you didn't think much about the sparks that ignited at the skin on skin contact.
Once you two reached the kitchen, you grabbed a beer and a soda, handing the alcohol beverage to Sinan who quickly downed it while you sat on the counter, your hands still intertwined.
Eda quickly joined you two. "There you are!" She grinned at you, clearly already a bit tipsy. "Aw, you're holding hands, did you tell him?" She gushed to you, loud enough for him to hear.
You chuckled awkwardly, disconnecting your hands while covering the girl's mouth. "Yes, I told him about Burak." You gritted out, already sure that your cheeks had to be red. "You're already wasted, don't do anything I wouldn’t do." You grinned playfully at the boy, receiving a timid smile from him.
"So you guys are dating now." Eda continued leaning against the counter, a smirk on her face. "That's cool."
"I'll take care of her." Sinan offered, already annoyed with her.
After a few seconds, you nodded, leaving your spot on the counter once you noticed Işik nearby, your eyes lighting up. "Işik, let's dance!"
You weren't sure how many hours had passed that you had been dancing with Kerem and Osman, but after a while, your legs ached from twirling around Işik, so you walked away from the living room to the hallway where there weren't many people.
A voice calling you out made you stop dead in your tracks, turning around with a fake smile plastered on your face even if you were internally gagging.
"Burak, I didn't see you before." You greeted him, continuing to walk towards the kitchen.
He just followed you, making you roll your eyes when he wasn't staring at you. "You look pretty."
"Mhm." Was all you replied, looking through the fridge to find at least a bottle of water, already knowing that if you left Sinan and Eda alone they had downed at least five more beers each one.
"Here, let me help you with that." He offered as you struggled with four bottles of water.
"I'm fine." You cut him off with confidence. "I've got it, and my friends and boyfriend are waiting for me, so..." You trailed off.
Taking to your advantage the fact that he was too shocked to say anything else, you managed to escape, making a beeline to were your friends were standing in a corner of the room.
"Here you go." You said handing a bottle to Işik, Eda, and Sinan. "I figured it would help if you have a migraine." You explained standing next to Sinan.
He nodded, a faint smile on his face as you wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Osman left after saying he had to do something, and you soon found yourself alone with the boy again after Işik said she was going to the bathroom and Eda dragged Kerem to dance with her.
You sipped absentmindedly on your water. "Thanks for everything, I owe you one."
He shrugged, clearly not bothered by it but you weren't sure if it was because of his emotionless attitude or something else.
Once you'd finished your water, you turned to him. "Come, let's dance."
"No, (Y/N)." He refused immediately shaking his head.
"Sinan, I'm not going to leave you here alone." You persisted, continuing to pull him by his hand.
He wouldn't budge. "I'm already here, dancing crosses the line."
"You can't only come and drink everything that's alcohol."
"Not much of a boyfriend, huh?"
Burak's teasing voice made you stop abruptly, glancing at Sinan who only looked at him with a hard stare.
"I'm just saying, I wouldn't leave (Y/N) alone if she was my girl." He continued.
"Well, she isn't yours." Sinan snapped, trying to appear unbothered by him but with a scowl on his face.
You tugged in his arm. "Sinan, let's leave."
"What are you even doing here?" Burak asked sarcastically. "You hate everybody, I'm sure she convinced you to come. Too bad, who knows what could happen to her here..."
You knew those were just empty threats, so while you scoffed and tried to tug him to leave, Sinan only pushed you behind him slightly, making you release your grip on his arm.
"If you even touch a hair on her head I..." Sinan began with his hands balled into a fist.
"Sinan, please. Just cut it off." You tried to argue.
Nevertheless, you already knew he wouldn't listen. He was furious, his jaw clenched, stormy eyes and sending daggers to the boy in front of him.
Burak only snickered. “Tell me, I want to know.” He taunted, getting right into his face. “What are you going to do about it? You’re just going to let me continue flirting with her?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fuck off.”
“Maybe if you relied more on mental strength instead of muscular strength you would have gotten a chance.” Sinan shot back sarcastically.
Burak shoved him, lifting his fist in the air but before he could even punch him, Sinan tackled him into the ground to punch him. You froze, watching how Sinan’s fist hit Burak over and over again until Burak punched his side, making him lose his breath before he pulled Sinan in a chokehold.
“Stop! Stop it, you guys, stop it!” You tried to move towards them to break them apart, stopping once a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.
“Stay out of it,” Osman advised, his eyes staring sullenly at the fight. “You’re only going to get yourself hurt. Işik, hold her.” He called out.
“What’s going on?” The girl asked confused once Osman handed you to her, going straight at the fight to stop it. “Oh my God.” She mumbled, shock on her eyes.
Kerem and Osman broke them apart along with a few other guys. You only could gasp in surprise once you saw Sinan and his bruised cheekbone, along with the cut on his eyebrow.
“Hey, hey, come here. You’re fine.” You tried to comfort him, looping an arm around his shoulders just like Osman.
You couldn’t help but furrow your brows at how he seemed to wince while you tried to get out of the house as fast as possible, not wanting another fight to happen.
You wouldn’t let him out of your sight, so you continued with your arm wrapped around his shoulders, him not complaining but supporting almost his whole body on you.
“We’re not going to fit in.” Işik pointed out once you reached Kerem’s car.
You knew Sinan would just brush it off and say he was fine, but you wouldn’t allow him. “It’s fine, I um...we’ll take a taxi and stop by a pharmacy first. You should go first.”
Before anyone could complain, Eda, still drunk, chuckled. “You two are so cute together.”
You nodded absentmindedly, trying your best to hold Sinan who seemed to still be catching his breath. “Yeah, go and sleep in the back of the car. Take care of her.”
“We will. You take care of him.” Kerem said before getting into the car.
“See ya!”
Once they left, you sighed, a bit nervous that the boy hadn’t said a word yet. “Come, let’s sit there.”
You slowly walked towards a bench in front of a park. After a few minutes, you reappeared with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls after rushing to a nearby pharmacy.
“Give me your hands.” Your ordered, feeling something break inside of you while you scanned his knuckles with fresh blood and open wounds scattered across them. “Fuck.”
He only pursed his lips, his brows slightly furrowed as he tried not to show how he truly felt until he couldn’t anymore. While you continued cleaning his knuckles, a shaky cough made you stop.
You raised your brow at him. “Lift your shirt.”
He didn’t have any intentions of doing so, his eyes still staring ahead of him before he coughed again. “Sinan, do it.” You ordered again tugging at the end of his shirt.
The red bruises scattered along his abdomen made your breath hitch in the back of your throat, instantly holding your still cold bottle of water against them. “Where did you get those bruises? Oh my God.”
“When Osman held you and Burak pinned me to the ground.” He explained under your worried gaze. “I’m fine, what about you?”
You scoffed. “You aren’t fine. Drink this.”
You handed him your bottle of water, sighing once you noticed the trace of blood coming from his eyebrow, cleaning with your thumb before it reached his cheekbone.
“I’m sorry you got into a fight because of me.” You said softly, your fingers lingering on the bruise on his cheek.
You cupped his face, Sinan instantly leaning into your touch. He had thought about it before, how it would feel to be this close to you, and now it was happening.
“How was I supposed to keep calm when he said that about you?” He asked, his jaw clenching again as he remembered Burak’s words.
You brushed it off, your thumb stroking his cheek to try to comfort him with a simple gesture. “I’m used to it, don’t worry. I don’t care anymore about what he says, he’s an asshole.”
“God, don’t say that.” He furrowed his brows before swallowing. “You shouldn’t be treated like that by anyone.”
His whole body was tense and his breathing was heavy, so you tried to make him listen to you so he would forget about everything. “Hey, just...focus on me, okay?”
He used all his willpower to nod, to not go right at the house again, and continue beating Burak up. "How was the party? Everything you expected?"
"No." You bluntly stated making him chuckle. "What about you? Did you have the awful time you expected?"
He gave you a side smile. "Not really, but I'm never doing it again."
"What? Faking to be my boyfriend?" You teased rubbing your eyes, too tired to care about your mascara probably now smudged.
When he didn't answer and only stared at you with a different expression you decided to take a leap of faith.
You slowly leaned forward, closing the gap between the two you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling your heart on fire while his mind raced, in disbelief that you were actually kissing him. One of his hands found the back of your head, fingers twisting in your hair as he pushed you closer to him, deepening the kiss. You felt his other hand on your lower back, just where your shirt ended.
After a few seconds, you broke apart first, your forehead leaning against his while you held his hand.
"Oh." You chuckled noticing how Sinan's poor lips were now covered in the red lipstick you were wearing and a bit swollen.
You used your thumb to clean it off, almost not noticing the small smile on his face.
"Let's get a taxi, shouldn't we?" He asked.
You nodded and stood up, the boy's arm around your waist keeping you closer to him. With your heart still beating more than usual, you couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he had followed his instincts and hadn't come to the party.
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Yes yes I'm safe. Thank you for worrying for me. I actually hadn't thought about it for a while. This will be very long. Please forgive me.
I would love to tell you since I don't have many people to tell.
TW: stalking, mention of r*pe, eating disorder(?)
So about a year into uni (I was 19) this guy who i thought was actually pretty cool (well dressed even though everyone knew his financial situation is bad, knowledgeable, excited for life, was working on a project to help people in need) was introduced to me by my friend. He liked my her and he chose to email her about it. Which was weird, this happened only a few years ago. She is really sweet and isn't the kind to outright reject people so I helped her with what to reply with, and he thought she only rejected him because he was poor. Then all hell broke loose. He suddenly became disheveled. Looked like he didn't sleep. Dropped all of his projects to the point where they failed. The only thing that didn't change about him is his social interactions. He was uppity and would make sure to sit with us, and befriend people in our circle that he hadn't met.
Over the course of the next year she would continue to reject him with my aid, and he would keep trying. I would talk to him just to know what's going on with him because I was scared for my friend because of how prisistant he was being. I talked him into trying for therapy after he told me some things that happened in his childhood, I was even in contact with his therapist at some point because he was worried he was lying to her. I emailed her with what's actually happening. He even once told me that the situation makes him so mad that he fantasised about rape. I couldn't tell my friend, I probably should've but she had severe anxiety. I started walking her to and from classes, and I bought a pocket knife.
That's when he started being weird to me. We'd leave on the same bus since we lived in the same area, and he would text me things like "I'm behind you." I obviously knew he was sitting behind me, but I tried to ignore him.
I couldn't tell anyone because my friend didn't want to tell anyone about what was happening with her, and we had the same friend group.
I was dating at the time, and he hated my boyfriend and his best friend really badly because they sensed a weird vibe from him and wouldn't leave us alone with him. He wouldn't even refer to them by name. I could see the hatred in his eyes. He even expressed to me that he couldn't be himself around me because of them.
One day, I had to leave uni at sunset, uni was empty and I was waiting for the bus. He comes and sits with me and I was really scared, there really was no one except me and the housekeeping staff, and he was two years older older me so he should be done with all the courses that require him to stay late. I'm normally not easily scared, but that day something felt off. I told him I needed to go get food and that I'll go alone, and I went to a supermarket that's outside the other side of campus, separated by a large building and a lot of stairs. As soon as I leave campus I turn around and I spot that he's been following me. He is maybe 800 m away. He doesn't turn around. Doesn't pretent to be doing anything else. Just stands there. I quickly texted my ex and told him, asked if he was awake and if could call him. Luckily it took my ex 5 minutes to come to campus. He was still there when my ex arrived. He hadn't moved an inch. He kept staring at my ex as if he'd massacred his entire family. My ex walked me to the bus and I went home safely.
When he realised he couldn't get to me on campus because my guy friends wouldn't let him, he started trying to get me to meet him outside of uni, I don't know if he knew that I knew what he was doing. I kept refusing and telling him I'm not going to see him at all. He then sent me a text that goes like this:
"Going on a walk. You can join if you want. I can pick you up from your house. And we can go from there. Tell me if you're interested. I'm going at 5 pm."
My house? How does he know where my house is? No one from uni know where I live specifically. Sure they know the part of the city I live in, because I go by bus, but no one ever drove me there. Unless he had followed me home since we go by the same bus.
I became paranoid, and I was going through unrelated trouble with my ex so I didn't get to tell him. I couldn't tell my friend because she'll panic. I couldn't cut contact with him because I knew he wanted to hurt my friend, and he would usually overshare on text so I would know if he was planning anything. There was nothing I could do but wait. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I was malnutritioned to the point where I was passing out randomly and my hair started to fall out in clumps.
That seemed to give him the greenlight. He bought me a gift. He even sent me an indirect feet pic (all my friends know i get really uncomfortable seeing feet, he knew this, he sent it on purpose) and I put up with it all, I don't know if it was the right thing to do. I was scared that any action I take will make him hurt my friend.
His therapist told him to not talk to her, then to act normal around her, but when he tried she obviously wasn't able to treat him normally. He told her it was doctors orders. She just couldn't, understandably.
She blocked him everywhere and I thought it was over. Until one day he comes up to me in person, and he says
"You'll be so mad at me. I did something bad."
And he said it cheekily, as if I was supposed to find it cute.
My friend was in the lecture hall right behind me so I wasn't worried about her. I ignored him.
Two days later she sends me a screenshot from the website of uni platform. A death threat in the direct messages of the platform.
My friend chooses to tell our friends, and our friends suggest that now that he abused the university platform, we can go to them, and they'll deal with it from there. That was the first time my friend mentions it to her family.
The uni holds a trial of sorts, and deems him less responsible because he was pn bpd medication. They make him sign an oath that if he every speaks to her or gets physically close to her he will be expelled. This has worked. He left her alone and we haven't heard from him since. I saw him occasionally, and when I was volunteering on campus he'd stay away from my booth, even if the people he was walking with came to talk to me, so I assume he thought I was included too.
A day after the trial my boyfriend and I broke up, I wasn't sad about the breakup as much as I was sad about never being able to tell him the details, because my friend didn't want anyone to know, and now that he knew, I'll never be able to tell him what I personally went through. Sure, i had confided in him the general outline of what was happening, against my friend's will, but I couldn't tell him how paranoid I had been.
I changed address shortly after, only out of pure luck, had my financial situation been slightly worse I would still have to live there.
I have graduated.
This is the first time I tell anyone about the harassment I endured. No one knows about his rape fantasies, no one knows about the stalking. I hope no one who knows me personally finds it, but it felt good to let it off my chest.
This is horrific. You were such a good friend honestly, but your friend was selfish and put you in danger by not allowing you to tell the people around you anything about it. It’s not fair especially that it involved you too. You went through so much for her, to protect her, and she prevented you from having someone to support you. what if he had done something to you? 
i’m not trying to say that this is her fault. it’s clearly the guy who is the insane one here but it’s not debatable. he’s a shit human being. I’m just disappointed in your friend. 
he is definitely dangerous and needs to be on some kind of list. it makes me shudder that he’s out there somewhere
once again you were an amazing friend. she is so lucky to have you but please take care of yourself too
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kenmas-consoles · 4 years
Haikyuu Band AU
Singer! Akaashi x Reader
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Akaashi was sat under a tree located a good few miles away from main campus, the boy had a guitar tucked under his arm and a worn out looking notebook and pen. Paper was scattered around him as he frustratedly crossed over what he had written down and scrapped the page right out of the book.
The dark haired boy sighed at the failed attempt to write song lyrics. He leaned against the tree and brought up his notebook and rested it on his face while his hands tapped a made up beat he’s been stuck working with for almost a month now on his guitar.
He was uninspired.
The boy had laid there motionless for half an hour, other students who were in the area just glanced over his figure with disinterest and assumed that the kid probably was either:
a. Dead
b. Wished he was dead
c. Really really drunk
All of which Akaashi believed to be a better option than to be creative blocked.
“I thought I’d find you here.”
At the sound of the voice, Akaashi tipped his head lower to allow the notebook to slide off his face, “Did you need anything from me Bokuto-san?”
"Nothing in particular, you seem to be working hard these past few days. I just wanted to see if you were well and alive. . . or drunk and dead like what the others keep saying."
Akaashi ignored the latter comment and said, "I wouldn't be if either you or Kuroo actually did any work for the band," with a sharp look. Bokuto put both his hands up in defense at the look their lead singer gave him.
"Well, Kuroo did in fact get some work done. . . He booked us a gig at next weekend and--
Akaashi rolled his eyes at the drummer's antics, except in the midst of doing so something had caught his attention as he felt a gust of wind pass him by. He turned to his left, feeling everything slow down, until it all came to a full stop. Except for this one girl, hair tied loose pigtails, ripped jeans in her pants, and a camera in hand. She was smiling ridiculously widely while instructing her companion to do various poses all in which she had acted out. She was weird but he felt naturally drawn in.
"--Hey, Hey, HEYYY, AGHAASSHII! Pay attention." Bokuto whines to the green eyed singer, mumbling how he was going to text Kuroo and ask him more details bout the gig and that he should do the same.
"Sorry, thought I saw something. . ." Akaashi muttered while shaking his head, moving his gaze away from the girl to the bi-colored hair male that sat next to him.
"It's okay as I was saying, Kuroo got us this gig at a club, yknow down town Tokyo? It's at 9pm don't be late. Also, Kenma got a deal with a corporate sponsor and Kuroo got us to perform for them at the end of June and that's in two months and apparently a lot of music sponsors and record labels are attending, so it could be our big break. Got it? Okay." Bokuto said all while patting himself down as he stood up from his spot. Bokuto then had winked at Akaashi, "Also, that girl's name is (Y/n), she's in the Arts Department, she's in the cheer team and we're the same Creative Writing Class."
Bokuto soon then left the boy who just continued to spend his whole afternoon and free period staring at the girl.
Ever since he saw her that one time by the hill, he's been seeing her a lot more. Be it by the school entrance, the lockers, or even the cafeteria, and it wasn't exactly a bad thing. He didn't exactly know much about the girl except for what Bokuto had already told him, he did ask around but that wasn't exactly getting him anywhere.
He had got the feeling you weren't exactly popular, or stood out much, he honestly didn't really expect it out of someone who is 'All that' as Bokuto put it, he even questioned if you were the same girl Bokuto knows.
'Not by a longshot' he had thought.
Although her face can be easily lost in a crowd, it was unmistakable.
That smile is unmistakable.
"She's all that, huh?" he quietly said to himself as he flipped open his notebook and quickly bit the cap out of his pen as he frivolously wrote down in his book.
'She's all that'
Tapping his pen and nodding his to the beat of the melody he's been working on. A lunch tray had placed itself across the table Akaashi had been occupying. The boy paid no mind to it as he was too absorbed in the sudden but not unwanted burst of inspiration to even take notice. The person had then cleared their throat to make their presence known, "Do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full." the girl lied.
Akaashi stared a while before coughing to his fist mumbling an apology while gesturing towards the seat infront of him almost as if to say 'take a seat.'
Akaashi then pretended to pay no mind to the girl infront of him as he kept his head down and eyes locked on his notebook. The girl found it amusing and giggled a bit at this.
It was kind of an obvious lie as the cafeteria was barely even halfway full. The girl wasn't stupid or oblivious to his stares or his attempt to find out more about her as she'd seen him question a few people from her department. She was just as curious and intrigued of him as he was of her.
"What are you working on?"
The question kind of threw him off guard as he accidentally knocked over his pen, "I-uh, It's a song." he replied briefly making eye contact before looking down again.
"I take it you're part of a band then?"
"I-, yes actually."
"Would you like to-uhm yknow watch a gig sometime?"
"Yeah, thatd be great."
Akaashi and (Y/n) locked eyes at that moment, and in that moment it felt like they've known nothing more but each other and that was the start of their weird friendship.
Akaashi had invited her to their show that weekend to which he found out was (Y/n)'s first time watching a gig and he's been taking her out every weekend to watch their shows. They've grown significantly closer the past month and he was slowly seeing nothing else but her. She was intoxicating and he was sure that the feeling he had for her was something more. Maybe he was beeing hasty in calling this feeling love but, he didn't know, all he did know was that he had infact already written a song abour her, one that he wanted her so badly to hear.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow Akaashi." (Y/n) said, turning and walking away.
"W-wait!" Akaashi yelled, cursing himself for stuttering, "I was wondering if. . . you would want to come to see me perform this Friday? The square, Tokyo, 10pm. Sound good?"
The girl tried to put on a straight face but couldn't help but bite back a smile. "We'll see, good night Akaashi." She said turning around to leave. Akaashi had silently cheered himself and fistpumped as he himself turned around to walk home.
It's 10:17 and you weren't here yet, and it made Akaashi much more anxious.
"You sure she's coming?" Bokuto teased, "Ofcourse she would, she'd get shit from your fanclub if she didn't."
"Shut up, I do not have a fanclub."
Kuroo made his way towards the two while plugging uo his bass. He whistled, "Full house out there." Akaashi then peered his head at the crowd of jamming teens and corporate sponsors. A girl comes out from the curtains, motioning that they should get on stage now.
Akaashi sighed, he closed his eyes as the music started and Bokuto clapping his drum sticks.
I'm in love with the Geek, the freak, the girl that never wins, so what, so what
He grabbed the mic and held it towards his lips as he got into the music.
I'm in love with the weird, the wild, her rip jeans in her pants, so what so what
He closed his eyes for a second, zeroing in on the beat of music, the vibrations of the cheering crowd and the sound of the bass. He opens his eyes allowing them to fleet over the faces in the crowd. They soon drift to a stop, seeing a familiar face he's been wanting to see since he first got here.
She's doesn't listen to the radio, but she sings along at all my shows
I'm in love with the Geek, the freak, the girl that never wins, so what, so what
He had caught her gaze and now he was searing with confidence as he jumped to the beat of his music and took the mic out of it's stand.
So what if she's no beauty queen, or the captain of the winning team
She's on the side lines living her own life and having a good time
So what if she's not popular, never made it as head cheer leader
She's on the side lines living her own life and having a good time (She's all that)
Akaashi had smiled causing her to give a smile of her own as he sang, he took note of how she nods her head to the beat of the music. He then points to her winking then smirking. 'It almost feels like he was singing to her' She had thought as her heartbeat suddenly picked up it's pace.
We could live happily ever after
All the girls in the world don't matter
She's the one, she's the one I'm after
So what if she's no beauty queen, or the captain of the winning team
She's on the side lines living her own life and having a good time
So what if she's not popular, never made it as head cheer leader
She's on the side lines living her own life and having a good time (She's all that)
Oh yeah, She's all that, Oh yeah
The song ends, Akaashi was sweating and breathing heavily, his grip on the mic hadn't loosened a bit. He was lost in the cheers of the crowd as it slowly made his ears numb. A sharp blaring sound is the only thing that he could hear as he continued to take uneven breathes. The numbness of his ears had faded upon seeing your face in the crowd again. He didn't want to lose you as he kept an eye on your figure. Kuroo and Bokuto had nudged him to take a bow along with them and once he did your figure looked like it was never there.
"Great performance out there."
"The song was lit."
As the grouo left the stage they were flooded with compliments, Kuroo had made his way to talk to a few girls whereas Bokuto's whereabouts are currently unkown. A finger had tapped Akaashi's shoulder, he turns around to fund you smiling that ridiculous smile of yours that forever had him captivated.
"You were great out there," the girl beamed.
"I guess. . . I-(y/n), I. . ." he hesitated, "I wrote that song about you and I-"
"I know."
Akaashi had never felt more horrified in his life, you on the other hand just continued on smiling as a solid blush crept it's way on hour face all the way to your neck.
"H-huh? Wait-I-what?"
"Bokuto told me," (Y/n) said as she craned her head to look over at the built male who was on the other side of the room, he had sent a flirtatous wink towards Akaashi.
"It was really sweet, I'm touched," she said while taking taking a step closer with each word, "but you wanna know something interesting? Akaashi Keiji is no longer a Stray."
"What do you mean?"
"Because, Akaash Keiji is mine now." she says leaning ever more closely, angling her her face and soon he could feel her breath fan against hos skin he then slowly closing the gap between them.
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shra-vasti · 4 years
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Series : To all the boys
Pairing : Jeon Wonwoo x reader
Type : non idol au, ex-lovers au
Genre : angst, drama, fluff, romance
Warnings : none
Word count : 2k approx
Synopsis : You decided to write some letters to every boy who was a part of your past as your last message after getting diagnosed with chronical disease.
[Received, 09.10.2020] | previous | next
"Hey y/n, did you hear about the news which is swirling around the school?"
"News about?"
You were currently sitting inside your class with Jane and your other classmate, Sylvia, the gossip queen. It was a free class, not many student were entertaining the classroom so you decided to just spend time there but Jane and Sylvia followed soon.
"Your beloved Wonwoo ofcourse."
You rolled your eyes at the prefix used by her, you had recently told her about your crush on Wonwoo since 7th grade and all you can say is that you genuinely regret telling her about it.
"What about him?"
"About him getting Yena pregnant."
You eyes widened at the information given to you. You remember Sylvia telling you how wrong it was to have feelings for someone who already had a girlfriend and you told her that she came into his life after you did and you aren't a threat to their relationship.
You weren't a threat, Sylvia realised that but she did wondered how you would cope up with your feelings whenever you saw them together.
You had told her that you just cared about him, nothing more than that and feelings can't be stopped, you didn't even know how he fell in love with her that fast when all he did in the past was play around with girls.
You guessed he settled down for good.
"How would you know they are just kids come on we are in high school."
You could already hear your heart beating loudly in your ears, him getting into relationship with the new transferred student even though he knew about your feelings just wasn't enough that now this news surfaced, it was honestly too much for you since you have always took care of him from the past without asking anything in return, silently.
"Y/N, don't think that Yena is innocent okay, I've helped her to take the pregnancy test, she always used to call Wonwoo to meet him up in my place to hungout cause my parents are always out of town and they have many times made out in my room, I know."
Her words silence you, you were aware how Sylvia was, she was someone who would add extra information on a certain scenario just to make others believe her words and you knew she was doing just that, it wasn't new at all but that didn't help the pang you felt in your chest at her words.
Your mind drifted off to 10 minutes before when you saw a really concerned Dani, your other friend beside Zeny and Andie, bumping you. You asked her what's wrong and all she said was she had to talk with Wonwoo and it would be great if you just stay away from him for sometime.
You knew from then that something was off, maybe you're friends were trying to save you from another heartbreak because of him, you knew the information given by Sylvia wasn't all fake and some of it was true.
You shook your head at her as Jane and Sylvia continued to argue whether the information was true or not. You crossed your arms and put your head down on it blocking both the girls from seeing your face as you tried your best to have a control over your rapidly beating hard.
It wasn't much of use since you could feel the tears slipping from your eyes and onto your uniform which your were wearing.
The class was going to end soon and if you didn't control your tears, everyone would know about your little breakdown and you didn't want to entertain anyone else.
"Y/N are you crying?"
You felt your head being pulled up by the two girls and Jane was quick to her action when she saw your tear stained face. Sylvia stayed glued on her seat, shocked to see you out of all people crying over someone.
Jane grabbed your hand and took you out of the class informing the teacher at the door that you've had an emergency and wanted to go to the clinic.
The hallway was empty since every one had retreated back to their classes, you let Jane drag you all through till you reach the turning point where the girl's washroom was supposed to be, then you untangled your wrist from her hand and made a run towards the washroom.
Tears were constantly slipping from your eyes and you were afraid anyone else would see them. Jane looked at your running figure before speeding up to catch up with you.
You bumped into Yena on the way as she was coming out of the washroom. She looked at you corcernly after seeing your tear stained face which just made you ever more hurt because she and her boyfriend were the mere reason you were this miserable.
You didn't listen to her and continued your way towards the washroom, you heard Jane telling her that you had some personal issues and that she shouldn't interfere in it.
You lift your head up when you noticed someone calling your name to see Bora heading in your direction.
You immediately ran up to her hugging her tightly as you let your emotions free and cried on her shoulder. She patted your head to console you. Jane reached to both of you as she patted your back and explained everything to her.
"Hey, you know how Sylvia is, don't mind her. I know Wonwoo, he wouldn't do something like that for sure, he's just a teenager and so is Yena."
She kept on consoling you explaining why you shouldn't let these things affect you, she knew about your feelings from day one so she understood how hard it must have been for you.
She told Jane to head back to the class and that she would stay in the washroom with you since she knew you weren't in the condition to do the class.
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"I'll go get my things so we can head to cafeteria."
You finally were able to get a hold of yourself and you stayed in the washroom with Bora till the lunch break arrived. You knew you couldn't stay here for long because all of the girls would start piling inside the washroom.
You were sure Jane would have told Zeny and Andie about your situation when both of them came crashing down at the washroom immediately engulfing you in a hug.
"Okay let's go, Bora, thanks for taking care of y/n."
The hallway was a bit busy but it seem as if no one really minded your absence much, to which you were glad. The classroom was empty as you reached the back of the class to get your things.
You bend down when your book fell to get it unknown of the fact that Wonwoo hurriedly entered the class, seeing no one since you were hidden by your desk, he got out of the class running towards the girls washroom.
"Jane, where's y/n?"
He was out of the breath as he held Jane by the shoulder asking her about you.
"In class?"
"No, I went inside the class but I didn't see anyone."
He shook his head as he made his way towards the girls washroom when a hand grabbed his making him stop on his tracks.
"Yah, Wonwoo where do you think you're going?"
He looked at Bora for a second taking her hand off his, then continuing to go inside the washroom to search you only to be held back by Bora again.
"I'm searching for y/n, if no one is going to tell me then I might as well search everywhere I can."
"Why do you want to see y/n?"
His patience was getting thin as he sat on the stairs which led to the girls washroom, Bora stood in front of him to make sure he wouldn't actually go inside the washroom as she crossed her arms across her chest looking at Wonwoo.
"You know all well why I want to."
"Y/N isn't Yena, Wonwoo, don't show so much care to the wrong person."
"I know who's important for me and who's not, you don't need to educate me on that and y/n means more to me and you know that."
With that he stood up heading back to the direction he came from, Bora shook her head before making her way towards the cafeteria where her friends were waiting for her.
He continued walking in the empty hallway, his head hung low thinking about the possible place you could be but sighing when nothing came into his mind.
He look up when he heard the sound of door getting locked, his eyes widening when he finally saw you by the door of the class, head hung low and you started making your way towards him unknown of his presence.
He yelled gaining your attention, you looked at him to see him smiling widely at you before running towards you, standing few feets away.
"Where were you I was searching for you everywhere."
"You don't need to know, I've to go, others are waiting for me."
You sided him continuing your path as you had no energy left in you to have a talk to him cause you knew your emotions would take the best of you.
You stopped in your track when Wonwoo grabbed your hand and turn you around to face him again.
"You're avoiding me now?"
"Why would I?"
He knew you weren't going to give in so easily and he was right. When he came to know that you cried, his first instinct was to find you cause he didn't like you shedding a single tear, he wouldn't let that happen, he needed to know the reason behind it so he searched for you only to get more desperate to find you when he learned the reason behind your breakdown.
"Why did you cry?"
He knew exactly why you cried but he wanted you to voice it so that he would be able to explain it to you.
"It's none of your business, Wonwoo please."
You pushed him aside as you once again started making your way towards the cafeteria but Wonwoo quickly catched up and stood in front of you successfully blocking you from going any further.
"You know the rumours aren't true, I want you to trust me okay?"
"I don't care about that Wonwoo and please don't worry about me anymore, you've a girlfriend for God's sake worry about her."
You hated the way he treated you at times and you hated the way he behaved when he was alone with you, he was completely opposite in front of everyone.
He cupped your cheeks as he leaned his forehead on yours closing the distance, you could feel the warmth of his body and you hated how his simple gestures affected your heart when your mind always warned you to be cautious around him.
"I care about you y/n therefore I worry about you, you know how much I care about you, what do you want me to do tell me, you want me to leave Yena? I'll do that just give me sometime."
You hated him for making you feel like you were on seventh heaven, how he had such impact on you. He had a girlfriend, you had to remind yourself time and again as you pushed his hands away from your face and took a step back.
It felt so wrong to be this close to him but at the same time it felt like your heart was finally at ease. Your heartached as you saw disappointment in his eyes but he needed that, he needed to know he already had a girlfriend and he shouldn't cross his lines.
"Don't do that Wonwoo, don't give me hope."
On your peripheral vision you could see Yena coming in your and Wonwoo's direction as you inhaled deeply.
"Trust me y/n I'll come back to you, just wait for me."
He turned around to see Yena standing few feet away from both of you, she made her way towards where you were immediately getting concerned when she saw you.
"Are you okay now?"
She asked as she grabbed your shoulder lightly smiling at you. You nodded your head at her thanking her and telling her not to worry much.
"I was looking forward to eat lunch with you."
She turned towards Wonwoo who simply smiled at her but his eyes were focused on you so you decided to get away from them. Seeing them together would just hurt you more.
"I'm sorry for that, I was having a talk with y/n, I'll make it up to you."
She giggled as she hugged him making you involuntarily roll your eyes at him, how typical of him. It was like he just wanted to lift you up only to make you fall down hard and it certainly worked everytime.
You shook your head, knowing he wouldn't stop you now that his girlfriend was with him, you started walking.
Wonwoo grab your hand again, you turn your head to find him still hugging Yena as he looked at you, his other hand guiding Yena's head at the crook of his neck so she won't see what he was doing.
"I'll make it up to you, you just have to wait for me."
He said, his eyes directly looking into yours as if telling you that he meant that for you.
"Of course Wonwoo I'm not angry at you, we can go on a date after school if you are feeling sad about not eating with me."
"Of course babe, whatever pleases you."
You chuckled at the fact that Yena didn't realize whom the sentence was directed to, you shook your head at Wonwoo before removing his hand from your wrist.
You continue to make your way towards the cafeteria, this time succeeding as he didn't stop you. How would he, when he had her in his arms.
In the end it didn't matter how much he care about you because he would always choose her over you and you hated that.
You wondered if Yena ever feels the change in his behaviour or she's just too blinded to see that a person like Wonwoo wants the world and wouldn't settle till he gets what he wanted.
In your case, he wanted to stay beside his girlfriend but wouldn't trade you for anything and you wondered if you ever will be able to get away from his maze.
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