#i just write out my responses to any scenario to help calm my mind
jacky-rubou · 2 years
I think they'd be more happy getting money than judge you for it. Unless they're absolute DOUCHE bags
Oh, no, this isn't an issue of being worried they'll judge my idea or whatever (I've even commissioned them before). It's just a blurry definition of one of the things their rules state they won't draw that's making me unsure. Like what does 'mecha' encompass? How broad is the definition in the context they're using it in? If it's too broad they might not draw my idea, but if it's a reasonably strict definition to them then maybe they would. Also they might not be comfy with the AU I'm wanting them to draw for, so any second idea without the possible 'mecha' element might not work either. I have nothing against them if they don't take the commission though. It's their right to refuse it. I'm just terrified of rejection and try to cope by preparing for every scenario I can think of that makes sense to happen so I know what to expect and what to say. Thanks for the reassurance though.
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lovelybrooke · 11 months
Do you have any headcanons for what hobie would be like with a person he considers to be his younger sibling having autism? Like he’s older than them and they’re like a little sibling to him. To be more specific, they really like having a routine, are sensitive to loud noises, constantly stims by pacing, and is socially awkward and tend to feel like an alien around people
Hobie with an Autistic reader (Platonic yandere Hobie x reader).
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I'll be completely honest, I don't have Autism so if anything in this post seems offensive in any way, please notify me and I'll take it down immediately. I tried my best, so please keep that in mind while reading.
Check out my other works here: Masterlist
Hobie takes your place as big brother very seriously, regardless of if you were autistic or not. He is very socially aware and easily can tell when you're overwhelmed and need a break. If you're showing any signs of distress, he takes you out of the situation immediately and helps you calm down.
While Hobie is a very random person and doesn't stick to one think often, he doesn't mind going about your specific routines with you, especially if it's a day where you need extra assistance. He doesn't mind doing the same thing over and over, because he knows how much you need to do your routines.
Music is a big part of Hobie's life, but he understands that his style of music might be too much for you. So, he involves you in his pastimes in other ways. You help him write the lyrics for his songs and on days where he doesn't feel like blaring out eardrums with his guitar, he'll play you songs at a volume you can enjoy. If you're feeling up to it, he'll even teach you how to play. You can bet that if you're into certain bands or styles of music, he's learning how to play their songs just to make you happy.
Hobie is not afraid of tell someone off if they are making you uncomfortable. If someone is being too loud, he gives you his headphones before telling them to be quiet. If someone makes fun of you for getting too excited about something, he tells them to fuck off because they're ruining your fun. If someone bad mouths you when you're not around, Hobie is the first to defend you. He's fiercely protective of you because it's his nature, not just because you're autistic. He can't stand people disrespecting the people he loves, and that extends to you.
Hobie knows how it feels to not belong and often feels other than. While a part of him is proud of his unique status, he knows it can be isolating. His heart hurts when he sees you genuinely try to open up to someone only to get shot down or your words be misinterpreted. It's why Hobie tries so hard to understand you.
Hobie is one of the few yanderes that doesn't keep you from having a life outside of him. In fact, Hobie is incredibly happy whenever you make progress in something you've been struggling with, like social situations. If you come to him talking about a new friend you made, he'll be so happy because he knows how stressful specific social situations might be.
One great thing about Hobie in this scenario is that he doesn't treat you like a child. He treats you like a person first, while also not completely ignoring your autism since he knows it's an integral part of you. He doesn't get annoyed at your stimming or ranting about your interests because those behaviors are an aspect of you, and that's what he loves about you. He doesn't try and change you and you don't try and change him, it's a perfect dynamic in his mind.
Though, like any big brother, Hobie can get very protective of you. He doesn't want to take his life away from you, but he can't help but get nervous whenever your put in situations where he knows a bad outcome is possible. Even if you explain to him that you'll be fine and that you can't constantly be coddled, he still feels like it's his responsibility to make sure you're doing okay, even if you're perfectly fine.
Hobie excuses his behavior by claiming that he's your brother and he knows best. He knows you're your own person, but he's just doing what he thinks is right for you. Manipulation his how Hobie gets around a lot of your questions about his behavior. He just wants you to be happy, so you should be questioning is protective nature or defensiveness, it's how big brothers act.
A/n: Again, I'm not autistic so please inform me if any of this was offensive/incorrect. I really hope you enjoyed.
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salty-croissants · 6 months
would Rayman/Ramon ask Y/N in marriage? If yes, how would it be??
Thank you for the request ! 
Let me tell you , I was really excited to start working on this one : it’s just such a neat and wholesome scenario ://D 
Hope it turned out okay !
Details : use of gender neutral reader ;
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Rayman 🧡
Now that the two of you have been together for quite a while , the idea of making your relationship something even more by asking you to marry him has crossed Rayman’s mind multiple times : 
he just loves you more than anything , and since he knows that the feeling is definitely mutual the probability that you’d say yes to the proposal is pretty high …
However , something seems to be successfully stopping him from bringing up the topic . 
You see , if there is one thing that Rayman is terrified of is rejection , which isn’t surprising considering that he’s been dealing with that ever since he left Dimension X … and immediately after there is the fear of making you uncomfortable in any way .
He ends up being very anxious about the whole thing , overthinking every little detail to make sure that the day he’ll eventually decide to propose to you he is going to have a plan prepared to make it special … 
Tough you can tell something is up . 
< Hmm … maybe that’s not the right place … they said that they feel more at ease when there isn’t too much noise , so it might be a bit too crowded … 
Then again , we could always just … > 
< Hey Ray , here’s some coffee , you’ve been here for a long time and - 
Hey , what’s that you’re writing ? > 
< Oh - y/n  — 
It’s nothing love , don’t worry about it , just … business stuff , y’know ? 
Thanks for the coffee by the way … sorry , I should’ve said that first , heh … > 
After lots and lots of planning and doubting weather or not you’ll say yes , Rayman ends up choosing a day in which the two of you are mostly free to then ask you to come with him somewhere for a “surprise” …
< Ohh , what’s it gonna be ? I love a good mystery ! >
< Heh , trust me honey , I’m pretty sure you’re going to be very surprised … I’ve been working on it for some time now . > 
< Really ? All for me ? 
Darling , you shouldn’t have … you’re always so sweet ~ > 
Despite trying to seem calm and confident like always , Rayman is … honestly freaking out inside : maybe a date on the very top of a skyscraper wasn’t that good of an idea … what if you didn’t like it ? What if you found it too much ?
But his worries immediately disappear when he sees the look on your face after reaching the place : he had decorated it with flowers and pretty candles , their gentle flame illuminating the darkness of the night …
< Ray … ! This is so beautiful ! > 
He smiles in response , reaching for something hidden in a corner and taking out his trusty guitar .
The surprise was indeed not over , and the moment you hear him start singing a song he wrote for you you can’t help but blush : your boyfriend was right when he said you weren’t going to expect what was going to happen that night …
As soon as he finishes you lock Rayman in a tight embrace , peppering his face with affectionate little kisses .
< Heh … I take it you like what I came up with ? > 
< Like it ? I love it ! Everything about this is amazing ! > 
You pause for a moment to give him a curious look .
< Tell me tough … was this all really just to surprise me ? 
I don’t know , it just feels like you’ve been wanting to tell me something ever since we got here . > 
< *sigh* … yeah … you got me . > 
As you watch Rayman kneel before you and search for something in his pocket , your eyes widen : 
could this really be … ? 
< y/n , my angel , my ray of hope … ever since you became part of my life , you’ve made it so much better : you have filled a crater in my soul that I’ve been carrying with me for years and that no amount of fame and fans could fill … 
You’re just wonderful , wonderful in every way , and … > 
He takes a deep breath , revealing a ring in his hand .
< … I honestly want nothing more than to spend every moment with you , forever .
y/n , will … will you marry me ? > 
Hearing him ask you that question leaves you speechless for a moment , and right when Rayman is about to tell himself that this whole thing was a terrible idea you smile at him lovingly while kneeling in front of him .
< Of course , Rayman … > 
He is simply overjoyed by your answer , and after placing the ring on your finger he leans closer to kiss you …
< Oh y/n … I love you so much , I’m … mm … so happy … > 
His words make your heart skip a bit , while you gladly reciprocate his passionate displays of affection … 
This truly is a new beginning for the both of you . 
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Ramon 🖤
If he was anxious about proposing to you before , now that he rebelled against Eden there has been a significant change : 
Ramon feels like something terrible could happen any minute given that you two are constantly on the run , so he just wants to come clean with his true feelings for you before that … 
However , since coming to terms with the dark truths of the many awful things he indirectly played a part in has crushed his already fragile self esteem , Ramon is already unsure about the current state of your relationship … so asking you to marry him ? 
Would that really be okay ? Did he really have the right to do such a thing after all he put you through … ?
You noticed right away that something had been troubling Ramon during the past few days , something other than the fear of getting found by Eden’s allies , so you take every opportunity to try and help him out …
< Ram , honey … you know you can tell me anything , right ? > 
< Yeah … I know … > 
< If something is worrying you , I’d be more than happy to list - >
< y/n I’m fine , really , I just … have a lot on my mind . > 
< I get it … still , please don’t be afraid to talk to me , okay ? 
I love you , and I want to be there for you always . > 
Your kindness and care for him always manage to bring him some peace : 
maybe he was wrong to feel like he didn’t deserve you … maybe … maybe you were going to accept his wish to deepen your relationship … 
He thinks about it a lot after you have those types of conversations . 
Finally one day he decides that he can’t look away from what he truly wants anymore , and while you two might not be able to do anything outside your house to avoid attracting any unwanted attentions Ramon is definitely going to try and make the place look a bit nicer for when you return …
< *gasp* woah - Ram , what’s all this ? > 
< Oh , I … decided to finally hang those star-shaped ceiling lights we had in the drawer , the ones that you bought a few months ago .
Do you … like them … ? > 
< Are you kidding ? They look so pretty ! Thank you so much ! > 
Your bright smile Ramon feel a lot more at ease , and he lets out a light chuckle in front of your sheer excitement . 
< I gotta ask though , is this for some special occasion ? 
I mean , it was really sweet of you to surprise me , but … > 
< Yeah , actually … I’ve been thinking a lot about this , and I think that there is something you should know . > 
You follow your boyfriend in the living room , a bit curious about what could be warranting such a special treatment , and the two of you end up sitting next to each other on the couch . 
After a few minutes , Ramon takes a deep breath , his eyes never leaving yours as he holds your hands in his .
< y/n … I know this is probably not the right time or the right place : so much shit has been going on lately , and I understand if it’s weird of me to bring this up now , but … > 
You can hear his voice trembling slightly , almost like the anxiety of telling you what he wants to say is suffocating him , and you give his hands a gentle squeeze to encourage him . 
Ramon gives you a thankful little smile before carrying on .
< Okay … okay , let’s just get to the point :
you’re the best partner I could’ve ever asked for , you even decided to help me out now that I’m a criminal , risking everything to be by my side … 
That’s something that I’ll never be able to properly thank you for , and while I have no clue what the future has in store for us I just know that I want you to be a part of it . > 
You can’t help but blush during his speech , overwhelmed by the sheer love of his words , and the moment Ramon reveals a little hand made ring in his pocket you finally realize what he’s trying to say …
And you couldn’t be happier .
< So , y/n … will you marry me ? > 
< Oh Ramon , yes , yes ! > 
You reach out for him to hold him in your arms , and after a moment of surprise you can hear him laugh , all his tension fading away as of it was never there …
< y/n … > 
He caresses your cheek , and before you know it you can feel his warm lips on yours , giving you a demonstration of how much you mean to him … 
You sigh softly , getting lost in that moment of sweet intimacy , and when you eventually pull away to catch your breath you both stare into each other’s eyes .
< … sorry for not being able to get you an actual ring by the way , I couldn’t really walk around and buy one with all those Eden assholes all over the place , but - > 
< Ram  , it looks absolutely perfect , the fact that you made it for me makes it even more special …
I love you so much ~ > 
< Heh … I love you too , angel ~ > 
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whump-kia · 4 days
okay i have a proposition.
i have this idea that i can't get out of my head but i have a feeling it might not be in character/plausible so feel free to change it or message me if it is But
is there any scenario where a glitch to morri's personality systems would like. make them act completely out of character but not necessarily in a distressed way?? like they either become super happy and affectionate or like sad and weepy or even just act vaguely drunk/silly? i know its kind of a weird ask and its not really whumpy but i just think it would be so silly to see that side of them and jj's reaction to it ( ๑˘ω˘ )
feel free to make it whumpy if you can too! i'd be very interested to see that, but either way i have another whumpy ask ill send in a bit!
bug. bug your MIND. okay this one is short but incredibly sweet. and it is not beta'd because I was so excited to write it and I love it a lot so thank you for the ask bug I dedicate this one to you!!!
"What on earth are you doing."
"Hugging you." That's all Morrigan says in response. Their arms are wrapped around JJ's shoulders from behind the couch, snug and warm, and their hair is infuriatingly tickling his left ear where their chin rests. "Do you want me to stop?"
JJ lets out a short breath. He is very, very confused. "...Uh, no, you don't have to stop, just. Since when did you get cuddly?"
"Am I being cuddly?" Their head tilts, nudging his ear. "I'm just hugging you."
"Yeah, I noticed that. Is there any particular reason?"
Morrigan stops to think. It's strange, hearing the soft hum of their breath behind him, as close as they are. Morri isn't touchy, and he doesn't mind respecting their space, so whatever the fuck this is, it's nothing short of seriously freaky.
"You seem... stressed." Morrigan releases him, and maneuvers to sit next to him. The couch dips, and they fold their hands. "I want to help."
"Stressed? I mean, maybe. I just got the new assignment, so I'm a little tense, but..."
Morrigan leans their head on his shoulder.
He stops in his tracks. "Morri?"
"Are you... okay?"
"I'm fine. Are you? Your shoulder is very tense."
JJ barely scoffs. "Yeah. You're laying on it. Forgive me if that's a bit surprising."
"It's supposed to make you relax," they say, frowning and sitting up. "Could I hold your hand instead?"
"Or maybe..."
Morrigan then lays fully down and rests their head in his lap, all while JJ holds both hands up in complete and utter bewilderment. What on earth is happening?
"Woah, Morri. Hey. Snap out of it. Who are you, and what have you done to my robot?"
"Not your robot," Morrigan corrects neutrally, "and I'm trying to help you. Physical contact is supposed to help stress levels. Your heart rate is increasing, though, am I doing it wrong?"
"Okay, Baymax." JJ gently pushes them upright, and holds them by the shoulders. "Do me a favor and run a system diagnostic."
Their eyes blink rapidly. The left one shutters into a solid yellow, the color oddly cold for its shade. Morrigan goes motionless for several seconds.
Eventually, they jolt. "Oh."
One eye blinks as they readjust. "Small bug. I... am overreacting."
JJ tilts his head, confused. See, normally, an 'overreaction' ends in several hours of dissociation or trying to coax down his friend from committing murder. This doesn't seem like an overreaction. It's strange, but nothing close to what he's used to. "To what?"
"Excuse me?"
Morrigan takes a breath, flinching back. "Sorry. I'm sorting it. You're registering as a target."
JJ tries to relax. "That is a lot more threatening than the hug you gave me."
"No, I was trying to--" They frown, frustrated. "You're stressed. I'm reading it as a threat. I tried to calm you down. Make you less of a threat. Best option was to hug you."
"Oh." He nods, and breathes out, doing everything he can to make himself look harmless. "Makes sense. Are you still reading me as a threat?"
Their eyes glaze over, the way they do when they're looking at something only they can see. "Yes."
"Want to fix that?"
Morrigan's eyes focus immediately. "What?"
JJ opens his arms in an invite. He wiggles his eyebrows. "Sort out the bug with some cuddles, Morri, c'mon! I give great hugs."
"You are..." Their gaze is captured by something, for just a moment. They sigh, heavily, and lean in for the hug. "...an absolute moron," they mutter into his shirt.
"Hey. Is it helping?"
Morrigan settles against their chest, curled up adorably. Their eyelids flutter shut, no doubt working through whatever line of code snapped in their systems. It'll take a while to fix it all. "I suppose."
"Then I'm a genius."
"Sort it out, cuddle bug."
"Never call me that again."
(JJ wouldn't mention it to anyone. But Morrigan enters stasis there, in his arms. And even if the couch is less than comfortable, and he has a mission early in the morning on the other side of town, he doesn't move an inch.)
(Because Morrigan, despite everything, is very very warm. And JJ wouldn't let go for the world.)
this is tooth-rotting fluff and I Don't Care it was SO FUN TO WRITE so I hope this fulfills your ask!!! thank you bug!!!!
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lunart-06 · 6 months
Good day, I have a request to make regarding your current ao3 that you wrote.
Ok imma stop with the fancy English. I read your ao3 titled "there was nothing left for me" and absolutely adored it so I want to ask if you could write a good ending.
Like when izuru was outside talking about how unpredictable the ocean is and no amount of luck will ever bring makoto back, immediately he said that, up in the sky, is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! Its a heavily damaged helicopter hurdling towards him at mach 4. The helicopter crashes right next to him with rubble from the helicopter flying everywhere without hitting him. His curiosity gets the best of him and you'll never guess what he finds inside. A very beaten up and bloody scars makoto who looks like his on the brink of death.
That was the idea I've been brainstorming ever since I finished ur fic. So thanks for reading and incase u actually take this into consideration (I'll be very glad if u do) please take your time I don't mind waiting
(Ur fic has done crazy stuff to me like once in every 10 scenario sessions I have it's based on this fanfic Thank you so much for writing it)
ARCK TY SM!!!! That fic was the only thing that made me feel like I can't possibly write anything close to that quality anymore and needed to get more deeply into my zone but I'm glad you liked it!!!
And for the ending, it was extremely inte ded for me to make a very open-like kinda ending to ensure something like these! You can imagine ANY scenarios regarding of what happened and with the kind of ending I go for COULD lead to tons of possibilities!
It could be Kamukura destroying the foundation and still feeling empty inside, or who knows maybe he find Makoto's coffin while at it? Or maybe Makoto is *still* alive yet just wandering aimlessly after escaping and tricking everyone of his death? Who knows who knows, that's what fun about them!
And to indulged in your one of many scenarios of ending for this fic.
Kamukura wouldn't pay attention to anything else, as said, the agonizing turmoil crashing on everything he had build up for. But he *does* aware of the sound above him, and just like that his ultimate talents switched without command and stood aside a few good feet away, in a certain spot, as a vehicle crash down next to him.
I don't believe Makoto could even still be standing after surviving an execution from *Munakata* of all things, that man won't let him breath. So in this case, some of his other friends and sister had helped him out of the dire situation. Judging from Byakuya's scowl towards Hagakure it seems that it was the teller's responsibility in controlling the helicopter, but knowing Byakuya's distrust over something so life-threatening to someone like Hagakure, it seem he was suppose to be temporarily held control over it until some *bad luck* happened.
Toko was there, Komaru was there, Byakuya left his knot tying rushed to go over to Hagakure, leaving the body—
The body that was still moving. *breathing*. Though shallow and slow, definitely in pain, slightly trembles perhaps from the large injuries and the shock from literally falling from the sky. The sight of it managed to make Kamujura's skin pricked, muscles tightening, and eyes frozen to one sight of one subject. Komaru calling onto the body she held is when Kamukura can feel the freezing water washed over him and wiped the toxins in every parts of his molecules.
"Makoto please hang on—"
Makoto. He can see it clearly now, the messy hair of brown with strands sticking out in multiple places, damped with sweat, paler than necessary to be consider healthy, the while shirt soaked with red, his whole figure is writhing as if cold and taking shallow breath as if drowning, he couldn't see the calming olive eyes when the lids clenched shut, eyebrows pinching together closely that the skin wrinkles, his teeth grits and released from pain and to breath, holding onto the major blow of the injuriy that could have really taken his life dearly.
"Kamukura?" The sister called out, and for once, he paid attention, "please— please, help him– help my brother please, h-he's—"
He doesn't let her finished before his whole body moved in instinct, swiftly picking the deathly cold body that's far more than Kamukura's own, and as he made contact with Makoto, he can feel multiple talents surge through him all at once; ultimate hunter checking any possible threat on his surroundings, ultimate bodybuilder to properly hold Makoto without shaking too much of his injuries, ultimate medic to check anymore major wound aside from the one Makoto covered.
And when Makoto finally squint an eye opened to stare directly on Kamukura's clouded crimson ones, smiling in a shaky manner with a relief undertone (for once, Kamukura *understood* that. Instead of *knowing*), he spoke, in an exhale, his voice whispered; "I..... tol' you.. that I'll–.... be......back..—"
And ultimate runner to quickly take Makoto back to the base of the island.
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abyss-presence · 7 months
Could you maybe write Forrest with stubborn teenager reader that’s a found family trope? I thought of it once and it never left my mind lol
Note: gender neutral reader, usage of they/them pronouns, short
Not gonna lie, this is the one I'm least proud of, and I feel like I haven't done this idea and this request a lot of justice, but bear with me.
Kids these days
"For the last time kid, you are not going to fight the Whistling Man, you hear me?" Forrest really wasn't having it with these kids today. First Jimmy (fly high) and his stupid pranks, and now this asshole of a kid. Can this night really get any worse? "Come on Forest, cool off a bit. They're just a child, they have ambitions to be the hero of this town, just like you!" Peggy would say to calm him down, laughing with glee. It was amusing how this grown up man didn't seem to notice just how similar he and this caller are. Forrest only grumbled something inaudible in response, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. "You know what, I'm not responsible if this kid dies, that's on them entirely." "Forrest! You can't just say that!" Of course, Forrest himself knew he didn't actually mean it. There's no way in hell he would let this kid die. In general, as much as he didn't like to admit it, he was fond of kids. Most of them anyway, there are always exceptions to the rules. Either way, after a brief moment of silence on their end, Forrest speaks up again: "Fine then, if you will keep insisting on fighting the Whistling Man, do you at least have the skill to do so? Or a good weapon?" But then, without giving you a chance to answer, he adds: "This is insane, you shouldn't be getting anywhere near that freak! Didn't you hear what he did to Murphy? What he wanted to do to Eugene?!" He just couldn't understand why a damn teen would want to fight a grown man with a mask and a knife. What was going through their head? "I know. This is exactly why I want to do this. I want to avenge all the people that he's hurt. Who does he think he is, to hurt people like it's his God given right to do so?" "Murphy had the same idea. Didn't work out well, did it?" Forrest really wasn't having any of this. It's like this kid doesn't hear what they themselves are saying. His response was followed by a moment of silence, before they spoke up again: "Okay, well, I know how that sounds, but I have a plan. You'll see!" With that, the call ended.
And he did see. He did see what that "plan" was when, apparently, the same kid got pushed into the room with him. And now they're both trapped here. Great. Wonderful. Just purely fantastic. "So let me get this straight. Your entire plan was to stalk the killer and find out what his motives are?" However, just when he was about to call them crazy, they interrupted him: "Save the talk for later old man, you have to hear me out first." What is up with these snarky teenagers and calling him an old man? "Something doesn't add up. Here, look for yourself." They give him a notebook, which had recorded times of each attack, how and where those attacks happened and how the killers move. They point out a specific point in the timeline. "See those here? That's barely a 10 minute difference. And the killer seems to be using different weapons in different scenarios." Forrest carefully read over all the details that the kid noted about the attacks on Eugene and Virginia. Different weapon types, too much distance, too little time. To be fair, he was actually a little impressed with their work, since it did provide helpful details. Forrest couldn't help but give the tiniest of smiles as he looked over at the kid, ruffling his hair. "I hate to say it, but you did a great job. I think Deputy Martinez will appreciate this for sure." Both of them were snapped out of their conversation as the "Peggy button" suddenly lit up, receiving a call from the Whistling Man.
As the two wait for the cops to handle dealing with Henry, an awkward silence falls between them. Until eventually, Forrest sigh and turns to the kid with a simple question: "You going to the festival tomorrow? We could get ice cream or something."
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villainsblog97 · 1 year
hello !! hope you're doing well
okay so i have a request that has been on my mind recently idk if it's a good idea or not but could you please write xdinary heroes when they see their
s/o crying because they accidentally hurt them
i know it feels like sad but i think it can turned into a cute thing anyways :')
oh and you can take your time on this one i don't mind if you write it and post it like 2 weeks later
tysm !:)
Hello my love! I am doing very well I hope you're also doing well too!
I would absolutely love to write this for you!
Xdinary Heroes Scenario
(Realizing they've hurt you)
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Summary: How would our heroes react after they have realized they have hurt you.
Warnings: Obvious Angst, Language, Maybe some pg 13?
Scenario: Angst, Fluff at the end, romance, Boyfriend AU
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Gun-il has a lot on his plate
Being the leader of his band
It's not easy
Especially this group
But he always tries to make time for you
He sat on the couch one night
You kept asking him if he ate
or if he''s drinking water
He was hard at work
Finally you tried to help
You came up and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders
Only to have a rather unpleasant response
Gun-il tore your arms off of him
"Not now Y/N!" he snapped
You jumped a little at his voice
You nodded and slowly walked over to the kitchen
Gun-il's guilt was now eating him alive
He caught a glimpse of your sad figure slowly dragging to the kitchen
He sighed and sat all his notebooks and stuff to the side
And asked you to bring him some water
He was really asking you for something after talking to you the way he did!?
You agreed and grabbed the water bottle out of the fridge before walking over and dropping it down on the coffee table
You turned around and walked away
But Gun-il grabbed your hand before you could fade out of his view
And pulled you down into his lap
"I'm so sorry baby, I was out of line" he spoke lowly
Almost in a desperate whisper
"I understand you don't need any comforting Gun" You sighed as you tried to break out of his grip
"I always need you baby" He whispered again before pulling you closer to trap your lips in his
Guess it was time for him to take a break.
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Jungsu was not having a good day
at all
It was just feeling like everything bad was happening
He spilled his coffee all over him in the morning
He dropped food on his music sheet
and to make matters worse
He had a short in one of the cords for his keyboard
So all the sound was off
Nothing could make his day worse
A red sock in his white laundry
He came home and you were standing there with a look of worry
"What's wrong?" He asked as he dropped his bag on the floor by the couch
"Um...Jungsu... you did laundry this morning... and uh You left a sock in your white pile... and.... it sort of.... got put in to....the washer"
He drew the longest sigh you have ever heard
"Everything is pink now isn't it?" he sighed
You nodded
Jungsu groaned in agony
"Why didn't you pay attention!?"
"Whoa, I'm sorry Jungsu, but it wasn't my fault"
"Right, it's my fault! It's always my damn fault!"
You nodded
Obviously he needed some space
"Okay... I'm gonna give you some space now, come find me when you've calmed down" you walked away and went into your room and slammed the door
You sat on your bed and sighed irritated
A few minutes later you heard a small knock on the door
Jungsu slowly opened the door and sat on the bed
pulling you into his arms
You pulled away but he whined and wrapped his arms around you tighter
"please hug me Y/N!!!" he whined
"I don't want to Jungsu!"
He whined again and refused to let you go and kissed your cheek multiple times
"Please Jagiyaaaa" he whined again
Whining and holding you finally go you to let out a small laugh
"Oh! you laughed!" he smiled and pulled you backwards on the bed
"No! let me go! I'm mad at you!"
"No!" he laughed as he held you tightly
"Kim Jungsu!" you whined
He shut you up by pressing a quick kiss to your lips
"I'm sorry, I just had a bad day, I shouldn't have taken it out on you"
He frowned
"No you shouldn't have"
He nodded and hugged you closer
How could you not forgive him
"Okay fine.. I forgive you" you laugh
You laid in bed, hearing all about Jungsu's horrible day
You kissed his head and told him you'd make him some food to help him feel better.
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Jiseok was really pissed off
(And I've said it many times)
(Boy looks freaking scary when he's mad)
Some guy was obviously making moves on you
He was making comments to you
Flirting obviously
Even though your boyfriend was literally right next to you
You were brushing off his comments
But the more this person tried
the more mad he was getting
God he was fuming
The person finally announced they had to go to the bathroom
"Jiseok are you okay?"
"Do I look fine to you?? That person is obviously hitting on you!"
"They're just being nice Jiseok"
"Don't be stupid Y/N, I know what nice looks like"
Did he just call you stupid?
"What did you just call me!?"
He sighed a little at his comment
"I meant-" you glared and walked away from him
You sat away from him, cursing his name under your breath
The same person that was complimenting you came and sat beside you
You explained to them that you just wanted to be left alone
And that's when the moves started being passed
first they tried to rest their hand on your leg
You moved your leg
Then they kept wanting to buy you drinks
You kept declining the offer
Eventually your hand was grabbed and you were brought back to Jiseok's side
"I'm going to ask you once, to stay away from my Y/N"
The person got up and left
But nowhere near as annoyed as Jiseok
"Jiseok...I'm so sorry you were right! god I am stupid!" your eyes stung with tears as he wrapped your arms around your boyfriend
He held you close
"You're never stupid baby... I was stupid to let you walk away from me" He looked you in the eyes before pulling into the most passionate kiss ever
he had to let you know how much he loved you
"Jiseok, I wanna go home" you whispered in his ear.
Jiseok nodded and took your hand, leading you out.
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Seungmin and you were arguing over something that he had no control over
It was your first dating anniversary
And he was going to miss it
Because the band had to be at a festival
The exact same day
Seungmin didn't want to do this to you
But he literally had no choice
You tried not to let it bother you
But it was an important day
You let your emotions get to you
And here you were
"I told you what came with this relationship Y/N!"
"Yes I know Seungmin, am I not allowed to be mad!?"
"You're being ridiculous is what you're being! There isn't a damn thing I can do about this, so please stop bitching about it!"
The snap made your heart break a little
It's almost like he didn't care
"Well if you don't care about it, why are you still here!?" you yelled back
"I don't know! Why am I!?"
He stormed off and walked out the door, slamming it aggressively
You slid down the wall in tears
He really didn't care that much
But oh were you wrong
Seungmin slowly opened the door and walked back in
"Y/N, can I please come back inside now?"
You looked up and saw him
"Because I love you, and I'll have the day after off, so we can just celebrate it the next day, whatever you want to do"
You stayed quiet for a second
"Baby please... please can I come back now"
You looked at his eyes and saw the plea in them
You couldn't help it anymore
You stood up and ran and jumped into his arms
Wrapping your legs around his torso as he held you tightly in his arms
He kissed you as if he was going to lose you
Holding you so tightly
He was carrying you away to your room
ready to show you how much he loved you.
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(Can anyone even fight with this guy??)
Hyeongjun came home really tired and totally stressed out
He messed up on one of his guitar solos
Though nobody noticed
You were back stage and could see the frustration in his face
He tried to put on a happy face
But he's always so hard on himself when I comes to his performance
You went home first and he shortly followed
He dropped his bag on the floor and set his guitar case down
Then he plopped down on the couch
You tried to comfort him as much as you could but everytime you did
It got him more and more frustrated
"But I messed up Y/N!" He finally snapped
It made you jump a little
You've been dating Hyeongjun for almost 3 months now and you've never heard him raise his voice
His whole demeanor changed when he saw you jump
"Y/N no.... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell" he spoke so gently to you
"It's okay Jun... I know you get frustrated"
"It just sucks sometimes... I want to be perfect"
You laughed a little
"Oh baby nobody is perfect, you don't think the guys make mistake?"
"That's what they told me"
You spent the rest of night
Laid out on the couch
Hyeongjun laying his head on your chest
Hearing your heartbeat, playing him a perfect melody
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(Do I have to do this one? 🥺)
I've said it multiple times
Jooyeon doesn't express his emotions much
Unless something is really bad
Majority of the time he's just a goofy, fun loving guy
But this fight was bad
Bad bad
There was lots of fighting
And words you'd never say to each other
Jooyeon finally told you the words you didn't want to here
"If you're so unhappy maybe we shouldn't be together anymore!"
You could feel your heart shatter
The pain was too much
"Fine then... its over Jooyeon!"
(This hurts so much!!)
You walked away from him
Slamming the door
Jooyeon was left with nothing but tears and frustration
That resulted to him showing up at his hyung's door at 2 AM because he can't sleep
"I screwed up Gun-il hyung.... I've lost them... maybe forever" He'd cry
Gun-il would hold his youngest brother
Pat him on the back
And tell him not to give up on you
That would result
In him knocking on your door at maybe 4 in the morning
You'd open the door
Seeing his head hanging low to his chest
But as he raised his head
You saw the red around his eyes
The swell in his cheeks
He wouldn't say anything
He would just push open the door and wrap you tightly in his arms as the tears spill over
"I didn't mean any of that Y/N" he would mumble as he buried his face in the crook of your neck
"Please....please don't say it's over" He'd beg
(I wanna stop!! 😭)
You would nod back to him and hug him tightly
Tears also threatening your eyes
He would kiss you so many times each time longer than the other
You'd tangle your hands in his hair
Holding him like he would slip out of your grip
He was doing the same
46 notes · View notes
nanaooyoo · 2 months
cravity ot9 scenario
request for: @nctloverkpop. I switched up the themeing a bit but we came to an agreement about cravity scenarios wherein the boys help you get through a tough time. I had a lot of fun writing these and hope you and any one who sees this likes it and maybe feels comforted by it (sorry it took so long). Anyways enjoy ✨
warnings/headsup: discussions of mental health • no specific disorders named • depression • anxiety • woobin’s includes a very bloody lip • mentions of food • arguable depictions of self harm • hurt/comfort • 1.2k words average • 10.6k words total • gender neutral reader • angst if you squint • fluff • lightly proofread
couple scenarios: members x reader pt.I/I
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      Serim sat at the edge of the bed. He watched as you paced back and forth across the multicolored rug you had picked out just a few weeks ago. You shook out your wrists and loosened your fingers as Serim slowly raised and lowered his arms trying his best to redirect your breathing.
      “In… and out… in… and out…” he tried his best to demonstrate and jog your memory on the techniques people had previously taught you. Today it was just taking a particularly long while. 
      “What’s the point! It’s not working!” You whined, continuing to pace the floor. 
      “It’ll work eventually, you just have to be patient.” Serim said. 
      “I don’t want eventually, I want now!” You mumbled to yourself, now stomping your feet on the carpet. “This sucks!” You moaned collapsing to the floor and rapidly chewing at your nails. 
      “It may suck but it’s totally normal.” Serim said “things are really hard on you right now, it makes sense to feel freaked out.”
      You groaned and clawed at your hair. Serim’s ability to remain calm in almost any situation where you felt like you were losing your goddamn mind was somehow both comforting and infuriating. “Oh. My. God.” You muttered angrily under your breath. You could feel the tension in your bones. It travelled through you and settled amidst each of your joints making you feel like a poorly made and fractured wooden doll. You felt internally rusted like the bumper on an old car. “You’re driving me insane.” You whispered under your breath as quietly as you could.
      “I heard that y’a know.”
      You looked up from your crouched over position on the floor to see Serim standing up from the bed and coming over to crouch down next to you. His refusal and near inability to ever get mad at you was something that made you truly love him. It was one of the many reasons you had asked him to move in with you and pick new furniture, and appliances, and rugs, and so so so much more… but it was also something unfamiliar. You weren’t used to someone being so unbothered by all of your moods. You weren’t used to him not batting an eye when your whole body locked up. You weren’t used to someone immediately trying to take action and not running in the other direction when your ploys for stress relief became self-destructive. You weren’t used to Serim.
      However you had to start getting used to him quickly, because he had already settled in with most of his stuff. You looked at him as he looked back at you, not a trace of animosity in his eyes. Serim simply waddled over to you, hunched over in the same position. With one hand lazily strewn across his knees and the other slowly patting your head. “Are you sure you don’t want to try the breathing again, and I mean actually try this time.” He looked at you expectantly waiting for some kind of response. Like two frogs squatting on a lily pad you two both sat there in silence for a moment. A very long moment. 
      You let out a long exasperated sigh and conceded “I’ll try the breathing exercises… again”.
      He didn’t do a very good job of hiding it but Serim did his best to conceal the fact that he was beaming on the inside.
      Later that night, the two of you had to sit down and have a long conversation about what it would be like living together. “As much as I love you and I want to be the one to take care of you, you know I can’t always be the one to remind you of what to do when you feel like you’re going to a dark place…” He said “Obviously I’m still going to be there for you… I just worry about what might happen when I’m gone for work or something” He confessed.
      “I know… and I don’t want you to worry about me. I just feel like I’ve been dealing with a lot lately and I’ve been taking it out on you.” Your voice was low and meek and you looked down while saying it. “I feel like I’m self sabotaging in more ways than one.” You admitted.
      “Well there’s nothing you could really do to sabotage our relationship.” Serim said earnestly reaching out a hand to grab yours and placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. “I just like you too much” he chuckled.
      It took a couple hours to get you to feel calm again. Serim had to pull your hands away from your mouth to stop you from chewing your nails down to minute nubs more times than he could count, but his ardent love for you would have him standing around and trying his best to keep your wits about you forever and ever. 
      No matter how many breakdowns, or meltdowns, or freakouts he had witnessed it wasn’t enough to deter him from you because Serim knew that you would do the same for him. Despite your near constant refusal to take care of your own mental health, he had experienced all the times you had looked out for his. The many times you put his needs above your own made any attempt on your part to try and scare him away totally futile. 
      Serim watched as you steadied your breathing, before taking out some of your frustration on all the cardboard boxes that needed to be broken down and taken to the recycling bin. Whenever it seemed like your blood pressure would begin to rise again Serim would simply give you a comforting hug from behind, resting his head between your neck and shoulders, humming softly; his aura just had a way of rubbing off on you. Did that mean that this would be the last time the two of you would ever have to have these sorts of conversations on these sorts of days? Absolutely not. But that din’t mean you couldn’t look forward to having them together…
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You had run out of tears long ago but that didn’t stop you from sniffling through belabored breaths as you laid on the couch. Of course Allen stuck close behind. One arm wrapped around your waist and the other propping up his head to get a better view of the TV. 
      It didn’t take him long to realize you weren’t really crying at the cheesy movie splayed across the television screen. You were more wrapped up with something else. You swore it was nothing, and to you, that may have really been true! Sometimes you got emotional or overstimulated for reasons you couldn’t really understand, even if your boyfriend knew that there probably was some underlying specific reason. The reason didn’t always matter, what mattered was how you felt in the moment, and right now you felt… well neither of you were quite sure how to feel?
      “What’s wrong?” Allen whispered into your ear as he pulled you just a tiny bit closer. 
      “I really don’t know…” you said. You had been crying for so long that even if there was a reason for it in the first place you had forgotten it by now. 
      Allen snuggled closer to you as you did the same. Melting into his embrace and struggling to trace back the reason for your sadness, you still found it cathartic to let your emotions take over once in a blue moon. 
      Like a wave it washed over you at times though. You often had trouble experiencing your emotions but your emotions sure as hell had no trouble experiencing you. They had a way of taking you over that made it nearly impossible to focus on anything else while also making it incredibly difficult to pinpoint the triggers in the first place. 
      No matter what though, Allen always had a way of bringing you back to Earth. His calm and gentle demeanor, and carefree attitude made it so that you could always be yourself around him. Even if that self you needed to be wasn’t very pretty at times, he was always there taking notes and remembering things on how to help you better cope with your feelings the next time, and the next time…
      Sometimes your big heart and structureless brain hindered you, sometimes they made life harder. But sometimes those things brought you to people like Allen.
      The first time you ever cried in front of him felt mortifying! You were a complete blubbering mess and yet he still wanted to go out with you.
      “Everybody cries” he had told you, no sense of irony in his voice.
      “Yeah but I cry like… a lot” you responded.
      All he did was shrug. 
      Now here you two were, almost a year later and you were still a self prescribed crybaby. Though, Allen didn’t like it when you called your self that, he found it demeaning and reductive but he also could acknowledge that you did cry! A lot! Not that it made him like you any less it just made him want to look after for you extra hard. 
      Allen lightly patted your stomach in a delicate rhythm making sure to not pull too much attention to the ways in which he was trying to comfort you. Of course he was letting you cry (or at least try to) for as long as you needed and he hummed softly in time with his small taps, subtly helping you focus on something other than whatever thoughts were running around up in your head. He really was helping, you just didn’t realize it. He was so good at helping without you realizing in fact, that it took him a good amount of time to notice that you weren’t awake anymore. 
      “Hey do you want to maybe watch something else?” He asked no longer hearing sniffling and wondering if that would make you want to move on the something more cheerful. “Or do you want to… cry some more?” He asked quietly peeking his head over yours to get a good look at your face. “So cute” he audibly cooed seeing your puffy cheeks and eyes squished against the soft fabric of the couch with your mouth slightly agape. “You poor thing.” He said to himself with more affection in his voice than any sort of pity.
      Allen did his best to unlatch his arm from under you and move his legs that had found themselves intertwined with yours. He carefully wormed his way off of the couch and onto the carpet as quietly as possible. He reached an arm out to place it under your head and support your neck before pausing when you started fidgeting around again.
      You always were prone to talking in your sleep. “Allen…” you muttered unconsciously, repeating his name a few times before flopping over fully asleep and snoring again.
      Your boyfriend did the gentlemanly thing and supported your head before scooping you up and bringing you to his room. He made sure you were extra comfortable, covering every inch of you except the very top of your head in the biggest, fluffiest blanket he could find. You pawed at the blanket pulling it closer and Allen pushed some pillows into your arms as you began surrounding the pile of softness and fabric in your tight grip. You hugged them as if it were your boyfriend, none the wiser in your asleep state. Allen gave you a small peck on the part of your forehead that was still visible and quietly tiptoed out of the room.
He made sure to check on you every once in a while and rub your back or whisper something to you softly whenever you began tossing and turning again. He was used to regularly helping you fall back asleep when you had restless nights or night terrors so this was a walk in the park for him.
      The next morning you awoke to utter darkness before clawing your way out of the cocoon Allen had made for you. The sheer white curtains in his room billowed in the morning breeze as you rolled over and noticed a small glass of water and a little pharmacy bag on the nightstand next to you. You had no idea when he had the time to slip out and get those as it was still quite early in the morning but all that crying, and tossing, and turning always gave you the most viscous headache. You wasted no time in sitting up and taking the pain medicine from the little parcel and taking a big swig of water. 
      A few minutes later the door to his room ever so slightly creaked open as Allen did his best to quietly shimmy through the doorway. “Oh you’re awake! Sorry I didn’t get breakfast or anything I assumed you’d be out for a little while longer.” 
      You stuck out your bottom lip pouting and wordlessly outstretching both of your arms signaling with your hands for him to come over. He complied, hopping up onto the bed and giving you a giant bear hug. He pulled back to look at you as more tears welled up in your eyes but these ones were more positive. You always appreciated how caring Allen was, how quickly he would move to help you without a second thought and without him, you wondered how miserable an entire nighttime of crying alone followed by a morning of throbbing headaches you had to deal with all by yourself would have been. You hugged him tightly, showing your appreciation the best you could as Allen leaned back to wipe some of the tears out of your eyes, worry fading and turning into a quiet chuckle as he realized you were now mostly okay. 
      Allen looked over at his phone “yeah we’ve still got so much of the day left, do you want to sleep more?” You nodded and hugged him tighter planting a small kiss on his neck. “Do you want me to join you?” He asked. 
      “Of course!” you chimed, voice still groggy but incredibly sincere.
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      Jungmo sat on the couch scrolling on his phone and playing with the collar of his tie as he waited for you to get ready. He hated having to dress up just to go to stuffy places and talk to a bunch of boring people and executives all night, but he had been invited to an upscale event and was required to go. At least he didn’t have to go alone, you were always down to join him in the things he found so boring, always whispering jokes and sharing drinks together in the corner of the room. He was excited to see what you would be wearing too! That was one of the few things helping him get excited for tonight. You were taking a little longer than usual to get ready but you also had an incredibly extensive closet and the biggest collection of accessories he had ever seen so he didn’t want to rush you. I mean, he didn’t want to rush you, but you guys were cutting it close if you took too much longer. “Y/N you almost done?” He asked walking over to the bathroom where you were supposed to be finishing up. “We can have like ten or fifteen more minutes but then we should probably g- Oh! You’re already ready!” He said barging into the bathroom and looking at you as your palms were placed flat on the counter and you stared into the mirror. “Wait, let me take a picture first, you look great!” He said excitedly. 
      You placed your hand over his phone and gently pushed it down. You shook your head and sighed. “No I don’t…” you trailed off.
      Jungmo looked baffled. “What do you mean? You look amazing!” He said standing a little closer.
      “Well I don’t feel amazing.” You retorted.
      Jungmo took a second to take you in. He looked you up and down and then cocked his head to the side like a confused puppy. “Why not?” He asked. “I think you look incredible!” 
      You bowed your head and let out an exasperated groan. “Something’s just off… I just don’t look right.”
      To him you looked breathtaking! Gorgeous enough to make him forget you two were supposed to be somewhere else in a few minutes time. “What’s off?”
      “Just like… all of it!” A sad expression plastering your face. You rolled your eyes a bit every time you caught a glimpse of your own reflection in the bathroom mirror and huffed in annoyance at a problem you felt like couldn’t be fixed. “I can’t let anyone see me like this…” you said.
      “I see you like this-“ Jungmo replied “and I like what I see.” He smiled.
      “Yeah but your opinion doesn’t count you would have said that no matter what.”
      “My opinion should be the only one that counts!” He said “Especially when you’re being way too hard on yourself.” Jungmo rubbed small circles onto your back in an attempt to encourage you. “Where’s all this coming from? Do I not tell you how good you look enough?”
      “You tell me plenty!” You scoffed “it’s just something about this outfit, something about-“
      “Then we’ll change the outfit. You’ve got plenty of stuff in your closet you barely ever get to wear!” Jungmo grabbed your hand but you stood still as a statue stopping him from dragging you away.
      “That’s easy for you to say… you look great in everything.” You looked down at the floor.
Jungmo pouted. “The only reason I look good in everything is because you pick out all my clothes. I’d look a mess without you” he laughed.
      You nodded your head in acknowledgment but still you weren’t fully convinced “maybe you should just go without me.” 
      “Go without you, are you crazy?” Jungmo furrowed his brows in complete shock. “When could I ever- how could I ever go to one of these boring corporate events without you?” He boomed. “I’m your boyfriend! Either we’re both going or neither of us are going!” He said unusually sternly for his laid back nature. “It’s up to you whether you want to stay or you want to go but either way I’m doing it with you!” He said. “And if this is all just over one outfit that’s an easy fix. We can be late, let’s go pick something else out.”
      “Jungmo… I want to go with you I really do, but I just don’t want to drag you down…”
      “You have got to stop saying stuff like this” he said. “You look great! You always look great! Even if you’re not feeling great I promise you no one in the world can tell but you… and maybe me on a good day.” He joked. 
      “You really don’t think I look awful?” You asked genuinely worried.
      “It’s be impossible for you of all people to look awful.” 
      You sighed taking one more look back at yourself in the mirror. You still didn’t think you looked quite right and even just thinking of your reflection made you feel queasy, but if Jungmo thought you looked good then maybe you really did. You still wanted to change clothes though. The fabric all of a sudden felt constricting on your skin, it felt like a million tiny mites were crawling all over you. “Okay I’ll go change.” You said patting Jungmo’s chest and exiting the bathroom. He followed you out and to your bedroom where you began rifling through your closet looking for something else to wear that still matched your boyfriend and felt appropriate for the event. He stood there watching you for a moment.
      “Do you need any help?” He asked.
      “No, no I can do this myself. It’s more of a mental thing anyways, I won’t take too long”. You looked back for a second as Jungmo was still standing there watching you. “Can you go wait for me in the living room?” He didn’t budge.“Jungmo! Go wait outside.”
      He looked surprised “Oh you’re serious.
      “Yes I’m serious, I’m feeling kind of self conscious right now…” you said in earnest.
      “Why though, it’s nothing I haven’t seen befo- Ouch that hurt!” Jungmo said taking a wadded up dress shirt to the face. “Okay fine I’ll wait for you in the living room” he said trudging off and rubbing his eye in slight irritation. 
      A few minutes later you reappeared into the common area of the apartment dressed in all new clothes. Jungmo smiled and clutched his phone once more. “Better?” He asked.
      “Better!” you said.
      “Now can we take a picture?” His eyes gleamed with hope as he swayed back and forth on the balls of his feet. 
      You hesitated for a moment. “Yeah sure, why not.” 
      Jungmo quickly grabbed your hand and raised his phone up to snap a few selfies of him kissing you on the cheek before you both rushed out the door. He still made sure to keep a tight clasp on your hand however. He also made sure to check in every so often as to how you were feeling. Most importantly, he made sure to keep reminding you of how good you looked all night. Even if you didn’t see it, even if you didn’t believe, even if your mind tried to convince you otherwise, Jungmo made sure to always be there as a ‘pick me up’ to make sure you were reminded of the reality right in front of you. The reality of having a partner that saw you for who you really were and would never falter when it came to reminding you of that.
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      You placed your hand on the arm rest of the passenger’s seat and tapped your fingers in quick and nervous succession as Woobin held your other hand and started up the car. He whistled along to the radio and swayed his head to whatever ‘summery’ ballad was currently playing and set up the navigation app on his phone in blissful ignorance.
      Since the weather had finally started warming up a mutual friend had invited the two of you over for a big get together. Though it was a relatively casual engagement, you still felt that all too familiar sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. The feeling you got every time you were about to ride a roller coaster, give a presentation, get lost on a hike, or in cases like these; go somewhere with a whole lot of people. You pulled at and fidgeted with the hem of your pants, letting go of the arm rest and aimlessly searching for some sort of cord or loose thread to pull on. You swallowed harshly feeling a lump form in your throat as Woobin absentmindedly rubbed his thumb across your knuckles with his free hand as he began to drive. 
      You could feel your heart rate rise as your body temperature did the same before quickly dropping again and again. You could’ve sworn you were sweating but turning on the A/C in the car felt like way too much. Your hands started to feel clammy as you looked over at Woobin who quickly glanced over to give you a warm smile before focusing his attention back on the road. His general sense of calm and the beautiful weather should have been enough to calm you down but it wasn’t really working. All you could focus on was the noise of tires scraping the road, the blaring music, the sunlight that was shining directly into your eyes, and how warm you felt. Or were you cold? You couldn’t really tell but what you knew for sure was that you did not feel good. 
      You almost started to feel nauseous as the car grazed over a tiny pot hole and your vision began to fog over a bit. You felt dizzy like you needed to sit down, but restless like you needed to just stand up and run all at the same time. You wanted to say something, and every time you looked over at Woobin you were almost compelled to, but for some reason or another the words just couldn’t escape your mouth.
      “Are you okay?” Woobin’s voice rang out a little delayed in your ears but eventually registering properly. 
      You felt sick, you felt like garbage, you felt terrible! So of course you replied quickly “yeah I’m doing fine, I’m excited!” You said practically through gritted teeth, a cheesy grin plastered on your face. Why you lied? You had no clear idea. What you did know was that lying to him made you feel worse. 
      You chewed at your lip furiously as you often did when feeling anxious. You let out fast paced yet silent breath out through your nose and tried your hardest not to tap your feet in frustration. Your lips felt near swollen but you couldn’t stop biting. You bit, and bit, and bit until all you could taste was the metallic tasting saliva pooling on the tip of your tongue. Before you knew it, you were looking down as small red droplets dripped from the bottom corner of your lip and into the creases amongst woven denim of your pants “shit” you muttered to yourself. You just sat there and watched for a moment in a silent daze before speaking up. “Uh Binnie can we stop the car?” 
      “Yeah sure. Why?” He replied quickly adjusting his turn signal and pulling over into the farthest possible lane without hesitation. 
      As soon as the car stopped you turned to make awkward eye contact with your partner as he gazed in worry at the beet red complexion of your lips. “What happened?” Woobin scrambled to grab some tissues out of the glove compartment and wipe at your face. “When did you start bleeding? Why didn’t you say anything earlier?” He said eyes darting around looking for a cotton ball, or bandage, or anything of the sort. “Your jeans…” he said softly but still continued his frantic search.  
      “I think I’m gonna pass out.” you uttered plainly, stopping your partner in his tracks. You watched his dark brown eyes widen like saucers and then fill themselves with a new sense of determination!
      Before you knew it you were sitting on a curb by the side of the rode near some random convenience store. Woobin returned shortly thereafter with a cold bottle of water, a first aid kit, and some tissues. He wasted no time in fixing up your lip and taking some solvent from the first aid kit to wipe at the little stains on your pants. He worked diligently sitting on the curb next to you, an array of medical materials strewn about. Watching him so focused helped calm you down a little bit, but you still weren’t feeling entirely better. 
      “Are you hurt anywhere else?” He asked nervously searching every inch of visible skin he could find on you. 
      You grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes. “Babe I’m okay now.”
      You could see the apprehension in the befuddled stare he gave you. 
      “Really, I mean it. I’m okay now!” You repeated.
      Woobin swallowed a little bit and took a moment to gauge the look in your eyes before crushing you with a hug and rubbing your back as you both sat on the ground by the car. “Alright I believe you” he said before letting go and giving you a second to catch your breath. 
      You two decided to take a moment to enjoy the fresh air before getting back into the car. It really was a beautiful day out. There was a perfect amount of breeze and just the two of you sitting together made you feel much more at ease. 
      You both enjoyed your time in the sunshine looking up at the sky and taking in the tranquil scenery. “Look at that one it kind of looks like a cuddly bear doesn’t it”. Woobin giggled pointing at a cluster of clouds arranged ever so perfectly in the shape of a bear’s head with two perfectly fluffy cheeks and round ears to match. Finally, the cars didn’t feel so loud, and the air didn’t feel so stuffy. Woobin pointed up at the sky while expertly unscrewing the cap and placing a bottle of water in your hands without you noticing.
      “Yeah it does, it looks a lot like you” you joked taking a swig of water and cooling down.
      About half an hour later the two of you had your fill of pointing out silly shapes in the clouds and had stopped back into the store to grab some well deserved treats. Re-positioning himself at the wheel, Woobin took his phone off the dashboard and slipped it into his pocket.
      “What about the party, don’t you need the directions up still?”
      “Nah… let’s just go home, you’ve had enough socializing for the day.” He said clasping your hand once more and giving you a knowing smile.
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      “Alright… shower? Check. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Check. Room clean? Check-“
      “Do we really have to do this Wonjin”. You groaned loudly, leaning your head back over one of your dining room chairs as Wonjin sat across from you and peered at your contorted face through the top of the frames of his glasses. 
      He took a deep breath “Y/N we really do.” He said clicking his pen and running it down the different elements of a check list.
      “It feels so… silly It makes me feel like fucking kid!”
      “Well it works doesn’t it?” Wonjin said. 
      “Can’t we do something else? You know like a normal couple…”
      “We are a normal couple! We just have a system and the system works, so we have to keep doing it.” He replied not looking up from his official looking clip board.
      You sneered a little in response “Why though…”
      You and Wonjin had implemented a new process into both of your nightly routines where you would sit down and check off all of the necessary things you needed to do to function throughout any given day. Most of the things seemed intuitively simple but you and him both knew better than anyone else that one bad mood could send you into a spiral that prevented you from getting such simple things as grabbing the mail from your mailbox done once a week. If you were feeling down, you were dismal. It made it impossible for you to remember to take care of yourself when you had other things going on so Wonjin drafted up a list of some of the most basic things you needed to do each day. Things that came incredibly naturally to others but not so much to you. Wonjin made sure to get all the proper materials to make the process seem more legitimate to you. He got a special list typed up and laminated, dry erase markers for the fridge, brand new pens, a clipboard, sticky notes, and a tiny box full of trinkets and treats. You didn’t appreciate the machinations of his executive brain but that was okay, he was really proud of himself. He was especially proud with the box he had gotten. Not only would you get to reach in and grab a small reward each night but Wonjin would get one too if you completed all your tasks so that he could be more encouraged to help you. Not that he really needed any material incentive. This was something he would have done for you anyways, but making it a collaborative effort made you feel a little less alone. 
      The rewards inside the box were quite small but they were still enough to round out the rest of your night very positively. It was mostly full of stickers, charms, small bills, and little slips of paper with things like ‘have dessert a second time’ written on them. It was a crudely decorated little thing, covered in glitter glue and plastic gems with a picture from your anniversary stuck to the inside. The gifts may have been small but they still managed to brighten you up a bit even if you felt childish having to be monitored so closely. 
      You gave him a hard time about it but it really was helpful how Wonjin took the initiative in making sure you got things done. He got tired of always asking you about your day and not loving what he heard. At first you objected to the idea of a to do list being of any help to you and your mental health, but it was frustrating how well it worked. 
      Wonjin raised a single eyebrow and looked back over at you. “So I’m assuming you don’t want to pick anything from the special prize bin today?” He said.
      “It’s not a ‘special prize bin’ it’s a cheap wooden jewelry box from the craft store.” You said.
      “Well I’m gonna pick something from the special prize bin.” Wonjin made a big show of closing his eyes reaching into the box and rummaging his hand around in there for a while before pulling something out and immediately hiding it. He quickly hid his hands under the table and looked at something tucked away within his palms.  
      “What’d you get?” You asked slightly disinterested but still leaning over the table to better see what he grabbed.
      “Uh-uh, no way. You didn’t wanna pick anything” Wonjin said sticking out his tongue at you. “Not my fault you didn’t want a prize.”
      “If I pick something will you let me see what you got?” You asked.
      “I don’t know…” he said “I think you deserve a prize but if you don’t think you deserve one that’s not on me.”
      “I don’t deserve a prize for eating dinner…” you bit your lip and looked down. 
      “Of course you do! But I’m still not showing you what I got until you pick something…”
      “Fine.” You said reaching for the box. Wonjin excitedly cracked it open for you just enough to reach your hand in and mull around for something that felt… right. You dug around for a bit and pulled out a chunky metal heart charm. “Cute enough.” You said to yourself. “Now what did you get Wonjinnie?”
      Wonjin pouted and furrowed his brows. “Wait no I want to trade, you’ll like mine more anyways!” He said trying to grab the charm from you before you pulled your arms away. 
      “Since when have we ever done that?”
      “Since now!” He said brows still fervently knitted together. Wonjin placed a little gachapon figurine on the table and offered it to you. You weren’t exactly sure who or what it was, but you did recognize that it was a character from one of his favorite comics.
      “Why would I want something that was so clearly meant for you” you asked. “All I got was some like.. brecelet charm?”
      “Just because.” Wonjin said, and you noticed his face redden a bit. 
      “Okay, okay fine…” You said and handed over the charm. The figure was pretty cute anyways and it reminded you of your boyfriend, so it wasn’t a big deal.
      Wonjin would never admit why he was feeling so shy but he was glad you had just dismissed your prize and traded with him. If your eyes had been a little keener you might have noticed the small latch on the ‘charm’ you had picked out and realized it was actually a locket. Inside was a small picture of you as a kid smiling big, holding some sort of old stufffed animal. You hated looking at your childhood pictures for some reason, maybe because it brought back unpleasant memories, or maybe because it reminded you of a time in your life when you didn’t need a list to keep your mental stability in check, but Wonjin loved those pictures all the same. No matter how goofy you looked he loved them because he loved you and a little locket was the perfect gift to get him ready to do this all over again tomorrow. Even if you whined and complained, you just being here to complain, alive and well was what he really needed…
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      Chores were always a thing that calmed you down, and as much as he might’ve hated doing them… Minhee loved you more.
      You hadn’t spoken a word to each other in hours. You were diligently refolding and reorganizing each and every single article of clothing in your dresser drawers and closet. Why you had to be doing this on a beautiful Saturday afternoon he had no idea, but he was helping you anyway. 
      The weirder, more tedious, and unnecessary a chore was the bigger the issue you were currently dealing with. Sure it was a bit of a drag to be spending an hour and a half washing dishes, or in this instance multiple hours folding and ironing clothes but he preferred this to the ways you would try to divert stress when he had first met you. 
      Back then it would have been impossible for you to take breather without punishing yourself in some way but Minhee’s willingness to just tag along and do whatever you were already doing really helped you feel comfortable amidst the internal mayhem. For Minhee doing chores was a form of punishment but to you it was pure bliss.
      You would often have periods of time where you just couldn’t get words out, to anyone, no matter what they were or no matter why you wanted or needed to say to them, but as a quiet person himself, Minhee didn’t feel totally uncomfortable in the silence. He liked the way the two of you could just be together, existing in the same space simply able to enjoy each other’s company. For each of you the presence alone of the other felt so grounding.
      Minhee remembered a long time ago when you had told him that it was enough for him to just ‘be around’ and that made you feel better. It was then that his crush on you grew tenfold and he just knew he had to tell you about it. Of course he never did, he was too shy, but you guys had ended up together anyways!
      It was times like these, where he sat crosslegged in front of your tidy ironing board, creasing out only a few wrinkles on some your clothes, that he was reminded of how you truly felt about him without having to say it with words. Even when you were struggling and couldn’t find the strength to speak, the way your pinky would ever so slightly graze his when passing garments back and forth or how your eyes would shoot up and follow his every movement every time he got up to walk away.
      No matter what he would always say something along the lines of “Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere.”
      If Minhee said he’d be back in a minute, not even sixty-one seconds could pass before he would make his way back to you. It always broke his heart and simultaneously endeared him the way your puppy like eyes would wordlessly follow him around a room, or how still you’d sit upon waiting for him to come back. But he aways did come back, so you didn’t have to worry.
      Your fingers worked with an almost mathematical precision going through every t-shirt, every pair of pants, every button up, every pair of socks, everything! He never thought the time would come but eventually the two of you finished. 
      It almost startled him when you spoke for the first time in ages even though your voice was so soft and low. “Do you want me to do yours?” You asked genuinely, while placing the last piece of clothing onto a hook and shutting the closet door. 
      ‘Could you be any more adorable…’ He thought to himself. “That’s okay Y/N” He said and walked over squishing your cheeks between his palms and peppering kisses all across your face. “Do you wanna talk about why we just spent four hours reorganizing your already perfectly organized clothes?” He cocked his head to the side and looked down at you. “-And why you want to do even more…”
      You looked down in shame “I think I just want to be distracted right now. I feel like I need to be doing something… just anything…”
      Minhee understood what that meant. There were times when talking was helpful and very necessary and there were other times were those conversations needed to be put off until later. Sure it tore him up a little bit inside that you didn’t immediately feel comfortable telling him what was wrong but he also would much rather you be keeping yourself busy and enjoying his company than locking yourself away. There were times when you would be so far gone that even if he physically shook you, you couldn’t reach him. There were times when the silence wasn’t a comfortable understanding but rather, a sinister creeping energy that loomed over the both of you stopping you from being to able to experience anything in that moment. Sometimes it scared him the way your mind could so easily take you away from him, but it impressed him all the more when you could pull yourself out. He was always with you every step of the way, charging uphill to make you feel better. And if what would make you feel better right now was going through all of his laundry then that’s what the rest of this Saturday would be made to do. 
      “We can do mine… my hamper’s full of stuff anyways!” He said.
      “Thanks Minhee.” You said “Okay go get your basket, I’m already getting antsy!”
      You appreciated how easily he could flip the script and just go along with whatever you needed in that moment. “I owe you ice cream or something…” You said trying your best to sound chipper.
      Minhee trudged over with his enormous pile of laundry and gave you a playful scoff “You owe me more than just ice cream. You owe me whatever four hours worth of food is!”
      You let out a small laugh “I promise I’ll wake up early tomorrow morning and cook you something that takes at least four hours to make. You can enjoy your Sunday morning by sleeping in.”
      “Alright deal!” He said. Knowing full well that he would make himself wake up just as early as you so he could help you in the kitchen. “I’m toootally gonna enjoy sleeping in!”
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You absolutely hated work! Not just work in general, but the work that you had to do specifically. Coming home from a long day at your job always left you drained. Your boss was always micromanaging, and your coworkers loved any and all types of gossip at your expense. It didn’t help that you were the youngest in the office either. It was nearly impossible to stick up for yourself without later receiving some sort of reprimand in the form of extra hours with no extra pay. Almost every weekday had you returning home absolutely exhausted. You’d slip your shoes off at the door and lazily slip your work attire off piece by piece leaving a trail of clothes on the floor before taking a nice long hot shower. After your shower, there was no guarantee you’d be energetic enough to make dinner so you’d rummage around in your fridge and just eat the first thing you saw. On particularly bad days you would immediately lay on the couch entering a state that was borderline catatonic. Some nights it felt like you only had time to lay on the couch for a minute and blink your eyes a few times. Before you knew it, the sky was a tiny bit brighter and the alarm on your phone was going off again signaling to you that it was now the start of another long day. Begrudgingly getting up and beginning to get ready was always incredibly difficult, but recently right before you walked out the door you would get a little text of encouragement every day. 
      You had only gone out on about three and a half dates (one of them was cut short due to a last minute call from your boss) but Hyeongjun was already so in tune with your schedule. It  might’ve partially been because you complained about work so much that he had just picked up on it that way, but his little digital pep-talks always had a way of putting a smile on your face. Even on the darkest of days. It’s like he sensed when a day was going to be more difficult than any of the others because his messages were always the sweetest the mornings right before you experienced hell. 
      Hyeongjun made you feel like color had re-entered the world. Life had felt so black and gray for so long and you couldn’t remember the last time you had been excited to talk to someone. He was always cheerful but not too cheerful, empathetic yet discerning, reasonable but always kind, and he had such a way with words. You didn’t think you’d ever find another person who could find the joy hidden beneath all your sadness but Hyeongjun seemed like the one.
      Even though you hated work you also hated the one break from work you got during the day. Your lunch break was usually spent sitting alone in your car for forty-five minutes staring off into space and waiting for the day to be done. Whenever you felt down you tended to lose your appetite and that had been the case the past couple of weeks. You knew you should have been hungry and you almost were, you could tell from the way your belly would growl every once in a while. However, your brain and the rest of your body just couldn’t and wouldn’t let you even stomach the thought of food. Sometimes you’d listen to the radio but other times you’d just sit there looking out the window but not really taking any of it in. Sometimes Hyeongjun would message you on your break to ask what you were eating or what you were doing to kill time and you couldn’t bring yourself to come up with a good enough lie, so you would just be honest and tell him ‘nothing’. It nearly baffled you how you could give him almost nothing, you could give him so little to work with and he could so easily keep the conversation going!
      You were sure today was going to be another one of those days. You sat at your desk entering some pointless data into a spreadsheet reminding yourself of one of the messages your crush had sent you that morning. You were already halfway through the day, you could do a few hours more right?
      Suddenly right before you were about to go on break you heard a series of little taps right above your head. You looked up to see Hyeongjun smiling widely at you, fingers gripping the top of your computer monitor. You looked around shocked for a second making sure that this was real. “What are you doing here?” You asked eyes wide. 
      “I’m here to hang out with you duh!” Hyeongjun stepped around your desk to grab your bag and sling it around his shoulder. He took your jacket off of the back of your uncomfortable office chair and held it out as if to put it on you.
      There were a few odd stares from your coworkers but they didn’t pay the two of you much mind. You stood up and let the boy happily put your jacket sleeves over your arms and give you a quick side hug. 
      Hyeongjun looked away shyly for a moment. “You seemed so bummed out over the phone yesterday I hope you don’t mind me stopping by.”
      You took a moment to think. Was it too early for things like this? Should you be more apprehensive? You felt uneasy for a moment but that feeling quickly dissipated as Hyeongjun flashed you a big toothy grin. “Of course I don’t mind” you said.
      Taking the elevator down was awkward in the same way sitting in class next to the person you liked as a kid was awkward. The butterflies in your abdomen danced and your stomach did acrobatic flips and Hyeongjun’s pinky inched closer and closer to yours before wrapping around your hand and holding it gently. He didn’t say a word but the way his lips pressed into a thin line to prevent him from smiling told you all you needed to know. You had no idea how he knew that a little bit of surprise and the slight change in routine was exactly what you needed to uplift your mood. Your outlook had been so bleak as of late and you weren’t sure who you could talk to about how you were feeling, but you were pretty sure the man holding your hand right now was a step in the right direction.
      Hyeongjun would never tell you but he had spent countless night just laying in his bed thinking about you and researching ways to help. Even if you didn’t say it out right he didn’t need to be told directly that you weren’t feeling like yourself for a very long time. You were complex and he felt like there was still a lot more of you to unpack and he planned on spending the next forty-five minutes getting you to open up to him whether you wanted to or not!
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     “I’m baaack!” Taeyoung shouted loudly hoping to get your attention as quickly and abruptly as possible. He thought it was sort of strange the way he didn’t immediately hear a response, but what he thought was even stranger was when he saw no tiny beam of light leaking out from underneath the bedroom door. Usually his sign that you were home was the little ray of light illuminating his feet as he approached your room but now it was just dark. Your shoes were by the door, keys hanging on the hook in the exact same way they were when he had left. Those seemed to be the only signs that you were probably even here. He went to quietly turn the doorknob tiptoeing and slinging his backpack over his shoulder to avoid the noise it made as it dragged on the hardwood floors. Maybe you were napping? It was getting dark outside but it was still only the late afternoon. Normally at this time, you were absorbed into a new book or something like that. However, upon entering the room things really were just as he had left them, you included. Curled up in the same amorphous blob, room pitch black, curtains drawn, phone plugged into the charger and resting on the nightstand. Taeyoung checked his watch to make sure the jet lag hadn’t completely screwed up his sense of time. He looked at the screen of his watch and then back at the giant mass of grey comforter on the bed. “Are you really sleeping it’s only like 4PM…” he said dropping his bag onto the now plush carpet beneath the bed and crawling up beside you. 
      He sat up on his knees and peeked over the pile of a person next to him and gently shook the covers to see if you were actually there. He could feel your form underneath the blanket but you still didn’t say anything, no release of breath, no snoring, no adorable sleepy mumbles… nothing! “Hey are you in a coma or something” he huffed playfully “you’re normally way more excited to see me!” That’s when he heard a small groan from under the covers, for a second he could have sworn it was the creak of the floorboards but now he was sure it was a noise from you. “I didn’t mean to bother you I just figured I’d come straight here since it’s been a- Oh!” 
      “Hey” you croaked out, voice hoarse and face mostly buried amid the covers. You turned over slowly to greet your boyfriend “How was the show?” You asked without the usual sense of genuine intrigue in your tone. 
      “It was… good. How’ve you been?” He said reaching over to move a bit of the comforter to ruffle your hair and pat your head. “You haven’t been like this since I left have you?” He chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling in glee and then faltering a bit as you looked away and wearily bit your dry lips. 
      “When did you leave again?”
      “You haven’t been like this since I left? Right?” a smidgen of worry entering his tone and then a currant of realization. “Y/N, really?” a mix of familiar disappointment and general unease wafted over your boyfriend as he scooted closer and sighed. “The whole time?”
      “I mean I got up to like pee once. I think…”
      “Why didn’t you call me?” Taeyoung let a harsh breath escape his nose before running a hand through his already messy black hair. “You could have at least shot me a text...” He said bleakly.
      “I didn’t wanna bother you.”
      “When could you ever even begin to bother me?”
      Your face contorted in shame and you sunk deeper into the soft fabric adorning your body. “I meant to at one point, I really did, but then I just… I don’t know-” You inhaled deeply eyes narrowing, brain struggling to focus on the task at hand, and heart struggling to connect to the conversation. 
      “You know I hate when you don’t tell me when you’re feeling bad.” He said.
      “I just knew you’d probably try and like come home or something and I didn’t really feel like getting up to grab my phone.”
      “You didn’t want me to come home?” Taeyoung’s pupils enlarged slightly as he scoffed quietly.
      “Of course I wanted you to come home! I just didn’t want you to come home early!”
      “So you just laid down here in the dark for like-” He stopped himself as he felt his emotions bubbling over. You two complemented each other in that way but it also made things difficult at times.
      You were used to keeping things bottled up inside and Taeyoung was used to forcing you to talk about those things. Taeyoung was used to getting easily worked up and frustrated over the small stuff and you were used to offering some gentle perspective. He had a more aggressive approach to pulling you out of these “slumps” and it could come off as intense but he really just had no other way of showing you how much he cared. Sometimes he didn’t really get it. Sometimes he thought it would be so much easier for you to just get up, to just open the blinds, to just call him. It drove him crazy that he couldn’t be privy to all of the intricate details of your mind. It bothered him that a person so wonderful, so kind, so funny, and interesting, and charismatic, and personable… wasn’t able to share that with everyone all the time, especially with him. More than any bother though, more than frustration, more than annoyance, or anger, or any other negative emotion, you had helped Taeyoung further cultivate his arguably most beautiful trait; his empathy. Sure he was still a little shit stirrer every now and again but at the end of the day, seeing you just as upset over something you couldn’t control, how your mind and body were at odds constantly telling you that the one person who loved you most in this world shouldn’t be bothered with your issues made him just want to help you the best he could.
      Taeyoung took a deep breath “Let’s go for a walk while the sun’s still out, how about that.” He suggested. “Also maybe shower first…”
      You wanted to object but as you mulled over your answer your boyfriend couldn’t help but reach his hands under the duvet to try and pull you out, tickling you in the process. 
      “Okay, okay!” You laughed as Taeyoung giggled and continued to try and pull you out. “I can get up myself jeez…” You still weren’t feeling your best but the hopeful look on the man beside you’s face made you want to make him happy. 
      “Sorry for raising my voice at you I just wanted to make sure you were okay and I freaked out seeing you so-”
      You cut him off “it’s okay, I’ll be okay. I’ve just been really tired and stuff. I should have called you.”
      “Next time…” Taeyoung said as you sat up and he tackled you into a tight hug. “Maybe we can even lay here together for a couple more minutes, better yet let’s just go on a walk tomorrow I’m tired too…”
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“Are you gonna be done soon…” Seongmin asked cheek pressed against the doorway and lips pursed in minor annoyance. 
      More than annoyance however, he felt concern. His face squished against the wooden frame of the entrance to your makeshift office (the desk in the corner or your shared bedroom). Normally this would have been about the fifth time in the hour Seongmin would come over to disturb you while you were working, but this past week and a half had been pretty different. He had seen you like this before, completely absorbed in your work, tired and distracted… but now it felt more like you were purposefully over working yourself. You weren’t just absorbed in work, but completely overwhelmed by it, more than tired you were utterly sleep deprived, you weren’t even really distracted you were just distracted when it came to him. Seongmin was pretty used to having your undivided attention or at the very least viciously demanding it. You found it cute the way he always wanted to be at your side making you laugh or just watching your expressions as you listened to a story he told. It was one of the reasons he loved you so much. Your willingness to include each other in just about anything the other was doing without it even really being necessary was what endeared him to you in the first place. Though, that made it all the more upsetting when you couldn’t or rather wouldn’t include each other in something.
      When you had started your relationship Seongmin remembered you telling him you were a difficult partner. That often times it felt like your brain would grow legs and start running faster than you could keep up. That you would become physically and psychologically exhausted out of the blue. He thought it was silly how you would think your own personal struggles would deter him from wanting to be with you, but he quickly realized that even the brightest smile and silliest nudge in the right direction wouldn’t be enough to pull you out of a spiral once it started. It wasn’t impossible, not in the slightest, but Seongmin did really have to try. He had to try and be delicate with his words, careful with his actions, and very intentional about the way he would attempt to help you. He remembered you saying it wasn’t always about just trying to cheer you up but just noticing before things got too bad. Now he was noticing, and remembering the last time he saw you like this.
      “Do you want to eat dinner… or like… take a break?” Seongmin asked. Gentle voice ringing throughout the room and eventually echoing through the nearly silent apartment. “You know you have to respond to me eventually.” He huffed stopping before he got frustrated. 
      All he got was a sort of muffled “sorry” from you in response as you kept clacking away at your computer.
      He slowly unstuck his face from the doorframe “is typing more important than me?” approaching slowly and cracking a smile he reached his arms out to not only try and softly grab your shoulders but also to steady himself while sauntering over the sea of loose papers and piles of books strewn about the floor. “I was making a gentle suggestion before but now I’m serious! It’s time to take a break Y/N!” Seongmin rested his hands at either side of you just beside your neck and placed his thumbs right by your shoulder blades. He used his remaining fingers to lift up your chin and straighten out your posture a bit. “You haven’t looked me in the eyes in like two days.” Adjusting your chin more he leaned over to look at you flashing his signature puppy eyes, dark brown and sparkling as you returned his gaze. 
      You finally looked back at him letting him take in the bags under your eyes, visible even in the dim yellow glow reflected from your beat up desk lamp. “That’s a bit of an exaggeration isn’t it”. You said smiling dryly and stifling a yawn. 
      “Not really…” His reply had tinge of genuine sadness to it but he tried his best to hide it with another smile.
      You spun around in your chair to face him better. “Sorry” you said again, this time a little clearer. “I just… have a lot of work to get done. Once I start it feels like I can’t stop.” You looked off into the distance, avoiding your partner’s eyes as you spoke. “I just feel like if I stop I’ll feel worse and I already have a lot of stuff to do so I just need to keep going, I just-” you furrowed your brows and narrowed your gaze as if trying to remember what it was that had originally glued you to this chair a couple days ago. “-I need to…” you trailed off.
      “You need to take a break.” Seongmin said in all seriousness “right now”. He reached down to clasp your hands in his, and prevent you from turning around and working again.
      That was enough to bring some clarity to you and remind you of what it felt like to be present again. You had spent so many hours tucked away in this room for seemingly no reason that Seongmin’s plain gaze and soft yet firm grip around your fingers helped to un-numb your senses. A wave of hunger, thirst, fatigue, and an ache in your upper body from sitting in the same position for so long hit you all at once. “Shit I feel awful…” you said to yourself “and kind of stupid, I don’t know why I do that.”
      Seongmin leaned down and placed a little kiss on your nose. “You’re not stupid, just silly”. He chuckled waving a hand in front of your face “welcome to earth, it’s good to have you back!” 
      You smiled in embarrassment and bit your lip anxiously. “It hasn’t really been two days has it?”
      Noticing the slight worry in your eyes and the way your fingers started to twitch in his hands, Seongmin decided to forgo the truth. “No! No! It’s only been like… I was exaggerating before it’s been like… Hey! Do you want to order food you must be really hungry!”
      “I mean I thought…” your mind was a bit foggy but what he was saying didn’t seem right. Then the mention of ordering food settled into your mind and that did seem right. “Oh yeah, I’m totally starving!” 
      “Let me go get my phone.” Seongmin ruffled your hair a bit and then rushed out and before you could even blink, he was pulling you out of your chair and onto the bed to sit and browse his food delivery app. The dark circles were still ever-present under your eyes and you looked a bit haggard but as your face scanned his phone, no longer absorbed in work, a genuine smile on your face, light returning to your being he thought you looked really beautiful. Rubbing small circles on your back he reminded himself to remember this for next time, because no matter how awful it seemed there would always be a next time and that was okay…
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miroslavcloset · 1 year
Lazy day with Thomas Müller -Imagine-
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A/N: For the lovely @hwlj0 thanks for all the beautiful comments, they made my day <3 <3 Hope you like it and thanks for inspiring me to keep writing for this perfect man <3
It was well deserved, for both of you, an evening where you would only chill in each other's arms. It had been an extenuating week, agenda full and everyone requesting one thing or another from you, and all the other responsibilities being there didn't particularly help the case.
After making a huge effort and managing to finish all the tasks ahead, the weekend finally arrived and It was an unspoken deal between both Thomas and you that these couple of days would only be to relax and recharge energies.
It was great to be able to stay all day in comfortable clothes, your relationship having passed long ago the stage of being embarrassed to be in pajamas or oversized clothes around each other. Was cute seeing him in something different than sports clothes or formal stuff for events, this side of him felt even more intimate.
Thomas' place was far enough from the urban area so it was easy to indulge in the calm sounds of the surroundings, nothing related to the city's people, cars, or noises.
Not even cooking was on the list today, so it was a good opportunity to try something different from a restaurant you haven't tried yet. Of course, due to the nature of his job, Thomas couldn't allow himself certain kinds of food, but having that in mind, having something out of the normal stuff every once in a while was ok.
It was getting way too comfortable… Resting in his chest, one arm around you while he softly caressed your head, a quiet ambiance making you both company. Thomas was starting to get sleepy, his week being naturally more physically demanding, involving several pieces of training and even a mid-week match, with all that it involved.
As the night was arriving, the temperature started to lower a little so it was a matter of time to move to the bed, cuddling was mandatory when was this comfy between Thomas and you.
Getting as close as possible to him and intertwining your legs between his was what you both needed to embrace a soft slumber, your eyes were closed already when you felt his lips against yours.
Disclaimer under the cut
DISCLAIMER: This is just fiction and imagined scenarios written by a fan of the aforementioned player, in no way intended to harm anyone in any shape or form. I do this as a hobby, to practice my writing and English skills since it is not my first language (and because I love him, of course, I do) so thanks for reading! <3
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Installing cameras in the home for security but it became a bit of a habit for Ingo/Emmet(separately) to watch them idle about at home while on break. Cleaning, cooking, etc. But then when s/o is crying one day on camera, they panic and hurry home thinking they're horribly sad and need comfort but they were just... chopping onions for stew... although, they HAVE missed their beloved husband a lot. Maybe it's time for a much needed vacation...
great request anon. a big fan of this scenario haha
also really wanted to write some doting Emmet soooo
cw: fluff
● Ingo hated to admit that he had taken to using the security camera in such irresponsible ways. At first, it was purchased after a presumed crazed fan began to send in many letters to the Subway Boss before escalating to leaving “gifts” on the doorstep. He, as any responsible, caring husband would, got a security system to help ensure your safety. But… Despite the reasoning for having it being a wholly different reason, he took to using it to check in on you.
● Your day to day without him at home was an unknown to him, so peering into this secret life was something that became a weird pleasure. The camera was pointed from the entryway to record both the living room veranda door and kitchen, but only slightly, so he could see you in both rooms throughout the day. Most of the time was spent messing around in the living room with interspersed chores here and there, something was always playing on the television for background noise. It was something that calmed him. These momentary check-ins left him relaxed between his work tasks.
● This ritual was not something unbeknownst to you. After all, the camera had provided him vital information about a meal before. You did not mind, sometimes even leaving small messages in its line of sight for him. Nothing about it really changed, until, well… One day, he turned on the camera just was he was about to begin the paperwork portion of his day.
● The screen showed the home as usually, but there was a quiet sound that came through the audio. Ingo's heart clenched as the sound of whimpers and hiccups. You were in the kitchen, just out of sight of the camera's line of capture. Leaning over the counter, you clearly were overcome with a strong enough feeling to burst into tears. Ingo threw down his phone and turned to his brother, who had already started his portion of the work. “I-I need to go,” the older twin managed to get out, “Right now.” Emmet gave him an odd look but nodded. Thanking him, he rushed out of the station at an uncommon speed, almost forgetting to clock out.
● The door of his apartment was thrown open after he ran all the way from the station. You jumped from the sudden intrusion, expecting the worst. Instead, you saw a panting Ingo. He stared at you with big eyes. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying, causing him to panic more. “Oh, my sweet dearest love, what is wrong? I saw you crying on the camera and rushed home,” he approached you and brought you into a warm embrace. You stood there stiffly, shocked by this all.
● “Ingo, sweetie, I was cutting onions,” you told him. He froze. His silvery gaze met yours deeply. “I was making a beef stew for dinner,” you took his hand softly and brought him into the kitchen. A pot of stew simmered away on the stove. He felt dumbstruck. You were leaning over the counter to cut an onion, not because you were so overcome with emotion. Ingo stepped into the living room and sat on the couch, slightly embarrassed by how rash he had acted. That simply wasn't like him! His cheeks were bright red now. You shook your head and sat down beside him.
● “Ingo…” you cooed at him, wrapping an arm around him and rubbing his arm tenderly, “… Well, now that you mention it, I have been a bit a lonely lately.” He turned to look at you with a gentle expression. “You're a big, busy Subway Boss, so I hate to tell you when I miss you,” you continued. He suddenly grabbed your other free hand and leaned in to rest his forehead against yours. His emotions of pure, unbridled love poured from those metallic seas in his iris.
● “Perhaps… I could arrange some time off from work then,” he spoke with his always slightly loud voice, “Leaving my dearest so lonely is cruel.” You smiled at him and nuzzled your nose to his before going in for a kiss. He pulled you in for a long embrace. You hummed in contentment.
○ Emmet stared at the screen with no feelings of awareness about how weird it was to technically spy on you. The security system came after concerns about suspicious people hanging around outside his apartment door when he was not home. A neighbour had reported it to you both, and he quickly grew worried about your safety. Your light-hearted joke about having an army of small yellow spiders as protection had not soothed him. Which is why he checked in on you periodically throughout the day. That, and he was deeply curious about what you did without him there.
○ The camera picked up the living room and partially some of the kitchen, so he was able to observe as you did chores and moved around the home. He could see you occasionally trailing a string toy across the floor as a Joltik chased it, or working to vacuum and panicking after a Joltik accidentally got picked up by the hose. Seeing these little things left him in a strange ease, you were safe and happy. He may admit part of the reason he watched the screens so much was to see you smile. Quiet giggles had drawn eyes on to him as he gazed at his phone with a lovestruck expression.
○ You were not unaware of his habit. He often came home and spoke to you about things he observed through the camera. Especially with the Joltik getting stuck in the vacuum. (The little guy was alright. Just terrified of the cleaning device now.) You even decided to tease him through the camera, leaving out sweets for him to see or endearing messages. Emmet sent you many sad faces through texts about the sweets. Everything about it was ordinary and not of concern, until he turned on the camera when he was doing one last late battle while waiting on the train.
○ He spied you in the kitchen, leaning over a counter just out of the sight of the camera. Emmet listened to the audio carefully. His heart dropped as quiet hiccups came from the device. The trainer entered to a scene of Emmet distressingly calling over the radio that he needed off then. The side-eye glare he got from the twin was something blood-curdling. The Depot Agents watched an absolutely dominating battle from afar, as the Subway Boss clearly wanted nothing to do there. Ingo approved his early leave without hesitation.
○ The door opened with such force that you nearly screamed. Emmet stood in the doorway with worry clear across his face and his hat almost off his head. It was closed behind him as he tackled you into a tight embrace. You awkwardly returned the affection, a bit in shock from his sudden appearance. The twin was a bit sweaty, obviously having run home. Had something happened? “Are you sad?” he asked bluntly, looking into your eyes with desperate eyes. Your confusion only worsened from that.
○ Your brain searched for anything that would have caused him to think that. The irritation still present in your eyes from the onions you had been cutting entered your consciousness. “Emmet, I was cutting some onions for our dinner,” you cupped his face and reassured him, “Come with me.” You took him into the kitchen to see the stew sitting on the warm stove. The skin of the onion was still laid out on the counter, as you had not even had time to clean up with how quickly he had rushed over to you from work. Emmet's smile returned as he pulled away from you to go into the living room. You watched as he stood stiffly and stared blankly out your veranda door. Onions, he thought, it was onions. He did not feel embarrassed. Nope! Not at all. He was just verrrry aware of everything he had done to get here with you.
○ “Emmy,” you called to him sweetly, wrapping your arm around his and leaning against him, “… I have been a bit lonely.” His head whipped over to stare at you instantly, eyes terribly wide and smile twitching. You raised your free hand to his cheek softly. Emmet nuzzled into it softly and freed his arm to pull you into a hug. You knew how he got about the idea of you feeling lonely, especially when it was his “fault.” It always hurt to tell him because of how he chided himself about it. “I missed you a ton… You just adore your work so much, and I love to see you happy…” Emmet shook his head. His forehead rested against yours, as he sighed.
○ “I am taking time off,” he said confidently, “My verrry sweet darling should never feel like that!” He moved to rub his cheek against yours before moving into kisses. You silently apologised to Ingo for the unstoppable force that he was about to meet. Pecking a kiss to your lips, Emmet gave you the sweetest smile he could offer. His hand interlocked with yours. “I will make you happy!” he cooed.
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katyspersonal · 9 months
I used to take meds back then from autumn 2018 to autumn 2019. They were helping with paranoia, hyperactivity, impulsivity, anger issues, delusions, panic attacks, etc, you get the drill. They had good effects, such as me having been rather calm (to the point people were joking about how nothing could ever anger or scare me, lol), as well as more focused on writing or drawing things more than I've ever been in my life. But also they've made me so sleepy that I basically barely finished my last uni year when dozing off at every class, and I had a hard time providing the engaged, invested, "nerdy" conversations on every other topic like I do. I just quit them because not only being sleepy ALL the time would not let me work a job normally, but I also started to worry that I've been losing myself as a person. I was just so... detached and boring in conversations while medicated? Like you guys here know me as a person who is chronically like this:
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But when I was medicated, it was far not this way. I was giving like... kinda tame and normie responses and thoughts, still excited but not TOO excited, etc. I am surprised that even while being a total slug on meds, I still had it in me to start fearing of losing my "eyes on the inside" xd
But I've been just thinking about stuff recently. I still loathe it when it is being handled like "you are a dangerous harmful monster that doesn't deserve compassion and trust and should be exciled from society", obvs, but the problem itself exists. I am kinda too intense, too much, too impulsive, my mood can drastically flicker within a second and flicker back just as fast. And I am paranoid. This year I even exhausted another paranoid person with being worse at it than them :/ (it always reminds me of a dream I had once, where Mic0lash of all people told me that I was "too crazy" for him fdshfh xD) I am extremely blessed to have friends and simply familiar people who accept and love me the way I am, but I am really starting to think that maybe I should delve back into it. That maybe something was wrong with the meds or the dose I used to be taking and I should try again. It is just really strange that being healthier would be able to "ruin" my passionate, nerdy, engaged personality. I've always been 'over the top' with how I think and with my creativity, even before any mental illness showed up, so sure it is just me and not any sort of positive symptom...? Like, clearly this is just my autism, not one of those other "mental illness" guys?
Well, all this talk is just in the scenario if I get enough financial stability to be able to afford monthly repackaging of meds. I am just having second thoughts on whether it is really a choice with no good option, and that maybe that previous doctor just made a mistake with prescriptions (could happen with anyone, even a professional). Or maybe I needed to demand trying something else but didn't. And I just assumed that "meds are a diabolic device to destroy a creative, nonconforming brain" (notice how it itself sounds a bit like a paranoid delusion, so clearly those meds were not quite helping with it lol). Not gonna lie, I am still scared that being calmer will kill the "real me", but at this point pain, paranoia and anger keep chopping away from my days and from my good experiences. And I can't control it.
But maybe I just should not have expected to hit the right way instantly, some people try out different meds for years before they find something that genuinely makes life better. Like maybe I got scared of how things have changed and gave up too soon, when I should have like, bugged doctor to try something else. I just want to believe that I don't have to choose between "being nerdy and engaged" and "stopping having panic/anger attacks that quite literally make me lose my mind". At least I gather enough optimism and benefit of the doubt to consider delving into it again, so there is something..
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
hey there, so i write, myself currently in the middle of a novel werewolf one too no less. and progress has come to a halt thanks to your blog and demo lmao, great premise also even in the demo your pacing and writing are perfect, i must say, you really set the tone perfectly anyway, oh and nice choice going with the Helsing like werewolf too. i'm gushing a little too much though i could say a lot more lol i do have a couple questions though.
What inspired you to go with a, I guess darker theme for the story?
Also how would the Ros react/calm a shifted Mc that is kind of berserking out due to the grief? really I'm curious if any of them would sing to them lol i mean it would super sweet no?
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first of all I would *love* to see your werewolf novel because I adore werewolf media, and second AAAAAAAAAA THANK YOUUUU i really try my best to make the pacing not feel rushed or drag on too long. I love Helsing's werewolves and like as much as I adore werewolves that are just big wolves, i prefer Helsing's cause it gives them that needed human aspect without making the werewolf just look like a really hairy guy OR like an all skin no fur werewolf. aaa just thank you again it means a lot ^^
In all honesty I'm just better suited for dark themes when it comes to writing, I grew up on psychological thrillers and mysteries, eventually branching out to action and horror. It's not that I don't enjoy a good happy story I just feel disingenuous when *I* try to write one. Long story short, I just like my angst
ooooo a very good scenario, the ro's responses would vary depending on if romanced or not but I'm going to write them as if MC is romancing them ^^
The Hunter:
Hunter has dealt with many rampaging werewolves before, but never one they were close to... let alone one they were in love with. They know they can't use any of their weapons, even just the thought makes them sick, so the other alternative. They approach MC, hands up and showing that they have no weapons on them, that they mean no harm, and once they're close enough they wrap their arms around MC and hug them, holding them close and not letting go even if their back gets torn to shreds, even if MC growls and tries to break free. Hunter knows that MC will calm down and realize it's them eventually, and they don't mind. Hunter heals fast and they've been through worse, what they can't handle is knowing MC is in pain to the point they've gone berserk. Eventually MC would calm down and Hunter would be holding a human MC. Hunter would kiss their forehead before taking off their own shirt for MC to put on. If MC started to worry about Hunter's injuries Hunter would just shake their head and smile, "Already healed over darlin, I'm OK. Let me have your back for once alright?"
The Detective:
Detective knows MC's been through a lot of shit, honestly they're surprised MC's gone so long without freaking out like this. Detective has seen a lot of shit themself, they've seen good people die, seen bad people get treated like heroes just cause they paid off the right people to keep mouths zipped tight. So no, they don't judge MC or think less of them. It does hurt, though, to know MC's in pain and there's really not much Detective can do to help. What they can do, is buy a few hot dogs and sit down near MC and pat the spot next to them, "I can't imagine what you're going through... This city seems to find new ways to ruin peoples lives every second." And Detective would sigh and take a bit out of their hot dog before looking up at MC, "I'm here for you though, no matter what I've got your back MC. You're one of the few genuine people left in this fuckin place. You still got emotions." And they'd give a sad smile, "Hell you helped me realize I still got em too, so let me help you out. Let me help carry this shit that's got you so down." And they'd both sit there for a while, MC eventually turning back to their human form and maybe they talk for a while, maybe they just sit in each other's company, whatever MC needs. Eventually Detective would drape their long coat over MC's shoulders and help them up and then, then Detective would pull them into a soft kiss, holding them close and resting their foreheads together. Detective may not be good with words, but they want, no they *need* MC to know that they're gonna be there for MC no matter what.
The Ghost:
They saw it all happen, MC reading what Ghost assumed was just another letter from a client or intel source, and then MC shaking and hyperventilating, fur growing out of their skin as muscles began to tear and snap, MC's form breaking itself and reshaping as they began to turn. Of course Ghost was freaking out, not because they were scared, but for MC. Because they had no idea what had triggered them, and clearly it was enough to send them into a full-blown panic attack. Ghost would quickly read over whatever had set MC off to get an idea of what was going on in their head, and to read it would break Ghost's heart as well, but they had an idea now. Ghost would rush to MC's side, gently holding the sides of MC's face, "MC I'm so sorry..." and talk to them, telling mc that no one should have to go through what MC's been through, that it's not fair that MC keeps getting more shit piled onto their plate, but then assuring MC that they don't have to go through it alone anymore. Not only are they a team, but they're partners. Ghost will be by their side no matter what, and that they're ready to step in and help whenever MC needs a shoulder to lean on. They would rub MC's cheek and kiss their forehead before murmuring, "I love you MC, and I always will. It's okay to get overwhelmed, we're in this together." Eventually when MC calms down Ghost would get a blanket for them to wrap up in before making a comfort meal for MC and suggest they watch something to distract themselves.
The Loner:
The Loner can tell MC has gone berserk due to overwhelming emotions (its like a severe panic attack for werewolves) and Loner has been there before. It's terrifying and easier to just let the wolfish instincts to take over, but they also know it means something truly upset MC to get them to this point. Loner would shift into their wolf form and approach carefully, very relaxed and open in their posture until MC would recognize their scent. At that point Loner would nuzzle MC and hold their hands, putting one over their own chest before putting theirs's on MC's to show that MC wasn't alone in this. Loner would then howl a little before nudging MC to do the same. Instead of let the emotions overwhelm them, Loner would have MC howl it out (sort of like screaming but more cathartic as it itches both that need to just scream and cry as well as the wolfish instincts). Loner would stay there with them, howling until MC could finally return to their human form and Loner would do the same, picking them up and holding them close and assuring them that they'd figure this out together. Loner wouldn't pressure them to talk about what set them off, they just want MC to know it's natural to get overwhelmed to this point, and that Loner will be there for them no matter what.
The Burglar:
The Burglar is naturally someone who doesn't take many things seriously, but after they realize that they have been falling in love with MC? MC's the one thing they really do take seriously. They would approach the situation carefully, trying to figure out why MC has gone berserk, if MC was hurt, all these things before shoving the thoughts aside. It's their MC after all, and while Burglar may not have the greatest singing voice they do play the violin quite well. What better way to calm down a werewolf than a lullaby? Burglar would sit down close to MC and begin to play a calming tune, all the while encouraging MC that they're here for them, that they can figure this out together, that they're still loved, and that Burglar isn't scared off in any way. After all they're partners. I think eventually the MC would lay down next to Burglar and Burglar would start to rub their head and continue to talk about little things until MC calmed down enough to go back to their human form, and Burglar would drape their coat around MC's shoulders before carrying them somewhere safe and quite.
The Spouse:
They hate seeing MC in so much pain and their heart aches for MC. It's terrifying seeing anyone lose control, but for Spouse it just saddens them deeply. They don't know what set MC off, but MC sounds so mournful and hurt. Spouse knows not to spook MC in this state so they approach MC slowly, their voice is calm as they call out, "My love, I'm here. I'm here for you," And stretching out their hand for MC to hold. They know MC won't hurt them, and yes its terrifying, but Spouse knows their MC is in there. Mc is in there and hurting and just needs someone on their side to help lighten the load. Once MC would approach Spouse would put MC's hand on their cheek before kissing their palm/paw and hugging them close, rubbing their back and continuing to murmur, "It's alright MC. I'm here. I'm never leaving again alright? I'm here for you."
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Well here is the scene!
Character B was hanging around the attic and a rotten smell attracts him.
He opens the closet and finds corpses (I don't know how to put details here... but you can tell him they are disfigured and stabbed) he turns and finds character A, who is responsible. Character B reacts petrified while Character A speaks emotionlessly.
this is almost like an Au Apocalypse. Which the corpses were infected.
I've been trying to write well for weeks and get a conversation between the two of them but they don't come out.
Fun fact: Character A is emotionless and don't care about their actions or consequences
Character B is an old friend who thinks that their friend is not the same anymore
I hope you can help me and that it is not too much trouble! Also thank you again!
Oooooh.... That is juicy I LOVE IT.
Okay I'm used to writing specifically prompts but I am dealt with writing scenarios like this.
Just gotta harness your mental illness/lh
You can have two approaches either B is shocked and in awe at the horror or my favorite approach: them absolutely losing themselves to the horror of the situation.
Okay so description is VERY important as you must convey to the reader WHY it is so horrifying. So describe with as many senses as you can.
The smell would be the first to be sensed.
You could also describe a brown, reddish trail to the closet.
Person B creeps his way to the closet afraid of what could be on the other side. Fearing the worst, he swing up the closet, the smell burning his senses forcing him to take a step back and truly grasp the situation.
What they saw was truly unimaginable. A pile of corpses had erupted out of the closet. Their faces permanently stained with the horrors that they witness before meeting their end. The smell was truly unbearable. Their bodies were wrong. Misshapen, contoured (this is were you describe the infection such as puss, spots, or darkened areas of the skin). They were haphazardly stuffed in the closet, judging by their broken bones that would have allowed them to fit. Their bones were jutting out of their flesh, still stained with blood and bits of torn flesh. The bones were stabbing and piercing the other bodies. Each body was covered in wounds, to clean to be caused by broken bones, as if someone had stabbed each and everyone of them to death.
Person B can't handle what they are seeing. The fall and stumble to the ground.
"no no no no no... This can't be- This can't be. This can't be real- No no no no. Why would they... No no no no.... (Person A) this can't be- you couldn't have done this. They wouldn't. This is just a misunderstanding....this has to be. Why would they have done this...there has to be a logical explanation...there has to be..."
They are slowly losing it, make them stutter and repeat themselves. That's how the mind acts in a situation like this. I know from personal experience, be glad if you have never felt this way.
If you are too describe grief or stuff akin, make them speed up their words as the body will have a physical reaction and will try to force to get it over as fast possible preventing them from breathing. This is called panic. I also know from personal experience.
You want to truly get in character and make the reader believe that the character is real.
Here is something I have written recently.
⚠️Abuse warning ⚠️
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- now for some dialogue. Put them in any order you like.
—Person B: "Wha- *pants* wha-" his breath is heavy. "What did you do?..."
Person A: "I did what I had to. If you weren't so much a fool, you could see that."
—Person B: "We- we could- could have done something! This wasn't the only way-"
Person A: "This IS the only way."
—Person B: "You- You killed them! You don't know that they couldn't be saved! You could have done something."
Person A: "They were already dead, there was no saving them."
—Person A: "Calm down you are acting irrational."
Person B: "Calm?...Calm Down!?! YOU KILLED PEOPLE!!! They...they had lives (person A)... They had families! They had partners.....they had- friends.
—Person B: "I...I can't believe I trusted you! Look at what you have done! Yet you feel nothing! What kind of monster are you!"
Person A: "You don't mean that."
Person B: "I trusted you. Let you back into my life. I trusted- I sacrificed for you!"
—Person B: "What have you become..." They fall to the floor sobbing uncontrollably. "GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!"
You could also write how they make a break for the stairs or whatever method used to get to the attic, try to act cool and calm about but failing miserably.
Hope that helps ☺️
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chenfordspiral · 1 year
Just had to let you know you are saving my sanity with your responses and analyses! Somehow, these days seem even longer than the hiatus!
Hi!! Oh, that's kinda crazy omg (cause I don't feel so sane about any of it), but I’m so glad to hear that my ramblings could help you with that in any way ☺️ I have many thoughts about Lucy and UC (duh, obviously) and it’s actually helped to write it out. I’ve calmed down considerably since the episode aired, but I’m still struggling. It’s honestly a constant back and forth right now… but it’s reassuring to know that writing it out hasn’t helped just me, but you as well.
And I totally get what you mean. I’m so ready for this UC storyline to be done and dealt with... I’m so impatient for the next two eps because I’m ready to find out what happens. The days really do seem longer, especially because my mind keeps coming up with different scenarios and none of them are very pretty (hi angst, I hate you).
Hope you have a great day, and thanks for letting me know I could offer a little sanity! That may have just made my day 🥰
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alphabetatoes · 6 months
never been kissed (v. sanji x reader)
a.n.: I FINALLY did it boys 🫡 got this fic done and over with. l + ratio + get rekt 😤 to the scrivener file of this that's been sitting in my desktop files for like 2 months. be nice to me, im such a nerd when i write fluff pieces 😭. me 🤝 myself ending fics probably way earlier than when they should be ended. also me: scraping the bottom of the barrel for fic ideas summary: reader has never been kissed and known romance appreciator sanji WILL NOT stand for this. reader and sanji are awkward but in a fluff fic type of way?? idk. also no beta, we post like men. c.w.: slightly suggestive content toward the end of the fic. w.c.: 950
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“What do you mean you’ve never been kissed?” Sanji looked at you with an expression of utter disbelief. There was nothing wrong with it, just a mere statement of fact. You hadn’t had a genuine kiss yet. “Hell, if you asked me to kiss you right now I would, no questions asked.” Sanji was never one to be discrete, especially in the art of romance.
“Easy there, loverboy.” Nami shot him a look, quietly making a point to keep him at bay. It wasn't a huge deal anyways. In fact, being out at sea and busy as ever as a pirate made it difficult to find time for simple pleasures. But your current environment wouldn’t negate innate desires.
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Twilight was setting in as you laid in your bunk. You couldn't help but think about Sanji's comment. Was he just being polite, or was there something more to his comment? Part of you knew Sanji was sincere, as he never did anything to betray your respect. However, your nerves were plummeting you into the idea that he wasn’t speaking out of seriousness. It also might not have helped that you had feelings for him. Forgoing the seemingly endless night of restlessness, you decided to bite the bullet and get an answer.
As you made your way to his room, you tried to calm your mind. You played out practically every scenario in your mind, prepping for their outcomes. Once at your destination, you knocked lightly on the door.
“Come in.” When you walked into the room, Sanji was sitting at his desk and flipping through a few recipe books. He looked to be researching the cuisine of the island you were soon to be docked on. Without an immediate response to him, you sat on his bed. You were still trying to draw up the courage to ask your question, but it felt like a steep hill you were trying to climb.
“And to what do I owe the honor of your presence at this hour?”
“I don’t know… I was just thinking about your offer? The kissing lessons?” Your heart was racing so fast, you thought it would pop out. Sanji raised a brow, prompting you to continue your query. “Were you serious?”
Sanji turned to face you in his chair, contorting his body ever so slightly.
“Why would I joke about something like that?”
Oh? Maybe your initial thoughts were wrong. Hell, you wouldn’t be mad if they were. But still, he looked to you for any sort of reaction, clearly set in his response.  
“I don’t know.” You looked down at your feet dangling off his bed, and played with your fingers.“Maybe I thought you were just trying to be nice?” The vulnerability made you unable to meet his gaze, still nervous for his reaction.
He stood up and met you at the edge of his bed, both your knees barely grazing each other. You were close enough to smell the lingering fragrance of cigar smoke and whatever he’d been cooking earlier. It smelt sweet- and comforting. The kind of scent that brought an ease to your racing heart. “That’d be a pretty fucked up thing to do, you know. Especially in front of other people.” Relief flooded over you. It was the confirmation you needed.
“Do you still want to do this? If you feel uncomfortable at any point we’ll stop.” You nodded, and with a smile, gave a concrete “Yes.”.
With your response, he sat next to you and placed his hand to your cheek. “We’ll take it slow. When you’re ready, just lean in. “ You took a deep breath, trying to rid yourself of any lingering nerves. You closed your eyes and leaned in, waiting for Sanji. You felt his lips meet yours, pressing softly. Your cheeks warmed at the new sensation. After a moment, Sanji pulled away. “So?”, Sanji smiled. “It was nice. Think I might want to do it again.” 
He pulled you back in for another kiss, this time moving his hand down to your waist. Warmth radiated from his fingertips, kindling a fire in your stomach. His lips moved slowly against yours, drawing you into a rhythm. His mouth was slow and steady, yet eager for your reciprocation. As you met his pace, you felt yourself melting into the kiss.
This time, it felt different. More passionate, with electricity circuiting through your body. Sanji brought his other hand to your thigh, anchoring himself to you. You traced your tongue against his bottom lip, causing him to smirk. “You sure you need these lessons? You’re a pretty fast learner.” You gave him a playful slap on his shoulder. He was right though. The lesson was starting to feel less like a learning opportunity and more-so shifting into a session airing out unspoken and previously unmet needs. You grabbed the bottom of his shirt, bringing yourself closer to him. Eager to eliminate any unnecessary space between the two of you.
You felt Sanji's surprise at your forwardness, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he returned your enthusiasm, eagerly pulling you into his lap. His hands now had free reign on your body, tracing up and down your sides, admiring every inch of you, your skin tingling with every touch. You could feel him harden beneath you, but he didn't make any further advances, prioritizing your comfort given the situation. “I think you’re enjoying this lesson too, Mr. Teacher.” You couldn’t help but smirk at the circumstance. This newfound boldness of yours made him feel like putty in your hands.
 “What can I say? I take pleasure in my craft.” Sanji joked, causing you to roll your eyes.
 “I’m sure you do.”
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yesimwriting · 3 years
The Needs of Pain
A/n as promised,,, here is my gift to you bc I finished ap gov today :))
The darkling x heartrender!reader story based on the whole ‘no one but me can hurt you’ thing :))
Warnings: sexual innuendos,, attempts to sexualize pain if you squint, kinda lemon-y
I kinda want to write a smutty part 2 let’s see lol 
Summary: after a training injury, Kirigan reveals how he views the dynamic of your relationship and figures out how to best help you work through the pian 
In an odd way, the most painful part of my injury had been the wound on my pride, not my shoulder. Though the pain that begins beneath my collarbone and continues down my left shoulder is not exactly pleasant. I can’t bring myself to pity myself too much as I stare at the extent of my burns. There’s a war going on. People die, people lose loved ones, I have to tolerate pain for an hour or two before a healer can be sent to be. 
I told Genya I’d be fine in the medical wing, but she insisted that I wait for a healer to be sent to me. The people here look up to me, if news of my injury got out, especially considering it’s a training wound, morale would take a blow we can’t currently afford. Genya had looked relatively sympathetic when she told me that many healers were occupied considering how difficult training had been and I had told her I could bear the weight. 
Now, in my room, staring at the basin full of water, I’m starting to regret my desire to be self sacrificing. I dip the towel in the water, squeezing out the excess before daring to dab the fabric on the outer edge of the wound. The feeling is fire against my skin all over again. An instinctual curse leaves me as I drop the towel on the counter that surrounds the basin. 
Arthur hadn’t meant it. I can still hear the frantic apologies tumbling from his full lips. He should have been more focused on the task at hand, he should have never stopped to look at me, at the way I could control so many living things at once. In some odd sense, his distraction had been a compliment. Many of the girls here would sell anything to have Arthur’s attention, even if it resulted in such a careless mistake. 
I grimace, picking up the towel and preparing to start again. I should at least clean it before the healers have to deal with both a physical injury and an infection. The sound of my door flying open and then shutting angrily is enough of a distraction for me to accidentally dab the towel against my skin too harshly. I curse again, turning my head towards the bathroom door. Did Genya exaggerate the severity of my wound? Are the healers that desperate to get to me? 
I turn on my toes, towel forgotten by the basen full of water as I approach the door that connects my room with the bathroom. “I’m--” Words meant to calm a frantic healer stick to the back of my throat as soon as I register all the black in the room. General Kirigan. Great. He no doubt heard about my injury after prying it from Genya and now he’s here to scold me for the childishness of it all. To be injured because a boy and I just couldn’t help ‘make eyes at each other’. All he does is insult my refusal to become bitter just because I was born possessing power. 
“You’re what?” His words are a different level of callous, darker than the shadows he creates with the will of his mind alone. “An idiot that let herself be sent back to her room instead of demanding to see a healer?” 
That’s an odd thing for him to focus his anger on. At least it’s not fully directed at me. On instinct, I half turn, attempting to hide my injury from his piercing eyes. My instinct tells me he should never see me so mortal. “Genya recommended it,” my words are determined yet calm, “It’s such a small injury it isn’t worth risking everyone’s morale. A healer will come here when one is available.” 
His face tightens in what must be some kind of disgusted disbelief. “Foolish girl--have you no instinct for preservation?” 
Every decision I’ve made since being injured made sense before he spoke to me. The fierceness of his voice leaves my face warmer than it was a moment ago and reminds me of the stem of my dislike for him. General Kirigan speaks and I am left a clumsy child. “Some things are more important than one’s self.” I expect he’ll turn that into something else to mock or belittle about me. “And it’s not a grave injury it’s barely--” 
The distance between us seemed so great less than a second ago, but he’s closed it so quickly, grabbing my left wrist and extending my arm forward so that I can’t hide anything from him. “You’re burned.” There’s the slightest bit of surprise coloring his words along with something else I can’t interpret. “How did you get burned?” 
Kirigan doesn’t know. My stomach knots, anticipating embarrassment. “Training incident--I was standing too close to an Inferni.” 
His grip on my arm tightens. I grimace as he pulls me forward with no regard for my injury. “Who?” The voracious way he says the word leaves my thoughts trembling. He is a void of darkness, starving for a victim to snuff the light out of.  
When my thoughts settle, I cannot bring myself to tell him the truth. “I didn’t see, I was distracted by the burning.” I exhale slowly, desperate to escape the flames behind his eyes the way I could not escape the fire of earlier. “It doesn’t matter, I’ve been injured worse in training.” His hold on my arm doesn’t loosen, I glance down at his hand, his firm grip on me somehow worse than the burn. “You’ve injured me worse in training.” 
“I may push you, exhaust you, and leave you mad--but I have never done anything that comes close to--that!” The last of his words carry themselves louder than the rest. 
If the skin of my shoulder wasn’t so sensitive I’d try fighting his tightening grasp. The accusation on my part had been a little much, but it was meant to serve as a reminder that he’s not one to care about my comfort or well being. “Why does it matter?” I can’t bring myself to meet his gaze. “You’ve never cared about any of my injuries before.” 
Kirigan releases my arm in a stiff trance, raising his hand to brush his thumb down my cheek. The contact is reminiscent of an extremely different moment. “The first night here you only let a few tears escape you when you were convinced that no one could see them. Do you remember how I turned and wordlessly wiped them away?” His gesture had not been comforting then and it isn’t comforting now. He never wanted to comfort me, he wanted to assert some strange power over me. “I let those tears fall because they were because of me and I knew it was for the best.” I say nothing, letting his thumb ghost tears that will not come. “The moment I discovered you, what you could be, you became mine.” 
“I am no one’s.” The reaction is instinctual, a pride my mother instilled in me. My voice is too loud, too brash. “I am my own.” 
I brace myself for his anger, but all I receive is the slight relaxation of his lips. “It’s things like that give you so much potential in other ways.” His voice is a jagged rock caressing my skin, not minding the scrapes it leaves behind. “You’re a fair plaything, as well as useful.”  
He’s speaking so gently his voice borders on vulnerable. Something in me warms, but I can’t tell why. I know that Kirigan finds joy in my discomfort--why else would he belittle me so often? “The healer will be here soon.” 
“Yes,” he makes no move to leave, instead Kirigan grabs my wrist again, forcing me to turn so that he can analyze the extent of my burn, “Which is why I will ask you again…” I try to catch his gaze, but his stone stare is focused on my burned shoulder entirely. “Who did this?” 
“I told you.” He can never know. “It was a training accident.” 
“And someone is responsible.” 
I let out a breath, tired of feeling so incomplete. I just want to be healed and go to sleep. “Why does it matter?” His fingers trail up my arm patiently, my body betrays me by shivering. “Accidents happen, you’ve put me in more risk than--” 
“I’ve always intended to break you one way or another,” his voice is more supple than it’s ever been before, “Your goodness is too tempting to not tarnish.” He turns my wrist over easily, ignoring my slight wince. “But if someone else were to do it…” Kirigan trails off, expression tightening in a way I can’t read, “I don’t let others break my play things.” 
Some strange resolve in my chest cracks at that. “Kirigan--” 
“Who are you protecting?” He moves his free hand, placing it without reservation on my shoulder. “Not telling me will only make it worse.” 
Thoughts of Arthur paying for such a small mistake leaves my stomach rolling in guilt. “Make what worse?” 
His expression tightens again. I wait for some kind of rebuke. Kirigan’s lips part as if he expects to criticize my naivety, but instead of speaking he turns sharply. He doesn't release his grip on my wrist as he leads me into my bathroom. 
“What are you doing?” 
Kirigan ignores my surprise, releasing me to pick up the towel I was so quick to abandon. “If you’re too good to take a healer from someone, you should at least avoid infection.” 
“I’m not an idiot, I was cleaning it.” The sharpness of my tone is ignored, Kirigan simply places one hand on my forearm to keep me in place. “Wha--”
 He brushes his thumb over my pulse gently in an effective attempt to silence me. I part my lips in hopes of protesting, but something odd reflects across his eyes. It must be some trick of the light because his expression seems...hesitant. Maybe even concerned. And then cool fabric is pressed into my burn. I bite my tongue so hard I’m surprised it doesn’t bleed. 
His expression shifts to that of almost amusement. “I think I’d like to hear you curse in a,” he exhales softly, fingertips trailing up my forearm, “Slightly different scenario.” 
The shock of such a bold innuendo clears my mind from thoughts of pain. But the most startling thing is that the innuendo isn’t entirely unwanted. In the wake of my surprise, he presses the wet towel into my wound again. I fight against a grimace, but that doesn’t go unnoticed by Kirigan. Instead of mentioning it, his free arm touches my uninjured shoulder. For the first time since he’s come here I’m aware of how improper my attire is. I changed out of my starched kefta and into a silk nightgown in order to leave my shoulder unbothered. Genya had helped me change, bearing all of my grimacing and pained curses. 
I should push him off of me. Kirigan can get away with a lot because of his status, but I by no means have to allow something like this. I should not feel shy, I should not be embarrassed. He’s the one that’s out of line. I look up into his eyes, prepared to yell at him for being so out of line. But when I meet his eyes, I see something so un-monstrous I am left breathless. There’s a gentleness to the way he tilts his head downwards, eyes never leaving mine. Is he asking for permission? Permission to--to what? I stay frozen as his lips brush against the unmarred side of my collarbone. His touch is almost enough to make me forget pain ever existed. He pulls away enough that I can feel his breath against the base of my neck. Thoughts I’d never dare speak are banished as the towel presses against my skin again. My face cringes immediately, but he’s quick to press his lips to the base of my neck, lingering kisses melting into my skin. 
“I thought you said you were fine.” His chiding is half-hearted, whispered between two brief kisses against my bare ski. 
He dabs the towel on the burn again, but before I can think to complain, his lips are against my skin again. This time, his lips part slightly allowing his teeth to graze over my pulse. Kirigan pulls away slightly, expression hardening, “I’m almost sorry about this part.” His words leave him in a whisper as influential as sin. 
“What part?” My voice feels foreign in my throat. 
Kirigan doesn’t reply, but then I feel the sharpest pain yet. The towel is cleaning the worst of the burn, the ruined patch of skin that will never recover without supernatural intervention. The gasp I let out is that of a bird with shattered wings. A cry forms in the base of my throat, but before it can leave me, Kirigan’s teeth bite into the skin above my pulse. The pained sound is reduced by my shock, twisting in an odd combination of some kind of pained sound and something dangerously close to a moan. 
He releases me with one last soft brush of his lips, straightening his back and retracting the towel. “There.” Kirigan drops the towel onto the bathroom counter. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?”
I can still feel the ghost of his lips, tongue, and teeth against my skin. I understand now. Each kiss had been a way to distract me, to lessen the pain. Something odd swells in my chest as I try to will my eyes to stop watering in pain. 
Kirigan presses his lips together, pressing his hand against my cheek again. His thumb brushes the few stray tears that escape me. “Don’t cry,” his tone is pure velvet, “I won’t tolerate tears in your eyes caused by anyone else.” He tilts his head oddly, hand sliding down my cheek before gripping my jaw, “I can provide reason for your tears if you’d like.” 
Inhaling deeply, I continue to stare at him. Today has been so sudden. He’s flirted with me through strangely sexual insults and threats before, but never has he been so forward about it. 
“I’m fine,” I force my voice to remain clear. He nods once. A soft rap at my door has me turning away from him. “The healer--I shoul--” 
“Come in,” he calls, voice clear and leaving no room for argument. 
My eyes widen. To be caught with him here could be detrimental for my reputation. Kirigan pulls away, something sharp playing at his features, something almost humorous. 
He leaves the bathroom like this is his own room. “Her wound is clean, work quickly.” I walk out of the bathroom in a strange trance. Kirigan’s gaze lands on me as I enter the main part of my room, “I need her at her full strength for what I have planned.” 
There’s a heaviness to his words, a weight that tells me he means more than what his words imply. Goosebumps erupt across my skin as I try to banish the thoughts of his mouth against my skin between inflictions of pain, blending together to create the most intense sense of fight or flight I’ve ever experienced. 
Kirigan begins to approach the door to my room. “I’ll be checking on her later.”
People that asked to be tagged in this/expressed interest:
@luminous-99 @voyevoda-thejoy @voidmalfoy @i-padfootblack-things @all-art-is-quite-useless @buckverse @mandowh0re @uhanddreag  
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