#i kinda mentioned dropping out and she was like 'don't you like uni?' and i just. couldn't tell her I'm doing jackshit cause she rn has
ajarofpickledtears · 2 years
why does Stuff (tm) take up so much energy
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scoutaloos-rp-hub · 1 month
After getting my bearings again for a bit.. damn this site has changed a LOT from what I remember back in the day.
For anyone interested: Ever since I left I lost my Grandpa, dropped out of Uni, got an apprenticeship which I've just recently had my written finals for so I can get a proper job in the future (how the system works in my home country), picked up fandoms, kinda dropped from the 101 Fandom as the show has pretty much been killed off by Disney and no matter how much you enjoy something, everything fades away eventually. I started writing a full long term fanfiction for a character I created for World of Warcraft and became obsessed with different things at different times. (Very random recollection of the last couple of years I know)
I did miss my time here and recently have been craving getting back into Roleplay as I have had a lot of fun with it over the years, so...
I am back!
(and honestly.. I'm surprised there are still so many people on my follower list, asumption being i wasn't the only one just going dormant...)
While I do wanna get back into RP I don't think I will be reviving my old blogs as I don't really have the muse for either of these Characters anymore... its just been to long, maybe one day they'll pop back into place but for the time being I'll leave them to rest.
The WoW character I mentioned, well... I may or may not have had inspiration for her a lot recently so..
Meet my Vulpera OC, Vayreena, a world traveling alchemist and adventurer (who's usually not THAT good at the latter) and because my brain obsesses over thing WAAAY to quickly and WAAAY to much... After seeing a certain recent movie, I couldn't resist going for seconds...
(Still a WIP tho, and I'm still not 100% sure how I'll do the design but its there and it's up)
Yes I know she's received.. mixed results.. but I just couldn't help myself. (I'm also not going to be having any icons for her for the time being since the movie isn't gonna be avaiable digitally for like another month for me
Both are avaiable for interacting, but bear with me.. I'm very rusty and work a full time job now so replies will likely be a lot slower than they were in my past.
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webslingingslasher · 9 months
Okay so like- the cooker at my new place absolutely SUCKS I can't cook anything with it so last night I went to use the air fryer I got, right? As I've gone to use it EVERY. SINGLE. SOCKET. In my flat went boom! And my phone was on like 7% cause I was about to charge it and would be dead by morning and I needed my alarm for uni. So at this point I haven't eaten, my wife her literally EXPLODED, it sparked white and let out a loud pop, im in pitch black, I'm honestly kinda scared and my phone is gonna die before morning. So already not off to a good start, but oh well, I find my battery pack that has 1% which SOMEHOW got my phone to 50% before quitting and like- my battery pack, my girl was the real mpv in this- like my mother and I was screaming at each other over the phone over this cause she said I'm so negative and that's why, and I was just like "oh sorry- lemme fucking will the power back on with positive thinking!". So we now start at today, I go downstairs, get the to fix my sincere then leave for uni- the bus was PACKED, like completely chock-a-block and I almost fell into a woman's lap so was SOOO embarrassed and wanted to die, and I had blisters from heels so my feet hurt like hell. I get into uni where almost immediately everyone's talking about plans to go out for Halloween including my "friends" right next to me and discussing it when I'm clearly not invited :') then we have a presentation I wasn't prepared for cause I've been so busy with a cancer scare with my grandad and my elderly dog has been doing so poorly lately. Everyone else had the bets fucking work and ideas and I was so embarrassed to even show what I had done and Sven tho my teacher tried there really wasn't much she could say in comparison and I spent like- 2 hours sitting there on my phone cause apparently I've murdered everyone's im the classes pets over the summer and no one wants go know me now even tho I was literally voted as most charismatic. At lunch I went and got a sausage roll cause I still haven't eaten at this point- then we had digital in the afternoon. Now idk if I've mentioned this before but I am HEAVILY dyslexic, like I'm the 2nd worst case my examiner has sent in 40 years heavy. And atleast 5 times within 2 hours I had to go up to my teacher to PROUDLY announce that I in fact could not do the task she had set, as I can't. Fucking. Read. And then she said in the lesson how interns are expected to put all the swatches into the right places which I obviously cannot do because cannot read. So I've just gotten home and got into another argument with my mum whilst having a massive meltdown again, still haven't eaten and I'm now grasping with the fact that I may not even be able to do fashion design and I've just got into loads of debt and wasted my time for nothing, but in also stuck here and can't do fuck all about it and I really fucking miss my dog. Oh and Ethan dropped out.
Sorry for the rant bestie ~🌻
oh my god sonny, if there was one time i really, really wish i could come through the screen & give someone a massive hug it would be right now.
i really don't know what to say, but i'm glad you had a space to get this all out. and lemme just say rn, for someone w terrible dyslexia you are such a trooper to be here talking to me and reading my stuff cause, imma be honest, i'm pretty wordy sometimes.
i really, really hope this next month turns around for you.
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feuqueerfire · 12 days
I Will Knock You Live Blogging
I'm really excited for this one, I love the idea of the younger guy pretending to be all tough and gangster with inspiration from old TV mafia bosses or whatever lol. I don't know how there's a story worth 12 episodes but I'm hoping I'll be delighted to find out. The visuals and bright colours look interesting too.
I also just finished Triage which was very good and well-made and had more of a focus on the plot than the romance, so maybe this will be a good change of pace.
Ep 1 (May 5)
he takes this so seriously, it's very endearing
getting the gang for moral support while he asks out his crush lol
this show is so silly and fun already, i'm kinda giggling out loud
Noey believes in destiny and only listens to the song "Destiny"
hey, be nice to the restaurant uncle! >:(
also pls how does the uncle have interest with these kids? How are they lending anybody money, you're high schoolers lol
going to get the meat his mother told him to buy :)
forced to be in close quarters on the bus lol
Noey used ter with his crush but he also uses it with Thi
omg not "You got my heart. I came here to ask you nicely to give it back" already, though it's likely about the lotus he stepped on and took away
I searched "lotus before bloom" and saw the worst photo ever, made my skin crawl and I started understanding trypophobia. made my skin crawl and kinda made me wanna throw up
save from falling only to drop him anyway
a day to find and return the lotus
damn, this lotus is very intact, he's not even gonna tear off most of the petals?
not Noey getting some random kid to bring his crush to a designated spot so he can serenade her. let her live!
there's even a dance from the whole group accompanying it, delightful tbh
no just be like aw :( she doesn't like me :( how sad, it's okay though i will seek joy else. not "i won't give up"
Seriously, that lotus wouldn't fool anybody
kabadon 2
Noey likes the cute charm on Thi's bag, aw. nvm it's probably some religious symbol/helps with business and so his mother might want it? still cute of him to notice it and inquire
does he take it?
ah lol it's a Soulmate/love charm
heh, Noey indeed did take it and now Thi's mother's asking him if he's met his soulmate lol
oh silly Thi, thinking you can already say goodbye to Noey
user heretherebedork mentioned how Ep 1 is full of symbolism of them exchanging hearts/souls... or, specifically, with Thi stepping on Noey's heart and then giving him the soulmate charm.exchanging hearts/souls
Ep 2 (May 6)
Thi: junior in uni, high school tutor
last ep kind of focused on Noey (or rather the narration was from one of Neoy's gang members lol) but this one Thi's doing his own voiceover
I get some whining but come onnnnn, either be stronger in your conviction to not go or suck it up after a while
I must not use my brain while watching this show for real because now I'm like ?? Why didn't you get your iPad during the hours you were waiting?
last ep, I noticed that when Thi was looking for the lotus at night and Noey was supervising with the umbrella, Noey was in all blue while Thi was wearing red but this time their colours changed?
Damn, Thi managed to not properly show Noey his face or what?
disgusting looking water rip for them having to film in that
lol Noey thinks Thi's following him around on purpose
pls shallow ass water
the view and trail to the restaurant really is quite pretty
Noey means butter?
ah indeed it's Noey's mother's restaurant, I wasn't sure
and Thi indeed was into the girl who served the drink lol
not the girl/Noey's sister just roasting Thi's nerdiness and naivete
lol, Thi's friend a real one for talking up his tutoring to Aunt Tim
Noey confused at Thi's fainting
forehead kiss
Noey really living in romance dreamland
gangster Noey fr
Something hilarious about how Noey's confidence that Thi likes him, like him giving a forehead kiss as reward and talking about "giving in" just for the night
Thi coming to O's rescue in ep 1 (and somewhat succeeding) and to Noey's rescue in ep 2 (and not ending up helping but y'know it's the thought that counts)
Ep 3 (May 6)
lmao kindhearted Noey giving Thi a chance to win his heart
crazy that Thi still hasn't uttered the words "I don't like you romantically"
not the housewife mention
Why is Thi smiling like he's into it lmfao maybe I'm the silly one and Noey's correct that Thi's already fallen for him
pls what did Thi drink from the monk's donations? pop?
Noey calls Thi Jarunee. I'd seen a post when this was airing that Noey calls Thi by names of famous' gangsters' wives/gfs?
Noey's apparently not gonna be nice like last night
ah, the gangster lackeys call Noey Phi
pls not another girl wanting to photos with Noey cuz she finds him scary but likes him still
girl, Noey's a menace, what's with this notoriety lol but how much of it is true? like pls the jail and gun stuff
aww Noay and Nid Nhoi brother-sister bonding moment
girl, Thi, please, not you now believing the rumours about Noey and so taking a wooden weapon to face him
this is so humiliating for Thi i'm gonna bury myself
Noey's main lackey manager guy is so funny and useless
damn, Thi can eat Noey's shitty/salty cooking
The foot that Noey meant to give to his crush Pam now being eaten by Thi
damn, they fr left at like 9pm and left Thi to sleep on the roof the whole night lol
literal menace Noey, being stuck on the rooftop was a grift?!
I now love this song Destiny, it's so memorable
Third person Thi was trying to protect: Nid Nhoi. Although this time he miscalculated even more than the previous 2 times. He's really unable to read the room/understand what's going on sometimes and it's funny still because we're on ep 3 but is gonna become real old if it keeps continuing on for 9 more eps.
Ep 4 (May 7)
learning about Pam? girl...
bucket hat to a new level, pot helmet
Wanlapa and Jamnien
not Noey teaching Thi to fight lol
lmfao 1 punch and running away, alright
2nd time Noey wanted to feed Thi lol it's really just his own desire
Noey's never gonna get tutored
Noey's goal to get better at cooking
damn, 4 eps in and finally we get some attempt at tutoring in the last 10 mins
Reddit post about Noey calling Thi old-time female names
I... wonder if this sort of low-plot, mostly chill, meandering show is maybe not what I'm fully in the mood for? Like I enjoy watching the show and I'm usually giggling and having fun while watching but also I feel little urge to pick up the next episode.
I am somewhat tempted to pick up Only Friends as well and alternate like 1 ep of Only Friends and 1 ep of I Will Knock You but I don't know if that'd actually work, and I've also got 23.5 which is another low-stakes, sweet high school romance that I'm already an episode behind on. Would I end up just watching Only Friends while ignoring I Will Knock You? Or should I try it just to see what happens and we're early enough in the month that I'll likely be able to finish all 3 of 23.5, I Will Knock You, and Only Friends if I'm in the middle of all 3 but 1 or 2 falls to the wayside until I finish another.
hmm... okay, I will next pick up Only Friends but maybe I'll try to limit that to 1 ep a day + the 2 podcasts I listen to that did ep-by-ep recaps and try to fit in 1 I Will Knock You ep a day as well.
Ep 5 (May 14)
Well... I'm here a week later because I ended up binging all of Only Friends and taking a 1-day break as well. I think I was just more in the mood for that kind of drama and addictive sort of storyline rather than the chill school shows like 23.5 and I Will Knock You. I have however returned to this and plan to watch hopefully all the remaining episodes or at least 4 more episodes till ep 8 before starting another possibly high-action/high drama series.
FOUR TIMES TABLES?! 10th grader? Noey's like 15-16 years old at least, right?
Noey's relentless certainty of Thi's crush on him lol
why does this whole endeavor feel fake
lol indeed it's some sort of set up and they're just eating ice cream
I was wanting vanilla ice cream in a cup to eat with a little wooden non-spoon just like as a kid but apparently, it's coconut ice cream and i want it even more now
pls I feel like I would've already decked Noey by now if he kept egging me on as if I liked him. If anything, so far, Noey has started falling for Thi lol
lol serves him right to have everybody ring his pockets dry with the ice cream
Is that the Bas gang also eating ice cream?
Is the helmet stolen or did Noey prepare it for Thi?
pls Noey wanting to go to Thi's room
and his whiny/mocking laughs lol teenager indeed
is he just throwing the seeds anywhere on the floor?!
Ai'Noey, which is seen as rude
also does the fish have some sort of resemblance to Noey's bang? he signaled the bang when he said "Are you making fun of me?" and then made Thi get his hair style
lol was Noey just looking at Thi's notes when answering
Thi Watphlu?
Ep 6 (May 14)
extremely serious silly dancing
what are they collecting?
taking shoes from the temple alksdfjalsdf for some reason Thi's banned from buying new sandals but "borrowing" them and returning a new pair later is... fine?
This show is so slow, it's kinda hard to binge since it's also not... explicitly romantic? Like the fun part about the show is how bizarre it is and the funny situations but I'm in the mood for some plot.
I watched 2 eps instead of 4 but I think I'll give Kiseki: Dear To Me a try now instead lol
Ep 7 (May 24)
I'm back 10 days later and this time, I must finish!
They were actually so cute and now Noey bringing up Pam again, c'mon kid.
Thi orchestrating Noey flirting with him to practice flirting with Pam, bruh
yaas lol Thi as Noey and Noey as Pam in the imagination
giggly Noey
man, they're being too cute and friendly while trying to help Noey to flirt with a different person, I hope they start liking each other (or realizing it) soon
...does Noey know? that he likes Thi? why is it seeming like the flowers are for Thi bruh
hah, Nid Nhoi being like is there something going on between you and Thi?
ahhhh Noey doing his homework so that Thi can be proud of himmmm
omg yay Noey being like shall I hit on you (Thi) instead?
I really liked this episode and it's not even that it's better than the other episodes necessarily, I think I'm just receptive to high school cutesy storyline again after wanting something darker or more dramatic for the last few weeks. which is great, it's way more enjoyable to watch a show while in the mood for it.
Ep 8 (May 28)
Was busy this weekend but I'm finally back again
fun how forward Noey is to both his friends and Thi about him flirting with Thi
Thi dragging his friends around to help Noey with his motorcycle, aw
a different guy showing interest in Thi?
girl, Thi's friends are gonna know what's up
Noey's so mean to Thi in front of Thi's friends >:(
ah, Noey's cooking only edible to Thi, who enjoys it a lot
Ep 9 (May 29)
you just called me (phi) and idiot? yes. oh, okay. lmfaooo
this tiny child lolll
Noey declaring his intentions to make Thi his bf in front of everyone
[Linguistics] ik Noey said he doesn't even consider Thi his Phi but he's been referring to him as Phi these last few minutes. Has he always done that and I never noticed or is it new?
Ep 10 (May 30)
nooo Noey did bad in class despite trying
ahh, the movie that shaped Noey
Tumblr media
this shot is so similar to the BD films that take place in the village ahh on a boat in a pond full of water lilies <3
talking about the FL going abroad but this time I think Noey's the one who goes abroad
why are we competing to ride the ferris wheel with Thi, is he a prize?
oh damnn dramatic fight, and Nid Nhoi and Auntie Tim getting caught in the crossfires
Ep 11 (May 30)
It's not good how I just want this show to be over already because it's not that I dislike it or that it's bad, I'm literally just... in the mood for something different.
aww, Noey and Thiw friendship T.T
Thi's parents immediately realizing what's going on and disapproving
I wish these conflicts were happening since earlier on in the show because a lot of the earlier eps were repetitive in their 'Thi is scared of Noey' cycles.
Aw, Noey's not giving up. and like to see Thi being into Noey's plans lol
[Linguistics] Noey often calls Thi P'Thi but also is currently using just Thi in this convo
did Noey's cooking improve or do Thi's parents also just love Noey's terrible cooking? both are cute
girl why is Phayu still here and why doesn't Thi tell him no straight up
2 seconds of lesbians and I smile, imagine what'd happen if they even gave us 20 minutes. oh this makes me realize there's no second couple and I think this show could've actually benefited from a 2nd couple story tbh (though at least the family story's there but there isn't too many scenes with just Noey and family members)
? girl, "I'm gonna flirt with the real Pam now?" is this Noey trying to break Thi's heart to get him to not miss him or whatever? we should kill him
not the ending credits dancing scene being only Thi by himself D:
Ep 12 (May 31)
finallyyyy last ep, goddamn I just wanna be done bro
noble idiocy is dumb af every time but especially this time because they already discussed LDR!!
gorgeous scenery
Noey and Thiw :')
but is the gang back to being troublemakers? i liked them being nerds
ahhh Thi was with Thiw that night, not watching a movieeee
and Thi's fuckass father made Noey say that ?!
hehe the soulmate charm secret is out
They're really quite cute and charming together heh
okay, so the timeskip was just finishing 12th grade and getting into uni i guess? Idk why I was under the impression that Noey would go abroad from the spoilers but it's just Thi's Chiang Mai studies
aw, online pair dancing
Nid Nhoi's competing restaurant to her mother, I'm dead lmfao this family
literal 1 second of lesbians
i'm ignoring the marriage mention and still kiss because it's the thought that counts
aw, original lotus
I became less mad about the noble idiocy because if a 17-year-old is told this by the parents of their bf + believes themself to not have any future, I can believe that they'd indeed break up.
Noey is such a unique character, it was a pleasure to see him on screen.
I really like the familial dynamics between Noey, Nid Nhoi, and Auntie Tim/their mother. It was fun and they were always teasing each other but obviously there was love and concern beneath it. And the gang was great too, how they obeyed Noey and were a bunch of goofballs but obviously the fighting was less than ideal.
I realized toward the end that this show should've had maybe a second couple which maybe had a faster or more intense relationship while we were slowly, slowly, slowly inching toward the Noey and Thi romance lol
I wasn't obsessively watching the next episode but I was usually smiling while watching the episode. I think it was half me not being in the mood for a cute high school romance where nothing much happens and half on the show for dragging out the Noey and Thi stuff for so long in the first half, like the tutoring didn't even start until 1/3 of the way into the show.
It should be a 5.5/10 because of how much I dragged my feet while watching but I'm giving it a bonus 0.5 because of the great cinematography and also because me barely watching was more due to me than the show itself.
Rating: 6/10
0 notes
upperranktwo · 1 year
Sorry this got long
One of my longest best friends dropped me two days before my wedding. I was a bridesmaid in her wedding. She was to be a bridesmaid in mine and due to some transportation and commitment issues she was having due to travel, I told her not to worry about bridesmaid responsibilities and time commitments. Just come as a guest. She was welcome to the bachelorette and all that still. She and another friend blocked me and didn't show up. It had been 18 years. I knew her since 7th grade. We'd had two other falling outs. One that involved two other friends (which left me basically friendless in high school for a year), then another that involved the one who also blocked me. Lowest points of my life and no friends to turn to. Highest day of my life and she refused to show up.
Losing friends is never easy. Especially when it comes out of nowhere. Even when I know that I didn't do anything wrong (three other people helped make sure the message was understanding and gentle as possible) and tried accommodating as much as possible, it still hurts sometimes when I have so many memories triggered. 18 years is a long time, a lot of memories, and it's the nostalgia I miss more than anything at this point, realizing we'd been drifting apart for a while. People drift apart, people change. And sometimes things flip on a dime when you didn't do anything wrong.
I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope you find which friends will walk through fire with you. After our second falling out, I met a girl who became my maid of honor. starting from scratch, with someone new helped change me in some ways I didn't know I needed. Made me a better person who got out of my box while still being fueled in areas that still made me me. The one who pulled me out of the darkness and helped me through all my ups and downs. She crossed the country for me multiple times and has been my biggest supporter. I don't know if I would have found her if I hadn't lost the others first. May this help you find true friends. You don't need a lot, just a few or even one great one.
I am so sorry that happened to you :( and especially just before your wedding which should be one of the best days of your life spent with the people who you love the most :( but its great you managed to find someone new! And i'm glad they are someone who is so dedicated to you 🥺 I've never had large groups of friends before, in school and university people only spoke to me because I'd help others with essays 😭 I wasn't very good at them myself but I am always willing to help others because I think it's very important to do so! In my final year I refused to do so because I had to focus on my own work and I saw as soon as people couldn't use me they didn't want to know me.
I met this person after uni so I knew they couldn't use me for essay work and we 'bonded' because we liked the same character but now I don't even feel like I can be attached to that character anymore because I just associate him with them... (character is not Douma but they did mention him a lot... knowing it would make me happy. But they also made a lot of sexual comments about him to me and some of them were even about me regarding him which made me uncomfortable. I was willing to let it slide because i do know some very sexual people but yeah...) to suddenly be dropped as definitely hurt me a lot. At first I thought maybe they were just busy with life and that's why they weren't replying to my message, to be blocked really told me everything I needed to know 😭
I'm just glad I have a lot of sisters who always try to support me! I think as long as I have them I can kinda get through anything
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
I don't know if you are still accepting prompts, but can we get a yoongi x kitten jealous drabble??? love your work!
This was difficult for 2 reasons.
1. Yoongi is the least jealous of the guys imo.
2. Kitten would never make him jealous.
I think they're the less drama-prone couple of the crew. However I found a loophole for you, my lovely reader. Enjoy 💜
Pairing: Yoongi x reader (nicknamed Kitten)
Wordcount: 1.4k
Genre: Angst, Fluff, established relationship, idol!AU
Rating: 18+
Trigger warnings: alcohol consumption, Kitten gets drunk, Kitten's ex FWB, mentions of wlw, angsty discussion on bi/pansexuality (nothing LGBTQ+phobic, you're safe here). Yoongi is very insecure, tired and vulnerable. Mentions of strap-on/pegging.
“Who's that?” Yoongi asked, leaning over your phone as you both sat on the sofa.
“It's a friend from uni, Amber. She's just back from Canada.” You leaned towards the coffee table, lowering the volume of the TV. You already knew neither of you would watch it, just use it as background noise while you cuddled before falling asleep in the rainy Sunday afternoon.
“You never mentioned friends from uni.” Yoongi laid back while you slowly crawled behind him, putting down your phone, ready to focus on the only important task in the world — spooning him. Your hand crawled to his chest, humming in appreciation at the way his pectorals were bulking up. You loved knowing that your personal grumpy cat was taking care of himself.
“She wasn't exactly a friend friend.” You kissed his nape and waited for him to catch your drift.
“Just a colleague? One of those random people who live in the same room as you a couple hours a day for some years?”
You tutted. “More like 'we've seen each other naked and it was fun time for a bunch of months' kinda friends.”
Yoongi nodded. “Friend with benefits?”
You chuckled. “Yeah that.” Yoongi waited. He could feel you weren't done talking. “She asked me out for drinks tomorrow night.”
At that, Yoongi turned around. “Did you agree to go?”
You shrugged. “Yeah, I mean, she was abroad for years, maybe she's just trying to find her old friends, build connections. Maybe she feels lonely now here in the city.”
He knew you were being logic, and assuming that woman wanted something else was actually mean, but still a part of him felt uncomfortable. “I understand. Isn't that like seeing an ex though? Maybe she wants to pick up from where you left it?” He burrowed into your chest.
“We were never a thing. Just had some fun, no strings attached.” You held him closer. “I love you. And I want you. I chose you—”
“What if she's easier, better than—”
You interrupted him mid-sentence, not letting his self-destructive thoughts take control of him. “I chose you. Only you. Don't doubt it, ever.”
Yoongi nodded obediently, cuddling up to get ready for a nap. And while you did fall asleep, he couldn't, too anxious, continuously revived by your phone screen lighting up..
He noticed you had five texts from the girl. He put down the phone and breathed you in. He had you.
Did he?
Yoongi stayed on the sofa, alarmed when midnight became one a.m. and then two a.m. and then...
He heard you come through the door at half past, stumbling a little. You dropped your bag. And then you dropped your ass on the bench by the door, struggling to take off your boots. “Kitten,” he called, worried. He reached you in a minute, his blanket on his shoulders. He felt on edge, a bit raw.
He had never heard your voice like that. “Are you okay? Are you drunk?”
You nodded and he immediately turned around, ready to head to the kitchen. You grabbed his hand on instinct. “Please.”
“I'll grab you some water—”
“You were right. I'm so fucking sorry.” You leaned your head to his stomach. “I should have listened to you.”
He patted your head. He waited.
You looked heartbroken when you looked up at him. He was devastated by it. Did you...? “She kissed me. I'm so fucking sorry, Yoongi, you were right. I should have stayed at home. Please, forgive me.”
Yoongi sat beside you on the bench, exhaling slowly and loudly.
“It meant nothing. I didn't want it,” you explained, gasping, rushing your words out, desperate.
He cupped the side of your head pulling you to his shoulder and kissing your temple. “It's okay.” It wasn't. He wanted to kiss you and reassure you and watch you come undone for him, remind him you were his.
“You know I love you.” You were crying. Yoongi hated it. “Please.”
“Did you get this drunk with her?” he asked, taking off your shoes for you, helping you up and catching you in his arms.
“I was tipsy. I drank after she left.” You nuzzled into his neck.
“Did you do this to her too? Cuddling into her? Holding her like you hold me?” He needed to ask the question, no matter how much it hurt.
“Maybe back then, but not tonight. I want to hold you now. Only you. I want to kiss you. I want to be yours.” Being honest hurt, but you did it anyway. Keeping the kiss a secret didn't even cross your mind for half a millisecond: you needed to tell him and clear up this huge misunderstanding and make yourbond stronger and—
“Did you learn to use a strap with her?” His question was rough. He had to wait for you for two hours to find out he had so many doubts.
You frowned. “I never did that for anyone. I tried with you. Because I love you. Because I want to give you everything you need.”
He hummed, pondering your reply. He moved on. It was just something petty he had come up with when bitter with worry and disappointment. “Do you need to throw up?” Yoongi rubbed your back.
You waited. Nodded. Once in the bathroom you asked him to let you handle that alone. He refused.
You hated him seeing you in such miserable, hideous state, but he wouldn't take his eyes off you. He held your hair back as you got rid of the alcohol, soothing you with a hand along your spine.
Once you were done, teeth brushed, he realised he had one final answer he needed to understand whether he could sleep in the same bed as you. “Do you still... Do you...—”
“No, I don't like her, Yoongi. I love you. Only you. I'm yours.”
He let you finish. Though it was good reassurance, that was not the answer he needed. “I mean, do you regret getting together with me? Do you—” You were already shaking your head.
“Do you regret not having sex with other people? More specifically, women?” he finally asked.
“No. I don't regret falling for you. Loving you and only you. Sleeping with you every night. I have never been happier, Yoongi. You make me so happy. And I don't regret being monogamous and loyal to you.” You looked him right in the eye. “Being bisexual or queer or whatever has nothing to do with loyalty. Having sex with you doesn't mean I miss having sex with women any more than I miss having sex with other men. By the way, I don't miss any of that. I want you and no one else, man, woman, non-binary. I choose you.”
Yoongi relaxed. Somehow he understood, even thought to him felt different: you would wear a strap and he could have something close to sex with a man, but that wouldn't work the other way around. He stopped. Did he miss sleeping with a man? No.
He realised his insecurities had undermined his reasoning. When you wore a strap, the point wasn't you having male genitalia, but you being you. Calm, reassuring, sensual, soothing you. Cruel, cunning, sadistic, ruthless you.
It was you, his beloved, his everything, his lover.
“I'm sorry. I've been overthinking,” he confessed. “You're right.”
You breathed out in relief. “It's okay.” You stretched your arms out, holding him. “I'm sorry I made you worry and overthink.” You comforted him as much as you could. “I love you, baby. You're smart and kind and giving and peaceful and perfect. You're the best person I could ever dream of.”
He sniffled a little and nodded, holding you just as tight as you held him. “Are you sure you still love me?” he said, voice trembling.
You smiled and whispered “yes”, over and over again, your forehead touching his.
He pressed his lips to yours. They didn't belong to that hopeless woman. They were his. You had made them his. “I still love you too. A lot,” he whispered. “I love you. That kiss means nothing to you. It means nothing to me either.” He pressed his mouth to your jawline. “I'm still yours,” he whispered.
“Remind me.”
At that he smiled, his expression mirroring yours.
What happened after that was sacred and shall remain unspoken.
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chromium7sky · 3 years
The Devil wears Armani | chapter 12
A/n: I'm really sorry for the long hiatus of this au 😭. Finally got some spark about this update and I hope you guys enjoy it. Btw, guess who finally meet Raven? 😆😆
Raven finally reached her home after outing and small reunion with Karen. She remove her heels awkwardly as she yawned. It was a long night.
She tell Karen everything about what happen between her and Damian and of course minus the intimacy in his office.
-flash back-
Karen land her chin on her palm propped on the table as she listen to Raven's story. "You know, this is an interesting story though but did he knew about Melchior?"
Raven narrowed her eyes. " Why would I mention that jerk? Besides me and Damian still haven't declare about our relationship, I mean, he does flirt me back. Not to mention we did kiss..." Raven stop at the kissing part.
"Men can be complicated sometimes." She sighed as she take a bite from the cake she ordered.
"Couldn't agree more since I'm about to marry one." Karen wiggle her fingers that had betrothed ring on it.
Both designer and ex model giggled.
"I...I just hope Damian is serious about it. I'm quite invested my feeling for him." Raven chewed her lips.
"I hope so, Rachel. I hope he does." Karen smiled.
- end flashback-
Raven sighed on her bed after she change her clothes into night gown. "Gotta get some sleep because I'm going to meet him tomorrow. Should I ask again about us?"
Raven's mind wander about the golden question, her eyes start to droop as the cold night beckons her to the land of morpheus.
Damian watched the E! Entertainment as he tidy up his studio to catch up any news on fashion industry then the anchorman, Josh Dirkmann said about a known designer from Europe came to town known as Melchior Draco.
"Melchior?" Damian arched his brows. Another designer in town? Maybe there's an event? And as soon as the reporter had some short interview with the silver hair gentlemen with black suit.
"So what makes you come to Gotham?" The reporter pointed the mic towards the designer.
"Well, a big company invited me to launched both of our collaboration and they said Gotham fit the aesthetic." He answered as he tug his silver hair behind his ears which earn a sneer from Damian as he watch the interview.
"Do you know Raven the designer?"
" Oh, yes. We did compete each other in Paris Fashion Show. She won first while I won second. It was a tough decision for the judges. Just so you know, between you and me, we kinda close during that time." Melchior slip out some interesting info towards the reporter.
The reporter almost gasped and demand for more answer but Melchior quickly waved away and walked towards the hotel lobby.
Damian quickly grab the remote control and closed the show.
" What do you mean close each other?" Both of his eyebrows knitted together. He closed his eyes and throw the remote at the couch. "It doesn't matter."
Raven now in mess. The phone call came in nonstop just because of a statement when Melchior mention that both of them were close and the paparazzi possible sniffing out a scandal.
She sighed and landed her head on her desk. A hard knocking landed on her door makes her jolted. " Come in." As she turn her head towards the door.
Mona came in a hurry with an apologetic face. " Miss Rachel, I forgot to inform you that there will be a journalist came for your gala interview today. I'm really really sorry." Mona bow her head.
Raven stare blankly at Mona while her internal having conflict. 'First it's was Melchior statement and now interview? What...what should I do?'
Her palm start to sweat but quickly she fist up her hand. " When will be the journalist comes?"
The assistant girl check through her tablet. " In two hours."
"Who from where?"
"Jonathan Kent from Daily Planet, ma'am."
"Oh?" The same journalist who interview her winning success in fashion show. " Well, make sure escort him to my office and prepare our boarding room. Easier to execute it in there." Raven gives a stern order.
Mona nodded her head vigorously then quickly exit her room.
She straighten her back as she heard a knock. She breath in. "Come in."
"Ms. Rachel!"
"A journalist came to meet you for Wayne's Gala interview." She gesture her hands towards a young man with curly hair and those prominent square glasses. "Mr. Jonathan Kent."
"Ah, Jonathan. Hi! It's been a while." Raven stretch her hand towards him.
Jon adjust his specs then handshake with her. "Thank you for letting me interview again , Ms. Roth." His face display his friendliness towards her.
Mona bowed her heads and quickly went out of her office. "How about we bring this interview to boarding room? More comfy?" Raven suggest about changing place.
"Yeah, you're right." Jon nodded.
Raven stood up and escort Jon to the meeting room for more proper place to interview.
She open the light switch and pull out a chair. " You can sit here."
"Ah, right, thank you." Jon smiled sheepishly as he pull the leather chair and sit, opposite with the owner of AMZ company.
" So, how long does this interview lasting?" Raven asked him as soon as she's in her seat and lean on the table with both of her hands propped on her chin.
"Well, not long, more or less 10 minutes." The journalist smile sheepishly. "Anyway..." He pull out his notebook, voice recording and a pen."Let us start with, how long you know Damian Wayne?"
"Well...since I was freshly involved in this industry, Mr Wayne offered me to promote myself at Gala." Raven calmly answer as she tried to cover Damian from being involve with fashion drawing class back in those days.
Jon then stopped the voice recording which made her jolted then adjust his specs. "You are the one who have the same class with him right?"
Raven almost gasped but she quickly act nonchalant as she tried to deny it . "Are you try to dig something from me, Mr Kent?"
"Ah, yes. Such as wanted to know more about Dami's secret girl." He smiled.
Dami? Her eyebrow arched as she heard the name. Why in the world he would address Damian that way? "You must be mistaking. We were only in term of business."
"Seriously? I thought you guys were serious." He's moping. "He did ask me about how to flirt a girl too. Man, he's really an emotional constipated." He laughed. "Besides, Dami said he haven't meet her in 3 years after he's graduated."
Raven with her eyes wide as she heard it from him. "HOW DID YOU KNOW ALL THAT?!" She quickly rised from the desk.
Jon jolted as he seen her reaction. " Ah, I guess that's why he keep a secret about his girl." Sweat drop start to rolled down on his forehead. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. Let me introduce myself again."
Jon straighten his back and stretch his hand. "Hi, I'm Jonathan Kent. Dami' s childhood friend and school mate, same goes with roommate at uni and currently, a journalist." He smiled.
Raven tried to process all the information at once and it takes a few moment. "So, you are Damian's close friend?" She point out with as she narrowed her eyes.
"That's right!" Jon's smile getting wider.
"Ah, hello." She slowly put her hands on him which Jon grab it and makes a several shake as he excited to met her.
"It's really pleasure to meet you by the way! For sure if Maya and Colin knew about you they will be screaming or teasing him saying Dami has finally grown up!" He laughed.
Raven sit on her chair with unsure feeling. First the confession, then his childhood friend meet her, and then what? A wedding? She press her lips into a thin line.
"You know, Dami is not that kind of guy when it comes to women. He always thought they were hyenas." Jon chuckled.
"Hyenas?" Raven puzzled. "What's with hyenas?"
"Ever since he lives in Gotham, he always seen his father been in and out with other women who prey for money. Still, poor him having lack of parent's love." Jon sighed.
That explain why he's being hard on anyone. Raven attentively listen to Jon's story. "You know, he has pets like a zoo at his house. From cow to snakes. I remember when I came, This Alfred the cat always sulking and threaten to scratch me."
"An animal lover? That much?" Both of Raven's eyebrow jumpy as she heard it. She could imagine if Damian standing on the field, as birds will land on him, it either makes him look like Disney princess or a scarecrow.
"Most of them are animal rescue." Jon nodded.
"I see..." Then Raven suddenly remember something. "How did Damian took fashion drawing class by the way?"
"Actually we suggested to him. I mean seriously, you haven't seen his potrait and figure drawing, Those are amazing! He most likely to observe the surrounding and draw on his sketch book while on his free time."
Wait. Does that means Damian has a secret sketch book like her? Raven unconsciously put her hands on her lips.
"Still, what makes you suspect it was me? I mean we haven't contact it for a while."
"Other than he told me that he haven't met her in three years, I've seen a drawing that looks just like you at his studio." Jon smiled.
There it is.
Raven sighed and there's a slightly red tint on her ears.
"Why you haven't contact him when he's in middle east?" Jon asked curious question.
"It was because when I know that he's Damian Wayne, I..I was screwed. I mean, Wayne as in Wayne Enterprise. The biggest contributor on east side. Me? I'm just, just an orphan girl who try to rise my own feet."
"My mother died when I was 14. I still don't know who were my father is and all I got is this necklace from my mother." She showed the necklace to Jon.
The young journalist seems to be fasinating with it's design. "I wonder where did your mother got this?"
Raven sighed as she try to remember. " I'm not sure. All I remember that it's been in heritage for years."
"I see." Jon rubbed his chin. "Well, Maybe you should hang up with us sometimes. I'm sure Colin and Maya would love to see you." He smiled.
"The thing is, Jon. I'm still unclear about between us." Raven chewed her lips.
"Ah nonsense, he really likes you. I can see from the way he look at you."
"Is it? Wait, where did you saw him see me?"
"I think it was two day before?"
Raven slap both of her cheeks. OH MY GOD, HE SAW BOTH OF US KISSING.
"And don't worry. I won't tell a soul, though, I've been warn by him and probably will be dig out by Colin and Maya." Jon widen his smile as sweat start to rolled down on his cheek."Dami has been my friend of more than a decade. I understand the way he express himself."
Raven nodded slowly. " Jon, a question."
"Since you are a journalist, do you know anything about Melchior?" Raven voice change to serious tone.
"That Silver Blond guy?"
" I heard he's having collaboration with a big company. However, another speculation I heard that he choose Gotham because of its mysterious aesthetic."
"Well, uh, there's something I heard during interview. He claimed that we were close during the fashion show competition."
Raven as stared at the desk.
"Been wondering myself too. Are you close to him?" Jon's curious eyes start to lit.
"We do only for a while but the thing is he stole my design during that time which I never forgive myself for letting me get fooled by him." Raven sighed then she looked at Jon. "Wait. Don't tell me you're going to put this on paper?"
"Wait, I get it." Jon again propped his hand on his chin. "No wonder I've seen familiarity design between both of you. Plus you're having a hard time too."
"Uh, Jon?"
"I think I found something to investigate." Jon's mischievous smiles start to paint on his face.
"Now you act like Damian."
"Damian is more hardcore. I'm still on the average level." Jon beamed his happy face on her.
"Well, I think our interview stopped here. Besides, I need to cover some story from Me Wayne itself about the gala."
"So, nice to meet you, Ms. Rachel Roth. It's been a pleasure talking to you."
"It's been a pleasure to spill tea with you." Raven smug.
Jon blinked then put on his mischievous smile.
Somewhere in his office, Damian sneezed for no reason. " Is it me or is this office are getting colder?" He looked at the air ventilation.
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antiterf · 3 years
TERFs act like trans people are all pushing everyone into transition, but the only people I have EVER been pressured by are cis people.
I recieved so much CONSTANT backlash and gaslighting about transition when living with my parents, that I started to sink into denial. When I told trans friends I might have changed my mind, they accepted it, and said I should do what is right for me.
My parents also sent me to a shrink who was lowkey trying to convert me, including suggesting that "[I] don't really know if T really improved [my] mood so [I] should try going off it to see how [I] feel".
This is a huge violation, a psychotherapist is not allowed to make suggestions wrt medication, especially ones that have been prescribed by trained psychiatrists.
She just pulled a bunch of lies out of her ass the whole time and was extremely ignorant of dysphoria. She even asked me to go find studies proving that transition is effective and then debated them with me.
Then, at uni, a disability support advisor strongly advised me to seek therapy and make sure I was certain in my transition because I might not be making the right choice. Here, I can't exactly blame him because I was wavering due to so many extreme external pressures, but still, it's just an example.
At one point I wasn't going to lectures (due to the fucking stress of all this hostile bullshit) and the uni informed my parents, even though I was an adult, which led to more fucking stress.
Further, a fairly prominent UK comedian came to do a workshop at uni, and spent a whole bunch of time telling me how great I look and how my voice is nice and the innocent look would serve me well in comedy, and how I don't need to do anything to change myself. At the time I was just kinda confused and enjoying that a hot woman was saying I looked good, but looking back... yeah that was fucked.
I really want to drop names but I don't want to be outed and thrust into media spotlights.
Overall, TERFs act like everyone is being PUSHED to transition and how EASY it is. NO IT FUCKING IS NOT!!!!!!!
I experienced backlash and discouragement from EVERY fucking angle, invasive questions on my sex life and sexuality, crude comments on my body/appearance, weird projected wishes for me to be more sexually successful by not transitioning, trying to undermine perceptions of my autonomy by claiming I'm some naive girl or autistic, etc. I was made out to be somehow dumb despite being interviewed by Cambridge Uni for engineering. Constant control of or harrassment about my appearance, essentially trying to mould me into the gender conforming Catholic cis girl they wanted me to be.
I was told that "I liked your voice better before, you didn't need to change it". And? I like it, fuck off.
I was told "How can you know your gender, you don't even know who you want to fuck, men, women, you'll even fuck trannies" (yeah... I am one) I'd known I was bisexual for 6 fucking years at that point.
TERF ideology is fucking CENTRED on the infantilisation of AFABs, particularly autistic AFAB, and the assertion that they are not mentally coherent enough to have autonomy, in addition to rampant sexualisation and bodily control.
Every FtM is a poor, brainwashed girl, while every MtF is a evil sexual pervert to them. In other words, they claim not to be sexist, but apparently only AMAB can understand themselves and have autonomy.
I don’t know what your situation is now but uh unless if you signed something that allowed for your university to do that, it should be fucking illegal, in the U.S. at least. It’s specifically a violation of privacy.
But same with my experience. I had people become More hostile to me when I made the choice to transition and start on T. Even on the other end, cis people would think that if I didn’t want to or start transitioning, then they didn’t have to call me by my actual name or pronouns.
No matter where I went with trans people though, there was no judgment either way. I don’t want to transition? Cool. I do? Cool. I’m not sure if I do or not? Take your time and think it through, but know that a lot of us were nervous about it too because it is a huge life-changing decision.
The specifically targeting autistic trans people, and infantilization of autistic afab ones, is always sickening to me. I don’t understand how they can sit there and insist that autistic trans people are just confused before being convinced that they’re not being ableist in any way. Not to mention they use specific symptoms that can also be found in ADHD but only target autistic people since that’s what’s able to be easily stigmatized as only “confused”.
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Kasey, so I had a whole idea/scenario that you needed to hear since I knew this dream would be a nightmare for Oikawa and I know how much you love him 💀 Absolutely based off of the jealousy fic you wrote lmao
So imagine dating Oikawa for a few years and having a younger sister move to Japan for Uni and finally getting to meet you're awesome bf! 😊 And it's a relief because they hit it off really well and your sister is already asking things like "When's the wedding? I'm invited, right?" or "Hey so does Toru have any hot friends? Asking for myself 👀" and it's going really well and all that jazz.
Then after getting settled in you guys all decide to go to a live volleyball game after some of the earlier ones ended to get your sister into the sport (which she does ofc) and while everyone is about to go she heads off to the stands to get a souvenir but is gone for a while. You guys look for her but she's not at the concessions stand??? Wtf?
And after a bit of searching you guys head towards the restrooms because maybe she's there and lo and behold there she is! And...oh. You see Toru's mood start to sour because she's she's taking pictures with Ushijima? And chatting his ear off???? Like you knew she was really friendly and all but he's 1. kind of a big deal and 2. your bf hates his guts, so to avoid a conflict you go over to get her and have a brief, terse interaction with Ushijima and the glares exchanged between him and Toru could be cut with a knife. Except your sister doesn't know any better and is just happy to be speaking with a real VBall player! 😲
So Toru tries to explain to her to stay away from that "Ushiwaka bastard" and tells her (with varying degrees of hyperbole) how much of a boring, self-righteous prick he is, and she's a bit down since he didn't seem that bad, but eventually you get her to agree to drop it.
Over the course of a few months she weasels you guys into taking her to more VBall games and she eventually begins to become a huge fan of the sport - so much that when she announces she wants to switch her major to Sports Psychology (to become a sports psychologist) it catches you guys off guard?? But you're happy anyways!
Except a lot of the games she goes to feature the Adlers, and almost every damn time you guys keep running into Ushijima and at this point Toru refuses to go with you guys to any games if the Adlers are playing lmao! Which hurts your sister's feelings, she was trying to understand the sport better so she and her future in-law will have something to talk about 🥺 But you reassure her that Toru and Ushijima just don't get along and then she hits you with, "But Toshi doesn't seem so bad 🥺 He's just a little awkward..."
And when you tell Toru he LOSES IT. Like, making more plans to keep her focused on her degree, taking her out to the movies with you guys, literally ANYTHING to keep her from speaking to that Ushiwaka Bastard like wtf. Eventually you guys come up with a plan and foist Hajime into the mix because according to Toru, "He had to take a lot of the same classes as you, y'know~! Iwa-chan studied in America too! Oh, and I think he's single as well, aren't you Iwa-chan??"
But of course this backfires HORRIBLY because Iwaizumi is such a stand-up guy and he likes your sister...as a friend 😔 He actually starts to see her as his own younger sibling so he's kind of a pushover for her lol And even though he also cannot stand Ushijima, he's worked with the Adlers before. And when she finds out she hits him with her puppy eyes 🥺 and wants to know if he has Toshi's number still and he does, and then he kinda...caves. Iwa's a sap LMFAO 🥴
Some more months go by and when your sister reveals that she's been seeing someone you're like 👀 Ohhh~ And Toru and Iwa are like 😠😡 Like they HAVE to meet him and interrogate him, and your sister pulls you aside and lets you that yes, some time along the last eight months she's been in Japan she's asked Toshi on a date and he agreed?? And you kind of short-circuit?! LIKE BITCH WHAT THAT WAS THE WORST PERSON OML-
So you try to tell her this is a horrible idea but then she kind of sheepishly mentions that on their last date - their third one?!?! WHEN TF DID THIS HAPPEN - he actually mustered up the courage to ask if he could kiss her and they did, and on one hand you're worried about Toru and Iwa's reaction and on the other you notice your sister has a TON of pictures, his name in her phone has hearts all over it, the lockscreen is a selfie of the two of them and it shocks you that he's smiling and she just looks so in love.
So you both agree to tell the guys...at a later date.
Well later means two months later because while you and Toru are out on a coffee date you both happen to catch your sister and Ushijima out on a coffee date as well (figures, you both love coffee dates lmao).
And the look on Toru's face when he sees Ushijima pull a chair out for your sister (and his at this point 😤) and when he gives her a quick peck on the lips just a couple of tables away is a mix between terrifying and comical.
And the look of absolute HORROR on your sister's face when she sees you guys is also borderline comical.
So ever the sweetheart, your sister decides since the cat's out of the bag she wants to try to reconcile Toshi and Toru's relationship and make it a double date 💀 And she is trying her BEST to make the best out of an awkward situation but Toru is just fuming because he can tell they're holding hands under the table and he HATES IT.
Literally while the guys are engaged in a staredown where if looks could kill there'd be a genocide she's carrying on the convo almost by herself and is trying her hardest to keep the guys engaged and is taking turns complimenting them and IT'S A MESS-
(Whew! I had to get that out lmao! That idea was in my head for a WHILE OML 😩)
I love this whole thing. I can imagine Tōru just losing his shit when he finds out that the love of his life's sister is dating Ushijima of all people. He'd be a scheming little bastard and do anything he can, absolutely anything, to break them up. Feelings be damned, he does not want to some day possibly be related to Ushijima in any way. Tōru would not enjoy that double date and he wouldn't even try and pretend like he could. He'd probably kick Ushijima underneath the table and say he didn't do it and "(y/n)'s leg must've had a spasm, huh love?" and you just sigh and say "Sorry, I've been having knee problems" because even if Ushijima doesn't believe it, Oikawa is childish and there's no way around that
This was adorable, I love it ❤️
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inmyarmswrappedin · 3 years
Do you think that 19 was meant to air earlier, cause I remember you saying that ramadan isn't a factor in this season. And also in today's episode there was snow outside which wouldn't really make sense because it's spring in Olso at the moment and I would hope that it wasn't still snowing over there at the moment.
Also this is something kinda unrelated, but still related to 19, I was looking to see if the character's had instagrams like in other NRK shows, I did end up finding them. They are clearly just used for filming, they haven't been update regularly (or at all) to coincide with the show. Anyways the accounts I found are: aisha.alumari, abdi.ali.mohamud, jamilahaliii & datsochanel.
But the funny thing is when I was looking at Chanel's account, I was trying to see if Yusuf's character had an insta (I think it's bigmann0705 but i don't know for sure). So I went to see the likes in the photos and it turns out that Amina from blank s2 has liked every photo of Chanel's. Also Selma from blank s2 is following her as well. Anyways I think it's just means that blank s2 has the same social media team as 19, but it's fun to think that they exsist in the same universe.
Hi anon 🎈 I love your ask so much! I’ve had similar thoughts. I also went looking for the insta accounts out of curiosity, and found all the details you mention!!
I’m not sure whether 19 meant to air earlier, or whether it’s airing exactly when they planned for the show to drop. That said, I too have been thinking that it’s not supposed to be “real time”. For one, I remember Chanel was going to be in Barcelona on a Friday, because she had to switch shifts with Aisha according to the dialogue. But I’m pretty sure the episode in which Chanel was in Barcelona didn’t drop on Friday. This was one of the episodes I watched in a row because I missed so many, but I think the episode dropped on Monday or Tuesday. So yeah, I no longer think 19 is supposed to take place in late April/early May, and coincide with Ramadan.
So the follow-up question is, are the al-Umaris Muslims? This is a question I keep going back and forth on. If they are, the show has made no mention of it. And yet, in Abdi’s season, it was one of the things we were told about his family immediately. I remember because it was in one of the first few episodes, which I was able to catch with English subs. 
I think if they’re Muslims, then they’re pretty much non-practicing. That said, they do obviously say Wallah and Mashallah and Inshallah. And I’m pretty sure they talk in Arabic sometimes, because when they discussed Mohammed, I could make out the word “ مدرسة” (pronounced madrasa), which is one of the few words I know in Arabic and means “school” (or uni, or pretty much any kind of place of learning). So I think a possibility is that, because Moroccan culture is obviously strongly influenced by Islam (just like European culture is influenced by Christianity), they might not be Muslims but still avoid pork and alcohol, eat halal food, etc. 
Re: the insta accounts. I pretty much found all the accounts and details you mention, down to noticing that Amina had liked all of Chanel’s pics, which is a funny detail. I also found this 17-verse wiki, and through it, I found out that Ibo and a bunch of other 16 characters also had ig accounts. The accounts are iboaydin03, leander.hassan, prinsen_03, and ahmet01. I thought that maybe for 16, the team tried to have active ig accounts to underscore these were younger characters, but I checked the dates and I think that, just like for 19, they were just used for production purposes. 
Well spotted, anon! I was planning on making a post with all these findings, but your ask was quicker. 🥰
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woozi · 3 years
i agree how you described twt, sometimes everyone's just ready to fight it seems, i've genuinely had fun on both platforms at different times but now it's just too much on stan twt (no space for difference of opinion djsjdjj) it's good to know you're having fun as well :3 & omg i've seen few of my moots starting to give svt their attention after fallin flower dropped, everything abt it is <3333 the song, mv, choreo i love it.
hdjdjddkdjdj " virgos 😐 " also me in next breath "happy birthday mark :D i love you so much 🥺💕💗" any virgos reading this i really hope you enjoy your month to the fullest djjdjd <3. righttt?? you're correct abt mark's temper being very virgo djdjdkd.
your line screams hard-working people <3 jihoon, jaebeom, jeonghan the 3Js <3. isn't jaebeom also an infj? (i don't take mbtis seriously but at the same time it also makes me happy if it ends up matching someone i like djdjjd) chan & yugs 🥺 these two imo have the sweetest personality, like the one which makes you feel welcomed & they also have the cutest laugh 🥺.
i love jus2 <3 focus on me is one of my favorite kpop mvs of all time & also drunk on you??? i love this song so much, very sexy of them. the vibes, style and everything w/ their album, i want more songs like that. and for when i am feeling melancholy i need more songs like jjp's verse 2 😭💔 but i am also okay if they don't want to go back to these units bcoz everything so far they've been giving is just as great <33 ( maybe in future we'll get blessed w/ features 🥺)
honestly g7 as grp and individually have won me over with their music style, even if i don't like full album ik there will be 3-4 songs which will be exactly what i like to listen to, all of the music they've released individually i've liked it so much. there is this song of youngjae's, titled "i'm all ears" i had no idea of its existence until it popped up in my spotify i'm so glad it did, it's been in my playlist ever since. there was also a time when i was obsessed with jackson's 'on the rocks' djdjdk.
aww <3 the live performance video of 1° has mark as thumbnail so for long time i used to associate this song with him jdjddk. i think the only j*pe thing i'd miss is got7 studio live sessions 🥺. RIGHTJDKSKS aju nice's mv is very cute djjddk I love it, in reality its reverse tho, i see them and boom! 💖💛💗🤍💕💙
it was the year they won first bb*as award so that gave them the exposure, and no i don't follow them anymore. mixed feelings abt them, very negative feelings abt f*ndom fjdjdjd. i do miss what it used to feel like liking them sometimes. at that time i never thought i'll willingly drop them from my interest (i've stanned zayn since 2012 first him as grp member then solo. sometimes thinking abt it gives me a whiplash hddjks it's been 9 years, really thought it would be same with them too but it didn't happen)
i've had falling in love by yugs and in to you by jaebs on loop for days djdkdk i really love these two songs and also air by bammie <3 (i'm slow jams kinda person djdjdk :3)
(bam released the most fun album & title this year idc abt others, ribbon is one of the soty) also special mention of look so fine & running through the rain. yes! you do make sense they feel organic & very them.
exactly 😭 it's more believable when they drop stuff out of nowhere like encore 😭😭. the way youngjae posted his letter on twt too ddjjdkssk the announcement & release of encore is such a 'you just had to be there' situation the excitement, nervousness, confusion and everything 😭 sometimes i can't with them. also is the bibi with mark on ost, the same one you mentioned in last ask? the ost is really good <3, it must've been fun to see it happen (if its same bibi).
making a whole ass playlist just for me???? 😭😭😭🥺💗 yza you're so sweet nooooo 💖
and don't worry abt replying late jdjdkdjd i mean it, sometimes my friends text me after weeks and i'm am the same. it's really okay <3. i hope this week is treating you kindly, take care yza - 🪂
p.s ( just saw last post djjej) - it was me who manifested more bunny dino <3 manifesting even more <33
i was on stan twt during my younger years too and it was v fun and memorable to me ngl <3 idk what happened though.. it's evolved to be.. Something Else.. i still see a lot of good people there though 😭 and now that i'm in my Hag Era... idk it's just too fast for me now 😭 it's still my go-to place for updates though nothing can top twitter on that dept
and ms fallin flower.... i feel like everyone was blown away by it (based off of what i see carats when talk about it) and rightly so!! she SERVED. the looks too oh my god. it's another factor i look forward to and enjoy so much when i watch their performances!!
u know what? virgos 😐 indeed KJJKDFJKFDJKFDKJ i want to slander virgos today because it's their season and no one slanders them that often so <3 ABOUT MARK'S VIRGO TEMPER THOUGH... i know i've said i enjoy seeing it sm but whenever i think abt it i cant help but say that.. I Love His Temper <3 he doesn't get pissed off in a scary and douchebag-y way it seems so... contained?? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT he punched an a/c though so that might not be the perfect word to describe him lmaoo <3
THE J TRINITY HFDJFJDJHDF BESTIE UR MIND IS SO!!!!!!!!!!! honestly... maybe it's the acts of service for me <3 JKDFKJFDKJFJKD i think this is just my eldest sister and savior syndrome speaking though kfjkdkjf ALSO OH MY GOD THE WAY U NOTICE THESE THINGS <3 THAT'S SO SEXIE OF U!!! and yes he used to be an infj!! there was an interview that's more recent wherein he mentioned that he's now an enfj though but i cant rmb which interview it's from :/ ALSO MOOD FKJJKGJGKF i dont believe in mbtis too but im just... a little obsessed w it for the fun of it all <3 and the way u described them </3 what if i tear up a little </3 I LOVE CHAN'S LAUGH SO MUCH BUT IM SO SOS O GLAD U BROUGHT UP YUGYEOM'S LAUGH??????????? IT'S NOT TALKED ABT ENOUGH LIKE...... HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! one of my bird moots said he sounded like a schoolboy in choir 😭😭😭😭😭😭
GOD UR TASTE!!!!!!! what if i start falling in l*ve a little :/ what then :/ focus on me was ahead of it's time and people fucking slept on THEM i cannot fucking believe this. this has to be some kind of sick joke 😭 ALSO HAVE U SEEN THE CHOREO FOR SENSES!!!!!!1 INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!! holy fuck!!!!!! sorry for the expletives but like.... holy SHIT they did THAT!!!!!!!! ALSO UR SO RIGHT </3 jjp verse 3 when... ALSO did u know i let go of the jjprojects url... thats the worst mistake of my life KDKJDSKJDSJK also agree wholeheartedly <3 i think they're all trying to find their footing this time around as soloists and im so proud of them for that!! i'll stand by my jus2 agenda though bc they're almost in the same company so maybe.. i might have hope left 😭
SO TRUE BESTIE!!! the same principle goes w svt for me as well <3 got7's such a flavorful group musically like... all of them have the capacity to go solo and they're still considered flops.. waht the fuck <3 ALSO OMG FJDKJFKFJD YOU'VE HEARD The Song!!!!!!!! maybe he'll be releasing something along those lines <3 esp now that he's supposedly coming w an album KJSJKDJSK on a similar note.. do u also listen to jamie (the other artist on the song) <3 NOO SHUT UP THIS CANNOT BE FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i was obsessed w on the rocks too 😭😭😭😭😭😭 IT WAS MY FAVORITE ON THE MIRRORS ALBUM HELLO??????????????????????????? im proposing to u rn
ok now i have to watch all the live vids again JKDSJKSJDKDSKJ ik keep saying 'ur so right', 'i agree', and 'so true bestie' but im gonna have to say this again bc i LOVE LOVE LOVE live sessions sm no matter the artist. i also just am a little partial to live bands in performances like that in general so JDJKKDSJDS
the way you're saying these cute things abt the svteenies.. </3 giving me heartache!!! i'd bully them though i can't coddle them anymore <3
not the fandom JKFDKJFDKJFDKJFKJF ok but i think it's mostly their younger fans tbh. it wasn't this bad before.. i also really liked bts during their debut days. their songs were really good!! i kind of lost interest though and couldn't really get into them although their songs slapped lol. my irls are still into them though so i still hear about them. 9 YEARS............................... wait oh my god it HAS BEEN a little over a decade since 1d was The Thing huh 😭 now i feel kinda old lmao. and i totally get that feeling </3 it really do be like that sometimes JKFDJKJKFD
you really ARE keeping up w the sevens oh my god how are you doing it!!!!!!!!!!! it's like getting svt content now at this point but more complicated bc u need to get the updates from different sources JDKJSDKJJSKD love ur song choices too <3
ALSO FULLY RELATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i saw bam's teasers... the aes was my cup of tea and THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't fucking get it out of my mind it's objectively one of the best things i've seen from kpop in 2021. i'm super impressed <3 love how abyss really supported bambam on this. they really went all in for him!!
I KNOW GKJDFJDK I GOT SUPER ???????/// DURING THE TIME EVERYONE THOUGHT THEY WERE DISBANDING LMAOOOO they pulled a move that's so unheard of though no one really expected That. i respect jaebeom so much for handling all the paperwork and shit behind the scenes it must've been HELL!! ALSO IT MEANT I CRIED FOR NOTHING THEN 😭😭😭 AND YES OH MY GOD IT'S THE SAME BIBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SHOCK I HAD WHEN I SAW THE LIST????????????????????????? thought i was gonna black out like,,, mark,,, AND BIBI??????????????? she's fucking phenomenal how is she just a YEAR older than me.. INSANE!!! ... and i also thought jackson was gonna have an ost for this movie.. idk why it wasn't released though i didnt look into it :/
i had a rough few days so i'm not yet finished with the playlist (my laptop's Dead i am still trying to revive her and uni's starting soon 😭) but for the mean time, here's another one that some people from caratblr previously asked for JDSJKSDJ these are mostly english songs though its not my k-playlist KJDSKJSDJK
i do hope this week gets better!!! and i hope that you'll have a fun one too <3 thank u for being so patient w me 🥺 i just get so many messages and find the need to recharge FDKJDFJK
ALSO I FELT LIKE IT WAS U!!!!!! OH MY GOD, i even searched my blog for the word manifest but for some reason your ask didn't come up in the search so i didnt mention u in the tags so i wont misattribute if it ends up not being u 😭 thank u for manifesting this chan for me he's my little... hop hop now ig... 😭
0 notes
awed-frog · 4 years
Hey! uh, I've seen your reblog about HP, and I kinda wanted your opinion on this post, if you don't mind of course. mischief-and-maryment*tumblr*com/post/618786127710650368/hey-do-you-think-you-could-expand-a-bit-on
Hello! This may be a snappy answer because I had a shitty day and I’m just fed up with tumblr nonsense - apologies for that. 
If you want my opinion: I don’t agree with any of it, and I think it’s a weird, obsessive, self-flagellating take for someone whose entire online life seems to consist of Harry Potter gifs, crack and plot bunnies.
Plus, I think it’s fairly ironic to see people writing pages and pages of earnest rants about ‘problematic writers’ while typing on their computers (a result of slave and child labour), ordering their Funko dolls online (Amazon workers are literally dropping dead right now), playing with glitter slime or using make-up (again, slave and child labour), not to mention mindlessly munching on stuff that couldn’t exist without all-powerful corporations, exploited migrants, illegal logging, animal abuse, and so much oil and plastic and dangerous chemicals even coming up with an estimate in metric tons is definitely beyond me. 
Like for fuck’s sake. JKR is not Hitler. Her crime was writing a book based on stuff she knew - the world she grew up in and the subjects she studied in uni - according to the internet Puritans, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do, isn’t it? God forbid you ‘claim someone else’s story’, after all. And yeah, sure, there’s some weird things in those books (there’s weird stuff everywhere), but that’s partly because they’re based on European folklore and mythology? You know, the kind of stuff that’s rooted in local biases, prejudice and fears? Goblins are problematic. Yay. Guess what: a lot of other stuff is problematic. In fact, every single aspect of folklore and mythology is problematic. 
(Centaurs are problematic. They’re literally based on the nomadic tribes who invaded Greece back in Fuckever BC, and look at them: drunkards and rapists featuring the occasional WiseMan™. JKR’s copied this classical portrait of centaurs down to a tee, and yet I never heard anyone complain about how the whole concept is deeply racist and "If 👏 you’re 👏 not 👏 from 👏 Central 👏 Asia 👏 you 👏 can’t 👏 say 👏 cent*ur”, and #CoconutFirenze and maybe you know, if you really think about it the whole Umbridge thing is a textbook example of the white man’s fear of non-white men and their ‘savage’, out of control sexual urges.) 
Bottom line is, people are not perfect. Part of growing up is learning to walk the perfectly walkable line between “I understand this work reflects the world of its author, who was human and therefore flawed” and “That doesn’t prevent me from finding this work meaningful, interesting, moving and/or recognizing it’s a masterpiece that had a huge influence on other artists and is still relevant today, so I’m happy to learn more about it”. 
Apparently we now live in a world where that is too much work for some - they’re entitled to their own opinion, but I want to hope they’re just a very loud minority.
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jisungshotfirst · 2 years
Heh yeah... I've been busy busy so I wasn't online much and then 2 weeks ago when all covid restrictions dropped the rona knocked me tf out... 😒 but now I'm back baby!
Oh lord semantic error was just everything I needed from a bl! No toxic behaviour, no exaggerated drama, just fluff... I love it so much! Also loved that the "bullying" was just harmless jokes and not like in other shows. That's an enemies to lovers how it should be! And don't even get me started ob the kiss scenes! No limp face presses? In my kdrama? A miracle! Also Seoham is sooooo handsome!
I barely know anything about both groups but I loved those two so much I might as well start learning them lol
Cherry blossoms after winter is... okay, I guess? Like there's actual bullying all with stealing and physical assault, the characters have this weird "they've lived together for 10 years like brothers but were never close and actually avoided each other but it was because one of them had feelings and suddenly they're dating", in one scene dude no1 is forcing himself on dude no2, there's homophobia from the adults, and of course the typical pretty mean girl using the timid boy to get close to the popular dude 🙄 idk I'm not really into it, but it also has 2 great friend characters and I love them so that's nice.
I'm actually on ep5 for blueming now and I think so far it's quite cute (except the "he was a chubby kid and got bullied" thing). But you mentioned he's getting hurt so I'm ☹
How are you? How's uni going? How's songwriting? How's life in general?
Drama anon ❤
Nooo I'm so sorry to hear you had miss rona :( I got her a while ago and god it is just not fun 😔 I hope you've recovered well!
Yes!! No toxicity?? It becomes an actually healthy relationship??? No bl has ever reached those heights before fjfj. Yes! It's the best way to do enemies to lovers, none of the fighting was intense and they never absolutely despised the guts of the other, it was just an idea they had that they unlearned as they went. Also it's so nice how early on jaeyoung realised how he felt? Or at least how he wants to treat Sangwoo! The "revenge" he wanted to get on sangwoo was just given up when he realised he actually likes Sangwoo. The "enemies" side didn't last forever and then it's suddenly romantic, it was an actual journey! And YES THE KISSES... like we get Multiple kiss scenes ... that aren't limp face presses ...literally a miracle ! Seoham is so handsome you are so right fjdj he's a pretty man for sure.
Oh lord 😔 we dont love all that. Tbh I had high standards for bls already, I stop watching if they had any forceful "romance" scenes (I hate that that counts as having High standards 😔), but I think after semantic error they've gone up way more. Like That is how a bl should be, we deserve more of them ! And they even avoided the way too common misogynistic story line of the lead girl, I love how Sangwoo's friend (I can't remember there name 💔) was treated, neither of the boys were mean to her at any stage and she was a genuine character and ends up better off at the end of the drama than where she started. It's just so good :(
Yeah I was really worried about that story in blueming. I don't want to spoil anything for you but I wasn't as upset with the direction of that as I expected. I expected there to be a lot of fat-shaming and fatphobia and I can't speak on how well it was approached because it's not something I can relate to personally, but the main character himself had a positive outlook on it which exceeding my expectations a lot! Kinda a major reason why I rly like that character.
I'm alright ! I'm on a 2 week break from uni rn actually so I'm attempting to get all my assessments prepared to hand them in in the next few weeks. Pls wish me luck on getting them done fjdj. I am also going to London to see ateez in a few weeks so I'm Screaming I'm so excited
How has life been for you besides miss rona ruining things 💔 ?
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rfassholes · 7 years
[PLATONIC} HC where MC time travels (from the future) and they meets the RFA guys and gal and they end up feeling protective over them for no reason? like ?? they don't feel any romantic love for this MC they just "oh hello stranger that I suddenly want to keep safe" ?? and it turns out that this MC is their future child and they were just curious to see how their parents were in the past. But when MC returns to her timeline the RFA's memories about them are deleted for their own safety though.
I’m really sorry if this one was short; If you’d like me to add more, please request it with specifics! I’m sorry if that sounds stupid, considering your request was detailed. I just c o u l d n ‘ t write for some reason. Anyways, I hope you like it even if they’re short!
As a child, you were always told that your dad was an amazing veterinarian, but you could never go with him to work
However, you were given the opportunity to go see him at any point in his life, so you instantly thought of his college years
He always was kinda quiet about those
You ended up on a uni campus when you had gone back and recognized it as the one your dad had a diploma from
Walking around, you were able to get ahold of his class schedule and decided to attend a lecture he had that day
Once you got to the lecture hall, you looked around trying to find a kid with bright blond hair
Yoosung was texting under the desk on his phone when you walked over to sit by him
However, instead of walking, you ended up tripping quite badly and hit yourself on his desk and bolted up asking if you were okay
“Would you like me to go get ice or something?” “No, it’s alright; thank you, though” “Well, we’ve got a few minutes until the professor shows up.
What’s your name? I’m Yoosung Kim!”
Wait shit
Do you say your name?
Well, his memories of you are going to be erased anyways
“Uh, I’m MC. MC Kim. Nice to meet you, Yoosung” He smiled quickly and responded before taking his phone out again, “Pleasure’s mine!” “Who’re you texting?” “Just some friends. We’re throwing a party in a few days, and we’re still planning”
The professor walked in before you could ask any more questions and now you had to sit through it
Oh well, your dad was probably going to be taking notes the entire time so it’d probably be boring
Nope, he continued texting
That is, until the professor was telling him off and you could see him still messaging the chat
Tch, and you thought you were bad
When the professor walked away, he spoke again “Sorry if that scared you at all. I’d just rather pay attention to my friends than biology. Maybe I could give you my number, so I know that you’re okay? You hit yourself pretty hard on my desk” “Sorry, I don’t have a phone, but you’re quite nice for asking if I’m alright”
After the lecture ended, you gave a goodbye and walked around just a bit more before you had to go, wondering about that party he was talking about
Okay, if your dad was a fairly famous actor, his life had to have been somewhat interesting
After all, he mentioned a motorcycle gang and you knew he used to smoke and drink quite a bit
When you traveled back, you wound up on a movie set and were able to find him easily from that white ass hair of his
Figuring you had to fit in, you took a water bottle from a PA and decided to go bring it to him
“Oh, thank you” “No problem” “Woah, who’re you? Don’t think I’ve seen that cute face around here”
Oh hell no
Seriously, Dad?
“Uh, um, I’m sixteen” “Alright? Oh. OH. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-“ “Mhm. Anyways, I’m MC, Hyun” “How did yo-“ “Oh, um, bye! Have to go!”
You practically ran away, not noticing you took the water bottle with you
When you turned back around to make sure no security guards were following you, you saw him staring at you
Even though he wouldn’t remember this, the embarrassment still felt like it would matter
Walking quickly back over, you saw that he took out his phone and started texting, but you were determined to get it over with
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ “It’s alright. I was just worried you were feeling sick or something” “No, it’s alright. Thanks, Dad”
This time you actually ran
Once you were back to your time, you couldn’t look at him for a solid three days
Your mother was staying up again, running up numbers for the café, and you were curious as to how she was still working
Let alone alive
You had also heard that your family friend, Jumin Han, used to be her boss
That alone had you have so much respect for her
So when you were given the opportunity to go back to the time where she worked under him, you were excited to see her
That is, until you were asked by a dozen people to get coffees in an unfamiliar room of cubicles and doors leading to offices
You ended up borrowing some paper from a random woman and went around to get all the orders
It was kind of similar to what you did in the café sometimes, anyways
Dropping off all the coffees, you had four left that were for one office
When you went to find the number, you stopped at the placard by it that read ‘Jaehee Kang’
You were trying to balance all the cups when you twisted the doorknob ad you practically fell into the room
While trying to regain your balance, you ended up spilling a two of four all over yourself and you were trying not to yell out
Sure, you had spilt a few when you were running around the café, but this shit b u r n e d
Jaehee, on the other hand, was trying to help you the moment you stumbled through the door
She couldn’t stop the cups from tipping, but she grabbed the other two before those got dropped and set them on her desk
“Would you like me to get some napkins?” “Yes, please”
She was back in barely a minute along with some burn cream and an ice pack
“I’m really very sorry that you got hurt. It’s my fault for needing so much caffeine” “Don’t worry; it’s my job” “We haven’t had new interns here in a while, so thank you for helping out. Do you want the ice pack? It should help a bit”
You only nodded and tried to set it where you had gotten burned the most
“Maybe instead of getting everyone food, would you like to help me edit some reports?” “Sure, Mo-Ms. Kang” “Jaehee is alright; what’s your name?” “MC Kang” “There’s some pens on my desk. You can grab one and read through the green one, MC. Also, make sure you don’t keep the ice pack on it constantly. You might wind up with other burns”
You ended up staying there for a couple of hours and she told you to leave after it hit eleven pm
“Have a good evening, Jaehee” “You, too, MC. Stay safe tonight”
Your parents were very hush hush about your dad’s old work and you slightly suspicious to say the least
When you were given the opportunity to see him on the job nearly twenty years ago, you instantly agreed
You kind of regretted it now, considering you were in the middle of a forest at night
It was odd to walk around by yourself when you barely see the moon from under the trees
A little voice in your head said that you were being tricked since you’d been walking around for a couple of minutes with no sign of the red-head
And then the shouting started
“Well, I’m sorRY, MARY. We can’t all be perfect when it comes to beating the shit out of people” “You’re lucky I had my taser, dumbass”
You tried to go by the voices but ending up falling over a rock and getting your ankle wedged between it and a log
“Do you think someone else made it out?” “Always check for good measure”
Two figures with swinging flashlights were walking towards you while you were trying to roll the log away
“Not an agent” “Yeah, not an agent. Were you trying to listen to us?”
That was the voice that sounded familiar out of the two so you tried to face them as best you could
“No, I was on a hike” “At two in the morning?” “Yeah” “Do you need help? It looks like you might’ve twisted something”
The other person in a garish looking outfit started speaking
“You know we can’t bring someone back” “But they look like they’re in pain” You decided to butt in, “It’s ‘cause I am, dumbass”
One person handed their flashlight to the one in the leopard print and walked over to help you roll the log away
When they offered a hand to help you up, you recognized them as your dad and gratefully took the support to get up
“707, you can’t take them back to the bunker with you” “Watch me” “Bu-“ “Their ankle is either rolled or sprained. Do you want them stumbling around these woods at this time?” “Well, no, but you have a jo-“ “And that job is to help others”
He helped you stand up properly to walk and started leading you towards a brightly colored car, much to the dismay of the other walking behind you two
You were driven to a bunker that you recognized from pictures with a blindfold over your eyes for safety measures
Your ankle was wrapped up and your few scrapes were cleaned before he offered to drive you back to wherever you were from
“Just a few miles from here should be fine. I’ll find my way back” “You sure?” “Yep” “I’m glad we were in the woods, or else you’d still be stuck there” “Probably, thank you again” “No need”
He was the one who ended up driving you to a random intersection after driving for a few minutes
When you were about to shut the door, he spoke again, “Hey, I didn’t catch your name” “I didn’t throw it, Saeyoung”Jumin:
Being from an extremely well off family, you were curious as to how your father used to run the company
Your grandfather had only died a year or two ago and that’s when you got more involved with it
You could watch him be the big boss whenever you went to the office building
But what about when he was only the heir?
Granted, he was a director, but it still intrigued you when you had the chance to go back in time to see him
You were now standing in a hallway of what looked to be the upper stories of an office building that you easily recognized
While you were walking around taking in how the building used to look, a white cat ran past you
Only assuming it was the one from the photo albums, you followed the cat as best you could
“El-Elizabeth?” you called to the cat while it was sitting at the end of the hallway
Even though in your time this cat had died around four years ago, you still cared about it from the slightly-blurry pictures your father had showed you
At the mention of its name, the cat perked up and walked to you and you were allowed to scoop it up in your arms
Walking back through the hallways trying to find the door marked ‘Jumin Han’, you were stopped by two people in all-black suits
The first one spoke in a downright disgusting tone, “Now why is a hot piece of ass like yourself in this hallway? Did Mr. Heir dump you out here?” “No, piss off”
The second spoke with a much more business-like tone after glaring at the other
“Why are you smuggling the cat of the heir of this company?” “I’m MC Han, and just returning her”
The man didn’t want to take any chances at the name Han, so he escorted you to an office and stood outside the door while you knocked
A person called through the office, “Who is it? Did you find Elizabeth the III?” “I have your cat, Mr. Han”
At the mention of cat, the door flew open with your father holding it open
“Please come in, as you were the one to find my life mate” “Your what now?” “My Elizabeth the III” “Right”
You crouched down to let the cat out of your arms and stood back up before stepping in cautiously
“I’m indebted to you for finding her” “Not really. She was just in the hallway” “Yes, but nobody else found her. Could I ask your name?” “It’s MC Han” “I’m sorry; are you a relative?” “Not yet- I mean, not quite” “Are you a person of my father’s?” “No” “Very well, how may I repay you for bringing her back?” “You really don’t ne-“ “Yes, I do. Please answer my question” “Well, there was a guard that was harassing me earlier”
His head snapped up to you since he was sitting down to pet Elizabeth “Which?” “The one with the blond hair outside the door”
Calling once again to the outside of the door, Jumin spoke coldly, “Smith, get your ass in my office”
Seeing your father swear wanted to make you laugh, but you maintained a straight face
The guard from earlier stepped in looking around the room anxiously “Is everything alright, Mr. Han?” “Not for you. What did you tell MC earlier in the hallway?” “I asked why someone as good-looking as themselves were standing alone and if you had kicked them out” “You do realize how inappropriate that is, yes?” “Yes, Sir” “Good”
He stood up from his cat and adjusted his coat sleeve before standing right in front of the man and slapped him across the face
“You’ve thirty minutes to gather anything you have before you’re fired. Have a day”
This time, you actually laughed after the man had quickly left the room
“ ‘Have a day’ really, Da-Mr., Han?” “Well, I didn’t want him to have a nice day”
You started laughing again while he looked slightly confused“Thank you, Mr. Han” “Thank you for bringing my Elizabeth and informing me of a corrupt employee” “I’m not sure if they were corru-“ “They harassed you. That’s enough” “Well, have a good day, Mr. Han”
He gave you a simply goodbye before you left and went back to your time
When you sat down for dinner, you tried to stifle your laughter at the memory of your father bitch slapping a security guard when he sat down across from you
“Is everything alright?” “Yes, just please let me know if you ever slap someone” “Sure thing?”
Look at me actually doing two requests in one day (even though they’re like a week late I’m sorry) I hope you enjoyed these, though. I hope you all have days!
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