#i kinda rushed near the end but im p happy?
xamaxenta · 2 years
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Extremely pleased to have the op pkmn au Sabo set done!!!
1. Kid Sabo and his newly obtained Gible who unfortunately was the one who burned him :( poor babo, its ok they bond rly fast bc of it!!!
2. Teen Sabo and his Gabite, rookie trainer and pokemon looking to take names and become stronger for many reasons
3. Adult Sabo and Garchomp, Sabo’s way more mature now compared to his teen self who was… edgy for lack of better description 😂 as edgy as a teen dragon trainer could be that is, he’s mellowed out now and follows Luffy’s adventures thru his Pokégram account :3
4. Adult Sabo, again but with a promotion under his belt as he’s now the Grandline League Challenge’s 8th and final gym leader, as expected his loyal Garchomp is his signature Pokémon and often mega evolves him, further proving their incredible bond between each other
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Hello, I was wondering if you could do headcannons for a silco x female reader (romantic), where she is Vi and Jinx's older sister (20 y/o) and went with jinx when vander died and believes that Vi abandoned them, and her and silco are like Jinx's main parental figures.
Thank you and have a good day!
You becoming parent's to Jinx w/Silco + extra drabbles
Note: ya'll blew up my inbox with Silco and I love it
Reader: female
Arcane Masterlist ♤♤ "Here's the Dump"
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You usually take the blame for everything for your sisters
Nah no one touches my sisters
But of course Vi likes to argue, saying that its your fault your parents are dead, because you left to try and make a better name for the family outside of Piltover and the Lanes
You stormed out in anger not wanting to esclate things with powder begging you to stay; you said you'd come back for her
Did come back for her but just a bit too late.
Found you near Vander, with a large shard of glass in your calf.
Powder ran into your arm so quickly, crying her eyes out
Vi only contuined to argue blaming you once again, Powder tried standing up to her, resulting in her getting slapped.
Angred you pulled the shard from your calf and threatened Vi with it holding it to her neck.
Tried to reason with her as well though.
"I did everything trying to help you two. To help our whole family"
Passing out from blood loss.
Vi leaving still
Powder begging for help and for Vi not to leave
Silco comes in, Powder crying into your barely rising chest, begging you to come back.
He helped both you and Powder now Jinx
Waking up in a bed and like: bitch Im t r i p p i n:
Meeting Drabble: With a groan Y/n woke up, trying to sit up.
"You'll be light headed," a voice spoke, "don't try and get up."
"P. Powder..." she called, trying to get out of bed but someone grabbed her arm.
"Lay down,"
Her eyes finally came into focus, and glared up at him, "do whatever you want to me just leave her alone."
Silco forced her onto the bed causing her to wince, "then go back to sleep."
Laid down but didnt go back to sleep
Eventually helped to sit up and brought food.
It was hard trusting any of them but then Powder rushed in you went fuck food and held her close.
Offered to stay and work for Silco, by the man himself
Yeah it went a totally diffrent way within like two weeks: there he was, putting you on his desk, ya'll making out.
Accepting of Jinx, and her chaos
He asking you to put injections into his eye even though you kinda hate it: seems painful
It was pretty early on you told Jinx that you and Silco ended up becoming a thing.
She was pretty happy for you actually, and made you both matching mugs.
She was pretty attached to the idea of you two being her parents.
As she got older she learned how to do more things, and made breakfast for both of you
"Is this ceral? Where did you get this?" "Oh! You know! I stole it! Didn't know how to cook it exactly." "Its wonderful thank you"
Both of you with eat burnt ceral to make her happy
Please hold them both together, like on the couch heads resting on your shoulder while you read
Good night kisses for Jinx 110%
Good night kisses for Silco too
Working with Sevika
Calming Jinx down turning her flashes of the past
"I've got you! I've got you! Jinx! Look at me!"
Pressing her forhead to yours helps her calm down
Holding Silco back from going to her when she needs to take a breath, "Let her breath."
You usually end up putting most before you, so Silco treats you once an a while even if its just a new book you've been eyeing
Took up sketching/drawing, you have pages filled with just him sitting at his desk and him smoking
He figures out your drawing him:
Y/n was silent, sat on the chair infront of Silco's desk he was busy doing paper work.
She lifted up the fancy pen Jinx had snatched for her while top side, using it as a sort of reference for proportions.
"Are you going to stab me with that pen?" Silco spoke drinking from the glass of brandy infront of him.
"Want me too?" Y/n questioned dropping her arm tilting her head with a small smile.
He held out a hand as she sighed handing over the hand made book.
"Don't smudge it." Y/n protested.
Silco set the book down on his papers, bringing his glass back to his lips taking another drink, he skimming through it. It must've been a family thing, both her and Jinx drew like crazy.
"Impressed?" Y/n spoke with a teasing smile the pen loosely swinging in her fingers.
"It's a family trait." Silco spoke.
"A common intrest." Y/n corrected softly, "unless you want to tell me your a secret artist and make it a family trait."
He stiffled a laugh, leaning back in his chair
"Imagine it now." Y/n teased, "the all mighty Silco shimmer dealer and industrialist, sits infront of a blank canvas wondering what will be carved out of the paints still in there tubes."
"You a writer too now?" Silco questioned Y/n smiling.
"The adventures of a gangster family. Nice title huh?" Y/n questioned, standing up from her seat and leaning over his desk, hands planted on the edge, "or...maybe something more...personal?"
On impulse he leaned forward she smiling but the door bursted open.
"Oh Y/n! It's me and you time!" Jinx cheered as Y/n chuckled.
"The next chapter later today then I suppose." Y/n teased pecking Silco on the lips and walking off to join a Hyper Jinx.
He loves seeing you with Jinx, especially if the young woman falls asleep in your arms you reading book peacefully
He often finds you gone from bed, just to find you in Jinx's room, barely able to keep awake as the girl sleeps in her arms.
If you fall asleep on the couch, Jinx will wait till you either wake up or Silco come gets you
Big titty identity crisis wine mom
Can drink Silco under the table
Family Chaos time atleast once a week
"Ha! 21 I win!" "We're playing monopoly" "wait we're not playing Yathzee?"
Y/n on the phone: no. I don't care! Just break there knee caps!
Y/n putting the phone down and looking back at Silco: so you say Jinx blew up a building
Figuring out how to cook and going to Pilltovee to steal actual ingredients: ta dah! Family meal time!
Surprisingly a decent cook
Taking care of Jinx and Silco when there sick, Jinx loves it but Silco hates it.
If your sick you just try and stick through it to the point of passing out
Jinx won't leave your side, culred up on a chair trying to read one of your books, she doesnt understand much of it
Silco often checks in on you if sick, and gets roped into silently reading with Jinx in his lap.
Honestly a wholesome yet dysfunctional family but you all love each other and are willing to do anything for each other.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Bernadetta has a crush (FE:Three Houses Short Fic)
Person in question is just an unnamed student, because that’s not what we’re focusing on.
What we’re focusing is how poor Bernie handles this situation.
Once the lecture was done, everyone began heading out of class and went their separate ways. Bernadetta sighed deeply and gathered her belongings. With what seemed like inhuman speed, she quickly ran out of class and immediately bolted towards her dorm room.
As she was bolting out of the Black Eagles’ classroom, all she could think about was taking a nice long break from everyone, and her thoughts were put to a halt as she ran into something.
No, someone.
She looked up and saw a student on the ground, rubbing his head before meeting her eyes.
“Oh, I’m so sorry about that! Here, let me help you!”
He began picking up the papers while Bernadetta stared at him, eyes wide.
“Let’s see is there anything else...Ah, there it is!” After picking up the last piece of paper, he turned back with a smile on his face.
“Here you are, again sorry about-...”
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Not even moving an inch, she continued to stare at him, as an awkward silence filled the air and several students began staring at them.
The student put down her books and cleared his throat.
“Excuse me, are you okay-”
Before anyone could have time to react, she bolted away towards the dorms, leaving everyone speechless. Moments later, a stern-faced man with blue hair rushed out, looking at the students.
“P-Professor Byleth!”
“What’s going on out here, who just screamed?”
“Um, it was a purple haired student from the Black Eagles, sir!”
“...Was she short, and looked anxious?”
“Yes sir, she-”
He relaxed and put his hands to head.
“Ah, nevermind then. Nothing to worry about too much. Sorry to scare you like that. Can you give that girl her books? She’s on the first floor of the dorms near the greenhouse. Her name is Bernadetta”
“Y-Yes sir!”
Byleth nodded and went back to the classroom as the student grabbed Bernadetta’s belongings, and went to her room. As he was drawing near, he could hear her voice through the door, berating herself for causing such a mess.
“Um, excuse me? Bernadetta is it?”
And just like that, she shouted apologies with every breath she took, bewildering the student leading him to loudly clearly his throat.
“I-It’s no problem at all, Bernadetta! I’ll just leave your things by the door, okay?”
He bowed, despite knowing that she couldn’t see it but hoping it would put her at ease, and went back towards the classes.
Bernadetta was silent, slowly opening the door, checking for the student and then she quickly grabbed her books and slammed the door.
“He...was really nice to me. I-I need to go apologize to him!”
When she thought about how she would do it, it was then she realized something vital.
“I...I never got his name!”
She tried to remember his key features that would help identify him and...the more she thought about it, she started to think how nice the student was. More importantly he...looked kinda cute.
“Maybe...I can talk with him after I apologize? But why would someone just accept a proposal to hang out with a girl like me...”
An idea.
“I know! I can ask my classmates how to help with this!...Er, once I leave the room anyway.” She thought to herself. Eh, she can get out tomorrow.
Professor Byleth’s Advice
The Professor was a very kind and patient man, at least to Bernadetta. He never thought of her as a nuisance, and so who better to ask than a man like that? More importantly he was her elder (probably?), so he must have some field of expertise on this topic.
Once the lecture ended, Byleth began clearing off the chalkboard as the students left. Bernadetta went up to his desk and remained silent for a few moments before he turned around. Once he saw her, he smiled and nodded.
“Bernadetta, what can I help you with?”
“H-Hi, professor. Did you tell that boy to come to my room yesterday?”
“I did. Don’t want you to show up tomorrow forgetting everything after all. I hope I didn’t scare you.”
“W-Well it kinda did but...first of all thank you, and second of all do you know his name? I uh...want to apologize to him and um...”
“Ah, unfortunately I didn’t catch his name. I’m not sure if anyone in the class was around when that incident happened. I’m sure he’ll pop in sooner or later. If he does show up, I’ll let you know.”
“T-Thanks professor...”
“Is something wrong? Did he say something to you-”
“No no no! Nothing like that it’s just...I...I also want to get to know him better.”
“...I’m afraid I didn’t hear that correctly. You want to get to know him?”
“Yes! Is there something wrong with that thought, professor?”
“None at all! I..just didn’t think you’d do that. At all, as a matter of fact- AHEM! Anyways!”
He took a seat at his desk and awkwardly cleared his throat.
“I’m afraid I don’t know how to exactly help you, but I’m very positive your classmates can help you out! Why not ask Dorothea?”
‘Dorothea...that’s right! She knows all about how to get cute guys to talk, that’s genius professor!’ She thought to herself.
“Thank you very much, professor! I’ll be going now!”
Byleth smiled, waving her off as she left.
“Happy to help!” Once she was out of earshot, his smile quickly went away and was replaced with worry.
“Oh goddess...What is she doing?”
“Shouldn’t you be following her? In your words, she can be quite the wreck!”
“Quiet, Sothis! I...didn’t mean it like that!”
Dorothea’s Advice
When Bernadetta got to Dorothea, she almost squealed out of joy learning her little Bern has a crush on, what is apparently a cute guy, and coming to her for advice. Not losing any time, she sat her down and grabbed some tea, explaining in detail of how to get a guy to fall for her.
Very. Uncomfortable. Detail.
“...And that’s how to get a cute guy to fall heads over heels for you, Bern!”
She put down her teacup and winked at her.
“No guy in his right mind can refuse a cutie such as yourself!”
“...Um, I just wanted to talk with him for a little bit, Dorothea. I can’t wink seductively, much less do anything you just said!”
“Huh? I thought you found the guy cute and wanted to take him for dinner?”
“N-NO!...Well I mean, I can’t say it doesn’t sound nice but-...”
“Then go all out! If you strike a pose then-”
“D-Dorothea, can we just start with baby steps?! My heart would explode if I tried that!”
“Those ARE baby steps, well for me anyway. I suppose you can begin with apologizing, then asking if he has any freetime? If you aren’t quite ready for dinner, then how about a walk around town?...Oh right, you don’t like leaving your room for long periods of time...Then...?”
She furrowed her brow, thinking intensely on what to do.
“Listen Bern, I think my tactics might be a bit too forward for what’s in your comfort zone, but I think I know someone who can help!”
Edelgard’s Advice
“And that’s the situation Edie. You’ve had to master the art of small talk as a noble, so maybe you can spread some of that knowledge to Bern here?”
Edelgard looked at Dorothea with the most puzzled face that she and Bernadetta had ever seen.
“Um, with all due respect Dorothea, I figured that YOU were the expert on that topic, considering you like to go out. I have nothing resembling romance in my life right now. I don’t know why you thought it was a good idea to talk to me about this.”
Bernadetta looked down in disappointment.
“I see...”
“Oh, Bernadetta! It’s not that I don’t want to help you I..”
Edelgard’s head turned, trying to avoid eye contact while her cheeks were turning slightly red.
“...don’t exactly know how to talk to boys that way either...”
Dorothea adjusted her hat, closing her eyes and shaking her head.
“Good grief...Alright once I’m done helping Bern out, I’m helping YOU out, Edie. Anyways, don’t you have even a little bit of advice?”
“Well...I suppose the polite thing to do is keep eye contact and make sure you listen to all he has to say. And make sure you don’t jump to conclusions, Bernadetta!”
“Y-Yes ma’am. I think I have enough information now, thank you so much you two!”
“Of course, Bern. Now have fun with him, and be confident!”
“Be confident, right! Okay, goodbye!”
Both of them waved goodbye as she left the library. 
“...We probably shouldn’t leave her alone, huh Edie?”
“Absolutely not.”
As she looked for him, Bernadetta couldn’t shake off the feeling she was being watched.
BONUS: Other Classmate Advice
Caspar - “I say challenge him to a duel with good ol fisticuffs-...Oh that’s not what you meant? I still think that’s the case, no man worth his salt could refuse such a high stakes duel!”
Linhardt - Bold of you to assume he’d even be awake.
Hubert - “...Things must be truly desperate if you’ve come to me of all people...”
Petra - “Ah, I believe this is what you call a ‘Date’! Perhaps you can gain love by offering gift? What gift you may ask? Back home, we offered horse heads as gifts, so perhaps it the same!”
Ferdinand - “Simple, Bernadetta! Simply state that you are a noble, and things will follow from there! You must make sure to keep your status up by being professional at all times!...You’re just talking with him? Then it’s very important to do that very thing! Nothing makes a better conversation starter than your status!”
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marvel-mega · 5 years
Neighbors (Peter Parker x reader)
authors note: hey guys this is one of my older fics that I forgot to post I guess? hope you guys like it !
word count: 2885
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You had been neighbors with peter since elementary school but it wasn't until seventh grade that you realized your windows lined up. One day while you were doing homework on a desk that conveniently looked out that exact window peter threw some pebbles to get your attention. ‘Um, Hi?’ you said confused why this cute boy tried getting your attention. ‘I’m P-peter.’ ‘Hi Peter. I’m (Y/N).’ you smiled hoping a friendship came from this small interactions.’ What school are you gonna go to in the fall, (Y/N)?’ ‘Uh Hardy Middle School. What about you peter?’ You kept saying his name hoping you won't forget it as a way to remind yourself that this was real. ‘Me too!’ “Ugh awesome I don't have very many friends.’ ‘I'll be your friend, (Y/N).’ and the rest is history. Or maybe it could be more?
‘PETERRRRRRRR’ you yelled from your window truly not caring who heard. ‘If you don’t get up I will leave without you.’ you said in your normal tone. ‘Peter appeared disheveled at the window ‘I’M UP ‘ you just turn away your cheer uniform fluttering around you.
Peter wanted to tell you, that you looked beautiful. You see this was the first day of junior year for you guys’. Peter, in his opinion didn’t really changed much well expect that he was spiderman and he has been for about two years but he physically looked the same. (Y/N)...uh blossomed this past summer, she lost a few pounds but gained a few in places Peter can’t admit to his conscious that he stared at. And you seemed to be popular? Which was a gross stereotype like the popular girl and the nerd, but that what people categorized (Y/N) and Peter. (Y/N) was always beautiful to Peter but no one really noticed then she tried out for the cheer team sophomore year and everyone loved her, then that’s when people started noticing. Girls assumed (Y/N) and Peter were dating and the guys well the guys just ignored Peter’s existence or tried to be his friend to get to (Y/N). No matter how many times you told Peter you didn’t care what other people thought, Peter still felt insecure? Scared? Anxious? He couldn't really pinpoint what he was feeling but Peter’s other good friend Ned told him that he was feeling scared and nervous about losing (Y/N) to the ‘pop’. Which is what Ned calls people at your school with public social media accounts and lots of followers.
Y/N pov
You felt so nervous you kept smoothing over your skirt. You didn’t notice how this all happened. The ‘pop invasion into your life’ as Ned said to me many times before, it’s like one day i was playing ‘Star Wars’ trivia game with Peter and Ned then the next you were rushing off to ‘summer cheer’ practice. Your mom pressured you into doing cheer by saying motivating things like ‘Your thighs look bigger’ or my personal favorite ‘you don’t think you’re a little fatter than freshman year? I’m not sure Peter likes fat girls’. So you got moving you worked your ass off and you got on the team! You were ecstatic not only because you worked so hard but because the girls on the team really liked you! But this was the year your newly found confidence would help you make a move on Peter. You’d rejected pretty much all the guys that asked you out. Normally saying you had something to do with Peter.Your friends on the team said that Peter liked you back but you weren’t sure the girls were good friends to you but come on Peter Parker did not have a crush on me you thought as you drove you and peter to school.
Peter’s pov
I, Peter Parker, have a crush on (Y/N). Ned thinks the feelings are mutual but come on (Y/N) (Y/L/N) did not have a crush on me you thought as you pulled up to school with her. ‘Here we go Pete.`` She said then took a deep breath and reached out for your hand. (Y/N) didn’t like to talk about her emotions very often so when she explained her anxiety Peter was a bit taken back but after thinking back to (Y/N) hating going to social events or the night before the first day of school not being able to sleep. So right now she held Peter’s hand to help with that anxiety not any emotional attraction okay Peter? She just needs a friend right now. The two walked in and couldn’t contrast against each other more Peter had a shirt with an elemental joke and (Y/N) looking strikingly beautiful in her yellow and blue cheer uniform.
Fast forward to that Friday
It was the end of sixth period and Peter and (Y/N) were walking to (Y/N)’s car. ‘Peter im nervous out of my wits for the game today!’ (Y/N) was bouncing on her heels that were covered with yellow converse, that peter got her two christmases ago. (Y/N) was subtly wearing school which she informed me was like a semi-cheer requirement, on game days you wear the schools colors so (Y/N) asked to borrow my Midtown school of science and technology sweater and paired with simple black jeans but even dressed so casually she looking amazing to me. ‘Peter? Did you hear what i just asked you?’ ‘Going to be honest with you because you’re my friend...No i did not hear a word.’ (Y/N) sighed Peter seemed to get lost in his thoughts kinda often. ‘Alright dork i said are you gonna come to the game?’ Peter was kind of on call for something Mr. Stark needed him. ‘Of course i wouldn’t miss your first cheer thingy for anything.’ Peter knew his promise was far fetched he just hoped the universe was listening and would make Mr. Stark not need him tonight. ‘Amazing!! You being there will make the jitters go away. Home sweet home! Alright Pete i have to get ready I’ll see you later tonight!’ ‘Uh yea (Y/N) I’ll see you then’ Peter said not even believing himself.
Peter was catching up on his sleep since waking up early for school it messed up his sleep schedule of staying up until 3 am. But he awoke to the sound of his phone ringing thinking it was (Y/N) he answered itt quickly, “Hello.?’ his groggily voice said ‘Hey Kid, it’s happy I’m down the block Tony sent me he said something about ‘wanting to try you in a new suit he got you’ i don't know but just meet me over here’ Peter panicked a little bit of course this had to happen today. ‘Uh happy do you think I could call a raincheck on tony?’ I have a football game that i have to go to’ ‘A football game?’ Peter gulped ‘Unless you're the star players get your butt over here.’
At the game
(Y/N) scanned the crowd from on the field looking for Peter just then a boy came up from behind her and tapped your shoulder, you jumped at the sudden interaction from the guy. “Hey are you (Y/N)?’ You hesitated, ‘Yes i am. I’m sorry to come off as rude but do i know you?’ The boy chuckled ‘Uh No I don't think anyone here really knows me i'm new here.’ ‘Oh welcome! What's your name?’ ‘Harrison’ ‘Nice to meet you Harrison.’ And Harrison kept you company before the game started and then took his seat as he cheered you on for well cheering. He was a sweet boy but you couldn't help but wonder where Peter was. ‘Hey i don't mean to intrude but your mind seems to be somewhere else.’ ‘Is it that obvious,’ Harrison or Harry as he told you he’d rather be called kinda gave you a look like yes it's very obvious. ‘Well my best friend promised he’d be here and i was really nervous since it was the first game he was supposed to help me calm down but he didn't show.’ You said glumly. ‘I hoped I helped with some of those nerves,’ Harry said as he put his finger under your chin so you wouldn’t hang your head so low. ‘ But be careful princess hang your head any lower your tiara will fall off.’ At this point your heart was beating out of your chest you barely knew this guy yet you kind of wanted to kiss him and you kind thought he wanted to so you just settled for a kiss on the cheek that he gave you. ‘I hope to see you monday.’ Harry walked away. You were left speechless, no guy had genuinely shown you attention like that. ‘(Y/NNN)!! AHH THAT GUY WAS ALL OVER YOU PETER WILL SEE WHAT HE LOST!!’ one of your good friends who was on the team too said to you. ‘He is a really sweet guy’ you gushed to your friend ‘And he’s cute!’ she responded you walked away giggling with her. And as you left Peter was in the distance seeing everything that unfolded with the guy who had your attention while Peter was gone. Peter felt his blood boil and his heart sink he couldn’t believe that guy just kissed you on the cheek without EVEN ASKING! ‘But you wouldn’t have done’ it the voice in his head said. As he walked home alone, since he assumed he’d go home with you. You were in your car still thinking about that odd boy then you saw Peter on the sidewalk walking to his house. ‘Peter?” You questioned as you rolled the windows down and clearly saw him, luckily there was little to no traffic so you weren’t in anyone's way. ‘(Y/N)?’ ‘Yes Pete haha. What are you doing and where were you we won the game !’ you said excitedly not really angry with him. ‘I was busy.’ Peter said in a stern voice. ‘I figured but you couldn't at least text me so i didn't have to spend all night looking fro you in the crowd.’ ‘Yea i’ll remember that for next time.’ Do you want a ride home?’ ‘No’ he said rudely. You had enough you out the care in park and get out ‘Why are you angry with me Peter? You missed my game i should be even slightly angry with you.’ ‘Because you didn’t seem to miss me at the damn game!’ Peter yelled at you you were so taken back Peter never yelled at you. ‘Yea glad the ‘super nice and cute boy’ kept you company while i was gone.’ ‘How did you know about him?’ you said confused. ‘I saw you guys together after the game thats where im leaving from.’ ‘He’s just a friend Peter why are you upset? He’s new and wanted someone to talk to.’ You said still confused and near tears because you never fought with Peter like this or at least this seriously. ‘Whatever. I’m walking home see you on Monday.’ And that was the last time you had ever spoken to Peter Parker, that fight between the two of you changed your friendship Peter didn’t talk to you that whole week at school and he was never home if he was home he got back super late at night with bruises you tried to confront him about it but he said ‘it was none of your concern’. After a month you stopped trying he obviously didn’t want to talk to you, so you decided to stop wasting your time despite the pain it cost you to leave your other half. Apparently this wasn’t the year you’d ask out Peter Parker.  
‘(Y/N) are you planning on going to prom this year?’ someone asked you you weren’t listening you were watching your old friend Peter frantically talk to Ned about something. ‘Hmm?’ ‘Prom?’ ‘Aw Britney I’d hoped you would’ve asked me in a more theatrical way.’ Your now closer friend Britney who was also on the cheer team with you. ‘Hate to break it to you babe. But I’m going to prom with Flash Thompson.’ She looking over at Flash, ironically you'd say she looked at him cheerfully. ‘You’re going to prom with Eugene?’ You never liked calling him Flash that name was reserved for the comic book hero by the same name. ‘But I don't have anyone to go with not that i need someone to go with but im using that as a valid excuse.’ ‘I CAN HELP YOU WITH THAT.’ Britney yelled gathering some funny looks as you both laughed. ‘Thanks but no thanks I’d rather not go with one of Euguene’s friends.’ Before you could finish Britney disappeared whispering knowingly to Flash. Flash grabbed one of his friends, a nice looking boy brown hair blue eyes. And the three of them came in your direction. ‘Well well well princess (Y/N) here says that she's finally going to accept a date from a boy.’ Flash said with a smirk getting the boys' next to him hopes up. ‘No, this princess is not looking for a prince thanks Eug.’ You said as you got up and left heading to class early.
Peter’s pov
‘Just ask her to prom you idiot it’ll wash away any bad stuff that happened between you two..’ ned said frantically to Peter. ‘She doesn’t want to talk to me. I was a jerk to her eight months ago.’ Peter almost didn’t believe himself but he was right it had been that long since the first football game. Peter was staring at you and you were looking back with the same look of ‘please talk to me I’m not as mad as you think!’ but you were called away by your friends before he could even think of a response. Because of Peter’s powers he could hear your whole conversation and was explaining it to Ned. ‘Exactly everything is falling into place just ask her out.’ Maybe i will Peter thought to himself. He didn't want to tell Ned or else he’d freak out. But thats how Peter ended up bolting out of the cafeteria to catch up with you. ‘(Y/N) !!’ She turned cautiously around. ‘Peter?’ ‘Yea um h-hhow are y-you?’ ‘How am I?’ she said back ‘I’ve been fucking garbage these past eight months because the person i trusted the most in this world stop fucking stop talking to me out of the fucking blue!! And I haven't been able to talk to anyone about it because i care about this boy more than I care about myself yet he doesn’t have a clue and blatantly ignored me!! Then you have the nerve to fucking asking me ‘How AM I?? I'VE HAD BETTER DAYS PETER BENJAMIN PARKER. HELL I HAD A BETTER LIFE WHEN YOU WERE IN IT AND YOU JUST LEFT.’ During those eight months Peter was with Mr.Stark, helping him with ‘Rogue Rogers’ but he didn’t know how to tell (Y/N). ‘Meet me after school out window. Please.’ She sighed and walked away Peter hoped she was going to be there.
You checked your hair one more time in the mirror before looking out the window waiting for Peter to show. ‘He’s gonna stand me up again, it’s inevitable.’ ‘I wish you wouldn’t doubt me so much.’ A voice said from behind (Y/N). Her first instinct was to kick as high and as hard as she could. ‘(Y/N) WOAH WOAH IT ME PETER!!??’ Instead of seeing the face that belonged to that voice you saw spiderman sitting on your bed as casual as ever. ‘P-peter?’ ‘Ha now it’s your turn to stutter.’ he said. Peter took the mask off even though you knew it was him. ‘(Y/N) What was that sound?’ your mother yelled from below the stairs. ‘Oh nothing! Spider-man is in my room!’ you said smirking at Peter as you saw his face drop with fear. Maybe he shouldn't have told you he was spiderman. He heard your mom laugh? ‘Okay sweetie, lay off the red bulls.’ Peter let out a deep breath ‘Was that you saying that you are still angry?’ ‘No, I just want to know why you were angry that day. I’ve gone over everything that happened and can’t think why you’d even care that I was with Harry.’ ‘Have you tried the option where i was jealous that Harrison even had your attention for two seconds?’ Peter said as he moved closer to you. ‘I-i um no i hadn’t considered that to even be an option. A smart, charismatic guy like you is not interested in me at all .’ ‘You’re right a smart guy like me is practically infatuated with you, (Y/N).’ You smiled so hard your cheeks started to hurt and then Spiderman kissed you. The boy that you had a crush on since before you even knew what a crush was, was kissing you. ‘Wow.’ you said laughing. ‘I mean I know I haven’t had practice but was it that bad?’ Peter said sadly. ‘Hmm jury is still out on that i guess you’ll just have to kiss me again.’
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loomisjones · 7 years
Our Secrets Out
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Pairing: FP X reader
Warnings: explicit sexual content, rushed sex, near physical assault (Chucks an ass,) cheating, FP AND CHERYL ARE ASSHOLES BUT THEYRE ACTUALLY MY FAV IRL IT JUST FIT THE STORY SO DONT TAKE OFFENCE BC THEY'RE MY BABIES, angst
Word count: 1943 A/N: i really dont know how i feel about this. like really, really dont know how i feel. i might make a part 2 just to redeem myself MAYBE. also the reader doesn't come out and splay her love to FP just because it felt kinda immature and unnecessary for the story but it kinda hints at feelings
Your back slid with ease against the off tinted blue bathroom stalls wall, the sweat pooling between the wall and your skin acting as an aid to move you with ease.
 FP sucked at your breast greedily, toying with the nipple as his hand around your waist was the only thing keeping you from falling to the dingy drive ins bathroom floor. That and his three fingers pumping knuckles deep in your pussy.
 You gasped and groaned, rocking against one another and his fingers pumped and your hands stroked the spance of his shaft, your moans mingling in with the cinematic scream outside, trying to get each other off as soon as possible.
 Before you had met FP, foreplay was one of your favourite things about sex. The adrenaline, the blood pumping through your ears as you explore someone’s body, your body getting hot as someone teased you with their mouth. But since meeting FP and diving into your after hour adventures, you hadn’t thought much about the act. Sure, you and FP had done some foreplay, a rough tug on the cock and quick oral, but it always was just that-quick. By the time you and FP found one another at the end of the day, you two were always looking to blow off steam in the quickest way possible; him buried deep in you, so you were happy to throw away any unnecessary hurdles.
 “Goddamit FP, enough,” you whine, stopping your rock on his fingers, “i’m ready.”
 He nods a bit, strands of hair coming out of his slicked back doo to waterfall over his forehead. He uses his hold on you to lift you up a bit, removing his fingers with a slick sound and an emptiness left in you, making you whimper and scratch at the hair at the nape of his neck.
 You brace your hands against his clothe cladded shoulders as he lowers you down on his throbbing beat red cock, his name falling from your lips though it’s quickly shushed with the sloppy press of his lips against yours, the taste of sweat and beer tingling against your lips.
 You tighten your knees against his hips, a groan falling simultaneously from both of you as he pushes you down on his cock, filling you, the feeling just as satisfyingly painful as it has had been since you started your sexcapade a few weeks ago.
 You shift your hips once his balls are pressed against your ass, your walls fluttering around his cock to pull a strangled “fuck” from the man.
 He uses his hold around your waist to drag you forward as he jerks his hips, the thrust needy and demanding, driving into you hard and fast, the sound of his balls slapping against your skin echoing in the room, loud enough to mask even the movie playing outside, the sound only a distant buzzing as FP moved his hips in a punishing rhythm, the sound of his panting the only other distinguishable sound keen to your ears.
 “Fuck, y/n, ‘m so close,” he grunted, his pelvis stuttering for a moment although he pulls himself back together to carry on his ruthless manner.
 His pelvic bone squashes against your clit as he pulls you forward once more, hit cock buried to the roof as he pulls you back down.
 Your own orgasm was sudden and hurried- one minute you were thinking about the drag of FPs cock against your walls and the next your own orgasm was screaming through your, your head tingling as it knocks against the wall, getting pulled down into euphoric bliss.
 FP brought a hand up to the back of your head as is laid against the wall, his thrusts frantic as he pulled your head up and his lips to yours, kissing you until your lungs started to burn, breathing becoming hard.
 Once he rocked through his own orgasm, sporadic thrusts as he pumped you full, he brought his finger down from your waist to your hip, tapping against the bare skin until you got the idea and hopped down, a feeling of pins rushing through your sexed out legs which you hadn’t noticed were asleep until you were left to stand on your own, wobbling a bit as you struggled to pull your pants on.
 You two shuffled around each other, pulling yourself back together quietly once you two got what you needed from one another, nothing more needing to be said past your sexual in devours.
 “I’ll call ya later,” he mumbled, straightening his jacket as he gave you one last over the shoulder glance as he pulled the stall door open, closing it behind him.
 You knew that call would come in a lust filled “come over” or a sporadic after 10 “are you up” and as you heard his boots grit against the gravel in the Twilight Drive-In’s parking lot, getting further from you, you tried your hardest to ignore the clenching of your heart.
 “Ya know what, Cheryl, let it go.” You hadn't wanted to come to Jughead’s “party” in the first place, let alone stand around and let Riverdales head bitch in charge rip everyone into shreds. Not that you didn't like Jughead, it was that you didn't like parties, especially those that were ran by Northsiders even if you had the same heritage in your blood. It just isn't your scene.
 What also isn't your scene is letting Cheryl humiliate Archie in front of the whole room just for the fact of who he sleeps with, something you knew all too well. So maybe it was the similarity and sympathy you felt for Archie or maybe it was the fact that for all of eighteen years, you had been watching Cheryl scrutinize everyone and you were sick of it, seeing that no one else was going to stand up to the fire Vixen.
 You push yourself off of the stairs railing that you had been leaning on, the path clearing to allow you to walk to the center of the room until you were face-to-face with the fuzzy jacket wearing redhead, Chuck heaving over your shoulder.
“I don't know how much the princess would like her family's, extracurriculars, blasted over town, so let it go.” Even though you grew up on the Northside with people who lived under the blanket of security and blindness to what really goes on under the maple trees of Riverdale, you knew otherwise. You saw things, things specifically pointing back to Clifford Blossom and his drug cartel he decided to pick up.
“Oh yes, y/n,” Cheryl twirls on her lifted heels to face you as you approached, her signature all too sweet smile spreading across her painted red lips as you crowd one anothers space, “dont think I don't know your sins either you middle class twit.”
You raise your eyebrows in an inviting manner, shaking your head a bit as you can't imagine the red lipstick wearing bee could have on you.
“”You and Mr.Dilf Daddy Jones,” her eyes shift to the corner of the room in which FP had been clustered in to, looking completely out of place in the whole situation.
He locks his jaw as his teeth grind, bunching his fists in his pockets to stop himself from stopping the high school girl and what she was about to spill to the whole room, but most importantly, Jughead whose interest was peaked at the mention of his already strained dad.
“How was the movie?” She giggles as if she's just told the world's funniest joke, leaning forward on her toes to push herself closer to your face, able to smell her mint toothpaste as she spit out, “that's right, you two were too busy sweating one out in the girls bathroom.”
She retracts once more, shrugging a bit as a tight lip smile returned to her face, “maybe use the family bathroom next time. Those doors lock.”
You contemplated letting it go, letting her tear you apart just like she did everyone else of Riverdale, but then you saw Jughead. The look of his pain and hurt, and betray fueled your power as you connected your palm to Cheryl’s blush covered cheek, making her double over as the sound of flesh against flesh echoed throughout the room, causing the room to fall silent; someone had stood up to Cheryl and that was something to make everyone shocked.
Cheryl rises back up, a hand over the place you had just connected to seconds ago. She had a look on her face that could kill as her gaze shifted to Chuck, words passin through her gaze.
You turn around to face Chuck only to catch a blur, leaning to the side out of reflex as you just miss the swing of Chuck’s right hook, wind against your cheek.
Everyone comes to the center of the room in a blop, FP the first to stand out as he put himself between you and the younger boy. Everyone followed like a swarm of nats after them, watching as P shooed Chuck away from the scene and then everyone else, announcing the end of the party. You tried to blend in with the cluster as you scrambled down the stairs, keeping your head low as you caught sight of a fumed Jughead huffing back into the house, moving in opposite directions as you managed to avoid being acknowledged by him.
“Are you alright?” You were sure you were going to manage to leave without confronting FP and the hurt you knew would come from the confrontation, but when his comforting, but huffed voice sounded behind you, you stopped in your tracks with your back staying to him.
You nod a bit until you turn around, facing the open mouth red in the face man, choking out a simple “thanks.”
You clear your throat, raising into a more confident tone as you shift on your weight, keeping your head titled low, “are you okay?”
He laughs a bit as he shakes his own head up and down, brining a hand up to thrust through his locks, “am i alright? Yeah, y/n, im alright besides the fact that my son, who already hated his old man as is, is cheating on his mom.” He stomps his foot on the ground, making you take a step back as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth. You knew the wife talk was going to come up at some point- he kept it on as he fucked you, for god sake.
“We can figure it out,” you manage to spit out before he interrupts you with wide eyes like you just told him the earth was flat,
“Figure it out? We? There's no we, y/n.” He shakes his head at you as if you were an ignorant child telling him the dumbest thing he'd ever heard.
You felt your heart break under your skin, jagged pieces splintering as your knees wobbled and your eyesight started to get blurry, your voice cracking as you spoke “Okay, FP.”
You stumbled back on feet that you didn't trust as they felt like jelly, stepping back from FP and the feelings you so desperately wanted to be reciprocated. FP had a slight twing in his face, looking like he wanted to reach out to you but instead he huffed and whipped his car keys in his hands, striding to his truck with fury, Your first tear falling as you turn on your feet to carry yourself the furthest you can get from FP, from Cheryl, from everything that ripped your world in half.
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cutemoniic · 7 years
btw i had this. rlly creepy episode happening w my gym trainer  today and im still unsure how to process this :\
shes a woman, and has been the friendliest (everyone is at the gym i go to but she was particulary interested in me) and always ready to provide support when i asked questions etc. things have been p normal if not a lil uncomfortable over my nine months at the gym but this week was the last for me and she has been getting rlly. pressing on the matter of renewing my membership here to the point of ambushing me at the store where my mom and i were shopping and talking w this rlly... urgent sad guilt-trippy tone? even my mom was annoyed by it and told her that ''we'll think about it'', and ambushing me at the entrance of the gym and escorting/talking excitedly all the way up to the changing rooms. i need to relax a bit in the bathrooms before im ready to avoid some sort of sensory overload and i told her, she just stopped for one/two days and then kept following me etc. my ex best friend and his mom go to this gym too, but she never badgered them, just me. what the fuck
thats basically when it gets creepy? today was my last day here, and she was at the end of her shift too. so she turns to me and starts to follow me out of the building, still chatting me up, and i notice that shes like... in no rush to stop following me. i asked her why and she told me 'why i wanna try to convince your mom one last time! so im gonna follow you at home'
yeah, KILL BILL SIRENS. not creepy at fucking all
i tell her that this isnt necessary, and she tells me that 'yet it is, we really want you there!' (umm...) and starts walking alongside me near the road. at this point im very visibly creeped out and she tries to reassure me ('dont worry itll just be a talk, you can make coffee while we talk') and when i told her that mom wasnt home she just proceeded with 'well then im gonna talk to your father! you arent gonna escape us haha'
uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh........... thats. very professional of you. what the fuck
i start walking faster and she picks up with me, she prolly saw that i was particulary creeped out but knew that i had asthma so she waited for me to slow down and kept following me. we were halfway down the road for my home, i stopped at a few dogs to pet them as usual and she hurried me. i got really jittery and plain told her to stop following me, but she just blinked at me, smiled as if it was a joke and kept following. again, kinda faster, this time without talking. and it was even creepier bc she was just staring at me all happy
i crapped my pants because the road was desert. nobody in sight, just dogs barking.
AT THIS POINT a car pulls up near me and LO AND BE-FUCKING-HOLD IS MY EX BEST FRIENDS MOM who pulls over, opens the passenger seat and gives her a really fucking wide aggressive smile and tells her 'sorry! i forgot to pick her up. get in the car sam'
ive never been so thankful to see her despite her many many defects. in the less than 5 mins drive home she tells me that she saw what was going on (she was 5 meters behind us... yeah. yeah no questions) and that she wasnt trusting the situation and preferred to intervene. this was prolly me overdoing and being a paranoic fuck, maybe she really wanted to come home to have a talk because she got affectionate w me but... were not familiar and im glad that i wont go to this fucking gym anymore. still vaguely jittery about this
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The Yule Ball, part Three (after the ball)
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p>Y/n walked into the great Hall, alone.
It had been days since she had seen draco for days, as for the fact that she was still upset about the fight and avoiding him,
She hadn’t seen pansy very much lately either, since pansy had been running around with Luna ever chance she got, and the times she was with y/n because they were forced into the dormitory at night, she spent all her time raving about Luna, and y/n was never able to get a word in edge wise.
“Y/N” George called across the dining room waving his arms in the air as to signal to where him, Fred, Lee, and Angelina were sitting. “OVER HERE!” He shouted as fred nudged him in the side with a smirk on his face, earning and dark glare from George.
Y/y walked along between the hufflepuff and gryffindor tables until she neared the end of the table, and George took her hand and pulled her down into the seat next to him that they had been saving for her,
The other three were in the middle of a conversation that y/n couldn’t quite grasp the concept of, when George Leaned in so that his breath was just barely on her ear, and whispered to her.
“Hey so since im kinda out of practice with quidich cause of all thats been going on, i was gonna go out and practice in the feild, D'you wanna come with me to the quidich field and watch me practice tonight?”
“Yeah alright,” She said as she looked at George smiling slightly, She had been to watch the gryffindor team practice but had never been able to see George alone practice, it was exciting that George had invited her out to watch him. “What time?”
“I’ll meet you out there at seven. alright?” He said looking slightly nervous as he spoke.
“Yeah alright!” Y/n said now grining ear to ear as George turned to join in on the conversation the rest were now having.
It was now six fifty, as Y/n walked towards the quidich field to see George waiting anxiously at the entrance of the feild with his broom in his hand, when he say her approaching his face lit up as he started to walk towards her.
“I was starting to think you weren’t gonna show,” He said breathlessly as he took y/n hand in his and led her into the feild.
“I’m early!” She said laughing lightly as she did.
“Are you?”
“Yes we agreed we’d meet at seven.” She said as she laughed.
“Right it would seem we did…”
“Are you alright George?” Y/n asked her smile dropping as her voice turned serious with concern about the way he was acting.
“Yeah just a bit out of it today, D'you wanna go on a ride with me real quick?” He asked lifting up his broom, as a gesture that that was what he was talking about.
“I’d love to.” Y/n said the smile cautiously making its way back onto her face, as George mounted the broom.
Y/l slowly mounted the broom and wrapped her arms tightly around George’s waist, and when George was sure she was on safely he took off.
The wind blew through y/n hair as the rushed upwards and upwards, her chin resting on George’s shoulder until they were so high up they could see the all of the hogwarts grounds.
“It’s beautiful” She breathed as she took in to beautiful scenery below them.
“It is” George said now acting much more normal than he previously had been.
As they hung in the air, y/n arms tightly wrapped around George’s waist as the looked over everything,
They could see every part of the landscape that’s over took hogwarts,
It was absolutely beautiful and absolutely silent as they sat atop the barely even there broom,
That is, until George broke the silence.
“I’m in love with you…” George said sending y/n a shock through her entire self,
“What?..” She said not knowing quite what to do now.
“I know what you said George…” She said interrupting him as he began to repeat what he had said. “Just… just take us down.”
“Y/n i-” George started but y/n interrupted him yet again.
“Just take us down George.” She said somewhat harshly, and in realizing how harsh she had been she calmed her voice. “Please.”
It was all silent as George flew them down, y/n was immersed in her thoughts in trying to decide what to say to him, She had no idea what to do she had never been in this position, all she could do was hope she did the right thing.
George was freaking out as they flew down onto the feild, he had thought he had done everything right, he didn’t know what he was going to do now, he was completely humiliated with himself, why had he done it way couldn’t help have just left well enough alone.
As they landed they both got off of the broom, now facing each other, George looked only at the ground as he began to speak.
“I’m sorry y/n i dont know what i was thinking, I- I shouldn’t have i-” as he spoke y/n interrupted him one more time doing the only thing that she could possibly think to do.
She kissed him.
And in that kiss held all the feelings she had ever had for him,
How she felt when he pulled his prank on the first year, the first year she had ever been to hogwarts,
How she laughed when he accidentally threw a bread roll at her in an attempt to hit Malfoy during lunch at the beginning of the year,
How embarrassed she was when he saw her starring at him at the yule ball,
How she went to bed with butterflies in her stomach the night of the yule ball because he had asked her to dance, and that dance was what she had been hoping for all night,
And in that kiss she realized she loved him more than she had ever thought she could, and that George loved her too, he truly truly loved her, and that was something she had never thought possible.
As they broke apart they were both smiling brighter than the sun, and George stumbled over his words as he spoke.
“But- but I thought that- you..” He sighed as he was at a loss for words as y/n beamed up at him, more happy then she had ever been.
“I couldn’t kiss you on the broom stupid.” She laughed, before turning a bit more solemn.“You know I never thought that love was something someone could feel for me, I love you George.”
And George kissed her one more time, this time, on her forehead, but in that kiss she knew exactly what she ment to him and exactly what he ment to her. OH MY GOD FINALLY!!
I am SO SORRY this took SO LONG to get up
BUT I finally did it!!
part four/THE LAST PART will be up hopefully in the next few weeks
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smilingformoney · 5 years
It Lives in the Woods Diamond Scene: Read Dan’s Texts
You: Let’s do it. It seems like Dan wants us to know, and this is the only way he can tell us. You open Dan’s messaging app, and Stacy scoots her chair over next to yours. You: Okay, so when did all this stuff start? Stacy, you said before that Dan was having breakdowns at football games, right? When was that? Stacy: Sometime around last September, I think. Stacy reads over your shoulder as you scroll backwards through Dan’s life, rewinding across days… weeks… months…
Saturday, September 17 | 11:09 am Stacy: hey dan, its stacy… r u doing alright? Dan: yeah, what do you mean? Stacy: i saw u after the game last night… Dan: ? Stacy: crying? under the bleachers? Dan: lol what? must’ve been somebody else Stacy: im pretty sure it was you Dan: well I’m pretty sure it wasn’t lol Stacy: Then they looked a lot like you. and had your same jersey #. and afterwards im pretty sure they stole ur car Dan: I’m fine. Stacy: ok Stacy: just… i hope u know u can talk to me Stacy: about anything
Sunday, September 18 | 1:42 pm Mom: Everything okay, kiddo? Dan: yeah why Mom: My mom senses are tingling. Also I found Picard meowing outside your door this morning, and you only kick him out when you’re upset. Dan: I’m okay… just school stress and stuff. I didnt sleep super great last night Mom: Are you having the nightmares again? Dan: no, and no offense, but can we please not do the talk again Mom: ‘The Talk’? Dan: the one where I tell you a bunch of stuff that makes you look at me like a sick puppy and u try to convince me to see a shrink and I say no and we argue Mom: Ouch. Dan: sorry… im just tired Mom: Look, I know you don’t want to talk to a therapist Mom: (because you’re stubborn and you are your father’s son) Mom: But I worry about you. And I want you to be okay. Dan: I know Mom: What do you think about something like this? Mom: “New App Places Therapy at your Fingert…” Read the whole story at healthnews.pb/2016/09/15/227x941/… Dan: what is this? texting with a therapist? seems kinda cheesy… Mom: Just think about it.
Thursday, September 29 | 2:19 am Emily: hi there :) Do you prefer Daniel, or Dan? Dan: dan is fine Emily: Well Dan, my name is Dr. Emily Chambal and I’ll be your Lighthouse counselor. Emily: How are you feeling? Dan: what like now or in general? Emily: Let’s start with now. Dan: idk…hungry? Emily: Same. I’m eating nachos! Dan: aw man. Now I want nachos Emily: Yes, so does my German Shepherd. Dan: lol Emily: So how have you been feeling lately? Dan: idk… hard to describe. kind of alone i guess? Emily: Alone like sad? Dan: no. more like… scared
You: What did Dan have to be afraid of? This was long before all the creepy stuff started happening… right? Stacy: Hm… Skip ahead to November, just after Thanksgiving break. Stacy: Dan was out of school for a couple days in a row and… I don’t know. Something about it felt weird to me. You: Okay, let’s see…
Wednesday, November 30 | 9:14 am Mom: Dan, I’m trying to be respectful and give you your space but it’s been three days Mom: I’m getting worried. And the school is calling. And you have half our cups and bowls in there. Mom: please open the door Dan: tomorrow
Wednesday, November 30 | 3:17 pm Emily: Is this the first time you’ve had an episode like this? Dan: never this long Dan: idk what’s wrong with me. im just lying here shaking Emily: Did something happen that might have set this off? Dan: sort of. we went to my uncle’s cabin for thxgiving and i started having nightmares Emily: Were they about what happened? The incident when you were a kid? Dan: yeah Emily: Are you ready to talk about that yet? Dan: no Emily: That’s fine, no rush. You don’t have to answer this, but I have one other question. Would you describe this incident as negative? Or violent? Dan: yes… understatement of the century Emily: And would you say, before this episode, that it’s been a while since you last thought about it? Dan: sort of… I think about it a lot. but I try not to Dan: it got better for a few years… i just pretended it happened to someone else Emily: But visiting your uncle’s cabin brought it back for you? And then it all came rushing back to you? Sound about right? Dan: yes Emily: Okay. Well I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first? Dan: good please Emily: The good news is, I think you’re making progress. And I think we might have an idea of what we’re dealing with now. Emily: The bad news is, from everything you’ve told me over the last couple weeks, it sounds like you might be dealing with symptoms of dissociation that manifest with some forms of PTSD Dan: what does that mean? Emily: It means this may get worse before it gets better. Emily: But I do believe it will get better. I hope you do too.
You: Looks like the next big batch is around February… Stacy: Oh, no. Winter formal… You: What happened? Stacy: After the dance, there was a big party at Seth’s house. Stacy: I found Dan freaking out in the bathroom, but then I left for a minute, and he just took off…
Friday, February 10 | 2:18 am Stacy: Dan? i left to get towels and u disappeared, where r u Dan: I’m fine, I walked home Stacy: ur clearly NOT fine Stacy: wtf is going on with u?! talk to me!! Dan: just leave me alone Stacy: okay.
Friday, February 10 | 9:14 am Mom: You came home kinda late last night. Everything okay, kiddo? Dan: ya im fine Mom: Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it? Dan: NO. for the millionth time: I AM FINE
Saturday, February 11 | 4:15 pm Dan: I did something dumb the other night… Emily: What happened? Dan: i went to a party even though i was feeling bad Dan: i had a freakout, and i was really crappy to someone who was trying to help me Dan: …two people actually Emily: Have you had any more episodes recently? Dan: sort of… ive been having nightmares all week Dan: also, as I was coming home frmm the party, i went by the woods... and I thought I saw something. Dan: i guess it was probably just a hallucination but it really freaked me out. p sure i ran most of the way home Emily: These woods… are they near where your original incident took place? Dan: yeah Emily: Okay, let me ask you this… Emily: How do you feel when you see a forest? Or when you think about being inside one? Dan: bad Emily: Bad how? Dan: like i cant breathe Emily: Do you think the woods might be a trigger for you? You see a bunch of dark trees and you start thinking about what happened? Dan: yeah! Like at my uncle’s cabin! Emily: If that’s the case, then I think I have an idea for how we might start to deal with this. Let me run something by you…
Stacy: After that… I think my last text with Dan was in June.
Monday, June 5 | 4:15 pm Stacy: Hi Dan. I was thinking about you today. It’s been a few months since we talked and I’m sad with how we left things off. I hope you’re doing okay. Dan: Hi stacy. I’m good :) Dan: I mean I wasnt before, but I think im getting better. I can’t talk now but…soon? Stacy: that’d be great Dan: have a good summer vacation! Stacy: u too dan
Monday, June 5 | 6:15 pm Dan: New record! Emily: Woo! Dan: this time I went right up to the treeline & stood there for 10 minutes Emily: That’s great! I’m happy that you’re making so much progress. Dan: its not enough though. i still have to go inside Dan: i have to see the place where it happened. i have to face it. Emily: Remember not to push yourself too hard, okay? If this starts to stress you out too much, there are always other methods we can try. Emily: Just take it one day at a time.
You: It’s mostly little texts after that, all throughout summer. You: One step into the woods… a picnic five feet inside… He was working his way up to it. Working his way up to… You: Last week.
Sunday | 3:15 pm Mom: You have everything you need? Dan: yep Mom: Toothbrush? Underwear? Blanket? Dan: yep yep yep Mom: Okay. Have fun, stay safe! You want me to come and pick you up from Tony’s tomorrow? Dan: you don’t have to do that. i’ll walk Mom: K. Call if you change your mind? Dan: lol, you’re acting like this is some huge deal. i’ve crashed at Tony’s house like a million times Mom: Not for years! I’m just so happy to see that you’re doing better. Mom: I love you. Dan: thanks mom. love u too. see u tomorrow
5:15 pm Dan: Hi Dr. Chambal. I’m standing on the edge of the woods for what I hope is going to be the last time. Just wanted to say thank you for all your help. Dan: I’m going in there tonight. And this time, I’m going all the way to where it happened. To end this once and for all. Dan: I’m going to walk into that house and tell Mr. Red he’s not real. And he never was. And he doesn’t scare me anymore.
10:15 pm Emily: Hi Dan. Sorry, Sundays are my day off, just saw your messages. Emily: I’m glad I’ve been helpful to you, but I hope you understand that trauma isn’t something you can just ‘fix’ with one grand gesture. Emily: Dealing with what happened is going to take a lifetime of work that may not ever stop. but it will get easier. Emily: There are also limits to what a mental health professional can do via text, and I do still strongly encourage you to consider traditional therapy as a long term treatment option. Emily: Also, I hope that if you’re going into the woods, you’re staying safe and taking a buddy. Emily: You have a lot of people who care about you, and there are other dangerous things out there besides bad memories. Emily: take care, talk soon
10:47 pm Emily: wait I just re-read your last text Emily: Who’s Mr. Red? Emily: Dan? Who is Mr. Red? Emily: Are you there? Emily: Dan???
You put down Dan’s phone, your hands shaking a little. You: Oh, Dan… I’m so sorry. I promise, we’re going to find a way to help you. And… You: …And when you wake up, we’re going to be here for you. Whatever you need. You squeeze Dan’s hand… and he lets out a long sigh. Dan +15 Dan: Hhhhhhh… Noah: We’ll help more than that quack doctor. She told Dan it was all in his mind! She’s the reason he went to face Mr. Red! Lily: That’s not fair, Noah. Dr. Chambal didn’t tell him to do that. She did the best she could with the information Dan gave her. Lucas: And it did seem like she was helping him. It seemed like he was getting better at dealing with everything, until… Ava: …Until Mr. Red ruined everything. Again.
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