#i kinda wanna have bartholomew as
handfulofmuses · 7 months
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shoutout to Bartholomew who was the only one who dared to stand up to Jinx when she took over and refused to bow and got punished for it it's little but that one scene says a lot about him.
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simpforfandoms · 2 years
clark's wife like giving birth and he's trying his hardest to support her and shes just like stfu but in a nice way
yes yes yes! I'm totally binge watching shameless so this is kinda like when v gives birth. Got a bit carried away, but this is still a drabble
"You're doing amazing honey!" Clark says beside you holding your hand.
"How would you know?" You snap
"Because you're making all the right sounds. Remember that birthing video with the girl making all the buffalo noises? You're making those noises."
You roll your eyes as you let out a groan.
"Would you like to stand around here with us?" The doctors ask Clark.
"No I'm good" He quickly replies.
You almost get offended, "You don't want to watch?" you ask
"Oh, honey, I was over there earlier and it's real gory, lllike a horror movie, I'd rather stay with you." He says as he gives you a kiss on the forehead.
You groan once more.
"You know-" he starts
"Bruce says that in some cultures men aren't even allowed near the birth, just a bunch of women in tents, which makes sense, because I would be so much more useful if I was out hunting moose or something…" He rants.
"Clark?" You ask on the verge of punching him.
He hums.
"Please shut the fuck up."
"Oh yeah okay."
Clark is cradling the beautiful baby boy as you sit and watch from the hostipal bed.
“I’m gonna call you super baby” Clark tells him, the baby giggles in his dads arms, Clark look towards you, “he likes it”
“Please do not call our son super baby”
“Awww why not it’s cute.” He whines
“That be like you calling me super wife.”
“Well you are a super wife.” He shrugs
You roll your eyes as Kara and Martha walk in and steal the baby from Clark.
“Oh he’s just adorable. Have you decided on a name” Kara coos
“Super baby.” Clark states
“No it’s Jon, you dork.” You call out
“Hey don’t call me a dork!”
“Whatever, dork.”
“How is it that you two have been together for almost 10 years yet you still act like children.” Martha laughs
“Oh come on Ma, you and Pa were just like this.” Clark says as he steals the baby back and hands him to you.
Martha just laughs. Young love.
“Hey, I think we should tell Barry we named him after him” you whisper into his ear
He laughs, “whatever you want sweetheart.”
You and Clark take Jon to the next JL meeting. Barry’s the first one that comes up to you.
“Oh. My. God. He is so adorable!!!! Whats his name?”
“Barry.” You say confidently.
Barry’s face lights up, “you named him after me?!?!?”
“No his name is Jon. But I promise the next one we’ll name after you” Clark says.
“For realz?”
“For realz”
You laugh as Barry walks away, “you’re out of your mind if you think I’m gonna have another one” you whisper to him
He shrugs, “we’ll see about that” He leans down to give you a kiss.
5 years later and your back in the hospital giving birth.
“Get this thing out of me!!” You scream
“Honey it’s gonna be okay” Clark says holding your hand
“Curse you! And curse your stupid sperm!” You yell at him
“Uncle Bruce what’s sperm?” Jon looks up at Bruce from outside the room.
“Ummmm when a mommy and daddy love eachother very much-“
“Don’t you dare give my son the sex talk Bruce!” Clark yells from the delivery room
You scream again
“Is mommy gonna be okay?” He asks
Bruce shrugs, “probably, maybe. She has a 17.4 to 100,000 chance of dying.”
“Dying? She’s gonna die?!?” Jon screams.
“One last push, you’re almost there” the doctor says.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you for doing this to me.” You scream at Clark as you push
Crying erupts the room. It’s finally over. 15 hours of excruciating pain.
“Congratulations it’s a healthy baby girl.”
They weigh her, Clark cuts her cord, you hold her for a bit then they take her away to clean her.
“You still wanna kill me?”
“We’ll see.” You say as he leans down to kiss you.
As he pulls away he says, “We have to name her Bartholomew now.”
“C’mon shes just like him.”
“No if she was this would be a fast labor, she’s just like me.”
“You’re right she is stubborn” he jokes
“that’s why we’re going to name her Y/n jr.” You state as a matter of fact.
“We can name her that but we couldn’t name Jon super baby?”
You shrug
Years later..
“Yeah but your mom wouldn’t let me.”
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wololo-01 · 4 months
I'm really curious about something, in the great mouse detective, did in another country them change and put some more evil stuff in the lyrics of ratigan?
Cuz I just listened to the original lyrics and I now surprised that there is literally only ONE part of the song that is in the Portuguese one.
Spoiler about the movie and Mention of drownings and murders!!!
like the part where ratigan's henchmen were singing about him drowning widow and orphans, This is the ONLY thing that remained in the Portuguese lyrics, because after that they also sing "who was left, you hanged up" and also in the part after ratigan kill Bartholomew and the The other Henchmen sing again, They also say "out of disgust he killed his parents"
I never saw this movie when I was young but one day last year I decided to watch this and when I heard these parts I looked at the TV so surprise like: "oh damn, did Disney really made a villain song just like that??" But now knowing that this lyrics have been changed but something WAAY more evil think that ratigan would really do and i now kinda curious about if in another country them also did that if someone know if this also have happened in another country please tell because i really wanna to know what did them do
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forgottenroderick · 7 months
OOC | Roderick & Alaric
ok so ive only got a few minutes before work so i wanna make this short and sweet but!!!! i think alaric and bartholomew ar the two ppl roderick trusts most in the world!!! cause his wives are women and even his male kids are still kids in his mind anyway but bart and roderick i feel like kinda co-parented alaric (poor alaric honestly no one deserves roderick as a co-parent no matter the circumstance alksdjfjksdf) but fortunately for alaric roderick was SUPREMELY distracted and also a far softer person when he was younger so like he didn't get the full roderick™ that roderick's kids got, he got one that had more kindness and understanding and will to create joy -- plus i def think that alaric, being the last piece of their mama, was someone he was gonna be more tender towards!! idk but i feel like their mom was kinda an advocate for roderick when nobody else was in a lot of ways??? he felt v alone and isolated and despised but she tried her best!!
so i know i spoke to you briefly somewhere asp abt my hc's for roderick's bg but here's a write up i did asp and i thought id put it here as a reminder etc
Ok so og king varmont/Roderick’s dad, I’m thinking he set the example for roderick if having multiple wives…but he did it in a more ordinary way. Like Viserys I/Henry I, I’m thinking the king had two queens one after the other when the first died. This first marriage where big bro came from, as well as a big sister. The first wife had been a princess of a country across the seas that had had some tumult w the og varmont nation, and their marriage had been arranged to help ease those tensions, which it did. They then also arranged for Roderick’s sister to marry its future ruler and all seemed good till the marriage. The newlyweds, at their wedding, went on a boat ride to celebrate, racing, and the two ships sunk. Rumors of scuttling and assassination came to a head. Meanwhile the spring illness took the lives of the king and his eldest son, and roderick having lost three family members in rapid succession, comes unexpectedly to the throne. Rather than trying to work the White Ship Disaster out diplomatically as his father would’ve done, Roderick invaded.
okay, so!! idk what they were like as ppl, and id love to figure that out w you, but i can def talk abt what i think roderick’s perceptions may have been. this being roderick, hardly the most clear-sighted person abt ppl, he may have been waaaaaaayyyy off as he’s clearly quite messed up but yeah!! these were my thoughts aljskdfklsjdf
possibly bc tywin lannister is an inspo for roderick (i know i know such amazing role models no wonder he’s the best dad akjsdflksdjf) i see his reign his reign as having been…shall we say…a mixed bag. i feel like he was the sort of ruler who was really strict w internal measures so he was super high handed and pedantic w his ppl while also giving breaks to certain ppl and not to others creating unrest, but really didn’t give much thought to his external politics so he was easily pushed around by foreign powers, bc basically he was a really distracted ruler and roderick REACTED!! 
roderick is a force in the international arena, he is singleminded in his reign and policies, his word is absolute and never to be brooked, etc. anyway, idk what kind of ~person he was, but i see – and maybe for very good personal reasons who knows – this having been a huge influence on roderick bc he looked at his dad getting pushed around and just knew that what he wanted to be as king was ‘not that’ and he was going to prove himself, if not to his father, then to the world (tho he’s still chasing his father’s approval even tho he can never possibly get it bc his father is dead etc etc etc) but yeah!! i think a loT of this is a reaction to his father alksdjfkldjf
at the same time tho i def think his dad was super high handed w roderick, himself, and he felt he could never measure up to his half-siblings and, whether or not that was true, it galled him. i think maybe roderick believed that his dad had really loved his first wife but that his second wife had been a purely political move and one which he felt tarnished the first, and thus that he resented it – and resented the children he got from it too
despite his policy having been a mess, tho, i think roderick perceived him as a tyrant at home, quick to rage w his younger boys and perhaps even borderline abusive like – i just don’t see roderick as someone who had an even marginally happy childhood, frankly, i think he felt he had to fight for every scrap he got one way or another, and he’s still doing just that in his own way
also i think that roderick believes that his dad woulve pulled through had he not lost first his daughter and then his eldest son but grieving and ill, he was too weak to keep fighting and didn’t see anything WORTH fighting for in roderick or alaric or their mom, basically
i think roderick felt that his mom never got a fair shake – but also that she should have taken what she wanted. i think, bc she was his mom, he couldn’t blame her, so he was like 'its just that she’s a member of the fair sex’ and that his feelings abt gender are largely informed by this and by his sister which ill get into later. im thinking maybe she was religious (maybe this is why things were weird w the dad, maybe she wanted to be a varmont!nun, or smth, but being a princess she had to marry instead, or smth?) and maybe that’s where he gets his fanaticism? maybe even a lil like anna ivanovna (at least where she is abt halfway through the first novel bc that’s where i am currently hahah) re: feeling trapped by life etc, but also marked and unapologetic favoritism towards her own children vs her stepchildren and roderick kinda internalized that 'as the way it should be’
also do we think she’s still kicking, or is she gone, too?
i feel like roderick hated this dude’s guts…but also loved him. he was his big bro on one hand, but their dad saw him as almost supernaturally gifted and, in roderick’s view, always seemed to be comparing them and finding roderick severely wanting. roderick was much younger (he was only 18 when he became king iirc), and he was a son of the wrong wife to boot, and roderick felt he was always chasing behind trying desperately to catch up and always always failing, and he STILL has an inferiority complex abt this dude and STILL wants to beat him but he never can bc he is, of course, dead
so i see her as a sort of confusing figure for him, another person both adored and reviled, another he was forever being unfavorably compared to, and someone who even beat him to wearing a crown (tho she promptly died). i feel like losing her broke their dad, as far as roderick could tell, and roderick was seized w the utter conviction that if roderick had been the one to die, their dad might not even have noticed honestly, and he tried to tell himself that it was just that men could be softer w their daughters than their sons bc their dad had – to roderick’s way of thinking – always shown her all the tenderness he had secretly craved. like, elder prince was his pride, and princess was his joy and roderick was like ALARIC AND I DESERVE SOME OF THAT TOO
somewhat like his own kids, roderick loves all of these ppl and resents them by equal measure. its a huge mess.
so yeah idk if any of that works ok for you, but that’s sort of how i imagined roderick seeing it
so yeahhhh id loveeeee to hear all of your and alaric's thoughts, ideas, impressions, etc!! but that's sort of what i had in mind for our boy -- to be completely casual in referencing him -- His Imperial Majesty, Roderick the First of His Name, by the Grace of the One True God, of the Great and Holy Empire of [Varmont] and Astaira and of His other Realms and Territories One True Emperor, Conquer of the Twelve Kingdoms, Defender of the Faith, and God’s Own Champion
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ancelineonline · 2 years
It’s is once again “thinking about rian and atelut” hours. Cuz like here’s the thing. Once the possibility occurred to me, I was like… hot damn do I ship Rian and Atelut so damn much. Because it’s perfect. But I didn’t ship them at all before one specific moment. And here’s the thing, I don’t think *they* even realized it until that point either.
There’s the part in episode six where Bartholomew fires Atelut and they do the inflict wounds and then she’s like “Hey Rian, could you finish this up for me?” and he absolutely murders the terrible corporate man (as they should, really, corporate man is terrible.) Shortly after that they’re talking about how they murdered a guy and tossed his body out the window into the nine hells and Rian’s like “hey so you know this means you’re not my boss anymore,” And my brain insisted that the follow up that line should be “Do you want to get a drink sometime?”
However, I fully believe that up until that specific instant Ryan himself had no clue, not a single possible inkling. Like that wasn’t something would ever consciously occur to them, because up to that point Atelut is the boss and also she’s fully drunk the corporate kool-aid, which Rian has not. He’s a conspiracy theorist, of course he’s not drinking the corporate kool-aid and of course he wouldn’t be into the Corporation’s Most Loyal. She’s a decent boss as bosses go, and a reasonably nice person when she doesn’t have the corporate voice on, but that’s all up until that point. But the absolute second he fully realizes that she’s dropped that loyalty and is absolutely ready to murder the head of the company without a second thought?There’s a moment where it clicks and he’s like “huh, well that’s hot.”
Likewise, up until that exact instant Atelut *also* has not a single inkling. It would *also* not have remotely occurred to her. Up to this point, Rian is just someone who works a couple levels down from her. He’s a more or less decent coworker, makes a great drink, but he clearly doesn’t take his job super seriously and up until now he’s been a nutty conspiracy theorist. But the thing is, they’ve now reached a point where it’s become clear that Rian’s theories are actually probably *right* and the company she’s given her life to and slowly come to hate is throwing her under the train (pun intended!). And the moment she realizes the Rian absolutely will murder a guy when she asks she’s kinda like “huh, well that’s hot.”
But even more, that conscious thought of “huh, that’s hot” doesn’t even make it to their conscious minds until Rian says “so you know this means you’re not my boss anymore” and then it’s like the cartoon lightbulb goes “ding!” over both of their heads. The fun bit is this applies equally well with the canon follow up line of “k, cool” or my preferred AU follow up line of “so do you wanna get a drink sometime?”
Furthermore! I! Have! More! Thoughts!
See, that is the point where they both kinda realize that there’s a thing there. But once they (and I) realize it, and have a moment to think, there’s the recollection of the past and all the tiny little things that neither of them realized at the time, neither of them recognized as being into each other, but now that they’re looking back are incredibly obvious and how did they never see it before?
All the little things like Rian making Atelut drinks when she needs them as long as they’re clear so it looks like water. And brushing the lint off her blazer and reassuring her (badly) at the beginning in the very first episode. Even him following her into the aside car when they both know someone high up from corporate is in there waiting and it’s definitely going to be bad. All these tiny little things that neither of them realized at the time but they’re fully signs
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monster-noises · 3 years
In 2022 no more couching my weirdness or hiding away the 'cringier' parts of myself to new people
we're weird right out the Fucking gate and if they can't vibe with it then twasn't meant to be.
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budugaapologist · 3 years
okay dokay so like. havent ranted about him in a while and i was thinking about all the iconic shit edward's done while i was dying today so anywho, here's some things he's done that made me cackle while my organs plotted my death:
so obviously him making it his life's purpose to torment a frail old man just because his first paycheck sucked is iconic
scaling a building in broad daylight because he and stede couldnt find a bar
picking a fight with the first englishman that tried to talk to him in havana
glaring death rays at woodes rogers when he called him ugly
by immediately stalking roberts, believing he'd help him get rich quick after completing a series of tasks for the man, edward proved he would fall for a pyramid scheme
the way his ai is kinda fucked up and without fail every time ive done the mission he peeks around the corner in front of adéwalé in full view of a guard
like judging by mydickssoft's track record you'd think they'd morph into a freakish being but nah, boundary boxes force these tootie frooties to spoon
do you think he knows what jagabat means? i dont think he does
*names a ship after a bird*
"speaking of dark creatures, you are black!"
grabs a sword by the blade multiple times dude what in the fuck
"i want my key!" dont you have like. four guns. shoot off the locks king, opening things properly has never been your go to why change now
kicking locks off BARE FOOTED bro i KNOW that hurts so bad you gotta be bleeding how the fuck are your feet so smooth you abuse the shit outta them
you tellin me you paid another man to give you nipple tattoos? okay
you tellin me you paid another man to draw tentacles on your cleavage? okay
thats a lot of back tattoos there kenway. who are they for kenway. you cant see the player who are those for kenway. are you expecting someone to be behind you admiring them kenway
picture youre just chilling in your cool half-underwater base admiring your treasure. all of a sudden a dummy thicc, unarmed, barefoot, and shirtless man pops out of the water and starts punching and kicking you to death
"you mad sap!" bro they are oysters and you have a whole crab and two knives. eat vane
surely going toward the man, who just left me to die in a cave, while i currently bleed out wont be a mistake!
why you dreaming about crawling on your hands and knees toward roberts kenway. why did you dream that roberts would be sitting on stede kenway.
him staring out into the void in that one dream sequence. "sorry bristol is too hard to render :P"
"so anne my wife is dead" "yeah" "would you like to-" "no" "aight fair enough"
he spent almost all of the game simping for a man named bartholomew
*bullies child daughter for not knowing difference between boat and ship*
why did he take his giant brig through a swamp. i think in that very moment adé became the captain, like the crew didnt say anything because this was for thatch but also they all silently were like "kenway dumb af"
"and would you be the devil" dude just call yourself a slur
put a lotta trust in the jackdaw crew to stay put while he went swimming for a couple hours every now and then
*******killed a man with piss*******
"eyo look at that massive ship in the distance. lets go fight it"
pets dog pets cow pets cat pets bird pets goat pets dog pets cow pets bird pets cat pets goat pets do
him continuously taking off the assassin robes to put on those god awful saggy pants. king your ass is amazing what did you do with your first outfit
never corrects adé when during battle and storms adé calls him and the crew sluts. eyo release directors cut of whats happening off screen boobsaresoft i wanna see whats goin on
why do you only fuck in beds why do you sleep everywhere that isnt made for sleeping
hes got like forty kids right
bonus adéwalé speed round:
*goes to brothel full of beautiful scantily dressed women that find him extremely attractive, just goes to bed*
"you look like a bowl of plum duff"
"i feel nothing but a hot wind on my ears"
what does edward have that makes you stay with him for so long (we know what he has we dont need to say it)
"this is where the jackdaw was sunk august" "cowabummer"
edward was definitely just a spoiled little figurehead captain for adéwalé right
"kicking chests is so two decade ago, i am going to brutally stomp down on them and shatter the hinges :)"
password is a song? okay i will sing it uwu [yes he is a better singer than edward]
"stop touching my boobs ma'am"
"i have a son? YOU NAMED HIM WHAT?"
bro one of his finishing moves looks like he smothers somebody out with his armpit. in reality, he breaks their neck with his bicep
"create a distraction? okay" *throws men*
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choruscas · 4 years
suptober day 08: electric
please let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list! (or removed if you prefer) it tags you in all my short stories like these so you never miss them!
also, i’m so sorry that these stories are late! i went on vacation and i totally forgot my writing ipad and had nothing else to use to post these! hopefully these long oneshots will make it up. thank you!
boss!castiel, assistant!dean
Working two years at an insurance company really had a toll on some people. Sometimes it sagged their skin, brittled their bones, or grayed their hair. Sometimes the bosses made your ears bleed and your nose crinkle, wishing it was five o’clock already.
But not Dean. Sure, he was thirty-two and going on strong, but he wasn’t old compared to the rest. There was still a kick in his step, his bones were mighty and strong (thanks to Sammy’s tips on how to stay fit while literally doing nothing) and maybe he had a little bit of a gut going on, but nothing he couldn’t fix.
His boss? Castiel Novak.
Lots of people didn’t like him, as he had lots of enemies. Dean wasn’t sure why, as he didn’t care. Before he accepted his job as assistant, lots of people told him about Castiel. (“Novak’s numbfuckin’ gorgeous, man.” — “Be careful with that one, he’s pretty rough.” — “He’s like... emotionless.” And those were only a few examples.)
He was stone cold, monotonous, soulless.
Even heartless, some said.
But there was a mighty, mighty problem.
Mr. Novak is the most attractive person in the entire world to Dean. Once he saw a picture of his boss, with his piercing blue eyes and five o’clock shadow, Dean was submissive nearly immediately. In his interview, Dean just could. not. stop. staring. Even if his life depended on it, he could not stop looking at the movement of his broad shoulders, the work of his rough hands, the flickering of his eyes like pure fire.
Dean sat in the office’s kitchen during lunch break. Normally he would go out and maybe grab a cheeseburger of sorts but today Mr. Novak seemed very different. He seemed sad, to Dean. And since Dean was in love — no... had a huge crush on his boss, it upset Dean himself.
Eating a spoonful of pudding and sucking on the plastic utensil, April Kelly sat down in a chair at Dean’s table, flattening her skirt before she sat. Dean eyed her suspiciously, as she looked a little revolted by something.
Hushed in a whisper, she asked: “So is it really true? Are you and Mr. Novak... a thing?”
Nearly choking on his spoon, Dean jerked his head back and began a coughing fit. A few other employees looked at Dean whose face began to turn red and the tips of his ears tinged shades of pinks.
There was a lot of things Dean had heard in his life that he had the same question for: what the fuck? For example, walking in on his gym teacher and science teacher going at it like rabbits in the teacher’s lounge, or the time poor seven year old Sammy came home with a broken arm and said that a squirrel had snapped it in half. (In reality, he fell of a tree because he tried to jump to a branch with a squirrel, but little children had dramatic memories.)
But this question? Cream of the crop. Takes the cake. Out of all the questions she could’ve asked. “Hey, are you a diabetic owl too?” Or “Have you dated nineteen Katherine’s all with the same spelling who also dumped you?” And sure, those questions would’ve weirded him out, but this one... just mind boggled him.
How in the fuck could Dean even be remotely in Castiel’s league? Hell, he didn’t even think he was gay.
“No— what? Who said that?” Dean gawked, his eyeballs practically falling out of his head.
April rolled her eyes softly. “Bartholomew.”
Dean huffed explosively. Bartholomew Strautman. World’s biggest fucking idiot in the world.
“That bastard? April, you know that’s not true. You’re smarter than that.”
The assistant knew for a fact that she was not, but he didn’t wanna hurt her feelings for rumors she didn’t even start. Dean’s nickname for Bartholomew was B.S., because that’s normally what he was fucking full of whenever he was around him. Dean’s surprised he’s never swallowed a damn sandal for how many times he stuck his foot in his mouth.
Now, Dean didn’t really like April, but that didn’t stop him from attempting to be nice to her. He was only mean to bitches who were mean to him first, otherwise, it was just insensitive.
“I just hope it’s not true.” she sighed sadly.
Dean quirked his head. “Why?”
“I really like Mr. Novak...” Her voice then became a whisper. “And... I think he likes me too.”
Dean blinked multiple times. “Uh— Yeah. Maybe.”
Her head peaked up to meet Dean eye to eye. “Really?” she exclaimed.
Now, Dean wasn’t really expecting that.How the fuck is he supposed to tell her, “Hey, you’re kinda dumbass and I don’t like you... and Castiel is mine, so fuck off.”
So instead he just told her that she might have a chance. It saved him from having to deal with a full-grown temper tantrum (which she’s had before because her printer paper wouldn’t fit in the copier. Dean had fixed it by simply rotating the paper.) in the middle of work, which he would much rather not have.
It was an hour before Dean left work. He normally got there at eight o’clock in the morning, because Castiel needed his coffee before nine. Granted, Castiel had never asked Dean deliberately to make his coffee, but Dean’s attempt to swoon him with bribery kindness were his day-to-day tasks. So at the moment,
The elevator dinged and Dean turned around in his desk, just having finished beating Kevin Tran in Crazy 8. Every day they’d play something different. Monday was Crazy 8, and sometimes they’d manage to round a few other people too. Today, they had managed to grab Bobby Singer, Anna Milton, and Meg Masters to play a few rounds. Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s, it would just be Kevin and Dean playing.
Dean turned around to see his boss, and he just so managed to exit out of the tab and onto some random website that totally looked like work.
Fuck, was he hot.
His black overcoat was off and his white dress shirt was rolled up, the cuffs on his sleeves were unbuttoned, and he looked like a little bit of a mess. However, it was extremely attractive and Dean found himself biting his lip to stop himself from drooling over him.
The whole office sort of stifled quiet as Castiel’s cold eyes peered around the room. Dean, however, was the closest to him and he could just smell the cinnamon and black coffee radiating off of him.
“Dean.” Castiel said softly, looking down at Dean who had just grabbed a pen to twirl around his fingers.
“Yes sir?” Dean snapped up, straightening his posture and tugging at his sleeves.
“I need you in my office.”
Whispers quirked across the office floor, probably rumors about their relationship. It has never happened and Dean had told himself over and over again that it wouldn’t happen.
However, the thing that happened next was terrifying.
Once they had reached his office, which was a story up from his desk, Castiel had taken the lead and Dean found himself shaking with eagerness (and nervousness) of what’s next to come. Castiel had held the door open for him and once Dean reached inside, Castiel shut the door and locked it.
It was normal for Dean, but in this circumstance, he overthought everything. So the door locking was terrifying to him.
Castiel laid his hands flat on his desk and eyed Dean with precaution.
It made Dean tremble in his bones.
“You have heard the rumors, have you not?” he asked, tilting his head and squinting his eyes. It was such an innocent gesture that was so un-Castiel that Dean found himself nearly falling on his knees to worship him.
“Yeah-“ he stopped himself. “Yes sir.”
Castiel’s hands left the desk and he began slowly walking toward Dean, eyeing him as if he was prey and Castiel was the predator. Dean was then trembling in his shoes, feeling as if he could throw up from how nervous they were.
Now, Castiel’s next question was yet another question that Dean was not expecting.
“Are you romantically attracted to me?”
Not wanting to lie, Dean succumbed to Castiel’s look of prestigious nature. “Yes... yes sir- I...”
Castiel shushed him. “I’ll be after work. Make sure everybody is gone and turn off all the lights before you come back here. 5:30, Dean.”
Dean eyed the clock with such suspicion that he wanted to smash it in the floor and turn the minute handle to 5:30 already. At five o’clock, people should be starting to pack up and leave.
And as five o’clock pulled around, they did just that. Dean said his goodbyes, trying not to look suspicious. Because normally when the clock struck five, Dean was up and out faster than you could say cherry pie. He liked his job (the sexy boss sure helped) but relaxing was better to him in his opinion.
At about 5:15, people were still taking their sweet precious time.
5:20. Dean still had to go all the way to the basement to turn off the lights.
5:25. Anna Milton.
“Hey Dean, good job on Crazy 8 earlier! You’re pretty good.”
Dean resisted the urge to roll his eyes and slap her in the face. He knew exactly what she was doing, like she did everyday. Flirting.
“Listen, Anna— Mr. Novak-“
“Castiel is a cheapskate, he can wait.”
Dean’s nostrils practically flared from the informality and disrespect she had for him. Since Dean was in love had a huge crush on his boss, any disrespect towards him made him blood boil.
“If the rumors are true...”
“They’re not.”
“Alright, whatever.” she flung her hands up in defeat, sighing like it was her last breath. “If you wanna play another game sometime, my house is always open to move some furniture around.”
Dean shivered. Anna was cute and all, but she was toxic and manipulative as fuck. He only had eyes for one man and one man only.
Shit! It was 5:29.
Once the door and shut and he knew Anna was out of the office like Castiel had said, Dean ran to the basement, his messenger bag almost falling down the stairs many, many times.
He really needed to work out instead of using Sammy’s stupid techniques of having good posture and drinking water (also while watching TV, a detail Dean “forgot” to tell Sam) to burn calories.
He finally reached his office, after having to run four flights of stairs, he finally made it. At 5:35. Fuck.
Knocking on the door made Dean realize how hard he was shaky. In all honesty, this was probably the scariest thing he’s ever had to do.
What if he gets fired? What if he breaks his heart? Fuck. Anything could happen.
“Come in.”
And so Dean did, and the sight he saw was a sight for sore eyes. His tie was untied and hanging around his neck, his belt was off, and his dress shirt was untucked.
The sex they had was indeed not heartless. It was soft, and full of something Dean never though Castiel was capable of giving him: love. He treasured him as if he was the richest gold or rarest diamond, kissing his every freckle and blemish like he was made of glass.
(tags below)
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Do you think the next gen kids would have a familiars? What kind of non magical pets do you think they would have?
the way i like to view familiars in general is like. they come to you when you are in a situation where you need guidance, as both like an emotional support animal and as like. y’know a lil guard cat or just some sorta being that offers advice in it’s own lil way, kinda like how kit would hiss at evil, even when the charmed ones couldn’t detect it. so, as the the majority of the next gen have really grown up around magic, and are familiar and comfortable with it, i don’t think any of them have really had familiars yet bc there’s been like no need for such guidance. i think they all might end up with familiars at one point or another after they move out, maybe not like Right Away, but like when they inevitably end up hitting one point of crisis or another.
i think wyatt’s familiar would definitely be a cat, and i think wyatt would give it like a really cutesy and sorta stereotypical cat name like y’know mittens or mochi or mr. whiskers that type of thing. i think his familiar would come to him after you know he’s completed college he’s moved out he’s doing fine he’s a good witch blah blah blah everything’s chill and then like. boom. something’s triggered some sort of crisis of faith or distorted self image where wyatt is just like really scared that maybe him becoming evil is something that destiny wills and there’s no way that he can separate himself from the darkness that is inside of him and one day it’s gonna take hold and it’s gonna be more than he can bear yada yada yada he’s spiraling cat.
it think chris’s familiar would also be a cat and i think chris would give it like a really dumb name low effort like it’s probably just gonna be named cat unless bianca names the cat first (and if bianca names the cat it’s going in two possible directions either she gives the cat like a proper real quasi witchy name like sage or ostara or she names the cat chris jr and chris is like I Am Not Calling The Cat Chris Jr but then finds himself calling the cat chris jr and is just like 😡😡) i’m not sure really when chris would get a familiar clearly i’ve implied he’s with bianca in some manner at this point bc like. chris is a really good witch. like obvi he’s moody and in distress at all hours or whatever but it’s more to do with his personal relationships and less to do with his relationship to the craft, so i don’t think anything in his life really warrants a familiar. however, after he meets bianca i think there’s definitely sorta a shift in his world view bc while she’s a witch too the way she practices and just the basic way she engages w magic / magic engages w her is so distinctly different than anything chris has ever know that now he really just want to know more. like now that he knows there’s more out there he’s invested. also i think the two of them have just like a lot of grand dramatic adventures so the day to day peril level has definitely increase warranting a familiar
for melinda i would actually love to see her familiar be a bird maybe like a bluejay or something idk why i just think it’d be cute esp for a witchlighter and i love the idea of her just sorta whistling tunes and it whistling back and everyone being like lmao alright miss disney princess or whatever 🙄🙄 i think she might actually name the bird after a disney sidekick or something that could be the name of a disney sidekick i think she’s put a lot of effort and thought into the name. i’m not really sure when she would get one like obvi the transition to college would be a good time idk i may or may not write one in i just gave her a new whitelighter for this move so like i don’t think there’s an overwhelming need for a second guide but at the same time the more i think ab it the more i really like the idea of her having this bird
next on the docket i guess is tamora who i actually do have plans for giving a familiar but it wouldn’t be until she moved out bc she presently still lives at home with her parents all that blah blah blah it’s a very comfortable environment with magic sorta just like imbued in the walls all that but when she moves out she’s like what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck very taylor swift’s never grow up verse three energy and i was Also gonna give her a cat bc what can i say i feel like she’s a cat person and i think she might give the cat a person name like lilah or charlie or something
kat on the other hand would probs have a dog as her familiar maybe like a medium sized one like 45lbs if that reference helps and honestly i’m picturing like a pittie or a bull terrier one of those types of dogs bc i think kat is like really stubborn and loyal and i want a stubborn and loyal dog to match also i find those breed adorable. rn i have kat just gallivanting around the world in sorta a quest of personal discovery so while it could warrant a familiar there’s just a lot of travels rn and i feel like it’s not a good like practical situation to have a animal around y’know But she also might be moving again soon and maybe this location will be a bit more permanent so maybe it’s time to bring in a familiar?? hers might also be a shared familiar w a future roommate
okay i’m throwing in an honorary henry jr piece bc he’s not a witch so he doesn’t get a familiar but i think after he moves out he finds a stray dog and brings it in maybe like a lucky/pizza dog situation and he always jokes that the dog is his familiar and he’s probably give it a wiccan name maybe he finds the dog on beltane and names it after the holiday blah blah blah the point is when the times comes for beltane and henry to say goodbye & it’s really sad and all that when henry takes his dog collar home on the back of the nametag he finds and intricately carved triquetra and feels the presence of his dog briefly pass by
okay onto pj pj isn’t actually a horse girl but like emotionally she is if she was raised in like sonoma instead of san francisco her familiar would 100% be a horse. but she lives in the city. so she’s not getting a horse. i also really like the idea or her familiar being a doe but once again. urban living isn’t necessarily compatible with that. so like. cat dog or bird i think. i think i like dog the best but i think more like a playful goofy dog less like kat’s or henry’s and maybe more like a corgi?? and honestly pj would probably name her dog cheddar as i think she’s voted most likely to name things after tv characters
okay i wanna give parker a ferret i wanna give parker a ferret and i want her to know it like rascal or something i have no idea when this ferret would come into play again probs after she moves out but as parker is like 16 i have put little to no brain power in figuring out what her moving out looks like or entails i just like the idea of a squirmy wormy chaos ferret.
snake. look, i really want one of the kids to have a snake as their familiar, and i’ve come to the conclusion that it’s gotta be peyton. i don’t know why, i just feel it in my jellies. and i think peyton would definitely be freaked The Fuck out by the snake suddenly in her apartment but i think she’d end up growing so comfortable around it that she forgets it’s like weird and sometimes people just come over and there’s like a giant ass snake vibing on the kitchen counter and they’re like !!!! and she’s like oh yeah meet like rupert or bartholomew or some other name that just feels like really old or something
as far as non-magical pets, i think piper’s family would be mostly like to have one (i think probably a dog) as not only do they just like feel like a family that would have a pet they’re also the only ones who live in A House (i personally picture both paige and phoebe’s families living in like apartments like not Apartment Apartments but y’know it’s like a singular floor is yours and it looks like a proper house it’s just like a whole bunch of them stack on top of each other y’know the point being they don’t necessarily lend themselves to pets). i think second most likely to have pets is paige & henry’s family bc i feel like henry would be the type of guy to have always wanted a dog bc like given his whole situation growing up in the system being a foster kids bouncing around from place to place never really feeling like he had a family or home so like a sign of stability and finality and comfort and all that to him would be having a pet. and he strikes me as a dog person. phoebe and coop win least likely to have a pet if they did it’d probably be a cat just bc i feel like phoebe didn’t really grow up with pets and coop didn’t grow up at all really so it wasn’t really something that crossed their minds however if the girls brought it up and like begged for a pet i think they’d be game
also you didn’t ask but i am writing a dency story and she does have a familiar it’s a cat he lives with her & her roommate his name is bozo and he only has one eye
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exasperatedmoron · 5 years
5+1 times Barry says he has a boyfriend and the 1 time they realized he wasn’t kidding
Cisco walked into the lounge with his arms full of chocolate, movies and those sappy scented candles. It was Valentine’s Day and him, Barry and Caitlin had a tradition of spending it together since they all had very, very miserable love lives.
“Who’s ready to cry over a dying dog!”
Caitlin was already sitting on one of the beanbags Barry placed in front of the mini-movie screen. She raised her glass of wine towards Cisco, already dressed in her sweats without makeup on. Barry, however, was dressed up in a maroon button down and hair gelled up. He was setting the stereotypical ‘ILY’ teddy bears on Cisco and Cait’s beanbags.
“Why do you look like you’re going on a date, Sonic?”
“Erm. Cause I am?”
“With who?” Cisco tried to think back to anyone Barry has interacted with recently, assuming it was someone new. The only new friends he’s made so far were Ralph and Julian. “Oh no. It’s not Ralph, is it? You always seemed to be in each other personal spaces”
Barry looked affronted, even holding up his hand to his chest. “Cisco, no! I- What- Cisco!” Barry’s face contorted as he tried to come up with words. “It’s not him! It’s... someone you guys know. But that’s all I’m saying!”
Barry stood his ground and seemed very insistent on keeping quiet, but Cait and Cisco were invested now. Barry’s last crush was on Iris and that ended years ago before she and Eddie got married. In those years, Barry has only gone on two dates - with Patty and Linda - and both didn’t work out so well. But even in those cases, Cisco and Caitlin were updated (like best friends were supposed to be).
Huh. “Why didn’t you tell us about this date?” “It was very last minute. I didn’t even know he was in town today. Turns out he was so... yea.”
“So, he travels out of town?” “Yeah, he does.”
“Huh. What’s his job?” “Oh, you know. A little bit of this and that. He deals with... uhm... artefacts? and... problem... solving?”
Wow. Pinocchio would be disappointed.
“Okay. Have fun on your date.
Barry nearly stumbled on his own two feet getting out of there, yelling a ‘Bye Cait! Cisco!”. Cisco picked up a beer from the chiller and sat beside Cait as she pressed ‘play’ on the remove.
“He doesn’t really have a date, doesn’t he?”
Iris barged into Barry’s apartment, hands full of take-out and ice cream. Normally, she’d pick the lock to get in, but for some reason, Barry upgraded his lock. It was the same as before, so she could still use her key but it couldn’t be picked so easily anymore. Barry must have listened to her, for once.
“Barry! Eddie and I are fighting so I need to have a Disney marathon! Get your lazy ass out of bed!”
Iris heard him squeak, followed by a ‘thud’ as he fell out of his bed. She smiled to herself and placed the take out on the table, knowing that the speedster would be less grumpy once he saw the food. She made her way to the kitchen to put the ice cream in the freezer for later when he saw that his freezer wasn’t empty. Her eyebrows scrunched up as she opened the fridge and saw that it filled too.
Barry never had a filled fridge. Not even a half-filled fridge. Even before he was a speedster, he survived of ramen and pizza. The most his fridge would contain was leftovers from his junk or from whatever meal Iris brought over. It was even worse when he became a speedster, almost causing his fridge to be obsolete.
“Iris? Why are you staring at my fridge?”
Iris snapped out of her thoughts and turned around to stare at her foster brother with bed hair. “Since when did you have food?”
Barry looked confused for a second, eyes going from her to the fridge. As soon as his eyes saw the contents of it, a small smile grew on his face. “Oh. My boyfriend must have left some last night.”
Iris’s thoughts on food and Eddie were completely pushed back. “Boyfriend? Bartholomew Henry Allen, are you having secret rendezvous with a man and not telling me?” “Geez Iris, you’re almost as dramatic as he is. And no, I told you about him, remember?” 
Now it was Iris’ turn to be confused. “When?” “On Valentine’s Day? I asked you to fill my place with Cait and Cisco since Eddie had work and I had a date?”
Ohhhh. “Barry. You don’t need to use your imaginary boyfriend as an excuse to have your fridge stocked. You could just say it as it is. You finally decided to act like an adult instead of a bachelor.”
“What? What do you mean bachelor? Wait - What do you mean imaginary?”
“Cisco and Caitlin told me you made up a fake boyfriend so that it’d hurt less when you stood them up. It’s fine though, they took pity on you so they aren’t mad.”
“Fake?! I-Wha-They-”
“Barry relax. Come on, heat up your ‘boyfriend’s’ leftovers. I wanna taste it while telling you about how much of an overprotective husband Eddie is being again.”
Hours later, the two were stretched over the couch with cartons of ice cream balancing on their torsos while watching Singin’ in the Rain.
“I really do have a boyfriend, you know?”
“Sure you do.”
Barry was late for work (again) and Joe had to cover for him (again). He needed the results for a case so he sat on Barry’s chair and waited for the CSI to arrive. Soon enough, said CSI ran into the lab, clutching onto his messenger bag and a mini-cooler.
Julian took one look at him and snorted, “You sure that’s enough food, Allen? I can call a caterer if you’d like.” “Shut it, Jullian.”
“Joe! Hey I -” “You woke up sick, so I sent you to a doctor to get you checked up. I’m assuming you’re feeling better and ‘bout to give me the results for the Williams case I needed two hours ago?”
Barry nodded and tossed his bag to his chair as he frantically sifted through his desk, ignoring Julian’s comment about tidiness. He plucked out a file from the bottom of the clutter and passed it to Joe. “Thanks Barr. Now, why were you really late? Mugging? Little ol’ lady bein’ robbed?”
Barry started to scratch the back of his neck, face turning a light shade of pink as he avoided eye contact with Joe. “Ah. Actually, I overslept. I stayed over at my boyfriend’s place last night so... yeah.”
Joe’s eyes went wide, almost popping out of his head, “Boyfriend?”.
“Dear Lord, not this again,” Jullian mumbled from behind Joe as he continued writing his report. Joe turned around to look at Julian with an incredulous look. “You knew Barry had a boyfriend?”
“I knew Barry had an imaginary boyfriend. Cait told me about the Valentine’s Day Ditch.”
“Imaginary - What?! And seriously? You guys are putting a name to it?!” Barry nearly dropped the things he was holding on the floor.
“Ah. Iris told me about him too.”
“Joe, I really - “
“Barry, if you overslept, that’s fine. You didn’t need to lie. We know you’re workin’ hard on Flash duties anyway.”
“No, Joe. Really I-”
Barry was interrupted by Captain Singh’s appearance at the door, spurring the three back to work. Before Joe left though, he patted Barry on the back.
“You gotta work on your lying skills. Caitlin, Cisco and Iris saw right through you.”
Barry sighed.
Felicity and Barry were watching a movie marathon in the Arrow cave while Oliver was busy doing mayor stuff. The team needed Barry’s help with a meta who moved to Star City, so Barry ran over and even after the threat was cleared, he stayed for a while to catch up with his best friend.
Barry was finally starting to relax until Felicity just had to bring up a certain topic. “So what’s this I hear about you making up a fake boyfriend to get out of situations?”
Barry groaned into the popcorn.
“He’s not fake,” Barry asserted. “They just think he is because I won’t give out any details.”
“And why not?”
“Because he... well... it’ll be a disaster.”
“Okay,” Felicity sighed, setting down her popcorn, “I’ll play along. Why would it be a disaster?”
“They... Well, he doesn’t have the best reputation?” “Uh huh. And what kind of ‘reputation’ does he have?” Felicity leaned forward, eyes staring into Barry, trying to get him to slip.
“Well. You know, it depends. A bad but good one. But to some people, it’s a good one with a little bit of bad. He’s in the middle of good and bad? Or kinda like a see-saw, what side he’s on depends on the day.”
“Barry, this is why people don’t believe you.” "Not again.”
“You either need to work on your lying skills, or give out details that aren’t so vague.”
Barry groaned. He was so done. He picked up his popcorn and tossed one piece to Felicity’s head.
“Just eat your popcorn.”
Captain Singh was reading a report when Barry knocked on his door. “Come in, Allen.”
Barry walked into the office and placed a file on David’s desk. Just as he was about to leave, he stopped and turned to David. “Captain?” he asked.
“Yes, Allen?” “Can I request for a day off on the 18th?” David checked the calendar on the desk and saw that most of the other CSIs will be in.
“Okay, submit a proper request and I’ll approve it. If I may ask, why do you need to take it? Albert seems to be less of a pain as he was before.”
Barry chuckled as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “Actually it’s my boyfriend and I’s one and a half year anniversary. Our one year didn’t end well, so I wanted to make it up to him.”
David sighed and removed his glasses, turning to face Barry properly. “Barry, I’ve known you for over 10 years now. I think by now, you would know that excuses like that wouldn’t work on me.’’
Barry looked confused and a little bit upset at his words. “Sir? I...’’
“If it didn’t work on Joe, Iris, or your other friends, it won’t work for me too. I know you’re the Flash, Barry. You didn’t need to come up with an elaborate fib like that.” Barry looked like he was about to protest or deny any allegations, but his shoulders just slumped. Barry looked like he wanted to roll his eyes at the world. He nodded and turned again to walk out when David mentioned something.
“Also, if you ever used that excuse again, one year anniversary sounds more believable than one and a half.”
“Of course. Sure thing, Captain.”
Since Joe found out Captain Singh knew about Barry being the Flash, he decided to let his old friend around the labs, re-introducing him to Cisco and other members of the team. David was slightly surprised at how many people he knew were in the team (”Albert and Dibny? You guys are involved in this?”). He was surprised at their involvement, but at the same time, he wasn’t. Barry had the type of personality that just drew people in.
Just as he was talking to Caitlin in the med bay, a series of beeps emitted from the computers in the cortex. “What’s that? Is that some kind of Flash alert?” he asked as him and Caitlin walked into the cortex where the rest were in, excluding Barry, who was patrolling the city.
“Nah, that just means the waverider landed on the roof. The Legends will probably stop by here to say hi before visiting their families.” Cisco answered as he had another lollipop in his mouth. Caitlin scowled at him and he removed the sweet from his mouth, not wanting her to go into another tirade about dental health.
Minutes later, a group of nine walked into the cortex, exchanging pleasantries with team Flash.
“Didn’t know the Captain of the CCPD is now on team Flash.”
David turned away from his conversation with Ray Palmer and saw Leonard Snart leaning against a wall, smirking. Beside him was his partner Mick Rory, who was being fussed over by Caitlin (”You keep letting your burns heal like that and I’ll cover it in ice until it reaches your bones.”) “Leonard Snart. Didn't know you played on the hero’s side now.”
“Well, I tend to swing both ways.” He turned and sauntered off to Cisco, but not before giving David one last smug look, causing him to think that there was a double meaning behind what Snart said.
“Hey, where’s Barry?” Sara asked Joe, who was catching up with Stein. “He’s on patrol. I can call him back.” Joe went over to the computers and patched in through Barry’s comms.
“Hey Barr, the Legends are here. Come over and say hi.” “The Legends?” Barry sounded excited, but team Flash thought it was because he got to catch up with his friends. The Legends, on the other hand, gave Len a quick look before returning to their conversations.
Five seconds later, a figure appeared in the middle of the cortex, followed by a lightning trail. “Barry!” Sara exclaimed as she threw her arms around the speedster, still in his Flash regalia. “Hey Sara, how was the 1800s?” “Sexist. But I kicked some bigots into a river, so I’d say it went well.” Barry and Sara exchanged a few words before someone in the corner coughed.
“Lenny!” Barry exclaimed and sped over to the reformed criminal. He kissed the thief in front of both their teams, unaware of the heart attack he gave to the members of his own team.
“Bartholomew Henry Allen!” Iris shrieked, causing everyone in the room to wince at the octave she reached, “Since when were you dating Captain Cold?!”. Barry opened his mouth to respond when Nate beat him to it.
“What the hell, man? You didn’t tell your team about it? It’s been years!” Barry sighed and put his head on his hands. Len’s arms were still around his waist, his back leaning on Len’s front. “No. I did. Multiple times. No one believed I had a boyfriend.”
The Legends half of the group burst into hysterical laughter while team Flash was still frozen in disbelief. “Wait a second. Your ‘fake’ boyfriend is Leonard Snart?!” Joe pointed from Barry to Len, taking a moment to process it. He wasn’t as mad as he thought he’d be, but definitely surprised.
“To be fair, they aren’t dating anymore.”
That caused the team to snap out of their stupor. “What do you mean they aren’t dating anymore?” Cisco questioned, trying to comprehend how this all happened. “Did you guys break up?” Caitlin asked from her position beside Mick, who was laughing so hard that he held onto her shoulder for support.
Barry blinked at all his friends and family, asking himself how massive of a situation this led to. He shook his head and removed his gloves, taking Len’s hand and doing the same.
“Guys. I've been wearing a ring for the last 2 months. I haven't been hiding."
"We thought it was part of your... psuedo boyfriend scheme..."
Captain Singh was the first to get over the shock of everything and put all the information together. "So. For the last 2 years, you actually do have a boyfriend. Who's Leonard Snart. And not only did you tell us you were dating someone, you also flaunted your ring around, showing us you're engaged, and we didn't even believe it."
"Most people think the superspeed is what's unbelievable about me..."
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simpsonssitcom · 5 years
Character Design (Pt. 1)
The Main Family
I want to preface this by saying I already wrote a post about the designs in this AU, but it was vague, uncertain, and most importantly, deleted by a tumblr glitch after a couple of days. This is an updated version of that. I also won’t put at many pictures; I’ll try to just name episodes and/or condense photos into a collage for a single character.
Anyways, this post is about changes to the design of the main family. Anything not addressed will remain the same. These will also only cover standard, present, everyday designs. Special clothes and flashback designs will be addressed as they come up.
Marge’s physical changes might be the least drastic. Her hair, still blue, will be one “head” smaller. By this I am referring to her pages in “The Simpsons Handbook: Secret Tips From The Pros.” Marge’s hair is broken into three sections: around her head, one head size above, and another head size above. Let’s level that down to only one “head” above. She’s not hiding rabbit ears anymore, we can do this. As for her outfit, I had a little trouble in deliberation, but I’ve decided on it mostly being the same, except her green dress has a sleeveless turtleneck on top like her orange peplum dress. This is mainly due to her job as a cashier now; her apron would look weird over a tube dress and I wanted her to have the same outfit at work (like how Homer wears a tie over his normal shirt at work). She has two bracelets like her early design (from her sisters) and still has her necklace. I considered maybe adding the flowers from her early design to her dress. After all, she has an art streak not just in painting but in sewing (think of her cute modifications to her pink Chanel outfit) and adding her own pattern onto the dress to “spice things up a bit” would be such a Marge thing. Still, I didn’t want to made her design too busy, and I also didn’t think flowers were super Marge. She’s more into classic looks and solid colors, I think.
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Anyways, Homer’s shirt is pink now! I outlined a ton of reasons for my Homer outfit decision in the original post, but I’ll make it brief. It’s mostly that pink was a strong color in the early stages of the show, that Homer isn’t as aggressive in this AU, and that we know pink with blue (his jeans) is a good color combo on him from his outfit in Stark Raving Dad, his prom outfit, and his suit at Lisa’s wedding. Speaking of Lisa’s Wedding, his bodily appearance will closer resembling that of that episode. It’s only a five year timeskip so he won’t be too different (no eye wrinkles for example), but he’ll be more top heavy, his shoulders and neck getting larger to even out his pear shaped beer belly we have now. His hair will be deteriorating too, instead of a zig-zag on the sides, it’s just individual strands.
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The children will change the most, as obviously they are growing up. They’ll get taller and their hair will change too to better distinguish them. Maggie’s got fairly consistent hair in her future appearances: longer and parted with three spikes in front and 4-5 in back, depending on the episode. Her hair isn’t that long yet at 5, but it’s certainly parted already. Her face, to help distinguish her from Lisa, has a mouth more like (younger) Homer’s, with the curved upper lip.
So, I have something I’ve added as part of Maggie’s character which I’m only mentioning on this post because it helps inform her design. I am autistic and, although I know there’s a running gag in future episodes that she’s apparently talks a lot, here Maggie is nonverbal autistic. Anyways, I’m bringing this up because of my #1 favorite in-show future Maggie design choice: her pacifier necklace. You wanna know why? Stim jewelry. Now, Maggie has a necklace like Lisa or Marge, but hers only has one bead, and she sucks or chews on it sometimes to stim. Next, what do to about the onesie? I’d like to keep it something comfortable, maybe very loose, because that gag of Maggie constantly dripping over her own clothes can be kinda funny (so long as it doesn’t seriously hurt her, I never liked that trend of just tagging on characters for no reason) A blue sweater (looking like the top half of her onesie) and some bootcut jeans that are too long for her legs is essentially what I wore at that age, why can’t she do the same? All that matters is that she’s comfy.
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Okay, we gotta talk about Lisa’s dress. A middle school girl in a strapless dress? Has the world gone mad? Yes it has, but in the American public school system, that’s not gonna fly. So what do we do, put straps on her dress or give her a whole new outfit? After a lot of consideration, I decided on a skirt the same color as her dress (blood orange, or is it “fucking red”?) with the spiky bottom too, with a lavender polo. Why lavender? Well, Bart’s imagination in “O, Brother, Where Bart Thou?” gives us a good look at that color combo (complete with white neck accessory) on someone with the almost exact same features as Lisa. We also see Lisa’s dress with straps, which looks okay for adult Lisa, but there’s too much cleavage for what I’d consider putting on a thirteen year old.
In addition to getting taller, like all of the Simpsons children, Lisa’s hair is changing, but it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. In a all her future appearances (much like Maggie, likely to help differentiate since they’re almost identical when grown), her hair is always styled one way: pushed back and down. But specifically I’m going to draw her hair design from, you guessed it, Lisa’s Wedding! What can I say, it’s just a good episode for character design... mostly. But I love the way her hair starts to curl in that episode. If we take the curl as coming from Marge, it’d make sense if she grew to look more like her parents.
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Alright, Bartman! Bartholomew is probably getting the most change, hence why I put him last. After all, he’s changed a lot in the show too (the color of his shirt from blue to... again, is it orange or red?) and his future appearances arguably vary the most. His hair is interesting, because although the design I’ve settled on for it matched fairly close to his 15-year-old self in Barthood, it’s actually based off of the music video for Deep Deep Trouble. He got his head shaved as punishment, and since I saw it I HCed that this happens whenever Bart gets in big trouble, so his hair is constantly a buzzcut because it’s always just growing out. As he matures a bit and doesn’t get caught as often, he can grow his hair out more. As for height... although most of his aged up appearances have him keep that pear shape to look like Homer, I figure since he has a bit more of an active lifestyle, he would shed some baby fat. I particularly liked his lanky look in that one “2006-2013 Family Portrait” couch gag, where he just kinda... stretches. It makes him look like he took after Marge some, which I like.
Clothes are fun. Bart has always been a rebel, and a very creative kid, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he started expressing himself in his clothes more. His lucky red cap and his earring from Simpson tide would almost certainly appear more, but in terms of his clothes, a simple orange shirt won’t cut it anymore. The bright orange might be too close to homer’s salmon pink or Lisa’s warm red, I’m altering the shade to be more brick. The shirt itself will be a floral button up (the pattern being his classic orange and OG blue as an homage) inspired by his clothes in Homer’s Phobia, Bart to The Future (where he also has an earring), and this post by @springfieldblues, which I love.
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That’s it for part one! Part two will focus on the nature of how character design will function in this AU as a whole, as well as changes to more minor characters. 
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tenebraetrash17 · 5 years
No one:
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Ravus and Hope friendship headcannons, let us discuss-
This is defo not because Ravus and Cid share the same Japanese Voice actor, n o p e but so, say it’s a battlefield and Hope gets separated from the gang after their victory, it’s like an abandoned place filled with overturned cars, and etc. And he hears someone who sounds like Cid talking into a monitor. So he does what a normal kid does and tries to hide, so he’s hiding under a car and he sees these metal boots walking past...so he scoots further back so he can get away unnoticed, but they stop right in front of him. And this boy is s c a r e d-  so Hope freezes, and hopes who ever it is will walk away. But a sigh is just heard and a mutter of “This is no place for children, now come out-” and Ravus just leans down and stops short when he sees how terrified Hope looks. And so he just kind of, softens his features and kinda tries to coax him out as best as a Ravus can. “Come now, child....the danger is through....let’s find your mother and get you to safety.” and Hope gets all mad and stuff because, you know, his mom is dead and he gets all mad and yells something about how “You can’t find her because she’s dead!” and Ravus goes quiet because right in front of him is a teary eyed silver haired boy who just lost his mom, and if that doesn’t strike him where it hurts, then who knows what will? So Ravus just kind of, lifts the car and turns it onto it’s side so Hope doesn’t get hurt and then offers his hand like “Then at least come with me so you don’t get hurt.” and Hope noticed Ravus’ shift in emotions, so he just kinda nods slightly and gets up, dusting himself off and just kinda goes “Well....guess I’ll trust you-” and so yeah
that’s one of many how they meet scenarios, I just kinda thought it was cute and y e a h
OK BUT ONTO NOT FULL ON STORY MODES, Ravus spoils Hope to no end? Hope wants to build something? Ravus will fund it, he sees Hope is innovative and smart, especially for his age, so he wants to encourage it as best as he can. So if Bartholomew thinks that a project is too dangerous, Ravus is completely ready to swoop in like that one older brother who hears the parents say ‘no’ and is ready to encourage it with all his might. He makes sure to provide the right amount of protection so nothing bad happens and everything! Which has led to a couple arguments with Dad Estheim occasionally, who can sometimes make even the stubborn Ravus step back and admit that, yeah, that was a stupid idea.
a l s o- Hope: I wanna make a big bomb!
Ravus: Imma stop you right there-
Ravus tried to teach Hope how to use a sword at some point because “A boomerang? ‘tis hardly a practical weapon!” and he fears for his safety. And so after many takes, Hope was just all. “I think I’ll stick to this, thanks....it really is a good weapon!” so he shows it off and proceeds to accidentally knock Ravus out after it strikes him in the head.
Hope, after Ravus wakes up: I- I also know how to use knives too....?
Ravus: ....oh no, I think you’ll be fine with a boomerang.
Ravus also just?? Cooks a lot of sugary stuff for Hope??? He’s decided to teach him how to cook all sorts of pastries, or at least how to eat the berries until you have barely enough to use in the baking. He’s taken on the “since you don’t have a mother, I guess I'll do it myself!” and Luna just stares at Hope because Ravus is actually sharing berries and she’s all “What have you done to my brother?” “Guess he’s my brother now?” “Keep him.” “LunAFREYA, I-”
Everyone thinks they’re related somehow and they are honestly ok with that. 
Ravus gives Hope piggyback rides, that is all.
It’s only after a few weeks before Ravus has a crisis as this one child has made him into a softy.
Hope woke Ravus up a few times in the middle of the night asking strange questions like. “Hey, can you feel things with your Magitek hand?” “What-?” “I wanna recreate it.” “Hope- it’s....it’s three in the morning....” “Is it?” “....Yes-” “Oh, well night then!”
When Hope gets older, he can’t go to Ravus when it comes to love advice because it’s just. “....do you....want me to threaten their life so you can come in and save them?” “What? I- no....that’s not how this works.”
So yeah-
A little big bro-little bro relationship that no one asked for yet I provided.
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brokenclockwork · 5 years
Send ‘⌘’ to hear my muse’s father or father-figure talk about the muse.
“Got two of these so I guess I’ll talk about two of my boys?” The old faunus takes a swig from the bottle, as he debates where to start. When did he gt so many damn kids? 
“Ozpin always had a thing for...I don’t wanna say trash, but...” there really wasn’t a better word, was there? “He came to me with this old book o’ fairytales that was more tape than cover, and had a coffee stain through about half the pages. He had a soft spot of things that people threw away. Got real good at fixin’ stuff, through that stubborn soft heartedness.” He shook his head, but despite his tone, the smile on his face was genuine. 
“Things, and people I suppose. He was always feedin’ strays. Caused Beacon to have a bit of a cat problem for a few years there, but it did help with student stress levels, so I let it go.” It was, in no way, because he didn’t have the heart to have them removed. He could have at any time. “There’s always been this...soft optimism in him, that lets him see the best in people, even when they can’t an...that kinda faith changes people’s lives. Especially when they ain’t used to bein’ looked at like that.” 
Now, who next? 
( @livestosave ) “Bartholomew is fuckin’ brilliant. Gettin’ to listen to that boy talk is a pleasure, and what I’d give to be able to understand how his mind works. Never, in all my years, have I seen someone with such a hunger for knowledge. I’ve seen him lose days to old treaties and the way his eyes lit up the first time I told him to go wild in the history section of our favorite book shop was beautiful.” Despite his best efforts, the old general’s own eyes softened at the memory. “If the rest of the world was willin’ to look at the past with a fraction of the drive that boy has, we would be miles past where we are, because we wouldn’t be wastin’ so much time stumblin’ over the same damn stones in the road.
“And more than he’s genius? He’s strong. That boy is made of steel. The things he’s gone through, and he stays kind. He stays good. He doesn’t let it twist him into what hurt him, even though things would have probably been a hell of a lot easier for him if he did. Instead, he focuses on doing what’s right, and makin’ the world better.” 
He takes another long drink, before resigning himself with a simple, “Fuck it.” 
“I’ve spent a century on this damned, goddless rock. I spent years protectin’ the man who designed the huntsman an’ huntress system, and taught generations of those that took up that call, but I’ve never met someone with even half as much drive to protect people as James. Since Alfred took him in, he was always so...aware of people that couldn’t protect themselves, and made it his job to do somethin’ about it when they were bein’ mistreated. 
“It was a bit of a game between Alfred and I, figurin’ out which guests had upset the staff at parties, by seein’ who found their wallet missin’ by the end of the night. An’ then during our first school break together, Ozpin got overwhelmed by somethin’ and before I could do anything- before we had even noticed something was wrong- James was there, curled around him like some kind of guard dog. Didn’t matter that Alfred and I were trusted adults. We were too much, and we needed to get the hell out of there, because he was not lettin’ us any closer until Oz was ready.” A low chuckle escaped his lips at the memory, warm and fond. The fact that James hadn’t had any of his bulk or size at that point went unmentioned. 
“Then there’s Peter. I would of apologized to his parents for him takin’ so much after me if he wasn’t so damn incredible. You’ll struggle to find anyone on the planet as willin’ to fight as he is, but he’s not violent. He’s not cruel. He’s a protector to the bone, and a hell of a lot smarter than anyone gives him credit for. The information he’s collected on grimm is invaluable, even if too much of the huntsman community is too damn hard headed to realize it. 
“And another thing people don’t give him enough credit for? How patient he is. Not only does his studies require that, but he put up with a hell of a lot on his team.” The old bird still remembered how sad he’d been to tell his nephew that his original partner wasn’t returning for second year. “OPOL had it’s fair share of quirks, but he’s been an absolute champ workin’ with them. Especially when his own personality and quirks crashed against his team’s comfort.” 
And that just left...
( @couplct ) “Lavender was so damn stupid, and I loved the hell out of her.” If the laugh that follows the words is somber, and he takes another drink...well, he hardly thinks anyone can blame her. “That girl found herself surrounded by prodigies, some of which were already famous in their own right, and her response was to mother hen the hell out of them. She bled loyalty, and loved like a wildfire,” and it killed her. 
“She was fearless to the point of reckless, and thrust herself into lookin’ after people with a passion and honest care that made up for how clumsy it could be. She was a true huntress, to her core, and the world’s poorer for her loss.”
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Chemical Reactions (Part 20)
Series Summary: Being a teacher at Central City Academy doesn’t leave much time for a personal life. You didn’t really notice or care…that is until the day the new substitute science teacher, Barry Allen makes an appearance.
Part 20 Summary: Spring Break is over and Barry can’t wait to see you. He needs to talk to you too...
Pairing: Barry Allen x Reader, Substitute Teacher!Barry Allen x Teacher!Reader
Word Count: 1400ish
A/N: Hope ya’ll like it! Thank you to my amazing friend and beta @thinkwritexpress-official!! Hey guys! Do you think I should start a patreon? Am I good enough for that?
Please let me know what you guys think of the story! Send me asks!
Mobile Masterlist / Ko-Fi (Tips are appreciated!)
* I don’t own the gif. I had to track it down on google. look at that suit ;) *
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You come back just at the end of Spring Break.
Everyone had been concerned that your aunt’s sickness was serious and goodbyes were imminent, but treatments at the hospital had everyone counting their lucky stars as she pulled through.
What kept you sane, the entire time, was Barry’s constant check ins with texts and calls. At night you’d find a moment to Facetime between family meals. It was slightly awkward for you to be in this place, and Barry was the only one who understood. You were surrounded by extended family which you barely knew since your parents were gone. It sometimes felt like you were only invited out of pity and obligation. The look on your aunt’s face as she recovered in the hospital ensured that you did have a rightful place there though.
You return late on a Sunday night. All you can manage is a text to Barry and Caitlin letting them know that you’d made it home safe. Then you passed out.
The next day is the first day back from Spring Break and you can sympathize with your students as they grumble about coming back to school. They’re only fourth graders though! What do they really have to gripe about? They have many more years of school ahead of them.
Since no one wants to do schoolwork, you turn on the projector and put on some BBC Planet Earth documentary. That counts as science, right?
You’re watching the show right along with them, almost dozing off as you rest your chin in your hand. Your phone buzzes in your purse. The room is dark enough so you pull it out.
“Meet me at the track field after school,” Barry’s text reads.
“Okie dokie,” you respond, reading the words in your head with your upbeat teacher voice.
When an elephant goes to trumpet on the show, the bell rings, jolting everyone awake.
You don’t make it out to the track right away at the end of the day. Your classroom needs to be cleaned up and you have some tests to grade that shouldn’t take long. You don’t want to take them home.
You text Barry to let him know that you’ll be just a little while. He doesn’t respond.
“This break is over. Wanna have dinner at my place tonight?” you text him while holding your grading pen between your lips. Again, no answer. Around 4:30, you frown at your phone and decide to call him.
“Hi! You’ve reached Barry Allen. I’m probably at school right now and can’t answer. Leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you.”
You hang up, resolving to find a stopping place in your grading and call it a day. You collect your things and put on your black and white peacoat.
It’s still cold outside as you make your way to the football field. The rubber-paved running track surrounds it. There’s no one on the field and you’re starting to wonder why Barry asked you to come out here. You set your tote bag on the bleachers. You notice Barry’s gym bag a few feet away. Walking over to it, you see his phone is inside and blinking with your unread text messages.
Shuffling feet from behind were enough to alarm you but when someone pinches your sides, you spin around and swing your hand to defend yourself.
You’d squealed as if it were as good a cry for help but it’s cut off as Barry ducks your swiping hand and wraps his arms around your waist, squeezing.
“Hey stranger! Long time no see!”
“Bartholomew Henry Allen! Don’t scare me like that!” You smack his back and Barry laughs, releasing you and stepping back. “What the hell are you wearing?”
It’s a tight, red spandex, one piece leotard-esque tracksuit with straps instead of sleeves and shorts that stop mid-thigh. It leaves little to the imagination and Barry seems aware of it as he pulls on the end of his shorts, bringing your attention away from his crotch and rigid midsection.
“It’s my old tracksuit. Didn’t I tell you that I used to run track? It’s aerodynamic...and it still fits. Whaddaya think, eh?” He puts his hands on his hips and does a little twirl.
“No, you never told me that.” It makes sense though. Barry has a runner’s body, lean and taut. God, you’ve missed him.
Noticing that your attention is being divided by his face and other body parts, Barry digs into his gym bag to grab a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He pecks you on the lips after pulling the shirt over his head. You look around quickly right afterward.
“Don’t worry. There’s no one around.” He picks up his phone and notices your texts and missed call. “Oh crap, I’m sorry, Babe. I was running.”
“You’re running now?”
“Yeah, had to fill the time without my girlfriend somehow…” he shrugs, laughing it off. “Hey, come here,” he whispers and pulls on your hand.
“Barry, what are you d-...”
Barry pulls you behind the bleachers, takes you into his arms, and kisses you. His lips are warm and somehow, even through the sweat, he smells like cinnamon. You sigh sweetly as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Mmm,” you hum. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you,” you whisper between kisses. Barry’s tongue seizes the chance to enter while you’re talking. His tongue tangles with yours and his hands come up to hold your face as he desperately and passionately kisses you.
“You starved me of your touch, woman. Never again,” Barry growls, pulling back to look you in the eyes. His thumb runs over your kiss-swollen bottom lip. “So beautiful,” he whispers.
“Yeah, you are,” you giggle, tugging on his t-shirt and bringing him down for another kiss.
“Oh, wait,” Barry pulls back with pursed lips. You follow him, unwilling to break the kiss. “W-wa-wait...I need to talk to you,” he says rather suddenly.
There’s a gasp and it’s not one of your own. It surprises Barry into pulling away some more. There’s a quiet squeak, a loud thump, and then feet digging into gravel.
“What was that?” Barry asks, looking around. You hold your breath as you do the same until you see it.
“Oh, Barry.”
“This is bad.” You walk out from under the bleachers and pick up a textbook.
“Is that yours?”
“No. It’s a student’s.”
“What just happened back there?” Barry asks as the two of you enter your apartment. You’d left the textbook behind. Whoever it belonged to would come back for it and you and Barry wouldn’t be there. Not when there was already a chance…
“I think someone saw us.” You collapse on your couch. Barry comes to you, pulling you up into a seated position so he can help you take off your jacket.
“Barry, someone saw us under those bleachers. We’ve been caught,” you start to panic, feeling a lump in your throat and your chest tighten as your breathing picks up.
“But we were being careful. No one could possibly know…” Barry looks like even he doesn't believe what he's saying. He even looks slightly guilty. As he should; right along with you. The two of you knew you could get in trouble and did it anyway.
“Students have access to the field outside of school hours, Barry. How could we be so reckless?” Your fingers tangle in your hair as you start to hyperventilate.
“Could’ve been a student athlete…” Barry murmurs to himself as if searching for answers. Once he notices your silence and heavy breathing, he looks up. “Hey, hey, calm down, sweetie. Y/N, we don’t know that for sure. For all we know, they might think we’re a couple of seniors. How could they know it was us…? I mean…our faces were kinda concealed...and busy.”
“Barry, you’re not taking this seriously,” you start to cry.
“Yes, I am.” Barry takes a deep breath, running his hands through his hair and linking his fingers on the back of his neck. “I am. I know it’s serious. But there’s no use in worrying about it until we know for sure.” Barry wraps you up in his arms while you continue to panic and cry.
The two of you--mostly you--are in a state of worry for the next three days. Until Friday morning when you get an email from the Dean’s office.
“A meeting has been scheduled for you with Dr. Stein at 3 pm.”
tagging: @faithtrustandpixiedust95 @autoblocked @book-loving--anime-chick @abbessolute @overlyobsethed @therealcap @whoopxd @bookworm4ever99 @geeksareunique @potterwolf16 @frankie2902 @fabinapercabeth4179 @yessoftball-lover06 @maia11lucero @barry-writes @ravenhaviland @clockblobber @karazoiel @iammsamy @k-vruck @parkerschurros @smileybarryallen @justareader
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boarix · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview!
Thank you so much for creating this and tagging me @robobrainmurdermysterytheatre you are a peach!
1) Choose an OC
2) Answer questions as that OC
3) Tag 5 people to do the same
I’ll tag @nuclearmu5hroom @pistachiozombie @red-flare-art @free-hugs-for-ghouls @juliannahandart no obligation, only if ya wanna
1)      What is your name? Well, most everyone calls me Wraith… or I guess I should say I have everyone call me Wraith. My parents named me after my dad, Philip and my mom’s middle name Lynn, so Philippa Lynn Wolf. When I married Nate, I changed my last name to his; Keita-Johnson. So all together; Philippa Lynn Keita-Johnson. First fuck-nut who calls me Pippa will wish they’re dead.  
2)      How old are you? *sighs* Creeping up on two hundred forty…  
3)      What do you look like? You know what a brown kiwi bird is?
4)      Where are you from? Where do you live now? My parents were from the Midwest Commonwealth. The mitten. *laughs* We moved around a lot… spent a few years in the Columbia ‘wealth… Now I live just north of Boston, in a Minutemen settlement called Sanctuary.
5)      What was your childhood like? It wasn’t bad, honestly. I had a really good relationship with both my parents and my… adopted? Yeah, let’s say adopted, brother named Bartholomew.
6)      What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? I’m the general of the Minutemen and a former Heavy Agent with the Railroad.
7)      Tell me about your best friend. *sucks in air over teeth* Welp… is it possible to be best friends with someone when you don’t know their real name? …I…we… next question, please.
8)      Do you have a family? Tell me about them! I have a habit of picking up strays so yeah, my family is pretty big. *laughs* I’ve got like, a dozen brothers and sisters from other mothers and misters, a grandson, a bunch of four-legged kids… BIG family!
9)      What about a partner or partners? MacCready and Hancock are my boyfriends. It didn’t seem right to make them pick each other or me, ya know? *attempts to waggle eyebrows suggestively*
10)   Who are your enemies, and why? Anyone who would hurt innocent people. ‘People’ includes ghouls and synths, by the way. You know what? People are anyone who is just trying to live their lives! *stands up and starts gesticulating excitedly* So, if you’re a super mutant, or a, I don’t fucking know, an intelligent deathclaw and you’re just trying to make it in this ridiculously dangerous… oh… sorry. Umm… I don’t like shitty, mean mother-fuckers. So, yeah…  
11)   Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? I love Danse. I kinda stole-adopted him. *laughs* The rest… They have the capacity to do great good for folks. They… ultimately fail to see that people are what they should be saving technology for not from. Their definition of ‘people’ needs work too.
12)   What about The Enclave? Maybe Mac mentioned them but I really don’t know…
13)   How do feel about Super Mutants? I love Strong! He’s my big green monster! As for the others… I feel sorry for them. Honestly. That being said I cannot allow them to hurt anyone.
14)   What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? Oh damn… that’s hard to say. I have this bad habit of going full berserker when I fight… I don’t remember stuff and will start throwing shit… and people… and pieces of people… Just recently I fought a woman who was possessed by an alien artifact. She had telekinetic powers and was floating and had a bunch of crap flying all around her like a shield, ya know? Anyway, I threw some beds at her. It was unreal. Sad too.
15)   Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? *rolls eyes* Who hasn’t, amiright? I don’t really like to though; they are just animals after all.
16)   Do you like fighting? I like Judo and Jiu Jitsu. I like practicing the martial arts. I like target shooting with Mac. I don’t ever like to hurt anyone or anything but I’m not so naïve as to believe that I can save others without hurting others. Does that make sense?
17)   What’s your weapon of choice? Judo chop! Knives are fun too. I’ve never been great with guns but Mac has helped me a lot.
18)   How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) My strength is… well let’s just say it’s higher than… it’s high. Outside of that, when I took the test to enter the Marines my base S.P.E.C.I.A.L, starting at Perception,  was four, four, three, six, seven and my luck was one *groans*. Having low luck and charisma kinda bites but I can usually think my way out of stuff. If that doesn’t work I’ll just lose my shit and start throwing furniture. *sighs*
19)   Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them? I’m the sole survivor of vault one eleven. Vault-Tec is madness. Pure and simple.
20)   How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? I had run-ins with Vault-Tec even before the War. I think they had their evil eye on me as soon as I joined the military. After the car accident that killed my parents, they ‘helped’ with my hospital stay. I’m also pretty fucking sure they messed around with my genes. My augmented strength and rad resistance, not to mention my longevity, are the results of their mad-scientist bullshit. I’m ghoulish. I can withstand quite a bit more rads than the average human and I even heal a small amount from them.  
21)   What’s your favorite wasteland critter? I wish mole rats weren’t so interested in biting my face off… they’re kinda cute, ya know?
22)   What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? Bloodworms. Gross.
23)   How do you feel about robots? You know I love Codsworth! KL-E-O, P.A.M and Ada are good friends. Well, as much as P.A.M is anyone’s friend. Robots are people too.  
24)   How many caps do you have on you right now? Zero. They make too much noise and slow me down. Mac always carries them for me. I trust him.
25)   Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? Nuka Cola! Quantums up!
26)   Do you do chems? Not recreationally. I don’t have a problem with recreational use, so long as it doesn’t interfere with whatever it is I’m trying to accomplish, you feel me? *tries to mimic Hancock’s voice: fails miserably*
27)   Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? Not as much as I used to. I’ve made so many friends, reconnected with some old and fallen in love… I’m trying to live in the present as much as possible. Gotta keep moving forward.
28)   What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? Father and Maxson. I…  I couldn’t get through to them… *sniffles* next question, please.
29)   What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve? I’m proud of the Minutemen settlements. I’m happy to have been a part of their comeback story. I hope to expand and make safe trade routes and farming possible for as far as we can safely and efficiently reach. For those who would have us of course; not interested in any tyrannical bullshit.
30)   What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? I want what anyone wants. Peace and love, friends and neighbors. Peace and love.
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party-of-rpg-muses · 6 years
Mun Plays Final Fantasy XIII
Okay, so I wasn’t able reach Disc 3. I was partially joking last time, what with how quickly I felt like I breezed through Chapter 1 through 2. But anyway, I think I’m nearing the end, as I’m on Chapter 9 now.
Okay, from where I left off, I picked up playing as Lightning and Fang with nothing really major happening for a good while, though it was nice to see Snow risking his well being to help a kid that tried to kill him, even though I knew Snow wasn’t the type to hold a grudge like that and against a kid who’s mom was killed.
Eventually, I ended up reaching the boss, which turned out to be the Ushumgal Subjugator again. Honestly, it was a real pain, but I managed to defeat it. Though I was hoping Hope would trigger his own Eidolon. After that, it was nice to see Hope officially abandon his grudge on Snow.
My heart went out to Bartholomew and how he mourned for the loss of his beloved wife and he repaired his relationship with Hope. I’m curious as to how the PSICOM soldiers found Lightning and the others, but whatever. I found myself fighting the Havoc Skytank, which was a real pain to defeat and it defeated me the first time around.
When I tried again, I instead made Lightning the Ravager, Fang the Sentinel, and Hope the Medic. I just had Lightning attack while Fang soaked damage and Hope healed and just attacked for a few minutes, doing chip damage before I realized I could attack other parts of the ship. Upon discovering that, it was easy work.
After that, I went back to playing as Sazh and Vanille. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw Sazh having fun instead of being such a downer and I kinda had fun searching for the Chocobo Chick. A little while later, we were ambushed by PSICOM soldiers, who weren’t much of an issue to deal with. But along the way, I found the Healer’s Staff and gave it to Vanille and sold the other weapon for more gil to upgrade the Healer’s Staff. In the end, the weapon’s magic stat was only slightly weaker than the previous one. I then fought the Midlight Reaper boss, which proved difficult at first, but once I managed to got a good rhythm going, I only had to worry about healing every now and again. Lucky for me, I added the Dualcast (Ravager & Ravager) Paradigm earlier.
I wish you guys could have seen the smile on my face with I saw Sazh’s son, Dajh, though a part of me worried it might be some kind of trick. But alas, it was much worse... LIttle Dajh turned to crystal, right in front of his father’s eyes, leaving both me and Sazh stunned, though I still don’t fully understand what Dajh’s Focus was. Shortly after, I got confirmation to what I suspected earlier when Vanille tried to talk to Sazh before being interrupted; it was because of Vanille (and Fang) that Dajh because a l’Cie.
I quickly gave chase and watching the following cutscene, my heart went out to Vanille. I knew she wasn’t a bad person and didn’t intend for any of that to happen. But I didn’t have time to worry about that before I found myself fighting Brynhildr, Sazh’s Eidolon. I lost the first time (starting to notice a trend), but managed to win the second time, if only just barely. It also helped that I managed to work on the Crystarium a bit before the fight, which I completely forgot about before.
While I was glad to see Sazh spare Vanille’s life, knowing that killing her wouldn’t solve anything, I was left stunned when I saw Sazh take his own life. I couldn’t help but shed a tear, seeing him end his own life (something Aerith’s death couldn’t do for me), but I didn’t have time to mourn as I found myself taking control of Lightning once again and jumping onto the Palamecia, saving at the first available save point before turning off the game.
I just wanna say that these people are terrible; Jihl and the Primarch. I hope I get to fight them someday. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the Primarch was the final boss. I don’t know if he is or isn’t, so I’d like to avoid spoilers. I don’t want people telling me if I’m right or wrong about fighting them as bosses.
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