#i know i just drew a sanji but this one really is more how i draw portraits like thats how i love drawing noses
maekas · 11 months
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okay but look at this sanji i drew?!?!? i blacked out doing the lineart and then THIS was looking back at me???
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zosanbrainrot · 20 days
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part 06!! and the end of Act 1
01 02 03 04 05 06
I don't have anything else storyboarded right now, I have the dialogues for Act 3 written down, but for the 2nd Act I'm gonna have to rewatch parts of WCI. I'm also thinking of a different approach, more like a series of illustrations not a comic, but idk yet, I'll have to rewatch and see!
It's not like I'm actually using a 3 Act structure as in 'a method of writing a story', I don't know how to and I haven't tried learning that (YET). I just think its neat and reflects how I divided my artistic process. I've always seen this story in my head as 3 parts.
And before I delve into part 06, I can't stop myself from saying that....... part 05 really needed another closeup on Sanji's face. If I ever try and repost it to another site then maybe I'll add it (between the panels of Ichiji & Zoro and the closeup on the spear, it would help the rythym but also strengthen the emotional connection, before Sanji shuts himself off)
Anyhow part 06
Most panels were a breeze, but the last two, my god, I just couldn't get them right for the longest time. In the end my favourite panels are the closeups of Luffy and Nami, I should really draw them more.
Here's how this panel in particular went:
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I did like how the pose was looking in my first rough pass, the face is scrunched, the shoulders are high with tension, the direction is consistent
Couldn't execute it though... I think in the first rough sketch the camera is looking at Luffy slightly from above? Like he's leaning into it. That's why the shoulders can be so high up, but I didn't realize what it was when trying to clean it. So when cleaning the sketch I drew the head on the same level as the camera which made the whole pose look flat, also in this weird angle, like it's not fully 3/4, but it's not facing forwards either.
I didn't know what wasn't working, so I doubled down and tried with the lineart, but it didn't magically help. It just looks like he's slouching.
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4. so I tried to rethink the pose and commit to a 3/4 view. I like that more of the neck is visible now, you can feel that he's leaning forward with the scream, but I think I could have pushed it a bit more still
5. with linework I made some small changes, like a bit shorter hair, smaller nose and the eyes pushed back a bit. I also added the scratches and filled in the black parts
6. added flat colors & shading!
Last panel with Sanji was even harder to draw hehe
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so I thought this would be easy bcs I wanted to basically redraw the panel from the anime
that's why my rough sketch was extremely rough, I didn't think about it much
and then I had so much trouble with it lmao You'd think that it would be easier when you're covering the character's face, but I was in this undecided space of on one hand wanting to show the pain on Sanji's face and staying truthful to the anime scene on the other. I also found it super diffucult to show the emotions without the eyes
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4. The pose in 3. also wasn't working so I tried to make him more slouched, like he's curling in on himself more, it was definitely a better direction. I tried going into lineart from here but I didn't like how the fingers were turning out
5. So I decided to get a new ref and took a picture of how I'd make this gesture myself. With this pose I also changed the position and angle of the face slightly, bcs it would have created a very small space between the hand and the nose and I wanted the two shapes to connect
6. I really liked the hand, but was having trouble with the hair, it felt too short, still couldn't get the face right either
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7. so I elongated the hair and worked on the face some more and was finally happy with what I had!
8. added colors! At first I had it colored like the other panels, color just on Sanji then gradient on the bottom helping it fade to black, but it wasn't sitting well with me. Maybe because the space above his head was too big and I didn't want to have a background here and also wasn't adding the little floating pieces to the carriage scene (these were reserved for the grass battlefield)
9. SO! I made Sanji's figure darker and also added a darker shade to the whole scene and I think it ended up working really nice. Like he's drowning in the darkness, the only element piercing through it are Luffy's words. It also just fills up the space better lmao, feels less empty visually
Its gonna be A WHILE, before I have updates for this, I'm gonna have to start with the rewatch anyway. Right now I'm gonna have to focus on finishing my extra pieces for the @rdtriozine !! If any of you read this far you may as well check it out lmao I have a full illustration spread there and gonna have spots for a fic too ❤️ I just need to draw them!!! AGHHHH
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grandline-fics · 9 months
Hi there! I really like your writings and I wanted to request about strawhat crew reactions to over power reader, (if its too much you can just do the monster trio reaction) even better when they didn't think the reader would be so strong. you can make the scenarios however you like! thank you and stay safe muach ❤
DESCRIPTION: You’re so much stronger than they thought
CHARACTERS: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
WORDS: 1,274
A/N:  Thank you for the request and hopefully you like what I came up with for this. I tried to make each scenario different so hopefully it works.
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Luffy glared as he raced through the headquarters of their current enemy. He had dropped his guard for a moment and in that time the entire crew had been split up into fights by the different henchmen. While he had every confidence in the strength of the others and knew they would win, he couldn’t help but worry for you. You were newer to the crew but in that time, Luffy couldn’t help but feel more protective and aware of you compared to how he felt of the others. He knew that being a pirate was a dangerous life and in a way that was part of the fun of it all but he just didn’t want to see you hurt. 
It didn’t help his worrying to see that your opponent was the Boss’ right hand man, someone Luffy could sense was just as dangerous as the Boss. He’d done all he could to end his fight as fast as he could but it was hard to stay focussed and not put himself at risk. Luffy stumbled slightly as he ran through the building, feeling one injury in particular throb painfully. After he rescued you he would track down Chopper and get patched up. At least that had been the plan. 
Around him the building began to rumble as the sound of distant impacts drew closer and louder. Luffy slid to a halt just as the wall to his side burst into pieces and a body slammed against the floor in a bloodied heap. Luffy tilted his head to the side and lightly rolled the person over, eyebrows raising in surprise to see the henchman he’d been worried would hurt you lying in front of him. Had Sanji or Zoro finished their fight and helped you? 
No that didn’t seem right. None of the injuries matched his crewmate’s handiwork. This was different but he knew whoever was behind it was strong. Behind him he heard someone approach and he turned to see you slowly climbing from the holes in the wall. You’d been ready to land another blow to your opponent just incase your last attack hadn’t done the trick. You were glad to see that he was defeated but you were surprised to see Luffy there. “Hey, Luffy. You finished your fight too?” You asked with a smile while dusting yourself off from the debris. “Come on, we should find the others and get out of here.” Luffy looked over your slightly bruised and cut body and grinned happily. It seemed you could look after yourself just fine. 
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“What the hell is this?” Zoro asked as he sheathed his swords and stepped towards where you were sitting in the middle of a destroyed battlefield, your opponents and rubble cast around. You looked up from your spot to smile in greeting to the swordsman before looking around at what you’d done. “You took them all out?” He asked, unable to keep the surprise and slight disappointment from his tone. 
“Well I was going to leave half for you but I got bored of waiting and I could only toy with them for so long.” You told him with a light shrug while trying not to feel too guilty about your actions. You honestly hadn’t intended to do it all on your own. When you and Zoro had teamed up to deal with the enemy on this side of the base you hadn’t expected him to get lost the second you took your eyes off of him. You weren’t too worried about his wandering, knowing he’d get to where he was meant to eventually. Zoro looked at you silently, taking in your relaxed words. 
You hadn’t been on the crew for very long and any previous fights they’d been involved in you hadn’t really stood out to him. Yes you dealt with your opponent but he hadn’t seen you do anything on this scale before and part of him wished he had seen you go all out like this first hand.  For one thing you looked completely unharmed, maybe a scratch or two but nothing ultimately serious or painful. For another he could see by the destruction around you both and the injuries on the unconscious group you were clearly powerful. He couldn’t help but scowl and drop his hands back to his swords, he really wanted to find someone to fight, he’d been looking forward to this. You watched Zoro and lightly bit your lower lip as you fought a smile. 
“Were you hoping to protect me from the enemy?” You teased lightly, deciding to try and distract him from his annoyance at not getting to fight. As expected he tensed and looked at you in disbelief. “That’s so sweet! I promise the next enemy we find you can have them all to yourself and I’ll be your swooning ‘damsel in distress’ okay?” You asked with a grin that grew when he lightly shoved your shoulder. 
“Don’t be an idiot, it’s not like that.” He muttered, looking away from your face as you laughed. “Besides you can’t ‘let me’ have the next enemy. I’ll cut them down before you even know they’re there.” Zoro declared while scratching the back of his neck, now sensing just how dangerous you were going to be both on and off the battlefield. 
“Sounds like a fun challenge, Zoro.” you grinned.
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Sanji stood in shock as he stared out from the railing of the Sunny. Where a line of Marine ships had once been with the intent on blocking their path and taking them down was now reduced to destroyed hulls, floating rigging and debris as the officers on board clambered to stay afloat or make the attempt to swim for dry land. Every Marine no longer paid them any mind as the Sunny sailed away from them. It had been over in a matter of minutes and you were the one responsible. 
When the ships had first appeared you’d asked Luffy to throw you over and you would take care of things. You’d just joined the crew and dealing with the annoyance of a Marine blockade seemed like the fair thing to do to earn your keep. Sanji and a couple of others were about to protest, about to say that it wasn’t down to just you to deal with them but Luffy being the impulsive Captain that he was believed in you and tossed you through the air without a second thought. His faith in your was quickly proven when you destroyed the ships in your way like it was as easy as swatting an insect. When the last vessel had crumbled, Luffy stretched his arm across to pull you back to them.
While it was a positive to have another strong member on the crew, Sanji hadn’t been prepared to see just how powerful you were. He cleared his mind from the shock and approached with his usual flirtatious smile on his lips. When he’d first met you he’d been taken by how attractive you were and now that he’d seen how physically strong and capable you were, he was already falling harder for you. “That was a wonderful sight! How lucky we are that you’ve joined our crew because if you were to leave us now, I’d be like those ships back there; completely broken.” He grinned at you. 
You couldn’t help but laugh softly at the overly sweet and somewhat cheesy declaration from the cook, knowing that his heart was in the right place. You looked up at Sanji with a bright smile. “Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere any time soon.”
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sanjifucker42069 · 1 year
Good Boy
It was a warm day on the Going Merry. It was mid-afternoon and you were alone on the ship, busying yourself by swabbing the deck. The rest of the crew was out on their own journeys, Nami and Usopp shopping, Sanji gathering supplies, and who honestly knew what Zoro and Luffy were up to. You hadn't felt like travelling, you were docked here for a few days, and you really wanted to just rest. But that was this morning, and now you were bored. You sighed, perhaps you should've planned something too.
"(Name)!" You spun around at the sound, seeing Luffy waving both arms at you. Beside him, Sanji carried boxes of supplies. Your eyes softened. Moving to the gangplank you wave back at the boys.
"Ahoy Captain!" You joked, eyes shifting to Sanji and winking. "And ahoy handsome chef. What brings you to my ship?"
Sanji softly smiled at your antics, whilst Luffy boarded the ship excited. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Luffy grinned, grabbing your shoulders. You laughed. 
"So no hat?" You joked. Luffy shook his head. 
"Where is everyone?"
"You two are the first ones back." You shrugged, turning to Sanji. "Can I help ease your burden there, Sanji? That's a lot of stuff."
The man huffed humorously, jostling the boxes in his hands to be more comfortable as his long legs boarded the ship. He shot you a lopsided grin. "And subject a pretty lady to manual labour? I don't think so." 
You giggled. Damn that man and his charisma. Luffy buzzed with excitement next to you. "You all good there? Did you eat a hive of bees before you got here?"
Luffy ignored you, instead badgering Sanji. "Can we give it to her now, Sanji? Please?" 
Give you what? You cocked your head, confused at your fellow pirates' attitude. You shot a look at the chef, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged.
"I suppose so." 
"Yeah!" Luffy pulled something from his best, handing it to you. "(Name), we got you something. Look, look! Isn't it cool?"
You gasped. A book. It was a modest size, covered in a gorgeous (colour) cover. You ran your fingers over the cover, feeling its coarseness. Eagerly you untied the side tie. The paper inside was gorgeous, a creamy ivory paper with a thickness that made you excited at its possibility. It was lightly textured, perfect for any kind of medium. Truly a beautiful sketchbook. You fawned over it. How did they know? You'd tried to not let it show that you were almost through your current sketchbook. You forced your eyes to acknowledge the two, happiness swelling in your chest.
"Ah Luffy it's perfect! You're such a good boy!" You praised, cradling the book to your chest. You quickly drew the captain into a bear hug. Luffy laughed, scratching the back of his neck. Beside him, Sanji pouted.
"It's no big deal (name), we can't fulfil your dream if we don't have something to draw in!"
"I helped too love." You heard Sanji flirt. He was just joking, well, half-joking. Well, no, if he was honest he really wanted a hug. But he couldn't just outright ask for a hug that wouldn't look cool. So he tried to hint lightheartedly. It didn't bother him too much when he noticed you roll your eyes, chuckling.
It did, however, bother him when he saw you turn your body to him. He didn't really think you'd acknowledge his flirtations, so when you outstretched your arms and pulled the tall man into a surprisingly strong hug, he blanked.
The hug was warm, firm, and he could feel all of you against him. You smelt so good, smiling of sea air, soap, and something uniquely you.
"Well thank you too." You laughed, squeezing him for emphasis. "You're also a very good boy."
Good boy. Sanji really didn't want to admit how much he liked that. Neither did he really want to unpack all that. He didn't want you to catch on to just how much he liked that, so he quickly squeezed you back before pulling you back to arms length. You stared up at him confused. You heard him clear his throat. Sensing his discomfort you let go, patting his shoulder.  Any hurt you may have felt you covered up with a bright smile, clutching the sketchbook to your chest.
"I'm gonna start sketching immediately!"  Before Sanji could respond, you were retreating back to the girls' room, keen to get to work.
It was a cool night. Sanji was lying in his hammock, sleep evading him. The thin cotton blanket resting over his chest. Beside him, he heard Zoro's annoying snoring, Luffy to his right muttering something about meat between snores. The nose symphony slowly chipping away at his sanity. At least Usopp was quiet, he supposed. He wondered if the girls' had to put up with this. His mind wandered, what were you up to? Were you sleeping away without a care, or were you possibly scribbling away in that little book? Sanji sighed. He wondered what you drew, you always seemed so at peace. Sanji considered getting you another one, even if it was mainly to hear your praises. Gods, he'd do anything if he could please you.
"Good boy." Sanji breathed. You were going to be the death of him. He felt his heart flutter. Yeah, he guessed he probably was whipped for you. He let his mind wander. What if he fully hugged back? Would you reciprocate? Would you kiss his cheek? He felt himself flush. He could imagine how soft your lips would be, how you'd pull back with that sweet smile. If he was lucky maybe he could-
Sanji felt a growl bubble in his throat. He couldn't thrive in these conditions. Savages, having no respect for romance. Swinging his legs over the roped edge, he jumped out of the hammock, stalking his way out of the guys' quarters.
Instantly, he was hit with the cool night air. If he wasn't awake before, he was now. He lazily wandered along the deck, supposing he should probably rearrange the pantry for the ninth time if he was awake. Bare feet padding along the hard wood, he inhaled deeply, the salty sting of the sea invading his nostrils. Nearing the galley he saw it. A light at the front of the boat? Confused and intrigued he crept closer. Who the hell would be up at the hour? And then he saw it. 
You wrapped up in a blanket, scribbling away in your old sketchbook. Sanji felt a soft smile creep up. You looked so cute, periodically looking up to study the scene in front of you. He felt like swooning, the way the moonlight kissed your hair, the way you seemed to sparkle, a gem in the cold night. 
"What are you doing up sweetheart?" He mused, secretly relishing in how you jumped. You clutched the book to your chest, exhaling deeply as a grin formed. You whipped your head to meet the handsome chef.
"Sanji, you scared me! I'm drawing the moon. It's so pretty tonight." Your grin made him flustered. "Why are you up?"
"My bunkmates are bad for my beauty sleep." He feigned annoyance. You laughed. 
"Yeah sure, like you need beauty sleep." He felt his stomach do somersaults. You opened the blanket, tapping the wood next to you. "Got a seat right here. Surely you must be cold?"
Sanji wasn't. It was a pleasant night. However, he'd be an idiot to pass up such an opportunity. He settled down next to you. You drew him in, settling the blanket around his shoulders, dragging him further against you, giggling as you went. 
"Comfy?" You asked once he stopped squirming. Sanji was hyper aware of your thighs touching, you leaning into his side. 
"Yeah." He breathed out. He felt his nerves buzzing, watching as you all but snuggled into him. He needed to calm down. "You like the sketchbook?"
"Love it." You beamed up at him, turning back to scribble marks down. Sanji felt his heart swell. "It's got such nice quality paper. Where did you even find such a thing?"
"Markets. Looked like it had your name on it. Luffy wanted to get you this one that was huge, but you like thicker pages, so this one just seemed like a good fit. 'Sides, I'm sure you've finished your last one."
Sanji's breath hitched as you leant your head on his shoulder, arm gripping his. "You remembered that? Gods you're good to me."
"Only you love." He managed to choke out without sounding too flustered, adding a wink to further sell the facade. You giggled. "What have you got in there anyway?"  
"Oh! You wanna see?" You sounded shy, looking up at him. Sanji nodded. You offered him the older sketchbook, apprehension clear on your face. Sanji began thumbing through the paper. "I know its not brilliant but-"
"Darlin' these are stunning." He praised, tracing an intricate sketch of Merry with his fingers. You beamed next to him when you couldn't detect a lie, a blush forming on your chubby cheeks. Sanji stared at the pages, in awe at your skill.
There were sketches of the others, one of Usopp holding a mop, a detailed one of Zoro napping. His eyes caught a particularly beautiful portrait of Nami against the tangerines. He gasped. You'd captured her beauty expertly. He turned the page, there was a spread of sketches of his crewmates, of Luffy and Usopp playing on the deck, sketches of Nami plotting her maps at the galley table, even a few of Zoro exercising. He felt a frown form. There were none of him. He didn't mean to feel so selfish, but you'd captured the crew with such liveliness and love. He certainly didn't realise you had been studying his face intently. 
"What's wrong?"
Sanji sighed, realising he'd been caught. He figured he'd broach the subject with humour. Plastering a fake smirk on his face he turned his attention to you. "These are incredible (Name), they look great, but am I not model material?"
You extricated yourself from your hold against him, getting to your feet. Sanji immediately felt disappointed by the loss of touch. "Wait here." Your voice was shaky. 
Sanji sighed sadly, he shouldn't have said that. Instead he did as he was told, waiting patiently for your return. You must have been gone five minutes, five aching minutes for him to consider his mistake. When you returned you were holding something behind your back, looking visibly uncomfortable. Sanji raised a brow.
"Love I didn't mean you had to paint a portrait of me now." He laughed softly. You thrust a book in his face, eyes scrunched shut. He delicately tried to take the book but you didn't budge.
"Promise you won't laugh?" You asked shyly, peeking open one eye. Sanji frowned. He'd never laugh at you. He nodded. You relaxed your shoulders, agreeingly giving him the book. He was going to open the book but he took in the way you fidgeted in front of him.
"You not gonna sit back down?" You shook your head, not trusting your voice. He sighed. With no hesitation this time he opened the book. 
The first used page he came across were small sketches of him working in the kitchen. There must have been four or five small, quick drawings, but that was unmistakably him. In awe, he turned the page, greeted once again by drawings of him, bigger this time. You'd sketched his face while he was cooking, clearly oblivious to your staring. He felt himself freeze. That was him. It was clear there was a lot of time put into this. Just how long were you staring at him? He thought you were drawing the food, not him! He felt himself blush, embarrassed by the revelation. Keen to see more he continued through the book, seeing sketches of only him. You'd sketched his hands, his eyes, so many little drawings of his face. There were even sketches from his sparring sessions on the deck. These. These were all him? He felt a bit lightheaded. When he made it to the last used page he stopped. There was a rather intricate drawing of him smoking, leaning over the Merry's bannister. It left him breathless. There was so much detail.
"Uh." Was all he managed to force out.
You blanched. "Oh! I'm sorry, I've weirded you out. I..." He saw you reach out to take the book back, his grip tightening. 
"I like drawing you, wanna make sure I get your features right." You muttered. Sanji tore his face away from the page when he heard you take a shaky breath in. He looked up and jolted at the tears in your eyes. 
"(Name), I-"
"I'm sorry. It's really creepy right? I'll stop, I promise."
"These are all me?" He managed dumbly. You cringed. He felt his heart thumping loudly. 
"Yeah...That's your book."
"Do the others?"
You shook your head, tears starting to fall. "Just you. It's weird, I know-"
"I love it." He breathed out.
Sanji stared up at you, closing the book with care, and setting it to the side. He grabbed your trembling hands, trying to coax you down to his level. You followed, dropping to your knees. 
"It's beautiful love. You've made me look beautiful."
"You are beautiful." You muttered. 
Sanji couldn't take it anymore, he pulled you flush against him. You squeaked, falling into his chest. His arms came up to hug you tightly. 
"I'm the luckiest man in all the seas." He smiled. That managed a laugh out of you. You peeked up at him, eyes wide and cheeks tear-stained. "I was really jealous when I saw you drew everyone else. Don't know how I never caught you drawing me."
"I'm sneaky." You joked, earning a laugh. You snuggled against him. 
"Can I kiss you?"
Your eyes shot back up to him, choking on your own spit, all you could manage was a a strangled, "What?"
"Wanna reward my little artist. So can I kiss you?" Sanji spoke as if he was talking about the weather. You nodded dumbly.
Wasting absolutely no time, Sanji caressed your face, softly. He started softly, before crushing his lips to yours. You squeaked happily, moving to try and get closer. Your lips moved in tandem, sharing kiss after kiss. You felt electricity shudder down your spine, sweet sighs escaping. Sanji felt like he was on cloud nine, committing all of you to memory, tracing your lips as if he needed to map it to mind.
Unfortunately you needed to breathe, and you pulled back, eyes sparkling. You panted lightly, trying desperately to catch your breath. Sanji took in how flushed you look, lips swollen from his attack. You were grinning wildly at him.
"Wow." You breathed. Sanji laughed. "You're really good."
Sanji mulled over your words for a second, before throwing caution to the wind. Fuck it, he got to kiss you, he supposed anything else right now was a bonus. "Am I your good boy?"
What Sanji didn't take into account is how his flirty demeanour can come across as purely teasing. You groaned beneath him. Sanji got his hopes up at the sound. but you pointedly looked away.
"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, it seemed funny at the time."
Sanji's heart fell out of his ass. Ow. But you had kissed him? 
"I'm not?"
"What?" You looked at him inquisitively, taking in how hard he tried to hide his dejection behind that smile. You brightened, the puzzle clicking together. "Wait. You like that?"
"No!" Sanji lied. He didn't like the cheeky grin you were now sporting, it always spelt bad news for him.
"Oho I think you do. That's why you were being weird! You were jealous that I called Luffy a good boy?! I thought it was because I hugged you. You like me, that's so cute."
"You literally have a sketchbook dedicated to me."
You giggled. "No, we're past that. You like being called a good boy?"
"I like being called your good boy." He muttered. You giggled, causing him to further frown. Soon, he felt your soft hands on his cheeks. 
"Ah, you really are so cute. My heart. Kiss me again good boy?"
"Stop teasing me." Sanji pouted, cheeks red. You laughed.
"Nuh-uh! You tease me constantly, I finally have some ammunition of my own! Wait until you have to put up with me calling you pretty boy."
You peppered his face with kisses before finally planting a smooch on his lips. Sanji grinned into the kiss, pulling you further into his lap. You nipped at his lower lip. He obliged, parting his lips for you to attack. Sanji sighed as you thrust your tongue into his mouth. Gods, he could die now and be happy. 
You were in absolute heaven. If you'd known Sanji would be this receptive, you would have kissed him months ago. And his blush? Gods, you could grow addicted to flustering him. Pulling back with a wet smack, you stared down at him, taking in how beautiful he looked under you. With a delicate hand you lightly cradled his chin.
"Would you be a good boy and model for me someday?"
Sanji cocked an eyebrow. "We that far ahead are we?" 
You laughed at his hidden meaning. "I meant just letting me draw you properly, but I wouldn't say no to staring at your naked body."
Sanji blushed, his ears burning and mind racing. He covered it up with a cough. "Are you going to be like that from now on? What happened to my cute little artist?"
Your grin was more of a smirk, Sanji mused. He liked when your mischievous side came out. The idea that this would be a regular occurrence made him dizzy. You kissed his cheek. "Now that I know you like me I have no need to be shy. You're stuck with me."
"And what a shame that is." Sanji smiled, resting his head on your shoulder. You laughed. 
You really could get used to this.
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roseserpentpress · 5 months
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Zosan cat fic anthology (plus the tiger Zoro figure I had just finished making a little while ago!)
Fic links, comments and a photo of my cat below:
Having read a few zosan cat-related fics, I thought it would be really fun to make a small, cat themed zosan anthology, and here it is! To my delight, I found a paw print font (pawprints on defont) but to my annoyance it had no option to have no pawprints on the letters which made it look too busy, nor was there already a version of the font without pawprints, so for the first time I broke out fontforge to make my own version of the font in which I dropped the pawprints. I also drew little cat Zoros and Sanji's for each of the main stories title pages; bookbinding really is a good mash of different hobbies and skills I swear. Also on the mention of other hobbies, I was well pleased that I finished the book and my tiger Zoro figure relatively closely so I could take a photo of them together; here's the post for more photos of the figure and the post for the progress pics!
Also amusingly, when I originally was putting together the anthology, I had not added the second part of stay, and had assumed it would be a somewhat thinner small volume then it is... Which is rather incorrect. I do have to say it's a truly delightful proportion, being this thick and small! I'm also quite pleased at how the cover turned out, with the little gold pawprints. Originally for the title I was going to find a different name and then just went for the one I had originally named the file after, since it's well themed. Wait actually I think I was going to use ships cat and just now realized that... Ooops. Oh well. Also, as a bonus: here's my old cat hanging out on my lap while I was working on the gold foiling!
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Fics include:
Stay by @itsmylifekay (NW, 21.5 k)
Sanji doesn't know what he's done in a past life to deserve this, but somehow when Zoro gets turned into a cat he's the one stuck on babysitting duty. How someone that small can cause so much trouble, he'll never understand.
But even after all the hell he's put through, he still manages to fall in love.
Without Words (NW, 3.8 k)
(stay part ii)
Sanji likes to dote on the people he cares about, likes to express himself fully and without reservation. But sometimes that’s hard to do living on a pirate ship, especially when the person he wants to be affectionate with is a prickly, stubborn asshole of a man.
Or, Zoro gets a bath.
Cat's Cradle by Hazel_Athena (T, 21.5k)
In which a run in with a new Devil Fruit user leaves Sanji with an unexpectedly furry problem.
Ship's Cat by @helloharubo (T, 3k)
The Going Merry has a mouse infestation. Despite Usopp's attempts, Sanji has yet to find a solution to the problem. Enter Zoro, the world's deadliest mouser.
Zoro is the ship's cat and expects rewards.
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justmediocrewriting · 9 months
Hi!!! I just saw your post for requests hehehee could you do a luffy x baker!reader who is sanji’s sister?? How they meet and join his crew and how luffy is in love with the pastries she makes? c: they think she can’t fight/hold up her own but turns out she’s just really lucky in fighting situations, no strategy or strength just 100% panic and luck LOL thank you! c:
A Little Bit Of A Sweet Tooth {m.d.l}
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Summary: Luffy has a major sweet tooth — Sanji’s stingy about food, but he knows someone who would be more than happy to feed him some sweets outside of allotted meal times.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Luffy x fem!reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Requested: ✅
Warnings: minor language
A/n: I think I got a cavity just writing this shit smh. I’m so happy you sent in your request nonnie and I’m sorry it took so long ❤️ I hope you all enjoy!
Your tongue peeked between your lips as you focused intensely on your current task; the icing tube was gripped in your hand with just the perfect amount of force, the lines to the pattern on the cookies simply flawless, as always.
Luffy loved watching you make pastries; you were a lot similar to Sanji when you were in the zone, and your adeptness and attention to detail was rather riveting — not to mention the face you made when you were focused was truly adorable, as was the way you completely lost yourself in the art. Baking was your dream, and every delicious pastry made was simply a stepping stone on your journey (and Luffy loved tasting them and praising you about how good you did, because you would blush so prettily when he did.)
“Are they done yet?” Luffy asked, not unkindly but a bit impatiently, and the small giggle you let out went straight to his chest and wrapped around his heart like a vice. Without pausing your hands you glanced up at him, and Luffy thought his heart would burst with just how cute you looked with your hair tied into a messy bun and your cheeks spotted with bits of yellow icing.
“Not yet, Luffy. I still have to ice them and let them set.” Your voice was incredibly kind and soft, with an exasperated sort of fondness that conveyed just how many times you’d said these exact words in this exact same situation.
“How long will it take?” Luffy asked, shifting slightly in his seat. His eyes were focused on the little bit of icing still stuck to your skin, and he was feeling the overwhelming urge to wipe it off for you. Luffy’d done it many times in the past, usually following it up with a peck to whatever area of your face he’d wiped it from, and it always resulted in you becoming a fumbling, blushing mess.
At first, Sanji was furious about the prospect of you and Luffy engaging in a relationship. Like any typical older brother, he was insanely protective of you, to the point of being a tad overprotective, but with a bit of coaxing and time to adapt to the idea, he became reluctantly accepting of it.
You liked to assume he only relented because he knew there was truly no way that he’d be able to stop it, as you’d once told Luffy.
The attraction you two had had to one another was undeniable from the moment your eyes had met at Baratie; and for Luffy, that first bite of that lovely macaron you’d shyly offered him simply sealed it in stone that he was in love with you. Love at first sight and taste, Luffy liked to say.
It wasn’t just your exceptional baking skills that drew Luffy in; you were also rather adept at fighting. When Arlong and his fishmen had attacked the Baratie, you jumped in with no fear or hesitation — your weapon of choice had been the multitudes of silver ware and platters among the tables, and though your eyes were screwed shut every time you threw one, it seemed to always hit its mark. Luffy knew that you and Sanji were the exact kind of people that he wanted on his crew, so he was all too eager to invite you both. Though most of the reasons he wanted you to join were similar to Sanji’s, there were a few that definitely weren’t similar.
When both you and Sanji had agreed to join the crew, Luffy was absolutely overjoyed — at that point, you two had still been delicately swimming around each other, aware of the spark but too bashful and timid to try to fan the flame. It only took a couple of weeks and many pastry-filled twilight trysts in the galley for you two to give in to the chemistry, ultimately leading up to this point.
“Luffy, I already told you this batch would take about an hour and half. Just be patient.” You sighed, but the smile on your face told Luffy that you weren’t truly irritated with him. Luffy sniffed and slipped from the stool he was occupying to swing around the counter and stand at your side.
“Well, if it’s going to take that long, can I at least try the icing?”
You rolled your eyes and popped out a hip while setting the piping bag down delicately on the counter beside the tray of cookies. You put on your best stern face and pointed a finger at him.
“Last time I let you ‘try the icing’ I didn’t have enough left to finish the rest of the batch.” You reminded him, and Luffy simply smiled at you before slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you just a smidge closer, until there was only about an inch between your bodies. Luffy’s chest swelled at the way your cheeks colored. Luffy widened his eyes in the way you affectionally dubbed as ‘puppy dog eyes’, mostly because he knew they were nearly impossible for you to say no to, but also because he really wanted to try that icing.
By the way your eyes softened and the giant sigh you heaved, Luffy knew he’d won.
“Fine. But just a little bit. And then I expect you to let me finish the cookies, got it?” Luffy could tell you were doing your best to sound stern, but it was hard to take you seriously when you just looked so cute and sexy.
Luffy wasn’t scared to vocalize this opinion of his either, and when you sputtered and grabbed the piping bag, he wasn’t even angry when his little taste ended up being a given with a little extra all over his face.
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velvateen · 7 months
Hi you, I'm writing to you from Belgium! Thank you so much for your work, omg I love your writing so much!!! (you managed to make me get SICK butterflies in my stomach on your fiction "i am your singer" -smut LMAO-)
I'd like to suggest a story idea for zoro, I dreamt about him yesterday and in my dream he always found an excuse to get into the rooms I was in (very often the bathroom… While I was showering of course…) (example: it's dinner time // we're looking for you everywhere, I wanted to make sure you were okay…) Would you be willing to smut this dream into reality? 💚
(of course, it's a proposal, you're free to choose! Thank you so much for reading! 🥰)
don’t bother knocking - zoro x reader nsfw
hiiiii tysm for the request this is lowkey one of my fav pieces for this blog yet lol. enjoy!!
warnings: oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex, fem bodied reader, no pronouns used
1.6k words
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You ran your hands through your hair, making sure all of the soap had been wrung out. Ears blocked by water, you nearly missed the squeak of the door hinge as it opened. Sticking your head out of the shower, you saw Zoro, leaning against the counter.
“Can I help you?” You drew back into the water.
“No,” he hummed, “Just wanted to let you know that dinner’s ready.”
“Alright, yeah, I’ll be out in a minute! Don’t let them all wait up for me, alright?”
He grunted in response, and it took a few more seconds for you to hear the door open and close again.
Weird. Whatever. You stepped out of the shower, spotting wet footprints across the bathmat as you dried yourself off.
Zoro’s been acting this way lately. Always seeming to be where you want to go. Always showing up where you are. You try not to read too much into stuff with Zoro, maybe it’s just his way of trying to be closer friends with you. He’s got so many lofty aspirations that it’s hard for you to justify what your heart wants and what the crew already sees unfolding: Zoro’s got a thing for you. He just doesn’t know how to show it.
You towel off your hair and make your way to the kitchen, where you take your seat next to Zoro. Luffy is lunging for everyone’s plates although they’re all almost done eating, Zoro included. You sigh as you start to eat, relishing in the taste of Sanji’s perfect meal, and you rest your head on your hand as you start to pick at the plate. Distracted by the dinner, you don’t notice how close your arm on the table has gotten to Zoro’s. The heat of the shower is radiating off of your skin and onto his, and the hair on his arms raises. He fights the blush that settles on his ears, making no effort to pull away from your touch.
He stays there long after he’s finished eating.
The knock on your door is most unexpected, at this hour. You get out of your bed, setting down the book you’d been reading, and peek through the sliver of the door. When you see who it is, you open it wider.
“Oh hey, what’s up?” Zoro avoids your gaze a bit. Not completely, just enough to notice. He shrugs.
“Was bored. Mind if I hang out with you?”
You lick your lips. Zoro notices.
“Yeah, come on in, I was just reading,” you back away from the door and fall back into place on your bed. Picking up your book, Zoro sits on the side of your bed.
“What’s this about?” You take the book from him and set it down on your nightstand.
“I don’t really know yet, just started it tonight. But the cover is pretty so that means its gotta be good,” you laugh.
“Pretty sure there’s a phrase advising directly against that way of thinking but whatever,” Zoro mutters. You lean against the headboard as you laugh.
“Right, yeah, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, well I happen to find that is the best method to finding anything good.”
“Is that right?” Zoro inches unperceptively closer to you, the arm bracing himself now over your legs.
“Yeah, that’s right.” Zoro licks his lips. You notice.
“What have you been doing hanging out with me so much? What’s the angle?”
“No angle.”
“No angle?”
“Maybe there’s an angle,” he smiles. His eyes dart down to your lips for a fraction of a second, but long enough to ignite a heat that’s started to burn in your stomach. Maybe, you realize, it’s been burning for a while now.
Zoro’s grown closer to you now, something you both realize. But the realization doesn’t make you pull away, not now that he’s got a hand cupping your jaw and tilting your face as if he’s practiced it a thousand times, just for this. Just for you.
You eyes close slowly as you feel the touch of warm, chapped, rough lips ghost your own. It’s as if he’s afraid to push too hard, to break a spell or scare you off, he touches you so dearly. The kiss deepens slightly, but never in a rough way, no, Zoro’s staked so much on this moment to ever make any motion that might scare you off.
You pull away, a giddy laugh making it’s way past your lips. Zoro searches your eyes for any trace of doubt or unrequited emotion, but he doesn’t find it. And he can’t help but catch that infectious laugh, that smile that cracks across your face with such abandon that it takes all of his efforts to not let it consume the entirety of his soul. It does anyway. You lean back up and let Zoro follow you down to where you sat against the headboard, and he moved to straddle you, running a hand through your hair and gently holding by the roots, committing all of these feelings to memory. He’s waited long enough to feel you, and now that he’s got you in his hands, he wants nothing more than to break down every wall you’ve built around yourself, to touch your skin, to sink into you.
He sinks his teeth, experimentally, into you. Not to damage, but to be able to look back tomorrow at breakfast and know that it wasn’t all a dream. Your fingers make his earrings clink as you run a thumb over them, tugging his ear close to your mouth.
“You wanna?” You whisper, the soft smile you’re wearing evident in your cadence.
“If you’ll let me,” he answers, trying not to give himself away. He does anyways. His hands, antsy to roam, have made their way down to your pajama pants and make a move to tug, but you pull away.
“Me first.”
You move to the floor, and Zoro’s hand flies to your nape, not wanting to lose touch with you for a second. His pants have pooled near you on the floor, and with it come his boxers. You lick your lips. And boy, does he notice.
The grip he has on your hair tightens, but is never harsh. Never with you. Even as your lips and tongue start to envelop and swirl around the tip of his dick. Never harsh. Even when his other hand clenches tightly into the mattress. Even as you take him further, noting every vein present and pulsing under your administrations. Even as he fights the urge to tell you every thought he’s ever had about you. Never harsh. Even when his hand leaves your hair to wipe tears brimming at your eyes, he does it with such tenderness that you start to question if the tears are from the gag at all.
Zoro pulls away from you, clearly a motion of great strain, and he pulls you back up to the bed, where you finally kick off those damn pajama pants. Laying down, Zoro’s eyes ask an unspoken affirmation from you, as his fingers hook around the edges of your underwear. You nod, and the haste of which he pulls them down makes you laugh. His lips are back on yours, tasting your laughter, until he pulls away to cup a hand on your cheek, slipping his thumb into your mouth, greeted by an unexpecting hum. He draws it out of your mouth with a pop, and brings it down to your center, dragging it across your folds, holding you open. You take in a sharp inhale as he rubs his thumb across your clit in circular, steady motions. He smiles, watching as you start to clench around nothing, and all for him. His lips are back on your neck, kissing further down until they ghost over your chest, pause, and continue kissing over the cloth of your shirt. Your back arches towards his warm breath, the fire in your stomach reaching a blaze. Your hands are all over his back as he continues to work you open, steadily puting more pressure on your nerves. You groan at the feeling, impatience starting to wear you down.
Zoro hears the quickening of your breath, and decides to sink a finger into you, working it around to get you adjusted. You huff in exasperation as he pulls away, only long enough to get himself settled towards you. His hand is above your head as he angles himself, dragging his dick along your folds. You groan in unison as you feel each other’s warmth, the culmination of all this waiting paying off after all these years. He sinks in, slightly, not so much to satiate you by any means, no, but it’s enough to get you adjusted.
Zoro takes a deep breath, and lets it go as he slides fully, sheathed impossibly tight within you.
You take a deep breath, and you let it go as you’re filled, depths reached.
With your affirmation, he moves, slowly at first, and then picking up the pace. But never harsh, never abrasive.
Not tonight.
There will be other nights, nights with less on the line, where Zoro will allow himself to tear into you, to deny and restrain you, but not tonight.
Tonight, Zoro focuses on loving you, which comes easily, given that it seems as he was born to do just that.
The warmth of the hot water soothes your legs as you bend down to turn the shower off. The cool air of the night hits you as you step out of the shower, not surprised to see Zoro leaning against the counter. He watches as you wrap the towel around yourself.
“Can I help you?” You muse, tucking the towel in and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He smiles at you, resting his hands on your waist.
“Nope,” he presses a kiss onto your lips, “no angle here.”
a/n: hey everypony mwahahaha almost got carried away w this one it’s like one billion words. anyways school is still kicking my ass. sorry responding to this took so long!! hope everyone has a good day and eats good food! okay bye kitties meow
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mishelkie-art · 3 months
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Hello~ As promised, here are the 2017 versions of my Strawhat mermaid designs in comparison to the 2023/2024 versions. I originally had posted these to a different account, however I haven't posted any art on that blog in a long time, I think maybe since 2017? And now I don't really think of it as an art blog anymore. I originally started this blog so I could post the full and better quality versions of my art that I couldn't on Insta (cuz it SUCKS), but now I think I'll also post new stuff I come up with, instead of Insta being my main. Anyway-
To start with, as I mentioned in my last post, these designs were born from a specific AU in mind. In this AU, there isn't just one kind of merfolk, but merfolk were instead made up of many groups of different kinds of merpeople. Sharks, for example, were their own subgroup. Another example would be a group including aquatic mammals like whales and dolphins, and another group would be crustaceans, ect. I think in my first go at turning the Strawhats in merfolk I limited myself too much, like three of them were sharks and the others were just other kinds of fish. I do like Franky as a lionfish, but I changed him to a humpback whale to showoff more of the differences and similarities between the different kinds of merfolk. Plus, after the timeskip I think he's now canonically the slowest member of the crew, so making him a large animal that's been known to protect other species of animals from orcas seemed fitting, ya know?
With brook, he straight up was just some random fish that I really can't remember the name of, and I'm happy that this time around I did more research and found an animal that fits the spooky nature of his devil fruit. Overall, I think everyone got a glow up, but out of all of them I think Zoro's my favorite. I hate how I gave him that serious broody expression when it doesn't suit our beloved himbo idiot at all lol I feel the new version can be intimidating still, but also comes across as softer thanks to the colored lines and use of pinks and soft red. I don't know what I was thinking making Sanji primarily yellow, like his Wano outfit looks good but yellow is mainly his Germa color 😭 2nd time around I made him blue for his All Blue, and I wasn't sure if it came through, but I tried to curl and color his tail fins to make them look like crashing waves.
Unfortunately, at the time I drew these Jinbei wasn't an "official" member of the crew, so I hadn't thought to draw him. Also, I feel that I mistyped in the last post in regards to Vivi, by "original design", I was referring to the CANON design, not a previous design that I had come up with 😓
But yeah, I can't believe it's been seven years since I drew the first versions of these designs, I swtg ever since 2020 the years have just been blurring together lol
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tootiecakes234 · 9 months
Your birthday with Sanji Vinsmoke (as always just a tad smutty):
You’re waking up to the most elaborate breakfast in bed. He’s got a full spread, it’s set out all aesthetically pleasing with flowers. (Whatever the two of you don’t finish Luffy will happily finish)
After you get done, you find that this man has bought you an entire birthday outfit for you to wear. Even has a little crown so no one can miss it.
Takes you shopping to start off your day. You look at anything more than 5 seconds, he’s buying it for you.
After dropping your stuff back off, he’s fitting in a quickie because is it really your birthday, if he doesn’t fill you with your favorite gift.
Makes the entire group buy you a gift. He’s been telling them all week so no one has an excuse. (Luffy and Zoro still forget and he cusses them both out)
The girls have girl time planned (on Sanjis dime) for you guys to get your hair done, get massages, and nail care.
While you guys are doing that he’s gotta a whole party/feast planned. He’s prepping and using the guys to get everything together.
When you get back there are lights streamed everywhere, balloons and decorations.
I Headcanon that he’s very artistic and as your birthday gift he gives you a huge portrait he drew of the two of you where he’s staring at you while you’ve got this huge smile on your face and he hangs it in your room.
You guys party and dance and have a great time that night. You’re all drinking and you of course get a little tipsy.
He also makes a toast in your honor that has your already tipsy self streaming tears cuz it’s so sweet.
After you start to get tired Sanji sweeps you up and carries you off to bed. Give you a nice deep bath and makes sure you’re all comfy for bed.
Sleeping is not the main objective tho. The slow and sweet love making this man gives you is earth shattering. The entire crew knows how good of a night the two of your really had.
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1000sunnygo · 2 months
Hi, I'm the asker with the SJ magazines. I do have those bonus pages! I uploaded them here (tinyurl/3w5ssa3b) & on imgur (/a/EUYFaMt). They're part of a bonus segment included in the volumes - I wrote about it on the wiki (/One_Piece_School#Bartolomeo's_New_Wo_Student_List), but it's pretty short since I can't read it. And no need to force yourself for other chapters! I'm happy for anything OP to be translated, no matter the amount. Similarly, would you want any future Law/School stuff?
😭😭😭😭 THANK YOU!!!!
woah these are some great details??
Longpost ahead, here's a summary of Bartolomeo's New World Middle investigation notes!
SH and friends' favorite school subjects
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Luffy and Zoro: Physical education
Nami: Science, Maths, Geography
Sanji: Physical education, Home economics
Usopp: Art
Chopper: Science (Health)
Robin: History, Linguistics
Franky: Chemistry, Engineering
Brook: Music
Vivi: Japanese language and literature
Coby: (Currently improving in) all subjects
(Buggy is mad about not being included ha)
Classroom Layout
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The four free seats are for students who randomly join from other grades and classes (ie. Hancock). Upper left features a special corner for Uta to join virtually. (She can also sit beside everyone randomly and make friends, as shown at the bottom)
Yamato is contemplating about where to seat after transferring to NW Middle, Luffy says "come join us ASAP and let's have fun at school!*
Luffy senpai's relationship chart
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Other than ones I've previously translated, here are the rest:
Luffy -> Barto: "Do you know me?"
Croc -> Luffy: "I can take you on a great adventure. So come to my side."
Luffy -> Croc: "You come to MY class! (?)"
Kaido -> Luffy: "I'll push you down the pits of hell."
Luffy -> "Try me whenever you want!"
Kaido -> Yamato: "Become Oni Middle's representative!"
Yamato -> Kaido: "I've joined Straw hat Luffy's class!"
Yamato -> Luffy: "I'll stop Oni Middle and then get to your class!"
Luffy -> Yamato: "I'll wait for you in the class!"
Luffy -> Sabo: "A really kind big brother!"
Sabo -> Luffy: "Take good care of your friends!"
Ace -> Sabo: "You coddle Luffy too much, man!"
Sabo -> Ace: "And you worry about Luffy just as much, don't you?"
Luffy -> Ace: "Ace is strong!"
Ace -> Luffy: "Huff.. what a high maintenance little brother!"
Lucci -> Luffy: Don't violate school rules!
Luffy -> What is 'school rules'?
Smoker -> Luffy: "All you do is stir more trouble!"
Luffy -> Smoker: "I enjoy the school more than anyone!"
Garp -> Luffy: "I trained your ass off to make you a strong teacher!"
Luffy -> Garp: "I don't wanna be a teacher!"
Luffy -> Aokiji: "He's a cool teacher! Probably!"
Aokiji -> Luffy: "Well.. try to get along with everyone, would you.."
Backpack Sneak peek
Doing the entire page for this one.
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Uniforms, emblems
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NWS has relaxed rulings on uniforms. Boys are allowed to wear whichever shirt they want under their gakuran, girls can choose the color of their scarves. Teachers have their uniform too but Aokiji (probably all teachers) don't really care.
The section below are rejected school emblems proposed by students. Aokiji was lazily okaying all of them but Smoker kept him in line lol
Luffy's Design
Luffy: The meat turned out lookin' really tasty, right?
Coby: Isn't it an assortment of Luffy san's treasures?
Usopp's Design (the Kanji says "New")
Usopp: Well, this is how it'll turn out if it's Me to decide.
Nami: Great drawing but too self-assertive!
Robin's Design (She wrote "New" and drew a world. Perfect)
Chopper: Scary! What's this? Why a face??
Robin: It's cuter like that.
Chatroom photos
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Lowkey contemplating about lettering all of them but I think I've kept the ask hanging long enough 🙈 These are adorable!
Lack of source has always been frustrating, but I don't think Law has a lot of extra contents to miss out on 😩 If I find something I'd like to source-check, I'll make sure to knock you, so thanks again! ❤️❤️
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sleepyhead0720 · 1 year
May I request a one-shot with Luffy or Ace where Reader is painting a big portrait of them looking really cool?
Sure! I hope you enjoy<3 (you didn’t specify a lot so I added a couple things! Hope you don’t mind<3)
Woah…that looks like ME!
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The crew just returned from a rather peaceful island, it was very calm to take a break and relax and not have to worry about the navy being after your boyfriend
During the small break though, you discovered that you enjoyed drawing! And we’re quite good at it too!
More specifically you liked drawing living things, you had been practicing all month, even after you guys departed from that island
You were planning on painting a portrait of luffy! You didn’t know why you wanted to, there wasn’t any special occasion aside from you wanting to see a big smile on your boyfriends face once you show him the portrait
It was meant to be a surprise for him till the it was ready. But of course, things didn’t go as plannned
You huffed and placed the painting brush down
You were almost done with the portrait, you just needed a a little more shad and it would look better
Maybe the next island will have more painting supplies
You didn’t really have to worry on leaving the portrait unintended since luffy was busy bothering Sanji for food and once you arrive to the next island, he would immediately get off the ship in search for food or something
You started packing your stuff up and put a black blanket over the painting
Once you put all the stuff away, you headed to the front deck to see if any island was in view
“Usopp! Is there anything yet?”
“Yes! It’s still far away but I can still see it, it’ll take a couple hours before we reach it”
He gave you a thumbs up
You smiled and headed to the kitchen expecting luffy to be there trying to eat everything in sight
“Y/n-san! What brings you here? Are you hungry?”
You turned to Sanji was already getting ready to cook something for you
“Yea kind of, where’s Luffy? I thought he was here?”
You started to panic a little considering you haven’t seen him at all
Sanji tilted his head
“I thought he was with you? He did say he was going to look for you,”
You panicked
What if he snuck into the room?
“Uh I gotta go really quick!”
You speed walked outside and started heading towards your room
As you got closer, you heard sounds inside as if something was moving there
You really hoped is was some sorts of animal and not luffy
As you peeked you head you saw luffy fidgeting with one of your paint brushes
He jumped and turned towards you
“Why are you snooping through my stuff??”
You crossed your arms while glaring at him slightly
“This is your stuff?”
He said bringing up one of your big paint brushes up to his face eyeing it curiously, he then starting brushing his face with it
“Y/n how come it’s so dirty? Is your face THAT dirty?”
You sighed
“No Luffy, it’s not makeup! And even if it was you don’t use it like that,”
You grabbed it and started organizing your stuff
“Is this yours too?”
You were too busy organizing your stuff to notice Luffy approaching your portrait,
But when you did, it was too late
“Woah…That looks like ME!”
He said yelling excitedly pointing at himself and back at the painting
You sighed
“That IS you lu,”
As you started to pick the blanket up, he smiled eyed the painting in awe
It was him standing on top of a rock admiring the sunset, behind him was his straw hat flowing gently behind his back.
“Woah! I look so cool!! Where’d you buy this y/n? It looks straight out of the museum thingy’s!”
He turned towards you, you smiled at his excitement
“I didn’t, I drew it myself, it’s still not done and I was planning on giving to you once it was done,”
“Wait… YOU DID THIS??”
You nodded to which he grinned wildly
“It looks so cool!! Could you do one where me and you are fighting? Or maybe e two of us eating!! Could you, could you???”
He basically lunged at you with excitement raiding off him
You chuckled at his childish behavior
“Sure lu, but it takes a lot of time and I’m not even done with that one,”
He looked confused at your words
“What do you mean? It looks perfect to me!”
The both of you turned towards the portrait for different reasons
Luff because he was trying to find any imperfections
You because you tried to see all the flaws in it
“Well first of all-“
You cut yourself off, even if you did explain you doubted he would understand at all so you just said,
“I want to add more details,”
He still liked confused but accepted your answer
“Well ok! But you ARE doing more right??”
You smiled at him
“Of course Lu,”
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sanzuballs · 2 years
theyre the type tooo… || part 2!
ft. monster trio + law
hello babygirls. i love doing hcs and u guys KNOW u love it so YEAHH. i just got done w all one piece dubbed episodes and im thinking abt rewatching one piece like a loser smh. mostly fluffy ☺️
zoro would be the type of guy just to literally act nonchalant but he cant keep the cool guy act up.
“isnt this outfit just so cute?!” you chirped at him. it wasnt your usual outfit, it was much more revealing.
“mhm.” he said, barely looking over his shoulder then quickly going back to what he was doing.
then when you guys went out he would not shut up.
“arent you cold?” he’d ask. “take my jacket.” he’d demand. “i swear those guys were staring at you, hard.” he swore. he almost diced up a guy that he ASSUMED to cat called you.
not the type to call you “woman” and be a sex god that wants to do anal.
sanji would be the type of guy to give you a nice massage.
“are you okay my sweet?” his head popped up when you let out a long sigh. “cmere.”
“im okay, just tense.” you gave him a weak smile.
“get on your stomach, let me help you.” he demanded you do it. “let me put some of my strength to use.”
after he drew hearts on your back and massaged it until you fell asleep, he gave you a kiss on the forehead and tucked you in and you two cuddled. that was probably the best nights’ sleep youve had in years.
not the type to sexually harrass you every single second and make you insecure.
luffy would be the type of guy to suck at aftercare until…. yikes btw if ur man dont do aftercare, leave dat hoe
“okay, y/n. that was good, huh? well that took alot of energy i need some meat!!” luffy put his hands on his hips and started out.
“luffy.. please..” you mummered out, for gods sake you were definitely fucked out, luffy never goes easy on you.
“hm? ya’ say something?” he turns around and meets with your teary eyes. “y/n?! whats wrong, you hurt??”
“no, i just want you to stay with me after we’ve been intimate, its called aftercare.” luffys expression softens into a sad one. he hates how he was the source of your discomfort. from then on, he never left your side after sex, even if he was starving.
no offense yall but luffy is not the type of man to share you with zoro and sanji like willingly.
law is the type of guy to want you on his lap so bad but never would admit it.
“law, ya’ busy?” you poke your head into his office, finding him sitting and studying a book.
“no, need anything?” he glances over to you.
“just wanna sit and spent time with you.” you shrug as you sit on a small desk next to his stacks of medical books.
“well okay, how about you sit somewhere else?” he perks up a eyebrow.
“law, where?” you were starting to get really confused with his actions. “ooohhh i get it, you want me on your lap, huh?” you finally noticed it, the way he made room for you to sit on his lap, the way his chair was pushed back, his book going to one hand, and the manspread he did.
“what?? no, i just didnt want you… knocking down… the-“ his stupid angry stammering was cut off by you sitting on his lap.
you felt his arm wrap around you as you snuggled into the crook of his neck.
“yeah, that hits the spot.” he gives you a kiss on the back of your neck.
would not be a completely different big huge cutie softie for u. sry. hes law.
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turtletaubwrites · 10 months
It Was Still True ~ Part 16
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader
This is part 16 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Word Count: 4680
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (this part can be found in Ch. 6 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
Summary: Three little words run through your head all day. They might be driving you crazy.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Fem!Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff, Teasing, Pet Names, Dom Zoro, Soft Zoro, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Penis in Vagina Sex, Biting, Light BDSM, Orgasm Delay, Relationship Discussions, Relationship Drama, Alcohol (reader drinks and gets a bit tipsy), Polyamory, Porn with Feelings, Condoms, Insecurity, Aftercare
A/N: The last chapter was so self indulgent, and I was stoked that so many people enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy this one too, our swordsman is a confusing lil guy sometimes. 💚
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“I love you, YN.”
Heat flooded through your chest, spreading down your arms and fingers until you shivered. Sanji’s eyes held you captive with the weight of his words.
The words almost rolled right off your tongue. Until Zoro’s face floated through your mind. 
You pushed the thought aside, breathing in this moment, and melting into Sanji’s eyes.
Sanji, who would give you everything. Who’s shown you he can listen to your needs, and share his own with you. Sanji, this incredible, sweet, sexy man that drives you wild. 
It almost felt like too soon to declare it, but it was still true. You smiled as he watched you, patient and soft. 
“I love you too, Sanji.”
Sanji smiled, his lips quivering slightly before he kissed you, and that made you love him more. 
Bodies still wrecked from the pleasure you’d torn from each other tonight, you just stayed there for a while. Just tracing fingers along each other's bodies, luxuriating in slow kisses, whispering those three words over and over. 
Sanji’s voice was still whispering in your ear when you fell asleep in his arms. 
Sanji had woken you early, and you whined to pull him back to bed. 
“Come, my dear. I’ve got to start breakfast, and you’ll have time for a shower. I probably didn’t clean all of my mess off of you last night, but I don’t mind the thought of you cover-”
Throwing a pillow at him, you crawled out of bed, only for his arms to pull you into the air, holding your close.
“I love you, darling.”
Sanji’s face was way too bright for this early in the morning, but you wanted to eat him up. 
“I love you too, Sanji.”
Enjoying the feel of his lips on yours, your mind tensed as he set you down.
“What’s wrong, my sweet?”
You cringed, already hating the words before you let them out.
“I have a really terrible request, Sanji. Do you think we could keep this to ourselves for a little while?”
You felt sick at the hurt in his eyes, and reached for his hands.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean that because of how I feel about you at all, Sanji. I’m so happy, and proud to be in love with you.”
Sanji’s eyes softened again, but he kept his gaze wary, waiting. 
“I was just hoping for a little time before… before Zoro finds out.”
Sanji sucked his teeth as he took in a breath, looking to the ceiling before meeting your gaze again. 
“I'm sorry, my love. Are you asking me to keep the fact that I love you hidden so that barbaric swordsman doesn’t fly off the handle again?”
“No- fuck. No, I'm sorry. I know that’s awful. I shouldn’t have asked that. I just… I don’t feel up for another heavy day so soon.”
Sanji sighed, pulling you against him to kiss the top of your head. 
“Okay, darling. You know I'd do anything for you.”
You squeezed him tight, feeling so safe in his arms. 
“How about when I call you ‘angel,’ you’ll know I'm telling you ‘I love you.” 
Grinning, you pulled away enough to look into his face.
 “And when I say ‘thank you, Sanji,’ you’ll know I love you back.”
“Mm, my angel,” he purred as he drew in close.
“Thank you, Sanji,” you whispered on his lips before another perfect kiss. 
“And by the way, Sanji, I hope you have a wonderful date with Robin tonight.”
Sanji’s eyes practically popped out of his head, as if he’d forgotten. But you couldn’t believe for a second that your love cook could have forgotten a date with any woman. 
You felt so light as you laughed your way out of his quarters, those three words still buzzing along your skin. 
Breakfast was lovely as usual, and Sanji was calling you ‘angel’ so much that even Chopper was concerned.
“Did you hit your head, Sanji?”
“Thank you, Sanji,” you laughed as he brought you another coffee.
“You’re welcome, angel,” Sanji declared, making most of the crew groan. 
Zoro had kept his arm around you throughout breakfast, and wrapped his arm around your waist as you left the galley. 
“Hey Zoro, I’m going to run with Nami, but I’ll meet you for training after.” 
He pushed you gently against the wall, caging you in as he stared at you, his dark eyes moving over your face. 
“Do you want a break today, or can I stay with you tonight?”
Smiling, you reached out to touch his hips. 
“Stay with me tonight, babe.”
“Isn’t there another name you can call me,” he grumbled, shaking his head at you. 
“Are you ever going to stop calling me ‘Needy?”
Zoro narrowed his eyes at you.
“That’s what I thought, babe.”
He made you pay for that in training later. 
“Ow, fuck,” you hissed as you shook your wrist, your tonfa flying out of your grip from his hit.
“You keep over-extending your-”
“Mosshead, if you hurt her-”
Sanji had hurried over at your hiss, cigarette half spent while his eyes narrowed at Zoro.
“Shut up, cook, she’s not a baby. Even though she’s as needy as one.”
He’d turned back to make a face at you, and you tried and failed to hit him with your remaining tonfa while he blocked. 
“I’m serious, Marimo, you need to watch your strength. I don’t trust that you have enough brains in that green head of yours to remember that you’re training, not fighting my angel.”
You mouthed your ‘thank you, Sanji’ while Zoro rounded on him. 
“My girl doesn’t need some perv breathing down her neck all the time.”
Sanji was smiling at you now, eyes soft and almost heart shaped, and he didn’t respond to Zoro.
“Did you hear me, pervert? My girl doesn't need you babying her.”
You grinned at your boys, actually agreeing with Zoro this time. 
“Don’t baby her, just don’t leave her bruised and limping because you can’t control your own strength.”
“Oh, I’m gonna leave her bruised and limping tonight, cook, and she’s gonna fucking beg me for it.”
As fun as this was to watch, you wanted to stop them before another brawl started. You already saw Chopper and Usopp inching closer to watch, Chopper failing at hiding again. 
Zoro’s fists clenched around his tonfa, while Sanji took a long drag off of his dwindling cigarette. 
You decided to test out the move you hadn’t been able to land yet. Gripping your tonfa so that the length of it aligned under your forearm, and the shorter end jutted out past your fist. You punched it forward, hitting Zoro in the ribs, enjoying his grunt of pain a bit too much as he staggered. 
“Sorry, babe, was training over?”
You waved at Sanji, watching him shake his head, looking to the sky before walking away. 
While Zoro looked up at you with your death in his eyes. 
“Oh, you’re just asking for it now, aren’t ya?”
After dinner you smiled as you kissed Robin and Sanji on the cheek before leaving them alone in the kitchen for their first date, shivering at the thought of them enjoying each other. 
Zoro had waited for you in the hall, and held out his hand for you. He often seemed so awkward, so demanding, so forced with his affection, like he doesn’t know how it works.
Except for those sweet vulnerable moments he lets out sometimes. 
Heart speeding through you, you let his hand envelope yours. 
“Where are we…”
Zoro was leading you out on deck instead of to your quarters, and you weren’t up for fucking so out in the open tonight. 
Zoro led you to the crow’s nest, and you smirked, remembering the last time he brought you there. 
I guess this isn’t too out in the open.
With your back against the railing, you enjoyed the show of Zoro finding a good spot to lay his swords before plopping down across from you. He pulled out a flask, and you grinned.
“How did you sneak that out of the kitchen?”
“I could have taken- … Nami got it for me.”
“Ha, how much do you owe her for that?”
“Don’t remind me,” he groaned before taking a sip, and handing it to you.
The whiskey seemed to burn more coming out of the metal flask, and you swallowed it down. Zoro smirked at your eyes as you blinked against the almost tears from the sting of it.
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything, Needy.”
You tapped his leg with your foot, scowling at his smug face. 
“So why the crow’s nest?”
Zoro’s eyes went wide as he took another swig. 
“No reason…”
Frowning, you reached out to grab the flask out of his hands, watching his eyes darting away from yours.
“Zoro, what’s going on?”
He snagged it back from you before you had taken a drink.
What’s wrong with him?
He blew out a long breath, blowing the heat of the whiskey away before speaking. He still couldn’t quite meet your eyes. 
“I didn’t think you’d wanna hear…”
Zoro rubbed his fingers through his short hair, almost leeched of green from the moonlight. You stared at him for a long moment before you put it together.
“You don’t want me to hear their date.”
It was hard to tell, but you could have sworn Zoro’s skin flushed. 
“That’s really sweet, Zoro.”
Zoro kept his head tilted down as he looked at you, his brows furrowed. 
What a cute, ridiculous man.
As you moved toward him, Zoro’s eyes stayed guarded. You crawled onto his lap, straddling him, before digging your own fingers into his hair. 
“Thank you for caring about my feelings, Zoro.”
You said it sweetly, inches from his face, but you couldn’t keep a slight tease out of your voice. 
“Shut up, Needy.”
His voice was low, serious, but his lips twitched up. 
Tingles ran through you, and you melted against him, hugging your grumpy swordsman. The arm that wasn’t holding the flask wrapped around you, pulling you even closer. 
This is nice.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that. Eventually, you slid off, curling against his side as you stole the flask from his hand.
Blowing out the burn, you kept your voice light as you asked your question.
“So, babe, how am I doing in training?”
He scoffed, but smirked down at you. 
“You keep over-extending your-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m working on that. But what else?”
He paused, looking out to the stars before squeezing your shoulder.
“You’re doing good, Needy. But you’ve just gotten started. You won’t be ready for a fight anytime soon.”
Taking a deep breath, you knew he was telling the truth.
“Thank you for training me.”
“Anything to get you to shut up for a bit.”
Gasping in outrage, you pulled back from him as he chuckled. You started punching his chest and stomach, hearing a low grunt as you must have hit the ribs you’d hit in training earlier.
Then he was on top of you, pinning your wrists onto the wooden floor of the crow’s nest so fast, you’d hardly seen him move.
The length of his body was pinning yours too, and your heart was in your throat when you saw the dangerous look in his eyes.  
“I knew you were asking for it.”
His lips crashed into yours, and your back arched against the wood. He’d trapped you so easily, and your body was already begging for him to take what he wanted. 
He pulled back just enough for you to see his evil smirk as he breathed his taunt against your skin. 
“Anything to shut my needy girl up.”
Now you squirmed, your useless retorts muffled as his tongue invaded your mouth again. It didn’t take long for your outrage to turn to whines when he rutted against you, letting you feel the hard length of him against your thigh. 
“You gonna be good, and stay quiet for me?”
Nodding, you were panting, already lost in him.
Zoro tore his shirt off, and you fought to keep quiet as he grabbed your arms. Wrapping his shirt around your wrists, he pulled tight, trapping you again. Zoro gave a satisfied hum as your body started reacting to his restraint, trying to grind against him. 
He pushed your shirt up just enough to expose your bra, reaching his hands in to massage your breasts. He pinched one of your nipples, and you let out a moan. Pinching harder, he growled in your face.
“What did you just promise me, Needy?”
“I-I’ll stay quiet.”
“So you can listen, huh, baby? Who's in charge right now?”
“You’re in charge, Z-Zoro.”
“Good girl,” he teased along your ear before tearing you out of your pants. 
You were gasping and twitching with need, trying so hard to be quiet. The way Zoro looked at you when he was like this made you feral, made you want to be whatever he needed.
He’d left your panties on as he knelt between your legs, looking down at the desperate state he’d already put you in. 
“Let’s see if you’re needy enough for me yet.”
Zoro brought his strong hand to your center, palming it over your panties. He gave a sharp intake of breath at the wetness seeping through and around the flimsy fabric. 
“You want me to fuck you so bad, don’t you?”
Nodding, you fought to keep your eyes on him.
“I’ll give you what you need.”
Zoro wrapped his hand around your panties, knuckles rubbing along your clit as he twisted into the fabric. You had a second to try to argue, but you were too late as Zoro pulled his fist back, forcefully tearing the panties off your body. 
You’d bitten your lip not to scream, and you shook at the sting the ripped fabric had left along your hips. He leaned over you, dangling the shredded panties in front of your face. 
“Good job, Needy. Now keep staying quiet, or I’m gonna shove these down your throat.”
Whimpering softly, you felt tears stinging your eyes. A tiny part of you felt like you should be mad, but the rest of you was twitching, tingling for him. Letting him take you over felt so freeing, so intense, so fucking hot. 
Your bound hands rested on your stomach while you watched Zoro move around you. He bundled your pants and his under your head and shoulders, and your mouth fell open at the sight of his long cock, standing straight and ready for you. 
“Look at you, so fucking desperate for my cock.”
You whimpered, wanting to argue, but too far gone to try. 
His teasing laugh made you shiver as he laid on his stomach, spreading your thighs almost too wide in front of his smug face. 
“How about this, Needy? You can make noise, but only if you’re begging for me. How does that sound?”
Nodding eagerly, your breath was ragged.
Zoro dove into you, growling against your aching pussy while you bucked, and bit your tongue. You tried to find a part of you to reach with your bound hands so you could scratch nails into your skin to keep you grounded, but you were shaking too much. 
Zoro shoved his tongue into you, making you writhe, before licking long stripes along your folds. When he reached your clit, he didn’t give you a moment to breathe before attacking, circling, and sucking it into his mouth, laughing as he did. Pathetic whines were escaping your throat, and hot tears fell from your eyes as Zoro shoved two fingers into you. 
He pulled back while those fingers did their work, adding a thumb to your clit while he watched you fall apart. 
“Do you want me to leave you bruised and limping tonight, Needy?”
He laughed as your pussy clenched around his fingers. 
You were fighting to keep your eyes on Zoro as he built that warmth and pressure within you. 
“Are you gonna beg me to leave you bruised and limping?”
Zoro’s fingers and thumb froze, and you let out a choked sob at how close you were, right on that edge. You whined, trying to grind against his hand. 
“What did I say about noise,” he said, voice harsh as he started to pull his fingers away.
“Z-Zoro, please. I’m begging you.”
“Begging me for what, Needy?”
“P-Please, leave me… bruised and li-limping, Zoro.”
“Mm, I love when you ask for it, baby.”
Zoro’s fingers resumed their attack, pulling you so close. He gave you an evil smile before kissing and licking high on your inner thigh, close to where his hands were working, making you shiver. 
That pressure was building, and just as it was crashing through you, Zoro bit down on your thigh, clenching your skin between his dangerous teeth while your tortured cunt clenched his fingers so tight. 
Lifting your wrists to your face, you bit into his shirt, muffling your screams into the restraint. 
You bucked against him while the pleasure and pain tore through you, but all that did was make his teeth tug at you, clamped onto you like a dog with a bone. 
“Please, Zoro, it’s too-”
He released you, rubbing his hands across your legs and arms. Shivering, you were completely limp, still twitching from the intense orgasm. 
You opened your eyes to find him leaning over your face.
“You okay, Needy?”
“I think so,” you choked with a hoarse laugh.
He sat back on his heels, keeping a hand gently touching your leg. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“N-No, Zoro, I’m okay. That was just a lot.”
Frowning, he reached for your wrists, starting to tug at his shirt. You pulled your hands away, still weak. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m helping you get dressed.”
You tried to sit up, but failed with your wrists bound. Sighing, you looked at your surly swordsman. 
“Zoro, I’m okay, and I don’t want to stop. We can talk about ways for me to tell you it’s too much later.”
He kept his frown, and you didn’t want that look on his face right now. 
“Zoro, I told you I’m okay. And now I’m begging you to fuck me. Please.”
His eyes widened, pupils dilating. But he stayed rigid. 
“Wasn’t I so good for you, baby? Please let me feel your cock inside me, Zoro. I need-”
You melted into his rough kiss, arching your back as his hands roamed your body.
You whined as he pulled away, but your breath hitched as you watched him roll a condom down his swollen shaft. 
“I love it when you beg for me.”
Your eyes rolled back as Zoro got closer. You expected him to just take you, but he knelt between your legs looking down at the bite he’d given you. 
“Needy, tell me which way hurts less, alright?”
Fighting your grin at how cute he was, you couldn’t tell which position he moved your legs into had irritated the already tender flesh more. 
He ended up straddling your other leg, while holding the bitten leg up toward you, gripping behind the knee. You could still feel the sting, but you were alright with it, and didn’t want him to stop again. He got me good. 
Zoro leaned down to kiss you, and you hummed in surprise at his soft touches. He left a trail of kisses down your jaw and neck before guiding himself to your entrance. 
The velvet feel of his cock pushing into you so slowly had you writhing, already moaning his name. He kept one hand pressing your leg toward you, and used his free hand to grab the shirt around your wrists, trapping them above your head. 
His thrusts were slow at first, but deep. He was tilting his hips up at the end to hit so far, kissing that delicious bundle of nerves inside you. Your hips twitched on their own, dancing to meet him. 
You fought not to look away as he kept his gaze on you.
“Yeah, Needy,” he breathed, slowly picking up his pace.
“I need you.”
His eyes closed for a moment, brows tensing just slightly, and you started to moan as his thrusts increased. 
We’ve already been saying it, haven’t we?
Writhing under his hold as he started to slam into you, you had to bite your lip not to scream his name, feeling fresh tears form at the thought of what his words meant.
“I need you too, baby.”
You barely heard it as he gave you all of him, sending you screaming. He let your hands go to cover your mouth, eyes still trained on your face. 
You shattered around him, milking his cock as waves of heat poured through you. Tears kept streaming from you while he fucked you through your climax. He chased his own while you rode the waves. 
The feel of Zoro’s cock twitching and coming inside you made you sob against his hand.
Zoro moaned your name so softly, and it made you clench around his still pulsing cock, making him gasp. 
You were weak, barely moving as he pulled away from you to clean up. 
A blanket fell over you, tickling your naked skin, bringing a gasp to your lips. 
“Where did you get this? You weren’t carrying it when we came up here?”
“I brought it up before dinner.”
You didn’t know why you found that so sweet, but you felt a cheesy smile on your face as he joined you under the blanket. Sharing the pile of clothes for a pillow, you ran your fingers along his distracting chest as you watched the stars. 
The quiet left you with roiling thoughts. Zoro had one arm around you, and brought his free hand to grasp yours as it trailed on his chest. You jumped when his hand met yours, the gentle touch sending shocks through you.
“You okay, Needy?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you breathed, your heart in your throat.
Zoro brought your fingers to his lips in a soft kiss before resting his hand on yours again.
Do I love him? Should I tell him? What if it freaks him out? How long have I known? Does he love me? Would he ever tell me? 
Instead of a lovely afterglow under the stars, your body was wound tight with the chaos of your realization, and what to do about it, if anything.
How did I not realize it before? I’ve been feeling this for a while. 
But he keeps blowing up. Maybe I don’t feel safe enough to tell him?
But it was still true. 
“Yeah, uh huh?”
“Will you hand me the flask?”
The laugh that left your lips seemed to loosen all that tightness. You pulled yourself up to grab the flask, sitting next to Zoro as he sat up against the railing. 
He shifted his body so he could look at you while he took a swig, then handed it to you. 
With all the thoughts in your head making your breath catch, you were grateful for a little liquid courage. 
I can’t tell him yet though, can I? What if he wants to say it first? What if he doesn’t feel it?
You took a second swig while he tilted his head at you.
“You sure you’re okay, Needy?”
“Yup, I’m good!”
Fighting not to cringe at the squeak in your voice, you handed the flask back. 
Settling your shoulder along the railing, you pulled the blanket higher, and looked at your boyfriend. Your strong, gorgeous, and often emotionally inept boyfriend that makes you feel so intensely. Big highs, big lows, and such overwhelming freedom when he controlled your body. 
His lip twitched when he saw you shiver at the thought. 
“Are you cold, or are you already needy for my cock again?”
You stuck your tongue out at his tease, and your breath caught at the grin that broke across his face. He laughed, deep and free, and his dark eyes sparkled as he watched you. 
“Zoro, I…”
“What’s up, Needy?”
You couldn’t get it out, not yet. It was so close. You grabbed another swig, noticing the flask was getting lighter. 
Zoro leaned over, taking it out of your hands and setting it aside. His eyes poured over you, and he lifted a hand to your face. You felt dizzy. How much did I drink?
“Come here.”
He pulled you to him, wrapping his warm arms around you while he leaned back, looking out at the stars again. 
“Why do you wanna learn how to fight?”
“I, uh…”
You gripped your fingers against his side, pulling yourself into his warmth while you tried to think of anything besides those words. The burn of alcohol had loosened you up, and at least these were words you didn’t have to fight to hold back. 
“I want to help protect our crew. I want to be able to protect myself so that none of you get hurt protecting me. I want to be strong, so I can stay on this ship, and follow my dream. I don’t think I can make it on the Grand Line if I don’t know how to fight, Zoro. And I want to stay here, with all of you.”
“You didn’t have to give me a whole speech.”
“Fuck you, Zoro.”
You tickled him, apologizing after poking his sore ribs again. 
“I want you to stay here too, Needy.”
I’m going to die waiting like this. 
“Why do you want me to stay?”
“Why do ya think?”
I’m going to go insane.
To keep from squealing, you opened your mouth and did something you’d been aching to do. You bit down on his beautiful chest, taking the thick muscle into your mouth, and you knew the sound he made would be a treasured memory for the rest of your life.
“Gah, what the fuck, Needy?”
He’d jolted away from you as he yelped, and his wide eyes took in your flushed skin and your smirk. You shrugged, not sure if you could say any more tonight without exploding. 
“Alright, lightweight. No more booze for you.”
Giggling, you settled back down against him. He gave you a glare before you laid on his chest, but soon you felt his light snores rumble against you. 
How can he fall asleep so fast?
Soon your thoughts returned, running in more circles, until you let yourself settle on something.
I’ll just wait a little longer. If I just figured it out, it might take him a while. And I don’t want to push him too fast. 
That decision didn’t feel satisfying, but it brought some calm. You thought of all you’d been through together, as crewmates, and lovers. The way he’d been looking at you lately, the way he said he wants you so bad it hurts, that he wants you all the time, that he needs you. That he wants you to need him too. 
You felt your lips quiver as you tightened your grip on him, breathing in his scent.
But your eyes pricked as you thought of how hard things could be. How you were so hyper aware of what might set him off. That you’d asked Sanji to hold his feelings in to keep Zoro from reacting badly. 
You’d told yourself so many times that you wouldn’t live like that, worried about his every reaction. You knew he’d need to share his feelings, communicate his needs. 
But it’s better, it’s been better. 
It’s been less than a week. 
You knew he was trying, but you remembered his comment about Robin yesterday. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, you wished you could just pass out anywhere like he could. 
You didn’t want to live in fear of his reactions. But you wanted to be with him while he figures this out. While he tries. 
And all the good, and all the bad didn’t change the fact that it was still true. 
I love him.
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Part 16.5 ~ Lucky Boy: Sanji & Robin's Date
Part 17
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia
A/N: Fret not! I will be posting Sanji and Robin's date as a one shot soon! How are we feeling about our grumpy green haired guy?
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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akwolfgrl · 29 days
Drowned song 6
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Zoro stared up at the moon above, his horns and back resting against the wood of the crows nest. He heard the porthole to the men's bunk room open. The familiar scent of the new cook grated his nose, and he recognized the tobacco and sea scent. The blonde's scent was both enticing and dangerous, and zoro couldn't explain why. He peered over the edge of the crows nest, Sanji stood on the railing of the Merry in his swim trunks and a bag. Zoro watched as he dived into the water. He could have swore he saw a fin disappear in the water. He counted to watch the water waiting for a blond head to resurface, but just like Arlong Park, that never happened. Then Zoro could hear singing. The sound was filled with joy. He was pretty sure it was coming from the sea.
Zoro climbed down the ladder and stood next to the neat stack of clothes the cook had placed on the deck before diving into the dark, still waters below. He could pasintet, if he hadn't seen him stay under far longer than a human should Zoro would have dived in after him, after all he didn't want to hear his Luffy's whines at losing a chef.
He didn't know how long he stood and watched he saw ripples upon the surface of the water as a blonde head breached the still waters. He drew his sword as the other began to climb up the rope ladder. He had a bulging bag at his side. Sanji looked up at him, his bangs plaster to his forehead, scales dotted along his cheeks, Zoro watched as they faded away. He pointed his sword at the other man.
“What are you?”
“Do you really want to have this conversation here?” Sanji asked, raising one curled eyebrow. Zoro didn't answer and wasn't about to just let a potential enemy aboard the ship. “Fine so be it,” Zoro shuddered as he headed a familiar voice warp around his scenes. This song wasn't the same as the last two times. He rested the urge to put his sword away, it was hard, so fucking hard. His muscles shook and strained as he fought with himself. The song only became louder the harder he fought until he dropped his arm, his sword still in his hand. The song was still there, it was much quieter but it wasn't over yet. “Come on Zoro, just let me on board, I'll answer your questions then,”
Zoro reluctantly took a step back. The relief he felt was a rush that made me feel dizzy and good. He took another step, just feel it again. Zoro gripped his sword tighter and didn't take another step.
“Tell me! I know you're not human!” Zoro yelled at the blonde, still clinging to the rope ladder.
“Your one talk!” Sanji shouted back at him. “Unless those horns are just for decoration!”
“This isn't about me! It's about you being a potential danger to the crew,”
He watched as Sanji raised his visible curly brow. “Really? Zoro, if I wanted everyone dead, I would have done so already! I would have let Luffy drown more than once! I would have Lured your whole crew to the depths below while you all slept,” the blond shighed. “This is a fucking weird plase to have this discussion,”
“Fine, let whatever it is you're doing stop,”
“If you don't point your sword at me again I will,”
“Deal,” the music stopped filling his ears, a part of him missed it. Zoro stepped the rest of the way back, allowing the other on board. He watched impatiently as Sanji dried off and got dressed. His long hair hugged his body in wavy dripping curls, the blonde took a lighter, a cigarette, and a hair tie out of suit pocket. With a small click, he lit the cigarette he placed in his mouth and put the lighter away, and tied his hair back. Zoro took the time to notice a small bag sitting on the railing. “What's in the bag?”
“Hmm? Oh that's some sea urchins I found, come on let's have this talk in the galley so can put them away,” Zoro reluctantly followed him into the galley, he watched as Sanji puttered around in the kitchen. Before sitting down with two cups and a bottle of wine. “Sit, I won't bite,” Zoro took a seat across from Sanji as he poured the wine.
“Well? What are you?” Zoro asked as he took the wine offered. He tiped the glass back and swallowed a glup. It wasn't bad, not what he preferred, but it still had a nice flavor it was fruity but not sweet.
“I'm a siren,”
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Trafalgar D. Law NSFW Alphabet
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Black Fem Reader in Mind
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Law is a clean guy, he would prefer to take a bath/shower almost immediately after sex and then cuddle because he hates to sit in fluids for too long, but some nights he does get a bit rougher with you so a few back rubs and soft kisses for a moment before he bathes you. He always ask “Was I okay?” , “Did I go too hard?”, “I didn’t hurt you did I?” It’s very sweet seeing how soft he gets after sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Just like Sanji he loves his hands, he is aware of the use they have and he actually likes how much you love them too
He is a sucker for thighs, he doesn’t know what it is but the way they shake when you walk, run, or even from being under him he can’t help but subtly bite his lip smirking
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Once again. Very clean guy and he practices safe sex almost always unless you pretty much BEG for him to make a mess inside you. He came on your face once and he will never admit it but it was one of the hottest things he has ever seen.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants you to play with yourself as he works/study in his office. You came in to bother him, but he kept ignoring you. Eventually you said, “Fine. I’ll just lay on your couch and fuck myself then.” He never turned around so quickly after hearing you fake moan. He is embarrassed to even think about the possibility of you even trying it and more embarrassed that he hopes you do. Law obviously doesn’t know how to approach you about the situation so sometimes he tries to “trick” you into doing it by saying “Then go ahead and do it.” But you never do
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Okay so I do believe Law has had sex at least once, but it had to have been with someone he was close to. He isn’t really a one night stand kinda guy. But he is also a doctor and he has read about how to please a woman, G-spots, etc, so even if he was a virgin you probably wouldn’t have guessed
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Side ways sex is a personal favorite, he swears he feels more of you. He loves when you look back at him to tongue kiss him, his tatted hand grips your thighs as he thrust up into you. It’s usually initiated when you’re laying on your side and he slides behind you and starts kissing your ear.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He takes sex pretty serious. It’s not like you can’t goof off with him but it’s purely on accident sometimes. It’s usually you who initiates the goofy side during foreplay and he makes a snarky remark back but once you both start going at it it’s no more joking purely romantic.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He has a happy trail and it’s actually pretty well trimmed and very attractive for some reason. You see it peak when he stretches and his shirt lifts.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If you ask he can be very romantic, he is still very stoic, but behind that attitude he is a blushing mess hoping you enjoy the roses he gives you and the candles around the bubble bath he drew for you. He’ll hold you in the bath while you play with his fingers. Law will kiss your forehead and knuckles silently appreciating you as you talk your head off to him that’ll eventually lead to tub sex
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Not a lot actually. If you’re not around or if he doesn’t want to bother you he will take a shower and do one. Either than that he didn’t do it much before or after getting with you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
BDSM: If you want, he really wants to tie you down, seeing you squirm and not have much control like pushing his head back or moving away really is something he thinks about doing to you when you act like a brat sometimes. He is even willing to let you tie his wrist ONCE ever BLUE MOON though.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Does not EVER want to get caught. Either the bedroom, bathroom, or no where. The thought alone makes him cringe.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It’s so hard to tell with this man, because it depends on his mood. But so far what always gets him to crack just a little no matter how stressed he is is when you walk around in his shirt and nothing else. When he is sitting at his desk and you walk in to sit beside him. He will glance at your thighs, contemplating on touching them, he always ends up doing so, but if he takes too long to decide you can take his hand and do it for him. Works like a charm.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t like being teased around a lot of people, it’s okay if you do it where he knows nobody can see or hear what you said but he has a strict not getting seen rule so if you break it he gets mad. Like not in a “Oh imma get you back for it later” more in a “Do not fucking do that again” and doesn’t talk to you for a week type of mad.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Fingers and tongue works magic man. He doesn’t mind eating you out, but he never offers it. You however. Are his little toy. Law will work your mouth and throat OUT if you’re not careful. Face fucking is something he loves doing as well.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and deep strokes are his thing. Not even in a sensual way but in a way where he wants you to feel every vein, ridge and curve he has. Each time he snaps his hips into you he looks at your face and he how knocks the wind out of you each time. He usually does that when he is holding your ankles to his chest
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Can love with or without ‘em. He has done it a few times before leaving the ship or when everybody was distracted and you were needy, but he doesn’t mind waiting for actual sex
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
The most he will experiment is with toys and probably roleplay . you have offered a doctor patient roleplay idea to him and it was a big turn on so probably like once a month or so you both do a “Routine Check Up”
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
From Foreplay until you both finish it last about 30 minutes. He knows where your G-Spot is EXACTLY so foreplay never lasts too long. If you both were riled up from events that day it may last an hour with small breaks in between
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
As for now a vibrator and handcuffs. He likes using them both on you at the same time.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
You stress this man out like Luffy so of course he gets his revenge and uses his own DF to tease you across the room. Some days though he’ll make you wear vibrating panties with a remote just to really torture you. Sometimes you’ll look over at him, knees buckling and he will smirk and wink back before walking away
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Groaner, but only in your ear. The only way to get a lot of noise out of him is If you’re riding him. He just can’t take your body on top of him and starts to curse and moan your name slightly trying to fight from cumming too fast.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He can speak fluent Spanish and knows ASL. He taught you some ASL words so you both can communicate from afar. It’s really attractive.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Another grower not a shower: 4 on soft and 6 half on hard. It’s slightly thicker than usual with two veins on the side. Otis not the prettiest, but it does it’s job.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Was never high to begin with but it rose a bit when he got with you. On a non busy week you guys have sex about 2-3 times a week, but on a regular week probably once with a quickie or two depending how much time you guys have.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
After a bath and clean sheets he holds you very similar to how he holds Bepo. Law doesn’t fall asleep quite easily but he still holds you from the back with his head buried in your hair/neck. His eyes are closed but if you’re talking to him he responds.
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beanie-baby-echo · 5 months
Straw Hat Pirates as Caregivers
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hi i finished watching Live Action One Piece a little while ago and i think the Straw Hat crew would be such good cgs so i wanted to make lil headcanons about that
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Luffy feels like a big brother cg to me, full of fun and goofing off. i also think he'd do things just to try to make you laugh. your laugh is his favorite sound, and he just loves seeing you happy!
he'd be very physically affectionate, if you were ok with that, always giving you big bear hugs and holding your hand. he loves physical affection, so even if you're more touch averse, i think he'd often want to be nearby anyway, just cuz he loves being close to his crew.
i feel like he would let you pull his arms or fingers and watch them stretch, i feel like that would be weirdly satisfying to watch, like one of those stretch armstrong toys haha. (maybe that's just me, but the way he moves in the show looks so satisfying and i think it'd be cool to just watch him stretch like that)
he would love running around and playing, games like tag are an absolute win. even just being outside and enjoy the fresh air is his favorite way to spend time together. you'd spend so much time on the deck together, whether you're running around or just sitting and watching the ocean.
he would be more reserved as a cg than the other Straw Hats, but he would still care for his little one in more subtle ways.
he would be very protective over you, and always standing close by in case you need him. he wouldn't be super obvious about it, but just knowing that he's there and he's got your back is enough of a comfort.
i feel like Zoro is the type of cg to let you interlock pinkies with him when you're feeling nervous or really tiny. just small, subtle gestures like that to show he's got you.
more affectionate when you're alone, i think. doing little things to make you smile. teasing you gently. he'll be more subtle about it around others, but the second you're alone he feels more comfortable to be goofy with you, i think.
i think Nami would be a very gentle cg. she strikes me as like firm but kind, where she'd have a few rules to keep her little one safe, but would be gentle about enforcing them, you know? especially if you're really small, i think she would realize and be really gentle with you. she just wants to make sure you're safe and happy.
she would peel tangerines for you. 100%. anytime you want a snack, she's already started to peel a tangerine. she'd even teach you how to make pinwheels and other things out of the peels. and i think she would ask you to help her take care of the tangerine trees.
i think that her cartographer skills mean she'd also be a good artist! she'd draw pictures with you, and even draw colouring pages for you to fill in!
she would keep everything you drew for her and she'd display it proudly around the ship. she'd give you so many compliments on how beautiful your art is and how talented you are.
Usopp is such a storyteller cg. he'd constantly be making up stories to wow you. if you were feeling upset or scared, he'd come up with a comforting story to distract you.
he'd be a very enthusiastic cg. he'd be so excited to see any pictures you draw or hear any stories you come up with. he'd give you so much praise and loads of compliments.
he'd learn the names of all your stuffies (if they have names), and he'd even make up little stories involving them going on grand adventures. i also think he'd love playing pretend! you and Usopp and your toys would go on so many adventures together (and Luffy would often get involved, too)
he would teach you how to use his slingshot, trying his best to make sure no one gets hurt. he'd set up little targets for you to shoot at!
he would cook you the best meals. anything your little heart desires is yours. and the presentation would be so cute too! he'd make the food look so pretty, just for you.
he would make you snacks whenever you're feeling peckish, even if it's just cutting up some fruits or veggies. he can't have his little one trying to cut their own snacks and accidentally hurting themself! but if you asked, he'd definitely love for you to help him cook! he'd teach you how to make little meals and he'd help you prepare them, and he'd show you how to stay safe in the kitchen.
he's definitely the type of cg to absolutely love nicknames! he would call his kiddo so many cute nicknames, and would absolutely melt if they called him a nickname like papa or daddy or something.
he would give you so many compliments. he'd always be telling you how cute, sweet, precious you are. especially if you're feeling down or kinda bad about yourself, he'd always reassure you and tell you how wonderful you are. i think words of affirmation are absolutely one of the ways he shows his love.
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