#i know i know sjksj
lonestardust · 2 years
happy lone star day everybody, happy first tarlos tuesday of season 4, rejoice in chaos, have all the fun and let all the new hotness begin!!!!!
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l3viat8an · 4 months
Omg so imagine you are sitting on the couch with the bros and all of the sudden you feel it. That clot means it's shark week for you. Panicking you sit up can check your spot, yep it's blood.
Lucifer sees first and is immediately in protect mode. The human is bleeding! Why? Are they hurt? Is this an attack? What's going on?
Beel smells the air and connects what he's seeing with the blood on the couch, now he thinks you're dying and he starts to yell in panic
Now everybody is on your ass, asking questions about what's wrong. You try to walk off but Satan is determined to know what getting on with you as well as all the brothers.
So now you're here Asmo and Mammon crying that you're gonna die. Satan is trying to put his human anatomy books to good use. Lucifer has Solomon on the phone. Belphine is actually awake and Beel and Levi are having an anxiety attack.
Finally being able to escape walk out of the conversation you change and pop in or put on a tampon/pad. As you walk back down there are even more people, now you have to explain the concept of a period to not just seven demons but, nine demons and four angels
Great 🫠
Ooooh so we’re going the full dramatic route!!!- I mean crying and panic attacks over a lil blood??? c’mon now boys sjksjs
Although humans are far weaker then demons- if you got a paper cut in front of them they’d probably act like you’re dying too lolol
I’d like to think Solomon just laughs and hangs up on Lucifer, simple as that. Solomon knows you’re not dying and this is something you’d be better at explaining anyway.
Actually getting the demons and angels to relax long enough for you to explain that it’s perfectly normal and not a big deal is another matter all together-
You’ll have to hope Satan’s anatomy book is actually up to date and show them all on paper how it’s perfectly normal. Most guys are visual learners- so thank goodness for Satan’s book!!!- jsksjksha
Belphie’s the first one to actually listen and fully understand you’re not dying. (and you’ll have to keep reassuring the others you’re not dying the whole time you explain.) over the dramatics, crying ‘n the endless question it’s going to take awhile-
But when they do calm down they’ll all start worrying about how you feel and asking if they can at least get you something so you’ll be more comfortable!! Beel’s vv worried about the cravings for chocolate you mentioned- jkjk (Now that they know you’re not gonna die it’s time for them to fuss over you the right way )
Extra/side note; I honestly don’t think Asmo would be freaking out. As the avatar of lust it’s kinda part of his job to know about stuff like that. So he could potentially help you explain or he’ll stand there laughing his ass off because everybody else is so worked up over something that’s completely natural for some humans. jsksjskjs
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kanhapriya · 1 year
You're the cutest and sweetest lil sakhi I've got, you know?!
I didn't see this before!??!?! Why?!?!?
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tazzy-ace · 1 month
For the AU askgame: DMBJ + Guardian Horror Movie AU
Hi there ask from my favorite chief that was almost a year ago o/ jsksjksks After this long and scrolling through my blog to find the original post to figure out what this was about I'm here to answer! 😅
The rules for this ask was give 5 facts... but as you'll see I got a little carried away. Enjoy!
I did look up the tropes of Horror characters because I've honestly only watched a handful of horror movies but I know enough from pop culture to be ready to answer this sjksj My just being bad at names meant I needed help from the internet
Horror Movie AU w/ DMBJ + Guardian
Okay first let's start with the cast:
Obviously got to have Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei, and Wu Xie Pangzi and Xiaoge (I've got special plans for him 😉) Lin Jing and Liu Sang would be interesting in this settle, especially keeping the fake monk being a monk and Liu Sang having enhanced senses. As much as I would love to have my beloved cat and Chu Shuzhi or Xiao Guo, I've gotta focus in otherwise this would become so much more jsksjksjs
The Plot Hook
When a group of tomb raiders are caught by authorities as they are leaving a tomb, they think that will be the worst of it, until members of their team are slowly being killed or going missing. They are forced to team up in order to make it out alive. Is it man or monster? Living or dead? The group must find answers before there's no one left.
Character tropes/Roles
Zhao Yunlan - The competent fighter/cop, he's trained for taking down killers and bring justice to those that have been wronged. He's there for a purpose and is always motivated to keep moving forward without giving up hope
Shen Wei - The smart one/competent fighter, combines with facts told by other characters to piece things together and actually figure out who the killer is/why
Wu Xie - The final "girl", destined to be the last survivor as he eventually realizes that he's not being targeted the way the others are
Pangzi - The character that sacrifices himself to protect/safe his friends, he would never let his friend's be hurt if he could do something about it (maybe in the sequel it's revealed he didn't actually die bc I couldn't bear to keep this man dead)
Lin Jing - The one trying to guide through the problem and understanding the deeper thing going on
Liu Sang - The one able to warn when danger grows near, as the plot continues he struggles more and more to tell when something is about to happen until he's too late to save himself
Xiaoge - The corrupted killer, maybe a tomb curse or the effects of the Zhang family trying to bring back their perfect immortal head of the family under their control (Do I love the friends fighting against each other against their will/one refusing to hurt the other in a fight? yes, yes I do)
The Resolution
With the combined intelligence and competence, the group is able to figure out the identity of the killer and the effects that Xiaoge is under to do such things. It's a struggle with losses, Pangzi dying (or maybe not quite and he comes back later) to protect Wu Xie to get back to Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan with important information and Liu Sang being eventually bested by the man he always looked up to and unable to bear raising a hand to his Ouixang. Lin Jing has a close call, almost dying after being attacked but manages to make it out alive. Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei, and Wu Xie end up even closer bonded and Wu Xie ends up joining in their task force (SID equivalent in this AU) to follow the captured Xiaoge, hoping to be part of the solution of helping his friend through the effects that drove him to doing all of this and believing Pangzi dead and burying Liu Sang.
Could totally have a reboot/sequel with Pangzi coming back for revenge or something. Jksjksjs this escalated, but enjoy this full Horror AU breakdown! 😁 Thanks for the ask, chief o/
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andrewjostn · 5 years
Ash: Okay, the door is guarded by the mob. You wanna figure out our plan?
Kit: Already did. Mommy's gonna talk her way in.
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apricote · 3 years
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imagine if actual farmers would take care of their animals dressed up like this.
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zaraegis · 4 years
You seem pretty familiar with Shotcut. I've been shopping around for free editors and have heard nothing but good things about it aside from it's apparent tendency to crash. Just how much of an issue has this been for you, if I may ask?
I believe when my fairly middling laptop had only 4gb of ram when i had stuff running and worked on heavy editing (multiple files, longer times, more overlays) every so often doing an edit that would affect the whole thing it would freeze and if i was lucky save or close immediately.
I’d save constantly but it was a fairly predictable thing I believe? busy files makes for longer loading /saving times etc-
i’ve added more ram though to my laptop and that hasn’t happened at all since then so it might be up to your specific setup?
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mnygs · 5 years
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another bias and bias-wrecker selfie tag!! thank u so much for tagging me @hoseokin ❤
namjoon has entered my official bias wrecker list so that's an update JSKSJ
i'm tagging @hobifuljoon @honeylovecult @yoonseok @softjeon @mmmikrokosmos @knjspjm @captiveshadows @vincentaegoghs @hoseoknysus
i'm sorry if you got already tagged and I tagged you again! Also, if you don't want to do it, it's definitely okay! 😊 Sending love to you all!!! 💜💜💜
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rainbowbeanstyles · 3 years
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mitskiacoustic · 3 years
gsjshdj i have too much manifesting powers i need to be more careful
yes you should be more careful 😳
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honeysofte-archieve · 4 years
it's already 12pm and i haven't started my sdv adventures yet. i miss dollie.........
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mithrilhearts · 2 years
hi!! i totally get your frustration with reposting as a creator myself, just had a quick q if that's alright? :) idk if this is dumb sjksjs but you know how tumblr has the option to search for random gifs that have been made by other users to be added to your posts, is this considered a repost? the gifs are credited and you get an notification if someone used it but i was just wondering how ppl in general feel about it? ty for your time <3
Hey anon, this is absolutely not dumb at ALL!!
When you use Tumblr's search feature that is NOT reposting because the creator gets credit, it goes back to whoever made it etc. I can't speak for others, but I am more than happy to see the notifications that people have used my gifs this way! It even gives me a little jolt of happiness and draws my attention to whatever post they're throwing into the world!
What I don't like is when people will save an image off of google/pinterest/tumblr that they did not make, and use it as part of another gifset with other creators' works, imagines, etc.
I want to say that's the general feeling about it :)
I know I've also had people come to me in the past and ask to use my gifs (and credit me with a proper @ tag) as well, which may not get my OG post notes or anything, but at least they are acknowledging me as the creator and have asked my permission to use something.
I hope this helps!! <3 Thank you for asking!!
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angelguk · 2 years
i know so many jjker being glad that it wasn't jk sjksj y'all just jinxing it i fear
i saw that too but lol i think most r just joking
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pocketabed · 3 years
Did you know you can subscribe to posts
i did but ive never used it sjksj
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apricote · 3 years
me reading this and knowing they have a child together
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sjksj YEAH, bo and sylvia's relationship was very on the whim and impulsive at first. :") it didn't mean to happen in the first place tbh but i ended up liking them together a lot so she stayed with him. rip sylvia, i miss you every day.
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skyfulloflarry · 3 years
1, 12, 23, 32, and 71!
Hii thank you 💖
1. What’s the best song from Up All Night?
Moments 🥺
12. Which one of the boys would you go get a tattoo with?
Harry or Louis! I’m really scared of getting a tattoo and I’m sure they would calm me down or they would make me laugh so that I would forget about it
23. Who of the boys makes you cry the most?
Harry. I cry when I listen to his songs, I cry when I look at pictures of him with long hair, I cry because I miss him. In conclusion: he makes me cry every day of my life
32. Which 1D or solo album has the biggest summer vibes?
Fine Line!
71. Which 1D music video would you want the boys to recreate now?
I don’t know why but Best song ever is the first one that came into my mind sjksj I guess it would be fun ahah
100 One Direction questions to waste your time on!
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