#i know in such a small fandom you can't really be picky but come on guys
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
I was struck by an idea for an au. So this would be similar to thw warprize!Hob au's, but a little different.
So Dream is a prince in some kingdom and he's recently came of age (I'm going with old laws and going to say 21 here) and because he's come of age, he's allowed a concubine of his choosing. Dream being Dream, he's very picky.
But one day a bunch of revolutionaries are brought in and tried in front of the entire royal family for treason after an assassination attempt on the king, queen, and crown prince (Destiny) while they were on a trip of some sort.
Hob is looked to as one of the leaders of this revolution, with him being very action oriented, practical, and friendly. But because he's one of the leaders, he's one of the first to be tried. And the moment Dream lays eyes on him, he knows he must have Hob.
It takes a bit of convincing (and Dream owes Death a favor for her part in convincing their parents) but Dream manages to get the king and queen to spare Hob's life in order to have him serve Dream.
Hob is very confused by all this, but as the rest of him companions were sentenced to death, he's not exactly complaining too much. As much as he'd love to die for his cause, he firmly believes that living for it is a lot more productive way to go about things. And he's not entirely opposed either, of course it might not be an ideal situation but he's not opposed to being Dream's concubine. He finds Dream very attractive and he might be a little more into the fact that he's going to spend the forseeable future being dommed by a man about 10 years younger than him than he's ready to admit.
When Dream first interacts with Hob, Hob is surprised to find that his first concern is that Hob is okay with this arrangement (which Hob answers with a shrug "beats the hell outa rotting to maggots in the ground"). For all Dream appears to be no better than his parents (and some of his siblings), he's very gentle with Hob and is always making sure that Hob is getting something out of their arrangement (lets switch up a common trope in this fandom and let Hob be a bit of a pillow princess here)
As time goes on, Dream and Hob become closer and more like friends than master and servant. For some angst, maybe there could be a whole scene where Hob is like, "I think I know why you spared my life, it's not cause you wanted a concubine. You were looking for companionship. I think you're lonely" and of course Dream blows up and runs off but then comes back quite soon because Hob isn't wrong and doing anything to prove that Hob's wrong would basically sentence him to death and Dream really doesn't want that, so he comes back and admits that yeah, they're friends now, but that they can't go telling people that.
Anyway, but cause they're friends, Dream spends quite a lot of time around Hob and Hob tells him about their attempted revolution and why they did it and all that and eventually gets Dream over to his side. It really wasn't that hard because Dream knows that his parents are pieces of shit. As Hob and Dream spend more time around each other, they fall in love but have to try to keep it a secret as best as possible (not from Death though, she supports them) and they also have to deal with all sorts of things like people saying that Hob is manipulating Dream and all that. Maybe those rumors also make Hob really upset and so Dream has to reassure him that he won't let anyone take Hob away from him because Hob was "manipulating" Dream. Excellent opportunity for a very possessive Dream to remind Hob just who he belongs to.
At some point Dream (and so Hob as well) is given leave by his parents to go live somewhere else and while he's there, he and Hob may or may not start raising a revolution of their own, this time because it's backed by a prince and his own small army, it gets a lot more support from people who are tired of the tyrants in charge. They end up overthrowing Dream's parents and both Destiny and Death agree to step down (neither wanted the throne anyway). Then together, Dream and Hob establish a government that's a lot more democratic and fair (I'd go into details, but I'm tired and thinking up a whole ass plan for a government takes more energy than I have right now) and they also make it so that they can legally get married and then there's a wedding and they live happily ever after
I love this idea for an intriguing, slowburn fic!! They're fucking the whole time, as they slowly become allies and then friends and finally admit that they're in love... as if it wasn't obvious by the way they hold hands as Dream gives Hob the most amazing series of orgasms he's ever had in his life. Hob loves being dommed by his Prince and Dream loves having that element of control, because the rest of his life is so carefully orchestrated by his family or advisers.
Hob honestly saves Dream, and although he thought the revolution was a bust and has completely failed, the ideals that he and his fellow plotters had espoused are actually coming true? Both for Dream (free of his parents control, able to live as he pleases) and for the rest of the country. Hob really can't believe that he's actually managed to have an impact on the fate of the country and make a difference! That was all he ever wanted!
The best part is that they can be properly public about their love for each other, and Hob can still get to be a lil pillow princess! Dream is his husband now and they probably both deserve a nice long honeymoon tbh!
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elvisabutler · 1 year
would you consider doing a professor presley request on the first night belle slept over? her insecurities making sure he really wants her there, she isn’t taking up space and him needing her to be there in the morning, holding on tight all night and that one little scene where she goes up to go pee and he times her. i love them so much
lover, be good to me
summary: your first official night staying over at graceland as professor's presley's girlfriend manages to go far better than you think it will minus a small hiccup. fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: t just for a brief implication of sexual activities pairing: professor! elvis presley ( big daddy flavor ) x student! female reader word count: 1219 warnings: big daddy elvis. elvis using a walking stick/cane. student and professor relationship ( everyone is of legal age ). use of the nickname belle for the reader. brief mention of past traumatic experiences with past partners. brief mention of imagined violence toward intimate partners. brief concerns about being abandoned. author’s note: so i almost made this not just pure fluff. thought briefly about adding a little bit of smut to it before i decided against it mostly because it felt like that wasn't the point of it. that it really needed to just be the pair of them. once again, this is part of the professor presley universe, see the tag for all the parts and such and never worry about sending me stuff about them because i love them and these two are so near and dear to my heart. picture austin as elvis or elvis, i'm not picky even though i know i see real elvis more. also if you want to be on my taglist for anything, click here and fill the form out. responses are anonymous when it comes to me getting your email, obviously i'll know the tumblr name though.
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You know better. You both actually should know better if you honestly think about everything for too long. After everything the two of you have gone through you honestly shouldn't be moving this fast. You've been burned enough times and he's old enough that you both should know better. The two of you shouldn't be wrapping yourselves tighter and tighter around one another as the hours go by. Perhaps though, perhaps you always were wrapped around one another. Perhaps from the moment you sat in his class the two of you caused what would be just a flicker of light- an ember of desire from afar turn into a roaring fire of something akin to love. Who were you kidding, there was nothing akin to about your love for him and his love for you. Nothing small and reserved about how you worried about him and how you both fit so naturally against one another. Almost as if you were made to find each other at this moment in time and no other.
It's only been a week since you had broken down in Elvis's office. A week of bliss between you going to your classes and him teaching his own. A week of bliss that you didn't dare ruin by asking or agreeing to spend the night with Elvis because you know what would happen. Old habits die hard even when presented with such love it threatens to choke you from the sheer intensity of it. Old habits die hard and you're so terrified of waking up to Elvis regretting everything and kicking you out. He wouldn't hurt you but when you sleep sometimes an image of him using his substantial bulk and weight against you, dragging you out of bed, smacking you with his cane until you left comes to unbidden. It terrifies you.
It's Noelle who finally tells you to just try one night with him. One night where you don't leave out of fear of a wake up call he's unlikely to give. You almost tell her you refuse to, that you'll go on doing this stupid little dance where you love him and show him affection and would do anything for him but where you refuse to even consider sleeping at his house overnight. Except after she tells you to try he asks over lunch with such an expectant look that you can't help but say yes. You can't help but feel warm from the inside out as he grins at you and looks like he wants to pick you up and twirl you, his leg be damned.
There's something different about purposefully falling asleep next to him though. Something different about curling up next to him as he reads, his glasses perched on his nose and hushing you when you tell him that it seems a little too dark in the room. You distract him enough that his book is forgotten no more than ten minutes later and you find that both of you are a little sweaty as you lay your head down on his chest, hand playing with his chest hair almost rhythmically until you doze off to the sounds of his snores.
His grip on you is tight, his hand cupping your hip in a way that you're not too sure if his fingers are going to leave bruises. It would be disconcerting when anyone else does it but it soothes something inside your chest. It soothes that angry and scared monster beneath your breast that snarls that he doesn't want you here- not really- and that you're going to need to leave soon before he kicks you out. It soothes the smaller voice inside your head that tells you that you're making him uncomfortable laying on his chest like this. That you're the reason for his snoring and that you should detangle yourself from him before he detangles himself from you. His grip on your hip and the way his arm fills around you and the way his body heat is right next to you has everything quieting down and narrowing your thoughts to just the two of you.
Well. The two of you and how much you kind of need to use the bathroom. You're loathe to leave him but you know better than to try and sleep when you need to go like this. It's a recipe for having to wake up at best ten minutes after you fall back asleep. A pillow is unoccupied behind you and you shimmy just a little to grab it, noting how Elvis shifts in his sleep a little, his grip tightening as he growls in his sleep. Your heart twists at the knowledge that he's going to likely realize you're trying to get up and think maybe you're leaving again when nothing could be farther than the truth. Nothing could be farther than the truth because all you want to do is just stay curled up against him, listening to his heart beat only for you in this moment.
It takes longer than it should to detangle yourself and replace your body with the pillow but when you finally slide off the bed you let out a sigh of relief and start to tiptoe to the bathroom when you hear a sleep addled voice that you realize you want to hear every night for the rest of your life- though perhaps not sounding so hurt.
"Where ya goin', Belle?" He asks, his sleepy eyes somehow still betraying quite a bit of anger.
Your answer is briefly caught in your throat as you frown. "I have to use the bathroom. I'm not- I'm just going to the bathroom."
His arm tightens around the pillow as he stares you down and frowns. "Wait til mornin'."
It almost sounds like a plea, like he doesn't trust that you're going to come back. That his body that's already trying to pull him back into the land of dreams and if he shuts his eyes you'll leave him just like you did that one night. Your chest feels tight just thinking about it as you move close to cup his face, watching as he nuzzles his cheek into your hand.
"I'll be back in a minute, Elvis. I promise. I'm not," you start before bending down to kiss him and place a hand on his chest, "going to leave you. Your heartbeat's lulled me to sleep so well. I've been in such a deep sleep."
His own eyes are starting to shut again, something about your touch comforting him but he can't help the next words that slip from his mouth even if he doesn't mean them. "I'm timin' ya."
"I better get going then, shouldn't i?" You retort, continuing your tiptoe to the bathroom finally and taking less time than you ever think you have in there before coming back out to the pillow where it should be and his arms open for you to burrow back into them. His breathing's evened back out but you can't help but kiss his chest where his heart would be even as your hand moves to play with his chest once more before you fall asleep. As you're dozing off you say three little words.
"I love you."
You swear he says the words back even as he sleeps.
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis if you don't want to be tagged for this series, tell me, i mostly just went through my elvis presley taglist answers and went from there. also if i missed you in this tagging and your name doesn't look like everyone else's welcome to the horror of being one of those people who tumblr won't let me tag.
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charrfie · 3 months
howdy laika! for that ask game, spamton with 17, 22, 23, 24?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
See this is a tricky question bc I wouldn't say I truly LIKE any spamton ships really; they all don't work for me for one reason or another. But I'm fine with seeing some* of them regardless because I do view a majority of them as having been a part of his history? Like him and swatch for example. I do not enjoy that ship or actively take part in it but do I think there was something going on there during spamtons big shot years??? Yeah. Do I have a problem with anyone that does enjoy it? No. Kind of a non-answer but it's the best I've got
* = "Some" excluding any addison ships (bc I personally view them as siblings) and also ones that aren't morally gross, obviously
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
OH BOY AM I A FIC READER. For the past month or so as my hyperfixation on spam has ramped up in severity again I've been trying to read every spamton centric fic that's ever been written and wow has it been a journey. So as for what I like!! The easiest answer to this is probably just the general statement of "when people write him how he is in canon." It's surprisingly rare to see him written in such a manner but is always a nice surprise when he is. Not only do I say this in relation to his character as a whole, but his speech patterns too! Which- admittedly- are extremely difficult to get the hang of! So I understand if people aren't super well versed in it and can't write him accurately in that manner. But it's my favorite thing ever when people do.
As for the second part of this question, I think the most glaring thing I hate when it comes to fics about him is just how often he's infantilized. It's SHOCKING how often it happens. Sure sure, he can be silly no doubt about it, but he's a grown man in his 40s and has experienced so much awful shit. Can we knock it off with treating him like he's a newborn or is stupid?? In the same breadth is when people make him excessively kind or sweet right off the bat... like is he not kind of an asshole??? I think its perfectly fine to embrace that fact; him being morally gray adds SO much to his character! Dare I say a lot of people who enjoy his character wouldn't have been intrigued by him without it, so I don't know why that element of his character is so often neglected. Same with his small moments of kindness/humanity; they wouldn't hit as hard if he was like that the whole time. Idk. I'm kind of picky about writing and literature so I have a lot to say sorry lol
23. Favorite picture of this character?
If we're talking about canon art of him only then I will forever be thinking about this gif of him. It makes me crazy. Same with this drawing toby did of him, you people have no idea the damage it does to me
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If fan works are included... then this piece by @fatspamton is my absolute favorite picture of spamton EVER and it has been for the longest time, no question about it. It's exactly how I see him in my head and he looks so charming in it T_T <3 All of this artists spamton art (and other art/music too!!) is absolutely worth looking at if you ask me; the way he draws spam is unbelievably perfect, I think about all of its works of him very often :"^]
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours reminds you of them?
Going to be honest I've been stumped on this one. I don't think I have any answer?? There's no guy that takes up my brain space which is similar enough to him for me to say in full confidence "yeah x is like him," sorry!
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megs-msdd24 · 3 months
hello!!!!!! good to see the sa fandom is making a small comeback 🩷 do you have any headcanons on shane the best character ?
Hi friend!!! In fact, I do have headcanons about shane the best character 🫣 The first part is headcanons along the line (they follow the story line) the next bit is more headcanony? yeah <3
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Shane ♔
this bit is like before his mother dies
-As a kid he's a picky eater (that's the first thing off the top of my head sorry 😭) Like the chef is running back and forth cause shane said he didn't want whatever it was they made. Later on he just gives up and has a small list of the limited foods baby Shane will eat
-He loved adventure; playing pirate, pretending to be a dragon, and climbing into high places were some of his favourites. Before they lose a good chunk of the staff, he'd rope some of them into his games and get them to build different props for his imaginary adventures.
-Like any younger brother would, he messes with Drina a lot. And like any younger sibling would, the second that Drina retaliates he's calling for his mother.
-whenever he and Drina fight, their mom would lock them up together inside their playhouse (the green and pink one from The Book of Shane: Venom) until they made up (not rlly but shh 🤫)
-A bit of a sad one, but when their mom first gets sick, Drina starts getting back at Shane because she knows he can't get any help 😔
Moving on-
-By the time Drina is stuck with the bonding sickness, almost all that happiness is gone
-when's she's stuck in bed he comes and tells her all these whimsical stories or he talks to her about all the places they'll visit when she gets better
-he also has to convince himself-he just really wants to get out the castle
-we already know he thought about running away and he knows it's very serious but there's a small part of him that thinks "it's just another adventure right?" "all my adventures have been inside the castle, this is the same thing except it's real." He's trying to help himself out ok? 😭
-but then Zerif shows up and shows him a different hell
-you see, if Zerif hadn't pulled up with his cure all potion maybe he would've run away with Drina. Maybe she could be helped even a little bit. Maybe he would've lived some cottage core aesthetic life idk 🤷🏾‍♀️
-All I know is our friend over here wouldn't have gone on a world wide rampage 🙃
-I said this in a previous post, but Shane is absolutely in shock at all the things he gets to see as a Conqueror.
-so before the Conqueror's officially start rampaging, he goes off and tries all these things and eats different foods
-In the towns that they stayed a really long time in, he visits some specific stalls over and over again, spends all his money there and the owners just instantly know him and what he wants
-later on after the Conquerors ravaged said towns he feels really really bad about it.
-and then he meets Abeke
-once they're better acquainted he brings her on his market adventures too and they have so much fun
-just two friends hanging out
-side note: Abeke shows him all the good market stalls and the best food ones while they're in Nilo
-and he's just so happy he's got his first friend in a long time and everythings going so well for him right?
-well not for long 😏
and that's where I leave you for now :D I'll do a part two to shane's headcanons along the line but here for now have some proper headcanony headcanons
-Shane loves reading (you know how I said he likes adventure? He got it from those fantasy books)
-whenever he had a meal that had any speck, shape or form of a food he didn't like? The meal? gone. Out in the trash. Later on when he sees war ravaged places he instead just picks out the part he doesn't like and gives it to someone
-After Gerathon is finished Shane kinda grows to like Grahv. He talks to him and Grahv will just lie down, eyes shut and huff. In a better life if Grahv was summoned naturally Shane would brush his plates and scales to help him clean up
-You know how he escaped on Halawir? It was a revelation for him
-he loved the rush of air
-and he's so upset after cause he can't get the same feeling anymore
-After living in such a hot country that's basically the equivalent of Australia, he's travelling anywhere cold. His favourite place was Arctica until it blew up 😃
-Ok that's all friend! Hope you like them <3
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Well now you’ve got me started on the ikran racing au and now I’m curious so!
Nocorro fic recs for the noob please? 😂
BESTIE finally join the dark sideee.
As I said over dms; unfortunately for you, there are better locorro (and spiri, although I really only rec one hardcore) fics then there are Nocorro. Nocorro is like a desert spot, there really aren’t any aside from a few really short but cool one shots. It's a very small fandom, and it's pretty young right now so tbh most of the fics are not very good, so it'll be a short list anyway. So, as we discussed, here are the high quality, well written Spider ship fics:
For nocorro, there really isn't much. That's why I said I've come so fucking close to writing that ikran au; because I am deeply obsessed with the nocorro parts of it. I adore that au and the ghost neteyam one honestly best of all, but the ghost Neteyam one there is slightly more content for. BUT ANYWAYS;
Upon looking up my list for this I was furious to discover one of the three well written little nocorro one shots has been deleted, so beef begun with CherryApollo (jk queen I need more of them. Actually, a03 user CherryApollo; I know ur reading these posts, or else you wouldn't have tagged that fic nocorro, huh? You said "tumblr has it's claws in me so here's some nocorro" I SEE YOU, I KNOW UR HERE. THERE'S LIKE THREE OF US USING THAT TAG, AND IT'S MOSTLY JUST ME ALONE IN THE VOID. You listen to me. I liked that fucking fic, I had it bookmarked. Give it back to me. But seriously big fan of ur work).
The two remaining fruit themed CherryApollo nocorro oneshots better be your first stop just in case this sociopath decides to take more from me, Take a Bite of the Orange (p sure I was the commenter that took offense mentioned in the notes) and Follow Me Down to the Peach Tree, which did make me want to end it all. Both under 1000 words and worth a quick read.
There is also the ghost of Guilt by thatshowthemafiaworks @undercoverpan who has written us a ghost Spider au which has never failed to make me cry each chapter. The prose is not as flawless as the other recs here, but it packs some emotional weight the others don't. I also can't even fathom where it's going as it all seems entirely hopeless which is why it makes me cry.
The only other nocorro fic I even think is worth a mention is Crop Circles by our bestie @spicymiilk. It's not done and we haven't reached any nocorro yet, but know it's coming and it's good. I get my sticky little fingers in each good Avatar fic writer and I puppeteer the content I want, just look at whats happening here.
For locorro (still a small as hell ship), we can afford to be slightly more picky and I shall give you the best of the best.
Personally I would start with the locorro bible, Bitter by Icandigelvis @oppa86oppa . All of us locorro stans have said this, but this fic started our interest in the ship for most and it caused the cultural revolution of our Spider ship community. This fic still months later lives with me 24/7, and it really is one of THE fics I've ever read of all time. It went righttt into my collection of fics to show to my MFA prof who told me to stop reading fanfiction lol, like seconds after I finished it. Then I put it in the grad school jealousy collection because it's that well formatted.
The Restless Child series by @spicymiilk is a full length novel that will take you a bit lol. I am biased as I do beta it but it's real good. I keep not anticipating turns I should anticipate, but maybe we can convince Andrei to simply let us live for a sec because the fact that it's been like two weeks in universe hit me yesterday while editing and I wanted to fall off an ikran (👀).
There is also, NATURALLY, The Thunder Answered Back by @spicymiilk. This fic crawled up my butt what I can I say. You all got to read my massive post about it, hope u enjoyed that. I was walking back from work today, listening to Back to You by Louis Tomlinson ft Bebe Rexha, in 91 degree heat and it started to thunder and simply pour rain and I was like "I am lIVING The Thunder Answered Back vibes rn, holy fuck." You know it's good writing in general when it gives you a specific vibe. Tbh, that song is that fics vibes, perhaps locorro vibes in general.
I'm only gonna rec one spiri fic for a few reasons. One, because there is a criminal lack of content for them, and two, that fic is worlds above any other spiri fics. I think it's a great starter fic for getting into Spider ships and for getting into spiri in general, just because of how detailed and in depth the world is, my god. It's basically Spider and Kiri pov switches from their childhood up until wayyy past Way of Water and until the end of all conflict with humans. Like any good canon continuation, I disagree with and I agree with a ton of @milesocorro 's interpretation. I don't particularly enjoy the way the conflict concludes, but I really adore the way Quaritch is handled. I said this before to the author, but it's my favorite Quaritch confrontation I've read yet. I have a review up for it while it was still coming out, and I said there I was obsessed with Spider's tsurak and I still fucking am. That's my fav Spider iknimaya sequence too!! Anyways, that's my repeated pitch for Please be kind, please be gentle with me .
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acefaun · 2 years
I can't believe there are some scm fans here sjfjdjw😭💕
I really like your writings so is it okay if I request something for scm :'D?
If yes I wonder what kind of person is ideal for every guy ?ಥ﹏ಥ✨️
An Ideal Partner
Synopsis: Everyone has preferences when it comes to finding the perfect partner, face the facts. But do you think you have the qualities your god is looking for?
A/n: The scm fandom is small but present, so I do what I can to help us thrive! Let’s see if my views on the gods are fandom-approved… these zodiacs have too many feelings. –But I was honestly super excited to get this request because this feels like a rite of passage to me. This specific “ideal partner” prompt is in almost every fandom I’ve ever read fanfics for and I feel like I’m not servicing my fandom if I don’t have one. So thank you for the right of passage! I hope I passed the scm-baptism!
–Word Count: 5,182–
The gods of the zodiac have experience with all kinds of people, gods and humans alike. So they aren’t ridiculously picky with picking their partner or partners. Were there certain qualities they’d appreciate in a relationship? Definitely. Who didn’t have preferences? But all 12 of the gods came with their own baggage and experiences. They need a partner who can handle the personality range of a god who’s many centuries old. 
Leon has some particular expectations for a partner; and no, the expectation of physical intimacy is not one of them. What he really craves is a bold and strong partner, someone who isn’t afraid to tell him how things are. He wants a genuine relationship, not something shallow and filled with fake smiles. He wants to know how you really feel around him and he’s going to be genuine with you.
After he learns what love really is, you can bet that’s exactly what he wants. The ability to pleasure his partner is not love, he understands that. He wants a partner who can tell him when his god-complex is getting in the way, because at least he can acknowledge that he gets out of hand. In fact, if you’re looking to be Leon’s partner, you should probably consult with Karno; he’s a professional lion tamer.
But don’t forget, Leon’s also the Minister of Wishes(as well as the future King) and he knows very well that there are lots of people out there that would use him strictly for his power and position. Marrying a King sounds tempting, doesn’t it? But unless you can see behind his status, then you’re not the right one.
He wants someone he can spoil but who won’t completely rely on him for every little thing. This royal pain in the ass wants to be spoiled too, you know. If you can’t make him meatballs at his beck and call then what use are you? 
And I know I said he’d hold back on that expectation of intimacy… but Leon’s an intimate guy. His power is literally to pleasure people through touch. He won’t really show you his love in empty words and meaningless trinkets—he doesn’t believe in those sorts of things. As a god, he believes the only way to show you he loves you is by loving you very thoroughly. If he can’t do that, then how will he know you understand? How will he be able to tell that you really mean it when you say you love him? It’s okay if your beliefs clash when it comes to this sort of thing. As important to him as it is… there should be ways of going around it… right? 
When it all comes down to it, his ideal person just has to know how to handle him and his desires. If you can tame the wild lion of the heavens, then you’ll be a worthy partner to the future king. 
Karno is the kind Vice Minister of wishes, so suffice to say he wants a partner who’s always wishing to him—it doesn’t matter what it is, he’ll try to grant your wish. All he wants is for his partner to be happy. But as kind as Karno is… he’s also a very strict man, which is why he can get along well with Zyglavis. If you think you can walk all over him and get away with it, then you’ve thought wrong. Though, it’s not that hard to manipulate Karno’s feelings, so he definitely wants a partner who won’t abuse his emotions. He’d rather avoid the heartache.
When Karno loves someone, it’s a very pure love. He wants to be able to put his absolute trust in his partner and be able to allow them to trust him completely in return. Do you have any secrets? He wants to be the holder of every single secret you have. 
Between him and his partner, he’s a pretty materialistic guy just because of how interested he is in human creations. He’d like someone who’d spoil him with new and interesting human things. He promises he’ll give things in return, or grant a wish if he’s empty handed at the moment. 
He’s 100% for an equal relationship where he and his partner are on the same level. It doesn’t matter if he's a Vice Minister; he doesn’t want to be above his love. He doesn’t want his partner to feel inferior in any way. If he has to take his uniform off when he’s not working, he’ll do it. All he wants to be is a wonderful boyfriend, not a ‘sir-vice-minister-upper-ranking-god’ or whatever other titles he might gain. 
As sweet as he is, don’t forget he’s a man with needs. If you can’t handle him hugging you every time he sees you or holding hands when you're out in public, then maybe you’re not the one for him. He wants to be very open and proud of his relationship. But Karno’s tired from pulling almost all the weight in the Department of Wishes, so if he could have a partner to help him relax, that’d be perfect. 
Huedhaut would prefer a partner who can keep up with his mental level. If he cracks a smart joke, he expects his partner to be humored by his wit. In fact, if his partner is also witty enough, it’d be wonderful if they could share a teasing dialogue. But most importantly, he desires someone smart enough to understand what he’s gone through in life. This partner needs to know how really fragile he is when it comes to loving another person. You have to take care of his heart or he just might fall apart on you. Truth be told, he might fall apart on you, regardless. He needs someone there to help him pick up the pieces when his past comes to haunt him. (If he can find himself a therapist to date, that might be helpful.)
Of course, he will not expect a partner to be all give and no take. Though, don’t expect too many material things from Huedhaut… Unless he’s found someone who avidly enjoys reading books like he does. Then he might have more than a few material things to lend to you. But it’s also okay if his partner isn’t a fan of reading. People often have different ways of learning after all, no one shares the same brain. If he finds someone who enjoys listening to his voice, then he’d be more than inclined to read too many books. 
At least then he’ll never have to worry about stressing over a date. His plans: take his partner out to some pretty scenery and read to his heart’s content—or until his partner falls asleep, whatever happens first.
One thing that any potential partner has to understand… is that Huedhaut will love passionately to make up for his past losses. He won’t pretend that his partner is her… He could never do that. The same as he expects his partner to love him for him, he wants to do the same for you. He wants to love you. But he doesn’t want to miss a moment with his partner… which is why he’ll hold you tighter, longer, more desperately. He needs a partner who’s going to be able to handle him when he’s being too clingy, when he won’t let go, when he needs more. He just wants someone who won’t leave him—that’s all he really wants in a partner.
Teorus not only wants but also sort of needs a partner who’s going to accept that he has an enormous heart. Teo’s going to love his partner without a doubt. In fact, questioning him is going to make him think the relationship isn’t working. He’s one of the younger gods, so you’re going to need to understand that he’s still figuring himself out and what he wants in life. Being there with him for the journey is the least he could ask for. He’s always being compared to his father… So if he can find a partner who has no idea who his father is then that’s just a huge bonus! He wants a partner who cares about him not about who his stupid parents are. But if you want to talk to him about it… maybe he won’t shut you down. Just maybe.
And don’t think he forgot that he’s a wishes god and can grant your every wish. But, he’s the god of Taurus. And while he can snap his fingers… if he has a partner who can make him anything and everything out of milk then he’s ready for marriage. You need permission from the Fountain of Love? No, you don’t. Teorus already has the ring ready if you’re willing to commit your life and milk to him. 
One, his partner loves him. Two, his partner can make everything with milk. Three, his partner is female— …I mean, he’s okay with dating pretty much anyone who loves him… But if he’s being honest… he prefers females. Sorry if you’re a male, but, he likes boobs. So, pls grow boobs and try again later. :)
Or does he only like boobs because boobs can contain milk…………? OkAy…. That’s a new idea. [author.exe has stopped working]
Additionally, his partner absolutely must be okay with public displays of affection! If you can’t handle him flaunting you around the other gods like a little prize, then what’s the point? Besides, his partner should be happy to be flaunted around like a rare treasure. Rare treasure is exactly how he’s going to treat you too. He wouldn’t want you to feel like he doesn’t love you when there are goddesses in the mansion. Sorry, but he and Leon have a mission… Teo’s not saying his partner can’t be part of it if that’s what you’re into. Still, his partner better not get any ideas about any other gods. Just the ones he approves. His ideal partner is definitely polyamorous as long as you’re firmly dedicated to him as he is to you.
Aigonorus has more than himself to think of when considering a relationship. First, his heralds have to approve of his partner. His partner also has to accept his heralds(and not call them goats). Then, and only then will he accept having a partner of any kind. If his partner is curious as to why there’s this strange goat ritual to dating Aigo… let’s just say Aigonorus has learned his lesson about falling in love before everyone is acquainted with each other. 
In a way, his goats are almost like dogs. If they don’t like the partner or if the partner doesn’t like them, then that’s a huge red flag and Aigo wants nothing to do with you. In the case that you make it to the dating part of the relationship, Aigo expects his partner to be honest with him. Aigo’s one to bear his heart to his lover, after all. He expects this to go both ways. If his heart is going to be left vulnerable to you, then you better think of having the same thing. If not, then he might have to rethink this particular relationship…
But he knows he can’t control his partner’s feelings so what’s something else he wants? Lots of pillows. He wants a partner who has his kind of idea of what soft is. If it’s not on par with his preferred softness, then he wants nothing to do with it. He doesn’t care what it is, a pillow, a blanket, or the clothes his partner wears. It has to be soft.
His partner’s clothes also requires the same amount of softness purely because you’re going to have to be his pillow at some point or another and he’s not touching clothes that aren’t soft. …unless that’s how his partner plans for him to start removing clothes. Aigo’s not afraid to sleep naked, don’t test him if you want to keep your clothes on. So his partner better be okay with physical contact because it’s also a requirement to sleep in the same bed. Aigo needs his body pillo—er… Aigo needs his partner for a good night's sleep. 
Tauxolouve is a demigod, so he doesn’t have any heavy preferences over whether he’s going to be dating a human or a god. In the end, he came from both of them and would prefer to embrace both sides of himself. Though, in a partner, he’d like to be accepted for who he is. He always lived life thinking he was going to die, so his previous partners were always short-lived. Of course, he never left a relationship on an unpleasant note, but maybe it’d be best for future partners not to pry into his wild womanizing past, thanks.
Finding out that he was going to live a long life was quite the refreshing change for him. He wants to celebrate being able to live with a partner who appreciates life as much as he does. Now that he isn’t dying, he can pick up his hobbies and have a serious relationship for once. So, he needs a partner who’s going to put forth full effort with him, not someone who’s just looking for a handsome flirt from the Department of Wishes to spend one night with. He wants someone he can see every day and think that’s the love of his life. He wants a partner that he can plan to have an actual future with—he has a future now, after all, and he wants to use it. 
As for his hobbies, maybe he could have a partner that would appreciate his art. After all, he can only paint for himself so much. If he had a partner that appreciated his skills, then he could gift his art to you. Even better, if his partner does art then he can do art together with you. Wouldn’t that be fun? Still, it wasn’t a requirement for his partner to be able to do art. Besides, he could always teach an interested partner… 
As far as human or god partners go in a physical sense, he’d probably prefer a human that doesn’t want to kiss very often… He’s not too sure that he’d be a fan of watching his beloved die so often. On the other hand, there are other ways to show affection, so he’s sure they’d be able to find a way around it when it comes down to it. Not to mention that Tauxolouve is the maturely romantic god who might just romance his partner into bed. So potential partners better be prepared to be flustered in the face of this sweet-talking god.
Zyglavis is a straight-laced square. Why would he have preferences? Or maybe I should ask: why wouldn’t a man like him have preferences in a partner? Not only is he the minister of punishments, but he also has a ridiculously soft heart. So it’s extremely necessary for him to have a partner that won’t use him to their advantage. After all, it doesn’t matter who it is, if they deserve a punishment, he’s going to give one. Only… it’d be a whole lot easier on him to have a partner that simply won’t force him to weigh his options when it comes to his job. 
He’s done his best to protect the humans nearly all his life, even if it meant handing down harsh punishments. His partner should be fully capable of just simply existing with him. Zyglavis needs emotional support if he wants to be happy in life. He’s a terrifying minister who lectures everyone for little things, so he rarely receives any praise for his hard work. It would be nice if his partner could remind him he’s making the world a better place now and then. Even he needs some positive affirmation.
Another thing he’d look for in a partner is their ability to acquire chocolate… It doesn’t need to be homemade(though, that would be a very very very ideal situation). But he wants someone who can eat chocolate with him, because you can bet that’s what he’s going to want to be getting on dates. Aside from that, gods need little in terms of material items. So if you’re someone who likes pointless trinkets, then please don’t share them with Zyglavis. He wants a partner that specifically knows how to keep a space clean, yes that includes dust and pointless items. He can’t stand an untidy environment, you can ask any of the gods. 
Also, despite how he holds himself in such high regards, he’d like a partner who’s going to encourage a softer side to him. He wants someone to hug and hold on to after a rough day at work. He wants someone who’s going to take off his Minister of Punishments mask. Simply being able to bask in another’s loving presence is definitely an ideal dream for him. Love him, don’t fear him. He wants to show you he loves you too.
Scorpio isn’t one who’s going to think deeply about having a partner at all. But… if he had to… He’d want someone interesting. Scorpio doesn’t have time for people that let him trample all over them. God knows there are way too many people who are terrified of him. But, he wasn’t that bad, was he? Of course, not. Besides, his partner’s going to be strong-headed and be able to tell him things as they are. He doesn’t want some cry baby who’s going to tear up the minute he says something that comes out relatively mean. Everyone knows Scorpio doesn’t have a filter, so his partner better not expect him to develop one magically just because they started dating. You better have thick skin to date someone like him.
His partner should love him despite his role in the Department of Punishments. Though, he also knows he’s not too popular with the crowd in the Heavens because of his past form as a human. Who’d want a partner that used to be such a filthy thing?
If his partner can accept his past and his fiery attitude, then they might just suit him. But whoever his partner is, you better not expect him to lavish you in gifts and attention. Scorpio’s a busy man and would prefer his partner to respect that. Though… if his partner can make him those apple things… You know… those things! Don’t make him say it! If his partner gives him… rabbit apples… as offerings then he might be persuaded to spoil you with things you never even asked for. 
Scorpio also won’t appreciate a partner who’s overly clingy with him. He can’t stand constantly knowing what’s going through someone else’s mind. He wants to hear his own thoughts! Besides, if the thoughts running through his partner’s head are anything as romantic and filthy as what comes out of Partheno’s mouth, then he can glady live without it. He doesn’t want to hear any of that suffocatingly fluffy crap, even if it’s from your subconscious. 
On the other hand… Scorpio is a pretty lonely guy, deep down… So he’ll let his partner sleep with him. But don’t you dare get the idea that he’ll suddenly start hand holding and kissing and crap in front of those idiots from Wishes—especially not in front of some loud-mouth like Partheno!
Dui is literally a two for one deal. But both he and Shadow Dui can agree when they say they want a partner who’s going to accept both of them. This means that their partner has to be emotionally ready for a roller coaster. After all, Dui’s not always going to be around when Shadow wants a turn. 
Personally, though, Dui wants someone kind, who’s going to want to go on dates with him. He wants to take his partner around the Heavens or amazing places on Earth. He hopes he can get a cherry pie out of all his efforts… But if you can’t make food out of cherries, then he’s sorry, but you’re not his soul mate. Meanwhile, Shadow wants someone who’s going to impress him. I dunno, yell at Scorpio or something, impress him! Do something so stupidly amazing that’ll get his heart pumping! Don’t worry, he’ll step in if you get yourself into trouble, but if you can be stupidly brave on your own, then you’ll definitely be able to handle Shadow. 
As for material items… No. But Dui’s going to bring his partner cherries. Of course, they’re not for you, they’re for him. He just wants you to make something with them. On the other hand, if he brings his partner a gift… say a cherry pie or something or other… that’s for you to share. He wants his partner to love cherries as much as he does. Anything cherry flavored is an absolute must have. He’s going to engrave it into his partner's soul until every time his partner sees anything related to cherries your first thoughts are going to be of him and him alone.
His partner also has to be okay with being called a cherry. If you’re not his cherry then what’s he supposed to call you? If his partner hurts his feelings in any way, you can bet Shadow is going to lash out, whether verbally or physically—just enough to scare you, not do any real damage. Though, speaking of physical, Dui’s definitely a hand-holder. He’s going to want to keep you close during dates and make sure everyone knows you’re his little cherry. He’s also very content with kissing you in public, though, just hope Shadow doesn’t take over or you’ll be in for a really embarrassing treat. That’s why they need a partner who’s emotionally ready for the two of them. Don’t underestimate Shadow’s desire to tease the hell out of you. Dui can’t always reign his other self in. 
Ichthys is looking for a partner who can have fun with him! His partner has to be completely okay with pulling pranks on the other gods. You can’t be afraid of the consequences either. Questioning Ichthys’ methods will just get annoying after one too many doubts. Ichthys is very childish, so having a partner with the same mindset is a must-have. After all, Ichthys is bound to prank and play with his partner from time to time as well. His pranks aren’t reserved for his co-workers. 
But his partner has to understand… that he’s not doing all of this to just pass the time. He might be a mortal god with a timer… but he wants everyone to be happy. He’d hate to have someone following him around worried about his health all the time. He wants his partner to trust him wholeheartedly. If he says he’s fine, then that means he’s really fine. Don’t worry, he’ll open up if something’s wrong. Until then, he’s going to keep on doing what makes him happy. As long as his partner stays by his side, enjoying what he does then he’ll have lived a fulfilling life in the end. 
Being as child-like as he is, he’s also bound to offer toys and such as gifts. So, he’d like a partner who enjoys collecting trinkets with him. It doesn’t matter if their collection is in Ichthys’ room or his partner’s room, he just likes having various things to look at and play with. 
But he wants a fun partner who’s going to understand that dating him has to mean that they’re definitely going to be another fun toy for Ichthys to play with. If there’s one thing Ichthys loves, it’s seeing smiles on people’s faces after a funny prank. Though… few people enjoy what he does. His co-workers would rather he stop his pranks and he gets punished an awful lot for it… So he wants someone he can make smile with his efforts, even if it’s directed at you. He wants to laugh and smile and play with his partner. But don’t think that Ichthys doesn’t also have a serious side to him—or, at least, a semi-serious side to him. He wants a partner to love unconditionally and passionately. And when Ichthys is passionate about something, he puts his whole heart into it. So his partner best be ready for all of him.
Partheno wants a partner that won’t criticize him for his mistakes. He knows he hasn’t always made the right choices, but he’s trying to do his best. Isn’t that what counts? He might be the god of love and beauty, but he’s not restricted to those things, don’t you know that? He wants his lover to see beyond his seemingly ‘shallow’ titles. Everyone sees him as a womanizing pervert, but he wants a partner who’s going to see more than that and really try to get to know who he is. He’s not a demon, and he’ll do his best to respect his partner. Even if it takes him a few tries to get things completely right. You’ll give him a chance, won’t you?
But love is a big part of who he is as a person, so his partner can’t completely shrug off the fact that Parthenos is going to be giving everything for his partner. You want to look pretty? Partheno can do that. He wants to spoil his partner with anything and everything you ask for. Even if his partner isn’t asking for it, Partheno’s going to be providing his partner with the best of the best. If you’re dating the god of love and beauty, you’re going to look like it. I mean, if his partner looked like they just crawled out of a trash can, what kind of impression is that going to leave on him? He’s trying to get his reputation back, you know? His partner’s only going to be dressed in the most lavish clothes, all chosen and designed personally by him. In terms of clothes and beauty products, Partheno’s partner is going to be spoiled rotten.
But let’s not forget that Partheno’s also the god of love… and love has a lot of definitions. Partheno expects his partner to know well that he’s a physical god. He’s going to let you know he’s fully dedicated to you in his loving caresses and encouraging words. His partner isn’t going to be feeling neglected any time soon because Partheno has no shortage of positive affirmation. He’s the king of self-love and will make sure his partner doesn’t hold back either. If his perverted comments aren’t enough to warn you, then please, allow me to do the honors. This man is going to praise his partner’s body up and down. Physically, verbally, and any other way he knows how, he’s going to show you how to love yourself properly the way he does. His partner is required to have some kind of sexual drive to even try to keep up with him. Any potential partners, I wish you luck!
Krioff took quite a long time coming up with his idea of a perfect partner. After all, he doesn’t really think of people in that way. But… if he had the option, he wants someone who’s going to stand by him through all his troubles. Whether or not he opens up completely, he wants someone who won’t be scared off by his family. His dad could prove to be quite the issue in his love life, but if his partner could withstand that much, then maybe they’ll really be worth having around. 
If his partner can handle the unsettling relationship he has with his father, then he’d be more willing to explain the full story about what happened with him and his sister. He wants to be able to have a person to completely relay all of his feelings to. Usually, he’s such a quiet and reserved god who doesn’t involve others in his business, but if he could at least have that one person to place his life and trust in… Maybe then he wouldn’t feel so burdened with guilt. He needs someone who’s going to be by his side unconditionally… someone who won’t leave him again. Don’t worry, he’ll protect you with his whole heart if you can do that much for him.
He’s been criticized and looked down upon by many gods—even some of those who worked in the Department of Punishments. Being praised by someone who genuinely loves him would be a pleasant change of pace. If he’s going to be getting into a dedicated relationship, he might as well even start thinking about dates. He needs a partner who loves ice cream so that he can bring ice cream on dates and—his partner better not think it’s stupid—he wants to spoon feed his partner his favorite food. It wasn’t something necessary, but he’d seen some of the other gods doing that with their partners… so, it must be something his partner would think is cute. He’s not the type to be romantic or anything, so he’s going to do his best based on experience. 
He’s pretty dense when it comes to dating, so maybe if his partner could lead the way they might have decent dates. He doesn’t particularly need an experienced partner… You could always learn new things together if he finds himself with a partner as helpless as he is. 
One important note for him has to be that he’s nervous about physical contact. He’s always been wary of the power in his right hand. Given that his partner is encouraging enough, he might feel inclined to take on a more physical relationship. That’s exactly what he needs. He needs a partner who’s going to make him feel comfortable enough to use his right hand. After all… he doesn’t want to hurt you. Maybe after a couple caresses and a few hand-holds… Maybe a few kisses to his knuckles might make him feel bolder as well.
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ask a reader: B8, C3, D2, D7
B8: Is there a show or a book that you gave up on that you went back to later? Why did you come back to it?
Already answered here! TLDR; I can't think of one but I'm sure they exist!
C3: Is there anything that makes you nope out of a story? What is it?
I'll be honest it really depends on what mood I'm in and how invested I am in a particular fandom/pairing. For example, in larger fandoms with a lot of content, I am sometimes incredibly picky about word choice/writing style because I know I can afford to be.
In smaller fandoms I'm so happy that anyone's bothered to write at all, I want to consume all the content there is.
Probably the only thing that consistently makes me nope out of stories is when I start reading and realize the author is character-bashing to a severe degree. I don't mean like, making a character slightly more unlikeable than canon. I'm talking "have this character doing something they would absolutely never do under any circumstances" because the author has a death grudge.
It doesn't matter if it's a character I like or actively hate that's being bashed, it takes me completely out of the story.
D2: Who/Where did you get your last fic rec from?
I actually can't remember the last rec I got! I usually find fanfiction by searching through a pairing or fandom I'm interested in, reading a couple of the top stories when sorted by kudos that look interesting, and then if I like them going to the author's page and finding more of their stories (or bookmarks) and rinse and repeating until I've filled my craving for that particular fandom.
Once I'm caught up with Lost I'd love fic recs though! Or, if people know of fics they'd recommend that don't cover content past season one - I'd love recs now!
D7: Why did you leave your most recent comment? Will you share it with us?
I typically clean out my inbox once I have read/replied to things, so I can't guarantee they were actually the last (is there a way to look up your comments on ao3 if they haven't been replied to/aren't linked to a parent comment in your inbox?), but the last comments I have a strong memory of leaving were on a fic that hadn't been updated in about two years.
I don't remember exactly what I said across these comments, but I went into it knowing it was likely abandoned. I started the story way too late at night and couldn't put it down. Each chapter was beautiful. So beautiful, that even though I knew it was likely the author wouldn't be checking their account at this point I started leaving comments. Just small things I liked, or big things that broke my heart or made me laugh. And then, as I started getting near the end of what had been published, I started reading the comments too because I wanted to know how everyone else had reacted to what I was just now reading for the first time. And the comments were terrible. Just people repeatedly and rudely asking when the author would update their story. Pages and pages of single sentence replies saying "IT'S BEEN A YEAR, UPDATE!"
And I thought about how awful it felt when I abandoned a work because I couldn't figure out how to finish it, lost interest in the fandom, or had writing block, and had people demanding something from me I did for fun in my free time. How it made me never want to touch the story again.
So at four in the morning, after staying up and reading in a single night something that had taken at least a year of the author's life considering the publishing dates, I decided "fuck it." And wrote them a love letter. Basically just saying I went into the story knowing it would likely never be finished, and I felt so grateful to have been allowed on the ride they invented. That it was so kind to publish something that I could escape into without asking for anything in return. I told them I was subscribing just in case, but I was so happy with what I had gotten and I wasn't expecting anything more.
The author never replied, but the story was updated again a few days later. I have no idea if I contributed at all to them coming back to something they loved, or if they even read any of my comments at all, but it's nice to think maybe I had a small part in making a writing experience slightly less terrible for someone.
Ask A Reader Questions 💖
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elvendorx · 2 years
i just dug up your posts about J&S and their dynamic on their own and within the Marauders four and I am simple enamored with everything you say, i would read a whole essay if you had one <333
also can i get 5 and 44 for the ask game?
Ahh thank you so much, I decided a while ago to post what I enjoy so it's nice that it resonates! I have lot of drafts and also some asks that are long overdue responses (my mind's a mess so they take a while to structure coherently but if you’ve ever sent me an ask, I'm not ignoring it I'm just incredibly slow!) so maybe those will do instead of essays?? (although I can’t control my word counts so maybe they’ll feel like essays💀)
Also I just realised you wrote Benefits which I loved! <33
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
This is lowkey tough. I don’t have too many pet peeves so much as things I don’t agree with but that I can skim over. Things that I flat-out won't read (mainly ships, and cis mpreg) are things I filter out anyway, I’m good at knowing what won’t work for me by now. It always comes down to characterisation for me, as soon as I stop believing in or recognising the character, I’m out. I do feel like I’m super picky with small things so I try to breeze past things that don’t hugely matter.
Like I often cringe at the way people write house-elves that aren’t in the series, especially house elf names? This is petty of me but “Tippy” and “Tiffy” make my skin crawl. Again, am I just being a mean pedant, but the names of house-elves in the series have harsher consonants - Hokey, Kreacher, Winky, Dobby. I also don’t really like reading about the Potters as having a house-elf because as much as they were rich and pureblood, they were clearly not part of the pureblood elite and I think they’d deviate from the more antiquated, traditional aspects of old wizarding families. In my head Fleamont and Euphemia are old rich hippies but it’s not really a make-or-break.
Dialogue can make or break a fic for me, and dialogue that is just there for the plot and doesn’t take on any traits of the person speaking it is something I struggle to stick with - again that’s characterisation, I struggle with OOC stuff but I also struggle when the characters are like, fine, but essentially blank slates who I wouldn’t recognise if I didn’t know who they were supposed to be. 
44. Rant about something writing related.
God, my main writing rants are at myself. Like when I find something I wrote years ago (because I didn't write basically anything between 2017-2021) and I'm like "ooh this is good!" and I've left it halfway through a crucial sentence and because it's been years I can't remember where it was going and I have to abandon it because I don't have the mental room for another WIP right now. But also sometimes these pieces are helpful and fit into other things I’m working on, so swings and roundabouts.
And also just the way I write which is random scenes as they come to me, which I think isn’t an uncommon way to write but I would like it if I made it easier for myself and had a brain that could write chronologically. And I also wish I didn't forget the scenes/sentences I think of on public transport or when I'm in bed about to fall asleep.
More generally, I think the attitude towards writing in fandom needs recalibrating. Writing is a skill, editing is an important part of writing. Within fandom I think you should write for yourself, put what you want to see out there, but at the same time if you rush it and immediately publish it and then get upset that you haven’t had as much engagement as you’d like then maybe just take more time with your work, spend time with it, edit even if it’s just one word or letter at a time. Knowing where you’re headed also immediately makes your work more cohesive because I feel like it’s very clear when a writer has absolutely no idea and just wants to get the first chapter out there for the validation of it, or when a work jumps from one point to the other with no real character journey to get there and like yeah, the release at the end is great but the pay-off is better with the build-up. If it’s for fun and you don’t care, go for it, but I think there’s a lot of entitlement in writing these days that is unsustainable.
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nanjokei · 10 months
coe 4 the fandom ask game
Favorite Male Character
if just coe, its a tossup between shinano and sanemitsu, i like jabuchi a lot too favorite cringefail lesbian
if post-coe i think literally every fragment introduced after hatsutori is the character of all time. genuinely cannot choose they're all insane. i like mutei also idk what fukao made him so cunty for
Favorite Female Character
crow hands down. like there's no contest for me. need more of her chainsmoking little ass
Least Favorite Character
i don't have a least favorite but kurachi does so little in his existence that one could remove him from the plot and it wouldn't matter. maybe his existence is literally only there to serve as backdrop for seira in com. who knows. if my dad was a corny ass cop i would run off to tokyo too.
Favorite Ship
im not picky, i like most of the ship combis so long as they aren't incestuous but i especially like atorui, ninayou, shinarei and [redacted]
theres a lot of stuff thats fucking hilarious that i dont ship at all but still subscribe to like "theodore is fucking sanemitsu to get back at his grandfather" and the like. if we're on the topic of theodore i'm a person who likes to respect lingering desires so i'll always consider rumert carefully. also i think mutei was fucking everyone around him who wasnt theodore and rumert. i respect atokano deeply also the atokano shippers are always ALLIES to my sensibilities
Favorite Friendship
misumi and literally any of his goons, more familial but atou and reiji have the funniest step sibling relationship possible, rakuen obviously, not a friendship but literally any conversation misumi had with hatsutori had me in stitches, flowerpot trio i have to say probably but i have to specify literally when they were at their messiest
Favorite Quote
literally anything from the insane yandere shinano scene is my bible
also rin desperately recommending ditasword during the interlude made me want to vomit. i hope all otaku die. that dialogue was so appropriately cringey and hilarious i can't choose anything specific
Worst Character Death (if any)
S route.......................
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
huge fan of literally any time ryuu demonstrated his lack of boundaries during the interlude. if i must choose i really like the specific dialogues where he said that he wanted to come back to miwa's apartment after he finished up his business to wash his clothes and take a bath. literally the character of all time
Saddest Moment
🤨 literal "saddest moment" compiliation of a series if i tried to narrow it down i would be here all month. but if i had to say the scene that had me yelling and screaming. literally the scene where misumi decides to ruin jabuchi's life for no reason. that was so evil top 0 most preventable events, it was such a simple scene and not nearly as tragic as some of the other life defining moments in the dlc but man.
Favorite Location
cant wait to go back to miwa's apartment tbh unironically even though its a small location it was fun to sift through probably because ryuu is very funny but also the clues left behind in his room are still fun to think about and theorize. its been over a year since my first playthru, recently revisited it, it really makes me look forward to the supposed detective parts in com. also we should be allowed to read his diary
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acradelius · 2 years
Hey could you do some fluffy moira with a make reader? Please and thank you!
"Can't Help Falling In Love With You~"
Fandom: Overwatch
Pairing: Moira O'Deorain x M!Reader
Rating: Lime🟢 (Equivalent to PG-13)
Warnings/Mentions Of: Sugar Momma/Sugar Baby Dynamics, Mention of "Morning After", Attempted Fluff
Word Count: 1,079 Words
Author's Note: Overall, I apologize if this wasn't exactly the type of fluff you were looking for. I've never really written fluff pieces before, so I'm not exactly sure if this would count. Plus, I was finding it a bit difficult to write fluff with Moira as I've never thought of her as a fluff type of person. I do hope you enjoy though!
P.S I also apologize for writing so much. Once I start, I just can't stop. 😅😅
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Moira O’Deorain. 
There wasn’t an ounce of doubt that everyone knew the woman behind the name: Moira O’Deorain. Especially those who worked beside her within the numerous missions, assisting with development of new weapons and technologies, along with some “voluntarily” experimentation all under the watch of Talon. Ask how her colleagues would describe her and they would tell you many things such as brilliant, controversial, and ambitious. 
Yet, she was now something that they originally wouldn’t have come close to describing when they thought of her. 
A Sugar Momma. 
Overall, we all know that even the vaguest of thoughts of being a Sugar Momma wouldn’t have crossed Moira’s mind if it wasn’t for a little push in the right direction by a certain someone that was “close” to her. That certain someone, of course being Sombra, after complaining that Moira spent way too much time in the lab and not around actual people, so she must be so lonely! Thanks, Bestie!
It was during a rare moment of downtime, more due having to hide indefinitely because of a newbie’s mistake, that Moira actually took the time to finally explore the accounts that Sombra had made for her on various websites/apps.
Not that she would necessarily admit it, but she spent HOURS upon HOURs swiping through many profiles because she’s so picky about who she’d associate herself and her work with. At least, till she stumbled across (Y/N)’s profile. When being bothered by Sombra about why Moira had swiped on (Y/N)’s profile, she mumbled something along the lines about him looking the least annoying out of ALL the people she came across. 
Overally, Moira’s initial thoughts about the first meeting with (Y/N) were not really positive ones. She figured that she would have ended up feeling the same way about him as she felt about the people she had swiped through. Yet, for what was probably the first time in ever, she had been proven wrong and was quite impressed and pleased about how things went. 
Upon arriving Moira was surprised to see that (Y/N) was already there, occupying a corner booth away from the rest of the cafe’s commotions, two steaming cups of coffee in front of him accompanied with a small succulent plant as well. 
(Y/N) turned out as handsome as he appeared within his photos, looking even more appealing within the casual, yet first date appropriate, clothing that he had chosen to wear, occasionally fiddling the hem of the jacket. Upon finding Moira in the midst of the small crowd (Y/N) gave a charming smile followed by a softening gaze as he waved her over. 
Small talk commenced after the two introduced themselves to each other, pleasantly bouncing from topic to topic while time passed. Moira somewhat vaguely discusses her interests and career within the field of science, (Y/N) discussing his indecisive studies at the local university while trying to balance a part time job and extracurricular activities. 
Departure, until the next date that they had planned, Moira essentially had mixed feelings. She personally didn’t see this becoming a long term thing, but there was a strange little tugging feeling in her chest that made a faint smile appear upon his lips, holding the small potted succulent snug within her hands. 
Overall, Moira struggles holding up the Sugar Momma position at first. She gets easily annoyed and frustrated from the strange looks from strangers, followed by the snarky mumbled remarks whenever she was with (Y/N). Yet, he makes her forget about all of that when he notices that it’s bothering her. 
He suggests they both go to a place such as the local museum, holding her hand gently as he leads the way, speaking reassuring words to Moira about how she’s doing great, and that he’s appreciative and grateful for all that she does. Spending the rest of the day letting Moira talk about anything science related, smiling at the blush upon Moira’s cheeks.
As time passes by, the relationship becomes more domestic, and closer to home than Moira and (Y/N) would’ve thought. Dates become spending time with each other taste testing failed exotic recipes, ending up being arms wrapped around each other as they whisper silly things to each other, slowly dancing away the night till (Y/N) has to depart back away from the grasps of Talon to his “normal” life. 
Study date nights consist of papers spread all along the floor, (Y/N) scribbling notes suggested from Moira as she runs her fingers gently throughout his hair or rubbing small circles on his back to help relieve any extra stress as she helps him study for a major test the next day. These usually end up into some self-care nights of using face masks and giving each other pedicures, asking Sombra for some assistance on how to use such items because neither Moira or (Y/N) really know how to use said products. 
During some break from university where (Y/N) traveled back home to visit family is when Moira really starts thinking about their relationship, finding herself missing the lingering warmth from his touch. Missing the words he would say to make things alright whenever she would get frustrated with work or others. As she continued to think about him, continuing to replay memories of him wherever she would go, she knew that she was feeling more for him than just some Sugar Momma/Sugar Baby relationship. Once again, just as in the beginning, she felt that strange tugging feeling in her chest, a smile spreading to her lips. 
It was the morning after a “special” night, (Y/N) having returned back to Moira’s hold after visiting family. Him surprisingly having woken up before Moira, brushing his fingers gently throughout her hair, thumb tracing down to brush across her cheeks. Softly kissing her head and finding her starting to awake when he pulled back. 
“You know, I’ve been thinking about us.. More often than I probably should admit.” Moira starts off despite being so groggy, returning the soft kisses (Y/N) gave to her. “While we have this specific type of relationship happening.. I can’t help but fall in love with you~” Soft chuckles emit from (Y/N), him returning her smile and gaze. “You don’t have to worry, Moira. I can’t help but fall in love with you, too.”
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catzy88 · 3 years
Get To Know Me Better
Thank you for tagging me, dear @disdaidal! ❤️
Nickname: Saz
Zodiac: Libra/Dragon
Height: 158 cm (5'2'')
Last Movie: Man Of Steel (2013). It was on TV and I didn't have anything better to do than watch it.
Last Thing I Googled: muunnin, which means converter in Finnish. I had to search for a length unit converter to convert my height from centimeters to feet.
Favorite Musician: This is such a hard question because I love so many artists, and bands, and so many different kinds of music. I really can't think of anyone off the top of my head.
Song In My Head: I usually have some song playing in my head, but for once I'm blank.
Other Blogs: None. I did have a hockey sideblog for a while, but since I'm not currently very active in that fandom, I just decided to do what I've done since 2012 when I first joined Tumblr and use my main blog as a multifandom dumping ground.
Blogs I'm Following: 19. I'm REALLY picky when it comes to following blogs. I've been on Tumblr for too long to put up with anything I don't want to see on my dash. So, if I'm following you, it means you're top-notch. 😘
Amount Of Sleep: Usually I either sleep way too little or way too much.
Lucky Number: I always joke that Friday the 13th is actually my lucky day, because the other 364 days of the year I'm unlucky. But I think my zodiac says that my lucky number is 6. My favorite numbers are 16 and 24, though.
What Am I Wearing: A black, pleated mini skirt and a white/red/blue Tommy Hilfiger dress shirt, which was a second hand store find for 5€ ($6/£4).
Dream Job: All I've ever really wanted to do is be a singer. But since that hasn't worked out, and I'm already over 30, I've had to settle with something less ambitious. I'm currently studying to become a social worker, but I'm thinking of later further educating myself to become a psychologist or a psychoterapist.
Languages: Finnish and English. I know a little bit of Japanese as well, and I should know Swedish, since it's taught as mandatory in Finnish schools, but since it's a leftover from the days when Finland was under Swedish government, I've always rebeled against it and only know bits of it.
Instrument: I'd love to know how to play the guitar and piano. I've owned an acoustic guitar for 15 years now, and I still can't play it well. My hands are too small for it. 😭
Favorite Song: This is actually a little easier question to answer than the one about musicians. Although I love lots of songs, too, this one has been one of my absolute favorites for years:
Random Fact: I have a cat called Emma. She's my darling baby and here's a photo of her:
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Tagging: I don't really know who to tag. I'm so horribly socially awkward and therefore haven't socialized with y'all much, but I'll try to be brave and tag some of you that I've talked with in the past: @dedlit, @lovethistoomuch, @maccahawk, @cobrabi, @obkkfkr. Please, don't take any pressure, because you're under no obligation to do this. Also, if you weren't tagged and want to do this, consider yourself tagged! 🤗
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volgdemagischewinx · 3 years
Oh no by all means grouch it's great for soul and body, honest!
I'm also sad you seem to have to tiptoe around the stuff because like, you not enjoying something doesn't take away joy from the person for whom it is special? It's 100% fine to say you don't like something.
To me it's not so much that they're all paired off, and the whole thing where the male and female friend group match perfectly thing could even be developed for a comedy aspect. But more weird to me is that they all RIGHT away were paired off. Like, right at the beginning of season 1 you could tell who ends up with who and I feel that there was no friendship between them first, they all jumped right into the "talking with expectations" stage.
I do think a reboot could use more variety though. And AT LEAST they could avoid the complete boomer ending for them all, for an example, my HC is that Riven had small pox when he was a kid and he can't have kids with a girl because of that. So he and Musa are a straight couple, HS sweethearts, but they're childfree- and it is not a cliche scenario where the man is presented to high heavens as oh so noble to stay with an infertile girl. You know, stuff like that.
Do you have any lgbt ships? I don't like Blicy much because I think Bloom can do better, but I love Mirta and Lucy. I kinda see Riven have a crush on Helia, so that AU works for me too.
Haha yeah, it's partially cause I really prefer to keep this blog a positive space, but also I kind of have this irrational fear that if I say the wrong thing I'll either really hurt someone's feelings, get people to hate me, or both😅. Anxiety thing. Trying to work on that
Anyway when it comes to fandom stuff and ship stuff specifically. It's something that can cause people to get real heated real fast. The Winx fandom is pretty chill in that area, there's a few unpopular ships, but I think we mostly just respect everything. I don't wanna be the person to rock that boat. And I have also been on the other side of things where it seemed impossible to just enjoy the canon ship because people would spread their bitterness everywhere they could
So you know it's kinda like toeing this line between "I don't wanna be the bitter person sucking the fun out of things that bring people joy" and "I don't wanna pretend to never be bothered by heteronormativity in media, or feign interest in things I just don't care about" Still working on the right balance there😂 And with all that in mind I'm just gonna put the rest of the answer under the cut so folks can more easily skip any negativity
Yeah, I've mentioned it in passing before but the romantic development in Winx is non-existent lmao. I don't mind it too much because it just drives home how little importance was placed on the romance/male characters, you know? But it does contribute to my lack of investment in the ships and why I'm so callous about the option of them not carrying over in modern versions
Agreed! I already hate the way they're all paired off in the show, a babies ever after for everyone on top of that would just be nauseating. And I could easily see Riven and Musa not having kids, along with the other things you said
I do, but I mostly try to keep the idea of wanting better(or any) queer rep separate from what ships I like. A lot of fans don't do that and that's how you get fucking Robin coming out of the closet and some people still being salty because he's not dating the guy they ship him with lmao. Provided it was done well, I would not be picky about what ships were used for rep so long as it was there
Agreed on Blicy. I get why it’s popular, but I've never seen anything romantic or compelling about their dynamic myself, and I tend to not be drawn towards villain ships in general. For Bloom I obviously really adore BloomxStella, and while I wouldn't say I ship it, I think the potential is there for BloomxDiapro if the latter was written differently
I also like MirtaxLucy and also FloraxMirta(this I think would be the most likely candidate for a canon one in a reboot). I never considered Riven with a crush on Helia before, but I could be down with that. BrandonxSky is fun for me in AU settings, but I can't really see as a thing in most versions with how I interpret Sky. RivenXNabu could be good. Also MusaxAisha. I love them
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lambs-rest · 4 years
3, 4, 19, and 22 from those salty asks?
😘 Thank you for the ask Nonnie! Sorry there was a delay, I didn't see the ask until now!
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Not really, from what I can remember. If I unfollow it's generally because their content has changed into a fandom or something I'm just not following, or a misclick/Tumblr bug. I tend to be picky about following people, like I'll peruse a big chunk of their blog to see what their posting habits are and if it's what I want to add into my feed. Thanks to that, I have a small but well curated dash!
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
😬 Yeeeah. Ok so, not a specific pairing and more of a character I can't handle ships with... Aymeric. NOT because I don't understand the appeal - I do! But, well, it's real awkward when you look at him like a brother. I guess it's more the explicit stuff. Fluff and cuddles are adorable and fine. But anything more and I just YEET myself out the window, like bye! It's mostly because my first playthrough on Sarangerel, I was writing notes for her and it was a blind run and it just really clicked that she would see the Fortemps' as her adoptive family in Eorzea, and Aymeric was a part of that family.
Also, the kids. I get a touch icky about ships with the twins and Ryne. I think that's also why I don't like Honoroit and Emmanellain. Like, idk how old Honoroit is, but I know Emm is 26 so I just- noPE nopity nope nope nope! If the ship members are a couple of years apart, or the same age thereabouts that's fine, so like Gaia and Ryne? Not my cup of tea but it doesn't hit NoTP territory (more like 'do we have to slap romance on and invalidate another platonic relationship?' territory).
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Hmm...I think the biggest thing I don't like is how insular it can be. Names at the top of the list seem to feed off each other, and while I've seen some great things come from that, it's also really difficult for smaller, new and unpopular blogs to be seen.
Beyond that, it's the usual tumblr-wide problem of people not engaging with content, but that's hardly fandom exclusive.
And the ridiculous trolls (I hope they're trolls) who push mods and stuff onto gposers. No thank you! Back under your bridge you go!
22. Popular character you hate?
Oooh, this one...hm. Ok, so, I don't hate her (I don't think I hate anyone except Asahi, and that's because he's written that way, which I consider a good thing (and Ilberd, and Yuyuhase)), but...Y'shtola gets to me sometimes. I DO like how she butts heads with Merlwyb over the kobolds and such, like she has some very admirable traits and moments, but I think it's because she seems to refuse to rely on other Scions? Like, she always seems to be hiding an ace or something. It doesn't help that she literally never tells anyone that she's blind. Y'mhitra lets it slip in a post Dragonsong sidequest (the one that starts in the Fortemps' Manor). Like...ok, understandable that she doesn't want to be babied, but it's kind of detrimental. Like, good on her for using her aethersight but how about telling people you ARE so if you drop dead one day we won't all be left in the lurch because one of our foremost members had a secret medical handicap they were making up for via a life-threatening method??? Or if she can't use it anymore the Scions have backups for taking aether readings instead of saying "Y'shtola! What do your Miqo'te eyes see!?". It really bugs me that it was never openly addressed in the MSQ. Like, Urianger definitely knows in SHB...but do the others? Does the WoL, if we never do that one sidequest??? It seems to just be Accepted that she's great at reading aether levels when she never used to be. And none of them are going "Hey Y'shtola, since when could you see that a city was made of aether WITH YOUR BARE EYES??? Since when could you see that the aether of Nidhogg's eye was seething without your goofy Sharlayan goggles???"
If they DO decide to address it in the MSQ, god I hope some Scions are pissed off at her for keeping it a secret. Like...does she really not trust them enough to respect her? Would it really kill her to say "Feeling strained today, so I'll have to pass the research on to someone who doesn't have to scan the paper for the aether in the ink to read it". She doesn't need to be made into this 100% self sufficient badass to be a badass character. Thancred had this whole thing where he got freaking possessed by Lahabrea because he was taking on so much to make up for Ifrit, and he got humbled by that. He realised he had to balance things and couldn't do everything on his own. Y'shtola is literally killing herself to see and everything is hunky dory. It feels so skewed and weird to me that it's gone unaddressed for this long.
...See, now I can't tell if I don't like her because of writing potholes/liberties or just because of how she is >:T
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charlie-writes1 · 3 years
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Arcade Date
by: @charlie-writes1
writing masterlist
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Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: KiriBaku
Warning: gay
Word Count: 1.5k
Posted: 3.6.2021
a/n: I think I had taken this from a story I was writing like a year ago but then deleted the rest of the story? Idk.
Kirishima and Bakugo go on their first date.
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I waited outside school for Bakugo. I can't believe this is happening. I had had a crush on Bakugo for as long as I can remember but have never had the courage to talk to him. He's just so intimidating.
I tapped my foot on the ground nervously as I waited. It had already been a few minutes and I hadn't seen Bakugo leaving the school yet. Maybe he didn't actually want to go on a date with me? What if it was some strange prank?
"Just calm down Eijiro, he probably got held back or something," I told myself taking a shaky breath. He was a trouble maker, maybe one of the teachers had to talk with him.
"Sorry I kept you waiting cutie," a gruff voice came from behind me making me turn around. There I saw Bakugo. I could feel my face starting to heat up from the nickname. "Damn teacher needed to talk to me."
"I-it's fine," I managed to say. "A-and my names K-Kirishima, not cutie," I told him.
He rolled his eyes, but I saw a smile on his lips. "Whatever you say K-Kirishima," he said with a small smirk. I crossed my arms and turned my head trying to hide my blush. "Come on, my cars this way," he said, nodding his head over to the parking lot.
I followed him to his car quietly, not really sure what to say or do. I've never been on a date before, and Bakugo and I have never talked other than a few words in pacing and when he asked me out, which I still down understand why he did.
"S-so, Uhh where are you taking me?" I asked looking over at Bakugo as I buckled my seatbelt.
"It's a surprise," he said. "You do like surprise don't you cutie?"
"I- my name is not cutie," I muttered crossing my arms and looking out the window.
"Whatever you say cutie," he said chuckling a little which only made my heart beat faster. "So what sort of food do you like?" He asked.
I looked over at him. Was he taking me to a restaurant? A little early for dinner don't cha think? "Well, I'm not really a picky eater, I-I'm good with almost everything, except olives and squash, I hate olives and squash."
He let out a breathy laugh at my answer. "Noted," he said.
"What food do you like?" I asked curiously.
"Favourite would have to be Chinese food and shawarma, but I don't like mushrooms," he said. No mushrooms huh...
There was another moment of silence. "Why'd you ask me out?" I asked the question that had been on my mind since lunch. It had been a complete surprise when he asked me, he had pulled me into the washroom, pinned me to the wall and then asked, well more of told me that we were going to go on a date.
“Tonight after school you and me are going on a date,” he had said before kissing me and leaving. I had been too stunned to protest, not that I wanted to.
Bakugo glanced over at me but didn't answer, instead, there was a very small smirk on his face as if he was daring me to guess. I looked back out the window and saw we were turning into a parking lot, the arcade parking lot, to be exact.
I had never actually been here before, my parents always said it was a waste of money and time. They were probably right on the money part but it would be fun!
My face lit up and my nervousness was forgotten as I got out of the car. "An arcade!" I said excitedly.
"Come on, let's get this date started," he said putting his arm around me as he tried to lead me to the front door.
As soon as his arm had found its way around my waist my mind went blank. I had noticeably stiffened as I tried to will my legs to move.
I noticed Bakugo smirk a little. "You don't need to be so tense," he said rolling his eyes. “It’s not like I’ll bite.”
I didn't really know what to do so I just nodded saying I understood. He led me inside and I was instantly in awe of all the coloured lights and games.
"What do you want to do first?" He asked. I looked around a little before spotting a game that looked like fun. Bouncing on my heel I pointed towards a game labelled Galaxian.
By the time we were on our fourth game, I was getting comfortable with being around Bakugo. He was a lot of fun to hang out with!
"Your turn to pick!" I said happily as I tried to organize the tickets we had won.
Bakugo smirked, "this one," he said pulling me over to the basketball toss. I was not the best with this sort of thing, my hand-to-eye coordination was horrible. Bakugo started up the game, he had 30 seconds to get as many baskets as he could. He was really good at it. "Your turn," he said smugly stepping away from the game and daring me to do better.
I handed him the tickets and took my place in front of the game. Ok, Eijiro, you can do this, don't make a fool of yourself. I started up the game and did my best, but in the end, I only got 5. Told you I was bad at this.
I turned to see Bakugo laughing, making my cheeks flush red in embarrassment. "D-don't laugh at me!" I said.
"Give it one more try, I'll help you," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and sighed before turning back to the game. I didn't know what he meant, it's not like you can really help someone in this game.
"Fine whatever," I said a little annoyed. I was about to start the timer when I felt Bakugo behind me. "B-Bakugo?" His face was very close to mine and I was very confused about what he was trying to do.
"Relax, I'm going to help," he said pressing the timer. He helped me aim the basketballs, but I couldn't focus on the game, only Bakugo's hot breath tickling my neck and the way his chest would brush over my back every time we tossed the ball.
When the timer ran out I had gotten 15 baskets, definitely an improvement but not by much. I turned around and Bakugo was still standing very close, his hands placed on the game at either side of me, trapping me in. Without warning, he leant down and kissed me. It was softer than when we were at school.
I didn't know what to do. This was my second kiss, ever. What do I even do? How do you kiss someone? I don't know what I'm doing.
Someone clearing their throat gained our attention and made us look to the side. A girl I recognized from school was standing there with her arms closed and tapping her foot. "Are you done with the game?" She asked, annoyed.
I heard Bakugo growl softly in annoyance. "S-sorry we'll get out of your way," I said before Bakugo could say anything rude.
I pulled Bakugo over to another game but his eyes were still glued to the girl. "That bitch is so annoying," Bakugo grumbled lowly. I wondered if it was just because she interrupted the kiss or if there was more to it.
"Do you know her well?" I asked still flushed from the kiss.
Bakugo nodded but didn't say anything more on the subject. "Come on, we should cash in our tickets now. I have something else planned and we can't be late," Bakugo said looking down at his watch.
"Wait can we do one more game?" I asked. "Just the claw machine."
Bakugo studded me for a moment and I did my best to give him puppy dog eyes. "Fine," he sighed. "Be quick."
I smiled and ran over to the game quickly starting it. There was a shark plush that I had seen when we came in that I wanted to try and get. "Come on..." I muttered as I maneuvered the claw over the toy and pressed the button.
Bakugo watched me in amusement, I probably looked like an excited two-year-old to him. I watched as the claw closed in around the toy and picked it up into the air. I smiled brightly as it was caries over to the drop hatch.
Picking it out of the prize box I turned to Bakugo smiling. "Look I got it!" I said happily showing him the red shark plush. The fact that I got it my first try was a miracle, these things are usually rigged or something.
He chuckled a little. "Yes, I see that," he laughed. "Come on cutie, let's cash in the tickets now," he said nodding his head over to the desk.
I blushed a little and followed as his arm found its way back around my waist. We went to the local pizza shop for dinner, and then he drove me home. All in all, it was a great first date, and Bakugo said we'd do it again next weekend, so I have something to look forward to.
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