#i know its not technically smut but just in case
shslfanficreader · 2 years
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Celeste was meant to be in the dom top row 😭
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dreaming-medium · 8 months
Watch Your Six
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Stray Kids Kinktober Masterlist
Sensory Deprivation - Han Jisung
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Word Count: 14.8k
Summary: After training for years, you finally become a full fledged agent for KDOI, the Korean Division of Intelligence. Over time, each and every agent becomes something like a family member, including the high-tech nerd who has managed to put a smile on your face since day one. What happens when he's sent with you on his first field mission?
Warnings: Violence, smut (18+) MDNI
A/N: Kinktober is a state of mind. I know its January idc lol I will finish the list of prompts even if it kills me
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. 
The sound your sneakers make on the treadmill reverberates through the gym. The expensive, high tech plastic mask strapped to your face fogs up with each exhale and clears with each inhale. 
To your right, a man holds a clipboard, glasses covered eyes watching your vitals displayed on the monitor hooked up to the mask and other various wires clipped to your body. 
You’ve been running for about an hour straight, but your breathing is still even; and just by glancing down at the screen, your heart rate looks the same. 
For months, you’ve been training with the federal agency to be one of their field agents. Countless nights were spent pushing yourself to the limit, physically and mentally. 
Today was your final evaluation before becoming a full-fledged agent. You were selected out of the hundreds of trainees to test to move on. 
It was a great honor, all your hard work was finally paying off. 
Maybe you’ll get your first mission after this! 
If you pass. 
A small bead of sweat drops down the side of your face. 
Bored, your eyes wander over to the man studying your every heartbeat. 
The thick rimmed glasses that sat on his face have slid down his nose a bit. His lips seem to sit in a constant pout thanks to those pudgy cheeks of his. 
Choppy, fluffy brown hair sits on his head like a mop. You can tell he’s run his fingers through it more than a handful of times to get it out of his eyes. 
A crisp white lab coat rests over a hoodie and khaki pants. A few different pens and instruments sit in the pocket under an embroidered ‘J’ .
You’ve seen him around the trainees once or twice in the years you’ve been here. From what you’ve gathered, he was one of the technical experts, providing countless gadgets and gizmos for the field agents to use. 
The guy that would give the secret agent a lipstick taser before embarking on their world class espionage mission. 
He’s pretty and smart— what a lethal combination. 
When the man looks back up at the treadmill, your eyes flick back to dead ahead of you. 
Reaching forward, he hits the stop button on the treadmill and jots down a few notes on his clipboard, a tiny smile pulls at his handsome face. 
The treadmill comes to a gradual stop and so do your legs. One hour exactly sits on the clock. 
Nervously, you look down at the screens, to his monitor, looking at anything you can. 
“You did extremely well, 586.” There’s a happy tilt to his tone while he scribbles down some more notes, flipping the page, then writing some more. “You can take the mask off now.”
Nodding, you gently take the mask off your face and drape it over the top of the treadmill. 
“I have one more examination for you.” He clicks a few buttons on the computer to the side.
Patiently, you stand there waiting for instruction. 
He looks up at you with amusement glinting in his big, brown eyes. “You don’t need to be so stiff with me, 586, that’s not part of the tests.”
Your shoulders relax and sag forward a bit. “Sorry, I’m just a bit nervous.”
“Understandable.” He grabs a hold of the cart with the machines on it and rolls it to the side. “Most, if not all, trainees are during their examination. I can’t remember a trainee that wasn’t nervous— well, maybe M, but he’s a special case.”
“Are you J?” you ask, looking down at his lab coat. 
“I am,” he answers and steps closer to the treadmill.
He reaches forward and unsnaps the wires hooked onto the leads on your chest. The sticker part stays on, but the wires are removed. Which means you’ll probably be hooked up to another machine soon. 
“I’ve seen you around before,” you say to him, studying his face up close. 
“I’m always around everywhere,” he jokes, unhooking more wires. “I don’t think there’s a square inch of this agency I haven’t seen.”
“Are you a field agent?”
He scoffs. “No, not me. I could never handle that.”
“But you’re an agent.”
He moves his head side to side. “Of sorts, yeah. B needed a tech guy, so technically I’m an agent. But if you were to send me on a mission, I might cry. I leave those sorts of things up to C or S, or any one of the other agents. Just not me.”
You nod with a small smile of your own. 
“Follow me.”
Following his orders, you step off the treadmill and follow after him out of the gym. 
“Is there only one of each letter?” you ask.
J laughs. “Actually, yeah.” He leads you towards a side room, it looks like an interrogation room with a large contraption on the center of the table. “It’s easier that way.”
He motions for you to take a seat across the table. 
“And unless you fail this psych evaluation, I believe we’re going to be back to 26 again.” J starts fiddling with the machine, pulling wires and leads off the top. 
A happy pang goes through your heart. Thank god he hasn’t hooked up the heart monitor yet, he would’ve seen it skyrocket. 
“You think?” Nervously, you shift around in the chair. 
J chuckles. “I do. I haven’t seen a perfect exam like this in a while. Plus, we saw all the extra training you were putting in.”
Your mouth opens a bit in shock. J looks over at you, holding the wires ready to snap to the leads on your chest. 
“We have eyes everywhere, 586. Did you really think we didn’t see that?”
An embarrassed flush crawls on your neck and turns your ears red. “Of course, I know that.” 
Again, he chuckles and snaps all the wires to the leads. His fingers are warm in contrast with the cold air of the exam room. Each time his knuckles brush against your skin the feeling lingers. 
He places a strap around your head that has two metal leads pressing into your forehead. Even more wires from that strap lead down to the detector. 
J looks down at the wires and then turns on the machine. It whirrs to life and a needle starts scribbling out your heart rate on the top. 
It’s a lie detector. Of sorts. It looks like more than that. 
You’re not going to pretend to understand anything, though. That’s his job. 
His eyes watch the needle, he then reaches forward and clips a small cuff on your finger— a steady beeping follows it. 
“There we go,” he mutters to himself and takes a seat across from you. 
J shuffles papers around on the clipboard to rearrange them. 
A large mirror sat on the wall behind him. There’s no way that’s not one way glass. Is there anyone on the other side watching your evaluation? Or is it just the two of you? Is there another higherup keeping track of your answers? Maybe it’s B? Or maybe other agents are spectating to see how you are. 
You would be working closely with them, after all. If the roles were reversed, you’re sure you would watch. 
“Ready?” J’s voice interrupts your thoughts. 
Your eyes snap to him and you nod. 
“Is your name Y/N L/N?” he asks, looking down at the clipboard. 
It’s been so long since you’ve heard your real name. Two years? Yeah, two years. You’ve only been referred to as 586 since you joined. 
J looks at the contraption for a few seconds, taking note of the way it moves. He makes a small tick on the paper. 
“Can you verify your date of birth for me?”
You do as he says, saying it like second nature. Again, he repeats the same motion of watching your heart rate and making a small tick. 
The questions start out simple. Where were you born? What are your parent’s names? Do you have any siblings? All questions that you would make a security question for your bank. 
“Now, let’s get to the real questions. Just answer honestly and you have nothing to worry about, okay, 586?” J’s voice is calm and smooth. 
Something about this guy makes you want to tell him everything regardless of if you’re hooked up to several machines. 
“Have you ever been contacted by an external government agency prior to enlisting in KDOI?”
KDOI: The Korean Division of Intelligence. Your dream job since you were a young girl. 
After your answer, J watches your heart rate for even longer than before. He makes a tick on the clipboard. 
“Have you ever been contacted by an external government agency after enlisting in KDOI?”
Another tick. 
“Have you ever participated in an organized event that openly opposed KDOI?”
“Have you ever had malicious thoughts about KDOI or the agents working within it?”
“No, quite the opposite. I admire KDOI.” You add the last part with a sheepish smile. 
J grins when he makes the next tick on the paper. 
“Next section…” he murmurs. “Have you recently had thoughts of suicide?”
Question after question comes from his mouth. You answer honestly to each of them, not even hesitating to let the reply leave your lips. 
“Did you have thoughts of suicide prior to enlisting in KDOI?”
“Do you ever have thoughts of harming others?”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“N- what?” Your eyes widen and you stare at him incredulously. There’s no way that’s on the evaluation. 
J feigns ignorance and points down to the clipboard. In exaggerated movements, he motions down to it and shrugs, puffing air in his cheeks and just making a meal out of this fake performance. 
“I can’t believe it either but there it is. ‘Do you have a boyfriend?’” 
You tongue your cheek and smirk a bit. “No, J, I do not.”
J nods and scribbles down more than just a tick while looking at the heart monitor. “Interesting…” 
He makes a few last notes before his eyes widen and he looks up at you, pointing his pen in your direction. “No girlfriend either, right?”
You roll your eyes, “No, no girlfriend either.”
Isn’t this an official evaluation? For a government official secret organization that grants people a license to kill? 
He asked you if you were single immediately after asking if you’ve had thoughts of suicide. Is this guy for real?
You slow blink at him while he finishes up the form on his end. 
“Well!” he exclaims happily, hitting the clipboard on the metal table. You don’t even flinch. “I believe we’re all finished here.”
Your heart squeezes with nerves. 
J stands up from the table and rounds the table towards you. 
So badly you want to ask for the results of your exam. Are you in? Did you pass? Are you an agent?
“B needs to sign off on all the paperwork,” J trails off, his hands reaching forward to unhook all the wires from the leads stuck to your skin. “But… I don’t think there’s any issue with me welcoming you to the agency. Officially.”
Since the heart monitor was still hooked up, you can hear the needle suddenly spike and scribble large peaks on the paper. 
J turns his head to look at it. An amused smirk crosses his face and a chuckle huffs through his chest. “Funny,” he says to himself and then turns back to you. 
Sheepishly, you look away from him. 
“That’s what gets your heart rate to spike?” J sits on the corner of the table and folds his arms across his chest. 
You bite your cheek and avoid his eyes. “Well, this has been my dream job since I was a young girl; so, yes, you alluding to me becoming an official agent would raise my heart rate.”
J scoffs. His warm fingers suddenly grab your face, thumb on one cheek and his middle and pointer finger on the other. He turns your head to face him.
When your gaze snaps to his face, you see that there’s a cocky smirk on his face but his eyes are focused down on the heart monitor. The needle stays steady much to his obvious distaste. 
He sucks teeth in disbelief. “Really?”
“Is this another test?” your voice comes out muffled due to him holding your cheeks. 
J rolls his eyes with a frown. “Yeah, let’s go with that.” He releases your face and slides the strap off your head.
The leads on your chest are soon to come off after that. J is careful not to rip the sticky pads off your skin too fast so that it doesn’t sting. He rubs the site with a bit of rubbing alcohol afterwards to get rid of the residue. 
“How long have you been at the agency?” you ask. You’re curious about him. 
He defeats all the ‘Secret Agent’ stereotypes. He’s personable and warm— and a bit flirtatious. He’s not at all the cold, all-business type you were used to. That’s how more than half the trainees were. 
It’s not that you were cold, no. You just kept to yourself and worked hard. 
And you made sure your personality didn’t fade during that time either. 
J’s nose crinkles up while he thinks. His hands slow down in the process. “Hmm,” he hums. “Maybe four years now? Yeah, sounds about right.”
Your eyes widen. “Four years? How old are you?”
He smirks. “Don’t you know never to ask a young man his age.”
“I guess if you’re not going to tell me…” you trail off. “I’ll just say twenty eight then.”
“Twenty ei—!” he stammers and takes the last lead off your chest. “I’m twenty two!”
“Wasn’t so hard was it?”
J grumbles and turns around to finish putting the machine away. But there’s an amused tilt to the corner of his puffy lips and a playful glint in his eye. 
“So you started when you were eighteen?”
“Child prodigy?”
“Taken right from high school.”
J laughs under his breath. “Everyone seems to think so.”
“You don’t?”
“Eh.” He shrugs. “Everyone here is a prodigy of some sort. It’s easy to blend in and somehow appear mediocre when surrounded by Korea’s most elite minds and bodies.”
“I don’t think you’re mediocre.”
“You haven’t met everyone else yet.”
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer again. J grabs your clipboard and takes the papers off it, handing them to you. 
“Bring these to B, he has to sign off on the final enlistment.” You take the stack from him. “The guard outside the door will bring you up to his office.”
You look down at the papers, your heart rate picking up faster and faster the more you think about it.
J puts his hand on your lower back and ushers you towards the door. It tingles at the base of your spine. He reaches in front of you and opens the door, motioning for you to exit first. The hand on your lower back twitches and it feels like he almost scratches it twice before urging you forward and dropping it. 
It’s weirdly comforting. 
It doesn’t feel weird at all. 
You turn back to look at him, “Thank you, J.”
He smiles. Those round cheeks get even bigger when it happens. 
“Welcome to KDOI, X .”
Two years goes by in the blink of an eye when working with a government agency. Especially when a majority of your assignments can take anywhere from a week to two months at a time. 
The agents you work with are the only constant in your life. Other faces flitter in and out of your life like leaves falling off trees. You don’t grow attached to anyone outside of this organization, you can’t afford to. 
You’re not complaining, not at all. You love the life you have now. It’s everything you ever wanted. 
Everyone at KDOI is a family, you’re all each other has. It’s an unspoken, special bond. 
When you first started, you were welcomed in with open arms. Obviously, some agents were warmer than others at first— or maybe it’s just that some were better at first impressions than others. 
Maybe other people would have been upset with M’s standoffishness when you first introduced yourself. But, after a hot coffee appeared on your desk not even five minutes after complaining about being cold to him and only him, you knew he wasn’t detached and icy at all. 
Other agents, like F, have been nothing but a ball of sunshine. He was the one you ate lunch with every single day while you were at the agency. Whilst sitting by yourself in the cafeteria on day one, he took it upon himself to plop himself in the seat right across from you. 
H is your favorite agent to go on long assignments with. He never fails to be a constant source of entertainment and intelligent conversation— with the occasional stupid ass comment that makes you question where the man you were just talking to went. 
Slowly but surely, you’ve also started learning their real names. Learning someone’s real name was apparently the equivalent of leaving you in their will around here. 
There was a time and place to refer to them as their real name. It was a line you tiptoed constantly. 
Surprisingly, it was M who told you his name first: Minho. It was completely unprompted too. It was in the jet returning from a three week mission where you had saved him from at least five different gunshot wounds by tackling him to the ground. 
The others trickled in afterwards. 
Y, or Jeongin, was shocked when you didn’t know his name. And immediately told you afterwards with a cute, wide smile on his face. 
Even though every single agent has become a part of you, one particular agent seems to have captured a larger part of your soul than the others. 
“J,” you say casually, slipping behind him to stand on the other side of his cluttered workbench. 
Jisung. He had told you his name when you had lingered in his workshop late one night, not wanting to go back to your dorm quite yet. 
“Hello, X,” he grins without looking up at you. The glasses on his nose have fallen forward.
His laptop is his primary focus, several wires are running from the computer to a tiny little gadget that looks no bigger than a cell phone. It has a small LED screen with different colored pixels bouncing around it. 
Jisung’s workshop was one of your favorite places in the agency. There was always music playing, a computer always had some sort of TV on silent with the subtitles on, and there were always snacks everywhere. 
You consider it a second dorm, really. As soon as you’re done training for the day, you usually find yourself here.
“When did you get back?” he asks, clicking a few keys and looking over at the gadget, then back to his computer. 
“Maybe two hours ago?”
“And it took you this long to come say hi?”
“I had to shower.”
“ And you didn’t invite me?” his cheeky smile gets bigger. 
You smack the back of his head, the glasses fall even more. You’re surprised they don’t tumble off his face.
If one thing has remained constant since your exam day, it’s the relentless flirting. The guy can’t go more than five minutes without saying some sort of teasing comment. 
It should bother you. 
But it doesn’t. 
At this point, you’ve gotten quite used to it. If he ever stopped, then you might be a bit concerned. You might even miss it. 
But you would never tell him that. 
Jisung makes a tiny ‘gah’ noise and rubs the back of his head in fake pain. He pushes his glasses up his nose and looks over at you. 
“I missed you so much and the first thing you do is hurt me,” he whines. 
“I wasn’t gone that long.”
“Two long months without my girlfriend.”
“ Not your girlfriend.”
He clutched his chest through his baggy black hoodie. “Another wound.”
You cross your arms and giggle a bit. “Well get used to me not being here. B is sending me on another assignment tomorrow.”
Jisung frowns. “I know, he asked me to be at your debrief tomorrow morning.” He lets out a whine. “You just got back! Usually you’re around for at least two weeks in between missions.”
Shrugging, you look around the room. The digital clock on the wall read 10:29 PM. He’s usually the only one in here past 5:30, he tends to lose track of time easily when working on projects. 
“It’s part of the job,” you say casually. 
Jisung grumbles again, looking down at his laptop once more. “Yeah, well it sucks. Everyone’s always coming and going. Meanwhile I’m stuck here all day every day.”
“I thought you didn’t do field work.”
“I don’t . I just also hate that I’m trapped here while everyone gets to travel with one another.”
You narrow your eyes. “You do know we’re not sightseeing, right?”
Jisung balks. “Of course I know that.” He pauses. “But I did see that picture that you and Changbin took at Buckingham Palace.”
You bite your lip to stop the smile. “Not my fault it just so happened to be by our hotel.”
“Bang said if we had a Christmas card he would use that picture.”
The smile you’re fighting gets even bigger. You hesitate before speaking up again. “It’s a good picture.”
Jisung’s head drops and he places both of his hands on the table. “See what I mean?” he groans. 
“Just tell Bang that you want field work.”
Jisung’s head shoots up and he stares at you with wide eyes. “I would die in the field!”
“You would not. One of us would be there to save your hide. You really think Minho would let you die?”
“I think he would load the gun himself.”
A laugh bubbles up in your chest. Uncrossing your arms, you turn around and lean against the table. 
“Ji, we would make sure you were safe if you were to come out in the field with us. It’s our job.”
“Your job is to carry out the mission.”
“I wouldn’t give a damn about the mission if your life was on the line.”
Jisung’s mouth snaps shut. His eyebrows fly up his forehead. 
The two of you stare at each other for a long moment. Out of the corner of your eye, you see his knuckles turn white from gripping the counter so hard. 
His Adam’s Apple bobs with a gulp. 
You shouldn’t have said something like that, shouldn’t you? Your job is to carry out government missions. Personal feelings should never be put first, you know that. 
So why did you say that?
Fuck, you shouldn’t have said that. 
The shock on Jisung’s face quickly morphs into a cocky smirk. It’s a mask. You can see in his eyes he’s still a bit shocked. 
“I knew you were in love with me.”
Groaning, you roll your eyes and push off the table. “I’m going back to my dorm to sleep. Goodnight, J.”
Your hand slides to his lower back and you scratch twice over his lab coat and hoodie. 
Ever since your exam day, the two of you do this small gesture to each other all the time. It could be when he passes behind you in the cafe line or comes up behind you in the training room. It’s such a tiny, personal gesture. 
Sometimes on the coldest nights in the field, you’ll find yourself aching for that small touch.
“You’re so head over heels in love with me, X!” he calls after you, again, clutching at his heart and overacting like he’s swooning. 
“I’m leaving!”
“You just got here!” he whines. 
“I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you walk away, X!”
“Night!” you repeat, letting the door shut after you. 
You walk down the hallway of the agency with a goofy smile on your face. 
“Idiot,” you mumble to yourself. 
B’s office was at the very top of the large building, the windows overlooked the entirety of Seoul. Everything inside the office exuded money and power. The wood of the bookshelves was black and sleek and always dust free. 
Inside the office was so large there was an entire sitting area with two sofas and two loveseats around a coffee table. 
There was always a bergamot candle burning on a side table there. 
It was just about 10 AM when you stepped inside. 
“Ah, X, thank you so much for coming in.” B stands up from his large desk chair to welcome you in. 
Bang Chan, the leader of KDOI, and the most unassuming man you’ve ever met. When you brought him your final exam paperwork that fateful day you thought you were in the wrong office. 
This whole time you were expecting a wrinkly old man, not a twenty-something with dimples. 
But, at this point, you’ve learned to not be surprised by anything anymore. 
Maybe you were surprised at the fact that the other man in the room made no move to even look at you. 
Jisung sat in the other chair in front of the desk, his face sheet white. Both of his hands are gripped in tight fists on top of his pants. 
Your warm smile fades from your face as you take in his ghastly expression. 
“What’s going on?” you ask. 
Chan’s lips form a tight line as he motions to the chair for you to sit in. “I was going over your next assignment with J before you got here.”
“Apologies, am I late?”
“No, not at all. I had J come in a little early to talk to him one on one.”
You glance over at Jisung who looks like he hasn’t even blinked. Alarm bells are going off inside your head. Not even a nod in your direction?
“What’s this assignment about, B?” You look back to your boss. 
He slides a manilla envelope across the desk to you, you take it without a second thought. Chan picks up a tiny remote off his desk and presses a button. Shades slowly come down over the window, bathing the room in darkness. Another beep on the remote and a holographic screen projects from the floor next to the desk. 
Both you and Chan turn your chairs to go over the debrief, Jisung stays still. Part of you wants to snap your fingers in front of his face to see if he’s still alive or not. 
Instead, you focus on your job. 
“I know you’re used to more recoup time, but I’m afraid this assignment is pretty urgent.” Chan clicks the remote. A grainy CCTV picture is displayed on the screen. “The international gang you’ve been dealing with lately, the Ice Crows, have shown their face again.”
Chan zooms in on the image. Several higher ups of the gang are getting out of a black SUV. They’re all dressed in fancy suits smoking cigars. 
The last time you dealt with them was about five months ago when their trail had gone cold over in Canada. 
“When and where was this taken?” you ask. 
“Yesterday. Paris. Where you and J will be headed after this.”
Your head snaps over to look at Chan. 
With Jisung? No wonder the guy looked like he was eight inches from death!
Your eyes slide to the engineer, he’s still staring forward. A cold sweat on his brow. 
“J is coming with me?”
Chan points your attention back to the debrief. “Allow me to continue.”
You spare one last look Jisung. The poor guy is shaking in his boots. Your hands itch to reach out and comfort him, but you have to remain professional. 
That’s for after the debrief. 
“There’s an auction being held at the Palais des Congrès. Several large and important pieces are being shown there. Including…” Bang switches the slides and displays an expensive painting. “The Refuge, which was stolen no more than two months ago by the Ice Crows. They’re putting it up for auction when it belongs back in Korea.”
Your eyes narrow. “This seems like a pretty rookie cut and dry assignment, B. You need me to get the painting back. I don’t understand why J has to come with me, he doesn’t do field work.”
The conversation the two of you had the previous night echoes in your mind. 
B nods. “I know. Let me get there, X.” He switches the slide to display the floor plan of the museum. “This convention center is rather high tech, as you can see. It’s equipped with blockers that don’t allow any outside waves to make it past their walls. Any and all technical communication has to come within the building.”
“So, you’re sending J with me because he’s the only one that can operate field equipment? S can operate simple transmitters and trackers.”
“It’s more than that, X. The painting will be behind several different firewalls and security systems that not even S can hack through. J needs to be with you and he needs to be in that building.”
You take a deep breath and look over at Jisung. His hundred yard stare has moved from the window and is now focused down on his lap. 
“He’ll be in your hotel room the entire time. You’ll be doing the recon and walking through the convention center to get where you need to be.”
Jisung pulls his lips between his teeth. His body finally came back to life. “I won’t need to leave the room?” His voice is hoarse. 
“No,” Chan answers quickly. “Not until you’re leaving to come back home.”
Jisung shifts on his chair, unfurling his fists and swallowing thickly. 
“I understand your apprehension, J, I do. But I need you on this.”
Jisung watches him closely and then offers a weak nod. He glanced over at you. 
“I wouldn’t put you with X unless I was sure that she would watch your six.”
You nod and steel your expression. “I won’t let anything happen to you, J.”
Color returns to J’s cheeks at your words. He gulps and takes a deep breath, his shoulders rolling back and remaining stiff.
“Okay,” he says softly. “Okay, I’ll do it.” He’s more confident the second time. 
“Good.” Chan clasps his hands together. “Stay safe, agents. Amusez vouis bien!”
You and Jisung were the only ones inside the cabin of the agency’s private jet. It took off the runway only about four minutes ago. 
The brunette sat across from you, his eyes focused out the window at the clouds below. His posture is anything but relaxed. He’s sitting ramrod straight in the large cushioned chair. 
You don’t think his muscles have released since you both were in Chan’s office. Even through the thick layers of his comfortable traveling clothes you can clearly read his uneasy body language. 
“You okay?” you ask gently.
“No,” he mutters back. Duh.
You bite the inside of your cheek, completely unsure of what to do or say. This was never a part of your training. Maybe you should’ve picked up a copy of ‘ Comforting Friends for Dummies ’ when you had the chance. 
Killing targets? Easy! 
Provide detailed surveillance on a suspicious person? Done! 
Soothe an anxious friend? Not so simple. 
Jisung’s cheeks seem even puffier than usual, lips pursed in a pout. There’s no sparkle to his eyes like you’re used to. 
Taking a deep breath, you lean back in your seat and look around the plane. You crack your knuckles, displaying your own nerves. 
“Do you know the best part of staying at hotels during missions?” you ask him to break the silence.
Jisung hums in acknowledgement, he continues to watch the clouds below. 
“You get to order all the room service you want— it comes out of the agency’s card.” You smirk. 
He shifts around in his seat. His hands that were tightly gripping the armrests relax a bit. 
“Last assignment I was on with Hyunjin, we were in a seaport town, the hotel made these bacon wrapped scallops… man… I ate so many I thought I was going to explode.” You pat your stomach. 
Jisung finally looks at you. “Bacon wrapped scallops?”
You nod and smile at him. “You’ll be in the room the entire time. Think of all the room service you’ll get to order.”
“I’ve never had bacon wrapped scallops.”
“It’s Paris, who knows what they’ll offer there. And it all goes on Bang’s card.”
Jisung finally smiles. It wavers for a second, like he’s sheepish to do it. It’s paired with a breathy chuckle. He looks down at his lap and lets his body fall forward a bit, elbows resting on his knees. 
His knee bounces anxiously and the exhales he lets out are shaky. 
“God, Y/N,” he sighs, rubbing his face. “I can’t help but freak out.”
“It’s my first time out in the field.” 
“I know.”
“What if something happens?”
You roll your eyes. “I would be more surprised if something didn’t happen, Jisung.”
His head shoots up. The color drains from his face. His pouty lips part a few times like he’s trying to find the right words to say. 
“But I’m prepared for it, Jisung.” You lean forward, mirroring his posture and take his hands between yours. “I’m prepared to take care of whatever pops up to keep you safe, okay?”
His jaw clenches and he stares deeply into his eyes. The hands in yours are so warm in stark contrast to your always-cold ones. 
“And if anything terrible happens then I’ll do whatever it takes to get you out of it. Trust in me, okay? I have to take care of KDOI’s resident nerd, after all.”
“Resident nerd…” he scoffs.
You bite the inside of your cheek. “Did I ever tell you what happened on my first mission with Minho?”
Jisung shakes his head. 
“It was supposed to be easy! The intel that KDOI had gotten was that there was going to be a large drug exchange somewhere in the States, Minho was sent with me. And my lord, our intel was off.”
Thinking about the memory makes you giggle to this day. 
“It was an international, high profile cartel that Bang has been trying to nail down for years. Well, during a small scout, I got my ass captured. I wasn’t watching my six like I should’ve.”
Jisung’s eyes widen. Obviously, he wasn’t told about this. It’s not like you enjoy flaunting the story around. 
“I had a gun to the back of my head, the leader of the cartel was screaming for Minho to come out from where he was hiding or he’d kill me. God, I’ve never been so afraid in my life. My first assignment and I already had a gun to my skull.
“Minho, being the amazing agent he is, found the right vantage point and took the guy out. I was able to evade the crossfire after that, but honestly those bullets weren’t what scared me, it was the idea that Minho was disappointed in me.”
He was the agent you looked up to the most after all. He was the one that all these great stories and tales were all about. Minho was the harrowing hero of KDOI who was able to ace every mission handed to him. 
“But he didn’t even say anything about it. Even when I apologized over and over again, he just shrugged and said it was part of the job. And I get it now. It is just part of the job. So don’t worry, okay?”
Jisung swallows once, chin dipping down with a stiff nod. He turns his hands around in yours to grasp your fingers. 
A playful smirk creeps up on his face. “I can’t believe it…”
Your head cocks to the side and you watch him closely. He’s studying your manicured nails, his thumbs swipe over the digits softly. It’s a tender movement. 
“What?” you ask. 
“I can’t believe how in love with me you are.”
You rip your hands out of his and swat forward just as fast. 
With a barking laugh, he moves out of the way of your slap. You swing again and again, each time his laughter gets louder and louder. 
“First last night, now this? Are you going to propose to me next?”
You know this is just his way of evading thinking about how scared he is, but if that’s what it takes to make him feel better, you’ll allow it. If a distraction is what he needs, then you’ll give it to him. 
“Love hurts!” he cries out when you land a solid smack on his arm. “They were right!”
“It’s going to kill you, that’s what it’s going to do.”
By the time you and Jisung get to the convention center and check into the hotel it’s nearing seven at night. The gala isn’t being held until tomorrow, so you both have some time to relax and settle in. 
It leaves Jisung plenty of time to set up everything he needs inside your hotel room.
You both checked in without a hitch, getting your keys and practically falling into the room. Jet Lag is pulling your eyelids shut and weighing down on your chest like an elephant.
Flicking the lights on, you blink your bleary eyes a few times, staring down at the large bed sitting in the middle of your hotel room. 
One king sized bed.
You’d love to say this hasn’t happened before but you never know what to expect on missions. There have been places where there’s been one bed, two beds, bunk beds , and even separate bedrooms once or twice. 
On one occasion Hyunjin slept on the floor since you were only given one twin sized bed and you were not about to share that tiny space with the man who likes to spread out all of his limbs and hog the blanket at the same time.
So, at this point, you don’t even care if there’s only one bed.
You shrug it off and plop your bag next to the dresser and let your body fall back onto the plush mattress with an ‘oof!’
Jisung, on the other hand, hovers around the doorway, both hands still gripping the two rolling suitcases full of his equipment. “I can sleep on the pull out couch,” he says thickly.
“Ji, it’s fine, we can share a bed, we’re both adults here,” you tease him. “As long as you don’t put your cold feet on me, I don’t care.”
“I don’t have cold feet,” he grumbles and wheels his suitcases towards the small table on the other side of the room. 
You let your eyes slide shut on the bed. The gentle hum of the air conditioner already lulling your brain to sleep. With how exhausted you are, it wouldn’t take much for you to give into the pull anyway. 
Jisung opens up the suitcases and starts unloading every piece of technology that he has brought with him. Various wires and computer parts thud against the wood of the table. 
He stops for a second.
“And how would you know if I did have cold feet?”
A laugh is punched from your chest at the abrupt question. It’s a deep belly laugh. “Let’s just say there is a loose lipped agent among us.”
Jisung pauses. “Minho said he wouldn’t tell anyone.”
“He wasn’t going to until I started teasing him about his purchase of fuzzy socks.”
“You were with him when he bought those?”
“I helped him choose between two different pairs.” You crack one eye open to look at him. “The purple pair was my idea.”
Jisung groans and slides his laptop open, the typing on his keys is a lot more aggressive. You giggle again at his outward display of frustration.  
You let your eyes close again, listening to him shuffle his things around the wooden table muttering in between movements about how his feet aren’t that cold, they’re just colder than the rest of his body. 
An easy smile finds its way on your face and you listen to his quiet ramblings until sleep finally washes over your tired mind. 
“You were right,” Jisungs voice says in your earpiece. “Room service is fucking awesome.”
A waiter with a tray full of champagne flutes passes by, you grab one as he strides by your side. 
“I told you,” you say quietly while bringing the glass up to your lips to take a sip. “What did you order?”
“I think the better question is what didn’t I order.” His mouth sounds full when he answers you. 
He’s up on the 14th floor of the convention hall while you’re downstairs at the gala in a sleek, red silk dress. Your hair and makeup done exquisitely well, beautiful silver heels match the diamond jewelry adorning your skin. 
You blend right in to everyone around you. 
“I heard that their oysters are fantastic.”
“I think that’s part of what I ordered.” You can hear several dishes being pushed around. “Yep, right here. Although, they don’t look as appetizing as I thought.”
“They’re not really a lounge snack.”
“For rich people they are.”
The mission started about an hour ago when you made your way into the main event hall. The auction for the painting is going to begin in about another hour. 
Your first task of the night is to locate the painting before the auction and place a minuscule tracking device on it to locate later once it’s sold. 
There was only one way you knew to get close enough to The Refuge. 
“Oh. Three tables back to your 8 is your first target of the night, X.”
Paternino ‘Pink Panther’ Cardi. One of the Ice Crows inner circle members. He can’t resist swiping whatever paintings he can get his grimy fingers on; but, he also can’t resist bragging to an attractive woman. 
You turn nonchalantly to find him already eyeing you up with dark eyes. 
He’s your typical mafia member. In fact, if you had to draw a cartoon of a mobster, it would look like Paternino. 
You hold his searing eye contact while taking another sip from your champagne. The mobster lowers his chin and lets his tongue dart out to lick his lips. 
At first, seduction wasn’t a part of the job you particularly excelled at. But after doing it for so long, it comes naturally. 
Batting your lashes, you smirk at him and then turn to walk towards his table, your hips swaying in the process. Maybe you exaggerate your movements a bit, but it has the exact effect you need on Paternino. 
He’s sitting at a large round booth all by himself, legs spread wide in a show-of-power manner. A large swig of whiskey is taken out of his glass before you get to him. 
“Don’t you know that a beautiful woman such as yourself deserves a better drink than the venue provided champagne?” He motions to the booth seat next to him. 
You place your glass on the table and slide gracefully next to him. The effort you put into this is going to need to be quick, you don’t have long to locate the painting. 
“And I suppose a handsome man like yourself knows just what to order a woman like me?” Your voice is coy and seductively low. 
In your ear, you hear Jisung take a tiny, shaky breath. Does he know the intercom is still activated on his end?
Paternino slides towards you a bit more so now you can smell the expensive cologne wafting off him. It’s almost too overpowering. 
“A woman like you, hm?” He rests his arm on the booth behind your shoulders, lifting one hand to signal a waiter to come by. “Look into my eyes, let me see if I can guess your drink of choice.”
You rest your chin on top of your folded hands, your elbows resting on the table. His eye contact is intense and vivid, it makes your skin crawl. 
Paternino hums again. “A sapphire martini.”
“Nope,” Jisung says with a chuckle. 
You give a tiny, fake gasp. “How did you know?”
“I know a woman with taste when I see her.” He takes another swig of his whiskey while staring at you. “A sapphire martini for the lady.”
There must have been a waiter next to the table. You fight the urge to turn and look, instead opting to look at Paternino through your lashes. 
“Your turn, Beautiful. Why don’t you make an assumption about me?”
“I assume you’re an asshole with a tiny dick.”
Humming, you scoot even closer to Paternino, your fingers come up and walk up his chest to come around his tie. 
“I think,” you whisper lowly, coming closer to his own face, forcing your eyes to look down at his lips for a split second then back up at his eyes. “That you’re a powerful man around here, and that you don’t take no for an answer.”
His lips curl up in a cocky smirk. The arm that was previously on the booth, comes around your shoulders. His fingers feel clammy on your exposed skin. 
“Very observant, my lady. Anything else?”
The sound of a glass being delicately placed reaches your ears. You reach out and grab the martini glass without looking, bringing it closer to you.
“No, no, it’s your turn.”
He smiles. You’re so close to his face you can hear his exhales, smell the whiskey on his breath. 
You sip your own martini. God, it’s awful. You hate martinis. 
Paternino slides a finger underneath the spaghetti strap of your dress. “I think you would look gorgeous without this in the way.” He tugs on the strap. 
“Zero out of ten. Horrible pick up line. Try again.”
Jisung’s snarky words in your ear are oddly calming to your racing heart. He keeps bringing you down to Earth.
“Funny, I was thinking the same thing about your clothes.” You tug his tie. “The auction doesn’t start for some time. How about you show me somewhere private we can go and we can see if both of us are right.”
“I like that idea, I know just the place, Beautiful.” Paternino slides out of the booth and holds out his hand, which you grab a hold of gingerly to stand up and be led away from the main gala floor. 
It takes five minutes for Paternino to lead you to the room where The Refuge is being stored. It only takes you ten seconds to knock him out cold with one solid hit to the back of the head. 
His body hits the ground like a sack of potatoes in the dark storage room. 
“Fucking finally,” Jisung groans in your ear. 
“Sorry, it was the only way I knew to get back here.”
“That was torture, X. I’m never doing this again.”
You roll your eyes and pick up Paternino’s ragdolling body under the arms, dragging him across the room and stuffing him inside a storage closet with his arms and legs tied together and duct tape over his mouth. 
“Now, which one is The Refuge?” you mutter looking around at all the art around the room. There’s sculptures, painting, glass blown pieces, everything you would see in a museum. 
“I wonder if The Refuge is the only stolen thing in here?” 
Sighing, you walk around the room, trying to recognize anything. “Probably not. But it’s the only one we know about.”
You find the painting eventually sitting at the very back of the room covered by a large sheet. When you walk up to it, you take your earring out of your ear and slide the back off— which is where you were keeping the tracker. 
You tuck the tracker in the back of the painting between the canvas in the wood. It wouldn’t slip out nor would anyone notice. 
“I can see it on the map still, you’re all good. Now get out of there.”
“Anyone coming on the cams?”
“No, you’re clear.”
You take your other earring out and throw it in the garbage can by the door. They were fake anyway and you don’t feel like looking like a freak with one in. 
When you returned to the event hall, people were taking their seats for the auction, so you followed suit. Grabbing another drink from the bar before you sat down. 
“Vodka tonic?”
“Always,” you say under your breath. 
You watch the bartender make your drink with close eyes. 
Now you just needed to wait until the auction was over to get the painting back. Your job was half over. 
Through the earpiece, you can hear knocks on Jisung’s hotel room door. 
“More room service?”
“I… I didn’t order anything.”
Alarm bells go off in your mind. “Don’t answer it.”
Jisung stays silent for a few moments. You’re no longer watching the bartender, you’re focusing intently on what you can hear in your ear. 
“J.” You state, trying to get an update from him. 
“I think they’re gone.”
Before you can even think about being relaxed there’s a loud bang on the other side of the intercom and Jisung shrieks from surprise. 
“X! X, they’re in the room! X!” His voice shouts into your ear. 
You’re already running out of the event hall, your dress hiked up in your hands.
“J, there’s a gun strapped to the bottom of the table, use it!”
You can hear gruff voices screaming at Jisung not to move, that they’d kill him if he even twitched a muscle. 
“X, there’s five of them.” He whispers quietly. 
“J, listen to me, stay calm, I’ll be there in five minutes.” You burst through the stairwell and start climbing two at a time, even in your heels. The elevator would’ve taken too long. “Do what you need to stay alive, fuck the assignment. Stay alive.”
“X.” It’s a whimper and it stabs you through the heart. The yelling gets louder and louder. 
Jisung begs for mercy. You can hear the desperation in his voice, it pushes your legs to move faster and faster up the stairs. 
The earpiece goes dead after a gunshot. 
Your knees wobble and you lose your momentum. 
Oh my god, no, fuck, please. 
Reaching out, you grab the railing to keep your balance on one of the landings. 
“J?” you scream. “J, can you hear me?”
Nothing. Not a single voice comes through. Not even static.
Maybe they just shot the equipment. That has to be it. They didn’t shoot him. They wouldn’t. Right?
You steel your nerves and launch yourself up the remaining steps. By the time you reach the 14th floor, you’re not even winded. 
The long hallway is colder than the stairwell. You take off sprinting towards your room, sharply rounding the few corners that you come across. Right before your own stretch of hallway, you slow down to a walk. It kills you but you have to do it. 
In the distance, right in front of your room, you see two large men in black suits standing guard. They take notice of you immediately. 
“What are you doing up here, ma’am?” One asks as you walk closer. 
“My room is up here, honey.” 
He looks to his partner and then back at you. “Turn around and walk the other way.”
“Why?” you ask, only about ten feet away. 
“Just do it, sweet cheeks.”
Your eyebrow cocks and before he can react, you walk up and throw a sharp right hook into his jaw. The bone in his face cracks and he stumbles down onto the ground. 
His partner yells in surprise and starts fumbling for his gun. When his hand raises to shoot you, you grab his arm and aim his weapon down so when he discharges it, it shoots right into his partner. 
Then, you pull his arm so he falls forward into you. You swing the heel of your palm upwards right into his nose. With your free hand, you reach down and grab the tiny pistol that was strapped to your thigh. 
Before the second goon could recover, you shoot him right in the head. 
The sound of gunshots obviously alerted the remaining three gang members in the room. Two of them come barreling out into the hallway with their weapons drawn. 
Immediately, you shoot the first one in the head, he hits the ground before he even knows what hit him. The other gang member yelps in shock before you shoot him too. 
Within two minutes there are four bodies in the hallway.
Carefully, you walk into your hotel room, keeping your back against the wall and your gun cocked.
“Shut the fuck up,” a gruff voice says roughly. 
Jisung said there were five of them. The fifth must be the one holding him hostage.
Quietly, you inch closer and closer to the corner of the wall. Once you turn around, he’ll be right in front of you. 
You gulp and take one deep breath before coming around the corner, gun pointed forward. 
“I wouldn’t if I were you.” That same deep voice calls out. 
Your heart drops. 
Another typical looking crook is pointing his gun at the closed wardrobe doors in the corner of the room. 
Where is Jisung? Where is he? Is he in the wardrobe? He has to be inside the wardrobe. 
“Why don’t you drop the gun, sweetie.” The mobster says darkly. 
You stay still with the gun pointed at him despite his words. The trigger seems to burn your finger. It's aching to be pulled. 
Is Jisung in the wardrobe? Is he in there and you can’t see him?
Or is this guy trying to pull a fast one on you to get you to drop your weapon? 
Fuck, is Jisung in the wardrobe?
“I said drop the fucking gun.” He moves to pull the hammer back of his own pistol and you don’t hesitate even for a second. 
You pull your own trigger. 
He drops to the ground with a bullet wound directly in his head. 
You sprint across the room and rip open the wardrobe doors. 
It’s empty. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you repeat under your breath frantically. You blink your eyes over and over again hoping that he would suddenly appear. 
You even go so far as to open and close the wardrobe door three more times, each time more frantic. 
Where the fuck is he if he’s not inside this room? 
The equipment on the table has a bullet hole through Jisung’s main laptop but no blood anywhere near it. But his glasses are. They’re lying on the floor with a crack through one of the lenses. 
Did they move him to another location? He doesn’t have a tracker on him like you do.
With a yell of anguish, you turn and kick the dead mobster at your feet. His limp body rolls over and his jacket pocket falls open. 
A hotel room key tucked inside the pocket catches your attention. You crouch down and pick it up.
‘1833’ is written on the back of the key.
It’s not a great lead, but your legs are running out of your hotel room before you even think twice. Obviously they moved him somewhere else to lead you into their trap and it didn’t work. Not with how well you were trained. 
You burst through the door leading to the 18th floor, heeled shoes sprinting down the hallway towards where room 1833 would be.
As soon as you’re in front of the door, you click the hammer back of your gun and hold it out in front of you, swiping the key in the handle with your free hand.
The lock clicks open and you push the handle down slowly, trying to cause the least amount of noise as possible. All of the lights are off inside of the hotel room, save for one lamp. The yellow glow radiates on the wall.
There’s no noise.
Everything is completely silent save for the quiet hum of the air conditioning pumping through the room.
Until you hear a sniffle, a huff, and then another sniffle. 
Inching across the floor, you slide your back against the wall like you did previously, listening for any more key sounds that would alert you that there are more people inside the room.
Taking one last deep breath, you round the corner and point your gun forward.
Even in the dark you know exactly what you’re seeing. 
In the middle of the room stood Han Jisung; his hands tied together with a rope coming from the ceiling, a blindfold around his eyes and earplugs shoved into his ears. From here you can see the wetness from his tears being absorbed by the blindfold. There’s a gag tied around his mouth muffling tiny sobs.
You don’t allow yourself to fall victim to false security, you look around the room closely, making sure no one else is lying in wait for you to fall into yet another trap. 
No other soul is inside this hotel room with you.
Dropping the gun onto the bed, you cross the room towards Jisung as quickly as possible.
He must sense another presence in front of him, his entire body stiffens and another louder sob is swallowed by the gag. He backs up away from you as much as his restraints allowed– which was next to nothing.
“Jisung,” you say in relief. “Oh god.”
Without thinking twice about it, you reach around and brush your hand on his lower back, scratching twice. 
Jisung’s chest heaves with another sob, even through the gag in his mouth, you can hear him whimper your name. His entire body relaxes and he falls towards you, the ties on his hands tugging even more. 
You reach up and yank the gag out of his mouth. 
“X,” he rasps with a dry tongue. “Oh my god please say it’s you. I-I can’t hear anything— fuck, Jesus. Thank god you’re alive, oh god.”
You scratch his lower back again, looking at the restraints. How the fuck were you going to untie that knot? 
Jisung’s tongue darts out to lick at his dry lips. His weight leans into you as much as he can. It must’ve been horrifying to be tied up like this, he couldn't hear or see or scream for help. 
Gingerly, you reach up and cup both of his cheeks so as not to startle him. Even with how gentle you were, he still jumps in shock. 
“Everything happened so fast,” he rambled. “They shot out the laptop so the communicator was fried. Next thing I knew I had a bag over my head and I was being tied up.”
Using your fingers, you push the blindfold up his face to rest around his forehead. 
Jisung’s big, brown eyes blink and squint a bit before focusing on you. He searches all over your face, taking in every detail as if you’re a glass of water and he’s been crawling through the desert. 
His eyebrows pinch together and he gulps. 
“God, I’m always glad to see you, but now I’m really glad.”
You laugh under your breath, the stress from just the last thirty minutes alone lifting off your shoulders. 
He’s okay. 
Jisung is okay. 
Using your hands, you wipe the tear tracks off his puffy cheeks. God, he must’ve been horrified. 
He’s probably never going to go out into the field again. You look up at the restraints, analyzing the knot closely. You’re going to have to cut him down, there’s no way you’re untying that. He’s secured to a pipe that runs across the entirety of the ceiling. 
“You know,” Jisung starts. His voice already has that teasing tilt to it. “If you wanted me tied up this badly, all you had to do was ask, baby.”
Your eyebrows twitches. Mr. Humor-Is-My-Coping-Mechanism decides to show his face now of all times, huh? 
Slowly, you look down from his restrained wrists to his dark eyes. A smirk is already plastered on his face, his lips still wet from licking them.
“You must want me so bad, hm?”
With your own crooked smile, you tongue your cheek and make a ‘huh’ noise, it puffs through your chest. That’s how he wants to be, huh?
He can stay tied up for a little longer then. It’s not like anyone’s coming into this room nor do you have anything to do until after the auction. 
Really, you have nothing but time to kill!
You take a step backwards away from him and cross your arms over your chest.
His eyes widen when you distance yourself from him. “Wh…” His cheeks puff a bit as his lips purse in confusion. Jisung tugs on the rope still around his wrists. 
You cock your head to the side and stare at him with one lifted brow. 
The bed behind you dips down under your weight as you sit down on the edge. It gives you a perfect vantage point to watch Jisung grow more and more confused as to why you’re not cutting him down yet. 
Slowly, his ears start turning red, the flush crawls across his face and down his neck, disappearing into his black hoodie. 
“X,” he says hoarsely. “Aren’t you going to cut me down?”
You shrug, knowing no matter what you say, he’s not going to hear you. If he wants to tease you, you can tease right back. 
The gun on the bed beside you is picked up in your hand. You nonchalantly click the safety on and toss it to the side again.
He tugs even harder, the ropes chafing his wrists a bit. You watch as JIsung’s Adam’s Apple bobs with a gulp. The blindfold is pushing his bangs up in wild directions.
The helpless look on his face shouldn’t be making your blood pump this way. Excitement shouldn’t be tingling at the base of your spine from the power trip you’re getting from this. This is only teasing between two best friends, nothing more. 
It’s just teasing, right?
You cross one leg over the other, leaning back on your hands. The plush blanket underneath your fingertips feels cool and soft. It’s a complete contrast to the way your skin is heating up under Jisung’s desperate gaze.
“Aren’t you going to…” he trails off. Several times his eyes flick from yours down to your exposed leg. When you had crossed them, due to the slit up your dress, the entirety of your leg was exposed to the cool hotel room air.
“Going to what?” you ask him, exaggerating the movements of your mouth for him to understand. 
Jisung gulps again while watching your lips. He squints his eyes closed and tries to take a steadying breath in through his nose, his chin tilts back a bit.
You allow your gaze to wander down his body a bit. He’s always in relaxed clothing, including now. An oversized black hoodie draped over his shoulders with gray sweatpants on his bottom half.
Gray sweatpants that you now notice seem a little… tight .
It seems as though you’re not the only one whose thoughts seem to be a bit… derailed. 
When you look back up at Jisung, he’s staring at you with slightly glassy eyes and a heaving chest. Nervously, his tongue comes out to lick his drying lips again. 
A tight band of tension stretches between the two of you; you can practically feel it connecting your bodies together. The hair on the back of your neck stands up.
Is he thinking the same thing you are? Is he allowing his mind to wander the way that yours is?
Slowly, you uncross your legs and stand up from the edge of the bed. 
Big brown eyes flick down to watch the movement absentmindedly, his lips part and a shaky exhale leaves them. 
Your hips sway from side to side with each slow step you take towards Jisung. 
The eye contact he makes with you is sharp; his thoughts being conveyed through them. He wants you, and he wants you bad. It’s like he’s practically begging for it with those brown puppy dog eyes. 
And you’ll be damned because you want it just as bad. 
There’s only so much of his teasing that you can take. Only so much desire the dam within your heart can take before it bursts. And right now, with how high your adrenaline has spiked, nothing is stopping you.
The last two years of nonstop flirting is taking its toll on your self control.
Licking your own lips, you look up at Jisung, a shaky breath coming out afterwards.
Your fingers come up and grab the blindfold that’s still around his forehead and tug it back down over his eyes.
“ Fuck, ” Jisung murmurs. Your face is so close to his you can physically feel the words splay out onto your own lips. 
With the gentleness of a butterfly landing on a flower, you brush your lips against his. Jisung immediately brings his face closer to yours, smashing your mouths together even more. 
A sensation you can’t quite describe washes over you. It has the same level of completeness that you had felt when you became a full-fledged agent; like you just did something that the universe has been waiting for you to do.
His pouty lips start moving against yours faster and faster with more urgency, like he can’t get enough of you, like he’s experiencing the same emotions that you are. Were you the piece he always needed too?
Both of your hands begin to explore. You cup his cheek with one while the other grabs at the front of his hoodie. He’s leaning into you so much that the ropes holding his wrists squeak as they tighten and rub.
With a teasing smirk against his mouth, you take a tiny step back. This way he wasn’t able to reach your lips but could still feel the heat from your body in front of him. 
A tiny whine leaves his throat as soon as you pull away. You watch as his lips chase after you just to be stopped by the ropes.
“Y/N,” he whispers, pleading. You lightly tap his cheek twice.
Pulling the collar of his hoodie to the side, you let your mouth hover over his neck. 
Since he doesn’t have sight or hearing, all of his other senses are on high alert. Jisung feels your warm exhales so close to his skin and squirms around, little noises leaving the back of his throat. 
You tease him more and more by letting your deep breaths fan over his flushed skin but never actually letting your lips actually meet with his neck.
Jisung pulls and pulls on the restraints, each exhale driving him insane. 
When your lips finally meet his neck, a long mewl exits his own wet mouth. His head tilts to the side to give you more access. Greedily, you let your mouth explore his soft skin. 
His hips buck forward into yours, his hard length grinding into your hip to bring himself some relief. Jisung whines again at the sensation.
At the same time, you open your mouth and suck down where his shoulder meets his neck. His body tenses up and his head tilts back in pleasure.
“Jesus, fuck,” he curses, grinding into your hip once again. “Oh, god. Shit– please, fuck, Y/N.” His incoherent babbling only increases in pitch and frequency the more you run your tongue up and down his neck, never going lower than the collar of his hoodie would pull or higher than his jawline. 
You let your free hand travel up to thread in his soft, chocolate brown locks of hair. You scratch at his scalp a few times, letting your nails drag along his head. A low moan emanates deep within Jisung’s chest, it almost sounds like a purr. His head leans back into your touch. 
“Oh my god,” he murmurs. Every noise that comes out of his mouth is louder than you expect thanks to the earplugs. “Y/N, please– oh fuck , kiss me again, please, oh my god, please, Y/N.”
Pulling away from his neck, you capture his lips in the middle of his babbling. The rest of his words are swallowed by your own mouth. His tongue darts out from his mouth to lick at your lips and coax yours forward.
Your own moans slip between kisses, Jisung can feel the vibrations against his mouth and they drive him absolutely wild. His hands ball up into fists; he wants to touch you so bad. 
“Y/N,” he says your name in between kisses. “Please, c-cut me down.” Your kisses travel down to his jawline. “I want to– Fu-huh-huck! ” You bite down on his neck harshly, sucking a bright purple hickey underneath it. 
Jisung rolls his hips into yours. You can feel how absolutely rock hard his cock is through his sweats. 
“N-Need to touch you. Hah! I’m going insane, Y/N.”
Begs sound so good coming from his lips. 
You run your hands down his chest to tease at the hem of his hoodie before sliding them underneath the fabric and up his bare chest. The muscle that greets you underneath it is a pleasant surprise.
The hard lines of his abs and chest run along the pads of your fingertips. He flexes and tenses under your touch.
Jisung throws his head back with a groan, his weight shifts around on his feet. It feels so fucking good . Every single touch to his body is heaven sent. 
At the top of his chest, you curl your fingers and rake your nails down his skin.
The wail that tears from his throat makes your heart rate pick up ten fold. It sends a lightning bolt of pleasure through your body. 
“Oh my god, please do that again! ” Jisung begs, his mouth hanging open as he pants over and over again. It seems like he can’t catch his breath. 
Who were you to deny him?
With a featherlight touch, you let your fingers trail up, up, up his body. The closer you got to the top, the faster Jisung’s breathing picks up. 
Right before you curled your fingers again, you smash your lips together in another searing kiss. When you claw down his quickly reddening skin, his cry is swallowed up by your own mouth.
You don’t stop your fingers on their downward descent, you tease the waistband of his sweats, letting your fingers curl around the top of the band and touching the taut skin underneath.
“Ah, hah.” Jisung pants into your mouth. He leans forward and sucks on your bottom lip, pulling it back for it to snap against your teeth. “I want to touch you so bad, Y/N, please .”
“Be patient,” you say against his lips. He doesn’t hear it, but he feels it. A pathetic whine responds to your words. 
You kiss his lips a few more times before dropping down to your knees in front of him. 
“Holy shit,” he breathes out. “Oh god, oh my god.”
You grab his legs with both of your hands starting at the knees and run them up his thighs, taking your time on your ascent. 
“Fuck, fuck , this is really happening.” Jisung gulps. He pulls harder and harder on the ropes. 
When your hands reach the top of his thighs, you run one closer and palm his erection over the top of his sweats. A deep, guttural moan is Jisung’s only response. Even through his sweats you can feel how his cock twitches in your grasp.
His hips buck into your hand when you squeeze him. “F-Fuck, I– Oh god– This is really happening and I can’t even fucking see it .”
You smirk. Maybe you should show him a small bit of mercy. Just a small amount. 
Leaning forward, you kiss his cock over his sweatpants. Jisung gasps and twitches again.
You stand up quickly, coming nose to nose with him. Your hands come up to cup his cheeks, they’re so warm from his flushed face.
“Y-Y/N,” he gasps. You peck his lips, letting them linger on his while your hands come up to his ears to take the plugs out. “Y/N,” he repeats on your lips.
“Hi, Jisung,” you breathe against his mouth before kissing him again, letting the earplugs drop to the ground.
You don’t linger for too long, you kiss down his face, down his neck, and then you fall to your knees once more.
“Jesus, Y/N.” 
You don’t tease him too much this time, you grab the waistband of his pants and tug them down, his rock hard cock finally coming out. His tip is red and angry. God, how can a dick look so pretty? 
Just as quickly as you got his cock out of his pants, you wrap your hand around him, pumping your hand up and down slowly. 
“Ohhhh my goood,” Jisung mewls. His thighs tense up and flex each time you stroke up and down. “Fuck yeah, Y/N. God, your hands are so fucking soft.”
You tighten your grip and Jisung whines. 
“Yeah? Does that feel good, baby?”
His cock twitches in your hand at the nickname at the same time a tiny whine escapes his throat.
“Does it?”
“Y-Yes,” he answers shyly.
“Louder, Jisung.”
“Yes, it feels good!”
“Good boy.” Without warning, you lean forward and take the entirety of him inside your mouth.
You can feel his knees buckle and if it wasn’t for the restraints keeping him suspended from the ceiling, he probably would’ve fallen to the ground. 
“Oh, oh m-my, f-fuck, Y/N!”
You’re relentless. You bob your head back and forth on his dick, letting your tongue swirl around the tip when you come up just to go back down and swallow him completely. Jisung’s hands are balled into such tight fists that his knuckles are turning white.
So many different pitches of whines, moans, and groans fall so easily from his lips. Compliments come out in between each one. 
“So good,” he cries. “I can’t fucking– holy shit.”
In some part of your mind, you always knew he would be vocal during sex– but never this vocal. He hasn’t shut up once. Not that you’re complaining, quite the opposite really. You fucking love every single noise that he makes. Each one sends a shock down between your legs. 
Too often you’ve been with partners that conceal how you’re making them feel, but not anymore. Jisung is making sure you know exactly how well you’re doing. 
“Such a perfect mouth, oh god. So fucking warm.”
You let your hand travel up his hoodie again, his abs are clenching and releasing over and over again with how hard he’s panting, you can feel each one under your hands. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” he pants as your hand goes up. “Fucking hurt me, yeah, please, scratch me, Y/N.”
God, the way he’s talking to you is fucking sinful. It’s perfect .
You scratch down his chest just as harshly as you did twice previously. 
Again, Jisung lets out a wail, his hips bucking and fucking his cock down your throat. You gag around him but keep him down your throat regardless.
“I-I-I’m gunna, holy shit, Y/N, I’m g’na– g’na—”
Now, you can’t have that yet, can you?
Quickly, you pull off his cock, letting yourself take a gulp of air. 
Jisung cries out from his ruined orgasm. “No! Shit! Fuck! Why?”
You look around the room while he throws his mini temper tantrum. There’s a small kitchen off to the side of the suite. 
As if you have nothing better to do, you meander over to it, looking around. 
“Y/N?” Jisung asks, hearing you walk away.
“Hm?” you respond.
“W-Where did you go?”
“Still here, baby, why?”
He shifts around, pulling on the ropes. The red color on his ears is getting deeper and deeper. “Just um– Why did you leave?”
You giggle. “Looking for something.”
You open one of the drawers, close it, then open another until you find what you’re looking for. It glints and catches your eye in the third drawer you check. You pick up the knife that was inside the drawer.
You’re walking back in his direction with the knife in your hand.
“D-Did you find what you needed?”
With frightening grace, you reach up and slice the ropes holding his wrists in the air.
He almost drops to the ground, but you grab a hold of him before he has a chance to fall into the carpet. 
Jisung wastes no time, he grabs at your waist with both of his hands. Through the silk fabric of your dress, you feel the heat of his touch. It scorches into your skin and you wish he would brand his very handprints there.
His lips are already on yours again, feverishly kissing you as if you would disappear if he stopped even for a moment. He takes one second to rip the blindfold off his eyes and then he’s back on your mouth.
The hands on your waist don’t stay there long. They run all along your figure, up in your hair, over your neck, grabbing your ass, gripping your hips, he’s everywhere. 
You back up a bit, pulling Jisung with you until the back of your legs are about to hit the bed. Quickly, you spin the two of you around, pushing his chest so that he falls back onto the bed. 
When Jisung finally blinks the confusion from his eyes, his breath catches in his throat at the sight of you at the foot of the bed. 
You’re looking at him like you’re about to devour his very soul. Your hair is frizzy and tousled, the straps of your dress falling off your shoulders, your lipstick smudged over your puffy, kiss swollen lips.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he murmurs. His fingers curl into the blanket.
You straddle his legs and crawl onto the bed, hiking the skirt of your dress up enough for Jisung to see the strong muscle of your thighs. 
“There’s no way I’m awake right now,” he whispers, hands grabbing at your bare legs and running them up to push your dress further up your body. “I must have been shot. I’m in Heaven right now.”
With a sultry chuckle, you cup his cheek and let your thumb swipe over his lips. “I’m real, baby.”
“Oh my god.”
You reach down and take a hold of his cock, pumping him up and down a few more times. Jisung moans and fights for his eyes to stay open, he can’t get enough of the sight of your hand wrapped around him.
With your other hand, you reach down and pull your panties to the side, revealing your dripping cunt. 
“Holy fuck, you’re so wet,” Jisung whines. His fingers run up your folds, collecting your wetness on his digits and bringing them up to his mouth. He moans around his own fingers at your taste, his eyes rolling back in his skull. “Please, I need to–”
You cut him off by squeezing his cock. “Next time. I need you now .”
“Yes, ma’am,” he squeaks out. 
As if he would ever complain.
You line his cock up with your entrance, Jisung grabs your hips with both of his hands, his thumbs pressing against the bone so hard. His breathing is getting faster and faster with each passing second.
Slowly, you sink down on his cock.
Both of you moan out in unison. The stretch feels fucking marvelous inside of you. Jisung’s eyes roll back in his head once more. 
His moans dissolve into silence as his mouth stretches open in an ‘O’. He throbs inside you right before you lift your hips just to drop them again. 
“Oh god,” you moan. “Jisung, you feel so fucking good.”
“Move, please ,” he begs and you bounce up and down again and again. Each time you drop down, it shoots pleasure down through your thighs and into your toes.
You grab his face and smash his lips with yours once more. His tongue immediately finds yours. 
Jisung’s hands wander from your hips all the way around your body to grip your ass while you ride him, his fingers dig into the flesh, kneading it with each bounce. 
“Fuck, fuck,” he murmurs into your mouth. “Pussy so fucking tight.”
“Just for you.”
“O-Oh, fuck yeah . Just like that, baby.”
Jisung pulls away from your lips to kiss down your neck the way you did to him earlier. He takes his hands off your ass to pull the straps of your dress down your arms for your breasts to fall out of the top.
“Shit, baby,” he whines before taking a nipple in his mouth.
Moaning, you pull his hair tighter, keeping his face buried in your chest– not that he seems to mind. His eyebrows pinch together, moans vibrating against your chest as he licks and sucks at your nipple.
His other hand comes up to pinch and pull at the other. Each tweak and flick of his tongue makes your walls clamp down on his cock.
“Your cock feels so good, Jisung,” you moan, clenching on him again. “Stretching me so good, so fucking big.”
He moans, sucking a hickey on the underside of one of your tits. 
The pitch of both of your moans begin to get higher and higher the closer you get to your peaks. Jisung’s heels dig into the carpet and he starts fucking up into you.
“Fuck!” you cry out, holding him tighter. His thrusts are so much wilder than your bounces were. Each one fucks right into your g-spot. “Ji– Jisung, oh god!”
“Yeah?” He pulls away from your chest and looks up at you with half lidded eyes. “Does that feel good? Am I making you feel good?”
“Yes, yes! Keep going, Ji!”
Every single thrust is driving you wild. Everything about him makes you feel crazy, everything down to the sweat beading on his forehead.
He reaches down and presses his thumb against your clit, making you cry out. He rubs circles in the same tempo as his thrusts. 
Closer and closer you approach your own climax, his touch feels too good.
Jisung looks down, watching where his cock disappears inside you over and over again. The very sight of it makes his mouth go dry. 
He groans and falls into your chest. 
“Say it for me, Y/N, say it,” he pants into your neck. “Say you’re close. I-I’m going to fucking bust, say you’re close, I need you to cum on my cock. Need it s-so bad.”
“I am, I am,” you repeat like a mantra. Your own pleasure is making you feel inside, his cock is abusing your walls just right, his thumb on your clit adding an extra level of insanity. 
You pull more at his hair.
Close, close, close. It’s all you can think of. Jisung is enveloping all of your senses. He’s everything in your mind and body and even your soul.
“Gunna cum!” you cry out. “Cumming, cu– cumming!”
With just three more thrusts, your walls clamp down on Jisung’s cock, triggering his own release.
“Jisung, fuck!”
He bites down on your neck, crying out and grabbing you tightly with his free hand. He clings onto you like he would die if he let go.
Hot, sticky cum drips over your walls, leaking out around his cock.
Both of you are panting heavily, unable to move and detangle yourselves from one another. 
Slowly, you release your death grip on his hair, letting your nails drag along his scalp like you did earlier. He hums against your neck, his hands finding your hips again, thumbs massaging you over your dress.
The gentleness of his touch makes you clench around him, your cunt still going through the aftershock of your orgasm.
“Jeeesus…” Jisung moans out, a bit overstimulated. You giggle and pull back to look down at your best friend. He looks up at you with a delighted smile across his face.
You giggle and continue to comb through his hair. 
His eyes fall closed happily and he leans into your touch.
This should feel awkward. You should be having some sort of ‘post-nut clarity’ where you freak out for sleeping with your best friend, but you’re not. 
Right here, right now, you feel safe and content. And your relationship with Jisung feels the same– if not better.
“I knew it,” he hums.
You cock your head to the side. “Knew what?”
“You’re obsessed with me.”
Laughing, you lean forward and press a long kiss to his lips. “Yeah.” You kiss him again. “Maybe I am.”
“So J was captured and tied up in another room in the convention center?” Chan asks.
You and Jisung had safely returned to Korea with The Refuge about two hours ago. And, per protocol, you both immediately went to Chan’s office for a debrief.
“Affirmative,” you answer. 
“And you got him back, obviously. No problems after that?”
“No, sir.”
Jisung shifts on his chair next to you.
“Uneventful beyond that one hiccup?”
You tongue your cheek. “Yes, sir.”
Chan eyes the two of you curiously from the other side of his desk. But, the mission was complete and everything was done. There was nothing he needed to be wary of. For now.
“Understood. I’ll read about the mission more in your reports. You’re both dismissed.”
The two of you are leaving Chan’s office with thinly veiled smirks on your faces. Just as you’re about to close the door behind you, he calls out.
“Might want to cover the hickeys next time!”
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roosterforme · 2 months
Aim for the Sky Part 14 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: The guys and Nat pull through with something big for your baby shower. Bradley can't get enough of your body, and then he gets the biggest surprise of all.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, oral sex, adult language, lactation kink, pregnancy topics
Length: 6000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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"I told you this would be a shitstorm," Bradley muttered quietly before taking a sip of his mimosa. Nat did her best to decorate the Hard Deck for the baby shower, and she even wore a dress for the occasion. But most of the attendees were the guys who decided to show up in essentially their gym clothes. In fact, the only one who looked halfway decent was Jake, probably because Cat told him what to wear.
"I don't mind this shitstorm," you told him, kissing his cheek as you picked up your orange juice. Jimmy was bartending since Penny was technically a shower guest, and he kept filling up your juice and making sure you were eating the snacks. Next time Bradley saw him on a regular night, he'd make sure to leave a big tip.
"What the hell?" Bradley groaned as Javy arrived and dropped another case of beer off on the gift table. "Even I know that pregnant women can't have alcohol. What in the actual hell is wrong with these people?"
You shot a glare in his direction before you stepped away to hug Javy. You had on another one of those bodycon dresses, and Bradley knew for a fact you weren't wearing any underwear. Not a single thread of it. Just that sexy, stretchy pink dress squeezing your curves like he wanted to be doing. Javy's hand slid a little low on your back for his liking, and he raised one unamused eyebrow before you stepped away.
God, he was so fucking cranky today. He still maintained that Valentine's Day was stupid, because he loved you every day, all the time. Last year he took you to that weird hotel with the hot sauce vending machine, which was fun, but he didn't need a special occasion to do anything. Having Rose's shower on the holiday should have given it more meaning, but he was irritable. 
He knew this day would come toward the end of your pregnancy, but last night, you fell asleep while he was going down on you. And this morning when you woke up, you didn't say a word about it. Like you'd completely forgotten. Then you put on that pink dress and made yourself look all cute for the baby shower, but he could tell you were tired. The exhaustion hit you like a ton of bricks after the trip to Mexico, just when Bradley became accustomed to having sex multiple times per day. Just when you were more glowing than ever.
"Bradshaw," Jake drawled, the sound alone grating on Bradley's nerves. "Did someone piss in your mimosa?"
The stupid smirk on his face made Bradley roll his eyes. "There are two dozen people here, and I'm your best option for someone to annoy?"
Jake laughed merrily in response. "Oh, Rooster. You're always going to be my top pick. Your reactions alone are priceless. Don't tell me you've got cold feet about the baby? You can't unfuck Angel. You know that, right?"
"Jesus, you're annoying," he muttered under his breath. "It has nothing to do with that." But he kind of wanted to pout. Or get a blowjob from you. That would probably make it better. "I'm excited for the baby. Obviously."
Jake shook his head. "Then may I suggest you put a smile on your face before you upset your wife? Let her have a good day. Also, she looks hot pregnant."
"Why are you even looking at her?" he mumbled before he walked over to you. It wasn't your fault that you were exhausted and achy with delectable tits. It wasn't your fault that you fell asleep last night, even though you could have definitely held on for five more minutes so he wasn't second guessing himself now. 
"Hey," he whispered, wrapping his arms around you from behind and letting his chin rest on your shoulder. "Having fun?" he asked as the final few guests arrived. Another case of beer and a bottle of champagne ended up with the rest of the gifts when Reuben walked in. "What is wrong with these men?"
Your laughter was light as you said, "I think it's kind of charming how clueless they are. I'm not sure why we even bothered to make a gift registry. Also, can you just tell me why you're pouting, Roo?"
He shrugged against your back as he ran his palm slowly up and down your belly, hoping to feel the Nugget kick. She seemed to be running out of room in there at this point, and the kicks were harder to feel. And maybe that was part of it, too. He was used to not only your horny ass on him 24/7, but he was used to his daughter greeting him when he talked to her.
"Does this have anything to do with me falling asleep while you were giving me head?"
Bradley's eyes went wide. "Sweetheart, do you really have to announce it to the whole place? If it wasn't any good, then it wasn't any good, but you know I'll try to make it up to you later."
"Stop it," you said with another laugh as you turned to face him. You were too beautiful. All he wanted to do was make you happy. "I've been trying to think of a way to make it up to you."
"I wasn't even sure you remembered falling asleep like that," he whispered.
You ran our hand down along his cheek as your belly bumped against his abs. "I'm sorry, Bradley. I couldn't stay awake for another second last night. Rose is requiring a lot more sleep now. I think we need to mess around earlier in the day. Oh! Maybe we can mess around in one of the Broncos this afternoon! You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Yeah," he replied, unable to keep a smile from his lips. "I'd like that."
You kissed his lips softly and ran your thumb along his mustache, leaving him wanting more. "As soon as this shitshow is over, I'm all yours."
"Thanks," you told Reuben as you patted the case of beer he bought for you. "So thoughtful."
"Oh, there's a gift card taped on the side, too," he told you with a smile. And sure enough, when you turned it around to look, you found it. A gift card to the liquor mart in Coronado.
"Thank you so much," you told him with a smile as you tried to figure out why everyone brought so much alcohol. "Just out of curiosity, why do you think I need this much beer and fifty dollars worth of booze?"
The guys all burst out laughing. "Because you have to live with Rooster!" Javy shouted, earning a swift middle finger from your husband. Then you started laughing, and even Nat, who looked fed up with all of them, had to hide her smile.
"We were wondering when you were going to ask," Jake said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out another gift card. "This is from us. For real this time. Congratulations."
He placed it in your hand, and tears filled your vision. Javy, Mickey, Reuben and Jake had all scribbled their names on the paper envelope, and someone had written Bob's on there even though he was still deployed. "It's for Amazon, for a thousand dollars," you whispered, afraid you were going to start actively crying.
"We heard diapers are expensive," Reuben said as he shoved chips and spinach dip into his mouth.
"We heard babies are expensive," Javy added.
"Babies are definitely expensive," Cat called out from the other side of the bar.
Bradley wrapped his arm around your shoulders, and you buried your face in his chest as he said, "I'm not going to apologize for flipping you off, because I'm sure you deserved it for something, but thank you."
After a few deep breaths, inhaling the comforting scent of your husband, you looked up at everyone and said a very watery, "Thank you."
There was another card from Maria and Cam attached to a high chair, and Cat picked out a onesie that said Future Aviator. Maverick and Penny bought every bath accessory a baby could ever need, and then you were left with an enormous gift bag that Mickey was handing off with a bright smile on his face. 
"You got us something else?" you asked, bewildered since he already contributed to the hefty gift card. But when you looked inside, everything was blue. Blue bibs and outfits and crib sheets. Blue everything.
"We're having a girl," Bradley told him with a furrowed brow.
"What?" Mickey asked as he turned to look at Nat. "You said they were having a boy!"
She scoffed. "I never said that."
"You said the baby's name is Ambrose!"
Nat was rubbing her temples as she looked up at the ceiling. "I said the baby's name is Rose. It's a girl."
"Ohhhh. That's why we got Rooster a box of pink cigars," Mickey said, nodding as if that made sense as he handed you a gift receipt.
"You just ruined the last surprise," Javy complained, hitting Mickey on the back of the head with a cigar box before giving it to Bradley. "Save some of those for next time we go golfing."
You watched your husband hug everyone in turn as he held onto the cigars and the gift card. And you didn't even mind that you'd probably need to exchange most of the stuff Mickey picked out. Everything was actually pretty perfect. It was chaotic, for sure. The guys ate all of the elaborate hors d'oeuvres that Nat picked out like it was a bag of Doritos, and you started crying again when Cam and Maria kissed your cheeks at the same time. But nothing prepared you for what Natasha said when you and Bradley insisted on helping her clean up at the end.
"I didn't really get anything for Rose, because I don't know what she likes yet. But I wanted to make everything easier for you both, so expect a ton of diapers and wipes to be delivered to your house this week." She pulled two wrapped boxes out from behind the bar as she said, "And these are for you."
"Nat," Bradley said, trying to push the boxes away. "You weren't supposed to get us anything at all. You threw us a fucking baby shower! It's too much!"
You watched her press her lips together for a few seconds before she whispered, "You're my best friend, Soul Sister. I never imagined I would ever see you as happy as you are now. Just take the fucking gifts. They're personalized, so I can't return them."
Bradley gave your hip a little squeeze before handing you the boxes, and then he pulled Nat in for a hug which lasted all of three seconds before she shook her head. "God, you're the worst. Just open them," she muttered, trying to pretend like she wasn't crying.
Your emotions were all over the place. You were happy and excited and horny and everything all at once. And you loved Natasha, but you weren't expecting her to pick out something so simple yet so perfectly beautiful. You unwrapped your box while Bradley opened his, and then you were both holding up luxuriously fluffy white cotton robes. Across the back of yours was stitched Rose's Mom in beautiful rose colored thread, and there was a rose embroidered on the front in the same color. Bradley's was the same but larger with Rose's Dad on the back. You slipped it on over your pink dress and did a little spin.
"This is beautiful," you whispered while Bradley put his on as well.
When you hugged her, she said, "I don't want either of you looking frumpy while you're taking care of my goddaughter."
While you hadn't given extensive thought to the honorary titles, you knew she would fit the role perfectly. You smiled and nodded. "You're absolutely right."
"Nat would be disgusted," Bradley said with a smile as he led you out to your quiet driveway later in the afternoon. The sky was a little dark from the storm clouds moving in, but it was still light enough out that he knew he needed to be cautious. He opened the back door of the blue Bronco and helped you in, and he was careful to help you keep yourself covered as you climbed in wearing nothing but your new robe. He tightened the sash on his, holding the front closed with one hand, and he followed you in.
"Roo," you whispered with a giggle. "I can see your cock."
He closed the door behind him and let the robe fall completely open, and soon you were yanking the sash so you could see all of him. Of course he was already hard and bobbing in excitement. "I'm pretty sure she intended for these to be worn over pajamas or underwear or something."
You just shrugged and straddled his lap, and told him, "I like it this way." You kissed his cheek while he cock was nestled up against your pussy, and he groaned in pleasure. "I'm sorry I fell asleep last night. I've been thinking about this moment all day. Wanting to make it up to you."
He felt a little bad for being so frustrated earlier, and he intended to say so, but then you pulled at the sash of your own robe, and he was treated to the sight of your swollen tits. When you shifted on his lap, they swayed ever so slightly, and he made a feral sound before leaning in to taste them. "Jesus," he moaned as he ran his nose around your breast. "So fucking warm." 
He sucked gently on your nipple while you played with his hair, hoping that the neighbors couldn't see through the line of trees into the Bronco. You tasted as good as you smelled, and he was salivating just knowing your milk would be coming in soon. Soft whimpers escaped you as he nibbled gently before sucking on you again, and you wiggled your hips until his tip was inside you. He slid his hands along the sides of your belly, and you gave him a little clench.
"Just a few more weeks, Daddy," you whispered, taking him deeper as he ran his tongue all over your chest. "Oh, you're such a good Daddy."
"Fuck," he growled, easing you back along the seat and hovering above you. "I thought this was gonna be sweet," he muttered, pistoning his cock into you, making your tits bounce. "But you're too hot."
You were whining his name, hands scrambling around for something to hold on to as he fucked you. "You don't have to be sweet, Roo. I like it rough."
"I know you do," he grunted kissing along your neck and palming your breast as he let you have it a little harder. "You're everything."
Eventually, like clockwork, his steady movements and whispered sentiments had you close. He let his hand cup your clit, his thumb stroking softly as he fucked you with sharp, strong strokes, and his other hand settled on your neck. You came instantly, your back arching, belly rising up to bump him.
"Bradley!" you screamed, and he glanced up to see if anyone was nearby. 
"Shh, Sweetheart," he coaxed, sinking his cock into your spasming pussy over and over until he couldn't take another second. "Oh, God." He pushed himself deep and dipped his thumb between your lips to keep you quieter, and he came and came. His balls were tight as he filled you, letting your body suck everything out of him that he had to give until he was a little dizzy. "Holy hell."
Your lips and tongue worked at his thumb as you lay there beneath him placidly. He kissed your nose and the perfect curve of your cheek before sitting up with his cock still inside you. You looked beautiful with your dainty rooster tattoo and your hard nipples, and when he withdrew slowly, he ran his fingers along your most intimate parts, collecting his cum.
"I hope the robes are machine washable," you whispered as you sat up, letting his cum dribble onto the fabric as you licked at his messy fingers. 
You had his cum on your lips, and your gaze was glued to his as he whispered, "Happy Valentine's Day, Baby Girl."
Later that week, you were climbing into bed while Bradley was adding to the Nugget Notebook. He was reading softly out loud as he wrote, and you were trying to enjoy yourself, but you didn't feel great.
"Hey, Rosie," he muttered with a smile. "Mommy's belly is looking enormous these days, and that means you'll be here soon. I don't think I've ever been this excited before. Nine months is a long time to build up this anticipation, and I'm ready to meet you. Your nursery is finished. We even had your baby shower the other day. All we're missing now is our little girl."
"That's sweet," you whispered, trying to get your stomach ache under control, but a second later, you jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom. "Oh no," you groaned before emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet.
Bradley was pounding across the floor right behind you, and you felt his hands on your back as you threw up even more. "What's wrong?" he asked, rubbing small circles. "What do you need me to do?"
"I don't know," you wailed, wiping sweat from your brow. "I feel awful. It started a few hours ago."
"Shit," he muttered, helping you lay down on the cold, tile floor. "Why didn't you say anything before?" He got to his feet and immediately had the blood pressure cuff on you while you closed your eyes and tried to get your heart rate to calm down. "Your blood pressure is low," he whispered. "This is inconsistent. It's been on the higher side."
Your mind was swirling with information as you tried to sit up, but Bradley was already on his phone. "What are you doing?"
"Calling Dr. Morris. Just lay still, Sweetheart." He rolled a towel up and tucked it under your head while Rose squirmed.
You did as you were told, because you were suddenly so tired, you couldn't think. You started to doze on the floor as Bradley spoke with someone. You only had four more weeks to go, but you felt like this was the beginning of the end. You just wanted to get the rest of this pregnancy over with as soon as possible. As you pulled the towel over your eyes to block out the light, your head started pounding. And when Bradley checked your blood pressure a second time, you heard him sigh.
"It's a lot higher now," he told whomever was on the phone. "Yes... yes... no... okay." A few seconds later, he was laying down next to you with one strong arm wrapped around your body. He kissed your ear and whispered, "They said it could be normal for this late in your pregnancy. The last month can get rough again, but we'll keep an eye on everything. If you don't feel a little bit better by the morning, I'll take you to get checked out."
You swallowed hard. "But you're supposed to be teaching tomorrow. Remember?"
He wanted to try his hand at flight instruction. He'd been talking about it for months. There would be fewer deployments if he thought it was a good fit for him, and Maverick was giving him the opportunity fill in on occasion now for an opening in the future.
"I don't care about that," he replied easily. "Let me get you girls back in bed."
Eventually you fell asleep while he rubbed your back. You could make it a few more weeks. Probably.
You felt a tiny bit better as the days wore on, but you were exhausted and achy. Your feet started to get puffy and swollen, and you could barely make it through a day at work.
"Are you almost ready to come out?" you asked your own belly in early March. 
But Bradley shook his head and got down in his knees in the middle of cooking dinner. "Absolutely not," he whispered. "You stay in there as long as you can, Rosie." He looked up at you with wide, brown eyes. "We're all doing great. Preeclampsia is under control again. You look incredible. I'm holding down the fort. That Nugget needs to stay put."
"I'm so tired," you whined. "My mom keeps saying I need to rest now before she's born, but I can't. I can barely sleep, and I always feel like I'm on the verge of throwing up again. And I'm just so fucking tired, Bradley."
"I know," he whispered, letting his cheek rest on your enormous belly. You were handily the largest pregnant woman you'd ever seen in your life, and you swore you got bigger by the day. "I'm taking care of as much as I can so you don't have to."
You started crying. "I feel disgusting. Everything hurts. My tits feel like they're on fire. My back feels like that time I woke up hanging halfway off the bed when I was drunk after my bachelorette party. My face is broken out, and I'm hungry."
Bradley sent you to the table with a bowl of homemade soup and spent thirty minutes trying to coax you to start your maternity leave early. But what were you supposed to do with your time if you were at home? Worry about the baby? Eat until you gained another ten pounds? Get frustrated that you can't sleep?
"No," you said, shaking your head. "I like going to work. I want to go to work."
He ran his hand along his face and asked, "Are we still doing maternity pictures on Sunday?"
"Yeah," you whispered, annoyed that you had scheduled it so late in your pregnancy, but you wanted to have some photos taken while you were still pregnant for his birthday calendar. He told you ages ago that was something he'd enjoy, and at least your breasts looked pretty nice at the moment. "I need you to meet me at the beach after you're done playing golf."
"There's no way I'm going golfing, Sweetheart."
"You have to. You promised the guys you'd smoke those pink cigars with them. And you'll look adorable in the photos with your cheeks all flushed from your outing."
He rolled his eyes and grouched as he walked away. "We'll see," he mumbled. "We'll just see."
Bradley was sipping pink champagne from the bottle and smoking a cigar in the golf cart, and he had to admit you were right for making him come today. You were miserable now. Sometimes when he touched you, he saw you wince. The last time you and he had sex was in the backseat of the blue Bronco a month ago. He kept telling you it was okay, but you cornered him this morning when he was trying to shave around his mustache, and you gave him a blowjob.
He was still thinking about his cock sliding expertly along between your lips when Jake lit up a cigar next to him. "You're almost there old man. More responsibility than you've ever had before."
Bradley grunted in response. "I'm ready. Can't wait to meet her." He couldn't stop thinking about passing along his last name and his mom's name to a new generation. If he never met you, he was sure he'd never be at this point now, but you made everything so exciting for him. "My Nugget."
Jake smirked in response. "Feel free to call me crying a few weeks after she's born when you need a break."
"Okay. Like you're some sort of baby professional," he muttered before taking another sip of champagne. "You weren't around when Jeremiah was a newborn."
"Well, I'm around now," Jake replied with a hard edge to his voice. "And I intend to keep it that way. Been thinking about proposing."
Bradley looked him in the eye and asked, "You think she'll say yes?"
While he looked just as cocky as ever, there was something unsure in his eyes. "How could anyone say no?"
Bradley shrugged in response. "I could say no to you all day long."
"You're not a woman."
"My wife told you no as well."
Jake glared at him before laughing. "Aren't you supposed to be getting photos taken or something? We've got two more holes to finish up."
"Yeah," Bradley grunted in response, ready to get out of here and get back to you. "Javy! Let's go!"
Javy was practicing his swing while smoking his own pink cigar, and that fact that Reuben was filling in with his thirty-four handicap and chugging champagne made Bradley really miss Bob. They all wound along the pathway toward the seventeenth green. Bradley got par on both holes and handily beat the other three, and then he ended up getting changed in his Bronco to head to the beach.
He was supposed to meet you and the photographer who had made both of his dirty Baby Girl calendars at a very specific spot on a very specific beach up near Oceanside, and when he arrived, you were topless.
"Jesus," he moaned, watching you cover your tits with your hands as you spun to face him.
"You're early!" you complained as he glanced along the deserted stretch of sand.
"I don't see the issue," he told you, closing the distance until he could kiss you. His eyes drifted down to your chest as he asked, "What are you doing, Sweetheart? Dirty maternity pictures?"
The photographer snorted as you shook your head. "Don't worry about it, Roo. It's for a special project," you said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. He desperately wanted to grab at you, but the two of you weren't alone, and he didn't want to make you wince again.
"I love special projects," he whispered, a little concerned that he might get hard as you dropped your hands and took your top back from the photographer with a thank you.
Then he was subjected to two hours of photos. Two hours of being posed and prodded while sand blew in his face. Two hours of being told he was only allowed to touch you in a specific way.
"Wouldn't it be better to take photos after Rose is here?" he mused when he was finally allowed to just watch you pose alone with your hands on your belly.
"Oh, don't worry about that. We'll have another round of pictures with her, too," you informed him.
It was one thing to enjoy pictures of you, but Bradley wasn't a very good photography subject. He got tired of smiling after about three minutes. Honestly, he'd probably smile a lot more with his tiny daughter in his arms at home instead of on the beach where the wind was kicking up.
"We're just about done," the photographer informed him, but he knew what he wanted.
"Can we get a few with the sun setting where we aren't posed at all?" he asked.
You were standing with the waves rolling up around your toes as you asked, "What did you have in mind?"
He reached for you and pulled you close, one big hand coming up to your cheek as he said, "Maybe something like this." Then he kissed you just like he always would, and his other hand found your belly. "I love you," he murmured, and you kissed him harder. Your arms were around his neck like it was your very first kiss, and he couldn't stop smiling. 
He honestly forgot there was anyone else there at all until she said, "These look perfect."
He was still smiling as his forehead came to rest against yours. "Of course they do. I'm with my girls."
As the month of March wore on and the days grew hotter again, you were getting more uncomfortable by the hour. Your due date was fast approaching, and you felt like you lived at Dr. Morris's office now. They were constantly taking urine samples and blood samples, and when they finally sent you home on March twentieth with a cotton ball and a bandaid on your arm, you pouted at Bradley as he drove.
"Can we stop and get some ice cream?" you asked. "I was really good during my appointment."
"You were so good, Baby Girl," he crooned playfully, giving your thigh a squeeze. "I'll get you some ice cream."
He stopped at the super secret little ice cream spot near base, and you sat on a bench together with double scoop cones. Bradley's tongue was a major distraction as he licked along his strawberry and raspberry scoops, and you had to try to keep up before your treat melted everywhere. 
When he kissed your cheek, his lips were cold as he said, "You're too slow," before stealing a huge lick from your scoops. "You're dripping onto your shirt."
"No, I'm not," you insisted. You hadn't felt anything dribble onto your outfit, but when you glanced down, there was a damp spot on your shirt. Your brow furrowed, wondering how that could be, and then you gasped. "Oh. Ohhh. Are my nipples leaking?" you asked softly, handing him your cone and trying to discreetly look down your shirt.
"Oh my god," he groaned loudly, ice creams forgotten as he tried to get a peek, too. "Please tell me the answer is yes."
You bit your lip as you pulled your tank top and snug sports bra away from your tender breasts, ready to moan from the pain and pleasurable sensations. "They are," you gasped. When you looked up into his brown eyes, there was ice cream dripping onto both of his hands, and his lips were parted in awe. "Do you want to go home?"
He grunted something unintelligible, and you watched him inhale the rest of his ice cream. The fact that he let you eat something so messy in his Bronco was almost unfathomable, but he buckled you in and sprinted around to the driver's side while you held your cone. His cheeks were bright red in the setting sunlight, and he drove a bit faster than he usually ever did, his knee bobbing in anticipation.
As you licked at your cone and rubbed a hand on your tender belly, you sweetly asked, "What exactly do you want to do when we get home, Roo?"
He glanced over at you several times, pupils blown wide, before he rasped, "I need to taste you."
"Bradley," you moaned, squeezing your thighs together as he pulled into the driveway. "Please. I want you to."
"Fuck," he grunted, shifting into park and running back around to get you. He tossed your cone over his shoulder onto the grass, and he didn't complain when you wrapped your sticky fingers around his neck. He hauled you inside and took a seat on the couch with his legs spread wide and his erection bobbing in his gym shorts. "Show me, please," he begged, and you started to strip off your shirt. When you peeled off your bra as well, his eyes went even wider, and he took you gently by the hips until you were straddling his waist. 
"Jesus Christ," he whispered, eyes darting from your face to your breasts as a small bead of your breast milk dripped from your nipple. His fingers flexed on your hips and he whimpered.
"Go ahead," you coaxed, running your fingers through his hair. You were completely mesmerized by how badly he wanted this, and when he ran his tongue along your nipple before sucking gently, you whined.
He released you with a pop as your aching belly rested against him, and the possessive look in his eyes left you breathless. You guided him closer again with your hand at the back of his head, and this time, he didn't stop. He sucked and laved, lapping up your milk and buried his face in your breasts. You were leaking from both sides now, and he didn't let a single drop go to waste. He ran his nose and his fingers through it, tasting you on his skin as well as your own.
"You're so fucking warm," he whispered reverently. "And sweet. Oh my god, Baby Girl. Oh my god." Then his flat tongue swiped out for another taste. You let him keep going, loving the feel of his mouth and mustache, almost soothing you. By the time you pulled his cock free from his shorts, his tip was bright and angry looking, and after two pumps in your hand, he came all over both of you. Your leggings and his clothing were covered, but he was still lapping at your nipples, cheeks rosy and pupils wide.
"Daddy," you whispered, pulling away as you started to feel a little overstimulated and dizzy. "That was so hot."
He sank back against the couch, looking around like he was surprised to find the mess he just made. "Oh. Fuck. I'm sorry," he whispered, chest rising and falling with each deep breath. "I'll clean you up."
But you were laughing softly. "You got so carried away."
"I know," he groaned. "Your magic tits are killing me."
You whimpered and let him help you stand, and then you took him with you to get a shower. He didn't lick them again, but his hands were right there and his eyes were hazy as he looked you up and down.
"You're obsessed. What are you going to do when I'm no longer pregnant?"
His eyes lit up. "Well, I'll be delighted. Both of my girls will be here. And it's not like I wasn't obsessed with you before you were pregnant."
"Hmm, I suppose you're right." But as you climbed into bed, completely exhausted, you smirked as Bradley wrote a few paragraphs in the Nugget Notebook. You were wearing nursing pads now, but you came up with a little plan for the following day.
Bradley left base a little late. He was honestly so thankful that Maverick was giving him an opportunity to help teach the newest batch of aviators to arrive at Top Gun, but it was a lot of extra work that he wasn't used to. He drove home with a folder of things he needed to take a look at, but all he could really think about was your tits. Big, round, warm, perfect.
He hadn't seen you all day, but he blushed every time he thought about how he blew his load everywhere last night. He was also a little afraid he might do it again if you let him loose on your lactating nipples. Jesus, how was he supposed to function now that he knew what you tasted like?
Anxiously, he ran his fingers through his hair. Okay, so he knew he needed it. If you were home already, he'd just ask you nicely if he could get in there before he cooked dinner. And to his delight, he saw your Bronco in the driveway when he drove down the street.
"Excellent," he muttered, trying to waddle up the walkway with a semi erect cock in his khakis. Ah, but you knew him so well. You knew he was going to be a mess all the time now. When he walked inside, you were standing there in the living room topless. He could barely see your lace panties for the size of your belly, but you were smiling as a droplet of your milk formed on your left nipple.
"Hi, Daddy," you greeted playfully, and he took two steps into the room before the look on your face changed from smiley to shocked. "Oh!" you gasped, looking down at your feet and taking a step backwards. "I think... oh my god. I think I just wet myself!"
Bradley's eyes went wide as he dropped everything he was holding. "Sweetheart. I think your water broke."
She's coming!!! Rosie!! I'm so damn excited! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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lolokouhm · 1 year
| Suguru doesn't eat, but tonight he's hungry | smutty smutty smut | tattooed Geto | depressed Geto | kinda poetic | Geto is young and beautiful and not crazy |
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„You haven’t eaten, have you?”
No, Suguru hasn’t eaten.
It’s not like you’re surprised. He’s lost weight - nah, he’s been losing weight steadily for the past few weeks. People say that it’s hard to notice when you see someone regularly, but it’s not hard at all - especially in his case. You’re not sure what’s changed exactly. Suguru still looks relatively healthy, not underweight, but the dark circles under his eyes speak volumes.
You sigh and walk into his apartment. It’s surprisingly neat, to the point it’s a bit scary - so clean it gives an impression as if no living person could function there. And maybe that’s exactly how it is. Maybe that tall, handsome guy in black sweats that greets you is not a person anymore, but a ghost. It’s a question you constantly ask yourself in your head, but never dare to answer. Your heart would break. 
„I wasn’t hungry.” A smile appears on his pale face and you sigh again. 
You’ve been friends with Suguru since high school, but after your last year you went your separate ways, just to meet again years later - just a few months ago. He didn’t change much, at least not visually - except for his arms. He might have gone a little bit crazy on ink there, and that’s exactly what got the two of you talking again. Tattoos. You’ve never expected Suguru Geto, that sophisticated, awfully smart Geto would cover both of his arms in the most insane pieces of art you’ve ever seen. You’ve had your own share of ink under your skin, but your collection was quite messy and not that cohesive. You liked trying new styles, creating your own map of memories from different places and different artists, while his tattoos were definitely an artwork made by one man. You had a million questions, he was happy to answer - that’s how you ended up in his apartment for the first time. Soon you realised you had a million subjects to go through - politics, art, even God. It was easy, talking with him. It was fun.
And then it began - the movie nights, when the two of you were going through different eras of cinema alphabetically, also bringing snacks that would start on the same letter as the movie you were watching. A stupid idea that you shamelessly stole from „The Barbie Diaries” - the first movie you’ve watched together and the first one that left Suguru completely traumatised. 
„Luckily for you, today we’re watching The Notebook, so we’ll be having noodles. What kind of noodles do you want, sir?”, you ask, handing him an invisible microphone.
Suguru chuckles. 
A few clicks later the food is already on its way and the two of you get comfortable on his huge couch. The projector starts warming up and you look around - it’s completely dark inside and if it weren’t for the fact you know Suguru well, you’d think he made the apartament that way so the two of you could watch the movie comfortably. Your gaze goes back to him - his body hunching over the laptop, fighting with Netflix again. 
The projector turns on and the movie starts, as the two of you hide yourselves under the blankets. Unfortunately, you can’t focus. You’re worried.
You’ve had some conversations about his depressive episodes before, so technically you know what he’s going trough, but honestly - you don’t. He doesn’t really talk about it, but if you could get into his head you’d understand how much he values your bare presence next to him. If you could get into his head, you’d know way more, but luckily for Suguru, you can’t. He wouldn’t like that. 
In normal circumstances, at least. Because tonight, he is hungry, he is frustrated, and he needs warmth. 
And you are anything but cold. 
So when he catches your eyes on him, he bets. If you turn away, he’ll let you go. If you give in, he’ll make you stay. 
Three seconds. That’s how much time it takes for Suguru to get closer to you and kiss you. 
It’s short, soft and sensual, but it makes his head go fuzzy, and when he pulls back he just hopes you won’t run away. Don’t run away. Don’t. 
You’re not running.
You’re sitting, legs crossed, just as you were seconds before. Your face is completely red now as Suguru’s eyes scan you carefully, desperate to see the future. Will you go? Will you slap him? 
„Why did you do that?” Your own voice doesn’t even sound like your voice. „The Notebook” in the background is now completely forgotten, the flickering lights on the screen keep on changing and throwing different shades on Suguru’s pale face. You didn’t expect that. Not that you didn’t want to or think about it, it’s just…
„I’m hungry” he whispers, and the way his voice sounds gets shivers sprinting down your spine. „And the food’s not here yet.” 
„Yeah. It’s not.” He still keeps his hands on your cheeks, right thumb gently brushing your skin, touch light as a feather. 
„What are we going to do about it?”, he murmurs, words are barely audible. He’s waiting. There’s another unspoken question hanging between the two of you, and you’re the one who needs to answer.
And that’s exactly what you do. 
Both of your hands are suddenly gripping onto his hoodie as you lean into him, lips crashing yet again, just with much bigger force this time. Suguru’s breath shakes as he finally comprehends that he won the bet and a smile crawls onto his face. You’re kissing him. His ray of sunshine. Well, maybe not his yet, but when he’s done with you, that’s exactly how you will be.
And that’s exactly what he does. 
His lips travel down your jaw, stop for a second under your ear and then go straight to your neck as your hands let go of his hoodie and find their way to his hair, gripping desperately on the black strands loosely caught in a bun. He groans at the feeling as he bites the skin of your exposed collarbone, his fingers playing with the hem of your blouse, eager to feel more and more of you. Suguru looks up and tries his best not to moan at the sight of your face, your lipstick completely devoured. 
„Can I?”, a hoarse whisper leaves his throat, but it’s not even a question. He’s begging you. 
And you let him. 
He takes his own hoodie of as you take off yours - and you can see them again. The artwork on his arms. You lean your body against the pillows on the right side of the couch and Suguru gulps. He’s been imagining that for a while now, but the reality, for the first time in fucking forever, was so, so much better. His lips go back to sucking and licking your skin and by the moment he reaches your breasts you whine. His hot tongue plays with your nipples, making you impossibly wet, and the bare sight of him shirtless in those awfully beautiful sweats is not helping at all. A part of you is relieved - his muscles are still there, tensing a bit with every movement. And when he pulls away for a moment, you notice it.
„You’ve got a new one.” A koi fish, on his ribs, drawn as usual in a traditional style, this time with a bit of colour. Red. Your favourite. Your hand is shaking, but you can’t help yourself. You trace the shape of the tattoo, his hot skin under your fingertips feeling like fire. You are in awe - even more when you look at him again, breathing heavily. A god. He looks like a god. 
And then he proceeds to make you feel like you’re nowhere but in heaven.
He’s not hungry anymore - by the time you’re completely naked he’s starving. His name escapes your lips when his grip on your thighs gets tighter, and then it hits you - his tongue finally making contact with the place you needed him in so desperately. Your hands find his hair again, pulling it relentlessly when he inserts two slender fingers inside of you, at the same time licking your clit. Suguru’s ravenous. You could be his breakfast, his lunch, his dinner, his dessert - everything. He could eat you out all the time, no breaks, no thoughts, no objections. He tries to control his own hips that have been grinding into the couch for a while now, but the feeling of you on his tongue isn’t making it any easier. 
„Suguru…” your voice comes back to you, a familiar feeling slowly building up inside of your stomach. „I’m so close.” 
You really are, and your clouded mind is making the sensation almost unbearable. Suguru groans yet again, happier then ever, and then you hear it.
„Come for me, baby.”
So soft. So simple. Not a demand, by no means. An invitation - to fall apart on his tongue. 
You take it.
His name leaves your lips as your orgasm blinds you, back arching as you pull his hair so hard he groans. Suguru doesn’t stop right away - he makes you ride it out, drinking you like holy water. You shake and quiver and he thinks that maybe that’s exactly what it is. Holy water on his tongue. 
And so you lay, completely fucked out under his perfect body, and when he goes up to look at you he’s almost sure he’s going to come right there, in his pants. You’re so perfect. You’re so perfect. You’re so perfect.
„Fuck.” It falls from his lips as he’s taking these damn pants off and you gasp. „I just… Fuck.” He runs his hands down his face, your arousal glistening all over him. It’s like he shines. You might be going insane. Fucking Geto Suguru, hovering over you, his cock impossibly hard, looking for words. „Can I…”
Before he finishes, you lean into him and bring him down, pulling his neck closer to you and diving into the kiss. He pants and you get scared - it’s not reality. It can’t be. Suguru leaning into your touch, Suguru groaning into your ear, Suguru, Suguru, Suguru. His name carved all over your body, all over your mind. 
He goes in slowly, trying his best not to come right away, but he’s more than determined to make you cum again, this time on his cock. He starts thrusting, diving as deep as possible and then reaches for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. It feels so good. Too good to be true. He doesn’t fuck you - it’s way more than that. His lips move up and down your neck, leaving desperate kisses between pants and grunts. Suguru is in pain and you’re the cure. Suguru is the moon and you’re the sun. Suguru is the believer.
And you’re the god.
You asked him about it one night. 
„Do you believe in God, Suguru?”
He said he didn’t, but he changed his mind. He does.
His god is right there, under his fingers.
You come again, moaning right into his lips when you kiss, and the way you clench around him sends him to the edge. He hides his head into the crook of your neck and twitches inside of you, warm cum covering your insides as he pants, hips desperately bucking into you. You’re barely conscious, but you wrap your arms around him and hold him as he’s trying to catch his breath. His heartbeat runs through you and it kinda feels like you’re one person. Maybe that’s exactly what you have become. 
„Are you still hungry?” 
You can feel him laughing into your skin. Suguru moves his head up and readjusts it, so he can see the bite marks on your neck a little better. Like a tattoo. Another one to your collection.
masterlist ❤️
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cordeliawhohung · 8 months
Hiii! I've just binged mafia Price again, as one would, and now I desperately wanna know their first time together 😍 Was it after dating some time, ot much longer or maybe right away? How did they felt? Nervous I bet, but what was anticipation like? Did he make it a planned occasion, or was it casual? Was it quick rough, or slow and sensual, or something else? Like 🤯🤯🤯 My mind's gonna blow thinking about all these. Give this girl some insight, pretty please 👉🏻👈🏻
ugh i answered an ask a few weeks ago that was sort of similar to this but about them dating and i was trying to find it to link with this post but alas, tumblr search is dog water lmfao. anyway it's been a bit since i've written something proper for him so enjoy a drabble to answer your question (:
mafia!141 masterlist
cw: alcohol, smut, mutually possessive sex, (maybe slight technical dub-con due to the alcohol but both parties are awake and aware i'm just putting this here just in case)
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When John got home, he found you in the kitchen.
Quiet music hummed through the speaker on your phone as you worked on serving two big plates of food like you had predicted his arrival. You greeted him with a grin as you gestured to the food in front of you on the island, proud of your work. Its fragrant aroma was mouth watering, almost to the point he found it difficult to think about anything other than eating. Your smile was contagious and John found himself chuckling as he approached the other side of the island.
"What's all this?" he asked.
"Dinner, of course," you replied.
John scoffed slightly at his rather poorly worded question and your cheeky response. "Alright, well what's the occasion?"
"No occasion," you said. "You've been at work all day, and I felt like cooking, so..." You paused to pick up one of the plates and held it out for him to take. "Dinner!"
In the last few months that you had been staying with him, you had cooked plenty of times, but never anything quite like that. A part of you felt a little guilty for not being able to show your appreciation as much as you wanted to, for taking you in and keeping a roof over your head, but more often than not he wouldn't allow it. There were few chores he would allow you to do as a guest in his home, and if you wanted to cook or clean for him, you often had to do it under his nose when he wasn't home.
And still, instead of telling you how you didn't have to do all that, how you didn't have to waste your evening cooking a lavish meal, he took it without complaint and allowed you to lead him into the living room. That evening was full of good food, a very expensive wine that you attempted to convince John not to open but he did anyway, and an old slasher film that was more humorous than it was unsettling.
Something was different about that night. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was something else, but you seemed to smile and laugh more than you had for the last few weeks. And you were beautiful. The way the dim glow of the TV illuminated your face as you took a sip of wine, the way you laughed and pointed at the screen when one of the characters died; you were perfect.
"Thank you. For taking care of me," you suddenly spoke up.
John had stared at you for so long he didn't even realize that the movie was over, but you didn't seem to mind his unwavering gaze. Yet he was a bit confused by your sudden comment. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the truth, but he felt like he didn't deserve it.
"Your gratitude is wasted on someone like me," he muttered, eyes refusing to leave your face.
"What makes you say that?" you asked.
"I'm not a good man."
"I know."
While it wasn't the answer he expected, John was glad you knew that much about him at least. He gave you a breathy laugh as he looked down at the remaining wine left in his glass. The dark red liquid swirled around as he leaned forward to place it on the coffee table.
"How do you know?" he questioned, hoping you would indulge him.
"I've always known," you said as if it was obvious. "If you were a good man, you'd be dead by now. Good men don't live long in your line of work."
"So you've known I'm a bad man this whole time?"
The expression on your face contorted and it wasn't long before your hand rested on his arm. He didn't dare look down to where your fingers brushed against his skin because he feared you would retract if he did, like someone who didn't want to get bitten by a dog.
"You're not a bad man," you retorted as if the very thought had offended you.
"How do you know?" John challenged.
"Because you are kind."
In that moment, John swore he had always known you, and maybe he did. He had known you as the chief's daughter when he was a child. He had known you and your laughter as you sat next to him in maths as a teen. You had always been there, lingering in the back of his mind, finding him when he least expected it.
So when you leaned into him, he didn't stop you. And he didn't stop you when your hands rested on his chest, or when your lips pressed against his. In fact, he savored every moment of it. Your skin on his, your teeth sinking into his flesh; it all felt so familiar like your body was the only one he had ever held that way.
It all happened so fast he felt dizzy, but all John knew was that when he saw you laid out naked on his bed there was nothing in the world that would ever take you from him. He couldn't stop the way his lips were drawn to your chest where he kissed a gentle trail between your breasts and down to your navel. He couldn't stop the way his mouth latched onto your cunt like it was the only sustenance he would need for the rest of his life.
And it was the most love you had felt in your entire life. The way he gently pawed at your body not in greed, but because he needed you to be closer, to feel every inch of you. Every moan that left your lips was carefully fished for, and if one thing didn't work he would try another. The way he crooked his fingers inside of you and swiped his tongue over your clit was all done so carefully, only aiming to please you.
When he eventually pulled away from you, got you so worked up that your legs quaked, you wanted to return the favor. Wanted to thank him for taking you in, for treating you as well as he had, but when you tried to sit up his hand firmly kept you pinned against the mattress. He reminded you that you were under his roof. You were his to take care of.
He continued to remind you of that fact with every pump of his cock inside of you. Each thrust had you repeating his words back to him with pitched moans, how he would take care of you, how good he was to you, how you were his to take care of, you were his, you were his. By the time he emptied himself into you with a heavy grunt and a needy kiss, you knew there was nowhere else you'd rather be.
After that night, you only slept in his bed, and eventually it wasn't just his bed, but yours too. It happened slowly, and all at once, that he had become yours and you had become his, and yet at the same time, it was like it was never any other way to begin with.
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In which the Moon Knight alter system presents a unique opportunity to settle the nature versus nurture debate, once and for all...
Jake Lockley x afab!psychologist!reader (13.0k+)
RATING: EXPLICIT (18+, mdni) WARNINGS: fetishization of mental disorders (DID), psychoanalysis, potentially unethical scientific practices, SMUT (dom/sub dynamics, fingering, oral (f! and m!receiving), unprotected p in v sex, doggystyle, spanking, mean!Jake, degradation, dacryphilia, daddy/papi kink, cum eating, creampie, soft sex, needy/touch-starved!Jake, praise kink, dirty talk), lots of spanish NOTES: jake lockley deserves so much love. this was hard to write, i had so much i wanted to put into this chapter and i hope it all came through okay. also, i am not a native spanish speaker, but i worked really hard to make sure all of my conjugations/phrases were correct, but still, feel free to correct me! this is the final case study installment of this series, there will be one final concluding chapter (+ potentially a bonus part bc i’m feeling generous) DISCLAIMER: although i’m incredibly knowledgeable about psychology, i am NOT a professional. all psychoanalyses made throughout the course of this storyline are entirely my own, based on my own interpretations of the characters. in a similar vein, i am also not an expert on DID specifically (although i am well-read on mental disorders and diagnoses), so i apologize for any incorrect terminology or misrepresentation. don’t hesitate to call me out if i say something wrong!
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CHARACTERISTICS: volatile, tenacious, arrogant, cunning, reticent; a true adrenaline junkie (engages in risky behavior in an attempt to fill his emotional deficit with a brief but intense adrenaline rush); extremely autonomous.
SPLIT FROM HOST: ??? currently unknown/unconfirmed (predicted to have emerged as a result of some feeling of physical inadequacy or repeated threats to safety; may potentially trace back to host's service in the military).
TRAUMA RESPONSE: thinks every hill is one to die on; unwilling to compromise or make sacrifices in fear of revealing vulnerability; maintains face no matter the consequence.
SEXUAL PRESENTATION: demanding, excitable, impetuous, unapologetic, aggressive; unafraid to take what he wants, but uncomfortable with affection.
Your heart was picking up speed as you knocked loudly against the door for the fifth time.
Surely he was inside. Where the hell else would he be? You’d texted with him just hours before—well, technically not Jake, since he refused to use a phone, but Marc—confirming that you were still good for your previously scheduled arrangement. Had he changed his mind? Did something happen?
Your anxiety got the better of you as you fished around in your jacket pocket to pull out your keyring. Steven had given you a copy of the key to their flat in case you ever needed it, or if you wanted to come over before he got home from work. You had yet to actually use it, but you figured this constituted as enough of an emergency to warrant your uninvited entrance.
You clumsily slipped the brass into the keyhole and jiggled it, twisting it until you heard the click of the lock. You silently prayed that Jake—or whoever was fronting—hadn’t engaged any of the other locks on the door that could only be unhinged from the inside. Fortunately for you, the knob twisted and the door swung open with ease, revealing the familiarity of the flat within.
It was... quiet. Not eerily so, but enough to make you proceed with caution. Everything appeared to be in order, undisturbed and in its place, but still, you felt a sense of uneasiness crawl up your spine.
You weren’t a stranger to the feeling, though. You often felt this way when you were in the company of Jake. You enjoyed his presence, and wanted to get to know him better, but still, he was unpredictable and volatile—you never knew what to expect when he was fronting. You couldn’t read him as well as the other two alters, and as someone who had an affinity for picking up on unspoken emotional cues, you weren't particularly fond of the element of surprise.
You heard a low buzz from somewhere off to your right, and as the door clicked shut behind you, you wandered towards the source of the noise on the other side of the apartment. As you grew closer, you recognized the previously indiscernible sound—humming.
You called out softly, and just as rounded the edge of the bookshelf that separated the living space from the bedroom, the door to the bathroom flew open.
The man in question strolled through the doorway, steam billowing behind him, whistling to himself, but he froze when he saw you standing before him. He quickly recovered from his initial shock, however.
“Bebita. Looks like you need to work on your patience.”
He teased, and you felt your mouth run dry as you took in his appearance. He’d clearly just finished up in the shower—there were still droplets of water rolling down his shoulders and the toned skin of his chest and abdomen, trailing southbound where a white towel hung lowly on his hips. You could see the dark hair of his happy trail against his navel, the towel very loosely covering his modesty. His hair was wet and tussled, curls falling across his forehead, and you’d be lying if you said this wasn’t one of the most attractive sights you’d ever seen in your life.
Much to your chagrin, he seemed to pick up on the effect that his appearance had on you. You watched as his lips curled into a devilish grin, staring at you with a depraved look in his deep brown eyes that only Jake was capable of.
“Why—Why didn’t you answer the door?”
Your voice wavered slightly, betraying you in your attempt to appear collected. His head tilted slightly in question.
“Because...I was in the shower.”
Oh. Right.
You swallowed, lips downturned into a small frown, suddenly feeling sheepish at your previous concern for his safety. However, your focus returned to Jake as he slinked forward, taking a few slow, deliberate steps in your direction.
“You’re blushing, mi vida. Am I making you nervous?”
You unconsciously shook your head at his question, although you could feel your heart racing in your chest as he drew closer to you.
“No? Hm, that’s a shame. I could’ve sworn I saw you staring at my cock.”
He paused when only a foot and a half remained between you, and you felt your face grow even redder at his statement. As much as you tried to resist, as much as you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, your gaze involuntarily flickered down to glance at his crotch—you could see the outline of his hardening member through the soft material of the towel, more prominent than it had been even a few seconds prior.
A dark chuckle escaped him, and you forced your gaze back onto his face. He was grinning wickedly, gazing at you with a carnal gleam in his eye.
“Está bien, bebita. I know how much you like it. That’s why you rushed in here, isn’t it? Didn’t want to wait for papi’s cock any longer?”
Your breath hitched in your throat. Your jaw fell slack at the nickname he assigned to himself—you felt your knees grow weak. Just as you’d said—unpredictable. You certainly hadn’t expected that.
But fuck, you really liked it.
His smirk turned into a toothy grin as he observed your reaction to his taunt. One more step towards you and you were only a short distance apart. You could see moisture congregating in the divot of his collarbone, and you desperately wanted to lick at the pooled water.
“Are you going to be good for me, bebita?”
You nodded dumbly at him, any cohesive thought escaping from your brain as all you could perceive was Jake, Jake, Jake. He parroted your senseless nodding, mocking you condescendingly. Without another word, he dropped the towel from his waist and it pooled around his ankles, exposing his fully-erect member to your sight, and you swooned.
His tongue traced over his lower lip sensually, looking at you through hooded eyes. A shadow crossed his face as his mouth contorted into a sneer.
“Get on your knees.”
You obeyed before you even consciously processed the command, collapsing onto your knees before him, your abrupt fall cushioned by his discarded towel. Your mouth watered as you became eye-level with the hardness of his cock, the vein beneath the underside of his shaft just begging for your attention. You resisted, instead opting to stare up at Jake’s face expectantly, awaiting further instruction. It was clear to you that he liked to be in control.
He smirked at your complacency, his hand reaching up to lazily stroke his cock a few times, watching the way your eyes followed the movement of his hands with laser focus, your lips slightly parted in anticipation. He tilted his hips forward and slapped your cheeks with the ruddy head of his cock a few times, and you whimpered at the action, eyes squeezed shut tightly with restraint.
“Stick out your tongue for me, bebita.”
You obliged, opening your mouth wide and letting your tongue loll out past your lips. He tapped his length against the slick muscle, and you savored the familiar tang of his precum on your tastebuds as he pulled back to fist at his cock again. You whined as he withdrew from you, but he just tutted at you condescendingly, slapping your cheek once more with his member.
“Oh, pobrecita. You want papi to let you play with his cock?”
You nodded feverishly, staring up at him through your lashes, doe-eyed. He pouted his lip out in a look of mock pity before removing his hand from his length.
“Go on, then, bebita.”
You lurched forward, your tongue flexing to lick a long stripe on the underside of his cock, tracing the jagged vein that had enticed you earlier. He hummed at the action, watching as you eagerly lifted your hands to begin slowly pumping the velvety skin of his shaft, your lips suctioning around the flushed tip and tongue dipping into the slit. A low groan rumbled deep within his chest as you bobbed your head, eyes never leaving his face as you studied each reaction he had to your movements.
“There you go, mi vida. So good for papi.”
You moaned around his cock at the repeated use of the title, and he chuckled at your obvious approval, one hand finally reaching up to card through your hair as you continued to work more of his length into your mouth.
“You gonna let papi fuck your pretty little mouth, hm?”
He pulled his hips back, removing his member from your touch and you gasped in a breath. You nodded in response to his question, opening your mouth expectantly, and he all but laughed at your eagerness.
“You want it bad, huh, bebita? You gonna ask nicely?”
“Please, papi.”
The word sounded foreign on your tongue, but your discomfort melted away when you saw Jake’s cock jump at the sound of your desperate pleading and he threw his head back in satisfaction.
“Please, fuck my face. Want to feel you in my throat. Please.”
He seemed satisfied with your begging as he wrapped both of his hands in your hair, tilting your head upward and guiding your towards his awaiting length. When your hands reached up to rest on his thighs, he pulled back, hissing at you.
“No, mi vida. Hands behind your back. Don’t make me tell you again.”
You clasped your hands behind yourself obediently, opening your mouth again, and you finally felt the fat tip of his cock rest against your tongue.
You practically choked when he harshly thrusted into your mouth, sinking nearly his entire length into your throat without warning. Before you could even recover, he was pulling back and repeating the motion, not giving you any time to adjust to the intrusion or ease you into a rhythm. You gagged unceremoniously as he fucked your face with reckless abandon, so you tried to slacken your jaw and just take it.
“Look at you, mi llorica. So beautiful when you cry for me, with my cock in your mouth.”
You could barely see him through the blur of tears as they rolled down your cheeks, mixing with the saliva that was foaming around your lips and dribbling down your chin. He picked up his pace, grunting with each motion, the head of his cock bruising the back of your throat with every forward thrust. He was guiding your head forward and backward in time with his movements, successfully burying himself into your face.
“You want me to cum down your throat, bebita? Going to take everything papi gives you?”
You garbled around his length as his balls slapped against your chin, and you felt his cock throb on your tongue as he sheathed himself completely inside of you, growling out your name as he shot his load as deep into your throat as he could. Still, he challenged you more, forcing himself further and further down your throat with each spurt of cum that he released, your nose smushed against his pubic bone as you swallowed around him, trying with all of your might to prevent yourself from gagging and ruining his orgasm.
With a satisfied groan, he slowly pulled his spent member from your mouth, and you gasped harshly, sucking in a deep breath of air and finally allowing the muscles of your neck to relax. There was a soreness lingering in the back of your throat, but you relished in the feeling as you wiped the mix of spit and tears from your face with the back of your hand, staring up at the fucked-out expression that Jake offered you.
“Did so well for me, bebita. What do you say to papi?”
There was an edge to his tone, his domineering persona not faltering for even a second as your scratchy voice responded accordingly.
“Thank you, papi.”
He nodded at you approvingly, watching as you blinked up at him expectantly. He was pleasantly surprised at just how quickly you’d fallen into submission—he thought he might have to coax you into cooperating with him, but it was clear to him that you were eager to please, your eyes glistening with residual tears from one of the best goddamned blowjobs he’d ever had in his life.
He leaned down and clasped his hands on your shoulders, yanking you to your feet without a word. You saw his eyes flicker down to your swollen, spit-soaked lips, but his gaze was hard as he took a step away from you, as if to resist the temptation to kiss you.
“Strip. Hands and knees, on the bed for me. Now, bebita.”
You didn’t protest as you hastily heeded his words, shedding your layers of clothing and tossing them to the floor before you scampered back towards the bed, crawling to your hands and knees in the center, head facing towards the pillows. You could hear Jake creeping up behind you, but you resisted the urge to turn your head and follow his movements, opting instead to squeeze your eyes shut and wait.
You weren’t afraid of Jake. Of course you weren’t. You knew he’d never hurt you—not unless you wanted him to. Nonetheless, you knew what he was capable of—actually, that was the thing. You didn’t know what he was capable of, but still, you could see the thinly-veiled chaos that swirled behind his coffee-colored irises, could sense the firm restraint he forced upon himself when he was around you, holding some unnamed beast at bay on your behalf. It scared you, but also sparked something inside of you—a primitive, savage excitement as he stalked you like his prey. Was it wrong if you secretly hoped he’d unleash the mayhem that resided within him, let himself go? God only knows the man deserved an outlet in which to channel his frustrations.
You felt the mattress dip down behind you, Jake kneeling on the bed behind your bowed position—your nerves spiked at the vulnerability you displayed, exposed as you practically felt his eyes tear through your body with crazed, wanton desire.
You were surprised to feel a soft caress on your hips, his rough fingers delicately ghosting over the supple skin on your waist. It was comforting, soothing, and surprising—a needed reassurance under his scrutinizing gaze. You felt his lips brush softly against the tender flesh of your left buttock, and you relaxed slightly, letting yourself sink down to your forearms but keeping your ass raised with the arching of your back.
“Are you ready, mi vida?”
He asked quietly, and you managed to squeak out a small ‘yes’ before sinking further into the bed and shifting your hips backs toward him in anticipation. He chuckled at your obvious eagerness, greedy for his touch, and you startled when his tender hold on your hips tightened into a bruising grip, the soft press of his lip to your left asscheek morphing until he was sinking his teeth into the flesh with a playful nip.
You yelped at the abrupt shift in demeanor, the sound earning you a sharp smack to your other cheek, his palm quickly rubbing the afflicted area to soothe the lingering sting of his spanking. You pressed your forehead into the sheet beneath you, your legs beginning to quiver with desperation.
“You’re going to stay like this, and take what I give you. Don’t move. ¿Vale, bebita?”
You nodded, but were met with another harsh swat on your backside at your lack of a verbal confirmation.
“Yes! Okay, papi, okay. Just—please.”
You were practically dripping onto the mattress beneath you, your arousal slickening your needy cunt as you desperately sought out any stimulation.
The pads of his fingers experimentally swiped through your folds without warning, and you jolted, involuntarily pushing your hips back to follow the withdrawal of his touch. Another firm slap against your opposite asscheek, a whimper escaping your lips as he scolded you.
“Stay still, bebita. Stop squirming.”
His order briefly brought you back to your first time with Marc, who had requested the same thing, but the words felt heavier when they were uttered by Jake—you knew he wouldn’t hesitate to find a way to make you comply.
When his fingers made contact with your core again, you clenched your muscles, forcing yourself to remain completely motionless, and you were rewarded with the tip of his digit just barely skimming over your clit. You whined at the sensation, but held your position.
Jake was pleased with your cooperation, but you couldn’t help but quake when you felt his tongue sweep through your folds to taste you. The spank he offered was softer, taking pity on you as he leaned forward and fully sank his mouth into your awaiting cunt. You mewled, fingers twisting into the fabric of the sheets beneath you and fisting at them tightly in an effort to keep still.
He was moaning shamelessly into your sex, his method tactless, sloppy and rushed. His movements weren’t practiced and deliberate like Marc’s, nor careful and precise like Steven’s—no, Jake was eating you out like a man starved, greedily mouthing at every part of you and reveling in the sounds that escaped your lips.
His hand lifted and he sank two fingers into your entrance, curling them forward frantically as his mouth latched onto your clit. He was working you to your orgasm quickly, hurriedly, desperate to feel you clamp down around him and cry out his name.
Your thighs were beginning to tremble. He must’ve sensed you were close, because he doubled his efforts, the vibrations from his growling buzzing through your flesh and pushing you over the precipice. On its own accord, your body lurched back towards him, your cunt grinding back against his face as your eyes rolled, your walls contracting around his digits and your juices leaking onto his awaiting tongue.
You felt dizzy, faint, your efforts to hold yourself upright through your climax exhausted you, and when you came down from your intense high, you felt Jake draw himself away from you, slow and intimidating. You felt your pulse spike as you awaited whatever came next. His large hand caressed your ass, gently smoothing over your soft flesh in back-and-forth motions.
“Sabe a miel, bebita. Such a pretty little pussy.”
His touch on your skin halted, and you felt his body lean over your back, his lips coming to brush against the nape of your neck.
“But you didn’t follow my instructions, pobrecita. You need to learn how to listen.”
You cried out when his hand swatted at your abused clit, your body jumping at the painful sensation in an attempt to escape his cruel attack. You felt one arm snake beneath your stomach to hold you upright, his forearm pressing your hips back towards him and keeping you there.
“I let you cum, even after you moved when I told you not to. Do you like being a brat, hm?”
You shook your head—another smack to your cunt, and you whimpered.
“No! No, m’sorry, papi, I—”
“Don’t you think I’ve been generous? Spoiling you? And still, you’re ungrateful, bebita.”
Your body flinched in preparation for the next blow, but instead, you felt his lips tenderly brush a kiss to the flesh of your ass.
“Compórtate. I think I need to teach you how to mind your manners.”
He slapped your ass again, harder than before, and you could feel the lingering sting forming a welt across your skin. He hummed.
“What do you say to papi, hm? For being so good to you?”
“Thank you, papi.”
You whimpered, tears starting to dampen the sheets beneath your face. Your appreciation earned you a soothing hand across the flesh he'd just struck.
“That’s right. Five more times, bebita.”
You sobbed in protest, body trying to pull away from him, but his arm wrapped around your torso forced you into place. He cooed at you.
“It’s okay, pobrecita. You’re going to say thank you after every single one, and then papi will fuck you. ¿Sí?”
He didn’t wait for your response. He smacked your clit, the sting burning its way through your lower belly. You choked back another sob.
“Th—thank you, papi.”
You stuttered, voice barely audible from where your cheek was smushed into the bedding, but Jake took pity on you. Two, three, four more times—the final blow landed sharply against your cunt, and you whimpered out your gratitude, eyes squeezed shut tight and your lip starting to freckle with blood from where you’d held it between your teeth.
He placed gentle kisses on your lower back, your ass, as far as he could reach, his arm still supporting your weight while the other came to softly smooth over your hip. Your mind was cloudy, your body completely surrendering to Jake’s will as you descended into subspace, clinging to his approval.
“You want my cock, mi vida?”
He asked gruffly, and you could feel his hardened length prod against your behind as he leaned further over you to press more kisses on your shoulders. You whined.
“Yes, papi, please, want you inside me, please—”
He shushed you calmly, sitting back to kneel behind you. He lifted your hips higher in the air with his arm, and you felt the flushed head of his cock brush across your soaked folds once, then twice. You mewled.
Without warning, Jake sank into you, bottoming out with one harsh stroke as his balls pressed against your puffy clit. You cried out, legs turning to jelly and giving out from beneath you, but he held you upright, keeping you stable in his arms.
“Mierda. Your little cunt is swallowing me, bebita.”
He withdrew slowly, and you could feel each ridge of his length as he pulled out until just the tip remained. Even though you braced yourself, you couldn’t prepare for the way he slammed back into you, his pelvis flush against your tailbone as you cried, pleasure sparking at the bottom of your spine in spite of the pain.
Jake’s pace was relentless, unforgiving, hips snapping forward over and over, the sound of skin slapping skin drowned out by your pathetic sobbing as your walls throbbed around his member. His teeth were bared as he railed into you, intently watching the place his cock was splitting you open.
“Carajo, you’re squeezing me so tight—going to cum for you, bebita.”
He practically growled as he speared you, and another orgasm was ripped from you with a particularly harsh thrust of his hips. Your cunt clamped down around him as he let out a long, low whine, hips stuttering at the sensation.
He let you collapse into the bed as he began frantically jerking his cock, pulling out of you just in time to shoot his load all across the reddening flesh of your ass. He let out a series of grunts, coupled with Spanglish expletives as he thrusted into his fist, his head thrown back in bliss. You felt globs of his hot spend settle onto your skin, streaking your backside with his seed as he panted above you, falling back onto his heels as he drank in the aftermath of his intense orgasm that was now painting your skin.
The moments that followed blurred together as you drifted aimlessly in the wakes of your pleasure, eyes fluttering in their attempt to keep you awake. Jake left you for several minutes, the absence of his body heat making goosebumps erupt across your skin, but you were too exhausted to move.
When he finally returned, you felt him softly dab the remnants of his ejaculate from your back before he gently shifted you onto your back, tucking an arm beneath your knees and the other around your shoulders as he hoisted you into the air. You whimpered slightly at the soreness in your muscles, your head falling limp against his bare shoulder as he carried you off. You weren’t consciously aware of your surroundings, but the sensation of warm water surrounding you helped ease the ache in your bones and clear the haze that had overtaken your mind. Jake gently lowered you into the bathtub, carefully tilting your head back to rest against the ceramic edge as you let out a relieved sigh, sinking into the welcoming heat of the water.
You felt as if you’d only blinked when you awoke, the water around you now lukewarm and the candle that had been burning beside you melted to the wick. You shifted yourself upward, hissing slightly at the soreness in your thighs, but you forced yourself to stand and exit the tub.
Silence surrounded you as you leaned to pull the plug from the drain before you noticed the plush white towel that had been folded neatly and left on the lid of the toilet for you. You gratefully reached it and wrapped it around your body, noticing the pruning of your fingertips.
How long had you been asleep?
You tentatively creaked open the bathroom door and peered outside into the apartment. It was dark, and empty, for all you could see, and you took a few cautious steps out into the room.
You said softly, your soft call sounding much too loud in the quiet of the space. You proceeded forward towards the bed, shrouded only in light from the single lamp that was lit from across the way. Your clothes had been folded neatly and left in a pile at the foot of the bed, and you saw a small piece of paper settled on top. A note.
You picked it up and scanned it over once, then twice. You could tell this was Jake’s handwriting—it was a messy scrawl with an evident slant, the letters each written harshly with sharp lines. It was different from Steven’s languid scribbling, his words swirling together with smooth, clean strokes, and also from Marc’s, whose blocky penmanship was unmistakable. You couldn’t marvel at the fact that all three alters had markedly distinct handwriting, though, too focused on the content of the message to give it a second thought.
Went out for a drive Text when you get home See you tomorrow.
You frowned slightly, heart feeling heavy in your chest as you forced yourself into your clothes. You checked the time—11:28. You’d conked out for nearly two hours, and you wondered how long ago Jake had stepped out. Was he waiting for your text in order to come back home? Waiting for you to leave so he didn’t have to see you?
You had absolutely no right to be upset, you knew. You should be grateful that he was sticking to his ordinary routine after your sexual encounter in honor of your experiment, but still, a pang of hurt bloomed in your chest. You briefly returned to the bathroom to blow out the flickering lavender candle before heading out the door, your legs wobbly as you trekked the two blocks back to your own apartment.
It was nearly midnight when you finally got home. You reached for your phone and shot the boys a brief message.
made it back safely x
A response came in barely thirty seconds later.
I'm so sorry Y/N He shouldn't have done this to you M
You fell into your bed immediately, eyes skimming Marc’s words, your lips pursing slightly. You let out a long sigh before typing your reply.
it's ok marc, i promise he didn’t do anything wrong i had a nice bath! :) tell jake i said goodnight xx
You connected your phone to the charger before setting it on the nightstand, quickly turning over and sinking into your pillow, trying to ignore the tears that were stinging the back of your eyes.
Your phone buzzed with a final message.
Sleep well baby Hope you give him hell tomorrow M
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- slowing down
- embracing vulnerability and confiding in others
- accepting intimacy and allowing raw emotion
TREATMENT: - patience, foreplay - allowing himself to feel - aftercare (!)
You were, in fact, not going to give him Hell. Just the opposite, actually.
Jake spent too much of his time letting his demons possess him. Perhaps he needed a little taste of Heaven to show him what he's missing.
“Hi, Jake.”
You greeted shyly when the door swung inward. He leaned against the doorframe slightly, looking at you down the length of his nose. He didn’t say anything—just watched you. Studied you. Observing. After a few brief moments, you cleared your throat.
“Can I—uh, can I come in?”
A beat passed before he finally sidled back into the apartment, opening the door just enough to let you slip inside. Your side brushed against his front when you passed him, and the lingering smell of cigarette smoke clung to his white shirt. Oh, Steven would be livid.
You didn’t wait for an invitation before plopping down on one end of the sofa. Jake quirked a brow at your forwardness, and you signaled with the jerk of your head for him to join you on the other end. He offered a slow, dramatic roll of his eyes before seating himself beside you.
“What time did you get home last night?”
You asked quietly, fiddling with the hem of your shirt as you avoided his gaze. He breathed out a slow breath.
“Not too late. Hardly slept, though—your boyfriend wasn’t very happy with me. Kept me up all night, nagging at me.”
You frowned, finally noticing the deep purplish bags that had settled beneath his eyes. His curls were spilling out from beneath the brim of his flat cap.
“I’m sorry, Jake. Marc isn’t s’posed to be bothering you—it’s your weekend.”
He waved a dismissive hand, turning to settle further into the couch as he stared at some point straight ahead of him.
“No pasa nada. I’m used to it.”
He shifted in his seat slightly, his brows furrowing, and you could tell that he was receiving an earful from Marc.
“I’m—I guess I’m sorry, mi vida, if I upset you.”
You shook your head derisively.
“No, Jake, it’s—you’re fine. That’s what I asked you to do—treat me like any other girl.”
He let out a humorless bark of a laugh, knuckles rubbing over the stubbled skin of his jaw.
“Any other girl wouldn’t have gotten to see my bed, bebita.”
He noticed the perplexed look on your face and offered a sigh.
“It’s not...often, that I sleep with anyone like this. Usually it’s in the back of my cab, or a quick one in a closet—tienes suerte, mi vida. It’s rare they ever see me a second time.”
You felt a deep sadness wash over you at his confession. All Jake knew were rushed, meaningless hookups, no strings attached and no obligations. One and done.
“Is that why you didn’t kiss me, yesterday?”
Jake looked startled by your question, eyes widening marginally as his brows furrowed deeply. His lips set into a straight line, his jaw clenching tightly.
“I did kiss you. A lot.”
He insisted softly. You shook your head.
“No, Jake. A real kiss. You wouldn’t do it. Are—Is that not usually a part of your... you know?”
His knee began anxiously bouncing, his discomfort making itself evident to you.
“No sé. Never really thought about it before.”
You stood from the couch, and his stare followed your movements sharply as you crossed the short distance between you, stepping forward to stand between his spread legs. He looked up at you with dark, brooding eyes, uncertainty churning just beneath the surface. You slowly moved to sit on his lap, your thighs slotting on either side of his hips so you were straddling him. His hands mindlessly settled on your waist, his touch timid and delicate. Your fingers smoothed over his chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Can I kiss you, Jake?”
His lips silently parted, a flash of fear briefly flickering over his features as he gazed up at you longingly. His nervousness was palpable, his hesitancy evident through the tension in his shoulders and the crease between his brow. He didn’t offer you a response, so you carefully began leaning your face towards him, tilting your head so your nose brushed against his. You felt his stuttering exhale fan out across your face before you finally let your lips brush over his own.
It was soft, and tentative, as if he was unsure of how to respond or worried he would somehow break you. You pressed your mouth a bit firmer to his, melding against him. You wished, hoped he could feel all your emotions come through the kiss—how much you cared for him, how much you wanted to show him that. Maybe your manifestation worked, because after his few fleeting seconds of unresponsiveness, you felt him sink into the feeling, one arm traveling from your waist up your back to cradle the back of your head in his hand.
He shifted beneath you, trying to pull you closer, as if you weren’t already on top of him. You could feel the stiffness vacate his muscles as the kiss grew feverish, desperate, his lips moving against yours hastily and messily. His free hand began to roam the expanse of your back as he pressed his torso into your own, your nose smushing against his cheek as he gripped you tighter.
He whined when your tongue swiped across the seam of his mouth, his lips immediately parting to allow you access. You dove in to taste him, the stale tobacco and faint mint of his toothpaste overtaking your senses and inebriating you with the distinctive flavor of Jake. His own tongue began to tussle with yours as he mirrored your actions, your teeth clashing messily as he all but tried to swallow you whole.
You pulled back abruptly, gasping in a breath, and his mouth chased yours in a frantic attempt to maintain contact. You felt his hips instinctually rut up against you, his hands still pulling you tightly against his body as he nuzzled into your neck, inhaling the scent of your soft skin.
“Slow down, Jake, take it easy.”
You placed both of your hands on either one of his shoulders and forced him to relax against the couch, his body following your guidance as he sank backwards at your request. His eyes were practically crazed, his lips swollen and ruddy as he looked up at you with a half-lidded gaze, chest heaving with panted breaths.
“Oh, hermosa.”
His muttered, his grip pulling you back to his chest as he surged forward to hungrily meet your lips again, his hands beginning to claw over every inch of your body he could reach, trying to feel all of you. You pushed him away again, more forcefully this time, and he fell backwards with a grunt.
“Hey, relax. It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
A flicker of sadness glinted briefly in his dark eyes, a blink-and-you'll-miss-it expression, but you caught it. You offered him a soft, assuring smile, grabbing the hat from his head and tossing it to the side so you could sink your fingers into his hair. He leaned back into your touch as your nails gently scratched at his scalp, a soft, breathless moan breaking from his lips as his eyes fell shut. You leaned forward and pressed a single kiss to the exposed skin of his throat.
“Come on, handsome.”
He was reluctant to loosen his hold on you, but you reached for his hand and clutched his fingers tightly so he could still feel you touching him somewhere. You led him over to the bed, pausing at the foot of it and gesturing with a nod of your head for him to lay down. He quirked a brow at you, lips curling into a mischievous grin.
“You going to punish me for being so hard on you yesterday, bebita?”
You weren’t oblivious to the excitement that shone in his eyes—he seemed enticed by the possibility of you torturing him in a similar vein to Marc, and you figured that was some information you could keep in your back pocket for future reference.
Instead, you let out a saccharine giggle—it was sickeningly sweet, cloyingly so, and Jake might’ve gotten a toothache from the sugar if it weren’t for the softness with which you crept over his splayed-out body, sinking your front against his as you pressed a featherlight peck on his lips.
“No, Jake. Nothing like that.”
You let your weight settle onto him, straddling his lap and letting your chest fall flush against his as you kissed him again—he mouthed at you hungrily, trying to force his tongue into your mouth, fighting for dominance, and you gently pulled away.
“Hey, tough guy. What’s your rush?”
His brows furrowed, gaze flickering from your eyes and down to your dewy lips, his pupils blown wide. You smiled sweetly at him.
“Slow down, okay? There’s no hurry, really. Let me just feel you.”
He blew out a huff of air before your lips were on his again, and he heeded your request, letting you take the lead as your poured all of your passion into the kiss. It was slow, deep, intimate, your fingers sliding beneath the hem of his shirt and across the hot skin of his torso, pushing the material up as you went. You slowly drew back to discard the article of clothing before immediately latching your mouth to his, slow movements still heavy and dripping with desire. You finally parted his lips with the swipe of your tongue, and you felt his fingers sink into your hair, tilting his head for a better angle with which to lavish you.
You could feel him getting greedier as he pressed his body up into your warmth, hands sliding down the expanse of your back and making a move to rip your shirt from your body. You pulled back suddenly, giving him a warning look.
“Hey. Slow.”
You reminded, and he stuttered out an exhale, his fingers gradually raising your shirt above your head as he tossed it to the side. His eyes ravished your body as his fingers traced along the newly exposed skin of your sides, his touch softly skimming your curves before coming up to cup at your breasts. You smiled sweetly down at him as he pressed a few fervent kisses to your collarbone. His dark eyes found yours, lips parted provocatively as he silently asked for your permission. You nodded gently, and his fingers trembled with restraint as he slowly reached around to unclasp your bra.
It was taking everything within his power not to flip you over and pound into you, but something about the look in your eye—reverent, devoted, loving—he didn’t mind too much.
When your breasts exposed themselves to him, he made a low rumbling noise from the back of his throat, leaning forward to latch onto one of your nipples hastily. You tugged at his hair and he groaned in frustration.
You warned, and he pressed his face down into your cleavage, his breathing ragged and shallow.
“Mierda, bebita. You like being on top so much, hm? Like being in control of papi?”
You gently pulled at his curls again, forcing his face to lift and look up at you. You regarded him softly, one of your hands coming to delicately trace over his jaw and cheekbone.
“No, honey. None of that, okay?”
His brows furrowed, and you leaned down to press a kiss against the crease between them.
“It’s just you and me. Jake and Y/N.”
He repeated your name back to you in a low murmur, as if saying it for the very first time. Actually, now that you thought about it—maybe it was. Jake had never addressed you by your name before, only used endearments to speak with you.
He seemed puzzled by your suggestion, eyes round and questioning and lost, almost uncomfortable with the proposal of having you call him by his actual name.
“You can be on top if you really want to, Jake.”
You pressed a kiss to his nose, then atop both of his fluttering eyelids, then one in the center of his hairline.
“You just—have to be patient.”
You pressed your forehead against his, letting your eyes drift shut as you took in the soft sound of his breathing, finally settling down and evening out. You felt his head tilt up to meet yours again, and you let him kiss you, his pace steady and deliberate, easing you into a rhythm. His hands slowly crawled up your spine, cradling you close to him as he licked into your mouth, his hips bucking up just slightly when you gently tugged at his lower lip with your teeth. He pulled away, shaking his head at your flirtatious action and giving you a playful glare before mouthing gently at your jawline, down your neck and behind your ear. When you leaned into his touch, he sank his teeth in and suckled a deep red mark into your skin, earning a soft whimper in appreciation. His lips stayed pressed against you as they trailed down the column of your neck, along your collarbone and shoulder, and finally down to the flesh of your breasts.
You breathed out a low moan when he placed wet open-mouthed kisses along the top curves of your chest, slowly teasing lower until his teeth scraped your hardened nipple and his lips puckered around it. His hand came to palm at your other breast, kneading at the doughy flesh as he stared up at you seductively through his lashes.
“Fuck, Jake.”
You whimpered, and the sound of his name rolling so deliciously off of your tongue caused his hips to grind up against you once more. When he was satisfied with the array of red and purple marks he’d imprinted on your skin, he dragged his face back up to your own and pressed his lips to yours once again.
You were impressed with his restraint. You could feel the hardness in his muscles, see the tension in his thick shoulders as he forced himself to take his time instead of jumping your bones from the start. You hummed against his mouth before pulling yourself away and off of his lap, your fingers slowly trailing down the length of his torso before settling on the buckle of his jeans.
His breath stuttered at the action, his abdominal muscles contracting as he awaited your next move. You gently reached down to palm at his bulge through the layers of fabric and he groaned throatily, his eyes fluttering shut at the much needed stimulation. Your fingers deftly worked to unloop his belt before unbuttoning his jeans, and he lifted his hips to assist you in pulling them off of him.
When he was left in just his briefs, you pressed gently against his shoulder to make him lay back down and relax. He sank back into the pillows, propped up so he had a decent view of you between his legs, your fingers teasingly stroking over his length through the thin cotton of his boxers. He hissed.
“Estás una calientapollas. Please, hermosa. Y/N.”
He saw the way your eyes darted to his face at the sound of your name, your lips parting and your fingers ceasing their gentle sweeping motion over his cock. You held his gaze as you slowly reached up towards the waistband of his briefs and coaxed them down his legs, freeing his member that had been straining against the fabric.
After you’d tossed his final undergarment aside, you settled back between Jake's legs, your hands stroking each of his inner thighs softly, watching as he pulled his lip between his teeth. Your left hand slowly, slowly crept upwards until it ghosted over the silky skin of his shaft, his body shuddering in response to your touch. You waited until his eyes were open again, watching you, before leaning forward and letting a pool of your saliva drip from your lips and onto his awaiting cock. He keened at the sight, his hips jerking just slightly as you finally wrapped your hand around the base and began to stroke him at a treacherously slow pace.
“Mierda. Fuck.”
He grunted quietly, trying to keep his hips still as you started to pump him a bit faster, glittering eyes staring up at him reverently. It was dizzying, the way you gazed up at him with such infatuation. It almost made him nauseous.
You slowly leaned down and licked the precum from his leaking slit before letting your lips wrap around the head, swirling your tongue languidly over the tip, watching his face scrunch up in pleasure.
You briefly pulled back to press kisses up along his entire length, coupled with soft caresses of your fingertips. It was clear to you that Jake was beginning to feel frustrated—his hands were buried in his hair, head thrown back against the bed as if attempting to subdue his desires.
You took him back into your mouth, working him slowly over with your tongue and swallowing him down bit by bit, agonizingly slow. You could feel Jake’s thighs tensing around you, his hands flying from his head to fist at the sheets on either side of his body.
When you gagged around his cock, he lost his composure. You made a startled choking sound when you felt his hand against the back of your head, pressing you down onto his length as his hips bucked up to try to sink into your throat. You immediately recoiled, and Jake nearly whined, his eyes desperately pleading with you to grant him some release. You weren’t taking any pleasure in seeing him like this—this wasn’t your end goal.
“You going to edge me like Marc, huh? Want to hear me beg?”
His voice broke off slightly, his frustrations venting through his lips as he almost glared at you. You sat up, moving to straddle his waist once more so you could press your lips to his again.
“No, Jake, I told you, I’m not. I just—Let me take care of you. Wanna show you how much you mean to me, wanna—wanna worship you, wanna make you feel good—”
His brows furrowed as you rambled slightly, your eyes big and round and glassy. He was confused—what exactly was it that you wanted from him?
“Let me fuck you, mi vida—make us both feel good with me inside you, hm?”
“No, Jake, just—hang on, that’s not—”
“Then what? Want to see if I can be as vanilla as your little Steven?”
“I want to make love with you, Jake.”
His breath resembled something of a gasp as his eyebrows shot up nearly to his hairline, disappearing beneath his curls while his eyes widened almost comically at your hasty confession. You cringed inwardly at your forwardness, taking in the expression of sheer panic on Jake’s face that had him looking like a deer in headlights. You sighed, leaning forward to press your forehead into his chest in an attempt to hide your face from view.
“Fuck. Sorry. I just—I don’t want you to feel like you have to rush through this. I’m sorry, I just—I want—want you to enjoy it, want you to let yourself feel it, Jake.”
You could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage, his lack of response smothering you after your fervent explanation. You wanted to disappear, wanted the ground to cave in and swallow you whole—instead, silence consumed you, settling across your back like a weight that you weren’t strong enough to carry.
“That’s...a new one for me.”
His voice was quiet, sheepish, and you could feel the vibrations rumbling in his chest as you lifted your head to look at him.
“I know.”
You acknowledged quietly. He was staring at you. Dark eyes searching within yours, scanning your expression, every detail of your face, as if attempting to see straight through you. Your heart was still pounding, your face rosy with an embarrassed blush—you felt his arms shift, his hand hesitantly lifting, fingers ghosting over the skin right above the waistband of your jeans at your hips, getting about as close as he could to holding you without actually touching you at all.
You’d never seen Jake Lockley at a loss for words before, and you’d certainly never seen him look so unsure. He was always so collected, nonchalant and unfazed, never dropping his guard for more than a second before that smug smirk reappeared on his face. He took things in stride, his confidence stifling as if he was always three steps ahead of the rest of the world, always knowing what came next.
But now there was vulnerability displayed across his slacken face, a certain wariness serrating his words as he spoke.
“I’m sorry, mi vida, but I don’t—”
“You don’t have to apologize, Jake, really, I promise it’s okay.”
You reached up a hand to cradle the side of his face, fingers gliding across the stubble of his jaw as your thumb brushed over his cheek. His head instinctually tilted in the direction of your hold, turning to press a soft kiss to the palm of your hand.
“I’m sorry. This—I don’t know what I was thinking. This isn’t fair to ask of you at all, it wasn’t a part of the deal, and—we can stop here. Let’s—just tell me where you wanna go from here and we can do it. Anything.”
You breathed, looking into his eyes, your brows furrowed in remorse as you anxiously awaited his reply. He was still just looking at you, unwavering, his chest heaving slightly with each brash exhale.
You felt his fingers skate up your bare spine and you straightened at his touch, letting him gently pull you towards him until your noses were brushing again. His gaze never left yours as he drank you in, his lips parting so you could feel his warm breath against yours. After a few more grueling beats, your pulse jumping with anticipation, his closed the gap and kissed you with a tenderness you didn’t know he even possessed. He pulled himself into a sitting position, wrapping his arms around you until they enveloped you completely, your bodies melding together as his tongue traced the seam of your mouth, although he didn’t press any further—just feeling you, tasting you, savoring the sweetness that seemed to course through your veins.
You were breathless when he pulled back, although he only recoiled just enough to speak. You could feel the movement of his lips against your face as his dark eyes burned through you.
“Hermosa, I don’t—I’ve never... Nunca he hecho esto antes.”
You knew what he was saying even if you couldn’t actually understand it. Your eyes crinkled at the corners as you smiled softly at him, sliding your palms over his chest before wrapping your arms tightly around his neck.
“It’s okay, honey. I—we can figure it out together.”
He blinked rapidly at you, and if you didn’t know any better, you might’ve thought there were tears shining across his eyes. But then he was kissing you again, so softly and sincerely that it fucking hurt.
Your body was slotted perfectly against his, flush against the contours of his current position as his hands slid up and down your spine, settling lowly on your back, just above your ass. You could feel his aching arousal pressing into your heat, rubbing against the seam of your jeans as he held you against him. You let his tongue lick inside your mouth greedily before you drew away.
“Can I—Can I keep going?”
You asked softly, grinding your clothed core up against him for emphasis. A breathy whimper fell from his lips as he closed his eyes, resting his forehead against yours for a moment before slowly nodding. You slowly crawled down the length of his body, pressing gentle kisses all the way down until you found yourself settled between his legs once again, not wasting any time in wrapping your hand around his cock and giving him a few gentle strokes. He sank into the mattress, throwing his head back into the pillows as his teeth sank into his bottom lip.
“You’re supposed to enjoy this, okay? But remember, this—this isn’t just about making each other cum, it’s—wanna make you feel good. We’ll take it nice and slow. You tell me when you’re ready to—when you wanna move on, and we will, okay?”
He looked down at you, his eyes still full of doubt and hesitance, but beneath the veneer you could see the warmth of trust shining through. He nodded at you reassuringly, and the soft smile he offered was one you’d never seen from him before—so genuine and credulous that it almost resembled Steven.
Without another word, you leaned forward and let the tip of your tongue trace the driblet of precome that had begun to slide down the length of his shaft. You wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, suckling at the flesh as your hand began to stroke him steadily, wrist twisting just slightly to maximize the stimulation.
Jake let you toy with him for awhile, his hands gripping the sheets on either side of him in tight fists while he endured you doting on his throbbing cock.
When you reached to squeeze for his balls, your head sinking a bit lower onto his length, you felt his fingers wrap in your hair and gently coax you off of him, a low growl rumbling in his chest. You immediately ceased your ministrations, staring up at him attentively as he blinked slowly at you, his lip swollen from where he had been biting it.
“Do you—you want me to stop? Wanna—want me to ride you, or—”
He interrupted you with groan, throwing his head back against the pillows and squeezing his eyes shut. You could feel the muscles of his abdomen rippling.
“No, mi vida, it’s alright, whenever—you can stay down there as long as you like, I just—mierda, your mouth is so good to me, hermosa. Worried I’m gonna cum.”
He confessed, a sort of pained expression on his face. You gave him a pitying look—it wasn’t mocking, not at all, but genuine sympathy. You didn’t want to make him miserable.
“Just a little bit longer, okay, honey? I know it’s hard going so slow, I’m sorry, but—but I promise, when you finally let go, it’ll be worth it, okay?”
He smiled meekly at you, nodding as he removed his hand from your hair and returned it to its position tangled in the sheets at his side. You gave him one last reassuring glance before sinking your mouth back down onto his cock and lavishing him with more attention.
For several more minutes, he let you worship him, his hips jolting and cock twitching, although he was displaying great levels of restraint when it came to letting you dictate the speed and pace of your actions. You suckled one of his balls into your mouth, watching as he squirmed, legs kicking just slightly beside you as he mewled, his face scrunched up in pleasure.
You released him with a popping sound, finally satisfied with how you’d worked him up and extolled his cock. You crawled up his body and he eagerly welcomed your proximity, pulling you to his mouth to plant a hard, desperate kiss to your mouth. You smiled into him, fingers nestled in his curls.
“Thank you, Jake, did so well.”
You whispered, pressing gentle kisses to the expanse of his jaw as his chest heaved beneath you. He hummed to acknowledge your praise, although you could feel the tension in his muscles as he impatiently awaited your signal that you could continue.
When your eyes met his, they blinked at him, docile and alluring, and he took that as his cue to roll you onto your back so he could position himself on top of you. He pressed a few kisses to your mouth, as if he was struggling to pull himself away, before his lips traveled down your neck and collarbone, his hands popping the button on your jeans to finally have you bare beneath him. You didn’t protest when he pulled them down off of you, your panties joining them soon after. He leaned up to kiss you again, his rock-hard length dipping into your sopping folds as his body rocked against yours once, then twice, earning a low whimper from your throat.
“Go ahead, honey, I’m ready for you.”
You whispered, voice sweet, and he groaned lowly. However, he surprised you by pressing a soft peck to your cheek before sinking down the length of your body, his mouth trailing a line down the center of your torso before kissing right atop your pubic bone, brown eyes watching you closely. Your breath stuttered as you wrapped your fingers in his hair unconsciously.
“Jake, you’ve waited long enough, you don’t have to—”
“Wanna do this right, Y/N.”
He whispered, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on your clit, causing you to gasp.
“Make me feel so good, hermosa. Promised going slow is worth it—gonna make it worth it for you, too.”
You couldn’t dwell on the fluttering sensation in your chest when his mouth pressed against you, wet tongue meeting your dripping folds with attentiveness—you released a soft cry as he lapped at your entranced, the tip of his tongue prodding at your clit gently, causing you to squirm.
Jake liked to run his mouth, but now, he was silent. It's not that he didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to spur you on with filthy praise—he simply couldn’t find the words. He was absolutely hypnotized by the sight above him, bewitched by the expression of pure, unadulterated euphoria on your face at each ministration he offered. He’d never been witness to such a beautiful view before—any time he’d gone down on someone, watching their nonverbal responses to his touch simply wasn’t his priority. It had always been rushed, forceful, as he ripped orgasm after orgasm from his partner with greed and insatiability. But now—now it was you. He was in between your legs, pulling angelic sounds from your lips as your thighs quaked around his head. You were glowing, radiant, ethereal as you basked in the pleasure, and Jake finally realized why foreplay was so important—seeing you like this might be even better than the real thing.
He heeded your words. He wasn’t trying to make you cum, wasn’t speeding you towards your climax with rapid swipes of his tongue and fingers. He was savoring you, each brush of his mouth against your core was languid and indulgent. His lips puckered around your sensitive bundle of nerves, drawing slow circles around it with his tongue as your fingers fisted tighter into his curls, offering enough of a sting to make him groan around you. His tongue dipped into your entrance, lapping at your dripping arousal, your walls fluttering around his thick muscle as your hips jerked to meet his thrusts, pressing yourself against his face to chase your mounting pleasure.
This was different than the orgasms he’d granted you the day prior—this was a simmering heat, coiling lowly in your stomach, festering and building slowly as he sought out the places that made you squirm. You could feel the intensity spiking, even though his lazy speed remained constant—the way his dark eyes stayed firmly fixated on your face was dragging you closer and closer to the threshold.
“Fuck, Jake, oh God—”
You whined, and his hands slipped beneath your ass, lifting your hips to grant him a better angle at which to devour you. Your thighs were trembling, his tongue beginning to swipe over your clit in rapid side-to-side motions—the change of pace pulled a ragged wail from within you, the muscles of your abdomen squeezing tight. He couldn’t control the shameful rutting of his hips into the mattress beneath him at the sound.
“So close, Jake, yes, fuck—”
You were right on the precipice, stars clouding your vision, but right before you tipped over the edge, you yanked your hips back, lifting Jake's head away from you with your grip on his hair. He jolted, hazy eyes suddenly wide and alert as he sat back, bewildered at your abrupt departure from his lips. You squeezed your eyes shut as your orgasm dissipated, your tense muscles sinking back into the mattress as the coil loosened itself. You breathed out lowly, your lashes fluttering as you opened your arms to pull Jake against you.
“Sorry, honey, I—so good, Jake, fuck, but I—wanna cum on your cock, wanna cum with you.”
A low groan escaped him as he pressed his forehead to yours, eyes blinking closed to stave off the arousal that was singeing his insides.
“You—¿estás lista, mi vida? Are you sure?”
You nodded vigorously, pressing a kiss to his lips, and he let out a slow breath, hands sliding to your sides. Your brows furrowed when he pulled back, gently attempting to roll you onto your stomach. You reached up to grip his shoulders tightly, shaking your head.
“No, no, Jake, I want—wanna see you, wanna be close to you, please.”
There was turmoil churning behind his eyes as he stared down at you, brows furrowed heavily as he fought his internal battle. You realized he’d probably never done it like this before—if the fact that he was afraid to kiss you was any indication, you wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he’d never let himself be caught in such an intimate position.
But then his eyes softened, his hand coming to cradle the side of your face, his thumb pressing up against the swell of your lower lip.
“Okay, hermosa. Por ti hago lo que sea.”
You felt his member slide between your dripping folds, the head of his cock brushing across your clit as he guided it against your center, hearing the way your breath hitched at the feel of him over your bundle of nerves. You felt it notch at your entrance, the tip just barely breaching your folds. Jake cursed lowly under his breath, eyes glued to where his cock was about to sink into you. In spite of your desperation, your hands lifted to rest on either side of his face, forcing his eyes onto you.
“Look at me, honey. Want you to look at me when you split me open.”
He muttered, closing his eyes to steel himself before opening them again to stare into yours. You watched his lips part as he pushed into you, unbearably slow, a low moan rumbling through his diaphragm as he sank into you, only stopping when he was fully-seated within your fluttering walls.
The intimacy was stifling him. He felt lightheaded, breathless, his body hovering over yours just barely as he held himself up above you, drinking in your heavenly being—your hair was fanned out on the pillow beneath you, your pink lips slicked with saliva as your gazed up at him with doe-eyes, blinking slowly as your walls clenched around him.
“God, Jake.”
You whispered, arms wrapping around his neck and pulling so he fell against you, chest flush against your own. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, staying still inside of you for a few brief moments in order to just feel the way you surrounded him.
Slowly, carefully, he pulled back his hips, just barely, before pressing back inside of you, your moans echoing in unison as his balls nestled tightly against your ass again. He’d always been so busy chasing his release, relentlessly pounding into you that he hadn’t taken the time to appreciate just how perfectly he filled you, just how perfectly your walls clamped around his pulsing length.
“So good, mi vida.”
He groaned against your neck, repeating the motion of his hips at a more steady pace. Each thrust pressed against your cervix, causing you to whimper.
“Fill me up so nice, Jake, fuck, feels so good.”
He felt your walls clamp around him once more, and he pulled his head back slightly, lifting himself up a bit more so he could increase the breadth of his thrusts.
“Me vas a matar.”
He growled, sucking in a breath through his teeth as one hand came to palm at your breast, his eyes glued to the way the other bounced with each push of his hips forward. His eyes drifted back to the fucked-out expression on your face, your lips parted as you stared up at him, and his hips stuttered just slightly.
God, he was close already.
“Fuck, hermosa, me arruinas.”
You could feel him faltering, a bead of sweat dripping from one of his curls and down onto your chest, sliding between your breasts and down to your stomach. He watched it dribble downward, eyes dazed, his abdomen clenching as he attempted to stave off his impending orgasm.
His hand clumsily wedged between your bodies, fingers finding your clit and rubbing it in crude circles, his arm trembling just slightly. Watching him grow desperate above you was enough to spark the beginnings of your climax. You pulled him down for a bruising kiss, teeth clashing and tongues swirling as you swallowed his incessant groans.
“Wan’ you to cum with me, Jake.”
Your words were drawled, drunk on the way his cock filled you, and you could feel pleasure sparking in the base of your spine. The speed of his fingers on your clit sped up slightly, his hips struggling to maintain their cadence.
“Mierda, hermosa, oh fuck, so tight—can’t, I can’t—”
“Cum inside me, Jake.”
Your words were only a whisper as you skated along the edge of your orgasm, just barely hanging on as you desperately tried to convince Jake to let go. His eyes blew open wide at your words, grunting as his hips continued jacking forward.
“Y/N, shit, don’t—I’ve never—”
“Oh, God, fuck, I’m cumming, Jake, please, please cum with me, fuck—”
He couldn’t have stopped himself even if he tried. The rhythmic pulsing of your walls around his painfully hard cock was harrowing, gripping him so tightly that he couldn’t have pulled out even if he wanted to.
His balls drew up tight as his climax exploded.
“Oh, me vengo—mierda, fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m cumming, shit, shit, shit—”
His eyes rolled back as he nearly collapsed on top of you, his hips pistoning forward again and again as he shot his spend deep into your walls, his cock pulsing. His orgasm seemed to last minutes as his vision blacked out, brain emptying as his awareness only focused on how the pleasure zipped across his skin with each pump of cum that he released and how tightly your walls were squeezing him, milking him for all he was worth. He’d never cum so hard in his life, or so much—his seed was leaking out around his length as his body slowed to a halt, your tired cunt stuffed full of him as his cock spilled one final spurt of warm release, the head of his member settling against your cervix as he stilled, his weight bearing down on you as he went boneless.
Jake was slowly grounded back into reality at the feeling of your fingertips brushing softly across the length of his spine, your other hand buried in his curls from where his face was tucked into your shoulder. He could feel your hot lips pressed against his temple, your breathing steady and even as you regained your bearings. He forced himself to follow your inhalation patterns, attempting to slow the racing of his heart.
As the endorphins flooding his bloodstream began to thin out, his anxieties threatened to consume him once again. He pushed himself up and off of you, groaning at the soreness in his muscles and the exhaustion tingeing the edge of his movements. You could do nothing but watch him as he slowly pulled out of you, and you expected him to leave you as hastily as he had the day before—maybe he would’ve, if not for the way his eyes glued themselves to your exposed center, enthralled by the sight of his cum oozing from your fluttering hole and dripping downwards.
Your hips jumped slightly when you felt his fingers gently sweep over your cunt—his gaze never lifted as he scooped his release from where is was beginning to escape and pushed it back into you, forcing you to keep as much of him inside as you could. His eyes were dark, possessive as he tilted your hips up just slightly in an effort to stop his cum from leaking out of you.
His sudden captivation and obsession with filling you was surprising, a stark contrast from just moments before when he had desperately resisted your pleas to finish inside of you. The ghost of a smile flickered over his lips as he settled you back down, seemingly content with the show. His eyes flickered up to yours, and as soon as your gazes met, you saw the way a shadow crested his features, abruptly throwing up his guard after the unexpected vulnerability he’d just granted you.
Jake walked to the bathroom, letting the door shut behind him with a click. You pulled yourself into a sitting position, sighing as you felt the stickiness between your thighs and settling beneath you. You should clean yourself up, get dressed and head out so that—
The bathroom door swung open again and Jake walked out, a wet washcloth awkwardly held in his left hand. He stood at the end of the bed for a moment, as if unsure of what to do next. His eyes hesitantly found yours.
“Do—I’m—I haven’t done this part before, mi vida.”
He quietly admitted, offering a sheepish shrug of his shoulders. Still, your heart warmed at his efforts.
“Thought—figured I’d try what Marc does, but I don’t—”
“Thank you, Jake, that’s perfect.”
You encouraged softly, and his eyes lit up with your soft praises as he knelt down on the edge of the bed, leaning down to carefully press the cloth to your ruined core. You sucked in a sharp breath, the coldness of the water a foreign sensation in contrast to the heat that was broiling between your legs—Jake recoiled, eyes searching yours widely for direction. You offered him a lopsided grin.
“Sorry, s’just—sensitive.”
You explained, and he nodded, slowly wiping at the arousal that stained your skin. His lips were pursed as he focused on his actions, trying desperately not to hurt you. After awhile, he sighed.
“Would you—do you want Marc? Or Steven?”
Your face fell as he finished cleaning you up, tossing the towel on the floor beside the bed, before facing you, his curls falling across his forehead and into his eyes. You frowned.
“No, Jake—not unless you don’t want to—it’s okay, I can always leave if that’s—”
He let out a humorless, bitter laugh, one hand coming up to stroke at his stubbled jaw as he stared at the ceiling, clearly uncomfortable.
“No sé lo que estoy haciendo.”
You heard him mumble breathlessly, his shoulders sagging with defeat.
“Do you—will you come lay with me, Jake?”
You asked softly, as if you were speaking to a wild animal and were trying desperately not to scare it away. His eyes darted to your face, lips parting to protest, to make up an excuse, but then he shook his head at himself, crawling up towards you and seating himself beside you, his back resting against the headboard. You tentatively leaned into his side, nestling your head against his shoulder. You felt him stiffen beside you slightly, but then his arm moved to wrap around you, pulling you closer against his side.
You felt him release a breath he’d been holding as you lifted a hand to rest on his bare chest, drawing random shapes into the warm skin mindlessly.
“Why did you think I’d want Marc or Steven?”
You asked softly, your eyes watching the movement of your fingers on his chest. His hold on you tightened.
“This—s’not my job. I don’t do things like this.”
You sat upright, turning to face him fully. His eyes were hard as they looked at you.
“What do you mean, not your job?”
His lips pursed.
“You know, hermosa. You’re the doctor, hm? Steven and me, we’re—we both do something for Marc. S’why we’re here. Marc and Steven, they—they get to feel things, know people. I’m—I’m just here to make sure they’re safe, that they don’t get hurt.”
Tears pricked behind your eyes as his words registered in your brain. There was an aching sensation festering in your chest.
“No, Jake, that’s not—that’s not how this works. You’re a person, you have every right to experience things just like they do, you’re—”
“No pasa nada. This is the way things are, hermosa. I know you thought—thought you’d be able to come and figure us out, show us what’s what, but—but I already know who I am, what part I play.”
The dejection in his voice was unmistakable. There was bitterness in his words, resentment. The pain in your chest expanded.
“I protect. That’s what I do. Means I don’t get—I don’t get to have this, mi vida. What happened today—that’t not mine.”
A tear rolled down your cheek, so you turned and sank back into his side, hoping he didn’t catch your display of emotion. In spite of himself, he let you press against him, savoring the feeling of your soft skin against his own.
You were hoping he’d open himself up to you after your intimate tryst, but you obviously misread the situation—his walls had come back up, even stronger and more unwavering than before.
Perhaps he sensed your sadness. You felt him release a long sigh, his muscles going lax as he let his head fall against the headboard.
“Lo siento, hermosa. I—you deserve better than what I can give you.”
Your head turned to gaze up at him, finding his eyes staring straight ahead at a random focal point. You felt your heart crack a bit.
“Stop, Jake, don’t say that. That’s not true, I don’t—”
“It’s okay, mi vida. I appreciate what you tried to do for me today. Significa mucho para mí.”
He swallowed, and when he finally looked down at you, the warmth he’d been unabashedly displaying for you had been replaced by the familiar austere glint that normally resided there.
No. You wouldn’t have it. Not after all of this.
Your hand reached up to cradle his jaw, thumb swiping over the apple of his cheek as you turned his head to face you.
“I know you’ve heard me say it, Jake. To Marc and Steven. This wasn’t—this isn’t just research.”
His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as his eyes flickered down to your lips, and you felt the arm that was wrapped around you tighten its grip again.
“I care about you, a lot—”
“You don’t know me.”
His words were brazen, suddenly harsh, insistent against your admission. Your brows furrowed.
“I’m not—I’m not like the others. I’m—I’m no good, hermosa. You care about Steven, and Marc, but I’m not like them. I don’t feel things like them, I can’t—estás mejor sin mí.”
“Then let me know you, Jake. You’re a part of this system, just as much as Marc and Steven, and you deserve to be happy.”
He didn’t answer you—his jaw rippled at the conviction your tone offered, so certain with yourself. You let out a long sigh, reaching to pull at his arm as you shifted. His brows furrowed, but he let you coax him into a lying position, his head against the pillows as you once again nestled into his side, arms wrapped tightly around his torso as you pressed your front against his side, face squished against his shoulder. You placed a soft kiss to the skin there.
“I’m gonna stay with you tonight, okay, Jake?”
You felt his muscles tense in protest, every fiber of his being telling him to make you leave, to get up and go, but the proximity and warmth of your body was intoxicating. After a few beats, he finally offered a slow nod, his limbs relaxing as he sank into the bed. You reached to pull the duvet over you two, clutching onto him tightly, and even if he refused to hold you back, you could feel the way his body went pliant beneath your touch.
He shouldn’t let you so close. He’d managed to keep his distance before—but with the way your breaths slowed into gentle snores, your hair tickling against his bicep, your comforting heat seeping into his bones—he felt his resolve begin to crack beneath the pressure of your insistent affections.
Jake let himself mold against you, his head tilting to rest against the top of yours as he pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of your head—he told himself that it was okay, you were sleeping, no one ever had to know just how much you’d softened him, how deeply you’d sunk your perfectly-manicured nails into his flesh—and no one ever had to know just how much he loved it.
For the first time in what felt like ever, Jake Lockley actually slept.
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TAGLIST: @kezibear143 @gingermous @josephquinncore @steven-grants-world @am-3-thyst @fanofverymanythings @vaneyvfs @theboggyman-blog @belladri @roserfz27 @nowayhomerry @justanotherkpopstanlol @bagsy-not-it @elles-mind-palace @pimosworld @winterbiip @moonmoonboys @icuminurbutt @spxctorsslxt @fandomqueen74 @freerangesweets @wumpsquill @wordacadabra @lunaleah @hornkneeforbucky @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @ronanthesimp @deezisnotreal @avengersinitiative2012 @pri00r @wand-erer5 @bitchotine @cookielovesbook-akie @kingtwhiddleston @manofworm @welcometostayingawake @papillonoirsworld @xsarcasticwriterx @this--is--music @paradox-brody-chase
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tadpolesonalgae · 3 months
Shared Camomile[*]
Elain x fem!reader
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synopsis: after months of practically living together, Elain finally broaches the topic she’s been longing to share with you. You’re reluctant, doubtful, nervous. Two females? That can’t be right. So Elain takes it on herself to go out into her little garden to find something to help convince you of what you should already know. That you’re hers. 
a/n: cannot believe it’s taken this long for me to write something like this for Elain
warnings: use of an aphrodisiac/love potion from Elain, technically dubcon, smut, facesitting, fingering, pussy eating, squirting, fluff for my favourite girl 🩷🧡💛
word count: 3,662
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“What?” You ask, perplexed, tilting your head slightly before your lips are stretching in a wide smile, cheeks aching as they flush with laughter. “Move in together? You are funny Elain.” 
Dark, rich cocoa eyes blink at you quietly from across the table, her burnished gold hair hanging in full ringlets, spilling over her shoulders while small coils of silky hair quirk and twist over her brow. Between you is a cooling tray, holding the berry tarts you’d spent the morning lovingly making, flour-dusted aprons doing little to prevent the powdery mess from puffing into the air and dusting the fabric of your dresses. The smell is delicious, able to pick out the distinct citrus of the lemon and orange, the pleasant apricot and sweet blackberry, each held within a circle of thick, crispy pastry, golden-brown on its crust and slightly flaky. 
“Do you really find it so absurd?” She asks, a touch fainter than before, and you think you catch a look of hurt across her pretty features. You blink, caught off guard by her expression—you’d thought it a joke. “I…” you fumble briefly, unsure of yourself. “Is it…normal for two women to live together in the human lands?” You ask tentatively. “I had understood it was much the same as it is here, from how you’d spoken about…” She nods her head faintly, neither of you particularly wanting to mention the name of her past human lover. 
“No, you’re right,” she says softly, glancing down over the tray of delicious pastries, still steaming slightly with heat, their centres looking soft and slightly more liquid than they should. Once they’re cool, they’ll possess a more jam-like consistency—a little thicker, and less prone to spilling down one’s front after a bite. “But folk seem more content here. Happy to let people love,” Elain says, warm brown eyes raising to yours, her long lashes fluttering slightly with nerves that only fae eyes could pick out.  
“Besides,” she continues, standing straighter, fingers splaying across the kitchen counter, “you spend so much time in this house, with me, that nothing much would really change…” 
“Yes, but don’t you think people might get the wrong idea?” You counter. It’s a nice idea—lovely, even—but nice things aren’t always possible to have. Elain inclines her chin a little, “and what would be the wrong idea, in this case?” 
Your brow furrows. “That we’re lovers,” you reply, before wincing. “Not that two females loving each other in that way is wrong,” you swiftly amend, “just that, that’s not what it would be for us. People would get the wrong impression.” 
“You don’t…” Elain begins faintly, watching you as if in a daze, before shaking her head, the pretty, dark gold ringlets jostling with the motion. “Maybe we should have this conversation another time. In the evening, when we’ll have longer for a deeper discussion.” 
Elain smiles a little, a familiar softness to her features, and you can’t help the one that spreads across your mouth in reply. 
“Tea?” She offers. 
You nod, happy to accept whatever strange new herbal concoction she’ll serve you.
You swallow thickly, reaching for the glass of chilled, crystal-clear water on the small table, speckles of condensation fogging up its sides, small droplets gathering before trickling down over your hot fingers. 
You drink deeply, but it doesn’t seem to help with the warmth that’s been steadily accumulating within your body. The house shouldn’t be this hot, and yet you find yourself reaching to undo another button on your blouse, enough that if anyone else were accompanying you in the parlour, they would have an ample view of the lace peaking out from beneath the soft fabric of your shirt. 
Anxiously, you rearrange yourself in the large armchair, the circular, hand-embroidered pillows being removed from behind you, and tossed onto the long sofa in the hopes you’ll feel a bit cooler. Quilts hang over the back of each chair, so as to keep warm in the evenings during winter, but as it currently stands you can hardly bear to look at them without a wave of heat washing through your body. 
Taking another deep drink, you attempt to refocus your mind on the little botanical book you’d picked up from Elain’s night-stand a few days ago, steadily leafing through it while your friend works outside in her garden, watering plants, repotting small flowers, and so on. Usually you find yourself sitting in one of the hanging chairs—circular seats woven like bird nests, inlaid with pillows and cushions to prop up one’s back, allowing the user to rock faintly on the comfy swing—watching as the burned-orange of the sun spills over Elain as she works. It’s a pleasant routine the two of you enjoy during the warmer months, while most things are blooming, branches hanging heavy with fruits that’re full and bursting with juice, vibrant petals that unfurl in bright clusters of colour and aroma. 
Instead you’d retreated for the time being, having thought the evening haze was somehow getting to you more than usual, wanting to slink into the relative coolness of the indoors until the heat had passed and you could return. But it hadn’t passed, and you’re really considering undoing another pearly button. Considering hiking your skirts a little higher too, despite the almost sheer fabric. 
Elain glances up from the gardening bed, noting how far the sun has descended in the sky, the lengthening of the shadows. 
You’d disappeared a little over an hour ago, mumbling about wanting to cool off, and Elain would guess you’ll likely be wanting to strip the clothes from your body about now. She glances away briefly, a hot flush overcoming her cheeks, the smallest tinge of guilt in her heart. But ultimately it’s harmless, she assures and reassures herself, it’s not like she’s doing something you truly would hate her for. She’s just…bringing to the surface what already exists. Hurrying along the blossoming of a flower by nurturing and nourishing it correctly. 
You’ll be blooming for her in no time. 
You likely already are. 
Elain tugs the fullness of her lower lip between her teeth at the thought. 
She’s no stranger to these mental images, and has grown rather comfortable with them over the years. But she’s tired of having to fight them off, of feeling the slightest ounce of shame in her heart when she’s failed, and has had to look you in the eyes the next morning, knowing yours are the eyes she came to. Your nose, your mouth, your features she’d pictured…your scent she’d tried to imagine…your sex she’d…
Elain shakes her head, raising from the gardening bed. Inside you’re probably melting like a toffee left in the summer’s sun, dripping sticky sweetness for her plunge her tongue into. All she needs to do now is to stop by the washroom to clean her hands, then she can go see how your body is reacting to the sweet ambrosia plant she’d been carefully nurturing these past few months. Reacting to the sun dried leaves she’d crushed up to make a tea out of. 
She can practically taste you already. 
You hadn’t realised how far you’d spiral when you’d started. 
Hadn’t realised how deeply the heat would numb your mind when you’d fumbled your way to the sofa on shaky legs, and laid yourself across its plush length.
Hadn’t realised how exposed you would be when you’d rolled onto your side, plucking a cushion up, and shyly placing it between your thighs, starting off with small rolls of your hips before your movements became more languid. 
Now your hair is messy, silky locks having separated from your up-do, baby strands curling at your temples and the nape of your neck. A few more pearly buttons have been popped out, leaving you in the thin white vest you’d donned this morning beneath your dress, and your skirts have pooled around your waist. 
Still you’re too hot, feeling the dampness that’s gathered along your spine, the slight perspiration between and beneath the swell of your breasts and you could cry from the discomfort. If you could only remove your clothes entirely, then maybe you’d feel an ounce of relief…but what if Elain finds you? A fresh wave of heat splashes over you, and you think a moan slips out, burying your face in the pillow you’re resting on. You need to take your clothes off…you’re going to overheat if you keep like this… 
With trembling fingers and weakened muscles you manage to sit up enough to tug the material from your body, the skirts further mussing your hair as they caress over your shoulders. As soon as you can you’re flopping back into the cushioning, panting as you reposition the pillow between your thighs, shifting so the seam is pressing flush with your heat…but your underwear is still in the way…
You whine faintly.
You just want relief…
“Are you—…” 
Your half-lidded gaze meets a fully dilated set of cocoa, a deep, apricot flush on her sugar-powdered cheeks. 
Fresh heat licks across your skin, a soft moan dragging from your lips as your body melts over the sofa. Heavy pants spill from your mouth as you gaze at her, lids fluttering faintly in your attempts to keep watching her. Elain would be perfect…the perfect shape, the perfect feel, the perfect heat to soothe your own… Elain can fix this. 
“E…Elain…” you call out, trying to push yourself up into a sitting position, keeping the pillow flush between your thighs. “Elain…please…” 
Her mouth opens as if to speak, but she can’t find her words, her feet tipping into motion as she’s carried silently across the floor until she’s reached you. “What…—” But you cut her off when you reach for her, fingers linking with her own pristine set, squeezing her lightly. “Elain,” you cry softly, “please… Please, I need…” 
You watch a little fearfully as her lips tug up at the corners, her eyes still wide with infatuation, transfixed on the lithe motions of your form, the way your hips glide over the cushion in attempts to feel some kind of friction. 
“What do you want?” She asks lowly, hunger in her usually sweet eyes, and you could cry. You are crying. “You…!” You beg softly, gripping her tighter, “you, Elain. Please!” She hums with faint amusement, settling lower to the floor so you’re at eye level. “How?” She asks gently, watching you with a leisure that’s not at all appropriate for the undercurrent of energy that’s simmering beneath your skin.
“Hotly. Messily,” you plead, trying to pull her closer, “immediately.”
“Hmm? But we aren’t lovers?” She points out, still smiling faintly, hungry warmth curving her full mouth. Full, berry-coloured lips that you bet would taste far better than any of the tarts on the counter. You don’t know how to respond to that other than with a desperate, pleading look, squeezing her hand beseechingly, inclining your head to shyly offer your mouth. 
Her eyes twinkle, and your heart flutters as she leans forward, dark golden ringlets of hair teasingly brushing against your unfairly sensitive collar bones, lips grazing your own. “What do you want?” She repeats softly, quieter than a breath, able to feel each syllable over your mouth. “Elain,” you answer in return, fingers trembling, so close to getting what you need. 
You feel the flutter of her lashes against your cheek, the ticklish fan of breath across your lips as she laughs softly, before gently setting her mouth atop your own. 
A hot tear escapes down your cheek, hips winding over the soft cushion as she rests over you, and you shyly press back, curving up into her as you incline your chin, heart fluttering in your chest wildly at the intimacy. 
“You want some more, don’t you?” She asks when she’s pulled away, and you nod desperately, more than a little out of it, with the flush that’s heating your body, the arousal that’s softening your limbs. “Alright,” she murmurs, still with that strangely wicked smile on her lovely lips, “but keep still.” 
You whine when she pulls away, then shut up when she begins disrobing herself, leaving her bare save for the underwear clinging to her hips, perfectly matching your own state of undress. “What do you think?” She asks lightly, both her arms pulled back from her chest, hands likely wrapped together at her back, allowing you to take her in. Your eyes nearly roll, needing her to put her body on you now, needing to kiss her again, to touch her and taste her. “Let me taste you…” you beg without thinking, causing her flush to deepen, parting the stance of her delicate feet ever so slightly. 
“You don’t even know what you’re asking for,” she replies softly, undeniable arousal rolling from her body, perfuming the room with a scent like vanilla, but slightly muskier, slightly heavier. It smells delicious. Like something you’d delight in having in your mouth. 
Elain smiles at your dazed expression, before dipping her fingers slowly beneath the band of her underwear, liking how your hips take on a more urgent wind over the pillow, still so desperate as the tea works its properties into your bloodstream, short-circuiting your mind to bring out your basest desires. 
“You want a taste?” Elain recalls, and you whine when you pick up the wet noises coming from between her thighs, how her arousal becomes more concentrated, and you nod your head. “Please, Elain,” you moan breathlessly, “come closer…” 
“I’ll come where I like,” she replies, making your spine arch.
“Please,” you beg, “come over here.” 
It seems she finally takes pity on you, slowly making her way over to you. Your eyes flutter lightly when her fingertips brush hair from your face, the ones with her arousal on brushing teasingly across your lips, and you part them needfully for her. Tipping upward into her touch, so, so, desperate for more. Elain reads that in your expression, and smiles. “If I let you have a taste,” she murmurs, fingers pressing a little closer to your mouth, so close to slipping inside, “you think it might be nice if you stayed?” 
You nod dimly, staring up at her pretty, cocoa-coloured eyes. 
“Answer me, sweet pea,” she instructs.
“I’ll stay,” you whisper back. 
Elain smiles fully, and the moment feels so right it’s almost enough to take you out of the haze. But then she’s carefully swinging a leg over you, her lovely back turned so she can peer down your body, and for the first time that evening you’re aware of your mouth watering. “I knew you’d come round to it,” she says breathlessly, her thighs trembling slightly with adrenaline and anticipation. After all this time she’s so close to having you—it’ll no longer be restricted to her dreams, or her fantasies. “You’re being such a good girl for me.” 
“Elain,” you beg, lips feeling numb and tingly, just so desperate to be entirely swept away by her fragrance, her feel, her flavour. “Elain, please…” you breathe, staring longingly between her parted thighs, able to arrange just how well she’ll fit over your face. 
“Alright, sweet thing,” she murmurs, fingers tracing across your stomach, feeling across the soft expanse as if she’s studying new land under her jurisdiction, brushing the band of your underwear. “Since you asked so nicely.” 
Thoughts and words are obliterated away as she settles over you, the heat of her soft skin feeling so right and familiar, and your eyes slide shut in pleasure. In a far away part of your conscious, your body raises its hands to slide over her thighs, slinking over her hips to pull her flush to your mouth, able to feel the dampness of the fabric against your nose and lips, and—Gods she’s perfect. 
Elain’s fingertips teasingly trace over your abdomen, watching how tiny muscles flutter and contract beneath her ticklish touch, gently prying the pillow away from between your thighs to make room for her own hands. She swallows heavily, spine curving as she experimentally shifts her hips over you, revelling in the press of your mouth and nose against her heat. 
“Open your mouth,” she breathes, fingers trembling as they push your underwear away, licking her lips as she spots the gleaming threads of slick that are webbing between the wet fabric and your wetter cunt. You don’t respond, and she blinks, shifting her hips to glance over her shoulder—your eyes are closed, and she can feel the heat radiating from your body, the absolutely blissed out expression on your features. Her heart fumbles, and she decides to let you enjoy yourself for the moment—her pleasure is secondary to your own. 
“That’s it, sweet girl,” she says instead, palm cupping your bare heat, feeling your hips buck into her hand at the promise of stimulation. “Lay back and enjoy it,” she goads, running her fingers over your cunt, pressing lightly at your clit, feeling how a pulse of pleasure passes through you at the light touch alone. “So lovely and wet—is this all for me?” 
A shiver of pure pleasure drips down her spine at the deluded moan you breathe onto her cunt, thighs parting as she languidly rolls her hips over you, shuddering with blissful exuberance at the feel of your mouth and nose pressing so delightfully against her. Enough so that she raises them just enough to vanish the fabric away, before gently reseating herself atop of you, taking a moment to bask in the intimate feel. The strangely territorial feel as she winds her hips, knowing your nose, lips, and chin will be gleaming with her arousal. Hers. 
Biting her lip, she spreads your legs wider, rolling the pads of her fingers over your clit carefully, guessing how sensitive the ambrosia plant tea will have made you. And she’s completely right. Rewarded with a lovely whimper that causes her skin to prickle, storing away the small noise and already thinking what she can do to make you repeat it. 
“Do that again,” she asks, fingers running down over your wet cunt, light and teasing in her touch, tauntingly circling your entrance, feeling as you try to suction her deeper, tightening around nothing. You release a whine, and Elain smiles faintly, cupping one of her breasts as she thumbs across the peak, soothing their sensitivity as her head tips back from the relief. “That’s it,” she encourages, “all you need to do is keep making those sounds for me okay? Keep telling me what you like, how you’re feeling. Don’t try to hide them from me.” 
You moan loudly when her fingers sink inside of you, two gently plying you apart, pumping and curling while the heel of her palm glides across your gleaming clit, hips bucking needfully up into her hand as your arousal begins to be satiated. “Elain…” you moan without reason, simply unable to think of any other noise to make as her heavenly scent filters into your lungs, spreads through your body, following your instincts to open your mouth, and lick. 
Elain’s spine curves, a moan spilling from her lips as you softly apply yourself, tongue flattening over her clit, swiping up through her centre to kiss at her entrance, feeling dizzy from the eroticism of laying your mouth over such an intimate part of her. Feeling her coat your mouth like a lip gloss. You’d wear her every chance you could get. 
“That’s it…” she moans, fingers rubbing against a spot inside of you, and your arms coil over her pretty hips, pulling her flush against your face, making out with her pussy to hear more of those sounds, taste more of her flavour, have more of her coating you like she owns you. 
Elain sighs contentedly, hips rocking over your mouth before she’s dipping down, and you cry out onto her when her tongue swipes across your clit, thighs shaking with the sensitivity—how she licks through your centre, circling and suckling the apex of your thighs while her fingers are working you so well. The pressure she’s creating around your clit, her scent in your lungs and her taste in your mouth, the hot, feminine weight of her over your lips partnered with the delightfully full press of her fingers, how they curl against spots even you hadn’t know you had, her tongue licking at your clit, saliva mixing with your slick…so messy… 
You cry out as you come, and Elain gasps as you squirt, surprised as the liquid arcs from your pretty cunt. Her lips part on the surprised inhale, before she’s being driven by hunger, sealing her mouth over you entirely, tasting as much of you as she can, working her wonderfully wicked tongue to draw out your orgasm, the orgasm that belongs to her.
She feels it as she’s tipped over the edge, at last pulling away from your overstimulated cunt to spread her thighs wider and grind over your mouth, dragging her clit over the hot swell of your tongue, her eyelids fluttering with pleasure and all she can think about is getting to turn around and put her mouth over your own. Which is exactly what she does, before the aftershocks have even completely faded, tasting herself on your lips and tongue, flicking against the roof of your mouth as she presses her body closer to you, thigh now pressing between your own, feeling a strange sense of pride as you grind against her, wanting more so desperately. 
Elain can tell from your scent alone you’ll be needing much more than just one orgasm to get you past the herbal-induced heatwave she’s subjected you to. 
And she’s more than delighted to help you see each and every wave through to the end. 
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general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @slut4acotar @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644 @lilah-asteria @nighttimemoonlover
139 notes · View notes
nickfowlerrr · 2 years
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This picture has ruined me. Now I need a fic with Bucky as your professor banging you in the library during regular hours.
clear your mind
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pairing: professor!bucky barnes x curvy!reader
words: 7.5k
warnings: 18+ ONLY. smut. public sex. cockwarming. student/teacher relations. possible age gap depending on how you read it (reader is at least 25 or older but it’s not really specified and bucky is late 30s or older but again, not specified. imagine whatever you like.) i added an alternate kind of darkish ending that is separated with a divider near the end (duh) but of course you can choose to not read it and stick to the original cute ending lol. if i’m missing anything you feel needs to be added, please let me know.
notes: disclaimer: i never technically went to college so i don’t really know what i’m writing about lmao but when i say this was instant inspo, i mean instant. i’ve been in such a funk since i lost chapter four of keeping secrets, but this really ignited something in me so i just went for it. it was originally gonna be a little smutty drabble but then i started writing and it just became a whole one shot - not that i’m complaining lol. this was so fun to write, thank you @sammyisfat for sending it in! 🖤 i hope you all enjoy it! as always, feedback and comments are welcome and appreciated. and thank you in advance for reading and reblogging!
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You were sitting hunched over, eyes scanning the same sentence repeatedly, trying to force yourself to focus. You were reading the words but you weren’t really putting them together. You were too bored to make them make sense. Your brain was far off and you were sure you were about to burn out completely at this point.
Why you thought going back to school after so long was a good idea was beyond you. Was the degree really worth it? You’d gotten this far without one, hadn’t you?
As you were contemplating your life choices, and working on convincing yourself to just screw it and drop out, you’d failed to notice the presence of two of your professors passing by.
You had been alone at the far back of the library, closed in by the sturdy cases of books around you, for so long you’d nearly forgotten you were actually there. You had needed solitude, lest the chatter of other students in study groups or working on projects distract you further than your mind already did on its own. Your back was to the open aisle so as not to get distracted by anyone passing by, either. The zone you were occupying was normally a hot spot, but on a Wednesday afternoon, not so much. And for that you were grateful.
The knock on the bookcase next to you accompanied by your name being called, almost in question, startled you as you quickly corrected your posture and looked toward the noise, adjusting the glasses you were wearing as you did. You were greeted with two pairs of blue eyes looking back at you. Standing next to the bookcase, waiting for your response were two of the most lusted after professors on campus. And that wasn’t just you thinking so. The way students fawned over both Mr. Barber and Barnes was near juvenile. They were like kids gossiping about their crushes in elementary school. It was always funny to you seeing the line of people waiting to speak with Andy at the end of class every Wednesday and Friday, whether they had a genuine question to ask or not. You couldn’t say you didn’t get it, though. He had great hair, a soft smile, kind eyes.. He was gorgeous. It was clear why so many people had a thing for him. But you always found yourself a little more than preoccupied with thoughts of Mr. Barnes. Though they were both at least six foot tall and unfairly attractive, easy enough to spread your attention between both of them, as most of their students did, there was just something about James that had you in a hold since the first day you met him.
It was your first day on campus and you’d accidentally bumped into him with your green tea as you were leaving the small corner cafe after your first morning class. You apologized profusely, but he’d claimed it was his fault, that he wasn’t watching where he was going. He insisted on buying you a new drink as he removed his tea damp jacket. You didn’t fight him on it, walking back into the cafe as he held the door for you. You introduced yourselves as you waited for the drinks to be made and spoke a bit. It wasn’t a super long interaction, both of you having places you had to be, but you would have sworn there was something there. And the glimmer in his eye as he smiled and told you he’d see you around convinced you it wasn’t one sided. You were instantly smitten, hopeful you would see him again, that maybe it could lead to getting to know him better, lead to something more.
That was until you walked into your afternoon class the next day to find him standing at a podium, setting up his orientation slides. You had been hoping all day to run into him, but this was certainly not how you’d been imagining the circumstances. Of course he was your professor. You breathed a humorless laugh to yourself as you found a seat. You got your laptop out and looked back up at the same time he looked up from his, making direct eye contact with him. You saw the instant he recognized you and gave him a tight lipped smile that he returned before you diverted your gaze back down. His look of disappointment matched your own, but at the very least, it made you feel wanted.. The “professor x student” trope was never really your cup of tea, but as the weeks went by, the stolen glances and secret longing stares you exchanged were starting to change your mind. After one particular heated night of self pleasure, absentmindedly picturing him while you were reveling in your own touch, imagining it was his, you knew you were really gone for him. And heaven help you, the idea of it really happening was growing hotter and hotter the more you told yourself you couldn’t. Imagining showing up to his office hours one evening and just letting him have you any way he liked. Letting him take you apart on his desk, or sucking him off under his desk while he works. God, you’d daydreamed so many scenarios.
You just couldn’t bring yourself to act on any of it. You didn’t know how to. More importantly, you knew you shouldn’t. It wasn’t like you were some barely legal star eyed student he’d be taking advantage of, but still, you were his student. You weren’t sure how that dynamic might play out or the optics of it for either of you. Instead you willed yourself to stay focused on the work, to keep your thoughts set on passing the course and that was all.
Even when you would find yourself needing actual help from him or needing to ask him about an assignment, you would always talk yourself out of it. You didn’t want to let yourself be alone with him, you couldn’t be trusted. You were worried you’d make a fool of yourself the second you got the chance. So instead, you’d get help from a classmate if you could or you’d end up just winging it. It had been working that far.
The real problem started just last week. This most recent section was challenging to say the least. You had tried the study group offered on Monday nights, but you got absolutely nothing done.
Your last essay assignment had been returned to you on Friday with a note on it, asking you to come by his office hours before the next class. You had been putting it off all week, but knew you’d have to go by Thursday. You just weren’t expecting to see him around any earlier than that.
“Professors,” you greeted, slightly taken aback.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Mr. Barber apologized. “Thought you might’ve heard us walking up.”
“I was uh, lost in the text, I guess,” you replied, giving them an awkward smile.
“Well, I’m glad someone’s reading it,” he laughed.
“Do you mind if we join you?” he continued, motioning to the otherwise empty table you were sitting at the end of. It was big enough to seat at least 8 people easily and it’d, of course, be rude of you to try and keep it for yourself. But what would they need to be in the library for anyway? The question must have been written on your face as Mr. Barnes answered it for you.
“The heat isn’t working in our offices. We’re just grading some work.”
“Right, yeah, of course. Go for it.”
“Thank you,” Andy smiled.
They took seats at the other end of the table, surely trying to avoid distracting you. You appreciated the gesture, but it was futile. As they worked on grading papers, they were talking and laughing every so often and even if they hadn’t been, their presence alone was not at all aiding you in your attempt to focus on schoolwork.
You’d given up trying to finish the passage you’d been reading and instead pretended to start making notes in your laptop. In all actuality, you were really just googling alternative career paths and the question: “Do you really need a college degree to be successful?”.
Thirty minutes later, Andy’s phone went off and he began to gather his things, telling Mr. Barnes, who he called ‘Bucky’, that he had a lecture in 45 minutes but he’d see him later.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Andy pointed at you as he passed by.
“Bright and early,” you affirmed with a nod and a small smile.
“Have a good night,” he smiled back.
“You too,” you returned.
The second he was gone, you became fully aware that you were now alone with Professor Barnes, the situation you’d been trying to avoid for the past almost three months. Despite your efforts, your entire focus was being pulled to the man just down the table from you. He was still grading, in the middle of someone’s essay as you glanced over to him. You admired the quirk of his brow as he read and how his tongue jutted out to lick his lip as his eyes scanned the words on the page. You pulled your gaze away from him and back to your laptop, deciding to close it and put it away, begrudgingly returning to your textbook. Just one more hour. You had promised yourself 2 hours of studying today minimum, you were halfway there. You could do it.
Not ten minutes later you heard the flipping of paper and glanced over to see he’d just finished the paper he was on, writing the grade on top of the first page. You looked back to your text just as he slid the paper down the table to you. You furrowed your brows as you watched it slide into your book. You saw the “C-” he had given it circled in red ink and immediately recognized the title. Your lips parted and you clicked your tongue as you looked back up to meet his eye.
“Anyone else that would’ve been a D,” he told you, sounding slightly disappointed. “Your work is normally a lot better than what you’ve been turning in lately. That’s why I asked you to come by my office hours.”
“Yeah, I- uh. I don’t know, I’ve just been having a hard time with this section,” you explained. “And I wasn’t ignoring your note, I was planning to see you on Thursday.”
“Well, we’re both here now, right?” he said and you nodded.
“Good a time as any,” you shrugged.
He got up and moved his stuff down the table to take the seat next to you. You closed your textbook and straightened up in your chair. Nerves eating at you as he sat and turned to angle himself towards you.
“My main concern isn’t really about you understanding the materials, all the concepts are there in your work, it's just..lackluster. Sloppily written, a bit jumbled here and there. Nothing like what you had been turning in at the start of the semester,” he said. “Are you sure it’s the section you’re having a hard time with?”
You looked at him for a moment, not really knowing what to say.
“What else would I be having a hard time with?” you questioned quietly.
It was his turn to look at you for a moment as he thought about how to word his response. He opened his mouth to say something but seemed to think better of it before he finally spoke.
“You’ve seemed more and more distracted during class lately. I just want to make sure you’re okay,” he said sincerely, his blue eyes gleaming into yours. He was already close, but you suddenly found yourself mindlessly leaning closer to him. You took a breath as you sat back, licking your lips ever so lightly without realizing as you looked away.
“I’m okay,” you told him. “Sorry I’ve seemed distracted. Well, uhm, been distracted. I don’t know why I’ve been having such a hard time focusing on this,” you lied, “but I appreciate your concern. I’ll work on being more present. And putting more effort into my writing.”
He smiled softly and nodded before he turned back in his seat, returning to his pile of papers.
You bit your lip as you sat there. Of course you knew why you were so distracted, but you couldn’t just tell him it was because of him.
“You know there’s a study group you can sign up for,” he said as he was still looking down, reading the new paper in front of him, red pen in hand.
“Yeah, I know. I just, uh, work better in smaller groups,”
“Alone isn’t exactly a group,” he lightly smirked with a slight tilt of his head.
“I’ve never really had the best focus when it comes to studying, anything. I get off topic and then I get everyone else off topic and then we end up having spent the entire session debating something trivial, like who the best Batman is,” you said.
“Christian Bale,” he responded.
“Obviously,” you agreed with a smile. “But uhm, yeah. Less distractions the better, so I try to avoid big groups. Though I’ll admit, just trying to stay focused on my own is a feat in and of itself,” you laughed lightly.
“Sounds like you just need someone other than yourself to hold you accountable. Have you thought about one on ones? I offer tutoring sessions that no one seems to want to take me up on,” he laughed. “I have three one hour sessions all still open for tonight, actually.. Not that you need tutoring, but you could use the time to work on your assignments without distractions - and I'd be there, of course, if you need any help.”
You told yourself to say no. You really did..
“Well it couldn’t hurt, right?” you breathed, a small smile on your lips. Just then the clock chimed three, drawing both of your attention.
“I have a class in twenty, I have to get going. But I’ll be in my office from five to eight, you can come whenever. Like I said, no one else has signed up, so whenever you can make it. Hopefully the heat should be working by then.”
“Okay,” you agreed. “Thank you, Professor.”
“Please, James is more than fine,” he told you. “I’ll see you later.”
When he left, you packed up your things - letting yourself off the hook for your two hour promise. You were gonna be studying later now, anyway so it wasn’t like you just checking out for the day. Your apartment wasn’t too far from campus, so you drove home and decided you’d head back around 6.
You made yourself a late lunch/early dinner and then got your things together for when you’d leave. You figured you had time for a quick nap, so you laid down on the couch with the tv still playing in the background. After about 45 minutes, you woke up feeling more flustered than you had felt all week. You were starting to regret your quick agreement to his one on one offer, but you couldn’t just not show up now. You were getting yourself worked up over nothing, you were sure. Really what could you do that would be so bad? It’s not like you were planning on seducing the man. You’d probably just ask him to review the essay you’d been working on that would be turned in at the next class and ask for clarification on the requirements for the part of your midterm paper you’d been confused about for the past two weeks. You probably wouldn’t even stay the whole hour.
Checking the time, you decided to head back to campus. You’d get to his office a little after 5 and you’d be home by 6:30 at the latest. It’d be fine.
As you walked up to the sturdy oak door that led to his office, two cups of coffee in hand, your nerves started anew. You took a second before you knocked lightly. A few moments later, the door was pulled open as he greeted you, ushering you in.
“I got you a coffee,” you offered with a smile.
“That’s very much needed, thank you,” he smiled back, taking the drink you’d extended to him. “Please, have a seat.”
You took the only chair across from his desk as he sat.
“So, I was wondering if you’d be able to go over my essay for this week. See if it’s missing anything, or if it needs to be rewritten entirely,” you laughed nervously.
“Yeah, of course,”
“Great,” you breathed, “I just emailed you a copy.”
He pulled it open on his screen and you watched for a moment as he began reading before you pulled out your laptop to work more on your midterm. You couldn’t focus though. Not with him right across from you. The little noises he’d make as he read caught your attention repeatedly and when you’d glance up, you’d find yourself admiring the shape of his face, the quirk of his lips, the squinting of his eyes.
“The whole point of this is so that you have no distractions,” he said as he continued reading before turning to look at you. “Something distracting you?” he asked, his eyes finding your own with something akin to a playful glimmer shining in them.
You opened your mouth to speak but you just shook your head instead, taking a steadying breath.
“No,” you answered after a second. He looked at you hard.
“You sure about that?” he asked again.
“No,” you repeated softly.
“Well since you can’t seem to focus on what you’re working on, why don’t you come over here and we’ll go over this together.”
You stared at him, gawking before your body finally moved. You stood up and he did the same, pulling his chair back for you to sit in as you rounded the desk. He pushed you back in and then leaned down behind you so he was at the same height you were, looking at the screen.
You were stiff and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. He was so close. And he smelled so good. And he was so pretty. God, you didn’t know what to do. You really couldn’t focus, even as he read your words aloud and went over a line you’d blubbed.
“Are you listening to me?” he asked, standing to his full height as he spun the chair around, looking down at you. Your eyes immediately landed on his crotch before you quickly looked away, trying to not look so flustered.
“Sorry,” you eked out.
“It’s obvious you have something on your mind. You’re clearly distracted,” he said, finding your eye. “I think you just need to clear your head to find your focus.”
“Right, well, I don’t really know how to do that,” you breathed.
“Why don’t you let me try to help,” he returned softly as he leaned down and grabbed your chin, tilting your face up to meet his as he leaned in, brushing his lips against yours.
You were definitely not expecting this to happen, but you weren’t upset in the least. His lips were soft and he tasted like coffee. Your hand found his hair as you pulled him closer to you, the gentle kiss turning into something hungrier the longer it went on. He pulled away suddenly and pulled you out of his chair before taking his seat and pulling you down onto his lap just as quickly, his lips returning to yours the instant he had you on him. Your arm wound itself around his neck as your other cupped his jaw, keeping his face close to you as he held you close to him.
Slowly, his hand traveled under your sweater and along your waist, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. He easily slipped his tongue into your mouth, eliciting a moan from you as he did. You felt his erection growing as you sat on his lap, smiling into the kiss as you teasingly rubbed against him, earning a groan from him in response. He broke away from you for a moment as you both caught your breath, “Tell me if you want to stop,” was all he said before he maneuvered you with ease. He sat you on the edge of his desk while he took your boots off before he pulled your leggings down your thick thighs, his touch sending chills through you as he did.
He made quick work of his trousers, pulling them down before he took himself out of his briefs. He sat back down on his chair as he looked at you with lust filled eyes. “Stand up,” he told you. When you were standing before him, he pulled you close by your wide set hips before his fingers hooked the band of your thong, dragging it down until they were past your thighs and dropped to your ankles. “Step out of them, sweetheart.”
You did as he said before he pulled you closer and got you onto the chair, positioning you so you straddled his lap, barely hovering above his hard cock. You were breathing heavily as your hands grasped his shoulders and his hands held your fleshy hips. He looked up at you like he was waiting for your permission and so you nodded softly down at him. He gripped himself with one hand and moved the tip of his cock along your wet slit, you gasped in unison at the feeling. He took his time and just played with you a bit until you were moaning, whining above him. Your eyes squeezed shut as he circled your clit before he moved to finally align his cock up to your slick entrance. He pushed his tip just inside of you and groaned at the sensation, his hands returning to your hips as he gripped you tightly, holding you there despite you wanting desperately to take more of him.
“James,” you whined. He shook his head.
“Call me Bucky,” he instructed headily.
“Bucky,” you whined further, trying to lower yourself further onto his cock.
“I know, I know, sweetheart,” he laughed. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Mhm,” you moaned as he took your lips in his again.
“You want more? Want more of my dick inside you?”
“Yes, yes, Bucky, please,” you mewled.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna give it to you,” he said, kissing you along your neck, “but then you’re gonna focus on your work, okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed without really hearing him. You just needed more, you needed all of him.
He pulled you down further onto his cock torturously slowly as you gasped and mewled until he was seated fully inside of you.
“Fuck,” he grunted, eyes shutting in pleasure at the feeling of your tight walls squeezing him, at the warmth of your cunt around him.
You tried to move, but were stopped again by his hands holding you in place. He tutted as he looked at you, a smirk playing on his lips.
“What do you think you’re doing, sweetheart? We just agreed you’re gonna focus on your work now,”
“Huh? Right, right now?” you huffed.
“Right now,” he told you firmly.
You pouted as you leaned against his chest, your face pressing into his neck, even just that movement sparking pleasure through you.
“No pouting,” he laughed against your temple. You turned your face up to him, pout still in place before you leaned up further to kiss him again. Slow and heated, he got lost in your kiss. He almost didn’t stop you when you started rocking your hips against him. Almost.
You whined again as he held you still. His strength was impressive, you had to admit.
“Stop. Moving,” he growled, sending a new wave of arousal through you. “You’re gonna sit right here on my cock while we go over your essay and if you do a good job listening to me and stay focused, I’ll give you what you really want after. Understand?”
“Yes, professor,” you said quietly.
“Good,” he smiled, caressing your cheek as he looked down at you.
It was thirty five minutes of pure torture. He read a loud your entire essay and had you make corrections as he went, the entire time you could feel his thick cock throbbing inside your dripping cunt, just begging for any kind of movement. Near the end of your essay corrections, his hand dropped from your hip until he found your clit, slowly beginning to rub it in tight circles. You mewled pathetically and your walls tightened around his dick still deep inside of you while his lips attacked your neck with gentle kisses and love bites.
“You did so well, sweetheart,” he praised. “You took this from a C to an A with just thirty minutes of actual focus. All you had to do was face your distractions head on, find the right motivation,” he smirked against your skin.
“So we’re done with the editing then, right?” you asked.
“Mhm,” he hummed against you.
“Great,” you breathed as he brought you closer with his every touch.
“Fuck, you’re squezzing me so tight,” he groaned.
“I’m gonna come,” you mewled, breathing heavier still as his left hand tightened on your hip and his fingers worked your bud faster, sending you head first into your orgasm, his name falling off your tongue as you cursed and panted through your high, collapsing onto his chest.
“Oh my god,” he whined with a small gasp, his eyes squeezing shut. “Fuck, can I come inside you?” he asked. You nodded your answer as you were still trying to catch your breath. He grabbed your face and crashed his lips into yours, hot and needy, while you felt him tense suddenly as his cock pulsed inside you and he moaned deeply into your mouth as he let himself go, you could feel the warmth of his release against your walls.
The evidence of your orgasm was all over his lap, coating his dick as he pulled you off of him.
“Holy fuck,” he panted. You didn’t think it was possible, but you felt yourself heat up even more than you already had been. “Hand me a tissue,” he said pointing to the box he had on the corner of his desk.
He cleaned himself up quickly before he pulled his briefs and trousers back up. He had you again on the edge of his desk as he bent down to clean you up, too, admiring the way his cum was leaking out of you before he grabbed your leggings from the floor, handing them to you. He pocketed your thong before he stood back up to his full height, towering over you.
“That was nice,” he laughed softly as he leaned down closer to you, his right hand framing your face, tilting it up to meet his eye, his thumb gently stroking the soft skin of your cheek before he leaned in to place a chaste kiss on your lips.
You smiled in response. “Yeah, it was,” you agreed.
“I hope you don’t find this inappropriate, but I’ve wanted you since the day we met.”
“The feeling is more than mutual,” you assured him. “But uhm. Is this..,” you gestured between the two of you, “allowed?” you questioned as you hopped off his desk to pull your leggings on.
“Well, it’s certainly not encouraged, but there’s nothing in my contract that explicitly prohibits it. I made sure a few months ago,” he said, eyeing you with a shy smile as if he hadn’t just come inside you after making you cockwarm him for nearly 45 minutes. It made you laugh. “I would prefer to keep this between us for as long as we can, though,” he hedged.
“Yeah, I completely agree. Don’t need these kids gossiping about me, too.”
“They do love to talk, don’t they?” he grimaced, causing you to smile at him.
“I’m sure we can keep this under wraps,” you said as you pulled your boots back on. “And I’d like to sign up for next week's one on one sessions, too, if you're available.”
“I’ll be sure to block it out for you,” he grinned.
“Might as well make it a standing weekly appointment,” you suggested as you walked back over to him from where he was perched on his desk.
“Sounds like a good idea,” he responded as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer while you stared up at him, your arms wrapping around him in return. “Are you free for dinner tomorrow night?”
“Dinner?” you questioned, pulling back slightly. “That doesn’t sound very underwraps,” you teased.
“A private dinner. At a private residence. My residence,” he clarified with a smirk.
“I’m free,” you nodded as you backed away and went to the other side of the desk as he turned around to watch you.
“Great, I’ll message you the address.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for it,” you said as you grabbed your bag and slipped your laptop back inside of it. “I should get going, but, thank you. For everything,” you simpered. “I really appreciate your help.”
“Anytime, sweetheart. My door’s always open. I’ll see you tomorrow,”
“Tomorrow it is,” you nodded in agreement as you walked to the door. But before you could open it, Bucky was behind you, turning you around to face him. His lips met yours in a soft, unrushed kiss before he pulled away slowly, opening the door for you.
“Have a good night,” you breathed.
“You, too,” he smiled.
Three weeks later you had a routine set in place. Nothing changed much in class, except you found yourself paying more close attention to the material now that you weren’t so hopelessly longing for your professor. Wednesday’s were your one on one sessions in Bucky’s office and Friday nights had been spent at his place. This last week, you’d even stayed the three day weekend with him. You knew you weren’t crazy when you had thought there was something real between the two of you when you had first met, but you didn’t expect to have clicked so well the way you had. Your chemistry was unbelievable and you got on so well together. Plus the sex was incredible.
Fucking in his office was so cliche, but that didn’t make it any less hot. In fact, it was really the only place you called him “Professor” these days. The title just made things that much sexier. It was Wednesday afternoon and you’d just gotten out of your last class for the day. You were going to head to Bucky’s office in a few hours, planning to go to your apartment to freshen up before picking up some food for you both on your way back.
You’d just finished changing into more…accessible clothes when your phone rang. It was a text from Bucky letting you know that the heat in his office wasn’t working again, so you’d have to meet in the library instead as they’d be working on the unit in his room. You frowned slightly, accepting that you’d changed for nothing, but at least the skirt was still comfortable. You texted back asking if you should still bring food and he promised he’d take you somewhere after instead. Apparently only two of his students in his 3:20 class showed up, so he dismissed them for the day. He was already on his way to the library, so you grabbed your things and headed back to campus.
You walked around the library looking for him with no luck before you decided to walk up to the second level, which was technically closed off for some construction work, in order to get a better view. You spotted him easily in the far back section of the lower level as you stood at the railing of the second floor. He was sipping on a cup of coffee and you smiled as you spied a cup of tea waiting for you next to his satchel on the table while he read over some work.
You walked back down to the first floor and made your way to him.
“Professor,” you greeted as you knocked on the bookcase blocking the table he was at from an easy view. He greeted you in return as he looked up from his work, a smile on his face. His eyes caught on the low v-neck of the top you were wearing, your cleavage on perfect display. His tongue jutted out along his lower lip as he admired the view. You cleared your throat as you looked at him with a raised brow.
He looked back up to your eyes, smiling charmingly as if he hadn’t just been caught leering at you so openly.
“I’m here to study, not be perved on,” you accused.
“You know you need to clear your mind to get your focus, first. And you know what helps clear your mind best,” he alluded.
“You know we’re in public, right?” you asked, voice hushed as you walked closer to the table.
“It’s a Wednesday, no one’s gonna come back here,” he said smoothly. “We’re hidden from sight.”
“Not true,” you denied. “I saw you from the second level,” you informed him.
“Was anyone up there?” he asked.
“Didn’t think so,” he said smugly.
“There’s not right now. Anyone could come in at any time. It’s the middle of the day.”
“You’re right,” he aquesqued, hands up. “All work, no play today. I got you a tea,” he offered.
“Thank you,” you smiled as you took the seat across from him.
“Wow, why are you sitting so far?”
“Where do you want me to sit?” you laughed.
“Preferably, my lap,” he started, earning a humored scoff from you. “But right here would be good, too,” he said, gesturing to the seat next to him.
You got up and moved spots, getting comfortable before you pulled up your essay on your laptop.
“Still going through midterms?” you asked as you looked over to him making marks on the paper he was reading.
“Yeah,” he replied.
“Have you gotten to mine yet?”
“Not yet,” he said absently.
You nodded as you took a sip of your tea. You looked back to your essay and found yourself trailing off. It was pretty much finished, just needed to be read through again for any edits you needed to make. It wasn’t enough to keep your attention. Too easy. You could do it later no problem.
Instead you took out your text for Andy’s class and started reading next week’s assignment. You didn’t have much else to do. Funnily enough, you’d been getting most of your work done earlier than normal so you’d have less to actually do on Wednesdays, instead spending your “study” time focusing on other things…
You weren’t paying attention to anything, lost in perverted thoughts of last week when Bucky had fucked you agaisnt the wall in his office, while twirling your pen as you stared down blankly at the words on the page, not reading them at all. Pulling you from your perversions, suddenly you felt Bucky’s hand smooth its way under your skirt and up your thigh. His hand was so warm and strong as he touched you, sending chills through you as he scooted his chair closer to yours. You didn’t stop him and absentmindedly spread your thighs for him as he inched his way closer and closer to your inner thighs before his fingers made their way between them, gently rubbing at your warm, barely clothed pussy.
You came back to earth as you remembered where you were and reached your hand under the table to hold his, stopping his movements.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing, professor?” you breathed.
“Helping,” he responded. “What did I say about distractions, sweetheart?”
“Who says I’m distracted,” you whispered as you heard chatter coming from the other side of the bookcase before it passed as some students made their way to the front desk from the back office you weren’t too far off from.
“You have that far off look in your eyes,” he spoke quietly, “and I saw you squeezing your thighs together not ten seconds ago.” You exhaled a breath so softly you barely even heard yourself.
“Maybe we can end this session early and call it a day?” you asked, wanting to get out of the library and meet him back at your place, or hell, meet him at his car and let him take you apart in the faculty parking lot.
“No, I don’t think so. We both have some work left to do.”
“Bucky,” you whispered.
“No calling me Bucky outside my office while we’re on campus,” he reminded you. “You know better.”
You bit your lip before whispering sorry.
“You just need to face your distractions so you can get past them,” he said. “Let me help.”
You let go of his hand beneath the table and spread your thighs a little wider.
You almost stopped breathing completely when he slipped his fingers past your panties and gently pushed inside of you as one of the librarians passed by the aisle over. She peered behind the bookcase that was shielding you from the side to see who was at the tables and greeted both of you quietly before she returned to the aisle and reshelved some books. Bucky’s fingers didn’t stop for even a second as he returned her greeting and went back to grading.
The second you knew she was gone you panted a breath. “James,” you chastised as you sat in your seat still, making no attempt to actually stop him.
“More?” he questioned without looking up from his work, only speeding up his fingering, curling them inside of you. You bit down harshly on your lip to stop yourself from moaning out loud, your thighs tensing with the impending wave of pleasure you were teetering on before he slipped his fingers out of you, a school boy smirk playing on his lips.
You exhlaed heavily and shakily before looking over to him, shocked. He finally looked back at you, still smirking.
“I wanna try something. If you want me to stop, tell me,” he said as he removed his hand from your thigh and stood up abruptly. You could see the outline of his erection through his trousers and found yourself getting more aroused. You didn’t know what he wanted to do, but assumed it'd be something at least a little discret. Along the lines of putting you in his lap again, or even just having you get him off. So when he pulled you up and spun you around, pushing you down against the table, you were surprised to say the least. You heard him unzip his pants as he pulled himself free and then pulled your panties down your thighs. You couldn’t even think as he prodded you with his cock, and gasped loudly when he finally pushed into you. His hand was on your mouth in an instant as he leaned over your back, his mouth next to your ear as he spoke. “Gotta be quiet, sweetheart,” he panted. “You don’t want anyone to see us back here, do you?”
Your gurgled moan was his response as he began fucking into you, keeping your chest firmly againt the sturdy table, one hand on your mouth and one holding your wrists behind your back. You were panting as quietly as you could as he slid in and out of you, getting deeper with each thrust. He took his hand away from your mouth after a moment and gripped your hip to keep you a little more steady, trying to keep your hips from slamming so hard into the wood. The salacious sounds of his pelvis slapping against your ass with his thrusts were only making you more slick as he moved his hand from your wrists to keep your skirt pushed up as he fucked you from behind.
It was taking all of your willpower to keep quiet, your mouth open in silent moans as you tried to keep yourself breathing. His thrusts were getting more powerful the longer he went. Each time you heard people passing by, your cunt gripped his cock even tighter at the thrill of the proximity, and Bucky didn’t miss it.
“Who knew you were so fucking kinky,” he panted into your ear. “You like getting fucked in public, huh? Like the idea of anyone walking by and seeing you get fucked out of your mind? Seeing you getting claimed by me,” he husked.
You mewled as quietly as you could and nodded your head in affirmation. “I like it,” you whispered pathetically.
“I know you do,” he laughed before fucking into you deeper, making sure you felt every inch of his thick cock gliding against your velvety walls, squeezing him tightly.
“Professor, please,” you pleaded quietly.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he grunted as he gripped your hip harder still, pulling your ass flush against him before he began rutting into you desperately. He leaned his weight onto you as he kept you pushed down, flush against the table. His hand left your skirt and found your clit, adding to the growing pressure building in your abdomen as he rubbed you, fucking you and stimulating all the most sensitive spots along your walls. Before you knew you were, you came completely undone, the familiar white hot pleasure induced euphoria spreading through you as you came around him, squeezing him like you never wanted him to leave you empty again. And truth be told, you didn’t. You’d never felt so fulfilled or satisfied in your life.
He could barely move as you came around him, but after a few more thrusts, he shot his load inside of you, cursing under his breath as he came, panting. After a moment, he pulled out gently and slid your panties back up for you, pushing your skirt down before he fixed himself. You were still reeling from the intensity of it all when you stood, a little wobbly, from the table.
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Cute planned ending:
“I can’t believe we just did that,” you breathed, turning around to face Bucky. “We really just did that,” you said, still in shock at yourself while Bucky grinned proudly before looking around a bit, just making sure you were still alone. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you close, leaning down to kiss you deeply, letting you go for a second before kissing you harder again.
“We did. And now,” he said, ushering you back to your seat, urging you to sit down, “you're gonna finish editing your paper while I grade a few more of these midterms, no distractions.”
“Easy for you to say,” you muttered as you looked up at him still standing while you were seated once again. “I’m the one sitting here with come leaking out of me,” you complained.
“Is it that distracting for you, sweetheart?” he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Yes,” you responded.
“No problem. I can help with that, too,” he smirked as he got down on his knees, crawling under the table to kneel at your feet as your eyes went wide while you watched him. He pulled you to the edge of the chair before he slipped your panties off completely. “That essay better be ready to turn in by the time I get back up, do you understand?” he warned. You could feel his breath against your folds as he got closer.
“Yes, professor,” you mewled pathetically as you spread your thighs even wider for him.
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Alternative kind of darkish ending:
You felt eyes on you as you turned around, but it wasn’t Bucky. You looked up to the second floor and could have sworn you saw Andy passing by, worry flooding through you instantly. You weren’t sure, though. Maybe he was really just walking by and hadn’t seen anything. Maybe it was no one at all and you were just imagining things. You almost didn’t even want to say anything about it, just act like you hadn’t seen, or thought you saw, anyone at all.
Until Andy came knocking on the bookcase, from the opposite direction, startling you as you gasped and spun around, hands flying to make sure your skirt was smoothed down completely, unconscious backing toward where Bucky was. Andy looked between you both for a second before he spoke, a knowing, devilish smirk growing on his face as he looked at you in a way you’d never seen him look at anyone before. Lewdly, leering, lustful, even.
“What’s goin’ on down here?”
You looked back at Bucky, hoping to find some kind of reassurance or protection, but he was completely unphased at the presence of his friend.
“You enjoy the show?” he asked, unamused.
“I think I could put on better,” he shrugged, eyes still locked on you, even as Bucky pulled you into his side.
“What do you think, sweetheart? Wanna let him try?”
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deanbrainrotwritings · 9 months
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SUMMARY : technically part two of demonology and heartache (which I haven’t posted, yet). an au in which dean is a priest and the reader is a demon with an obsession to corrupt him. 
PAIRING : priest!dean winchester x demon!reader (f.)
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), angst, voyeurism, smut, p in v, masturbation, corruption kink, priest kink, blasphemy, defiling a church, jealousy
A/N : falling in reverse song title. @spnkinkevents : #12daysofspnkinkmas2023 — voyeurism and priest kink. no spoilers for the fic I haven’t posted. @jacklesversebingo card square — voyeurism. this is… uh… I’m going to hell XXXX
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Dean attempted to act as if she didn’t affect him. He felt so guilty, he wouldn’t even dare confess to his superiors what he’d done or tell them that the new nun they brought to the church was in fact an ancient demon. 
The truth was, she hadn’t harmed anyone physically. But he had a feeling it was her that influenced the strange closeness between Sister Perlamaria and Sister Arelys. And the scent of cigarettes and alcohol that billowed from Father Calvo’s breath. And the dirty dreams he’s been having every night, more frequently than before, always with her. 
Still, he couldn’t bring himself to come clean about her to someone who could do something about her subtle corruption within the church, the defilement of all that was once in everyone in the church.
Dean wondered what she told the people who came by and how she so easily managed to make people believe her, how she convinced them to do as she suggested, not even having to lift a finger to get what she wanted. 
Well, that was the case for everyone else except him. For him, she made him dream about her, fantasies of doing things to her, and of her doing things to him. And when he was under her spell—which really wasn’t a spell at all, but rather his lust and desire for carnality—she pounced on him. And now, he was hers. 
He struggled to keep her promiscuous behaviour to a minimum, it was difficult to control her at all—and it was arousing all together, unfortunately for him. He couldn’t resist her and eventually, the dreams ended, but his desire for her was undying. She was truly wicked, burrowing into him and planting seeds that would grow of their own accord.
His desire for her bloomed on its own within him, a few intimate touches, sultry glances, and seductive words sent in his direction were enough to keep those flowers from withering away. They were more like weeds than flowers, he wanted to get rid of his desire, but he couldn’t. They invaded all that he was. 
But it was a nice feeling that made him… free. He didn’t want to stop, not after getting a taste of her sinful lips, not after getting his hands on her soft body, not after she slept with him. 
He walked to her room again, like he did every night. Sometimes she was nowhere to be found. Other times she’d be asleep. Or she’d read the Bible mockingly, marking the text and correcting the stories. If he was lucky, he’d catch her touching herself, moaning his name as she climaxed on her fingers. 
He was too much of a coward to enter her room. He knew that she knew he watched her when she touched herself. He wasn’t brave enough to enter her room to bury himself inside the warmth of her body. Instead he returned to his room to finish the job with his own hand.
Today, he was too tired to sneak around and add to the guilt that already weighed him down. As exhilarating as it was to be with her and to see her every once in a while, as a break from what his father wanted him to do. Dean just wanted to give in completely to something he wanted, to something new.
He didn’t know what to expect, but he knew it was not a coincidence that the doors were shutting by themselves as he made his way back to his room. A shiver ran down his spine, prickling his skin so his hairs stood on end, but there were no windows open. He knew it was her.
He got to his room, but the door didn’t budge. He sighed tiredly, but a smile tugged at his lips despite how wrong it felt to walk away from his room with a spark of thrill in his blood. 
He followed the chill around the cathedral, allowing self-shutting doors to take him wherever he knew Y/n was guiding him. 
Eventually, he made his way to the nave. The moonlight poured through stained glass, onto the walls and floor. Dean didn’t have to look around for her because he could hear her pleasuring herself, and straight across, on the altar, was her. 
Naked. His breath caught in his throat. He felt… offended. Afraid. Aroused. 
He froze where he stood, having a clear view of her skin and her body. Her hand moved between her legs, her other cupped her breast, and she arched her back off the hard flat surface of the altar. 
He wasn’t sure if it was all a show for him. Or if she wanted to get caught on purpose. He also thought of the possibility that she may even be trying to tempt the other Sisters or Fathers, the way she had with him. 
The dreams of carnal love-making ended. The escapes from her quarters into his to enact his fantasies had lessened. He didn’t know if she was bored of him and was moving on to a new victim or if she was teasing him, testing him. 
He was jealous, he could feel the heat rise up his face at the thought of her interest moving away from him to someone else. She was a demon, afterall, she had no loyalties to anyone, no conscience or care for the concept of monogamy. He couldn’t believe he had feelings for her, as if she would do the same. He knew she didn’t, she would never reciprocate, she couldn’t, but he couldn’t stop himself.
He stepped closer to her, his stomach fluttering, his heart palpitating… He felt hot all over, jealous, angry, so many emotions—including lust. His hands shook and walking felt uncomfortable from how erect he was within the confines of his black dress pants.
She was taking longer than normal to get off, smoothing her hands over her soft, fleshy body. Laying herself out completely over the decorated altar, staring up at the crucifix defiantly when her hand travelled back down between her legs. 
Dean wondered if she’d done it before, if she did it always. He knew nothing about her, except for the taste of her mouth and her pussy, the texture of her skin, her lips, and her warmth deep within… a warmth that simply did not reach her eyes, it was only lust in disguise. 
Her head rolled to the side, eyes closed, brows furrowed in concentration, pants and moans echoing through the wooden walls. Her eyes fluttered open when one of his feet dragged loudly across the floor, and she lifted her head to see the intruder, a mischievous smirk growing on her face.
She spread her legs further apart, her fingers moving quickly against her clit, fingers plunging inside her pussy faster as he stood frozen in place. His lungs tightened as she stared into his eyes just a few feet away from him, her moans getting louder and needier. 
He was breathless and his legs felt like he was walking through tar, but he was still able to rush over to her, and slap a hand over her mouth to silence the lewd sounds she was making. His presence only seemed to spur her, she stared up into his eyes shamelessly, and he did the same for a few moments before looking away. 
His gaze slowly trailed down to her breasts as she arched further off the flat surface. He traced the curve of her waist with his green eyes, captivated by her arousing beauty. He felt her tongue against his palm and her teeth, and he stared back up at her lecherously, breathing heavily as she moaned his name against his palm.
He pushed her thighs apart and stared obscenely as she fingered herself and rubbed her clit, her thighs and fingers soaked in her excitement. He held his hand tightly to her mouth to continue muffling the hot sounds she was making, and brought his other hand down to keep her thighs apart, holding her leg bruisingly onto the altar, until she fell apart on her own fingers.
She cried into his hand, worshipping his name as she writhed and shook. Her eyes pierced his, shining with desire—and what he thought was reverence. 
When he released her, Dean tilted his head at her. She relaxed, catching her breath while staring up at him, her lust devouring him whole. 
“Do you always do this here?” He asked her, shoving his coat off his shoulders. She read the situation wrong, and excitedly reached for his belt to unbuckle it as she shook her head at him. “Don’t,” he implored quietly, placing his coat over her shoulders.
“Please,” she whispered, releasing him nonetheless. She leaned back on her arms and watched him, her eyes begging him to take her where she was. 
“I can’t,” Dean murmured, leaning down to kiss her on the lips. She breathed in and kissed him back, taking his hands to rest them on her warm hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning backwards until he was leaning over her. “My room,” he mumbled against her lips, but she pulled away to scowl playfully.
“You don’t have to take your clothes off,” she smiled cheekily, shrugging his coat off her shoulders. He stared down at her body and inhaled sharply, squeezing her hips. “It’s actually hotter if you leave it on, Father,” she teased, tugging his belt to encourage him, but she didn’t remove it. 
“You still want me?” He asked, kissing her shoulder. She pulled away and gazed up at him for a few seconds, confused by his question.  
“Yes…?” She started to unbuckle his belt slowly, waiting for him to stop her if he didn’t want her to go further. “Why are you asking?” She asked anyway, gasping when she felt two fingers push into her, her stomach fluttering. 
“I like the attention you give me,” he confessed as she worked his pants off faster. 
“Well…” she began thoughtfully, “you’re the most interesting person here.” Dean hummed in approval of her answer and slipped his fingers out of her to wrap them around his cock, teasing her wet slit like she’d taught him.
The word “good,” rumbled hotly through him and he pushed into her wet entrance, then grabbed her thighs to pull her to the edge of the table. Fully sheathed inside her, they both moaned quietly, her legs bending at the knees so she could press them into his sides, holding him close.
“There’s nothing good about my interest in you, Dean,” she purred sensuously, her fingers curling around the back of his neck, slipping through his soft hair. She pulled him down and kissed him, gratified by the arousal burning furiously in his green eyes like a forest on fire.
That look in his eyes was why she did this. Deep down, there was a purity in his soul she could never defile, not like she had done to everyone and everything in this church. The light within him burned so brightly, it could not be easily extinguished, and that was an exciting challenge she didn’t mind failing. 
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ironstrange1991 · 10 months
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Pairing: Supreme!Strange x Fem!Reader (Doctor Strange and Defender Strange are mentioned)
Synopsis: Supreme wakes up in the morning and decides he'll have the reader for breakfast.
Word Count: 1,2k
Warnings: SMUT: oral sex with female receiving, unprotected p n v sex, quickie, cum eating.
A/N: This one is short and I was really sleepy while editing, so please, pretend you guys didn't see the typos or grammar mistakes. Hope you like it and have a nice reading.
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You woke up in the morning earlier than usual. Supreme was sleeping on his stomach, one arm under the pillow he had folded in half, the other around your waist keeping you impossibly close to him. His breathing was soft and steady, his face was turned towards you, calm and peaceful. The sheet he had used to cover himself during the night was bunched up between his legs, leaving his glorious muscular ass exposed.
You allowed yourself to admire him in all his glory for a moment and then got up, took a shower and went downstairs to prepare breakfast.
You weren't given to great inventions in the kitchen, always preferring that Defender cooked for you, but there were some things you could do and do well. That was the case with breakfast. You decided on eggs and bacon, some chopped fruit and pancakes with raspberries.
Because you were so distracted with your work, you didn’t notice when someone approached you and hugged you from behind, wrapping their arms around your waist and pushing a very obvious erection against your hip. Before you even wondered who it was, he made a point of kissing your neck, rubbing his clean shaved face on your skin until he was right in your ear. "So you leave me alone in bed to come and prepare breakfast for the others..."
His baritone voice never failed to make your skin prickle.
"It's for you too. I was going to go upstairs and wake you up."
"Hum. I thought it was my day to have you all to myself." He protested gently biting your ear and you had to concentrate a lot to be able to flip the pancake in the pan before it burned.
"Your day was yesterday. Today is Monday, technically everyone's day." You responded knowing he wouldn't like that answer.
The two of you were still on a sort of honeymoon and Supreme had turned out to be even more jealous than you initially imagined.
He turned off the heat on the stove without asking you to do so, and with a quick movement he bent you over the huge solid wooden table. His hands were quick to lift the oversized t-shirt you were wearing that obviously didn't belong to you, it was one of Stephen's old band t-shirts.
"No shorts? Is that how you walk around this house?" He groped for the waistband of your panties and pulled them down with such violence that you could hear the delicate fabric tearing.
"Stephen!" You scolded him. That was one of your favorites.
"Shh. No shorts, wearing panties that barely cover your pussy... What do you expect from that? Oh I know, you wanted this, didn't you?" He slapped your ass.
"I just wanted to make breakfast." You gasped.
He knelt down and without warning he stuck his head between your cheeks and started licking your pussy, sucking and making you produce more and more of that nectar that he liked so much.
"Stephen… the others will see us here."
You didn't know exactly if that was allowed, it wasn't something that was pre-defined between you. But something made you think that was exactly what he wanted to happen.
"Let them see!" Supreme stood up and quickly freed his cock from its confinements. He rubbed the tip on your entrance and with a flat hand on your back forced you to bend over even more until your breasts and face were glued to the cold wood.
He teased some more, rubbing the tip against your clit making you moan softly and your legs shake begging him to finally take you.
"Tell me what you want, honey."
You bit the corner of your lip surrendering to him. "I want you Steph. Fuck me, but be quick, we don't have much time."
"That's my girl." He entered you with a single firm thrust and kept his pace fast and merciless exactly how you liked it.
"Oh, fuck honey, this pussy makes me crazy. So fucking good."
He grabbed your hip with one hand and your shoulder with the other to balance his thrusts and you moaned loudly, totally unaware of anything other than the two of you fucking on the kitchen table.
“Shit, you take cock so well, such a hungry little pussy..."
"Stephen...I'm gonna cum." You almost screamed the words.
He moaned loudly and pulled out to which you protested. He turned you around to face him and made you sit on the table and then entered you again. Your legs wrapped around his back. His lips never left your neck, sucking and leaving marks there for the other Stephens to see.
For Supreme Strange, everything was a competition.
"Oh, I love you, honey." He cooed totally lost in his own pleasure and you could feel his thrusts getting irregular, his balls tightening, his cock pulsing violently inside you.
You cupped his face making him look at you "Gonna cum for me, Steph?"
He kissed you passionately "Only after you."
You moaned loudly feeling his body pushing you towards your orgasm and you didn't fight him, instead you surrendered to him. Your head fell back, your eyes closed, your lips turned into a big O as you were washed by the feeling of ecstasy that Stephen insisted on prolonging with each thrust that strategically reached your sweet spot.
"That's right, honey, give it to me."
When you felt your orgasm slowly and lazily dying away, Stephen pulled out and pulled you off the table.
"On your knees, honey, I want to fill your mouth with my milk."
You obeyed eagerly and he thrust against your mouth a few times until he started cumming.
"Oh shit... your mouth feels so good, honey. Take all of it. Drink all my milk, don't waste a drop."
You did your best to swallow it all, but Stephen's first morning cum was always a huge load. Even with your efforts some still dripped down the corners of your mouth, but you were quick to scoop it up with your fingers and suck them one by one.
Stephen watched with a satisfied smile on his lips and helped you get up. He kissed you tenderly and picked up what was left of your panties from the floor and stuffed them into his pants pocket.
"I'll buy you a new set, I promise." He informed sheepishly, but you weren’t mad about the panties, not really. So you gave him your best smile and pulled down the t-shirt that did little to hide your naked ass.
"Sit down, I'll finish making you breakfast." You said giving him a sweet kiss on the lips.
He did as you said, but kept his eyes glued to you the entire time.
"Maybe you'd better put something on first, honey."
You shrugged, turning on the heat on the stove again and pouring in more pancake batter to fry, and you both heard Stephen and Defender coming down the stairs, talking to each other  and approaching and you couldn't help but giggle at the look on Supreme's face.
"You had yours, Steph. If they want it, they'll have theirs too. Those are the rules, remember?"
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
bestie help i can’t stop thinking about fucking older! ateez 😭😭😭 like iMAGINE 50-something year old san or yeosang (or san AND yeosang…👀👀) the way they’d be kinda cocky because of their success when they were younger (and their /experiences/ when they were younger) HHHH and they’d treat y/n like their little princess and when they fuck you theyd be like “does this pretty baby just need a cock inside her little pussy SO bad that she’s willing fuck an old guy like me?“ and girl u KNOW they’re both gonna be buff as FUCK by that age i- i need to stop myself
holy fuck i love you for sending this ask like i am REELING you have no idea 😭😭 i almost went insane typing this out like i am down astronomically for dilf ateez esp older ateez like okay sure 30 year old san/yeo would be fine af but 50 YEAR OLD SAN/YEO??? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP 💳💥💳💥 so yeah i ended up writing an entire fic and i know this wasn’t technically a request but i just had to 😭i dedicate the following to you bestie so i hope i did it justice 🖤
𝙰 𝙲𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠
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Older! San x Fem! Reader x Older! Yeosang
Genre: smut 
W.C: 3.6k 
Summary: San and Yeosang visit your place of work, hoping to unwind after another long day of being incredibly rich and powerful. 
Warnings: reader is in her early 20s, aged up! san/yeo, dom! san, soft dom! yeo, sansang, brief olfactophilia, cigar smoking, alcohol usage, mentions of age difference, pet names, use of the names sir/Daddy, dirty talk, degradation, super brief masterbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, fingering, oral (receiving), squirting, two instances of unprotected sex, spanking, hair pulling, creampie, kissing, multiple orgasms, overstimulation 
Song Recs: Planet Girl by Jooyoung feat. pH-1, Lost in the Fire by The Weeknd, Into It by Chase Atlantic, The Walls by Chase Atlantic
You were working at your city’s local upscale cigar lounge when two of your favorite customers came in. Choi San and Kang Yeosang. Though they were both old enough to be your dad, they still were still infinitely hotter than most guys your age. And they knew it too.
As per usual, they were both dressed in fairly casual, but obviously luxury brand clothes. Gucci and YSL, from what you could recognize. You weren’t personally familiar with those brands, but you could tell just from being around the other (usually affluent) customers. Your eyes scanned them, watching them walk from the entrance over to the counter you were standing behind. They were wearing a fair amount of jewelry, the silver and gold accents of their necklaces and bracelets only serving to make the extent of their wealth just a little more obvious to anyone that was near them. Of course, you noticed the sleek buttoned loafers they had on as well, knowing those alone probably cost more than your rent. 
The wrinkles underneath their eyes appeared a little more prominent than usual, the both of them tired and ready to relax at the end of a busy day. San gave you a small wave, resting his hand down on the mahogany counter, his aromatic cologne making its way to your nose. It gave off strong accents of sandalwood, with hints of cinnamon coming through as well. 
“Welcome back, Mr. Choi. Mr. Kang. Your usual?”
San nodded his head, already pulling his leather wallet out of the back pocket of his black pleated trousers. You could tell that they were professionally tailored from the way they perfectly hugged his muscular thighs.
Two Cubans,” you started, already feeling like you were about to lose your cool, but forcing yourself to pull out a small cigar case and opening it up, pushing it in their direction for them to inspect. 
Yeosang stepped closer to the counter to pick up a cigar and make sure it was up to his standards, allowing you to smell his cologne of choice as well. Though it was similar to San’s in terms of it being able to turn you on, it had a much more gentle scent, giving off notes of citrus and lavender. “Forgetting something, dollface?” he questioned, his deep, silky voice permeating in your ears.
“And a bottle of scotch. Single malt,” you added, feeling an obvious knot already beginning to form inside your stomach. You reached for the bottle from the shelf behind you and set it down on the counter, along with an identical set of shot glasses.
“Anything else?” You twirled a lock of hair around your manicured finger and looked Yeosang up and down, who was already doing the same to you. You bit your lip, giving San a once over as well, who returned it with an even hungrier reaction. 
“It depends. Are you on the menu as well, sweetheart? I’d love to find out how you taste,” San questioned confidently in a low, but smooth tone, sliding his platinum credit card into your hand, his slender fingers drifting over yours. 
Yeosang elbowed his friend in the side, giving him a slight grimace. “Have you ever heard of being subtle?”
“Why be subtle when this works ten times faster?” San retorted, rolling his eyes, which prompted Yeosang to open his mouth like he was about to argue with him. 
Unable to ignore the aching in between your thighs, you found yourself giving into one of San’s various attempts at seducing you. Obviously, it was incredibly unprofessional of you, but you were at your wits’ end, unable to resist such a delicious offer.
“I’m…I’m actually off the clock in a little bit…if you two wanted to…you know…” you interrupted in a soft voice, paranoid that your manager would somehow catch wind of what was about to go down all the way from his office.
San and Yeosang exchanged glances, the both of them eventually sharing the same lewd smile.
“Put us down for one of the private rooms,” San informed, watching you press a few things on the screen of your work’s pos system and swipe his card through the reader, his dark eyes zoning in on how tightly your black long sleeve top fit on your body. “You’ll join us as soon as you get off, alright, baby?” 
“Of course, Mr. Choi,” you answered sweetly, handing the older man his card back, along with the key to the room. 
San shook his head slightly, putting the key and his wallet into his pocket, before wrapping his fingers around the neck of the bottle of scotch, passing the two shot glasses to Yeosang. Turning his attention back to you, he stated point-blank, “You’ll be addressing me as Daddy for the rest of the night. Now, let me hear you say it.” 
“Yes…” you started, peering over your shoulder to see if anyone was there, which no one was, thankfully. “Yes, Daddy.” San gave you a pleased smile, elbowing Yeosang just like he had done earlier. 
Yeosang added, “And you can address me as sir, pretty girl.” 
Your eyes flickered over to Yeosang’s brown ones, unconsciously wetting the corner of your lips with your tongue. “See you in a little bit, sir.” 
Yeosang slid a hand into one of his blazer pockets, looking back at you with a small smirk, picturing what you’d look like with his thumb in your mouth. “Don’t take too long, darling.” 
Knowing there weren’t cameras set up in the vip room for privacy reasons, you felt like you should be able to relax, but that simply wasn’t happening for you. It was most likely due to the fact that two insanely attractive men were sitting on the velvet couch opposite from you, sharing the strong liquor they had purchased and silently puffing on their cigars, all while undressing you with their eyes. 
“You’ve been thinking about doing this for a long time, haven’t you? Even though we’re thirty years your senior?” San leaned his back against the plush cushion behind him, resting a palm down onto one of his thighs.
“Mmm-hmm,” you nodded, despite gripping your knees so tightly your knuckles turned white, in search of some comfort, wondering if you were even capable of surviving this unbelievably arousing situation. 
“Nervous, baby?” San let out a soft chuckle, taking delight in your predicament, unlike his seasoned counterpart, who was already filling up a glass with the scotch and passing it in your direction.
“Ignore him. Have a drink and relax, okay? We can take things slow, fast, and everything in between. It’s up to you. We don’t even have to do this if you don’t want to,” Yeosang informed, noticing the way you shook your head and took a few gulps of the scotch.
“I want to do this. You two just make me really nervous cuz you’re so…so…” You couldn’t seem to finish your sentence, your mind too occupied with focusing on Yeosang, who had stood up and walked over to you, his elegant frame towering over your own. 
“I understand. Just be sure to let us know if you want us to stop.” Yeosang held the bottom of your chin and tilted it up, running his thumb along your bottom lip. “Nod your head for me, doll.” Once you did so, he hummed to himself. “Good girl,” he added, his words coming out like they were drenched in honey, slowly pushing his thumb past your parted lips.
You could’ve melted right then and then, the strong liquor inside your mostly empty stomach sending a pleasant warmth over the expanse of your body. “Mm,” you moaned softly, sucking on his thumb and looking up at him with half-closed eyes. 
“That’s it…” 
San tapped his cigar near the glass ashtray that was sitting on the small table between the couches, clearing his throat to get his friend’s attention. “Take off her clothes for me, Sangie,” he chimed lovingly, the vapor leaving his mouth, pleased with the sight of Yeosang smiling at him and pulling his thumb out of your mouth with a pop, so that he could pull your top off of you.
“Harder. Finger yourself harder, baby. Yeah, just like that,” San groaned, lazily stroking his cock with one hand and still bringing his cigar up to his lips, taking a puff of it now and then. “Are you going to cum for us?”
You were sitting back against the seat with your legs spread, pushing your digits into your cunt as deep as you possibly could, your hand starting to cramp from how long you had been going at it. “I’m trying to, Daddy,” you responded, your tone rising in pitch near the end, tossing your head back from being on the cusp of your orgasm, but not quite getting there. 
“God, you’re so hot. Does your real dad know how much of a slut you are?”
“Uh-uh.” Feeling more pain in your hand than you anticipated, you relaxed it and closed your eyes, sighing out of frustration. You didn’t even notice when Yeosang had gotten onto his knees in front of you, until you felt the flat of his tongue moving up and down your soaking cunt. “Oh, fuck-” 
“Don’t worry, darling. I’ll take care of you,” he murmured, massaging his thumbs into your upper thighs and giving you a reassuring smile, prior to eating you out like you were his first meal of the day. 
“Oh my goddd…” You slumped down slightly against the couch, your fingers pushing past his dyed dark blonde locks, making eye contact with San, who was jerking himself off a little faster than before. 
“How does she taste?” San asked, squeezing his fingers around his cockhead every time he got up to it, a few droplets of pre-cum dripping down the side. 
Yeosang reluctantly pulled his mouth away from you to groan, “She tastes fucking delicious, San,” before replacing his tongue with his fingers, your eager hole swallowing them up to the hilt. 
“I’m jealous.” 
“You should be,” Yeosang chuckled, glancing back at San, as he shoved his digits into you so fast, you thought you might unravel then and there. “Don’t look away either. You’re going to watch me when I make her squirt all over my face.” 
San groaned deeply at his friend’s words, sinking even further into the couch, some of his black hair falling into his eyes. He immediately blew it out of the way so that he could admire the way Yeosang’s tongue was quickly flicking across your clit. “Don’t worry, Sangie. I’m watching…” 
“I’m…cumming…!” It didn’t take long for you to reach your limit, incredibly overwhelmed by all of the pleasure that Yeosang was giving you, as well as from the way that San was drinking in the sight of you and eagerly bringing himself to his own pinnacle of gratification.
A gravelly sounding moan erupted from Yeosang’s vocal cords, holding his mouth open near your pulsing hole and catching most of the clear liquid that squirted out of you on his tongue and in his throat, gulping it down.
“F-uuuuck, that’s so hot…” San choked out, in between grunts, his hips bucking up, just as he shot his load out onto his bare, chiseled abdomen, incredibly relieved that he had unbuttoned his overtly lavish shirt. 
You ran your fingers delicately through Yeosang’s hair, breathing heavily and shuddering when he cleaned up the rest of his arousal with his tongue. “Nnngh, please, sir, let me take care of you too.” 
“No need, doll,” he replied shakily, his porcelain cheeks incredibly flushed and his eyes glossy. Yeosang unbuttoned his velvet pants and pulled them down, along with his tight briefs, revealing his softened, cum-covered length. 
“Oh, wow…” you blushed, bringing a hand up to your mouth and gawking at him, biting back a gasp when Yeosang’s dick started to come alive again just from the way you were looking at it. 
San sighed softly, slicking his slightly damp hair back. “That’s my Sangie, always so eager to please.”
Smiling, Yeosang stood up and walked back to the other couch, sitting down next to San and gathering up some of his own cum, gently moving it up and down his friend’s length to make him hard again.
San groaned in delight, adding, “But enough about him.” He snapped his fingers, gaining your attention, beckoning you in his direction with his index finger. “Come over here and sit on my cock, baby.” 
You almost ran into the coffee table, just narrowly avoiding it and enthusiastically lowering yourself down on San’s lap. “Are you going to fuck me nice and hard, Daddy?” 
“What kind of question is that, sweetheart? It’d be a sin not to.” San grabbed both sides of your ass and kneaded into it with his strong hands, guiding your entrance to his cockhead and pushing himself inside, a few inches at a time, until all nine were inside of you.
“Oh, fuuuuck…” you exhaled, reveling in the feeling of being completely filled up by the man you had been secretly pining for. 
Seeing Yeosang starting to jerk himself off through his peripheral, San began slamming himself into you, right out of the gate, the couch creaking underneath the both of you. “You like watching me fuck her like this, Yeo? Huh? You love it, don’t you?”
Yeosang moaned, moving his hand a bit faster, relishing the dynamic he shared with his friend, as well as the sight of you taking his cock in such an obedient way. “Pull her hair, San…for me…and-fuck-kiss her neck!” 
San followed Yeosang’s directions, bunching up your hair and holding it like you had it up in a ponytail, then pulling it down so you had to look up and expose your neck in the process, earning a strangled sound of pleasure from your lips. “Yeah? You fucking like that?” 
“Uh-huhhh…” You closed your eyes for a moment, shivering when San lazily kissed, lapped at, and sucked on your neck, feeling his warm breath hit your skin whenever he let out a soft pant from how hard he was fucking you.
Yeosang leaned his body weight against San’s, their shoulders and toned arms pressing into one another. “Keep talking to her like that…” he said in a voice barely above a whisper, completely wrapped up in the heavy, intoxicating tension that seemed to swallow the room whole.
“Do you like the way I’m pounding this pretty pussy of yours, baby?” San complied, squeezing his fingers into the sides of your bouncing ass and smacking it a few times, making sure to leave a few handprints. 
“Yes, Daddy…!” 
“Who fucks you better? Me or those twenty-something shitheads you meet on Tinder?”
Yeosang leaned his head down against San’s shoulder, hunching over slightly so that his hand could slide rapidly up and down his throbbing length. “Oh, god…”
“Do you think your coworkers can hear you being a little whore for me? What about that manager of yours? Do you think he knows you’re getting your pussy stuffed by a man way older than him? And being watched by someone who’s just as old?” 
“I don’t care if he does! Fuck me harder!” you cried, almost delirious at this point. 
Yeosang shook his head, letting go of his cock to comment, “Jesus Christ, San, you know I don’t like it when you talk about how old we are. It’s making me go soft.” 
San scoffed, stopping his movements for a moment so that he could casually give Yeosang a side eye, allowing you to bounce on his cock instead, giving you the power to bring yourself to a much-needed state of ecstasy. San groaned out, pressing his head back into the couch, grumbling, “I can’t help that it turns me on, Yeo. Are you really kink-shaming me right now? In the middle of this?” 
“I’m not-”
“Ohhh, I see. You’re just upset she’s not fucking herself dumb on your cock, huh?” San reached over and patted Yeosang’s thigh, giving him a cheeky grin. “Don’t worry, Yeo. Once I empty my load into her, you can have a turn.”
Yeosang’s hand returned to his cock, giving it enough attention so that he could return to the same state of pleasure he was at before, focusing on the way your tits bounced in front of San’s sweaty face. 
“You’ll let me cum inside you, yeah?” San grabbed onto one of your breasts and moved it around, idly tweaking one of your nipples with two fingers, bringing a sharp gasp out of you.
“I…I don’t know…” Though you were on birth control, you dreaded the thought of having to try to keep cum from spilling out of you on the walk out of the building, and including the drive home. What if it stained the seats? And you just got them redone too. That would be-
“Please, baby,” he groaned, the muscles in his thighs tightening, making them go rigid, some of his pre-cum coating your soaked inner walls. “What if I buy you something? You want a pretty little dress? Or what about a new laptop, huh? I’ll even double whatever you get on your paycheck — just let me cum inside you, baby. Please, let me fill this slutty cunt of yours!” 
“Okay, okay! Just hurry up and-” You couldn’t form another word, too preoccupied with the way that San was holding you down, his hot cum filling you up to the brim, to the point that some had to drip down the base of his dick. 
“Ohhhh, god…that’s it…” 
Once San pulled out, Yeosang had already recovered from his own orgasm and picked you up by the waist, effortlessly pulling you into his own lap and immediately replacing San’s cock with his own, growing hard inside you, upon feeling your walls tightening up around his thick length. “It’s my turn, darling.” 
“Oh my god,” was all you could get out, unable to resist the way Yeosang began expertly bucking his hips up into yours, hitting your g-spot almost instantly. “Sir…!” 
“What a good girl you are, taking another cock right after taking mine,” San cooed near your ear, biting the shell of it and slamming his palm into your ass, causing you to cry out. 
“Does that feel good, angel?” Yeosang spoke up, peppering your sensitive neck with kisses, his calloused hands running up and down along the curves of your body, eventually settling on your tits and cupping them. 
“Y-esss, so fucking good…!” You were about to explain how amazing it felt in further detail, but you were silenced when the man’s lips suddenly pressed onto yours, his tongue slipping into your slightly open mouth. You wrapped your arms around his neck, appreciating how desperate he was to kiss you, to explore your mouth so fervently, as though he had a time limit. 
San moved even closer to the both of you, grabbing the opposite side of your chin and pulling you towards him, breaking the kiss and allowing small ropes of spit to fall from your lips. “Let me have a taste,” he mumbled, pressing his mouth onto yours and kissing you in a more sloppy, but still passionate manner. 
Being stimulated in so many ways at once sent you over the edge, feeling your pussy clenching around Yeosang’s length, just as a large amount of arousal splashed out onto it. “Mmmnnn!” 
“How many times did you cum for us, baby? I bet you can’t even count,” San mused, gently pushing your face away and reaching down in between your heated bodies, rubbing your swollen clit. “Cum again, babydoll, so you can brag about it to your little friends on your social media later.” 
“I…ahhhh….” Your eyes were rolling back into your skull, your head and body pulsing with mind-numbing delight, barely able to keep any sort of grasp on reality.
Yeosang pumped himself into you at such a fast speed, San could barely keep his fingers on your clit, but still managed to play with it long enough that their combined efforts sent you into a fit of pleasure-induced hysteria. 
All you could get out was a string of yeses, while quite a few tears fell down your warm cheeks, hardly noticing when Yeosang wiped them away and pulled out of you, just in time for his cum to land on your chest and abdomen in slow spurts.
Almost passing out, you pulled off of Yeosang and settled in between the two older men, huffing and puffing until the flood of endorphins that had previously rushed to your brain finally mellowed out. 
After a few moments of comfortable silence, San reached for his half-filled glass of scotch and took a small sip of it, then leaned back against the couch, spreading his arms across the top of it. “So, laptop it is, then?” he asked, nudging your thigh with his own. 
You sucked your teeth, shaking your head slightly. “Mm, I’ll take the money. And if we do this again, would you consider tripling the amount if I let you cum inside me as much as you want?” 
San sighed softly, facing you and giving you what could only be described as heart eyes, prior to looking past you at Yeosang, who was too busy sending a proud smile your way. “I think I’m in love,” San admitted, drumming his fingers lightly against the couch. 
Yeosang reached over to you so that he could caress your cheek, earning a small sound of approval from you. “Get in line, pal.” 
(i figured i would tag everyone for this since it was a full-fledged fic lol)
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© toxicccred, 2022.
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godspeedviper · 3 months
Bunker Babe - Spencer x Goth!Reader (18+)
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𖤐 Synopsis: You manage to finally convince Spencer to attend a bunker rave with you, but first he’s gotta look the part.
𖤐 Type: domestic fluff || smut || no gendered descriptions || goth reader || very firmly mid 00s
𖤐 Word Count: 1,543
𖤐 Rating: explicit || recreational drug use || semi public sex
𖤐 A/N: OxyContin has the highest bio-availability, orally. While not the same thing as dilaudid, its in the same ballpark and can be used in high quantities to approximate the dilaudid high despite their differing (optimal) routes of administration. ALSO I know this track isn't "technically" hard techno don't come at me over bpm or whatever the song is just here to set the mood.
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“Babe, is this really necessary?” Spencer whines as he watches you tear through his closet in search of an outfit for tonight. 
“Yes!” You quip back. “What if someday your team needs you to go undercover at a bar or club for a case? You’re the youngest of the bunch so you know that statistically you’re most likely to be chosen for such a task.” 
He groans and rolls his eyes in defeat. “Okay okay! But only because you have statistics on your side.” 
“Oh don’t be too upset, pretty boy. I’ll make this worth your while.” You wink cheekily. “Promise!” 
At this, Spencer perked up. He watched as you lay out your choice of clothing onto his bed. You were already all dressed up for the night in skimpy black latex and mesh, with your favorite pair of platform Demonias to top off the look. Spencer’s hands were all over you as soon as he opened his apartment door for you, but tonight you had a mission and nothing, not even Spencer, was going to stop you. You sit down at the edge of the bed besides the clothing, and you wave Spencer over. 
“Come here, love.” You purred, and he instantly obliged. “Undress for me, darling.”
Spencer makes quick work of the buttons on his polo, while your hands reach to unbuckle his brown leather belt. He pulls his top off in a hurry, sliding off a pair of beige slacks, till he’s left standing before you in nothing but socks and briefs. You put your hands on his hips and he puts his hands on top of yours. You then tilt your head up, meeting his lust filled gaze. He takes in a sharp breath as you press your lips to the skin just below his navel. You take a gentle bite, and suck, leaving behind a bruise-like mark. 
“Good boy.” You whisper, pulling away from his torso. “Sit here.” 
  You stand up and switch positions with him, so that now Spencer is seated at the edge of the bed, and you’re standing in front of him. First, you grab a shirt off the bed. It was an old Nine Inch Nails tour shirt you got back in high school that was large enough to wear to bed whenever you were too incapacitated to bother changing into proper pajamas. You had left it at Spencer’s the last time you stayed over after scoring together, and it was now serving a greater purpose. You pulled it over his head, lovingly ruffling his head after it poked through the shirt. Your hands then reach back out to the bed and pick up a black pair of denim. Kneeling in front of him, you begin to kiss in between his thighs as your hands grab hold of his ankles, guiding him into each pant leg one at a time. 
“Finish putting these on for me. I’ll be right back.” You give his thighs a teasing smack and giddily make your way to the ensuite. 
“Oh no…” Spencer whines as he notices a hello kitty makeup bag in your hands and a devilish smirk on your lips. 
“Oh yes!” you reply. “Come on, Spencie! We gotta disguise you a little bit if you’re really that afraid of Garcia or her friends running into you. Besides, I have a gift for you in here.” 
You gingerly shake the bag like one would do with pet treats, and you quickly descend onto his lap, trapping poor Spencer beneath you. You unzip the bag and pull out a prescription pill bottle. Oxycodone 80mg, immediate release. 
“Ta da! Take these normally so the effects can kick in when we’re already at the party. This way we won’t risk being caught with it on us.” You wink playfully, shaking out a few green pills from the bottle onto your palm. “Alright now open up!” 
Spencer laughs and complies. You gently toss them into his mouth like m&m’s and watch his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallows the pills, enticing you forth to steal a loving bite. 
“Let's stay.” Spencer gasped out. “Please?” 
Still sitting on his lap you can feel his frustration slowly growing harder. For a moment there you’re tempted, but you quickly remember just how much more awaits you two tonight. 
“Nope, not staying!” You pull away from his neck, breaking the lustful spell.
Spencer pouts. 
 After swallowing a handful of pills as well, you turn your attention back to the makeup bag, rummaging around in search of a short black eyeliner and the accompanying pencil sharpener.
“Look up for me darling.” You say, placing a quick peck on Spencer’s pout and cupping his jaw with your free hand. “I promise you’ll thank me tomorrow. You’re gonna love tonight.” 
The pads of your thumbs delicately rub the skin of Spencer’s under eyes, smudging the charcoal-like pigment around into a messy raccoon eye style. You repeat the process on his eyelids until you’re satisfied. Then you toss aside the pencil and put a finger under his chin. 
“Open your eyes, love.” 
Spencer has beautiful eyes, everyone knows that, you’ve spent thousands of hours staring into those honeyed irises. However, nothing prepared you for the way his eyes seemed to glow in contrast to the darkness surrounding them. It was like staring into a pot of molten gold. 
“Ohh, pretty boy…” Your voice is a breathless whisper. 
Spencer blushes crimson, and he bashfully hides his face against your shoulder. You can feel his smile. 
“Come on, let's get going! I can’t wait to show you off. You’re so beautiful, Spencer.” 
You take his hand and lead him to the door, stopping only so he could slip on a pair of black converse he left by the entrance. The two of you giddily run out into the crisp night air. Goosebumps prickle your skin, the cold bites your cheeks, and your heart is ablaze. It isn’t long before you assume you’ve arrived at the clandestine location, pointing out a few straggling folks dressed as eccentrically as you are and you watch as they soon disappear into an alleyway behind a building. You follow behind, turning into the alley when suddenly you’re face to face with a rather large hole in the ground. Peering in, you see a flight of concrete stairs descending into darkness below. A faint rhythmic thudding can be heard, confirming that this is indeed the place. Spencer grips your hand tightly as you pull him along into the belly of the beast. The thudding grows louder, transforming into powerful kicks as the lights at the end of the tunnel get closer. Standing at the threshold between the tunnel and the large bunker, Spencer looks as if he is staring directly into the mouth of madness, transfixed. You smile triumphantly. You had finally managed to bring him into your element. 
The rest of the night happened in snippets. 
One: You see sprawling concrete walls covered in graffiti, the humidity of the room makes them almost look slick, reflecting the pulsing lights, all throbbing to a sound reminiscent of industrial machinery. There is an inherent eroticism to it all. You look on in awe as Spencer throws caution to the wind and starts dancing to the beat. You’ve never seen him so carefree. His sweat slicked skin glistens like a glass prism beneath the light, flickering through all the colors of the rainbow in the dark. 
Two: His hands are around your waist, pulling you flush against him. Drenched, Spencer’s auburn curls cling to the skin of his forehead and temples and the tops of his cheeks. The eyeliner has now spread all around his eye sockets, making him look hungry, animalistic, possessed. 
Three: You’re pressed up against a concrete slab, it feels cool against your skin. Your bodies have melted into one another in the high heat, welded together with slick until you couldn’t tell where you ended and Spencer began. The thick beats of hard techno penetrate your bodies, and the two of you thrust in tandem trying to keep up with the relentless rhythm. You cling to Spencer in desperation, as if the mounting pleasure would be enough to make you crumble into nothing but atoms. Your bones rattle as a powerful orgasm reverberates through your body. Your shrieks drown in the music, and everything fades to black.
The next morning, these scenes play out in your mind's eye as you lay awake in bed next to Spencer. You wondered how much longer this would all last. Both of you knew this lifestyle would only end with tragedy, but you didn't know how to live any other way. You're both addicted to the highs and lows of life, to the stress of the job, and to blowing off steam in the worst of ways. Sometimes you feel guilty about supplying Spencer with drugs, and you wonder if he ever feels the same way about you as you turn on the bed to face him. At least here, in this moment, you were both at peace. You always love seeing him sleep, the way all worry dissipates from his visage and all that's left is the beautiful boy you fell in love with.
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ao3 || guidelines || WIPs || Ko-Fi
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loneisland · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS. At Whitman & Clarke, professionalism is at the heart of all work that leaves its doors. So when paralegals get assigned to ambitious and egoistical associates on high-stakes corporate cases, relationships stay cordial, work gets done, and most of all, the firm's reputation remains untarnished.
CONTENT. Chapter wc 710ish (just the prologue, future chapters will be longer), law firm AU, senior associate! Michael kaiser x fem! paralegal! reader, age gap (kaiser is in his early 30s, reader is in her mid 20s), fem! reader, she/her pronouns used + reader wears makeup, skirts and heels, enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, fluff, comfort, plot twists, coarse language, legal lingo, misogyny, mentions of smut, liiiittle use of y/n
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“He’s the epitome of everything wrong with the legal profession—arrogant, self-serving, and willing to trample over everyone and anyone to get ahead. I would know,” you stare at the coffee machine bitterly and purse your lips in disapproval. “I mean, have you seen him? Tattoos and dyed hair? It’s like he never grew out of his twenty-one pilots phase from when he was sixteen. I mean this,” you wrap your hand around the coffee that is being handed to you, “Is just plain ridiculous. And they’re about to make him partner, have you heard? This firm’s reputation is bound to plummet if they go through with this. Plummet.”
Next to you, your friend and fellow paralegal, Anri Teieri, fervently nods in agreement.
“And that’s not even the end of it. I heard he just landed a massive case, ‘ri. I mean huge. Whitman is still searching for a paralegal to assign to the case,” You snort, “Reckon there’s an actual paralegal out there who’s willing to take the job without a raise? Imagine if they knew about the pharmaceutical case. Imagine! He stole my proofs, those were my e-mails. No acknowledgement, no nothing.”
The brunette shakes her head at your whining, and replies, “He did technically acknowledge you.”
“Yeah, after he called me one of his ‘little helpers’ in front of the senior partners! I’m a paralegal, not an elf working in the North Pole to craft up a jukebox for an eleven year old kid”, you scoff.
“Yeah, well, whoever it is, I pity them. Whitman doesn’t negotiate, everybody knows that.”
You make a sound in agreement, and shudder when entering your work place. The air in the Whitman and Clarke law firm feels heavy as you push through the pristine glass doors on the crisp autumn morning. Probably due to the sweat of all the paralegals dreading to help Kaiser on his new case, you deduce, a small smile forming on your face at the thought.
As you make your way through the hallways, sun filters through the windows, casting long, golden rays that only seem to highlight the tension simmering just beneath the surface. You really are happy to be working here, but the longer you occupy your office as a paralegal, a position you once thought to be a mere stepping stone, the more it feels like an actual perpetual purgatory.
You enter the elevator and press the button for the 14th floor, your mind already racing. The case this knobhead of an associate is working on is a pure and absolute nightmare. A labyrinth of complexities, a legal quagmire involving corporate fraud, embezzlement, and a tangle of personal vendettas that could rival a Ancient Greek tragedy. It’s the kind of case that can make or break careers, and if you are the one assigned to work with Michael Kaiser, you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself. Michael, with his perfectly tailored suits, razor-sharp wit, and a confidence that borders on arrogance. He’s the kind of associate who seems destined for greatness, the kind who turns heads and commands attention in every room. He’s also the kind of associate that makes you want to rip out your hair with your own teeth.
As the elevator doors slide open, you step into the bustling floor, making your way to your office. The partners’ offices loom large at the end of the hall, their frosted glass doors a barrier between you and the decision-makers.
You can almost make out the brown leather canopies lounging their large window panes, and a signed Los Angeles Lakers jersey.
What you do end up perfectly making out on your wood imitation desk however, are three huge binders, piled over each other like the leaning tower of Pisa, and you almost drop your coffee then and there. You can feel your heart rate dropping as you take long strides towards the binders. Please don’t tell me this is what I think it is, please, please please please please!
Greenwood Holdings vs Jonathan Harris, the cover binder reads in gold lettering.
Greenwood Holdings?
Just as your eyes almost bulge out of your skull in horror, expensive cologne invades the entirety of your office, followed by the one voice that you could not stand in the entire twenty-one story building you worked at.
“Ah, come and see the show have you? Do I need to introduce you two? Y/n L/n, Greenwood Holdings embezzlement scandal, Greenwood Holdings embezzlement scandal, Y/n L/n”
The bane of your existence, leaning on your door frame, points his hands from you to the binders, and from the binders back to you.
It wasn’t enough to just dump this on you. He had to crush you, and drill you further into this hole of humiliation.
“Am I..?”
“The assigned paralegal on this case? Yes, you are! Congratulations.”
Without another word, he turns on his heel and gets ready to leave your office, before throwing you a remark over his shoulder, “I would get onto it right away by the way. It’s pretty,” The blonde takes another quick look at the binders, “Heavy.”
You consider, for a fleeting moment, turning around and pleading your case to the partners, explaining why working with Michael Kaiser is a recipe for disaster, but you know it’s futile. The partners have made their decision, and their word is law.
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©loneisland 2024
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juyeonszn · 11 months
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PAIRING ju haknyeon x f!reader
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, idol!juhak and non-idol!reader, stupid man not getting the hint, jealous juhak 🤭, DOM JUHAK !!!! this deserves its own warning phew, marking, no foreplay bc we ball like steph curry, little bit of exhibitionism but also not really, unprotected sex, sex against a wall?? standing upright?? what is that position called, creampie lol
SUMMARY you hated when men flirted with you, but god if it didn’t result in such a thrilling experience.
MORE im actually yelling like no way i’ve done 9 of these…. each time a fawntober fic goes up i rattle my brain around in my head to make sure it’s not empty 😭 ANYWAYS!!! if u enjoyed, please reblog <3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri
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You couldn’t wait to get out of here.
Your feet were starting to ache from the uncomfortable heels you were wearing. Your faux smile could only handle staying on your face for so long. Your head was throbbing from all of the superficial conversations. You were just about ready to crash.
That was the thing about being the girlfriend of a successful idol, you had to accompany him to these company parties despite everyone being so fake. The only genuine people were the idols themselves. All of the higher ups and staff members were just too vain and shallow minded, you could hardly talk to them without feeling like you’d lost multiple brain cells.
To be fair, you weren’t required to attend these. Haknyeon technically wasn’t even supposed to have a girlfriend, for the sake of maintaining his image for the fans. But everyone at his company knew of your existence and he liked having the excuse to parade you around like a little trophy.
His group members often teased him for being the first to get into a relationship. The two of you had been friends way before he even began idol training and preparing to debut. During that time, you’d lost touch, thanks to his rigorous training process and dedication to his craft. But a couple years into the limelight and you found your way back to each other. Fate was a funny concept.
You were currently standing at a high-top table, mindlessly chatting with some guy from the PR department. Haknyeon had disappeared to grab you some drinks to kill time before you could finally leave. Sunwoo stayed back to keep you occupied while he was gone, but at some point, you heard Eric calling for him and he, too, had wandered off. You kind of wished you went with him, now stuck with this random man you didn’t know.
“You’re really pretty, Y/N,” the guy says, smiling at you. “Haknyeon is very lucky.”
You laugh awkwardly, thanking him for the compliment. He kept inching closer to you, making it palpable that he was flirting in spite of his awareness towards your relationship. The dude clearly couldn’t take a hint, oblivious to your uncomfortability. You didn’t want to be rude, though. These were the people who worked with your boyfriend on a near daily basis.
Where the hell was Haknyeon?
“Does he treat you well?” He asks, clearly steering the conversation in a specific direction. You know what he’s aiming at, but you pretend to be ignorant to his attempts.
“He’s an exceptional boyfriend, actually. He treats me like a princess.” You state, eyes darting around the large event hall in search of said boyfriend. If he didn’t come to your rescue soon, you feared you’d say something worthy of putting his career on the line.
“If that’s truly the case, why is he nowhere to be found? How could such a good partner leave his girlfriend all alone like this?” The gaslighting is hilarious. The fact that this guy genuinely felt he was so much better than Haknyeon, that he was much more attractive, was laughable. He sincerely thought he was powerful enough to come between your secure, loving relationship.
“Here you go, baby,” a drink is placed in front of you, a kiss left on your temple. “What are you and Seojun talking about?”
Haknyeon’s arm wraps snugly around your waist. To anyone else, he’d look normal. He was remaining neutral, lips pulled into a thin line but curved at the ends so it appeared that he was being nice. But you knew otherwise. You knew this calm was just a facade to hide how pissed off he really was. His jealousy wasn’t because he didn’t trust you. His jealousy was because he didn’t trust others.
Namely Jung Seojun, the PR department’s resident fuckboy.
You glance up at your boyfriend, surprised there wasn’t any drool rolling down your chin. You couldn’t help but be drawn into the darkness of his eyes and his clenched jaw. The best part of this was what lies ahead of you once you get home. Maybe this night wasn’t a total bust.
“Oh. Um. Just, you know, the usual pleasantries…” This dude was a shitty liar. He was fortunate that he hadn’t actually made a move on you, lest he wanted to keep his job. Ju Haknyeon didn’t play around when it came to you, the love of his life.
Thankfully, you don’t stay at the party much longer. He tried to keep his cool until it was deemed acceptable to make his exit, but at a certain point, he just couldn’t anymore. The drive home wasn’t uncomfortable, but there was a thick tension filling the atmosphere. If it weren’t for the driver in the same car, you’re sure his hands would’ve been all over you.
So, the moment you step through the threshold of the dorms, door barely locked, Haknyeon’s pinning you to the surface. His lips are searing on your own, rough but soft all at once. His fingers don’t know where they want to rest, first tangled in your hair and then digging into your hips only a second later. Your head is dizzy, spinning around a mantra of his name and nothing else.
He bunches up the fabric of your dress, pulling back slightly to catch his breath. “Who the hell did he think he was? Talking to my pretty girl like he was deserving of her presence?”
“Hak…” You sigh, his mouth trailing down the side of your neck. He nips and sucks at the base, and then again where it meets your jaw. You hated when men flirted with you, but God if it didn’t result in such a thrilling experience. Your regularly sweet, gentle boyfriend becoming someone nearly unrecognizable drove you crazy.
“Hmm?” His hands hook under your thighs, picking you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You can feel him this way, already so hard and ready for you. You don’t think you can handle waiting for all the foreplay, your entire body tingling with want and desire.
“Need you to fuck me,” you whine, head lolling to the side when he sucks at that particularly sensitive area on your throat. “Want you so bad…”
“Yeah, princess? Gonna fuck you so good that you’ll be ruined for anyone else. No one can give it to you like I do.” He chuckles into your skin, pushing your dress up further and kissing your shoulders after the straps have slid off. Ju Haknyeon might actually be the death of you.
That was your favorite thing about sex with him. He was so uncharacteristically cocky, so uncharacteristically aggressive in the way he manhandled you. You moan when he shoves aside your underwear, undoing his slacks enough to slip his cock free. He presses into you slowly, forehead falling to your shoulder with a groan.
One of his hands comes up to fist at your hair, yanking back so he can bite at your jugular and exposed chest some more. He thrusts up into your cunt with what feels like ease in spite of your walls squeezing him. His hips snap up and meet your ass with every kiss of his cock to that spongy spot deep inside of your pussy. Everything is moving too fast, but not fast enough at the same time.
“W-What if someone comes home?” You gasp, fingers getting lost in the hair at the nape of his neck. As much as you were enjoying this, you don’t know what you’d do if one of his members walked in on you. For sure, you’d be mortified, unable to show your face around the dorm ever again.
“Who cares? Let them see how well you’re taking it,” he mutters, sucking in your supple skin and ensuring bruises are left in his wake. “I should let everyone witness how good I fuck you, right baby? Marking you all up so the world knows your mine.”
A loud moan rips from your vocal cords, his cock so deep inside of you that you’re starting to see stars. Haknyeon grins against your sternum knowing that you’re enjoying this as much as he is. You wanted him to stake his claim on your body, wanted anyone who could see to know that you were his. Even the way he fucked into you had that same purpose, like his dick was meant to be there. It was almost as if your cunt was acclimating to the shape of it.
“Fuck, feels so so good, Hak…” You whine, lower half squirming when that knot in your stomach is about to unravel. Your toes curl and your back arches off of the door, legs spreading wider in an attempt to suck him in further. “I’m gonna— oh god— I’m—”
You don’t even finish your sentence, your orgasm washing over you without a moment’s notice. The feeling of your cunt fluttering around his cock has Haknyeon groaning, twitching and spilling into you seconds later. He fucks his own release back inside of you, teeth sinking into your collarbone to steel himself.
The two of you stay like that for a minute, catching your breaths in spite of his cum beginning to leak out of you. He kisses the crown of your sweaty forehead. “You did so well, princess.”
Just like earlier, you’re interrupted before you can reply, the sound of keys jingling on the other side of the door. You share a look of terror, scrambling to his room so you don’t get caught. You both flop onto his bed in a fit of giggles, recalling how he’d said he didn’t care who saw you in such a compromising state.
“You’re all talk, aren’t you?” You tease.
“Oh, just you wait, baby,” he shakes his head, moving to hover over you. “I’ll make you regret that you said that.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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kooktrash · 2 years
love lies | jeon jungkook [2]
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summary: an arrogant womanizer who’s spent his life numb to love. an unlovable romantic who’s been hurt one too many times. he’s your friend’s ex boyfriend and soon everyone will find out about your lies.
warnings: 14.9k. angst. smut. yandere jungkook. college student au. rich kid jungkook. f!reader. unhealthy attachment. manipulation. gaslighting. slutshaming. toxic friendships. implied emotional trauma from both ends. daddy issues/mommy issues. jungkook dated your friend. stalking. strange behavior in relationship. oral [both receiving] and probs a lot more warnings. series.
song inspo: tv — billie eilish
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Something dark was dancing its way into him. He’s never considered himself a good guy but now he feels that’s even further than the truth. He wants to be a good guy for you and he’d do anything to achieve that but you can’t forget his true character. You’re making him work for it after he thought it’d be smooth sailing. After sleeping with you, he didn’t want to leave your bed. He was ready to ditch classes the next day and keep you all to himself. The only reason he rushed out the next morning is because you missed your alarm and needed to get to class. He drove you to your campus and begged to see you yesterday but you had work and refused to call in for him. Today you had plans with your stupid ass friends.
Now he’s stuck at some strip club with friends while his eyes stayed glued to his phone. He was waiting for a text from you telling him when he could come over but he knows it’ll be some time before that happens. For now he’s stuck here with these guys.
“You know, Kook, you’re starting to worry me,” Jimin said as he leaned over the table to wave a hand in front of Jungkook’s face, “Who’s got you so focused on your phone tonight that you can’t pay attention to the dancers?” Jimin was sandwiched between two exotic dancers in lingerie who wrinkled his Givenchy suit. He motioned for the one closest to Jungkook to pay him attention but Jungkook didn’t even react. Instead, he zoomed in on your location on Find My IPhone.
He convinced you to share locations with him since he’d be picking you up from campus and work now. Technically, you’ve only been dating a couple days but Jungkook doesn’t know how to take things slow. He copied the address it showed you were at and went to Safari to paste it. You were currently at some restaurant probably sitting across the table from that mystery guy Yeonwoo was trying to set you up with. He could easily show up and announce the two of you were dating but you told him if he did that then you’d end things right there. Apparently you needed time before admitting your relationship with him.
Too focused on letting his mind conjure up worst case scenarios, a cold liquid was drenching his designer jeans. His eyes narrowed looking over to the dancer who knocked over his drink all over his lap. Her eyes widened, “I’m so sorry sir, I—“
“Go,” was all he said before the girl was scurrying away. Fuck he didn’t even want to be here, he wanted to be with you. The only reason he came out tonight is because he didn’t want to be home alone. Since the only person he wanted to sleep with was busy and not a single girl on his phone interested him, he didn’t have anyone else to be with but his friends. He even asked them to go somewhere else but they said no.
It’s not like he hasn’t been to a strip club while in a relationship. Hell, half the time when Soomin would annoy the fuck out of him, he’d leave with his friends to one. He’d let girls give him lap dances and whisper dirty things in his ear all while his girlfriend was crying because of the things he told her. The only tears he wanted to make you shed would be from how good he’s fucking you. Three rounds, that’s how much you went at it the other day and it still wasn’t enough for him. He needed more.
“You’ve got a new play thing or something?” Hoseok asked trying to peak at Jungkook’s phone but he just turned it away as he began texting you. He shook his head, “My girlfriend’s not a play thing.”
“That’s a first,” Jin chuckled earning a glare from the younger that had him smiling, “I’m just saying. You don’t have a good track record when it comes to relationships. You break more hearts than Jimin here.”
“We’re different though. I’m at least considerate,” Jimin joked but didn’t deny the notion that he was equally as much of a womanizer as Jungkook, “He’ll treat a girl like shit then ghost her without an explanation.” Jungkook rolled his eyes reading over his text waiting to see when you’d open it. You had your read receipts off and he didn’t like that. He had to know if you were ignoring him or not.
“Who’s the new one this time?” Hoseok asked trying to get Jungkook’s attention again but you had responded and he was focusing on that instead as he muttered, “Y/n.”
“Why does that name sound familiar?” Jin asked looking at the other two for answers but they both seemed equally confused. You met his friends only one time when Soomin invited you to a party with him and her at Hoseok’s place. He was very happy to have you as a plus one to him and Soomin that night. He had an excuse to pay attention to you since Soomin told him he had to make you feel comfortable because they were his friends. God, he really never realized how much you meant to him until just a week ago when he saw you after months of thinking about you. He didn’t even care if you had had a boyfriend, he would’ve worked his way around that.
“Wait a damn minute, is that Soomin’s friend? That girl you used to date?” Jimin cut in with an amused smile, “You dog. You broke the girl’s heart and now you’ve gotta break her friend’s too?” Jungkook rolled his eyes, leg bouncing anxiously watching the three dots appear in your gray text bubble waiting for your response. Jin’s brows furrowed observing his friend’s strange behavior. Usually when a girl is blowing up Jungkook’s phone he blocks them without another word. He says he doesn’t have the patience for someone clingy and yet here he is only thinking about wanting to see you. And he’s getting annoyed that you keep telling him not tonight. He wants to see you now while you’re out having lunch with two guys, Yeonwoo’s boyfriend or not, he’s still another guy Jungkook has to worry about. If he had a small crush on you while dating Soomin, who knows what other guy in a relationship feels the same. He couldn’t take his chances.
He tilted his neck in a stretch to rid the tension in his muscles. Your most recent text was bothering him.
jungkook: what are you doing rn
you: just got to the bar with Soomin
jungkook: barely? who’s all there
you: me, yeonwoo, soomin, namjoon and taehyung
jungkook: who’s taehyung
you: namjoon’s friend
jungkook: the guy yeonwoo wants to set you up with?
jungkook: where are you
jungkook: I’m picking you up
“Earth to Y/n,” Soomin said as the five of you sat around a table all with drinks in your hands. You just finished dinner with the others and Soomin met up with you all at the bar. Like usual, you hugged and said the typical ‘omg I missed you’ before moving on. During dinner you actually enjoyed talking to Taehyung. He was charming and attractive so you understood why Yeonwoo kept pushing you toward him but things were complicated. You looked up at Soomin setting your phone facing down on the table, “What happened?”
“Who’s blowing up your phone?” She asked with an amused smile but you could feel Yeonwoo’s stare toward you. You blinked in thought, “My coworker. He’s trying to switch shifts but I don’t want to.”
“Where do you work?” Taehyung asked and you were thankful he was stopping anymore questions Soomin or Yeonwoo might have. You turned to look at him with a smile, “I work at this clothing store by my apartment. It’s small but pretty popular.”
“How many people work there?” He asked clearly interested. You had a feeling he was a little interested in you but there was nothing you could do. You cleared your throat, “Three of us aside from the owners.” Your phone buzzed once more and everyone heard the echo of the vibration on the table.
jungkook: or should I just show up and see for myself?
you: :( can you just come over later? no need to come get me
jungkook: you don’t want to see me?
you: I do but I’m busy
jungkook: too busy for me? :( and with another guy
you: fine come get me
jungkook: perfect. be there in ten
Your brows furrowed, where was he that he was so close? You looked up, your eyes meeting Yeonwoo’s who smiled, “Come with me to get another drink.” You bit your lips nervously nodding your head and following after her. The two of you got to the bar and waiting for her to put her order in was giving you anxiety because you knew she wanted to talk. She looked over to you, “You’ve been acting weirder than usual.”
“How?” You asked looking down at your phone and checking the time. She gave a shrug of her shoulders stopping to pay for her drink and turned to you again, “You’re acting like you’re in another relationship with another asshole.”
“I know how you get when you’re seeing someone. You get antsy and suspicious like you’re doing something wrong—which you are,” Yeonwoo said firmly, “Not that getting in relationships is wrong obviously but it’s the guys you tend to go for who are. I don’t want you to tell me who you’re seeing but I have my own suspicions. I won’t tell anyone but just don’t leave us—me—out. I’m looking out for you, I know I can be hard on you sometimes but it’s because you’re my best friend now.”
“I’m not shutting anyone out,” you tried focusing on one thing she said at a time. You had to be careful with your responses and not expose yourself. You already know how she’d react if she found out you were seeing Jungkook.
“Yeah, whenever you’re in a relationship you act different. Just two weeks ago you were crying your eyes out because of Doyoung, and now you’re completely fine?” Yeonwoo said , “What is wrong with you?”
You didn’t say anything. It’s easy for you to come off as weak and that’s the way everyone saw you. You’re the one too stupid, too naive, too weak, too wrong. It’s pretty much all you heard for a very long time so hearing that sort of thing from your friend didn’t really phase you. You knew that nothing you did would make them happy and you know she only kept you around because she pitied you. It’s why she spends so much time derailing you on everything you do being wrong. Even if majority of the time she was a bitch to you, you cherished the small times you actually had a good time together. And maybe it’s your fault by clinging onto the good to ignore how bad the bad was.
You just really didn’t want to lose people in your life because then what would you become? You’re pretty much useless in your own eyes so what’s wrong with letting the people around use you too? Hell, Jungkook was probably using you too and you were letting him, and why?
Because it means you’re wanted.
For a long time you strived for perfection in relationships. Any form of relationship actual. The perfect child. Perfect student. Perfect friend. Perfect girlfriend. You’d given up on the first two long ago when nothing you did meant shit to your mother and it had just gotten too exhausting. Then you were too stupid depressed to focus on your grades and there went your imagination as the perfect student. You knew long before fucking Jungkook that you weren’t a good friend so what was all that was left? Being the perfect girlfriend. So would you really care about your friend’s judging your dating history when you’re determined to find the right one?
You’re not saying it’s Jungkook but what if it is? Maybe it was just bad luck that he was Soomin’s ex. From the way you saw him act with Soomin, he hasn’t done with you. Maybe you’re in the honeymoon phase but you wouldn’t know until you stuck it out. Plus, you kind of really liked him and how interested in you he seemed to be.
“And I’m a little upset you won’t even give Taehyung a chance. He’s a great guy,” Yeonwoo said ignoring your silence, used to your disassociating and just moved on. You began walking back to where the others were. You knew Taehyung was great, you figured that out tonight for yourself but you’re not thinking about him right now. You’re supposed to be in a new relationship with Jungkook. The only reason you agreed on the double date before Soomin came by was because you had already said yes to it before Jungkook asked you out.
Just as you got to the table, your phone buzzed with a text from Jungkook saying he was outside. You looked to all the others as Yeonwoo took her seat, “I think I’m gonna go. I’ll see you in class?”
Your cold eyes met hers as you started gathering your things. Soomin looked to you worried, “How are you getting home? The last bus passed already.”
“I’ll get a cab,” you said as you smiled letting it light your whole face but it was forced. “Well, bye.”
You weren’t even ten feet away from the table when you could hear Soomin ask, “Does Y/n have another boyfriend?” You didn’t hear Yeonwoo’s response but frankly you didn’t care. You understood where she’s coming from but it’s unfair and total bullshit to you. You were younger than the others so they always tried ‘looking out for you’ but in reality it was just an excuse they used to try and get you to do what they want. Like, Yeonwoo complains about the fact that you’re always in a new relationship meanwhile she’s trying to get you to go out with Taehyung. The way you two talked was like old friends, not people sexually attracted to each other.
Just outside the bar you found Jungkook. He was looking down at his phone and part of you wished he would’ve just waited in the car. You’re not embarrassed to be with him, the contrary actually. Girls turned their heads left and right to see him and yet you’re the one with him no matter how new everything was. You just didn’t want to risk your friends knowing more. Plus, right now you’re not even sure if he wants you. For all you know, he can dump you in a week because you’re too needy. Then everyone would hate you for even dating him and that’s why you think you should keep it on the low till you know he actually wants to be with you. The only way to find that out is by expecting the most show of affection from him.
Jungkook looked to his left at the exact moment you’d gotten to the sidewalk heading in his direction. He couldn’t help the way his tongue poked against his cheek in irritation at the sight. You wore a pretty little dress that he adored on you but you weren’t wearing it for Jungkook. You were wearing it for that guy Yeonwoo was trying to set you up with. He forced his rising jealous down as he attempted a smile to brighten his appearance. He put his phone away moving to meet you halfway and though you went for a small hug, he crouched down so his arms could wrap around your thighs lifting you up as he leaned upward for a kiss. You met him with half-assed effort practically leaning away from him and he let you go softly, looking down at you in confusion.
So you’re ignoring him now? Did that guy charm you so much that you’re over Jungkook before you actually gave him a real chance? All these thoughts raised through his head and it was driving him insane. You’re not leaving him, right? He doesn’t like to be left. He likes to do the leaving. But he doesn’t want to leave you just because you’re over him. He’s going to give you whatever you want as long as you know he should be the more important one to you.
Every girl he’s been with, he’s left because they aren’t worth staying over. All women do is use you and then leave you. He’s seen it firsthand as a kid. His hatred toward women probably had to deal with his mom. Or his dad but that was still up for debate. On one hand, he had a mother who abandoned him when he was seven. On the other, he has a piece of shit father who will degrade him for not being ‘man enough’. So, do you think he really gives a fuck about leaving a girl just because he’s sick of her?
He doesn’t. What he does give a fuck about is being left. So if you try and leave him right now, he’s not sure what he’l— “Are we going to leave or just sit in this parking lot the entire night?”
“If we stay will you be sitting on my dick all night?” He asked teasingly, all thoughts in his head vanishing the second he had to put on an act. You rolled your eyes, “So I’m just for sex?”
“That’s not how I meant it,” his voice dropped, not a single hint of teasing now. What was wrong with you. He clearly doesn’t think that. “Well how was I supposed to know that?”
He’s not sure how to respond. He knew that he was clearly no gentleman and he has used way too many girls for sex [all consensual] so in reality he understood why you felt that way. He’s never cared about it before, in fact he’s actually boasted about it. There was nothing Jungkook couldn’t have if he wanted it. So did you really think he cared about using people for his own desires? No, he didn’t. But now you’re trying to paint him as the bad guy like he’s going to do it to you and it’s bullshit.
He’s used to being confronted like this but he’s not used to actually caring so what is he supposed to do? “I’m not using you for sex,” he muttered, “Is it hard to believe I’m really just into you.”
“It is,” you said and he sighed. “Alright, what do I have to do to prove to you that I’m serious.”
“I don’t know, when you show it, I’ll know.”
Jungkook’s been overthinking things lately. He doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like having to worry about things he never used to and it’s all your fault. Sometimes, you don’t answer his texts, other times you blow up his phone. He never knows what mood you’ll be in and though you usually go with whatever he says, sometimes you do the complete opposite. He’s not sure what you want from him. He loves you but you don’t believe him. You still think he’s going to leave you and that pisses him off. What’s he supposed to do to show you he won’t? That’s why you don’t open up to him. You’re fine letting him take control but then when he wants more from you, you can’t. You’re an emotional person and he knows that, why you won’t be that way around him? He’s not sure. He knows he’s changed, since when has he ever cared for his girlfriends emotions.
November 16th, 2021
“Baby, are you mad at me?” Soomin had asked. It was close to the end of their relationship and Jungkook just couldn’t stand her. She was getting too clingy, too needy and he didn’t like that. He didn’t want her all up on him unless he asks her to. What’s worse is that she’s acting like this in front of her friends. She’s on his lap, touching his hair, laughing too loud in his ear. It was overwhelming his senses and he hated every second of it. He couldn’t resist the roll of his eyes as he tried scooting away from her so he could have space. She was in his personal bubble and he didn’t want her there. He didn’t want to talk to her, hell he didn’t even want to look at her. Instead, he looked at you. You were smiling over something on your phone and when Yeonwoo asked you what it was you just said it was some guy you were talking to.
He’s already felt on edge today and he’s tried distancing himself but Soomin doesn’t give him space. She thinks he’s mad at her. Of course she thinks it’s about her. Everything is about her apparently.
“Why do you always ask me the same damn thing? Do you want me to be? Cause you’re really annoying the fuck out of me right now,” he muttered under his breath in fear that you would hear him. Soomin looked hurt but she just nodded instead of arguing with him. He had a headache and he wanted to leave. He’s supposed to sleep over tonight but he doesn’t know if he wants to anymore. He’s not sure he can spend another night with Soomin. She’s driving him crazy, just completely fed up. What’s up with her being so damn needy? Give him his space, please. He’ll call her when he wants to, she doesn’t need to be bothering him all the fucking time.
They sat in silence, listening to what Yoongi was saying as he sat between you and Yeonwoo. Jungkook was actually happy with the peace and quiet now, finally he didn’t have to hear her voice. Fuck, he was annoyed now. He stood up suddenly, pushing her foot out of the way as he left to her room. He just needed a moment by himself. Clearly he wasn’t going to get that though because just two minutes later, Soomin was following. He took a deep breath as she entered the room, “What do you want?”
This is why he hates relationships. He can’t even get a minute to himself. Soomin sat on the edge of her bed next to him, “What’s wrong? Why are you upset?”
“Because you keep bothering me,” he said when in truth he was upset before she badgered him. His eyes were on hers seeing the flash of hurt cross them at his harsh tone. Yes, get upset, can’t she see he can’t even pretend to care about her right now? He decided to keep going, “You’re so fucking clingy, you know that? You can’t just leave me alone for one minute? You just had to follow me. Your friends are out there so go worry about them and leave me alone. I don’t want to deal with you right now.”
“Why are you being such a dick right now?” She asked close to tears but he didn’t care. He scoffed in disbelief, already feeling a hint of a tantrum before of the fact that she wouldn’t just stop. He groaned loudly, “Because I’m telling you that I want some space and you’re too fucking stupid to listen!”
“Oh my god,” he huffed in annoyance as he looked over at her catching her wiping tears away, “Are you seriously crying right now? You’re gonna walk out there and make me look like the bad guy because you’re crying. You’re so fucking selfish Soomin. If you would’ve just left me alone when I asked you to then I wouldn’t have yelled at you but clearly you’ve got nothing inside that little head of yours.”
“I get that you’re mad over who knows what but you don’t have to take it out on me. I’m just trying to talk to you an—“ “That’s the God damn problem! I don’t want to talk to you, isn’t that fucking obvious? There’s a reason I came in here and you had to follow. Now you’re playing victim and making me out to be the bad guy because you can’t get the hint that you’re what’s pissing me off right now? Give me a break,” Jungkook was standing now, he was ready to just go home. He picked up his backpack of things as he looked up at her, “And stop crying, you look so dumb.”
“Fuck you Jungkook,” she cried making him laugh. “You already do.” She glared at him, “Just leave.” “I already am.”
He didn’t bother saying goodbye to anyone. He was already fed up and he was done talking to her. Everyone must’ve heard their argument because they were all dead silent but he didn’t care. He hated today and he was ready to leave. Yeah whatever, he’s been on edge all day and now he’s taking it out on Soomin, who the fuck cares. If she didn’t like it then she could leave him. He’d gladly let her. But he knows she won’t and that’s what he takes advantage of. He just needed someone to be his emotional punching bag because he hated today. When he got to his car he looked at his phone, a text from his older brother that only made him more annoyed than ever.
junghyun: todays the day mom left
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November 16th, 2022
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, your body aches and you can’t do anything about it. A warm body laid over yours forcing you on your back the last two hours. Jungkook just wouldn’t wake up, he’s completely knocked out crushing you under him. It was cute kind of, he came over when you got off work and the first thing he did was crawl into your bed and rest his head on your chest. You fell asleep for a while but after being tired of laying in the same position, you woke up. It was no use though, Jungkook was still fast asleep clearly exhausted about something but you’re not sure what. He didn’t even go to class today and it’s not like he has a job with the monthly allowance of a few grand his dad gave him, he had nothing better to do than wait for you to have time for him.
It was still strange to think of how gentle Jungkook was with you. You remember all the screaming matches him and Soomin used to have and now you’re wondering if you’re living on borrowed time. If soon enough he’ll be yelling and degrading you the same way he used to do with Soomin. Even knowing all that you’re still letting yourself fall for him. You’re still going out with him and letting him hold you when you should be disgusted with him. He’s an arrogant asshole and you’re the stupid fool slowly falling in love with him. You just didn’t want him to leave when he’s telling you he loves you like nobody else can—and yet deep down you don’t believe it. You still want more. You want him to mean it. To prove it.
His body seemed to shiver and for a second you thought he was waking up. But instead, he was shoving his face into your neck, fluffy bed hair tickling your face. You felt needed at the moment and you kind of like that.
It was only a moment later that your phone was lighting up the dark room. You reached out for it making Jungkook shift a little and as you read the name of the caller, you visibly dejected. The phone landed on your pillow hoping to let it ring and finally the call ended. Good.
You let your eyes shut hoping to go back to sleep when it was going off again. With a small groan you took a deep breath in preparation before answering the phone as quietly as possible. “Hello?”
“It’s nice of you to finally answer, did you not see my first call?”
You let your eyes roll bring the phone away from your phone to see if Jungkook was still sleeping. He was, cheek squished on your collarbone, lips slightly parted, and legs pinning yours down. He was clinging onto you pressing you between him and the bed. You had to make this call quick unless you wanted to wake him up, “I was sleeping.”
“You know, I really wish you’d call more, I’m your mother, I wonder how you’re doing,” she said through the phone and it only seemed to bother you even more. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah that’s hard to believe Y/n, all you’ve done since you moved is shut me out, it’s like my little girl isn’t here anymore,” she said, “Oh, and I was looking at one of your posts, and—now, this might just be me—but have you been eating differently? Your body looks different and I know how you get about your looks so I just had to tell you. Maybe try and diet better, get more sleep because you look tired an—“
You were ready to hang up the phone just now. Jungkook was starting to move around more and you just wanted to hang up. You don’t think you could put up with her tonight. If she wants to talk about your body and how you should strive for perfection instead of letting yourself go then she could bring it up another day. Jungkook released a soft groan right into the ear the phone was pressed again, your mom stop mid-sentence. “Is that a man?” She asked now, “When are you going to settle down? This soon? Well, I guess nows the chance to find a man who can take over you since you can’t do it yourself. I’m just thinking about you’re future. You’re pretty and young but you’re not all there honey. I know you don’t like getting hurt but sometimes you have to go through those things to find love. Nows your chance. Do you think anyone’s going to want you when you’re my age? I’d kill to have the body I had at your age.”
“I’ve given up so much for you,” she said now, “You know how hard it was to raise you when your father walked out? All I ask from you is to call me, and settle down. I just worry that you’ll never find anyone, or nobody would want you. You used to be so perfect.”
“Is this what you called for?” “What’s got you in a mood? Is it that gu—“
“Hang up the phone,” a voice murmured and as you looked down, Jungkook’s eyes were on yours. You didn’t do it quick enough because he was hanging it up for you. He rolled off you, stretching his limbs as he laid next to you now. You had a text from your mom saying you were rude but you ignored it moving to stand up when his hand reached for your arm. You looked back at him as his brows furrowed, “Where are you going?”
“To the bathroom, you’ve been laying on me for hours,” you said standing up. He checked the time and date on his phone, great. It was still November 16th. He watched you walk away and for some reason that made him anxious so he was sitting up to go after you. “Who was that on the phone?” Your bathroom door was slightly open so you could hear him just fine but you acted like you didn’t. Once you were done you were at the sink washing your hands. Jungkook was at the door now, arms crossed over his chest, “Who was it?”
“My mother,” you walked past him, missing the way his jaw tensed following you to your bed again. You looked at your vanity mirror off to the side of the bed. She’s right, you do look different and nobody will want you if you look like this. Jungkook wouldn’t. Maybe you just needed to put effort into yourself, he was crazy to want to have sex with you when you looked like this. You know, it’d be really nice to talk to someone who wouldn’t constantly bash on literally anything about you but seems like those are the only people you attract. Your mother and friends were perfect examples of people calling out every single mistake you make.
Maybe that’s why you run to a relationship for an escape. Men don’t question you because they only want one thing and that’s better than being judged for everything you do. It’s like, after your dad left all that your mother did was tear you down. Constantly reminding you how nobody would want you if you’re not perfect because that’s how she felt about your dad leaving. If she would’ve been prettier, thinner, younger, he wouldn’t have left to start a new family. Then, you wouldn’t have been stuck with your mother running to a man and begging him to stay for you like your father didn’t. What made it worse was the close relationship with your dad only for him to walk out on you. That’s why you tried being a perfect girlfriend, so men don’t leave but they still do. Even when you play the naive and gullible girlfriend, your lies begin to unravel.
“What are you thinking about?” A kiss was placed on your shoulder from behind you. You forced a smile on your face. Your dad used to say your mother was too emotional. It’s what drove him away, so instead of confiding, you ignored it. You tried to flip the script, “Nothing, just noticed you’re really tired today.”
He made a grumbled sound as he moved away, neither one of you wanted to talk about anything yet. Though, if he’s being honest. He’s never talked to anyone about his childhood memories. Not his brother, his father, his friends, teachers, girlfriends, nothing. Instead he lets his father bribe him with money and takes advantage of the people around him because he thinks they don’t genuinely care about him enough to ask. And why would he confide in a girl who won’t even stay? Maybe, in the future if you don’t leave him, he’ll be honest.
You sensed his down mood as well. You’re not sure if it had anything to do with you or something else but you knew that your job was to make him feel better. That’s what you should do, don’t think about your feelings, think about his. You turned to sit on his lap, his legs over the edge of the bed making him sit and his hands immediately went to your waist. “Will a kiss make you feel better?” He smiled nodding his head as he leaned into you capture your lips with his pulling you flush against him by your hips and cradled you in his arms. You pressed your hips further down onto his groin as his tongue swiped along your mouth lapping at your own. Heads turned in opposite direction to further your depths into each others mouths. You rocked your hips a bit, a groan spilling from his lips to yours, gripping your hips tighter to help aid your movements. Your hands were on his torso now, pulling on his shirt wanting to get to the fun part much quicker.
A part of him wanted to talk to you, ask why you were upset and why you wouldn’t tell him. That’s how he knew you were different than the others. He found himself actually caring about what you had to say, but when you lifted his shirt off him, hands roaming his bare skin he couldn’t think. Maybe when the lust haze went away he’d think clearly on how to elevate the relationship from just sexual acts. He has to show you how intense he could get in loving you because it’s what you wanted. You wanted to make him stay and you’re so stupid for that. He wouldn’t leave even if you begged him to. He’s gonna be the one you attach yourself to, he swears it and right now you’re just so perfect. But part of him knows it’s all an act and he’s not sure if he’s ready to see the real you just yet.
He's already half hard, the head of his cock pulsing as he rapidly grows in his briefs that were beginning to tighten over his member. He couldn’t stop kissing you, not even when your hands trailed up from the ridges of his six-pack. It made him moan into your mouth at the feel of your hands on him, running over his nipple buds making him jump in surprise.
He makes a move to pull on your shirt but you tell him no. It makes him annoyed but when you shimmy back on his lap, pulling on the button of his jeans, any protest he had went out the door. His hands were still loosely on your waist despite the gap you put between you two that had him pulling back from the kiss to look.
Your fingers now lightly touch the line between muscle on his abs, trailing it toward his happy trail and just over the hem of his brief. Jungkook’s warm and a flush begins to creep around his neck and chest as your fingers continue their journey. You lean back into him, kissing at his neck and collarbone feeling him clench your shirt with his fists in anticipation. You add in teeth, softly scraping and nipping and biting, before shooting your tongue out to soothe the spots you’ve turned red all over his neck.
He licked his dry lips when you pulled back, ready to chase after yours but he couldn’t. Not when you got off his lap and onto the floor between his legs. You were quick, tugging at his jeans and underwear making him stand to kick them off before sitting back down on the edge of the bed. You don’t wait, your palm teases the head of his cock, and a trail of drool escapes hie mushroom tip leaking onto your palm.
"Fuck," Jungkook groans as you palm his cock, your fingers closing around his length in a grip that had his loose skin shifting with each pulse.The weight and width of him in your hand never fails to amaze you. He reacted so easily to your touch and he felt heavy in your hand. This is the first time you’re sucking his dick. You’ve only had sex that one time since you’ve only been together for a week and don’t have that much time to see each other. You had to make it worth his while if you want him to stay, or so you think.
You squeeze and pull his cock in alternating turns, taking in the way his stomach muscles tighten, how his thighs jump, the way he spreads his toes out against the floor. His head was tilted to the side, eyes glazed over with lust. A hand loosely in your hair while the other supported his sitting position against the bed.
Your eyes met his was a handful of cock being jerked with a twist of your wrist. The intense nature of his gaze nearly startled you. His pupils are blown, his brown eyes have gone dark, his mouth hangs open as harsh breath hisses through his teeth. Loving the look in his eyes, you took the chance to move your lips to the head of his cock.
You grip tightens to trace the weeping head across your lips practically coating them like it was lip gloss. Your tongue sneaks out to lick at the sticky residue before going back again, tracing his head with your full lips. You sink the head of his cock into your mouth between passes over your lip, sucking just enough to make his thighs tense.
"Oh fuck!" Jungkook's hand lands on your jaw when you flick your tongue just below the head. You circle your thumb and forefinger just below there and squeeze in time with each movement of your tongue which lapped up his cock drool.
You grip his thigh with your free hand your nails scratch and clutch at the tense muscles.
“So good to me,” he moans as he lets his head tip back in pleasure, eyes blinking away the sense of tears as he forced his gaze on the ceiling instead of on you. You’ll make him cum too fast if he keeps looking at your eyes. He slowly started fucking more of his cock into your wanting mouth, hearing the slush of spit and precum being pushed in and out of your tight throat. His mouth drew open in a silent moan when a hand of yours reached down, your index finger and thumb making a ring around his balls, and squeezing. All while you bobbed your head to meet the thrusts of his hips forcing more cock into your mouth. His breaths were raspy, feeling your tongue lick at his tight balls practically edging him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he collapse onto the bed, feet against the bed frame edge, hips lifted off the bed. Muscles on his body protruding as you sucked his cock and balls like nobody ever has. He was so close. So so so so so cl—
“I’m cu—“ his forearm covered his eyes, hips bucking beautifully into your mouth, cock twitching with every pulse of thick cum that just wouldn’t stop. After two spurts of the creamy liquid he was still on his high. Then another came, and another twitch, and another, another, another. You gagged, finally lifting off his cock with a line of drool and cum connecting your mouth to his dick. It twitched only your hands and you couldn’t help but laugh in pleasure to how you’ve left him. Sweat down his body, veins on his v-line twitching, cock convulsing.
His eyes were squeezed shut when your tongue began licking all the excess cum off his cock, swallowing every drop and he felt paralyzed. God, you’re so fucking perfect. If the two of you could just stay in the bubble where you only focused on each other; he’d be at peace. It took him a second to reel himself back in before he was licking his lips, “Get up here.” You nodded moving to the space between his legs ready to crawl but he stopped you on the edge. His hands found their way to your shorts as he began slipping them down your legs with your underwear too.
“Hey, this is about you,” you whined letting him slide them down your legs throwing them onto the floor as he kissed your hip quickly. Jungkook lied back down on his back motioning for you to keep crawling, “It’s still about me then, I want you riding my face.” You didn’t argue with that as you finally got close enough to let your thighs press against the sides of his head. You were too far from the headboard to use it for support and you didn’t want to force all your weight down on him. You had gotten too aroused sucking him off that you already felt sensitive but you didn’t want to seem too needy.
Jungkook’s hands wrapped around your thighs as he looked up at you, “Take your shirt off,” he muttered between kisses on the insides of your thigh. You didn’t waste another second, nodding your head as you began to do as told feeling Jungkook leave small suctioning sensation on your tender thighs, you’re core was wet and he could practically taste it but he won’t. Not until you’re ready. You began undoing your bra letting it slide off your arms and tossed it to the side. Jungkook’s eyes met yours for one quick moment before pulling down at your thighs making you sink onto him.
Before you could even think of saying anything, your mouth drew open with a moan. Jungkook had gripped your butt with both hands moving your cunt as he licked a fat strip up to your clit. Your hand flew down to his hair instantly for support and if only made him groan in pleasure, your taste on his tongue. His eyes fell shut, tongue licking up your slit as it flicked at your clit. Jungkook’s lips wrapped around your aroused clit and he kissed it. A soft kiss that was tender like he’d done to your lips so many times. A slurping sound was heard as he tugged on your labia pulling both sides out.
“Oh…” you moaned, the hand tightening his hair in your hole. The hands on your ass began guiding you to move, making growing on his face as he released your clit from his mouth traveling down again to let his tongue swallow more of your slick. His eyes rolled at the taste, hungry for more so he went faster. His tongue flicking back and forth in your hole as his nose tip hit your clit.
“Fuck, Jungkook baby, fuck,” you babbled, panting as a full body tremble girated you on top of him. Finally, you had gotten more comfortable letting him pleasure you from below and you found yourself adding rhythm to your hips feeling his head move with you. The vibration of his answering groans made you gasp, even closer to that sweet edge that blowing him had brought you just moments before. The delicate skin of your inner thighs was pressing against his ears his earmuffs and he loved every second of it. You looked down and meet his opening eyes, darkened with his own desire, and he took your clit back into his mouth forcing your hips to grind against his chin too. You watched him suck on your clit like it was a nipple, eyes on your chest as your exposed breasts bounced with each moment. Without another thought, you took your hand off his head bringing both up to your breasts.
He sucked harder at that, pulling and nipping at it with a soft touch of his teeth, tongue wrapping around it and pleasuring your labia with each flick. Your hands cupped your tits, squeezing them in tiny fists as you moaned silently, adding a bounce to your hips.
His hands kept you upright as the pleasure spread through you and your fingers pinched at your hardening buds as he sucked on your clit, chin rutting against your folds, your moans turning to a scream of his name. “Jungkook!”
He groaned into your cunt, a hand leaving to his hardening cock feeling it twitch against his happy trail. He took it in a fist, slowly pumping himself in rhythm with your hips, eyes focused on the pinch and pull of your pretty nipples. He wanted them in his mouth but he wanted your pussy even more.
The room was dark, only lighting up with a white hue as his phone began to ring. His older brother’s name displayed to do his annual check in on November 16th. He didn’t care though, he was too busy taking his girlfriend’s pretty pussy, drinking up everything like it was his last feast. You looked over to the ringing phone distracted but still riding his face and he didn’t like that. He wanted your attention on him as he brought you to orgasm. His cock was being jerked off roughly by his own hand and you had the nerve to look at his ringing phone.
He wants you to cum wetly and completely over his frantically working mouth so he can drink it all up, swallowing the taste of you down like you did him. You feel yourself begin to clench around him, and Jungkook pulls back to tilt his head up making you finally look at him when the phone stopped ringing. He was breathing heavy trying to catch his breath while a hand came around to rubbing at your clit, "Cum for me, baby, wanna feel you cum on my tongue"
At that, he attached his mouth to your cunt again, tongue pressing into your folds pushing out more and more slick. His thumb worked harder, circling around your clit every which way while your hands kneaded your breasts roughly and his cock twitched with the need to cum again.
“Jung—Jungk—“ Your orgasm hits you hard and so fucking good that your thighs shake as you tried lifting yourself up, but Jungkook keeps a hard grip on your around your thigh now, forcing you to take all of touches. His tongue worked feverishly to lick up your essence. His eyes were shut, pumping his cock faster, more messy as he drank up your cum. Your hand was in his hair again trying to pull him away but it only egged him on to finish having you unravel completely. With a final, rough yank of his hair, his cock was creaming. His hand getting drenched in his own cum in the process as he finally allowed you to move.
Your legs trembled as you attempted to swing one leg over him and he helped you. His abdomen sticky with his own cum and yours all over his chin but he didn’t care. He had no plans to leave this bed with you.
You were nervous, more than you needed to be because in reality there was no need to be worried. You’re just with your friends in the courtyard listening to them make plans for later. Lately anytime you see them you only find yourself feeling guilty—a little annoyed too but you’re pretty sure you shouldn’t feel that way. You shouldn’t be annoyed that Soomin was hanging out with you more regularly but you were. She ignored the two of you for months simply because Jungkook ghosted her. It’s not like she was nice about it either when you saw each other on campus and she’d purposely avoid you. It got to the point where Yeonwoo didn’t want to see her either and that’s the last time you had worried about it.
Now, all of a sudden she’s interested in being friends again. Since she’s had time to herself she’s ready to hang out with friends and to you that was total bullshit. Sure, you loved hanging out with her and being friends but you can’t just do what Soomin did and be welcomed back with open arms. It has nothing to do with her wanting time for herself after Jungkook but it had everything to do with the way she handled things. If she hadn’t gone out of her way to avoid seeing you two in person it’d be different. You understand wanting time to yourself but you don’t drop your friends out of nowhere and suddenly come back like nothing happened with no apology. It’s not like it was yours or Yeonwoo’s fault that Jungkook ghosted her. You have get to ask him despite being curious about it. You’re worried that if you bring it up Jungkook won’t be happy.
So that’s what made you feel annoyed. What made you feel guilty—for very obvious reasons—is that you were dating her ex boyfriend behind her back and being friendly to her face. That was very bitchy of you but you weren’t doing anything about it. You just let yourself play the friend and the girlfriend like it wasn’t taking a toll on you making you nervous.
“Are we still on for tonight?” Soomin asked looking between you and Yeonwoo. Your mind blanked. You know there was something planned between you all but you completely forgot it was tonight. You and Jungkook had gone shopping just yesterday and despite telling him not to buy you all this nice stuff he did it anyway. Then, he said he wanted you wearing a certain skirt for a date tonight. He was supposed to be picking you up straight from campus and that’s why you’d been dressed so nicely tonight.
“It’s been planned for over a month, I hope so,” Yeonwoo said with a small laugh. God, you really are stupid. You remembered what was the original plan now. A month ago, you all — minus Soomin — made plans to treat yourselves to an expensive dinner. Since you and all your friends had been focused on exams and work you all figured you needed a break. After days of trying to find the right time you quickly realized it had to be a planned outing instead of just whenever. Since you all had conflicting schedules you took a day off weeks in advance so you could all go. Soomin just started talking with you again a couple weeks ago but Taehyung asked if she was going and that’s how she’d been invited. It was supposed to be a nice outing that all the friends could just hang out and drink. It wasn’t a party or school environment, just a chance for everyone to get together and do something different than just hang around someone’s place and eat cheap food. Now it made so much sense why Yeonwoo hadn’t questioned your nice clothes today which you’d been so nervous would be noticed.
She had a tendency to sniff out your plans and even catch on quickly to the way your appearance changed like every friend happened to notice. It’s why you noticed her makeup today and her styled hair but you didn’t question it because you didn’t want her to question you. Now you understood that you were all dressed up for later and if you would have seen Namjoon and Taehyung, you would’ve noticed that their appearance was cleaner today. Wow, you really are stupid and that makes you want to laugh. Soomin nudged your foot, “I like your skirt, I’ve never seen you in Chanel, hell I didn’t even know you could afford it.”
Yeonwoo pushed Soomin lightly telling her something you couldn’t understand but Soomin just smiled, “You know what I mean, like, you don’t normally wear designer.”
You just shrugged, “Now I do.” You didn’t want to answer more questions because you wouldn’t be able to answer without having to think up a lie. You had gone out shopping yesterday to specifically find a winter coat. Jungkook obviously drove you around and what was supposed to be a quick trip turned into him taking you to any store you even looked at. You ended up in Chanel and when you told him you couldn’t afford it he shushed you and began showing you outfits. Such as the one you were currently wearing, the one he had asked you to wear tonight for dinner. Fuck. You had to either cancel on Jungkook or cancel on everyone else.
Though you would rather hang out with Jungkook you know it would be suspicious. Yeonwoo was already suspicious of you as it was and you commend her for not pushing you to respond despite still being openly rude about your choice in relationships. You knew that not going out tonight despite having it planned for weeks what make you look suspicious and with everyone asking if you’re seeing someone it just wouldn’t look right. On the other hand you didn’t want Jungkook mad at you. You could already hear him on the phone with you sulking about it. Yeonwoo sighed, “I’ve gotta get to class, I’ll meet with you guys later?”
“I’ll walk with you,” Soomin rushed out already getting up to follow her, “I’ve got class that way too. See ya Y/n.” You let them leave you behind as you gathered your things too leaving the library to your next two hour lecture. You brought your phone out already trying to figure out what to tell Jungkook. You knew he’d hate this but you kept thinking about your friends. You didn’t want them all to turn against you because you kept choosing to be with Jungkook. You’ve already ditched out in plans three times and you just couldn’t do it again, especially after they knew you were dressed up for a reason. You know he really won’t be happy but you can’t just think about him. You can go on a date another time, you’ll fit it into your busy schedule that he also complains about. Fuck there’s no easy way to go about this and it’s 100% your fault for being so damn forgetful and avoidant.
When Jungkook’s phone rang in the middle of his studies, he had absolutely no problem leaving his friends to go and answer it. He leaned against the wall of the building waiting g outside so he could answer, “Hey.” A warm smile was on his face already and he hadn’t even heard you speak yet. He kept thinking about the other night. Each night he spent with you there was something knew he liked or didn’t expect.
He can’t lie and says he’s changed because in reality he hasn’t. He still acts the way he wants to other but with you he feels like he could actually relax. Before it used to feel like a chore having to date and the only reason he’d do it is for convenience. Too many girls wanted something more serious than sex and he figured with a couple dinners here and there he could say they’re dating without actually having feelings. He was a very distant boyfriend and yet every single girl he dated loved him—even when he didn’t even act like he felt the same. It’s because they liked the thought of being with Jeon Jungkook, the son of a CEO, the popular and rich guy. He wouldn’t have to try hard, all he had to do was smile sweetly at someone and ask if they wanted to go out. It made it easier to never be alone when someone like him felt so lonely.
Everything about those relationships had always been so shallow to him. He’d make the calls and demands. Everything was always on his time, when he wanted and he didn’t care how the other felt because they never left him. They let him make all the decisions following him around just happy to be there. He’d fell them what they wanted to hear even if it wasn’t the truth and when they’d try and get closer he’d be mean. It’s what happened with Soomin way too many.
And he’s not like that with you. You haven’t shared deep conversation yet but he feels a lot more open to letting you in. There’s just something about you that drives him to feel these intense emotions and all he wants to do is stay with you so he could feel them more. He could hear you take a breath as you spoke, “Hey, is this a good time? Or are you busy?”
“I’ve got time, why? Did you miss me?” He asked even though he should be doing his work. He’s already put off a lot of his assignments to have time for you when you weren’t busy and even without a job in the way he felt way too occupied with you alone. You smiled a little, “I did, but uh, I just wanted to talk to you about something.”
He nodded as though you could see him, “What’s up?” He’s been thinking about you all day. He hasn’t seen you since he went back to his place yesterday and he keeps picturing you in the light pink skirt he bought you yesterday. He has planned the perfect dinner tonight in hopes of officiating your relationship more than just sex in your apartment, and movies in the living room. That didn’t feel like a real relationship despite how strong he felt about you so he wants to show you the kind of boyfriend he could be. He knows he’ll be good to you. You cleared your throat, “So about tonight…Ican’tmakeittonight.”
“I’m sorry, mind repeating that? I don’t think I heard right. You can’t what?” His breath was already turning uneven. After everything he did so that tonight would be perfect and you’re telling him what exactly? You bit your lip nervously, your pace to your next class had slowed while you talked, “So, um, it’s all my fault, okay? I forgot that tonight was supposed to be a big dinner with everyone and I had even taken the day off work for it. I think that’s why I was free tonight for our date and I just forgot it’s cause I scheduled it off. I would miss the dinner but everyone’s already suspicious that I’m seeing someone an—“
“You are seeing someone,” Jungkook tried hard to even his voice out so he could remain calm but his heart was beating too fast in irritation, “Do you expect me to keep wanting to keep it hidden? We’re not doing anything wrong, what happened with Soomin was months ago and if they tell you anything about it then they can talk to me because it’s not your fault. And it’s not up to anyone else what we do.”
You took a deep breath, “You’re righ—“ “Then why can’t you just go on this date with me? Who cares if they find out we’re dating. Who cares if you ditch them and they get ma—“
“I care Jungkook, not everything is about you, I’m sorry, but I’m not ditching on them tonight. We’ve been hanging out every chance I’m free and I’ve flaked on plans with Yeonwoo three times because of it.” You answered honestly. Jungkook scoffed, he doesn’t care if they’re your friends. Soomin always had something to say about you when they dated plus she ditched you. Yeonwoo always has to act like you’re stupid and don’t know how to do anything right and that pisses him off. He doesn’t know much about Yoongi but he doesn’t care. He’s as much friends with the other two as he is with you and that’s enough for Jungkook to dislike him. It only adds onto the more people he has to fight for your attention. He couldn’t help but ask, “Who’s going?”
He had a good feeling about who would be with you tonight and he didn’t like it at all. The second he heard Yeonwoo’s boyfriend was going then he knew Taehyung would too. And though he hasn’t met Taehyung, he still remembers Yeonwoo going on about him to you and he didn’t like that you were friends with him. He wanted to tell you you wouldn’t be going out with them tonight but he couldn’t. He didn’t like the way you talked to him but he couldn’t argue with you right now so instead he reluctantly let you go with the promise of making plans another night. He hated it and the more he spent his evening thinking about it, the more he wanted to show you how much he hated that you ditched him for other people. You couldn’t just do that to him and change his plans.
You know when you just can’t feel at ease? Like since the moment you woke up you know something is already off with the day? Yeah, that’s how you felt this morning and at first you brushed it off as nerves for your date tonight. Then, you thought it was because your dumbass forgot about dinner and had to tell Jungkook. But now that you’re at dinner with the others, the feeling doesn’t go away and you don’t know why.
“Where have you been lately? I feel like any time I try and hang out with you, you’re busy, you bitch,” Yoongi said faking an annoyed pout as he rolled his eyes, “You tired of me?” You rolled your eyes as well nudging him playfully to stop talking like that. Yoongi was one of the few people you felt like you didn’t have to play a part with. He was the in between for you where you could talk to him about anything without worry that he’d judge you or tell the others. With Yeonwoo it felt like you had to agree with what ever she said and you knew that what you said others would find out. You do feel bad that you haven’t hung out with them since you’ve been with Jungkook mostly.
“I think she’s seeing someone,” Soomin said with a smirk as she sat sandwiched between Yeonwoo and Taehyung who looked at you too, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not in a relationship and plus, you’re always busy apparently. Isn’t that suspicious? Oh! And you’re wearing new clothes and it’s brand name.”
“Thanks for your input,” you cleared your throat awkwardly, “But I’ve really just been busy with work and school, you know the usual.” The conversation carried from topic to topic and honestly it felt good to do this with your friends. Though you all might disagree or not see each often it’s easy to feel comfortable around each other. You loved being with Jungkook but it was different than this.
The night you saw him at the club you had already been in a mood. Seeing him hadn’t made you feel better and even though you kissed, it had been just that. You let him tell you all the words you’ve wanted to hear and even though you shouldn’t you go out with him. You have very strong feelings toward him but you still felt like it was an act. Either you were playing into the vision of you he had created or vise versa. You were using him to play the ideal type you always dreamed of because you knew he’d act the part. So you were selfish, you’d let this guy [who broke your friend’s heart] get with you and possibly use you, or even worse, be the right one for you.
Everyone was feeling the high of conversation, the mood was good and relaxed. You said something every now and then but mostly you listened with everyone talking at once. You’re the only one to clearly hear Soomin when she excused herself to the restroom and tried listening to everyone talking. So, because you were observing, you began to notice a change in the mood. Voices seemed to have lowered, eyes glanced behind you and heads turning. And if you were only a moment sooner you would’ve had more time to disappear.
You turned your head wanting to see what had everyone so distracted now but all you caught sigh of was a black button up shirt tucked into a Gucci belt. Your heart seemed to drop, looking up as a hand landed on your shoulder gently
There was a sudden tension in the air as your eyes met a familiar dark pair with silver on the brow. Everyone stares either in confusion or anger, maybe a mix of both but you couldn’t even think of what to say. You felt like the air was suffocating you and the look on his face only seemed to annoy you.
He was smirking, like this was all just so amusing. Like he expected this response as he motioned for Yoongi to move over and the guy, clearly just as confused, moved without a word. He took the seat next to you planting a kiss on your forehead when you yanked his hand off, “What are you doing?”
“Yeah, what are you doing?” You turned quickly like everyone else did but Jungkook as your eyes locked with Soomin’s. She looked confused at first by her ex just sitting at her table when he wasn’t minutes ago. Then she looked annoyed when she saw the placement of his hand on your shoulder close to your neck softly. Nobody said anything as she came by and you wanted to react but it’s like you froze when everyone’s eyes fell on you. Jungkook didn’t even flinch, “I’m here to see who my girlfriend ditched me for tonight.”
“Your what?” Yeonwoo asked glaring at you and rightfully so. She knew, from the moment she you two at the bar, one of you was going to fuck up. She wasn’t disappointed because you fell for another guy. She knew that’s what you’d do. That’s what you always did but with Jungkook? After knowing how he treated and dumped Soomin. Jungkook reached across your plate for a bite of what ever you were eating, “My girlfriend.” He looked around at everyone focusing on one person in particular.
“This the guy you wanted to introduce to Y/n?” Jungkook asked her as he looked Taehyung over. Your hands were shaking and though you wanted to speak, Soomin beat you to it, “What the fuck is going on here? After literally disappearing on me and treating me like absolute shit you’re saying… you’re saying Y/n is your girlfriend?”
“Well someone had to say it,” Jungkook said ignoring everything but the last thing she said. You turned to Soomin, “Liste—I don’t—“ “You don’t what? You don’t think? You don’t care? What is it Y/n because right now I’m thinking you just don’t realize how fucking stupid you are for getting yourself involved with him.”
“Soomin, just take a minute and relax. People are staring,” Yoongi offered up trying to ease the tension but it was no use. Jungkook didn’t care how any of them felt. Namjoon cleared his throat, “We need the damn check.” It was awkward but nobody could say anything about it. “No, what we need is an explanation from Y/n.”
“You didn’t stop talking to him since the night of the club, right? When you were supposed to be getting over your last ex,” Yeonwoo pointed out. Jungkook groaned, “What does it matter? Why does it matter? Why are you always trying to tell Y/n what to do. All you do is bash on her an—“
“Oh this is rich,” Soomin scoffed in disbelief, “You’re one to fucking talk Jungkook. You know, the funny thing is that this is actually really expected from the two of you. We’ve got the slut and the player, match made in heaven.”
“Soomin, I was going to tell you I just—“ “You’re a slut Y/n, we all know it so just stop. I don’t want to hear your excuses, you wanted my ex and you took him but that’s fine.” You weren’t even surprised by her name calling but you also couldn’t find anything to say. Maybe you were even though you didn’t cheat on anyone and he didn’t either. It’s not like you two had just fucked other people before each other. And yes, you get into relationships easily but it’s not like you sleep around with anyone you weren’t dating.
“Look you can say whatever you want about me, I don’t give a fuck but don’t start calling Y/n names that aren’t true,” Jungkook said to her, “You weren’t even fucking speaking to any of them when I approached her—“
“I wasn’t speaking to anyone because of you, you fucking asshole,” Soomin said but he just laughed, “What did your friends have to do with me? I told you I wasn’t in it anymore and you ignored me so I left you. It wasn’t because of anyone else but me so why’d you do that? And I’m the one who wanted Y/n not the other way around so don’t act like she was out to get you.”
“And your so-called best friend Yeonwoo knew there was something between us since the first night and she never told you either,” Jungkook added in the final blow letting some attention drift away from you. Yeonwoo looked at Soomin, “I tried telling he—“ “But you didn’t tell me.”
Suddenly, a chair was pushed back. Jungkook looked over quickly to catch you taking your purse and standing. It’s not that you didn’t want to talk to her but not at this moment and not in front of everyone. Even strangers from other tables were staring and you understood she was upset with you but right now you just wanted to disappear. “Bab—uh oh, she’s mad,” Jungkook mumbled as he took his wallet out. He took out some money and put it down on the table, “This should cover what ever Y/n ordered.” Without another word he left, chasing after you with his tail between his legs acting completely different than the Jungkook she knew.
“What just happened?” Taehyung asked now that you were gone and so was Jungkook. Yeonwoo sighed, “Y/n is apparently seeing Jungkook.” Soomin scoffed, “My ex who ditched me out of the blue and treated me like complete shit. Now Y/n ran away because she’s scared to talk to me.”
“Maybe Y/n just didn’t want to do it in front of everyone, she seemed just as confused with Jungkook being here as everyone else,” Yoongi said making her turn to glare at him, “I’m not taking sides, I’m just saying, you yelled out that she was a slut for everyone to hear. I wouldn’t want to talk things out with you either when you’re this mad.”
“So you’re saying I’m the problem right now?” Soomin asked making Yeonwoo shake her head. “Nobody is saying that Soomin, but… I mean… you wouldn’t even let Y/n try and explain. I know it hurt your feelings especially because of how things ended with Jungkook but, I don’t know, you did stop talking to us for months and that’s when he came along.”
Jungkook was a few yards behind you. You were walking too fast and he didn’t want to chase you in front of everyone. Once outside instead of walking toward the parking garage where he parked you walked straight toward the street, a hand stretched out looking down the road, “What are you doing?”
“Going home,” you said not turning back to look at him. Jungkook scoffed, “Alright so let’s go to mine—“ “No, I’m going to my place, alone.” His eyes narrowed, you’re what? Tonight was supposed to be the first night you came over to his place after what was supposed to be a date. He stepped closer to you, a hand on your lower back, “Come on, don’t be like that.” “No Jungkook, I told you I’d be done with you, if you did this so stop. I’m done.”
His breath stopped as his pace slowed, were you really doing this to him in front of the restaurant you just ate at? “No you’re not,” Jungkook shook his head in disbelief, “They were gonna find out anyway, Y/n. We didn’t do anything wrong so can you please just look at me? We were supposed to go on a date tonight. We were supposed to be the ones together and you just ditched me for them. How is that fair to me? I came because I wanted to spend time with you—“
“No, you came so you could make a scene in front of everyone because you can’t stand the thought of being told no,” you said harshly, the Y/n he met at the club who didn’t want anything to do with him was back and Jungkook didn’t like that. He wanted the Y/n who was sweet and caring to him. You kept going when he was silent, watching his eyes begin to redden, “I am with you every single time I’m free and it’s still not enough? What do you want me to do Jungkook? I have school. I have work. I have friends, or I did.”
“They’re not your friends if all they do is look down on you!” Jungkook shouted now, not caring about the people passing, “And you don’t make time for me. Every time I want to be with you, you have something else to do—“ “Yes, because I’m not free all day! Unlike you, some of us actually need jobs to make money. I don’t get everything handed to me so sorry if I can’t be with you every second of the day.”
“And if you can’t respect my wishes then I’m done. I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to be with you or talk to you. I asked you for one night, I know we had plans but I’d spent every day with you this week and you couldn’t give me just one day with others? Do you realize how fucking selfish you are?” You asked. Jungkook didn’t deny anything, “That’s cause I love you, and I want to spend all my time with you. I’m sorry th—“
“No Jungkook, you don’t love me so just don’t even say that,” you finally said looking back to him clearly upset, “I don’t even think you know how to love someone, I’ve just been going along with it until you decide to drop me like a fucking idiot thinking you might just change.”
You don’t think he knows how to love someone? After trying so hard to show you he does and yet you tell him it’s not it. This isn’t fair. You can’t do this to him just because he wanted to have dinner with you. You think that just because he comes from money, he’s just selfish? Fine, he might be but it’s not fair for you to say he doesn’t know how to love someone when it’s the first time he’s ever felt it. How is he supposed to know an emotion he never received genuinely? Not from his neglectful father or his mother’s abandonment. All he’s ever known is his older brother and even that wasn’t anything like what he felt for you. None of the girls he’d been with were genuine. They didn’t like him for him. And it’s not like he didn’t see that, so obviously he never acted like he loved them. With you he’s trying, and he’ll admit he’s doing it all wrong but you can’t just leave him after one mistake when he’s tried being good to you. Were you always this cruel because he didn’t expect it. Were you putting on an act too? His sad eyes stared into your own as he tried holding you. You let him but you wouldn’t let him pull you into him. His arms remained around your waist with space between you that felt miles long, “Please… just give me a chance. I promise I’ll change.”
“You won’t,” you said simply, “And honestly this is for the best. I don’t know what it is you want with me, but you and I just aren’t relationship types, okay? You know it and so do I. There’s a reason why we were quick to get together, and now look, it’s ending already and do you want to know why? Because you don’t care for relationships and I don’t know how to keep one. Don’t try and tell me that’s not why you wanted me because it is. You knew that I wouldn’t last with anyone and you’re not the type to want a relationship to last. You want it to be quick and easy so you can get what you want and be done. I gave it to you, so I’m fine ending things here.”
“I don’t believe that bullshit because I know that what I feel for you is different than what I’ve ever felt for anyone else,” Jungkook said in a hurry now as a cab finally pulled up to the curb for you, tears threatening to spill and he couldn’t explain why. This is not how he wanted the night to go. He knew you’d be a little mad but not this mad, “I am selfish, you’re right, and clearly I need to work on that but you can’t just leave me before I prove it to you. Please Y/n, please just don’t leave me okay? I don’t want to be left behind.” He tried stopping you from opening the door but you did it anyway. “You can’t just quit on me the first time it gets hard. You can’t run away from your feeling—“
“I can, I’ve done it before and if it stops me from getting hurt by men like you I’ll do it again,” you admitted to him, “My problem isn’t that everyone found out. My problem is that I told you to let me tell everyone when I was ready and what did you do? You showed up, caused a scene, and ignored what I want. I’m not going to lose everyone else around me because you don’t think I’ve given you enough. I’ve been left too many times to have to go through it again because of you.”
“I won’t, I swear I won’t, pleas—“ the door slammed shut in his face. You were quitting. You know you are but you just can’t believe a word he says even as tears stream down his face. You don’t doubt he has strong feelings for you and you don’t want to leave him but he isn’t giving you enough. He isn’t showing you that he really loves you. Tonight he proved that he doesn’t care what you have to say. He’ll do it anyway and that’s not what you envisioned as a perfect partner. You’re not even sure what he could do to show you he actually loves you but this wasn’t it. And maybe you wanted the extreme but he just wasn’t giving it yet, all he was doing was finding ways to keep you to himself.
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He turned, Soomin standing there just feet away from the door with her things. He’s not sure how long she was standing there or what she wanted but he didn’t care. He wouldn’t give her an apology for what he did because he doesn’t regret it. He looked back to the cab that had already left and the first thing he did was check his phone and see if he should text you. He walked right past Soomin to the parking garage. He doesn’t care, he’s driving straight to your place. “Jungkook wait.”
“What do you want Soomin?” he grumbled hearing her follow after him. He wiped away his stupid tears keeping his head down. Soomin was right behind him, “I just want to talk, give me five minutes.”
“We talked enough, don’t you think?” Jungkook said turning his head to her for a quick moment, “Where’s everyone else?”
“I ran out, look I just want to talk about us—“ “For fuck’s sake Soomin, if you want me to apologize I won’t,” Jungkook said clearly upset and she was just pushing his buttons, “I don’t care if you cried. I don’t care if you were confused. I don’t give a fuck how you felt and if you want an explanation, there isn’t one.”
“I can tell you right now that I’d do it again and leave you without a single word because I just couldn’t fucking stand you,” Jungkook said harshly. He was letting some of his anger out on her but it was better than going to you and screaming at you. Plus, Soomin called you a slut and a handful of other things because of him so why can’t she just tell him instead of going to you. She was crying now, “Why? Why were you with me then?”
He sighed deeply, pinching the space between his brows in annoyance. He laughed, a soft yet bitter laugh as he looked back to her, “At first, because you were easy and very gullible. Then, because of Y/n. I liked her and I didn’t even realize it, isn’t that fucked up? That I used you to stay around Y/n even though there was something about you that I just couldn’t stand? I put myself through torture more than what I did to you. You should’ve been happy I disappeared on you. It’s not like I acted like I cared about you.”
“So whose fault is it for being so damn stupid and blind to our relationship? It definitely wasn’t me,” Jungkook said as he began walking back to the parking garage now that he was done talking to her.
“The same way you’re blind to your relationship with Y/n?” Soomin shouted from a distance making him stop again. His jaw clenched as he turned back to her watching her come over to him toward the crosswalk. She smiled now, “Because if you think she actually cares about you, you’re dead wrong. Y/n is more fucked up than you are, y’know? She cries and cries about everyone hurting her feelings but what’s the first thing she does? She leaves you the second things get hard and she doesn’t give a single shit about how you feel. That’s why you’re crying, right? Because she left? Yeah, what did you expect? You wanted Y/n to be happy when you randomly show up? Y/n likes her secrets and you were one of them until you ruined it. Now she’s got no reason to be with you so look what happened, she left, told you off and made you cry.”
“Why do you care what Y/n does to me?” Jungkook asked. Soomin sighed, “Because I’ve never seen you cry. I’ve never seen you beg someone to stay with you like you just did with Y/n. I saw it, and I also saw her not give a single care about it and leave like you meant nothing at all.”
He’s only ever begged one other time for someone to stay and that was his mother when he was seven. What happened in the end? She left, just like you just did. Clearly there was something wrong with him if the people he tried to love kept leaving. He didn’t think you’d leave him like that and not give him a chance to fix things. But he wasn’t mad about that, he was hurt. He was mad that Soomin would bring it up like she knew the real him when she didn’t. He was mad that she would try and tell him these things about you like his mind would change. Soomin sighed, “You think Y/n loves you because she acted like she did? She didn’t. She doesn’t love any single guy she’s with. She loves the idea of having the perfect person because her life is so fucking shitty, her only way out is to be in a relationship no matter how awful the person is. So I’m not surprised she chose you, and look what happened. Once she saw how you behaved tonight, she was done and I promise you she’ll find someone new to replace you by the following week. Sounds like karma to me.”
“Goodbye Soomin,” he said as the light turned for him to walk, “And you should be happy I said goodbye this time.” He doesn’t understand why he doesn’t care about what she said. He doesn’t care if it’s true. He doesn’t care if it’s not. Clearly whatever happened between you started with lies. It seemed like you two got together naturally. That it just happened and that he was too enamored to care that he was changing. That you would just easily agree with him so you could seem perfect. It was all fucking lies and yet he doesn’t care. What you told him just now was nothing of what Soomin was saying. You didn’t lead him on, you didn’t act in love, you didn’t even fucking care that he was the opposite of perfect. So even if you two were lying about how you portrayed a relationship, real feelings were there buried down below and he showed it more than you did.
You’re not naive or innocent. You’re calculating even if you don’t show it and you wouldn’t have gone out with him if you didn’t feel something for him. The only thing you lied about was him having the control. You made him feel like he had the say when clearly he didn’t. He doesn’t, because right now he thinks you dumped him and he wasn’t expecting that. He was expecting you to be mad but let it go and clearly that’s not what happened. Everything you said might be true, but he knows that you feel something for him deep down even if you lied and said you didn’t.
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taglist: @jub-jub @moonfaery @hoseoksluv89 @jeonzll @kookieaddicted96 @darkuni63 @btspurplesky
sorry y’all I had to repost cause I forgot tags lol
wow Jungkook ain’t shit highkey 🤡 but also idc bc he’s Jungkook 🤒 also yall best not think this is the end cause you can’t have a toxic couple without making sure they break up a couple times lmao. this was more jk focused and how he’s an ass but who what the next chapterrrr will focus us
but I’m letting y’all know rn that if it gets tagged as mature again I might not continue it cuz it blocks my fics for some readers even they’re not minors cause of how the settings are
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velvet-paradox · 2 years
Fandom: Outer Banks Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Female reader Summary: When Ward kicks Rafe out of the house, he has nowhere to go until you run into him.  Length: Long Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY, reader discretion advised, explicit language, strong language, angst, sad Rafe, drug use, fingering, oral (m receiving), protected P in V, detailed smut.
"You owe me." You said as you pulled your truck down the bumpy road to old John Routledge's road, bouncing around in the cabin as you drove, the little air freshener hanging off of your rear view mirror swaying wildly.
Fall was just on the cusp, colored leaves threating the ground as you turned on your blinker, a stickler for not having Shoupe stop you for some miniscule traffic stop on such a fine day if he were around trying to make quota.
"Yeah yeah."
"I mean it this time!" You voiced. You weren't just some limo service or cabbie on The Cut but Pope was technically family, your parents being his parents best friends before either you or the young man shaking around in the passenger seat were born some twenty odd years ago. He had passed his written but not the actual behind the wheel test just yet.
"I said yeah!" Pope grumbled, grabbing an overnight and a large water bottle from the back before he hopped out, giving the door a hearty slap to send you on your way.
"I'll pick you up on Sunday. And hey, Pope?"
"Yeah?" He stopped, holding his pillow.
You pointed at him from the inside, JJ gave you a little wave with two beer cans in hand before jogging down towards the watery bank. "Be safe." ....
Leaning forward you could see the clouds rolling in, a storm was on its' way and you wanted to get home before it hit. You turned down the radio as if that would help in your beat up truck. At the stop sign you saw someone trudging their way along the bank, no sidewalk was in place at this corner of the street. You slowed and made your turn, headlights illuminating a tall, familiar form. Reaching over you rolled down the passenger window.
"I know that's not Rafe Cameron on my side of the island." You called, putting the truck into park with the flashers on, just in case.
Rafe slowed to a stop, hands in his pockets before answering with a quiet "Hey."
"Hey, yourself. What, Barry's not home?"
"Oh he's home."
"Where's your truck?" You looked around at the empty street, a stray cat ducking underneath one of the parked cars on his side of the street.
"My dad drove it home."
"Without you?" You asked once you hopped out, that blue polo that brought out his eyes sat nice and tight over his chest, clearly he'd been working out with his buddies at the Country Club doing him justice. 
"Yes without me, Y/N!" Rafe gestured around with his hands then his chest. "Do you see his ass around here anywhere? Why do you care anyway, just go  home."
"Relax, tough guy." You chuckled and came to the side, hands up in defense. "It's late, gonna' get even darker soon, you should probably get inside somewhere."
"I'm a big boy Y/N, I can take care of myself thanks."
"Maybe on Figure Eight, but out here..." You motioned around with a shake of your head. “There's six stray dogs three blocks from here, alone. Get in the truck." You motioned with your head, the soft music from the truck traveling just enough for you to know it was a song worth missing. "You want me to take you home?"
"That's the problem." Rafe sighed and bit his bottom lip.
"What is?"
"Fuck, you're nosy!" Rafe shouted, when you took a step back he rubbed at his smooth face, pointing to you then the darkening sky, then to himself. It's not like you two were ever considered friends, forced to partner up in class a handful of times, did a few shotguns at the Boneyard, maybe played a round of Cornhole but not friends. Especially knowing what he thought of Pogues in the first place, he was classist and his attitude spoke volumes.
"I don't... I don't have a home to go to. Not anymore. My dad kicked me out tonight, paid off what I owed Barry and... he just, he just fucking left me here! I have no way to get back to the Eight, it's fucking dark as shit, I'm cold." Rafe rattled on, emotional rollercoaster and it made you worried when you saw the tears in his eyes, he was lost. "I try, alright? I'm not the best son, yeah, I know that but I'm trying here. Trying to make my father proud, I'm out here fighting for my family and what does he do? Chucks me out like I don't matter. But I do matter Y/N, maybe not to you but I fucking matter and instead of cleaning up everyone else's messes, I wish someone would give me a little validation, a little 'Thank You Rafe'. Would it kill 'em, huh? I'm a very proactive type person you know? Just-- sometimes I wish someone would just ask me if I'm ok, ya' know?"
Rafe sniffled and wiped at his eyes before looking at you again, expelled of most of his energy Rafe bent over and hugged his knees. That was the most he's ever said to you and you felt bad, not sorry, per se, for the man before you. You just felt bad that he had a house full of people, siblings and friends and yet here he was out on The Cut breaking down and venting to a Pogue. 
It made him seem less scary and boisterous, made him human.
With a sigh you closed the gap, not sure if you should touch him but you did, softly. Rafe slowly stood, blue eyes fixed on where your hand was on his cool shoulder.
"Rafe. Are you ok?"
Rafe swallowed his pride and pursed his lips and shook his head, dirty blonde strands sweeping across his brow. "No. No Y/N I am not ok, I am so not ok."
"You wanna' know what I think?"
"Sure. Shoot."
"I think you're fucking tired. No; more like fucking exhausted." Rafe looked somewhat relieved, you could see him working things out in his brain, squinting in the moonlight. You made up your mind as the words left your lips. "Alright, I'm taking you home."
"Home? Did you not hear a fucking thing I just said?! I just poured my heart out to you and--"
"Relax. I'm not taking you to your house; I'm taking you to mine." You announced, crossing the road to hop back into your truck, waving for Rafe to follow with fluid steps.
"Well, you've got three options Mr. Cameron. Anywhere on the floor is free, the couch which also turns into a full though it's a little lumpy so... or you can sleep on the right side."
Your house wasn't a mansion by any means, just a cozy one level you decorated over the years. Rafe clearly hadn't been this far on the OBX by the he was looking around like a tricked dog going to vet and not a car ride. He stood next to you, his height made him look like a giant inside your small angular living room. 
He shoved his hands in his pockets again.
"The right side of what?"
"Of me." 
Rafe choked and gave you a set of neatly furrowed brows.
"We're adults Rafe, we can sleep in the same bed."
"I know that I just... I haven't slept with anyone in a long time."
"That's shocking." You snorted and turned on another lamp, kicking off your boots and tossing your purse to an ottoman.
"Hey, thanks. But... why are you being nice to me?"
"Someone should," You shrugged and looked at him trying not to take up space as he looked around. "There's some pizza in the fridge if you want, figure out where you're gonna' sleep. I'm gonna' take a shower."
Rafe just nodded and continued perusing your things.
"He's where?!" Pope shouted, dropping his side of the cooler you were helping him carry into the back room of his dad's business.
"Calm down, it's just Rafe, not some psycho killer." You grunted and hefted up the heavy box, walking backward but making sure every ten feet or so you wouldn't trip and break something.
"Actually I'd feel better about some stranger being there than Rafe fucking Cameron in your house!"
"Language!" Heyward called out from the register, a pencil behind his ear when you passed by.
"Sorry, Pop. I'm serious though, get him out of there."
"He's not going anywhere. He doesn't even have a car, it's just for a few days I'm sure."
"A few days? Is your head on straight?," You held in your chuckle when Pope's voice cracked at his exclamation, his eyes narrowing. "This is Rafe Cameron we're talking about here, the biggest bully of every Pogue since he's been alive probably! And he's staying at your house, on The Cut... hell Y/N he even bullied you when you went to school with him!"
"I think he's misunderstood." It  was true but that was how long ago now? You and Pope brought the cooler down gently and you dusted your hands off on the smooth apron you wore over your clothes.
"I think he's fucking crazy!"
"Pope, don't make me come back there!"
"Sorry." Pope apologized again with a sigh. Your friend touched your shoulder and pointed a finger at you as if he were the older of the pair. "If he tries anything..."
"Right. I'll be sure to let you know." You chuckled and finished unloading the latest shipment.
"Are you playing Jenga... by yourself?" You smiled, Rafe's big body was sitting on the floor of your living room, just pulling out a middle block when you got home. It was strange to see someone in your house after living alone for so long, let it be the Kook King himself. Rafe pushed back his hair, ready to make his next move.
"What else am I gonna' do?" Rafe rolled his eyes.
"I'm surprised you're not wasting your battery on your phone. Call up one of your buddies to take you instead of me."
You noticed how he worked his jaw and cracked his neck, placing the block to the top of the tower. "Got a little silly waiting to see if my dad would call so I turned it off. If he wanted me home, I would be."
"How long do you think you're gonna' hang around The Cut now that you're an honorary Pogue and all?"
"I'm not a Pogue." Rafe snapped.
"I wouldn't be so sure," You made a face and joined him on the floor, taking a block of your own before responding. "Let's see... you got in a blowout with a parent, check. Their giving you the silent treatment for emphasis of how much they stand by said statement, double check. You got kicked out of the house and all of your lovely amenities and are crashing on someone's couch, triple check. And by all those accounts, that definitely has Pogue written all over it!"
"Oh fuck off."
"You can stay as long as you need to, if you need a ride somewhere just ask." 
You watched the block of choice slide out.
"I can drive, ya' know?"
"Yeah, your truck, not mine."
"I'm not gonna' total it! I need to get some clothes at least, I've never worn the same outfit two days in a row in my life. Gross."
"Oh shut up, live a little. You don't have to prove anything to me, Rafe. I know you." You said and took your turn.
Rafe's next words made you second guess the blonde.
"Nobody knows me."
"I don't understand why we waited until after midnight to come here." You voiced and parked your truck at the front of Tanny house, Rafe sighed and told you to be quiet.
"Because I don't want to see my dad, or any Cameron right now," Rafe huffed and pushed open the creaky passenger door. "I won't be long, just gonna' grab a few things alright? don't ditch me."
You watched him cut a short jog through the yard.
Tapping your fingers on the steering wheel you waited, why you didn't really know. The guy was home, Ward was probably over stewing about kicking out his only son. All you had to do was drive off but something about Rafe being sullen and human, a different version you got to witness was intriguing, a mystery. You didn't mind the company either, you reasoned. Especially handsome company.
With that smooth jaw and square chin, you remembered that odd zing, that scrape up your spine when you saw him sweet talking some naïve girl at the Boneyard. What was he saying to them to have them bat their lashes and gloss their lips, cock their heads and laugh with him. Or was he laughing at them? Too vulnerable to know they were in the clutches and paw of a serial predator. 
Especially when they flirted over how much coke forty bucks could get them.
You were ripped from your memories when the door creaked open once more, Rafe had grabbed a red duffel bag and held it in his lap when he got back in. You snorted when you realized he had made himself a quick sandwich, holding it in his mouth.
To your surprise he offered the rest to you on your drive back over the bridge. ....
A few days turned into two weeks. It was strange how easily you two interacted, understood the silence, domesticated Rafe Cameron was something you thought didn't exist. Let alone picture.
He was the enemy for most of your life and here you were, watching the way his fingers moved and flexed while he rolled a joint. Stargazing in your little backyard. The lighter took a few tries before he lit it, inhaling the smoke with a satisfied smile before he passed it to you.
"Do you think I'm a bad person?" Rafe asked when half the joint was gone, making you sit up.
"Do you think you're a bad person?"
"I'm asking you." Rafe sniffed and took the joint from your hand.
"If you had asked me a few years I would've said you were the worst," Rafe snapped his head to you but shrugged, knowing it was true. He was an asshole. "But... I wouldn't let you stay with me if I thought you were."
Rafe clicked his teeth and took the last full drag, putting it out on a used pasta sauce lid. "Nobody wants me."
"I haven't heard from my dad since I got here," Raffe shrugged again, holding onto his knees and digging the heels of his shoes into the ground. "He texted me once though, last Saturday, asking if I was safe. I tried calling Top and Kelce... said I couldn't stay with them either."
You frowned. "Do they know where you are?"
"They know but they don't care," Rafe smoothed back his hair with both hands and bit the inside of his cheek. "Maybe I'm as bad as everyone thinks. Might as well be the villain, somebody has to be."
You were unraveling the layers that made up Rafe Cameron without even knowing, all he really needed was someone to listen to him. To hear him out, to entertain his venting and let him clear his head. You wondered if he had any real friends at all, if they'd change the subject or ignore his feelings all together. Maybe that's why he wanted to stay with you, you saw him.
"I think you're crazy," Rafe snorted and gave you a look when you bumped your shoulder against his own. "You're not a bad man Rafe, you've got demons like everyone else. Let's not waste a good buzz so," you laid back on the grass, tucking your hands behind your head. "Now, show me which constellations you know."
Rafe chuckled, a genuine and foreign sound that felt like bells ringing. "I don't know any."
"Sure you do! Everyone knows at least two-- so show me."
"Alright alright." Rafe shook his head and laid down next to you. A light wash of his cologne puffed up around you that made your mouth water, or maybe you were just high. You smiled when he wiggled a little closer, crossing his ankles and pointing up to the night sky, clearly making up constellations as the night went on. 
Another thing you'd never thought you would hear, or be anywhere near was his real laughter.
You balanced the grocery bags in your arms, not paying attention to anything other than not tripping, breaking any eggs or--
"Alright man, I'll catch ya' later!"
You looked up just in time to see Barry hop down your front steps after shutting the door. 
"Oh hey there lover," Barry chided and wiggled his fingers at you. "So it is true, then huh? You and Country Club shackin' up, playin' house and shit."
"It's not like that." You gripe and walk a little further, gripping the handles on a slipping bag.
"Not what I heard," Barry flashed a smile and wink that made you shake your head as he swing his keys around his fingers. "You two play nice now!"
"Fuck off." You said and hopped the night air brought your words to his ears as he chuckled and you went into your house.
You didn't see Rafe when you came in, kicking the door shut behind you and made your way into the kitchen. Your poor fingers were numb as you flexed them and looked around the kitchen. You were just about to call out to him when you heard Rafe instead. Sniffing; in your room.
"Just one more... one more and you'll be set. You'll be squared away, yeah? Be a man... be a man."
You just tapped the door with your foot and a jumbled mess that was Rafe Cameron jumped away from your dresser making it shake. 
"Oh hey! You're home!" Rafe wiped his face and covered the line of coke on the old wood. "I was uh I was waiting for you."
"For what? Why are you in my room?"
Rafe looked around for a moment, touching his chest. That damn blue striped shirt of his that made his eyes glow, or maybe it was the coke he was doing. He seemed just as confused as you were to be in your space. Since he'd been 'shacking up', as Barry had said, Rafe had been a gentleman and crashed on the couch. A few nights he was face down, shirtless and shivering when you passed him to go to the bathroom, covering him up on your way back to your room.
"Um I wanted to talk to you."
"About letting Barry come over when I have no recollection of telling you you could just bring home strays." You crossed your arms over your chest.
"Barry isn't a stray, Y/N! God... I'm sorry sorry, he's ya' know. A friend. And I um, I needed said friends' advice so yeah. I invited him over, just for a little bit though," Rafe rushed out to say, gesturing with his hands, jittery. 
"Whatever," you shrugged. "Just don't leave that shit around, I'm not judging you just... gimmie’ a heads up." You said and went to put away the groceries. "I'm gonna' talk to my dad." Rafe said from the door jam of the kitchen, biting at his nails.
"That's good, when?"
"I was thinking tonight actually um," Rafe bit at his lips before coming closer and putting a box of chips on top of the fridge for you. "I wanna' do it person so... would you mind like, giving me a ride later?"
You stopped and looked up at him, a questioning and honest smile on his face. "Sure. Just let me know when ok?"
"Ok... ok yeah. Thanks." 
Then it happened.
The most bizarre and peculiar event of your entire life happened in an instant. Maybe it was genuine, a long time coming, some pining affection or honestly, the coke but... Rafe hugged you. Like a real hug, both of his long arms reached around your neck, his face inches from your own. The warm smell of his cologne a burst in your face, surrounding you like a cloud of intimacy. What seemed like forever you reached out and touched his back.
"Seriously, thank you.”
"Yeah. Sure..." You said in a daze, stepping back when Rafe took out his phone and hurriedly went to the living room.
"You sure you want me to come in?" You asked once the two of you pulled into the Tanny Hill drive, not out on the street as your previous visit.
"Yeah, why not?" Rafe shrugged and hopped out and gave you a look that told you to hurry. "I don't know how long this is gonna' take so."
"If you say so.”
Ward looked you up and down, a small smile behind his beard when you two walked in. A flash of light streaked through the night sky, a distant rumble in the distance. Rose got you something to drink.
"So you're the elusive Y/N then," Ward finally stuck out his hand, watching his son rub the back of his neck next to you. "Nice to meet you and thank you for taking care of my boy. So, I assume he's been bouncing around between friends this month, hmmm?"
"You didn't tell him?" You shot Rafe a glance.
"I um, Rafe's been staying with me... the whole month."
"The whole--" Ward scoffed and looked at his son. "Interesting. And he hasn't been any trouble?"
"I'm right here, dad." Rafe huffed.
"I know son, I just wanna' make sure you're not making trouble for this little lady here too. We'll talk in my office," Ward said and grabbed onto Rafe's shoulders, ushering him further into the estate leaving you behind with a glass on iced lemon water from Rose. "Thank you again Y/N."
"So," Rose sweetly smiled and walked through the downstairs living room, which was about the size of most of your house. "How was the monster?"
"Excuse me?" 
"Rafe. That terror of a boy, I tell you Y/N it has been a blessing not having him torturing the house lately. I mean, he's mostly in his room but when he's not, oh God help me. Always slithering around, looking for Ward's constant approval is very exhausting."
"That's kind of rude." 
Pieces to the puzzle were fitting together why Rafe was reluctant to come home, to be around people who didn't trust him as far as they could throw him. Maybe that's why he always acted out. Hurt people tended to hurt people.
"Please," Rose snorted and began to walk off. "He knows all this, I've told him several times."
Once she was out of sight you decided you didn't like this woman, and it would not be the end of the world if you never spoke to her again.
You jumped when a cracked of thunder boomed through the house, rattling the chandelier above your head in the hallway you had found yourself in. Looking at paintings and family photos, one was even an old fashioned portrait. 
The water was long gone, just melting ice cubes at this point when the rain started to come in, pattering and streaking down the windows. You stood by one, watching the rain fall, little flashes of lightning bloomed above. A nice night. 
You got lost in the steady rhythm building up outside, when a rather bright and far closer bolt of lightning struck near the house you caught Rafe's reflection in the window. He was quick to meet you there. He took your hand.
"Come with me."
"Just come on." Rafe smirked and led you up the winding staircase, you'd never seen so many in your life. How did they manage to get any kind of furniture up these things? You slipped but caught your step, holding on to Rafe's arm. There was another flight of stairs up above it seemed when you stopped on a landing.
"Rafe, what's going on?" You asked once secure and hidden in his room. "What happened?"
"Dad said as long as I keep my nose clean and work hard, he'll let me come home," Rafe smiled and wiped his mouth with both hands. "I'm gonna' do it this time. I have to," Rafe tapped his head then turned to you, placing his heavy hands on your shoulders. "He said he's proud of me. That I've been on a good path since you found me. I'm gonna' get my shit together. For real this time."
"Rafe, you don't have to explain yourself to me."
"I know that, I know. I just... you've been there for for whatever reason, that's on you," Rafe joked and roped you into another embrace, resting his cheek on the crown of your head. "You get me. You saw me, the real Rafe and you didn't run for the fucking hills. Most people don't."
"Well you are an asshole."
There was a brief second where you wondered if saying that was such a good idea but then you felt him laugh through you.
"True. I'm not the nicest guy, unless you're around I guess."
"I'll take the compliment." 
It felt strange but a good strange, squeezing him around the waist when a loud crack of thunder sounded again, signally you should maybe take off before it gets too bad to see. Hydroplaning was not on your To-Do list today.
"Well I'm glad it worked out, you were a pretty decent roommate." Rafe let you go but stayed still in front of you. "I should probably head out."
You frowned and looked at the window, pointing to it. "Cause it's raining, have you looked outside?"
"Yeah I know it's raining, pretty hard actually so why are you trying to leave?"
"Do you... do you want me to stay?"
"Yeah, that's kinda' why I brought you up here." Rafe scoffed. "And to give you this."
If you would've have been told senior year Y/N that some kicked-rock-down-the-street years later you would be in Rafe Cameron's room on a rainy night, in his arms and kissing him; you would've backhanded them on sight.
But, as things played out, that's exactly when happened. You knew you were in big trouble the minute Rafe held your head in his hands, blinking down his nose at you it made your stomach flip. You opened your mouth to say something, anything at this point but all that came out was a whine when he kissed you.
You grabbed on to his arms, your poor knees from working so hard and climbing all those steps, threatened to give way if you didn't. Rafe didn't stop, catching you and holding you up and flush against him.
"You're so nice, so fucking nice to me ya' know that?" Rafe breathed into the soft, bare skin of your neck. You ran your hands up and down his back, feeling him tense and tremble against you sitting in his lap.
"Someone has to be." 
Rafe paused and grabbed the back of your neck, bringing you back to nose level. "You said that before."
You smiled and cupped his face, he nuzzled into it. "You're so touch starved, aren't you?"
"Us Cameron's aren't big on affection." Rafe admitted and wiggled beneath you, he was straining against the seam of his boxers, you could feel his cock engorging and growing hot. You weren't fairing any better, you knew if you moved them aside your slick would be glistening.
"That's a shame but that means," you hunched over and whispered into his ear. "I get to be real good to you. I'll touch you anyway you want, however you want me too baby, you got it."
Rafe groaned and stole a sloppy, teeth clicking kiss. You smiled against his mouth, moving up to your knees quickly and peeled down your panties, adding them to the pile. 
Rafe's thighs were ticklish, spreading his long legs almost cost you a black eye! He apologized but let you rub your hands up and down his skin, giving them each a squeeze, your eyes focused on his cock. The outline alone had you salivating, it jumped when you kissed his hip, taking a fresh bite of the meat you found there.
Rafe fisted his sheets, clenching his teeth he kept his eyes on you, boring into your swift movements, voicing how good it felt. He whined when you finally put your mouth on him, a sound of relief when you wrapped your hand around what didn't fit, the rest disappearing into your mouth.
You'd had reactions of course, you know what you were doing but the way Rafe made it sound was he was in heaven. 
"Fuck that's so God damn good, so pretty like that. Fuck." Rafe groaned when you swallowed him further, his stomach muscles tightening when you dragged up your free hand, nails gently scratching his too warm chest. You clenched your walls around nothing as he caught your wrist, gave it a slight tug and soon you were feeling the inside of his mouth on your fingertips.
You gagged, on purpose a long line of spit joining your mouth to his cock, you had to see what he looked like. Eyes shut, both hands now gripped your wrist while he savored having your fingers in his mouth. His mouth pleased around them, he looked content. Happy.
You kissed the crown of his cock and moved to lay on your side, resting a leg over his hip. He looked so dreamy, long lashes and blown out blue eyes, he pulled your fingers from his mouth and sat up on his elbow.
"You're a total smoke show." Rafe praised and grabbed your hip before you pulled him over to you for a kiss.
"Finger me." You whined and bit your lip, watching a true grin morph on his face. He gave you a nod that spoke of 'you got it' as he spread your lips. Those long fingers of his had you quickly covering your mouth, they reached new heights and depths you hadn't felt touched before. He liked that and wedged in a third finger, you rolled you eyes feeling the cool metal of his ring meet the hood of your clit every other thrust.
"How's that, pretty thing? That feels so fucking good when you squeeze my fingers like that."
"Dammit Rafe," your walls instantly gripped them, "I'm gonna' cum if you keep that up."
"That's kinda' the point," Rafe snickered and moved to kiss you, hovering just out of reach. He backed up just out in time for your lips to miss. You groaned. "Don't worry baby, I've got you. I'm gonna' make you cum more than one time tonight, I can tell you that."
You grabbed the back your leg, his fingers thrusting at a different angle that had you seeing spots, you couldn't shut your eyes though, the view was too perfect to miss. Rafe finally kissed you then, could feel you pulsating around his thick fingers.
You felt it, that riptide of satisfaction coming into view, you cupped the back  of his head, making sure he didn't tease you again with the threat of a kiss as you came, moaning his name as a chant. The aftershocks threw you off, good God was he good at that. You let your leg drop as you caught your breath.
"You're gonna' kill me." You said in between breaths, shivering with a passing rumble of thunder.
Rafe chuckled against your cheek. "Would it be too much to ask to fuck you?"
This time you laughed. "Oh baby, you're not gonna' fuck me," you patted his cheek and rolled him over, beaming when he instantly put his hands on your thighs. "I'm gonna' fuck you."
In a rush Rafe pointed to the bedside table, rummaging in the drawer for a condom, thankfully you found it and tore it open. As you sat up on your knees, watching Rafe roll it out and onto himself, you looped an arm around his neck, scratching the fine hairs on the back of his head. He shuddered when you did it again. 
You brought him to you, both of you in a sitting position before you wiggled and rolled and angled your body down to take his cock. Rafe had a creased brow and open mouth, flipping between watching your pleasure and where his cock was disappearing inside you.
"Holy fuck!" 
You clapped a hand over his mouth and shushed him. "Calm down."
His mouth was moving and tickling your palm so you moved it away momentarily. "What?"
"I said I can't help it, jeez baby you just took all that cock like a fucking champ." Rafe held you close to his chest, bare and hot and sweaty. There was no place you'd rather be, you held his face to your neck and you knew he'd leave a bite or two if you let him. "Fuck me, baby."
"You want it?" You smoothed back his hair as you ground yourself against him. "Tell me you want it."
"I want it, want it so fucking bad. I want you so fucking bad, driving me fucking crazy here. Could fuck all day." Rafe raggedly said against your throat.
"I'm all yours."
His hand on your throat felt dangerous and comforting as he fucked up into you, foreheads resting and moving together in tandem, both of you a total mess for each other.
"I don't want to lose you. You see me, you know me. I want this, I want you." Rafe struggled, giving your neck another squeeze his hips bucking up.
"You said... fuck baby that's so fucking good-- you said no one-"
"Fuck what I said! You know me, the real me. Stay, please stay. I'll be good I swear." Rafe whined when licked into his mouth, capturing that pouty bottom lip that was ranking higher and higher of your favorite things list.
"I'll stay." 
Rafe was full of surprises as he slipped a hand between you, using the pad of his thumb he pressed and circled your clit and bit into the side of your tit.
"I'm gonna' cum!" 
"Cum for me, I need it I need it I need..." You yelped, losing yourself and your voice.
"I've never fucked like that before." Rafe admitted when you got out of the bathroom, thankful that he had his own. You laughed pulling on the shirt you'd helped him out of from the floor and got back into bed.
"And you won't," you laughed into his shoulder. 
"I'm pretty sure no one fucks like you and I don't wanna' find out," he settled down and cupped your head in the crook of his elbow. Musing to himself and now to you. "I'll be good, from now on I'm straight. I'm gonna' do it this time."
"I'm with you."
Rafe craned his neck a little at the same time as you tilted your head for a sleepy kiss, the storm fading fast. "So you'll stay?"
"I'll stay."
Tagging: @cherienymphe @synnersaint @hoebx @starkeyobx @outerbankspov @cockslutpadalecki @poguesarerogues @valeriiecameron
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