#i know ive been posting about it a lot lately but the fact that i have had the audacity to keep on getting antsy over not writing???
bugmistake · 3 months
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i have been thinking a lot about how this is the same guy separated by only 4 years…. hwhat the hail………
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bringitfine · 3 months
over the years ive noticed that a lot of fandom discourse is just people pointing out something that's part of a character's personality but sometimes exaggerating it a little bit bc why not, n then people getting mad at others for that n calling it "out of character"
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a9saga · 11 months
the gazette - daku // no idea what this song's about but it sounds really sexy
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
im the sleepiest guy in the world rn gn yangang I will talk to you tomorrow <3
#mine#i rarely ever do nightly or morningly posts bc i feel like theyre redundant for me but this is an excuse to talk in tags lol#WELL um i have a lot to do tomorrow and thats gonna be annoying bc as you can see it is the time it is rn.#ive been up doing my thing. feeling a lil funky and invested in my superiority complex yet again#would u guys still like me if i devoted time everyday to scaring people i hate :( well you guys probably just like to watch me be insane so#i totally wanna post all the gory details about my evil excursions but im so paranoid. hot boy shit#well the most i can say is ive been getting a kick out of horrendous deeds lately. which is weird bc mentally ive been BETTER#like im morally responsible and everything but i still harass people i despise for personsl fulfillment. whats up with that.#i never forget what they did to me ^_^ and the good part is im playing nice with them so they think its over. and im not a suspect#but theres just such a surplus of people who want to harass them that im ruled out entirely its so fucking funny#also thank you people who want them dead too and sometimes harass them instead of me i love uu<3 my besties fr#🪳#i commit truly horrible acts to satiate the bottomless pit inside of me <3 but only to people who deserve it#im coherent im not doing this out of raw emotion. im devoted to it. im determined to step on her and watch her die#to any frightened readers .#im normal about like everyone else i promise its just a handful of people i would slaughter on sight#well anyways i think my malice is satisfied for tonight gn<3<3<3#also im dreaming of the day where i find a nice malicious husbsnd and we can terrorize people together. romance at its finest#i take pride in the fact i actually do the shit everyone thinks of doing. i want to know what would happen. like a scientist#im craving this awesome breakfast place by my house anon im taking u there sometime to treat you. wait this isnt the ask post. hell
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maybe its just imposter syndrome or whatever but I'm looking at my ao3 and im just. not feelin good about my writing rn.
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dabideserveslove · 2 years
I’m very sorry for your loss and hope that you and your family are doing okay. ❤️
Thank you - I really appreciate it <3 and we're doin' okay now <3 it was just a lot all at once bc my youngest had just turned 1, too, when that happened so I wasn't really able to start processing it right away.
#answers for anons#it was weird and ah tw for pregnancy and miscarriage talk in the tags#didnt wanna go into it on the main ask cus idk if you or anyone would even wanna hear about this stuff???#but anyway yeah#it started like late night/early morning before my little one's birthday party#and that was. an experience.#having to just be like 'ohyeah im fine its fine nothings wrong' to everyone#and then excusing myself to the bathroom a million times to handle things#most everyone there didnt know about the pregnancy and the few that did assumed it was morning sickness until i told them later on#couldn't really cancel the party tho cus it was already hell and a half to schedule and get everyone there that we wanted there#and it would be A Lot to try and explain why we had to cancel so last minute to everyone#(...despite my husband's best efforts to convince me otherwise but. like. idk. i just didnt wanna deal with all the questions y'know?)#so the processing stage didnt actually hit until later bc i shoved teh fact that it was even happening so far back in my brain#then it all hit at once like a week and a half later kinda out of nowhere#so that was also fun#luckily i have a great therapist that got me in like same-day#and also a great husband that came home from work early to take care of kiddos#and y'know ive been processing and working it out since then#i might have written some bad poetry and also some fanfiction to help come to terms with it#debating on if iw anna post the fanfic or not#idk if itd be well received or just seem like im looking for attention/sympathy#ehh whatever ill figure it out and i will stop rambling in thet ags now lmao#oops
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remcycl333 · 8 months
some thoughts on imagination and fulfilling ALL your desires, no matter how small ♡
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hiii! just wanted to share with you guys some things ive been thinking about lately and a new discovery!
so first of all! i went through a little phase this previous weekend where i could not imagine for the life of me. i just could not concentrate, and i kept hyperfixating on every little sound in my room and it was very frustrating. i also could not fall asleep because i usually use daydreams to lull myself to sleep and i couldn't daydream! it was very frustrating.
(side note--at one point i wished that my room would just be silent and then i lost power for a few hours and my room WAS dead silent for a while, lol)
but then i was scrolling thru loatwt, like i do, and i found this acct @/scriptercas and they made a couple of posts about the way they imagine (i like this one too) and i tried it that night and i was DEEP in my imagination for like an hour straight. like me??? adhd aphantasia me???
i know that a lot of you guys are like me and have aphantasia and therefore can't see mental images and you can get discouraged by imagining, but this is definitely my new holy grail and i think this will work so well for you guys too!
(p.s. if you guys are into shifting, that account has some great advice! i'd really recommend!!)
i also recently re-read edward art's series, which i have mentioned in recent posts. once again, i know ive also said this recently, but i highly highly highly recommend reading it (or listening, there's also an audio form) if you haven't already! even if you just read the first five parts. i swear if you are still struggling to fully grasp the law, after you read it you will get it. it's so good.
i bring this up because in a lot of the parts, edward talks about building the habit of fulfilling every single desire--no matter how small--that you have, as it comes to you. and i've just been ruminating on this so much lately.
i remember at the beginning of my loa journey, there would be things that i wanted and i'd kinda mourn the fact that i didnt have them... when i didn't have to. i could've just fulfilled myself. but instead i had the idea in my head that "i'll manifest my sp first, and THEN i can get my desire of receiving flowers." or, "i'll manifest money first, and THEN i can buy the expensive things i want" or "i'll manifest my new apartment, and THEN i can host dinner parties for my friends" etc.
but what i've been thinking about lately--prompted by edward--is that you dont have to want for anything anymore. i can give myself any and everything i want in my imagination. i don't have to wait to manifest something else first.
this has really bolstered my imagination game as well. everything you want to do with or experience once you have your desire, you can have/experience in your imagination right now. and it really adds to your imaginings. it really helps immerse you more and helps you capture the feeling of it being real.
for example, when i was manifesting my apartment, i had sooo many things i wanted to experience once i'd manifested it. i wanted to have my friends over for game night and cook them dinner and make them cocktails. i wanted to bake in my spacious kitchen and have fancy utensils and expensive ingredients. i wanted to shower in my fancy shower and use expensive bath products. i wanted my own vanity stocked with expensive makeup and perfumes. i wanted a large walk in closet with rows and rows of gorgeous clothing. i wanted to come back from a night out and leave my clothes strewn about the bathroom bc i was too drunk to put them away, and no one was gonna see them or yell at me for leaving them there. like some of the things i desired for were so mundane, yet i felt the absence of them in my life every day. for example: living close to a target, being able to make adventurous meals without worrying if my family members would like them, playing video games with my friends in my own living room.
everything i just listed were things i wanted so badly once i had my apartment, but whenever id run into the opposite in my every day life, i wouldn't fulfill myself at first. like i'd go to cook the same old dinner i cooked for my family every other night and i'd be like "ugh i wish i could be in my own apartment where i did the grocery shopping and i could buy fresh ingredients and make an elaborate meal instead of just having pasta and jarred sauce again." but then i realized that if i were in my dream apartment i would be able to do that. i spent so much time imagining waking up in my new apartment and what it would look like, but in the end, imagining stuff like this is what really helped me to fulfill myself and catch the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
i was really reminded of that whenever i re-read edward's series, and now im applying it to my new desires as well. it's so funny that no matter how much i manifest or how much i learn i always find myself forgetting little tidbits like that that really help me and are very valuable.
anyway i just wanted to make this post to help you guys a little maybe! i was just in the shower and i was remembering edward saying to fulfill every little desire you have--not matter how small-- and i was remembering the days i used to imagine myself in my current shower, and id close my eyes and imagine the scent of the shampoo i wanted to get and i'd feel where every individual bath product would be placed once i had my own shower. and all that inspired me to write this!
i hope that this helps you guys out and/or gives you imagination motivation! i feel like it's important to imagine all the small things that pertain to your desire that maybe you overlook while imagining, but that you know you deeply yearn for even if u think they're mundane or that you'll just get them once you get your big, overarching desire <3
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faggot-greg-house · 5 months
house is autistic i will accept no criticism
i have so many thoughts about house and autism. this might be the most unhinged post on my tumblr yet but here we go so house had the illusion of normalcy forced on him from a young age. i dont think thats like, full canon, but house talks about how his father abused him on more than one occassion and talked about how he was never satisfied or happy with house no matter what. so i truly dont think its a far reach to say that he would not have tolerated a "weird child." the thing that i think, though, is that all of his actions are a response to the fact that he's not particularly great at masking. he's afraid if he lets people close to him he won't be able to hide the fact that he's "weird" (aka bad). he intentionally pushes people away with his weird creepy comments and being an asshole and that's both him masking (if he's aggressively mean all the time no one will bother to look further) and a way of coping with the fact that he cant mask. the more he pushes people away the less likely it is that they'll see that he cares about things and that he's not "normal" like he's always been told. i also think that as the show went on, he got less and less concerned about masking. he constantly stims, he hyperfocuses and burns out, he panics about change, he treats his fellows a lot more like family. once he got to a point in his life where his "weirdness" is not something he can be ruined for (he's tenured and he has people who will fight for him) he found himself a lot more able to be aggressively autistic, even if he struggles with it due to trauma.
a huge Autism Moment in the show for me is when foreman quits and house fires chase. house has been afraid his whole life of showing who he actually is, as mentioned. his fellows, though, are his People, they knew all of his shit and they never ran awayy from it. they didnt question who he was and what he knew, only his methods, and they were willing to fight back against him (something he's shown he loves). but then foreman quits because he "doesnt want to be like house" and this is house's worst nightmare. this is exactly why he had normalcy beaten into him, because being weird only makes it that people will run away once they know you. he dared to let people see a bit of who he actually is and how he thinks and acts and foreman essentially said "i cant stand to be like you." on top of that fear, his team became Different. he doesnt know if chase or cameron thought the same things as foreman, if they were also judging him or hating him for being autistic. it sent him into fucking panic mode because how is he supposed to trust them when he doesnt know if they agree with foreman!!!!! and even if he could, the team is Different and its for a reason he cant control and he cant just go back to normal. his method of interviewing his new fellows also shows this - how is he supposed to be able to tell if someone will be okay with who he is and if they'll work well together based off a short intervew where he's almost certainly masking the whole time???? anyway. to end this absolutely unhinged post ive put together an inconclusive list of autistic traits and actions from house, and i want to say that so much of this is him being written off as an antisocial eccentric genius and, while he is an ass that cant be debated, it clearly runs deeper than that!!!!
he doesnt understand how ppl feel (he repeatedly talks about how small talk is like a guessing game for him and he doesnt know what to say)
he doesnt like to be touched (for a lot of the show people just do Not touch him, wilson excluded)
he stims constantly and he needs Sensations
he's blunt, rude, somewhat monotone, etc
he has a hard time making friends
he has a hard time saying what he feels (he'd rather joke or be mean than analyse his emotions)
he has a routine that he Sticks To (even thgh its not exactly the same because of patients etc, he goes to work late, he talks to the same people, he sits in his same office. he's shown coming to work sick at one point and he doesnt rly go on vacation. plus when cuddy took his bloodstained carpet it was such a fundamental change to his life that he couldnt deal)
he notices Everything (yes ik this is a sherlock holmes thing but consider sherlock holmes - also autistic)
he has a method and train of thought that works for him and he is unwilling to break from it (he's shown at least once stopping the fellows from writing on his whiteboard, and after he loses the og three he continues trying to hold ddx's because its how he Thinks)
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sparklecarehospital · 6 months
been reflecting on my year a bit, and i was thinking about something. i think i know what the best thing i did for myself this year was.
making cometcare public. making the ask blog.
ive had this AU stirring in my brain since 2019, ever since i got really attached to doomi during the haunted arc. one reason i went so long without revealing pollarrydoomi as a ship to readers was because doom's crush wasn't public information until late 2021.
i had kept his crush a mystery for 3 years, but revealed it after a fun experience where people figured out who it was through guessing. i'm pretty sure i did a poll about it? asking people to guess who they thought it was, and uni won the vote, meaning everyone had already figured it out.
after pollarrydoomi was revealed and i started drawing art for it and people made fanart for it, i still couldn't post any of my AU art because ally wasn't public and she and howie were in the AU. in july 2022, for the comic's birthday, i revealed ally as a character to the readers. others around the time had started to notice characters i had in pfps and i ended up telling everyone i did have pollarrydoomi ship kids, but i didn't make them public.
in november 2022, i revealed eve on toyhouse. after her reveal, i would soon reveal sly as well in december 2022 on my birthday (revealing sly as a birthday present to myself is such a funny gesture now that you guys know how important he is to me). over the next few weeks i revealed cream, frosty, and marco as well. all of the main cometkids except chem.
then one day someone out there suggested that i make an ask blog for the cometcare AU. it was such a spontaneous decision, and i didn't even really know what i was gonna do with it at first. i was just kinda messing around. but when i made the blog i realized that if i wanted this AU to be experienced in complete authenticity, i couldn't make uni cis.
so i revealed uni being trans through the blog, despite the fact i'd gone so many years without ever revealing her identity. why did i do it? there's a lot of reasons. not wanting to make her a "dad" in the AU contributed, but also i felt like it wouldn't be detrimental to the story to confirm a character being trans. it also made me (and the crew in general) a lot more comfortable being able to properly refer to uni with her actual pronouns.
making the ask blog really changed me, because finally i could share this little family and comfort story i'd built in my brain with the world and make it real and make content for it and let people consume it.
but what stopped me most of all?
i've said it many times before... but i felt like it was cringey.
i felt like making an AU with 93985893844 fankids in a ridiculous complicated polycule wasn't something a Serious content creator should do, and i was really worried the reception would be negative or people would think it was stupid or something. i did NOT expect it to become as popular as it is. the blog actually has more followers than the MAIN ASK BLOG for the canon comic. it was received SO POSITIVELY and the fact it was just kind of blows me away.
it means so much to me. being able to share the most special thing in my life with people and for people to actually like it and have fun with me and want to see it, and for me to be able to not have to follow strict professionalism about spoilers and chronological storytelling, and being able to change and add in things whenever i felt like it. it's such a freeing experience.
when i was a kid, i used to make stories and OCs and i didn't take them as seriously as i do the sparklecare reboot. this kind of turned into my entire life and career kinda, so i had to take it more seriously. but making this AU honestly just makes me feel like i'm a kid again, it makes me feel like i can have fun and literally do whatever the fuck i want without worrying what people think or if it's realistic or if it makes any sense.
i know though, that some people don't like pollarrydoomi. and i know why. whether it's because of being attached to barruni (of course, they're the canon ship and main characters, i get it) or just having discomfort with the idea of shipping doom with anyone when canonically he hasn't experienced a redemption arc... i get it. i know not everyone likes it.
and that's okay! people are entitled to having their own feelings about content. i understand it. and i've come to accept that's always going to be the case with anything i do with these characters.
but i'm still going to do this for myself. i do this because it makes me happy to just have fun and not worry about being serious all the time. it feels good, especially when it's with characters that are really really important to me.
cometcare is genuinely the most special and important thing i've ever made for myself, it's such a huge piece of my identity and it makes me who i am. and being able to make this story public and share it with people and share these things that have been in my brain for so long with others means so much to me.
that's why i think it was the best thing i've done this year. it's kind of literally changed my life to be able to talk about them. it's made me happier than i've ever been making content. i'm not just making it to entertain myself alone anymore, i'm making it to entertain others like i do with other stuff. and the fact people actually like it still is unbelievable to me.
so, i guess my outlook for next year as it comes is to continue to stop taking everything so seriously. i can tell my stories however i want to. i hope others can realize they can do this too.
please make whatever you want, whenever you what, as much as you want, even if it doesn't make sense or if it's "cringe". you will be so much happier when you realize as a creator you DON'T have to take all of this so seriously. the comic still exists and people read it even if i'm doing this. You Can Do Whatever You Want And Nobody Can Ever Stop You. the only person who can stop you is yourself when you let your inhibitions get in the way of your ability to create things for yourself.
have fun! life is too short to take everything you do seriously
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fir3ylolol · 7 months
hi fir3y :3333 can we have more johnny cage x camera stuff (anything related, nothing specific; cameras in house, recording w phone etc) w him having a long time crush for y/n 😁 kind of like how you did w smile! you're on camera (i cant remember if i sent this if i already did im sorry 😥😥)
dazed and confused
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pairing: Johnny Cage x Reader
summary: it's been a while since you've seen your good friend johnny. but what happens when long-time crush mixes with weed?
tw: vaginal sex, vaginal penetration, oral sex, blowjob, eating out, cunnilingus, long-time crush, weed usage, intoxicated sex, loss of inhibitions, praise, filmed, sex tape, cumming inside, cum eating, putting on a show, whimpering men heheheh, afab!reader, gn reader
a/n: YAYYY finally another post!! its been forever. this was requested by @keiiikomegumi. gotta love men who fall hard and fuck desperately O.O also i think this is the longest fic other than we want you! ive ever written lol
word count: 2.65 k
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It’s been about 3 weeks since you last saw Johnny, which kinda sucks. He’s always a lot of fun, and you’ve been really stressed lately. So when you get his text reading, “come over 4 dinner, we can chill 0.o”, you quickly respond, “see u thennn”. You leave shortly afterward, excited to finally relax. You roll into his driveway after about 30 minutes of driving, seeing Johnny’s shadowed figure standing in the doorway. You hop out excitedly, walking over and capturing him in a tight hug. He laughs, hugging you back just as tight. “Hey! I’ve missed you, it’s been wayyyy too long. Come in, I’ve already got some food ready.” You walk in, drinking in the familiar sight of his home. You see the table set, two spots right next to each other, with a suspicious look on his face.
“So what do you have in store for me?” You sit down, watching as he disappears into the kitchen. “Well, I know you’ve been under a lot of pressure lately, and so have I. So…” He walks out, a large silver plate covered with a cloche. “I figured we deserved a treat,” he says with a smirk, lifting it and revealing two brownies. Realization hits you hard. You see, this is California, and if there’s any pastime Californians love, it’s getting high. Johnny is no different; in fact, he likes edibles more, since he says smoking will “damage his star-quality voice and flawless skin.” But he lives a stressful life, and he needs a break just as much as you. So seeing two, delicious-looking brownies on separate plates, you know exactly why you were invited. And you nearly cry.
“Johnny…” you smile up at him, “thank you. So much.” His eyes light up, placing the plates down for you two as he sits down next to you. “Yay, I knew you would be happy! Ok, I’ve got plenty of snacks in the fridge and cold ass water, so we’re set.” He picks his brownie up, and you follow, clinking them together like glasses before taking a bite. It’s rich, fudgy, and absolutely one of the best brownies you’ve ever had. With a mouthful of food, you try to speak, “Schit manm, ‘his is schoo good.” He laughs at you, finishing his bite before speaking, “It’s been barely a month and you’ve forgotten your manners?” You smack him lightly, before standing up and getting a glass of water, downing the whole thing. He follows you, giving you a big hug from behind. He’s rocking back and forth, face buried in your neck. He’s always been more touchy with you than his other friends, but you don’t mind. He’s warm and gentle and always smells fancy. But you laugh, rocking with him. “The room’s already spinning, oooooh.” He lifts you slightly, walking through the kitchen. “You’re so high, oh noooo!” He set you down, laughing still. “You’re so much fun, I missed you.”
You feel a slight twinge in your heart, the words must mean more to you than it does to him. You’ve been a little glad not to see him honestly, but only because your feelings for him have gotten that intense. A break was just what you needed, but now? When you’re going to be wasted and he’s just so nice and so close? You might break. But for now, you appear cool laughing as well before managing to say, “I missed you too” without seeming suspicious. And you start to fall into the same routine as usual, he leads you to the couch to chill together and watch something fun. He used to go to the cinema room, but once he got too high, watched Rambo on the big screen, and had a panic attack. Plus, you can’t cuddle in there, and he can’t stand for that, loudly declaring that he’ll rip the chairs out every time you two go in there. But he never does. You two end up talking about the weeks you didn’t see him. He’s been working on a new film, but won’t reveal any details other than it’s “based on a super true story”. And he laments how hard you’ve been working, trying to convince you again, “You should just quit and hang with me all the time. It would be awesome.” But alas, you turn him down again, as tempting as it is.
Before you know it, it’s been almost two hours, and you’re definitely feeling it more, the buzzing in your brain is a little louder, and Johnny’s touch gives you more goosebumps. But he leans back suddenly, looking you up and down. “Wait, I just realized, I can’t remember the last time you told me one of your famous bad date stories. What’s going on?” You fluster at his words, so direct and to the point that you can’t think for a second. You finally manage to speak again, your tongue feeling a little too heavy, “I’ve just been busy, man.” He scrunches up his face, thinking deeply. “When was the last time you got some? You know…” He nudges you, eyebrows raised suggestively. You take an embarrassingly long pause before speaking again. “...a year.” 
He leans forward, directly in front of your face. “A year?! How are you even alive??” You push him as playfully as you can, completely flustered by the whole thing. “Quit it, it’s not funny!” He sighs dramatically, splayed out across the couch. “So what’s up? Someone catch your eye or something?” You pause again, trying not to look at him, but your mouth betrays you. “Yeah, maybe. But it’s fine, he doesn’t like me like that.” He scoffs, head still tipped back, “What an idiot. You’re awesome. He’s really lucky I don’t just snatch you away for myself.” His whole body freezes as if he said something he didn’t mean to. You look at him, eyes wide and muscles tense. “W…what?” You ask tentatively. But he stands up, walking away while waving his arms around, “Nothing, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” But you can see the tips of his ears are bright red, and he’s tapping his foot on the ground, something he only does when nervous. You stand up and walk over, staying behind him. “Johnny, it’s something. Just tell me, it’ll be ok.” He takes a deep breath before speaking, still turned away from you. “I said he was lucky I didn’t take you for myself. I didn’t mean to say it, but honestly, it’s true. I mean, what kind of idiot doesn’t like the most stunning person alive? I just…I said too much, and I didn’t want to weird you out because you’re such a great friend and…” He’s babbling on, saying way too much and not making a ton of sense.
But you grab his hand lightly, which causes him to turn around. His eyes are watery, his cheeks and the tip of his nose are red, and his mouth is scrunched up in a frown. You can’t help but smile at him, squeezing his hand tighter. “Do you like me, Johnny?” He nods like a child, free hand coming up to wipe his eyes. “I like you too,” you say with a smile, no longer nervous or guilty of your feelings. He sniffles, looking at you with his wide brown eyes, “Really? You do?” As you nod, he sort of snaps back to usual, but not in a performative way, in a happy way. “Well of course you do! Who could resist all this?” He smiles before pulling you into a tight hug. “Thank you,” he whispers in your ear before he pulls away. But not fully, as you two lock eyes, and the air grows thick again. You swallow hard, eyes darting across his face nervously. He cups your face with his left hand, and slowly leans in, pressing his lips to yours. It’s exactly like him, warm and gentle, and it makes you dizzy. In fact, you feel your knees buckle slightly, which he laughs at into the kiss. As he pulls away to breathe again, you can’t help but feel hungry for more. You’ve only gotten a taste of what you’ve wanted for so long, and it’s very appetizing.
Johnny quickly pulls you back to the couch, barely able to think before you find yourself on his lap, hands wandering around your back, eyes locked onto yours. His touch is even more intoxicating than normal, with heavy breathing and racing hearts shared between you two. One hand reaches your neck, pulling you back in. But he’s not as gentle this time, like he’s trying to devour you whole. His other hand is on your hip, guiding you to grind against him slowly. Your hands wrap around his neck loosely. He groans into your mouth, squeezing tighter. You feel his tongue in your mouth, desperate for more of you, more than there is. You can feel yourself growing wetter, so high that your previous inhibitions are gone. Everything is happening so fast, and you’re starting to feel desperate.
He finally breaks away, panting heavily, before looking at you needily. And with how pretty his flushed face is and how badly he wants you, you can’t help but slide down to the floor between his legs. His pupils are blown out, a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth. He tries desperately to pull his pants down quickly, struggling slightly.  But he finally frees himself, cock bouncing out as the angry red tip leaks out. He’s embarrassed, turning his head away slightly, but keeping his eyes locked on you. You have no time to tease, absolutely hungry for him, for this. You take him in your mouth, getting most of the way down before you stop, looking up at him sweetly. He gasps, eyes wide and hands clutching at the couch cushions. You start to move, swirling your tongue around him as you keep a steady pace. His eyelids are fluttering, and very quickly he darts his hands out to grab your face lightly, bringing you up to face him. “C-can I film you? I just…I’ve wanted this for so long and you just look so pretty and I just…I don’t want to forget this, any detail of this.” 
You nod lazily, a smile spreading across your lips as you watch him scramble for his phone. He holds it up, hands shaking as he starts filming. You decide to put on a show for him, looking up through your lashes as you go down again, able to get almost all the way down, gagging slightly. He white knuckles the phone, staring at you intensely. His other hand comes up, grabbing your hair in one hand. His voice rasps out, “Wanna see that face, all of it. God, you’re so good at this. Fuck…” He sighs as you reach your hand out, starting to stroke him as you lean your head down, licking at his balls. He jumps slightly, but the most lovely whine escapes his lips, so you continue, trying to overwhelm him with pleasure. And overwhelm him you do, as he starts squirming back and forth at the intensity of it all, more heady whines. He finally remembers to hold the camera steady, trying to still himself. But as you go down again, rapid and sloppy moves, eyes watering as you look up again, his grasp on your hair tightens. He cries out as he cums, shuddering as you keep going, swallowing it all. You pull off with a pant, looking into the camera and sticking out your tongue to show what you did. He’s breathing hard, letting go of your hair and going slightly slack on the couch. But he tugs at your shirt, pulling it over your head. Even fucked out, he wants more.
You stand up, half-naked, and he tries his hardest to get your pants off too. But his hands are too shaky, and he’s trying to keep his grip on the camera. So you step back and slowly peel them off for him, and you can see his cock twitch slightly at the sight of you. You climb back on top of him, kissing him gently. But he leans to the side, propping the phone against the arm of the couch, and flips to the front camera. He shuffles down a little, leaning slightly to pull his pants down further as you pull his shirt off, wanting to feel his warm skin against yours. He kisses your cheek, and down your neck, reveling in the way you arch your back at the feeling. He whispers out shakily, “You ready? Gonna put a show on for me?” You nod, head dizzy again, as he rubs himself against you, audibly groaning at the feeling. He has no time to waste, sinking into you with a heady whimper. You gasp, taking a second to adjust to him, feeling his hands cling to your hips.
But it’s not long before he’s bucking up into you, using his grip on you for leverage. He’s bit down on your shoulder, whimpers slipping out. Your arms are behind his neck, clinging to him like your life depended on it. You feel him let go, raspy whispers in your ear, “You’re so hot, shit, so tight around me. You like putting on a show for me? Yeah?” You nod, moans pushed out at the force he’s moving now. His voice is shaking more now, but he can’t stop talking, “Shit, I don’t know if it’s the weed talking or what, but you’re so fucking good. Can’t believe I didn’t tell you sooner-” He’s cut off, a whimper as he manages to push deeper, completely enveloped in you. He’s losing his mind, hands wrap around your back for more leverage. But it’s not long before he’s cumming again, a whine as he pushes you down as far as he can. He’s trembling more, heavy pants in your ear. But finally, he’s lifting you and setting you down on the couch. Both of you are breathing heavily, trying to calm down after everything. 
That is until he grabs the phone and puts it in your hands. Confused, you look at him, but suddenly, he’s between your thighs, kneeling on the ground. “Can’t leave you wanting, especially after all that.” He dives in, with no sense of patience, as he sucks at your throbbing clit. His fingers pump inside you, your wetness mixing with his cum. You keep the camera on his face, legs pushed apart as you flinch at your sensitivity. He’s looking up at you, sweet eyes locked on you. He lets go slightly, mumbling into you, “Good job, baby, you’re doing such a good job.” You’re moaning, high-pitched, and slipping from your lips. He’s whining into your sopping cunt, vibrations against your clit causing more jumps. But you cling to him, eyes screwed shut as you cum hard, feeling his tongue lapping everything up with fervor. He finally separates from you, sitting down on the couch with an exhale.
He takes the phone, stopping the recording as he puts his arm around you. “I’ll save those for later,” he says, making you giggle slightly, but you’re quite tired. “We should get high more often, huh?” You snuggle into him, enjoying the feeling of his heartbeat under your ear. “Maybe. But hey, those videos better not get leaked or anything.” Your words cause him to whine out, slightly annoyed. “Come on, you know me! I would never. Besides…it would make too many people jealous, you know? Such a pretty thing like you, all for myself.” You laugh again before looking up at him, sleepy but happy eyes. “You’re stuck with me now, by the way.” He hugs you tight, squeezing you with a wide smile on his face. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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vampireimiko · 8 months
hi! I saw your Liu Kang x reader post and was like this: 🥺🥺🥺. i just imagined a cute little family with him, settling down, you know…
could you write anything about that? I’m sentimental 😭
First Steps
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warnings, none ! just fluff omgg
note, ive been popping off with a lot of these fics lately like, i am REALLY considering turning this one into a series
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"Come here, mama's babies! Come to mama!" you encouraged your twins, Jin and Mei. At 9 months, they were showing signs of readiness to take their first steps, but Jin, in particular, seemed quite stubborn about it.
You knelt down, arms outstretched, ready to catch them if they stumbled. Mei, the adventurous one, took a few wobbly steps towards you, a bright smile on her face. On the other hand, Jin sat there, studying his sister's attempts with a serious expression, as if contemplating the intricacies of this walking business.
"Good job baby!" You congratulated Mei, while Jin still sat there looking like he was thinking about walking.
"Come on Jin, you don't wanna walk? Try walking to mommy, please?" You coaxed, extending your arms encouragingly. Mei giggled as she toddled around, although she occasionally still fell, she was clearly enjoying her newfound skill.
Jin, however, remained seated, deep in thought. It was almost as if he was calculating the risk and reward of this walking endeavor. After a moment, he looked up at you with a determined glint in his eyes. With a sudden burst of motivation, Jin pushed himself up and attempted his first steps.
"Come on, that's it, you got it!" You encouraged as he stood, he ended up standing up for about 6 seconds then falling back down like he had changed his mind again.
You sighed with a smile on your face, accepting the fact that he just wasn't ready for now. "That's okay baby. There's always another time."
Suddenly, the front door opened. It was Liu Kang coming home. The twins, noticing their father, squealed in excitement, and Jin ended up surprising you by getting up and wobbly running into Liu Kangs leg.
Liu Kang chuckled warmly, picking up Jin and balancing him on his hip. "Hey there, my little warrior! Looks like someone's eager to run before they walk."
You joined in the laughter, shaking your head playfully. "I swear, these two have a mind of their own. Mei's taking steps like a pro, and Jin here is already trying to sprint when just a minute ago he refused to walk."
Liu Kang kissed the top of Jin's head. "Well, he's got the spirit of a champion. Don't worry, Jin, you'll be running around causing mischief in no time."
Jin, in response, babbled something that sounded like an agreement, his eyes bright with excitement.
𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐮𝐠𝐡, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐦 (𝐢𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥) 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !!
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𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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aphoticfirefly · 27 days
the spirits of the forest have been speaking. They desire me as a sacrifice, but inkblade headcanons will save me. Will you please help??
Oh dear spirits of the forest please extend your kindness and spare my friend for i have brought you these humble offerings of inkblade headcanons for your liking and possibly, entertainment. 🙏 Okay first of all, ive had too many that it is now like a separate (canon to ME) timeline from the actual show but!!!
first and foremost we all think this: oisin hakinvar is a lover boy. truly the most, down bad i-will-worship-the-land-you-walk-in lover boy. adaine would talk about wanting to pummel him (rage crystaled oisin) in the face for what he did and he'd be okay with that. only if its her.
he is also, lovingly, a boy failure. he'd be the type to work himself up into that cool persona we saw him at the first seacaster party.
i had this one canon complicit idea that adaine would actually pursue him post party in the way that, as a person who has always put herself aside for everything, for her family, for her friends, she'd let herself have this one time to actually want something, someone. and i trust that adaine is a freaking vault that nobody would actually know until its too late. ⛈️(this is supported by the fact that we only saw adaine's full devastation once that sending spell came. our girl was holding out hope for him even after knowing he was a rat grinder and all the other allegations to their name)
on a lighter note, oisin would definitely text her out of nowhere at night "what type of ice cream flavor do you like?" while he's out at a convenience store. he'd definitely cast fly on himself to be able to deliver the goodies up on her wizard tower :)
following a mutual on twt's headcanon of adaine picking up embroidering, id think she'd definitely be lowkey in confessing or more so admitting how she feels. like perhaps, fixing a spot in oisin's clothes by embroidering a flower of love (purple lilacs, they mean first love)
id love for adaine and oisin to get matching wizarding tattoos once they get together, the type where they get an even extra buff if they're within a certain proximity to each other!! would literally be so cool!!
thinking of adaine playfully punching oisin after hearing his cringey joke by going "what, no furious fists this time?"
its canon to me that oisin in his public social media will barely post while having his priv (with only ivy in it) to react to adaine's public selfies (loser)
oh and oisin's feelings for adaine (that in rage crystal mode got warped into obsession) is definitely definitely connected to dragonborns having traits deeply rooted to honor and how at the pursuit of excellence it only takes another more talented strong wizard for oisin to take notice of our girl.
i totally word vomited this is a lot and i dont think i have said everything but i dont know how else to say anything i hope this helped free you anon! stay away from the spirits of the forest next time!!
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mochiiniko · 4 months
i dont have the time to make a whole special drawing for rhythm doctors 3 year anniversary, so i decided to redraw the first thing i posted in the rd server (around late 2022 i think??) because honestly rd was one of the things that got me to improve so much 💀
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original drawings + me being emotional about rd under the cut because while ive only been into the game for a year it means EVERYTHIGN TO ME GRAHHH (lots and lots of rambles youve been warned)
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originally i was gonna make these redraws when act 5 came out because of this?? like i just find it really funny how things came full circle
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that time i was dealing with school and the stress from assessments were just. pretty bad LMAO. i had some steam credits from commissions and one of the core rd memories™️ i have was just going "oh rhythm doctor, i remember seeing a video about it i should check it out an-" BRAINROT BLAST PAST ME DID NOT KNOW
fast forward to 2023, october-november was just as rough as the previous year and i know its kinda stupid to say, but rd genuinely helped me get through it. act 5 especially since it was something nice to look forward to despite all the awfulness that happened that time. then playing act 5 made getting through that awfulness genuinely worth it
i had to play act 5 outside because i was on a trip, but i just vividly remember looking out the car window and feeling the happiest ive been during that time. and i didnt even play it yet!! just knowing that its finally out and knowing it was gonna be good was already enough
november 4 being the same time i got into the game, plus the fact that act 5 literally felt like playing through the game for the first time, made things much more emotional. act 2 was what made the game click for me (i dont have to explain why its already so obvious from my art posts 💀), and experiencing 5-X was like 2-X all over in the best way possible (i vaguely remember my own classic 2-X reaction with the window dancing, so again the whole "things coming full circle" with the window resizing lol)
im also thankful about it basically reviving the community?? i wouldnt really say it was dead pre act 5, but there wasnt too much going on especially on tumblr
theres probably stuff that im forgetting but its pretty late and i need to sleep so yea, happy 3rd early access anniversary to the silly spacebar game :>
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v-anrouge · 4 months
This is a queued post and it includes talks about transphobia and mentions of self harm and eating disorders
Im here to talk and announce a break, first thing's first j relapsed, in literally like everything sh ed and didn't try to kill myself is because of a few people and the fact my pills ended. For a very long time in this blog u have not been feeling like human, it's like most of you don't even actually like and just come talk to me when im being funny and fun or when i post something rook related that you like, ive really been trying to get rid of that feeling but it keeps on coming back and it's unbearable to be in this blog at this point. this situation with Shiba only really confirmed it for me, I saw about like 4 mutuals referring to this as drama, and complaining about seeing it on dash and while obviously you have all the rights to be displeased with a constant show of negativity in your dash, i beg of you to try and think how i, a trans man, must feel seeing you refer to me and other mutuals calling out transphobia and have to read you refer to this as drama and not as a literal crime. I understand if you got annoyed by me talking about it constantly and to that i ask that you please block me, because i have been literally beaten, bullied, harassed and even doxxed by transphobes, I do not take anything that displays even a bit of prejudice against my trans siblings lightly, hence why i was so "histerical and obsessed" and was being so "stupid and acting like an idiot" as someone people would claim. I do not care what view you have of me i really don't, im used to this shit, ive been trans and alive in the most transphobic country for 20 years, it's no news, but it still hurts. And it hurts even more when I see someone say i was an idiot for blocking someone immediately and calling them out when they side with a transphobe, and it hurts even more when I see a person i thought liked me complain about "drama still going on" rest assured that i won't be "bitching" about it any longer
For soru, who cant possibly process why i have blocked you, your take on that situation and your friend have both brought me terrible flashbacks of my own past as a child dealing with transphobia, of being told people like me are sick and are the seeds of the devil and that we are animals or that there's something wrong with us, like your friend said, their apology is both not genuine and extremely poorly made as they still can't accept the fact that yes, they are transphobic, and you soru, can't imagine how it broke my soul to see your post saying you had given them a chance, but seeing the post you made after, in which you literally agree with your mother you should've stayed away from trans people, that's what broke me the most, and j couldn't even speak about it, because it's "too negative" or im "drama chasing" im sick of this, you can hate and insult me all you want soru rest assured you're not the only one you're not the first nor the last one, maybe this will come off as a surprise to the people that are sure im obsessed with drama and chasing people around but i genuinely did have a lot of respect for you, if the hours ive spent crying over this say anything at all, it's sad that this had to end this way, but not for me, I don't care, this isn't the first or the last time this happens to me, but to my mutuals who i am very sure many are angry that i have made this situation happen, perhaps i should've stayed quiet and keep being funny as people like me best, well it is too late, but i hope that you'll forgive me mutuals, for once again ruining something good.
I don't know how long this break will last or if ill ever even return to this account at all, but i sincerely thank the ones that did treat me like a human, as an equal, that actually saw the person behind v-anrouge. you can't possibly believe how much you mean to me
That's about it, do have a great day
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parkhumans · 6 months
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I'm KAZ (he/him) and i'm an artist cartoonist etc etc you know the drill.
ever since i was a kid i had a massive special interest in theme park history and for whatever reason that's been really present in my life as of late. so i created parkhumans, which as you could probably gather is a project where i humanize a ton of rides, attractions, hotels and the like out of a passion for them and their history. i tend to include a lot of anthro elements in my designs too, so the term 'human' is pretty nebulous. more elaboration on what these are will come later down here
ive actually had this project going for a while, i just havent posted much about it here because i just couldnt find the time to. woopssss
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some other things i feel are important to know
i dont just exclusively humanize disney parks/attractions. my theme park special interest is very general and encompasses multiple parks not just those
i hate disney as a company and i am sure to make that explicitly clear. when i praise their theme parks, none of that praise is directed towards disney as an enterprise, it's towards the people who are behind the engineering and art of the resorts. again it bears repeating that i am very vocal about the fact that i Do Not support disney as a company. im extremely critical of them. im just a big proponent of preserving the hard work that goes into these resorts and i think that work deserves to be highlighted, and im glad i can convey the history behind these attractions with my art
do not conflate the parkhumans project with c0untryhumans or anything of the same vein. they are not remotely comparable. c0untryhumans is pretty inherently bigoted just as a concept. i don't like the prospect of being conflated with that as with the parkhumans project is something i create with as much tact in mind. i purposefully go out of my way to avoid depicting things that are offensive or in poor taste in this project.
tangentially related to that last point, there are certain attractions i refuse to make designs for. generally this includes rides that have had tragedies occur directly on them that are inseparable from their histories (such as america sings), rides that have origins in inherently bigoted sources (this is why i wont ever do splash mountain) or have bigoted things within them, and, this one is more of a case by case basis, but i tend to stray away from heavily ip-focused attractions. what i mean by this is that you won't see me making characters based off star wars or marvel rides. this is more out of a personal place, as i simply just dont enjoy doing it. i feel like certain companies have gotten too comfortable just relying on their ips and its something im very loud about being disappointed in. i prefer to focus my time on the attractions i like, not ones that are just popular. of course that last one has a ton of exemptions so you cant expect me to 100% uphold it, but just keep in mind that i dont really pay mind to the attractions i feel are kind of corporate and shoehorned in. if you want more elaboration on my stance on this, here's a twt thread i made regarding it
normally i dont take requests for designs unless i ask for them myself. again, i like to do my own thing most of the time
i dont consider this to be a big collaborative thing, but that doesnt mean i wont let people make their own spins on this idea. i have my own vision in mind for this thing but im totally open to the idea of people making their own fanchars and stuff!
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& some other things
here is a big doc i made explaining what parkhumans are in case you're wondering about the specifics of how they operate
also heres the toyhouse page
that should be it 👍 ok cya
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cosmicdream222 · 4 months
It’s been a while since I made a Master Shifter Vanilla post. I came across this one and it went along with some asks and discussions I’ve been posting lately. This one is for my Scorpio anon 🌝
As always, the author of the original post is a master shifter called Vanilla/Love who was active on amino several years ago. I have edited her posts for grammar and clarity, but all credit belongs to her. The original post.
Vanilla explains: Past Lives, Death & Afterlives
TW - Mention of death
Table of Contents
i. Intro
ii. Note
iii. Death
- What Happens
- Where Do I Go
- What Is There
iv. Past Lives
v. Outro
i. Intro
In this post, I’ll delve into some topics that are pretty unknown around here - death and afterlives in the multiverse. What is it? What happens? Please make sure to read the note and enjoy!
ii. Note
Please keep in mind that all these things are experiences from me and several other multiverse explorers. I've already died around 50-100 times and visited way over 200+ afterlives in all kinds of reality concepts. Of course, it always differs in realities, but some basic things are always the same, such as the root of an afterlife and its purpose in a reality concept. This post is here to take away worries so you can be sure: death is nothing scary and never an end.
iii. Death
Let's talk about death - the end of a life. But really, no, it’s actually not. A lot of things happen, but even they are not ultimate. Death itself is not ultimate. There are as many realities where death exists as there are some where it doesn't. In fact, the topic of "death" around the multiverse is a heated debate.
Negative things like anger, worries, doubts, fear, pain, jealousy, and all these things are not natural. They are mostly (in this reality concept) a product of being human, and our subconscious mind always tries its best to keep them away from us. But still, they are part of some reality concepts, often the ones that the mainstream of awarenesses avoids.
It's the same with death. An awareness is not made to be gone. So, there are people saying that death is a terrible part of the multiverse, and there are people saying that death is, like the concept of "identity," a nice extra in some realities. Whatever party you choose, it's completely valid.
What Happens
Now, let's address the most important question: what happens when we die? What does that mean? We die, or at least our "life body" does. The body that breathes, drinks, eats, moves during our lifetime. It can die in many ways, because we get too old, have an injury, accidents, you know what I mean. The most common way is this one:
You die at some point, there is a moment where you 100% will no longer live.
This moment can be triggered by many causes, but whatever it is, the same thing happens.
Before your life body dies, you automatically spawn in an afterlife.*
*depending on the individual
That means you don't feel it, you do not suffer. When you reach the point where you won't live anymore, you'll just pop up there in your "afterlife body." The rest depends on the reality concept and the afterlife itself. This way, it's possible for you to experience life, death, and afterlife without worrying about such stuff.
When you get hit by a car would you suffer for the next 4 hours? No, you are already in an afterlife - gone before the car even touches you. When you are really, really sick and would definitely die at some point? Individual - some want to experience it (because of, for example, loved ones) till a few hours before they die, some do not want that, and some do without actually "being in their physical body" - that means that you can talk, think, feel, interact with everything but the sick, physical body cannot affect you. It will happen exactly how you want. Remember: your reality, your rules. But what happens after it?
Where Do I Go?
That is really individual. There is no "ultimate" afterlife and no "ultimate" even after you die. It basically happens however you want. Many here are afraid of "not being able to shift" in an afterlife. But do you know what? Theoretically, it is even easier than here in this reality, in this life, because there is nothing that can influence you. No physical circumstances, nothing. You'll shift from there exactly like in the rest of the multiverse, 100% instantly. So now that we've cleared this up, what are your options?
1. You die and just shift to the reality of your desire (NOT respawning). You don't have to spawn in an afterlife; you can also just spawn in your DR or wherever you want. There are no limits. You can also say you want to leave the 3D, also known as entering the void. Completely possible.
2. You spawn in an afterlife. Do not worry about stuff you don't want there. I'll talk more about this point later, but when you don't want specific creatures or circumstances there, they will not be there.
But what kinds of afterlives can you spawn in? The most common in this reality are religious ones (only when you are religious, so you won't be there unintended) or the astral plane (I do know that it is more complex, but that's it - the astral plane is just a bigger afterlife, nothing more).
Besides these two options, you can always choose anything else. You just want to be in a pretty paradise? You'll be there. You want certain circumstances removed from things you already know, for example, "heaven-hell," but everyone is super nice, of course, you can have it! There are no limits.
What Is There
But what is there now? A lot. Whatever you want. The most popular things here are probably gods, demons, angels, dragons, and spirits. But none of these creatures are something to worry about. Remember when I said, "as we know, negative things like anger, worries, doubts, fear, pain, jealousy, and all these things are not natural." This also applies there. No species is naturally evil or negative. No demon is naturally evil or negative. When I, for example, talk about gods, I like to use this example: They are just a species, like dogs and bees are animals. Very different but still the same in the root.
So yes, of course, a demon and a human are very different, but they are just species, like gods, like angels, like unicorns. Nothing special at all. Totally equal. If you want them to be evil (NOT assuming, genuinely wanting), they are. If you don't want it, they won't. That is a very easy rule for everything. You want heaven but only with Greek gods? This is exactly as valid and totally equal to everything else. An afterlife is as customizable as the reality itself, that means 100%. You don't have to plan everything in great detail; let it surprise you. There will never ever be something you don't want around.
iv. Past Lives
Let's have a last talk about past lives. Will you remember them? What can you find out? What if there's something you don't want? What if you are a completely different person? That is really, really easy to answer: you don’t have a specific "past life."
Reality is 100% customizable. Past, present, future. You control it all. There is simply no truth, no beginning, no ending in the multiverse.
It is exactly the same as having a comfort version of your identity. Yes, there can be something you like the most or feel the most connected to, but it is still never the "truth" because no ultimate truth exists.
Or let's put it the other way: EVERYTHING is the truth. If you want your past life to be in Hogwarts, it is TRUE, 100%. If you spawn in an afterlife and want to remember every single one of your "past lives," then you'll remember your life in Hogwarts.
You can fully customize your past, even this one. For example, you want to remember this life differently, certain things, everything, no matter what. And you spawn in the afterlife, or you shift, or whatever you want to, then you'll exactly remember that version of this life that you want to remember. This is then 100% real, 100% happened like this.
There are no limits. Absolutely none, never.
v. Outro
That was the post! I hope you liked it and it cleared up some worries and misconceptions. Remember two things from here:
1. Everything is customizable and
2. Death is never the end. Never ever.
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