#i know there's ooc there but i don't really care
chokenaine · 2 days
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amab! reader, reader gets called 'boy' (2), frail/weak! reader, spanking, mentions of human experimentation, no beta read, mentions of reader using a crutch, manipulative stein(?), ooc stein(?), non-con, toxic relationship (?), ect..
dr stein the man you call your beloved doctor who takes care of you and treats you like precious glass.
dr stein who knows you are weak and fragile, wants to look inside of you and explore the inside of your body until he knows you from the inside-out.
dr stein who you let experiment on you and slice you open but you don't mind, right? no matter if it causes you the most pain you could ever experience.
dr stein who ties you down onto the lab table whenever you try to run away but how far can you really go in only a (poorly treated) patient's gown and your crutch? he always catches you, he promise it won't hurt one bit it'll just feel like a pinch (he lies)
dr stein who is slowly losing his patient, so what better way to discipline his patient? Spanking. he’ll bend you over his lap, as he begins to leave painful marks on your bottom with his favorite ruler, he’ll rub and squeeze your very sore bottom as you whine and cry for him to stop.
dr stein who truly cares about you! he promises! so don't cry, he knows he can act like he doesn't really care but does, he cares about his precious boy (name), stein would never replace his patient you're too weak and fragile for the world he couldn't possibly let you go!
dr stein who one night decides to experiment on you while you sleep, he promised he would only do it when you were awake but his temptations just got the better of him, he's sorry!
as you yawned, you had realized you were on the lab table and not in your comfy bed. as you tried to slide off the table you fell causing a loud crash, you should have known better trying to get up without your crutch but you just didn't know what was happening, your head hurt a lot and a lot weaker than normal! as you laid on the lab's floor, hot tears began to pour from your eyes. “s..stein! doc.doctor!!” you cried and shouted, as stein entered the lab he put out his cigarette that was placed in between his fingers.
he crouched down and picked you up “now..now what happened here?huh?” you tried to explain to your doctor that your head hurt a lot and you felt a whole lot weaker, “such a silly boy” he bopped you on the nose as he placed you down and opened up a drawer reaching for a busted up old mirror. he placed the mirror right in your face as you wiped your tear from your eyes to see better, you noticed the stitch on your forehead.. you screamed!
“s..stein!” you shouted as your fingers gently touched the stitch, “yes?” how can he be so calm?! once again tears began to pour from your eyes as you bawled your eyes out.
“shh..” you looked at him with glossy eyes “i know you suffer a lot from what people i suppose call ‘mental illness’ so like the wonderful doctor i am! i tried to fix you up, don't be frightened, it was for your own good!” he placed a kiss on your trembling lips, you couldn't stand to look at stein at this moment. you bawled your hands into fists as you tried to hold in your anger and sadness for him doing this in your sleep he promised he wouldnt!.. as you cried and were lost in your thoughts, you felt steins lips on your.
you gasped as you felt his tongue slide into your mouth.. “don't be sad,I'll make it up to you..”
that's how you ended up here, you on the lab table with knees beside your head as your doctor, thrusts his cock into your hole “a..ahh! nonono..stopp stein!” you begged as you felt his cock hit your prostate rapidly, “shh..just take it like a good boy” he held onto your legs as he pushed deeper and deeper into your tight heat. “you are a good boy, no?” you nodded as you began to drool, you could feel your brain turning into mush with each rapid thrust, your cock twitched as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to climaxing.
“sososo c..closee! mghh!” you whined as your cock began to squirt come all over your tummy for the fifth? Sixth? you lost count it feels like he's been milking you forever, as steins harsh thrusts you could feel his cock in your tummy, “cmon you can take it for a bit more..” you began to move around trying get away put his grip on you was just too strong for you, the way his cock filled up your hole was just too much for your poor soul too handle! your eyes crossed as your rambled nonsense. “fuckfuckfuck..coming!” stein's cock twitched as he began to pump you full of his seed.. your vision turned back..
your legs ached as did your back, you were now in bed with covers on top of you. “I only do what's best for you, boy..” stein ran his fingers through your hair as he placed a kiss on your forehead. you flinched, stein was your doctor, your one and only..even if he makes you do that stuff with him again he only does it because he cares!
authors note: my request are open so feel free to request!
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cryo-ultrakill · 2 days
Love languages of all 3 AM's!!
[Again if ooc i don't care]
AM's Love Language
AM is more of a physical contact type of lover
He'll to anything and everything in his power to be able to touch you
You'd be laying in bed with him and he'll run his fingers all over your body
Feeling all the little hairs on your body, feeling the stretch marks, feeling every dip and curve, the scars on your body
And he really doesn't care how small or big you are he just like touching you so much
But he's hands are like icey cold and compared to your body heat he's hands would melt off
He just likes to be touchy
RAM's Love Language
RAM loves praising words and he'll do anything for that
He'll do the dishes, help you with paperwork, open lids for you [even if you end up having do to it] he'll try to help or do anything for a crumb of praise
He melts whenever you say "My love" "Darling" or "Sweetie" he loves it
Also praise him as often as you can, stuff like "Oh thank you for doing [task] for me, you're the best" or "You're so smart" "You're amazing" "You're so handsome"
He melts at anything
And i mean it
Sometimes if you go overboard with the praising he's systems will overheat and now you have to spent and hour laying him on his back while his core cools down
But it's still nice
CAM's Love Language
Now CAM loves quality time
Like even if you're doing something else if you're in the room with him its enough
Sometimes when you're struggling with a task he'll take over and assign you an easier task
Ex: You're working on fixing you're phone but it's bugging out and crashing every time you open even 2 apps at the same time, you're getting frustrated, soon CAM walks by takes the phone out of your hand and says
"Go to the dishes for me" to help you cool off
If you're done with whatever task you were assigned to while he's still working he'll give you more until his task is done
CAM also likes to teach you sign if possible
He'll teach you the basics and if you know more sign than he does you would teach him the sign
But it's nice to be able to talk across the room using it
Also since not a lot of people know sign it's nice having your conversations private and one for your eyes to see
But if you get a sign wrong he'll correct you and explain what the misinterpreted sign means
Also he likes it if you can be an interpretor for him if he's having a hard time understanding people with thick accents
Anyways thats all I have, im gonna jump into a hole :D
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mikatsuobushi · 10 months
WHAT IF jeankasa in august but instead of the augustine-james-betty plot, it's literally just the song itself. imagine mikasa spending the summer in the beach/coast where her grandparents are and she met jean there. they spent every moment together and it's sooo fun and sooo good until summer ended and mikasa has to go back to the city. for her, it's just a summer thing but for jean, it's a summer love that he treasured so much to the point that it hurts....
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memento-moli · 2 years
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feroluce · 3 months
Thinking tonight about Caelus, and the nature of his loss and his grief after the Everything that went down in Penacony during 2.0.
Because Acheron, Black Swan, and Misha kind of knew of Firefly, they at least met her, but they didn't like really know her, and Caelus never even got the chance to introduce her to the rest of the Astral Express Crew. The only person who would have talked to her much was Sparkle, who is. Probably not really someone Caelus is interested in grieving with skznmsks
Anyway, all this to say, I like thinking about how alone poor Caelus is in his grief, because he was the only one who knew Firefly. He's the only one really mourning her. There's no one to talk about her with. There's no stories to trade or memories to reminisce with anyone over. It's not as though he knew her for long, but still. No one else knew her at all.
And I love the thought of all of this coming bubbling up, hot and acidic and bitter, during a conversation with Sampo, who Caelus just so happens to run into in the Golden Hour. Poor Sampo is kinda blindsided, he knew shit was going down in Penacony, but yeesh. And he just. Isn't quite sure what to say about it all, because he's never really encountered this before. His feelings about the Masked Fools are...a mixed bag, but he's been a part of them for a very long time, and when you're with a close organization like that, it's hard to feel alone, in grief or otherwise.
So Sampo sits there on their little bench that the two of them have occupied, and he thinks of his old friend April, how she'd died in his arms cackling and spitting her own blood after a heist gone wrong, and how after he'd dragged himself back to the World's End Tavern they'd all held a Fool's Funeral- which is basically just a big party where everyone gets really really drunk and reminisces and toasts the dead and celebrates their life.
He still thinks about her a lot, and he remembers how the time he'd most keenly felt her absence was on Jarilo-VI, the one place where he couldn't talk about her because he couldn't say anything to give himself away as an alien. The Fools still tell stories about her every time he goes back to the Tavern. His first toast of the night is always in her name. Even now, all these years after she'd died, Sampo is still learning new things about her. He's never had to grieve her alone.
Caelus doesn't have any of that.
He might never have that. As they speak, Caelus has no proof that Firefly was even her real name, or if she dreamt with her true appearance. He might not ever find out who she even was.
And just imagining that kind of loneliness hollows out a strange little pit, right behind his sternum, deep between his ribs.
So Sampo claps Caelus' shoulder and offers him a deal. Come find him outside of the dream. He knows a guy who can get them a lot of beer for really cheap-
("Is that guy you and your five finger discounts?" "Whatever do you mean, dear friend, I don't even know the meaning of the phrase, hehee.")
-and they can hole up in a bar or a hotel room or something, and get completely shitcanned. Tell him all about Firefly, tell him everything, and he'll tell Caelus about April and everyone else he's ever lost. Sampo will carry Caelus' memories of Firefly with him, and at least this way, Caelus will be a little less alone in remembering her. And the next time they cross paths, Sampo will be the one to bring her up, and to tell her stories, and Caelus can get to be the one listening. He won't have to be the only person to talk about her anymore.
Caelus rolls his eyes when Sampo avoids another remark about sticky fingers, but...ok, yeah. That sounds good. Nice, even. Thank you. Caelus bumps his shoulder against Sampo's. Sampo bumps back.
(They find each other again the next day, and true to their word, get themselves completely and utterly shitcanned. Caelus talks more than Sampo has ever heard him; every minute detail, every word choice, Firefly's every odd little mannerism and habit. Because Caelus wants to make sure this will outlive him, that even if the Stellaron dwelling within him finally burns him to a crisp and he really does up and kick the bucket, or even, godforbid, if he forgets, he wants to make sure someone remembers her. She deserved that.)
((And it takes quite a while, after that. Caelus doesn't see Sampo again until after everything has settled down. On his last day in Penacony, he finds the guy slinking out of a seedy back alley and all but runs right into him. Sampo happily leads him to some dive bar in an even seedier back alley that Caelus has never even heard of, and Sampo raises his glass. "To Firefly! Who sounds like she probably would have hated me at first, but I would have liked to have met her anyway."
And Caelus stares at him, almost looking startled, long enough that Sampo worries that he's read him wrong and brought this up too soon. He's halfway into planning how to talk himself out of this situation when Caelus finally throws back his head back and laughs, tells him that yeah, Firefly would have politely called him out on every lie he told, and all their conversations would take twice as long with the way Sampo is so full of shit.
And he can see it, the same way he watches and sees through everyone, that Caelus' eyes have a tightness to them, his knuckles are nearly white around the handle of his mug. But he smiles. He hits his glass against Sampo's far too hard and throws it back and gets foam everywhere like he does every time they drink because the guy's about as elegant as a raging bull, but those things don't lessen the genuineness of his smile.
The grief is there, but so is the elation, and those emotions aren't a sliding scale between one or the other. It is all of both and both at once, and that's what contents Sampo enough to throw his own mug back when Caelus makes a toast of his own, "to April!!".))
#caelus#sampo koski#hsr caelus#hsr sampo#sampo & caelus#honkai star rail#hsr#my fics#me a few days ago: my favorite silly little guys uwu#me today: ANGST#honestly I feel like this isn't even a super strong angst though#it's more just. bittersweet? melancholic? something.#I JUST. REALLY LOVE STORIES ABOUT THE NATURE OF GRIEF#and 2.0 laid the groundwork for that beautifully woohoo#I just remembered this probably isn't common knowledge oops but April is the cute red haired girl in Funny Bone#her name was revealed by the creators on twitter. she's named April like April Fools!#anyway I ship it hardcore now thanks bucket boi & studio#but anyway yes I love and adore the loneliness of the trailblazer's loss and grief after 2.0#because we know from Sunday that Firefly is “spiritually dead” but the trailblazer wouldn't have that knowledge#and they wouldn't know her identity or about any of her connections to other people#and I love that juxtaposed against Sampo and the possible strange nature of his own grief-#-given how the Masked Fools operate and how they see Elation in everything and everywhere#Sampo is no saint- like at all lol- but I do like him and Caelus getting along and being bros#and I don't think it would be terribly ooc for him to care about someone he sees as a genuine friend#he maybe rarely considers someone a genuine friend. but still dmxjjdjdk#listening to Sam's boss theme as I tag this... have been listening to it a lot ever since I finished 2.0 tbh#it's probably what inspired a lot of this haha#because it does sound strong and intimidating and imposing#but you can hear it#the heartbreak
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its-target-official · 13 days
i am trying to read sbi fics.
and of fucking course people are discontinuing their fics because of the whole wilbur situation. which i understand.
if you say "i'm not writing a story with an abuser in it," you are just fundamentally wrong. because while CONTENT CREATOR wilbur soot did, apparently, abuse someone, CHARACTER wilbur did not. (well, mostly.)
now if you are writing something about the real life people, yes, this makes sense.
i do not want to hear anything about the situation and/or your opinions.
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fastfists · 18 days
[sips tea] Dash is on fire XD
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fortune-maiden · 7 months
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Péi Míng & Shī Qīngxuán Characters: Shī Qīngxuán, Péi Míng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Trust, ride home Summary:
There are over 1000 contacts saved in Shi Qingxuan’s phone.
There is only one that he calls when it’s late, he’s shivering, and his head pounds to the dizzying dance music in the background.
Pei Ming Week Day 1: Modern AU
I wasn’t planning on writing anything for PM Week, but then it just kind of happened anyway ^^”
I hope you enjoy
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stillcominback · 10 months
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙻, 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚅𝙴𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙲𝚃'𝚂 𝙸𝙽: as a lot of you may know by know [ if you've caught any of my previous posts about it ], i'm moving with my parents back to california from texas -- where i've been for about 30 years -- because overall? it'll be good for me. i'm sick of texas for the most part, i literally can't afford to live on my own [ and honestly? i like being near my parents and would just have more security and better quality of life in CA ], and i just think sometimes a change is good!
i've been waiting to see if my job will let me keep my job [ and continue to pay me dirt, even! ] ... all i was asking is that i can live in california and work remote. well, the owner has decided he will not allow me to do that. is there a good reason? in my opinion: no. he's framing it [ in his conservative white man rich business owner brain ] that I'M the one making the choice to move because i could apparently just as easily stay in texas and get my own place etc etc etc. so it's on me! unfortunately, it's just not that simple, but i guess from a guy who runs a family business and has multiple homes, it's just hard to really grasp that concept.
i'm literally so furious and so heartbroken at the same time. i know it's not the best company, and yeah i guess, we can say this is for the best in the end? but that doesn't make it hurt less. i've been there for almost 11 fucking years. my ENTIRE career out of college. through ups and downs, i was always working my ass off and being a great employee ... shining reviews and reputation with literally everyone. it just hurts that that ultimately means nothing when i'm finally asking for something in return. i take the poverty wages, take the working in the office when i hate it for the most part, i've taken having to hear misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, every-phobic thing over the years ... then i ask for ONE thing in 11 years [ that's literally not even a big ask ] and it's a ✨no✨.
i feel so lost. like i don't even know how to be without this job, and as much as people tell me YOU'RE SO TALENTED! YOU'RE SO GREAT! YOU'LL FIND SOMETHING SOOOO MUCH BETTER! i wanna believe it, but my brain just ... doesn't. maybe it's imposter syndrome or just how fucking down on myself i feel right now. i still appreciate it because i literally don't know what i would do without my friends and family's support right now like ... even if i can't see it for myself, it means the literal world to me.
plus sides [ i guess ]: i should be able to keep my laptop [ but i'll lose adobe cc so ... i may need some recs or help on how to at least get photoshop cause idk how i'll carry on without it lmao ]; my manager who is a literal saint and one of the best people i know [ she actually pissed the owner off going to the mat for me lmao "he doesn't like to be questioned" ... insert the biggest eye-roll of my life ] ... but she said she would help me with literally everything from linkedin to my resume to a portfolio, and i know that'll be like everything to me while i just .... try to navigate all of this ON TOP OF trying to move.
ALSO: i think i can work until i leave, if that's what i want to do ... i'm still trying to figure all of this out because honestly? even though it's not much? i need the money. but then i'm also like i don't wanna do the owner any favors by having me work while they maybe start putting out feelers to replace me, yknow? BUT THEN AGAIN, i'm hurting my boss more than him [ and that's the twisted, frustrated thing about all of this ... it hurts us way more than it does anything to him but he still gets to make the choice for us ]. SO! i dunno! i may just use all my PTO and see how far that gets me lmao but i feel like at the end of the day, i have to look out for myself and maybe just trying to pull in as many paychecks as i can [ since we also don't have a hard 'we're moving!' date at the moment ] is the best idea ... even if the idea of going into the office and acting normal like literally makes me so ... 😤 but i dunno! my brain is a mess! afjhksdfda
SO YEAH. i just wanted to update you guys because i do consider you friends. whether we talk a little or a lot, i appreciate all of you so much and just wanted to keep folks in the loop with where my life and my head's at right now. not the best but ... just trying to keep it moving. honestly nooooo clue when writing is gonna happen here again??? i do miss / enjoy the distraction of plotting and talking about all this stuff so don't be shy, i just don't know when i'll have the time or capacity to just write here [ maybe once we move and stuff settles a little bit? ] -- but yeah, in the meantime, please come chat with me, let's plot dynamics and all that shit because it still makes me so happy and lets me take my mind on a little vacation lmao love you all, truly! ❤️
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lingeringscars · 1 month
updated overall faves from the top of my head:
cassandra who's afraid of little old me? the bolter but daddy i love him guilty as sin? the alchemy florida!!! the smallest man who ever lived
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llycaons · 6 months
okay I thought about the similarities between jfm and jc's unrequited crushes who prefer their 'servant's' company to their own and it looped around from being tragic to being really funny again. jc pined after wq so clumsily and unsuccessfully with the stupid fucking comb she didn't care about because SHE AND HER FAMILY WERE POLITICAL TARGETS AT THE TIME and HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HER AT ALL and she 100% always preferred the company of wwx, who was genuinely fun to be around, as intelligent and selfless as she was, understood and respected the delicate political position she was in, treated her like an individual, knew what was important to her, helped her family, and sacrificed everything for her safety. wq literally would rather have lived a doomed life in a starving refugee camp with wwx and her family than accept a marriage proposal from jc, jc wq shippers how does it feel to be fucking clowns
#you can say that decision was just for her family. but you could tell how much she loved wwx too and how little she cared about jc#he sucks to be around and whoever is in his life just needs to be someone who's inexplicably into that and it is NOT wq#she has her own shit she can't be babying him and soothing his self-esteem issues!!! the cultivation world had her family in a death camp#like WHAT would be the appeal here???? 'he cares about his family like she does' actually he publicly denounced his brother who is her#really good friend so...????? no?????? do they think she thinks he's hot??? isn't that a little superficial???#his sarcasm and prickliness don't gel with her sincerity and guardedness. she wouldn't like his joking roughhousing and she's more mature#than all that anyway....also I can't think of a single time he even looked wen ning's way pre-ss and wn is THE most important person to her#and its actually disgustingly ooc to see how jc wq shippers just act like he doesn't exist. bc what they can't pretend he'd get along with#wn effectively? but that's wen ning!!!! how is she married to someone who doesn't care about him or even hates him!#WHERE'S THAT POST LIKE#jc: lady wen may I rub thine feet? feed you grapes?#wq: uhhhh#wwx: hey wq!#wq: wei wuxian! *they do a 15 step handshake*#jc: okay guys I'll just be uhh. over here#wwx and wq: laughing together#UGH she was so great. travesty of the century that she died like that for the emotional development of a male character!!!#I really do like wq tho I don't really know what to say about her. she was a solemn character who knew her ending far before anyone else di#and didn't fight it for her own sake only for her family's#I just hope she was able to be at peace in the end. it seems so cruel that she was ripped away from the only person she truly wanted#to be with forever#ALSO her entire thing is repaying debts!!! which he categorically FAILED to do!!! she wouldn't respect that or find it admirable/attractive#he probably looked like a fucking impotent self-centered coward. which he WAS! SHE SAVED HIS LIFE!!!!#cql txp
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beforecreation · 8 months
The hardest part of finding ask prompts for Beerus is that his responses can usually be summed as "That's rough buddy" or "Would you like to talk about your emotions Tien" "No"
So I'd have to think about using as many synonyms as I could to spice his responses up.
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immortalled · 9 months
Slammed with a lot of feelings about how Nathan tries SO hard to find love in any shape or form that he can get it. It doesn't even matter if it's hollow, he'll take anything he can get.
That's why the fame AU episode is such a good character study. We already knew Nathan was starved for affection and, for all his antics, to be liked, but it really shows how far he's willing to go to get it.
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fablemyth · 29 days
i shit on lgcs a lot because it's so wild and inconsistent when it comes to the whole core of what came before it but sorting caps my mind is just going ... what if u watch for lizzie so u can write her
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tvrningout-a · 9 months
will y'all be mad if i reblog a fluffy meme or two (; ω ; )
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opscurus · 11 months
. ignore me . mobile vent .
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