#i know u said this came from an rp
saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 2 months
(Open Rp) "Legend of the Golden Dragon"
Long time ago, Saphira and Her Now Soon-to-be-Ex-boyfriend Name "Daniel Landus Rooster" Who she's been with him for the past 10 years of their relationship and Daniel is from a Lovely wealthy family as well and his parents are very good decent people..During the Times, She was once pregnant on the 9th year and She was thrilled that she heard that she's going to have a baby girl and so Does The parents Of Daniel rooster..but To daniel who heard about this…Wasn't really happy about this…He began to act Childish and wanted to have a son..but then..Saphira tore his ass up with a harshful Lecture and telling him To Stop acting Like King Henry VIII, She told him that he needs to get his act striaght up..and she heard the other news that she not only have a baby girl but a baby boy..She was thrilled..but.. sadly..the car ran her over and cause her to have miscarriage of her 2 unborn children..she was at the hospital very devastated..and next year..Daniel is all happy and all..while saphira find it odd about him..he came home late until one day, She got called From the cops that Daniel is in jail For Murder and also prostitution and Embezzlement of Saphira's Fathers company that he works for…Saphira's eyes widen in rage..and she storms to the police Station to pay a visit on jail.and saphira sees Daniel wearing an Orange jumpsuit..and Daniel sees rage on saphira's face as he knew That he is in The WHOLE mess Of trouble written all over him..And then She Picked Up the Phone With anger and Disgust..and she said in anger tone,
Saph: "Where the Hell Were you During the night?"
Daniel: "Listen saph…I was shopping and u-"
Then saphira Slammed on the table and Snapped at him
Saph: "DON"T LIE TO ME!!, I heard what you did..and I want to know..Did you Purposly ran over me in the car?..I heard from one of the police that they Saw you drive the car..and run over me and cause the death of Our children..and I Want the truth..Right..Now."
Daniel : Sighs softly "Yes it was me.."
Saph: "WHAT!!!?? Why Did you Do that Daniel!? What were you thinking!!? You Killed Our 2 Unborn babies!!"
Daniel: "Wait? Two babies?"
Saph: " Yea! You Dimwitted LOUT!! I was Having one boy and One girl! I was going to tell you but now, You Killed them Ya Monstrous BRUTE! You wanted that Son SO Desparately Mr. King-Henry-VII But YOU Lost your Damn Chance! ALL because of you Hated My Daughter So much That you Did the Unthinkable!! So tell me…Why did you go to the Burlesque For Prostitution?!"
Saphira was in rage as Daniel was shocked, His face was pale and now he's filled with regret and horrid..and then..he answers
Daniel: "I-i…sighs I wanted to have fun..so i slept with 15 girls in that place…"
Saphira's eye widen with shock mix with now fully malice in her and She said,
Saph: "YOU WHAT!!?? Not only you Killed my babies but Sleeping with 15 Whore in that godforsaken place!! Is there anything that I wanted to know about this!?"
Daniel: "Well..your not going to like it..But I got one of them pregnant."
Then saphira was so in rage that she has Blood shots in her eyes and she slammed her fist on the table in anger..and she said
Saph: "OH THAT"S IT!! Your Not only a Murderer and a thief but your nothing but a Mangy Cheating DOG! But not only this! You Are Mean, Rotten, Selfish, Cruel, Wicken and LOW-Down! and your parents is on it's way..and Boy They have a Bone to pick with ya! They already Knew What you did To their grandbabies! and I'm going to make sure That you'll pay me for all the Damages That you put Upon me and Now my precious angels! And also..From this day Forth, We're Over! We're done! and I hope That your getting what you Deserve and I'm going to make sure you'll Never Set Foot in my Property again!"
Daniel: "But Saph! You know how strict my parents is! I heard they'll bail me out and make me Pay back! Please I'm sorry..lets start over!"
Saphira: " Well Thats too Bad Daniel! You Lost your chance to be a good father to my kids, But now Your not even fit to be a Father in the first place! I Hope that Woman will place your child at Foster care because No Child ain't going to have Such a Horrible Father who only killed Children all because of Obsession of having a Son! I am Sick and tired of your Cruel behavior and your Little TroubleSome antics! We're through Daniel Rooster! Good-bye and Good Riddance!"
Saphira Hangs up and Left him..and His parents just arrived to pay his bail and Dragged Daniels ass to his home and His father and Mother Tore his ass Into New about Acting Irresponsible and unthinkable thing he did and Telling him what a failure he is as a man and Human being itself..and then His parents apolgize To saphira and her father about Their Horrible son's Troublesome behavior..They paid saphira Compensation For the damage He cause…and Now Daniel is Force to work day and Night to Pay His parents up for many part time job.. As Five years went by, Saphira fell into a despair Until Her Father Decided to Invited Every single Men who wanted to be with her..but all turns out..they only love her wealth..and He sighs and Pray to Inari the kitsune goddess to Give Saphira a man of her Life who would treated her right but then..There's a scroll that fell off the Shelf..and he discovered there's a way to get any elegible Man to retrieve and rewarded them With His daughter..So the scroll shows That there's a legendary Dragon armor made of Pure Gold and Only pure hearted Lad who will wear the armor but there's a bad Armor that was sealed up for all time..and he who wears that Dark Dragon armor can possessed such a corrupted Powers beyond their wildest dreams..So He Invited every elegible young men to find a golden armor and he will reward someone by the hands of his beloved daughter….then One of the Brave man came To Saphira's father and Said…
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silkkorchid · 2 months
What went down in TWST rp in a week-
Covers 3/30 - 4/5
This week was ok ish…
NRC therapist and Gardening club seems to be planning something against Mrs. Rosehearts…
NRC Newspaper club has a new member called, Atlas, seeming to be an unofficial prophet for NRC, thanks to his Unique Magic.
There is a Dance Club at NRC now-
One of the hosts and the host club seem to have a questionable draft that was soon posted by another host. I’m looking at you 🪞⚜️.
NRC Host Club has now a menu of food, with the one of them being uhm a very clever name for it!
NRC cooking club made a disgusting salad that I cannot describe…
NRC allows students to have tazer if worn correctly…
Another race is happening between Royal Sword Academy and Night Raven College. And there is a poll which school is going to win, some students at NRC are rigging the poll.
Both of RSA and NRC Cleaning club have log entries.
Che’nya is at it with the invisible boop towards the boys.
Some of the boys’ future children are throwing powder ball at them, for no apparent reasons???
The Diasomnia gossip account seems to be telling all the juicy stuff that happens in Diasomnia- wait does Malleus even know this exists?
Someone said Sebek is just… I can’t say it as I’m gonna puke…
A boop war has commenced between us who will get the most boops.
A boop battle between Ruggie and Silver. Silver surrender with Ruggie being the winner .
A student of Diasomnia ate a whole pathway since they were hungry. The person that did this, u know.
Malleus and Althea is having a boop match across campus. Then lasers were incorporated into this match of theirs.? After all that happens, Althea and Malleus end their boop match with ice cream.
Althea trying kidnap Gidel, NO TOUCHING THE CHILD ALTHEA!
General Lilia came back from the dead.
Lilia destroyed the microwave again, wait is that smoke coming from Diasomnia?
Lilia got into Ramshackle’s kitchen and yeeeee….
Riddle realized his mother now got a Tumblr account-
Ace got food poisoning, and Riddle ban him from the kitchen till he gets his credit for the mandatory cooking class.
Mrs. Rosehearts has came back after 4 days. Someone gotta hold onto me before I jump her.
Seems like fans of Riddle are pushing their buttons with Mrs. Rosehearts, and I’m proud seeing them being straight forward on causing chaos.
Ace destroyed a microwave. No questions ask.
Ace got collared for the millionth time.
Ruggie’s future child SOMEHOW broke through a wall!? H-how does that logic work!?
Someone cast a spell onto ruggie in which made him wear bunny ears and a tail.
Leona is trying to pass his responsibility onto Ruggie.
Azul has now met his future child after idk how long.
@quartztwst made Azul bald.
Jamil trying to prevent Alcestris dating Najima, his sister. Meanwhile Althea cheering Alce on…
Epel came back after a beauty break to see the last update before shortly going offline.
Idia arguing which anime he and his future children will watch.
Idia allowing his future children to commit arson…. Ortho please stop him being a bad influence to his own future children…
Idia loosing his shit when the topic of Sonic came up.
Idia lost something very important for his magic pen.
Someone reminded Idia that he accidentally left Ortho’s filter off and you know the story.
The boys’ future children somehow got gender-bend due to a potion.?
The children tried monopoly and it turn into a full on war.
One of Sam’s friends can speak that wired language that I can’t understand-
Cheka came back after a long nap.
Someone taught Cheka to swear-
Fellow and Gidel is at it again trying to find new puppets…
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coquelicoq · 7 months
i know we're all losing it at this sudden insight we've gained in the [tarik voice] uhhh why is there a drone in my face scene, so i wanted to pull out some moments from previous books in which murderbot uses drones to look at people and see how differently they read if we now assume said drones are hovering inches away from their faces. reviewing my notes to look for examples is how i found out that mb doesn't pilot drones to look at people's faces until FT/NE, with one exception, and it's a doozy:
When it [the drone] reached Wilken, I had it stop and hover in front of her face for twenty-six seconds. Okay, so I was a little angry. (RP, ch. 5)
so like, it knows putting a drone in somebody's face is gonna freak them out, and it uses that to fuck with a human that pissed it off. lol.
that's really the only moment in the first four books where mb could conceivably be droning right up in someone's business, and it's made explicit. so i don't think we missed anything there. FT and NE are another story. here are some of my favorite moments:
Indah faced me and asked, "You have experience at this?" Watching her via the drones, I kept my gaze on the Starchy Foods!!! sign, which had little dancing figures around it which I guess were supposed to be starchy foods. (ch. 1)
there's something about having a drone in your face while you're trying to talk to a person who is staring very seriously at a whimsical sign that contains three exclamation points...
Indah stared at Tural. So did I, with my drones. (ch. 2)
MULTIPLE drones in face incident! plus your boss giving you the eyeball?? tural is doing their best u guys please have mercy!
He [one of Mensah's assistants] was used to me and used to confidential council stuff, so he didn’t even glance up at my drones, just nodded to us and slipped out as we stepped in. (ch. 6)
whose job is it to tell newly hired assistants "ignore it" when there's a drone in their face? it's probably part of the standard onboarding procedure at this point tbh.
Then me, Aylen, and Indah were standing in the office looking at each other. Or they were looking at me and my drones were looking at them. (ch. 6)
mexican standoff if instead of guns you had eye contact and also one of the people involved doesn't like making eye contact. or something.
The drone I had watching [Mensah's] face increased magnification, its low-light filter rendering her features in black and white. (ch. 2)
POV you're having a tense conversation about trauma therapy in the dark with a little flying camera buzzing around your head. just little secunit teammate things! (i actually think mensah finds this very comforting though. she smiles at the drone four pages later <3)
I wanted to use my drones to look at [Amena], but while that was calming for me, it wouldn’t be for her. (ch. 3)
hmm would it not be calming for amena to have something hovering in her face right when she's about to be abducted by raiders? ya think??
I had a drone view of Amena watching the hand scanner, her brow furrowed in half-wince, half-concentration. (ch. 6)
it doesn't have to be like this [mb 🤝 performing surgery] when it can also be like this [putting a drone in amena's face 🤝 mb 🤝 performing surgery]. mb has two hands (metaphorically)
My drone watched [Amena] eyeing me. (ch. 20)
every time mb says it sees through a drone that someone is watching it gets 200% funnier if this means that the person is deliberately ignoring the drone invading their personal bubble in order to look at the person that is outside of their personal bubble. like that's commitment.
[Mensah] came and sat down next to me in the lounge and I adjusted a drone to be able to get a view of her face. (ch. 20)
read: "a drone zoomed down from where it was circling above my head and stopped an inch in front of mensah's nose." i mean, you don't have to read it that way, it's never made explicit and i'm not the boss of you. but isn't it fun to imagine?
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magicinverse · 8 months
Red team fans some of you need to stop being assholes (I'm not talking about everyone ofc, but if the shoe fits)
Like seriously I get that your team is in disadvantage but some of u are acting like the most annoying people ever, I don't mean when you complain about the team distribution that I get
What I don't get is directly insulting the other teams, look if you are supporting someone great!! I love it, but I've seen people I've never thought I would use swear words against others: cunts, bitches, pussies etc. The amount of people I have blocked that I never thought I needed to it's crazy, some people really flip! "respect everyone and don't insult" apparently that changes now
Going to others chats to send hate, the Sunday multiple times people came to send hate to Roier's, yesterday to Etoiles, bbh and today to Fit (those are the ones I have seen cause I was there, but I don't doubt there is more) "Oh how do you know it's the team red enjoyers" because it's always people complaining about the team red favs "you killed Carre" "You don't deserve to win others have a disvantage and you are killing them" "Fuck u, Go team balls" "Go team red" (while someone is commenting about supporting THEIR team on THEIR chat) come on are you guys 3 years old? Now I'm not saying the other teams fandom don't get toxic on others chat but for some reason is mainly coming from a especific place...
Some are also completely disregarding the effort other teams put! I'm not going to say Red team didn't deserve the win they got yesterday, what I'm saying is that some are acting like Etoiles put his team on the first spot effortless when that's not true at all!!! He was tired and receiving a lot of shit from chat while still putting an effort to make his team win ALONE
"yeah but Etoiles did alone and the red team still needed all their active members to win" THE BLUE ALSO HAD LIKE 5 MEMBERS ON AND THEY STILL DIDN'T WIN!!! By that logic every team who has Etoiles has an advantage and THAT'S TRUE!! But does that mean Etoiles doesn't deserve to play or have his work completly disregarded? No!!!!!
And the first day there where also a shit ton of comments like that!! The fact that other teams have less experience is not the fault of those who have experience and are putting effort in this too!!! Not mentioning how some were assholes to the the blue team when they won
"oh but this is about the eggs lives so it's really unfair" again let me remind everyone that those are fucking npc of a minecraft game and are not hate worth it, that being said I do get that point, but let me ask? What would have been fair? And puzzle and enigma event? No. A construction event? No. A build a machine event? No. All of them in one event? Yeah! That would have been great but I think that's not what most of you wanted is it?
Don't worry guys when this events ends we are going back to the lore/puzzle events while the survival focus players will have to watch from the sidelines helping your lore/rp focus favs and wait another 7 months to have something!! Good luck to you guys who like the mod create and that kind of stuff I guess we will have to see how long it takes for you!!
quackity... SURVIVAL... multi player... ANYWAYS!!! Have a great day those who are not being completely assholes and I hope your team has great day too!! Doesn't matter which color it is
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xxxtoony-brosxxx · 7 months
Tw grooming/unalive/self harm mentions
Here to discuss two of my groomers from the past
Aka MiloIsHere on discord idk what their user is here on Tumblr and Unicornlilac
Yes these are old things
But still I'm going to talk abt
Yes I heard Unicornlilac had unalived themselves idk how long ago
Ppl also tend to forget nsfw rps with minors is low-key grooming if they didn't consent to it, or can lead the adult to bride the minor to do nsfw rps Abt themselves, which unicornlilac did at one point to me
Info under the cut
Idc if I get attacked by my currently alive groomer or his pals, either I'll argue with or ignore yall
Also if u want, y'all can reblog and share
But for unicornlilac:
They were in their 20s, I think like 22 maybe
I was 16, they sexualized my OCs, one basically a child, the ogs know my boy Strawco, yes, him and Gearshift did a ton of the deed bc it's what they pressured to do, especially Ezy when I first made him, Ezy was also sexualized by them, with several Bendy clones at once
There's also them asking me out, I was 15 just turned 16, they kept implying to date, low-key even mentioning having sex and meeting up irl
Ofc I turned that down, but they did make jokes abt how we would do it bc as most of u know, I'm trans, so they were trying to talk abt how we'd do it and pointing out how I didn't have a dick
They even mentioned to me how they dated someone who would have been my age at the time (16) but they broke up 2 years prior
Making that person 14 years old, idk their story tho or how long unicornlilac was with them, just might be before they turned 14 for all I know, I can't provide evidence for this bc unicorn deleted everything and I had blocked them prior to that
For Milo (who I have evidence for):
Tons of NSFW rp from them, didn't really talk much outside of the NSFW rp, they never asked if I was ok with the rp, just went ahead and did it, I only went with it bc I was a ppl pleasing traumatized wreck that broke my own boundaries for it, (y'all would know I wasnt fond of my characters being referred to suggestively if y'all remember when I was upset with ppl calling Ezy a man whore, stuff like "hot" or "handsome/pretty" was fine tho), remember ppl, if they don't say yes, that doesn't mean it's not a no, it's a no until they say yes, I was 16 at the time, they were 17 going to be 18, and continued when they turned 18, i believe Milo is abt 19/20 now
Sexualized Ezy (only time they rped was for sexual rps between him and Don), had a drowning kink, I only figure out bc they did a water demon rp with their bendy and mine on a non NSFW channels in a server, only stopping when I said my boy doesn't need to breathe and is Aroace so if that's a turn off so they stopped so fast, weird if that's just a reg rp
Plus I've heard they did this type of rp many ppl, not just me, even ones that included choking and cutting
Lied about their age in different servers and dms to do nsfw rp
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So if he claimed to be 18+ before/around the time of May, 2021
U were lied to
Many adults were lied to abt their age just to do nsfw rps
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Got upset when someone didn't include their bendy in a work with different Bendys and my Ezy, which was a surprise gift we didn't know abt
And got upset when they weren't in it and seem to take pride in being messed up in the image above, didn't feel guilty until I pointed out that's not something to be proud of
I know they contacted the artist abt it, idk how they did but for all I know it probably came off as pretty rude
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Only apologized to me to keep shipping, if I hadn't mentioned what I did, they probably would have continued abt the shipping rather than a really apology I low-key eventually pressured but still didn't seem sincere tbh and took a "I mess everything up" approach
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This was stuff on my old phone I got from Google photos, when they took a joke too seriously there and started to guilt me for it, yes I did spiral so I know I over apologized but they didn't say they forgave me until this last message and told me to not make it into a self blame thing on my own server that everyone knew was a joke, and when asked not to make that joke I apologize and we dropped it, the only one that escalated was Milo
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Doesn't ask if I'm up to rp, expects me to comply
When ignored
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Tries again
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The way they questioned the ban from my server seems pretty passive aggressive, probably nothing big but included anyways
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Also this is old from my old discord acc
He asked what bbc was, I made something up tbh I didn't know what it meant back then
Don't know why he turned it on me
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Um why???
When exposed for all this one someone else's server he started angrily (or so I'm told) questioning who did it and had threatened to self harm over it, I heard from ppl it was a way they guilted ppl to listen to them
I wasn't the only one he groomed but I'll leave it up to the ppl who were victims to step up if they see this post
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utilitycaster · 4 months
ok we are 10 minutes into kollok and i am straight up not having a good time but I am going to commit to this hour of watching. to keep myself from losing it i'm going to do some very irritating stream of consciousness on this post and post it at the end, nonrebloggably so as to not yuck any yums (though feel free to go wild in the replies). also I need to point out: I don't have misophonia. I have openly and repeatedly said I think the Sam Riegel ASMR ad is not just inoffensive, but actively very funny and enjoyable. The sounds on this show are setting my teeth on edge. I hate it. also for the intro the immersion is genuinely WORSE than say, CR or D20 because everyone's just reading prologues that they've written.
speaking of we're done with the prologues to the prologue and into the prologue, as demonstrated by the title screen and horrible noises.
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I call this filter the "yeah I've got mild astigmatism and have taken mushrooms before, you're not special"
hmmm we're stuck in this fuckery for a while and i'm suffering so anyway folks i've made it so polygon will think CR is good:
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the music is pretty good I will give them that. also this is literally not special though. like Zac just was like uhhhhhh math as any GM would say, he just was weirdly aiming for suaveness instead of like. normal.
All the profanity on this show sounds like a mormon or a ten year old who just learned the word "fuck" and is trying it out. as a woman who swears constantly i'm like what is HAPPENING. also this blonde woman who isn't on the show in the present day is rolling so hilariously badly. is this why she's not on. girl get out.
back to the present day; this actually is a really good industrial music video ruined by some actual play in the background
"zac, I'm going to command attention please"
"who's zac"
"sorry, driver" ah yes yes this is SOOOOOOO much more immersive i'm totally not making the jerk-off motion
i love u danielle radford you deserve better. although the actual RP now that we're in it is like, fine.
really i think a really significant problem is that this is the most 2014 YA-dystopia plot that ever plotted except as a core part of the premise, everyone is 30. I feel, honestly, that this is the other big issue in actual play that people at polygon obsess over that leaves me ice cold, (also? lots of fandom cold takes), but like...I was a HUGE sf nerd pretty much from childhood, and I think a lot of people came to actual play for a number of reasons not tied to the genres in which it typically exists (fantasy, science fiction, horror). This is fine but it means you get people who act like VERY standard genre conventions are either the most brilliant and original creation on earth, or utterly baffling. Anyway my point is that this is giving Divergent by Veronica Roth but it THINKS it's somewhere between Twin Peaks by David Lynch and the adaptation of the Handmaid's Tale and it's like no babe. you're Divergent by Veronica Roth. stop fronting like you're Twin Peaks. You're Divergent. By Veronica Roth. Which I read while stranded at LaGuardia over a decade ago.
lighting effects are fine honestly. reminds me of the Doja Cat 2020 MTV EMA version of Say So. Wish I were just rewatching that. rotating rock i love you. you are the best thing here other than danielle radford. I feel like I'm in a really fancy Spencer's Gifts. by the way I know i'm being pretty bitchy and incoherent here BUT I'm sober; let's hear it for Stupidly Bougie Soda and Nonalcoholic Spirits.
I'm also eating bean dip with a spoon. in my defense I made REALLY good bean dip and I don't have chips.
I just. other than the digital filter in the flashback I genuinely don't see how this is different than D20 except lacking in any charms and OH GOD THAT'S TIME.
but I want to add that like...the thing is Danielle (C-dubbs) was doing some wacky funny stuff and it felt like it was being shut down and to be fair I get wanting to stick WITHIN the genre but this whole thing feels joyless, and not like "oh, survival horror is so grimdark and sad", I am a tragedy enjoyer, but like. it feels...mandated.
Also this is weird and picky but for all of Those High Production Values (repeated direct quote from the Polygon article) they do a weirdly bad job of filming the die rolls? Like, they cut to the dice trays at the wrong time?
Finally, and this is just a pot shot at Polygon but they should stop making it so easy, but the article was like "I watched the 4-ish hour first episode and I didn't have a clue what was going on but it had Those High Production Values" and it's like...I was demonstrably fucking around on tumblr and in GIMP while watching and I have a pretty solid idea of what was going on. Maybe it goes nuts in the remaining 2.5 hours that I may chip away at to be able say I watched a full episode and decided it "wasn't for me" *smiles like I'm a waitress on Hell's Kitchen and Gordon Ramsey just asked me a question* but I think you might be dumb.
CONCLUSION: just watch the Doja Cat 2020 MTV EMA version of Say So, read Divergent (by Veronica Roth) (you don't have to be at LaGuardia) and like, check out Mentopolis or Misfits and Magic if you want to see Danielle Radford in a Kids on Bikes game that is good.
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moodbroads · 3 months
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also heres some goofy ah photos of my mate being scared of his own pups-
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ANYWAYS IM SO EXITED FOR HELLROARING MOUNTAIN!!! i wonder if theres gonna be a new achivement for like interacting or killing a wolverine since i think they said its gonna be rare or smthin! i already know theres prob gonna be new cool collectibles so im exited about that- OOH WHAT IF THEY ADD A WOLVERINE SKULL
would be nice to also have a den in an abandoned human camp ehehe tbh my dream wolfquest update would be if you could raid like a rabbit warren or maybe get revenge on stranger wolf dens so there could actually be war n stuff >:D MAYBE IF YOU FIND A NON-ABANDONED FOX DEN IN WINTER U CAN MAKE IT UR OWN BY DEFEATING THEM >:D
it would also be so epic to have mutations like having a piebald pup!! aionguedbhklwsuv i have SOOO MANY IDEAS like a 'rp mode' in multiplayer servers where ur able to play as a puppy or special rp-only emotes like stretching, shaking or play fighting/roughhousing! and maybe even splitting players into diff packs (maybe being able to attack the other players- if in a diff pack XD)
BUT YEE ANYWAYS BACK TO RAISE MY PUPS-6 MORE POUDS TO GO (to 15) AFTER THE DEN FLOODED T_T (edit cuz im too lazy to make another post)
also yaya its spring i can finally bring food cuz the only beavers are like a million miles away :')
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anyways yeah i saved and left after that to take a break-hope to update yall once again soon XD
i have returned once again i couldnt resist >:)
WE GOT TO THE REN SITE FINALLY!! :D the personalities of em are rlly starting to come out sooo...
introducing...creek the napper/antisocial, ember the explorer/rebel, and skipper the energetic/extremely lucky XD
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i got revenge on the cougar that snatched skipper /j
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BONE PARTY!! (yeah thats creek sleeping once again ;-;)
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fun fact i found out durin this playthrough: the plane will visit your mate if they have a radiocollar on and you dont! even if your far from the den and theyre still at it! i saw it a few times and it was pretty cool but very hard to get good shots of :')
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AGRHJ MORE DRAMA- dang calfree creek moved in super close to my home hex while skipper got sick- ;-;
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once again skipper being 1 tiny pound away BUT AYYE SHE GOT HEALTHY AGAIN LIKE 2 NIGHTS LATER SO YAYA
also me findin the barbie bag and lance being scared of it for some reason (AgAinSt GuRLiEpOpS?!?1/1/!?)
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underappreciated local redhead XD
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i finished and creek got air jailed by lance for tryna be active T_T
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ANYWAYS HERE THEYRE ADULT FORMS!! ember got a cool tinted buffy which was my first npc coat!! (XD aint suprised tho cuz lance was stormy) and creek looks like he ate face-first into a bag of flaming hot cheetos
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ANYWAYS YAYAAA I HAD A FUN TIME!! i might continue this bloodline too..someday >:)
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sylvxters · 6 months
Get lost with me?
•(A ticci toby x canon rp, BXB, plz continue in DMs <3) •
TW: contains: drugs, razors, $H. Do not proceed if u are sensitive to such.
It was Sunday night, all the creepypasta’s were inside the mansion, slender was away god knows what we was doing. Toby was outside on the porch, he looked down at his razor and his wrists, he had old scars and some new, the red and swollen parts.. he ran his index finger over them gently. Hissing softly.. he was now smoking a cigarette as he fidgeted with his hands. Picking on the Scabs and pulling on old string, Toby sniffled as he sat in the cold, grinny cat came out and purred.. Toby smiled and pat the cat, as the cat turned around and walked back inside into the abandoned looking mansion. Toby sat there as he opened his metal flask, taking the cigarette away from his lips and drinking the bourbon he had in his flask. Toby just sat there, he got up, stumbling slightly. Holding onto the wall as he coughed. He wiped his mouth.. he took a minute, hearing the front door open, he looked at you, he paused. “Um.. you aren’t s’posed to be seein’ im like this..” he said softly as he scratched the back of his neck. “Ermm.. what can I do for ya?” He said as he looked away. “Ya know.. ya shouldn’t be outside, it’s way to cold for ya.. ya can catch a cold.” He said as he smiled softly.
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kaztheghost · 7 months
All within rp !!!!! I do think it's funny that Tubbo is fighting so hard to prove the existence of a cursed team regardless of whichever it is with a mountain of evidence despite the fact he doesn't HAVE his own kid and the team captain with TWO CHILDREN is insistent there isn't one despite the fact if the cursed team loses ALL kids die because they got spawn killed day one so they must be cursed and also their tickets have designs . LIKE THATS CRAZY the actual evidence they have is one to dozens and frankly . Imo . (THIS IS ALL RP when I say this I am meaning it in that their team members have been so broken in by purgatory and twisted by their circumstance and that's really cool and interesting to see it played out like this!!!) It seems like red team doesn't care about the consequence of the game after, Their only goal is winning and that's it no matter what anything else says or risks; they were all for playing with what the game master eye guy says when it came to destroying the egg statues and now that the game says oh there's a cursed team they want to argue against it--it's just insane to me I can understand arguing about WHO the team is but to argue there isn't one outright is crazy 2 me at this point and even arguing who is at this point . You're almost at two weeks why wouldn't they pile evidence now + I can understand Cellbit saying well why would we compete then but like on a meta level . For content dude LOL like to argue about who it is and such like . WHAT ANSWER R U LOOKING FOR Tubbo was right when he said there is no point to the game itself (on another meta level I think the reason they would give evidence from the start is because the admins know if the eggs did die this way it would be so disappointing and upsetting so they're making it easy as possible for them to know who needs to win but they can still play within the game and story and have fun ykwim)
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reallyhardydraws · 1 year
hi !!!! i have been a huge fan of ur art for a long time, esp since i found it via x-men fanart, and it's what introduced me to evo which is now like one of my fave shows ever. i've always LOVED all your kurt/wanda stuff, but since i only rlly have access to the movies & tv shows, and wanda isn't even in the xmcu (💔), i've always wondered if they're involved in the comics or if it's just something you'd wanna see? obvs your earth-number-i-forgot au is yours, but the other stuff? i guess if ur willing i just wanna know what makes you like them so much, since everything you draw for them is so cute, and i don't get to see any of the source material!!
a lot of my interest in kurtwanda came from my old days of writing as kurt in the xmcu RP fandom here on tumblr :') i had some of my best times writing with my friend who wrote as wanda, we had loads of headcanons and just yeah haha. i think there's something about their visual contrast that's fun obvs the red and blue and then their similar sort of romani upbringings give them common ground, they're both sort of goth too lol.
but there IS also the cartoon wolverine & the x-men. they go on a date and wanda gives him a kiss, and i think this is all sort of a nod to the fact that kurt & wanda are married in the universe that gave us TJ wagner/nocturne
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and so yes they ARE in involved in the comics, but it's all entirely offscreen RIP!!! earth-2182 is their home universe - we only learn a little about their relationship via TJ, but she implies that her parents are a) married and b) very much in love:
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(click through to view these properly, please excuse the antiromani slur used in the 2nd screenshot) there is also like... one extra panel where we see old man kurt watching wanda saving people on TV and he's like 'atta girl that's my wife' but i can't find it and you're not missing much b/c for whatever reason they said 'this version of wanda is as hot as always but this kurt is decrepitly old, bald, rocking a white goatee, and has an eyepatch.' really a weird turn for our favourite elf.)
but yeah i would recommend the wolverine & the x-men scenes: they appear together in episode 10 - greetings from genosha and episode 15 - hunting grounds i think they may appear in other episodes but it's been a while since i've watched the series, these are the only 2 where they are both main characters and their storylines interact.
anyway tysm for asking! i'm glad u enjoy my drawings of them and tbh i miss them!!! need some more free time to be drawing my faves they're honestly a ship for the ages!!!❤️💙❤️💙
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stillresolved · 4 months
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NAME?: ferre :)
PRONOUNS?: they / them
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: tumblr ims for newcomers, discord for friends/longtime writing partners!
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: rn aeri's taken over, but on here, it rotates fairly often; i also always have brainrot for suki & patrick ♡
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: 9-10 years? i started in the shitty ims of quizilla, didn't realize this is something ppl actually did as a hobby for another year before i moved to tumblr. i believe i was on-and-off for about four years before in 2018, i made calum, where the hobby became more permanent, took a year long break and then came back in 2021....u're all stuck with me for life now :)
BEST EXPERIENCE?: THE PLOTTED GROUP VERSES I HAVE WITH THE PPL :'D from the thg verse to the crime verse AND NOW!! the celebrity verse i never thought i'd get to write and plot such intricate ideas with my partners, so it makes me SO HAPPY and thankful to have stuck around here all this time; also whatever's going on with suki & her co-workers i'm in, i love it
RP PET PEEVES?: admittedly, a lot :'D but moving blogs has helped with getting away from constantly encountering these pet peeves :D if i have to name one then recently i've been getting turned off by ppl who are always their soapboxes lecturing about rp. they talk about how rp should be and how people should interact with one another, but most of the time? i hardly see them practice what they preach. if you want quality partners, you have to be one first- that's how you find ur people :/ also excessive, consistent saltiness- i get uncomfortable.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: i don't really care, just as long as there's character/relationship development going on. that being said- if you want pain that will make u yell at me in the dms, hit me up ♡ ( i have references :DD )
PLOTS OR MEMES?: honestly plots all the way, but i'm also very picky with who i plot with in-depth, so memes are good ways to break the ice.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: i tend to match my partners so most of the time my replies end up on the longer side...that being said, i am always down for shorter threads, it's a good exercise in brevity.
TIME TO WRITE?: recently it's been more on the weekends as i have solo writing projects i work on during the week although i do tend to hold onto completed replies/memes so that i can mass post them when i have a few more completed.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: NAH, one thing that's been making me happier these days is that i'm starting?? to branch out a bit more from the good beans i'm accustomed to writing....when it comes to portraying my characters, my goal isn't to make them do the right thing so much as do the most interesting ic thing ♡
tagged by: i stole it ♡ tagging: @geaesaekki @mythvoiced @velvetineblue @theimpalpable ( for when you've finished renovating :D ) @bloodxhound @byanyan @crue1 @irrwicht and you! stealing is acceptable in this house :D
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jessource · 2 years
sentence starters: emails i can’t send.
rp sentence starters from sabrina carpenter’s, emails i can’t send.  ( part two )
how many things.
“you used a fork once.”
“it turns out forks are fuckin’ everywhere.”
“there’s no hiding from the thought of us.”
“i got ways to find you anywhere.”
“we sat on the roof once.”
“and we talked until the sun came up.
“i wish we stayed just like we were up there.”
“i consider you, i’m not trying to.”
“i can’t help it, it’s a habit.”
“your corner in my mind is well established.”
“i wonder how many things you think about before you get to me.”
“i wonder how many things you wanna do.”
“i feel myself falling further down your priorities.”
“i still make excuses for you constantly.”
“remember when you left once? that never made too much sense to me.”
“it hurt you so bad, hurting me.”
“you really came to me sympathy.”
“am i not even a second thought?”
“i wonder how many things.”
bet u wanna.
“told me i’m your only.”
“it’s all unfolding, babe.”
“slowly, slowly.”
“lies you sold me all saw the light of day.”
“you been wasting time on the other side.”
“if your satisfied, touché.” 
“now you say you hate all the empty space.”
“if you could go back you’d stay.”
“didn’t think about it when you let me down.”
“hurts to see me out of your reach.”
“bet you wanna touch me now.”
“it’s cold out there.”
“let me know what you found.”
“bet you wanna love me now.”
“chase me.”
“that’s right, baby.”
“is it feeing all your fears?”
“i bet you wanna.”
“bet you miss me.”
“bet you’re reminiscing.”
“i bet you hate the way that you said goodbye.”
“you still can’t even tell me why.”
“i hate the way you left me dry.”
“i’ll keep that between you and i.”
“oh, touch me now.”
“think i only want one number in my phone.”
“i might change your contact to don’t leave me alone.”
“you said you like my eyes, you like to make ‘em roll.”
“treat me like a queen.”
“i can’t help myself.”
“when you get close to me, baby my tongue goes numb.”
“sounds like bleh, blah, bleh.”
“i don’t want no one else.”
“baby i’m in too deep.”
“here’s a lil song i wrote.”
“it’s about you and me.”
“i’ll be honest.”
“looking at you got me thinkin’ nonsense.”
“cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in.
“when you got your arms around me, oh it feels so good.”
“i think i got an ex but i forgot him.”
“i can’t find my chill, i must have lost it.”
“i don’t even know i’m talking nonsense.”
“i’m talking.”
“i’m talking, i’m talking, i’m talking, all around clock.”
“i’m talking hope nobody knocks.”
“i’m talking opposite of sot.”
“i’m talking wild, wild thoughts.”
“you gotta keep up with me.”
“i caught the L-O-V-E.”
“how do you do this to me?”
“i bet your house is where my other sock is.”
“woke up this morning thought i’d write a pop hit.”
“how quickly can you take your clothes off pop quiz.”
fast times.
“sun’s up too soon.”
“mixed emotions are congregating.”
“sky looks so purple.”
“i can taste it.”
“i call you baby.”
“three stories up here contemplating.”
“what the fuck is patience?”
“these are fast times and fast nights.”
“no time for rewrites.”
“we couldn’t help it.”
“give me a second to forget i ever really meant it.”
“closed eyes and closed blinds.”
“my feelings used to be serrated.”
“tiptoeing past so many stages.”
skinny dipping.
“it’ll be a wednesday.”
“i’ll be going in this coffee shop.”
“and i look up from my phone and think there’s no chance it’s you, but it is.”
“you’ll say, ‘hi’, i’ll say, ‘hi, how are you?’”
“how’s your family? how’s your sister?”
“(name)’s being (name).”
after a minute of nonsensical chatter.”
“well, this was really nice, maybe we should do this on purpose sometime.”
“arguments in your garage.”
“all the ways we sabotaged it.”
“what it was and what it wasn’t.”
“we’ve been swimming on the edge of a cliff.”
“i’m resistant, but going down with the ship.”
“it’d be so nice, right?”
“if we could take it all off and just exist.”
“skinny dip in water under the bridge.”
“you’ll suggest a restaurant we used to go to.”
“won’t that be too nostalgic?”
“maybe, but let’s do it anyway.”
“we won’t sit at our same old table, i promise.”
“we won’t bring up the past, we’ll keep it bureaucratic.”
“and we won’t say it.”
“we’ll be thinking about how different we are from those scared little kids.”
“we’ve been swimming on the edge of a cliff.”
bad for business.
“he’s good for my heart, but he’s bad for business.”
“tears me apart when he grants my wishes.”
“all of my friends think i’ve gone crazy.”
“they don’t know me like my baby.”
“we look good in photographs.”
“i like the way you like to laugh at dirty jokes.”
“used to get to work on time, but now you’re taking up my nights.”
“never been so glad to be so tired.”
“oh, i’m mad for you.”
“it’s sad but true and i know it.”
“you’re on my mind.”
“you stole my life and it’s showin.”
“will anybody sing along?”
“you had to go and break into my head.”
“and i would try to fight these feelings.”
“i can’t find a single reason.”
“i’d make all the same mistakes again.”
“he’s good.”
“it’s bad.”
“the best i’ve ever had.”
“and he’s so nice.”
“it’s sad.”
“he ruined all my plans.”
“he just makes me so crazy.”
“i know everyone sees.”
“he’ll be the death of me.”
“you’re good at the falling, not the staying there.”
“you’re good at the giving too much then getting scared.”
“you’re good at impersonating someone who cares.”
“you had me for a minute there.”
“now i wonder why.”
“i let your confusion keep me up at night.”
“i’m so tired.”
“re-read every single undertone and i over analysed it.”
“where else can we go?”
“there’s nothing left here to decode.”
“done lookin’ for the signs in the gaps and the silence.”
“it’s just getting cold.”
“there’s a weight off my shoulders now that i don’t chase you.”
“being myself, did that emasculate you?”
“learning from you that i can walk away too.”
“i let your indecision keep me up at night.”
“unpacked every single word you wrote and i over analysed it front back and beside it.”
“there’s nothing.”
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Perfect Storm - Dean Winchester x Reader
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A/N: Hi friends! I know I’ve been rather absent with posting stuff but life has been HECTIC! I work two jobs, seven days a week right now so it’s a lot and I’m exhausted. Anywho, this imagine is part of @supraveng ‘s follower challenge! I’ve been working on this since like August of 2022 or so and was supposed to be done by the first of September but she allowed me an extension. Thanks for that babe, and congrats on 500 follows! 
Masterlist of all Masterlists| Supernatural Masterlist
Warnings: FLUFF! Breakdown, crying, comfort. Someone has a HUGE breakdown so if that’s a trigger for you, I am sorry!
Word Count: 5,887
Thanks for being patient with me friends! Love to you all!
It’s been six weeks since we’ve been on the road, trying to figure out where Chuck could be hiding. That asshat has been messing with Sammy and I for way too long, trying to take over the world. Sure, he’s God but that doesn’t mean he has to control every little thing and try killing us in the process! And since we have no leads, we’ve been trying to find other cases to work and more people to save. I was currently sitting behind the wheel of my beloved Baby, Sam beside me, scrolling through his phone, while AC/DC played from the car stereo and a pretty impressive drum solo came up.
“Dean, for once can we listen to anything but AC/DC?” Sam asks, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers as I continue my solo. 
“Sammy, what have I always said?  Driver picks the music,” 
“Shotgun shuts his cake hole, I know,” he finished my sentence. “But what if I drove?”
“Oh risky question, little brother” I reply.
“I’ll drive when you sleep.” 
“Yeah and how often do I actually sleep, Sam?” 
Last time I slept without a nightmare was…well I don’t really know. The nightmares have been getting increasingly worse the last few months. Not that I’ve slept well before that but since Jack accidently killed our Mom, that’s been a struggle. I’ve watched her die twice now, something no child should ever have to see, especially at four years old. But even the second time, it's pretty bad. I still hate the kid for what he did but I’ve forgiven him…for now. Sam had a somber look on his face and knew I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. 
“So get this, there have been an unusual amount of homicides in a small town in Northern Texas, more than they normally deal with in the year, in just six months.”
“Huh, doesn’t sound like our kind of thing. People are just nuts today, Sammy,”
“True, but there is something that seems like we would do. Each time someone goes to recover the body, there is nothing left.” Sam says.
“Okay that might be something we could work on but, I’m not convinced it’s a monster yet,” I say.  
“Maybe not, but I think it’ll be worth checking out.”
Redirecting our path, I drove Baby in a U-turn and headed off to the nearest small town in Northern Texas, where these cases stemmed from. Several hours passed and we ended up in Wichita Falls and rolled into a small motel on the east side of town. Once we were settled, Sam pulled out his laptop and began typing away at the keys while I searched for a place to get a good burger by looking through flyers in the room. Sam tuned into a police scanner and soon enough there was a call in regards to suspicious activity near our motel.
‘”Dean, I think we got something,” Sam says, turning the volume up.
“All units, we have gunshots out by the WayfarerMotel. RP (reporting party) advised at least six shots were heard, no sound of vehicles but advised there were people arguing on the south side of the property near the freeway,” A female voice called over the radio and responses of “10-4” were soon followed.
Sam and I grabbed our guns, checking to make sure they were loaded and ready to go. We didn’t interfere with the police but did offer them assistance when it came to the investigation aspect. Looking out the windows, we watched as several vehicles had been on scene and officers were searching for the suspect. Soon after, more shots were fired, shouts of “he’s trying to run” and soon enough, someone was handcuffed. 
“Wait, where is the body?!” Someone yells and a swarm of officers and other investigators gathered around to see if there was a victim. Sam and I took that as our queue to come on scene.
“Gentlemen, this is a closed scene” a voice said, turning to shoot us questioning looks.
“It’s okay, we’re from the FBI, I’m Agent Stan, this is my colleague Agent Lee,” I say flashing my fake badge, Sam following the lead.
“We didn’t call in the FBI,” another officer said.
“I’ll be honest, we were off duty and heard of the incident, wanted to see if we could help out.” I said, trying to ease the confusion.
“I’ll allow it,” one of the Sergeants on scene said, seeming to not care about the fight.
“So what’s happened? We’ve heard there’s been a string of homicides with no victims found?” Sam asked, pulling a notepad out of his pocket.
“Not a single one and this is abnormal for the city to have this many homicides in one year.” An officer, later introduced as Officer Hughes, explained the incident.
“Any leads on what is happening? Is any suspicious person found or any other activity that all the cases have had in common?” 
“Well we did find something in each case that relates them together in some bizarre way. Each case has the same call for service. Caller calls in, advises of gunshots, hears people arguing, we get on scene and only one person is found. Aside from the callers, just one person is found. We handcuff them just for safety precautions but the majority of the time, we end up letting them go. In all my years I’ve worked in law enforcement, I’ve never seen anything like this. No definite suspect, no found victims. So we can’t fully rule them as homicides either because there is nobody.” Officer Hughes said.
“Well we might be here for a little while then so we can help out,” Sam said, trying to add a helping hand.
“That won’t be necessary gentlemen, we have enough people on this,” Officer Hughes said, dismissing us as he got back to his vehicle. 
“Well that went well,” I said, sighing in exasperation.
“Come on, I bet if we head back to the police station, someone might be able to give us some information.” Sam said, settling into the passenger seat.
I grabbed a few supplies before I sat behind the wheel of my precious Baby and found the station was not too far from our motel. Pulling up, I find a parking space across the street from the building and Sam and I walk up the steps to the front doors of the station. It was the eerily morning hours, not too many people on the streets, the perfect time for people to commit crimes. Opening the large door, a young woman sat behind the desk, looking up at us when the door slammed behind us.
“Can I help you gentlemen?” She asks, eyes flitting between the two of us. 
“Uh yeah, I’m Agent Stan, this is Agent Lee, we’re with the FBI,” I say and we both flash our badges.  
“We were just on scene of the shooting by the Wayferer Motel and we weren’t able to get a lot of information. Do you think there’s anyone we can talk to about this?” Sam says, giving a small grim to the woman.
“Well given the fact that it's three in the morning, most people aren’t here and won’t be here until eight or so. Y’all might want to come back,” she says, looking back to her computer in front of her.
“Maybe you can help us. Do you know anything about the string of potential homicides that have been happening here lately?” I say, trying to turn on my charm as best as I could.
“No and even if I did, I’m not at liberty to discuss cases with anyone, even other law enforcement,” she says.
“Alright well, here’s my card, whenever someone is available, have them give me a call. You have a good rest of your morning,” I say, shooting the woman a wink.
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The next morning, we headed back to the station to see if there was anyone we could talk to. “Good morning gentlemen, how can we help you?” Another lady at the front desk said as we walked to the window. 
“Yeah we were here last night trying to see if we could talk to anyone about the shooting at the Wayfarer Motel.”
“Do you have any information about it?” The lady asked.
“No but we were on scene and we’re with the FBI,” Sam and I flashed our badges as soon as I said FBI.
“Let me call over to the detectives and see if we can’t find someone to come talk to y’all.” 
“Thank you,” Sam says and we both start looking at the displays hung around the lobby.
“Agents.” A male in a black polo shirt and khaki pants with a badge around his neck walks to us and shakes our hands.
“I’m Detective Parker, follow me,” he says, leading us through a door and taking him into a room with a table and some chairs.
“So y’all were on the scene last night?” Detective Parker asked us.
“Yes we were staying at the hotel and we’ve heard about some of the incidents where someone is shot but there’s no body’s left,” Sam explains.
Detective Parker sighs and runs a hand down his face. “It made no sense as to what happens to the bodies after they’re shot. We have no answers and our citizens are getting frustrated as to why their family members’ bodies are not there to bury or cremate them.”
“And that’s why we’re here. Tell us everything you do know,” I say. 
A few hours go by as we dive deep into the last weeks of the calls and cases from the City. I get up to go grab some coffee and stumble to an office where a bunch of ladies are sitting behind computers and answering phones. 
“Well hello ladies,” I smirk to the room of beautiful women.
“Who are you?” One of them pipes up and asks. 
“I’m Agent Stan of the FBI. I’m here helping with some of the shootings y’all have had here. Y’all know anything about those?” I ask.
“We heard about them but we don’t know anything. The guys don’t tell us anything, just what happened.” Another clerk said and she immediately caught my attention. She had long (y/h/c), bright (y/e/c) eyes, and she didn't bother looking at me much longer after that first comment. It seemed like she wasn’t impressed with me and that made me more intrigued by her.
“I see, is there anything you can tell me sweetheart?” I ask, trying to turn on my charm but again, she seemed unimpressed.
“That’s it now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to get back to,” she says, her tone harsh but I found it interesting. 
“Pardon me ma’am,” I say using my best Southern voice but the look of annoyance on her face proved she couldn’t care less.
Most of the time,  I can get away with some flirting with women, this one? She’ll be more of a challenge.”
“Agent Stan?” A voice called to me. I stand and follow him back to another room off set by the clerks area. 
“So, what kind of leads do you have, if any?” He asked, Sammy was  already in the room. 
“Well, we kind of have a few ideas but you wouldn’t believe us,” I said, shooting a pointed look to my younger brother. 
“Try me, I’ve been in this for a long time. I’ve heard just about everything,” the lead investigator on this and other shootings said. 
“We think it might be a series of soul eaters” I say.
“What now?” 
“Soul eaters, they are exactly what you think they are. Since all the bodies that have been killed here are basically hallowed out shells, we think there may be several around the area. Unfortunately, they are not easy to kill but we do know someone who can and can set the souls back to the bodies they were taken from,” I explained as rationally as I could but I knew it seemed crazy to those who were not used to hunting. 
“Well that is definitely something I didn't expect to hear but it also isn’t the most out there answer I’ve heard either.”
“Alright, well let us call our guy and see what he says about it.” I say, giving a pointed look to the detective, wondering what other crazy things he’s seen but deciding not to ask. 
I grab my phone out of my pocket and scroll down my contact until it stops on the name. I hate asking this guy for help but he’s our only source for this case so I push back my personal feelings and press the call button. 
“Hello Dean,” his accented voice, full of entitlement, rang through my ear.”
“Ketch, we need your help,” I say.
“Well hello to you too,” he says and I can just hear the dumb grin on  his face.
“Yeah hi, listen we’re out here in North Texas and we’re helping the local police on a case we think you may have experience in,” I say, getting straight to the point.
“Oh, where in Texas are you? My daughter happens to be out there and she works at a police department,” he says.
“Since when did you have a kid?” I ask.
“Oh, never mind that. Where am I going?”
“Wichita Falls.”
“That’s where my daughter lives!” 
Oh crap, so Ketch’s offspring works at the police department here? Awesome.                                                                                                                  
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A few hours later and we’re back at the scene of the crime. Ketch wanted the low down on what we’ve discovered up to this point so we decided to meet at the scene and go over what we know.
“So the bodies are never found?” Ketch asks.
“Nope they’re completely gone. Nothing is left behind but there’s always signs of some form of homicide,” Sam explains.
“And you lads are thinking its,” he trails off until I pipe in with our research.
“Soul eaters, except they’ve evolved so much over the years, they’re not just taking souls anymore.”
“Interesting, well you called the right person then,” Ketch says, standing up and heading to his car.
“So?  What does that mean?” I say, Sammy and I quickly follow him. 
“It means that I’ve seen it once before,” he said, Sam and I catching up with him. 
“You have?” Sam asked.
“A long time ago, yes. It was a rather tragic event for the families but we were able to get the bodies back.”
“How?” I ask.
“Well it won't be easy but we have to…make a sacrifice of sorts,” he says, making his way back to his car. “Follow me back to the station and I’ll go over the details with detectives.” 
We jump inside Baby and speed down the highway, much like Ketch had left. When we finally pulled back to the station, it was nearing five o’clock and a lot of the employees had been leaving for the day.
“Dad!” A female voice says, bounding over to Ketch and wrapping her arms around him.” 
“(Y/N)!” he says, turning to the girl I noticed in the criminal investigation section earlier; no.
“Gents, I’d like for you to meet my daughter, (Y//N), (Y/N) this is Sam and Dean. They are friends of mine.”
“Oh the Winchesters? I thought you didn't like them?” She says and I chuckle; I like this girl.
“Well not at first, no, but we’ve all come to an agreement of sorts.”
“So, you’re Ketch’s daughter,” I say, looking at the woman.
“Not by blood. He adopted me when I was a kid. My bio parents died in a hunting accident when I was six and Ketch happened to be there, so he took me in,” she says.
“Well, we’re glad you’re here, (Y/N),” Sam says, reaching to shake her hand; I just nod at her.
I couldn’t believe it, even for a minute, I thought a girl related to Ketch was beautiful. 
As our investigation went on, so did the opportunities for (Y/N) to show up unannounced, or so it seemed. Like, I thought she had a job at the department, but somehow she always ended up there, along with her Dad, to help assist us in our investigation. Not that I really minded her company but it was a little…odd.
“Don't you have something better to do?” I ask her as she’s going through some paperwork from the shooting.
She stopped flipping through the pages halfway between the pile and looked up to meet my gaze. “I’m helping on this case, y’all need some help sometimes, right?” 
“Well yes but I thought you had another job to do?” I ask. 
“I’m getting the feeling you don’t want me around Winchester,” she says, now more frustrated with me.
“I don’t care what you do,” I say, trying to play off how I was feeling underneath the surface. To be honest, I did care what she did. I barely know the girl but she’s getting under my skin and inside my head. What the hell is happening here I have no idea but all I know is I like being around her.
“Well clearly you do otherwise you wouldn’t be asking,” she says, raising an eyebrow in a challenging way.
Shit that wasn’t supposed to happen. I thought to myself so I did the best thing I knew to do; I walked away. I don’t know what my problem was but this had to stop. I couldn’t like Ketch’s daughter, her father is literally the biggest douche I’ve ever met so no way could I get involved with her. But the way she moved when she walked, swaying in the slightest way, her head held high like she owned the place. She didn’t  look a thing like her Dad but there was more to her than that. She had that long (y/h/c) that flowed past her shoulders and down her back. It was just a little wavy and seemed to have more than one color in it but it suited her well. And those big beautiful (y/e/c) and a perfect smile to match. In just the few short days we were working this case, she has taken over every thought of mine so naturally, I didn’t like her. 
“Dean, are you ready to go?!” Sam yells to me from the other room.
“Yeah,” I called back and grabbed my gear before meeting up with Sam, Ketch and (y/n). “What is she doing here?” 
“She is here to help. Believe it or not gents, she does know about this life and has helped me out more than a time or two,” Ketch explained. 
“As long as she stays out of the way,” I say, throwing a duffle bag into the trunk before making my way to the front. I could hear her huff in annoyance but I could care less. 
We drove around town for a while, trying to find the supplies we were going to need for our “sacrifice” before we headed back to the motel where the last body was supposed to be. Gathering everything together, we followed Ketch’s instructions and then it was time for the dreaded part. 
“So what exactly do we need to sacrifice?” Sam asks. 
“Well, that’s where it can be rather difficult. We don’t need an entire person or thing to sacrifice, but we need the blood of the pure of heart,” Ketch explains.
“Who would that be?” I ask before following his eyes over to his daughter. Her face turned a bit pale, knowing her blood was going to be nearly drained from her body but she didn't hesitate. 
“Tell me what I have to do,” she says.
“I know this won't be easy for you darling, but I will be right here the entire time,” Ketch says, attempting to comfort his child. 
“Dad, I’m not a child, I can do this,” she says.
“I know but you are my child, my only child for that matter and I worry about you,” he says.
“This isn’t the first time I’ve put myself in a little bit of a difficult place for helping you out and I’m sure it won’t be the last,” (Y/N) says. 
As much as I hate to admit it, she’s incredible for doing this and doing it more than just one time. I’m not saying I care about (y/n) or anything but this is going to be a risky task. She’s going to need to give a generous amount of blood for this sacrifice and to see she’s okay with going in without a second thought; it's admirable. It was almost as if we were in a hospital; we had a needle hooked up into her arm and tube after tube of blood was being drawn from her. I could tell it was making Ketch uncomfortable because it was his child, whether biologically or not, so I escorted him out of the room. 
“Here, let’s go get a beer or something,” I say, clapping my hand on his shoulder and walking out. 
“I’m sorry Dean, I just couldn't stand to see that much blood coming from my daughter,” Ketch says, sighing in defeat as we sat across one another at the map table in the Bunker. 
“Hey, there’s no need to apologize. I’m worried about her, too,” I say. 
A moment of silence passed between us before Ketch spoke again. “You care for her don’t you?” 
“What? No, I don’t care for her!” I say, suddenly becoming defensive.  
“You do; I can see it on your face. I’ve had the same look before and it does not go away so easily,” he says, frowning and dropping his eyes to the floor. 
“Okay so what if I do? Is that so bad?” I ask. 
“No it's not, but since this is my daughter we’re talking about, it does make a bit of difference.”
“Look Ketch, I would never hurt her,” I say, trying to explain what I hope I can do for his child. 
“I know you wouldn’t, Dean. In fact, I’m not worried about her dating you, if that is what she wants. I am worried about this life; hunting. She has had some exposure to it but I try to shelter from it most of the time. If she’s around you, I’m afraid someone or something will get to her and there would be no point for my life to continue at that point.” Ketch was being really vulnerable and I was surprised to say the least, but I respected it. Sure, we had our issues trusting him in the past but this is his kid and right now, she is all that matters.
“Dad?” A groggy voice calls to the room. 
“Hey kiddo, your  Dad went to get you some supplies for when you woke up. We all became worried when you went whiter than a sheet but we managed to get you back. You’ve been sleeping for the last few hours cause you did lose a lot of blood but we’ve monitored you,” I saw, looking down at the young girl on the bed in front of me. 
“So did you get enough blood for the spell?” She asks. 
“That is nothing you need to worry about. We need you to get back on your feet,” I tell her. 
“But you don't need anymore blood?”  I chuckle at her, not being able to believe she’s been so concerned with this, but it makes sense. 
“No, we don’t need any more blood.” She takes a giant sigh of relief and slumps back into her bed. I smile as I watch her for a moment before I get called. 
“Hey Dean, we need your help out here,” Sam calls to me and just as I was about to tell (y/n) I notice she had fallen asleep. 
“Okay,” I call back and look down at the young Men of Letters’ daughter and lean down to press my lips on her forehead.
“What do we got?” I say, walking into the main room where the map table sat.
“We have the ingredients for the spell,” Sam says, adding everything together in what looked like a witches cauldron and an ominous purplish hue shown from it. We head out to the coroner's office and find one of the bodies that had their souls taken out and we tip the head back and pour the liquid down the throat. From the esophagus, we could see the hue shining from under the skin and soon, another blinding light encapsulated the room. 
“How do you know if it worked?” I say, looking down to the body that seemed no different than a few moments before.  
Cass places his hand on the body’s forehead and his eyes closed. He seemed a bit bothered by something but then his expression softened and he opened his eyes again. 
“The soul is in there; I’m positive.” He says. 
 For the rest of the bodies that turned up recently without a soul, we were able to restore each one and bring some closure to the families of the victims. We contacted the families and had them come and see the newness of the bodies of their loved ones. Most people would be against this but because these bodies had been violated, family members wanted to make sure they’re loved ones were being honored as best they could. 
“Thank you for restoring my Russell,” a lady said, leaning over to kiss her deceased husband. No one could say a word but a curt nod was all that could be mustered from any of us. This is part of cases we don't get to see. We meet family but we rarely get to see much happiness after the person is gone. Who knew a soul returning to a body could do such a thing?
Back at the Bunker, I go back to check in on Y/N. She was sleeping and I couldn’t help but watch the sore and almost voided women below me. She seemed less pale then when we first got her out of the process of taking her blood for the spell but she still seemed..hollowed in some places. Like her eyes, they were pushed back into her face and her arms and legs seemed as though they didn't have any muscle. How much of her blood did we take? 
“Hey you,” she whispers, her eyes slowly moving to look up at me. I couldn’t speak and wanted so badly to kiss her but the way her eyes suddenly changed, I knew something was off. 
“You get the hell away from her,” I say, leaning away from who I thought was (y/n) but I know better. 
“Aw Dean, why can't we be friends or more since you seem to be in love with (y/n)?” I knew the voice well and just as I thought, (y/n)’s face morphed into him.
“You’re a real bag of dicks, you know that?” I say.
“Yes Dean, I’m aware of how you feel about me and I can’t believe you let this kid distract you from dealing with Daddy dearest,” 
I hold back from killing The Trickster here and now and give him an opportunity to explain himself, against my better judgment. 
“Well good ol’ Dad decided to send me to try and get you back on track. To bring something close to you to just take it away again. 
“What the hell did you do to her?” I say, growing more and more irate. 
“Oh relax, she’s fine, she’s just…tied up at the moment.” he says. 
“I swear to God I will kill you if you hurt her,” 
“Really? I think I can rearrange that since he’s my Father and all,” he says and freezes when I beg for her life again. 
“Please, don’t hurt her. She’s all Ketch has anymore.”
“Yes but you don't like him either so why does it matter what happens to (y/n)?”
“Because we all need her on our team; she’s vital to helping solve cases.”
“Are you sure it isn't more than that?” A third voice says, coming into view. 
“What the hell are you doing here?”
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 “Dean?” A small voice rang out into the silence that had surrounded me in the room. I don’t know how I ended up here but I do know, it wasn’t easy. 
“Hey kiddo, you’re okay, it’s all over,” I say, looking over to her. She was much better now, away from the pain of blood being drained from her body, no longer in fear of who may be lurking around the corner. 
“What do you mean?” She asks. 
“Chuck, he's gone. Dead actually.” I say, still not fully believing it myself. 
“You killed God?” She asks, a look of disbelief playing across her delicate features
“Well, not exactly. We killed the vessel Chuck but God himself, he swore he would leave the Earth and not bother Sam or I or anyone we love ever again.
“Oh, so, he can still come back though?”
“No, he can’t. Because I….” My words fade from my vocal cords and I cannot process any thought rushing through my mind at a million miles a second. This was it, this was why I did what I did. Her. She is the reason why Chuck is dead and God is permanently leaving us alone. 
“I love you. I know it hasn’t been too long since you’ve been around us or me but I can’t help it. I love you and I want you to know that you are the reason God will leave us alone. If it wasn’t for you, we probably would still be fighting him and there wouldn’t be any peace….we’re free. Sam and I are free after all this time. We finally get to relax and be free to fight for people without having to look over our shoulders everywhere we go because I love you and he will leave us alone now because you are someone I love and….I’m free.” And for the first time in I don’t know how many years, I cried. Not just a small cry, a complete breakdown level of a cry. I guess I had years of pent up agony of having to fight and defend those whom I’ve loved finally come to a boiling point. (Y/N) did the one thing I needed in that moment, something I’ve lacked for many years; affection. She wrapped her arms around me, as tightly as she could, and held me close to her as sobs racked through my entire body. I began to shake violently and all she did was bring me in closer, run her fingers through my hair, and continuously try and shush me in that sweet, comforting way Mom’s do. I’m not sure how long we sat like that but we did until I was silent again. I slowly look up at her, through the tears still sitting in my eyes, and she runs her thumb right under my eye. 
“You okay?” She asks, looking at me in a concerning fashion. 
“I think so,” my voice was no higher than a whisper because I couldn’t trust myself. I surprised myself with the fact I cried as much as I did but I felt better. 
“I love you too,” she says suddenly. 
“You do?” I say, disbelief prominent on my face. 
“I know it isn't long either, but I do have some pull to you and I cannot deny it. You are the only reason I’m here. I love my Dad, I really do but you are the one who I get up for day and day again. You are the one who protects me like no other. You are the one I want to keep giving blood away for whatever spells or anything else you need. I love your smile, your eyes, your laugh, the way you grumble about anything and everything because you’re getting older but it just melts my heart and I’ve never felt this for anyone.”
It may have seemed like a rather chick flick movie thing for me to do, and believe me, I kicked myself for it, but I couldn’t help it; I had to kiss her. Because for once, someone loved me and there was no way I was going to lose her. Well, aside from the traditional ways of losing someone but there wouldn’t be a douche who tries to take her away, which is way better anyways. Her lips felt so soft and natural when she kissed me and all I wanted to do was kiss her from now on. Who am I turning into? Maybe I’m finally able to learn what its like to care about someone and have someone care for me when in the past, we would have never gotten together or even thought about it but things with Ketch have been different and he hasn’t been after us too much since Chuck started. Now, I somehow ended up falling for his daughter. 
“Oh, shit, damn it,” I say, pulling back from our kiss.
“What’s wrong?” She says. “I’m sure you’ve done this before,” she jokes. 
“No, I mean yes of course but, you.” I say. 
“You’re Ketch’s daughter.”
“We’ll he’s my adopted Dad,” she comments. 
“Yeah but he still raised you. What is he going to think of this, of us?” I say, motioning between us. 
“He won’t care.”
“Are you sure? I mean we've been fighting with him for years and we just got him on our side.” 
“Dean, you’re overreacting. He just wants my happiness. He’s just going to have to deal with it being with you,” she says.
“Fine, then I say we need to tell him and everyone else about us before anything else happens between us.”
She suddenly gets up from where we were sitting in the common room and I jump up to follow her.  
“Where are we going?” I say when I catch up with her. 
“To tell my Dad.”
“Really?” I ask, not believing she wants to do this now but she stops and grabs my face and kisses me, for a long time. 
“Really,” She says after she lets me breathe again.
I follow her into the other room where we see Sam and Ketch at the map table, Sam with a book in his hands and Ketch scrolling through his phone.
“Dad?” (Y/N) says when we are in hearing distance.
“Yeah sweetheart?” Ketch responds, looking up from his phone.
“I’m in love with Dean,” she says with such ease, it brings a smile to my face.
“Oh I know,” he says and goes back to his phone.
“Wait, you know? How?” I ask.
“Because, I see the way you look at her, Dean. And (y/n), I heard you talking to Sam about it.”
“Wait, Sammy, you knew how she felt about me?”
“Then why didn’t you tell me?” I ask.
“She asked me not to,” he says.
“So you’re okay with this?” (Y/N) asks Ketch. 
“If he makes you happy, then I’m okay with it.” 
“But you hurt her Dean and I swear,” Ketch threatens me. 
“Don’t worry man, I couldn’t hurt her. She’s the best thing that ever came out of a perfect storm.” 
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whumpshaped · 10 months
are you religious? On account of all the recent bible posting. I'm not Christian myself but I have to hand it to them, the whole "eating Jesus's body and drinking his blood" is really cool
im actually not! well. idk. reading the bible and talking abt it rly makes me wanna be christian again.
tl;dr i am considering accepting jesus christ into my heart but i dont know if itll happen bc whenever i type or say anything slightly religious i cringe or make it into a joke. also sorry to any christian who finds my bible posting
i was raised catholic, went to church and bible study for 3 yrs, did my first communion, then dipped bc it was horrid. i was so so against being catholic u cannot imagine. i was against church, i was against begging some man in the sky for mercy, i was against their gay policy, i was against saying my pets had no soul- i was against absolutely everything except some bops in church
then i had my first big voluntary christian phase at 13-14 in which i drew more towards protestantism and attempted to read the bible cover to cover (i failed but theres a lot that i read.) i went to a lutheran hs for 2 yrs in seventh and eighth grade so that mightve influenced it tho i HATED monday morning worship at 7am and i cant believe its still happening even tho ppl routinely fainted and shit. bc u have to stand. the whole time
i also wanted to be a nun for a goooood while but turns out im just aroace and autistic (chastity and rigid rules sounds amazing to me huh)
so im 21 now and i started writing my angel demon story and i wanted to make heaven a cult like dystopia (and it turned into my own ranting at some points) and i wanted to give cassael actual bible-accurate problems. bible-accurate brainwashing lol it came to me because something i said abt them either on here or in rp made me remember that verse abt the yoke and stuff (my yoke is easy and my burden is light) and i was like wait i should read the bible and pick out the whumpiest worst most horrid most easy to misinterpret and turn horrible verses. so here i am.
but then i got rly rly into it. its remarkably easy to enjoy the story when im not reading the 1908 károli translation and spending all my spoons untangling the wording. and the thing is, i was always spiritual yknow. thats why i bounced so much between faiths and beliefs. ive followed the law of assumption stuff for a year or so now, i had genuine results from it- honestly everything i believed in has yielded good results for me always. whether it be christianity or paganism or loa. when i read the bible i DO feel loved even thru the incredible amount of horrid shit god does lol i felt loved at 13 and i feel loved now. so idk. im withholding judgement until i finish reading it but honestly nobody be surprised if i go back to my christian bs before the semester starts
oh thats another thing. im miserable lmao so not very hard for god to swoop in and be like hey do u wanna talk abt ur lord and saviour. me.
but im not rly gonna change in any way even if i do decide that tho, i think. my policy is already "be kind do good leave others alone". i dont think im gonna get preachy on here or anything. i mean has anyone seen much vegan posting from me? so i think im good
so . yea. sorry it turned into such a long post
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religiousbats · 5 days
(Cant turn on anon ask... sigh.....)
For mod: how the hell did u come up with the character? Like im scared but very impressed???? /pos
I'm actually surprised you asked, and this is my first time ever having an ask in Tumblr. Well here's a explanation on how this character came to be.
While I'm starting to feel more attached to the Cookie Run fandom, I was thinking of making a oc, my first cookie run oc. And it was hard to design a cookie run oc mainly due to the art style cookie run uses, so I force myself to try to make the art style similar, and my idea of a oc came up, why not make a oc inspired by Fake peppino and so came Flawed cookie.
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The design is based off of Ginderbrave if it wasn't that obvious, He was my first cookie run oc, I originally made Him as a horror character but then I watched some fake peppino comic dubs and was like " okay I turn him into a goofy goober now :3 " and this it was that for this version.
I've made a remake him of for the sole purpose of turning Flawed Cookie into a more serious horror, which I take massive inspiration of The Mandela Catalog series, mainly the alternates.
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I wasn't a big fan of the design I made but It did look creepy on its own. Like I said it was heavily inspired by The Mandela Catalog. Gave it a more human like feel to it, but I wasent happy and wanted to go further..
And so I made the first design of Beelzebub..
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This was the turning point, I mixed my old designs to make this beast, I made the skin more pale as if He has human skin, made hands and feet. All of the similarities to the current design is all here.. Also this design was inspired by the Mario exe character turmoil
And here.. Is the current design of Him as you may already know..
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The design is much like the previous one but with some modifications, I went for my usual black outlines for my characters as It allows me to detail them easily. I went for a more tribal like look to Him and I designed him that way, and reason I named Him Beelzebub is because I wanted to make each Ancient Cookies Sins in their physical forms.. Or at least that was the main plot point for this Oc, but the point is that there aren't any unique horror character for any fandoms such as Cookie run. Yes it may look like a typical creepy pasta douche but really I inspired Him from EXE fandom.
I am currently making a new redesign of Beelzebub to be like a oni. And that's what bill give to ya for now. Basically I'm making a rp account just for Him.
And yeah that's how I make this beautiful child of mine :3 hope that answers your question.
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birthclod · 10 months
top 5 of ur favorite oc/canon pairings (optional: + why if u wanna gush about them)
for legal reasons this is in no particular order.
I JUST. THINK THEY'RE NEAT. they're both arospec and they both have biomed/veterinary medicine degrees and they work together and they get the other person down to the smallest detail and they're the Only Goddamn Person The Other One Can Stand. shit's great.
2. jet and ammy
they've got good banter honestly. also both of them grew up in bad home lives in america and the whole "being turned into a cyborg against your will" thing is bound to give them a few things in common. they just Get each other you know?
3. tabbybob / tabbygraham
i can't choose between either of my more prominent tabby ships because they're both really good. tabby and bob came first and i can see them being more domestic in the future and they personally click more for me. they also have actual conflict in their arc bc of, certain events in electricopolis. also their names together can be cats puns. tabby and graham is also a really good fit because they're both musicians and they both have the same things (and fears) in mind. also, i paid $130+ for a tabbygraham commission and it's one of the best things i ever spent money on so that's worth something
4. takumezuru
these people are in their 30s. they are depressed and self-destructive and they have some solid trauma they never really got past. takuto takes it too far and after he's stopped he starts over. eventually umezuru decides to turn her life around too and get her shit together. they're both recovering one day at a time and that brings them closer. also takuto thinks umezuru is hilarious.
5. pop and dollie
this is like if when harry met sally was between two people who worked for the mafia together and eventually broke away from said mafia. they'd only see each other every so often. it took them literal YEARS to confess to each other and they've never been separate from each other since. partners in romance and crime.
honorable mention: kurtis and madar, because i love their dynamic a lot but ive never done anything with them really except for rp with friends as either of them more than any other tupper i have. also because disgaea does not interest me beyond kurtis and that makes it harder to get material for them. irene and cottonmouth, because toxic problematic outlaws my beloved. they're awful people and they're the best. megido and mary, because meggy is still fresh on my mind and i love him having a little shit as a girlfriend. and marinoch, because i REALLY love their aesthetic as a steampunk engineer man and gothic woodcarver/dollmaker woman who are both unsettling but together thoroughly harmless. also jigi and natsume bc same universe and jigi is peak supportive girlfriend of her eccentric anxiety-ridden lover
and honorable honorable mention to the newest addition to the group, mothman and mon— /shot
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