#i know we all make mistakes BUT THIS ONE'S PRETTY EGREGIOUS
twinsarekeepers · 1 day
I’m curious as to your honest thoughts on the show? Like I love pjo and all but the show was a bit of a let down writing wise. There’s always the point of “it’s an adaptation, not a carbon copy” like yes but this new writing isn’t exemplary better than the book just because it’s rewritten by the author himself
I think the show is well-written not because Rick is attached to it, but because I actually like the way the writers are approaching adapting the source material. I have a lot of issues with the original books in terms of writing quality because frankly speaking, I don’t think Rick is a very good writer. He has a lot of interesting things in those books that he never explores or drops within the first two and this fandom gives him and the books too much credit imo.
This is why I’m not very moved when people try to ascribe meaning to a certain scene or choice he made in the books to get mad at the show for changing. As an example, one of the main things people were upset about was the kids “knowing everything” in the show when they were getting tricked left and right in the book. Many posts were dedicated to how the book version is superior because it illustrates how they’re just twelve years old kids so of course they’ll make mistakes and get tricked by monsters.
That’s a perfectly fine interpretation but I was twelve years old when I first read tlt and I was able to anticipate almost every single trap, despite being pretty gullible and naive at that age. My knowledge of Greek mythology consisted of Disney’s Hercules, maybe two Google searches, and my second grade teacher’s reading of the kid friendly version of the Odyssey. No where near the level of Percy who’d been learning for a whole year in an established class on the topic with Chiron or Grover who was literally a satry born into the world or Annabeth, who spent the majority of her life dedicated to studying specifically quests and Greek mythology and was also on the run fighting monsters for a good portion of her childhood. Like twelve year olds can be dumb but those three stumbling into every trap was asking me to suspend my disbelief too far. I remember being upset that they weren’t able to figure it out because it was obvious that Rick wasn’t making that choice to show any personality flaws or character dynamics (because he would’ve had them learn and grow but they never did they just kept being not smart), he just wasn’t able to figure out a way for them to fall into those traps organically so he had to dumb them down.
I think the show was able to get across the characters’ childishness without compromising their established backstories. Yes, Annabeth knew it was Medusa right away because that makes sense for a kid who has experience with running into monsters. But, she still acted very much like a child in her interactions with her (and throughout the episode and season). She lashed out and called her a liar and wouldn’t listen to her side of the story because it painted her mother in a bad light. That’s peak twelve year old behavior.
Yes, Percy figured out Kronos was behind everything, but it makes sense because Percy knows Greek mythology and where Kronos resides. He still very much acts like a child when he asks Hades to give him back his mom in exchange for nothing because it’s the right thing to do.
There are dozens of examples like this for a lot of complaints of the show. And this is not me saying that the show is perfect: every single show has flaws. For me, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the dialogue or the exposition dumping. It didn’t hinder my enjoyment though because I don’t think it was egregious (and wrt the exposition dumping, I expected it because the book did it and there’s really no way to “show not tell” Greek myths). I also didn’t like that we didn’t get to really see the huge clashes between Zeus and Poseidon in the weather (we got references to it through news reports but I would’ve liked something more). I was able to look past it because I really liked the storytelling and the themes the show was pulling out of the original source material.
I loved Medusa-Sally parallels and Medusa-Annabeth parallels. I loved the juxtaposition of Pan’s quest to manifest density. I loved Percy and Annabeth’s opposite trajectory in respect to their relationships with their godly parents. I loved exploring Sally’s choice to send Percy to school instead of camp. I loved explicitly coding Annabeth as autistic. I loved Luke’s backstory being brought earlier into the story. I loved the deadline passing and Poseidon surrendering to save Percy. I loved Persues-Andromeda and percabeth parallels. I loved fleshing Grover out. I loved glory vs home seeking being the central theme of the show.
And lastly, I was able to understand that with a limited number of episodes and run time (due to the nature of child labor laws!), they did the best they could and I feel like they did a pretty good job for a first season.
These are not ALL of my thoughts on the show because that would be a very long post. I gave one detailed example of why I think the show succeeded in something the fandom tries to ascribe the books and it was like three paragraphs lol. Anyway this is not the post to try and convince me that the show is bad for whatever reason you have cooked up. I’m not going to change my mind and I doubt I’ll change yours. Here’s to a season 2 that builds on a solid season 1!
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ieidolon · 5 months
My favorite wild Dracula take comes from an article that confidently asserted normative masculinity was restored by the end of the novel because the two male characters who had been personally victimized by Dracula, by which the author explicitly stated they meant Jonathan and Quincey Morris, kill him
I don't know what alternate universe this article came from but I want to read their version of Dracula so bad
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batsplat · 3 months
something something the way valentino wanted to destroy gibernau that bad. like for a while there sete did live rent free in his mind I guess. I do realize that vale was using the whole situation to like you said motivate himself but still!
jerez last lap when valentino makes that mistake and runs wide and lets sete through... is it possible to more visibly panic when riding a motorcycle. like valentino just freaks at the idea that he might be letting sete win, immediately gets super shaky as he hops on sete's rear tyre. his own front tyre off the ground right before he sends it on sete's inside in a move that - let's be honest - just wasn't gonna do it. once sete re-overtakes, valentino really only has a few seconds to make his choice, and in the end he decides he'd rather take them both out than let sete beat them. like?? I think when people discuss parallels between vale and a certain other rider, it's always important to remember that valentino isn't really that aggressive on a normal day... he's also really not particularly reckless, like that's why he has a reputation for being an aggressive rider but still in his prime/late prime (basically pre-2011) he also had a super low crash rate. what valentino is all about his calculated aggression, he's very deliberate with what he thinks he can get away with - and when he noticeably escalates the aggression in a way that is also pretty risky for him, it usually tells you something special is going on. the other obvious example is laguna '08, but that was the epitome of calculated aggression: he knew exactly what he was going to do because he decided he had to send casey a message
this last corner move isn't a message. this isn't calculated. it had been job done, lead taken three laps before the end, very cool and calm and clever, but then valentino slips up. and he cannot let sete win. he can't! what does he do if he can't find the inside line, just barrel into sete? like, it's not that the move is even that egregious (I mean it kinda is but also we're all a bit desensitised these days, 2013 was obviously even sillier) and, yes, sete was just plain unlucky to get injured from that contact. but the thing is, if that move ends up being even riskier, if valentino is in an even worse position, valentino fully sends it anyway. like he was always going to send it in that corner. of course he was
it's kinda... it's so revealing, what you get when you really get his back against the wall. what he did in 2004 when he was truly under pressure in the championship picture basically for the first time, how he still went for sete's throat last lap of phillip island... genuinely that's a situation where basically every other rider settles for second because you have a championship to wrap up, except maybe marc and honestly in that specific situation even he might have left it to just the one last lap mov- actually you know what never mind, okay maybe two riders who would've gone for it in that situation. and in basically every other situation against any other rival, valentino doesn't go for it either. phillip island 2009 isn't a matchpoint race and valentino probably didn't have anything for casey that day anyway, but he could've pushed it a bit harder and maybe at least tried to show a front wheel here or there. and that's arguably a less precarious championship situation than phillip island was. but he wouldn't get that kind of head loss over casey! he wouldn't get that kind of head loss over jorge either! but however much he enjoys winning, however much he enjoys, uh, not crashing, all of that can actually go out of the window when he faces someone who he NEEDS to beat
I really stand by this tbh:
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like ffs, it's such massive head loss to go on national television and promise your rival who was nominally still your friend 24 hours ago is never going to win another race in his life. we kinda roll with it now because he managed to pull it off but he shouldn't have. this should have been CRAZY hubris from this mfer but now it's like 'wow he really did break that guy'. I know this may be controversial, but I still reckon it is the biggest case of genuine head loss in his entire career - mainly because it's such a spontaneous reaction and had this heat-of-the-moment insanity. makes me furious that this worked. sete got five pole positions in 2005!! FIVE! it's not like he suddenly got slow overnight! he didn't win ANY of them!! sick sick stuff
yeah, valentino motivated himself through sete... but it is kinda crazy, to what extent that motivational process outlived sete being a competitive threat. what's really fun to me about this rivalry is that... you know, nowadays that kind of friendship would be way harder to just erase. we'd have all this footage to go back to, so many more little hints and bits of interviews to work with, probably some instagram posts from ibiza, to have as a record of what that relationship once was. but with them? they were title rivals and they were friends - and they weren't talking about their friendship in interviews before it all fell apart. so now it's just sort of... gone. they went on holidays together, even when they were title rivals - and the best evidence we have for that are the commentators talking about it at brno 2003. we have no clue why they got on in the first place, we don't know how they managed that friendship as title rivals before the disaster. it's still one of the most striking things about the whole thing to me... because it's just a bit further back in the past, valentino really could make the friendship vanish at the time of his choosing. the way you can really tell that sete got to him is how there's basically no sign left of their friendship. valentino erased sete from his autobiography and he's erased him from the story of his whole career more often than not. and that's how you know sete really got into valentino's head... through the weight of valentino's cold indifference
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princeescaluswords · 16 days
Dude, you're reaching lmao. It's not because Scott is a POC, it's because he's a dumdum. Everything else in the show focuses on the Hales, almost as if it should have been their show. Instead we got a show about the side character, who happened to be Scott. Ultimately, it comes down Tyler Posey's acting at the end of the day. His performance simply isn't riveting in a word, compared to *pretty* much everyone else on the show. Sure, I can admit racism exists in Teen Wolf, like it does in any other piece of media created in Hollywood, but this theory is just... come on dude. The mental gymnastics you had to pull for this one lmao. If you don't like Sterek that's fine, but I promise you this one isn't about race. It's about two hot dudes who look good together, end of.
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To be quite honest, I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone accuses me of writing this anonymous message to myself, because I couldn't ask for a clearer and more egregious example of fandom racism. But let me assure you, I did not write this. This was an unsolicited spasm from a Sterek shipper. I'd like to say it was an outlier, but everyone reading me knows it isn't. This author assures you and me that "this one isn't about race" immediately after being as racist as humanly possible for an entire paragraph.
First they lead off with 'Scott is a dumdum," as if the 'lazy and uneducated Mexican' stereotype doesn't actually exist in United States culture. To which characters are they comparing Scott to make that claim?
It wasn't Stiles who figured out how to convince Derek in Season 1 that Peter was playing him. It wasn't Derek who figured out that Gerard was dying of cancer and executed a plan to prevent him from using Derek to cure himself. It wasn't Isaac who took the information he learned from Gerard in order to use Deucalion's weakness against him, and it wasn't Peter who manipulated Jennifer into confronting them at the distillery. It wasn't the Sheriff who figured out that Derek was kidnapped and who had kidnapped him. It wasn't Liam who guessed that the Benefactor was a banshee. Was Scott always right? No. But interesting characters actually are wrong sometimes.
What they mean by 'dumdum' is that Scott didn't automatically believe he was bitten by a werewolf because Stiles, a white male character, told him so, even after Stiles had joked about it earlier that same day. What they mean is that he didn't stop playing lacrosse because Derek, a white male character and complete stranger, ordered him not to do so or he would kill someone. (Scott didn't.) What they mean is that Scott didn't automatically treat Allison as the enemy when Derek, a white male character, tried to bully him into doing just that. (And all Scott did by refusing to treat Allison as an enemy was save Derek's, Isaac's, and Jackson's lives.) What they mean is that Scott didn't execute his enemies the way Peter Hale, a white male serial killer, insisted was the only correct way to be a werewolf (though for some reason that wasn't supposed to include Peter himself). What they mean by 'dumdum' is that Scott didn't submit to a white male character, as they see is only right and proper.
All the characters made mistakes, including Scott, but only Scott gets labeled an idiot because of them. Why isn't Stiles a dumdum for taunting a capture alpha werewolf in Night School? Why isn't Derek a dumdum for biting three teenagers with no idea how to manage them on a full moon (especially after saying to Scott that he might have no idea how to train bitten wolves)? And so on. I think it does indeed have something to do with Scott being a character of color, and the evidence is on my side.
Then, because this has nothing to do with Scott being a character of color they decide to discuss how the show 'focuses on the Hales.' Usually, adventure shows do focus on the antagonists and the villains because they want to underline who the heroic protagonist has to defeat. Which Scott did. Repeatedly. It is fandom racism that some people can't tell who the villains are because the suspects are too white and good looking.
And then the anon goes after Posey's acting, because fandom has never ever tried to explain away their racism by saying that an actor of color is inadequate for the role. /sarcasm Weirdly though, that it turns out his acting was 'riveting' enough to carry a show through 100 episodes and an effing reunion movie!
But, as they say it's the "end of [discussion]" that Sterek is only about two hot dudes who look good together. I suppose that could be right, but it doesn't explain why a huge part of Sterek shipping is absolutely and precisely about proving a character of color, whom both said hot dudes' characters canonically loved, is a 'dumdum.' Why would the Sterek fandom have to constantly rewrite the show to focus on the Hales (and their Self-Insert with the Stiles Name Tag) if the show was already focused on the Hales. This frenetic need to piss on the lead protagonist of color is found throughout the Sterek fandom, with the goal of expressing their displeasure that the 'two hot dudes who look good together and happen to be white' are not the lead protagonists.
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twig-tea · 6 months
Final Thoughts on To Be Continued
Ok, I know I was loudly still mad at this show last week in @respectthepetty's notes, who was very kind (and even encouraging) about it. @happypotato48 talked me down a bit by suggesting there was more in the novel that might still come, and he was right! This week we got an explanation that helped me find the through-thread that was missing between the flashbacks and the start of the show, so I can let that go. I was pretty satisfied with that part of this week's finale overall, and was really glad that they added that connecting piece for me.
Short non-spoilery version of where I landed: I was skeptical it was going to land the core storyline, but for me it did. I liked it in the end, but there are a number of hurdles to enjoying this show so I wouldn't recommend this without caveats (mostly related to pacing).
With all of that being said, it's one of the better pulps this year so far, and worth a watch if you love mutual pining, don't mind slow episodes, and enjoy when a show lets its characters make mistakes. I'm glad I watched it.
For anyone curious about this show, here's where this show worked for me, and where it didn't. Spoilers under the cut!
What I Liked
I really enjoyed Ji getting to be petty to Achi at the beginning of the series, and the way the show made clear that Ji knew exactly how conflicted he was about Achi showing up in his life again.
I love yearning, and the yearning in this series was top-notch. The way Ji could not help himself when it came to accepting Achi's overtures, and the way Achi used his overtures to say over and over again "I know you; I know us; I am willing to put in effort to prove I mean it" was delicious.
I did like the flashbacks and how they were doled out through the series to add context and explain what was happening. The timing of the flashbacks in the story was well done and gave us the info we needed when we needed it.
I liked how clear consent was in this show, and how consent alone did not result in a perfect scenario, especially as kids. I did appreciate how the main conflict from the past was essentially teenage boys did not know how to communicate and blew everything out of proportion/did not understand how to think about things from the others' perspective.
And from this last episode, I liked how the show let us see that years of reflection helped Achi realize what things must have felt like from Ji's perspective, and once he had confirmation that Ji was devastated when he left, it makes sense that he would be able to meet up with Ji again with both confidence and contrition in order to get the reconciliation he wants. I also really liked the contrast in the sex scenes between their first time when they didn't kiss for most of the scene and their first time as boyfriends where they can't seem to stop kissing.
Finally, I love competence, and I really enjoyed getting to see Ji be a competent surgeon and Achi be good at his job managing fan expectations of his personal life. Achi handled the relationship reveal with confidence knowing he'd be able to manage the fallout, and his manager was supportive once he was sure Achi actually had a plan.
What I Didn't Like
I seriously considered dropping this show after episode 4 because for the first little while, every other episode really dragged. It wasn't the order in which the story was doled out that was the issue, but there was so much unnecessary footage and scenes lingered too long within each episode. In short, there were moments when this show draaaaaaagged. So in terms of who it works/doesn't work for, having patience for really slow pacing within an episode is critical. It does pick up a bit after ep4, but never fully gets over this problem.
Egregiously in a show where some episodes felt too long, the show also didn't use the time it had to fully close off all the threads it started and some of the plots felt rushed. There was a redemption arc for Ji's father that felt incomplete/sudden to me (not to say people can't snap out of a 10-year depression but I wasn't really given any chance to feel much about this because we didn't really sit with him or his kids after it happened); the side characters' romance felt like it barely got off the ground (they honestly had the time, they just didn't use it), and Poppy's romance and career trajectory also barely got any time (this one is more forgivable as a third and het couple).
Beyond the multiple pacing issues, the acting was also shaky, and while the sex scenes are well staged and cut to hide this, they were a little awkward together during some of the moments of physical intimacy.
For my taste, I would have wanted to see more of the characters working on things and changing their behaviour; a lot of the push-pull in the middle of the series felt circular rather than progressive. Some of it was necessary: Achi did demonstrate he will stick around no matter how hard Ji makes it this time, and Ji did show that he can open up and be vulnerable with Achi eventually, and trust him when there are external threats. But I would have liked to have seen more of the parts that led to the change in them happen. They also spend a lot of time falling into old habits when they started hanging out together again, which was charming and realistic, but I would have loved to see more incorporation of their new lives. Achi basically takes a break from stardom to woo Ji, so we don't get a real sense of what their relationship will be like except in the finale which is quite brief.
I already gave my high-level summary above the fold: TL; DR I'm glad I watched but not everyone will enjoy this one.
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cloud-somersault · 15 days
I've been following this fic since the start, and reading each chapter. We are so incredibly lucky to be enjoying this series at all, let alone for free. I appreciate all the work you’ve put in a lot of effort to create something that brought so much joy to so many people. Thank you so much for writing and remember you don’t owe us anything because you are incredibly talented and impeccable, and this story has me in a chokehold like no other and I would be more than happy to read more about what you have planned for this series.
It's great that your fics inspire such strong emotions in people because these characters are very nuanced and have a lot of depth and reasoning behind their actions, but sometimes it seems really hard for readers to remember, before writing any critique, that we have a lot more information than the characters in the story. We can see the same event from the perspective of different characters and even hear their internal monologues. But characters are limited to what they themselves can figure out, so of course they will make mistakes and do things that don't make sense at first glance. Sorry to hear you’re dealing with some drama in the comments. Hope you’re taking care of yourself! I know that must be pretty stressful, so maybe stepping away from a series for a while and then coming back later is a good choice. Your stories are completely worth the wait. Have a nice day or night! ❤
Thank you for sticking with this fic and this AU from the start! It's almost been 2 years. Thank you for reading and enjoying. I really appreciate that!!
That's very true. We, as the readers, have SO MUCH INFORMATION compared to the characters themselves. The only person who knows more is me, the author. And, something else I think is forgotten so much in this fandom in general is that Wukong and Macaque are immortal beings. The things that hurt us physically? Do not hurt them. The things that we think are egregious and out of this world? Are not to them. They have fought monsters and all that; they don't care about a quick squabble. They also know magic. We have to put all of that into context because, yes, in the real world, their fights and everything would be seen as wrong and dangerous. To them, though? Who have seen and been through so much? They don't have that same threshold that we do. I incorporate that into my writing.
And yes, the characters will do things that don't make sense! They will do things that will make you go "Aw, hell. This is gonna blow up in his face later." That's the entire point of fiction. Is seeing these characters grow and change or even fail to grow and change in some aspects.
That's also something we need to keep in mind. These are immortal beings. It takes them more time to understand something or learn a lesson or unlearn a toxic behavior compared to mortals who only live for so long. Wukong is nearly 4,000 years old; it's gonna take some time for some lessons to stick.
But thank you very much for sharing your opinion and kindness. I am defineitely going to take a step back once the epilogue is finished. I was going to stop here, at chapter 12, but I don't want to do that for my own personal reasons. I want it to be finished and in one place so that I can read it without opening a 300 page google doc and crashing my phone. It's mostly for ease of access right now.
But thank you!! Thanks for sticking with me. If you've been here since the start, wowie, you've seen it all. Thanks for seeing it through to the end with me. 💖
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theladyofshalott1989 · 5 months
Which character should I choose to ask you about for the character game?.. Hmm, I don’t even know… Let me think… SEBASTIAN please! :D
DIANA!!! MY GLORIOUS MOOT (may I call you Diana???), THANK YOU. AHHHHHHHHHHH. (...I'm just a little bit excited. Can you tell? XD)
1. How I feel about this character
Hmmm, well... so, it's complicated. I obviously adore Sebastian, that's a given, but I will say that it took me a while to get past his attitude during my first playthrough because I felt like I was watching teenage me self-combust. In retrospect, that's probably why I wrote my series (and from his POV) because the ending of his storyline felt like a punch to the gut, and I needed to freaking FIX IT.
Besides that whole can of worms, when I can separate the character from teenage me, I think he's the most fleshed out character in the game. He's so well-written and his backstory is so tragic. And the SNARK (especially with Ominis)! I just go absolutely feral over it.
2. All the people I ship romantically with this character
Besides shipping him with my OC, Damien, I ship him with @heyitszev's Charlie (from his series To be Loved is to be Changed). <- READ IT FOLKS. GOOD SOUP!!! I actually ship him with most M!MCs to be honest with you. LMAO. But I do have a hard time reading really dark Sebastian. I like him with a bit of spice, so to speak (not too hot, not too cold vibes), I suppose.
3. My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ominis. I don't know why, but I can't get into Sebinis. I WANT TO LIKE IT SO BAD. (I actually see the dynamic between my husband and me as Ominis/Sebastian, so you'd think I'd like it, but alas.) They are just best buds in my brain. Their personalities are very different, but sometimes that just works, you know? They complement each other in a platonic way. Most importantly, Ominis gets exasperated with Sebastian's antics a lot, but he will always forgive him in due time.
4. My unpopular opinion about this character
I'm actually not sure if this is unpopular, per se, but I'm not into Dark Sebastian, unless he's in "protecc"-mode. It seems unrealistic to me. If MC doesn't send him to Azkaban and MC, Ominis, and Anne are there for him and eventually forgive him (which is what happens in my head canon), I don't think he's physically capable of becoming a Dark Wizard. The events of Hogwarts: Legacy happen when he is 15/16, after all. He is still so young. Teenagers make mistakes. (AND YES, I do realize he made a more egregious mistake than most teenagers... but the point still stands, at least IMO.)
5. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Two things. I wish we could have given Sebastian some semblance of happiness at the end of the game. A hug would have been a good start. LMAO. But SECONDLY! I wish he didn't freaking ignore us after everything! I'M SO BITTER ABOUT THIS. Avalanche, please change this in the summer update. Pretty please????
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brittanagirlcrush · 5 months
Corrected Ask (Probably an Unpopular Opinion)
So. On my computer - for some unknown reason - a red heart showed as black and the orange showed as red. I answered the orange - thinking it was red. On my phone, I discovered the mistake.
So ... without further ado ... the answer to the ask that was actually asked:
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
Brittany. Hands down. They either make her this paragon of perfection who can do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING (fix a car? sure. Write out a complex math equation? Of course. Play every instrument known to man? Yup. Run a restaurant? Play soccer? Play football? Yup. Yep. Yes.), stupid, or simply there to support Santana. Which is actually an insult to Santana as well.
Brittany is AWESOME. But she was far from perfect (and I also think HeMo was almost criminally underrated). She was a bit of a mean girl (not as bad as Santana or Quinn); she insulted people, made fun of people. She didn't slushie or get violent but she didn't exactly play nice. She flat out told Rachel "I hate you" in ... S2, I think. (Maybe S1). She made fun of Marley's mom in S4 (so I heard, I have not watched much of S4.) She made fun of Quinn in S1 (probably buying bigger pants). Even in S6 in "Homecoming" Rachel says something about "they would never make fun of me" and Brittany comments "Not to her face" and in "Jagged Little Tapestry" she goes off on Tina (and she finds Santana's insults toward Rachel hilarious in 100, New Directions, and Jagged Little Tapestry).
Brittany is just as complex as any other character (maybe even more so than Rachel who is pretty much one dimensional - the whole run of the show, she doesn't grow as a person. She's going to be a star no matter who she hurts in the process - Rachel won't fail, the Glee gods forbade it).
Brittany isn't stupid. Unconventionally intelligent would be my thought. Math Genius. Emotional Genius - she reads people better than anyone else on the show (especially Santana) ... in S1 she's portrayed as the vapid, sexually fluid, sidekick. In S2 - she starts out being vapid and accepting of Santana's behavior but evolves starting with "Duets" ... she stops accepting the crumbs Santana offers, she wants more and sets out to get what she wants. She hurts Artie, which actually bothers her so she sets out to make it right. (We don't get to see that - we see Artie break it off with her then we see them together in "Furt" with no explanation how they got there).
She displays her intelligence the only way she knows how; roundabout, metaphorically. She wants to know what Santana feels. She recognizes Santana isn't ready to be out and be the person Brittany knows she can be and doesn't want to hurt Artie (again) just because Santana said "I love you" but hasn't grown enough to not want it to be "real".
S3 - her speech about "tornados" when running for class president - wasn't about tornados. It was about bullying/homophobia. Brittany doesn't think the way others do. Kurt is a "unicorn" ... nobody actually believe Brittany thinks Kurt is a unicorn disguised as a human.
She knows Rory is playing her - and she uses it.
Brittany is a MASTER level troll. All of Comeback is one big Brittany trolling Rachel episode. She trolls Rory. There are sign all throughout Glee of Brittany just ... making fun of people in such a way they think she's stupid. There's a look she gives Rachel in Comeback; Rachel is walking away from Brittany (who is wearing leg warmers on her arms and one of her fuzzy hats) and the look on Brittany's face says it all. It's sly as a fox. She knows what Rachel wants and is deliberately doing something different.
Her "Lord Tubbington" stories are her way of working through things she can't put voice to (usually her difficulties with Santana).
One would assume, since she rides Motocross, she at least knows how to maintain/fix her bike. She's not the strongest singer (although she greatly improved throughout the series). As far as we know, she doesn't play any instruments. She's a phenomenal dancer.
She is non-confrontational.
When the pregnancy scare happens - I have no doubt she made up the "stork" thing on the fly because she didn't want to talk to Artie about it until she was sure (and certainly not in front of a room full of people). There is no doubt in my mind that Brittany knows where babies come from (her line in S1 about Quinn buying bigger pants would suggest she does know that much). There is no way that Santana didn't make sure that Brittany knew about safe sex/birth control. The look Santana gives her (when Brittany says the stork is building its nest) is one of disbelief; she knows Brittany's trolling/making stuff up. I have no doubt that, after that scene/at the end of the day, Santana took Brittany to the pharmacy and bought half a dozen pregnancy tests so they could make sure.
She is terrible at school. This does not make her stupid. She doesn't do stupid things. I want to say it's Sue who points out the Special Ed in McKinley is a joke; which means there's absolutely NO ONE who would be able to help Brittany. I find myself annoyed at her parents for not knowing she needed help. I find myself wondering why Emma Pillsbury wasn't all over the fact that Brittany was failing EVERY SINGLE CLASS ALL YEAR LONG. I don't know about you but in my high school there were plenty of warnings from teachers/guidance counselors when you were in danger of failing. How does she get from September to June without ANYONE mentioning that "if you don't bring your grades up you won't be graduating".
I mean, I get that Santana had other things on her mind but ... in order to get a 0.0 GPA, Brittany would have had to fail EVERY test and not turn in ANY homework. Does anyone really believe Santana and Brittany didn't do homework together?
Of course, Glee messed us up anyway because there is no way Brittany gets to her senior year with a 0.0 GPA. She has, evidently, never failed a grade in twelve years of schooling (her first senior year she's either 17 or 18, the normal age for a senior in the US). Um ... how is it possible that Brittany never failed a grade but completely bombs senior year? Brittany wouldn't be allowed to be a Cheerio with that kind of GPA - let's not forget that Mr. Schue failed all the Cheerios who were actually failing Spanish so they couldn't be on the squad. Yet, Brittany was on that field right along with Quinn and Santana. I suppose the argument could be made that Schue just didn't fail "his" kids. But ... if Schue failing all those Cheerios got them bumped from the Squad, surely Brittany failing EVERYTHING would have precluded her from being a Cheerio. I don't think she'd be allowed to participate in Motocross or Glee, either.
Brittany is bi-lingual. Yes, it was a kind of throwaway joke in S3 ... but it came back around in S6, didn't it?
I know the whole "math genius" thing was so HeMo could leave the show ... but (see above) there are other ways that show she's not stupid.
The whole thing about the egg being a "chicken's house" and how do we know there's not a chicken in there - isn't stupidity - it's a lack of knowledge. I actually had to look it up. I was unaware of the way eggs get fertilized. I'm OLD. I am a college graduate and have a rather high IQ. I was right there with Brittany wondering how the hell did we know if there was a chicken in that egg. Lack of knowledge doesn't equal stupid.
Add to that the fact that Santana loves her and understands her. Santana doesn't strike me as someone who would be able to be in a relationship with someone who was truly stupid.
She wasn't perfect. She wasn't stupid. She is seriously underrated and underappreciated.
Wow. That really got away from me.
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lupinnsa · 6 months
why choose to be mean?
i’ve had a few bad experiences and discoveries over the past year, and one of those revelations included a weird, uncomfortable observation: that while I strive for kindness in casual conversation, often times the people in the world around me… do not.
i’m not talking about silly, comedy-tuned mockery of friends or anything either. i’m referring to, at least, semi-serious discussion about anything you could have opinions about, from other people, to current events, to trending products.
no matter how positive or negative my opinions are, i strive to voice them with as much respect as possible to those involved with the subject. i might overemphasize my positive opinions and refrain from spending too long on my negative ones, for example. More importantly, I try not to belittle other people casually just because they “aren’t in the room”. When they are, I try to be direct and honest without exaggerating my point. Negative opinions and disagreements are already difficult enough, and there’s no need to salt the wound; I try to remain kind even when discussing events or persons that actively harmed me. Even when I’m pretty sure no one else will see.
If I realize my opinions are flawed based on incorrect or outdated information, I always try to own up to those sorts of errors, and change my opinions accordingly. I try to leave room for personal growth or change to make a difference. I try to keep my expectations from coloring my attitude.
Recent events have made it very clear that others are not so interested in that same effort. I suppose it is easier to be unkind if the expectation is that the subject will “never know.” Or perhaps there isn’t enough consequence for “being mean” to choose words with care. Or perhaps this aggressive behavior comes from the increasingly antagonistic perspective of those beyond one’s personal boundaries. Or perhaps it simply costs more energy to keep your filters on.
I’m not free of this sort of sin myself. I’ve said unkind things before, especially when I was younger, especially when I was less informed, less sympathetic. Even recently, I’ve said unkind things to my own close friends simply because I was in emotional turmoil, because I was desperately craving the minimum closure I could ask, for one of the most egregious accusations I’ve ever been the target of on a larger scale. A simple, genuine, apology.
When I realize that something I did or said was hurtful beyond necessity, whether it was from the heat of the moment or a moment of carelessness, I try to genuinely apologize for it. But I’ve seen that others are all too willing to double down on their aggression instead, punching deeper without indication of a second thought. Without restraint.
Someone once said that people don’t like to own up to their mistakes because saying stuff like, “I was wrong,” is an admission of guilt. That no one wants to be guilty of being a jerk, because then they would be a jerk. And I think overall, that observation seems pretty spot on, if deeply disappointing.
I obviously want people to be more kind, passively, to other people in general. But I especially want the mindset of admitting you were wrong to change: not, “I was wrong and I am a jerk,” but, “I was wrong, I was a jerk, but I want to do better.”
Obviously there’s a lot of nuance to be had here. Like, what about the consequences of actions? Why not fight back if something isn’t interested in giving you a chance to defend yourself? How do we learn to be kind and sympathetic in a world that is, for some reason, becoming increasingly intolerant?
I wish I had the answers to all of that, but I don’t.
I just want people to choose to be kind.
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peribirb · 1 year
the whole crab day thing was kinda cringe to begin with but tumblr advertising and selling shirts about it is, kinda weird ngl. like i get it, tumblr desperately needs money to stick around, and people want it to stick around. i do too! but i'm gonna need a bit more proof of good faith from automatic.
proof that they still care about this being a blogging platform rather than just trying to make all the same mistakes twitter did. having a unique website isn't bad! like obviously things need to change over time and god knows this site has always needed work, i've been here a decade i know how bad it can be. but the changes i'm seeing feel less about keeping what makes tumblr interesting and more in the direction of what makes facebook and twitter miserable to use.
proof that they care about trans people and aren't throwing community labels at us constantly on purpose, and even if it's not on purpose that's a pretty egregious accident. like, i'm a trans girl with selfies somewhere on this blog (selfies from a long time ago but still), am i gonna get sniped for daring to exist as a trans person too?
like, i get that we love this place, i've met so many people here who changed my life forever. but you can't let that get in the way of common sense yknow. i know there's at least one staff member who follows me (hi!) and i know plenty of staff care about this place too and want the best for tumblr.
but, i dunno, trying to christen a holiday where we all Give A Corporation Three Dollars Because We Love Them is just a really fucking weird thing to do in general, and especially with everything else going on. no corporation should get your money out of love, they need to earn it.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 3 months
In concept i do think Yamato is kinda of a funny character, he's this extravagant inventor dude and all that but when we see him for such little time and the game insists on telling me how awesome and cool he was and how everyone liked him it started getting on my nerves, you know? + I do agree that if we were shown more flaws of his character he would feel less bland than what we actually god, that one scene where he and Mikako argue because he doesn't wanna tell her that he knows the world is going to shit and so pushes her away to try protecting her which just leads to Mikako and him having a pretty bad argument honestly did wonders for the little character he has and if we had more time to see him being some guy instead of a cookie cutter hero type i think i wouldn't have this many gripes agaisnt him
FOR REAL, like...if you give a character flaws, it doesn't make them a bad character. It just makes them a lot more rounded and less egregious when they choose to do heroic deeds, despite their flaws and problems. It makes them a character that can make mistakes due to their flaws but still try to do the right thing. It makes them human in a way that we can understand and even respect when they try their best. I like Yamato as a concept but in practice, he kinda just...exists. Which is a shame because I can see the potential in his character and then it drives me nuts when I don't see him be written in a way that's satisfying. To me, at least. It doesn't help that the writing kinda builds him up when he's just the "hero" character that has no visible flaws unless you really try to dig between the lines and even then, you kinda have to do the writing yourself without propping him up like, "He's the Chosen One(TM), you HAVE to like him" kind of nonsense. And my God, if I have to do it myself, I will.
I've only been here for, like, a year and a half? In this fandom. But when people talk about him being the GOAT, I just go, "I mean, I guess he's pretty heroic. But that's about it." I do like what we got of him, and I appreciate that he's there...but also he's just there. You know? I need a little more substance if I'm gonna put him any higher on a tierlist beyond just the "fanon is better" tier.
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bmpmp3 · 6 months
i often, with very little seriousness, say that i prefer to read shoujo, josei, and the occasional seinen manga over anything from shounen magazines because even if they take a turn in quality, at least they will End within my lifetime HFKJSDHKDSHFD and this really is a joke: mostly as a way to combat the last 15 years of shounen elitists coming at me for liking things published in different magazines while also, in a slightly self deprecating way, pointing out how a lot of series in other magazine demographics usually either end at a natural stopping point or get canned unceremoniously with no conclusion (although shounen magazines are no stranger to the latter either LOL the nature of magazine publishing........) compared to just going on for hundreds of chapters after the quality took a nosedive
but make no mistake, despite how a lot (and i mean a LOT) of shoujosei is cancelled early before it can really start to get bad (or it gets trapped in an eternal hiatus because of magazine changes, or it just ends normally LOL), there are still plenty of series that went on way too long or struggled because of their length. some are worse than others: i remember Special A being solid but with a serious plateauing problem in like the latter half where it felt stagnant and boring (albeit not egregious or anger inducing or anything). but then theres other stuff like. hkjfdajhkgrlfjd. Peach Girl my beloved and beloathed <3 HHRJKFJRFEd and dont even talk to me about Vampire Knight or Black Bird. don't even say those words to me
and of course getting cancelled early can also give a series a great opportunity to fumble the bag horrendously in 3 chapters or less: one of my favourite shoujo manga of all time, Penguin Revolution, has an absolutely hilarious last chapter in that you can feel how much the author was like "SHIT FUCK I NEED TO WRAP THINGS UP RIGHT NOW" so hard that i cant even be mad about it LOL
and with that as a preamble: last night i finished reading A Devil and Her Love Song/Akuma to Love Song and well. um.,
quick TW: because of the topics that the manga touches on, I am going to talk a little bit about sexual assault, specifically sexual assault of a minor, and suicide. i will do it somewhat frankly because i want to take it seriously and not beat around the bush and i will do my best, but feel free to let me know if im off-base
SO the first half of the series is really solid, specifically with the characters. Maria in the beginning, especially with the bullying arc, was really engaging as someone so (intentionally or otherwise) neurodivergently coded. and The Boys: Shin and Yusuke were also really strong - moreso on Yusuke's end as like, a foil to Maria's complete inability to mask, Yusuke is like the king of masking. but even Shin, despite everything that comes later (and we'll get to that. by god we will get to that) was also interesting as like a foil in a different direction: a person resigned to his loneliness compared to Maria's drive to connect despite her struggles. And despite how sidelined the girls get, in theory I really loved Ayu and Tomoyo's connection to Maria and the whole squad as well (can't help but love a mean girl redeemed and a shy but secret goth kid respectively)
the series starts to take a turn for the worse after the new school bullying storyline and into the beginning of the Anna Situation. im gonna refer to this Anna, the friend of Maria's from her old catholic school who lost her voice as Anna (friend). it seems clunky but we'll come back to that LOL
i actually didn't hate the whole situation, i found Anna pretty compelling in her anger and resentment and even cruelty, and i was invested in seeing how her relationship with Maria would pan out. unfortunately she herself was basically forgotten about after she moves away to america and instead a lot of the situation was spent focusing on Shin's turmoil which was where his character started to. test me.
this is where Maria's backstory with her mother comes in: maria was born from the rape of her 14 year old mother, who then committed suicide with a preschooler Maria in her arms because of the turmoil and the way she and Maria were treated in the aftermath. this is. an absolutely unreal turn. really fucking dark and tough topic, but i had an inkling of hope! the series was handling its first like, 30 chapters with a surprising amount of care despite some clumsiness...
and the thing is i love a lot of stories that attempt to handle dark topics in loud, fumbling ways as long as theres a sense of compassion and honesty in it you know? and compassion and honest really is the thing, i actually prefer a messy but earnest story about dark and sad events compared to something that knows all the correct words to say while still dancing around serious topics (this is a problem i run into often in recent years. i think its a selfconciousness in storytelling that makes me feel like im being talked down to you know?)
but there is a difference between fumbling a bit an dropping the ball entirely. and MAN that ball was dropped HARD when you bring in the american soldier kidnapper and rapist of the main character's middleschool aged mother and try to turn him into some "redeemed" priest goofy crybaby dad character for the main character to forgive and reconnect with. but we'll get to that, i need to get back to shin
Shin learns from Anna (friend) about Maria's past and how Maria had forgotten it all because of the trauma, but may remember when she's held by others. not wanting to retraumatize her, and believing not remembering her past is what's best for her, he starts distancing himself from her. he also tells the other boys, the blonde bitches (Yusuke and Kurosu (we'll get to him later i prommy)) that have a crush on Maria as well about this, essentially deciding for Maria that she should never learn her past and attempting to control her relationships with other boys behind her back. THIS is intensely possessive and paternalistic WHICH in a vacuum COULD BE a really interesting, dark, but prescient and complex major character flaw to explore (especially in a story written for young women and girls like a manga serialized in Margaret would be). unfortunately the story never grapples with it, its framed like your classic possessive-but-like-in-a-sexy-fantasy-way despite being written in an incredibly embarassing and pathetic manner
like dear GOD i wanted nothing more than him to get some sense knocked into him by the blonde bitches. i LOVE a good character arc where a shojo manga love interest with possessive tendencies learns to respect his gf's autonomy its a classic!! especially with Maria's past, learning that helping someone with trauma means being there for her, not controlling her life behind her back! so much potential there
but alas. all we got was Shin hiding in the shadows from Maria for several volumes until, during an argument where Maria remembers her past and has a panic attack, he attempts to force himself on her and gets his hand hurt in the process. and. god. this is a shojo manga trope i Do Not Care For, honestly it is one of the few things that'll sour me complete on something:
the plotline where through a series of very bizarre circumstances the main love interest will sexually assault (or attempt to) the main character and then get really mopey about it (ouuhhhh im the baad guy how could i do thisssss i feel so sorrrrrrry for myself) and then the narrative will bend over backwards to say that UMMM ACTUALLY its okay the main character wasn't upset about that! it was something else! she didn't think it was rape!! she's cool with it!!! don't feel bad love interest guy!!! LITERALLY i hate it so much. the next several volumes spends so much time on Shin trying to make him feel better about his hand injury and how everything he did was okay because Maria loves him and it was PAINFUL so so frustrating
which brings me to the other guys, the blond bitches. Yusuke is mvp we know this, especially in the early volumes. but after he realized maria's in love with Shin no matter what and he has no chance, he also becomes frustrating because all his edges get sanded off, he's still a wonderful friend to Maria (although he unfortunately drinks Shin's koolaid and also hides her past from her) but he completely stops pushing Shin to be better which makes both characters worse. he was so interesting as the king of masking, such a relatable character type but MAN things went downhill
earlier in the series before Shin tries to push himself on Maria and I was still a bit sympathetic to him, i was thinking like damn. Maria should just get with Shin because she likes him but also setup a polycule where the two blonde bitches can orbit around and keep shin in check LOL
and kurosu. im going back to kurosu finally. a third anime boy has hit the love triangle. hes contentious for very valid reasons but the thing is. i kinda liked him? OKAY okay he has serious SERIOUS personal space issues which were played a little too much for laughs and we'll get to his relationship with Maria's father in a moment but i couldnt help but relate to a big dumb seemingly outgoing but still distant kid who talks too much about horny shit. Yusuke is just like me fr but. also. Kurosu is just like me (idiot highschooler edition) frrrrrrrrrrrrrr sorry i do see a bit of myself in him. hell i even see a bit of myself (dumb possessive middleschooler edition) in the earlier versions of Shin (before you know. he went off the rails), and i think thats whats so frustrating: these characters start with ideas that are ALMOST relatable and intriguing character flaws and then it just descends into madness
and back on kurosu's relationship with Maria's biological father, it is pretty fucked that he hides the fact that he knows Maria is the daughter of the child his adoptive father figure raped for so long, and its especially fucked he brought Maria to the church where maria's bio dad is now a priest taking care of orphans as like a way to "reunite" them and show that "he's changed" and such, but this is really a problem less with the characters and more with the way the story's themes are coalescing in general. The character of Kurosu himself was quite interesting as like a foil to the foils of maria and yusuke, simultaneously really good at masking while also not being good at ALL. and I loved that he got on Shin's case to stop being so possessive and weird about maria. And not to be all "he's literally neurodivergent and a minor" but i can't get all that mad at a 15 year old who (as revealed really quickly in a random chapter near the end) who had to leave his abusive father and scared abused mother under really traumatic circumstances and then suddenly was taken in by a seemingly kind priest trying so hard to defend said priest. i think theres something very compelling and emotionally resonant there: grappling with the the fact that someone you love, someone who treats you with such kindness, someone who you think saved you even, could have been so cruel to your other loved ones.
i know i have a bajillion experiences like that (much smaller scale things like finding out a person who was nice to u is bullying others, or more serious things. im sure im not the only one who's got crazy shit happening with cousins and aunties and uncles and such). like it changes things: you can't just sit idle about it, but you also don't have the authority to confront anyone, you can't go back to the way things were before and there's an irreparable distance between you, but you don't know how to move forward other than letting that distance grow. I think theres something here!!! but unfortunately, the series as a whole was largely uninterested with anything other than turning the main character's mother's rapist into a doting father type character out of nowhere, treating the aforementioned rape as if it was just a little "mistake"
when i read or watch something and i have a very strong reaction to it, good or bad, i often like to look at reviews afterwards. a lot of people seem to think theres no reason to look at reviews if you already have your own opinion, but i personally find them really helpful to get new perspectives and sometimes find catharsis with others with similar perspectives to mind. and so i was looking at some fan reviews and this review's first line killed me
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THEYRE NOT WRONG the full sentence is "This story really reminds me of Usagi Drop, just for the way that the ending butchers my enjoyment fo the entire series" which is VERY true, but also its very true more specifically n the sense of WHY on gods green earth is this series trying to frame the rape of a young teenager as a romantic thing (albeit in akuma to love song's case the circumstances are less grooming and more violence, which just makes it bizarre in a different way). but this person's review is great, it just puts the problems with the series in such a succinct way: it swiftly turns from a decent little drama about teenagers learning to grapple with communication into Rape Apologia: The Manga.
all in all i think the big problem with akuma to love song is how much the story is just uninterested in the topics it brings up. its not a matter of taking on tough subject matter and handling it in a slightly clumsy way, its a matter of taking on tough subject matter and then trying to tie it all up in a neat little black and white bow. the series best part of the series, which is kind of seen in the section where all the kids go to the beach together, is when the characters try to learn to communicate and be honest with eachother despite their difficulties. but that was forgotten and thrown away for some very bizarrely cruel melodrama, brushing aside one of the biggest victims: Anna (mother), the girl who was assaulted and the abandoned by all her loved ones in the process. a teenage girl alone with just a toddler. a character the series had no interest in, not her life or thoughts or agency. really depressing
also yeah maria's teenage mother has the same name (and looks???) as one of her former best friends. and you know. thats what got me kind of thinking. with how much Anna (friend) was like completely forgotten about. i honestly wonder how the writing for this series went. this is why ive been so frustrated after all, its highs are so good but its lows are so so SO disastrous. it appears to have been in a biweekly version of Margaret, im unsure if it was published in every issue though. if it was, maybe rushing to get out something every two weeks was in part to blame for how downhill the writing got? i dont think manga should be published more than once a month at most, i think its unethical working conditions for the sake of a worse product and its bad for everyone involved.
and i know its not really considered standard in art and media criticism to focus so much on the working conditions and mindset the author was in while creating. looking at art as itself divorced from its circumstances and death of the author (as in the actual essay meaning like the author is not god and the intended interpretation is no more or less important than the audiences) and so on and so forth. but i can't help it ive always been like this LOL if something bad i wonder how the creator felt creating it....
but anyway. now. one thing i will give the series: they did not randomly pair off the remaining ensemble cast at the end. one thing about shoujo manga, especially from the 2000s is that if there are an equal number of boys and girls, they will be unceremoniously split into couples by the end regardless of how compatible they are HJKDLDHFJKD i was so scared when i realized there were three boys and maria had two gal pals. i was so scared. but we were spared from that at least orz
i do want you to know something though. despite all my criticism, the thing about this all: i love garbage. i love trash. i will read like anything even if its bad as long as i think i can get SOMETHING out of it. even if that something is just "wow that was bad". do you remember the aforementioned Black Bird? what did i get out of that? i dunno, probably just something absolutely crazy to read in a public library as a 17 year old LOL. i love garbage melodramatic soap opera bullshit so much
but i think what frustrated me so much about akuma to love song, as mentioned before, is that it was like. genuinely really good! in some parts! its the potential that is killing me i think. its one thing to read some big dumb and questionable melodrama knowing what youre getting into in the first few chapters, and its another thing to start out written with such emotional intelligence only to take a complete and utter nosedive so dramatically
is this how shounen manga readers feel all the time. dear god.
but well. i guess i still got something out of 90 chapters of this. a really strong start. some good art. and a what-not-to-do manual for the latter half
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yunharlaquin · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ───         an independent  +  selective portrayal of  𝙹𝙰𝙸𝙽𝙰 𝚂𝙾𝙻𝙾 from george lucas’  𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝚂 .     a study in grief and desperation, finding strength from the ashes, and letting go.    headcanon inspired and both timeline compliant.     trained by  𝙺𝙸𝚃𝚃𝚈.
                                        𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗     —          carrd.     playlists.
𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚝...     —         [ ʜɪɢʜ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ ] @alderheir​  |  ​@bornesorrow  | @warsavant  | @warrued  |  @donutdollie | @quietresistance | @coeursainte [ ʟᴏᴡ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ ] @ofsquadrons | @ofpolitics | @oflightsabers | @ofblasters | @creaturational
[ 𝙾𝙽𝙴 ]  welcome! this is a mutuals only blog, thus i don't interact in-character with blogs i don't follow in return. mistakes are understandable, but, please, only message me about writing / like a starter or plotting call if we are mutuals. i regularly go through new followers when active. that being said, non-mutual roleplay blogs and personals are more than welcome to message me about characters and new content. i love making new friends!
also, while i enjoy starter calls and asks, i adore plotting out long and involved story lines, meshing and growing both sides' muses and understandings, but that is not required to interact. i have lots of fun with off the cuff interactions as well!
[ 𝚃𝚆𝙾 ]  as a star wars fan for more than half my life, i have a deep connection to this franchise. while my first love was the legends timeline, growing up on its extensive expanded universe of books, i enjoy the new timeline and its characters thoroughly. i may have many quibbles with disney's choices, especially in its overall pacing for historical events and certain retcons of its own content, but overall, i've fallen for it too. thus, while i welcome criticism of both timelines and/or the choice to only write in one of the two, i will not likely follow if you post consistently about your dislike for one or another.
also, whether more or less, i never expect my fellow writers to have the same level of knowledge. brand new to it all, been obsessed with it since birth, or anywhere in between, you know exactly enough for me. if you are on the lower side, however, due to my occupation, i'm pretty good at research and summing up information, so let me know if you need an ad-hoc research assistant!
[ 𝚃𝙷𝚁𝙴𝙴 ]  along those lines, i know at least a smattering about a wide range of fandoms and time periods, and i'm always interested in alternate verses. i usually find placing jaina easy, so if you don't see a verse for your fandom, just ask! additionally, ocs are near and dear to my heart, so you're very welcome here.
[ 𝙵𝙾𝚄𝚁 ]  activity here can be, quite frankly, sporadic. i not only have other blogs, but i run my own business and help my family. these responsibilities can lead to unannounced hiatuses for short periods of time (typically no more than a month), but i will always return. if you would like to keep in regular contact and you are a mutual, feel free to ask for my discord.generally, i place in-character content in the queue, alternating it with other content.
[ 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴 ]  with romantic shipping, i ship with chemistry. while this means i can be selective with shipping, queries are always welcome. i don't autoship, and i love shipping canons and ocs. jaina's platonic relationships are just as or, sometimes, more important than her romantic ones, so i don't need to ship to write and would far rather build detailed enemies and friends than a half-cooked romance.
[ 𝚂𝙸𝚇 ]  expect darker themes on this blog, especially regarding war and those often explored by star wars content. additionally, i take heavy inspiration from history, and those themes will also be present. i tag most egregious triggers, nsfw content, and triggers requested by my mutuals. however, if you believe something triggering could be a common theme on this blog, please don't follow. the trigger tag for this blogs is 'trigger tw'. i don't have triggers.
[ 𝚂𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙽 ]  this is a mun doesn't equal muse blog. i don't care what allegiances or beliefs your muse may have. unless i see clear and substantiated evidence of bigoted beliefs out of character, i'll assume you're a decent human being whether you write villains, heroes, or anything in between. even if we write people with good views and intentions, we still might not entirely agree with their choices, and it isn't fair to assume that either. please extend me the same courtesy.
[ 𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 ]  on this note, i'm almost entirely anti-callout. i've been on this site for several years and over time, i've witnessed a slow degradation of what's considered a valid callout. often, they have little to no evidence and result from the aftermath of a fallout between friends or a misunderstanding. unless i see substantiated evidence of criminal behavior, i won't reblog them and neither do i care to interact with them in general. that being said, if someone i follow personally hurt you, please come and talk to me about it in ims. i don't tolerate bullies.
[ 𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙴 ]  i don't practice mains or exclusives. like anyone, i have favorites and certainly, those people often are like unofficial mains, but i've been and seen too many often hurt by this. we're all so unique in how we write that no two portrayals are the same. however, if you do find people you want to be mains and exclusives with, i wish you all the best of times!
[ 𝚃𝙴𝙽 ]  i created all the graphics, psds, headcanons, and icons unless stated otherwise in a post, or it's listed below. please don't steal! i'm usually happy to share if asked.
[ 𝙴𝙻𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙽 ]  at long last, hej, hello, i'm kitty. thank you for reading! i'm a twenty-one plus woman living in the u.s. central time zone, but i grew up around the world. for a living, i'm both a historian, traditional and fashion, and a seamstress / designer / tailor. you might catch a glimpse of my history adventures here from time to time. it's a pleasure to meet you, and i hope you're having a wonderful day!
finally, if you or anyone else you know here are having a bad day, at any time, send in 'positivity please' on anon or not (just make sure to include the url if on anon), and i'll try to brighten your day.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Taking the Blame
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Summary: The Reader and Andy end up having their first fight at one of Andy’s office parties. But the real question is, who’s right and who’s wrong. Andy Barber x Black!Reader 
*Warnings: Jealous Andy Barber, Apologetic Andy Barber, Confident Reader, Smut, Spanking, Daddy Kink, Cursing, Office Sex, Rough Sex, Pet Names, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Growing Pains Series. As always, I’d love your feedback, so please let me know what you think. Semi-proofread. Not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
The first real fight you’d ever had with Andy had been entirely unexpected. You had been approximately six months into your relationship. Up until that point everything had been wonderful. He had treated you like a queen at every opportunity, and you had tried to spoil him at every chance you’d gotten as well. He always won. You always tried your best, but Andy Barber was a special kind of beast, in all of the best ways possible. 
Now, you’d only received two additional, eh, spankings from him since the one after your car had been stolen. One for a pretty egregious speeding ticket, and the other for skipping meals. You weren’t sure why, but the one you’d received regarding the whole forgetting to eat business had been worse than the one you’d gotten for the ticket.
Flashback You’d been at his house, nestled together on the couch while you waited for your dinner to arrive. Your bodies intertwined, with his head resting atop yours, which was snuggled up against his chest. 
You’d been trying to find something to watch on Netflix when your stomach had growled. Loudly. “Sorry about that.” You’d mumbled. “Guess I’m a little hungrier than I thought.” 
He’d chuckled. “Aw, it’s okay. Daddy knows he needs to feed his baby.” He’d pressed a kiss to your forehead, just in time for your stomach to rumble yet again. That time you’d giggled too. 
And then you’d screwed up. “Guess that’s what I get for not eating today.” You’d mused, more to yourself than him. Nevertheless, you’d felt him stiffen against you. Surprised, you’d looked up at him in confusion. “Andy, what’s wrong?” 
“What do you mean you didn’t eat today?” He’d looked down at you, his voice gruff. “Uhh…” You’d stammered. 
“Y/N, when was the last time you put something in that little tummy?” You’d looked around nervously at that point, trying to come up with an answer that would appease him. Even if it meant you had to fudge the truth a bit. His grip had tightened on you then. “And don’t you dare think about lying to me, young lady. Because I will know.” 
‘Oh, just bite the bullet and be honest. What’s the worst that could happen?’ You’d thought to yourself. Famous. Last. Words. “Uh, I had a cup of coffee and a boiled egg for breakfast…yesterday morning.” 
He’d pursed his lips and nodded before sitting up with you in his arms. “So you’re telling me that you haven’t eaten anything other than a miserable little boiled egg since yesterday morning? Is that right? Okay.” He’d pulled out his phone to check on the delivery status of your food. “Looks like we still have twenty-five minutes to go. That should be enough time.”
You’d shrank back a little at that. “Enough…enough time for what?”
“Enough time for you and I to have a very important, bottoms-up discussion about how you need to make sure you’re eating properly every damned day.” With that, he’d effortlessly maneuvered you face down over his lap. “Andy, wait!” You’d started to struggle, which had then prompted him to throw one of his heavy legs over your own. 
“Nope. Don’t want to. You’ve gotta learn, baby girl. Daddy is serious about taking care of every single part of you. Now these will be hard and fast, so I won’t make you count. And when we’re done, the food should be here, and you can curl up on my lap while we eat and I’ll even let you pick the movie.” You blushed when you felt him lower your sleep shorts, revealing your bare backside to the cool air. “Daddy, let’s just talk about this please!”
“Talk all you want.” You cry out when his palm comes down hard again, and again, and then again. “You’ve got my full attention.”
End Flashback      
He’d made you feel so good afterwards, so loved and safe and wanted…you’d almost forgotten about the pain of your spanking. Keyword being almost. So as payback, you’d picked a horror film. And not just any horror film, but The Conjuring, parts one and two. It felt good to feel such a big, strong man jump in terror underneath you. That’s what you get buddy.   
Tonight, you’d agreed to join him at a company party at his law firm. They were celebrating an important expansion, and everyone was thrilled. Especially Andy. For your look for the evening, you were rocking a skintight, dark blue dress that came to just above the knee. It hit every curve just right, in your mind, without being too much. You had even paired it with some navy pumps, matching earrings, and a sparkling choker necklace. 
Unsure of your look, you’d sent a couple pictures off to some friends, wanting their opinions. And their various responses had been everything from “yes, girl!”, to “goddamned is that man lucky as hell!, and even one much appreciated “Va Va Voom!”. So, in their words, no it wasn’t too much. They all knew where you were headed tonight, a couple of them had even helped you choose the damned thing. But when you wanted to look perfect, you had to make sure. 
Andy Bear: Baby, I’m pulling up in five. You ready?
You spritz yourself with a little perfume that you know will last you awhile. It was one of your favorites, and if your boyfriend happened to like it too…win win. 
You: Of course! Can’t wait to see you, baby. It’s been four days…
Andy Bear: I know. See you in a moment.
Purse in hand, you find yourself anxiously waiting by the door. Watching through the window for him to pull up. When he does you let out a can’t help but let out a little squeak. When your phone rings you decide that is your cue to step out the door, locking it as you do.
You whip around just in time to see Andy’s long legs striding up the stairs. God, to say the man looked good would be a major understatement. His hair is slicked back, his beard is freshly trimmed. The fabric of his black button down shirt clinging seductively to his well-muscled body.
When he reaches you, he takes you into his strong arms, prompting you to nuzzle your face into his chest. Of course the man smelled fabulous. 
His big, strong hands go to wrap themselves around you. They squeeze your arms, your waist, your ass, all the way down to your thighs. You can tell that he wants to lift you up so that you can wrap your legs around his hips so that he can take you back inside to make up for the 96 hour absence between you two. 
You had no idea the kind of thoughts that had been plaguing his mind over the course of that time. Had you needed him and he hadn’t been there? No, you would have called him. Wouldn’t you have? He was Daddy…
“I missed you. Things have just been so busy, I’m so sorry that we’ve barely been able to speak.” He whispers in your ear, his minty breath carefully wafting over face.
 “I missed you too, baby.” You pull away. The sincerity and emotion in his eyes has you positively melting where you stand. 
“Andy, it’s okay. I understand. Things got a little crazy and oof-”
Andy takes your mouth, his soft lips swooping in to take your own under their control. When you don’t immediately open up, his tongue brushes over your bottom lip once, twice. “You’re gonna mess up my lip gloss.” You mumble into the kiss. 
“Don’t care.” He growls. “You wore it for me, didn’t you? So let me in, baby.” Which you do, and you give him everything. At least until the waiting driver yells out something about how you both needed to hurry up, otherwise you were going to be extra late. Reluctantly, you let go of each other. 
“To be continued?” You whisper.
“Yes, honey. You can count on that shit.” He growls back before ushering you down the steps and inside the vehicle. 
“Ya know, baby. A lot of this could have been avoided if you finally decided to accept the inevitable and just move in with me. Then we could see each other all the time. Sleep in the same bed every night. All the good stuff.” You elbow him as you climb into the car without answering.
You get settled in your seat before Andy leans over to fasten your seatbelt for you. You flash him an exasperated look, opening your mouth to remind him that you were a big girl. Only to be cut off when his face lets you know that he doesn’t care. 
“We’ve been over this, Andy. I have a lease. Now tell me about your week.” He levels you with a hard stare, his face letting you know that once again he’s not happy with your answer. 
Thankfully, he chooses to move beyond it and launches into a conversation about his unexpectedly hectic week. And like the doting lover he was, he also makes sure to ask about yours. Along with whether or not you’d been eating, how you’d been sleeping, as well as a quiet question about whether or not you had missed him.
You snuggle into his broad chest as much as your seatbelt will allow. “Of course I missed you. You’re my Daddy.” His face breaks out into a satisfied grin. “You’re going to take me home and cuddle with me after all this is over, right?”
“Oh Y/N, honey. You and I are going to go back to my place and do so much more than cuddle.” His big hand reaches over to stroke your face before dragging your mouth back to his. You spend the rest of the ride making out like teenagers, your poor driver be damned. You needed to reconnect with your man.
And clearly your Andy Barber, Mr. District Attorney, felt the same.  
An Hour and Some Change Later…
Woo. You loved your man, yes you did, but when Andrew Barber went into attorney mode, heaven help you. And that is exactly what he’d done almost from the moment you both arrived. He’d introduced you, allowed you to make a little bit of small talk, and then he had taken over. And part of you understood, truly. This was his world. Your world was a little different.
But deep down you also knew that if he ever came with you to one of your Marketing & PR events, you’d make it a point to try to include him into at least some aspects of whatever conversation you were having, regardless of who you were having it with. Granted, you could argue that your particular occupation was a little more fun than his, but when attorneys like him screwed up, who’d they call to help save face with the public? Oh that’s right. Folks like you. 
Well, maybe not you specifically. Mostly because if it involved Andrew, and someone had something bad to say about him, you’d take your shoe to his or her head immediately. And then read your prepared media statement. 
Anyway, protectiveness aside, you were tired of being nothing but a piece of evening arm candy. It was boring. So after a certain point, you lean over to kiss Andy’s shoulder and murmur something about going to grab another drink from the bar. To your surprise he just smiles and nods, without so much as even glancing your way.
‘Okay, no big deal.’ You think to yourself. ‘I get it. He’s busy. But I’m not helpless, so I’m going to find a way to occupy myself.’ So you slink away to the bar to order another drink, or two. And that’s where you meet a man named Jameson.
Were you interested in him? Oh, absolutely not. Not when you had that fine, intelligent, slightly obtuse ass hunk waiting for you. But you were bored and he wanted to have a conversation. Turned out you found him to be engaging and kind of funny, so once you’d started talking, you’d just let the conversion ride. Nothing inappropriate, nothing sneaky…just a flipping conversation. 
And once you’d started talking, things had just flowed naturally. He’d asked you about your job, your clients, new projects you were working on, and more. Jameson had also told you about himself as well. How he’d been around just a couple years less than Andy (because yes, you’d made it clear from the beginning that you were with Andy), and how he’d worked his way up. 
You were just beginning to discuss his favorite case when you feel a warm hand on your shoulder. “Was wondering where you ran off to, sweetheart. Thought you might have left.” Hey there, Andy. Boy, you don’t sound happy.
You glance down at your phone to see how much time had elapsed since you’d sat down at the bar for a drink. Forty-five minutes. 
“Hi James.” Andy says softly, but the disdain in his tone is hard to miss. “I see you’ve met my lady.”
The other man coughs nervously. “She’s a lovely woman. You’re very lucky.” 
“I know that. In fact, I’m more than just lucky, this woman right here colors my whole goddamn world. Are you done, Y/N?” 
You turn to look up at him in confusion. Was that…jealousy you heard in his tone? It couldn’t be…
“No, I’m not Andrew. As you can see, your colleague and I were in the middle of a nice conversation and my drink is still full so…” You smile and shrug in an effort to diffuse whatever was happening here.  
“I think it’s time that James went and found someone else to talk to.” The smile he gives the other man isn’t so much encouraging as it is intimidating. “Plus, I’d like to show my girl here the newest artwork I just had installed in my office.” 
“Uh…” James looks down. “I’m going to go, but it was nice meeting you, Y/N.”
“It was nice meeting you too. Hopefully we can talk again some time.” You give his hand an affectionate squeeze, which Andy does not like.  
You go to take a sip of your drink, unsure of how to appropriately process what just went down, when it is suddenly stolen from your hand. You watch as Andy eagerly downs the remainder of your Amaretto Sour. 
“Hey, that was mine!” Placing the empty glass down, he gently hauls you out of your seat. 
“Excuse me! Andrew! What the fu–hell was that all about?” He begins to lead you towards his office, just like he said he would. “Stop it!” You hiss, digging your heels into the carpeted floor. 
“No.” He growls. “Gonna show you my artwork, baby girl. All my artwork. Just like I promised.”
“Did you even ask me if I wanted to see it? You are such a freaking ogre!” He laughs darkly. “Is this about James? Because I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” You huff. Andy keeps going, occasionally nodding at people from time to time. You find yourself being all but dragged down the damned hall. Motherfucking Asshat. 
When the two of you finally reach his office, Andy all but tosses you inside before following you in. What the fuck had him in such a foul mood? He shuts the door behind him. And then if you’re not mistaken, you hear the click of a lock. 
“You planning to turn on the lights, Andrew, so I can see this all of this so-called artwork? Or should I start working on developing night vision?” You’re starting to get pissed. You hadn’t seen this man in days, and now he wanted to sully the night like this?
No response. 
“Andrew!” You bark. “Turn on the lights!” 
“No.” He snarls softly. “You want to flirt with other men? You want to forget who you belong to? What, just because we’ve been apart for a few days? I’m not okay with that, and even more importantly, I’m not having it.”
Thankful for the presence of a little moonlight, you lean over and turn on his desk lamp. “What the hell are you talking about?” You can finally make out the dangerous gleam in his eyes. “That was not my fault. I was literally just having a conversation after had I stood with you for over an hour where all I did was smile and fucking nod.” Andy continues to stare you down with a snarl on his gorgeous lips.
“Do you know how much fun that was for me? I was freaking bored out of my skull, honey!”
“So you went and talked to James.” He takes a step towards you. “The one man who can’t stand me. The one man who, if he had his way, would replace me as DA in a heartbeat.” Okay, wow.
“Andy, I went to the bar like I said I was going to. He happened to be there and – and that’s not even on me, damn it! You know why? Because I had never met him and you had never mentioned him. I didn’t know a thing about that guy. I had no idea that you two had that kind of bad blood between you. I. Did. Not. Know.”
Still not satisfied, he takes another menacing step in your direction.
“Thank you for expecting me to know something that there is no way I could have known without you telling me. It’s totally fair for you to be upset with me right now. Yep, super fair.” You throw your arms up. And men loved complaining about how women always expected *them* to be psychic.
“Y/N…” He grimaces as reason and logic finally begin to kick in. “It’s just that you were gone so long, and then I find you two all chummy. I just...”
“No. No. No. Is that why you came over and felt the need to whip your dick out? It wasn’t because you missed me. It was because you didn’t want another man to enjoy my company, right?” Needing to calm yourself, you grab his stapler and begin methodically clicking it over and over again, watching as the unused staples fall out and onto the ground. 
“At this point, I think I’ve shown you time and time again that I’m yours in every way possible. I don’t want anyone else, you exceptionally talented ignoramus. I’m not looking for another fucking man. You are the only one I want.” You keep clicking the stapler. 
"Then what’s stopping you from moving in with me? Why do you keep denying me your sweet presence in my home? You calm me, baby. Do you - do you not want me the way I want you?” Hands in his pockets, his eyes stray to the floor.
Your eyes stray to the paperweight on his desk. No, you couldn’t brain him with it, as much as you might have liked to. Instead you choose to close the distance between your bodies. 
“Andrew Barber, look at me damn you.” You wait until he complies before continuing. “Listen to me. I have a lease. That I pay. Monthly. It is not breakable at this time. You want to discuss moving in together five months from now when it is up, then let’s do it. I’m all ears.” You press your mouth to his, groaning when you feel his big, hard body finally yield against your own. 
You pull away. “I don’t want to argue with you anymore. I know how possessive you feel over me, how much you want me. I feel possessive over you, too. All of the time. Whenever I see you on television, every time, my brain screams ‘That’s my man right there! That’s my baby doing his damn thing! And boy, is he fine!’ You brush your nose against his. 
“Really?” His deep voice breathes out. 
“Yes, you ridiculous man! You want to possess me, baby? You want to own me so no one like Jameson ever has even a chance of touching me? Is that what you want?” Andy nods against as his hand goes to cup cheek. “Then take me right here. Take me right here in your office so you can smell me, smell us, any time you want.” You bite his lip before tugging it into your mouth and sucking on it, making him moan. “Any time you need it, Daddy.”
He looks down at you as something feral takes over his features. His large, rough hands go to the top of your dress. “Ah, ah, big guy. Don’t you dare rip this dress. Not here. At home is fine, okay? I’ll give you a one time pass.” You couldn’t believe you were actively volunteering your clothing for the shredder pile…
Andy picks you up immediately, slamming you back against a nearby wall. His hand goes to cup the back of your head to cushion the impact. The skirt of your dress is rucked up your hips, with your help. One of your heels heels flies off, not that you care. “Yes, Daddy.” You purr, licking his cheek. “Take your pussy the way you need.”
He snatches off your panties, quickly bringing them to his nose and inhaling deeply. “These belong to me now.” He growls. “Just like my baby.”
“Yes, Andy. Yes - oooh!” He enters you in one swift, solid thrust. Somehow your thighs end up dangling helplessly over his biceps, which allows him to go deep. Deeper than any man has ever been. The way he fucks you, the way his hips piston in and out of you, Andrew Barber is like an animal unleashed. “My pussy.” He snarls against the heated skin of your throat. “My girl!”
“Yes, Andy. Yes. Daddy.” You can’t help but sob with each rough thrust. “Shiiiit! Take me how you need it.” He keeps going, angling his hips and circling them in just the right way so he can find your spot. “Ooooh…ungh!”
When he finally makes contact with that special spongy spot inside of you, you damn near lose it. So much in fact that he’s forced to gag you with your own panties while he works you over. Because he doesn’t slow down, oh no. 
“That’s right, baby girl.” He growls in your ear, before biting the spot where your neck meets your shoulder, which makes you let out a garbled moan through the fabric in your mouth. “Daddy knows he’s fucking you rough.” He gives you two hard thrusts for emphasis. “I know.” Your arms remain wrapped tight around his thick neck as you mewl and whine with every bounce on his dick. “I swear when I get you home tonight, I’ll take you nice and slow, baby. I’ll love all over you.” 
You cry out through your gag, your nails raking over his back. Your own face buries itself in the crook his neck as you sob out your cries of pleasure. Daddy always made you feel so good.
“Cum for me, baby. Daddy knows how close you are. Cum for me please.” You cry out again, feeling as your walls clench around him and your toes curl. He rips the panties from your mouth. “Be my good girl and do it.” He orders. 
“Da-daddy I - ohh nngh mutherfucking fuck!” You cry out as your orgasm washes over you. Wave after fucking wave. It only intensifies when you feel and hear Andy follow. His hot, wet spend fills you up, making him shake with every uncontrolled jerk of his hips.
You remain in position for a moment, both of you attempting to catch your breath. Finally, you take it upon yourself to lean down and kiss his cheek before whispering: “I love you, Daddy. But can we please go home now?”   
“Yes, baby girl. I think Daddy has some serious apologizing to do.” Without setting you down, Andy repositions you so that you’re tucked securely in his arms. “I’m going to take us out the back, baby.”
Fully sated, you begin to drift off. “And please never forget that I love you too.” He whispers into your hair. “I have from the moment we met. And I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.”
“Likewise.” You respond with a drowsy mumble. “Now home, Andy.”  
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ariminiria · 2 years
Legitimately know nothing about the rings of power why are we not watching it though?
So sorry, I just saw this ask, it got buried in my notes! Anyways, I explained this in one reblog chain, but in case you didn't see that or don't want to dig through the notes (I don't blame you), here's the explanation:
A while back, Amazon the soulless megacorp acquired the rights to some portion of Tolkien's Middle Earth lore (not the Silmarillion, but some part of Tolkien). The LotR online fan circles immediately knew it would be terrible and hold no respect for the source material, by dint of it being Amazon.
And true to form, they decided to do the worst possible low effort job of making a show out of it. Not only did they attempt to essentislly make the Silmarillion without actually having the rights to the Silmarillion (and therefore being unable to do the story correctly because of that), but other grave mistakes include adding sexual content (very not-Tolkien), rewriting characters just cause they feel like it (turning an elegant, powerful sorceress into a warrior and a wise leader into an "ambitious" go getter), none of the male elves have long hair (and hair is a HUGE part of Elvish culture), the female dwarves don't have beards (cowards lmao), party city looking costumes, general low effort all around, and egregious inaccuracies a la Amazon the Soulless Corporation essentially just trying to make Tolkien's work more palatable for Game of Thrones fans rather than putting effort into just letting it be what LotR fans actually like about it.
Each new promo material makes it worse and worse, and more obvious that no one making it cares at all, hence why we want the Morb treatment to make it flop and show Amazon the fans won't stand for them trying to just GoT-ify other beloved properties and stray so far from the source material when they could make something original instead.
I also recently learned that, while they started filming it in New Zealand (as NZ is basically synonymous with Middle Earth thanks to the original movies), they had to pull out of filming in that country, a costly move for both NZ and Amazon, because Amazon cut corners on safety practices on set, resulting in a pretty serious injury to an expert stuntwoman.
Safety complaints from the stunts crew were ignored. There were multiple serious injuries, some requiring surgery. While they claimed to have followed the NZ government safety requirements, Amazon failed to report these incidents to New Zealand's WorkSafe program as required by law. They then relocated the production to the UK where worker safety rules are far more lax, ultimately removing the shoot from the iconic Middle Earth location.
Here is a link to the article:
Info about the safety scandal courtesy of @x-cetra
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onlyallytothesun · 2 years
Oh Hunter, why are you here?
I know its a big mistake to post this but I must:
My dislike of Hunter doesn't stem from his character being particularly terrible (in the sense of him being an asshole personality wise), but more from his blandness overtaking screen time that is ultimately wasted.
People always argue against this by pointing out that Hunter is a clone of Belos' brother and so logistically he should provide a different perspective on Belos as a character and contribute something new to the show.
And I would agree on that if its wasn't for:
I'm sick of pet projects
It's no secret that Hunter is Dana's favorite and I feel like this little fact has impacted the show for the worst.
Writers often joke that they divide OC's based on categories like "sunshine", "the moody cloud", etc... Within this you have ,what I call, the torture pet. An OC that you love but constantly torture of the sake of ~angst~.
While this character doesn't bother me in the vacuum of the internet, it does start to get egregious when applied to a structured story.
A character who only exists to swallow on their misery can get tiring pretty quickly and its hard to pull off.
Hunter is a failed version of this.
He very much feels out of place and almost crammed into the storytelling. He often occupies episodes and comes out learning the same lesson over and over again. Compare that to other characters who progress at the speed of light in less than five episodes (We saw Amity go from bully, acquaintance, friend, and crush in a season. That's impressive).
And truthfully, its because Hunter's story doesn't offer much at all.
Belos & Hunter
He is written to be an angst white boy who trusts dictator of an Uncle but in reality his Uncle is evil and shit. Then after a time he finds out and realizes "its all been a lie😫😫😫" and becomes a good guy.
So I'm sick of this story, its stale, its bland, and its as white as white bread can get. Which is a shame because in Hunter's introduction it very much felt like they were going in a different direction. Even more it felt like threw Hunter we would get interesting insight into other characters.
But two things:
-The crew ultimately throw away Hunter's fun persona for the sake of dabbling in angst as soon as possible.
-Belos doesn't treat Hunter any different from any other character. He treats Hunter the same as Kikimora and Lilith. If that's the case, why is he here??? We already have Lilith and Kikimora to show he is a huge abuser. Like???
Despite being a clone of his brother, Belos doesn't react any differently (except for one scene). He is still as manipulative, still as demanding, etc...
You know who does provide a new look at Belos? The Collector.
With him we see Belos' true colors, when he worries, when he longs to go home, etc... This two gossip and I think that's neat.
We don't see Belos act this way with anybody else but the Collector, and that's the kind of intrigue I expected from Hunter.
The only scene we get that could allude to something new is when Belos sees Flapjack and shouts "Caleb" before attacking again.
Which means that the trigger for this traumatic memories wasn't Hunter, it was Flapjack💀. Making Hunter's uselessness in the story even more apparent.
Talking about wasting space, we should talk about:
Hollow Mind
So this is the episode they were hyping up, the episode they promised would blow on our minds. And its was meh.
In retrospect, this episode was a waste of time and a waste of concept. For the synopsis of "The characters get stuck in MAIN VILLAIN'S MIND" the show did a whole lot of nothing.
We retreated scenes we already knew and could interfere as an audience all for the sake of keeping Hunter's angst train going. We pushed Belos' backstory into the background just so Hunter can go "Oh no he is evil😫😫😫".
An episode that promised an interesting outlook on our main villain and protagonist had to be side stepped so the side character could cry more. GODAMN.
Final Thoughts
I know why the fandom loves him and all, but the reasons are dubious and i rather we admit that he is only liked because he is an angst character rather an interesting addition to the show.
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