#i know who grabs him but eh i'll not tag and let you decide
TW: imprisonment, injury
Cellbit wakes to a blindfold, and chains around his wrists. On instinct he throws his weight forwards, only to find his ankles also chained, and nothing giving way. The chains are very short, pinning him against a cold, uneven wall.
He tries again, there's a crack in one of his wrists, and maybe he should stop that.
It might be broken, he isn't sure, but the pain is sharp and the cuffs leave no room for him to check. Not that it likely matters; he can't use it anyway.
His arms are chained too close and too high to reach his face, so the blindfold is staying on...
So, what else?
Panic is not an option; it's not the first time, and it's unlikely to be the last.
What does he know? He needs to focus, take measure, work it out.
The wall at his back is uneven. Cheap, concrete bricks. Large, too. The sort of big grey ones you use to build quickly with the intent to paint over, or to use in hidden places, but these are not painted. He doesn't think. With a little twisting he can rub a thumb against it - correct, unpainted. Just bare concrete bricks. Like a shitty, cheap basement.
His thumb also catches the edge of a metal plate, probably where the chain is attached. It's sharp, unfinished - iron joins iron as his thumb bleeds.
Bleeding thumb.
Cellbit concentrates on that a second, before trying something else.
What can he smell? Blood, iron, dust and damp. It's cold - it smells colder than it feels, somehow.
Anything else? He doesn't think so.
Listening, listening... There's a water pipe nearby, he can hear that. Someone elsewhere seems to be running a tap. Probably a hot one? He thinks he can hear a boiler too, though it's a little indistinct. He cannot hear redstone, or screaming, and he cannot smell rotten flesh, so at least the chance of torture is minimal.
Can he remember how he got here?
After a few moments of consideration Cellbit realises no, he cannot. Last he remembers is that he had been working in one of the Order offices. There's definitely a lump on his head and a splitting headache, though, so he thinks he can guess.
What else, what else...
He remembers a voice which said "good morning" and then "follow me".
A door opens, a door shuts. The doors are heavy, metal. The walls shake when they slam.
Footsteps are even, calm, purposeful - his captor, then.
Sure enough, sure enough, the footsteps stop at his door. Again something heavy opens.
This time, it does not close.
"Good morning," says a very familiar, robotic voice. "You have committed an illegal act."
Cellbit cannot help it - he laughs. An illegal act? That's all the stupid bear has to say to him? There's the sound of pen on paper, but blindfolded as he is he cannot read - not even take the book given the chains holding his hands fast.
The pen noises end, and Cellbit gets himself under control.
"Please read the book."
"How?" he asks, laughter creeping up again. "How do you want me to read, Cucurucho? I cannot even see!"
Up above, there is the sound of more footsteps. Three, maybe four, pairs. Faster, uneven, in short bursts and rapid. They're quiet, too - people sneaking.
There's a gunshot and a yell and Cellbit hides them both in manic laughter.
Insistence does not change the fact Cellbit cannot see.
"How?" Cellbit asks.
"Why?" Cucurucho responds.
"Why what?"
"You have committed and illegal act. Why?"
"Maybe because you kidnapped me and my friends, trapped us on this island, and now make a habit of torturing us and murdering the children you gave us?" he replies, still not sure /which/ act he's being accused of.
Cellbit goes to answer, and hears another door slam open, and then shut. The quick footsteps are louder now - only two pairs this time, rapid movement towards the cell.
Upstairs, the other two pairs keep darting around.
Somewhere, an alarm goes off.
"What are you doing?"
The sound of stabbing, the jangle of keys, and then light footsteps are running while heavy ones chase and a gun keeps firing.
The other member of the pair slips into the cell, quieter.
They say nothing, but the keys jangle slightly.
One in each ankle, one in each hand.
The cuffs give way. Cellbit should remove the blindfold, but he cradles the broken wrist instead.
"Can you run?" a voice whispers.
Cellbit tries to walk, and stumbles, head spinning. He didn't realise he could see some light through the blindfold until his vision truly blacks out for a moment.
An arm catches him, guides him safely to sit.
"Shit, okay," a pause, a splash of a potion - it helps the sting, but not the wounds. "The others are running distraction, so we need to be quick. Can I carry you?"
Carefully he nods; Cellbit doesn't like the idea, but he doesn't have a better one.
One arm under his legs, and one behind his back, he's scooped up. No sooner is he safe in a friend's arms than he reaches up and tears the blindfold off.
Light hurts. He shuts his eyes. But at least this time, the darkness is his choice.
Cold turns to warm, damp turns to chemical, and then - finally - to fresh air.
He's out, now, and in the arms of someone he can't quite pinpoint but who must be a friend. His head wound smarts, his broken wrist hurts, he breathes deep and smells a flower field and with the sensation of a warp lets himself drift away.
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Is That How You Remember It? | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) finds some discrepancies in the story of how they first met that Tommy tells their children…so she decides to give her own rendition of the story.
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff and one (1) bad word
Word Count: 2671
A/N: I absolutely loved writing this request! It was so fun to cococt backstories for Tommy and his bride, but of course I didn’t do it alone. Thanks so much to @mrs-bellingham and this lovely anon who answered my call to help and gave me amazing ideas of how they first met! I couldn’t have written this story this well without you. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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"What are we doing in here, eh?" Tommy asked his two daughters as he entered the front sitting room, where some of their toys were also stored.
"Daddy!" the two little girls exclaimed in unison, rising from the floor so that they could run over to him for a hug. Tommy crouched down as they stopped in front of him, giving each of them a hug.
"We're playing family!" Anna, the six year old answered, a beaming smile on her face.
"Yeah! And Anna let me be the mummy this time!" Josephine, the four year old, chimed in, her smile matching her sister's.
"I'm practicing taking turns," Anna said proudly and Tommy nodded, happy that his daughter was trying to do what he and (Y/N) had advised her to. Too many needless arguments had happened over who got to be the mummy of the family every time this game was played.
"Where is your mum?" Tommy asked then, knowing that at least one of the girls had to have known where (Y/N) was at.
"Mummy's upstairs with Theo," Josephine answered, mentioning their baby brother.
"She's trying to get him to sleep, and she said that we don't have to today because we're playing nicely," Anna informed him of what their mother had said.
"We're big girls now!" Josephine grinned.
"You most certainly are," Tommy nodded, smiling at his children.
"Can you come play with us, daddy?" Anna asked, showing him the best puppy dog pout that she could pull.
He thought about her proposal for a moment. There were surely piles of papers stacked upon his desk, waiting for him to read through. But he'd just gotten home for the office, where he'd spent the most of his morning and early afternoon working nonstop on things that needed to be completed. Work could wait, he decided...he needed to spend some time with his family.
"Daddy?" Josephine asked, the young child getting impatient with the waiting.
"I'll play with you," he nodded, answering both of the girls' questions, making them squeal in response before they each grabbed one of his hands and pulled him to where they'd been playing with their dolls.
Tommy sat on the floor with them, accepting the doll they offered and fell right into playing the game they'd been engaged in before he came home. The girls loved that he got so invested in the game, even making voices for the several dolls they'd handed him along the way. He was always all of the other characters that their two favorite dolls would meet.
They played and played, losing track of time before the girls started bickering with each other, fighting over who got to do what and be the hero of the story they were acting out. Those creative differences ended with the girls sitting on the couch with Tommy in the middle so that they could have some space from each other.
"Can you tell us a story, daddy?" Anna asked as she got comfortable tucked into her father's side.
"What story do you want?" he asked, his eyebrows raised as he looked down at her.
"Tell the story of how you met mumma!" Josephine exclaimed, a wide smile on her face.
"You want to hear that?" Tommy checked, looking between both of the girls, who were nodding their heads profusely. "Ok," he nodded, taking a deep breath as he got himself ready to recount how he met his lovely wife, (Y/N).
Both of the girls got comfortable, Josephine hugging onto one of the couch's pillows and Anna staying tucked into Tommy's side with her head resting on his bicep.
"I met your mum when I was going to eat dinner at a restaurant..." he started off, glancing between his daughters again to see that they were still interested in where the story was going to go.
"Were you there with anyone?" Anna interjected with a question.
"Yeah, was uncle Arthur with you?" Josephine followed with her own.
Tommy chuckled, knowing how this story was going to be told. The girls always seemed to turn certain storytimes into a mini question and answer session. He didn't mind it though...he always thought of it as them being intrigued in the story he was telling. "No, I was there by myself. I had wanted to get some food. But then I saw your mum before I could sit down at one of the empty tables. She was sitting by herself so I walked over to her and introduced myself to her..."
"Was it love at first sight?" Anna asked, a wide smile on her face.
"I'd say it was for me," Tommy admitted, not caring about sounding like a softy in front of his girls.
"That's so sweet, daddy!" Anna exclaimed, hugging onto his arm.
"Your mum was beautiful," Tommy laughed slightly to himself as he admitted it, "and she looked sad sitting by herself, so I slid into the empty chair and told her 'we'd better not let this dinner go to waste' after asking her what the problem was," he recounted more of the memory.
"And what did mummy say?" Josephine eagerly asked for more details.
"She told me that she was supposed to meet another boy, but that boy didn't show up and she was sad because of it."
"Well I'm happy that you're my daddy instead of that boy...he doesn't sound nice because he was mean to mummy," Anna stated, a scowl now present on her face.
"I'm happy that boy wasn't there either, because I wouldn't have met your mother had she not been sitting by herself," Tommy agreed with her daughter, his smile returning.
"Is that how you remember it?" (Y/N)'s voice came from the archway to the room, making the three sitting on the couch turn to see her leaning against the wall.
"Mummy!" Josephine exclaimed the second she noticed who was speaking, "mummy come sit over here! Daddy's telling us the story of how you met!"
Tommy swallowed as his eyes connected with his wife's. He could tell by the grin on her face that she wasn't going to let the recounting of his story stand as the first time they met.
"Daddy's telling you a story of how we met, but it wasn't the first time we met," (Y/N) stated as she walked over to where her family was sitting.
"What do you mean?" Anna asked, a perplexed expression present on her face as she watched her mum sit down on the chair situated next to the couch.
"The dinner was the second time your dad and I met," she explained, smiling as Josephine slid off of the couch and clambered up onto her lap. "I could tell you of the first time we met," she added, her smile turning into a mischievous grin.
"Love..." Tommy trailed off in a warning tone, raising his eyebrows as his eyes connected with hers. Seeing this only made (Y/N)'s grin grow, and he sighed at the sight of it, knowing that there was no changing her mind now.
"Tell us, mummy!" Anna exclaimed, excitement present in her voice as Josephine added her own agreement to her big sister's words.
(Y/N) sent Tommy a smug grin, one that he rolled his eyes at, before she began telling the story, "so when your daddy and I were younger, for one summer we both worked at the same, big property that had bunches of horses on it. While your daddy was out with the horses, I was helping the lady of the house with whatever she needed done..."
"Like how Miss Jane and Miss Bea help out here?" Anna chimed into the story with a curious question, mentioning the two, younger maids whose main jobs were to make sure that Arrow House was kept tidy.
"Yes, much like what they do," (Y/N) nodded before continuing with her story, "the man of the house used to allow his workers access to the stables so that they could ride the horses on certain evenings...he was a very kind man, one who many enjoyed working for..."
Tommy interjected into the story then with a snort, making (Y/N)'s eyes find him. She knew he was scoffing at her remembrance of their boss, but she saw nothing wrong in the man. Tommy, of course, had a different type of relationship with him, one that included him getting thrown off of the estate along with another worker before the summer was finished because he fought said worker due to him mistreating the horses. The girls wouldn't hear that part of the story as well.
"This night happened to be the first that I went to. Some of the other ladies who worked with me in the house got me to come out and join the other staff for the evening. It turns out they were using the horses to have impromptu races, and..."
"Daddy was one of the racers on the horses?" Josephine finished off her mother's sentence, looking up at (Y/N) with complete awe.
(Y/N) laughed softly at her daughter's eagerness to learn more before she nodded her head, "yes, dad was one of the riders."
"And that's how you met?" Anna asked, a similar awestruck expression on her face. She shared her father's love for horses, so to hear that the whimsical beasts were involved in her parents' meeting made her extremely excited.
"And that's the end of the story, my loves," Tommy cut (Y/N) off before she could finish her sentence, starting to stand from the couch.
"Oh, not quite," (Y/N) said before he could get very far, her grin growing as she re-gained the attention of the children.
"What else happened, mummy?" Josephine asked for the details.
"Yeah, did daddy pull you onto the horse and you went for a ride together?" Anna jumped in with a question of her own, stars practically present in her eyes now.
"He didn't exactly pull me onto the horse..." (Y/N) trailed off, suppressing a giggle as she looked over to Tommy, who now had a deadpan expression on his face. She was now going to tell the part that he wished he could erase from time. "Your dad was racing one of the other workers and the race finished super closely. He stopped his horse right next to where I was standing and sent me a smile...I didn't know who he was, so I just smiled back at him, but I did think that he was cute..."
"Eww!!!" both of the girls exclaimed in unison at their mother's comment.
"Boys have cooties, mummy!" Anna exclaimed with a look of disgust present on her face.
"Yeah, but daddy doesn't have cooties, Anna...just boys that we don't know have cooties," Josephine jumped in, applying her four year old logic to the situation.
"You're absolutely right, Josie," Tommy agreed with his daughter, a proud grin on his face. What he'd been telling her was working. If he could get his way, she wouldn't be marrying until she was thirty...both of his girls wouldn't for that matter; they were his everything and he was going to protect them with his life. Them along with their mother and younger brother.
"Can you keep telling the story, mummy?" Anna asked, wanting to hear more of how her parents first met, "was daddy really nice to you?"
"Well he didn't exactly get the chance to talk to me..." (Y/N) trailed off again, stifling more giggles and glancing at Tommy before continuing, "his foot got stuck in the stirrup when he went to get off the horse and he fell right into the puddle of mud in front of me," she told the girls of their father's embarrassing moment, making them shriek with laughter.
"That's cause I was only used to riding bloody bareback until then," Tommy grumbled, a pout on his face.
"You got all covered in mud, daddy, didn't you?!" Anna excitedly asked, turning to look at Tommy for his input.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hold his frown, and he tipped his head to each side as a smile formed on his face. He was truly buying time until he could cope with his bruised ego before facing the little girls’ teasing. "I wasn't that covered...your mum still knew who I was," he answered them, defending his pride.
"I had to ask someone who you were," (Y/N) admitted with a grin, enjoying the grilling that he was getting from his own two kids. Tommy shot her a playful glare, one that dissolved into a grin seconds later. Sure, it was embarrassing at the time, but looking back on it made him realize how funny the situation actually was. "But then you saved me the next time you saw me at the restaurant, and it was all history from there," she brought them back to the original story that Tommy had told them, her teasing grin softening into a fond smile.
"Mummy, that's such a cute story," Josephine said once the family's laughter had subsided. She had the most adorable look on her face, one that warmed (Y/N)'s heart immediately.
"It is, isn't it?" she agreed with her daughter before looking over at Tommy again.
Tommy was already in bed, reading over the day's newspaper, when (Y/N) entered the master bedroom from the attached bath. "Ready for bed?" he asked her, pulling the glasses off of the bridge of his nose as he admired her body that was now covered in a silk slip.
"I am," she nodded, sending him a smile as she moved to her side of the bed and pulled the covers back so that she could climb in under them.
Tommy set the newspaper and glasses down on his nightstand before he slid down lower on the bed.
"The girls really seemed to enjoy that story today," (Y/N) remarked as she scooted over to her husband's side.
Tommy allowed her to, slipping his arm underneath her so that he could pull her body closer to his. "They did," he agreed with her statement, thinking back to the excited looks on both of the girls' faces. Silence fell between them then as they settled in for sleep. "I won that fuckin' race," Tommy remarked out of nowhere, the sound of his voice making it apparent that that part of the story had been on his mind for some time.
(Y/N) sat up slightly on the bed so that she'd be able to see him. The second she looked at his face, her neutral expression cracked and she erupted into a fit of giggles. Tommy sent her a look that asked 'what's so funny?', which made her try to curtail her laughter so that she could answer him. "If telling yourself that'll help your ego, love, keep on with it," she said, patting him on the chest as her laughter kicked up again.
Tommy rolled his eyes at his wife's antics, shaking his head slightly as he let her have her moment. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her. Hearing that story reminded him of how unbelievably lucky he was to have stumbled upon her at the restaurant a few months after his embarrassing first attempt to get to know her. "I still got you in the end, didn't I?" he asked her, his words making her focus on him again.
"You did," she grinned, leaning in to kiss him.
"Then I've won more than that race had to offer," he mumbled against her lips before kissing them again. His words made her giggle, her laughter getting trapped as she continued kissing him.
They fell asleep with smiles on their faces that night, slipping into the bliss that surrounded both the memories of their first meeting, and the anticipation of making many more memories together.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @iambored24601 @shaddixlife
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good morning! (or day/evening/night)
i'm glad you're doing well, and no need to thanks for water and coffee, i know it was needed eheh
again, i hope you can relax soon, i'll keep cheering for you! and no need to worry about what you will post next, your works are *chef's kiss* <3
now, i want to add a little to the adorable hcs i read: COLOURING THE GUYS' TATTOOS!! like, reader is bored or has nothing to do, so they grab coloured pencils and start filling the (eventual) empty/b&w tattoos their bf has, and said boyfriend is so proud they keep it like that for days till the colours go away by themselves!
also, i approve the "scara sticking his tongue out at you" thing, he's definitely someone who will do that, and I would do the same, maybe doing a raspberry too >:b (or however is called when you make a fart sound with your tongue between your lips, internet says "raspberry" but idk sounds stupid '^')
gotta go now, need to study ;-;
bye bye, holly! ♡
— ❄️
good time of the day to you too hshsh <3
coffee is always much needed our coffee machine was broken this morning and it was hell and some people would argue i also need water but eh /lh
also you may not have seen it already but i decided to write some angst; it’s turning into some sort of ritual, i finish an exam —> i write angst jshshs also thank you ㅠㅠ
and OMG that’s so cute, i sometimes see videos like this and it just makes me melt, it’s so wholesome!! i think kazuha would totally let you colour his tattoos or add new ones around them and he’d show it off so proudly the next day; who says only the tattoo artists get to draw? :>
also, i see like a lot of tattoos were a friend, a lover or a family member drew or wrote something and people get that tattooed and just… xiao asking you to write i love you or draw a heart just to come back a day later with it tattooed on his ribs or his wrist or some intimate place… ahhh, i’m driving myself up the wall here !!
i think scara would chastise you at first for blowing a raspberry on him, he is a very serious guy and has a reputation to uphold, don’t you know that? please we all know you’re whipped, you can’t fool us hon
but sooner or later, when it’s just the two of you and maybe you’ve been play fighting or he’s been tickling you for some sort of snarky comment, he just kind of takes the opportunity to annoy you with your own weapons and from then on it’s game over, especially if you showed him a funny reaction
otherwise, i think he’d stick to the blep whereas i could see venti blowing a raspberry just like that hsjs
good luck with studying!! remember to take breaks and don’t overwork yourself!! <3
[modern au series] || or click the tag ┊holly’s modern au ✩彡 to see all works and rambles!!
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izayoizuki · 2 years
Jealousy, Turning Saints Into The Sea
Inspired by this ask thank you so much @hederasgarden ❤️
Rhett Abbott x Reader
-You know jealousy isn't always a welcome emotion, and so you try to tamp it down.
-But Maria has been taking to Rhett for hours at this point.
-He can talk to women, of course, but this is a lot, for anyone.
-And there are a lot of signals being sent, by Maria anyway.
-Rhett is blind as a bat in these matters.
-So you've decided enough is enough.
-Polite, but firm, you remind yourself.
-You make your way to Rhett, and he puts his arm around you and pulls you close into him without even thinking, even as he keeps his conversation going.
-You responsively tuck yourself into him, weaving your fingers through his, rubbing his wedding ring with your thumb as is your wont.
-You wait for a lull in the conversation before whispering up to Rhett. "Wanna go home".
-His head ducks down sharply. "Everything ok baby?"
-"Yeah, I just wanna go home." You don't wanna be the jealous witch making a scene, you remind yourself.
-He excuses himself from the conversation and takes you aside.
-"Yeah, no problem!" Maria cheerily agrees, "It'll give me a chance to get you your package from the car!"
-You try to show no outward reaction, but Rhett clocks the way your body stiffens ever so slightly anyway.
-You're both in a quiet corner of the bar.
-Rhett frames your face with his hands, forcing you to look at his face.
-"What's the matter, darlin'?" Before you can open your mouth he's shaking his head.
-"Don't you say "nothing". Tell me." He urges, incentivising you with a soft, sweet kiss.
-"I don't like the way she's talking to you." Your voice comes out under your breath.
-"Louder, baby."
-You look up into his eyes and you see unconditional love.
-"I don't like the way she's talking to you." You answer, barely louder, but it's enough for him to catch.
-"And what way is that?"
-Your fingers play with the pearl snaps on his denim shirt. You remember tearing them open. Like the way they sound when they do.
-"Like she's flirting with you."
-"Oh, is that right?" There's a smile in his voice, but he doesn't refute you. "Then we're going to have show them who I belong to, eh?"
-He pulls you into him and gives you a deep kiss that you can feel in your bones. It's passionate and sloppy and slightly feral and you feel like you often do around Rhett, like you're drowning in happiness.
-Then sudden as he started he pulls apart, and you see the way his chest is moving for air, and his lips are swollen, eyes all glazed, and you clench your thighs, knowing that you mirror him.
-You don't really get a chance to ask for an explanation for anything before he's walking you back to the bar proper.
-"There you are!" Maria exclaims, before thrusting a small basket into Rhett's arms, "Here, a reward for your performance." She says with a wink.
-It's a prettily wrapped care package of cookies.
-Rhett tears it open without a second thought in a way that has you weeping for all the pretty ribbons.
-He takes out a cookie and chomps on it.
-He chews, swallows. "These are really good!" he exclaims. 
-"Honey, you gotta try this!"
-But instead of feeding you like normal, he perches the basket on the bartop, and using his freed hand to grab your jaw and exert enough pressure to open your mouth.
-He takes a bite of the cookie, and kisses you, pushing the cookie from his mouth into yours with his tongue, letting it linger even after the job has been done.
-It is completely unnecessary and inappropriate.
-And somehow you love it.
-"Thanks for this, Maria!" He tags the basket off the bartop, his other arm around you again. "On that note, we're gonna head home now."
-You're still chewing, so you just wave.
-As he's sitting you in the car, he whispers in your ear "Don't worry darlin', I'll help you work off the rest of that jealousy," his stubble's on your cheek, fingertips ghosting over your nipples, as he buckles you in, and there's a dark rumble of a laugh in his voice.
-Jealousy may not be so bad, you decide.
-Maybe next time, you'll even make a scene.
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AAAAHHHHH I just finished reading MTP manga and went straight to tags. I FOUND YOU AND WENT BINGE TO YOUR WORK (If I'm dreaming, let me dream on is my favourite) thank you so much for your work! 🥰 I do pole dance mainly for fitness and bonding with my mom. May I ask for headcanon for headcanon for William and Albert w/ female!reader who do pole dance for fun? It's fine if you're not comfortable writing it. No pressure! 🥰
Hello!!! (✿^‿^)
Oh my!!!thank u for your compliments!!!im so happy you enjoyed my writing!it seriously helps me move through the day,seeing you guys like my writing,thank u
ohhhh!this is an interesting idea actually...but I must admit i dunno much about pole dancing much except the stuff i saw in movies...all i know is that you def have a hella body eh? *Wink*
I decided to write this in modern au, since i have no idea if pole dance was a thing back then or not?
Anyways!i hope you enjoy this one as well!!
here we go!! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
•Albert is used to seeing you in the gym or out running with your mother
•it was on one of your runs out that you met him actually
•Albert usually would take a walk on the beach,to ease his mind
•he remembers the day he'd met you,it was particularly a very bad day
•he'd woken up early that day from a nightmare he couldn't even remember
•so he went out to clear his head
•you were out with your mother, exercising as usual when you sae him
•your smile was bright as you invited him to exercise with you
•and Albert's heart felt at ease with your beautiful smiles and friendly attitude
•ever since then,Albert would come see you wherever you were
• "I'm gonna be at gym if you need me :3"
•your text read,his lips curling up slightly
•Albert puts on his shoes and grabs his coat
•but when he enters the gym
•he comes face to face with your upsidedown form
• "uh...what are you doing?"
• "oh!Albert! you're here!!!"
•and when you stretch slightly
•your eyes shining so brightly
•he finds himself smiling in awe
•his eyes wondering around your form
• "you didnt tell me you could do this."
•you grin
•that devilish grin
• "why?you wanted a private show?"
•and when Albert groans and blushes madly
•you laugh,and his heart swoons
•William does exercise,but he's more fan of reading and studying
•after you two started dating,he took after exercising a bit more
•but watching you do your thing
•with your eyes shining,you hair pushed back slightly from your forehead
•he smiles silently to himself
•somedays later when he wakes up alone in your shared bedroom
•he scratches his blonde hair,and reaches out for him phone
• the words 'new message from Love :£' makes him blink a few times,his eyes taking some time to adjust to the sudden light
• "call me when you wake up ;)"
•it only takes few rings before you answer
• "hey babe!!!you should totally come to gym today!"
• "do i have to now."
•but even before hearing your reply,he puts on a new t-shirt and grabs his keys
• "Liam c'mon! I'll be waiting!"
•William smiles and get out of the house
•the gym has a private part,that you and your mother would usually practice together
•so when he enters the room,he doesnt know why it shocks him that you're hanging from a metal bar
•you grin,staring at every single one of his reactions
•William,on the inside is having a mid life crisis
•on the outside,he merely raised one eyebrow and moves to stand next to you
• "i find myself being surprised by you each day..."
•you only laugh in delight and move your stupidly gorgeous body closer to his
• "like what you see?"
•William smirks
• "very."
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Can You Do Me A Favour?
Barney Ross (The Expendables) x reader
Warnings: injury, drinking, sexual content implied, mentions of violence, swearing
Context: the reader is a member of the Expendables and has a crush on Barney. After a job, the two have some time together.
A/N: as promised, here is some Expendables stuff! I hope anyone who reads this will enjoy it! (Just a heads up: I have more Rambo and Escape Plan stuff coming, and most likely some more TLB content, too.)
(I'm also going to tag @yuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in this, because they expressed interest in Expendables stuff earlier😊💛)
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The cold water is pleasant on my heated skin as I cup my hands under the steady stream flowing from the tap, splashing it into my face when a suitable pool has formed in the space. A gasp escapes me from the stark contrast in temperatures, using my fingers to rub slightly at my skin, trying to work out the headache that has set in, only to hiss when I accidentally press into one of the new scars on the side of my face. Pulling back, I repeat my action, doing my best to distract myself from the plaguing thoughts in my head, still disgusted at myself for having them.
But even now, as I massage the contours of my face, I can't get the images of my boss out of my head. Not the sight of him taking out a ring of attackers using his revolver and sharpshooting skills, not the way his exposed arm muscles flexed with each movement, not the determined look on his rugged face and certainly not the fierce eye contact he made with me when he turned around again. At the mere memory of this, a flush of heat goes through me, eyes squeezing shut to force myself to blank them out, not quite realising that his stare is branded into my subconscious. Biting my lip, I shake my head, forcing down the picture of his muscular body and large hands on my body as he dragged me from the collapsing building, not five hours ago.
Growling, I reach over and grab hold of the beer bottle nearby, glancing at my haggard features in the mirror before taking a deep drink, wincing at the stale flavour, having had the drink for far too long. I can see the tension in my body, each muscle tight and uncomfortable, my posture ramrod straight and clearly wrong, my eyes clouded with exhaustion and what I can only assume is loneliness. 
As soon as I'd gotten in from the last job, I'd headed straight into the bathroom, grabbing a beer from the fridge as I went, needing to clear my head. Nothing I did could help, my head always circling back to that one person. Frustrated, I slam the bottle on the counter top, wincing when it shatters from the force, a particularly sharp shard slicing into my palm.
Damn him. Damn Barney Ross for getting into my head.
I clean up my hand, just bandaging it up when my phone buzzes, the screen lighting up. Frowning, I look over at it, confused. Nobody calls me. Nobody, except my boss.
Picking up the phone, I groan to myself as I realise it is, in fact, Barney. For a second, I debate letting it go to voicemail, before I finally give in, accepting the call and placing the phone to my ear.
"Sir?" I greet him politely, wondering what he needs.
"How many times have I told you not to call me "sir"?" Barney's gravelly voice sounds through the phone, a low chuckle evident in his tone. I have to ignore the effect his voice has on me, the sound giving me butterflies in my stomach.
"Sorry, sir- ah, shit." I sigh at my own habit, "You alright?"
"Yeah, guess so. Just lonely. Figured you might be, too." He admits, tone going soft as he speaks.
"Bold of you to assume that." I tease, but continue, "Though you are, as always, right."
"Should tell Christmas that, might listen to you." The veteran laughs again, the joke drawing a similar reaction from me.
"We all know he listens to no one but himself." I quip back, still waiting for him to tell me why exactly he called.
"True, true." Barney's grin is almost audible, my mind instantly bringing up an image of that particular expression into my head, much to my chagrin, "You got any plans for tonight?"
Surprised, I take a second to reply, unsure of where this is going.
"No, it's too late. Ain't really got many friends outside work, anyway." I inform him, going out of the bathroom and into the lounge.
"Fancy coming over? I've got a couple of beers that need drinking, and the hangar is pretty lonely this time of night." 
His offer stumps me for a moment, though I am quick to recover, my mouth working before my mind can catch up.
"Yeah sure. I'll be over in twenty." 
"Great. See you then." He hangs up, leaving me wondering why the hell I accepted that, knowing how much I spend too much time thinking about him (in totally inappropriate ways considering he's my boss) anyway.
Annoyed at myself, I steel myself before going and grabbing a coat, pulling on that and my boots as I leave the flat, taking my motorcycle keys with me. I lock my door behind me, leaving the apartment block quickly, glad to have the fresh air on my face as I make my way over to my motorbike. Looking on it fondly, I climb on and kick out the stand, easily getting it revved up, the vibrating engine beneath me a pleasant feeling. 
Thankfully, the roads are mostly clear this time of night, cutting the twenty minute drive short by five minutes as I go at speed through the nearly deserted outer city. The hangar is usually a pain in the ass to get to, the traffic in the roads leading up to it almost always horrific, so I am only too happy to be able to go much faster now that there's not many other drivers around. With the wind rushing around me, I find that my head clears a little, my attention on navigating the roads rather than the thoughts of my boss doing things to me I'm sure he'd find grotesque in nature. 
I arrive quickly, pulling into the hangar slowly, knowing Barney is most likely in the plane, as he usually is. Stopping the bike, I put it in park before climbing off, hanging my helmet on the handlebars as I do so, taking the keys with me as I walk over to the old plane. Nearing the aircraft, I frown a little at the sight of the new bullet holes riddling the side of it, unaware that we'd taken so much damage earlier in the day. Sighing, I go inside, ducking in through the small door, only now hearing the music playing from the stereo in the cockpit.
"It's gonna need a new lick of paint." I call out to Barney, who I can see sat in his seat, the muscular man turning to look at me as he hears me.
"It's been a long time coming, so I'm not complaining." He replies, grinning at me as I walk into the cockpit, dropping into Christmas' usual seat, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach from his stare on me again. As I enter, he rakes his eyes over my body, subtly taking my every curve in from where he is.
"Fair enough." I shrug, leaning back slightly, having missed his look, "Got a beer?"
"Yeah, here." Barney hands me a bottle, opening it for me as he does so.
"Cheers." I thank him, taking a deep drink from it as he chuckles lowly, voice sending a bolt of heat through me.
"You're starting to sound like Lee." He remarks, sipping his own bottle with a smirk.
"Should I take that as a compliment? Or an insult?" 
"Up to you." He looks over at me.
"Eh, I'll take compliment. You two get along like an old married couple, after all. Must mean something if you're comparing me to him." I decide, teasing him.
Barney laughs at my comment, lifting his bottle.
"I can agree with that." He hums, staring out of the front window.
For a couple of moments, we sit in companionable silence, drinking our beers, Barney eventually lighting a cigar. Taking a deep inhale, he offers it to me, which I decline, choosing to finish my drink instead.
"What do you usually do after a job?" Barney suddenly asks, glancing back at me.
Surprised, I think over the question for a second.
"Nothing, really. I get myself cleaned up, have a drink, then get some sleep. I don't do much else with my life." I tell him, knowing how pathetic I sound.
"What, you haven't got anyone you can hang out with?" He questions, seemingly confused.
"No. As I said before, I don't really have any friends outside work."
"Really? No boyfriend? Girlfriend?"
I shake my head, grimacing at the turn in conversation, just missing the slight darkening in his eyes as he looks me over once more.
"Huh. That surprises me." 
Lifting an eyebrow, I look across at him.
He shrugs, making eye contact with me.
"Well, you seem like the person who wouldn't struggle to make friends. You're kind, funny, pretty. You know how to behave in the right situations, you're a good friend to have." He clarifies, seemingly unaware of the impact his words have on me, my heart throbbing as I listen to him, longing building up in me again.
"You think so?" I ask, not quite believing him.
"Yeah, I do." He frowns, looking over at me, "Why, don't you?"
I don't reply, knowing my answer well. He doesn't push it, observing me carefully, his gaze making me blush furiously.
"What'd you do to your hand?" The veteran suddenly asks, gesturing to my bandaged appendage.
"Hm? Oh, I just cut it on some glass back home." I inform him, flexing my hand a little, only to wince at the sharp spike of pain. 
Wordlessly, Barney reaches across and takes my hand in his, his touch setting off sparks through me despite the gentle nature of it. Pulling my arm closer to him, he runs his fingers lightly over my skin, the rough calluses rubbing over the palm of my hand, each stroke making it harder for me to fight off the rising need within me. Being this close to him, able to smell him in nearly every surface around me, feeling his hand on mine has sparked the feelings I've been suppressing as long as I've worked with him. 
Awkwardly, I pull away, swallowing tightly, trying to suppress the urges I'm suddenly feeling, needing to get myself together again. He doesn't stop me, his dark eyes regarding me quietly, observant as always as he seemingly considers something, his gaze sliding over me once more. After a moment, he puts out his cigar, leaning back in his seat.
"Mind doing me a favour?" The muscular man cocks his head at me, a small smirk playing at his lips.
"Er, sure? What do you need?" I agree hesitantly, knowing that expression means only one thing: he's got something up his sleeve.
"Check that control panel up there, would you? It's been giving me trouble for weeks." Barney's eyes are glittering now in the dim light, clearly up to something.
"What, now?" I frown, confused by the instruction.
"If you wouldn't mind." 
Lifting an eyebrow, I place my beer down and get to my feet, awkwardly reaching up to check the panel, which just so happens to be right above his head. I try to keep my body from leaning across him too much, but this is made difficult when I realise that the particular problem lies in the switches even further over. As I go to flick them, a pair of hands takes hold of my waist, suddenly yanking me down towards the chair.
Yelping in surprise, I feel my eyes widen as Barney pulls me down onto his lap, hands tight on my hips, pressing my back flush against his chest. His nose instantly finds my neck, the older man nudging at my skin until I tilt my head to give him access, goosebumps spreading across my skin as I try to process what the hell is happening, my brain short-circuiting with every one of his breaths. They fan out over the sensitive area, my own hitching in my throat as his scruff scratches over my skin, his lips not quite touching me yet, though I can feel their every movement. 
I try to get back up, unwillingly, only for him to loop one of his arms around my front and slip his hand under my shirt, flattening his palm on my stomach to hold me against him.
"I'm not blind, you know, (Y/n). I've seen the way you look at me, the way you behave differently when you're with me. You're not as subtle as you hope." Barney practically purrs into my skin, his smirk obvious against my neck, sending shivers down my spine as I try not to groan.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about, sir." I manage out, not quite catching the sound of anticipation that escapes me when he suddenly presses his lips against my ear, whispering into it.
"Really? I think you know very well what I'm talking about." He grins to himself, the hand on my stomach running down to ghost over the waistband of my jeans, my body tensing in his grip, "Want me to demonstrate for you?
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Doppelganger" *Part 20*
Hahahaha SO, funny story:
I was feeling down most of today right, so I really didn't want to just write something blah down. But usually when I start writing, it just starts flowing so I was like "Eh, alright I'll just start typing."
So uh, yeah I didn't end up fitting an entire wedding into this chapter. I didn't even get to the wedding day. Apparently my brain has a SUPER SUPER SUPER special ending for this thing.
But I do promise you from here on out, ZERO angst. I think 18 chapters of angst is enough for one couple. (Actually when you think about it it's 33!) I think they deserve a break.
SO, here is the start of the wedding countdown!
Also YES I decided to fit pinguino in here at the end. I love that name and I'm kicking myself I haven't been using it the whole time so it STAYS, okay?!
Part 19
Part 21
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---The Next Day-
You knocked on Chloe’s door and as soon as she answered it, you presented her your hand. She squealed for a good minute or so before letting you inside and giving you a huge hug.
“Oh my god it is SO cute!!!!” She continued squealing.
“I know right, it’s a forever penguin,” You smiled as you admired it on your hand.
“Girl, that prenup most be ridiculous,” She shook her head while still admiring the ring.
“Prenup?” You looked at her curiously.
“....He didn’t make you sign a prenup?” She looked at you with even more curious eyes.
“No...should he have?”
“I mean, if I was a millionaire and was marrying a girl I barely knew and literally had no money herself, I’d want one,” She shrugged.
“Thank you, Chloe,”
“I’m just saying!”
“...Do you think I should ask him?”
“Oh yeah, sure call him right now and say ‘hey baby did you forget to make me sign a document that makes sure I can’t take you for all your worth if we don’t work out after all of this?” She gave you an 'are you insane' look.
You thought about it for a long moment; you really didn’t need to bring up doubting that you two would “work out”. But something bothered you about just marrying him after finding all this new information about his wealth.
“...So did you want to go wedding dress shopping with me or not?” You hoped to change the subject.
“Uh, DUH,” Chloe grabbed her purse and you headed back out the door down to the street. As you walked she googled bridal stores near you.
“So what’s your price range? Because there’s a hand me down bridal store a block away and a Versace down the street,” She grinned.
“For fuck’s sake Chloe,” You rolled your eyes as you dialed Rafael’s number. You pulled out a credit card he had given you to buy “cosas de la boda” as he put it. “Wedding Stuff.”
“Carino, how’s dress shopping going?”
“Oh it’s fine…” You looked at Chloe who was staring wide eyed at the card in your hand.
“...Why does that not sound true?” He sounded skeptical.
“Sorry baby I was just calling you to ask a price range to spend, but right now Chloe is looking at me like I just grew a third eye," You gave her a weird look and mouthed “what?”.
“....That’s an American Express Centurion Card!” She whisper screamed.
“...What’s a American Century Card?” You repeated into the phone.
“Ay dios,” Rafael chuckled with a roll of his eyes.
“...What?” You were absolutely lost.
“To answer your question, money is no object carino,”
“...What? Seriously Raffi?” You gasped, staring at her wide eyed. “Money is no object?”
“Versace it is!!!” Chloe clapped her hands together wildly while jumping up and down.
“THANK YOU RAFAEL!!!” She yelled into your phone. “YOU’RE A GOOD MAN!!!!”
“Tell Chloe she’s not allowed to be alone with that card Y/N, Oh and also she’s welcome,” He chuckled.
“Um, okay-- I’ll talk to you later I guess,” You hit her as she dragged you down the street towards Versace.
“Have fun pingüino,” [pronounced: ‘Pen-Gween-Oh]
“Yes I’ve decided that’s your nickname now, mi pequeño pingüino,”
“It’s a little long,”
“Alright then just pingüino,”
“Right...love you,” You rolled your eyes with a loving smile.
“Yo también te quiero, pinguino,” He cooed as you both hung up.
“Now what the hell are you on about?” You grabbed the card back from Chloe. “And you are not allowed to hold this,” You gave her a tongued smile.
“That credit card is literally the most expensive, exclusive credit card you can have,”
“...Seriously?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Girl you have to be INVITED to own that card,”
“Get out…” You stared at the card as if it was the Holy Grail.
“Google it!” She dared you as you entered Versace. As soon as they saw the card in your hand, almost every attendant in the store flocked to you.
“Can we help you miss?” One enthusiastic woman beamed at you.
“Yes we are going to need to see your top five most expensive bridal and bridesmaid gowns, and a bottle of champagne,” Chloe answered for you.
“Right away ma’am,” And she was off. You just stared wide eyed at Chloe as the other women led you to a lavish dressing room with a luxurious couch.
“So this is how the 1% lives,” Chloe sighed happily as the ladies brought the champagne and dresses.
“Chloe, I really don’t know about all this,” You squirmed uncomfortably as all the sycophants stood in front of you, like they were little blonde soldiers waiting on orders.
“I really just want a small simple wedding,” You sipped your champagne. “It doesn’t really make sense spending so much money on a dress I’m gonna wear one time, in front of like-- 20 people,”
“Oh I suspect Rafael’s family alone is more than 20 people,” Chloe shook her head with a laugh as she inspected the bridesmaid dresses.
“Chloe!” You hit her, almost spilling her champagne.
“Hey!” She shooed you away as she held the dress away from you as if she was protecting a child. “You spill it you bill it,” She teased.
“Alright we can just-- can we just get this over with?” You sighed, picking up one of the dresses.
“Get this over with? This is your wedding day! The happiest day of your life!”
“It sounds like it’s shaping up to be the happiest day of your life,” You gave her a look. “I just want something simple...not expensive,”
“....Well, you might as well try them on,” She pointed out.
“If I do will you let us go down to the other bridal shop and look?” You bartered.
“At the DISCOUNT--?” She started to yell but the sycophant bridal zombies gave her a strange look as if Chloe had just said a racial slur.
“...At the cheap bridal place?” She hissed. “Why would you even bother--”
“Because I’m not marrying Rafael for his money, I’m marrying him because I love him! And I don’t want him thinking otherwise,”
“I mean it sounds like he’s not worried about that at all, babe,” She pointed out. But still, all of this was just making you uncomfortable.
After a long day of trying on dresses and battling Chloe between the most expensive venues, cake, food, and band or DJ, you finally dropped her home and went back to Rafael’s. You walked in looking like you had been through the wringer.
“Ah pinguino,” Rafael welcomed you home with a hug and a kiss. “Jesus, I didn’t know shopping took so much out of a person,”
“Shopping with Chloe does,” You sighed with a shake of your head as you flopped onto the couch, exhausted.
“Poor baby,” He gave you a sympathetic look as he sat down next to you. He took your shoes off and began rubbing your dirty feet.
“Ewww, Raffi,” You waved his hands away. “My feet are nasty,”
“....But you can’t tell me this doesn’t feel better,” He resumed rubbing them with a smirk.
“...Well, I can’t argue with that,” You sighed happily. “Why are you so good to me?”
“Because you let me,” He smiled. It was true. He was being so good to you, even after all the crazy trouble you gave him. It made you think back to this morning.
“Rafa,” You sat up and moved your feet to the floor. “Can I ask you something?”
“...Yes I still love you,” He teased you.
“Ha ha.” You hit him playfully. “Why...why haven’t you made me sign a prenup?”
“A prenup?” He raised an eyebrow at you. “....This is Chloe again, isn’t it?”
“I mean, she put it in my head,” You nodded. “But she told me not to ask about one if you hadn’t asked me to sign yet,”
“Well first of all, it’s none of Chloe’s business,” He gave you a look. “And second of all, I trust you, and I trust us,” He cupped your cheek.
“...Seriously?” You blinked in surprise. “Just...Just like that? You trust that I won’t take you for all your worth and run off in the middle of the night or something?”
“....Given the amount of time you’ve been worried about me leaving you, I’d say it’s a safe bet,” He smirked.
“Ha ha,” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh but baby-- I do have some, let’s say, ‘bad’ news,” He made an awkward face.
“Oh god….” You braced for the the worst. “What?”
“So, word got to my boss about our...nuptials, and he told the mayor, and now they want to make it into a huge soiree,”
“...Seriously? Why--” You started to ask why in the world he would want to do that, but then it dawned on you. “....Nevada,”
“Yeah…” Rafael rubbed the back of his neck. “He wants to show that we ‘prevailed’ through it all, or some weird fluff piece propaganda like that so he can slap his name on it just in time for re-elections,”
“Wha--- he almost killed the wrong Nevada!” You scoffed. “How dare he sit there and take credit for---” You stood up, about to go on a rant about how you two had gone through hell and back and had done it all on your own.
“Baby, baby I know,” He shushed you. “But...I mean technically he is my boss,” He gave you an apologetic look. “Actually he’s my boss’s boss, but also my boss,”
“Well, Chloe will be happy,” You rolled your eyes with a small chuckle. “She had me running around all day already planning a wedding for at least 50 people,”
“....Well, you girls may have to think bigger than that,” He made another face.
“....What like 100?” You asked.
“200?!" Your jaw dropped.
“I’d say 250 max,” He waved his hand back and forth.
“WHAT?!” You almost screamed. “Rafael do you even know that many people?!”
“Well, I mean they’d be the board of directors and city council, probably most of the NYPD--”
“So basically, our special day is really just going to be a photo op for your ‘boss’, is that what I’m hearing?”
“.......Well….” He shrugged. Seeing your unhappy expression, he walked over and took you in his arms. “But it will be fine, mi amor. I promise,”
“How is it--”
“Shhhhh,” He placed a finger on your lips. “Look, all that matters is that we are getting married, si? All the rest of it is mierda, bullshit, for other people,”
“I mean, yeah I guess--” You shrugged, thinking about it.
You really did just want to marry Rafael, and spend the rest of your life together. And it wasn’t like you were going to have any issue planning this thing since you were positive Chloe was probably already on Pinteresting boards for the biggest most expensive wedding possible.
“I promise you, no I swear to you, mi amor,” He took both of your hands. “Nothing matters to me more than standing across from you and pledging my life to you,” He kissed you softly. “As long as we can do that, the rest is just…”
“Mierda” You nodded with a giggle.
“Exactamente,” He grinned, pulling you into a deeper kiss.
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lovelytarou · 4 years
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pairing: bakugo katsuki x f!reader x bokuto koutaro
genre: fluff, a bit of angst(?)
tags: vv self-indulgent fic, mentions of being stressed, hurt/comfort (?), slight body worship, cross-over, tooth-rotting fluff, poly!relationship
a/n: was feeling emo in a while and i so badly wanted my comfort characters to, well, comfort me so here ya go :))
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the movie was becoming boring as the seconds pass. the apartment was unusually silent, save for the constant mumbling from the black-and-white haired male pacing back and forth from the kitchen to the livingroom. the sound alone making bakugo restless as he released an exasperated sigh from his parted lips.
“would you quit it? you're making me stressed, too!” bakugo scolded the other male. the latter deflated like a balloon, his hair flopping down along with his expression.
“i'm just so worried about them! they haven't come out since morning and i miss them,” bokuto whined, staring longingly at the closed door of your shared bedroom. it has been hours since you told them that you needed time for yourself, with exams done and out of the way, a new semester looms itself over you, crushing you with its pressure. a promise of series of stresses about to greet you yet again.
they understand you needed to pass and have to work hard for a better future, but they also wanted you to take care of yourself and not neglect your needs. aside from that, it's been a while since the three of you get to spend time with each other.
“they said not to bother them. if you're worried that much then go and check on them,” bakugo scoffed, eyes turning back to the television. he's fooling nobody as he stared blankly at the screen, mind moving a mile a minute as he, too, thought about you. his brain conjuring up worried thoughts and scenarios that isn't good at all.
“eh? no, you come with me!” before bakugo could protest, he was hauled by bokuto's beefy arms as he was dragged in front of your bedroom door. he could only click his tongue in annoyance at the male, as he glanced at the wood separating you from the two of them. you're so close yet so far away.
he let a minute pass, then another, before deciding that ‘fuck it’ and knocked.
there was no response. bokuto stood beside him, anxiety written all over his expressive face as he fiddled with his own thick fingers. their eyes met when you didn't respond to another knock.
“we're coming in!” bakugo announced, twisting the knob before peeking both their heads inside the door.
their breaths hitched when they found you slumped over your desk, head buried in your arms as sobs wracked your body. the sight alone made their heart clench in pain. how could they not notice you hurting like this?
pushing the door wider, they let themselves inside your shared bedroom, feet padding softly towards your slouched form. unbeknownst to you, bokuto and bakugo crouched down on either side of you.
bakugo moved the curtain of hair that's covering your face from them, “hey, princess. why are you crying? did somebody hurt you? was it bokuto?” he glared at the other male who gasped in disbelief at him. of course, he knew bokuto wouldn't hurt you, ever, but he hoped that teasing him would at least bring you out of your sadness and supply them even the tiniest of smiles, anything.
instead, you sniffled in reply. your head finally coming out of your arms that shielded you from the world, but not from the two of them.
“no, it's not kou. sorry...i was just stressed and i guess it all piled down on me,” you said in between sobs, head dipped down to avoid their piercing gazes. if you stared at them any longer, you know you'd break down in tears once again for fear of letting them down and not even being a good girlfriend.
“hey,” bokuto called you on your right, “you know we're here for you, right, pretty girl?” he held your hand, his thumb rubbing comforting circles on the back of it knowing how much it helps calming you down.
you nodded yes at his question, squeezing his hand tighter. bokuto offered you one of his big smiles that never fails to warm your heart. just seeing him smile is enough to calm you some.
“do you think you can take a break, baby? you haven't eaten since you went in here,” your attention was brought back to bakugo as he caressed your face, wiping away any stray tears that escaped your eyes.
“i can cook your favorite for you?” he offered, one of his rare gentle smiles gracing you.
still hiccuping, you nodded in response, a watery smile making its way on your face, “yeah...i'd like that,” you mumbled.
“there she is, there's our pretty girl and her beautiful smile!” bokuto cooed, chuckling at the sight of your smile. your face erupted in a blush upon his comment, making you hide your face on bakugo's palm still caressing your cheek.
“alright, owl face, carry her to the kitchen.” bakugo ordered bokuto which the latter made a face to but nonetheless accepted it, he does love you in his arms, anyway. plus, he can show off his strength to you this way.
“let's go, princess. hold onto me like this.” bokuto carefully lifted you from your chair and into his strong arms, carrying you bridal style.
“i can walk perfectly fine, guys.” you stated, but not denying being carried, nevertheless. your face flushed even more at the thought of bokuto carrying you like this and holding onto his strong body.
the man in question smirked and chuckled at your reaction, revelling in it as he expected what would exactly happen the moment you're wrapped in his arms like this.
“we know, pretty girl.” bokuto kissed your temple, smiling down at you as he carried you out of the room.
“but how can you know you're really our princess if we don't treat you like one?” bakugo added, walking behind you two as he closed the bedroom door, a proud smirk on his face.
you swear you didn't know your face could get any more hotter than it is already. he knows just how affected you are with their pet names and he enjoys it.
“shut up,” you weakly retorted, hiding your face on the crook of bokuto's neck.
he had set you down on a chair, bakugo instantly went to work as bokuto get out the plates, cups, and utensils you all will be using to eat. they took real care of you once dinner was served, bokuto even going as far as feeding you but you refused and saying that you can eat just fine. afterwards, you volunteered to wash the dishes and cleanup like you usually do but they stopped you and did it by themselves instead.
“go wait in the room for us, princess. we'll take care of this, okay?” bakugo asked, winking at you.
“oh...okay,” you walked to the room this time and waited patiently for the two of them like they asked. after a few moment, they entered, each sporting a fond smile on their faces once their eyes landed on you.
“good girl, i thought you fell asleep waiting on us.” bakugo chuckled, moving toward you and leaning over to give you a kiss. closing your eyes as you leaned more into the kiss, you relished in the affection he is giving you – moaning against his plump lips. before it can escalate any further though, bakugo pulled away with a cheeky grin, pecking the corner of your lips one last time.
“i'll go prepare a bath for us, bo will help you with your clothes.” he muttered, voice rumbling low and he turned on his heels as he made his way towards the bathroom.
bokuto replaced him seconds later, a wide grin on his face as he sat in front of you. before you can speak, he engulfed you in a tight hug, humming all the while as he buried his face in your neck.
“mmm, i missed you a lot, baby.” he placed a kiss on your skin there, big hands caressing your back up and down in soothing motions.
you were taken aback by the crack in his voice and the wet feeling on your shoulder. shouldn't you be the one crying?
“i missed you a lot too, kou. i'm sorry i haven't been spending time with you and katsuki, i was just so busy with a lot of stuff lately.” leaning your head on top of his, your hands wandered toward his hair, scratching it just how he likes it.
bokuto pulled away from you even though the way you played with his hair was too satisfying and he missed that a lot too.
“i wish you weren't overworking yourself like that. it makes me sad seeing you cry and get stressed.” he frowned, a cute pout forming on his lips. he's simply too adorable and his thoughtfulness is one of the things you love about him.
“next time, tell us when you're having trouble with anything, okay? we don't want you to shoulder all your problems by yourself. we're both strong enough to help you with it!” you chuckled at his determined face, but the thought wasn't lost to you and you're thankful for that.
“i know, kou. i'm sorry i didn't tell you guys, i promise i'll ask for both of your help the next time.” you wiped away his tears before wrapping your arms around him. bokuto somehow felt relieved by those words alone and he's hanging onto them. he realized it felt even better if it was him who's encased in your arms.
“i love you, y/n.” he mumbled, placing a kiss at the top of your head.
“i love you, too, kou.”
“now let's get you out of these clothes and have a bath!”
bokuto helped you strip your clothes and his before carrying you into the bathroom. there, you find bakugo beside the tub that is now almost full. he turned off the tap the moment he saw you two enter.
bokuto placed you inside the foamy and bubbly tub, before disappearing to get your toiletries. bakugo, on the other hand, stepped in the tub with you and sat behind you - telling you to make room for him.
the latter returned with your stuff and he, too, entered the tub and sat in front of you. he beamed at you as he grabbed a scrub before dipping it in the tub while bakugo grabbed the shampoo bottle. he helped take off your hair tie keeping your hair up and wetted it with water. he then squirted shampoo on his palm and began massaging it on your head.
you sighed at the treatment you're receiving, head leaning back on bakugo's shoulder as you closed your eyes. bokuto's eyes met bakugo's as he scrubbed your legs gently, the both of them smiling at you.
“feeling good, princess?” you felt more than you heard bakugo's words as your back was pressed on his chest.
“mhm, feels amazing.” you breathed out, a smile etched on your lips as you felt like you were in heaven.
they both chuckled at that and continued bathing you before doing the same thing to themselves. the three of you were wrapped in a comfortable silence with only the sound of the sloshing water, the even breathing and the beating of your hearts accompanying the peace.
when it's time to rinse, bakugo rubbed and caressed your shoulders, upper arms and hands. he peppered them with kisses and repeated mantra of ‘i love you’s with every spot of his skin that his lips touched. bokuto kept reciting the things he loves about you as he rinsed your lower half and you swear you were drowning by the amount of love and the feeling of being whole these two are giving you selflessly, but you welcomed it.
after drying yourselves, bakugo was the one who carried you back into the room and helped you dress. bokuto dried your hair for you and combed it gently, being careful of the strands and tangles on the way as to not hurt you.
“do you need anything before going to bed?” bokuto had asked after putting away the comb, brushing your hair to the side as he placed his chin on your shoulder.
“nope, just you two.”
bokuto pecked your cheek and helped tuck yourselves in bed. bakugo slotted himself on the other side of you, an arm wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer and laid your head on top of his chest. bokuto followed suit, happily wrapping his own arm and leg on the two of you, making bakugo grunt because of the weight.
the three of you showered each other in whispered words of love that night. and before you felt your eyelids drop, you could only make out what they said before you succumbed to your slumber.
“we're always here for you when you need us.”
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professorsnape394 · 4 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Thirteen: Outrageous Outbursts
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A/N: This is the thirteenth part to my fanfiction ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-16 can be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write. Leave a comment below if you wish to be added to my tag list.
Pairing: Severus Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 3520
Warnings: swearing, slut shaming, moderate violence. 
Credits to Gif Creator
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Practically bursting through the doors of the three broomsticks Aria Dumbledore was very quickly greeted by Alexander who led her to a secluded table in the corner of the pub.
"Are you okay, you seemed stressed?" He laughed nervously, upon noticing the fact she was slightly sweating from her walk from the castle.
"I need a drink." She demanded simply, about to make her way to the bar.
"Sit. I'll get it for you, you look like you need a rest." He continued to laugh.
"Fire Whiskey. And make it double!" She shouted after him, to which he replied with a simple thumbs up.
Almost immediately after Alexander left, a pair of mischievous red headed boys bounced into sight, pulling a chair up to the table. Removing her head from her hands, Aria could only let out a long, hard sigh at the sight of them.
"What going on here then, teach." Fred questioned sceptically with the raise of an eyebrow. "Who's the lad?"
"A friend." Aria replied through gritted teeth, wishing they would just leave her alone. She had been stressed out enough today as it were.
"Mmmmhmmm." George hummed. "He's a pretty good-looking friend if you ask me, professor."
"And he chose a spot all the way in the back, pretty intimate don't you think?" Fred continued.
"Pretty romantic. wouldn't you agree, Freddie?" The Weasley boy nudged his brother.
"Very romantic." The second Weasley twin nodded in agreement.
"Listen this isn't appropriate, I'm your professor, you best be gone before he gets back." Aria warned, while the boys continued to heckle her.
"You're only a professor in training. Besides it isn't against any rules for you speak to us out with the castle grounds, you've got nothing to worry about." George pointed out.
"Unless it's us she's worried about, eh Georgie?" The two boys turned to glare at their potion's mistress, waiting for her to crack.
Groaning loudly, Aria knew she couldn't get rid of the boys as easily as she had hoped. "Look, it's not a date. It's just a few drinks with a friend, okay? And he deserves to be able to come back to me without the two of you causing trouble. So go on, scram."
"Alright, alright, we'll go." They obeyed.
"Just one last thing." Fred spoke slowly, turning back on his heel. "Speaking of nice guys deserving things, how's the love life going?"
She knew it was coming, there was no escaping it. But for her sake, she hoped the boys could be trusted enough to keep their mouths shut, at least until the end of the year when she would be forced to confront all her problems head on.
"He deserves to know, Aria. You have to say something soon."
"I know, I know." She whispered, bowing her head in shame. "I just need to figure things out for myself first. Please don't say anything about this."
The twins looked between them deliberating who their loyalties lay with. "If you promise it's not a date, we have no reason to." Fred stated.
"It's not, I promise." She said sincerely.
And with that the boys retreated to their table not too far away, still keeping a close eye on their professor.
Alexander returned from the bar with a tray full of drinks for the pair of them.
"I thought you'd need them." He chuckled. And he was right as Aria instantly downed the entirety of her Fire Whiskey in one gulp.
For the next few hours, the pair laughed and drunk together, and for the first time since she had arrived at Hogwarts, she felt she finally had one true friend. It was nice to finally be able to talk to someone her age and not have to constantly fight to have a conversation or speak about work the whole time.
Unfortunately, though, within seconds of her coming to this realisation, Aria's hopes of maintaining her relationship with her new found 'friend' was shattered. Alexander reached his hand across the table, resting it gently on top of her own. Slowly he picked it up, moving it towards his lips before place a soft kiss on the back of her hand.
From the corner of her eye, Aria saw the Weasley twins watching her intently, forcing her to yank her hand away from the man.
"Another Drink?" Aria asked, already getting up from the table, making her way to the bar.
"Umm, no thanks." He said slightly confused, watching her walk away.
Passing the Weasley twins she avoided eye contact, praying Alexander would not make another move. At this rate making friends was not worth risking the twins spilling her secrets.
Of course, as Saturday's always were, the Three Broomsticks was packed full of students socialising with their friends and so Aria thanked God for once in her life that she would not get served any time soon. Rehearsing over in her head how she was about to end this 'date' with Alexander, all Aria wanted to do at this moment was run back to Hogwarts and go to sleep. It had been a long a day.
Finally reaching the front of the queue, Aria was barely focusing on her surroundings.
"What can I get you?" The bartender asked.
"Fire Whiskey. Double." Two voices spoke at once.
Snapping back to reality upon hearing that so easily recognisable voice, Aria looked to her right to see none other than Severus Snape sitting at the corner of the bar, fondling an empty glass of Fire Whiskey.
"I'll get those right up." The bartender complied, obviously catching it was an awkward situation, and decided to get both the drinks at the same time.
"Severus." Aria said softly. "What are you doing here?"
"You are not the only one permitted to enjoy themselves with the occasional libation, Miss Dumbledore." He retorted, his words slightly running together, suggesting he had either been here a while, or had a lot to drink. Or both. Aria thought.
"Of course." She smiled awkwardly, not quite knowing how to respond.
"And your date." Snape spat, clearly unaware of how loud he was being. "How is it going?"
"Like I said before, Professor Snape. It is not a date." Aria tried to act a little more professional than her mentor, fully away the pub was full of Hogwarts students.
"Doesn't look like it from where I'm sitting, the two of you seemed rather close just now." Snape continued to mumble.
"You were watching us?" Aria questioned, to which Snape chose to remain silent.
"Two double Fire Whiskeys." The bartender announced.
Snape handed over his money, gesturing that he would be paying for both drinks.
Aria nodded a small thank you and made to leave.
Grabbing his drink from the table Snape stood up from his bar stool and started to walk alongside Aria, until gradually they came to a halt in the center of the room.
"Can I help you, Severus?" Aria huffed irritably.
Snape pondered for a moment, taking a large gulp of Fire Whiskey, deciding whether or not to speak.
Aria started to walk away, thinking he was never going to say anything.
"What are you trying to achieve." He hiccupped, bringing her back to attention.
"I'm sorry?" Aria asked, spinning on her heel to face him once more. "I don't think I know what you mean."
"I know what you're doing." He hiccupped again, leaning against a wooden pole in an attempt to stabilise his balance. "You're playing a game, but what do you get from it?"
"I have no idea what you're on about Snape, now if you don't mind, I'm going back to my-"
"Date?" He cut in, raising one eyebrow suggestively.
"No." Aria smirked sourly, knowing he was trying to put words in her mouth.
"Then what is it? Because, that boy over there is clearly interested in you and you're leading him on." He spat, his voice raising the more he spoke.
"None of this is any of your business, Professor Snape." Aria said still trying to remain professional and remove herself from the situation, knowing the man was clearly intoxicated. It was clear now to Aria that the majority of students in the pub were invested in listening in to their professor's conversation.
"There's no point denying it, I've seen it for myself. He's not the first, this boy." The potions master raised his voice, latching onto the woman's wrist, stopping her from leaving.
"Professor Snape, I think maybe you should quieten down a bit, people are listening." Fred interrupted as the twins bravely came to Aria's rescue.
"Aria maybe it's time to go." George whispered to her, pulling her back from the potions master.
"Here's more of them now. Students." Snape scoffed, completely ignoring anything the twins tried to say. "I bet before you came to Hogwarts, you done the same to them. Lead them on, drew them in with your sickening charms, then just left them on the hook for you. Look at them now, coming to your rescue."
"Don't be ridiculous, Severus. This is highly inappropriate." Aria tried to keep her composure, motioning to the Weasley boys to leave them, but it was obvious to everyone that a scarlet blush had begun to warm her cheeks. "You need to go home Severus. You've had too much to drink, you don't know what you're saying."
"I know exactly what I'm saying. And I know that you're here on a date with some poor bloke whose got no chance and you'll happily admit that"
"That's not what's happening, you're twisting my words."
"And I know that all day you've been flirting with Igor Karkaroff." He continued, paying no mind no Aria's objections. "I found the two of you in a rather comprising position today after the Great Feast."
"You're exaggerating, Snape, you know fine well that's not what was going on." Aria cried, which again, Severus chose to ignore.
"You've even tried your godforsaken charms on me. You tried to get me on my own in your quarters to seduce me, you're constantly flirting in a feeble attempt to manipulate me. Thank god I'm not dull enough to fall for your sickening act. I mean even now, look at how you're dressed. I'm assuming it's for all our benefits, men have been gawking and drooling over you all day and you love it. You're a teacher dressed like a common whore, how utterly inappropriate. You'd have been fired by now if Dumbledore wasn't your precious grandfather."
"This has gone too far, Severus, you need to stop this now!" Aria demanded, her voice cracking a little as she tried to match his volume.
"I'm not done." He sneered at her, the venom in his voice, showing a side of her mentor she never wanted to encounter again.
"The icing on the fucking cake is, you done all of this, played all of these cruel, childish games, and all the while you're in a relationship." He paused, relishing in Aria's reaction. She froze on the spot like a deer caught in headlights. For the first time tonight her eyes connected with the professors. "Is he being played too? Or does he somehow benefit from your antics."
"How the hell do you know that." Aria whispered, her own tone turning sour.
"I saw the letter on your desk."
"You read my mail? How dare you! That is confidential. You just don't know when to stop do you?" Aria cried, utterly humiliated.
"What's going on here." Alexander chimed in, holding Aria by the arm attempting to get in between her and Snape. He had been stood aside, listening alongside the students, but didn't know how to process any of this information until now.
"Everything he's saying, it's not true!" Aria pleaded with her friend, praying he too wouldn't ridicule her in front of everyone. "But he is right, this wasn't supposed to be a date. Nothing will happen between us, I'm so sorry." She begged, trying to hold herself together.
"It's okay." Alexander whispered, not wanting to upset the woman further. "Come with me, I'll walk you home." He attempted to embrace her.
"We all know what that means." Snape scoffed, watching them walk away. "She'll probably do anything you want she's that much of a fucking slut."
Both Aria and Alexander stopped in their tracks. Aria's whole body froze, having no idea how to react. The word rung in her ears, sending a pain to her heart and making her body go numb as if she was being stabbed with a thousand tiny knives. This was not the first time she had been called that word, and it fucking hurt to hear.
Alexander on the other hand knew exactly how to react. He paused for a moment, hand wrapping tightly around his wand before changing his mind at the last minute. Before anyone knew what was happening Alexander swung a punch at Severus hitting him squarely in his right eye. The professor instantly doubled over swearing in pain.
The students listening in instantly made to look busy, not wanting to know what Severus Snape would do to retaliate. Unfortunately for those wanting to see a show, Snape simply fell to the nearest chair, keeping his head down.
Aria quickly pulled herself together knowing this was her mess to fix.
Alexander rubbed his knuckles to ease the pain, before wrapping an arm around Aria Dumbledore. "Come with me." He said.
"Actually Alexander, I think I better take him back to the castle." She gestured to the mass of black fabric and hair drooping over a table and chair.
"Are you mad, after all that he just said to you. There's no way I'm letting you walk alone with him. He should be fired for all he's done."
"He's drunk... and I provoked him really, it's not his fault." Aria lied. "He's not like this when he's sober, trust me."
After a few more minutes of persuasion Alexander finally let Aria have her way, and bid her goodbye.
By this time the whole of the pub was chattering and gossiping about what they had witnessed, but Aria knew this was not the time to address what had happened and she would just have to let time run its course. The only thing she could do not was please the screaming bartender and remove Severus from the premises.
Drunk and a little concussed it took the potions master a minute or two to come around, but by then Aria had managed to walk him out the pub and along the road back to Hogwarts.
"Why are you helping me." Snape slurred, as he stumbled his way along the path.
"Because I know you're not a bad guy." She said softly.
That evening Aria insisted on helping Snape into his private quarters. The effects of the night had begun to sober Severus up, the embarrassment rendering him speechless, but Aria couldn't help but worry for him. This was not a regular old outburst, something was obviously eating away at him, but she could not bring herself to ask what it was that drove him to that level of anger.
Not wanting to upset him further, Aria chose not to enter his bedroom and chose to stay in the main living area. Handing him a pint of water to sip on, the young Miss Dumbledore set out to arrange a place for him to sleep on the couch. She managed to gather a few stray blankets and pillows she had found lying around, and decided he was still too drunk to care whether or not he went to sleep in his clothes.
Crawling up on the couch beside where he sat, Aria help a make shift ice pack gently to his eye. It had already begun to swell and it was clear there would be a lot of bruising by the morning. Her heart hurt for him.
"Why are you doing this." Snape finally spoke, breaking the silence that had become so thick.
Aria took a deep intake of breath, not fully understanding herself why she was helping the man who had ridiculed in the worst possible way.
"I don't know." Was all she could say in return, shuffling closer to tend to his eye.
For what seemed like a lifetime, Snape's apprentice sat facing him on her knees, breathing slowly and deeply as she held the cold compress to his eye, desperately hoping the swelling would go down and result in minimal bruising. Though the bruising of his eye was the last thing Severus was concerned about. Not only had he embarrassed himself in front of half the student body, he had humiliated Aria and deeply hurt someone he truly cared about. Perhaps that's why he did it.
Severus knew the feelings he had for his assistant were becoming more real by the day and there was nothing he could do to stop them the more time they spent together. Perhaps his drunk-self had concluded that the only solution to his problem would be to drive her away, make her turn on him. But clearly his plan had failed. Now he was sat closer to her than he had ever been, watching her chest slowly rise and fall as she breathed in time to the beat of his heart.
Slowly Severus' lifted his gaze to the woman's face, watching her intently. For the first time since they had met, he saw a true sadness take over her, and he hated himself for being the reason she felt this way.
Snape suddenly felt completely dissociated from his body. He wasn't thinking, he didn't want to think. He had done enough of that in his lifetime and for once he just wanted to feel. Gingerly Snape nervously placed his hand over her own, catching Aria's attention as he removed the cloth of ice from his eye. Never breaking eye contact Severus shifted on the couch to face her better. She sat on her knees, her bare legs exposed, rubbing lightly against his own.  Letting go of her hand, Severus softly placed it on her exposed waist.
Goosebumps immediately rose all over her body, when the professors hand rested on her waist. She had hoped he would just assume she was cold from holding the ice, but both of them knew this was not the case. She wanted to break her gaze, she couldn't stand how he was looking at her, but she could not force herself to look away. Never before had Aria encountered this side of Severus Snape, she didn't think anyone had, but she couldn't help herself from feeling enchanted.
Just as unexpectedly as the first had been, Severus placed a second hand on her cheek, while letting the first snake around her body to the small of her back. The couple's bodies had gradually came edged to each other and now they were so close they could feel each other's warm breath on their skins.
Severus dropped his eyes to Aria's mouth, almost contemplating his next move. He thought about it for so long, unable to make the final move. Their foreheads touched, and his nose brushed against hers, but he just did not have the nerve to close that final gap. Both Aria and Severus' breathing had picked up the pace, and as each jagged breath left their mouths, the atmosphere became even hotter and heavier.
Just as Severus worked up the courage to make his move Aria found herself snap back to reality. Jerking away from him, she left out a small gasp but quickly covered her mouth. "I'm sorry." She whispered, shaking her head as she saw the Snape's face fall. "I'm so sorry." She cried, tears forming in her eyes, as she backed away.
Severus pulled his hands a way, balling them into fists, knowing he had made a mistake. He got up from the couch just as Aria had done, moving backwards putting some distance between them.
"Aria..." He whispered, calling her by her name for the first time. He looked at her almost pleadingly. But even he didn't know whether he was begging her to stay or begging her for forgiveness.
"I have to go. I'm sorry Severus." She breathed again, fleeing from the room.
Just as Severus made to close the final gap between them, Aria thought back to his harsh words of the night. She remembered everything he had said, and it suddenly occurred to her that he may have been testing her. He had claimed she was playing games and using men. He knew she was in a relationship, why else would he do this? To try and seduce her completely out of the blue, he could only be trying to prove himself right, prove that she really was a user, a harlot, a slut.
Aria felt the tears pour from her eyes as she tried to make sense of the confusion Severus had caused. What exactly was he gaining from this? Why would he want to ridicule her even more than he already has? Maybe he was truly just a cruel man.
@ayamenimthiriel  @lizlil
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Che “Taza” Romero x Reader
Word count: 3.1k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: Another crazy idea. I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @arveeee ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Adjusting the green shirt to your chest, you go out of the clubhouse followed by Creeper drinking a coffee on a cardboard cup. You’re walking faster with your gaze on the front, directly to the car scrapping. It supposed that you should start in one hour, but if you arrive earlier, you can also leave earlier. You don’t want to see Taza after what happened last day, when his ex-wife came to the workshop because her car was having problems with the engine. She talked you as if you were a servant, or something like that, so you couldn't shut up and spoke to her in a sarcastic tone that she didn't like. Of course, she told Taza. At first, you didn’t care, until you saw how they said goodbye, with so much love and affection. Gilly told you that they have been married for almost fifteen years and that she was back to town indefinitely. It was like a shoot straight to your heart.
You aren’t nothing, but for the last months there has been a flirt environment installed between both, always pulling and loosening. But with his ex-wife in Santo Padre and by the way she had of touching him constantly, you know that what you wanted so bad it’s not going to happen. So you’re trying to not match with him. And that hurts. The only thing you can do it’s work and go home. No Mayans parties, no more nights at the clubhouse and no more rides back home on Taza’s bike. You can’t fight with a woman who knows him since ever and who was married with him for too many years. You didn’t know that something like that could happen, he didn’t talk you about her and it seems like it was a surprise for him too.
“Dammit, mama, you look like shet’”. Angel’s confused voice pushes you back to reality, making you shake your head for an instant.
“I didn’t sleep last night”. You shrug your shoulders and arms.
Messed bump, eye bags, no makeup and the shoelaces untied. You sigh after having a look of yourself, leaning down to tie them. The sun seems to disappear, raising your gaze surprised till you find your boss’ eyes, crossing his arms over his chest covered by leather. You swallow quietly, licking your inner lip before continuing with your task. 
“Everything ok?” You ask playing fool, hiding your nervous voice for a while.
“I don’ know, everything ok?”
“Yea’, I just… start earlier ‘cause I need to go to Santa Madre”.
“Sure. Why you didn’t come to the ranch last night?”
“Last night? What hap— Oh! Oh!”
Taza raises both eyebrows, while you still playing the innocent one palming your forehead.
“Shit, I forgot the Mayan dinner...” Clicking your tongue, you snort heavy.
“Let me tell you something, (Y/N)”. Facing you with hardly two inches between both, he leans above your ear provoking you some chills. “Soy un perro muy viejo, para que un cachorro me intente engañar”. (I'm a very old dog, and a puppy can't lie to me”.
“I forgot it”. You insist. “I was tired and I fell asleep on the sofa”.
“Look at your face”. The man says without changing his position. “Not everything is what it seems”.
“Ok, boss. I get it”. 
Taza doesn't say anything else, hitting his shoulder against yours to pass you away. Rubbing it you turn to the oldest rolling your eyes. Creeper and Angel are staring at you, trying to understand what is happening, but you don't wanna talk about it. Work and go home, that's all you want. The Reyes, putting an arm on your shoulders, shake his head disappointed 'cause he's starting to know what's going on having all the clues on the table.
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Going upstairs to the office, you hug Chuckie as soon as you see him, asking for the hours signature quadrant. Your turn is already finished and completed and you also have the afternoon free, so you could rest the time you didn't last night thinking about the things that it's not going to happen, driving you crazy. Leaving the car scrapping' shirt in your hanger, you grab the helmet next to your bag, ready to leave. 
And she's there again. You can see her from the top of the stairs, hugging your boss and kissing his cheek as you used to do it. You're going downstairs slow, concentrated on not looking like you're jealous. Yes, you two were nothing, but you feel some kind of things that you would like not to feel right now. Taking off your phone of the pocket, you dissemble when he catches you looking at them, walking towards your motorbike to put the helmet on. 
“Wait a second”. You hear some meters away, while your sitting on your bike. “Eh, (Y/N)!”
You want to make that you didn't listen his call, but it would be too evident, so Taza waits for you to reversing and stop again. 
“I'm sorry for the hit”.
“Yeah, it was rude”.
“Are you hurry?”
“Yeah, a little”.
“When will you back at home, ah?”
“I don't kn... Why it feels like I'm talking to my father?”
“Because you're so fuckin' annoyin'”.
“Great, thanks. Another bullshit, Taza?”
“You know what? Fuck off”.
“Yeah, pretty one”. Rolling your eyes, containing the tears in them, you turn the engine to run away from the front yard.
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Bishop texted you about four pm to tell you that Yuma and Stockton charters were coming to Santo Padre by night, so they're having a party and he needs you along with EZ to attend the bar. That's precisely what you were avoiding to do, be at the clubhouse more time than necessary. But guessing that you should work just for two or three hours accompanied doesn't seems a big trouble to deal with. So you're in.
Driving you car, 'cause it's gonna be easy to come back home after the party, you reach the car scrapping parking there so your Camaro will be safe in case that anyone decided to start a friendly fight. They usually do, for no reason. Last time, your motorbike suffered the consequences, even if they took care of the fixed. Walking betwixt a lot of crap mountains, your steps go straight to the green main door with mayans symbols finding the crowded yard. Stockton are already there, mixed with the Santo Padre' ones. EZ whistles you, claiming for your attention with that charming smile he always have on his face. You greet the guys raising your chin for a second, whilst going close to the prospect.
“Take the Jose Cuervo in the warehouse, I'm on my way for beers”.
“Okay”. You nod then, turning to the right and guiding your legs to the huge metallic structure by a side of the clubhouse. 
Grabbing the trolley at the entrance, you walk towards the end of the warehouse to leave it there, so you can place five boxes on it. Bishop calls to the door, even if it's opened asking you for come in without words. He walks in, closing it and resting his body against a shelving.
“You ok, kid?”
“Yea', just a bad night, prez”. You nod showing a soft and fleeting smile, presing the low rod of the trolley leaning to you and putting im by the two wheels.
“You didn' came to the dinner”.
“I'm sorry, I forgot it”.
“Did you?”
Leaving a sigh on air, you don't know what to say, pursing your lips as you place your gaze in nowhere.
“I saw you… kinda arguing with Taza this morning. Twice”.
“You know you can talk to me, rai'?” He sounds serious, crossing his arms.
“I just… made some illusions. The kind that fuck you down, when you realize that they're… just that. Illusions”.
“I know what you're talkin'bout. Play smart, kid. You're not stupid”.
Might be the best advice someone could give you, and you know you should. But sometimes, you can't simply do it. After leaving you there, you continue your walk to the clubhouse, going upstairs carefully with the tequila boxes. Opening the door with a push of your back, EZ notices you ready to help you. When everything is placed, the prospect offers you a shirt with the Mayans logo to change it for yours. Like somekind of uniform.
Once you're wearing it, you walk outside to receive the Yuma charter, hugging Canche as soon as he sees you.
“What's up, chamaca?”
“Not much, just another party working, not enjoying”.
“When you finish, make a place fo' me in your busy schedule. I need some help with my bike”. He says placing a hand on your shoulders, so you can follow him to his men to greet them too.
“Sure! I'll let you know when I'm done”.
A car coming calls your attention, turning under Canche's grip, to find the owner.
“What the hell…? Isn't that Taza's ex-wife?”
“What she doin'ere?” The president asks you confused.
“Don' know. Ask her ex-husband”. You answer with a singing voice and both eyebrows raised.
“That bitch fucked him up”.
“Did she…?”
“Yea', I heard something 'bout a one-night-stand with a Vato. Oscar told us”.
“But they seems so close”.
“Taza is a good man, you know him”.
Pursing your lips at the man, you shrugs before start with your tasks of serve beers and tequila shot for everyone there, with EZ help. You can't help but thinking about that woman who came from nowhere with some kind of clear intentions, and now you're understanding was what Bishop trying to tell you. “Play smart”. So you will. Grabbing the coldest beers and putting them on a tray, you carry them to the first picnic table outside, where the main members of your charter are sitting. Leaving there, one for each one, you sit close to the Padrino who puts an arm around your waist.
“You look good in that shirt, kid”. He says proud, having a look from top to down. Since you started to work there, he has been the most gentle man on earth with you and it's something to be thankful for. “How's your week goin'? Didn' see you last night”.
“Tired week, need to rest, padrino”.
“You look like. Are they treating you good, or taking advantage that you're so helpful, ah?”
“To be that ‘helpful’ you have to show some respect first”. You hear that irritating feminine voice behind your back, before she appears in front of your eyes with a hand on Taza's left shoulder.
“Take off that Vato's dick of your mouth, before talking about my kid”. Padrino's voice is calm and peaceful, surprising you about it, and creating an uncomfortable silence on the table. 
You're fucking done. Done in a good mood, 'cause well, no one piss off padrino's kid. Palming his back, you get up of your seat to grab the tray and go back to work, as soon as Oscar claims your attention to ask for some beers. At least, now you know what happened, even if you're trying to figure what's she doing here. Not for you, but for Taza. Because she doesn't deserve someone like him, not after what she did. Double disloyalty. And that's screwing you more than you thought.
Even if it's something that it's in your head all the time, you make sure that doesn't influence in your work, letting it for later. And when you're already finished with it, leaving EZ with the rest, you go straight to Canche. As soon as you're done with him too, you can be close to Taza to make it up to him because of your paranoia. And so you do, sharing the same table with a beer in your hand. You don't know why his ex-wife continue there, but you don't care. Not anymore. Sitting in front of him, again by padrino's side and Bishop at the other, you try to get in the conversation. Easy task 'cause they're talking about a travel coming soon, and they need your help to check the motorcycles before leaving.
“Okay, I can do it tomorrow evening. Just leave me the keys at the office”. You say then supporting both forearms on the table, nodding for a while. “So, gas, oil and pressure… Yeah, it's fast to do'et”.
“Can you check my bike's direction? I think it's a little bit turned to the left”. Taza says then, and you know that's only a excuse to talk with you. Like, right now.
“Is it?” You hesitate, raising an eyebrow before having a sip of your drink, getting up of your bench.
“Yea', and the brake is a little hard. I think EZ squeezed too much”. He's getting up too, letting go the uncomfortable grip of his ex-wife.
“Okay, let's see”.
He walks next to you, offering you the keys so you can turn on his bike. Pressing softly the gas, to do the same with the brake. It's not. But seems like he wants to leave the yard, at least, for some minutes.
“I have the tools in my car”. You say then, turning of the engine to push the handlebar so you can make it moves. 
Going down the alley, with the Vicepresidente behind your back smoking a cigar, you reach the Camaro. You don't have any tools on it, but you really want to hear what he wants to tell you. So you simply leave the motorbike parked, next to your car, and resting your body sitting on it giving him the keys.
“She asked me to stay at the ranch”. He says then, keeping them inside one of his pockets. Sounds like you should reply something, but you'll not. It's his house, not yours. “I don' know what she doin'ere. But I don' even care”.
“Good for you, Taza”. You shrug with pursed lips.
“Let's be clear, kid. We're nothing”.
“Okay, I'm done with this bullshit”. You laugh loud getting up from his bike, and shaking your hands, trying to hide the bitterness and looking for the control remote of your car.
“Listen, listen”. Catching you by your left wrist, he stops your moves.
“It's fuckin' okay, Taza. You don' have to give me any explanation. I'm not your... fuckin' wife, nor your fuckin' girl. I get it. But let me tell you something. It's fucking grievous seeing a woman how fucked you up with a fuckin' Vato, trying to get back what she lost. And you, let her doin'et. You deserve good things, and you should love and respect yourself a little more”.
“Well, than'ya' for your kindly words. But I'm not letting her doin' nothen'. And I also talk her 'bout you”.
“Seems like she doesn' give a f— You did what?” Narrowing your eyes and letting you go, you cross your arms on the chest.
“We're nothing, but I would like to be something”. He clarifies you. “I asked her to leave and just came to pay what we fixed in her car. She stayed for a beer”.
“Yes, close of his ex-husband”.
“Focus on the fact I wan'to be with you, and not with her. Think about'e”.
Taza leaves you there, alone, carrying his bike when seems like you don't know what to reply at this words. Sitting on the hood of your car and lighting a cigar between your lips, you have a long smoke that rips your throat and also your tongue. You're somewhat jealous, you can't help but trying to see the point of playing smart to mark somekind of territory without looking like he's a piece of meat. But with that kind of women, it's all you can do. 
Putting well your shirt on, after throwing away the cigar, you walk towards the front yard with hands in your pockets. Some ideas are dancing in your head, trying to choose the best way to deal with it. But when you see her, sitting again by his side, and trying to hug him… Good lord, you can't help but losing your modals and your gentle mood. 
“Che, take me home”. You just say, stopping in front of the crew.
“Haven't you a car, ah?” She asks raising her chin somewhat proudly, grabbing the Vice's arm between hers.
“Haven't you a Vato's dick to suck, instead of annoying everyone around you?”
God, those words come from the depths of your soul. Making the guys chuckle as she gets up full of rage.
“Watch your mouth, niña. You don' know who I am”. Pointing your chest with a finger once and again.
“Yea', looks like I don' give a shit that I don' even know your name”. You face her, not afraid. “Southern border is close, come back to your hole, whore. You don' have anything to do here”.
“Did you ju—”.
“Shit, yes, I did”. You roll your eyes, being fast enough to avoid the slap straight to your face.
El padrino takes you back, as Bishop and Angel go to her before she can try it again.
“You heard her, go back to southern border”. Taza says placing himself between both, turning then to hold your forearm and leave the front yard.
You don't say anything into your way to his motorbike, putting on the helmet as he turns it on. Grabbing his waist with your hands, he runs out of the clubhouse. You know he's mad. You can feel the tension on his body, driving the road he knows by heart to your house, taking his time as he looks like he's thoughtful.
When he stations the bike in front of your house, so you can jump off of it, you keep his gaze.
“'You gonna leave?” You ask him a little bit nervous, taking off the helmet to supporting it against your abdomen.
“'Don' know. What you want?”
Hesitating for a second, you take a step closer placing a hand on his nape, to press your lips on his. It's the first time you two kiss, after some weeks wanting it. He pulls you away, thinking that you screwed it up, until you see him getting up to leave behind his back the motorbike. Cupping your cheeks on his huge hands, Taza kisses you again. Tangling your fingers in the flannel shirt to push him closer, your lips move alone on his. It's better than you could imagine, tasting the tequila in his saliva and beer in yours. A perfect mix. 
“So, are you gonna stay?” You almost beg between short and dearly kisses, finding yourself walking to your house, giving your back at it.
“Fuck, yes, baby”. He nods lifting you up, so you can surround his body with your legs.
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Imagine requested by @theshyprincess : You take his virginity
Pairing: MG x Vampire!Reader
Warnings: smut
Disclaimer: I am not supporting minor and adult relationships but for the purpose of readers backstory, we are allowing it. Especially considering that is basically what all the shows are about if you think about it. Also I have nothing against MG but I just thought it would be a surprise to not have them dating. Also I thought the idea of the boy being the Virgin is a little more unique considering all stories I've read for this particular request are all girls having their virginity taken, so I thought I'd be different. Also the age of reader isn't completely known to me but I wanted her dating Kol when she was 16 and since they dates for 3 years she must be 19 but I'm not sure if you can stay longer at the Salvatore school unlike normal school. Hope you enjoy !
Since I started the school, Milton's always had a little crush on me but of course me growing up and developing into a women only intensified that crush and here we are. He's not a bad person but I haven't ever seen him in the way he wants me to. But of course he asked me to the back to school dance Lizzie thought would be a good idea to through and of course I couldn't say no. See a few weeks ago, he wouldn't have even dates asking me considering my ex boyfriend is not only and older more intimidating man, not just a vampire but a Mikaelson. Yup, you did hear that right. It wasn't supposed to happen but it did.
See Hope was going home to New Orleans to visit all her family at Christmas around 3 years ago and since I didn't have anywhere to go she invited me. So I went with her met her family and everyone was really nice, but her uncle Kol was particularly nice to me. We were only meant to be staying until the 28th of December and then going back home but Hope was convinced to stay till New Years by her Uncle...Kol. So there we were New Years in New Orleans, drinking champagne. The countdown began, Kol and I were stood in the back and three bottles of champagne had been shared between us both alone. It didn't take long for him to make his move that night, 5 minutes after midnight we were both intoxicated, horny, hot and naked. The amount of times it happened that night, without us giving a care in the world. That was what most of our relationship was like, but I'm afraid it got to careless and he cheated on me with a girl called Davina. He tried apologising but I wasn't hearing any of it, three years down the drain because of lack of loyalty and a bottle of white.
So here we are present day, 20 minutes before the dance and crying into my pillow. Just because I wouldn't hear Kol out doesn't mean the thought of him isn’t heart-wrenching. I pulled away from the pillow, praising myself for using waterproof mascara accidently. I walked to the mirror ran my fingers through my hair, wiped the fresh tears off my face and straightened out my dress. I walked out the door and locked it behind me, walked down the hall and down the stairs to the big hall, where the dance was. I pushed the mahusive brown door away from me and walked into the hall, MG greeted me at the bottom and led me to the middle of the floor.
He grabbed ahold of my waist and hand and started swaying us to the music.
“Look y/n I know that your probably heart-wrenching about breaking up with Kol, so this is the only time I'll mention it but I am sorry. Even if it worked in my favour.”
I looked at him, tears pooling in my eyes. I don’t want to tell him I can't see him that way but I have too eventually, so it might aswell be now.
“MG look. You are the sweetest man I've ever met and your funny and incredibly handsome and any girl would be lucky to have you, but I don't see you like that. I think your amazing but it's going to take me a while for this Kol thing to blow over and I can't give you hope for something to happen when it's more than likely it won't. I appreciate you asking me to the dance and always being there for me but we aren't ever going to date MG, I am sorry.”
He looked down at the ground a gripped me tighter. He looked back into my eyes. 
“Eh it was a long shot anyway. It just sucks that you don't feel that way about you, I don't think you quite realise how much I do really like you.”
I smiled slightly and looked him the eyes, I giggled slightly before I spoke.
“What you mean, when you spend hours getting Josie to teach you how to bake everytime I'm upset so you can bring me some food? when you sprain your wrist getting Lizzie to teach you how to dance to impress me? when you sit in your room crying to yourself when you think about me with someone else? when you blackmailed Kaleb into teaching you how to fight property so you could protect me ? I do see all of this Milton and I've tried so hard to feel the same way, it makes me the only girl who wouldn't fall for it. But at the end of the day, would you not rather have me as a really good friend and never lose me or date me, something goes wrong and then we never speak again.”
He had tears in his eyes and he decided to twirle me.
“You saw all that ? I guess I would rather never lose you.”
We looked deeply into each other's eyes and grinned.
“Okay so we can either continue dancing and be boring or go steal Ric's bourbon and Emma's red ?”
He laughed and dragged me out the hall. We snuck into Alaric's office and grabbed the drinks we then took ourselves to Emma's office and stole her brand new, very tasty, expensive bottle of red. 
Around 1 hour later, we were waltzing around the halls together with empty bottles in our hands and stumbling into everything around us. We then heard Alaric calling us from round the corner so we opened a cupboard and slotted ourselves in. It was the janitors closet, so I watched through the grates in the door so find Alaric. He was looking around completely clueless and I was silently laughing until I realised how close in proximity me and Milton were. The fact that we were intoxicated probably didn't help. His member swiftly brushed against my behind and turned me on more than I realised. His hands travelled down my waist and his mouth did the same but to my neck. His warm breath fanned on my neck.
“We might be safer in here, away from innocent minds and prying eyes.”
His big soft lips brushed against my neck and my eyes rolled back. I suddenly sobered a little but he wasn't completely with it. I turned around so we were facing eachother and his member was definetely an important factor in the conversation now.  
“Milton, honey... have you ever done this before ?”
He shook his head and still continued his movements. Points to the guy for confidence, seriously. I mean what's the worst that could happen, I can't get pregnant because I'm a vampire and he's drunk anyway so he wont't remember that it even happened. I'm still not entirely sure I will yet.
I lifted my dress up and kissed him roughly.
He pulled away from the kiss.
“Wait stop. Just before we do this... you looked really beautiful tonight.”
I smiled at him in awe and kissed him again.
“Thankyou Milton.”
I ripped the buttons of his shirt and kissed down his chest down to the waistband. He started breathing really heavily.
“Milton, calm down.”
He nodded and slowed his breathing. I smiled and undid his belt and slipped his trousers down. His buldge prominent through his black boxers. I used my hand to stroke his clothed member whilst placing little kisses around his man region. His eyes started to close with pleasure so I ripped his boxers off and flicked my tounge out to collect the pre cum dripping from his tip. His breathing started to quicken as I took his whole cock into my and swirled my tounge around it as I did. His tip collided with the back of my throat and already his dick was already throbbing. I jumped back up before he came and I kissed him passionately. He grabbed my throat and pinned me against the wall.
“I’m okay with teasing but that was too far. Let's see how you like it.”
He lifted me up and ripped my panties off. He held me on the wall and thrusted his cock into me with no warning. It was a very surprising gift. He kept doing it until I was just about to cum, he pulled out and kissed me. We made out for a couple of minutes and he then lifted me higher and stuck his face in between my legs and stuck his tounge straight into my entrance. I was nearly at my peak again when he pulled away.
“Okay Milton, I've learned my lesson. Just please let me come.”
He lowered me into his dick once again and my orgasm was fast approaching. As soon as he's finished his fourth thrust, I released all over his cock. Squirting into his stomach and my legs. He started to rub my clit and I squirted even more. I couldn't handle the pleasure. It was overstimulation at it's finest.
I jumped down with a grin on my face and pulled my dress back over my head. Milton was putting his suit back on before he spoke up.
“The no panties thing was lucky wasn’t it. It's like you knew it was going to happen.”
I laughed and shook my head, I opened the door.
“Don’t get to cocky Milton. It wasn't for you Kol was meant to be coming tonight and whether I forgave him or not, I've been super horny all day. I needed some release and I knew he would give it to me.”
He laughed with me and he walked me back to my room, where there was a surprise waiting for me.
He looked at me in horror and walked into my room slamming the door behind him.
“Milton thank you for tonight, it was great. But I need to make sure he doesn't go rouge.”
He smiled and I left him alone. I walked into my room and I'm telling you, i'm dead meat.
Tags: @akshi8278 @theshyprincess
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hikari-writes · 4 years
『Boku No Hero Academia』
General Oneshot
❝ Broken Feelings, Drunken Nights ❞
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Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki & Todoroki Shoto
Warning: Lots, and I mean, LOTS of swearing
Genre: General
Words: 1.1k
(f/d)= favourite dish
Quirkless AU!
Bar AU!
Bakugou is the manager + the cook and Todoroki is (possibly the only) bartender
I might have had a little bit of fun with this?  🥺🥺 Am I gonna make this au a thing? Lol, probably? But if I did, poor baku and todo are just there like, looking at y/n getting hooked up with another guy skksks and i know absolutely NOTHING about bars and stuff so RIP
"Let's play a little game, eh?"
Monoma suddenly suggested, raising his glass of cocktail a bit. You and Kendo look at him in confusion. This can't be good, Kendo thought.
"Yeah, right. Whatever it is, you're drunk and need to stop. I bet what you had in mind is just gonna worsen Y/N's mood."
Kendo scoots closer to you in an attempt to protect you. 
Your flushed face is already indicating you had too much to drink. Well, I mean, it's only natural after you've been cheated and dumped by your boyfriend. These two friends of yours are just accompanying you like the good friends they are. (Minus Monoma please. He's just there to mess you up more.)
"AAH?! You think I'm scared?! Come at me, ya lil' piece o' shit!"
Your drunk self is clearly not taking any of his shit and decides to accept his challenge, or game, I guess. You stand up from your seat and are quickly stopped by Kendo who grabs your shoulder and sits you back down.
"Y/N, NO. Don't!"
Kendo desperately tries to calm you down while Monoma cackles loudly behind her. Good thing you three are like the only customers at the bar. 
This bar is your favourite place to hang out at. You're not that frequent to the point you get all friendly with the bartender or something. No, you just like how peaceful and calming the place is. When you aren't drunk, you would definitely enjoy the atmosphere but when you are, well...let's just say you're the reason the peace is destroyed. 
The bartender and the manager are pretty quiet and reserved people. If anyone caused a ruckus, the manager, or Bakugou as his name tag shows, would kick them out the bar. Like, literally. 
Consider yourself lucky that he never kicked you out just because he understands the only reason you would be a peace destroyer in his bar is when a certain headache called Monoma is with you. 
"Now, now. This is a pretty interesting game. I'm sure this would help you get over your heartbreak."
Monoma leans in closer and whispers to the two of you while constantly glancing at the bartender and Bakugou who's busy doing their job. 
"Y/N, you saw that bartender, right?"
Monoma asks and points to the bartender. You look over your shoulder and stare a bit at him. 
The heterochromatic bartender with dual coloured hair. He has unbelievably handsome and outstanding features. When you first saw him, you thought that he's definitely a ladykiller. But looking at his reserved personality, that idea was completely thrown out the window.
"Yea, I'm not blind, dumbass. What 'bout 'im?"
You turn to Monoma again. He smirks and Kendo sweats. 
"Oh no." 
She thought.
"Well, why don't you try asking him out? And if you succeed, I'll pay for your drinks AND, if you did well enough, as a bonus, I'll go beat up your ex-boyfriend for you. How bout it?"
"NO. NEVER. NUH-UH! You can't! If you want someone to pay for your drinks, I will do it and even without asking, I'll beat the crap out of your ex-boyfriend so DO NOT play this stupid game, Y/N."
Kendo shoves Monoma away and turns to you with a very serious expression. You heave a sigh and turn away from her, facing the handsome bartender or as the name tag suggests, Todoroki. 
"Hey, handsome, may I get a glass of water, please?"
You could almost hear Kendo screeching internally and Monoma laughing the….Monoma laugh. 
Yes, you just intentionally slip in a compliment that could also be considered as you hitting on him but no, you aren't doing it because of stupid Monoma's game. You barely look interested and what's more, you're asking for water, which indicates that you want to stop drinking and get back home.
Another thing to note, Todoroki totally looks unfazed by your sudden compliment. He's definitely used to it.
"I ain't interested in creating any problem. I might be drunk but I'm not crazy yet. Aight, time to wrap up this session of shitty 'letting out your pent-up feelings' and go home."
"Here you go, beautiful."
Todoroki calmly says and hands you a glass of water. 
You whip your head at him, your eyes wide. You didn't expect him to return your compliment. His face is as cool as ever, as if he never called you 'beautiful' just now. 
You shrugged it off as you mishearing him but when you turn to Monoma and Kendo, they both look as shocked as you do just moments ago. 
Monoma mouths a,
"Did he just call you beautiful?"
And Kendo just nods slowly. 
The three of you took a glance at him again but he just gets back to his work like normal. 
Silence fell over the place. You three are shocked and honestly just perplexed at the situation. Not knowing what to do, the silence became a bit overbearing for you.
"Finally done with your ruckus?"
You look up to see the manager, Bakugou, glaring down at you. This makes you jump a bit in your seat but your attention is quickly diverted as soon as you see a plate of (f/d) that he's holding. 
He places it down in front of you. You look at him in confusion. You didn't order any dish. He gives an exasperated sigh when he sees your confused state.
"That's just a leftover I made. No need to pay. It's on the house."
With that, he went back to doing whatever he was doing before, leaving you more and more baffled by the sudden…'kindness' (you presume) that's been shown to you by these two bar workers.
Todoroki's sudden tap on your shoulder snaps you out of your thoughts and you turn to him. He leans in a bit and whispers into your ear.
"The manager once said that a warm homemade dish made only with intentions of cheering up someone can actually warm their heart and chase away their sadness."
He then sends you a small smile, something that you could never actually think of seeing, before retreating back and continuing his work. 
You look at Bakugou once again. He still looks as grumpy and angry as ever but after what Todoroki had said, you somehow can't help but to see him as something much softer. You look at the (f/d) in front of you. The warmth that it's giving is definitely not from any leftover, that's for sure.
You smile to yourself. Seems like you need to visit this bar more often, whether when you're stressed or not. 
Meanwhile in the background, Monoma heaves a heavy sigh and takes another sip of his cocktail. 
"Well, seems like I need to add 'beat up Y/N's ex-boyfriend' in my schedule for this week."
"And don't forget to pay for her drinks too."
Kendo says with a chuckle, sipping her own glass of alcohol all the while.
A/n: yes, no actual romance involved sksksks I'm sorryyyy but this is what came out of my brain at 1 am 🙈🙈🙈🙈
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curiousconch · 4 years
Chapter 6 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU)
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Synopsis: Heather is taken hostage, but by whom? And she isn't alone. Rafael and Bryce set tries to find the missing link.
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) | Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Heather Song)
Words: 1.4k+ | Genre: Crime, Suspense/Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / violence, language
Author's Notes: Thank you so much for taking time to read this series. Please let me know if you want me to include/remove you in the tags list. Also, disclaimer: Majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song and an OC Jordan Anderson.
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Heather was due for another week in Johns Hopkins. So even though she didn't feel up to it after last night's fiasco, she forced herself to pack her clothes from the washer and clean out her temporary room.
She snuck glances to Bryce's bedroom door, trying to muster up the courage to face him and apologize. She was drunk last night. Drunk people make the lousiest mistakes, especially when that person is an emotional wreck. Long kept secrets of the heart creep up to the surface, often loaded with regrets like ticking time bombs inevitably blowing up the next morning.
In the end, she decided not to tell him her impassioned speech about nothing good ever happens after 2am, a reference from their shared favorite sitcom. Instead, she washed and cleaned and packed, and when the time came, left without a single word. She thought it was best to leave him be, giving them both space to process what they've just revealed. They'll just deal with it after she's done with her commitments in Maryland.
So she booked a car. And with one silent goodbye, she stepped out into the empty hallways. Her steps felt heavy against the carpeted floors, feeling more and more rueful with each. She was about to turn to the elevator bay when the fire exit flew open behind her.
Before she could turn around to see, an arm grabbed her by the waist while a piece of cloth covered her mouth and nose, muffling her shouts for help. Her head began spinning almost immediately. It wasn't long before she completely blacked out.
When Heather came to, she only saw darkness. Her immediate reaction was to scream, only to whimper after realizing she was gagged. Panic rose within her chest, as she struggled to think straight. She tried to blink to no avail. She was living in a nightmare, and she badly wanted to wake up. So she had two choices - either be a victim or be a survivor.
She chose the latter.
With that, she began to assess her surroundings, using her limited capabilities. She could tell that her eyes were covered, and by the tingling pain in her wrists behind her, she knew she was tied up. Strangely, her ankles were free. While most of her senses were restrained, those that weren't became magnified.
Her back felt the hard floor, she banged her head against it, confirming her theory.
Concrete? Uneven. Unfinished?
She tried to stand up, her legs felt weak, almost like jelly. She tried another time, and succeeded on kneeling. She balanced herself and used her legs to stand up, one after another.
She heard the sound of plastic rustling in the wind, and the cold night air brushing against her face.
Seems like I'm somewhere cold. Is that wind coming from large windows?
All of a sudden, she heard voices. The sounds were inaudible, but she observed intense shifts in the faint conversation.
Two voices, another room? Are they arguing?
She tried to direct herself towards the voices, taking caution not to make a noise. The volume gradually increased, aiding her to understand the conversation clearly enough.
"You're one hour late and you didn't bring enough."
"Such a whiney brat. Did you get that from juvy?"
"It's a mystery why someone haven't punched you and your perfect teeth."
"Some guy already did. But you? I bet ten grand you wouldn't. You're just a piece of shit without my funding."
"Right, without your pockets lined with cash, what are you?"
"Uh, free man with lots of connections?"
The words didn't make sense to her, but the voices that threw them around sounded familiar. She strained to get closer, trying to think who they could possibly be. Before she could hear more, she stumbled, her body making a noisy thud as it quickly planted on the ground. She felt something hard scrape against her cheek, a warm liquid trickled after, then pain.
She shifted her head sideways, her legs dangling over something she couldn't quite figure out from the thick fabric of her jeans. Then it moved.
She gasped and retrieved her legs, her mind racing.
Who is it? Bryce? Rafael?
Her anxiety rose as she struggled with the mere possibility that she wasn't the only one kidnapped. The danger of the situation suddenly becoming more grave.
Then the body elicited a groan, a sound similar with her failed attempt to scream earlier. She heard it grumble once more, and then again. It was in the third time that Heather finally figured out who the voice might belong to.
Senator Ed Farrugia's.
Like a bucket of ice, a bone-chilling realization came to her. If they went all this way to hostage the senator, what's gonna stop them from killing her?
Her panicked thoughts were invaded by the sound of steps approaching. In an instant, she felt that she was shoved upright in a sitting position. The same person grabbed her by the collar and dragged her body back to where she came from, making her bare feet blister and bleed against the rough surface. Her face touched edges of plastic as her body followed the steps of her attacker. She tried to swallow her screams in an attempt to preserve energy, but the hairs at the back of her neck gave her fear away. She was then banged against a wall, followed by silence.
A set of steps receded, probably of the person who just dragged her back to her original place. This was quickly replaced by another set of steps, producing a distinct tapping. Different shoes, different person. First one seems like running shoes, this one sounds like leather.
Without warning, her hair was pulled backwards, making her wail beneath the cloth in her mouth. She smelled the scent of cigarettes.
"You just won't go down without a fight, eh? Well good for you, doctor. This will be all the more enjoyable."
Finally giving in on her fears, she shivered. She knew that voice anywhere. It was a sound so despicable that she hated it ever since the first time she heard it. The one man who mocked her, brought her down since her intern year. Arrogant, ambitious and immoral. All the curse words in the world couldn't describe this person. It belonged to a man she never wanted to see, hear, nor be in the presence of ever.
It was the greatest scumbag of all time.
Declan Nash.
Rafael was in full blown recon mode for Senator Farrugia's disappearance when he learned that Heather was also missing. Elijah called in to check if she has contacted him for the last 12 hours, he wished she did, but he told him no. When he got off the phone, the conference room he was in suddenly felt crowded.
"Dr. Song is apparently missing too," he reported to the rest of the team working on the Farrugia case. "Let's find where and when she was last seen, and start from there. I have a hunch she's going to lead us to the senator." He called IT to extract Heather's phone logs and location pings before he stepped out for a moment to process this new information. He found himself slumping in the fire exit stairwell, feeling an urge to punch the wall.
When he was about to act on it, his phone rang. It was ADA Lahela.
"Have you heard?"
"Yes, I just got off the phone with Elijah."
"And Senator Ed?"
"Yes, we're trying to find leads for the past 3 hours since we were notified."
"Okay, have you checked her phone records?"
"IT is working on it now."
"Okay. She supposedly left the condo around 4am this morning. I heard her leave. That might be a good starting point."
Rafael made a mental note.
"I'm going to meet Perry. He's in the front and center of this thing. I'll let you know as soon as I come up with anything." Raf heard Bryce say, after which the line ended.
He felt like an idiot, a sinking feeling of regret drawing him in. But he couldn't wallow in it now. Not until they find her.
There's time for that later. Right now, Heather needs me.
Fired up with resolve, he went out of the desolate stairwell and worked. He immediately followed up on Heather’s phone logs and available electronic records. He also called up field agents to go down at Bryce's complex for a copy of CCTV footage for the past 24 hours.
Once the instructions were handed over, he focused on Travis Perry. He helped himself to a cup of black coffee, willing his mind to stay sharp. He pored over Perry's file, searching for anything they may have missed.
He sighed, pushing back his emotions to the back of his mind. It's quickly becoming one of the longest nights of his life.
Author’s Notes 2: When I wrote this, I thought of merging this with the next. I just felt that they're best read together. So instead of combining the two, I've decided to publish both chapters simultaneously. Both is packed, I know, even I got dizzy writing it. But I hope you'll enjoy the roller coaster ride as much as I did. Appreciate it if you could share your thoughts!
Taglist: @ramsey-lahela @eleanorbloom @choicesficwriterscreations
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wordlessbabbling · 4 years
Gun Metal and Daisies (Thomas Shelby)- Chapter 8
Some secrets are better left surprises.
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The ocean does not apologise for its depth and the mountains do not seek forgiveness for the space they take and so, neither shall I.
The moment between the two individuals was quickly interrupted by the slamming open of the Garrison doors.
Thomas, after hearing the no so quiet chatter, knew who had just entered.
Dorothy strained her head around Thomas' shoulder and saw men with peaked caps.
It was the Peaky Blinders.
Dorothy felt her knees shake as they made their way into the pub.
Thomas quickly decided that these idiots were not going to ruin his companionship with the curious woman before he could finally work her out.
Seeing her fear of the men sent a small pang to his heart. Those were his men. They were supposed to be frightening. So why did her reaction only hurt now?
Quickly grabbing her arm and rushing to the back room before any of the men could start a conversation, he muttered, "let's get you your drink then, eh?"
Dorothy didn't make a move, her eyes fixated on the blinders so Thomas tugged on her arm and dragged her to the cellars down the stairs.
Thomas unknowingly smirked a little when he remembered their evening when she dragged him out of the bakery and into the pouring rain.
Dorothy was scanning the bottles around the cellar, taking each one out individually and scanning the tags and ingredients for the perfect one.
"I thought you don't drink?" Thomas asked, trying to make conversation. Very out of character.
"I don't" she muttered some of the ingredients out loud as she read them, "but some of Ms. P's bread has rum and brandy in them. You need the perfect one for the best taste..." she trailed off again.
"ai fi crezut că vorbesc cu un zid de cărămidă" Thomas muttered to himself.
"oh fi liniștit! sunt aproape terminat." Dorothy bit back.
Thomas let out a slightly animalistic noise when Bonny answered back in his mother tongue.
After composing himself, he cleared his throat, "you speak Romani?" He chuckled to himself. "Of course she does."
"My father taught it to me. Said it was important for 'is lil' gewl to know 'er roots" she laughed at her impression of him.
"So you come from a gypsy family, eh?" Thomas felt like this may be one of his only chances to ask her more questions as she's distracted now.
"I'll assume you do too?" Her eyebrows furrowed when she read the brandy bottle in front of her.
"What clan did he travel in?" Thomas asked carefully, this hopefully being his key to working out who Bonny is.
"What's with all the questions, Bubs?" She raised a brow, still examining the lacquered paper.
"Damn. Caught." Thomas only sighed.
Dorothy gasped when she found the perfect bottle, she shoved it into her bag while pulling out a few coins.
"Don't worry about pay." Thomas mentioned.
Dorothy scrunched her nose up, "but I have to pay, that's how this stuff works..."
"I'll just put it on the bill" Thomas shrugged.
"No, Bubs, you can't pay for this. It's under the bakery's money anyway."
Thomas only shrugged again, putting an end to the discussion. Dorothy only huffed and slipped one of the coins in his waistcoat pocket. That being her only compromise to the deal.
Thomas only grinned at her.
"So why can't I know your name?" Thomas hesitantly cautioned, hopefully getting the result he wanted.
"Why can't I know yours?" She bit back
"What's your name, Bonny?"
"What's yours?"
A sense of deja vu passed over the two as they remembered that they've had this same conversation three times now.
"Besides, Bonny and Bubs seems perfectly fine for now. We've become fast friends, Bubs, even though you held a gun to my face the first time we met."
Thomas missed half of that conversation when she mentioned the part of them being friends.
Thomas' voice got stuck in his throat at just the thought of being friends. Despite how sad it all was, Thomas revelled in her statement.
He cleared his throat, registering all the other things she'd said, "I should probably apologise for the gun thing..."
Thomas' train of thoughts was stopped by the slamming open of the cellar door.
Maybe it was a good thing he was distracted, what was he thinking? Apologising? Very un-Shelby like.
There, at the top of the stairs was Grace, rushing down, "Thomas I need to tell you something!"
Thomas sighed. Poker face back on. He said nothing.
"Uhm. I should go. Ms. P is probably waiting for me..." His Bonny scuttled off before he could stop her.
Grace only glared at the girl until she rounded the corner, out of the back way of the Garrison as to avoid the very prevalent Peaky Blinders in the hub of the Garrison.
"What do you need, Grace?" Thomas pinched his nose.
Now the day has properly begun.
Ahhh this chapter is very short, sorry!
It's still very important for the sake of friendship enrichment and all that!
"ai fi crezut că vorbesc cu un zid de cărămidă" = you would have thought I was talking to a brick wall.
"oh fi liniștit! sunt aproape terminat"
= oh be quiet. I'm almost done.
Thanks for the love.
Feedback and comments are welcome.
See ya next time!
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Billy, Steve, and Jonathan || They Give You Their Jacket ||
~ just a quick little thing before I head off to bed (or at least try to sleep, I'm pretty sick so I'll probably drift off fast). I hope it's cute! ~
Warning: fluff on Billy and Steve's, but Jonathan's has angst. I suck at angst, but it turns fluffy, so I hope it's sweet!
"It's so pretty out, it's clear enough to see all the stars." I smiled lightly down at the girl beside me as she spoke, pulling her in close with my arm wrapped around her shoulders
"Yeah, I guess it's cool." I replied, leaning my head against hers and letting out a visible puff of air. It was quite chilly out, so it was no surprise.
"I wish we could stay out here all night." [name] said wistfully, and I nuzzled my cheek into her head a bit. I wanted that too.
"I know, but we can't. I gotta get home before it's really late, and if I keep you out, your parents will kill me." She giggled a bit and my heart warmed. Before either of us could speak, [name]'s body was racked with little shivers. Worried, I slid my jean jacket from my body, securing it over her smaller form instead.
"You're going to get sick, where's your jacket?" She gave me a sheepish smile.
"I kinda forgot it...but it wasn't my fault!" She added quickly. "I woke up a bit late this morning and was rushing around so I wouldn't be late. I didn't have time to grab it, and I haven't been home." She explained. I chuckled a bit.
"It's fine baby doll, I don't mind you wearing mine, it's cute on you." I winked and she blushed, burying herself into my chest to hide her red face. I laughed a bit louder, the deep sound vibrating my chest.
"Hey Billy? I'm happy." She mumbled. "I know you risk a lot by bringing me out, but it means so much to me. I love you." My breath hitched.
"I love you too angel." I said back without hesitation, my voice matching hers in volume. She grinned up at me, brushing our lips together before cuddling closer to me and falling asleep. I ran my hand through her hair, the other supporting her back and stroking it to soothe her.
And as I watched her, I knew I could never be happier.
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"Hey Steve, you coming to the party tonight?" Looking up I saw a guy who I hardly ever talked to. I shrugged at him.
"I don't know man, I have plans." And I did. I was taking [name] for our Friday ice cream date. We went every week, and I wouldn't miss it for the world.
"You're so boring nowadays." He replied before walking off. I rolled my eyes, but smiled when I saw the one person I really wanted to talk to.
"Hey sweetheart, how's your day been so far?" I asked, coming up behind [name] at her locker to scoop her into my arms and spin her around a bit, before letting her feet touch the floor and bear hugging her. She giggled all the while and I spun her to face me.
"It's been really good! I aced a few tests, and got my essay done." She told me as I played with her hair. I smiled down at her, kissing her forehead.
"I'm glad! Are we still on for tonight?" I asked and she nodded.
"Of course!" I chuckled.
School had finished, and I was waiting at my car for [name] to come out so we could drop her stuff off and head to the ice cream parlor.
"Ah, sorry I'm a bit late, I had to finish a paper." [name] apologised as she walked up. I shook my head, kissing her softly before replying.
"No worries, you aren't too late." I reassured and opened the car door for her, closing it behind her and going to my side. "Are you ready for ice cream?" I asked.
"Always!" She cheered and my heart soared.
After we dropped her stuff off at her house, we arrived at the parlor.
"Get whatever you want baby, I'm paying." I murmured to her, watching her face light up looking at the different choices. I knew she'd probably get something she usually did, but the fact that she was so happy made me glad.
"I'm paying next time, okay?" She asked.
"Sure, whatever you want." That was a lie. I knew I was going to pay again next week, that was one of the things I loved about our date night. I got to spoil her.
"Thank you, Stevie." She kissed my cheek, getting on her tiptoes to reach. She was adorable.
"Of course honey. Do you know what you want?" She told me and we ordered, sitting down with our cold treats and talking, laughing, and joking around. It was all fun, until she shivered.
"[name]? Are you okay?" I asked. She giggled.
"Yup! Just a bit chilly from the ice cream." I chuckled and slid off my light jacket, passing it to her. Without hesitation she put it on, smiling happily.
"Why are you so happy?" I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me good naturedly.
"You're jacket is the best." She answered simply and I leaned over to kiss her nose.
"I love you." I told her.
"I love you more, Stevie boy." She replied.
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"[name], baby, I need you to look at me." I muttered, cupping [name]'s tear stained face carefully.
"Jonathan?" Her voice was timid and when she opened her normally clear eyes, they were dull with tears and fear. I felt my heart crumble at how lost she looked.
"I'm here, I'm right here." I reassured, sliding my hands from her face to her back, pressing her tightly into me to soothe her.
"Is that thing gone?" She asked. I kissed her head.
"I killed it, you're safe." She clutched the back of my shirt, her body pressed into mine with her arms inside my jacket, as she began violently shaking.
"We-you almost died...I thought I was going to die." She whimpered and I held her tighter, holding back my own tears. I wanted to calm her but I knew that would be hard after what happened.
We were hanging out in the park when we heard a strange noise. We decided to check it out, but we found a demodog. Luckily I always carried things to kill them, as I had delt with them before, but [name] hadn't and she was scared.
"Here, put this on okay?" I shrugged out of my jacket, gently passing it to her and holding her close once more after she put it on. It seemed to work at calming her, as she stopped shaking soon after, her breathing returning to normal. I pulled away, giving her a gentle smile.
"Let's go to my house, I'll make you hot chocolate and we can watch movies, okay? And I'll explain everything about what that thing was. Deal?" She nodded.
"Thank you Jonathan, I love you." I grinned at her, kissing her temple and standing, taking her into my arms bridal style and making sure she couldn't see the demodog.
"I love you too baby." And with one last smile, she was asleep in my arms.
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~ T A G L I S T ~
@speedmetalqueen @ravenrainy
(if you want to be in my tag list, feel free to ask!!!
~ i really liked writing these? They were longer than I planned, but eh, it was fun so idc. I hope you enjoyed, and requests are open, just shoot me an ask!!!!! Also, this blue really soothes me, so I think I'll start doing the A/N sections in blue if you guys don't mind! Love ya! ~
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disorganizedkitten · 5 years
Hey I'll take you up on that offer in the tags of the short story where adrien originally didn't care to apologize a little happiness will heal my heart
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We all want her to be happy 
Well, let me introduce you to Paper Lanterns! AKA, the one with a better ending. Or Silk Lanterns, I haven’t decided.
Marinette had forgotten her notebook in her classroom. Or, she hoped she had. She had bolted once the bell rung, and then not noticed it was missing. She hoped it hadn’t actually been stolen by Lila or Chloe.
She paused when she spotted Adrien and Nino through the windows. She braced herself and neared the door. Hopefully Nino would be too focused on Adrien to notice she had come back.
“Sorry I pushed you to apologize to Marinette at the start of the year, Dude, I really thought it’d be better for you if you were on good terms with her. If I had known she was this mean, I wouldn’t have even suggested it.”
Marinette froze. What was Nino saying? Lila had driven a stake between them, yeah, but was he telling Adrien that becoming her friend was a mistake? No. Nonononononono she couldn’t lose him too.
Adrien made a noncommital noise.
“I guess you were right at the start of the year when you didn’t want anything to do with her.”
“I didn’t say I didn’t want anything to do with her,” Adrien replied. “And she’s been a good friend since! Excluding the Lila thing.”
“Eh, that’s just because she likes you.” Nino answered. “She duped you just like the rest of us.”
Marinette wanted him to defend her. Heck, she wanted to dash in there and defend herself, but her feet couldn’t move.
And then her heart shattered.
One word, one agreement from Adrien, and she suddenly felt like she was drowning. He said okay. He didn’t defend her, not even weakly.
“I guess she does have her moments of acting unacceptably.”
She was suddenly able to move again, but she ran the wrong way. She didn’t care about the notebook. Not anymore. She just had to get out.
He had said he was on her side. He had said he had her back. That they could get through it together. He was the only one who had even listened in any semblance. And he just…. Abandoned her. Stabbed her in the back himself.
A part of her said he might have just said it to appease Nino, but that hopeful piece was squashed by tears a moment later. She ran right past her house, because that wasn’t far enough away from school for her to be okay. She didn’t slow down until she reached the 13th arrondissement. She stumbled into a crowd, where there was enough people surrounding her to force into reality.
She needed to do something other than dwell on this. She was already on the verge of a breakdown, but she couldn’t. She didn’t have that luxury. She looked around, barely breathing to combat the previously erratic breaths. There was a craft shop to her right that had a window display of paper lanterns. They looked intricate enough to distract her.
Marinette scrubbed her eyes before she walked in, and after greeting the girl behind the counter, tried to only focus on the lanterns. They really did look wonderful. She picked one up off the shelf. Huh, it was made of silk, not paper. How had she not seen that earl-
“Severed ties, you have been abandoned by those who claimed to be your-”
Marinette dropped the lantern and jumped back. No. No she was not going to- No.
“Mlle, are you okay?” The woman from the register was beside her now, but Marinette’s vision was going purple as Hawkmoth kept on with his speech.
“He’s in my head.” She said shakily.
“Who- oh.” the cashier seemed to catch on. “Hey, hey, look at me. Whatever he’s saying it won’t stick. Do you know what the object is?”
Marinette shook her head, trying to force him out of her head.
“I’m going to try the lantern you just had, alright?”
Marinette might have nodded. She might have shook her head. She might have just stood there shaking. Whatever she did, the cashier broke the string off the lantern. It must have been enough to count, because the fog started to dissipate. Marinette’s mind cleared in time to see the black butterfly get a hand closed over it.
The cashier turned to her. “Are you okay?”
Marinette nodded, then shook her head. “I don’t know. Thank you.”
She smiled kindly. “No problem. What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Marie-Chen Long.”
“Nice to meet you,” Marinette managed. She was numb. Why was she numb?
“Honey, you look like you’re in mild shock. Come sit down while I dispose of this akuma and grab something to fix the lantern.” Marie-Chen lead her behind the counter, and vanished.
Marinette just sat there. She’d almost been akumatized before, but the akuma had never touched her. Hawkmoth had never been in her head before. She felt slimy and sick. She felt Tikki’s paws on her cheek. “I’ve got you,” the kwami whispered, kissing her nose. “I promise, I care. Your feelings are valid.” it wasn’t until Tikki had wiped her cheek another few times that she realized Tikki was wiping away tears. When had she started crying again?
“She’s coming back,” Tikki whispered, kissing Marinette’s nose again before vanishing into her purse. “Marinette?” Marie-Chen asked, stepping back into Marinette’s line of sight.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked, sitting down in the chair beside Marinette.
She almost shook her head, she tried to, but then the words were bubbling out of Marinette’s mouth before she could stop them. “He said we were in it together, he said he was my friend. He- he- he didn’t even want to be my friend in the first place. He believes the lies just as much as the others.”
“Oh honey..” Marie-Chen probably couldn’t understand much of the situation, but Marinette couldn’t explain any better right now. “Can I hug you?”
Marinette nodded, and Marie-Chen pulled her into a side hug. “I’m so sorry.”
They stayed there until Marinette was more stable, and then Marinette managed to apologize for causing the necessity of breaking the lantern. “It was beautiful, really.”
Marie-Chen smiled. “I can replace the string easily, don’t worry about it.”
Marinette smiled weakly back. “They’re all beautiful, really. I wish I knew how to make them like this.”
“Well, we are looking for another part timer. I’d love to teach you.”
Marinette perked up. “Really?”
“Of course!”
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