#then see if I can finish the 15th this afternoon...
TW: imprisonment, injury
Cellbit wakes to a blindfold, and chains around his wrists. On instinct he throws his weight forwards, only to find his ankles also chained, and nothing giving way. The chains are very short, pinning him against a cold, uneven wall.
He tries again, there's a crack in one of his wrists, and maybe he should stop that.
It might be broken, he isn't sure, but the pain is sharp and the cuffs leave no room for him to check. Not that it likely matters; he can't use it anyway.
His arms are chained too close and too high to reach his face, so the blindfold is staying on...
So, what else?
Panic is not an option; it's not the first time, and it's unlikely to be the last.
What does he know? He needs to focus, take measure, work it out.
The wall at his back is uneven. Cheap, concrete bricks. Large, too. The sort of big grey ones you use to build quickly with the intent to paint over, or to use in hidden places, but these are not painted. He doesn't think. With a little twisting he can rub a thumb against it - correct, unpainted. Just bare concrete bricks. Like a shitty, cheap basement.
His thumb also catches the edge of a metal plate, probably where the chain is attached. It's sharp, unfinished - iron joins iron as his thumb bleeds.
Bleeding thumb.
Cellbit concentrates on that a second, before trying something else.
What can he smell? Blood, iron, dust and damp. It's cold - it smells colder than it feels, somehow.
Anything else? He doesn't think so.
Listening, listening... There's a water pipe nearby, he can hear that. Someone elsewhere seems to be running a tap. Probably a hot one? He thinks he can hear a boiler too, though it's a little indistinct. He cannot hear redstone, or screaming, and he cannot smell rotten flesh, so at least the chance of torture is minimal.
Can he remember how he got here?
After a few moments of consideration Cellbit realises no, he cannot. Last he remembers is that he had been working in one of the Order offices. There's definitely a lump on his head and a splitting headache, though, so he thinks he can guess.
What else, what else...
He remembers a voice which said "good morning" and then "follow me".
A door opens, a door shuts. The doors are heavy, metal. The walls shake when they slam.
Footsteps are even, calm, purposeful - his captor, then.
Sure enough, sure enough, the footsteps stop at his door. Again something heavy opens.
This time, it does not close.
"Good morning," says a very familiar, robotic voice. "You have committed an illegal act."
Cellbit cannot help it - he laughs. An illegal act? That's all the stupid bear has to say to him? There's the sound of pen on paper, but blindfolded as he is he cannot read - not even take the book given the chains holding his hands fast.
The pen noises end, and Cellbit gets himself under control.
"Please read the book."
"How?" he asks, laughter creeping up again. "How do you want me to read, Cucurucho? I cannot even see!"
Up above, there is the sound of more footsteps. Three, maybe four, pairs. Faster, uneven, in short bursts and rapid. They're quiet, too - people sneaking.
There's a gunshot and a yell and Cellbit hides them both in manic laughter.
Insistence does not change the fact Cellbit cannot see.
"How?" Cellbit asks.
"Why?" Cucurucho responds.
"Why what?"
"You have committed and illegal act. Why?"
"Maybe because you kidnapped me and my friends, trapped us on this island, and now make a habit of torturing us and murdering the children you gave us?" he replies, still not sure /which/ act he's being accused of.
Cellbit goes to answer, and hears another door slam open, and then shut. The quick footsteps are louder now - only two pairs this time, rapid movement towards the cell.
Upstairs, the other two pairs keep darting around.
Somewhere, an alarm goes off.
"What are you doing?"
The sound of stabbing, the jangle of keys, and then light footsteps are running while heavy ones chase and a gun keeps firing.
The other member of the pair slips into the cell, quieter.
They say nothing, but the keys jangle slightly.
One in each ankle, one in each hand.
The cuffs give way. Cellbit should remove the blindfold, but he cradles the broken wrist instead.
"Can you run?" a voice whispers.
Cellbit tries to walk, and stumbles, head spinning. He didn't realise he could see some light through the blindfold until his vision truly blacks out for a moment.
An arm catches him, guides him safely to sit.
"Shit, okay," a pause, a splash of a potion - it helps the sting, but not the wounds. "The others are running distraction, so we need to be quick. Can I carry you?"
Carefully he nods; Cellbit doesn't like the idea, but he doesn't have a better one.
One arm under his legs, and one behind his back, he's scooped up. No sooner is he safe in a friend's arms than he reaches up and tears the blindfold off.
Light hurts. He shuts his eyes. But at least this time, the darkness is his choice.
Cold turns to warm, damp turns to chemical, and then - finally - to fresh air.
He's out, now, and in the arms of someone he can't quite pinpoint but who must be a friend. His head wound smarts, his broken wrist hurts, he breathes deep and smells a flower field and with the sensation of a warp lets himself drift away.
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ririya-translates · 4 months
Soshiro Yonaga's Story
For his birthday on May 15th, I translated Sou's pre-release short story (original) written by Shin Towada (lead scenario writer) with concept art by the artist Lownine. No real spoilers as it takes place before the newcomers' performance as usual. I opted to keep some honorifics in this one between Sou and Kisa just because I couldn't find a good solution around that in the time I had for this. Hopefully it doesn't read too out of place.
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That day we shared a dream together, and even now I'm still in it. --Where is this? His field of vision opens abruptly. Warm rays of sunlight fall gently at his feet. Unable to grasp the situation, he looks around at his surroundings. A single torii gate beckons him. Beyond the gate lies a sleepy shrine nodding off to sleep. Memories come to Soshiro Yonaga's mind at the sight of it. "Sou-chan!" As soon as he connects this place to his memories, he hears the voice of a child ring out. Yonaga's body jumps inside as it takes in the sound of that affectionate nickname again. Reliving it in his mind, he sees three kids racing towards him. The one running in the lead is a wide-eyed adorable girl. And right behind her is a boy a couple years older. A boy with a refined beauty who quite resembles the girl. Trailing behind them is the sort of typical boy you'd find anywhere, running with all his might. --That's me. Yonaga instinctively takes in a breath. And with that breath comes a deep understanding. This is a dream. He's watching a dream of the distant past. "Sou-chan! C'mon hurry up, let's play pretend!" The girl takes the young Yonaga's hand. --…chan Yonaga calls out the girl's name, but the voice does not come out. The kids pass him by, dashing through the gate towards the shrine. --Hey, wait…! Trying to chase after them, Yonaga also passes through the torii gate. The moment he does, the figures of the three kids go dim, as if being mocked by his own mind. Not just the kids, but the gate, the shrine, even Yonaga himself starts to disappear. "Okay, you play the lead today Sou-chan!" The only thing left is the children's playful voices. --Wait. "Please, wait!!" Yonaga shouts. He realizes he's in bed with his hand stretched up into the air like in the beginning of a story. "Ah…" Light shines through a crack in the curtain. Vrr, vrr--his morning phone alarm urges him out of bed. It's morning. "Ugh…" He rubs his eyes to avoid facing it, feeling a bit embarrassed about his hand stretched towards the empty air. He's at Univeil Drama School as one of the new first-years of the Quartz class. "I've gotta get out of bed." Another day begins.
He sluggishly finishes getting ready, shoves down some breakfast from the dorm cafeteria, and then heads off to school a little late. "Um…." At Univeil, the mornings consist of rigorous study of a wide variety of topics pertaining to theatre under the expert faculty. Students are permitted to choose their own courses, meaning that those in the same class wouldn't all study the same subjects. Knowing this, Yonaga scans the classroom thoroughly. (Ah…) There's a student of short stature with a delicate frame who demonstrates a strength of will like no one else. It's the same person from the dream, the childhood friend he used to play pretend with. And now they're assigned to the same class in the same grade. "Morn-" "Class is starting now" Unfortunately the teacher appears before he can hardly open his mouth. Despite his interest being on his friend, the class mercilessly continues. He rushes in to take his seat, stealing one last glimpse before focusing on the lesson. After the morning lessons crammed full of new things to learn, time moves into the afternoon. Quartz class rehearsals start from this point onwards. Students from all years gather in the rehearsal room. They're practicing for the newcomers' performance planned for the end of May. "Okay, okaaay, now let's run through everything again so far!" (Neji) As a place that recognizes independence, Univeil Drama School has come to revolve around its performances and students. Kokuto Neji is the class leader directing Quartz. He's a genius, handling everything from the scripts to the stage. "All you older students, watch the first-years carefully to help them out." Neji energetically gives out directions. "Okay then, all the Jeannes come over here," says Quartz's Al Jeanne, Sarafumi Takashina, as he steps forward. He always acts friendly towards everyone, but the overwhelmingly brilliant flowering aura he radiates makes Yonaga nervous just standing next to him. And Fumi isn't the only one like this. There's also Kai Mutsumi, the Jack Ace with a diligent expression who leads the Jacks, and Mitsuki Shirota, the tresor who gives out his opinions on songs without an ounce of intimidation from Neji. And then there's Neji who brings everyone together to propel them further and further forward. Just these people alone make quite the impression. Yonaga's anxiety reaches a point where he questions if it's even okay for someone like him to be standing here right now. And he seems far from the only new student feeling the pressure.
"…Okay everyooone, let's take a break!" The second after hearing Neji's order, the first-years collapse to sit down with worn-out expressions. Yonaga also takes in a big breath as if trying to quench a dry throat. But there's a few in the group acting differently. "Hey, Orimaki's dancing with someone." Suzu Orimaki. Yonaga instinctively searches the room for a certain person. The noisy pounding in his chest gives him a feeling of who it might be. (Ah…) The one facing Suzu as a dance partner is Yonaga's same childhood friend. Suzu likely asked her so they could try out what they had practiced in rehearsal. She-- That's right, she's a girl. His female childhood friend is here at Univeil, the school where boys play all the male and female roles. She enrolled at the all-boys school while hiding her gender. "All right, let's do it!" "Yeah!" She and Suzu exchange words then she takes his hand to begin the dance. The two of them have no stage experience so there's a lot of rough patches. Yet even so, there's something about them that captures people's attention. "Hmm, these two stand out." As their class lead, Neji watches the pair with great interest whilst muttering to himself. Fumi standing next to him agrees and says, "They sure do. I haven't had a chance to see Orimaki dance yet, but he really stands out in whatever he does. Doesn't he, Kai?" "…It's because the other one is so good at supporting him." Kai's eyes focus on the girl dancing with Suzu.
"That's typically a Jack's role," Shirota grumbles with an exasperated expression. Still, the third-years seem to have come to a consensus. "Well…the two of them do have good chemistry though." These words stab Yonaga deep in the chest. They're sharp at first before turning into a dull lasting ache. (I need some water.) Giving himself an excuse to leave the practice room, he starts chugging water like it's his job. But no matter how much he drinks, it's never enough to quench the thirst.
Practice continues as the sun quietly sets and the lights on the school grounds are lit. Neji finally declares that practice is over. The trio of Yonaga, Suzu, and the childhood friend all leave the practice room together. "Whew, I'm beat!" Despite his words, Suzu still seems full of energy. A single nod takes everything for Yonaga to muster, both his legs and his eyelids feeling heavy. "But the upperclassmen are amazing, aren't they?" Suzu says while thinking back on their practice. "The perfect way they sing, dance, and act…and them guiding us. When I see that sorta thing I think…." Suzu's face becomes suddenly determined. "I think there's no way we can lose!" Suzu's burning excitement chills Yonaga's body to the point of shivering. This guy just started here on the same day, at the same time, and should have the same amount of experience yet he seems to live in an entirely different world. Yonaga reflexively steals another glance at his childhood friend. She has a gentle expression as she listens intently to Suzu. He doesn't know what she's thinking but she's definitely in this other world too. He thinks back on the dream he had today. That distant memory where he once stood by her side in the story's lead role. The girl walking by his side now is still living within that dream. "…Sou-chan, what's wrong?" She asks after seeing Yonaga's expression fade and go silent. "Oh, you all right? Practice sure was tough today huh?" Suzu turns his head and looks at Yonaga with concern. "Oh uh, I-I'm okay! I'm just hungry, that's all." "Yeah I feel ya." Their conversation continues meandering along. It's more comfortable like this. As he listens to Suzu talk, Yonaga looks at his friend in a way that's become a habit. "….!" And as he does, their eyes meet. Perhaps she's still feeling concern for Yonaga. He manufactures a smile to try to hide it. Then questions if he's doing it right.
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
Primrose Gray’s Legacy, Act One: The Younger Years, Chapter Five: Kissed
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A/N: With the house to myself and all the afternoon as well, and with finals nearing every day, I have decided to finish this chapter!! This chapter was one of the cutest things I ever wrote and many things were taken from this small one-shot I wrote a while ago. 
Summary: Primrose wishes to explore more of her girlhood, but this time, she asks a close friend for it. 
OCs featured: Henry of Alderly ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) Beatrice Gwynn (me) William Devlin ( @unfortunate-arrow​ ) 
OCs mentioned: Emmeline Falcon (me) Abraham Alden ( @cursed-herbalist​ ) Estelle Stolberg-Burke (Gryff) Phineas Falcon & Annabel Cifuentes (me as well) Siobhan Llewellyn ( @kc-and-co​ ) 
Warnings: None, pure fluff and childish awkwardness! 
Word Count: 1.9k 
Taglist: @gaygryffindorgal​ @nicos-oc-hell​ @slytherindisaster​ @camillejeaneshphm​ @hphmmatthewluther​ @catohphm​ @thatravenpuffwitch​ @magicallymalted​ 
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15th of January, 1892
Primrose had adjusted to Hogwarts quickly, and had missed it over winter break, and had very much looked forward coming back. Over the break, many couples from her father’s peers had come over, and had overheard the older ladies giggle about kissable guys. Primrose had been thinking about it, and many had agreed most of them had kissed their much older and stinky husband on their wedding day, in front of everybody. It was everywhere. And the thought of it nauseated her. Poor William of course, wasn’t a bad option, but she longed to have it like in the novels she had begun reading behind her mother’s back: she wanted it to be with someone she trusted and was fond of enough.
She had debated all the way back who could it be: she didn’t know Malcolm enough to ask such a thing, and saw her male friends as brothers. The moment Henry approached her, looking like he was running away from something, it struck her.
“Primrose,” he breathed “please take me out of here before the gossip girls find me!”
“I’ll need something in return,”
“Deal,” Then, she grabbed his hand and they both started running away, upstairs, and entered a small and deserted hall with few to no paintings, most of them dormant. Good. They both gasped and looked at one another.
“Thank God,” Henry breathed “if one of them asked me one more time about me being a prince, I would’ve snapped.”
“I know the feeling. They look at me like I’m some prize to be won. It’s disgusting.”
They both sat in comfortable silence, catching their breath and looked at one another. Could she really be that cold and ask him for such a thing?
“So, you’ve rescued me.”
“U—uh, I don’t want anything for now, but...”
Henry squeezed her hand “If you need something, you just need to ask.”
Primrose smiled. There was absolutely no pressure in having her first kiss just yet. She was just eleven, for heaven’s sake!
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Primrose knocked on William’s door and he was surprised to see him. She managed a smile for him and fidgeted with her small fingers.
“Can I help you?”
“I want to… discuss something.”
He nodded curtly “Please, sit.”
She sat on the edge of the bed and thought for one moment how tell him that “I confess I do not know where to begin.”
“The beginning, I suppose.”
“Alright,” she breathed “I can do that. Ahem. I do not know if you’ve thought of that, but I have.”
“Of what?”
Primrose blushed “Well, uh… being attracted to someone… Kissing someone even.” When she saw his alarmed face, she quickly put his racing thoughts to rest “Do not fret, I do not feel that way towards you. Or anybody, but… I mean no offence, but I do not like the idea of you being my first kiss on my wedding day.”
“None taken,” he waved.
“How would you feel if… before walking down the aisle I… with discretion, of course, was I to… see for myself what’s out there? So can you, by the way.”
William stood in silence for a moment before biting his lip “If that is what you want… I have no trouble. You’re free in my eyes. You don’t need to ask for my permission.”
“I’m not asking for permission,” she declared “I am consulting you. Because what we do as individuals affects us and our parents.”
He looked down “You have a point. Forgive me, my lady.”
“…How many times do I have to tell you that I am Prim to you?” She smiled.
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12th of February, 1893
If Primrose said she hadn’t noticed all kinds of couples kissing rather passionately in the halls and corners of the castle, she’d be lying. The sight rather made her blush, but those images were rather intriguing: the man’s hands on the woman’s hips, their lips together, something intimate and sacred about the touch and the yearning. Primrose knew that it’d be a long time before she even went through that, but having a knowledge of what to do was certainly wise. Beatrice had told her of her experience kissing the stable hand’s son: your whole body vibrates, your heart has never beat any faster and you look at their lips, the need growing stronger.
“But, of course,” she laughed “yer too young for that. A small peck couldn’t hurt.”
Primrose frowned “A peck?”
“Aye. When the lips touch for a second at least.”
Primrose nodded. Right, a peck. That seemed rather easy. A small brush.
“May I ask why yer asking, m’lady? Anyone picked your fancy? Or you’re tryin’ to like your fiancé better?”
“No, I just… I want to have a saying on my first times. Just in a few things. If I can’t pick my groom, I deserve to pick something else.”
Beatrice nodded “I understand. Every woman should, though. But alas, tis still verra much a man’s world.”
“Poor girls have it so easy. I wish I had your freedom, Bea.”
Beatrice chuckled bitterly “Once the cold, hunger and hard work settles in yer bones, you’ll change your mind, ma’am.”
“Please, call me Primrose. I want to enjoy being away from scrutiny as much as I can.”
“Alright, Prim,” Beatrice winked “anyone in mind for yer first experience as a girl?”
She bit her lip and nodded towards Henry, who marvelled at the moving painting of Helga Hufflepuff. Beatrice giggled “A choicest election indeed. Many dream of kissin’ a prince. You get to do so.”
Primrose sighed “If he accepts.”
“Only a fool would refuse Primrose Gray’s kiss.”
Primrose took a nervous breath “I hope you’re right, and that you’re not appealing to my vanity in vain.”
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The next morning
Primrose had wondered all night how she’d do this. Having devoured most of the romance books of the library and the ones she brought from Winbourne, she knew well that one thing was the experience of the writers who were much older than her (or dead) and then there was practise.
Henry himself appeared before she could be swallowed into a trance of her thoughts “I was wondering if you’d like to prank Headmaster Black.”
Primrose frowned “Whyever would we do such a thing?”
“Because he’s been awful to us for not belonging to high society and he’s been talking about your mother. Something about ‘impotence and inability’ to have a child.”
“That oaf said what?!” She cried.
Henry placed a careful hand to her mouth and looked around. Then, he pulled her out of sight and whispered “I am as angry as you are. You know I’m fond of your lady mother. That is why we’re going to vindicate her.”
Primrose looked at Henry in his eyes “Tell me what you’ve got.”
A few minutes later, Primrose had tempered with Headmaster Black’s tea, putting all kinds of spices and Henry tempered with his breakfast pastries. Their friend Lord Alden had helped, for he had tempered with his breakfast many times and he and Miss Falcon would take the blame, as usual.
Primrose and Henry sat down, observing once in a while Black’s reaction. When Black started coughing and wheezing at his way-too-spicy tea, he sought to calm it down with pastries. He was relieved… until he stiffened and his eyes got wide.
“Falcon! Alden! Detention!”
Abraham and Emmeline laughed, both starting to run as fast as lighting while Henry and Primrose looked innocent. Henry winked from his seat of Hufflepuff and Primrose stiffened a laugh. Her friend Siobhan’s eyebrows shoot up “Was that all you, Prim?”
“I had help.” The lady smiled.
However, Professor Cifuentes looked at them suspiciously and Primrose signalled Henry to flee. He was quick to do so.
Primrose and Henry walked on the Hogwarts grounds, giggling and reminiscing over the prank they pulled. Primrose still had the same thoughts, and Henry, having shared their lives, noticed this well enough to ask “Are you alright, Prim? You seem to have your head elsewhere…”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I just…” She guessed this was it. Better to take out the elephant in the room “Well, may I ask you something personal?” Henry nodded “Have you… ever thought of your first kiss?”
The boy suddenly stopped walking and looked at the lady with wide eyes, starting to stutter out a response before he finally found the words “Not… not much? I suppose I have other things in mind.”
Primrose sighed “Mama did tell me that boys and girls regard that event differently, but again, you are no mere boy.”
Henry looked at his friend quizzically “Do you have someone in mind? Your fiancé, perhaps?”
It was Primrose’s turn to stop on her tracks and look bewildered at Henry “Good Heavens, no! He might be nice-looking, but it’s not him.”
He cocked his head to one side “Who, then?”
Primrose went red and whispered “I was actually thinking of you…”
“Me?!” He cried, startling some students chatting in the courtyard. He was quick to turn red as well and quickly took her arm and went to one corner of the courtyard “May, uh, may I ask why me, of all eligible people?”
Taking a deep breath, she looked at him in the eyes “Because you’re the only man I fully trust with such matter. The others are too old, gross of boyish with it. And… I feel safe with the idea.”
Henry softened “That is sweet on your part. Uh, must it be…?”
“Whenever you feel ready.”
He nodded “Good.”
For the next twenty minutes, they walked in awkward and tense silence, aimlessly touring the unseen corners of the castle, going up and up until they found a corridor that was deserted of anything. They sat, both slightly shaking with nerves and excitement.
Henry was the one to break the ice “And, ah, do you know what we do now?”
Primrose flushed bashfully “I have read about it and… observed the couples.” She swallowed a big lump and looked at him “First, we need to come closer…”
They both instantly got close, their hands touching, their eyes on the other’s lips “And then…?”
“We both swivel our heads like this… you go left, Henry.” He chuckled nervously at their heads bumping slightly and Primrose had to swallow a giggle not to break the ambiance. When their noses touched, remembering what she had seen and read, Primrose softly cupped his cheek in her hand and whispered so low that he shouldn’t be able to hear it “Close your eyes.”
He did and she gently pressed her lips to his. Her heart threatened to spill out and she could taste his breakfast and cologne. As soon as it began, it was over and they both smiled “That… was actually nice.”
Primrose pressed a napkin to her slightly wet lips “It truly was. Here.”
After a few minutes taking in this new experience, they realised they’d be late to Care of Magical Creatures and both sprinted there, exchanging looks between them.
“Forgive us, Professor Falcon.”
The man looked between the lady and the prince and raised his eyebrows, chuckling “It’s alright, you’re right on time.”
Suspecting that he suspected something, they both focused on the class, and Estelle asked her why her lips were swollen. Primrose blushed completely and carried on her activities. Smiling to herself, she picked a wild flower off the field and gave it to Henry with a ‘Thank you for today’ note. She’d treasure this moment for a long while, indeed.
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Today was my birthday. I would have gone out somewhere to eat if it weren't for the terribly polluted air. It was rotten a year ago, but things have only gotten worse. (No thanks to those wildfires earlier in July.) I'm sick of this unbreathable air, and the only birthday present I really want is for the air to become clean again.
I was finally able to redesign certain characters. The new designs are far from finished. So you'll have to wait to see which characters got the facelift they needed.
While playing Pokémon Violet, I battled against a few people online and tried to earn marks for some of my newer Pokémon.
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If he's that big, why didn't you give him a Jumbo Mark?
After I failed to give my Pokémon any marks, I went to the Pokémon Center to see Nurse Joy congratulate me on my birthday.
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The banner was a nice touch.
After studying for a bit, I returned to Pokémon Violet to catch a Pokémon with a Destiny Mark. There were a lot of great candidates. But I eventually chose a Tinkatink.
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She's not shiny. But she's good enough for me.
Aside from all the gifts I received yesterday, one of my later ones was a ticket to Kitakami.
Later in the afternoon, I first went to Pokémon HOME to update Umbre's moveset after I heard that Umbreon was able to learn Toxic again. Thankfully, Umbre already knew that move, so I helped him remember it.
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Now he can actually stand a chance against Paldea's worst.
I got caught up in battling others with my newly improved Pokémon. It wasn't until after my second match that I remembered to dash off to Uva Academy.
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I wouldn't say it was THAT soon. I've only been in this country for half a year.
Jacq tells me that going to Kitakami will allow me to see new Pokémon (who aren't that new as I've already seen them all before) and that I should have fun with it. Another thing he told me was that he already got my mom's permission to come along.
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How they never told me about this, I have no idea.
Also, Blueberry Academy has roots in Unova.
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There's also a lot of Unova Pokémon in Kitakami too. If that's not a hint at remakes for Black and White, I don't know what is.
Briar presents herself as the descendant of the Violet Book author and shares the completed versions of the pages we saw in Professor Turo's research facilities, proving that my hypothesis was correct.
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Sadly, we won't get to see Terapogos for another few months.
Before I knew it, I was finally in Kitakami County.
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And I've already made some progress on the new Pokédex. (I'll fill it up some more later.)
Not all was well in this country, as this one girl didn't want me on her turf.
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Naturally, I taught her a lesson through a Pokémon battle. (While also learning that, yes, Poltchageist is part-Grass.)
Like every other rival, she acted like a sore loser.
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But then again, I was the one who had 5 Pokémon that were at a higher level than hers.
Sometime after I was settled in at the community center, I was given my first assignment while learning abroad.
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I wanted to get to the first one. But I was too busy exploring the town for treasure.
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This might be the most unenthusiastic Joy I've ever seen. She's like one of those people who act poorly while on the job because they're stuck with it and have nowhere better to look for a paycheck. Which would be reasonable if this weren't a Pokémon Center.
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At least she has the courtesy to stay off her cell phone while operating the machine. Speaking of which...
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Why didn't they have a feature like this from the beginning? The TM Machine also had new TMs available for creation. But I didn't need them at the moment.
I eventually met this woman named Perrin.
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I was going to wonder why someone like her has a Hisuian Growlithe. But considering everyone else fights with Ursaluna and Hisuian Arcanine, I'm just going to forget it and move on.
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I'm more careful in real life.
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A goal I'm sure will probably take months to complete. (If I didn't have any of those Pokémon in other games.)
I was worried about my performance in school. But my friends told me I was doing a great job and I needed to calm down. I didn't have any school today, which meant I could focus on celebrating the 5th anniversary of Pokémon Pocket Web Comics before getting some sleep.
The air was getting a bit chilly today. It was the perfect sign fall was right around the corner. In a few days, all of my current problems will be no more. (For a while, anyway.)
In Pokémon Violet, I finally made my way to the first signboard. Surprisingly, despite only taking me two days to reach, Kieran didn't beat me to it.
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It's almost as if it could be a Pokémon.
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It's too bad I didn't get a badge for this photo. This screen feels incomplete without one.
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I'm hoping that Miraidon will learn a new technique soon. Also, I haven't heard Pokémon be referred to as Kaiju since the first games were still in development.
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askwillscarlet · 2 years
The Heroic End of Will Scarlet
November 14th-15th
CONTAINS TRIGGERS: death & violence mentioned/described
Will couldn’t figure out where his sudden anger and frustration came from. Was it the lack of answers from the police and FBI not putting an end to these heinous crimes? His own parents not believing he truly changed? Or a bit of both? If he put his curiosity about witchcraft to good use to bring enough evidence forward, he could give the authorities what they needed to finally put an end to this madness. Ana, however, discouraged this idea as they enjoyed dinner together. 
“What you’re saying is crazy! You know what those people are capable of and I don’t want my boyfriend to be their next victim. Don’t go out there, Will. Don’t go out alone. Please.”
“I have to help somehow. I just know the people at the compound are responsible for all this. If I can find what I need there to prove it, we won’t have to live in fear anymore.”
They argued in the kitchen only for Ana to burst into tears, and for the first time since their relationship began, Ana confessed how much she love him. 
“I love you. I don’t want to lose you. Don’t go.”
Will couldn’t remember the last time he heard those three words and his heart raced. How did he get so lucky to date someone who saw him as hero and not a thief? As someone who loved him for who he was and not who he used to be? Still, Will couldn’t let this go and not do the right thing, so he had every intention to find the evidence. As Will drove her home and walked her to the front door, Will reciprocated those words and departed from her with a kiss. Little did he know that was the last time he’d ever see the love of his life again. 
Back at his shared apartment with Booker, Will paced back and forth in his room with his third beer in hand as he tried to come up with a plan of action. It was half past nine when he finished writing a note for Booker and snuck out of the flat. Despite having second thoughts and having to overcome them, he somehow made it to the compound just as 10 o’clock hit in his drunken. There was no turning back now... 
After climbing the fence of the compound, Will was in shock to see how normal everything looked. “Who are these people?” He was in such a state of shock that he had let his guard down while walking closer to the sight before him. His first mistake was heading for the compound while not remaining vigilant was his second, and such a mistake would cost him his life. 
A mysterious stranger had approached him from behind and Will tried his best to defend himself. He was risking his life to try and save others. He was, after all, a firefighter and risked his life daily. He rebuked the idea of this being his demise knowing full well the odds were against him. He fought and while making one final attempt to call Ana on his cell phone, the mysterious stranger had overpowered him. 
All he could think about during his final moments was Ana as the stranger brought about a slow and painful death. When the afternoon of November 15th arrived, his body was finally discovered strung up with his arms and legs spread wide. A message was also carved into his chest that said ‘stay out’. 
Ana had told him how crazy he was and if he had just listened, perhaps the young Will Scarlet would still be alive. 
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f1 · 2 years
Vettel claims he was 'an easy target' in Mexico as Stroll says Aston Martin must understand 'dip in performance'
Aston Martin’s run of three consecutive top-10 finishes came to an end at the Mexico City Grand Prix as Sebastian Vettel and Lance Stroll crossed the line in 14th and 15th respectively, leaving both drivers reflecting on a tough weekend in Mexico. Both had made good starts to the race, with Vettel moving up two places to 14th by the end of Lap 1, a position he maintained until the first round of pit stops. The four-time world champion then pitted for the medium tyre after doing 38 laps on the softs. Vettel then began to make his way through the field but struggled towards the end of the race, with drivers on the softs tyre overtaking him – leaving him to finish the race in 14th. After the race, Vettel revealed why he felt he was an “easy target”. READ MORE: Vandoorne to join Aston Martin as test and reserve driver for 2023 season “Overall, we were just a little bit too slow today,” said Vettel. “At the start of the race, I could hold on to the cars in front of me, but then I was a bit unlucky to get tangled up with Yuki [Tsunoda]. His car was damaged, and he came back onto the track right in front of me [and] I lost too much time and was an easy target for the others. “The car did not feel too great, and the afternoon was a bit of a struggle, but luckily, we did not lose too much ground in the fight for sixth in the constructors’ championship.” ‘I was an easy target’ – Vettel says Aston Martin were simply too slow after P14 in Mexico Team mate Stroll made up the most places on Lap 1 – going from 20th to 15th – before becoming engaged in a battle with Pierre Gasly, which saw the AlphaTauri driver given a five-second penalty for forcing Stroll off the track. However, the Canadian didn't believe that incident had an impact on his race. “The start was great; it was definitely the highlight of the race,” said Stroll. “On the move with Pierre [Gasly], he braked late, passed me but did not give me any room. However, it would not have really changed our day if that had not happened. READ MORE: 6 Winners and 5 Losers from the Mexico City Grand Prix – Who left the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez on a high? “There were fun moments out there passing other cars, but we struggled a lot with our pace and the tyres. We will try to understand this dip in performance and see how we can make progress to maximise the final two races of the season.” Aston Martin now head to Brazil four points behind Alfa Romeo in the battle for sixth in the constructors’ standings. ‘We were struggling with tyres’ – Stroll keen to put ‘difficult’ Mexico City GP weekend behind him via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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yoonia · 2 months
3, 5, and 38 for the ask game :)
Forgive me for disappearing right after I dropped the ask game (rip). Thanks for sending in!
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Ooff haha I can't say if I have any specific ritual for writing. But whenever I'm on writing lockdown, I always make sure to have these three things: coffee (or any warm drink available as long as it's not tea), snacks, and music. Sometimes I'll need to listen to some music for a short while before I actually start writing just to get in the mood for it or catch the vibe I need to have to focus on the story. Depending on what time I'm planning to write: if I'm planning to write at night, I try to rest in the afternoon or after work and take a long nap so I can stay up all night. I think this is the part of my "ritual" that is cursed for me because I can't really control how long I'll be napping, especially when I'm writing after work or after a long project deadline and I'll end up getting more tired than I'm supposed to 😭 Another "cursed moment" would be when I pick the wrong type of music to listen to while I'm writing. The wrong music can either ruin my mood or send me to another inspiration train. Like the last time I sat down to finish Ever A Never After and played my smut writing playlist and then I ended up writing a pwp smut fic instead. fun times.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
I'm not sure if these are considered a superstitions, but I do keep up some habits that I've developed since I first starting writing and sharing my works. One, I try to post my fics on Monday (my time) and avoid publishing anything on Friday or the weekends. I don't have any superstitious reasons in general. At first it's only because some days fit my schedule the best and I'm a person who works better when I have a target or order set up for myself. But then it somehow grew to make me feel uneasy when I miss a posting day or if I'm posting at a different time of the week. Surprisingly, sometimes it does matter when I'm posting something. My fics rarely get a lot of traction when I post other than those two days, but maybe that's only in my head haha. Two, I often set up posting schedules for Patreon and releases for special occasions on Tumblr based on dates related to number 5 (on the 5th, 10th, 15th, and so on). I can't remember why I started doing this but I guess setting up habits do work a lot for me to stay focus.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
Lmao. Okay, so I've mentioned a few times on my writing tips & tricks posts that I don't always work in linear way and would often jump around between scenes. I know some others might do this a lot too so it might not sound weird, but there are three things that I do in my writing process whenever I get stuck on a scene or the fic in general. One, when I'm jumping around but still have no clear vision of the scene that is happening in some parts, I'll fill in that scene with dialogues. Sometimes it helps me picture what's going on, what the characters might be doing as they speak, their expressions, etc when I get the characters talking to each other. Oftentimes, I write the entire conversation from start to finish to get a scene done, and then I'll go back to add/insert the actions, expressions, some other details needed to help build the scene into something that people can see happening between then (idk if that makes sense? lol) Two, when I'm stuck in the middle, I'll often jump straight into the smut scene (when the fic needs one, or two, or more). I'm not sure why, but working on the smut scenes first often triggers my brain into filling in what events that would lead these characters into this situation. For short fics with smut, I often start from the actual smut scenes first before going back to write the events leading to it and other details needed to build the story. Three, is when I get stuck and I jump straight to the last line of the fic. One of the most helpful advice I've read about writing is that "your first line/sentence to open your story is important to gain your reader's interest." Well, in my case, writing the last line/closing line first often helps me set the tone of the story. As weird as it is, I've found this helpful a couple of times before. Although there was a time when I did this and that "last line" ended up turning into a whole epilogue (*coughs* In Motion *coughs*) so there's that haha
Additional note: learning from my own cats, I think they think of us as their silly, furless, clumsier, and maybe dumber companions. Just cats like them that walk on their two feet. That's why they never see us as their "master" lol
Ask game: Weird Questions for Writers
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A clean sheet.
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Before you pass on this, let me assure you this isn’t going to be about laundry, or why your bed needs attention.  Instead, my story begins with soccer, or better put everywhere but here, about football.  Why do we call it soccer?  Because in the U.S., football means something entirely different; just turn on the television any Sunday afternoon.  You’ll see.
This won’t take long.
I’m not much of a fan.  The women’s game I follow, given how awesome they are.  The men’s?  Not so much.  Even so, I was drawn to view the FX documentary series, Welcome to Wrexham, with me just finishing the 15th episode of the second season.  Out of respect for those still watching, I will forego spoilers.
I do, however, want to call your attention to a scene from episode nine of the second season. 
Three football journalists/commentators are speaking about the game when the subject of the goaltender’s role comes up.  One of the journalists says,
“Goalkeeper is the hardest position on the field [don’t they call it a “pitch” instead of a field?].  You can … You can make ten saves.  You make one mistake, you’re the villain here.”
He’s right of course.  Who else becomes the villain in similar situations?  Account people, except the “pitch” is the office and the competition isn’t an opponent; it’s with work that demands flawless execution, completed on time, on budget, on strategy.  You think being a goalkeeper is hard, try being an Account person.
An Account person could do 99 things right every day, but if there’s a mistake – a missed schedule, a budget screw-up, a failure to follow-up, you name it – that Account person is the one likely to take the blame, from colleagues, and most especially, from clients. 
The difference between a goalkeeper and an Account person is the keeper might miss one shot, maybe two or even three, but the team still can win the game.  An Account person, in contrast, lives in an environment where a single mistake, large or small, trivial or not, quickly can become a force multiplier, putting victory, however you choose to define it, in doubt. 
What’s worse is many mistakes are not even made by Account people; someone else -- Planners, Creatives, Media and Production folks, finance people, just about everyone in an agency -- might have a hand in them, or even own them. 
You might be thinking, “That doesn’t seem right, and it sure isn’t fair.”  I, however, with respect, think otherwise.
An Account person’s responsibility isn’t necessarily to prevent mistakes – ideal if you can, but pragmatically speaking, not likely with every account every day – but to mitigate them when they occur, as they surely will.  How?  By being quick to respond, thoughtful in suggesting possible solutions, fast to rectify what’s wrong, and certain in the assurance that a mistake made once won’t be a mistake made twice.
Goalkeepers are a team’s last line of defense; they succeed when they achieve what’s called a “clean sheet” --- “Ahh, now I get the title” --meaning a shutout, with no goals allowed.  They do their job well and it can save their team a victory.
Like goalkeepers, Account people are an agency’s last line of defense; they succeed when they achieve a clean sheet on an account, or close to it – incredibly hard, but not impossible -- so when the time comes, their job saves  colleagues from certain defeat.
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safereturndoubtful · 10 months
Meeting More Monks
Wednesday 15th November 2023
I expected a quiet day today, a chance to catch up on a bit of reading and a few other bits of administration. In the end, it was anything but quiet.
This village, Ambelakiotissa, more than most, suits a walking circuit, set as it is over a height difference of about 100 metres, and sprawled, if such a small place can do that, over quite an area.
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To begin with we walked up to the monastery. it wasn’t long until Roja picked up his usual entourage. The dogs here wear bells, roaming the streets, not exactly strays, fed and cared for as they are involved in hunting, but belong to no one household in particular.
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The clear morning got gradually cloudier as the day went on, but was a sensible temperature of the early teens.
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The monastery was founded in 1456, and is on the tourist trail more than many others because of the relics it holds; for example the icon of the Virgin Mary, a 1735 embroidered epitaph, the work of Mariora who was a renowned artisan from Constantinople, and the forearm of St Polycarp of Smyrna. The latter interested me most. Was it mummified? Or skeletal. It certainly appealed to my interests.
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We soon met a young monk, who told me there were four of them there throughout the year. They get a lot of visitors on Saturdays, but few in the rest of the week. They have a dormitory building for visitors who stay for purposes of meditation or retreat, which I was shown round.
On meeting monks; it’s noticeable how deep the conversation gets so quickly. Their questions are probing, and need careful thought before answering. In my experience so far, they stay away from faith, concentrating more on delving into one’s character. Such quandaries posed by someone from another walk of life most likely would be ignored, or provoke a humorous retort, but the costume and setting give a more serious air. In this case I was asked whether, as I was retired, I was content with all my accomplishments in life. Where was I going, not north south east west, but what I am driven by, and why.
In attempting answers I tried not to seem focused solely on Polycarp’s arm, and paid polite attention to the buildings and the various icons, and asked what I thought were appropriate questions at the right times, though much less profound than his.
But the monk was strangely silent when it came to the arm. Saint Polycarp, who lived between the years 69 and 155, was bishop of Smyma in Turkey, and is the patron saint of Nafpaktos. He is also patron saint of Earaches and Dysentery. Useful to know should you suffer from either. His arm, mummified and embossed in gold, was found in Constantinople in 1455, already 1300 years old, and brought to the monastery for safe-keeping when Constantinople fell in 1479. And here it has remained. The picture is from the internet, rather than one of my own..
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After the 40 minute distraction Roja and I continued our circuit down the hill to the west side of the village, then below to its nethermost reaches.
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Set on a spectacular projection with a perspective across the Kakkavou Gorge is Theo’s house (below). As I passed I shouted a greeting, to which he responded and we soon got chatting. He has built the house completely by himself over the last ten years, and is almost finished. Work has been slow, as he only retired from work as an electronic engineer two years ago, before then of course, time was limited. It is in effect, an off-grid house, with all the electricity coming from solar, the water from the surrounding hills, and the heating from wood. The stone used for building is local also.
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Theo was a campervan person twenty years ago, and his next project, due to start in spring, will be to convert his Toyota Hilux to a camper. He was keen to see mine, so I met him back at the van later in the afternoon. Theo is one of about 30 of the village’s permanent residents, though the official number is around 100. The biggest problem the villages in the area have are the roads. Three years ago a rainstorm washed the road to Ano Chora out. Ambelakiotissa was in effect, cut off for more than two weeks, and it has still not been resealed. The village and its monastery would attract far more visitors if the road was improved. Although I’m quite happy about that, from the point of view of local businesses, and retaining young people in the area, it is a major concern.
As temperatures in Nafpaktos and Patras hit the 40s this last summer, it is easy to see why their inhabitants want a second home here, with its mid-twenties in the day, and cool nights.
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Theo invited me for dinner at the Tavern, and we were well looked after, with pork steaks cooked on the open fire. It was a busy night with half the population in at least, playing cards, watching sport on TV or just conversing. It was a fitting end to an enjoyable day.
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unexpected-satsuma · 1 year
2 / ? - Spring
Forrest: Saturday 13th
I am growing increasingly concerned by an approaching blight on what little vegetation we have left. The Chemist ventures into the forest regularly, and Bubble seems to have taken well to her.
I see she respects the flora of the island, but the last Chemists that were here ...
And the Herbalist - nobody sees her! I do not even know if they could help us.
I cannot let them ruin our paradise any further, but I am worried if I don't get the Herbalist involved, we may lose the ecosystem entirely.
Xiao: Monday 15th
Myer has supplied a list of essentials that we must do to house these Medical Ambassadors. The Chemist spends her days venturing into the woods with her hound gathering ingredients, so I took it upon myself to call on the Herbalist.
She is quiet. She listened carefully, in the odd way that scholars from the Capital do. It seemed like she was just seeking the information from the environment.
We organised some renovations to the kitchen and Clinic with Reyner, and then she disappeared again.
Herbalist: Tuesday 16th
One of the villagers, Forrest, has requested I take a look at the local flora and examine a blight. Leah is fetching samples for me.
Xiao stopped by again this morning, and ran through some expenses for a delivery of alchemical equipment from the MA. HQ. Nestor will organise the drop off.
Reyner is working in the Clinic. I wonder if he could help fix the grow-boxes in the house - at least I think they are grow-boxes. Goose broke the vase we thought was haunted last night.
Matheo: Thursday 18th
The lemon balm was a resounding success! I knew it would be, and now I am certain I could extract the oils and use it for tinctures.
The Chemist, the irritating cur, keeps walking past my garden on an afternoon. She claims she has yet to learn her way around, but I know she only means to insult me.
This morning I woke and found honey and dried basil left on my porch. She is like a stray cat, too daft to understand she is being shooed away.
Reyner: Friday 19th
The clinic is as structurally secure as I can get it. The kitchen is a state, and I do not want to start tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I need to have Xiao put a request for Bubble's grow-box blueprints if I am to try fix those. I never knew you could grow such important plants indoors. Maybe I misjudged these Ambassadors. I wonder if they misjudged me the same way. Do they have carpenters like me over there?
My shoulder is suffering greatly from all this working, but I need the money, and the Ambassadors need a kitchen after all. Runeheart is angry at me for not taking time off. She is such a hypocrite.
Chemist: Saturday 20th
The clinic looks good now the renovations are finished, but now we have no money.
Mercy came to the clinic this morning, feverish. Mia did not look away from her plant samples so I brewed the batch today.
She seems concerned by the state of the plants. They just looked wilted to me when I picked them, but she seems to think it more worrisome than that. Forrest and Bubble are agitated too. I keep trying to soothe them, but if Mia is concerned they probably should be too. I won’t tell them that.
Goose found a fox nest and now needs a bath. I don’t think Olive will let us take him to the bath house because he reeks. We may have to put him in the river.
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sundayevenings11pm · 2 years
28th Nov Monday - Lei
Recognizing Progress
Last week was an exceptionally busy week in terms of work. This was partly due to the fact that the week before, I only worked half a week due to the Bali trip. The top of the agenda last week involved judging those two hackathons, ensuring quizzes are going smoothly, working on Transactions component, Boba AMA, design on React components, etc. 
A lot of smaller miscellaneous pieces as usual. Well, as long as it pays. 
The recent weekend was spent in a restful manner. Played ball for both mornings of the weekend. Kinda just chilled / did housework / finished listening to Empire of Pain, which is so good. Had a nice dinner with Fatin on Saturday night, which was preceded by the fateful morning tea at 6th Avenue where we decided, after talking about it, to give the relationship another go. Big happenings in the emotional space over the weekend, and we are both still adjusting I think. So yes, recognizing progress: these bigger life decisions, made over smaller, seemingly mundane mornings and afternoons. I believe that this decision is the right one and that it is personally meaningful. 
In terms of my original 40 days plan, I’d kind of detracted since Tues 15th Nov, which not coincidentally was two days before I flew to Bali. The Bali trip effectively put a break to my original goal, which was this:
The goal is really to master Typescript, and then put it into practice by building a frontend app for Evmos.
First, I’ll need to finish the Typescript course and really master Typescript, by building a frontend application using Typescript for Evmos. This is the first goal, and if I do it well, it’ll allow me to also win a prize that might just inflate 100x in a few years.
Taking stock of progress, I’ve gained a moderate understanding and practice of Typescript. I’ve not mastered it yet, merely acquainted myself with the basics. I’ve also applied what I’ve learned to build out a transactions component. At this stage, it’s perhaps wise to see how best I can move forward. 
A few things to do (Personal): 
1. Finish the final exercises of FullStackOpen (Top priority)
2. Read and make detailed notes of The Art of Clean Code - and write a blogpost about it.  (Top priority)
3. Find out what other typescript exercises I can do to at least progress with 5 days this week - despite EthIndia - to make it Day 28. (Top priority)
4. Mum’s website (Top Priority)
5. Read and learn Non-Timing-Trading System
6. Write a blogpost on Empire of Pain 
7. Clean up musingsondefi - make it more publically presentable. 
8. Finalize application for NUS masters course. 
To do for Covalent:
(to add as the week progresses)
1. Collate FAQs into a notion page
2. Discord support 
3. Prepare for EthIndia presentation 
4. Create Promising Projects spreadsheet 
5. See where we’re at with Oasis AM
6. Final week of encode 
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rehcciardo · 2 years
Unpredictable Hungary never fails
It’s Saturday. It’s raceweekend. It’s Qualitime. A real wet one today.
I’m writing this review whilst watching the Qualifying this time. Let’s see how it works out :D
But one of the highlights of today happened during the FP3 session. Nicholas Latifi was the fastest guy on track. What the actual fuck? Charles didn’t belive it too. At least he asked his mechanic about Latifis time and if he was also on inters. And Alex got P3. Honestly it looked so wrong on the result screen xD 
But let’s see what they are dooing in the Qualifying now. Could be interesting with the mixed conditions in Hungary this afternoon. The track is dry enough to use slicks but there are some really dark clouds in the sky. So you never know if there might will be rain.
I’m  glad that Aston Martin could fix Sebs car after his crash earlier today. Would be a shame if Seb had to skip Qualifying due of a broken car. I want him to have a good last season. As good as it can be in a Aston Martin.
The last minutes were thrilling! The track got better and better. I literally screamed at McLaren to let Daniel out again, when he was 15th and everyone became faster. There is no time to stay in the box guys!!!!! But in the same moment he went out of the box. Please Mclaren I can’t do this everytime! But he landed on P7 and Lando P5. Okay go on like this but please don’t make it more exiting than it has to be. 
Noo Seb is out. He sounded so sad and it broke my heart into pieces :(. Lance showed Q2 was absolutly possible.
Both Alpha Tauri didn’t make it into Q2 as well. Gaslys time was deleted because he exeedet track limits.Let’s hope he can gain a few positions tomorrow but I don’t see him in the points sadly.
To end Q1 with something nice: Hamilton and Russell finished the first Qualifying session on P1 and P2! Good job mercboys
Lando started the second session with a fantastic lap. It’s always lovely to see a McLaren on P1 even when it’s just for a short time.But P6 isn’t that bad. And Daniel’s fastest lap was pretty close to Landos time! YES! That’s my boy!!!!!! Q3 BABY!
They deleted Checos lap time at first due of exeeding track limits but he got the timed lap back and I would say it was the right desicion I don’t think i was off the track at all.But it didn’t help. He ended on P11 because he had traffic (Magnussen) in the last lap. But this don’t explain Checos huge gap to Max. I hope he will figures out what’s wrong this weekend.
I’m sad that Mick and Kevin were both out after Q2 but in the moment Haas is struggeling very much and I wouldn’t expect them in Q3 anyways. I hope that Hass will find out how to get the best out of the updated car as soon as possible.
The best thing of Q3 is, that Daniel will start in the top ten. And he ended P9. Okay he was benefited of max having engine issues and without that he would be p10 but I’m a happy little papaya girl right now <3
What an amazing lap by Carlos in the beginning!
Max messages at the team radio was shocking. But to be honest I wouldn’t mind if Ferrari could get some points back in the championchip. But it’s sad to see Max on P10. 
GEORGE GOT POLE!!!!!!! WOW! Who would thought? Merc pole on Ferrari soil. Not me to be honest. As much as I want to see Charles win.... I wouldn’t mind if George will win the race tomorrow either!
Lando is a beast. P4. This guy is amazing!
A really lovely top 10 for the race tomorrow. An Hungary is always good for a surprise. I’m more excited for tomorrow than I would have though I’d be. Lets hope for an exciting and surprising last race before we head into the summer break. Se you tomorrow!
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maboroshi-no · 3 years
Hamefura LN11 Outline
After reading Hamefura LN11, I have tried to list out all the events happening in it.  I have also made a quick translation of some of the parts, which is accessible by clicking on the links.
Previously on LN10
Katarina is taking dark magic lessons with Raphael so that she could use the spells in the Dark Covenant once she deciphers them
Katarina can use dark magic by using a skull stick she summons from her shadow
When the whole harem accompanied Katarina to an outing to an orphanage, Nicol had prepared boxed lunch for everyone. As Keith kinda acted like a mother when Alan dropped food, Nicol told him he would be a good mother. To which Keith replied he is a man.
Katarina met Liam, an orphan who kept trying to run away from the orphanage to return to the slums. She couldn’t understand why, so she asked advice to Raphael. Following Raphael’s advice, she could have a proper talk with the boy and persuaded him to stop running away.
When Katarina told the boy she would be there for him, Sarah, who overheard it, started to feel emotions, which highly upset her.
Sarah attacked Katarina by wrapping her into a black mist. Geordo and Keith also got caught in it. In the darkness, the three of them couldn’t see anything, and they could only hear their own voices. Since she felt relaxed to have Geordo and Keith with her, Katarina was able to break the spell by sucking the black mist with her skull stick.
Chapter 1: The King's summon
Discussion between Luigi and Katarina
Luigi asks Katarina about her plans regarding her engagement with Prince Geordo.
Luigi tells Katarina she is free to break off her engagement if that's what she wants, because he would like her to marry the one she loves.
He advises her to figure out her feelings sooner rather than later so that she won't realize one day that she has already lost the one she loves because he married another person in the meanwhile.
During the discussion, Luigi told Katarina he sincerely thinks she could be a wonderful queen because she is not wrong for things that matters, she has an eye for people and has a talent to fascinate them.
Katarina asks Sora how to pick locks (Raphael x Katarina 1):
Katarina would like to learn how to pick locks to deal with her jail ending.
Katarina asks Sora to teach her, telling him she would like to be able to get out of jail, just in case. Sora refuses, saying she doesn't need to. Raphael unexpectedly comes to Katarina's help and convinces Sora to teach her. Sora explains that given Sorcier's locks, her best bet would be to create a key by molding a lock, but she can't use this technique if she is arrested on the spot. Raphael suggests she molds the lock by manipulating darkness. Katarina is excited since this could work. After Sora leaves, Raphael discreetly tells Katarina that he knows she is hiding something. He decided to help her since she seemed desperate. He won't ask her the reason, but he just wants her to promise she won't put herself in danger. If she breaks her word, he will “punish her” *dark smile*.
Dark Magic Practice: Katarina molds darkness into a key.
Katarina succeeds on her first try
Katarina and Maria are summoned by the King (Maria x Katarina 1)
The King has summoned Katarina and Maria to talk about the covenants. On the way, Maria is highly nervous thinking she will meet the King, so Katarina tries to help her relax
Katarina meets a young man at the shut-in uncle's place
When Katarina went to the bathroom before meeting the King, Pochi jumped out of her shadow and led her to the shut-in uncle's quarters. There she meets a gorgeous blond young man who seems to highly dislike her, calling her " Villainess Katarina Claes" for toying with Prince Geordo's feelings. This shocks Katarina to the core.
Katarina and Maria meet the King
The King summoned Katarina and Maria to tell them about the succession struggle which happened when the previous king died, which resulted in dark magic being leaked. He then apologizes for it as a royal. Katarina and Maria accept his apology. He concludes by asking for their help in catching dark magicians.
Note: during the meeting, Katarina talks very formally, as she thinks it is an opportunity to put to use all she learned about manners. She also takes the lead in the discussion as Maria is nervous.
Geordo and Alan meet up with Katarina and Maria
Geordo and Alan were worried Katarina and Maria would despise them after hearing about what their relatives did. They also wanted to apologize to them as royals. They were deeply relieved when Katarina and Maria told them they don't think of them differently
Geordo and Alan escort Katarina and Maria back to their carriage. On the way, Geordo notifies Katarina she has forgotten her bag so the two of them go back to the parlor to retrieve it.
Geordo's post-confession talk (Geordo x Katarina 1)
When Katarina stiffens after Geordo makes a move on her, he asked her whether she is scared of his approaches. It is then that Katarina realizes that all this time she was scared of love. Upon realizing this, she decides to face her feelings and Geordo's.
Katarina asks Sora about his past love experiences (Sora x Katarina 1)
Katarina has decided to "study love" and so asks Sora about his past experiences, for reference.
Keith's post-confession talk (Keith x Katarina 1)
since Keith confessed to her before, like Geordo, she wants to tell him she is scared of love but has decided to face her feelings and his.
Chapter 2: Let's go to the castle's library
During her day off, Katarina decides to search for a memo at the castle's library
Since she found the memo in the romance novel she forgot at the castle, Katarina thinks (for a reason I don't really understand) that she might find one in old folktales books in the castle's library
Katarina meets Alan at the library (Alan x Katarina)
Alan makes fun of her which leads to them going on a banter
Once they finishes, Katarina asks Alan if he has ever been in love
Katarina meets Nicol at the library (Nicol x Katarina)
Katarina meets Nicol at the library and he helps her searching for old folktales
Afterwards Katarina invites Nicol to join her for lunch
She asks Nicol about his "forbidden love" he mentioned to her once at her 15th birthday.
FL2 Dream sequence
After collapsing because of Nicol's passionate confession, Katarina has a Acchan playing FL2 dream
She saw Geordo's good ending when he proposes to and marries Maria
She learns the game ends one year after Maria enrolls into the Ministry
Katarina curses each name in the credits roll
She wakes up and talks a bit with Sophia
Misc events
Katarina goes back to the library and doesn't find a memo even after searching all afternoon. She calls it a day.
Katarina remembers her meeting with the young man she met at the shut-in uncle's quarters and notes that he really seemed to hate her for some reason
Katarina meets Geordo before going back home (Geordo x Katarina 2)
Katarina notes that Geordo seems normal despite their talk yesterday and feels a bit let down that she is the only one feeling awkward
Geordo escorts her back to her carriage while telling she has grown a lot during the *6 months* since she joined the Ministry
he reminded her he is waiting eagerly for her to sort her issues, hinting he remembers their talk from yesterday
Keith's unleashed sexiness (Keith x Katarina 2)
Once back home, Katarina realizes Keith has become extremely sexy and she has trouble withstanding it
Despite Keith growing into a fine young man, his sexiness factor was still inside him.
Katarina now nicknames him "The Devilish Count No 2".
Mental Meeting
After going to sleep, Katarina feels like she is forgetting something and thus launches a mental meeting to review all that happened during the day.
Based on what FL2!Geordo said in her dream and what Geordo told her before she went home, she has 6 months left before reaching the end of FL2
Chapter 3: The town where Maria and Dewey grew up
Dewey is down
Katarina meets Dewey when she arrives at the Ministry
Dewey is feeling down looking at Cyrus and Maria walking together
Dewey feels like Maria is out of his reach
Katarina notes that despite being incredibly smart, Dewey seems to lack self-confidence
Katarina wonders if she should ask Sora advice about Dewey (Sora x Katarina 2)
Katarina wonders if Sora knows about feelings of love, and Sora feels insulted she considers he doesn't
They end up wrestling to mess each other's hair
Katarina asks Raphael advice about Dewey (Raphael x Katarina 2)
Katarina notes that Raphael has become for her a reliable teacher she fully trusts
After listening to Katarina, Raphael advises Katarina to let Dewey handle his issue himself
He also adds that Dewey's self-confidence issues might be due to his poor upbringing. It is also possible that he has been continuously rejected by the people close to him.
Katarina tells Raphael he really is amazing, which makes him blush
Katarina asks Maria about Dewey's family
Maria tells her Dewey has a lot of siblings who work to support their home while their parents play around. He also had to continue working while attending school.
Maria wonders if Dewey's parents said something to him for him to be so dejected lately
Katarina knows the real reason why Dewey is dejected, but she simply tells Maria they should just watch over him without doing anything
Katarina and Maria agrees to go out together in town during their next day off
As Katarina has trouble staying awake, Maria tells her about a tea which takes away drowsiness. They agree on buying it together on their next day off
Katarina has tea with Laura, Nathan, Nix and Lisa before going home
Her Senpai invites Katarina to join them for tea
They consider Larna is a good superior despite the overtime they get
Nix and Lisa are childhood friends and they enrolled in the Ministry through a recommendation
Laura could have been recommended but she chose to pass the exam.
Nathan also passed the exam since he doesn't have any magic. He was raised by peddlers traveling the country who taught him a lot, and thanks to that he could successfully pass the exam. He chose to work at the ministry instead of staying with the peddlers because it was troublesome for them that he kept getting lost.
Nathan adds that despite all the help he got, he found the exam extremely difficult. He can't imagine the efforts of someone who could pass it by their strength alone (like Dewey).
The Claes' maids can't work because of Keith's sexiness
Upon returning home, Katarina realizes that the maid can't work because they are distracted by Keith's sexiness
Katarina has somehow gotten used to it, but she feels like she should fix the issue
She tried to decrease Keith's sexiness by messing up his hair and tearing down his clothes. It had the opposite effect.
Katarina takes a mental note to ask the Ascart's maids how they can work around Nicol without losing their minds
Katarina and Maria's day off
On their day off, Katarina go fetch Maria at the Ministry
When she arrives, Dewey is with Maria. She considers inviting him to join them
Dewey must return home
Larna arrives to deliver an urgent letter to Dewey
Dewey's younger sister, Bell, seems to be seriously ill. Panicked, Dewey requests permission to go home right away
Katarina offers to take him home with her carriage. Maria and Larna will also tag along.
Sarah's day off
Meanwhile, Sarah's master allowed her to do whatever she wanted today.
She still resents Katarina for throwing her heart in disarray
She knows Katarina will go out today, so she decides to go mess with her.
This is the first time she decides something of her own free will.
Reaching Dewey's house
Dewey's house is a shack at the outskirts of the town.
upon arriving, Dewey receives an angry welcome from his older brother Ronnie who asks him what he is doing here
Dewey tells him he has received a letter saying their sister Bell is gravely ill. Ronnie is confused since Bell is fine
It was Dewey's father who sent the letter so that Dewey would come home and give him money for drinks.
Dewey has been sending money to his siblings to support them, but it seems like his father has been using all of it for his drinks instead.
Hearing this, Ronnie drags his father to the house and they are apparently fighting. He yells at Dewey to go home since their family issues are not his business anymore.
Dewey is upset and asks Katarina and the others to go home ahead. Maria chases after him while Larna and Katarina will go "greet" Dewey's family
How Mr. Percy treats his children
When Larna and Katarina enters the house, Dewey's father is violently beating Ronnie
Larna uses her wind magic to blow the father far off the back. He faints.
Katarina rushes to Ronnie. He is badly injured with lots of blood on his mouth. He refuses to use Katarina's handkerchief saying "it is too beautiful to be stained by 'someone like him'"
Ronnie departs to work despite Katarina protesting he needs medical care. Before leaving, he tells his younger siblings to go hide so that their father won't pick on them when he wakes up. He also asks Katarina and Larna not to come back here and to tell Dewey not to send money anymore.
Dewey's father wakes up. Katarina asks him how he can do this to his children, to which he replies it is none of her business how he treats his children.
He shouts at his children to come out of hiding else he'll hit them
A little girl comes out, resigned. As he was about to hit her, Larna uses her wind magic to stop him. "Let me tell you one thing, scum. Your children are not your tools. They are human beings. They are not convenient things you can use as you please!". Then she blows a violent gust of wind and the father is KO.
Katarina asks Larna if it is okay to use magic on civilians. Larna will go contact the Ministry regarding that.
The siblings can’t see Dewey because Ronnie forbade it
Katarina rushes to the little girls and asks if she is alright. After comforting her, she learns that in fact all the siblings want to see Dewey but their old brother Ronnie forbade it, saying Dewey is different from them now.
Katarina decides to go talk to Ronnie and heads to his workplace
Chapter 4: The brothers' feelings
Dewey's past
Ever since he can remember, Dewey had to work while his parents used all their money to play around. He was called worthless and beaten up when he couldn't do anything, and he was not even allowed to go to school
He admired his brother Ronnie who was always taking care of their siblings. He wanted to help him and decided that he needed to study to get a good job and ultimately escape poverty
He put his all into studying, putting up with all the hardships, and it paid off.
When he enrolled into the Ministry of Magic, he was finally able to move out of his house.
He has been sending money to improve the life of his siblings, but this was in vain since it had all been spent by their parents.
He never came home during days off because life was more comfortable at the dorms. So in the end, he threw away his siblings.
Maria comforts Dewey (Dewey x Maria 1)
Dewey and Maria both had hardships. But unlike him, she goes back to their hometown whenever she has a day off. Maria has overcome her hardships while he threw away his siblings for a better life.
Dewey tells Maria he is alright and that it is natural his brother would reject him.
Maria can tell Dewey is putting on a brave front and tells him it is okay to cry.
Dewey can't hold back his tears. Once he calms down, he realizes Maria is holding him against her chest. He gets off her, all flustered.
Maria convinces Dewey to have a proper talk with his brother
Katarina talks with Ronnie
After a while, Katarina catches up with Ronnie
She tells him she wants to talk but Ronnie replies he doesn't have the time since he has to go to work
Katarina tries to dissuade him from working with his injuries. As Ronnie replies he doesn't have a choice since he needs money to feed his siblings, Katarina suggests he asks Dewey for help.
Katarina confronts Ronnie about the reason he asked Dewey not to come back. From where she stands, Ronnie seems to care a lot for Dewey.
Ronnie explains Dewey is his pride and that's why he doesn't want him to be burdened with "scums" like them who are uneducated.
Katarina replies she sincerely thinks that Ronnie is a wonderful person since he works hard for his siblings.
Sarah attacks Katarina and Ronnie
Sarah arrives and tells Katarina she has come to mess with her because she feels pain in her heart because of her. As she said so, Sarah looks like a child on the brink of tears for a split second, before recovering her usual smile.
She attacks Katarina by throwing black snakes towards her. Katarina gets distracted comparing them to her snake toys, so Ronnie ends up shielding her and is hit on the arm.
There is a black mark where the snakes hit and Ronnie is trying hard to withstand the pain.
Katarina asks Ronnie to run away but he refuses to leave her alone in face of danger. However, he changed his mind when Katarina assured him she can defend herself and that she needs him to get help.
After Ronnie left, Sarah tells Katarina she hates how kind she is.
She then summons black mist and wraps Katarina in it. Katarina easily breaks the spell by sucking the mist using her stick.
Before Sarah casts another spell, Katarina rushes towards her and seizes her arm.
She tells her she wants to have a proper talk with her since, unlike her, she doesn't hate her and wants to know more about her.
Once again, Sarah looks like a little child. Sarah brushes Katarina away and runs away.
Sarah remembers her past
Katarina's smile reminded Sarah of the smiles her mother used to give her when her father still came home, and the ones the little boy gave her.
And then she remembered the night when she found her mother dead, killed by some men she didn't know.
At that moment Sarah awakened fire magic. She was then taken away by the men. As her consciousness faded, she saw the smiles of her mother and the little redhead boy.
After remembering, Sarah's emotions are in complete disarray
Katarina heals Ronnie's arm
Now that the incident is over, Katarina rushes to catch up with Ronnie so that he won't overdo it with his injuries.
Once she catches up, she thanked him and thinks to herself how amazing Ronnie is for frantically running in this state and protecting a complete stranger
The black mark is still on Ronnie's arm. She decides to try sucking up the mark by discreetly using her stick. She succeeds and Ronnie is alright now.
The Percy brothers’ talk
Katarina keeps trying to convince Ronnie to see Dewey again. She insists Dewey is probably proud of him and doesn't see him as a burden but Ronnie remains stubborn
Dewey arrives and confirms what Katarina said. He really admires Ronnie and feels mad that Ronnie thinks of himself as a burden to him. After all, it is thanks to Ronnie that Dewey could enroll into the Ministry, since all this time, he had carried out both his work and Dewey's so that he could study. Besides, even if Dewey started studying because he wanted to leave their house, the reason he kept making efforts is because they wanted all of them to leave their house. That's why he would like Ronnie to stop keeping him away so that they could all go out together. Ronnie finally gives in.
The Percy siblings will move to the Ministry's houses for employees
When they return to their house, the Percy siblings and Larna's subordinates are tidying up the house and Dewey's father has disappeared.
Larna explains that since Dewey's parents didn't work, she has introduced them to a live-in job and sent them there at once. The parents will work hard there for a while but she can contact them on their behalf if needed. Also, since Ronnie can't take care of all his siblings by himself, they will all move to the Ministry's houses for employees where the siblings can be looked after during the day.
Ronnie is livid thinking of the moving fees, but Larna assures him it will all be paid with the money the parents will make. As for the daycare, Dewey and Ronnie can split the fees among themselves.
Larna will introduce Ronnie to a job.
Both brothers thank Larna from the bottom of their hearts
Katarina reports to Larna about her encounter with Sarah
As Sarah said "she had found Katarina", it seems like Sarah can track her
Larna gives Katarina a magic tool which will enable her to contact her whenever she is in danger
She also asks her to use Pochi whenever she is in danger since he is strong
Wrap up of the Percy sibling's issue
Maria heals Ronnie's injuries
Maria invites Katarina to her house
As the Percys don't need further help, Katarina decides to go back ahead.
But it is still early, so Maria proposes to visit her house
To her surprise, Maria tells her her mother is out, but her father might be there
Maria wants to face her father
Maria tells Katarina she hasn't talked much with her father since she awoke her magic.
When she awakened her magic, her family became the target of rumors and then her father stopped coming home at some point
but after watching Dewey's family, she decided that she would also face her father and have a proper talk with him
Katarina gives Maria her support and they go to Maria's house hand in hand
Chapter 5: The father and the daughter's feelings
Maria and her father
Since the time Katarina visited her house, she could have a proper talk with her mother. Her mother changed a lot since then, going out of the house almost everyday, whether to work or to enjoy time with friends. But her father still hasn't come home.
Maria's father regularly sneakily delivers money to her mother for their living expenses.
Maria thought her father hated her, until she learned that he knew she had enrolled into the ministry.
She also noticed that the rumors have changed. The rumors about her and her mother have been replaced by bad rumors about her father drinking, acting violently and passing out drunk outside.
Maria is afraid to ask her father if she hates her, but after watching Dewey and his brother talking, she decided she won't run away anymore
Maria talks with her father
As expected, Maria sees her father near her house and calls out to him
She tells him she had always thought he hated her. Based on his reaction she is relieved to see she was wrong.
Then she tells him about the rumors having changed. She asks him if he had been behaving badly on purpose to redirect the rumors towards him. After all, this doesn't make sense. He falls asleep right after whenever he drinks, and he still properly works and gives them money for their living expenses. From her father's reaction she realizes she is right.
Maria tells her father he doesn't need to protect them anymore. Both her and her mother have friends who understand them. Maria introduces Katarina to him.
Maria finally says that both she and her mother are stronger than before, so they won't let any rumor bring them down.
Maria's father accepts to come back home. However he has to return to work, so he can't move back right away. Maria is looking forward to seeing him at home on her next day off.
Katarina is really happy for Maria. Maria thanks Katarina for giving her courage
Let's go eat some sweets
Maria leaves a message to her mother about her talk with her father.
Since they didn't have lunch, Katarina asks Maria if they can go to the area near the castle to have some sweets. Maria accepts
Upon arrival, Maria reminds Katarina about the tea which takes away drowsiness so Katarina decides to go buy it first
Stumbling upon the harem (Harem Shenanigans)
Katarina and Maria see Alan near the tea shop.
He and all the others have been waiting for them since they wanted to spend some time with Katarina
In addition to Alan, Mary, Geordo, Sophia, Nicol and Keith are also there. They all go shopping for tea and then have sweets.
At some point, Mary casually asks where Katarina and Maria were, so Katarina tells them about all the incidents that happened during the day
Hearing this, the harem lectures Katarina again
Susanna reports to Jeffrey (Jeffrey x Susanna)
They are both concerned about Katarina being involved with dark magic once again
Jeffrey notes that Susanna didn't keep her cool in regards to her using magic on Dewey's father
Susanna explains that she couldn't stop herself after seeing how horribly Dewey's father treated his children. After all, she can't stand parents who treat their children as tools, like her father, Marquis Randall, does.
She rebelled against him, but unlike Ronnie, she didn't protect her siblings from him. Her siblings are probably mistreated by their father but she can't do anything for them now, and feels powerless.
Jeffrey comforts her
Sarah sees her master with his associate
Sarah’s master’s associate is someone who knows Sarah
He has been greatly enjoying observing Sarah during experiments
Sarah’s master calls him with a “-sama” suffix
Sarah doesn’t like him
Dewey thanks Katarina and Sora
The next day, when she arrives to the Ministry, Katarina sees Dewey and Sora together
Dewey is cheerful and vehemently thanks Katarina, who feels embarrassed
Sora has helped with the moving of the Percy siblings yesterday, so he has also come to properly thank him
Dewey is pretty happy about his siblings' new home and feels grateful to Larna
Dewey asks Maria out for lunch (Dewey x Maria 2)
Maria arrives and greets everyone with a sparkling smile. Only Sora is unaffected.
Dewey asks Maria if he can invite her for lunch as a thank-you for what she did yesterday. He asks her in a cute way, like a shota character.
Sora explains to Katarina that since Dewey told him he liked an older girl, he taught him some technique to make older girls fall for him.
Maria accepts and then asks Katarina when she will be free. Because Dewey has invited "everyone".
Katarina awkwardly tells Maria she will check her agenda. Dewey is dejected and Sora can't help laughing.
Sora notes that Maria is dense like a certain someone
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⭐Should have been last year but better late than never! This cross stitch pattern is done and on etsy for purchase!⭐
 Who here does witchcraft and practices magick? Who here also likes to chill out from the stress of the world? Well, It’s been a long time coming. Something I should have had done last year and had finished, but...like i said. Better late than never! This pattern is finally ready to satiate that stitch itch! You’ll be chillest stitch witch when you do this. Just don’t get ashes on your piece. or stitch it while high. Or you’ll get cheesy dorito residue on the cloth. ⭐ 🌒🌕🌘 ⭐ 🌒🌕🌘 ⭐ 🌒🌕🌘 ⭐ 🌒🌕🌘 ⭐ 
And reminder! Now through Oct 15th! I am running a 15% off sale! On everything. Even the new minders once they get posted in the early afternoon. Why 15%? Well, I turn 37 on the 15th. Might I extend the sale as a treat? You’ll have to wait and see! 🤐
⭐ 🌒🌕🌘 ⭐ 🌒🌕🌘 ⭐ 🌒🌕🌘 ⭐ 🌒🌕🌘 ⭐
you can find the pattern on my etsy at www.sturdynerdystitchery.etsy.com or...direct link here: 
⭐🎃👻🦇 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1095941405/smoke-weed-do-witchcraft-cross-stitch?ref=shop_home_active_1  🎃👻🦇 ⭐ And if you like what this artist does, feel free to support! Even if you don’t stitch but like supporting artists....check out my Ko-fi page! I ALSO post my happy crappy cross stitch patterns in the gallery, and those patterns are 100% free! unless you feel that a $100,000 tip is a fair price. No? Ok fine...I’ll take double digits? still no? how about double digits where the first number is lower than 2? maybe? Ok fine. I’ll take single digits.  www.kofi.com/sturdynerdystitchery
#CrossStitch #CrossStitching #XStitch #Xstitch #Witchcraft #SmokeWeed #WitchcraftCrossStitch #WeedArt  #WitchcraftArt #Witchart #CrossStitchLove #CrossStitchCrazy #Halloween #Halloweenseason #Magick #CrossStitchPattern #Goth #Gothvibes #PotLeaf #Triquetra #MarijuanaArt #CrossStitchObsession #Etsy #EtsySale #MagickArts #OldEnglishFont #XStitchLove #XstitchCrazy #Witches #SturdyNerdyStitchery
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Flower | 40 | End
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, angst
; Word Count: 6.9k
; Warnings: Slight anxiety attack, mentions of panic, slight body issues
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: So...this is it 😢 Flower is officially over! I started writing this on November 15th, 2019. Almost a year later, here we are with 40 chapters, 3 drabbles and 180k of words. Can you believe I actually finished it? I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading it and the journey of the MC finding herself and falling in love with Hoseok. It’s been so fun to write and it’s sad to let it go. If you’ve enjoyed reading this, please let me know with a comment or an ask! I’ve loved reading how much you’ve all felt seen or embraced by the MC with her struggles and I’d love to hear your thoughts on not only this chapter but the whole fic! Feedback is what keeps authors going and I came very close to leaving writing once Flower was finished but I’m still going to carry on. I’m not sure if this chapter is good or not, but I hope you enjoy it anyway and think it a fitting end to the story!
; Flower Masterpost
“Okay...okay. Let’s do this...you can do this. It’s easy. Just...walk down the aisle. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? Well, Hoseok could not be there or I could have a heart attack and drop down dead. That would suck. But it would resolve a lot of my issues, I wouldn’t have to worry about everyone watching me. On the other hand...I’m going to marry the love of my life. As long as he turns up” The soft sounds of your muttering are probably barely heard over the soft playing music through the speakers in the room, YouTube playing mindlessly to itself.
It was a good job, as it meant that no one else in the room could hear your panicked thoughts that were being verbalised. Hoseok and you had decided to get married at an exquisite mansion hotel with the ceremony itself being in the elegant gardens outside. There was a full-sized maze alongside a stunning fountain, the centrepiece being a marble depiction of Aphrodite rising from the shallows.
You’d taken a walk around the perfectly groomed gardens the night before, taking in all the decorations that you’d painstakingly picked out over the months that had been artfully arranged by the staff. The flowers in the gardens were beautiful, a smorgasbord of pinks, oranges, violets, reds and yellows that brought the whole area to life. Alongside it looking visually perfect, it also smelled amazing as well with the soft scent of different flowers mixing.
At night, the tiny fairy lights that had been strung up around the building front and the metal trellises that were organised in the garden gave off a soft, golden glow. It made the whole place look ethereal and you were excited for everyone else to get to see it during the reception tonight.
The actual wedding ceremony was scheduled to start at two in the afternoon, with only friends and family invited for that. It would be outside as well, with Hoseok and you standing at the end of a make-shift aisle on the lawn section of the hotel’s garden. Temporary chairs had been arranged on both sides for your guests, dark wood with ivory silk draped over everyone. At the end of the aisle, each chair had a silk bow in ivory and deep purple alongside a bouquet of specially arranged flowers. 
It all looked perfect and you’d marvelled at it yesterday, amazed that they’d managed to bring your vision to life. Now all you had to do was walk down it and get married, which was where you were a little panicked.
The room that had been assigned to the bridal party was on the lower floor of the hotel, reducing the risk of you potentially killing yourself by tripping over your dress while walking down the stairs. It was technically two hotel rooms connected through a shared bathroom, which you found bizarre.
Your mom and Hoseok’s mom had taken the other room for their use to get changed, the hairdresser and makeup artist they’d hired working there to make them look their best for the ceremony. Even now, you could hear them chattering and laughing away with each other. Even through your anxiety, you can’t help but smile as you hear them get on so well.
Any fears you’d had about them not liking each other had quickly disappeared. Instead, they’d become good friends and liked to meet up now and then to have a talk over coffee or something. It pleased you to see your mom getting to have more friends.
Eden and Amelia had also chosen to get ready in that room, not wanting to crowd the one you were in too much. It was already full of dresses and a ridiculous amount of makeup and hair product with only four of you so you couldn’t even imagine the chaos with five of you.
In your room was Soyeon, Chungha and Dahyun alongside you. Dahyun was currently three months pregnant, having successfully been inseminated with Jungkook’s sperm. He’d agreed to their request and after a few months of getting prepared for the attempts, Dahyun had undergone the procedure. What it had been exactly, you didn’t know because you hadn’t felt it was your business to pry into something like that.
It was a privilege to even know they were trying before anyone else. Their announcement had come at your bachelorette party when Dahyun had refused alcohol, immediately leading Soyeon and you to be suspicious. You’d never seen Chungha’s beloved ever turn down a drink so it had been a clear sign of something at least.
Needless to say, your party had happily become a celebration of their impending baby. Thankfully, you weren’t one of those people who got overly annoyed at others announcing things at events. Or at least, not big events. Your bachelorette party had been a perfect time to find out, whereas you might not have been so amenable if they’d told everyone today instead.
That was normal though, right? Today was your day. Yours and Hoseok’s. People who felt the need to co-opt special days like that were a special type of self-absorbed in your opinion.
Given it was so early into her pregnancy, Dahyun isn't showing that much. Which meant her bridesmaid dress hadn’t needed to be altered too much. None of them has gotten into their dresses just yet, instead currently in the process of getting their face and hair done. Chungha’s hair has already been done, elegantly styled into a beautiful updo with a few tendrils curled around her face.
The makeup for the girls was a smokey eye with subtle blush and contour, alongside a neutral lip. It wasn’t anything flashy, but you’d loved the concept of it all. Particularly with the small and delicate crystals that dotted along their waterline, adding a little sparkle to match the tiny crystals on their deep violet dresses.
As a present to each of them, you’d bought them a gift set from Pandora. In each one was a pair of dainty stud earrings with a heart design alongside a matching heart-shaped pendant necklace. All the hearts were encrusted with brilliant-cut stones, making the perfect gift that could be used again in the future for casual use.
They’d all been in awe of it and surprised at being given presents as well. You hadn’t even known it was a thing until you’d looked up wedding preparation online, discovering that you should also buy something for Hoseok. Which had led to you buying him the fancy watch he’d been drooling over for months now. It had been eye-watering expensive, but it had been worth it for his excited text this morning.
Along with the watch, you’d also written him a letter. It was meant to be light-hearted and fun, but you’d ended up writing way too much as you’d poured out your love to him alongside everything you felt for him. To your eternal embarrassment, you’d ended up crying while writing it as you’d told him everything you’d never been able to vocalise, including writing possibly a million times that you love him.
He’d been instructed to not read that until just before the ceremony.
His present to you was a gaming table, which might not seem to be very sentimental to anyone else but you’d been ecstatic over it. For years now, you’d been saying that you wanted to buy a proper table that was designed for board games and that could then be used as a normal table when converted. They were super expensive so you’d resigned yourself to never getting one, but he’d printed out the receipt of what he’d ordered and put it into an envelope for you to open tonight.
Neither of you had ever been a traditional couple, and that certainly wasn’t about to change with marriage.
“Hey, you okay?” Amelia asks, interrupting your intense thought process as she sits down next to you. As usual, her aura is warm and reassuring as she reaches over to gently squeeze at your hand. You don’t spend a huge amount of time around her, but you knew both Eden and her enough to want them in your bridal party.
“Yes? No? Maybe? I don’t know. I’m just…” Trailing off, you struggle to find the right words and instead gesture towards the air. It makes no sense but you can’t quite figure out what you’re trying to say. Mainly because you can’t figure out what your mind is thinking.
“It’s okay to be worried, don’t feel like you shouldn’t be. If you’re anxious or nervous then that’s okay as well. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should be feeling, just feel what you are. Trust Hoseok, trust yourself and all your family and friends. We’re all here for you and we want you to have the best day possible. Tell us if anything is wrong, okay? I have no doubt that Chungha and Soyeon would strong-arm everyone into whatever was necessary to make you feel comfortable.” She says, smirking as she nods over to the two women who are chattering away in their respective chairs.
“I know, I know. I’m trying. It’s just...god, everyone is going to be staring at me and I hate being the centre of attention,” Looking down at your hands, you chew at your lips. “What if I mess up the vows? Or I freeze or drop the ring?”
“Hey, it’s normal to feel that. I doubt there’s anyone who’s gotten married who wasn’t at least a little bit anxious about messing something up. Yes, everyone is here to watch you, but they’re for Hoseok too. I’m sure he’s just as worried that he might make a mistake, and if you do then, so what? It’s not going to ruin anything, it just means your human. If anything, people will probably find it endearing. The only person you should concern yourself with is Hoseok, and I doubt there’s anything you could do today to ruin the day for him. Unless you don’t go.” Amelia laughs when you give a shocked gasp, jaw-dropping open and eyes wide.
“I would never do that! But what if he decides he doesn’t want to get married anymore?” Now the worry that had wiggled itself deep inside your mind comes to the fore and you find yourself almost whispering the words. It feels like a betrayal to Hoseok for even thinking he’d do that, but you can’t help the fear.
You must not have been quite enough though as Chungha speaks up, facing you in her chair with a stern expression on her face as she wags her finger. “Lady, do not think that. I don’t want that thought to even enter your head. As if Jung Hoseok is ever going to back out now. I think that man would’ve eloped with you if you’d asked instead. He’s going to be standing at the end of that aisle, probably bawling like a baby.”
“Maybe not that far.” This is from Eden, who’s laid out on the bed in the centre of the room, playing Zelda on her Switch. She’d had her makeup done earlier and is now waiting for the hairdresser to be free while Amelia is waiting for her makeup. All of you had decided that you’d be last to get ready to make sure that everything looked as fresh as possible.
“Want to bet? That man is gonna be sobbing.” This starts up a whole ten-minute discussion about whether or not Hoseok was going to cry at seeing you. Namjoon hadn’t cried but Jimin had during their weddings, surprising no one. But Namjoon had cried at the birth of his daughter.
You weren’t sure, to be honest. Hoseok didn’t cry all that often and you could probably count on one hand how many times you’d seen it over four years. On top of that, you weren’t entirely sure that you wanted to see him crying. It made your chest hurt when he did and you always ended up crying too.
Something about seeing strong and proud men cry was just heartbreaking to you. 
For a while, you just sit back and let the conversation wash over you as they all debate and borderline argue, intensely amongst themselves. They’d all switched around now and they’ll soon start getting into their bridesmaid’s dresses, which meant you’d be finally getting ready.
Your nails had been done the night before with a beautiful design in the same colour scheme as the wedding. They looked so pretty and elegant, which was a surprise to you every time you looked at them as you never really bothered doing your nails. While you liked to do fancy makeup looks now and then to post onto social media, nails were not something you were interested in.
Maybe you should reassess that thought.
“Anyway, what we’re all trying, and failing, to say is that Hoseok loves you and if he doesn’t cry then he’s crying inside at how beautiful you are.” Soyeon states firmly, sitting next to you and admiring your nails as well. All the bridesmaids had the same style to keep the theme going and she wiggled her fingers with a bright smile.
“I’m not even ready yet, you don’t know if I’ll be beautiful.”
There’s dead silence in the room after the comment, with even the hairdresser and makeup artist turning to stare at you. Between the six other women in the room, you’re pretty sure that they’ve got every emotion from shock to annoyance to incredulity covered. Feeling yourself get warm at their attention, you look down to your lap in embarrassment.
Obviously, the wrong thing to say.
“Okay, we’re going to ignore that you just said that. You don’t need to be dolled up and in a wedding dress to be beautiful, it’s just going to enhance what you already have. And I don’t want any arguments on that.” Poking your side lightly, you playfully wince at Soyeon as she scolds you. Everyone else is nodding along solemnly before they carry on with whatever they’d been doing.
“Seriously though, I overheard your conversation with Amelia. She’s right. Embrace your feelings but don’t let them overwhelm you. Standing in front of a crowd is nerve-wracking for anyone, but you’ve got the love of your life standing there with you. Just focus on Hoseok, he’ll get you through it. He always has, right?” Soyeon said.
Giving her a half-smile, you nod and do a remarkably good job of looking like a scolded child or something. You know it’s just because she loves you that she doesn’t want you to berate yourself, along with the fact that she knows what you’re like. If someone doesn’t verbally acknowledge your problems then you’ll just obsess over them.
Your phone screen lights up in your lap before it begins to vibrate suddenly, Hoseok’s name visible on the screen. Frowning down at it, you wonder why he’s calling before a multitude of emotions and thoughts runs through your mind.
“Go take it in the bathroom.” Pulling you up, Soyeon practically pushes you into the bathroom before giving you a smile and a thumbs-up as she closes the door.
Seeing the other door is also open, you peek out and let everyone in that room know that you’d be using the bathroom for a few minutes and to not come in. Once you get the acknowledgement, you close and lock it as well before pushing up to sit on the counter.
“Hobi! Why are you calling?” Leaning back against the mirror, you frown deeply as you question him. The first response is just his familiar deep chuckle, the sound already helping to soothe some of your frayed nerves.
“Amelia texted Joon, who told me. I don’t want you to stress yourself out! Not today, today’s meant to be a happy day. No stress. Or anxiety.” Snorting, you roll your eyes as you trace an invisible design onto your thigh.
“Sure, like that’s gonna happen. You know me. And why are you calling? We’re not meant to see each other until the wedding, it’s bad luck!” There’s a brief pause and you can practically hear him rolling his eyes, the deep sigh he lets out telling you all you need to know.
“Meeps, I’m pretty sure that only counts for physically seeing each other. I can’t see you right now. I don’t recall anything about not being allowed to hear you, or talk to you. Besides, we make our luck.” He sounds so nonchalant and now it’s your turn to sigh at him.
“You’re going to get us hit by lightning or something.”
“Impossible, the weather schedule for today is meant to be sunny with a little bit of cloud later on. Nice warm temperatures that aren’t too hot but also not too cold. Perfect. No lightning.” His immediate rebuttal has you laughing, unable to stay mad at him for too long. Not when he’s trying so hard to take your mind off things.
“Seriously though, are you okay? What are you worried about? Talk to me.” Hoseok asks, his voice calm and steady as he stops joking around. There’s a brief moment of resistance, the thought that you don’t want to bother him with your silly thoughts or annoying emotions before you remember that you can trust him. No matter how ridiculous it sounds in your head, Hoseok will listen and he won’t make fun of you.
“I’m just...scared. Of all the people. Like, they’re going to be watching me or staring. What if I look fat or ugly? Or I fuck up saying the vows? Or I drop the ring or my dress splits or something? Or if I trip down the aisle?! Or if you decide you don’t want to marry me anymore?” As you begin to reel off the questions that have been plaguing your mind, you can feel your chest getting a little tighter and your breathing shallower.
With the practised ease of someone who’s dealt with your panic attacks over the years, Hoseok makes calming and reassuring noises over the phone until you’re silent. Just listening to him, you take in the comforting words as he lets you know that you’re okay and everything is fine. Finally, once he thinks you’re calm enough, he carries on.
“Meeps, that’s fine. Don’t be upset that you’re having those thoughts. I’ve had every one of those thoughts today as well. I mean...not the dress one. Substitute that for pants splitting or something, which is even more embarrassing because my underwear is not black today. But the point I’m trying to make here is that it’s normal to have those thoughts today. I’d probably be more worried if you weren’t having them.” He pauses to laugh before you hear shuffling noises.
There’s no doubt he’s probably not even getting into his tuxedo just yet and you curse the fact that men take far less time to get ready than women. He’ll probably only start like...an hour before the ceremony begins or something.
“But all I’ll say is, it doesn’t matter if anything goes wrong because we’ll fix it. You and me, just like always. You won’t look fat or ugly because you’re neither fat nor ugly anyway, instead, you’ll be the most beautiful woman here. Which you always are to me but don’t let my mom hear me tell you that. And I’m going to be standing at the end of the aisle, I promise you that. I’m the one who proposed to you and I will be there, waiting for you. That’s one thing I can assure you of completely.” Hoseok says this firmly, his voice perhaps more serious than you’ve ever heard it before.
You can practically feel his determination to make you understand that he’s going to be there. That he’s going to marry you today, no matter what happens. It makes your heart swell with love and emotion, causing you to press your hand against your mouth.
Hoseok takes your silence as a positive, choosing to let it carry on for a little longer before speaking once more.
“I love you, Meeps. And by the end of today, you’re going to be my wife. We’re going to have a great day with a beautiful ceremony and a fun reception before probably going to bed drunk. Or at least, I’m going to be drunk. Not entirely sure if I’ll be able to take you to Poundtown tonight-”
“Don’t ever say that again.” 
“But if not tonight then definitely tomorrow. Unless you don’t want me to drink, in which case probably tonight if you’re up for it.” Shaking your head, you can’t help but smile at his stupid comments. He always knew how to cheer you up, even if it was with the most ridiculous thing you’d heard today.
“You can drink, I’m not going to make you sober throughout the entire reception. I want you to have fun with everyone, so if you end up drunk then that’s fine. Just don’t go overboard.”
“Choosing to ignore my Poundtown comments, I see.” 
“Jung Hoseok, I am going to hang up now. I will see you later, okay?”
“Okay. Love you.” Feeling a little shy, you murmur your next words into the phone.
“Love you too.”
The ceremony is officially about to start and you stare at the open door, knowing that outside all your guests are waiting. Not only that, but Hoseok is at the end of the aisle. You’d been reassured by everyone there who had peeked out to make sure, quelling your fears and worries.
All the groomsmen had come inside upon finding out you were here, lining themselves up alongside their specified bridesmaid partners and chatting away happily. They all looked incredibly handsome in their suits, the colours matching the bridesmaids perfectly and you felt a little pride at having thought of a good colour scheme.
Your mom is fussing around you, making sure that your dress looks perfect and that your bouquet hasn’t fallen apart or anything. Sighing, you gently push her hands away as she tries once more to move your necklace.
All of them had given you something as part of the tradition for the bride. Dahyun had lent you a beautiful Cartier bracelet, glowing with diamonds, as part of the ‘something borrowed’ while Chungha had bought you diamond earrings for the ‘something new’. Your mom had given you the bracelet she’d worn for her wedding, now occupying your other wrist and Hoseok’s mom had provided the necklace adorning your neck.
It was a beautiful silver necklace with a dainty leaf design, leading to the main piece in the centre which was dotted with tiny diamonds. Each leaf spreading out had either amethyst or an aquamarine gem in alternating order. She’d ordered it specially made for your wedding, matching your engagement ring with the gems and fulfilling the ‘something blue’.
You’d been amazed at everything they’d given you, understanding now why they’d all told you now to buy any jewellery for the day. They’d all decided to make sure you had everything you needed anyway.
But you knew that your mom’s need to keep straightening out your dress or brushing away unseen dust was just to keep herself preoccupied. She’d already cried once when you’d come out in your wedding dress, makeup and hair all done. That had earned her an exasperated sigh from the makeup artist.
“Mom, mom, come on,” You coo to her, smiling before taking her hands and squeezing. “You gotta go out there, go get your place.” 
She hesitates for a moment, unwilling to leave you before nodding. After a few words of reassurance from her to you, telling you that you’re going to do well and it’s all going to go fine, she turns and hugs your dad tightly before kissing him. You’d feel embarrassed at the sight of it, never quite being comfortable with your parents' displays of affection, but it just causes you to laugh softly.
Once she’s out the door, you hear the music begin from outside, the notes flowing through the door faintly. Everyone inside quietens and you can almost feel the excitement ramp up. It just makes you feel more nervous though, particularly when they start to head out in their pairs slowly.
“Are you ready?” Your dad asks, his eyes already going glassy with tears as his lip wobbles slightly. Giving him a concerned look, you immediately reach up to wipe the tears as they start to fall, feeling your heartbreak at the sight of your dad crying. He never cried.
“Dad! Don’t cry, oh my god. I’m sorry.” Cleaning up his face quickly, you’re stopped by the gentle way he grasps your wrists. For a moment, you think that he’s going to push you away but instead, he pulls you closer and carefully hugs you.
It’s a little awkward as you’re trying not to ruin the carefully done hair and makeup, but you can’t deny your dad a hug. Especially when you’d never really been much of a hugger growing up. You would be cruel to deny him one, especially on your wedding day. Your parents were feeling emotional that their little girl was getting married today.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s just your old dad getting sappy. You look so beautiful. Hoseok is so lucky, you better remind him of that every day.” He’s pulled back now, giving you the softest smile that is still a little watery. His hands move to your shoulders and he stands back to examine you fully, his eyes taking in everything.
Before you can respond to him, Yoongi is disappearing out of the door and heading towards the aisle. He’s alone, as you’d planned, but in one hand is the bouquet that Hoseok’s sister would’ve held had she still been alive. It had been his suggestion to hold it, symbolising the family member that Hoseok didn’t have anymore and you’d been more than willing to agree.
You wondered what Hoseok thought when he saw it as neither of you had told him that Yoongi would be holding it. Hopefully, he was happy with it, along with his parents.
Turning back to you, your dad squeezes your shoulders reassuringly before smiling at you. Ironically, all it does is make you more nervous as you realise that now you’re the one who’s going to have to walk down that aisle next. 
“Come on, it’s time to make your fiancé cry.” His words in a teasing tone, your dad turns to face the door before offering you his arm. Standing there, you stare at him before looking at the door with trepidation. Nerves roil in your stomach as you hear the faint sound of music playing, knowing that everyone out there is waiting for you.
Which in turn means everyone will be staring at you.
Those nerves quickly turn to anxiety and your breath comes faster, chest feeling a little constricted by the tight bodice of the dress. Without even realising it, your hands start to shake and the bouquet in them shudders visibly.
Quickly, your dad takes the bouquet from you to make sure that you don’t accidentally deflower them or crush the stems. The last thing you needed was to ruin your perfect bouquet only minutes before you were supposed to walk down the aisle.
It frees up your hands and you find yourself flapping them as you stress, trying to shake out the negative emotions as you pant. Your dad’s eyes widen, obviously panicking himself at your obvious distress. He’s never had to deal with you struggling like this before and he doesn’t know what to do but his paternal instincts kick in quickly.
“Hey, come on, sweetheart. Breathe, breathe. Take a big breath in, come on, that’s it. Not let it out slowly. And again, that’s right.” Talking to you in his comforting voice, tone level and low, you follow his instructions and start to feel a little calmer as you force yourself to calm your breathing. It’s hard, and you still feel the anxiety but it feels a little more manageable now.
Closing your eyes, you run through all the tips your therapist had given you for how to cope with anxiety attacks. What worked for you was to sing in your head, the lyrics, whatever song you were loving lately. It probably takes longer than you’d have liked but finally you feel like you can cope with your emotions enough to carry on.
When you open your eyes again, your dad is giving you an expectant, yet worried, look. Shaking your hands once more, you reach out and take the bouquet from him before taking a deep breath. Linking your arm through his, you straighten your shoulders and lift your chin before smiling at him.
“Okay, okay. Let’s go.”
Walking down the aisle is surprisingly less stressful than you’d imagined. The famous wedding song plays through the air as you walk slowly and the whole atmosphere feels almost like a fairytale. The soft lights twinkle even in the daylight while the gentle, warm breeze makes the ribbons on the chairs flutter delicately.
Along the floor, the white and purple rose petals that Namjoon’s daughter had spread in her role as flower girl were strewn haphazardly. A few of them caught the breeze and rolled delicately to a new place, making it seem like the floor was consistently changing. You liked it, smiling at the sight of how beautiful everything looked.
Everyone was staring at you, as you’d expected, but surprisingly it wasn’t as intimidating as you’d thought. You didn’t exactly enjoy it but it wasn’t terrible. Probably because you were more focused on initially admiring how perfect everything looked. How months and months of thought and money had finally accumulated into the perfect wedding.
But mostly, you weren’t as bothered by the staring because you were focused on the end of the aisle. There was no real altar here, given that it was being held at a hotel and everything, but the metal garden arch at the end had been decorated in delicate flowers, ribbons and lights to make an even better end.
And beneath it stood Hoseok.
If you’d ever thought Hoseok looked handsome before then it paled in comparison to him today. His black tuxedo made him look tall and slim, every part of him looking perfectly put together and elegant. The deep purple waistcoat beneath his jacket contrasted with the white of his shirt perfectly; the colour combination making his skin almost glow with health and happiness.
There was only the slightest hint of tattoos at the edge of his collar, leaving to the imagination the artwork he had permanently on his body beneath his clothes but you didn’t need to imagine. You’d seen them all, traced them delicately into your memory over the years until you could point out where they were without even seeing them.
Finally reaching him, you paused to look at your dad and gave him a bright smile of gratitude before giving him a second hug. This one was a little tighter than before and when you let go of him, you saw that he was crying once more. He didn’t give your hand to Hoseok, instead just gave him a stern look while trying to surreptitiously wipe away his tears.
“You look after her, Jung Hoseok. You make sure she’s the happiest woman.” There’s iron in his voice, telling Hoseok that it wasn’t a question but more a command. But there’s also love and affection in it, something Hoseok can tell as well by the way he nods his head.
Handing your bouquet to Chungha, you take Hoseok’s proffered hand. Up close, you can take in the details of his face better and you take a moment to simply admire him and imprint him into your memory.
The sides of his head had been shaven, the undercut short and seen with the style he’d chosen to wear today. His hair had been styled back, pushed away from his forehead. It was a look that had made you weak in the knees many times over the years and you’d practically begged him to have it for the wedding, knowing that he’d blow everyone’s mind with how handsome he looked.
Hoseok had a face that looked like it had been hand-carved by the gods from the finest marble anyway and this hairstyle showed off all the highlights of his face. The high cheekbones that made his smiles so animated, his cutting jawline, the clean slope of his nose, the heart-shaped smile that lit his entire face and the dimples that made him seem so human. 
His lip ring was still in, the silver shining in the sunlight. He’d been unsure whether to wear it but you’d told him to embrace himself and keep it. You’d fallen in love with him as he was, and you wanted him to show himself how you saw him. Which included his piercings and tattoos.
Your heart clenched though when you looked into his eyes finally. Hoseok’s eyes were one of your favourite things about him. The crescents they turned into when he smiled brightly, pushed into the shape by his cheeks and the way his eyes could practically dance with delight when he was happy.
Today though, those beautiful and expressive eyes were watery with tears. The wet streak on his cheek told you that he’d already had some of them fall and you frowned at the sight of them. Everyone had been right; Hoseok had cried upon seeing you down the aisle.
“Baby.” You whisper, unsure if you’re meant to talk to him. Deciding you don’t care, you reach up to wipe away the tears and smile when he kisses the palm of your hand before nuzzling into it, uncaring of everyone else.
“Meeps, you look perfect. I read your letter, I love you too.” Before you can stop him, he’s leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. There’s a murmur in the crowd, alongside some laughter and he looks over at everyone with a raised brow.
No one says anything though and he gets a satisfied look, ignoring your shy expression as you turn away from everyone.
“You’re not supposed to do that.” Keeping your voice low, you give a hesitant smile to the official who will be taking you both through your ceremony. Hoseok lets out a snort of laughter as he squeezes your hand tight, letting his thumb run along the back of your hand lovingly.
“I don’t care. It’s our wedding, I’ll do what I want.” And before you can stop him, he turns you and gives you another kiss, this one lingering a little longer. Eyes widening, you can’t help but giggle as you hear yet more laughter.
You should be annoyed at him, but you know he’s a force of nature. Plus, you don’t care. It feels nice to know he can’t help himself.
“Okay, let’s get married, Meeps.” He grins at you before facing the officiant once more. Staring at him a moment longer, you smile at him and nod.
“Let’s get married.”
Hobi Hobi,
We’re getting married today! Are you excited? I hope you’re reading this when I told you to, if not then you’re cheating >:[ it feels weird to write a letter. I don’t even know if I’ve ever done this before, so I’m sorry if it sounds really cheesy and lame. What do people write in these normally? I’m just going to write what comes to mind so if it ends up sappy then you’re not allowed to tease me later about it. 
Anyway, I want you to know that I’m sorry that I suck so much at telling you how I feel and my emotions. I wish I could be one of those people who’s telling you every moment how handsome you are and how much I love you but I can’t. I’m sorry :( I’m trying, I swear! Even if I don’t get to tell you as often as you deserve, I hope you know that I love you more than anything in the world.
Don’t ever forget that, okay? Even when we’re arguing over something silly or we go to bed mad at each other, don’t forget that. I know we’re pretty good at talking things out but there’s always that chance that we could have a big blowout. So I want you to remember that I love you. 
I’m still not entirely sure what I did to deserve you, but I don’t regret sending you that message. If anything, I think I should send the Flower team a big bunch of flowers or something for creating the algorithm that brought you up as a match. Imagine if it hadn’t and I’d just deleted the app, we’d have never met and I’d still be lonely and sad.
But we did meet, and I took a chance on you by sending you that embarrassing message. And then you took a chance by actually meeting up with me and going on that date. I still remember it, and I don’t know if I ever told you but I still have the ticket for the escape room. I know you still have yours in your wallet :) Thank you for giving me your time, even if I wasn’t your type. I hope I’m your type now.
I’m not sure that I will ever be able to tell you how important you are to me. Not only myself but my life. You’ve helped me to embrace myself and learn to love myself over the years through kindness. I know my limits in terms of my mental health now and you’ve helped to support me with the medication and the therapist. Neither of those were things I’d been comfortable with doing before your encouragement. But you also gave me a safe space to break down in; somewhere that I knew I could be at my most vulnerable mentally without having to risk being hurt even more.
You held me when I cried, you comforted me when I panicked and you calmed my anxiety over the years. I can never thank you enough for helping me to understand that these aren’t deficiencies and I’m not broken. I just need a little help to get through things sometimes. At the same time, I hope that I’ve become that safe space for you as well. I know that you’re not as emotional as I am, but I feel that you’ve opened up to me about things that hurt you. I’ll keep your secrets safe and I’ll always be here for you!
I hope you’re happy with your life now. With me, and our home and our furbabies. I hope you stay happy, and if you don’t then talk to me. Please. I don’t want us to ever realise that we’re making each other unhappy and I don’t want to ever be the reason for negativity. I want to spend the rest of my life with you in our little home, growing old together as we play board games and dote on our animals while you increase your tattoo collection even more. I know that people like to say that they can’t imagine their lives with their significant other, but I really do feel like that.
My life without you would be hollow and monochrome, as you bring colour to my world and fill it with joy and happiness. I’ve never laughed as much as I have these last few years with you and I know we’ll keep that in our relationship if we try hard. 
I don’t really know where this letter is going and I’m babbling now. But I guess the main thing is just that I can’t wait to marry you. It may not be very feminist of me but I can’t wait to take your name and be your wife. I can’t wait to call you my husband. I’m going to be terrified in the ceremony and so nervous but I’ll be happy too, I promise! I still can’t believe that you picked me, out of all the women you’ve seen, to be your girlfriend and then decided that you wanted to marry me.
Jung Hoseok, I solemnly swear to treasure you for the rest of your life and make sure you know how much I love you. I might not be able to tell you all that much, but I’ll show you. I’ll make you smile and laugh, I’ll buy you things that make me think of you, I’ll hug you tight and cuddle you until you’re complaining.
So in case it wasn’t obvious enough, I love you. I just want you to know because I know I suck at telling you, like I said. I’m also bad at writing letters but what’s new? I’ll finish this off quickly so you’re not spending too long reading this. Don’t want to make you late for our wedding after all.
I love you. I love you, Jung Hoseok. I love you, Hobi. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Lots and lots and lots of love, your soon to be wife <333333
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Secrets & Lies
Your brother's best friend has been asked to pick you up from college after your brother's car broke down - you've not met Jim before now, but you were keen to get to know him more.
Taglist: @queenshelby @margoo0 @cloudofdisney @peakyscillian @ntmynouis
Warnings - smut.. a lot.. outdoor sex.. virgin reader
A request from @noctvrnalmoth
"Thank you so much for the ride home, Jim, really appreciate it." You smiled at the driver as you pulled up outside your parents house.
"No problem at all y/n, it was nice to finally meet you, your brother has told me so much about you." You and Niall were really close, despite the 10year age gap. When you were younger you didn't get along at all, but when your parents divorced three years ago, shortly before your 15th birthday, you'd moved in with him and his girlfriend Ilona and become closer, finding you had more in common than you thought. Your mother and you never got along, your father couldn't take you in as he worked away so much, but your older brother welcomed you with open arms, without question.
"I don't understand why he's never introduced us before, I've met all his other friends?"
"Yeah, strange. But at least I've met you now." He smiled, making you blush. There was no mistaking he was very attractive, but he was your brother's friend - with those eyes and that floppy brown hair, he had the pick of anyone he wanted, what would he want with an inexperienced 17year old like you?
"I guess I'll see you at your birthday party, right?" You smiled again, your brother had arranged a house party for your 18th birthday this weekend. Your parents were no longer around - mum had packed up and gone to live with her toyboy in London, your father had turned to drink following the divorce and sadly passed away following a binge, driving his car into the wall of the local supermarket.
You nodded and got out of the car, feeling a little giddy but holding it together enough not to let it show.
The party was in full swing - your 18th, surrounded by those you loved the most. Only Niall was blood family, but you considered your combined group of friends to be your adopted family - you'd all known each other for years, and you adored them. Except Jim. You couldn't work out why your brother had never introduced you to him before, but you'd met now, and you were excited to get to know him better.
"Happy Birthday y/n," his thick Irish accent pulled you from your daydream as you turned to face him. He kissed your cheek and handed you a small gift bag. Thanking him, blushing, you placed it on the kitchen counter with the others and you each poured yourselves a drink from the punch bowl Ilona had made that afternoon.
"You didn't have to, thank you so much Jim."
"Can't let your 18th birthday go by without a gift now, can I? Enjoying the party?"
"It's amazing - I think a few of my friends are a touch worse for wear already!" You laughed watching your friend Becky try to walk to the bathroom - looking remarkably like a duck with a limp...
"Yep, she's not gonna feel good in the morning! You seem to be stone cold sober? It's your birthday!"
"I'm not a big drinker and I know my limits - slow and steady, wake up fresh as a daisy." You winked at him and his lips turned up slightly to smile at you.
"You like slow and steady then?" He leaned forwards to whisper in your ear and you felt an unrecognisable feeling in the pit of your stomach, it felt like a hot coil turning and you couldn't help but bite your lip. Jim smiled at the reaction he gave you, and winked. "I'll see you later, y/n." What the hell was that? Was that flirting? Was he coming on to you?
"Don't even think about it y/n..." You brothers voice suddenly snapped you out of your daydream. You took a deep breath and smiled.
"Think about what, Niall?"
"He's off limits. He's 29 in a few weeks y/n, waaay too old for you!!" You scoffed.
"How olds Ilona, Niall? Isn't she nearly 35?" You giggled.
"You're barely 18, y/n, he's pushing 30! No way am I letting him anywhere near my baby sister." You rolled your eyes.
"I'm not a baby anymore, I'm an adult now - a proper one! It's all official n shit.." you smirked. You'd been older than your years since the divorce, but you loved playing childish around your older brother.
"Y/n please - you deserve so much better than him okay? He's not worthy of you."
"And why not Niall? Huh? Give me one good reason why not."
"All he's after is a fuck, and a fuck off. He'll just break your heart, okay? He's never held down a serious relationship with anyone, he doesn't know how." He was whispering now, so no one else could hear him. "He's had more one night stands than I've had hot dinners, and I'm not prepared to let my sister become another of his conquests." You looked at Niall, he was serious. A look of worry etched all over his face.
"And this is why we've never met?"
"Exactly why. You're a young, impressionable, attractive girl y/n - you deserve the world on a plate. All he can offer you is likely to be something you'd need antibiotics to get rid of." You chuckled at his humour.
"Okay, okay... I'll keep my distance. I promise."
The party was drawing to a natural close, lots of drunk people but all in good spirits - dozens of cheek kisses, hugs, and happy birthday wishes later, it was you, Niall, and Ilona left at the end. Niall and Ilona were already snoring on the sofa. You sat in silence watching the movie Niall had chosen before they fell asleep drifting yourself, when the door suddenly knocked you awake. Groaning, you made your way to the door and were surprised to see Jim stood in the doorway.
"Sorry y/n.. left my phone!" You let him in to look for it.
"Want me to ring it?" You offered, taking your phone from your jeans pocket. He dialled his number and listened for the ring. Hearing it in the kitchen, he went to pick it up before coming back to you in the hallway.
"You're a star, thanks y/n! I'll see you soon, yeah?" He handed you your phone back and you couldn't help but feel the electricity surging through you when his fingers brushed yours.
"Get home safe, yeah?" You opened the door to let him out. He maintained eye contact with you as he walked out the door. "Player..." You mumbled. "Hot player... Damn fine, sexy player.. but still a player." You made a promise to your brother and you were determined to keep it.
Leaving college the following Monday, your phone pinged with a message.
"Hey, great party on Saturday - hope you weren't too hungover the next day! Jim xx" you heart lurched.. how did he - ah wait, the missing phone... Probably used that trick dozens of times. You deleted the message and put your phone back in your bag. You won't play me, Jim, you thought to yourself, suddenly smiling at the control you were taking in this situation. It was clear he was attracted to you, and you couldn't deny you were attracted to him too - but there was no way you were going to let him fuck and run with you. You'd never gone that far with anyone before, your first time wasn't going to be a one night stand.
3 years later....
"Niall!!" Your brother was waiting on the platform for you with Ilona and their newborn baby. You were so excited to see them - you'd been in England at university and you were finally home, your degree finished, and now meeting your niece for the first time. Your brother swept you up in a massive hug and Ilona held up baby Emily in her arms. You placed your bag on Niall's shoulder smirking, and took the tiny baby from Ilona, cooing over her.
"Oh she's beautiful... She's just perfect..." Choking back a sob as the little one gripped your little finger in her tiny hand. Ilona wiped a tear from her eye.
"So glad to have you home!! Come on, let's get back to the house and you can tell us all about it!"
"So how's things been here?" You asked once you'd settled back at home, your brother pouring you a glass of wine. Ilona feeding Emily in the armchair in the window.
"Same old same old - although it appears your old crush has settled down nicely now!" You choked on your wine as your brother smirked at you.
"What crush??"
"Oh come on y/n, everyone knew you fancied Jim, it was only because your brother put a veto on him that you didn't act on it!" Ilona chuckled. You felt your heart sink a little at the news.
"Settled down? I thought he was the biggest playboy in Dublin?"
"Apparently he's put it all behind him - been with Danielle for about 8 months now, seems to be going well." Niall eyed you, watching for a reaction. He knew the two of you had exchanged texts years ago, your better judgement getting away from you after your initial reluctance at first. Nothing more than a few flirty texts, as you'd left soon after to attend Leeds University studying Law. You'd bagged yourself a new job at a law firm back home in Dublin following your outstanding Degree results, and started the following week. The messages between you had dried up after you'd left home, clearly he'd lost interest now you weren't as physically accessible as before.
"Good for him. I'm glad he's sorted himself out." You smiled, hiding the sadness in your eyes as best you could. Regardless of the time that had passed and the certainty that he would have broken your heart had you let him, you still held a torch for him deep down inside.
Niall knew you better than to pry further, so he left it alone, and you spent the rest of the day chatting about your uni experience, and cuddling your baby niece. You'd be living back with Niall until you had enough saved to buy your own place - they'd left your room as it was before you'd left, but they'd need it for the baby before long.
Your girlfriends were so excited to finally have you home, they'd arranged drinks at Murphy's Bar in the city centre that evening to welcome you back. Walking in, they all screamed your name and you were suddenly drowning in hugs from all 4 of them. After settling in a booth, you were all catching up on the last 3 years - you hadn't come home much while you were away as in between classes you'd been working as a clerk at a law firm building your experience. Time off had been limited, but you were home now, looking forward to making up for lost time.
"Oh you will not believe who's just walked in here..." Your friend Kim nodded at the bar a few hours after you'd arrived. Stood at the bar, you noticed his dark hair first, then his eyes when he turned round to lean against the bar, his beer being poured. He didn't look happy, but you still felt a warm glow in your stomach as he suddenly caught you looking over. You saw him take a breath and smile warmly at you, and that glow burned a little brighter. You made your way over to him, smiling gingerly and he gave you a warm kiss on the cheek.
"Long time y/n, how've you been?" He smiled before asking the bartender to add your next drink to his tab.
"Busy, finished uni last week and I start my new job next week so catching up with everyone this weekend. How are you? I hear you're doing well, with Danielle now, right?" He looked to the floor.
"Yeah, I guess."
"You guess? Ilona said you guys were practically married!" You laughed, but he didn't.
"Yeah. So where are you working?" You chatted about your new job as a paralegal in Holland & Taylor's Law Firm on Dublin's high street, and he smiled, eyes never leaving yours. Suddenly, he ordered 2 shots for the pair of you, and raised a toast. "To you, y/n, and the success you absolutely deserve." You were already fairly tipsy, but you never refused a shot. You both knocked it back and he ordered another two.
"Jim I think I've had enough, but thank you..." Jim smiled at you.
"Still know your limits huh? Fair enough, I'll drink yours." You saw pain in his eyes again.
"Jim stop.. what's going on? Are you okay?" He knocked both shots back.
"Since when did you care? Fucked off to the UK, didn't even tell me you were going, just did one. I thought we were onto something, I wanted to get to know you better, then one morning poof! You were gone?"
"Jim come on, it was a few texts! We had a cheeky flirt - no doubt I was one of a dozen girls in your phone, it was years ago! Come on now?" He laughed, the drink taking a hold and he stumbled slightly. You turned and headed back to your friends at the booth.
"Girls, carry on without me, I'll catch up later. I need to make sure he gets home safe..." They knew better than to argue - you'd always had a soft spot for someone in need of help. They nodded and headed to the next bar, you'd catch them later once you'd got Jim home. "Come on," you said, hooking an arm under his and wrapping his arm over your shoulder.
As the air hit you both, you felt him stand next to you.
"I'm sorry I snapped... I didn't... I'm sorry." He sat on a bench by the taxi rank, sobering up.
"Hey it's me who should be sorry Jim. I should have stayed in touch, it was just so busy with uni and work.. but I'm home now yeah? We can catch up?" A taxi pulled up outside the bar and Jim stood, making his way to get in.
"My head's a fucking mess y/n.." He paused, standing in the open door of the cab.
"Jim? What's happened?" Without thinking, you found yourself getting in the car with him as Jim gave the driver his address.
"Found out she was fucking around with her colleague. She doesn't know I caught them. Went to her flat this afternoon, finished work early, and saw them upstairs through the window, all over each other, bending her over the bed I fucked her in last night." He grimaced at the memory of it. "This is karma, isn't it? For all those times I screwed around years ago... Fucking deserve it I guess." You noticed a tear falling down his cheek and you took his hand gently.
"Jim, no one deserves this.. yes you played around when you were younger but no more than any other single lad in Dublin!"
"Yeah I wasn't always single when it happened y/n. I was a dick, a complete dick. I'm not destined to be happy, and that's fine. I can live with it. Clearly better suited to being an eternal bachelor eh?" The taxi pulled up outside the flat he shared with another friend, and you helped him out the car and up the stairs, telling the taxi driver you'd be back in 2 minutes once you'd made sure Jim was inside safe.
His arm over your shoulder felt nice, you couldn't deny that, and you both staggered up the steps while he fumbled in his pocket for his keys.
"Thanks for taking me home y/n.. really appreciate it. I'm sorry I'm a wreck."
"Hey it's fine okay? Let's just get you inside, yeah? Get to bed and you'll be fine." He paused after opening the door and you felt your cheeks burn. He was definitely sober now, but his eyes were burning into yours. Without thinking, you leaned forwards and caught his lips in your own, before pulling back quickly. He caught your hips and pulled you back against him, pulling you inside as you kicked the door closed behind you. You tried to pull away, but your body was screaming for him - three long years of fantasising about this moment, you couldn't stop now even if you wanted to. Crashing onto the sofa, he pulled you into his lap, hands roaming up your back as he pulled away from the kiss quickly.
"Y/n, do you want me to stop?" You shook your head.
"Don't you dare.. but..." He held back slightly. But?
"You okay?"
"I've already sent her a text telling her to go to hell and her fuck buddy too. It's over, y/n." He ran his fingers through your hair.
"Okay.. but.. don't laugh okay?" He lifted you off his lap and sat you on the sofa next to him.
"I promise."
"I'm.. I've never.. I'm still a virgin Jim..." His eyes widened in shock.
"Wow.. really? But you're beautiful y/n... No one has ever.." you blushed, feeling embarrassed at his compliment.
"Just never got round to it I guess... Work and uni.. busy.. few dates here and there but I never really took a shine to anyone enough for them to be my first.."
"We should stop... It isn't that I don't want you, I do, but not like this.."
"I want you Jim... It's always been you.. since that day in the car? I've never wanted anyone else.. I sound like a crazy stalker don't I," you rolled your eyes and laughed, making your way to stand and leave. "I should get back, my friends are waiting. I'll see you soon yeah?" He watched you move to the door and pulled your hand so you fell back onto the sofa with him.
"Your brother will kill us both for this..." He moaned into your mouth as you kissed him, back in his lap, you could feel how hard he was under your legs.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?" He chuckled at your response. This was going to be fun. You teased, grinding your hips against his and stood up, leaving him speechless on the sofa. "My numbers the same - call me, yeah?" He nodded, watching your body sway out the door.
He picked you up from work Friday afternoon, around a week later. Your texts becoming increasingly heated over the last few days, you were excited to jump in the car. You felt like a giddy teenager again, sneaking round behind your brother's back.
"Where did you tell him you were going?" Jim asked as he pulled away, heading towards the hotel on the outskirts of Dublin.
"Said I was staying at a friend's house in Cork for the weekend - he doesn't have her number, it's a 'new' friend I've invented that I met at uni. We're safe for a couple of days." You felt nervous. Excited, but still nervous. The text exchanges between you making it clear exactly what you both wanted, and when he said he'd take you away for the weekend, you had been online and bought something especially for the occasion - wearing it underneath your smart work clothes.
"Sounds perfect - you okay? You're sure you wanna do this? It's not too late y/n.."
"Shut up and drive, Jim."
Pulling outside the hotel you gasped. It was beautiful.. out in the sticks, completely secluded, you couldn't wait to get inside. The room was laid out beautifully, and the view from the window went on for miles - green countryside, the flowers in the grounds blooming, farm animals off to the distance.. idyllic. He placed your bags in the corner and walked over to you, snaking his arms round your waist from behind.
"You look amazing..." He pressed his lips against your neck as you tilted your hair back, pushing your backside against his hardening erection. Considering your inexperience, you seemed to know exactly what you were doing - it's like your body was taking over. He pushed forwards against you, letting out a soft growl.
"I promise I'll take it slow y/n.. so gentle.. I've wanted you for years, I'm not gonna mess this up now.." you turned your body round to face him.
"I trust you - I do. I'm just nervous.." he kissed your worries away and pulled you down with him onto the chair into his lap. "I want to to have me, right here, right now... Please Jim..." You ground your hips against him, and he gasped at the friction. You stood up, and pulled the wrap-around dress you were wearing off, letting it fall to the floor. You smiled as his expression changed, seeing you stood in the lacy, navy blue lingerie, complete with thigh high stockings. He pulled you back into his lap and kissed you again, this time his hands roaming over your breasts slowly, moving down lower across your hips, and over your toned thighs. He looked up at you, before teasing his fingers over the lace thing covering your burning core.
"Can I?" He questioned, still in shock that you'd chosen him to do this. You nodded, lifting yourself up slightly to grant him easier access. He slipped a finger between your wet lips, bringing some moisture up to circle around a bundle of nerves at the top - you shuddered when he found it, and gasped when he put pressure on it.
"Relax.. this will feel good, I promise.." he noticed your tension and realised just how inexperienced you were - this was all new to you, all of it... He continued circling with his fingers as you rocked on his hand, his fingers driving you insane.
"This... Jim... Oh god that feels good... What... Oh...." You had no control now, his fingers circling a little harder as you threw your head backwards gasping for air.
"You're gonna cum y/n... Let it happen, just relax baby..." You gasped again, feeling an unfamiliar burning coil in the pit of your stomach. Rocking your hips involuntarily against his hand, you felt it. A white hot release, accompanied by a loud cry from your lips as your breath caught in your throat. You felt your core soak him, and blushed as he brought his now wet hand back up to lick the juices from them.
"You taste good baby.. I'm getting a first hand taste of this later.." your breath returning to normal now, you lifted your still pulsing body off his lap and sank to the floor between his knees.
"How about we take care of this first?" You pulled his jeans down, he lifted his body up to help and you bit your lip as his hard cock sprung out from them.
"It'll be fine y/n... Trust me?" You nodded, before he took your hand to wrap it around the base of his shaft, before moving it up and down slowly. You felt your core twitch again as he moaned gently, now releasing your hand to let you carry on.
"Do you want me to go faster?" He nodded down at you, and you tightened your grip slightly, moving your hand up and down a touch quicker. A flash of inspiration, and you suddenly moved your mouth over his cock taking him by surprise.
"Fuck y/n... Oh god..." You were doing something right... his balls twitched as you rolled them around your hand slowly, your mouth sucking lightly on his cock. "Harder, y/n..." You complied and took him down your throat a little further, sucking a little harder. His fingers in your hair now, guiding your head up and down. "That's it... This is so good but y/n.. if you carry on it ends here babe..." You smiled removing him from your mouth. He pulled you down on top of him again.
"I want you to control this - it's yours for the taking y/n... Reaching down to his jeans pocket, he grabbed a condom. Pulling it over his cock, he lifted your hips over him and eased you down slowly. "Go slow... Take your time okay.. stop when you need to.." you felt him enter you slowly as you gently brought your hips down. Pausing every few seconds as you adjusted to his size. You suddenly stopped, feeling a barrier...
"I need to break past this, okay? Relax for me..." Bringing a hand back to your clit, he rubbed gently as he spoke softly. "Relax... You feel so good y/n... Wrapped round me... I'm gonna make you feel so good..." Without warning he thrust his hips up taking your breath away, and you fell onto him taking him fully inside you. He held you close as you caught your breath, the pain beginning to subside, replaced by a full and pleasurable warmth inside you.
"Move those hips against me y/n... Like we're dancing..." You did as he asked and gasped at the feeling of pleasure coursing through you. Every movement of yours met by a gentle thrust up from him, making you moan against him.
"This... Fuck this feels good Jim..." Your hips moved faster now as he leaned forwards slightly to kiss the base of your throat, his hands roaming over your still-covered breasts under the lace bra.
"Need more of you..." He stood up, lifting you off him and carrying you to the bed, laying you down on your back and spreading your legs wide. "I'm gonna fuck you y/n.. just like you wanted..." Your core spasmed at his words, fuck this was turning you on... He moved over you and entered you again, this time harder. He brought one of your legs up against his chest and rocked his hips back and forth. You moaned loudly, hands gripping the headboard behind you as that feeling coiled up again inside. He could feel it too, and brought his thumb down to massage your clit hard. Stars now - shit you swore you even saw a fucking unicorn at one point - your orgasm washing over you as you came hard against him, his fingers and cock taking you to highs you'd never been to before but desperately wanted to see again.
"Fuck y/n...." He suddenly stilled, panting your name as his own climax overtook him, filling the condom inside you. Slipping out, disposing of it, he lay down next to you and pulled you close to him.
"That was amazing Jim.... Thank you..."
"It gets easier y/n.. next time will be better.." you smiled, better than that?? Now you were intrigued..
"I want to experience it ALL with you... Show me everything... Show me what I've been missing..." You looked up at him as you lay on his chest.
"Everything? You sure you can cope with that?" You nodded. "Buckle up baby, we're not leaving this room all weekend..."
He was bringing out a side of you you didn't know existed - and you loved it. The thrill of the secret, the excitement of the fact no one knew but the two of you.. it was a constant turn on for you. He'd taken you away for sex-filled weekends away, where he'd introduced you to different positions, different toys, bringing you both a new level of climax every time. He stunned you with his stamina, often making you cum at least three times before he did.
Your brother had invited him and a few others round for drinks and a games night one evening, the first time you'd been in each others company around other people since your first encounter six months ago. You'd spoken about making your relationship public a few times, but the opportunity never arose. You'd have to really hold back tonight if you were to keep your feelings for each other a secret.
After winning against him in Monopoly for the second time after he demanded a rematch, you headed to the kitchen to top your drink up. He followed a minute later.
"This is fucking impossible y/n... You know how many times I've wanted to bend you over that table?" He sneaked up from behind and breathed in your ear, pressing himself against your back. You bit your lip and pushed your hips against him, before turning to kiss him quickly before anyone saw you.
"You'll have to wait til this weekend Jim... Only another week..."
"I don't think I can wait much longer... Fuck I want you so bad..."
"Drink up. I've only had one. You're drunk, and you need a ride home, don't you now?" He smiled, getting the idea. He knocked his drink back and staggered into the living room
"I think I've had enough lads, beers gone straight to my head! Should've had food before coming over..." He was a cracking actor, you thought, almost convinced you!
"I'll drive him home, a taxi will cost a fortune and I've only had one. I'll be back soon okay?" Your brother eyed you suspiciously but you just smiled and guided a 'drunk' Jim out the house to your car.
"When are you moving out y/n? This sneaking around is getting really tricky...
"I get the keys next month, not long now and we'll have our own space to do as we please yeah?"
"Pull over..." He growled, and you pulled into a quiet side road leading to the beach in the distance. Leaning over to kiss you, he placed a hand over your thigh, parting it slightly before gripping you hard under your skirt between your legs causing you to gasp.
"No, keep driving until we're at the beach... About time we had sex in the dunes..."
"What? I'm not going there with you now, it's the middle of winter!!" Despite your protest, you still found yourself driving to the dunes anyway, his hand still between your legs, then pushing past your underwear to tease you as you drove. You tried to focus on the road ahead, but his fingers were making it difficult...
"Wanna make you scream my name on the sand baby..." Was the car getting hotter?
Rocking your hips against him as he thrust up to meet you, you found yourself riding him hard on the sand, gasping and moaning with each thrust.
"That's it... Ride it... Come on..." You paused for a second.
"What's wrong?" He held your legs and questioned softly.
"My legs are freezing!!!" You both laughed.
"Do you wanna stop?"
"God no..." Your hips moved again riding him faster this time - you needed this to end quickly before frostbite set in. "I'm gonna cum Jim.... Do it with me..."
"Cum on my cock y/n... Let me feel it..." Taking his hands in yours, you leaned back slightly and rode him hard, your organs flooding you as he came deep inside you. Condoms gone now you were on the pill. You felt him fill you up, before both of you started to laugh at what had just happened.
"Shit... Jim we've been gone an hour, my brother's gonna kill me!"
You both scrambled to get dressed, thinking up excuses as to why you were so late getting back.
"So you broke down..." Niall questioned when you finally made it home.
"Yep. Lucky he knows how to change a tyre eh!"
"And you broke down by the beach, did you?" You paused, what did he say? "You've got sand in your hair, and a dune reed too... Right - what's going on y/n?" You stumbled slightly.. shit - thought you'd brushed all that out...
"I um.. look it's not how it looks Niall..." Your brother's eyes flashed angrily.
"I fucking knew it... I'll kill him!" He flew out the door enraged, and you heard the car pull off the driveway. You followed, grabbing your keys, before Ilona stopped you.
"Let him go - Jim can look after himself y/n okay? Come on now..." You fell into Ilona's arms and sobbed. You knew this day was coming, but it was meant to be when on your terms, not like this.
"We didn't mean to hide it Ilona... We just knew what the reaction was going to be, and we were scared... I know he's got this playboy image, and he's a 'scumbag with women' but he's never been anything other than kind, wonderful, loving, and patient with me.. I've completely fallen for him Ilona..."
"And if he feels the same about you, he won't let your big brother get in the way now, will he?" Your phone suddenly rang. You answered, hearing Niall's voice on the other line.
"How long?" He asked, sternly.
"Six months. Give or take... Where are you?"
"I'm on the road outside the house y/n.. I've had too much to drink to drive..." You scoffed at your idiot brother and walked out the door to see him standing by his car on the pavement.
"The hell are you doing Niall? I'm a grown woman capable of making my own decisions!" You were shouting now, but you didn't care.
"He's only in it for the fuck Y/n, that's all!"
"For six months Niall? You think he'd be seeing me for six months if that's all it was about for him? It's more than that, he cares for me -"
"He doesn't care about anyone but himself! Even Danielle saw through his lies! I told you, you're too naive for this!"
"I'm 22 years old Niall, I'm not a child anymore!"
"Guys stop before you wake Emily!! Come inside and calm down yeah?" Ilona ushered you both inside, dying of embarrassment, hoping the neighbours hadn't heard you.
"Niall think about it - have you ever seen Jim as relaxed and happy as you have recently?" Ilona brought the three of you a coffee each and you sat round the table. Niall had to admit Ilona was right. He had noticed a change in Jim just lately. A positive one - he did seem happy..
"And have you ever seen y/n as happy as she has been just lately? How did you not see the connection?" Ilona smiled at you, almost smirking.
"You knew?" Niall gasped at her, stunned.
"Oh come on, you knew too... Those stolen glances when they thought we weren't looking? The weekends they were both away at the same time, but apparently not together? Are you really that blind Niall?"
Your phone ringing interrupted the silence in the room. Jim's number flashed on your phone on the table. Niall looked at you and took your phone into the kitchen. He wanted to talk to Jim away from you.
"He's gonna shout isn't he..." Your head fell into your hands, Ilona reaching a hand over to squeeze your shoulder.
"He's had his suspicions for a while y/n.. he won't shout. He doesn't want to wake Emily. He's disappointed you didn't tell him, that's all. You're still his little sister, and that's his best friend. He doesn't want him to hurt you."
"He hasn't hurt me, he's completed me... I haven't felt this way for anyone before.. I'm sorry we kept it from you.."
"Oh please, I've known something was going on for months and so has Niall, he's just refused to believe it." Ilona giggled. She thought it was brilliant - Jim needed someone like you to ground him, and it appeared to be working well for both of you.
"He's coming over tomorrow." Niall re-entered the room, sullen. "I can't stop the two of you seeing each other, as much as it pains me.. but I'd rather have a conversation with you both in person, together.. you okay with that y/n?" You nodded, smiling a little. No going back now.
The following day, Jim was sat next to you on the sofa, your brother sat opposite you on the armchair. Ilona watching from the dining room with Emily feeding her.
Silence.. for the longest time, before Jim broke it.
"This is silly.. you just gonna sit there looking at the floor making your sister nervous Niall?" You rested your hand on his knee.
"Niall... Please listen okay.. we didn't mean to go behind your back -" you started but Niall cut you off.
"It's okay. It's okay. I've had time to think about it all.. and.. it's okay."
"What??" Jim looked up at your brother, stunned. He was expecting a slanging match, not this..
"Ilona was right. You two have had a certain spring to your steps just lately, and it's clearly due to this 'thing' you have going on.. I'd be a fool to stand in the way of that.." you stood up, and pulled your brother to his feet to embrace him. He hugged you back, before pulling back to turn to Jim.
"You hurt her, and I'm coming for you, understand?" Jim gulped a little and nodded.
"Agreed - but it won't happen Niall. Your sister would rip my balls off before you even got close." He smiled, the tension now officially gone between them.
"Also agreed. Are we all good lads? Niall, you satisfied your alpha male complex?" Ilona came into the room laughing holding Emily, who was reaching out for you. You took your niece and blew a raspberry on her neck making her giggle. Jim watched you both, smiling.
"You are NOT knocking my sister up Jim, get that thought out your head right now!" Niall pointed at Jim's doe eyes and you laughed.
"Don't worry, we've had enough surprises to last a while, Niall."
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