#i like the texture of her hair tho :0
tocomplainfriend · 9 months
I am mad
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Bro shut up, she is white - being Latina is not a race, is an not the same as color skin. And she is a second generation immigrant too. So like... this isn't like a Salvadorian person doing a cartoon, is a daughter of Salvadorians... That grew in the USA. Being Latino doesn't mean you aren't white, you can be any race and Latino. Still wouldn't make up for the lack of representation or the existing racism. In the piece of media that's "diverse".
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Salvadorian is not a race, LMAO. That's crazy- you think someone from Argentina who is white, is not white cause of their nationality??? Being Latino and having that culture does not equal a race. It's in itself a racist thing. This Latino = Race is terrible, It also comes from the idea of the "You are not Latino because you are not brown", assuming all people from Latino America are brown by default. You know how much has that happen to me? -AND MANY OTHER PEOPLE.
(I'm Latino btw)
I already have an older post about it, but - you can really see the lack of diversity in the show a lot. (Will talk about it even more other day).
Again the main thing you get is MEN, hypersexual skinny queer men (cis). You won't get to see female characters being well written, thought all the season 1 and all the episodes we got rn of season 2. All characters are skinny and similar body types and repetitive design choices. Funny enough, shows that lack of human characters still have better race-coding that helluva. (and well in hazbin you'll get POC characters that are gray, lack all ethic features... even when they are humanoid. So that is great.)
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Bro you could, you imagine a character being black and having different textured hair, and you go to hell... AND EVEN THO YOU ARE HUMANOID- your hair became straight and spiky, and you are now a light gray? If you build a world like that... it just seems like the perfect racist excuse to delete ethic features out a POC character because you don't want to draw them. "Not going to a single hint of their race/culture unless it revolves on their death"... If the character became a fucking coin with dot eyes, maybe (not really, shows with no human/humanoid characters still are capable to race-code their characters). But all of these characters are humanoid- why do none of them have their different characteristics? Also, this is about a real person in the real world choosing how to design a character.
This tweet also implies that a black character when they were a life they had ethic features, but lose them when they go to hell. Which is even more fucking stupid.
If a white person with straight hair goes to hell, and their hair remains straight (assuming it has nothing to do with their death), why wouldn't there be black people with textured hair? This is dumb. This goes back to the fucking thing of "No black people in fantasy media", In the same way, it's stupid for fantasy stories to revolve around white people characteristics in fictional species and people in that world- not including all the rest of diverse human characteristics POC people have it's crazy. The biggest problem here is why the fuck all Viv's sinners characters (main characters designed by her) that are supposed to black (or mixed like Alastor) have 0 characteristic. THEY ARE HUMANOID, THEY AREN'T EVEN ABSTRACT OR AN ANIMAL OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. She didn't want to draw that nor change designs, and wanted to justify the whole concept of Alastor even using Voodou.
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Bro, you know this whole thing of people with textured hair have to forcefully straighten their hair or wear wogs to a job... because people consider it ""Unprofessional"" cause racism? The erasure and discrimination of POC people and their features is a problem. That's why it is important to people represent all of those things:
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(Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur)
The only reason of why Alas tor is even mixed is purely cause Viv used the Voodou symbols because she thought they were creepy and edgy. It's sucks that all the angels and sinners that are supposed to be black have nothing.
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moth-tea-merchant · 22 days
Me, rambling about Peitha? It's more likely then you thing!
[ft. a talk about the way tumblr treats female characters]
kinda outta nowhere post, tho this came back to my mind bcs of the small conversation around the way female characters are treated and viewed on gw2 Tumblr. Fair warning I am not planing to try and surge coat my words here, apologies if I will be coming off as harsh, blunt or accusatory but I wish to make my opinions and my experience clear. While this no longer affects my mood and enjoyment as much as it did when the "conversation" was fresh. I am still very disappointed in the fandom/community for jumping onto take/narrative that Peitha is and was just "generic sexy demon woman and just fan service" listen, I have 0 issues with the sentiment and opinions of wishing she had looked more like her brothers. That isn't an unreasonable want to have had. However [while I wont be naming names bcs it wasn't ever one person] it seems many people took that as an opportunity and excuse to tare down and insult any of her feminine appearance. "she has lip enhancements" "She has curves" "They gave her eyelashes even tho she has no hair" "they textured her ass that way for the men" All of these are things I've seen said. And I simply want to ask, why are these bad things? Why is the fact Peitha has the illusion of curves, a more full upper lip, modeled yet subtle lashes, and a juicy ass covered by a flesh skirt bad things or inherently sexual? Why do they deem her design fan service/generic sexy demon woman?
Why is it that having physically feminine traits deems a female character inherently sexual and negative?
The one thing you can point to with her and deem making her character come off sexual/sensual is the way she talks and some of her comments that can come off as flirting. And if that's something that bothers you then that's okay, that's a valid feeling. You don't have to like Peitha, or love her design, but you also don't need to try justifying it by writing off her design as "just fan service, male gaze, generic sexy demon woman"
I think one of the greater underlying issues that these takes came from is the way some people seem to think that when they voice their want for more masculine or monsters looking female characters, they must also in the same breath condemn the female characters that don't fit that want. Maybe its bcs I'm a dyke and in the lesbian community, but we can bring up and apprentice the validity of masc presenting women without taring down femme presenting woman. The whole point is that both are equal in the way of being a woman one is not inherently superior to the other.
With that said I want it to be clear I hold no resentment or grudges against the people who participated those conversations. Neither do I look down on them. I simply wish for people to really think on: Why they see Peitha's feminine features as inherently sexual and negative.
That is all, back to your regularly scheduled bull shittery ✌️👋
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yokomation-blog · 2 days
Yoko Ruby´s In the House BABY
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1 down, 11(Scrapped Raion Kuma for now) to go and maybe also a few more if i can.
last time i did a timekill didn´t go as planned, Arlo would have had a model but it might not had looked as good, SO yeah.
Yoko Ruby, you Arvage Tomboy-Neko Gal and Yokomation Studio´s Mascot for the future, Really Her First video´s likely to be my new channel intro... HOLY FUCK what a Journey, feels like forever i last got a Model done like this and with the Whole new Rigging coruse i almost felt like Quitting but, thankfully saved the day when i heared via Discord it wasn´t Worth it deleteing her completely, i Gotta say outside the Hair a bit and not rigging her Toes, this model went FLAWLESSLY!, mostly like if i were to put at a score from 0 to 100 of how well it went i think it would outside Grooming her Fur and hair(went well but still a bit fucky)
Sculpting - 99 to 100/100
Retopo - 100/100
Multires sculpt - 100/100
Textureing - 95/100(good but still needs some improvemeants might re-texture her)
Basic rigging and weight pianting 100/100
complex Rigging - 75/100(new things to learn, got more models so might revist Yoko Ruby to improve her rigging over all)
and the shape keys and action animation things went pretty Fast due to the corrective bones, i Can see myself use them more Often tho, maybe Not around the Butt area tho, anyways time to chill off a bit THEN we can get To work on Doily, Nat and Kitube, all the Next Models are going to be as good or better Then Yoko Ruby, i´ll do a channel intro with and upload to newgorunds too(cause hey why not?) when i´ll work on it is still unkown, anyways hope you love her, because took too long to work on her and WELP Relearning alot of shit on the way was worth it and makeing her was part of getting more used to the new workflow and well let´s see if it worked out.
0 notes
radroachrepellent · 2 months
🍒Cherry Notes🍒
-> appearance, personality, habits, a good bunch of stuff! playlist linked as well! read if ya want to get to know her more teehee...
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Cherry has thinner lips, almost naturally resting kind of in a twitchy smirk. If you look pretty closely you can see she bites them a lot.
One of her ears is a lot more turned out then the other. Mismatched ears! Her ears aren’t super visible since her hair usually covers them. She doesn't have ear piercings.
Her hair is almost always tied back in a messy bun. Her hair texture is somewhere between a 2c-2b wave. She doesn't really take care of it hence the knots and it always being in a bun. She also likes to wear a hat.
She is heavily freckled and they are dark, some more like moles. They cover her lips and her entire body.
Cherry has coloboma in both eyes. Her eyes are a reddish brown that is lighter than her pupil so you can kind of see how her pupils drag down. It affects her vision and light sensitivity.
She is around 154 cm (5’ 1”~) in height, 73 kg (160 lbs~) weight. I would describe her body and build as pear shaped and she has a good bit of fat and muscle.
She likes color and puts on blue eyeliner that’s graphic inspired every morning. She has to go one eye at a time with her glasses bent to figure it out using a pocket mirror.
I imagine she has the Fallout traits of “Four Eyes” and “Small Frame” (like. vertically challenged. she thick af)
Cherry has bad vision and genuinely needs to have glasses on 24/7. I think she maybe takes them off to clean at night and that’s it. She has a few different pairs she brought from Coney Island that are her prescription.
If it’s possible to have a negative charisma modifier that’s Cherry! Do not ask her to haggle with people she will fail tremendously. It's funny because objectively she looks pretty cute and normal so like if someone just spoke for her like Impractical Jokers earpiece dialogue she could probably do well.
Situationally (when Cherry is under the influence of chems) she has a reverse "Black Widow" perk where she gets possessed by an alter ego and can decently well butter up older women. That's it tho. "Heyyy Bobbi-No Noseeee"
She definitely says "erm" sorry Cherry.
She is addicted to chems. Nothing beats a classic New York hotdog but she gets chem cravings for the Feltman’s Fantastic Floating dogs. (Everyone thinks she's making it up and has 0 idea what she's talking about. Chem filled hot dogs? That's gotta be a mentats trip thing.)
Chems make her feel like calm and more grounded than she actually is. She has some obsessive compulsive tasks and thoughts and chems distract her from that. She also just thinks it’s fun to see brighter colors. Gives her ideas of things to doodle or write down or ideas for her projects.
She usually carries a shotgun or rifle of sorts with ammo, a notebook, extra gloves, extra glasses, pens, chems, medical supplies, and a few melee weapons. Hot dog shaped whistle. Handmade blue eyeliner. Random canisters and small bags to stuff things she finds but she cannot carry a lot weight value wise.
Doesn't wear jewelry or anything to draw attention. Just her lab coat, wifebeater, pants, boots, gloves. She is objectively pretty but looks a little covered in dirt at all times. Harvested plants and what not shoved in her pockets. A petri dish falling out, etc. She just likes her makeup and having fun colors on her face and does self care that way.
She tries to lean away from direct combat but having to kill deathclaws for her passion project makes this a little challenging! she has definitely ended up almost dead before (wistful look to Bunny and Hancock)
She has developed a thought out hunting/trapping plan with time in the Commonwealth and more deathclaws killed. Like imagine a tornado tracking person but its just Cherry sprinting into an alleyway with a gun as a deathclaw spawns.
Luck or agility stat important here! I would say she's pretty useful to have as a companion for a character without like chemistry knowledge, medical knowledge, or needing a further away lucky shot. She might not be as trained or strong as the others but she can run settlements really well with her past.
Cherry looks like she would be punched and die immediately with the whole lab coat scientist vibe but I think she’s pretty sturdy she’s just not super focused on scrapping but maybe practices more after meeting the crew and realizing some of the skills she's lacking.
Cherry grew up around Coney Island, her family origin tying back to Charles Feltman and the start of hot dogs in the US. Many years of radiation and wars later, some distant Feltman relatives start up the Feltmans hot dogs company again - finding that America’s highly preserved food could survive nuclear fallout.
(King of unrelated, but I think they might not actually be Feltman's. but like Cherry's father's parents kind of just. took it LMAO. like there is some tie to the OG German immigrant somewhere but I don't think they are as directly related as Cherry will say. She might find out about this in the Electric Eden DLC as a wtf moment.)
They worked on trying to can/preserve the OG recipe of fully made hot dogs to rival Cram. something that could last as long and taste better. Also new york flair.
They live in Coney Island in a house that attaches to a food factory which doubles as a tourist site. Cherry grew up generously, the work of her father and some relatives paying off.
They bioengineered long lasting lettuce, made their own types of ketchup, created the “meat” of the hot dogs, the whole deal. They tried to sell from "fresh" for a bit but it wasn't super popular until they got more radio coverage. Cherry’s family in specific kind of had it fall into their laps as their previous generations kept it alive and did most of the work.
Cherry grew up running the hot dog stand (literally handing out canned hot dogs and only rarely serving them “fresh”(taking it out of the can))
She also worked in the lab and gained a lot of skills with animals, chemistry, etc. After her Floating Dogs incident, she worked the lettuce farm.
The “Feltmans Floating Dogs” refers to a joke batch made by a rebellious teen Cherry that accidentally got distributed to real customers. She basically shot a hot dog full of chems to see if it would hit different and made a lot to get herself high and give to her friends and a lot of them got canned and sent out to the people of Coney Island. (They became coveted by druggies much later)
This caused some PR issues as the company was trying to export out of Coney Island and grow to be as big as Cram. Some members of the family switched to the more business/museum side of the history of the hot dog in the US over the actual preserved hotdog after Cherry’s stunt.
Cherry had a few close friends growing up but didn’t really feel fulfilled doing what her family had done with the hot dogs for generation's. She was rebellious after her pigtail farming wearing days. She wanted to be something bigger.
I forgot to mention this earlier but her name is actually Cherie but either her uncle or someone in the family thought Cherry was more catchy and could help with advertisement. Like being the Wendy's girl (basically) adopting the other spelling of her name.
Cherry’s mother died in childbirth and she is the only child and youngest out of her larger family meaning that she felt some pressure.
Her family is huge I like the idea of her in the Commonwealth environmental dialogues being like "Oh yeah my unc' met up with that guy once" Like kind of like Shaundi and her ex's LMAO.
Cherry has always been a little weird and kooky but she was a lot more extraverted about it in Coney Island as all of these people knew her.
Cherry attended school and met some good people. She was a little rebellious as well and met her ex-girlfriend at an eyeglasses store and tried to pay her with chems only to fail the charisma check. Cherry doesn’t know how she got a date after that either.
Her and her ex-girlfriend have matching tattoos of the outline of the state of new york with a cherry. Cherry’s is somewhere around her left ankle.
Cherry's father is named Francis but goes by Frank. Well for. Reasons. (thanks teddy) ANYWAY he solely raised Cherry to be a good person like accepting of all people, help out those around you, stay strong, etc. He is a show-man type personality so Cherry absorbed that but in a more unhinged way.
Transition to Commonwealth
One of Cherry’s struggles is with dealing with uncomfortable feelings. She would much rather run away from those feelings than sit with them. She’d rather be high and just not there. She doesn’t know how to comfort people well. Imagine crying breaking down person in front of Cherry and she feels bad but doesn’t know what to do so just stands there deer in headlights. It kind of adds to her being mischaracterized as dense or emotionless.
Father Frank starts to act weird and she realizes that him manning the lettuce fields and being outside so much resourcing meat, etc. was slowly turning him into a ghoul. Half of the reason Cherry was sent to the lettuce fields was due to painful ghoulish blisters appearing on her father’s arms and hands. He denied it but Cherry could tell by how he was acting.
Frank Feltman loved the people of Coney Island and the history and this really fucked a lot of things up, he lost a lot of confidence and became agoraphobic and did not leave the factory like ever. He just continued to work on the hot dog and would not give up on it.
Cherry felt a mix of pity for her father’s condition, but also that same growing feeling of not being content or happy that she's felt forever.
She got high and thought of how to make her father happy again and tripped about skinning animals. Uhhh. Somehow she gets the idea to make a skin graft so he can feel just as human again. Through animal skin. using a skin graft to encourage tissue regrowth and began testing as many animals as she could.
(She has morals and would not skin cats or dogs but uh everything else is up for grabs basically. Cherry in her early twenties just covered in blood hacking at livestock and making prototype skin grafts can be found around her old house)
She stayed in Coney Island kind of manic for a bit trying to test on all the animals she could and neglecting her relationship and trying to be out of the house away from her father as watching his decline made her have to sit with those uncomfortable feelings again.
She spoke to traders and heard of different mutants and creatures in the Commonwealth, far away from Coney Island. It made her excited to leave but she also felt guilt at wanting to just leave her entire life so quickly.
Cherry abandoned the hot dog life for exploring for this skin graft idea. Not wanting to really confront the people around her about it, she completely skipped town on her friends and partner at the time with no communication. And then never came back.
She did talk to her father before going. He told her this was what she wanted and that she didn't have to come back for him. She said she would come back which she half believed. She didn’t care that he was turning into a ghoul, but the way he acted so differently make her uncomfortable and want to run away. Cherry wanted to prove her worth outside of hotdogs to herself and him and the world. She wanted to do something to change peoples lives completely. If her father's life was going to be so long, she wanted to come back with something that could make him feel how he used to.
She sends her father letters weekly, bi-weekly, on what she has been up to. for years. all of the stories of helping ghouls with prototypes, getting beaten up, etc. she writes everything. for years. she hasn't made it back to Coney Island yet. She doesn't hear back from him but continues writing out of compulsion. I don't think she really talks to anyone about it although the people she's closest with find out. Like asking about her tattoo or past I think she would be reserved unless you're around 750 approval with her. Asking her what's she's writing it would probably be a "drawing you pregnant" or "my next genius idea" comment instead of what she's actually doing until like 250 LOL.
A lot of Cherry’s idles are adjusting her appearance: glasses, coat, hat, gloves, etc. Another idle of hers is taking out a notebook and pen and writing. Sometimes in settlements she's talking to the pack Brahmin, tucking a letter in by some luggage. She also doodles and will make fun of people or her companions via stick figure drawings and pretend she is having some genius idea. Sometimes she leaves them out for people to find.
Cherry is pretty sarcastic personality wise, very much rolling with the punches but still trying to be somewhat optimistic. I feel like she kind of comes off as a more jaded Laois Touden lol. 
She gets along best with Hancock and Bunny. It takes a minute but I think at first those two are who she kind of sticks near and annoys at first. I don't know a ton about the other companions as I haven't deep dived but just adlib I think she would think Deacon is funny, Danse annoying but giggle to herself drawing him getting stuck in power armor, asks Codsworth to sharpen her pen as he says sharpening pens is not a thing people do, Preston's fine... Uh I think she would like Cait and Piper too. Loves Dogmeat. Wants to skin Strong.
She approves when you try to be funny and also help people. She approves with stuff that involves science or medicine and trying to help or be involved in that process. She approves when you pass charisma checks. She approves when you help the common folk. She approves also with random bloody encounters. She likes to be entertained and to be listened to when yapping. She likes soap opera moments and helping people.
She dislikes food or supply waste. She dislikes the overkill of animals or people that didn't deserve it. (She contradicts herself with deathclaws tho as she dislikes if you pacify deathclaws as she'd rather skin it and have it dead immediately) She dislikes characters that are purely violent and dark. I would say normal or caps oriented people bore her but she doesn't oppose them.
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tahnisreu · 9 months
4, 22, 32, 38
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4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
ㅤㅤㅤGood on both sides! They're about as normal a family as one can get in an RDA outpost on a hostile moon with limited supplies and all that but they make it work! There was a toyed with idea of Addi not being entirely close to her mom ( almost to the point the mom was out of the picture, like she left. wasn't killed wasn't anything she just couldn't handle being a mom and removed herself from that picture - leaving Addi with even more baggage like she's a moody teen enough tbh. ) because she was a little more rational and very hesitant at the idea of raising a kid on Pandora. Like imagine being a first time mom.. in those conditions. ( how am i supposed to live laugh love in these conditions ). But as far as current standings go, very good. If there were bad memories, it would be basic Teen/Parent arguments that would sometimes break out but were resolved eventually.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
ㅤㅤㅤAnything whiplash leading like 'buddy,' 'pal', 'friend,' but (derogatory) but she'll call something an 'idiot' (affectionate). She's on par with phrases like 'wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy.' 'You inept walnut.' 'Calling you an idiot would be an insult to stupid people.' Let it be known these are all directed at Spider. And no she WILL say these things to their face like she has 0 filter sometimes.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
ㅤㅤㅤAh yes, she goes to Ye Olde Kohls and Sephora on Pandora. So this one's kinda funny cause everything she wore as a kid had to be fashioned and adjusted from adult clothes. Standard RDA garments are very... uniform? Khaki, beige, red, white, black. Put some creativity on it and it works out. When the majority of people left, they did leave behind some clothes that got repurposed, but if she were say, a character in cartoon where they wear the same thing every it'd be something like...
ㅤㅤㅤKinda like what Grace's avatar wears. Since her arms and legs are exposed though she actually incorporated a very durable sort of elbow and knee sleeve guard as well as fingerless gloves so when she inevitably falls, less injuries! She definitely wants to wear other things like what she sees girls her age wearing in movies but it's not like she can go to Claire's.
ㅤㅤㅤThis girl is technically bare-faced. No make up on Pandora unless someone left it behind and she knicked it from their room. But it's not like she knows how to apply it, it'd look like clown make up.
ㅤㅤㅤAnd she has about mid-arm length brunette hair that has a slight texture to it, like if it was short it'd be lose curls but since it's long its just wavy. She has 3 hairstyles, loose, lose-braid, and ponytail. Nothing fancy. One thing I considered was her having a section of hair that's underneath and longer than the rest that's braided to resemble a queue (Cause Spider is going for dreads), cause someone said she should do it and she was just 'okie dokie.' and just never cut that section of hair ( I voted Tuk).
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
ㅤㅤㅤWHERE DO I START. All of it. Everything. She admires strengths like kindness and bravery, Grace's no-nonsense attitude, how smart her parents are, so many things. As far as talent goes, she's never felt like she lacks anything, she just decided things like'well i'm shit at painting so i guess i'm just not gonna do that. neat tho.' If she can do it, she does, if she can't, why get mad about it. Okay maybe she wished she was a little more agile but that's about it.
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deadblog-dni · 5 years
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day 3; lips
lipstick lesbian babey
prompt list can be found here by @julykings 
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
I was waiting for your thoughts on the outfits 😍
OOHH ANON! DO I HAVE THOUGHTS! (this ask is literally so sweet, ily)
Under the cut because it's long!
This outfit from Stella gets a nice 7/10. It's girly and the color is just gorgeous in her, but goddamn does it look cheap. If the world building of season 2 justifies it though, we could elevate it a point.
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Beatrix remains an absolute beauty queen and I ADORE the top part of this outfit. I'm also shocked by how soft she looks! Obviously the smiling is the actress, but the make up is softer - no more dark eyes - and so is her hair, no more braids or tight buns. Shocked, but pleasantly so! 10/10
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I would love to know who had the brilliant idea to put Aisha in more blue, so I can slap them across the head. Put her in pink, cowards. This looks like a secretary, bad bad outfit (incredibly cute scene tho) 1/10
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I think they managed to downgrade Terra's outfits? At least in the first eps of Fate s1 she's wearing that cute jeans jacket with the cute sunflowers earrings.... 0/10. Now it just looks like she raided Ben's wardrobe.
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I’m going to pretend I do not see this. -10/10
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Whatever Bloom's wearing here is cute in a dark academy way, but it's just... Idk boring? I'll give it some room for doubt, because maybe they have cool shoes. Very intrigued by her hair and who’s sitting next to her. 5/10
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I think we're going for oversized blazers and fully embracing Bloom's "dark academy" aesthetic, but this one is so much more exciting! The graphic shirt that's a little cropped, the belt! The coat! All the rings! 9/10 because I just know they'll fuck up on the shoes.
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LOOK AT HER GOOO!! Aisha in warm tones my beloved. This outfit's got spice! I love love her huge vest, love the track suit too (we can see its a matching piece in another shot), this is just FUN! Brings in personality! Would I wear the jumpsuit? Absolutely not, but damn if it's not entertaining. 8/10, because I wish the styles blended a little better. Grey is there I guess. (very cute that they match tho)
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Literally no outfit is going to top this from Bloom. She looks like a princess, she looks gorgeous in blue, she looks amazing in a mini skirt, all the different textures and fabrics are so fun, I'm IN LOVE. 10/10
Now Rosalind in the other hand... Idk, it fits the character we're given, but season 1 gave us a much more military inspired Roz and I miss it. Let's hope they give us less "bad prime minister" looks and more "evil sergeant" 3/10
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Musa baby, what DID you do to the costume department people that they keep doing you so so dirty?? Jesus christ. 1/10 because at least it’s practical for training and makes a cool parallel with the “walking red flags” description from s1.
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I think those are all from the trailers. 
Tl;dr: They definitely leveled up on Bloom. Aisha and Stella could go horribly or amazingly, we’ll see. It SEEMS like so far they’ve given Flora cool outfits, but I didn’t include her here, because I only realized her interview outfit was a costume later (sorry). Rosalind’s leveled down. Whoever is dressing Musa deserves to be shot in the foot. 
What are your thoughts nonny?? 
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urban-witch101 · 3 years
Hey let's rate the DGR1 formal outfits Part 2
You ready for more? Good. Let's pummel through this mess.
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- oh I feel bad for laughing
- I do kind of like the sock stirrup holder thingamabobs because historically that is a much more masculine thing to wear
- despite the dress, he's a boy. He knows it in his heart and he feels it truly no matter what his body says.
- the waistcoat is also masculine!
- but the HAT
- bud
- you look like a leprechaun
- 6/10, hurts my eyes warms my heart
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- so when I saw the original collage photo of all of them I immediately saw the yellow and cringed
- however when I saw the full body I completely understood
- her look is absolutely beautiful, I love the braids, the flowers are a lovely touch
- oh my gay heart loves this
- I never realized that yellow could look so perfect on a person
- 10/10, in character and well done
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- 2. It's too much.
- oh I know, but hear me out.
- I think she should have had the cape on her cold shoulder dress attached to the rim there, NOT a veil
- it doesn't help that it's very clearly not see through
- you have to look very closely in order to see that her hair is actually tucked underneath it
- LOVE the crown
- 8/10, bold and in character but it wasn't executed well
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- ...no
- that color
- the orange is chefs kiss, the rolled up sleeves and undone tie are oh my yet also in character
- but the PISS
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- My MAN
- I love this
- he's clearly proud of his culture
- the hair is AWESOME, the pink tip and hair band is just so fun
- it's over the top while also fitting so well
- 10/10, wouldn't change a thing
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- gay
- I'm gay
- I'm superdy duperdy duperdoo gay
- the cold shoulder, the purple, the sheer sleeves, the gloves, the hair, the ruffles, the UGH
- chic and classy while being unique to herself
- 10/10, god I've got the biggest crush on her
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- guys, she's the ultimate fashionista but isn't she also a teenager?
- that's a lotta boobage
- I do love that dress though
- the monokuma earrings are also really freaking cute
- I like how the black and white bits are subtle and the red is much more bold, very in character
- I feel like Celestia and Junko would have taken this formal as kind of a dress up competition (if that makes any sense)
- Junko wins by a mile. Celestia has style, but Junko adds ruffles and texture and just staying true to herself in her work
- it's a new classic so to speak
- 9/10, job well done but a little inappropriate
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- ah, my favorite bitch boy
- how are his slacks both too small and too big
- his pants are TIGHT that can't be comfortable
- why on earth does he just have a coat laying on his shoulders, there's not even a coat chain to keep it on
- still got the green tie I see with what I assume is a family crest button pinned into it
- I do love how the suit screams money
- he didn't do anything with his hair tho. Not even gel? C'mon man.
- 8/10 a little bland but very him
So! That's all of them. Thoughts?
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c-kiddo · 3 years
nd hc? nd hc.
since the only thing i know for sure ur interested in is cr its gonna be cr;
jester has adhd but a lot of her symptoms coincide with autism symptoms. she stims wildly and unabashedly in public; the classic hand flailing, flexing of certain muscles repeatedly in specific motions & i feel like when she sits her knees are always to her chest because that position is Good & grounding.
caduceus is autistic 100%. his favourite stimulation is definitely texture (ex: moss, the fabric is silky shirt is made out of, tree bark). on bad days noises are the most Wrong but also anything that feels restrictive. his stims i feel like are more "soft" if that makes sense? like running his hands against the texture of his staff, lightly scratching his thumb with his pointer finger to keep in the moment.
these are all i can recall/think of rn but tbh as a nd person i hc pretty much all my favourite characters as nd
;O;; lov these so much, so many good ideas :'-3c .. i think jes is always hopping around and skipping and flapping her hands about. like, if she wears a floofy dress she's just going to be spinning n dancing around all day. also, yea ;w; about cad loving specific textures sm.. i think he hates greasy texture. like, thats the one he needs off his skin immediately otherwise he will shutdown :'0. .. that and too much noises. especially like, non-organic noises? like.. forks against plates or machinery or the hum of specific types of magic. also didnt think of it before but i think youre meaning clothes when you say anything restrictive n yea ;w; i think usually its ok but if he's already struggling he needs the flowyest things possible.. . .... other stims i think he does are rubbing his ears between his fingers, chewing the collar or cuff of his shirt, chewing his hair n also swaying (even tho it makes him dizzy skjnfksjnks) :-3
(hell ye >:) every character i like is nd too, i decided)
also this reminded me i have a sensory overload fic drafted n i should try finish it lol ;w;;
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sir-sunny · 3 years
Adding on to the last ask you received, I think it's a really good idea from the last anon. She could be given a time limit to figure out how the victim died. The investigation can consist of seeing how the blood has splattered to determine where and how the victim died, finding hair and fibres to see what the victim may have touched and using that to recreate a series of events. the room could even go pitch black at one time and she needs to use a UV light to find previously hidden blood. She solves it before the timer runs out but she still needs to answer the question of who is the victim, when all there is in the room is a chalk outline. She scrambles to test the blood type of the victim's and look at their hair under a microscope to determine the hair's texture, and realises the horrible truth just as the timer hits 0. I don't know exactly how this part would play out but I imagine a domino effect of her causing all of the evidence she previously investigated, only to end up with her laying dead in the exact same corpse outline. Sorry for rambling tho I just found myself really inspired.
okokoko omg omg this is so cool like imagine monokuma promising that if she figures out the casue of death BEFORE the timer hits zero, then she'll be spared
and i LOVE the time limit cuz it's SO tense and u think she might actually pull it off. she's working extremely hard and impressively fast with the limited tools and resources she has
and maybe her friends are watching her through the a one way glass window and they really think she might do it but the slowly come to the same realization
like !! the idea that she was trying to solve her own murder !! that's so cool !!!!!
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seerofmike · 3 years
okay so this shit is about to get PERSONAL because weiss is my daughter (real) ((emotional))
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THIS ? good. simple. i like her flared(?? idk words) sleeves. i like the red in her jacket and the lil black thing on her top for ruby and blake.
i like the blue and white and sparkliness of her design overall in 2d, which doesn't really get translated to 3d, but i think it looks fine. but in the early volumes when all the girls had that glowy effect to them, she was kind of unbearable to look at with all that white. that's where the red and black come in handy and i think a small amount of blue would've helped in 3d too.
also, her 2d design has little ice crystals on the end of her skirt that don't look as pretty in 3d--with all this in mind im giving her first outfit 2 separate rankings. 8/10 for the 2d design and 7/10 for the 3d model.
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volume 2 outfit: this one will be quick but this is like, fine. white and black works well for her and the peacoat is cute. not much to say though. 6/10
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mistral arc: i feel like i may be in the minority camp when i say this is, like, fine. its not horrible! i actually think it works rly well for where her character is at--she's at her father's house and her design isn't so bright white anymore, it's now gray. her open collar is now tight around her neck, and i think in the concept art her ponytail was straight back instead of on the side, which would've been a nice touch--she could've adjusted her ponytail back to the side after escaping, just that small show of rebellion--but ultimately its just, a side ponytail in the actual show. which is fine. wouldve been cool tho
its really not TOO different from her original outfit, and i think thematically it works fine. i like the jewels on her collar to spice it up a lil and give her more of that rich girl class.
which she had red and black back. also her boobs ? r bigger ?? 6/10
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here we FUCKING go. THIS is what you wanna hear about. THIS shit. this garbage!!!!!! THIS DAMN OUTFIT !!!!!
there's so much wrong. it changes her silhoutte so MUCH. why are her sleeves puffy. rwby we've established your puffy sleeves don't look good !!!!! AND THESE ESPECIALLY DONT LOOK GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!! why are they such a dark blue ?!?!?!?! why are they two DIFFERENT shades of blue ?! are her gloves and sleeves attached?! they look like it. why !!!!!!!!!!
her skirt looks AWFUL in 3d, it has none of that ruffled texture or folds or creases and it looks like a BLOCK. its so stiff in motion. the red is back but it's LOST because her dress refuses to move !!!! she looks so heavy ?!
she's top heavy with her huge sleeves and her GIGANTIC BRAID HOLY SHIT THAT THING IS A LETHAL WEAPON, and she's bottom heavy with all her layers of skirts. speaking of her hair WHY DID THEY CHANGE HER BANGS ??? THEY LOOK SO SMOOTH ?????? ITS WEIRD ?!?!??!?
also, the asymmetry in her skirts doesn't look THAT atrocious in the 2d concept art, but again, in 3d, its so stiff. it looks janky and unfinished. it looks like a modeling error !!!!
WHY IS SHE WEARING SO MANY BELTS ??? WHAT ARE THEY FOR. shes fallen into the "modern design now feels like fantasy" trap. also what the hell is the 3rd layer over her 2 dresses? the one around her waist ?
ultimately she doesn't look warm at all. and like, maybe she's used to it, and to be fair when she was in atlas previously she was wearing a much shorter skirt so maybe she's used to the cold but if thats the case WHY CHANGE HER WHOLE DESIGN SO DRASTICALLY???
but wait, lets not forget the other important part !!
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weiss has huge mommy milkers now !!!! she got a boob job !!!!! WHY DID THEY INCREASE HER TIDDY SIZE. all the girls just have the same boob size now but its especially noticeable on weiss because she was like..flat chested before, but now they all just....have the same body type. and its boring !! BORING !!!!!!
0/10. AWFUL job
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Rating Anna character designs, since y’all liked the first one so much
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Cuteness: 7/10 cute! Too young but cute!
Hair: 10/10 has actual texture good for her
Outfit: 10/10 colors are rich and beautiful; I like the hat too!
Vibes: 6/10 vaguely mischievous, not getting kindness vibes
Could she kick my ass?: 8/10 she would kick my ass in fifth grade in defense of her guy best friend who she was secretly in love with
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Cuteness: 7/10 cute but also bland. Honey what??? Is that nose
Hair: 10000/10 those braids are unbelievable they spark joy in my soul
Outfit: -5/10 those colors are atrocious sir. Can’t pull off that hat honey I don’t care that you’re the princess
Vibes: 6/10 sweet but has the personality of a corn muffin
Could she kick my ass?: 0/10 absolutely not
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Cuteness: 8/10 ooo she fierce
Hair: 9/10 different from the rest but I’m kinda living for the ponytail. Also we need more brunette princesses go for it
Outfit: 1000000/10 Colors? Iconic. That hat? Hits different. Shoes? Pom-pomed. Wig? Snatched.
Vibes: 6/10 a little too serious and intimidating I’m a little scared but also intrigued
Could she kick my ass?: 10000000/10 I would let her kick my ass. I can’t tell if I’m feeling fear or respect. I don’t know where your sister is I’m sorry do you want my wallet??? Take it it’s ok I don’t need it
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Cuteness: 9/10 sparks joy
Hair: 7/10 a little too red but bonus points for looking like Anne Shirley. I also like the not-quite-briads. I love how long it is it makes me happy
Outfit: 9/10 I LOVE the dress but the hat aint workin sis sorry. The pom pom hat tho 😳. Color sceme is destroying me
Vibes: 100000000000/10 I would die for her. The spunk. The disgust of => the loyalty to Kristoff. The internet eroticism of loyalty. Unreal.
Could she kick my ass?: 8/10 definitely. But only after her character arc from prissy princess to literal goddess
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Cuteness: 1000000/10 my fragile heterosexuality is straight up not having a good time
Hair: 10/10 the little ponytails are destroying me
Outfit: 6/10 I love how her clothing is falling apart as her life does :) the colors make me wanna vomit a little but its fine
Vibes: 100/10 I love her can we be friends please
Could she kick my ass?: 8/10 yes but she would ask me nicely first
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Cuteness: ♾/10 I can’t contain myself
Hair: 8/10 I just wish it was longer :/
Outfit: 7/10 the colors are awful again but the details are gorgeous. The hat is fine but I want my pom pom damn it
Vibes: ♾/10 What can I say? That I build my entire personality around hers in 2013? Cause I did? Is that enough explanation?
Could she kick my ass?: 10/10 she did.
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softsweetsuffering · 3 years
Has an ability to mimic or amplify abilities/powers of others, as well as telekinesis
Was previously part of a group of people who also had abilities, however after mistreatment and other issues within the group, he left.
He's got a good wealth behind him.
Extremely gentle
Handsome ;)
Loves photography
Has lavender hair
Respects all
'Secretly' Plays violin
Lowkey a sugardaddy
Hamrish Benat:
Has four eyes!
Pink and blonde hair
He loves parkour (as in climbing buildings and leaping around in gyms)
Has PTSD (There are two AUS of which I default as to how he obtained it)
Ready to deck a bitch
Trained nurse
Loves teddy bears and fuzzy pink socks.
Also goes by Hami/Hayden
Andy peters:
Strong, kind.
The quiet Big Type, doesn't always talk, but his heart is in good places.
Wishes he could do more
Buff + Tall
Wears a pair of dogtags.
Has red streaks in his hair for the fun of it
Is extremely brotherly to Adrian
is friends with Hami
Adrian Géarán:
Nervous Malnutritioned anxiety filled tired mess
Has emotionally linked fire abilities (does not like having them)
likes to make little robots!
Easily bullied
Missing an arm
Struggles with normal life
Blames himself for Andys death
Looks unintentionally vaguely like Fry from Futurama
Leader of a summer camp for kiddos
Huge fan of the outdoors
Loves to garden
Red head with freckles
Good build, a little on the below-average male height
Likes to hike
Loves kids
Strong but pacifistic
Great smile
Surprisingly a little shy around other adults
Himbo energy
Douglas Connelly:
Just a regular chubby guy
His chub is only important because this man gives some of the best hugs, he's like a marshmallow
He is outwardly confident about his size, even if it sometimes worries him internally
He loves music, loves to groove in the kitchen while making snacks
Always open for roommates and new friends (one of his roommates is a hot bartender called Donovan)
A bit awkward but he tries his best.
Bunny hybrid (ears :3)
White hair
Likes to wear denim jackets
Fast runner
Has had experience working in the force
Izekiel Iris:
Bruised and abused in a facility
Was turned from human into A being of made of Paint (Useful? no. Fun? yes. Rainbow blood anyone?)
Loves painting
Easily anxious
Loves to draw on his own arms
Matthew Libelle:
Aka Matty Very delayed development wise as well as Autistic
Very much a texture lad, soft blankets are his thing.
Doesn't like loud sounds ( who does honestly).
Tries his hardest to function normally but it's hard.
Watermelon colours are his fav. Green hoodie is his fav.
Has watermelon pink hair.
Eldritch bab
Was cursed by a group of guys who were messing with magics they didn't understand
Did in fact murder said group of guys and is traumatised by the idea he has become a monster
hears voices
Has Tendrils that have burst out of his back
Has the ability to move from this realm to the Eldritch planes and back. (is terrified of said planes)
Doesn't have a home
Black curly hair- frizzy- shimmers like Slick oil
Shy type kinda, tall Pale. cold.
Kinda wishes he could just go back to normal.
Would really like to eat some fresh warm bread.
Rowan maverick
Was abandoned as a teen
Also known as Rogue/Red.
Lost some of their tongues making them mute
Trained Assassin.
Previously part of a cult
Addict to painkillers (Caused by the mental issues from the cult and the loss of tongue.)
Bad with Physical affection
Could use a friend
Cop/Ex Cop.
Laid off after an incident
Has a pubby called Otis
Likes the occasional beer
Dad energy
Issac Merewen
Was previously a Teacher - grade 11/12s
Kidnapped and kept Drugged the hell up.
Was given the new name: Jess/Jack. AKA The Jester
Now has Amnesia problems .(Anomic aphasia)
Was stored Cramped in box.
Needs glasses. (Long sighted. Cant see Infront of him for shit without glasses. He specifically likes round ones :3)
Natrually Blonde
He was very inspired by the Chitty Chitty bang bang scene, “Doll on a music box”.
- He naturally has two different coloured eyes :D
-He likes podcast n occasionally audiobooks. Its good for learning/remembering words, and way easier than straining his eyes. Although it is upsetting occasionally when he can remember more of a book/podcast he’s into more than real words or real-life things.
Tyrone Li
Wise, Patient, caring.
Brown tattoos wind up his hips and torso, curling around his chest around his heart, and around his back, flaring at his neck.
Loves plants and flora
Sex lost meaning when he was younger. He wants true intimacy again but he wants to find the right person..
Glamors hide the following features:
Tail, brown that gradients into Green, Leaf like tip.
Horns, curled. (green tipped :0)
Glamors break usually after a certain period of time regardless of feeding, however, during bad situations/fight the body may unglamour to reserve the last of its energy.
Basically immortal but can die (Reincarnations)
Not a pacifist, but not instantly into violence
He was blessed by the Heart of the Ocean (Shes wonderful <3)
Can control water, can do minor healing with water
Can make water bubble/ boil when angry
Glowy veins when powers are active
He has had many many lives
Soft..caring..Doesnt remember alot of his past..
Doesn't know how many times hes died
Doesn't have alot of family or friends
Goes on many adventures
Elio Solren.
Nickname: Sunshine
Good lad.
Is a shapeshifter Dealt with being told he was happy and always upbeat. People leaving or ignoring him whenever he wasn't started building this sense of need to be happy all the time for others.
Lots of struggles with self image. Being perfect. Appeasing everyone. Poor self body love/self body image.
Is scared about The hate from humans about shifters. The jealousy and fear about them being able to hide behind other faces.
Smiles to hide the pain
Punk/hipster vibes
Intricate golden tattoos
Doesn't open up easily
Doesn't like to admit to being in pain
AKA Corey
Owl lad!
Bright yellow piercing eyes. But is totally blind. (Face scars)
Loves music.
Plays the uke.. hums..sings sometimes.
Big wings- like barn owl.
Likes to perch in trees
Jeremey Caulfield
Winter baby
Was left bleeding in the snow at some point
Father Lovely old man (John)
Mother died (Ellie)
Birthday December 23h
Blue eyes
Black hair
Box boy
Red hair
Real sweetheart
Really needs more dev ; ;
Loves tofu n chicken
Stubborn af
Kicks ass!
Has Sass
Wears binders/sports bras for Lotsa running n such
Black hair big messy pigtails
Dark brown eyes.
Has a navy bear sleeps with it ‘doesn't care’ about it but does
Gymnast/kickboxing. Bandages around hands
Loved swinging bars since being a kiddo
Participates in Underground fight ring to make easy money
Sleeps on just a mattress
Has a laptop for study work but she's slowly giving up on bothering.
(She's not one originally but Werewolf Jules is one of my fav things)
Part mole, part orphan
Lives underground
Very light-sensitive
Is colourblind
Absolute nerd
loves tinkering with things
is scared of humans
very foggy memories of his parents.
Leilah/ Lei
Can make/control shadows.
Owns a Magic skull(Speaks to it)
Lives in the woods
Wears a skull to spook off people from her woods
Has Tattoos that are shadow/absorb shadows
Kinda bad at maintaining friendships
Emotionally Distant
Wears a cloak.
Bao Ketsuyki
Blood magic bab
East Asian.
Pink/red medium length hair
Big pretty red flower scar from blood magic use on her shoulder/ back.
Little bit foolish, little bit reckless.
Has almost died a few times from her magic use.
Oran Audun
Plays Guitar
Writes in journal, occasionally song lyrics, occasionally little messy ink drawings.
Easy to aggravate (On edge) however is trying to learn how to meditate and be calmer
Covered head to toe in scars but still tries to find confidence in himself. He doesn't find it unattractive, but he feels like others have no need to witness his scars.
loves wearing leather/fabric wrist bracelets
Unwelcome hands have used his body as a research object
Very very against physical contact, needs to break into it.
Social worker works mainly with kids.
Has a Shy guy tattoo.
His family consists of a Good ma, younger sister, and super baby brother
Dad died but dad was good.
Dirty blonde hair, kinda messy
Short, 5’
Socks the pupper is his helpful lil buddy (hes so round and white and fluffy)
Super dad vibes.
a hockey player n gymnast.
His mother died when he was about 9.
has an older brother who is a bit of a big jock type
quite protective and caring of his two much younger siblings.
ended up in a nasty scuffle though at some point during his more competitive years in Hockey
This leads to following his passion for Gym
Pole vault, the rings, trampoline.
Still plays hockey among mates or strangers on the weekends in the cold months tho
Ends up taking a position as a gym teacher for kids after taking a childhood course since he was so good at it.
actually a really sweet guy
Soft but likes his sport and jokes.
He can hold his own somewhat more than he appears.
has blue tips/stripes in his blonde hair.
He often wears varsity jackets or baseball tees. As well as a couple other sport wear shirts. (A. Good few are from his bro ofc. Free merch)
He's short but he's got a fairly decent build on him.
He's got a surprisingly good tackle if you aren't careful. And a good grip strength.
but everyone calls him Noah.
Works at a Boba tea cafe..
likes to surf.
has an Epic board.
Back and shoulders all littered with lines and tic tac toe-like scars.
he's the type to brush off any questions and change topic while smiling. But not super bubbly. Just. Go lucky.
has a few friends who like to hang out at the cafe
Was in a surfing accident that involved a lot of rocks.
4’8 Soft. Short.
Ready to protect.
Loves to bake!!!
Smells like a vanilla cupcake most of the time
Isn't afraid to fight although isn't trained
likes Yoga ( and yoga pants)
Needs glasses but doesn't wear them (tsk tsk, unless tryign to read recipes)
Dyes hair silver/white
Snake hybrid can transform his lower half from human legs to tail
Also has fangs, and therefore venom
He's got a lot of sass
Can be a bit of an asshole but soft around the right people
Isn't used to kindness
doesn't cry easily
Steals food
Mac Hiato
Also known as Caf
Very Grumpy.
Very often has bags under his eyes.
Hoodie is life
Insomnia has serious trouble sleeping.
Has nightmares of strangulation
Occasionally sufferers sleep paralysis
Scared of dark- night lights
Owns a mouse called Bean
Does freelancing webdesgisn/coding as job.
Sits like a gay.
Lives on coffee
Minorly Lactose intolerant
Has One bad eye
Her dad's a mechanic and used to bring her to work all the time
dead mum: which affected her ability to emote.
Works part time at the garage
Dad likes to bring gifts on their small catch-ups that happen every once in a while.
Sheeee. Suffers a bit of resting bitch face.
she's kinda stunted emotionally because she was raised by her dad, who, isn't great with emotions himself being a man's man and all.
She's very much a tomboy gal. Doesn't exactly get dressed up. because she finds it tiresome and not "her".
Also if she did/does have friends the nickname Nemo 100% crops up because it's sadly alll too fitting but also kinda sweet.
She's actually really into cars and mechanics. Which is one of the few good reasons her dad and her are close.
She's hard to get to know, very quiet. And if you're someone who dominates the conversation she won't speak up much, but you'll be surprised to how much she's listened.
Just because she looks tired and done doesn't actually mean she feels that way.
Samson (Lemonade boi)
His name is Samson, but he prefers Sun/Sunny. (Other more affectionate nicknames include Lemondrop and Sunflower.)
He really likes going out to markets and stuff like that, little stalls or knick knack shops to find the odd kinda items.
He also really likes wandering big forests. (Hes got some o that fae energy) He collects various cool stones/rocks/plants from some of them. He also has some small vials from waterfalls and ponds he’s encountered)
He wants to practice magic to become a witch! He loves the candles and rocks and other cool things that come with the craft. (He inherited things from his father)
He really likes loose fitting shirts too, like flowy things, ones with sleeves that drape past your fingers, or has extra fabric on the bottom that dangle down past hips. (Sometimes they come from the ladies section just because they’re softer and have more variety. Others from op shops and other niche little stores.)
He bought a cologne from a witch that looks cursed but the only curse is that it makes the one who puts it on smell like citrus..so not much of curse. (The bottle looks fuckin neato tho)
He looves fizzy drinks. Doesn’t mind his alcohol either, however it takes a surprising amount to get him on his ass despite looking like a serious lightweight.
He’s pretty average in build, bit of muscle in his arms, some fat on his thighs. Slight pouch of a tum (cause no ones flat and thats unrealistic :<)
He’s about 5′4. So not tall, but not the shortest of the short.
He kinda likes to backpack about. Not staying in places long if they get boring. Which means he is kinda jack of all trades when it comes to work, offering to fix things for pay, lots of casual work doing various things.(One of his favorites was helping a little old lady run a paint shop.)
He occasionally snorts when he laughs and tries not to.
He has his ears pierced, and he has a little yellow gemed stud in his nose.
The ring around his neck he found in the middle of a patch of mushrooms.
He has a couple other tattoos. One of them is of bubbles up his wrist :3 He also has some stars on his ankle, and a sunflower on one of his fingers on his left hand.
He’s not super in to gardening but he does have his lemon tree. He also wants to grow some mandarins
His eyes look silver in a lot of lights, but occasionally there’s some strange hints of yellow, and other times blue.
He has freckles!!!! that look alot like bubbles ;)
He has a twin brother called Fraser.
Scrunches his nose
Hides his laughter behind his hand
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Is it easy to find a job in your preferred field in your hometown?           preferred field *chuckle*
Ladies: Would you ever consider proposing? If not, why not? Gentlemen: How would you feel, if you were proposed to?     yes, I have an idea
Have you ever played the original Mass Effect trilogy?           I haven’t
If so, which Shepard and who do you like romancing the best? -             
Let’s say there’s a person in need. They need money which they can’t make. Would you be more likely to help them out, if a celebrity asked you to?       celebs should help them, not me, I need help myself!
When you go to a restaurant, do you have a go-to dish? Or do you always try out something new? usually
Would you rather live next to a kindergarten or an old folks’ home?       old folks’ home for sure
What is the best part of your most ordinary day?   sleeping :x
Do you enjoy being on your own or are you happier when there’s a crowd around you?           I’m a loner/introvert
Do you ever look up what foreign idioms mean?     yep
What’s the strangest saying you’ve come across? I don’t recall atm
What’s a First World problem that you have?         hmm...
Have you ever made a parody version of a popular song?     me and my sister were doing puppet shows for our parents, mostly her ideas as she was forcing me to perform those until I got sick of that
Which game did you play the most as a kid during recess? nie bawiłam się w większość gier przez brak zdrowia, ale lubiłam plac z huśtawkami czy drabinkami, albo udawać rodzinę/dom i te fajne białe “krateczki” z kolorowymi “guziczkami” co jak się je wpinało w dziurki to układało się z nich obrazki (nie pamiętam nazwy)
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Is there a pattern on the pants you’re currently wearing? Which one? there isn’t
Does your mother annoy you when the holidays come along in the year? my mom annoys me all the time lol Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? I’m too short but I manage and still some ppl sometimes ask me for help anyway Do you check the texture of things first or the smell of them? used to smell them but now just texture Have you ever broken the arm or head off of a figurine? How did you do this? I’m no Chunk :P
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Do you believe in superstitious things such as breaking a mirror? I wouldn’t do that on purpose but I don’t believe in most of the superstitions, luckily there are some things you can do to avoid bad luck like throw salt over your shoulder or knock on non painted wooden thingy etc. Do you get sick of people who call themselves bi polar all the time? I’m sick of ppl who use mental and physical illnesses as excuses when they don’t have them - single headache ain’t a migraine nor being an ass makes you a border, shut up! Ever have an ultra-sound performed on you?  more than once Do you like those ‘end of the world,’ ‘Armageddon’ movies? some are good, some not Ever been choked severely on something? just a feather Has anyone ever compared you to an animal? Which one(s)? several like monkey, raccoon or cat Ever been in one of those church Christmas plays before? Why/why not? I didn’t participate but I watched/looked at them when I was younger Have you ever thrown a roll of toilet paper at someone before? ... why? Have you ever found yourself talking to an inanimate object? at times I talk to my computer (because I hate it so we argue), kettle and fridge, also my stuffed animals of course Something on the human body that grosses you out the most: penis Ever think of what it would be like to be a mermaid or merman? I thought and I wouldn’t like it besides maybe finding some cool stuff that drown  What is something that bothers you about most surveys in general? creators lack imagination, they ask the same stuff over and over again, it’s boring What is your favorite color of apple? Red, green or yellow? red Ever want to be a doctor? Is it because of all the hospital shows? noooo Do you like drawing smiley faces or do you think they’re overrated? rarely and I’m ashamed of that tbh Are you someone who actually likes to babysit children? hell no but I’m not that bad at it Do you hardly ever remember where you put things at? I have good memory when it comes to that most of the time - not counting my green scissors grrrr Where did you last buy socks from? What do those socks look like? Archelan - Christmas themed and fuzzy  Do you ever lay in the grass and look up at the sky, just because? not as often as I’d like to? Are you afraid of being kidnapped if you go outside at nighttime? raped, killed or robbed more likely Do you like showers or baths better? Why did you choose your choice? baths as I like to sit and I don’t like the glass nor have water over my head  Are you a controversial person? Do your views oppose others? it seems Have you ever thrown a surprise party for someone? Who for? nah, I dislike surprises and there weren’t opportunities/possibilities to do that Do you tap fingernails on desks? hardly ever Have you ever wanted to be in a band? What position exactly? vocalist (who can play instruments) but I have no talent but don’t worry, it was a childish dream that fade away when I found out more about live of a band member Do you ever call your cousins just to talk to them randomly? nope, we don’t talk, just say HI if anything  Do you find any of your friends’ parents creepy or really mean? yep Do you ever had to wash your clothes at someone else’s house? camp When is the next time you’ll go to the library? Why is this? we’ll see, covid situation isn’t helpful and I can’t focus on books lately Do you treat others as you’d like to be treated? Have you always? I treat them how they treat me (not authority figures/dangerous ppl tho) Were you a really mean kid or a sweet and quiet kid? sweet and quiet Are you someone who likes to get in arguments or fights a lot? I don’t like to but I still end up arguing, sigh... How do you make sure people know you don’t like them at all? avoid them, block them, ignore them fight with them when they don’t stay away (not physically yet)
How much was the cell phone you have at this moment in time? about 200 PLN  What would you do if you woke up randomly with purple hair? cool but wonder how that happened What color is the closest desk to your body? What all is on it? ugly light brown with shitload of stuff The most painful medical procedure you’ve ever had? gonna have it soon so don’t remind me Ever have a dream you’re being abducted by aliens? Was it scary? aliens tried to abduct me in dreams but didn’t succeed ha!  What would you say is the color of your favorite bra? white Do you like people who are loud or people who are quiet? not too tiring but not completely silent either Does personality weigh out the sense of ‘good looks?’ look is important but not as much as personality for sure, it’s like 1:9 I think Do you hate it when people copy the things you do? could say so Has anyone ever told you that you’re good at cooking? r u kidding?... Do you have any enemies who you think are dangerous? anyone can be Do you ever try to squeeze information out of people? Konrad once told me I’m like a private detective about it because I’m so sneaky they don’t realize until it’s too late but I sadly forget infos quickly due to stress last months so it’s not as useful as it sounds Does it freak you out when the police drive/walk by? somehow Have you ever been pulled over by the cops for speeding? I don’t drive Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? I had a friend who was a firefighter
Have you ever woken up to a good morning letter beside you? left in the kitchen but informative like - I went there or feed the dog etc. Would you ever get your nails done? I can do them myself if I ever want to
Are you afraid of worms? maggots Do you wear rings on your thumb? why not How many shirts of yours are red? less than 5 Does the color red look good on you? my first therapist told me I should wear it to be more brave but it causes anger in me so I prefer not to Do you pray before every meal? Sunday lunch with parents Have you ever been caught cheating on a test? not caught but been cheating in high school How many white tank tops do you own? 0? Do loud people bother you? omg YES Does your head itch? not currently but frequently Do you know anyone named John? my ex friend had a nickname like this Have you ever tried the cinnamon challenge? I’m not stupid Are you a fast runner? like Gimli Did you ever want a pet rabbit? no way
Do you ever want to own a house? apartment more likely How do you feel about men? blergh Do you know any police officers? my neighbor was a police officer Have you ever signed a petition? lots Have you ever aspired to start your own business? I wish Who is the oldest person living in the same building as you? mom The youngest? me Would you rather pay with cash or card? cash, cards make me nervous Have you ever used a pager? I have not Do you like visiting the beach? beachcombing is fun Do you like to buy things? but not spend money lmfao Have you ever been in a polygamous relationship? I didn’t know that I apparently am - jk Is there anyone you haven’t spoken to in a long time but you still think about daily? my grandma for example Would you like to be rich? not filthy, having enough money to live and not barely survive
have you ever behaved like a stalker? *crickets* can you lie and keep a straight face? poker face game strong when situation calls for it
have you ever feared for somebody else’s life? especially dad’s do you prefer honesty, even when it hurts? hard to tell if you could pick your own pet name, what would it be? picked my dog’s  have you ever masturbated while driving? wtf, don’t do that, gross how do you feel when someone takes the last of something? without asking? *cringe* how do you feel when people tell you “bless you” when you sneeze? thank you unless I sneeze many times in a row and they bless me every single time - then it’s annoying what are you supposed to say when somebody coughs? r u ok? have you ever committed a violent crime because of a video game or rap song? who said I play/listen to those? have you ever actually overheard one of your friends talking shit about you? possibly how many partners is too many? at once or in your entire life? do you believe that wearing an aluminum foil hat will stop the government from reading your thoughts? that reminds me of the RED movie XD
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would you rather have a hook for a hand or a peg leg? peg leg 100% elseway I’d end up with an eye cover as well if you know what I mean bonus points for/to being a pirate tho how close does someone have to be for you to feel obligated to wait and hold the door for them? either right behind me or carry heavy/big load do you examine the tissue after you blow your nose? for example when I worry about it bleeding  what is your cure for the hiccups? wait
Do you miss Brittany Murphy’s appearance in films? awwww she was such a good actress RIP
Is Christmas stressful? to me it is but I’m stressed 24/7
Do you make your own smoothies or juices? meh
Do you think time really does heal all? NO
Are you more sensitive to heat or the cold? cold
Did you care at all when Steve Jobs died? ... he died?
Has anyone searched your room for anything recently? my mother for dirty laundry
When do you decorate for Christmas? as soon as possible
Would you be cool with wearing sweatpants to the grocery store? yes
Have you ever been pranked via a hidden camera? am glad that didn’t happen 
Do you know any of those people who are depressed during the winter? I’m depressed year round
If a job makes you unhappy, do you choose to stay or leave? if I can change it without ending up on the street then I leave
How does your being here in the universe change humanity for the better? nothing? Who is a person that you don’t like yet you spend time with? my family member[s] How is your relationship with money? we don’t see each other as often as I’d like to ;) get it?  How do you feel about growing old someday? won’t live that long
Are you wearing two shirts? too hot for that Have you ever owned the socks with toes on them? disgusting! Can you point out constellations in the night sky? I can not What was your favorite part about studying ancient Greeks and Romans? not interested What’s the last thing you bought at a mall? food, antibacterial gel and a blanket
Is there someone who you can turn to for money and not be ashamed? parents but I’ll feel crappy about it  Have you ever swam in a river? as a child Are there any dirty clothes underneathe your bed? ewww seriously?  What food do you love the smell of while it’s cooking? smells make me sick In what month do you start Christmas shopping? I seek presents whole year then store them for later Have you ever had a crush on a celebrity of the same sex? as a lesbian What kind of flowers would you plant in your garden? bushes, grass, moss and trees, wild flowers, if they want to grow, can stay  Do you believe that kids should be taught abstinence? I agree When’s the next time you’ll go to the grocery store? not in next weeks
Where’s your car keys? not applicable Did you keep any momentos of school dances? pics Do you still have clothes from your high school? and middle school  Do you think you could do better drawings than Napolean Dynamite? this question...
Do you own anything skull print? had a shirt that I gave to John ages ago Who are the three people you consider yourself closest to? parents and my gf Which ex of yours means the most to you? my partner as we’re back together Have you taken prescription medications that didn’t belong to you? oh well... How are your social skills? awkward Have you ever stayed at a hotel for longer than two months? I’m poor Do you ever go outside to look at the stars? there were some days in past summers when me and dad been going to stadium for a walk at night, that’s when and where we saw UFO  Who breaks away from the kiss first? she as she forgets to breathe  Do you know what you weigh? thx for a reminder - they’ll ask in hospital Have you ever smoked anything other than tobacco? one cigarette was all that I smoked in me life Have you ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle? nope Do you say koala bear or simply koala? koala  Do you usually travel anywhere in the winter? I’d freeze brrr Do you wait for someone else to take the garbage out when it’s full? we take turns Are most of your friends white? it’s not America so...
Does your hair reach your boobs? not even my shoulders
What’s something that fills you with anxiety? what doesn’t?...
What age do you think is too old to still live with your parents? there’s no expiration date
Have you ever watched Bob’s Burgers? fragments
Has a teacher ever caught and read a note you were passing in class? I wasn’t that much of a note passer 
Do you know anyone who is afraid of horses? nah
Do you clean things that are already clean when you’re bored? tha hell?...
Would you rather live in a tropical or arctic climate? tropical
What do you do when someone overweight complains about being overweight? I say it’s important to be healthy but weight isn’t always a sign of being ill
Is there any Irish, Scottish, or Danish in your heritage? none that I know of
Do you find Asians attractive? yes and no
Have either of your parents ever been to jail? nooooo
Keep Calm and Carry On or Screw Calm and Get Angry? there’s time for one of each?
Do you think Urban Outfitters is overpriced? like every other similar store 
Are your colarbones prominent? yeah
Have you ever in your life worn overalls? I have indeed
How did you react when you heard Whitney Houston had died? sorry but I didn’t care
Do you think Helena Bonham Carter is attractive? she is
Would you rather listen to Dolly Parton or Dusty Springfield? Dolly
Are you watching The Walking Dead? I’m scared of zombies and gore 
Are you a light sleeper? became lighter
Would you consider cuddling cheating? it’s complicated
What does the purse/bag you last used look like? it’s black with red embroidery and white beads
Can you make a clover with your tongue? impossible
What’s your favorite coffee brand/flavor? I don’t drink coffee
Is your belly button pierced? no piercings!
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decadentboat · 6 years
-The daily routine of the Akimichi family- 1/?
Alright, this was said comic about the future Akimichi fam. Nobody complained so I guess it’s OK?
Just for this specific comic, I won’t be uploading it on Pixiv. I honestly don’t want to stray too far on the internet. So please don’t share it through Facebook or Twitter? VK Mitsucho page is OK, since it’s like a fanclub? I know this might be useless, since I have 0 control over this but you can’t blame me for trying?  Why? I guess some people might hate it. I don’t want to atract hate to the ship nor to anybody that likes this.
This is based on @miss-akimichi’s future headcanon! I really wanted to complete the whole routine so a bit of my own headcanon is there too. But mainly it’s her idea!
Warning: Both Mitsuki and Chouchou are in their early 30s here. This is a married couple what if type of comic, so they get a little touchy with each other(it’s sfw don’t worry!) But I thought I would warn people just in case this type of content was not of their liking! Finally. Sorry if there are mistakes, English is not my first language and I don’t have my Grammarly account in this laptop :_:
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This was the first part! It covers the very start of the morning, what comes next is the breakfast(Akimichi without breakfast?? I had to!)  Expect more rebelious children(Maybe next month!) Also I added that pinkish/orangey texture to make the pencil lines less rough but now that I think about it... It fits that phrase Chouchou likes so much “rose colored future“(This must be a japanese thing bc it’s not the first time I hear this)
I...am fond of the kids design. I think is very hard to design children without straight out ripping the parents designs or just doing whatever and they don’t look like their parents at all. Dunno if I made them right! I didn’t give them a name... I don’t have the heart? Whenever Mitsucho happens or not, all of this is going to be butchered by canon anyway.
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Mitsuki has this wavy/messy hair style the daughter has. The little boy’s hair is more straight like Chouchou’s but it has a part where is a little wavy. Of course golden eyes(Snakey, but the girl has the same warmer gold tone of Chouchou) I wanted them to have lighter hair like Mitsuki so it would make a bigger contrast with their skin. They wear kimono like clothing. I explain better this in the breakfast part, where we see what Mitsuki and Chouchou wear on the regular. The sleeves are not as long, the tips of the finger/hands can be seen. Since they perform Akimichi techniques too, I thought it would be a hassle for them to have the sleeves as long as the ones Mitsuki wears.
The girl is 4 years older than the boy... Tho this design in particular is like a couple of years after than the comic itself.
This is one of the first designs I did. Prior reading about this headcanon, I liked the idea of twins(But for some reason every other ship with Mitsuki has produced fanart with twins so I dropped the idea sadly lol) The color scheme gives me some little twin stars vibres lol. That notLuffy. Sorry I haven’t read/watched OP! But I know about gomu gomu punch at the very least.
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And to clear things up...
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boymeetsweevil · 6 years
bts as boyfriends
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a/n: tbh this was basically a list of things i just had swirling around in my head and its basically a continuation of my moments w/ bts and sleepovers w/ bts
Kim Seokjin
Squishes your cheeks together in his big ol’ hands because he can and because he thinks you look cute that way
Is highkey a fan of having matching stuff, but not full-blown couple outfits
thats where he draws the line >:|
Created a separate instagram account just to document the meals you guys have together on your date nights
Dumb (but cute) snapchats of him doing that fast yelling thing he does but he just tells you how much he misses you rly aggressively
also spams you with selfies and videos from other members’ accounts
Pets names hmmm
prefers to call you Doll 
yeobo seems too serious (its what his parents call each other)
Sweetie/Honey makes him feel like an old woman
On your one year anniversary he gave you a 5000 dollar watch but presented it in a box wrapped in printer paper that had his face printed all over it that he made in Microsoft word with some of the editing crew’s help
all of his gifts get wrapped this way 
Jin Is scary serious when you take a selfie together
“Babe, this isn’t the angle--quick lets move over here so we can still catch the light” ***proceeds to sprint ahead of you to some random spot where the lighting is optimal and hurry u over like “ >:( cmon the sun is setting” ***
Is not your typical PDA type, will do weird things just to embarrass you
puts his hand in your back pocket while you’re in the starbucks line and smiles when you give him incredulous side eye
rests his phone on your head to mock you for being shorter than him
Links arms with you like old lady gal pals while you’re walking because he knows you HATE IT
fake moans when you swat his arm for being weird and embarrassing
you shushing him and ending up just glaring because he has no shame and there’s an old man glaring at u on the subway
You can bet he tests out recipes on you!
some of ur most romantic nights have been when you come over just casually but the whole house smells like food he’s been tweaking
you sit at a stool by the kitchen island and he comes by with like 8 different sauces you need to try and noodles to test for texture
He is the type of boyfriend that thinks its funny to gross you out
he eats food the fell on the floor just to piss you off
will kiss u while he’s chewing gum :(
touches u with his bare feet  :((((((
Min Yoongi
Is less bold but NEVER lacking with his affection
Likes to take walks in any weather
E.g. Loves when its rainy because then you have to huddle close because he INSIsts on sharing an umbrella
E.g. Will even walk in the winter/end of fall because he likes to share mittens and scarves - this is the closest thing to cheesy you will ever get with him
Isn’t the type to send selfies
if he does, its just of his shoes of the day with an ironic caption like “rate my fit and i’ll follow back” 
Readily accepts all of your selfies, though
Upgraded his phone 2x just so he could have the extra storage to save all your photos
a lot of them are blackmail worthy, which is the reason for saving them half the time
Yoongi Is a champ when you get drunk
will hold your hair back
lets you spit your gum out into his bare fucking hand before u hurl and will not flinch 
rejects all of your lewd propositions, but may record you and play back your whiny drunk voice the next morning to make you reconsider taking shots next time (PS u dont ever reconsider)
he likes home dates too, obvi
usually you schedule naps at his place because everything about his bedroom is better than yours
mattress is huge and the perfect firmness
sheets are higher thread-count 
can sleep with his hand up your shirt all he wants because he doesn’t have any roommates at his own place
pillows are always cool to the touch BUT
he might schedule dates at your place if he’s been away and just wants to bury himself in your smell. Speaking of...
...Yoongo is a smeller
he is always smelling you, loves how you smell
He smells your hair while zoning out waiting for his americano to come out when ur at a cafe
He’ll wrap himself around you from behind and sniff your neck idly while he plays candy crush on your belly while u try to cook dinner
Nicknames vary on his mood/your behavior
brat - for when you’re being a brat duh
kid - default, all purpose and a little mocking
your last name when he’s feeling rowdy
your first name when he’s emotional
Jung Hoseok
Hobi always runs full force at u when he sees you even if you’ve been in each other’s faces all week
Whenever he’s bored and you’re nearby he’ll moonwalk around you
You love to watch him practice but you also hate it because if you make eye contact he’ll come over and try to pull you in to teach you
He’s tried to teach you to dance dozens of times and you never get any of his choreo
usually it ends in him maneuvering you into a slow 2 step
which then always becomes a tiny makeout session
but honestly so many other random activities you do together turn into makeout sessions because tbh hob is a bit of a greaseball
this means that half the time you’re ignoring him pawing at u and making cheesy jokes during inopportune times 
the other half of the time ur dragging him by the collar and looking for an empty room to take him into because u dig him and his cheesy horndog antics
He’s also lowkey highkey a dudebro
crowds you because he wants to chest bump and ur like “-.- again?”
kept trying to get your secret couple greeting to be that little surfer hand thingie he does with tae sometimes and u said no because neither of u are 8 anymore
likes spontaneous dates, so usually you’ll text him wyd and if he’s free he’ll just answer ‘coming to get u now’ and then you sigh and slip on your shoes and wonder when you’ll be able to have a date where its not 10:30 at night and you’re not wearing sweats and ur not going out just to go eat some chicken by the Han
You utilize all your privileges that you have dating him to visit Mickey
any time there is a break in the guys’ scheduling you say you want to visit mickey
He lowkey hates those days because you just lie on the floor next to mickey and eat the snacks his mom puts out and COMPLETELY ignore him
u and his sister take turns petting mickey and telling embarrassing stories about hob while he sulks in the corner
he gets revenge by taking 20 pics of ur back and doodling horns on ur head and spamming u with them
Probably would call you a bunch of weird things as a pet name
ducky, peaches, cutie, hotpot, captain etc.
sometimes calls you sweet thang but only when its after dark and he’s trying to make moves
Hobi is the type to always want idle touch but its not exclusively sexy u kno?
if you’re watching tv together he’ll have an arm slung over you
if you’re out to dinner, he gravitates towards booths so he can press his shoulder against yours
if you’re chilling in bed you HAVE to be rubbing his arm or else he’ll give you the most ridiculous pout [its so cute tho :’C ]
Thinks you’re the funniest person alive, is always laughing at stuff you said whether if was supposed to be a joke or not
which means he does that deep hiccuping giggle all the time and you just :’))))))
He’s so patient and let’s you test out all your new skin care products on him because he likes having your hands on his face and the way you talk softly half to him, half to yourself while you talk about what you’re doing
maybe its ASMR lmao
Kim Namjoon
The first thought you had after you started dating was that you could touch his dimples any time you wanted
so naturally you do
he has long since gotten used to you just touching them while he’s driving, reading, listening to music, just existing
the first time you did it he was just talking to you about something and when he felt your finger nudge his dimple 
Joon: “I feel like if we visited in the spring we could go frog catching and maybe then we could-----*you jam your finger into his dimple*
You: and? what were you saying?
Joon: uhhhh I forgot :0
a fan of couple outfits but not in the same sense Jin. its more like he likes to plan your outfits
he gets really excited when he thinks of something you would look good in and always gets really bashful right before he shows it to you because he wants you to like it
he has great taste and is very observant of u and ur style so there has never been a time where he has planned an outfit for u and u looked less than amazing
same for photos, he takes really good artsy photos of you all the time
thats what 80% of dates with him are
walking through the city at night so he can take a picture of you with the city scape behind you
or going to those instagram-able cafes in the city during their slow hours so he can pictures of your coffees and you sitting next to a pastel neon sign that says like Love Hurts or something edgy like that
taking photos like that one girl and her bf who travel alot on ig, u know the one
but u never actually manage to get a good shot like that because ur always like ‘joon my arm hurts why dont u be the girl’
He’s in general big on googling popular activities and getaways and making a big deal of documenting it 
as a result: he’s been working on a scrapbook and he thinks you don’t know but you and all 6 other members and even Bang PD know about the scrapbook
he gives it to you on your anniversary and even though youre expecting it, you cry
he takes photos of that too and it goes in the one for next yr lol
He calls you baby of course
but not in an exaggerated/pronounced way
it comes out super naturally and he says it more than he says your actual name
u better Get used to just turning around and catching him giving you that one soft smile he does with his whole face 
“is there something on my face?” 
“no, just enjoying the view <3”
Always wants to make your plate when u visit his home, and always ALWAYS gives you too much food
going there and realizing that maybe its a family thing as you watch his mom heftily scoop vegetables onto his dad’s plate while his dad looks on in worry about where he’s going to fit it
Using Joon’s lap as a pillow!!!
he can read and stroke your head while you snooze
him humming off key because he thinks it helps you sleep
Park Jimin
Before you started dating, Jimin seemed like the guy that everyone loves because he’s effortlessly cool and charming
And he is even after you start dating BUT
He is also a little praise monster and lives for your compliments
Jimin takes advantage of the fact that you are obviously enamored with him and will do things to fluster you on purpose
runs his hands through his hair because he knows you can’t look away
gets unnecessarily close to tell you things because he knows you get goosebumps when he whispers in your ear
plays chicken with you all the time
slow looks at u until u squirm
HE’s a menace
but also reminds you of a bumblebee
Jimin loves to go to see the latest comedy movies and those are always fun
Not because the movies are actually that funny (lowkey he has really bad taste in comedy movies), but because he will LOSE IT in the middle of the theatre and end up slumped over the armrest just laughing his head off
Cue the high squeaky laugh where he can’t even see the movie screen anymore because his eyes are squeezed shut :3
After the movie he always tries to retell funny scenes like
“And then *laughs* did you see the part where the guy *laughs* *laughs more* and then he *dolphin noises*
“Yeah, Minnie it was funny”
He always wants you to come to the gym with him because he gets an unnecessary amount of motivation from those gym couple accounts on instagram
You go in your big t-shirt and shorts and he goes in a similar outfit 
It always ends up with u watching him because again he looks good when he lifts weights and does squats
he likes the attention too 
Calls u cutie
but thinks its funny to sometimes address u as his favorite anime villian’s name ur always like hmm time to go now
He’s a feeder kinda like joon
YOu can’t ever eat anything by yourself, he always wants to cut things for you, spoon feed you 
he’s very caring
This means he also is super attentive when ur sick and will bring u soup and play cards in bed and always refresh ur water and bother u about taking medicine
Kim Taehyung
Everything with Taehyung is beautiful and u feel beautiful with him which is so amazing and crazy at the same time
He is a big cheerleader for u he loves everything u do
You made a badly folded origami and he shouted cute and was so genuine and got it laminated somehow and keeps it as a keychain accessory
He’s always showing you things
like some of his favorite classical art pieces that he’s saved pictures of on his phone
sometimes he tells you about how he can’t wait to plan the perfect trip to europe with u so u can visit some of his favorite pieces face to face
Always showing u his new (and old) favorite songs and movies
some of ur dates are going to see old films or foreign films at this one really hip theatre in the city
he bought a gramophone a little while back before u started dating and he loves to play records for you and lie with you on the floor and show u  the best parts of the song with his hands in the air
He has a fancy camera too that he uses to document “special moments”
when u asked him how come he always uses it to take picture of u then he was like everything with u is special and u had to tackle him and cover his whole face in kisses because he cant just say things like that without facing the consequences
He keeps a journal where he doodles in the margins and writes songs and poems that only some people have seen like yoongi or jimin
he tried to draw you once and it came out looking a little strange but he’s still learning and u love him for it
He also gets soo sooo excited when you show him your favorite things
u dont do it as much because they dont seem as cultured or pretty but u show him a movie from ur childhood that u still watch once or twice a year and his eyes were huge the whole time and he was so glad to watch it with you
Calls u Jagi because he likes what it means and its truly accurate
U guys are just on the same wavelength and he really appreciates that u dont find him weird or quirky or overly pretentious even
u finish each others sentences and can predict moods pretty well its a little scary for the guys to watch u talk to each other in half sentences and know what the other means
When u first met, it was through Joon because he thought u guys would click and he was super nervous and worried because a lot of ppl don’t really GET him
Maybe at ur blind date a song came on in the restuarant u were in and it was a song he really liked
and then u were really shyly like “it feels like when you find a really special spot in the woods that nobody knows about” and hes like
“yeah, it really does” and then goes home and writes ur name 20 times in his notebook before getting the courage to call u about a 2nd date
Jeon Jungkook
You already know what it is with this kid: MEME CENTRAL
seriously ur texts are like 80% reaction pictures you downloaded off the internet that just get cycled over and over again because they’ve started to replace certain common phrases and emotions
Yoongi tried to jack JKs phone once and read the messages out loud to the members to try and embarrass him and he actually couldn’t read the last 24 hours of messages because it was literally all pictures/emojis
JK thinks ur laugh is the best sound he’s ever heard and is always trying to bring it out
he makes so many weird faces
those also become memes in the chat
he does so many exaggerated moves from choreo just to get u to crack up
does random weird things with his voice at inappropriate times to get u to choke
Like Jimin he is a praise monster
he wants u to think he’s impressive because he thinks ur very accomplished and cool and he’s still very much the young shy boy he was before joining the band.
Does flips because he knows u love it and won’t leave u alone until u confirm that u are in fact watching
JK: “Hey, hey, watch this LOOK are u looking?”
YOU: “Yes oh my god what?”
JK:*Does a backflip*
JK: *internally* i can die now
Get ready for some next level cuteness OMG
the little nose scrunch will become the most frequent thing
u will be ruffling his hair and it’ll tickle so he’ll scrunch his nose and u’ll just explode its amazing
The BABY SMILE every time its been a while since you’ve seen each other
You’ll practically tackle him and he loves it and spins u around a little too fast
Those big sparkly eyes that he has?????
prepare for those when its his night to cook but he doesn’t feel like it and says he wants to order pizza for the billionth time
You can’t say no to him ever
gaming is not your thing but he will rope you into a 3 hour Fortnight tutorial because u love him
Not really big on pet names, or like any names for that matter
but he will use your actual name for when he wants ur undivided attention
Is scared that you think he’s immature so sometimes he’ll try to go a day without making a joke and then its ur job to try your hardest to crack him up
this is good because ultimately u also love his high pitched loud laugh 
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