#i literally TOLD CARO I WANTED
noaltbruh · 9 months
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@multifandom-hcs Hope you're having a good day too! :))
Bruno and Hermes dating hcs ❤️
Hermes 💋
Chaotic gf. I don't know if you're an introvert or an extrovert, but she will most definitely be more hyped than you for anything.
Loves to try new things with you and go on all sorts of date! From carnivals, to road trips, to that one random place you saw and you're not quite sure if it's a restaurant or a sex shop, but you'll find out together!
Wakes you up at three am. because she just got an idea for what you could do together and you have to do it NOW.
Big on PDA, she's constantly touching you or holding you near her even when you're in public, HECK ESPECIALLY when you're in public.
Loves to show you off to the Stone Ocean gang and can't shut up about how great her partner is.
Definetely teases you and gets even mushier with you if she sees you getting shy.
She'll speak up and stand up for you in any situation, whether that is a stand battle or someone cut in line in front of you.
Always has the biggest grin on her face as soon as she sees you.
Loves to drag you in troubles, but she honestly just wants to have fun with you. Don't worry, if things get out of hand, she knows how to handle policemen.
I think her kisses would be a bit rough, like you can just feel how eager she is to feel her lips on your body.
Is literally always complimenting you and your look, calling you hot, beautiful, handsome, pretty...Whatever you prefer!
"Breath taking as usual, caro/cara!" "I'm...Literally in my pajamas" "Your point?"
Shoplifts for you, I'm sorry. Like- maybe you just saw a cool jewel in a shop and told her you liked it, without really thinking much about it. The next day, you find that exact jewel at your front door.
Opens up about her past and how much she misses her sister, it's one of the few times she genuinely seems sorrowful.
Would love you even more if you accepted to visit her sibling's grave with her. She might cry on your shoulder, so please comfort her.
On a more optimistic note, if she visits her on his own, she even talks to her and you and how awesome you are.
She lets you keep your stuff in her tits without even having to ask her, it's just routine for you two by now.
Loves to do your makeup. Alternatively, if you don't wear it, she still asks you if she can try it on you because she's fully convinced you'd look great with it.
VERY flirty and completely shameless about it, no matter who is watching.
Can't cook lol, but she will gladly take you to any restaurant you like and she'll offer to pay for both of you!
...Yeah, pay.
Bruno 🤐
The boyfriend ever.
He's so romantic and gentle he literally makes me want to cry because he's so perfect and VSGABCAHZCSS.
Just being near him makes you feel safe, you'll never have to fear being judged as long as this man is your partner.
He's calm and understanding. No matter if something is troubling you or you're simply in a bad mood just because, he'll never lose his patience with you.
Encourages you in everything you do, whether that is a small task or a lifelong goal you're trying to pursue, Bruno will always be ready to support you and help you in any way possible.
Might be a bit busy from time to time due to his job, but he makes you to call and text you anytime he gets the chance too. He loves hearing your voice and he wants to be sure that you're doing alright.
He never closes a phone call without an "I love you, tesoro" at the end.
Will make up for the time he missed once he gets back home. He'll do whatever you want to and there aren't limits to how much he's willing to spend for his love.
Do you want to go on a trip to France for the weekend? He already has two tickets and a reservation in the best hotel of the city.
Remember that very fancy restaurant in the city center? Guess who has already reserved a table for two with a beatutil view on the entire city?
Truthfully, however, Bruno enjoys anything as long as he gets to spend it with you. Despite his role in the mafia, he also loves simpler, everyday life with his partner.
Even just going to the local market to buy something together makes him so incredibly happy, and gives him a sense of normality in the mess that's his life.
Not super big on showing affection in public, at least not as much as Mista or Narancia- but he always maintains even a small touch between you.
He loves to hold your hand as you walk, lets you hold on to his arm, or he wraps his arm around your waist.
Way more touchy and flirty in private. Bruno is smooth and knows excabtly where to provoke you or what to tell you to make you blush.
He puts his hand under your chin or on your cheek if you were to look away from him. You can see his proud, little smirk on his face.
The best cook in the gang, male wife material. His fish dishes are the best you'll ever try in your entire life.
Speaking of that, he'd love to go fishing with you. It reminds him of the time he spent with his father and sees it as a way to continue his family traditions. After all, you are his future wife/husband.
He has the kindest look on his face while explaining to you how to fish and it makes me want to explode.
He loves to massage your shoulders, for some reason. Maybe because it helps you relax, but it just feels very intimate to him.
He rubs your back and kisses you on the forehead whenever he hugs you. His embrace is warm and you wish you never had to let go.
Gives you flowers or any sort of gifts on the most random occasions. Don't worry, buddy, you didn't forget and important date, he's just a sweetheart and wanted to give you a present to make you smile.
Also, since you're dating him, you'll now have to take care of five children, aka the gang. I'm sorry, but you did this to yourself the moment you became his partner.
Don't worry, Abbacchio will help you... Perhaps.
On a more serious note, Bruno would love to have a family with you in the future. This man is MADE to raise children, adopted or not, anything is fine for him.
He thinks you'd be a great parent, but of course, if you don't want to be, he'll never force it on you :)
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wileys-russo · 28 days
Absolutely love pollito , will you mind writer and the anon who send amazing hcs if I send a few hcs
1. Pollito is totally banned from social media like she is only allowed to post after they win a match . Because she has not so graceful photos of everyone that she likes to post randomly, unintentionally gives away transfer signing, and literally fights with everyone troll that insults her team or teammates. She can be seen in twitter comments fighting the trolls with no so beautiful words and is a nightmare for barca admin and her own management. So Alexia has taken control of her social media and passwords.
2. Pollito loves to learn new techniques and styles and she will join them to learn new things. If she sees anyone like Alexia , aitana , mapi , caro doing new things or shooting in the match she will force them to teach her and she develops it into new style
3. In the Olympics Alexia and irene were the one to stop pollito from pranking Montserrat and some madrid players with ice cubes and water( pollito does not like her at all). Alexis got wind of it and stopped her from committing the prank. Pollito was upset with the rat for making ona and aitana play all games with how tired they are and also for not playing ale because to pollito she is the best.
1. Pollitos instagram is basically just her second camera roll. she does a dump every week and it’s always of the most random photos of food, animals, flowers, ugly photos of her teammates, nice photos of her teammates, baby and youth photos of her teammates she finds, selfies, random videos on the bus or in the dressing rooms. Pollito has a very sarcastic sense of humour so she often replies to people trolling in a very sarcastic manner which gets her in trouble because she’s been told time and time again not to engage. she’s banned from twitter all together and she’s been warned if the instagram dumps don’t tone it down that alexia will change the password (Pollito has a finsta where the worst photos go anyway)
2. There isn’t a single training session ever where Pollito doesn’t stay back and beg someone (whoever posses a skill she wants to learn or better) to stay back with her for at least a half an hour, and if she’s unsuccessful then she stays herself and sometimes until someone has to physically force her inside to rest
3. Pollito is actually the secret owner of the “Montse Tome’s Diary” account on twitter (only Vicky knows and she would never rat out her bestie)
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sadfolkie · 1 month
the NärCon mods are fucked up
The NärCon discord is full of terrible mods. I can't believe they let a power hungry bully mod ban multiple people just for standing up to him LITERALLY lying, threatening people, and spreading misinformation. The mod called Svalan/Thomas at NärCon is such a massive douchbag it's unreal. I was silent the whole time and just left today after watching the shit show go down and finally realizing... these people are terrible. Genuinely bad toxic people, if I'm around them I might end up toxic like them. I don't want that. Another member posted they're leaving because they were scared of the mods oppression, and I agreed with them in my head and left too. I regret a tiny bit not leaving a message too, but we all know NärCon deletes any and all criticism they get in seconds so what's the point? They're not gonna care. He was joking about how he banned them instead of using time out or warning them. He clearly just wanted their messages calling out his disgusting behaviour out to be gone.
I believe EVERY person who called Svalan/thomas out has now been banned by him. Weird huh? NärCons mod Svalan/Thomas is manipulative and scary. No space is safe if he's in it. I truly fully believe that.
And the other NärCon mods and staff/"pandas"? One panda named Eskil admitted NärCon KNOWS pedophiles go there he even said they are "guranteed" to be at NärCon! He didn't see it as an issue or even a stupid ass statement to make?! Insane how little they care about kid's safety. And this guy works as a teacher?!?!?!? RED FLAG.
I don't know all the mods I dont think, but I know 2 more. The one called Sora can't tell sexual from non-sexual and thinks HIGHLY inappropriate sexual material should be shown to kids. Squeezing a woman's breast is serious sexual harassment, but Sora can't see why encouraging young kids to squeeze the foam tits of a drooling anime toy is fucked up? Like really really really fucked up… and Sora is the panda in charge of telling others what is and isn't allowed regarding sexual levels, so that's clearly a terrible job match. NärCon has no safeguarding for kids AT ALL.
But the saddest one for me is the mod afternoonfika aka Caro. I always admired afternoon fikas art, they were someone I looked up to as an aspiring artist. She silently watched other small artists get unfair threats, being treated like absolute shit just for standing up to Thomas/Svalan, and she said or did nothing. Just like the other mods. Didn't even correct Thomas/Svalan's lies about the rules or why he banned people. I thought maybe she was scared too and didn't want to get involved, but lo and behold, one of the banned users showed up in my other artist discord and just mentioned the abusive mod banning people, and like a hawk she told her to shut up. Caro attacked the victim and didn't even let them share their side of the story. That's so so so fucked up. I didn't think that about afternoonfika. Unfollowed them on all platforms, I can no longer support them after I know they side with bullying abusers. :(
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Uh uh uh can i pls get a headcanon style post of finn dealing with his s/o's bipolar or borderline personality disorder? I was really touched by how u did ur autistic s/o kol post and it made me so happy and i feel like ud do other disorders/not "normal" things well bc ppl hardly do things out of the norm for x readers lol. But if its too hard im fine with just finn x autistic!reader djdjjdndnd its ok if u dont vibe with the req u dont have to do im happy with ur usual posts! Thank you!!!! 💚💚💚
Infinitely Ordinary
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Finn Mikaelson x BPD!reader Headcanons || Here lies my Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N: Please listen to Infinitely Ordinary by the Wrecks while you read this. You won't regret it.
Let's get one thing straight, right off the bat.
You're not an attention-seeker. 
It's not that you crave validation or anything, it's just that people have so many expectations of how you should behave. Is it really that big of a crime for you to wish you were a little less bland?
Seriously, you live in a town populated by vampires, doppelgangers, hunters, witches, werewolves, and hybrids. And sure, you're not actually involved with any of that - which is great because you like being alive, actually - but it's just that…
Well, this is your life… and you feel like a side character.
When you were little, you never had a lot - never felt like you did anything exciting -  so you made up a lot of stories. 
You got really, really good at it. Yet, you stopped once you grew up a little bit and realized that everyone is actually pretty ordinary and you don't always have to stand out in order to be seen. You stopped because life was normal.
Until it wasn't.
As things got crazier in Mystic Falls, you started telling stories again. 
You made things up. You lied.  
You did it a lot.
Now, it was never anything bad - never anything harmful. You just wanted to be better. You didn't want to be slow, didn't want to be boring, didn't want to be left behind. You didn't want to be annoying or any inconvenience to… well to anyone.
So you just lied.
And, slowly, quietly, without you even really noticing - things got out of hand.
You didn't just tell lies. You started living them.
You said you liked things and people that you didn't. (You went out drinking with Damon Salvatore, who you absolutely despised, and he would always order you bourbon because you'd said that was your favorite too even though you would honestly rather just have a Coke.) 
You told people that you'd been to places and cities you'd never so much as thought about visiting. (Then you spent hours researching literally everything you could possibly learn about those places in case someone asked you about them. You had to maintain the lie.)
You made up an entire personality - several of them. You became someone you simply weren't.
You went places you didn't want to go. Like the Mikaelson Ball for example.
That was where you met him. 
It was so odd because he noticed you and you weren’t even doing anything. You were just standing at the bar, frowning into the drink Damon had ordered for you. 
“Are the drinks not to your liking?” He just wandered up to you and asked. 
Turns out, that one question was all you needed to break. You started panicking in the middle of the foyer. There were too many people around and too many people you needed to be all at the same time.
You didn’t even know his name but he took you out to the gardens of that mansion and you probably scared him out of his wits when you started screaming. You just had to get it out. Luckily, the Mikaelson’s had soundproof walls.
He just sat next to you with a hand on your shoulder until you finished screaming. 
“Can I tell you something?” You’d asked. “You can’t tell anyone else.”
He just shrugged. “I have no one to tell.”
You ended up spilling the whole bloody story - all the lies you’d ever told and how sick you were of keeping up with them. You told him how trying to keep track of what lies you’d told to who was like riding on a carousel that never stopped spinning. You told him how empty you felt all the time. You told him how you felt like you were slowly going insane.
“I don’t even know who I am anymore.”
And somehow, he’d said exactly what you needed to hear.  
“I don’t think who or what you are is important so much. It's what you do that matters.”
“And what should I do?” 
“Perhaps… tell the lies that make you happy. Then go from there.” 
“Is that what you do?”
He smiled. “Most days.”
Then you went home and that was that. Or so you thought. 
You started seeing him around more often. Every time you saw him, you remembered what he’d said. His words, it turned out, made you rather happy and the changes from there came slowly. You stopped hanging out with people you hated. Stopped accepting things you didn’t want.
You asked him on a date before you asked him his name. The two of you went mini-golfing and it was spectacularly ordinary. 
The two of you go on a lot of walks. They help you clear your head. It gets noisy in there sometimes. Luckily, Finn is a great listener.
You didn’t really stop lying exactly, but you started telling more truths and that was significant you thought. 
His siblings make fun of both of you for being boring. He reassures you that's better than destroying yourself trying to be something you're not.
You didn’t really realize that your mood swings were actually mood swings until you met Kol. The two of you react to each other like thermite reacts to ice. That is to say - you can’t be in the same room for any amount of time without trying to tear one another’s throats out.
“Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!!!”
You would deck that kid if not for Finn. He had to pull you out of the room. He looked very concerned. Which was nice but you couldn’t understand why.
“Do you need to go somewhere to calm down?”
“Why? I’m not actually mad. He was just talking too much.”
It was Finn who suggested you go talk to someone. That was when you were diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Yet, he never judged you for it. 
Provided you stayed away from Kol, your mood swings typically remain confined to less violent emotions. You get really excited over the smallest things and Finn thinks it is the purest thing he’s ever seen.
Both of you fear that the other is going to leave. In fact, when he told you what Esther was planning to do, you nearly lost your mind. 
After spacing out for three hours or so, you made it your mission to throttle that witch. You told her she couldn’t kill him - that you weren’t afraid to kill her again if she tried. And it was true. You really weren’t afraid to kill in order to keep Finn around. 
In hindsight, threatening the woman who created vampirism probably wasn’t a great idea. She threw you off the upstairs balcony. 
Unfortunately for her, Finn saw the whole thing. You were willing to fight for him, whether it be his siblings or his mother. 
He would return the favor. No matter the cost.
Tagging: @yn-ymn-yln@r13mar@rootbeerfaygo @iiskittles16ii @fandomrulesall-blog @dark-night-sky-99@railingsofsorrow@apolloroid@thatweirdoleigh@misswe03@eat-cake@felinegrate@cute-freak27@fayeatheart@archangelslollipop@aonungs-tsahik@sleepneverheardofher@heartbreakgrill@whatsupb18 @enchantedlandcoffee @trikigirl271@dreamingwithrafe@her-violent-delights@witchcraftandgeekness @dreamingwithrafe@acixsracix@susannahmikaelson Comment or DM me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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dylan-duke · 4 months
Will calling and calling but Caro still not answering.
His last resort is to reach out to Luke to get to her?
oh he flies out to michigan and gets himself to the lake house.
and he knocks and knocks and all the brothers are telling him through the ring to give up because she isn't coming out
but he stays and literally sits outside until caroline takes pity and comes outside to him.
will flinches when a body sits beside him on the steps,
"you know i knew you were stubborn but not this stubborn," she points out raising her eyebrows at him. will sighs running a hand through his hair,
"i would take a damn bullet for you if i had to caroline," he says voice serious, "if i had to sit out here for days i would," caroline sighs,
"then why didnt you tell me?" she asks softly, "if you'd do all that for me why didn't you tell me you were signing?" will groans,
"cause im a fucking idiot," he admits turning his upper body so he's entirely facing his girlfriend, "i got distracted. i meant to call, and i even told me mom i was going to but then i don't know i just forgot," caroline bites her lip,
"i want to fogive you so bad will," she admits, "but i-" she stops,
"yah i know," he agrees, "i get it, i was the worst and now you don't know if you can trust me," caroline nods,
"exactly," will chews on his lip and shifts in his seat,
"i can give you some time," he says softly, "but i- i cant lose you caroline i just cant," caroline takes a deep breath,
"sometime," she mumbles, "that actually that could help," will smiles for the first time in days,
"oh great!" unable to resist his energy caroline also breaks into a huge smile,
"yah but i need you to give me the space will," will nods,
"i will i promise," caroline looks down trying to hide her growing smile,
"ok then,"
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keelt9 · 5 months
Cap. 3
Part 1
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Caro and __ are waiting in the same tree as always, eating and talking about the imminent wedding of her mother and the things that changed and the one who will still be doing it.
“Wiser decision.” Before her mother gets married, she will move with her sister to her apartment at least until she graduates, after that she will move with Enrique where she will remain working.
“Actually it’s my only option, Esteban in a couple of months will have a crowded house.” __ take a deep breath, if someone told her three years ago, she will be living with her sister, only with her sister, she will tell them they were crazy.
Caro knows __ , she recognizes that gesture in her face; the open eyes, shoulders down and twitching fingers. She is sad, really sad, but the most important; she’s angry; and the worst thing, it seems she isn't’ the only one who didn’t know why, also her siblings find it hard to know the reason.
“__…” Caro 's words stuck for her cell phone ringing. “What does this girl want?” The fact that the tightened teeths and rolled eyes were enough to put a smile on __'s face. 
“Yeah…I get it… Mar you are a constant pain.” Were the last words before Caro ended the call.
“Well, it seems we have to get inside, Mar needs her computer and she left it in the car, and no, she said you better not stay here, outside alone.”
Orders are orders, and with a stressful Mar, no one wants to mess up.
“I can wait here.” __ says to Caro standing outside in front of the big storage doors. “I’m inside of the perimeter, you say that to her.” Caro smiles and gets inside.
After three weeks here, it is definitely colder than the first day, making her put her hands together and blow to try to warm. 
“Gloves are a better option.” She recognizes the voice and turns around. She knows it’s a movie but what the hell, all of them look like they were starving until death, and makes her a little unforgettable to sustain her eyes on him, so she quickly turns her sight back to the sky.
“Oh, right, I never thought about it.” She could help it, sarcasm seems a hereditary thing. “Still, it seems that I’m warmer than you.” 
Enzo found it kind of endearing the fact she didn’t even look at him. “How could you know it? You didn’t even look at me.” That caused __ giggles, clear her throat and look at him.
“Yep, I’m definitely warmer.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “You should go inside, I think you will freeze at any minute.” She pointed from his head to his toes. “Literally a stalactite.” Both of them laugh, Enzo takes the courage to give the first step.
“I’m Enzo.” He extends his hand, __ smiles and shakes it. 
“__” It’s so clear the difference in temperature. He's cold and skinny, literally she feels is grabbing a piece of ice, and she’s warmer, he feels is touching the sunlight. 
“Nice to finally know your name.” __ take account the time she has been here and cross their paths but never mention her name. 
“OMG MAR! That is the kind of thing you mention right away!” Caro is at the end of her patient;  __takes her hand and puts it back to her pockets. 
Just a second later, because Mar has been unable to take her eyes from the scene since she noticed walking to the door, the giggle and the seconds __ maintaining her hand in Enzo’s.
<Omg, I’m crazy>, Mar thought and cursed Matias for placing that scenery in her head.
“Sorry, I don't remember which one was!” Caro takes a deep breath and says hi to Enzo. “Let’s go __, one more day, one more day, and will be free.” 
“Said the girl who left her bestfriend for her boyfriend.” Mar ads scrunching her nose and smiling at Caro. She didn't even have to beg __ for please pick Mar for the last time tomorrow night, Alonso invited her to dinner and pre celebrate Christmas. 
“She does it because she loves to see her best friend happy, right?” Caro hugs __ by her neck making her nod but pushing away at the same time. 
“All right, all right, let’s stop from making a scene in front of Enzo.” Mar said before pushing them to start walking, __ unable to get rid of Caro’s hug. “Goodnight Enzo, see you tomorrow.” Mar walks behind the girls laughing, as Enzo says goodbye.
“Let’s go, last shot of the day!” Enzo was watching so carefully the scene, he didn’t even hear or see Agustin walking to him pushing him inside to start to shoot. 
Enzo’s last scenes are scheduled to end the first week after the short period of vacation, even with the tiring year over them, they feel excited for just 24 hrs split apart from a well deserved rest. They go inside to the storage where everything is already set for the last recording of the day, Enzo set in his place to start recording.
“He seems more excited than a few moments ago.” Matias mentions to Agustin at the end of the day, as they walk to remove all the makeup and clothes.
“I think he was having fun with Mar and her sister.” Matias stops in a blink.��
“There was also another girl, with a strong gaze, black hair and probably what I consider, a contagious smile?”
Agustin was removing the clothes but he kept answering his questions. “It could be. I don’t know, I just saw Mar’s sister grabbing her by the neck and walking away.” That was enough for Matias to clap and smile, getting a forrown expression from Agustin.
“I’m excited for the end of the day, that’s all.” No one will believe that.
“Yeah, sure.” 
“JUST PICK A COLOR!” Vale keeps pressing __ to pick the color of her dress for the ceremony, even the same amount of time she asks her, __ replies with the same answer. 
“I don’t mind, you choose the color.” This time __ couldn’t leave her with a red face and fist tight, this time she had to continue with the phone call, a stupid promise she made to Enrique.
“__…” She could hear Vale taking a deep breath. “Ok, I’ll reduce it, salmon or pine nut.” Caro found it hard to contain the laugh, she was hearing all the mess for the very first second of the call.
“Valentina, they are pink, for christ sake, just pick one of those two! I don’t mind if you put me in a yellow dress.” The fact __ is losing her mind too just made all this situation funnier. 
The discussion gets to the point __ screams the salmon color, and hears the relieved sounds of Valentina.
“Jesus! Have a good night, Esteban will call you tomorrow.” By this point of the night __ has her head covered by a pillow. “Love you.” By the end of the call, Caro is covering her mouth to spot the laughing. 
“Listen I know you are tired of picking colors but, which one looks better on me?” __ breath in before sitting and watch the quandary about the skirts of her friend.
A couple of hours later, Alonso was introduced to __ before he and Caro left for their date, of course, not before __ gave him a little warning about breaking her best friend's heart, and facing that glacier stare in __’s eyes didn't leave space for a small joke.
“Okay, before he has a heart attack, we’re leaving.” Caro intertwined her hand with Alonso; Dr. Mendieta seems to have a sensor because at that moment he appears in the stairs. 
“Bring her home safely, ok?” Alonso was cut for Caro giving a kiss on her father's cheek and opening the door searching for a safe spot for him.
Dr. Mendienta sat in the living room with __, and rubbed his eyes. “I must ask for your parents' tips about this, right?” __ couldn’t contain the giggle and close his eyes just like him.
“Yeah, they have experience in that.” Dr. Mendieta laughs while __ remember the time Esteban announced his engagement and the multiple times they observe Vale go on numerous dates with a smile on her face.
“I bet they will understand me when you begin to look like her; all red faces, sparkling eyes combine with heart shaped eyes.” That causes a chill in her body forcing to stand and go and search her things to go pick Mar. 
“Don’t wish me so bad luck.” She smiles in an apologizing way before leaving the house.
Mrs. Mendienta stays hearing the conversation from the kitchen sitting with her husband just after __ leave the house, with a reproval face.
“What?!” Dr. Mendieta raises his arms in a surrender way.
“Years, we met __ since she was 6 and still you don’t know anything.” She grabs the control T.V. “She is not the girl who spent her days or minutes drawing hearts in the corner of the notebooks.”
Dr. Mendieta rolls his eyes, he knows that but he also sees some kind of resemblance of that behavior of her in his past younger days.. 
Getting two steps ahead of Mar. __ got inside of the parking lot of the storage after she arrived, just like the last time, earphones and her tablet in hand, she found the perfect spot for her to sit and work but this time to cover for the strong cold of the night, she found a little bench set between two big trees. When she sat down, took a photo of her with a huge coat, a beanie with the logo of her collage and her favorite scarf.
<Warm and safe, don’t worry> Was the message along the photo with the emoji kiss.
Mar replies with a kiss back, smiling when she sees the picture.
“They are here?” Mar jumps in her chair, almost drooping her cellphone. Matias appears out of nowhere with a mischievous face.
“Fuck! Matias, you will give me a heart attack one day.” She put her hand at the level of her heart. “Who are they?” She was trying to play the fool so, she focused again on the computer in front of her but he won’t give up so easily.
“Mar…” She smiles but shakes her head. “Listen, after our small talk I start to see crazy things ok? So, I’ll be honest and direct.” 
Mar removes her headphones and faces him.
“Matias, __ just came for Christmas holidays, she will be leaving in two weeks tops, she doesn’t come frequently and I doubt she will come back in a long time, ok? So, let’s not torment two souls for your excited imagination.” He doesn't answer not because he just resigned to the idea just because he is thinking in a way to win time.
Mar moves slowly if like a faster move will turn the flashlight in his brain.
45 minutes passed since __ sent the picture until her cell phone rang one more time. <Moises> along with the emoji of a mushroom.
She picked up the call with a soft smile on her face. Moises is another of her best friends, they met when they were 10 years old, it was the intercollegiate of volleyball, and her school was headquarters. In that time Moises faced the team in where a boy who caught the attention of __, was playing after win in a flattening victory; he gave her the advice at least put her eyes in someone who can throw a ball across the room, not to the head of his teammates; that rude sincerely likes __, by the end of the week and the finish of the intercollegiate, __ found a new friend with the time became a important pillar in her life.
“What coincidence of life? We almost have the same schedule!” She hears the gasping voice, an indication of his late night runs. Even though they didn’t study the same engineer, the last subject was the same. “When did you take project I+D? I mean, I thought we had 2 subjects left.” 
__ laugh if he attended the class last semester, he would know, she already passed that subject. “Going to classes helps to approve the subjects, you know?” 
Moises starts to get slow and stops his clock; in Mexico even if it is winter the colder temperature begins in January; so, still the weather is nice for a late night running, but the cold air starts to cause some troubles in his breathing.
“How are you?” __ take a small breath before answering, not removing her eyes from the screen of her tablet, but her finger floating above it. 
“Earth calling __” She blinks, __ didn’t even realize she stopped asking herself that question since she came here, with all the thrilling emotions of being with Caro, the distance of her problems at home and from her family, seems enough to hide that question.
“Am…fine? I guess, I mean…” Moises could picture her lending her head to the left with her furrowed eyebrows.
“You don’t have to answer just to say something.” He sat on a bench near the entrance of the park where he used to run. “I’m asking because come on! Seeing a message from you it’s like a miracle.” With that he gets a scoff from her followed by a giggle.
“You don’t ask but I will tell you…” 
For 15 minutes he told about how his mother has drag him from side to side of the town buying and carried things for the Christmas dinner, this year his house it’s the place for all his family reunited, __ enjoy hear him, even she stops from working and just draw things in a new field in white.
“OH! Your strudel is from another world!” Moises is well known to his family and friends for his gift and making the most delicious dessert anyone ever tastes. 
“Promise, no, no, swear me you will make me one, when I am back!” __ point to her cellphone like if he is able to see the determination in her face.
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kmze · 7 months
Finally decided to do a TVD rewatch now that the 'verse is complete. Since I know how everything ends I thought it would be interesting to see how I react with that knowledge. Curious if my feelings might change about characters, ships, storylines etc. (obviously I am fully aware there's going some bias).
Adding my thoughts after I complete the half-way mark of each season (there is simply too many episodes to do a recap of each one). I am talking to the void mostly here but feel free to leave comments, thoughts on my posts for those who still follow me or just find this post. However, I am not here to argue, I simply DO NOT CARE whatever you think is right totally, please leave me alone.
Recaps tagged with k rewatches tvd
S1 Episodes 1-11
I am loving the dark atmosphere of the first season, feeling so much nostalgia! Nice to go back in time to when vampires were scary on this show. That's not really criticism because every supernatural show goes through this. The big bad must always be upped as it goes on but it was nice when the stakes were lower and the mythos was being developed.
Damon makes me feel so uncomfortable so far... I know he was the 'villian' for most of the beginning of the season but his treatment of Vicki and Caroline is just so predatory and gross. Which brings me to...
WHY HAS NO ONE GIVEN CAROLINE A GOD DAMN VERVAIN NECKLACE ALREADY!!! Stefan and Elena both know Damon was using her (and they know damn well he hasn't stopped). Her Mom has the vervain to give her and just has not for no reason!! GET AWAY FROM HER ALREADY! I got so mad when Damon was compelling her AGAIN in the 10th episode. I'm so glad she outlives them all, justice for my baby!
I'm sorry but Stefan is so creepy and self-righteous in the beginning, I remembered this but did not remember how bad it was. Also he did not need to kill Vicki, that pissed me off. I don't think it did as much when I first watch this (mind you that was literally 14+ years ago) but just knowing how freely everyone neck-snaps around here it was bullshit. His one cool moment remains when he told Logan he can't walk in the sun. The manipulative way he used Elena’s adoption to get her to forgive him had me rolling my eyes (then of course she used it against Jenna to get out of trouble lol).
I can't remember who the other vampire is who turned Logan, I'm thinking its Pearl's henchman but yeah I don't remember that part. I also didn't remember the crystal so I like that some of this is like a 'mystery' again.
I did remember that I thought Tyler was such a dick in the first season and yeah confirmed. Though now I remembered his Dad was an abusive piece of shit. Still, fuck Tyler for now.
Alaric looks so different I don't hate him (yet).
I still hate Matt #bias
The progression of Bonnie realizing her powers has been well done, again nice to just see the simple magic again. (Stefan totally wanted to bang Sheila back in the day... maybe they did)
Jeremy just met Anna and I still love them, I wish they got more time. They were the only 'ship I like in this season when it first aired.
The Bonnie, Elena and Caroline friendship is nice but I am annoyed they haven't done more to protect Caro from Damon. Especially when she doesn't know what's going on and they do (though Bonnie only just got all the deets). This might be magnified by my love of Caroline I admit but I hate the prop-y way she's being used so far.
I kinda rolled my eyes at the whole Katherine/Damon/Stefan stuff before Elena knew they were vamps because OMG Stefan is 17(!!!) Does no one thinks it's weird he's like "it was a long time ago" A LONG TIME AGO LIKE WHEN YOU WERE 12?! They should have made him at least 20, just bothers me.
I liked that not every vampire had a daylight ring and it was more of a novelty. That is something that could have stuck more in the later seasons.
Lines that made me laugh:
Caroline: Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines. (Bonnie offers to help her) I guess we can put her in the back. (all right in front of Elena lmao oh Caroline never change)
Caroline: So, Elena...how long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last? Is it...like a permanent thing? (eyes on the prize baby! lol)
Stefan: (imitating Damon) Now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back, I can go back to my routine of how can I destroy Stefan’s life this week. (never gets old!)
Damon: *shoots Logan with wooden bullets* Payback's a bitch, isn't it? (all in the delivery here lmao kudos to Ian)
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and the nanofate in the soundstages ASDGFHHM
the one where Vivo asks “so what was it like meeting Fate-mama?”
and Nanoha's likes "Hmmm I guess I thought to myself 'What a beautiful girl'" and just starts waxing poetic about how striking Fate was, how her eyes drew Nanoha in, and my gods im sorry but baby gay Nanoha was VERY VERY GAY
Erio and Caro are like “we don't want to bother you we don't special treatment” to Fate their adopted guardian, meanwhile poor Fate's like, well, when it comes to special treatment- “In the dormitories, Nanoha clearly has a single-person bedroom, but she managed to live together with me" sooooo
her kids are so innocent “there must have been reasons for that!”
the reasons are GAY
or maybe they know what's up and think GAY is a proper and good excuse to bend the rules idk
then that earlier time, when they were kids, Fate was trying to wingman for Yunno- typical best friend lesbian supporting the het route agenda, oh no these girls are too close gotta give on of them a boy to crush on- she was trying to point out how Yunno might maybe have The Feels for Nanoha aww isn't that cute-
except Nanoha
Nanoha can't compute the idea? at all???
she's so confused! Yunno worrying about her or wanting to protect her? wtf? she told him his job is backup while she fights, their roles are firmly fixed ok! duh he can't fight beside her she's the one who's gotta watch out for HIM
oh but she INSTANTLY starts spouting about how, when she's in the sky together with Fate, she'll protect Fate too!!!!
her and Fate.... together in the sky...
meanwhile Yunno-
it's like that barbie movie where a literal rainbow floats the two girls away while the dudes just stand there watching them go
literal “I'll be Fate-chan shield” levels of gallant gf from Nanoha, met with “and I'll be Nanoha's sword” and "pity we don't get many chances to fight side-by-side anymore. BUT! We'll always be together in our hearts!!!!"
they complete each other. Nanoha wants to stay at Fate's side...
im sorry yunno. fate tried. she really tried ok
to Nanoha you'll always be this odd mix of respected teacher and, uh, adorable pet ferret im sorry
all of Nanoha's orientations are busy pointing in just one direction anyway, ever since Fate and Fate's "beautiful eyes" one hit K.O'ed her back when she was nine
a decade later she's adopting a kid with Fate and sharing a single room dorm and later a HOUSE
so yeah. nanofate in the soundstages. loved that for them
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toestalucia · 7 months
Kou: What? You don't…have chocolate for me this year? Can I ask why? >I heard that you can't give foxes chocolate.
LOSING MY MIND CUZ 1) <-person who literally sent that question (but seriously) to venom IM GONNNAAAAAAAA 2) captain bullying a 12yo AGAIN is so fkng funny to me. but also kou who at this point is ssooo honest.......no wonder he's getting teased LOL him & you are both so cute
Caro: Whether you're an artist or not, it's important to nurture your heart.
Lu Woh: Even more so if the purpose of such practice is meant for one who has piqued your interest for reproduction. I repeat—I am one of the Six Dragons.
THIS ONE MADE ME LOSE IT. LIKE FIRST HES ALL 'we 6 dragons dont need stuff like food etc to survive this is wasted provisions' THEN HE SAID THIS AND IMMMMMMMMMMMMM LMFAAOOOOOO would u like to speak with helel ben shalem about the bees and the flowers i think itd be hilarious af & hell for captain. lu woh who was too honest about vyrn to the point of pissing of captain (rare moment) to lu woh who says this i dont think i can do this anymore chat
Ragazzo: Wha? Ch-chocolate? For me? Ah… Well, I mean, it's not like I didn't notice your feelings for me or anything— Huh? You're…handing them out to everybody? R-right, yeah, I knew that. Yep. In other words, you're giving chocolate to all the crew members as a token of friendship. Thanks. I appreciate it.
ragazzo playing tough only to be hit with the 'actually i give everyone' IS SSOOOOO FUNNYYYYYY LOLLLLL GOD let this turn into captain teasing him every year. i need terrible pranks. i miss captain & seofon 'u give/get chocolate to/from other ppl?:(' shenanigans (pls read seofons vday & white days, comedy deluxe). that but onesided, considering ragazzo......
Freyr: I see. So you slipped off a cliff while trying to pick that fruit. That was rather reckless of you in such poor weather.
fullkawa honpo's alice mention !!!!!!! (its not)
Balurga: What? Your hand slipped because you were tired from staying up all night making chocolate? Skull: You stayed up? After spending the past couple days busy with requests? That means you've barely slept at all… Do you got chocolate for brains? Go to bed, right now! I'll tuck you in and sing you a lullaby if I have to! Balurga: Can't believe I'm saying this, but Skull's got the right idea. You don't gotta push yourself like that! Huh? You wanted to make chocolates for us that badly… Thanks for caring, but… I'd rather not have chocolate with your blood, sweat, and tears in it.
out of all of the new ones ive read so far this is the sweetest captain-wise,,,like...u absolute fool (endearing). also skull & balurga being so ????? go to BED!!!!!!!!! about it is something i rly like too. excellent. glad to see units & characters i rly like get seasonals i rly like
Lobelia: Let's make this a day to remember. Je t'aime, Captain.
Utsusemi: I know that this emotion can bring no joy to a courtesan, but I can't bring myself to throw it away. Therefore… I would leave it in your care. This savage, fiery emotion… You will find it in this box. If you doubt me, then witness it with your own eyes. Captain opens the box as if in a trance, only to let out a short cry when a spring propels something out of it at high speed. Utsusemi: He… Hehe… Hahaha! Well that was a cute reaction indeed! To think that a jack-in-the-box would be so effective…
Meg: Ehehe. Truth be told, Mari, the one I gave you has special ingredients and is different from the rest. I hope you like it. Mari: (Wow, you were so upfront about that, it may as well have been a wedding proposal!)
me when i read mhyk
Meg: By the way, Mari, did you happen to have any chocolate for Captain? Mari: Mm-hm, sure do. Here you go, Captain. A little thank-you for all you do for us. With all the delight of the proud victor of an imagined love triangle, Mari places a miniscule piece of chocolate on Captain's pinky.
LNKADNKLADNKLADNKLADNKLADNKLADNKLDNKLA?!?!?!?!?!?! MARI...CMON....................i actually was surprised she had choco for captain THEN SHE HIT ME WITH THAAAATTT................I KNOW U LOVE MEG BUT...........god im so thankful for the megmari unit. mari is excellent. the seasonal where shes like 'ill make sure the kitchen width is just right so our shoulders brush when we cook' ??????? u r my favorite person. also when mari thought deliford was in love with sandal. lord. u need to be in every single event
Cosmos: Thought one thing Satyr said remains a mystery to me. She mentioned that skydwellers "put their love" into the chocolate. I followed her instructions to whisper my feelings to the chocolate while making a heart shape with my hands. But I remain uncertain as to whether that affected the flavor.
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radi0activesmile · 8 months
your name: 💋
Romantic or platonic?
A night in or dinner out or an activity? " I have ideas fa all THREE, da'lin' ~ "
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?
What's your perfect date? " Nothin' that's in the hypocritical Christian's idea of the bible! "
Would you cook for me? " What kin'a man would I be if I didn't? "
Would you let me cook for you? " Not t'night! "
Can we make-out? " We're already makin' out. Right now. "
Make out in private or in public? " Up ta you, da'lin' ~ "
Do you like to cuddle? " Does nuzzlin' ya crotch count? "
Blankets or no blankets for cuddling? " Well, if ya wanna hide sone stuff ~ "
Couch or bed? " My lap 💕 "
What are at least 3 hobbies of yours? " Smokin', drinkin', an' snuffin' ~ But'cha know I love dancin' an' huntin' wit'cha too, caro ~ "
Tell me something about you no else knows: " Why don't you tell me somethin' ya know about me no one else knows ~ ? "
Why do you want to be my valentine? " 'Cause if I ain't, m'gonna have ta kill ya ~ ♡ "
What makes you a good Valentine? " Cause ya know what's good fa ya, carino ~ 💋 "
Alastor puts his cup of coffee down as he skims through the letter-- quickly realizing it's making him snicker too much to hold the cup steady.
He had to admit, he was curious to hear what Angel had planned for all a night in, a dinner out, and an activity-- though he was fairly certain he knew what sort of activity his husband would come up with.
Now... is Angel suggesting strawberries because he's aware of Alastor's aversion to desserts or because of his Strawberry Pimp comment he made upon first laying eyes on The Radio Demon?
He then laughs out loud at reading Angel's ideal date is not found in the Bible.
"Ah, crucifixion is off the table then. What a shame~" He says with a solemn shake of his head.
His ears flicker at seeing that his beloved husband would deny him the pleasure of cooking on Decapitated Saints Day, but he is curious what Angel will cook up.
The next comment gets yet another laugh as he turns his head to his partner, his head tilting as his eyebrow raises playfully. "You should have told me. I could have read this later~"
He smirks, his tail swishing happily underneath his coat as he goes back to reading this rather well thought out application. Hm... he's something of a private person when it comes to being intimate, but he enjoys the risk of someone seeing them...
Another laugh, this time accompanied by a shake of his head. "I suppose that counts."
Alastor leans back in his chair, craning his head backwards in order to look at his husband-- albeit upside down. "You'll need to be sitting somewhere in order for me to be in your lap, you know~"
He decides to hold the paper up and read the rest in his position, his eyes quite literally glowing in excitement at the mention of hunting. "Oh~ Do I get to use my gun? I so seldom get to use it these days~"
With that, he fades into his shadow, manifesting himself beside the arachnid before all but falling into his side. "There are nights you struggle to sleep~ So you listen at the door of my radio tower." He cranes his neck to rest it against Angel's shoulder. "Even though you could just turn on a radio."
He glances at the last two questions before giving one last chuckle. "Are you threatening me in your application to be my Valentine?" He asks-- his eyes lighting up as his smile grows.
"You know me so well~"
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"i know she doesnt have a body any real person can have but you shouldnt bodyshame it!!" ok so does how someone treat a doll show how they feel about real peoples bodies or not??? @ that person not you
I don't know how to answer this because it's not directed at me.
But I'm gonna do it anyways.
I love Monster High with all of my cold black heart, HOWEVER one thing I have always had contempt for was how super thin the characters were.
On one hand, as an artist myself I get it! they aren't supposed to look like real people, they are stylistic skinny! but on the other hand - any style that does not allow for bigger characters is a garbage art style and whoever endorses it is a hack artist whom I refuse to respect.
That being said: the G1 doll bodies set an unrealistic standard for actual people to try and replicate and you all KNOW they did. I comb the MH tag pretty regularly and I have seen the most depressing eating disorder posts, pro-ana/mia propaganda, calorie counters to look like cartoon characters. it's not right, As someone who had an eating disorder in High school I refuse to let that social sickness ruin my happy place and I report these posts with extreme prejudice because I don't want that brainwashing that infected me to hurt anyone else, I didn't deserve that, NO ONE deserves that! I will shield this fandom from that poison with every fiber of my being.
The G1 bodies looked good while dressed but the nude dolls looked so awkward, there is only one person I can think of who looks like that, a French Model named Isabelle Caro, Should I perhaps message Ms. Caro to ask how she feels about having this one in a million body that she shares with a popular doll line?.... oh wait! I can't! Because she's fucking dead.
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She was only 28 when she died. The cause? immunodeficiency due to anorexia. This poor woman needlessly died because of an obsession with being thin. Her death was not in vain though, 4 years after she died France (her home) put a ban on super thin models and in her later years Ms. Caro used her platform to denounce super thin models and warn others to not be like her. a beautiful person taken from us too soon.
I also have personal reasons for not wanting people to get the wrong ideal about super skinny bodies. When I was in High school I had a boyfriend with Anorexia, I loved him with all I had I told him he was beautiful and that I will love him, thin, fat, buff, whatever makes him happy... but my words fell upon deaf ears as the disorder was a lot louder than I was, he was so painfully skinny. 3 years later he had a heart attack and died. I'm not a doctor or nothing but maybe if he was sturdier he would have survived the attack and still be here with me... I don't know. But I would not wish this pain upon my worst enemy.
Now that you know -why- I am so highly motivated to protect others from this blight I hope you'll understand me a little better when I say that Mattel making their dolls thicker is good for everybody involved, there is literally no downside. People who are naturally skinny still get dolls to relate too but now so do other types of people! it's an absolute win! except for Muscular girls y'all kinda got the shaft - but fingers crossed Abbey brings us a new buff body! (which we need, we also need an even chubbier body too but I'm not going to hold my breath) We need every BODY to make our world work. G2 gave us a weak and pathetic attempt at meatier doll bodies, it was too little too late but an attempt was made!
Now... if you read all of this and your a thin person with hurt feelings (Like whoever sent this anon clearly is) you need to get over yourself buttercup. I'm a busy bitch and I don't have time to coddle thin people. Similar to how Black people should not have to tip toe around White folks because their precious white feelings get hurt when they're told they have privilege, I am not going to coddle the thin who make it sound like being told to "eat a sandwich" once in a GREAT while somehow compares to what People of Size face daily, I don't play in the Pain Olympics, there are no winners in the Pain Olympics only losers.
I just won't do it, it's exhausting and I'm already exhausted from navigating a world that doesn't want me to exist.
If your thin and normal I'm confident you can see where I'm going with this and won't wrongfully misinterpret my words as some thinly veiled skinny shaming (which isn't real) Unless you are a Bride in Uganda I don't want to hear a word about how hard life is being thin, that's it! that's the only group of people who I'll give a pass too. everyone else can get a grip and do some research yourself, I don't get paid enough to pander to curious but cowardly thin folks.
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khthonyk · 2 months
Writing Prompt Day 4: “They’d only been apart for a week and already he had a new lover hanging off his arm.”
Back on my Sanguine fanfic bullshit again
“They’d only been apart for a week and already he had a new lover hanging off his arm.”
Caro couldn’t believe it. He quite literally couldn’t believe it. His mind shorted out trying to process the scene in front of him. He had only been out of Tomas’ clutches for a week, (and to be honest he was surprised the restraining order had worked at all), but there was Tomas, another omega hanging off his arm.
That alone would be startling enough. But Caro knew the omega. He knew the boy had always been sweet and soft-spoken, the perfect subject for Tomas to mold into his ‘perfect omega’.
As terrified of the Alpha as he was, Caro couldn’t allow his friend to be subject to the same torments he had faced. Taking a steadying breath, he forced himself forward until he was within arm’s reach of the two. “Aster—”
The familiar head of dirty blond hair slowly turned and he caught the other’s nervous brown eyes.
It wasn’t the other omega who answered him though. “Sweet little Caro, where, oh where is your master, hmm? You know it’s not safe for little omegas like yourself to be running the streets all alone.” The Alpha went from mockingly crooning to smirking, self-satisfied. “Or did you come looking for me because Marie can’t give you what you need.”
“I’m not—”
Cutting him off, Tomas continued. “It’s alright if you’ve decided to come home. There’s more than enough of me to share. Wouldn’t that be nice, Aster? Would you like it if Caro came home with us?”
Asterios clung tighter to the Alpha’s arm, as though trying to bury himself in the man’s side. “Yes, Alpha.” he quietly replied.
“He’s such a good boy.” Tomas hummed. “Much better behaved than you ever were. I bet he’d be a good influence on you. Teach you how a proper omega should act.”
Caro ignored him, eyes locked on the other omega. “Aster, you don’t want this. I don’t know what he told you to get you to come with him, but he’s not a good person. Come with me, I’ll get you somewhere safe. Somewhere away from him.”
“Excuse you!” Tomas’ face lit with anger and he roughly grabbed the brunet by the arm. Taking the boy’s chin in his hand he canted his face to meet his gaze. “How dare you slander me in front of him! I was nothing but good to you and you repaid my kindness by dragging my good name through the mud and making me out to be some sort of monster. I never laid a hand on you that you didn’t deserve.”
Caro tried to twist away enough to find the other omega. “Aster, please! I’m begging you! Just run! Please just run!”
Tomas shifted his attention from the omega in his grasp to the blond beside him. “Now, now, don’t be ridiculous. He won’t run off, will you, Aster?”
“No, Alpha,” the blond quietly answered, trembling slightly as he looked between the two.
Releasing his grip on Caro’s chin, the Alpha reached over to pet the other’s head. “Such a good boy for me.” He lavished affection on the omega for a moment before turning his attention back to Caro. “As for you, you’d better run home to your Alpha. I have half a mind to take you in hand and teach you the manners you desperately need to learn.”
Caro snarled. “I’m not gonna let you hurt him!” The smile that crossed the Alpha’s face was menacing. “Very well then, it seems you’ve made the choice for me.” His grip tightened further as he dragged Caro down the street. “Keep up, Aster, I don’t want you to get lost in the crowds.”
Struggling in his grip, Caro turned enough to face the other omega who was keeping pace with them. “Aster, please! Please run! Go get Marie! Or Chrys! Or Aliki! Just go get someone!”
Silent tears streamed down the blond’s face. “I–I can’t.” he whispered. “I can’t disobey my Alpha.”
“He’s going to hurt you.” Caro pled. “He’s going to hurt me too.”
“I know.” Asterios’ shoulders shook and he looked conflicted, before he relented. “I’m so sorry.”
Heartbroken, Caro stopped struggling, letting the Alpha drag him across the lobby of his apartments and into the elevator.
“You’d better prepare yourself, little Caro. You’re in for it once we’re inside.”
The words should’ve frightened the brunet, but all he felt was numb.
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copper-16 · 5 months
what are you doing writing another lengthy fic when you were specifically told to rest??
That being said -- i feel personally spoiled because i LOVE your Marta and Caro fics. Once again, it's soo beautifully written <3
now i do feel like you should rest that hand though it could be useful in the future
I admit I was like “I’m fine I can still write” (don’t ask me what compelled me to think I’m more intelligent than a literal doctor)…and then massively regretted it 🥲 But I had already started writing and didn’t want to be a baby and quit lol.
The no more writing starts now though because as much as I love it, not enough to do it through literal pain haha. I’m so glad that you enjoyed, though! Thank you so much for the kind words 🫶🏼
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ishikawayukis · 8 months
literally same, specially when I have free time is like “well I’ll just watch a couple” y termino ya en la mitad del arco o por terminarlo 🤡JAJAAAJ it was good arc tho, it just made me cry LOL
SO THATS WHERE I HEARD IT!!!!! Okay gracias porque si sentía que me estaba volviendo loca y casi me pongo a escuchar cada ost en orden JAJAJA pero si binks no sake en violin si me pone en llanto😭🫶🏽
si tengo preguntas JAJAJA pero prefiero tenerlas y tratar de no ver tanto spoiler para disfrutar el plot:’) de Law ya no tanto misterio porque ya llegué and I get the hype but he also looks kindy silly imo, lo vi y dije “Law tuvo un tumblr emo en el 2012 and he stuck with the vibe” JAJAJAJA
quisiera decir que está bien y solo es un anime but god I’m not your strongest soldier 🥲 JAJAJAJAJA sigo revisando ocasionalmente la guía que encontré para ver en orden por las películas (ay me encantó Strong World<3) pero aunque no la haya revisado ya presiento que estos arcos son los decisivos
it’s doing pretty good for me!! There were some weeks I realized it still hurt when try to sleep on that side pero volví a aplicarme neomicina como por una semana y desde ahí ya ningún problema🫡✨ ALSO did you see the Mackenyu apparently has a whole clothing brand and released some merch?? Yo dije “yo sé que sin duda todo va a estar caro, pero quiero ver si sacó los aretes” y pues, efectivamente están increíblemente JAJAJAJAJA
lastimosamente, si soy JAJAJAJA yo sé que objetivamente no estoy vieja porque no es como que esté en mis 40s-70s BUT STILL sometimes it feels like I have the back and the knees of a grandma💀 but let’s hope working out more frequently helps with that lol
(acabo de recordar que no lo mencioné y solo lo pensé, pero también me encanta nuestro spanglish JAJAJAJAJ)
gonna put everything (the other ask too) on a read more because we're getting long LMFAO
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siii si no fuese pq obligué a mi hermano a ver el live action jamás me habría dado cuenta AJJAJAJ that's the good thing about watching everything more than once i guess you start noticing things you didn't before
emo law my beloved he gets even more emo gotta love that dude. pero sí es mejor tener preguntas q después se te responden solas q spoilearte ajajaj
ay yo aún no veo las películaaaaaaaaaas. i told myself i would watch them as soon as i was done with the anime and yet here i am for some reason putting them off LMFAO i'm like i have nothing to do should i watch the movies? and then i don't
i did saw his collection!!!! i saw people complaining about how expensive it was and i was like ............. my guys it literally says there luxury brand LMAO pq claro puedes encontrar los aritos más baratos en etsy o lo q querai, pero entre q estai pagando por la marca en sí y también la marca registrada de one piece obvio q te va a salir un ojo de la cara AJAJJAJ i saw the hoodies and they were soooo pretty and honestly worth that kind of money. also all the characters had their own spin on the logo of the brand and i thought it was so cute good for him for making this collab tbh
no pero estoy igual AJAJAJJA not even 30 yet and my hip and back are just Fucked, hopefully working out will turn out better for you than for me LSDHGL
i'm not gonna spoil anything but they have even more Moments together and i just could go a little insane about them (i could go a little insane about all of sanji's relationships but that's another thing al together)
oda knows how powerful sanji would be with a decent wanted poster so he needs to humble him in more than one way LMFAO. y siiii de verdad amo como logra hablar de tantos temas tan variados de la manera q lo hace, pq tampoco parecen fuera de lugar todo tiene demasiado sentido con la historia de verdad 10/10
dude the way i was Sobbing when that happened they made it so sad and just heart breaking because no one could do shit about it and it was literally the only time luffy was like dude we gotta run away or else and yet he still couldn't save them
some people genuinely ship them like to the point of actually wanting them to end up together and i'm like ??????? luffy cares about her but not like That just let her be delulu and honestly a huge help
no pero esq todas sus islas son literalmente tan buenas para cada uno de ellos AJAJAJ son todo lo q necesitan y no diré mucho más pq spoilers :) admitiré q no me gusta la manera q interpretan por así decirlo a las drag queens, pero pucha q me reí igual parte de mi estaba como es lo q se merece sanji por ser tan tonto a veces JAJAAJ
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peachyteabuck · 3 years
okay, not to start a whole Thing but... there's nothing wrong with terry crews. he has spoken openly about how his porn addiction nearly ruined his marriage, and I know that not everyone who watches porn is an addict (as in, the vast vast majority are not) but anything can be addicting. someone talking about overcoming alcoholism is not necessarily arguing that everyone should stop drinking alcohol forever. maybe the language he uses is strange to you but you're not a porn addict. also: he has advocated for male survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment and fought against the narrative that survivors (regardless of race/gender) are 'weak' for having something like that happen to them.
but nothing about his Black supremacy tweet huh lol
anyway, the reason i'm hating on terry crews is for the same reason i hate on people who pull that "minors shouldn't read smut because porn is bad for you" shit and then link an article from BYU and other conservative news outlets about why porn is bad. this shit has to be handled with care and specificity, that of which terry crews has neither.
society's views on porn and sex beg the question of "is this an addiction, or are people just so ashamed and unable to be in healthy relationships that it interferes with their life and using 'addiction' is a way to jump over all of that discussion?" is one addicted to porn? or are they ashamed of their porn use? or have they not talked to their partner about their boundaries regarding porn? or have they grown up in strict religious contexts where sex was shameful? is it an addiction - meaning causes the brain to react in a certain way - or do they just have no outlets and need healthy ways to express themselves sexually.
language matters a hell of a lot. this isn't a semantics issue, and if you think it is you're wrong
also...dr. phil?? really? you're defending him using dr. fucking phil to talk about his supposed porn addiction? dr. phil, promoter of a treatment facility that has killed people? dr. phil, fake therapist? dr, phil, covid denier? dr. phil, right wing republican? dr. phil, man who has SCARAMUCCI on his show??
like i get it, kind of. you attaching yourself to your favorite celebrities. but at least come ready to bat rather than dumping this garbage in my inbox.
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princeandreis · 5 years
i mean according to a bunch of internet articles i may actually be in love with this person
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