#i literally just asked if there could be time to test something i the theatre we're actually going to be in
grinchwrapsupreme · 11 months
Hi its me your boss. Just came to say i know i didnt train or support or guide you at any step in the process but why did you fuck it up so bad lol are you stupid or something? Ok good luck fixing it bye
#gonna tear my boss's head off#just 2 more weeks i just have to get through 2 more weeks#i literally just asked if there could be time to test something i the theatre we're actually going to be in#and instead of giving me a time we could probably do it#he said it should have been done here where its free instead of in a building where it costs 300 bucks#and i pointed out we did try it here we just dont have the space or equipment to do it properly which means we couldnt do nearly enough in#the time provided he told me yeah he was surprised at how long it took and i should have been more organized in what i gavethe tech#like hello??? we did the best we could inthetime and space allowed#i gavehim everything he needed and ittook forever to do because the space and equipment#is NOT designed to do what we need to do#and you scheduled it so we only had an hour to try it out#and you havethe fucking audacity to complein that we didnt try itthe way you wanted to try it like#babe#you were inthe room why didnt you suggest it or ask or literally do anything but stand there thinking about how you cld have done it better#like my position is literally designed for me to learn from you so can you fucking teach me something? please?#instead of treating me like an autonomous arm that does the stuff you dont want to do?#im literally sitting here asking for your help and you use it as an excuse to tell me how badly i did fuck you#'can we try it on site?' 'you should have gotten it done here :^/' okay??? and???? we're here now#we've reached thispoint#so can we PLEASE just push forward unless you actually want to act like the mentor youre supposed to be#anyways sorry im really looking forward to being done at this job
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AITA for being condescending towards an asexual kid in GSA?
🙃🏳️‍🌈 to find later
Long post so buckle up.
I (17, they/it/he) am one of three co-leaders of my school’s GSA, along with R (18, she/her) and N (17, he/him). All three of us are openly bi, and I’m also openly trans and (most importantly) very loudly aromantic. We’re all in 12th grade now but we were leaders last year (in 11th grade) too. The school/GSA is small enough that all four grades (9–12, so around 13–18 years old) are in the same GSA, there’s no separate upper grade and lower grade groups. We also have two advisors, both cis queer teachers; and some younger queer faculty members also join sometimes for formal events. We take turns running events during club time, such as fun crafts or watching music videos. Sometimes we also do educational stuff or documentaries, including having teachers come in to facilitate discussions.
I’ve been planning (since early December) to run a two part series of discussions about asexuality and aromanticism (separate discussions of each). I really just wanted to do one day about aromanticism, but R said that if I did that, people would derail it and just talk about asexuality anyways, which both N and our advisors also agreed made sense. So, it’s two days, and the asexuality one is first so that the aromanticism one can be closer to Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW).
There’s a girl in GSA, let’s call her A (16, she/her), who’s in 11th grade. She’s very socially awkward and if someone points out that she’s accidentally said something rude or offensive she’ll make a big deal out of not knowing and generally derail the conversation. Also, two years ago A made a ton of “jokes” about me and my little sibling (16MtF) being “secretly dating.” When I asked her (politely at first) to stop, she said she was just joking around, and kept doing it. I asked her again and also asked the theatre teacher and school counselor for help, and eventually she did stop. But A kept following me around and trying to be friends with me, and I was super uncomfortable to the point that I asked the school counselor to facilitate a conversation between A and I so that I could ask her to fucking stop. It somewhat worked. Now she still keeps trying to start conversations with me in the hallways and such, but I just brush her off or ignore her.
The one place I can’t do that is during GSA. Since I’m a leader, I have to be civil to everyone and actually talk to people (R, N, and I set norms at the start of the year during our planning meetings). A is asexual but not aromantic, and today she showed up like 5 minutes into lunch (cafeteria lines are annoying) and loudly asked if she was late. We weren’t doing anything in GSA today, just chilling. At some point during the meeting I announced casually that next week we’d be discussing asexuality, and then the week after that we’d talk about aromanticism, which leads nicely into ASAW during February break. When I said this, A immediately said that she would be extra ace that week [during ASAW]. I was like, “during aromantic spectrum awareness week?!?!” in the same tone of that “during pride month?!?!” meme. She looked like someone had just given her an F on the most important test of the year and said she hadn’t known.
I also made a comment about how there’s way more openly aspec people at our school than at most schools, and N said that maybe the presence of role models is part of that (clear subtext: he was referring to me). I said pretty loudly (more people could hear) that it was kinda funny that I’m the “ace role model” when I’m literally not asexual. A looked super lost and confused at this, and I think she might’ve thought I was ace, even though I’m super open about not being ace, and have told her directly more than once.
Here’s where the potential assholery comes into play. There’s an ad for PrEP that was fairly common on the back covers of theatre playbills in the past year. The ad shows a Black man dressed in ripped leggings with fishnets, shiny knee-length heeled leather boots, and some sort of white leather harness, doing a bridge pose with one leg extended upwards so that the “r” in PrEP is resting on the sole of the boot. The ad has a bright red background and text that says “you cast of PrEP options is changing” along with a small QR code and website link. The pose is somewhat provocative, but not out of place on a playbill for an all-ages show.
During GSA, A was saying that she thought the ad was bad, because of the leather being “fetish gear” and “weird” (basically the same arguments people use to say that gay people shouldn’t be allowed in public). I told A that there’s nothing wrong with someone wearing leather, and she said that “it’s fetish gear and that’s disgusting and degenerate and just bad advertising!”
I explained calmly, like I would to a child (although I probably wouldn’t talk about this topic with a child), that PrEP is a medicine that people take if they anticipate having sex with someone who’s HIV-positive, so it’s okay that the ad is somewhat suggestive. She seemed to accept that, but still said that the leather was weird, and the ad should’ve shown “a diverse group of people getting pills at a pharmacy” instead, because “fetish gear” was too much.
I asked if she thought that all leather clothing was inherently fetishistic, to which A said yes, and then I asked, “do you know that people can’t just choose fetishes?”
She hadn’t known that, but she still said the ad was too sexual. I pointed out that it was a fairly well-targeted advertisement, using theatre references, but maybe A was not part of the target demographic. I also said that sometimes outfits are just hot without there needing to be any fetishes involved, which she didn’t refute, and that even if it was a fetish, that wouldn’t make it inherently “bad” or “degenerate” at all.
A said that she still didn’t like it, and I told her that she was entitled to have whatever feelings she wanted to have, but that doesn’t mean the advertisement itself is a problem.
Another person (17, he/him) called out “[OP], what do you think about kink at pride?” in a sort of nonchalant way, so I walked over while saying “i’m pro–kink at pride.” The conversation eventually moved in other directions, and then club ended and we had to go to our next classes.
TL;DR: given my position of power and responsibility as a GSA leader, AITA for being kinda condescending towards an ace person who’s 2 years younger than me because she was being very sex-negative about an ad for PrEP?
What are these acronyms?
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queenpiranhadon · 11 months
Just gonna vent a bit
This past week has been extremely stressful and I’m just done.
I’m a theatre kid - I love performing - and we have a show coming up this week and preparing for that is just so draining because apparently since I’m a cat and the costume they gave me has a masquerade style cat mask with ears, I’m not allowed to wear my freaking glasses and no one realizes that I have really bad eyesight - not so bad that I can’t walk or function completely - but if you were me - you’d realize how fucking terrifying it is when the world around you is blurry and you feel like you’re going dizzy except you’re not because this is just the damn body you’re born in.
To add on to all the stress, I have to maintain my grades and it’s just so exhausting because it’s like “test!” “test!” “review!” “review!” “oh you got a 96%?” “do better! you can’t keep distracting yourself with all this spending time with friends”
Mixed with “you never leave the house - why don’t you go out with friends?” Maybe it’s because YOU DONT LET ME.
And to top it all off, my dad is leaving for India tomorrow- and he just got back from another business trip within but still far in the country.
Tomorrow is also my brother’s birthday - my dad was supposed to leave yesterday, but he changed it so he could be here for my brother’s birthday.
How sweet and caring and thoughtful of him right?
And yes, I get that my dad is a very hardworking man and I’m very proud of him and his accomplishments but he never cares. It’s always about my perfect little brother who is far from perfect if you ask me. No matter what I do it’s always “be better!” “do better!” “you’ve been given a privilege and you’re putting it to waste!” With him, it’s always “we believe in you!” “we’ll help you through this!!” “no matter what, we’ll always love you.”
His punishments for doing literally terrible things are so small, yet when my parents find out I’m not straight, they give me emotional trauma for months. The little fucker literally trashed the neighbor’s front yard with a friend on purpose and then when confronted about it, lies straight through his teeth.
But here’s the real topping to the cake - yes I do love my parents, no matter how many times we may disagree on things, they are my rock and I wouldn’t be where I am without them. But this one small thing they couldn’t do for me. My dad goes out of his way to make sure he is there for my brother’s birthday but he isn’t there for mine last year. Last year when he left for a trip, he missed my musical’s show nights - had to watch it on a stupid hard drive - and when he did, he never said a goddamn thing. No “good job, your singing and acting was great!” or “I wish I could’ve been there in person!”
And even now, he’s still doing the same goddamn thing - he’s missing the show I’m doing and doesn’t feel a single ounce of remorse. All my fucking hard work for nothing.
It just fucking sucks when others seems to get what you want, what you need so easily, when you’ve worked your entire life to experience barely a ghost of what could’ve been.
And finally today, my brother is lying on the floor of my room, refusing to leave me the fuck alone even though I’ve been annoyed all day from walking around shopping for shit and sitting through church and trying to keep a clear head even though I just really want to go home and take a long nap but I can’t because the little fucker and trashing the room I spent all week trying to keep clean and my mom won’t do a goddamn thing because “it’s your brother and he’s just playing with you.”
And at this point- I’m just done. Because no one gets it. No one ever does.
And so I say something along the lines of “You’re turning — tomorrow. When I was your age, I was working hard, and auditioning and competing and you’re here lying on the floor of your older sister’s bedroom completely useless.”
And yes I admit that was a little harsh - he started crying - but my mom’s response was what got me.
She said “never call you brother useless again. Keep your achievements to yourself, you hear me?! I have never heard you this mean to anyone before.”
But she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know what I go through every day m, trying to keep my head high and my eyes looking forward even though I can’t see anything.
She doesn’t know, my dad doesn’t know, my brother doesn’t know, heck, most of my friends don’t even know. They all just think I’m a smart girl who’s never had a problem with her position, getting to where she is in life.
They don’t know how hard I work, how hard I worked, to keep my shaky feet on the ground, to keep myself standing tall when there’s nothing to keep me up.
For those who surely don’t need to know, I’ve been crying while typing all of this, and I’m exhausted so I’m ending this here.
Sorry for unexpectedly trauma dumping - I just needed shit off of my chest.
Hope y’all are doing okay!
Lotsa love from Kae <3
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cowboytarlos · 2 years
Tarlos headcannons pt. 3
-When Carlos was 16, his appendix ruptured after a week of pushing himself to go to school with a ‘stomach bug’. He spent two weeks in the hospital, and scared his parents sick. Andrea told TK this story after he woke up from his coma, and all he could think was ‘that explains the scar there’.
-When TK is nervous around Carlos, he’ll fiddle with Carlos’ fingers, running fingers up and down them etc. Carlos thinks it’s sweet, and has been able to easily pick up when he’s nervous. He just sticks his hand out subtly for TK.
-Andrea absolutely adores TK. Every time She calls or Carlos calls, she’ll always ask how TK is, sometimes before she asks how Carlos is. Carlos jokes about how she’s got a new favourite son.
-Carlos is a huge great british bake off fan, and immediately gets TK obsessed with the show.
-Andrea did wind up having a very serious conversation to TK over breaking up with Carlos. After the conversation ended, Carlos whispered to TK ‘I’ve never heard her so mad before’.
-Carlos has the world worst hay fever.
-TK could barely remember his own phone number, but knows Carlos’ off by heart.
-Carlos is a mitski fan. He also listens to a lot of Hozier.
-TK blushes easily. Like a teenager in their first relationship. Carlos recorded a show he very briefly mentioned so he wouldn’t miss it? Bright red. Carlos made him a cup of coffee without asking? Flushed for an hour. Carlos randomly bought him something? Never forgets it. Carlos compliments him? Flustered, extremely flustered. People think Carlos is doing this on purpose, but Carlos doesnt realise he doesn’t have to try.
-Carlos can be completely oblivious. One time, Carlos was grocery shopping with TK, and a women started subtly flirting with Carlos. TK noticed immediately and made it very obvious who he was to Carlos without saying it. As she walked away, TK pointed it out to Carlos and all Carlos had to say was ‘i thought she was being nice,’. 
-TK was a theatre kid in high school. Carlos was on the football team.
-Carlos doesn’t know how to use emojis. He texts like an old man.
-TK is a huge Pixar fan. His favourite Pixar movie is Ratatouille.
-Carlos bruises super easy. He’s absolutely covered in bruises, just all over. Loads on his shin. TK comments about the possibility of Carlos having an iron deficiency, cause no normal person should bruise this easy. But after a blood test, turns out he doesn’t. Still a mystery to this day.
-Despite being a paramedic, TK has a crippling fear of other people being sick. Like throwing up. He’s fine (as fine as one person could be) when he’s sick, but can’t do it with other people. Gets incredibly tense and anxious. When Carlos caught a horrible flu for the first time with TK in his life, it was a slight disaster. TK wanted and was very determined to look after Carlos. But when one of his new symptoms was not being able to keep anything down, it became a little harder from him to stay focused.
-Carlos was pretty short for all of middle school, but during the summer before high school, he had a very sudden and huge growth spurt. Like almost an entire foot sort of spurt.
-TK was a massive one direction fan, whilst they were band. But if you ask him now, he’d deny it.
-Carlos has incredibly sensitive hearing. Can’t not stand loud noises. Terrified of fireworks, likes the concept of concerts, can’t actually go to them.
-TK’s phone is literally never charged. But always has enough battery to answer Carlos. Drives the team insane.
-TK had a adult onset allergy to pineapple. He would eat loads as a kid. Always in his lunch box, gallons of pineapple and tropical juice in the fridge, loves pineapple sweets. So when he has a horrible reaction to eating pineapple, it really threw him through a loop.
-When TK moves to Texas, that’s when he learns how easily he burns. Carlos just tans, TK is extremely jealous.
-TK s is left handed. Carlos is right handed. So Carlos will hold TK’s right hand, so he can use his left hand.
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okay, uh, hi?
Matchmaker, maybe? (Hazbin Hotel/Harry Potter (Specifically the Marauder's Era if you're familiar, but if not Golden Trio era works too!)/DC/Scream) (If that's too many feel free to do the easiest ones for you!
American, unfortunately, She/They and mostly fem presenting, 17, though I've been told I look older? Um brown wolf-cut hair, blue eyes, glasses, pale as HELL, like I reflect light, on the shorter side, but close enough to average height.
Personality wise? I'd say I'm pretty nice? I mean I say things without thinking sometimes, but yk. At the same time though, I'm a total bitch, if that makes sense? It's more of I'm nice/lovingly mean to the people I like, and very awkward and a little stand-offish to people I don't. I have some pretty severe mood swings, and a fairly fluctual social battery.
Physical touch>>>
I've been peer reviewed with ADHD, and am currently on the waiting list to get officially tested.
I tend to either be the mom friend, or the chaotic friend, and can flip a switch and change on a dime.
I enjoy reading, art, theatre, witchcraft, hanging out with my friends, animals, pretty things, and road trips.
sorry this is so long-
( @silly-thoughts-heehee )
(Hiiii I’m going to limit you to just two Fandoms because it’s a heavy workload because I’ve been getting lots of these requests and if you want another fandom, then I recommend sending in another ask and then you won’t be prioritized as much because you already made but I will still get to it if that’s what you want 😊😊😊😊😊😊)
Your Fandom Match(es): Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel) Remus Lupin (Harry Potter, aka Moony) 
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Explanation: starting off with your looks, I think she would find you very attractive and she would love your wolf cut and find your eyes to be absolutely pretty and think that your glasses are extremely cute. I think she actually really likes pale people. I don’t know why I think she really likes that pasty white vibe. I don’t know I mean, she just she just it’s just her tight man something about something about y’all’s vampire skin just makes her crazy. I think you guys would also be great together because she appreciates how kind you are to everyone and admires in the way and kind of wishes she could be more like you, but she also knows that you know how to stand up for yourself, and you can be kind of standoffish, sometimes which chief quite frankly kind of admires and she wishes she could have more of a healthy balance of being kind yet knowing whenever to, stand up for yourself as you instead of just being grumpy and all the time and I feel like you guys could help each other improve she could help you you know less standoffish and you could help her be a little more kind. She also really loves physical touch too as long as you guys are in private. I don’t think she’s a fan of PDA but she’s an absolute snuggle bug. If you get her alone like she she would love cuddling with you. She just loves physical touch. As for you being the mom friend I feel like she’s also kind of the mom friend so if you switch to chaos, she would absolutely take care of you and pull you away from danger and I just think you guys relationship is totally funny and iconic. She would also love going on road trips with you and I feel like she’s also a huge fan of reading but only if it’s about thing she’s interested in, but I feel like she would start a little mini book club for just the two of you where you guys would pick out the same book and then talk about it with each other and it would be just a cute little thing you guys do. She’s not graded art, but I feel like she would try to understand it and ask lots of questions while you’re doing it and if you did theater, she would come to all your shows and be really proud of you and always say how great you are afterwards and definitely make sure to buy roses every single time. Oh, and witchcraft? She finds it extremely hot. She’s literally that one meme of doing whatever my heart witch girlfriend wants because that is what she is. For ADHD She is super supportive and totally gets it whenever you get overstimulated or things like that. She would find it very attractive anyway I ship you 💚💚
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Explanation: starting off with looks, I think that he would find your wolf haircut to be very cool and I think that he thinks you can pull it off which most people can’t he would love your eyes and probably write the most poetic shit about them behind your back and then never tell you about it like he would write such cheesy poetry about him of the ocean and then stored away and never stumble across it because he’s so embarrassed about it afterwards. He also had glasses for a short period of time so he thinks that they’re really cute on you and looks really bad on him. I think he would be scared to come up to you. I would have to push him towards you because I don’t think he’s that confident with his crushes especially if there is cute as you are and he just gets so flustered every single time he thinks about you, he can’t even imagine like going up to you so yeah James has to literally set you guys up practically.  He loves your kind, personality and how you’re pretty nice to everyone, but you have your own little kind of teasing, making fun of jokes for people that you really like and I feel like he would absolutely love teasing you and kind of having that dynamic with you where you’re able to say joking things to each other it’s teasing is your guys love and I feel like you guys would be roasting each other and then someone walks by and like aren’t they supposed to be dating and then people are like yeah they are and that’s how they just like talk to each other and I think it would be hilarious. I feel like your guys dynamic would be super funny because he’s definitely a Mom friend and he would never be a chaotic friend so you guys would either be responsible together or he’d be dragging you away from like whatever stupid decision you’re about to make, but I think that it’s kind of comical. He’s also all about physical touch and I feel like he also loves reading so he would totally read books with you and discuss them and all the theories around them with with you because he’s an intelligent guy and he would totally love to break down novels with you and get your opinion on them. He would also come to all of your shows and be extremely supportive if you wanted to be an actor as a career or even if you just did it for fun, he would always be complementing you and how good you were. 💚💚
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Not Alone
An angsty fic set when Kevin is literally fucking stabbed?? And you know, is left alone. I dunno. I projected way to hard on this man. Enjoy.
(Edit - realised this might need content/trigger warnings, uhhh, blood, panic attacks(?) and I guess stab wound, but nothings like graphically described)
If you were to ask Kevin on any other day, he’d probably say kids are fine. Not great. But fine. Sure they can be loud, obnoxious and just downright heartless sometimes but that doesn’t mean they don’t have some good points to them.
Sometimes kids are nice. They spill their collection of stupid—ahem—cool Halloween decorations (rubber spiders, plastic skeletons and even severed hands with actual (fake) blood coming out the stump) all over your pristine glass counter cause they just wanna show it all to you. That’s cute right?
Well, if you ask Kevin today, he’d adamantly tell you kids can go to hell and they can take their creepy-ass fuckin’ murder dolls with them.
God! Damn! It!
. . .
Blood’s slippery. Kevin always thought it was sticky, he didn’t realise it could be this slippery. Guess that’s what you get for thinking coloured cornstarch would be at all identical to the real thing.
Still. This seems really slippery? Worryingly slippery? Is there something wrong with him?
His hand keeps sliding down his leg when he presses down. Pressure right? That’s what you’re supposed to do to stop from dying right? Well he’s pressing and it’s not working; his hand just keeps moving like his leg’s a damn slip’n’slide or something.
Kevin looks over at the discarded, clearly ineffectual bubblegum Bandaid (that has no doubt introduced a ton of bacteria to his exposed system) and glares at it.
Those damn kids.
This is all their fault. Every bad thing that thrusts itself upon Kevin’s unsuspecting life is always their fault.
If it weren’t for them, he wouldn’t be a living demon detector (can’t go to movie theatres anymore because his eyes glow in crowds now, it’s really distracting at the movies) if it weren’t for them, cops and dealers alike wouldn’t occasionally drop by the store for random drug busts and hold him at gun point (those do wonders for Kevin’s anxiety).
They’ve really outdone themselves this time around. Those two kids will be accredited with Kevin’s tragically and untimely but ultimately very boring death via murder doll.
The adrenaline has faded now. The blood just keeps going though, and Kevin doesn’t think he move anymore. Otherwise he’d be making his way over to the counter to grab his phone (he’d left it charging when he was attacked) to call for help.
He tries a subtle little shimmy to test the waters. Nope. Nope. Not happening. His entire leg is cold and hot and it’s throbbing and his hand keeps moving, it just keeps moving and moving and oh god it’s cold—it’s hot—and I’m alone— oh god I’m alone—no one’s going to find me—I’m going to die here—I’m going to die here cold and alone in a goddamn confectionery shop—I don’t even like candy—
“Kevin? You in there?” The jingle of the bell pulls Kevin from his torrential thoughts. The lights are still off and his vision is too blurry with tears and sweat, he can’t see who’s there. At least it’s someone. “Kevin?”
Wait? Is that Streber?
“Stre—Streber? I—over. . . over here.” Kevin wants to raise his voice, he wants to definitely be found but he also doesn’t want Streber to know he’s been crying either. Still that might not matter in the end of he dies here because his pride wouldn’t let him be loud enough.
There’s a quiet little gasp, the jingle of the bell, and hurried footsteps rushing towards him. Kevin wants to cry even more. Relief. Cry from relief. Not from pain. He’s not like, a baby or anything you know?
“Is—is that—is that blood?” The alarm in Streber’s voice mimics the alarm Kevin’s been feeling since he was stabbed. It makes him want to laugh. He doesn’t. Too scared it’ll hurt.
“Y—uh—yeah. It’s . . . blood. . . Was kinda stabbed. What—what are you doing here?” Kevin is slowly making out Streber’s silhouette hovering over him.
“Me? I’m—I was looking—wait nevermind that! You need to get to the hospital. Can you stand?” Streber doesn’t come any closer from what Kevin can tell, in fact, he takes a half step backwards.
Kevin places both palms flat on the floor and tries to push himself up. His right palm slips a bit on the smooth floor. Cold hot flashes run through him, the throbbing in his leg intensifying. Screaming in front of Streber would be way too embarrassing so Kevin practically shreds the inside of his cheek to keep quiet. He stops trying to get up. “Not really. Help?”
Streber hesitates again. He’s already abnormally stealthy but with the lights out and Kevin’s blurry vision, he’s especially hard to spot. Kevin would almost be scared he’s left him for dead if not for the bell staying silent.
“Streber?” Kevin knows he and Streber aren’t exactly close (they’re just barely friends through a mutual friend group) but surely Streber won’t actually leave him here?
“Right. Right. Okay. Hold on.” Streber sounds urgent and concerned. There’s a rustling of clothes and Kevin can just barely make out Streber’s quiet little muttering of effort. His muttering is replaced with the bright flash of his phone screen. Streber must be calling for help.
Good. Because the idea of only having Streber to move him to the hospital seems like cruel and unjust punishment, all that moving and jostling and bleeding, oh god it’s still bleeding—I’m still bleeding—this is it I’m going to die—
“Kevin, what’s wrong? Hey—hey! Stay with me here. Ke—Kevin, hey.” Something frigid is on Kevin’s face. It shocks his system back into order. Streber’s hands are so much colder than should be humanly possible. On any other day Kevin might hate the feel, but right now, it’s a welcomed change to the cold hot flashes he’s been experiencing.
“Breathe Kevin, it’s okay. Help’s coming.” Has Streber’s voice always been this comforting? There’s something strained about it though, like he’s clenching his teeth. Maybe he’s scared of blood.
Streber starts breathing exaggeratedly and it takes Kevin’s brain a full second to catch on that he’s supposed to copy him. But it gets there and he follow’s Streber’s example.
Once the fog clears, Kevin just wants to shut down. The throbbing in his leg hasn’t subsided but it’s numb. His eyelids are too heavy and everything’s blurry anyway so Kevin let’s them fall. He just barely hears Streber talking as he drifts.
“That’s it. Okay. It’s okay Kevin. Help’s coming. You’ll be okay.”
There’s a siren in the distance but Kevin doesn’t pay any mind to it. He’s too focused on the refreshing chill of Streber’s hands on his face and the sound of Streber’s quiet voice spilling words of comfort.
It’ll be okay. He’ll be okay. He’s not alone.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
*rant alert* please skip if you want to 😭
So I recently joined college and suddenly all my professors want me to write research papers and make projects? It's so annoying and they literally didn't give us any guidelines, they told us to find a topic on our own and I don't know why I'm coming up so blank. I have never done anything like this in high-school and I'm just so confused. I don't know what to do man, I have been trying to research and read about how I should go about it but nah
For context, if you could maybe help in some way-
1. Subject-Microeconomics
Basically I have to choose anything that is happening around me and relate it to things like demand, supply consumer and producer behaviour.
For example- why is popcorn so highly priced in movie halls? (Can't take this one obv) but something like this that happens to us all the time but we don't realise it
2. Subject- Quantitative techniques
I basically have to perform 5 types of statistical data analysis on any topic. It's my first time doing something like this and I really impress them but I just feel so useless.
*rant closed*
Even if u didn't read this, I just wanted to say that sometimes u feel like my personal diary ❤️
Hey bb,
I've seen this issue with SO MANY college kids and that's because our secondary education system (like high school) absolutely does fuck all to teach kids about writing essays and creating projects and doing research. We're just used to memorizing text and filling in blanks and answering MCQs.
Sigh. Anyhoo, other than my qualms with the education system, let's see how we can help you.
So, what you're being asked to do (if i am not wrong) is to come up with a hypothesis. If you are expected to run a statistical test, then you need a hypothesis and variables.
A hypothesis is something like (if i sell my popcorn in a movie hall, i will have more sales). Then you test this hypothesis by running experiments (for eg you can sell popcorn in a few different places including the theatre and see where you made the most sales). But you need to make sure your data collection is consistent (for eg, you need to sell the same type of popcorn, sell it on the same day and time (Saturday 4 pm etc).
3. I was using the popcorn thingy as an example obviously. If your topic is about microeconomics, try to pick an easy topic you can work on since this is new to you. For eg: people are more likely to buy a product that has celebrity endorsement or why are hygiene products for women mostly in pink?
I think a good place to start is to speak with your lecturers and get some clarification. Trust me, this is so much better than assuming what they want and doing the wrong thing.
Perhaps as a first step, you can write down things you are unclear about regarding the assignment?
For example, i am not sure if you are expected to work with primary data (do your experiments and get your own data) or use secondary data (google something and write a report on it).
For example, for the popcorn thing, do you need to run some experiments (sounds like a lot of work but i am not sure how else you can run statistical tests without access to data) or just do a lit review on the topic and write an essay.
If you have an assignment brief or something, read it thoroughly. You can also ask some people in your class how they understood the assignment to see if they understood it the same or differently.
Good luck with it!
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silvesi · 2 years
I gotta toss you Morred. I think that there's a lot of untapped potential between "curious-to-a-fault Chaotic Little Guy artificer" and "curious-to-a-fault Chaotic Little Guy alchemist", and I want to watch the world burn -@alma-draws
They'd be great friends if not for Morreds past. Anything more? God FORBID. Feds needs calming the heck down not hyping up MORE!! 
I gotta start adding readmores to my walls, bear with me.
There's some hangups here, so this is probably not what you are expecting from my beloved boy at all - I said in another ask but Fedsy has MASSIVE issues with the nightmare court and their experiments, considering that's why he's a little messed up himself. 
If he found out about Morreds background, (Which he most likely would due to his reputation and also activating a rant by asking him about the dream) your guy would be getting 50 types of sarcastic bastard instead of the fun "ooh, what does this do" type.
Morred would proooobably be able to see him lose that enthusiasm and put that barrier up halfway through a conversation if he's astute enough. Can't say Feds recognises it himself since, well, obviously it’s just part of who he is. You are going to have to build his trust and it is going to take a WHILE but he’ll linger anyway because he just wants to know things. Is he your friend? no. maybe. He’s stood 5ft away scowling at you and watching you work but cannot resist pointing out any mistakes you are making or asking about something he finds interesting. He's sulky about this and his apparent lack of self control in terms of just ignoring the guy. He can approach you but you can't approach him or he will THROW KNIVES AT YOU. He needs to pretend he has control here and isn't following an impulse and dealing with so many thoughts inside his brain at once. Shelter cat energy.
There are many sides to Feds; he can be a little volatile, mostly as the story progresses. Sorry Morred. You have to prove yourself. Cause some problems for the right people. I think, eventually, Feds would just start testing him with increasingly chaotic suggestions as for how to enhance his work alongside Feds abilities. He could be tempted to say he’s okay with certain things if he sees the person or their abilities would be of use or interesting to him, but. He’s not. He’s grumping inside his head. maybe plotting. Befriend him fast before he decides he's had/learnt enough and tries something against you. um. If he saw One Thing that just GOT him he would flip, despite potentially treading the line before. He would go feral. Idk, not a Morred example since I'm unsure what exactly he'd do, but if you kicked a dog. you are literally going to die now. He’s on a case by case basis and very emotionally driven.
To be honest even if they were enemies I think it would be funny as hell. like. Feds is attacking him (again, does this once a month). They both see something cool. Stop fighting for a moment, or see something worse than them. both kill that together in SECONDS. Ok cool. Start fighting each other again. everyone is terrified of them. I think they’d have a really volatile friends/enemies/friends again/ work colleagues now/ DIE/ hey nice outfit where did u get that/  relationship. Nobody gets involved they're just like no yeah this is how mesmers make friends its fine its normal. 
I like to think they’d eventually end up as friends. feds gets over some stuff. They both do. Maybe. They band together. I dunno, I feel they'd lend themselves well against the mordrem- Feds would happily spend so much time trying to figure out how to turn everything in that jungle against its own, but he really needs someone to help utilise that research. One time they accidentally made a dagger that heals people as soon as you stab them.    
There's no way Fedsy doesn't admire his flair for the dramatic at least a little. He'd bounce off that. 2 theatre kids doing science what will they do. 
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penwiper · 5 years
So a couple days ago, some folks braved my long-dormant social media accounts to make sure I’d seen this tweet:
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And after getting over my initial (rather emotional) response, I wanted to reply properly, and explain just why that hit me so hard.
So back around twenty years ago, the internet cosplay and costuming scene was very different from today. The older generation of sci-fi convention costumers was made up of experienced, dedicated individuals who had been honing their craft for years.  These were people who took masquerade competitions seriously, and earning your journeyman or master costuming badge was an important thing.  They had a lot of knowledge, but – here’s the important bit – a lot of them didn’t share it.  It’s not just that they weren’t internet-savvy enough to share it, or didn’t have the time to write up tutorials – no, literally if you asked how they did something or what material they used, they would refuse to tell you. Some of them came from professional backgrounds where this knowledge literally was a trade secret, others just wanted to decrease the chances of their rivals in competitions, but for whatever reason it was like getting a door slammed in your face.  Now, that’s a generalization – there were definitely some lovely and kind and helpful old-school costumers – but they tended to advise more one-on-one, and the idea of just putting detailed knowledge out there for random strangers to use wasn’t much of a thing.  And then what information did get out there was coming from people with the freedom and budget to do things like invest in all the tools and materials to create authentic leather hauberks, or build a vac-form setup to make stormtrooper armor, etc.  NOT beginner friendly, is what I’m saying.
Then, around 2000 or so, two particular things happened: anime and manga began to be widely accessible in resulting in a boom in anime conventions and cosplay culture, and a new wave of costume-filled franchises (notably the Star Wars prequels and the Lord of the Rings movies) hit the theatres.  What those brought into the convention and costuming arena was a new wave of enthusiastic fans who wanted to make costumes, and though a lot of the anime fans were much younger, some of them, and a lot of the movie franchise fans, were in their 20s and 30s, young enough to use the internet to its (then) full potential, old enough to have autonomy and a little money, and above all, overwhelmingly female.  I think that latter is particularly important because that meant they had a lifetime of dealing with gatekeepers under our belts, and we weren’t inclined to deal with yet another one.  They looked at the old dragons carefully hoarding their knowledge, keeping out anyone who might be unworthy, or (even worse) competition, and they said NO.  If secrets were going to be kept, they were going to figure things out for ourselves, and then they were going to share it with everyone.  Those old-school costumers may have done us a favor in the long run, because not knowing those old secrets meant that we had to find new methods, and we were trying – and succeeding with – materials that “serious” costumers would never have considered.   I was one of those costumers, but there were many more – I was more on the movie side of things, so JediElfQueen and PadawansGuide immediately spring to mind, but there were so many others, on YahooGroups and Livejournal and our own hand-coded webpages, analyzing and testing and experimenting and swapping ideas and sharing, sharing, sharing.  
I’m not saying that to make it sound like we were the noble knights of cosplay, riding in heroically with tutorials for all.  I’m saying that a group of people, individually and as a collective, made the conscious decision that sharing was a Good Things that would improve the community as a whole.  That wasn’t necessarily an easy decision to make, either. I know I thought long and hard before I posted that tutorial; the reaction I had gotten when I wore that armor to a con told me that I had hit on something new, something that gave me an edge, and if I didn’t share that info I could probably hang on to that edge for a year, or two, or three.  And I thought about it, and I was briefly tempted, but again, there were all of these others around me sharing what they knew, and I had seen for myself what I could do when I borrowed and adapted some of their ideas, and I felt the power of what could happen when a group of people came together and gave their creativity to the world.
And it changed the face of costuming.  People who had been intimidated by the sci-fi competition circuit suddenly found the confidence to try it themselves, and brought in their own ideas and discoveries.  And then the next wave of younger costumers took those ideas and ran, and built on them, and branched out off of them, and the wave after that had their own innovations, and suddenly here we are, with Youtube videos and Tumblr tutorials and Etsy patterns and step-by-step how-to books, and I am just so, so proud.  
So yeah, seeing appreciation for a 17-year-old technique I figured out on my dining-room table (and bless it, doesn’t that page just scream “I learned how to code on Geocities!”), and having it embraced as a springboard for newer and better things warms this fandom-old’s heart.  This is our legacy, and a legacy the current group of cosplayers is still creating, and it’s a good one.  
(Oh, and for anyone wondering: yes, I’m over 40 now, and yes, I’m still making costumes. And that armor is still in great shape after 17 years in a hot attic!)  
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retvenkos · 3 years
“would it be terribly cheesy if i said ‘it was always you’?”
so first of all, you and ej knew each other long before you ran into each other in high school. because, you see, you went to junior high together, and in those days, both you and ej were on dance company 
(you can pry dance company! ej from my cold, dead fingers)
you were arguably the better dancer, and seventh grade ej really wanted to prove himself. a baby competition sprouted between the two of you, but it was nothing big.
you both liked to show off in order to taunt the other, and you both got a kick out of trying to one up each other.
but at the same time, you were teammates. you did everything together.
so the bond between you and ej was strong. it was a competition, yes, but it was friendly competition and you both actually hyped each other a lot. 
plus, dance company does a lot of things as a group, so it was unavoidable. you were going to end up liking each other at some point. luckily, it happened sooner rather than later, and the two of you built up a nice rapport with one another - a closeness forged in friendly competition and last minute studying parties.
but all that changed when you went to north high and ej went to east high
now, since north high is completely fictional, i get to create the dynamic between the schools, so listen up everyone!
north high clearly has the better arts department, and they also have the better tennis and softball team.
east high has the better stem department as well as a better swim team and any other swim related sports.
west high has the better sport teams overall - basketball, football, volleyball, etc.
(that's why we never see any uber jocks at east high—)
now, clearly you have your boundary school, but people get on special permit all the time, and when you say you’re going to north high ej is like ???? but why ???
“they have a better arts department, ej, you know that!”
“well, yeah, but east high is the best. we always said we were going to be wildcats!”
“ej.... they’re actually leopards.”
it wasn’t a super emotional goodbye. you promised to stay in touch, and it wasn’t like it was hard. you still saw each other around the mall, you still followed each other on instagram and what not but.... time just got between you.
you slowly stop texting, you see each other less, when you see each other in public you do that thing where you give a smile but then don’t go over to say hi, because you’re wrapped up in other people. it’s not pointed things, you just... stop talking.
and you still like each others photos on instagram but you’re just... there. 
all of that changes, however, when carlos asks you to help him choreograph hsm.
at the time, the rivalry between schools wasn’t big, it was just a low simmer, and the reason carlos approached you was because once upon a time, you, ej, and him had all been in dance company together for one (1) year (it all comes full cIRCLE) and for one of your performances, you had done something hsm related.
carlos wanted to know if you remembered the routine and could help him come up with something slightly more advanced.
and while you and carlos hadn’t really kept up with one another, he jokingly brought up a time where he did something for you, and how you always said you’d pay him back one day and maybe now it was time to cash it in??
you decided why not? you’ve done a lot of stuff for north high’s dance company, but you’ve never helped out in a musical before (and as you can imagine, north high is very competitive in their arts)
so you joined the hsm cast as co-choreographer.
now, because you had your own north high dance company stuff to deal with, you end up missing a lot of rehearsals. you mostly brainstorm with carlos and add tweaks to the choreo. carlos is the one to really ~teach~ things.
which means that while you are present for ~the drama~ that was ej-nini-ricky, you actually miss a lot of it. you feel the tension, but exactly why it’s Like That is beyond you.
you tried to ask carlos once but he said he wasn’t going to get into that, thank you.
and honestly, you have competitions to keep up with, so you’re not fixated on it. you’re just hoping that they’re not still pissed at each other on opening night, when ej has to strap ricky in for “getcha head in the game”
and while you’ve chatted with ej a couple of times, you haven’t had much time to catch up.
you actually bond a lot with gina, who is on the same level as you in terms of dance. you end up talking and mention how ej was once on dance company, and that rocks her world because ej???
and that’s when you show her all of the old videos you archived on your instagram from your junior high days. carlos, ej, and you all in dance company. they’re precious.
and when ej’s friendships are strained and he doesn’t have anyone to turn to, he sees you and gina laughing and crowding over your phone, and he comes to say hi.
and thus, the friendship begins again.
it is, of course, slow going because so much time has come between you, and gina and carlos (the two you hang with the most) are not on great terms with ej, but you guys grow really close all over again. ej is glad to have another senior to talk to about college, and you’re glad you have an old friend to talk to because it’s easy to feel out of place in this school that isn’t yours.
and on opening night, you know ej gifts you something - maybe it’s a jacket or beanie with the wildcats emblem on it.
“it’s kinda stupid, but we always said we were going to be wildcats together, and we did it.”
“huh, i guess we did.”
and for some reason, you chest is really warm, and you can feel the heat sneak up to your cheeks.
“this is really sweet, ej.”
“well, you know me.”
“yeah, i guess i do.”
and then it’s his cue to get ready to go on stage.
“oh! and there should be another surprise coming, don’t hate me for not telling you!”
and you’re ??? but it turns out to be gina.
you all clearly go to denny's afterward to celebrate, and if ej feels his heart seize in his chest everytime you laugh or steal one of gina’s fries, it’s not an unfamiliar feeling. because really, it had always been like that, with you. you never cease to amaze him.
and once you’re on the east high theatre group chat, you never get taken off of it, so you know everything that’s going on with your theatre buddies, after hsm has finished.
and this is where a conflict of interest really comes in...
because, you see, once hsm is a hit, some of the theatre kids at north high think you’re a traitor. you gave east high their secrets, and now east high is an actual contender. uncool, (y/n).
so you kind of get iced out by a lot of north high kids. like i said. competition there is  s t e e p  and you’ve been accused of fraternizing with the enemy..
but when zach roy shows up and he hears about the drama surrounding one (y/n) (l/n), he gets an idea... so he approaches you one day after dance company practice...
“he asked you to do wHAT?”
you’re texting ej, carlos, and gina in a group chat
“he asked me to co-choreograph their show.”
“are you going to do it?” - carlos
“of course they are! do you think opportunities like this just fall out of the sky?” - gina
“i don’t know, though, i feel like he’s working some angle with me. there’s something about him that doesn’t feel genuine.”
“it’s those piercing blue eyes.” - carlos
“i have piercing blue eyes!”
“and you’ve never done anything underhanded?” - gina
“we did that together!”
“what should i do?”
“accept, clearly!” - gina
“i’d be careful, if i were you. miss jenn doesn’t trust him for a reason.” - carlos
“it’s up to you, (y/n). you’ll do great, and it’s a great opportunity.”
and everyone can feel the pause - the conflict where ej doesn’t know what to say.
“but nothing! this is a HUGE opportunity! he’s dancer extraordinaire derek hough zach roy! i’d be the villain of your eventual documentary if i were to try to hold you back.”
“okay... i think i’ll do it. you know how competitive things are, here. this could really give me a boost.”
“hell yeah, (y/n)!” - gina
“spy on their production for us?” - carlos
“anything for you <3″
i imagine you clash a lot with lily, but you actually become really good friends with howie and antoine. but that’s beside the point.
and while things are on good terms at first, your bond with your wildcats stays strong, and you’re carving out a place in north high rehearsals, lily is quick to find out that you’re on the east high group chat.
and because this is hsmtmts, i get to have some fun with this premise.
lily gets some kind of tech nerd on her side, and she gets him to make it so that somehow, the text that you get from the theatre group also send to her phone, for maximum stalking of the competition. that’s how she always gets one step ahead of east high.
and as north high seemingly continues to have insider info on east high, someone suspects there’s a leak.... which leads to you. who else has access to north high? so they send a fake text and wait to see if north high takes the bait.
they do. so now east high thinks it’s you.
but at this same time, you keep noticing that suspiciously, whenever you get a text from east high theatre department, lily’s phone goes off to. literally at the same moment, you’re doing your own test to see if somehow she hacked your phone.
(you had your suspicions because lily is actually terribly bad at hiding her hand and constantly makes remarks that make you Think™.)
you confirm lily to have hacked your phone, and so you go old school and show up to east high, hoping to tell them what happened and find some fix (since east high is the mother of all tech schools in this universe.)
but when you walk into the auditorium, the cast is being really passive aggressive toward you? and you’re so confused? what happened?
of course, ricky is the only to confront you because these days, it seems like he’s always one (1) moment away from blowing up.
and you explain that you were played just as much as they were - it was never your intention to betray them. east high is your family.
“oh, yeah? i’ve never known an east high leopard to go to north high.”
and so now we’re in shambles! we’re divided! 
you leave, upset, and ej catches you in the hall. he tries to explain that ricky’s been on one, recently, that none of his anger was really meant for you, and that he believes you - truly. he knows you’re the last person to ever betray them. you’re not like that. that’s more him than it is you.
and you just give him the world’s biggest  h u g .
now you’re probably wondering why i insisted on this particular plot line, but let me tell you - ej never really understood completely what a complete breach of trust it was for him to steak nini’s phone and violate her privacy like that. now he can see how deeply it affects you - how it can really ruin people in ways you never intend. it’s about the learning curve.
anyway, it takes you a while to build up trust with east high again, but you say “hey, why don’t you guys continue to send false leads to this group chat? make another for yourselves, and continue to spread misinformation to me.
ej is like... do you really want to sabotage your own show? but you tell him something along the lines of “our show is still going to have superior choreography, lily is just going to waste her time doing pointless side missions. it has nothing to do with the quality of my work.”
and ej loves this competitive and devious side of you so much. but he’s also deathly terrified of telling you how much he cares about you, because he always manages to screw things up.
and gina finds hilariously endearing because of all people to be self conscious... ej caswell? the ej caswell? she would be his hype woman if she wasn’t so busy finding this all too Good to be true.
eventually, lily will find out, but when she confronts you and threatens to tell the cast that you’re the reason they’re so behind in their production, you tell her that to do that, she’d have to confess to stealing your phone, hacking into it, and using it to spy on you which breaks like 23 different school rules. but sure! tell everyone! you’d love to see how the principal reacts when you film it and show it to them on monday.
(this is getting really long, let me see if i can wrap it up, quick)
clearly, ej is an Idiot when he’s in love, and even though he’s deathly afraid of telling you his feelings, that doesn’t stop him from expressing them.
both of you are in your respective musicals, and your rehearsal schedules align really nicely, so a lot of the time, ej will drive up to north high afterward so he can give you a ride home. (you don’t have a car, okay?) you guys always stop to get fast food or a drink at starbucks or something, and you have little “dates” where ej parks the car and the two of you eat in his car, just chatting about your day.
or on weekends, you and ej go and drive up to the state college that ej was admitted to, and you walk around campus, trying to envision him there. and if you’re also going to a school nearby, you do the same for you. (bonus points if you’re going to the same college, so you walk around and pick out the places where you’ll chill together.)
and if these little excursions of yours are the highlight of your week, and all you want to do is hold ej’s hand forever, singing in the car with the windows down and driving into the sunset... well, you just hope that ej wants the same.
and since ej is in av club, and he’s really trying to dig in and figure out what his story is, he’s always got a camera of some kind out, and some of his best work, he swears, are pictures and videos of you.
anyway, at some point, you confess to ej that you have a crush on him (howie probably pushed you to do it because he was tired of seeing you pine).
it’s a weekend and the two of you are procrastinating on your respective school assignments (study sessions being interrupted with senioritis? sounds about right) so instead you’re just sitting on the floor, staring at the ceiling, talking about whatever. and i think it just slips out, and when you realize what you’ve said, you’re vvv embarrassed, and you don’t even want to look at see how ej reacts, but he calls your name and you turn to him, a deadly mixture of dread and hope rooted in your stomach and shaking you to your core, but ej is smiling and in his eyes is something brighter than the sun, and when he tells you he’s feels the same, it’s like that dread in your stomach blooms into pure joy and when he tells you he’s had a crush on you since you were eighth graders and you were a better dancer than him, you can’t help but laugh until all of that warmth in your stomach has escaped into the air and hangs around the two of you like low hanging stars - so close, you can reach out and touch them.
anyway, cue lots of sneaking around north high - not because it’s a secret but because it’s fun hiding in the back of the auditorium and sneaking into the empty dance room.
cue cheering for each other at the menkies and congratulating each other when east high gets best musical, and north high gets best choreography (amongst others).
cue going to denny’s to celebrate and laughing until your sides hurt, stealing each other’s fries, and holding hands under the table.
(also... ej 100% would kiss your fingers when your hands are intertwined and that’s truly a blessing)
cue going to pool parties together for no other reason than i want all of the east high kids to do an impromptu rendition of “all for one” and ej gets to hit ricky with one of those blow up beach balls “for revenge” on the basketball moment in season 1.
plus, a pool party would do wonders for destressing, don’t lie.
taglist: @maybanksslut, @theletterhart, @brokenandheadoverheels, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena @kitsdeadwife, @amortensie // add yourself to the taglist here!
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sunarintoes · 3 years
Inarizaki Boyfriend Headcanons
Includes: Miya Osamu, Kita Shinsuke, Suna Rintarou (Atsumu’s can be found here)
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✗ My favourite Miya <3
✗ His favourite date to take you on is when the Main Street is full of food carts and independent sellers/farmers, the two of you walk around and try all the sweets and what not. After the two of you stuffed yourselves silly you make your way to the movie theatre and once that’s done you sit down at a park bench and just vibe with each other. And then you go get more food :D
✗ So he loves cooking - its his passion, he always asks for you to taste test all his different onigiri. Gives the biggest smile when you say you like it!!
✗ As I said before in another post, he has a horse. Like Atsumu, he will ride the horse to your house. Once he called you to meet outside the school on a Saturday and he told you to wear ‘forest spirit clothing.’ You were very confused. You showed up in a flowing dress/flowing shirt and then he came around the corner, on his white horse, wearing a tuxedo. He looked like a prince so you weren't complaining. ‘Hey sugar lets ride off into the sunset together’ was how he greeted you. 
✗ He’s kinda indifferent about pda, he’s only gonna do it if it feels right at the moment you know? When the two of you are just standing at, say, a bus stop he will go behind and hug you. He likes being close to you. So when y'all at school he will greet you with a forehead kiss in the morning before he heads off to his classes. I don't think he would make out with you in public, he prefers to keep that to himself. If you want kisses in public he’ll gladly give you short but sweet kisses on your lips, cheeks or forehead (and sometimes your hand). 
✗ He gets jealous but he hides it well. He doesn't want to come off as controlling or insecure so the majority of the time he will just keep it to himself and pout a little. When this happens please go up to him and massage/rub his shoulders while placing soft kisses on his head - it will make him calm down and relieve tension so quickly. On the occasion that he does have a jealous outburst, his face will be angry as he takes you away from whoever was hitting you up. When you're far away enough he will have an annoyed expression and will sit on the ground (literally wherever you guys are; he will just plop down in an angry tantrum). When this happens just pull him into your lap (yes, even if you are considerably smaller than him) and tell him ‘it's okay’ and that you ‘only love him.’ He’ll calm down and it'll be pretty chill afterwards (but will glare at the person if he ever sees them again.)
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✗  Yes my favourite farmer boy!!
✗ Kita - despite his somewhat cold and blunt demeanor, loves affection. In particular he loves laying down on a couch or a bed and holding you while facing each other. He likes talking to you in that position and he will open up about things on his mind.
✗ Ok so Kita is a ‘Bob the Builder’ sorta boyfie, he has building skills for some reason but you’re not complaining. If you want/need something made you can bet that he will volunteer to have a go at it. He may not be the best with the actual painting of whatever but the thing itself will be built well. 
✗ I don’t think he’s one for pda, it just doesn't float his boat. The occasional hand holding and a kiss on the cheek is fine but he doesn’t really feel the need to show his affection in public - especially because he seems to be quite a private person.
✗ Dates with Kita are simple and nice, mostly consist of picnics and walks along the beach/local area/park. Movie dates are a thing as well - for Kita he just loves being around you and spending time with you! Oh and his granny loves you :P if she didn't then he wouldn't date you. He's a granny’s boy. 
✗ Kita does not get jealous. Nu uh, never. But he does get insecure. Majority of the time he is chill and trusts you with his whole heart but on rare occasions - perhaps when you spontaneously run into a childhood friend and seem to glow with happiness he might feel a pang in his heart. I don't think he would feel angry or upset with you, but sad with himself and he may feel like he doesn't know how to make you glow that bright and all that. It will be really hard to tell when he feels this way. He’s really good at hiding it :( but Kita is a man who strongly believes in communication ← literally more than most characters lmfao, and he will sit you down and tell you what’s on his mind. He’ll expect you to do the same if you were in his position; maybe that's why you two are such a strong couple. When he tells you please listen quietly and wait until he’s finished speaking, this lets him know you care about what he is saying. After he’s done give him a warm hug and rub his back or run a hand through his soft hair, please remind him that you love him and that he makes you glow with happiness every day <3
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✗ bbg 😚
✗ Or maybe i should say bbb
✗ Mans is so fine i live for this lanky fucker <3
✗ Ok so we all know sun-sun is lazyyyy and homie definitely plays video games. He went through a fortnite phase with Atsumu boy are you glad you barely knew him during that time cause he was as you would expect 😳🤢 anywhoooo he’s more of a COD boy atm, mmm first person shooter games are his fav. He definitely gets you into them → if you're not that into them he won't push it but he thinks Minecraft dates and teaching you how to play are cute. Oh! And if you are… hohohoho boy does he love it. Loves playing with you - same team or not, yall are deadly together, especially if you also play first person shooters. Oh and animal crossing dates are a must!
✗ Most of the time your dates consist of someone’s house and vibing on their bed or a couch watching movies, playing video games and cuddling. 😩uh mans is so fine. He's a sexy gamer boy; what else could you want? 
✗ Ohohoho he does get jealous, homie will get snarky with the perp and will not be afraid to wrap an arm around your waist to publicly display that he is with you and you are with him. The perp probs gets scared of this tall, snarky boy and runs off. Will probably sulk the whole day and try to act indifferent/ignore his emotions (cause he’s low key emotionally constipated) so plz bb im begging you, crawl into his lap (yes, even if you’re taller than him) and snuggle into his chest. Then he will be happy :D
✗ Oh and this (doesn't really) bring us to our next point: pda! Mmmmmm he’s like osamu in the sense that he does and does not care - like it's up to you. He’s probably not the biggest on it and wont initiate much asides from having an arm around you, holding you hand (and occasionally your butt-)
✗ Suna, as mentioned earlier, is somewhat emotionally constipated ← though definitely not as much as other characters *cough* ushiwaka *cough* and will take a while to warm up to affection. However once you get there he will absolutely adore holding you and cuddling with you - in fact he claims he “cant sleep without you” because he’s “been trained to love you too much.” lol what a dork
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valiixiia · 3 years
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•Dates With The Deku Squad•
Todoroki x Reader
Midoriya x Reader
Iida x Reader
Urakara x Reader
a/n- I apologize for not posting at all recently. I have like a week left of school and I’m writing a speech I’m getting writers block on that. As well as writers block for other pieces like this. I hope in the next week I will start to post more.
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Dates with Todoroki would be more casual. You just enjoy each others company so feel it would be common to make anything a date.
But also sometimes a bit unplanned and crazy
You two would set aside half of the day on a Saturday or something like that and just do whatever to your heart’s content!
I feel like you may enjoy going to the theme park sometimes. Or going to the mall with endeavours credit card.
Maybe even more typical dates. I feel like he wouldn’t take you to a SUPER expensive place because he can. He would much rather go with you to a smaller family owned restaurant with much better food than that rich-rich food.
But I think your favourite types of dates would be going out together. Walking by a lake. In a serene comfortable silence.
He would enjoy this because he finds it comforting to know that he doesn’t always have to say something because sometimes this can be hard for him.
Honestly, dates with him are just so sweet <3
Dates with him would usually be simple and well thought out. But always the sweetest<333
Drumroll please….. PICNIC DATES!
He would love to go on picnics because first of all, they are cute just like the two of you
When you both go, you guys would go to a more private spot. He tends to get very flustered and embarrassed in a way when showing PDA even if it’s just sitting together he can’t help but get a bit flustered (that is just who our cinnamon roll is)
He would also enjoy going to festivals, events, or carnivals with you
Like just imagine him taking you to a hero’s festival “all might fan boy noises the whole time”
He would like going to carnivals to so he could have fun with you.
Just imagine you are in the top of a Ferris wheel while the sun is setting and he just kisses you… like just WOW only the best vibes are allowed here.
All in all he just really enjoys spending time with you.
Ok so this is used so often so don’t @ me but… STUDY DATES
He is very busy with school as well as family. So this is a great way for you guys to spend time together.
He would ask you questions to prepare you for the test. If you get one right he will give you a small sweet peck on the cheek.<333
Other dates he would take you on would be more “classic” in a way.
If you are not staying in, he would take you out probably to a fancy restaurant.
Not like a restaurant that is so fancy it’s “snobby” but still more upper class.
Going to another classic theme…. MOVIE DATES!
You may go on a Saturday evening to the movies.
You both will decide on a movie, go there get some popcorn, you guys will then walk back to the dorms. Just cute vibes here<3
If he could he would want to take you to a drive in movie. Not only for those “vintage/ classic vibes” but also so he can have some kind of alone time with you enjoying the vibe and atmosphere.
But there is another reason that he is kind of ashamed of. He wants to make out with you in a drive in movie theatre, while the movie is playing VIBES
Overall, dates with him are very calm and classic. <3
Dates with Uraka would probably be on a strict budget to her request. Even if you insisted on paying for everything.
So you usually don’t go out but instead have stay in dates.
You guys will usually watch a movie and make popcorn.
I feel like she would not bet the best at cooking so if you had baking/ cooking dates she would love that!
Like take her out for a couples baking class. And literally the whole class is just staring at you two in aww because of how cute you are together especially while baking.
In conclusion dates with Urakara are cute, fun, and simple <3
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haifengg · 3 years
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Pairing: NanamixGN!Reader
Note: I think I got this ask quite a while ago but due to my hiatus it got postponed a million times. Now that I am slowly coming back and am publishing the bits and pieces I wrote during being away this A-Z is finally leaving my drafts as well.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Given his S/O is a sorcerer as well I think he would limit PDA at work to a minimum. Even if they are officially together or even married. He just likes to separate work and home. Tho it doesn’t mean that he is not making small intimate gestures at work like randomly dropping in with coffee or - when they are on a mission - sending a text asking how they are doing.
At home he is pretty affectionate. Randomly pulling them in for a hug, giving small back rubs when they are doing the dishes after he cooked. This kind of thing.
B = Before (What were they like when they had a crush?) Distant. Nanami would probably be a person who maybe actually mistakes the feeling for some other emotion at first. Leaving him confused about why he thinks about them so much. The poor man would likely be irritated every time they are nice to him. Why the heck doesn’t his heart stop pounding? And why is he suddenly excited to go to work? Disappointed when he is not assigned the same mission as them? Or - if they aren’t a sorcerer - sad when a mission takes him away from wherever he met them for too long?
C = Confession (What was their confession like?) Well-planned and straight forward. Nanami was already observing them for a while before making a move. Although he doesn’t actually confess it is pretty obvious when he likes someone because it happens so rarely. Just imagine him asking someone out for dinner. That gives away so much - don’t you agree?
D = Date (What was the first official date they went on?) If we don’t count the dinner mentioned above … I guess it would be something like a gallery. Nanami would definitely want to test his s/o’s taste in art because it tells a lot about a person’s character. What kind of art they prefer (paintings, photography, sculptures, … ) and how they look at it as well.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Professionally. He would state the fact on why they aren’t compatible anymore and what made him draw this conclusion. I don’t think either one of them would cheat on the other mainly because Nanami wouldn’t get into a relationship with someone capable of doing that in the first place (I hope). He would sit down with his (not) s/o and talk it through. There might be tears on the other side but not on his. He thought about it a lot and made peace with his feelings before starting this conversation.
F = Fights (What would fights look like? What are things that upset them?) Kento barely looses his temper. And if he does I wouldn’t say that it is necessarily a bad thing. Getting him so worked up about something does only mean he cares. Fights would mostly be on the calmer/diplomatic side. He might be upset about something but there is no need for him to yell or anything. If the problem can be resolved just by talking about it - great! Why waste his precious energy on negative things, when he can use them elsewhere?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) We all know - and all those rough sm*t fan fictions can’t proof me wrong - that he probably is the most gentle character in entire JJK. He despises the violence of his job therefore he doesn’t want to inflict pain or anything on anyone on his good side. Especially his S/O. Nanami has the most gentle touch, fleeing kisses, he will hold them tight but never smother them.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) As mentioned above: Tight and secure. Or soft. His S/O almost automatically buries their face in the crook of his neck because - who wouldn’t. Is there anything else I have to say about hugs by Nanami Kento? Yes. Am I able to put it into words? No. It’s just a very overwhelming feeling - that’s all.
I = Intimacy (What is their favorite form of intimacy? Do they have problems with it?) For him I think it would be things where they take care of him. While he shows his love through cooking and providing (which he takes a lot of pride from), he loves being taken care of as well. Maybe in departments he doesn’t know so much about. Like skincare. If his S/O teases him about his wrinkles and stern look he would gladly accept any advice in skincare from them, let them do their magic with face massages and serums. He doesn’t even care if it has any effect on his skin - he just loves the attention he gets and thrives on the feeling how much his S/O cares about him (and his skin apparently).
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) This one I am really indecisive about. I can see him get more jealous that we would expect him too - which would be a nice surprise tbh. But also not jealous at all because he is confident. Kento knows what his S/O likes about him and he also knows what separates him from other men. What makes him special. I think the times he gets jealous are the days he doesn’t get to spent with his S/O because of work or a mission. Which rather results in being mad at Jujutsu Tech than jealous of someone else.
K = Kisses (Are they a good kisser? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Forehead. Kisses. It doesn’t matter what height there S/O is. It is one of the most protective gestures and he enjoys giving those as much as his S/O enjoys receiving them.
The back of the hand cheesy kisses. Because they are his everything, he wants to treat them like it. Nanami knows it’s cheesy but neither one of them thinks too much about it. When they sit across the table, fingers sloppily interlocked on the table top, he occasionally picks up their hand and places a soft kiss on the back of it. Almost absent-minded.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) He is not very fond of them. Not saying that he won’t love and do everything for his own kids but other people’s kids are usually a nuisance for him. If they are loud or misbehaving he is really not having it. Though he would never lash out or raise his voice against them/their parents. ‘Children’ as in ‘his students’ … he always makes sure to treat them as children in a way he wants them safe/won’t put them in unnecessary danger.
M = Messages (How often do they text his S/O?) Kento strikes me as a kind of guy who doesn’t text often. Mostly because in his line of work sharing attention could easily be his downfall or worse. He will let his s/o know if he’s running late or occasionally ask if there is anything they need from the store or things like that but aside from practical messages he doesn’t text much.
Though if he is on a long mission and away from his s/o for quite a time span he usually rather calls them than text.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Nights as in ‘Nights Out’? Date nights? Well, he is a foodie so dinner is always a popular option. He takes the time to carefully research about the restaurant and the menu. If the rotate dishes, he will make sure they’re going at the exactly right season to get the best culinary experience possible.
Nanami is old fashioned. So he will hold the door for them, pull back the chair … helps them into their coat.
He also likes going to the movies. The intimacy of the dark theatre gives him the confidence to reach out for their hand or have his arm around their shoulder. Since he usually limits PDA in public this is exciting for him.
O = Opinion (Would they ask for their S/O’s opinion a lot? How important is it in terms of decisions?) Probably more than I would expect him too. Maybe not about the smaller things but decisions that involve the both of them he would definitely ask.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Due to the time he spends exposed to Gojo this man has the patience of a saint. Literally. He rarely snaps at his S/O.
Q = Quizzes (How does a bar trivia night teamed up with them look like?) Stressed. Yes, this man in very educated and cultured but imagine him sitting in a loud-ass bar, having to answer questions about the transformers or Megan Thee Stallion. Absolutely absurd. How old he must feel …
R = Remember (How much do they remember about their S/O or their relationship in general?) Not everything but a lot. He will remember little things they mentioned early on in the relationship and bring it up again later. He also uses this ability for presents and such. As well as in fights. If they think they can outtalk him with something you accusedly said or didn’t say some time ago - I suggest they surrender, because he will remember much better.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Very Protective. I mean yes, he knows that they can stand up for themselves but why should they have to do that if he is around? One of the big perks dating him is that he is who he is and that his presence confuses most people. So he might as well use it. Not so much in a physical way but rather in addressing the people bothering his S/O directly in the typical manner of his.
I think his understanding of being protected equals being taken care of which plays into the skincare thing I mentioned earlier. It is not so much physical procreation from danger but preserving a future together where one cares about the other deeply and only wants their best.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Medium effort. He prepares and researches but he rarely comes up with a new idea. He knows what he likes and his S/O probably does too. His work is so stressful and has close to no repetition so that he enjoys doing the same things on dates over and over. That does not mean it will get boring. Because Nanami sometimes thrives on going the extra mile. There is a restaurant across the country that he really wants to dine at? Buckle up - he is going on a vacation. Short trips or spa weekends are also things he appreciates.
Since he remembers dates and anniversaries well he is usually well prepared for those occasions. He puts a lot of thought into presents and barely ever gifts useless things. He does not like to have a lot of stuff laying around so what he gives to people usually serves a purpose.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a S/O?) Literally everything I mentioned above. Namai Kento is a unique mix of all his traits. A very balanced person.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Well … he wears the same freaking suit everyday so … but yes I think cares about his looks and hygiene in general. As far as clothing goes he probably has one brand he is loyal too, which automatically sets his fashion style in stone as well. He has the same haircut for quite a while and sees no point in changing it.
Overall just the classic hetero dude who ones figured out what works for him and stuck with it. lol.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their S/O? Yes. His S/O is the other side of him. Is what balances his inner peace. Without them he worries too much, stresses too much. He needs them to tell him it’s going to be okay.
X = X-Ray (How transparent are they?) Nanami doesn’t actually tells them everything but will disclose if they ask. He just doesn’t think they are interested in small details about him.
Y = Yuck (Everyone has flaws. What is theirs?) He. Doesn’t. Do. The. Dishes.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Kento never lets go of his S/O. Which can be annoying. And suffocating. Especially in summer. He is not clingy and they don’t fall asleep like this but in the morning he always spoons them or weirdly holds their hand. Sometimes toes interlocked lmao. Which makes them even more lonely when they are apart, because they got used to it way too quickly.
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@kpopsnowball @soleilsuhh @jeonghanmoon @himitsu-luna
@sagedevans @shampoocifer @your-consulting-fangirl @gwynsapphire​
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So Give Me Hope In The Darkness
Dukeceit Week Day 4: Free Day
Janus comes to him scared and broken. And there is nothing Remus wouldn’t do to help him. 
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 8855
Warnings: violence, dehumanization/people as test subjects, implied past abuse.
@dukeceitweek <3
“Remus, the transport’s here. You ready?”
Remus looked up from where he had been meticulously finishing the last fold on the absolute best paper airplane he had ever made in his life. “The what?”
Roman, leaning against the doorframe of Remus’ office, sighed deeply. “For the love of all things Disney and musical theatre, Remus, check your e-mail on a regular basis.”
Remus glanced at his desk. His laptop sat half-buried in crumpled up reject airplanes, the screen dark, so he slipped his phone from his pocket to check his e-mail with instead and… oops. One official work order, sent over 40 minutes ago, and three more messages from Virgil that all read somewhere along the lines of “Jesus Christ Remus respond to this so we know you read it.” Which, of course, he hadn’t. 
“Uh…” Remus said helplessly. Roman scrubbed a hand down his face, then motioned for Remus to follow as he stepped back out into the hallway. Remus scrambled after him.
“I’ll fill you in, but we need to hurry,” Roman said.
“The hell do they need me for? Wasn’t it just another one of those underground lab bullshit raids? Those always turn up fucking zilch.”
“Not this one,” Roman replied and, well, shit. Now Remus was interested enough to shut up and let his brother talk. “They actually found, like, the real headquarters. Evil scientists and all.”
“Fuck yeah, good for them. Logan and Virgil have been working themselves to the bone...r. But why do they need me?”
Roman gave him a look. It was his it’s time to be serious now, Remus look. “They found a, uh…” he hesitated, looking for the right word. “A test subject.”
Well that answered that.
By this point, Roman had reached the door that led out to the parking garage. He stopped at the door and gave Remus a pointed look.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Remus muttered. Quickly, he emptied out his pockets and shoved his phone, wallet, keys, a small notebook, a miniature lockpick set, and a pocket knife all into Roman’s waiting hands. The last time he’d tangled with an aggressive gifted, he’d gotten the entire contents of his pockets- as well as the pants themselves- reduced to a pile of molten plastic and ash. “Right. Here I go.”
“Logan will brief you. Be careful.”
“I’ll be fine, bro, chill out.” Remus patted Roman’s cheek- which his brother couldn’t do a damn thing about with his hands full of Remus’ stuff- then pushed the door open and made his way out to the intake dock.
There was already a small crowd gathered around, a safe distance from where the armored transport van had been backed into the receiving bay. Logan, Patton, and Virgil were there, of course. But the presence of a handful of armed officers was a surprise. Logan usually refused to allow the police department to send their thugs into situations like this. This sort of thing was what Remus was on the payroll for. 
“Wasn’t expecting a party,” Remus said as he approached his team. Logan turned away from his conversation with Virgil.
“Ah, Remus. There you are,” he said. “I take it you have read the work order?”
“I… skimmed it,” Remus lied. Logan looked unimpressed. 
“Well, just in case you missed anything important, let us recap. Virgil?”
“Uh, yeah.” Virgil stepped closer, looking troubled. “We found a gifted in there, probably a test subject knowing these bastards. He’s aggressive, borderline feral, and those jokers-” He jerked his head in the general direction of the uniformed police. “Didn’t fucking help the situation. I couldn’t reach him, but I don’t know if that’s cause he’s in a state of mind where logic and reason are completely out the window, or if he’s… like us.”
Remus nodded. His own powers would work where Virgil’s had failed, but only if this one wasn’t completely immune to the effects of other gifteds like he and Virgil were. He turned to Patton. “You got anything for me, pops?”
“Of course!” From the pocket of his white doctor’s coat, Patton produced a small capped syringe filled with bright blue liquid. “I had to guess at the dosage, though.”
Remus accepted the tranquilizer and shoved it in his pocket. It would be a last resort. Looking to Logan, he asked, “Any ideas on powers? What to watch out for?” He was not pleased to see Logan grimace.
“We don’t know yet. The base is still being swept, so it will likely be some time before we will know what, if any, information was found on this subject.”
There was a heavy thunk from inside the armored van that made Patton jump. 
“Sounds like we don’t have that kind of time,” Remus mused. “Somebody wants out.”
“He was restrained when we found him. Blindfolded, too,” Virgil offered. “So he needs either visual, touch, or both.”
“Really narrows it down there, Virge,” Remus said with a huff. There was another thunk. “I’m going in. Standard operating procedure?”
Logan nodded. Remus nodded back, then looked to Virgil. 
Virgil led him through the crowd of uniforms, snapping at a few of them to move back, and up to the back doors of the van. He met Remus’ gaze. There was another thunk.
“Ok, now!” Remus said. Virgil tore open the door. Remus threw himself at the gifted on the other side, and Virgil slammed the door shut behind him.
He hadn’t been sure what to expect, so when he collided with a much smaller body, his momentum sent them both sprawling across the back of the van. Remus was bigger and stronger though, and didn’t have the disadvantage of being blindfolded, so he flipped the smaller body easily beneath him, wincing slightly at the hiss of pain he heard, and pressed a palm firmly against the bare skin of his neck.
“Why don’t you take a nap,” he growled. His power reached into the body, weaving its way into the circulatory system to slow the heart. Or, well. It tried to. He couldn't get a hold anywhere.
“Fuck. You are like us,” Remus muttered; more to himself than to the other, who was becoming increasingly difficult to hold down as he writhed and struggled against Remus’ weight. With his free hand, Remus reached around to try and fish the syringe out of his pocket. But the movement put him off balance. The gifted threw him off with a sharp jerk and scrambled away.
They both staggered to their feet on opposite ends of the cramped space, and Remus got his first good look at the gifted. His long blonde hair was a tangled mess, and he was still blindfolded- though he tracked Remus’ location enough to bare his teeth at him. Some sort of restraint seemed to be keeping his arms behind his back. Remus kind of wanted to murder whoever had done this to him.
“Hey, look, I’m not trying to hurt you,” he offered, even though he knew Virgil had already tried using his literal powers of persuasion on him. “I swear, I’m just trying to help you. But you need to calm the hell down.”
The gifted had pressed his back up against the wall of the van. Talking wasn’t going to do shit. The sooner Remus ended this the better. He rushed the gifted again; the gifted spun out of his grasp, and his hand closed on… feathers? The fuck? Whatever. The gifted had cornered himself against the back wall of the van. Remus spun sharply and slammed his weight into him. Winded, and with his back pinned into the corner, there was a precious few seconds where the gifted made no move. That was enough time for Remus to slip the cap off the syringe and jam it into the gifted’s thigh. 
His muscles immediately went slack, and Remus carefully lowered him to the floor, mindful of the goddamn wings he could now see were strapped down tightly against the gifted’s back.
“What the fuck did they do to you?” he asked sadly. He leaned over to bang three times on the van wall to signal the all clear to Virgil. A sudden, sharp pain raced up his other arm, and he jerked back with a yelp. The gifted had apparently gathered enough strength for one last act of defiance and had lashed out to fucking bite him, what the hell? Remus pushed him back down to the floor, and this time he stayed down. 
One of the back doors to the van eased open, and Virgil peeked in. Remus turned to him, and the whole world spun.
“Ah, fuck,” he managed. “Venomous. Cute.”
And then he promptly blacked out. 
Remus woke up in one of the dimly lit rooms of Patton’s infirmary. Patton had a vendetta against fluorescent lights, instead opting for soft, warm lights that didn’t give everyone headaches. Remus was thankful for this every time he woke up here- which was often- but especially now. His head was throbbing, and he kind of felt like he’d been hit by Virgil’s big armored transport van. Which he had before (his own damn fault) so he knew exactly how it felt.
His phone buzzed. Wincing at the movement, Remus glanced over to the small table beside the bed where his phone sat amid the pile of his other belongings. Which meant he had been out long enough for Roman to stop by and leave again. His phone buzzed again, so despite his body screaming at him for doing so, he reached over and grabbed it.
His team’s groupchat was filled with missed messages from the past hour. He scrolled through the most recent ones with a slight frown.
Nerdy Wolverine 
Patton, please give us an update on Remus’ condition.
He’s gonna be just fine, kiddos, he’s just sleeping it off.
Daddy’s Favorite 
Surly Temple 
Oh joy.
Daddy’s Favorite 
You were just as worried as the rest of us, Dr. Gloom.
Surly Temple
You can’t prove that.
Calm down, kiddos.
Nerdy Wolverine 
Patton, I would also like an update on the subject.
Are you sure? There’s kinda a lot to talk about.
Nerdy Wolverine 
Something brief, then. I will come by the infirmary when this meeting is over.
Logan, texting during a meeting??? 😱😱😱
Surly Temple
Daddy’s Favorite 
Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!
I lived, bitch.
I’ll be right there! Don’t you dare sit up!
Remus was already in the process of sitting up when Patton burst through the door. He winced slightly at the pain, but moreso at the disappointed look Patton gave him. 
“Uh-uh, you lay back down, mister,” he said. Remus sighed.
“I’m perfectly fine, pops,” he whined, but laid back down anyway, because even Remus knew better than to argue with Patton.
“Maybe, but you know the drill,” Patton replied. Remus made a noise of protest, but let Patton take his vitals and check him over. Then after an eternity- or more accurately, about five minutes- Patton stepped back and said, “Alright kiddo, you’re all good. Take it easy though. Maybe go home after the debrief, ok?”
Remus sat up now that he was allowed to. “I can’t believe that little fucker bit me,” he scoffed. He glanced down at his arm, where it had been bandaged up. “What happened to him? Where is he?” 
Patton looked a little uncomfortable, which more or less answered Remus’ question. The agency would be forced to hold the gifted here until the illegal lab had been fully cleared out and all the paperwork filed; and, well, there was a good chance Logan’s bosses would send in government officials to “assess the mental stability of the liberated test subject,” which was really just shitty politician speak for “see if this could become a huge scandal and decide if it was better to just make it all disappear.”
“Fuck,” was all he said. Then he got unsteadily to his feet. “Where’s Logan?”
Patton put a hand on his shoulder to help steady him. “He’s in a meeting with the chief of police. They’re trying to take the case.”
“Teach won’t let ‘em,” Remus said proudly. “I’m gonna, like. Go sit in my office. Cool?"
Patton eyed him suspiciously, but nodded. Remus gathered up all of his stuff from the table beside the bed, and darted out the door before Patton could change his mind. 
When Janus woke up, he immediately became aware of three things, in consecutive order.
First, he was somewhere he had never been before. That realization did not come as a surprise. He, of course, distinctly remembered the whole… “getting dragged out of his cell by people he didn’t know” incident. Usually he knew better than to lash out, but… there had been so much noise, so much unfamiliar chaos, and in his fear, he hadn’t known what else to do. And of course, it hadn’t done him any good; it never did. And now he was here. Wherever “here” was. 
The second realization did come as a surprise, as he sat up on the cot where he’d been laid, and looked around the sparse, softly-lit room: he was completely unbound. His wings were still instinctively pressed against his back, but they twitched at the realization and slowly unfurled to their full span. He winced slightly as tendons snapped into their proper places for the first time in a very long time but then he sighed in relief as the fragile bones settled. 
He had only just begun to catalogue the state of the rest of his body when a voice startled him into the third realization: he was not alone in the room.
“Damn, look at you!”
Janus flinched so hard he almost hit the wall the cot was pushed up against. He brought his wings around him protectively, and turned his eyes on the man sitting on a plastic chair near the opposite corner of the room. He narrowed his eyes as he recognized the voice of the man from the truck. 
“Hey, hey, don’t ruffle your feathers at me like that,” the man laughed. “Sorry about before, man. It was the only way to get you off the truck.”
Janus didn’t say anything. But he shifted so he was crouched on the cot rather than seated, in case he needed to dart away quickly. That seemed to amuse the man further.
“Relax, I ain’t here for a rematch. You kicked my ass fair and square. I just wanted to see how you were doing.”
Janus glared.
“I’m Remus, by the way. You got a name, snake-bird?”
He stood up as he said it, and Janus instinctively flinched back. The man-Remus?- didn’t look like the bad people, dressed in baggy jeans and an alluringly soft-looking green flannel. The bad people always wore white coats or body armor, depending on what they were planning to do to him that day. But… maybe they were just trying something new.
The man hadn’t moved closer. He was watching Janus with a look that fell somewhere between sadness and anger, and it kind of made Janus want to curl up into a ball and hide. 
“I, uh… I guess they treated you real bad down there, huh?” Remus said slowly. “Look, I know you’re scared, and you’re probably super confused, but you’re safe now. I can at least promise you that.”
He didn’t wait for any sort of response from Janus this time, instead turning to riffle through the bag that had been leaning up against his chair. He withdrew a fluffy, pale yellow blanket. He looked between it and Janus, and while Janus wasn’t the best at reading facial cues, he thought for a moment that Remus looked… embarrassed. Then, he moved forward a few paces and set the blanket down and backed up again.
“Here, uh… that’s for you. If you want it. Anyway, yeah. I’m gonna just.” He edged toward the door. “I’ll leave you alone now.”
“Janus.” His name leapt from his tongue before he could stop it. His voice was raspy, and his throat was sore, and he was still afraid- terrified- but still he ground out the words that made Remus pause in the doorway to look back at him. “I’m… Janus.”
The file Logan put down in front of them was almost the size of the textbooks Remus used as doorsteps in college (rather than their intended use) and for a moment, they all just stared at it. Then, Remus said what they were all thinking: “Well, fuck.”
“I hate to agree,” Roman sighed. “But yes. That.”
“Of course there will be much more to go over after I have had the time to fully analyze these files, but I thought it imperative I explain the current situation to you all as soon as possible,” Logan said. He was seated at the head of the conference table. The rest of the team was seated around the table except for Virgil, who paced restlessly nearby. Everyone- even Remus- stayed quiet, because when Logan talked, everyone listened.
“With this file, and similar documents recovered both from the most recent site and from previous sites, as well as the recovery of a live test subject, our case is more than sufficient to ensure those responsible will not walk away from this.” 
There was a collective sigh of relief. Virgil, who had been working on this case alongside Logan for years, looked especially relieved. He collapsed into the chair next to Remus, and Remus leaned over to ruffle his hair with a grin. 
“You guys should be proud,” Patton exclaimed. “You worked so hard to see this through!”
“Well it’s not finished yet,” Roman pointed out. He nodded to the file in the middle of the table, that none of them had dared to open yet. 
“Roman is correct,” Logan said. For a moment, he looked very tired; then, he adjusted his tie, and continued. “We must first ensure we have indeed apprehended all parties responsible. There are more names in these files than persons in our custody. Additionally, there is the matter of the test subject-”
“Janus,” Remus interrupted. Everyone gave him an odd look, so he clarified, “His name is Janus. He told me.”
“...Janus, then,” Logan amended. “Janus is to remain in our care until he can be evaluated. If he is deemed capable, he will be free to go once the investigation is closed.”
Logan did not, nor did he need to, state what would happen to Janus if he didn’t pass the evaluation. The agency’s evaluation essentially just looked to see if a gifted could still be considered a “person,” or if they had gone “feral”- and not in the fun way. Feral gifteds got locked up somewhere and were never seen again.
Remus, like all gifteds, hated it; but the government viewed them as dangerous. And a gifted that wasn’t in complete control of their mind, and thus, their powers, was considered too dangerous to let go free. Regardless of what trauma had made them that way in the first place, and if, with proper care, they could heal from it. It made Remus sick.
“They’re not taking Janus,” Remus spat out, interrupting whatever Logan was going to say next. “I won’t let them.”
“Ree,” Roman said gently. “We may not have a choice.”
“No. You guys haven’t seen him- he isn’t aggressive, he’s just scared.”
“Do you know how many people it took to get him into the damn truck?” Virgil snapped. “Oh and also, he bit you? You’re immune to gifted powers and he still knocked you out?” 
“Think about it from his perspective. You’ve been trapped in literal hell for who knows how long, and then suddenly you’re getting dragged out by people you don’t know, blindfolded and tied up, to go who knows where? I’d bite too.”
Patton looked heartbroken at Remus’ words. Virgil didn’t look convinced. But it was Logan who spoke.
“We have time,” Logan said. “Until the investigation closes, he remains in our custody. We make the decisions regarding his care.” He cast Remus a meaningful look, and repeated, “We have time.”
Remus understood.
He left Janus alone for the rest of the day, because he figured the guy probably could use some time to calm down. He even managed to persuade Patton to put off any sort of medical examination for the time being- partly for the same reason, and partly because Remus would need to be there in case Janus reacted badly, and Remus still sort of felt like shit and he just wanted to go home and sleep.
So Remus had gone home, passed out for like 15 hours, and woke up feeling a little less like death and decay. 
The benefit of going to sleep at like 2pm was that, even after his stupidly long “I got bit by something venomous” nap, he still made it back to the agency at the crack of dawn. It was quiet, none of the police department’s goons hanging around, and Remus, with his years of practice, could sneak easily past Logan’s office. 
He peeked in through the little window in the holding cell door. Janus himself was nowhere to be seen- instead, there was a Janus-sized blanket mound curled up on the floor in the corner of the room. The sight made Remus smile fondly.
“Damnit, you’re actually kinda cute,” he muttered. And then promptly decided he was not going to overthink that.
Remus camped out outside the holding cell until the headquarters came to life. The mornings were always a flurry of activity, even moreso today what with yesterday’s events. He saw the moment the noise from the hallway woke Janus up- the gifted poked his head out from under the blanket, mismatched eyes blinking sleepily, and then quickly vanished into the blanket mound once more. It was stupidly adorable. 
An intern came by with a tray of food for Janus, and Remus stopped him from approaching the door.
“I got this, kid,” he said with an amused grin. “This is way above your paygrade.”
The intern handed over the tray with a look of relief and scampered off. Poor kid.
The blanket mound stirred when Remus stepped into the room, but there was no further indication that Janus intended to come out. He shut the door behind him, and walked over to crouch down near- but not too near- the blanket mound.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty. I take it you like the blanket?”
The blanket shuffled backward a few inches. Remus set the tray down on the floor in front of him.
“I don’t really know what kind of food you like, so hopefully there’s something here you'll eat,” he said, eyeing the assorted fruits, toast, and eggs that had been sent up. “But like, if you want something else, you can tell me.” There was no response, so Remus stood up slowly and backed away. “I’ll just… be over here, then.”
He dragged the plastic chair to the opposite end of the room to give Janus as much space as possible, and plopped down in it with every intention of waiting him out.
It took about forty minutes of idly scrolling through his phone before Janus emerged, slowly and warily, mismatched eyes darting between Remus and the plate of food. Remus glanced toward him.
“Go ahead. It’s yours. Cold by now, I’ll bet.”
It took a further ten minutes for Janus to make up his mind and emerge fully from under the blanket and approach the plate- but when he finally did, he downed the food so fast, Remus was surprised he didn’t choke.
“Guess you like everything,” he mused. “Fuck, did they even feed you down there?”
He wasn’t really expecting an answer, because Janus was moving back toward his blanket. But rather than vanishing again, Janus sat down facing Remus, with his back to the wall, wings draped around his body like a blanket, and the actual blanket across his lap.
“They did, sometimes,” he replied. His voice sounded a bit rough still, like it had been a while since he’d used it, and quiet enough that Remus had to strain to hear him from across the room.
“Shit, man, these people fucking suck. How long'd they have you?”
Janus seemed to consider the question, but ended up just shaking his head. “I don’t know.” He avoided Remus’ eye for a few minutes, but he looked like he had more to say; Remus just waited in silence until finally, Janus asked, slowly, “Why am I here? Who are you?”
“I’m glad you ask, bud,” Remus answered. He stood up, and Janus flinched back slightly, feathers puffing up a bit. Remus moved a few feet closer, and then sat down on the ground so he was level with Janus. “It’s kinda a long story, but the short version is that it’s our job to go after the kinds of people who do this sort of shit. And the people who took you are gonna go to jail for the rest of their fucking lives for what they did.” He hesitated for a moment, then added, “They ain’t gonna lay a finger on you ever again. I promise.”
Janus eyed him carefully, like he wasn’t sure if he could believe what he was hearing. Remus couldn’t blame him. And then he was gone, vanishing back under the yellow blanket. Remus cleared his throat awkwardly, and stood up.
“I, uh. Yeah. I guess I’ll leave you alone then.” He paused at the door, and glanced over his shoulder. “You want more blankets? Some pillows, maybe?”
A muffled “Yes,” was the reply. Remus, again, could not help but smile fondly to himself.
Sleeping on the floor meant that Janus could stay alert to anyone approaching his cell, by sensing the vibrations in the ground. By his third visit, Janus could easily discern Remus’ gait from that of the others that passed down the hall.
He brought pillows and more blankets, just like he said he would. And then he asked if he could bring a friend in.
“He couldn’t give you more than a quick once-over when you first got here,” Remus explained while Janus sat on the floor and inspected his new blankets, marveling at how soft they were. “But he wants to make sure you’re not hurt anywhere.”
“I’m not hurt anywhere,” Janus said quickly. It wasn’t totally a lie; he wasn’t hurt anywhere specific, he just sort of hurt in general. That was normal though. 
“Ok, I’m gonna pretend I believe that,” Remus huffed. “But even so. He’s gotta do it sometime soon.”
Janus cast Remus a sideways glance. He still wasn’t sure what to make of the situation, and he still wasn’t sure how much he could trust these people. The ones before had never shown him kindness- he’d been grabbed off the street in his early teens and treated like an animal ever since. This new place… it felt different from anything he’d experienced before, and that made him wary. 
Being shown kindness and then having it taken away was worse than having never been shown it at all.
“Okay,” Janus said finally, because he didn’t think he was actually being given a choice in this. 
“Okay,” Remus echoed. He seemed unconvinced, which sent a small spike of anxiety into Janus’ chest, because the last thing he wanted to do was upset Remus. The man had brought him blankets, for goodness’ sake. “I’ll text him.”
Janus decided to busy himself with nervously running his hands through his oily feathers. His wings badly needed grooming, but he didn’t know how to ask for brushes. Would they let him have brushes here? He wasn’t allowed them at the old place. He was so lost in that thought, that he didn’t sense someone approaching the door until it was being opened.
“Hey, pops, come on in,” Remus said. Janus glanced over, and was immediately gripped by panic. 
He didn’t recognize the man, and his expression of “cheer fading into concern” was an unfamiliar one, but it was the white coat he wore that Janus recognized. He knew what the white coat meant.
He got caught in his pile of blankets as he tried to scramble to his feet. He tripped and crashed to the ground; out of the corner of his eye, he saw Remus make a grab for him. But he was too quick, kicking off the blanket that had tangled up his legs and springing to his feet. He used his wings to balance himself and buffeted Remus over the head in the process.
“Janus- fuck-” Remus staggered back to avoid a second blow from Janus’ thrashing wings. The man at the doorway looked torn between rushing in to help and backing away. Janus bared his fangs at him, but he was shaking so badly, he felt like a small breeze could topple him.
The man took a step closer, hand held out, but Janus barely heard his words- “Oh gosh, kiddo, I’m not gonna hurt you!”- over the blood pulsing in his ears. His back hit the wall behind him, and abruptly his legs gave out. He slid down to the ground and curled his wings over his head. 
“Janus?” Remus’ voice sounded far away beyond the curtain of feathers. “Hey, you gotta talk to me here.”
“I’ve been good,” Janus managed to choke out. “I- Please don’t, I’ve… I’ve been good.” He curled further in on himself, fully expecting to be struck. 
But nothing happened. The door opened and closed. Then silence. Janus risked a quick peek through his feathers and found that the other man was gone. Remus sat a few feet away.
“It’s ok, he’s gone,” Remus said quickly. Janus did not lower his wings, but the shaking abated slightly. 
“I’ve been good,” he said again, a little more firmly this time. “You promised.”
Remus looked unnerved. He scooted a few inches closer and asked, “What did I promise?” 
“That they… they wouldn’t hurt me again,” Janus hissed. Then, softer this time, “I’ve been good.”
“You have been good, but that doesn’t have anything to do with… wait, did you think…” Remus looked confused, his brow furrowing slightly. “Patton isn’t one of them. Is that what you thought?”
Janus just glared.
“Oh, snake-bird.” Remus’ eyes softened. “Patton’s one of us. He’s ok.”
“He looks like them,” Janus growled. “White-coat.”
“White coat… oh, shit, man, I didn’t even think.”  The sudden volume of Remus’ voice made Janus shrink back into the safety of his own wings. “Oh, shit, sorry. Hey, come back. I’m sorry.” 
Janus folded his wings back with a huff, and gave Remus an unamused look. Remus gave him a soft smile in return.
“I mean it. Patton is one of us. I can tell him to take off his coat. He won’t touch you unless you tell him he can. And you can tell him to leave, at any point, and I’ll throw him out myself. Deal?”
Janus searched his face for a long time. Remus seemed… so distressed. What would be the point, of faking that? There would be no reason to fake any of this, would there?
(Or maybe there was, and he was just too blinded by the hope that his nightmare had finally come to an end to see it.)
But slowly, reluctantly, but unable to shake the small seed of trust in Remus that had just started to take root, Janus said, “Deal.”
After the small fiasco that was Janus and Patton’s first meeting, things actually went rather smoothly. Patton wasn’t able to give as thorough of an exam as he was hoping. Janus was too skittish for that. And he had flat out refused a blood draw, which Remus had kind of expected. 
But at the very least, Patton was able to sign off that there were no signs of physical trauma that demanded immediate medical care, which was really all Logan’s bosses wanted. 
Despite his initial reaction, it seemed like the experience with Patton actually helped Janus feel more confident in his new situation. He grew more comfortable exercising his new control over his body and his space, even going so far as to tell Remus to go away when he wanted to be alone. And when he asked for brushes for his wings one day, Remus left work then and there to go get them. When he came back, Janus was waiting at the door for him.
“Well then, eager beaver, I hope I got the right stuff,” Remus said. He handed over the bag. It was way more than the two brushes Janus had asked for, but Logan had given him the company card and, well, Logan should know better than to do that. 
“Anything is better than a rag and my own hands, which is what I usually use,” Janus said. Remus very politely did not make the joke he so desperately wanted to make. “Is that… a bottle of dish soap?”
“Sure,” Remus answered as Janus pulled the little blue bottle of Dawn dish soap out of the bag. “They use it to clean crude oil spills off penguins and shit and, like, a penguin's a bird, right?”
Janus sighed deeply, but he was smiling, and Remus would steal him the sun if it meant Janus would keep smiling.
“Anyway, uh…” Remus shifted awkwardly. “I can, like. Leave you alone, I guess. If you want. Unless you want… uh, never mind, I’ll go-”
“Would you help?” Janus asked. He glanced down at the bag in his hands, and added, with much less confidence, “Um. There are parts I can’t reach.”
“Yeah, of course,” Remus said immediately. “Just tell me what to do?”
Janus guided him to sit down on the ground, and then plopped down next to him. He carefully spread one of his wings out and, after a moment of hesitation, let it drape across Remus’ lap. Remus tried not to feel too overwhelmed by the incredible amount of trust Janus was putting in him right now. 
“Here,” Janus passed one of the bristle brushes to Remus- one of many that Remus had bought- and then chose one for himself. “Just go with the growth, please. But if you find any loose feathers go ahead and work them out. Gently, though.”
Remus obeyed. He brushed carefully through the feathers, marveling at their soft golden-brown color. Even covered in oil and grime, they were beautiful. But after a few minutes, Janus frowned. 
“Everything ok?” Remus asked. He was suddenly afraid he was brushing too hard, or hurting Janus somehow, even though Janus had given no indication that he was in pain.
“It’s just…” Janus sighed helplessly. “They’re so dirty.”
He looked almost on the edge of tears when he said it, which was enough to put Remus immediately into I will do anything for you mode. “Do you want to try the Dawn? One time Patton used it to wash a cat he found that was all grimed up and shit, and it worked real well.” 
Janus seemed to consider it. He glanced over toward the door that led to the little private bathroom attached to the holding cell, then shook his head. 
“There’s not enough space in there,” he said. “We’ll make a mess.”
“We can go downstairs,” Remus suggested. “There’s showers in the employee locker rooms. Plenty of space.” 
Janus looked skeptical. “Is that allowed?”
It was, technically, not allowed. Janus had not been evaluated yet, and he wasn’t really allowed out of holding until he was. But… well, if they were quick, no one would notice. What was life without a little risk?
“Sure!” he said. “It’s fine.”
“...Okay. Sure.” 
Grinning, Remus got to his feet and gathered all their supplies back into the bag. Then he beckoned for Janus to follow.
“Logan’s in meetings for most of the day, and Roman’s off on assignment,” he said. He eased open the cell door and peered out into the empty hall. “And Patton’s usually swamped with paperwork in the afternoons. Everyone else who works here is too scared of me to say anything.”
Janus didn’t question it. Remus led him down the hall and paused to make sure the stairwell was also empty before leading him down the two flights to the ground floor. Janus seemed nervous in the unfamiliar surroundings. He clung close to Remus, close enough that he almost ran into him at several points. Remus tried to give him reassuring smiles and the occasional word of encouragement. 
There were voices in the break room, so they had to go around to get to the locker room. It was usually empty at this time, and today was no exception. Remus held the door open and ushered Janus inside. 
“The showers are over here.” Remus pulled back the curtain and leaned in to turn on the water. “You a warm water person or a cold water person?”
“Warm,” Janus said quickly. “Please.”
As the water warmed up, Remus helped him to pull off his soft flannel shirt (one of many Remus had bought because the agency-provided shirts were those horrible starchy t-shirts and Janus had hated them.) Remus was amazed at how much healthier the scaled half of his face and body looked after just a week of proper meals and consistent rest.
“Are you sure this isn’t going to turn everything blue?” Janus asked when Remus passed him the bottle of Dawn. He still looked vaguely unconvinced about this whole thing. 
“Nah, it won’t, don’t worry!”
Janus sighed. “Ok, but if it does, I shall never forgive you.”
“If I turn your wings blue, I’ll buy you so many blankets, they’ll fill up your whole room. Ready?”
“Well that makes me want my wings to turn blue,” Janus said. He followed Remus into the shower stall. 
It took longer than Remus was expecting to wash out all the years of grime from Janus’ wings. It was especially difficult closer to the point where the wings met his back, because Janus couldn’t reach there on his own. Remus worked through those spots carefully, and it wasn’t until he was almost done that he realized Janus had gone silent. 
“Hey, you good?”
Remus leaned over to catch Janus’ eye, only to find his eyes were closed. There was a content look on his face.
“...did you fall asleep?”
“You totally did!” Remus grinned. “You fell asleep standing up!”
Janus opened his eyes to glare at him, but the glare was tempered by the obvious half-dazed look of someone who had, in fact, just woken up. 
“...Ok, maybe I did for a moment there,” Janus huffed. The glare became a pout. “It just feels nice.”
Remus let his grin soften into a smile. “Good. I’m glad.”
The sound of the locker room door opening and closing startled them both. Remus pulled back the curtain just enough to look out into the locker room- and he immediately came face-to-face with Virgil. 
“Oh. ‘Sup, Virge.”
Virgil was eyeing him suspiciously. “What are you doing?”
“Uh… a smoothie?”
“That’s not… Remus, that’s not how that meme works. And you’re not even holding a smoothie.”
“Worth a shot.”
“Are you showering with your clothes on?”
“Sure, doesn’t everyone?”
Virgil’s eyes flicked toward the ground, then back up to Remus. “You realize I can see there’s someone in there with you, right?”
Remus also glanced downward. The curtain stopped about six inches off the ground. “Uh…”
“And I can also see the pile of feathers on the floor that you sure as fuck better not try and wash down the drain.”
“I’m not that dumb.”
Virgil sighed. “Hello, Janus.”
Janus hesitantly poked his head out from the other side of the curtain. “Hello.” 
“The fuck are you guys doing?”
“We’re not having sex if that’s what you’re thinking,” Remus said. Janus made a choked sound and vanished back into the showers.
“There is no universe in which I was thinking that,” Virgil growled. 
“No universe? Not even one?”
“What the fuck are you doing down here?”
Remus rolled his eyes. “If you must know, snake-bird here looked like a penguin in an oil spill. We’re washing his wings.” A pause. “Hey, since you’re here, wanna hand me a couple of towels? The big fluffy ones Patton hides.” 
Virgil walked away grumbling, but by the time Remus had finished rinsing the soap out of Janus’ wings and shut off the water, Virgil was waiting outside with a stack of Patton’s fluffy light blue towels. Remus took one and wrapped Janus up in it.
“What’re you up to, Emo?” he asked as he took a second towel and started toweling off Janus’ dripping wings. 
“Logan sent me to find you,” Virgil answered. He was watching the scene unfold in front of him with a look that Remus didn’t bother trying to decipher. “You weren’t answering your phone.”
“Probably ‘cause it’s sitting on my desk. What’s Teach need me for?”
“He wants to talk. Work stuff.”
“Oh.” Remus looked at Janus. “We should, uh. Probably get you back upstairs before he comes looking for me himself.”
Janus nodded. He gathered up the brushes and, after a moment of eyeing Virgil cautiously, reached over and snatched up one more of Patton’s fluffy towels and shoved it in the bag as well. At Virgil’s look of incredulity, there was nothing else for Remus to do but burst out laughing. 
As it turned out, Logan would probably not have been upset over Janus’ field trip downstairs, because when Remus finally made it to his office, the first thing Logan said to him was, “Would you be opposed to letting Janus stay in your home?”
Because apparently, Logan had pulled some strings with his bosses to get Janus out of holding; he had argued that spending his time in a home environment- instead of a type of confinement similar to what he’d endured for a large portion of his life- would vastly improve his chances of passing the assessment. The higher-ups had agreed, with the stipulation that Janus be released into the care of one of Logan’s team.
“Of course he can come home with me,” Remus had said, almost automatically. It was a chance to get Janus out of the box he’d been stuck in all this time. There was nothing that could make him say no.
Janus had seemed hesitant at first, but ultimately agreed to it. So the next day, they had packed up the mountain of pillows and blankets, the bag of brushes and stolen towels, the couple of books Logan had sent up to keep Janus occupied when Remus couldn’t, the snake plushie Virgil had apparently dropped off the night before, and the multicolored cake Patton and Roman had brought by for him that morning that was now half-eaten, and hauled it all over to Remus’ apartment. For a guy who’d been dragged out of hell with only the clothes on his back, Janus sure had a lot of shit to move.
Janus had balked at getting into a car, so Remus talked Patton and Roman into driving his stuff over for him, and then walked with Janus to the apartment. It wasn’t that far, and, Remus realized with a stab of guilt, it was probably the first time Janus had seen the sun in a long time. He kept pausing to close his eyes and tilt his head up toward the sunlight for a few moments at a time, before darting after Remus. Remus didn't stop him. 
It slowed them down to the point that when they finally got to the apartment, Roman had let himself and Patton in, brought all of Janus’ stuff up, and then left. Which was just as well- Janus had met Roman only once, and had seemed oddly jumpy around him.
“So, yeah,” Remus said, after showing Janus around. “You can just grab anything you need. I don’t really keep anything fragile in here ‘cause I tend to break stuff, so don’t worry.”
It was odd, seeing Janus standing in the middle of his living room, with his wings- which after their scrubdown, actually had a soft golden sheen to them- folded carefully against his back. But he seemed relaxed in a way Remus hadn’t seen before. Logan was right.
That evening, Remus got Janus settled into the bedroom.
“Where will you sleep?” Janus asked tentatively as Remus dumped all of Janus’ blankets onto the bed. 
“Huh? Oh, I’ll just be in the other room,” Remus replied. “I sleep on the couch half the time anyway, no big deal.”
“Oh.” was all Janus said. Remus made sure he was comfortable, and then went to pass out on the couch.
When he woke up sometime late in the night, he wasn’t quite sure what had woken him. Remus was, historically, a heavy sleeper. He’d once slept through a monsoon in a cheap tent. If he was tired enough, he could probably sleep through an earthquake. 
He turned his head to squint out into the dark apartment, and could just make out that the bedroom door was ajar. Remus stood up to go check on Janus- and then promptly tripped over Janus.
Remus yelped, and collapsed into the blanket nest that had appeared on the ground next to the couch; Janus yelped, on account of being tripped over, and scrambled out from under his pile of blankets. They both stared at each other through the darkness for a moment, and then both spoke at once.
“Are you ok-”
“I’m sorry-”
They both paused, and then Remus laughed.
“Shit, J, almost gave me a heart attack there. You ok?”
Janus looked a little sheepish. “Yes. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s ok. What’re you doing sleeping there, though?”
“Um…” Janus looked down at his hands where he was clutching the snake plushie. It was stupidly cute. “I couldn’t sleep, alone. I thought I’d sleep better… out here.”
Remus blinked at him, still half-asleep. And it was probably because he was still half-asleep that he said, “Do you want me to sleep in there with you?”
Janus, after a moment, nodded.
“Ok. I can do that, snake-bird. It’s ok.” 
Remus helped Janus stand up, and they moved the blanket mound back into the bedroom. The rest of Janus’ blankets and pillows had been made into a nest wedged into the space between the bed and the wall. Remus smiled fondly. 
“Didn’t like the bed, huh?”
“I feel safer on the floor,” Janus said, looking embarrassed. “I can… sense vibrations in the ground. I know if someone’s coming up to me.”
“Oh. That makes sense.” Remus glanced between the nest and the bed, and shrugged. “I got the bed, then.”
He laid down, while Remus clamored over the bed to get to his nest and then promptly burrowed under the mountain of blankets. And as he was drifting off, Remus could have sworn he heard a soft sigh from Janus, of something that could, perhaps, be contentment. 
Janus had never slept so well before. Tucked into the space between the bed and the wall, in a room so unlike the cement-walled cell he’d spent years calling home- and with the soft snoring of Remus, the man he had tentatively come to trust, nearby, Janus slept through the night. And the night after that, and the night after that.
So when he woke with a start the fourth night, it took him a few groggy minutes to piece together why he was awake. He was still curled up comfortably under his blankets. Remus was snoring away in the bed above him. And then the people in the kitchen took another step toward the bedroom, and the vibrations in the floor raced up to Janus’ body. He sat up in a panic.
“Remus,” he hissed. No response. He reached up and grabbed at Remus’ shoulder to try and shake him awake. “Remus!”
Remus grumbled something incomprehensible, and did not wake. Starting to feel frantic, Janus crawled up onto the bed and shook Remus harder. At the same moment that Remus’ eyes fluttered open, the doorknob turned.
“Janus?” Remus asked, voice rough with sleep. Then the door was flung open. Flashlight beams fell across them both as men poured into the small room. Janus turned, baring his teeth, and spread his wings to shield Remus behind him.
“Take him, alive,” one of the men ordered. Janus squinted through the harsh glare of their flashlights to pick out who was speaking. “Kill the other.”
No. Absolutely not.
Janus caught the leader’s eye and summoned his powers to him. The man tried to look away, but even in the gloom, Janus’ powers held him rooted to the spot. 
“Sleep,” he snarled, forcing all of his power and will into the command. The man dropped to the floor.
In the seconds it took for him to wrest the leader’s consciousness away, the other men had fanned out around him. Janus whipped around to his left, but froze when he felt the cold muzzle of a gun touch the back of his neck.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” a voice behind him sneered. A man to his right reached to grab him. There was a crack and a grunt of pain behind him, and the gun fell away- Remus appeared on his right and swung what looked like a crowbar. There was another sickening crack, and the man grabbing for Janus immediately collapsed in a heap. 
The momentum of the swing propelled Remus up off the bed and into the next armed goon. They both fell backwards- Remus knocked his gun away, and as they hit the ground, a whack from the crowbar meant only Remus stood back up.
“Janus, get down!” he shouted suddenly. Janus turned- there was one man still standing, and he had his gun leveled at Janus’ chest. Janus froze. A gunshot rang out.
Janus felt himself hit his mound of blankets. Remus had shoved him off the bed. Hesitantly, he peered up over the edge.
Remus had bowled the man over onto his back amid the sheets and now sat on top of him, a hand grasping at the exposed skin of his neck. The man, rather than struggling against Remus’ grip, was clutching at his own chest. He convulsed, then fell still.
Janus put a hand on the ground. There were no more in the apartment. He climbed up onto the bed.
No response. Janus hesitantly reached out to touch his shoulder. At the same time, Remus slumped forward and slid to the ground.
“Remus!” Janus cried out in alarm. He vaulted over the bed and crouched down next to Remus. There was blood soaking his shirt.
“Remus, fuck. Why’d you do that?” Janus hissed. He gathered Remus up into his arms and tried to put pressure on the wound. Remus gazed up at him with glassy eyes.
“I promised,” he said weakly. Janus looked down at him.
“What did you promise?” he asked, probably sounding a little hysterical. Remus gave him a gentle smile.
“I promised they’d never touch you again.”
A neighbor had heard the gunshot and called the police, which was just as well, because Janus had no idea how to work Remus’ phone. The police had come and whisked Remus off to the hospital in an ambulance. Virgil came to take Janus back to the agency so that he wouldn’t be left alone in what had now become a crime scene. Janus made sure to bring his pale yellow blanket, the first one Remus had given him.
The investigation that followed revealed the intruders to be the extra names Logan had been searching for, and had returned to try and reclaim Janus before leaving town. With this, Logan could finally put the case to rest.
Remus was fine. When Janus was finally allowed to see him a few days later, he had just grinned and said, “Still not as bad as that time Virgil hit me with his truck.” Janus was not amused.
With the investigation closed, the agency could release Janus to be evaluated. Everyone gathered in Logan’s office to wait anxiously.
“He’s gonna be fine,” Roman said in what was probably supposed to be a reassuring tone. It did nothing to soothe Remus’ frayed nerves.
“Yeah, but what if something goes wrong, like they spook him or something-”
“If he can tolerate Princey randomly belting out Disney songs, he can tolerate anything,” Virgil scoffed. Roman glared. Patton stifled a giggle. Remus opened his mouth to reply, but in that moment, the door opened. Logan stepped into the office- behind him came Janus. 
“...Well?” Remus asked impatiently. His eyes were fixed on Janus. 
Janus glanced toward Logan. Logan gave a slight nod, and a smile spread across Janus’ face.
“I’m free to go.”
Remus sprang up and engulfed Janus in a hug. Janus clung to him tightly, and his tears of joy soaked Remus’ chest. 
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farfromtommy · 4 years
seb being a stepdad to chris' kids or vice versa!
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not my gif
a/n: okay this is literally one of the best ideas ever and im so in love with this fic. i think this takes the cake for my favorite fic i’ve written!! this is mildly edited so pls be kind. im so proud of it and hope you guys love it <3
please reblog if you enjoyed reading and and feel free to leave any comments!!
warnings: drinking, mentions of sex, brief mention of medical procedure(s), there might be some language i dont remember
word count: 4,400
social media au masterlist
Chris has been your best friend since elementary school and all through middle and high school. Everyone knew how close you were to him and how deeply you loved each other. It was never in a romantic sort of way, though. Nobody really understood the relationship you had with him, they just shrugged their shoulders and minded their business.
When Chris told you he wanted to move to New York to follow his dream of being an actor, he asked you to go with him. You shared his love for theatre and the arts and always wanted to see if you could make it as a big-time Hollywood actress. You packed all your things into your tiny car and made your way to New York with your best friend.
You spent your 28th birthday sitting on Chris’s couch with a bottle of tequila and a broken heart. Your boyfriend of 3 years broke up with you on the grounds of you being “such a drag” and “not someone he wants to settle down with any more”. You had planned a life with him. He talked about marrying you and having kids with you just weeks prior. And he had just thrown it all away.
Having gone through almost half of the bottle of tequila already, Chris took the bottle from you and just looked at you with sad eyes. He ran his hand through your hair as you buried your face in your pillow and just cried. You pulled yourself together after a while and willed yourself to sit up and look Chris in the eyes.
“I know I’m kinda drunk right now but Chris, listen to me. Can we make a pact? When we’re both 30 and if we’re both still single and loveless. Let’s have a baby. We don’t have to like… y’know… do it or anything. We can do it through insemination or in a petri dish or however they do it. I’m just- I want to settle down and have kids but I don’t think I’ll ever trust anyone else.” You rambled, gesturing wildly with your hands. Chris suppressed a laugh and looked at you like you were crazy. You just looked at him questioningly until he realized this was not the alcohol talking.
“Are you serious? Like, me and you? Having a baby? Seriously?” He pulled himself off the floor and sat on the coffee table in front of you.
“I’m so serious. You can say no, Chris. This is me asking you what you think. I always said that if I don’t have a husband or have been with someone long enough to have a child with them, that I would go to a sperm bank and do it like that. You know how badly I want kids, and I know you want them too.” You moved to the edge of the couch to move closer to him. He stood up and grabbed your hand to help you up. He dragged you towards the kitchen and sat you down at the table, telling you to wait there while he grabbed something. He came back a few moments later with a notebook and a pen.
“Alright, let’s figure this out. We’re going to ask each other questions about this and write down the answers. Any conditions we have we’ll write down, if we can’t agree on them we don’t do it. I know you’re not super sober right now so we can do this now and talk about it again tomorrow.” He wrote ‘Y/L/N - Evans Baby’ along the top. You smiled a bit to yourself and waited for him to talk.  
“I don’t want to be just the sperm donor, I want to be involved in everything. From the ultrasound appointments to picking preschools. I also want to be in the room when you’re in labor.” He wrote it down as he was talking and looked up at you. You nodded with a big smile on your face.
“I would want you as involved as possible. We would be co-parenting this hypothetical child. My turn. To keep this from getting messy, we should do it through a clinic. Me in stirrups and your swimmers in a turkey baster. Sex can make things complicated and weird, I don’t want to risk something going wrong between us and then there be a child involved. Insemination isn’t as effective but we can always keep trying if it doesn’t work.” You pulled the notebook towards you and wrote down your condition.
That went on for the rest of the night. You and Chris take turns asking questions about your hypothetical baby. You had filled up pages and pages of notes about what you both want, from how you would decide to tell your families to living arrangements to if you’d circumcise or not if it was a boy.
A little more than 2 years later you and Chris found yourselves at the dining room table of his Boston home again. The notebook you had filled just a few years back right in front of you, along with 5 pregnancy tests. They were face down on the table as you anxiously waited for the timer to go off.
“Alright, Chris. This is it. It’s been 5 minutes, we can flip them over.” You released a shaky breath and stared at the tests right in front of you. Chris grabbed your hand and laced your fingers together. You looked at each other before reaching out to flip over the individual tests. Seeing all 5 of the tests with 2 solid pink lines knocked all the air out of your lungs.
“Oh my god. They’re all positive! Oh my god, Chris!! We’re going to have a baby!” You both jumped out of your seats and jumped around the kitchen before hugging each other and crying. He kept thanking you and kissing the top of your head while you sobbed into his chest, soaking his shirt. There were lots of tears over the next few weeks from you both after confirming your pregnancy with your midwife.
8 or so months later Penelope Elizabeth Evans-Y/L/N made her way into the world and the arms of her parents. The world seemed to stop when you heard the cries of your daughter for the first time. You could’ve sworn Chris stopped breathing the second he laid eyes on her when she was placed on your bare chest. He didn’t even care that she was covered in blood and other bodily fluids, he swore that she was the most beautiful human being to ever exist.
He took a lot of time off from filming and working to take care of you both. Once you found out you were pregnant, you stopped acting for the most part. You knew that you wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, at least until she was old enough to go to school, and maybe then you’d go back to smaller roles that kept you close to home.
Chris had a hard time leaving you and Penny once it was time to go back to work. He held her close to his chest and cried at the thought of leaving her when she’s still so little. Seeing the extreme separation anxiety he was already having, you offered to go with him to set and find an apartment or house to rent for the duration of the shoot. This ended up being the greatest thing you could have come up with. Every single project that took him away from Boston, you and Penny were right there next to him. You and Penny followed him to what seemed like every corner of the Earth.
The weeks leading up to shooting The Winter Soldier were the most exciting for Chris. He had been training for months to get into shape and was really excited to have you and Penny on set with him. He had also been talking nonstop about working with Sebastian and Anthony again.
One night Chris came home with Sebastian and Anthony trailing behind him. Penny had gone down for the night and you were nursing a glass of wine on the recliner, watching whatever you could find on TV.
“Hey, Y/N. I should've called ahead, I’m sorry. We’re just going to have some beers while we watch the game.” He walked in and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. You moved the blankets off your lap and stood up to greet Anthony and Sebastian.
“I don’t think you ever got a chance to meet these guys before. Y/N this is Anthony and Sebastian, guys this is Y/N.” Chris introduced you and you moved forward to give them both hugs.
“Sorry for barging in on you unannounced, we would’ve made sure this idiot called you before to make sure it was all good,” Anthony said, taking the beer Chris handed him.
“Oh please, don’t worry about it. He used to do it all the time when we lived in New York. Sorry, the place is a bit of a mess. Didn’t get a chance to clean today, I’ve had my hands full, especially with this one” You gestured a thumb to Chris and he sent you a playful glare in return.
You offered to put together some snacks for the game, knowing very well Chris couldn’t handle his alcohol without some sort of food in his system. Anthony and Sebastian offered to help while Chris snuck off to go see Penny.
“How long have you and Chris been together?” Sebastian made some small talk while looking for serving bowls in your kitchen. Anthony leaned against the counter and continued to sip on his beer.
“Oh, we’re not together. We’ve been friends since we were kids and we actually are just uh...” You chuckled nervously, not knowing what to say to his friends. Chris walked into the kitchen with Penny in his arms at that moment. Her head tucked into his neck, hands gripping at the fabric of his shirt and his arms under her butt.
“We’re raising our daughter together. They go with me wherever I go so I don’t miss anything and so Y/N doesn’t raise Penelope by herself. We’re co-parenting in the same house.” He said, looking at the tired toddler in his arms. Sebastian and Anthony both sputtered on their beers at the same time, not believing what they were seeing.
There was no denying that she was a product of you and Chris. Even with her sleepy eyes, they could see the bright blue color that matched the man carrying her. They saw the swoop of your nose and the color of your hair. They stood there just taking it all in.
“I had a bit of a crisis when I turned 28 after my long term boyfriend dumped me out of nowhere. It was one of those ‘if we’re 30 and aren’t married’ sort of things. We turned 30 and were both still single, so we had a baby.” You shrugged, looking over at your girl.
“And it works, being parents without being together but still living together?” Anthony asked, gesturing towards the two of you.
“We had everything figured out before she got pregnant. We had conditions that we both had to agree on before we even got serious about it. We were both very adamant about not doing it the old fashioned way so things didn’t get messy. It took some time to figure out the… terms and conditions I guess.” Chris laughed a little bit. Anthony and Seb nodded in understanding and kept looking at Penny.
“I’m happy for you, man. Seems like you both are really happy. How old is she?” Anthony walked into her line of sight and waved his fingers a bit, trying to get her attention.
“She turned one a couple of months ago.” You said and watched Penny pick her head up and look at Seb and Anthony, inspecting them a bit. Her big blue eyes landed on Sebastian and she stared him down before he gave her a small smile and waved at her. She was a little shy around new people and would usually bury her face in the neck of whoever was holding her.
To your surprise, she leaned away from Chris and moved her hands out to Sebastian. Everyone’s eyes widened as she whined a little bit when he didn’t reach out to grab her. Chris moved closer and told him it was okay and let Penny make herself comfortable in his arms. She buried herself into his neck much like she does with you and Chris, her tiny fists clutching his shirt. Her eyes shut immediately and let herself fall asleep in his arms.
The next few months went on more pleasantly than expected. Chris often had late-night shoots and training, leaving you with Penny most of the day. Anytime he knew he would be home late, he’d send Seb over with dinner or just an extra set of hands to help you with Penny. She knew you were her mama and Chris was her dada, then one day she had her Seba. Anytime you opened the door to let him in with her on your hip, she immediately squealed and started to chant ‘Seba! Seba!’ and didn’t stop until he was holding her.
Sebastian had brought up the idea of taking you to dinner one night to Chris. Even though you were a single adult who could make decisions on your own, he didn’t want to disrespect Chris at all. Chris never saw you as anything more than his best friend, it had always been like that. He was ecstatic when Sebastian brought up the idea of asking you out.
“I’m so serious, Seb. I think it’s a great idea. She talks about you a lot and really loves being around you. She’s going to say yes, I promise. Y/N hasn’t dated since we had Penny, mostly because she’s scared of what someone would think about her living with her childhood best friend who happens to be the father of her child.” Chris told him honestly. You weren’t interested in dating at all since having Penny. Mostly because being a mom was your first and only priority.
Sebastian let out the breath he was holding and ran his fingers through his hair, all of a sudden nervous about asking you to dinner. Chris clapped a hand around his shoulder and gave him a quick pep talk before sending him on his way.
The 2 years between wrapping Winter Soldier and starting Civil War had been interesting, to say the least. Everything Chris did kept him in the states for the most part. You and Penny were still trailing along with him, always loving the things you got to experience as a family.
Sebastian had found his place right in your crazy life. You had been unofficially together after wrapping Winter Soldier. He went off to do his next project and you and Chris spent some time in Boston with your families. You texted him most of the day, and he called at night to talk for a few hours before you went to sleep. He always said goodnight to Penny and she blew her Seba kisses through the phone.
He flew to Boston a bunch of times to see you, even if it was only for a few hours. You flew to wherever he was for a few days at a time, most of the time with Penny. Chris somehow managed to get you on the plane by yourself a few times and promised he would FaceTime every single night and would have hourly pictures sent.
On one of your first weekend trips out to see him, he refused to let you leave without making it official with you. He had you in tears at the end of his ‘I can’t spend another second without calling you my girlfriend’ speech. When he proposed to you he had said that the only thing better than the girlfriend speech was the one he was about to give. His ‘I can’t spend another second without calling you my wife’ speech knocked that one out of the water.
Neither of you wanted to make a big fuss about a wedding. You weren’t interested in the big white dress and the stressful bridesmaids and the whole cliche wedding things. Sebastian suggested getting eloped somewhere quiet with a handful of the most important people in your life. Chris’s mom, Lisa, had offered to hold the ceremony in her backyard. Knowing very well how spacious and beautiful it was, you and Seb graciously accepted her offer.
You kept your dress simple yet elegant, a beautiful white lace dress that ended mid-thigh, and complimented your body so perfectly. Seb kept it classy with a dark blue suit and light blue button-up that brought out his eyes, no tie, because who needs one?
Right at the end of the ceremony right as the officiant was about to have you say ‘i do’, you heard whines coming from Penny, who was sitting right up front on her daddy’s lap. You looked over to see her squirming in his lap and whining out ‘mama’ and reaching out for you. Chris made eye contact with you and mouthed ‘i’m sorry’. You shook your head and let go of one of Sebastian’s hands to motion to let her go so she could walk over to you.
Everyone aww’d as she walked over to you as quickly as her legs could take her. You bent down and scooped her up, resting her on your hip and wrapping your arm around her waist to keep her up. Sebastian made faces at her to make her laugh and keep her happy for a few more minutes. Your photographer had taken advantage of the incredibly sweet moment and had made sure to get as many shots of Penny at the altar with you.
When the officiant pronounced you husband and wife, you were going to set Penny down but Sebastian was quick to pull you both close to him and go in for your first kiss as a married couple with your daughter right there. Everyone cheered and Penny was mimicking the claps of everyone around her. Before he pulled away from you two he pressed two sloppy kisses on Penny’s cheeks as she giggled, which pulled some tears out of you.
No more than 15 people were attending the ceremony. You wanted to keep it quiet with just family and a few close friends. The reception, however, was anyone and everyone you could fit into the ballroom you had rented at one of the best hotels in Boston. All your guests had filled the room before you and Seb arrived. You nervously held his hand as you heard the cheers from everyone inside after hearing the DJ announce “Ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary friends … let’s give it up for the couple of the hour, Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Stan!!”
No one understood how you, Chris, and Seb managed to make your situation seem so easy and flawless. He knew that living in Boston was a must, so he bought the house that sits right behind the one you shared with Chris for so many years. He never wanted to get in the way of the system you and Chris had created over the years. Somehow, he managed to make things easier for everyone.
Penny’s first day of school was emotional for all 3 of you. You were all at your front door taking pictures of Penny in her school uniform that she looks so ridiculously cute in and the backpack that was way too big for her. She insisted on getting the Avengers backpack that “has my daddy on it!”
“Okay my love, it’s time for us to go to school! Are you ready?” Chris grabbed her tiny hand and led her to the car.
“Yeah daddy, I’m ready!” Penny said as he lifted her into the car and her car seat.
“Daddy? Mama and Sebbie coming too?” She asked him when he clicked the last buckle together. Right on cue Sebastian opened up the door to the free seat in the back and climbed in right next to her. She squealed in excitement at the sight of Sebastian buckling himself in the car.
Chris laughed at her genuine excitement and made sure all her fingers and toes were inside the car before shutting the door. He saw you lock the front door and make your way to the front seat. He noticed you put a few packs of tissues in your bag before setting it on the ground and buckling your seatbelt.
“Planning on crying today, Y/N?” Chris asked in a teasing tone. You swatted his arm lightly and scoffed at his question.
“Our baby is going to her first day of school, of course, I’m going to cry! I cried last night after I tucked her in, I cried in the shower this morning, I cried doing her hair.” You heard Seb talking enthusiastically to Penny, telling her about all the fun things she’ll get to do in kindergarten.
“It’s okay, I cried in the bathroom while she ate her waffles this morning.” You snorted at Chris’s confession and looked back at your baby girl, who was not a baby anymore. She was waving her hands around telling Seb about how excited she was to see her teacher again.
Chris and Sebastian watched from the car as you walked through the front doors of the school with Penny’s hand in yours. They had agreed that it might not have been a good idea to go in with her since they might get recognized and to avoid causing a ruckus. They both waved at her as she turned around and waved one more time before the door shut.
“Did you and Y/N ever think about having more kids together? If I hadn’t started dating her, do you think you would've had more?” Sebastian asked Chris.
“We never explicitly talked about it. She brought up wanting Penny to have lots of siblings not long after you started seeing each other. She felt guilty and thought that I was going to be upset about you and her maybe having kids one day, which meant I probably wouldn’t have anymore. I told her that this was honestly the best thing that could’ve happened because I don’t think I want any more of my own. Penny is all I ever wished and hoped for, and I got it. But since you’re together, she’ll get all the siblings she could ever want, and I won’t have to change a single diaper.” Chris nudged Seb’s shoulder with his. “You guys thinking about having one?”
“Yeah... Yeah, we are.” Sebastian lowered his head and smiled a bit. “With Penny in school and everything, it makes sense. She’s ready, I’m ready.” Seb sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He looked up and saw you walking back towards them with a tissue in your hand.
“I had the morning crying shift, it’s your turn.” Seb looked at Chris.
Just as Penny wrapped up her very first year in school, you and Sebastian welcomed Beverly Olivia Stan-Y/L/N into your family. Penelope had been so excited to hear that her mama finally had the baby she had been waiting so long for. You had gone into labor in the late afternoon and Beverly made her debut in the middle of the night.
Sebastian had called Chris an hour or so after to let him know that both you and the baby were doing phenomenally and that you were asking for Penny and wanted to see her as soon as you could. Chris chuckled at the demands you were making, knowing very well how the epidural and pain meds messed with you.
Early the next morning Penny had crawled into bed with Chris, crying for you and wanting to know when she was going to see you. It was still too early for them to go to the hospital, so he called Seb in hopes that he was already going to be awake.
A very exhausted Sebastian lit up the screen and Chris heard the soft cries of the new baby in the background. Penny’s cries turned into hiccups as soon as she saw Seb’s face because she knew she would be able to see her mama, too.
“Sebbie can I see mama, please?” Penny’s little voice spoke up. Sebastian immediately handed the phone to you and whispered that Penny was on the phone.
“Hi, baby.” You spoke softly to not disturb the baby.
“Mama when you come home? I miss you.” Penny wiped her eyes with her fists to get rid of the tears stuck in her eyelashes.
“It’s going to be a few days until I get to go home, baby. But you and daddy will be able to come to see me, Sebbie, and the new baby in a few hours. You need to go back to sleep and be a good girl for your daddy. I’m sure he’ll let you have some cuddles in his bed with him and Dodger until it’s time to wake up again.” Penny hiccuped and looked at Chris with eyes that mirrored his. He nodded his head and she buried herself closer to him.
“Okay, I go back to sleep with daddy and Dodger. I love you, mama. I love Sebbie, too.” She yawned out, her eyes blinking with sleep.
“Me and Sebbie love you so much, Penny. We’ll see you so soon, I promise” You blew a kiss to her through the screen and waited for her to throw one back. She giggled when you caught it through the camera and put it over your heart.
You, Sebastian, and Chris all watched with tears in your eyes as Penny held her baby sister for the first time. Penny had jumped right up in the bed next to you the second she walked into the room and told you about all the fun she had with Chris. Seeing your girls together melted your heart into a puddle. Chris couldn’t believe his little girl was so grown up and was a big sister. Seb thought about the night he first met you and Penny and would’ve never imagined that he’d be right here at this very moment.
Everything was so perfect and you never wanted to imagine your life being any different.
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Lovedust pt.7 || Peter Parker x Stark Reader
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Summary: It’s the night of the party and Y/N is having seconds thoughts about going but her friend Kim convinces her to go and have fun. While things get more complicated with Peter, Y/N and Josh get closer at the party. 
Word Count: MF 7.7K ( This is my longest piece I-)
Author’s note: YALL HERE WE ARE! THE BIG OOPSIE DOOPSIE OF LOVEDUST! This is probably my favorite part that I have written so far- it’s fairly long but boy did my heart HURT. I would say we have about maybe 2-3 chapters left give or take and I’m so bummed the story is almost over :(. Thank you all for being incredibly kind, your support means so much I can’t thank you guys enough. ALSO hehe there’s a lil easter egg from the first chapter and the chapter with Y/N having a nightmare. If yall pay attention to some of the wording at the end...
Warnings: Underage drinking, adult language, angst, mentions of death
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || epilogue
You wanted it to be a normal night, one that in hindsight, would’ve worked out in your favor if you were normal to begin with. You weren’t the partying type or maybe, you just convinced yourself that it wasn’t the case since you were hardly invited to them to begin with. 
As if it made any sense, you felt eerily similar to Cinderella at this moment; even though she was one of the worst princesses in your opinion, you still sympathized with her story. The idea of wanting nothing more than to leave the confines of her dusty attic to dress pretty for a ball was something you could sadly relate to. 
While the Avengers complex was by far well above the average means, it was Cinderella longing for just one night away from her complicated life that made you see the story in a different light. 
But after years of wondering what it would be like to go to a real party (now that you were offered the chance to go) it wasn’t the way you dreamed it would be. As you stood in front of your closet, recalling the times you had put on outfits that you thought would be the perfect party attire just seemed like pieces of cloth, nothing more and nothing less. 
Because you didn’t care about the stupid party. You cared about Peter. 
You had put so much blame on him for everything; his feelings that he couldn’t control and his past which he apologized for multiple times. When you had the chance to fix everything, you were too scared to be vulnerable with him and admit that maybe you were falling for him. 
You weren’t a coward, you wanted to convince yourself that you could still move on and have fun without thinking of him but you felt almost embarrassed that you were feeling the opposite. 
“ I don’t want to go anymore. This isn’t right,” You sighed as you turned to your phone that was propped up against your dresser,” I can’t just leave him here while I go off to some party.”
You watched Kim through the facetime call as she put down her mascara to take a second to look at you,” Y/N, you have been talking about this party all week. Hell, I gave you that blue top that makes your boobs look great and you even said you couldn’t wait to wear it to the party!”
You only hummed in response as you moved aside the hangers in your closet to find the top that Kim had let you borrow. 
“ We mentally prepared for this, we watched Superbad and Booksmart in one night to get the full spectrum of high school parties and we even practiced how to play beer pong!”
“ That was on our phones, I’m sure it’s different in real life,” You sighed as you took off your shirt and slipped on Kim’s blue blouse,” I just feel awful about going to a party knowing Peter is just gonna be here all night.” 
“ Y/N, you deserve this party. You’ve worked your ass off for four years and I know how badly you wanted to go ever since we got uninvited to that one theatre party where Timothy Chalamete supposedly showed up to. I know you feel guilty about Peter and yeah, you kinda fucked things up, for now, but you deserve a goddamn break,” Kim practically yelled through the screen, doing her best to hype you up,” if you don’t go, you’re gonna regret it, you and I both know that. So just get dressed, do your hair all cute and shit, put on makeup or whatever you do and go have fun at this party with Josh.”
“ Fuck, Josh! I completely forgot about him, he’s supposed to pick me up in an hour!” You said as you suddenly felt a wave of nerves come over you,” what do I do about Josh? What if he tries to make a move on me tonight?”
“ Do you want him to make a move?”
“ I don’t know...not really but then again, I wouldn’t mind. Don’t hate me cause I know this sounds shitty, but maybe I need a distraction from Peter...is that awful?” You asked as you slipped off your pajama pants and rummaged through your dresser for jeans,” don’t answer that, I know that’s awful to say. Am I turning into a fuckboy?”
“ If you feel empathy than no, you’re not turning into a fuckboy,” Kim laughed as you found a pair of jeans to slip into,” look, I know how you feel about Peter and if you see yourself wanting to be with him than this thing you have with Josh won’t happen. At the same time, even if you do like Peter and you want to have fun with Josh for a night, you’re not a shitty person for wanting that. You’ve been through the wringer with Peter and to be honest, Josh is literally a goddamn angel so I don’t blame you for seeing him as an option. Either way, you’re hot, smart as fuck, and you are a fucking Stark; you don’t owe Peter or Josh anything so do what you want to do because you deserve it.” 
Kim was every protagonist’s wet dream; the side character who had more to offer every time and yet, she practically thrived off of hyping you up. You knew that she had a point, she always did. 
A part of you could tell which way she was leaning in terms of who you would go out with and yet, she only cared that you were making the right choice for yourself and your own happiness. 
“ You really are a ride or die friend,” You said honestly as Kim smiled back,” I’m going to get ready but I’ll see you there okay?” 
“ Will do girlfriend!”
Once the facetime call ended, you leaned back in your chair and stared at yourself in the mirror. 
You didn’t know what your intentions would be for the night and even though Kim had said you wouldn’t be a bad person if you had fun with Josh, you knew you would still feel shitty doing so, especially when you knew that you had strong feelings for Peter. 
As you fixed up your hair, all you could do was replay the conversation with Peter in the rain and how close you were to confessing everything. Looking back, you knew you were stupid for running away, if you really liked him than what was the problem of letting him know how you felt?
Because you knew once he was cured, he wouldn’t share the same feelings for you. 
In every sense of the lovedust, the way Peter felt about you wasn’t natural and yet, it was the lovedust that really made you like Peter back. 
You were just saving yourself from future heartbreak and given your past relationships, you had a reason to be hesitant in being that vulnerable with another guy. 
And yet, you still feel like you owed Peter an explanation. 
You got up from your seat and walked out of your bedroom, making a beeline towards his room. You were sure he was done with testing at this point but after knocking on his door a few times, there still wasn’t a response. 
You opened the bedroom door to find his room completely empty with everything neatly tucked in place as if he was cleaning up for a guest. 
The complex was big but you knew you would run into sometime before Josh showed up so you walked straight out and went to the elevators to make your way up to the labs. As you pressed the elevator button, you felt some unease sitting at the pit of your stomach. 
Something felt off, whether it be your natural woman inclination or just the fact that you were nervous to confront Peter. 
The elevator doors slid open and you walked in before you pressed the button to the designated floor like it was second nature.
Just breath, you’re fine, why are you freaking out?
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and once you pulled it out, you felt your heart skip a beat when you saw Josh’s contact name pop up. 
Josh: I just left my apartment! I’ll see you in 20 min!
Your stomach shifted once again as you replied back before stuffing your phone back into your front pocket. 
Twenty minutes. 
That was enough time to confess to Peter right? 
The elevator doors opened to the lab and you walked towards the main zone with a slow pace, as if the anticipation would suddenly make you feel less nervous. 
Once you rounded the corner to where your dad and Banner were usually working on Peter, you found the room to be completely empty besides for a few lab technicians who were working rather quickly. 
You took a moment to give one last look into the lab before going down the hallway to peek into the other glass rooms to try and find Peter. You had a feeling that maybe you should’ve checked the gym before coming all the way up to the labs but once you found yourself in front of the last room, you spotted your dad and Banner walking out with grim faces. 
“ Dad? Is everything okay?” You asked as their heads whipped around to turn to you,” have you two seen Peter anywhere?” 
You studied your dad’s face carefully but he gave no inclination of what the situation was, a talent he had grown accustomed to since he was your age. You gave up on your dad and watched Banner’s face, a face you always had a talent of reading easily. 
He kept his eye contact anywhere but towards your direction and the collar around his neck was wet, a sign that he was stressed out.
“ Banner, where’s Peter?” You asked again as you looked up at him before moving your eyes toward the room they had just walked out of,” is he in there?” 
“ He’s-”
“Resting. He’s had a day full of tests so we put him in one of the hospital beds just to keep an eye on him,” Your dad interrupted as you watched Banner gulp,” it’s not a big deal kiddo.”
“ Okay...well if it’s not a big deal than I’m gonna go check up on him to make sure he’s okay,” You said wearily as you tried to walk in between your dad and Banner but he took a step to block you. 
“ Y/N, he’s not feeling well-”
“ Why are you lying?” You asked as you looked back at Banner,” what are you two not telling me?”
Your dad kept up the charade and sighed as if he was annoyed,” Kiddo, he’s K.O’d for the night. You know, lots of tests and meds that’ll have him relaxed for a few hours. Maybe you should check up on him tomorrow.” 
You could tell he was trying so hard to keep up the lie and while your dad was a phenomenal liar, you were smart enough to see right through his act. 
All you could do was nod as you played coy,” Okay, that’s fine. Oh! I wanted to let you know I’m going to that party tonight so I won’t be home until later.”
As you were studying Tony, he was doing the same right back at you. It was like a game of chess; who would break first, who had the upper hand, and who was going to make the next move without disrupting their own game. 
“ Alright, just be safe than. Be back before eleven,” Tony said as he patted your shoulder and started walking with you back to the elevator, his hand almost leading you away from the door,” Remember; Beer before liquor, never been sicker.”
You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed to know what was wrong with Peter. 
You stopped in your tracks as you turned around to face your dad and Banner, who was still avoiding your gaze. You knew something was up, it was painfully obvious and you weren’t going to just turn over and accept defeat. 
“ Would you ever lie to me?” You asked as your dad inhaled sharply, immediately shaking his head without a second thought,” okay.” 
You peeked your eyes back to the door and before you knew it, you ducked under your dad’s arm and ran over to the room where you were sure they were hiding Peter away. 
“ Y/N, stop!” 
You ran even faster as you practically slid against the tiled floor before throwing open the door to find Peter in the hospital bed. A huge heart monitor was connected to the side that had immediately spiked when you entered the room. 
“ Y/N? What are you doing here?” Peter asked as he sat up in his bed as your eyes traveled to several IV’S that were attached to his forearm. 
The first thing you focused on was how pale he looked. Whatever the hospital gown couldn’t cover showed almost a ghostly touch to his usual lush color. Since the lovedust, he had always had a blushful expression, accessorized with flushed cheeks or red tinted ears but now, there was none of that. 
You could hear your dad and Banner behind you but before your dad could drag you back, you could hear Banner talking your dad out of it to ‘give the kids some time.’ 
You didn’t even bother saying thank you as the door shut behind you, leaving you and Peter alone in the room. You were almost scared to come closer to him, he didn’t look like himself at all. 
You looked towards the heart monitor again which caused Peter’s heart rate to spike up with the thought alone. 
“ Tell me what happened,” You finally said as you made your way over to sit on the edge of Peter’s bed,” it’s serious, isn’t it?” 
Peter swallowed nervously but shrugged like it was nothing,” Your dad was there before anything bad happened.”
You shook your head, you weren’t going to get any information out of him like this. You turned to the side of his hospital bed and picked up a clipboard with his medical information. Peter tried grabbing it out of your hands but you stared him down, as if to say ‘ don’t try me.’ 
Peter backed down as your eyes scanned the sheet carefully, trying to decipher all of the medical lingoes that were vaguely familiar from watching Grey’s Anatomy. 
You felt your breath hitch as you read over the same diagnosis. 
“ You had an acute heartattack because of me, didn’t you?” You finally said as you carefully placed the clipboard on the desk beside you,” because of our argument... and you weren’t going to tell me.” 
“ Y/N, there was no reason to worry you-”
“ You’re so stupid Peter, why wouldn’t I be worried for you? You think an acute heartattack is something as normal as a fucking cold?” You snapped as you watched his heart rate rise. You took a deep breath and ran your fingers through your hair to calm yourself down,” I’m killing you. Loving me is literally killing you Peter.”
Peter watched your gaze fall back to the IV’S while he kept his eyes on you the whole time. You looked absolutely defeated and he didn’t blame you. The way you stared at his arm made him feel like you were trying to somehow reverse the lovedust, as if you could take his pain away. 
And yet, what you didn’t know was that Tony had just come in minutes before you to announce that yes, you could actually take the pain away forever. 
“ What about you? Is it killing you?” Peter asked as you tore your eyes away from his IV’s and locked your gaze on him.
“ Seeing you like this? Of course it’s killing me, I’m not that cruel Parker.”
“ No,” Peter swallowed dryly,” is it killing you that you might love me?” 
Your first instinct was to laugh. What kind of sick joke was coming out his mouth? You tried to force any sound, anything that was a resemblance of something from English translation but your brain mentally stuttered. 
It was as if your mind and words went on pause to let your thoughts catch up to you. Were you really that easy to read or did Peter know you better than you know yourself? 
“ How do I answer that?” You asked quietly as Peter was quick with a reply. 
“ You answer it honestly.”
“ Oh, because you have been so honest with me?”
“ You haven’t been telling me the truth either. You’re a lot of things Y/N, but you’re not innocent.” 
“ Oh yeah? What am I then? Since you clearly know so much about me,” You replied to somehow detour the conversation. 
Peter gladly took the bait as he chuckled,” You’re stubborn. You’re the most stubborn girl I have ever met in my entire life and I love that about you. It makes things interesting knowing that you don’t roll over for anyone, even when you know you’re wrong.” 
You only hummed, he had a point. You had learned that from Tony and you weren’t ashamed about it one bit. 
“ Well, I love how foolishly selfless you are. You always put everyone else’s feelings before yours even when your health is at stake,” You said back as Peter’s smile faltered. 
Oh how spot on you were. 
Cause in this moment now, Peter was between a rock and a hard place. He had information that you didn’t have, information that would seemingly fix everything and yet, he didn’t want you to know. 
The cure for the lovedust. 
“ You’re keeping something from me, aren’t you?” You said after studying his expression for a moment as Peter released his bottom lip that he was holding in between his teeth nervously. 
“ I think you’re the one not being honest with your feelings,” Peter said as a matter of fact,” why won’t you admit it?”
You wanted to swallow your pride because damn it, you didn’t want a repeat of earlier. You didn’t want to chicken out but could you afford to be vulnerable again?
“ Peter...I don’t want to admit anything until you’re in the right state of mind,” You finally said, which was the most honest answer you could give,” after all, we both know what you’re feeling for me isn’t the same as how I feel for you...it’s a side effect of the dust.”
Peter only nodded, even though there was so much to say to you. Peter felt like he was in a slowburn novel, but damn, even at this point there had to be more to give right? If this was a story of two people who were meant to be together, then why the hell is it taking so long? 
If Peter could have it his way, he would rewrite it to where they could be happily ever after in the first chapter but sadly, this was real life and there wasn’t that kind of luxury. 
“You’re right, it’s not the same,” Peter said bitterly as his sympathetic smile faded,” just a side effect.” 
You both understood. As things stood now, it was more of a standstill than anything. A pause, a pitstop, anything to halt whatever momentum the two of you shared.  You felt absolutely broken that he admitted it, his “love” for you wouldn’t ever be the same as however, you felt about him in that moment. 
Just like that, you both knew you were doomed from the start.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and you already knew it was Josh. You inhaled deeply as you gave Peter’s hand a squeeze before rising from his bed,” I’m gonna go but if anything happens, call me okay?” 
“ Same goes for you. Be safe,” Peter said in almost a whisper as you nodded before turning to the door. 
You walked out of the room and leaned against the door for a moment collecting your thoughts. You ignored the gaze of Banner and your dad and seemingly walked through the two without batting an eye. 
Tony felt guilty knowing that you had caught him in a lie but he really thought he was doing his daughter a favor. Once he knew you were gone, Tony walked through the door to find Peter deep in thought. 
Tony shut the door behind him and walked over, taking a seat in the chair beside Peter’s bed. No one said anything for a moment but Peter was the one to break the silence first. 
“ I didn’t tell her about the cure. I don’t think she would even want to...” Peter admitted as Tony nodded. 
Tony crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, his mind wandering in every direction,” Good call. Thor said our time is fleeting so we need to make sure it works.” 
Peter shifted nervously in his spot,” You and Banner won’t stop finding a different cure though, right? Just in case?” 
“ Yeah, just in case.” 
“ You look nervous,” Josh pointed out once the two of you pulled up into the driveway of Amber’s house,” did you want to wait a second before we walk in?” 
You shook your head as you tried to swallow any nerves that were building up in your throat. You couldn’t believe you were actually about to go to a party after everything that has been going on. 
“ No, I’m fine...It sounds stupid but I don’t really do parties so this is all kinda new,” You admitted as you took in another deep breath. 
“ It’s not stupid at all. If it makes you feel any better, I usually get pretty antsy before preforming but now that I know you’re going to watch me, I feel less nervous,” Josh smiled warmly as you started to feel your senses ease,” parties aren’t as scary as you think. Yeah, there are always a lot of people I don’t know but seeing a familiar face is always reassuring.” 
Josh had a way of calming you down that no other person could do so easily. You wondered if someone else had said the same thing to you like Kim or Peter and if it would have the same effect but maybe it was just exclusively Josh that had that sort of charm. 
“ Okay, I’m ready.”
The funny thing was, you really thought you were ready until you stepped into her house. The floor vibrated along to the beat of whatever song was blasting along the speakers and the smell of alcohol and weed felt almost suffocating. You were immediately overwhelmed with the amount of people already there and of course, you hardly recognized anyone from school. 
“ Here, hold on tight,” Josh intertwined his fingers with yours as he led you both through the crowd of teenagers almost too effortlessly. 
He led you outside and you thanked god the stage that was set up for his band was in the backyard. You walked along the poolside, following closely behind him before you felt someone splash you with water. 
“ Hey what- Kim!” You shouted excitedly as you let go of Josh’s hand to crouch down beside the pool to where Kim was swimming in just her bra and underwear,” you’re not even wearing a swimsuit? You dirty bitch.”
Kim laughed as she rested her hands against the edge of the pool,” Took you two long enough. Joshua, how are you this evening?” 
“ It’s going good Kimberly, I hope you’re enjoying yourself,” Josh teased back as Kim playfully rolled her eyes,” Y/N, I’m gonna check in with the guys real quick. Are you cool to stay here for a second?”
You nodded and shooed Josh with your hand,” Go, I’ll be fine.”
Josh gave you one last nod before jogging over to where his band was setting up. His bandmates had seen you walking over hand in hand with you and were now giving Josh hard pats on his back, as if to say ‘ nice job.’ 
“ He’s so respectful it physically hurts. Like I know the bar is so low for men but Josh checks every box. It’s annoying,” Kim sighed as you dragged a lawn chair from the grass and put it next to the edge of the pool to continue talking to your friend,” I would kill to be in your shoes right now. Oh to have two, brown-eyed guys fawn over me!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh as Kim dramatically placed her hand over her forehead and all you could do was shake your head,” Whatever, you didn’t even like Peter. You said so yourself he was a total douchebag.” 
“ Was a total douchebag and look, not that it’s any competition but I’m hashtag, team Peter. I’m a sucker for a good enemies to lovers trope,” Kim sighed as you felt your chest tighten up at her proclamation. 
You moved your eyes away from Kim as Josh came back over to you,” Did you want me to get you a drink?”
“ Thank goodness yes-”
“Y/N you should go with him,” Kim insisted as you turned to give her an odd look,” don’t get me wrong Joshua, I trust you but ya know, parties and alcohol and...men. Just to be extra safe.” 
You wanted to drown Kim on the spot for even insinuating that Josh would do something as terrible as spiking your drink but luckily, Josh gave a sincere nod. 
“ Of course, that’s not a problem. Men really are the worst,” Josh said casually as the two gave each other a little salute,” ready Y/N?”
Josh interlocked his hand with yours once again as he led you back into the house and through the kitchen as some people called out to greet him. 
“ Look at you Mr. Popular,” You teased as Josh squeezed your hand before opening up the fridge.
“ This is your first time drinking right?” Josh asked as you nodded, almost embarrassed,” Hey, that’s alright. You and I are gonna stick to the light stuff tonight, these taste better anyway.”
Josh pulled out three bottles of Mike’s Hard Lemonade and popped off the bottlecaps with a bottle opener before pouring it straight into two plastic cups. 
He tucked the third bottle underneath his arm as you watched him curiously. Josh caught you eyeing his actions as he handed you the cup carefully. 
“ Why not just drink it straight from the bottle?” You asked as you watched Josh take a sip,” I feel like we’re hurting the environment.” 
“ Looks cooler in a red solo cup,” Josh admitted bashfully as he clinked his cup with yours. 
You took a small sip, expecting it to burn like how it was always described in coming of age books but surprisingly, the fizzy taste of citrus wasn’t overpowering in any way. Josh raised his eyebrows and playfully nudged your shoulder,” See! It’s good, right? If you drink enough of these, I’m sure anyone could get tipsy but the goal of this party is to actually remember it the next day.”
There was just something about Josh that made you feel so much safer than anyone else. He didn’t tease you for never having gone to a party before or having alcohol; if anything he did his best to make sure you were as comfortable as possible. 
“ You’re being unreasonably cool, you know that right?” 
Josh smiled as he reached for your hand instinctively for the third time that night,” Only for you baby.” 
Smooth smooth Josh. Like putty in his hands, he led you back to the backyard but the whole time, you felt your heart practically melt at him calling you baby. 
Was it pathetic how easily you leaned into his touch? Maybe. 
But god, he really did make things harder for you. You had come into this party with your eyes on another guy and yet, Josh always managed to turn up the charm whenever necessary and you ate it up. 
Josh might be the charming, golden boy but you knew you couldn’t be too naive. Everyone had flaws, maybe Josh’s was that he was too nice and too friendly, or possibly him being a complete lightweight was the only thing holding him back in life. 
Lucky bastard. 
Once you made it to the backyard, you found Kim with a towel around her body, sitting on one of the lawn chairs. Josh walked over and whistled at Kim to look up from her phone, to which he handed her the bottle of Mike’s and she sounded a quick thanks in response. 
“ I’m gonna warm up with the guys. We’re only going to play a quick set but after, I’m all yours,” Josh promised as his cheeks started to get red at his own words but he turned back around at an attempt to hide his face. 
You took a seat next to Kim as you felt your heart practically skip a beat,” He’s really something isn’t he?”
“ Mm, he’s something alright,” Kim sighed as she struggled to open up the bottle,” dumb bitch, he didn’t bring a bottle opener or something?” 
“ It’s the thought that counts!” You said back as Kim popped the bottle cap using the metal part of the lawn chair.
As you listened to Josh’s band start their first song, you couldn’t help but feel guilty on how you were feeling. A part of you was holding on to the idea of you and Peter being a possibility but things were always so complicated with him. 
There was more to lose in being with Peter and it was painfully obvious that Josh made things so incredibly easy. You didn’t need to walk on eggshells when you were with him and sure, things were new and always changing but Josh could eventually be a person you could lean on. 
You reminded yourself that Peter “loved” you and that you did feel something for him that Josh couldn’t make you feel, but it wasn’t real love and that alone completely sobered you up from your moodiness,” Cheers Kim.” 
She watched as you drank whatever was left in your cup but Kim only ooo’d, knowing it wasn’t enough to get you drunk. 
You shook your head as you tried to think of anything but Peter. Tonight was your night to be free and you didn’t want to have to worry about who would be waiting for you once you got back home. 
And yet, deep down, you wondered why a part of you felt like it wasn’t right to hold Josh’s hand. Maybe because you knew you liked holding Peter’s more. Even as you looked up at Josh who stole a few glances your way, you silently prayed that it was Peter up on that stage instead. 
“ I can’t do this,” You said after a second of overthinking everything as you pulled your phone out of your pocket,” I need to text him.” 
“ Um fuck no! No drunk texts, that shit is so embarrassing Y/N!”
“ This is less than 5% alcohol, I am definitely not drunk Kim,” You mumbled as you slapped her hand away and pulled out your phone to text Peter,” I thought you were on team Peter?” 
Y/N: I need you
Y/N: *address*
Kim watched as you texted Peter but before you could send it, Kim leaped out of her seat and snatched the phone out of your hand,” I swear-! Yes, I am a new fan of team Peter, although Josh is getting major brownie points, but I have been a loyal member of team Y/N way before anyone else. I’m doing you a favor, what is texting him going to solve?” 
You pouted as Kim slipped your phone into her bag, unbeknownst to the both of you that the message had accidentally sent. 
“ Now get the hell up and lets dance bitch!”
You and Kim had perfected your mental state to a tee; not drunk enough to trip over air and make complete fools of yourselves but tipsy enough to where even the slightest look at each other was enough to make you break out into a fit of laughter. 
You still ‘danced like people were watching’ but you managed to still let loose enough to where the music flowed so freely between your fingertips. 
“ Josh you guys were great!” You shouted as you pulled him into a surprise hug, which he happily accepted,” I think I’m officially your number one fan now.”
“ Wait in line,” Kim scoffed playfully as she grabbed her bag from the floor,” I’m gonna go get a cheese plate or something. Don’t do anything gross while I’m gone.” 
You shot her a prompt ‘ why would you say that’ with your eyes before turning back to face Josh. You weren’t sure where things would go next but he took your hand and led you to the other side of the backyard to a wooden bench, claiming that he just wanted to rest a bit after singing for so long. 
The bench was small enough to where your thigh was against his but you didn’t mind the contact. 
“ Thanks for coming out by the way. I know these type of things are pretty overwhelming but I’ve been having fun so far. How about you?” Josh asked as you exhaled deeply. 
“ I’m glad I came...thank you again for convincing me to come out here. I feel like there’s been a lot of stuff going on at home and it’s kind of nice being a normal teenager for once,” You said honestly as Josh rolled his shoulders back. 
You could feel how nervous he was next to you but for the most part, he didn’t really show it from his facial expression. 
“ Can I ask you something?” 
You nodded, trying your best to be as cool as possible but all you could think about was how dry your mouth felt. 
Oh fuck, the million-dollar question was finally here, wasn’t it? Was he going to reveal his feelings? What if he was going to make a move?
“ Is there something going on between you and Peter? The other day when I came over, it felt...intense. I didn’t want to overstep by coming over or anything,” Josh hesitated as he tested the waters. 
Well fuck, that question was just as nerve-wracking as the others. You wanted to be as honest with Josh as possible but at the same time, you didn’t want to ruin any chances you had of possibly having him around if Peter didn’t work out. 
You knew that was such a shitty mindset but Josh had a way of making you feel so comfortable and you weren’t willing to let that go. 
“ I thought I had something with him but it’s complicated,” You answered honestly,” you saw him, he’s...sick and I feel like the sickness is making him feel things that aren’t actually there. I don’t know, it’s so weird to explain.” 
Josh bit his bottom lip nervously as he hung onto your every word,” So his feelings for you aren’t there like he thinks it is?” 
God, it sounded so simple the way Josh said it when it was so much worst in reality. Of course, it would be way easier to tell Josh everything from the toxic relationship you and Peter had to how the lovedust was emotionally and physically a toll on both of you. 
For obvious reason, you could never reveal that much to him. 
“ Yeah, exactly that,” You sighed, sounding a bit too disappointed and Josh had caught the shift in your voice,” feelings are always so complicated.”
“ Not all the time,” Josh said quickly as he caught himself,” I mean, liking someone doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes it’s really easy because love shouldn’t hurt, you know?” 
You only nodded because you could tell Josh had more to say. He took this opportunity to shift his body to fully face you and you scooted your back against the armrest so you could show him that you were attentive. 
“ I mean, when I like someone, all I think about is how much I like being around them. Everything else kind of just falls away and it feels all warm like how the books describe it,” Josh could feel a blush creep onto his cheeks yet again but he knew there was no point in covering it up now,” it’s a cliche but I think when you have a crush on someone, everything just falls into place... And I feel that when I’m with...you.”
Your heart practically drew closer to him because what is going on, this was different. Even though Peter had generally been saying the same things to you for days on end, this was more. 
There wasn’t some magic space dust that was making Josh confess his feelings, it was just pure humanistic drive to step out of one’s comfort zone that had tugged on Josh harder than ever before. 
As if time had slowed down, you watched closely as Josh placed his hand onto your knee before leaning in, getting dangerously close to your lips. Josh stopped only a mere centimeter before your lips touched, as if to give you a chance to back away and yet, you stood still. 
You were trying to make sense of what your heart and your gut were telling you but you thought back to Peter admitting to you that the love he felt for you was a side effect of the lovedust, nothing more and nothing less. 
Peter would never like you back. 
That’s what pushed you over the edge and so, you closed the gap between you and Josh as you kissed him back. You could feel Josh smiling against your lips but the pure sensation of the kiss didn’t last. 
Kim had witnessed everything in slow motion. The text from Peter, indicating that he had entered and was heading to the backyard to watching Josh lean in to kiss you. It was like a sick hypothetical they always asked in ethics classes when presenting the Trolley Dilemma and yet, she barely had enough time to make a decision. 
All she could do was shout but it was a little too late. Peter saw everything. 
He saw you close the space between your lips and Josh’s. He saw Josh smile against your lips. He saw you pull away before leaning in for more. 
Peter knew what was coming next, he practically braced for the pain that he knew was coming because just earlier the same day, he had a miniature version of it. But he never expected the pain to be this unbearable. 
His ribs felt like someone had just swung a bat into the center of his chest and he could feel every bone splitting into various small fragments that were too small to ever glue back together. Each little fragment of whatever was left had seemingly pierced his heart in a thousand different places as more and more pressure starting to build in his chest. 
He couldn’t even let out a cry for help, not even a whimper because no air could come in through his mouth. 
The fear alone made his chest tighten up to the point where he felt his lungs almost give in from inside of him. His vision was the next to get blotched out with a violent array of reds and oranges, moving at a fast kaleidoscopic rhythm that sent Peter deeper into a panic.
The last to give was his legs; the dizziness from the complete distortion had made his knees buckle from the pain, sending him straight into the pool. 
You heard Kim cry out first as she pushed her way through a crowd that was blocking the door. You moved away from Josh to find the commotion and even though you couldn't see who fell into the water, you knew deep down who it was. 
You ran over to the edge of the pool and without a second thought, you dived into the water. Josh quickly followed behind you; it took him only a second to kick off his shoes before he jumped in after you. 
What scared you the most was how eerily quiet it was underwater. You could hear some muffled shouts but that’s not what was so quiet. His body was motionless in the water, there was no sign of struggling or thrashing or convulsing like how it was in the movies. 
Everything just felt slow as you desperately reached your arms out to swim faster to him. You only had one focus once you wrapped your arms across his chest and kicked up to the surface. In your mind, you were already going through how you would start compressions on him once you reached the top. 
You were panicked and scared but you knew you had to pull yourself together, pushing away any thoughts of how far gone Peter could be. 
You broke the surface with Peter in your arms as you called out to someone, anyone to take him from your arms. Kim and one of Josh’s bandmates helped lift Peter’s lifeless body onto the concrete as Kim quickly called 9-1-1. 
Her hands were shaking as she tried to press the three buttons and after an eternity, they picked up the phone. 
You scrambled up from the pool and hovered over Peter’s body and without a second thought, you started doing CPR. 
For a moment, that’s all you were thinking. Like a machine, over and over again on an endless cycle, chest compressions, open his airway, give rescue breaths. When you found yourself thinking about how panicked everyone else was and how pale Peter looked underneath you, you continued to give compressions until you felt like your arms would snap from the pressure. 
You don’t know how much time has passed but enough to where there would’ve been a sign by now. You sobbed for Peter and kept calling out to him, your voice shaking like a child, the same child who lost her parents all those years ago. The same child who held that heavy towel, pressing it against her fathers chest to stop the bleeding- no. 
You couldn’t think about that, this was different. You could save him. You kept reminding yourself over and over as you did a round of chest compressions, opened his airway, and gave more rescue breaths. Over and over. Non-stop. 
Again and again without hesitation. 
At this point, you couldn't stop your mind from thinking of Peter and the possibility of him actually dead. How long was he under? What had happened before? He must’ve seen the kiss- oh my god you killed him. 
You can feel it, building up inside of you like an unstoppable path set ablaze like pure lava. 
You thought about never hearing his laugh again, the one where he would grip his sides so hard, he would wheeze like an old dog toy. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
You thought about him never calling out your name, whether it was followed by an insult or a loving comment about how you made him feel. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
You thought about never touching him again, his strong arms holding your shaking body when you had that awful nightmare or how perfect his hand fit in yours when you two walked together in the rain. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
You thought about never telling him how you actually felt, how stupid you were forever letting him get away because it was him all along. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
It was always him. 
You were in love with Peter. 
And suddenly, almost finally, Peter jolted up and coughed up the water from his lungs. 
You stopped the compressions and held your own breath as Peter continued to cough up more water, his eyes squeezed shut. 
“ Peter? Can you hear me?” You called out between your choked cries as you snapped your fingers close to his ear.
After a moment, an agonizing moment, Peter nodded, as everyone else collectively let out the breath they didn’t know they were holding. Peter opened his eyes slowly, taking in everything like it was his first time seeing the world. 
“ Oh thank god, don’t worry, help is coming. Stay awake for me, okay?” You sighed in relief as you tucked a strand of wet hair behind your ear,” I’m so glad you’re okay.” 
When his eyes lock onto yours, he feels an odd sense of deja vu that he can’t explain. His chest isn’t tight anymore, his hands don’t feel as clammy as before, his mind feels almost cleared. 
He focused on your eyes while everything else drowned out around him. Your pupils, they’re big and they’re filled with a heavy deal of worry but there’s something else. Your eyes, he’s looked into them so many times before but why is it different? 
As shaken up as you are, you manage to cup his face carefully to console him, or more so yourself. Your hands are shaking but they’re warm against his cheek and he can’t help but reach his hand to lay across the hand that’s cupping his face. 
Peter feels his face flush, but this time it’s different, it’s...euphoric? Peter wasn’t even sure if he was saying the word correctly but that’s how he felt. 
Your eyes, he’s so enamored by the way you’re looking at him. You were worried of course, but no, there was something else. 
“ You’re safe Peter, you’re okay.” 
“ Don’t worry I got you.”
“ Just breath for me, okay?” 
There it was, the same deja vu. You had said that to him before, or maybe he had said it to you before through broken sobs when you had the nightmare. 
Peter’s breath hitched as it all finally hit him, he figured it out just by holding your deep gaze. 
Oh my god.
The lovedust had worn off, it was gone. All the anxiety and nerves from having it in his system had disappeared, evaporated off of him almost. The chest pains and the shortness of breath had gone away but Peter still felt something pulling, tugging at his heartstrings. 
The lovedust was gone, he knew that well enough.
 The only thing he could feel as he stared back at you was a pure, undivided, longing for you. 
That’s right, Peter Parker was still hopelessly in love with you, no lovedust required.
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