#i live for metalhead Duo
sweetblinginrose · 5 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 | 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖜𝖔,
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(OS Eddie Munson x fem!reader geek)
summary: The girl goes in search of answers and ends up with the metalhead's cock in her throat... who would have thought…
word count: 8,3k +
warnings: obv +18, rivalry, ingestion of alcohol and joints, almost gave Sinclair a withey, spanking, blowjob in public.
a/n: hey guuurls, i wrote a second part since @alastorssimp asked for it and i reconsidered it. not sure if it’ll be as good as you said the first part was, but i think it’s alright, ig. the problem is the translation. if there’s anything you don’t get, let me know.
oh, and sorry for taking so long, i’m busy with my exams hehe.
oh and don't copy my idea, it's my own huh 🦄
before reading this part, you have to read this one!
━━ ✧♡✧ ━━ ✧♡✧ ━━ ✧♡✧ ━━
In the darkness of the room, you and the long-haired boy lay in an oasis of intimacy, surrounded by an ocean of sheets that kept the secrets of your most vulnerable moments. The sheets, wrinkled and disordered, were a canvas of memories, impregnated with the aroma of tobacco that mixed with the freshness of the night and the sweet vestige of recently consummated sex.
His room, a sanctuary of orderly chaos, exuded warmth despite its disarray. Magazines with their folded pages and worn edges lay scattered on the floor, testimony to many nights of reading and lively discussions. The posters, hung with a nonchalance that bordered on art, danced on the hard plastic walls of the trailer, each telling a story, each a window to a different world.
The laughter you shared, free and genuine, rose and filled every corner, weaving a melody exclusive to your duo. The night breeze, complicit in your union, slid through the half-open window, shaking the faded and torn curtains that hung like banners of a forgotten kingdom. The air carried with it the characteristic aroma of the Forest Hills Trailer Park, a mix of freshness and adventure, which caressed your bare skin, causing a shiver that was both anticipation and delight.
But then, reality knocked on the door in the form of insistent knocks. It was Tom, his voice filtering through the plastic like a discordant melody, his tone a mix of confusion and amusement. His question, thrown into the wind with the nonchalance of someone who has enjoyed the most earthly pleasures, broke the spell of the moment. "Hey, lovebirds! What are you doing in there that your hair can't be seen?" He exclaimed, his laugh a laugh that mixed with the smoke and foam of the shared beers. It was a reminder that, although the outside world continued to spin, in that room, in that moment, only the two of you existed.
You stood up suddenly, as if propelled by an invisible spring, in the middle of the darkness that hung over the room like a thick blanket. Your heart pounded in your chest with the force of a war drum, each beat an echo in the vast cavern of your anxiety. The room, previously a sanctuary of laughter and whispers, now seemed like a mausoleum of silence and shadows, only interrupted by the gasping of two souls that had danced on the edge of the abyss.
Your eyes, two desperate beacons in the night, opened wide, capturing the pale moonlight filtering through the window. The reality of your nakedness, and that of Eddie at your side, hit you with the rawness of an inescapable truth. You remembered, with a clarity that hurt, each step that had led you to intertwine your destinies in the most intimate way. Fear, that old acquaintance, slithered across your skin, a cold snake that threatened to strangle your thoughts. The senses, now sharp as knives, tensed as they captured every whisper, every creak that the old house decided to give away. Fear had transformed into panic, a savage beast that threatened to devour what little composure you had left. You could feel, almost see, your friends' questioning gaze through the closed door, their imaginary eyes piercing the plastic like x-rays.
In an act of desperation, your eyes searched frantically for something to cover your nakedness, but the room offered only the promise of deeper exposure. The feeling of vulnerability was overwhelming, a giant crushing you to the ground with its mountain-like weight. The certainty that something shameful was about to happen paralyzed you, a pillar of salt condemned to look back.
You and Eddie looked at each other, and in his eyes you found the reflection of your own fear, a mirror where anxiety danced with shame. The footsteps outside the room echoed with the certainty of an approaching doom, and in that moment, you understood what it meant to be truly trapped, like on Elm Street, in a true nightmare.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you propelled yourself upwards, attempting to defy gravity and the circumstances that had brought you to that unforgiving ground. But your legs, betrayed by exhaustion and accumulated tension, did not respond as you expected. Instead of standing tall in triumph, you collapsed, your knees hitting the worn and stained carpet that told stories of countless encounters and disagreements. The sharp pain that shot through your knees was a cruel reminder of your humanity, an echo of the vulnerability you had tried to ignore. Your legs trembled, shaken by spasms that robbed you of any illusion of control. Still, in an act of desperation, you extended your arm, looking for the garment that would restore a minimum of decorum, but you only found emptiness. You couldn't find your favorite panties...
With your heart pounding in your chest, you resigned yourself to the urgency of the moment and focused on putting on your bra, feeling the cold sensation of the bonding metal against your bare back. Every click of the closure reminded you of the stark reality of the situation you found yourself in.
Embarrassment mixed with urgency as you wrapped yourself in the bra, feeling the stretchy fabric hug your torso tightly, offering you a modicum of protection amidst the chaos around you. The absence of undergarments increased your vulnerability, but you had no time to hesitate.
In the midst of the mess, your gaze drifted to Eddie, who was awkwardly struggling to put on his pants. His movements were clumsy and uncoordinated, an expression of determination etched on his face despite the hair tie he held between his lips. With each tug of fabric, his face reflected a mix of urgency and desperation, as he struggled to regain a bit of dignity in the chaos of the situation. The mess you were in was palpable, but you were both determined to deal with it in the best way possible.
Tom's thuds and drunken screams intensified, reverberating against the bare walls of the room, each impact an echo of the tension building in the fog-thick air. The atmosphere was saturated with chaos, each discordant sound a note in the symphony of nocturnal anarchy. In the eye of this sonic storm, the voice of one of your friends emerged, a thread of sanity in Tom's madness. His tone was a mix of concern and drunken sarcasm, imploring him to moderate the force of his against the door, that the noise might wake the neighbors and bring consequences unwanted. His words, although tinged with alcohol, managed to cut through the chaos, granting a brief respite, a moment of calm before the storm continued. Tom, distracted by the presence of your friends, walked away from the door, his unsteady footsteps guiding him back to the dining room. There, his voice rose again, a drunken shout trying to be charming, seeking the attention of anyone willing to listen.
Meanwhile, in the stillness of the room, you stood up from the cold, hard floor. Your knees, marked by the pressure of your fall, showed a redness that spoke of the subtle but persistent pain. With movements that belied your newfound vulnerability, you grabbed your skirt and t- shirt, dressing with a haste born of necessity. Eddie, next to you, imitated your movements. He gave a dry clearing of his throat, an attempt to impose some order on the chaotic scene. Unlike you, he avoided your gaze, his attention focused on piecing together his appearance, making sure every detail was in its place. Without looking at you, his voice cut through the silence, "Everything's cool, right? Can we go out now?" You nodded, although you knew he wasn't expecting your approval. With a discreet gesture, he opened the door just enough to enter. His exit was marked by a forced smile, a façade of normality that sought to erase any hint of what had happened.
When you returned to the living room, not so welcoming, everyone's eyes focused on you. Luckily, the known animosity between the two served as a distraction from any suspicion. Tom, impatient, asked in a voice clouded by smoke and alcohol, "What took you so long?" Next to him, one of your friends was trapped in a casual hug, the smell of marijuana and alcohol permeating the air. Eddie, with the skill of a veteran in these affairs, made up an excuse on the fly, something about an item lost in a bet. The explanation, although weak, was accepted without further ado. The others, absorbed in their world of laughter and drinking, dismissed the importance of the matter and plunged back into their feast of joy and excess.
The night unfolded like a dark blanket, dotted with stars that blinked indifferently at the tension that was brewing between you and Eddie. The gazes that had previously danced together in perfect harmony were now diverted, colliding with familiar faces in the crowd. Discomfort clung to you, a second skin made of silences and unspoken words, a transparent shield that isolated you from the human warmth that surrounded you. The bustle of the small gathering became a distant hum, as each one was immersed in a sea of silent reflections and imprisoned feelings. The tension that had floated between you, a dance of veiled contempt and hidden desire, had brewed over the years, growing silently until it became an invisible giant that now separated you.
There you were, at the epicenter of an oppressive silence, as Eddie's laughter and exclamations filled the space, a sharp contrast to your internal stillness. His happiness, so pure and overflowing, was a rare sight, a light you hadn't witnessed in a long time, and the brilliance of it left you with an empty feeling, as if a part of you had faded into the darkness. "I have to go now, guys. I had a great time today, see you on Monday..." you announced, with a voice that seemed to come from afar, from someone that wasn't you. You didn't dare to look back, to face the surprise or the perplexity that could appear on their faces. You felt the weight of her gaze fixed on your back, trying to pierce the armor of your most secret thoughts.
As you left the trailer, the cool night air hit your face, a cold blow that sought to shake you out of the emotional lethargy in which you had immersed yourself. Your steps began to lead you away, each one resounding like an echo in the solitude of the night, marking the rhythm of your retreat from a world of silent confessions and secrets that would never see the light.
It was then that Lucas appeared, his presence so sudden that he almost seemed like a ghost emerging from the shadows. "I'll accompany you," he said in a voice that brooked no reply. His company was unexpected, almost uncomfortable, but there was something comforting about his presence. He was nothing more than an acquaintance, a friend of your sister, a member of the Order of the Sith, but at that moment, his presence was all you needed.
The night had become a blanket of uncertainty and unanswered questions. Lucas, with his unbalanced gait, seemed the only constant in a world that was reeling. You didn't understand why he had decided to accompany you and not Mike, who also shared the proximity of his steps to his house. The age difference between you and Lucas was an abyss of experiences and experiences, three years that at that moment seemed like an eternity.
The silence stretched between you like a suspension bridge, fragile and tense, until Lucas broke it with a simple, "Hey...". His voice was a whisper in the night, but enough to capture your full attention. Looking at him, worry washed over you; his dark skin glistened with night sweat, and his normally lively and alert eyes were half-lidded and tinted a deep red.
"Yes? Are you okay, Sinclair?" you asked, stopping in your tracks. The possibility that he had smoked marijuana assaulted you, and with it, a protective instinct you didn't know you had. Lucas looked at you, and in that moment, the vulnerability he showed was palpable.
"No, it's just... I think you're very pretty..." Sinclair's confession came with shaky honesty, his voice a fragile thread on the night breeze. He was visibly affected, dizziness painted his world with tones of uncertainty, and his body trembled slightly, although adorned with a naive smile that failed to hide his state. You ignored his words, it was not the time for flattery or the vulnerability they exuded. You approached him, noticing how he towered over you in height, a difference that now seemed trivial. “Have you smoked anything, Lucas,” you asked, worry coloring every syllable of your question.
Lucas tried to respond, but his rapid blinks and difficulty swallowing revealed more than his words. He looked around, perhaps looking for a way out of his confusion, when he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. "Shit!" You exclaimed, as you crouched down next to him. You lifted him enough for him to sit, holding him steady. His eyes closed, surrendering to the sleep that called him, a dangerous mixture of alcohol and drugs had brought him to that sorry state. You looked around, searching for a solution, a refuge in the night for Sinclair. That's when you saw the 24-hour restaurant, an oasis of light and calm in the darkness. It was completely empty, as if it was waiting for you. Without hesitation, you decided it was the safe place to take Sinclair and help him recover. Carefully, you guided him towards the establishment, each step a silent promise that you wouldn't leave him alone in his time of need.
With every ounce of strength you had left, you crouched down and wrapped your arms under Sinclair's shoulders, feeling the dead weight of his body. "Come on, Sinclair, don't do this to me," you mumbled, your breathing labored by the effort. The dirt clung to your hands, and you could feel the wetness of the grass through your bare legs. "Sinclair, for the love of God, move something!" you exclaimed, as a vein on your forehead threatened to burst. Finally, with a groan that sounded more like a growl, Sinclair gained some consciousness, his eyes slowly blinking back to reality. With a superhuman effort, he managed to stand up, leaning heavily on you. They began to walk, each step a battle against gravity. “You weigh more than my sins,” you joked, trying to lighten the mood as his body tilted dangerously to one side, forcing you to compensate for the weight.
The cafeteria is filled with the hum of an old refrigerator as the only soundtrack of the night. The flickering lights from the neon sign outside filter through the blinds, casting dancing shadows over Lucas's exhausted form. His head, heavy as lead, oscillates on the edge of the abyss of sleep, leaning more and more towards the table that supports his weight.
The clock strikes 3 am, and time seems to have stopped in this forgotten corner of town. You, with a gesture of concern that you cannot hide, decide to intervene. The waitress, a middle-aged woman with eyes that have seen too many early mornings, walks silently over and places a steaming plate in front of Sinclair. It's an onion soup, with its comforting aroma and melted cheese that stretches with every spoonful, promising warmth and sustenance. Next to him, a large, cold glass water bottle lands with a thud on the table.
Lucas, shaken by the sound, raises his head with a start, his eyes blinking, trying to focus on the reality around him. "You have to eat and drink the whole bottle," he insists, with his arms crossed and a firmness in his voice that brooks no reply. It is not your responsibility to take care of him, but your conscience does not allow you to leave him to his fate.
As Sinclair obeys, he begins to regain the color in his cheeks and the lucidity in his eyes. The soup works its magic on him, and little by little, life returns to his eyes. Outside, the town is still asleep, oblivious to the small miracle that occurs inside. And you, despite your initial revulsion, can't help but feel a pang of satisfaction at seeing that, at least for tonight, you've made a difference in someone's life.
Lucas, with his mind still cloudy, clung to the fork as if it were an anchor in the middle of the storm. His eyes, glassy and distant, were lost in the abyss of the half-empty plate, where there had previously been a pile of comfort food. The cafeteria, plunged into a dead silence, seemed to hold its breath, waiting for his next move. Was Sinclair who broke the spell, his voice tearing through the silence like paper thin. "Why did you leave there? It's because you don't like Eddie, right?" he asked, as the water swirled in his glass, reflecting his still trembling hands. Your face, a canvas of contradictory emotions, was contorted into a grimace of discomfort. Memories of what had happened just an hour or two ago assaulted you, forcing your lips into a tight smile, a clear indication of your discomfort. You were convinced that you had made a mistake, that something in your behavior had caused Eddie's averted gaze and silence. "I say this because... he doesn't dislike you, quite the contrary..." Lucas continued, dragging his words with the same slowness with which he cleaned his plate with a piece of bread. The bread, now soaked in the last vestiges of soup, disappeared in his mouth, as if with each bite it could erase the tension in the air.
Surprise appeared on your face when you heard Lucas' words. "What do you say? But Eddie hates me, or at least he did," you exclaimed with an incredulous laugh, as if the idea was so absurd that it could only be cause for a joke. Your eyes drifted for a moment to the waitress, whose curious gaze rested on the both of you. With her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised, she looked like a statue, a silent observer of the strange dance of your conversation. Sinclair shook his head, her gesture was firm, denying your words with a seriousness that contrasted with your joking tone. He leaned forward, closing the distance between you, as if every word she was about to say needed the confidentiality of a whisper. "Look, I'm going to tell you, but if you tell Eddie, I'll kill you before he kills me..." His voice was a thread of tension, his eyes sleepy, as if the weight of what he was Sharing would burden him deeply.
Your confusion was palpable, but you nodded, giving Lucas the signal that he had your attention. He cleared his throat, clear preparation for what was to come, and leaned even closer, as if he feared even the walls could hear. "Long before us and your sister got to high school, Eddie was already crazy about you, so it's nothing new," Sinclair whispered, with a seriousness that made you question if it was really a joke. Despite your doubts, you decided to give him your full attention. It was a hard statement to believe; your interactions had always been marked by fights and teasing, a constant push and pull that left no room for deeper feelings. But after the recent sex, you found yourself reconsidering every look and word exchanged with Eddie. What if he was trying to flirt instead of bother you? Sinclair spoke with a rapidity that reflected the urgency and nervousness of sharing secrets that should not be revealed. "Ever since we started sitting with their group at lunch, they made jokes about you, I mean, about how hot you are and all that," his words flowed like an overflowing river, full of confidences and murmurs that had been kept with him. suspicion. "Although without knowing that your sister was your sister," he continued, a wry smile playing on his lips as he remembered the collective surprise, "so, when we were offered to join The Hellfire Club and she said she belonged to The Sith Order, Eddie was perplexed." He readjusted himself on the couch, which seemed to hug him with the comfort of it, and looked you directly in the eyes. It was evident that every word he said was another piece of the puzzle he was trying to put together in front of you, a puzzle that, once completed, would change the way you viewed Eddie and possibly the entire dynamic of your social circle. Lucas looked at you with a knowing smile, his eyes. They shone with a gleam of amusement as you imagined your sister. "And since then your sister no longer sits with us, since Eddie considers her a rival of his," he said, his voice tinged with his humor. It was known that Sinclair had always been in love with her, and his tone suggested that he still harbored romantic hopes. "What I'm getting at," Lucas continued, pausing to take a long sip of water. "It's just that when Eddie wanted to see you, since, just as he said, you graduated before him because of his bad grades, he was talking to your sister so that the battles between the groups would start." His words flowed with the ease of someone sharing a long-kept secret, and you realized that your sister's constant bets were more than just games. "That's why your sister proposed so many bets," he added, with a gesture of understanding. Lucas lowered his voice to a confidential whisper, "And always, after we left the games, he would stare at you as he went, commenting on how beautiful you were, what good taste you had, and how intelligent you were." He paused dramatically, making sure you caught the importance of his next words. "Eddie is totally into you."
The revelation had left you speechless, a whirlwind of emotions washing over you as you tried to process what you had just heard. Eddie, the same Eddie that seemed like a constant in your daily life, was now intertwined with your feelings in a way you hadn't expected. A few years ago, every time you crossed the school cafeteria, your gaze unconsciously searched for his figure. Eddie, always alert, stood up as if he were waiting for you to pass, leaving a clear space for you to pass. You wondered if it was a coincidence or if, in some way, he also felt that invisible connection that united you. You remembered that time he called you a witch with a voice that was intended to be harsh, but his eyes betrayed the truth. It wasn't hate you saw in them, but a spark of fun, a lopsided smile that bordered on flirtatious. It was a game of looks and unspoken words that only the two of you seemed to understand, even though apparently, you didn't.
In the role-playing games you shared, Eddie transformed. He became the supreme narrator, his voice filling the room, creating worlds and adventures with astonishing ease. But when it was your turn, everything changed. His tone softened, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that seemed to want to decipher each of your thoughts. It was as if, in those moments, there was no one else in the room, just you and him.
Now, as you remembered those moments, you felt a shiver run down your spine, causing an involuntary blush to stain your cheeks. Sinclair's words echoed in your mind, giving you the courage to believe that, perhaps, what you felt for Eddie was reciprocated. It was a terrifying and exciting thought at the same time, a possibility that opened a new chapter in the story of your life.
Sunday slipped through scattered thoughts, like leaves blown by the autumn wind. The week became a countdown, each day marking one step closer to Friday, that day that promised practice with your group and, more importantly, Saturday, when you would have the chance to face Eddie once again.
The cabin, with its walls that whispered stories of ancient victories and defeats, welcomed you on Friday. The practice went without a hitch, each member of the group immersed in their role, building a parallel reality where anything was possible. But Saturday came with a bittersweet taste. The Hellfire Club was full, everyone except Eddie. His absence was like a vacuum that sucked the energy out of the room. You had taken care of your appearance, hoping to capture the magic of that previous night, but instead, you were met with words that fell like cold drops on your spirit. "Eddie said he didn't want to see you today," Dustin announced with a nonchalance that hurt you more than you expected. The screams of his friends echoed, a cacophony of reproaches rising like a storm. "What?" The surprise left you speechless for a moment, a pause that felt eternal. "What?! No! It's not what you think!" The boy you had helped was trying to repair the damage with hasty words. "Yes! Eddie literally said that!" Dustin insisted, causing gestures of frustration in the others, hands on their foreheads, mouths covered in an attempt to silence the truth. You didn't want to admit it, but the words affected you, a lot. After Sinclair's confession, you expected something more, something different. You then decided to put on the mask of indifference, pretending that Eddie's absence didn't matter to you, that his presence or lack of it were equally insignificant. You focused on the game, on the chips and dice, but your mind was elsewhere, lost in a maze of 'what ifs'. The game continued, but your heart was playing its own game, one where the rules were unclear and the only opponent was yourself.
Sunday dawned with a gray sky that seemed to reflect your mood. You got out of bed with the heaviness of someone carrying more than the weight of the sheets. College assignments were piled up on your desk, a mountain of words and numbers demanding your attention, but your mind was somewhere else, lost in the echo of a revelation that still echoed in your ears. With every page you turned, every problem you solved, Eddie's image was superimposed on the text, blurry and persistent. Night fell without you realizing it, and with it, the promise of a new day.
Monday came without classes, a small relief in your routine. Your mother, oblivious to the storm brewing inside you, asked you to pick up your sister from high school. You accepted, almost grateful for the distraction, for the chance to get outside and breathe fresh air. You arrived at the school and parked calmly. Soft music filled the space of the car, a melody that tried, unsuccessfully, to calm the waves of your heart. You got lost in your thoughts, looking towards the small forest that stretched like a green blanket beyond the institute, remembering the moments of hanging out with your friends to smoke while hiding from everyone. That's when you saw it. Eddie, accompanied by a girl, entering the forest. Alone. The scene hit you like a punch in the stomach, mixing alarm with sadness and, above all, with anger that burned through your veins. How could he be with another girl after what they had shared just less than two weeks ago?
The car clicked off, the keys still dangling from the ignition, forgotten. You got out of the vehicle, driven by an anger that blinded you. You left behind the responsibility of waiting for your sister, each step towards the woods fueled by the need to confront Eddie, to demand explanations, to understand why he hadn't shown up on Saturday, why he had left you with a heart full of questions and no response.
You walked with a determination that seemed to emanate from every pore of your skin, your fists clenched so tightly that your nails, long and sharp, dug into the palm of your hands, leaving small marks that would be silent witnesses of your contained fury. Your boots, faithful companions of so many days, hit the wet ground with a force that seemed to want to leave a mark not only on the earth but on destiny itself. The mud, stubborn, adhered to the edges of these, as if it wanted to stop you, but nothing could stop your progress. The girl, the one who had come out of the forest, passed by your side, her presence just a fleeting shadow in your visual periphery. For an instant, doubt made you recalculate, but it was just that, an instant. Your determination strengthened and you continued forward, towards the place that Eddie had made into his personal sanctuary. The bank in the middle of the forest was a silent witness of transactions and secrets. Worn by time and the stories he had endured, he proudly displayed his growing moss and cigarette burn scars on the picnic table. The trees surrounded it in an almost perfect circle, as if nature itself had decided to protect that space from intruders. And there was Eddie, oblivious to the world, with his only Walkman for company, moving his head to the rhythm of music that only he could hear. He counted dollars and cents with a precision that belied the apparent nonchalance of his posture.
You approached him, who had his back turned to you, oblivious to the storm of emotions that brought you there. With a decision that admitted no turning back, you turned him around forcefully, forcing him to face you, to look into your eyes. Surprise was drawn on his face, an unexpected and unmanly scream escaped his lips, while he took off his helmets with a speed born of bewilderment. "Shit, what are you doing—?" He began to say, but his question remained suspended in the air, interrupted by your hand that closed on his shirt, bringing him closer until the space between the two of them was almost erased. "Listen to me carefully, Munson, I think you have to explain a lot of things to me..." your voice was a thread of annoyance, but also of a determination that he didn't expect, feeling a tickle in his stomach. Eddie looked at you, and you saw something in his eyes that disconcerted you. It wasn't fear, or even surprise. It was a glow, a spark of something that seemed dangerously close to taste. Did he like that intensity, that fire you had inside? Or was it just another of his facades, another game in which he pretended not to be vulnerable?
"Explanations?" he replied, with a crooked smile that you didn't know if you wanted to erase or deepen. "What exactly do you want to know?" His tone was challenging, but there was a curiosity in his gaze that you couldn't ignore. "Besides, what are you doing here? Didn't you finish high school a year or two ago?"
The tension between you and Eddie was palpable, like a guitar string about to break. "What the fuck do you mean by what explanations?" you repeated, keeping your tone firm and defiant. Eddie's confident smile faded, replaced by an expression of surprise as he realized the seriousness of the situation. "We fucked, Eddie. We fucked, so I thought you liked me, but at meet-up time you don't show up and tell the guys you didn't want to see me? Are you stupid or something?" The words came out of you like bullets, each one loaded with the confusion and pain of feeling rejected, something that never happened, so it hurt your ego. You let go of Eddie's shirt, your hands finding his place on your hips, emphasizing your defiant stance. You were dressed to impress, or perhaps to confront. Your tight, ripped and slightly flared jeans were typical of the time, a cry of rebellion and style that adhered to your figure. The belt, an accessory that marked your waist, seemed to capture Eddie's attention, who was lost in contemplation of it, taken out of his thoughts by the intensity of your reproaches. Eddie blinked, coming to, and for a moment, he seemed to search for the right words. "It's not what you think," he began, his voice a little lower, a little more serious.
The tension in the air was almost tangible, like electricity before a storm. "Oh, right? So what is it, huh? Excuse yourself," you demanded, your words sharp as the red fingernails that were now pointed at him, a perfect contrast to your small maroon jean jacket. Eddie seemed lost, unable to find the right words. “It's just...that...” his voice trailed off, and with each syllable that trailed off, your frustration grew. Your brow was furrowed, a grimace of disgust was drawn on your face, and without thinking about it, you grabbed him by the cheeks. Your nails, now weapons of your anger, dug lightly into his cheeks, scratched by the shadow of a stubble. Eddie had never seen you like this, with such fierce passion, and that, somehow, seemed to light a different fire in him, a desire that grew with each gesture of your discontent. "Speak up, Eddie! You have no right to leave me like this, with doubts and no answers," you continued, your voice a crescendo of mixed emotions. "After everything that's happened, you avoid me and send messages through others? It's unfair and you know it!" Munson finally raised his gaze, meeting yours. There was something in his eyes, a flash of something that wasn't just surprise or fear of your reaction. It was deeper, a mix of regret and something you didn't dare name. "It's not what you think," he said finally, his voice firm but soft.
Eddie looked at you with eyes that seemed to seek refuge in yours, his voice trembling slightly as he confessed, "It's just that I'm a loser and you mean a lot to me..." The words hung in the air, loaded with raw sincerity. and vulnerable. "I didn't pay attention to you after fucking because I didn't want to be discovered at that moment, otherwise we would be the subject of ridicule." He paused, as if each word cost him a piece of his pride. "I didn't show up to the meeting because I knew I would get hard and it would be weird, which I didn't think you would see very well, so I excused myself to the boys with the excuse that I didn't want to see you." His confession was a labyrinth of emotions, a clumsy attempt to protect something that he himself didn't fully understand. And then, with a look that drifted toward the ground, he added, "And I haven't been able to contact you because my uncle has had problems with his diabetes and the only times I've left the house were to sell, you know, as you can see right now. I swear..." His gestures were limited, restricted by the pressure your fingers exerted on his cheeks.
Hearing him, guilt took over you, you let go of his face and looked at him, this time with an expression that mixed understanding with remorse. Eddie felt the cold on his skin where the warmth of your hand used to be. "No, no, you can leave your hand here, if you want... ..." he teased, attempting a smile that didn't reach his eyes, a forced laugh that desperately sought to relieve the tension of the moment.
Eddie stood up with a slowness that seemed to measure every second, his commanding height creating a shadow over you. You looked up, following the contour of his figure until your eyes met his, half-closed and shining with a mischievous light.
His smile, that familiar curve of his lips, enveloped you in a spell that you didn't want to escape. With a softness that contrasted the roughness of her skin, her hand found your neck, sliding to the back of your neck in a possessive gesture. "Let me clarify that that wasn't just one night, really..." The confession came out of him in a whisper, his voice a thread of vulnerability intertwined with the firmness of his words. For an instant, his gaze averted, as if the emotions he carried inside him sought to escape. But you weren't about to let him walk away from her, not now. Your hand acted of its own volition, drawing his attention back to you, demanding the connection you both knew existed. A knowing smile appeared on his face, a reflection of yours, while a part of him longed for you to repeat the gesture, to maintain that contact that seemed to be the only anchor in the whirlwind of feelings that surrounded you.
The atmosphere around them was a mixture of tension and electricity, as if the air itself was charged with the intensity of their emotions. The forest had become a private sanctuary, the tall and majestic trees formed a natural roof that filtered the sun's rays, creating a play of light and shadows on them. The ground was covered in fallen leaves, which crunched softly under their feet, a reminder of the fleeting nature of time.
The physical contact between them was its own language, a wordless conversation where each touch and each gesture had its own meaning. Eddie's hand on the back of your neck wasn't just a touch; It was an affirmation, a silent promise that what was between you transcended the everyday. His rough skin contrasted with the softness of yours, creating a sensation that made you want to get even closer.
Your hands, although they had been weapons of your anger moments before, now became explorers, tracing the contours of his face, feeling the texture of his skin, the firmness of his jaw. The pressure of your fingers was an echo of the pressure in your chest, a mixture of desire and need for understanding.
Eddie responded to your every touch, his body instinctively reacting to yours. There was a dance in their proximity, one step forward and one step back, as if they were on the edges of an emotional precipice, seeking the perfect balance between confession and reserve.
The boy remained waiting full of impatience, his eyes fixed on you, shining with the expectation of what was to come. It was as if he had cast a spell, and you, responding to that silent call, grabbed onto a strand of his long, dark hair, tugging at it with a playful but determined gesture. In one fluid motion, you pulled him towards you, and your lips met in a kiss that sealed all the unspoken words, a kiss that was a promise and a confession at the same time. Eddie's hand, which until then rested on your neck, began its slow but sure descent, tracing the contour of your collarbone before settling on the curve of your waist. His fingers, strong but careful, caressed the skin exposed by your shirt, exploring every inch with a tenderness that contrasted with the intensity of his gaze and exchange of saliva. It was a caress that spoke of possession, an intimate connection that united you beyond the physical, but right now it was what you were looking for.
The metallic melody of Eddie's headphones, now a persistent hum, becomes the backdrop for a moment that feels suspended in time. The wet whisper of your kisses transforms into a secret language, communicating unspoken desires that only you can understand. Eddie, with a determination that leaves you breathless, he spins you around with gravity-defying skill, leaving you with your back to the bench, where your butt rested on the surface littered with tobacco flakes, adding a rough texture to the scene. You were trapped between that cool surface and Eddie's firm crotch, which pulsed with desire, sending shivers down your spine, which was caressed by Eddie's hand. A shared sigh escaped your lips as you felt the reconnection of that pressure, fueling the erotic tension that intensified with each moment.
Eddie's tongue lasciviously explored from your mouth to your neck, tracing a trail of sensations that made you sway slightly, sliding back onto the picnic table, followed by your neck, giving him just enough room. While Eddie concentrated on his task, he firmly grabbed your sturdy thighs, lifting you up and placing you on the table, causing the money counted earlier to slide on the wet grass on the floor, a detail that added a note of chaos to the scene, increasing the intensity of the moment. Each bill and coin was lost in the undergrowth, as a metaphor for the debauchery and overflowing passion that consumed them.
"I want to fuck you right here. I want to take that stupid belt off you and choke you with it," Eddie said, his voice hoarse and heavy with desire, his words reverberating in the tension-laden air. You gasped as you broke the kiss for air, his hot breath brushing against your wet neck, leaving a new electric trail on your skin. His hands, eager and determined, slid down your lower back, searching for the belt that promised to release the pent-up desire.
Eddie ran his hands anxiously down your abdomen, urgently undoing your belt as your eyes were fixed on his desperate expression. Around you, the world seemed to fade away in a swirl of colors and sounds, leaving only room for the electricity that flowed between the two of you. With a quick tug, Eddie undid your belt, making you wobble slightly as he looked at you with a devilish grin, nimbly folding it. The rustling of the leaves in the wind intermingled with the accelerated beating of your hearts, creating an atmosphere full of tension. "What would happen to that eyeliner of yours if I smacked you in the face?" he asked sarcastically, each word ringing with defiant energy. "Would he cum from your tears, or would I be the only one who would?"
Your playful response brought a flicker of desire to Eddie's eyes, which burned brightly as he watched you. "Why don't you see for yourself?" you challenged with an innocent but mischievous look, causing the tension between you to reach a new level.
Eddie obeyed with a malicious smile, giving you a sudden spank on your cheek, causing you to emit a moan of pain mixed with a hint of pleasure. The sound echoed through the air, mixing with the rustle of leaves moving in the nearby breeze. A slight redness appeared at the site of impact, marking your skin with a warm, burning tone, while your breathing quickened, full of anticipation. Meanwhile, the palpable tension between them increased, making each brush of fabric against skin feel more intense. Eddie's cock, imprisoned in her boxers, pulsed with a exquisite sensitivity, as if she were eager to break free and join the game they were both playing.
Eddie, almost instinctively, pressed his erection, imprisoned by his rock jeans, against your groin, eager to free himself. There was a tangible electricity in the surrounding environment, as if nature itself was aware of the burning desire manifesting between you.
“You look like a bitch in heat,” you teased Eddie with a mischievous smile, as your delicate hands slid to his skull-adorned belt buckle, undoing it with deliberate slowness. Each click of the buckle resonated in the air, generating a slight tremor in Eddie, who awaited with anticipation what was about to happen. His erection rubbed against the fabric, causing involuntary movements that did not go unnoticed by you, unleashing a mischievous laugh that escaped your lips, full of complicity.
You released Eddie from his belt, letting him fall nonchalantly behind you as you focused on pulling his pants down enough to show his erection, remaining careful that he could quickly pull them up if someone showed up.
Seeing his covered but noticeable cock, you licked your lips in anticipation, reveling in the sight. Eddie's white boxers were soaked with precum, revealing the level of his arousal. Your gaze fell on his crotch, where his erection was begging to be touched and pleasured. Without further ado, you pulled down his boxers, leaving light marks on his thighs from the rubbing of your nails, which caused his arched cock to release completely, hitting his clothed abdomen with a light sound. The arousal in the air was palpable, and his cock throbbed eagerly, twitching slightly in anticipation of what was to come.
Determinedly, you wrap your hand around Eddie's firm erection, beginning to pump at a slow but steady pace. A content sigh escapes her parted lips as his body tenses at the contact, letting out a barely audible moan that is lost in the air charged with excitement. His trembling hand finds its way to your hair, gripping it firmly as his mouth curves into a mischievous smile. Every movement you make provokes a response in his body, a slight contraction of his muscles, a ragged inhalation that adds to the ambient noise.
The sound of skin rubbing against skin mixes with the rustle of the breeze rustling nearby leaves, creating a symphony of pleasure and anticipation. Your hand continues to move skillfully, gradually quickening the pace, as Eddie's breathing becomes more labored, his moans more audible.
Every time your thumb brushes the sensitive tip of his member, his body shudders involuntarily, and his moans intensify, filling the air with a heady mix of arousal and desire.
With provocative elegance, you slide from the table you were sitting at, moving gracefully until you are on your knees in front of Eddie. From that lower position, you look at him with a look full of desire and eagerness to please him, while a playful smile curves your lips. Leaning forward slightly, you open your mouth in a clear sign of your intentions, indicating your willingness to take his cock in your mouth. Anticipation shines in Eddie's eyes, his breathing becoming more labored as he watches you with a mix of desire and arousal.
Without warning, in a provocative act, you playfully open your mouth, inviting him to immerse himself in the pleasure you offer him. Eddie's hand, which was firmly gripping your hair, pushes you decisively, forcing his cock forcefully into your mouth. You feel the sudden onslaught of his member, causing a strong tremor in his body as he experiences the humidity, heat, softness and tightness of your mouth. The intoxicating sensation of having him inside you awakens a wave of pleasure that runs through every fiber of your being, noticing how those jeans that you considered favorites began to get wet due to the transfer of your panties.
A deep, desire-laden moan escapes Eddie's lips as he pronounces your name between broken breaths. His voice, full of passion and desire, resonates in the air, further fueling the fiery moment. “Ahh... fuck...” he moans your name, revealing the overwhelming effect you have on him. You give yourself fully to the act, letting desire and arousal consume you completely, as you dive deeper into the pleasure of giving Eddie exactly what he craves.
Eddie’s hands grip the sides of your face with palpable determination, like he’s eager to explore every inch of your mouth. He begins to move at a frenetic pace, fucking your mouth with an unbridled passion that leaves you breathless. Little by little, his member reaches the beginning of your throat, causing an intense sensation that makes you shudder. A gag escapes your throat, caused by Eddie's deep intrusion, but he doesn't stop, instead continuing to thrust hard, causing pleasure mixed with slight pain that makes your moans intermingle with his. The feeling of his tip lightly crushing your palate only intensifies the ecstasy shared between the two of you, causing louder, deeper moans from Eddie.
You could feel Eddie getting closer to climax, his ragged breathing and higher-pitched moans indicating he was on the brink of release. However, something else was seeping into your consciousness: close footsteps, a sound that didn't fit the intimate atmosphere you shared with Eddie. Worry began to bubble inside you as you continued to do your duty, but unease took over. The desire to find out who was interrupting this private but at the same time public moment grew with each closer step, but Eddie's firm grip on your face kept you trapped, preventing you from moving away. With concentrated effort, you fought against his hold until you finally managed to free yourself enough to separate yourself from his cock.
You pulled away from Eddie's cock with a sharp movement, feeling his cream slide between your fingers. Your eyes met those of the step holders, two figures who looked at you with a surprise that seemed carved into their faces. "Eddie?" the Sinclair's voice cracked, revealing his bewilderment, while your sister remained at his side, a motionless silhouette in the chaos of the moment. "Sinclair!" you exclaimed, your voice rising above the murmur of the forest as you realized he was holding a used and tied condom, a crucial link in the chain of events unfolding before you. The long-haired man's erection, now abandoned by his misfortune, collapsed, and a torrent of almost translucent white liquid spread across your face, hiding your shocked expression.
Eddie's deep moan that followed this echoed through the forest, marking the end of one act and the beginning of another. Eddie, Sinclair, and your sister looked at you, their expressions a mirror of absolute shock. None of the four of you knew how to react, trapped in a moment of mutual transgression, a game of secrets and silences that had been broken by Eddie's cum on your face.
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Hi Sarah this is so random so don’t feel like you have to do it 🙈
But could you give us some random conversations with Eddie and the reader when they are pregnant? I just see them having super cute moments but also funny ones! Thank you xx
Hiii babes!! So just thinking of Eddie as a dad to be makes me wanna just turn to puddle of mush so thank you for wanting this and I hope you enjoy💖
*Eddie being willing to do just about anything to make you happy is what I live for also this is a mixture of fluff and like sassy realness lol*
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“Are you allowed to do that while you’re with child?” “With child? What century are you in?” “I mean you’re…with a child.” “Don’t ever say that to me again.” “Got it.”
“Why do clothes that are so small cost so much money?” “Because they are extra cute and tiny so they have to charge more.” “You’re fucking with me.” “Nope it’s called the cute and tiny tax. Look it up Munson.” “It’s scary how convening you can be.” “What do you mean?” “Well come on, tiny tax? That’s not a real thing.” “Are you calling me a liar?” “Oh shit are you crying?”
“What about pizza? You love pizza.” “I don’t want that.” “Okay oh I’ve got it what about that weird sandwich you craved last week? I can make that for you.” “I will literally throw up on you if you even try to make me eat that right now.” “That’s a no then…uh pasta?” “That doesn’t sound horrible.” “Okay I’ll take that. Now what kind? We have like three different options.” “I don’t know.” “Please don’t cry sweetheart. I’ll just make them all okay? Let you pick and I’ll have whatever you don’t want. Just don’t cry baby.”
“Give me your hand.” “Oh no I’m not falling for that again.” “Eddie please give me your hand.” “What is that?” “You felt that? It’s the baby kicking.” “Holy shit.” “Are you crying?” “Yes. I just felt my baby kick for the first time I’m entitled to some waterworks.” “You’re so precious Eddie Munson.”
“Do you want to be called daddy or dad?” “I think I’ll save daddy for you princess.” “Why are you like this?” “Sorry. Dad is fine.” “Oh what about father?” “Too Darth Vader for me baby. But really dad or like what do babies say? Dada? That’ll be fine I’ll respond to anything they wanna call me.” “What if they call you Munson?” “They absolutely will never call me that.” “Oh oh what if when they are mad and they call you Eddie?” “You think they’ll be that mad at me one day to call me by my actual name? I didn’t learn Wayne’s name till I was like ten.” “I mean teenagers can be mean.” “Thank god we have time to prepare ourselves for that. But if they ever call me Eddie I’ll let you handle it.” “Me?” “Oh didn’t you know you’re totally the bad cop on this duo baby.” “No way in hell! I’m the good cop you asshole.” “You just proved my point sweetheart.” “You’re so annoying.”
“I feel like a whale.” “Am I allowed to tell you how beautiful you look or will that get me in trouble?” “You’re allowed.” “You look fucking stunning baby. I know they say pregnant woman have a glow and they were right. You…just take my breath away every time I see you.” “Laying it on extra thick today are we?” “Just being honest sweetheart.” “You like me all big and pregnant?” “Honestly I do. So much so I wouldn’t mind seeing you pregnant again after we meet this little metalhead.” “I’m gonna need you to slow your roll Munson. Let’s see how this pregnancy goes before we plan the next one.” “Fine. But really you’re fucking sexy as hell okay? If you ever forget it don’t worry I’ll happily remind you.”
“Thank you Princess.” “What are you thanking me for?” “For wanting to have a baby with me.” “Well thank you for sticking around.” “Oh you’re gonna have a hell of a time trying to get rid of me now baby.” “Oh god am I stuck with you for good?” “Yup I’m afraid so.” “I guess there’s worse things I could be stuck with.” “I feel the love princess.” “I love you Eddie.” “I love you too baby, both of you.”
“Have you ever thought about how you’re a walking party of two?” “I can’t say that I have.” “Like when we go to Benny’s we could say Munson party of three.” “Eddie is this what you think about while you’re home alone?” “I mean…yeah. It’s just really mind blowing knowing there’s a whole human inside of you right now.” “I know it is pretty wild to think about.” “Like you have two hearts inside you.” “I do. Yeah.” “That’s so fucking cool.”
“How’s this?” “It’s fine Eddie, I swear you’re not hurting me by putting lotion on my belly.” “I just don’t wanna put too much like pressure anywhere and make you have an accide-” “It happened one time and you swore you’d never bring it up again.” “Sorry sorry I didn’t mean to. I love you.” “I love you too.” “And I love you as well my little metalhead.” “Did you just kiss my belly? Why are your lips so cold?” “I don’t know? Wanna warm them up for me?” “That was smooth Munson.” “Hear that little one? Your dads still got it.”
“Baby? What’s wrong?” “I can’t sleep I’m having a hot flash.” “Okay let me get the fan.” “But then you’ll be cold.” “I’ll be fine baby I’ll just get an extra blanket. Besides I love sleeping with the fan on, the sounds are very relaxing.” “You hate our fan it squeaks too much.” “What are you talking about? The fan squeaking is the most soothing sound my ears have ever heard sweetheart.” “I can just sleep in the living room with the fan it’s fine.” “Baby please just get back into bed.” “You swear you don’t mind the fan?” “I swear.”
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metalhead-brainrot · 9 months
[Album of the day] World Eaters - Demo MK-1
Guelph, ON // 2020
[Genres] death metal, war metal
[Themes] In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only riffs...
[FFO] Warhammer 40K*, Bolt Thrower, Chainsword
[Thoughts] You can't traverse the waters of death metal for very long without encountering Warhammer 40K in some form, and I'll confess I count myself a fan.** But you don't need to be a capital-G Gamer to appreciate this ripping demo, a solo project from multi-instrumentalist David Gupta. World Eaters's riffs are as violent as its namesake***, guaranteed to have you itching for the mosh pit. The first two tracks, "Devour" and "Baneblade," will pummel you with energetic rhythm, an auditory siege culminating in the death/doom hellscape of "The Warp" (my very favorite World Eaters song to date).
I picked this demo because I think it's rock-solid, but I'd like to talk about World Eaters's other releases as well. Grinding Advance (2021) is their second EP, doubling down on everything in Demo MK-1. "Armoured Spearhead (Hellhammer)" is six minutes of unbridled energy; "Expedition / Tomb World" is nearly nine minutes, the latter half containing clarinet-infused Nile worship;**** there's even a cover of "Running Up That Hill."
World Eaters's new split, Mothman and the Thunderbirds vs World Eaters, adds two new great tracks to the WE catalogue. It's also the first release without drum programming; joining as the second permanent member, Winter Stomp***** adds ass-kicking blast beats to the bands repertoire. I'm very excited to see more future releases with her style.
Now that Winter Stomp has pledged her gory chainaxe to the sonic blitzkrieg of the World Eaters, the duo have been able to play live. Living outside Ontario I can't say I've been to one of their concerts, but I bet they split skulls; if you live near Guelph, check them out.
Also, I would be remiss for not mentioning that World Eaters has always been very charitable with the profits from their music, leading several donation campaigns for Guelph Pride, an LGBTQ+ nonprofit local to World Eaters's hometown. Winter Stomp has also designed and printed some booty short merch reading, "Be Gay Do Heresy," which tempt me every Bandcamp Friday.******
Thanks for reading the long post today. Keep on killing, maiming, and burning.
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* If you're unfamiliar, Warhammer 40K is a popular tabletop strategy game played with painted miniatures and rolling dice. It's popular with metalheads because the lore is so metal. Indulge me in a quick tl;dr.
It's the 41st century, and the Imperium of Man has spread through the Galaxy under the tutelage of the God Emperor. Though once great, the empire was split 10,000 years prior due to infighting from his übermensch sons, the Primarchs. Now the empire is spread thin across too many star systems, losing the fight against three main threats: the Xenos (other alien civilizations), the Heretics (those who question the authority of a fascist theocracy), and Chaos itself (arcane beings from the Warp, the non-space between wormholes).
The God Emperor sits as a corpse upon his throne on Terra, every ounce of his psychic abilities maintaining the Astronomican, a beacon guiding spaceships throughout the Warp. Every day an increasing number of psychics are sacrificed to fuel his powers, for if the beacon fails, the Imperium collapses and humanity falls.
There are no good guys, and there is no hope. For in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.
** Never actually played anything Games Workshop except Necromunda, though I've read a fair few novels. I prefer wargames that won't bleed me for money and bury me in rules, so I mainly play Mantic Games's Kings of War and Firefight. One book for all the rules and force lists at a fraction of the price.
*** The World Eaters are a faction of heretical Space Marines worshipping one of the four Chaos Gods: Khorne, the Blood God, who sits upon a throne made from the skulls of those slain in battle. They are also my favorite faction; he kind of has a Conan-esque backstory of fighting in gladiatorial slave pits. And we all know how much metalheads like Conan.
**** The Egyptian musical themes are themselves referential to the content of the song: Tomb Worlds are the hidden domains of the Necrons, a xenos race that conquered the Galaxy aeons before humanity even gazed at the stars. Annoyed by the emergence of other upstart civilizations, the Dynasties of the Infinite Empire transferred their consciousnesses into mechanical bodies, intending to slumber in hidden tombs until the juvenile races extinguished themselves.
But occasionally something wakes the soulless early, by delving too deep in ancient ruins or experimenting with ancient and unknown tech. And what they find is always ruthless extermination, for the destruction of a Necron's artificial body does not kill a mind capable respawning eternally into an army's worth of mechanical warriors.
***** She's apparently from the Netherlands. Neat.
****** I already have one of their patches on my metal jacket. Very stylish.
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[From the band/label]
Thought for the day: A coward always seeks compromise.
David Gupta: Guitars, Bass, Vocals, Drum Programming Psychic screams from the Immaterium are: Adam Ujhelyi (Teleportise, Hellbreather) Justin Krawczyk (Frank Reynolds, BatBoy) Derek Prince-Cox (Wakeless, Yuzun, ex-Arise and Ruin) Stuart Charlton (First World Famine, Inverted Serpent) Nik Wever (ex-The Story Of..., Time the Destroyer) Recorded, Mixed and, "Mastered" by David Gupta at Doyle House. World Eaters logo and Demo MK-1 artwork by Meytheus Rexy, @meytheusrexy_art
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Introduction? Introduction.
I figured that now I am getting more connected to some of you here, it's time to be a little less anonymous. I am ready to overshare.
My name is Sanne (she/her), I'm 28 and I am from/live in the Netherlands. I live with my boyfriend, who is from Lithuania, like Arnas, and the same age as him too, which simply amuses me endlessly at this point. We also have pet rats named Salem and Thor (yes, we had a Loki too).
I love movies, series, books and music. Music wise I am a metalhead at heart. I am an occultist and a pagan, and in general I love all things spooky. Our house is 24/7 in Halloween mode basically, and so am I. (If anyone from twitter is here right now who happens to follow me, you will know exactly who I am by this description lmao).
I only found TLK very, very recently. I am usually not a fan of period pieces, but one evening I was bored and this popped up on Netflix and I decided to give it a go. Many factors made me fall in love with the show and I binged it within two weeks, only a few weeks before the movie got released. It became a part of my life real quick.
A little fun fact: I was diagnosed with adhd only last year (fuck my life, right?) so it is easy for me to completely get lost into one thing. However, I know when something is going to stick with me and when something is just a quick hyperfixation.
And TLK? My dudes, it's a keeper.
Because of my adhd it is very hard for me to stay focused on something for a long time without getting distracted. The fact that I was able to binge this show with no interruption is insane to me. I started reading the books shortly after (I am currently reading the 4th book) and as much as I love reading: it is not easy for me either. The amount of half read books I have is something I will never tell. But I swear (on Thor's hammer) this whole series is made for people with adhd, because I have never read books so fast, so easily.
And I know it's impossible to tell, but my fave character is Sihtric. Why? I am not sure, it just happened.
I have never been into fanfics, but I was so eager to read more of him (and other characters) that I found myself searching for fics. But I was a little surprised by how "limited" results popped up, so here I am, doing god's work (just kidding). I am on sick leave for several reasons, and these lil fics give me some purpose during the day and keep me from bad habits, I've noticed, so I am just having fun here. I have no experience writing fics, I only write poetry, so to see nice and loving comments about my fics has been quite overwhelming and heartwarming!
Look at me, oversharing. Is anyone still reading this? Probably not.
I was lucky my bank account less lucky to see that Arnas, Mark, Alexander and Timothy will attend a comic con in Germany next week. I told myself not to go due to the finances, but with some luck (fate, perhaps?) I found out last week that I could make it. Alas, I got my tickets. For now I only have tickets secured for Arnas, but I will get a duo op with Mark and Arnas asap (because: faves).
I would love to meet Alexander and Timothy too, but the entire group op is just too expensive for me, unfortunately. I will travel alone and attend the con on my own and I am literally terrified. I have never been to cons alone (social anxiety has entered the chat) and the chances of getting a sensory overload and a meltdown are huge.
However, the fact that I made the decision to go there is really saying something about what this show, these characters and these people became to mean to me, in such a short period. Destiny really is all, I guess! Anyway, I have rambled for way too long. Sorry.
Feel free to introduce yourself to me!!
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Is it hot in here or is it just me?
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Pairings: Steddie x Plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Author’s note: Ohhhhhh my gosh. I’m really feeling a Steddie/reader relationship. We are going for a ride. Join me cuz I’m kinda nervous about this one. 
Warnings: 18+ Smut, language, pet names, sexual situations, mentions of punishment, and not proof read and no word count.
Summary: How you ended up with not 1 but 2 boyfriends is beyond you. Why Eddie and Steve are into your thickness is strange but, they make you feel like a queen.
It all started one night at the Hideout. You were in Hawkins staying with Liz for the summer. You and your best friend went because apparently your beautiful blonde skinny perky best friend had a huge crush on the lead guitarist for a band called Corroded Coffin. Which wasn't a bad name for a band. But it definitely was...let's just say different. You didn't really do things like go to bars or parties. It wasn't something that didn't seem like a fun thing to you. You were just some girl who loved to read and write little short stories playing video games and do campaigns and eat. You never messed around when it came to food. Which your body thanked you in the form of a puggy low hanging gut, big thighs that always rubbed holes in your bottoms between your legs. With decent size boobs that were riddled with stretch marks. You were most definitely the opposite of Liz. Sometimes you wonder why a cheerleader would want to be your friend. But whatever, you guys were the best type of duo. So tonight you were to play her wing man. Or wing lady. You guys didn't go to the same school or anything but you knew that the guitarists went to school with Liz and she would go on and on about how sexy he was.
So tonight was gonna be the first time you saw who she was head over heels for. As you guys entered the bar. Liz immediately squealed when she saw two people at a table. She dragged you along to introduce you. Your eyes immediately came in contact with a handsome guy with pretty hair.
" Oh my god! Steve Harrington. Where have you been all summer baby?" Liz flirted.
The girl next to him rolled her eyes as Steve grinned.
" I uhh been busy. Why? Were you looking for me?" He chuckled.
" Well yes sugar. I heard you guys are friends with Eddie. And I want you to introduce me."
You cleared your throat to remind your bestie that you were still there.
" Oh crap. Sorry y/n. Guys this is y/n l/n. She lives a town over. Y/n this is Robin Buckley and Steve mother fucking Harrington."
You smiled at Robin and shook her hand and when you went to shake Steve's he stood up and gave you the most stunning smile.
" Hi there. Umm nice to meet you." He said holding out his hand.
" H-Hi"
You took his and gently shook it. After a few seconds you let go feeling your face become flushed. You felt a little out of place so you offered to get them drinks. Not really sure you would be carded, you went to grab a couple of beers. You were standing there waiting when this metalhead guy came up and ordered a beer too. Jesus this place really had some hot ass guys in here. You tried not to look at the tall lanky guy with the messy brown curls. But he was really testing your will power.
You looked up and there were these big ass brown eyes staring at you.
" Uhh. Hi."
" Not from around here huh?"
" Uhh no."
" I like your shirt."
You looked down at yourself then back to the pretty man. " Thank you. Dio fucking wails."
He chuckled." Yeah he does."
You smiled and looked away because if you kept looking at him you would have hauled him straight to the bathroom.
" so uhh come to see the band?"
" umm yeah kinda. My friend dragged me along. She uhh has a thing for a guy who plays the guitar."
He moved closer. " what about you?"
" Me?"
" Yeah. Do you like anyone in the band?"
" erm. Can I be honest?"
" I hope so."
You looked at him again and he was grinning like crazy.
" I..have never seen them perform. But the way my friend talked about them. They are sure to be good." You smiled softly.
The bartender came back handing you and him your order. The pretty guy put his hand on your lower back. " Put it on my tab Lance."
" You don't have to do that."
" It's cool. Hey let me know what you think about the band alright pretty girl."
You blushed. " umm okay." He smiled and left.
Did that just happen? Well this should be a fun night.
" Hey"
You turned around with the four beers pressed against your chest and found Steve there.
" H-hey."
" I came to see if you needed help."
He smiled and ran his hand in his hair flexing his bicep.
Lord Jesus these guys in Hawkins.
"Yes thank you."
Going back to the table you gave Liz her drink and sat next to Steve who pulled his chair closer to yours. So close that his thigh was touching your plush one. He put one arm over the back of your chair as he took a drink. Seems like he was staking his claim on you already. And you did not mind one bit. Liz turned to you when the lights flickered to welcome the band to the stage. She winked at you when she saw Steve caressing your thigh.
Steve reached and grabbed 2 beers and purposefully grazed your boob.
Oh yeah. It was definitely gonna be a fun night.
You bit your lip and smiled. Steve whispered in your ear.
" This is my friend Eddie's band. They're really good. You'll like him."
" You think so?" You whispered back.
He grinned and sighed. " I would take you to my car but I promised Eddie I would stay and watch him."
" We could go after one song?"
" Yeah. Definitely."
" Hey everyone. Welcome. I'm Eddie Munson and this is Corroded Coffin." He winked at you and began to play.
You felt your undies get ruined with every stroke of his hand. God you wanted him. But then the band came on and the voice from before spoke into the mic. By Liz's reaction he was the one she wanted to see. You looked up and found his eyes on you.
The guy from the bar.
" Oh my god! Did you see that?! He winked at me!" Liz jumped up and down in her seat.
Robin scoffed and Steve laughed.
" If I didn't know any better I'd say he winked at you." Steve said loud enough for just you to hear.
" I don't think so. Besides Liz would be crushed if he didn't. I have you though even if he did."
Steve leaned in closer. "You could have both of us you know."
You turned your face to look from Eddie to Steve. " umm what?"
" Yeah. Eddie and I share everything. I'm sure he would mind sharing you. Only if you want to that is."
You looked back to Eddie who was most definitely eye fucking you. You were flustered to say the least. You liked the idea of a threesome but on one hand you really weren't that type of chick. You had sex like twice in all your 19 years and it was such an awful experience. On the other there was Liz. She liked Eddie. And well you couldn't do that to her. This whole night was so bizarre. You had no intention of hooking up with anyone. So you declined Steve's offer and made an excuse that you couldn't hook up with him after the song. You faked a stomach ache.
You went back to Liz's house because she said she wanted to stick around and meet Eddie. So you made Robin promise to not let her do anything stupid and you gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and left.
The confidence you fake was now completely gone. You went back to your old self. How could you act like such a slut? Steve was surely gonna think you were a tease. Thank goodness you would never have to see him or Eddie again.
You sat in Liz's room waiting for her to come back. But then the thought of her doing it with Eddie made you sad. She wouldn't be back for a while so you decided to take a bath and read The Hobbit. It was one of your favorite books. You put your hair in a high bun and undress filling up the tub. Once the bubbles were to your liking you turned off the water. You looked at yourself in the mirror and hated what you saw. Your gut hanging over just enough so that you could barely see the top of your pelvis. Your stomach filled with white lines. And your thick ass arms that made every shirt you owned tight around them. You turned to see your back rolls and your cellulite filled ass and legs. You hated the little discoloration between your legs and your armpits. You felt like some gross pig. You wiped away your tears and got into the bathtub.
You were about 3 chapters in when you heard laughing and the front door closed. Liz must have had a very good night. You smile looking back down to your book when all of a sudden the bathroom door opened. When you looked up you had totally expected to see Liz. But you were dead wrong. Big brown eyes now saucers looking at you.
" OH MY GOD!" You yelped and you dropped your book into the water.
You plucked it out of the water and covered yourself. You watched as Eddie closed the door.
" Umm sorry I uhh I had to pee."
" Umm do you mind?"
He smirked. "No not at all. Continue"
You let out a soft scoff. That wasn't what you meant but okay.
He walked and kneeled down next to the tub and put his hand in the water.
" umm I'm naked."
" I see that."
You didn't know what to say. You were in complete shock. He then flicked water in your face bringing you back.
" Umm Eddie. What are you doing?"
" I don't know. You look really pretty." He said caressing your thigh.
You grabbed his hand. " No. Please don't."
He removed his hand and hung his head. " I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."
" Liz brought you home. Not me." You said covering yourself again.
He got up and handed you a towel and looked away when you got up and emptied the tub.
" You know you could have brought me back instead."
" I...no. I'm not like that." You didn't completely dry yourself off and put on your long shirt.
" What are you like?" He said turning back around.
" Not this." You said moving past him and left the bathroom.
You went into the room and Liz was getting undressed.
"Hey so Eddie's here. And I'm gonna need my room." Liz giggled.
" Yeah. I'll take the couch."
You went to her bed and grabbed a pillow and blanket and went to the living room. You passed by Eddie and he stopped you.
" Hey I'm sorry. I just thought you were like her."
" Yeah no. But it's fine. Have fun. Wrap it up cuz she gets carried away."
" If you want me to leave I will."
You were confused. What was that supposed to mean?
" Edddddieeee." Liz sang out.
You looked up into his eyes. " Umm don't want to keep her waiting."
You were on your third cigarette when Eddie came out. He sat next to you.
You left him standing there as you went to lay down. You could hear them moments later and man was it just gross. Liz was very vocal. You had enough of them and went outside to smoke. You pulled your shirt over your knees after you sat down. You saw a van in the driveway.
Must be his.
You wondered how many girls he must have hooked up with in there. Your thoughts wander to Steve. You really hoped he didn't see you the way Eddie had seen you. If you were honest Steve seemed like boyfriend material. Well up until he said that thing about sharing.
" Can I bum one of those?"
You hand him your pack and continue to smoke.
" I'm sorry you had to hear that."
" It's cool. It's not the first time."
" You know I'm really sorry for walking in on you and touching you."
" Why did you do that? Didn't you come here for Liz?"
" I wanted to see you again and introduce myself."
" Well no. I actually came here because she said you would be here."
"Okay?" You looked at him confused as hell.
" kay."
" I'm Eddie Munson."
" Nice to meet you. I'm y/n." You said holding out your hand to shake his.
But he kissed your knuckles instead.
"Look I know this is gonna be weird because well what just happened but I like you. You're very beautiful and I would like to get to know you."
" Uhh yeah that's gonna be a no bud." You said putting out your cigarette and got up to head back in the house.
He got up and his eyes followed you. "I know she's your friend but I don't see anything going past tonight."
You scoffed and turned around to face him" Oh and you see that with me?"
" well yeah. Something about you. You're different. And Steve said you seem really nice."
" You talked to Steve about me?"
" Yup. We tell each other everything. He said that maybe you might be interested in something with us."
You raised a brow. "Did he?"
Eddie tossed his butt and took a step closer. "yeah"
" Eddie, I'm not like that okay. I don't just do random guys like Liz. And really I'm just some freak who likes to read and play D&D. I'm not the one for you guys."
" You like D&D?"
" Umm yeah..."
" Me too! I'm a dungeon master."
" Okay. Good for you."
He chuckled. " yeah I really like you now. C'mon just go out with us. One date. And then you can decide whether or not you want to have fun with us."
You shook your head. " I really can't believe you're asking me out after you just got it in with my friend. You have balls kid."
" I-"
" No thanks. Maybe Steve. But definitely not you. I couldn't hurt my friend like that. But umm thanks for the offer. You have a good rest of your night."
You walked into the house and closed the door. Eddie for sure liked you more now. Now he just had to get you to like him too. Steve was already okay with sharing you now you had to be okay with being theirs.
When you went back inside Liz was in the kitchen getting some water.
" Hey" you sighed sitting at the table.
" So that was...." Liz clicked her tongue.
" Good huh?" You asked really not wanting to hear the answer.
" Oh gosh! He was so good. So big. And fuck me his hands" Liz said fanning herself.
You gave her a thin lip smile.
" He played with my clit like he did his guitar."
" Gross."
" Shut up. You should let him do that to you. I don't mind sharing."
What the hell is up with people and sharing? Does no one believe in monogamy anymore?
" Uhh no thanks."
" Are you sure or do you just want Steve?"
" I don't want anyone Liz. I just want to have a good time this summer."
" Soooooo....I can hook up with Steve?"
" uhh what about Eddie?"
" Eddie...well Eddie's a great fuck. But I plan on hooking up with as many guys as I can these next 3 months. So it's on to the next."
" You better be careful. You might catch something." You joked.
" That's why you're here. To make sure I am careful."
" Uhhh that is not my job. But I will buy you condoms."
" Fine. Whatever. Just help me out with reeling them in."
You shook your head and watched her go to her bedroom.
" Are you coming?"
" No way. Not until you wash the Munson's babies out of your sheets."
"He used a condom."
" Still"
" Suit yourself. Goodnight loser."
" Night fucker."
You turned off the lights and laid back on the couch. You couldn't stop yourself from picturing Eddie's ringed hands and Steve's arms. Fuck they were both so hot.
Nope nope. You are a good girl.
A few days later Liz had invited Steve to come over and watch a movie. Little did you know Eddie tagged along. Since there wasn't enough room for all four of you on the couch you sat on the floor. While Liz squeezed between Eddie and Steve. Every once in a while you would catch them looking at you. But you would quickly look away. You could hear Liz giggling as she touched them. So frustrated at the fact that she had told you she was planning on doing both of them tonight you went outside.
Eddie stood next to you while Liz was pushing up against Steve. But he didn't look like he was interested. He kept staring at you. Which made you feel very uncomfortable.
Why were you so jealous of her all of a sudden?
You want to be the one sitting next to them. You want to be the one who got to touch them. You tried to shake the thoughts but it was getting harder and harder. You pulled out your pack of cigarettes and lit one. That's when everyone came out and joined you. You sighed.
Can't I be alone for just a fucking minute? Let me fucking wallow in my misery.
" I umm I'm gonna go for a walk. You guys have fun." You said walking away and into the street.
You swung back and forth on the swing for a while when a vehicle approached. Eddie and Steve came out and walked towards you.
This whole situation was completely fucked. Liz wanted them and so did you. But she could have them and you couldn't. It wasn't fair. None of this was fair.
For once can things happen for me?
You found yourself in a park and sat on the swings.
Why did i have to look this way? And why can't guys just give me a shot . A chance to see me. The real me. Not just want to fuck me like Eddie and Steve did. I could be a good girlfriend to either one of them.
" uhh. We didn't do anything" Steve spoke for the both of them.
" Done already?" You said sarcastically. " Also, this could be considered stocking."
Eddie chuckled.
"Really? Oh man Liz must be pissed. Her heart was set on you two." You kicked at the ground.
Eddie came and sat in the swing next to you and Steve came behind and started to push you.
" Look y/n. Steve and I don't want to be with Liz. And we told her that."
Eddie's eyes followed you back and forth as you swung.
" Yeah y/n. We asked her if it was okay if we asked you out on a date." Steve said.
You put your feet on the ground to stop the swing and got up to face them both.
" Hold on. She doesn't get to make decisions for me. And what the hell is this? If this is a joke. It's not funny."
Steve moved so that he was in front of the swing and Eddie stood up.
" It's not a joke y/n. We like you. And we would like for you to come out with us. Let us get to know you." Eddie smiled, making you feel all sorts of things.
" I....No."
They both looked heart broken. You stood there watching them looking back and forth at each other.
" What if...what if you go out on a date with me. Then let Eddie take you out another time. Then you could see which one you like better. If you can't choose then we will back off. But if you like both of us...well...."
Why are they doing this? That can't want sex with me that bad.
" Guys. I'm sorry."
Eddie came closer and cupped your face. " Just give us a chance to prove to you that we want more than just sex."
You felt your face get hot and your heart pounding in your ears. You stepped away from him.
" Thank you. But no."
You walked away and went back to Liz's. When you walked in Liz was jumping up and down.
" Girl. So? Did they ask you?"
" uhh yeah." You said taking off your shoes.
" and?"
" I said no."
" WHAT?! WHY?!"
You took a big inhale. " I don't want to hook up with anyone. I want something real. How could I possibly have something with both of them? It's only gonna end badly if it's not just sex they want."
" Common y/n live a little. You can finally go on a fun sexy adventure with 2 of the hottest guys in Hawkins. And they both want you."
" Damn y/n you're young. This is the time for fun. Not something that serious."
" I don't care what they want. I'm not like you. I can't just have sex and not have feelings...I want something that's gonna last with one person. Is that too much to ask for?"
You rolled your eyes. Arguing with her was pointless. She would go on like that all night. You were over the damn peer pressure. Sure those boys were too damn fine. But really common did they really like you or just having sex with a fat girl really peaked their interest? Just because they were attractive doesn't mean they should get their way.
When you got out you went to the kitchen and it was 1 in the morning. You chewed on the inside of your cheek. Steve and Eddie's numbers were scribbled on the white board on the fridge. You picked up the phone and then put it back on the hook. You picked it up again and dialed a number. But then hung up again as soon as you heard the first ring.
You went to bed that night pondering the possibility of Eddie and Steve. Dreaming of them both touching you and kissing every inch of your body. Making love to you. You woke up in a dead sweat. You got up and showered, noticing how slick you were from the dream.
Man I really needed to get laid.
After a second the phone rang. You jumped and picked up the receiver.
You cleared your throat. " H-Hello?"
" Hi uhh I got a call from you."
" Umm Eddie?"
" Y/n?"
" Uhh hi"
" Hey!"
"How did you call back?"
" *69."
" What can I do for you pretty girl?"
" I-I.... I'm sorry it's late. Nevermind."
"N-no don't hang up. I'm always up this late. I really don't sleep that much."
" What? Why?"
" I don't know. It's just hard to sleep sometimes."
" Umm maybe you should try some chamomile tea. It could help with that." You suggested.
" Uhh yeah I'll try that sometime...so...umm what's up?"
" Are you busy right now?"
" No not at all. Just writing a new campaign?"
" Really? What's it about?"
" It's about a cult that follows a sorcerer named Vecna. It's still in the works so I don't have much yet."
" Oh that sounds like it could be fun."
" Yeah I hope so."
There was a few seconds of silence when Eddie sighed.
" Can you come over right now?" You blurted out.
" Uhh yeah. Yeah definitely."
" See you pretty girl."
" Ok. Great, see you soon."
Eddie pulled up a few minutes later and got out. He jogged to you and gave you a big hug, lifting you a bit. When he put you back down he smiled.
You hung up the phone and tip-toed through Liz's room. Looking for something sexy to wear. But you had nothing.
You looked through her closet and hoped to find something that fit you but to no avail. That's when you decide to wear a black spaghetti strap with no bra and grey sweatpants. Adding a black zip up hoodie. After you went to brush your teeth quickly. Sure what you were wearing wasn't sexy but you hoped to not be wearing them for long. For a second you second guessed if this was really what you wanted to do. But something about Eddie just drew you to him.
You put your hair down and teased it a little. Finishing the look off with some strawberry chapstick and went outside to smoke. You were so nervous.
Am I really going to do this?
" What's up pretty girl?"
You gulped. " I uhh for some weird reason I wanted to see you."
" Yeah?" He tilted his head and grinned
" Yeah. Umm could we sit in your van?"
" Yeah." He said grabbing your hand and led you to the back of it.
Once in, you sat across from him and unzipped your sweater as he tossed some things around. You stopped him though. Grabbing his hand you gave him a little smile. After you crawled to sit in his lap, straddle him.
" Is this okay? I'm not too heavy am I?" You asked.
"Y-yeah. And no pretty girl you're not heavy at all."
You kissed his neck once then looked back at him. "Is that okay?"
" Y-yes it's okay."
You smiled and he put his hands on your hips while you put your hands on his shoulders. You kissed his neck again and nipped at it. A low groan left his mouth when you started rocking your hips. Pressing your core to his bulge that was growing bigger with every swirl of your hips.
You stopped kissing his neck and moaned into his mouth. "Eddie I want you."
" I-I-"
"Pr-pretty girl. We...we gotta stop."
You kissed him and saw stars.
Holy mother of God, you kiss so good.
You rocked your hips faster and faster and you continued to kiss. Even though you were a moaning mess of a puddle on him.
You stopped moving your hips and pulled away a bit. You struggled to catch your breath. " W-why? Don't you want me?"
" Yeah I want you... But Steve will be mad if I do this without him."
Eddie looked down and his erection then back to you. He lifted his hips to touch your aching core. You bit your lip and moaned softly.
God I'm pathetic.
" Why would he get mad? It's not like you two are dat- oh" You whimpered when Eddie pushed harder.
" Well not dating per-say." he said with one of his hands brushing your hair behind your shoulder. "But we're very close. We don't fuck each other. But we make out sometimes. If that's what girls want."
" That's...that's a shame..."
Eddie smiled at how undone you were for him. You tried rocking your hips again but he dug his big hand deeper into the meat of your hip and relaxed his.
" I can. If you want. I'll fuck him. Or he can fuck me if that's what you want. I'll do whatever you want."
"No don't go. I really want you to think about this." He said placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
That took you back a bit.
Why would he want that? And why would he want to do whatever you wanted? A stranger. You came back to reality and tried to get off of him but he held you firmly on his lap.
" I- Eddie I don't think it's a good idea." You said looking away from those pretty brown eyes.
" No pretty girl. Look at me." He tugged your chin lightly so that you could meet his gaze again.
" Why did you call me and not Steve?"
You swallowed. " I don't know. I just thought you would get me...Steve is great. Don't get me wrong. But something tells me he doesn't know what it's like to be...well different."
" Do you know anything about me?" He asked letting go of your chin.
You started playing with his hair. " Umm just what Liz has said. She... she said that people think you're some scary cult leader."
" And that doesn't scare you away?"
You shook your head. " No... I don't think you're scary at all."
"And why's that pretty girl?"
" It's your eyes. I can just see the hurt there. And the kindness. When you smile. I can tell you do it a lot. And you honestly look so handsome when you do."
Eddie was not expecting that. Shit if he hadn't promised Steve he wouldn't do anything with you he would have made love to you right then and there. Things have already gone too far and he knew Steve would be pissed that he got to kiss you first.
" Pretty girl. Would you consider coming out with Steve and I again?"
You looked deep into his eyes. " I don't know."
" Ok. I know that things got a little out of hand and you keep trying to move your hips and it's really hard for me not to take you right now. But tell you what. I want you to go inside and touch yourself until you cum. Can you do that for me pretty girl?"
" Y-yeah. But ...why?"
He kissed your cheek. "Because I need you to think clearly about this. And you can't do that when you have sex on the brain."
" Umm Kay."
" Then when you're done think about coming to meet me and Steve at the diner. And then we can talk about how this is going to proceed."
" I...okay."
" Then once you decide. Do me a big favor."
" What is that?"
Eddie lifted his hips again and let you rock just a little. Making you moan again at the friction.
" Don't touch yourself until Steve or I say so."
"And if I do?" You said swirling your hips moving just a little faster
" Then I will be very upset. And I'll spank you." Eddie said bucking his hips into yours
You sighed softly. " Then what happens if I listen?"
Eddie smirk. " Then we will reward you. I will take very good care of you."
" Mmmm.....God what are you doing to me?" You whimpered as Eddie's hands moved you faster and faster.
" it's not what I'm doing to you.... It's what you are doing to me. God I really want to fuck you. But...I promised."
" We can keep it a secret." You pleaded.
You were close. You could feel the knot in your stomach starting to loosen.
" Fuck! You're gonna be a handful aren't you pretty girl."
" Eddie please....I think...I'm gonna..."
" Fuck it. Cum baby. Cum for me." He pulled you in for another passionate kiss.
And oh did you cum. You rest your forehead against his as you grinded until you were finished. You shut your eyes as if it would help your breathing come back to normal. Eddie kissed your forehead.
"That's a good girl. You did so good for me."
" I uhh ha I umm sorry. It's just been a while." You chewed your cheek and looked into his eyes.
" Don't be sorry. I never came in my pants before."
You giggled. Eddie loved that. You sounded so happy. And that's all he really wanted for you tonight. He hadn't expected this but he was glad he called back.
" Ok but seriously. Tonight will have to stay between us."
You nodded. "Okay."
" Pinky promise." Eddie held up his pinky.
" Promise." You smiled hooking your pinky with his.
" So tomorrow?"
" I uhh I have to think about it."
Eddie frowned but understood. " Okay pretty girl. We will be there at 7. Please come. My heart will be shattered into a million pieces if you don't."
" I'll think about it." You said with a soft voice and just a hint of firmness in there.
Eddie finally let you off of him and walked you to the front door. He moved a strand of loose hair behind your ear.
" Goodnight pretty girl."
" Goodnight."
He kissed your cheek and turned to leave.
" Hey Eddie."
" Yeah?" He said turning back around.
" Just give me a sec. I have something for you."
You went inside for a few seconds and came back out with a box in your hand. " Chamomile. To help you sleep."
Eddie took the box and smiled.
" Let me know how the campaign turns out okay."
" Y-yeah. I-I will."
You smiled and went back inside. Eddie stood there for a minute. He tried to wrap his head around what just happened. Even though you called him to come over and sleep with you. You weren't upset that that didn't technically happen. But you also remember he had trouble sleeping and you wanted to hear about his campaign. This was a night he was going to remember forever. If anyone asked when he fell in love with you he would tell them of this night.
" Are you seriously gonna wear that to meet them?"
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" You looked down at your Black Sabbath band tee and leggings and Chuck Taylors.
" Common y/n. It's your first date in like forever. You have to be smoking hot. You lucky bitch, getting 2 for 1." Liz whined.
" I don't need to be sexy okay. If they like me then they won't care what I'm wearing."
" Could you at least put on some makeup?"
" No. I'm fine with just my chapstick. Please Liz let me do this my way."
"Fine!" She huffed and threw a tantrum on the bed.
Fuck me.
" Seriously?! You are acting like a child." You stared at her. But she didn't stop.
" FINE! you can do my hair."
" Eeekkk" Liz squealed and jumped up.
" But I swear Liz if you put bows in I'm kicking your ass."
" No that won't go with what you're wearing. I'm thinking maybe 2 messy buns. Ooooohhh with strands hanging in the front. Yeah... totally cute."
You watched her work and it actually came out pretty cute. You liked it a lot. It was like a mixture of you and her. You spritzed yourself with your favorite perfume and went to your car.
" Bye. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Liz waved.
" That's like nothing Liz."
You laughed as she flipped you off.
You looked at the clock in the car and it was 5 til 7. You were super nervous. You decide to take a chance on them tonight. If anything, anything at all felt off you were leaving and never speaking of this again. You took a deep breath in and slowly blew out.
You walked into the diner and immediately heard your name being called. You looked over and saw Eddie and Steve waving at you with big smiles. You returned it with a soft smile. When you walked over to the booth where they were, someone bumped you and almost made you fall over. Steve was there in a flash and Eddie pushed the guy who nearly knocked you over.
" Hey man what the fuck?! Can't you see she was walking here?!" Eddie shouted.
" Eddie man it's fine. She's okay. I got her." Steve said looking into your eyes. " Hey gorgeous."
" Hi...umm guys. I'm not made of glass okay. Relax." You said straighten yourself up and pulled Eddie back.
Eddie looked at you and his anger faded. " Hi pretty girl."
" Hey. C'mon. Let's sit down." You nudged your head towards the booth.
He nodded and did a low bow gesturing for you to slide in first. You slid in with little hops into the corner booth. Eddie sat on one side and Steve sat on the other.
" Hey sweetheart. I'm really happy you came." Steve gave you a hug.
He smelled so good. And his arms felt really good around you.
" It's nice to see you again."
You looked to Eddie who winked at you.
God why do you do that?
" umm I'm starving." You said.
" Me too." Eddie grinned and bumped your shoulder.
Steve handed you a menu. " Get whatever you want sweetheart. And then we can talk."
You went through it and couldn't decide. You leaned over to Eddie" Hey pick something for me. Everything looks so good."
"How about I order for all of us?" Eddie plucked the menu out of yours and Steve's hands.
The waitress came and was ready to take orders. "Hello Steven"
He gave her a quick nod.
" Alright Cindy. I will have 3 double cheeseburgers with bacon of course. 3 large fries, and 3 chocolate shakes. Ok... so...what do you guys want?"
You and Steve laughed.
" Umm make that 2 chocolate shakes and one vanilla please." You smiled at the waitress.
"Coming right up." She said sending Steve a flirtatious smile.
" You don't like chocolate?" Steve asked after she left.
"I'm allergic."
" Really? What else are you allergic to?"
You looked at Eddie. " Umm peanut butter. I believe that's it." You failed to mention your allergy to latex. But they didn't need to know that yet. And you really haven't decided if you were going through this.
" Huh. Duely noted" Steve said.
" So I have a question."
" Shoot pretty girl." Eddie said putting his arm around the back of booth behind you.
You felt Eddie playing with one of your buns and you smiled. He was cute. You turned to Steve because he seemed like he was in charge of whatever this was.
" So you guys do this a lot?"
You felt Eddie poke your bun again. " Both."
Steve's stare was a bit overwhelming.
God, he was so pretty.
" What do you mean? Like sharing a girl or us dating one girl?"
" Well umm are you sure you want to know that?"
Steve actually looked worried. Like he didn't want to hurt your feelings with the answer.
" Yes please."
"Well mannered aren't you sweetheart? Well umm I really haven't kept track but I would say 10 girls. Give or take a couple. But dating one girl."
"Never." Eddie interjected. " This is actually the first date we went on. It's my first date like ever."
Your brow furrowed and you turn to look at Eddie. He was just there grinning drumming his fingers on the table. You noticed his knee bouncing.
"Really? Why?"
Eddie looked at you and his grin turned into a soft smile. " Uhh well everyone wants to fuck the town freak but never want to be seen with him."
You're heart broke for him. He really didn't seem bad at all. " I-I'm sorry."
" Don't be it's not your fault." He tried to give you a reassuring smile.
" I know. But I'm still sorry. I uhh I know what that feels like." You said placing your hand on his bouncing knee.
He quickly stopped moving. Feeling a wave of calmness wash over him.
" What do you mean you know how it feels sweetheart?"
You felt Steve move closer. You looked away from Eddie and back to Steve. "I just. I know what it feels like to have people judge you for the way you look...How peoples looks and words can hurt more than anything. Make you feel like you're not good enough."
" Do-" Eddie tried to ask something but the waitress came over with the shakes.
You watched as she never took her eyes off Steve. She gave him his shake first then Eddie's then yours. Putting it out of your reach. She was really pretty you thought. And thin. You looked down at yourself and frowned.
"Your food should be up shortly. Is there anything I can get you while you wait?"
Her question was directed at Steve more than anyone else. You felt a small wave of jealousy at the fact.
" No we're good." Steve said nonchalantly.
Eddie scoffed when she left and slid your shake closer to you. " Pretty girl, do you feel like you're not good enough? Like for anyone?"
" I ummm. Well sometimes. I uhh get in this mood sometimes where I don't feel. I don't know. I really would rather not talk about this."
Eddie and Steve exchanged looks.
" So how did all of this start? I mean with you guys doing this?"
Eddie laughed and was doing some with his straw.
" I was throwing a party last year. And Munson here walked in on me and some girl."
You were watching Eddie's hands. He was scrunching up his straw wrapping and pulled it off. He put the straw in your shake and smirked.
" Well the girl wanted him to stay and watch. Munson here is a bit of a freak and he closed the door and watched us."
Steve leaned in and whispered in your ear. He touched himself while I fuck her. And she really liked it."
Your thighs squeezed together at Steve's words. You chewed the inside of your cheek and saw Eddie put some condensation on the scrunched up paper causing it to move and grow like a worm. He chuckled at it. And you thought it was cute.
Both of these guys were just too much for you to handle. You felt Steve's hand on your thigh caressing it up and down. You felt the heat growing between your legs. You were gonna ask Steve to stop but the waitress came with the food and his hand moved away. You felt a bit sad when he did but you finally were able to calm down. When she placed the food down you noticed she unbuttoned her blouse showing off her cleavage. She got really close to Steve and did an unnecessary bend to show him what she was working with.
You looked over at Eddie and he looked upset. He was shaking his head. Then she stood up straight and handed Eddie his food and set your plate down just like she did with the shake. After she put her hand on Steve's shoulder. You could feel the tension in the air.
" Anything else I can get for you Steven?" She batted her long eyelashes at him.
He moved away from her and put his arm around you. "You want anything else baby girl?"
You blushed and shook your head. The waitress scoffed slightly.
" We're all set Cindy." Eddie said in a tone that scared even you.
She rolled her eyes and left. You suddenly got embarrassed when you felt Steve's hand rubbing your side rolls. Feeling self-conscious you excused yourself and went to the restroom. Once in you looked for a way out. But the bathroom window was too small for your wide hips. Fuck you really wanted to leave. This was way more than you bargained for. How could Steve or Eddie want you when you looked like this? How could anyone?
As you stood there looking at yourself in the mirror you created an excuse to leave while you could. You were gonna do what you did best. Fake an illness. You washed your hands and prepared for the role you were about to embrace. When you opened the door to go back, Steve was leaning against the wall opposite of the bathroom. He had his hands in his pockets and was looking up. Exposing his neck. Everything went out the wind when he looked at you and ran a hand through his feathery hair.
" Hey baby girl. Are you okay?" He said taken a step towards you.
" Y-yeah" you said feeling flushed again.
" I'm really sorry you had to see that. And I'm sorry I touched you without asking. I just really wanted her to know that I'm your's." He said closing the distance.
" Mine?"
He grinned " Yes. We're both yours."
There was a brief moment of silence before he got too close for comfort.
" Dammit sweetheart. You look so fucking beautiful. I really want to kiss you."
Your breath shuddered and he got impossibly close. " Kiss me."
" Yeah?"
" Yes Steve. Kiss me."
And boy did he. Tongues and teeth clashing as his hands tugged at your waist to push his length against you. He pulled away after a few moments. You stood there trying to catch your breath.
" Eddie is gonna worry about us. Let's go back."
All you could do was nod as he held your hand back to the table. Once Eddie saw you his smile reached from ear to ear.
" You okay pretty girl?"
" Y-yes."
You noticed that Eddie was almost done with his food and his shake was bottomed out already. When you sat down Steve pulled your plate closer to you.
" Eat baby girl. You're gonna need your strength for later."
You nodded and cut your burger in half and placed one half on Eddie's plate.
" You don't have to do that pretty girl. I'll order another one."
" I don't mind sharing." You said with a sweet smile.
He kissed your cheek and picked up the burger and started going in. You and the guys talked for what felt like hours. Every time Steve asked you something you had just picked up and fry and Eddie would take a bite of it. You would giggle every time. Every time you took a sip of shake you held it out for Eddie to drink some. He smiled and kissed your cheek after every offer.
Once it was getting late you guys decided to leave. Steve went to pay and Eddie pulled out his wallet and left a tip. He got up and held out his hand. You took it and walked with him and Steve to your car.
"So this is gonna be different ok Munson."
Eddie nodded.
" Y/n we would like it if we saw you again. I was thinking maybe you would go out with us individually. Build a foundation with each of us. Then we can move on to all of us going out together."
" So no sex tonight?" You asked innocently
Eddie chuckled. " No pretty girl. Not tonight. We were serious when we said we want to get to know you. Don't get us wrong. We want you. But we want all of you. Isn't that right Harrington?"
" Yup. We want to date you sweetheart. And when you're comfortable with us then we will see."
You were a little disappointed but it was actually nice that they wanted to date. "Umm are you guys gonna be with anyone else?"
It was an honest question. If they said yes then you could be done with them after this night. And if they said no well you were definitely gonna experience all they had to offer.
Steve came and hugged you. "No we are just one girl at a time kinda guys."
Eddie nodded in agreement.
" And if this doesn't work out?"
Steve pulled away and let Eddie get his hug in.
" it's gonna work pretty girl. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy. If it's just going out to eat or watching a movie. Whatever you want. We will do it. We want something real. And we think that could be with you."
Eddie kissed the top of your head and opened the door for you. You smiled and got in.
Steve clapped Eddie's back. "We're yours sweetheart."
"okay. But if this is too much?"
" Then you are free to do whatever you want. But we promise to never push you into anything you don't want." Eddie tilted his head and reassured you.
You turned on the car and Steve put on your seatbelt for you. After Eddie closed the door and you rolled down the window.
"Oh I forgot to tell you two....I'm allergic to latex."
You smiled when they looked shocked. " it's okay though. I'm on the pill...Have a goodnight see you soon."
The guys watched you drive away.
" Harrington....I think she's the one we have been looking for."
" Yeah Munson. I think she is too."
@salenorona23 @stardustmunson
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cagednoob · 18 days
Aight I never mentioned this- but I did finish Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and overall… 👍 it was pretty good?
More under the cut that are obviously spoilers.
Now it being a story made up by the turtles is a pretty good idea tbh?? It kind of took me by surprise, but I can appreciate it a lot. And also it was relatable to see Leo sitting in bed drawing the comic (was there so much as a kid).
And this reason is why I can excuse some clunkiness of some of the plot moments.
My one complaint about it is it feels like the boys kept their brothers too in character? If that makes sense LMAO. Idk anytime I wrote about my brother as a kid no doubt I bastardized his personality.
But to be fair… they did grow up only knowing eachother for their entire lives until this point. Which probably did help them keep them in character. The others (such as Ray, Wingwave, Leatherhead, Stunkbug) I can just wave off since we don’t really see them a lot in the movie already.
Now the one thing that did throw me off… Where is Bebop and Rocksteady?? And Mondo?? The duo seem to be implied to have left or gone rogue in someway since Donnie (?) asked if they were on a rampage. But idk! Just a weird thing I noticed and couldn’t get outta my head.
The animation is stellar, and the designs of the new guys were fun for me. A couple of times I rewinded it just to watch a scene again and the East River Three probably had my favorite designs that were introduced (Mustang Sally and Lee my beloveds) and the Anemenies were also super cool since I don’t think we’d seen coral mutants so far in any iteration?
Pigeon Pete is ok, I think he gets his point of being the new comic relief tbh. I had fun watching his scenes (until the detective scene). I think having him talk made him worse for me somehow lol. And Metalhead (rip little guy) was very cute which surprised me as I’m typically not the biggest fan of robots.
I have no idea if these characters are real btw. Pigeon Pete I’m leaning towards…. Maybe? Just because he is seen in both the Arcs.
But it presumably had to happen since Splinter learned how to talk after mutation. So eh. But also him speaking Vermin (or whatever it’s called) is funny to me.
Also the human designs look… a lot better in 2D LMAO. Which is understandable, but it was one of the FIRST things I noticed when the humans appeared.
Now stories, they’re ok. I thought it was clunky at some spots, but it’s teenagers making it up. So it gets a pass from me.
Now I think the first Arc (told by Leo) is better than the second Arc (told by Raph). HOWEVER… I enjoyed the characters introduced in Arc Two way more. They were just more enjoyable for me to watch, Sally and Lee especially and both their designs are sick af.
It could be that the first arc was advertised more maybe? Or it was simply I preferred the first arcs story more. I did however dig that each arc was a different turtle telling the story and if there is a season two I can only hope that Donnie and Mikey can tell a story.
Now for things I disliked (couldn’t find a redeeming thing) is….
The Purple Dragons, Rat King aaaand the random animal violence?????
So the Purple Dragons isn’t a big thing but I just didn’t care too much for how it was done. Teens telling stories aside, it just felt… not right for me. It felt weird making Angel the aggressive one and Hun the more docile one. Which I did grow to like these characters I just couldn’t put that out of my mind.
Idk might just be me
Now the Rat King reveal with it being Splinter (and sewer rats worshipping him). Nothing really, I just don’t like it LMAO. Idk as a kid I could get behind it, but now that I fully know the two as separate characters it doesn’t work.
Aaand finally the random animal violence-
This is a weird one for me and I started to notice it after Ralph’s episode in Arc 1. There is just?? Random bad things that happen to animals? Such as the zoo scene specifically (kind of), the chickens that get ran over in an attempt of a joke, cat hit by flood of water, another cat that Genghis kept almost eating, and probably more I can’t remember.
The last one especially was when it got to bothering me. Cause it was trying to make all of that kind of humorous and it just… wasn’t sitting with me. I’ve never been a fan of that humor, I never will be and it’s just weird how much of it was in twelve episodes. Which again I can maybe say “teen boy humor” but even then?? I don’t think I can here tbh gang. It’s just…. Yeah that doesn’t land well for me.
There’s probably more I can add later, but these are my thoughts at the current moment about it. It’s a good show, animation is great and the story can be clunky at times, but it’s got a reason for it. Designs are fun as well.
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Better Be Good to Me
"Butter, Spaghetti-Os, Count Chocula...that everything?" Steve looked over the tiny grocery list scribbled on the back of the receipt in his hands. Eddie leaning over and grabbing a bag of Doritos, tossing it into their shopping basket. It was a Tuesday afternoon and grocery store was relatively empty as the couple shopped. They tried to go out when they're wouldn't be as many people to side eye them or try something against Eddie. It had been almost three months since his name was cleared but people still treated him like the town pariah. The woman at the register they were approaching side eyed the duo when Eddie remembered something.
"Shit-hey you can start checking out but we need some Crisco."
"Okay, hey grab a brownie mix while you're back there!" Steve called after his boyfriend already walking back to the baking aisle. Some Tina Turner song played over the store radio as he walked along the linoleum floor. Absent mindedly humming along to the lyrics as he came to a stop in front of the baking ingredients. Grabbing the small blue tub when a voice behind him spoke.
"Munson? Is that you?" Eddie froze. Turning slightly to face the person.
"...Josh?" Eddie's voice was quieter than he meant it to be. Facing the former basketball player stood behind him. His grip tightening on the container in his hands as Josh stepped towards him. "Wh-what are you doing here? I thought you moved to Indianapolis." It had been a while since they'd seen each other but almost nothing about Josh had really changed. The same short blonde haircut and light green eyes. No letterman jacket anymore, but the class of '85 ring was visible on his left hand.
"Came back to visit my parents." Josh responded as he looked Eddie over. "Your hair...it's longer."
"Yeah. Grew it back out."
'Run.' Eddie's brain screamed at him but the metalhead couldn't. His body suddenly feeling infinitely heavier as he tried to think. His chest constricting in on itself and he felt himself starting to hyperventilate. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, you need to get out of here. Now.' The last time he saw Josh was when the jock was climbing out of his bedroom's window before waking up in the hospital a week later. What the hell could he possibly want?
"Hey? Eddie, you okay?" The young man was snapped out of his panic by the sound of his boyfriend's voice. Turning to see Steve holding two grocery bags in each arm. Watching as he turned from Eddie to Josh with a confused look on his face. "Who's-?"
"Come on, let's go." Eddie shoved the tub back on the store shelf and grabbed Steve's wrist to lead him out of the store. Practically holding back tears as they left the building. Not stopping until they were outside of Steve's BMW. Letting Steve go as he leaned against the car frame.
"Eddie? Hey dude, are you okay?" Steve asked but Eddie didn't look up at him. "Did that guy say something to you? Because I can go kick his ass-"
"No. It's fine Steve, it's fine, I just want to go home. Okay?"
"Yeah. We can do that."
Eddie sat on the couch in the living room of the Munson trailer, rocking his feet back and forward as he tried to focus on the TV as he kept glancing over at the clock on the wall next to him. After running into Josh yesterday, he had been on edge. The metalhead was torn between being relieved that his uncle and Steve were at work and not wanting to be alone. Smoking a joint hadn't made anything better. If anything he was even more tense than before. Staring at the screen playing some episode of some trash TV show (maybe it was the Phil Donahue show? He wasn't really paying attention) when a knock on the front door made him almost jump off the couch.
"Shit...." Eddie cursed as he rushed over to a nearby window and pulled the pane up in an attempt to air out the smell of pot before going to the door. It wasn't unusual for someone from the government to stop by for random visits since the "earthquake" to check in on the Munsons. And something told Eddie they probably wouldn't be happy if the new trailer they bought them very obviously smelled like pot. The knocking at the door continued until Eddie ran over and yanked it open, barely holding back a loud cough as he peered through the screen door. "Sorry, I-Josh?" Eddie stared at the other man. Shocked, wondering what the hell he was doing here or how he even found his new address. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, voice significantly colder. Pulling the lock down on the screen door when Josh went to try and open it.
"Listen I-"
"How did you find out where I'm living?" He interrupted the former jock.
"I know you're angry." Josh said.
"Understatement of the fucking year." Eddie gritted out. "And you didn't answer the question. "
"I asked your old neighbor. Mrs. Wilson. The lady who used to live next to you." Of course that old bag told Josh where he moved. She never could mind her own business. "Can we just talk? Please?" Eddie glared at the man, hesitating for a moment before reluctantly stepping outside. Closing the door behind him, Eddie would rather be outside where people could see if Josh went off the handle again.
"Okay. Talk." Eddie crossed his arms, trying not to freak out as he glanced at the sidewalk a few feet away where a woman was walking her dog.
"I...I wanted to say I was sorry." The blonde said. "About...that thing I did."
"Thing?" Eddie glared. "That "thing" you did almost killed me in case you forgot. Then again, how would you know that? I mean, you ran away to a different fucking city after that."
"Hey, can you keep it down?" Josh asked and Eddie laughed.
"What? You still worried someone will figure out we used to fuck?" Eddie put emphasis on the word fuck. He knew now that what they had wasn't a relationship. Not really. "You know I was in a coma? Six days, they didn't know if I would even wake up." Eddie felt his eyes start to water. "But I guess you wouldn't really care."
"I know okay?" Josh snapped. "You don't think I feel guilty about that? I was worried about you. I stayed up all night, wondering if you'd be okay."
"Oh I'm sorry you felt so bad about that." The sarcasm was dripping from Eddie's voice as he continued. "The only thing you were worried about was me telling people about you."
"No-fuck why are you always this impossible? I'm trying to give you an apology." Josh grabbed Eddie by the right shoulder and pushed him back as he leaned in.
"Fuck off." Eddie pushed the other man back. Josh responded, grabbing Eddie by the hair and shoving him back against the front door angrily. "Oh wow, real surprising, taking all your anger out on someone smaller than you. What the hell do you actually want?" As he said this Eddie noticed the gold band on Josh's left ring finger and he snickered. "You got married? She know you're in the closet?"
"You were a mistake." Eddie winced as Josh's grip tightened in his hair. "You tell anybody about us or come near her, I will fucking kill you. Understand?"
"Yeah." Eddie reluctantly agreed as the man finally let go and turned away from the goth. Eddie watching as the other man got in car before driving away and the weight in his chest finally dropped. Retreating into the trailer and slamming the door behind him. Every emotion he'd been feeling finally began to overwhelm him and he slid to the floor. Bringing his knees up to his chest and he loudly began to sob.
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90363462 · 2 years
20 Greatest Comebacks in Hard-Rock and Heavy-Metal History
These artists shook the world by rising from the ashes
Heavy music is for underdogs and comeback kids, anyone who has been considered down and out, but kicked and scratched to earn respect and make their place in this unforgiving world. It's no wonder then that headbangers love a good comeback story — and that heavy music has been full of them.
From unexpected reunion tours to dazzling new albums that rival the records that made them famous in the first place, here are 20 of the most surprising and inspiring comebacks in all of metal, punk and hard-rock history.
Having sold over 50 million copies worldwide, Back in Black is the bestselling hard-rock album of all time, an accomplishment that's all the more incredible considering that AC/DC recorded it just months after the 1980 death of revered singer Bon Scott. The group considered disbanding but ultimately continued with the blessing of Scott's family, and their comeback album — with its opening bell tolls and equally resonant title — is heavy music's definitive statement of rebirth
When lead vocalist Layne Staley passed away in 2002, it seemed like the final nail in the coffin of Alice in Chains, who had already been largely sidelined for years due to substance abuse issues. But in 2005, the surviving members reconvened to play shows, and soon after, enlisted new singer William DuVall and made their first original record in 14 years, 2009's Black Gives Way to Blue. Named Revolver's Album of that Year, it stands up to anything in their discography, and they've continued to chug along ever since. 
No record inspired more contemporary metalcore (see Killswitch Engage, As I Lay Dying, Darkness Hour, et al) than Slaughter of the Soul, these Swedish melodic death metallers' final studio album, released a year before their 1996 breakup. To say that their return to the stage in 2008 was meaningful to a generation of metalheads who never got to see them live is like saying fans at those reunion shows were singing along to every word of "Blinded by Fear": They were fucking screaming along to every word.
Drummer Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan was a childhood friend to his bandmates and a major songwriter to his band, so when he died unexpectedly in late 2009, it was a crushing blow that nearly ended the group. But Avenged Sevenfold rallied and called in one of Sullivan's idols, Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater, to record on and tour behind their mostly completed new record, Nightmare. It debuted at No. 1 on the charts, A7X's first album to do so, and re-ignited the band's passion to push ahead.
Carcass' comeback came in waves. The Birmingham, U.K., death-grind trailblazers blew people's minds when they re-materialized onstage in 2008 after a whopping 12 years out of the game, and the tours that followed weren't just lazy cash grabs — the dudes could still rip. However, even more impressive was their 2013 comeback album, Surgical Steel, arriving 17 years after their last and legitimately rivaling all of the material from their Nineties heyday. It's one of the greatest reunion albums in metal. Period. 
Celtic Frost's reunion was short-lived but monumental. Having been a crucial building block in the extreme-metal fortress, the Swiss band — helmed by the core duo of Thomas Gabriel Fischer, a.k.a. Tom G. Warrior, and Martin Eric Ain — came roaring back in 2006 with the stunningly great Monotheist and a career-celebrating world tour, including U.S. dates with Type O Negative. Sadly, the album proved to be both reunion record and swan song, the final nail put in the band's coffin when Ain died in 2017 at age 50.
There's only one word to describe what it was like when Faith No More reunited to play shows over 10 years after the alt-metal superheroes fell to pieces: EPIC. With vocalist Mike Patton's calendar seemingly always packed with a variety of zany projects, it seemed impossible that he would ever find the time. That FNM would then later release their first new album in nearly two decades, 2015's Sol Invictus, and it would be awesome — well, that was a minor miracle.
How do you pick up the pieces when you're the drummer of the most important rock band on the planet and your frontman dies by suicide? Well, you become the frontman of your own band, of course, write hit single after hit single, and sell over 10 million albums in the U.S. alone. Amid this, you use your now-astronomical fame to spotlight your favorite metal singers with a killer side project (check Probot ASAP, if you're not already in the know). Dave Grohl now faces another tragedy — the death of Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins — but we know he'll come back again, stronger than ever.
The name of GN'R's initial reunion run says it all: The Not in This Lifetime... Tour. Because that's how improbable the reconciliation of Axl, Slash and Duff seemed for a long-ass time. Bad blood and bitter words constituted their decades apart, but it turns out, all fans needed was a little patience. The trek — which spanned from 2016 to 2019, and marked the core trio's first performances together in nearly 25 years — owns the title of the third-highest-grossing concert tour of all time. Even more amazing, the guys are still getting along and the reunion continues.
At the end of Bruce Dickinson's then-final concert with Maiden in 1993, magician Simon Drake "killed" him, using the band's titular torture device. Far from dead, the vocalist pursued a successful solo career while his bandmates recorded their two least successful albums to that point, with singer Blaze Bayley. But when Dickinson returned in 1999, it sounded as if they hadn't missed a step. These days, Maiden continue to sell out stadiums playing great material both new and old, cementing their spot as metal's still-vital pioneers.
In 2005, after becoming a born-again Christian, OG guitarist Brian "Head" Welch left the band that had made him famous: As the joke went, "Korn gave Head to God." The nu-metal godfathers soon also split with founding drummer David Silveria, and spent years trying to re-find themselves creatively. When Head re-joined the group onstage at Carolina Rebellion in 2012, it seemed like a heartwarming one-off, but a year later he was back for good. Korn have been on a hot streak ever since, with 2019's The Nothing standing out, in particular, as their best album in over a decade.
"No warning?" asked Dave Mustaine when Metallica booted him over his erratic behavior in 1983. "No second chance?" He wouldn't get one from them, but the thrash-metal world welcomed him back later that year with a new group, named after a word he found on a pamphlet during his bus ride home to L.A. from Metallica's New York abode. Within the decade, Megadeth would become the second-best-selling metal band of their generation, and they're a still a genre pillar to this day. 
2016 was an amazing year for reunions. First, GN'R, then the Misfits. In fall of that year, founding members Glenn Danzig and Jerry Only — plus Only's brother, guitarist Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein — performed together for the first time in 33 years, under the name the Original Misfits. For a gnarly, underground horror-punk band that played basements in their first incarnation, the results were incredible, culminating in a monumental sold-out headlining gig at Madison Square Garden.
Even though fans clamored for it for years, Mudvayne didn't come back until it was fully on their own damn terms, which made their eventual comeback all the more special. The alt-metal aliens ended their 12-year hiatus with a few chaotic festival shows in 2021 (including one when frontman Chad Gray played while suffering from COVID) and then hauled ass across the country on a 2022 summer tour that rejuvenated them as bandmates and fully made up for all the lost time. Now, new music is even on the way.
To many punks, metalheads and goths who grew up in the 2000s, My Chemical Romance are their Nirvana. The New Jersey band lifted emo's ragged hooks and raunchy guitars out of VFW halls and into stadiums, built up a formidable discography — and then dipped for six years while their legacy metastasized. The way they've conducted their momentous reunion — playing shows with young openers, packing the setlists with hits, and dropping their heaviest song yet as a one-off single — has ensured that they've still got their edge.
Rage Against the Machine's latest reunion has been one of tension and release. After nine years, they were supposed to hit the stage in 2020 until the pandemic squashed that — and then again, and then again while the world grew shittier and the band's political screeds became more relevant than ever. Finally, they took the power back in summer 2022, and played riotously hard through Zack de la Rocha's leg injury, staying true to their convictions and reaffirming their status as all-time greats. 
Sepultura were at the height of their power and popularity in 1996, having released a career-defining album, Roots, early that year. Then everything went to shit, and the Brazilian metal trailblazers acrimoniously split with founding frontman Max Cavalera, whose brother, Igor, remained in the band. Suddenly unmoored, Max had a lot to prove and lots of pressure. He responded with a new band, Soulfly. The group's self-titled 1998 debut was a "life-changing" success, Max told Revolver, complete with the song he's most proud of: "Eye for an Eye."
System of a Down had only been releasing music and touring at a national level for eight years when, at the height of their Grammy-winning notoriety, they decided to go on hiatus in 2006. Suddenly dissolving at the peak of their powers like that was devastating, so when they reunited for a string of shows in 2011, it felt like an act of divine intervention. After gigging sporadically in the ensuing decade, they dropped their first songs in 16 years in 2021. C'mon, guys: Now we need that album. 
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randgugotur-6 · 4 months
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Much-recognised German heavy metal act U.D.O. just completed a European run in support of their current hit album "Touchdown" (released on August 25, 2023), which was greatly crowded in many places and even saw the band perform at a number of sold out venues. While enjoying the well deserved laurels, the group are now preparing for this year's festival season as well as the North American leg of their current world tour. Two of the aforementioned summer dates will actually revive the name DIRKSCHNEIDER.
DIRKSCHNEIDER is a name that stands for far more than a simple second incarnation of U.D.O., the band with Udo Dirkschneider. In this form, the quintet pay tribute to the musical history of their legendary singer. As songwriter and even founder in the '70s, Udo was one of the main characters of the ACCEPT success story. Bass player Peter Baltes, the newest member of the U.D.O. / DIRKSCHNEIDER family, also contributed a lot to ACCEPT's scene defining works, and during their common time in Udo's band, a certain album titled "Balls To The Wall" came to be.
"Balls To The Wall" would be a fitting description for the stage presence of the band, which is completed by the drumming 'clockwork' of Sven Dirkschneider and a talented guitar duo built of Andrey Smirnov and Fabian "Dee" Dammers, too. What luck that the 40th anniversary of the mentioned studio album, which was originally released in late 1983 and which is the most sold and best known by ACCEPT, recently fell into the current U.D.O. / DIRKSCHNEIDER heyday. Of course the band don't want to leave this jubilee unnoticed: that's why DIRKSCHNEIDER are pleased to not only announce a full "Balls To The Wall" live performance but AN ENTIRE TOUR in belated celebration of the iconic album for spring 2025!
Udo looks forward to these prestigious dates: "I really can't wait to revisit the ultimate success album of my band ACCEPT. Topped by sharing the stage with Peter Baltes, performing "Balls To The Wall" in full for all of you out there will be one of my biggest career highlights for sure!"
As if 45 minutes of "Balls To The Wall" -- delivering cult tracks such as its title track, 'London Leatherboys,''Love Child,' or album closing ballad 'Winterdreams' -- aren't enough to celebrate, DIRKSCHNEIDER will also add additional musical surprises to the set list and even return with a fresh stage production. Everything is set to commemorate the 40th anniversary of this undeniable ACCEPT milestone and to ensure that these nights will be unforgettable celebrations for every metalhead.
Tickets for the German shows are exclusively available at eventim now; the general pre-sale for all 25 dates is set to be launched on Wednesday, May 15 @ 12PM CEST.
More info: https://udo-online.de/tourdates.html
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"Balls To The Wall" - 40th Anniversary Tour
Presented by Contra Promotion & Metal Hammer
26.02.2025 AT Vienna - SiMM City
27.02.2025 DE Munich - Backstage
28.02.2025 DE Leipzig - Haus Auensee
01.03.2025 CZ Prague - SaSaZu
02.03.2025 HU Budapest - Barba Negra
04.03.2025 RO Bucharest - Quantic Club
06.03.2025 PL Kraków - Klub Studio
07.03.2025 PL Warsaw - Progresja
08.03.2025 LT Vilnius - Kablys
10.03.2025 FI Helsinki - Kulttuuritalo
11.03.2025 FI Tampere - Tavara-asema
13.03.2025 NO Oslo - Rockefeller
14.03.2025 SE Gothenburg - Trädgår'n
16.03.2025 DE Berlin - Huxleys Neue Welt
17.03.2025 DE Frankfurt - Batschkapp
18.03.2025 BE Antwerp - Trix
19.03.2025 FR Paris - Le Trabendo
21.03.2025 ES Pamplona - Sala Totem
22.03.2025 ES Murcia - SaLa Gamma
23.03.2025 ES Barcelona - Razzmatazz 2
25.03.2025 CH Pratteln - Konzertfabrik Z7
26.03.2025 DE Stuttgart - LKA Longhorn
27.03.2025 DE Oberhausen - Turbinenhalle
28.03.2025 DE Hamburg - Große Freiheit 36
29.03.2025 DE Geiselwind - Eventhalle
More upcoming DIRKSCHNEIDER live dates:
03.07.2024 DE Ballenstedt - Rockharz Open Air *SOLD OUT*
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Udo Dirkschneider | vocals
Andrey Smirnov | guitar
Fabian "Dee" Dammers | guitar
Peter Baltes | bass
Sven Dirkschneider | drums
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concerthopperblog · 4 months
Weedeater w/ Telekinetic Yeti & Restless Spirit and Possum Rot Live at Grantski Records!
On March 19th, Grantski Records announced that stoner metal legends Weedeater w/ Telekinetic Yeti & Restless Spirit would grace their stage on the final slot for their current tour. I knew this show would sell out or get close to it. Having these three metal bands play downtown in Augusta, GA is a huge deal for the metalheads in the area. Grantski Records has been booking some killer metal acts of all kinds since they built the stage in their record store. And since then, metal bands have kept coming to tear up downtown Augusta. This Saturday evening was no different with this wicked lineup that melted some minds with each blistering performance. Many thanks to Evan at Grantski Records for keeping his commitment to revitalizing the scene in downtown Augusta, GA.
Kicking off the evening was one of my favorite Georgia metal bands, Possum Rot. Possum Rot is a stoner metal band from Augusta, Georgia that formed back in 2017. The band consists of Matt Poppell (vocals/guitar), Tyler Milford (vocals/bass), and Evan Grantski (drums). They have released four (4) singles to date: “Do It Again”, “Pestilence”, “Smoke”, and “Prisoner of The Dirt”. Imagine if Black Sabbath and Red Fang had a doom/sludge metal love child, then that could describe the power that Possum Rot exhumes while on stage. This would be my second time seeing Possum Rot after finally getting the chance when they opened for Bongzilla last year at Grantski Records. I still feel guilty for not catching Possum Rot perform all these years, but you must start sometimes I suppose.
Check out their socials and consider giving Possum Rot some support on Instagram and Facebook. Follow this link to Possum Rot’s Official Bandcamp page today and give them some support!
Restless Spirit is a stoner/doom metal band from Long Island, N.Y. that has been active since 2018 and signed to Magnetic Eye Records. Restless Spirit consists of Marc Morello (bass, Paul Aloisio (guitar/vocals), and Jon Gusman (drums). They have released three (3) LPs, four (4) EPs, and one (1) single. Restless Spirit took the stage and proceeded to rip through a set of some of their most powerful songs for the crowd at Grantski Records. This was my first time catching Restless Spirit and I was excited to see them perform in such a small, intimate venue. The energy they proceeded to give the crowd while performing on stage is electric and I recommend you take the time to check them performing live or on any music streaming platform.
Check out Restless Spirit’s setlist from their Grantski Records performance:
·         “Judgement and Exile”
·         “Marrow”
·         “Miserable Existence/Unrest”
·         “Cascade Immolator”
·         “Lord of the New Depression”
·         “From the Dust Returned”
·         “All Furies”
Head over to Restless Spirit’s Official Bandcamp page today and check out some rad tunes!
Telekinetic Yeti is a stoner/doom metal band from Dubuque, Iowa, making heads bang since 2015. Telekinetic Yeti consists of Alex Baumann (guitar/vocals) and Rockwell Heim (drums). They are signed to Sump Pump Records and have released two (2) LPs with Primordial (2022) being the latest release. Like Restless Spirit, this would be my first time watching Telekinetic Yeti, and this performance did not let me down. I know a few people in attendance who have never seen them perform like me and left that night as fans of Telekinetic Yeti. For a duo, Telekinetic Yeti can pack a mighty punch and get very loud. In a few weeks, Telekinetic Yeti will make another appearance in my column when they open for John Garcia (Kyuss/Slo Burn/Hermano/Unida/John Garcia and the Band of Gold) at The Masquerade in Atlanta later in May.
You can see Telekinetic Yeti’s setlist from this evening’s show below:
·         “Ghost Train”
·         “Abominable”
·         “Stoned and Feathered”
·         “Ancient Nug”
·         “Toke Wizard”
·         “Stoned Ape Theory”
·         “Himalayan Hymn”
Show them love and check out Telekinetic Yeti’s Bandcamp page to stream some of their music.
Wilmington, N.C. natives Weedeater, a stoner/sludge metal band, was founded in 1998. Weedeater consists of founding members Dave “Dixie” Collins (bass/vocals), Dave “Shep” Shepherd (bass), and Ramzi Ateyeh (drums) who joined the band in 2019. Weedeater has released five (5) LPs and has been signed to the French record label Season of Mist since November 2013. “Dixie” Dave Collins has been a part of some seminal bands in the stoner/sludge metal genre such as Buzzov*en, Bongzilla, Sourvein, Barstul, and Hail! Hornet in addition to being a founding member of Weedeater.
And now for the grand finale featuring the mighty Weedeater! What started with one of my favorite Weedeater songs, “Hammer Handle”, became one of the most ruthless Weedeater sets that I have seen. We were even treated to “God Luck and Good Speed” and back-to-back “Wizard Fight” which are also two songs from their discography that are always great to see live. We even had a special guest appearance from Black Tusk’s drummer James May on the Lynyrd Skynyrd cover “Gimme Back My Bullets” near the end of the night. I saw many smiles from people in the crowd as Weedeater performed a set of songs from their brutal discography.
Check out Weedeater’s setlist from this evening in Augusta, GA:
·         “Hammer Handle”
·         “Mancoon”
·         “Turkey Warlock”
·         “God Luck and Good Speed”
·         “Wizard Fight”
·         “For Evan’s Sake”
·         “$20 Peanut”
·         “Dirt Merchant”
·         “Jason… The Dragon”
·         “Monkey Junction”
·         “Time Served”
·         “Gimme Back My Bullets” (Lynyrd Skynyrd cover w/ Black Tusk’s James May)
·         “Weed Monkey”
Weedeater is headed back on tour in the coming days with Rebelmatic and Cancerslug plus some dates supporting the legendary GWAR:
May 13                                Chapel Hill, NC                      Local 506+
May 14                                Savannah, GA                         El Rocko Lounge+
May 15                                Knoxville, TN                         Brickyard+
May 16                                Gainesville, GA                       Blackstrap Music Hall+
May 17                                Little Rock, AR                 Mutants of the Monster Fest
May 19                                Vancouver, BC                        Modified Ghost
May 21                                Seattle, WA                              El Corazon^
May 22                                Portland, OR                           Bossanova Ballroom^
May 24                                Felton, CA                                Felton Music Hall^
May 25                                Sacramento, CA                      Café Colonial^
May 26                                 Berkeley, CA                           Cornerstone^
May 28                                Palmdale, CA                          Transplants^
May 30                                Los Angeles, CA                      Regent Theatre^
May 31                                Las Vegas, NV                        Swan Dive^
June 1                                   Phoenix, AZ                           Pub Rock^
June 2                                   Albuquerque, NM                 Inside Out^
June 3                                   Denver, CO                            HQ^
June 5                                   Chicago, IL                            Livewire^
June 7                                   Hartford, CT                         The Webster#
June 8                                   Reading, PA                           Reverb#
June 9                                   Washington, DC                    9:30 Club#
June 11                                Columbia, SC                         The Senate#
June 12                                Lexington, KY                       Manchester Music Hall#
June 13                                Boone, NC                              Lily’s@
June 14                                Birmingham, AL                    Iron City#
June 15                                Memphis, TN                         Minglewood Hall#
June 16                                Destin, FL                               Club LA#
June 17                                Tampa, FL                               The Ritz#
                                                                                                                                            + Cancerslug
                                                                                                                                                      ^ Rebelmatic
                                                                                                                                                      # Supporting GWAR
@ Weedeater only
I.C.Y.M.I. Follow this link to check out a previous review for Weedeater (circa 2019) via Concerthopper and/or when they played the Snowblind Festival at The Masquerade in Atlanta, GA. Also, you can follow this link to check out Weedeater’s Official Bandcamp page today!
Curious about Concerthopper? You can find more music-related articles, interviews, various photo galleries, indie music reviews, our ‘Bars & Bites’ section, our exclusive “She Said, She Said” column, or become a Concerthopper at www.concerthopper.com. Sign up for our monthly newsletter by following this link: The Setlist! Please ‘Like’ our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date in 2023, on all music-related events/festivals such as Tour of the Valedores: John Garcia Live at The Masquerade, Outline in Color: Live at Montage Music Hall (Rochester), North American Tour 2024: Opeth Live at Tabernacle, High on Fire: Live at The Senate (Columbia), The Bunny, The Bear: Live at Rec Room (Buffalo), Ashes of Leviathan Tour: Mastodon & Lamb of God @ Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, An Evening with Goose (Night 3) @ The Fox Theatre (Atlanta), Least Anticipated Album Tour: A Day To Remember @ Outer Harbor Live at Terminal B, S.E.R.P.E.N.T. Festival w/ SLASH, Larkin Poe, ZZ Ward, and Robert Randolph – Live @ The Orion Amphitheater (Huntsville), Doyle & Otep Live at The Ranch (Ft. Myers), Blackout Tour Pt. 2: From Ashes to New Live @ Water Street Music Hall (Rochester), Is For Lovers Tour (Fox Summer Stage), We Legalized It 2024: Cypress Hill, The Pharcyde, & Souls of Mischief: Live at Tabernacle, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard: Live at The Fox Theatre (Atlanta), The Godmode Tour: In This Moment Live @ Landmark Theatre (Syracuse), Hawthrone Heights: 20 Years of Tears Tour (Sound @ Coachman Park), Catalyst 20 Years Later - New Found Glory: Live at Buffalo Riverworks, Underoath “They’re Only Chasing Safety” 20th Anniversary Tour: Live at Buffalo Riverworks, and Pallbearer w/ Rwake & The Keening @ The Masquerade (Atlanta) by following us on all social media formats: Concerthopper on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  You can also follow my concert hopping on Facebook and Instagram.
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nihilnat · 2 years
Your favorite song
[chapter one] [chapter two] [chapter three] [chapter four]
Summary: When Vecna’s curse affects you, someone who doesn’t consider himself as a hero outside of D&D comes to save you with his amazing guitar skills, playing your favorite song to save you from it.
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Author’s Note: Heavily follows the plot and contains spoilers! If you haven’t watched S4 I wouldn’t recommend reading this fic. Maybe you could save it for later? Also I’m in LOVE with Eddie and wanted to do something angsty and fluffy at the same time. This chapter is a mix of both. The summary is for the entire series. Also the fic is in a normal font if any of you have problems reading smaller fonts.
Word Count: 4049
What to Expect: Reader x Eddie Munson, mutual pining, reader is talking about a past trauma (losing her parents), friendships, heavily contains reader’s flashbacks about Eddie and the others, Steve and Dustin being the comedic relief duo, Steve being jealous of Eddie and calling him a douche, Eddie is kinda traumatized, Reefer Rick's Shack, Eddie being cute, reader is kinda shy BUT things take a turn.
Spoilers below the cut, you have been warned!
Ever since Nancy and Max started to find more information about Vecna’s curse, you felt uneasy. You had this strange gut feeling that something bad was going to happen to you because you were showing the same symptoms as Chrissy and that nerd newspaper guy before they died tragically: Constant ongoing headaches, having experienced some sort of trauma, sometimes seeing weird hallucinations about that tragic event…
You actually didn’t think about it much at first because you were having a hard time connecting to reality. After losing both of your parents during the mall fire, you couldn’t accept the truth, you didn’t want to. It was as if your brain was denying to take that information as a fact. You felt as if the whole world lost its meaning and that living was useless. You were showing clear signs of depression and wanted to be alone most of the time.
Unless you spent that time with Eddie Munson.
Even though you had a lot of friends and an amazing friend group of four which contained Steve, Nancy, Robin and you. After some time, Eddie Munson, the new addition to your friend group, grew on you faster than anyone would’ve expected.
Before he joined your crew, you ofcourse knew the infamous leader of the Hellfire Club but you were too intimidated to talk to him since he was loud and he had a very theatrical personality. Your mind wandered to the time where he insulted the basketball team and the head of the team called him a ‘Freak’.
You loved how he always stood on his ground and didn’t care what anybody else thought of him. He didn’t mind being called a ‘Freak’ just because he liked playing a fantasy game a little too much. He was also a metalhead and you admired his style from afar.
He was aware of your presence too; You always made eye contact whenever you passed by each other in the hallways or when you were both in a crowded room, you would always search for one another and lock eyes, smiling. There was this tension between the two of you and as much as you didn’t want to admit this to yourself, you had a crush on him.
It was actually obvious because of the way you would blush whenever he looked at you and the way you’d break eye contact very fast because you get easily overwhelmed by how he looks at your pretty (e/c) eyes. He had this grin on his face whenever he caught you looking at him and you adored that stupid little grin of his.
He had a huge impact on you and he was aware of it basically because you sucked at hiding it. But he thought it was cute. That you were very cute.
The first semester went on like that and during the spring break, Chrissy’s unexplainable death shocked everybody in town and Eddie went missing. You knew he wasn’t capable of doing such thing and that he probably had nothing to do with this murder. But you understood why he chose to run away, Brent and his team wouldn’t have listened to a single word he said.
Even though you ‘knew’ he wouldn’t have done such a thing, you didn’t know it for sure. Other than staring at each other, you both didn’t do anything. Not even a single ‘Hi’ has been said.
And you were determined to change that. You wanted to speak to him and tell him that everything was going to be alright. You wanted to show that you cared for him. Maybe you were going a little too strong with this ‘little' crush but you didn’t care.
The day after the tragic death of Chrissy, you were hanging out with Robin and Steve at their workplace. There were new customers going in and out. Steve was trying to find a new girl to go on a date with and almost all of his tries were a fail. You and Robin loved to make fun of him about this topic because he was so desperate. It was nothing harmful tho, he was one of your best friends.
He finally thought that he met a pretty girl who is single but she said that she was going to watch the movie Steve recommended with his boyfriend. Oops, no luck again! He was so close tho, you thought. After she left, Robin started to laugh out loud and Steve rolled his eyes telling:
‘Haha Robin! SO funny. Hey (Y/N) why don’t you shut her mouth up and let me focus on my next target please, thank you.’
Robin was still laughing. A few seconds later she finally catched her breath and said,
‘Why don’t you try going out with the first person who walks into the shop? Maybe you’ll find THE one!’ sarcastically.
Steve wanted someone, anyone to date but was he actually down this bad? You didn’t think he would accept Robin’s challenge but after looking at you with desperate eyes, he turned to the glass door of the movie shop and started to wait. You and Robin looked at each other with amusement in your eyes and you locked your gaze to the door too.
After a few seconds, you saw Dustin rushing to the door. You could tell that he was in a hurry and that he was worried because of the way he acted. You always liked that kid, he was such a goofball but a genius at the same time.
Then he opened the door, yelling ‘Steve! Robin! (Y/N)! We need your help.’
Remembering what Robin said to Steve, about the one walking through that door being the one, you and Robin started to laugh hysterically. Steve looked at you guys yelling ‘C’mon give me a break!’ He then turned to the ceiling, opening his arms to the sides saying ‘What have I done to you?’ with a confused expression and furrowed brows.
Dustin said ‘What, not happy to see me? I know you’re lying Harrington.’
He then wasted no time and ran straight to the computer, rolling on top of the cashier counter. In the process, he knocked some of the movies and tapes to the ground. Max followed him shortly after. Robin yelled ‘Hey! We just stacked them. What’s going on with you!?’
‘As much as I’d like to chit chat with you guys Robin, we don’t have any time for this!’ The three of you were looking at him with such confusion, he understood that he forgot to tell you the reason why he was acting in a rush.
‘Look, this is important, okay? Just help us find Eddie.’
After you heard the name Eddie, you instinctively rushed to Dustin’s side, looking at the computer. You thought that the kids in the Hellfire Club already knew where he was but turns out, even Dustin was clueless. You began to worry about him.
‘Dustin, what do you mean you don’t know where he is?’ you asked, looking straight into his eyes. He knew that you had a crush on him, most of your friends knew it.
‘Look (Y/N), I don’t wanna scare you, but we have to find Eddie before Jason and his team if we want him to be safe. So let’s just focus OKAY?’
He was now going back and forth with rapid movements, shaking his head from side to side. His eyes were wide open.
‘WHOA WHOA whoa, Henderson calm down!’ Steve yelled. Dustin was clearly panicking. Steve grabbed him by the shoulders and started to shake him.
‘Earth to Dustin! Dustin? DUSTIN! That douche must be alright.’
‘Who are you calling a douche? It’s because you’re jealous Steve admit it-’
‘Guys, GUYS! Come on, we don't have any time for this right now.’ you exclaimed and you turned to Max.
Max was holding a paper which had a list of names written on it. You asked whose names those were. She said that those were the names of the people who could’ve known where Eddie was. You were a little relieved that they found some important information but you had to start looking for those people immediately.
After hearing Max, Robin wasted no time and directly jumped to the seat behind the counter as she started to look at some of the clients’ rent history to get a better clue. You all started to brainstorm and after a short time, you finally found a lead: Reefer Rick.
After a short ride with Steve, Max, Dustin and Robin, you finally found Reefer Rick’s house. It was out of town, out of prying eyes. Best hiding spot for a drug dealer.
You didn’t listen to any songs while Steve was driving the car. All of you were anxious and worried about what was to come. The tragic death of Chrissy was unnatural. The way they described the state of her body made you think that no human being could’ve done it, let alone it being Eddie. But how did it all happen? You were going to find it out really soon.
When you stepped out of the car, Dustin was already giving you flashes to use while searching up the house for a sign of Eddie. You first went to the house, trying to look inside through the windows. There was no sign of a living being in there.. You were so sure about Eddie being here that you didn’t even consider not being able to find him. You were beginning to lose hope.
That was until one of you found another perfect hiding spot just at the back of the main house. It was like a small but not so tiny shack. You had to look inside the shack. Then Steve and Robin opened the door by force and all of you gathered inside. You guys were looking everywhere for a sign.
After a brief time Steve grabbed an oar and with its back, he started to poke an old little boat which was covered with a boat cover. He was being a bit harsh so Dustin tried to stop Steve from doing it because what if Eddie got hurt? Well, Steve didn’t care about his protests and continued to do what he was doing.
While the others were still searching, you felt hopeless. You thought that you guys had cracked the code and you were one hundred percent sure that you were going to find him in here. But I guess I was wrong, you thought to yourself, deep in thoughts.
Then suddenly the cover of the boat lifted up and you saw Eddie. In just a few seconds, he was pinning Steve to the wall, making him stuck between the wall and himself while holding a sharp broken bottle to Steve’s neck. Dustin started to yell at Eddie, begging him to drop the sharp object.
While all of these were happening, you were in shock. Dustin was the only mutual friend that they had and he was a great negotiator, so all of you decided that it was best if Dustin did the talking.
‘STEVE DROP THE OAR! Look this is Steve and he’s not gonna hurt you. ’
Eddie turned to Dustin and asked ‘What are you doing here?’ His voice was raspy and low, almost like a grunt.
‘We’re here to help, we’re on your side!’ said Robin, hoping that he will loosen his grip.
And after a minute that felt like years, he finally dropped his grip that he had on Steve and let him go. At that time, he started to be aware of his surroundings and finally saw that he had a crowd watching him. And that you were in that crowd.
Dustin started to introduce the group to Eddie. He started with Robin: ‘Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band.’ She made a little trumpet noise while acting like she was playing an imaginary one.
‘This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D.’
‘And lastly, this is (Y/N)...’
He locked his eyes with yours and you did a little wave with an awkward yet genuine smile. At that moment, your heart shattered into pieces at the sight. His eyes were bloodshot, it was obvious that he couldn’t get a good nights’ sleep for quite some time because he was always on alert. He had to be careful, otherwise he could’ve been spotted. His hair was messier than usual and he looked like he was in pain because he was hiding in that boat, folded and crippled up to fit in. He was wearing the same old Hellfire Club t-shirt and the clothes he had from the day he went missing.
And it was clear that he didn’t want anybody to see him like that. He didn’t want you to see him like that. But you didn’t care about his looks at that moment, you were just glad to see him healthy without any injuries.
While you were both looking deeply into each other’s eyes, Dustin had to snap him out of it saying
‘Eddie, tell us what happened.’
Eddie looked at him and the rest of you, trying to calculate whether to say what he truly saw or not. He started to slowly slide down, his back on the wall. He waited for a moment before speaking, his gaze fixated to the floor. His hands were shaking.
‘You won’t believe me’ He said, sniffing.
‘Don’t want you guys tellin’ me that I’m crazy but I know what I saw. I just can’t wrap my head around it.’
He was now sitting on the floor, his head between his legs trying to cover his face. He then lifted his head and started to shake it slowly, his hands were on both sides of his face. You could see it in his eyes and the way he acted that he was suffering while remembering that night. He looked like he was trying to get away from that memory.
None of you made a noise while you were watching him, then Max broke the silence and said ‘Try us.’
Only then Eddie looked at all of you with confusion in his eyes. His brows were furrowed and he squinted his eyes ever so slightly. And after a few seconds of silence, he started to tell you the whole story. How Chrissy was in a complete trance and he tried everything in his power to wake her up from it but he failed. Then, he said that she started to slowly rise to the ceiling and float for a minute or so before her bones cracked with a sick sound and her eyes disappeared as if they were being pulled in.
You were having a hard time understanding everything he had just said. You were trying your best to not make him feel like he was a freak for telling these but how could any of it be possible? You then looked at the others and saw that they weren’t shocked or surprised at all. They had this understanding look in their eyes. You were more confused than ever.
When Eddie finished telling the whole story, he said ‘I left her there, I didn’t know what to do so I… I ran away.’ His gaze was still fixated on the floor, not being able to look at any of you. Then Dustin kneeled in front of him slowly, saying ‘You know how everyone says that Hawkins is cursed? Well, they’re not completely wrong…’
Dustin then turned his gaze towards you and said, ‘(Y/N) you’re also new to this so maybe it’ll be better for you to sit down while I explain what we’ve been going through for quite some time now.’ His eyes motioned you to sit next to Eddie so you did what he wanted you to do. He was trying to get you close to him and if the events that were happening around you recently weren’t this strange or tragic, you would’ve flashed him a grateful smile.
‘But before the story time, let’s get Eddie some snacks from the car. He must be SO hungry. Right, guys?’ Robin said abruptly. She was also trying to get you guys some alone time. You had sweet friends, didn’t you?
As the others left the shack, leaving you alone with Eddie, you slowly went your way next to him. You weren’t quite sure how to behave or what to do. You were shocked after what he told to the group and you were scared about what Dustin was going to tell to the both of you. Was Hawkins really cursed?
As you sat down and got into a comfortable position, you saw that Eddie’s hands were still shaking, it wasn’t as bad as when you first came to the shack but he was still terrified from all the things he had experienced the other day. He felt your eyes on him and tried to stop his hands from shaking but he couldn’t.
Now, he was trying to hide them and while he was doing it, he tried to put on a brave face, just like the way you had seen him all the time. But you could tell that he was hurting.
So in order to reassure him and stop him, you took his hands in yours. He was definitely not expecting that, neither did you. But in that flash of a moment, you did it. You took his hands in yours. He lifted his face and looked into your eyes, he was embarrassed about it. Embarrassed that he was being vulnerable.
‘uh.. Hi.’ You said shyly. It was as if like you were being aware of what you were doing at that time and blood started rushing to your cheeks, making them a brighter pink color that looked way too cute. He said ‘H- hi’ as well, putting on a small and genuine smile that made your heart skip a beat. You have never seen him like this before, he looked so fragile.
You were looking deeply into each others’ eyes when you broke the silence saying ‘Look, I know things have been more difficult than it should’ve been for you and I know that we don’t know each other very well but I wanted you to know that we are here for you.. That I’m here for you.’
‘(Y/N)..’ he said whispering while getting closer to you. He was looking at your lips now. ‘Thank you, means a lot but… Why are you tryna help me?’
You tried to look at his face but you got overwhelmed by how pretty he was looking. His bangs perfectly framing his face, his beautiful brown eyes piercing through yours, the feeling of cold metal on your fingers because of his rings; He was even prettier up close. You got to see a different side of him today and it drove you to him more.
You were looking at the ground, not being able to meet his gaze. ‘Because I.. I like you.’ You said. ‘I like you and it hurts me to see you this way. Like I said I know that we don’t know each other very well but-’
While you were talking, the coldness of metal from his rings on your palm was gone. Turns out he freed his left hand and he was now grabbing your chin to tilt your head. He forced you to look at him with a gentle touch. After a few seconds of staring at each others’ eyes, Eddie suddenly made a quick move and brought your face closer to his. Your eyes shut close, waiting for his next move. Then you felt his lips on yours, kissing you. It was a gentle and sweet one, as if he was afraid of hurting you if he acted too harsh.
You were so surprised you couldn’t do anything but to return the kiss. After a few seconds, he broke the kiss and looked at your face, observing you and your emotions.
‘I thought that butthead Henderson already told you about it.’ He said emphasizing the butthead part, rolling his eyes jokingly. He loved the kid but that didn’t mean that he was a butthead.
You chuckled a little at his expressions, feeling happy that he was acting like his usual self again. Seeing that you don’t have an answer, he continued to talk.
‘I.. I like you for quite some time now and I thought I made it pretty obvious. At least that’s what they told me during our D&D sessions.’
‘They made fun of me for not having the courage to talk to you but, I’m glad you did. I didn’t want you to be labeled as ‘the freak’s girlfriend’ or something.. Not that I care about what they call me but-’
‘I don’t care about it either Eddie, I like you a lot and nothing can change that.’
He had the cutest smile on his face after hearing you say those words. He looked relieved and happier now, despite the things that has been going on lately.
You were smiling too, probably like an idiot.
‘Robin tried to leave us alone, probably gotta thank her when its all done.’
‘Yeah well, don’t worry about it and let’s get back to where we were, shall we?’ He said, looking at your lips and back at your eyes again, looking for a sign of consent.
You shook your head slightly but eagerly, wanting to continue. His left hand found its way back to your chin, pulling you closer.
Your lips were almost touching when the door of the shack openned loudly. Dustin was the first person to walk inside. When he saw you guys in that position, his eyes went wide and he quickly tried to cover his eyes yelling ‘Oh MY GOD, OH MY GOD! CODE RED! …sorry guys.’ but at the same time he was smirking and he winked at you guys once with the biggest smile you have ever seen on his face.
You guys broke apart and Eddie got frustrated at how you guys got interrupted but it was no surprise, he thought to himself. Then, when he saw Dustin winking to the both of you, he turned to you and flashed an amused yet at the same time, confused smile. You told Henderson about it too and he didn’t tell Eddie a single word about it? He had some explaining to do to Eddie for later.
‘A total butthead indeed.’ you said in a whispering tone, sighing. Eddie turned to you and both of you chuckled. After a few seconds, the others rushed inside, Steve grabbed the oar once again and yelled:
‘CODE RED? WHAT HAPPENED HENDERSON, TALK TO ME’ He was looking around, swinging the oar, being the babysitter he was as usual.
When he and the others saw you sitting so close to Eddie, they understood what was going on and they all started to share a knowing smile.
‘So Dustin, Dustin, Dustin… You knew this fine lady had a crush on me too and you hid it from me all. this. time? …Amazing.’ He said with a low voice, eyes wide open. He was smiling but the smile wasn’t reaching his eyes.
‘Look Eddie I can explain, EDDIE-’ Dustin yelled when he saw Eddie starting to get off of the ground. He ran straight to the outside, knowing that Eddie can’t go out and risk getting caught. Eddie yelled ‘YOUUU SON OF A B-’ but everyone was laughing out loud at that point, even Eddie was having fun... You loved his smile. You really did.
Thank you so much for reading chapter one of the series!
If you like this part, let me know by liking, reblogging or even leaving a comment. All of it and feedbacks are appreciated.
Stay in tune for the next chapter <3
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eddie-sweetheart · 2 years
🏕 Camp Lovers Lake - Chapter Four 🏕
An Eddie Munson x Female Reader summer camp story. Set just before the beginning of season 3 of Stranger Things, with a few diversions from the original plot of the series.
🏕 Chapters List
Pairing and tropes • Eddie Munson x Henderson Female Reader - fluff, forced proximity, slightly slow burn, summer camp clichés ♥︎
Summary • June, 1985. Close to the city of Hawkins, Indiana, the placid waters of Lovers Lake stand as the perfect background for the homonymous summer camp, where you’re about to be a counselor for the last time before senior year and then, hopefully, college. Your brother Dustin Henderson won’t be with you this year, as he’s chosen to attend Camp Know Where until July - but with your best friend Robin Buckley at your side and the unexpected addition of Steve Harrington to your duo, the upcoming months seem to promise endless fun and exciting adventures nonetheless. However, as you get closer to Eddie Munson, resident metalhead and drug dealer who’s been forced by his uncle to work at Camp Lovers Lake after another missed graduation, your plans for the summer might have to go in a completely different direction.
Warnings • Cursing, possible mentions and/or depictions of violence, sexually suggestive language. Having no idea where this is going myself, you’ll need to be 18+ to read this fic just in case!
Chapter notes • Finally!!! I'm sorry for the delay, but it's been a crazy week and I kept coming up with new scenes that I wanted to include sooo this one needed some extra time! Hope you like it and hope it makes sense lol happy reading lovelies ✨
Chapter word count: 7.9k
🌹 Masterlist 🌹
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Someone wise once said that mornings are for coffee and contemplation. Add a little bit of extra sleep and that’s the heavenly combination you’d usually be craving as soon as the alarm rings, especially on school days. But not today, apparently.
Last night, after the hike in the summer heat drained you of most of your energies, you drifted to sleep almost immediately after dinner, the sounds of crickets chirping and Robin’s low chatter lulling you into unconsciousness. It was a long, dark, and peaceful sleep, without any kinds of dreams - none that you remember anyways, now that the warm sunlight welcomes you back into another morning at camp.
It must be quite early, because you can still hear Robin’s soft snoring and deep breaths below you as you roll in the white cotton sheets and turn towards the window across the room. You can’t see the sky from where you’re lying, but judging from the light that is growing warmer and more intense by the minute, it’s clearly going to be another hot, sunny day.
You check the wristwatch that you keep hanging on the frame of the bed, and find out that it’s 7 am. Breakfast won’t be ready until 8:30, so you decide to wait a little longer in bed, your legs now free from the sheets and leaning against the old wooden wall of the cabin. A solitary sun ray travels across the room and reaches you, drawing a glimmering streak on your pj top as speckles of dust twirl in its light. 
You check your watch again: 7:03. 
You don’t know why, but you really can’t stay still for much longer - your body refuses to lie down and something inside you feels impatient, and fluttery. Maybe it’s because you’ve slept so well and soundly that you’ve completely recharged your energies, but what’s sure is that today you’re feeling more excited than usual to get up, live the day, do things… see people. 
It almost clicks right there and then, when a small smile cracks through your lips while you play with the dusty air with one of your hands, making it pass back and forth through the glimpse of sunlight hovering above your bed. But, somehow, the excitement suddenly turns into some kind of uncomfortable bitterness, which makes you drop your hand on the mattress with a sigh.
After a few more restless minutes, you shake the feeling off and decide to get up early, for once. Mr. Smithson is surely at the Headquarters already, so you might get this chance to talk to him about Tim and Jason Carver’s brother - a topic that, now that you think about it, it’s better to be addressed as low-key as possible. 
Being as silent as you can (stealthy like a ninja, Steve would say), you climb down your bed, get dressed, quickly scribble a note for Robin to tell her that you’ve gone out and that you’ll see her at breakfast, and you finally sneak out of the cabin. 
The camp is silent, except for the relaxing sounds of nature. You realize that you’ve likely never experienced it with this amount of calm and peace, not even at night - there’s always someone sneaking around, a small cabin reunion or a bonfire going on. But now that it’s early morning and everyone is still asleep, it really feels like a wellness retreat from the chaos and loudness of urban life. 
You stroll straight towards the Headquarters, enjoying the warm air and the freshness of the shadows cast by the trees. As you pass by Steve’s cabin, you throw an unintentional glance at the window, noticing nothing else but darkness. 
Before heading to the meeting room, you stop a minute or two by the lake, your gaze getting lost in the vibrating green leaves reflected on its calm surface. As you graze the refreshingly cold water with the tip of your fingers, you decide in favor of asking Robin to go on a swim later today, maybe during your afternoon break. 
You turn around at the sudden noise coming from behind you, almost losing your balance and ending up with one foot in the water. You’re not scared, not like two nights ago when you found Eddie near the kitchen - but you’re startled nonetheless, so you take a look around. However, as you scan the space between the cabins and the grove surrounding the camp, nothing’s to be seen. So, you decide, it was probably a squirrel or a bird.
You check your watch once again and it’s not long now before everyone wakes up for breakfast, so you need to hurry if you want to catch Mr. Smithson alone. Before leaving, you try to shake some water off your wet tennis shoe, but there’s not much you can do - the damage is done now, so you’ll have to walk around with a soggy foot and let it dry in the sun later.
Trying to ignore the discomfort, you make your way towards the meeting room at the back of the Headquarters. You’re about to knock when the door swings open to reveal a chirpy Mrs. Janet.
“Oh, hello y/n” she exclaims, looking at you with a pleased expression of surprise, “quite the early birds today, are we?”
“Good morning, Mrs. Janet” you greet her back with a smile, “Yeah, I figured I could get up a bit earlier to have a chat with Mr. Smithson”
“Please, do come in, y/n” the director’s voice rises from behind the cook, “There’s still some time before we're being summoned into the dining room by the delicious smell of Mrs. Janet’s pancakes”.
Mrs. Janet happily scoffs as she moves to the side to let you in. “See you later, then, Richard” she exclaims, leaving the door ajar as she heads next door. 
“So” Mr. Smithson addresses you as he shuffles a pile of papers and files together, sitting at the table in the middle of the room. “What can I do for you, y/n?”
You sit down across from him and tell him everything about Tim and Peter Carver, suggesting that it might be useful to move the latter to another cabin. 
Mr. Smithson listens to you attentively, with his hands folded on the table and his head occasionally nodding when he agrees with you. When you’re done talking, he lifts his gaze up towards the ceiling, thinking. 
“I’ll talk to the rest of the staff about this” he finally decides, looking back at you with a smile, “so we can decide together the best course of action. In the meantime, thank you for telling me - you did the right thing, as we want to keep this camp a safe space for everyone. Now” he concludes, throwing a glance at the clock on the wall, “I believe it’s time for pancakes. You can go, I’ll catch up soon”. 
You nod in agreement, matching his smile as you get up and thank him before heading towards the door, which is still slightly open from when Mrs. Janet left. As you step outside, you suddenly remember that you didn’t mention the black vines and the hole in the ground to Mr. Smithson. But, as you move to go back inside, a familiar voice gets your attention. 
“Didn’t know you were a snitch”. 
You turn towards the sound, which is coming from your left, and find Patrick leaning against the outer wall of the meeting room, between the window and the door. You’re startled for a second, but as you realize it’s him your expression hardens. 
“I don’t see how what I do or say is any of your business” you state, crossing your arms on your chest. You’re feeling the resentment bubbling up inside you as you speak.
“Fair point” Patrick scoffs, cocking one eyebrow up in disdain. “I guess it’s not my business that you’re hanging out with freaks now, either”
The clear reference to Eddie makes your cheeks turn red with anger. He’s probably used to being called a freak, and he might even joke about it - but you remember the hint of self-deprecation when he mentioned all the names he’s been called, and even if he’s brave enough to claim them and turn them into titles to exorcise their original meaning, it doesn’t mean that you’ll let your ex insult him for free. 
“Could say the same thing about you” you talk back to Patrick, “but I’m not out there ambushing you to wine about your new friends”.
“Yeah, well, at least I don’t visit them at night, y/n” Patrick blurts out, taking a step towards you. “I saw you, earlier, coming from Munson’s cabin. What were you looking for in the lake, huh? Your lost dignity?”
You’re so taken aback at his blatantly misplaced accusations that you’re left speechless, but you snap back into reality as soon as he grabs you by an arm and drags you behind the corner of the building. You know he did it to avoid Mr. Smithson - who's now coming out of the meeting room to head to the kitchen - but it does nothing but enrage you even more.
“Don’t you dare touch me again” you hiss at him, “and don’t even try to pull that bullshit on me. If your stupid little jock brain didn’t notice, all cabins are on the same two paths, so, hello? I just walked in front of Harrington’s. But I’m not going to explain myself to you any further - and for god’s sake, stop. stalking. me.” you conclude, taking a breath.
Patrick blushes violently, his mouth hanging open as he realizes just how pathetic he sounds. You know he’ll never be like Jason, because all it took was a little resistance to his attempts at bullying to make him crumble like a sandcastle.
In the meantime, campers have started to emerge from their cabins, as it’s finally time for breakfast. You can see them right around the corner, grouping in front of the Headquarters porch - and, among them, you catch a glimpse of a familiar wavy shag.
“Y/n” Patrick addresses you, his tone hard and arrogant once again, but with a new hint of insecurity in it. “You really should think twice about who hang out with”.
You bring your eyes back to him, your gaze icy as you stare at his face. “Yeah, try telling that to yourself” you reply, firmly putting an end to the conversation. Then, you move to walk past him, just to find his hand tight around your arm once again.
“I mean it, y/n” Patrick whispers in your ear, his voice almost trembling as he squeezes you hard.
A little farther away, Eddie notices you struggling against Patrick’s grip. Your eyes lock with his for a second, and you see him taking a few steps in your direction. At the realization of what might occur, you shrug Patrick’s off of you, giving up on talking back or blurting out a remark - you just want to get out of there without anyone else getting involved.
You move quickly towards the Headquarters, passing by Eddie. You really don’t feel like explaining what has happened, so you just give him a small smile and a wave and steer clear of him. He softly smiles back and watches you walk away.
— 🏕 —
“Come on, it’s definitely not freezing!” Steve exclaims, watching Robin retreat on the pier after dipping the tip of her toes in Lovers Lake’s waters. 
It’s early in the afternoon and, even if it’s still the beginning of June, it already feels like full-on summer. Popsicles melt at the speed of light, birds and squirrels hide in the cool shadow of the trees until sunset, campers only play sports in the early hours of the morning, ditching them for quieter board or card games when the sun is at its highest point in the sky - and, of course, as soon as any counselor has a slot of free time, they use it to find some much needed refreshment in the cold waters of the lake.
And that’s exactly what you and Robin planned on doing now, after spending the whole morning getting hand cramps while making friendship bracelets with a group of camper girls. You actually didn’t mind the activity, as you loved trying different shapes and motives with the colorful threads; you even made one for yourself, pink and light green with tiny white flowers, matching Robin’s light blue one. However, the idea of taking a swim and getting rid of the never-ending, always-flowing sweat pearling on your exposed skin and giving a break to your tired fingers really felt like an alternative worth pursuing. 
Robin definitely agreed - at least until you reached the shore of the lake after lunch, beach towel in hand and swimsuit on, and tested the water. It was then that Robin absolutely changed her mind, striding towards the pier to the tune of “I’m not going to get a congestion, not today”.
You trailed behind her with a roll of your eyes and a smile, guessing that persuading her to get in the lake with you would be easier after some basking in the sun. It was still you, however, the one sitting with your legs dangling in the fresh water when Steve Harrington swam towards you from the shore. Miraculously, he had the same free time break as you, so he has now joined your mission to convince Robin to be brave and dive in - with scarce success, indeed.
“Nope” Robin protests, sitting back on her towel, drops of sweat on her forehead betraying her need for refreshment. “I’m not risking it, not yet. I’m not fully trusting your first aid skills in case my stomach freezes and I get cramps and drown” she blurts out at Steve, looking at you with raised eyebrows to find some support.
You sigh affectionately, leaning back from your own seat to pat her knee. “Take your time, Robin” you tell her, before removing your sunglasses and placing them next to her, away from the edge of the pier, “But I’m going in, if you don’t mind”.
“As you wish, dingus” she exclaims, turning her body to lay on her stomach. “Just let me know what you’d like to write on your tombstone” she adds with a smirk as you get up and take a deep breath before diving in.
The sudden cold takes your breath away as you float underwater, the bubbles from your dive fizzling around you. For a few seconds, time slows down and you enjoy the peaceful feeling of being suspended in the dark water - then, with a kick of your feet, you emerge back on the surface, the sun warming your face as you wipe your eyes and open them again. 
“Is it that bad?” Steve eagerly asks you, swimming closer in case you need some help - being less salty than the sea, it’s slightly harder to stay afloat in lake water, but you’re okay. 
You can’t help but shiver for a second, earning a victorious “Ah-ha!” From Robin. “Actually” you address her, “it’s a bit of a shock at first, but you get used to it in a second”. 
You hang out like that for a while, chatting in the water as Steve occasionally displays his swimming skills, earning approving (and slightly mocking) claps from both you and Robin. He shakes his hair every time he re-emerges, lake water droplets shooting in your direction and causing Robin to yell at him to “stop acting like a damn puppy”. 
After a while, though, even Robin surrenders to the heat. After a painfully slow ritual consisting of dipping one single body part at a time in the lake, she finally joins you in the water - still refusing to admit that it’s quite a manageable temperature. 
“So, besides hiking, sports and making friendship bracelets, what else are we going to do all summer?” Steve asks, passing one hand through his wet but still incredibly good looking hair. 
You and Robin exchange a look, not knowing where to start with the list. 
“Well” Robin begins, “there are cooking classes, painting lessons, board game nights… if the projector is still working after Gareth crashed into it last year, we might do a couple of outdoor movie nights as well”. 
“And, if you’re lucky, don’t forget hike number two and three” you chip in, “be sure that you’ll know every single flower and leaf on that path by the time September comes”. 
“You always take the same route?” Steve asks, “you’ve never gone on a different one?”
“We tried asking the director last year” Robin replies, kicking her feet in the water, “but he said it’s better to stay on the trail we counselors know best, just in case something happens. And guess what? Nothing ever happens”. 
Your mind flashes back to the image of the dark roots and the hole in the ground. You figure that, since you completely forgot to mention it to Mr. Smithson, you could maybe tell Robin and Steve and see if they believe it’s something worth sharing. 
“Well, I actually noticed something yesterday” you begin, Steve's and Robin’s eyes now on you. “Eddie and I were walking back when I tripped on a root. I checked it out and it led us to a sort of… hole? In the ground? It wasn’t properly a cave, but it was big enough to fit a small kid. And there were black, slimy vines coming out of it - I’ve never seen anything like that, and I’ve passed by that spot enough times, for sure”. 
Robin hums as she ponders on your words, while Steve’s expression grows more curious and his face gets almost imperceptibly paler. 
“Black vines?” He asks you, his voice slightly trembling, “with slime on them?” 
“Something like that, yes” you reply, wondering if he knows more about it. “Why, have you seen them too?”
Steve shakes his head, his gaze lingering in the bright blue sky. “Mmmh, nope, didn’t notice” he replies, grazing the surface of the water with the palm of his hands, “Was that the spot before the path running downhill to the lake?”
“Yeah, exactly”, you confirm with a sure nod.
Water drops run down Steve’s forehead as he passes a hand through his hair. “Weird” he says, “I was there last night and I didn’t see anything. Maybe it was too dark-“
“What the hell were you doing in the woods in the middle of the night?” Robin interrupts him, splashing him in the face.
Steve turns to her, color coming back to his cheeks. “I was taking a walk” he replies, almost too casually.
“Alone?” Robin echoes him, eyes narrowed with curiosity.
“Uh, no, actually” Steve coughs, “I was with Tammy Thompson”.
Robin’s eyes widen visibly as she turns towards you. “See? I told you” she almost yells, punching the water to underline her annoyance.
“What?” Steve exclaims, dropping his hands in frustration.
“Oh, nothing, Steve” Robin replies, a full-on fake smile plastered on her face, “But you can call me Cassandra from now on”.
“Who’s Cassandra?” Steve asks you with a confused look, “Do I know her?”
You’re refraining from exploding into a heartfelt laugh at their exchange, but you manage to stay serious even when Robin mutters out a stressed “Jesus”.
“Sorry to break it to you, Steve” you tell him, patting his shoulder, “but she’s a mythological lady. You can’t date her”.
“But you still have Tammy Thompson, if you need to spend the night with someone” Robin chips in, “if you haven’t already - spent the night with her, I mean”.
Steve scoffs, splashing some water in her direction. “I’m not like that” he talks back, “I’m a gentleman. I would never impose myself on someone I barely know. We just talked, walked around a bit-“
“Exchanged some saliva” Robin interjects under her breath, a smirk appearing on her lips at Steve’s frustration. Her growing amusement is a clear sign that she’s already gotten over the initial blow.
“…and that’s it” Steve remarks, “I walked her to her cabin and I went back to mine. Because I’m a responsible guy, and I didn’t want to be late”.
“That’s a good boy” Robin jokes, pushing him slightly, but making him smile a little. “So your secret for staying this handsome is getting lots of beauty sleep, uh?”
“I wish” Steve replies with a sigh. “I actually slept like shit because I had to endure Munson’s flashlight all night. When I came back he was scribbling something into a notebook and he might as well have fallen asleep at dawn, because I had to drag him out of bed or he’d have missed breakfast”.
At the mention of Eddie, your attention peaks.
“Did you see what he was writing?” You ask Steve, tiny waves of water rippling around you as you swim towards the pier - the sun is starting to lower on the horizon and the water is now cold, rather than refreshing. 
“Honestly, I didn’t even try” Steve replies, following you and athletically lifting himself up on the wooden platform. “It’s not like it’s any of my business, you know? And maybe he wasn’t even writing, he could have been doodling or whatever”.
“Maybe he keeps a diary” Robin suggests, grabbing your hand as you help her up. 
“Could be” Steve observes, “even if I don’t see what could possibly be so interesting that he has to write about it all night”.
“Maybe it was music” you suggest, throwing your towel around your shivering shoulders. “He’s in a band, you know”.
Steve and Robin both look at you, eyebrows up in surprise. 
“And how would you know that?” Robin asks. 
You shrug casually. “We talked a bit” you reply as you start walking back towards the cabins. The others follow quickly after you. 
“Talked like Steve talked to Tammy?” Robin elbows you, her question followed by an annoyed scoff from Steve. 
“Ew, Robin" you instinctively reply, “of course not”. 
Robin puts her hands up in defense. “Okay, sorry for suggesting that you may like someone - you know it’s not a crime, right?” She observes, throwing one arm around your shoulders, “I mean, it’s not like I trust your taste in guys that much, but you’re the one who always tries to convince me that he’s such a good guy-"
You throw her a burning glare that makes the words die in her mouth, but you can’t stop the knowing smirk that has just formed on her lips. 
“You could ask him tonight” Steve suggests once you reach his cabin. You throw a quick glance in its direction and realize that it’s empty - and you don’t know if you feel relieved or disappointed. 
“What do you mean?” You ask Steve as your mind goes back to his suggestion, your hands tightening the towel around your body as a light gust of wind makes its way through the trees. 
Steve crosses his arms on his chest, tilting his head as he speaks again. “About what he was writing. You could ask him tonight at the bonfire”. 
You still can’t follow, so you turn to Robin with an inquisitive look - but her shaking head reveals that she has no clue as well. 
“Oh, yeah right, I haven’t told you” Steve adds once he’s met by your confused eyes. “Jeff told me they’re planning to have a bonfire night” he explains, “it was that other guy’s idea - Gareth, I think he’s called. Munson will be there too, and when they came to our cabin to plan it, Jeff invited me. He said that I could bring you two as well and that there will be booze, so I figured why not”. 
“How come you’ve just got here and you’re already making more social connections than us?” Robin asks him, “Thanks for the invite, though. I’m bringing marshmallows” she adds as she begins walking away, brushing past Steve with a shake of her head. 
You move to follow her, but you don’t leave before sticking a finger at Steve. “I’m coming, but I’m not asking him anything” you specify, eager to make it clear that you have no interest in meddling with Eddie’s business - and, privacy, for all that you know. 
Steve puts his hands up, not a care in the world. “As you wish, y/n”. 
— 🏕 —
The lively and vibrant mood of Camp Lovers Lake doesn’t disappear during the night - instead, it transforms into a different kind of atmosphere. 
As you and Robin sneak out of your cabin, flashlights still turned off in your hands, you can’t help but smile at your surroundings, apparently calm and peaceful as a dreamless night, but secretly awake with young life. Everyone is supposed to be asleep, but here and there little flashes of light glitter in the dark, peaking from half-drawn curtains and ajar wooden doors. Every now and then, a faint giggle echoes through the trees, followed by the rustling of leaves as pairs of tennis shoes tiptoe on the shadowy edge of the two paths running through the cabins.
You perfectly know that campers are sneaking around and meeting in each other’s cabin, some of them occasionally wandering in the closer areas of the grove around camp. But you haven’t always been a counselor, of course: you remember your own camper days so well that, with an unspoken understanding with the rest of the team, you let them be - knowing that they are perfectly aware of the consequences of getting caught or lost (and surely no camper wants to be either) while you’re ready to step in if necessary. After all, you’re sneaking around as well - but this time with a six-pack under your arm, which you very innocently smuggled among your clothes when you were packing, thankfully without your mother noticing.
Robin’s elbow gently nudges your side and brings your attention to the now completely dark Headquarters, standing wide and wooden at the end of the empty trail in front of you. You two have been crouching behind a tree for some time, waiting for the official lights-out that has just occurred - followed like clockwork by the chirpy chattering of the director and the rest of the staff, who are now closing the main door of the building before heading towards their own separate rooms at the back of camp. Apparently, they’ve been hanging after hours as well - probably sipping on that badly hidden Scotch you’ve spotted behind the oil cans in the kitchen.
“You’ve wanted to wait here and now I’m all cranky” Robin whispers under her breath, “at least pay attention - they’re gone”.
“Tell me how we were supposed to spot the lights going off from our room” you remark as you straighten up, peaking behind the tree to check if the road is clear.
Robin attempts to speak, but ends up opting for a grunt as you gently grab her wrist and make her follow you into the dark. You walk silently towards the Headquarters, turning right towards the bathrooms when you reach the end of the path.
Next to the separate wooden structure that hides the camp showers, three intermittent flashes of light announce Steve’s presence. Being the gentleman that he is, he suggested Jeff and the others go ahead and start setting up the fire while he waited for you - a very gallant gesture that also allowed him to take a few extra minutes to complete his hair routine. 
As soon as you and Robin spot him, you close the distance between you and him with a few more steps, until you’re all grouped up at the edge of the woods.
“Ten sharp - perfect timing” Steve announces, his eyes briefly glancing at his wristwatch as he spins the flashlight in his other hand. “Ready to go?”
“Yup. We’ll lead the way” Robin enthusiastically replies, quickly throwing and catching in the air a bag of marshmallows before opening it and picking one to nibble at while you walk. 
“Jeff told me the spot is on the shore - are we going in the right direction?” Steve hesitates as he realizes that you’re moving towards the trees and bushes across from the Headquarters.
“Dear Steve” Robin addresses him, her grin shining in the night as she turns her head around to face him, “do I really need to remind you that it’s not the first time we’re heading to a secret bonfire, so we’re going to take the shortcut counselors have been using for years to reach the only spot near the lake that is not visible from camp so that no one notices that we’re setting up an illegal fire?”
You let out a small chuckle as you catch Steve’s surrendering look in the flashlight gleam, wondering what he would say if he knew that yes, you and Robin have taken that path before, but just to find some privacy and silence to read or chat without anyone interrupting - and that this was, actually, your first time at a secret bonfire, too. 
Not that you and Robin didn’t have friends at camp. You knew basically everyone and often participated in counselor-only events like horror movie nights or board game tournaments in the meeting room. But you’d never formed a closer group of friends, an inner circle to share other kinds of experiences with - like adventures that weren’t exactly allowed or performed in the daylight, such as late-night swimming or, indeed, lakeside bonfires. 
It was mostly because you and Robin got along so well and had known each for such a long time that you enjoyed your company more than anyone else’s, cracking inner jokes or laughing at shared memories. But it was also hard to get closer to others (campers first and counselors later) when every friendship circle was, by now, clearly defined. It was a bit like school, to be honest.
That’s why you've brought the six-pack with you this year: together with Robin, you've made the decision to expand your duo a little, and alcohol seemed like the perfect excuse to do so. Sure, hanging out with Steve Harrington this much wasn’t exactly what you expected - even if he was inexplicably close to your brother Dustin, you’d never shared more than a few words and greetings with him and he’d always looked a bit too much on the popular side for you. But, since he seems to be a well-fitting addition to your small group, you guess that he can count as a new friend. He is, after all, a nice dude.
While you reflect on this, you keep walking in the dark, making your way through the vegetation that has been running uphill for the last few minutes.
“Got it” Robin exclaims after a while, grabbing a tree branch for support as she lowers herself to climb down a small crag on the side of the path, back towards the lake. 
Through the now sparse woods, you catch a glimpse of bright red light and you overhear laughter and chatter. You’ve finally reached the bonfire spot and, as you reach out to grab the same tree branch Robin has just used, your heart skips a little beat - which, for now, you blame on the excitement of doing something new and forbidden. 
“Need help there?” Steve proposes, holding out his hand for you to take, but you’re already down with Robin. “Okay, then” Steve shrugs, shaking his head at the rejection as he climbs down and catches up with you. 
You scramble through the last few bushes and finally get back into the open air. This side of the lake looks like a little cove: the shore curves softly towards the hill at your back, creating a short but thick strip of sand and pebbles that’s blocked at its sides by big rocks scattered with wild plants. 
You can’t see the few permanent lights of camp from here, which means two things essentially: first, your group and the fire that’s blazing in the middle of the cove can’t be seen, either; second, as your gaze lifts up to the pitch black sky, a myriad of glittering stars invade your eyes, making your head spin with their beauty and multitude as you walk towards the trio waiting for you around the bonfire.  
“Hey guys! You made it!” the boy that must be Jeff exclaims, welcoming you as soon as he spots you. When he speaks, two other figures turn away from the fire and in your direction, revealing Gareth and Eddie with a beer in their hands.
You timidly wave at them and your heart unexpectedly skips a beat once again. Gareth waves back with a warm and kind smile, a slight contrast to his very metal and not-so-summer-camp look: a black and red checkered shirt with ripped sleeves, layered over a Black Sabbath t-shirt. You’ve never seen him without the camp uniform, so it takes you aback a little bit - but not as much as seeing Eddie does. 
He’s standing tall against the red light of the fire, a black and worn-out leather jacket draped on his broad shoulders, shielding him from the cool breeze that’s rustling his long curls. Underneath the jacket, you catch a glimpse of a t-shirt with a devilish logo on it, the thin cotton clinging to his abdomen and tucked into his jeans. A denim vest adorned with multiple pins and patches completes the look, somehow making him look even taller and broader. 
He looks like the ultimate version of himself, one that makes him feel more confident and in his element, and it’s showing - in his stance, in the way his head slightly tilts while taking a sip of his beer, in the way his fingers drum on the glass of the bottle, which tinkles against the steel of his rings. For the first time since you’ve known him a few days ago, you clearly realize how good he looks. Especially when he throws you one of his upside-down grins to return your wave. 
“Yeah man, thanks for the invite” Steve replies to Jeff’s greeting, snapping you back into the moment as he high-fives and fist-bumps him like they’ve known each other for years. 
Both Eddie and Robin look at the exchange with eyebrows raised and a surprised look, before glancing at each other inquisitively. 
Steve mouths a curious “what?” in their direction as you all step closer to the fire, taking a seat on random rocks and battered trunks that the guys have placed around the flames. 
Your six-pack is placed near the water, so that the slow, cold waves refresh the cans with their constant flow; three more beers from another pack are handed to you by Gareth and Robin’s marshmallows get stuck on thin branches that Jeff collected from the woods, ready to burn and sizzle on the fire. 
You’re sitting on a tree trunk next to Steve and, after a while, you end up discussing animatedly with him and Gareth about the best movie of the year - a match that has come down to Steve’s choice, Back To The Future, and yours and Gareth’s pick, the upcoming The Goonies. 
“How can you vote for a movie that you haven’t even seen yet?” Steve’s exclaiming, but you distractedly miss Gareth’s heated remark as you throw a casual glance at Eddie. 
He’s sitting on a flat rock to your left, so you can only see his side profile. The flames of the bonfire cast flashes of red and orange on his face, in a dancing game of shadows and light that enhances his features. He’s talking with Jeff and Robin about music and guitar brands, his hands fiddling with a pack of cigarettes. Your eyes follow his fingers and the glittering reflection of the fire on his multiple rings as he extracts one and places it between his lips. His eyebrows shoot up as he laughs at something Robin says, lips jerking up in a smirk that shows the brown tip of the cigarette between his white teeth.
You unconsciously match his smirk with a small smile of your own as he bows his head a little to light the cigarette, the tiny flame flickering for a few seconds in his deep brown eyes. As he lifts his head back up, wavy hair bouncing at the side of his face, their chocolate irises turn to meet yours for a brief instant - making you blush in the dark as you snap back to Steve and Gareth’s conversation. 
“If you put it like this” Gareth is saying, “then I’ll go for Cat’s Eye”. 
Steve firmly shakes his head as he takes a bite of his burnt marshmallow, chasing it with a sip of beer. “Never heard of that one” he states as he gulps the mix. 
“Are you crazy?” Gavin sighs, “Three Stephen King stories and Drew Barrymore? That’s the recipe for the perfect horror movie”. 
Steve shrugs. “Not a big fan of horror, to be honest” he replies. “Not my genre. It’s not even that scary most of the time”. 
“I bet you couldn’t go through a full horror movie, though” you joke, nudging Steve's side and causing him to look down at you with a defiant look. 
“Try me” he simply states, causing you to roll your eyes with a scoff. 
“It’s not like we have a VHS player and a tv at hand right now” you reply, sipping on the last of your beer. 
Gareth chips in with a mischievous smile, nodding towards Steve. “I think I might have just the right alternative. Hey, Eddie” he exclaims, causing his friend, Jeff and Robin to turn towards you. “Why don’t you tell Harrington about Creel House?”.
An owl hoots in the background as Eddie stares at Gareth with a questioning look, a puff of smoke escaping his mouth. “Like, right now? Why?”
“Y/n here said Harrington wouldn’t last through a horror movie” Gareth explains, throwing you a complicit wink, “so let’s give him a chance to prove her wrong. If there’s something as scary as a horror film, that’s our very own, real-life haunted house”. 
“There’s a haunted house in Hawkins?” Robin curiously wonders as she stuffs her mouth with a couple more marshmallows.
Jeff looks at her in surprise. “You’ve really never heard of it?” He asks, his eyes darting between her, Steve and you just to be met by hesitant denial from every direction.
“Alright then, ladies and gentlemen” Eddie sighs, putting out the half-smoked cigarette, “let me present to you a story of satanic worship, ritual sacrifice… and murder. Told to you as my own uncle Wayne told it to me” he theatrically declares, placing his now empty bottle of beer on the ground as everyone huddles closer to the fire - and to each other. Which means that now you can feel the thick denim of Eddie’s jeans brush lightly against your skin, as his knee grazes your leg for a second.
“Imagine Hawkins back in 1959” Eddie begins, his voice lowering and almost becoming one with the crackling of the fire, the chirping of the crickets in the woods behind you and the soft sound of the water washing up on the shore of the lake. “Everything all tidy and clean, front yards perfectly well kept, people always dressed up with their best clothes. A very nice place, quiet and neat - and very beautiful new houses popping up at every corner and at the end of every cul-de-sac. A small town paradise, you could say”.
You listen attentively to his every word, the lilt in his voice and the ever-changing movements of his hands capturing you in the story. 
“One day, a new family comes to the delightful, safe haven of Hawkins - Mr. Victor Creel, with his wife Virginia and his little kids Henry and Alice. They’ve just bought a beautiful house, and it’s huuuge. There are rooms everywhere, and they settle in nicely. But-“ Eddie continues, his index finger shooting up as he speaks, “something is not quite right. After a month or two, one dreadful night changes everything: possessed by a sudden, maddening rage, Victor Creel slashes his whole family - not even the kids make it out alive. When the police arrive, they find them in the entrance hall and oooh boy, that’s a dreadful scene: every bone in their body is broken and twisted, their faces frozen in a cry of horror… and their eyes are gone in a pool of blood”.
As he suddenly roars those last words, he lifts up his arms and covers each one of his eyes with one hand. Across from you, Robin gasps loudly, causing Jeff and Gareth to snicker under their breath. Next to you, Steve seems quite unfazed.
“The official version of the event that the police came up with is that he lost his mind, just like that” Eddie says with a snap of his fingers as he picks up the story again, his sing-song tone back to normal. “So that is why he’s locked up into Pennhurst, where they are still studying his case today. However, some suggest a different story - and one of them is Victor Creel himself”.
“That’s my favorite part” Gareth chips in, popping another bottle of beer open as Eddie resumes speaking, the flames of the bonfire glittering in his eyes.
“Mr. Creel claims that his family was killed by an evil, vengeful demon” Eddie reveals, nodding as Robin whispers a soft no way. “He says that he tried to call an exorcist, but it didn’t help. So, the demon got even angrier and killed his lovely kids and wife, sparing him as a form of punishment. So, what is the truth? Did he attempt to summon a spirit and it turned wrong? Did he make a pact with the devil and didn’t respect his terms? Was he just a crazy psychopath always one step away from murder? No one will ever know” Eddie concludes, his gaze going over the astonished audience with satisfaction.
“What’s even crazier, though” Gareth steps in, addressing a still unimpressed Steve, “is that the old house is still standing. And some people swear that sometimes, when you pass by it on the street after sunset, you can see flickering lights coming from its broken windows. Even if no one’s been living there for years”.
“Well, that’s strange” you observe, a shiver involuntary running down your spine - probably due more to Eddie’s storytelling skills than to the actual story. 
Steve shrugs in response. “I’ve seen stranger things” he replies, his voice apparently calm - but you catch the way in which, at the mention of the flickering lights, he tightens his grasp on a piece of wood sticking out from the trunk where you’re sitting.
“Well done, Steve Harrington! You’ve passed the test” Robin jokes, throwing a piece of candy at Steve - which he manages to avoid with a swift movement of his head.
“Was that really necessary?” He questions her, pointing at the marshmallow on the ground as they start bickering under the amused looks of Jeff and Gareth.
A gentle nudge on your leg makes your head turn.
“Scared?” Eddie simply asks you, the light from his tilted smile reaching his eyes as they set on yours. His knee doesn’t move: it keeps leaning against your thigh, and even if it’s just a tiny contact spot you can still feel the heat of his body warming you up.
“It was creepy, I’ll give you that” you reply, the thought of him being so close to you weirdly stuck in the back of your mind. “But I think the scared one was actually Robin” you add, nodding towards her - who’s still arguing with Steve about the stickiness of marshmallows.
Eddie follows your gaze and lets out a soft chuckle at the sight of your friends, then quickly turns his attention back to you. This time, however, he’s staring at your exposed legs.
“Oh, but I see chills” he observes with a knowing smirk as he notices the tiny bumps on your skin. “That’s a pretty obvious sign, y’know?”
“Don’t get your hopes up, Munson” you jokingly retort, this time nudging him with your leg, “they’re from the cold”. 
It could have sounded like a blatant excuse, but it’s gotten quite chilly since you first arrived at the bonfire spot - so, yes, now you’re shivering slightly and wishing you’d brought more than a cotton sweatshirt to camp. It also doesn’t help that the fire is significantly milder, its flames almost reduced to a cluster of burning embers.
After a while, indeed, everyone starts feeling the drop in the temperature too - and as soon as the first yawns start interrupting your conversations, you realize it’s probably time to head back.
So, once you’ve made sure that the bonfire is completely extinguished, with Gareth even throwing a handful of sand and some lake water on the burnt wood, you start heading back towards the trail that leads to camp. 
If coming down from the downhill that led to the shore was relatively easy, climbing back up to get to the woods is definitely harder. Eddie and Gareth go first, grabbing random branches to get some leverage and push themselves up; Steve and Jeff, instead, stay behind to let watch yours and Robin’s back. 
You take a few steps ahead, Eddie and Gareth looking down on you and reaching out with their hands. “I think I can make it” you say, closing your fist on a thick branch and sticking a foot in the steep ground in front of you. You manage to lift yourself up and almost make it to them - but as you’re about to put your other foot to the top, the branch suddenly snaps, making you gasp in shock.
You don’t fall back, though. A hand shoots out and grabs your wrist, swiftly pulling you up and making you crash into something soft - which, you soon realize, is Eddie’s chest. 
“Got ya” he says, letting you free of his grasp once he’s made sure you’re steady on your feet. Caught in surprise, you instantly take a step back - but the feeling of the softness of his body beneath the cotton of his shirt is burned on the palm of your hands.
“Thanks” you mutter, stepping aside to let Robin come up and mentally scolding yourself for being, once again, way too clumsy. And, also, desperately wondering why you’re blushing so violently. 
Thankfully, though, it’s too dark for anyone to notice; and as you all make your way back to your cabins, the night grows even more pitch black. Until, a few hours later, the first slivers of faint yellow light start lingering over the horizon.
— 🏕 —
Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) Feedback is always welcome!
Taglist •  @meaganjm @emwhite1 @juggernort @final-girllll @mermemerald @sarcasm-is-my-form-of-attack @stardustworlds @eddiesbirdie @carolineesnell
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thevulturesquadron · 2 years
Stranger Things soft found-family headcanons:
Steve, Eddie & and the six nuggets adopted along the way: 
Dustin:  Dustin loves the both of them in the most genuine and open way. They both filled an empty place in his life, one that always ached, but that he never dared to dwell on, because he was afraid that if he was not strong enough and self-sufficient enough his mother would have felt like she had failed him as a parent. With them around, he learns that he doesn’t have to constantly prove himself, that being vulnerable is ok, and that it’s a necessary part of growing up. After Steve and Eddie sort out their feelings, the most important approval and acceptance for them is Dustin’s. Neither wants to lose or change the way the boy is part of their lives and they don’t want to make him feel less comfortable around them. When they tell him, one late evening after the usual D&D game, Dustin admits he doesn’t fully understand it yet. Instead he stares at both from across the table - maps, dice, fallen figurines and scattered bowls and bottles forgotten - with the seriousness of an old man: ‘But you’re happy, right?’ Their immediate reassurances and smiles are not enough to chase all the worries from his brow, not until he finds the courage to ask what’s on his mind ‘That... doesn’t change anything, does it? Like... you won’t end up spending more time with each other and forgetting about me or, I don’t know, making up excuses for not being around?’ In the brief silence between the three of them, the duo realizes that Dustin was just as afraid of losing them as they were of losing him. And they cry. Eddie is the first. Oh, how he tried to smile and joke and reassure, but his voice is shaky and choked and there is no stopping the tears. Because he thought this type of love and acceptance was reserved for other people that were not... him. He was never that lucky. Dustin cries under the overwhelming relief that nothing was going to change. And Steve holds them both, arms wrapped around them like life itself was depending on it and he lets his tears soak the hair on top of Eddie’s head. For the first time he felt loved within the walls of his own house. ‘And you’re not allowed to fight! Cause I am not taking sides and neither of you gets to walk away!’. Dustin sees the best in them, past their flaws, and constantly reminds them of that, which, in return, makes both of them want to grow and be better people. For Dustin. They both owe him so much more than he thinks he owes them. 
Max:  Steve is the big brother she chooses. They share an unspoken trauma, they’d pushed and pulled at each other’s seams through past events, tiptoeing around feelings of a ghost family they never had, that they’d been yearning for subconsciously, until they’d grown into it. And it came so naturally. It just happened slowly and steadily, creeped into their everyday interactions until it became the norm. There’s unspoken love between them, and it makes room for teasing and poking and bickering and big brother energy - because that’s what siblings do at their age. With Eddie, she always likes to play smart-ass. If him and Steve are having an argument about a thing or another, she always picks Steve’s side even if everyone knows that she probably agrees with the other. ‘It’s about loyalty’ she once admitted with a shrug. But when it comes to serious, life-related questions, she always goes to the metalhead because she knows Eddie has life figured out better than Steve, even if by a little bit. Their conversations are always private and he respects that. Eddie provides her with a safe space to express/experiment with things that would make Steve go into his 'no means no’ pose. She likes them both a lot, and they both fit well in her carefully picked family, but in her own ways she’ll always be protective of Steve. One time, when she asked Eddie if she could try smoking with him, late one night on his porch, she flat-voiced threatened to shave his hair if he ever ended up hurting Steve. 
Will: Will falls under Eddie's wing - he has a big special place in Eddie's heart, and his attention, because of their life experiences as nerds that are passionate about the things they do, and just because of their sheer existence as young gay men growing up in a small town in the 80s. But for some reason Will ends up having an easier time asking Steve about relationships and matters of the heart. Things like ‘How do you do this or that?’ or ‘When you said that to Eddie what did you mean?’.  With Eddie it’s more of a silent conversation; he doesn't need to ask or look for much because Eddie can read him well and knows exactly what he needs to hear; things he wishes someone would have told him when he was the boy’s age. Will loves talking to Steve because he’s always acting first and thinking later. Most of Will’s questions take him by surprise, as if he’s never considered them before and he takes the time to answer each and every one of them. The teenager finds comfort in seeing that things aren't meant to be figured out from the start and he likes the way Steve doesn’t treat him as a kid in those moments, but instead creates the space for him to process these thoughts. Also Will develops a bit of a teenager crush on Steve; the one you get on people you admire, one that brings him comfort and hope. Eddie knows and gently smiles every time he catches the slight tint in Will’s cheeks and the way his face brightens up when Steve is around. He also loves to tease Steve about it.
Lucas: He is under Steve's wing; he's the athletic one, the more social one. Steve always hypes him up and supports his dreams of becoming a professional basketball player. He’s always there for him for practice and during matches. Sometimes they train together, sometimes Steve takes Lucas for a run and sometimes they just spend time together - on a couple of occasions Steve asks him if he wants to try bowling or learn how to play pool. One time he got them tickets to a game in Indianapolis when Lucas’ favourite team was playing. They team up a lot, they get competitive a lot with other people. And Lucas is just... happy Steve is there for everyone, that he is part of Max’s life. He looks up to him and, ever since he stood between him and Billy, Steve has become a bit of a role model for him. The way Lucas was ready to face Jason that night in Creel’s house was in some parts something he had learned from Steve - it wasn't about winning, it wasn’t about coming out on top or being the hero, it was about being the shield the person he loved needed him to be. 
Mike: well Mike is under both of their wings. Mike is always giving Steve a hard time, more than any of the other teenagers, and Steve is always complaining about what a little shit he is. It gets worse when they take the kids on road trips. Most incidents end up with Steve looking at Eddie in the most ‘you deal with it or so help me god I’ll hang him in a tree by his underwear and drive away’ way.  Eddie finds their history and conflicts endearing, knowing that in spite of all the bravado Steve would jump through fire for Mike if he had to. So he always... finds himself in the middle, soothing the conflict; Eddie pulls Steve aside and tells him Mike is just a kid, that he’s just riling him up because he can and because Steve falls so easily for it. He also asks Steve to give him a break; ‘Mike is wired differently; he’s confused, needs time to figure himself out. Not his fault.’  But when Steve’s not around he teases Mike and pushes all the right buttons to give him a taste of his own medicine because he's not about to let a half-baked shrimp get under his boyfriend's skin and get away with it. They both care about him, a care that is rooted in different places. All the while, Mike is not really aware of how much they actually mean to him or how much he relies on them because he never stops to think about it. Sometimes Eddie points out that the two of them have a lot in common and Steve absolutely hates it, but he knows. He knows he needs to and wants to give the kid the space and time to figure himself out cause uh boy, when he was his age he was waaaay worse and he doesn’t want to think about the sort of person he would have turned out to be if people hadn't given him a chance.  
El: It takes some time for the girl to figure out what the duo means to her. Steve, for some reason, is just smitten with her. In his eyes she’s a badass and he takes every chance he has to ramble about how impressive she is. That feeling only grows stronger over time, and it becomes obvious that it has less to do with her powers and more to do with just El being El. He can’t help but feel proud of her even if he had nothing to do with it. Eventually she gets really close to Eddie. He’s like no one she has ever met before, someone with so much personality, with no interest in fitting in anywhere and so comfortably loud about being himself. She wants to learn how all of that works because she’d like that for herself. In the beginning, Eddie feels awkward around her. It’s unnerving, the way she stares at him, as if she can see right through his soul, through every lie he jokingly tells to protect his emotions. Then, as they become closer, the questions start pouring. The most awkward, curious and unfiltered questions at the most inappropriate times. He’ll never forget (not that people would allow him to) that one morning when the Byer-Hopper family invited everyone over for breakfast, and, after intently staring at both him and Steve for the longest time, she ended up asking, mouth full of scrambled eggs and bacon, if they’d gotten into a fight or had been caught by the police doing something bad because of Steve’s bruised wrists. Yep, because of moments like these Eddie finds himself conflicted, torn between the warning signs that tell him to keep his stupid mouth shut, and just falling in love with her; because she is the most raw and unhinged person he’s ever met. She reminds him of a simpler time, reminds him there’s no need for complicated thoughts and convoluted ways to express his feelings. And in turn, he pours all that honesty in the way he loves Steve. Because El reminds him there’s nothing more powerful and courageous than making yourself vulnerable in the arms of the people you love and trust.  
Erica: You can count on her to keep them humble and she makes no exceptions, or at least it takes people a very long time to figure out that she does, in fact, play favourites. She loses not one beat when it comes to taking Eddie off of his high horses. Steve, however is another story. When Eddie eventually calls her out on it, because he’s her ‘goddam DM and dice provider, what has Harrington ever done for you?’ she nonchalantly enunciates that she and Steve go waaaay back, he did his time in sailor shorts, trial by fire and all of that. Also free ice cream. Ever since, Eddie wouldn’t be caught admitting it, but he’s been trying to get in her good graces, a tint bothered and jealous over how Steve was managing what no one else could, and he wasn’t even aware of it. In spite of her constant nagging and endless well of judgmental opinions, over time, Erica becomes more and more present in their lives. They don’t point it out because they’ve grown fond of her; and because, even if Erica never asked if she could stick around, she always finds ways of showing how much she appreciates it.
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Ratbag after Shadow of War
so @your-local-metalhead and I were talking about Ratbag after the events of the war of the ring and that he’s basically gonna be pure angst. Here’s what we came up with
he’s depressed but in an Uruk way 
he probably just wanders, trying to find some place safe, some place where he can disappear and just be left alone with his grief because his Ranger is gone, gone for good
maybe he gets lucky and Az-Harto is still alive and having his company helps with the grief
or Az-Harto is also dead and he’s very much alone
kind of like Maglor is alone: both survived years and years of war, both outlived all their loved ones
^prompting:  they can wander middle-earth together and be depressed together
at least Ratbag finally gets to see the sea, but he's too depressed to truly enjoy the discovery
he may have felt a bit of hope and wonder back when Talion and Az-Harto where alive and well, even among all the horrors they were living through
but a lot of the time all he can think is "I wonder if Talion ever saw the sea." and "Talion would have liked this" 
then he just descends into his memories of Talion and Az-Harto while he wanders along with Maglor who hums depressing songs
Ratbag is actually good at singing, then they'd make a nice duo
the emo singers of Middle Earth
they sing together in taverns for just enough coin to eat
Maglor has to do a lot of intimidating to keep Ratbag safe at first because, well, he’s an orc and people don’t take kindly to his kind. But Mags is a Feanorian so he’s got Ratbag covered
eventually people get used to Ratbag and know he isn't dangerous. he’s just depressed. depressed and bitter
bitter because he can't not notice how men, elves, dwarves and every other race have got their happy ending, while orcs are being hunted down to extinction
Feel free to add anything if anyone has more headcanons 
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playdohmichelangelo · 4 years
metalocalypse x american dad crossover fic wip from a txt file i found on my desktop [1.2k words]
''Dad, why is there a giant, evil-looking truck in front of our house?''
Stan, sitting in the living room armchair, not looking up from the book he just started, which was titled ''How To Look Up From A Book.'', replied:
''Probably just some of my homeboys from the C.I.A dropping by. I wouldn't worry about it, Steve. O-Oh- and the C.I.A. isn't evil! We're the good guys.''
''It doesn't look like a C.I.A. vehicle, dad! It's like a slow-moving castle, out of heavy metal.'' Steve spoke while nervously fiddling with his fingers. ''It's like it's owned by metalheads!''
Stan looked up from his book, his attention caught. ''Metalheads? You mean those long-haired worshippers of the DEVIL? That's not right...''
''Yeah! Like Haile-''
Stan pushed him aside and looked out the window, eyes squinting. There it was- an ominous chunk of black and red, taking up both sides of the street. It looked like a whole building rather than a vehicle.
''Hmm, looks like a blockage.'' Roger commented while snacking on bacon Tuc crackers and getting crumbs everywhere on the floor.
''You might want to put something on, Roger, I think they're here to visit us!'' cried Steve.
''They are not going to invade my kingdom!'' panicked Stan. ''Not one filthy, booted step on my clean American property!''
He ran outside and Steve followed.
''What's going on?'' came from Hailey, who was behind.
''Hayley, do you know what this is about? Why aren't they leaving? You know, *them*?'' Stan gestured at the vehicle in front of them.
''Oh... Oh my God!'' Hailey gasped. ''We won the Dethklok-family sleepover raffle that I signed us up for!''
''You WHAT?''
''Dad, you know what this means? Dad! They're the biggest death metal band in the. Whole. WORLD!'' She squealed with glee.
''Death... Metal? Deathclock? Well, I can't allow this! They are NOT getting anywhere near us. I forbid it!''
''Dad, dad, it's okay- it's...'' She sighed. ''It's five white guys, dad.'' Hailey whispered to Steve. ''But none of them are straight.''
''...And they're famous?''
''Oooh, wait, I know them!'' Steve exclaimed. ''Hailey listens to some of their tracks sometimes when you're not home, like I Ejaculate Fire and-'' Hailey covered his mouth with both her hands. ''Haha, well, it's, um... It's awful that they're spreading so much steam into the athmosphere with the... Mordcar? Dethcycle! I hate them too, like you, dad! I swear. But they're only going to stay for ONE night! Daddy, please? It's a one-in-a-billion chance! We were picked!''
Stan sighed, deeply. ''Just one night. And then they'll leave. And you'll owe me, Hailey. But how are we going to house 5 people? 5 cavemen with long, filthy hair, at that, schreeching about the Devil and... Uhh... Iron..''
''I guess they assumed the fans who signed up would worry about that.'' Steve answered while eyeing the contrast in size between their house and the vehicle.
The Dethcar/Mordcycle entrance doors slid open with the speed of molasses dripping off a spoon, with thick fog creeping outside dramatically, of course, setting quite the scene. Stan stared in awe.
''Pickle, we amsn't suppossed to smoke weeds today!'' cast the whine of one of the silhouettes at the step.
''Sorry, Toki, I ferget we hed a theng today. Jus' ventilating for a moment.''
''It's okej. But look, we's here!''
''Oh sheet, lemme just discard dat real quick-''
The man with the hair that looked like a red octupus dropped his blunt onto the grass, roughly massaged it with his sneaker, and kicked it under the Dethcar. He looked at Stan and grinned mildly apologetically.
As the guy next to him with the catfish whiskers gently facepalmed, more people came out of the car.
''This is it? SO tame. Talk about *regular* jackoffs. Ugh. We could've gotten the apartment of a crackhead, at least that'd be interesting'' scoffed the man whose face could've had murder written on it. He stepped forward and headed towards the front door, pushing Stan out of the way.
''Hey! Don't you touch me with those.. Eugh, those ogre sausages!'' Stan asserted. ''How are you so ugly?'' he added, with genuine confusion.
''Gee, thanks, you suit. Don't you know who I am?''
''I really don't.''
The man with the Murderface seemed disheartened, just for a moment. ''Duh, I'm William Murderface, songwriter and lead of the second most famous band in the world, aka Dethklok, and also the mastermind behind THE most famous band in the world, Planet P-''
''No, he's not.'' came from the living personification of ''death metal''. He stepped right in front of Stan. They were pretty much of the same height and physique, but something about the stranger made him more intimidating than the plain-faced suburban man we know as Stan.
''I guess we'll be staying here tonight. I'm Nathan Explosion. I don't know why I said that, you already knew. Whatever.'' He shrugged, sighed, and stepped inside like the faces of awe of the winning family meant nothing to him.
Another man, who looked like an elf and also a birch tree, just followed, silently. But he did stop for a moment and seemingly checked out Hailey, squinting his eyes and touching his chin like he was comparing products at a food library. He went inside as well like it was nothing. He and Nathan sat on the couch and watched the TV.
''Hold on...'' spoke Nathan. ''This TV doesn't have The Dethklok Minute. The fuck?''
''Dat's ams strange.'' came from the other man, now even more obviously European. ''Oh wells. I don't haves my guitars with mes. Just puts on whatever.''
Nathan, handling the remote, asked ''You cool with... Damn, they have every season of Grey's Anatomy. Wanna see that?''
The other man shrugged. He casually pulled out some sort of toy and started fidgeting with it to busy his hands. Probably plays a lot of guitar...
Stan was appalled, these people, waltzing in... At least the elf took off his shoes. And there's more... The duo from before, they approached them as well.
''They're getting comfortable like it's a party! Wouldn't expect anything less offensive from lost men such as these.'' Stan pouted. ''You there, young man!'' He pointed at the catfish man, who was in the middle of taking off his shoes after realising the kitchen floor might be slippery. ''Huh? Mes?''
''You seem polite.''
''Thank yous! I'ms Toki, Dethklok's... Supporting guitarist!''
He handed out his hand in the shape of one half of a handshake. Stan hesitated, but he accepted it. The man's grip was a lot firmer than Stan expected. ''So, ums... What rooms ams I sleepings in?'' ''There's a spot under Steve's bed.'' Stan suggested, coldly. ''You thought I'd be nice to you, huh? Well, you thought wrong! You're still an enemy!'' ''Enemies? Buts I just gots here-'' ''No protests, son. Now go to your room.'' ''???'' ''...Steve will lead you there. Steve?''
Steve's head perked up. ''Yes?'' ''I need to deal with this one man with long hair hiding a lot of sin at a time. Toki's sleeping under your bed tonight.'' Toki frowned. ''You're parternings me ups with a kid because you thinks of me as a kid?'' Stan crossed his arms. ''Yes.'' Toki cursed under his breath. ''Fines! Let's goes, Steve.'' As he and Steve stepped up, he asked: ''Do yous haves any video gayms?''
''Now, where was I... Wait, where's triangle-hair guy?
[didn’t write past this lol]
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doomedandstoned · 3 years
Cave of Swimmers Reach Epic Heights in Infectious New Spinner ‘Aurora’
~Review by Billy Goate~
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Album Art by Brian Olson
I've always said that given the right circumstances (say a good set of professional ears lodged in influential places) that CAVE OF SWIMMERS would be a sensation. Why? Because they've got all the right stuff to really connect with people at a time when heavy music has been simmering underground, well-past ready for a fresh outburst. Hamstrung by lockdowns, financial burdens, and fear aplenty, we're ready to dust off our air guitars and party like it's 1987 again (incidentally, the year I first discovered heavy music). I'm not alone in speculating that we're in for another Roaring Twenties, not unlike the carefree days that followed the last global pandemic. And it's precisely this kind of energetic vibe, with its unique Latin-meets-metal flavor, that is ripe and ready to rock 'n' revel to!
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Hell, we've not heard a sound this contagious since, well, maybe Sepultura -- and that was another animal entirely. With that said, Cave of Swimmers are very much metal to the core. And oh what a crowd-rousing live show Guillermo Gonzalez (guitar, synth, vox) and Arturo Garcia (drums, backing vox) can put on! I was there when Cave of Swimmers energized a hung-over and droopy mob gathered 'round The Vinyl Stage at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, lo those many years ago at the inaugural Psycho Las Vegas.
Doomed & Stoned · The Doomed & Stoned Show - The Cave Of Swimmers Special
All that and they have an appealing back story: two friends whose families relocated to Florida amidst tumultuous circumstances in Venezuela. As teenagers, Arturo and Guillermo grew up idolizing bands like Iron Maiden and Metallica and now they've crafted a fantastic, original style of their own, with wicked guitar play and grandiose vocals built atop a rhythmic array that is simultaneously feverish and suave, with choruses that are imminently singable. Stream their latest LP at least twice through and I can predict which lines you'll be humming at work and crowing in the shower at the top of your lungs.
When the band burst upon the scene in 2013 with Cave of Swimmers, I remember the community sharing it like mad. From "Materia" onward to their incredible namesake anthem, it was as if the Latin Candlemass had emerged from the salty Atlantic to enthrall crowds like some kind of warbling Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Cave of Swimmers by CAVE OF SWIMMERS
Their music-making only got better from there. 2015 gifted us with a second EP, Reflection, featuring a song I have no doubt will one day be a doom metal standard, "Prince of the Power of the Air". I'm telling you, the Psycho crowd went stompin' nuts when they heard those quasi-Biblical lyrics sung in epic doom fashion accompanied by that stern guitar tone, leading up to an incredible solo, and then a delirious second-half, which made everyone dance (whether we wanted to or not). It's infectious, like I said. I'm telling you, this sound cannot be matched. And I'm convinced it will not be stopped, either.
Reflection by CAVE OF SWIMMERS
2021 is Cave of Swimmer's year to ascend, for thus saith the Prophet that dwelleth atop the Rocks on High! Pandemic or no, it was this duo's time to release the material that had been welling up inside of them for so long. I guess we can call this their first LP, even though every spin so far has felt sufficiently hefty to refer to as a full-length. Six songs clocking in at over 30 minutes -- it's the band's next stepping stone in their journey from the recording studio into your earbuds and mine.
'Aurora' (2021) plays like the first songbird of spring, if you'll indulge my idyllic wording for a moment. It's just so full of earnestness, life, and yes joy. Three things that we've been longing for in the midst of so much treachery and nihilistic despair. Hell, I consider myself something of a nihilist, but this band melts away my grim pessimism. It's all encapsulated in the thrashy, downtuned attack married to a kind of urgent Latin vibe that says "We've got one night left to live, let's die with a smile!"
After an atmospheric introduction that foreshadows material still to come, we're treated to "The Sun," which the band released as a single awhile back. I remember telling them at the time, "You guys should be huge." I meant it with all my heart, too. Certainly, this isn't watered down pop music fare, yet I think the average heavy music listener will find it wholly accessible. I'd put this Cave of Swimmers neck-and-neck with any Top 50 touring metal act, based on this track alone. Maybe I'm just enamored of their sound and being less than objective. So sue me.
Next up: "Double Rainbow," which is a kind of resurrection of optimism. Hope for a new and better tomorrow. "Forget the hate, forget the scene, forget the life of complacency," Guillermo sings. "A second arc, new scenery, our time is here. Don’t let it go! When I hear it, I too want to believe." It's a message that's especially important for us to convey to the next generation of rockers and metalheads, lest they be weighed down by our own disillusionment and mistakes. This is a song that encourages that that brash, foolhardy youthful joie de vivre and its power to change the status quo.
"My Human" opens up with a burst of syncopated guitar that reminds me of something Tom Morello likes to cook up, but its mere window dressing for a song that develops into something purely Cave of Swimmers. A single melodic line of epic singing accented by a soft layer of synthesizer lays out the verse, followed by one headbanger of a chorus. It's a song about companionship and the consolation that we can have in one another, if we will only open ourselves up long enough to being truly human. To give and in turn receive. It also seems to speak of a hope beyond this life, at least in some ethereal, metaphysical sense.
"Looking Glass'' unloads a spitfire of "Say hello to my little friend!" style riffage that rips open into a chorus I could definitely take with me to salsa lessons, if I were to dare return. Remind me to tell you about the time I accidently cracked a partner's nose with my elbow while trying to pull off one of those fancy turn-and-swing maneuvers. Sigh. Some of us have no rhythm, whatsoever. But I recognize a good slam-dancing song when I hear it!
Which leads me to talk "Dirt." Much more gritty than its predecessors, accompanied by a spooky synth of the kind Rob Zombie or Acid Witch are apt to toy with. Even as the mood turns grim, it's a foot shuffler nonetheless. And there's no denying the power of those soaring, falconesque vocals. Guillermo seems capable of transporting listeners to a higher plane of consciousness. Good thing, too, because the message is that we've all been living in our mental prisons for far too long, reinforced by "pride and ego trips."
Billions of us Where are we going to? Chasing our tails around the sun Bleeding our hearts Divided and conquered, too Buy us for sale at the dollar store Raised like pigs on dirt
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It's time to break free. The song ends with a section of flamenco-style guitar executed with deft classical technique. It reminded me a bit of Psychroptic's "Euphorinasia" -- another song that makes brilliant use of acoustic guitar.
"C.S." is Cave of Swimmer's swan song -- a send-back to their earliest work. Their reprisal reminds me of something Metallica would do. There's a certain "Nothing Else Matters" mood about it all. Then out of nowhere, a spurt of volcanic riffage and mad drumming breaks out into a Gojiraesque hoe-down. Oh yes, and there's another celebratory trve metal guitar solo lodged in there juxtaposed with complex rhythmic percussion.
I'm telling you, Cave of Simmers cannot be beat. The game belongs to them. Their time is now. Give ear...
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