respectthepetty · 3 days
Home isn't only good for money!
It's obvious that food helps these ghost find closure because it heals part of their pain, but I'm focused on the ship were all trying to sail because my favorite evolution in this show is going to be Home going from eating frozen meals by himself to helping Peach cook professionally again.
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Because the show began with them making meals.
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The meal that Peach prepares is made in Best's home using ingredients from his fridge which Home watches from a distance.
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And in the second episode, when Peach offered up a small homemade sandwich that was made with items from the convenience store, Home bought everything then he bought some more.
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Which was an argument between the two characters.
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Then episode three happened! In this episode, Home refused to let Pang and Peach use a gas stove, so they could only use the microwave, and this is where we learned that Home has never cooked a meal in his life.
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And orders takeout.
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He also admits to not wanting to eat alone and notices Peach's hand shaking again.
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Home thinks making noodles is difficult, so Peach tells him to wash the basil, but then Home asks for soap. He knows nothing.
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Yet he still tries.
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And the meal that episode was a home for two people who loved each other.
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We got Pang acknowledging they are a family while they were eating dinner, but also we got scenes during the credits of Home stealing Peach's glasses during that dinner.
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And now in episode four, Home casually watches Peach make the ghost's meal in the ghost's home.
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The scenes from the credits show us the group snacking on chips from a bag, only for Home to take an entire bowl of chips just to pour it out on the table, so Peach scolds him.
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All of this is simply to point out that for a boy who didn't know how to cook and had no one to eat with, each episode shows him putting in a bit more effort to connect to the people around him. The meals have brought the boys closer, and now Home is in the kitchen with Peach. He might not be helping with the meals just yet, but he with a bit of practice and a lot of patience, he'll be ready to help when the time comes, so Home isn't just good for his money, but good because he will make an excellent partner.
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din-skywalker · 1 day
Comenting on scattered pines needles IS NOT ENOUGH, I am DRAWING IT.🧍‍♂️
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SO GUUD, also I saw u were (maybe) going to make a chap 2, if you ever do, watch out imma throw fanarts at you 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵
thank you so so much for sharing this it's so good 😭 may i link to this post to show your art in the next fic? and could i take inspo from your dipper outfit design for later in the fic?
again thank you so so much. i'm in the middle of writing chapter 2 rn don't worry it should be up in the next few days omg 😭🩵
(for anyone interested in the fic this lovely art is based on, here's a link:)
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torchflies · 23 hours
Hi TG Fandom! 
I love Irish folklore and believe that the fae folk are terrifying. So…
Nicholas Bradshaw is born in Buck Holler, Tennessee to a coal miner and his wife. 
He's supposed to be an only child forever, he isn't though. 
His Mama loses six babies after him, buries ‘em under little rose bushes that grow big and sturdy with time, but no baby ever sticks as good as the bushes; sticks long enough to give him a little brother or sister to play with — until one does. 
Mama thinks it’ll be a boy, and her belly grows big — bigger than she was with all the others. 
One evening, Nicky is playing in a big circle of mushrooms that popped up over the day, jumping in and out of the ring — until Mama rushes over to scold him. She can't move very fast with her big belly, but she tries anyway, dropping her washing to kneel down and grasp him by the biceps. Mama looks at him with big worried green eyes and tells him to never ever dance in faerie rings, that the fair folk will come and steal him away. She speaks with the terror of a girl who spent her childhood in the Aran Islands, old Irish and fearful down to the very marrow of her bones. 
Nicky promises, his gentle brown eyes filling with tears, but then Mama starts bleeding and can't get to her feet. The baby is coming but something is very very wrong. 
Nicky doesn't dare leave her, he stays to hold her hand, the both of them crouched in the faerie ring — even as his Mama brings a small and silent baby into the world. It never makes a sound and Mama keeps on bleeding… Nicky doesn't know what to do. 
His Mama gasps, with pale lips and a grief-stricken twist to her soul, Please give him a little brother. Please. 
He doesn't know who she's begging, they're the only two out in the night — until he sees a bunch of little blue lights appear, bobbing in the darkness, surrounding them like little flickering candles. A pair of long white fingers comes from the shadows with them, gnarled like old crackling branches in the moonlight, reaching out to gather the remains of the tiny silent baby, the one who never lived, and to press another robust, naked baby into Nicky’s arms in the same breath. 
Tithe, something like a voice creaks out, older than the trees, and suddenly the living, breathing baby boy in Nicky’s arms — one with big, wet green eyes and wild black hair — starts to cry. 
Hello, little brother. He whispers, rocking his baby brother in the center of the faerie ring, surrounded by the sound of his mother’s dying breaths. 
Their father comes home from the mines at daybreak to two healthy sons and a wife who died in childbirth. 
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notahorseindisguise · 13 days
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
it cracks me up that there was a secret society of American journalists who, from 1965 to 2006, slipped the phrase "it was as if some occult hand..." into articles
this all started when one guy used the phrase in an article and his friends thought it was so hilariously out of place that they all started using it
it drove their editors crazy but they kept doing it
that was like. the whole thing. they called it the Order of the Occult Hand and all it did was put a random metaphor into as many news articles as possible
they picked a new phrase in the early 00s, which has not been revealed yet- to my knowledge
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ichigoginchan · 7 months
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liking swordsmen is a family thing omg
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Vincent Price guest stars on The Muppet Show (1977)
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Luke & Nicola React to Season 3 Part 2 Scenes
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rheasbrvtality · 6 months
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palesoftangel · 11 months
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@/Bassem Youssef on instagram.
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im-deans-pie · 6 months
I love how my camera goes from
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to this: (the next picture in my camera roll)
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Edit: artist is @shkretart
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torchflies · 2 days
Read the new update for the swamp chickens fic.
Love that you made Jake dyslexic. Me and friend have a running theory that he got his callsign from his spelling mistakes, not from leaving people behind.
What was your thought process behind making Jake dyslexic?? It fits his character in the swamp chickens au so well
I’m so glad you like my hc that Jake is dyslexic! 💜
My thought process behind making him dyslexic in the AU is because of how incredibly smart he is. Most dyslexics are incredibly smart — they have to be just to compensate!
Jake is a polyglot, he can speak English, Cajun French, as well as a considerable amount of Louisiana Creole and Jamaican Creole/Jamaican Patois. He can switch between them seamlessly and the swamp chickens can too.
Jake is a whiz with numbers and facts and can make things work in a way that nobody else can — everything he recognizes and loves about his kids, their talents, he has a lot of them too but can't notice them in himself.
Jake still struggles with reading aloud and it takes him a couple seconds longer to decode new words, but he's gotten much better over the years. He absolutely got his callsign because he struggled reading aloud in front of Bradley and the big dummy thought Jake was joking. 🙃 Bradley has all the emotional intelligence of a toaster.
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loveswirl · 6 months
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deathtastegirl · 2 months
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kaycapo · 14 days
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