#i lose track of what I suppose to do 💀💀
cessmaga · 1 year
if you think fandom is bad and gay cuz full of crazy obsessive creepy fangirl, yeah your 100% right but guys missing out the fun, it has full of potential shitpost 💀💀
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weirdsht · 2 months
Cale with someone who has blood manipulation and can make their blood explode on command once it touches the enemy, but they have to cut themselves up first in order for the power to work. 💀😀
It's either they think it's super duper helpful or they become extremely concerned
Let It Run Through Your Veins (Not Out!)
tags: blood, both cale and reader are idiots, gender neutral reader
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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“You said you have an explosive ability right? Now’s a good time to show it off.”
Another day, another attack from one of many Cale’s enemies. The forces from the other side were more overwhelming than he thought. The young master had not expected the enemy to pull all the stops here.
Good thing his significant other said they discovered a new ability they can do.
Or was it?
“What the hell are you doing? I told you to help us not injure yourself.”
Cale stopped controlling his fiery rain for a moment to look at _____ cutting their arm.
“That’s what I’m doing just watch!”
“How the hell am I suppose to watch you doing something–”
He couldn’t help but stop in his tracks when he saw what happened.
_____ had manipulated their blood and flung it towards the enemy. As those red splotches hit the enemy they exploded on command.
“Human! _____’s power is amazing! It’s amazing but dangerous! They’re losing too much blood!”
Raon didn’t know if he was impressed or scared for the now blood manipulator's well-being.
“_____ stop already. I’ll handle it from here.”
“And overuse your ancient powers and faint? No way.”
“Then what do you want? For you to lose too much blood and die?”
At this point, the two are arguing with each other without regard to their enemy.
“Just what do you think you’re doing being distracted–”
The arrogant enemy couldn’t even finish his sentence as Cale’s Fire of Destruction and _____’s blood manipulation rained down on him.
“See I can handle it just fine.”
“No, you can’t. You should see how pale you are right now.”
“You can’t talk Mr I-Look-Like-I’m-About-To-Faint”
Everyone around them just shook their heads at the arguing. To everyone else, the two look like they are about to faint and would probably stay unconscious for at least three days.
It doesn’t help that they haven’t stopped using their powers while arguing. No, in fact, they were arguing while swiftly taking out the enemy.
That was why the rest of the group decided to move faster and wrap things up as quickly as possible.
Or else those two might just faint for three weeks from overusing their powers.
Surprisingly they didn’t. The couple was pale and they were staggering at the end but they persevered and didn’t faint. However, they were both extremely hungry.
Hence why they are currently eating in Cale’s room. A delicious feast was laid out in front of them thanks to Beacrox’s hard work.
Cale and _____ were silent as they ate. No traces of them arguing could be seen. It was as if it didn’t even happen.
Well until Cale opened his mouth to speak.
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
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melodic-haze · 4 months
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REQUEST: A reader much more powerful than Arlecchino and not doing anything about it.. except in bed.
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Arlecchino x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Mention of bloodplay at the very end but like. Very minor. Otherwise there's nothing 🤷‍♀️
☆ — NOTES: I'M NEVER TOUCHING MY DRAFTS WHEN I JUST WOKE UP EVER AGAIN I'M SO SORRY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this was kinda bad dawg am sorry 😞
☆ — PARTS: Part 1, Part 2 (you are here)
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Tall AND powerful??? Ohhhh she's gonna die you KNOW I had to mix it hahaahahha powertrip goes CRAAAAZYYYYYY I have such a thing for it I'm gonna cry
Anyway ok so I would like to first state that extremely powerful chrs that don't actually do a lot w their power is like one of my top fav tropes it's so fucking funny 😭 like dawg you have the power to change the world wdym you're just gonna sit here like it's summer vacation (there's a reason why my Akivilicarnation au exists (even though I gotta work on it one way or another))
This is rather different from the stuff I usually write bc I usually write the reader as. Kinda weak for the sake of putting us all on a powerscale between the chr and our average strength as a human being omg bare with
Okay so. I do feel like she'd be a tad bit frustrated with you, at least at first. Like you could do so much more than what you're showing and yet here you are, not using your strength for important stuff? Lazy bitch, her children are much better than your example 💀 at least, that's her initial take, really
But give her a demonstration, both in a time of need and yk ☺️☺️☺️, and she'll soften up
Anyways it's just the fact that you're both tall AND powerful??? Nevermind her doing anything, she'll find herself dazedly thinking of the ways in which you can quite possibly manhandle her with such brazen 'disrespect'......and also? In the ways you two can actually COMPETE. Or well, 'compete', esp when she finds herself actually WANTING to lose for once. Crazy, how the great Knave would actually prefer to lose compared to the usual want to win against her opponent
You sighed, "I know we talked about it two days ago but do we have to? Really?"
"I would like to test you. Unless you would rather skip such pleasantries?"
"I don't think fighting until one of us surrenders counts as 'pleasantries'. Quite the opposite, actually."
While you've always known Arlecchino to constantly have a stony expression that doesn't usually change, you see the bright crosses of her eyes dim just a fraction, "So I suppose that's a no, then?"
"Well, now," you stepped back with an amused look on your face, getting into the fighting stance you're familiar with, "I didn't say that... Especially not when the reward is something I really want."
And she gains that glow once again as she brandishes her weapon with a fraction of a smile and.. something else much more heated behind those eyes of hers, "Do not get ahead of yourself, my beloved. The results have yet to be concluded."
..She speaks as if she hadn't actually wanted to lose. Laughable, really.
(You know from the way that at the end of it all, she lies underneath you as her eyes scan you with that same heated look in her eyes—lust, a sin in which The Knave hadn't thought of ever committing.. until you came along.)
The whole thing about her being able to reverse your positions? THROW THAT TO THE FUCKING WIND IN THIS SITUATION you can easily EASILY fold her without a care in the world. The fact that she KNOWS you can too gives her a rush she hasn't ever felt without that extra layer of threatened rage
Push her up against the wall, hold her up in the air, pin her down so she can't squirm away..........if you're much more powerful than her, she actually makes a show of 'trying' to escape you. Keyword: 'trying', especially when at the end of the day she resigned herself to losing already
She tells you not to hold anything back, no matter how cautious you are. She says she can handle it, that she isn't strong without reason, that she can endure whatever you give her, no matter what. Usually she kinda ends up forgetting anything she's said though, especially when you're fucking her SOOO hard she starts seeing stars behind her eyes
If your strength applies to endurance too??? Ohhh bye she's not lasting. Like okay she definitely has stamina and endurance but against you? SHE'S QUITE LITERALLY DWARFED....BYE.........
In some way, she actually likes the fact that you don't show your power other than in private with just the two of you—it makes her feel special, to know exactly what you're capable of. Dare I even say she's a tad bit possessive over every side of you? Who can say 😜
Just think that whenever she kinda stands beside you in public w her heels on, she's very very VERY easily reminded of the fact that you tower over her in height, capability AND position.......and really, in comparison to what everyone else may think? Arlecchino wouldn't have it any other way 🫶
....oh side note, just think about how rough you can go, biting each other to the point where you draw blood. Sorry I had to get that final bit out ANYWAY
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johnnycakesswitch · 2 months
I have a few!
I feel like Soda and Pony just let out the most obnoxious burps after they’re finished eating and Darry HATES it because they’re so gross about it too
Darry always has to suppress himself from smiling Pony’s parent escher conferences because all his teachers say such good things about him and he’s proud of his brother
Additionally I feel like Pony has a few teachers he LOATHES and openly complains about and Darry’s just like “suck it up you’re gonna have them all year no sense in complaining” and he gets home from parent teacher conferences and he’s just like “I see why you hate them”
Soda hates being barefoot and would rather walk on hot rods with socks than the normal ground without them
Soda and Steve ransack the snack aisle at the DX except they always end up eating too much and suffer through being lethargic at work because of it
Soda would make those little macaroni signs for Pony at his track meets that say “go Ponyboy” and Pony loves it
Darry likes listening to shin brothers’ heartbeats and the sound of their breathing or whatever other internal noise because it assures him that they’re okay and he isn’t gonna lose them-he never outwardly admits it but when he’s positive they’re asleep he just rests his head on their stomachs and excuses it with “you moved in your sleep”
Pony is a wonderful baker actually
Mrs Curtis used to know how to play piano and taught Pony how to sing and Darry how to play piano. Pony doesn’t sing much anymore because he’s too shy and thinks it’s “not tuff” and to Darry it’s too painful. One time though after work he just started playing and honestly damn near cried. Pony maybe started singing along because it was a song he knew and they just sit in silence for a moment
Mrs Curtis was named Carolina but went by Lina :)
Soda’s eyes look like amber in the sunlight
That’s all!
Wait I’m crying over the idea of Darry going to school conferences, he would be SO proud to hear how well Pony is doing and would give him such a big hug at home and tell him how happy and proud he is. Pony would be like me as a child and the second Darry gets home he’s demanding to know exactly what the teachers said. And the first one is so real, they’re really just gross boys at their core 😭 and Soda would be one of those people who sleeps w socks on and Pony‘s just like alright… questionable behavior. Soda and Steve absolutely steal shit from the DX all the time, it’s a slow day and they’re bored, what else are they supposed to do besides gorge themselves in the break room on candy and soda? Darry is very suspicious when they come home and aren’t hungry for dinner after that. Soda making signs for Ponyboy is so 🥺 he’s the sweetest boy ever. I know you specifically said Darry but I can honestly see all three of them finding heartbeats comforting because like you said, it reminds them that the others are okay ☹️ piano playing and singing is real, I like to think too that Soda attempted to learn how to play the piano as a little kid but he would just cry because it was so boring to him and his mom was just like fuck it don’t learn how to play the piano 💀 I don’t have any name hcs for the Curtis parents but Carolina is a very pretty name. And yes Soda’s eyes are gorgeous in the sunlight, he’s just completely perfect
Thank you for these!
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months
i don’t think this is what you were asking for when you made that post about needing to know the drama but im gonna give you the drama anyway bc BESTIE why is my life actually a fucking nightmare rn i am trying to finish college and my instructor has decided that he is going to fuck with me bc it can’t ever just he easy right? so im taking 3 classes for my final semester right? i have a 3.8 gpa, on track to graduate with honors, turning in all my assignments in on time if not early…
so why the FUCK do open the gradebook yk find that I have a FAILING GRADE IN THIS MAN’S CLASS
i look through my grades to see wtf is going on and not only has he A) put in 0’s for upcoming assignments that aren’t even open to be completed yet, but he also B) has added in 5 written-in grades of 0 that he’s called “attendance score” (it’s an online course with no actual classes, in person OR via zoom). Upon examination of what the fuck these scores are supposed to be, he has put that because I “don’t log onto the course portal more than twice a week, he marks me down as absent” bc in his mind i should be “logging on at least once a day”
so now my GPA has dropped from a 3.8 to a fucking 2.7 bc i have a fucking 49% in this class and if I don’t bring my gpa back up to at least a 3.5 by July 20th, I lose my spot to graduate with honors
so i get in contact w my advisor and bring it to her attention bc what the fuck, right? she tells me that there’s nothing she can do bc technically he has a right to set expectations for his course and can grade accordingly
so now me and like 6 other students out of the 15 of us in this class ate trying to petition the Dean of the department to wave those grades off of our records bc we all were set to graduate w honors and now we aren’t bc of this dumbfuckery and the Dean is like “I’ll see what I can do but I can’t guarantee anything will be done by graduation bc it’s less than a month away” so now our PARENTS are having to all get involved and it’s like literally this would all not be a problem if this guy wasn’t acting like he’s a professor at fucking Harvard and not a literal community college in the middle of nowhere 💀💀💀
anyway, i saw an invitation to spill some tea and took it and hope this at least provided some entertainment for you 💞💞
ok first of all i need to know all the drama all the time so this is great. BUT i am SOOOO sorry checking login times is literally a level of insane i have never experienced before … what is wrong with this guy 😭 i hope u guys get it figured out
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oh-my-may · 6 months
Managed to Finish Chapter 9 yesterday quite quickly... Didn't expect our stay in Gongaga to be so short because the region itself is SO HUGE
Had to retry Scarlet fight a couple of times but my girls pulled through for me. I'm finally starting to really dig (AND UNDERSTAND!) how Yuffie is supposed to be played. Tifa will stay Main forever tho<3
Thoughts on the story... MY CLOTI HEART. I'm not big on theorizing and stuff bc I don't know the full plot of the OG, but it seems clear we're straying further and further from the OG timeline and events. I still have difficulties trying to understand whether Sephiroth always actually appears (only for certain characters to see) or if it's only an illusion... But maybe that's what the game wants.
Anyway, at first I had difficulties exploring Gongaga bc of the jumpy mushrooms but once I got the hang of that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Ended up in some jungle ruins while on the mission to unlock Remnawave Towers... Only for Chadley to send me there later for excavation lol. Also accidently stumbled across all 3 Summon Shrines/intel without actively looking for them. That's what i call true skill 💀
I've also found that I really like playing Cait and Red. Took me a while to get the hang of Red tbh, totally didn't play him at all at the start but his weapon skills make me feel so powerful. I just always lose track of his HP 💀
Cait on the other hand is so fun. I enjoy playing him without the Moogle more tbh, he's so quick and smooth. His weapon of choice is really amusing and his skills surprisingly do a lot of damage.
I've read somewhere that even after Chapter 9 the story isn't close to done because 11 and 13 are really long. Looking forward to that, can't wait to randomly start crying over Cloti or Zack or Aerith or any of them, actually.
Will continue Gongaga exploration today after work! And then off to Cosmo Canyon I go, really excited to see what the map is gonna look like. Will keep you updated on further progress and thoughts!
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nefamphetamine · 2 years
for once, i may be able to contribute to the dialogue about ons despite losing track of the plot at least 4 years ago.
anyway here are just some thoughts on today's chapter.
firstly, the elevator panel in the tower of babel is the kabbalistic tree of life. weirdly though, its extended past the regular amount of spheres which you can see in the comparison photo below.
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actual tree of life with translations:
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notably, shikama doji was at the top, presumably at keter, but im not sure if this was just added for the mystical vibe or if the tree of life actually serves a purpose in the plot.
the tree of life has 7 levels with different traits/virtues called "nodes" on each. for example, the 6th is binah (understanding) and chochmah (wisdom). it describes how god interacts with creation.
the tower mika and yuu enter is explicitly revealed to be the tower of babel, which according to the book of genesis is located in babylonia. the purpose of tower was to reach the heavens where god resides, but god stepped in and made it so that the workers could no longer communicate with each other and build further (britannica.com).
this story is said to be the origin of multiple languages on earth, rather than the sole language that all people spoke previously.
in terms of relevance to the plot of ons, this matches up with shikama doji's desire to ascend back to heaven.
knowing that, im confused with why there are so many other angels down there with shikama. were all angels expelled from heaven? why else would the city be so massive?
up until now i thought it was a lucifer/satan fallen angel type of deal.
on another subject, and i had to confirm this with a google search, there is no historically accurate reason for the presence of the star we see carved into the planet here since if we're going by historical accuracy. the star had no real relevance as far as i know until much later in history. like, modern ages. millions and millions of years later.
in terms of storytelling though, pentagrams are a motif commonly used to express meanings varying from godly protection and the warding off of spirits to satanic or occult rituals. obviously the occult part matches up with the magic we've seen in ons. unfortunately, we've been told very little about the magic system as a whole.
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i wonder if the reason for the meteor that destroyed the dinosaurs was to get rid of this city? i cant imagine another reason why takaya kagami would choose this time period, millions of years before the first homo sapien. if anyone's curious, the meteor landed in what's known today as the Chicxulub crater.
on that subject lmao
mika, who i thought was supposed to be the smart one 💀:
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the high-tech infrastructure of the angel city is deeply confusing to me. i wonder if we're going to be introduced to time travel? maybe that's where the ice cream comes from.
considering the introduction of dinosaurs few things would surprise me at this point.
i really wish things would speed up a bit. the complexity of the dialogue between yuu and mika is mind numbing at this point. it doesn't move the plot forward in the slightest, gives no information about the characters aside from what we already know; they're stupid.
how many times are we supposed to laugh at the same joke?
despite these flaws i feel for the first time in years the tiniest spark of interest in the plot solely because of how out of pocket this all is.
now that i think about it, if all the seraphim were expelled from heaven, what about the other types of angels? do they even exist in this universe?
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(My reaction to Bsd 😍)
(I’m scared for how I will view authors after this)
-food 😍
- oh no he’s dying of hunger 😟 WOMP WOMP- (putting myself in the time out corner for that mb mb)
- wait a second…. BRO GOT KICKED OUT OF AN ORPHANAGE 😨 wait actually that depends on his age
-what’s the difference between orphans and apple the apples get picked (TIME OUT CORNER PT 2😍😍)
- do it sushi roll man steal steal steal
-look at them smexy legs in the water 😚😍😏🥰 (TIME OUT CORNER PT 3)
- I’d tch someone if they ruined my drowning like 😐 go back to ur house sushi, oh wait-
- bros stomach was prob louder then me
-those are some smexy glasses sir 😏😏
- “HEEEEY” -smexy glasses man
- KUNIKIDA??!??! THATS SUPPOSED TO BE DOPPO KUNIKIDA NAHHH wait it feels so right and so wrong for him to look like that
So uhm Idk what happened ima try to fix it so uh this is as far as I got FOR NOW HEHEHEHEHH🥰🥰😍🥰😍
(I’ll prob just edit this when I fix itttt) FIXED IT
- I’m still waiting for this sewerslide dude to introduce himself but I have thoughts on who it may be 😐
- predictable it was dazai 😐 STILL HAS SMEXY LEGS THO (it is 2 am I apologize for whatever I put) (TIME OUT CORNER PT 6😍🤭)
-dazai be so over dramatic for his little intro like bruh YOU’RE SO BAD AT LIFE YOU FAILED SEWERSLIDE
-bro has the death note in like freakishly scheduled form
(That made no sense 💀)
- detectives scare me
- bro smexy glasses ur supposed to be a detective and smart 🤨who believes in a “neck hanging hygiene” 💀like- dazai is clearly messing with u 😐
- Erm they’re hunting a tiger POV the tiger they’re hunting
- be so fr the tiger is definitely atsushi 😐🤨
- ah yes bribery good job dazai you’re actually using your brain 🥰
- sewerslide for dummies bro is so bad at life he had to buy A BOOK ON HOW TO UNPLUG HIMSELF
(Time out 🥰😍😍🥰 PT 8)
-Womp womp I didn’t come here for sushi man’s back story i came here for the tiger 🤨😐
(Time out PT 9 🥰😍🥰🥰😍😍)
- Okay but why did dazai look kinda 🫢
- omg sushi man is the tiger 😮😲🙊😯🙀🫢😧 I never saw this coming 😏🙂‍↕️
(Totally 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️)
- “sorry I’m not into hugging men” -I want to unplug myself man
(Time out why Smiley just why WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS PT 10)
- Ranpo love his book human chair
- kenji he has some good books i like Night on the Galactic Railroad
Pov: sushi man
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typewriter83 · 2 months
About the hate comment you received: Joel wasn't an angel, but anyone who calls him "villian" probably played the gane with their eyes closed.
The last of us is literally about how everyone can be a villian in someone's life, when in reality no one a villian or hero. If Joel is a villian, Abby is also a villian, so does ellie, dina, tommy, jesse, lev, everyone. If joel deserved that golf club on his head, according to that anon's logic, Abby also deservers a golf club in her head...? Anon contradicted themself.
Someone in the fandom told me that one of the scrapped storylines from the original game was that Joel 💀 Tess’s brother, and Tess and her crew follow/track Joel across the country and revenge 💀 Joel. The idea was scrapped because it was outrageous to think someone would risk everything to trek across a broken country to seek revenge.
Fast forward to Part 2, and that storyline was reworked and brought to life through Abby.
Joel - yes, was no angel, he was no good guy. But when the world went to shit, so did the black and white ideas of good vs bad. Joel did everything in his power to keep Tommy alive, and then did the same with Tess. Ellie was a wild card in his life, never thought he would do what he did for “cargo” - but he did what he did, and a part of him probably always knew his past would come back to haunt him.
My problem with the story is that her entire crew - maybe minus Owen - acted like Joel was the reason the fireflies fell apart, the reason there was no hope, some bullshit that… Mama’s going off on a tangent. Point: she trekked through dangerous circumstances for years to seek revenge for her father’s death. Which, if you wanna discuss why Jerry is a villain, we can do that alongside a discussion of why Marlene is a villain.
Like you said, anyone in the game can have that label - but if the lesson of Part 2 was supposed to be that violence breeds violence, and Ellie needed to learn that lesson by losing Joel and breaking the cycle - fuck that. That world is still broken, it went to shit a long time go.
I feel like that dissolved into a broken tangent - where were we? There’s no black and white after the world ends, that’s why Joel is a gray character
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narwhalandchill · 3 months
(just my 2.3 pull / general hsr rambles/rant but i get negative abt fireflys characterization again so thought id hide it for all the fans sake. good for yall & good luck pulling her i just cant get into her)
welp got my e1 gallagher (+ e2 mika) in 30 pulls on firefly so thats it from me, ill get e2 from the character selector so at least thats sth!!! i have been playing him a bit even at e0 and i do overall like how he feels so getting him to that e2 breakpoint where he rly starts to thrive as a sustain pick is v nice
anyway no early firefly which is whatever i consider her in game writing an absolute failure anyway and havent cared enough to watch Any of the trailer stuff either bc like . they lost me in 2.0 im sorry girl no matter how hypothetically good those trailers could be the writing team lost me forever at the ayaka-teppei forced date arc and thats it lmao . she couldve been an actual character but oh well what matters is shoving how cute and perfect and sad and in love with TB she is down ur throat at every fucking moment . her idle animation is so fucking bad too it made me laugh irl at how awful and cheap the fanservice is w her like yeah alright navia idle (which is already the worst idle in genshin i hate it) 💀💀💀 how do you do a characters potential this fucking dirty holy shit . we havent shilled firefly self insert ship to players enough so lets upskirt her too uwu!!!!!
But uhhh yeah thats a me being a hater thing ultimately i just physically cannot stand characters like this and first impressions do matter . Dont let me ruin her for u. nothing but props to her VA too like as much as her general characterizations appeal has been unsuccessful on me still shes been giving it the Absolute most to try to make her feel real and sympathetic and i respect that a lot
Still tho only thing that rly sucks w not just getting firefly at 4 pity or whatever and being done w it is just the. Welp Guess ill proceed to be unable to full clear any of the next 7 AS or MoC updates bc i pulled the wrong characters instead of Good Meta Dev Faves acheron and firefly like havent rly been a fan of the way the shilling has been going recently . like i just have rly shit matchups into the weaknesses of most stages these days and idk i havent even felt like Bothering to do PF 4 bc i just. DoT PF is always the fucking worst and i genuinely dont know what the hell to try to slap at it for a clear. guess my bad for not pulling swan either like truly my mistake . whatever its just a game .
Actually am i getting like burnt out ? well tracks for a honkai game i suppose. ig it also has to do w just the absolutely abysmal luck ive had now like. ive lost LC 75-25 of the 3 times i went for it TWICE . ive lost 50-50 like 5 times in a row now lmao and fully expect to lose on jade too at this point 🙃 might not even manage to get her at all . Sigh guess thats gacha at its worst for u
Sorry this got way more negative than i thought HSJSKSKSKSKSKD i hope the 2.3 story ends up being good at least so theres Sth good about it . and its not like i will die not clearing endgame content w full stars or sth it just sucks bc the way its happening just feels bad
edit: yeah im @ coffee break at work and it took me this fucking long to realize i just casually typed mika instead of misha JSJSTUHTS8J5Z9 💀💀💀💀 im so sorry misha youre way better than that nerd 😭😭😭😭😭 esp at c2 w the def shred i might even build him who knows . So sorry for this
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crazykuroneko · 4 months
My IWTV S2 EP 3 musings
Rewatched the episode while waiting for Episode 4. There have been a lot of great metas here that I have reblogged, so I won't repeat them. So, these are things I am still picking up anyway
• Daniel didn't bring his laptop outside Loumand's penthouse. So, the hacking is an inside job? Rashid? From internet? Is that what air drop is? (yes, I have never used Apple in my life)
• 100 nights. so TdV was supposedly 3 months-ish when Lestat left
• *insert that Comic Book Resources article about how great IWTV using their music, because that violin during the Lesmand theatre box scene is so chef's kiss*
• What stands out the most from Armand's retelling of his past + the end of this episode: how little his power is over his flock (supposedly).
• Also, the new way of storytelling: fade out from an image of TdV burning. I assume this means they continue the interview after Loumand finish with their business and Daniel doesn't interrupt them at all? Tbqh, I don't really like it.
• Louis: outside Chicago. Claudia Springfield
• "I remember what I remember" isn't that the crux of this show?
• Ghostat appeared right when the conversation turned into about him and Armand. Aw Louis.
• Meanwhile, Armand always mentions his coven when they get serious.
• *Santiago's having a chat with Claudia* so before I kill my victims, I have a chat with them. See you on stage, Claude! - I hate (affectionately) these writers!
• OH SHIT CLAUDIA ANSWERED WHEN SANTIAGO ASKED ABOUT HER LIFE IN CHICAGO! it's supposed to be Louis' town. I mean, her answer is right, she's from Springfield. But normal non lying people would have said, "Oh, the one from Chicago is Louis, I'm from Springfield"💀
• Santiago, after Claudia talks about lying and confirming where Louis came from: stick with it, Puce. You're almost there 💀💀
• So unlike memories which vampires can see like picture shows, Ghostat only can be seen by Louis. Others can't see what he's doing. But Armand can sense him.
• There have been a lot of great talks about Claudia's scene on Tumblr and how it relates to the previous season and her whole self. But once again, I'm very grateful for this show. How careful they are presenting her story. There's literally no music whatsoever to add some "drama". You just hear the clock ticking. The shot is just of her face and Louis'. We're there with them, we're there with Louis listening to Claudia telling what happened to her in detail for the first time. That's a careful storytelling, that's a respect.
• It's so funny how we watched the Five Great Laws and a lot of people went "but Lestat still lives!" no one remembers they did kill Antoinette 🤣😭
• I find it so sad that even after losing Children of Darkness, Armand has TdV and still uses the laws, something that isn't part of Lestat's suggestion. I think Lestat would find it very ridiculous if he finds they still use those laws. Armand even picked five laws that he could maintain throughout the years out of a hundred(?). He can't help but go back to them .
• Loumand: *kissing*
Me: *kissing The Five Great Laws in the IWTV S2 OST album* my favorite tracks never fail to deliver 😭😭😭
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thescoobydooby · 1 year
Thank you tooba!! Can I just say you post a lot of interesting Scooby stuff and I really appreciate your contributions to the fandom! :D
🏡 - Coolsville or Crystal Cove? I am gonna have to go with Coolsville all the way! I MISS COOLSVILLE! But I do like that Crystal Cove exists as a kind of alternative canon if you know what I mean? it's kind of like a scooby canon but from a different dimension. But yeah I miss coolsville i miss fred shaggy and scooby living in their weird little house from wnsd, I miss daphne and velma and their little pink science crib.
🎃 - favorite holiday special/episode/movie? I really like A Scooby Doo Valentine since it kind of shows the gang off the road. We finally kind of get to see how they live when they're not van people. I also like scooby doo and the spooky scarecrow. It just has an amazing atmosphere and is definitely one of my favorites from the DTV series. And idk if birthdays count? But I LOVE Happy Birthday Scooby Doo! Everything about it. How the gang gets together again. Daphne, Shaggy and Scrappy planning Scooby's birthday. Velma and Fred finally getting back with the gang. And Scooby is soooo happy to see them like he is literally doing zooomies and I find that so adorable. peak dog behavior i love him.
🎶 - favorite song? Ok so from the chase scenes in the original SDWAY my favorite is daydreamin'. The snack track had no reason to be that damn good. I tell you hwat.
From the hex girls It's a mystery. I'ts kind of different and more slow than i'm a hex girl and earth,wind, fire and air. And I guess this would be my ultimate favorite song from Scooby Doo? ngl scooby snacks is a banger too. we got packs n packs we got packs n packs
💀 - scariest villain? Ummmm ok so I've prob said this before but when I was a kid I used to have very vivid nightmares about the green ghosts from A night of fright is no delight. In my dream I'm running away from the ghost and the safe space is the living room but right before I'm about to enter the living room I lose all my strength and can't even move. And then the ghost sucks a strawberry out of my ear?! very weird end and it's not even that scary BUT I WAS A KID AND I WAS TERRIFIED. and i didnt even find them that scary irl 🤨 like i would watch the episode just fine
Scooby doesn't really have villains who are that scary. And in the older shows I think it was the backgrounds and atmosphere that would give that creepy and eerie feeling more so than the villains themselves. And it makes sense it's supposed to be goofy.
I would also nominate the banshee from Camp Scare (i guess its the effect of the jumpscare more than her design) and the Phantom from gourmet ghost. I think they did a really good job at making them look scary. Probably one of the scariest villains imo. Also Aphrodite from SDMI.
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reineydraws · 1 year
for the ask game,
4, 9, 17, 27, 30, have fun~!
omg hi it's always nice to see you 'round!!! 🥰💖 and thanks for the ask! i did have fun thank u!!! i answered 4 & 9 over here btw. :))
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
lool actually i generally dont, and it's so bad! i always lose track of time when i draw, and then have to remind myself to eat. im working on it. 😅 when i do remember though, i usually have a bottle of water, an iced capp from tims, or an apple in my left hand while i draw with my right. ;P
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
only sometimes! cool-downs are more common for me though. and i just doodle something quick, either from the gigantic list of ideas i've amassed, or something that's been on my mind. it's usually a character posing, maybe in a specific outfit i've had in mind for them, or a ship being lovey dovey. the danger is that sometimes the "warm-up" turns into an actual Thing and then i dont work on what i was supposed to. 💀
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
uhhh recently, this akaza fireworks piece or this stephanie brown glitter gif. the amount of notes they have dont compare to how much i like them aha. i can figure out why they didn't do well, and i can see how the akaza piece especially is mid, but it was a big learning piece for me so i like it--doubly so because i never actually meant for it to be a rendered piece. the steph piece makes me happy cuz i think she would like it, and also it glitters. ✨️✨️ ah! and this kuroyaku valentines piece from 2021, bc it holds a special place in my heart. i love the ship, and it's the first time i achieved exactly the sort of vibe i wanted digitally, esp in regards to palette & lighting. it sort of marks an evolution in my digital art journey, i guess. :')
artist ask game!
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baekhvuns · 1 year
rlly? it's that bad...damn ok i won't 😭😭😭😭yes my mother....im saying it as respectfully as i can..but she has gone feral over srk. My dad seems so unbothered tho 😭😭😭i told him the other day, your girl just got stolen by another man, how are you keeping up? HE SAID I DON'T KNOW THE LANG HE SPEAKS BUT HIS LOVE LANG IS TOP TIER AND I WAS LIKE WHAT IS THAT EVEN SUPPOSED TO MEAN???? but hey, i think my father was right.
Shershah oh yes i saw tht one as well, i think you mentioned that the actors got married. WHAT BETTER THAN THAT??? WHAT COULD BE COMPETING WITH THAT?? it's just like hyun-bin and ye-jinnn but i will tho.
I haven't heard the full album as well but yes, we're on the same boat ig. I didn't like the whole vibe. I like how experimental they are but sometimes, it just...desn't click, I personally think it started going down with the release of their prvious album. Don't get me wrong i liked it, i liked venom and maniac and case 143 but....that's it. Idk if it's the affect of stanning ateez but im genuenily losing interest in a lot og groups, enhypen? Skz? ...or maybe just these two 💀. Txt still doesn't disappoint and i hope they wont. oh nct as well-
well these are my choices what do you think??
the first one is giving kai from love shot, and mind u i will be bringing a shot with not much love in it-
Tumblr media
or something like the revenge dress?
Tumblr media
anyways i still would look like a potato.
Also, ....why doesnt the kq hairstylists give something cool to hwa...like cmon its always that raven hairstlye WE NEED MORE!!
(the amt of spelling errors i make- gl with this one baeks)
it’s yes, really that bad bc there’s a dude in there who cannot act for shit and we all love to shit on him <3 so yes <3 the first one only!!
STOPPP ITS THE WAY UR DADS NOT EVEN BOTHERED BY IT ????? he’s successfully either 1. accepted his fate 2. is also a srk fan <3 UR FATHER IS RIGHT HE ABSOLUTELY IS!!!!
RIGHT! THEY ARE THE HYUNBIN AND YEJIN,, i also recently found a new movie which u might like bc u likes the social messages type of movie, based on irl it’s called aligarh! heartbreakingly beautiful <3 and ofc u should watch devdas with you mum bc of u know who in it & jodha akbar + bajirao mastani for royalty 🤲🏻🤲🏻
right! there’s a lot of experimental music in it and it’s cohesive but it’s not a definite no from me im sure there’s something good in the album and ill click into it but so far i haven’t found a good one, i think maybe the lyrics i found confusing— but the title track really sets the tone for the entire album for me! so if i particularly don’t enjoy it it’s a litlee hard to enjoy the album if it’s like that as well! txt hasn’t yet! nct, well they are sm, their song choices and what they work on is always good if we remove sticker <3
REVENGE DRESS HANDS DOWN !!!!! THE BEST ONE !!! ur right the raven hair that’s my first thought when i saw it 😭😭😭 give us a sleek back hwa,, colour spray his hair !!! GLITTER IT !!!!
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amor-immortalem · 2 years
When Azaela was kidnapped Arella nearly lost her child, mother's worst fear. In your fic you didn't really focus on that after her child was saved. A fic about that!
A/N: thanks for the idea! As always I do too much and that’s what kept this in drafts for so long… also I had to go and re-read that fic since I wrote it so long ago. And now that I’m re-reading 30 Miles North I noticed I never really touched on Arella and what she was doing much before Azalea was saved either…
There’s a reference to the fic The Dangers of the Human World as well in here too which now that I think about it I never really posted the wrap up chapter for…
You can read 30 Miles North here if you’re interested
I can’t think of anything that requires a content warning but if you see anything let me know
Edit: its like 2pm and I just got up and saw this never posted last night 💀
Word Count: 4.2k words
Every mother’s worst fear is losing one or all of her children and Arella’s come close- multiple times. She knows her children are strong-spirited individuals- especially her only daughter- but that still doesn’t stop the nervousness she feels when they get themselves into any kind of life-endangering trouble.
So, when she learns from her husband that Azalea was currently missing, that nagging fear settles nicely into the pit of the human’s stomach. She’d already had one child go missing for fifteen years. She wasn’t about to let it happen again with another. It takes her all of five minutes to teleport back to the Devildom- RAD more specifically- which takes the other six Avatars by surprise.
“Was no one going to tell me my daughter’s gone missing?” There’s a quiet anger in her voice as she speaks before any of them can ask why she returned so suddenly.
“It’s not something we couldn’t handle on our own.” Lucifer replies first in an attempt at assuaging the sorcerer’s anger.
“Would you appreciate not being informed if Solaris had gone missing, Lucifer?” Her green eyes lock with the Avatar of Pride’s, “I’m going to help look for my child this time, so you all had better fill me in on what you already know. Honestly, I can understand why Diavolo and Barbatos wouldn’t think to tell me, but the six of you? As parents yourselves, you should be able to understand why I’m so peeved.”
“No, I suppose I would be quite miffed if the roles were reversed…” is all the eldest says in retort.
“We won’t stop you from helping this time,” Satan says as he places the pendulum in his hand back down on the table. “And while I can’t speak for the rest of us, I chose not to contact you because I thought my idiot of a brother would have done so already… I tried tracking her magical energy down but as you just saw the results always come back inconclusive.
The rest of the demons seem to be in agreement with the Avatar of Wrath’s statement.
“Diavolo is having Barbatos pull classmate records as we speak so we can get in touch with any acquaintances Azalea might have.” Lucifer says. “I know Azalea’s not the most well-liked student on campus, but neither was Mammon and he still had plenty of ‘friends,’ if you could call them that.”
“Do you think this could be pay back for something?” Asmo asks. “Knowing the girl, it wouldn’t surprise me if she pissed off the wrong demon and they orchestrated this… or it could even be any number enemies Mammon’s made from just being…”
“Mammon?” Levi finishes the question, “We can’t rule that out either. I got Diavolo’s permission to pull the video from the street cameras all across the city. Isabella’s helping me sort through it at home and once we get eyes on her we can get an idea of where she was going and what exactly happened.” His orange and purple eyes are glued to a laptop monitor as he speeds through video footage.
“There’s that much footage?” Beel asks.
“A whole city's worth,” Levi comments as he takes a sip from the water bottle he had beside him. “So, it’d just be easier if Isa helped too. This would be easier if she’d taken her phone with her, but Mammon said she left it at home so that option’s out...”
“Are we still sure she didn’t run away just to get back at Mammon?” Belphegor says as he peers at the laptop’s monitor. “She seems to enjoy raising his blood pressure like that. Plus, it would explain why every tracking spell Satan’s used so far has turned up a dead end... if she doesn’t want to be found not even magic would help track her down…”
“Azalea? Running away?” Arella deadpans, “I doubt it. She’s pulled a number of crazy stunts before but running off just because she’s mad at her father is not something Azalea’s known for.”
“Well, I did talk to Max to see if Azalea had ever made any plans on pulling something like that before and she said no so until proven otherwise we should treat this as an abduction...” Asmo says, moving a lock of hair behind their ear. “Zulima and Aurelius said the same thing as well. I reached out to Solomon too- asked him to keep an eye out in the human world magical districts in case we have another situation like the one with Cyrus...”
Arella only nods grimly at the Avatar of Lust’s words. There’s a small part of her that wants that to be the case- at least they would know she’s just being held captive somewhere. It’s better than the alternative- better than the thought that her little girl might be heavily wounded somewhere.
As the day wore on, Barbatos had finished pulling all the records of which students had shared classes with Azalea. Lucifer and Satan had gone to start investigating any possible leads on that front while Arella and the rest of the Avatars took to searching the city’s individual districts looking for leads. Arella had taken to searching the area around RAD’s dorms when she was joined by Mammon.
“Hey,” The demon’s voice is quiet as he lands next to the human, “Any leads?’
“No...” Arella frowns, “Mammon, how did this happen? We’ve now had two children go missing on your watch, which is two more than I would have liked to have happen.”
“I’m sorry, okay?” He shoots back, “I don’t know what ya want from me. She got in a fight at school, and I tried to deal with it and the whole thing blew up in my face. If you weren’t bouncing back and forth between realms so often, maybe this wouldn’t have happened, yeah?”
“Oh, so you’re blaming me, are you? Well, I’m sorry my job is so demanding, and it keeps me from being home more often but the balance between the three realms isn’t going to happen on its own. You’re her father, you should be able to hold the fort down until I get back.”
“I can’t do this alone, Arella!” He throws his arms up in exasperation, drawing the attention of other passing demons. “I get next to no help from Thirteen in the spare moments she’s ever home and I have a nearly two-year-old that I have to run around after as well as keepin’ the house up and work on top of it all. I don’t have enough time in the damn day to be micromanagin’ a fifteen-year-old that wouldn’t know impulse control if it bit ‘er in the ass! She’d been pressin’ my buttons all day ‘n I snapped. I didn’t think she’d run off and get ‘erself kidnapped.”
“Mammon, this isn’t the time or the place to be having this argument.” The human’s voice is hushed- not out of a want to keep up appearances but more so to avoid this getting out onto the internet and having their sons stumble upon it. “We can fight all we want when we get home but for now, we need to table this discussion and focus on tracking down any possible leads on where our daughter could be…”
The demon only huffs and shoves his hands in his pockets as they walk down the street.
Hours passed by and they still were no closer to tracking down Azalea. Arella had taken to stress cleaning the entire house and rearranging the furniture with her magic. She knows this isn’t going to end in tragedy, but the freckled human just can’t help but to be worried. For as strong as she knows the teenager is, it’s one thing to be able to fight against demons that are physically in the same age group as her but another thing entirely to face off against a fully matured demon.
“Mum?" She looks up, locking eyes with her middle son. “When did you get home from the human world? Also, what’re you doing in my room?”
It gives the human pause. What was she doing in Aurelius’ room? Had she gotten that caught up in the mindless cleaning that her brain had just gone into autopilot? After a few more moments of silence, it dawns on Arella that Aurelius is still waiting on her answer. She can see the irritated look on his face- he dislikes having his personal belongings touched and even though she’s his mother, not even Arella is exempt from this rule.
“Sorry, I was cleaning, and my mind must’ve gone on autopilot…” she’s quick to step out. “I came home after hearing from your father about Azalea going missing.”
“I should have stopped her- I knew she left, and I didn’t do anything. I just thought she’d run off back to the dorms to sulk after she and Dad had that horrible yelling match… it’s what she always does…” there’s a guilty look in her emerald-colored eyes. “What if she died because I didn’t do anything to stop her from leaving?”
“She won’t die- that I’m sure of,” Arella smiles. “And we’ll find her. It’s only a matter of time so don’t worry too much alright? Dad dispatched his crows to help search as well since they’ll be able to cover more ground than any of us.”
And the half-demon can only nod. He’s not sure what his mother meant when she said she was sure his sister wouldn’t be found as a corpse, but he decides to withhold from absolving himself of any guilt just on the off chance that she was wrong.
Day by day, nearly all leads turned up empty-handed. There was one lead that was promising- the street camera footage Levi and Isabella had so painstakingly sifted through. It showed the exact moment when Azalea had gone missing. Now it was just a manhunt for the perpetrators.
Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into three months and yet there was still no sign of either Azalea or her abductors. Arella was panicking. If they had somehow managed to smuggle her daughter out of the Devildom then they would have a whole new problem to deal with. Arella would give anything for that not to be the case. In fact, the human would trade what’s left of her soul just to have her daughter home with her.
“Babe, have ya seen my keys?” Mammon says as he comes into the kitchen where Arella was washing the lunch dishes. When she doesn’t answer, the demon turns to her, and notices the way her body sways from side to side gently. “Yo, ‘Rella, you good over there?”
“Hm?” Her tired green eyes look up at Mammon, “Did you say something, Love?”
“Yeah… but it can wait… I asked if you were okay… ya don’t look so good right now.”
“No… No, I think I’m alright. I have a bit of a cold but I took some medicine earlier so I should be fine…” she steadies herself against the counter as the demon places a hand against her forehead.
“You feel a little warm. Go lay down or somethin’...” He thinks she’s hiding how she really feels.
“No, I’m fine.” Arella swats his hand away, “I promise. There’s too much to do while the baby’s napping for me to be lazing about anyway...”
“Yeah, but if you collapse, then ya ain’t gonna be able to do much of anything. Go lay down until Mahlon wakes up.”
“I’m not going to collapse. I said I was fine. You don’t have to-“ She’s interrupted when Mammon picks her up and throws her over his shoulder none too gently. “You put me down this instant, Mammon!”
And he does just that, unceremoniously dropping the sorcerer to the ground in compliance with the order she’d just given him. She lets out a few grumbles and curses as she stands and brushes herself off.
“When I said put me down, I didn’t mean ‘drop me,’” she hisses as she rubs the back of her head.
“Sorry, yer the one who gave the order though.” The white-haired demon shrugs, “Call it malicious compliance if you want… y’aint hurt, are ya?”
“I’m fine… at least physically anyway.” Arella runs a hand through her hair as she looks away. “I could be better mentally, though.”
“And frustrated…” she sniffles, unsure if it's because of her nose being all stuffed up from this cold or if she’s just fighting the need to cry. “Another one of our children is missing and I still end up relegated to the sidelines when it comes to searching for her. I thought… I thought this time for sure I’d be able to do more- be able help you all more than when Cyrus went missing but I still can’t do anything…”
“I know this is hard for you ‘n I know ya wanna do more,” His voice is soft as he pulls her into a hug. “But the fact of the matter is that you just can’t cover the same amount of ground that my brothers and I can.”
“I know...” Her response is soft as she leans into him. “I just wish things were different...”
And without much else the human walks off, headed upstairs toward the bedroom. For a moment, Mammon wonders if he should follow her, but he’s already late to join the search party and he can’t afford to lose any more time.
Over the coming weeks, Arella slowly declined until she found herself rushed to the hospital one night after collapsing while she had been home alone. She had been struck with a fever she just couldn’t sweat out.
Initially, there had been some question on whether any hospital in the devildom would be able to treat a human- their immunes systems were so different from demons that there was some fear that any medicine made in this realm just wouldn’t suffice in helping a human recover but after some discussion amongst the medical professionals and influence from Solomon, the decision was made that Arella would remain in the Devildom for treatment.
While treatment was aggressive, her recovery was slow. Her fever just refused to break- dangerously holding at a steady 105 degrees even while still being packed in ice. For a while, Arella begins to worry this may be the end for her. She definitely feels as if she’s on death’s door.
Her husband doesn’t help much, not with the way she can feel his anxiety flooding in from the pact mark they share. Part of her wants to tell him to just go home and rest- after all, he’d been pretty much camped out here on and off for the past couple of weeks while their older sons had Mahlon with them but the chances of Mammon actually listening to her at this point were slim.
“So, I had m’birds start searchin’ the areas further out than what Lucifer drew up as our initial search radius.” The demon says as he lays his head on the bed, the exhaustion in his voice evident as he tries so hard to keep his eyes open. “I’m still waiting for them to get back to me, but this has to be it... If it’s not... I dunno what I’m gonna do...”
The human doesn’t say anything as she quietly grasps his hand. Arella doesn’t know what she can say to make him feel better. She knows he’s trying his best but sometimes someone best just isn’t enough.
It’s quiet between them as she feels the demon’s grip on her hand tighten before it loosens, and the sound of his soft snoring can be heard. She only picks up the book that was set beside her and begins to read to pass the time.
“And so I told her if she destroys my kitchen one more time with one of her school projects, I was shipping her off to go live with her father in the human world!”
It’s been a week since Arella was admitted to the hospital. There was still no news on the whereabouts of Azalea or her captors despite the active search for them. Arella feels like she could cry. She knows she shouldn’t give up- her daughter can’t die so the human can rest easy in the knowledge that whatever the condition they get Azalea back in, it won’t be as a corpse- but surely if she were still in the Devildom they would have found her by now.
For now, she’ll just have to wait patiently as she listens to Asmo regail her with the goings on in their very large family.
“And what did Zulima say in regards to that?”
“She promised to do her best.” the Avatar of Lust sighs, “I’m not so convinced it will change anything. I’m just tired of remodeling my kitchen every six months.”
“Perhaps she’ll surprise you. You never know with that one.” Arella hums as she looks out the window. A faint booming sound can be heard off in the distance.
“I don’t think I can take another one of that girl’s surprises,” the strawberry-blonde demon says, returning to the conversation after looking to see if he could find the source of that booming sound, “between her magical experiments and her father ‘surprising’ me by cooking dinner for us every so often, I’m amazed how I don’t have a head of hair as white as Mammon’s yet…”
The pair laughed softly about it however their jovial mood was about to be squashed as a scorpion crawls through the open widow. Asmodeus extends a finger to the tiny arachnid as it scales his arm. It waves its little pincers around as it communicates a message to its master.
Asmo goes hauntingly quiet at whatever their familiar is saying as their champagne-colored eyes widen into the shape of saucers.
“What’s it saying, Asmo? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” The human only tilts her head like a confused puppy.
“I… I have to go.” And without much explanation, the demon is gone leaving Arella to wonder just what has them so freaked out.
It turns out, the human didn’t need to wait long to find out what had sent the fifth-born rushing out in the way that he had. Within a couple hours, Asmo had returned with the news Arella had been waiting to hear since she’d first gotten word that her daughter was missing. Azalea had been found.
The human finds a wave of relief crashing over her only for it to be dampened by the grim look on Asmo’s face. Had the impossible really come to pass? Was Azalea…?
“She’s not dead… at least not yet- which is the good part.” There are tears in his eyes, “But the doctor is only giving her a few hours at most… I’m sorry…”
“She won’t pass.” To anyone not in the know, the human’s words sound sound almost as if she’s in denial. The Avatar of Lust certainly gets that impression.
“Arella… I know Azalea’s strong but she’s in a critical state. She’s got a massive infection and she’s had it for so long-”
“She’s not going to die, Asmo. Just trust me.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because Thirteen froze her life candle years ago…” the explanation is hushed, “The last time Mammon and I took the twins to the human world, a religious group abducted the three of us while your brother was out trying to gather any information about what had happened to Cyrus. In an attempt to protect me and her brother, Azalea was stabbed in the back with a dagger made from celestial gold. My daughter shouldn’t even be alive today but at the last possible moment, the flame on her candle was frozen before it could burn out.”
It’s quiet between the pair as Arella’s revelation sinks in.
“You can’t tell a soul about this, Asmo. I’m sure you know what happens to those who tamper with lifespans- not even Mammon knows about this or if he does, I’m not the one who’s told him.”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
The week passes by quickly and before she realizes it, Arella finds herself discharged from the hospital. Even better news, Azalea had woken from the medically induced come she’d been placed under while her body fought off the infection from the numerous burn wounds littered across her body.
From what Mammon had said when he’d arrived home later the night prior, Azalea didn’t remember anything from her time with her captors which Arella is more than greatful for.
Its mid morning by time the human arrives at the hospital to keep her daughter company. As she walks onto the unit, she can already hear the fuss the half-demon is kicking up.
“I said don’t fuckin’ touch me! Just gimme the bandages ‘n I do it myself!”
Arella finds her footsteps quickening at the sound of her daughter’s yelling and the call of a code for staff assistance going off. She gets to Azalea’s room just as the white and black haired girl rears her one good arm back to throw a punch.
“Azalea Morningstar, think that through!”
The teenager freezes at the sound of her mother’s voice. After a few minutes she puts her arm down, glaring daggers at the poor hospital staff that had been assigned to care for her today.
“Yer still not puttin’ your damn hands on me.” Azalea growls.
“He will be doing his job,” Arella steps further into the hospital room, hands on her hips, “you don’t have to like it, but I won’t have you assaulting these poor hospital workers for just trying to do their jobs.”
The pair lock eyes for a moment before Azalea backs down.
“Fine,” is all the tan girl huffs, “but I want a woman changing the bandages where the sun don’t shine. Ain’t a snowball’s chance in hell I’m lettin’ a guy touch me anywhere near there.”
“We can arrange that,” the hospital staff scurries off to the nurses desk in a hurry while Arella just sighs and takes a moment to set her things down.
“I brought you some loose-fitting clothes from home. I’ll help you change out of your gown after you’ve had those bandages changed.”
“Where’s my jacket? That’s the only thing I want.”
“They threw it out, dear.” The black-haired human frowns. “It was caked with so much blood and other bodily fluids that all of those clothes that you had been wearing when you were brought in were unsalvageable.”
“But that jacket was a gift from uncle Lucifer… ya can’t just throw it out like it was trash!”
“I know how important that jacket was for you, dear, but you would have never been able to wear it again. It was too heavily stained.”
The girl looks crestfallen as she leans back against the bed. The quiet moment is ruined by another hospital staff- this time a female- here to change Azaleas’s bandages.
As the hospital’s visiting hours draw to a close, Arella starts to pack up some of the things she’d brought with her and clear away some empty snack containers.
“I’m sorry.” The half-demon says as she curls into herself.
“Sorry? Sorry for what, Sweetheart?”
“For all the trouble I caused. Were you worried?”
“Yeah, we were.” She reaches out to brush back some of the girl’s hair behind her ear. We almost lost you once… it’s hard to believe it almost happened again.”
“‘S like the universe is tryin’ to get rid of me or somethin’…”
The human freezes at those words. Does she know?
“Can I talk to Thirteen- I know she’s busy more often than not but I wanna ask ‘er about something… a story she told us a while back.”
“What story?” Arella’s curious.
“It probably doesn’t matter… can ya just reach out to her for me. I’d do it myself but my phone’s at home- probably dead.”
“Alright, do you need anything else before I go for the night? Do you need to use the bathroom or need me to get a nurse for you or anything?”
“I’m alright, Mum. Thanks.” The freckled half-demon smiles.
“Then I’ll be off.” She leans over and gives her daughter a kiss on the forehead before taking her leave. “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Love you too.”
In the coming weeks, things seemed to go back to normal for the most part. Arella had taken extended time off from her job as ambassador to the human world with Solomon and Isabella doing the most to pick up the slack for her so Arella could focus on caring for Azalea.
Things were progressing smoothly for the most part. Once the teen had healed from the surgeries to reset her legs and arm, she seemed to go right back to causing trouble- even if only at a smaller scale. The worry is back but this time it’s subtle- like the hum of an idling engine and Arella doesn’t seem to mind it now. In the end, it just serves to remind the human that with a child like her daughter, she’ll always be worried.
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tootyfruities · 1 year
honeypie i hope you know you are the only person who can get away with calling me bbg unironically and make me feel all giddy and hair twirly 🤭
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but i’ll be patiently waiting for whenever you choose to write me~ 🤭🩷 and yes i know it’s been 2 years but i still haven’t stopped lip biting and i probably never will !!!!!
IM CONSIDERING PLAYING COD JUST FOR THE NEW NICKI MINAJ SKIN LMFAO but i know nothing abt nothing so you let me know what i should do cuz i trust you 😇
also how was your day today?? read: ramble to me right neow 🤬🩷‼️ i hope it was a wonderful one :> we’re currently watching hamilton for english class and tee bee aitch i never really cared for the historical context (not anymore thanks to collegeboard 😍) i just liked the songs lolll
p.s. i feel kinda bad for clogging your blog w/ my foolishness and obsession for you (🤭😋😍😻😘💕🫶🏽) so feel free to hop into my inbox literally anytime i post like periodically once every month anyway 💀💀
IT'S BEEN 2 YEARS WHAT!!!! THAT'S CRAZY!!!! i lose track of time so quick frfr... UM HAPPY 2 YEARS MILOVE? also i will call you anything you please j 2 make you giddy and hair twirly teehee 🤭
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^ me 2 you during every other breath i take in the past 2 years (i think this is the small version of the gif but that's SO fitting)
COD!!! cod mobile i would kiss on the mouth actually. takes up a lot of space on my phone and updates ALL the time but it's great 2 pass time. always has events going and lotta in app purchases, i don't really touch either of those and assume you would havta do smth or another to get ms nicki 😞😞 BUT it is fun, always has new mini game sorta things (prop hunt once, currently doing some kinda zombie game)
MY DAY OML!! uh uh school was ok math was a breeze(4 once!!! we talked abt triangles and i truly did Understand the Assignment), there was one Weird down where my drama teacher got at me for making a trans woman pun??? (she said the boy next door became a mummy what was i SUPPOSED to say besides being proud abt her having a child!!) definitely got my opinion uhhh interestingly changed about her. we've just hung out since i got home, went on a walk and my ✨poor poor directionally challenged self✨ was able to actually lead for once! i got us to a place AND back and i am SO cool for that. currently waiting to get some chinese food bc we got picky eaters(what was available to make wouldn't work for them) and leftovers didn't sound good for some of us(SADGE i wanted to play around with the queso...)
the songs for hamilton are so good! lin manuel miranda, love his songwriting, hate when it like... has guidelines, if that makes sense. i once read a thing about how he should just be left to make music in a garage somewhere and that's how to get his best music (which is real and accurate, btw. source? uhh just trust me)
no need to feel bad abt clogging my blog! it's mostly j reblogs nowadays, getting some personal talk in there is PERFECT frfrfr!! but i will abs take you up on that offer and drop by your inbox whenever!! by the wayyy... do you perhaps have a current favorite fictional character? :3c <3
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