#i love alec and jace so much you dont get it
harrywasthemvpof1d · 2 months
alec and jace and their relationship with each other and how it matures as you go from reading about it in the mortal instruments to reading it in the dark artifices
they were typical teenage boys teasing each other while being parabatai and loving each other a lot more deeply and then they went to adults who supported each other in the worst times
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khaleesiofalicante · 18 days
hi! i need to get something off my chest, like in shadowhunter world both tv and books, books is my favourite not because i hate tv characters (bc teh emotional vulnerability was very well done there- i literally it was so hard to wait for my school to get over so i could watch the show) but bc books is the original stuff which i fell in love with for teh first time, also why though all teh series are really good in shadow world but tmi holds a special place in my heart (no matter how imperfect it is in certain places) which i think also translates into my love for book!malec more than show!malec. (the height difference bugs me so much in show bc its not the right one, alec loves being shorter than magnus, but i love matt sorry harry but matt is yeeahhh...) idk why i have never been able to attach myself to show malec fics as much to book!malec fics. I think the only long show!malec fic i read was yours that you made about detective alec and lawyer magnus, but that was bc i love your writing and stories (i love the book!malec and mavid ones more sorry !! but i cant david is an original character but i love him so much, sry got sidetracked) tbh i also felt that the next malec fic would be show malec bc i cant (even tho i have read the lmlt i think it was named.. one of teh first long fics you wrote which had asmodeus and alec relation) imagine book alec having a relationship with asmodeus which is even remotely decent. but show malec have always been more softer and more communicative about their vulnerabilities. (which makes me realize now, i also love the intensity of book!malec more, huh)
Anyways i dont know why i blabbered, but i see so many posts about it but i am sorry show malec but book malec is it for me. or more like every book character esp jace and clary is it for me than show clace too. (i think it was also because of the actors though jace's actor did an amazing job in the later seasons.) But i can't wait for your new malec fic, i am ready to gobble up anything you put out there srsly, like i trust you are gonna make it worth it (like i never thought i would like the rwrb fic so much as i do rn, bc like in my hea di have already read teh book and i know what happens but yeah i should have known!)
Also have you ever thought of making a show and book crossover fic? i think you made one maybe i dont remember but like would you ever consider working in that world again?
No, I think this is fair. You're allowed to have a preference. I like book malec better too - simply because there is more to their characters and I usually prefer book versions anyway.
Regarding the fic, first things first, you can imagine them however you want! I know for a fact not everyone who read TLND imagined Alec as Sebastian Stan (I will stand by this casting!!). But it's how I, as the writer, imagined it. My castings are simply for me - to be very honest. I pick faces and people who help me visualize my characters better. But that does not mean you have to do it too. I'm sure people on ao3 who read my fics but don't follow me tumblr have no idea about any of these castings. So, yeah. You can imagine them however you want.
I also want to note, since I got another ask about this as well, that the casting I choose doesn't really affect the personality and behavior of the characters. It's the other way around really. Sure in the show Alec doesn't have blue eyes and Magnus is shorter, but those (among a few other differences) are completely irrelevant to this fic. If someone is put off by Magnus being shorter (in my fic, I mean) then that's their problem. It's such a mundane detail (for me) and I'm not going to be mentioning the colour of their eyes and their height every five seconds. This fic is rather different so I doubt it'd be mentioned at all (considering it's alec pov too - if you notice he is the kind of character where i don't write a lot of descriptions for the people he interacts with because Alec doesn't care about that a lot)
But yeah. It really shouldn't matter. At least I hope not <3
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darcyolsson · 11 months
What's the ultimate ranking of all parabatai pairs in your intellectual tmi-spiral opinion
thanks for acknowledging the fact that tmi is making me a bit crazy 💛 without further ado, parabatai pairs from worst to best at being parabatai:
luke & valentine - they get some points for participating in a Parabatai Love Triangle (tm) which we all know by now is an essential part of all parabatai pairs but i think it's literally mentioned once that they were parabatai and then it's never brought up again. clearly this was the parabatai equivalent of an embarassing teenage relationship. 1.5/10
lucie & cordelia - they at least take the whole parabatai connected-souls things quite seriously but they forgot the most important part and thats that you need to actually be friends. 3/10
jace & alec - these two however absolutely did not take it seriously enough lmfaoooooo there's real love between them but they hate communicating, talking and speaking to each other SOOOO MUCH. however i kind of have to respect it? sometimes a joint parabatai slay is that they both dont actually give a fuck ab being parabatai. they were kind of real for that. 5/10
james & matthew - i acknowledge that they tried but they werent very good at it were they. i think they kind of suffer from the same thing as lucie & cordelia in the sense that they interact too little to come off as besties even though they both want to be besties. however they did have quite a few moments of unwavering homoerotic loyalty and i do love that. didnt live up to their potential though. 5.5/10
robert & michael - yeah they ended on bad terms but at least they gave us the drama and the completely insane intensity i'm LOOKING for!!!! like i said earlier, almost 20 years after his death michael was still the person robert loved the most in the entire world and michael literally came back from the dead to attend roberts funeral. perhaps robert failed to notice michael dying but thats iconic in and of itself imo do you know how deep you have to bury your emotions to not notice your parabatai's death?????? complete emotional rollercoaster i love it. 7/10 no wonder jace & alec are Like That
simon & clary - they rlly just became parabatai because they could. overhated and underrated parabatai duo i think they lack a certain je ne sais quoi that other pairs do have but i'm obsessed w their friendship so i love them anyway<3 have we considered that more ppl should just become parabatai with their besties simply because they can? besides at this rate simon will be a werewolf or something in 3 months' time anyway so we can't ever blame them for jumping on the opportunity! 7.5/10
jonathan shadowhunter & david the silent - literally invented the parabatai bond. bestie goals. couldve made it more feminist and included a woman though 🙄 8/10
emma & julian - do i even need to explain. they burned down a church. objectively awful at the whole parabatai deal though but in such an iconic life-changing culturally historically and aesthetically significant way that i dont even care. 9/10
will & jem - our souls are knit. we are one person, james. 10000000000000/10
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theatre kid tmi gang (bc im projecting)
-soprano who has been training her whole life for this
-always helps out on sets too
-favorite musical is mamma mia
-dream role is belle from beauty and the beast
-auditioned as a joke
-THE tenor
-favorite musical is hamilton (its the only one he knows)
-dream role is the beast from beauty and the beast (he only wants to be beast because clary wants belle)
-always gets supporting roles but ALWAYS puts his damn heart and SOUL into the performance
-favorite musical is into the woods
-knows ENCYCLOPEDIC knowledge on into the woods
-dream role is kenickie from grease
-literally is always understudy or ensemble and is always fucking PISSED so he mini directs
- “ooh break a leg at auditions!! shes gonna do horrible-“ “I GOT UNDERSTUDY? this show will be horrible” “i have half a mind to quit.” “ugh none of you can act worth shit.” “ITS IN THE SCRIPT. DO IT RIGHT OR DONT DO IT!”
-favorite musical is les mis
-dream role is jean valjean from les mis
-doesnt give a fuck about the show
-always in dance ensemble
-favorite musical is mean girls
-dream role is dance ensemble
simon and maia:
-in the orchestra
-change the tempo everytime clary sings a solo because they think its funny
-carry the whole orchestra
literally so glad u did this bc alec being so into it is actually so true hes so lame
and u would think magnus would be the star of the show hes mf magnus but actually i LOVE what role u put him in and its SO SO TRUE. becomes director from hell bc ur not doing it right u fucking moron. i actually love it love the concept
how much of a nightmare jace is the hamilton thing is so funny but scarily true i feel
relate to simon and maia as a cello player in orchestra for 8 years
thank u :3
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lmol analysis Malec Version from Taylor's TTPD (again this is the breakup period) I have many feelings "Oh, what a valiant roar What a bland goodbye The coward claimed he was a lion" This is the line that reminds me of Alec the most, he tried so hard to be brave, to be sure of and to commit to his relationship with Magnus. But he was so scared after all, all those years of repressing his identity and putting himself second weren't just going to go away, and he caved under Camille's temptation and manipulation. Not enough to be a betrayal, but just wavered enough to hurt his lover's heart. "In your suit and tie, in the nick of time You lowdown boy, you stand up guy Holy Ghost, you told me I'm The love of your life" THIS. THIS IS SO ALEC. Throughout the course of his relationship with Magnus and the war, he grew from a moody insecure teenager to someone who was responsible, braver, honest and much more happy with himself. Granted, he still had his insecurities, but just imagine Magnus looking at Alec in a suit at some formal event and noting how much he's grown "When your impressionist paintings of Heaven Turned out to be fakes Well, you took me to hell, too" I interpret this line as Alec's Nephilim lineage supposedly being superiorly holy, yet rendering him unable to be himself. This pains Magnus, because when the supposedly morally superior Shadowhunter turns out not be morally perfect, when the one you love most hurts you because he is weak in the places that you are weak too, that hurts. "You said I'm the love of your life About a million times" *sobs* "You talked me under the table Talking rings and talking cradles I wish I could un-recall How we almost had it all" THIS. THIS. I DONT KNOW HOW I WILL COME BACK FROM THIS. THANK GOD IT DIDNT STAY TRUE but they almost had it all *screams* Magnus I bet you talked about that under the table Imagine Alec just trying to get over how he almost had the love of his life Some comparisons- "I felt aglow like this Never before and never since" *gasp* the semi-loveatfirstsight at the party "But I felt a hole like this Never before, and ever since" YOU KNOW WHO FELT A HOLE YOU KNOW WHICH TWO PEOPLE FELT HOLES??? EVER SINCE A BREAKUP AND 'NOT LIKE THIS' BEFORE??? "If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary You and I go from one kiss to gettin married" "If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary What we thought was for all time was momentary" This line kills me. Magnus really considered being together with Alec forever (or ending his own mortality), and it just poof went away. And it would have seemed so short compared to the lifetime he lived, but WE ALL KNOW HOW TORN HE WAS OVER IT
"Dancing phantoms on the terrace Are they second-hand embarrassed That I can't get out of bed?" Magnus TAT TAT TAT he definitely couldn't get out of bed, and was definitely feeling like a failure for fumbling his 500 year old younger lover
"You cinephile in black and white All those plot twists and dynamite Mr. Steal your girl boy, then make her cry" Who's a cinephile and who's full of plot twists and winding stories and stole Alec's heart? A certain warlock, I think. High-key stole Alec when he was hung up on Jace. Also though I support Magnus for going no-con during breakup period, Alec probably had anxiety over his phone like the second-most in the entire series(the first being Jace bc his parabatai is trying to get himself killed every two seconds). I can't how many time bby boy was just pining over his phone
"Who's gonna tell me the truth When you blew in with the winds of fate And told me I reformed you" Alec really didn't know the weight of a relationship with an immortal entailed. Izzy and Jace and Clary all thought the relationship was great for him, which it was, to help him grow into a better person, but, no one could have warned him about the looming anxiety of becoming an insignificant piece in Magnus' long line of histories. And Magnus definitely told Alec how much he meant to him, but like Alec rightfully called him out on, didn't want to talk about the obvious gap between what Alec knew and what Magnus had experienced.
"I'm combing through the braids of lies 'I'll never leave' ..."
Alec probably thought this. Sniff sniff.
"Our field of dreams, engulfed in fire Your arson's match your somber eyes" DO YOU REMEMBER MAGNUS' DREAMS?! DO YOU REMEMBER THEM HUH!HOW HE DREAMT OF FIRE?? and boy does Magnus have somber eyes and their relationship went up in flames before the war started "And I'll still see it until I die You're the loss of my life"
WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I've said it before and I'll say it again. If one of them had somehow not survived during the war, or not have gotten back together after, they would be the loss of each other's life. This would be for Alec's mortal life and Magnus' immortal one. I said, "I don't mind, it takes time" I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed Alec, when he first met Magnus; or Magnus, when his eye was caught. They both were cautious, and were both willing to try it out slow. I don't think any of them expected it to go as far as it did, BUT THEY COULDNT HELP IT "Who's gonna stop us from waltzing Back into rekindled flames? If we know the steps anyway" YES. Please do so. Honestly I don't think even if they were still broken up after war, they could've resisted getting back together in the following years. But thank the Angel that wasn't the case. I rest my case.
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In your fics, I wonder if Jace does regret his actions in any one of your verses?
oh definitely. like jace sucks in a lot of my fics but he's not the devil incarnate (that's magnus' uncle).
he gets hit with lasting, permanent and obvious consequences normally off screen and while sometimes in fics he doubles down on stubbornness because if he's wrong he won't be able to handle it.
which a lot of that is based on his abuse but also a lot of it is based on his arrogance and sense of self-superiority. also at this point, he probably still doesn't think of alec really as a person but as an extension of himself (which is not actually good because he doesn't consider alec his own person with wants and needs that are allowed to interfere and contradict with jace's).
he doesn't really start seeing alec as a person canonically until he's not really left with any other choice and it still takes a good long while for him to not be 'alec i'm more important than you so what you want doesn't matter" and also two minutes later "why are you so grumpy all the time buddy?"
he regrets them a lot.
regretting his actions doesn't always mean that he'll try to make amens/make up/make things right. because jace was raised by valentine
clary was also raised to think she can have whatever she wants, just in a much less physically abusive way. still abusive though (dont get me started on jocelyn's fucked up parenting and the codependcy and other shit)
because i firmly hate jocelyn. she is as bad as valentine is as a parent and i support alec ripping out her heart!
so yeah. jace? so many regrets. but jace still hardcore is brainwashed to spit out stuff like is 'to love is to destroy' to the girl he really really likes. is it so strange to him that he loved alec as his brother and destroyed him?
jace is arrogant and traumatized enough that he'll turn it back into about him.
hope that makes sense
<3 lumine
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ma-lark-ey · 8 months
Lark Liveblogs Lit episode 4(?): The Mortal Instruments
Here’s what I know going into it;
Magnus & Alec are endgame, Alec walks away from his marriage???? Very dramatically to kiss Magnus. I, originally, thought these two were reversed but my mate corrected me.
It’s (roughly???) inspired by her old Draco Trilogy (which I did track down and download, will read eventually) and shares the name with a Ron/Ginny fic (which I read. Mortal Instrument was a very fitting title)
And that’s literally all I know before hand;
Unlike the Harry Potter post, I’ll add my thoughts whilst reading and not just completely after finishing. I will still do the entire series post-mortum on each book, though.
City of Bones; (3/11/23)
Alec is EASILY my favorite. I figured it’d be Simon or Magnus because my blorbo history favors Simons and Magnuses, but Alec has CAPTURED my heart and when he almost died to Abbadon I literally cried even though I KNEW he survived.
Clary, on the contrary, is only slightly less boring than Isabelle. I think Isabelle is badass because she’s got a whip but both of these women is like. Go girl! Give us NOTHING! Especially weird because Clary is primarily our perspective character??
Jace & Simon’s weird little dynamic is interesting. I’m not. Its whatever. I don’t hate it, I’m not intrigued. I DO think Alec/Jace is a far superior romance to Jace/Clary. But also maybe my opinion will change. The little kiss in the garden WAS very cute. Jace thinks he’s so cool and he’s literally not. He’s literally so cringe. His snarky sass is so fun as well, obsessed with whatevers going on there.
The cup being IN the Tarot cards was SO cool. I’m obsessed with THAT.
How old is Magnus. Can I be condoning Malec. Is it like, a Calypso situation. Emotionally he act around 19-20, we’re going with that. He feels like a shitty frat boy. How did this man name Magnus Chase he’s so cool and Magnus Chase is the most pathetic meow meow I’ve ever seen.
Pov you’re my actually mildly hyperventilating at the end of chapter 22.
JACE IS VALENTINES SON??? THEY’RE SIBLINGS??? Really living up to stealing that name from Ron/Ginny fic huh 😭😭 oh god. Cassie… cassie clare… bbg….
So. The Johnathon reveal fr had me set the book down and walk away because I was in HYSTERICS. congrats, Simon! New chance with your girl because the other part of your love triangle was her BROTHER. so—
Newly finished City of Bones. There’s so much going on here. I’ve thoroughly exhausted my thoughts already. Uhm.
All I have left to say is I adore Luke. He’s perfect. And Magnus Bane RUSHING to Alec like that??? OKAY. HOMOSEXUAL MUCH??? Yes sir go get your man. I see you.
2.) City of Ashes (02/05/23-8/17/23)
Simon and Clary are a MESS i love them. Theyre IDIOTS.
Luke is still my beloved
The complex ass dynamic of Jace and Valentine,,, EAT. love it.
Im gonna be so fr i have updated this in six months and dont remember 90% of book teo anymore actually but Vampire Simon was a slay
Wait that didnt happen in this book.
this book took me forever to read because second installments are always weak af (Son of Neptune is an exception) and i struggle so bad
Dont remember if it was this book or book three but him almost dying and Jace giving him blood was the GAYEST thing I’ve ever seen and they should make out. Like that was so horny and for what.
YES THAT WAS TEO IM CORRECT because two was the boar fight and three was the city where sebastian whatever the fuck killed max
Moving on.
3.) City of Glass (8/19/23-8/23/23)
Magnus & Alec appeared like twice but im obsessed with Magnus every time he appears im flirting with him hey bb howzit going.
Maya is my FAVORITE ever i love a wolf girl. Also love a fear demon.
The Max death was UNNECESSARY and UNCALLED FOR he was a BABY BOY. what did he ever do to deserve this. He died HOLDING JACE’S SOLDIER. devastating. Awful.
The mark of Kane for Simon was real as shit im obsessed with that.
The Angel reviving Jace was literally so funny silly goofy. He went “god. What the fuck. At least give this kid a chance at being normal” and thats so funny.
I want to study Jace like a bug. Hes so babygirl.
(I’ll reblog with updates as I read the last half of the series 🙏 it’s taking longer bc ~ school ~)
My best mate & I watched the first season of the show & the City of Bones movie and;
Okay we only watched the first like. 45 minutes of City of Bones because we wanted to watch something genuinely bad and it was doing too well. Obsessed with the cast on that, though. We didnt even get to Magnus or Alec because every casting on the movie was good until Isabelle and it was so bad I made my mate turn it off because I Could Not.
I’m on episode ten of season one of Shadowhunters and its not good but it is fun so I’m thriving. Like this show is bad but also its a fun time so we’re thriving.
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im ready for this angst train let go
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“I’m sleeping. I’m sleeping.” The boy says urgently and clutches the covers more tightly.
rafael is so me-coded i used to do this all the time but im the worst actor ever lmaooooo
Alec leans closer and sits in Magnus's lap, both his legs on either side of him. He grabs Magnus's face gently and kisses his nose.
my fav aesthetic, so domestic. can u imagine all that long limbs trying to fit in tho? alec my tallest smol bby
He strokes Magnus's cheeks softly, letting him get away with whatever he’s hiding and replies. “And what happened in this dream where I’m 70% less attractive. Are we still married?”
“Sadly. Apparently it's the heart I was in for.” Magnus rests his head against Alec's chest and focuses on his heartbeat.
alec's costume for halloween gonna be his ratty sweater + acid green socks + a board with 80% less attractive carved on it cuz it gonna be most scary for magnus
Max tilts his head upwards at Alec and pouts again. Alec kisses his head and peers at magnus. “Magnus, you weren't here yesterday morning. You were in LA.”
ominous music start playing in the background
Alec grins and drags Magnus to the bathroom where Alec thoroughly clears his brain of any secondary thoughts other than his amazing mouth on him.
now this, remind me of several fic ideas in draft, not gonna state which one though
“I know. But it’s revenge for all the weird heterosexual things I had to witness back in the day.” Alec's grin can be heard through the phone.
alec be the pettiest bitch in the planet and i will still support him i support alec rights i support alec wrong
“Alec, Alec, Alec, please stop. Stop dying on me.” Magnus begs as he lays his head on Alec's chest.
hello 911 this sentence right here
im gagging over all the time magnus fail to save alec like its getting bad for me but i love this trope idk idk sue me idc
He spends the entire day on the beach where Alec and he got married and only came back to Jace’s call, screaming and crying. He runs to his husband and mutters apologies over apologies in his ears.
why do i love this type of angst so much, like regret and desperation mixing together in a perfect miserable bowl
Magnus doesn't find out who it is before the night ends. Every single one of them fails at protecting Alec and Magnus screams loud enough to flood the entire city of New York.
Before the city can drown, Magnus wakes up again with Alec peppering kisses across his face.
this sentence *chef kiss*
He closes his eyes and puts one step inside, ignoring the loud “Magnus, no,” from behind.
cant believe magnus making this dumbass move is totally in character for him actually
Max lets out an ugly chuckle. “I’m not weak like you, Bapak.”
now i dont know about you but if i say this to my parent hell gonna break loose doesn't matter how much mistakes my parent made they gonna sweep the floor with my ass
He can get power and maybe his family back. Magnus can have the life he deserves back. Shadow world can go to hell for Magnus cares.
i dont give a fvck magnus in a bit problematic era is valid and i support him
“The butterflies are supposed to be Blue.” Magnus looks at his hands and they have turned almost black now with anger but he doesn’t care who he destroys today.
smart and feral magnus is the most sexy magnus, carved this into the accord @ alec lightwood-bane
Magnus snaps his fingers and a dagger appears in his hand. He pushes the sword in Alec's hands forcefully. “How about you try it Alec? Plunge the sword into me and kill me” He screams.
mister this is a mcdonald drive through pls staph STAPH
“I wish I had never fucking met you, Alexander. That you never knocked on my door that night.” Magnus exhales. “Every single one of my nightmare is related to you. I wouldn't be in all this pain if not for you.”
this is pain but all i can think about is alec's mind yelling the entire chorus of antihero after he heard magnus said this. god's timing always right. now, shrek forever after!au when magnus's magic accidentally reacts to his outburst and re-set the timeline to when alec never met magnus. someone writes this
He wants to turn the shadowhunter into a toad.
“I will drown you in a pool of ducks.”
“Shut up.” Jace says even though he looks scared at the prospect.
the only brother in law that matter
“I thought you’d freak out if you wake up in our room again. So when I woke up this morning, I got you here.” Alec explains.
very virgo of him to do so
“You said a bad word yesterday, daddy.” Max explains.
they gonna have a cuss jar in the near feature arent they
Alec follows through on his promise this time.
but he wont be able to 70 years from now on- JK HAHA thats my alter ego talking love is fine love is great love is infinite i love love
great work as always your magnus angst always magnificent
Thank you. Thank you. My Magnus angst is the reason I can get through life.
I love how your thoughts go from A to Q in 0.06 seconds. It’s like watching a genius work in real time.
This fic was so fun to write because it was absolutely unhinged. I got to write soft Magnus, Magnus in his unhinged era, angry Magnus, sad, desperate Magnus. It’s like Magnus x10000.
Also yes, Alec making himself small in Magnus’s lap is such a soft aesthetic🥺
me getting 7 more fic ideas only from your reactions alone lol.
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pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
Heyyyy!!! Saw your 300 follower event!! First off, Congratulations!!!! And then uh, i wanted to ask a Sebastian x reader, the sebastian of Clary's dream btw, the good one, whose eyes turned green 😭😭😭😭
The other information:-
•Angst snd Fluff
•Sebastian being the good one, that had green eyes... Who said... ‘ I've never felt so light ’ 😭😭😭😩😩
• and uh, make me a herondale!!!
I mean thats tge only thing I could request without disrupting any of the ships because TMI ships are ON POINT, i hope you find this ask good and write about it, though it will be fine if you dont.
Congrats again dude!!!
A/N: You are my first Mortal Instruments ask Anon! You're also the first ask of the event! And that scene made me cry so badly, oh my gosh! And thank you so much for requesting! I will do this, and I hope that it's what you were thinking in your head! I also had to look up the Herondale family tree because I didn't want you to be Jace's sister. I love him, but I had a feeling that might be a little weird since I don't know the technicalities for the kind of situation if you were his sister.
Also, you mentioned Clary's dream, and I was kind of making this based on that little thing. So, he's not 'Sebastian' in this, he's Jonathan.
Summary: Your boyfriend's sister is getting married to Jace, who was always more of a brother to you than some distant cousin.
TW: Other than doubts of a relationship, there's nothing major that needs tagging.
"Are you nervous?" you asked Jace as you messed with his hair while Alec messed with Jace's suit.
"Only if she doesn't walk down that aisle," he said, but one look at him and you knew that he was more nervous than he had ever been.
"She'll always get to you Jace, you know that," Alec chided, swatting his brother on the arm.
"Exactly, thank you Alec," you said, frowning at one cowlick that refused to be wrangled into place. "And if she doesn't, well, I have contacts in France, I can have you be an entirely different person with a few phone calls."
"(Y/F/N)!" Alec squawked, attempting to swat at you but you moved out of the way.
"I'm joking! Kind of," you mumbled. "Look, Jace, you and Clary were inevitable. There is probably no world or reality in which the two of you don't end up together. This is the happiest day of your life, just enjoy it. Worry about everything else after that."
He nodded, though you weren't sure if he was breathing.
"Look, I'm gonna go find Jonathan. He's with Clary, and he's going to tell you the same thing Alec and I just did. Don't stop breathing before I get back, alright?"
Jace nodded, his eyes a little wider than they usually were.
"Idiot," you muttered affectionately, stepping out of his prep tent, rolling your eyes.
Clary and Jace were never going to end up with anyone but each other. They were damn near perfect for each other.
Clary, it seemed, had needed to take a walk before the wedding, getting sick and tired of all the fussing.
She was over-looking the wedding, Jonathan and Valentina laughing with her.
"There you are," you said, making all three of the turn to look at you, "I was looking for you Jonathan. Your future brother-in-law is currently on his way to a full on panic. Can you please go tell him that Clary isn't going to leave him on the altar?"
"Aunty (Y/F/N)!" Valentina cried, reaching out for you as Jonathan swung him off his shoulders.
"Here," he said, handing his sister to you. "Take the little monster. I have to go calm the groom and do surgery on the cake."
"What?" you asked. "What happened to the cake?"
"That little monster decided she couldn't wait," Jonathan teased, ruffling Val's hair. He kissed your cheek, heading down the hill.
"So, how are you feeling?" you asked, turning your attention to Clary.
"I knew, for a long time, that Jace and I were forever," Clary said.
"But," you prompted.
"No, I know that I only want him. I'm just worried that something's going to go wrong. What if the seating chart is wrong? What if someone gets food poisoning?"
"Clary, if someone starts a fuss, you know that the rest of us are going to put them in their proper places. We aren't going to let anything ruin today. Jonathan and I, especially, aren't going to let anyone ruin today."
"I was kind of surprised that you both started dating," she admitted, her eyes getting that far away look in her eyes. "Jonathan has never really been interested in anyone but Isabelle. No one I've heard about anyway."
"How do you think I felt?" you joked, letting Valentina wiggle her way out of your arms. "I thought it was a bet or a dare for the first few weeks we were together."
You watched as Clary's younger sister danced around the hill, picking flowers and throwing them around like she was already doing her job as flower girl.
You tried to hide your wince, and you either succeeded, or Clary was just off in her own world again.
"I don't mean to be rude," Clary continued, "but you aren't like Isabelle at all. You're more like me in that way."
"To be fair, there aren't a lot of people like Isabelle in the world," you said.
Clary let out a small, breathless laugh, nodding. "Yeah, you have a point there. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you."
"For what?"
"For looking after Jace, for caring about my brother as much as you do, for being the best sister I could ask for."
"What about me?" Valentina whined, pouting.
"You too Val," Clary said, smiling at her younger sister.
The little girl giggled, and you couldn't help the small smile that broke out over your face.
Clary was right, you did care about Jonathan, but you had often thought that he chose you because Isabelle was unavailable to everyone but Simon.
Compared to Isabelle, you were very much a Plain Jane.
"Anyway, thank you, (Y/F/N)," Clary said, wrapping you into a hug.
"Yeah, always. Now. You've had your breath of fresh air. Now it's time to go get yourself right pretty for my brotha," you mocked, and she laughed at your terrible accent.
"Yeah, I will as long as you promise not to do that again," she said. "Come on Val, you can help Mom."
The little girl squealed, running down the hill, her older sister trailing behind her.
You wrapped your arms around yourself. Your talk with Clary had brought up some insecurities, ones that you had tried to bury deep within your heart.
You knew that she hadn't meant to upset you, but that's what she had done.
You took a deep breath, collecting yourself before you headed back down to Jace's tent.
"Are you ready?" you asked when you stepped in.
"Yeah, Jonathan did a really good job of convincing me that Clary wasn't running off," Jace said.
"Good, then he did his job. Now if he can keep Val away from the cake until the right time, then we're golden," you joked.
"That girl does have a sweet tooth," Jace muttered.
"Indeed she does," you said. "Where'd Alec go?"
"Magnus was trying to change the color of the flower petals and make them glitter."
"Ah," you replied, shaking your head fondly. "That explains it."
"Are you okay?" Jace asked, frowning at you.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"
"You just seem . . . I don't know, pale? Dull?"
"Eloquent dear brother," you teased. "And yeah, I'm fine. I just have some things to think about."
"Did Jonathan say something to you?" Jace asked. "Because there's enough time for me to murder him and hide the body."
"No, Jonathan hasn't said anything to me," you told him. "Clary did, but I think I'm just being insecure. Don't worry about me. Today is about you and Clary. Remember your vows?"
"Yes, I think they're practically tattooed onto my eyelids at this point. But what did Clary say to you?"
"Nothing important," you told him. "I already knew Jonathan had a thing for Isabelle. But Simon is the only one for her, so Jonathan got stuck with me instead."
"Clary said that she was surprised when Jonathan and I started going out because he had a thing for Isabelle and I'm nothing like her."
"Just because you aren't like Isabelle doesn't mean that he doesn't love you," Jace said, frowning. "Besides, I think everyone has a thing for Isabelle at least once in their lives."
"You didn't," you pointed out.
"That was because she's my other sister," Jace said, patting the top of your head. "Trust me little sister, Jonathan isn't looking at anyone other than you."
"How can you tell?" you asked.
"He looks at you the way I look at Clary," Jace said.
"Don't exaggerate like that, Jace, he does not," you said.
You frowned when a piece of his hair fluffed out of place.
"Let me fix your hair," you said, grabbing a comb and more hairspray.
"You can't keep dodging the subject," Jace told you.
"Says the guy that excels at dodging the subject," you countered.
"I excel at everything, little sister, you should know that by now."
"I can't believe we're related," you muttered, rolling your eyes as you fixed his hair.
The ceremony was beautiful, and you were happy for Jace.
He had been like your brother since a young age, even though you knew that you were really more like fourth cousins. He had stood by you through everything, and you were grateful for him.
It was nice to see him so happy, to see such a bright smile on his face.
After dancing with Jace, Alec, Simon, Clary, Val, Magnus, and Isabelle, you were standing by the drinks, watching everything from afar.
"I always find you in the shadows," Jonathan said, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
It was true. You had found (more like Jace and Jonathan had pointed out) that when it came to things like this, you had a tendency to hang back, scared of taking attention away from anyone else.
"Hey," you said, allowing yourself to appreciate the contact.
"So, apparently you think that I'm 'stuck with you'?"
You winced, letting a slow breath out.
"What did Jace tell you?" you asked, watching Luke dance with Jocelyn.
"He told me that I needed to come and see you, like I wasn't going to do that already," Jonathan said. "Told me that if you hadn't changed your mind by the time he got back from his honeymoon that no one was going to ever find my body."
You snorted, putting a hand over your mouth.
"Yeah, that sounds like Jace," you said.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I thought it was stupid. I mean, pretty much everybody wants Isabelle Lightwood, and if they don't want her, they want to be her."
"Hey," he said, spinning you around to look at him. "That weird crush I had on Isabelle ended when I met you. I am in no way 'stuck with you'. I love you, I chose you, and it was the best decision I ever made."
You watched him for a moment, watching the way his green eyes roved over you, pleading with you to believe him.
"I love you," he said again, cupping your face in his hands.
"I love you too," you murmured, leaning your foreheads together.
"You believe me this time?" he asked, grinning so brightly you had to blink a few times.
"Yeah, yeah I believe you," you told him.
"Good, 'cause I still want to dance with you," he said, pulling into the fray, spinning you around, making you laugh.
"Good, you've got your smile back," Jace said, appearing out of the mass of people.
"Yeah, thanks for being the best older brother I could hope for," you said, taking his hand in yours for a moment before you turned to see Clary.
"Sorry about what I said earlier," she told you.
"Don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean it the way I took it," you replied, waving your hand dismissively. "I just got sensitive."
Jonathan's arms tightened around your waist, almost like a warning and you rolled your eyes fondly.
"Anyway, I wanted to thank you for being here," Clary said. "I know it means a lot to Jace."
"I wouldn't have missed it for the world," you told her, smiling. "It'll be nice to have a sister figure."
She smiled, nodding.
"Yeah, it'll be nice to have you around more often," she replied, sending her brother a look over your shoulder.
Jonathan made a small noise, but it got drowned out as another song started up.
"May I have this dance?" Jonathan asked, moving in front of you with his hand outstretched to you.
"Always," you told him, letting him pull you into the spotlight.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Me: No, I will not take distractions this week. I am busy! I will read lbaf on Friday as a little reward 🥰
Also me after I saw you posted this chapter: yeah, scratch that. I don't have that much self control anyways :))
This will be all over the place bc I am experiencing a lot of emotions right now, I am running on 4 hours of sleep and I am not ok after that end :))
"That name is not cool,” Kit interrupted. “Petition to call them Power Babes. And trust me, some of them are babes.” Power babes is the best name ever and now I will never not remember it. Damnit, Kit!
Rafael made too many promises. This is going to backfire, isn't it?
The immortal gang always leaves me with an existential crisis ngl
God, Ragnor is such a drama queen and I stan him😂
LUCA!?!! LUCA?!?!
I KNEW IT!!! NICO IS LUCIFER'S HEIR!!! I am so proud of my theory dkbdkdjdk. Also Kit figuring out?? ✨Iconic✨
So, it didn’t matter.
It didn’t matter that Alec Lightwood loved one man so much that he changed the world for him.
Assholes will always be assholes.
Fuck those people, honestly
The detail of Jace praying bc we know that's what he does when he is desperate 😭
How could you forget something that was the core of your existence? just stop it this is hurting so much!!!
MINA IS HERE!! FUCK YEAH, FINALLY!!! She needed to smack him on the head and get some sense into him!! God, I love her💙💙
“It’s literally just finishing one assignment and starting another. Hollywood lied to us about all the booze and the babes.” True. They got my hopes up for nothing 😔
She is a fucking genius!!!!
What a bad bitch Clary is!! It amazes me everytime😍 but also she is so scary and I am concerned:)
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“Because you are known for your eloquence?” Mina asked dryly.
Max smiled. “I really fucking missed you.”
“Mina Carstairs,” his best friend introduced herself. “Max’s brain cell and life coach.”
Their friendship>>>>>
Ok.... That meeting could have definitely been phrased better... But I'm just too in love with Clary rn to notice 😍
“Hibernating?” Alec asked. “Like a Pola Bear?” I wanted to make fun of him but it was also my first thought 😂
Because they knew this was their truth.
And they liked their strange, painful truth.
Because it was theirs.
Malec are keeping my sanity istg-
Magnus being ready to let Alec seduce him omfg jdvskdndkd
Alec is the only one who seems to have his shit together at this time and he's so sexy for all the wise things that come out of his mouth
“You are a Fairchild,” Ben whispered. “You have the same eyes.” I KNEW YOU WOULD CONNECT THDM TOGETHER SOMEHOW!! That's why Nico told her to go😭
The man grinned over his shoulder. “Get in, losers. We’re saving Idris.” YES YES YES!!! MY MAN IS BACK IN THE GAME!!
The last fucking POV jfc!!! I... I don't know what to say other than:
DONT FUCK WITH ME. THE RING. AND THE KISS😭😭😭😭 foreshadowing everywhere huh?
I literally felt the fear. I could feel my heart racing and my hands shaking. No book has ever made me feel it so real. You are an amazing writer💙
I will be sending you my therapy bills ;)
the fact you felt the fear has me shooketh, that's EXACTLY the vibe i wanted the readers to have when they read mallory scenes 👀
i will wait for the therapy bill 💙
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igonecrazy · 2 years
Heyyyy 🙈❤️ can I have sth for TFoL pls 🥺
Yesssss yes yes you can <3 <3 <3
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soooooooo....the last I left them was at Magnus and Jace recovering from their respective injuries at Magnus's place..under the stern care of one Alec Lightwood.. :P
I have so maaannnyy ideas for this which all currently live rent free in my brain coz i dont know how to charge them..:P
soo...because they cant go anywhere..they're having a movie night at Magnus's..Simon shows up early so he is hanging out with them and they are both sizing him up (their relationship is going to be like Simon is the braincell in this trio :P) aaannd.. Magnus is sitting between Alec and Jace on the couch and Magnus and Jace keep on talking in whispers between the movie and they are talking about how Jace should ask Clary out and Jace is like how can I? i dont think she even likes me and Magnus is like she definitely likes you and they continue this for a while unaware that they are very much audible to everyone in the room and Izzy and Alec are smirking at each other they just love Jace embarrassing himself in front of Clary who is red as tomato and Simon is the one who is finally like would you two stop! we can all hear you! :P
These are a few ideas I had saved in a separate files..these were all supposed to be chapters :) in no particular order..
Jace has nightmare, gets into Malec’s bed cuddling Magnus Alec be like huh??
Izzy arrives in the morning and sees them all walk out of Magnus’ bedroom and is like do you boys have some weird arrangement going on that I don’t know about?
Magnus’ fashion show, Jace arrives early, they stare at a model named Matt thinking…..doesnt he remind you of someone? They give Matt an eerie wave in the mirror, Raphael is like stop leering at the guy! He looks like Alec, you dumbasses! They go ooooooohh!!
Magnus’ show stopper model Dom hurt, and then Magnus goes wait a min you look like him!!! Jace takes spot as show stopper.
Alec arrives a little late, he is worried about Jace not being there, the show is set to start in 30 minutes, he knows Magnus would be upset a lil if Jace doesn’t show up.
Clary Simon and Izzy arrive, they all get concerned too about Jace, Izzy is like He wont miss this, im more worried about why he isn’t here.
Alec asks Clary if she has seen him, she’s like he texted me an hour and half ago that he was leaving.
Raphael comes over to greet them hears their conversation and goes, “Now I’m more worried that Papa isn’t here either,” he looks at Clary and goes, “are we sure Blondie isn’t cheating on you?”
Clary Raphael!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alec, offended and amused.
Si throws a knowing smirk at Raph, who winks, and Izzy looks at him questioningly.
Then Jace walks out at the end of the show and Alec is relived but also wants to murder him.
Jace and Magnus walk the ramp, Alec is like thank fuck he is my boyfriend or I’d have moved to England.
Magnus pulls Alec up, and they kiss as paps take pictures.
Family dinner.
Magnus standing grumpily next to Asmo,
Alec and Izzy are standing on either sides of Maryse, both grumpy.
Maryse and Asmo are annoyed too.
Si, Clary and Jace arrive.
Jace goes and hugs Maryse, gets glared at by Izzy and Alec.
Jace then pulls away from her and grins at Asmodeus, “Papa!” before hugging him too, much to Magnus’ irritation.
Si, chuckles, and Clary who can sense the sour mood on everyone’s face whispers, “What?”
“Raphael said Magnus and Asmodeus had a fight, and Izzy texted me she and Alec had a fight with Maryse, since Jace doesn’t work with either of them and hasn’t fought with them, the kids are a little jealous of the golden boy.”
Clary smiles.
Alec cuddles into the warm body as sleep slips away from him. He buries his head in Magnus’ neck and takes a deep inhale as he stretches out his body. Weird! This isn’t what Magnus smells like?
He nuzzles Magnus’ neck and presses a light kiss.
“Mmmm, not Magnus!”
Alec’s eyes snap open and at the sight of blond hair he jumps out of the bed.
“Oh! Fucking hell! Fuck off! You fucking-“
“Stop shouting!” Jace says as he rolls over pulling the covers over his head.
Alec snatches the covers away from him and throws them to the recliner, and proceeds to literally kick his brother off the bed.
“What the hell, Alec!”
“You’re asking me? Me?”
“Do you see anyone else here?”
“You’re not allowed in our bed from now on! I will kick you out if I see you in this fucking bed again!”
“Oh yeah! I didn’t want to wake up to be molested by my brother either! But here we are!”
Alec picks up something off the nightstand, which he would later realize to be his own cell, and threw it at his brother, who ducked just in time.
Magnus entered the room with Chairman in hands just as whatever he had thrown crashed into the wall.
“Alexander?” Magnus asked, confused, “what’s going on here?”
“He isn’t allowed in our bed anymore, Magnus, that’s final,” he said in lieu of explanation.
Magnus seemed to ponder for a bit before he shrugged, “I can’t say I’m opposed to that, but why the sudden assertiveness?”
“He molested me, that’s why,” Jace said, and this time alec threw a pillow at him.
“What?” Magnus said frowning.
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I like the idea of an au where Magnus and Alec meet before the show or maybe Clary just shows up a little later but still managed to meet on the canon timeline somehow, but I have no idea how it could change things, I (want to) imagine that Izzy is closer to Magnus since she has meet him now for longer (maybe jace is just a little less of an asd though doubtful), idk what do you think?
hmmm i dont think i have any, like. super fleshed out thoughts about this but what i like the most about that idea is that by the time there's the whole lydia drama they would have already know each other to some extent. maybe not be dating but have, you know, their thing for longer than just one late night date, which i think makes that plotline more meaningful for the both of them
not that it's not meaningful as it is, i think it's pretty meaningful - magnus is being rejected straight after baring his heart to someone new for the very first time and daring to hope AND watching homophobia turn a guy's life miserable, and alec is turning his back to everything he's ever wanted for good - but like. it would make it more difficult for the both of them and id like to see what that would be like when the two of them would have had time for their feelings for each other to mature
honestly i think it makes more sense too because like HOW in the world did the Acting Head of the NYC Institute and the High Warlock of Brooklyn NEVER fucking meet before clary??????? i mean okay sure they probably had "met" as in magnus was there to reinforce the wards and they exchanged a few words and that was that, which is different because magnus is in sh territory and neither of them feel the slightest bit comfortable in there, but did they never work together before the memory demon thing? i mean, seriously?
and actually considering how they didnt know each other's names it's implied they hadn't even met like THAT before which is just weird
but anyway i would like to have seen that different first meeting and maybe play a bit with the parallels there could be. like they would probably be taking on some particularly bad demon together and it would have been nice to like, have alec shoot some demon who was about to get to magnus and have that kinda "silent protector" vibe that they first had at the club, and then maybe if magnus gets injured alec could lend his strength too and/or tend to his wounds lmao. just another version where alec shows that same caring and gentleness that magnus had been craving for so long and magnus ends up falling for him all unexpectedly, especially after maybe a little bit of battle bickering that turns out to actually be fun for once, you know? aaa id love that
okay so things that would have changed imo:
that cursed "alec thinks he is in love with jace" drama wouldnt be a thing, which i think would mean that alec would be even less interested in helping him and clary be dumbasses and throw everything to shit, so theyd have to go behind his back extra hard and their whole fallout would have come even sooner. dont ask me how that affects "the plot" i barely remember what that even was in this dumb show
i think he'd be more mad at jace than clary and simon, so maybe their relationship in s1 wouldn't be so bad as he would see them as more accomplices to jace than The Ones Who Are Throwing Everything To Shit you know
the lydia drama would be more complicated and angsty because both of them would have had time to mature their feelings. i dont think theyd have dated because again alec had chosen the closet and i dont think hed do anything to jeopardize that, but well... if he gets to go on missions with magnus and maybe enjoy some flirting bantering... nothing wrong with that, right? he was always upfront about that. but the feelings were there and the connection was there and that would make it even harder for the both of them to deal with the fact that alec was marrying some woman
oh wait! juicy. so magnus had been on the low because of valentine and all, and they hadnt seen each other in a few months or so, so when magnus comes back there's like. that extra layer of alec realizes how much he's missed him and makes his resolve even more fragile because well. fuck. his feelings for him sure didn't go anywhere
magnus on the other hand would maybe be more wary of him because, well, since he last saw him valentine is back and god knows what the lightwoods are up to, considering last time. magnus knows him well enough by now to know that he doesn't agree with his parents on a lot of things, but he also knows that alec chooses their protection almost always
so we would have at the very least a more level "cat and mouse game" where alec also needs to go after magnus and not just the other way around, you know? and maybe in this version magnus is the one who tells alec his parents used to be in the circle, not... whoever it was in canon (i think lydia? my god i really need to rewatch this show) which is one of the most important seeds that led alec to call off his wedding imo, so it would be interesting for magnus to be the one to give him that information
not that i think that's why he would tell him, i think if anything magnus would assume alec knew. so he'd be like "no offense, alec, but i don't really feel like trusting a lightwood in those times" and somehow the topic would come up because of that
hhhhhhhh that's all i have rip
feel free to add more if u want everyone
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ibelonginthepast · 4 years
Please read this, I spent too much time on this hehe (yes am trying to guilt trip into reading this)
Okay so I went through the jace herondale tag (yes because am dumb) and I have to say this
There is a friend of mine, who's barely 17, she's kicked out of her own house by her own mother who doesn't believe her when she told her mom that her step dad tried to sexually harras her. Shes living with a brother who doesn't welcome her, everyday she faces relatives who shame her for living with her brother and being a "burden" as they call her. She has been separated from her siblings, someones she loved dearly and she cant talk to them now. She feels abandoned and alone.
She loves jace herondale, someone u all hate with passion. Now, I don't like jace herondale. He's a problematic character and I get it. I hated him dearly for a long time, but I learnt to not when I met her.
Jace herondale and Clary fairchild, she holds on to them. She holds on to them so bad, so tight. And everytime, everytime u hate on jace or clary, she breaks a bit. She feels alone and abandoned again.
But don't pity her, she's a warrior. Something she shares with jace herondale, after being rejected and tortured, she stands still. She faces everyday, deals with everything with a smile and her sarcastic humor.
When I feel alone, when I feel rejected, when i am sad and I am looking out of the window or staring at a knife and thinking about killing myself or atleast hurt myself, I often think about magnus holding me back, I think about him hugging me amd telling me it will be okay.. I hope about meeting someone like him. I think about alec, I think about him patting me on my back, and smiling awkwardly and telling me that I'll be fine, like he is. That I'll find my way out, that my papa will learn, that my brother will like me, that my mom will maybe be proud that I'll find lovely friends that my friends will hold onto me, that I wont be a failure, a disappointment, I will not end up dead or abandoned that I'll be okay.
Clace, does that to her. She holds on to them, so hard.
I know u don't like jace, I relate to you. I hate jace being an asshole and making hurtful ignorant jokes, I dont like him being the cliche, I dont like him for being a white, straight, rich, abled, neurotypical, male protagonist, I don't like him being attracted to his sister, I don't like him being an asshole to alec, not being there for him, I dont like him using alec sometimes, i dont like him being selfish and self absorbed, and other stuff; but I also realise that it's not him.
I criticize cassie for that. It's her who indirectly kind of promoted incest, and wrote the situations and the characters that way. She is the one who glorified the homophobic and sexist jokes and language. U understand that right? The problem is never characters being assholes, cause that's what makes them realistic and human. What makes it problematic is glorification. And no consequences of those actions, no redemption.. showing that it's okay.
We all remember the time when alec was being biphobic, and slutshaming magnus. But cassie wrote it in a way, where she showed us that he was being an asshole, that he was being biphobic and that's wrong. That alec is slutshaming magnus and that's wrong. And he will face consequences of that, he will face Magnus' hurt self, magnus will break up with him, magnus is hurt, alec was teaming up with a stupidass evil camille. Alec was wrong, and that was conveyed.
But Jace's problematic nature was never pointed out. Rather it was glorified as his sense if humor and the fact that he is just amazing in general. U need to criticize the author for that, not Jace. Its not jace who's glorifying his shit, cassie's doing that (if u wanna look at jace as a person).
Now people may be like, 'by hating jace, we are criticizing cassie's work, so it's the same thing'. But that's the problem, by hating jace, u will overlook all the positive traits. You condemn the character, you restrict its growth.
U wanna point out jace's problems, please do. I do it. But criticize cc for that. Don't condemn people who love him. Be nice about it. That way, maybe the people who love him will also start seeing that problems, and will find a way to love him along with criticizing and disproving his behaviours in some situations.
Jace herondale is not evil,, he is ignorant sometimes, dumb, selfish, self obsessed and that's bad, but that's also human. It's okay if he is that way, what not okay is showing that this behavior is okay. Criticize that.
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bytedykes · 3 years
god j*ces behaviour in s1 (and in general but s1 in particular) irks me so much !!!! even from like ep1 where he’s like “you know what alec? dial it down a notch 😐” when his boss (and elder) is like this does NOT add up. how he uses clary to be like “oh IM not being bad if SHE wants to go to the silent brothers :3 she doesn’t know it’s bad so again i have a scapegoat” or how he ignores alec trying to put some sense into him multiple times (city of bones, that graveyard part, the du mort roof) and how he YELLS at his superior ?????
this man is like i want to be ur panasonic <3 probs just so he can use that bond to side step authority “oh no he’s my other half he knows me and my intentions!! i’m going to break the law”
and DONT get me started on the whole “u treat him like lap dog” and he doesn’t even TRY TO DENY IT ??? just “takes one to know one :)” @ simon and i’m like......... u .... admit u like him for the legal mobility he gives u and his genuine loyalty..... and then he literally calls him like “yeah i get mayrse and robert need me back at the institute but i need YOU here to make me look good infront of the ginger i want to get with”......
(simon was justified in smacking him around that episode he at least knows what it means to care about ur friends without them existing to benefit u)
god i could go on all day about it... i mean i guess kudos to d*m for making it so easy to hate the blondie..... even then.... the whole mess with meliorn where he’s like I KNOW WHATS BETTER !!!! when he straight up didn’t know anything that was going on (lydia being there AT ALL, how alec and izzy had to take political slaps to the face) and then acting like alec was doing it all to antagonise him when jace only knows 2 things in his little pea brain: be an adrenaline junkie and be Terrible In Bed.
(thank u for entertaining me i’m writing a massive 2.5k essay and need something to yell about so that my writing is coherent <3 and i hope ur having a good day as well :3 - mitski anon)
gonna try to answer this somewhat cohesively but sorry if i fail 😩
ugh YEAH lmao like !!! alec is the acting head !! alec is also his older brother and parabatai!! for all purposes alec is the leader of this whole thing, he runs the place, this is ALEC'S institute. and jace just ?? does not give a shit and shows no respect to him whatsoever <3 bc thats how u treat ur boss 🤪
(even if alec WASNT the acting head hes still jaces older brother and listen i have siblings i know what we're like, even then jace has no respect and constantly pulls things and holds them over alec like !!! he uses the parabatai bond and the benefits it gives him to target alecs insecurities and just directly undermine him and UHGHG hate this bitch so much its unreal !!!)
YEAH LIKE i know i keep saying this but alec is trained for this he is literally the institute head HE'S the one with all the political training and he's the one who leads the communications with the clave and he's the one who all the fallout will land on when jace does the shit he does!!! and bc he loves his family he'll shield jace from the consequences !!! aaauagrrrrrgh
and i've said it before too but i can give clary some leeway regarding disrespecting and not listening to alec bc she's in a new world and she doesn't know their rules or customs (dont get me wrong she still absolutely acts batshit stupid and should listen to alec and MAKE AN EFFORT to learn wtf is going on and let the responsible ppl handle the situation, but she at least has an excuse) BUT JACE IS A BORN AND RAISED SHADOWHUNTER!!! HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST FIGHTER OF HIS GENERATION OR W/E!!! HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!
alec is like: this is a bad idea and it will directly affect my reputation as a soldier and a leader, and if you take 5 minutes to listen to me i can provide at least 3 safer, legal alternatives, that will get results just as (if not more) efficiently
and jace is like um sorry did u say smth? no nvm i dont care goodbyeee
he really said "i know it's illegal and alec will have to deal with the results of what i'm about to do bUT IT'S THE RIGHT THINGGGG who gives a shit about rules or any semblance or order!!!"
jace goes "im a REAL SHADOWHUNTER i know our rules and laws and customs so i can INTENTIONALLY ignore them and break them ON PURPOSE!!!"
jace only knows 2 things in his little pea brain: be an adrenaline junkie and be Terrible In Bed. -> ASLDFKJ I COULDNT HAVE SAID IT BETTER ANON 😩😩
izzy should also know better but she at least makes the barest minimum of effort and tries to take some of the weight off alec lol, meanwhile jace is like "YOU LOST CLARY???" as if clary didn't purposefully evade alec and run away asdfhewfkdlsjhjks
simon smacking jace around rights!!! shoutout to simon for being an actually good friend and overall likeable person 😩 unlike SOME PEOPLE hwjkhsfkdd
omg goodluck on your essay anon!!! dang i should probably work on my hw too but im not for some reason hfsjskk
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lrhwy 12 reaction (not live cause i wait way too long to make this its growing cheese already)
Simon groaned and threw his hands in the air. “Jace is forcing me to join the gym. I hate the gym. Gyms should be banned, they are a crime against humanity.”
simon is SO ME i dont wanna get fit i just wanna lay down and dream about dragon magnus everyday why is that not allowed
“The trick is to not engage with Jace. Leave his messages on seen.”
my noisy ass can never im obliged to check everything
Alec left the gym and reached the loft, a little angry at everything in the world. He did not even pet the cat that was trying to reach him on the streets.
that how you know it his joker moment
He knew addiction was difficult—no, not just difficult, he knew it was earth-shattering and destructive for people who were going through it, but Alec could never get it.
well i think that the common things about addiction (and in general other tough things people go through that you have no experience of) you can only help them and be with them, the journey have to be made by them
One of them had brown hair and black eyes. He was wearing an ugly jacket with cargo pants.
He whispered in the man’s ears, “I don’t think she was very impressed.”
this can come up pretty flirty idk idk dont ask me idk
The woman thanked him and gave him her number, and Alec pretended to care about it.
cant believe alec gay ass willingly flirt with a woman just to get punched, nothing going on in there
“Why don’t you meet us outside, pretty boy, and we will show you who is the real man?”
pretty idiotic boy
But knowing about a problem and actually doing something about that problem were two different things.
me looking at all my abandoned wip
“I just got caught in some stupid fight. It was nothing.” Magnus knew Alec was lying, but he did not call him out on that; he just brought Alec’s hands to his mouth and kissed them softly.
this my shit right here right fucking hereeeee
the middle is just too painful i cant talk about my therapist cant talk about it my doctor advise me my superpower mutant gene wouldnt develop if i start about it so i wouldnt talk about it you gotta believe me. also the way malec stay away from each other is like me staying away from sugar near bedtime, we love each other but we will only bring misery in that time like right person wrong wrong time
Magnus, would you like to try a long-distance relationship with someone who you are not even in a relationship with?
it the start of rom-com, sometime u gotta believe
“And?” He repeated his question.
“For myself. I didn’t like how I was before, so I’m doing this for myself too.” Magnus breathed.
i love these part time idiots so much they just understand each other!
“I think more people should be allowed to be sugar babies. It’s 2022. Normalise golddigging.”
damn if only somebody write a sugar baby alec au if only hahahhahaha (pls write hello pls it too little fic for comfort i need more comfort)
They had texted here and there, but it had mostly been photos of Arrow and Chairman being whiny and sad without each other. 
even their pets are now co-dependent
Ezra was whispering something and chuckling into Alec’s ears, and it irked Magnus.
hiadt au but 10x time this energy maybe ?????????!?!!
Before anything further could happen, Alec burst into laughter. He took out a twenty-dollar bill and passed it to the woman.
part of alec's appeal is he both baby and a bitch, it science
When did Alec start doing the fist bump?
there nothing more brozone than a fist bump sit your jealous ass down
Magnus had a perfectly good shoulder for Alec to hide his face in if he wanted to, thank you very much.
what if erza shoulder are broader, what then
Magnus felt something constricting in his stomach. Like a tight knot.
magnus so hit different target exclusive i picture you with other girls in love and throw up on the street right now
Something akin to pain flashed in his eyes, and Magnus felt like he was missing something.
oh no oh NAH
He rushed back inside and came back with a weighted blanket. Magnus went behind Alec and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders.
casual domesticity why are you doing this to me you know how i feel about this
Alec shrugged. “One should know about their enemy.”
he so me coded first the virgo now the spider and the planning, i would never risk it all for anyone tho
“I loved you incredibly much. But I didn’t propose to you out of love that night. I did it out of need. Out of desperation.” Magnus said, his voice shaky. “It could have been anyone else in the world, and I would have done the same thing.”
my therapist is adding this into the reference page for analyzing me
That was 99.036% less than how much time Alec wanted to spend with Magnus.
if a man make you do math, dump his ass but i guess alec already has
Magnus took a deep breath. “These thighs are government property, you need to take better care of them.”
then dont magnus have to pay fees for touching goverment property, it good business @ alec dm me you need sugar baby coaching
He was so fucking wrong because it only felt like the Alec Lightwood-shaped hole, which was already pretty fucking big in his body, had increased exponentially.
so you filled his hole and he left an even bigger hold on you for the record i not sleep enough
“Ask me.”
Alec’s face contorted in pain. “I can't.”
it like chess game when nobody move first so the chess board just sitting there colleting dust
‘part appeal of alec is that he’s both baby and bitch’- I NEED THESE WORDS TATTOOED ON MY FOREARMS LORD PLS THANKS. Also casual domesticity when you’re not even together is the real shit sjsjs and you are welcome.
Alec flirting with Zara to get Magnus’s no + Magnus flirting with a woman at a club to get his ass beat. Magnus Bane truly out here ruining my gay little baby shhssjsj
your reactions are superior and nonsensically the funniest shit like always.
P.S. you will definitely get the hiadt x10 times this energy lmao.
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soapsilly · 5 years
Why not? - Isabelle Lightwood Imagine
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Pairings: Izzy Lightwood x reader, 
Summary: (Y/N) is Simons younger sister and usually known as a outgoing and fun person but when she meets Izzy Lighwood her confidence fades and she feels like a schoolgirl having her first crush all over again.
Requests are open
This was originally a request, that I cant seem to find anymore. The pairing and setting were given to me per request so I really hope this is what the requester had in mind.
I did have something different in mind originally but got kinda carried away. I’m not sure if I’m 100% happy with the outcome but it is what it is.
“You’re gonna love her, I promise! She’s seriously so fun” Clary was excited to finally introduce (Y/N) to her new friends. Ever since Clary found out about her mother and her true identity, a lot of things changed for her and she kinda had to let her old life behind, which included her friends. 
She was lucky that she had people that cared about her and helped her to come to terms with everything that was going on around her but that didn’t stop her from missing her old life every now and then. 
Right now her, Jace and Alec were waiting for Simon to bring his sister (Y/N) to meet them. (Y/N) shouldn’t even know about the shadow world but her brother couldn’t ever keep any secrets from her for long. 
“There they are!” Clary exclaimed.
Simon entered the room and closely behind him was a girl about the same age. 
“So (Y/N), this is Jace” Clary gestured to the blond guy sitting across from them. (Y/N) sent her friend a suggestive look and mouthed a ‘Wow. He’s a catch’.
“You’re right, Clary, I love her already” Jace, of course, always enjoyed a little stroke to his ego.
“And this is Alec” she motioned to the broody looking man sitting next to Jace. He sent her a little nod but it seemed like he wasn’t satisfied with her presence. 
“Don’t worry about him. He’s just worried. Technically you shouldn’t even know we exist. It’s kinda against the rules for mundies to know about shadowhunters. He’ll come around” Jace reassured the girl.
“What the hell is a shadowhunter?” (Y/N) asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Jace’s eyes widened. Did Clary not tell her? Did he just out them to her?
“Nah, just joking. Of course I know of you lot. When your brother turns into a vampire it’s kinda hard to miss, you know? Especially, when he’s having a nervous breakdown in the room next to yours.” (Y/N) explained.
That even got a small chuckle out of Alec. Ever since he got used to Clary being around he loosened up a bit. But maybe a certain cat-eyed warlook also played a part in that.
“Where’s Izzy though? Wasn’t  she supposed to be here with you guys?” Simon asked.
“Yes, but there was some business in the institute that had to be taken care of. She’ll meet us here” Alec explained. 
For the next one and a half hours the group got used to each other. Clary, Simon and (Y/N) got to catch up and (Y/N) got to know Alec and Jace a little better.
Right in the middle of a story about a prank Simon and (Y/N) used to play on their older sister Elaine when they were younger, a stunning black haired woman walked up to them. 
“Ah Izzy! Come over here. Meet (Y/N)!” Alec shouted happily. By the time Izzy showed up everybody was several drinks deep into the evening and tipsy Alec was just really enjoying the well deserved off-time.
Izzy sent (Y/N) a big smile, “Hey it’s so nice to to meet you, I’m Izzy. I see you guys are having a good time. Even my dear brother is letting his hair down.” 
That earned her a huff from Alec, who then mumbled something about him being not as stuck up as they’re always making him out to be. Which made the group fall into a fit of laughter but (Y/N) didn’t really care about any of that. 
“Uhm.. Hi? I mean, nice to meet you too,” (Y/N) stumbled over her words a little, which, however, earned her weird looks from Clary and Simon. Both of them not being used to (Y/N) being timid or shy. 
“Well, I’ll get a drink too then. I think I’ve got some catching up to do,” she made her way overt o the bar, (Y/N)’s eyes following her every step.
“What was that?” (Y/N) was pulled out of her trance by Clary’s question.
“Hm?” she looked at the red head. 
“You just did a complete 180 when Izzy turned up.”
“Well how do you expect me not to? She’s gorgeous! Those red lips and that leather jacket! Leather jackets make everybody look amazing... and she was looking amazing to begin with. Damn, you know I’m a sucker for the bad bitch look”, she whined.
“Wait.. I know that talk. You talked the same when you just got together with that Eustace dude, that turned out to be a creep. You’re crushing on her! You’re crushing on Izzy!” Simon exclaimed, making his sister whince at his volume. She didn’t want Izzy to possibly hear.
“Wait, so you dated a dude named Eustace and were surprised when he turned out a creep?” Jace asked (Y/N) with an amused expression on his face.
“Simon I swear! If you don’t shut up I’ll tell everybody about that time you wet your pants because you were so excited to meet Celine Dion at the mall when you were seven! ...Oopsies,” she sent her brother a cheeky grin. 
Jace almost choked on his drink when he heard that.
“And as for Eustace..” - she directed her answer towards Jace - “that boy way fine. It’s not my fault he turned out to be a ‘nice guy’.” she retaliated.
“You know you can joke about me all you want- “ 
“Oh, I will”
“As I said. You can joke about me all you want but you know I’m right. You like Izzy and you should totally ask her out.” (Y/N)’s big brother got serious for a minute. 
Simon wanted his sister to be happy. It wasn’t only his and Clary’s lives that got turned upside down. The three of them were really close and with both Simon and Clary gone (Y/N) completely lost her support system. It hurt Simon to know that he couldn’t always be there for his little sister so every chance he got to take care of her, he was determined to use.
“Simon, I don’t even know if Izzy likes girls.” 
(Y/N) was starting to grow frustrated when Alec spoke up, “She does... I thought you’d like to know”
(Y/N)’s head whipped around to face Alec and then looked back to her brother, who had a knowing smile on his face.
“Doesn’t matter anyways. She doesn’t even know me. I don’t know her. Why would I ask her - “ (Y/N)’s answer was interrupted by Izzy’s return.
“What are we talking about, guys?” she asked while finding a seat between her brother and (Y/N), sending the girl a smile that made her blush more than (Y/N) cared to admit.
“Oh, just Simon’s inability to hold his bladder,” Jace tried to sound nonchalant but couldn’t keep the smile out of his voice.  
“Well, that sounds interesting ... anybody care to explain?” Izzy grinned at Simon.
Right as Jace was about to open his mouth Simon interrupted him, “Anybody care not to?”
After that the group got talking again. Izzy got filled up on everything she’s missed while she was busy at the institute. 
“(Y/N), Clary told me your in college, yes? What are you studying?” Izzy turned to the girl next to her.
“It’s something called sociology. It’s basically the study of human interactions and social problems.  It’s really interesting. I mean to me at least.” she answered. Izzy seemed interested but (Y/N) was too flustered to actually keep a conversation going. And it didn’t help that Simon stirred the conversation to (Y/N) every chance he got.
“Izzy! Did you know my sister has a thing for leather jackets? Where did you get yours? She told me she really liked the way the jacket looks on you when you were over there getting your drink.” Simon asked her. On one hand he really wanted his sister to act on her crush but on the other hand he also enjoyed teasing her a little bit like she always teased him. 
(Y/N)’s eyes widened when Simon said that, cursing him for being  so forward.
Izzy’s eyes lit up, she loved talking fashion and makeovers especially.
“Really? That’s great! I dont remember where I got this particular one but I have some more in my room at the institute. Leather jackets are actually kinda like work attire for us shadowhunters, you know? You should totally come over sometime and I’ll set up a whole outfit for you. I already have some jewelry in mind that could really enhance your eyes. You’ll look just great. I mean.. not that you don’t look great now. You’re beautiful obviously..” Izzy got a little carried away but got more quiet towards the end when she realized that she started to ramble.
(Y/N) blushed even worse than before. Izzy called her beautiful. She couldn’t believe her ears but quickly got her act together and answered the dark haired shadowhunter beside her, “Yeah sure. That’d be cool. Let’s do that sometime.” She sent Izzy a little smile. 
“Yes! Sounds like a date, guys”, Simon chimed in, “speaking of dates, (Y/N) you’re not seeing anybody lately, are you?”
“Simon stop.” Clary warned her best friend. She knew what he was up to and she agreed that Izzy and (Y/N) would be a great match. Their personalities would compliment each other amazingly if (Y/N) just stopped being so insecure. But setting them up like this wasn’t the right way.
“And what about you, Iz? Is there a special someone in your life right now?”
Simon was acting strange. Izzy furrowed her brows and sent a look towards Simon first and towards (Y/N) after. 
“Sorry guys, I gonna go catch some fresh air.” (Y/N) excused herself and left the bar.
Clary hurried after her, throwing Simon a disappointed look on the way.
When she arrived outside she found a pissed (Y/N) pacing the pavement. 
“That idiot. Who does he think he is? Dr. Phil? Oprah? Is a simple nice evening of hanging out to much to ask for?” 
“See, I get that you’re angry with Simon but he’s really just trying to help. We’ve all seen the way you look at Izzy. You two’d have chemistry, (Y/N). Don’t you see that? You’re his little sister and he wants to make sure you’re happy. I know he took it too far but he had good intentions.” the red head tried to reason with her friend.
“No, Clary. I don’t see that. And Simon should really know better. I’m not part of your world and let’s be honest - I won’t be Simon’s little sister for long anymore either. Give or take one, two years and I’ll be older than him. I get it. I really do. You got new friends, new lives and shit  and I’m really, really trying to be as supportive as I can be but I’m still back home and trying to forcefully insert me in your situation will only do harm. Look at you, look at Izzy, look at Jace and Alec. Hell, even Simon looks cool lately. Why would a girl like Izzy go out with me? I’m not even supposed to know of her existence. So I appreciate your concern but I will not ask out Isabelle Lightwood!”
“Why not?”
(Y/N) was rigid, she knew exactly who this voice belonged to but she still prayed that it’d be anybody but Izzy standing behind her. But no such luck, when she turned around the one and only Izzy Lightwood stood before her with a worried expression on her beautiful face but nonetheless her arms crossed firmly across the chest.
“I should leave you two to it, I think,” Clary mumbled awkwardly while stepping around (Y/N), sending a sympathetic smile towards her.
(Y/N) sat down on the curb rubbing her hands over her face. She was exhausted. Izzy took that as an invitation to join her.
“How much of that did you hear?”
“Enough. Even though I don’t understand what you were saying. Why are you so hard on yourself?” she looked at (Y/N) for a long time. When she didn’t answer the shadowhunter continued, “You’re beautiful. I meant what I said earlier. You’re really pretty and I would love to get to know you. I saw how you were making everybody laugh with your personality - even my brother. I don’t know if Clary told you but Alec is really suspicious of strangers, especially ones that aren’t part of our world. This life we’re living is often very serious and we all had our fair share of grief. So maybe an outsider to lighten up the mood is just what we need. It’s certainly what I need.” 
By the time Izzy finished (Y/N) didn’t feel as bad anymore but she was still insecure, “I just don’t understand why would you like me if there’s-”
“I’m gonna kiss you now”
“You’re gonna do what now?” 
(Y/N) hadn’t even finished her question before she felt Izzy’s soft lips upon hers. It only took her a second or two to react but then she kissed her back. It wasn’t a lustful kiss, nor was it just a little peck, but it was an innocent and pure kiss, that the both of them shared. 
When the two separated neither of them said a word. They sat comfortably until (Y/N) broke the silence, “So... was this red lipstick transfer proof or..?”
That earned her a giggle, which (Y/N) thought she could get used to.
“Okay, how about we’ll go out sometime and see where this will lead us, huh? I really want to get to know you,” Izzy asked the girl next to her.
“I feel the same way,” (Y/N) smiled.
Isabelle scooted over a little closer to her and they switched back to sitting in comfortable silence with the occasional nudge and giggle.
“Hey? Everything alright out here?” Alec was sent out by Simon and Clary to check up on the two girls because they didn’t know if (Y/N) was still angry and Simon didn’t want to risk being of the receiving end of it, eventhough he would have deserved it. 
When Alec saw the two lovebirds all huddled up together a smile found it’s way on his face, “How about we go back inside now? It’s cold outside and Jace just volunteered to buy another round”
(Y/N) was the first to get up, offering her hand to Izzy to help her up, which she gladly took. Not that she needed it, it was just a nice gesture.
Back at their table they all took their former seats but this time (Y/N) was a lot more relaxed. 
When Simon noticed the change in his sisters demeanor he tried to tease her a little, assuming that she’d not be angry at him anymore now that everything worked out, “I knew you two would get along just fine, little sister. That’s why you always trust in your big bro.”
(Y/N) raised her eyebrows at him but two could play that game, “Hey, Iz... you know Celine Dion, don’t you?”
Before she could answer Jace’s laughing voice interrupted the girl, “Man, I just LOVE that story.”
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