#songs that make me think about my ship at random moments during the day
blue-whale-supernova · 5 months
Ok I’m Taylor Swift’s new album TTDP
“I am someone who, until recent events
You shared your secrets with
And your location, You forgot to turn it off
And so I watch as you walk into some bar called The Black Dog HUNTER’S MOON
And pierce new holes in my heart”
“And it kills me
I just don't understand
how you don't miss me
in the shower and remember
How my rain-soaked body was shaking
Do you hate me?”
“When someone plays the starting line and you jump up, But she's too young to know this song”
Cue Magnus, who has lived lifetimes, I bet a penny he has songs stuck in his head that only lovers from ages before could reminisce with him. Wasn’t there one he loved dearly in the fifties called Eda who was a dancer and singer at a club?
“That was intertwined in the tragic fabric of our dreaming”
I’m sorry the start of City of Heavenly Fire and between that and City of Fallen Angels was very tragic fabric of them. IM CRYING
“I move through the world with the heartbroken
My longings stay unspoken
And I may never open up the way I did for you”
That’s Magnus for ya.
He loved Alec so dearly. And the way alec hurt him it would be hard for him to open up to someone else again. That and also because Alec was so special to him.
“Old habits die screaming”
This line is just too iconic to miss. And isn’t that true. I feel like it would’ve broken a large part of both Magnus and Alex had they broken up like that and hell yeah there would be a lot of screaming insides.
Anyways I have more screaming analyses coming up. Next one is loml
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
The Final Word on This, Please
To the person in my inbox who keeps using a throw-away account to send me variations on the theme that Tae has been pushing Taekook since LA Live because he has to be the main character and can’t stand to share the spotlight with Jikook…
Please slow your roll. I’m not going to publish any of your asks.
*Sigh* You are really moving like a troll, but because I believe there’s a human being behind every screen, and you seem really emotional right now, I will try to answer some of your questions with as much patience, logic, and compassion as I can muster—once.
Then I am sending you on your way, because this conversation ultimately cannot lead to any conclusions and it is so draining.
I appreciate that because Taehyung is mentioning hanging out with JK a lot, you are upset on Jimin’s behalf—but have you seen Jimin upset about any of this? (I mean, there was a small moment in the Chuseok live, when Tae was stroking JK’s hair, and Jimin gave him a bit of LOOK, and Tae stopped.)
But Jimin has never once looked super pressed or jealous or sad or sulky about Tae and JK’s bond. He was sitting right there when Tae rested his head on JK’s leg during Busan rehearsals, totally unbothered by the intimacy of that gesture. If anything, he seems very relaxed and super adoring of both Jungkook and Taehyung.
Maybe it’s because he’s not online much to see what all is happening as a result. Maybe he just doesn’t care what other people think because Tae has proven himself trustworthy no matter what. (For all we know, Vminkook could have a pact to feed all ships a little bit to keep suspicion off actual relationships. Or they just do whatever they feel like and don’t care a fig about ships. We don’t know. We don’t actually know these guys and it’s so easy to forget that.)
Consider what we DO know about Kim Taehyung:
--He went to Big Hit to encourage a friend at his audition and ended up getting the role. That suggests he’s opportunistic, but maybe the friend was totally fine with it? I think we can all agree that in any case, all 7 members are absolutely essential for BTS to work. It’s almost like it was destiny.
--He pranks ARMY all the time, with that sharpie marker tattoo and such. I know it can feel like he’s making fools of us… But that could just be his sense of humor?
--He shares snippets of recordings or Insta posts and then deletes it, and has said he feels “like a different person” every few moments, so he doesn’t like what he was a few moments ago and then gets rid of it. Maybe he’s still finding his way as a person or an artist? Maybe he’s feeling a bit insecure about being judged?
--He mentions JK very frequently these days. So maybe he’s feeding Taekookers. I suspect he knows his impact even if that's not his intention. But maybe he’s just happy to share something he knows ARMY will want to hear about?
Consider that he also shares Christmas songs and New Year’s wishes and pics of Yeontan and food and photoshoots and other stuff too. He hyped up Jimin’s VIBE. I think he’s using social media the way most twenty-somethings do. He tells us a bit about his day, a bit about his work, and throws in a random song he likes or whatever. But being in BTS means everything gets super analyzed.
So yeah, he’s named dropped JK like 6 or 7 times in the last few months—and I suspect it has to do with some insecurity around the dating scandal and others being in the news, because he doesn’t namedrop Jimin or Hobi, but we know he hangs out with them, too—but I cannot say for sure what’s really going on. He could just be talking about whatever is top of mind, and that happens to be JK. They ARE close. They have a valid bond. They always have. None of this hanging out stuff is remotely new.
--Another possibility is that it’s time for some contract negotiations, and having plenty of social media engagement is the best capital to leverage getting your way. Maybe he wants a Taekook subunit. Maybe he wants to collab with “controversial” artists of other companies. Maybe he wants to do more film work than just guest star on cooking shows and Squid Game. Maybe he’s trying to get a better monetary deal, or convince the company to actually step up its promo efforts and shipping schedules, which impact charts. Maybe this is a purely business calculation. So he's posting a lot of things he think will get people to engage. (Maybe it’s a really genuine friendship that has been through the ringer the last few years, and he’s eager to show they’ve repaired things and are now close again.)
--Please do not lose sight of the fact that over the years, he’s consistently shown us that he really loves Jimin. I don’t know if he loves Jimin more than he loves himself, per se, but… I think he DOES love Jimin (or else he deserves an Oscar for the longest, bestest con of all time).
He flat-out said he likes Jimin the most. He wrote Jimin the most beautiful and vulnerable letter in which he apologized that Jimin was always the one who gave the most. He bought Jimin his first designer gift. He was the only one to update us when Jimin was in the hospital for a week. He follows Jimin to the goddamn bathroom. He unreservedly wrote to Jimin he loved him on his birthday. Kim Taehyung loves Park Jimin. Count on it.
Now, I’m not saying you can’t hurt the ones you love—of course you can. But you keep coming to my inbox, stating his motives like you know it for a fact. And he could very well totally ignore the insane I-ARMY cult that drags Jimin and just think he’s giving the normal fans something they enjoy by updating them about a member who has been practically MIA since the White House. *shrug*
Whatever it is that is going on, Tae has the most followers online. He’s got global recognition. He’s got excellent taste in music and fashion. He has a solid industry network and fanbase. He’s set. He could drop an album that consists solely of him humming and playing the kazoo with his left nostril, and the majority of ARMY will get behind it.
But I suspect right now, for him, sitting in the chair and banging out the work is a real struggle for him. He may be choking on indecision. He may feel overwhelmed with pressure. He may be scared of criticism. He may be burnt out because let’s face it, BTS has been in a nonstop whirlwind even during the pandemic.
So what does he do? He games, and goes bowling, and jet-sets around the world on side projects with friends, and whatever else… and sometimes Jungkook joins in (probably mostly online, or in groups—but maybe also sometimes just the two of them, like with Minimoni or Jihope). I'm sure he'll get back to his album as soon as he's creatively restored.
Hanging out doesn’t mean either Tae or JK are disloyal or hurting Jimin. You cannot know this for a fact.
All it means is that the cult has fodder to bark and act a fool. But they do that regardless, so don’t pay them your energy; don’t give them real estate in your mind.
Listen, 27 is a trying time for any young person. But for a global super star under a microscope? He’s probably under the kinds of stress we will never begin to understand. He probably feels like he can never please everyone, so he might as well please himself. And if he sometimes stirs up a little chaos, that may be how he releases some of that internalized pressure.
Am I THRILLED he comes online almost every time Jimin or JK are in the spotlight and implies Taekook is real? Nope. Honestly, nope, I don’t like it. Especially not when Dispatch feels the need to write an article about it. I’m human and I have my limits. So I admit, it doesn’t feel great. Just like with the trumpet, or temporary tattoo, or fake names he’s given to strangers in the past, I think he’s pulling our legs off. And I personally could easily interpret that as disdain for his fans. That’s how I, Roo, 43-year-old American female, feel about it.
Doesn’t make it the reality, nor his intent.
We could be way overthinking here.
At the end of the day, we only see a tiny, tiny, TINY fraction of these guys’ real lives. But from all that we DO see, there’s no bad blood, no weird tension. The maknae climb all over each other like puppies still. The hyungs are all super protective and fond still. BTS tells us over and over they want to be together for as long as they can. Jikook is still Jikook, even if they aren’t sharing any personal info these days.
So whatever is going on in fandom when Taekook starts to trend, I don’t think we can say that Tae is having a negative impact on Jikook or BTS in real life. I just don’t think we’ve got evidence of that. From what we can see, the guys all seem fine.
What we do have evidence of is the ruiners feeling like they have a greenlight to keep on ruining things for everyone who doesn’t see things their way. IT SUCKS. Guard your energy, that’s all I can tell you. Because even if JK popped online right now and looked right in the camera and said, “Taekook is a friendship only. Please stop seeing signs and wonders everywhere. Tae and I are just friends.”
The cult would still never believe his own words. They’d say the company forced him. That he’s being blackmailed. That it’s a prank. That they have to be closeted because of the military. That he’s foregoing his relationship in order to make deals to launch his solo career. That he’s been brainwashed. God only knows what excuses they would make. But he can't win, here.
The nutters won’t take him at his word, because they’ve never really cared what any of these boys has said or done in the past, either. They only take in whatever supports their theory, and they abandon any evidence that does not.
Jikook could come out right now and it wouldn’t stop the ruiners—but it would ruin things for them, their members, their company and staff, plus their military experiences.
Which is why, as a Jikooker (I assume you are one), it’s really crucial for you to take in all possible content and evidence WITHIN CONTEXT, run things by older ARMY, and check yourself when you’re being emotional. This is a good thing to discuss with your friends in a private group chat, not rant about in inboxes or on public blogs.
But whatever you do, please DON’T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. You are welcome to your thoughts and your feelings, but anyone who states things like they KNOW what is really happening under the surface is lying (to themselves, at best).
Ultimately you will make yourself crazy. (I do not mean this as a jibe, but you sound a bit unhinged in your messages. I didn’t delete this last one because I’m genuinely starting to worry for you, here. You’re too close to this. You are having a disproportionate response to the situation. It’s BTS, not a cancer diagnosis.)
Please, PLEASE shift your focus to what brings you joy, okay?
For me, I like to remember JK whispering nonsense in Jimin’s ear in the Seoul concert, or his hand seeking Jimin’s hip under his shirt or lifting him up in Memories 2021, or the way he and Jimin sometimes wear each other’s sweaty hats. I love that he only posted for Jimin’s birthday, and a thirst trap at that! I like to remember him calling Jimin “genius-Min” or his robot-cat ears perking up when Jimin danced, or singing and clapping with pure joy when it was time to sing Happy Birthday to Jimin at the Busan Concert. I like to recall how eager he was to let everyone know he had seaweed soup on Jimin’s day, too.
I like to remember that all three of these boys share a bowl of ramen, a sofa, and information about each other’s farts—and they do it without so much as a flinch.
There’s real love there. Bonds that will last a lifetime.
No matter WHAT the relationship statuses are. Maybe no ships are real. Maybe ships have shifted. Maybe Jikook are just being quiet because they are real and have a shit-ton to lose before military service, whereas Taekook is being loud because there’s no there, there. Maybe the polyshippers are right and Bangtan gets together once a full moon to indulge in a giant orgy (JK is in charge of the mood lighting and music.)
*stares off into the distance, imagining it*
Look, my dear. The truth is, they cannot tell us everything that goes on. But if we can trust them when they do tell us, that would be good.
I trust that JK and Tae are close and do hang out (as friends).
I trust that Jungkook will keep holding Jiminie.
I trust that the best part of Jimin’s day is waking up to see Jungkookie.
What else really matters?
Please be kind, to yourself, to others who aren’t comfortable speculating about this, and to all the members. They are human. They are gonna make mistakes, be selfish sometimes, act out of anxiety or stress other times. But they are all good people who love each other.
Please trust in that.
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And now get out of my inbox and go do something that brings you a sense of peace and bliss. Okay? *hugs* I mean it, I really don’t want to talk about this anymore. Please appreciate the boundary I’m setting, and go in peace.
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youngeditor1999 · 1 year
Favorite crackships?
Crackships are silly but also super fun!! (: 💓
Alright, so the very first one that came to mind was Kono Kalakaua/Danny Williams from the 2010 reboot of Hawaii Five-0.
Now, I am definitely a very loyal McDanno (Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams) girlie through and through. I also really enjoy(ed) Kono's relationship with Adam!!
That being said...
Kono and Danny had some flirtations during the very first few season one episodes. They for sure would have been cute together and really would have made an excellent couple overall. 🥰
Speaking of Hawaii Five-0...
Steve McGarrett and Dean Winchester is also a fave.
They feel so right to me in a way that truly doesn't make a lot of sense, which is how I know that this is an excellent crackship.
Perhaps they are too similar to each other, but then again, that's what would be fun about watching and reading about them!!
Next on this list, I'm gonna say Troy/Kelsi from High School Musical.
They are only a crackship because of how iconic Troy/Gabriella are...if Troy/Gabriella weren't the main romantic couple of the trilogy (Chad and Ryan aside of course because they definitely count, even if they weren't canon-canon! 💓), then I fully believe that they would have had more potential.
Troy complimented her song writing/composition abilities in the first movie and then at the end of HSM 1, literally gave her the championship basketball because she was "the playmaker". 🥺🥲😩💞
Also, all of the most romantic songs that Kelsi wrote for Troy and Gabriella...there was always just a little something extra there that made me think that she was moreso thinking about Troy and herself when she was writing them. 🤷🏻‍♀️
It's hard to explain exactly what I mean because of course Kelsi was always super respectful to Gabriella and Troy and Gabriella's relationship in general.
But I just feel that there was so much potential for them!! They definitely could have worked out and lasted way past high school. 💗
But yeah, they are also a major crackship because Troy was always hella smitten with Gabriella, even when he maybe shouldn't have been. 👀
Moving on, I have to mention Olivia Pope/Mellie Grant from Scandal.
They have so much history and moments together that really solidified them into the Crackship Hall of Fame. Maybe they aren't as cracky as what some crackships are, but they would have probably raised more than a few eyebrows if they had ever been real.
And for the record, Fitz didn't deserve either of them!!!!! 😤
Onto Law and Order: SVU...
Olivia Benson/Nick Amaro is a hardcore crackship.
There's no way Liv would have ever hooked up with Nick for realisies, but it's still hella fun to imagine what that would look like (:
I am also counting Elliot Stabler/Alex Cabot as a crackship!!!
They have just as much energy and chemistry as what Benson/Stabler and Benson/Cabot do.
It's easy to forget about them because of these factors, but it's also what makes them so nice to consider from time to time. (:
Next, I'd be amiss of I didn't mention Megan Calvet-Draper/Joan (Holloway) Harris from Mad Men!!
This is a pairing that literally doesn't make sense at all for many reasons. I still like to think about them together anyway though because it's fun and crazy!!
Finally, last but not least, I must mention all of my NFL RPF ships. (Tom/Rob, Tom/Jules, Jules/Danny, Joe/Ja'Marr etc.)
These are all crackships because they of course focus on real, living people who, no matter how damn obvious they are, have never confirmed real relationships with any of the people I ship them with. 🥴🫣😶‍🌫️😔
...I think that's all of 'em for now. 🙂
That was way more than what I was first thinking when I originally received this ask!! 😱🤯😵‍💫
At the end of the day, though I have my set OTPs, it's cool to think about different fandom pairings in way that isn't usually seen. 🥰
I hope that you have enjoyed reading all of my crazy and random answers, anon!!!
Thank you again for sending this in; I had a lot of fun working on it!!!!! 🌟
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Vi's Self Ship Event! — Hanma Shuji x Meeeee
HIM: the goofy, shit-starting menace ❤️ calls me doll, baby, and princess
ME: stubborn, definitely not shy, adventurous. I call him shuu, babe, and lover
our origin story: he noticed me while waiting for coffee in a cafe, im a lil more “different” than most (lots of tattoos and piercings), so he struck up a convo about tattoos. Kisaki was there too, after about 20 mins i asked if he was Shuji’s boyfriend and when i tell you he LAUGHED (Kisaki was full on irritated lolol). Shuji said i was funny and interesting, so we exchanged phone numbers. 
-Shuji likes taking me for rides on his bike to random places. Sometimes it’s just a restaurant he wants to try, or just to ride the streets of Tokyo at night, or he’ll take me to a pretty park bc it reminded him of me 🥺
-gives me lil gifts often to show his appreciation (from necklaces to literal rocks just bc he thinks they’re cool looking). he struggles with words unless they’re sassy or dirty 🙄
-gets MAD jealous if another dude looks at me, but when i see him getting angry i take care of it myself and give him a big ol sloppy smooch in front of the other guy, which makes Shuji smirk devilishly (“my fuckin’ girl” 😈)
-Shuji’s faves: my sense of humor, my legs (loves draping them over his lap on the couch and tracing my tattoos with his fingers), my lips (he bites my lip rings when we make out 🤪), and that i’m not boring
-My faves: his eyes (I get flustered when he gives me lots of eye contact bc his eyes are hfkshcksjfjsjjd), his hands (I’ll kiss his bloody knuckles after a fight and it drives him crazy 🥴), and dare i say his cockiness? (i’m trying not to stroke his ego too much lol)
-Shuji knows by now that i’m no delicate little flower and never have been, i’ve got mad RBF and know how to stand up for myself, but he still protects me. it makes Shuji giggle when he sees me clap back at someone (especially Kisaki), but he’s always within arms reach just in case
-we push eachother’s buttons, but as long as we remind ourselves that it’s out of love, we can laugh it off
-Shuji definitely didn’t have any plans of falling in love (ever), but the more time he spent with me, he started to put the pieces together. luckily for me, he didn’t suppress his feelings 🥺 I accept him fully for who he is and would cut a mf for him 
Our song: Bonnie and Clyde - YUQI (smol playlist with other songs here– the order tells a story!)
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◇─◇──◇── @sin-and-punishment  x Shuji! ──◇──◇─◇
□ His phone background is a blurry shot of your pushing his phone away, laughing. Don't ask me how I know.
□ He loved adding to your tattoos in sharpie while you nap. (maybe you've gotten one or two of those silly things actually done? maybe a little stick figure cigarette? or a "my girl" in his handwriting?"
□ He knows he's a jealous guy but is also one of those "I won't have you cover up on my account, I can fuckin fight" kind of guys. He gets jealous, he's not fragile.
□ And for that matter, neither are you. On more than one occasion, he's come back from the bar with your drink to find you telling off some fuck so creatively, he actually needs to pull you away for, ahem, a moment with you.
□ Before you he was never much of an eyecontact during sex kind of person, but now he gets off on how much you love it. If you get a little dazed he'll pull you in for a kiss and remind you to, "look at me, baby, won't ya?"
□ sorry i short circuited myself after that last one.
are yall the type to end up married? where do yall stand on that? Is your shuji a "youre mine for the long haul what does that matter?" type or maybe if he's on the run its not possible? hehehe I'm v curious.
Come make my day, tell me about your self ship, and get some hcs of your own.
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
for the character ask, Willow and Amity!!!
favorite thing about them: I love a lot of things about her! But for now I'll be a bit general and say her arc of continuing to get back up and prove people wrong. I wanna call it perseverance or strength, but it's more like stubbornness lmao. In the early episodes she's prone to defeatism and that's such a far cry from who she is now. She gained hope and belief in herself and leant into the righteous anger she felt watching people she loves be treated like dirt! AUGH I love her
least favorite thing about them: ooh not sure. Maybe that early episode defeatism? Both in an encouraging way where I want her to get back up but also in the sense of "GIRL THIS ISN'T YOUR FAULT NOR THE END OF THE WORLD. TALK TO SOMEONE ABT THINGS!!!" You can see it a bit in for the future too where she interprets hunters ambiguous response ("I don't know") as negative. It's the warped self perception for me /j
favorite line: GRRR THAT'S HARD!! I'm not in encyclopedia mode rn but rn I'm thinking of some lines from Understanding Willow ("you said I was hurting Willow? I was just finishing what you started!" And "it's...a start"). uhh there's also "not if I never look down!" and "it'll be 52 weeks before Caleb's next day off"
brOTP: JUST ONE??? SHE HAS SO MANY GOOD FRIENDSHIPS MAN!!! But either her and Luz or her and Gus
OTP: sigh. Huntlow (I am predictable)
nOTP: her and Boscha. I wasn't in the fandom much during season 1 but I really never got it even back then. That is not a girl who's mean bc she likes you that is a highschool war criminal
random headcanon: OUGH I'VE HAD SO MANY OVER TIME AND NOW I'M BLANKING! Uhh would like magical girl anime (cardcaptor sakura and sailor moon specifically I think). Likes hyperpop and riot grrrl bc it releases her repressed rage and scratches her brain
Unpopular opinion: OKAY I get it. I also want willow to go apeshit, to have her catharsis and maim and kill. But some people characterize Willow as a lot more bitter than she is to compensate for this and I personally don't care for it, lol. It's Awful or anything it's just Not My Girl. She would not fucking say that
song i associate with them: CRIES. SO MANY!! Mona Lisa my mxmtoon
favorite picture of them:
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^ this Dana pic!! There's more but I don't wanna make this any longer
favorite thing about them: probably how far she's come from being a lonely, image obsessed girl who lashed out at others to a pretty silly but ultimately very emotionally mature person. She takes care of people more often now, while still having learned her lesson about respect and boundaries from labyrinth runners. Also her design/aesthetic
least favorite thing about them: bit wishy washy but a lot of the early season 1 scenes of her bullying Willow, Luz and Co are like. Hard for me to watch sometimes lol. Same with her and Willow in labyrinth runners. Mean girls just hit too close to home sometimes lol.
favorite line: ECLIPSE LAKE SPEECH HANDS DOWN!!! "There are people out there who won't make you feel worthless" SO PROUD OF HER. CRYING RN
brOTP: probably her and Willow since they have the most developed platonic relationship! But also her moments with Matt in for the future lmao (also Gus and Raine. In my head)
OTP: sigh. Lumity (I am predictable. Again)
nOTP: ooh I'm not sure I really have one! At least one that's based in personal squicks/opinions and not stuff like. Shipping her with men. If that's the case though, Amity/Hunter. Gag
random headcanon: she used to play piano as a kid! Was decent at it too even if she only got to play classical. But when she committed to abominations her mom cut her off of her lessons and pushed her away from it since there was no "practical use" for it anymore, not like Amity was going into the bard track. She gets back into it post-canon though :] would also like to jump off that starting point and play bass
unpopular opinion: hhh okay. While I think they could've made things more explicit/dwelled upon/whatever in order to communicate more clearly to the audience, I'm overall fine with the direction they took in Amity's "redemption arc". Bc like. She's just a highschool bully who's already being punished by her family when the audience can't see her. The solution to this would not be to punish her more. Maybe she should've gotten to talk things out more, somebody once pointed out that, in the main big redemption arcs in TOH, nobody really says sorry (ON SCREEN. Apologies are very much implied), just makes a gesture and does better, which I understand but also I like apologies they give closure. But overall I prefer them just giving her the chance to follow through on her promises.
song i associate with them: Babyface by fresh maybe?
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danikatze · 1 year
How about B, I, K, M, N, O, U for the alphabet ask thing?
Alphabet Asks
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
hahah well TJ.. as you know you've been very influential when it comes to ships - especially for Naruto. First one that comes to mind is KakaGai, but there's also YamaSai and KankuSai and ShikaCho. All of them I still love <3 Also, thanks to you I shipped GaraShir before I even watched the show. And there are just countless ships from other fandoms that I'm not (really) a part of that I have a soft spot for, because you sell them so well :))
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Errr I guess you could say HP? But that's not Tumblr's fault - all it did was share the messed up things Rowling said and did and gradully all of the moments HP got tiny kid me through rough and lonely times started feeling like a very big lie and I can't even think of it fondly anymore.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Oh gosh, so many, but let's go for Fjord from Critical Role. All the little and big steps he takes towards learning to accept himself throughout the campaign and the way they don't come all at once but are spread out over like a hundred plus episodes, including inevitable steps backward. The strength it took for him to walk away from the one who gave him conditional power and to accept unconditional love that is extended by his friends and the Wildmother. His arc just makes me so emotional and happy every time I think about it. I love him and I love his journey and I cannot wait to see it animated.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Yamato from Naruto seems like a perfect friend. He's kind and loyal and usually a reasonable, level headed person who can calm you down in stressed situations. But he's also someone you can have fun with!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
For Saraiya Goyou: 1) anyone other than me making stuff for it lol. Usually I don't mind it so much, but sometimes I almost desperately wish I would see the tag update and it's not something I made. 2) drawings and fics from the past are mostly for Yaichi and Masa. I'd love more art and writing for other characters and pairings (romantic or otherwise) 3) sneakily shared fan translations of the prequels and spin-offs would be great lol. They're never going to be translated officially, but scans are taken down immediately as well. I bought Futagashira but I have no way of reading it unless I learn to read Japanese myself ^^;
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Shuffle produced Pulling Teeth by Green Day. "I'm all busted up, broken bones and nasty cuts, accidents will happen, but this time I can't get up." That's definitely Meg and Zagreus from Hades. They beat each other up on a regular basis lol and I was so bad at this game in the beginning I got Zag killed by her a lot (sorry Zag..) Not top 10 ship for me, but I like them well enough!
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
1) Matsu from Saraiya Goyou: during my first reread the manga, after I learned that he loved Yaichi, I fell in love with him through his subtle and heartbreaking expressions. That's when I really got to know and understand him more. I love that he's charming as can be for his job, but doesn't know how to behave around his friends. He's so skilled and he knows it, yet has such a low self esteem. He's just a highly skilled, very pathetic little grumpy guy that deserves all the love in the world. And I give him as much as I can. 2) Caduceus from Critical Role: perfect, big, chill cow man who has the best advice and calming words for others, but can't recognise his own problems, let alone how to deal with them. He's so dumb and wise and I love him. 3) Gerry from the Magnus Archives: he's one of those people that seems to be full of contradictions. He's so bitter and stubborn and impatient and crude, but in a way that feels friendly? His life was so full of grief and horror from the moment he was born and he just wants a break from it all, but at the same time he can't stop himself from helping people who are about to fall - or have already fallen - victim to the horrors. The fear and defiance he lived (and died) with is heartbreaking and admirable.
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flaim-ita · 1 year
Odd numbers for a Geats character of your choice!
You know I have to go with Ace
1 - My first impression of them
Love at first sight. I’m a Tsukasa fan so it goes without saying that I was THRILLED to have a new asshole boy for the first time in nearly 15 years. And then ep 1 his and I was fully cursed forever. He was so confident and cool and I just KNEW he was going to have something so very wrong with him
3 - A song that reminds me of them
Outside of canon Geats ones I guess the only one I can think of might be Black Sorrow from Alien Stage https://youtu.be/v0Rl9Au21lI
5 - My favorite ship of them
Ot4. I was obviously a mark for this one of course I am a Decade fan but they are all so mentally ill and I want the series to end with the four together or looking for each other, depending
7 - A quote of them that you remember
“My mother has done no wrong. I’ll prove it” the poor man is setting himself up for failure. Plus like wow. On a scale of Ace to Steven Universe what is your stance on blaming your abused mother for all war crimes and suffering ever?
9 - Your least favorite outfit of them
Ace wears this ridiculously oversized everything for Zombie arc and I cannot stop bullying it. But his worst suit is LazerBoost it’s too bulky and Mk II is sexier.
11 - What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
I want to ruin him. If he’s lucky, his cule will get the pieces to put back together.
13 - Your favorite friendship they have
Ace slowly going from forcing Tsumuri to be his sister to them clearly being genuinely open and honest with each other in the latest ep gives me Life.
15 - Worst storyline they had
I don’t have a single complaint about Ace like genuinely at all. But if I had to choose and acknowledging that I know why (making it easier on his beloved friends to fight him if he plays the villain mode up, also Keiwa basically just called him a sin to be rectified), I do wish he’d told the others what was being done to his mother.
17 - What do you think their first word was?
Mama. In every life, the first word he parses out, and usually much faster than most children, is whatever form of mother is easiest to say.
19 - The most random ship you've seen people have with them
Someone on Ao3 has written Ace x Hideyoshi Kan and I want to study their brain. I do not however want to read the fic.
21 - When do you think they were at their happiest?
Neon’s birthday. When Keiwa said “Ace is Ace”. I think in that moment Ace felt close to true happiness for the first time in centuries and it crashed as soon as it rose.
23 - Future headcanon
When everything is over, Ace keeps his hollow wishes. What he does not keep is his true one. His mother is dead, and he isn’t sure if he will finally forget, after this life. What he does know is none of the others can go home, and he built one especially for a DGP built family.
The Star of the Star of the Stars lives with popular breakout streamer Neon, who speaks openly about abuse and mental health issues in careful video essays but also chats and dances and is bright during actual streams. They live with three more mysterious individuals, Keiwa and Michinaga, who sometimes appear on streams, and Ace’s mysterious “Nee-San.”
What they don’t see: Ace is empty. Perhaps he forever will be. But having a family helps.
Even if it’s not who he spent so long searching for.
25 - When do you think they acted the most ooc
Ace rescuing Giroli like 2 days before Fox Hunt was hilarious timing but not necessarily OOC. Although it’s the only time his actions felt off from the reality of the story, it’s minor and movies are filmed super early.
As for proper OOC, when he’s all “I don’t care” about Michinaga. It makes sense, he finds Michinaga far too pathetic now to be a real rival, but it still feels odd.
27 - If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
I want him to meet Tsukasa because I miss Tsukasa desperately and I think they’d vibe together.
Also for non Toku I have this distinct image in my head of a Steven Universe crossover where not only have multiple Aces been friends with Rose, he then meets Steven and is kind of like “oh yeah of course there were things wrong with your mother but at the end of the day I think she wanted to be a good person, more than I did at the times, and we don’t necessarily have a right to judge what worlds our mothers definitely hoped would be better to us than to them.“
29 - How do you think they would be as a parent?
Ace seemed unsurprised that past and future people could not have kids so I do believe every Ace has had fertility issues, as a half breed himself. Any kids he did have, they didn’t live very long.
Ace is a doting father but he is distant and hyper vigilant. By the time the baby is two months he has had them checked for every possible disease and condition. He will always make sure the baby is clean and fed and cared for, but it takes longer to bond. After all, it never stops hurting when he loses a child.
When he does bond, it’s even more obvious. He is convinced his child is the most wonderful person in the universe, takes her with him when it’s safe, and cherished every moment.
If it’s Ukiyo Ace, the child survives.
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hanmaitani · 4 months
You can decide which selfship you talk about but I wanna know it all 💚
💟 pining stage ask game ! 💟
ohkay bear with me as this develops from my lil mind space. im doing it for my poly! osmau & kita ship. (i spun a wheel and rolled a dice and they both said this one heh)
under the cut cause i went off?
💗 was either of you flirty during the pining stage?
oh gosh. me and osamu all day every day. kita was too respectful and never tried to make a pass at me or anything. (i got so extremely shy over him about it too) but osamu and i worked together and it got to the point where other workers were like... is there a relationship coming soon? it caused both of us to go red and we didn't talk for the rest of the day.
😳 what moment flustered them the most?
for kita - there was one night where osamu offered to host a party at onigiri miya (celebrating something for atsumu) and everyone got dressed up for it. it was the first time kita had seen me out of my work uniform and in a dress. he swore his heart stopped when he saw me in it. he was caught by aran having wandering eyes with how the dress framed my curves.... had to excuse himself to the bathroom to splash water on his face and remind himself that staring wasn't respectful... and neither were his thoughts...
for osamu - my car broke down before work one day and i was supposed to work the opening shift with osamu. he offered to come pick me up so i didnt have to worry about transit. i was running late and he was running early, he got there and i was still disheveled, opened the door with my work shirt unbuttoned, low-cut undershirt visible, barefoot and hair still messy from sleep. i offered him to come inside and sit down as i apologized for my state. he had to decline and sit in his car until his boner went away.... spent the whole shift thinking about me looking like that in the back room of the shop...
😖 what moment flustered you the most?
the first time kita complimented me. he wasn't doing it in a flirting way, it was just... so nonchalant. just a casual, "you look beautiful with your hair like that" as he was bringing in the delivery. something so simple shouldn't have flustered me but the way he said it like a fact made my heart race and face flush. my brain couldn't work to find a proper response before he left i was still standing there in shock when a coworker came to lock the door he'd left through. (i was so embarrassed.)
when osamu finally let me off the register and was teaching me how to work in the back. it was the cliche teaching me how to make the onigiri. i was doing fine but he was trying to teach my hands to do it faster. but he stood across the counter from me, fingers poking at mine to adjust their position as his hands engulfed mine. he caught me staring at the size of his hands vs mine when i didn't answer a question he'd asked three times. he teased me about it the rest of the day, using minor things to discreetly compare the sizes of our hands. (i thought about quitting to save the embarrassment of going back the next day)
🎵 are there any songs that describe your pining stage?
oh gosh... im terrible at songs but.... baby by logic :)
✨ share something random from the pining stage!
um kita is the first of us to realize that there's any mutual feelings. lol he knows he has feelings for osamu, that's been ongoing for a while. and he can clearly see me and osamu flirting with each other. and he knows that he has feelings for me. me and osamu? oblivious lil shits.
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soup-for-ghosts · 5 months
Roland Glenbrook for the send a character thing?
favorite thing about them:
so much. I love his whole character arcs I love his design (ESPECIALLY MASKED I COULD TALK ABOUT MASKED ROLAND ALL DAY). I love how he starts off as a bit of a jokester, but you can kinda see that start to fade once the plot really kicks in, and then towards the end of golden route he starts cracking occasional jokes again like he used to, even making fun of exharme in that fight
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I just love him and his character in general so it’s hard to pick one favorite thing
least favorite thing about them:
not much tbh. it’s easy to be upset or poke fun of his chapter 17 decision, but I’d never really call that my least favorite thing about him. I understand what lead him there and his motivations are throughout the course of the game, so I really don’t have a least favorite thing about him
he could maybe try have better accuracy though /j
favorite line:
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this whole scene with him and gustadolph during golden route is SO GOOD. he has a lot of good moments and good lines, but his dialogue here stands out to me so much because there’s so much development in this moment alone
I love his dynamic with serenoa and frederica… they’re such good friends… morality route being my first route definitely contributes to this answer, especially with his friendship with frederica…
kinda any tbh, not a fan of any potential ships regarding him, not that I’ve ever really seen much of any anyways
random headcanon:
I usually headcanon all the characters who are from house wolffort (yes I do count roland among them cause for the majority of the game he is) with some amount of scars since they all partake in battles to some extent, but roland I don’t think of as having many (albeit a few still) because so many of the battles have fail conditions of letting him fall, so many of them are often dedicated to protecting him, so I’d imagine he would probably feel. pretty bad if he saw someone get a new scar trying to protect him while he looks in the mirror and sees none
unpopular opinion:
I don’t know what a popular opinion on him would count as, the fandom isn’t that big really? so I don’t know
song i associate with them:
my song taste is very scattered and sometimes odd I think so bear with me but the best I got is…
good time for my favorite generational trauma song /j (family jewels)
oh yeah and this one’s a classic I think fits. fairly well (sadness runs through him)
favorite picture of them:
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oh and also that one concept art of him and cordelia when they were younger but I can’t find it rn-
and ANY ART OF HIM WITH THE MASK.. I swear I’m normal about masked roland I swear (lying) /j
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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yeolmae-s · 3 years
a chanbaek analysis from a veteran exo-l (part 2)
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Writing this was a bit harder in comparison to the first part, because I wanted to organize things into a neat timeline, but I ended up not having enough patience for it lol specially because both of ChanBaek's main archive blogs seem to have deleted their pages documenting each date of EXO's early years. Therefore I apologize in advance if this part is a bit more messy. Also, please don't forget that all of this is my opinion and I don't mean for any of it to be taken as truth!
I kind of want to jump from MAMA era directly into Wolf era, since we don't really have a lot of cover regarding their debut phase besides Chanyeol's overeagerness and Baekhyun's awkwardness towards it, so to sum it up, I felt as if Chanyeol was more confident and consistent on what he thought an idol should act like, while Baekhyun (sweet, innocent Baekhyun who was a trainee for less than a year!) was still unsure on how to act on camera.
On the few early variety shows/interviews EXO appeared on, the members always pointed out how funny Baekhyun was, how good he'd be at variety and at doing imitations, but he never really lived up to all the praise on camera, although off of it, he most likely was as good as his members claimed.
He was a bit stiff on his early days in comparison to what we see today, and that's normal, I guess, since he debuted really quickly, but when you compare him to Chanyeol the contrast is so interesting, because the latter was able to latch on to a persona as soon as the public gave him one, while to me, Baekhyun was still doubtful regarding what to put on display. In the end, deep inside, Baekhyun is a private person, and was even more so when he wasn't confident enough to talk to fans like he does today.
Once again, I’m sorry for not being able to upload the gifs directly into the post, so I’ll just link them like I did on my last one.
This is another one of the moments where Baek appears to tell Chanyeol to just. Hold on for a bit.
There's another one similar to this where Chanyeol does the same thing (try to whisper on Baekhyun's ear) and Baekhyun fake laughs and stares at a fan's camera right after. Then, his expression just goes blank. It's really interesting to watch because you can just see the gears spinning on Chanyeol's brain as he stares at Baekhyun for a second and clearly thinks alright, fanservice time, and leans in to whisper something: it happens so fast you just know it wasn't genuine whispering, just a playful interaction for the fans, and Baekhyun's direct stare to the camera as soon as it happens just confirms this for me. 
1: Chanyeol spots his target.
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2: He’s really thinking this through.
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3: Baek's in a perfect position for whispering-time, so he leans in and does his thing.
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4: Baekhyun laughs.
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5: And stares directly at a fan's camera.
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6: Immediately regrets his life choices. Chanyeol looks pleased.
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It's actually better to watch the whole thing, so I'll leave it here. (starts on 0:28!)
(Random note: on this date EXO perfomed a cover of H.O.T's We Are The Future, and I feel like a lot of new EXO-Ls have not seem it and I adore this performance, so I'll link it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1-z4s3fdgo)
Now let's jump on to Wolf era, shall we?
Wolf era
I can't help but laugh when I think about how wild 2013 was for both EXO and EXO-Ls. They had their first hit song (which was Growl, not Wolf) the fandom grew considerably, shippers where just discovering the cute ISAC moments between "BaekYeol" and "HunHan"... Or at least that's how everyone remembers most of what happened during that year.
Are we forgetting the rumoured ChanBaek fight?
Considering their past interactions on airports, SMTOWN concerts, ISAC and other events, ChanBaek was now widely known to be close to each other. Baekhyun even said Chanyeol was the one who made him open up, and both of them mentioned feeling this "connection" to each other as soon as they met (although jokingly).
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After Mama, the fandom was content-less for a considerable period of time, and what most people did was sharing around old performances and repeat overused memes.  I think that in every fandom there is a period where fans establish their main inside jokes and basically just get together to create a collective line of thought for perceiving their idols. That being said, one of the most well established facts in the fandom was that Chanyeol and Baekhyun were close. That was a fact.But then Wolf came, and they suddenly were not. 
This gif is a good example of how awkward their interactions were. Not even my delusional shipping brain in 2013 was able to come up with an explanation for it.
They simply did not acknowledge each other at all, and Chanyeol appeared to be closer to Kyungsoo (I think Baekhyun interacted a lot with Tao, but that may have been during the Growl era, not Wolf. As I said before, I'm a Chanyeol stan guys, sorry lmao).
Point is, these two boys who seemed to be best friends suddenly were clearly distant from one another.
What added fuel to the fire of the rumours was their appearance on Sukira, a radio show, where Sehun cried because the members sometimes had fights. Here's a fanacc:
[130530] EXO at Sukira
Sehun cried because the members sometimes fight.
Sehun: "Let's be loyal to each other, don't fight, and go until the end"
D.O: "We've been under a lot of stress lately because of the comeback, so I wish we won't fight in the future and do our best"
Here's a video cut of this part of their interview. 
I think this ask on lets-talk-baekyeol, a popular ChanBaek analysis blog from back in the day, shows how curious a lot of fans were.
What happened back then?
There's really no answer for that. On my opinion, not even Chanyeol or Baekhyun could give us a concrete answer on it, because I don't think an actual fight happened. For me, it was most likely a personality clash, a disagreement that probably wasn't even voiced out loud, just both of them noticing how uncomfortable things got, if Baekhyun's reactions to Chanyeol's fanservice is any indication. I somehow doubt there was a specific episode that created this distance between them, specially because during Growl, they went back to being friends, although not as touchy on camera as before, as if one of them had established their limits (oh, I wonder who!), but I still have this feeling that all of this was unspoken, because unspoken things seem to be a pattern on ChanBaek's relationship (something I'll touch on later, hopefully).
But it was during Growl era that I noticed something else about Baekhyun.
Wolf era
EXO'S Showtime was a such a gift. I recommend reading lets-talk-baekyeol's blog for this. I don't really agree with everything they say they do present a lot of relevant points. I may repeat them here, since I noticed them myself as well, but credits for them nonetheless.
I remember finding the lack of ChanBaek interactions during the episodes really dissappointing, but considering the Wolf Era drought, this was better than nothing.
My 13 year old self was devastated when Baekhyun appeared so quiet during Chanyeol's birthday episode, and during a recent rewatch of it, I think realized why.
Baekhyun doesn't like superficial things. It's not that Chanyeol is insincere, but he's just better than Baekhyun is at handling people pleasing, even when he doesn't really mean what's he saying/doing. The Chanyeol birthday episode was heavily centered on Chanyeol's random admiration for Kai, which I think we can all agree that it was a little bit scripted or a really spur of the moment thing that they just ran along with and oh man. Baekhyun did not want to be part of it.
During ChanKai's hug, this is what he looked like on the background, and the poor boy even refused to eat cake. He's just in the back, which is weird, because he's such a talkative person and Chanyeol is one of his closest friends. The only moment where he seems to be genuinely comfortable is when Chanyeol blows the candle and it's really cute. To me, it seems that he was kind of embarrassed to witness so much acting from everyone else and was unable to participate because he struggles with things like this, but the moment Chanyeol blows his candles to comemorate his birthday seems sincere enough for him to fondly smile.
This ties in so well with everything from Mama Era. He's just unable to keep acting/people pleasing on the same easy way that Chanyeol does, but this time he's not as nervous about it as he was on his earlier-early days, where he probably felt pressured to actually do stuff. Now he just doesn't do **it, he just doesn't do something that he dislikes doing, and that sadly creates a distance between them on camera and probably on a deeper level in their relationship as well, because both are just realizing how different their perceptions over their jobs is.
There's also this moment that the mods on lets-talk-baekyeol pointed out.
On the Christmas episode, when the members leave the couch to go get their presents, Chanyeol stays seated while Baekhyun gets up to fetch his. This is the sitting arrangement before (almost) everyone got up:
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But when Baekhyun comes back, there's free space next to Chanyeol, however he's hesitant to sit by his side. He actually hesitates and doesn't sit down. Jongdae even gives him a little push right after.
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Baek just seems hesitant to do things on camera, to interact with Chanyeol in front of an audience. For this moment, I feel like he's afraid to sit next to Chanyeol and end up having to over act. It's not that Chanyeol himself makes him uncomfortable, but the image of the friendship that they ended up creating for fans demands a lot from him.
And when I say hesitant to do things on camera, I really do mean it, because when Baekhyun thinks he is not being recorded/seen, here's what he does:
Here and here.
Their relationship clearly changed, and I think the reason for it is actually simple: both of them were under the impression that they were compatible with each other when they actually were not. Their personalities are extremely different, even if the way they present themselves is sometimes similar. Wolf and Growl era was our way, as fans, of watching them navigate around each other and finding out how their relationship was supposed to work.
And you know what's nice about that? The members watched all of it unfold. Their reactions to some of ChanBaek's interaction is a gold mine when it comes to analyzing them, because they clearly know, just as we do, that their relationship is kind of complicated. But I want to talk about it on the next part.
I am sorry for cutting this off again! I don't know if the next part is going to be the last, because after Growl there's Overdose and we all know what happened on 2014 [coughs] dating scandal [coughs] god help me I don't want to talk about it [coughs] so there's a lot to uncover and I need time to organize stuff.
Thank you for reading!
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blue-whale-supernova · 5 months
lmol analysis Malec Version from Taylor's TTPD (again this is the breakup period) I have many feelings "Oh, what a valiant roar What a bland goodbye The coward claimed he was a lion" This is the line that reminds me of Alec the most, he tried so hard to be brave, to be sure of and to commit to his relationship with Magnus. But he was so scared after all, all those years of repressing his identity and putting himself second weren't just going to go away, and he caved under Camille's temptation and manipulation. Not enough to be a betrayal, but just wavered enough to hurt his lover's heart. "In your suit and tie, in the nick of time You lowdown boy, you stand up guy Holy Ghost, you told me I'm The love of your life" THIS. THIS IS SO ALEC. Throughout the course of his relationship with Magnus and the war, he grew from a moody insecure teenager to someone who was responsible, braver, honest and much more happy with himself. Granted, he still had his insecurities, but just imagine Magnus looking at Alec in a suit at some formal event and noting how much he's grown "When your impressionist paintings of Heaven Turned out to be fakes Well, you took me to hell, too" I interpret this line as Alec's Nephilim lineage supposedly being superiorly holy, yet rendering him unable to be himself. This pains Magnus, because when the supposedly morally superior Shadowhunter turns out not be morally perfect, when the one you love most hurts you because he is weak in the places that you are weak too, that hurts. "You said I'm the love of your life About a million times" *sobs* "You talked me under the table Talking rings and talking cradles I wish I could un-recall How we almost had it all" THIS. THIS. I DONT KNOW HOW I WILL COME BACK FROM THIS. THANK GOD IT DIDNT STAY TRUE but they almost had it all *screams* Magnus I bet you talked about that under the table Imagine Alec just trying to get over how he almost had the love of his life Some comparisons- "I felt aglow like this Never before and never since" *gasp* the semi-loveatfirstsight at the party "But I felt a hole like this Never before, and ever since" YOU KNOW WHO FELT A HOLE YOU KNOW WHICH TWO PEOPLE FELT HOLES??? EVER SINCE A BREAKUP AND 'NOT LIKE THIS' BEFORE??? "If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary You and I go from one kiss to gettin married" "If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary What we thought was for all time was momentary" This line kills me. Magnus really considered being together with Alec forever (or ending his own mortality), and it just poof went away. And it would have seemed so short compared to the lifetime he lived, but WE ALL KNOW HOW TORN HE WAS OVER IT
"Dancing phantoms on the terrace Are they second-hand embarrassed That I can't get out of bed?" Magnus TAT TAT TAT he definitely couldn't get out of bed, and was definitely feeling like a failure for fumbling his 500 year old younger lover
"You cinephile in black and white All those plot twists and dynamite Mr. Steal your girl boy, then make her cry" Who's a cinephile and who's full of plot twists and winding stories and stole Alec's heart? A certain warlock, I think. High-key stole Alec when he was hung up on Jace. Also though I support Magnus for going no-con during breakup period, Alec probably had anxiety over his phone like the second-most in the entire series(the first being Jace bc his parabatai is trying to get himself killed every two seconds). I can't how many time bby boy was just pining over his phone
"Who's gonna tell me the truth When you blew in with the winds of fate And told me I reformed you" Alec really didn't know the weight of a relationship with an immortal entailed. Izzy and Jace and Clary all thought the relationship was great for him, which it was, to help him grow into a better person, but, no one could have warned him about the looming anxiety of becoming an insignificant piece in Magnus' long line of histories. And Magnus definitely told Alec how much he meant to him, but like Alec rightfully called him out on, didn't want to talk about the obvious gap between what Alec knew and what Magnus had experienced.
"I'm combing through the braids of lies 'I'll never leave' ..."
Alec probably thought this. Sniff sniff.
"Our field of dreams, engulfed in fire Your arson's match your somber eyes" DO YOU REMEMBER MAGNUS' DREAMS?! DO YOU REMEMBER THEM HUH!HOW HE DREAMT OF FIRE?? and boy does Magnus have somber eyes and their relationship went up in flames before the war started "And I'll still see it until I die You're the loss of my life"
WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I've said it before and I'll say it again. If one of them had somehow not survived during the war, or not have gotten back together after, they would be the loss of each other's life. This would be for Alec's mortal life and Magnus' immortal one. I said, "I don't mind, it takes time" I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed Alec, when he first met Magnus; or Magnus, when his eye was caught. They both were cautious, and were both willing to try it out slow. I don't think any of them expected it to go as far as it did, BUT THEY COULDNT HELP IT "Who's gonna stop us from waltzing Back into rekindled flames? If we know the steps anyway" YES. Please do so. Honestly I don't think even if they were still broken up after war, they could've resisted getting back together in the following years. But thank the Angel that wasn't the case. I rest my case.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Tues 15 June ‘21
Venice MP filming is underway, romantic canalside walks and gondola ride are a GO, as seen in pap pics and many (many) videos from fans gathered on site! I’m sure they appreciated all the little sheer polo showing off Harry’s tits, who doesn’t love a good hiddies moment huh? GQ probably did too; they already wrote a whole article about the outfit Harry wore yesterday! But even they can’t say anything better about those shorts than that they look “presentable” LMAO. TAKE THAT corduroy shorts! What about those fans though? Well, they are certainly bringing us plenty of videos- Harry handing co-star David up out of a boat like a sweet gentleman, aww, Harry skipping about between shots, Harry with a lil purse, Harry just trying to live his life and like go eat food when not working, etc etc... maybe folks could take a few steps back? Looks like Harry is really getting hounded through the tiny Venetian streets and on set, by pretty large crowds, to the extent of disrupting filming, oh no. Harry signed a picture for a nearby school-- “stay outrageous”, again dating it (June ‘21) but possibly by the end of the day he was wishing people would not be quite so outrageous.
Meanwhile the antis stuck at home are frothing at the mouth trying to convince larries (or maybe themselves?) that we now ship David and Harry- uh sorry sweaty but having the ability to understand that holding hands for cameras does not have to mean that people are really fucking is actually a pretty major core component of the whole larrie thing?! But good luck with that! It makes sense that seeing Harry acting lovey dovey with someone that they know he isn’t actually sleeping with would throw them in a tizzy though, after all their whole identity is based on denying that’s a thing that’s possible... poor things, baby’s first cognitive dissonance! It can really make you question things huh, and that’s always rough.
But they’re not the only ones with things to say about Harry! Superstar of stage and screen Mandy Patinkin posted video of himself and his wife getting four minutes’ worth of lightning round pop culture trivia questions wrong, but he nails one of em- asked what a Harry song (WS) is about, he remains silent. Well done, that’s just what Harry would have said! And Selma Hayek told a story about Harry coming to her house where her pet owl (who Harry was enthralled with and wanted to hang out with him) regurgitated an owl pellet in his hair! LOL poor Harry; naturally she said he handled it very well and was very sweet. Yes, it’s possible Harry’s interactions with her were because she’s in Marvel’s Eternals; it’s also possible he was at her house because her husband is the head of the company that owns Gucci, or for some other reason entirely.
Liam’s Lonely Bug NFTs went on sale today!! Liam was excited and happy and all over the internet posting and chatting and watching it all happen. The auctions are still open for most of them so final news on that tomorrow! Today was just Liam being hype about it- “Fandom is working its magic thank you!” he said when his request to get LB trending got it up there worldwide in like half an hour, he said more interactive content will be added to the NFTs as time goes on, that Louis cooking was “very funny”, when asked to describe his NFT collection in one word he chose “liberating,” and his hair guy reposted comments Liam has been making in the discord talking about maybe going blond with a “hmmm”. Oooh? He did a long live talking about everything, patching in the other Lonely Bug creators and quite a few other NFT people (enough that at one point Liam jokes that there are enough of them to dress up as the band to satisfy commenters asking for 1D stuff). Anyway one of them compares this NFT to ‘the original Nirvana recordings’ hmmm I mean… that is another thing that is rare I guess yes, but that’s very specific and random sir? “I know for some of you this NFT world is slightly different than what you’re used to from me,” said Liam, “but your support so far has been amazing (as always!)”
And not only that- another new Liam song coming?! We haven’t even got the one yet! (or maybe this is the same one..?) Anyway, school pal S-X (Liam hyped his music a couple weeks ago) talked about him in an interview, saying "Liam is a good friend of mine and we've got stuff coming soon. I don't want to say too much as you know how those One Direction fans get [HEYYYY… oh wait yeah he’s totally right]- when I mention him I can't even open my Twitter. But we've got a song coming and it's a smash. It's sooner than you think and that's all I can say." OH RILLY?? INTERESTING! I was just eyeing him for the artist showcase Liam said he was gonna do on veeps but OKAY! He also said "We're both from Wolverhampton and I was in college with him at the same time, and going from that to global stardom at 17 is not normal for any person. To have toured the world, done stadium tours and everything, he is one of the most famous people in the world. So he will go through scrutiny from the media and whatever, but I can tell you he is one of the nicest people, one of the most genuine people I've ever met. He's a real good friend of mine."
And speaking of unexpected songs; another Zayn demo leak was posted! This time he’s singing You with Ellie Goulding; the song ended up being released by Troye Sivan.
And Anne Marie posted “rehearsals for #OURSONG live! I just love this song so much. I also miss your face @niallhoran” with a picture of them singing away; apparently she’s referring to the recording of the acoustic version which is out on Friday. Niall posted a picture of the Danish football player who collapsed during play the other day giving a thumbs up from the hospital; indeed it is very good to see that he’s all right.
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bugsbunnybisexual · 3 years
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Only fools fall for you, only fools.
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall.
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Random Baffy thoughts
Hi motherfuckers,
I have no idea what's gotten over me today but I cannot, for the life of me, stop thinking about Baffy. So much so that I made this blog on a valuable Friday that I should be using for productivity. Holy shit.
Keep reading if you wanna hear my spiels.
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First, some easy-to-digest headcanons:
Bugs is 26, Daffy is 28
Bugs is bisexual biromantic, Daffy is demisexual biromantic
Bugs is Egogender, Daffy is Nonbinary and will describe his gender as "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Bugs Black, Daffy Black-Desi, specifically Bangladeshi
Daffy knows some broken-ass Bengali
Fools by Troye Sivan is a song that Bugs will sometime listen to and contemplate his romantic choices. LMAO but he will never tell Daffy that-
Bugs listens to a lot of Hip-Hop and old-school Rock. Daffy likes classic music because he thinks it makes him smarter. And older Desi music, like old movie ballads
Bugs has OCD. He's experienced depression before but it doesn't really flare up anymore
Daffy has OCD too. Don't @ me, all my faves get OCD okay? Along with that he has generalized anxiety disorder
Bugs likes reading about History & Physics
I like to think they have a sun/moon thing going on with Bugs being the sun and Daffy being the moon. All my ships have this dynamic, I know.
IDK there's more I can't remember right now...
Bugs' Flags:
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Daffy's Flags:
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Now, my basic idea for them...
If you notice in TLTS, Bugs doesn't HAVE to let Daffy stay with him, but he does. Though Daffy is basically a freeloader, Bugs never complains. To me, I definitely see this as Bugs being interested in Daffy in a more intimate way than one might think. Bugs has the ability to be roommates/housemates with other people who may have a job or whatever but Bugs doesn't particularly care. Moreover, Bugs is shown to be annoyed of others easily while being very patient with Daffy. You see what I'm talking about?
Meanwhile on the other side, yeah I know TLTS is comedy and everything - but - if we suspend the comedy for a second, I would like to imagine that Daffy actually has issues. Now, this has been supported by official/canon media before. Particularly in Back in Action. Daffy is shown in that show acknowledging that he feels people like Bugs a lot, but don't like him.
So, if we suspend the comedy for just a second, and talk about Daffy's issue, for some goddamn reason I LOVE and absolutely LOVE the idea that Daffy has difficulty understanding why Bugs loves him. And he questions it a lot. And gets upset over it. And Bugs can't really explain it, either, other than just saying "I like you for who you are. You may be a pain in the ass sometimes but that doesn't change the fact that I enjoy your company, I enjoy you."
I also like to imagine that their relationship is nowhere near perfect, sort of similarly to TLTS's approach to Bugs & Lola, where they are somewhat aware of the fact that they're a couple but continue to have miscommunications & difficulty. Except with Bugs & Daffy it's a lot louder, with a lot more accusations, but they make up in the end, because they have a mutual understanding that isn't obvious at first sight, but the more you see them interact, the more you realize they understand each other a lot better than it seems on the outside.
And then comes the lovey-dovey stuff.
Oh the lovey-dovey stuff.
I'll be putting them under a read more, it gets intimate.
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So, Bugs is clever. He doesn't really exercise his flirting skills with Lola in TLTS, partially because Lola is more interested in him than he is in her. But in the classic Looney Tunes you can see how good he is with flirting with people of all genders and how easily he catches people off-guard with witty flirting. So, I'd like to imagine that doesn't change with TLTS Bugs, either. He just uses this type of flirting on very specific people. And Daffy is definitely, definitely one of them.
Daffy has a big but fragile ego. It's easy to trip him up with the right words & actions. And as I said, Bugs is smart, he knows Daffy very well. He knows exactly what to say to get to Daffy, and he loves using this as an advantage, especially when there's a fight between them.
There is a LOT of Bugs just using Daffy's words right back at him in a flirty way. Lots of shutting Daffy up with a kiss, lots of intimidating leans from Bugs, and a lot of flustered Daffy who doesn't actually know what to do with real affection and love because he barely knows what that is.
Daffy stuttering, having difficulty making eye-contact, being unable to believe what's happening, blushing, and just falling deeper in love every time Bugs flirts with him. And don't get me wrong, Daffy LOVES it, but he doesn't know how to react or just...how to compute. He short-circuits.
And Bugs enjoys that a lot. He loves seeing Daffy all flustered, confused, seeing his ego disappear and only his vulnerable and emotional self being visible, seeing Daffy being unable to stand on his feet flippers because of how nervous he is, refusing to look Bugs in the eyes until Bugs connects their foreheads...it gets Bugs just as flustered as Daffy is. He's just a lot better at controlling his emotions and not wearing his heart on his sleeves during intimate moments.
CW // Suggestive or NSFW
And of course, this dynamic continues onto bed, as well. Bugs loves showring Daffy with compliments as they fuck, only for Daffy to be completely flustered and unable to compose himself throughout the whole thing. Sometimes, if Daffy has the energy, he will grab Bugs, kiss him and tell him to shut the hell up. Which will usually lead to Bugs giggling and throwing a "fine, sure, we'll play it your way" and finally letting Daffy take the occasional lead.
Their physical intimacy will involve nibbling and hickeys from Bugs' side, tiny little bites hidden all over Daffy's body under his fur. And Bugs thinks Daffy gives the best head. Daffy's beak is sensitive and squishy, and easy to tickle.
NSFW over //
Some random intimate stuff:
Daffy really likes PDA but has difficulty expressing that he'd like to do things like holding hands in public. Luckily, Bugs understands and makes his moves bravely.
As they get older, Daffy humbles up and gets a lot better with his emotions and starts being a helpful househusband - cooking, cleaning, helping with chores and just making their home a nice environment. Bugs really appreciates this. Daffy understands later that he just doesn't like the corporate world, which is why he never liked working jobs.
The wedding is huge because Daffy wants it huge and Bugs actually exercises his popularity and riches for their wedding day. Daffy is genuinely so happy that Bugs feels greatly satisfied about his decisions by the end of the wedding. Also Bugs wears that one tux with a skirt wedding outfit. You know the one. Daffy can't decide between a tux and a wedding dress and flips a coin which lands on wedding dress, LMAO. It's his mom's old dress. Yes it is a Sari, if you thought it was a western wedding gown then the L is on you.
They play a lot of Troye Sivan, BTS, Pink Sweat$ & Kehlani on their wedding. Why? Because I said so, that's why.
...and that's about it!
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Are you on Twitter? . Yesterday vminis posted various videos and I experienced enlightenment. Maybe we're misinterpreting SN, I think TH / JM had something sexual with each other before they fell in love. At least that's what these videos show, with a clear sexual tension between them. Therefore the "ships of the night" and this window? Perhaps Tae wasn't ready to officially go in and out of the door yet?LMAO
I admit that we discussed with Admin 1 whether we should even answer this question. We decided that I, Admin 2, would respond to this because I have to admit that it was also my suspicion when I first heard Sweet Night. Yes, that's right, that was my first thought that I revised later on because I felt like I was the only person who (shamelessly) thought that way. We certainly did see what happened there.
Of course, we've seen these Vmin videos that would testify that Vmin are by no means "innocent" guys the way some see them as, and that Vmin are just like other young people their age. That said, like any average teenage boy (and girl), they had storms of hormones (a war of hormones, so to speak). Let's not be ashamed, let's just say it loud and clear. Every average person who is healthy in body and soul has a sex drive (though we know that is different for those who are ace or anywhere on the ace spectrum). During puberty, we are faced with the interests in the opposite or same sex. Then couples form at school and we experience our first love and our “first time”.
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Why should Vmin be any different? We know from Namjoon himself that in the early days he downloaded p*rn onto their computer and caught a virus, breaking it. So, it looks like BTS are real people, real people like you and me.
Vmin met at the age of 16. I don't want to say it was love at first sight, but as Jimin himself said he had different feelings when he saw Taehyung for the first time and he remembers that moment to this day. This event must have impressed Jimin, for he remembers exactly how he was dressed, how he sat and looked like, and even remembers that he thought Taehyung already looked like an idol even back then. Ok what am I getting at?
My first thought when I heard Sweet Night for the first time, and especially that line about "ships of the night" and "open window" and hope for an open door, was that I suspected Vmin had something with each other, something sexual, something fragile, something they might be ashamed of (Taehyung was ashamed of) or, perhaps most likely, afraid to admit.
I associate the concept of an open window with escaping out of a window like a thief or a secret lover who doesn't want to be exposed. This motif is often used in literature and cinematography to highlight how precarious and “dangerous” this situation is, how it’s something forbidden and thus the person must flee through a window instead of the door to not be revealed or recognized. Maybe that’s it? Perhaps Vmin were hiding the fact that they secretly meet at night like "ships" and during the day they pretend they are just best friends.
Perhaps there was such a moment, such a situation, when Taehyung should have admitted to what they were doing, perhaps was given the chance to turn the window into a door? However, he didn't. Maybe he was embarrassed or shy, maybe he wasn't sure who he was until he realized he had simply fallen in love with Jimin somewhere along the way? Perhaps then he realized that he was ready to officially walk in through the door and define himself and his relationship with Jimin in a certain way?
Now when I write I suddenly find that Stigma, 4 o’clock and Scenery and finally Sweet Night have an amazing connection to each other. It is like observing a certain progression, a chronology in their relationships.
I read on many blogs about Vmin about the theory of "push and pull". I think these are the correct theories. I think Taehyung has gone through a long process of transformation and realizing who he is. The tragedies he experienced had a great impact on his development/mentality on many levels and the person who stood next to him and cried with him was Jimin.
I watched these Vmin videos on Twitter and I admit that you can see their frivolous attitude towards each other, their shameless straightforwardness in their behavior towards each other. You can see that there is a lot of directness and humor. Vmin has no problem showing certain movements, very clearly, no problem getting hit on the butt in front of a stadium crowd. They also had no problem “causing a mess” in Namjoon’s studio three times by Jimin’s own admission. Because it was fun. It wasn't serious until the situation got complicated because serious emotions came into play. During FESTA 2020 Jimin said: “Back then we used to be buddies"... well, when they were just buddies it was easy.
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There was no problem doing selcas in bathrobes, smacking each other’s butts, or making clear movements. There were no problems with posting that video of Tae on a leash or recording ambiguous videos with clear sexual tension. 
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Suddenly everything changed. BTS stopped using genders in their songs, Hobi claimed that "BTS met all kinds of love," and Taehyung wrote Sweet Night admitting that he fell in love with his best friend, meaning that Tae basically admits that he is gay (to those willing to listen and understand) and that this best friend is probably also gay because they were "ships in the night" together.
It's not uncommon for relationships to begin with random physical encounters, influenced by the moment, the situation, and possibly alcohol (though I wouldn’t advise doing that since it can lead to unpleasant situations).
What I've written is just my interpretation. I could be completely wrong, of course, so take all of it with a grain of salt, a big one really. Remember that. Thanks.
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
Ochako Ururaka for the ask game??
My other daughter
favorite thing about them: I love her quirk and design. And I like that how believable it is that she's not sure about changing her world view, but is at least starting to consider it.
least favorite thing about them: there's nothing about her I dislike so I'll just say I don't like the way her one-sided crush is being handled. But that's it. She is great.
favorite line: I don't know if it counts as a line but one of the funniest moments she's had was during the camp arc when Tokoyami kept saying something like "revelry in the dark" and Ocha was just like "(◕‿◕✿) he said it again". Lol. Gold.
brOTP: ahhh I really liked Ochacko and Iida being buddies, and I like Ochacko and Tsuyu. And then same thing with what I said about Toga here.
OTP: I like IzuOcha (it's just undercooked), and then TogaChacko lol
nOTP: hmmm I don't think I have one really. I've never seen her shipped with anybody where I was like "ew no"
random headcanon: On super windy days Ocha and co. have this game where she makes them weightless and then throws them in the wind to see how far they'll go. It's a competition.
unpopular opinion: I don't think I have one? Aside from, I want her and Toga to be besties.
song i associate with them: I'll be honest and say I don't think I have one....sad
favorite picture of them: this one has always, and will always make me smile lol
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Like the potential to edit the rocket into making her hug anything lol
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