#i love alola.................
chufflepop · 4 months
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Beach day
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pipulp · 2 months
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yurokiku · 3 months
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alola ☀️
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pkmn-smashorpass · 10 months
Tell me why in the comments or tags!! I think either Galar or Alola. I lived in Scotland for a bit and would love to move back so I LOVE Galar for that!! But something about the Alola region is so appealing! It feels so peaceful and like there’s a lot to do!!
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phoelipop · 7 months
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Posting late but I haven't forgotten... Happy 7th Anniversary Pokemon Sun & Moon ☀️🌙
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They'll always be the most wholesome duo that ever came out of the entire anime
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rolypolyenjoyer · 3 months
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GLADION FROM POKEMON SUN AND MOON?!?!? I haven’t gotten over those games. People can hate on them all they want, but I will love them forever. Also in casr it wasn’t obvious, my main comfort character has come full circle back to Gladion(I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HOLY MOLY). A few of these drawings aren’t very good but I don’t have the heart to erase them so they stay.
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stgosupremacy · 10 months
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Saw this on pinterest posted by wattpad (🤭) and yeah um
If I could get even more convinced satogou is canon then I did
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offlineblues · 11 months
Lillie ~ 🌼
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yoshiiano · 6 months
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i added akari and rei to my protag fruit gummies :3
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spittyfishy · 4 months
Trying to get the hang of procreate dreams with a little Nihilego animation!
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teamskulladventures · 23 days
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Current Team:
Sylveon, Gothitelle, Ribombee, Comfey, Vivillon (Marine)
•A few weeks had passed since your outing with Guzma and in that time you've gotten accustomed to the rest of the gang.
•You spend your days, battling, hanging out, and going on more adventures with Guzma that the two of you had gotten pretty close.
•Today was like amy other day in Alola, sunny, hot and perfect for some battling and relaxing.
•Sitting amongst the many flowers of Ula'Ula Medow you brush your Ribombee, thanking them for giving it their all against Guzma.
•Guzma: *Stretching before seating himself next to you* Augh! Haha you did pretty good out there today. Swore you almost had me beat this time.
•(Y/N): *Giggling* Hmpf You really think so?
•Guzma: Ehhh. .
•You playful punch his side while your Ribombee proceeds to circle around Guzma.
•Guzma: Haha hey! I do mean it! You're crew put up a good fight. Shame you don't have more.
•(Y/N): Tsk well you knowww, you could just not use all your team!
•Guzma: And wheres the fun in that? *Guzma is now petting your Ribombee* From what it sounds like you just don't want to get another member. Why is that?
•You sort of give him a side glare, not the mean kind, more along the "are you seriously asking that?" variety.
•Looking you up and down, Guzma laughs to himself while ruffling his hair.
•Guzma: Right! Right! You have your theme thing going on.
•(Y/N): *You playfully scoff* As if! Says the guy who only specializes in one type!
•Guzma: Come onnn! That ain't so strange now. Plenty of trainers specialize in one type! Not that many have a theme as intense as yours though. *he starts waving his hands to try and backpeddle once he sees the lool on your face* Not.. Not that it's weird or anything! Just makes it pretty limiting. Hmmm.
•Guzma starts to think about any Pokemon that would come to mind that might align with your style.
•(Y/N): Hehe. Any grand ideas genius?
•Guzma: *He waves you off* Tsk girl let me think!
•You roll your eyes. Typical leave it to the bug specialist to only have bugs on his mind. This wasn't the first case his bug brain got you in hot water. Barely scrapped by during last weeks triva night when the topic of "who:s that pokemon" was assigned to his and yours team. You were doing so well up until that poimt until Mr."The bad boss who beats you down and never loses" made you look like a fool due to his lack of pokemon knowledge beyond just bugs!
•To be fair it's not like you had any luck either. Growing up you only familiarized yourself with Pokemon that you deemed "pretty" to some extent.
•Which became your downfall when forming a proper team for the Alola Trials as you became the picky type when searching for Mons'.
•Being on an island was already limiting in its own right to the kinds of Pokemon that could inhabit it so sucking it up and traveling with three Pokemon has been your norm thus far.
•The sound of Guzma standing up rapidly only to shout "I got it!", snapped you back into reality.
•He was holding out his hand ushering you to stand were he promptly started dragging you along near the docks.
•(Y/N): Yo Yoahhhh! Whe. . where are we going?!!
•Guzma: Uhh the boats? Where else?
•(Y/N): Isn't it a bit early to be going on some grand adventure right now?
•Guzma: Nope! Perfect time! Ain't no one's gonna be around besides us taking that boat to Akala.
•(Y/N): What?!? I thought you hated leaving Ula'Ula island? Besides aren't you kinda banned from taking the boats?
•Guzma: Yeah so? What are they gonna do, fight me? Now move it or lose it! I wanna get to Akala and off of it as soon as I can!
•(Y/N) *Catching up to Guzma's speed* Ack! Alright! Arceus you're so pushy!
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•Walking through Lush Jungle you couldn't believe how peaceful this place could be. Thanks to your trial and all the trainers, you hardley spent any time in this forest.
•Since it was stupid early in the morning any trainers that did cross your path quickly turned the other way when the noticed Guzma with you.
•The hum of pinsirs and wooshing sounds of trees swaying made this forrest feel otherworldly. Being able to walk past various Pokemon from Butterfrees to Morelulls was lovely as well. From what you remember from your trial, many of the Pokemon were hiding away from the comotion of trainers and of those that were around fled the scene when the Totem Laurantis appeared.
•Walking around aimlessly, admiring all that was around you, Guzma had finally pulled you back to reality, calling you over to show you something.
•(Y/N): Ouhh uh Yeah! I'm coming! *You run over to where you heard his voice as your body is pulled to the ground* Dude! Warn a girl next time you want to get all handsy!!
•Guzma: Shhhs if you stay quiet we can get this done and over with before more people spot me!
•(Y/N): Oh! SORRY! Ever the informative are we? You have a terrible habit of being so secretive you know that?
•Guzma: SHH!
•(Y/N): UGh!
•Sitting in awkward silence you begin to wonder what you guys were waiting in a bush for. Well logic would dictate it has to be a Pokemon but what did Guzma know that you didn't? There were nothing but bug types and fomantis around that didn't exactly interest you.
•Waiting and waiting and waiting some more you jolt into alertness when Guzma starts rapidly tapping on your shoulders trying to guide your sight to what he spotted.
•Guzma: Look! Look! Look!
•(Y/N): Whatttt! I'm looking. I'm Looking!
•Guzma: *He spins you around so that you can face his direction. He points to a nearby clearing* See! Now's your chance!
•(Y/N): Chance for whaaa whoahh!
•You've been pushed into the clearing where a Comfey can be seen flying about. The Pokemon is a bit frightened by the sudden appearance of you, but it doesn't immediately run away.
•(Y/N): *You turn back to face Guzma* So this is what you dragged me out here for?!
•Guzma: Yes! Now quit talking and get to catching that Comfey before it runs away!!
•Turning back to face the wild Comfey you noticed it was gone. Feeling a tad sad you let it get away, and after all the waiting Guzma did, you turn to face Guzma again but there was the Comfey. It was entrenched, as it circled your body with awe and wonder. You were wearing a pastel yellow dress, with a nice fluffy petticoat underneath. The pattern resembled a florgess playing amongst a field of wildflowers and sparkles. This wild comfey must have mistaken the flowers and ruffles to be real petals as it inched closer to get a better look.
•You slowly reached out to it, as it drew back only to realize that your hand wasn't a threat. The comfey allowed you to gently stroke it  but any more than that and you were sure it would run away.
•Your other hand began to search for any pokeballs tucked away in your bag. Finding one and presenting it to the comfey you were surprised when it brushed up against it. It didn't go in just yet. Flying back into the middle of the clearing the Comfey looked at you with seriousness and determination in its eyes.
•Guzma: *smugly* I think you're gonna have to earn its capture dollface!
•(Y/N): *shrugging* at least its giving me the time of day. I was for sure it was gonna fly away the second I popped up.
•The comfey waiting in anticipation you decided to send out your Ribombee as the battle began.
•(Y/N): Ribombee use Pollen Puff! *a blast of pollen knocks the comfey back yet despite the shove it seems unscaved* Wait .  uhhh? I thought that was for sure a knockout or at least a bigger impact.
•Guzma is currently cackling in the bushes at your confused state.
•Guzma: Ahah oh man. . gets em every time.
•(Y/N): Huh? Ah! Wait Ribombee dodge that! *The comfey goes for a sweet kiss which your Ribombee narrowly dodges*
•Guzma: Listen (Y/N), bug moves ain't gonna do shit.
•(Y/N): *to yourself* Oh great! Another Pokemon who looks nothing like its type.
•With a failed Pollen Puff you decided to go with a dazzling gleam which didn't do a whole lot either but at least it was slightly more effective.
•Despite its flowery appearance this Comfey was tough, huh sounds familiar. This onlt made you want to get them even more.
•With a bit more dazzling gleams you noticed the Comfey was getting weaker but your own Ribombee wasn't doing so hot either.
•Welp this was your only chance to make it work and you only had three Pokeballs on your person.
•Throwing one, the Comfey went out of it as quickly as it went in.
•Damn. It must not be that weak yet. Standing in that forrest you tried thinking of a strategy that would make this Comfey weaker without knocking it out. Another dazzling gleam would be too strong but maybe another pollen puff would do the trick but would that not be enough and if so would your Ribombee survive the next attack? You decided to give it a shot with Pollen Puff again, and lucky for you the Comfey survived. Now you just had to make sure Ribombee had the stamina to dodge.
•Flying around Ribombee was unfortunately unable to dodge the next attack but with grit it held out for you. You needed to catch this Comfey or your certain Ribombee wouldn't be able to hold on any longer. Attempting for the second time you threw the Pokeball and in Comfey went.
•*Shake Shake Shake*
•But it broke out. Damn.
•Not wanting to subject Ribombee any longer to the battle you decided to throw your last Pokeball praying to Arceus that it would work. The Pokeball began to shake again.
•*Shake. Shake. Shake.*
•A sigh of relief left your body as you ran to your new friend.
•Picking up the Pokeball you excitedly showed it off to Guzma who looked just as relieved as you did that the process was now done. The sun shown brighly between the tree tops as a gentle breeze filled the air. It was quiet. . . too quiet.
•Your celebration was short lived as the ground shook beneath your feet. Looking at the time on your phone it read 12:38. From the sounds of the shaking and the timing you knew that Mallow's trial was starting soon as the Totem Guardian Laurantis was currently walking around the forest.
•(Y/N): Uhhh Guzma . . we need to
•Guzma: Leave!! Yep already on it.
•The two of you start booking it trying to avoid the foliage and any trainers now entering the forrest. Looking back at the clearing your eyes go wide as the totem Laurantis is already hot on its pursuit towards you. For all it knows you to are just normal trial goers and sees no reason to stop.
•Trying to high tail it faster, running in heeled boots was not doing you any favors.
•(Y/N): Guzma!!! Wait!!!!
•He turns back to look at you, sighs, and runs back to grab you.
•In a blur you no longer feel the ground beneath your feet as Guzma has lifted your body and is currently carrying you bridal style out the forest and back to the docks.
•You only look up at him, blushing madly at him carrying you like this, as you grip onto his shoulders.
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•Catching your breath on the boat you didn't pay any mind to the onlookers as you laughed along with Guzma about what went down today.
•(Y/N): *Giggles* I can't believe you managed to carry me and run that fast at the same time!
•Guzma: Well yeah? I was fighting for my life! You know if someone *He says poking at your cheek* decided to wear something else besides heals I wouldn't have had to worry.
•(Y/N): *You playfully tease* Awww you worry about meeee?
•Guzma: Tsk you know I should have just left you in the forest.
•(Y/N): Hahhehe but cha didn't!
•Guzma: *rolls eyes*
•(Y/N): Besides I think you liked carrying me! My knight in shining sweatpants. I mean why else did you feel the need to still carry me even out of the forest.
•Guzma: *blushes* Shu. Shut up. I was just rushing to get us back to the boat.
•(Y/N): Hmmm alright whatever you say, but *snicker* hahaha you still almost tripped on the pyukumuku!
•Guzma: It ain't MY fault those damn things are so tiny. Your boi almost ate shit today and here you are . . laughing!
•(Y/N): *in a semi-mermer* well it wasss kinda funny.
•Guzma: *blushing* yeah whatever.
•You enjoy this peaceful moment with Guzma as the boat pulls into Ula'Ula docks.
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•A few days have passed since you got Comfey and she's been a sweetheart to the team. Getting to train and battle with her has been nothing but amazing yet, like always, it still wasn't enough to defeat Guzma. You've pretty much brushed the idea of ever getting to beat him, instead focusing on ever loss as an opportunity to grow and learn.
•On this particular day most of the local tourists were gone leaving many of the city life for the locals. You took the opportunity to have a small psudo-date with Guzma to get food and tapu coacoa, luckily at a different spot this time.
•Loking up from your cell, you noticed Guzma was towering over you.
•(Y/N): Oh hey! I didn't even hear you come in! How are you?
•Guzma: *shrugging and grinning* Eh not terrible. That comfey of yours any stronger yet or are you ready to accept defeat?
•(Y/N): *scoffing* Hey well you're not entirely wrong. I don't think I stand a chance unless I have as many Pokemon as you do . . but eh that's definitely not gonna happen.
•Guzma: And what makes you so sure? I'm sure there's gotta be another Pokemon that fits your vibe . . not that I'm rushing you or anything. I mean if I get to keep beating you down like this I'm fine with your team staying the way it is.
•(Y/N): haha yeah well still. I wouldn't mind another member it's just that I definitely checked this time. Went down to the library the other day and borrowed some trainers dex and yeah it confirmed that, unless I trade with someone who has it, there is no way I am getting a full team with the Pokemon that live on these islands.
•Guzma: Well if you need someone who can get you a Pokemon you're talkin' to the right guy. *he smirks* What Pokemon you need sweetcheeks? *he asks leaning towards you*
•Blushing softly you begin to rub the back of your neck: (Y/N): Oh it mmm. .it really doesn't matter. . trust me it's pretty much impossible.
•Guzma: hmm still no need to be keepin' secrets. Just spill it already.
•(Y/N): *sighing* it's a vivillon. .
•You can sense Guzma is happy at the sound of you mentioning the bug.
•(Y/N): Well don't get all happy! *blushing* like I said... can't get em here and no scatterbugs either. *you grumble* you of all people should now that Mr. King of the bugs!
•Guzma laughs at your tone and words but he doesn't seem shaken up by the idea of not being able to find a vivillon.
•Guzma: Haha . . well if it's a Vivillon you want that shouldn't be any problem. *He says that last part to himself*
•You know the look on his face means he is thinking about causing trouble.
•(Y/N): H. . hey!! Don't go getting any wackjob ideas in your head!! I am NOT asking you to steal one for me.
•Guzma: whoa whoa whoa easy on the accusations! *smirking* I ain't thinking like that . . . anymore .
•You try to stay mad at him.
•Guzma: *snickers* . . tsk . trust me (Y/N) I have other methods. .
•You roll your eyes. Knowing Guzma that could mean anything: (Y/N): hmpf. . well *you cross your shoulders* I am not asking you to do anything for me. . I believe I am content with what I have just fine. . now finish your food so we can do something else.
•Guzma: Hmm sure . . whatever you say doll. *Guzma has a feint blush on his face*
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•It's been a week since your last outing with Guzma. Walking along the wooden walkways of Ula'Ula Meadows you were supposed to meet with him as he "wanted to show you something hella dope" apparently.
•With Sylveon walking in tandem with their ribbons wrapped around you arm she was keeping an eye out for the Bug Boss as the two of you scanned the sea of red flowers.
•During your walk, the gentle Alolan breeze blew past and the sounds of ruffling leaves filled your ears. In the moment you began thinking back on all your moments with Guzma and how despite his gang affiliation and what everyone thinks of him you know that he is a great guy deep down. He has been nothing but supportive and accepting of your style and personality that your heart started pounding in your chest the more you thought about him. He had this sort of gruff charm to him that only he could pull off and you are thankful that he was so willing to let you be a part of his busy and reckless life. You know he isn't one to open up to others besides the grunts and his admin and friend Plumeria.
•Before your mind trailed off too far your sylveon pulled you towards the direction she saw Guzma.
•Heading a bit south towards a more secluded part of the meadow you saw Guzma slouching on the ground talking to his ariados. As he pet him the look on Guzma's face was that of nervousness that you've never seen on him before.
•Your sylveon happily called out to Guzma as it ran towards his direction. You jogged behind her, stopping just a few feet away from Guzma as he stood up and began dusting off his sweats.
•Guzma: Oh . he hey? *coughing* what's good yo?
•(Y/N): *a bit suspicious* Gooood? What's good on your end?
•Guzma: ha he uh nothing. . *coughing* nothing . . just same shit as usual. *he starts rubbing the back of his head as his usual confidence is disappearing each second that passes*
•(Y/N): *giggles* uh oh okayyy? . . *You walk a bit closer to him* you good? You seem a bit .    off.
•Guzma: *trying to stay casual* tsk yeah that's what I just said right?!  . Your boi is good. . and shit. yeah .
•Your eyes noticed that he was fighting with something in his pocket as you stood in silence observing his every move. It was starting to freak him out a bit as he turned his back towards you not before tossing you whatever he had in his pocket.
•It was a pokeball. An all white Pokeball with a gold band around it with the feint initials "A.F" carved into it.
•Guzma spoke up in defense before you had the chance to chew him out.
•Guzma: *his cheecks start to turn red* Listen . .I . I didn't take it from no trainer or anything.
•(Y/N): *softly* Guzma . .
•Guzma wasn't expecting to feel your arm tug on his sleeve. He had nowhere to turn to try and hide his flustered face as your (colored) eyes staired back into his.
•Guzma: *trying to cover his face with the back of his hand* Don't give me that look??! What .  w mmm you said it yourself *he crosses his shoulders* what your like birthday is soon or somethin' . . got you an early gift is all.
•(Y/N): *You're blushing too as you shake your head at Guzma's blushing form* hehe yeah sure . if you think two months away is pretty soon.
•You gaze at the ball in your hand. Well whoever gave Guzma this Pokemon must have been from a different region as you had never seen a pokeball like this before. You only hoped they weren't going to miss whatever Pokemon was inside it if they were willing to carve their initials into this ball.
•Guzma: *a bit frustrated* argh you know that thing won't pop out on its own!
•(Y/N): *giggles* Alright! Alright! Arceus! Pushy as always.
•Releasing the Pokemon you gasped in away at what flew in front of you. Your heartbeat fast as you gripped onto Guzma's arm to keep yourself from stumbling.
•Before your very eyes was a beautiful light blue Vivillon. The bug type danced around you a bit too eagerly for a pokemon that is meeting it's new trainer for the first time.
•Drawing your hand out the Vivillon did not hesitate to launch itself at you in a welcoming embrace.
•Guzma: Sorry. .  it's not the right color.
•(Y/N): huh?
•Guzma: You clearly wanted the pink one. . . but blue was the best I could get.
•Holding onto Guzmas hand you begin rubbing it gently.
•(Y/N): Thank you . . thank you so much for . . everything.
•Guzma: Whoa whoa whoa?! Hold on whats with the . . everything talk . everything? I ain't done shit to earn that .  *He's covering his blush with the back of his hand* the fuck are you on about?
•(Y/N): well uh . .you know . you've done a whole lot for me just by being close to me . . for not judging my appearance . . and for sticking by my side when my appearance causes unwanted attention. . and for trying to understand me and support me. You know better than anyone what it's like to be judged and hated on by people who don't try to get to know the person they're judging. And I say all that because it does mean something to me. . it is my everything.
•Guzma: *his whole face is red* .  ye yeah .   likewise . . *Not one for words he opts to pull you into a tight embrace.* s . still he's blue . . *Guzma grumbles out that last part*
•Hugging him tighter you can't help but giggle into his chest.
•(Y/N): No. He's perfect.
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*Click click click*
•The sound of your mary janes hitting the pavement as you walked without a care in the world to who was starting at your appearance.
•You were happy today because today you were going on another date with Guzma.
•Approaching Guzma he couldn't help bit stare in awe at your choice of outfit.
•Guzma: Yo (Y/N). .h hey now! That's a new color on you. *Walking up to you* It's nice. *he says with his signature grin*
•(Y/N): Thank you! I've been meaning to wear this one for a while . . just didn't have the right "accessories" to wear it with . but I guess I should thank you for that. *saying all that your vivillon happily flitters by your side as you go to pet the top of his head*
•You are wearing a plain baby blue dress with a white accented corset, white mary janes, blue ruffled and sparkling stockings, and a blue bow atop your head.
•(Y/N): *Reaching out to wrap you arm around Guzmas* So . you ready?
•Guzma: *Ruffling the back of his head* sure I am dollface.
•Walking down the busy street the two of you brace for your next lovely adventure.
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I am his number one supporter.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
History Fact
In the 1700s, an anonymous writer traveled to Sinnoh, Alola, and Kanto to write fairy tales told throughout those regions. The books were known as, “Secret Blooming Land” about a Whimmsicott following a Shaymin into a secret fantasy land, “Mystic Song under the Moon” about a Primarina who finds a group of Clefairy and Umbreon and goes on a journey with them to give power to her songs, and “Shadows in Haunted Mansion” about a young boy who sneaks into a haunted house and gets tricked by a Gengar and other Ghost type Pokemon. The books became very popular and are still common fairy tales told by children to this day. 
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mysteryposter · 5 months
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good lord this pokemon is hard to draw
(their prns are they/it/he i forgor to put it on the reference)
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blueoakshusband · 20 days
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Thanks Blue Oak, I appreciate it (the Sonic one is the original) (here's an example of my doodle style for art) 😱😱😱
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