#i love archive dot org thank you archive dot org
charmac · 9 months
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Maxim Pages from Rob and Glenn's Crab Fishing Trip have actually led me to the article which you can read here on the Internet Archive. Some highlights include:
Glenn using a Curious George mechanical pencil to open a bottle of wine:
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Glenn's affinity for spritzers:
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The fact that it's Rob's boat that he owns and named "The Rickety Cricket"
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And 12 years later he got 'em on the show:
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The infamous piss moment:
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And how else would a night with Glenn and Rob end?
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I just wanted to drop in with some links to some now-deleted but still very good articles on Transmasc Comphet (which is a term I think needs to be spread around more when discussing Transmlm social pressures)
"Transmasc Comphet (and the road to faggotry)" the original article - web (dot) archive (dot) org/web/20210109231028/https:// medium (dot ) com/@neilklein/transmasc-comphet-and-the-road-to-faggotry-62ed750f391f
"Transmasc Comphet — the Followup" - web (dot) archive (dot) org/web/20210124071417/https://medium (dot) com/@neilklein/transmasc-comphet-the-followup-46fddbda7c4
I think a lot of it is stuff you and others who discuss anti-transmasculinity already touch on but I think it's another piece of language we really should be using (even though I know someone is going to find some reason to hate us more over it). Thanks so much for everything you do on the blog my guy
Every gay trans man on the planet needs to read this.
In all my many years of being alive, there has not ever been one other article that I have read that has resonated with me even close to the way that these two have. I used to think I was either a lesbian or a bi woman and would pretend to myself that I'm attracted to women when I am now, and also was at the time, repulsed by the idea of being romantically involved with women. I remember for a while I called myself a butch lesbian because it felt like the closest thing to what I thought I was (a masculine woman).
But something still wasn't right, because I'm not a masculine woman, and it didn't feel correct even at the time. I brushed it off and kept going on with my life as one does. For a long time after that, I thought I just had a fetish of myself as a man. But I think that accepting myself as a gay trans man was inevitable after I got really invested in the FOB fandom. Now, I am a gay trans man, and I feel so much better than when I identified as bi or a lesbian because this is who I really am.
Talking to a lot of other transmasc MLM has made me realize that my story is not unique. So many baby trans men identify as bi or straight for this reason before realizing that they are actually gay. And that's not to invalidate straight trans men—they exist—but I am saying that so many of us are convinced that we're straight because as men, that's what society pushes onto us. And even before we know that we're men, we subconsciously know that we are in some sort of societal role where we should love women, which is why, I think, so many gay transmascs identify as lesbian or bi before even realizing that we're trans.
One other thing that I resonate with that Klein brought up is the fact that it's impossible to separate my homosexuality from my transness because sexuality and gender don't exist in a void separate from each other. This is the main reason that I identify as nonbinary and am uncomfortable describing my gender as a man unless I'm making it clear that I'm oversimplifying my actual experience. By saying that my gender is male without elaborating, what I'm saying is that I'm like other men in some way, and that my experience of gender is similar to other men.
But that just isn't the case for me. I tend to think of myself internally as a third gender, separate from male and female, largely due to my experiences with being gay. In the framework of maleness, I'm GNC, femme, or whatever else you want to call me that basically means the same thing. The simplest way to describe my gender identity, and in my opinion the most accurate, is that I'm gay. I am like others who are gay, and I fit into that community. My expression, then, is built around a framework of being gay.
Often when cis people talk about people like me, they tend to put our transness first, and think of our homosexuality as being something that exists because of our transness while in my experience transness and homosexuality are equally important parts of my identity that can't be separated. I am not me if I am not trans and gay. To put it in simpler terms, there might be an alternate universe where I am female due to my transness being something innate to my being that I feel would still exist even if I was amab, but there is no universe in which I am not exclusively attracted to men.
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k-an-kennon · 2 years
Hi I’m still missing your stories, I’ve read similar stories from other writers but they don’t come close to the quality of your writing and I’d love to re-read them.
Have you found a new home for the Pookie stories yet? If not would you consider selling me text files or pdf versions of the stories? Sent via Dropbox or whatever suits you? I can pay via PayPal or any other method.
Hi Rick!
I'm delighted that there is still interest in my Pookie stories! You may have missed the dialog happening on my other Tumblr recently (this one, k-an-kennon, is specifically for the stories that I can put on Amazon). If you didn't know, the other one is called pookiesfamilyii. I'll repost this over there, so you can follow the breadcrumbs in the notes section below if you haven't seen it.
Another fan of my Pookie stories mentioned (just a few days ago) that you can find all of my Pookie Originals released up to the end of 2018 on an internet archive called "The Wayback Machine." Just Google those words and it should lead you to a free site called archive (dot) org and while there, search the history of pookieiii (dot) tumblr (dot) com and you should click on the Dec 2018 archive. In it, you'll see my old Pookie III Tumblr like it used to be back then and have access to all but four of my released Pookie Originals. I'm still looking into other options as to where I can release my old and new Pookie stories.
In the meantime, I'm editing/re-writing one that I had almost finished before Tumblr pulled the plug on P3 so that it can be posted on Amazon and see where that gets me. If it proves worthwhile, I may revamp some of my older stories in a way that Amazon would be okay with. (They pay writers about ½ a penny per page read in their Kindle Unlimited program.)
If you'd like to help me financially, reading my Amazon books is the way to do it, especially if you leave glowing reviews. I have the links on my page here somewhere, but you could always go to Amazon (dot com or uk or whatever country you live in) and search for "K An Kennon" and you should see the three titles I have there so far. Master of the House is more like my Pookie Originals than the Valkyria ones are.
Surprisingly, I earn more if you read my Amazon books in the Kindle Unlimited program than if you paid for them outright (works on any phone/tablet/computer/etc.) A fun trick is to sign up for the free trial, quickly read all of my books and then cancel it at the end of the free trial period. I get paid by Amazon for you reading them, but you don't get charged a subscription fee for it! Win-Win! That was one of my old story titles, by the way! ;) With Jeff Bezos flying dick rockets to the upper atmosphere, he can definitely afford it.
Thanks for writing in and giving this aspiring author some inspiration to get back to the writing desk!
K An Kennon
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demon-dance-club · 2 years
i love you archive dot org
thank you for letting me avoid the stress of going to the library for research
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chrismcshell · 2 years
who else has had this song burned deeply in their brain for over 20 years
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dickwheelie · 4 years
it’s past midnight which means it is now officially ace week, so here is a kinda rant-y but ultimately positive post about Ace Stuff(tm) and TMA:
soooo if you’ve been following me for any length of time you probably know I’m ace, because I pretty much never shut up about it, lol. but really, being so vocal about my asexuality on tungle dot org is kind of a recent phenomenon, and it’s basically entirely thanks to tma and the fandom.
there are tons of ace people who have a similar story, I’m sure, so I’ll keep it short. I’ve been “out” as asexual and biromantic since senior year of high school, and I knew I was ace years before that. I say “out” because coming out is never fun and is exhausting and I basically didn’t tell anyone I went to college with about being ace, besides a couple romantic partners, and then only out of necessity. on tumblr, obviously I felt safer being out and a lot of people knew what ace meant so I didn’t have to explain myself. but of course in the background there was always The Discourse(tm) and yeah. if you’re ace you know how shitty that was and is.
but this isn’t a pity party! moving on!! soooo flash forward to summer 2019, I’m neck-deep in the good omens fandom, people are making hella content, and I’m like “hey some cool folks are headcanoning ya boys as asexual, I can get in on that.” I wrote a couple fics, shared a couple headcanons, it was chill. it was nice.
buuuut flash forward again to march of this year, and I’m hearing from my excellent buddy @kirkwallers​ that The Magnus Archives Is A Podcast, and not only is it good horror, the main character is canonically ace. and I’m like cool cool cool tight tight tight lemme just fuckin. download that real quick--
and y’all have heard this song before. jon is the good good ace rep, delicious, I’m vibing, we’re here for it. tres bon. BUT the thing that really gets me wanting to scream from the rooftops about being ace is the fandom. people are making fanart of jon being ace, fanfic of jon being ace, and most importantly they’re talking about their own ace experiences, both with and without relation to jon. it’s just a whole bunch of cool ace people who have gathered together and built this community within this fandom where we get to have a well-written, canon protagonist who is asexual.
so I get inspired and I write a few fics about jon being ace (and also usually martin as well because Why The Hell Not). and most of those fics involve cathartic experiences that I would want to have as an ace person, that I’ve never really been able to experience before. and some lovely people comment on those fics, and a lot of them are also ace, and a lot of them say things that make me cry. NOT necessarily because they’re saying nice things about my writing but because me writing about ace characters having experiences that I would like to also have gave them some catharsis too.
sometimes if I need a good happy cry I look through the comments on Spectrums in Common or On the Same Page and I’ll just lose it for a while. because the bottom line is that I’ve never really wanted to write about my own ace experiences before being a part of this fandom. sure, I’d headcanon crowley and aziraphale as ace and maybe reference it briefly in a fic, that’s fine. but I’ve never wanted to put my whole ass ace self on a plate before and serve it up in a safehouse fic like “this is me. this is how I feel. this is how I want my happy ending to go, where I can be loved AND happy AND asexual. where I don’t have to compromise. I’m writing about jon, but don’t get it twisted, this is a story about Me.” and other ace people read it and fucking. got it. and they were here for it. I’m getting fuckin misty-eyed right now thinking about it because fuck dude. fuck! that’s like! the best fucking shit in the world. and this fandom made that possible.
this post is getting long but I wanna say real quick that I’ve met some lovely amazing people (shout out to the Avatars of the Whore Discord, y’all know who you are) in this fandom, aces and allies alike, who have made the experience of not just Being Ace but Celebrating Being Ace genuinely a joy during the past few months.
this post is a hot mess lmao but I hope you get what I’m trying to say here. I love y’all. stay safe, stay cool, and most importantly, keep fuckin aceing it. 🖤🤍🤍💜
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bananayoshimoto · 2 years
tagged by @romeroverde thank you!!!! 🤍
the last book you......
bought: sadly i actually don't remember, i haven't been buying books lately i have far too many unread ones and i always just end up downloading new ones anyway
borrowed: i also haven't been to the library forever rip but if archive dot org counts, i think it was A to X: a story in letters by john berger (which i then failed to read in under 14 days), other than that my mum lent me man and his symbols by jung in march i think which i have barely made any progress with ever since embarrassingly enough despite my plans to read more about psychology this year
was gifted: eleven minutes by paulo coelho also from my mum, i haven't quite gotten round to starting it yet but i'm curious, i've only read the alchemist by him so far!
gave/lent to someone: how i live now by meg rosoff i think?
started: the employees by olga ravn, i actually started it just this morning and i only have fifteen pages left, i've been eyeing it for a while now and i wanted to read something short after spending the last two weeks immersed in the rememberence of earth's past trilogy and evidently i chose well, the prose is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and the story itself is a deeply fascinating and philosophical also vaguely unsettling take on what really makes us human i'm obsessedddddd everyone go and read it asap
finished: death's end by cixin liu
gave five stars: sweet bean paste by durian sukegawa
gave two stars: people from my neighborhood by hiromi kawakami :( i wanted to enjoy it so much, i've only read strange weather in tokyo and the nakano gift shop by her but i really loved both and i had high hopes for this odd collection of roughly connected short stories but i found it very hard to power through it and did not like it at all
come to think of it people from my neighborhood actually might have been the root cause of the reading slump i slipped into IMMEDIATELY after i finished it and god bless cixin liu for forcefully dragging me out after two weeks of wallowing in it struggling to enjoy anything i read
didn't finish: i actually don't often dnf books unless they're really that bad, but i do occasionally put something aside if i know i'm not in the right mood for it but know i would like it given the chance, the last one being kikuko tsumura's there's no such thing as an easy job which i started while i was stuck in my reading slump after vicky's recommendation and i have every intention of picking it up again and hope i enjoy it more this time round!!!!!
tagging anyone who wants to do this :)
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tunedtostatic · 3 years
galaxies of my heart
Vikady, also featuring Sana and a brief Krejjh cameo
CW: injury, aftermath of torture, painkiller drugs, brief domestic violence mention (not named characters), food, discussion of medical trauma & painkiller controversies
As she speaks, one of her hands makes what could be the beginning of a motion to reach for Arkady, then folds back into her lap. Arkady wonders if Sana gave her a crash course on Not Touching Your Loved Ones Without Warning After They’ve Been Tortured Because They Might Freak Out, or if that was something she already knew from her time as a medic. Either possibility feels depressingly plausible.
I finished my first tscosi fic! In which injuries are cared for, miscommunications are miscommunicated, assumptions are countered, and kisses are kissed. Title (and lyrics referenced in the fic) are from “space girl” by Frances Forever, even though it’s kind of a fluffy song relative to some of the subject matter, but not to worry, I have a permit [unfolds a sheet of paper that reads “I was working on my Vikady fanmix in the morning the day I started this fic and got it stuck in my head big time”]
Edit: I realized 9k is a little long to be easily navigable in post form so I archived this as well. I just learned when attempting to post a credited picrew that Tumblr is still hiding posts with links, but it’s at archiveofourown dot org, /works/31851859.
Edit the second: Re-reading “adrenaline makes you do stupid things” by jaggedwolf and I'm 90% sure I accidentally stole a couple things from there rather than the general primordial soup of my brain (the line "That can't be comfortable" and maybe the general concept of Arkady making sure she gets hurt before the person she's been captured with), so adding this to give credit where due to a really great fic that you should definitely read if you haven't already.
The first time Arkady surfaces, everything around her is still coated in a haze as though she’s dreaming. The room is quiet, and when she takes a sharp breath in, all of a sudden Violet is leaning over her, her hair swinging near Arkady’s face.
“You’ve got very dynamic hair,” Arkady says, or at least tries to say, and then she’s asleep again.
The next time she wakes up, she wakes up completely, although her mind still feels a little foggy. Her body aches, and—yeah, based on that ceiling, she’s definitely in the medbay of the Iris 2. Which means that they made it back to the ship, or at least that Arkady did—
Fear surges through her, and she peers back and forth. Her eyes land on Sana, who is sitting to the right of her bed, crocheting something that sprawls across her lap in chaotic loops.
Her intention is to say Sana’s name, but she can’t even make it through the first syllable, emitting a sound that sounds more like the “Ssss” of the litter of feral kittens Brian and Krejjh found that one time. Great job, Patel, you’d make a better hissing kitten than a first mate. Krejjh is going to have to stop calling you First Mate Patel and start calling you Feral Kitten Patel—
The thought of Krejjh is enough to make Arkady’s whole mind flinch. Krejjh—
The feral kitten hiss must have been loud enough for Sana to hear, though, because she’s dropping her crocheting to her lap, looking toward Arkady.
“Kady,” she says warmly, at the same time as Arkady croaks, “Krejjh—”
“Is fine.” Sana’s hand comes up to rest on the pillow next to Arkady’s cheek, a steadying presence, though she doesn’t touch her.
“They were with me.”
“They were.” Sana nods. “But they’re here and they’re not hurt. Hanging out with Brian in the kitchen as we speak.” She glances through the medbay door before her gaze bounces back to Arkady, and it’s such a familiar Sana kind of motion that Arkady feels the remainder of her panic fade slightly. Speaking of octopuses of myth and legend, that’s Sana, one mental tendril keeping track of the approximate status of each member of her crew at any given time.
“How are you feeling?” Sana continues. “Park said you were in a lot of pain before you passed out. Violet has you on a painkiller drip, but she’s using the minimum the way you always want. If you’re in pain, we can raise the dose.”
Arkady turns her attention more fully to her body. Pain and sensation are present, but muffled, as though they are far away. Ribs: hurt. Arm: hurts significantly. Legs: hurt, but only a little.
It’s bearable. “I’ve had worse.”
“I’m fine, Sana. Just feels like…what do you call them…colors, purple, ouch…bruises.” She shakes her head, then stills with a wince. “The others?”
“Everyone’s safe.” Sana pats the pillow where her hand rests next to Arkady’s cheek. “Park found you and Krejjh before anyone laid a finger on them. He got out fine, too. You’re the only one who was hurt, Kady.”
Arkady studies Sana’s face. “How…bad is it?”
“Six fractures, no serious tissue injuries.” Sana’s voice is gentle but matter-of-fact. “We’re going to pick up some skeletal accelerators next time we’re on-planet. Violet thinks that with those in the mix, the worst,” she gestures to the cast on Arkady’s right wrist, “should be mended in about two months.”
Arkady closes her eyes. One day, everything is fine, the next, a few backwater IGR assholes get the drop on them, and now she’s going to be out of commission for two months.
Still. Better her than Krejjh.
The thought is an icily familiar one, although yesterday she was limited to the grimmer Better just the two of us than the others. Krejjh was tied up on the other side of the room, and when the IGR goons got bored beating on Arkady, or kicked her in the wrong place and just killed her, they’d move on to Krejjh, and there was nothing Arkady could do about it—
Arkady’s eyes fly open, and she turns her head to nudge it clumsily into Sana’s hand. Sana cups Arkady’s cheek in her palm, thumb brushing over her cheekbone, wiping away wetness. When Arkady exhales, her breath is shaky. Stupid. They’re all safe now.
“They didn’t hurt Krejjh?” Her voice doesn’t sound like her own, unsteady and small.
“They didn’t hurt Krejjh.”
“Can I walk? Before the two months?” Her voice is still so small. Stupid.
Sana brushes Arkady’s temple with her fingertips, her calloused palm still warm against Arkady’s cheek. “Violet says she thinks you’ll be able to use a walking cast in three or four weeks. Or a little earlier, depending on how quickly the accelerators work their magic.”
Arkady keeps her eyes closed. “Those aren’t cheap.”
“That’s what rainy-day funds are for.”
“Do we even have a rainy-day fund anymore?”
“I will shake Other Violet down for loose change if I have to, Kady.” Sana’s fingers caress her temple again, and there is steel in her voice as she says, “This is my ship, and when one of my crew needs something, I find a way.”
“I know you do.” Arkady opens her eyes, though she finds that her eyelids seem to have grown heavier in the intervening minutes. She blinks sleepily at Sana. “You’re such a good octopus.”
Sana beams. “Thank you, Kady! I…have some questions,” she adds, “but they can wait until later, I think.”
Arkady’s eyelids are so heavy, but there’s one other thing she needs to ask. “Vi’?”
“Violet’s okay, too. She’s been taking care of you since yesterday, but I shooed her off to get some sleep.”
Arkady smiles. “’nks, S’na.”
Sana smiles back. “We’re all okay,” she says tenderly, “and if anyone out there tries to change that, I will demolish them.”
Arkady nods against Sana’s hand, straining to keep her eyes open.
“We’re all okay, Kady,” Sana repeats, and Arkady lets herself slip into sleep.
There are hours of restless dreams, and a dreamlike interlude where someone gently shakes her awake, holding her head up and helping her drink a medicine cap of chalky fluid, before she slips back into dreams that finally segue into deep sleep.
There is quiet music playing the next time she wakes up. She can remember where she is this time, and she lies with her eyes closed for a minute, enjoying the sound of the instrumental jazz track she recognizes from Krejjh and Brian’s Infinite Space-Themed Playlist. In the darkness behind her eyes, she doesn’t have to face the fact that she can’t walk, or run, or kick, or punch, or protect the crew, or—
Okay, maybe the space behind her closed eyelids isn’t as restful as it could be. Arkady opens her eyes.
Violet is sitting beside her bed with one leg tucked up on the chair, reading a tablet. A few strands of hair have fallen from behind her ear to brush against her cheek, and she’s biting her lower lip the way she sometimes does when she’s focused on something. Brian’s little retro radio music player is sitting on the bedside table, continuing to ooze soft jazz as Violet lifts an absentminded finger to tap to the next page, then curls her hand back into her soft sweater.
Yeah, eyes open? Definitely an improvement.
She should probably say Violet’s name, regardless of how endearing it is to watch her read. Before she has a chance to do so, though, she must breath loudly or make some kind of noise, because Violet looks up, her face crinkling into a tired smile.
“Hey,” she says softly.
Arkady smiles. “Hey, Liu. Good to see you again.”
“It’s good to see you, too.” Violet’s smile quavers for a second. “Really, really good.”
Arkady tries to make her voice reassuring. “Hey, I’m okay, Violet, huh? It’s gonna be okay.”
Violet rolls her eyes, a small smile blossoming on her lips. “You’re the one in the medbay bed, Arkady. I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”
As she speaks, one of her hands makes what could be the beginning of a motion to reach for Arkady, then folds back into her lap. Arkady wonders if Sana gave her a crash course on Not Touching Your Loved Ones Without Warning After They’ve Been Tortured Because They Might Freak Out, or if that was something she already knew from her time as a medic. Either possibility feels depressingly plausible.
“It sounds like you have been taking care of me.” Arkady smiles again. “Sana said you were here with me all night until she made you get some rest.” She thinks back, trying to pin down a faint memory. “I remember seeing you, leaning over me?”
“Yeah, you woke up really briefly last night.” Violet wrinkles up her forehead in that adorable way that she does. “You said something that sounded like, um…‘You’ve have hair’?”
Arkady grins. “Well shit, Liu, you sure do have hair, don’t you?”
Violet laughs, shaking her head back and forth. Her hair bobs around as though a breeze is passing through the medbay, and Arkady laughs too, then winces as the pain in her ribs flares.
Violet stills instantly. “You have some fractured ribs—”
“Yeah, kinda put that together.” Arkady tries to breathe with the minimum possible amount of motion.
The expression on Violet’s face makes it look like she’s in pain herself. “Would you like me to up the dose on your painkiller drip?” she asks softly.
“Nah.” Along with the flaring pain in her ribs, both of Arkady’s legs and her right wrist have that same itching, burning ache. The rest of her body is just sore, like she’s covered in bruises, which she probably is. “Uh, speaking of which, though. Could I get a rundown on what’s, you know, busted? Sana said I had…six? seven?...fractures, but we didn’t get into specifics beyond the two-month limit.” She grimaces a little at the thought.
“Six,” Violet confirms immediately, before adding, with an abashed smile, “I mean, not that that makes things that much better than seven?”
Arkady resists the impulse to laugh again, confining herself to a snort. “Can’t argue that point.”
“In answer to your question,” Violet begins, slipping into her calm medic tone of voice, “you have two cracked ribs and fractures to your left foot and right ankle. They broke your right wrist pretty badly, and I’m going to need to be very careful about injecting any accelerators there, especially if we can’t find an actual doctor on-planet to do it, so it might be a little more than two months before any, uh, heavy use, but you should have the hard cast off earlier than that.”
“Right.” Arkady inhales through her nose; exhales through her mouth. “Could have been worse, right?” At least she isn’t blubbering the way she was with Sana, but her voice still drops too small and quiet on the last word.
“It could have.” Violet’s own reply is almost a whisper, and Arkady silently swears at herself for her choice of phrasing.
When she looks up, though, Violet doesn’t look weepy.
She looks furious.
“Hey, you okay there, Liu?” Arkady stares at Violet’s clenched jaw and balled fists. “You look like you’re about to blow a gasket.”
Violet laughs a little, flexing her fingers and curling her hands more loosely back against her sweater. “Did you pick that one up from Tripathi?”
“That’s not a mechanic expression. Everyone uses that expression.”
Violet gives her a skeptical look.
“Okay, yeah, I may have picked it up from the captain. It’s still a normal-person expression, though.”
Violet chuckles, and they both lapse into silence.
This is nice, Arkady tells herself. Spending time with Violet is nice. It’s nice, it’s pleasant, it’s a way to distract herself from the itching, burning ache in her limbs and the creeping dread of knowing that if the ship is boarded, Arkady can’t even run, much less protect anyone else.
“Speaking of Tripathi,” Violet says with a smile, “I should give you an update on the latest, ahem, on-ship situation. Our captain has declared that next time she has a free moment she’s going to tear out that weird shallow closet in the hall next to Park’s room and put in inset cabinets for towels and stuff so Park and RJ and I don’t have to cross the ship for them. But when RJ found out, they said…”
Arkady tries to listen to Violet’s narration of Sana and RJ’s stalemate about the cabinets, smiling at the appropriate points while keeping a lid on the sinking feeling of knowing that for not days but weeks, she’ll be able to do jack-all do protect either Sana or RJ, or Violet, who is sitting here smiling at Arkady with love and trust in her eyes as though half the universe isn’t out to get them here in their one fragile ship that Violet wouldn’t even be on if Arkady hadn’t tricked her onto it in the first place—
She shoves the thoughts away, focusing on formulating a reply to Violet’s story. “Well, if it devolves into fisticuffs, Sana could take them, but if Sana calls a vote, I’m pretty sure Brian and Krejjh will side with RJ about the sheet music, and I don’t know what or whether Park would care.” She grins. “So, even odds.”
Violet snorts. “Well, I’ll keep you apprised, assuming none of the combatants wander in here to make their case to you themselves.”
“Medbay and a show?”
“On this ship? I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Arkady grins again. “I don’t know why Krejjh thinks being an outlaw is boring. The way we live, we practically produce our own shampoo.”
Violet snorts again before adding, in the kind of giggle-whisper Arkady most closely associates with grade-school gossip, “I can’t believe they got RJ into Sh'th Hremreh.”
“I know.” Arkady bites back another grin. “I mean, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Krejjh can be very persuasive.”
“If by ‘being persuasive’ you mean ‘talking loudly and enthusiastically about a piece of media until everyone in their general vicinity is compelled by gravitational media force to watch the thing in question,’ then yes, I guess you could refer to it that way.”
“I notice it hasn’t worked on you yet.” Arkady raises an eyebrow. “Or has it?”
“No, I have not dipped into Sh'th Hremreh.” Violet raises an eyebrow. “Yet.”
Arkady bites down on another chest-killing laugh before it can escape, glancing toward the radio on the bedside table. “Speaking of Brian and Krejjh creations. The notorious Infinite Space-Themed Playlist, huh?”
Violet smiles, gazing at Arkady tenderly. “You seemed a little restless in your sleep, and I’ve always hated total quiet when I’m sick, so I thought maybe it’d be nice to put on some background music.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Arkady pushes away an obscure flash of annoyance at the sentimentality of Violet taking the time to put on this playlist for an asleep Arkady as though something as trivial as music is a priority when Arkady is down for the count and Krejjh is doubtless drained from yesterday themself and the whole crew is going to have to figure out how to scrape by and cover piloting shifts and handle everything with no security officer and a stressed pilot and a tired medic and—
She shoves the annoyance aside, telling herself not to be an ass. There are literal studies showing that music is good for mental and physical health, right? And she sure as shit could use as much distraction as possible from the ache of her ribs and her ankle and her messed-up wrist. Having a playlist on is nice. This is nice.
Holst’s The Planets has come on, making for a somewhat grim background compared with the rest of the playlist, and Violet leans forward to jab irritably at the advance button until a benign rock song begins.
Arkady gives her an inquiring look, and Violet sighs, biting her lip again.
“I am so angry,” she says finally. “About what they did to you.”
“You and me both, trust me.”
Violet sighs, slumping in her chair. “You and me aren’t the only ones who are. Krejjh was pretty…shaken. Brian and Sana have been there for them, obviously,” she adds hastily, “and they’re doing fine. We can take care of each other. We are taking care of each other. The last thing I want to do is make you worry about us. But…” She trails off. “This isn’t just another day on the Iris. Not for any of us.”
“Well, that’s why the IGR does what they do,” Arkady mutters, closing her eyes. “Torture gets results.”
Violet sounds startled. “Every credible study in the universe has shown that torture doesn’t work. You said yourself—”
Arkady opens her eyes. “Torturing someone to interrogate them doesn’t produce reliable information. People know that. That’s not what it’s for. Torture is popular across the universe, through history, because it punishes people. Controls them. Their families. Whole societies.” She wouldn’t have to explain this to Sana. “When it’s on the table, you live your whole life under a threat. The actual torturing makes the people doing it feel powerful and good, and in the environment it creates, everyone else is easier to control. Win-win.”
Violet’s eyes have gone all huge and empathetic. “Arkady—” she whispers.
Something about that look always gets under Arkady’s skin. “Calm down,” she snaps. “I know you’re incapable of not freaking out when I talk about my childhood, but no, I’m not implying I was beaten up as a kid. The guards mostly just beat on adults; I think they knew that if they went after kids too often, enough people would’ve stood up against them regardless of losses. Or hey, maybe it was a vestige of human decency. Kinda doubt it, though.” She gestures vaguely with her good hand, careful not to pull at the IV. “I mean, of course I got beat up by other kids a few times, but just in a normal way, not in a torture way—Point is, yeah, I’ve known this stuff for a long time, but it’s not like you’re a stranger to it, right? You’ve spent your entire adult life under the IGR. You knew what was happening to some of the people who were disappearing.”
Violet is staring silently at her with that look of horrified concern, but hey, at least Violet’s overempathetic mind jumping directly to Cresswin as an explanation of Arkady’s knowledge on this subject is arguably preferable to her thinking through the percentage of Arkady’s life spent in Special Forces and then as an IGR guard herself, a train of logic that she finds herself hoping Violet doesn’t follow.
But that isn’t the right way to think about it, is it, her brain points out a moment later, the way it does whenever she considers discretely concealing the most hideous parts of herself from Violet. Violet is dating her. She deserves to know what she’s gotten herself into.
“It was never like…this,” she starts. “It was never me in a room with a helpless person, hurting them. But you know I was Special Forces during the war. You know I was a guard on Telemachus. Yes, I grew up on a prison planet and it’s all very sad but once you get over your latest shock about that—you’re a scientist, you can do the math and figure out that I don’t only know how this works from one side of it.”
Violet’s eyes are getting progressively wider, and Arkady drops her gaze to stare fixedly at her own hands. “They didn’t train us on the details of it; not…techniques. I mean, I don’t doubt they had people for that, but that would’ve been above my pay grade. But me, us, those goons who got the drop on us yesterday, we’re instructed pretty clearly in, ha, ‘maintaining control over a noncompliant population.’ Not like it’s just a few backwater goons breaking bones, either. When I was a guard—”
It isn’t even that her voice breaks, not really. It’s more of a stumble over the sudden realization that her voice should be breaking, or shaking, or anything other than steady and clear.
“When I was a guard, we all knew that some of the people we were guarding would be ferried to the more, ha, specialized options. Zone Z isn’t a secret.” Her voice, still flat, is rising. “And during the war…I can’t pretend that what I did in combat was better. I killed a lot of people, Violet. I killed a lot of people and they will never be alive again. You can’t say that that’s better than being a professional torturer. I can’t pretend that, and I can’t pretend some of my unit and some the people leading us…I can’t pretend that they didn’t do…” She stares down at her body. “This kind of thing.”
Silence. Arkady forces herself to look up.
Violet is staring at her in horror, but, for once, Arkady at least agrees that it’s justified.
She can feel herself breathing hard, and her face is wet again, which is frankly an indictment of her as much as anything else in this conversation. Crying to your girlfriend for sympathy about the horrible things you’ve done to other people isn’t exactly a good look.
“Look,” she says. “Some of this will haunt me until the day I die, and that’s good. It means I’m still human; it means…it doesn’t matter what it means. It’s what I need to do whether it means anything or not. I should be haunted. I think even Sana would agree with that.” She sighs. “I can figure out a way to live with this shit, and I do, but you signing up to…you know…see…someone who you knew was a smuggler and a killer doesn’t mean you thought through the implications of the IGR part of the equation before you asked me out.” Her voice is rising in irritation even though Violet is the last person in this medbay who deserves it. “I’m not the most mobile right now, but this is your medbay, I think you can find the door—”
Arkady looks up again. Violet is making steady eye contact with her. The horror hasn’t all gone out of her expression, but her voice is firm, not panicked. “I knew, when I started going out with you, that you had been a soldier with the IGR.”
“Okay, but you also assumed anyone who’d fought in the war was a ‘war hero,’ so you’ll forgive me if I have my doubts that you grasped what—”
“Arkady.” Violet’s voice is louder now, but still very level. “In case you need the reminder, I was fully aware of both your history and what the IGR was capable of the day I asked you out. You know, the day we were fleeing New Jupiter in a stolen IGR ship? That day?” A faint note of humor has entered Violet’s voice, though it disappears as she continues, “I’m going to leave for five minutes, to go to the bathroom and splash water on my face, not for good. I’ll have my communicator if you need anything.”
“Oh.” Arkady stares at her. “Okay?” she manages.
Violet walks out of the medbay, and Arkady stares blankly at the ceiling until her footsteps reenter. As promised, the hair around her face looks damp, but she looks calmer, more settled. She sets a glass of something on the bedside table.
“I brought you some juice, which you should be able to have now that you’re up and talking, but—” She sighs. “We should probably discuss this first.”
Arkady watches her.
“Arkady, I…” For the first time since her calm monologue before leaving the room, Violet looks uncertain, then presses on. “Like I said. I did know that you had been a guard with the IGR, and I did know more or less what that meant. And I knew—” She rubs her face with one hand. “Well, I didn’t know, it’s not like you can ever know with anyone, when I was a paramedic I saw cases of domestic violence where you never would’ve—anyway. I thought that I knew that you weren’t the kind of person who hurt people for your own satisfaction, and that felt like enough.” Her eyebrows crease together. “You make me feel safe. You always have.”
Arkady can feel her face beginning to get soaked again. All the things that she feels are careening around inside her, as though her heart is a ship in a bottle and somehow, within the glass, someone has conjured a storm.
“And it…sounds like I was right?” Violet lets out a breath that could almost be a shaky laugh. “You never…you’re saying you never did to anyone else…the kind of thing that was just done to you.”
She opens her mouth again, then hesitates, her words becoming slower and more contemplative.
“You’re right, though. I’m not sure I…that in the time after I’d realized the IGR was a lot less than less than perfect, I’m not sure I ever thought through the degree to which you, as a guard, would have been complicit in…those things. And…” She sighs again. “You’re right. I do think of people who fought in the war as heroes. I mean, I never really had a chance to—or, no, I can’t sit here and claim that I never had a chance. I never let myself think about how likely it was that some of the people fighting for us were…how did you put it. Specialized at things that make me sick even to think about. But also…”
She drops her gaze to her lap.
“I…I know that you killed Dwarnians. People. I know that a lot of soldiers killed a lot of people. I mean, that’s what war means, right?” She gives another shaken almost-laugh. “And I’m not—I’ve never been the kind of person who celebrates other people dying—”
“I know you’re not, Violet.” Violet is a biologist and a medic. Her work is the stuff of life, not death.
Violet slumps lower into her chair. “Yeah. But…because those deaths feel…felt…feel…partially justified to me, because the Dwarnians were trying to conquer us…maybe I let that make me forget a little that those deaths are still…deaths.”
She lifts her face, looking Arkady in the eye, and Arkady isn’t sure what she sees there. “Sometimes I wonder whether, irrespective of everything else about our lives—” Violet makes a swirly motion with her hand, as though to encapsulate the distances between worlds. “I wonder if you always would have been the kind of person who doesn’t lose sight of the death part.”
“Interesting theory, Violet,” Arkady says, once she can get herself to speak. “Doesn’t change that I was the one of us doing the killing.”
As she says the words, she realizes that they sum out to something snarkier than she intended, but there’s no bite to her voice, and Violet seems to register that.
“No,” she says simply. “It doesn’t.”
Arkady watches Violet in silence as she scrapes tendrils of drying hair off her forehead, straightening back up in her chair.
“Anyway. I’m not walking out that door, Arkady. You’re right, I hadn’t truly thought about what it meant that you were Special Forces. There are probably things about the war that I need to…well, I’ll probably never understand them completely, but things that I need to acknowledge.” She sighs. “But I meant what I said earlier. When I asked you out, I was asking you, not some hypothetical better you. Besides,” she adds quietly, “it’s not like I don’t have my own regrets.”
There’s a pretty big difference between ‘keeping your head down and getting a college degree’ and ‘actively killing people,’ but Arkady doesn’t feel like getting into it.
She lets herself sink back into the pillow. The room feels calmer, like the air on a planet after a storm.
No, it doesn’t, Violet said, and somehow, that feels like an anchor. Violet isn’t so horrified by the things that Arkady has done that she needs to pretend that they don’t exist.
“I. Uh. Okay.” Arkady attempts a smile, though she has a bad feeling that she’s making more of a weird grimace.
Fortunately, Violet doesn’t seem to mind, giving her a smile of her own that’s only a little shaky. “I’m glad we, uh, talked about this, but I’m guessing it isn’t doing your pain any good and I’m ready to shelve it for now if you are?”
“Shelving, uh. Sounds good.” Arkady nods vigorously. “Yeah.”
“Also, you owe me an apology for snapping at me,” Violet says calmly.
“Oh.” Arkady stares at her for a second. “I…shouldn’t have done that, should I?” Great job restating the obvious, idiot. “I…” Jesus Christ.
Violet is watching her silently. Arkady takes a breath.
“Violet, I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t have snapped at you about something that had almost nothing to do with you. I mean, I shouldn’t shout at you in general, that’s broadly speaking a dick move, but in this particularly context I definitely, especially shouldn’t have—”
Shut up, shut up, shut up. What is a good apology even like? Sincere. Doesn’t make it about yourself.
“What I mean is—I’m sorry.” She bites her lip. "And, uh…thank you. For, um, not holding me to a lesser standard because I was hurt.” Or because I’m someone who has hurt other people. “Not that you should have to remind me I owe you an apology, but…” She squirms. “You had enough faith in me to know I’d. You know. Want to. So. Uh. Thanks.”
So much for not making it about herself. She coughs awkwardly. “So. Yeah. Uh. You sure there’s not anything…more that you want to talk about? Because I, uh, just freaked out and dumped a ton of my garbage right into your lap, and if there’s anything else you need to say, or ask, or whatever, I’m here. I mean, I kinda can’t go anywhere else right now, but—you know what I mean.”
“Thanks.” Violet smiles a little. Arkady nods, trying to smile back and hoping this one isn’t too grimacey.
Staring at Arkady as though deep in thought, Violet says, “I don’t think there’s anything else, right now. I still want you to talk to someone about…all this…at some point. It doesn’t need to be a civilian counselor. Just…someone. But…”
Violet bites her lip. Her pained look from when Arkady hurt herself laughing is back, if it even ever left. “You have multiple broken bones and you’re stuck in bed and in pain, and right now more than talking about anything I just want you to be able to rest.”
“Oh,” Arkady manages. Helpfully, she follows it up with, “Ah.”
Violet smiles again, then hesitates. “Though, there is—"
She is staring at Arkady very intently all of a sudden, and Arkady can practically see the gears turning inside her head. She feels her own body tensing, a runaway voice inside her warning her that reminding Violet about so much of her past all in one go might mean that this is the day Violet finally does walk out the door for good.
But when Violet speaks, it’s not about the part of the conversation that Arkady was expecting.
“So…you’ve always known that torture, um, works. Ever since you were a kid.”
“What? Yeah, I—you grow up on a place like Cresswin, you get a pretty firm grasp of what torture is used for, yeah.”
Violet is biting her lip as though in deep thought. “So…when I was on the Iris…and you’d just stopped pretending to be Kay Grisham, and I accused you of wanting me to get in the cryo chamber so you could torture me for information…you said ‘We don’t torture, it doesn’t yield reliable results,’ and then you said, ‘Also, it’s wrong.’ But you believed…you knew that torture did work.” Violet’s voice is slow, her face still screwed up as though she is working something out. “Even if not for the exact purpose I was accusing you of. So…when you said all that…the reason that you, the real you, didn’t torture, that the Rumor crew didn’t torture, is just because it’s wrong.”
“Gee, Liu, glad you’re having a warm, fuzzy realization about how heartfelt and wholesome it is that our crew doesn’t torture people.” Arkady’s pent-up dread gives way to a fervent eyeroll. “Have you met Sana? Like, held a conversation with her? At any point in time? For more than thirty seconds?”
Violet sighs in annoyance. “That isn’t what—” she fires back, then stops, her voice going gentle again. “That isn’t what I meant. Do you want to try to have some of the juice now?”
“Liu,” Arkady says, a slow grin spreading across her face. “Are you keeping a lid on the snarky repartee because I’m all injured and convalescent? Because if I can say anything I want while you nobly go easy on me, can I just comment that the way that you put cereal in your milk a little at a time ‘so it doesn’t get soggy’ is mind-blowingly—”
“You’re making me. Want. To be a lot. Less. Noble. About it.”
Arkady snickers, then smiles, holding out her bruised but less-busted left hand. Violet stops mock-glaring and reaches across Arkady’s body to take it in a careful, awkward clasp, smiling at her as though…
Well, shit, Arkady doesn’t know how to put it into words, or at least not into words that aren’t all dramatic and weird. Violet is smiling at Arkady as though Arkady is some wonder of the universe that Violet can’t believe she gets to have the privilege of seeing, like a star or a comet or…whatever it is that biologists rock their socks about, a really cool bug or something.
It’s weird and kind of overwhelming, but kind of in a good way, and Arkady just wants to sit here and hold Violet’s hand, and look at Violet, and let herself be looked at by Violet like the wonder of the universe that Arkady knows that she is not but that she could, as Violet watches at her, almost believe herself to be—
“Violet,” Arkady says, wrinkling her eyebrows. “How many painkillers do you have me dosed up on right now?” She squints at the IV bag above her, dropping Violet’s hand and trying to shove herself a little more upright against the pillows. “Also, does a convalescent gal get to sit up around here? I kinda want to try some of that juice, and maybe someday even do something horribly taxing like read an update on our ship’s computer systems.”
The corner of Violet’s mouth turns up in a smile. “I’ll raise the bed. Let me know where you want to stop.”
“Right.” Arkady lies back as the fancy Iris 2 medbay bed hums its way upright. “Okay, stop.”
Raising her head from the thin pillow, she tips her stiff neck back and forth, peering around the medbay, which looks pretty much the way it always does. Sana’s multicolored crocheting bag is slung over the back of a chair.
“Let’s see, I think there’s—” Violet leans somewhere behind her, pulling out a fresh pillow and reaching forward to tuck it gently behind Arkady’s head. “Better?”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“In answer to your question,” Violet says, still in her calm, attentive medic voice as she continues to adjust the pillows, “you told me back when I was taking down medical info on the Rumor that you prefer minimal use of sedative painkillers, and even the Iris doesn’t have any of the good non-sedative intravenous stuff, so I’ve been using the minimum of the intravenous sedative painkillers and transitioning you to our standard orals. That should mean you’re less groggy, but also that we’re blocking less of the, well, pain, so let me know if you want me to adjust the dose. It’s not all-or-nothing; I can fiddle with it a little without instantaneously sending you to another dimension,” she adds, a note of warm humor in her voice as she sits back in her chair with smile.
Arkady blinks, still stuck on the first part of that. “You did?”
“Did…” Violet frowns, visibly parsing which of her words Arkady is referring to, before her face clears in understanding. “Did stick to the minimum end of the range I considered safe and reasonable?” She gives Arkady a look Arkady doesn’t quite know how to interpret, sort of alarmed and sad. “Your medical decisions are your own, Arkady. I’m not going to override your wishes just because I care about you and seeing you in pain isn’t easy for me. Or any other reason.” Violet’s eyebrows furrow. “No one should,” she adds, in that quietly defiant tone of voice that she uses when she’s declaring something and has realized that she wants the whole universe to know it’s what she believes.
“Oh.” Arkady swallows. “Yeah.”
“We’re coming up on the next dose of the orals in a quarter of an hour,” Violet says, her voice businesslike again as she checks her watch. “In the meantime, are you ready for juice?”
“I didn’t even know we had juice.” Arkady eyes the glass with interest.
“There was some concentrate in the pantry. When Tripathi and I sorted the food, we tucked some of it away in case someone got hurt and needed easy fluids.”
“That was very forward-thinking of you.”
“On this ship, not really,” Violet mutters, holding the glass to Arkady’s lips.
Drinking from the glass as Violet holds it turns out to be somewhat complicated and require both of their full attention, but once Violet sets it back down, Arkady leans back against the pillows with a smirk. “Hey, we’re dashing space rogues. A few bumps and bruises are all part of the job.”
“‘A few,’” Violet returns, but without rancor.
“It’s my job, Liu,” Arkady snarks back cheerfully. Between the juice and the strains of one of Krejjh’s actually-good Dwarnian jazz tracks and Violet’s reassuring presence next to her, Arkady is beginning to feel more like herself than she has in a while, the helplessness of yesterday starting to feel a little further away. Even the pain is…okay, the pain is still pretty painful, actually, a constant burn at the edges of her mind.
She hesitates.
“Could you maybe…” Arkady licks her lips. “You said you could fiddle with the painkiller drip a little, right? Because my shitty bones kinda hurt a lot and I wouldn’t mind if they, uh, didn’t.”
“I can do that.” When Violet meets Arkady’s gaze, her voice is calm and serious. “I’ll start with a small increment. It will take about thirty seconds to take effect. Does that sound good?”
“Yeah. Yes.”
Standing, Violet adjusts something.
Arkady waits.
“Do you feel anything yet?”
The relief is noticeable, the pain in Arkady’s chest and limbs cooling down a notch. “Better. Wow. Better.” Arkady hesitates. “You, uh. Said that that was a small increment? I think I could use another small increment.”
“Okay.” Violet makes another adjustment.
This time, the relief is almost total. Arkady stares at the ceiling, feeling tears of relief prick her eyes as the burning ache eases to almost nothing.
Everything feels a little foggier, too, but she’s still here, and able to form mental sentences, and the pain is all but gone.
“That’s good.” She bites her lip as Violet sits back at her side. “That’s really, really—the pain is almost gone. Now.”
Violet swallows visibly, staring at Arkady in relief.
Arkady feels a tear coalesce and run down her cheek, and Violet reaches forward with gentle fingers to wipe it away.
“I’m glad, Arkady,” she whispers. “I’m so glad.”
Arkady lets a long breath out, looking around the room again. It’s almost like being in a new room, a room-without-pain, during a new day, a day-without-pain.
“Sana will be glad, too,” she comments wryly as her gaze lands on the crocheting bag again. “She gets all twitchy whenever she manages to have good food or meds or supplies on hand and someone doesn’t use them.” She grins. “It’s her whole octopus thing. You know, I think I called her an octopus yesterday? Krejjh won’t shut the hell up about octopi now that they’ve found out they’re, gasp, actually real, so I guess I just permanently have octopi on the brain now, and I was thinking about how Sana has her whole multitasking thing where she’s got an eye on the status of the whole ship and everyone on the crew at all times, and—damn it, I should have called her a ghost squid. She would have hated that.”
Violet is giggling helplessly. “I can’t believe you called Tripathi an octopus.”
Arkady grins lazily. “Yeah, well, now she’s gotten to enjoy living with the mystery of what the hell I was talking about. Even sedative-induced grogginess has the occasional upside, right?”
Speaking of twitchiness, Violet’s twitchy question face is back, though Arkady can tell she’s trying to hide it.
“You didn’t override what I told you, okay?” Arkady says. “You didn’t dose me up, even when I couldn’t have done anything about it, because I’d told you not to. So I figured you wouldn’t take a mile if I gave you an inch.”
“Oh.” Violet sits back in her chair, looking at Arkady with that same expression she was looking at her with earlier, sadness and something else Arkady can’t parse.                                                                
Arkady sighs. “During the war. When you got injured, they knocked you straight out. It made it easier on the medics, I guess—no panicking soldiers, just unconscious bodies to take care of until they got better or didn’t. And easier on the medics meant less medics per ship, which made it easier on the brass. I mean, I guess that was why, though I wouldn’t put it past just being a power trip for some of them—”
“I know.”
“—but it isn’t like you can easily say when it was that and when it was—” Arkady blinks. “Huh?”
Violet sighs, her eyes dropping to her lap. “That’s not just a wartime thing. When I was a medic out by O-11, some of my colleagues used too much sedative on people they thought were being a problem. Or who…might be a problem. Aggressive, scared, not ‘compliant,’ whatever. Of course, if you paid attention to who they were more likely to think was a problem…”
“I’m guessing there were patterns?” Arkady offers.
“Yeah.” Violet bites her lip. “The irony was that…this was less of a thing out in the field, but pretty often when someone was actually in the hospital, they’d be denied painkillers because the staff decided they were lying or exaggerating. It was…” Violet twists her hands in her lap. “It wasn’t just those problems, either. When you have a lot of people living in poverty, the power dynamics with whoever is in charge of access to medical treatment get…bad. It was not a good situation, and I was—you know. There. Being part of it.”
Arkady blinks, staring at Violet. Maybe the reason she didn’t know how to interpret the look in Violet’s eyes earlier was because it wasn’t actually the panicky huge-eyed way she looks at Arkady what feels like every time Arkady mentions some detail of Cresswin, but a look of recognition.
“I never thought about what it would be like to be a medic under the IGR,” she says quietly.
Violet finally looks up. “Part of it was the IGR, but a lot of my older colleagues had come up doing the same thing. It’s like you said. Republics aren’t perfect, either.”
Violet licks her lips, hunching further into her chair. “It’s like you said about the war. Yes, sure, once I wasn’t a trainee and it was me and some colleagues out on a call, we were never the ones who gave those injections, used more than was needed. But that doesn’t mean that the ones I was with were always great about other things, or that others weren’t…” She sighs. “Just because I didn’t do anything especially bad myself doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have…you know, tried to do more than I did.”
Arkady stares at Violet, considering offering her her less-busted hand again, but decides against it. If she were Violet she wouldn’t want someone pawing at her trying to offer comfort about something that can’t really be comforted.
Violet’s work is the stuff of life, she thought to herself blithely only a few minutes ago, somehow not thinking about how much being a medic had to do with death and utterly traumatic shit. And-or, apparently, standing aside while your colleagues hurt and traumatized other people and then having to live with that.
“Jesus,” she says.
They sit quietly for another few minutes.
“Well, on a lighter note,” Arkady says awkwardly, “when it comes to your current cool, awesome medic job with our little band of dashing space rogues…can I, uh, have some more juice?”
The worst of the haunted look slides off Violet’s face as she smiles. “Of course.”
When the glass is empty, Arkady does reach her less-busted hand toward Violet, tugging her forward when she takes it. “Come here.”
She thinks Violet might go for a kiss on the forehead, depending on how fragile she’s thinking of Arkady as being right now, but Violet kisses her on the lips.
Their lips move together gently for a few seconds, then Violet settles back into her chair, smiling. “Your lips are sticky.”
“Excuse me, Liu, but I feel I should point out that your lips are now also sticky.”
“Touché.” Violet grins as she stands up again. “How’s your pain? We should still be transitioning you to the orals, so I’m going to get that ready now.”
“Still good.” Arkady smiles, wiggling the fingers at the end of her cast as Violet heads for the medbay sink.
“I know you and Sana are going to grump at me and Krejjh at some point for covering you and RJ instead of running,” she calls, “and then grump at me even more for making sure they hurt me before Krejjh, but if it had to be us, you are lucky you got me as a patient instead of Krejjh, trust me. They got completely freaked out when we tried to introduce them to Necco wafer candy a few years ago and still make grim remarks about ‘humans eating chalk.’ Dissolved pills would not be an easy sell.”
She’s expecting Violet to banter something back, but Violet looks downcast when she returns to Arkady’s side.
After Arkady has knocked back the chalky goo, she watches Violet carefully as she returns to the sink. That look could be about any number of things, but Arkady has the strong feeling that she’s seen it before, the first time Violet was bandaging her up after her gunshot wound on the Gay Louisa.
“Are you mad at me?” she asks, hesitantly, when Violet sits back down.
Violet’s face crinkles up in concern as she looks at Arkady. “Mad?”
Arkady grins weakly. “You know, because I went out and got myself hurt again?”
Violet’s forehead smooths out, then re-crinkles itself a second later. “I—no, Arkady, I’m not mad that other people tortured you. Or, I mean, I’m mad, I’m—furious, but at them, not at you.” She pauses. “And yes, I’m…‘mad’ isn’t the right word, but…it makes me upset that you got badly hurt to protect me and RJ, and it makes me upset that you think it’s good for it to be you who gets hurt instead of the rest of us. But you know that the times I chastise you for getting hurt, I’m not angry at you. Right?”
She smiles on the last words, in that specific abashed way that she smiles when she’s asking for reassurance about something that she thinks is just her anxiety playing up and probably not something she should actually be worried about at all.
When Arkady just stares at her, though, a look of alarm passes into her eyes. “You do know that, right?” she asks in a smaller voice. “I would never be really angry at you for getting injured.”
“Oh,” Arkady says. “Yeah. Of course I know that.” Did she?
Violet looks like she isn’t particularly fooled. “Well, now you do.” She sighs, shoulders slumping. “I’m sorry. If—hypothetically speaking, I mean,” she adds, her lips twitching in the ghost of a smile. “If you’ve ever thought I was actually angry at you for being injured in a bad situation…I’m sorry.”
Arkady blinks at her, finally managing to muster a nod.
Violet smiles a little, reaching out and smoothing Arkady’s hair. “I’m not mad at you, Arkady. There’s nothing about you being hurt and in pain that I would ever be angry about.”
“Well, not nothing,” Arkady points out. “You just said that you were upset that I try to put myself between the rest of you and danger.” She can’t resist adding, “You know, my literal job?”
“Your job is being first mate.” Violet’s voice cracks slightly.
Time to see how prohibitive this wrist cast is. Arkady lifts her hand to Violet’s face, brushing a tear from the corner of her eye. “It’s a job with a lot of facets.”
Violet sniffs wetly, lifting her own hands to gently support Arkady’s wrist as she lowers it to her lips and brushes a kiss against Arkady’s fingers.
“I’m not mad at you for putting yourself between other people and danger, Arkady,” she whispers. “In fact, it’s probably one of the reasons I fell in love with you.”
Arkady can feel her face getting hot as she stares, dazed, at Violet. “But…”
“I think it was a very brave and good thing that you did yesterday, and it scares me and makes me angry how okay you are with getting hurt to protect other people. I can feel both of those things at the same time.” Violet smooths Arkady’s hair again.
“Oh.” Arkady clears her throat awkwardly. “I. Oh.”
Violet chuckles, reaching up to dash a tear from her own eye. “You know what I feel, right now, more than anything? I’m just glad to have you back safe with me.”
“Oh,” Arkady says again. “I. Um. Hhh.” Get it together, Feral Kitten Patel. “I’m…glad to be back with you too. Um. Really glad.”
Violet smiles through her tears, and they gaze at each other in silence for a while.
“You know,” Arkady says wistfully, “I’m not exactly thrilled I can’t use a gun, or a knife, or punch anyone, or—” She cuts herself off. “Uh, you get the idea. But what I really can’t wait for is to be able to scoop you up, carry you to bed, and hold you in my arms all night long.”
“I.” Now Violet is the one blushing. “You…”
Arkady smirks, and Violet seems to regain the ability to form sentences, reaching out and caressing Arkady’s cheek. “Well, the scooping me up in your arms part will have to wait a little longer, but you should be able to relocate to your real bed some time in the next few days, and then there’s nothing stopping us from a whole lot of careful cuddling.”
Arkady smiles. “Sounds like a plan.”
“As for right now…I can’t exactly crawl into bed with you,” Violet says, sounding regretful, “but we could try…”
Pulling the chair with her, she moves so that she’s sitting as close as possible to Arkady’s shoulder, then carefully lowers her upper body to the bed so that her lower left shoulder rests just below Arkady’s right one, her face nestled into Arkady’s neck. Her left arm is presumably squashed under her, but her right hand comes up to rest on Arkady’s shoulder, thumb gently stroking Arkady’s shirt.
“Liu,” Arkady says, trying not to laugh, “that can’t be comfortable.”
Violet’s mutter against her neck sounds almost sleepy. “You’d be surprised.”
“Whatever you say.” Arkady tips her head to lean her temple against the top of Violet’s head. “Are you gonna fall asleep like that?”
“No,” comes the immediate response. “Or. Actually, this is more comfortable than I thought it would be, and I shouldn’t leave you alone for more than fifteen minutes while you’re still on the drip, and alarms are fallible so maybe I should…” She raises her hand to her comm. “Violet Liu to Iris Cockpit.”
“Hello, Science Officer Liu!” sings Krejjh’s sunny voice. “How’s the patient?”
Arkady can feel Violet smile against her neck. “She’s doing pretty good, Krejjh. Hey, can you send someone down here in twenty minutes to poke me awake? First Mate Patel and I are at risk of engaging in some romantic tandem sleeping.”
“Iiiii sure can, Science Officer Liu!” The grin in Krejjh’s voice is audible, and Arkady feels a lingering echo of fear fading from her mind at the sound of them alive and well. “Aaand I’ll let you get right to it. Krejjh out.”
Arkady snorts. “I have no idea why you’re eager enough to cuddle with me that you’re willing to risk getting shaken awake in situ by a pilot making disgustingly enchanted faces at how ‘cute’ we supposedly are.”
“It’s a high price,” Violet says solemnly, her voice sleepy, “but it’s a price I’m willing to pay.”
Arkady snorts again, trying to ignore the growing feeling of sunlit happiness in her chest. Violet’s hair is soft against Arkady’s face and her body is warm against Arkady’s side, and Arkady stares up at the ceiling, trying to comprehend how and why she has gotten ridiculously, disgustingly lucky enough to be here, now, with Violet’s hand curled around her shoulder and the steady rise and fall of Violet’s breathing against her.
In the kitchen, someone or something makes a subdued crashing noise, and someone else cackles loudly. Arkady can feel Violet’s amused sigh, and she smiles, letting her eyes drift closed.
“I hope you play this song someday,” croons the radio, “and think of Earth girl who loves space girl…”
A gentle current of air from the vents stirs a strand of Violet’s hair against Arkady’s ear, and she wriggles her head minutely to dislodge it before tucking her head back against Violet’s. As she closes her eyes again, the feeling of sunlit happiness is so strong that she wonders if she’ll be the one to stay awake even as poor tired Violet falls asleep. That would be ironic, wouldn’t it?
When Krejjh enters the medbay eighteen minutes and twenty-seven seconds later, they have to bounce back and forth from one foot to the other in silent agony for several seconds at the sheer adorableness of the sight of their crewmates cuddled together on the medical bed. First Mate Patel’s forehead is smoothed out in sleep, a smile on her lips, and even when Krejjh nudges Science Officer Liu awake and she disentangles herself from her girlfriend, Arkady curls her head into the indentation Violet’s cheek has left on the pillow, as though even in sleep she knows that any space that Violet takes up in the universe is a place where she will be safe and sound.
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thefearofcod · 6 years
hi hi!! forgive me if you've answered this before, but i wanted to ask how you got into library sciences & archiving? i've been eyeballing my school's masters of library sciences program. not sure if archiving will be the concentration for me, but i'm curious! it's probably too private to ask which program you attended, but can you share a little bit about what it was like? how'd you choose it? were you involved with libraries much before you applied? and what did you study as an undergrad? 💖
ohh! and for context: i saw one of your posts about archiving circulating in studyblr, that's how i found you! it was the one about how archiving is just as specialized and tough as STEM professions. good post good post two thumbs up
heyyyyy anon what’s good, thanks for coming to morg dot org, which is not an academic or study blog. sometimes i’m just cross about things. I have no idea on earth or in heaven how or why that post took so far off.
Anyhow, I got into libraries and archives because I Love Old Shit and books. Straight up, that’s it. For clarity’s sake, I’m not strictly archives either, I’m actually doing more of a cultural heritage program: mostly this will equip me to work with non-textual objects as well as books, photos, and documents, but it’s still library science for sure. I’ve always liked primary sources, and I believe that there’s a certain element of concreteness that comes from interacting with an object contemporary to an event that no number of later written or recreated accounts can match. 
I THINK LIBRARY SCIENCE IS DOPE, and there’s so much of it outside of archives! There’s reference, which is INSANELY cool and which I could never do; there’s children’s librarianship, there’s law and medical libraries, corporate libraries, community libraries... so many libraries! So many data management things! If you’re thinking about doing an MLIS, you should do it bc it’s cool as all hell.
I’m actually still in school, and as I said I’m doing a cultural heritage track, because my interest is in historical objects and special collections, as well as art, artifacts, and buildings. This can also extend to oral histories and linguistic preservation, which is not my area. I’m in it for the pre-1840s history, but I also enjoy other sections of history such as 1920s social undergrounds and folk histories. 
Library school is REALLY COOL. You learn broadly about a lot of areas; for instance everyone is required to take a Reference class. Am I going to be a reference librarian? Not if I can help it! I don’t have the patience or people skills, but eventually we are all asked to carry out some kind of information-finding for patrons, which is what reference really is. But you can also dig WAY deep into specific areas of library science; I’m taking several classes about the history of books as objects, some of my classmates are taking several in data architecture, others are studying how and why people read and how information moves. 
Because librarians tend to be introverts, I do warn you that all of the programs I’ve seen (only attended one, but uhhhhh u know) stress collaborative work and group projects. So if you hate that then like. Prepare for it? Deal with it? Library students are good at doing their work and tackling projects tho so it’s unlikely for one person or another to shoulder all the work in a group situation. 
Everyone is autistic or gay or both.
I did work in libraries between undergrad and grad school for a few years; I started off volunteering in the special collections department of my local library while trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, and it was my boss there who really encouraged me to consider library science as a career. He also recommended the school I currently attend, because their special collections program is very very rigorous and good. I later worked in a different special collections department identifying rare books (also unpaid) because nobody there could read ancient Greek or Latin, and a good deal of their rare books had been purchased from a closing seminary and were in either Latin or Greek.
And the reason I read Greek is because I went to a Small Liberal Arts College(tm) where I studied philosophy and history of mathematics, which is not perhaps the most immediately applicable degree in today’s job market, but WHO CARES because now I have a BIG leg up for old books because guess what! I can read them and don’t need to scramble for language classes because I studied them in undergrad! 
ANYWAY THAT’S A LONG POST ABOUT LIBRARIES, hope u love it, i always wanna talk about libraries and library school
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2percentsugar · 2 years
Hi your post about amazon/b&n appeared on my dash, could you recommend any site to buy ebooks?? Thanks in advance
hi nonnie!! sadly im not a big ebook reader, so i'm not sure what sites are good for purchasing. i can say however that your local library is likely to have ebooks available. the specific app varies by library, but they generally have compatibility with at least some e-readers + all tablets/phones
i live in a rural area and am well acquainted with the fact that local libraries do not always have the best selection (mine is almost entirely amish romances lol), so here are some fun gamer tips if that's your situation:
request books - i promise you are not being an annoyance by requesting. librarians fucking LOVE patron engagement and will be stoked to help.
use ILL (inter library loan)- same thing here. ILLs with ebooks are usually super painless since we don't need to physically ship books, and while not every public library does this
get more library cards- if youre in the States, you can often get library cards for any library in your state of residence, so long as you physically show up to the library. so, even if you don't live in xyz big city, next time you visit you can get a library card and use their ebooks!
archive dot org - pending current lawsuits, the internet archive is still a real library, and a very accessible one no matter where you are. their checkout system is super painless and you can renew as much as you need. they have a fuckoff massive amount of ebooks, although usually not fairly new ones
im sorry i couldnt give better advice on where to buy them :[[ unfortunately ebooks and audiobooks alike are much more subject to the monopolies in publishing than physical books. by using a local library, you help boost their numbers, still put money in the author's pocket, and [if you request the book] maybe help someone else read that!! its very mutually benefical ^__^
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28 February 2020
Drinks, data, discussion
We're giving Data Bites a break in March, but if you have 4 March pencilled into your diary, there's still an opportunity to discuss all things data, as we'll be going for drinks instead. If you'd like further details, drop me a line on gavin[dot]freeguard[at]instituteforgovernment[dot]org[dot]uk.
We're also on the lookout for:
Any reflections on the first octet (thanks, Giuseppe) for a short report we're publishing in April
Suggestions for future speakers, and any subject areas you'd like to see covered
Please do get in touch!
Other things in brief:
A big thank you to Vuelio and an excellent panel for a fun discussion yesterday evening on the small matter of what 2020 holds in store. (No, we didn't stand up for the key change.) More on the hashtag.
A good discussion at the IfG yesterday morning on all things outsourcing transparency. Tl;dr: we need better data and more transparency. Some thoughts and links from me here.
I was quoted in a Times article on how civil servants are using Slack, revealed after a questionable deployment of an FoI exemption (more here, here and here on FoI).
And finally... another plea for help: we're looking for all sorts of frameworks about how to think about data, information, etc. Any suggestions very welcome - via Twitter or the email address above.
Have a great weekend
Today's links:
Graphic content
You'll either love it or hate it
Marmot Review 10 Years On (UCL Institute of Health Equity)
Gains in UK life expectancy stall after decade of austerity, report says* (FT)
Austerity blamed for life expectancy stalling for first time in century (The Guardian)
UK politics, people and public services
Deprivation profiles for Welsh Local Authorities (Jamie Whyte)
School funding (Graham for IfG)
Housing (Ian Mulheirn on a BBC briefing)
Where are all the UK's new homes being built? (Centre for Cities for BBC News)
One in 10 new homes in England built on land with high flood risk (The Guardian)
Special advisers (IfG)
Migration Statistics Quarterly Report: February 2020 (ONS)
Study the biggest driver of migration to the UK, but overall levels remain stable (ONS)
Outer London most exposed to new immigration rules* (FT)
Electoral systems across the UK (IfG)
Labour partisans (strong identifiers) are now really distinctive compared with other groups (Paula Surridge)
More (Matt Singh)
GE2019: How did demographics affect the result? (House of Commons Library)
Capital Investment: why governments fail to meet their spending plans (IfG)
The trillion-pound question (Resolution Foundation)
China fall in coronavirus cases undermined by questionable data* (FT)
13,000 Missing Flights: The Global Consequences of the Coronavirus* (New York Times)
Mapping the Coronavirus Outbreak Across the World* (Bloomberg)
US politics
What Defines The Sanders Coalition? (FiveThirtyEight)
Responses to our polling on the Democratic primary (G. Elliott Morris, via Ketaki)
What the Democratic Candidates Discussed During the Debates: Annotated Transcripts* (Bloomberg - and a bit behind the data, via Petr)
Alex Ovechkin is the eighth member of the NHL's 700-goal club* (Washington Post)
Liverpool have been in a winning position for... (Opta)
Uefa’s ban on Man City does not change football’s inequality* (FT)
Will Liverpool’s machine football conquer America?* (FT)
Globalisation has left lower-league football clubs behind* (The Economist)
How We Analyzed Allstate’s Car Insurance Algorithm (The Markup)
Everything else
Are there too many central bankers?* (The Economist)
The World’s Biggest Economies Get a Jolt of Government Spending* (Bloomberg)
Some lesser known visualisation techniques to show rankings when your data is just too big for a regular bar chart (Maarten Lambrechts)
Graph workflow
What is Complexity Science? (#ComplexityExplained, via David)
Meta data
The Value of Data (Bennett Institute/ODI)
It’s Now or Never for National Data Strategies (Diane Coyle for Project Syndicate, via Graham)
How do we create trustworthy and sustainable data institutions? (ODI)
Data Dialogues' participatory futures projects announced (Nesta)
Three types of agreement that shape your use of data (Leigh Dodds)
Government rejects call for DCMS to audit departments’ data-sharing rules (Civil Service World)
How can data transform our health and care system? (Nesta)
AI, algorithms
The algorithm is watching you (London Review of Books)
Data Analytics and Algorithms in Policing in England and Wales: Towards A New Policy Framework (RUSI)
Rules urgently needed to oversee police use of data and AI – report (The Guardian)
Met Police chief defends facial recognition from 'ill-informed' critics (BBC News)
RUSI Annual Security Lecture
AI = “Automated Inspiration” (Cassie Kozyrkov, Towards Data Science)
Clearview AI hack is sweet irony for privacy advocates (New Statesman)
Suppose you have to choose... (Geoffrey Hinton)
Facial recognition is spreading faster than you realise (The Conversation)
Google AI will no longer use gender labels like 'woman' or 'man' on images of people to avoid bias (Business Insider)
Innovating responsibly with data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (LOTI)
Digital government
Getting out early feels good: meet the Defra team building a new digital service for GB exporters (Defra)
A thread about UK digital government (warning: contains half finished thoughts) (Richard Pope)
UK digital government in the 2010s - what was it all about politically? (Bennett Institute)
Why Government Leaders Need to Become Digital Leaders (Governing)
Inside the infodemic: Coronavirus in the age of wellness* (New Statesman)
How the Coronavirus Revealed Authoritarianism’s Fatal Flaw (The Atlantic)
Together at last – UK’s planning and housing statistics now in one place (ONS)
About the size of a London flat (ONS)
What Africa Check, Chequeado and Full Fact have learned about tackling bad information (Poynter)
Everything else
The Markup
Slouching towards dystopia: the rise of surveillance capitalism and the death of privacy (New Statesman)
Economists should learn lessons from meteorologists* (FT)
Robert Chote interview: OBR chief reflects on ten years as the nation’s top fiscal watchdog, and how he is still a reporter at heart (Civil Service World)
'I give fusion power a higher chance of succeeding than quantum computing' says the R in the RSA crypto-algorithm (The Register)
Oracle Reveals Funding of Dark Money Group Fighting Big Tech* (Bloomberg)
Katherine Johnson Dies at 101; Mathematician Broke Barriers at NASA* (New York Times)
Katherine Johnson: NASA mathematician and much-needed role model (The Conversation)
Democracy tech will be the next hot investment space (Wired)
The perils of opening the mind (Boston Globe)
How can outsourced public services be made more transparent? (Institute for Government)
Grammar school scoring is wrong, says father – and hopes finally to prove it (The Guardian, via Nick)
Financial secrecy is the enemy in the fight against corruption (Thom Townsend)
Who uses WhatDoTheyKnow? (mySociety)
JOBS: NatCen
JOBS: What Works for Children's Social Care
JOB: Head of Information Rights (National Archives)
JOB: Delivery Manager (Convivio)
JOB: Artificial intelligence and algorithms reporter (Washington Post)
JOB: Partnerships and Community Manager – Understanding Patient Data (Wellcome)
JOB: Digital innovation (city) lead (Futuregov)
MoJ on the hunt for Head of Prisons Digital Services to help end reliance on ‘monolithic supplier owned systems’ (diginomica)
FELLOWSHIP: Google News Initiative (with FT, Guardian, Reach, Independent, TBIJ, Telegraph, First Draft News)
Building trust in how you handle data: a hierarchy (ODI)
EVENT: Data Trusts 2020: from theory to practice (ODI)
EVENT: Press Play: the power of data to transform physical activity (Ipsos MORI)
EVENT: FutureFest (Nesta)
And finally...
I graphed out my unaccepted Twitter DM requests (Katy Montgomerie)
The One With All The Polling (YouGov)
Duck (Terrible Maps, via Tim)
Sliding flaws: EU publishes misleading Brexit chart (Politico)
An actual chart from the 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review (via Sukh)
Civil servants discuss the politics of Love Island on Slack* (The Times)
0 notes