#i love exchanging currency for goods and services......
evilminji · 11 months
Gold can be exchanged for goods and services (o.o )
Pariah's Keep probably has a shit ton of Precious Goods from various places.
Danny is become King?
If Danny becomes King... then the Zone will somewhat obey him. The Crown and Ring could EASILY tell him where the next natural portal is, where it opens up, and for how long. How many there are. Could probably make a few.
Probably WAS supposed to be making them. Consciously. But, well, Coma(tm).
Would probably count as Kingly Duty to filter and collect. Clean Ecto goes out for souls that remain, a Gateway home for those that wish to LEAVE, so forth and so on.
Effectively, being The Grim Reaper. You don't CAUSE Death. You just guide the way home. If folks so choose.
And that's neat! Horrifying, but neat! And Danny can TOTALLY see how it would eventually drive him completely breakfast cereal fruity nuggets! LUCKILY, he's got a vaguely bro's/Mentor thing going with the ghost who has ALL OF POSSIBLE TIME flowing through HIS head! So Danny should be Gucci!
The headaches suck though.
But WHAT... to do with all this Gold and valuable Space Goods? Most of these aren't even recognized currency on earth! Like the Shells. You could buy a mansion with one of those... on the right planet. On Earth? Pretty paperweight. Hmmmm >.>
<o> *points to top of head!* CROWN! It can? Predict and make PORTALS!
Portals lead any WHERE and any WHEN!
Gold... can be exchanged for goods and services. He remembers, holding a gold brick, about to eat so, SO much pizza.
But WAIT! I hear you wondering! Surely, you mean? Within his past? The history and region of space he knows, right? Ha ha :) Nope! Cowards.
Danny is on the alien otter's planet, trading those sweet, sweet Shells for some snacks no human could eat and a shawl for his sister! He's hiding, badly, behind a food stall in the Martian market place. Hoping future hero J'onn Johnes doesn't notice him.
Lying to the Space Cops, bout where his untraceable Space Money came from, on an alien trading satellite. The Green Lantern's not buying it. Oh noooo >.> sudden Fright Knight. Looming Menacingly by the loading doooocks. Everyone's upset! Definitely not related to him! Better go check on that! :) *gets the heck out of dodge* (my king. Please stop using me as a distraction.) (No promises)
But! It's all fun and games? Until your human friends get sick. Like... REALLY sick.
And then you suddenly remember time and space mean nothing to you. One 15 minute flight that way, two doors, a quick flight of stairs, and a literal child's play place slide? You could be in the 32nd century.
That disease is AT BEST, an unpleasant afternoon, there.
Here, your friend could die.
You trade a student two Spanish dubloons. They have no idea what they are. Just like the look of them and know they're real metal. They walk into the pharmacy for you. Don't question your "social experiment paper" lie.
You're back in less then an hour.
The screaming argument about ethics and mortality lasts hours.
She still takes the medicine. Gets better. Won't talk to you for months. Because why does HER life matter more? Why bend the rules for HER? And you can't bring yourself to say what pulses as Truth from both Crown and Ring.
You could because she didn't Matter. Time... would not notice, nor change. She was in no way pivotal to the flow of history, must one more ant beneath its unrelenting march. Mattering only because those who love her CARE. Because one or two little things might change for the better.
But it takes the shine off of it, a little.
Being able to go to the FUTURE. Watch movies and see aliens and humans alike in the crowd. Read books and dance to songs from people who won't be born for hundreds of years. Eat snacks from the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Or the early BCs!
And that's BEFORE other time travelers clock him as That Shopping Guy. The one who keeps popping up... buying things. For what? Unknown. Probably dinner. Half the time it's food. Trinkets. Once it was a really, REALLY nice goat. (His aunt was THRILLED.)
It probably drives Bart crazy. Because NO ONE knows anything about the guy? Everyone just universally goes "oooh yeah! HIM! Yeah, he sure does Exsist(tm). Very... present and exsistant." Like that's not CRAZY! He has so many question. So Many! What is he even BUYING!? Why? Is there an order? Or is he winging it?!
*pulls out list* he needs ANSWERS!
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight
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rocksibblingsau · 6 months
Hey! I wanted to ask if you had any ideas on currency for rock and pop trolls. (I think pop trolls would be the type to exchange services on goods while rock trolls have some form of money)
Also sorry you’re going through writers block :(, hope you get through it soon!
Currency is the bane of my existence because trolls apparently must have some sort of currency because Rosiepuff 'plays for the money'. I do enjoy them having a barter system for some things, though their market seems to have reached a level of industrialization in The Beat Goes On/Trollstopia (Having factories and fast fashion) that would likely be a little difficult to manage. One example is Smidge's stoutberry juice business. It pops up and the crowd moves so fast on it that I imagine having to barter for a single glass of juice for every person would be a bit more difficult than bartering for weekly groceries. We don't see her exchanging it for anything in the episode but she does explicitly refer to it as a 'business' that would be jeopardized by competition, so she is gaining something from it.
I also think 'favors' would make things a bit difficult especially during their time at the troll tree. Imagine making a huge deal only for them to get eaten before you can collect.
A friend of mine has them using jellybeans as currency, which I find on brand and hilarious.
Honestly I could see Pop Trolls having 'money' but it works a bit differently. Money is paper based and anyone can make it at any point they wish. On it, rather than numbers or pictures of troll-ified presidents is nice words. Everyone has different takes on it and the more heartfelt the words written on it increases its value. This would mean you couldn't just mass produce it, because it wouldn't be heartfelt and so it wouldn't be worth much.
Since they're personalized, unlike our money you can't take the money you were just given and use it to pay someone else. As you can imagine you'd be buried in 'money' fast so that's what the bank would be for. Holding on to all your lovely money so you could read it any time.
I also imagine that this would be why canon Branch would want to harvest his own supplies so much! He never made his own 'money' and at the time there likely wouldn't have been anyone who would have accepted it because it wouldn't have seemed sincere. After his colors came back I imagine he made some and was a bit worried if it would be worth anything, but every time he used it everyone could tell it was worth a lot because he put a lot of effort into trying it, so most places gave him extras of whatever he was trying to buy.
These would have definitely been popular during their time under Trollstice. A perfect pick me up to sit and read over all the kind notes!
Rock Trolls I could see having a money system closer to ours, as they're a LOT more industrialized than TBGO Pop Trolls and we know they have some sort of 'pay' concept since Barb tells Riff "I don't pay you to hear."
Since Riff replies that he's not being paid, he's doing it for college credits, it would also imply that they don't have a barter system, as doing it for college credits would be virtually the same as receiving a 'favor' so there would be no reason to clarify that.
The only difference is I imagine their economy isn't in shambles. Riff isn't buried in student loans.
Of all the tribes to most likely exchange favors, I could see it being Country.
The intermingling of tribes would probably create the need for a standard currency or exchange rate, as I can imagine Rock Trolls don't want glittery notes as payment. Honestly I could see the Funk Trolls coming up with some sort of conversion system so that among your own tribe you could keep your standard money or go to a Funk bank and swap in so you can visit Symphonyville and not have to do any extra math.
TY for the well wishes and the fun question! I had a lot of fun turning this over in my head.
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scoutxbaker · 11 days
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( daisy edgar jones, 26, cis woman, she/her ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that SCOUT BAKER is a GEOGRAPHER/CARTOGRAPHER that works in SECTOR 1. According to the file, they’re a mutant with the power of EARTH MANIPULATION. That must be why they’re ENERGETIC and IMPULSIVE. If you ask me, they remind me of plants growing between cracks in the earth,. They are affiliated with NOBODY.
basic information:
character name: Scout Baker
nickname (s): Baker
face claim: Daisy Edgar Jones
mutation status: Mutant
birthday: June 30th
sexuality: Bisexual
moral alignment: Chaotic Good
occupation: Geographer/Cartographer
work sector: Sector 1
affiliation: None
3 positive traits: Energetic, Loyal, Independent
3 negative traits: Impulsive, Sarcastic, Closed
biography (optional): An orphan discovered on the outskirts of Sol City, Scout was often hard to miss. She was scrappy, gangly, and scrawny, running around looking for a new adventure every chance she got. It easily gave everyone around her a heart attack. Even as she grew, that draw for life on the wild side never quite left her, despite the tragedy she experienced as a fresh eighteen year-old. But, don't open that can of worms! Stamp that out immediately, in fact! A genuine sweetheart, although sassy and sarcastic, Scout's hard not to love. But, stay tuned for more on my chaotic cutie!
how do they feel about living in sol city? have they always lived there or did they travel from another settlement? Scout has always lived in Sol City. She doesn't know anything different, and isn't sure she wants to know anything else. It may not be much, but it's home. And, as willing as she is to take the leap on adventure, she's not sure she's prepared to take on an entire new settlement anytime in the near future.
do they trust the council’s leadership? why or why not? She's not quite naive enough to believe that the council has her best interests at heart. Growing up having to essentially fend for herself as the resident Sol City orphan was enough to make her somewhat distrustful of the council's ability to lead. While she's in no headspace to entertain the option of overthrowing them, she would likely turn the other way if she were to hear something... compromising.
if they chose their sector and profession, why did they make that choice? if they didn’t, why not? were they happy with their assignment or not? Currency! Money makes the world go 'round! It can be exchanged for goods and services! But, in a much more real sense, Scout adores learning about the world before the meteor. It's always fascinated her so much. Any chance to go out and see the wastelands, run across a small little hint that there was something or someone here before her, lights up her entire day.
what’s one object that they always keep on their person? An aged leather bracelet with small silver beads. It was found on her as a baby, and she's attached the belief that it belonged to her parents. While she's not sure if it's true, it gives her a sense of calm to believe it.
(mutant only section)
what is your character’s ability (or abilities)? Earth Manipulation
are they gen i or gen ii? Gen ii
what can your character do? what are their strengths? Geo-telekinesis: she posses the ability to control, move, and make pieces of earth projectiles as needed. She has also managed to learn to create earth shields by raising the earth up to cover her when needed. create earthquakes/ground rupturing: This can only be done in contact with earth, but she is able to manifest the shaking and splitting of earth. However, this exerts an extreme amount of energy, and she would only use this in a dire circumstance. earth detection: can sense the presence of earth and other "earthen" elements and possibly gain detailed understanding about the earth they are sensing, including the amount/size of the earth they are sensing and whether it is hidden.
what can’t they do? what are their weaknesses? She is not capable of creating earth, she can't control artificial solids, any kind of protection she creates with earth can be eroded. Also, standing at the very tall height of 5'4, and still being a bean pole of a human (mutant?) she's only able to control so much with her level of strength.
is there anything else you’d like to specify about them? can and will use her powers in the wastelands every chance she gets!!!
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crybabyhearts · 10 months
Think outside a the box this Holiday Season! Who needs socks for their cold feet, or a new video game ta keep kids happy? When you've got--
Introducin some terms an conditions-- I am here in the Tumblr multiverse market ta play with fate!
So say goodbye ta basic sales, an say hello ta fast service mail!
Do ya want a bottle a liquid youth for your grandma? How about a checkbook that dont run out?
Need help crammin for exams? With my help you can perfectly memorize everythin you just read for up ta 3 years time! Oh my!
Further Information an Rates Below! ♠
All transactions an trades made on Tumblr will follow a "Thou Shall do No Harm" business model. While Salut Inc is the property of Hell, we believe in Good Business.
This means that there will be no intent ta harm, maim, or kill. Some may see the word "Demon" or "Nightmare" an think that we want nothin but cruelty. But in fact, we simply want happy clientele!
An how you'll be happy can be shaped by you! With our new an improved flexible payment system!
All potential clients are more than welcome to, an even encouraged, to choose this plan! Cash (digital or otherwise) is the easiest way ta get your promised wishes without havin to worry about payments later down the line! All wishes come with their own rates an conditions. Choosin this payment method will lock you into a fixed rate calculated at the time of wish makin. No payments are required prior to delivery or exchange- givin you a window of time ta cancel the transaction if you so please! But I don't know why you'd want to!
Do you have something extraordinary on your hands? Somethin you could live without but would make others go "WOAH!"? Then you've got yourself a trade! No deposits, payments, or otherwise! We are always in the market for the freaky shit the multiverse can crap out! Ain't nothin sell better than somethin no one's ever seen before! All ya hafta do is match your request with an item, skill, or potential working contract a equal value! Easy as PIE!
When you hear "favor" you usually think "I'm screwed.", but I am HAPPY ta let ya know that, that? Ain't the case! Favors are a special kind a currency, somethin ta build trust with. An I don't believe in fuckin up my flow. SO let's get inta em, shall we? ♠ Endless Checkbook - Endless Checkbooks come with a steady favor of Promotion, as every check is Salut Inc branded. ♠ Three Years of Crystal Clear Memory - This can include favors such as; The Use of Your Voice*, An Extra Tax Taken from Your Income, Promotion, etc! *When agreein to the conditions of Salut Inc usin your voice you are hereby consentin ta the followin examples: marketin lines on the radio, covers of songs, advertising campaigns, and more! ♠ A Bottle of Liquid Youth - Can I ask you a favor? Will you sign your soul away ta me so this bottle a youth can find its way to your loved ones lips? Now I'm sure this one sounds like a doozey! But you hafta consider the weight a life. Other RATES apply! (Soul favors do not increase the risk of death, or expedite it. Soul favors are simply that, a favor. Once the signed dies (a death without ANY second party involvement, even manipulation an hirin) their soul will simply be that of Salut Inc's jurisdiction, an will result in a specified Hellscape (Ours).)
Raph's been on my ass about takin breaks an makin friends. So bein my friend could count as a sort a favor. But you've gotta play the part! ;* Parties, board room bitchin an ventin, an hangovers galore!
That should be most things important or another! Business Inquiries @ IM's.
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ancientevangelions · 4 months
unpopular opinion: abolish currency
replace with communal resources and a barter exchange of good and services
I mean this is my Evangelion blog but I believe in community care, which includes pooling resources and looking after one another. I think the world would be a much better place if we stopped trying to be alone and instead worked together and spread love and kindness.
Community and connection are what we need, yes that means you may get hurt sometimes because as humans we are messy, but we can also heal each other with love, connection, kindness, and care.
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ad15124 · 1 year
sometimes people ask me why I'm going to study business when I'm a borderline socialist.
well, here's the gist: it takes a lot of guts to dream, and even more to try - and I'll be damned if i do neither
let me start with a story. when i first learned about the barter system - it wasn't from the perspective of me having something and someone else really needing it. it was from a simpler perspective, illustrated below:
there are 2 people. one doesn't have a warm coat and the other has 2. the other doesn't have shoes and the first has a spare pair. what if (and little me squealed with joy) they could both have both? all they'd have to do is switch their spares.
in this way, in this very limited example at least, trade is a positive sum game.
it gets more complicated when they both have only one. worse, when someone has something and the other has nothing. but we have to remember that not all things are tangible or material.
compassion is a currency. it might not warm your body, but it will warm your heart. and it will always always be a positive sum game.
sure, it may be taken advantage of. there will be people who exploit your compassion, steal from you, hurt you. you might find you want to be miser, or you might start hurting in an attempt to not be hurt. but i sincerely believe that if you love as much as possible, you will find people that love you back.
when businesses first came about, not as we know them today but long ago, they were a positive sum game. the core of a business, even as i learn it today, is to provide goods and services to fullfil peoples needs and wants in exchange for an adequate value of money. the idea was you get the product you want, the business gets the money, the business reinvests the money in growth and as wages/salaries to employ employees and is able to give more products to more people (households if you will) who provide employees who provide products etc. this is known as the circular flow of income (of course, this is a very simplistic model)
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credits: investopedia
ofcourse, shortly after that, economics introduced me to the concept of the economic problem, opportunity cost and pareto optimality, and business introduced me to the profit motive.
the economic problem states that there are limited resources and unlimited wants. we must, therefore, chose what to produce, how to produce and (much to my disagreement), for whom to produce. (the last question can send me down the avenue of how people are born into different levels of privilege and how because of that, they have different opportunities and therefore less or more money, so allocating according to only those who can afford something is inherently unfair and will only serve to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, and I'll come to that. I will. but for now, stay with me please?)
therefore, we have opportunity cost. the cost of the missed benefits of the next best alternative that is foregone (not the soundest definition but I'm trying to remember what my economics teacher said instead of searching google). if you have to sell strawberries and blueberries and you can only produce a fixed amount in the short run, say 10 boxes of these berries, for every box of strawberries you produce and sell, you're missing out on producing and selling a box of blueberries. how is this related? well it links to the idea of pareto optimality.
pareto optimality/efficiency states that there are often economic states where someone cannot be better off without making someone worse off. like if someone wanted strawberries, they couldn't be given more strawberries without giving someone else fewer blueberries.
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credits: investopedia
that brings us to the elephant/mammoth/ginormous beast named the profit motive. it's deceptively simple. you want to make more money than you put into something i.e. you want to make a profit. for all that you give, you want to get more back. this is the backbone of capitalism (at least, in my still forming book).
for this, people have done despicable things. they've exploited others, hurt, killed, deceived, betrayed, tortured and anything else you can think of.
but (and i will get a lot of bull for this) is it inherently evil?
this is where i tell you I used to say yes. it's where i still think the answer is something as frustrating as ‘its complicated’.
this is where I go back to what was in the brackets and say few things are inherently bad, but in the hands of certain people they can be made despicable. and yes. we're born into what's more often than not a capitalist society. sometimes we start with money, sometimes we start with little to none. and the people who start with money can make a lot more because they have access to high quality education and healthcare and so many more opportunities for growth. the reverse is often, if not always true for people with the opposite.
i come from a place of privilege and while i haven't completely absorbed the extent of it, or all of its implications, it has shaped me in multiple ways, allowing me to have these kinds of opinions in the first place.
but going back to the second part of this sort-of essay. say you have a shoe manufacturing business. if you buy the rubber and then add value, by employing land to produce the shoe (rent costs money), labour (for which you're paying people) to get it produced, capital goods like machines (which costs money) all under an entrepreneur who's taking risks, then the cost is already much greater than just the rubber, on top of which you've added value.
you're probably going ‘ok dumbass, normal profit exists, why don't you sell at break-even?’ and so I'm going to get another punch to the face and say because you want to grow. you want to reinvest in the business to serve more people, to serve them better. maybe even to live a more comfortable life.
well, that's obviously pretty idealistic. more often than not, greedy people are bound to guzzle up the money and use it for personal gain, exploiting people, paying criminally low wages with hostile working conditions.
and yet.
i have to try
in a world where ‘it is what it is’ has taken root so strongly as an attitude, where people are hurt constantly and consistently, we tend to lose hope.
i did. when school felt brutal and i was bullied and picked on, the cynicism in me boiled over. i refuse to believe being a cynic is inherently bad, because as said before, few things are. but everything was miserable and there was nothing anyone could do about anything, at least, not as a middle school student, not as someone with extremely limited knowledge and influence.
but as much as i despise Jeff Bezos, he has a speech in which one rhetorical question stuck out: “will you be a cynic or will you be a builder?”
and so I had 3 options:
1. doom and gloom. there is nothing I can do about anything, it's all bad, it's all terrible i might as well accept it
2. i can dream. but i can't act. maybe one day someone will come along and save us...
3. i can't do much. but i can dream and try. maybe i can use my privilege to get somewhere. maybe i start by passing high school and getting a business degree.
i picked each of them, one by one. in trying for the third, i stumble back towards the first.
and so let's go back to the start. compassion is a currency. in my dreams I'll build or work for a business where our vision statement isn't intended to manipulate and deceive but something we wholeheartedly believe in. somewhere where we do reinvest profits to aid growth to serve more people.
where CSR is not just mutually beneficial because it enhances brand image, but where even when it gives very little, it builds warmth. because when you give you get, whether it's money or love.
and ofcourse this could be another animal farm. I could become greedy, and corrupt and terrible. i could easily just fail to reach any level of influence, and i respect people who choose to stay away from this world, pursuing different careers. but, i cannot give up on the inherent goodness in people, or in the world. every solution to a problem has a problem in itself. perfect world is an oxymoron, if it's perfect it cannot be a world. but that has never meant we shouldn't try. because everything helps, no matter the scale.
so no, I'm not a teenager with a savior complex looking to right wrongs. but i want to make my surroundings and the people around me a little more warm, throw a little more love out and, receive a little more love in return. i want to engage in the positive sum game of compassion and i genuinely hope you do too.
tl;dr the world may always be flawed, doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make things (even tiny ones) better
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gadzooksgalore · 10 months
I’m gonna give Tsek and Kolver 🎨!
Thanks so much for giving those two some love :>
🎨 Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which? A little bit of lore before I answer this! Mers in my universe don't function quite the same as humans when it comes to employment or professions. Most mers tend to live their lives without ever having a job - not only because mers as a people don't have a currency, but also because there's no need for goods and services. Mers live fairly simple and self-sufficient lifestyles, hunting and gathering food/other resources for their own families or villages. They don't need much to thrive! However, some mers choose to take up professions or expand hobbies of their own volition, often requesting various items (ie. shells, unique human trash, food) in exchange for what they offer. It's a very loose bartering system built on kindness. Unfortunately, craft skills aren't particularly common due to the underwater setting. But some mers are particularly innovative! For example, Kolver's friend Dirsadelia (hardhead catfish mer) uses smoothed sea glass to craft glasses for mers who have poor eyesight.
To answer your question, Tsek really likes to draw symmetrical designs in the sand with her claws, and over time she's come to appreciate the delicate and fleeting nature of the art form. Kolver isn't very crafty himself, but he'd rather enjoy Tsek's designs anyway ;u;
OC asks
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gamenu · 8 months
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         "You'll need to learn about how currency works while you're here, Naira." He chides softly, laying out several bills and change between them on the table. "Humans and other species made this their means of exchanging goods and services. You might be lucky enough to barter for things you might need here, but it's very rare to meet anyone who will let you have something for free."
          Ironically, this would be the third time he's given a lesson on currency to someone else. Normally he might ask something in exchange for such use of his time, but she had already done so much repair work around the dorm and the Lounge that the scales were beginning to feel... unbalanced, if he had to put a word to it. So he said nothing about favors or payment, making sure that he had her attention before continuing.
         "After all, crafting requires materials, yes? And some things you might not be able to forage for. Or, and I hope that this doesn't happen, what if one of your tools breaks and you can't repair it yourself? A smith who knows how to fix fairy tools would certainly charge you, or refuse to work on it unless you could pay them. Berries and treats don't cut it in that regard, I'm afraid. And..."
          Azul clicks his tongue sharply, narrowing his eyes at her in complete seriousness. "You deserve to be paid what you're worth, Naira. If you decide to clear a debt from the goodness of your own heart, that's one thing. But you'll only be taken advantage of in the long run if you take every project for free. Much as it's useful, as your... fellow associate, it would be a shame to see you burnt out and upset."
                                                  -- @mostrohost
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          The pout on her face was hard to miss. Not because Azul sought to teach her, but rather because she still didn't see a point to currency. Why perform a service for paper and metal, only to then use it to give someone else a service? Especially when they can just do the things for each other!
          Was it really that rare for Clumsies to just. . .do things for each other?
          Why are they so weird? The more Naira learns about them, the stranger they get. Despite her growing fondness, the confusion seems to be matching that in spades.
          Still, Azul is trying to do her a kindness. With this whole thing of exchange, maybe she should do something nice for him in return.
          So it's along with his initial questions that she nods. Naira is aware that people ask for currency for their things. It's why she prefers foraging. . .but he's right. Not all the time will it be available. And her tools. . .Naira loved her tools! Her first hammer was by far one of her greatest treasures. That feeling she got from finishing her first project, the joy she had when others told her 'good job'. She can't imagine her tools breaking, she takes such good care of them, the memories they hold! How they fit perfectly in her grip when she's working!
          Getting someone to fix them would be imperative to her. And. . .he's right. It would be easy for someone to take advantage of her in those situations. As well as taking advantage of her good nature and desire to just craft and enjoy what she does. While she's had burn out at least once here at NRC, she hated the feeling. All the fairy did was spend an entire day sleeping, and then the next in solitude until she could look at her projects again.
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          Azul was trying to help prevent that, and that was very nice of him. Still, asking for currency for her work just felt so foreign and weird. It was going to be hard to do. Her wings droop in a mixture of confusion and mild worry. "So. . .wha' do you think I should do then, Azul? So I don't burn out?"
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rommaru · 1 year
Yesterday I got informed about some old gossip people told about me years ago in neopets.
The goddamn neopets dot com.
A virtual pets game that some adults take too seriously.
Take a sit while I tell you and old story and I hope you get a good laugh as I did.
So neopets has been running since 1999 to this day. There are two currencies: neopoints and neochash. Neopoints are the main currency, they can be earned by playing games, doing quests, random events, selling items and many other ways. Neocash are purchased with actual money and can only be used in a specific store to buy clothing for your pets. Think about this as neocash can buy awesome skins, but everything else runs under neopoints keeping the game "fair".
As any other game, users build the economy and the market based on supply and demand. Shady tricks to make your way into the rare items exist such as scamming, hacking rich accounts, taking advantage of glitches and straight up black markets.
In my early years playing there I made a friend who made his path to richness by reselling items and playing games. The problem is that this guy loved to give polemic opinions and talked without filters so he quickly became a despictable person for some users. People tried to hack his account and stalked him on his social media, luckily none of that worked. Tired of all this drama he decided to take a break from neopets but before that he asked me to take care of some of his most expensive items so even if his account was compromised on his hiatus they would be safe on mine.
I doubt a little because while I was always aware of the drama surrounding him, he was always kind to me and our friendship was not so public so it was unlikely that my account would become the new target for hackers. What I didn't thought through was how suspicious our transaccion would look like at the eyes of the staff.
The next day both accounts were frozen. Imagine little Rommy all sad because I loved my ugly pets so much and my little account that I had worked for sevenish years. I submitted a ticket explaining how I never cheated and provided all possible evidence. Neopets customer service is well known for being slow and inefficient, so I just waited and waited and waited.
People quickly noticed my friends account was frozen and somehow they found out about me, not entirely but they knew there was another user in the formula.
What is the juicy gossip?
People said that I was some kind of celebrity influencer offering sexual services in exchange for items and neopoints. I was frozen because my friend was a client of mine...
Ok, hold on, let me just...
I haven't laugh so hard like this in a while. Do you know what is even worse? I was a minor when this happened.
Whatever they knew about me it was very little and probably they were just trolling because it was a popular thing to do back then ¯_( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)_/¯
I never got harassed on my side account or social media.
Speaking of my side account. I have a confession to add to the story. The usernames of both accounts are fairly similar so I would be easy to tell it was me. Remember neocash? Neocash has a different economy system based on item trading. If you want an item, you offer your items, find a trader and agree a fair deal.
I got into neocash trading before my main was frozen, but I became really good at it in my time using my side account. So while strangers shit talked about me I was taking advantage of a glitch.
To summarize it, neocash could be bought from the neopets website or by redeeming physical cards that could be found in stores such as Walmart. Cards were available in a couple countries outside USA and due to actual currency convertion it could be cheaper to get foreing card codes rather than buy them from the website. Keep in mind that 1000 neocash equals $10 USD in regular price. Of course getting cheaper cards is not against the rules and it's still a common practice.
The glitch would not recognize what currency was used to buy the card and would assume that the amount was in USD. Let's set an example, if I remember correctly, someone told me that 1000 neocash would cost 10,000 CLP, the glitch would reedem for the amount of 10,000 USD. I'm not saying that Chilean cards would do that, I'm not even sure if they were sold in Chile but this is the most dramatic scenary I can think of.
I had a lot of neocash for dirt cheap. I'm pretty sure more people knew about this but neopets was a messy place (it still is) that recently had took multi language support away, so I can see why non native English speakers were mad and unwilling to repport their glitchy cards.
Anyway, if those trolls were aware of my neocash trades back then (because most trades are done in a public forum) I could't blame them for thinking I was a hoe selling its body for real money to waste on a game lol.
At the end, it took a year but I had my account back. I continue to play neopets with no consequences from those days.
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neverendingford · 2 years
gonna ramble a bit about the christian (southwest US protestant specifically) concept of Redeeming Love and it’s too long for tag talk
btw I’m gonna talk a bit about suicide, specifically how people discuss it and how people reacted to finding out about my recent attempt, so just a heads up I guess.
I’m going to refer to the specific form of christianity I was raised with as just “christianity”. I know christian teaching and culture is different in different places so just keep that in mind k thx. I know it’s a #notallchristians moment and I’m not saying every christian is the bad kind of christian I have personal experience with. blah blah blah, caveat section over.
the idea of Redeeming Love, as I learned it, has a lot in common with the “nice guy” strat in dating. The cliche where the girl says no and the guy keeps trying because eventually she’ll realize he’s worth it. it’s literally in the name. to redeem in the transactional sense. affection can be exchanged for goods and services. how I learned it in church was that if you love enough it can change even the hardest heart. god loves us and so we have to change for him, and the worst thing you can do is reject god’s love. it’s present in the evangelical strategy, where you make friends with someone just to “witness” to them, using your relationship with them as currency to buy their changed heart/behavior. many christians are nice to you so that you’ll “see and experience God’s love” through them. it’s a relationship that’s bought not earned and they try to cash out as soon as possible.
the story of Hezekiah and gomer is used by many as an example of redeeming love changing someone’s heart. the man must love her enough and she’ll become faithful (that’s how it’s taught. I don’t think that’s the actual meaning of the thing god’s got going on but this isn’t bible class. If anyone knows how it’s taught and interpreted in Jewish tradition I’d love to hear it). It’s also used in a very gendered way (in my experience. remember that’s the lens you’re reading from). you might be able to tell since my examples are basically “man loves woman so much she learns to love him back” and the whole “bride of christ” metaphor. (I know there’s a lot more to it but I don’t have the education or time to break down the whole of christian misogyny)
So... how does this relate to the time-honored human tradition of “oops all bad time to die”?
It’s true that isolation and loneliness are linked to suicidality. humans need support, and giving them support is a pretty good way to reduce the “want to die” levels in their blood. BUT, a lot of people treat “redeeming love” as the remedy. They pay you love in exchange for “don’t die please”. The classic “if you kill yourself you’ll make everyone sad” feels like it fits in this vein of social exchange. it’s leveraging affection to prevent an action in a “ends justify the means” gambit. Emotional manipulation is okay if it’s for a good cause. I can manipulate this person because I’m saving their soul. I can emotionally control you to stop you from hanging yourself. it’s a massive part of the stigmatization of suicide and any discussion around it. people rush to “fix” the problem without stepping back and allowing you room to breathe.
I have never told anyone to not kill themselves.
I have always (I was a kid once so not technically always but whatever) done my best to be someone who listens without judgement. Would I be sad if my friend kills herself? Absolutely. But I don’t need to tell her that. she already knows. I don’t need to use our relationship as a weapon against her to control her behavior. she already worries over whether everyone would be devastated if she committed. we all know “killing yourself is wrong” is a cultural value. hell, it used to be seen as an unforgivable sin in christian tradition. if someone is opening up to you, they don’t need you to immediately tell them to stay alive. if they’re opening up that means they’re already trying.
The hardest thing is when you open up and get shut down.
when you take a risk and get burned.
everyone says “it’s okay to ask for help” but the more important lesson is that it’s okay to ask for help more than once. it’s okay to find someone else after the first person turned out to be ignorant or a dick or whatever.
This isn’t coherent. I promised to talk about redeeming love and then turned it into a ramble about how we treat suicide, but that’s what’s on my mind so deal with it.
part of why I’ve had such a hard time learning to accept gifts and friendship from people is because I expect the gift card to be redeemed in the future. I expect them to attempt to cash out. so many christians don’t give out of charity. it’s seen as an investment. your kindness will reap the dividends of their immortal soul.
I don’t have a good ending really, except to say hey, don’t use relationships as currency, don’t use them as leverage. yes friendship comes with certain commitments, yes you should be okay with putting out effort and work for your close friends, but it shouldn’t be used as a weapon to extort behavior from someone.
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9jaboizgistworld-blog · 3 months
My Honest Bunq Credit Card Review: Is It Worth It in 2024?
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Hi everyone, and welcome to my corner of BestCreditCards3.com! Today, I'm diving into the world of Bunq credit cards. If you've been wondering whether Bunq is the right choice for your financial needs, you're in the right place. This in-depth Bunq Credit Card review is based on my personal experiences and research, and I'm here to give you the lowdown on what makes this card tick (or not). Let's get started!
Introduction to Bunq Credit Card
Bunq is a Dutch mobile bank that has been making waves in the financial scene with its innovative approach. They offer various financial products, including the Bunq credit card, which aims to simplify banking and make it more accessible. There are two main types of Bunq credit cards: - Bunq Easy Green: This is a metal card made from recycled materials, aligning with Bunq's commitment to sustainability. It also comes with features like ZeroFX (real exchange rates) and the option to plant a tree for every €100 you spend. - Bunq Travel Card: Designed for frequent travelers, this card comes with benefits like no foreign transaction fees and access to a lounge key for airport lounge access.
How to Apply for a Bunq Credit Card
Applying for a Bunq credit card is pretty straightforward. Here's how it goes: - Download the Bunq App: The entire process is handled through the Bunq app, so make sure to download it from your app store. - Create an Account: Follow the instructions to create a Bunq account. You'll need to provide some personal information and verify your identity. - Apply for the Card: Navigate to the credit card section in the app and choose the card that suits you best. - Submit Documents: You might be asked to provide some documents, like proof of income, but this isn't always required. - Wait for Approval: Bunq usually processes applications quickly, so you shouldn't have to wait long to find out if you're approved. Please note: Bunq doesn't perform credit checks, which can be a major plus for those with less-than-perfect credit history.
Payment Methods with Bunq Credit Card
One of the things I love about Bunq is how easy it is to use the card. You can link it to your Apple Pay or Google Pay wallet for seamless contactless payments. You can also use it for online purchases or in-store transactions wherever Mastercard is accepted. A unique feature of Bunq is how it handles payments for rentals and hotels. They often require a deposit, which can be a hassle. With Bunq, the deposit amount is reserved on your account, ensuring you have the funds available. But the best part is that they don't charge your account until the rental or hotel stay is over!
Bunq Credit Card Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Let's talk about the good stuff first. Bunq credit cards offer several benefits, including: - ZeroFX: Get the real exchange rate when spending abroad, saving you money on currency conversions. - Cashback: Earn cashback rewards on eligible purchases. - Environmental Impact: Bunq plants a tree for every €100 spent on the Easy Green card, contributing to a greener planet. - No Credit Check: A great option for those who might not have a perfect credit score. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Here are some downsides I've experienced: - Limited Acceptance: While Bunq cards work in most places, I've encountered a few instances where they weren't accepted. - Fees: Some transactions might incur fees, so it's important to read the fine print. - Customer Service: While Bunq has improved its customer service, there have been mixed reviews in the past. Overall, my experience with the Bunq credit card has been positive. It's a convenient and innovative option, especially for those who travel frequently or prioritize sustainability. However, it's important to weigh the pros and cons to see if it aligns with your specific needs.
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How to Apply for a Bunq Credit Card
Requirements for Bunq Credit Card
To be eligible for a Bunq credit card, you generally need to meet the following requirements: - Be at least 18 years old. - Be a resident of a supported country (check Bunq's website for the latest list). - Have a valid ID document. - Be able to provide proof of income (not always required).
Fees Associated with Bunq Credit Card
Bunq has a monthly fee for its credit cards, which varies depending on the plan you choose. There are also some transaction fees to be aware of, such as: - Foreign exchange fees (although Bunq offers ZeroFX for eligible transactions). - ATM withdrawal fees. It's crucial to review the fee schedule on Bunq's website to understand the full costs involved.
Benefits of Bunq Credit Card
I've already touched on some of the benefits, but let me summarize them for you: - Cashback: Earn cashback on certain purchases. - ZeroFX: Get the real exchange rate when spending in foreign currencies. - Tree Planting: Contribute to reforestation efforts with the Easy Green card. - No Credit Check: Accessible to a wider range of individuals. These benefits make Bunq a compelling option for many users.
Credit Limit and Spending Controls
Your credit limit with Bunq depends on various factors, including your income and creditworthiness. You can manage your credit limit through the Bunq app. The app also provides real-time spending notifications and budgeting tools, helping you stay on top of your finances. Explanation of Credit Limit and How It Works The Bunq Credit Card operates on a prepaid basis. This means you load money onto the card before spending, effectively controlling your limit and avoiding debt. Managing Limits Through the Bunq App The Bunq app provides full control over your spending limits. You can set daily, weekly, or monthly limits to manage your finances better and receive real-time notifications for every transaction. Real-Time Spending Notifications and Budgeting Tools Stay on top of your finances with instant notifications and built-in budgeting tools. The app categorizes transactions, making it easy to track and manage your expenses​. Applying for a Bunq Credit Card Applying for a Bunq Credit Card is a breeze: - Download the Bunq app from the App Store or Google Play. - Sign up and create an account. - Choose the Bunq Credit Card from the available options. - Verify your identity with a valid ID and proof of address. - Wait for approval, which usually takes just a few minutes. Approval Process Timeline The approval process is quick, and often completed within minutes. Once approved, you'll receive your card in the mail, typically within a few days. Activating and Using Your Card Activate your card through the Bunq app, and you're ready to go. Link it to Apple Pay or Google Pay for added convenience.
Free Bunq Credit Card Options
Bunq recently introduced a free credit card option, making it even more accessible. This card offers many of the same benefits as the premium options, without the monthly fees​. Differences Between Free and Premium Cards The main difference lies in the additional perks. Premium cards, like the Metal Card, offer benefits such as environmental contributions and enhanced security features. However, the free card still provides excellent value. Additional Features and Benefits Even the free card includes features like real-time notifications, budgeting tools, and ZeroFX, making it a strong contender in the market.
Prepaid Bunq Credit Card - How the Prepaid System Works
The Bunq Credit Card operates on a prepaid basis. You load money onto the card, and that's your spending limit. This system helps prevent debt and makes budgeting easier. Loading Money onto the Card Loading money is simple. Transfer funds from your Bunq account or any linked bank account. The app provides an intuitive interface to manage your funds. Benefits and Limitations of Prepaid Cards Benefits: - No risk of debt - Full control over spending - Easy to budget Limitations: - Requires upfront funding - May not be suitable for large, unexpected expenses
Bunq Credit Card FAQ
Q: Are Bunq credit cards credit cards?A: Technically, Bunq cards are prepaid debit cards, not traditional credit cards. This means you load money onto the card and can only spend up to that amount. However, they function similarly to credit cards for most transactions.Q: Does Bunq perform credit checks when applying for a card?A: No, Bunq doesn't require credit checks for their cards. This makes them a good option for individuals who might not have established credit or have a less-than-perfect credit history.Q: Can I use my Bunq card abroad?A: Yes, Bunq cards are designed for use worldwide. The Easy Green card even offers ZeroFX, meaning you get the real exchange rate when spending in foreign currencies.Q: How do I load money onto my Bunq prepaid card?A: You can load money onto your Bunq card through bank transfers or by using another debit card.Q: Is there a fee for using the Bunq card?A: Bunq has a monthly fee for its credit cards, which varies depending on the plan you choose. Additionally, there are some transaction fees to be aware of, such as foreign exchange fees (although ZeroFX is offered for eligible transactions) and ATM withdrawal fees.Q: What are the environmental benefits of using a Bunq Easy Green card?A: Bunq plants a tree for every €100 spent on the Easy Green card, contributing to reforestation efforts and environmental sustainability.Q: How can I contact Bunq customer service if I have any questions or issues?A: You can reach Bunq customer service through the Bunq app or by visiting their website for support options.Q: Can I get a free Bunq credit card?A: Yes, Bunq offers a free Travel Card with basic features. It's a good option for those who want a no-frills card for travel purposes.Q: How does the deposit system work for rentals and hotels when using Bunq?A: When you make a reservation that requires a deposit, Bunq reserves the amount on your account to ensure you have the funds available. However, they don't charge your account until the rental or hotel stay is over.Q: Can I manage my spending and budget through the Bunq app?A: Yes, the Bunq app provides real-time spending notifications and budgeting tools to help you track your expenses and stay on top of your finances.
Should You Get a Bunq Credit Card? My Verdict
So, after all of this, is the Bunq credit card worth it? In my opinion, it depends on your individual needs and priorities. If you're a frequent traveler who values sustainable practices and wants a card with unique features like ZeroFX and tree planting, then Bunq could be a great fit. However, if you're looking for a card with widespread acceptance and extensive rewards programs, you might want to explore other options. Ultimately, the best way to decide is to weigh the pros and cons I've outlined in this review and consider how they align with your financial goals. Read the full article
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The Invisible Hand
Back in the late 1700's a man by the name of Adam Smith in a book he wrote entitled, the Wealth of Nations, gave a name, "The Invisible Hand", to a system, a god, that had existed since the dawn of time. Known imperfectly throughout history, mankind still benefited from this god's benevolence every time goods and services exchanged hands peaceably, rather than through war, violence and coercion. First sheaves of wheat could be traded for clay pots, or barrels of fish; later these same sheaves of wheat could be traded for currency, which didn't depend upon the particular needs of potters or fishmongers to determine value. Every time something is, has, or will ever be traded, this god's activities are made manifest.
However, like every system on earth, as soon as man realized that he could exploit it, distortions resulted from this exploitation. In Ancient Rome, "Bread and Circuses", became the way a ruler could distract his people from problems that plagued their everyday existence. It was a market trade-off in distraction, but at some point the cost of maintaining the expense of these distractions could no longer be maintained, and the Empire that used these tactics fell into disarray and dissolution.
We currently live in a society that has raised this "Invisible Hand" to heights unprecedented in history. We have sects with their own priesthoods: Capitalists advocate for completely unmediated restraints on market manipulation, while Communists advocate for total restraint, with only government manipulation allowed. None of this is seen to be mediated in any way by an even higher power, by none other than God who established these processes and mechanisms that would enable us to engage with one another peaceably.
I remember the first time I heard, "Greed is good", I thought to myself that it was an oversimplification of a very complex issue. Maybe fine for a bumper sticker, but certainly not something anyone would take seriously. Enlightened self interest does lead to good outcomes. Every creature in the animal kingdom seeks to avoid pain and death, and seeks to acquire food and shelter. That greed could be seen as the greatest good, a moral absolute in it's own right, unmediated by the grace of God who made this gift possible seemed bizarre. What's really disheartening is hearing Christians passionately argue that Capitalism is God given in the same sense as God IS Capitalism.
To suppress the invisible hand is to deny reality. Many communes, and even countries have tried to find a better way to produce and distribute goods and services to those who need them outside of using the principles outlined by Adam Smith. These societies almost universally fall apart because of unmitigated human selfishness. They are frequently run by authoritarian leaders, and are characterized by rampant slothfulness, and hording. Inflation in the Soviet Union could be measured by the length of lines that formed for the acquisition of goods. Rather than exchanging time for productive work that produced a product and a wage that could be used to purchase a good or service; time was spent in a line, producing nothing.
The Invisible Hand is a God given creation, it cannot be denied, but must be constrained by the "Good God, who loves mankind".
Much of modern intelligentsia loves to blame the modern American "Consumer Culture" for the ills in our society. The problem with that assertion is that the consumer can only buy what is produced. My favorite example is that nobody can buy a house that hasn't been built. But other examples abound. Hot dog buns are sold in units of 8, while hot dogs are sold in units of 12. Printer companies sell a different printer every year, and jack up the prices of printer cartridges in prior models. Smart phones are almost required, you can't park a car in my town without using an app to register a parking payment. Manufactured obsolescence means that goods that could be cared for and maintained for ten years historically, must now be replaced every five; and repairs cost more now because instead of resoldering a wire on an electrical device, whole modules must be replaced and the old ones tossed out into ever growing landfills. Grocery stores no longer use dumpsters, but rather use trash compactors to prevent perfectly decent food from being scavenged away. Healthy food is filled with additives to increase profits, and sometimes to encourage addiction, resulting in an ever diminishing quality of food, making all of us sicker. Monthly subscriptions for various services has become almost ubiquitous. Our entire society practically forces paid consumption - forces it. We are not a consumer society, we are a PRODUCER SOCIETY. Government statistics measures GNP, Nothing must prevent the ever increasing production of goods. And heaven forbid if prices or consumer confidence drops.
It is always characteristic of the "haves" to blame the "have nots", the disenfranchised, for their issues. Corporations, in their unmediated quest for profit, takes advantage of the consumer. First, they do everything they can to minimize costs, polluting their environments, that then need to be cleaned up by the very same consumers that bought their products. No longer are goods priced at cost plus 30%; rather, market research pin-points the precise pain point that limits the price most customers will spend for goods and services, and uses that for guidance, pocketing the excess as "profit". And don't even get me started as to how most of these consumers earn their living. They are disrespected by both their bosses, and by their customers.
"Consumers" are disrespected by producers, manipulated by them through advertising, exploited, tricked, coerced, and blamed for the rise and fall of economies. They are seen as nothing more than pawns and marks. Do not tell me that the individual consumer has any control over any of this.
Contrary to the assertion that the modern American consumer experience is that of freedom, it is an experience of bondage to a vast array of powers greater than ones own. Governments - federal, state, and local, Corporations, policies, laws, rules, regulations, even HOAs. All designed to make the individual feel small, unimportant and powerless. It is no wonder that societal rage is on the rise.
In the first Century there was a movement in Palistine that preached a message of freedom in a world of exploitation by the principalities and powers of the age. The cost of following this message to those who followed "The Way" was extremely steep, persecution and death in many cases. Yet this movement grew, in spite of the negative market forces weighed against it. People heard this message, heard the testimony about the one who had stood up to the bullies of heavenly and earthly power, and came out of the ordeal glorified.
That is the God that motivates.
We need fewer apologetics defending a God in the mold of Capitalist exploitation, a corporate middle manager, or worse - a CEO. He is not a God that offers any kind of redemption. We need more evangelists looking outside of our self imposed silo Churches preaching of a God better then the fallen world around us. Better than that world, and able to transform it.
It's NOT the consumer, it's almost never the consumer, it's the product. No amount of advertising in the world will redeem a subpar product.
A man can't buy a house that's not being sold, and he's not obligated to buy the one that is.
Glory to God, the maker of heaven and earth and all things therein. Have Mercy upon me, A Sinner.
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crowfeatherquill · 6 months
Spider and Songbird Behind The Scenes: Currency! (Courtesy of Jackelope)
You may have noticed that in the most recent chapter of Spider and Songbird, money is exchanged for goods and services. Furthermore, you may have noticed that that money is Called Something Specific. That would be because Kel (@colormywords) has an economics degree and a passion for making sure all the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it details get just as much polish as the rest of the fic.
The essay you’re about to read outlines the process by which they figured out not only what the money should be called, but roughly how much money is being exchanged. Personally? I could never. But they can and did and now it’s here in front of you. Enjoy! Or else :)
‘Tis I, the nerd! In trying to decide what to call the currency in our modern setting, I thought long and hard about how much I wanted to be like this meme and call our currency coin or gold like it really is in Baldur’s Gate and how much I wanted it to be more unique in name.  I knew that gold was called Dragons in Waterdeep because I ran a Waterdeep based campaign once and know far too much about the City of Splendor (there’s more than one reason I love Gale) so I just kind of casually googled if Baldur’s Gate had the same thing. I found this fellow nerd with a similar question and went from there. If you don’t want to look at the analysis the title is enough: there’s no definitive canon spot where it says what Baldur’s Gate currency was called, but they did trade in Trade Bars. Further research (don’t knock my academic writing) showed that Baldur’s Gate set the standard weight for silver trade bars in the Sword Coast and possibly beyond (there’s only so many books I can read). 
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For a list of the full terms of coins as collected by a few people, you can check this link or this one. 
With that established, I thought about how the British currency got its name (the pound). After researching to make sure I wasn’t fully insane about how that came about, the pound was the monetary value of one pound of silver (a fortune at the time). It retained the name after the UK established the currency with gold backing, in other words keeping enough gold somewhere in a vault that amounted to the total minted currency in the country. More recently, most economies have entered fiat currency, basically the principle of saying “bro you know I’m good for it” when they print their money. 
So imagining that Baldur’s Gate had a similar economic history: they started with physical trade bars with a government set weight and monetary value. They changed to paper because of convenience but continued to hold that much physical money in a vault somewhere and the single paper bill was equivalent to a 2lb Trade Bar represented in that vault. As they moved into the modern era and realized printed money was infinite but resources like silver and gold were limited they began practicing fiat backed currency. The paper is called a trade bar or bar because that’s what it represented so that’s what it was always called. Because the physical bars were 5 inches long they could be easily cut into inches and separated that way for partial payments back in the day so the biggest coins are bar fifths (think if the US did .20c fifths instead of .25c quarters) 
So Dehlia gets 10gp roughly in tips for her 5 song set. Now in the time BG3 is set, a “poor” lifestyle is 73gp a year. So does Dehlia earn 1/7th (roughly) of scraping together a living in 15 minutes? Making the fractions fract (not the verb for that using it anyway) 73gp/yr for a poor lifestyle should equal 1800L/yr (the 2022 UK poverty line not including housing). So by that estimation it’s 0.0406~ gp per L. So, Dehlia’s 10gp equivalent trade bar equals roughly 0.41L. Hardly enough for a tea or coffee. So then we take into account inflation! With inflation at roughly 1.3% a year, that takes the .41 to 333L. Which… also doesn’t make any sense. So we went digging for more nerds! And it turns out the math for a gold piece doesn’t make too much sense. http://www.kenthedm.com/blog/2019/8/7/how-much-is-a-gold-piece-worth-5e https://medium.com/@Swizzler/what-is-a-dungeons-and-dragons-gold-piece-worth-in-modern-dollars-fcd7670b285b 
Some other people have put a lot of thought into how money maths. And they end up with a 1492 (ish) gold piece would be worth about 35$ or 100$ based on whether you consider it across the economy or tied in worth specifically to food. The more conservative of which put us much closer to what our above math works out to. But is a nonsense amount for Dehlia to just carry in her pocket. 
So how do we get from a trade bar being equal to 10 gp and therefore 333L to a reasonable number? Well I arbitrarily decided to move the decimal up another place, putting into canon a world in which the trade bar at some point stopped being worth 10gp but instead became a stand in for a single gp. A trade bar is now worth roughly 33L. More than enough for a coffee while also not being a ridiculous number. I also decided to never try and make fictional currency make sense again.  
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dfroza · 10 months
things come and go in this world
economies rise and fall, which has determined much over the course of time with past and present nations, governments, empires, dynasties, and earthly kingdoms.
and this of course has affected many individual lives and families.
it matters what people do with money but also the adopted money “system” whether it is sound, or not. whether or not there is corruption in it. many systems have failed. but the need for things to live still remains, and all the people that make such things or provide a service to others. there is a need for honest exchange in money that holds its value rather than inflating away to more and more (endless it seems) debt creation. inflation has destroyed some economies, reducing currency to the equivalent of toilet paper. this is how men have ruled the world thus far, yet some still benefit greatly from the tragedy of the many who suffer. how honest are the markets do you think? how much integrity does the banking system have? is it sustainable? fractional reserve has collapsed banks when people fear for their dollars and start wanting them out.
As it is many things fail in this world, but many people fail to see the heavenly Kingdom that exists and will always be
A Kingdom that is truly coming to earth in A grand end of time and that now exists within the hearts of those reborn (in Spirit)
(which means we have a heavenly King)
and people also come and go from this world, just as the interests and desires of people are sparked and fade.
but for those reborn there is no death. it simply is a passageway into the eternal
this is why there is no fear (of spiritual death) in Love since Love provides Atonement and healing of the death sentence which is earth’s curse due to sin.
people can only do so much in taking care of their temporal physical body, just as people do for the earth and the environment. everything is imperfect in this world, subject to decay. so much has been polluted. but it still matters in taking care of things.
surely, there is global Judgment (wrath) coming and some will escape it, being prepared in Spirit. the world will see cataclysmic events in things foretold long ago. but beforehand we’re here as caretakers of the body and garden earth, planting and growing things from seeds and trying to take care of the environment for life to thrive.
people are here following their interests and desires, learning, developing, having a vision for something and building relationships along the way. and everyone has to face various obstacles, fears, and other people who may oppose their ideas.
and truth indeed matters. just as integrity and having a good reputation. we’re not to be people-pleasers as if to say placing people above God, of bending to the will of others and their diverse opinions rather than following spiritual truth that has been revealed. which is why the writing of the Scriptures matters, in its Spirit-inspired “voice” that is understood through the Spirit who illumines the heart (human spirit)
and we are to be here serving others (through a humble heart) in the many unique ways that we’ve been created. we’re sharing of ourselves. seeds sown to grow…
(doing so in hope)
And so what is success?
it is in following the unique path that we’re each created for, for this short amount of time that we have here. even though it sometimes feels like a long time in the waiting for things and having necessary patience (trust)
success on earth is tied to a heavenly “crown” of life in the eternal, which is why what we do matters. and every life is being written into a book. i hope that by my writing people will see this truth.
yet what we need most of all is spiritual rebirth of the heart which is only possible by grace and through the bravery of faith (which isn’t difficult to “believe…” but it does take courage to stand in a world that opposes it)
to stand, and to keep standing. through whatever life may be.
do you know the Spirit is here asking to be invited in as a friend but many refuse, many look away.
is there any “sadness” or “loneliness” associated with this? we have to wonder sometimes…
(do you see my writing as a “mirroring” of this?)
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docnomore · 10 months
Love the lack of education and logic! Folks, it may sound cruel, but I am hedging my failing stocks by investing in CDs and the interest rates carried courtesy of the Federal Reserve which is trying to keep in check, inflation caused be Democrats printing money out of incredibly thin air (COVID Bailout Checks) and by the raising of Minimum Wage. Voters in 22 states voted to increase Minimum Wage. As wages increase, so too does the cost of goods and services - it’s not a 1 for 1 exchange. Businesses pass on the increase in wages to you, the customer. This is going to force The Federal Reserve to counter that inflation with higher interest rates. Thank you. By the way, the answer used to be taxation. The raising of taxes (pre 1913 and the 16th Amendment and the founding of the Federal Reserve) was the tool used by Congress to dry up excess currency in circulation. Congress no longer being either smart or wise enough to regulate the economy, has flooded the market with massive amounts of currency. When you flood a market with any product, the value of that product decreases. In this case, the value of money and the poor sap working to earn that money decreases. So, thank you for voting “self interest”. You’re hurting yourselves and those you hope to help. I get better returns on the interest when you vote self interest. Thank you.
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Shapeshift Singularity: Love🩷Love Condensed Europe — Chapter 2
Content warning for mentions of food.
“Wh-what?” Bruce finally asked.
“You heard me.” The man smiled. “The old potion seller flew the coop, and we’ve heard the new one’s… larger. It seems we were misinformed.”
“But- I- uh- putting that part aside, are you saying that magic is common knowledge here?”
“…Yes, but I figure you should know that since—”
Mephistopheles grabbed the citizen by the shoulders, shaking him violently.
“What about alchemy?” the clown asked.
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
“And do you know anyone by the name of…”
The last two words came out as a murmur, but the man seemed to understand.
“No one by that name, my good fellow. Speaking of…” he said. “I was wondering if you and your…”
“Husband,” Bruce finally spoke up again.
“If you and your husband could provide me with a potion. You see, my marriage isn’t doing so well.”
Mephistopheles finally let go. “Oh?”
“I’m afraid she’s… seeing someone else. And the thing is, I can’t just ask her about that! I can’t be that confrontational! So please…”
The man fell to his knees.
“Make a potion that will make me irresistible!”
Bruce and Mephistopheles shared both a glance and a grimace. Eventually, Bruce spoke up.
“Why don’t you come inside?”
“So, you’re afraid, hm?” Bruce asked, pulling a thick purple book from one of the shelves lining the left-hand wall. “Mind telling me why?”
“I saw her sneaking back into the house one night. I work late chopping trees, so-”
“Hang on just a second. Mephistopheles, can you translate this for me, please?”
Mephisto floated over to the podium where Bruce had propped open the book.
“Just the typical eye of newt, cap of Pfifferlinge-”
“What’s that?”
“It’s a pretty common mushroom. Little yellow thing, I think I saw some over here…”
“Come to think of it, I never got your name,��� the villager piped up to Bruce as Mephistopheles rummaged through one of the cabinets.
“Ah, a foreigner, are you?”
“You could say that,” Bruce turned to her partner. “Babycake, could you please help me read this part?”
“Indiddly-deed!” Mephistopheles placed the ingredients they’d gathered next to the brewing stove. “It says you need three squeezed leaves of lavender, the sliced-off wart of a toad, and a spoonful of sugar to help the potion go down.”
“That’s all?” Bruce raised an eyebrow. “I’m surprised there aren’t more potion-makers in Wittenberg.”
“It needs a certain… zest about it,” Mephistopheles explained, placing their head on Bruce’s shoulder.
“I’d hate to interrupt this warm moment,” the duo’s customer said, “but there is the matter of payment. You see, potion makers in this country tend not to deal in the local currency. It’s more of an exchange of services.”
“Oh?” Bruce turned around. “And what can you give me? Information?”
“N-never mind. It’s just that I’ve heard this place is a bit, um, unusual.”
“Well, I don’t know what would constitute ‘unusual,’ but I can offer you some other knowledge. I have this great cake recipe-”
“We’ll take it!” Mephistopheles exclaimed, practically leaping directly into the man’s face.
That evening, on a call with da Vinci…
“So instead of a lust potion, you gave him one to boost his confidence? That’s incredible, Bruce!”
“Yep!” Mephistopheles pulled their Master close. “Ain’t she a clever beaut?”
“Eheheheheh, baby… I suppose that hinges on whether he’ll ask his wife for the whole story. If it made him confident in other areas…”
“Regardless,” da Vinci continued, “it was most counterintuitive to accept that cake recipe instead of investigating the Singularity, Mephistopheles. That will make things that much more difficult. I’m disappointed in you.”
“What are you, my mom?” the devil asked. “Besides, I’m sure it’s quite the phantastisch recipe!”
Saying this, they carried a large plate over to the kitchen table, placing it in front of Bruce.
“I- I- mein teufel, you can’t expect me to eat this whole thing! When’d you even have time to make this!?”
“While you were looking for the bedroom, Brucie-Goosie,” Mephistopheles winked. “Now, eat up. You’ll need the energy for when we scour this place for intel tomorrow.”
Bruce hesitated.
“You know I have a tiny stomach…”
Mephistopheles parked their tuchus on top of the table and smirked.
“Would you prefer it if I fed it to you?”
“Bruce,” da Vinci said, “you’re as red as a beet, and speaking of food, it’s true that you haven’t eaten all day. If Mephistopheles is going to sacrifice an opportunity for vital information—”
“Still worth it!”
“Then you might as well enjoy the fruits of your shared labor. Or, rather, the chocolate of your labor. Just go to bed at a reasonable time, alright? All of Chaldea is counting on you.”
With that, da Vinci ended the call, and it didn’t take Bruce even a millisecond to start reaching for the dessert.
“Slow down, pudding-pop!” Mephistopheles laughed. “Wasn’t the plan for me to feed you?”
Bruce halted and stared down at the cake, ashamed.
“I’m sorry, my grape-jam jar. It’s just that everyone’s counting on me, so I need all that energy, right?”
The devilish clown sauntered to a nearby drawer and grabbed a spoon.
“‘Grape-jam jar,’ huh? I haven’t heard that one before.”
“Is it cute?”
“Of course!” Mephistopheles climbed onto the table again. “You’re cute all the time. Now, let me feed you.”
Bruce opened her mouth like a baby bird. Mephistopheles scooped some of the cake into the spoon and placed it gently in her mouth.
“Mm,” she hummed upon swallowing. “So warm and moist. How’d a recipe from the 1800s come out so yummy?”
“A little bit of cocoa, a little bit of butter, and of course,” Mephisto winked and fed Bruce another spoonful. “Plenty of my love.”
“Oh, it’s so good. Don’t ever stop.”
“Hehah! That sounds a bit too difficult to manage, honeybun.”
They ran their fingers through her hair, lovingly feeding her bite after bite, taking a few breaks to sneak some cake for themself.
I could do this forever, Bruce thought. This is pure bliss.
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