#The Invisible Hand
The health industry’s invisible hand is a fist
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On June 21, I'm doing an ONLINE READING for the LOCUS AWARDS at 16hPT. On June 22, I'll be in OAKLAND, CA for a panel and a keynote at the LOCUS AWARDS.
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The US has the rich world's most expensive health care system, and that system delivers the worst health outcomes of any country in the rich world. Also, the US is unique in relying on market forces as the primary regulator of its health care system. All of these facts are related!
Capitalism's most dogmatic zealots have a mystical belief in the power of markets to "efficiently allocate" goods and services. For them, the process by which goods and services are offered and purchased performs a kind of vast, distributed computation that "discovers the price" of everything. Our decisions to accept or refuse prices are the data that feeds this distributed computer, and the signals these decisions send about our desires triggers investment decisions by sellers, which guides the whole system to "equilibrium" in which we are all better off.
There's some truth to this: when demand for something exceeds the supply, prices tend to go up. These higher prices tempt new sellers into the market, until demand is met and prices fall and production is stabilized at the level that meets demand.
But this elegant, self-regulating system rarely survives contact with reality. It's the kind of simplified model that works when we're hypothesizing about perfectly spherical cows of uniform density on a frictionless surface, but ceases to be useful when it encounters a messy world of imperfect rationality, imperfect information, monopolization, regulatory capture, and other unavoidable properties of reality.
For members of the "efficient market" cult, reality's stubborn refusal to behave the way it does in their thought experiments is a personal affront. Panged by cognitive dissonance, the cult members insist that any market failures in the real world are illusions caused by not doing capitalism hard enough. When deregulation and markets fail, the answer is always more deregulation and more markets.
That's the story of the American health industry in a nutshell. Rather than accepting that people won't shop for the best emergency room while unconscious in an ambulance, or that the "clearing price" of "not dying of cancer" is "infinity," the cult insists that America's worst-in-class, most expensive health system just needs more capitalism to turn it into a world leader.
In the 1980s, Reagan's court sorcerers decreed that they could fix health care with something called "Prospective Payment Systems," which would pay hospitals a lump sum for treating conditions, rather than reimbursing them for each procedure, using competition and profit motives to drive "efficiency." The hospital system responded by "upcoding' patients: if you showed up with a broken leg and a history of coronary disease, they would code you as a heart patient and someone who needed a cast. They'd collect both lump sums, slap a cast on you, and wheel you out the door:
As Robert Kuttner writes for The American Prospect, this kind of abuse was predictable from the outset, especially since Health and Human Services is starved of budget for auditors and can only hand out "slaps on the wrist" when they catch a hospital ripping off the system:
Upcoding isn't limited to Medicare fraud, either. Hospitals and insurers are locked in a death-battle over payments, and hospitals' favorite scam is sending everyone to the ER, even when they don't have emergencies (some hospitals literally lock all the doors except for the ER entrance). That way, a normal, uncomplicated childbirth can be transformed into a "Level 5" emergency treatment (the highest severity of emergency) and generate a surprise bill of over $2,700:
The US health industry is bad enough to generate a constant degree of political will for change, but the industry (and its captured politicians and regulators) is also canny enough to dream up an endless procession of useless gimmicks designed to temporarily bleed off the pressure for change. In 2018, HHS passed a rule requiring hospitals to publish their prices.
Hospitals responded to this with a shrewd gambit: they simply ignored the rule. So in 2021, HHS made another rule, creating penalties for ignoring the first rule:
The theory here was that publishing prices would create "market discipline." Again, this isn't wholly nonsensical. To the extent that patients have nonurgent conditions and the free time to shop around, being able to access prices will help them. Indeed, if the prices are in a standards-defined, machine-readable form, patients and their advocates could automatically import them, create price-comparison sites, leaderboards, etc. None of this addresses the core problem that health-care is a) a human right and b) not a discretionary expense, but it could help at the margins.
But there's another wrinkle here. The same people who claim that prices can solve all of our problems also insist that monopolies are impossible. They've presided over a decades-long assault on antitrust law that has seen hospitals, pharma companies, insurers, and a menagerie of obscure middlemen merge into gigantic companies that are too big to fail and too big to jail. When a single hospital system is responsible for the majority of care in a city or even a county, how much punishment can regulators realistically subject it to?
Not much, as it turns out. Kuttner describes how Mass Gen Brigham cornered the market on health-care in Boston, allowing it to flout the rules on pricing. In addition to standard tricks – like charging self-pay patients vastly more than insured payments (because individuals don't have the bargaining power of insurers), Mass Gen Brigham's price data is a sick joke.
See for yourself! The portal will send you giant, unstructured, ZIPped text files filled with cryptic garbage like:
ADJUSTABLE C TAPER NECK PLUS|1|UNITED HEALTHCARE [1016]|HB CH UNITED HMO / PPO / INDEMNITY [34]|UNITED HEALTHCARE HMO [101604]|75|Inv Loc: 1004203; from OR location 1004203|52.02|Inpatient PAF; 69.36% Billed|75|Inv Loc: 1004203; from OR location 1004203|56.87|Outpatient PAF; 75.83% Billed
These files have tens of thousands of rows. As a patient, you are meant to parse through these in order to decide whether you're getting ripped off on that HIP STEM 16X203MM SIZE 4 FEMORAL PRESS FIT NEUTRAL REVISION TITANIUM you're in the market for (as it happens, I have two of these in my body).
Kuttner describes the surreal lengths he had to go through to prevent his mother from getting ripped off by Mass Gen through an upcoding hustle. By coding her as "admitted for observation," Mass Gen was able to turn her into an outpatient, with a 20% co-pay (this is down to a GW Bush policy that punishes hospitals that charge Medicare for inpatient care when they could be treated as outpatients – hospitals reflexively game the system to make every patient an outpatient, even if they have overnight hospital stays).
Kuttner's an expert on this: he was national policy correspondent for the New England Journal of Medicine and covers the health beat for the Prospect. Even so, it took him ten hours of phone calls to two doctors' offices and Blue Cross to resolve the discrepancy. The average person is not qualified to do this – indeed, the average person won't even know they've been upcoded.
Needless to say that people in other countries – countries where health care is cheaper and the outcomes are better – are baffled by this. Canadians, Britons, Australians, Germans, Finns, etc do not have to price-shop for their care. They don't have to hawkishly monitor their admission paperwork for sneaky upcodes. They don't have to spend ten hours on the phone arguing about esoteric billing practices.
In a rational world, we'd compare the American system to the rest of the world and say, "Well, they've figured it out, we should do what they're doing." But in good old U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!, the answer to this is more prices, more commercialization, more market forces. Just rub some capitalism on it!
That's where companies like Multiplan come in: this is a middleman that serves other middlemen. Multiplan negotiates prices on behalf of insurers, and splits the difference between the list price and the negotiated price with them:
But – as the Arm and a Leg podcast points out – this provides the perverse incentive for Multiplan to drive list prices up. If the list price quintuples, and then Multiplan drives it back down to, say, double the old price, they collect more money. Meanwhile, your insurer sticks you with the bill, over and above your deductible and co-pay:
The Multiplan layer doesn't just allow insurers to rip you off (though boy does it allow insurers to rip you off), it also makes it literally impossible to know what the price is going to be before you get your procedure. As with any proposition bet, the added complexity is there to make it impossible for you to calculate the odds and figure out if you're getting robbed:
Multiplan is the purest expression of market dynamics brainworms I've yet encountered: solving the inefficiencies created by the complexity of a system with too many middlemen by adding another middle-man who is even more complex.
No matter what the problem is with America's health industry, the answer is always the same: more markets! Are older voters getting pissed off at politicians for slashing Medicare? No problem: just create Medicare Advantage, where old people can surrender their right to government care and place themselves in the loving hands of a giant corporation that makes more money by denying them care.
The US health industry is a perfect parable about the dangers of trusting shareholder accountable markets to do the work of democratically accountable governments. Shareholders love monopolies, so they drove monopolization throughout the health supply chain. As David Dayen writes in his 2020 book Monopolized the pharma industry monopolized first, and put the screws to hospitals:
Hospitals formed regional monopolies to counter the seller power of consolidated Big Pharma. That's Mass Gen's story: tapping the capital markets to buy other hospitals in the region until it became too big to fail and too big to jail (and too big to care). Consolidated hospitals, in turn, put the screws to insurers, so they also consolidated, fighting Big Hospital's pricing power.
Monopoly at any point in a supply chain leads to monopoly throughout the supply chain. But patients can't consolidate (that's what governments are for – representing the diffuse interests of people). Neither can health workers (that's what unions are for). So the system screwed everyone: patients paid more for worse care. Health workers put in longer hours under worse conditions and got paid less.
Kuttner describes how his eye doctor races from patient to patient "as if he was on roller skates." When Kuttner wrote him a letter questioning the quality of care, the eye doctor answered that he understood that he was giving his patients short shrift, but explained that he had to, because his pay was half what he needed, relegating him to a small apartment and an old car. The hospital – which skims the payments he gets for care – sets his caseload, and he can't turn down patients.
The answers to this are obvious: get markets out of health care. Unionize health workers. Give regulators the budgets and power to hold health corporations to account.
But for market cultists, all of that can't work. Instead, we have to create more esoteric middlemen like "pharmacy benefit managers" and Multiplan. We need more prices to shovel into the market computer's data-hopper. If we just capitalism hard enough, surely the system will finally work…someday.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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halloawhatisthis · 1 year
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Elementary playing the long game with Odker (part 4):
4x13 A Study In Charlotte 4x14 Who Is That Masked Man? 4x16 Hounded 4x17 You've Got Me, Who's Got You? 4x18 Ready Or Not 4x19 All In 4x21 Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing 4x23 The Invisible Hand 4x24 A Difference In Kind
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forevermytom · 2 years
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beatsforbrothels · 2 years
Doctor Bionic - Mistake
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bumblebeebats · 1 year
"Don't just throw ripped jeans away, you can repair them using these 10 cute Visible Mending techniques!!" unfortunately my friend the first point of failure for every single pair of jeans i have owned in my life has been the Crotch and Ass. Knees: fine, cuffs: fine; but 3 years in, and all that stands between the world and my astronaut-patterned taint is 0.5µm of denim worn so thin that every squat threatens to tear it to shreds like wet toilet paper. If the Tiktok craft community could figure out a way to resurrect jeans afflicted in such a way that doesn't involve adding a whole ass buttpatch like some sort of inverse assless chaps situation then that'd be great
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twohitgames · 2 months
Celebra el Prime Day con multitud de videojuegos gratuitos
El próximo martes 16 y el miércoles 17 de julio Amazon celebra su décimo Prime Day, que ofrece acceso exclusivo a millones de grandes ofertas. A medida que nos acercamos al Prime Day 2024, se ofrece a los miembros tres juegos extra para reclamar, incluyendo Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Chivalry 2 y Rise of the Tomb Raider sin coste adicional. Los juegos adicionales estarán disponibles…
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The Invisible Hand
Back in the late 1700's a man by the name of Adam Smith in a book he wrote entitled, the Wealth of Nations, gave a name, "The Invisible Hand", to a system, a god, that had existed since the dawn of time. Known imperfectly throughout history, mankind still benefited from this god's benevolence every time goods and services exchanged hands peaceably, rather than through war, violence and coercion. First sheaves of wheat could be traded for clay pots, or barrels of fish; later these same sheaves of wheat could be traded for currency, which didn't depend upon the particular needs of potters or fishmongers to determine value. Every time something is, has, or will ever be traded, this god's activities are made manifest.
However, like every system on earth, as soon as man realized that he could exploit it, distortions resulted from this exploitation. In Ancient Rome, "Bread and Circuses", became the way a ruler could distract his people from problems that plagued their everyday existence. It was a market trade-off in distraction, but at some point the cost of maintaining the expense of these distractions could no longer be maintained, and the Empire that used these tactics fell into disarray and dissolution.
We currently live in a society that has raised this "Invisible Hand" to heights unprecedented in history. We have sects with their own priesthoods: Capitalists advocate for completely unmediated restraints on market manipulation, while Communists advocate for total restraint, with only government manipulation allowed. None of this is seen to be mediated in any way by an even higher power, by none other than God who established these processes and mechanisms that would enable us to engage with one another peaceably.
I remember the first time I heard, "Greed is good", I thought to myself that it was an oversimplification of a very complex issue. Maybe fine for a bumper sticker, but certainly not something anyone would take seriously. Enlightened self interest does lead to good outcomes. Every creature in the animal kingdom seeks to avoid pain and death, and seeks to acquire food and shelter. That greed could be seen as the greatest good, a moral absolute in it's own right, unmediated by the grace of God who made this gift possible seemed bizarre. What's really disheartening is hearing Christians passionately argue that Capitalism is God given in the same sense as God IS Capitalism.
To suppress the invisible hand is to deny reality. Many communes, and even countries have tried to find a better way to produce and distribute goods and services to those who need them outside of using the principles outlined by Adam Smith. These societies almost universally fall apart because of unmitigated human selfishness. They are frequently run by authoritarian leaders, and are characterized by rampant slothfulness, and hording. Inflation in the Soviet Union could be measured by the length of lines that formed for the acquisition of goods. Rather than exchanging time for productive work that produced a product and a wage that could be used to purchase a good or service; time was spent in a line, producing nothing.
The Invisible Hand is a God given creation, it cannot be denied, but must be constrained by the "Good God, who loves mankind".
Much of modern intelligentsia loves to blame the modern American "Consumer Culture" for the ills in our society. The problem with that assertion is that the consumer can only buy what is produced. My favorite example is that nobody can buy a house that hasn't been built. But other examples abound. Hot dog buns are sold in units of 8, while hot dogs are sold in units of 12. Printer companies sell a different printer every year, and jack up the prices of printer cartridges in prior models. Smart phones are almost required, you can't park a car in my town without using an app to register a parking payment. Manufactured obsolescence means that goods that could be cared for and maintained for ten years historically, must now be replaced every five; and repairs cost more now because instead of resoldering a wire on an electrical device, whole modules must be replaced and the old ones tossed out into ever growing landfills. Grocery stores no longer use dumpsters, but rather use trash compactors to prevent perfectly decent food from being scavenged away. Healthy food is filled with additives to increase profits, and sometimes to encourage addiction, resulting in an ever diminishing quality of food, making all of us sicker. Monthly subscriptions for various services has become almost ubiquitous. Our entire society practically forces paid consumption - forces it. We are not a consumer society, we are a PRODUCER SOCIETY. Government statistics measures GNP, Nothing must prevent the ever increasing production of goods. And heaven forbid if prices or consumer confidence drops.
It is always characteristic of the "haves" to blame the "have nots", the disenfranchised, for their issues. Corporations, in their unmediated quest for profit, takes advantage of the consumer. First, they do everything they can to minimize costs, polluting their environments, that then need to be cleaned up by the very same consumers that bought their products. No longer are goods priced at cost plus 30%; rather, market research pin-points the precise pain point that limits the price most customers will spend for goods and services, and uses that for guidance, pocketing the excess as "profit". And don't even get me started as to how most of these consumers earn their living. They are disrespected by both their bosses, and by their customers.
"Consumers" are disrespected by producers, manipulated by them through advertising, exploited, tricked, coerced, and blamed for the rise and fall of economies. They are seen as nothing more than pawns and marks. Do not tell me that the individual consumer has any control over any of this.
Contrary to the assertion that the modern American consumer experience is that of freedom, it is an experience of bondage to a vast array of powers greater than ones own. Governments - federal, state, and local, Corporations, policies, laws, rules, regulations, even HOAs. All designed to make the individual feel small, unimportant and powerless. It is no wonder that societal rage is on the rise.
In the first Century there was a movement in Palistine that preached a message of freedom in a world of exploitation by the principalities and powers of the age. The cost of following this message to those who followed "The Way" was extremely steep, persecution and death in many cases. Yet this movement grew, in spite of the negative market forces weighed against it. People heard this message, heard the testimony about the one who had stood up to the bullies of heavenly and earthly power, and came out of the ordeal glorified.
That is the God that motivates.
We need fewer apologetics defending a God in the mold of Capitalist exploitation, a corporate middle manager, or worse - a CEO. He is not a God that offers any kind of redemption. We need more evangelists looking outside of our self imposed silo Churches preaching of a God better then the fallen world around us. Better than that world, and able to transform it.
It's NOT the consumer, it's almost never the consumer, it's the product. No amount of advertising in the world will redeem a subpar product.
A man can't buy a house that's not being sold, and he's not obligated to buy the one that is.
Glory to God, the maker of heaven and earth and all things therein. Have Mercy upon me, A Sinner.
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mythicalcoolkid · 2 months
You don't wish your disability was worse or more visible, you wish your disability was taken seriously. Please stop confusing the two, I guarantee you would not get the support you need JUST by being more severe or more visible. Please listen to visibly disabled people when we tell you it isn't better on our side
#m/cc#mine#I tried extremely hard to word this nicely because I KNOW people don't mean bad and often even know there are unique challenges#and believe me I know the challenges of invisible disability too!!#I have invisible disabilities!#but as someone who has also been at least visibly 'off' since they were 10 I am SO SICK of invisible disabilities being hailed as like#a unique extra oppression that us lucky visibly disabled people don't have to deal with#there are challenges to invisible disabilities that visibly disabled people DON'T have to deal with!#but you need to understand that *the reverse is also true*#there are MASSIVE benefits to being able to lie about your disability for example#or not dealing with the overt ableism that comes with your disability being obvious to everyone#*I do not have the option to pretend I'm not disabled.* that is never an option I have#I walk weirdly. I use a mobility aid now. my speech and face are 'off.' I lean to one side#for a long time I wore sunglasses 24/7 and often didn't make sense. I sometimes can't speak or won't react to others#for the most part people will always know that at the very least something is wrong with me#and more obviously I have people telling me they'll pray for me; telling me I can't do things I'm already in the process of doing;#wanting to shake my hand to tell me I'm an inspiration for not killing myself; giving me dirty looks for existing in public#and yes. I'm aware that this is very much an in-community issue. I know the average abled person doesn't know invisible disabilities exist#that's why there's so much awareness happening for it#but as a visibly disabled person I get SO TIRED of constantly hearing 'I wish my disability was visible :'('#it's just 'I wish I had your disability!' but from other disabled people
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nando161mando · 1 year
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nerdybookahs · 1 year
The Invisible Hand - Humble Choice Game May 2023
The Invisible Hand - Humble Choice Game May 2023 #HumbleChoice #TheInvisibleHand
The Invisible Hand is part of May’s Humble Choice. “Want to get rich, quick? Welcome to FERIOS, where you’ll be empowered to pursue wealth and success as a mid-level stockbroker! Your wildest dreams of wealth can come true… at the cost of everything else.” I actually really dislike the stock market and all the speculations around it. However, this just happens to be the topic of this simulation…
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thegrievousone · 1 year
The Invisible Hand
Grievous finally acquires the ship that will become just as infamous as him. It also is much more fitting for the flagship of Grievous’ personal fleet be a Providence-Class Dreadnaught. Sure the Fortressa is nye impregnable, but a Dreadnaught gives off more of a presence than a Lucrehulk.
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spocks-kaathyra · 6 months
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experimenting w making little trek dolls for the STLV craft swap :))
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kizzer55555 · 4 months
Core Gems
So when a ghost becomes injured, they have a last ditch defense where they retreat into their core. And I mean, injured badly where their body is rip apart to the point they can’t hold a solid form anymore. And they basically go into a hibernation state until they are strong enough to form again.
Ellie, Danny, and Dan are all injured in a final battle against the GIW. The organization was destroyed and the ghosts were safe but the halfas ended up being so injured that they reverted to core form and then went to sleep for a bit. When they woke up, they were still weak but at least recovered enough to gain consciousness. And realize…they are in some kind of auction…in the middle of a heist. It appeared that two furries (one in a bat costume and one in a cat costume) were ducking it out. And they…they were a necklace. All three of them had been turned into a necklace with their cores as gems accompanied by sapphires, pearls, and opals. And frankly gorgeous craftsmanship as the metal was crafted around their cores as if to cradle them and the other gems.
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Unfortunately, they were too weak to take a form properly, they could still feel the strain on their bodies. But at least they could still communicate through their auras. Then the cat lady punched a hole in the glass container surrounding them and grabbed their necklace.
However, the bat grabbed the other end and it resulted in a sort of tug-a-war. Meanwhile, Danny, Ellie, and Dan were having a back and form commentary on the situation and what they should do. Completely unheard by the other party.
In the corner of their eye, the three halfas finally noticed a third contender. Some kind of clown who was…hold on…holding a gun?! And it was pointed straight at the two fighting furies who had yet to notice him. The ghosts’ protective instincts went into overdrive and they frantically tried to shout, yell, move. Just do something to warn the two but their cries fell on deaf ears. All they succeeded in doing was faintly glow which immediatly caught the attention of the fighting duo. The two turned to look at the strange necklace but right at that moment, the clown fired and a gunshot rang throughout the auction room. Having no other options, Danny and the others poured every ounce of ectoplasm they had to try and phaseshift, making the two furries intangible as the bullets passed right through them, but in their shock, the two jumped away in opposite directions and accidentally ripped the necklace apart. Gems and pearls went flying and the three cores bounced along the ground.
Luckily, the two finally noticed the clown and went to deal with him and his minions who had appeared. Seemingly putting their fight on hold and forming a temporary truce. The three halfas could only watch as the battle finally wound down, ending with the cops barging into the place and arresting the clown and his grunts, the cat managing to escape with half the scattered gems and pearls from the broken necklace along with a few other jewelry pieces (none of their cores though) and the bat leaving through a skylight.
The auction continued and in the end, despite being broken, their necklace seemed to have caught someone’s interest. A man named Bruce Wayne bought up every piece of the shattered jewelry wear. The auctioneers appeared relived that the item managed to sell in the end and gratefully gave it to him.
Bruce had no idea what happened at the auction, but he could have sworn that some of the gems faintly glowed right before he and Selina were shot. If the necklace was some sort of magical item, then he needed to understand exactly what has been brought to Gotham. It was unfortunate that Selena had taken some parts of the necklace but he utilized his vast wealth to make sure all the other parts ended in his possession. Now he would take them back to the mansion for examination.
#Dpxdc#dcxdp#kizzer55555 ideas#Bruce thinks the necklace is magical. He’s technically not wrong.#When he gets home he immediately puts each gem in a glass container to examine them. For the longest time though nothing happens.#They all look like normal gems except for the main three of the piece. He can’t identify what kind of gem they are.#The gems are perfect spheres with various shades of blue (with hints of green and white) swirling around.#The colors almost look like they are moving in slow motion. Still. Nothing happens as he examines them and no strange events happen.#That is until one day he decided to take the gems to be examined by a professional and a villain attacked.#A piece of building was about to crush him when a wall of ice appeared as a shield over him. After that he took them back to the cave.#Bruce looks up thousands of documents about enchanted necklaces and artifacts but finds nothing. He even calls in favors from JLD.#Zatanna doesn’t recognize them but feels some kind of power coming off the gems however it doesn’t feel malevolent (at least for 2 of them)#(The last gem is neutral.) Also Constantine was unavailable (*cough* hiding from responsibilities *cough*)#The other bats get interested in the gems. Tim has a theory that they are some kind of protective charms. Damian agrees.#(Everyone is shocked Tim and Damian agree on something). So while Bruce is continuing his investigation the other bats decide to do some#‘Field testing’ and take the gems out. Consequently the gems end up saving their lives and they discover a few things they can do like make#The wearer invisible. Intangible. Create green barriers/constructs. Create ice. Vibrate when an enemy is coming. And much more.#The bats fashion them into new individual bracelets/necklaces and think they are the coolest thing. They have powered up protective charms!#The halfas just wish these kids would STOP PUTTING THEIR LIVES IN DANGER! What are they MORONS?!#Most of the ectoplasms they recover is used to protect the bats and nearby civilians.#(Dan also trolls people and is mostly protective his siblings though)#People notice the new power ups. A rougue gets his hands on a gem and tries to use it ONCE to attack something but the gems didn’t respond.#Then it froze the rough’s legs to the ground.#Much time later the gems are swapped between the bats and alternated and have just become a new item in their belt#(batman was not pleased but eventually got used to it and begrudgingly accepted that they were useful. Especially when they save his kids)#They come to a Justice league meeting and Constantine finally sees them.#His mouth drops in shock and he frantically asks where they got GHOST CORES?! And this is when the bats finally realise what they have.#And are horrified to realize EXACTLY what they are holding and that these ‘gems’ were technically ALIVE.#Meanwhile the three Halfas have been kinda chilling but also working their butts off to keep this family alive. It was a fulltime job.
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coptrust · 2 years
The invisible hand
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#The invisible hand how to#
#The invisible hand full#
#The invisible hand software#
These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Why is the book in the game? But also why is it in the game in waste basket? The theme of Capitalism vs Socialism and morality of greed vs fair gains is explored throughout the game in both an active and subtext yet subtle way.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. For example, a quick search through the waste basket by the bookshelf reveals a Marxist book. There is a slightly hinted political angle, but it is done in such a way that lets you decide what that angle is. There is a bit more to this game however. A few player decisions along the way can change and influence how the game offers up challenges. There is enough variability for a challenge and different outcomes based on the players decisions, which influence the story, allowing for a few play throughs to keep it interesting. Power Struggle Games have really made an interesting and delightful stock market sim-game. The developers overall did an outstanding job here. The audio responds well to direction and location. There is also a music track which is not too distracting it is dismissable as a kind of ‘elevator’ background music.
#The invisible hand software#
This game inst really about the interactions as such.īut you will hear great sound effects such as the coffee machine, clock ticking, typing on the keyboard and of course the stock buzzer and broker software alerts. At first, this seems a bit disappointing but it actually fits rather well with the style of game. There is no recorded dialogue for the NPC’s, which in place of this there is a ‘murmur’ or ‘mumbling’ sound as dialogue is presented. Stock history (Right): Shows up to 1 day of data Audio Buy (Long position) or Sell (Short position) any stock. Trade feed (Left): Other brokers weigh in on what they think will happen in the market Stocks (middle): You can select stocks by name, Materials, products they make or the currencies they belong to. Although, perhaps don’t go overboard, as each time you get a property you also get a framed photo of it and after a while, it might even push the limits of the graphics engine! By buying and selling property, cars and art within the service, you can earn millions of dollars within a week. The effects are only temporary, but that is all that is needed to ride the wave in a SHORT and then switch to a BUY whilst the stocks are low!Īs an employee, Ferios Capital Investment give you access to a special broker service that you can access from your workstation after the market closes. The Invisible Hand also adds lobbyists that allow the player to manipulate a countries fiat currencies values, and influence supply chains and industry confidence both positively and negatively. Just like any stock market, there is a large element of unpredictability, resources to guide you to selecting the most optimal stocks, and just a great deal of luck required. That being said, weekend eToro, Robinhood, Naga Trader, Trading 212… et al guru’s will perhaps find this game lacking in some familiar features they might expect to see, such as stop-loss and take-profit, but these tools are really not needed in The Invisible Hand. You won’t need to have any experience with any brokerage software to play this game. The core functionality of Buying and Selling is in place and the game walks you through every part of the process. (Hint! Hint!)Īs a stock broker simulator, The Invisible Hand provides a simplified, yet realistic interface.
#The invisible hand full#
A full strength coffee will increase the rate of time by three, and full strength tea will decrease the rate of time by three.Īll staff have the same setup, which is really handy for checking out the competition. The Coffee machine is a rather clever inclusion by the developers, it controls the rate time passes in the game, depending on the beverage and its strength. The Invisible Hand comes complete with the aggressive and borderline abusive boss, intimidating co-workers and a coffee machine. So what would you do? Use the information to ensure you don’t lose your job, or ignore it and let the stock price fall where it falls? The Giest network is always right, but not always available and the player has the choice to follow it, or not.īut it is a dog eat dog world and if you don’t meet your targets, somebody else will and you will be discarded from Ferios before you can say BUY! The game is RIGGED! That is the first reality-shattering encounter, as you find out that the colleague who recommended you, has access to the Giest network, which offers insider trading information to a select few, and guess what – this includes you.
#The invisible hand how to#
Because every office has instructions on how to walk on the walls.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
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hey. hey anon? youa re. so right,
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a2zillustration · 9 months
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I have put Gale in so many Situations™ because I always forget I have a potion that can do the exact same thing a spell slot can, sorry bud.
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